=MEIMEMEINBIBE FORTY-SIXTH YEAR. •A • ea, efie umortm . • . , . . • • , . • • ' - NEW ` S OBS ' at.OBB , ABoVT • . .170...11uebtusii; 1870. . DEA& OLT_ K tYSHDONEi. Here - we are ' Mood .to der end - of a nudder -year, an d ,dot •en '":y Vim* der - day pehind yaiterdaydoe was exbeeding der year 1870. Pilrielliell awful • fit.d,'und no madder howqpieltwe.gove hare • all der vile to inseam] , der look oud , OW Fellow vill gid abed of us so fur dpt we • .• vcadn'd niter ,eatelfjob mit him. I bare heerd c o dime by der fore-- lock, und hale come to der conglusions. dot dey must-be poody lead to done kt--deymusd haw kbair elsehk und andel like der • do e, or d' Woodnrsi be aple to efen •' gid: Jilin by der vaterfall,dot Is of -der Old. tiendlemati is &tidy of gearing- such 4 ding. -'Yes, indeed,.dime goes awful read, 'und wen . Ub on Monday morning der first ding We *low id's need Sadurday night Of -a feller etiod oney pod away a handrulor udes vonce.oh a vile.der same vaydot_ht kilt pud away a bunch or . dollarS. Voodkitd: dew. tielially? Just dry pp imagine a awful blsay • -.day, wen you go d - a lierlittred dings to do, mid 'you; know you can 'd god diough mid dem in dime, now nice id wood be to go mud draw a • hole lad of-minudes dot you • had Shdowed • ' aviik sorneveredu some Sating Banks. Or; -of your neighbor coming in .und-payin;g; ...Let me hare -0 rouble of hours for a day cir I iwo, I'm aaltil chord of dime." - How is dot Ifor high,;) Veil dime - doei fly and fly mit a . vengeance duo, und der oney vay we must du is to ., ilupbrore every minude. Dot's der • reason. vy-lriu,ivridliig ledder to-nighd, and FM inibrofing dime end doing a 'dutly, to my CO Friend, DER KEYSIIDONE,•ad der :same, rukmends.. . .Katrina she's 'Adding hem • rietal gloss by me darning my shdockings, • .4,1:J: sbdobbing chub& long enuffefery vonee 11/11 at . vile to darn md duo .rorl` wearing -such won-rounded holes in dein." She shwears dot I dou'd do noding bud .make holes in wid- Ul,l,tiAmtoialomis undshdockings. dell -, her dot i!in oney. a man=l mud en .ire god- .10 yak; and . I'm obliged to sid down ~-vonce oriii vile. Bud dere is no use drying ton wintie=a woman nginst her vill,,uud dl's -:it's Htitit's * der niadder. . Of I had Oxley been :01111art - i• entiflido drob on dot some years ago - gone by, I vood hate had a. good .deal leis sld eel) coining to me dot dere is. But-I cii.e,s beedder shdob way. .Kvaii.f4 is a leedle doo teal` by,.unil the at-Is:Wend:illy beeb ofer, undideu tier wood be a nuilder iiighd shbend liedening to ieedure: Ratrina's rasidy gout on der chin when sue commences, und Ven she •gid's slidartled once, lip salVe • priofly cheab iii „our neighborhood. I hare wrid a leedle biere of dot pouldry, und I - dink I miglid'so well • pud in here as wait had vasded ir hole slot more ink : 1101 V IS DoT. FOR Dere vam,*, on (Vine a lecllle.ia Owaker, Dot leered a blare by der.name of JLmaker, mnd heinade ub .11 s'allsl,lla vuplil write 1"..a do' ..6o be did, and dcd'a bultk of lihn. , • . 7 .-e lir vent In zivre . houge and hei , ot down von niglul For to rnattslit'he's mind u• d dought vitt to wride; Vt,n' dcr viirit,`Vot blowed iii and dot put oud der . • .:.I:nd - dot Inade hint gwl li I rely, I bed you. Per • Givaker he owed gui",ll u nine dollim nodeit - ) a Pet man from' BrmNia, von l'eder tiabtxle, Und.he rent by der dour au der Il gild nod VAS bkrA , li tied der Gwitifer donghr l'e{ai . vas der blovrind. • ... - • Pedrdbin,'d vas work lowdoi flue a fdernofin. oud' , in winger sal•xm. Veit ie Cent by ri••r Gwater's he visAled doY dun.% . Gal I letd in der frond 0f.",; , • . . Gwaker..v.os he • khwore Illccr• (14,r dooee, • I.7nd he (soled dor boor l'eov a bialne . • U. rose;" IminSid 'he vood heed LUiI gleanout of he's shoe s, yolk our °alto's ear vonce." •.• . . Pedellidn't vent—ha shdood andill like laig, • rud (.Iwaiier sii•el led up add mad like a frog lie vas pliusd bond der ,• nate like dot is mit a dog Vet) l,e gid'i3 ouch a vlVg•lf yderfobia. . • . . . . . . rr, ebuir.bed and he SbwOre, and be tuade such a •• V.Zslzolng t.o. ' hull Peder Ml:Mlout of he's shlan, . Cud Ott! vat a bizgle der Owsiker was in—. . . • • Ley dinged sure dot lie val vent grazy, • • t • . . . • ' A bolevsman he habbened to come rlghd alonisd , .1:7-Oci he alibied der old Gamket a gotog of Amy: , - Ho i.e made out he's !Mud dot boor Piney vas wrong, : - ' Cud be vent mad tie snadebed him baldheaded, . . . . . 13•2, rwtrelied Y:isder Pede..y, I'dlnk bond a miltt';` , In fro,pd.of der Cnndge, wilt, told many a glintlle, tilfolreedry dwe f darn on dot newt:litre' bkle, Dafils floading-oud In dor Easdititer. Ti. , r awake: vent home and he (Int:died he's-wridd, . Mitotic' chiding Id drqoble some .wd mtt Ilghd; ven hi c.me oddl in der b iper nexd nighd, Most elery von - snild Id vELS bully,. Be dank for lie's-sublet.]: n dug dot's gwhk, new, i,vdt.:41.3,i der vorel dot atnd nefer slidnek do; " by y(0.11' Ile igliVor like he doesinit yon.." Von he does c.ii se ea l ' ou,der lelel." Cs':Je.'s a moral UI dic le 1k sU,lnw , 1 - te said - 'Dot s'of you 101 l gal id clittsd Nonce A:rough-Your ' - tif - you don'd klu , vy, Vati dill Gus Pli . 1111ps:-va.s . • cl,rul, _ Und den tirty be lit. - 11 route and tablain it.. • Katrina has gone to bed und she wants to - know "of -I hear per shouding ?" Yes, und tier beaples in ger - fie.litt slidreet hear her tioo s "r • • (tus Urulelph - STRAVVEMIDGE & CDS2I',II.T.ER'S ,GR:AND '.CLOSING SALE FOR _SEASON; ME Tne .reaWl Bargains we.have ever , .l)ffered. Hundpd and Eighty-Five Itlnusand ' • .10ollars Worth;nf,Dei,Gaodslo. - So!I in Thirty 'Pays. 77,-' 1111 .1 . , tit . ..• magnificent itocliveraltrnethg almost every n;, , ,,erl pt.( on , of liltY VOOL!..q, 13 too large for tO • sett-. , al, an,l Ave have del rrutned •to sell at once. IN e , . . • 1- - I , $40,000. mirth Of Blak Silks alfT - Veltiets. • • • . $2.5,000 worth of • ' °red Silks. • ' '•:. s4o,ooo4vorth of Foreign'Dressfabet s 1 S4OO ,0 worth of cloakings and Cloaks. f- .; - A , ..:.:t . ..60Twortli of Fine Shawls and' Blankets . 7 $20,0 , orth of Lint• Goods and Flannels. • - • , S.c., ei..., A. , :., &c.. . . • • . : ./., ....it'c'ur IV:t , Sil , l fi 1 n 'opportunity °tiered to get a Inv - -quality Black Sill; at such low pri,es. Nevr.f WIL% Sllll an' opliortuulty o ff ered to get'n, ui.w Light Sluivies Wedding and Evenituz 5i11...5 . at` ~.v...•11 price; as W al - est/an; - ; 1!11111. • - Wyss Wit* at Almost Half_ Price. 11 A Cl-IA NS, • • B UkCit.BEAYERS • VELy,E , TE+74:S:..A - ND 1V1.111'.1: ; . CORDUROYS • Lower than elsewhere In the rutted States. 41,e pec.ple from far and neer are 'respectfully In• sited to s h 4'o 11 the Bargains ice offer la tialitClos ta-, sale ' . , 8111.AVINgpGn & cLOTHIEIt. '. ' :qr. W.,CorneeEightli and litirket .;trec . ts itron PIMA DELW , tinto. Abtialtscintnts. ,1 , ,;..... .., ~ . , D lIILADELPRIA A.REA.D.ING R. a.. • • +. .. . • IYINTSE,II ARRASIGRMENT. ... • • :Niondav, Nov. f2l.st,. 1.870. ... Great Trunk line frensrthe North and Nortfilivist for Ph iiatirlphia, . New - 'Porto, Renottng, ,iPotta ' rine, Ta .... t van, AAlitand, Shansokb! Leta,- . non. Attentoren. „Kiloton ' P.phrate, ' Litis;--,-. , Lanoaater, Colurtarlifi.te. , Traits leave Ilarrisharg for NeW York' as follows i • . At , 8.10, S.IO, and 10.50 A. M. and 2.501'. 11„ connect,,'. • ',I ng with Id:attar trains on the Pennsylvania }Caltroo4 ah.t arrilvthg, at f ew .York ut 10.10 A', M., fi.50,i5;1 ': .1 e Oct ht.-J. 4 P. IT. respectively. Sleeping cars accont ,. .. pany the :1.10 A. Si . train without change. ; lteturrOxi,...: ' tonve New York at ' OAP A. M.,• 12.0 1 • nooh,thil .1 ,, 0 P. 31., Philadelphia at 5.1.5 A. M. am' - 2 .•=o1".1.1. :sleeping cars accompany thc .5.00 I'. M. ,'.• traMlrom New YOrk %without change. :• • ' _Leave Ilan Isbnrg for Ifetoling, Pottsville, Tama-. 1 (pia, Minertmille.iAshland...simmokin. Allentown -2 ‘ and Piotladelida; at- 8.10 A.J M.. 2.50 and -4.14 P. MA • -stopping at Lebarit4l and • pi•inctpul may ststhms: toe 4.0, P. M. tndn , connecting for Philadelphia, • Pottsville and Columbia _oliiy. ,Fur Pottsville, Schuylkill Raven' and Atilairic via fichnyl lt; lll midis , I - tinconetauna Railroad, leave lia.frisburg at son • ..1.4m. , , .-. Last Pennsylvania Raitiond. 'Trains have Leading -- ( .9 , rAiiNtllOSCa. Ed-12,111 arL&S'ew• York at 5.0.1„/0.31) -.- A. 1n.,.12.43 noon, &lid 4.tip". tn. Return lag, leave New " Vora at 9.10.1 a, an:, p2.oo;noon j 'and 5.00 p.- m., and . - Allentown at: 7.'20 ar_lw,,it-ro, nook, 2.5 4 , 4.20 and - 6AT, p • m. e • • - NYay passenget Train' leave. Philadelphia* at 7.30 ' 'A.11., connecting with sitnilsr train on Eaat 'Pena. • Italtrowl, returning from Reading at 41.2.) P. M. stop.' Ping at all gallons. . . Lenve Pottaville at: : 0.00 A.f • s'ild 2.10 P. M. • lii. • a.llersdon lo.ls A. 11.,:thamoki • .5.40 and 11.:W A. M., A.aland at 7.0 a A. M., and ;.50 noon, Maluutoy city at 701 A. Al. and 1.35 . P. .IL, Tamaqua at . s 4) A. m...•an , 1 2.40 P. M.. for Philade l ph i a, hia, N. York, P.,atting. ilarri.nurg, ac. • , - f.e.a.v - o rottsvi lie, 1,114 nd chuylkillanSesanehanna IL: troad si 5.1•5 A. M. tot liarrtsburg, wadi:49s noon. 1,,r I . .nogrove end Tremont.. ' 11...admg Accommxiation Train leaves Pottsville .at ..i.}4)A.'4..passea Reid . ng at 7.00 A. M., arriving at .... Phi Isxielphi s at Ie...MA. 31.; returning leaveS Phtla t.r.. del pina at.t.45 P. M., pstssts Reading - al 7.:. P. M., az.' . 'lrma at Pottsville at 9.10 P.. 51. . :4- - Pottstown A c commodation Train t learei rottfit. 5 ,, town at 7.q.* A. AI.; returning leayes Phi/ant/phi& at i - i . ':!.. Columbia Railroad trahls leave 'Reading it 7.4 A A. AL. and &IT, P. 11. tor. Eplirata, Litt; Lancaster, Co. Sr Imabia. 6.c. • .... : - .Perltio:uon Railroad :talus le.ate Perklomen June •••l ttonAt 7.45, 9.6.1 A. 114 - 3.00 and:..:.;o P. M.; ret.strithinr .'t. .I(4lvmSchwenksville at 7.00, s ,, A A . ,m.. 12.0,,,,, ,, "2 " .-. 1.3 - P. M.. csinneettng . ‘iitn bluillar trains on Misanng •:,- - lial [road.* ' _ -- , - . r_ ellehrookdale Ttatimnd teataileave Pottstown at ~. 9.i A. - M., and ear P.• , AL_ ; .ri.turning leave Mt. Pleas- • . ant at 7 . 00 and 11'.:Z A. id., =Meeting with shuns/ tint/moll Reading liallroad: • . r, - Chester Valley_ttaikroad trains leave Brtit,..ep art u. t3O A. M., 2.05 and AILT r. AL: returning. leave Dow,. ingtownwt US A..M., /2..4 noon and 6.15 P. M., eon. - nee Urn with similar trains on Readingroad. • -- tin St...rviskin. Leave New York at 5.00 P a ll , Phil. • - atelphiAlk23A7..2i. and WS P. AL. the 11.00.A.M.- train _run ly 1.0 .Re ading ; leave A:tit/mite at 600: 1 . ...- .u.-, ng at Lid A. AL and 4.0 X -P. AL hisive - sow, i i. . - Beading at 7.ISA. M. and P. M..iiie.ttarstsbnmat 5.00 A. IL New.. York, at 8.0 A. and tra, row..pr rhuadeaptds, CornmutiMen llt. . - Millimire, Mhook lad "WSW - - sion Tieinits tottestetnn nil St Miatemd Mew' • Bri k np.ger- etterirAd ;•• _MO pounitil - Alloirod LT . eaebisr. - - G. A. NlOO .NOr."&i•lnt-Vait. 1-1-844twl Geaerililaperin Won _,_ ... ECM "F RB CENTRAL ". RA ILROAD. of lOWA Connecting t.. Zonis and St. Paul. NOW NEARLY:COMPLETED: This road is built by a Company. of arouse:Bl4W. 'ists, who have pushed their work forward at araptd rate.. ONE MILLION of the FIRST, MORTGAGE 7PER CEN f : GOLD BONDS . of the Company remain, which are offered at the very low tate of • • • • , 80 and accrued Interest: • Amami their advantages are-- . e• • , Ist. The road is nearly Mashed, sad the earn are ex -pected to run across the state in 450 days. 2d.' The road has been builtonly of the best mate rial, the Iron having been manufaetnreeVex• presslyY, fo peld.rl t, at a much highercost thins th at nittudl_ • 3d. It runs through a moat - superb agricultural • country. 4th. It has great advantage. In'earfilng coalTNorth and bringing lumber Booth. Ult. The Mortgage is .only $16,000 per mile. , Whlle many other roads are bonded US double this amount. . 6th. The road Is 'principally owned by bankers and other pipit:Wats, who have invested a large sum in Its construction and who have every reason to care of its obligations. . ' • 7121. A First Mortgage for so small an amount, upon : „a rood so near completion, and In such strong hands. may Well be magi d cred.a perfectly safe security. We believe there will be no monk favorable time to sell the Governments, ;tad buy really Find-clasa; -Railroad Securities-4inch as these—than the present.. With any further decline in Gold, _Governments must decline also .. . : . n 1 Subscript-10 will be received in TillTiliVlLt.E, by ; L. .F.,WHJTNEY, Eaq., .-.' ~., . of whom pant hisdit and full lnfortnatien May belied. W. B. SHATTUCK,Treashrer,eFineBt; liew`York, After a full examination , We, hare liceepted an' Agency for the Sale artbe above Fint llortgaga Bonds, and desire to recommend them to our cus tomer' as a thoroughly, sire, as well,as a profitable inrettment.. - ..- . JAY 6001= 20 Wall St.; N. Y. Oct 22, '7O-43-3m _ ' • 5-90'S ND 4881 ' 8 • BOUGHT, FOLD AND' EXCHANGED, 0N.'11657 REASONA BLE TERM . G 0 - . Boug4i.ond 'Sold a t Market Rates! . • `„ COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD..BONDS BOUGHT AND'SOLD. ; . , - , STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD " • Coam*.thslo* ONLI ; Accounts' received sin,l Interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at slglit. I)Esizitec - RP. 0. -19 8. March D 3, • I B 3 ly EE & C UIBTISN . ' . • • ilachinists;• Founders d i Car Buil&Ts. • Pinegivve, Schuylkillfounty. Pa. --: it re- bt RA IV Pl.r.rr , rwd.ou mi t and self-oiling Drift; Car 'Wheels . Aug. 13, 7,1-33-1.411. G LOUCESTER IRON W 033.8, OLOUCES -11 TER CITY, N. J.—Orrlcie, No. 8, North Sev enth St..; west side, PHI LADP LiqUA • nitatufarturer of CAST IRON GAS and WATER I'IPES, I PSI Iron Flange Pumping,. Heating and Steam Pipes, Stop Valves for Water or Gas, all sizes. Fire (Plugsj,Hy 'drnnta, Lamp Posts, Gas Telescopic or Sin gle. Castings mid Wrought irois Work, of all kinds, for Gas •Wprlts. All Piped pros..ed •Rydrostatle, Pressure. April 18, pIONEER,PAR WORKS, JOSEPH DELANEY, Pricdni I grOlt • • - Ashland, Schuylkill t linty, Pa: - Having enlarged his ear shop, is now pretiarall to build all kinds of Cars for raining purposes.• Beings practical mechanic and liaribg for Nears devoted himself entirelvi to this' p brunch of the bu RI n em, and building o COAL BREAKERS. Igo, the pitente, • of iwo celebrated Self-Dumping Cara, -' which can be seen' working at the works of- Messrs. Bancroft, Lewis & Co., and Patte, son, Eltringham & Co., MlAland, and tit Messrs. 1-1 A. Moodie & Preston - Collieries. Girardville. Coal Breakers built at the shortest notice. Orders seticited. A prir.:, :70-It,ty JOSEPH DELANEY. . SHENANDOA.II LEON WORKS. • The subscriber. Is now prepared to build Steam Ensinas—l'urnmi, Coal Ilreakers,rund Drift Cars. All kinds of castlags.and • M forging's made to order; Especial Mien- •k••••••••". tion paid to the mannfactur of Car 0:( ' • wteels. JOHN CAT t ER. • • —f9lenphdorth Clip, Jan. 1, '7o— 'OUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, STEAM I -, CAB FACTORY. &C.d sx • The subscriber, would call attention to the superfor facilities po. •ed by ar r ift "' him for the various bmnciws of efteam • Engine bulidfrig, 'rob Foundtng ano ...",,- the manufacturing of all kinds of ma- „„,„ ellidery for Rolling Mills, Blast Furnaces, taliroad Cars, Ac., &c. I He wilt also continue the business of mining and .selling the celebrated Pine Forest White Ash coal, , being the pole proprietor of this colliery. sep. 1; '69-14yd Jan.l, 'l,6w :GEO. W. SNYDER. pOTTSVLLLiI ROLLING MILL. =I ATKINS PAIOTIiKRS, PRocarr.roits, - • Pottsville, Schuylkill County, . - • Manufacturers ivf RolirorM Irotif both T and Streetilailsi arc prepared to re ceiVe and execui e ordentat short notice, f gt. for any and ull theordinary sizes In use. A• • lilakineoui own pig Metal, we ore """" careful to select sultahle-ores; buyCrs can therefore rely upon receiving in all cases first (inks rails The smaller sizes of T Rails, 2 :t2., and 40 pounds lb the yard, niwg . Ntt on baud, and supplied In !Oman lota as wanted. -.- Jan. 1, '7O-,.1) - . T9-00.* OPERATORS AND MINERS. • 1 5 10NEER 1101LEIt WORKS, - The sulatoribers. respeettully invite ' the attention of the business commu nity totheir Boiler Works. on Railroad below the Passenger Depot, Potts where they are prepared to man-41'`"!.`f!' ufacture . • BOILERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, moke hacks Air Stacks, Blast Pipes, gasometers' Cars, 4tc.( I,:e. Boilers on ,hand.. Being practical in .whanics, and having , for years . devoted themselves; entirely to this branch of the . butane-s, - 11/Cer themselvek tint work done at their establishment wilt give satisfaction to all who may favor them with a cMi. Individuals and Companica will find It greatly to their advantage to'e - xamine their work before edam:Jug elsewhere. JAR N T. NOBLE. Tan. 1, 70-1- MATHEW' RHODA.. OEM:LAUD IRON wons.s, The subscribers are prepared to' fur nish STEAM ENGIN}- , l"and nll kinds' of MACHINERY mid C L AiATINGR for Mines,. Blast Funk - tees and ' Rolling 'h'• Mills, and haven fulfaasorttuent of the '. **4 most approved patterns for 'VERTICAL HULLING 3111,1, E...NGINEI4,ISQU f 4 IIE A RK. PUNCIIs ING MACHINES, and all other.Maelainvry required to tlicOrnanufactitre of Railroad /ma; and'ilars. The following Steam Engines arenow en band and ready for delivery: 9 1 Ellire 161 n cyl, is in srkel2 Eng's 12 in cyl.lB " 16 •• "' 21" " " Rt.% ,•Li " " e / ". 14 " "' " " I'2 1 "• 1.1 " " 21" • " 12 " 6" " 6 " " • . The above Engines areal' new, and built upon the most 'approved principleii - and can be seen at the works of thesubseri hers. Also, a fall assortment of Pickering & Davis' Steam Engine Governors' on laud, which have given universal sac isfset ion. bept. 1;110-1.ly • POTT & VA.sTECE. • . 1,.... I. I (TABECIIiGTON IRON WORKS. try Worlce of the late firm of Wren & Mother, knowd•-as , the "WAstill'llOTON IBON WORKS," located on Coal street,ln,the Borough of Pottsville, will be C O 4 O -11/' oed by thc• eubserlber in nil Its vapour. . branelms,•vtz: Steam Engine building, "••••• - and all kinds of machinery for mining - • 44,6 l eit ht r coal or ore; blast furnaces of hot or cold bltist ; all kinds of railroad castings and rail road car fixtures of wrought and isitst Iron; all kinde of bra&menatinge; all:kinds of stn;thworli, and all sizes of the latest Ito prioved pumps, single and doublevacting. Repairing promptly attended to and neatly executed. • By careful attention to business the .subseilber trusts he will reeeiv'e a share of the public patronage eo liberally bestowed on the latertu. 4n. 1. 'A—I.- !JiAMES ASHLAND IRON WORKS. - The tabiciltx•rs are now fully pre pared tb fardlsh, at the Ashland iron et WOrks, Stettin Engines and Pumps • of any power and capacity, - for min. • lug find other purposes. Coal Break era of every Elie and pattern now us use t m. Rather with castings sad forging* of every desexlp tiou. Caul and Drift cars of oil sizes audliatterreg, large Truek...*tal Horse Cars, all furnished at the shortest notree. The subserlbers flatter themselves that, inasnittela as every &ember-of the firm is a practical mechanic, they will he` able to lurnieb machinery that will compare favorably with any in the Region. All orders directed to .1. &M. GARNER, Ashland, Sehuy lkill,County. Pa. will receive prompt attention. • • . ,&M. GARNEft. Ashland, Jan.!. 70-1- • • AGLE /RON WORKS. • - HENRY WALTERS, Proprietor, Havin TA ItAW A, fiat LI: ILL C(.• ("NTT, T.A. g enlarged his foundry and ma chine shop, at, the Eagle Iron Works, tr Tamaqua. and thus very materially -.-• Mere:Lust theircapa.city for t urn! ng out work In ha line-of business, he is Low 144 . prepared to rniike Steam Engines and Pumps of any power' and capacity, fur mlnes; Machinery for Breakers, Rolling. and other 'mills Ondilor Fur-, items; all kindarof castings and foTinga,, &c. ce Art experien of many years t eh , ,,osiness, with the facilitita which these works now enable The proprietor to turn out the very best and the most satisfactory* work. All orders addressed W HENRY WALTERS. Eagle Iron Works, Tamaqua,'Schnyikill County, Pa., will twelve prompt attention. Juno 3% 't,a--„agr THE PALO ALTO =ON WORKS, Are PlePsred to tarnish T RAILROAD IRON— weighing Rum 20 to 76 pounds per 'yard--STREET. P.A/Let—fentu I$ to 63 pounds per Fara, to suit either-for bone cars or loco-et,..„, MOIIVeII. All these rails are. of the -4= 1-11 LATEST AND MOST- APPROVED ...,, ---- PATTEYLNS. Also, a general assort- LA - - 'went of 711ERCHA.S1 BAR IRON, Roust Flats, ..a Oval, lialf - Roand and Grooved. HOOP AND BAND IRoN, CAR AXLES. RAILROAD dLA.IIIS, FISH • PLATES AND HOOKSPHL ‘ 1 . rnralls. ROLLS made of the best brands of cold att. charcoal iron, ready for use, either for T - Ils, street. rails or bar iron. Also, ell kinds of NOS FOR ROLLING MILLS. We also in. attention to our DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF . - • ,-. 5, for cutting old rails, paddled iron, ix, Ate. • • BENJ. HAYWOOD, Proprietor._ Mike on*. Second and 'Market Ma n Pottsville, Pa. lan; I, b9-t. • . - . T.A.ICM NOTICE! SIMIEfuI 111CZWIFIC8 'knot 4 - At 4 cnirm %ash be boast — tithe Bold ing EboVirank Of ail kladeodet Platua,Otle. Most Omens. Plaelec Witmer Tope sae Mee. Also; Teas Co;be ripe of aU atm. Man* /1,;.79 - ... • - *47 : cantldL rorrsi - rmr, '•.- ,4 •;" Or-Tr-1 le'r THE IitINERS' 1101:TRNAL.----P0 Coal 3cmio,lc. J 0. - - ''• .orAsorAororook. or • MLR,: OR-ANGULAR ROD . AND, WIRE. • - • SCREENS," • • • • • • trATICKIND Hamarm MO Na IS Norwegian street. PprINVILLE, PA. pt._l7. 70-46--fan • L. I LAVBENESTErtir & CO.. . A-sp.. • SretTsBolol TO Jonas B. ,DIEUX, ~• •,, • I '• Manufacturer of Coal Scieens,. or, the Latest and Most Approved Shim 1 Sevond-IntodF3ereens and Berman to always on hand. erespeetfully solicit a eontisautnee of the pat lteretofor,e so , liberally bestowed. 7 .°. L. LAISBEI4I3TEIN & co.. • Railroad 81., rear of Esterly'sdiardware Store, , 41 ' n 1.:0 -- 1- ; . • .. ' Pottsv il le, Pa siausitz : Bpii 4 A.m) WIRE sclurzini. - j . J. 11 . ...4.1JBENSTEIN. - iAxrrAcTruziOF . . 1 VIRE ROD AND WIRE SCREENS. . . P.ITENTED FEBRUARt 4,184". . 1 . . - • 31INERSVILLR, SCRITYLIZILL CO., TA..!. The SWARE ROD SCREE.";;S, en accountci l telr superior strength' and durab i lity, are pref -to all Others wherever trl LA. Screen Bolts, all sizes al waPs; on baud. Orders promptly filled at utoderite prlfes. . - - May 'A '69—.V... 1 gabies' Alto. LIES' FANCY 19:1134. .• • - - _ZAP JOHN, F.AREIRA „719 Alt( 14TREET. itb:W - pf the block, between 7th rand • Silt stream, South side, . - . • • •PTI ILAIDELPRIA, . - • • importer, alauufac Curer and Dealer in ill kinds and quality, of FANCY FURS • for' Ladies and. Childrens' Wear. Idaviust'' enilrged, remodeled andlenproved my old and favorably known FUR ENIPORI Um; and Imv , ing imported a very large ariffspleu. (-assortment of dil4 the different kinds_pf Furs froln• first hands; lG Ittrope, and have had 'them madenp by the trust. skillful workmen. I would re- speetfully Invite ray friends of Schuylkill and arts cent Counties, - 2b call and exandine Iny very large anti beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, for Ladles and. Qhildien.. I arrLdetennined to sell at as low priilet..sis any' °the rkrespeetable House In this city. Ali Furs warmnted,r No misrepresentations to effect sales. - • JOHN FAItEIItA, • N'pv.l2:7o-IG-go 71$ Arch street ,Phila. . . - 820 Tim' • : . FIIEH. OHN A. STAMBACH CG. • - 9 S,V3 Street. • • Nui:suracitaxx .01 LADIES' FANCY FURS. °insisting of Russian Sable, Hudson Bay Sable, ak Sable, Royal Ermine, Grebe, Seal, Astracans. tlrrel. Fitch, ate. Children's, Setts; I•ttlernen's Collars and Glove'. Carriage and ign Hobe lateq styles at lowest piker. • ' 111 Furs guaranteed as represented. JOHN A.': iATA NI BA CH Jr.: arch Street, 5 doors below Ninth, .goilth. aide - _ Mb Squ GI. Sle 1 El= WINDOW DECORATION B LACE CUWAINS, AND- - LACE . ' DRAPERIES, LAMBREQUINS • / ff Vf //2/ 81113.1M3 COLLEGE, Amesibly 3. W,COR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STS, Scholai r illips good In 46 ("oilmen in the Unite I States and Canada. For particulars cnll or scud for Urtalogne. . ' Oct I. '7OlO-Cm • FOX '& BROTHER, I 4 7 32 KILL" INSTITUTE, ' - _• TIN DAMASK, SILK, AND SILK .1: WOOL F 8, caz 67tafies of (blorx, the L;airs! ItrapOr:ted. WINDOW SHADES, ALL . XIIi.NEWEST -. trsH43, &c., for Raifroad ,Supplied, E.• WALRAVEN, ImAs!.)4411:1.; 71! 9 li.:TNUT STREET, . ILADELPIII A ay 7 0 , • • • LAND WINTZR DRY GOODS /1713 CENTRE' STREET, kOTTSVILLE, tOf • to ca ll attention to their . extenaive assort- FALL AND ‘CI NTH': DRY GOODS heisting of the Latest Stylcei of the reign &Domestic Marke s li4CLUDIng4 41J1..0 Tag COLLZCTIONS iCK AND COLORED SILKA, LACES AND EMBROIDER! S, LINENS, WHITE GOODS and DOMESTICS, HOSIERY, HAWLS OF', ALL; KINDS . „ also call atteut too to oar Stiacs of GROCERIES. QCEENSV;;ARE RE ch is very large and ArierVA with tGe utmunt for this ;nitrite!. 14",:do m e , mnider 1j iteees to enumerate what nve have,fait everything, In 't-ciann Dry finnan and Grocery Store, can be had one establishment. .A 'OA 22—tf POW) 811 Id o b e pUll. DAN A.lto be goilar Attrhlll News:Piper of tbr Proccut Thom Intenited‘for Pecplc 3i ow on'Earti. c.lndlograraters, Weehartat Marritatital en. Wetter% Thinkers, mad a:1 blown" Of nonfat • .00dtLe Wives. Sots. azd Dasztacts of sal sneak. LY oNt noi.LAu vrap.: IEI ONE II I' :4; D mr.D SNIk. I,l= (..`c ('cut thei .- c b a $3O cio eczry Post Off.rn. !IQ. A TEAR, or ttto same File and reiitom.l t.haructer srt the TUE XENIA% ant with n arracrrTattety of towitalasooo* resdinc, and forniltuen el.c twws touts onnor_ribers with /treater dviatirra. becnis , 3 t. 4 aciruca •arieo .a wee: lir f tt24 of onco ;July. 1. • Titr. DA !LI" tirN, 18 .r. vrAtt. twortninczolv iend:1110 nr n - tpni+cr. mita sza Urn= CdcoLotion in ib.3 won , l. Fr:v. tr Idea.% =dem , Italia polities-. Al ne r`tire trOIJ c v rywhere. Two eehtWoe2oy ; by ta.n, 30 ~...nto a tiorth, or*. avow. For Terns to flab.., Lair Specimen', Wills ' iI. W. rZeCLA NT% Pa:, ii.twr:Stio °flee. Nrw Tat. . , ' Thv , 1 f. '7O--. - .1-it , Q MORE SCRATCHING, OIi',BOILED pLOTILING. - BiNCItLEIN IiALETRICIIEON. warrnted to remove DANDRUFF, EtCLTRF and other cutaneous divaats with which the scalp limy:l* nftlictel, Read the nertlitcatet 4,7rtte Drug Stores where KALE:TIM:BROS Is fox. RALETRICIIEON -NUS n hair dye' or restorer. No Ladles' or o.mtlemen'Slollet complete without a btAtie of BINFKLE.YIi KALETRICHEON. One bottle will voila - Mee any one of 11.4 great quall-. tiCR for rimming' fixsot: t Ft - and Scum - , 75 CLINIti pi= BOTTLE:, For - Kale at. Da. W.nouncsoivs, N't% Fentre street. and HOLT ez FERNSLEIPS. • No. =I; t n tre stroct, Drug Mores. P. 8.--Ser.il to IL Illnekley dr. Co., proprietors, - o. 52a Globeltullcting; Reading, Pa., for it circular con tain i ng two hundred first-chum teNtlmon tale; from the leadln. citizens of the State. Nov 1t1,70-IS-4t-M3-1w e, TLP Pt lON/30N SAFETY LASIPIL—Ai w ..JI some Collieries lire damp Is very prevalent. end ~ he COO:ill:MA Davy LAILIp Is not considered safe, we have Irocured a lot of the Stephenson Safety Lampe. which contain a elreularglass tube Inside of the wire gauze. This lamp, from recent ex ta made in England, Is considered the oared pin toe,and is now extensively used I unlit/len:lost Iler/y_oalliaries In England. For sale wholesale tufd,,hd The 'CLANNY LAMP, the D.cri .ELAIKP. and ~ Safety "Lampe of all the most reMlroved patterns made f I hnsun pected Governznent Wire, by the simile dozen r dred. - - These Lamps are all numnittanred to ow. own order, and we use none b ut ganzeWthe pattern pre-, te ribeet by theAltiallals Chavernmentlor Mly. Viiiii eonstantlrba hand to stilt lamps lzttme. na noel, m that. we can aupplt e r l y persons wlahing to replace mama that have worn out. Gauss Air We by the yard or pleat, wholesale or retail. Address. dAMs AN ,1 RAMSEY ..` 1 In LOtatte atraet. PIZ As Kilt- STOCK OT, KOLIDAY- twora. lek we are selllog at =media low ' end Gestlesun's Wants sad nstes, jewelry, nelkl - Silver sad Whey lIss; • A Ilse sex COCKS IT tetlfveer VAUNT!. Also Agents for the rehab:dud STEINWAY SC/SWIM Alta and /EASON s HAMLIN! NEW pall Sad ontinn4e our stock -4 • *SRO.. Oentre Spark . • - Pottsellkk Lmzsi '*-14* 4 "r3in EMI GLOVES RL\'LB CLOAKS, &c., MEW ~!1~~: o.tstVieT•ev :et —. • rs -- , iberve • :40 trA r z. taly 101„ '7111,11.1y. 110111.4.11 =PUY; ' ' VFW= flacema arm? above Caslreinn - _ . _P/1-111DELPALt. • . r =ow& ePlasa.tritll • large asidireustiseisa I etsca i stM iga saill Ragi,Mats.lStsilt VD] which be se r iry no_a a rcitass t s ches • .8.-4. STEWARD DEPITY.Ia scrr 21518outh • - • naltrege; let with DEWITT. FRlZTLimerr.Yrlteti.N , al "fr BEGEIIII2I.IIIuPKIM Deftness and Manatee- Myers of Pine Cabinet Ware, keep on hand I'S: amo rtment oUWaternt and Cottage Furnture. r. oak. and the Woven Wise Sprinit Kattr i am. to be sent at a distance will be packed In a meats manner. We sus and sell for mealkand la no doll= Ewa - furnish superior good* at Me meria, We solkdt a ean. Sept. 17. '7D 8-1 y F JOSEPH WALTON a CO., cjansFr MAKaaus,'No 413Welautlit.; Philadelphia. Our establishment Is on* of the oldest. in 'Phila delphia, and from long experience and an 'or dililerwe are prepared to furnish work at reasonable prices. We manufacture fine furniture and also medlum prioed furniture of auperbar qualltr. • A lame stock of furniture simony' on hand. Goods Made to order. Coulters, Desk Work and •Office Furniture for Daub% Offices and Stores, made ta order. • J 414: WALTON, J. W. LIPP.MUOTT. JOS. T. weary Feb. 12, .70„ - 7 -4" . AIMEE RiaLING. WXEE GUARDS. for Store Fronts; Iractortes.-&e. Heavy Crimped Wire Cloth - for cleaning ores, coal„ &e. Heavy &reen Cloths antl , Coal Screens. Wire Webbing for Sheep and poen Paper Makers' Wires. Wasson& Iron Wire th Sieves, Painted Screens, Ornament al Wire Work; Every information by addressing the manufacturers. M. WALKER & SONS • 1641.11 North 6th street, PhiLidl•lishia. Feb 14,'70 - - - ILA W= ' FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 236 and 233 - 6croth Second Streck. The undersigned liiiiinggreettlYinci essedfaciptles in the addition of the large four story - building ad joining his former place of business, otters greet In ducements to all purr-timers of furniture to give him a call. is confident of being able to please all who May favor hint grab their custom, and his ex •perience of twentriears in business is ' a guarantee of his ability to turn out the beat of Work.. lie per sonally supervises - his large workshops, an d any ar ticle not on hand will be made Loonier at the lowest terms. X Large stock of all kinds of FURNITURE Constantly on band. . • D. M. KARCHER. Sept Si. '89 7-Iydw • • • • SIO,OOO . 011162.ANT'22. BUCK LEAD,eicelli all other Lead ! • Ist: For its Unrivaled Whiteness.. AL Fur its Unequaled DurabilltS. 3d. For its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly for its Economy. It costs; leis to paint with Buck Lewd than any other White Lead extant, The same weight covers More Surface, is more Dural le t tind makes Whiter Work. BUCK LEAD le the Cheapest and. Beet. $lO,OOO GUARANTEE. • BUCK ZINC Excels all other Zinca. • r , let.. For Its Unequaled Durability.. • - . 2d. For its 'Unrivaled Whiteness. ad. For its Cnsurpastsed Covertitg Priiperty. -Lastly, tor Its Great Economy, being the Cheapest Handsomest, and most Durable White Paint in the world. • BTTY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BINE . ZINC; -= TR" IT AND BE CONVINCED. SatimfaeOunguaraplecd by Mr Manuftieturerr! BUCK cOTTA(;E COLORS, • • Prepared express/y_ for painting Cottages, Out-buiedings of . every description, fences. &o. Thirty-lice ditienent - colors. Durable, Cheap, , Uniform and Beautiful Shades, Sample cards cent by until If 'e, ired. Dealers' Orders will bepromptly exo - tited by the manufacturers. , I - FRENCH. ItICIIXBDS & CO., z. Cdr. Tenth and Slitritet Streets, ebllatlelpl,l4. Jan 22, ."70 • - t-ly (Educational. POITSTOWN,ViIiTGOMERY COUNTY; PA English, Classical, Scientific, Artistic end Commer- • elaL Location admirable. Twentieth Annual ses sion. Thorough - preparation for College or Ens! ne‘s. For circulars address , • Bay. GEO. F.' MILLER, A. M.. Princi pal. ItEncurstits—Rers. Jos. Melgs, schOetreri- Mann. Kranth, Gulfs, flutter, de. lions. Judge . Ludlow Meyers, I. S Yost, B:-.11. Moyer, M. Russel Thayer, etc. . - DLOOk.BIIII.IIO RTATZ NORMAL SCIEIOoL AN - t) LITERARY k COMMF.P.CIA.t. INnTITUTE. The Faculty of this Institution alru to be , very this rough In their Instruction, and to look carefullyafter the manners, health and morals of the students. • A pply forcatalogues to unNar CARVER, A. M., Oct. 8, 10-11-ly Principal. dining filacljinenj, OTICIL-3fanufacturela and `users or steam 1. 1 4 Pumps, are hereby cautioned against ttie man facture, sale, or use of any Pumps that sr& fill In fringement on - Allison's Patent, dated September 24. 1867, as they.w be proaccuted to the full carat of the law. I Lave already commenced suit against several par-. ties, and wlllProsecuteall other Infringers.. Port Carbon, AprU 8, ROM. ALLISON. Parties In want °Mumps can be sup plied at reason hie prices by the undersigned. a.Lt.rsozc B ANNA, Franklin run Works, Port Lltrbon, Pa. Jan. 1,'70 DEDARICK'S COAL HOZEITIIPO MA. caniE. Patented April 32, 1110. arc now In tute. Tnoy are simple, durableand envy of operation, bent* the large number fl Id, and the per foci satin/act ion given. tieng for 111 agitated eat alocue ..rou taLn ing al zee, prices and testimonials troth partici using them; also contaiffink prlcc• of mar Wood and Iron Cara. Iran Tuba and itarrowe. Lock and Hook Blocks., ar—; also containing much non unefal to Coal merchants. • •. K. IiEDIIIICK Albany' Agrieultural di klathinc Work g, Albany, Jan. 1, '63-18-attru-ly New 'folk. Waftljes .aub 3titletru. cil • . • ....1 . ... 0. g . -7 4..:1 - a - -' ' - -. 4 IZ , ..• CI . • t-t •N. •"' 0 ;4 ..... • . ..i. ; VI )3 ~... 64 p • • " 4 - ..? '' v• . . • ~L, :. ' - 7 r• ... ti F. 41 O A' _. ' 1 •14b : 1 0t" CC 0.• •• . • , ," • ••, A. 1... :p • r: - ' Li < • -- .1 .... an' .02 . - Bronzes; Fancy Goods &c. I BIRTHDAY, BRIDAL, AND HOLIDAY GIFTS. - We irould call the attention of our patrons and Mends to our large assortment of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. Oar Importations of thla season are J ant opened,- and present snarly novelties, which we foal certain wlll please.. - OnWnt by mallearefully and promptly attended to. ROBBINS, !CLARK & BIDDLF" ' Jawar.sas it fitt.varoutirss. N 0.1124 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. lIERKKIAR ROBBINS. J.-P. CLARK. SAII'L RIDDLE. Nov. 6, '7O 43.2 m CHEAPER THAN THE CZIEAPEE.T. . , • BANNAN & RA.MSEY • . WILL ALWAYS 'SELL • • SCHOOL - BOOKS OF ALL RINFei I ' At Lower Price than any other Booksellers, in • Pottaville, ' - so EMU MT Tilli PRICES kAT ' And all Articles In the • BOOk AND STATIONARY L.l! At &Goat Reduction from Former Prices. 1 , •• • , . edi Mthavir. .TT T• 0 i 1 a lb. • moat to • Thorvetr •be Must otoortmentotEtiii - • 311011inzwiaittiAni.. • - Xo.llolloestroot, likorlll,lll -1111 t. - (Opp, goilastoottl.) ° - =ter- . -... w ~«. ~5~.:4~:.~-.•.~ ~ K » =.. t ; SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, •PIENNSYLV.ANIA ; Mfg memoir es inumnut, - COAL BROKERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. $l2B DOCK RTREEn _ pane, AlthOß . SaoVt...., which cun be bad at moderate prices. - He a b•ri fuel splend id a.saort ment of tin, brass, Britania, Jammed, glare, wood and willow ware; hollow an lianlware. Also. brushes, brooms, oil cloths lable cloths, door mate, ,clothewwrlngers, trays, and hatchet knives, coif foil lamps, knives and forks, and all kinds of • (firmware. Also, gridirons, roast- In pans, chi Idrens aleighs audakates, table, tea and butter spoons, - mice and rat, traps, patent nutmeg graters, KO ttpons. lemon(squeexers and Valera; bini cages, table Mats, tie cleavers, egg whlpa , tufting peitato in aaliers„ breed bths, wash boardi, wooden touxia, !lint and-tailor irons, sausage cotters and stuffens, clothes lines, 'toed cords, ,clothes ).ine, corn poppets, cake cut ters, at hdlestlekt, dredge lioxes. savings banks,roatett Exixesotchool compan t l - ions, slates and penci l toilet:set/4 bath tubs, hatch, ets, listudnens, axes, depti and .A.tond boxes, flour sieves, meat saws;' coffee mills, concentrated lye, glass drainers , fancy toys. lard' cans, washtubs . wash ixianis. sheet zinc, market and fancy baskets. castors, knife 130,M,44,, IKl3oVeitt,, pcikers, tongs, coal buck c p t ra ket ties, stove and shoe blacking. Also, oils, ts , vat - M -11 m window glom, putty, lanterns. an many article, too numerous ton, mtintiOn. Also, ;voting, hp 011( I and all kinds of Job b ing done to order, and at the shortest notice. Persons wishin any,of the above mentioned articles would do •well g by calling and examining before Pufehasing elsewhere. SOLOMON 1100 V hit, R et OOT*B RECT/ONA.T.. WBOUG T ION SAFETY'. BOILERS. , 1 . , ROOT'S IBI;PROVEG TRUNK ENGINES, Stationary, Plirtable and Double Pl-ton e quern Hoisting Engines, Hoist-, lelachinery fail Coal abaft% 'Sloping, Grist mine, IS torsi, &c., .itto. tine of these Holsters ctn he seen running daily- at HILL 11AT.11.1.4 . Colliery, Mahanoy City, PA ItTICUL.AIt ATTENTION INVITED TO the liot.:er, which basin° equal. Ad dead points ind two pistons in one cylinder, either end of which la taring full steam when the other is passing centre, It reqoirOsi no Iltiction straps, clutches or brakes of any kind. Rtarted, reversed or stopped instantly, and nt any point of revolution, by the simple ntorementof a tingle lever. Having no keys, gibs, set screws, oeother; adjustable parts, which. In other !whitens require the knowledgean d constant Iracure of an experienced engineer, can be mit in the of the moat inexperienced persona. All its working parts are enclosed in the case or cYlindsr * and are thus protected from breakage, the -effects of dust, dirt, and rust or Weather, Its extreme light eiimpartness and rapid speed, highly commend It fur 111 os. Orders remised for the mantiftentree by the 'dentin:wk. who also furnish descriptive eztni , x ea, price Rats, dritwinips. estimates, azul other inform lion. ' I ATLIANIFM GARFMT, Mahanoy'CitY. Pk. A. H. CHURCH. * iftnville, Pa. ktur FIRST..— ---,--• . _ -. 7 -. ~. , v 1 r I : 310R1 1 (TAGE . BONDS '. 0,, , ... , . ST.. JOSEPH & DENVER . CITY t • , 1 , . , • , - .... . . Riiil Road Company, . •, • . ' -- .PAYABLEi -_,iN G , OIM;* - ~ • 1 • I, .. With Interest at (8) Eight Par Cent. also Payable 1 - in Gold. 1 .. . .. -.- VouEons on nzonrrEntr•. ,i , • ._. • , • 1 'i , . ,-7 -- i . • , .. , ?ma Firsi-Claa• Bawds ars .taur foe sale ,by the Co - puny thrbugh the naderslaned , and are c osh - dv tiy renownesnLed as enahtnlog AlllallaDrlittoT . .. sAvr.-cv and a LAUCIa INCIIIMIt. - - • Almost the entire Ilneill tven_pletid and In inecesa rot °pan uon. Oaly - Tweirty Hiles of Truett to lay ra. the Western Terrain,, sad that. being rapidly - The preftut - traffle of lb Road la AMPLE -GEAR. AhTlai ftir the RELTAISILITT at these Securities. -The !toad runs West from nr. , JosErsr, and fort= a. through East and West route.. Mortgage per male 613,800 'covering Fetatehlae ' and - all propel-By. • 3 1 1 lA`Agill of Road. 111 les. • ' - Total Issue of Bonds, 111 800.000. ' ! PRICE trl 1.1 sad sorspedilateettst la earreater.. Maps and Pamphlets Int - dished an appllcatlon - F.gpreertage for account or purchases tree of charge W. P. CO.NTEIME & ..C0., : , - 5f Pine street. New Toth. ' TIM tt My ' .. !Dior. P.; M-- . -tr- • Wall ear Tork. ( -.1, _ ..$lOO ADDITION, s' BOUTITIv.--Ity Act of July is, 10. 4 e time of elsbnleg tilli bounty was extend ed six months from that date.: This time winvoon expire. ' Tbe following 'are Intl tied. If they hare not inresdy eolleoted tt: All soldiers who enlisted for three or two t r afun ars before July I.lth, 1164, and readvedllloollnH bounty and no more; and all such sole lers who were Machined before seising' two Mil, for worm& or IIV linen of ldod.. ruptures. not dis eases. era en though. they bare not read'sd any bounty; these ,*si, are Moo entitled _to tbe SXO original The widows children l ig? ;It at the 4E104 the law, July ? Bth 1561 , and to of all soldiers, null. cured ribose who bare - since their diecharge. entitled; and sitters smelt;moldier* i before serving two yews. kir ty, ar Memo' contrected in tbe service, who Medal 'eft_ eilidelher or disease, before Jelly 2iels. lniik the trteserodiu. dren, or patents are entitled. ./wr.h the soldier blrn elf. u. vine, would net be entitled. • t?spets Fir the tekeethm et prisidassAN. Gill the kb of next Droessiber tompsetea. eons* ed. for end warded Ilar-Mlnimk- • - -,...—.__ "All Wade of Beeing , .. -MO ewers, for sale.; . ChM .- - • tt -- •.. !. Aniainn , • ~... ~ w. i t, s9uft, “ • Nov lia, '7,-110.*40-tf L _ ' ROB?. IL BEAM I' . 1 - = As. R. ummuie .., - ._- R. B. BERTH Ai CO., • i • • , - . I . FIRE INSUR AN CE, , ' - , ,_ ...- -.1 -.-__, AN'iItBACITE° BOARDIi . OF TRADE - BOOAN:" - I No. 178 Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. June M. Iti. • • 1 I 122-26tt HOLIDAY: BRIDAL AND BIRTHDAY GIFTS. PARIAN AND LAVA : FARE. -I lIRCQUERED AND INLAID, CHINESE AND JAPANESE CURIOSITIES. A FRESH rxvozcE OrCHEA . P DECORATED (TUNA TEA .SE i rS• FIRST CLASS GOODS. t I LOWEST CASH PRICES. • TYNDALE, MITCHELL & - CO., China, Wass and, QueenaWare, .t 707 Dee,. v.; 7t . b7' CIIIESTI6O3II9IICT. PNILADr I ZP/11?L„ 70T 1128 ' 01i - B . SiTT STREET , AND 828 MOM STREET, Philadelphia. MILLIKEN 'S, LINEN • • 11.. 0U S U'R NISHI Cr t GOO . DS . WINTER BLANKETS. AU the heti makes of Blankets, from the lowest to that:blest qualities nude A BID FOR LARGE BLANKET SALES. .To increase our Blanket Sales this Season, we shall sell at unusually close priers. "Wo promise that ouraliirket customers will be - pleased with our Low Tvurr. DIARSEILLESAtILTS and IXISIFORTABLES ! Entirely ,Net Stock Fresh Goods New Vat. terns Greatly Reduied Prices Marseilles-Quilts are much cheaper since laat Reason. Our Stock bellig quite new gnd tresh,-our insfomere may depend on finding in our stack' the latest styles, and best value In the market. . . . FL&N"FLs' Iq.ANSELS ! CONTENT:if:OF elt7R 1.7 ri,A-Nht, DEPART.M.ENT:-.-' f Ilallardvale Flannels—all the'wldths, and all illi qualltle,.. Calbert'al Flannels, Real Welsh Flannels, Saxony Flannels. Shaker Flannels; all quaittloS—Red, Blue:and Gray Flannels. Extra Heavy Hugenoti Canton Flannels. • - • JIILLIKEN'S LINEN STORF. shoivs the titnst extensive *Stock of Linen Gc•ods to la fonnd lo Philadelphia. SPECIAL BA EGAINS in TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, SIIEETINGS, TOWELINBS:"&e. • . I • GEORGE 3111.1.1KMV, nu asesnit Street, and t riqii Arch 'Street, Phlladelphisf. Oct 1. 70-40-8 m Eli Jun. 2.9, '7O-4.131 ,Stouts, Ecingeis;,ict. T HE NEW GALVANIZED IRON' CLOTHES LINES. can' be had st BOLOMOikI HOOVERIti sTtecE, TIN and'TIOURE-FLTRNISIIING STORE, THOISf4O3 DONOHOE. Burtinwor .'first Class Carr!iages and Buggiao, , . • as tat uktrat .aink host *mot= mum. IiIAMITACTONT-4bit. Szcottb I .4xn NinnrunAt Sir eta !Nitwit • saac at Yount= !Um; PartsVIILLT. Oossiantli as bead, a gotd moortmeat nay and immood-band • 7--8111 "1"sliad to ripoi4oi. " April la GREAT BA RGAINS. • i BEY ATI m mo. . . r • . . THOMAS BOLL's, ale CENTRE . PO:I4TOLLE. MIMI • 1 LAW-A4"d ; Mi ll i ti r dlN ' EiCittai - CE CO. OF WILSiINGTON, DELAWARE. , • 4ORN P. McLZAR, President M. M. CHILD, Seclietary. .. ' 1 1 1:t1 1 1.NCII•OFFICE: ' N. W. COHN= NINTM AND Gams - rem"' Sistaa - rs. i'. Philadelphia. 4 . .GEO. W. STONE. , Vies Presidelit; Manager. GEO. F. TURNER, Gen'l Agent and Attorney. Pinumt • Low It f aims. All Polle!es Noii,Forfelting ifier One annual pay ment. Rvery ace smitualatlon consliftent with =defy guaranteed to Polley Holders. Hooks containing full Information concerning the plans and roles of the Company es•nt free on apellal ,tion to the Branch Otflce. Agents Wanted throe loud Me hiales of Pennsylvania ad Yen. Jersey. Rencaileeza (by permleision)-11on. R. W. Gilpin, Chief Juat ice State of Delaware; lion. Thou. F. bay aryl, U.S. Senator ; from Delaware; Ht. Rev. Alfred Lee, Bishop of Delaware; Gen. Henry du Pont, Pow der Manutr; . Hon. Cloy. Saulsbury, Cloy, State of Del.•, the Presidents of all the Hanka lu the City of Wilmington; Hoy. d. S. Valentine, 3lavOr City of Wilmington. • • July 2.3, '7O--315-I,Y i . OLD A.11D71 . 3 , .. pD. INCODPDBATED 135 L PURELY MUTUAL. • BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE THOMAS F. FI..E.NRETT, ; JAMES FRANCIS, Vice ?mildew(' B. CHICKE.IBING, Secretary and Treamper. J. L. GREENE, Asidistant fvereti47. '- Nan-Forfeiture allPolicleac3u4iatoedpy . Law. I " In ease any pretratint Is not .paid when due, the policy to nut forfeited: but the holder remains In sured for the full tonna tit, until the premium already paid and unearnsd!ta exhauated by the cost of tartar epee at Menet ntte. One Annual CAR 4 Premium on an ordinary' Lille Policy will vontinne the insurance. for Two lies= and QS Days from the time the policy wan issued, or ' Onelient and eV Ihtys niter the Second Annual Pre mium becomes Due... Should the second premium not be paid, and the; insured die within one yeat and titi days after such tn-payment, the full amount of ' the policy would belituittiess only the.premiurn due and unpaid. The larger the number of premiums :. ! paid, the longer will the insurance continue,-in ease of non-pavinent of premium. The Berkshire Life Insurance Company has paid tinder this law Six Claims, which in Cotapanies of other States would have been worthless; 'and billow continuing the Insurance on over •1011 polleleis on which the holders 'have been linable to pay pre ' The last claim paitl under this non -forfeiture plan was that of a Member who insured a feW years since ftxr $3,400. In [PO lie (sited to pay his annual pre tniums ip Janunryllnet. one year and tivemonths afterwards, lie Wed. The Company has pall to the widow the full amount, *Vol, sews only the overdue payments and 'interest. Every 3fenaker WeiteircA . imerg Day.i inaicramire pfrici for.- . . ALL ALL Pr. 0177,4 MN - MET, .%3LONG rrrr I vLtcr HOLD gas. • c•:,'L.• ANNLAL CASH 1 ) 114F2CL.W.. ECONWCiCAI. lIANAGEKILISL Careful selection of lives, Safe Investments. • flood Agents and tiolleltors Wanted !ix information, aiddv at the hontnottlee„ W. (IRAV.M, General Agent, ht.= 1,1/ 1" t W. e: r. I MO.'S NTII and enzymic - 1' srs • DE.L.PH lA, Oct la, 'at flril. W. FOWLS t SON. Prornietors. &era - bait, ifrogittats and deafen reaeraily. • 1 Nano r-lattindi macs I.t :18ed L March if, 111 ' lS.lptow of the eininem— end Professor. Ibsen/ devoted a 7 ”ors to abentaatism and on Nisbe pub t& specially. and b by theiledleal Professi ely armounoed as the highest anthosity in _ltbeantrdietchu nta. (see testimony.) It isplessant and ' to the taste and warranted yea from minerals and Werke* It is a scientific preparation, mo maillent and warranted meter solemn D ohaerms.. hard.banblefm. peettivaenre !Or Inflammatory Rhea itiatism4 Chvollta Rbeninatiam. /tbsa: snails= or Kidneys, bramble in the Head. =lse Body. Nervous Headset*. and fervent • Bold by Drogldstaat ft re per ballet ids bottles ft M. Medical advice, eb izth out salaam, mins A.l ,.......brietter. All orders tout tor Prom cOlh=al Depot. No.llBoutit Bt. Phi '7O-111 • DADDOW' ll BMW NA4* , ao sha MS tha t itaatasa . , ' This lisp is ills/est of Ms Antal:mato dal llisrlass ist maw Taal& /L dighirs la isills7 iirioPeela timaTitiristaileas.Pftanditiosibetairet iallevoill with locatkotoe all thosollissisa la l ti lli.b inkal= r ts OW ilia; &i% ' . Price ea Iliolieni_:.;' -..... 11l " Ia ass lior Padua. la shwa_ • 4 . Do . *K , ' 710,111,10 8 C.RESNOT BTBRZT. ANI &N ARCH '!,fiREET, Philadelphia. STORE hiisuranct. PIVF Example at the Ago' of 43. g 26 • - - bee on • at ,*T' "se Potattadi Mks It J. lk Damn. . , 451 S North Eighth St., Philada. itaa t h la _, t V:l4') v-YEGRABLE '' - ; ncolor sad dressing that will Ot burn the hair - or injure the . . :- 414. ' ! 1 .' .It ' does not produce a color mxhanieally; as the poisonous 1-' , preparations do. J It gradually restores the hair to kiti original - color and Jr:nitre, bjqs . t3Pplying new life` vigor., it'esuires a luxuriant growth ofs hi; line hair. 0 best and safest 'article e offered. glean and Pare. No sediment ohi everywhere.. 14.131 C FOR DOBRINFI. 1 Ee',l • ,ot' s?‘ 0V , 10 44t1 LASS cm RDWARE "ay T acorn mow 1 AND STIMIL. -- 1 At M& No. 251 Centre Stmt. 'hat CALL 1 T AItYLE, 4 SCIIIIICS New wards Store Sib. =Centre St.; to buy 0)0'14_0 ti Rakes, Spades.Bltovels, Corn and Oar dei4 Hoes f all klyais. S94a. 1 15CALICS! SCAL.ICS ! ' •' ' . Of all hinds, and the best- n the tneiket, at 14YER A SCHL'ICS, Alents(No. =Centre Street, z ' I L . • 1 , ~' Pottsville ...# 4 110 - tict§. trFACTURERS AND USERS OP 1 Engines, - de. , • in- Schuylkill ; Counkr— TAKE N Cl., that I have sold to ALLISON & BANNA. otPortearixm.arl interest in my PATENT STEAM PISTON and have given them the entite control of ;It in said County. with power to collect all -moneys due or to become due thereof for the menu .facture awl use of The same. DAVID CLARK. Basletou, Pa.. Jan. 'THE Cr-PARTNERSHIP heretoforeaxlatind under the firm name or WELD, NAGLE, & CO., in New Y rk and Philadillphis, and WELD, SHER WIN & CO., in Boston, to this dardissolved by tualserit.„ The accounts of the old firm Will. be settled upland the Mistimes continued by' the new firm of WELD RICE &VD.. j ~ GEO. U WEID, , • EDWARD SHERW/N, 11. , ,W... AGILE, WELD, HEN RI: A. RICEoIs. TERI/ EREIGNED have ; tan day formed a CO-YARTNERSHIP. for the purpose of carry. lug on a general Wholesale Shipsdng and Commis, slon C4l ) Busineas, under the ; style of WELD; RICE A. ~ at - :01134 Walnut St., Philadelphia ;411 Broadway, New York :11 Doane St., Boston. GEO. M. HENRY A. RIC ,E Jr_., Ang 21i 1 ,170 -34•J ' 'HORACE HOWLAND. .i—The Co partnership heretofore exis . 131 • itig 13etween George P, Owen ries Long and Albert B. Eckel , trading undee , th Arm name of Owen, /oug.& is hereby dissoly by mutual consent, he accounts of the 01(1in/41:will beset* tied up, 11 the business continueditTlhe new film of Owen, kel, Colket & GEORGEV. - O ' WEN.. • CHARLFA LPN_ ,0 ALBERT 13. ECKEL. , • George Qwen, of Tremont; Albert B. Eckel and Henry • - C, Colket, of Philadelphia; and (Marten Long. of Donaldson. have as/iodated. under the Ann name Of c ?wint, Eckel Colket & Co., for the 'purpos.- Mini/ of Min and Shipping Coal from the Colket and West kn Lorberry Collieries, and from the Eureka Colliery'On the . Lyttens Valley Veins at Donaldson. SchuylilD COunty, Pa. •. - 0111ces:-i-NO. 23 3lerrhants' Exchange. Phil/lA:lel phta, Pa. iTri•mont, Schuylkill County . , Pa: GEORGE Y. OWEN. ALBERT B. ECKEL. . - • HENRY C. COLKET Pni LAD , CHARLES LONG. :Lll f iLt. Nov. 15t,1370. 'Nov 23--43-6 t OE 1311si11tsi Itatbs: H' B s .soTssas,, I, CIVIL ENGINEERS, • Mining Engineering. Colliery Maps for Inspector's ,Otilce. Railroad Location and Construction ; Topo graphim./*:urveys andall other professional work executed and on reasonable terms. tee Street, Pottsville. • Jan. 1, 70-1 11.-- It"ILI C'ILETME LNIGINKS.R, SURtEYOR, Ind Jp;TATE -AGENT -01124-811vet Terrace, Petteriile, Pa, .Z—tf July 9, H"Br RLEASA.N TO, , ' • . • CIVIL AND MI MSG • ENGINEER . , Surreyis and Inspects Collieries: and examines Mm eral Lands, I Orrica—Bantum's idullding, f Jan I, '86.1 Centre SL.oPPosile 41acOpaleburch. I WALT ________ _ _ 8 IL 111LA/Pra. dirILAND NTSINCI ENI3I.4*EP., • lso cEprnt_p STREET. POTTSVILLI% PA.._ .' eurveya Railroads' &c Speci a l at tention _tven, to tlevelopin.fulayll. I,uPlialrt;2tllll C ation • - • QTRilli 0 ' A COCHRAN, emu. and Mittnto %..1 Exam xea, , and Dairownsace, LikCentre St.. • Jan 1, lail.ly Pottalltiaoitp stairs.) • Air DM nifSPECTOR.--OEO.BROWfroffers his AY& services as Mine Inspector and to Reportl-on vonditioniapicity and value 01'431111es ; also to sell lands on mnilasion. Oftice—Potteville, Pa. JulY,M.' • i , - 30.8 i n. 13 W. SjI.E.APER, Porrsvms.x, PA., A * late the Pennsylvania State Geological Sur. ,yen explores lands, mince, &c. Jan I; '619.1 §AilitlZ ------ ififitlitlfAN, - JearlCE OF TIM 14.ACIS,'' Real "late Agent ., and Licensed Auctioneer, • 1. No. / AttANTaNtio Sr:, Porrsvitue, PA. • Special a tention given to all brislness In the above Ef t branches: 2Havlng A large experience, satisfaction and Dram news guaranteed. Collections especially solicited Att . will receive immediate at Jan. 1, . 1 j • •- '- . . C. OPJ.TSCH informs the puldlethat he . ban purchased the • . \ _ l e. SOAP Kcip CANDLE FACtORY,. corner of Second and nigh Streets, Potts Ville. lately owned by E. C.Neldt & Co., which he (Mr. Kotiltsch) establishe4 in 1844. The new Arm will be C. F. Mop itach A Son and they pill manufacture all kinds of Saws andlandles. The patronage of Storekeepers and the pa Hein general la respecru ll y soliclte&l July 2, '. , : . ^-1Y • . WILLI/AL L. DAVIS, Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter, .. .. No I 21 M i tirsArdroo Srnasr, PoirstiLts , • liovint hien ltl the business over 10 years In Phil adelphia, Wet him unusual far ti .ii i l i ties for deriving his supplite from drat class ho AP Particular' attention' i d, to country work. March 20; '7o L ly G ICORG MARTZ. ABOHITZCIT. Inventort the a MA self , dirmp gr in limrr e cases ' "Is and vi o lr- tool breakers f the. usual height , saving thereby' a great am tof timber in a larva, breaker. The self.orimpl cases are for slopes. and sha ft s.. With 4: or withoutdoor to cur and with water apparatus attached to dispense With pumps, It self-dumps one or two stories, and hoists one. two or three cars at ' the same time. , , The advertiser Willi:dais, superintend Or. contract to build colliery Improvements of all kinds. Minchs, `ll . 1 i . • 10 ly • - - -- I L. Pi - WHITNEY. • I 1 • BA.N.KER, - - 160, , iarn 1 fre &., Pottaville, Pa 1 i nximlna In i • •.• GOLD Axil SII.VER, _ , .1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE, i,• _ , VNITEDI E Er e IES AND OTHER BONDS. f. MONEY N TvEn ON DReosIT—INTRERaT allowed as per special agreement. STOCKS arid BONDS bought and sold at the New usual Co York and Philade/phla Bawds of• Broken' a t the mm i Jan I. l'O , Won. t• IMI . . . . Ms , s, MOO; -&c. . , .. - I . YPORT • e T , • 1 . ' T ME NEW 'TONIC „ . BOOT It; HOE EMPORIUM' Is now In fall o• • don. and the attention of the buttes of Pottevil als especially Invited to the largmr_ stock now In eters and arriving daily' of all the finest clams of goods. suitable for bidies° wear. and to this market. Mr. trine has made a ilsil pof Mita branch of basin and gives him partl ipe enlar a tentkin to 'Retiring the . line of ladiaetvrear ever brought to the city. Ere atteFicin,.. will be paid to customers, and a invit louts extended to all. • i 4ctober 2 HENEy moth. 1.:41/ 1 . • , • . 43-1 y - • . -....1..---...-- '. ' At . ' 4 1 iAI all if b • -, „ LAND WARRANTS WAISTED OF'_AE oF 1812 AND MEXICAN . tt FOREIGN COINS KTOClitt, GOLD. G. MEAN -1111.4T and her IN., BOUGHT and SOLD. COLLECTIO twayr made small potlnta. DE. No pain. sr 11 bc to serve the Interosta ot thaw who favor larrir th thrd_r_ wiriness. • 8. RLMETON & Rankers tutil Broken, No. SO South it /ma 1. 111 . I—ly BLASS/USTI!. lal7lLlll. LiffllBl6. &C. • &IS t , lto lillanketa..ll4/0 tOSIS 00. MI wool Coverlets and Comfortable.. -•-• Jail ia zil Led am p, St SO to $5 CO. • • •-..• Wel 111 _a. Ss 00 to g 3 oa. ' • . Lap lanke Leurnauo Ro& ' . Travallnallillanketaand Mandel. • . I 14.NENS. . . ~. 213 41. 0a.FluoTowela, 62 50 to 14 CO. rid p a. (4). . • and American crane.. . .. • I Table Llsonati oni oe. to SI Ok - I k e • Ono Dios. &ie. •- ' 60p W C Damaaka. OM. tap. • .• MIMI% 5126 up 6 a Linens. ovary number. -. Oh itosolns, full llan t , all styles G t ' - i tADnew MUSICK :. - • . . • ' 1 .1. _4I2 AM 1221`. 11 2LaWLIS. . J , , . .I PINEOn. LVVISHS. - ' . , - . - 1 • -. • 1 MEV. PCIPLISIC: •• '° , ..-• -; ......,4,1 as _ :. 7400 - 1 4 311 it tICIX'4II6, -- . . ILL Ouspus Mimi ,iia Kaastrillntine„__ _ : - 0 41:716-430. 1 • ' IPRKLinikuit t .< ; 454 m admen DECEMBER, 1876. Vie Simmer. DEEP ..IqK LING SHORT-HORNS. 'A friend of ours' who by careful breeding_ and selectionjuia succeeded in establishing Lt tine herd of sulking short-Horns, sends us the following selection . from an English paper: • If the fine size andA, feeding proper ties- of the short-Horne cn be combined with deep milking, it will raise them greatly la the estimation, of our dairy farmers, with whom butter, milk and cheese are speciali ties not to be dispensed _with,. : ,even for size, and fattening qualities. the ayerage lite of a cow the Surma production in milk, butter and'eheese aggregates a heavierprotit to her oi - nb than any. beef: producing ufff dencies. •. 8110.11T-110111CS FOR TILE DAiRY: "At a meeting or the Lingseote Agrieul- - tural Assciciation - i England, , Dr: Battler read an essay on Short-liorns, front; which the following extract is taken : • • ',‘The advautage is to the dairy cornier, - • having to combat some very deeply seined . .and_ wide -spread prejudices 'against - itur e bred Short-horns. for dairy pUrpot-et,., but cannot help thinkjng that the dislike this *tittiryman to puna' . bred animals is one of the greatest .plement day, sand does more .niitchle . P. than' anything else in retarding improvement among the generaK herds ttf;-the country, and, contequently, the 'supply of beef for the want of our , and inpreasing . population. The calves pro ducefl_oii ourilatry .farms are chiefly brought : up by those whose farms - are better adapted to the rearing of young stock.thtt for dairy purposes ; - :::the consequence is that - they or.- obliged . to 'keep them until they are t _vests old tit get them as large - I:And marketa:- ble as a well-bred ttnimatwould - be two 3 . :ar-: • old. . • • "On.thp other hand, I am bound' to adn, that there is a vast difference in the still if properties of pure-bred Shurt r -liorirs„an,i ii is aluestion which I think •has beele • much neglected by breederS of Stuirt-ilorn; , - - .;.i. 'generally speaking, but I firmly beli6 if proper care be •taken in iwlecting from good milking . families, and theprOde; • .kept well; but mit over fed, they writ! COMPIVT6IOIIZB WOW'S with any onkerr br« , i of animals in the kingdom. ;No doubt eat 4: - forcing,has been the principal cause Why.r,i, • many of the 'pure-bred Short-liras present day•are - bitOniikers, for 111(16, m i . doubt, if you artificially force the heifer, you the. tow_ for4lairY parprscs-,- ;or th;• rich;kintlly:qualitY and agreat aptittn',t , t.. 1„ fatten, whielyare the great charauterhstre the breed, render it less difficult to spoil ' pure-bred animal ink-that' way . than iutt other. 'The, improved Stilt-Minis turd an l• _ .cellent character for their milking !Tope:- ties in the early days of the Freed, which it seems .-to ! have inherited by the .Duchc,, tribe whickyou:all km)* is the mot valo..- ble tribe - of cattle in the kingdom at thc. present day. .; • ."Bates left onitecord that the first gave £4 lbS, of butter 121 ozs. to the per , w&tk'after caking. don't know. whetlici' • any of her debeentianis which are in exe, tence at the, jiresent4inie giye iw intielt but ter as,the first Dueeess did , but.if not. have no doubt it is attribtitable in a great measure to the .Sit, that, while ,t he (miners of tbcm. ean get 460 guineas • 'for .each ca-If, milk 'l4- eoines'asecondatreonsideration.• :‘-"I feel sure the dairy farmers. would do well to pay a little !Mae attention td thi• point; even if they loge a little in the_chces.. tub; it would be tripreAliun compensated for by the incteasedNalue of the calves, its Welt. as their annual draught bf cows, besides. th.: greater advantage they-Would con'2er on h - grazier." —Pea et Fa Cr. . . I' CHICKEN DIiiLASE.-1. intVe a ghlit:Vrit•i:: of faiwy fowls at DeKalb and lianevi!le-, some• of which I paid great ,priecs for; ::aid, prized, accordingly. But as is usual with my farthing 'experiments, they began .1:, dmop,' and-soon . the. Houdans began to..dft . .. ,t.hiVn•the Creve `Cteurs and other crowded varieties, and finally, White porking and .other 4. Their . heads became ..sor, , , - eves swollen, then total blindnesS, . with eye_ ready to -burst - from heir.' satkets, NV !Mit . they would do on ..the , least pressure Witli thumb and . finger again's the sides of tlit'ir heads. .Every one that beeame blind di( d. - Some are losing all or nearly.' all ti-it -chicketts,., as well as old ones; and dare not even use their eggs.- 1r'...1 I have read_ many poultry botiks . , aud 'never fail to read all -I cm see on the subject I la paperk, but have never seen an iteeoum 1 of u lik6 disease, or of syMptOMS at all lil:'.: l' the-above.' - . - - • 'BO-1 fed thorn •sulphur, red pepper, blarli pePper, and all otherfiery doses that I had seeu s tet*numentied; bat ;still they (lied-till some varieties were extinet, when l -was. reading..,,tut4ditorial in the MAssAcitusr - rr- Pr.orGfOtkx, upon the treatinent of-pour trv,. describing the etteets . of dice andlt . ve l fmitt 'on poultry, and it occurr oiu • that my fowls might be lousy. '1 took lb, nest train for, Kaneville, and began a eon. : flees inquest 'On alive chicken,. and to•to e horror saw the cause. • _Their heads were eiwered . witb n perftt wit;:sQfj );ili4l One up, , n allot het,ond king, Hat kind oi*Jice busily adding lulu dreds more. ' • ; Atanig:the wing quills were thousand, of a sinallerkind lice,in heaps. • • f• made - a• quantity of sulphur :and' lard ointment and prepared for business; put it on several timeS, and hired the boys - to earn tbei Job. Not one has died since, al though n* neighbors are still losing as many as ever. -Chi.. Fecriiu r. • • ,L -gal notices ... • TN- THE CRIMINAL COURT Or SC YL -HTLL COUNTY. in the matter. of granting Tavern, Eating House and Wholesale Ligtior Li denses.=-Notiee is herCbc given that all person, whose Licenses expire in March. WI, most file ttiKir petitions fore the same in the - ottica of the Clerk 01 said Court. oitlon. before the :9th of Deeember. IS7e, an they will begranted at - thelanuary Term UM) of said Court, auci not at the March Sessions, us.hereto 'fore. • Also, all aimlleant4 for ."new stands - .mustle their prlltiona in said Court, at the time and illara aforesaid. lty the Ornirt N0v,19,70-47-6t gegat garbs. W. CAKE, :it.. . T 4 TrnetNET AT I LAW J• • °Mee: Sr.. over Barman dr. tarr.sey:y. nook Store, Pedtsvale. Pa. 770-4.-1 y HARRY C. DORNA.N. ArroasiY %T Law, No. 145 Centre tit., a few doors below Episcopal tli arch, pittsyllle: ' April ZS, 70-17—ly f _ • —..—... . -------- -- . • P. pai.J.T.si, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " - - A 1 4113 Street, Ktenandoali, Pa.. - Jan 1.7, - 7,1•44-1y • . , . HERBY C. 811.EAFE H; Arroimay , AT LAW, Mae° , 155 Ce ntre St., Pottaville. ~....,may...41?—.7.1-r-tf Glet . tAl l .4 t e t U C ftl l ct l g l ko. ic i lig i gt i g St!, nearly , opposite . 51,1neia' Bank. ' April 13, '69--14--af • J. 5.711.518 R. CILITPBBLL, ArrousizT LAu, ' Jut' 1, ' Ll7O-10 South Simi stret,Phtladelphia. ivlLLLiiia.lthifin A TTORNEY AT . LAW :10. Is 4 Centre St., Pottsville. Pa. • . , Jan D ANIEL D. DILLICILN. , _:.ArronnEr AT -Pottsville, Pa. 01110; Rotranan'a new Building, cnntre Mt., Potterille. Jan le, 69-3—tf ARLBR7 KNITTLE; ATTORNEY-AT-LW% ()rape, No. 16.1 Centre Street, Pottavllle. Pa. Alt claims promptly collected : October 16, '66, 7 -1.2—1y GE 0,1164 1 - 08WIEBZES,.(Late of the Chan:Orem- . burg Bar,) ATTOIINEY4,T-LAW, No. 181 Cen tre 8t.;,-ai Boo* potteville, IN. 'Nov.7 - 6, '6B-15-1y UT'RAMSAY - POTTS. ATTORNEY AT LAW v . 0111ce, corner of Centre and Market street*, Pottwrille, Pa. 'Collection* promptly attended to Can lie consulted in Merman, Novl2, LAW AND COLLZOTION orinciv . AC}RIsToPHER Litrz-E, ATTORNEY LAW and Pu Not Any nitc, • . Sept 1, Pottior ille, Schuylkill Cp., Pa "MOIL L. ADDISON. • 'TBANCTS WARREN o ocoa, DEALmius.,GAII .COMPANIES. • The undersigned slime eded read & War. to ` the sole manufacture of Foebt's eelebrsted Paten SEW , -HUMPING.. - HOISTING ' SCOOP EEO IRON norsorpzu . nr.ovics. orourilthuling Coal, Ore, Man de., Sc. Also, In the manisfacture of IRO?.; BOX NyI..LEE.TAARROWs, nox • Clt ♦AD Are prepared to rill alt orders • with promptness and ' dispatch. k . NOTlcE.—fleing the sole - owners of the Paten Biget for the Itelt-Damplog. nolating,Scoop Bac • and Dock Block. trecantion all persons aga s factoring or purchasing the same from any except ourselves or oaf news. •as we will prose , to to the-almost 14011 V Infringement on the Letter% Patent Bespec ADDISON &Iir:VERB : N. Reading Pa. • Februat7 . 4-4 y 1-01' RIIIGH VAL/AFF RAILROAD COW'S"- . . 'Tillie Table, showing connections of the f„,, V. R. • toCO. with 'these of the Phila. &Reading R. IL Co. and from Pottsville and Intermediate points be wren Rending and Pottsville: r• - • _ . • I.t. M. , i, Y. ir. N. Leave •rot,_ taville - 1 -5.40; 0.00 2.46 Reading.. ... • 1 7.23' 10.'M ' 4.24 • • ". heat Pen ner. luiiiiii;i;:::::7; 5.851 11,5,51 szo •Arifie at fatudon..... .... ' -..! 0.16! 12.40 j 8.35 .' ..,...."' -' New Ydri....... - - 2 . .... -... " .. : MIS. B.4at 10.00 - - - ***** ---- if'. V. P. 7C-,P. M.' - e ' RETTMNIN'O. - - - - • - i f .t : ,#,.--e ~ • Leave New York .. ' , 17.00 • " Easton ** . • ' ~....! ... " . East Peana.lauctlon _,a SD 440 _' • ~ " Reading -... ....-- ...A...! 10.40 too , Arrire at P0ttevU1e.....2..:1•....-.. ..... -.......v.-t 1226 7.36' ' Mt;MAtCH CRUNS and intermehiatepoints Pottsvlle, 3.40 and 0.00 A. M., and .2,1,5 P. 51., err-. • rive at Idaueh tdsurik 12.00 Chunk and 9.M P. M. _ Retu Mktg leave Manch 4.46 and 10.3.5 P. .11. ~ apive atFatsvllle, 17.25 and 7.26-P.•111. . , • ~. For aIL , points In the Lehleh coat'E•glous and for reliraada. Waverly and BulTalo leave Pottsville L 6,40 A. X.. •'; • ROBERT IL BA I III4 . • .. et . • Superintendent and Pe • Bethlehem, Dee. 30, 'llO , . • VIF - • TNDIAIif • .IE9WDER ordete *kr a. the ah.zre POWDER can be left at the edice. M .,rU" Ittb ROBERT R. BEAM: or wt nt...iitCA P. ATON. neg. st the I Net mann, and will tw_Protauti_st June 2. 2110111AMIWAJP1 • lit ' El CIIAS. F..liAH\,'Clerk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers