O R'I'Y'SIXT}.I„ Pinere ,ournal. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24,'1870 THE MINERS' JOURNAL. 18:1. Now Is , the Time to Subscribe. ITH Jim uarv, 1871,41e:1f tNERs! JovH- N - NAL wi4-I_conitlience its forty-saventh year. The 31 - INF:ta; Jouit.NAL-iis the recognized organ of the Coal Trade of Pennsylvania:— Its circulation never - was so large as at this . time, and its subscription list Is continually receiving additions. With probably, .hut • cneexception, it has the largest circulation of any paper 'published in Pennsylvania outside of Infladelphia and Pittsburgh. -. • • Tbetounse of thispaper in the past sintll •• be a guarantee of its positionin the future.— We have battled consistently, In the darkest us. well 'as 4 in the brightest hours of the Re - for4.the Right. We have combatted • U - kirpation in 'every form ;•• contended for Equal Rights to'all classes of men ; advoca ted Retrenchment,Reform eneEconomy in the administration of the state and :National . Goveinments, and our best energieti shall be exeried in the future to assist in the citab lishinent of correct system .in everything iecinnebted with public affairs. In every de partment.of tlic r docitsm. we shalt 'endear ,,.,rurfaisingly - and, nntiringly,to its character as . a.yllt;iT CLASS PAPER. The following 'diquittnetits , will receive eon and careful attention froth the.editors in new" Volume The State of the C - o - al Trade, Locallews; • • • Ler„: intelligence, • . • Li & estle Nut's, • Foreigns, • The Prodliee : Market, Literary llftqlcir, Ab'ricultsi ; t . • pluatkmal Matter, Lent lutelligeace, • Wit and Runior, • Editorials, &C. 'rhos& who wish to be posted In all that! goes on in and out of ;Schuylkill County, in connection with Coat in terests, or affairs of genpral importance, sho"uldtake the liflNßfel JpCitNAL;T: -- The Joeitx !owl free ofi i post-1 age within the - limits Of Schuylkill County.l out of the County and in any other State of! the UDion, the postage paid in advance . , isj only cords .a_year. EMI • Titl , • $2 75 inlidvance, or *3 09 If not paid in advance. • (.4....7.2 J 3 S .11SC 13, ON'S : To Clubs the JOURNAL will be furnished at the following rates: . Copies to one uddreSs : $ 00 , 46 46 • 13 00 10' cf -44 a 21 00 15 . . .61 . 4, 4 f, • 30 00 Sar'Make uh elnhi: - by the Ist of January; so as to commence with the new Volume. • T IT E:)• DAILY MINER'S,I.7ibURNAL FOR 1871. The Latest Telegraphic News. _ . s• / The Fullest Loral News. . TheSloStAuterest tag General News. ..--., -WO IS7I the DAILY SELNErtaY ...TOUP,NAL )will also begin a new voluthe and its third year.' The'.sueeeks of this new enterprise -has exCeeited 'fur e-xpect -.. ations,-ttud it is now established on .a firm basis; which we are etnifident will-yearly grow stronger, a 4 .we - are - 'resolved to. spare no expense nor iahortOrmake it indispensable to the cornr, inunitT, not only in consequence of the eti ergY we news, exercise, E-1 - 1, getting early and eliable foreign , and domestic, but' as an advertising medium. . We have enlarged our building materially tl givenie.growing D.ULY elhOW room, and among the novelties or the change is the I:Miing of wires into our, editorial rooms, r.trhichiwe receive news from all quar t. ! - -‘`of the globe. . . . . .11:lying faciatiese for 'delivering the Jorn v.:C.:it an e.trl4,ltur in every section of the i - ouniy, as %veil al. along tbeline'of the Read i:_ Railroad irril'irks - and other contiguous ...Amti,..:, every family, store, workshop a : I c:mutingirooin within fifty miles of. ....t.,14 . k t . - -i l i-ipe shotild receive thi• Jornxiii. every It'A l k il, tr . • Agenvii , s arCestabli;iiied tltrom,rh .l--0 eotiai.ie., at vi - - hie% person Wi-lling 1 11 Jiv.,..T.A1 , ,.:,.. the p per en : leave their names. fl i 'e• paler will be de 'ver - tA at 13 cents per !.. cr. %rah the Wecklyjdrcutts' Jorn , is rent: . per week.. To yeaily sub s.,..; ihers, ,S - 4; co per year ; -or with the Weekly ` , I! N '5 , :S' '.l,tritNAL S,'S fi)' per year, payable = ;II :AvaiTO ADVEItTISEILS I:o 7 inir bUslue4:4' men and the publio gent we offer the columns of our papcis upon liberal terms, and recommend both pa- , the hest medium through which to eler their good4', or make their , ' wishes •' • If yogi have goodi to seII—ADVERTISE. ; would keep your busluesg liefore the pufd4g 7 -ADVERTISE. : ff you have lostUnythingHADVEßTDiE., If you have f uaa anythinir—ADVEß- TNE. If you want. li2lp - any hititl-EADVEII. , 7 'll I • ." • I you want a It ,alu-; time; it , :tve,4 Woarisonic waiting; money. JEDICIOUS A I .IKA Vs PAy: ADVERTISING WILL General lto°tiers. ~,l ,t, a V.llre,t. lusertion; (*AA Sciheeq u il I t linertion •••,ir, at litg.',.. --•—, I ---.., ' , l - ' . • U=EMM=l==l :witc•lr. - ate tiwdre of the - Quantity of Iron In the i4lOtt!,l know thn Import/tumor keep up supply, for debility. dieease and death whim the tinantity becomes ton reduced. The Peruvian. Sycup protoxitte of I rmii. myyp!iiig . this vital element, and bus 'cured chnittic Zll4i (goat Zrabe. POTTSVILLE. DECEMBER el. 1370. rhe quantity of Coal sent to market.by Rail . froth Cotinty b 79,21, 1 41 by Canal, Mr the week, 8T.),`.256 :czain,t 5'2,:170 tons fox the corresponding Week ! is year - The supply sent by the Lehigh Valley Rail :for the week is 71,403 Cons, against tol,-, and by the Lehigh, 40,1: 4 6 tons, w.rainst tons last year. Ti;e trade so far by these 'avenue:4 show a :-.;iaht increase. ' . . The demand for coal at 'Port ,ichnunitl liad , lackchied oft for Eastern Pole j owing to on advance in coiottwiselleiglan, and the shipping bifsinez.4 there - ix about tit an end this ,Yertr, and the supply wih : l,:cr only . for the city and'•, lino principally. ' •-• . • • [Fagg • ot.: It t.7.01/.ItY.S.PC.NDENT3.I * • P1111.14:11.11! A. -F'7l:l. ritere ltasjsten finite ati tnereose In arrivals of e..:11 nt. Plrliltielt mond tlurlmz the present week. • The New York Market has been vx, tied, xePminß in reutilre all the eonl which boats could be obtain ed to carry.. Fr.-h.:Ms- have materially tolvanersi; fez, per ton. being an alvanee t4over, per ton. This week el aces shipments via' I .eta ware end Raritan Canal. The Eastent market . ve at one or two Points seettb , to have a toll sttpply ”re , :at, and as an orders a e coming in, the ship:ilea sea...on may be c7osiotldered a osed. . The'year has been one oleonskierahle fillet tuitions la price, and of little profit to most of those en gaged in the trtuln. It is to be hoped the ,N ew Year will open with prosplatts. Nr.ly 'roux': Dec. 24 1570.. Trade during tb' Week has been moderately tie- Rye, and It is likely to be stimula 'eil by the season. able w inter_werit It er of night nod to -day; should the weather &infinite as cold sta at prm - mt. coal en l'unt,Setr this 71•trkt via lielawar.e and Raritan qattal, - av ill ely I/0 -available for consumption beforetneat spring. Weellits at tide-water have been materially les. t LIS week in • consequence of the accident to .t.tre draw in the Newark Buy bridge of the C. co., of New Jersey. which happened •on theVith 111. Q.: this effect unite • steps all shipments to Port Johnston, from which point at the time of the tic. .•iiient there was being slit:toed about 15,00 tons per The ffillawltig are present prices of coal nil ned'by tin; Cosi et Navigist ion Co., and •WI I kesbarre 4'4)111 & Iron Co.—f: o. b. at Hoboken and Vort John- (A , ll,ollgli Stnve '• .. Chestnut . i; kesnarre ..... .. • • Move . Chestntit ... ...... . ... .... ......... ..... FielV4i. to New York lieents tier • Ther Is no oleniae in the situation In the LlCka• 1411ndatte4ioil : ; , •14lier of three companies are undenitand that In titklr re yar44 In-t); 14 eitv the sleeks are ir . enr Seituylkilj•f-aal as per lad queteMens—lr4 alntsno, r ' ............. " Chestnut : ; .......... ....'14815 it. A. E., and ti,Love.• ................. •-• al b 6 • " Ch %Lunt . Sa 350 • Vtlwelio are pleuly—trelght wNiare. -• HEE VOW • , .BM , wink, rirrak. Win rinks. Bed D - ,Antltractfr. "..----r.l--•---- -..----", P a lit A R-.. 1 ; . 4,111111,110$ konsorne,d M=4 licit 4.1au41-.....; * 1 1111, 1 0 1 1 4C,417 dick= LNd1.1111111.10:. , • 2,011.1," . :MOM Tau= L v wit ,schl , . , 7el 111 1:11,411, nix: 1., encd11......._ i 404,, MRS Mono L I.4nl'll'll-- .44116 1i4,1011 31 0 .1 LOC" . 177.C3 irscr`nln Nth t i CM., 1"4,1111 - LIGZ. IO I 110111 do • Nib Jo oa; . 418 , 6 1 1 .121 kiz,rii Penuß R.- t‘ 11,111 ii • $14.4411 1 alo I "oat tas.4o do tlatinif i 1 1 , 11.7 37 MAW d .42,104 lid/ ii. Crl..}. ! 1,1110/0 tar. 47.1 KM batiit a_ i lukla ' mow i! , ma 496 . 9 a' Fmk* Jake's' It R , Wfumng .I,t• ... ` 4 4—MO-- -E1 _. 1 . = i:,,nudd.,_..' , mat aaaAl• 4 11 * f ra lu _ a ui Am. saal• 10 30 . 1 , 42 411 . 7 Zi 14 . 4 70.r2i . • - " 1 =Alum 4 ; -..--a-1......----......,-.......-..,......._,..._.1 . . 1 '1- .......1 S.- In4-.4.thra... anon- kit_....-' ' " 4 1 . - / " V • 414.‘" 7 ' - I - "531 1r-4 3"C 1.1 Vrt en.ll 4 . LS "- -' - li g ta l i iitit i l kadii , 2= 3 , 4 .-= t o Bid Lick W.' - • , 3i14 • titiogi Actor. ,-......--- .. ' • : 1 3,418 4354r0i-7.7- de4il amiss ------:::: ita..i.emi: , _4 i - i sr.aa rop..- , 211, Ame s,cls. . 244,X4 d 644 w B. di u. R. R.' 2...' 501 1a',1041 - wit Or, tt. 0 ulu:4.' i i 1,73.,ZR i •US .. I ti lt r it ~ • .---- -----, I .404 ' 104.2.04128 - .401 1 ' i • Tute,al.l kind , zaa.c7l .maaast3' 111..% 16.4011 ' 1/ 3 . 214 . -q l4 l'l . r - ) - • : 4i.1e?,•:,, - .: F.', i . 434 • C ol 4lTiade in £4ll e 1-71. -..... • , • rlarszic: rcrrAL IN A , D r nft • ckm, 194.17, 7sz:6; M7 , 9bt i 4 h.= La": . Wain I 1,140 33,4•/ IL= vat it it *110,2161 I. Vlt It IttLi' • - &,C - UAW: Thu supply from all the Regions•for the week were about the riuue as last year. • The whole supply of Anthracite sent to mar ket this year so far, embraced in our table, foots up as follows To this must be added_ about 47:3,000 tons not; reported, against 450,000 tons not reported last year in either the tables. •, . . - • . - Tons. . Total so far In 18114 . 14,511,272 do - do In DKR .............._»....._........_.._.... 12,5L0,552 Increase of Antheneite. la 18 ; 0 so far ....... ...... 1,15i5,411 The - supply °fall kinds so far; - ' ' In 1570 - ..... '' ~ , HAMA/ In MB • • . —...-14,4•6,611 : Increase clan 1tind5....... .4..4 1.,1,44,4:1i l!flie increase of the different kinds Is is fol lows; . 2 • . t . • - - - Increase of Anthracite • .. . 1,98i3,111 . Inereaseof sem.-Anthrseite... 71,971 Decrease In Intentlnotv—,. Total lnereruw lgal so far l,7K),Vig During a tlpi g visit to New York, we made particular itiqulrcit; the st.ite of .tho Coal Trade. There's a supply in all the citatint mar kets, with beareely 'an eiception. Those that expect to , receive coal, during the winter months, of course are not-fuliy supplied. All the 'reports about the companies having large *up -plies on hand'.-are not correct. These supplies are smaller than usual. The Pennsylvania Coal Company have4tot 20,000 tons on-hand, and the Dela Ware and' Hudson Company have not more than from 20,000 to 25,000 tons in the market,— Tsey have a'supply at Honesdale of 70,000 tons, which was not sent to market ojn' to the stoppage of theii Canal Navigation by 4.he low water—bat they always' keep a .isupply there— and it is not eumlidered in the market, but they eon sand forward this , stdck by rail, which they are doing, and it cad ba'setit Into market while their mines. are suspended. The Delaware, Lackawanna ' and Western Company sell tfittir coal by auetion as they send it to marker, anti; the sell us at private sale—they do, not k..e(cif s sioek,fit the, market. The last sale': of liJ,tl(io. tons made . ;at auction was to be delivered itilieceinhes„-and of course was not supplied on account of the reftisal of the men to work at the reduced rates. It is believed that the Coni puny hill profit by the non-delivery of this c9;O, and th'ekefore were Willing that the mon should suspend for, a while; but the reduction of wages was a subject of consultation lietween the Companies before the sale wail made, and the probability is that the propelled reduction would not have been submitted to the men until about the Ist of January. That • sale, no doubt, precipitated: it, because they could not .pay the wagel_they paid.in November and de liver that 'cod at the priees at which it sold; under an actual loss of at least 11-30;000 or The Pennsylvania Cotupany had reduced wages • } l5 per cent. in November, "and the men Coritinued lo work, but the low auctios-„sales, no doubt, iiiduced ttiem to lix the Ist of.Deeember, as all the Companies woulithavelost en coal delivered- in December 'at the-low rates. ' The Pennsylvania Coal Corti pony acted independently of the others IP No vember, but the low rate of coal, we preilume, induced them to Unite with the other companies,. and they also asked a reduction of 15 per cent. more on the Ist of December. The men at first felt disposed • to..work, but after consultation they concluded to stop. There is apparently no bad feeling among them—theY believe ,the re duction io too great for their idterests, and they airAiniting together, we preimme, -to effect a' compromise, .as they can fiord!) , expect the Companies to pay the same {ale's that they did before the lid of I.)2cembei,... in the present state of the trade. . • • . , The ' Schuylkill County men - did not desire I - • atioth3r suspension, under existing eireutnstati .. eet4. 7 . because our tmde' r -is generally reduced alkitit - tw•t?-thinls in .4. printer season—and. .1 1 / 4, .some st- C - il that,they were not in a condition to i suspend. hefirgument in favor of suspension. was, Way"( allsuspended,they could then unite again . 4 1111 the .Counties' in the W. B. A., and they could act ; in harmony hereafter, which would very ii them; which ,h is true. This was the position Op to this writ- • - ing. \Ve may here state that the. Companies, as far am We ran learn; will'not treat with the men on the I)Ssis question, .They say that they would not objet so Much to the, basis system, if the • ~ : teen would cxty it out in good faith—but they affirm that experience so far taught them it'' their region , that w it works in favor of -the men it is all' right— t when it works ; 4 against them, they cause all kind of .difliculties in carrying it out on fair principleit—,-Thills one argument against it. The have another alsii. They are -:transporters of coal as well as miners, atid'a suspension, to keep the prices of coal front falling below cost, would sub- Ject them to a suspension of transportation also. 'The men engaged in transporting would have to stand. and they would either have to pay them, discharge them,- or compromise with them, fore stoppage, Unless they would also agree to a top without pay,- and they might require an • increase in wages to_make up the lost time.— While these coMpanlets-have the advantage iq a regular lousiness': 4 in combining transport ing. privil k egars with gaining, .in a stop page, theyveld.be placed, to a certain extent, in a disadvntageoui 'position. These are the reasons giVen for their disinclination to en ter ihto any arrangement that, they say, de ranges all kind of trade, so far as supply aud de gn'ated is concerned ; butt:We-believe, for reasons heretofore fully'discussed, that • the Coal Trade ettrA:s front almost all either kinds of business, and therefore requites llitterent kinds of rem edies, to .a certain extent, for its maintenance at 'spaying rate. these rertiarks will cause many readers to riaiderstand this:question who do not now un derstand IL We do not believe that- :any of these Companieie have the sin of speculation- to answer for when they : agrood to reduce wages; It was to save them from loss in producing coal which cost them considerably more to mine and transport to market than they could obtain for it after it wal-:in the market.= They had done a very eirofitable business during the Whole season up to 'October and \o vember this year, and did not rare to go on at a loss if the men refused to reduce wages. Com panies aro also moil) or loss antagonistic to in dividual interests,•where they work together in a trade, and have other re - asons to prompt many of their nets in crippling individual en terprise when it ' interferes -with, thern, , • And while we are opposed to mrporations . - engaging in mining, but; not in making improy&ents and developing lands for working, we'C*3 not dispoSed tdetiarge,theni with sins which they are not guilty , of. We desire to deal fairly with all latrties..; • Just before we were going to press we learned that the General Council of tho W. B. A. , whict commenced its session on Thursday at Tama qua, after a general haterehalige of sentiment, - resolved almost, if not quite, unanimously on a suspension, to take plata) on the 10th of Jan uay, in all the Regions. This will give those who want coal !ample time to lay. it in. We have not aeon' the proceedings, as they wens placed in the hinds of. the Sosrotary to prepare for publimtlehi From what we could learn,. the object of the suspension was to unite-all the Counties in It general sus ension, so as to fix the ,basis for 1871 in the different regions, after 'Which they will go to work. We also learned that the Council very prudently permitted each County -to make. its, own basis for 1871, piedicatecl oil , tli4 . -4acilities to reach the - markets And lier contingencies, hwhich tends govern t e trade. This lel move in the right directi o n, and'irilPobvlate man); difticultieti hereiftir in the different, emntieit. The tilcltuylkill County men yielded. hi ?Ver. to nnite . 2(4_ and from ' what -we could ;earn, ' they . . will be .permitted to' go to work Again on the bests edopted, If the exigencies ra• qnirel It ; but are to be governed by the fib.' B. Aou.their ttetions beieafter, sit!mno.4lo • $.17.5 - ~.. 6 01) - • . _ AO OD 5 00. Tho trade tutus up this week u follows: Pao. 3114,0111 151141G0 37=1 103,,b1e a1i,0141 POSTSCRIPT. A GENERAL ' SUSPENSIONDECIDED ON. THE MINERS' JOURNAL ---- TTSVILLE, SClittYLIEr . • - bails may be different, (fit fella below the mils. Itnum price agreed upon as - it *topping point, and the operators refuse to s pay basis Prices agreed - upon, IWany of the comities, the sus- Pension will be general ba all the counties. If this is &correct version of their action, IL stems to be; a great improvement on last s year. As we staled in the JOURNAL on Monday last; that all the exaggerated statements of the qtum lily of Anthracite Coal that can be produmd in 1871, a suspension of not over two weeks it a time, say in May, and'also of one or two weeks 'curing the remainder of the season, will re movesall the surplus product out of the market and maintain prices at a fair remunerating rite; and it will , benefit the' producer, the `miner and consuiners also, provided the rates for wages and coal conform to the state of the inarket and of the country, and are not placed' at too high a figuro. As we stated last week, Coal in the Schuylkill Region ought not to go below $2. 50 a ton -in the cars or boats of the :transporting c , rupanies. If the rates are fixed too high, it will react and derange everything again- . We would advise the public abroad to be on their guard against speCulatnrs. We see no reason now for any panic in the market, and no reason why coal should go up any higher. In; the Aw York or oxen the _Philodelphia markets. In New York it has already advanc ed about'Bl per Lou, not owing to a short sup,' Ply, but owing entirely to the fear of a general Strike,•ao that the advance hail already taken place there, predicated on this strike: As far as we can learn, the miners do not desire more than fair prices, and the 'sooner -the basis for 1871 is arranged, the sooner the trade will re sume. Too high rates will be resisted eVery wheie, and will defeat the whole object, if per: slated in. We must act upon, and take _the mar ket and business n* it ix, and net as wci would wish it to lie. EIZI MB EMI WE REFER our readers to th'e cmrd of. Vats DUSEN, BUOTIIER A: Co., in this .Torn it... This is an old and reliable h.,usn, and they have been•fortunate in having ,been appointed sole Agents for the sale of Lee; Grant it Co's Plank Ridge Coal in 1871. ThiS Coal is well knows), and its reputation for purity of character and good preparation is extended, and it Is considered by all who " use it' ' as among the choicest Coals in this Region. THE ATTENTION OF Coal Operators, Mining Engineers _ Mine Inspectors' end others 2,0621,301 273,1X2 •L enl:ett to the ANEMOMETERS, For Measuring the Current of Air in Mines, Imported and. now offered for Sale by the Undersigned. TIII~iE INSTRI'MENTR are of the best class and workmanship and have been IMPORTED from the largest and tuccit important Mining District of Eng land, where they have been thoroughly tested, and are now In constant Use. • . The Inventor - of the above , portable Instruraenhi can recommend them with' confidence; they self register the velocity of the Air thniugh any palsage of a mine in which they are'placesl :and are a sure detector of any slackening of are_ the current, by ne gleCt-tif the furnace,-or•ohitructlon 7n the Air co:use, and a complete check :natant inattention lu the furnace-man. - In accordance With the- requirements of the new VENTILATION ACT,, these Air Measures -will be NEEDED AT EVERY COLLIERY - ESTABLISH mEsr,' and we have Imported a small number, which are already dispoied of, but are now- taking ORDERS for a fresh and larger Impartation at an eutlyiday— - Two sizes can be furnished at the t)ptiott of the purchaser, at the following prices; 12 in. size, *4O; 6 in. 'az?, *to. Cali and see the Instruments at 13ANNA-N . 168 cenitre St..; Pottmille Oct '2.'4 , 1+,70 Sole Agents for LEE, GRANT/ CO.'S celebrated PLANK RIDGE C0A1,,: A6O, Shlppen. 'of Lehigh. Lowest 'Lundeln, Laiast Gap, • and the beet qualifies of • WHITE-AND RED ASH,COALS. . , (Pt. Richmond. Pier 11, Norih. Siltpptxa Wlt.tuvEs: F.lirabetliport, - • - % Jersey City. _ . Vi i atnnt Street, Philadelphia. Otrices: 111 Broadway, Trinity Building, N. York. 5 Donne St.. - Boston. Dec. 21.'70—.5/ PHILADELPHIA AND CIMINO R. IL AND BILiNCHEti Coal Totilla:re for 3 days liaurtlay. DeceTiber,l7._ ' • • Antbrtiri:e. • CONST:311:1) ON 14:FEIL OVER MAIN LINE AND i ALS. -. ' , ......,1 , • LEBANON 111tANCIL Irrackvllle Sales:' '-' * tr.: St. Clair 30,731 :Mill Creek • •.• - tal Port Carbon ' 5 ICI ' $s:1103:1UB Val. Se=log.., ict: Pottsville 2,934 : Mount C3arbon“ ... 1i132. Schuylkill haven Is 753 I Cressona new en.„ Dm Pinegrove_ ...... ---____ 4.1C0 : Plnegrove - • ..7 Tamaqua . 9,717 franusqua • .' Ili llarrlnburg.... : shan3uktu Dauphin.-- ~010: Trevorton CANAL Frackville Scales 11111 Creek Schuylkill Val. Serie...- Mount Carbon (*mesons Plnegrove Tamagni Total. . . . .. a,ace: ; AVE.:TWAItiI V ... • Bituinittous. Locuat (lap • I • -I- Irarrlabure Z 11 " Sharn°kin 101 •• ityrndon LI . Total , 5.912 i 9,1116 B.IIITPED WEST ()It S'lll ' COAL FOR COM PANY - S FRO3I pINEonovE.• VSE. Scbuyl. & 1,11 , Anthracite- - Leb. and:Pinegrove 11r.. 4.T.!, Bituminous T0ta1._...,... , Over lialn Line & Leb.Br. ' 7.1.N9, .16,711 15,U1 .For shipment br Quirt__ ' 3,oe:' 4.577 "W - entward via N.C./Lit : .5,974. , 1,512' 1,110 West or et'th fr. Plnegrove, 2.4.11 734; 1.:.10. Coar.utoell no Laterals a :of. , 2.001 1.407 Lehigh & Wyoming Coal_ 1,9411 • lr 1,w6. • -•-- , Total anti i lf•pay'grod.„Tlit • 91.4.0 72,0a1l 19,34' Bllulninotts I .9,0161 7,253' : Total all kind', pay'r 7.1978. Coal for (.lutniuoty 2.7 41 7 Leal . Total tonnage for intan; 6;nse. :1,63 Previoutty tbln year ' et 9,101; 1711,Z0, ' 40.rit Total to date • From Schuylkill Hoven-) 7,050 • Purl Clinton . Total tonnage for week... Previously this year Total to date.. The tollowine Lt the quantity trazaperted last week Mine Hill & FC IL IL Schn=ll Ytlt Yt,Carbon Loortterry tm0ntb1y) . ...—...—.----- 9ood Spring (m0nth1y)......_. .....___... LW= VALLEY 11141LarliD. Pnantlty sent sent by Lehigh Vail® Railroad Lr ending on Saturday last and for the year: trazlelon Idshanov. Some Useelila. 18,156 Z 1,1.11 COAL AND NAVIGATION CONTANT. • - . Thelbnowlng to the iiimaUty_of eclat touttiported by the Canal* and Saim M aa of the Lehigh Veal and May. Co.. tor the week ending we Saturday evening tan compared with same time Mat. year • . By (Mimi— • . ' ... • Vit 4119.6 • The Cc al was deriCed as From Wyoming _Ragioa--.,--- I r• .162 :=,. L e high 5e5ipn..—_:._.............f 1,906 "".. ~ itazieconltego—;_-........—..... —.l MI Beaver Maaah*:—...__! Mauch Ruink._.--s.--.----) 10,179 Increase over Oct.— "Igtll, Of the aticrire theta wall tratosgorted on sect. of Lehigh. -coat and Navigation Company! • • Lehigh OW it Niklr. 1.14= mt,ret W. 803.14 Igoe to' =Au! '11.0121 sez.swn • . . - - Inmate* ou 111,14111 , Dacron* ". -•• 111ELIRMIZ a Iltalliall COSPAIIII COAL. TRADIL The fblldwift D eat a MateM of roil traopported by the Delaware and COMM Do, OClreeelr. cadlng DM, : ----.. • ... , rjwasmirorat... • - By Pel_. & ' Md. Canal ......../“......-.-.- ' ...;...... 1 ,.. 4 , -17.= Hy Railroad —.........:....---,--....i •' B.5Ny mi . "7l, 'X linatli.. --4--..--,--,-....«..- -,...:-........ .. 11,C1 (MCC By JerersOn thkarowel --...- 0 ..,: 14,447 --- ), --- ' TotaL„--........:--:-.,....„.. « ---.;.i.. 12,1 M uryia . .i Pot the same period leg YeCr : , WIWI. TOTAL. . ,—...,, . —... By_Delarrare a Had. Ca4-----.......—...f i", 1110 By Italiroad....' ----.0.—,.--..----: , KM -CIAO 11i0uth.—;..—......--.....---:-1 11,113 1224 C . - 4bllikl -1 ZUNI lOWA 'or= or cars messy £XD ware or XXV IMICXSIViCX: PAILADELPIITA, . t Dee I s ita. , lied Ash Prepared . . / iker5uni............ a 2VI i4V , ..1 u zi m rm.L. , .4..; i . .; - I t r t r t mrt=i, I diatoor.--,..... 11 I , , do . BRIMS!. S 3 . 1 de. 4 ' Zet-a.4 414 4 1/01 .i do .. 17i i . 441,471.114CA.44,...0 a .NEW TORZ. Dee. =Mk • - O• .Clasesaut 4 2S 4 - , NM& 1433 7 Os SW Ask ramp _ 4 i • Slitbasner 4 Hissir.....- • 4. 1k01••= 4 --. lig mom - -1.,....... 4 4 41Ih 11 4414 , --:---;•, s • 4 aft...,.............., ; a :11-=-7...:=: IV : so Cbseta•S—.... • 4 404414sitiwp•ks , dlschar44/ VAN DUSEN BROTHER & CO., liners Tina Shippers of C 0 .A_4l4 FOB SuipmENT BY LEHIGH AND WYOMING WAL. :n1 Allentown. K Pen. Hr... 164 419 ! Ply Alb mou urtls th R. P. Dr_ Penna. Br._ ............. 1.811 ' Connecting It. R. 140 Willow Street U. It 601 RECAPITULATION BY-RA IL. Tot. for Tot. for, 3 dayn. dars, , In- De ereuxe. CreLVSY 243,1781 • W 2,4181 9' 1 .240 I '• I SHIPPED HY CANAL • Tot. for Tot- for • •3 days, 4 days, In- ; De- IPCD-11. Itlnth'ln. crease. ; crease GAM EMI SCIIUTLIEILL Gant lIIILUOLDS FOR 1%0. . We' t. Total.' .• ' ..._. 1,14.1 , ., 01 41,740 04 —....-- 2.410 OP 6.4.1: 11 ........._ 4.T11' 04 0.47 - 4 17 ~...... 5,0117 01 L 52479 0. 63,34.1 1 1011,,114 11,1 LENIGH COAL-TR/DE-Ai:O. 41 :11 97,130 192 11%974 9.871 "=AM 479 MIIMIME =l=2o - THE dOA.T., idARK.ETS. rims or cum wr vim ease. (cossucesa assist *a tire warns. 4oinurALT trat• i n asglioareir Mad: PlM*ir 4101.- =alley nett ----- waft as . Med AalL--,. Zatiow Valle?. latd wsn anis arirtialf. •• tali to CIMICEIII.II. eaanar Creek sad cuing, itsam Fro 7 va, a Loma Pala% *a abloptag COB • A • - oi aximarree. COAL. _ L. dtr. Or. En. eta MO" Lackawanna INlOnmarra, It 11 IS •aa do New Tort* Laktnts, New Turk* • nerantaa, Zdsabetbport Pittaann,ki Mt= Lo.b. at - Port J id Iso s is co sca I=Ax ci trirdr.tatata ie Saw' ILL ctattitaatt out ft • Newborth.:ll amass *Via Cann!. condluid Pan dtlettardind• ALEXANDRIA . AND usoadirrows per.=. me. owner Creek t Runterlanot one. E 0. b--0 1 460 4 • , • .. TIAVRE DE GRACAAIM.. I:te, =UM Wllltesbarre and Pittston on board .......44 so . ........_ libausokln L T recort on ykens Valley • • .. “ _. Vlit .. t. --- I W . • • PRICEB OF OAS CARL Parmixt2AL - Duty.ll 21: Astionc•Fes. , . At Skipping points.- Gold. I Delivered at :N. Y. t`q-_ ncy. Block t.5e....____,...,.11 73 Weatmendand....— riourrie...:---- I"A DespartL.....,_ --. . 30 Lltusau—.....---- I = Newborn* Ortrel,..-.„...-:' • : lirdney----;.:-.• 2-4 Wen FaLmsoals I. —-- 75 _ PINIADLPILIA. . .' DiViltrace 8ay—....... 123 Powelton Goa .... •7 10 Caledonia ... . ... .L..--1 in Black from 21 to se consirjees. Slack 73 cents to 11 - ußtmnrostn, • V-3- 1 . _.. . glove:l Hlll.O it MOro. J , s f. O. b.—. . -,•=41.24" -to Boston g %lies Z,: Froirtita to New Turk $3 . , Pt .91104-. . 11.1'm'd. trlhpl; Portland.- .:-: 30 I - 130 Hangur--_. Portantoolic._ 3 2.1.. , St IG Pawtucket &to. 2VI • 1 - at ikanon_____ - _l2 Stud 2191 W., FaH ILlver--_. 200 1 40 Salem._ 241 - 1 11 Chola.* . :WV ' 1 90 New Bed for d._ -. 2 00 1 40 Marblehead 2 Ai 2 CO Roxbury . . :SO 2to Nantucket...,.2 at 190 BristoL.--..... 2CO . 40 New Landow-- 1 :11 • - 121 Newport__ _2 11 lo,New Ilaven.-.... T. 00 '' -I CIO Providence...-- 2 Co 10'1:hide - non--. 2 00 1 at Hartford. 2 50 50 8. Norwalk__... : 0. - ... I no Middletown..__ 2 SS 29 Jersey City.-_ 1 3.i 10 Norwich: 10 & tow 30 Hingham ... • 2iS -Albany-L..— 2 19 SU .Wiamualeti._. New fort _ 1 35a2 'GO GO Bralntree..-- - - • Richmond.— IGI - - rharleatown..._ 2 . - ,0, g charleatou-__ 2.00 1 9n E. CanArrldr.,e_.- 200 . 200 =meg I=2 Wlnterport ewmArktgeport. 273 2 On Provine.iowu„. ' Walhington..... 1 stal rn Poug.hteeipoile— Lynn . 3 .S. ... ; 7 Oia I a - . 8a1tim0re ......... Newbtirrpo r rt.— 24i 1 al tiloucenter.—,.... - Milton 3® I tow :Norrolli:_..... Bridgeport...._..New Orleans.... S Alexandria.,..: 1.30 , -Staten 1,1 and... 173 ,Frelgata vary so mach at this iiiktaatt that the ilnotattons tab hardl . be relied eh. Egg- S. • ch. To Port Itiehmand------42 03 1 2 03 fi 00 17. 00: To 210 210 , 219- 10 10 1(1 The natio from Port Osrbon are' 5 cents per ton higher. and from Tamaqua IS. and Plnegrore 12 cents person higher. To points South of Cape Henry. East of New Brunswick - , or along the line of the Delaware and Raritan Cahlal, the drawbacks on coal will beau Damp. Steamboat and Broken, m cen t. ; amount 51). and Egg and &ove r 9 cents. To all other points outside of the Capes of the -Delaware, on ail shies, SO cents. On cameo of 103 lona or less. consigned to points within the (Aguas of the immure, a lighterage drawback of Mehl. VIA lIORTTE IPICVNIITLYANIA RAILROAD.. Mooch Chunk to 10 LESltalt VALLEY, Y. J. CILNYEAL AND DuIIKI3 & =SI .1r...X • To EU zabetbport, • - To Hoboken L. V. U. R ... ... 3 • L .... N. J. C trsl.. .... IIM Morris*. Eaxer.—..- Shipping & To Port JolanPoo ttii4unitl Amboy ............. From Penn Haven to linzabetbport & Pt. J0hn50n......- BY LLIIIGH NAVIGATION COMPANY . % 111AILI10$11, Penn Haven to Phil'robing' ..... --••••• Mooch Chunk to Phillipsburg.— I'gaucli Chunk to Hoboken and Pritt,Johnson...—__._ *napping and whartage...—....---:.. SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION COMPANY: • :The following are the rates -of toll and [relight on elehuylkill Canal for the present. ..... Toll Fringot.-..... Prom Toll_ The drawback is 45. cent% on Lunip.Stearaer and Broken, on Ch./stunt, awl 15 cents on Egg and Stove,-on.coal vent to 'New York and vicinity. From Mauch (Munk to E.iston . " New Rope and Erhaul..- Through-to New ... Through To New York To Jersey City.—...— For re-tehlprnent_.-..... PRIVATE BALE OF A VALWABLE FARM, situated near the town of Llewellyn. Schuyl kill County. containing 9) acre., fin acres clear and In a good state of cultivatiotlT 'lmprovements con sist of a new two story dwelling house, a new large stone spring house, and a large barn.' Fences In a good condition. Will be sold cheap on terms to 'suit purchasers. Apply to .DAVID A. JWIEs. attiirney. at law,--ofhee. 179 Centre St., Pottsetile, Pa. Dec. 24, '7O-52 1 4t. . .. z,sof Total SKATES ! SKATES I! SKATES !!! a very large'stock of,Ladles and Gents Ska tes, just re ceived from the Manufactory, and for Wile at greatly relined orlces ; cheap, cheaper, cheapest. Philudel phla Lin Skaten,Stares patent Steel Skates New York Club Skates made to fasten on the foot without Araps-to hurt the , foot. Just the thing for a Christ prerent. Call and get a pair; yen can't fall to be suited us to kind and price. O ur stock is-very large, Dec. 21, 1.. C. THOMPSON. EMI TOOL CHESTS FOR BOYS, just the thing to encourage useful hubits in .your. son, and keep him out of mischiet ; we have's:full stock of ail sizes, and at very cheap prices. L. C. THOMPS:ON, BM SLEDS ! SLEDS !! SLEW; !!! no for fun, come and get one of .our suPerlor sleds. and let boys and girls enjoy themselves ; 'Sleds with swan necks witf. two and three-btu ards, with and with out rail and at low prices. j.L. O THOMPSON. IEI CHRISTMAS PURSE eTB in great variety, including,Work Boxes, Ladles' Companions, Needle Cases, " - ilove Boxes with Stretche,rs, Table Mats, Crumb Walters and Brushes, Superior Plated Castors, Table, Tea and Dessert 6p4sasi Table and Dessert Forks, Table Knives and kkirks with Rub ber. Iron, Horn, Bone and Cocoa Ilaridel4'Nuf Picks and Crackers, and an innumerable number of artt cies both ornamental aod useful and at very cheap prices. L. C.'TII.O.IIISON. Dec. 2f, '7O . WANTED.—A young man with good active business qualifications, having • ready - capital of several thousand dollar+, desires to buy out part or the whole of an established paying business. Ad dress, stating kindred' business, Box .T 27, Pottsville P. O. Dee. 73, ; 70-2.4-tf Dee. 24, '7O-42-tf RENT.—P. dwelling and storehouse and 1: other Improvements •, about 4 acres of good cul, Heated land attached. Also three limekilnsw and four railroad trueks—all•on the premises. Situate at White 'Morse Station on the Sehuvlkill and Sus quehanna It. R. Apply bp • WM. F. MATZ, Dec 24, 10-52-M• on the premises. ADMINISTRATOWS NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration• upon the estate so! George W. Latvia being granted to the undersigned—All per sons having claims alnst the estate are requested to present them wi thout dela, and those owing said estate are n ested to ma k e payment to Rev. DANIEL T. DAVIEN. Administrator, or to his Attorney, DAVID A. JON}Ii, 1711 Centre Street, Pottsville, Pa. ,117 -2111 :7,1419, 1,41 , 23,13261 11,4,141 OD VBTATAM Or AMNIA W. HILL,-late of the Borough of Pottsville, deceased. • Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having claims against =id estate to present the same to REBECCA C. HYDE, Executrix, Dec. 21, '7O-41 No. 2D Market St., Pottsville, Pa. NOTICE.—The Anneal Meeting of the Block holders of the POTTSVILLL WATER COM PANY for the election of nine Managers to airy° the ensuing year, will be held at their office on MOND.Air, the 9th day of January, 1371, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock P. M., • By orderdr the Prealdent. MILTON BOONE, Soc4etarv. Porrsv tux. I)ec.2 t . 1870. Dec. 2.1. 10-32-Zt the week ECM arn OrFIOE MINE HILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY. 1730 , 161 149,79 - PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 19th. 1870. The Annual Meeting of Stoeltholden will be held at. their °Mee, 110.-15 South Seventh street, on 2d day. Ist month, 9th. 1871, at 10 A. M.Yor the eleetioh of a President and ten 51anagers to serve for the en suing year. WM. DIDDLE, Secretary, Dec. 21, 70-52-M 1 4 011.810111 Y cBEEN BAlLRojcwco. Onice, 7. 4 Ze, ZNI . South Fourth Strret, PnipangLynt.t.WC42o. 1570. :Notice is hereby given, to the StocithOlders of this Compan3r that the Annual Meeting and an election for P r esident and six Directors to serve for the ensu ing year will take plaice on MONDAY, January 9th, len. at 1034 o'clock A. M. Dec. 21,'^0--5"-1t ALBERT FOSTER, 'key. 13221 1140.07 D 1=1,17 :OM= TOW L IE2 1,Z15,1216 150.11/3 213.1C1 nos.= I~TOTIOE.—The u • ders b i o sd Omnmissloners of 2.14. Schuylkill County, hereby give notice, that all persons holding against the county • ix sums'less than fifteen hundred dollars, are Th ques'ed to present them for payment •Tton or before the twenty-fifth day of January, A. D.• other wise the interest will be stopped front a ' BETTIAMICRr • PETER )(tra • P E ATE. DORME m R, Ili Attest : 0..1. Ammo*, Peet. flee. St.'7ll-42-41 GZION a 'LONG, LOCOMOTIVE - BUILDE; , 1340 BEACH - - • li+w '. . •zi F Ajw, 4 ,. ):1 1 2 . 7M0T Irclnll destined Inuit In MIX& Zlrculgin.l Photog a r a n d pbtitmi l l i stted a on appllegion. , Dec. DllY GOODS! DRY OOOD6ti , • There are mans and groat adiantages to be gained LABOR BUYERS . making • their, selections etas. For. as we brei in large might hiel et ant bands. thee can be BETI'EIt BDPPLIED with almost re irelbini u thr ?smile me, Marriag e Aotats . Detain. Hmiselereplmr tilts; Schools. EMMA% Ate, We bare the • • LARGiIt:STOCK, • eater to the wints of good-class harems:id that too _ ECONOMICAL. PRICES.: The ten& 'RELIABLE GOODS we keep. with be lomat in cheaper than infe.rhir eyalities. • " AT RETAIL . the sandleet contemner watt* greglig pleased with 'our method of giving thine so ebeeply.so=l goods at bat one moat from the man or importer. COOPER & .4 1.111 *# 212,191 ""1.. . 004:70. 1 .40r ,:r4l/41112.Piraii, aNlMmud.. COAL FREIGHTS MMMWMI Old t'ambrldge i1783.0f-TBAIISPOYTATIO]-SO TIDE ay 3LICADINO SATZ-110AD EMEED:3I MI 810ppIng S whatchai-.-7 [33 BY CAICALK. I=El3 - Haven. Pt. Clinton TO I.IIIILADELPIIIAI - . —.Sch. Raven. Pt. Clinton -1 Li tri =I =I lop Aburrtistutruts. 71 ME " --Zr- , . , `O2l Vim: V. ELI 4871. HO Tag Ts -11=Por. Iprerent ladeleed or.- the proesedlndll ponveatilons. '- nee= of gra day's roomer ;more than cr :Mee advier unsleeping liberality r enabl nor tl 'torttents, de Torieni • Ziaßape , Titr. Wilma, can afford t tics may din Horse, Troth _ . _ ....ant Copy to elicit -__ accurate, our essaisin — eiriebliii7itolthiT fanner's • . rafting and our regular reports of the Farmers. To Nimes or Etruscan's:As, all abone Postoffice. Club and kindred gatberings, are so interesting, Ten copies-- $1 GO each. that the poorest farmer will find therein a mine of Twenty copies- - Ilt3 , "• suggestion and counsel. of which be cannot remain Fifty copies- ..,.. _ 110 "-• ignorant without positive and serious loss. . • And one Extra Copy to loch Club. , Tux Timms* has been i s , and must tea zealous persona entitled to an extra copy can; if preferr ed Wyman!' of Protection to Rome Industry.. Regard- have either of the Ibllowing books, posttaa¢¢ee preplid. log habitual idleness as the greatest foe to human Political Economy, by Horace Greeley; Pest' Cask: progress, the base of human lumpiness, we seek to tare for Profit. by P. T.. Qnlnn : The Elements of win our countrymen in masses from the ensnaring Morten tore by George E. Waring. .: . . lures of Speculation, of Traffic. and of gawky* over- „., crowded Proteudons , to the tranquil paths of Pro- , . ductlve Induseir. We would gladly deplete our Th iiew York Semi-Weekly . Tribune' aonvedrecromirdwdedineirat es, where o ftg o Ts m ill ot i tir t o e Is Published every TUESDAY. and FRIDAT. THE Do," to cover prairies and plains with colonies ab- SEMI-t re EEKLY TRIBUNEgives, in the Course of or four of the sorbed in Agricultu re, Mechanica and Manufactures, a y ear . and constant projecting Into the blank, void wit- I BM AND LATEST POFULLII NOVELit. derness the homes and the works of civilised Man. Holding the Protection of Home Industry by Ills- By Ilvi authors. Nowhere else can so much cur crtmlnating duties on Imported Wares and Fabrics rent lute ligence and permanent literary' matter be essential to the.'rapid„ bene fi cent diffusion of Pro- had at cheap inTILE SEMI-WEEKLY eaP a r a te - - auction in all its phases and departments, and so to TRIBUN , the instruction of our peopje in all the pitiful arts • of Peace, we urge our coon men to adhere to and - of' th TER S e SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: uphold t hat *dies in undoubting faith that the true One cop one Year, 101 numbers.-- el 00 interest-, not of a class or a section. but of each sec- Tw o mow,. 700 Bon =el useful Claw., is thereby autwerved and pro- Five copies, or over , for each copy.... ......... . --. _3 00 in3ted. An extra copy willhe sent for every clith . of ten We sell THE WYEELY to Clubs, for less than its sent for* one time; i r e, of preterreshsa copy of Re value In dwellings for waste-paper; and, though its collections of a Busy Lby Mr. Greeley. subscription is already very large, we believe that a - . Halt Million more farmers will take It whenever_it DAILY TRIDUNE.'-' Isbell be commended to their attention. Wear& our friends everywhere to ald us in go commending it. - Mail Sul:Scribers- .. .$lO per annum. $ lO l 71 , eublieritient trishina,to preserve Mr. rJreetey's Essays, "WHAT I- KNOW or Faux MO," and who the full pri e, i. e., $lO for bAn.r, Si.fur e • SEMI-WEEKLY, or ill for THE WEHIELY TRUK NE,' we will seed the book, poe -poi'', if request be made at the tieie of subs ribiO. Pt.. Ells*: blbp't ott Tule TILIBCNI.; ALMANAC for 1871. Pact'. XI ce nts. TRILICNN ALMANAC REPELINT• DZIK to 11143. 2 vole. Half. P ItEcoLLEcyzoas or-A LICSY lark. By Horace Greeley. V brary, Halt Sibmceo. lit. Half Calf, Morocco Antinu POLITICAL Ecomowur. By Horace Greeley. $1.50. EwitAlsx's LIFORACLICS AND DIRC/lANItn. Sixteenth Edit PEAR 11 , CLTVIIR. FOR PROFIT. Quinn. ft. ,ELENIENTA or Amnon:rum Waring. New Edition. Clo DRAINING FOR HEALTRI AND PROFIT. Waxing, Cloth, tent free on receipt of price. • .. In making remittances always;proeure a draft on New Yor Whet° neither of these can be procured, send the money', but ti/ Terms (Nish in advance. . AddrtAs 1110 m THEFAIR FOIL . ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. I ,yIN TILE, UNI.ON . HALL, , POTTSVILLE, WILL OPEN ON :110 ND AIIEiVEN f.NG, „DEC. 20, 1870, CONTINUE, FOR SEVEN DAYS. AD.11140161...- • 10 Cents. SEAS° TICK ET.4 Dcc 24, '7t4-42-2L -d2.11,1t. RE ...J.... iwsi -1 63 Mg 1:1;) L O STREET, .404,) BELOW A.IIKILICA-N Noma, PcrrrsvtLus, MAGGIE BOLAND, - - Hag non' opened a new Stoek of FALL & NVI ; NTLII Goods, such as - - BEAVER CLOTH , VELVETEENS. WATER- .. PRO(PFS, tiLoVEs. CORSETs. FRINGES, NOT/01 4 .:5, FALL AND WINTER sAcqtrE4. PartieOlar attest lon paid to Gong 'Making. bribes cloaks made to order. Oct. 30 Nov. Si„-vlll—=.tdf ' 7:: : : ; '! 4 . 9 1870. FALL OPENING. . ' A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT' F FALL 8.: . WINTER GOODS, Inelnding SILKS, POP /NS, CHINTZES, CLOAKINOf,4, VELVETEENS, C.ORDU . ROY'S,- WATERPROOFS, (in the new . I shades, d.e..). TRIMMINGS; KID OLOVEN, a variety of Handsome Plaids‘,.(in the new gold and black mit tures, and ai full line of u -lkintiftil Striped Cash mere, Bengal and.Si‘rtin Shawls. Also, a splendid assortment of MILLINERY DOODS, Including 'Pi • • SATINS, SILKS / VELVETS, RIB- co, Al BONS, sasitEs, i•Lo Runs. &c. WHITFIELD & ROYER. Rept2i.'7o-M•tf—lfegf THERE IS NO NECESSITY roll PEOP going abroad to buy CLOTHING, When they can „let everything In that line at MORRIS ROHRHEIMER'S, 'No. 289 Centro -- Street, 'POTTSVILLE, • Cheaper and of superior quality to that they buy in in 1, 4 1:10 • cLoraora, OF 'MY IitAIcUPACTUMB Ifirs been compared with that made in Philadelphia, • and found not only CLIEAPEIt IN •PBSCE, but- su perior.' I keep constantly on hand the ficciicasiortment of ' FOREIGN aid DOMESTIC - CLOTHS AND CASSUIERES, Which I am prepared to make up in the best style,', as I only emplov first-class workmen. My principal Cutter, Mit. JAi."OIIY, Is well known as a first-class Clatter.' I A Firlst-class Suit Itade for $25, AND TME VERY BEST POE 130. Camdmerc Whater.Sultsfrom 115 to $3l Also, a very large assortment of ' • •• OVERCOATS, BANGING IN MICE PROM 810 to Mad* of Chinchilla, Beavers and English Melton. ConsMntly on hand, alarge assortment of • L.TNIJOIDUCLOTLILIPTIGI: AND Plante- Furnishing Goods in General. My motto is " Fair dealing With ervirrytoody, and satisfaction given. or money reftutdiaL", Closingrout Overcostsat a merinos at morons ROBLEMMOLIMPS. No. 280 Cesare Street, Pottsville. [(avows soLoßoNßOovzit's.J Nov. 'lll—Ml-21P---16.2t, • MOUNTAIN' CITY INSURANCE DEPOSIT COMPANY, No. 176 (Centre Street, . - . POTTSVILLE, PA. CAPITAL STOCK. 4106,000—PRIVILEGE TO IN -•- CREASE TO $5011.000. ; • This Company chartered by the Legislature fa DiFIV prepared for the transaction of a general banking onsi es& U. S. Bonds and Other Reliable Bonds Bought GOLD, SATED AND 00tPONI BOUGIIT AND SOLD. ' - i nntscrons: ' . .. •• John V. Roseberry,. Theo. Ciarretson, • J)hn Dawson, i Illolly F. Lie, W. P. Ryon, - 1 • - Fred'a Patterson, Henry Hamer, 0. J. Itlehardlion. : W. Cole, .1 . ,Ches. F. Koptbunllit • Joi n Anderson,' C. IL'llangler. . • -;. J. R'. ItosEusagy. Availed. ,_ JOHN DAWSON, r, .A•esideitt,' • C. H. Dicsoutn. Saeretary and IlvannNer„ - Nov. 113, 711-2354 n & th-ly-494y . . A DZBII/ABLZ A SAFE HOME >. .14` 1 ' • LEWISTOWN RAIL EI COMPANY • GENT. GOLD THE SilNaURI(_3 First, Mortgage Bongs. Interest Payable April and October, Free of State and "United States We are now offering the behuunot the loan Oar, SAO* which is secured by s that end only nen on the entlreproperty and franehhate of the Conniany. At 90 and the Accrued Intennt - Added. The Bead brim; vividly: agivanWitg .completion, with a huge trade In COAL, IRON and LMIIBSIt, addition Who passenger travel awaiting-the open, tog et this greatly naffed enterprise. The weal tiadel alone Is Isn ian:al? large to maintain the Hoed: We have no hesitation in recommending the Bondi ea irCUILIP. 'RELIABLE sad SATZ IN- For ;Kum/shiet ". with map, and hill halbrinittioti applyto WM. MUTTER At CO, ItAin9asa, Desilen ln \ Government Securities. \N4llllSouthilllnDak, Pldiaddphla *PAY to V MIN EEL \ LIVE ! INSURANCIL e !sun ca, , .. • )10. as CENT= at« - r * L. F. WHITNEY' 2146%- "?' I ra ' / 4 43124 Tit*1 3 L IlifiliMi: .'4 -..-.• BOOKS .FOR SALE .AT THE T irar ,Abuertistutent% Pr!) (Sods, 41totljing, &c. inaacial. E 133 ,TEREST PAID Oti DEPOSITS. and &dd. Taxes. : War.l; MUNE OFFICE. und, $lO. . ions atylei of binding. Clopi, $2.30. lA ,s . . Large octavo. Cloth, $5. 1/, O. • ' • . . , .or a Poet O ffi ce Money Orgcr;lt - pairsible ya in a REG WI'S imp teller. ' - - IBUNE. New York. , THE T Tiolibau .Goobs. C"I TMAB PRESENTS A LARGE RTOCK BOOKS, OF EVERY KIND, . -1 • To Suit all Classes 'oellureliaser,s, PLAIN AND FANCY EDN6INGS, ASE NOW OPEN . 1 !FOR IN:3IIE'CTION, BANNAN 4..RAWEY'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, 168. CENTRE STREET,- AND ARE OFFERED .4.T. . l Eit CENT. DISCOUNT FROM CATALOGIII:: PRICES. 20 P Amounting to Ten Dollars and Upwards, dditioral Discount of fly* Per Cent. • will be Alio* - On Sale An OUR STOCK INCLUDES rr BOOKS AND ANNEALS, - LATESTBLITEK. OPTIC BOOKS, THE LATEi4T MAYNE REID BOOKS, NE THE BALLANTriE BOOKS BOOkS FLY E' of all kinds,for Girls Boys .NGLISII TOY BOOKS,—entirely new.- in Cloth and Paper Covers. _ NDESTRUCTIBLE AND UNTEARABLE ME BOOKS.. ; • anies of ' all NEW Tills SEASON. PAULA PA : BILLIARDS AND PARLOR cnootET CHESSI AND PUZZLE ricTußEs, DISSECTED MAPS, to., to. ANC Y GOODS. ROGERS'. STATUETTES, WRITING DESKS. . - - 1 „From One Dollar to Twenty Dollars, - ,- R DFSING CASES, - 1 • 1 ; MUSIC CARRIERS, • . PORTFOLIOS . , i-• ' • Our Stock Is now ready for -Boyers. ittul we yjw.so. fixed nuell low prlees as cannot-fall to please. -= Dee. 2f, 70. ' D EE GOODS CHR IS.TMAS PRESENTS MONDAY, DEaMBER 5, WE SHALT. ARRANGE ON ECIAL COUNTERS, MI ENE IURCH4SE TO CLOSE OUT • . IM New York Importers,! BB DSOME DRESS GOODS Tremendous Bargains, ' ` -- -- : I - 11sii, FiertiiiiGermanand American. • . TO* DOLLS, FANCY poops. I still - • • three to sell my entire stock of Feather*. Vel . • Flowers, le.. at greatly reduced prices. to mak . room for oar Toys and Holiday Wads. Hat • • Towel Racks. Briekets, Writbie Desks. lofferednk -•. • ds, Pocket Books-greatest bargeiret ever Super selection of Jet, Gilt, reed an f Curia Jew - - • . t•Fans. Pearl. Ivory and Gilt Plick,'` :' - • 0 ores two buttons, all the new Modes. Also, the I•., • Eld..the hest,' Move sold. ' I I. . • t . - and Snits made in the mast Iltsb . image le.. • . Trills •.. • Paper Patterns. • .• 1 • Pert l System of Dress Cutting taught. Real alenciennat, Gul_pure an Thread Lamm E AU latest styles Ldies• Co ism, Cu rEa end eeves. • Point Apniktie and Duchene. - --.: • • Vale. i l u t s , Embroidered- fbalunera. Sack& - este' : eb PI Tips and Fancy Feathers and Flowera , . N in Neck Ties and Bows . __ - lti Human Sears and aisliesi Dress Trina• . . talFrintenr_Glmps. I. I Bolt lows, Pin madam. A 110-• lot of Workedt3Upgers, at very kits Price. Has: IL A. liniDESl3;.. : , Eleventh and Cliestnat Sti..' :PigiLalY.a. ZIZETA. 1 - * Pre'7 PIM* 11111 /tingle 'HAAS, IPOII earn BY " -- • ' 'I * • . . . . . _ .. =•-• -.- lie= l i 1 4,4 - i . _ J. W. Oct I.' DI DI ) 1130 .'• "I - FOR 187, =flaw - -44 dtieedlitte:avel tc0457:14101' _ 414; SMOLA:if,* ItAKElleek , Eil Cal GM I=l I= MIME "7 . P . " ISsol4o6tettritl -_-‘_:l:N. - --:-,.--.-- - .- 1- ,•• ~~ ~. QP TO mrartionr. .X.VROPE. • as HatirecParts—Earbgement at SalLaire6 -4adther 2:11111111111T1etai77-Anotber Sortie • boa sr +. . • , at Saaseasek *•._ • • ' - • - • -ks - GtaarD.. • Loxixi's, Dec. .to D. Cg.' W. Wharton Smith - et Co. - I—The . French re sumed offensive operations before Paris yes terday, and claim great successes. The -financial market opens Arm, with limited transactions in , consequence of the approaching - holiday - season. Consols, 911- aW.,4 United Stateibonds of 1862, 88laia9. A Prussian column has been observed ap proaching Poulsicovrt and Ebel ms,%ffilppos4.4 to be on the march for Laon, La Fere and Chaniney,To attack the French Army of the . 'North. . • . ?.' The weather tndity is cloudy. The eelipse of the sunwas seen but imper fectly in .the south of t: nkland, but. was well observed northward, particularly at` Wick. • The French - - chitin to have seyered.iFied ,slick Chariesi.ennituunitittlons, and capttir-. 7 - oa aao p as° n en 4 DA the Germans were leav ing Tours. They also report That the army of the Loire has made a successful union and is uow 800,000 stron&e, and ready for.the of. fensive..7l.- • • . ' • • .' rxussiA Dec. 22.--n The Germans under Vondergoltz have surprised the.gretich at Saugres, in the Department of Hauttsillarne_, and' driven them from" their position; -with heavy loss. litany : prisoners . and a: large quantity- of arms and haggage , Weretaken: A despatch from Versailles states - that on: Tuesday the • fire from •th - o fortifications of Paris-was active but ineffective. Puringthe, cannonade a sortie was made by the french' 'against the Prussian Guard and 12. th Corps of Saxons. The fighting lasted several hours. The German loss is small. A body of Mobiles has been defeated... by the HanoverianS. under General de Vogits. .Rhetz, beyond St onnaie • eight miles north of Tours. ITALY . FLARE:ice, Dec. 2L—The. _bill.. ratifying the vote of the. Rowan , people for annexa tion-Aci Italy has passed the Italian Chant-. ber ofDeputh*by a vole,of 239.t0 :20. rURXkr •. _ . . t_ .. CONSTANTINOIitk, .Dee, 23 .-- T h e Torklsn expedition startett •for'Yemen for operation against the Arabs.' The troops already . ..for, warded number. .14',000, and rehtforeelltents ._ . • are to follow.. -I. -. _ ; . ; WASHING-Tr. The Rupture Ortweett the .President and *tuttor Sumner-I - The Preskk•nt and Secretor* - T WAiIIIINGTON, Dee. ' l .3..—LA' determin effort is bang made by the PiMdent and his friends to' have the Foreign _Relations Committee reorganized so as to get rid cif Sumner, Schurz, and Patterson. Ti,e site ;ration on the part of the' President. and his friends in the Senate is-that the comulittee,, as at present constituted, is 'against the ad ministration, and that the President -calmot carry out his foreign policy, and, •in 1 fact, cannot have any' foreign polley„except such as 'will meet the approval of the members of the_e_ommittee. If •an attempt is made to.i iemove Shainei, it will likely result , in a permanent. division.in the .Republican Senate. There are cettain Senators who regard the attempt to degrade Shinner as all outrage,-and Will resent it, independent of their relations to tire tomfibistration. Sumner is a good deal suiprNed at Fprucy's letter to General Bab- Coek about the inter view z4-Suniier's 'Muse, which appears in thonewspapers. this morn ing. liesays -Forney Is entirely mistaken, and that he should nut have written such a letter without first consulting him. • . ! Owing to Sumner's ;relatiOns with .:Bout well there_ are storl64-4441 - 11 , revived to-day that Boutwell is about to resign:. It is Stated that several notes on the subject of Suniners-- ' speech passed between Grant and • Botitwell `yesterday, the 'result of which, It is alleged,. was Boutwell's . -resignation. Both Boutwelt: and the President deity that there is any dif-: ference.Of opinion between them, and Bout; 'Well says he has - no intention of resigning. • _ TH.E WEST. • . • All4tl Murderer — Actiidited-rCold. •Weather "Ileavi Failure. eIIEYENNEN. -Tzi:Dec"."2l--A tel*raim from "Rawlings suites that in the case of W. Kelly, tried fur murder, the jury,fitftrlw • 'lows' deliberation; returned a verdicttf not guilty. . • The weather is ccild,"and the snow - drifting badlya Tlie trains. on the Usilon and The Denver Pacific roads reach hereon time, • CINCINNATTI; Dec.-23.—Smith U. Fowler, of the firm of Smith U. Fowler & Co., whisky manufacturers hasindividuallyfiled hispeti tion In bankruptcy. 'H is 'liabilities are stated at $07,05. and fills assets at $14,009. CLOSINGPRICES . yr DE- HAVEN i 1180„ , 40 SOUTH THIRD (STREET, PHTLADEILPH TA. Dec. ?—', 13;0, 3 o'clock, 2 4 ". G's of NI. 11. „ -*- - i . ” 1ztit,.....-. ..... . ... -.. , ... - ........ .-..: i 1003 -ifrtt i ea " ....qv, • 101;7, 1 DD.:, .1 66 46 • .. . I* pew ; • 1 101,x 109% 44 64 . 1167 1 /091 . / 09 •• .1 /014 -" ya;104011 ' ; ; : 1004. 106 i T.T. S. 3) year 6 per cent; Currency ......... 106% 100% Gold.. ' 11034 119 Silver - ; 106 108 I - - Union Pacific R. R. Ist 31. Bonds 1 Tai .; fts . ` ' ; CentraLPacilic R. R. 920 VI; . Union I%citic Land Grant 1 ..o, :61. -..... 1 560 600 ,-- 1:A - 11.4;ileA A ...24/,‘Alifyiv FA:l:4 , v cl We give the followingquotaticms for to-day: • - MgadrS- iArd *IDL.- -WO Roast 1W11115.-_,... MOKClticken-i'l Ccrnied scene lisO2oiDucAl*lb-,------L Rump Steaks* S. -023 ,Turkeys -WO Sirloin Steaks Vle,-.--0251Haddock Sausage ilk --423:Rock -4015 Mtrrrortl- • ;Halibut* Forequarterllllo-a- -41111.41 White Perch -;015 Hindqaarter*lb--- --€lll6 l Biacir .4413 Chops* 1b.—:..-.---41-11,Dattieb .-015 Pone= Eels -620 Roastokitskii* Beans (soup)* 2:1- 1 15 . likie:bißutter -WO nshurhniorVlb-- 25F lO --la 37 Hem sliced)* lb-- head___, 54/0 p,bo t a era 17.1silikalnes %ink • to= 15 Dried Beef p totisZ Lac E. '5 ;Onion - eft • f Forequarter 115_,..„ Had Beeok--1, 4 ,77: 4 )}, 6 Hindquarter* lb. -... --(41g1 ro Ipa to - 12 Cutlets -razi Apples V*'We7.• Prime° r Nier4 V /°0- 5 °4 47 9,i Ary kts zw4 141 Soloists t3eusage alb ' Smokedisausaeg iii22f • • . POTTSV . ILLE . MARKETS:; Cyerrebet bony ior tab arisen' hums! by GLENN %O 1 • . - • ' Wkelt • " 1 sale ' - ,• . • 7illbsat Fl2as t aiiis faially,libbl... I T 501 - a ' : - lii cwt.:7.-1 - 3 751 . i ii!:' p low - ....... "Sztlik. 1 11 V1 , -. 1 7 uai ........,.... - ..libal.--1 • .. 810 BilekwheariGii: — . .± -. .- 1 ..;•1Fet.::: . 121 Wkssvid, pTkple whlte....--- a p nap,- . 11 , - .., ...XI) wznnitsre A 191) ROLIDAir GIFTS.-4*an e tlttd Cologne Toilet, Sets. Splendid Vim"; Tea Ohm SeticStudent and Arend Larope,-Oicive she Jewel 'Boxes, watch Stands, Card.Atr tr ds, racktt and:Tawel Hacks; att. endless vart or China. Pastan and Lava-Ware; also. Toys' f‘le dren. Tia sae. Wax and (Innis Dona. eta.. eM/ 10 it received and. ferule al low prima by • J. R.TacetEm.' • iaittSki.atialsSW.AßE, AND-CROCKERY, . 21dirENTRx IST, PoTTSVILLY: Nov. NM' - JuIVV 10-12 . 1 7- 1 9k r r • H.p_rtON, NO v .2l ' S. 2110/IT 117DEXIT 11 adeiphia. PRICER TO RITIT THE TIXER.- • -RICH; FANCY AND TOILET GOODS: A 'magnificent amortnient„ 'unsurpassed_ for va. - rietnkkance or style, or moderation in prices: - nu. French Flowers for Jarpin len. rich -Ikdir :Man and ChinaTollet Reis and V Parbui Butts mid Statnetter,gdt mounted Card leek* and Plower-Ixdikka, Bobendan Glaas, China, Lam Pax ton Ruble, Bronze and Gilt,Orminsents. , Rick Paris• and Vienna. Pane. real Whitby Jet. Vuleanlie and French Jewelry. Cigar and Tobacco Boxes and - RolderV ic kitlng Desks, Glove, Rand ter anima - ebki and Work Drawing Case% Tablets, payer _ • GINOHADIAND ALPACA Old= With. thoasind other artidnkendniteind all that Is new at deatndde lb, brb/a/. minds 3 or holiday presents; aneertarin condity and 'ID ha price. M. DIXON. N 0,21 8. Eiglitlia L Between Market and Chatinnl, east Dee. 7so-alt pan Lou ,l I MUICIVRIZA444I9I4 ' i ALiMir And hital4llll g ia1e43 0 0114 7 44 15Z24'. • AN TIANAIET PE 110 fate EMI , _ Th. London , wniness on the QUgrAlleUt SU ' "Mk' beam Clatisis-Movethente, of the Peweihris t. . . irnteee-halpuithin at the 21tenterotteete.; . ENGLAND. LONDO N,Deb.22.--The Ttsuastolay again ti editorially discusses the question of the barna clan's. It says the Atuerkernir are ready to fight, although they appreciate the Value or peace, because their exposeil 'points are few anti heit resources unboonded.l— they do not seek war they Aty,Vuor , likely to decline a- challenge. wheresa Eng- LL) . land is alWays averse to ,war for eorn erße • . reasons. I • - I . BORDEAI4X t •Dee...t.—.A. despatch frail' Tours, bearing dater of the' evening of " the 22d;Mrd signed by ..the .Mayor;_: Informs the DepartMent of the Interior that no mote Prussians have entered' the Department of • Indre and Loire, and_those who were there, have probeeded tosfards- Blois withent' en tering Tours. - * ; A telegratif frciiii:Lyens, dated the 2 d, ' Says the enkire population Is indignant at the murde.ebt Foue - , _Chief of Battalion Of , the:National Guards, and: that the funeral • was attended by all classes of the people. Gambettn. Was received lit Lyons-with'the warmest licelatuitions, and the universal re• quest is that the fullest measure of justice be accorded tri, the Trentehes who haVedisturbed the'order of the city. Several penons • hive . - been arrested fortomplicity ip thh-1 assassin.- . ation of Frine. • . - Advice's from Paristo the nightefther2lst;" bring an. °Metal reportofthe recent military operations. The reports - say operations were resumed today andonly ceased at night-fall. On the right, Generals Malroand'illaist • • copied handy stir Marne; Villa Ev.enird and Maizon. Blouthe.,. all to the , ertirt The fire.of the enemy Was silenced' at all; • .points: • . It - is also Stated that after a shrift eofetbati-7:. in: which :General- Fuvre was wounded, - trodm, from ..St. - Denis, under - A.miral La Roncleri, 'Carried Bourget to the north of. 'Paris, but were unnble to hold the place and " retreated,. 'having captured one hundred prisoners. The forces.- of Genenirlincrot• were also engaged songy of. the city in .a vio lent artillery action - sio Mt: Abion and • Blanctnesnik arid at night Ducrat occupied Groslay and Orangy. General - .. l !foeir .made_ . a feint on the side of Mont Valerien west, of Paris artainSt Montrealol, and Chief of Bat ,talion Four occupied the - Island pi" on the lEielne.. - . ' The mobilized Natforlai Goan Wrought . . with the troops in theiefengagements and . displayed great firdor. . , - The garrison of St. Denis and the marines' lost considerably in. rit iN tig Bourget, but the losses ofthe other t were riot-heavy GenentiVmehtt remains . titsitle - the 'city - with the army. MArtniu,lDee. '2 . 2..--New Year's has been tlxed- for the entry into Madrid oflthe Duke of - Aosta. - - lii the meantime ho will remain tit the, Iloyzil Palaee.ist A ranaj nes. Don Car los has issuisl a rotest.agalust the elevation of an Italian - to the throne, and in support of his own Claims thereto, AVhielf issupplement e:l* by. letters' from Charles Albert - Viet9r Emanuel. the Cortes is still engaged in a discussion of the motives for a dissolution. HARIUSIAIRG, Pit., Dec. - 23:—The ca4rof the Commonwealth vs. credit Mobilier of, America,. Attorney General "Brewster - anii, L. W. Hall! for Cornmoti*calth; and R. C. 3lcMurtrie and Gco. W.-lliddlc for defend ants, closed . a late hour - last evening: Judge Pearson deliveNd the char a to the Jury this mOrning.‘i4lais afternoon* verdict was rendered that the: Credit Moller ray into the Treasury Of the Commanweilth six hundred and thirty-six thousand, eighl., ,hundred and sixtyeig,ht dollars find thirty- Ihree cents;!the exact amount Murderer Senbriterd-LCharged with...Deflutudingi.-- ; . ' the thiverument. .. • Sr; L 01.71444 eq. :3.—'!se ".triaCet . • John Armstrong an ' Chas. "Jolly, - for the- murder of the Lapiue - tunny near Potosi, about a . month ago,:closed yesterday at Potosi, tarid - • after an abseuce r of only three nihinteks:,the• jury rendered axerdict of murder in the first .-• _ - • and, thetnurderers were sentenced le be bun. July 11 - h - - • N.Y'., -,c-: . William Race, of Rochester, • *as. . arrested here yesterday, charged with ‘ the' , • removal cancellation mark from post-'. age stumps ,and using them a second time. He witiJeavefor Rochester to-day;in charge _ of an officer from that city. - 't- . . Mat, Match-j,-Tidal - Wave,Stiam Fleet to -be Es tablished Piffisidelplyla and:fAverpOol. Sr. Jonsf,t, N. 8., Dec.'2.3.—At a mee,ting . of the-Parisrrew 'and supporters it was re solved to ['pug about 'another match with the-Lyne crew, gad $-10,000. was subscribed. 'The tidal Wave predicted for today did not make its appeanance, and the" tide rose . to the usual height.: - ' • • L • QuEnte, Dec. 23:—The tide expeeteu so high this morning, was infaet,•lower than' usual. People living. ,along 'the 'water=side who had made preparations for pkoteeting against a great . wave returned to their dwellings relieved' of their atixletyond those living on high ground -who expected ,an earthquakeifeel relieved. .•I!IIONTRE..tit, Dec. M.—lllessre. Alan, Pro prietors of-the Montreal ocean Steaufships contemplate establishing a, steam fleetlte weenPhilailelphia and Liverpool. , I 11E1 -113 1 /' 1. 1 . 074 t 1074 "41.! . . - • Askval of Spaqish Tioeps:. HAVANA; Dec. 23.—Three steamers have arrived froth Spain, bringing 2.3oo•froops • ~ i ~..__ f. - • TIIE r OOD AdUPPLY 'OF Pauts.—The fol- - lowing is from a Paris - letter of the 25th ult.,- published in the London FOOD lo,unigari: l -. "Bressil is at present plentiful - and . cheap, thanks to the stock on hand of flour and • corn, and the regal:aloha oilhe authorit As to dairy produce, eggs are- worth 7,. - .. 1 ;" - franc each, and • very . . (little:ult. -,_ 'a cure ; cheese is quite `" un • - Pm" ; - is ~'almost las rare.; Ibu wn milk ter, is worth -7-abotitil er, fresh but it.s. . a -pound, ' and • well . knoWn r istattrant - keeper paid '32ofr. for :1.1 you , . 'meat has , bits bi s last week. The Glevern% ply the pi ace of i2t bulle W r ir me kl x b y t"IP. coo ng, means f cars.. . " ,„,*tially retineCtinet -and - fat ; but the 'nail tity is ,far "belfiWthe - denufnd, and the price high. , Paris ordinarily uses between '5,000,000 and 6,030,000 litres of inillr,peeday; but since the investment there can scarcely bane been alwentleth part of that quantity produced. within the walls. The seareltyis well shown by the fact that-the price or the ' small tins of preserved milk of the 4Mgio- Swiss Company are now worth In the shops, more than sf. each ; indeed a dealer aske d - , ,• e sf. 75c., and said that he had only three tins left. 'Vegetables fora time were neces sarily scarce and dear ; but since-the circle has been enlarged around us, by. pushing back the enemy on three sides of the town, ,numbers of men and boys have been sent out to gather-ill that they could find,' and the quantity must havi been very large. .- The following prices - will have an' inter:. est : Ham,; - Gs. Bd. per lb. ; Lyons sausage, 1234; a goose, 205.; a fowl, 15*. ; a pair of pigeons, 10s.; a turkey, 52a. 9d.; a rabbit; - ,Iss. ; a carp, .30s. ; an eel, 155.; a plate of gudgeons, 56.; :12 eggiO, 3s. 19d; _a cabbage,. tad. ; a cauliflower, 20d.; a blanch of carrots, , I'.s. ; a pound of haricops r 4s. , The last whole sale-dealing In eggs was a fortnight since, and the price 300 f. per 1,000;, they are worth neatly double that price now. - When weep preach delicacies the pri c ers , are fainikauk Choice preserved meats are worth almost any money; Veal andl ham pates, 7f. 4014, f. ; e pates de foie* graa, 45f ; kturkey withlorce- meat, 55f. ; .and soon. , • .., • =I ' The best Cre a meries ake grand show, : sif . Clarified fiat and cocoa butter, used common- - ly by perfumers only. -L.The Most fitshionable pastry-cooks show rabbit instead of chicken pates, and at double thirtatnary Price of the.latter. ,f To give an Idea or the poverty • of the supply, 1 may mention the mentrof an 'excellent „restaurant where I dined - the _ ' other( day-?-tun establishment of -recherche , character. Two simple soups;` red herring wl* a sauce; Swedish sardines pickled,with a terrible-loosing Russian name; mastbeef. chevreuil ; *lilt& haurand 'spinach.; cord ham ; no cheese of any kind. The pile]. ,were• unchnnged, only the portionk:wme _ about one-third the usual amount. _: . 5- --- -, I ketait. r • I $ ::1 7 50 0 50 :.150 Lair 1 00 1 30 - 125 • at oo a /5 2I 00 is 24 00 The scarcity of pravlsons - - tell heavilion the poor, Nit the Government is &detail in Its power In the way of assistance; It has placed considerable stuns of money and WO. plies at the disposition of the twentyMaires, d haiestablised a ntunber of nest own/mile (*hens, which. distribute more than 10,000 portions of food daily. . _ . • • --A young man in - Ohiiiian away lo Oma-• ha the day Lbefore he wu to botliarried, cause a phrenologist told - bid that be had g!phrenologtml and tesiapentmentai tumor . : av_ente to marrisUm bt tiCiLIALICITG • - - , , .... • - ' -• • - ' it A n, vitionNelatifirt- -.' ~ . --' ONE ': 4--- • .• ' -- - ' ---,PA- .' ' A EITRAM, iiiil - ; -•• ,-DOVAIt iionitaiwiithrnistisuirootwyTi:, ~..s.„ N. ~.. _ , ~.,,..;,..:;,...,, ... .-n - egg ot t us - , EN( - -- 1 ..„.._ icr...-7!..7.7.4•: —.,...,,,,,----- r • ak 01 7 BIZ CEMBER { (ruing Sispotefies . 11 (sils o'dock A. 11- EV.,ROPE. FRANCA SPAIV. PENNSYLVANIA. Important Verdict ItPwiered. TILE WEST. THE VOMINION. CUBA. Pi MMUS! =1 7.. .',...--;-.-t, f._ .-.A..'. El MB EM