.i i .40 4-I : l ),lrik*-- Alm - TjAtaripolht. "tre 19 - 2 0* : ' . ..everal , iK* - higs' 4l.4° i 1 tittet . •.the - Ina ,e' tlie tyri,toi / itipt' the ~_ 4 ,_„......• ' Pert r. Arii M., ir r.1,,, , .,,, ar % e.:.,.. , ,. r ._lgige: rfi twiner es to. , • . "of t it " Ur vim - . this' , ~.. • spoti; be, abet& to see .. :•,,, - eet. rTo etitt-: kyou'or ." , ths het; we. -ty ll ask ' one ilourrigliVere,-and look steadily ItT the ta your-right, m here represented: , ' EIES3 — ,v, ssi ICE •.: .;•••,141°1.4 : the fournal from* twelsire' to Aileen - T., inebes.:_from your. face,heeping - 'your, eye, '-*- .$ ' Tilil9 , '. - .:.offixed, upon the dot ;- bringi, the r slowly •nearer your eye, when you Will ' ' 11 dat a'rerhain distance—about six or seven . 7-, joeNes from the eye—that the left !frit will _ entirely disappear; `.but as; you bring the ••• ' . 'paper nearer, to you, or earm.; It further otr,, it' ' will become inhtatitly visible again. - • - • • • xt. hastitieiifound experlineutally, that thee reason of this blitidne&c i$ the image in, the 1 emple• given, falls ,directly upon the spot where the optic nei*o enters_ the,,eye f and this point being ”blinil,'?•tio image is formed - . there. `The- optic nerve Is, , eonsldered. by. ,= most people; to be the ! ! ,gat of viston, : whereas . it-is only 7 nsC4 in: transwitting.a-knowledge . . of wha • o• - has been , plristpgraphpil , upm the , ;,. brain,. sv_here the nil ntif- take 4 cognizance 'Of it, and We are isild.to eiee; : -. 7 .Biefoury. - , , . . • ' ' arkatict CofTEE.-1--,CV. fatly: being irepar- . ~... .- Ma tar in having. the". pollee -• forr.hre ,t fast - me.ile flit' particular WaY' - eitengtiging new •- ~ •--- : Irish ;i3ervatit e vave her tf-lesS9l 2 - - • -•--- ' -' . • - "Noni,:, then;': f‘ilid,:tile , . lieiy, ~Itorir the ' . ' . ground eollt , e,in to ' the pot, then: Pour itt the, .. hot water, and, after - a few minutes, boiling;, - 1'..., --•-putin eiii - hitlf of All: egg- - --f. 0," and the lady ~,., ,- eitieldatittlkimeh 'demonstration by illustra 21t- lion: ”YoU understand, .don't ;you?" - slid •• . . • '-'lnda.cit4. do; mum," was the re_spouse.— • —" .- '-!Ilite: qui., cot Tee, •grind - in - the water, and -i,dtirapitilAtie.'hidf a t i , g.g. Isn't that it, ~, imulti?'!l •.- - ' • ''All right,”. replied the lady. "To-nor- - `.., "--* row morning we wilbsee how well you can • •- remember.?' . .---.-- • . . _ .. . ... ,• ''' • -, .'ro-ntiirtOw.. inerning etune, and the mine • •WO us good as could be extveted. ' The third ',.,•, morning came: aiiitte :the -atitouishment of P.,- . -.the 'wife ' the cofriv.„,was, undrinkable anti '• , .-.:4 7 --Ati.tiseating - : eveti . :the•-.' Oder .yzif it, waS Sick en ,1"......114...• -Bridget was, callcil7iind -questioned es - . , - ,il'-- lokltiws: , ' .1: -. •.. . -.. .. , -.;• - . *-; 'I • t'..iiridget; - * did .yciu . Ark, put the- ground !•• 7 . ectiVe Into the Pot?" '-• : ....• ~ 1..-7.”lntlatle I did, mum:'.' l • •'"- •-i-i ' "Did -van - then i2ut in the botwater?" -- '•;"' ___.. `vire I - did?' . . - • ' long,did'yottlet it toil'" ; i .1 minutes; mum." . . . tat ditkyou then?" • ~. \t in the egg, -nium. l ' ' ' . aii Ishowtsi youthe Miter mottling ?" 1, to tell :the thrash, - mute,' says lirl'ilitet; giving her garment a ',twitch -with her - braway'•hand, "to tell the thrall.; I. would not put _,in the -luilf :. or' the eggr as ye towiti me, for the egg was a bail one. and •I thought ye -wovidn't Want" to kape the half of it, ;so,' &lipped the crather as it was.'." '• • . • tst: FUR , BALLoil,ss,.. , --Mr. Fergntott of, '7 - E.-Front streeti•goes home r rusk for the fortieth time, arid. his wife holds up, her bands with I.s:lvexation and indignation. "Don't P.:tier word, 'Liza (Idol—dim' sa'ef word! gain' to buy a :balloon thie), • b'foon." : . _ ~' ~'~: r "What on earth are you going: to buy a J balloon Fermi. Sou!" • "I'll ttll you (hie)'Liza. Yisee they've gos3, o lnany• (hie), got s'many ' Mal shops 'long Chestnut street, a feller esn',t net home . without gettin' , Ortink3 , " I ran got "lvay:wlth• balloon (hie'', you I;10. YOU t.su ehtne.l44 , « the stare au"rdaw - ItFittr, au,";(llic)—afri then en tror_'t have to blow-nto-dp." • if nu: meatre.4 4- reamt fOrAtetting, married thit't •N17.11.:4 over 11" Ar WtlS% f rout a Mani • „tialtivantc tl clte.to• hair aim. • . • TIEls a fool Who iingine:4 - vale chief . power of wealth is to supply ydot4 - : In .Mhety-nine cases one hundr it it 4 ; :l'ateS "Mote wantS moult . :• "As Art: are one said a witt. : brute to his wife. "when I (Seat.. yoa,•l heat' half of 'Of." "yVell,"said the wife: "then...heat ye:Ur - sown half ; not mine." „ -t, Iv Vol: beeenniisttrety at a pollee 'court' fot. the ireappearanee why are. Ton like , tits most' exitiattrdinafy.:_ass: that ever Ikvco - .Because:s94.:rac3 , ..the - - part tir don „key :to bail `lVFtc should painters. , never.allow yen :g.o into their, studios'? Because cif 'them casks tthelneaSelS) 'which are there. Wily is it not - extraordinary; to find a painter's studio as hot as' an oven? ~cause it.„i's there he.rnakes his bread. Gil ittiitniab Abuertisnnent9. p4/LADELPILIA &.itEAopING It. R ' WENTEIR. Aitit.2IIS9E3MINT: I'dOnd :IV. Nov. •.":4-1-t-,1.1370.' Great Trrelsle I tw from the Noith and Northwest for /*hilattelph in, Sc' i'otts • vale, Tamaqua. dsldared 'n-vow:art, Lebo- IPyrig, Allehtown.l:astoot. Ephrata,. . IleltAt,r, , . •-•1 Maas leave llarrishhr,e for 'New fOIIoWS At 3.10, S:10, 1 / 1 141 10:k A: :Ma P. NI., connect lug with anallar,f mins nay lvania Railroad , and arriving_...New Yolk trt I'l.lo A. M., 3.5 , 1, r..,50 and 10.4k' P. 31;.`expeetiVely. , sleeping cars ageoui, puny 11,4, 03 A. 31-4 min wit heat change. .Returniinc: Leav o r New York .1 11.1 k) A. 11., notm,and 5,00 P. '3ll-, Phfladelphi. , at hi; A. 31. anu." _Sleeeitag ears accomplaw s.ar train from New -York without Chair,-. . L*.ove Ilarriateum for Reading„ Tama :diner villa, Ashiand„Slianiolelii„ Allentown and Philadelphia. at 31...2.50 and WS P. 31., • stopping at I.tbannta and principal the 4445 I' 31. train connevemg for l'hihea. Okla, l'ottsville and Columbia .uqniv. For Pott•viiic, st:ltuyl,l[lll liave oat Autorna, via Schuylkill and susqueladana s • droad, leave • Ilarrialfurg, at M.' - - - - East Pennsylv ohs Railroad Tralne leme Readitte forAilentowee, If. don and New 'Yuri - . it. 7,..00, 10.:31/ n. tn., 1:1,45 noon. Rea 4:,; m. Ret urn ing. leave New. •Ynrit .at Vont. - m.„,12.00;it00n; aria 5.014 p. m., and :;"F•' lentown 7.1./eta. 12.23, 110011.'25,, 4. 11.) and p. la. . Vay Iso.senger Train leaver Ile fulelphla 31., connecting wine t on East Perm: Balintad, returning from Readlnk !dep. - ' ping at all gentians. • • 4• Leave Ilottsvklie at 9.00 N. .31; and - Ala-P. .11. Rerselon 10.17 A. 31.-.Sdia molt tt ,, and 11.ela A. 31„, Ashland jai -11:06 A. 11„.atid 12.5) -1100i_4 Multettley City, A. 31. alai 1.r.-1 P. 31., l'anniqua at • \ A. and 2.40 fOr • Finiadetl Liz, N. Yost. Reading, iharrlsburg, Sze. Leave coihs - vitte, Yla sell nyll - Zlll and sex:lnt.:l.)nm. Railroad at 5.13 :1: .11, for ilarrealinig. and noon for Pla...pove and Tremont. . • - R s eading Acontrimealation Train, lemzen Pot .-r..2r.3l..pasi , es Eteaddig nt 31., arriving t.t lithttlf , lphitt-rtt 10.... V A. M.; returning: l'hilz..- delPtilo.at 1.47, I'. 11... - pas. Ileading at ex; rir tug :it /pet:wine cat 9.18 P. - 31. • Paptatown Avemaithodat ion - Train leaves Pott x town at :JO A. M.; returning -eaves „Philadelphia at 4.01 J rolgrohla it.rdlroad trains leave Reading' at 7 .20 A. • Ikl: 34.1,4„EphraL1,,141.E., Leuraider..Co• - ; . „earlaiehaen EtaVinatat) trains leav¢Perk omeli v'• tixWer• 9.04 A. M.; &Mond 5,M P. M.* return lag, leale. - --41atrenksvIlle at 110, e.13.1'..E.31.,12.1i1l toxin, and • 31., connecting wilia m his trains on Iteaditrg Rat:road.. '• • ' - • VolebrooltdrileVattroffik trains leave Poltatown . P. 40 A. Id., and - 0.2.0P.