; : = | land, Before Dashing Vor Pole, | DERS AND PREPAY The funeral of en Emma June will I . Sawyer, Henry Snell and] NEW YORK, Sept. 7.~What is be | FREIGHT OR EX. . be bald tomorrow at 2 p.m. ohn Lyons left on train 122 this javeqd to be the flual word from Com: PRESS ON PUR 3 Mrs. Carpenter of Smithfield was | morning mander Robert E Peary before his re We have opened 8 WIELAND Co. turn fiom his attempt to reach the West Broad Street in the —— a C : north pole was received by Herbert L formerly occupied by hres THE BIG STORE WITH = UTTLE PRICES CA $5 00 & J. G. Vought of Nichols, passed completed by the Macafee company Bridgman of Brooklyn, secretary of Munn, and are prepared io > through Athens last evening | for Athens borough, one at the junc- the Peary Arctic clob. The message and upholster SAYRE, PA. {tion of Ferry and Maple streets. one came from Etal north Greenland, and ie Wm Wilhelm of Philadelphia, was ' : In It Commander Peary stated that his at Public and Map! + at Cher- \ a business caller here this a. m I do " apts snd one at Cher ship, the Romscrei Nay jee that All Kinds 4 in ] allie port ou Aug 10, the date of the mes - " J, Miss Myra Shaw of South Main While driviag along Ferry street sage, with Eskimo men and dogs W A = 5 i istic 1 1 i § Lis 5 . snds =imir: : : . =tablisl base at Cape Sabine f We are optimistic in the belief that we will have a very large share of treet is visiting friends in Elmira this noraine on his uxaal ‘round. a Hels 3 on Cape X u og Yue he fitting out to do this fall for the women, children and youths for miles Miss Hancock of 115 North Main| Abram Groat, the laundryman, had about Uie pale. The wessage follows aro 5 rior hel ave been months planni street. Is spending the day at Lopez. | a narrow escape from accident. The| “Cape York was reached Aug. 7 und, and our buyers and superior help h s planning JATTOW escape from acciden 8 re trae Yue’ vor. | Chairs, Couches, Parlor Sd your needs. The magnitude of our business, the selections we give you, age was unitsually favorable. No lee Mattresses thoroughly renowati and our facilities for doing business on the short expense justifies without assumption that shopping here is a delight and almost every want sup- “plied by dependable goods at upright prices. anywhere. Natives and dogs were #o- We pniarantee first-class work Garment Section Not Confined to One Nothing more serious than a broken cured and jolted the Erik at Norgh rielit prices Samples for thill resulted Star hay Aug. 8. Transferred to Erik. spection, whether you ordes Serond Floor Department But Many The empire and paddock styles are dominant, = snd Roosevelt procesded to tah im- | ae i * have not Ix pve 0 otis eoits are the thing this | +i and winter t Ba verlooked, I REESER, KESSLER < a caller in Athens, to-day. Three new crossings have just been Matt Donelly of Nichols took in horse he was driving suddenly lost the sighis here yesterday afternoon her footing and fell to the ground Prof. J. I. Robinson and family left last night for their home in Ohio : mediately to overhaul machinery and | C. L. Ferguson of Cleveland, reg- Installation of Pastor tor ie : 3 prepare for lee fHghting The Erik 1 F M Sh : igstered at the Stimson House last Rev. Will A. Kelley, pastor of the visited all the settlements, securing dX * epar. = souls with the loag swooping Ul mt properd night Athens Universalist church, will be | hatives, dogs and walrus, Joining the rd rd Sept Be 12 Th Roosevelt at Etah Aung. 13 Natives Waverly, N. Y. es R. W. Peer, the cigar man of Ro-|"'™ ne eplember - le ser sm —— p— % sir hit Lay ares tl s fe $ wl Bivvy an - , . Bud 1s height figures that r 1g E. W. Allen of Williamsport, Was| 4 oo silded grace to soarn who are all snare style are in prosperous condition, plenty of > - 2% Saerell oyorhas Shivers, gli (Nek in Sayre where Tk : 3 ” > a with «uit he SHY es i iT ie Sa SE Se orwe | weights and kinds, circulating among his Athens friends . Sp y (Bpesefourths length) the geueral effect is Fim : ight ar t : b Organ Prelude : . north with twenty three Eskimo men | Valley Record does not CL . Joomepeas, The Paddock styl ir 1s & h3 2 . for children are wanted hy those Doxology made sort of wanna! th i ta J Iamiaar wl style aud werit. 25¢ to 40c¢ alive, with jong culls left to-day for a visit with her sister Thiz stock in this department nus hy Furniture and Carpet in Towanda Eng, coming and going dally sake i : Sion difiicalt, bul choice things are hore Ws Departm ant Jelly Glass Special er of fuga parchsers Rave made care they last A fruit : ve have TIO desigzas ta show until Sept, chester. N.Y... was in Athens last] Y'¢°* will begin at 7:20 p. m., In the at abundance of dogs and located evening church on North street The follow- this season deeper in Melville bay and ing interesting program will be car- Ingletield gulf than for years 1 Roosevelt overhauled machinery, filled 5 >) $ AP 7) ® * (HN ERS Eh oh to hast evening and some 2% dogs Aug 16 lee ex | tends fran Littlefield is aud to Cape | Isabella, but apparently is nat heavy Responsive Reading | This msy make the establishment of a Scripture Reading by the Rev, Clin-| pase at Cape Sabine diffienit. Neo ton A. Moulton, Troy, Pa wis seen south of Littlefield Anthem by Choir... . All well on boan! Sermon Hev - { this morning F. L. Drury, Brooklyn, Pa “ " Hymn The Hosmer Marine Band will par- Invocation The Rev Mrs Jesse Scoville of Cherry street James D Tillinghast, State Supt S20) ice . y sia E. L.. Rvder of Buffalo was in town : ud over night and transacted business ASSAILS CHILD LABOR. Take advantage of this whik jar and jelly glass special Mason's quarts Mason's * su'lons, 6i¢ Mason's quart glass top Right Hand of Fellowship from speaker at Quaker Hill (oaference the Universalist Church, by Rey says Fablic Aldea Oppression, tomorrow afternoon H. H. Graves, Towanda, Pa PAWLING, NY, Sept. 7.—The child Ordination and Installation Prayer labor problem was discussed before Rev. F. L. Drury | the seventh annual session of the Qua. of Towanda, made another trip to] Organ Response ker Hill couference by the Rev. 0 RK. Athens sesterday afternoon Charge to the Minister Lovejoy, assistant secretary of the na- tev. J. D. Tillinghast | tional child labor cosumittee Homer Charge to the People . Folks, secretary of the New York Athens visitor last evening, taking Rev. H. H. Graves | State Charities Ald association, and | dinner at the Stimson House, Welcome to the City Rev. W. H.|others. The Res Warren I’. Wilson of Sawtelle, pastor Presbyterianchurch Brooklyn presided George NB. Neal and L. Murphy. ] Response for the Parlsh : AMr Folks called attention to the ex Towanda. were registered at the For : H. F. Johnson |tcut to which every one uses the prod | rest House yesterday evening Chairman of Board of Trustees ucts of child labor and therefore { Hymn shares in the responsibility for the ex Mrs. Jas Gilmore of Scottsville, N.| Benediction Rev. Will A. Kelley | istence of such labor. He sald that the coal used for heating houses has Leen freed from slate Ly boys in the break ers of the anthracite coal felds; that Xrs Cha Turk of North MM in He Jumped From the Car the glassware ured in kitchens and ? dining roots involves not only child labor, but child labor at night, which is There is no nook or CO one of its most objectionable forms iner in Sayre where bout 5:30. Mr. George G. Swan, fell | that nearly all the textile fabrics at Miss Martha Lent reurned from] ooo HE theie: aratuction ave) VaNIEY Record does not ¢ bruised his right hip \ uking erda ore i sl clilld employ : . ke Wesauking esterday, where] yo Swan had notified the conductor involves] child employment culate = | : . . Ar. Folks urged the duty of knowing { she has been visiting for veral . RS 1 : : y ! v CYErall of his desire to get off and the re-| ditions under which articles offered d { { days quest was complied with, the carjfor sale have been produced. The cas wo ’ 3 = Mrs. Emma Shaw Parshall return- | making the stop at the crossing. Mr tomer who was willing to sacrifice . ; y | . cheapuess b sisting on production oy 3 ne - {ed to her hom Amira to-d: Swan. however, jumped before the heapn by Ilusimt ye) 3S es SN RS BIRR RN UR % NY &« er home in Elmira day af wan, howes J 11d » ¥ under living conditions he thought, ’ ter a brief visit with W. H. Shaw]ear had fully stopped, apparently | uid give the most effective help to ded) and can save jutending pur ticipate in the P. O. S. of A. parade have exclusivenes on these ve, Waverly aml Athens We way to lay carpets on E. B. Pierce, the real estate man = v jobhhinz price, Were Masons 2 quart gl Jelly ghiss = le each Shoes Mil Steet Floor N will ba quick ta wlopt it C. E. Murphy of Towanda was an SIRE linery ied Floos 32 NV. Rpecial close aul pru Hi several dais jal n men's stslish $250 an 1 $1.00 ford g g : 3% « as snow amd pew can hn A for Septomber and part of Detoh rw \ : k hers and there of velvet (because its proper) STs 0th if, Lafavette and Rialto shapes Fach is wt * — wl costs little for early fall wear, Comfortables and | ————— Blankets Genuine Oriental i y is the guest of her sister, Mrs Organ Postiude Chas. Turk of North Main street treet. who has been visiting in Buf In attempting to alight from a falo, returned home last evening moving car yesterday evening at quently sapnly sigatl in h : i sn i hazs wid Shiraz at Ge to mist he a zoel reason for if, Our ivenus display window Se Se) SI FC) ENS ns 7 hd | and wife crossing his legs as he did so, the | the child labor movement (In effect June 1%, 1308.) v ’ . Sg ( g rat . ' is side — 2s CARY UPHOLSTERING The Summer Vacation Misa Clara Cotton: of Difenfald, YT iui -velng that Be Sell on his sits Tealus leave Sevre as Rullasat ou 3 = M on the crossing The conductor and FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. RASTBOUND. 5 3 ind Mr WwW. L Woodburn of Rome Furniture upholstered, AM. pail for Towands. T rt rs ck, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, A Bai py Is the time to | + the childre + {are guest at the home of Constable Closing Stock Quotations, 2h Chunk, iow. A, attresses renovated, Um- with wi a r LAV we chudren s 0: rea Fi who happened to be on the car as fat- Money on call steady at 2% per cent | York Philadelphia, Baltimore and ALC HGCd 0 OTS Ci . : ne tme mercantile paper, 44% per cent] Daily f x " brellas re-covered and re- vy tv ed Mr. Swan to his home. Dr. Haines |Brime mercantile paper, Satie for S00 | FoR Sikes hare: lem Summit : our pretty daughter may owe Harley Sutton of Buffalo arrived . paired, 250 patterns of up- of 8 WAS 8 noned and made lasing pric White Haven, Mauch Chunk, much of her beauty to her perfect, he tver thls amok . den f Sayre w HMmoned An¢ nade Clon 28 pries WA N.Y. Central. 14T4 Hethisaem, Hew York, Philadelphia, * 0 he five i : » } La i i . © . A < - AND BUILDER holstering goods to select cven, white teeth in examination und rendered medl Atchison wi, Norf & West iY 5 : : : : : J AM. (Waverly 645 A. M.] Week REAL ESTATE from. Satisfaction guaran- To keep them so they must be days with his family on South El-} 41 40. The injured man has at) B &O : 1% Penn R KH aw |, AM. waverly ASA. ; de Broekiyn RL T.. 61% Reading ums roeton. New Albany, Di teed well cared for mira street least some very severe bruises, as the | ¢ cc. & StL 10% Rock Island ny ela, Halls, Williams mY J y : “h ! : "au 7% ock, Pittston and Wilkes] She will thank you some day for Mrs. R. J. Graham, who has been] result of his fall. In justice to the Ths Ol, Al BY Pa dh Ties Myre nd Ss A x) nally f ¢ " wo 4 : a ’ > an pd Be ) hern < > . . iy Io BLOCK, SAYRE. Ww. H. DENNIS, JR. Saving her from distigure went and visiting My Walter Graham, Pleas treet car men, the Athens represen-|D. & H . as Southern Ry £N 3:50 Towanda," Tunkbassock, M mu nv : : . Crie 4 Bouth. Ry. pf. 10 Ie * I Cor. Bridge and Elmira Streeta, wrtilication ant street, returned to her home at] ntive of The Record, (who was op Bale Electrio....1f1 Bugar v ule White Haven, Peun Haven Junction, Mi . . Es . ht NE Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem New Bring Your Job Printing to Athens, Pa. Special Prices for July and Au- | itummertield the car at the hue) would say nol BCs 13 Trias facite: Tf | skohle eimai hahinti A Sunday oculy, for . gust. . blame can attach to them Louis & Nash... 17, U. 8 Steel ut 10:00 te Somat . one of our popular young physicians Messrs. J. D. Ackley, C. H. Marsh vier, Tous , BL, T Aha 2 a : Manhattan 1 UL 8 Side pr. ly ville, Meshoppen and Tun * . . or @ G ow ——— ee The accident happened at North Metropol fo . | | an a Rosen > anda. etropoiitan in West. Unlon.... Wy P. M. (Waverly 12a3 P. Murrelle’s Printing HILL & BEIBACH wd ra encom of Towanda 0 SL TU EL JET = Dr. Ww B McDonald were registered at the Campbell ee — . . . ’ : Wilkes Barre, Glen § <A : H terday New York Markets hem, New York isd ohin, se yesterday : « em . Office FE DENTIST. Be : ye Smashed the Buggy FLOUR—Qulet and barely steady: Min. Washington ‘bite Haven, Mauch C A > ~ nesota patents, $458 ww, winter straights, P.M. Dally except Office: Rooms 7 and 9, Talmadge Build-| AVOU! fifty residents of Chestnut] 0. Coveney of Athens town-| Mydis, winter extras, $22¢33; winter J 1ho=im yy ——ay:] % . . . * as witness patents, H ZULTS ock, Pitlston, Wilkes Barre Sati f 1 Pl p . Best of Everything ing, Rimes Avequse, 837, street, left this morning as witnesses <hip, struck It right last evening: no, CHR a and weaker on accgust 1 4t U, noc, Pituten. Wilkes Ie, : IStactory riace. ’ » alnes-Daskam case, whic of easy cables, local unloading and pros- jy rk, Philadeiphis, Baltimore and on the Halnes-Daskar 18¢ hich the car struck him While driving | pects for heavier receipts, December, o P . . P.M. (Waverly (4s P. M.