The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 13, 1905, Image 4
Fand cash buyer. We ND PREPAY HT OR EX. PRE ON PUR- CHABES OF S$s.00 OR ER. Evening After Pay Day. J is said and he is a quan- +. That's why because selected people come erchandise “Dry Goods Section Street Floor actly €0 patterns of Amoskeag Gingham Your cholee of designs in any (uantity Arnold's Goods « 25 designs of Flannelettes ir “double width, nicely teazled, all shades of Japanese and oriental designs. Very choles 15c “aid values one-third wore : Scotch Flhannelette in solid and will pay more most places 10c yard Gomforfables and Quis. 8.4, 5 and 7 ib.Laminated Cotton, beautiful Sitka ne oovers. Bach is representative value, $13 $147, S179, £1.98 and $2.07. _ Millinery Specials Second Floor. A large Jot of ready-to-wear Tailored Hats for early fall wear at prices you will appreciate. The assortment is good and shapes the newest. You can always Hod exclasive designs here. 81.19 to $5.67 Waists ~ In solid and fancy colors, special at 07¢ and $1.19 They are choice quality of sateen, nicely piped and well tailored. Value one-thinl more, Garments Second Floor this week 03 Children’s Rsady-to.wear Clothes ; E 6 Trish Frieza Coats, cat fall, ages 6 to 14 $3. at $307. This stock J changing. Others up to $15.00. Look elsewhere then come here and see the difference, Lome fan< ¥ shade is continually The season vailing style eollar, calf o Prices 87.57, Ne also ha ell ehevic Saturday, lo New York, Rain Coats practical use, Pre- v touch of velvet in han two dozen kinds, 11.00, 81257 and up. nd 16 year old sizes, + sold toa party on fter haviag been to rit, Smith's Ta get, we are t 16.37. WJ, Sanll stores See window, $1.19, Very heavy maker, whic) our purchase ress Shoes. $1.39, $1.45, $1.69 wie from the tanner and Con We cannot duplicate We want m wn absolutely to S125 0am Shoes to know that we sell at 50c in Child's up Bn open to show you, Continaed ont of sizes w «kK. Should %+= rus This » sells 9c ind Envelopes that cial at week. SN) a 25% TRY Ty ne) — NNN Brief Local Mention Ray Finch left to-day for State College N. V. Weller left to-day for an outing at the Owego fair. Mail Carrier Johnson and wife are C. E. Stuart of Buffalo, transacted in Athens Nichals, afternoon. m. Lott Shoemaker of town yesterday was in were Athens callers last evening D. J. Garrison of Chicago, at the F. R Athens Tegister Stimson House yesiepday, Bowman of Corning, was an visitor vesterday and to-day R. T. Maloney of Elmira transact- Athen ed business in veslerday af fernoon 0. B. Sumner of Smithfield, re turned home last night from his trip to Denver Mrs. J. H the guest of Towanda, to-day I. N. Evans, Esq, leave tomorow for a Bosten Ackley the morning visit ta New York Childs of Bridge of Mrs T. R street, is Mncafee and wife will visit with Mr Evans’ son al BR. CG left a week's of Desmond street, on earls train for Miss Clara Brainard and Miss Ed- nn of home of J. H Mrs Carmer Sayre visited at the Snell, Sunday. Hancock of Bridge who has recently undergone A sireet, an oper- Huff drove to Waverly George street, yesterday to funeral of a relative Jas. W. Piatt, district deputy grand master F. & A. M.. attended of Rural Amity the meeting Lodge last night Miss Witte to-day Ida turned home Ms. P. B avenue of Smithfield re- from a visit with Cortwright, 603 Welles Dr. C. I. Stevens attended the meeting of the Bradford County Med cal ye afternoon. Society at Towanda sterday Weller Patterson, N. J, who has been em the has returned to Athens George ployed in Year, and Is SRE TR cery. Miss Edith Guild of Milan, who | has been the guest of Miss Lena Me- i Kean of Walnut home to-day street, relurned! Rosell Knapp and daughter, Helen, | of Grenwood, been the R. Owen, | has of A who guests of the family refurned homie today Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lantz, parents of Luckey's store, H.W yesterday Maney, the who accompanied his daugh and Mr= Taylor of J- B Athens clothing man of Notre Dame University, retured yesterdas Mrs. Fred of Troy, Geo. A Main Mrs heen the gue of North morning Pa I- L. ORS 4H. brief ternoon i: town over night noon who have been puesta of Lamkin and familly, South returned home Hauskne« it of Mrs Main to her street, have Hert ht. who has Dieffenbaugh street, returned this home at Overton, Moore visitor vi of Rome, was an Ath- sterday alternoon (Jillett of Rome Athens made na visit in vesterday af- Vought of Nichols and toak the was In morn- buzi- ness will engage his attention for a ing train for New York, where few days, Rev. T. IL. returned home Drury this an day's visit with Athens friends the of Broklyn, Pa afternoon after’ and: attending installation services at} Mr. and Mrs E. P Rassville, N. E daughter, Keeler Keelor, Nora of Binghamton, of Mr. and Mrs. J. H Athens last week of Le-. wife and: were | guests Snell | of East | W.C. T.