-,31, returning leave Mt.:Plc a .. ant at 7.9.1 and 11. A:3,1 eflutuegtletil w/tet Staniar trains op Readlng Railroad . ' Chester Valley Railroad traltaleave Bridge a • 9.31 A., 2.ntiand &In P. M.; reltarning. leave was. • ' Ingtown at 8.25 A. 31., 12:15 noon And.i.l3 P.. 31 :can. • necttra with utilartrains on Reading Itall 1.. : Leave New York at&V , U P..,-rnit-• d.opitia.b.zl A.. 31. and &ESP. M., the- allele train ' in nri.togtaily•to 'Reading,' leave kottav ale at &WA. M., leave Rurrisburg at 4,10 A. M. and 4.03 . P. lwive, Allentown .r.t.5.45. arid FJetaling at - 7.1324..31. -and 10.05 I'. 35..tur ItarriaLurg,al.- &CO for. ',New. 2 orle, sit 9,toAe,-21. ' Cohramulatlon. , 3Lileage, !klaxon, School raid Exeter.' b 1 ,n teif eta bound foam n.ll- bats, at rccinectter.tra Baggage checked ; IOG - pounds ailovit4 .--- • • A. NPLX:O4I...S; . N0v.;.1.22n.1.Jen .114;134.1a1 General fitigettntenden LOU'I, VALLS): 881/..110AD COWY:' --, , - , . • ~ Tlniel'Able, firovinetionnetqlotti of .1,ke1... V.A11. , . • IJ. Co. with "t . 'ilioi*ArrAlte.rblia.*ltoultur, R.R.X:ii. . W wad .frunaysitsvltte and , itqerpletliate 1:" . . , 4}tite,,. - - wermlit,9allins'end.rplinvrael ".. . , A. It.. A N.' J"TU. - '• ' -Leave Pottinte:-.1:..-.---....—_ , , .F . ,;( 1 i ...I,toZ/ .t.u.b .. ; .... '- r...suli g...:::::,' —..-...,......—.4 .;;;; itt.;:s • 4.14 . kJ:stiletto= 1 unction:., ... ....4. F.'....1; 114?-. s.„ltt ~ Aritrt ut.Magt.bn.. .--,..........„. 1 N.l 7i 1'2.44 , 4.34. :• . - + .I.' , ' - r Inv York • ....;.--..-:--._ nazt 4.4 % 19.a0 ''.' • ' --••• ' - - 11E - ruin:llo. .. ,:- - -' . • - , , • ,1 : . . ...: • . .. ',.. 4 . , maw, p0...w.ka.:,1: -n . -.." '. . ..., , t. - '.lEigatiluit..; ' • 5.47, 1 , 10.0 . 74:11, 6 4.21 4 . 1 ... • • ft; 244 P. Y. .;yor .11Areal 'CatNE. and. iutermelaate p9lntig leave Pattavlie;A4o and 0.0 A.lit.nrd 2,47! ar • riye•at - MauthAlltbk P. -q# P. M. • • - - - Itetcrituniptelere Ifaach (iniunt - :4.-.la and 1110131% irr-resert-Puttarttte, Li.lband 14; FaCall - potnta In the Lehigh Cod Rog,Watba_24. for . • • T....qcszada, Waverly and Sutra A ° leave' P:vint , . -11.0111.11T11 - -!. Saperintendent 4 §eiblefamil. Dec. W. '6) . • : "_:;-7,1,4/!• T 1 the NDIA2ir- POWDER. c 4;:f4a aboYe POWIA:Itcan de ien-ittgikkatlice. Centre Street. with 11013131T.H. B.b.*=. - 41r•vIth 'WALLACE P. liYolti,- tfr -Esq.; la - tberle d vaiitz Ilatkigukt., 11.11310,11 ipArcuripily• to. Co. 'TLIONAJI- t4ag k: '"'" • . • Ate: _ . slx -.pig I=4l—._ . %L.-v.6%2;1r- - FOIE . t; ;r i:F y ' - - 41.C110;(-4..-11 . •. ,cats irk? :S2IV- , , e • 'hag 1,-._ _ _ ___.__,___-.., thebeiglizaW : Fir I 'hie i t iVo ft r il, =VI II $ ii:4:41.,i -., ..' icsintir: - - , *-- -'• Oft _. _.'" __„.•_. - 1,• 4 ' -'-..,___, 't --: Ob.: it bar wrest advantages M, 0 4 , - _ •:, and hriagleg biminalaiir mite. '•:__:,.l 514, TheMortipig• ls.only $ - wntsa .; i...laany n o t their toads are 7 I-6 doable this. -- cis The ruedis p - iinellaily nano! by bankeri(sis 7 •-, i other capisalists:wbolavii Invested a lane - -- sons in lisemistruetion. and wbo pare every . ' t Imlaan to care of its oWpasamt. ''t ..th . ;A Find Mortgage form smallest amount, upon . •- , aroatae neiir we emp= 6ed and4=i t ttrzt - , seesuity. ". - - ' • .- • Wobeiteve there will be no more favorable time s t . ii self tbe ilinAcrimentik a si nt b really br esi ty ,...tha th lri-chur . n a " With any t further decline in. Gold, Gorernments mustdne also stil,criptions will be received in rOTTFIVILLY., by ' 1 ...... 1 V. i. P.: WHITNEY, Ewa:, Pl' whom i)arnWentpaid MI Information may be had: W, It. SIIATIIICI, 7reasurer.32 Pine At., New Volt After a full examinatiaa;• we have accepted an Agency for the Sale °Onto aibove First Stertgage bomb, end desire to recommend them to our cua tamient as (a,t4orough4i safe, as weit i as a prvistabie iniwameat. ,„, JAY cow= a; co., 20 Wall St., N. Y. , Oat 22,nX4.0^Sat U, I ,;„2O I s•A.ND Imam,. L. BOUGHV, SOLD . AND EXCHANGED, - 'ON MUST .111301§;41.BLE TERNS. G.O LD . r Bought :and ~Sehl at Market • Bates.. . • cotion#4cA4lo). - • PACIFIC , , RAILROAD . BONDS • -B P UI g i F LT AND SOLD.: STOCKS,.BOUGHT. AND SOLD oN • • - • Accounts received gird .interest c‘111:1 on dopy. trues subject to ohee., UMW. . ;IP :N:ERViiilEiteet RO;: No. 49 S. T/1111.6 .ST„ PRlLADEiliiik*, , Ilirch M. '7O , Sron Perks. SEt Haehinista, Foundeis & Car Builders. - ''' : '''Pipegrove. Schuylkill County. Pa. . , ira- Dm RANT) Prez east an end; and self-oiling Drift Car Wheels a speciality. - Ang• 13,..!.74)-3&6m• . - GLOTTONSTER IRON 'WORKS. GLONCrES - Tr, ,CITY. N. .T.—Ostricsci.No. 8, North Sev enth St , crestPHILAZiVeIfIA, ninnuriteturer• of CASit IRON GAS arid WATER PIPES. east Iron FlltiAtt , Pumping, Heath and. Steam PipP.A, Stop Valves for uter or Gas, all g _ sizes.- Flre (Plugs) I " drant s, Lamp Posts. Gas Holders v lelescople or Sin gle.' tCuSt2pgs and Wrought Irotk.Work, of all kinds, for Works. All Pipes mwed by Hydrostatic • l'ressu re. . 70.:18-ly T.norimpli CAR 'WORKS JOSEPHDELA,NEY. Paortiirou Ashland, Sch - uylkill (Unary, Pa. .. ' . ll:tying enlaiged hie Car shop, Is, new,prepsied to bond all kinds of Curs for intritiretiposes. Beluga pravtifol mechanic and !lac for e:trsAlivrited:himhelf entire! to this branch (if the'huslnesa.andbu (ding . .1 , 49; —• ( - I tAL 'BREAKERS. A Is% the patentee -,-. -•'-,.,.. of two celebrated Self-Dutnping Cars. . 1 . .., !. 1 4Z , w fit cli CHU :be seen working at the works of Messrs. ii liniterii , t, I..ewbi 6: Co., and Patt mon, Eli ringbolt:it & V:.'. fYs land, -and . tit lilessrs. .A. Moodie it Co.. Prl„.iton C 011terles. GI rarilvtlle. 'oal xßreakers built at t•ltorn:i.t. notice. Orders t olicßed. • • Al - 431 2, "At—li-I}• Q. JO:it:PH I )Ef.it NEY ------ . . ... . CIIENANDOAH IRON W. 011813 ,-, Ti! ~ntaieriber is now prepared to build Steam Enatines, Pumps, Coal lireakenr, and . Drift Cars. All kinds of castings and .' fi.nr,lne;..k made to anter. Espeelal . attem- to Alm ruannfactare of Car 'l : l6 ll §t izzl e." , wheels. • • CATIIER. Shanandoall City, Jan. 1, ‘7O-1 e T'OUNDBY AND MACSINE SUOP, STEAK CAR FACTO/IY. &C. The subscriber would call attention to the stuperior facilities possessed by. ' 41X; him fur the various brandies of Steam I'• - • •••--.- Euf,,iine. Iron Founding, and' i, 4 ' = *i: ll 4 the manufactitring of ail kinds of ma- a chine** for Itolllng Mills, Blast Farnaces, Railroad Cars, &e.; Ile will also. continue the business of mining and selling the celebrated Pine Forest White Ash Coal, being the sole-proprietor of this colliery. sep. I; 'O3-17lyd Jan.l, 'Ow GEO. W. SNYDER. poTTEMILLE BOLLING MILL; ATKINS BROTHERS, Puoraterorts, Pottsville, fielnlYrUdit County. Pa.. e ) : Mann faeturers o4,RailrottAlrontbdtli ti T and Street Hailsffilte - prePared to re. ell, mire and exectil eordersat shortztetice, khr9.l-- for any and all the onlinary sizes In use. Making our own pig metal; we are careful to select suitable ores; buyerit.aan iherefore tidy upon -rme.iving in all casestirst arise rails.' The, smaller sizes of T 2(4, T.; and 40 pounds to • llM.yard, always on hand, pd supplied in small lots as wanted. Jan. E TO COAL 01!EltAT088 AND MINEB43, BOILER WORKS. The se bscrlbera respectfully invite tithe attention cf. the bUstrima comma- nay to their Wile/Works; on Railroad .. •- ,bt.. below the Prowenger DepM s Potts- • 111 e, where they-are prepared to man .ufaeture . - BOILERS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, - Smoke start:l4 Air Stacks. Blast Pipes, Gationieters Drift C.rs.'itc.; de. Bonen; on hand. Being practical mechanics, mid having for years. (I ot theinselVes entirelylo this branch of the busitie,ss. tiatterthemselvos4Lat work done at their establishment will give satisfaction to all who may favor them withlicaltAndividuals and-Companies will find it gneatly.tolt-advantage? to examine their work before elsewhere..:•-_. - ' ' -JOHN T. 'NOBLE ii."'MATHEW 'RHODA. Jan. I, '7O-4 ORCELAAD IRO ; WOlllO3. - The subscriberatire prepared to tar, 'rash sTEA'II F.