v Saljolt your Banking busi- | pay you three per per annum for money = i Certificate of Deposit or vings Account. of savings is a s of this Bank, and deposits, whether large or draw the same rate of n NH. SAWTELLE, | Cashier. he Vv alley ey Record| MURRELLE, Publisher, BEC CUNNINGHAM, City Editor. every afternoon except Sun- at Marrelie's elle's Printing Oflice, Sayre, $3.00 per year; 25 centa EA teing Fates reasonable, and made m on application. | as second-class matter May | . at Re at Sayre, Ps Act of Congress of March 3, Il the news that's fit to print” SDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1905. DISCUSS BONDS : ! Adjourned Meeting Determines Form, Date and The school board held an ad gd regular mecting last night present were President on, Supt Stetler ond 1 ) Baltz, Brainerd, Cook, Mad k and Whittle Absent, Di Adam and Talada. Mr ttle was appointed secretary ro tem. Mr. Maynard, council for the board, was present and advised the directors in regard to new issue of bonds. Certain formalities must be taken. These re provided for by a resolution made by Mr. Maddock, seconded by Mr. Brainerd. All present vot ed yea. The bonds will be of the denomination of $1000, at 4 per cent. and will be numbered from 1 16. They will be dated Oct. 12 payable at the First National Bank. A tax rate of 2 mills will provide for the payment, at matur ity, of two bonds a year, in the “order of their numbers. The di “rectors will try to sell these bonds at the usual premium ; The bill of Miss Mary Hall for typewriting, amounting to 75 cents, ‘On motion of Mr. Brainerd the : gatacy of Miss Flynn was increased $5am h because of her advance mm rad The total registration of pupils to date was announced as 1202, with 128 in the high school. It was decided to provide an addi- tional room for the seventh grade Supt. Stetler announced that there were now 49 pupils in the fifth grade room at the high school building and that the number might be increased to 53 or 54 soon. - On motion, the bill of Coleman Hassler for 50 toms of coal was ordered paid, and the board ad The Rev. I. W. Bingham will er the sermon tomorrow morn- at the sixty-third annual meet- ‘of the Chemung River Baptist association, in session at Big Flat - tomorrow and Thursday. Ar- er have been made for train No.8 to stop at Big t for those who desire to attend. a SEND US. living wit Neuralgia or Uric Ackd Disease, anc sail you a coupon good for 15 ceats on Addres your letter ia Peaches! “Peaches! State Crawford Peaches. | product in the land. at. this bigtassortment. Capt. F. N. Moore was in Athens over night Hon. Mial E jagl evening 0 L this morning H 1st ey Lilley was in 'oWh Haverly went! to Towanda, Raup returned from Wy George alusing ening farm in Windham Summit QO Pp. Kinney Michigan, for a Harold Wooster Gay Perk Detective A CC. McGovern Towanda ir at Battie das of Elmira, N. Y., inday Hon Creek few visited ins over = Counts attending court in to Rummer of F. A. Bradley to field this morning in the the N. P. L. Mrs. S.A. Prince this morning to visit C. C. Whitley's The traveling derrick at the Bridge Works is in operation to-day unload- ing iron from the Mrs. W. D. Gillett this morning to visit her parents and Mrs. E M. Vought John Fice street residence doing the Mattie the home in North Towanda Mrs. P. E Decker went to Mans fleld, Pa., this to spend a few days with hey parents Dr. W. G. Simpson will deliver an address before the tion in Sayre OMOrTow Miss Mary Hunsicker has present ed an elegant picture of John Paul Jones to the Athens High School. Mrs. Hannah Webster of Bingham- ton, N. Y., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fugene McDanlels, Mag Mr«. Albert Baker and Mrs. Walter Ruggles of visiting Mr Geo. A Main street Mr Elec lev. N. Y., a former parishoner of Di Simpson's, is visiting at the of Dr. and Mrs Simpson WwW. H. Osborn Lehigh Valley, will take ind in J, and other places next week Another operation was performed vear and a half old son of Mr and Mrs. John Lynch Dr. Hinton and an assistant Sayre Athens was not well represented at the Valley firemen's convention in Waverly to-day The boys have been so much this summer that they could not stand the expense The Misses Belle Lantz, Elfa Heath and Marion Green went to Walton, N. Y.. to-day to attend the Thompson- Thurston wedding, which is to take place tomorrow evening Miss Daisy Nutt returned home from Owego last evening where she has been acting as assistant super- intendent of the fancy department at the Tioga County Falr. Miss Nutt has held the position of assistant su- perintendent of that department for the past six years, a fact that reflects honor upon her skill and good taste Chief of Police Robert J. Mulligan returned last evening after spending a week in Albany, Fort