The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, December 31, 1870, Image 2

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~'y~x'Si~ ~ ~~"s~~r
. _
inWeildAtplittlidesity — iatettll .
hake; osta tipa haeriks, 10, aw sk 1100:111*.r0
/fps imdlikiders.
ptinere' Aournat
1 . i AY;
_ , DECEMR'2I,' OM 1,-.
analabed to
- ' 44<c " ruin air at mad ta
lasiaaastir l ft oss mbialEas
-axv Y, ANA ,
• coti!itk_oractdtr4l,ll 11 1 4 !!rmlri.oo
Arid irgt wra
f ftralab__f he
• • 11..&4.#119,,:
V... dn ' ace ' °cu r .
- • 1 ; • 41 ' ,01,j 4 . 11. tlailbolol e.9u 7
• , . to the . eartler
- •-•••••• 4 4 • • . . One year, ea.): iida
7r aaallak • ‘" '
:DAIL* AlstrvateirLY )(MOW JOrENALV NoPer
.11"1"3"i r " 1 " 3 lirri k"4 6ll, 1
111111 14 EY. Pablizie4.
rrti).DAY will close - the year, 1870, a y
• will be memorable in the
- nabs of, thne for the inally important: eve;
which have tiquisplted in this country t
• • in Europe, In Cat' Uriltetll,tateS, it' is till
. - that , no war hasqle-tastated the land,
-the year has been 'reliarkable topihe al
dents by_ Hui and Haul, and the loss of
therefriitn, • In - other respects however,' .
- country hiabeenfavorol. . The crops't
: • been - abusithant, while the gene'rul huslit
-of the couUtry has been- good; and we! n
be'4ald as # nation to be prosp6ing.
• in ‘Europe the clash of contrnding :an
has been heard almost continuously si
July last, and the close of tliti r Year wi tile+
in. France and Gerinaity4i4v thousalid
dews Apd' - tivo .hundred' thousand orpin
male so by • the ..1)%otly contests betty
• thWe twQpowers within the last six mon
And-the end : la ripcy_et--(iilthough the re
• is inevitable. to be hoped that the
may soon be brought-to a close, to save
tier unnecessary' bloodshed 'and misery
' • lii Schuylkill Counvyt the year •has
(lisistrous in !consequence of the 'Ong
penSion of ruining, operations which
. • place, teefiliii inillions of dollars out e 4 the
eckunte whieh linve entered ipio*en
, • eral. eireulatiOn 'beuelitting the busineoi of
the Region /to.: that - .extent. We hopi. to
nee ilae 'new year with Lei tk.
peets fort he Suture ofthe,llegion
As far a 4 the JOURNAL c is eoneerne
have worked bred cturipet„ be year to esl
ilish the Daily upon a 'lint ba'sis, am) ii
le d
succeeded in.placing • in a rrition w
renders it apertnat iit fixture for the lot
We did not expect when we • stalled
' ..
DAILY JOURNAL that it would pak wit
Itwo or three' years, -and we Wave not l
4:,3disappointed in the expectation. But sb
- f has come up to our expectations iniits;
eess. For some time we have feli_thev /
of elbow room, sod have made addition?
our btkilding,s„which we will occupy i
. Week,l - -andin which we -Will be please
• see out friends, to whom we extend the e
:plimentsof the season, and wish all a liA
- !
. ..
••-• THE hIG 5117.3 - I..iLE. • . • -
' 0
• • •
...,..„,, ThE IirWSPAI'Ett PRESS OF 1.411.LA11M.P.111A
::'" •••=-T111.:. PENNSYLVANIA CENTitAL
'•.-..; -,
- -.•
, - .......12.t1i.R0AD. •
. - T H'' Legislature will assemble at.
i llar-,
• risburg on Tuesday next. Til‘e Senate
is so-called Democratic by a majority of e}tie,
- tp ..,
- while tbejlinise and the Excelitive Deport
• toent is Republican..' 7 "ll prevent my
.' extreme. party_ legislation, mid it may 1, a
: . •r, gruat k extenloullify. 'all wholesome legit
?_'lot and enable rings . that may be Corn
to 1 gislate - aininst totally- for private . inst
. of the public gond. That' the Demoer
1 .
.will endeavor to prevent (any popular 16,
' .. --- : -lation, we think it 'Vcr4 likely—while
-- • the e saiiite tittle thems.-ill I:dime-ate tt nwpt
r iegistation, in ordeetr,eleetr4 the 'ltel - e
.Ile an .ia.scendeney in the'. , ,.State. This
• 1
; . • :thy' ys, been theirthirties 'heretofore., ':-.
I 7 . the:t i • Will-mit likoly`abamion . theta m
i-.. - .•'
who they 'are, troiking se powerfully
I . e ''', gain heir laSt ai.ceneleney. If all' flu; ..
publicans in the Legislature preferred pi
- ciple. to selfilnterest, there would be
elifile ilty: 'but unfortunately, we have- c
• ~rupt . Jepublican members- . as Wien . as •
~ .Dein terats, Init the number in the Rep
liean • ranks are' not so large as in •1
' . i rank. .of our oppi)in.stits. ' A number w
..kept t home, particularly from' l'hilae
. phia,,lbucsoine were also re-eleetisi. • ' -
s •-• l'ilder these, circumstances the Repo"
•*- -..± 'cansiti all parts of the State mu,r elo-:
• watch, their representative's, as on their
- I doll will-depend in a great measure our
, -2 ;veti-/leney in the - State, and as Pennsylva
'"•• • •'- , .. 4 ' , C11 , ==-O does the United State' — _mars
' ~• •• '
. -, :gl. There are ninny honest Intinbers
2. 'c': -
-. 1.. both :Houses, and a number votel for -1
- . bill because -their districts would be tut
litte.(l,_but.that tv.mlelnot justify a meth
- of the State Trea , try. - 0 . _
.. ~
• 'We read a feW days azo an article in 'be.
.. ; Philadelphia Pui ss. speakir.g of she le.-is
. ~ f. lature,and givinga stimmaly ol what on4ht
by. the legislature o.n the part
. -Of the'llepuldican. 'member s. It was v .ry
good a's' far atOt went—but ly a:singularl
ativertance the PitEss failed to-iaeintout the
..:- . lirost.damaging legislation. that eras perpe
-2 trated . last winter, and, Was only itrrefLtedlie
,. the.prompr - itetion
~of the_Covernol. The
• whole Philadelphia press; inoluding , the'
. • ,Burailx, that very consistent Isheet which
, always basand is onaltoCcasionserYing Out
_ corruption! corruption)! has not;. as far as
i i • :' .- 7_'•*e have seen, said one word in col-1(1mila
-',.tinif of it. We allude to the i •Great Swin
- tile by whiehanl'atteMpt NS, made to rub
the Sinking Fund :a tiCe "State, 'winter,
• :ittOLLARS, and place - it into thirhandsi, of
a corrupt set.of pOlitici ens, principally Derr'-
' ocrati, to'.nse It for • their Oti-;/ firieate
-. potirs.. 'And it is believed that it will he i x•e--
• stimettat the ensuing session.
.-.-'•,., ,It4said that 'the Pennsylvania Cent al
''' Railroad Company, Which the press of' that
City claini is a Philadelphia ,institution,dis
. pushing the bill, aild - thatis the reason giv n
-why the papers in that city are sileht on the
.' •Subject.' That they rare silent,.-.eVery tie
' • . knows, and as they are not generallysil nt
on' other , subjects of legislay.on,, they re
Jixo • rad to speak out, orgive sonic excuse for
:.- their's ilence.. In fact thislvery silence trails,
- to - implicate that Company in this transae=e.,
tion, Which we dcynot believe until we Ita l Vi i.
• ' the• evidence of it. Thaf they-would tak'h,
. no objectioils,4f others choose to- relieire.
• them OF theie j abligations, are willing to
. .ad mit,•and thew are'not likely= to use' their
„influence toAt s- efeat any- such purpose;; but
- ' - . ,
.-..---' that they. area party iii an effort to- rah the
'Treasury of the•eState - of 5i1,00,001.1, we trill
- - neverv believe until we have . the proof.' The
. ' .repulatlon and .character of ' the Men- who
• • control thatcomPany, stand too .higlffor Us
•to believe any sinehiti charge. . . . ;;-- -• •
[- •. ..._.kur . .heivie§itee=itcs Al income is deritt - ed
• :-from the stock of the .Pennsylvania Central
• . --Itailrml Company. We . belie- liVil•
q.iite - ts ranch-stock in.that Company as tu.iY,
editor in Philadelphia. We know that thCV
-s.. -.,shoti'more properti - to-day': for_ the limner
•-- ' •-: expended, than anYotherßailroad Coropan
. - . in the' epuptry, We know that they are ant;
.... ply able; and we believe perfectly 'willing ti)
:-:--.; meet all - theitabligationspromptly and failltl
- "-: .ftilly;and . do.atit believe that they would dc4
Jlberately, plot to rob .the Treasury of the
... Share of iminetive . Suni of Illaney, But
- • if-the charge should:prove true - , all our ini.
. terest in that • tomsny would tiet deter 44
fic , na:detintia*gt. them its 'Dabbers . aud plutil-•
' - deter:lo4e . peible's nitittek, and would call
'._ upon illAtte.pepPle.of the State •to . _do the
'.., :... 142 tIne; • th4F would prove themselves utrivori
"•',.:. thy of the - Protection or thC iiltate or the pet:
....- ~.,- pie," and *Mad:deserve to' f 'he arlPpled by al
- =:.;4leareins and:pckwer that could iiiibiough
. - 10 bear : aPOu'Alitini.:.'. '-,:.- -...- .:t - --.' , '.4 9 , - ,*- : c _
.. . Tne switiiillnetili - m*.0041.4P4 Liz '
. SLegislituie and liaittifk...faititinaugh -, `,' ';': 4
• ..:..
the Houses- I . 3 efeirePtibil - '' . 611 - -'' '" i ".
•.. - N t e,.. ' N . . tight tP•t)ear upon it.; Afterite....:•...-.. 2.
..---.. , :wit.then. withheld fromthe oevertiOr-bfk i 1 . ,
' , ..31ie tilght-hefore'the Ligtslatureitdjialined;
K..,• - • ; 'ilk , ' • ItetVauld'nOt I, ave tlinil''.o:ta lt:
~.1%,:... . ..._over 0
_DA !,
'T:::‘.4 ..
~* rl • etp Message 11 , Ikii.teit. fn
iiiitit - icererit . ag :Which. area ' .)i . t' ' --- It'
•- = -t . .... 7 tr - -- - . r -q l / 1 ..!
exrty4 I
..., - .:. „ ..e,aMOtilb.bitti,.. , :;,„Airetroft . 4, Ertaa'i to j*si
-, ~. )I :4 ii-iii. ' ,LiittiiiZt4AAtiliiiiii it:a-int-oi'
- . .1.. Aleutmttillteltto - orglmizt , _ _ , gut. t.gel l t,l l ,
?:: :: , I ,o,..litif4;: . to:ii'yote The co
M. ,*4 4 :.' ' . .had'had I Half " F
~., : :'ioe paisedivoi;6 therliiit'..-they 1
1: ! ,- :' lit la tiiiiipii* . ii.:Lqtja prow
-; - - V. '- ia - '!; ..Q4 ll 4itirkiwitiiiiiiill'iiiostrialtli
- 7-n . , ;-•441t#0 4 44 - 0 14 1 040 . .-', ,- ---: -
. s
"The following is. he vote on 0. 4 "-.tilumile,..Pt
the bill. It was thelt_biteiglaito 'pm =Pie
bill by a rnabilitthi4ifisnrog 'the - 3 4 0 and
°aye; but af - ' . caltiOtt reptvaentatlieal In
both Houses 2 -
rind the . ak' '';'''vetell, *bieb
!seated the *. - Dfatt . 'ntli*MAtmbera, and 'they
were left at bean) by eitt? ... i . ionatlbsen ta.
, ~.TheVate en the final molars' -.4 the bill
. o . . , . ...
was as follows : ', L.. ' , . z
- YE.s.*:,-Meesars. Atlim, - Bebk, Connell, Dant
ean, I,,indiay, Menses Kerr. Linderman,
Lowry; Mlnfire,Miller, Mumma, 2Caple, Olm
stead, Oitterhout, Pinitunt, - .Randall, Itbbisou,
Wallace and Wati.—Yeas. a ' . .. --:
I.lATa—Mesars. Billingfelt„ Brooke, Brchb:
'head; ~ .Butkoletr,' Davia, - 4-:oo.lnita. Howard,
Rubin, Turner: Warfel, Waite and Stinson,
~Speaker.—ZCsys, 124 . ' -.---
In: I
Vote In the Howe on the final - passag of
the bill :
tnis- 7 ,Melsars. Adaire, Allbrighf, A ,
A emstroug; Reams, Rowmari, Butl ngton, Bo n,
(ttrliti, Chtir.e.h; Cornly.. Cooper, C 'g,
0-eitz, Da il ey, Darlingtins. Davis, Deininger,
Dill. (Adams,) ;pi11,., (Union,) .F'orryth. God
shalk HaU , 11111, IFiang. Hursh, Johnson,
(Crawford,) Josephs,' Leidig, Leslie. Long..
Ateer, M'Creary; JPSOiatrg,
, Marshall, Maxwell, Millar,
Moviy, Niles, Parsons, Porter, (Cambria,)
flirter, ("Y tork,) Roberta; Robison, Pohrer, .
SehatterlKArtgeteiek, Skittner, eihyder s
Mecle, (Schuylkill.) Stephens. Stokes-, -Taylor,
„Tyler, Vanktrk, Walton and Strong, Apar .
Yeas, 61.
NAvs :Messrs. Boileau, D east, Brown,
Chamberlain, Coray, Dimmick, Elliot, .Engle
man,,..KeteTio, Fulton. - Harvey, Herr Huta
:phregs, Johnston , ( Philadelphia ,) Keeeli, Keene,
lierr„ Kreps, Leonard, Longenecker,
.74.1:Vrakin, Miller,, (Philadelphia,)
Mostryomery, Reincehl, Sc' hteartz, eft,Stegv
tdcZ' Stone, Webb, Wheeler, - White, Wilefibd
11 - ap eter.-- - Nays, 35. -
NoTr...—lnniocrata in It at it , , Ifiepnblicann In Ro
man letters. . •
Only 4. were absent, among whom-Was m r .
Ellis, of Schuylkill. ' - •
. .. .
In the Senate 4 Democrats and S Republi
cans voted against the bill;
. 10 Republicans
1 and 10Dernoeratgibr it.. -.ln ilie HOuse, 14
F Democrats and 20.RePublicatri•oted against
the inn, and 24 Dem( tcrat ! !; zand 36; RepUi4i-:
- . .
cans for ii,: - ' '
All the representatives frOm Philadelphia,
in' both HouseS; - voted for the - bill, except
Elliot, JOhnson arid Miller,. Who are rilWays.
classed among the honest representatives in
tke House. All the Democrats from .Phila-
delphia also voted for it.- :
i 'Mr. Cooper, of Delaware counry, .whic4
usually give from -7, to - AY majoritY, was-de
..feated itt the last- election, in consequence of
his Voting for this! bill. , ' , ln 4tithet respect.;
he was
_considered a good and wortby.repre
optative. - several 'others were not renomin
.4tede in consequence of their votes:
. I Sti"?quietly was this bill matured and set tip
in the :Legislature,that - buffew of the -pa-,
pc'f's throughout the Statewere posted up—
and-we all know' that on its passage in One
bratieh of the Legislature, how furious many
of the so-called Democratic_ papers Opened
upon . the Republican LePlatUre,. and
charged it with fraud and direct Jobbery,
Sc. ; and how soon some -of these -papers
evenin the course of' a , day, became. c'not
only quiet, but thought it not a very -bad bill'
after all—that it would develogthei State;
and that there could . be no, - .91.ij, cliions to
• the passage the, bill. - Tt - iIS, tiderful
change had been - Caiised by 41,
that our,
neighbor, Hon-F. W. Huglies,' was
the engineer in fixing up the bill, r to. bene
fit a body of land he: holds" in counties in
which the' road would pass through—and
they soon . discoveied that all the vulture con
tractors of coffee-colored naturalization pa,
*perS; and of murdeirnotoriety, to destroy tes
titi*y, -Which would convict them - of grOss.
fra as, had assembled at Harrishu rg, and that
these :i.9,500,000 was to, be taken from the State
Treasury grid placed into their hands. This
is what caused the wonderful and rapid•
somerset of ' these papers. We ictw a num
ber 4 these Men aPHarrisburg, and,on mak
ing inquiry we were told that if this money
pas4d but) their hands the State would
never again receive , one dolhtr ()fit, except_
theinterest for two years ' for which the
Pennsylvania Rail Road • COmpany. were
madeliable for in the till. That some of
the Republicans propably did and were to
receive a small sop for their votes to insure
its passige, we have no doubt.' This was the
Character of the-bill; and; all know front the .
extraVagant and reeklesB character of the
harpies swarming around, that all t4emo
't would have been squandered.before the
works,Would be- completed under, any cir
eunistatiees. 11,nt Mar' ohject would have
been etin:e4, and they would laugh at the
tax-plyerS - who would have to lie taxed
again to make up the . sum, ancleall the Re
publicatis a set . Of fools for perrnitting-their
inetubigrs, to pass such a rascally bill.
- I n'those parts of htl'Aitte Whi - ch are large
ly penioeratic, they would charge the . rob
bery upon the Itepublicalf-covernment,d• the ,
Mate, and in the other sections they 1.. e-old
u-c these very funds to strengthepilie cause
of the Democracy; in opposition to Repnb
-1 ism.
The Pas Sage of this swindling bilP;ver the, tfor it cannot beccine a law
in any otner way,' will damn any party in
the State. and it ought to damn it forever, or
ctt lCat-t the men who would so shamefully
betray the trust the - people placed in 'their
hands. And there would .be no sympathy
for -uch representatives, if the people would
hang every. aurehased sTiiultdrel tx!glie.loinp
posts On 'Capitol anti choke thi.tif
little; as a Pottsville (litlik'er once said, when
mkt:4i if he weuld strike 'back, if hit by a
person who was abusing 'him, rl.plied Mt,
_huh he said he would rash him bll Me throat'
awl he'd h 72, stet (I , q for cc whirr ;so the peo
ple ought to WO every oue of these repre
sentatives who Would deliberately vote for a
robbery of :heir State Treasury.
, .
. We have ustd strong language, and are
determinc:;l to do our duty in . the pretnises,
even at the risk of being classed as a "scold,"
and we hope the prc”. of dhe , Sitat9 will
speak out boldly un this . sill and eompel
the Philadelphia papers ti.;• show dick posi
tion with regard to this eOntetuplated mon
strous swindle.
- AlUt tr : t H t ,: i 4 l 7 p c u ul b a l t ic io; has s bee ince n
t i n u e dui rra ge n d e in
Prussian war *commenced, on - the o . estion
whether Francais * fitted for a Republic. We
do 'not believe that she is at present, port's
any Government ireturopc. without addi
tional training:- England comes up nearest .
to the standpoint, . and . the Empire of Ger
many next. - i. ut while we admit that
France is not prepared fora
the only kind of- governiiieni4lit will suit
her, and the only One that.
_eanT-Prepare her
for a liberal:GOvernment.; •We idmit that tt
I would be a tittl e stormy fora year - Oise, and
will require a strong arm to cheek•••
p4lses of, the. people, at first, partienlarly the
ultratuoritane portion of the.Holuan Cathei':
lie Population. Eirt is
* there•is a very strong
element of ahxi among this popu- -
lation, it wotilo protiiibtkneutralize the other
to a very large : The obstacles tot}
RepubliCan Witf,,,Government are these:
is {but i4ttle individuality.
among the niasm
.t'rariee. They have
been aecustonicinfiytoOli l lip . to :and wors..hi
something grand and tio l ltioseslght entire_
lyof set f ; 4 10 fact, 11 France was;
until within
. 1 he 1at.1•20 years, a mere cipher.
_lt was onlyafter the downfall of Charles
• that they weie;:entrufted with .the ballot., .
and from that time up_ the present.-
ruler dared - deprive them of it: He Might'
control it,-hut daretilnot 'withheld it. it was,
the . .ballot - that plated Naibleon HI. on the
• "throne; and-be was 'ever after "corupelled to
submit 41 . 3 the Valet to sustain himself as
Emperor. This ilium that the negation of
, self, Which - existed:,before' In- France. so far,
its the laws and government Are:concerned,
is slimjuinhcd to a great extent, aid the peo:.
ple :have comineneed appreciating
1 - amer through It: -
horrors of - the former Re.
Lpublie, Which 'gceir pig - of the: revol utirin In
: -- I , litee,; has caused a, portion of the .Itiudecl'..
`tradingvoptilit fo to dread a Repablld.'
• ' , ' - . • _
- ---, '_ -.,. '',i• , 1 1,..‘, .—.=
Ete• = toeiteprs4b ai.beens tro n g l y tneistiiMom that perioC,hy_the..milieg„
petal' i; that attire is 'po eeettrityloy*OW
and no ehtbilitY .uotter• a fteobllette,
:toms of tioveratient - 2, - 114 'As one Of the
lir :
etnitteht,l4o:lhet. dmaiittee of. itt4ti '0,:1101 - if 1-, . •=l ,—, 4iopribuott of no
-; :=2. day-4e-, ( - 1
t *tithe- fail - _ ',„ ,;„ r44, 1 + 3 , 1 4, ,t4.o_
V oir
Tk Re PuIAANIS*It li - eifri " , ikelliV Pair
-r/24 ! 1 ?P 1i t 4114 4. -1 , 3 3 1 1t.*--' , , i":2 - ukint .
ye test auhuot„l34,-- r- -ii' - --
/ , .
~.„ ..4 , 0 , ..---.51.„ • - : -
thiuwed' by ,,
prfixquitedbitot- . ~- ' . . 97 i. ~. : it
they'tol4,llo6.: AlitAlu 0
- s 7,-- t otttee
-: 2 ,.: -.-?, - , ---:-. 4. , - , , -le,
• " _ ' 4 4 . .., - , - i. `•; - -, -` r,... -: .--,,,,,,,-...-,
i. 4. - _.--. ..7— ,
- ,,, Adr..-- --',- - 4 e , "-" --z
- . •
rii*****WW-tret4l4 l o l oSi r sillakidaili
ter' ileltilie* - dalayibiitriS l l****theint
iiia*elatilfule pt rple, until the
. acti,thiniaik..-thete.. - alithOrbil'nWili what they halo done. It
• i r tids,dihjinmik that *kings the bloody
-test continue, so - tong as no legitl- .
mate ''Covernizient.egists in France, Matil
one or- the other is compelled in succumb t o
dbel .fate. . .
The Empire under Napoleon wail. an .ez
pensive ime, and Its, indebtedness Was
largely increased, which also increased tax
ation ; 'but his internal policy was 'wise and
*judicious, and led to an immense increase of
the agricultural products the country,
which also tended to liirgely . advance the
manufacturing igaustry. France watt before
'lcn importer of breacistufTs to feed her popua
halm]: but so great was her progress under
the Napoleonic policy, that up to within the.
last (Our or fiveseani, when the crops failed,'
she had become as large nn• exporter or
breadstuffs to F.nglandni the -United States
- was. The land is cut up in France intc;'.
very small tracts, and the number of land
holders in the country are as great, If not
greater, than in the United States In propor
tion Abe population: Napoleon .round
this class completely in the hands of.the
usurers and money changers, who werecid
lug !Jut all their imbstance and ruining. the
- CountrY:'(as these harplei c 143 wherever they
theY'exist.) -He established whit is termed
the Credit 3lohilier, or an institution of that
kind, which loaned money to these land
holders, &e., at 6 per cent., while_ they had
been -paying before from 15 to 25 percent.
Witlithese loans they e x tricated themselves
train the sharks, and the difference in the
interest paid they eipende I . on their far i na,
and the agricultural interestsof France be
came very prosperens, and Itii product in-.
- Creased from. pile:third to one-half, and
greatly exceeded the wants of its own popu-.
lation. It was thisslass of the community
.who a'ways adhered tiziNapoleen, while the
Cities generally opposed him`,' and it was
this class, also who, furnished -him the
money he Jequired when he appealed
to the people to take the loans, in
depent of the money changers; and It
is this class principally that the present
.Committee of Safety, fear will. elept represen
tativesopposed-to the . Republic,j . which has
caused them to. postPose'the elec tion of • rep
resentatives, fearing that a majority of those
who heretoforeer ? ustait*d NapOleon, • may
-elect representatives vote against
the proposed - R 40116. It is. '
among this
class also that the want of security to prop
erty, &e., under allepublie, prevails large
ly. Had Napoleon not turned traitor to all
his professions, trampled every liberal prin
ciple under his feet; except the ballot, and
assumed the purple,Yrance would no doubt
be to-day an established Republic, prosper-
ous and happy, because a Republic Is better
suited to the French -nation than any other
form e.rkiovernment, and the name of -.Na
poleon,lwas-a, tower of strength: . Even-under
his despotic gOverumept, he has through the
ballot, . greatly advanced the. Republican
ideaS among the people, and they are much
better prepared now for a. liberal form of
government than-they were when they first
elected him President of the- Republic' of
France. • • •
Those who have travelled in France; and
mixed among the people, are struck with
the frivolous and excitable character of the
French. Two persons may use a few exCit
hig words; in a short time a lime crowd will
flock there, and as the crowd increases the
•'gesticulation Increases, and ay -American
. would . Supposs there would belt grand row—
but_ str7ollicer approaches and taps- one of
the cinniattants.on
"the shoulder, when they
are instantly mum, and the crowd rapidly
disPerseOvithout uttering scarcely another - 1
rf France had the ' best government in
Europe, a large portion of the people would
become dissatisfied with it, and..would work
fo;r a change. This portion never be
sat istiod with anything. If the Government
.is monarchical, they will work for a revo.
intiOn to overturn and destroy its :This is
the reason why the Middle classes and
'traders are satisfied with almost any kind
'of Government, and will not nuestivn. its
poWer so tong us it is stable and gives them
proteet:on. But
,such a Government cheeks
progress in liberal ideaS, and never will pre
4re France for a Republican e forta of Gov-
.Ornment, Which, in this age of progress, is
the ultimate destiny , of the .Governments
I all the_Nations -of fhe Earth.
• For't hese and other reasons we firmly be
lieve that, under existing, circumstances, a
Republican form of Government would be
much more suitable to France titan any:
other. It would be more congenial to the
people, and more in aecordance with the
prominent characteristics of the nation. It
would tend to destroy _ the power of 'the
Priesthoosi; the foe to Liberalism every- 7
Where, and it would also tend to calm down
the turbulent spirit, because when it is
known thatthey could legally
_change their
rulers periodically bytheir votes, the great
incentive to Revolution would be removed;
and nothing would instruct the .people so
rapidly in the prhkeiples of a Republic us
the - . 1) ray( LTheral :prineiples.- This
would soon make every'voter feel like our
.American voters feel, every one of whom
considers himself a sovereign,-ekereising the
law-making power, and not a mere cipher
or nonentity, to be used as-a puppet by a
.King'or Emperor.
There never was a more propitious period
for a Republic. The terrible blunder - of the
Emperor has already greatly humiliated-
France, and she is destined yet to submit to
a inuchgrCater humiliation, owing - tot: be la
mentable position in which she is placed—the
country overrun with her terriW enemy,
and the mille' almost an entire prison house,
'no - legitimate government ; no power to
treat; and'nothing to stay the awful destrue
tionAhat is daily going on. until she • cries '
for mercy, and prostrates herself at the foot
stool of her conquerc4.. 'Such is the result of
the . betrayal of her liberties by a despot and
tyrant, and their acquiesenee in it. Will
they teel like trying the Empire again
:Not after all have to partrke of this bitter
cup of - humiliation and woe, which is not
yet'quitelilled up, but which' will be filled
,up to the brim, if Ire mistake, not the signs
.of the times. And there is -.,nothing that
takes the conceit -out of nations,
.as well as.
iii much as a good sound thragh
buil. They. will then curse the Emperor
. tiiau they now' do, and shout louder
for a 'Republic"; and ; we. believe will
heartily maintain it too: GermanY,ltalyand
Spain, will soon Rdlow and dyag on the oth
ers,lor the age ofpn*ens, not s :
in the:anitYof n e tiOns,inttot,
power 'otOlie. part of thi;:,
wh om. all k Inds.; of SLAB
POTISM, both in Church '
sooner Am later sueennith
stand erect, bowini' to tto despot;_* .
ship . none" the 'Almightf:Who'creitisti
I him. - . •• • •
' -irc Francais() /. " •
f" •
irE commwriox of the • great illont
Tunnel in Switzerlaud" Ii indeed a
triumph of hu man gealuii_ It is more thari
seven and a half mile!, longs and_s4B4. feet
deep, or more than one ' , milli beneath the
summit of the Alps.
.Althoug somelnonths
will be required _ to put, the '.unnel-in' run
, nisi; order for regular trains, ibe - sffeeess of
the bold., undertaking is - wablished. If
space i)igmitted% site would *lye a detailed
- description of the node adopted in ,driving
the tunnel to obtain ptirVair without shafts,
and facilitate the' operitions Of the 'Work
men. we must' 1 content .our
selves with saying that We entire work is a
!wiling Mi.:lament to the preelsion of the
_ - ~N~
, -
• , _
rAutetzsersznarargrirs w. a. At;
. . . .
;WIZ ptiowistg ewe :unialgon on the
- .I.....suNset ciao _ and the W. ii._ .
. ...
..A.;- - Wee pablishat the requiot j cd' non - peetatde.
Miner who finishes hianararti,, us; ' •
- ' We might yenta* that;onr columns are
open *or suiy_teinperate and suggestive am*
munications on this subject. Conciliation
.and harinoriy ehenid be eacorunged, and
therefore we will not publish anything of
- an abusive character. We make this state
ment so that all Fan govern themselves or
eordingly-i ~..T '
EDlroas Mx . EA stur aur. • 11 .7 , .,o rLCDece ar.::2Thereare s ' 187 s 0 iw
matters I wish to bring behove' your notice and
the publics in general of Sauylkill County.
They are in connection with the omee-holders
of the W. B. A.. and their anxiety to reinstate
the deceptive reptiles of the tipper Counties,
who broke off . Isom our- Union, and who are
now shaking in their shoes like an aspen leaf in
a mighty storm for fear they will not be ac
cepted back again. There were not so Many fly
ing committees going over our County at the
time we requested them to join with us in
maintaining the eight-hour system. which we
considered would lessen the surplus of coal in
the markets; and which would Lovegiven more
general sallisfaction. Also would have given us
'steadier work, and our employers better sales
and ti er prices for their coal, and would have
th ea e tt d us eniti w es ork o me f w il in t fer be . B b r e i t t te i r n . s P tead rePar o eti f this
they nt us word they would samitim - their
to 'one dotlar - - per day, to punish
Schuylkill ' men.— -The mean, cowardly .
snakes are worse .than the most venomous
reptiles which first *Moab . and then swallow
anything that comes in their way. But Ido
MA believe that it was any. love their masters
bad for them that mused them to act towards .
us as they have done. -But it was their own
personal greed thitcaused them so to act. They
did not look to the general welfare of their
fellow, workmen, or the welfare of many suffer
ing homilies in Schuylkill County. But li in co
they know they have to mine to the same level
with ourselves, they then cry. to Schuylkill men
for aid in their difficulty. But look out; it is
some other evil design - they have. For it item.*
opinion and the opinion of many of my com
rades, that if we should join them in a strug
gle and enable' them to get the offer et one or
two dollars 'per week more than we can get,
they would just be `like the sow, return to her
wallow, or like the dog, to his vomit. lint.
sirs, it is uriderstood that our General Council
has decided to take them back as prodigals;. but
I am under the Impression that wlben the ques
tion comes before our Districts for decision, we
will not kill for them the fatted calf, 411 though
their masters have been trying to kill' one for
them for the last five or six months back. But
did not their masters make a grand mistake ?
While trying to kill the calf they killed the
large bull to fatten them on. Some Inst $160.000.
others $140,000, and others $130,000. This, I
think; is pretty costly business, and all this try
ing to, kill Sebnylkill Veunty, so that they
might fatten thereby. ....,- '
Now, fellow-workmen of this County, tas it
is drawing to the new year, and settlementis are
being made in many branches of business, let
us have one also. Let us meet our employers
on a fair and honest platform, and have. a fair
-and honorable understanding ..for 1871, by - givj
ing urfair living wages for a fair and honest
day's work. and our employers a fair, paying
price for their coal, so thatthey may be able to
,meet their obligations. Let us from this time'
forward consider our employeesinterest as well
as our own. 'For until such time as the em
ployed take an equal interest in their employ
ee* business, no matter what that branch
may be, there will always be Strife
and difficulties existing between• them, but
by this method we could command for our
• selvesx good report, and the voice of slander
and 'the:finger of reproach, to, which the miner
is so often aultjected, would be taken away, and
the public would then see that we do not wish
to be extortioners, nor our employers oppres
sors. 'rids iattle correct way of doiugbusiness,
I think; and.lik_ this way of going hand in
hand together we could bring back 1.9 ' schuyl
kill Coun4t_ her lost laurels again. I'. D.'
. . ..
WE extract the following from a letter
.reeeiced yesterday, from an exten
sive shipping merchant 'ln London, dated
December 14, '1870; - •-1 •
hope that General Gra - it And - General But
ler are , not going to stir up any 1111-Ignimii both
aides of the water. There is alwayile a large
body of unthinking people ready for a ilkturty
lance, and hope good will come out of it. I wish
your Government could be induced to submit
the Aiabatna claims, for England - I.i very anx
ious to i get this sore healed. Public opinion is
Much changed regarding it, and must eomleinti
the part we played in it, allowing the Alabama
to di-al% her coals from' supplies from English
.• "As to Canada, England would gladl y with
draw if the Canadians would allow her, and 1
think it will not be long before we do r ; but
while there exists any open questions between
the United • States and durselyes, it will be
rather *point of honor to stick to Canali."
FroM the source this'. comes, we have n
doubt but that it expresses the feelitiv ! , of
the greAtiniddle, or buSiness:clas4- of Eng
land :;_tnoie so In fact than the public press
of Great Britain., That else is anxious to
have this "sore" adjusted as4 ..., edily p<l4.-
sIW-- we have no doubt; and they will soon
have ad.opportunity, as our new Minister,
Gen. .Slienck, has taken his passage on the
12th of January, who will have ample in
structions to settle the Alabama claims, and
probably the difficulties also between the U
S. and the anniuion of Canada, which the
British' Minister at IN7Cs - hiuglon has already
received instructions to adjust. ,
Road *latices.
~ . •
ar - w
Jan.,ls7l. 11-14 r RISES BMX. ' Noorr's cmixosa.
SATIMDAY.... 724 442 D. If. X.
srmur.....-' 725 i 443 'Full M. 4: 4 27er.
; 11 Last Q. 14 2 1
a Timm:DAT.. - 7 21 145 :New M.
,4 WiDNIADATI 7 2 'l 4
46 ;Firm: Q. ;24 S mo.
6 TfiritaDAT....` 7 117
J 6 Fan)Ar. , 711 4 4.4
To-morrow.—First Sunday of the yrar, and
first after Christmas, llama "length. 9 Tonic,
and Pi agnates.
Masonic Appotntnient.—Dr. Epkraini Moser.
of Reading; has been appointed District Deputy
Brand High Priest .for the ennticr 4.f Berk*,
Schuylkill and lionhtutnery.
The Public Schools of the Borough, by order
of the Board, will be closed Otthiontlay next, as
that day will be observed as• , A holiday—New
Year, The schools will re-opca `
on Tue:sday.
A Stated Meeting of the Schuylkill' County
Medical Society u ill be liekratibe room of
Gowen Post, N 0.12, G. A. ow - Wedneaday,
January 4th, MI, at 30 - ciock. M. '
CIT M, T. l'AtztElit. M. D.,
.13now.—Snow commenced falling yesterday
afternoon about three o'clock, and before dark
the earth was covered to Ihe depth of about two
inches. She probabilities are the TCUM)II of
sleighing wilt commence to-day.
"Happy New Year.7—Our citrrier boys u ill
vhdt their , palvons on Monday morning with
annual, " N ew Year Greeting." in return
for which they expect a liberal ',apply of ;
away gh
stamps: . Receive thew kindly and turn thirst
_ •
A Musteal Entertainment was given try the
young ladies of Linden Ball, on the evening
of the Vd inst., at which we understand, Miss
Emma Delbert, of &buylkill -Haven, executed
in a very creditable manner, with .Miss
Walla, of LIU; a piano forte duett, Gallop Brit-
Dint by Sponholtz.
The Criminal Court .— The January session
of this Court will commence on Monday next, ,
but as that day will be observed as a holiday,
New Year Day—we are authorised to state that
the Grand and Petit Jurors need not be in at
tendance until Tuesday morning at 9.o'clock.
On blonds morning, however, the returns OS
.thy will be rweivaikeiler which the
- Conti, will *ileum
, •,
Ihresthaes. the ahhalionaik tracker
and 'cad Ulm* ndlidelphlii, bavesworki
wide- reputation far thavarietr eithelhenee•
ortheir,producta. For tlde,hmme...lll-0`..W.-'
Sam_ .err formerly of, ble Oar% bin ot
Phipbla, bas been eppointerV *ellen
agant, sod webs,. no doubt thaVite'irillinol '
is an energetic business me, tiV'VeeXMAccese-
Ail in ;securing orders for the Well-edilloggo.;
.ductur pre firm -
c Rollirknai 31r ^Y'
Praia le as English- lAdherseChurate, Markel.
Square, icmnorivw at x lOl A . M., and 7 o'clock'
Id: All aordtauyinvited.• '
Ths Sassed- Churd* and din=
irevittoujzinr:Mt:saithec Pa for will. wor
ship Is theThisliy-ilefortsed:Cba&liarket.
uare. to/parrew. at .104. 4..2d.
Su act Wm* sfenisir. -"lda* -in its
to Man.!! Atierlt-eqrdlid l 7 inviCed.
'' ';.''':'3.::' , i;'- . .: . .?‘: -. C :, ;'''!,.»'-;' , ' - :: - :;, ,7 ,.. r .: ,--.
'-‘,":-.-, ~!,-,.!'..:''',==.';t'.:...'.,..-.±',:'-'.-7..,--,--',-'.l
Zbt Militia Agnate:ea Wien =A lecture on
thittouldwat wIIi be delivered by- Ser.
114.1):: •on Weeder ember tkA-4/111n
arTA-1871.. strides Bali, in aid el tbe Sewed
Preabytestatt• Church. or this Borougb. This,
Mature was delivered before the County Teacb
finl' "Mall* iatoiy in aefaielA in Ashland. and
the theories atellects adduced by 111r.finaliery,
'weft Wended toattentively by * large intelligent audkwea;and received from it at the
contusion the 'edgiest, encomiums._ It shonid
attract 'to union nail a .brilliant auditory •on
Taesdar evening. -
The Party-eighth Pennsylvania Regiment.
A re-union of the survivintr tnentbers of this
Regiment will be held in thiaßoroughou 3lon
day next, at - which e man who' served in
the old Regiment, an ds alive to meet hieold
comrades-in-arms, should make it a point to be
present. We are requeatcd •to *state that the
committee of arrangements for this re-union
sent out circulars to the . members, but as .it is
possible that some map have miscarried, every
member will understand that he has npersoni.l
invitation to be preterit. -
In the afternoon there will be a business
meeting to form a permanent. Association and
elect officers, and in the evening there will
be a banquet at Pennsylvania Hall.
The whole affair .Will unquestionably be a
great success. -.. -• '„
G. A. R.—At a atated4deeting nalowen Post;
No. In, of this Borough, held on Thursday et e
ning last, the fallowing office a were elected to
servo the ensuing year
Oran imander—H..Nl: Kammerer. •
• 'Sr. Vice-Ebniniander-41. Nagle. _
Jr. Vice-Cornmandei-11. C. Betz.
• surgeon—C. T. Palmer. • _
Adjutant—F. B. Wallace. -
quartermaster—A—J. Derr._
(..'haphtinLevi 'tuber. -
Qr. Mr. Ailveant—iAtnoFerseruun.
• Sergi. Major--F. R. Leib - .
, Off. of Day—Perry Watts. - - ;- . •
Qin of Guard—Albeit Sennett.
Inside Sentittel-,lVir. Beath. • .
• Outside &int iael,• Ord.. ....•'ergt. and Janitor--Jai.•
Lafferty. • •
Delegate." tt - #°":".Pr . prt.-tnient Cr•Jityntitai—W. F.
Hulitzinker acid F. B. Willa Cc. Alteriates- 7
J. K. SigfrLed and W. FiGressang. . .
Sharp Practice.—Celia BueruOis a girl:Sjof
about sixteen suminers, and was somedine ago
employed as 'a domestic in the faintly' of Mr,
Cassidy, at Mt. Carbon. _Recently she has been
.boarding around amongst her - acquaintanctss
and-kekning to dress: Her means not being
sufticient - tii supply her with dress to suit her .
taste; she hit upon a noverplAn whereby her
wishes mighl_be'gratitied:l Representing. lier
self aa The datighter of Mr. J erry Sullivan, she
went to the store ..of Mr. Glover on two pcsza--
• stens add pu el aed goala, hav gth c:utrged
t) that gentleman.- - %Wednesday evening she
/again visited the name store and selected a'
handsome plaid dress pattern of sixteen yards,
which she also ordered charged to Mr. F.
Glover suspected, thgt the girl was not acting
honestly, and a sent- out for Chief of
P . olice.SmlihiwbOakiek , charge of the girl and
investigated - the [hatter, when it wasdiscovered
that she was laying in 4 considerable stock of.
gOoda.-under Wis...system. Upon •a solemn
promise that she wOrild return all the goods ,
procured in this swindling manner on the fol
lowing day, she was allowed tollut Celia
forgot her proinise and has not since made her
appearance. Her parents' live at' Lorberry,
whence it is sukiosed she has one, and we
make this exposition of her doings here that
others pay not be - victimized by her..
Local News of the Week.;—Monday was gen
erally observed as Christina:4 'Business was
entirely suspendelL
Chaplain U. C. McCabe will lecture at Union.
Hall on next Wedne.sday evening.
• A new 'depot is to-- be erected Nbdrtly at
Douglassville, on the line of 11.0 Reading Rail
The Catholic codgregations. of . Port .Clinton
and Schuylkill- Haven have been united with
that of St.; Marys at Hamburg. •
'Dealers will do well to note the redukiOn in
price of Almanacs at BnnanA: Ramaey'ii book
store. They-will be furnished at Itt3 50 a gross
Constables-e \
lect . Who intend to serve, must
file their bonds and be sworn 'ln on the (irk
Monday in JanuarY, at that monties session of
the Criminal Court; ' ,
MaCkeys punches will be missed by sleigh 7
ing parties durin , 1 , ithe cowling sleighing setr
-8311. „.
St, Patrick's Church Fair opened at Union
'Hall on Monday evening with 34 crowded house,
and has been well patronized every- evening;
during the week: It, closes on' Monday eve-1
fling. • • , •
Ou Friday evening the members of the Atin•l
rican Hose Company presented: their Chief,i
Capt. William F. Huntzniger, with a handvatete;,
gold-headed ebony cane, as a token of esteem
entertained for him by his. fellow-tiremen.
'The police were kept . pretty busy taking care
of those unable to- take' care of themselves on
Mcm lay. • •
Shortly after .11 o'eloekly morning,
smoke was discovered Iseittimr?frime the
Daniel Kershnsy, in. Third street, 06 : 4=
sioned by some slight - defeet in the heater. Tltc
flames were arrested before tnprh damage had
been done. .
Anthony Lally, tax collector 4,1 Athlarl;
tied up his Stute - and County lltiplic.tte for tslo,
this week, being one'of the Lirsz acttled up in
'.The new 'foundry • of , the' Eeading:ltailroad
Clomp:any is completed, so far as the building 1.
irompleted. Tho Main building is 210 by
feet; the eastbrn wing 100 by 43 feet, and 'the •
western wing 00 by 43 feet. . .
'David Edward got a cold water kith by trying'
to jump a hole. in the ice of the equal oo Tues- •
day stfterhoci.
A party of rowdies broke in the windows of
Adam Shnen'a saloon, in the Orchard on ,:klon 7
day night. A:man - named Fallon W 3.5 ,arrested
on the ebar,..e, bat Was subsequently released.
A young man wag picked'up in the Orchard •
on , Monday night in an .ahrtiost frozen eJn
The Court !louse clock' ha., gone into winter
quarters. Froze tip. _ - •
.on the Tutlibling Run ls.eight inches
Juhti Denedict..iincinined a brutal assault
upon 4ndrew 2!;l:ilont..y . • ILI 'Minnlay eve
ning,. • .
. .
Nicholas lturk,,aiged about Seventy years,
left Mahanoy City-on Monday morning on the
train, and when leaving the cars at Patterson
fell dead from a stroke of apoplexy.
The Port L'arlon pec , ple arc not S.:Ai:4led with
{Le plan for their ne ; w depot.
We learn that a certain y.iung lady in. Potts
ville received live lair i,f. kid gIOVCS. from as
many different parties on Christmas. ' -
"Pride,' the celebrated military drama will
he prGduced at Schuylkill Haven dming next
week, commencingOn Tuesday evening.
• Fairs and Festivals are all the rage in pow:-
ville'as well as in_the neighboring towns -2 and
cities just now. - -
The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad CZMi
paiy are laying the foundation for anew depot
at Port Carbon.
Schuylkill Haven will have a daily paper
during next week. -
..aminer, men, Messre..MeLeett, Cowhe
and others, who rescued the .Messrs. Lloyds
fCetti their perilous situation in the ML Carbon
1. pek on Sunday night, I , ,ter weeks,' ago, were
the recipients of several liandsotne 'presents
from the latter named gentlemen slow days - TifE • NEWIIN.ING LO('0310-
17 - 11*.t.:.5. .
Isini-e, . ----, . ,
.... • ....
The Christmas celebration of Trinity Church The Itahlw:il.drottiotivo Works hay,. had on
Sunday Schools was bell on Wednesday after- aex hibitiOn for :be last throe d ay: two, mining
iiocii in the.-church building. Inadditionto the loeoniotiv t . s, ordered fer the Wilkesbarre c.,al
main schen - L-Ibn rishbach, Mechanicsville and and Inn Cieepaey's collieries in the third an-
Me. Carbon tminches -were present in stiveg, i thracite coal region. Mr. Parrish wisfies to
foree—i wall Iprobably
.between five and '''. 4 Ei'x' - ling some stilisti; ute for the 'mule as a carrier in
hundred children. .. ii the Mine. Mitringa strike or other stispen-
Pottisrille has five telegraph ( - filets; sion of .averk.-a -large stud of , ditties is a great
Tbo congeegation of the Catholic Church at expense. A locomotive t-. - ,sts nothing when it
Girardville, are going to erect a' church to eest is doing uothing, and if wi.!l eared for does not
01,000. E grow old. A nether Outlay is"saved In the item
Monday will be generally observed its a boll- aof dricers. one man 'static es to drive a Incomes,
day in Pottsville. The Danko Post °eke andfear live; and a c‘npicrs tai brindle ani.entire
many of the stores will be closed. • train.. The -fire 1 - eik is !.(itiare and, deep; -end so
Several of the 'colleetoneof r eitate and Counts" little stoking is re - quint]; that ihe tire-'door
taies have settled up their dunlicatea, which is need nut be openecl more than four or tivetimes
setting a good, example. , . during the entire day. While, the locomotive
We are to have' four eclipses ln • the . y = ear was standing on the traiek in the shop, the
of 1871—two of the sun and two of the moon.. *team gimp! hulk-eke! 12t1 'mends pressure in,
lee Houses are now being filled with lee from the boiler, and yet the engineer had laid a-dain
site to eight inelamin thiehhesk. per . plate over the
,chimney ' hole. • Hail the
A meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the chimney it maim d epee, the ' , a:my valve won:d-
Agricultural Association of the Catawissa have deafened thiesliep. It seemed- dillividt to.
Valley, will be held at. Hingtoen, on Monday . , explain this excellent draft but it is an evident•
nest. • . • -'• • fate. The machine was run across the door :It
, Next week will be a weeknfprayer, observed various speeds, ..Si'arted with ease, an,l smppeil
by the Presbyterian and Methodist churches' of in the space of a Mat or two. There was Meap- 1
pearanee of perfeets dieility about it, whielree-
...The Gordon Union Sabbath School will hold Roved- usirent all su.spicion of aecident;sunder. 1
Its Anniversary at the Presbyterian Church of ground. - . .
thatepleee,on Monday, *January 2,1871, when a On examining :lie working gear this lithe ,;
thopx*plection ot recitation*, enibleuts, mot- locoinotive appeered to be staute.l3:y built and I
tmaettlllneel'end ehents suitable' to the oceesion. well ilidshed as any passenger engiee, but was
will ke:44% ; e1l by the Sabbath School. . - entirely without ornament. The wheel:- were 1
The rasedAlexanderGray. Sr., vs, Maxie et, necessarily Small, but heavy, with a broiel; fiat 1
Lonplreak, Abhiere .11MM-toned, terminated 'on tread, and very light dative. The cylinders, 9 i
, _AvedtteedntiM!...t: IrTeidlet . for
_the 'PhliPti.ff far -inches in diameter (inside, by „11:. Int-hes stroke,
r .67 - s * ( rN• 11 9 ihifrhg.hgrorthloiure. nihrillegn wain': lie - nnder the front end or-the boiler: The pis-,
with interest... - - - ,
_._,",• -'''' ---." -
...„_,____ -_- . ton rods play between groups of four equare
Another ettit.olilleielmiler . character between slide rods, and a-simply adjusted link niotion
the same Partiee.ishitkletihned, it* . retrir of the works* jinn o f ward el the tire box. The con
plaintiff, for 1122,000:18.7 - :,' ' '- - .., - • . nections ale of course ineide. on the cranked
axle of one of the two palte:pf drivers Iof:30;!
inches). which are - the citilli.,;wheele. The lire i
box and leivNialforin ova. hangs behind. AS
coal is always on hand, no coal space is needed, I
and thli. - -Vater-lank le folded over the top and
sides of the better, acting as, a jacket, and
.Yee:- 1
ing-nuitehot to the hand. - _
- This - lank holds 190 gallenii, and the,'whole f
engine; with fuel-mid waters weighs nearly 15,-
000 peunds. The makers* guarantee that it shall
haul, and under tall. eircuelstatieet.' with wet
and dirty rails; on re level, reiti gross; tons -- ,; on 1
a 66 foot gradient, 50 gross tons; and on it 14111
foot gradient, 30 • gross 'tons. Ceder favorable.
circumstances it will of ecerse do, more." ' .
liVilre box, platform is covered with a light
, - ..wagtm-tojp - root UP guard the engineers Rhead..
The extreine height is 3 feet 4 inches; ea - tre:tie
',width 5 feet I Inch.: . ,•- •• -.• ..
! ' -Several. euginest, soniewleit siilar to these:-
,jeirei bft.o comerueted iit Pittsburg, and .sets*
in the' Mines of that ueighborhoed.'givinif giving
ilifietare scimentrwimPtitlid: but - 1
not etesuelegn extent testo , interfere with their"
-being taken YeadilY to pieces, examined '=or fe-
:paired. Tit la'needlesm to say that they ere made '
with eonseienelonk. careefuld made strong, to
tand4 of ignorant. cr
UHF ICE ettrtit
, Eorro 3ji JoutotAt.:
—Will:-you please Issue :-airtibrereq:uest to .
Mu. Stara, Supt-SehP.rklit not to
draw-ofr:Atte`fOutal Attebt-lida:Dants at and_
ikhoreMhtuttilsrhesoMrethollot at Februarvr•
tbrigthtletjesportisAlht our at-
Ant estidujettruebo. Air is
rig riP . l a l 2. 4 wtotorelt-16:10pport life,.
st einhis: usite. Streenter-leitter for .this
edimet- tht - eystroyeet'..laritanloralloili or
ietttlattiooPoweir-Ait-leolle the. Canal.
be kept Nitwit*t
_giro no' i
tollt4lotitlikr 411 1 0, aloe; Mao tor-or
nor many. to
- • • Ithe:
. _
4614.0113. wocpixt:-
may . 11 " also a-cc :'Montan abrogation ofOngg
tied bar
• •
klonAck Cliiimies• - Esitlii "Mai
now - - lAirifbattind
IXTE COPY, the felltiWirig interesting article
NV- from the LondonSitzsifin JOII.TELNA,L. In
our IFOrk •talled-ceilL,• !now .A..ND On, the dif..: 1
Arent methods of Working Coal Mines are ftillyl
glwent- ,
011 , T112 comea,nfaive salmi): or. torrettinetl
• .WIIILTUODS ,Ort wommen qua., • -
• - ,A new and valuable addition teoupettattsileall
information as regards the Comparative safety;
of the .varieus_mettusis of working coal has just"
been drawn np -by Mr. P. Cooper, of the Roinsee,
Colliery, near Sheffield, a gentleman who has;
longbeen well known for his researches and;
writings on - all - matters relating to mining
. .operations. In additidn to the tables. alluded
to, there is also • given the different modes.ot
1 • raising coal as practiced in the various collierY•
'districts in the ,kingdoms,' and; seeing it
.generally believed that to.the -dill'erence in the
methods of working the .results as to safety and
fatality are to be Mtn butes], the' facts and figures
will put that very important' , Matter in its true
I : and proper light. It antis° seen that, were the
averages safety of_ all the mining districts in the
same proportion ' aY that of South Durham; or,
the principal, fiord auffrpillur !district, 5.90 .fewer
deaths. would athigally_pecua than at the pre
sent tithe; and if in the same ratio as the Mid-i
land, or long wall, district Via lives, or 1.90 lee
than the_ Ddrham district, Would - be annually;'
saved from all totuses, Were l the Midland dis - .-1
trict equally•rocsafe as the South Durham. the;
annual deaths would be reduced from 60 to::
Id, or 2,1 per cent,. .It is clear that the ratio nil
safety has ve-y considerably increaseff since the
appointment - of • tiovernment I , 9,slpeetors ; Wei
thus find that for • this-tlve years ;min P.;:?6 tt
1860, both inclusive, the deaths fibm all causes
was 1 for'every 74,671uns of Oal
for the six yearS" entunterWillg iu 1.!!4.14 and
terminating with ISC9 the ratio Was 1 death for ,
every tons raised, or anlinerease of :A per
cent.—an ac ual. saving of 'core lives in 'six
years.. The various nodes of working coat in
different distsiet,i are
No.l . Name of dintrhit. -Method' of ?working
91' Nortnumberlaild„N.bur-'
, ham it: Curnbeilanil Ford and pillar. • .
2 South luarliain'
• • I` ‘ ,
Manchester District...:_ Species of bond and
4 ~Wpqt I.llnezrthire. Nortlt
Wales. •
. . .. ........
f . .
. i „Rank dr. strait work..
Zi- - •Yorkshire..--..- 4 .... ....... ..: t and !Joni and pillar,
t. • . , -... ~' I , With long wall.
s 51Idland iiistilet.'.. ."7.14 - ..... - . Long wait.
7 •Staffordshlm X: ch . eslii re,!
t . and Shrerdhire.......: ' 'Eor/ and pillar.
ii 'Sonth Staffordshire .tnid: •
._ . .
and Worecatersh.lre - Low; wall .1.: special;
; - method Inatft. bed. ,
• - 9 iSoutlk..'Wle*.tern District._ Strait work & Stalls.'
10 ..iSoutli Writez , 2-....,.
1 :1 n :t: .. . 11. ditto •:
( • . • t ]lord and pillar :n(1
11 • ;East :Scotland
'4 i
(; West :Scctl:tml 4 - Lord and pillar and'
1,, ' i , . 101 n..; wall.
. .
• *The number of digrlet will be. retained in. sop-i
sequent tall'es. ..._.„ _
' )
Atnongst ihe'several ,tables given iA the (01=
lowing, showing the total deaths from all causes
and tons of. coal .raised, per death in each dis
trict for the three years 'ending in Is . C9:-,.
'No. Death from all_ causes Total deaths Two) rat-ed
I$lA. - 1 , 67. 14:8 for 3 years -
I pa • si , e. 9 . 5 1:o •
2. ~ - 115 "77 ' - -.. ' , 7 ' - 2:9
3 . -- 69 Si ' 44121.
4 • 150 111 , 247 'f; 7.21
5 - ,4•.:.1 90 8 , i - 51 1 .1" ,
6 -56 61 • 01 4 , 1.2
-7 ... 181 74, ' 61 . :116.•
8 . 109 . 111 - 1-t.4 :7.1
. 9 .1 71 1
1 ' .:
, t)
10 131 ' : - x
11 • :ez. . a) - 4:1 1:',5.
12 - 4-1 11 40 11.1)
Total 111 . 11...4) MI 36%; 1 N4,(1
, - • 1
The rate or Farety Tor the three years 11 , 4'ml:own
as fellows, the district raising the largest quitnti,
ty of coal per . cleath, frrm all Vauses, being rej,
presented by 1(0:
- I.
Tone ralsed Ride of
per Jiro Inzo.—lssi feet y 1
166;t11 - 100.00
10,698 . tiliALI
153,475 '32.7. ',I
Name of district
11 East 4c011and.....“...
2 South . Dinharti .....
12 West Scotland
1 , tic humberl'd, N.- Durham,
and tuinbertand....-
6 Midland District 12:013
it • 'Manchester District
8 South Shilionhlilre Wor- '
. east ershtre
. 8 Setifli-Western District..... ..:.
:11. Statroidshlre, Cheshire. g• A I .
and P. -
In south wale, •
5 Yorkshire
.11 'West . Lancashire and North
Average of all districts
L As explosions are believed to be the
fertile cause of. colliery fatalities, the following,
table erill_show the ratio of: , safety for the three;
years. ending :in lStlg, the ilistriet raising the
largest quantity of coal per death. frontexplo
sions being represented by Net—
T. t/I Tonn.ifeo r•l Rt . of
No. Name of (liNtriet. Alcv,ths. pk.r death. safety..
1 Non II utuberl'.l
I wurham
lund . 7
12 I Xti.t f , th.tiaild .. +. 2.31::.1:a; t '.•
HI 511t11:10,1 11:1,tr1L• 12 i.00......;:(i.,
'2. tioutll Tlurliaii)..--.... ...... .t.ii . • 1..11%41P)
Il Soullll-I\'est*n lA,ttlet. 1:1 • 1,11.N.161 '
11 Fast teot101“.1 ': 17 1.:120..71.1
rl 5.'111.11 14 nlll)rti.l.lre ....t
Worec,ten:- Ire.. 115
:1 - 3lnneheOer. I)l , trlrt...
10 14.uth Wades 11. - _'
1 N'V'f-a I_nbc:,l)lre 011.1 ' \
North Wale. 1 , 2
7 '.1 , .;. r.tiatr.)nb.hire. Cil.-
%hire 41 tihrop.lilre. 1.1.4
..1 Yrakkhlre
. .
—.— -
.kvelpfze 91 I • (H)
The la! 14 eeul arAlNtoue for the t lime yearv - tiamd
wereser • large.
:The following table show: the ratio r.f saf..ty l
.S.111!10 as the previous our with rehttit.4l to tbe'
• T , ,tal Ton , of c , oat llate of
No. , Nz , tue , .ll:istri..l. , lei.tii-,. ler death. safety.
2 South Durham ~.,
.-,1,,.ica 1.12.10
it Past Spoil:ilia ...... ..... . - -.9
1 Sort loonherl'il. Nom 11
Durham, ‘,.!.. Cumber
land .............. :_.......... .! .
6 .Midlood District' ' 75
5 Yorkshire_ Icr;
7 N. Stntiordshire, Clu.-
shire:4 Shroi•sYre. 1..;
12 West Seotlatid.i... ..... 71
3 Manchester Distriei .. .....
s South Staffordshire .1;
. Worcestershire 17')
la South Wales lc:. ^,....
I West Lanesshire- :out '
. North Wa1.5......... r.: 1.17.:,,:i . L. ::t,::. 9 South,West'n lii , iriet 121 151,. - ,r, :1 1 .77
, 'Average"' all ,11,:triet, ... : . ...,,. 2i7.31r...1 17.t1;
From what are termed underground acci
dent..., the%folloiring% table shows the ratio of
safety in each di , triet for the three years_end
ing in lt.e.s from tho%e eaues, the locality yds
ling the large , d'‘liian!ity (if coal per death t..eing
re:presented by imo:
No. Name of th,trict.
South Durham
1 Not thumbrr. d. Lai ham
anti tlitilberl:tml
I !kilt'!anti :,...
7 .N. Slatrortl.sltire, 111,,!iirc,
' :old Shr"iwttir.• ' -- ..!: - U. - , i . - .1,r,.
1 - 2 WeM 5(441311 4 1 '...:• - ..‘4, ; . .C. 19.![•••
:' Martubi,oer I)l.trict .... - ..;:i...1.7 1:1:23
S t•knltlii Stall.rd•liin, & W..:- .
et....teeNliir... • - '17.1._'1 ..1...1
1 ,, Koutii Wail., •,-.
4 %V.Nt 1.1e11,-a..%llire an N 'orth
W.les ....... .... .. .. ...... . ... 1.17;o: - . ,13
9 Suuth-Vit•.o,•irt/ I ., ,,krici . 154,&47, . 21.77
Averag,e L.f al! c1i5:r:ct, , ...........• '2.17,;:,..1
. ,
.1 , 31,110
Ix r,dm t 1L
4:i,s 21
• 1L1,411 , 1
I ' 51,*-7tl
! , 111:1
(r 9
1" t. 29,
1.'7. 7
570.11 t;i.5 , 3
571,1 M 12;11'
< 121,71,
l 0 {,II II .
5.7.1 ~l
• 1./Ms
171.."22 I
. .
so far as the Mandrake Pills are concerned, every
, body ettioulit keep it suprly of them tmi'havtl. They
act on the fleet better than ealomel, and leave none
lof its hurt( erects behind. lit fact -they' are ex
cellent in all . aS , PII where n purgative medicine is
required. If 3 tu have pattaken too freely of fruit
anti Mari:hots e. :tiles, totti^e of the Mandrakes will
cure you. If yrs re subject m sick headache, take
1 it dose of the Mat drakes and they will relieve you
i c , tw,-,1,,m r .,.. If you won'd ot , viate the effect of a
change of water, or the too free indulgence of fruit,
take one of the Mandrakes
very night or every
y t
other night, and you may , 1 i en drink water and eat
watermelons, pears, apple - . plums, peaches or corn,
•without the risk of being made sick by . . them. They
will prott - stt those , who live in Slainy to•tua lions
against chills and fevers. Try Meal. They are per
fectly Intrtnles-1. They eao
.3 nu gotsl only.
I have abantione,l any p sessional visits M
n and New York, but conti ne to see IRA
-1 tort at
:3\4 h
my ' , nice. No. Ii N. SIXTH Street. Philadelphia.
every Saturday. froM HA. M. hall P. M. Those, who
wish a thonaich examination, with the Itespircon
eter will be eltargtst nee dollars.. The Ilespirometer
declares the exact con dition :of : the lungs, - and
patients tan readily lerierrnahether they are curable
or not. But I desire it inctly. understood that
the value of my metliciinel, depends entirely:Amon
their being taken strictly according - to directions.
In eoneluslon. I will aay that when persons, take
I my medicines and their systems are brought ito.a
I. healthy condition thereby, they are not so liable to
! take cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can bear a
sudden change of atmosphere withoudthe liability
of greater or less irritation of the bronchial tubes.
Full directions in all languages accompany my
Medicines. so explicit and clear that any 'one can
use thorn without consulting me, and can be bought
from any dr uggist, '-,
Tou+rui> d Ra!io of
~ pr •aletr.
1.•. o» ' !'olio
'..7•3,6Z:1 • '04:2
i • 11 1. 7 RNHA31—PHILLIPS—Irt Port Carbon on the
I. evening of Dee. 1.1111. by Rev.s-Notde Frame,. MIL
W/LLIAX I. Br /1:571AX; I° Uri:4 I.rxf;ts .14,, PIiII,LIPS,
' 1 - all of Port Carbon, Pa.'
1.. DENinEs-, niCTIARDS-On.tbe'27tl) iiiet.a? Potts-. %life. by the Rev. Win. Morgan, .11R. plortit'f.t DE- .
Irtra, tb Mut§ ELIZA r
%7'... itICHARIK, batliotof ..3Khanos
;-- City. ...Y. ;
-.; . , r .
, IfAAK -4-. VINDENMUTH- , On. theb`224l or lic!i'eni
ii ber, at the Washltigtc House. In Matiheini,..}:an- ;
1;(-aster Courly. l'enn ~ by the - Rev...L- C. itainitz, j
t l.
;',T,num.ts fi sK. of A 'astiington. Karisas, to Man- '
11. 3 / 4 . itc'ila ghter of Jacob Linde-mouth, fdstuer y •
!!of POttsvill . . - ! :
"' . I E ,. .... , :"NEfrt—WEIstEL-tt Dec. 2511 t, qm7; , ..-:iit the I
residence oil the Minister. by - Rev. R.. 11. !Aden- 1
1 : se tin . * T. MP/ ALLIERT,,II.ESI.NER, td-31.1.4.' , 1 ELIZAXPTII .
f' NV Eisr. both of Pottsville, Pa. . ~
r; 1 I
i PAYNE—GREGORY—On Suntitiy. ilt;c„. 2.ith, inc.\ 1
at the residence of :itr„)? Gregory' iiiatiara7 ll llY ., I
I nu. by Rev: Oen, Hargts of Glrarravllle. 31a.F - Wit.- -
; LIAX Y. P.ti - tcr, to Sizro limrait GREGORY. the for
t mer of Girardville, land' the latter of Mahanoy I
lit3 - .' 1 1. a ,i
, • WEIfiIITNIAN—WE. .L.S.—, h o use Joseph Itit k- 1
l' erton 61' Mt. Carmel; at ' the* of the bride's .
1 parents, oirartivtlie. cal Sittalay, Dec. ir,. 1f.79. ?dr,.
Jlosv.i.if J. Weihttimas . to Miss J triad. WELI.-4; both
of Girardville, Pa. , , •
AVELLS--BAUGTIF,Y—By Fey. Josepb Bickerton
of Mt. Carmel, nt . the !house of the brlcle'‘ tirents,
t'ilnir(lswille t on Sunday, Dec. 2.ith. I , e , t.rttro
• W1;11-4 to ] Asti MAI:7IIA /IA1*(1,1116, both of • Girard-
- - ,---- --
SCIIENCE.'—At 10 o'clock, l'st • night, after only
about 13minutes Illness, J masts. only- daughter of
Ttev.l. and Sophia SChenck. - Funeral, - Tuesday - --
. ?Notice of It wilt be given r hereafter. . •
i I
• I P.ENKS—Ori the 2Sth Inst., near DichersVille. In
i I Ea;,,t litunswlclt township, of' - drone?,- I;EO "E
litsatus, a highly e -teemed and patriotic I clitisen of
1 i thisi,tonnty, In the 71th year of his ace. I ",..- • ;
li- . , ;
1 A
EVANN—tnt Monday, Dec 271 h. at St . Clair, Pa.
'LAU R- EcizAritrp, daughter•--or Je.a,e I and , Sm - ah
I I Evans, ngtd 4 yeaft. 1 month and 10 days.
ti ; • •
I! ,1311"IFT.—'111 A altland,:Devember If, 0, Swurr;
II agettze rears , . ' -,,.---• - :' . -i:
Ii • The friends and relatives of the taiul arescapect
fully Invited to at tend the funeral O p • unday, JD •
1,, P. 41, at 24" clock„ I'. M., from hate reside
~I,all4ind. • • ;-• • ' , • • .
. _-.
j_j OLIDAY rOOODB, ./tollefuire *puiella
r H
1 HOLIDAY GOODs tor Christmas and
FY94 . 7 Fo t)- • -
*RR. 3L A. ussokft, -
No. lid! N.: W. eot..p.lereuth a Chettnntsts.; l
I TOTS! Nrar °Pow. ' .
Ix -,.! 'Eng:. Ish,,Frotsch, German and American.
) • • ' • TOY:-DOLLS., PA,NCY GOOl
I ' I still enntimie to,sell ray entire stoeltni Feat)
N'el‘teteena; Flower*, ite.. at grestly.reductsrpt.
to rank, roam tor our Toys and - 1101111di dOta -
nat,- and Towel Hacks , Bracketr.-o*Desks.
' Ink, Sbnidti„ Pocket Books—greatea.4 S 'ater
,1 Seller ivierflon of Jet. - Gilt;Paarl and..; CoratJews
- miry., • ' -•-- - , .--'W'r V--
I -. fr.leasut Fans. Pearl. IrorY and Gilt tstickf 7.:)..
. ; 'likiklior ea, two bottom!. all the new.l/4allm. Also.,
she Joseph Ktd. the beat 111 Glove sold. • - ' -
, Cloaks, Dresses and Suits made in thenkost ra,4l-
ionsade style. -, - _
1 ;- Trimmed Paper Panam . a., •- - . ' • .
.- .
I Perfect_ System of DranCatting
_tatt.. ~
:neat Valeuefennes„Guipuraand mt.d Lama:
:Jl,ll ‘ :the. latest - styles ,Ltallea'-. Colhst; -Cuba end
Alealcs- _
_,„„_. ; - % . , . :
- it d',...1-ppllsoe sod Daehmses.• .4, 1 •;. .
' - enamela .Itiaeits , Ostrich
-- `*athers - aniklilarrers..Eaton
aimi litirshetrindsaltini`;
, and other, - ~E ng
tin tha elect:tint' Of
itrOducfd., - Li n t on. a
Ilat' Int-vogue in
Witllo4l I
-et.% to eat as' inkny,- . '
)ers to be electeditu
ohe for . - each
inila.r - tutnnta4vo •
-4 ( his Ga 4
, cord %skulls 'Mins.
__ 1' •
Zatats a line Spa lasiTticao; mai tinware's Sabot
• t.v =cents toessuperlortes at Potur
ladles antraents traltauratdOyetn
..14 tiClentre street.
lvesreduced to oult the.tanip.,.., eau and fan gay
yourse. . • 1 • 340
Fitrzeeif, Reithattand Amerlash Chiang. Dal Myles.
end of the finest quellthte.f4D. A.,,t3mlth's, Centre st.„
Palm= Piamaalamcs DRILLS, a beautiful art.
del). A-13mIttes. Catre Street. • -
J. all kinds poOtively, perfectly and permanently
cured by W. A. l .llcCandles, M. D. No.: Wel Arch Bt.,
I desire to say to Mesa.' affi leted with any -kind of .
PI LES,lnteenal, External. Blind. Bleeding, twitch
ing, that there is positively no kind of deception in
the cure of these diseases, the care is perfect'
and permanent, and Without the slightest danger
without the slightest injury to the patient In any- ,
way; and without caustics or instruments. I also'
cure Fistula Fissures, 'Prolapses and 'Ulceration of
the lower bowels. Patients must visit - me and can
remain at my house till cured, if they desire. Can
refer you to over Itirripersons cured in. Ptillade/phia
Oct. 1, '707--114ra
tetter's United *Sates Almanac tdr 1871, (orals,
tribut on. 'gratis, throughout the United States. and
all cldlized countries of the Western Bernphsphere,s
will by published about the first of January, and al!
who wish to understand - the' true philosophy of
health should read and ponder'the valuable slugger,
nowt it contains. In addition to an .admirable
medical treatise on the causes, prevention and cure
of a great variety of disesscs. It embraces a large
amount of information interesting to the merchant.,
the mechanic,the miner, the farmer, the planter,
and professional man •
.and the calculations have
been made (Or such meridians and latitudes as are
most suitable far a- correct and earaPrriamain :
The nature, uses. and extraordinary saultary'efs
Mots ot Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonic
and alterative of more tlitut..half the Christian
world, are fully set Mirth in its psalm,, which are also
interspersed with pictorial Illustrations......valuable
recipes for the household and farm, humorous anec
dotes; and other instructive and amusing reading
;matter, original and selected. Among the Annals
to appear with the opening of the .vear.-this wilt be
one of the most useful, and Mali aod.folfAc asking,
The 'proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter •4.Snifith, on te
celpt-of a two-cent, stamp, will forward a copy by
mail to any person who cannot procure one in his.
neighborhood; The bitter* are sold' In every city,
hiwn and village, and are extensively used through
out the entire civilized world. .
Jan. ,I, I-1y-
TER.—liuxing (Or the last thirty- fiver devoted
my whole lime and attention to the study of lung
diseaseerand eensumption, I feel that I undersand
fully the course that ought to be pursued to restore
a tolerall g bad ease of diseased lungs to healthy
nbundne The first toad most Important step is
for the p, end to avoid taking cold. 1111111 the best of
all place-J - 16m this continent for this purpose in win
ter, is Florida, melt down in the , State, where the
temperattfreAs regular, and not subject to 'such
variations" as In more Is orthern latitudes. Palatka
tea point I can recommend. 'A good hotel is kept
there by Fetet man. Last winter I saw several per
sons there whose lungs bad been badly diseased,
but who, under the heating influence of the climate
'and toy medic! lleS, were getting well.
One hundred wiles farther down the river iset
point which I would prefer to Palatka, as the tem
perature is more even and the air dry and bracing.
Meilonville and Enterprise aze located there: I
should give a decided preference to . nellcrnville. It
Is two inileti from elver or lake, and It seems almost
impossible total:c.c.:di' there. The tables, in Ekr-
Ida might be better, and patlentscomplain at linTes;
but that is a good sign, as it Indicates a return of
appetite, and when this is the ease they generally
increase in flesh, and then the. lungs must heal.
• Jacksonville, Hibernia, Green Cove, and many
other places -in various parts of Florida, can be
safely recommended to consumptives in winter.
y reasons for "Saying snare that patients are less
liable to takirer, cold there than where there is a
less even temperature, and it is not necessary to
say that where a consumptive person exposes him
; elf to frequent colds he is certain to tile shortly.
Therefore my advice is; go well down (biotite state
out of the reach of preValling east winds and figs.
laelfsonville. or almost any of the other localities
I have maned, will benefit those who are.trosibled
with a torpid liver, a ellsordereJ stomach; deranged
bowels, sore throat or cough, but for th rwhose
lungs are diseased a mere southern point earn
estly recommended.' H
Fur fifteen years prior to lioa, I was profes.sionally
in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Plilladelphijt
every week, where I saw mid examined
age live hundred patients a week.
,A .
extensive, embracing every possible phase/4,14ne1:
dh:ease, has enabled me to undo stmal• the:din - lose
fully, and hence, my caution in regard to tutting
cold. A person may time , vast quantities of
"tichenek's Puhnonle Fyruticavreed Tonic and
Mandrake Pills," Enid yet does not avoid
taking cold.
In kteritia,'nearly everybody is using Sebetrek's
Mainbake Piths for the climate is more •Ilkely to
produce habits than more northern hall is a well established fact that natives of
Florida, rarely die of consumption, especially those
of the'southern part. On the other hand, in New
'England, one third, at least, ef the 'population
of this terrible disease. In ,the States It
does not prevail so largely, still there are.- mahy
thousands of vises there. What a-vast percentage
of life would -be Raved if consumptives were as
easily alarmed in regard IA taking fresh cold as they
are'abotit scarlet fever. small pox., ac. But they
are not. They take svisat they terra a little cold.
which they ate credulous enough to'belleve
wear off in a few days. They 'pay no attention to it,
and hence it lays the foundation for another arm
another still, until the lungs are dheeasol beyond
all hope for cniv.
My - advice to persons Whose lungs nre - affected
even slightly ts,4tilay in a stock of s-chenck's Pub
ruonlc -Syrup, Schenek's Seaweed' Tonic.. and
Sche nck's Mandrake Pills and go to Floada.
recommend these particular medicines because:T.
am thoroughly acquainted With their action. I
know that where tney are used in strict accordance
w,i t ii.Juy-dfrections they will da the work - that is
required.'. This accomplished, nature will de the
rest. The pllXSiehlil 1010 prescribes for odd, cough
n night-sWeatS, and then advbes the patient to
walk:or ride out every day, will be sure to have
corpseon his hands before long. .
My plan is to give my three Ined'clites; in screw
dance with the printed directions, except in-seine
eases wherea freer use of, the Mandrake Pips is
necessary. My object is to giVe tone to the stomach
—to get up a good appetite, It is alway s agnedisign
when a patient begins to grow hungry. I ilaye
hopes of swell. a relish Yor food and the gratl
pleat ion of that . relish comesitood•bkxid, and with
it loon-flesh, Whh#l, is closely followed by a healing
of he lungs. 'sTifeli':the cough loosens and abates,
the creeping chills and, clammy night -sweats no
longer prostrate and annoy, and the patient gets
provided•he avoids tartizt. ; cold.
Now there:are many - consumptives who have not,
the means to go to Floridd. The' question may be
asked, Is there no hope for suck; .Cotainly there
is. MY advh . te to such Is. uud ever hasbeeu, to stay,
• in a warm roorn . durtnit the winter, with a tempera-'
tare of ab,ut Se.VC ty dim . rees, wh icirshould be kept
regularly at that point, by means of a thermometer.
pat:cat take , exercise within - the
or' the loom brf"tecalkin„..v up and down as
touch as his stye ngth will permit, in order to keep
tip it healt cl ,at 101 l of the ithrild,'
,tit,ql.lllll6 by system,: and can do sciagalo
. .mstimpt kat as easily ea rest as any °doled xe '
if it 14 taken in time, rind dhe proper kind of
tr , atment - is pursued.. The met stands
puled on r,eorit that selienek's PulMonle Syrup,
Mandrake Pills, and Seaweed Tonic; have ettrAd
very ninny et what seemed to be hopeless eases of
eonsuoipt lon. nowhere yen will, you a!-
most certain to And some poor consumptive who
,reseued from the very Jaws of death by
tnelr use., °
. , I. H. SCHENCK. M. D. .
N. /5 N. S,IXTH St I ert , Plillailelphla,
, tpril le, '7J ' 16.1 y •-•
-- ---r------- -
.. . . .
~.......-:-....---- -. - 7 - -7 - __. - , , ,
DICEN/STEATOWS NOTICE. ---1 - '''''','
.100 ~i
Aggdnlstratlon ,opon- he refakt of f, eoree w
, DOM bring. granted to the - undersigned— l i ,--
sonishairing eistmeagalnat the estate are tt,,,,,eltr
jo present th em irttnont delay , and thcx.. , '•' 1 ;
Med estate are gmmested to mate.payment ti, '''r-
UM DANWAL T. ltAatElt, AdrniolstrttN4
- . or tattle Attinne ..1tA411.) A. JON l'ii; - . • - - 179 Ceti Eitticet, Peal - wt .- 111e, pa:
Rn!tomb of Pottnille, contsed.