-W.114E8 and all kinds of MACHINEitY and CASTINGd for 4.1 , •••••: mine q Mast Furnaces and Rolling Ming, and have a full assortment of the • • -• • most approVed patterns for VERTICkIi.HOLI.ING MILL ENGiNai,S(ZUEEZEII:3,I4IIEA Its, PUNCH IN and all other Mach Mery required In tholitanutheture of Railroad Iron and }LISS. The following Steam Engines are now on hand and ready for delivery: . • • 1 Eng'e ryl,4diust'ke2 Eng . * Inn cyl.IS i lu ". • " . 1. 054!•- •' 1...14 " :24" " ~" " .. 1 , 46 I: , 24 . 12 414 n CH, 66 G. IC 44 The above Engine small new, and built upon .the moat approved prlnclphs, and can be seen at the irtsrlte of the dulnerlbers. AlailkiSfliltagnartment. or Pickering & Davis` Stearn .Enalise .414: -- rfti:Lors on baini,Witleh have given id:lvey:in' angsfaetton. P_OTT.aya.sr.lNE. WABdinfif ,s =4".7lfAiPt\pllB.B. NOTICE.--The .inie&itior the late firm of Wren et Mother, known es the . - "WAISIIIINUTON utopi ik wunKs; , IrpotStsion coal streat.la the • ~.. - 11c,,i•ough f Pottaslller IttU bessmttre• rr ale ts..\l by th subscriber in ad lts . • , 4 - ...- .•.7.:-• - : kir.encites, 9t: Sicam East:left:lN ....: Id all •kinds of machinery for mining ...--- _ - chi:: r ck•ai or ore i blist beenadinf hot'or • • i - ""-- ;,' • al i kinds GC raitroadcastingsandraliroad • _E.,.......• • , - off wrou - 7 and east Iron; all latfids'of • - 7. - r. , ..c. . ...; rUI kinds t f staithworai eind all stuitof the latest • `pros f :PP:, silialeandsloublesieting. 11,10:1ible 1 prompt yiatter.tiottear ee s , ,esswate •- -,, By careful - atteathat try_ es-the an - lei t: too he trill rcetrlYca AIC- Wile Putlentill -.so 111.erakly.lxatolre tad Jan.. I. il.--1- ..,,._ .„ _ _ -,..,:, , ,:;JA11111 WILES. : 1 , . • -AfittLltillt../.llo2l.W.ChlaCil. '• 1 , The subperibers a:sager folly. pre- • , • •vrcombat. to At the I , o l s Thin tat a k,.. ti...t,LF...e........d_ min.. .... s . or nnypo , and .-csliarlilf - mill' -'••• es -.-- lug • anU tlist.ParPtseu uootl Lre".lt• .1".:*"` 'yrs id "whilkand patters noir an we, to . peg:soul alattogsaad Wrensor-Airert-dollerlP don.- - and- Drift ears of all sixes and patteres,;: largo:Tract and, Horse_ Cars, all larillshedat the thorteat notice. The sotaeribers ratter theabelves quit. , inasmuch as every member ef the Ann b a .pmetteal- mechanic, they will be obierto furnish machinery that Will compare brambly with say In the itegion. -All orders d ire cted toJ. a 11., Ow Asliland.,Sehuyb.U.ltkanty.Pa, will receive wompt tittetition. J. li. G.A.8.A.3. .. Ashland; Jan. 1,':0-1• . . . EAGLE IRON 'WORKS. • - 13111613 lIENTLY WALTr.IM Preprietar, TAIII[MarA, BCIICTLICILL 001:11MT,.PA. 'Having enlarged his foundlland elitntishop, at the kMale Iron Walks, A : Tamaqua, and • thus very material • , 1i enn etdtBeirespaettlyYfortaraingrait • r " work in lo* line or business. he LII LOW pr. : Tonal ta mate Steam Enginei and Pumps , any Pawa.r and amity. - for mines' Machinery. roc ' nrmwera 'bairn* 'and other mills, and for Eno nacm.; utilize:4 of maths and foranga,de..„ Sa An capmicnee of many years in the buMnom.wlth the,facitlties which Abele works now portima, enable thetletor to turn out the very bee - t and the most "aitthoty work. • • AU ot*MwM. reseedto EMS= WALTERS, Eagle iroWNVorkik,Mmtqmo, Schwylkyl County. Pa.. will raPatCnAirtiOniCatZentlatii., -Jane .. _ . .rrifial l ALTO;niCat 3VIORICS* ... '. 1 '... -.- Arriariacrod• 10. funilabi'7.ll.llAßOAD IROIT-'0 LOU* (tor& 20 to 1 1 )10011t141 - 4er"Far , d-SnWET-1 •-.11A11.4-intriaL is pounds:per Tort..-- - 1 t4l star *Siam' Jor"Jawrie ears or WO. - 1 l .w , 'atativas. - All. thaw - tans err -of • the n 4-: •i;- - .. - - - , .1 iriATEKT AND ANlOSTl.Apritaimp - EE _ _ - - -..trrFAlNs.;-„ AiseN, a wawa .. - • - 1 _ 8a i=sad • .!•-• . :Trrr ~ - , ---- 4 - AN_ : D - r tbe lea: bessalirrar • 1- am , nak:alitaatlar T - trai-...4 1 P 0 Zalr -° C :Ws, -..11a- ~i~T heirs 19).*: 5 t0004 . '' 'l' EMI i!t ?Eft. At On , 2ro,Zi (pAirrno - wr. LarA. -onreglaniPtrect. I • u aysztsrvrzur Is CO.. ALA. , St: CCESSoIiA TO Jo= 11.. mizus.m. Manufacturer of Coal Screens, of .the Latest and Most Approeed isereiso-bandsereens and segmenta always ocoluu'i& maapecttlttly relict t -a continuance she pal" , ..tonage boreal:prase lx?towed. L. LAU tifilkitiTEl34. 00.. , • - P.ititrotal St. rear ot: Eaterly's liartlirare Store. -Jan 1. • • • • • - Pottsville „Pa SQUARE ROD AND WIDE SOBIDNII. • J. LAT_TIIgNSTETiI; •• • 31...LItrfACTI.71iliii OF SQUARE ROD AID WIRE SCREENS. rATEN - rEp F.EtCq , i7ARY j, tat . MINERSIVILLE, SCHUYLKILL Co.. PA. The SQUARE ROD SCREE:is, on acootint of 'their superior strength uud durability, are preferred to nu others wherever tried. .gcreen Bouts, /ill sizes siz, ways km hand. Orders prtimptly.ll lied at moderate prices. - . May LADIES' FA.NCY FURS . : : • •*, - . JOHN FAREIRA 71a ARCH tancer. • Middle of the block, het ween 7th and gtit vireets;tiouth - side. Pit I-LADELPHIA. c• . Importer; Slastaseturve and Dealer hi all kinds nud quality of FANCY , g a , Z . I FURS for . Ladies and Childrens' /LA Wear. Ilavlnft enlarged remodeled and improved my old and favorably ..= known Flit EMPORIUM. and hay - hut imported a very large andsplen dld assortment of ail the different kinds of fr'ttra from first hands In - ,Eurdpet and have had them mtule . up by the mos.lt skillful workmen I would re spectfully invite my friends of Schuylkill and adja cent Counties:, to call and .examine my very= and beautiful as.sortment of Fancy Furs t for and Children .'- 1 amdetermin e dto sell at as lint prices as any other respeetahte House in Alt Furs warranted. Nu mi.ret,resentations tdellect. saleS . JOHN FAILEIRA, 12,"70-46-eow-3m 71WArchatmet, nal& 820. FOBS. . • .. JOHN A. STAMBACH & C 0 . .- , . . 4 ' .- . ' • ' 4 : - ' - 82(3' Arph Street.- ri ,. .L:.„... . XANFFACTUILER OF . hs-- 3, '--.LADIES ' FANCY FURS. . i Consisting of ItusSlan Sable. 'Hudson Ray Sable. Utak. Sable, itoyalSruilne, Urebe, Seal. Astraeans, Squirrel, Fitch, 4tec..Childretes Settx.. ' • . i Gentlemen's Ci.disus and .Gloves, Carriage and Sleigh Robes. The latest styles at lowest prices. • • MI Furs guaranteed as represented. _ - . . JOHN A. STA3MACII & CO. - ... • , -82 i .4reh Street; s doors below Ninth, aoutl,!..** .1 PHILADELPHIA - 4 ". ' ' • Nov. - il, ":0 .. ir.-3ra . * FALL AND WINTER DEY Goops. .Desire to erill xttenti ment of . Coughsttrig o: the '1 Foreign & Bi-iCK .&'.1•' , 71) COLO 1 -44 ' . ' We alsoleall'attent Which is very large. • d selected with the utmost , care for this market. We do not consider it neces sary to enumerate w at We have, but everything in a erst-class Dry and Grocery Store, can be had at our establishmeu April 17,'88 , .ctinisT.TvrAs.• • 1870 1870. WINDOW RICH DRAPERIES. FLONVI N irEAVY • CLTIITAINS, dAMBIIE9triNS,WITHI . , St.TITAIILE LACE s!IIRTAINS, 4 " - AND EXCE, SHADLS • TAPESTRY; TABLE AND• PIANO COVERB.:.- trentiol is Incepted t - 1 the above for Hol, = ! • Presents. . • . • L. E. WM, It:WEN, • MASONIC HALT., No. 710 CHEST !WT STREET, 11ny 7.'70. 19-ly BE El gables' bro. FOX S, BROTHER, rOTTSTILLE. S7O CENT:D'E v to tatelr,exteuslve asuu)rt. ND:WINTER 17111 G•Q 0 D,S DRY eNt stylea of tbei I ,•n - lestiC s t1 , V41 T COLLECTIONS -t. INCLUDIwa A MEMO BROIDERS 8, LAcrs AND E. LIY INS. (IDOLS and DOIIESTICS, CUB MEEME GLOWS OF ALE'zfill'ilAS ‘ite =., snA F ALL RINDS. FM n to onr fytocs Of QITEF.NSWAItt GMWERIEF:! . . - I , - ntt• CLLAEII3 A. DANA. Editor Zhe. Artritig A Xeinpaper of &Present Tutu .. - ' ' tateadell tar People IC aw - 449 tarall. IzatadinSF Aiwa. XeclaaaX Maretants,Praftlitail, ma . woken'. mow" aQt an Wainer of nonce% rallo4 awl taa W140. - 1114at. aza Ilanhters of all rac O"LY F L A lL ic •. .1,7_- AY E . I , I 1 ; . - • O. COPIES PO& WS ! . t Or lei Map ,Qmpiataipmy. Let tbara be_a sae C 2* • __-. , . at every Pat Crr,=. - . I • El N 4 hit - ve pima .. which unlade' . ....at ..rem --- - Pilate. 'natal" AMAMI_ Merit ex%enta lida an England; la .. :aidiftred-thatafcat pita us and la nowestecuthotbrultedltralithetnast edges:lea in England. Tor aide 'wholesale and tail The CLAV ilr- PLIM: the I.IANT , tail safety g.plaV_Ail thit,lnoil aaPpterced ~__,,,,- 1 made of •pe , -I,retretittuaeht WM: lir rorgh Theme - Ltanga are adficannatactitred..ta attO. -order, and we use none but gar= Of illaprkt. le robed by the Elogibatrtiovermuent forasefetT . .-' - '.• \ L OOM= corißtantiy on hand.- to aditialn any ipatEM ral toe, so that we ran t.upple f pentane to replacehat have been scorn out. Qua", lar saleby alai A• or pleescariaoletale ortetall. , ..--,- • - /WM - % - ', itANNAN .t. 11.alalla ;Ilia centre street. PottSrine:Ptii.,;,,, A ,LL GO(?/ . )C411INT4T 0P.G4 1 11.T.E41.019E81 CLARKE'S REW r jaTiioD : Phik:c. R E-E-13 =Q R,G,'-Aza . 11. the boo aid mitt popul poodatied fizi• dim.? tatosite ivottaitonti. 'Peteetls. bent to any addreti-postrola c rs pot Of MUM. - ";-L - • °faith. PfiS ON- &tn.: - ; • Boson. tr. Drisox & co. EMI oast..nor r>slt sass. M ju l t ‘ iael %Lai, to fife lotli01=010"2/1." Ami_Rogioos of room% 101111m6.- Dumpy foopoots testa OthorallOlM I l e' - the lon swi JllO. wi s th h° localloo otaltwot Wall - 03 .4 Allr.Pe , lerA- Interne for ft .fotorol..— BM 1116111 Fu 3 sr m gairitii c . 0.. ---- ' 6.*iiceiliiiikasiorwatimit...nail .- -A t atad tionigivmdfit4filiotowt..4-zus-, 1 -,,,ifforkairmia . Toar - 4 -. 3* anklaral la mark at realawatorrprfara; - • . 57. , . ~ *, . _.s . IWarro. *Da turn tta4Abd latioo modixao, prima raaritisarlair : .; -X Wye mock of feral on Nal" - made io onits. vourfta....L, .. M Illratir IXIBee Faraltara for 1 -101 "ai rt.M4 0 .117-STATM. * L.scxrr r M , Yob- 120% - . 4 „-,« . -, , ,.- , 1-•-•.-- ' 7-1/ WIWIIMAIEII*f _ 017A.ILD5.fOrtnOrli :iitan% Crimped wire OWN , C= l1 11 ofeh .r. YU6iefta i ` — ealliii ^ Heavy Semen • .ClotballS4Bofeelli. Wire wabbing for Edney and noadiffluraa e Para 'Wakens' IV Irm Ems and trOsClini*Ootb Mersa Palatal Scream Ornament- Virldelcork: Every innainatlon b." addressing the taanulacturens, WALKER d SONS. . ;Ha it North Bth street, Philadelphia. Feb I% '7O • D pin= • • • FURNITURE WARERCIOMS,e - S3Saud teas &path Seamed Street,' • PUILADELFIELL. - The undersigned having greatly fru:leased facilities In the additlim of the large four story buddlitS ad joining his former place of Easiness. offers great In elocementardaU purchasers of turn to give him a ca 11... lie Is oeirlident of being able to please all who may War hint with their custom. and his ens perforce of twenty years in business is reguaranteri of his ability to turn out the best of work. lie , rile. squally supervise* his large workshops. and any az' Ude not on band wUtbe nude toordet at the lowest terms. A largo stock of all kinds et FURNITURE -.constantly on hand. . D. IL KARCRER -• Sept% 'fa • 7.lydw • 40 9 000 GUARAATEE. - • BUCK LEAD exceils all other Lead ! • . lst.. For its Unrivaled Whiteness. _ ' M. For its Unequaled Durability. • , ild. For its Unsurpassed Covering PropertY. Lastly furies Econonly. It costs less to paint with Buck Lead than any other White Lead extant, The same webght covers More Bureme, is more Durable, aid makes Whiter Work. • - - - . BUCK LEAD lathe. Cheapest and .Best. • $lO,OOO GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Excels all other Zings. i. • Ist. for its Unequaled Durability. • . • 1- id. For its Unrivaled Whiteness. . .. 3d. For IC/Unsurpassed Coveritty. Propeity. .. • _ Lastly, for its [heat Economy. --- `• being the Cheapest Handsomest, and most Durahle White Paint in the world. , 1, . , IEITTY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK • .ZINC; * . ~ r Tr' 'IT AND BE CONVINCED. . iVaitifiveuinguarankeci by the Maiiufarturers 1 - BUCK COTTAGE . COLORS, I , Prepared expressly for painting k3o . Out-buildings of every description , Teri laic; , Thhtlrtrave different co!orn. Inindde, Chespi,, Uutform and Beantithl tsluutes. ' . , Mende cards sent by mall It tlestred. • tu Theders• Orders x 111 be - promptly executed by OA . manufacrers. . ... . . STMVCIT;JtICHARDSt & CO`'.g V; cor. Tenth and ldarkerl7treets, eniladel 04 7 , 4111 V. '79 . -, - . ly - I nIIESS GOODS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ON 310NDAY, , DECEMBER 5, WE SHALL AItRA:SGE, SPE I GJAIJ COUNTERS; kiiMNSE PURCHASE New. York Importers, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS - Tremendous Bargains •• • A FEW QUOTATIONS : Striped Satins In Chintz Coors, at 2 6 , eo.st &Net' We- to import. • One Owe All-wool French 3ferlaoes. at OM One Casa All-wool trench Merit:loM at We.. One Case Plain Solid Color Satin Cloths, allochs wide, at 511,4 e.. Sple*hl Quality Heavy Satineo, very hand somer fciiStdts. Janus Clo#4,4kidark Cloth colors, for Suits c iLe; . "Silitt*aSit Poplins, In mixed Mirk. colon, QC: : • Best In Chintz C01ar5,37,.. Two cases of very handsomesoft finish All-wool Cords, 30 inches wide. for Sults, at centl. These goods are worth VA , . - . . HOMER, - OLLADAY & CO 1441,,at0i 1411- „Chestnut Street, EZ3 - Oct D.. ';C-1.4-31a POTTSTOWN, MONTGOMERY COGNTY, PA. English, ttaidesi;t3clenUtic. Artistic and Commer cial. Location admirable. Twentieth Annual SI stOn. 'Thorough preparation for College or Beninese. For ctieetlars address_ Ray. CIF.O. F. ItlLT•rtt, A. 11., linetitturcue—ltecs. Jos. bldg.% &harper, Math. Knuth, 0121111, Sutter; &e. lions...lntice Ludlow , • Meyers, S. Yost, B. W. 'Moyer. M. Ruud Thayer, etc. - July LI. • ATZ3IERAL I A.L SCNOOL B p i LITERARY S & CII.MTITE TE. Tho Faculty of this Institotion aim to bolter, tbo the manner . healt t h and ozone. of the sambasniter. Apply forestalogoes J RES RY CARVER. A: at, Ort Priori L - . -. Dow fri OW ' sad soroil age= rll- Amilis ° , . ss i s Ta u ltmultfrepor. leolltalatillileilek • • from , tiis ooillitt 'Afro • _;;....A: . _ • oir tom Wood ,fteraselok AM& "' , • • . rafridk . lfraoalid LO2l 1111 INA i77' *` TO CLO:4E OUT A LAFGE LI<F OF ME Philadelphia. &r. Mint —and tam or enema AstiOned asalsort.the rr arKr rampsdar thlie, aepernberre an in el 11, toAed 24, rk rail ettnit a • Halt aitainit atreraipar• `her Infringers. • lon ALLISON. • irpp a. Lied at rennin . - ma . AO tacky Pert OISTI OMA ! z , -i' - f - -ND 4 11 f- - , • -THE WEEKLY IRI e_ - ---. . • . i l ps it - tAWILY NEWSPAPER; ,- ..- . . - , . , ..., -,-• , --..__ ..:_-.•_.t. ~_ _:. ' .4, . t,...,' , ....,„.4: , UMW TRIBUNE Ls preseininenty , lii id _ llik ' *. 01 . 3oe rope, -- '' -!,- -: entice is Illettere,Tiotrees orXeir Boat. i,,, T= 1 ~,,„,; :. •-• •,, .. -:' .• • --. - 2 .l. se_ we gulidisit Sheet Stories. ortgligiP oir ' - Taillaramine M ins to beds ,Xiewa--,... valid* wilingstrally,bireoncluded •Illralangis ' • Darla. Iteatareepandents teareinerieestr , .ftsWillre • te ni re ; MIMS two or three. We Intend•-maa•Tealk pewent ow sew dmiptstamt...bateire.nally, 'hall keep In the advance in all thaw*. • advised or enrety sotalsle 4Mbinettseldesulanillls , Agricultural,' Manallecturinn** ll odelka r e l ''' e oitaw., k• Preeeldleite or a eta-. resesol the country: and tilatasse wetly - . = lss entleste. and lib se_by telegnfasi that• It shall remain altogether the.' tot general, We .have Abram' - inatructive and Interesting NIVATIII-. dare wareentonandvices tram Europe eV :Jr pabai.etla the world:- -• ; - - L• than tierentne receipts lorthe Miele lis as large and complete as TIIE, *viw reackied Mir readers. 0 Wrishosillsr. / IinEEK t r•M IUNE . w" ever beret* etrereket so'. y u or ebriliatee, and unitonniled Chill fee l town prit•e. ' - - --' - ' . ' • ," . ' ID ty_Aed distlernment of the _swills, p ublic. ..... -:. • v ' ' will in5°16126"312111"12/milig 1""ii11116"14, ,* - ' TERMS OF:THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE; L - ' Aim in the aleturam variety and -IftWISINNIL ...-' '' - • • ixsrissiFug,Allrigsnric Oat besot* spaing.: ---, -' -- •To Mall Subscribers. To . itare and the stibeerviatturts.ernhave - ' one copy, one year, 52 . imam- ..... .... 12 al -.-•. *lever .agrall persistently devote. inorensaans - • Five c0p1e5.....-------:-,-_,—...4,10 ! sail any or our :iv. is. Welds! Somalis , . .. .Trig s vsuireNE soca a rassifolanamw ~ 4 . 021_, Antissagt, all attine Piatottlee. " SI '5O ac ' ,•• can Maud to doWlitiont, however bits poll- ,• . -.4,,,.T.n.„,1:1.,,,;: - ... 125 " ' tbs. - may dMr OM ours Our reposis ' theflatis, 1 --_, ,, .,- / •Z `f•'• ..... - .