} came up for trial to-day - : BK 1-1641%7 1-16c.; May, S%5uSS 13-16 : i \ ; jown South Main street and while ry vu en Tas. Dar DOU . only for Athens, U . From four to eight skilled job Lockhart St. k i SMITH down Sc BUTT ERCCreamery. pitas. por pound, | 4 ater, Towand ® @ 3 SR o : d, rx chants oN roeton, New Albany printers and a new, up-to-date Thomas Stalford the popular insur-| near the junction of Main and North Nugllc. (Mercantile Exchang melal | £88” Falls, Williamsport, Wyal ‘equipment are at your gervice. imitation creamery extras 1%. firsts, WESTBOUND, ville, Tunkhannock, Pittston and , . rest of his brother, J. T. Stalford, | from the rear, frightening the horse. | i%aisc. renovated, extras, 13. firsts, A.M. Daily for Ouran sa we tase the SATE. Plumbing, Heating and 6as| ni EE 0 te aE 2 South Main street, to-day. Mr. Covney attempted to drive to one CHEESE — State, full cream, small Louis and points west. tion to please. We keep quotation, extras, Wie), firsts 19g ax. ance agent from Wyalusing, was the] streets, the street car approached | seconds. 18415; thirds, 1iililge. | western, = for Geoewn, Ros : i - s ide of the street but the frightened | 118¢c.; colored, fancy, li fair to choice, : our promises, Fittin Dr. and Mrs. Simpson and son |" ‘lt Hogi . large. fancy, white, Lic; color. : lola, Rte, . spent Tuesday and Wednesday In animal backed up in front of the ap-| ed, fancy, 12c: state, light skims. choice, A.M. Daily for Lodkwe Bulldi Elmer Ave Sayre o Ww : 3 hed into | ##Ushe.; prime SGc.. goOd, LaUiac Spencer, 1thace, Trumans® ) ng, - SATE, CARY BUILDING 101 Newark Valley visiting friends proaching car. The car crashed InlO} common to fair, Guoise., stats. full skims, : a Gea : Valley Phone 1420. . . y : They returned last evening the buggy, smashing one wheel and “YadsNearvy, selocted, White, fancy, ulti a PACKER AVENUE. demolishing the harness Mr, Cove- BGNe.. cholce, YI. mixed extras, per . ney and his son who were in the bug- B extra frsts AdiBe.; dirties, No. 1, 169 Nas Een. 8 eri, G a ok - —————— gy, were thrown out, but not serious- FRESH AFRUITS Apples, GLuchess of v, Ratavis, Buffalo ad Nlagmi . : : . Oldenburgh, per double head barrel, $2.24 PF. MM Dally The V alley Record 17 Pleasant St Waverly, N.Y. EASE friends in Athens last night. He wasf, fnjured. Chas. Fitzgerald came to] 35, Wealthy. §250430, nsteln, $225 3:40 Caledonia, Batavie, 1 the rescue and fixed up the harness, | picked. $202.75. York 2513, Fall . g Hi il x . : , ¥. M. Daily for Lock ¢ { 4 Holland Pippin, $243, Nyack Pippin, aol al oi — 4 Athens 2 Hon. O. D. Kinney favored theland by the aid of a new wheel Mr hand ple ked 1: Wo, Orunge. Pippin, $20 3:42 murdeh (Watkina) ¥ " ! { 2 d pleked Ir ta p , ’ PA . ’ ox Shaw reunion on the occasion of the | Coveney drove home all right. ¥ : oa a hgh : per bar: Daily for Ithaca, Tramauiba 3 5g “Shoe Hos ital 3% | Shaw reunfon with a brief call. Mr. SE ah a arte a Deri Cine: 4:50 pra, Victor, Mochestete 4 SF : Held f Bail au, 314413. A Anjou. 3: %g | Batavia, bufrala. Conoects for Ni . : x Kinney e or bai Rs. 1ouise Bonne, RL5@25 Pel Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and pols — : . a . Beauty, $1.75 3: Catherine, $5240, Wa- P.M. Daily except Sai TY : : z David Roach, who has been detain- The case of Joe Ryan and Darbj Corp" 0. Scooter, $2ut wm; coms |e mond Ex . Gauze Underwear, former price 50c a Suit Now 35¢ a Suit. Pe JAMES SHITH arket None. grapes, upriver, Delaware, | St Louls and points west : Nir dort od : . 3 tow 5c 8 He : 3 : T br cartier, WRIWe.r Niagara, WUTC] French Ballrigean Underwear, former price 31 a Suit. Now 75¢ Suit Js still at his old stand, 604 of illness, returned to his work at the watch from Spot Mahood, was tried A "arly, pine : Worden, oy oe ; 6:38 Rpencer, It Reig ; 4 ; OE Shirts Sale ws 00 Yh s a3 : : Il our $1.40 and 81.95 Shirts. Sale price Tc South Main Street, Athens, UO ore per: arioad. Tia {U® beat 1 at the | t this morning Maloney was discharged because of | 3 PT LARYSeT : AUBURN DI A 3 ? # ol ne OU LL 3 = . ra SEirt Waists o \ Co Trac mannet ane 30 126 OWE lack of evidence, but Ryan was held DRI S91 DE ww FR 11 key p pig A.