SALE Come yu buy. we will have a OF SCHOOL SUITS in and take a look before SAYRE OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL PPE NEVER SLEEES GEO. L. RO ‘218 Desmond St., Sayre. When You Are Thirsty and feel the need of a dainty, Rirmhing beverage, don't stop until you reach Drigg's Soda Fountain, where you will ba served to 38 haut at ows suiiey. In SL we nse §| C. M. -M. rig i Droge. OOAL COAL COAL J. W. BISHOP | There is as much difference in| quality of coal as there is between white and yellow sugar. ‘We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- We also sell Bituminous and Loyalsock coal and all kinds of J. W. BISHOP, Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg. Both Phones. NO OD WOOD WOOD rT MOTHERS BREAD sd by Kolb, Philadel- phia. Sold by G. U.. INGHAM & GO. 5 ] Sayre, Collar Your Dog We have a of dog collars in sizes 8 in. fine new line to 20 in. at prices ranging from 15¢ to $2.00. the window for your selec- Look in tion. BERTS GO. 322 S. Main St., Athens. “- The Valley Record “All the news that s fit to print” THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. ‘LOCAL BREVITIES in To- The tax assessors are Ethel, the little daughter of Mrs. G. B. Sheffer, who has been ill, is improving somewhat today. Mr. John Davis, brakeman on (the Lehigh Valley road, who has been quite sick, has returned to | work. APPOINTED 10 LAWS COMMITTEE Organizer E. F. Mercercau is pretty busy now, putting in his spare moments in study of the con- stitution and bylaws of the Nation- al Protective Legion. Not that he didn't have as good a working knowledge of these instruments as anyone around these parts, for he did, but he has been appointed to the committee on laws of the na- tional organization and he wants to go to Cleveland with a perfect grasp of the present laws and the amendments proposed. P.0.5.0F A. DISTRICT CONVENTION WORKING The District Convention of the with their caps and badges this noon, but for the most part they are keeping close to the convention hall and sawing wood. GUILD MEETING WAS POSTPONED The meeting of the St. Martha's ' Guild of the Church of the Re- deemer which was to be held at poned until 7:30 in the evening at the home of Mrs. Heister Piol- DAINES FOUN GUILTY Thomas Daines, charged with statutory rape, was yesterday found A Pageant Feature of the Frank A. Robbins Co. Shows. The big railroad aggregation of all new great feature shows, an. nounced to pitch its city of tents in Sayre on Tuesday, Ssptember 12, promises, in its “Tribunal of Nations,” to introduce a pageant novelty of notable historic and spectacular splendor and interest On a number of ornate floats, drawn by sextuple blue ribbon teams of splendid thoroughbreds, are introduced representations of the most famous conquerors and kings of ancient and modern times, cach living substitute in form, feat ure and costume being respectively double of For exam ple, we may look upon Frederick + wonderfully accurate his or her prototype the Great of Prussia, just as he is the presented to our immortalized bronze statue of him country by his royal descendant, the recently unveiled on the esplanade in mn Emperior of Germany, and of the new war college at Wash- We too, the counterpart of Napoleon, he ippeared on the field of Austerlitz, ington. may scc, as or scaling with his army the dread- Alps, of Caesar, and Con queror of the then known world, of the Emperior of Austria, the Kings of Sweden, Spain, and Italy, of Wilhelmina, the beloved young Queen of the Netherlands, and of others, arrayed in armor or royal robes. Such a living portrait gal lery as this surely must be well worth secing, ful passes of the Rome's great dictator in connection with the wild beasts, arenic and hippo- dramatic it CONspic uous attractions of which forms a bnlliantly feature BUSINESS MEN ADOPT RESOLUTIONS At the regular mecting of the Business Men's association Sayre held last evening, the fol lowing resolutions of respect were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almigh- ty God in His infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst our esteem- ed and worthy citizen, Frank Pike, who was a valued member of this assotiation ; Resolved, That we, members of the Business Men's assaciation of Sayre, deeply regret his untimely death, and the loss the association has sustained thereby; and we ex- tend to his bereaved wife our sin- cere sympathy in her sorrow and affliction; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the rec- ords of the association, a copy be sent to the bereaved wife and fur nished the daily papers for publi- cation. of —— A e— MODERN PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION NOTICE A special meeting of Sayre Lodge No. 1, Modern Protective Association is called in the lodge room at 7 o'clock tonight sharp for the purpose of taking proper ac- tion in regards to attending the funeral of the late Zelphia Wolcott. the quested to attend the funcral at the house at 10 a. m. tomorrow. ee DELIGHTFUL DANCE IN NOVANHO ROOMS About thirty couples “tripped the light fantastic toe” at the Mo- vanho club dance last evening and enjoyed themselves immensely while doing it. Every dance seems a little better than the others, thanks to the work of the commit- tee. The music last evening was furnished by Mrs, Weller. Danc- ing continued until 12, SAYRE EAGLES WILL INITIATE Sayre Aerie, FO, E , will hold All members of order are re- ular meeting this evening, A B. L today. Lewis was in Towanda Mr. and Mrs. Compton went to Towanda this noon. Justice C. S. Gay to To wanda to make his returns today went Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mitten of Rochester were in town last night. Mrs friends B. L in Binghamton for a Lewis is wisiting few days. rr — A A of Easton, are visiting friends in| Sayre. Mrs. (ie orge the Grace reunion at Glen today. E.) Connelly. and Charles Kitchen A A Mi IL. € Kitchen| ca fair today. s————— Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth daughters M abel and Grace S- Mitten A A A —— are visiting Mrs. F. Samuel “Stebbins and two sons of Rummerfield, attended the | Mrs Miller, who has been visit- ing at the home of the Rev. E. M Beysher, went to Philadelphia this noon. ———— Mrs. W. H. Vaughan of Easton, who has been visiting friends in town, went to Towanda this morn- cr ing Miss Plainfield, CO Matilda N. ¥, Alexander who has been visiting heqg sister, Mrs. Sarah E Walker 71¥ North Elmer avenue, also W. C. Walker 2 returned home this morning A MIDSUMMER [DYLL Place—front porch, 2 Olive street facing the nsing moon, Time—10:17 p. m. Persone, Dramatis: Pretty maid- en; good looking young man Conversation low, earnest for long time ited inaudible and Then spir- angry remarks Maiden arises, heard, miven vent. walks briskly and spitefully the house, slamming the door in a way that arouses the neighbor's watch dog, and causes the katydid to pause in its song Five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes pass. Girl does not reap Waiting swain on the porch arises and moves sadly and slowly away. Five minutes later girl with a penitent look on her face and all trace of anger removed, comes out and finds porch vacant, tones into pear. Query—Are they anxious to see each other? What will happen when they meet again? Are they still angry ? That what we are patiently to determine. 15 waiting eee REGULAR MEETING AND DRILL The Wilbur Hook & Ladder Co will hold a regular meeting tonight All members are requested to be present as very important business is to be brought up before the com pany. Especially all new members come out as we will drill tonight It 1s only two weeks before the parade at Waverly which will be one of the greatest parades in the history of Waverly, Boys, let us get in shape and go right. EE A MIDNIGHT ROW There was a disturbance in the second block on North Lehigh avenue last night that reached such hilarious proportions that the police were called. It is rumored that the law did not prove very intimidating and that the row went on regardless, CHANCE IN OWNERSHIP James R. Daly, formerly of Daly ers---Best Crowd Since Sun- day---A Big Meeting for Men Next Sunday. The meeting at the tabernacle last night was the largest thus far with the exception of the Sunday night The evangelist took his text from Genesis 31g: “Where art thou” and held the | close attention of his hearers. There was meeting, a mecting for women i this afternoon and tomorrow there thous: are being issued for the men's { Five Mass meeting next Sunday afternoon ———— A ——— ARCHER - MITTEN | A happy home wedding was that {of Miss Lulu May Mitten to Rob- crt Archer of Athens last evening, |: at the home of Mr, and Mrs. F. S, Mitten, the brother and sister in- {law of the bride. The ceremony [ was performed by Rev. W. G Simp- {son of the Athens M. E church At precisely 8:30 Miss Grace Ells- worth of Wyalusing, nicce of Mrs. Mitten, started to play the Mendel- sohn wedding march, the minister took his position under a maghnifi- cent arch of evergreens, hydran- and cut flowers, backed by palms, dnd the bridal geas procession wended its way to the altar. D.W. Gardner of Binghamton was best man, and Miss Alberta Bush of Standing Stone was Harold Mitten, bride, bridesmaid Master the and carried the significant golden circlet nephew of acted as ring boy The bride wore a chiffon on a silver tray of Persian carried a of The bridesmaid wore a pink crepe de chiffon and carried white After the ceremony a bounteous dinner wal served, and the happy hours flew merrily by Lots of rice flew too The bride and groom will reside in Athens after a wedding trip to Buffalo and Detroit. Both are well known have the best a host of friends, who showed their good will by shower- ing the young couple with many beautiful and useful presents of cut glass, silver, linen, china, rugs and furniture. About 435 friends and relatives were present, including Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellsworth and daughters Mabel and Grace of Wpyalusing, Samuel Stethers and two sons of Rummerficld, Mrs. Stethers of Binghamton, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mitten of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Rochester, and a number from Athens and Sayre BROWN APPOINTED NIGHT TICKET AGENT E. D. Brown of Ithaca has been appointed night ticket agent at the Sayre office of the L. V. R. R,, to succeed H, A. Voorhis. Mr. Brown was agent at He is a pleasing and dress white trimmed with bouquet lace and white roses. chene dress with white trimoungs car- nations here and wishes of formerly East Ithaca. modest young man, well equipped We hope he will find many friends in Sayre. J. L. HUNTER, 3756 Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y. Will supply you with fresh groceries wed staple goods at very low prices. Exclusive Sale Sunshine Coffee 25¢ Ib assistant for his new duties Stock always complete and goods de- livered to your door without extra charge, Full line of baked stufl always on hand. When in need of anything in our line give us a call, JUDDL.HUNTER Political Announcement 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to Republican rales. Primaries Saturday, Sept, 30, 1900. JOIN W, STORMS, South Waverly, Sept. 2, 1005, AN EXELLENT OPORTUNTY | | Plain Oak, Quartered Oak, Reed Rockers, from Nice Line of Folding Go-Carts. Furniture Repairing and Picture Framing a Specialty. Valley Phone 191A 205 Desmond St., Sa: Farmers” National Bank OF ATHENS, PA. Statement August 25th, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans . : - United States Bonds ___ : Banking House and Fixtures_. Bonds (Cash Value Demand Loans Due from Banks Cash 8166, 600.00 01,000.00 33,190.00 74.247.060 -$415,0 Capital Surplus and Profits Circulation _ Deposits __ I, 0. L. Haverly, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly that the above statement is true to the best of my knowladge and 0. I. HAVERLY, Cas Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of August, 1006 Canning Time Is Hel $F sa » Fruit Cans of all kinds at very reasonable prices. = Preserving kettles at cost. Stone jars from one to six gallons. gallon; covers 10 cents extra. An entirely new line of ladies’ side and back combs, 15¢ and 25c. | NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, Waverly, N. Y. Cor. Broad St. and Parka National Protective IT'S Legion. Si Chartered under Fraternal | Ce | Laws, State of New | alts ahi hath Bl I York. rat i f i i i i i | pineas are what you {most desire in life fand you can't enjoy cither fully in ap house which doesf not contain an up- to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum: bing and do it well B If you engage usf to fit up a bat { room for you there’ ‘only one thing tha you'll be sorry fo and that is, that}. you didn't have ithe done sooner. Fraternal Life Insurance Costs less than Old Line and easier payments. We accept payments, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly. Look up our rates, they will interest you. E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Sayre, Pa. 111 Deamond Bt. Valley "Phone 144y TEETH Plumbing, Heating hemor isa HR TAU ough lot me Blve 1 It will cost you! Both "Phoses. TOUHEY'S ble and anxiety later on. Sinoa adver | tising prices is cousidersd very unpro- fessional and quack like, I can only ant here that all 1 ask is fale prices for fair and honest work, VITALIZED AIR. DR. 6. F. CARLING, a
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