* - 11:::: - 7— l o p .... i . Horse Produce andaeneral Idsritets sae so WI and 1 -,. A ' — „,r,;Wkili;;Cco :..17 - cub . • 0 o e 4 . . accurate. our sumo In elucidation cif , - the' diernser's _,:-• ' ...., • asides said Mr . regular _reports of ing „parineur t To NAVELS or Sri:meninges, all at one rostolltee. 'Club and kindred malaria" are'so nderesithe. i Ten copire.—.----- - ....... ...... $1 oi each. . , Ihat th e poorest. Sumer will dad Merida a mine of I Twenty veriFe* --•-•-•• i i• : ;„ 1 suggestion and counsel. of which be ei• tuna remain ' Fifty c0pie5.......-•,----- ••••••• • i ••'', " * Ignorant wilt:toot ilmilthee and **Weis; loss. - I /4!.ruls 11111.11Trilbas lieemk* and mutt be s wale= ; Persons entitled tn an extra copy eau. if prefeirred_ adiroade of Protettion jo Thane impair". Iteward- ; have either of the fol lowing book*, ratage pretaddi" big habittud 'Ocoee* as the 'matted theta' iuMen i political Fmonomy, hr 'Mortice Greeley 1 Po r Cul progress;.the beset Wilma hAppinessi, we seek to . * tune for Pro by P: T. triton ; The blements of 'via nor ntrytnen In Ulpillei : Yom the ensnaring] Airletiltune, by George E. Warinz. ... ' • lures or lotion, of Totalle. sod of x 1 1211" ---,.. the Industry: -- We-sroabir gladly deplete our 1° Ibe "nquiliPlll2ll"g " l'rf. 1 " The New York Semi-WeekTy Tribune overcrowded cities, where 'Monona velakorjartLe • ".,. , Is Pribilsb NI everc Tent4 - 14.kY and FRIDAY.' TIM _ sna p) ercriratoloovnuriertneproitutaguirtees.idedmandectlatonsi°wltHt rusotioreLP:kre4reso7o.... I 5.....F.,;.r.L.11-,ThreetElioir.lfo•-uTrlotfrPN.E glvte; In the course of the constantly projecting bac the blank. void wit- _ ' ISZYr Alin LATEST POPl'Llit 30I'LL`i. the bonus and' the:works or rivllized Minn.- ' tideretess loldbag th.i Proteetion of Home - Itidustry hr Mi. By living authors Nowhere else ran so dant.h cur • ertminating dtie o Immo Wareham* , Fabrics 'rent inteillgenee awl permanerltildt_er2l.9...n..t_nEttlecrLl; saisential to the-rape aid. Imo ta diffasioe or.Pra. had at so cheap a rate as in T I LE Ii tad Lst L. T1111ii...1.. E. ~ auction in rill Its'phases an ' epartaunits, and so to the Instruction of our peo n all the painful arts - of Peace. we urge one oseit4 adhere to and TERMS of the SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: uphold that polies , In and ' Una li that the true • one copy, one year, lin nuinhers......... .......... -.. $1 it) interest, not. of a class or lon. ut of each sec- T wo c0pie5 _.......... 7V/ Lion and uscrals.„.is the by sqrervi'd and PTO - Five copies, or ores . Air each copy- . . ... . ... ... ..... 3oe :noted. r " _, .. _- ,-;* . • !An extra eapy will be sent for ever'!" chit) of ten We sell Toss aritnet.T te,Clithe. (di lees than its I went far at one time: or, If preferred a ropy of Re , value in dwelling's kg wadL...palle and, though its enlieell ins of a Busy Life. by 1! r. Greeley.. subscription Is already very large • believe that a • . halt Million Million more farmers will t eit whenever it •- • . • DXILY TRIBUNE. • shell be conaneniled to thelralte on. We *ACV:Mr • ~... . Mends everywhere Weld ;Wm so :amending it. . Nall Subscribers.: ' 4. gl' i pet annuni. , P. O To subsc' • a wishieY to preserve Mr. Greeley's 'Ess:rys, "'WHAT I WS • " Scow or PA and who pay the fall price, i. e., W ~10, r DAILY, r , -IfOr 91 e .. . Sr:NI-Wyk:Kix, no . for Tun nxictx TECII3171 , III; we trql ', mg . the book. ' ' • ' , por t -p ail , regal . e made at the Gant of sabseribing. ._ ~ -.' , . . Tots TRISCNE ALMANAC for 1671. Price 'X cents. __ _ Taint:sr. ALMANAC ILIGLINT I ' 11.13t0 MI. !cols. Halrkound, ttla.' . . Rscotd.rortmea.or A Brairilitra. Rsllors G ee Greeley.; Various rtylcs of binding. ChM), $2.,:.d. Li brary, t-ttAU. Half blorosibks 4 4 I Hell Calf, 15.. 3.loroceo Antique. ft:. POLITICAL ES COOXY. - pylinrace Greeiry. $1.5% • . EVILLICK'S HieGmArLtm . rni.Mscrtattles. Sixteenth Edition. La - rike tetuvo. Cict't, ,',..1., . . .. ' PEAR CUVrting row. Pao :tr. Quinn.l $l. _ t',' 4:Lags-Kra orAiinicgt.rti l tue. Waring. Kea' Illition,, Cloth. fl. , . . DRAINING TOR HILLLTII ND.PROFTT. Waring. ltutit, Z.l.:'• . . . - 'Sent free on receipt of . Price.i. . . ~ • • • In making remittances always tproctire a draft on .New York. or a Pi.; Oita N• 3h.ovp (h•d , r. if Pot , r olo . Where neither of these can be procured, send the money, but tif rove S!n , a 1:k4;ISTI itco-k!frr. Terms Cash In Igivanee. • • , . . . .. • A drtss 52:4t. ;* EASIW it)Z.;'s BROTid2III, • - COAL BROKERS. AND 'COMMISSION-- MERCHANTS. ICo. 228 DOCK STREET, I Arg ritILADI3.I,III% 11,08 T. X.-SEATIL . . , . Tk'f. - '• Tl,'; 13.'13E11%4 - 1 dSc CO. , • . • , , . FIRE INSURANCE, - • - ' . . . INTIIRACITR BOARD . O . F TR ADE - - BOWLS, 0 • • • . , No, 173 Centre St., Pottr - ,-ville, Pa. .Juuel2 70.. . I , . . 1128 CIIEBNU'i iiTU LET tes , 1 fl' EET, Philadlelphia. = MILLIKEN'S LINEN syonE . . . . HaVi_SE: FURNISHING GOOD'S.: . _WINTER lIIANKETS. AU the be 4 !Hakes of Blabliets. front tlic In - .v...5t t.. the Em ,i. ~1 ,lit I-, m ~,i.• .....4. RID FOR LARGE FRANK LA•S A LES. To increase our Ittant:tt ::::ills t:114 SCiISWI, N . :O Shnii soli la unortm/lii , titsr prices. We promise that our. Illanitet-cusionters svltt be p:eased wlt It our Low T.t at vp. . MARA - FILLF,S QUILTS and COM FORTAULL...S . ! r. Entirety New Stock t Froth Gods t N. - .v. l'At terrat GreMly Itethictd Prtee••••l MarseillisQuilts tiro much cheaper since las: season. Our Stook jy.ing quite new andJrcsb, oar customers limy deiwnd onllnding In our Stoclt the 'latest: styles, and best value :In LULL martet... ' . . . - • . . ~, ..,, FLANNEI.S : FLAN:\ EIS! . ....-.....,, • , Ilallardvale Fla nneta—all the width': and all the qualities. Glibert'a Flannel, Heal Welsh FlaunelN Sasolly Flannels, !;hakes Floanel 4 .3 . . , all glialttlett—Red,. Me, and Gray Flannels.. . Extra Heavy Ilagruot Cantna Flk_niliqs:- - - . . .. - • • • . . . AIK3S - 8 Flkitrii )ile 'most exteusice - Stock of Lit - .en. Gout% n• be found in I'lllia,lclplint SPECIAL BARGAINS lif• TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, SHEETINGS, TOWELING`, fir.. _. -- .. -- GEor.G.: miLtfli.E.S - , . . . . _ • 4-... 1128 Chesnut Street, and 828 Arch karrcr, Fbllailelpida. , . . '7O--40—rtn . . . - . . . . • . • . - . . , ! r ... - . CREAT lIARii.kI NS , . • -'' • IN • . . . . • - , - - .REY 6061:30.0 : . • . . . . .- - AT '>4.• • . . . ; TIIONIAS lII'LT.'S, . • . Z 3 CENTRE 7- ; i . - ~ i . • - ' ' rtyrDsvir.tk • . • . _ , . . , . . . . . . . • ~. . . - , . . . . - . . , . AO. 2.1. 7U1•41. , . IT . , . . . 4NEN • • - - f NEW • G MYTta r A Z IE ) ;1I ehad • soLosioN E00i7i3103, STOVE:iIN and . noysE-F - tit.:ISIIIIG' BTORF. . Centre SE.. • •%, A IL olinew pattern_ tiltitth ran be Inialet inoderaie prlet a. He oho has a slit er.ti Itl assort n tent of tin, brass, firlutuis /spaced. glass. wood and willow ware, hollow anti hardware. Alvo, brushes, brooms, oil cloths, table s riotha, door routs,. clothes wringers, truss, oirrilng antinteber kulvta, coal oil lamps, knives and forks; and ail kinds of Glassware. Also, gridirons. roast• lug puns s ehildrena' sleighs and aka trs,table;tra and butter spoons. nitre and rat traps, pan nt nutmeg Enders, spittoon t, lemon aluetiors and graters, bird ogles. table Mats, table saws, clearer., egg wtdpi. roiling pins, wocal - p ell ogatermaabers, Mind Weida. wash . boards, boxl X -Ilat and tailor , sausae (filters and stutfers, ltries., bed irons fords. clothe g s Plea,corppoopers,Caltecatters,candlesticksoire d im boxes, Sarin hanks, match boxes, sent of compan-. ims t alalmand'reliells. toilet sets, bath tuirt..butch ' ell. nan►tnetiOaxes. deed , and bond 1 osea; dour SitAritii i lirsiialts. - reiree cont•enusted - lye, =dr--; :Apo io.ra , lard cans, wash tabs, wash abeet.sineonstketand fancy Laskota„MaMin. knife taxes, stravelapokers, tongs, coal buckets; tea. kettles, stove 'aid shoe blacking. Also, oily in vandshes, window glass, putty..lantertis,Sindma articlektoo..namert-os, too mention. Also, roofing, spouting.and all kits:2W Jobbing (tupelo enter, add at (be shortest notice. - Ferrous wishing any-of the rsbOvir Meat lotted articles wooki do well -by manna ‘ple*FiditißlLAllG berate purettastrtg elsewbere.. w' f. HUOVLit, R oortkjllllllloTlONl-11 . 'WROUGHT 02. warms. 1 - .-.4IOI7SJISP 1 1,ED-TRUNK _ • • ,, *.-ilizttiomsl7, /Wrist% awriartnia. PfrOMPW - Plitts4ElHnlittnollttnernaltxs, Belau ilDr‘col ELaf SZiptrAg, _ .. - - , GlietlHll3llo3ofell. dcw;, to: Onithethose ' coO'be Wen muting: lift ; 1 , 4 • 1 4 1 /3 1 !',• - '" t - G7 MT" rAtriscadt* ATTEST:ON US IN thwitoister. , widen no coniL ;-tiwrind two •pistoos In ono - of which to taking full I powirogoontrieb. It monists or besting of star kind. SU yam. sad Ottuly pofi atm plionsweetnontof a Mug? otltVac imeraiiitrisior ether * tba aireilat blab s ar codase4 du 614 01% sk • slat Otani' 0 BOOKS FoRSALi.: AT THE TRIBUNE. OFFICE. First Cliiss.da - Kriages and Brlg . ,gie, Or THE LATE-ST AN - 3.1 ,-, 71" APPCOVED STYLEK. ILA NI:FACTORY—CA. SrroND AND NOPNVEGIAN STS ONE 5i.ZV.1.1:2: RAO: OF MOETptEu. I.IOEsE; IbtrrsvlLEE. ,Cnnslantly on hnnft, gcx.x.l w•o;t3.r...nt of neu •amk-sece) ndlicaul Carringeti and Spec at attention pal.] to reptitrin. ' April o`,‘ MEI 31ILLIKEN'S LINEN STOEE 44tauto, flaws, &t.- • • • s • t THE TRIBUNE. New 101 k. THOMAS J. 1)0NO HO EA • t •:ILDGI: OF . -AND CONTENTS OF;'• OUR FLANNEL DEPARTMENT ' • LL1:1; ()F - IVIENII,NGT(rs.I Dit:LA.NIZE. - I J0.5.r.1 P. l'..l.cLELP.„President M. M. CEin.D, Secrete',ly., 1.31.• AN Cii 0 1-7 N. W. COUNF:V.: ): I NT.,I AEI) cr: $-rIiLETs ST(.):ZE, 3laliuger • ; GEO. F. TFlt:c.:Llt, fi..n% .14 - ,,tnt i,ittl Attorwty. - l' PritLl,7 Mtit - At.... - - Low ItATEs. All Poncles son-Forfeiting alter une ituatie . l utty , - • inept. Every at' tuffeetlat:ott t idislsttet %i hi. rarely i. gear:lnt rettl-e I'olley Itnitiers. t Itoolii. troultilirlngfalt Intottontlon mute/ W. :1g the plans and rult.::: of the (..tir,.i.taly „vet n ..-:, oil it pp,lea ', Hon to U. ilnutelt Office. . AgrEts Wylit ad llimpahoirt th.? hlciez of 1t.114 , 1,1111:,,,thin Ma .Vf tt• .1(1 - 1 , ' , 1„ - . . , , ! ' itXrEitENCES (113 . 14,1111:1t.loai—Hen.l. ,. . 7.V. Gilpin, (later Johllce ti.rtte of Ltelio.vare; 11,ni.'llite.-t". La.. - - art, U. t•! , . liwurttur front I)elau - ttre ; ltt. lice. n:11.+1. Lee, BLiltop at Delaware; Ge:t. Henry .1111'tiat I't-u - - der 3Lanarr; lion, Uov. t-iiirlslittry, Gov. rt , itite. et Ml.' file Preahlent, of all thels,1111!. In the tit of . Wilmington; .„ lien.. J. fit.li - silep t ine..3l ay or City of Wlllulncton. Wlllulualon. - - Jte:y . 2f, •10.-40-iy AND T8.12:D. I 1 CC32 - 02,AT.1.1n 1351 lIERISIrRE LIFE 1NSI: tit NCE CO., 1111 TURMAS F. PLMSK T, Trcekicut. All E T,ANCIS. Tice Pleb/deist. C.tileKriatici,SvcrOniy ab4,l„ .. TrtNlitirer Seer!: tr: rY. /is:a:Oral - I'oo'Tc cf all POI:a au.sxanteesL-by Income any ptttnllrt lx flat ;paid 'when clue. the poil Lx ntst Lut The Icader rem:mil* in zurM for theft!, gr.touttL tr.:4l! the preire.tisnaltewly lit end tuaxtrwxt Ii , 1•7:1:::11. ! .z.,1 Yti llsecoat c4)nsur -11111013 at tile tett 11:1.q..; Ext=ple . t the Ago a !113. - One AtinEal Pn.inteni en an nydlnary Ufe Polley wIU tient !nue tl.e Sr ta: ranee fur 7-zaa Years and le Dnya_frion the t bee wias Loauttil,,or One 'liver .and tt= 1111,1. , niter. I 1,1 - • et)lci ;faunal !Yo- beeernea inhinthl the prentinni nes be pal4anti i Uncured die triiuiis une year an.l' Glidayentreratiell nmeretytiww. the lull SlllOlll4 of ate puffer w1;e1.1 tievild, e,,,1y the preinl inn due .anal anisaakk. buin et prenn Lis ;Paid, the banger will the 11..-ninalee c..ed :nee, lir eee uf, nou-Vaiyntent 14 rename. , -- wrOw.k.Ativi Life Ireneatiee Crimp:my tag: paid • this lkaW tllx (lathes .if woutd have been worl I,le, anit la now. V the thsvirenei , : nn over du - 3 vollefei an have ;.veta. unable Au, pay. 4 . '"::t - 1 ,. 1: 4 •'': , r'' . . ,,, k1-2:1,7..:: , -..' .-,_ - ~ • , ;, _ . • t ME 1871. Lt 1 i A zzAitu 128 cur BEET, IMBI B•2ti AEI II STIriET. PhitadOphia. rnu Ct. Pt - MEIN r PITTSFIELD; 1'.1.1F,5. uude g this uou-1111eiture r'lau t who iwsurea 'sliest* 3 . eal3uluee le baud t pay Ms uuttetat prc "acq,,tou ytitt. nialiveLariztlas Mt. 4.l"aupar.sy lims mid xo, the, ittis may arei,oirgNue. :evirl Do - M . *itral!ce * A.4osaittr. Poucit 'kap 4-4. " caw DEn t reQui icum+TAAL 3l ,Wr.- Iltift•'Pala*"' - fir; .o- F, ~` ~ y . ~, '... iY , 1 , .1- - =•-- . , e _ ij aia 1. 2E2 IRON i IRON 1 /AWN 1 Ann At Ityza* scat-Irs. Ic). - 351 Centre = CATATtILT 311111113 it SCRIMS I ICele traidwardo Stare. ICd. 251 Centre Itt.. to boi dimap_Oanien Rakes., Spade., saieveis, corn and Gar , den Bomar al likind?... SCULL= I -CA LES ! SC.A.LZB ! I :.,_ Of all Sind and the best u the market, at ' Aly'Eß a SC.ll‘, WS, Agents, 'No. ZI Centre Street: ,- !.' Pottsville Wins. TO MANDYACTUREItIit AND USERS OF • Steam Eniflnes. *e. hi Schuylkill Connly-. , . .TAKE,NOTICIL, that i have sold to ALL 11401.4.4. 11ANNAN.of IVrtCaronn,an Mee:meth:l my PATENT er NAM pIST9N„ and havo even. them the entire • m om' of it 10 said County. with power to collect dal moneys due or to become due thereof for the nutri torture and toe of the saute. ' DAVID CLARKi 'Hazleton. Pa.. Jan. . • ; . co-PART.NERSHIP heretofore existing: under the Arm name of WELD, NAGLE. art;t)., , in New York aniLEltijaelig4 phla,and W ELD„ SIIER WI NA - 1):), in Roston. !Obis tiro' dissolved by reib tuai consent. The accounts of the old titm will be, settled up unt i l the business coutlnned - ;by the new m a ! fir WEI. ), RICE A. lc°. .EO. ' EDWARD STIERWIN,, li. W. NAQLE, /IMILY A. It 1 VE, . • .• TIIF UNDERSIGNED bive thil 0:y fort: / CO.P.I.I,ITINERSIIIP for the purpose- ot.earry- In tr cm a General W holm. de Shl ppingi and Commie sion 'Ciitil''Llooness, under the style of WELD, RICE .3; CO., sit Z. 4,14 Walnut St, Fhlladelphia; IfLiiroadwai', New'York; 11 Doane- ht,Rostori. GEO. IL WEIID, lIENRY A. RICE, Aug 20, '7041-1 , RORAgE ROWLANDr; NOTICE.; -The Co partnership ,heret ofore,axls t .111 lug between George P. Owen, Charles Long and Albert' B. Eckel, trading under_the - goo" name ui Gwen, Lopg & Co.. is hereby dissolved by__mutual consent; The accounts of the ' old 'firm will/ be set tled u and the business continued by the new, Ai to of Owen, Lae!, Colket & Co:,. oEatar. P. ' • . i . . CHARM? , LONG. - ALBERT B. ECEP.L.! . . - , • George P. oveu, of Tremont; Albert B. Ecke and 1 " Iletity C. colket, of- Philadelphla; .and Charles have associated under the firm 1'9'2... of I)°"altig°". lk t &Co tor the perpos noun: of o , s 4 v etic g Ere,, ..—__. _ -- -- or .Nlinitig atid Shlpping Coal !from the Coliet - and West End-I.4orberry Collieries. , and front the Euteka Colliery, nn; the Lyti ens Valley Veins at Donaltlaorh Schuylkill County, Pu. 1 - . • '- , 0thee,...:7N0. 2.3 Merchants' I Exchange; Philadel phia; Pa. Tremont, SOtiylkill County l'u. ••••• .. 1. -•. GEORGE J. OWEN, • . A LBERT B. ECKF.L, HENRY C. COLKET; i CHARLD.4. LONG. ~..- PUILADE+PIIIA, Nov. Lst, MU: • Nov :3r-01e-Gt El Business• Outs. • H IIEBIt3 BROTHERS, • CIVIL- ENGINEERS. EJerieering, Colliery Maps for- Inspector's 01Lice, ItallArad ',ovation , and Construction, Tope graphical SurveYs and all other professional work exemitesMromptly, and otkrea.souable terms. Order nirr Street; ratitsirtlks-: Jan. 1, '70 7 ,7-1 FRAN'S, ~., CARTER,' ' ._...--- ~ • . ENGIST.i.R; SURVEYOR, EA and RESTATE AGENT. . . Oillear—SlliefiTe s fiaze, Pottrthle, Pa, . i July 9. 70-23-11 . . ' 1 . HENR* PLEABANTS • Alin MINING ENGINEER, Surveys rdid Intipeeti - Collieides, and examines .111 n. eral Landis. Orrici.--I*tum's Ed - tiding, Jan 1, '61 , -1 Centre St.,)2pposltii Eplsenpal Church. MEM _ t - _ WALTX.B. S. 23H.E.A.VE.5.. . . . 4 - I t 'i ' CIVIL ASU AIMING ENGINEER; • 1 . L i 190 CTIN* , ISE STREET, rpTTSVIL2.E. PA. Nurveyarads, Mane's, lltatOroada, &e Special at: le:Ilion' ivea to ‘leve_rplog and-superintending Ceal ee:ta e..i. . jJuly 8. -13—Isurktf CTRAUCH & cocusezr, CIVIL and 31r.spto L.NOl$ KERS, and 1./EAL - C,IITEmEN. 155 Centre Jan 1.10-1-ly Matra.) . J 4 INV. INBPECTOtt..--pEO.IIItOWN otters his 1 t.erglcem as Mine Itt.peetor and to Report on eonditloa, capacity - it 'ratite of rubies ; airy to, sell lards on'conunlssion, ee—Pottsville, ra. July _ :4l 8m . W.I9HEAFR, P0rr5 . 44.1.r.X.a.; - Y• . late of the Pennsylvania State Geologies' . Sur rey. explarcsiand.. MI ?WS, d c. Jan ...CAULL'OHRISMAN; Jrsrten or TILE PEACE. L.-.) Veal; Estate .Igent, mt-Licensed Auetionter, . ';:g4,. 1 31AtrANroNno ST.. I'OrTSWILLE, PA'. • Spivial tentilan •tren_ r to;tllllluidnesa in cncttbove.. brattela+. Having a large experience. aatlstactl , ul and galtanteed. t.,./It'etlollS 4 , p(TiallY gollei(ed and will r rely, immediate titteotlon. • Jan. 1,!..'711-1 • KoPrr C. 1".; inf orms the• public that he has re-purelinsed. the ' -.SOAP ANp CANDIoy. PAC - TORY; corner ,lif - Seeonti and 11121/ St t \ eett., Pottsville; lately owr & which he , Mr. Kopitseb) es:rib:l , lml in lA I. The new Urns wilt-be C. F. Kop itsrli S son, and they N 4 SII inanntaif.* , e•'ali of s.qap. and Candles. The patrottagNtlirekeepers subl tile! public. in geteral respee Vited. July 2, C r EOp.CtE MARTZ; ARMLITECT Xo. 2l .NIAngET STnEET,.Pqrr;vII.I . .E. Inrol:ur of the f-dutilfring e?gelf.*l'l - of coal breakets ball the to.rll-heiglurravii* - 31tereby a great of tiniher in a large lireatien,. The. Fe' I r-thitliTh riSI CCS . are for shipes aniU shafts, with or A.:Minot door to -ear, arid with water apparatus at taeloSt to clispeso.e a I puraps.,lt pw.lVdutilpm one er tweiaer les, and lt o isf4,nte, twat or:: threl",leafst nt the sarUe time. The aslvertiser will plan, r saplir.ititeu<l oc contract to Ini enlitery improvements hf all kinds. " March 5. '7O 1(- ly • -- L. ' BANE:EIi. • . • • 11) Centre oftsrillt, Pa.; : , • . • f;4 AND SILVER, . • _ tl: Nii 4 lili. STATES ---.- . • - itION , tY.RECEiWED ON DEPOSIT—INTEREST • allowe4 as per Special agreetacht., . .-. . - '-- STOOKS and liON.l*3 honht-and sold pt the New York. end Pliatulelphis Boards -- al Brokers-at, the a‘ual - Commis:Aar. . Jan 1,170,` ,- ' ,- • ' • . . -1 Y' i . . 1 ,- , • .Foots, sljots, - ----- I.IIKPORTANT. ..• I; • , . ' 4 , ' 111 E NEW YORK ll .' - - • . • 130 0 T iS; SHOE E NIP ORICI ..AL . , .. ..,. and Is nqw in full operation, the attention of the ladies pf Pottsville is especially invited tri the largo. stock now in store and arriving daily of all the finest class or goothi. suitable tor ladies' 'sear, and adaptitd• to thl.l inarket. Mr. (,ring has made a speciality of this branch of business, and gives his partiettlar at tention to securing the hest line orlatliciryttatr ev. 'brought to the city. , ' . ,-. I's- • Every attention will bd paid- to customers, ittia4lir-. cordial invitation Is extended to ail.. - r-* • • - • , . IiENRY_CRINE. , . October :a, '6.1 .. ,•. • 41-4 - . - = • iffN . V. D l3 - 14e 1 2 1 gtteu °1 1 18 ar E s. , .Itl -N o . f Adorm . c 114 M. C. NVb NE, 14 I 11 ci• •,Pec.i 17. '7o—." . • . . ilazletoz IN FORMATION NV ANTED of EfWAril, I J•iN2IOE. uor rou,lutita. Callfortita, who lett hereon . the lift hof .1f II hrlo, for the purpose of vis iting ;a ?Oster te;:itling in Pottsville, but since then Las upt been beard of. Any Inform:4ll6n all allot the a nv maned persc.rt left with DANIEL It. 2 , 101t1:- ON,tpr JtAl will be tharthinlly re • . I)ve. 17. '7O-7 , 1-3: 'rig) AND W.A.DRANTS WANTED' • I OF WAR OF 1812 Mtn MEXICAN FOREIGN COIN.VaiOCKS, GOLD, t.l, ;VERN MEAT and other "DS BOLIGUT ;and SOLD. COLLECTIONS pretnp ly roads :en point& DE POSITS RECEIVED.. will be epwred to serve the Interests of tlithti who favor us with their business. •• , /OEN S. RISRTON & CO.. Mi lkers aria Brokers, No.: 30 *Nab 3d St., Plithl Je 4. A OENTII tfANTED FOR TEE LIBRARY 0P POETRY AND SONG.—Belag choice Selections rromthebe.st 'Poets. Finullsh,Scotch,trisli and American, with an introduction by WILLIAM cULLEN ANT.. The entire 'walk. tinge by pace.has . prtsitetl under the he. in rued et Iticlstil ;and scholarly- eye of Mk. great poet, • ' handsmtest and cheapest boa: eitnnt. eon tan. tra.. more to give it enduring fame and make - it onpular than any book ever published. It I:Mt ootnethlng, in it of THE nom hir every one— tor '‘he old, the mlddlemeed, anti the young. 'Ex cepting the Bible, this will Le OM brook most and the moat frequently referred to In the family. • ' ThEa.ia a Library,. in one boa, whose contents wI. never grow old or:stale.; It will be read and re-read with-the gteatest plemyre. Over eile pekes, betruP-, inily printed, e. , neeely illustrated. bundwiinely bound. sold only dry subeerfplion. Tescilienk Cler plretn, actiVe3len and Alromen, can all. secure toad pay iwith light work by taking• an lucency for4thla 1)04. Terms Send for Cireuha„ de, to • • -; GEOROI , .: MACLEAN. Doe. 17.7,13-31431 n !, ;19 SallSo3ll st., PniladelptiLu: 11101(1;11 anb :!tairttg-. iti 1:1 k 1 . .0 ,c, 4 'O. •- i. 3 tt ~3 O . ... i I 1 aV T . 4 M M P 0 r. R ce - f Z 0 W ..-- r 6.11 .4 , • 14 *1 '1 zit ••:., F . ' • - Bronzes, Fancy Goods, &c i ? BIRTHI)AY„ BRIDAL, • 1 - ~' AND' HOLIDAY GIFTF:.. , „ . i 'We trouliteill the rAtentlon of ordpr.f.rotut and.,; irtatalt Trlyr i ttagle i tke ix - G00nt... „ i I ~t iox Importations of this sezaion are jug op. ne 1. 1 Antrarentartatty nevelt : l6N 'which ire ;feel tertian - Ir 4rcrers 14 niolfelrribilly and prirm'ptiv attended to: ' - !'ROBE CLARK '& RIDDLE, - - 1 , -:' - ' - siviiimA la tairreurrithis." ' 74- -'", ' It2lolllMlirk .orntEmPIiILADELPIIIA. • 4 14 itea!itrie 4.P. FIL4II.X. . lAX'7.. 111DbLV. - 1 , . VAICCIZ' ISTOCS 071 , •ROWDAY 'O47OES. i _ -11 1 1 11166,4"IP ir`ssiblebt=aanditiunrradrsade""isttrtir. sates . 1 G: ~,B /CE. .6 c. .mL , ..., ,__1 0i2_,0 NG,y 11:1E., ,7 : ' A raz n e selection. — 7llot - . - 1 '''::LnialTairalLA"CH : STREET. 13"111*1417MWAS411 i'' ' IC 4 i"*. Mi• ,I - for f , peeittllY deArned tEu - , t a m e lL : ----- ;,t-',.,.- ...t..„: Loo b uon v Es 5 Dirt num ,. an d a ' ..**-1..- . 4 - 1..., , ,a a „,., 'aintiV'S i -, Cord Drifts arid *rout s stid,Dbigariodis fn! ',,,,, US Ceetreirtliel k, ., • , , end Collieries. C t irtil • . D aa ,:gme. ---- •' 1 as setileation. ~..... ,• _ • - :, • 1 i ' l, .' ,', , -7-77-7 ~,";. ;-.: ; . ~ • :. 7 '-atie tiring -i'. -- e - e 'Eta titi - --Aligf if!'e w sell - i;r-'.- .-.. i b / st. slaughter our maretc touts , or elder or ,••• sows, and thus ' , et off' all hoPeLaf a ni• iins . provement at npeldow, ouratocit' mina coil-- i' thpie - to be phofand inferfor ;1 7 Dt. ' %-- r i -liei-f-isl-.. .7 7 1 show any 4 ,:dispesition, fetten:.Caril.y Iv' - : . 411; ,-. ... • Ideneouraged.tO feed u Alt:W. Berl dish i, • ~,7 sold-and catch, while er- fellows,'-ulto 14 , .; ..-_ long to the mine lir - with -Pharosii's ltai" 7 : - - . i kfneown _. kept for o mi •or rearing calves . , 1,, - 7 . 1 -, cause they . ore not / 771, .- nd cannot be mad, ~-; , t , , , -- ,I for the butcher. ,Has a farnietit's - 1 ,i,• ) which becomea fut.upon tire- feed arty"iii:_ the rest Of iiitPigs are starving" ; - --He v i.,,.„ . . - her over-to: the butcher's kniter..Und .pri i ,„_ • Mitts from t'iritid shads' , ' and eUrn-ttribs.-_ >_ , • Jim he ii.flne, natitni;lTight-eyed ewe? r. - .11i.' , ." . , will be fat about the time his half-filled lal,Th bairels are empty 'aed she Is stigpivii..ofla . 'alr akin aniVfair proportions simply beeih.-4; . , she Is worth' the trouble of killing • find thus many of our farmers perpetuate a bind of animals that urya.disgraee totrie country . I '' They seem uneasy ;while they posses; nil - . animal that will draw the attention of their - t beighbot. 4 or the butchers, .and woe be No it ..r if' it put.Orf a better appearance than; its fel- . AOW.4, for!-frotirthat time. its deoni is reales!. .':-..- • Totirrprocti the breed of animals, it is by no 'means n*;Sary toincur a great expe ttie in -j.';''. bringinrki - anltuals -from %a' distanee.-:: If , a , ..R: ; . farmer will:inoutt his horse and ride acroifr.et -,i tic country some line day, and viewA t c-ktve stock of.lids neighbors, he will soon pereelyc that there are abundant means of bettel lit - .; • • • his Orating:mores by a epos+ or exchange, at - .a-slight:Cost, arid he bytifia plan. is improv- - ing_hisludgruCtieby corriliarison, and hoard ing up experience for a fullirtY day7that will , be of mere value 'to him than the-expense. _ or' many such excursions ;' amt., haprove- ... '!, mutts once beguttand:persistO in fur a ill'Ort ;4 time, will-p'roduce such a cormspoutting rue-. .prov.ement in tir mind mat etrefunstanet- , -.. of, the-farmer 110411 ensure its cdtilintuition -.-- t and richly rewatsak s alt his labor and outlay." . " . Mangy hirmerii.deetroy the hope of linprov: - • .ing theitchOck by a system of false economy in- the ',reelectioti of the. Males from whirl: -"they breed -2 ,tlieft stock; many do pot keep:: Male ftlOni 'At - Ili-eh to breedWflieltqhiltsfAl, • - hornett'l4,4l:, nor is it n ece4sary, ifs one-et ll'i . do for a neighbefrhooll ; bat - this One . ton'a .. be the hest; and hi-order:to:leen a g si ,;1 1 ,-,..• . ; a gtxxtprice : must and sirori.D be. Ilan:4:d for hisServiees. - „ 'Many farmers lc e thigh and and eVpll . fifty • dollapg: in the vain of; icf,illi growiilliprse, steer, ox or •.eow„liy st - systki6"- • rof lalse economy—by not • tieing willing i, `liiir - tWO or three dollars more for the son I- ees ora%ele., thaye repeatedly drivel? niv cows three mites 46 a good fi nale, at the. e.:t I of four or .tiye dollars, when I could-hay,.. 1 found a nud in e- on v;itith , hboriS farm 'a - t ..1 eost of twenty-five Cents.--f'oi. of Grrm„ ,-, .1 16tra - li &graph. - . - - - ' . ••. - .. MI FOREIUN' EXVIIANGE, lLiaufeb. .F 7 4":"..9, '44 7 l)frV k g ft,;kl", MIMI -1 • - - r - I ' DECEDMER,. - Iwo , Mil - ;- itt • I111'FO$=•TO GREEN tOliN FOpD-ER FOR, MILCU COWS Seti l e few weeks ago,'Prof: . Lorin , of ton,, ventured to condemn' .i.orti - filer.fl;t, sown eoni,.asinnittritiouS and of no Whe sriolibt so, , _olips , good things in behalf ref ii;, -• improved and priigtessive to get on the wrongi side of the fetn.. in tlitS•case, has been quite apuz-Me to 11; hut - one of our neighbersoi prominentilab ; k:- "man.lwllose butter is exetilleil by no oilier Phradelphiai.lawket, ltorms us. ree,;ntr,,,V; of how valuable this crop has_b , en to the l'ast. season. - ' , . = • ' HO has pretty much sustained his .1s (.41N% on it; from the Middle of July to the of . October, eut from three acres. His e,t mate; is,-that he hastaken , from thir! kits -or grt:01.11 41, 1.1.44:4F1P91WW It w:s not wei.;21011, , 71 , in, the - ,(tiinate is made in',n) 'the wagOn, about.-a ton , Which lie lutilled th i ry t'p ati adjoining lot, —stock., - • . . They ept up,.and : :-4.nic their yield of milk on cred i ; tie: wasino complaint of (luaii7-.l44utttr . . which Was fully up to the stqtviziTll, A there is often a tliticu;!:;- in cc,rit-tz-and . safe y'-storintr. under cover sown ,•ia-s i. i.,4,i t . r . , one of our friends has uitoutcd - a t,lats whit ll so fi r wor*s most succi-s4,fully.. ili. saki— is .-. to his barn, atter t eing partially dried, :art stmrs ikaivay, packeiliwn h alternate lay 1 1 .; of Oafs straw. .This :iieenss to-at_sorti.exi, . .of 7 s ‘ n! 'stu rioni v ake statkA, prevent-- I'F: , inna Rijn - his experiOce, both -A raw as.-4,,.,„ curt fodder :Are improved, and sow, reisilili -- - eaten by the i•itoilt. • Itshould be mentioned in refer.etaye to tfi no tons of green 'foddi-r fLtun 'till eV tier , -. - at:4 `the e So w.is Of 6insent:tile vv. ~- richvill cow manure during the leisure of 'viii-. er Was batiks! and .spreall on the ground thieltly; but the dairy:run' om- . tier, ti,:e4ense and labor ansiilys repaid.. The cirri. Wouldlatipear , complete anis •siiic-sn,seinisi. .Th 6 more cows the snore- .nianute—the sum.: rnanure the, more fodder—the: more. ft II.! 1.1n4 - more cows.-- , -77iff Prof fecal Ftirbir,•. 1 s - 4 • _-„ RINLI,ERREST TROI _ . , Among the erithei-,. hdr - I'ors ;awl utter hi cidents of the terrible War nOw .waging ot-4 tlie. Continent of Eurke, W4 .,. oltsarve.th? - ' linderpest !!the Teat disease) - hasVirofieu fillt among the reattle putchttsed in Ittiltsiti for tini i German [frilly, atql - Is beint.:-.. spread over thit -1 . Continents: This will require ;j:Teca utiontu;„ measures ity our own Ifovcronluta. to.pie vent its beim: introduced here,.itt.the idtles Of I, animals . , or importations ..of,lie stitch. • if any thing tetts:wantitig , to complete the list ofunutterable woes entailed on the innocent • mrs-es'of pct.?* in lfertuany . and France by the mad - -„ionbition of their rulers, it would . I -seem as if 'this'learful le:plague furnishi-: 1. it: So far its known : is no cure . forit. I In: Engbintl . , where 4) r . Cared a few eat - 1 .1,120: killing well cattle off to advancit :Ilk , blowing up houses to - afford no fuel for - tic• smes, i scented .the only - means of stayit tz the . pcstileuce. • .. • i • . 1 It" win' leap pea r, is if at tsol ut e silt rvat i .. I must be the lot of thoit,tands ill Etirene the •coming , Winter—a fruitful land being' turned hit() a tlegott,. by the' tread of hostile armies, and the inhipi tants rendered' -hou , cless.and houtOessi:` , The, app-arancel of t lie • tinder, pest etonpletes: the cattiklguei - fif , taio?s.-L 214 , , ;•/ - krictical Wanizee. t • . I ti:tll . jATTORNEY LAW. • •;. - 011.ite, CENTRE ST.. over ltatinan & Itainsey'l SGok Stbre, Pottsville. Pa. &me 10-Z - r-ly T-77 ApitY C. DORSAIf, ArroltNEY AT LAW:7 LI-N 0.155 A:stare St., a few doolrs twlow Church, Pottsville: April , I C F. SMITH, AiroRNEY AT!..Lniy, • . . • , Maio titrefl,Blienandosli, Pa. r Jap Nit C. SIIDAFEtt, ATTcatNLY AT .4.kW °Mee, 1,7,1 centre st., Pet tsvllle. • • (17F.,0. B. KLEIELCITED, ArroltsEir LAI% ‘..7 Put esville, Pa. -urn ce, \o. 1,713 Celli - Fe St., nt.art opixultr eltiners.! ;A mil 3, '63 , -14.--,41- . TAREs tic:oth $ :! ,. trvet . , Pia Jan.l[7o---1. -. • A . VILLIA T. R. - BITTIT, -- . l t...,:rititotEv AT LAW,. V So. Is 4 Centre St., Puttsvtl Pa. ; Jnu I. '74-1. DAltiLtL DILLISIAN„ . Poll:41.'11W, Pa. Mice,. litArtniat ti new Lit 10. tt- CPatre St_ Pottgillte. : ; • Jan t KNITTLE. ATTI ..-3.,0inc0, No. 1172 Centre !•ttreet, Potbtrllie, eltaito4 protrfptly collected: • October CIEOICGE dIFTANIBE.R.f t.f tic (hlinll,l !burg ATTORNEY-.lTi-LA W. No. 1.1. Ce ire St., t=d floor.) Potts - 1 - IV,, Ph.. • Nov. C, - - 117 . 0111(.4 . .RAMSY A POof Ce TTI/.. 4 .401tN1:Y AT 1'..1 .. corner nt; Ptittsvllle, Pa. CoVeettcris ('nu be eonsu)tt d In LAW AND COLLBCTI CH RIStO. Ar - LAir and Nal.; Sept 1, !alrlyltsv rune. i. Al.)DItioll TO COAL -DEA.LERS. , . !kav r^ NU n I.llllllCtll re )11,-;.TING ` , cuo r Lt( FET,z MEI IRON L 4 6IE-TING BLOCNS or Lpl( titllr.g (nl, Ora, Say IffELT2 Mee, In the IRON' C.1.1".5., MEI INIE 1 • ii.nox BOX WIIEEILI'ARII6Wsz,- . . Are prqraretl.olll mder.4 . with pi )ni; - • I (11.ps. NOTWE.—reittg the ole oit!Ders .V.L•• L Ittst4 for the tielf-but.stLteg, 11tH-U+l4. :4.4%e;.• I and Dock. Mock. we eiiot ton Lt:l y ramurirtyr or purelutetr.l--idoe: I LotLL r.urselvOt- ,on t yttgent ' , pi. e will vr tkeuttyteat-Itrr.l noy Int - 1 lottnrod t! 'Patent. I, Ito-peL tel ADDIS:U.7S & wAttnEs; - Esimkre:y 11; • • .- • • i•. - . A.?4(31- . NG BASKLT,R • FLOW Er. D 1i rr , • 8:: TS Attu. PLAywEits.-- -, :., ,, w :i cut novrers for rale:m:4l r ff v.krt. tp3.i.,1 Is P.:l i'7 1 9 t (IREuNyrient 7:i r fowl:A' duting 0 ,4 ' win"'. -.."' i' C .111iiiit4' are nuw In ni;)ont • - V.v. 17, 'W. , : ---------- - .. \ •-. . . .1Z11 2 11.. - • . „ .4t a ' ....s. 144itlek4 MI AlCil 54:„.. rivirj-thitir....Vii NY. : 4I St; CtatiablV, 9, iiiiil . Dearrr.. t i r i4l l l : : ' X, art talk- - ----------4.. , 1ac, , . a 4 . auras of all '-. C 1 1 01-- , 441 •". "' V r'i' • seer.tatalc444 t, 4. 1 . 44 '......a , • 3 , ..., - 4 , t- . % ItatE4 er Mad.: :" if ... .V - .7. rn__ •. ' f !if , . • Fith, tut iiisi, - 9.1. \ lik 'l.O r." /,;:,''' - f• ' • sad. iii..rt it +.•ej , \ ..., A till..i• Ilkliriiii. if tato , iti ',. le, 0 ,: p- , ~.,....4 ,-.... .4 Mara Fic• - ar• \VI ' 444 'WI % o ; 6 'i'. r• . ilalloab." with !bar k ir lir 'i 4iNpu tr., -batab, sinking Oar ‘- 01 1, VI 1 tsl ‘ seautios- Wis. ME, .oLibare . hart Om tratibetas. Nose eibmr sbadl sva• be aced. for . . Noy. 0 El El ~r~ Il
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