-M. Week 's Shirt Waisis at half price price, Bring your shoes to The Misses Daw of South Mair pu pound, 154 4 . chix \ " 3 +4 i . h x sue fowl 185i; roosters, Wade racuse, - oy . 2% open evenings from 7 to 8, street, entertained at an afternoon nished by Ryan's friends Be On 1G 16%. te par dozen vale Haves, Sy —— : Man's Oxfords, 2350und $400 quality. Sale price $250 and $2.75 3 reception this afternoon. The affair Ee SLtl a 3:50 land, Canastota, © p i= E . white, fancy, lic, fair to choice, 1% A.M. Daily aye i * d i. arby, frest thered, firsts AM Week days onl WE PRINT Carpenter and Builder. W. G. Lane, who bas been visiting > thsi oc dyin 1d | 143) - Sayre, Pa. Valley Phone 238x. friends in Wyalusing, called on 2, Mylic; checks. liaise re CIE J CIR SE EIA SE TR SEIS ; i ” EOSIN AS OOO en route to his home in Owego US. Matden Blush, od Bard find was ralsed In that locality. Buerre 5 ed at his home in Owego on account Maloney, charged with stealing aj mon sorts, $1 00GL%,; plums, pet § pound ’ Buffalo, Niagara Falls, D 4 Johnson carriage factory in Athens last night before Justice Johnson. | mushmelons, Jersey. per standard crate Corners, Geneva Fim : : / vady t ai . : i © Straw Hats at half price 4G ray to repair shoes in the ' x = # * iH he “S ital” N 1 . i t fur- fladeiphia. 8G Xe ; Pennsylvania, 1) Men's Oxfords, $250 and F060 quality. Sale price $1 Ox { the hoe Ho=pit al hop for court, Bail will Iikely be een DRESSED MFEATS<Decf In falr de —— ———— th oF of oA burm, Syracuse, Utic was a pleasant one to those fortunate Surprise for the Bully. mand at 403. per Pound for = : - 3 . : > tme mative sides; extra beef, 4% AURURN DIVISION y ; LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AT COSY T d in The R d enough to be there, A West Bromwich magistrate tells a Dns about steady at 913% per pound A.M. Sunday only; | sy anac | a hc Réeore. ctory of a small do which. having been | for City ress vealr Sol S81 10) Be i coruaa], Lang > 8 H. Dubols of the Campbell] defeated by a butcher's ferocious bull | ot sgioe. per pound: lambs at 10u 15% we Aaay var 1; Orchestra House, together fith his wife and terrier, collected half a dozen other a . dogs, and after feasting them on pieces I ivertise The Queen Lity Orchestra, compe d { friend, were down the ( hemung for of meat which it had stored up, led them Aulverise. of experienced musicians, and playing ! * a day's # h - ; , Re le ie eran to Tone 1 2 day's outing yesterday. They re-{ (othe fray, and, with their ald, avenged W ee are now showing Impo:! nish any number of instruments for |POTt a Pleasant time his disgrace by thoroughly whipping i i the terrier — Westminster Budget. s balls, parties or entertainments, day or The Athens Cadets are organizing Domestic Woolens for ow I might; rates reasonable, Inquire CH. 2 ; H SA i I LE R | Barden, Valley Phone 2-x, Sayre, or leave | a couple of foot ball teams and ex- Important Branch of Study. and W inter Ade 4 ed 9 {orders at Maney & Page's, Sayre. pect to play a number of games this| “What are you studying now?” EE asked Mrs. Cumrox. . . i > hi | Dissolution fall. A picked team may be select-| oo TL" ven up the subject of Have your next Suit made > by ed for games outside the organiza molecules,” answered her son. rN 2 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers