The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 19, 1905, Image 4

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CHASES OF $soo (§
0% Manoca Temple Association.
| News matter intended for publication in| Waverly—A meeting of the
the Waverly Department should be
addressed to the manager at Hotel building committee of Manoca
Snyder, Waver's. N. Y.. where sub- Lodge, I O. O F, held at Justice
scriptions will alsc be receipted for |
Our subscribers will confer a favor by Charles O Hoagland’ s office on
notifying us if they do not receive the Broad street last evening, decided
Recond regularly.
Hh i
n Wilkesbarre and Rochester or Binghamton
and Buffalo. If you
Woman's Tailor
Made Suits
Child's Misses’ and
Second Floor, Front
be SHOWING. "33
- OF ~
- Made of worsted of fine quality.
doable breasted.
‘Bome In homespuns and lined with soft finished steel color satin at R142
colors, grey, blue and brown predominating.
£0 $32.50 with dozens of intermediate sorts.
Then the Paddocks and Empire line of Coats is complete,
buying early, you get the best selection. $5.37 to $27.50
The coats are
Very stylishly made, other
Others up
Second Floor
Spc os week on Children’s Ready-lo-wear Clothes
Irish Frieze Coats, cut full, ages 6 to 14
at $367. This stock is continually
ehanging. Others up to $15.00. Look elsewhere,
then come here and see the difference.
Street Floor.
We want mothers and fathers to know
that we sell an absolutely solid leather
shoe at 50c in Child's up to $1.25 in
We cut them to show
misses’, open
case filled with Silk
5c belts 59¢, $1.00
Figure the saving.
ner in Sayre where The
.. Valley Record does not cir-
at Be hier may owe
of ty to her perfect,
white teeth.
kee 2 Sham so they must be
1 thank unk you some day for
figurement and
There is no nook or cor-
ner in Sayre where The
Valley Record does not cir-
teeth a thor-
It iy Sods you
save you a lot of trou-
a on. Since adver-
very unpro- CO
Mie, 1 ean only say | AL
Baila De ices Jo fair
‘ening, J. W. BISHOP
. There is as much difference in
(the quality of coal as there is
18 10820: 710 8. sun between white and yellow sugar.
store. We sell nothing but the celebrated
Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra-
cite, We also sell Bituminous and
| Loyalsock coal and all kinds of
: upholstered, _ 4
ne renovated, Um-|
_re-covered and re-| Our specialty is prompt service
: jpaticns of up-|and the lowest market price.
It -
Giave Her Pet Name,
CHICAGO, Sept. 19 I'et names
for a sweetheart may all right in
courtship, but they ought not to be car
ried as far as the
License Clerk Salmouson
upon receiving a letter from Rev. Wil
Ham A Quayle of this city, explainiog
un error in a Heense issued a few days
ago for the w edding of Ephraim Da-
vis to “Miss Dallas Texas” According
to Mr. Quayle the correct name of the
young woman before her marriage was
Catherine Dallas, and her “pet” name
was “Dallas Texas.” Rev. Mr. Quayle
ascribed the mistake to a “rattled con-
dition of the groom.”
Mrs. Chase a Saicide.
SWAMPSCOTT, Mass, Sept. 190.-—
Leonard P. Phillips, a brother of Mrs
Chase, sald last night that there was
no question but that his sister commit.
ted suicide. No oue had anythlug to
gain by her death, he thought, and he
was opposed to the idea of bolding an
Weather Probabilities.
Falr and warmer; south winds,
Closing Stoek Quotations,
Money on call firm at 34 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, #405 per cent
Exchanges, 06.068,157; balances, $3,708,400.
Closing prices:
Amal Copper.
B &0 ‘
Brooklyn R. T.
Ches. & Ohio
Chi & Northw
D aH
Gen. Electric
I. Central
Louls & Nash.
Missouri Pac
N. Y. Central.
Norf. & West
Penn R. R
Reading ..
Rock lsland..
Bt. Paul
Southern Pac
Southern Ry
South. Ry. pf
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
U. 8B. Steel
U. 8. Steel pf.
West. Union
New York Markets.
FLOUR--Steady and unchanged, Min-
nesota patents, M5405, winter straights,
$4015, winter extras HR S§IE, winter
patents, M4 ZL
WHEAT-8t«4dy and a shade higher on
covering, strength In western markets
and bad weather news, December, 55g
ALLOW — Dull; he
4 Ne
WAY Quiet: shipping. S0Qsx., good to
long rye, Se
city, country,
TRA. Fasy:
HE ANS. Quiet, marrow, B50;
. pea, SLIIGGLN,
steady; domestic fleece, NHBC.
CORN Steady. September, S9§I54«
OATS Firm: No I white. natural, 33%@
$e: No. 2 white, clipped, 2,43
BUTTER-Firm, extra western cream-
ery. Zic | extra nearby prints, ZX
£0GS- One cent lower. nearby fresh,
loss off. Xx nearby fresh, Jc at mark;
western fres Hyde. at mark
CHEESE Quiet; New York, full cream,
14 Go Shatce, uNuiZe., do,
fair to g od "eo
1 fowis, 140
old roosters, ¥4iy
kens, 1
Jie. ducks,
POULTR ine? AE and Jon
i vik killed fowis, chelce,
js ood. 140 Mane A an:
10c.; nearby chickens, igri
red kidney,
a A teady:
12601 0%c
The football season is wide open
The usual number of street ven-
ders are in town today.
Miss Anna Dorsey of Owego is
a guest of Waverly friends.
Miss Florence Meyer of Elmira
was a visitor in town Sunday.
Mrs. Philip Smith of Owego,
was among friends in town today.
Mrs. Jennie Washburn of Au
(burn, is a guest of Mrs. Frank
Operator Kelly of ‘the Erie is
| assisting at the station in Hornells-
{ville for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F Smith have
returned from a week's visit at
Syracuse, Oswego and Thousand
Islands. 4
R. P. Perry of Corning, after a
visit of several days with his son,
H. C. Perry, returned home this
Mrs. C. H. Emmons, Mrs. R. M
Bauer and E. Keeler, all of Spen-
cer, are guests at the home of T.
S. Wolcott. :
Silas Matterson and wife of
Tunkhannock, are guests of Mrs
Matterson’s aunt, Mrs. CW. Raub,
at Hotel Snyder.
Having accepted a position with
the Standard Oil company, Thos
Carthy is making his initiatory
trip through Texas.
Monroe Hancock who is suffer-
ing with typhoid fever at Bellevue
hospital, New York, was in a most
dangerous condition yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Holt, aged
years, died at her home in Barton,
Sunday. Funeral from the Barton
church tomorrow
afternoon at 3
. .
Miss Stella L.aRock after several
weeks at Susquehanna has return-
ed to her home in this'city. Mrs.
James Bagley of Susquehanna is
her guest.
Mrs. Pella Politowicz ard two
children, recent guests of the for-
mer's brother, Frank Blazinski and
family, returned to Los Angeles,
Cal, yesterday.
A large crowd was present at
the meeting at St. James church
last evening. The reverend father
Thomas F. Burke is spoken of in
glowing terms by those who have
heard him.
Extensively Remodeled
Waverly--The work of remodel-
ing the Norwood is well under
way. Many improvements have
been made. One of the most not-
iceable is the changing of the bar
room from the rear of the office to
the front of the hotel and at the
Fulton street entrance. A steel
ceiling has also been added.
When Landlord Shay is through
with his overhauling he will have
as fine a hostelry as can be found
in any New York state village.
Record Breaking Crowd
Waverly—The Tioga County
fair at Owego which closed on Fn-
day was a record-breaker. Not:
withstanding the fact that the exhi-
bition was attended with much
stormy weather, there was an im-
mense crowd of people cach day.
It is said the gate receipts were the
largest for many years.
Crescents Dance
Waverly— Seventy-five couples
attended the dance given by the
Crescent foot ball team at Stone's
hall last evening. About $20 was
cleared which will be applied to the
fund for maintaining the team.
to purchase the front portion of
the Tioga hotel property, that is,
Go feet on Fulton street and Go
feet on Elizabeth street. The
purchase price is $13,000. Later
a session of the iacorporators of
the association was held. This
body showed that there was
nearly $7,500 stock subscribed.
As roon as the required $7,500 is
taken, the amount already being
pledged, the association
will be
as Manoca Temple
Julge F. A. Bell
explained the various methods of
incorporation. The incorporation
committee authorized Mr. Bell to
draw up the necessary incorpor-
ation papers with a perpetual
charter and to have same ready for
examination and signature by the
incorporators at a meeting to be
held at Justice Hoagland's office
next Friday evening, September 22,
Valley Firemen Hold Banquet
Waverly—The Valley Firemen's
association held a short business
session in the rooms of the Tioga
company last evening and
each company of the association
was represented, save the two
bodies from Athens. At the con-
clusion of the business session, the
banquet was held at the Tioga
About 350 delegates were
present at the feast. An elaborate
menu was prepared by Landlord
McKay, to which the guests did
ample justice.
The annual inspection and pa-
rade of the Valley Firemen’s asso-
ciation is being held this afternoon,
The weather this
threatening, but notwithstanding
this fact, the crowds began to
assemble early and at noon the
city was filled with visitors from
Sayre, Athens and the various
nearby towns and villages.
Died From His Injuries
Waverly — Francis Donahue,
who was seriously injured while at
work for the Lehigh Valley R. R,
Co. near Vaanktten yesterday af-
ternoon and taken to the hospital
at Sayre, died at
ing, The young
man was respected by a large cir-
cle of friends and this morning his
death is mourned by all who knew
him. He was born in this city and
the greater part of his life has been
spent here. Deceased is survived
by a father, mother, one
Elizabeth, two brothers,
and Cornelius,
morning was
12:30 this morn-
aged 17 years.
all residing in this
The funeral services will be
held Thursday morning at St
John's church, Rev. Father O'Reil-
ly officiating. Burial will be at
St. James cemetery.
Found Dead
Waverly —John Post, employed
at the hardware store of Bouton &
Westcott, on Broad street, received
a message last evening stating that
his father who resides at Deposit,
N.Y, was dead. The family had
been attending a funeral and on
their return found Mr. Post on the
floor dead. He was supposed to
be in the best of health. John
Post left this morning for Deposit.
Uncle Sam's Waverly Branch
Waverly—One week ago Satur-
day the local postoffice paid 391
money orders, amounting to $206,-
94093. This is considered quite
extraordinary at this time of the
Sensible Prince,
Prince Khillhoff, who has acquired
fame in connection with the trans-
Siberian rallway, renounced his title
and estates when a young man and
emigrated to America, where he at-
ended to a bolt-making machine at
a salary of §7 560 a week He then got
a position as engineer and eventually
became a rallway manager io Vea-
Honored by Sultan.
The sultan of Turkey has conferred
on Prof. Herman V. Hilprecht, of Phil
adolphis, the Order of the Golden
Liakkat. The order was founded by
before and after.
right all the way through
style and shape.
Boys, $1.15 to $2.25
Girls $1.15 to $1.75.
New York Police In Hot Chase of
Joseph Gerard.
NEW YORK, Sept. 10 — Following
closely upon the identification of the
victim of the “Haunted Oak” mystery
in the Broux as Augusta Pfeiffer came
a clew that points to Joseph Gerard, a
truckman, missing last Thurs
day, as the murderer. A general alarm
has been sent out fur Lim
Gerard lives] close to the spot {on the
woods alongside Pelham road, where
the body was found He is known to
bave been {no that vicinity on Wednes-
day night when the murdered girl was
about there. On Thursday morning he
left his boarding house and his land-
stained clothing,
movewents on Wednesday evening the
police have pleced together the theory
of her murder, but there are poluts
that remalu to be cleared up. Un-
doubtedly the girl was attacked on
Wednesday night fn the woods near
the “Haunted Oak,” but the autopsy
revealed that she did not dle until
about fifteen or eighteen hours before
the body was found on Saturday after-
noon. Coroner O'Gorman furnished an
explanation for this discrepancy.
“1 do uot belleve the girl was killed
outright ‘1 think she was
renderad unconscious, and the brute
who attacked Ler drag Ler body
into the bushes and hid it, thinking
she was dead. 'robalily she lay there
all of Thursday and Friday unable to
move or make an outery, and the mur-
derer returned Friday night to look
at his victim, Fioding ber Lie
finished her”
The howe of Augusta Meiffer was
within 200 yards of the spot in which
she met her death. She livest up to a
mouth ago with her mother, 1wo broth-
ers, two sisters and a stepfather
he said
Boston Express Wrecked In Tunnel.
NEW YORK, Sept. 10. ~The Boston |
express, one of the fastest of the New
York, New Haven and Hartford tralus
in the New Eugland service, was de-
railed in the Park avenue tunnel at
Fifty-sixth street a few minutes after
12 o'clock by the spreading of a switch
Oue car was badly wrecked, and seven
persons were injured, three of them
painfully and one seriously. The accl-
dent happened in almost the same spot |
in the dark tunnel where the fatal col-
lislon between a South Norwalk local
and a Harlem accommodation train oc-
curred three years ago last January. |
The express traln was crowded when
it left the Grand Central station, and
the passengers became panic stricken |
the screams of the Injured.
The Way to Win.
In life, as in poker, a good bluff is
never called. The way to win is to
bave the goods, or what is next best
make people think you have.—Detroit
Free Press,
Ciothing and Appetite.
The way to Insure a good appetite |
in very hot weather is, according to a
German hygienic authority, to wear
as light clothing as possible,
After the Trip.
Pauline—How many fish did you get |
on your string?
Madge—Three. Two lawyers and a
dentist, —Detroit Free Press
Monte Carlo Suicides. i
The ruined gamblers who kill them- |
selves at Monte Carlo are buried to-
gether in a cemetery within half a
mile of the Casino.
Some men are prepared for everything
but adversity—the one thing they!
should be prepared for.
Valley Phone 142a.
| wash
(In effect June 18, 1908.)
Trains leave Sayre as follows:
he M. Daily for Towanda, Tuakhas-
nock, Pitiston, Wilkes-Barre, Mauch
, New
A. M. Daily for Tunkhannock, Pittsion,
BAR, ams hon A:
White Ha a
New York, Ph phis,
AM. "Athens, Ole . M.) Week
only, for Athens of
on Dushore, ad aon
tston snd
{Wererly y 33s A. M)
Sy Dat
nc mirre.T Ei Sem Senge
Allentown, Bethlehem New York, i
, Baltimore and Washington.
AM S4uday ou Sal, Athena: Milan
ville, ata, nog yunsing. kageys .
M. (Waverly imp) Fr M Dally
for Towanda
iS Mauch EE AL
liadeiphis, Baltimore and
P.M. Dally except Sunday,
oc, Piles, oh a
I ar hale
ara Faia) Mirwpy for iy fo Oesere, Saat
points west.
A.M. Dsl a Ne Ven Riten,
Spencer, Sibacas Toa
for Nlagers
AM Week days ELST
Van Kilen,
30 burg, Hayts
Batavia, Buffalo ris Com Niagara
P. M. Daily for
Caledonia, Batavia,
for Lock
kins) Valois,
ing for a) Gey cs. Trumansburg, Inter:
A Hays £ Corners, Geneva, Cliflon
Sounects for Nidgura ¥
P.M. Daily except Sunday, Black
pod J
Stouiie aud point » west.
Pully for Yackyand, Yas
A M. Week days ouly, for Owege, Fi
Cortland, Canssiots,
ville, 3
Moravia, Auburm,
ond aren
aven, Syracuse, Utes
ey M. 22 for Owego, fre
burs, rs ota, Grote,