Edward and other places In central New York. Mr. Mulligan although a Pennsyivan- fa officer, was elected a member of the New York chief of police associa tion and he attended their conven- tion of that body in Albany at its recent session wen! interests Wssox of went at the fo home cars to Ghent Mr went Elmira Edgar having his repainted job is Parks Mrs it at Was is to vis Allo David ha of Mrs gone Robert morning lebecea Org aniza evening le street Towanda, Lamkin are Sauth ta Roney of Newark Val home agent of the a week's va Trenton, N tation cation will visit on the vesterday by from Resigned Position Lyman F. Shaw resigned hia posi- tion at the A. BE. Gulles grocery yes terday Mr. Shaw has been continu- ously in the grocery business for him- self and with others In Ath- ens for nearly twenty-five years and has gained a host of ward friends that respect him highly He 1s the soul of integrity and honor and the people have come to know that he gives a square deal in every transaction that he engages in He is a good citizen and a fine business man and we hope that he will remain in Athens Improvement at Forrest House John Heavener is putting in an In- dependent Electric Light plant for the Forrest House. It will furnish electricity for thirty lights and will be under his own control, so that pereagie he will not be bothered with Lost Memory From Fall Artemu Weller vesterday al: rnoon was fishing he step saw him He struck and when out when the and Eoing up when his wife and fall backward head on the reached He was ea Haleomb 1 the doctor came home he wa home trip stone walk he into him was the and immoned When Weller could not The do ask know He own nae insensible rried hots actor arrived fecosnize ed him if didn’t he said he did not him what hi any one tor him and then asked was and he It is a sun stroke hie iin t got that he fishing no nate though a hile received ind that he was over- limibing his old soldier and has not had of his limbs back from the army after a condition come by {t He i= much use while « steps an since he He while cane gained con sciousness but Is in a Serious Sneak Thieves at Work Last night between the at midnight I | thieve ents Decker, the { phell hour of 12 morning, sneak idence of EE W house uth of the ind robbed it of all pepper and money $s and eatables of made Decker and till morning down stair red the re fir Ho el ES ol | rad Thes in mons ind all uld find hie Campbel As got he of the The pro % that the dogs but Mr sound ker came he sald that hotse tween rietor quite a howling his family ept when Mra in the morning dows open ind boarder 1 guess been In Lutcher which Thee found the win a gentleman ome They found a the window up the was evidently object taking victuals to one has the knife ving near was used to pry win hun- money dow Some one and did not with the gry along Should Have a Pension Mrs to-day Tacks tarted Newark, N. J the Mrs loyal Sarah on ix 92 vears old and she alone on a she her of went urney to where with Was one spend daughter Jackson falthful ladies who to the front during the Civil War and cared for the sick She did relief organiz x ii] winter the and wounded sol- belong to any but on her to the dier not ition and came went own volition cases that tion She ed many many comrades to-day blessed The ward her for they deny justly des clad laws are try tered her minis under cheered the observa- and sav and there are who call her government should re her heroic work, but her the recognition she so PTVES Some of these iron a disgrace to our coun- boys precious lives Death of Mrs. ES. Fox Mrs. E. S. Fox died in New York city last night at 11:30 o'clock She lived In Athens in early times and her husband, Aaron Fox, was a pat- tern maker in the Shipman & Welles machine works She leaves one son, Fred M. Fox of New York and one daughter, Mrs. Everitt Stevens of Denver, Colorado. She also leaves two brothers, C. T. Hull of Athens, and F. V. Hull of Kansas, and two sisters, Mrs. Dudley Phelps of East Smithfield, and Fanny Hull of Ath- ens. She has resided in Denver un- til recently and afterwards in New York city. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Lucy Kennedy was ad- mitted this afternoon Mrs Deliah Green of Litchfield, was discharged this afternoon. Peter Oper, the Pole who was injured at Van Etten Junction yes terday noon, was discharged from the hospitai and walked home yes- terday afternoon. 4 ———————_— A ess— Waverly Items Mrs C. C. Strong, after a of severe illness, is reported better today. week ei st t—————— Miss Anna O'Hara, employed as stenographer at Syracuse, is visiting her parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wbittemars Ey Fs Athens, Sapre and South Waver- ly Company Given Permission to Use Athens Streets — Other Important Business Transact- ed. The monthly meeting of the Athens Borough Council was held at City Hall last evening All of the mem- bers being present except Burgess Macafee and Councilman Cheney 1!. G. Frisble, secretary of the Board of Health, appeared and made a statement that the funds appropri ated were exhausted and that they | der to carry on thelr work He also made a report of the receipts and dis bursements since his official term which commenced May 1, On motion of M; ap propriation of $125 and the was here after make reports of their operations and July as secretary 1905 afee an was voted secretary directed to on the first davs of January of each year The Lids for the house for Fourth Ward were then opened and were follows "AC. Hall, $565; C. F. Moore, $915, and HB. H $1,029 Mr. Tripp was and asked if he had not prepared an estimate of the of the buliding and replied that he had only made a partial one which amounted to $250 than Mr. Hall's bid, that the building complete, according to specMications that amount Where- unanimously voted Hall's bid, the $565 Engineer statement new hose as Grislaine called upon cost about less but would reach upon It accept Mr offered at Borough made a Was to lowest one Walker regard the water situation in the upper part of the Mr. Walker sald that the overflow was occasioned by the water and that ways remedy it in an ‘opening street, and the then in to town coming from Walnut street there were (wo to First by putting through to Spruce other by making a connection with the sewer at the Furniture Works After some discussion by Councilmen Weiss and Henry It that the borough engineer and street com- missioner should have power to go on and make such repairs as would rem edy the evil and that the) their judgment as to what course 18 best Councilman Keefe objected to this, that the borough engineer should have made a written and recommendation before it should acted upon, that they could give it intelligent consideration, The matter considered the franchise for the Athens, and South Waverly street rallwa) In this matter Hon. Mial E. Lilley Was pre in the interests of the and District Attorney Mills Fhe typewritten presented by Council and It was adopted by a and afterwards serfatim the Athens Sayre, Street Rallway authority $0 bulld their single track the side tracks for switches at they re deemed neces not more than 160 feet for each switch Beginning at Pennsylvania avenue (now 4th street) to Intersec of the borough line Also on Welles avenye from North line of the Pine and through Pine to Fourth streets, through Hugh to Elmira and then south along EI to intersection of Main street at the Flat Iron, also through Tioga street to the east bank of the Chemung river The borough is to celve a tax of $50 per year on each car in service and the fare is to be § up to the end of their line The work Is to be commenced within one vear of the publication of this franchise and to be finished by De- cember 1st, 1907. The company Is to give bonds to the amount of $5, 000 to hold the borough harmless from any damages resulting from the operations of the road No other business, they adjourned MEET AT MONROETON was voted use tating report be SO An next was Sayre sent company for the franchise was man Keefe unanimous tion by By this franchise and South W company Borough vole sec tion averly have road with with eX ception of points where ’ars tion borough to street street cents The eighteenth annual reunion of the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania will be held at Friday, Sept. 29. Comrades other organizations are cordially invited to meet with us and renew acquaintances formed in "61 to '65. Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, Monroeton on of sn A A pi FIREMEN AT WAVERLY The Sayre firemen left for Wav- erly at 1 40 this afternoon, via the Lehigh. Long before that, traction company was the running special cars to accommodate the crowds who went to see the parade. Sayre had a more than Sunday still- ness this afternoon. re Notice to Advertisers. Our advertisers will confer a great favor if they will hand in copy for changes in advertisements not later than 6 p. m. on the day before the changed form is to iy |sppear. We find it impossible to Bubsar for Erection of Struc- sat yg hg London. — Revivals are in the atmos phere and shortly it may be expected that a crusade for Mohammedanism will be preached in the citles, towns and parks of Protestant England A mosque has been designed for the metropolis by Mr R Williams who is at present at the court of the khedive of Egypt, studying Arabesque desigus of walls and Soors for the further em- bellishment of this fane of Islam Beautiful and fairylike will bé this structure of marble, for the building THE tHul ding MOHAMMEDAN MO=EQUT Misiems 10 Fe Frected ia] i ion) | for of which three mighty princes of Islam the shah of Persia, the khedive of| Egypt and the amir of Afghanistan— have lavishly subscribed It is to be «ted near the on the Lambeth sige of the ly opposite Westn will be the monastery for the ing of su h English to go out as miss faith of the than Here proselytes to the into “retreat” to meditate and in- #tructed in the tenets of Islam. and here will be the college Moslems will be able much less fee than other college in England The amir of Afghanistan of Hyderabad, the and a number princes and ere Thames river, near. itnster abbey Here teach- men as wiil consent ouaries to preach the prophet in other gountries their own faith can Ko be where to study &t a in any very the nizam raiah of Rampur opulent Indian chieftans have expressed their intentions of helping In every way the furtherance of their faith in London of TO HEAD WAR COLLEGE. Gen. Barry Said to Have Been Se- lected for the Honor—Is a Popular Officer. Gen. Thomas will be the ne war college at Barry is at present the Russian in Manchuria. and will not formally assigned to his new task until he returns to the United States Gen. Barry Washington ry, It 13 stated ident of the ton Gen H Bar xt pres Washing- with army Lae a native of New York graduated from West Point in 1873 He served for a time with the Seventh cavalry, and then transferred to the First infantry As an officer of this regiment he was long stationed in San Francisco, and known here During administration Barry served a as inspector and instructor of Was came weil Markham's term the (yOv GEN THOMAS H BARRY (He Will Probably Be Next President of War College ) national guard of California. He was with the troops in camp and visited every regimental and company armory in the state He made to the secretary of war a breezy and concise report re- garding the guard and its officers. The document called forth a protest from Gov. Markham, but Barry malin- tained his ground Gen. Barry scrved several years in the Philippines. He is a strict dis ciplinarian and keeps everyone about him moving, but withal Is popular, Queer Doings in Norway In Norway on pay days saloons are closed and savings baoks open until midnight. Servant girls hire for half a year at a time by contract at public reg- istry offices. There Is a tele graph box on every street car. One writes the mes sage, puts on the right number of stamps, and drops it in the box. Farm- ers can borrow money from the govern- ment at three per cent There are prac tically no iliiterates. The average wage carnings are §S8 a year There are more reindeer than horses, more sheep than cows Valuable Private Art Collection. In Springfield, Mase, Is a private art collection the largest and most varied owned by any one individual in the country [It is the property of G. W. V. Smith. who has spent over 50 years in getting It together and it 1s ranked with the New York Metro politan museum and the Wallace mu seam of London H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public 1 to Passion Papers, ey hone 11 X. | 5 READINGS AND ALD wt bntliant i Reader of Tame Prcf. M. Dubois Naw Y wk hy tlc =f i and madarn Baines RESULTS - Mr. Maurice Dabois, the famons and peerless New York Psychic and Palmist is for one week in Waverly, he may be consulted daily from 10 a m. to 9 p.m. at his private parlors, 452 Fulton Street. This tunity i= an extraordinary Mr. Dubois is on a tising trip and canpot be side his New York future time. He is the leader of his profession, bis remarkable predictic oppor an adver. found out- office st anv wknowledoed and many of ms and tests have been much featured and vn ihout, He cordially invites view him tien yon on any matler von in trouble or donbt ahant, not ask a single question | will recite every life, advising, veut fos peels to inter may be He will still he incident In youre and if required help vour desires amd am- hitions Prof. Dubais gives trae advies on every sabjeet, ters of doubt and mystery, aids those who are unsuccessful or unhappy in matiers of law, business, investments health, travels, changes, marriage, courtship amd domestic troubles his help is a sare aud goad solves mal- suaranties of success Hand reeds who are sncesssful in busi- ness, happy in their hos or are sttaining thelr desires, thank him for the blessings they enjoy. He developes strength of mind = had habits and weakness throash mental guarantes ihsolutely nes, cnres of mind =tions and iplish fally and er he andertakes saxo 5 to FOOT whats Special Reduced Fees this week She 21.00 22.00 for tests, readings and advice MEN professional ould not think of proverbial = fortune teller,” visit Mr, Dubois regularly in New York and elsewhere and are benefitisd. He has been visited and is endorsed by such people as Sir Robert Salishary, Ex President Cleveland, Senator Shepard, Judge Hunt, Dr. Rassel]l Pierce, Mrs, Lease, Lillian Rassell Mme Bernhardt Maud Adams and many others, Hun dreds of testimonials oflies Same come for a hall ingly spent, receive BUSINESS Men and women walks of life, who w constiting the in in his hour interest. ethers call for and i lvies amd help, REMEMBER One Week Only in Waverly while valuable JULY DIVIDEND m ta stock h wn the wily The Penn- Wyoming Copper Co. yf ade * wa pate copper dar ast Bg the rf profit wis er § € stick if fiprrd nt « nthly dividends = and itis 3 splen- share pavmenls n . foliar goes into tion stock jusl value plant, et per slink f in this » prefers odd prod ' ane! n =r ¥ y share 1s of ¢ vaioe of Visible assets §7 coo ox TT A proposition worth investigating Call wre KE FE REYNOLDS = Packer Ave Sayre Pa = We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT CAS BURNER which gives yon better light than ten ordinary gas burners or twelve electric bulbs. Floods a large room with a bean- tiful white light. Comfortable for home, study, reading, #te. Saves the eyes. Makes stores, halls and churches look at- tractive and bright, Fits any gas burn er. After a week's trial, if not satisfied vour money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374! Broad St, Both Phones, Waverly. C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rectum, Hours -7tofam,1to 8, 7ta8 p.m. OFFICE-SAMUELS BLOCK. 128 Lockhart St. or Valley Telephone 27x. Subscribe for The Record. LIGHT AS A FEATHER and hence comfortable to the palate, gums and the whole mouth are the new style plates of needed teeth we fit to your face. Yes, to your face, for the outside of cheek and chin are to be considered as well as the inside if natural looks are to be retained. Get our ideas and prices. Then vou'll want our work Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every Morning. DR. DAVIS, WAVERLY, - - N.Y Look! Look! If vou are looking to the interest of your pocket book you should bay your Groceries and Provisions where vou ean save the most money. Everything in the line of first-class staple and fancy groceries at a big sav- ing of money. Our Sunshine Coffee is the best on earth. All who have tried it once use no other. 25c a pound, J. L. HUNTER, 375 Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y. GOOD BREAD When you want it call for KING'S BREAD Made at the West Sayre Bakery. Bold in Sayre by David Arthur, Fred Cook, Child, Waltman & Young, James Daly, Hand & Doane, F. KE Seager and W. Wright. lo Athens by Park & Co, Cat- lin & Co. and J. F. McKean. Good Bread from Good Materials. None Better Made Anywhere. WANT TE Rates :— Wantad, Lost, Found, For Bale, ete., { cent a word each for first three times, | cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free. Record want ads do the business. Wanted. Wanted An orderly at the Robert 4. Packer Hospital Girl wanted to do general house work. Inquire 200 Chemung street, Waverly, 111-3 For Sale. tion; great bargain to quick buyer, Ad- dress Lock Box 12, Waverly, N. Y. 107A Horse for sale. Five . years.old. Wei 1350 lus. Color, bay. J. C. Wood, H Maple street. Help Wanted. Ladies to assist in soliciting for sale of flour in Waverly, Sayre and Athens. Address “Flour,” Record Office. Notice. Record bas the best House Lease ever printed In Bradford also Vest et and Desk Books; and a variety of Legal Blanks Justices and Constables. t For Rent Two houses for rent, including el water and toilet rooms in house, per month. lnguire H. A. Kaufman's Clothing Store, Sayre. 108-1 The For County Commissioner 1 hereby announce myself as a candi- date for the office of County er, appealing to the voters, without re- gard to party, for their aid and support at the polls In November. Henry H. Bewmony, Towanda, Pa., Aug. 16,05. Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the firm of Shaw & Gay has been dissolved and that the affairs of the firm will be conducted in the future by W.W.Shaw, who Is authorized to pay all accounts and, re- ceive all bills. W. W. Baaw. 90 The D. A Andrus Orchestra order st D. 8 Andrus Music Btove, Desmond street, or see J. J. Hummel, Mgr. 117 N. East street, oi, 1. Hammel Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, conpoual’ of experienced musicians, and all the latest music, is prepared to nish any number of instrameats for balls, parties or eotertainments AF % night; rates reasonable. Barden, Valley Phone 2-x, Bayre, or orders at Maney & Page's, Bayre, Ready for Business Having refitted the billiard, pool and lunch rooms recently leased of F. 8. Wol- cott, 1 am now prepared to serve all cus- joer in a satisfactory manoer. My ialty is quick lanches of all kinds. licited. Ofsters ind Subscribe for The Record. 2h -