| to Twenty | of members of the Athens this drove Orange they Ald Society up morning where Ladies An organization of the result. were guest of the the day GT. 0 Rev attendance for Ww. be a A. Moulton, it the installation ser-| al Bro- left at his he! may Clinton who was in vices of the Church of Univers therhood of Athens Iast evening, for Syracuse, thi= morning + short slay home at after which will resume his studies at the N.Y. univer sity at Canton realist church instructive. The ia few days slpte was carried out tin fall. The meeting opened with responsive which all participated. The sermon, the principle address of in was delivered by Rev. of Drokiyn, Pa, and was a The right hand the church, Graves of Towanda, the charge Hev. Tillinghast, the charge Graves, Towanda, ind the welcome to the city by Hey Ww. H gpORse by Rev. to the minister by saperintendent; the people by Rev. fo Sawlelle, for the of timely and pleasing a= well as the re parish by HL F all Together with John- son, E=q., Athens, were very Lockhart Street : CRANK AT QYSTER BAY, — Permit to Carry a Revolver Found | on Him When Searched, OYSTER BAY, N. Y. Se sane Schamus, a Russia years oll, was arrested here and after! an examination before Justice of the | Peace Walter Frankiin was sent to | Mineola. N. Y., ta be examines] as to | his sanity The arrest was made by service agent, one of the personal guards of President Hoossvelt scha a sevret the very fine music furnished by the a profitable installed church choir made The the hendiction ing. newly pastor rlosad the services by pronouncing May Resume Work Soon Ww. 8 ed in Rrown of Ambridge, arriv- Athens yesterday In the est of ‘the American Bridge stated that a He of iron had the Athens reported Co shipment Monday for Brown is made Mr heen shops As having in Athens within a Tew weeks, official pulilic of the of the shops has been made here No notice as maf — A. H.S. Juniors Elect Officers The of the Ia=t night and elect junion class Athens ed elected officers Emery Johnson was Roy VanSooten, Miss Lala Bradley, Tuna Stevens, treas- president ; viee president; Miss SEeCTelary, urer. Shea Conse Goes Over. SCRANTON, Pa, Sept 12 the inabiiity of United Mine to be proserd the celebrate] Shea ease, in which the coustitutionality of the miners’ certificate act |s attacked, went until the term of court tors suceesd in annul lug this act it would make for them to operate their mines in case of a strike with fported abor under the present conditions is impos sible, EVOTY miner must certificate that he On ac a President next Dense 1 with a has and Is competent to handle explosives ——— mus who resides at 351 East Fifty from New York and soon had an ipterview with Mr afterwand farnes To Loz The Athens Building established 1887, You cannot He desired to see the talk with him about the president and price of coal, | of Greater New York, There was in i minent danger, In opinion. of a general strike among the miners In the anthracite coal reglon of PPeunsylvauia nnd that strike, he was assared, would result in great hardships for the peo ple of the country. Ile wanted ten minutes with the president ta tell him to appoint a commission of threw men | who should regulate the output of the coal supply =o as te provide the poor with fuel at reasonable prices, even In the event of a strike When Behanims was senrclusd at Min- i cola a permit to carry a revolver, sign fol by Captain Lantry of the New York | police force amd Commissioner of Po Hes Med wus found ou him. The permit was issued yestenday., No pis tol was discovered, however, and Scha- mus said he had not earrind sue his loo, Anxious Ahout Komura. NEW YORK, Bept. 12 Dr. William B. Pritchard of 105 West Seventy thin street, who i= attending Baron Komura t during the illness of the Japanese peace envoy at the Waldorf-Astoria, has called Dr. George Brewer of 61 West Forty eighth street into consulta tion. At the hotel Mr Bato filed to evince the same confidence as shown by the doctor. He was evidently wor ried, M, Witte Salls For Home, NEW YORK, Sept. 12 -The recep tion to M. Witte and Baron de Rosen, the Russian peace envoys, arranged | for this morning at the Produce Ex change was canceled at the regnest of. the envoys, who begged to be excused oh acconnt of unexpected and pressing business. M, Witte gall for home this afternoan, Is the time to Save tha chi] Your preity daughter To keep them 0 they 1 She will thank you some ¢ tion. DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8, Talmadge ing, Klmor Avenus, Sayre, Office: Over The Globe Sayre, We have opened a shop at West Broad Street in the di formerly occupied by DeForest Munn, and are prepared : Wz and upholster All Kinds Chairs, Couches, Parlor Suits, Mattresses thoroughly rel We guarantee first-class wo right prices. Samples for spection, whether you order Bouth ready to repale s in best manner and a 3