The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 13, 1905, Image 2
to her hohe on Division street last! evening ffter a week at the bed side of hr brother, Monroe Han cock, wip is convaleseing from typhoid fever at Bellevue J. VERNON TEED, MANAGER News matier intended for publiestion in the Waverly Department shoold be addressed to the manager Hotel savder, Waverly. N. Y. where sab- scriptions will alsc be receipted for now . B. SAWTELLE, Cashier. R, Publisher, i'd $3.00 per year; 35 cen | Our sabseribers will confer a favo by notifying us if they do not rece ve the Record regularly. K. of C. entertainment toni ht. Have you smoked the Lode Star? 105 4 A Lode Star for a good smoke. Pure Havana for 5c. 105 4 T. F. Leary spent yesterday with friends at Ridgebury. Miss Nellie Cain visited Ridge bury friends yesterday. F. A. Murray made a business trip to Owego yesterday Mp — Miss Mabel Mallery at the Bap- tist church this evening. For artistic millinery at prioes to an please you call on Mrs. Ellis 158 3 i pnts: Unger & Ellis have their fil and at the at Sayre, Act of Congres of March the news that's vn New York City Clai the state. Fulton street. Two Italians got in yesterday. fined $10, which he paid. Jol kally acted as interpreter. sr m— Buried in Waverly b's afternoon, Rev. G Glenwood under charge of Unde taker ES. Hanford “Jayne Boy at Albany Javerly—The whereabouts 3 mysteriously disappeared fro The parents of the b ved a telegram yesterday fro br was with her in that city. the city prison last night. days at the county jail. The Ne ed with being drunk. Masons Looking for Home winter goods now in. Give them a call. 108 2 et School suits at Unger & Elis’ A fine gun given free with cach = | suit. 3, 16S 2 ——————————— Charles Powell of Mahanoy City formerly of Waverly, is visiting in town. Paid apprentice girls wanted at Mrs. Ellis’ Millinery parlors, Wa- verly. 10S 2 Ford L. Cowell of Philadelphia, called on friends in Waverly yes- terday. The Village Board will meet in special session at Town hall this evening, r For tailor-made suits at the price of ready made call at Unger & Elhs', 108 2 - Dr. and Mrs. Bradley of North William Scofield. Mrs Ellis, the Broad street mulli- ner, has up-to-date trimmed hats for fal! and winter. Mrs. C. O. Drake and son Clif- ford, of South Lansing, are ests of Miss Hattie Mills. a (of 3 Miss Kate Conley entertained the south side last evening. For a good smoke try the lode Star, made by H. LL. Nichol:, Wa verly, N. Y. Strictly union made in 105 4 ——————— shoes, small sizes £2. A. R Bunn's shoe store, Wa verly. 101 tf the Albany Bureau of the Publish. Monday. a — weeks’ her duties at Mrs. Baker's milli r- | nery parlors. of Massachusetts, m Dr. Siggins is on his re monthly wisit to Waverly will be at the Tioga Hote balance of the week. Wy m the Mrs. Dr. Marshall of Philadephia and Mrs Sarah S*evons of Mace. donia, Pa , are visiiing at the resi- dence of Mrs. A. R. Bunn. | Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sayles and Miss Leipziger returned last even ing from a thice weeks’ tip to y New York, Boston and othet cities. The food sale given by the La. dies Aid Society at the Baptist church yesterday afternoon was at- tended with big success. than $17 was realized. Hore A party composed of five g including two ladies, all of hamton, who are on a hors trip through the country, regi at Hotel Norwood last night. hospital, New York city Invitations have been received by friends in this city announcing the approaching marriage of Miss Margaret Beebe Risley, a former high school teacher in this aty, now of Hamilton, N. Y , to George Barden of Penn Yan, N.Y. The nuptial event will take place Sep tember 26, at the Congregational church at Hamilton. Borough Council Coming Waverly—A letter of acceptance from the Borough Council of Ath. ens has been received by Village Clerk Bell, stating that that body tion to attend the Firemen's In- —— Erie Motor Car in Town Waverly—Officials of the Erie Railroad made a brief visit to this city this morning in a handsome The purpise of the visit was to inspect the extensive repairs being made to the station. motor car, Tioga's Fair Opened Waverly—The Tioga fair was opened yesterday with large crowds and many exhibits Many (rom this city are in attend - ance. The exhibition closes Fnday county on ————— enn: Leave your name for a month's subscription to this paper at Hotel Snyder Delivered to your door each evening at 25¢ a month. THE DOCTORS AT WAVERLY The president and staff of physicians of the Peansylvania Electra Medical In- stitute of Philadelphia, are at the Tioga House, Waverly, and will remain until Sanda won, September 17. All who visit this eminent physician will peecive consultation, advice, servi- ees and Magnetic Treatment absolutely free until cured. The object in pursu- ing this course is to becom rapidly ac- quainted with the sick and the aflicted, and to demonstrate the marvelous n sults following the RATIONAL system of treating disease, If you are suffering from any chronic disease, come ! If i are weak, hopeless, daspaining, If you have an ulcer, come ! If vou are weak, nervous and worn if serps | If you are suffering from youthful fol ; if you have asthma, bronchitis, or ca- tarrh If On If eas i ¥ R t are paralyzed or deformed, on have any sexual or urinary dis- al i have dizziness or weakness, I i are suffering from female dis- EAR we! If you have Jost your manhood, come | Loomis Opera House, WAVERLY THURSDAY, SEPT. 14 ADELAIDE THURSTON In the Triumph of Betty. Prices 28¢, §oc, 75¢ and $1.00 Advance sale at Western Union telegraph office, Waverly, Tuesday morning. Loomis Opera House | WAVERLY. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, MILDRED HOLLAND RINE THE GREAT OF RUSSIA riumph of an Empress Prices|25¢, 50¢c, 75¢ and $1.00, Advan e sale Thursday at West- ern Ution Telegraph office, Waverly, We are dgents for the Sale of the TILLWELL INCAN GAS BURNER which giv better light than ten inary ners or twelve electric : ods 5 large room with a bean- ight. Comfortable for home, , ote, Raves the eyes 1s and churehes look at- the public. This money-saving sale will start No sale ever held in Sayre meant so much to careful buyers. Everything means a saving of 33! to 5) per cent, Compare the prices at which we are sell- ing high grade Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Rabbers with other stores and you will agree with by skilled workmen and us that never before were such mateh- label and will be placed on Boys the prevanling less bargains equaled. ; short trouser wir sale, Wednes A Present For On the opanine day of ip at two and Each vitozeaph of the the of clothes Schloss Bros. & Co. of Baltimore hia io made hears the sala Fhis up-to-date hne of « union it prices that will astonish vou arding to dyle by the skilled workmen Thee I whiby, els i i thle ul Boys all wool suit, made ae ait: are neat and breasted and had irl HIS They ent Lined with farmer 31} can be balloon satin mn even p will bear a card with the To the awd th us will be FREE On ace in any color at $2.49 attached Boys’ ill of « wl time to get W rth 3 Sand 3400, now R248 Bays’ cord chool amits Hs eonts of real double breasted sits made wonlen firm boy bringing strictly materials in a 1 st 7 1b 1b 111! given a Searcy ors anl miter mint of the limit ready for this great sale we have decided to S00 left abot close the store Monday and Tuesday to ar ery garment in stock so can be easily handled Farewell Sale of Men's Boys’ and Children’s Clothing. Single and double breasted sacks, broad concave shoulders, non-breakable front, long sweeping lapels of yrated Homespun black and grey, clay warsted, black and blue cheviots, serges ani Thibets, sawyer cassimere in popular greys, plain brown and brown mixtures, in short everything up-to-date, band tailored through- out range and mark e that the masses Men's workinz suit $6.00 grade, $3.49. Men's fine suits in cheviots and Scotch plaids worth $8.00, now $4.48. Men's $12.00 and $15.00 serges, thibets, clays, in almost endless variety to select from, sale price $7.98. A Card to the Public. Owing to the increase of busi- ness in my Towanda, Pa., store which demands my personal at- have established in Sayre and the sur- tention I am obliged to dispose of rounding territory in the past as outfit ihe merchandise n my Sayre ters in high grade Clothing and Furnish- |store in the shortest possible time. ing Goods, Boots and Shoes of all the|I regret very much to take this world’s standard qualities, we positively | step on account of the two years will not allow exaggeration in any of our very pleasant and successful busi- advertising, and we hereby agree to re- | : inf. fund the money on ALL GOODS IF ness relations and many acquaimt NOT SATISFACTORY TO THE PUR- 28% CHASER. During this sale we will be, which have attached me to Sayre. in constant attendance and will person-| H, SATTLER. ally supervise and see that each and Corner Desmond Street and every customer is properly attended to. H. SATTLER. ' Packer Avenue, Sayre, Pa. made fancy wi cheviots P. S. Owing to the reputation we No old merchandise here. until every article is sold. “Eats "Em Alive” Men’s Furnishings 5¢ handkerchiefs in white, blue and red, now ais 2C 10¢ handkerchiefs in white, blue and red, now a 4c The genuine Rubber Collars for 10c 10c 75¢ Umbrellas while 38¢c 15¢ Celluloid Collars for 50¢ and they last Police and ders ton Men's and Boys ders a hia Men's and Boys’ 20 cent qers Genuine President Suspenders 35 C Firemen's Suspen- 15 Cc ' 15 cent Suspen- 8c A big lot of ties in strings, puffs and tecks, 1 to 3 of a kind, about 15 19¢ dozen in all were 25¢ to 50, now aC Men's 10¢ heavy Nelson Hose for y -— a 6¢c An enormous variety of Men's 17 fancy hose, were 25cand 35¢, now C Men's heavy Woolen Hose for... 14c Men's Black and Brown Hose, fast »y dolors _. ’ 50¢ Men's ranted not to rip, with or without bibs, all the desirable colors, sizes from 38 824044... nn-.-- C Men's 50c¢ and 75¢ black and brown Crush Hats__.__.__...... Men's £1.50 Hats in Alpine, Sporting and Derby Men's $2.50 Hats shapes and styles ____._ __. Men's $3.00 Hatsof national fame, all shapes and styles ____ $1.79 We have about 23 dozen of men's and boys’ winter caps, prices ranging from 25 50.75, 81.00 and $1.50, will place same on sale at 10, 37, 59, 70 and 98c 70 dozen men's extra heavy fleeced lined underwear, sell from H0c¢ to 75¢ the world over, colors light blue ors during this sale. Men's £1.00 Wrights Health Un- derwear, fleece lined, all sizes ______ 79c Men's 81.00 Natural wool underwear 59 : C Men's black and white Sic shirts, double back and double breasts Men's flannel shirts in plain and g Cems fancy colors i Men's and Boys’ neg ) madras whipeord and printed madras in enormous variety of colors, all sizes ow worth Sle, now __... 2 '37c Men's very fine negligee shirts, fall dress shirt and best $1.60 shirts coe £ HC Particular pains have been taken with this price hist to avoid misprints, therefore you are assured to get every arlicle exactly as advertised. Bring this bill with you for reference ang 25 Fashionable Style No less than 25 smart, correct styles in low shoes for present wear and sty- lish boots, especially for the autumn. are included, such as Glazed Kid, Patent Kid or Patent Calf, Black Russia Calf, lace or button style, in light, medium or heavy soles hand welted or hand turned sole, all styles. all heels, from the low, common sense heel to the dainty, high Louis XV heels. Every style and imaginable are now in stock ready to be disposed of in the shortest possible time.- So why not lay in a stock for the future. BARGAIN SHOTS IN BOOTS SHOES AND RUBBERS THAT WILL STRIKE THE BULLSEYE OF PUBLIC APPROVAL. There never will be a shoe sale hav: ing a better reason for its low prigedd We are going out of business—enough It Will Pay You 98c for “women's $1.50 2 $1.38 for women's $2.00 S with heavy soles. : $2.29 for women's $3.00 S with light pliable soles. Men's working shoes in all 79c wear double breasted, double back 98c. 5