The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, September 07, 1905, Image 2

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H. B. CUNNINGHAM, City Editor.
every afternoon except Sun-
Batered as second-class | pan. May
All the news that's ot t to print”
The time for fling intentions to
candidate for prothonotary on
the Republican ticket to fll the
vacancy caused by the death of
rank Pike, ended Tuesday night.
There are but two candidates, Ww.
G. Gordon of Towanda and John
“W. Storms of South Waverly. J.
‘W. Stone, Esq, of Canton consid-
ered the candidacy but on Tuesday
“he decided not to do so. Primaries
are Saturday evening, September
30, and the convention is October 5
A runaway at the east end of the
Packer avenue bridge caused con-
_ siderable excitement last evening
~The wagon was overturned and the
_ occupaats, including two little girls,
were thrown out and stunned. At
first they seemed to be badly in-
jured but soon recovered without
lasting harm.
Mrs Frances Young of Towanda
was admitted today.
Mrs Ella Bailey of Milan was
‘operated upon today.
Card of Thanks
Waverly—Through the columns
"of The Record Mrs. G. A. Crispen
and family desire to thank all those
_ who so kindly assisted them during
the illness and death of their daugh-
"ter and sister, Leah Winifred
Green, also for the beautiful floral
pieces at the time of the funeral.
: Discovered.
Copan, public office is & pri
graft, if you know how to work it.
“Yes, but it's a parious game, old man,
smoothest are pretty sure to get
“True suough, If they don’t possess
immunity that. fortr.nately,
¢njoy. You don't know me!”
Lw-who are you?
ist! S-s-sh! Mum ‘stheword! I'm
terious Tertium Quid.”
Lw-what! ls it possible that you're
man that struck Billy Patterson?”
us something modern; I'm the
News matter jatended for publication in
the Kaverly t should be
addressed to the a at Hotel
Sayder, rary, N. Y.. where sub-
scriptions will alsc be eeeipted for
Our subscribers will cunfer a favor by
notifying us if they do not receive the
Record regularly.
Ralph Morgan is now employed
at Gregg's Racket store.
Mrs. Gamble, wife of Dr. Gamble,
is improving from her illness.
——————— a —
Mrs. J. H. Vamer is seriously ill
at her home on Park avenue.
Theodore Gillon of New York
city is visiting his parents in this
H.S. Gregg of the Racket Store
is at Binghamton today on busi-
Francis Cafferty is now employed
at Wilcox's Broad meat
Miss Julia Rhoades of Ithaca is
visiting at the home of Miss Mado-
lyn Kramer,
Miss Gladys Wood has returned
to her home in this city after a vis-
it to Elmira.
Mr and Mrs. John Krolinger of
=| Coudersport, Pa, of
Waverly friends.
are guests
A grand good time was enjoyed
at a concert given at A. M. E. Zion
church last evening
Miss Nellie DoBell of Watkins,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. L.
Weller, for a few days.
William Rogers of Elmira, was
a guest yesterday of his brother,
Charles Rogers, and wife.
Mrs. Charles Harding left this
morning for a visit with friends at
Charleston Four Corners, N. Y.
rt —
Have you seen the new Buster
Brown suits at B
Waverly? They are dandies. 99-f
Miss Tina Engleman who has
been seriously ill at her home on
Waverly street is improving nicely.
Two candidates were initiated at
the meeting of the Modern Protec-
tive Association held last evening
Mrs. M. S. Godshall returned
yesterday from a visit to friends at
Windsor, N. Y., her former home.
Thomas O'Hara, who has been
playing baseball at Rutland, Vt,
has returned to his home in this
Special sale on John Kelly's
shoes, small sizes. $3 shoes for
$2. A. R. Bunn's shoe store, Wa-
verly, 101 tf
The condition of Mrs. Harry
Sutherland who has for some days
been seriously ill is reported better
Miss Elizabeth Strum of the
Free Press office is enjoying a trip
to Allentown, Philadelphia and
other cities.
The next meeting of the Sun-
shine club will be held with Mrs.
Albert Rice on Lincoln street next
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wickizer of
Shenock, Mont., are visiting the
latter's mother, Mrs. Woodsythe,
on the south side.
Mrs. J. V. Carr and two grand-
children left for their home at
Rochester yesterday after a visit to
friends in this city.
A regular meeting of Eastern
Star chapter was held last evening.
Visiting members from the Rome
district were present,
Miss Madolyn Kramer has re-
turned to her home on Cayuta
avenue after a few days visit with
relatives in New York.
One drunk picked up by Officer
Gridley and lodged in the “coop”
for the night was Mote bo 5 his
Waverly, No. 57, 1. 0.0. F,
State fair at Syracuse next week.
— a
pants to select from for school wear
man's, Waverly, N. Y gg f
Trolley Company
Were Not Granted Franchises
at a Special Meeting of the
Board of Trustees Held Last
Waverly—A special meeting of
paid. Apply J. G. White & Co,
office near Maney's farm,
Hotel Norwood was thronged
with bridal couples last night and
Landlord Shay and his assistants
kept busy
were answering the
Mrs. A.B Sturdes ant of Elmira
and Mrs. L. E. Schuster of Gran-
ville, Pa, have returned home after
a short visit with Dr
E. Annabel.
Messrs. J. Ww. and H ww. Knapp
have returned from their trip to
New York, where they have been
for the past ten days on a pleasure
and busine s trip
and Mrs. C
Ask for the B. & L. shoe, war
ranted hand sewed, guaranteed to
give satisfaction or money refund
ed. You will find them at B
Freedman's, Waverly, N.Y. go
pt ——
The hatvest dinner given by the
ladies of the Methodist church in
the church parlors last evening
was a affair. A
large number were in attendance.
most pleasing
. ;
Dr. W. A. Hilton left last even-
ing for California where he has ac-
cepted a position to teach in the
Pomona college, near Los Angeles.
He expects to be absent about one
F. J. Johaner and family are
spending the week at the home of
the former's father at Rochester.
Mr. Johnner's position at McNitt's
barber shop is being filled by Da-
vid English who is an up-to-date
tonsonal artist
Mr. and Mrs. Smith who have
been visiting for the past several
weeks at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Clinton leave
tomorrow for Massachusetts where
they will visit the latter's mother
before returning to their home in
the west
Lyons on avenue,
I. R. Packard, formerly of this
place, now of Altoona, Pa, arrived
in town Tuesday evening. He
made the trip in his automobile,
and yesterday the “auto” was ship
ped home by freight, Mr. Packard
preferring to make the homeward
trip by rail.
Morning Musicale
Waverly — Misses Evelyn and
Mary Wilcox entertained about
seventy-five guests at a musicale
given at their home, 438 Park ave-
nue this morning from 10.30 to
12.30 p. m. Horace Kinney of
New York, and Mr. and Mrs.
Blackmore of Boston, were among
those present from out of town.
Aside from those mentioned there
were guests present from Sayre,
Athens and this city. A nice
lunch was served to the guests and
all present passed a most pleasant
Entertained at Music
Waverly—Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Blackmore entertained about forty
of their friends at the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.T.
Lain, on Broad street, last evening.
A fine musical program was ren-
dered’by the host and hostess as-
sisted by Horace Kinney. At
about 10 o'clock a nice lunch was
served, and at a little before mid-
night the guests dispersed for their
several homes after a most enjoy-
able evening.
To Entertain Visitors
Waverly—A delegation of the
Queen City Canton, 1.0. O. F. of
Elmira, will attend the meeting of
the Waverly Canton this evening,
at which time a number of mem
bers will receive the PatriarchMili-
jing for the purpose of acting on
the franchises asked for by the
Waverly, Sayre and Athens Trac-
tion company.
ed for the right
The company ask-
to extend their
Fulton, Elizabeth,
Spalding and Erie streets, but on
The vote on
the stood two in favor
of and five opposed to allowing the
Tucker made the announcement
that the franchises
The two who were in
were denied
favor of al-
lowing the company to extend its
lines were Trustees Genung and
Lord, and those who voted for the
motion were President Tucker,
Brougham, Brown, Os-
borne and Myers. A sccrd& ses-
sion of a quarter of an hour dura-
tion was held previous to the meet-
ing of the Board.
McEwen —Beekman
Waverly—A pretty home wed-
ding was celebrated in the presence
of only a few of the immediate
relatives and friends of the con-
tracting parties, at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Beekman on Williams street, last
evening, when Miss Dorothy Beek
man was united in marriage to
Raymond McEwen associate editor
of the Waverly Free Press. The
contracting parties are both well
known and highly respected young
people and have a large circle of
friends in this city who hope for
them the best that life affords. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
M. S. Godshall, pastor of the Mecth-
odist Episcopal charch.
The gifts
from friends show plainly the high
esteem in which the young people
are held. Mr. and McEwen are
on a honey-moon trip to New York
and other places, after which they
will reside in thiscity. The Rec-
ord unites with the large number
of friends in extending congratula-
Sued for Merchandise
Waverly—Charles A. Henkel of
Patterson, N. J., brought action
against George Paynton, Jr, who
conducts a bakery on Broad street,
this city, to recover a claim of
£19 58 said to be due the plaintiff
for merchandise. A commission
to take the evidence of the plaintiff
who lives outside of the state, by
interogatories and cross-interog
atories was applied for by Judge
Bell who appeared for the plaintiff.
The commission was granted. At-
torney F. E Hawkes appeared for
the defendant. The case was ad-
journed to October §, 1905.
Meeting of School Board
Waverly—At a regular meeting
of the School Board held at their
office in High school building last
evening the bond of Tax Collector
Gilbert C. Higgins for $40,000 with
F. E. Lyford and I. P, Shepard as
sureties was accepted and approv-
ed and the tax book placed in Mr
Higgins’ hands for the collection
of taxes. A new janitor was
appointed for the West End school
house in the person of Geo. Man.
deville. The Board consider
themselves very fortunate in
securing Mr. Mandeville's services.
Corn Roast L Last Evening.
Waverly —The corn roast given
at the home of Miss Susie” Squires
in East Waverly last evening by
the B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist
church was a most enjoyable affair.
The evening was fine and a good
number were present.
A Nuptial Event
Waverly—At the home of the
bride's parents about one mile from
this city yesterday occurred the
Appears in Attitude of Switchman
Flagging a Traln with a Dinner
Pail—Attempt Made to
Capture It
Laporte, Ind, —Ranked among the
impossible spirit stories of tradition and
of poetry is the one that keeps the resi-
dents in the vicinity of Flaherty In con-
stant fear and trembling They are not
afraid duripg the day time, but their
voices are lowered in a singular manner
when they approach the little railroad
station where the history of the ghost
Nightly after the sun =ets Flaherty
station is avolded, because there is no
question about the possibility of the
ghost's appearing. Headless and acting
for all the world like an animate thing
the apparition occurs intermittently.
Sometimes the elements appear to con
trol its action, but more generally ft
makes its appearance. dinner pail ia
pand. on the platform and attempts to
swing its arms as If it were flagging a
passing train. Then it disappears and
{ts subsequent appearances are a mat
ter of chance,
Hearing so much of the alleged spirit,
a company of young men accompanied
by a newspaper correspondent, went to
the station the other night and the pre-
vious night for the purpose of jnvestl-
gating the matter
On the first night they sat near the
depot, and amused themseives as best
they could until daylight began to break,
when they returned home without bav-
jug thelr curiosity 83 ixfied, but the next
night they had a difivrent experience
Reaching the station early io the
night, they prepared to take things easy,
put had hardly made such a disposal of
themselves as was satisfactory. wheu
one of the boys raised his hand and
eried: “Hist.”
They all looked and saw the ghost—
\be ghost they had been told about—
headless and carrying a dinner pall. It
was no delusion of the eyesight It was
the real. clear outline of Columbus Cole
as they had known him io life and the
same eternal dinper pail. For five min-
utes or more they watched the appan-
tion as the arms sWung as if signalinga
train. and then, spurred on by one unit-
ed impulse, they rushed to the place
where they had scen the figure Noth-
ing but vacancy greeted them when they
reached the spot where the figure had
been seen. Cole's .pirit had entirely dis-
appeared and they s‘ood and looked at
pach other In silence, marveling at the
supernatural incident and no longer
skeptics, but bellevers.
Unstrung from the shock of the mani-
festation—totally unexpected. by the
way—they walked home in silence, firma
adherents of the ghost theory.
Some of the good people who live in
the neighborhood of Flaherty are anx-
{ous to do something to set the spirit at
rest. They say that something Is
troubling it The generally accepted
theory Is that Cole wanted 10 do some
thing before he died—that the sOme-
thing remalos undone and that the
spirit will continue to wander until it
comes in contact with a sympathetic
spirit clothed in worldly clay to which
it can communicate its desires,
Columbus Cole was a well-known and
popular resident of the vicinity of Fiah-
erty. who lost bis life years ago in a
boiler explosion. The top of his head
was completely blown off by the accl-
dent. Soon after he died the trouble
with the ghost began and the people
have come to look at it fu a matter of-
fact manner. They do not deny the
story. They have got beyond that point
and many interesting incidents are re-
lated of the ghost's history
Flaherty people swear by their
“ghost.” It Is an Interesting ghost and
{t 1s more powerful In keeping the old
and young within doors than all the
curfews that ever sounded from city hall
or church steeple. There Is hardly a
man living within three miles of Fiah-
erty station who cannot entertain one
for hours with stories of the ghost's do-
fnks. Meanwhile the people are anx-
tous to locate the kindred spirit garbed
with a human body to which the shade
of Columbus Cole will tell {ts troubles.
Gape Dislocates Man's Jaw.
Muscatine, Ia —Willlam Schulpe, of
this city, dislocated his jaw while gap-
ing after taking a short nap It took
three doctors su hour to replace (Re
poner When Schulpe woke up he
opened hit mou'® *o its full extent and
kapt 1* the way 3*°11 it was pried shut.
A Bargain of Your Life!
chase of 8 ¢
END US. together with this advertises
living within ten miles of Soyre
S living ot Uric Ackd Disease a0! =
any put
This offer is
Addres your
only open nati] Octols:
letter to
To Loan
The Athens Building and
Loan and Savings Associa-
tion, established 1887,
r to loan at
You cannot af-
ford to pay rent when mon-
v for building your home
can be had on such advan-
tageous terms,
Bring fe Children
And have their teeth pat
condition befor ring
child will neither be studious or he th
fal when badly decaved teeth are pres
ent. School days require gown teeth
il prope r
its school,
Extracted, Filled or Replaced, we can
do it positively » ithout pain. We pay
especial attention to children and ner
vous people, Our prices are always the
aHouors: 8:30 to 12;
Opposite Big Store,
Lockhart St,
1 to 5:30: 7 wi,
corner Elmer and
Sayre, Pa.
$1350 takes a seven room house on West
street ; lot 652x228 feet; good frait;
CARY te rms.
$2100 takes a seven room, new house;
modern improvements on Madison
$2200 takes a seven room house, ne arly
new, modern improvements oo Mii-
ler street,
$2400 takes a nine room house, modern
improvements on North Wilbur Ave.
$2100 takes a seven room house on North
Elmer avenue; corner lot; large
enough for dwelling on back.
$1400 takes a nine room house and five
large building lots on Pennsylvania
Ave. within 20 minutes walk of L.
V. R. R. shops.
Cards For Sale.
The Valley Record has in stock the
following card signs:
For Rent
For Bale
Private Office
Please Do Not Ask for Credit
Positively No Admittance
Furnished Rooms
Boarding f
Diseases of Women and of the Rectum.
Hours—7tofam,1t03,7to8p m.
Valley Telephone 27x. 128 Lockhart St.
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
Orders can be left at West Sayre Drug
Store, both phones; or at the Eric street
yards at Sayre, V alle y Phone 27m,
H. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Special attention to Pension Papere,
Valley Phone 11 X,
112 Desmond Street, Sayre
foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Olive Oil -Qnart ct 85c, Gallon $3.00,
Macareni—8 and 100 Ib or $1.75 per box
No. 5 Elizabeth St., Waverly.
a form of for 15 cents y
wd the five names and addresses S00B.
" Political Announcement
KI hereby announce myself a @
for Prothonotary, subject to H §
rules, Primaries Saturday, Sept. 80,1 )
Towanda, Pa, Sept, 2, 1805, :
Rates :- Wanted, Lost, Found, For
Sale, ete, | erat a word each Insertion
for Arst three times, §
insertion thereafter, N
less than 25 cents. Situations
free, Record want ads do the
Wanted. a
Wanted —An orderly at the Robert :
Packer Hospital. ¢
Heliable man wants position an males
man, Experience in grocery, clothi
and confection. Address Lo GO, Box
Athens, Pa. 103-
middle aj ged man to do janitor work,
of 233 Desmond steel Sayre,
101- 3 WwW. W A
i suse corner Hopkins and
streets, 8 rooms with all modern
prove nents Five minates v
from shops or pastoflice. Apply oe
Loomis, 101-1
For County Commissioner
1 hereby announce myself as :
dats for the office of County {
er, appealing to the voters, without
gard to party, for their aid and 8
at the polls in November,
Hexry H Boy,
Towanda, Pa, Aug. 16,05. .
For Rent.
New 8 roomed houss, all modern
provements, 107 Woodworth atrest, o
Hopkins street, West Sayre. Inquire
above nr A. L, Laws, attorney-at-law,
101 Lockhart street, Sayre, Pa. 98-1
Ten room house on Stedman
with all modern improvements, Call |
the house, No. 105 Stedman street,
home after 5 pm. F. M. Vax Rirsi.
Heating stove with russia pipe. Good
aw new, Ingnire 105 Packer Ave, 108.8
Horse, kind gentle, wel 900
Ibs, age O years. E. S. Decker, next to
Camp bell House, Athens.
For sale at a bargain Fem 98 SSRON2
and onehall miles from Waverly
postoflice. Flat land, good build En.
quire of Frank A. Bell, Waverly, 90-3eod Fronts
Horse for, sale, Five sears old. Weighs Wi
1350 Ibs. Color, bay. - Wood, H
Maple street,
Lease ever printed in Bradlord
sso Vest Pocket and Deak .
Books; and a variety of Legal Blanks
Justices and Constables.
A good girl for general housework,
Liberal wages. 204 S. Wilber Ave,
Sayre. 101-1w*
‘Help ‘Wanted.
Wanted — Husky boy of 16 or 186, with
the rudiments of edacation and an
ant supply of hustle, to learn the prints
trade. Apply in the morning to
Valley Record. :
Wanted —Cashicr, best references Ji
quired, no other need apply.
B., Postoflice, =
Girl wanted for general b
family of two. Eaquire of Dr. B
Williams, Sayre, 102-2
The D8. Andrus Orchattss
tees satisfaction at conoerts,
parties, ete. Prices reasonable,
order at D. 8B. Andrus Musle Btors,
Desmond street, or see J. J, E
MeN Kast strech, Say%,
Advertis: in The Record;