The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 27, 1905, Image 3
his clothes, fabri manshi find ? ing is worn by Fall line. trimmings, work- s of men of good growa. Buy ATHENS. OUR STRONG POINT Do You Wash ? We have a display of wash day goods in our win- dow that will interest you. Wash boards of brass, nick- el plated, enameled iron, glass and zinc in all styles of crimp and size from 10C TO 45C. We also sell wash bench- es, clothes racks, washing machines clothes wringers, ironing boards, etc. Look in the window. 216 Desmond St., Sayre, 322 8S. Main St., Athens. Gold Crowns______$7 and $8 Gold Fillings $1.00 up Silver Fillings___50c and 75¢ When You ‘Are Thirsty feel the io ee a dalaty, Drigg's Soda Fountain, phia. Sold by G. U. INGHAM & G0. GROCERS. The Valley Record “All the news that's it to print” WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1005. LOCAL BREVITIE Smoke Peer’s Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar, A —y Wp —— Mabel Pittsley is clerking in the West Sayre bakery. Try Lode Star, the only perfect cigar. Smoke no other, Harry's Choice—unexcelled sc cigar, made at Sayre. Ladies, “attention ! Encourage your husband to smoke Lode Star. Mortimer Moe is recovering af- ter a bad case of bloodpoisoning in an injured hand. Work was commenced on Elmer avenue yesterday preparatory to moving the W.S & A. track to the middle of the street. The weather this afternoon proved propitious for show-goers, Wilbur avenue shortly before two o'clock, . In the absence of Press Agent i Bower, who was called to New York, chief detective Jno. W. Con. nery of the Hagenbeck show was around settling up advertising bills today. He is a most genial gentle. man to meet and made a good im- pression. Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre ¢ Cnieg oat 8 o'clock a er that of Miss Sadic V. McCloskey, daughter of Cornelius T. McClos- key of North River street, to John Galligan of Oneonta, N. Y, son of Joha Galligan of Sayre. The event was celebrated at high noon today, at the Church of the Epiphany. The Rev.]. L. Shanley officiated. Miss Margaret Collins of Rochester was bridesmaid and Charles Foyle of Washington was best man. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was given at the home of the bride's parents, after which they left for Buffalo on their honey- moon. They will reside in Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. Galligan are well known in Sayre, as is evidenced by the many beautiful presents which were showered upon them. Among those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Con- way, Mr.and Mrs. William Con- way, the Misses Margaret and Susie Conway, Miss Kate McKen- na, Mrs. Nellie Gebel and Mrs Michael Conway and daughter, all of Wilkesbarre; C. P. Collins of Rochester; the Misses Mary and Leona Gulligan of Binghamton, Miss Margaret Collins of Roches- ter and Charles Foyle of Washing- WHY SAYRE WOMEN ARE NOT CHRISTA The service for women yesterday afternoon at the tabernacle was largely attended, fully eight hun- dred being present. The subject of the address was: “The Reasons I Have Found Why Sayre Women Are Not Christians. The address was a strong presentation of the things that are keeping women from serving Christ. The evening address was from the theme: “The Call of Jesus,” the text being from John 11:28, “the Master is come and calleth for thee.” It was one of the best ser- mons that has yet been delivered by the evangelist. Some respond ed to the call by deciding to be- come christians, There was no service held this afternoon as the day was devoted to personal work by the christian workers, The service will be held as usual tonight, HAGENBEGK'S PARADE TOOK THE TOWN The Hagenbeck parade this fore- noon called out every man, woman and child who was not tied or nailed down, and it was well worth while. The animals were all there, from the palar bear to the zebara and the chimpanzee. The two bands knew how to play, and the steam calliope was the real steam whistle affair, with its own engine TOWANDA FAIR GETS 00D CROWD A number of Sayre people have been attending the fair at Towanda this week and they all report a record-breaking exhibit and big crowds. The public wedding was the attraction today. The big day, however, will be tomorrow and many will go from here. FALLING BOARD ~~ INJURES HOSTLER William VanVliet, head hostler at the engine house, was struck on the head by a coal board which fell from an engine this morning The board inflicted a cut three inches long on VanVliet's head. Medical attention was necessary to close the wound, COTTAGE PRAYER WEETINS Cottage prayer meetings were held at two o'clock this afternoon at the homes of Mrs. F. F. Haver- ly, 214 Chestnut street, Mrs. Gray, - CP. Collins of Rochester is vis- iting friends in town. i Charles Foyle of Washington is greeting old friends about town. A number of the coal dealers | throughout the state and all who! ship from various points have re- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Field have! returned after their wedding tour. | Mrs. Michael Conway and daughter, of Wilkesbarre, are in town. John Hammond is entertaining | his son, Arthur, and wife of Jersey Shore. . Edward Johnson of Hombrook is visiting his sister. Mrs, G, F, Beloud. ————— Stephen E. Fisher returned this morning after visiting his brother at Long Branch. Miss Jessie Hakes, who has been at C, A. Childs for some time, has returned to her home in Evergreen The Misses Mary and Leona Gulligan of Binghamton attended the Galligan-McCloskey wedding this noon. Lou D. MacWethy, represents tive of the Inland Type Foundry's Buffalo branch, was c alling on the trade in this valley today. Mrs. Nellie Gebel and Miss Kate Keuna of Wilke-barre are among the out of town guests at the Gal ligan-McCloskey wedding today. Mr.and Mrs. M. Conway, Mr and Mrs. William Conway, and the Misses Susie and Margaret Conway of Wilk-sharre are visiting Sayre friends. tt fen A P. Blosier of Buffalo, travel- ing passenger agent for the Michi gan Central railroad, was in Sayre this morning making contracts with the newspapers for advertis ing his well known road. A good sized order was left with The Rec- ord. “CAPTAIN DEBONNAIRE” Paul Gilmore, in character of a! 17th century daredevil who sweeps down all odds, some of them moun- tain bigh, to win the woman he loves, is what will bs offered pa- trons of the Loomis on Saturday, September 30, when this talented young star is presented here for the first time by Jules Murry in the new spectacular comedy romance, | “Captain Debonnaire.” As this play is described as possessing all the force and vitality of Mr, Gil- more's great carly successes, “Un- der the Red Robe” and “The Three Musketeers,” and as being far more potent in charm, its enactment here is sure to prove of such interest! nore will care to miss it. = a ADDITIONAL ATHENS NEWS Ed Davidson of Elmira was vis iting Athens friends today. Philip Verbeck died at his home in Vawter this morning at about g o'clock, aged 66 years. He was one of the oldest settlers in that vicinity. He served in the war of the Rebellion in Co. D, 17th P. C No funeral arrangements have yet been made. A sub station of the Athens postoffice will be established at D. E. McMahan's store, corner North Maine and Pine street, October 16, 1905, where stamps and money or- ders can be purchased and letters can be registered the same as at the postoffice. Warrants are in the hands of Constable McGovern for the arrest of the boys Woodward and Quinn, whose names were mentioned in this connection in Monday's Rec- ord. The warrant charges them with fishing on Sunday. The boys have not as yet been arrested. Charles W. Ross of Philadelphia is spending a few days at the home of his grandfather, James H. Wil- son, Center street. Mr. Ross is on his way home from Chicago where he has been attending the twentieth annual tion of the Brother- 4 large coal companies that they | must send in their orders for winter supplics at once and that they must take turn of the mine coal or the coal that comes out from day to day in the sczes and qualities de- | sired. No coal will be sold from the hugh stores which the com- panics have been accumulating at various points in the anthracite region and near Philadelphia and New York As orders were issued in 1000 and 1602 it is the opinion of dealers that the companies stored trouble in the year. similar arc husbanding their coil in of mine regions next PLEASANT PARTY A very pleasant card party was given by J. Perry Schaffner, i honor of a visiting brother, last night. About 30 young people attended. The prizes were won by Miss May Lull and Clarence Parker, the consolations going to Miss Mabel Corbin and S. Louis anticipation Alter the play, delicious r:freshments were served. THE NUIRS HELD FOR QUARTER SESSIONS for court by Justice Murray this morning The charge was adultery Attorney A. LL. Laws represented the defendants and C. E. Mills con ducted the case for the common HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs of East Forks was discharged today. woalth Emma Driscoll Paul Harding, a car repairer, fell from the roof of a car this morning sustained a fracture of the right radius and a cut on the left ear LOONIS OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, SEPT. 0. JULES MURRY PRESENTS P 3(g1umore His new magnificent spectacular comedy romance by Wil liam Farquhar Payson. PRICES: 25, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50 FREE! To the Person Bringing this Ad to Our Office. Beg'oning September 13th we will or contracted for on or before October 20th. count on all other work done or con- tracted for during same period of time, NOTE PRICES: Gold crown and bridge work Fall set of teeth, | Teeth cleaned... is Ceri Teeth filled with silver... . Teeth filled with gold .s Teeth filled with coment $35 per tooth 85.00 up 00 eents We extract teeth pain. All work guaranteed, Hours: 8:30 to 12; 1 to 5:80; 7 to 8. Opposite Big Store, corner Rimer and Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties Diseases of Women and of the Rectam. | Hours 7tofam,1%03,7 to8 pm. i Fruit Cans of all kinds at ve ry reasonable prices. An entirely new line of ladie Price 10 cents pe NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, Waverly, N. Y. Cor Broad St. and Park Ave, JOIN THE National Protective Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets Augost 1, 1905, 82,115,000, Pays 815.00 per week for sickness or acei- dent. 8100 for loss of limb or eye, £5.00 to C00 at death. Cash dividends each five years. Costs $2.00 to £4.00 per mouth, E. F. Mercercau. Dist. Manager. 112 Desmond St. Both Phones, Sayre, Pa. The Athens Building an Loan and Savings A 1 tion, established 1887, Premium. You cannot af. ford to pay rent-whe ey for building your ‘an be had on such ad tageous terms, Secretary. - HE STORE Fi A YOUR SPIRITS GO UP when ours go down, hilarating without bad effects, It's because PURE WINES ARE BENEFICIAL, and we keep nothing except it's abso- lutely pure. Liquors that restore the energy must be wholesome, We sell no others. Try ours and get the best Prices are reasonable, Oar wines are cx- Why? ELMER A. WILBER, 109 Packer Ave. Sayre, FRED J. TAYLOR 1 A L If you haven't a home and want one, or if you have one you want to get rid of, call, write or "phone Taylor. If I haven't want I'll it for what you try and find you, EAL ESTATE iE S SEAS SAS I CAS 0) Athens i 4 “Shoe Hospital” JAMES SMITH Is still at his old stand, 604 South Main Street, Athens, ready to repair shoes in the best maoner and at the lowest price. Bring your shoes to the “Shoe Hospital.” Shop open evenings from 7 to 8, Rzad The Record, JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive Oil Quart 850, Gallon Macareni —§ and Toe Bor $176 por box IT’S Simply [SE Tis] Health and ei 1B piness are what you | Ii h most desire in life [TRAE and you can't enjoy I Rn fully in apt house which does) (SRS not contain an up-}8 to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum- bing and do it well. If you engage us to fit up a bath- room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that is, that] & you didn't have it] g#¥ done sooner. LF = CELLO Mo bah " i “ ji Tol Plumbing, Heating and Tin H. R. TALMADGE. Both "Phones. COAL At the Lowest Possible F —— es Orders can be left at Weat Say Store, both plones; or at the Erie yards at Sayre, Valley Phone 37m. COLEMAN HASSLER, ————— po Contractor and Builde Plans and Estimates Fun 103 Lincoln St Sayre. FP SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Bye, No Huting of appointment. Offea, lo oe Valley Phone at office residence.