---I,etters testamentary on said estate' having
gi.liAted to the undenignedr, nit persons indebted o
sta-exude are rea requested make payment, a n d estate to pre.4llt all
persons having claims stssitt W
the same to REBECCA C: ItY I :xl'eu I rix„
Dee. 12.1, Market. 85„, Pmtsl
COUNTY OP scaui.LsaLL,Tlie totier
ofroed:oppotnted by Monad Court nn Audi
distribute the balance , remaining in , r
Joseph Klima,. one of e t oit r y of the
estate of Lteury Boyer,d late.of liorl,eit
Of -.i'Ottsvll le. in said exoti ty. tn and among 1 1.
parties entiricd to the. same. will meetthi. Nolte %
interestsd at his orrice:No. 16t3Ventre strert., Itot ts_
vale, on TVENDA Y. January 3d, MO, for
pons Of performing ttio dial of his oppol ntntwo t r„.,
DECIEXItiat 15,1870. • JOHN
Deis 17 71:5.51-3t
Is" flyricE.--41ters Or A m tiLitrattorf ott't h.•.-...,
. tate of ri's.vtra!narr deeensed. ha 1r.,: I*,
estate are ak •n ma t, and ti,,.....
hav,,lng c=resenith rn 1 -
IItD.FNIDE t,:Adtata is:rat, r.
1 1
.. „ .. .
—..___.....„ •
N c „ „ ti r j c, h _Le ... i 1 ,,,,..,:, t rr.,:t., ,- -„7 „„ the. i ~. •
the llormit.:11 tit
Yottsville. In tht , ' twenty f &hey 1ki11„..h.,,ti,•,1
h av i ng been granted to the Initkrst.ned, all 1.4..t4 i .:
indebted to mild tatate are r i ituetsted to make ini - int•- r.
Mate paympet. and thole h. ving elat tom against M..
same so present (hero goon r met tlenteit t(o •
NV )t.litit:Ea; Atiollob.traftor,' '
No. 1 :. 241 . 4 ander5!..11 stre.t -
4 •-' r' ' • s•
: . 1 - . -, '„ g.ifoti,yJl. ,
,d, - DR. ' CHABLES HAESEL t'li;
Boroughlof gottsville Lb et,u,i,t.-
.ministration ion said 'Estat,. 1.;,.
to the undersigned, all pers , •l, , , ~,,,,.:z - : -
ed to said estate are requested to make pa 1,1,- 1 , 1 - „„,,
sentall persoans h a
tong claims against said est:. '. , •,e,-, f . .
the s
• C. H..IIAESELER. Adel i11c• T I .11:;%,
- N0:45 Idahaptonaosi , l'..i!si '..',..,
limo A. W. SCUM LCii. Attorney at I a %.‘ . .
. ...- ... No. 2slCentr!. st.-Pott.v.eft....
1.k.e.10, If'l--,60., . -' I • I -
, - • _ , •
I\IOTiCE..- - -The Imolai ,NlPet log of tiw ::1,...5_
IN holderx 'Or' lb' P9T171 IL r. W ATER li I ' Ai:
' '' held :ittlietr r ffice.r..Nl,iNt, 4.1
PANY for the elect • to of nli e Itlerme..r,t,i'..q \ , 11,,
yr I,lbetween the 1., lii • ~:
u t
n t n h g d 3 a • e i n . .
o r 1
.. tr ja ll i l itu
and I o'clock P. 31. -
By °MET of tlw prrw,i>i•Sti; , " * , • •-.-
Mit:TON 110(. 1 .'Sk.', sverg4Ni ,
coTTSVILLF, Der. 23; I;70, • 14.4.... '_'f.'-0-::
Pim IL% r'et.. 1!It
Ilhe-Annual liiet ina of!..tim, wi;t I .•
nt theirtortiee, I.s,Sotithiltreventh tj •
day, hit rar•rif b. 91140 , 71, at' A. M. the
of n l'resldent apcl tor! .rigers to strx . i,•
swing year. • ;,i t f 41 ,
Dec. 21, '7l!--:,2-3t •
0111ce, ''.2.7Frith Fruit:3
- ai1d.. 1.1
Notice is hereby glreti toile! Stocklrsi l l.
d t1;1 ,
Company that the Ann tat BP ethic and to v7ef%tl l „,
for President and six Direetevlto sei ye
Inu year will take fdart Jsurary
'1671, at 10;,' o'clock A.. lit
Dec. '24. 'll)—il2.3t ,
N oTick.—The'.
1..• hereby
that all per M
Fons hole x -bo da ncinnm t
in %urns errs than Mtren hUndred dollar. ol is ( •
Q EWA' ed to p•aselit Wein air payiltettt 'nfree
thet*enty-flftli day of January, A. P. 1 , 71;,.11., t
wire ihe-Interr,4 11;111 stepped roue sa , ,l
'ETLIt -
I‘l . OT/CE2* , Tlle : ref ail noellj', oi 111',••
• i ock kac'ild6rti of Nat tonal, dunk73lltersvillea.the .erun I iiiicettas
serve the. canting yet _..,, held ou seeoud
Tuesday of Jritivarr, belweiri) the hours of 10
and 4 P. M., at their Banking lionse.
Dec. 17, '7O- 7 41-4t - CIO),
dersigned Commi}4tloners - or t
Pa., hereby-give notiewthat they will ehaige
est on all moneys duel" -Tax ('..hectors on o ;n;. r
PETER 11.1. F it, '. •
• . I . PATX : 0: J2,:tH,V.G.0111.. .•-• c`..otil i 1!(r.
Dee. 70—titis'lt • ' •
P• R -------- L
ROAD COMPANY, Office No.= s. I (An i
Street. - - •
, - •
• 1111.
.11; 1:e,
NOTIrE ii-E414.31A GIV I•3
E:S:10 the srd ••1;
.eraoPLltixCornpan7. flint the Annual Ilectice st-. 1
:Election for President, Ms 31anacert,
and Secretary. will take place d tt the s.ed d , Ol Md.!,
dity (9th) of Jar nary nisi. ; at 'l2 N.
• Dec- 17. ' "WM:.II. ' .
Cio3l PA
No. 176 'Cent - re Strt , \A ,
. y'OTTSYII.4A4, Pik: . i
CREASE To Sit i,),( i.
This Coropany'eharti!red by th r t.
for the trunehytion or q,
U. S. Bondi' and ottfo. Retiable,BondiN
. -. , and; Sold.l
t:OLIR. SILV4 It !\L tin:Po:is no - tiwr ANL, 1.111.11.
• Firit . = Mortgage Bonds. .
. ,
Interest I'ai - ablO Aptit and October
• Freo.of State.aiid..United.StateS . ,
• . . Takes: .
'We are now offering the hal:ince of thkroutilor -
200,000; irh 'eh i, securet by 4111 - .4 an , l 1(0 oo
the - entire property,an (ranch lse.s 4-Ore Comp:J.lly
At - 90' and the. Accrued Interest Adde
The. Road is now raphliy approaching completion;
with a large trade In COAL, IRON-and
nddltlon-to the..liassenger travel awaiting the Op n v
tog of this greatly enterprise. The loe;ar
trade alone lY sußiciently large to maintaintL
IRoad.. iiave no hesitatiOn in recommending the
tionds'as 'a tIinEAP. ABLE . atid ; 4 :lilt', IN- .
For pamphlet's,. With mai), and fill inforinufhm
apply to
Dealers in Governmen,t Securitlea:
Apply to
Nov - . It% '7O
-- -- . .
g te
••OR SALE---A 81x renmeil noose. Isr.".re cso:r ! .
A.l"of en.lrult, gas and bath room s -hot smi r. , r.
!in r: - House In soot, Order. - F p
or utt - kola:. :.; p'..
ohThe premises, No. ISIS Rut :Markel ,r7'..
Dec. to, ';11-241-lire -4. - .04- in.
'Mai SAL .—Choice building lob, on i:e.oi ,
I* Race and reh. strettS. Payable in iLio 4not.i!r. a
installments . .with litteret.t. or - a liberal Ot.oonni ts, ...•
loWed for 0. Apply_ to SAMUEL BALI._ :'.' :-!
Ltimber ' rd.. on Coal . ..erect, or H. K. AVI-..:-.11 , :•'.
No. 9 East Norwegian ttreet, - -
_P • itsville. Dei...9...70. Ir.
.f April 14. '7O—MC '''' l S
F sALE. '-4,c(r.itero. of SUPERIOR TI NI 11. T. ' for mining use...wi th in- one mile of St. t'l:.::.
Apply to - ,r. . C. /11. HILL. Agent. ..
. Cglre Na.IS) Centre atrevt. .
r e,. 17..” - 0.--,1-hil. ;--... i • p6ttffyiiii..
F.OR SALE.—FI u . 1.103,n and tot altualett .to
rata Sturket St. Rouse ',catnip -Ctittige •L 3 le.
Terms easy. Apply to ill. PAR - Kkit h SON,.
i . VA Centre St. •
i? - ee.lB), I. - er---x-tr : I • ' ~
: FOB BENT. — A: Framers Tavern; 40s7si
kitchen attarW. 441trinte, In Begin% Towl,L' P.
nfar Orel/ of gnnuni,
It feet, enn acooxnmodate oXr home*. I-'or
lellos. apply to ARP.; SCHWENK.-1
30--;X:i . -IV. • : on
F tiß Valuable /Intel, an old and established stand, situated on the e• - e - 4:4•r! or
Second and 'Franklin streets, in the u.orough
Alai*. within KO yards of the Beading Railroad_ i4'-
pot,arld known-tut t iohnson's Hotel. l'lre prop 4 ,, t
conalata of Hotel buildings,larseState, Ice 110110,-.
a good Garden and, elenty of yaill
property Is free of all tneunibranee.. Firr, part len 1,,
_apPly;on the premises to ":„
Dee. II) ; .1' CHAS. R.JOHNsON.
No, 902 Chestnut• Street, Philadelphia,
:Sow.orrer theire;ilre importtaidn •
• . - - -
the • , •
'Thise Opals. friritiT'd " In -
r e rilr
PARIS„ TustisA
,apa ROME, orkir ottli.ow en
tirely nt w shut bare Nal 'expressly tondo '
for twLgt,tr• •saira,ln every ibrul ofOntiroeni. and
UsetluWA lastacon devise, in • •
• •-
end nice now ready for tblsl6,spectiOlt of all wini
tarot vOli. a visit their MAIGILRSTORICL • _
• • _ . ,
oat ,- citorrNyVEntrger,
c4l.Fire4ol4 • .
DECE*I: ER, 1:70
• I
tOttff S.
Atta•st: . o. J. Axt(
_ linanciai.
.. , •
~• . :
• - ".- Littlx - rOns:
I .
John NV. tro,o•l)erry ; , . Theo.Alnrietson.
J' ,lll l I) itw ,4l ll. 1 ' ' .1110I1y 'F; Let 4, •
W. P. Ryon; - .: ' Frcd'k Pattepx.• )n,
Henry Ile*Ner, . ; ! • 0. ./.Rlehav4.ol).'
Geo. W. ri,le, , i . , Chas . W. 144p112,4-1
John Anderon, 1 . U. •nglur,.
• . .
' .1. W. 111.1SEBERItY. 're.riili.i.t,
.1011:41 1 1 .'LM*ON. I"..l.resd,ial
, .
C H. I.4:SG•Lk.I: .-werentrg 0,01 Trni?...tur,-r:
Nov. 3.:',.. - .1.1.-1.:15-iu ..ic 111,1y--11‘ly
*IL PAINTER & auticv.rf.4,
No. 38 Son THIRDtI t. St., Ph liOdelph
L. F. WatTNEY,/Aiiiker;
:Co. 130 cg-S-T C, Lot t
• Nove.s.,nilF4t-3111--:::,-:Int•
Tor Salt - anb'.ito pct: