Ml= ~'y~x'Si~ ~ ~~"s~~r ME RT*SIKTH YEAR: . _ inWeildAtplittlidesity — iatettll . hake; osta tipa haeriks, 10, aw sk 1100:111*.r0 /fps imdlikiders. ptinere' Aournat 1 . i AY; _ , DECEMR'2I,' OM 1,-. • analabed to - ' 44,71 • 12 I Xti.t f , th.tiaild .. +. 2.31::.1:a; t '.• HI 511t11:10,1 11:1,tr1L• 12 i.00......;:(i., '2. tioutll Tlurliaii)..--.... ...... .t.ii . • 1..11%41P) Il Soullll-I\'est*n lA,ttlet. 1:1 • 1,11.N.161 ' 11 Fast teot101“.1 ': 17 1.:120..71.1 rl 5.'111.11 14 nlll)rti.l.lre ....t Worec,ten:- Ire.. 115 :1 - 3lnneheOer. I)l , trlrt... 10 14.uth Wades 11. - _' 1 N'V'f-a I_nbc:,l)lre 011.1 ' \ North Wale. 1 , 2 7 '.1 , .;. r.tiatr.)nb.hire. Cil.- %hire 41 tihrop.lilre. 1.1.4 ..1 Yrakkhlre . . —.— - .kvelpfze 91 I • (H) The la! 14 eeul arAlNtoue for the t lime yearv - tiamd wereser • large. :The following table show: the ratio r.f saf..ty l .S.111!10 as the previous our with rehttit.4l to tbe' coal • T , ,tal Ton , of c , oat llate of No. , Nz , tue , .ll:istri..l. , lei.tii-,. ler death. safety. 2 South Durham ~., .-,1,,.ica 1.12.10 it Past Spoil:ilia ...... ..... . - -.9 1 Sort loonherl'il. Nom 11 Durham, ‘,.!.. Cumber land .............. :_.......... .! . 6 .Midlood District' ' 75 5 Yorkshire_ Icr; 7 N. Stntiordshire, Clu.- shire:4 Shroi•sYre. 1..; 12 West Seotlatid.i... ..... 71 3 Manchester Distriei .. ..... s South Staffordshire .1; . Worcestershire 17') la South Wales lc:. ^,.... I West Lanesshire- :out ' . North Wa1.5......... r.: 1.17.:,,:i . L. ::t,::. 9 South,West'n lii , iriet 121 151,. - ,r, :1 1 .77 , 'Average"' all ,11,:triet, ... : . ...,,. 2i7.31r...1 17.t1; • From what are termed underground acci dent..., the%folloiring% table shows the ratio of safety in each di , triet for the three years_end ing in lt.e.s from tho%e eaues, the locality yds ling the large , d'‘liian!ity (if coal per death t..eing re:presented by imo: No. Name of th,trict. South Durham 11 ....... 1 Not thumbrr. d. Lai ham anti tlitilberl:tml I !kilt'!anti :,... York•hlre 7 .N. Slatrortl.sltire, 111,,!iirc, ' :old Shr"iwttir.• ' -- ..!: - U. - , i . - .1,r,. 1 - 2 WeM 5(441311 4 1 '...:• - ..‘4, ; . .C. 19.![••• :' Martubi,oer I)l.trict .... - ..;:i...1.7 1:1:23 . S t•knltlii Stall.rd•liin, & W..:- . et....teeNliir... • - '17.1._'1 ..1...1 1 ,, Koutii Wail., •,-. 4 %V.Nt 1.1e11,-a..%llire an N 'orth W.les ....... .... .. .. ...... . ... 1.17;o: - . ,13 9 Suuth-Vit•.o,•irt/ I ., ,,krici . 154,&47, . 21.77 Averag,e L.f al! c1i5:r:ct, , ...........• '2.17,;:,..1 lir EMI ELUM . , .1 , 31,110 Ix r,dm t 1L 4:i,s 21 4N,714; • 1L1,411 , 1 I ' 51,*-7tl ! , 111:1 57,711:1 (r 9 75.6; .tti 12.7.? 1" t. 29, ESE EilIE MO laEl .411.27 I.:Li 1.'7. 7 570.11 t;i.5 , 3 571,1 M 12;11' < 121,71, l 0 {,II II . 7...1%.3 CMS ME BE 5.7.1 ~l ~t1,.-r, • 1./Ms 171.."22 I ;.I:,i, . . so far as the Mandrake Pills are concerned, every , body ettioulit keep it suprly of them tmi'havtl. They act on the fleet better than ealomel, and leave none lof its hurt( erects behind. lit fact -they' are ex cellent in all . aS , PII where n purgative medicine is required. If 3 tu have pattaken too freely of fruit anti Mari:hots e. :tiles, totti^e of the Mandrakes will i cure you. If yrs re subject m sick headache, take 1 it dose of the Mat drakes and they will relieve you i c , tw,-,1,,m r .,.. If you won'd ot , viate the effect of a change of water, or the too free indulgence of fruit, take one of the Mandrakes very night or every y t other night, and you may , 1 i en drink water and eat watermelons, pears, apple - . plums, peaches or corn, •without the risk of being made sick by . . them. They will prott - stt those , who live in Slainy to•tua lions against chills and fevers. Try Meal. They are per fectly Intrtnles-1. They eao .3 nu gotsl only. I have abantione,l any p sessional visits M n and New York, but conti ne to see IRA -1 tort at :3\4 h my ' , nice. No. Ii N. SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. every Saturday. froM HA. M. hall P. M. Those, who wish a thonaich examination, with the Itespircon eter will be eltargtst nee dollars.. The Ilespirometer declares the exact con dition :of : the lungs, - and patients tan readily lerierrnahether they are curable or not. But I desire it inctly. understood that the value of my metliciinel, depends entirely:Amon their being taken strictly according - to directions. In eoneluslon. I will aay that when persons, take I my medicines and their systems are brought ito.a I. healthy condition thereby, they are not so liable to ! take cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can bear a sudden change of atmosphere withoudthe liability of greater or less irritation of the bronchial tubes. Full directions in all languages accompany my Medicines. so explicit and clear that any 'one can use thorn without consulting me, and can be bought from any dr uggist, '-, Tou+rui> d Ra!io of ~ pr •aletr. 1.•. o» ' !'olio '..7•3,6Z:1 • '04:2 Mil -- i • 11 1. 7 RNHA31—PHILLIPS—Irt Port Carbon on the I. evening of Dee. 1.1111. by Rev.s-Notde Frame,. MIL W/LLIAX I. Br /1:571AX; I° Uri:4 I.rxf;ts .14,, PIiII,LIPS, ' 1 - all of Port Carbon, Pa.' -- 1.. DENinEs-, niCTIARDS-On.tbe'27tl) iiiet.a? Potts-. %life. by the Rev. Win. Morgan, .11R. plortit'f.t DE- . Irtra, tb Mut§ ELIZA r %7'... itICHARIK, batliotof ..3Khanos ;-- City. ...Y. ; -.; . , r . , IfAAK -4-. VINDENMUTH- , On. theb`224l or lic!i'eni ii ber, at the Washltigtc House. In Matiheini,..}:an- ; 1;(-aster Courly. l'enn ~ by the - Rev...L- C. itainitz, j t l. ;',T,num.ts fi sK. of A 'astiington. Karisas, to Man- ' 11. 3 / 4 . itc'ila ghter of Jacob Linde-mouth, fdstuer y • !!of POttsvill . . - ! : ' "' . I E ,. .... , :"NEfrt—WEIstEL-tt Dec. 2511 t, qm7; , ..-:iit the I residence oil the Minister. by - Rev. R.. 11. !Aden- 1 1 : se tin . * T. MP/ ALLIERT,,II.ESI.NER, td-31.1.4.' , 1 ELIZAXPTII . f' NV Eisr. both of Pottsville, Pa. . ~ r; 1 I i PAYNE—GREGORY—On Suntitiy. ilt;c„. 2.ith, inc.\ 1 at the residence of :itr„)? Gregory' iiiatiara7 ll llY ., I I nu. by Rev: Oen, Hargts of Glrarravllle. 31a.F - Wit.- - ; LIAX Y. P.ti - tcr, to Sizro limrait GREGORY. the for t mer of Girardville, land' the latter of Mahanoy I lit3 - .' 1 1. a ,i - , • WEIfiIITNIAN—WE. .L.S.—, h o use Joseph Itit k- 1 l' erton 61' Mt. Carmel; at ' the* of the bride's . 1 parents, oirartivtlie. cal Sittalay, Dec. ir,. 1f.79. ?dr,. Jlosv.i.if J. Weihttimas . to Miss J triad. WELI.-4; both of Girardville, Pa. , , • • AVELLS--BAUGTIF,Y—By Fey. Josepb Bickerton of Mt. Carmel, nt . the !house of the brlcle'‘ tirents, t'ilnir(lswille t on Sunday, Dec. 2.ith. I , e , t.rttro • W1;11-4 to ] Asti MAI:7IIA /IA1*(1,1116, both of • Girard- Pn: - - ,---- -- SCIIENCE.'—At 10 o'clock, l'st • night, after only • about 13minutes Illness, J masts. only- daughter of Ttev.l. and Sophia SChenck. - Funeral, - Tuesday - -- . ?Notice of It wilt be given r hereafter. . • i I • I P.ENKS—Ori the 2Sth Inst., near DichersVille. In i I Ea;,,t litunswlclt township, of' - drone?,- I;EO "E litsatus, a highly e -teemed and patriotic I clitisen of 1 i thisi,tonnty, In the 71th year of his ace. I ",..- • ; li- . , ; 1 A EVANN—tnt Monday, Dec 271 h. at St . Clair, Pa. 'LAU R- EcizAritrp, daughter•--or Je.a,e I and , Sm - ah I I Evans, ngtd 4 yeaft. 1 month and 10 days. ti ; • • I! ,1311"IFT.—'111 A altland,:Devember If, 0, Swurr; II agettze rears , . ' -,,.---• - :' . -i: Ii • The friends and relatives of the taiul arescapect fully Invited to at tend the funeral O p • unday, JD • 1,, P. 41, at 24" clock„ I'. M., from hate reside ~I,all4ind. • • ;-• • ' , • • . . _-. j_j OLIDAY rOOODB, ./tollefuire *puiella r H 1 HOLIDAY GOODs tor Christmas and . FY94 . 7 Fo t)- • - *RR. 3L A. ussokft, - 1 No. lid! N.: W. eot..p.lereuth a Chettnntsts.; l I TOTS! Nrar °Pow. ' . Ix -,.! 'Eng:. Ish,,Frotsch, German and American. ) • • ' • TOY:-DOLLS., PA,NCY GOOl I ' I still enntimie to,sell ray entire stoeltni Feat) N'el‘teteena; Flower*, ite.. at grestly.reductsrpt. to rank, roam tor our Toys and - 1101111di dOta - nat,- and Towel Hacks , Bracketr.-o*Desks. ' Ink, Sbnidti„ Pocket Books—greatea.4 S 'ater ,1 Seller ivierflon of Jet. - Gilt;Paarl and..; CoratJews - miry., • ' -•-- - , .--'W'r V-- I -. fr.leasut Fans. Pearl. IrorY and Gilt tstickf 7.:).. . ; 'likiklior ea, two bottom!. all the new.l/4allm. Also., she Joseph Ktd. the beat 111 Glove sold. • - ' - , Cloaks, Dresses and Suits made in thenkost ra,4l- ionsade style. -, - _ 1 ;- Trimmed Paper Panam . a., •- - . ' • . .- . I Perfect_ System of DranCatting _tatt.. ~ :neat Valeuefennes„Guipuraand mt.d Lama: :Jl,ll ‘ :the. latest - styles ,Ltallea'-. Colhst; -Cuba end Alealcs- _ _,„„_. ; - % . , . : - it d',...1-ppllsoe sod Daehmses.• .4, 1 •;. . ' - enamela .Itiaeits , Ostrich -- `*athers - aniklilarrers..Eaton aimi litirshetrindsaltini`; , and other, - ~E ng tin tha elect:tint' Of itrOducfd., - Li n t on. a Ilat' Int-vogue in Witllo4l I -et.% to eat as' inkny,- . ' )ers to be electeditu ohe for . - each "pinutpqr inila.r - tutnnta4vo • /ALdistrict' choien -4 ( his Ga 4 ME , cord %skulls 'Mins. __ 1' • Zatats a line Spa lasiTticao; mai tinware's Sabot • t.v =cents toessuperlortes at Potur ladles antraents traltauratdOyetn ..14 tiClentre street. Riots lvesreduced to oult the.tanip.,.., eau and fan gay yourse. . • 1 • 340 Fitrzeeif, Reithattand Amerlash Chiang. Dal Myles. end of the finest quellthte.f4D. A.,,t3mlth's, Centre st.„ Palm= Piamaalamcs DRILLS, a beautiful art. del). A-13mIttes. Catre Street. • - pumaOß ILSMNORREfOrDAL TIMOR% J. all kinds poOtively, perfectly and permanently cured by W. A. l .llcCandles, M. D. No.: Wel Arch Bt., PrIILADA., PA.. I desire to say to Mesa.' affi leted with any -kind of . PI LES,lnteenal, External. Blind. Bleeding, twitch ing, that there is positively no kind of deception in the cure of these diseases, the care is perfect' and permanent, and Without the slightest danger without the slightest injury to the patient In any- , way; and without caustics or instruments. I also' cure Fistula Fissures, 'Prolapses and 'Ulceration of the lower bowels. Patients must visit - me and can remain at my house till cured, if they desire. Can refer you to over Itirripersons cured in. Ptillade/phia alone. Oct. 1, '707--114ra E GERAP P/CTORTAL tetter's United *Sates Almanac tdr 1871, (orals, tribut on. 'gratis, throughout the United States. and all cldlized countries of the Western Bernphsphere,s will by published about the first of January, and al! who wish to understand - the' true philosophy of health should read and ponder'the valuable slugger, nowt it contains. In addition to an .admirable medical treatise on the causes, prevention and cure of a great variety of disesscs. It embraces a large amount of information interesting to the merchant., the mechanic,the miner, the farmer, the planter, and professional man • .and the calculations have been made (Or such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable far a- correct and earaPrriamain : NATIONAL CALENDAR. The nature, uses. and extraordinary saultary'efs Mots ot Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonic and alterative of more tlitut..half the Christian world, are fully set Mirth in its psalm,, which are also interspersed with pictorial Illustrations......valuable recipes for the household and farm, humorous anec dotes; and other instructive and amusing reading ;matter, original and selected. Among the Annals to appear with the opening of the .vear.-this wilt be one of the most useful, and Mali aod.folfAc asking, The 'proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter •4.Snifith, on te celpt-of a two-cent, stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his. neighborhood; The bitter* are sold' In every city, hiwn and village, and are extensively used through out the entire civilized world. . Jan. ,I, I-1y- DR. BCHENCK ADVISES CONSUMP DIVES TO GO TO FLORIDA. IN,NVIN TER.—liuxing (Or the last thirty- fiver devoted my whole lime and attention to the study of lung diseaseerand eensumption, I feel that I undersand fully the course that ought to be pursued to restore a tolerall g bad ease of diseased lungs to healthy nbundne The first toad most Important step is for the p, end to avoid taking cold. 1111111 the best of all place-J - 16m this continent for this purpose in win ter, is Florida, melt down in the , State, where the temperattfreAs regular, and not subject to 'such variations" as In more Is orthern latitudes. Palatka tea point I can recommend. 'A good hotel is kept there by Fetet man. Last winter I saw several per sons there whose lungs bad been badly diseased, but who, under the heating influence of the climate 'and toy medic! lleS, were getting well. One hundred wiles farther down the river iset point which I would prefer to Palatka, as the tem perature is more even and the air dry and bracing. Meilonville and Enterprise aze located there: I should give a decided preference to . nellcrnville. It Is two inileti from elver or lake, and It seems almost impossible total:c.c.:di' there. The tables, in Ekr- Ida might be better, and patlentscomplain at linTes; but that is a good sign, as it Indicates a return of appetite, and when this is the ease they generally increase in flesh, and then the. lungs must heal. • Jacksonville, Hibernia, Green Cove, and many other places -in various parts of Florida, can be safely recommended to consumptives in winter. y reasons for "Saying snare that patients are less liable to takirer, cold there than where there is a less even temperature, and it is not necessary to say that where a consumptive person exposes him ; elf to frequent colds he is certain to tile shortly. Therefore my advice is; go well down (biotite state out of the reach of preValling east winds and figs. laelfsonville. or almost any of the other localities I have maned, will benefit those who are.trosibled with a torpid liver, a ellsordereJ stomach; deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for th rwhose lungs are diseased a mere southern point earn estly recommended.' H Fur fifteen years prior to lioa, I was profes.sionally in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Plilladelphijt every week, where I saw mid examined age live hundred patients a week. ,A . practfeayser,. extensive, embracing every possible phase/4,14ne1: dh:ease, has enabled me to undo stmal• the:din - lose fully, and hence, my caution in regard to tutting cold. A person may time , vast quantities of "tichenek's Puhnonle Fyruticavreed Tonic and Mandrake Pills," Enid yet does not avoid taking cold. In kteritia,'nearly everybody is using Sebetrek's Mainbake Piths for the climate is more •Ilkely to produce habits than more northern hall is a well established fact that natives of Florida, rarely die of consumption, especially those of the'southern part. On the other hand, in New 'England, one third, at least, ef the 'population -die of this terrible disease. In ,the States It does not prevail so largely, still there are.- mahy thousands of vises there. What a-vast percentage of life would -be Raved if consumptives were as easily alarmed in regard IA taking fresh cold as they are'abotit scarlet fever. small pox., ac. But they are not. They take svisat they terra a little cold. which they ate credulous enough to'belleve wear off in a few days. They 'pay no attention to it, and hence it lays the foundation for another arm another still, until the lungs are dheeasol beyond all hope for cniv. My - advice to persons Whose lungs nre - affected even slightly ts,4tilay in a stock of s-chenck's Pub ruonlc -Syrup, Schenek's Seaweed' Tonic.. and Sche nck's Mandrake Pills and go to Floada. recommend these particular medicines because:T. am thoroughly acquainted With their action. I know that where tney are used in strict accordance w,i t ii.Juy-dfrections they will da the work - that is required.'. This accomplished, nature will de the rest. The pllXSiehlil 1010 prescribes for odd, cough n night-sWeatS, and then advbes the patient to walk:or ride out every day, will be sure to have corpseon his hands before long. . My plan is to give my three Ined'clites; in screw dance with the printed directions, except in-seine eases wherea freer use of, the Mandrake Pips is necessary. My object is to giVe tone to the stomach —to get up a good appetite, It is alway s agnedisign when a patient begins to grow hungry. I ilaye hopes of swell. a relish Yor food and the gratl pleat ion of that . relish comesitood•bkxid, and with it loon-flesh, Whh#l, is closely followed by a healing of he lungs. 'sTifeli':the cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and, clammy night -sweats no longer prostrate and annoy, and the patient gets provided•he avoids tartizt. ; cold. Now there:are many - consumptives who have not, the means to go to Floridd. The' question may be asked, Is there no hope for suck; .Cotainly there is. MY advh . te to such Is. uud ever hasbeeu, to stay, • in a warm roorn . durtnit the winter, with a tempera-' tare of ab,ut Se.VC ty dim . rees, wh icirshould be kept regularly at that point, by means of a thermometer. pat:cat take , exercise within - the or' the loom brf"tecalkin„..v up and down as touch as his stye ngth will permit, in order to keep tip it healt cl ,at 101 l of the ithrild,' ,tit,ql.lllll6 by system,: and can do sciagalo . .mstimpt kat as easily ea rest as any °doled xe ' if it 14 taken in time, rind dhe proper kind of tr , atment - is pursued.. The met stands puled on r,eorit that selienek's PulMonle Syrup, Mandrake Pills, and Seaweed Tonic; have ettrAd very ninny et what seemed to be hopeless eases of eonsuoipt lon. nowhere yen will, you a!- most certain to And some poor consumptive who tven ,reseued from the very Jaws of death by tnelr use., ° _ . , I. H. SCHENCK. M. D. . N. /5 N. S,IXTH St I ert , Plillailelphla, , tpril le, '7J ' 16.1 y •-• -- ---r------- - ~llarriages. peatt,s. =El=lll2ll Ell .. . . . ~.......-:-....---- -. - 7 - -7 - __. - , , , .. DICEN/STEATOWS NOTICE. ---1 - '''''',' .100 ~i Aggdnlstratlon ,opon- he refakt of f, eoree w , DOM bring. granted to the - undersigned— l i ,-- sonishairing eistmeagalnat the estate are tt,,,,,eltr jo present th em irttnont delay , and thcx.. , '•' 1 ; Med estate are gmmested to mate.payment ti, '''r- UM DANWAL T. ltAatElt, AdrniolstrttN4 :" - . or tattle Attinne ..1tA411.) A. JON l'ii; - . • - - 179 Ceti Eitticet, Peal - wt .- 111e, pa: VSTATZ OP .A.3IIIIKA W. HILL, Into nf,th, Rn!tomb of Pottnille, contsed. ---I,etters testamentary on said estate' having gi.liAted to the undenignedr, nit persons indebted o tsO sta-exude are rea requested make payment, a n d estate to pre.4llt all persons having claims stssitt W the same to REBECCA C: ItY I :xl'eu I rix„ Dee. 12.1, Market. 85„, Pmtsl IN van ORPHANS COURT OP Ri; COUNTY OP scaui.LsaLL,Tlie totier ofroed:oppotnted by Monad Court nn Audi distribute the balance , remaining in , r Joseph Klima,. one of e t oit r y of the estate of Lteury Boyer,d late.of liorl,eit Of -.i'Ottsvll le. in said exoti ty. tn and among 1 1. parties entiricd to the. same. will meetthi. Nolte % interestsd at his orrice:No. 16t3Ventre strert., Itot ts_ vale, on TVENDA Y. January 3d, MO, for pons Of performing ttio dial of his oppol ntntwo t r„., DECIEXItiat 15,1870. • JOHN Deis 17 71:5.51-3t Is" flyricE.--41ters Or A m tiLitrattorf ott't h.•.-..., . tate of ri's.vtra!narr deeensed. ha 1r.,: I*, the estate are ak •n ma t, and ti,,..... hav,,lng c=resenith rn 1 - IItD.FNIDE t,:Adtata is:rat, r. 1 1 .. „ .. . • —..___.....„ • N c „ „ ti r j c, h _Le ... i 1 ,,,,..,:, t rr.,:t., ,- -„7 „„ the. i ~. • the llormit.:11 tit Yottsville. In tht , ' twenty f &hey 1ki11„..h.,,ti,•,1 h av i ng been granted to the Initkrst.ned, all 1.4..t4 i .: indebted to mild tatate are r i ituetsted to make ini - int•- r. Mate paympet. and thole h. ving elat tom against M.. same so present (hero goon r met tlenteit t(o • NV )t.litit:Ea; Atiollob.traftor,' ' No. 1 :. 241 . 4 ander5!..11 stre.t - 4 •-' r' ' • s• : . 1 - . -, '„ g.ifoti,yJl. , ,d, - DR. ' CHABLES HAESEL t'li; Boroughlof gottsville Lb et,u,i,t.- .ministration ion said 'Estat,. 1.;,. to the undersigned, all pers , •l, , , ~,,,,.:z - : - ed to said estate are requested to make pa 1,1,- 1 , 1 - „„,, sentall persoans h a tong claims against said est:. '. , •,e,-, f . . the s • C. H..IIAESELER. Adel i11c• T I .11:;%, - N0:45 Idahaptonaosi , l'..i!si '..',.., limo A. W. SCUM LCii. Attorney at I a %.‘ . . . ...- ... No. 2slCentr!. st.-Pott.v.eft.... 1.k.e.10, If'l--,60., . -' I • I - , - • _ , • I\IOTiCE..- - -The Imolai ,NlPet log of tiw ::1,...5_ IN holderx 'Or' lb' P9T171 IL r. W ATER li I ' Ai: ' '' held :ittlietr r ffice.r..Nl,iNt, 4.1 PANY for the elect • to of nli e Itlerme..r,t,i'..q \ , 11,, yr I,lbetween the 1., lii • ~: et the u t n t n h g d 3 a • e i n . . o r 1 .. tr ja ll i l itu and I o'clock P. 31. - By °MET of tlw prrw,i>i•Sti; , " * , • •-.- Mit:TON 110(. 1 .'Sk.', sverg4Ni , coTTSVILLF, Der. 23; I;70, • 14.4.... '_'f.'-0-:: • eIFIPICE MINE HILL AED scaul l l,Ki L V HAVEN HAILDOAD COMPANJY.L. ••• . • Pim IL% r'et.. 1!It Ilhe-Annual liiet ina of!..tim, wi;t I .• nt theirtortiee, I.s,Sotithiltreventh tj • day, hit rar•rif b. 91140 , 71, at' A. M. the of n l'resldent apcl tor! .rigers to strx . i,• swing year. • ;,i t f 41 , Dec. 21, '7l!--:,2-3t • T OBBEBBY .C.REJiIf; .AIAILBOAD 0111ce, ''.2.7Frith Fruit:3 - ai1d.. 1.1 Notice is hereby glreti toile! Stocklrsi l l. d t1;1 , Company that the Ann tat BP ethic and to v7ef%tl l „, for President and six Direetevlto sei ye Inu year will take fdart Jsurary '1671, at 10;,' o'clock A.. lit Dec. '24. 'll)—il2.3t , N oTick.—The'. 1..• hereby that all per M Fons hole x -bo da ncinnm t in %urns errs than Mtren hUndred dollar. ol is ( • Q EWA' ed to p•aselit Wein air payiltettt 'nfree thet*enty-flftli day of January, A. P. 1 , 71;,.11., t wire ihe-Interr,4 11;111 stepped roue sa , ,l - • • lIENJAMIN EVEId, 'ETLIt - licntNl it I‘l . OT/CE2* , Tlle : ref ail noellj', oi 111',•• • i ock kac'ild6rti of Nat tonal, dunk73lltersvillea.the .erun I iiiicettas serve the. canting yet _..,, held ou seeoud Tuesday of Jritivarr, belweiri) the hours of 10 and 4 P. M., at their Banking lionse. Dec. 17, '7O- 7 41-4t - CIO), OTICE TO TAX COLLECTORS.-I L . dersigned Commi}4tloners - or t Pa., hereby-give notiewthat they will ehaige est on all moneys duel" -Tax ('..hectors on o ;n;. r Feb. I, UM. lIENJAMIN PETER 11.1. F it, '. • • . I . PATX : 0: J2,:tH,V.G.0111.. .•-• c`..otil i 1!(r. Dee. 70—titis'lt • ' • P• R -------- L HILADELPHIA' AND EAtDIN .L:f A I. ROAD COMPANY, Office No.= s. I (An i Street. - - • , - • • 1111. .11; 1:e, NOTIrE ii-E414.31A GIV I•3 E:S:10 the srd ••1; .eraoPLltixCornpan7. flint the Annual Ilectice st-. 1 :Election for President, Ms 31anacert, and Secretary. will take place d tt the s.ed d , Ol Md.!, dity (9th) of Jar nary nisi. ; at 'l2 N. • Dec- 17. ' "WM:.II. ' . MOUNTAIN OiTY - INSURANCE Cio3l PA No. 176 'Cent - re Strt , \A , . y'OTTSYII.4A4, Pik: . i CAPITAL STOCK, ..?Ibo,o l ll-PRIV/LEGE: To IN CREASE To Sit i,),( i. This Coropany'eharti!red by th r t. prepared. for the trunehytion or q, ~ . INTEREST PAID ON / II)El'OF:A \ U. S. Bondi' and ottfo. Retiable,BondiN . -. , and; Sold.l t:OLIR. SILV4 It !\L tin:Po:is no - tiwr ANL, 1.111.11. A:DESIRABLE . SAFE ROME :INVESTMENIV, THE SUNBURY andll VWISTOVii , ' ROAD ;COMPANY • • 7 PER CENT. GOLD • Firit . = Mortgage Bonds. . . , Interest I'ai - ablO Aptit and October • Freo.of State.aiid..United.StateS . , • . . Takes: . 'We are now offering the hal:ince of thkroutilor - 200,000; irh 'eh i, securet by 4111 - .4 an , l 1(0 oo the - entire property,an (ranch lse.s 4-Ore Comp:J.lly At - 90' and the. Accrued Interest Adde The. Road is now raphliy approaching completion; with a large trade In COAL, IRON-and nddltlon-to the..liassenger travel awaiting the Op n v tog of this greatly enterprise. The loe;ar trade alone lY sußiciently large to maintaintL IRoad.. iiave no hesitatiOn in recommending the tionds'as 'a tIinEAP. ABLE . atid ; 4 :lilt', IN- . , VESTMENT. For pamphlet's,. With mai), and fill inforinufhm apply to Dealers in Governmen,t Securitlea: Apply to Nov - . It% '7O -- -- . . g te ••OR SALE---A 81x renmeil noose. Isr.".re cso:r ! . A.l"of en.lrult, gas and bath room s -hot smi r. , r. !in r: - House In soot, Order. - F p or utt - kola:. :.; p'.. ohThe premises, No. ISIS Rut :Markel ,r7'.. Dec. to, ';11-241-lire -4. - .04- in. 'Mai SAL .—Choice building lob, on i:e.oi , I* Race and reh. strettS. Payable in iLio 4not.i!r. a installments . .with litteret.t. or - a liberal Ot.oonni ts, ...• loWed for 0. Apply_ to SAMUEL BALI._ :'.' :-! Ltimber ' rd.. on Coal . ..erect, or H. K. AVI-..:-.11 , :•'. No. 9 East Norwegian ttreet, - - _P • itsville. Dei...9...70. Ir. .f April 14. '7O—MC '''' l S . F sALE. '-4,c(r.itero. of SUPERIOR TI NI 11. T. ' for mining use...wi th in- one mile of St. t'l:.::. Apply to - ,r. . C. /11. HILL. Agent. .. . Cglre Na.IS) Centre atrevt. . r e,. 17..” - 0.--,1-hil. ;--... i • p6ttffyiiii.. F.OR SALE.—FI u . 1.103,n and tot altualett .to rata Sturket St. Rouse ',catnip -Ctittige •L 3 le. Terms easy. Apply to ill. PAR - Kkit h SON,. i . VA Centre St. • i? - ee.lB), I. - er---x-tr : I • ' ~ ' POSISVHjr.. : FOB BENT. — A: Framers Tavern; 40s7si kitchen attarW. 441trinte, In Begin% Towl,L' P. nfar Orel/ of gnnuni, It feet, enn acooxnmodate oXr home*. I-'or lellos. apply to ARP.; SCHWENK.-1 30--;X:i . -IV. • : on ~ F tiß Valuable /Intel, an old and established stand, situated on the e• - e - 4:4•r! or Second and 'Franklin streets, in the u.orough Alai*. within KO yards of the Beading Railroad_ i4'- pot,arld known-tut t iohnson's Hotel. l'lre prop 4 ,, t conalata of Hotel buildings,larseState, Ice 110110,-. a good Garden and, elenty of yaill property Is free of all tneunibranee.. Firr, part len 1,, _apPly;on the premises to ":„ Dee. II) ; .1' CHAS. R.JOHNsON. • No, 902 Chestnut• Street, Philadelphia, :Sow.orrer theire;ilre importtaidn • EVROPEAW ;NOVELTIES • . - - - the • , • 'Thise Opals. friritiT'd " In - r e rilr PARIS„ TustisA ,apa ROME, orkir ottli.ow en tirely nt w shut bare Nal 'expressly tondo ' for twLgt,tr• •saira,ln every ibrul ofOntiroeni. and UsetluWA lastacon devise, in • • AikaLK CRYSTAL. PORCELAIN, • •- , GOLD, SILVER. LEATHER, IVORY, • • -• • , TORTODIERHSLL, end nice now ready for tblsl6,spectiOlt of all wini tarot vOli. a visit their MAIGILRSTORICL • _ • • _ . , oat ,- citorrNyVEntrger, rauzADzi&ms. c4l.Fire4ol4 • . =I EIS DECE*I: ER, 1:70 • I gtgal _Notices. tOttff S. Atta•st: . o. J. Axt( _ linanciai. .. , • ~• . : • - ".- Littlx - rOns: I . John NV. tro,o•l)erry ; , . Theo.Alnrietson. J' ,lll l I) itw ,4l ll. 1 ' ' .1110I1y 'F; Let 4, • W. P. Ryon; - .: ' Frcd'k Pattepx.• )n, Henry Ile*Ner, . ; ! • 0. ./.Rlehav4.ol).' Geo. W. ri,le, , i . , Chas . W. 144p112,4-1 John Anderon, 1 . U. •nglur,. • . . ' .1. W. 111.1SEBERItY. 're.riili.i.t, .1011:41 1 1 .'LM*ON. I"..l.resd,ial , . C H. I.4:SG•Lk.I: .-werentrg 0,01 Trni?...tur,-r: Nov. 3.:',.. - .1.1.-1.:15-iu ..ic 111,1y--11‘ly *IL PAINTER & auticv.rf.4, No. 38 Son THIRDtI t. St., Ph liOdelph e MINERS' LIFE INSITRANVE .t TRI:4T No. CENTRE St L. F. WatTNEY,/Aiiiker; :Co. 130 cg-S-T C, Lot t • Nove.s.,nilF4t-3111--:::,-:Int• Tor Salt - anb'.ito pct: Ell rttl CIEM ME