FORTY'-SIXTH YEAR. • . . . . . a; for aIartSPILLIALSCITICEII trill lotus*. Alpiaboticallyana. llo4 bead, at 40 oast* par. Use, obey latertko; SO agate a ;tam car weary & ItA.Mikle.katkentlersand Prtationers, Prin. • text and Binderaa&l Centre Street, rnttactile, Pinero' Nurnit , DECEMBER 24, 1870. SATURDA . 'rUE atTS'Ess, 4otruNAL is tamed every Satan's"' ....iroming,andTurnished to antelcrlhers at 12 75 per annum, in aneenev, oatt irrearld In advance. - CV:rn s loss-rsvesu: - . 1 ..y so ADVANCE: Coptes to one addLesa,r co I LS tioptes to one address. 0 0 46 6 44 ea j " .45 00 To News Beaten 61 (el per la) Copies. cash. To Ilßuisters and School .Tetiebers we will furnish 'the Jmortisrat.,hy malt, at. ill 50 per annum., to advance; other ...llse at full rates., 1 • -; t-,TEES Dairy' litntritlT JOUR:SAX. is published. every weeks scorning, Satutilay's ircepte. - TERSIsi-Thlrteen cents per week, payable to the carr i er agent bywhcim is la sorrr ed. BY id.eli.z-Parahle In advance. One year te 00; ittx ; , months, $3 25; three montba,ll-4:54 -p.a......... --- . . '4'7,,DAILT AND ' WEEW LT N111CF11.9 4 JO171:1NA 1.. 67 60 per' ' • ,annum. In advance; II Oki for all months. - BANNAN AL RAIISEY. eiblielwire. ' CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM. pETITioss are now being circulated throughout the State, in favor of the LegislaturOspecally Calling a Convention to amend . the Con4itution ot,the State; and the prababilitils al,rethat Nihon that h s ody as ' stubleo:the etitife , State will 'be heard on Aida question.: There is no very great.nor oppositiOn. in any section of the sate, to the Constftutional Reform tneatire, exceptan a few benighted. districts where pre• , j Udice and bigotry are arrayed against it.. It is „!. mated that a paper published in. the Western - part of the State opposes the amending of abe C.onstitution on the ground of • the sanctity of organic law, which, under .116 cireuna itances., in its eyei, shoild be toughed, be cause no improvinitent can be 'made upon it. . theviews : Of:that Surma to obtaizi :on _general matters italliat_veiti, as on this,. the * - 1 world woulcr i - - fievCr progre, because it would be,Tileema.iniPOssible to- do so. Mit ', such views, we . are glad to say, • ' . tlo not prevail at least, in Pennsylvania, Mid there is a very 'general determinatiOta _ by the people that .a Con - yentiiM, composed irrespective of party lines; shall. be held at early,a day as . the Legislature: shall _give it'autharity.; that the delegates composing it shall be Selected:teq e ially from both parties ; 'and that the work of making r the neeessaryalterations and amendment* 'to ilk • Constitution. shall be done in tirne - In submit • the resnitto the'people at the ctiwing Octo : A 4 .01501611. No ante.:war heresies nor petty • irruorant prejudiees.of , to-day pan stop this • :work. • It niust gocni until succeo'ully cvtm pleted, wlten . we can point to . our:.amended • Constitutioh and the ieforms instituted un it, with a feelihg of sare,:faetiqn as keen tekhat 'which -find otlijrs of our ;Western sisters enjoy. • From t'MT . -until the a-,sembling of the • • Legislature trust.tlrit the people of the 'entite State will keeps their attention fixed tipOir this . subject, .and it'y their petitions .bring such a pressure to bear upon the Leb . islature that it will give the =requisite an :: • thorny early in the session for the holding of the Convention. An important 'adjunct in.seenring such • desirably prompt suction; Will be the holding of the State Convention, kirk:-P;ctive of party, in Ilafrisiturg, in dat: •• prom isthi to be largely attended frOnialtsectiats. • We hope to sec Constitu- Ai - dna( Ilefoim a complete suceesN before the close of 1871. • Am sksTv.—The President states. that. he; ',proposed to include the subject cif Ittlinesty iir' messnp. - - - ,' and that the omission to del .- , sal was aCe r illetital. With reference to re-, ninvin,g . thei ditqualitications for ,holding, • offices imposeThXy th Fuurtecnth Amend ment, jS, - Or the people . - of Ake.. - 1'42...ut1i • should - first. giv6. sonic evidence of . having fully acknowledged the- validity of thC Fourteenth and Fifteenth A ienilmen6, . before ask i 11.:g -Nut :testy, • • W lien they Have 'done- this, thin Amnesty should be full and sweeping. This position may not ' liberal : s ninety 14.:Publicans would -2 - have the President, to take hut. it 6 far in ad vance of any -we had_reason to suppof,e would Ise taken. We ag.reh with . the Pittsburg Gs 7.ErrE on the kilject,' quit any, sweeping Amnesty that, may be dellared,; will be the 1 - esti-P::of eoneefS'ion, and not art act ttrisiiig frotuitnyTositive Conviction of • tluty•orol justice. 10 one need lock to the - -I.3eutlf-foi - 'llo , lightest gratitude in return for general Anlnesty 4 ' Whostievtir does. b . () will hal: . hint-02-if egregiously tiPappoi Med. • Tney ,have not proven thetnsOves of that material. They are afraid . to•neknowledge I ,:e . wrong, lest the - Yankees should rejoice. They desire to be .eottsidered mart:yrs to the • ',. t'lo4 - _eause," and think it wcndrous Manly tu -assert as Southern men they were too - . proud to receive favor'. There is, in aword; with tif)lnk.iir them, t hind ofi;:upstalt - insul-. - enee, that See lilost 11101 - 01.12111 y c uisethereis not all clement of manliness or courage *tut it. " While.huwever,weltave • n ,- ) fear of titiY. of . these men dOing us any luu•ni in the'inture, still 'if the 4 Wish to indulge in the luxury of .4-tficulous -- ehivtlry, let them `pay for it, b‘'' . remaining, un cr the ban.of thelinvereritent. 'We ]give enough of this kind of material, in Congress now, without hio'ing ;my additions made to it. -It is entirely t •sel'eso note t.C, talk of general Aninstv.- - . • • • EMI 12111 . . Tin: LATE' Q1 ; AItIlE.I. IN 'Slit SE'.NATI:.- ' ' A Wtedtipgton• correspomitnt* of the Tut lil"N. Ii" lit speaking ok'S'enator Sumner's at tack,Upon th Presitfot in Cenrit.etion with the Sun It lingo btu,intss, and iit Ole qq3r ra whirl toot: ulat.:C in he Senate between . II ",\lt'.. Sumner and other, SenatoN, sars; dud tht etreet of the quarrel upon_ thk.Sennte, , and among individual merbers, i;lTicA VA.° - te exaggerated by outsiders: The, heat of • debahiled to the-Yeekless i use of huigintge, an& passion . for' a ti Me got the upper hand of ....reason." ; There have been sinne friend:hips broken and some: wounds inflicted. ,There .war - 'eertainly much exhibition of kal tea:- .per :upon those from whom it was least expected, Till , ' main leaders in the struggle just ended itre by no means enemies. ' Mr. _ Stnnue - k., speaks, of Mt. Mortoti. iu praiseworthy terms . ; ,and' :declares' that he„tinfriendly feelings towards the President ; that he felt It his duty to opi;ase, .the Itresideut's' policy on San Domingo,-and this he has done to the best of his ability. The Senate, - by a - large - majority, hits 'shown Limt that they do not agree with hint, and that is the end of it. lle is willing to let his, stweeli go to the country With the bitters.— liebelierCs the result will be that good Conunii!sioilers: will be api)ointo., 'lle does . . iicOregard the contest' as a:tjuarrel with. the •President ;• he followiiiis Owt conience, „and this he had a right to do; find this much he owed to the cOutitri. The i•orrespondeut says that it is not uni t ijcely An effort will be nude to supersede the Ma ae'tru efts senator. on the Foreign Comruittee, - , but ‘ 'nothing is risked in predictinizthat the eabrt- Senator Morton will certainly Mit:liind his suppirt to such an attempt. -•- , • P.11:1:17:A W. D.vvrs, acrvillne S . ,OtiAlng, and Isabella 13. lloolier-liave sued a eall for a National Suffrage, Conven tion at WashingtOn,'onilie 11th and 12th of ..Tarmary• next, to secure, If pokilde ; flit. dis is scion of enfranchisement "of womeii durlng:tbe present session of Congress ; with asiew;to the speedyLpassnge of a XVltli Amendment: The signers of the 'ealijmy : "We-earnestly urge you., dear "friends, to cowe together at this' tithe in a spirit .of , and of hard worlF, - and let us take - one another by the hand and move On; ward a;, never before. • - •1. . . Ml,ty i of London has - been lii.;.stfvtt .,, ,„He did not like th . e idea of using flail for the'litirpose of holding's. meeting in favor of. the Frendh Itapublie . and of itritish intervention, and!refutted an . ._apitileation to that creet. London • is hav ing a gootl:lnaiq oeillese little lit.pu_bilean. tletuotr- dstrations." • . TI,IEBE is a'piedietiou that RiUg Amalie.; us wilt= have but k J ; stort There is .ditlieulty in the Coites and the taunarehlhis have-peen „tlettounOd. We did not expect • the new King Would bye very pleasant . • reign„ hut peereely . expected the e ney*.wo.v . hi begin tor goon.: TUE' damage caused by< shallirei; 4he eity ef 'thiot3ville, Atliam4edltt - five ninth** af O ;NO.iVtioder thri, 10 , 414 nidi tigtiait the 144 eliellt ttkPaili:" - ' THE EMPEROR Op ozz.v4N:r. FfIHE FOLLOWING is tbe epee& of Sing William, delivered In reply WlllO ad dress of the Germarf'deputation received by 'bitti at Versailles on the 18th inst., which announced to him the vote of the imperial purple. His 'Majesty midi • • GENTLEMEN—In 'receivingJyott here on foreign territory, far distant from theGermau frontier, I am prompted toe:press my grati tude, to that Providence whose wonderful disitiensation has brought us together in this anefent royal residence. God has given us victories which we hardly dared to hope or to .ttak for. • When; last summer, I asked youtifapport in this great war, you gave me that support to its fullest extent. I thank you in my name and in that of the army and nation. The victorious armies among which you have sought me have found in the sacrificing spirit of the country encouragement and sup port amid battles and privations. The means voted for the continuation of the4ar bylhe late Diet have given'a new proof that the nation Is determined to exert' all its energies. The political life of the Ger , mans will develop Itself ail the more-because the basis offered to the South German allies is of their own free choice. I hope those States yet to be consulted will follow the same path. _ The summons add • - - resSed to me by the King of Bavaria to re-establish the imperial dignity of theancient German empire' as deeply moved me, and not my own feelings nor even my own Judgment have determin ed my decision only. In the unanimous voice of. the German Princes, the free cities and the German natia, . I can recognize a call of Providence, which I can obey with (;ad's blessing. 'The King of Bavaria has informed me that the assent of;= all the Ger man Princes and free Cities hasibeen secured, arid that the official ratification will shortly folloW. :Sure' that -,the painful . sacrifices which we are undergoing and which touch my heart as . .youis: will not he in 'fain, we will not lay aside our-arnis until Germany's frontier has nothing to feat'. from future at tacks. The North Grp rman Diet-has heeti upon to co-operiite, id the Work of the unifi cation of Germany.. 1 think it for its almost •unanimous assent to the treaties giving or ganic. expression to the unity,of theriation. NAI'OLEOS AND ,THE LETTER M. A LI:ITER BIG WITH THE SECCESS OF WARS AND THE. FATE OF EMPIRES.- s+O M E genius; With a taste for the curious' infacts and the supernatpral, in specu lation, has made the following discoveries of tbe.wonderful powers of the letter M. Mar. bcef was to first to recognize' he genius of Napoleon I. atthelllilitary . Colleg,e. Maren go was the first great battle won by General Ifimaparte, and Melas.made room for him in Italy.. Monier was one of his best generals; 1. Moreau betrayed him, and Murat was-the first martyr to his cause. Marie Louise shared his highest fortunes; Moscow was the abyss of ruin into which he felL 111etternich-, vanquished him in the fieht diplomacy.! Six Apar:duds '(Massena, Mother, Marmont, , Macdonald,_Murat, Moneey,) and twenty 7 sixi generals of division under Napoleon 1. had the letter - "M" for their initial. -::: 4, 3carat, Puke of Bassano, was the m trusted counsellor: His first battle was that of 4Ontenotte, his last Mont St. Jean, as the French term Waterloo. He .won the battles of Milesino, Mondovi, Moutmirail. and Mintz terdau, then came the Storming of Mont , martre. Miladwas the first enemy's capital, - and'MoscOW the last; into which lie marched victorious. He lost Egypt through Melton, and employed.Miollis to take Pius VII.Ws,- oder. Mallet conspirthl against him ; Murat wie the first to desert him, then Marmom. Three of Ids ministers were :%taret, Monta livet and :Utica ; higfirst chamberlain was MonterqUieu. His last- halting-place was Malmaison. He surrendered to Capt. Mait land, of the Bellerophon, and his companions iir St. Helena were Montholon and his valet Marcia-Ind. ~. f we turn to the career °fills nephew, Napoleon .111., we find 7 flicsame letter no less prominent, and - it is said that the captive of „Wilhehnshohe attaches even greater im portance to its mystic influence than did his uncle. His empress was a Countess Mon t ijo ; his greatest friend /*WS' Morny. The taking of Malakoff and 'the Mamelon-vert Were the exploits of .the Crimean war, pecu liarly Fremth. He planned his first battle of the Italian campaign at Marengo,. al though it was not fought Until .after the en gagement of Montebello, at Magenta. Mac-I Mahon, for his important services in this battle, was named. the Duke of Magenta, as Pelliss.ier had fora shinier merit received the title . of Duke - of. Malakoff_ Napoleim 1 11. then made. his entry into Milan; and drove the Austrians out of Marignano. ' Alter the fearful battle on the Mincio of Solfjrino lie turned back before the walls of. Mantua. Thus up to 1859, since when the letter M would'.stern to- have been ominous 'of evil. Passing over Mexico and Maximil ian we see . , how vain have been his hopes, founded. on threa M's of the present war 7-- Marhal MacMahon, Count Montauban and lie'3l itrailleuse MaYence was to have been the - lia.sig-;for thf further operations of the French army, but;:pushed back first to the •Moselle, its doom was seaf&l on the. Meuse, at Sedan. Lastly,' we have to notice the fall of Metz; and all theselate disasters are ow lug to another 3 . 1; which is inimical to the third Napoleon, and this is.a capital M Moltke. • . TII mu: being nodoubt that Paris is doonl-1 i ed to suffer the ettretnest horrors of a iege; the details of former sieges which it us en-1 dured may prove interesting. The ti 't siege' (bites back to , fifty-three years fore the Christian era. .The - whole of Pavia wits then` embeaced.itr the! island known to-day as Lai Cite. LAMENUS, the chief lieutenant of Julius C.:Esen, then havihg possession of the banks of the Seine,' was about to attack I the city. • he Parisians foreseeing theina- i possibility of defending it, burned their; hotises and retired to the neighboring hills,; where a sharp engagement was at once be- - I gun. The Parisians spread death in the en-i miles' legiOns, and fought with alesperate 1 valor, but Were forced to yield to the superi- I or numbers and skill of the Romans. The; Romans kept possession of Paris - 4pr five.: hundred and thirty years, antreularged it , on both banks of the river. , • In 465 CHILD ERIC, the first son of l'ilEno- NEN, chief of the Franks, drove the Romans : .out. In 345 the Normans, attracted by the wealth of the•capitali .of its churches, and of its monastei:tes / Sell upon the city, burned and sackedit. ' .41 , 856 these same Normans -again advanced upon Paris. Thelnhabi tants burned and abandoned it. .In 861 the Normans- took .it .again; but as they had already sacked it twice, they found no booty. Worn out by so many defeats, the Parisians'. about this time began to Surround their city with towers and fortifications. The walls were still unfinished—when the Norman hordes, numbering oVer -- 31f,000 men; once more sat down in front of the city.. The Pa risians defended it with a tenacity ,Which the Normans could not shake. • The siege lasted more than a year (885--887).. The Nor mans disheartened at the length of the siege, were just about to withdraw, when Cue - W.138 the •Fat ordered a Sag of truce tote hung out, and at once signed the most shaineful capitulation on record, without consulting the citizens. For this he was afterward de poser._ . _ . the Dauphin attempted to besiege Paris, but was repulsed. In . 1869 the King of Englan I attempted it, and was equally unsuccessful. In .142,.Paris was vaptdrud by: the English, who held it sixteen years. In n ARLES VII. atterllpted , to take It, be the English - repulsed - In 1436 the French • retook it. In 1462 We Duke of Burgundy managed to pillage the outskirts. of the city, but Was driven back. 1111464 the Count of CitAnoLms,"tifter edrrounding the r.,saulteti it unsuccesSfully several tiLuts..- In 1536 . the walls of Paris repelled the army of CuAlmts V. In 1598, during the reign' of the third and fourth HENitvs, the city under Went a blockade famous in history._ And lastly, on the 31st of March, 1814, the'lgates of Paris were treacherously opened to-the alliednrmies. . ThepreSent is therefore the sixteenth siege which- Paris has witnessed since her foundation: • • VAntors suggestions have lately been ad vanced to explain the delay of the Gerrnami in bombarding Paris We have - never be lieved that It was the purpce of Von Moltke to waste powder in any such undertaking;' anti the statement now forwarded that a- de lay of a month will .be necessary, confirms • the belief that the demand of the German: press for the bombardment is to be answered by specious prom is only. .Before another month has passel!. Paris may haste fallen, helples,.pf its own weight. A cornispen dent Nr,}4e is fanilliar with Paris • and its re sources, and who unquestionably hat trust worthy. sources :of information, telegraphs :that the city is on the poiN of starvation, that fuel is nearly' exhausted, and that the end eannot be long delayed. It is the-te sign of the French - leaders be say's; to make ohe more sortie ; _ if it fails,. the city will be. surrendered.. The facts, on which there opinions are based are not given: neverthe less, all Indications for - weeks past point to them as reasonable if not correct conclusions. Pei:4llot work Oat ills men ;it is worry.. Work is healthy. you can hardly put more : upon man than he ear; bear. Worry is rust • upon' the blade. - It Is pot the revolution that , dettroys the maehluely, but the fric tion. rear secretes acids, but love and trust are sweet juices. II Ma. iloorEn of• MuscmPhuseits; will set as Cbuiripan of the Committee of Ways and Means for the balance of the session-, BM Feniano-,lstaly .released from Eog.- triaoho ' to - I.lve a grindree4 r Iption in Igew York. THE MINERS' JOURNAL,-4POTMMI,XcfSC focal ifilaiters. WIEF-Id.Y ALMANAC. 'N 110031.111CSallall. AMOS sus Pee. NM 24 BATVICILIT... 722 4= I ' 1i.11.11. 13 SS 1724 DAY.-.... 723 4 141 Fall IL 7 0 43aft. 30 1it05a.27...- 72t ,•4 30 .Last Q. LS - 4 1607. - 22 TI7MILDAY.:•...i 7 'A 1 4ln INew xi. IT 7 32210. 22 WILDNisDAT 7.21 4 40, Tint- Q. 20 1142 aw. W Talrasuay-1 7-24 1 440 i 30 6'RID.4T. --, 724 1 441 , Ruby noses yesterday. Yesterday was a nipping •day. Ninny "nip- The Ice Dealers are putting their houses in order: "Turkey ItiUlltiilws'just now amuse our rural population. • Read the Nor York Titint7SE lirospeetes in another ci3lunnit-L , Its About Time to make arrangements for another course of lectures.' Prof. &mien will open his dancing school at. Union Hag - early next month. A Shooting Match for a tire hundred pound hog will'cotrio off at New Philadelphia to-day. To-morrow—Fifty-second Sunday or the year and Christmas, length, 9 hours and 15 minutes. ' T . • The Public SdhoOle closed yesterday for their holidas; yacation, and the little onea ,rejolk* ex ceedingly.. - , Old Iloreas witlsztlisetatting , Trindselkiled to keep the purehars of holiday .pitisenta .ut home yesterday. • - • "GoilPlty > the Poor," sweetly said the mil: ienairC yestetilaY its his — hand tightly grasped tisclersi libretti philanthropist. The;Poet. Office will be closed on Monday next, will be tibserved as holiday inisnisegneneeof Christmas txmillig on Sunday this year. -- • • - . , , . ~ Recovering.-John Keating , -"tynd - Williain Thomas; the t wo men ma° ieceived pistol shot wounds at Mahanoy City ou last Saturday night, are recovering. . Holiday - Excursion Tickets; will he issued by the R4ding Railroad Conipany, between all stotions on -the main line and branches, good from t2 -day until the second of . January. • - The Carriers of the Jovnxar, will favor their datroult ith their Annual Addres s on Mon ay, January 3d. They wake this early an- - fiouneement that the "stamps" may be ready for them. Michael Gannon cotnplaini.that some one made a flank Movement on fits house in Centre street last Tuesday niht, with the intent, of firing it. .We think Michaci better keep an eye on his domicile hereafter.. _ • _ _ . -` Two Telegraph Wires were yesterday intro duced into our new ea - aerial rooms by the Mill adelphia, Reading and Pottsville Telegraph . Comlitny. We can now sit in cur sanctum and converse with our friends in any quarter of the .(lobe. ti'onvenient,,ivit't it? The'Second Presbyterian Church arid con *gfegation, Rev. pr. - Stitiley, pastor, will wor ship in the Trinity Reformed Church, Market street,, to-morrow, at 104 A. M. and 7.1 P. M. Thelectures on "Man" will be continued in the ev'ening. All are cordially invited. . . A Chinchilla Osercoat was exchanged by Mistake by-.the clothing janitor, at the nail of the Gown Guards on Thursday night. The person who received it in mistake is requested to deliver it without Oily to Capt. Wm. F. lltintzinger and receive io exchange his own coat• - • The Fire Pings need to fro protected from being frezeil -hp during thls extremely cold weather by being enclosed in straw._ ati - nil shetild see that this is done before a lire visits usnhd firemen. make the unpleasant dis e6yery that the plugs are frozen [And no water ckul -be obtained. ''A. stitch in time sayas Capt. Ber. Reilly, 11. B. Army, reached this Borough on Thursday evening, on a ninety days leave of atoience. The Captain has, seen quite active service on the frontier during the past year, with his cavalo, - company, in attend ing to Mr. Lo ! . eseurting scientific Wfbociatious, .etc., and the respite from duty .is well merited. We are'pleased to see him tiioliing so well. Patents for Schuylkill COunty.,The follow ing patents weio issued during the ' presen , week to citizens of this Coutiiy: 110,345—Compound fir purilyingrAline Water Frederick J. Delker, Ashland. .• 4,2o4—Pumps, Cha!kcy arironiiiLewis Grin coin and John 1': 4:riscom, Plane P!itent No. 5.V2.."2, dried September 2S, 1501. , Installation of Officers.—The fo .o 1V ing nom person:4 were duly installcd officers of emisona Lodge, No. 6, A. Y. M., on Thursday evening, 241 tio.t., to serve for thesensffing Fear: • W. M.—Luther 11.. Keefer. S. W.—Antlionv Pryoul. J.,W.—Satuuel . l,ear. 'ere:Ls urer —3 uhn Green. tSeerelary—Jolni !'Neck-tie Parties" aro the . popular -amuse ment itt the 'rural districts out West. LA neck tie party Is one where each lady. makes a neck tie of the sane material AM the dress she wears, ail of .which are taken to the place where the party is to be helthund phteed hi a bag. When the gentlemen arrive each must go to the bag acid take out a neck-tie, and it is his duty to Wait upon the lady, during the evening, who wears the dress corresponding in material with the neck-tie.. Passing Down. Centre Street a few days ago' we observed a young gentleman of leisure, in tently watching the movements of one of the laborers employed by the new telegraph Com pany.' After watching some time ho asked Pat .why he was digging that hole. "Faith and I am not.digging a bole at, aJI,. sir," said Pat:— "What are-you doing then T" said , our friend, "Indade sir and I'm only digging the dirt, and leaVing the holerstand." (Mr friend suddenly had chills; antL at Linea - started for the dual) clothing store of M. Rohrheimer, where he bought .a good 'beaver overenat for $l5. Unclaimed Letters reinainlng in the Potts ville Pest°thee, December 1S70: Bream Doric , • Ilellenthall Jos • Moll Cata Bobbs Harry Ilaas Voter Hush I.:^T Barnes Joseph liam pert .Barg Pitt Maria Bexley Joseph* JUnes Dant Reinnurt Chas Becker-Rebecca Jones J It -Recite John W Beck Mary Kennedy J F - Richards Lewis ' Brink Fannie Kittle Joseph Rettberg Mart Crane Ptak Krelse Freok Rogers Saml Cole Ellen Klumpp Fredk sehneider Geo S l) Is EF C • Kerrigan Mart 1.4u111 VIM .Wlll Botterweich Ten Kramer Rebec st. Oak Lucinda Davies Bev I), ,-,lterrhatt Miss LA Smith Louisa ii • DaVls Wln -=,- Krti M er Rate Stevlson Mrs't; •• }yeti,t Aaron Ellen ' Temple Jos It Foust T Mlllkard Evan Teler Sarah Fox Marla Miller L.-leis Nl:chi:ter Hotta chilsle Augustus .Msnion Martin Wallisea Annie Grace John Iteconnen Ellen Zerle. Frank Social Honor.—Every person should culti vate 'a nice sense of honor; In a hundred dif ferentways this most fitting sdjutict of a true ladyOr gentleman is often tried. For instance, one is the guest of a family where, perhaps, the domestic machinery does not run smoothly. Thereti sorrow in' the house unsuspected hy, the outer world. Sometimes it is - a dissiriated son, whose conduct is a shame and .a grief. t his parents; sometimes a relative, whose ecceti tr4eities.and peculiarities aro.a cloud on the hollr.p. Or, worst °fall, husband and wife may not bia-In accord', and there may be .often bitter words spbiken, anki tarsh recriminations, In' onv of Ilieseiasotif the guest honor bound to be blind and titztf, so fur as people without are concerned. If a gentle word within can do any good, it may well ho said; but to go forth and reveal the shadow of - ttskunhappy secret to anv one, even your nearest friend, is-an act of inaelieacv and meanness alinost"uriparalleled. Onee in. die sacred precincts of any ,botnoOsd milted. to its privacy, sharing its, life,' that yon see and heir is a sacred trust. It Ii u really contemptible togossiti of such things Is it wo.tild be to steal the silver, or borrow the honks Utiti forget to return them.- Lecture.—Dv the - following letters it will be seen that the Rev. Dr. Smiley his been re quested by many of our prominent citizens to delivers lecture on the "Origin of- the 'North. Americon Indians." The proceeds of the leO , tutu will be applied to the liquidation (Attie ex penses Incurred in the enlargement of the Sec: ond . PreSk)yteilan Churob, •of Pottsville. The lecture will be : delivered on Tuesday evening, January'3,.lB7l.' Geo. W. SXILEV, li, D., •' . . DEAR Sta:—The undersigned, some of whom heard your lecture on the •IJrigin of the. North American:lndians," and wish to bear it again, and others not having Leant it, but are destrbus ofdoing Po, would;'on out own behalf. and that of the el ti - seas generally of Pottsville, request that the 'same be repented at an early day, Very. reapeetfully, Rent. Maywood, ..' • FAlw: Owen Parry, - • .• • Jae. Shippen. . . Jae. S. Cartoanter, .' ' _Wm. L.- Whitney, • Jacob .Kline, - • Atico. de B. Keim, . ' Sobt. C, Green, 'Wm. lt. Wells, . " • Jas. Ellis, Wm. Kendrick, ' ' W. P. fyon, • F. Patterson, ~ •Geo. Evans,, Benj. Evert, Walker & Price, Chas. W. Pitman, M. It. Ntehom. -John W. Stickel, P. W. Hughes, C. H. Dengier, .• , Jas. U. lachards, John Lucas, • Chas. N. Brumm, ' . L. WomeisdortY, J. IL Ifeedmant, 1 •Itobt. F. Weaver, tl. Bata, • • J. K. S! fried,. sain'l If. Shannon, Jas. J. (boner, P. W. Shearer, .'JameaWren, ' • : .i. G. Nutting, • .1: Turner, ~ - . - John T.' Werner. C, Saber. ~ • .. •‘' . Porrsvit.tx. Dec.lll, ltn. Ltda. E. 0. PARRY. , • ,* • • • ; . Your note of the thirteenth to received requesting in to repeat any discourse on the - on of the North American • Indians." It will afronl nackiplessure to coroply with /oar nerviest and won d name Th e third •elag •of J =WM' prin. , . as a satiable time. . . - . I have the honor_ • I • • To remaidoTours. e., I . m. entiirr, . , Religions Notings.—lter. Mr. Grossman win !preach in the English' Lutheran .Chtrieb, .May. Etlnare, to-morrow, IPXIOI 'o'clock it. M.— ect..._ et Cbrh4, caleteton liabj the wag& the Wreath" al o'cl intl oelt ; subject . —uteowlng land Beeping. 1 . Tim public is ita aria lr foe Die hat of the Chun* will be in the Union IPMfeetant Chunk Whitney Plene,connalencing on the =land manning until tbeDith of December. The members of - the VIM oast -' Church of Fotlevlile, Will Pastes* in, drat en nivenoVeYlehwYli ea . 3101/4aY tali, De: camber Patalitls4 Chen* congrigatlew propose* holdings grand - Pair at Valois lial, during next Chsplidafr.... — d Meddle, will lecture in the 101 • it:iglu:eery 4,1811, for the benefit of the z widows and orphans - of our Bor ough. Eraugelical Sabbath School ofSchaylkill Ilavan, will, give,* concert on the 01th inst., for the benefit of - oer Libra:Y. This is the iatgest school in the Borough. Solemn High Mass will beheld at the Catho lic Churches, iwthis Boiough at 1.1 o'clock and also et 10 on Christmas neitning. • • • Some of the churches have been handsomely - decorated for Christmas. "We are requested to state that there will be - grand unseat - given by, the, Choir of Mount ZiOtell Evangelical Lutheran Church of Catawissa Valley, in the church building, on Saturday evening, the 31st of De cember. The proemds aro to be expended in buying in organ fa r t the church. Lona' NeWs o'f' the •Week.—To-morrow will be Christmas. A merry one to •all orour.. readers. , John Keating was shot in his own saloon at Ilabaney Pity, on last Saturday evening. Peter and Vtionsiyalones werneti'mmitted to prison to . answer the char ge. :._ • • • • ! The house if Isaac Ebert, it Mahaney Pia . ei Was destroyed by tire on last-Pridaykight. soss . . WO. No insurance, 'Pride;!the new mititary 'drama, 411 he produced itlifaltatioy',Ciiy on the oth of ,Tan-- nary. Michael Cooney was badly injured by a tele giaph pole falling orchim•at the corner of Cen tre street and Church Alley, on Monday aner-• noon. • Either Ritmee of Reilly township, was found dead in bed on last Sunday morning; On Sunday last ItOt. J. k. Seyfrit, of Orsvigs burg, preached to a congregation, near Auburn, numbering liNut tYrenty-tive or thirty'. persona —besides theternall ebildrett----all of whom were named Mengel.; • - Thomas, of Mahanoy City, was .se riously injured on ISM Saturday evening by ' the accidental dlaelWge of a revoiverin his on • . - The net proceeds of the Children's Fair, held at Union Hall, on Saturday, ler' the . .beneti t of the Pottsvilre BeneVolent Association, ainount ed to over ono hundred dollars., Michael Crow, the miner who was beirneti by . an explosion at SigfFied's colliery; one day.last week, died of his Injuries on Sunday-. - . As previously announced, Sheri ff Pitman en tered upon the duties of tin SattirlaY-1, and appointed the following. deputies: Captain Frank IVerner,Jacues I. Pitman and John T. Werner,Egg. • . On last Saturday evening all work was sus pended on the Port Clinton and Allentown Rail road. The barn of Thoinas Montgomery, ,:Of York ville, was i robbed of eleven bushels of 'Oats mid four chickens on last Friday night. The WeStern Union Telegraph Comp :my have erected handsome new poles through our streets, and opened another (Miceli/ the Merchants ho tel during the present Week. John Quinn's saw -Spencer's Wood S . Mineraville, Was destroyed by fire on hist. Saturday morning. The Company are replacing all their crossings in the Borough with neat planks. * Two men were thrown from awagon in Mauch Chunk street, 'and slightly injured, last Satur day. .-the ANrnRACITE MONITOR will appear in an enlarged form and a new dress on Monday. "Pride". - produced at Schuylkill Haven daring the first week in„Januarv. • Oysters were never. More p . kntibil in our marker , thamat the present time. The._Wilmingtou and Reading Railroad has been declared a mail route, and a mail will he run over it commenting in January, I'7l. Many laboring men with honest hearts and willing hands find themselves nut employ ment in our Borough jtist now. John Seigenfuss, a fireman, it resist nt of Ta maqua, was run over and killed on Thursday morning. lit:leaves a wife a sOc o , hildrep. - The Reading Railroad Company mar ruin fu neral trains out of Philadelphia to the Ili 14:11 r ing cemeteries'. Christian Riugeison, a by a fall of coal at Miller R. Rhoads' Coniery. so - f:ral •weeks ago, died from* the effects on Friday of last week: Ho leaves a wife and seven children. - The Benevolent Association has ilqae to alleviate suffering in our midst, ands! trt.ea,t ly desire our citizens to co-operate N% he'n in this worthy object. _ • John Heebner, who di slat Selittylkill la\ en on the 11th lust., Kaii P!gli;y:threti yc.u, old, lacking three months. Ih resided in the . .rdns its of Schuylkill Haven over sixty yi ars. The Burns Club, of Pottsville, will in, tat Capt. Glover's store, this evening, f,r the pur pose of making arrangements for the e , oo ing festival. For/Sr/LiA; 'lce, 13, 1170 A reunion 'a the surviving members the Forty-eight Regiment, the first sleee its muster eat of the service, this Bough on Monday, Jan. 2, ke7l: A Shenandoah man prOpo.ies to entert.iita to dinner on Christmas, One I» . e f.odt St :- bath school in the Borough. Another disgraceful prize fight occurred to,r Hazleton, on Monday, at which Pottsville W.l4' represented. It is said that the shooting atlc.ty at Mahanoy City, on Saturday nicnt, grew out of this then proposed tight. . • The Reading Railroad -Company, who now have control of the Sehuylkill Navigation, in tend dredging and cleaning out the canal, this winter,,and putting the lino in cAnpiete order the-tations of the,coming ksi sewn, By the burning of Messrs. Fink, Eisenhower SI Cos steam planing mill, on Saturday cv cc- ing at Reading, about three thousand dollars worth of doors, blinds, Ste., intended for 'the new building 'ofJacob nunt.zinger, Esq., of this Borough, were destroyed. A Burns' Festival will come off at the Mer chants' Hotel, , Shenandoah,. on the Li,tti .of January. The of the Gowen Guards, given at Union Hall on Thursday _night was .a very pleasant and successful affair. The General Unwed, W. B. A:, convened at Tamaqua on Thursday. Skating on the neighboring pondsis good. We are anxiously aw' Ex_. - --- COURT PROCEEDINGS • itEronTED EXCLCBIVItLY 'FOIE - trig DAILY :kw; rat,: .10171iNAL, 13Y CIIRIbSvPIISIt. LITrLE. L 541.1 COMMON PLEAS—JrIMiE EVON. - The case of Colhdian vs. Reber and others (before referred to) unexpectedly terminated soon after the plaintiff's opening by his stitare, jug a non-suit. Damages were claimed beeause platuffiT had been' prevented from taking off the wood he had bought from the defendants by the interference of a third party. 'who elaimett the land and brought an action of -ejeetment tar its ree"verY, and by a writ of estrepentent - slopped plaintiff's cutting the timber. Rut it tit riled out that no judgment had been entered in the vitl.- Went until after this suit was instituted. William L. Elkins vs. Franklin Feger, mem entered : on lss•k actxiiint, by conlvs-mtm iu open Court, for alltt 24. -- • . .kdant S. Haas vs. Henry 11. Faust. This \Os an action for the-pos;;ession flrderentimit'slann; sold under execution, and for which held-the Sheritra deed. - The ground of defence was, that an arrangement had been tweed Up on by which plaintiff was to take and hold tun 'title, subject to the right of defendant t., , redeetil his property, upon the repayment of the pur chase-money and expenses in three and six Months; butt that, peliding ecitain negotiations to carry this into effe-t, plaintiff had -taken up :be dead, and then refused to eamply with the previoas understanding with defendant. (1. There is no Court on Monday tic xc. but it' i 4 understood (at the present writing ; thtt from and attar Tuesday newniner, :the ap pointed kr the . week %via - , be ly eeeded with. ANNA DICKINSON.—We are permitle:l to make the, folloWing extract front a private letter to a lady - of this-place from a holy friend of per's living tit Rutland, Vcrfolonl. It expresses in el9Stp and elegant, language the writer's opinion or Miss Dickinson: ittrri.ANn, MY DRAlrlfru - Exi) : = - • if this letter, which I don't proftise to make a" very long ono, should be Pretty much all Anna Dickinson from beginikto l z Gt end, you must not wonder. She lectured tore last evening on Joan'D'Ark, or, as she ::lys it shMild be written, Joan Dam.' And there is at least common sense in her idea of it, as tin rr i:. -no:place called Ark in France, and it, the '1 rk: the D With the apostrophe—would be a si;,,n, of nobility, and she WILS:t peasant girl. Mist says thatMe old chronicles show that her father's name was, Dine, and that is all there is Of it. ' But the lecture!, ,It Is simply magnificent, and HS Well adapted for the masses, perhaps, as - Amite of the other lectures, but as a work of art, as a literary effort, as specimen of matchless oratory, it waSjust sn'perb. I wantetito fall at her feet and kiss the Tery hem of her garment. It seemed so :fitting that she,-the wondrous maiden of the Nineteenth contuu--should come, lattrel-ctowned, herself, and pant for us the portrait of her sister spirit of•the Fifteenth. All the while she was speaking I"kept drawing parallels between the.two. It was only when she came to' the trial's the dungeon, the scaffold, the fiery crown of martyrdom, that the similitude and ked God that Anna Dickinson's feet did not tread in the thorny, blood-stained path ot Joan Dare.: After the lec ture I went upon the stage and had a tittle - ehat with her. This morning I went up and spent Abe .VOrenoon with her. Well-4 haven't any- thing to: say. There is something about tho girl that fairly bewitches - When I am out other presence I canteritieize her. I can say that her nose is enormous, that her features are. all too massive for beauty, that her fare is too' mtnnag, too Anamtdine, fur a *Moan. But the moment I feel the strong magnetism of her presence. ram at her feet wain, ready to fall down and worship ber. She - mellows with every year. There is leas invective, leas 'of ti e rade, mere of womanly sweetness, as well as . womailly,'etreugtb. • Yours Truly. J. C. It. D. [Marquette join-sat. , MOILKICD pre': ted her industries for 300 years before eh • eft Them to free-trade, so. : called, Which they have worked under for forty yews past. She is nowno litany free trade than The United States, - since 'Ok, col lects the whole interest on her natlonaldebt in duties on imports. But her tariltis Iv led- for revenue only, ata well it'znay be, since her manufactures stand in the same relation to those of other countries, as the lion among beasts, needing no protection:, The stronger never peek protection sgainirt the weaker. Yet even in England the protectionist party is, increasing, and her silk, worsted, and other jinn good% ittamtfieturers are demand ing protection fwm,lbe labor-degrading ooMpfAitiOri with ktraltea , CONORiIiB bun alliourned until ihefo!irth Jalllll4l7s lEOlg CHRISTMAS A VISIT FROCK ST. IVICHOLd& UT CLEXEUT C MOOS& • 'as, .the night beibre4,lbristmas, winos an j,. 'through the ti= sit ~ - - • into 7 a was , not even a =Mae ; ' TIM streld were hung n the ebiznney with lestlß In bone s Si. Nichols* would axe be there The chi were nestled all snug in their beds, Whiles . !ski , s of sugar-pintos danced in their bomb.; And Mans •in her "Iterehler and lln ntroliP. Bad Jost se sallied our brains for a long winter's nap, When out the lawn Uwe aroma such a clatter. I sprang thew the bed to seewbat was the tatter ; Away to the sande* I. dew like a dash, Tore open the shutter and Threw up the sash.. The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow Give the lustre of midday to objects below, - ' - When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, Bat a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, With a little old driver so lively and qtdsk, 1 I knew Intsmoment it must be St. 'bleb. . , - More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, ' And whistled and allouted and called thern,by . name; - ''Now Dasher! vow DancerfnoPtancer and Vixen! ~Qn Comet! on fhipkt! on Dotulorand Blitzent o the , t4p of :It • porchi to the top of the wad! • bow dash away! dash away! dasb,awayiill r• • Sala drY leaves that befit the-wild hurricane fly, When they meet withVstacle mount to the Oat So up to the' house - top coursers they. flew. ' • With the Sleigh full ot , and fit . Nicholas too; . And then, in a twink,ll4. I heart oti the roof The prancing and pawing of etch little hoar- ' As I drew in my lonia, and was turning around.• Down the chimney St-Nicholas cane with a Wand, He was dressed all in fur from his heed to' his foot, And his claims were all. tarnished with- ashesaind soot; A bu ndle-of toys be het flung on his back, !: and he looked like a peddlerjust opening his pack. His eyes, bow they , twlnkted; - his dimples, how. # merry.. . - His cheeks were like roses, his nose liken cherry Ills droll little mouth was drawn op like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white &Site snow; The stump of a pipe ho held tight in his teeth, .And the smoke it encircled his beadlike a wreath; lie had a broad face and a little round. belly, 'That shook when lam laugliedalkcra bowl full of jelly, - • He was chubby and,plump, a right jolly obi elf,, . And I laughed when I saw hintru spite of myself; A wink of his eye, arid a twist Of his head.... Soon gave me to know 1 bad nothing to dread; He sl oke'not . a woad, but went straight to his work, And ..Tiled MI the stpck-ings; then mined with a jerk, And laylng,his finger aside of his nose; . -And giving opal, up the chimney he rose. - He sprang I's iiissleigh, to his team gave a whrittle, And awuy they eirtleiv like the down ora thistle, But I heard hinn eselaim. era be drove out of sight, tiOpßiirehrbtsms to rat, pact foal/ a gad night Ch R15T311.4 - S CAROL. I= THEITE•s a song In the air! . „ • . I here's a star in the sky i ' . • . .. /'here's a mcfber'S deep prayer And h,b4hY , ' 2s low cry! • . And the star rains its pie while the Bean tiftl Sing, For the manger of Bettlfehedreradres a King: Tifere'iCa tumult Of Joy O'er the wonder:of birth: For the virgin's sweet ixfy Is thd'Lord ri the earth. A,y! the star rains its fire, and the Reatititel sing, For the mar ger (3,1 Ile titithem , eradles a Iztligy • . . • In thQfllght of that star ' Lle the ages. Impearled; And that song from afar Has swept over theivtilist: • Every hearth Is afla me , . and the 11. 2 tin [lfni sing Ito the homes of the nat:ons that Jesus Is Ring • We rejoice In the 14,7,4 - ! And we echo the- )g That conies down through the night From the heavenly throng. • Ay! we shout to the lovely evangel they tiring"; And we greet In Ins cradle our Savior and . rSeritney's Meatrilly..o cHRIST:II-1 S." To-morrow Hill be eliristlfias :Ind we take this! early opix,rtunity or extending the emit . i 1110 10,4:itStql-SOO to our many read . Merry I liristina , ." • The festival Zif l'hristmas is t eg zwileil as the greatest celebration throughout the ecclesiastical year, and so important and joyous a solemnity la itilecnied, that a special cseeptkon iv made in its favor. whereby, in 111k' event of the Anitir• versarY Lilting on a rriday, that day of the 'week, under all' other eireumstances a fast, is transformed to a fe,tival.. • That the birth of Jesus Christ, the deliverer of the human race, and the—Mysterious link csmaceting tire traoseemlent sad ineomprehen slide attri) , mes of Dgity Nvith human sympa thies and atTee:innssllio,ild be considered au the most glorious event that ever li.,ppcned, and the nmst worthy of being reverently and joyously eqUilileillOnllfSj, proposition which must commend itself to the heart and ren in of every one_of His followers, who aspires to walk in 'His footsteps, and Ahare in the ineffable benefits iwhi• it I is ha. , evu reit to man - kind.. An I thou:4h at one period denoutuFed by. the Pull.- itfuN UrCrMitiOUg. and to the present day th.o.e:Taided by Calvini•tie Protest:int:4, warranted by Serfpture, - there , few who will scrip U! , ly dispute the propriety of observing the.aaniversary of Uri:q . t. birth by n•religieus :.erv,iee. • A . question, however., which has-beeti lot g and eagerly agitated, is here broughtfurwaru. Is the :nth of December really the-day on which our Saviour first showed himself iniumian form in the manger at Petbleheth? The evidence which we possess regarding the date isnot only traditional, bnt likewise conflicting and Con fused.- In the earliestperiods at which we have any reeerd orthe oliseryance'of Christinas, we that some communities of Christians - - (vie.: brated the ft stival on the Ist or dth of January ; others on the 29th of March, the time. of the Jewish Pissiover •, while others, it is said, ob- Served it on the f2lith of September, or Feast of Tabernacles. There can beno doubt, however, that long before the reign of Censtantine, in the fourth century, the season orthe New Year had Ines adopted AA the period for celefiratingellie Nativity, though a difference in this_ respect 'existed in.the practice of the Eastern and West ern Chin - eh - es, the forinmeffieserving the 6th of Jamiary, and the hatter the Ltith of becember. The custom of flee Western Church at last pre vailed, and both of•the ecclesiastical bodies agreed to hold the anniversary. on .the wine I fay. The fixing of the date appears to have. been the net of Julius - I:, ivho presided 'X' its-roNi or bishop of Home, from 437 to ,2 A. The • ' circumstance is doubted by blosheim, but is confirmed by St. Chrysestrim, who died lit the beginning of file titlh century., This celebrated 'father of the church informs us, in one of his epistles, thud Julius, on the 'sollthatieri of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, caus ! ..4l strict inquiries to . be made on the subject, and• thereafter, follow ing what seemed to. - bel the best, authenticated tradition, settled .authoritatively the 25th -of December as the, anniversary of ('pr'int's birth, rte. **Pet:term onmiutn mietropolim," as it is ,ylefi by Chrysostom. ' It is true, indeed, Unit ' wane have reprktientfal this fixing of the day to have been accomplished' by St. Telesphorus, Who %VAN - bishop of Rome 125-139 A. D.,but the authority for the assertion is. very . oubtful. Towards the elose of the second century, we tin-1 a notice of the observant.° of Christmas in the reign of the EmPerer CommOdus ; and aibont a hundred years afterwards, in- the time of I qoelesian, an atrociouslict of cruelty is re em led of the last-pained emperor, Who caused a church in, Nies - nut:dia. i where the Christians' wer7" celebrating the Nativity, to hi' set on fire, and by barring every' means of egress frit% the building, made all the .Worshippers perish in the names. 'Since the end of the fourth century at least, time 2:ith of Deeember has been nm- Pe - nily observed as the anniversary of the Nativity by all the nations ofThristendom. At present, Christunts-d" if somewhat shorn of its ancient glories, land unmarked by that boisterous jollity:Ma exuberance Of animal spirits which distinguished it in the - time of our ancestors, is; nevertheless, still the holiday: in which of all others throughout the Year, all classes of English society most generally par ticipate. Partaking of a religious character, the forenoon of the day is usually passed in church, - and in the evening the: re-united members of the family assemble around- the joyous Christ new-board. Separated its many of th6sa , are. during the rest - of the year, they all make an effort to 'meet together round the. Christmas- hearth., The hallowed.fpelings of domestic love .and attaehmeht the [deluging remembrance of - the past, and the joyous anticipation of the future, all cluster round these family-gatlier ,illyZA, and in the sSered es:incisions with which they are intertWined,-and the active deedsof k i :al ness ant 'benevolence which they -laieeto , eall forth, a realisation May almost be ruffid of the angelie nieqage to the shepherds efliteth-. 1-M9:l—'4r:tory,: to r: cal in the highest, iincl on ( aien renee, gooid-tv ill teivaN men." i - • clintsileAs eArtoi-s.' i , i Ani . ti so rnan,..Poicular customs at Chrislimei, full of so ItIOVII tweet and simple peotry,ithere is perhaps none more.ebarming than that Of the. Christmas carols. critic!' celebrate in jeyou,S -and . yet devout s.railri_the 'Nativity of the Siviour.• ; r:10-terrn Ls believed to be, derived' front' Ahe 1 attin cashier (to sing,) and l iota f an interjec ' Lion expressive or iOy. the pyactiee appears - - min , as an (dent as the eelebratift of Christmas ifeelf, and are infarmed that In the,early ' ages of'tha Church, the bishops . wore :teem s tomed Walt g carols on Christmas-day ameng -their clergy. The quaint, anti inestimable Jeremy Taylor, referring in his Great Exemplar to the G/oria in Ercchsia or firma sting by the angels on the plains.of ' llethiehem; says: "As soon as these.blmsed - choristers bad - sung their. Christmits Carol, and taught the Church a hymn - to put into her -offices for ever in tint anniver sary of this festiyitY, - the angels returned into_ heaven." • Milton also,' in the -twelfth book of Paradise Loot, thusalludes to 'what may 'be re gajded as the tirst Christmas carol: • Flip place Of blrth a !manna angel xella Tn hfillPie Kliepherds„ keeping watch by night They gladly thither. haste., and by a eholr vt winadrun'd angels bear ids carol sung." Christmas carols are sung on Christmas -Eve as well as on the morning. of Christmas-day, and indeed the former is regarded by many HS the more appropriate occasion. Theu the ctior ,isters, attached to the village church make their rounds to the principal houses throughout the paris:-., and :sing some Ail those simple and touching hymns. The airs to slibieti'tbey are sung are frequently no less plaintiveand melo dious than the nerds, ,and are often wenn !. snied by instruments. The writer retains a vivid recollection of carol whicklbe heard sung, iratia of agx, on Christmas Eve by a detachment . of this 'choir, In front of a ecnntry bongo inMevorishire, where be was at the Hine ,a visitor. The sweet and pathetic inelody„;Which was both retnarkabiy well sung and played, the pictures ueness of the group . of singers, whose persons were only 'rendered visible, in the darkness at the night. by the light of one or two-lanternifwhich they carried, and the novelty and general interest of the scene, all produced an impression Which was never to be forgotten.. i,Msese Christmas-eve carols are very general ip Devonshire, and the usual custom fee the singers is ki club the money which they receive on such.necasions, _and expend - it in a social merry-niaking on -Twelfth Day, a fortnight afterwarda. CaUtitTXAS CIkARITIM We have already, in (=meeting or Christ mas-day and its Observances, remarkid,On the hallowed ibelings of affection and .good-will which arc_ called forth at the celebra tion of tuts .annlyerary.:,-Qnsrrels are com posed and forgotten, old rrientitshiPliarszegielred and oonflrmed, and atm/masa spirit or charity and forglyetters eyttked, ths , I. this clarity merely confined Wads 04440 m and gener osity see ogequalsi, the poor and the destitute optperimeeUetftiO of UMW richer mightier*, and are etudd h Ad o ptiiUM edgy ibtampedires at the J'clar Alfaasse. From the Queen bOUNTY, PENNS'ir.I..VAN downlvards;falli classes of :society mote their mites to 'i relieve the necessities an erase* the cemfOrts of the poor, both as food and raimelit. Even in the work-ho those abodes efahort-comnsona and little the:- stitheritlo% for once in the year, ..- and liberal in their :housekeeping, and treat. lb in . - mates on Cbristmies-day to a substantial diner of reget-heerand plum-pudding. : - It is qui ea- Wresting. to read the account in the daily rs, 1 W learning or two afterwards, of the tare Ith 'which . the inhabitants pt. the various ,Work horses in ;London and ele_sirbere. were. ed onss-day, it detailed chronicle in furnished th of the quality of the treat and the quanti y supplied to cac ti individual. ' • - gars, too, furnished h st of be. ave a claim on oar charity et thi4 season, m ugr all maxims of political • . no i my, and turned u from ourdoo nn , relieved. , 'The may, at least,. have the dole I iof bread and wiest ; and to whatever bad • uses they ward roslibly turn' our bounty, it i *not probable that tlie deed will ever be•eiater • . to our discredit i', the books of the Ikea ding i /i Angel.'Apr() Oa - of these. sentimenes, e e in troduce tie fo lowing monitory linckbys ell known anthor imi artist: . 1 ,";', • ' 1 scirrnit fore.citv.ins. - -- _.. . Amidst Chetreerirrg sleet and snow,- - The timid robin comes: r' . ' In pity drive him not sway,[. : nutr.cotter out your Crumbs. - . , L I - , , . • And leave your door upon the la tch Fer - irtio!roever comes; , • ' . Thai poorer they more welcome give, Alai slitter out your crumbs, .. ' I . All haven; spare 'none are too p• - :or, . - When wanywr li winter com(*. l* lout 4 purer all your own. ' Then simtter out your crumbs. , , . i• • -.Soo i n winter f4is talon yourlife, The ,tny of reelumetn g comes: • :. ~.-_ Agelnst your shisjf ill& decree, < ...' -" . Are weighed those stlttiered crumbs. 1 " i. —lll - ALF114:1".? CROWQI7I , A 1 ,ri , • ' •;•in,...en t/ le's. it was customary to ea the charities or Christmas and the New VI the hiweranitnals.: Burns referS to this prt in 'The Aida IFarmer's Address in pis 'M wan he liresentiffelier on - New Year's in inswitti in e4tra,feed of corn:. : • *A ;Mid New Year. 7 wish thee;, 31.aggie'l • , lia,`t.iierei's a ripvto thy until lawgiel' • . :The , gyeat•grandfather of the Writer-'-a small proprietor in the earse of Viil kirk, in St•otiatal. and-an VpisCepaliliii—used re:pilarly himself, every Christmas mcrning; Isi carry a, special supply, of fodder to each individual animal in ' his sta rtle and! cou-house. Tiliaold gentleman was wont to 'ity, that this was-a niorning, of all others in the year, when.- man and beast ought alike to have nceasion td-rejoice. .- --- . . :-:" ' . - clfalsTalara DECoRAT I o:ss. ' ' - The deekingbf 'clnirehes„lretises, and i.h9ps with .evergreens atri Christi - a - as, springs Ont a, ft penal far anterior the TeVelatiou of Cl risti anity. and seems' proximately . to he de ived from the CustOm prevalent during the Satiirna.; lia , of ' the inhabitants of Rome ornamcnting their tc mples ! And dwellings greet with beoglis. From this tattier circumstance, ve,, find 'st,Veral early eceleshistieal . councils prohibiting 'the members of t oliti - ureh to imitate the pagans in thus orname ding their In nses. But in pro cess ()Mine, the pagan WILM like' tqher of n simi lar origin, introduced, into and_ inecirr_ rated, 1 1 with the eereinonii's of the church itself*. The sauctien-of onr :tiaviotfr likewise' came to be pleadeEl:for thepractice, ho, baying entered Jerusalem in triumph amid the shouts of-the people, who 4rewetipahm:branehes in his! way. It is evident that the use of flowers and green.' boughs as a Means or decoration, is afnitt in stinctive in human nature . ; and we acsirdingly tirid scarcely any nation, civilised, or .savage, with which it has not become more or lets familiar.. ThelTewsempleyed them in their, Feast of Talernaeles, in the month of Septembe; the ancient 'Druids and other ('eltic nations hung up the.raistleme and green branches of di erent• kinds over their doorti. to propitiate the •ocsi i lan4 sprites; and a similar usage prevail (I, as we have Seen, in Rome. In short, the fteling thus so univefsally exhibited, is ono of .mititral . religion, and therefore not to be traced exclu sively. o any`particular creed or form of iwtir ship. 1. The decorations remain in the churchesi l. . Christmas tillithe end of January, but in ail mince with the , lin 1 canons, they" all be elettred ilway before the '.,41 orrortu Candlemas-day.-The same libldsiAmod custom with regard to private dwellings, s station in both cases rendering italkifil pre it-any of these sylvan ornament are re: lieyomlthe perit,4l:just indicated. Ilerricl , idludes to the poptilar,prejudiee. ' •Detrn with the re.,einory, :net i..,, . Down with tlie , bniA a Lid LII iSt MO.: ; Down with the ho ly. Ith% all ~ . Wherewith ye the. 4 time Cnriiitnets h 4.11 That,so rue sup.rstilloua rtn.l • • • ,No one leUrCbrauch t qereleit behind': For look, how ulauy leaves: there be ••• maidc taunt In r ue . • It. so tautly . gobUns you shay see.' ANEcno# OF Elie musician, list his sight when only years of age: - • He had so correct tin ear,, that he ii forgot thei voice of a petson he once l speak., An instance. is given in will recollected the voice of -a person he ha heard for twenty-years, who then de( him in an assumed voice. i f twejaty p were seated at a table .toget her, lie wool dress them ail in regular order, -wi their situations being previously kilo% hiuk.- Riding on horseback witi• One I faxsotte• exercise:!; though 'it would very;dangerous one for the blind,- and to the close of his life, when 11,.• lived in ing Forest, and wished to give his frivin airing, he would_ take them the p1ea... 41 road, and JuiinLout the „;,greeable. peels. He played at_whi,.t with great! read and - judgment. Ktel ti as markt thesorner • with the t sin: cf a needle, these marks were "so delicatt ly. tits - .titffeely to be Ali-Oen:et' by any persot', preeionslyapriri4l of them. ,llis hand 'gene:tally thetirq arranged, and it w:+ not uncommon fur.hiui to e , ,inplain of the itartY that they were tediOtn4:in sorting the cards. He could tell the precis. time by a watch. He knew the number of per in a rootn When he entered it, Wontd ttirect his vice to each.person in jiartieular-4ven to Strati zers after they „had once-spoken ; and Would miss any one whci was absent, and eould tell who that one was, ..vorlxds. Eroirif the foreign diplomats at W ash ington are married:to American PH ILA DELP/2 lAI 're o nsti [nes :2 7 ,41,030 . lOrels of tx_vratitiaaliy., ati(ltexpetals for the luxury , f.. 4,000, 0, X). ~ .. , THE IlaS•tian Jlinistpr at Washitig!on, contrary to the general Itelier, is a white min of English ptireatage. . . - • . , . . HEY tellof a min out Westnvitoz;e hair is Pt) red that he htls to Artar tly-,net , : over his to keep the eatidie-mOths-from flying. in. SsN FitANctirt)Jrtvs have v"ntied— fi9 to I—to aboliSh the old custom -forbid ding mei and womm to sit together iii the ,synagogne. A . "N ic- 1 estern Avo - a n isni" sVs in a h:tter that her sex grill never rest contented until their . sins are treated leniently as are those :ttoht, men: ~ . ; CitAP3tAs wittily remarked the dilier evening, that in trying to gain two -seciimis In get tms.: on and offtrains, many tnen'hp,d secured widows their' thirds. , IT appears that* was -Mr4. E. D ; E.l' 1. tiiautliworth's pen that svotgested. the enlpg- - ment of Sirs. Stow,, cshictt resulted - itt the production of “Unele Tout's Cabin." -A WELK or so ago a surprise patty at Pitts field, Mass hreke: - a stove, three chairs, a sofa and a lot of crockery during their Stay atlthe lion-u of the party surprlsetl. The family litts . mo futtlier to be :r.urprisq. , Twat!: is a little railroad at Bayou Sitra, Loubrialta, that ruts m NVoctiville on a V ; ery imecrtain schedule. A stringer came in tthe Other day and inquired how often th . 4 t•t6ln car made trips to the country.. Ttm p irt— ipterragated Paid "tri-weekly." "):Vha a Id mTheientLi.y tri-weekly?" T,swer ; wa, ,- , 0 I toes up to l e week and tries to iodne ti4t - i the next." PotrrnxND, Alx.,-has the champion n it man. The fellow, known to Le ttt corn siri able circumstance , . !muff. i;greement an ,aNtaintaOce to take a daily, Pape. share3..and , receive4l four -41111nri , :n4 ha .I*, thu subrription. - His method Ni•as to to t? inicertain store: read the piper that otl e bought, carry it (amid dive it to his un pecting, partner, Gx 'rift: Nrirtliern - Pneitle, likenver... vast veins of lignite coal in the Missouri '. ley, have been made by_Copt..Morris' p of engineers, which, will be a godsend to ill road which traverses co large a sectio • t , woodless• coun try. -The veins.range in th el lies front eight to twelve feet. and cute 1.. many paints. in the Great Missouri Cot*, indicating an almost inexhauatuble supnly. • . . • -r: , • A Ns sum fdr boys ior men) in figtire . up is the rise in the Value of farms and ;the increased market prices, not only of grain, but of perishable fruits and vetetables, crentat by putting mills - and factories near the fart Ms. ,For e.Nample: stip jit - fe a:woolen' facto or iron mill ting $4:13,000 i•teetTed andln bp..' troth:in, whit .r-centage will It add to line value of crops . ad, price of farms !for !ten miles around? . • . - Tan Treseury ttepartment hap_far ea led in,.,54,000,000-i'llree 'Per Cent. Certificates: As these Three Per Cents art. called in only after the Issue of an tr i ttal • amount of new national bank notes,, incident to the estab llshment of now banks, , the volume of • gen.; eral currency Is not ehringeti by the opeM- Hon. After the 31st inAt. - Interest on the Three Per Cents will cease; and tluitsf will nu longer be available aSit banking reserve. THE extent to 'which the Pacific Railroad has diverted trade from the water routes be tween We Atlantic and Pacific shores of We Continent„ may be pretty; accurately, a ti mated by thodalling off in the fleet bcund to California. Tire,..Fraue so) But,tamos states that thenr—wrmudy- neveuty-filne-ves sels bound to tirtirportlrem Foreign and the Atlantic ports„ .ag•aliast .oae-hundred, and twenty-four at the corresponding date lze4t year---a dectease of nearly forty per ce rt. T H E several sub-divisions of the Union Pacific are to be dispensed. With, and -the. road constituted ; into two divisions. Fare„ flat will embace that part from - Omaha to Cheyenne, which will be the terminus, of,the' too divisions Which h _as lately been at.Lan rale. Tho western itivhdon extewis.ltOna Cheyenne' tolhe J unction • proper, with the Coma' ricific,.--tif Onion, - . eight mites West of Ogden. The principal pointof fire wed- • ern siltrbsiu will be ablEvanston, Wyoutip.' wherwextemtive ranicat Adwips sae .ise g, completed: , focal Notioc. 214 cents • tine lira Inseraon; 7u cent. $ line *Mk =hoe goof es! IsellessnaGentaßestaurant. Na lel Centre street. Priers nslneea.-lis scat the.tizne. dal and seenz 3.1 e raznen. English. and Amerietin Cloths. all styles. And of the finest *Mattes. at 1". Sialtil*CentrOfilt• . Plum= Paanno Lnisx mom" a beautiful aztl• ebD.e.smluiaMiattre street. • PILES OR MEMMORRNOLDAD TUMORS. all kinds positively, perfectly sod permanently., cured by W. A. Mceimdles, M. B. NO. "zu/ Aren , Kt'ti PuILADA„' rA. I desire to say to those afflicted with ally . kind'of PILEit, internal. External, Blind, Bleeding, Or leg, tied' there Is positively no kind of deception in . the , cure of these- dimaici, the cure is perlivt and permanent,. and without the slightest danger,' without the slightest Injury to the patient In any way,and without caustics or Instruments. I also cure Fistula Fissures, Prolapses and Ulceration of, the lower bowels. Patients must visit me and - can remain at my house till cared.. If they desire. Can refer you to over LSO persons Phil>alelpb >y alone. Oct. I. '7lt-40-Gm 112E.Lt PICTOBLAM.A.N.NUAL.—IIos tetter's United states Almanac for /RI, for din tribut.on. grater, throughout the Unttedlitates, and all civilised countries of the V,Vstern Ilemplapttere., Will be published about the first of Jantiary, and all who wish _to understand the true philosophy of health should lead tuid-pOnder the valuable sugges tions it contains. •In addition to an admirable medical treatise on thAeauses, prevention and core of a great variety utilises-sea. ltembraces a large amount of information Interesting to the merchant, the mechanic. the miner, the farmer, the planter; and, professional man; and the odculations have been made for such • merklians and latitudes as are 'most suitable for a. correct an& comprehensive NATIONAL CALENDAIL • . The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary cf. , recta of liostette.r'a Stomach sitters, the staple ionic and alterative of mom- than ball the Lltristiou world, are fully set forth in its pages, whie'i are a'so • Intempersed with 'pictorial illustrat lon's, valuable recipes forthe household and farm; hn morons ance dotvi, an& other. ,instructive and ninnsing reading matter; original and selected. AWM.M. the Annals to appear with the opening of they sir. this will be one of . the moat useful, and mad be Aad for tZse askiso. The prOpiletore, r Uostetier 'Smith, eelpt of a two-cent. stamp. will 'forward a copy - by' until 'to key person-who cannot procure one to his neighborhood. Thu bitters are sold 'ln every city, town and village, and are extensively used through out theentire civilized world. -Jan. I, _ . • 1-1 y ---r -xtnd ear to ietico [are,' torn- .8.,_ _. SCHENCK. ADVISES__, CON SUNLF- . VES TO GO TO FLORIDA IN, WIN TN/di—Having for theiust chitty-five years devoted. mywhole time, and anent:on' tos,W snaky of lunge diseases and re nsumption, I feel Oat kiinder.stand. fully the course that ought to11)Fl . lied to restore a tolerably had case -M dice .', , e.s. to heal* soundneet. - The first - mid Oast; iigirtant .step es Tor the patient to avoid tak,ing, cold; and the best-of - all places on this'eOnttnent for this purpose in win ter. is Florida, well •down in the State, where: the temperature' is regular, and not subject to: such variations sot in more. orthern latitudes. - "Palatka is a point I can recommend. A good hotel is kept there ley Petertuan. Last winter I saw several, sons there 'whose lungs bad been badly diseased,,, but who, under the healing influence of the climate .and toy medicines, wereltetting welL , Oue hundred miles further,down• the. river is a point which 1 would prefer to ,Pulatka, as the tem ',math reis more even and the •ag.d r y and tracing. MellOuvi le and -Enterprise ars lotated there. I sg>'shouldve a decided preference to Melionvil le. It is twb miles from river or take, and It seems altimst impossible to take cold. there. The fables' in Flor ida might be better. slid patlents complain at times; but that IS a going sign, as It indicates it return of appetite, and when this is the case they generally inerenseln fresh, and then the lungs must hail. • Jacksonville ,Iliberida, Green Cove, and many other- places in various parts of Flotilla, can be safely reimmliended to consumptives:ln - winte'r; .fly•reasotis 10s- 1 603 - lag so are that patients are less !lane to taking cold there then where Mete is a 4.sts ereu temperature, and It is nok'necessary to 30 - r {hilt where a consumptive' person exposes him self to frequent colds heir; certain to die shortly. Therefore my . adviee is, go well down, into the State out of the reach of prevailing cast winds and, laeksonville;or almost any of the other localities I have namedl, will benefit -those who are troubled with a torpid liver, a disordered stotuncholerangol bowels, sore throat or cough, but for those whose lungs are diseased a more southern point is earn estly recommended. For fifteen years prior to 1421, I MIS professionally in New York c Jiloefon, Baltimore and Philadelphia every week, where I saw and examined on an aver age- dee hundred patients a week. A practice so ex tenelve, embracing every, possible phase of lung disease, has enables' me to audeistand the dlsense fully, and hence, my caution in regard to taking cold. A person may take • vast quantities ot,'s Pul motile SyrtiplSeaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pills, - and yet die if.heQdoes not avoid ' takiny, cold. • In Florida. nearly everybody is tilting-Schee - 112W% Mandrake Pills; for the climate is mote likely to produce bilious habits than 'more northern lati tudes. It Ilia well established ,fact that natives Of. Florfda rarely die of consumption, especially those or thesouthern part. Ott the other hand. In New England, one thirJ, at least, of the;population die of this leirible . d i sease. • • In the Middle States' it dots not prevail so largely : still there are many thousands if ezu. , ,,N there. 14 bat a vast pet eentage of life would -be saved if consumptive+ iveze as easily abirated in regard to taking fresh hold as they are about scarlet • fever. small pox; etc; 'Bat they arc not. They take what they. term a little cell; which they are credulous enough to believe will .wear off in a few days. They' ay no Intention to it, and hence it lays the fottudation. for anotherana another-still, mull the lungs are distased beLonti, alt hope for cure. - .:„*- :: . . -.- ..1 -.r 3ly - advice to persons - whose lungs. are airected. even slightly is, to lay in a- Mock ari,ehenck.'s Pals ' motile SYrup, hchenck's ricatr&L: - .•Tginic and - Ise.die tick's 'Mend: aSe Pills and Ort4 • ktorida., I 'I recommend. tilt se particular . treenfeitles bemuse'l am,. thoroughly acquainted wiltrilleir . neticee. I qre s i.w tied where they are used to stria accordance • it ith my ' directions they will .0-,, tie . .. work that-is required. -This aectaupllalied,' natnie,Wlll du the - rest. Tie! physlelait 'who preset lilts: Vold. cough ,or might - sweat s , and 'then advi- es la, patieutto • , walk or rfele out every ' , .lay will be s e to have a P , 1 r Forpse on his hands before ,mig. . •• '.; -•-• ' My plan Is tilg,;Ve ray three med eines, in aecor elance vitt' the printe , l directions, except in some asses where; 0,411--er use of the 4andrake Pills is necessary:. My object is to give tone 16 the istUillitell —to Sea - 11141 hood appetite. It Is al way, a decd sign when a patient n'egins 0 grow hungry. • /..have 'laves of such. With a Mist" for_Moil and the grin !neat lob Of that relish coitus goed bleed, and with it more flesh, which Is closely followed by a healing of the lungs. Then the cough loosens and abides, the creeping chills and chunmy night,-sweats no longer prostrate and annoy, and the patient' gets well, provided he avoids MM. .. cold. Now there are ninny consumptiy es who inn e'not the means toga i,. Florida. The- quesdion 'fiTay be nstied, is there. no hope for such? Certainly there Is. My advice to such La. and ever has been, to stay 'from '0 .1- n a,t ry or as a per sae. ilcy, two' lever Card !► I,e I I hot TEEM ine:4s 41 at but nit 1%:1. in a warm room during the winter, with a tempera- lure of about seventy - degrees. which 'should be•krpt regularly at that 'stint, by means of a thermometer. Let such a patient take Iti'S exercise within the limits 'of the room by `walking up and down as 'much as his- strength will peinalt, in order to keep up a heattlayeirculation of tin. blood. - I have cureo fhoosands try 'hie syste m , and din- .so consuMption is as easilyeured as any other disease if it Is taken In time; :'ltd the propi..r !It Ind of treatment Is pursued. The • !net "StagdS untih.:, puled on,record that,_•ithenek's Pulmonie Syrup, Mandrake Pills, and.:.' - ' - ettd Tonic -have eared -I very many'oluital_seCtiled to be heti:Mess - cases of ' consumption, elo where-•:_yan will, you will be al most certain to Snot-some - poor 'consumptive who has been rescued from ire very. jaws of death by, t USg, • ' So far ns the Mandrake Pills are concerned, everY.! leidy should keep a supply of them en hand. They act on Medi ver better than calomel, find leave.none of its hurtful en - yet-pi behind. In beet they -are ex. .cellent In all cases • where a purgative medicine required. If you have partaken too freely of fruit and ellterrhcea ensues,•a dose ofthe Mandrakes wilt cure you. If you are subject to tdek headache, take a dose of the - Mandrakes and they-will relieve you is two hours. If you - would o',.vit.te the effect of a change of water, or the too free-indulgence Of fruit,' take one of the Mandrakes every night or every other night, and you Amy' ..hen drink water and eat. watermelons, pears, apples, t catches or corn, without the risk of being made sick by•ihetn: ' They will protect those who live in drunp squa t Ices against effills anelleverit. 'fry them. They are }ter feetly harmless. They_ can do you good Only.- ' I have abandoned my_ prate:it:Meal visits to ton and.liew York. but i'statinue to see pat lents ut my office., 1.1 SIXTI( - Street s Philadelphia, every satiteduy, froth 9A. ar: to 3P. M. 'I hose who wish a thorough exarainatlon -with the Itesplrom eter will be charged five dollars. The Resoirometer -declares the exact -.condition' of the Wags, , and patients can.readily learn whether they are curable or not. But I desire It distinctly, understood that the Value of mr medicines depends entirely Upon, their being taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I will say that when peretis take my medicines and their systems are brought into a healthy condition thereby, they are not so liable to take mid, yet no one with diseased lungs can hear a sudden change of atmosphere without the liability,. of greater or less Irritation of the bronchial tuhes. run directions in nll langnages .dccompriziy* mS mei:Haines, so explicit and clear that_nny one cat . use them without consulting me, anct , can be bnught from any druggist .1. If. SCIIENCIZ . . M. IX - No. I 3 N. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, April 111, s7O l6 -I y, . . . i•tviN 7 -t - iI3I.iIINGIS—On" Dee. :0.10,at the resl denee i47:the-,Mltastet. In Pottsville, Pa., by Rev. It. 31. LI chtenwnliter, Mr. JAMES EVM!!,4B to Miss MARY' 1:011 misus, bra of Pottsville, Pa. ' SUERS! A T.: —Ia.kRTI 4 RIN--By Rev. A. 11..Rein bower. op Wednesday evening. the 21st inst., DAN. .to alts, 11A RTL N, 'yr this pta . ce. r • ' . . K. A 47 F3I A Itit-,On Thuntday, Deeefuls•r 1 ,4 70, at. ;onion. .ticlifiY Ck,nnty, Pa., )Ire EtazAtttru o tIiAN, Wile of elmrlf m P. Kaufman and daught er of Benjamin and flo - Frlct Kline, aged years and . t days: • '1) renter:it to take place fmni 'the reslithee of bin i parents at Schtsyliclll Haftt, December :1:411, at.l o clock ; fC M. Tt friends and relatives of the fans -11 If are cordially vltect to attend. • •.Thc-faanilly of the deceased take this opportanlty 1- to es EX:LtInY thank the .kind Oetfplo of Gordon for their utittria‘ ambit:lnce during herlast illness; all • of whom are hereby - lanetienlatati !witted to be an )11 of attendance at the funeral without further nutlet. ge - 3-7 Ser %tite . nub to gd. ..__ .._ . . Pf li orl'iN 6 rg;Ci . ;; ( lZ,A:tran°f',"."TitgTlT,,"Jtatlir'• 1 Apply A 0 C. DI. HILL , Agent, *Mee No. 184 Cent - re street "Ilbei . l7. '74.111-lin , • -t Pottsv 'lie. ' F OP. hn o rt a e n pre ct ll „water. noose in ntmil order. For particulars spply on the premise., No. ISd YAM M -arket St. , I I Dee. to t '7O —243-11n—a3-1 re • . . FOB BALE.—Choire building lots on tieorre Bate and Arch streets. Payable in $lO monthly Installments, with interest, or a liberal discount al lowed for cash. Apply to ISA-MUNI, BALL ? at the Lumber yard on Coal street, or' IL K. - WEsTON. No. l East Norwegian street. ;:r.ttsville. Dee: 0, - (April It '7O-7.111r,1y Fan. SALE.—Fine ltense and Lot sitintic4l last Market St. littme built in cottage eta le.-7' Tertag catty. Apply to 11. ranKER &sox, . Itki Centre St., l'ottsvil ie. • Dec 10, 10, FOR RENT.—A. Frame Tnyern.lCx Tee% with k 'tenet' ail:trued, situate iu llegkas Township, near tiefin4urdle- Also, 11 acres,of ground, sta bling, titlx.Teleet, can accommodate lid horses- 'Fur terms, niiply to • A tilN iiell,WEN Der; 10, on the premises. • • Vah.table Hotel, an old and well estatoshed stand, situated on the cower of Second and Franklin street*. In the flonianth or St. chill., within Ilk yards of the Reading' Railroad de pot, and known too. Johnson's tiotel. The properly consists of Hotel buildings, largelitable, ice ilintse, &c,a - ttood Garden and :plenty of yard room. The property is free ot all incumbotnce, For particulaM apply on the rreralsrs to 10.',0-d0 2m* ell'AS. B, JPITSSON: Iv "Decombe.r ist, 1870,. - .t Spl'entlla Collection of HOLIDAY • GOODS, Domestic and Foreip: FANCY GOMM, BILVER—WARE, • • - . JEWELRY, AND WATCHES.' A CHINCE L. OF OPERA CHAIRS. - n.e. GREEN, - nrlCifitretit. near Bank. Pottsville. Now • Aug, V,AD-41 w CRLIEBEAVIIIDORVITAL AND EYELASS- Eitaratiatkddo vOdt !twit to be tia l sEp Optkaitt and Wa er Na 261 Oetttre ntresit, igt Woes abonregw . ?lortimer 447 . Marriages. Ocatt;s. DECEMBER, 1870 Miral *gat 110 ices- - -- . I. THE 1111.13PIIANS' • COURT OP THE - I. •• COUNTY Or SCHVYLRILL.—The . signed, appointed' by the said Court an; Amili dlattibtite the-belanee remaining In the hamk , Jogeph 11. Skeen. one of the achninligratots „f estate of Henry Bayer, demised, late of The of Pottaiftlle, In 'Pahl County; to and among it.. parties entitled to tie wane, meet 11 . interested. afails office. :No. 168 Centfe street, p„ l ,, yille,on TUESDAY. January 31. 1470.4dr the • 1:,; - litre of perforoiingtbe duties of his appoltittnrut, -lliVOtHen li, lA it. .70/1N - lec,lT,7tl-il ii_ - ' . NOTlCE.—Letters of Allt • ntstrat lon on ti. Auto, of DAVID CAE/TZ, 4 - 11,, having guarded to the.undentigned, all persons t.d theOstate'aro requested fit mak* pal - meat s :ma 1 . having claims to present them to 11A111.1)-KNNDELt, OT/O.E.—Letters ot Administration on t tate of Ls.Wrs Riga, late of the itorongh Eettsville, in the Ct.unty of Schuyikiti. having been granteil to the ul I 'lndebted to talc] estate are requested to make• Inth it diatepaywent, end those having elatrau - seal tt,t'll.;. same to present thew scion for settlementuo WM. REES. Adtni tor,' 1:14 Sanderson str, Th!e. •10. 0 —"o.6ti, EerATE OF DIEt: CHASILES RAESE:LT . late of the Borough of Pottsvllle, , ' I.etters of administration on sad ...F.:sta t • v been granted to the undersignrd,all pei !, ed tosaid e. , date are ttnuesiteCto wake pa% . all perFraty haying elaima ogalost :Eald'exi:ao to _ e.llt. the !ionic to lIAESELER, Administrato r N 0.41 Nlohoutongo , Pf;ttsv i I • ,pr to A. W. Seii LCK, Attorney at tau L. . No. 4.:f/1. Centrest., Potts 11.-. - Dec 10, '7O--50-1, • N THE CRIMINAL COUHT Or RJR yL. .L . RILL- COUNTY. iu the inat:e.-- Tavern, Eating House aud Wholo.ide eensesi.—Notiee is hereby given that n 1 Licenses exi Ire in March, nc!, rride„iale • pctitinuti fur pie tarn° lrfllu °nice 01 -said Court, onor hiefofe the"t.inflitof theta will be granted at the JatitAi.: trio • said court,aud Efok . ltt the slareh isessionNoiy, fore. 1 e Al.,s alt appltentits for 'lava.:••-•;11„ - _ ''their petitions In raid Court, at the time ilia aforesaid. • Court : Nov 19. '79-17-6t Peticci): lOTlCE.—Theti•egular 'noniti ;:,.: • t• t t Moot:lb:fillers of the kirst, fSlinersvilli:, for the election a sitct-ii_ I i.,t nerve the eintoingi•yeur,-Criii lye held t:l3 rUeS'IIIY of Saninkrr; Let ween the 11,121,-. I and IP. 34:, nt thkr BankingHou,ec, - • - Dee:l7. NOTICE TO' TAX COLLE,CITOF.S.--"I • . •., dersigned -.Coultah-xfunel - $ 4 of F t .b u y!„,„ ; - .i , Pa., heieby, give notiee;lhat they wlit rat nj ~, ,Vt ::. 04 on all moneys dtic by Tax Ccd;t etors Of! :I It.! .11' 14,1.). 1, 1S71; ~ . : BENJAN.I\7-.1.v i•. ; . ;., .. • , • , ' P.\ 1"1: 2a )1i:.11.:: - , . s Attest: 0. - 3: A 11E1.100D. Clerk. t ~ h , . ..11.2, Dee..17,'70-51-3t - • . • OFFICR;_MII,I.D.VEEK AND • 12‘.:1: ili.l- NANIDATRIN U ILA • 11.1 LA The •tinntml tut °Unit et thr emir:lo:v *lll be tient b 1.,. r, n.; :•. N 6. ;07 , 1.1.brzav eleven vt Fiat . Line tin t tc.-tn 6. 1. OnierrS Yu tcry," the (01,..1111`g vlttee.. - . I'. Ttr.7, 1:1 & :t; -::t OFFICE` MOVIN T REON D CA11 . 1.:0 ZiALA 1 /./ tf t,S j i ( N 11EI.VIt lA, . The tuitittal nte.l:llg.‘,l the t Cots - wav)' heal at the 1. thee •,, party - , -tt7 157 0 -, at clevca ~',•;, tic .:t.t t • wh:, rlection for .I;tlieers to s, the y11 , 1111:12 :C. 5.1 . atso.take Cher.. 11 4) 1 141 s, ?l 1, Lee. 10, ',0—:54-12, .1„.; • OFICE SCSUYLKILL V. 54-13 EY NAS ~UATION 1iA11.1:0A I) O.NI IN 1.- t 71/0';‘1111,1:111 tht 4 rN.f,; I Com pp liy L. 0.5.1 nt 11:e c:111:• , ;':::' I NO. ' t.u' . MOTIti.t . V. i; elevell +. click -A. t utlicers Et , - . V-I . llr ws, ,1,0 place.. - .I' Ku; Tl:asuit - 14.e..1(:, '74.-2M-12;13 I_3I3ILADELFB . PA: '4:BEAD3 ; 1 ROAD CI.J , larAll.l , 4401:-. No, strect. . ' Prat.). t • , NOTICE IA II 111" GIVEN If, e rs of t it.oln2; hnt I Annunt 1 1, 4,11.,11 for • rr.,141.1%. !r. and Si , i•re.tary, will lake platy r. n tigtt• 11,G.X1., lit L . . . - 171 • • NI . 1% . 1 I; -'; • • - • .-- • . A BSIGNE E'S SAZE OZ` ' , V . A . :LI: A lir; E WOODI .A.NE:—WII - 1-Le the or .rtz-r-iuel.. P. r'ia,rl t_, • in' I'lner.ot . l , , TUESDAY. Dt'Ortilbrr.i . a.ll. at 1 41'4, • - Waking deseribedlVo(4ii,„A.ND; •• • , • • No.r._--Alllbrit c:ertitixt trnet - nr p1 . '.4 1:1 rate - Frineirri,ne `inArnship. , Jacob 11,:tr, • redericir. lindy,erintlif o ning ..ifd No.::.—All tbat -certainnet of •• ISEIt LAND, irn Plinrgrove iif 'F , elt y, and lands of ff t eio.:ri-.lC.Citilifori.l, and iTio Pc rc . . • No. :L— A trzia or irrtr..of Ila7Li.::t;l:11P t r grc.-e Township ler er ak (!..,, , sandi - ievi4 . - • :•. -• cif S•alo ple,ee; " i :41' Sal.' • Ass„ien,..e •Ji Me:noel • 1 6 1.. SbIGN E 8.111,1:1 OF VA. L 11-A , s:. • REAL - .1 e salo,:ori JS UN 1)..1'1,. 111,111. • tr,7:t. ti•••.%. A2h itsl !II I S - o'eteek, uu. It, ra. he•int to, le .11111.11.:11ertz, in tilt ,. 1 iagt? 01 5(01,1Vhf?1i11 , ...:. lt. i 3 t Likt t tit ion, _ :11111. niid.Traet.,ll..t.tol, Situate lit the Slarion;.l.lerks"Cotinty, Smaltz, Isse.e tiler, Alien e ;;;. an , l pr.gwrty - of . ),:ie Lut Ile - ratt ••• • rhlitt.! or Th , - . tnettis are, tilltrge new twu-story STON'K INti 11017 extensive }lack Suieitzer Ilarus, er,i , of lliuttisktiCirely .I%lt h ti •NI A 11.N1t.i111. SA I. t high. tillti• entittitiAng t tliree'retiant Shetls. Corn ril,-:••••! other necessary nt.l , lnittin;-s. TitZt 4/i ;- three stories is height - 71ton t of brick : , and vont:slat . 4 pair of stones; e.ielt stone having its own plopelha power, good water mower. • Also. a saw WM. , :•• are two YOU:Sti 'LE OUCH AIIDA on the pi vis- Amis. The Union Canal rains through flie proper! v. ur U 1,1) ~, n vf,r,lent to the Dwelling I Ivause and T.; the statales. - he land Is in a good, state of ei'd I Don well -fiefs]; and is regarued in, one 'pruki 'a netive and valuable .Farms in the Cou:sty. It --- lawated abalui . t 'lle and n-half notes fry m Ittelitae Station, on the Lebanon Valley - W., • h Stoucstairg, on the and Dauphin This property iwiiilxsold lu - the e;laile,eir in pa to xuft purelassers, viz: A Dwelling S wen . Barn, and .55 Acres; A Dwelling Douse with nesv Bari, 'Sale Stable, with JO Acres of Laajd• j:l 4 in1.1,:!.. , ,C; iat Mt ii, Saw Mill and lo V-, A Lsts:lll.t- 'the same Linty and place, all the Vole anal• interest iii a ourtain two-story t 11_I i DWELDINU lIOUISE and • large SALE STA 111. i ' ' two-story.bricti, the - LOUT rapable of stablioL; • ! _hearte - Horses, together with- a ph ve of land, tattling pa, situate iu .:ilyt.l",if/Wil . CoUnty,.Vll,7, Tins pro,kerty. is loiissfed In the lassiness portion.: MyerTUOW.II, on the ra.Ul.l I(lttilitp: to the 13,1:W; •• 101 , 11144 : 11UT'llOtel property late of Iletiben Marra. ' bath, deceased: Julio Douges, Jacob LOU n Loose and i others. This property ls tidmirahly fed for g Lon. On the memises is tit, :1;1- 'lll'lll4' CiSTATZfIi, which rapplies the Slable a Ith it 'flag water. - . Al-SU—at flie. Sadie lime and place, all that cerL,l:l, tract of CI.I.e.STNUT ,Ileidellierg Township,. trigantin..Courity, ~i6o,ultig lends of 6 - e , •rge ibCi . t. G_ I:aw, ,, n man, Josentnlloke;Joh 0 Boyer, and others,eontaln . tug•.,,Veres.l . itul 7,1 l'eff_hes. - ..• • tmiii.111101:1 of sale ftialle 11.1.:2N RN STUMP; 'vf Michael Ilersliberget I t IPee. 17; '70.1 7 .)1.'t • . , . D 4: .r: a LLB:. AGENT.. . CHAL 4 .. W . • • BOOT, SH OE, HAT - . ,A . NU C i VP STOI'. 0, city..r.;,:a.-r:.3-rit EEL, eiI.E.SSONA. :: . , floot.s,'Shoe l s;Alats. una raps, in great variety, eor: - htiAlltry on ilAtlcl.-: Partv - )/Nr tlnCiatt•it,e' Work. •ItEPAIItING diiiie neatly on htlpit notice, Feb. 11. "lt) . • 31!..5, - .7—ly - - —um cr.. .• • ._ . . . ~.-..,._-7=..--.-,-.-,_-_,--_---,-.,,.-...-7-__ r- ~-, , ,.._-_,--..-.=_"".:l_:._ 2._ L - • . SA.allUrili BALL, WII.OLENALE AND RETA IL - I_,U- 113 ER ..DEAL-,R . • COAL ST,...'neni II...XLII.OAti DEPOT, . POTItiyi.LLE,,P.I. - !.. , ..r. kw , t'. . ' ... . , . • NVA II keep coustnnt 1 v.! . on! hand `a full asA , ,ri- - - - 4 - ':„ :3 t i., - r." .. tiltpt Of - IVpiltilirk' Min t - '!! • "!•-•.! -"-l' • -0 7 - . .., Aji:r!, whien he will (;;P.,:-' :.:.!!• ! 7, -'. w" "sl: - "iii:.. Zee to sell at lb.. - . ! ~:.1 " rj'il *':...,. 0 3 ~--, LONVI:› , •T :stAmis - .1 , :r • . i 1 ,1., • , -,•.....1 7 4;7 ~v . . • , . ~ I i -77::,!..-:, , i .: peenlv,Sll.sll.):l;:la.:, Z..... , - '"Z' , cr. &SI° :tiasi) at 4.ect-111., p, r . 1 . - ., .-- 4 - , - 0. , ..T.0). ...i. Sept 10.'711-37-11-IV,It CDtt Iforits. TINIVG EN gI,NE3. Atlapte4l to gottge 2 ft. 6 Inches aod ar.h, gid:of rednoud la:it-Jt and width, go Ai to pf rod '. their rpordir.2 to th c.r..di nary lieaxllusor a :d!oe. • Nye :6,ve. these malt i the other nut ler - )nurtive,;--one Ittside•eonwte,d;nyi _siAvi,Nuected it nil eq al, rotAii. ILK•clunives of ruirguair. Tile tuat cr . !: yekret, to tit. :Oar and' lI..BAIILD S CO ! . Al Cnkt Mitzi w' Attg. _t. .. COUP° UNTI of • 1V11.1) ' and Sr..:N Als • ack now tett4e4: to . he the Pletnant. tune . awl 'certain. reritoy fur the cured erenp, nourst-itoe , , .lntbant. and lii cipleht C'ensumptlii ever'ntrerpil la the Int . A bettle . slionill always be ket,t tit every fund - .Prbpared 11... i,I„IXE, Druggist An: Ltteinlst; BetILIY 'kin Haven; re: Vor ill rot' • Ille at the Drug titeres of Dr. W. 11.110111tiSt).V, Et-1;1°E W. • .K.E.LiNEDY and .111*.C.' &NV Wit. and DlUgg 1614 I and Dealent erveryytttere,,'. Viten to cen -11:711m--dAir •• . • cu.s.t , . it.ul'i;;;' al EMI 11111