FORTY - SIXTH YEAR rmitiore!.)tiuoint, SATURDAY; DECEMBER - 71, 1870 RATES OFI:A.DVERTISING t•J t ' EOM 1 „ q uart,. (44,„.,)0, (r„„, , , 1 5 4 411 , 1 ...5 :1 ,4, l' 4l arel• ( ( I n° I ' 4ll j • a° ~n t ,?)1 ,41 12 Ti I t 444 .. . • 7 •,' 3,3 cc) 4s (K) 4 ,•1‘131 , .. 0) V-) __" A 1,P11. 3 / 4 .I4:T[CA I...Sri:WA!. so :10 , ...4.-bingieluirrtkin 0 cents One; Meh. 4altaeqam 61:1 ,, rt la - 4 '3) cc n:6 Ix ituo. LOCAL. nUSIICEPS Ncyr I cE4.-.-froara Var, ti firA I wiertion each suitiequent Wc. per low. • ES'ERAL-NoTICa 4 ..- Inird Paz., 'M. a tine VaNt lustrt:ou; each Kata , .. ave.ahl in - -prilw, ce;ll..s per line. AItRIA6E FILNERAL NOTICEz - i-Aot , ,u,pooylng Dozpis::-fr:r two hens>. coots; o...icor.4dittonal Owe Su cents. I'z‘l,l; ER, of Virginia, rettnn n4inis that the iitlit,thalit 'of the bhate We:d?' l / 4 Tirg.inia shall he itilotte,l to pay in the ‘leht , •or the old State, IA: bubniitthd to arid:. tration. This antly it were always adopted in disputes where large awns are iT• -volvd, it would save zuatty a rear of oon-. tepti`On in the Cogrt:, anti ^ g:ent aniennt of wade:ldly_ feet' _ lltiii il..tmon 'against the- Clatuesejs sub -Ming, as it should. - While' the ".people Ott -1,4)e igeir imporip.tion f by eoltrAet or lel 21T t icles",of ceintneree, tli : fact that thi-t Chitivse (.•til•itle.l to et - One-licon the Fatur - aelwr a Fiving and improve their Jirinese have tiaqi ili-,ve,l`l.e 4 1- , .;quiet,. link and hulUsirieus, vd: peciqlly for eteld.-wori:, ioe b..::td:to be very valuable: , It" iS wipet toot ungolerous t - to eltutior V ho sbore, for li l betty and' pen , ohal • • 'Fur: J0i.1: . !;.‘, 7 114 . /liave- Lag lotie:led uh I.•,,weiVtilsly: s ,i)yi, 'lhe thrtAt-,. e !or; i tilVieiit 1 itttevoltr4c ). ith the li tuitu• , u ir:± • tioklovei i; went, out of on L.' • Tiley prue--s to make tigtit of, the . liatter t.ntil to think utueli of :t all," bat' . t iiey will change their tulle if it should be -- - out,,liir, if trade - of the tliygrted tile Cab:ld:Au k.11:::.1.-,:itt reach the At- cua ; :tihruugh ti / b Ul4oe#S in t`:ivada is OU 1t I be I.2riou , ly a!e4,eteti. frtri'nio-t laAoionablo uolor for dresses are , boale green, ()live greeli, plum eulor, garnet 1..r.ww16.n.1 dark mit.. , . . A litis,n_paintei: ikelarei in . 1171 advertise iiwili. Ilit, a!nolt..!.%sitlivr portrait 4, .he ha a repre.4entatiou of.. •Dt:atli as ;arge as life.". Tire Irea.irt- D,.p.trtatma trtw_prints co pi e , or fit o.t . .,.!nent in Gertalti and 2,nay last 41. Prominent bankers Ittlit broker.?:at home 1111(1 ore rezuhfrlv supplied with caple4 of the debt . • tatement.• eapt that if the evil is not eorree4o:l by tlie;:b•:ot•utne/it 01A:ripen sating instnliviently the II:110 houn Coale, ittit iA not :Ore 1.41 y upon n when wine Int rieh men or thieves will to hold any public Ovutt of card -4 nie made in eraintrY annually, and they vary in prim from- to contim.n steamboat 'star ~ or calico taLe& - Si- a gr.)- the el .rant great Mogul cotton plant hack. with gold spots, extra su per etiainel'etl at )iawsaeliusetts buys more of tile-Iligh-priceit c. rd,,than any other State. . I n 94 - e; : and.'-59 yoliAy - profit on the cot. ton ;nano nteto of t i ant 11-itian ve.t•i;3l+;,- It ;',o I, while tI; yaloc ()four cotton crop , t , hot 11 - ,; NVily 'not keep this StraW of vary little eldue :41 •it.• r.ra stiate; . .. lint imported from Italy in .irk 1,:.u . (1;t11 F-19,100 per ton. Why add the val:oe _ • Omura! liotirts. ra.."h eutmtluent vor.t , a , t• ,• , - eulds, bronchith , , , Tour. %,i,”"ping 011101, VIII find - rello lu rizt. lAr Aat cfl• \Vim, I 111:11rty, whiffi . has hoen half a century. and still I,2:,liitam, ii. l,,inv't.s:ll)l6li4 - 41 reputation us the ' iratt 01 ILK , flirt/AL:11111g; and eoat `-rabe. por Po' IL L DE C}31141:1/ 17. 1Z:.). Th e quantity I,elit by for .the week ,:i,ling Satorday lact it.:e4 60,377; by o u j a l, ; for- the , week, 75/117 tone; an.ailtAt 5t0,37(; • a. the eorrespaiiiling week last year. Tho :.;en•ls5.1,:;10; Loxw, 46,60; tkils last year. Ple Suspensi9n of the laiZinetus of the C0t01at 0:,....., a:.l , the sensational laiblic:itiahN tna.le eatt , 4 7 l a lib7e inereased l ror eaai day4; : lo!t. it %%.1:4 soon over, and' priee::4 -", niain without', chang - e. Severareollieri:e. that ,_ LI I -ti , Pende .1 and were induced+) start Bg - di; 1 , 1 con:e.pfetthe of receiving o.l' orllers, 11 ill 1,11 . t . to suspend again very shortly, it sontr i \i. !rice 11 , 4 Aire: 4v suspended. Th :La, V: an :on pl i g Apply of 'e•ial going forward 'to supply the'9e ...not 'at Phil' delphia, New York :ind. italti .. .. . ..:ipee,..thiS , .‘v is . ..vrittm our. let , • - ~,,.• M :frint. f'` -New 1 ork'Siate.: tit it the demand hatnerea , ied in that city, in !Onsequence ofloWlreights, fie., ;tad prices It v 0 'advanced a shade, in con.Se quenee,of tile 2031 phTehased from the Delaware, LaeltaWaWna and Western ( innpany' not being delivered, owing to the :atspensiOn. The Trade is now rapidly \drawing to a cl 7 ).e I„ 1 . the ,year, and we presume but little, if any, trill he forivarded by. the Canals 'after this week. ,Notw)thsaanding• the sui - , , ension elf. the Carry th: companies_ iii the Wyonting Region, the Cehlzh Valley and Lehigh NatlgationA Rail Road Ciunpanies are sending suPplids, to , :ew York,.and the Philadelphia 4.: Reading nu:lto pidladelphia; and the Nortlwrn , Central to B 11:: , tithore, the eonsnthe:s 4.. th ther;jf,re obtain applies froth all the 11,a1:1.1 p;!ints of shiPment. MEGM o , flom 4.t-;: Nr. - ,w ° Yong', II,L , lA, 70. Lt,eorience of. the strz.l-pension 10 tile Itleica. gout re. 41.01 t:11.4 taarket byquit , Waive. T tri.,l2w:jrec Lackawanna and Western Railroad I witparty .Ir7ared a Circrular on the teeth Instant to pu wiasc, - -s at last auction sale, stating that In coast:- of the theieitupan!, - would dr: unable. 1 • . dcllver c ,ll a ,Ii at. that Kale, or the fine 1,, wirchttr•ers at Previous sales ; 'this stiffened trade nave, and Vinci'. then prices have been %ten t hly , tiw Lehigh Coal and Navigation Vont •atul the M.:illte.".harrg Coal and Iron Company rixe,l their prices on the lath Ir.ra. as follows—to. U. :,t .I„llnshai awl Hoboken: Lehigh 1.104, • lisiken bit earrnboat •' • Chestnut - • Willresbarre Lump Steatnbnat' . .... Broken-- Egg '• tittive - r '• . Chestnut h, New 1 . 9.7,1.; centrtler ton.. Tilfht`! NV hi. have sacra:aka at Its! nylklit . Riven attd i',trt Richnlowl are doing their_ hest to get thew r -fo ward to this Market before the ttnal closes. tielista bere art, getting fair.prlces, as-follows:. A. Broken ' E„tg and Stove. „,.. S.; 775%• '. .; bd . - Coeshant 5 - 25 A. Egg anti Chestnut $G As a general thing the shwa in retail ;yards is ogld, awl dealers are spoilt:it-nig 'ag to what they a ill have to payif the strike proves to. be a lung nail need one. To- Eastern trade betrays nn great • sensi tlveness a• yet, son account of the strike; vessels are very i , b•tity, and freigtitahtrave deellaird conacquence-,uf ..eareity of both. orders and coat. I have neArri , or. trelgtats to Proyldenec na low as 'I pot ton. The trade stints up this week as follows: I.3Cltt . . . .% , wEgg ,•TOT w L. ! .• Anthracite. ---1--- — 7 -- _-:„.--;—,.....,, 4a..... g Patitit It . I • Z,1;M,..131 ' . ... -...t. , • ...,.... ..-f , 2. , rta C.a11a1..—.. , . 1,9.1',..i0 , . .1.rt,i67 ii 144 gtr; 1,, Val It It. 4th - 1 . . 4 .1,twi, - L. 41 7 , • . t.sii).lr..l.{ ;94,77.t I. Vit it Nth' , . ::76,i..•1 -,!;%,1:,..! L. Cituni.... . . ... .• 9.: ' 6.11:,t9: &A;:,' . 7118..4 - i , ' pq.. ,, ,9 1 i . 1.. Nov it ii......; 2.3,100 hAy.ll.:l, ..;I,P , .4, 1.R.V.,1!7N , rir., .. . scrlut. It kttb't 1 30,23:11, - Il , t).til'` 1,6:1,401 att,to.l . 4o .r'lthi .. . ir..1•11 , - 41:1 - :. - i 1 i;t4.. , 1 •:1,...9 , 4 1 . 4.1,n It kt.... t*7 • lt,:ai th.:,4•4a; • Iva I pie , ,l , i; ii.471:1i , 1.) CilialS '; - :, . i#,1137" ' 1n.1.1.= 4 3191. .. I/.4 It Cal.;) , : 1,1.... r.: .• • 12292,417.5 101.140 .•I)etII It It ;,,c•iii .1 t..• 30 ' • 491,1=1 . x4?.,:C•0 ' Jraer'n It 111 . 2 NV yoyn Vag tin ' - ; .11".0.•.12' ~ Wyoming 1'..4 It • . I ' 1' ,1 p• R - , , bhainc0 . 43..,.. '.S,I II ; .11ia,.. - 40 : 1. . . 53.4‘..1ii.,..1:.1;•....•••.i :,.', ••• - ,1 11, t..z.,:0: . ' . 42.4;1; • , - ' 1•2,112.qii . . M ••:•••1.1-4,51Ara..1 , . • . :twat Alt. . -.:11•::..1.: 1. vkeYl.l V Co. ' .r . '1. 171, ' . 41..51 . Z. ..,,...,-; ~ - ' IL V ‘‘ unston , *Air, :.4. te:t,oc . .. I,.rq, •-•:at , ..3.t ' *.:.....•.-;-,' I: - ig Lick Cul. ' " • - 9.41 I i--..,-,4----,........-7f..---- 42' _ • . ' Broad Tolp 1112,1 C. B, .1 0. R. IL! 1 : 1 / 311 . 5, 2G. 1 # 111 1 & k• Link-'. ' r :=l - 4 * , 1941./11 41+,4:1 0 , :: 11:1 )14151, 3. , 4%. 401 *li,tal,s.ll kind '1 - ~11.;7,1 19.).1111 , 1! 1 )1c...• CM cruse the report trout the Del/mare nal In -lime for aeriec amity toriat the week Wk. dill wit r ,Trrp ti by ifgial Truk. for I,qo-!-N• T A +rrrc,, Tor AL I:1 • • I /' 4 P. Itit 1.% hi II It 7,01. • i It It Nth ~._l, ';; o :I:i. - Itt , t cat tho„(lecli tit month tile - ,pliSpmem,3 iiacir b >Ol Ti..te excess of Anthem-Ito over ut:6l to '2,051,4ft: tons, ‘rhiclinisy little when we reeeive this toil re- y*ar is re to± itierea.,(!d turns for the year. . :11e supply of all land* moved to - Ward* the +..Pals,ard ezeopt the Gss. C.Vals .df Vronsylvahia, 1_,{,1 up as follows I o In 16k%':: • • ). -Iscrease IS 1470 „... 1,RT7,411 . Toni. 4 '2112..1 6a)- IMI ittS Out e orrcartindeut says that Bituminous Coal re.ceived a Cleveland is- retailing *XV, Sand' soft A r irtfi at V. 25 ' and $7 atk , _ift Buffalo, And'the o think thew prices .very high. - We think they are extremely low: A.nthra-, cite cod is; soiling in Philadelphia, only: 93 n olo: fromethe Coal Region, 14,1 r S to for . Lehigh, and* 50 to" #43 75' for, chuylkill, while. th e people of BUtfale, who are upwards of 400 -Andes rawa r y;lonly ivy the same as thepeople - of /Philadelphia do'. for 7..ehigb. If !Soya Scotia Coal ere admitted free it eould_ not be sold as ; cheap at lintfalo as, American liitutulnoui Coat Is,:whith I largoly* exptl-ted. UV _Canada, al though the Canadian doierument hay placed a duty of 50 cents a tut on American Coal. The :Buffalo FreC,Traciers, efsewhere, are a si.t.ef ignorant. fools, who ought „to Warn sotnething - orliaitors•'to A,nte'ricsu Tifilkr and tree Trade is 't}: tender: lto - the so limuokno., which;Bott a Piatt aitYa,la fast_ tho" ) •c:Meentrated ignorance of : the' j t‹) .5* 5 '25 7 ) 4 7 ) ()l 5 W . : - Ft 9 1 1 .1 75 1 MEDI DEC MO I= 131 ;4/'. 1,21 12111211M1 EMIMMI EWE 16,'..L.1,;....4 11. G :,:13 0:24E1 .60:7 • !.1.:0): ' OVO ~1.41. .1 4.1.,4 MEE OM ...... Ton* 14;102 3 213 "' OE o i • ~ The supply of Anthracite so hr in 1870 is as 1 isOci a 12.412,114 nrowseti IncOs t trijitliSuai coreigioiadent ii; N. Y.. welidlt;atisititat *Mtn**, only fouud lit i.CaliOek itl.golia**, ttt, the I.:nitedlStates. It has been r reeently stated ' on prOttp good authority; that Aithrielta: his Been disenTered to the 'ROOM* Mixintainti, -but or it 4 extent ice have not learned. -It la also fonnil in Wales, but tta quality there is not tad peoll us it 14 in7the Vnitedt#ts ea.` There-is: no A „ thr „ e i te coal-in the path& Anterienui PDX me.* iun4. • ' ifou atilt la4flilliarty_ for the Free Tra4ero itlfuc Itn - anue ;Iteforenetvto tittOol. them- lii® belvas ta tl •- _ W E II AVE" . underatoOd - that 'the ' attepe aled, 1 I, . miners in the „Witpith* ,SBaiiitt; are joitlikog I t, effortlto iiti,t()..,l.tie, - pen, In: . call 'The "Region against the 'foimation . of .a leafs • f0r.,,1,101 -- iy.:. : Whether Ala * : tie aceempltithel we are not pr!.paresl,to state at ,4resent..-3 Conferences have taketOplace, ' r but which - party originated - the Conference We have not - learned. In order to prevent -the miserable failure that took. place 'this year, we will take this ()evasion to state that the state of the trade next year 'grill tie such that no basis above It 2 Its a stopping- - point can be maintained, and It ought not to go . below Zio. That Is as - low as coal ought , to be sold under any eireornstanee:s; Aiid no fixed bask 'will suit all the Regions. Each county • must fix Its own b4sis, based un Me facilities they have for suiTlying the markets, with a full umierstauding that it ' unite , that a suspension trt:l•st - be ordered: all the Itegions .itti 7 vim(' the prkea fall below the. basis in nay one county. It it, just as eaßj- to form a basis on this principle as to have a bisis the same in all the Comities. It wa. , 4 tisb; rtisiaken policy which we cautioned agliiisti that 'ottime.i Butch !4ufferitig In SAuyl- kiil Catlin ty. and also to a certain cxtent in tke Shamokin Region, •vrbile all the other Region, profited by it. If this eannut be done the W. B. A. hi Sohny!hill County bad better ent loose ht enc.', from thn other, Counties and act iadepend• ent ~f thma.-1 flag onr nivice been heeded Nat year, million's woulaltave been Raved toSehuyi kill Couuty,ancl we hope it will be heeded here after. .knoth'er such a catastrophe in Schuylkill County will 4rive the.businewl entirely into the ban:l4 of corporations. There are ~also niany barAnbc:coorthe A. now, in some semiotic of the eiuutY, who feel like breaking off front the W. 11. A. ;If they thonght they could be sus- tai nett, beliesiing that they have greatly last by , hal man.igcuient orate leaders. believe how - irror that the baLtstipstem, fairly carried out, will result in a b .neflt to tno whole trade, ineitnilog the operators', workinginen an.1 . 1.14.50n sinners, iffairly a•Uusted inlci honestly -earrieti out by lynti parties but if it cannot be carried out fairly, the so: nor every honest. wan In the court- try puts his!bat uptin it the better for all • psis ties. A good l oony reforms can be made, - in its organizatio . 4., j which ought to be made. It is,' run too exiki*lsive ; too high salaries are. paid t 'some of It ,ulcers. If they are really tile . - friends of the working classes.. they will' %bon— Ltheir devoilo by working for leas salaries.— i 'I ipire Lit. meeting, Many- meetin, v. - hich 4,94.roases , t 1 exislist - s4 I kis salmis* .auly givesthose Who. : ; reeeive th6se ;al:cries; time to plot miscitief,.and I also weans, tlietti elf from the .real interests of the working Classs; and care more about keep ing the' rsal as." i i es and posi t I ons,ac nd - thus sac ri ape' 'clot). to self-interest. If it had'nOt, been' for - the. fear of losing. their salaries and positionS. on the i•part.of•moine of the leiders • last Spring, which 1 prin'eute-1 them ,Tioliii doing the): . dpty, the c'oilielle4 in this - Itoginn would not have been 1 - I suspended over three or four weeks at fukhest, land theworkbigmen of this - regi on would have ; received at lO;i4t two million dollirs more than 1 they did, all 41which was paid but In the other Ilt?gions to - their wor.kingmen,•,where they in creased th3i Supply oe•coal nearly THREE MILLIONS OF TONS. -This mist be avoided lireafter„ and ii is to be hoped that sufficient has bean learned froni the disasters of the Pres- Hurd -against similar unwise . Ic..t - Ing the bucin;3, 4 for the .ensuing • As ~• c•tif-ybgrj4 to i potikip Nft .. , . • . ...I"ti : u..CimitusettNnENTs.-.4 t The ignorance that pftit-Ails With ;regard to theoat Trade is ,aston- AShirig--;-a.itti i-ls not eutriiii Ito people who re side out of (tit Co **ltegi . ti. It prerails large lyit in this Region, 'and ven among some en gaged in the trade: *. -This was lamentably aii-. parent daritltt the present year, when the trotiblcs occui•red.on the basis lineation.. *Even' 'many V the papers in the Coal Regions copy their coal arti etes l from papers published in mu cities which are fitil of errors and calculated to mislead the Public. They- do not understand the t trade, but think' they- must Priblish slime ,' thi lig whether I i corrector. not .... T h . eie itoteluree sluts ir the scribhlers abrOad, but we ar. led to these remarks - : b fitinding the follow- I dug iit (lie l'hiladelphia .131:iza•rtS of Wednes day last, , treating On. the eind -Trade, eohling from its PottiVlllo•corresychtditt: , . . . ' . "Nobody seentst4 notice the retail dealers, nor care what 1 heir prieesuret• Nobody seems to think that•wheirkord Is worth only $225 nt'Port Carbon, autlenn be plaeed in Philadolyiti l la for 22 DI for trans .portation and Rolla , thus •e qat g the retaller' - $ll3. said retailer tglexceeding lila J tat margin by charg , lira S 7-6) for it.l There * volt. have itfessra. the read .l tig nubile. YOur ret atter makes 03 07 on every ton of stove -coal be sells, while, If the operator who mined that cord has made the, seven alone, beds rh•tiotratund Very willing to say nothing about the three' dollars. yerffew operators can do that in this bninty when epal la $2 ?..r. go, If you feel „like re monstrating against the price of your winter fuel, - • ,go for' the retailer who supplies you. Ile Is the nearest, and is the responsible party. The miner is ;Innocent: he would.very wililm ly well. you ..43a1 for "the same price4hat hesells to the retailer. And, by the way, did. you ever think .that thi. is the most 7rgy n o ( t ) t h r i I Nrl w n gr .& rA I P t re a!rl i tlay t!lnonlit° one I Avant &car oritwo, or half a dozen—as the case may' die -of your coal delivered' at some convenient point tin the raltroad,say the yard of some aceoramodat -19 4 leler• '0,12 you have,inat -,::the . coal you on er, and -, no other , ' and you 'set It ~. at the operatorS' price, plus. the , rail road tall and the coat of transferring it to your ' ...cellar,. A mall car holds an average of fair and a half tons; you lean.d.O:your own calculating.,. This ;will be troubleectme fat the operator, and 'willeot. be , styprott table fur him as. large orders would bet but ' never mind hitn,he iftutted to being•lmposed on. Nothing takes! the colleen out of a man quicker , then trying to-it unit coal operation In. • - tichtrylicill county. , - - . - . • -Another piece of advice I have for You: "Don't believe all the sensational telegrams ' from titl4 region which appear in certain New York dallies, sent ,bv intn whose observation of. collieries waft' confined to :walks about Pottavilleand comfortable 'quarters at the; Pennaylvanla'Rell, while their ln vestlfiationat into the mysteries of the real trade ex tended only t(ii Interviewing a jovial party of teen, who thought it rare fun tolmpose upon . strangers the toughest yarns thee could be induced . to stswilow, and, in the instance which has prompted thetse mniarks, the swallowing capacity wart truly wonderfuL Plate your confidence only in the Ella- - NINO RI'LLVIrc and be happy.' • Note there; are quite as many-if ootniero false. repir , ..enuttionic, and also bad advise given in above eXhmet thanls. found in 'any of thei articles writtekt,smi published abroad, and *wet must e r t;tifesailtat the ptiblieaticins in the 'Err.- Li. - rr x are as tiltrTeliable, even lithe) , are written in ,l'ottsvilly,;l - vethose found in' other journals whic4 the writer cautions theta against. " A couple oflweelis ago, in commenting on a C.mimunication, we stated that the retail- prices cit.Outil wore rtiter high in .Philadelphia, .i+m . giriittsi atl7-30,f0r Stove Coal, then selling to the, city dealers at $.3 alkt 25 per:ten. ~ • Sirietr then the - prices In the: city, have been reducierVand the rates arc now fairer- than 'they were.... Rut the, - atisertittu that, the cost of reeelVing and de- , livening a . tonl of 'esittil . at Philadelphia, given seb.,ve, is so far Iron -the truth . that we * find it necessary to 4ereet•4t 'ln .justice to the -coal dealcts in the city.. .Tire, noal operators - always titarite frotti 2.; to 50 cents more for coal sold to the city and;tlie line for domestic consumption, then is charged for coal sent to - Rictilnoird, and the Heading Railroad company charges' higher 111 r•el..s of transportation also to . phlladelpitla than to l'.-rt Itichinund for :shipping. The present price of N. hay Coil sold to Pfilladelphia ranges from V 75 to in per ton for consomptiOn tip re. The Railroad charge for coal delivered at ;he yards hi f, 1 21:.5 per ton. If-die - Coal can be delivered out k the cars direct to consumers -lon its arrival,. the actual cost of - delivering would be'alittizt 110 cents. This would give the following . results: • , - - ('5a1........ ......... ........'..---- tili 011 . • *2 76 per ton. Transpo . rta ... tiont.....:...*: .. ;.. ... 225 22; rod of hauling toforniumera.. 75 ' 75 1" --.....—. . ' OS 00 IP 75 Add t "piiter espy rte5......-..5!.... .. ..1 .....-- ,---.... Act dariksi at ft.— ..... .------$ 4 0 ' ,i,i —du i#'-7u..„.—:.......... '._ iiS SO • - .-1 n addition t 4 this "twilit!' ,true expense of yard ient, clerk hilt, wages to,iljea to 'naiad the . carsand load' the carts et tit* who he'll out the coal to .cuOsutuons- gad profit . .and lasi. Taese items' .w 11 deposed .opoti the-, =Muni of 11 asineSs that IS'tione hi the retail ya*,' ao that 'vbcit Schuylkill Coal tifratittedi; - at.B.Bo . ind 1 . it 0.75, as advertised Jilt the 8e1.t411/!;irlateti .contained - the 'Otter &On' Which we'. ono the above'exrAe; '114,.,;, margin 1?:! tr? P -i, :rt so .veryisokool-wk . , - , ~ . • . .......-.;-..-.. :,-,.1..7.•... • ..! • . . ( diPI4, I V . THE IiaINER,T_JOURNA..447I),OTTSVILL,Fo.• 4p0U1417 , •-; ,y r , • Under such circumstances it to a little out rageous for a correspondent to" I:k'gi , "',lkolite:4l; 7 • Coal Region, and the 8p.Lx71,3 to Petlll44 gild the coal' which ii retillittlanitidelol* Pair costs the retailer $1.43 per ton, and :by.seglasik at $7.50 a ton, he "inakesf3.o7 , on eery lon .of coal he sink" ' ' - The iirree — iluli - led — KW ` receiVlitg i 6113 yards In Philactelphis': amlllellvering the seine by retail dealers for other parties. range from $1 2.5 to $1 50 per ton.-,, With 75 cents for haul ing the owl from thiyilni to the censumer, the rates to cover the other expenses are not very. hi it, Now suppose- a person was . to purchase , .. . . • '. 'l4 t 2. 75 per ton—pay te.l 25 to !lig 'tall R oa d i ntkany, and t h en pay. $1 2.5 per ton- for deltv ng the sanle, the cost would be as follow's.: . C0a1.... - ...._ . ...• . ..... -.. ..... ~. ......... ~.........;. 74-le 75 -, ..Trauspectuuon— ~.' • -:-..-,-*-. Z 1,1,..• ~ .. liecetringantpleilvering....._:...-.-.-. I -.) If the coal costs $3 per ton the viiiee - *hich to asked by some for a good quality, it would , cost $6 .50per-ton, itud. if the charge' for - ,receiving and delivering , wastil i,9 per:ton,ssirldeb glt;es a Cali. margin of profit for" Jieeping a' yard, the cait to the consumer _ would be !i6 t 5 per ton— I.i. price at which Stove 'Coal is adyertitleil iq the lirt.LErts, When _they _their cor.; relpoutlears letter. • t would hardly payi iou tuner,: wlte r- qui" w or three ears - of coal to go to the- ' trouble of chasingAt in SehuYlkill Uotinty, then make r 4'ngeinents with a dealer- Ver coal eanuot be . • • _iced ex eept 'at the ,yard 'of /tome' dealer,) to eit delivered for him, when ho can buy . I •ken and Egg at and Stove at $(1.75 do- • red ttl,in.- Sc. uylk ill 'County, it nia:r be one-fourth dirt and slate, as we have Leen served several thine.; nit it purchased from a yard in the city,Ahe re tier is held responsible for itS'elisatt. , defivery ut if he would have .to r 4 .43 to Schuylkill ic!, bunt up the seller, it might -cost him as itteddition a. .he-paid teethe coal in-the MEI first instance. No sensible min would fallow suell &wlish;adeic•e unless he receive* Lie, coal from .some friend in whom he call rely aa to Its sentin.goOd condition. Coal qucht to be delivered to the door;iocon. Ranters in Philadelphia at a tott; : liatille Press and people of 'Philadelphia,' luiVe timer done anything, towards securing, it at that butt have heretofore opposed' the tneansliy whiell it could be accotuplisbed, and therefore' all We have -to say la, 'le: them pay. high priori and' grumble as much they please;, but do_ not publish { any inure unreliable letters, titlV cease abusing those who are compelled to eon— forni to the cireinristatices that exist. Cui transported over tls rued wit. received tis fol lows, in the following years: ' 144 . . . _ .. . IP. £rinn Wyoming ' Ate!:lnn . ' Voi.:I.V. ? . Itazletal •'-- ,1 , 9i3.6...: " l'pper 1A:1. 4 .0 ,1 , ) ' 8.701 Heaver .Ileidow 40._ .....54.1.73: -"' ' Nl,thannr . Ito 1.11,15.4 ' Mattirli flitilik 1i0....: .. : ... •S'27 Ineraw:e In I:s7d, The inereaue from the Hazleton Region amounts to 1,00,911 Pins. - The supply from the Mahanoy ' Region fell off in 11470, .1:k1,524 tons. Tire following ts)niniunication has - been handed to us fur publication. The discussion for a basis 'for 1571 Is now in progress, anal everything bearing, ;upon _Chi; question is portant to all parties interested. As the. labor ers,.nitethise who ay.wk -by the day or week, constitutes the majority - 1n the coal regions, It appears that thelr interebts'in Schuylkill Conn . ty are entirely neglected by the W. ii. A.—. IVltile the miners can earn more in *Schuylkill • Cotinty at :t S:t t;fs than th?y.d4 in' the other . _lecions, the laborers here-are reduceddown to rates below .what• laborers reeeive at ordinary work. , Idthe other . regions it different on .this point. 'rim 'remarks of the writer of the , - - connitunicatioh , .are,,,,,very suggestiVe, and it .seems strange thatllit;. - I:thc.reisi shard(' ;alttliesee tit such an arraucattient : . . . Lorre rs M m".• -.forks AI.:-You say coal cannot be sbipp,sl for two dollars per ton at our shipping • Points and pay living profit to the, operator. and , 1 Mg wage, to the men. As it is evident that this. or ,4enetitilig like it must be done, at least for a time, to save the business of the County from Irre , inetaieble ruin, I Tremolo the publication of any, Leas tending upon is way to make It nearer. possible will be weiemued by. all parties interested. "(he proposition of the contialttee of the W; It. A. at." , teuding their itiftiouneement of the • Goulds Com pcomise," shown that they concede 5.5.1 per month to be full and fair pay ;or the best miners at the basis. In view of the fact that laborers outside only re. celve per-vierir. for November, and that under the present . arrangement they will only receive when coal Is down to two dollars per ton, and that for the same time miners atioald receive itC eordlng to the 533 per ne3ntit proposition d 47 73 for November, and I. l tie."o per month- with coal at two dollars' per ton I asked and regained leave no -ex xtultie pay roll of a large colliery tbat has - shipped • nearly $l,OO tons In She last four months, and In which all the mkt:night done by contract, or wagon and yard. 0111 of In Men Set down as miners for November, only forty-fonr worked at mining all the lime they worked In that-month; Mid I toosethese to make an average from, with .this result: The forty-four miners worked an avenge of Z) days to the man, and' earned clear of expenses for powder, oil and cotton, and the twenty-tour suet three-quarters per cent. reduction lot - November; j",:ti ire per man, which gives for n P month, say of 21days, t tic f 1 ko more than their committee say they should earn id the basis. It also Ores as the earnings of theoteineu,,,r."l alt per mouth at the basis, which ar aunt fs - Verifled as correct by reference to the sa e books in preceding months when cool was hi cr.; These are the actual ligures;- which I ven ture toussert will be reference to thelsmoke of all the collieries, as the fair average. Nov flat this statement suggestive? - Hero we 'have In a depressed trade, contract miners being 'paid 3i per cent. titan) than they Profess to ask, while the laborers are ground down [Wine Verriest pittance. flint:4 . A per cent, were honestly taken off, could not oundde labor -be advanced ,q." 51.. per week and the . ' enable the collieries to run with coal at'inw prices?' Men who can' earn with coal. three" dollars, per ton, $9O per nionih., can surely work for the two or three months in the year; -.that it would be necessary so to• do, for • - the thin`` - be uired tuba sold made part of the matter' conshiered In ralJnAting the Weds for Is 7 l. = , ••• Tits fulloning communication ha's been sent . us' by a re.qtectablo Miner. He givesit full statement, biit does notAisprove any thrrik we slld iii our article, but oolittitns it as to the causes which prompted the commit:deo .to pay high wages to - ,' their. employees, and continue these high wages up to the Ist inst.: • To Tun Etdroluf JoVaXAZ :—I see by. . your Lest Issue is the owl article, the suppoled cause, given of the strike and resumption of. the three isimpiteiesl nien. . The first part of it Is pretty correet but not, the latter. • It was not that they of fered to pay tne troll higher wages when they: re,- awned after standing: three months. The true cause why they resumed wit on account of the resolutions that were passed 111 the General Council, not being carried out as agreed upon by airtho counties In the Union. At-n meeting of the.o. C. In lia.sleton, on May 12th. clothe ceiestion of,restrictlon or equalise- I tiotil'imd tonnage, was, disousaed at great length, when a reSolutioir was offered by the County delegates as follows : 6 • WagaltAS, The workingmen of Hyde Park and No.-a - dist Het of Pittston, seen, ta.have a lack of con fidence in ticlitayikill County, aato whether the men of said county, will truly sympathize' With them In , any trouble Into which they may_. he drawn on ae count of their connection with tire . miners of tte counties in their - endeavors to maintain their just rights against the grew monopolies with which they have to contend; be it therefore Resolred. That we. the delegatesof Schuylkill County, to the G. C. of the Anthracite coat field ,_ do pledge ourselires that 'should the workingmen of,Hyde Park or su. 2 dis- Aria of Pittston ever be.'placed, on account-ut the 'above reasons, in such a **At lon &alb require eWi sub stantial proofs - of-got - id will and kindly - ped' the workingmen of !Schuylkill Co., thst o will use all the Influence and means in our - power fotiroveto our brethren in Hyde Park and Pittston No. 2, that they can place Implicit cenridence In their brother workingmen of SchuyikllrXectuty. PARKER.. -- • MIN SIN_Er. T.l'. W1LL1.A.11.4,' 0:1 .1. :WM/MTV. As soon as the Coal Association of Pottsville Is sued their proposition June Ith7the men of flehnyl kHlCounty accepted it rortstrim.and resumed work. Neither the restriction nor the 'tonnage article*. were carried out, and when spoken to about it by the Hyde Park men, they were almost laughed at. This s:as the cause that drove the "Sig" companies' men in. I hey had lost all confidence in the Sehnyl-. kill County men. This is no rambling story. lb .va watched this organization since it commenced, and' am acquainted with all its transaction ' s. To.prove the above, read the pronecklinpt of the evening aes- Won of the .0. C. held In Tamaqua , July. 6th, in --which "It was doclded that no delegate would be al lowed a seat In the nest Connell" tudess the county they represented shill have adopted the restriction -laws passedby the 0. ' It wax distinctly 'stated here 'by the Schuylkill County delegates,-that t bey con ld not, ' caery out the above motion. whichthm3 ,finished the HYdo Park nien'aig_tike, and all along ' hat line , and notes you say: ‘ r .l'lle Hyde Park men then agbed to do the beat Hwy-could under the cdrcumstanees, and the computtlesraceing this opportunity, took advantage of it. tut,vontroperly. say. "to destroy the 17Vikth" whichlititir eve pretty much accomplished. Yogi, especthitUyi _ • 75 " " Aetti4tr . xst, per t0u...--. If - 113 . tight by the ?arcln .2,n10.174 THE . 1 1. `ETESTION OP INE Coal Operateisi Mining Engineers Mine Inspeqtori — and other- Is called to the A••• - • 7 • • 1 '4' "..a. • For Mea:4llll4 . Airiff Mines Imparted OOCtilititirelat. for Sale THESE INSTIIifMLICIii are or hid best 4,liss and wortrmanahln rind hare hied IMPORTED front the /argent and most Important Inning Dlitzlet of Eng. land, where they have been thoroughly tatted, and are now In constant.use. - The Inventor of the above portable Instrtinienti can recommend them with confidence; they self register the 'velocity of the Air through any pains of a mine in which they arirgiaefed and are a cure detector of any chickening of the current, by; ne glect; of the Cl:mune., or obstructiot in the costae, and a coMpicte check against inattention In the futaticaman. Ia aernitaturvith the requirements of the new 'VESTIT,,AIIO3I ACT, these Air Measures allf be NEEDED AT EVERY COLLIERY -ESTABLISII - and .we have Imported a 'mug! numbet, Which are already dispd et, but are now taking ORDERS fora fresh and larger Importation at an Tire ertattaa be ,ftwnished at; Or 'option of the pturiumer. At the following Prices; - 12 !size,. $5O; 41 in. :1114,„ $4O: Celt and see the Instruments at BAN - NAN & RAMETY , B, 108 Cesare .Sr., Pot Wine oe4ll, NO IMULAIIRWIM. wising I. It. Ansiiitin' istal Deftsbbtr otheicsaarad • OS LA szo , TER, taitapas.nwlicit. eas-- lilt rNki°l"---4"-V 1.1 ••••-•-• C • Se l . DYTll.V . 4l.Bcates-: an potaniu. :I.* Ws; BeboyitillEavr. Cressona '47 Eirsegmr••-• - Sala f 2,1011 ! CS 1D =hia rotal- - • ___ 1 4080 T0bi1..... 7 . 3 . 44 „ pOll SHIPMENT ST 1 mama AND wyON/3 . 0 . • enNAL. : - t.1Z1A.4 Pratokinl..,.. eScalen—__ I.= 1 = O . l-I.ll* .AMankaarn. E. Pes. Pk«. MV. " &111 Val. /taloa-. Ma t xenna.,Mr.... IM Moont Carbon lkillt—.. , - 3 ! : k ,4 '::rtaipaa litidei--- 4 ,3l , runneedie ag----_.._ -Plantrote--... ----.. i liFnurs Streot It..— . It . ara, • - Total_ ..... 30. 7. it . -• T0ta1.....:...---.. 1.2:1 t I wpArwmiirirlric.c.B.s. :• • . sit.l.a.oug.; . - 1 No2ms Loma alip.-..:. Loki- H arr impi r ____ • ....„...6,144 1 Rbamoktn -- ,Ml 3 14 . zsertt. 1ut..,,0.4-K.Se. 101 ' " Mention. " 1 • -', t -...._ .1,,,... , - • —ll • • '""-- - Total ...4—.—...10.3471 • 'Total.. • ' LOW t -- , -- anIPPMD i "FirfgrirP/ 't 'x FOR - iumixivrs .._ FRox-rtsrmosoNicir , :,,,, %amyl. diEtua. It. X.--; Li11tiAntbrai1te..........—...4.--- ?.163f Leb. and riaestrove Br:, at i Ititumboto ..........._.t._.. , ItC , . • • . .-MbtLl ... • - • .....- _ _ _,.......-.—.... , -$6 25 RWAPITYLATION BY TtAlta. 'Tot. far, Tot. *RI ! " ' • 2 days, .411da•ra, , 1134/ .1 De ' - . • IF7O-_' .. 1808-70,i ereaie. I crease. Over 31 Ida Ltne & Leb.fir s tl• 71417 ! •Fer othlgtatent CaaeL-.1 1041 N: 4. 1 ;t7 i - 6,5 e' •• • Vic:Award . taw :4X:4 11 . 19 1 i • West or SU fr. Pine-crave , 2,.za owl . Lam , Mett Laterats.—. sArq • too. h "l t. Wroasag; 'l,Dp . lat - 9961 • ,se.ea 0,402 1 " -I-- ,i 2,1 w 41 %int Nra'' I .:lik, ,__,—...-., Total all kinds pare fr._ tokinsr • v2,G•tz ,- f - 6 - • ; Via 13#il Rd. Company a use— =E . asafrt , . - 67 e, Total tonnage fur week-, ' 11 : 1 .11 3 _ST -- - Itesiously this year ......... sgassai USA . Total la di4e ......... - .2,.......... I.Wegaii:,.`l74,3Poi -7-- - I 40:36 Told ant b'te.parg flreight Front Selwyn:lU Haven... , 12,111,1 , 1 Port Clinton ....--- f = 1 l , i 1 Total --,71: tonnage for week_ -1 IStlial ' 4,1160, :104.1(i • preoloonaly tab year : :...".7 -14.0). . • i 1 i . Total to date. SIMICTLIULL COMT RULROAPS FOY ice. - - Tke hallowing Mete quantity traniported last week : Mae 11111&$ IL 51.1kC llkekwelklll •=s (1 - 3,ru2 II 1:1.0,14 10 CyrOtln e; Irak! oi • - 6 -own Gob4pome 31 . • • CO4 • • ..! f star .TA Quoatity_ient YAM by Lehlirh'Valley Itallsord far 'GanonsiiM.Wky last and far the , year: Wyoming - kin liatleScia V; rea....—,.—...-..,.....,... i 7 1-al i . 153 IL: _.-......._,,,..,.... 10;11 ! ' 16.433 -31341.talapadamul . . K.= I 13,:3 • Is. ' 1 Z 7 _ —,.....--- 1-.,,--. ........ ...' 31.11 e, 993117 ...- .....- ............. ”.....- :0,1- 4 11 91,991 ~ ,- • -:.--:"-1--. 7,9111 I 12ME (Ell :go4.:0; OU2 ;,111X4 t!ti.l It I :4164 LEMON COIL all NATItiaION COIPINT Tide thihrsing la the quantity of coal trareported by the Canals and Warmth, of the Lehigh Coal and Nay.42.3..10r the . weelvendlng on Saturday evening last v.:+inared with xame time Jrud. year: : N um 5a 2.74t4170 Br „ .1,2)61,07 MS Coal was dsrlaed as az4.loirs. Trout Wyotning I,.. ?=hlgb ilattegat%; Beater Mateh uk ' ',lnereaseorer Lied ()CAP atone there gra.a' tranvorir.l on Carl and Navigation 10012114111 V.: Lebleh Coal d Xay. ' W. IL l'lnaht Aron on 01.'w pr. Docredue atuwase a Ittrito3 03111FA7I'S COIL 7111ADK. The following la a statement of coal tranworted by the DO/111M. and Ifoitson Canal Co.,"for the week ending Sat- urday last. • • By I*1.& Bylizpibtl ooth., ..... ....... hyJelferbo . n B%ltro-sd— .T~tai..._..... Tor the lame period lam yeas ay Delaware & Hutt Er . Total..._ ....:.:..:..._..... THE - COAL. MAR ETS num or aiCL BI TSB CARGO: • • 'OPTIT OP alt. NiStlr API) ZAP? OP NEW 112CPPRICK ECVELICTLD WILICKLY IVi TUC WNW 410VANA1.1 - HILADIMPRIA, Pee. 13,101 Red A.b Prepared .• Chednut,--_— 3 Sir 3 73 do I %,, ,, ,tnut_.toned Mt Lamp_ 3 „. Aidi Lamp.-- 3 "46/ •, • ' do 'Steamer I 7 do Broken. 3 .. ' ' Brok . o-- -- ..... -3 1.3 ea" ' do •1C . 4 450 Fitt-- 4 tug 4.51 . do More.... 4 Via 480 titore...-----...... 4 Twa. 4 Sas do vhesuziits zO:4 375 Schuyl.ltisd . Asti,46 IDS 4 COI nsw TORN. Dec. 14.1874. 00 Chem nut 4OM 4 507 SAUL- 4 40:4 CO Hrtsll, . 4 wit 7 dl • 1.44041 i Lcust,p—:—. a tot , 1 A W A*o Lump.-- 4 5 i Plabuner 3 say 114144.mer:—. 4- • 1 11144341—...—.' I aroken.,..--. 4 . 3 alli rag— --.. 5 More._ .....--- 3 3 30t 4.214-41•113....—.... 4 Coestrint....,--. 4' 4 35.0 0 1 41 4 1443 15i , 7 3 ouctiouvils rusaixoltir,, ice: s 3 is To the trade t;feargo or oar load: - P '- • • Wllkeaborre and Pittston W " • Likens Valley Red Ash..., . • Mbasuoklo While or Rest • - • • Zgrbey Valley. Red Ash.-. __ •••• _.c. • •Prom 'yard or wharf . So to : S cents.addlttonaL% • • Fry retail to costumers:. ..—.-. • —. 110 4 ; Georges' (Seek and C,Stmbe_rland Coal, - Ltscust Point Air 4 403:4113., . . - PRICE OF (XIMPANLEter CO AL. , . -- ... '.. L. tits..„_Or.t Erg. iSto. Chat LickarraiTindod24l Z . el ri: KO . $4 1161 13-10' bi 30 Wukoisono, 0b06en_....211421 Si... Z".„:,. 4SO 416.. $26 4 Z do . 'few Yorke*, 23 IR. rit , $1 Is $4 111 13 SO $1 1.1 Lehigh, Now. "orks.._._lll 31 5 23. i. , . .3 63 610 310 merantou, ralsobethport 421 430 '6 23 610 - 3 30 6,31 ;.I.lalszon, liewbargb.—.s4 40 460 4GO 410 , -1 ID $4O Lehigh. Pt. Johnaoa—. , Old Ooptpagra C. o. b. at • Port 25 sOn . CO 550 425 -Leb/gb.; Elleabettiport • 5Si s o sco • It FO 4ZS Elltabetbport and Pt. Johneou to New York 50 eantk Bound. out CO Newburgh. 70 mots. - • s yleCatol4eobalsnee pays dbehargiug, - At/SX.A.I6IILt. AND 010110ETOWN Pee. 15. 159. chirriter etc** 9110 1 3.4 . 10011. OM% E 0. b.,'—.4 , ! . ,40@, 4 CO . • . • vulvas nEdRACE, .11D,`Dec. LS, le1M • Wilk onktn birre an4tPittltokon bitard—..... A 73 .-S5 50 Ithanto - ' Lrk.ras,Valley TreFort9n PILOrnScIAL Duty, 41 Si MiniZICAN. ' At Shipping points. Rold.lneUverrd at N. Y. Currency. Block lionee...-............. 1 1 n iWestmoreland.--....-...$ flowrie ' Lingatt4---......-........ 17v INew,biArgii orrei ..... ..1:..... Srdney..,--....--. I Z we d' Fa1.rm0unt.“............... rittle 3 lE - YaF .--- .1 N. Powelton tisaft.... "4A :: Caledo •'I I i ' Slack-from Ito tricenta - 1 7 e:. Slack 73 cents foalli - Rictramen... Va. Cloveso Hill ,Osborn, I R. • I. o. b... - ...., s z,•• • Freights to New York 0 n -to sonougißifiß: • - •• ' PL - rasev Itraed. LII/pt , Portland-- 2 30 1 St Bin' tor__ Portsmouth-- 323 $1 33 PawtoOtet it to. 2 M - 1733 , 805t0n..... - .....-.12 al . el 43•Ma11 Elver.-- 203 . 14/ 1ia1em....... 200 105 MOW* ._ .230 • • IWI New Mellbnl.- 2to 140 Marblehead% '. 2SS 1., - 200 Roxbury . . •.. 250 ' 210 Nantucket:._.._ 270 lin Bristol-- XOO ' I 40,NewLoricion.... -I 70 .1 M New Wt....... ... Ila - 1 40,New Ilavesi.-. 200 I 00 - Prornoe...- 2 03 f 03 Ilrldgport..— 2 OD ' 1 03 liartAnsr.....-- 2 00 ' i WS. N0rwa1k....... S n 3 ' 1.00 MiddletOwn.-_. It 23 •.1 1714_ -"am, CUT.-- 1 71 40 Norwich 2 10 a taw __-I < '9o Ifingham.-.. ' • -. 2 igi Albany-. .....-.: '3 70 • 10sWtscouteett.— ' " •• New ltork-- I Mal SO- - 316,1121.1ntree..-- .- . Rkhkoond...- 163 ' •Charleatowo.-. . ' '••• C'harleatom...-. 200 3 Su N. Cambridge- '3 SO • •.. 2 00: Saco. .... -. ' .I.7gHaystblll.l.. • somerseL-- 200 - .01d Cambridge Whiterport-- - !Inithiolk-- •Carobtidgeport. la t lrwn. 313 ~• • Washington..." IDS *pole- . . I.You --- ... 3OD 1 ell • - Newburypo7L-. 2 CS I 3.3olouoester--.••.... 2 30 Milton 3so & tow • • !Norfolk.;--.. INI . • itridgeport........ 173 ' -,_,. •rSavannah....-... 2a) •Alexandrla-.- 1!..W -; ' , M0bi1e......._.._ 3 = , , KATE* OP TRAESPOSTATION TO TIDE, • sr ags.nrito airaCarp. L. iig. B. Egg. S. Ch. To Port Riclimoud.-.--# on 0000 co.r. 0012 W To 2 le 2 10 210 : : 10 2 10 The rates firanYPort Carbon are I ants per Win Wither, and from Tamammls. and Pinerrovet: cents serum blither. Tn points !toot h of Cape Henry. East of New' Brunswick. or along the line. of the Delaware and Raritan Canal, the drawbacks on coal will boon lAutip, Steamboat and Broken, to cents: Chestnut 90 ,- and Egg an Stove Si emits. TO all o t her points outside of the Capea of, th e Delaware, on all • 20 cents. On cargoes of 10 tone or!eis, consigned to pOinta within the Capes of the Delaware; a lightenige drawback of Si (14. NfoRTIT PICNNIIITtrpriA 111.4122"0.111). Mauch Chunk to 10 =HIGH TALLiT i r.V. .IiND NOILIZII & 10.1562 SAILIKOADS. To Elizabetkport. ' • To irlobnkett. • • 1.. V. R. It-- - Lt. R. R N. J. IHNorrtg& 1 11 , . ~ ---• ------ -t, 114; , ! - ES, Shipping & wherein.-- as , fAlpplng & whari•ing— $1 • S 5 1 •.••;• 10 ISt .= To-Port Johneon.---4..—:--.---- - ..;-...........4 = To South Amboy— Prom Penn Haven to, Sitignioethport & P. Jobnian.,..... • ET LIMNER xrectimTios colt/WM . 3 1114!ina0.01r , Penn HAVellhun Dllourb Chun t Thtll o Phllll Nowt, Cloparto HoboeiM i t t 4 Port Johisson.- - 1 Shipping *4 Whattgite:4o.' ' . lcietteNT. The renovate; we dm 'ISMS Of lOU and 'Meted en the 6etivikl2lo tat !.he'prieeste._ ~, • • Ihrets.-ytennlon , - . 1rvm.....--_-- The drawback Is fS iamb on Lantp.tlCP.uart and Broken 0 on Chestnut, and IS end@ on En and Sjoye. on coal Pen to New York and mittnltt. Brun t — ---$ 4u Cba ". 11° New Hope acid Bitool„--.,- To to ugh to .taw York._. .-...-... .- .... i. ; !T ILroPltHedelperia ---- 7 . 1 7 eer imenuuj CANAL; . . • lorry. titr:-----•-•- Por rpottlp SHOVELS! SBOVIIIIJII I SHOBBIaI 111 SITCOVBACIE BOWS MIXEFAETVILBS. Thowatetetibers hate annaselieed tleemanulhetaro of SHOVE.I.S itil ta tt u r al atid stem. too Coal. send, sad . at St. LIM; Behmildll CountY.oeut beg le st* to ' teltoshareot patrol:up. Orden bt mall or left at the Pio or y. or wstb Josoplk Bowen, Pottsville, sill be pro:Dotty . ottooded Doe. 10, , 70-410.11. %, A., B.* .1. A. BOWEN. Y 111711 CSLIBRAVIID CRSTAL brECTACLEat AND EVE GLASS. Ed, noarrateed to it the eye, to be had JOAN DO EDE %Akira and Wittie Asker, No, 205 centre attest, 3 doom above the htottlater lime& July 11, 10 - - ibdt GOOD IMPS 1 --GOOD same . " FM*"eslll of * lon ioldet=adla viejo27l 'Ur" moat tied In 4 so Our to Wanks Ara Thweinui• slam Do. WA Orator Po. MO 111.1*-Wil DEN Total—._ .!]HIPPED BY CANAL.' Tot fbr Tot. ; davw. 4 dart. 'ln- ; lIGO s II. 180 :0. crease. 'Crease. 3,410 1E2=1:12131 CAC 71164.0 . 116,454 1 1=.771 ------- CM2. '1.040,00 w1.11:X. TOTAL; CM SW mucus or (U coal.. ~: ~ zY~ BY CANALS. 'TO WRIT. TOOK. 11:10 TO TOTLAIUMMMI. Havrri. Oltntob : 4 40 wr L1M1413111 CAM Al. , . - <;." ,- ERE von asaas.—ate Actor 813PKI11011 THUMB a. - tor Maths noe. w • coo mile of 111. Clotr. APPIT ' ce, % e arent. co w G. Ust ln Dre,l7:lo-7.11 4 it0 PortirWth. FORT? ORS POWER MN& state tun wuesaltrir. ;What Bradt ot boat:" A!ktrest _ • • Dee. V, 71}.4 . 1.3i W31- IA-rsg. MillwriSbN Baololoo,ra. ...s :N regu 9T/CUL—Tbe lar auel •Me.lL of: the :stoekholders or the First •Itetkoal arks of Mlnennlllector the &action of seven Illrectans to servo the ensuing seer. be held on theseeoed Tambora Jaattambet -tbe beaus of 10 A. 3C,- and 4P . 31_,.. at their Banta Boone: • *: Dec. tr, —.51-11 ' IL AUFFYAN.CeshIer.' OTICZI TO TAX 00 / 441 M 02111 .7 1 ,Tbe m ~„.1 1a " 4.11 dOrtiggleo COM era ot behixt•—•• ft., hereby its nodes that •eharso hatar• eat oflall enoueye due by To* on andafter Feb.l, IVI, RENSAMIN EV E, • PYTER DULLER. S.S.-T8 DORMER. • 'Attest: 0. J.411411.1000D. Clerk. , tkolueOttee. Dee. Y.% , , I z - T • TA TORICATZON WAMID or one EDWARD A J. NAVE, late of Petal Calllbrula. who left there on the ,13th bf July. IWO. for the purpose orris. Mug a eixter reildlog In Pottsvill Unitise* thou has mit been heard of. An, tafirmattoa at all the. a-ove named person left with DANIEL D...IIOI3E TON•or JOHN 3f. M ILLER Will be thankfully ri ilOreC - • • • Dee. 17.13-41-31 ------- HEM 'A LL GOOD frAII/N-MT 0 Et GAN TIDAIMZEB ' . „tax • , CLARKE'S NEW "ETHOD FOR ' REED ORGANS' it is the beet midmostpoittlar Instruction 'look published for these favorite iriettanteuta. •Priee t 2.50. Bent to any addrias pcie,.pald on` eeipt ocroke. . - & (10 If. DIMON- & . Dee. 17,11./i I..ty ' New York. _ 2.3 c 1 :7A* A - Irs sSIGNE sALIR OP V ALII&BL WOODLA.ND.—WiII be sold at public sale, at the public house of Samuel Filbert, (Pinegrove Hotel) In Pinegroce, Sebuylkil County. Pa.; on TUESDAY. December 7.ith. 1670, at 1 O'clock. the fal lowing described WOODLAND: • No. I.—All that certain cruet or plea. of land, situ ate In Pinerrove Townsblp,ifichnylklll County .ad joining r d. of Jacob Hubler.,Adam Minnich and jrredoric nadr. containing 111: acres and iltipmches.r , No. that tertata tract of CHESNUT TIM-I BEII LAND. situate In Pincgrove Township Owe-. said. adJoinin_g lands, of 'QM) Felty, J. B. Beet-bier and lands of Eckert & Gullfurd, containing 2lAcres and CU Perches. I • No. 3—A tract or piece of land,illtuate In pine grove Township aforesaid., adjoining lands of Bass ler Boyer & Co., and Levi & Feity, containing 6 Acres and !IS Percher. - , - - . , ~.. .. Contiitloom of , ntio made known at the time and place, by. HENILY STUMP. ' Aeetgnee of If lame' Rershberger. . Dec. 17. - :,.?---,51.2t - , AGENTS 'WANTED FOE TEE LIBRARY . POETRY AND. BONG.—Relag choke iSeleetions from the best Poets. English.Scote_ Irish and American, with an Introduction hy WILLIAM CULLEN RE t ANT. The entire. work, pace bylpage. has passed under the. - cduented .critielsni, and scholarly eye of • this great poet. ! The handsomest and cheapest book extant. coo t Ailing more to give It enduring fame and, make it universally popular than any book ever published. It has something in It of rya awn for every one= for the old, the middle-aged, and the young. Ex eepting the Bible, this will Jbe the bOok most loved and the most frequently referred to in the fatally. Thir tin Paconv is one book, whose contents will never grow old or state. It Will be reed and re-read' , with the greatest. pleasure.. Over Wo pages., beauti fully . printed, choicely Illustrated. handsomely bound. Sold onry bysubscrlpOon. Teacher", Cler gymen. active Men and Women, can all secure good otty.with light writ* by taking an agency Par this hook. Terms ter liberate. 'Semi for Circular, de. to OWItGE MACLEAN Dec. IT, '7O-514iin Sansom Philadelph ia.. the week 870.- CHRISTMAS. 1870.' " WINDOW 01INAi r lIENTATION9.,.: treg DRAPERIES. FLOWING (1 7 RTAII;Li,,LASIBREAIIINS,WITH SUITA BLE LA(IE ( I CRTA INS,. ' • (3F - ; SHADES, . TAPESTRY,-, ABLE PIANO COVERS. ..lttrntion ii Icicrnl~d to the above fur . • • Holiday tl:eesent4. . • I. E. si Kriti.ET; PH I Lit.DItEMHIA: MAT 7.'70 ' Isl 7 =.0167; 1,11100.11 , 116,56 UM' =TAIL .11i1L,MC &VC 1.391 100,34 'l,lw_wka 174 , 4 21,'11. of Lehigh 5.4,540 17„Nit. Mt.= =1 = EOM] EMI I , DROSPECTUIS FOR I€II.—FDICRTIr YEAR.— Size of Page chant/el, and attractions vastly In -creased. THE ALDINE. ab Illustrated .Ifonthly 3,,urual of le pages, claimed to be the handsomest paper In the woad. - cave my lore to the artist workmen of Txrz AL DINE who are striving to make their profession worthy of admiration fur beauty. as It has always been 'or cisetuluess."—Heery Word Ereeher. • The object of Tux A.Lplaa is tofurrilsh • medium which shall be a tit exponent of programa. and of the beautiful in Parierixo and theAlridred arts. The latest and most improved machinery; and' the very blithest order of mechanical and artistical talent shall he taxed to the utmost to prodoca a abeet—es nearly as possible-Iperfect in typography and illus tration. The ricrarstt.rn Lvext.t.ilscx of the WooteCrr ILtrarasrioas pubLiabed •nti the Mies of Tux A.Lnisx has elicited the commendation at tie European as well as the . Americanress, and.haa been balled. as the commencement of p a new era In the history or illustrated journalism. • Daring the ensuing , year the publishers will pre sent the patrons of litivAt.mait,lthe rarest speci mens from the pewits and gravers of the foremost artists of the world; and.l while the' illuatrations may be counted by scores, the volume shall contain nothing that is not of permanent value as a work of art. Let each welk-wisher send in at least one sub scription, and influence others to do likewise. TERIIS--Oue copy, four , roontha..SLee. One copy, one year; $S:'O. Five copies, one year. Stn. Speci men cepies, by mail, post-paid, Si cents. ' The publishers Witt send free the .beautiful oil chromo "DUCKS" as a PR/01/UX tb JAVNRY SllH sextaet who 'emits 1. 1 .2.50 for one year's subscrip tion. and, in addition, will send. the wonderful Cduttermsa Newness, printed in colon, and con- Mining over tiny illustrations, to all whose remit 4/1113Cr Is received before the'edition la exhausted. • Special . Prospectus and Circular to those wishing to canvass or get np clubs will be mailed on applica tion. ' Our premiums enibraee only articles of the very highest merit of art or workmanship, mans „of which are offered by no other, paper. Steinway. Weber and Chicktrlng Pianos; Yuma I Hamlin s, 'Smith's and Esters Parlor Organ/,and Tiror. AL= xx Wkrrn. in gold and sliver Cases, made expreasily for by the American Wateh Company or Waltham, Chromo,, Rogers' Statuettes, Works illuit ra ted by Dore, Ae. Or„liberal CASH DISCOUNTS taken who interest themselves in, getting subscribers fOr.THIL Atarcr.. Send for eireutar. !I=r3 1001' 499,21 1.410 $ 414,6 C 9:11; 11,447 10, re: IVZ TEM Ai alb 14:111.310 10,33)1 I.:19 1.1:1,314 47---11,07 a . . - J &KEA SUTTOL , 7 CO.. Publishers, No. 21 I.loerty Street, New York. Dec 17, EIBIGNEVIO BALE - LOP V LI/ AB L Ili REAL ESTATE.-IWRI be sold at public sale, on MONDAY, December 23411„ itho, (iseeond Christmas.) at 12 o'cloelt, noon, at the public house' of John Mertz; in the claim of StOuchaburg__ ,_Berks. tkinnty, Pa.: All that i r jardation. Grist R 111; Haw Mill, and Tract of Land, - attuate in the Township of Marion. Berks County, Pe.; adjoiWesleynds of John mmaltz, Isaac N. Kilinier, Allen, Adam C. Elopfoitel property of the Lutheran-Congregation, containing Ai Acres, more or Ices. The improve. melts are e large new tire-story STONE DWELL. INO 1101:3R with extensive Back Ituildlngs, two sweltret Earns, one of them entirely 110 W. together with a .MAMMOTH, SALE STABLE, two stories high, and containing slate roof thereto • attached, three Tenant Houses, Wagon Sheds,,Corn Cribs and other necessary t,utbuildings, The GRIST MILL is three stories imbeight, of brick, and contains 4 pale of stones, each stone buil t own propelling power, good water power. Also, a Saw Mill. There are two YOUNO APPLE ORCHARDS on the prem. hws. ,The Union Canal 'runs through the property, RP nix° convenient to the 'Dwelling Houses and to the Stables. The land is 10 a good state of cultiva tion, well fenced, and is r eg arded as one of the most productive and valuable Parma in the LintrlM: it Is -located about one and a.half nines from Richland 'Station, on the Lebanilin Valley Railroad, above btouchsbvira, on the Berke and Dauphin Turnplite. ' This property will besold in the whole,or in parts, ' • t Purchaser*, vie: A-Dwelli House. esw User and„.§i Acres; A, Dwelling with w .. rn, -Side Stable. with 99. Lens Of, , Land', o - vollii -- Housesi.ostst MILI, flaw.lllll and LO • AleiGeng theasene 'time and gd=l4 the_rnght, title and interest, to • certain t FRAME LWRLLING HOLTEN, and large BALE- 107 mat 'headtwo4l. the tatter impsble et glad 1 of Homes. together. wittra Nene of lan d , WWI- Aslant 10% . Aeres;sitnitte M7entelnk ___ COUII4y Pa. • _ - This p roperty is l ocated In thelonsUsese &Hon of Myerstown, on' the real leading to the Depot, tor inig the Hotel property late of Reuben blander. bait', deceased. jolin Douses,. Jacob Bentley, Wm. Loose and others. This pi operty is admirably adap ted for Building Lots. On the premises is an int. jnense Cistern, which ~ stippllee the•Ststlble with run ping water. ALSO-at theism° time and pike*, all that certain tract of CHESTNUT, TIMBER LAND, situate In Heidelberg Township. - I.ahanen County. P ll , ll d. Joining lands of George . G. Dawson vole. man J oseert Hoke. John r, and others, contain. lag 5 AC:es and 71 Perch • conditions of sale made nown by , .1 . , • , • HENRY STUMP. Assignee of Michael Hendibergsr. Dee 17, '7O-51-2t • I•\ • I•• .DHEBB GOODS f I l • . Pt. EWA- Brufd. tithp'l4 1 61 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ON. MOICIIAY,- nixiaßEß 5, , • _ • • WE WALL Atin.6roz . • SPECIAL, COUNTERS, IMME SE i'IIROTIEASE HANDSOME DRESS GOODS ED - striped Satinet in Chinii Colors, at ^.il, cad over, Cle. to trUport..' One Case AU-wool Fiend. Meritioeil, at 5(4 • One Came AU-wool Prenen Met:Wont, at 4115 e.: One Case Plain Solid Color 1341.1n.Clotba, 32 tattles wide, at Clic.. • SOleudid Quality FlepAry Matinee. Inc., very.. land sman for Malta / Janne Cloths. in dirk sloth colon, for Sults, 6:e. Silk Corded lioplina. in mised dark "ions, eSe. Best Qt 11 , 41 t7 FreitahPrtnts. lu Mints Rokats,3734e. Two mien of very handsome soft finish All.wool Co!'dos, 00 tnehrAride. !Or. Malts, la. 73 cent! These anods'are worth 11,70. • '., ~ . . , H ONER, ' QO L t DA Y, ; &,.00 . _no n 1414 ' It Street, Plilladelpili. Ocin;1 0- Ef. - 1 1 ", • 44.! , ..tcZett - • it `.• • INEM TO CI OUT New :Yorlqimliorters.,, =1 Tremendous Bargains. A FEW.QUOTATIOuS: Olnyulsoth HANG r , a LlLSZa i nainat BAB- B AlfD /IP --inoquetn and Cat Minn" sideoind els tided With Plants at Cinsaorwoon N rattan! during the winter.-Some Onnellasnie now NM= Pee" 17 *11"14t THE'„ 1 S 4 • • , AND RN ILIHNG :v_ t , " CONPANII. Moe No. = S. Fowl Street. - ,- O. W. NOTICE IS HEEERTINES t . o Me 1 Staab:olS era of this Compeer tbat theci‘nnual Meeting as Weettort As• . .PtailldiAt. Ids Jesters.,TreellOrer. as A . Secretary. will taX.plitee 'on e second: Moods,y Nth) of.Januairy next, at IS M__. _ L _ , , Der. 17.104514 1 WM.. H. WEBB. Seirelery.. i ll T o t ODIXAN - COI7ItT -OF TEED CO OF ISCEOFLICILL The under signed. lilted by the aid mart an ~ Auditor to 'distribute. balance remalulng - In tbe hands of Joseph IDeikeen ,_, me of the administnitom of the estate og liemigmoyer. deceased, tate of the Barone:l of Pottsville. Infsaid_Couifty, to mad among the ea entitled tolhil. ,- same. will tneetthe- - partiesy n , at his Mhos. No. UK Centre street. Potts-1 vl on T1,1131614.1r, January ad. in°. itie' the pug pose of pe4OrMift - the dunes of his e_ppolntrneat,...... DZICIMLICR IS,_I M - ' JOHN .& - NAISH.` - '' : Dee. 17,704514 t .-; ~ , ~, ... , . - •• Audit:it: -' .. 1 T ir t?L i ra ' A nt Pi liM a P till i g fC;r i labl i o It:: ofituft'on. : is, luonghout the Unitet_i States; and all civilized es of the Western llempisphere, , will be pub ed about the brat of January, and all who wish understand. the true 'philosophy of 1 health should read and Winder the valuabie snores- thane it &Walvis. In addition to an admirable medical trusimie on the transea„ prevention and cure of a great variety of dhreeses. - It embritoeit!a large amount otinfonnationinteresiliar to the therchatit, the. mechanic, the miner, the fanner, the planter, and profeasibbal man; and the calculations have been made for such meridian" and latitude* as are 1 most sultab , 4: for a correct and ' comprehensive i. Itartorta imstkas. %, - • The nature uses, and extraordinary sanitary ef fect" or .Rosttter's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonie and &hand a of more Alton bait the auistiart world, are hilly set forth kilts pages, which are also interspersed with- pictorial illustrations, Valuable recipes for the household and farm, humorous avec: doh*, and other instmctica 7 and amusing reading matter, origliud and selected. Among the ,Annals to appear with the opening of the year. this will be one of the moat useful, and may be had.he the asking. The proprietors, Messrs.. Hostetter I Smith, on re eeipt of a twtecent, stamp, will forward a copy by, mall to an o ydoerson who cannot procure one in his neighborh . The 'bitters . are sold In every city, town and village, and are of tensively used through out thekatire civilized world. Jan. 1;70-- Phi Globs, Cotbing, AC; CENTRE BTREET,__ . - BrA.Cow Atm=Celt tionss, Forrsvo..Lc. • MAGGIE • BOLAND, • Has now opened a new Stock of FALL fi WINT Goods, anch as - B AVER cLOTH, VELVETEENA; VATER PROOFS,' OLOVO3, CORSETs_.' 'OES„ TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, do A ALL AND WINTER SA( - ' - • rtictiltir. at i tentlou paid to . Drefo4 Making. tan Cloaks made to otiler: - Oct. : .1 .110-44 . ot.2tt, 70-05341 . • Drxo. , NO. 21 8. EIGHTH STREET _• Philadelphia. - PRIM -1 TO SUIT THE Tlit. RICH, ANCY AND TOILET GO DS. magnLll t assortment. unsurp I for va riety, elegance of style, or moderatioll!rt prices. Fine French Flowers for Jarpinie . rich Rohe- T ta and Chit si Toilet Bets and Vases., i'arlan Busts au Statuettes, gilt mounted Card Receiver. and Fl war-holders. Bohemian Glass, China, Lava, Par-1 la Marble, Brpute and Gilt Ornaments. I Rich Parts and Vienna Fans, real Whitby Jet, Vulcanite and j Fromch Jewelry, Cigar and TobaCCO Boes and Holders. Writing Desks, Glove, Handker char. sad Mr lit Boxes, Dressing Cases. Tablets, Pa Critters. 8 , OINU AM AND ALPACA UMBRELLAS, • I CAN ESI. &c., With a thou . il other articles embracing all that is new or deal blo for bridal. birthday or holiday peer:it/10mpg for In mutiny and moderate in price. ..,- K. DIXON, No. 21 N. Eighth street, Betty n Market and Chestnut, east aide, Dec. 10, '7 - , t Philadelphia. /8170* ALL, OPEON/NO. 1870. A SO*PLETE kiSCoRTMENT OF Let t WINTERS GOODS. ding SILKS, POPLIN'S, CRINTZES, tRT cB, CLOAKIN'GS, VELVETEENI CORDU ROYS, WATERPROOFS. (In t(ss new shades, &e.,) TRIMMINGS, KV Gwyes, a Tarietyof • Intl IN e (la the new gold and iblack raiz. a full'ilne of beautiful Striped Cahn . ; angst and Berlin Shawls. Also, a splendid assortment of hiE iil l 31.u..4.vEacr , GOODS„ including Iv_ _ SATINS, SILKS, VELVETS. :j. /lONS, FLOWERS. &c: I WIIITFIELI) & ROYER. 8irpt.21.10:314i--1210.-t! THERE IS fiTO NECESSITY FOB PEOPLE going abroad t0133 . y r „ . , ..- . • COTHING, .--... . . When they i'an get everything In that line at. . I • MORRIS ROHRHEIMER'S, . . No. 214 C) Centre Street, POTTSVILLE, • . , . „.. Cheaper and of liupeirn th e ini • ie quality i to that they buy In ..-- . . CLO2IW i tO OF MY XANUFACTURE . •Has been compared with that made In Philadelphia, and found not only CHEAPER IN PRICE, but su perior.' I keep constant y on hand the finest. assortment of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC : CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Which lam prepared to mnNe up In the best style. as I only emploc first-class workmen. My principal ..4, ' Cutter, Mit. JOl3l , 15 well known as a Brat-class Cutter. A: First-a l b.% Snit Node for $25, • AND THE VERY BEST E 830. i Cansimere Wi 1 nter. Suits from tIS to S. - 1' Also„a very large assortruent, OfrEitcOATS, RANGING IN PRICE , -FROM $lO to 11.20, Mader of Chluclilla, Beavers lind English Melton. ~.. . Constantlymn•hand, a large assortment of , . • 'T...7NPERCLOTHINGI- • , ' AND Gents' Furnishing Goods in General. My motto Is; "Fair dealing with everybody, and ' satisfaction given, or money refunded." Closing out Overcoats at a sacrifice at • • • . , . MORRIS RORRECEIMER'S.- . No. ago Centre Street, Pottsville, • Nov. 10.10—Z2 -2w [O —Ut-2t PPOSITE, 861.0310.11 MOVES'S./ ' - HOLIDAY (10_01:03: BC.—Before .pnreliaelnir HOLIDAY - GOODS for Christmam, and New Year, go to IIR9. lII;9DER, NO.llOl N. W. cor.,F,leirent4 &;.blieettnut TOYS! NEW GOOD S . English. Fiench,-German andAmertean. rya, DOLLS, FANCY GOODS. I still continue to sell my entire of Feathers, Velveteen; Flowers, &c., at greatly reduced prices. to make room for our Toys and Holiday Goods. Hatt and Towel Racks, Brackets, Writing Desks, Ink Stands, Pocket Books—greatest bargains ever Ssar y uper, .selectio n of Jet; Gilt , Pearl and Coral J Jew- . . .1 Elegant Fans, part, Ivory and Gilt:Stick. • KI Gloves, two button, all the new shades. Also, the Joseph Kid, the best SI Glove Sold. . • ' cloaks, Dresses And Snits made in the most fash ionable style. I Trimmed PeperPatterns. `Perfect System Of Dress Cutting taught. Real Valenciennes, Guipure and Thread Laces. Jll the latest Valencienn es Ladies' Collars, Cu ff s sslnd Sleeves. ' Point d'Appligu l e and' Duchesse. Thread Veils. I French Embroidered Cashmere Sacks, Ostrich Plumes, Tips and,Fancy Feathers and-Flowers. Novelties in ?leek Ties antlßows. - • 'Ribbons, Roman Scarfs and 14ashca , ; Dress Trim m • 4 t Ornamental Fringes, GiMp; Sofa Pillow*, Phi Cush lens. large lot - ofWorked,Slippers, at very low prices • . ,M>ss K. A. BINDER'S, (. N. V. one: Eleventh and Cbestnnt sta., PRILAVA. I Oct 1, 11)---1114m , HOLIDAY • No, 902 Cheitnut Street, Philata„: Now oder their entire Impornsion o Eusop ,NovEtams • For- Vie - Holidays. These areil&fessibly, _ern from LONDON, PARD3, V A. tia ROME. many of them en tirely new this CRY. base been expressly made tar Mere Mallsaleriinbvetyfform of Ornament and ratthist Alt sad Taste can devise, in •BRONZt,__NARIBLE, -.CRYSTAL, PORCELAIS, GOLD,.BILVER, LEATHER, IVORY, • TtiftYolnE till aLL, am. • end tun now ready tbr the inspection of All who will ;peer with Avian their ZgAttisLE STORE. , • ' No. 902 C.IIIESTNVT 131, EVT. roirr.ovar.rifiL J. 'E. OLIDWELL CO. Feb 4, 10-4-19 —1 .' • . • WILL IDETN = December Ist, 1870, Aspreniudcon,ectlon of 1-HOLIDAY 'GOODS, Domestic. soar Foreign. FANCY GOODS, • 'SILVER WARE. ' - JEWELRY, AND WATCHES. A CHOICE LOT OF OPERA CHAINS. 1 . R.,0. GREEN, in Centre Street, near Xiners' Bank. Pottsville. Nov gym—a& Ann. 21. 'OO-41* v IMES NB 1104.LA8 . ,ICNOL33I. ONE . . 1 4. MAUFEL OF Gk. : l%Ln' A =hat FisTOrst, . DOLLAR mplete and in . numlint order ♦ Ondld Chrlattuis . PresesiS, tbi Boys. For gals at i - BANSAN B4IIOIIBY'S. Dee. 14.°41)-44. • I 11 /711DIMIX_CPAND HOLXDAY 013/7_3.-.Beart vir Mal cologne Toilet Oak Splendid vases, Tea Bets. Wads flobdadme. and. Aripad Laub Moire , Baum. Jewel Watch Braekets and Racks; as vartetr ablna k ,Partaa bad lAvd Ware;.aboo. Tan lbr did- - drag. Tao bids, Was am Corns Dolts. er.c, Aic.,jbat . reedved and Weeds at low plow by • I .I. IL TROXELL. 1 CHINA, GLABSSItrATIE, AND caocgswz,i • ad CIXTRIC SIT "corm ionua. . Sim l o,llL, - I Aar I."W-87-Iy-13647 " v 4 • 4 4. 4, ra • - ft. , yi olibag 6,00D5. ZEES tx)U.&it. -Csi Woj VP TO MW EUROPE: Repotted Capture of La *ere Ce. • Sam of Feesarp t e i Pff .. s l°° LuzesatsurgQ Tifi t et T p i a. a. a Datte— :woe of Bane Abloadaera — """"` - SYGLAN ' LoithoN, Dec. 14.--;The capture of La Fere is 'contradicted. , Oreneral 'l o aidherbe passed the town without attqeking , it. Severld en , gagements have occurred lit that neighbor recently which'were generally favors= Ate Frenc • report pu b l ished=yesterday that the had occupied Contres,Montriebard • .tiaßemorantln on the Loire, con fi rmed despatches to;day.l • • . ' The - Mosirmar says that the preneh' have been reinforced at all point*. --- The army of General Madteuffel captured the town of Fecamp, twenty-one miles 1 -northeast of Havre, on the English Chan ' net, - yesterday: A contribution of five bun , dred thousand francs )been - levied upon the citizens. ' Despatch received herd from- The Hague <say it is reported - that - the diplomatic eor ' respondence between thi , .Governmetit and. Count Von Bismarck, respecting the Lux emburg difficulty has been brought to an abrupt termination:by. the King of Holland, who positiTely refuses to Cede the Grand, Duchy to Prussii. - - • This decision, it is asserted, has brought ti reply . from Bismarck,- to the effect that Prussia will detnand—peeuulary indemnity forlheviolation of neutrality byLokernbarg. Much uneasiness is flit Ahrougifout Holland ky - -the result of the Prussian demands. Earl Granville, replying to the despatch of Count Von Bismarck, defending, the ac tion of his Uovernment, with, reference to the Luxemburg question, vehemneAtly pro tests against, the manner recently adopted by certain European powers of repudiating treaties formed in good faith. • rztussr.i.. • 13ERIAN, - Lk.c. I4.—The PIit9,I4.IIZIAL VoR REgPONDENT of this morning, in' an article- on Ow progress of 'the war, says that the proposed tombardment of Paris has again been postponed, because such a course at present would be detrithental to the military operations. The real object of the war and the, interests of the army at this Junc ture are of paramount cansidemtion • and unquestionably, : at the right moment, the commander of the investing army will take such action. as will fully Insure immediate and future stuicess. • The Prussian-•tiovertitnent -, declares, That the great powersof Europe have no right to concern themselves in the Luxemburg mat ter in the fact, of her plain violation of neu.- trality in the interest of the French.. Prussia therefore has reserved to herself full freedom Tor her future course. - It is thought probable, in well-informed et, cries here that after the coronation of King Willianr•lis Emperor of Germany,. the title of Duke will, he conferred upon Co tint Von Bismarck. CM HAVRE, Dec. 15.—The Prussians have en tirely withdrawn 'from this section of the country. The Toads ate - open again to Vretol. The steamship Erie, which arrived off the coast of England yesterday, has sailed for this pon t - though, it is possible she may put. into Cherbourg. 'She has arms on board for the use of the French. It is said that three hundred thousand .French are drilling, at. Bordeaux. ItoRDEAUX,French • Dee. 15.—The Treasu ry Department announces that all obliga tions of the Government of National Defence will be fultilled on the first day of January. WASHINGTON. A General European War Imminent—Our New ]Kialater to England—Minister Waahburit at . the.Bealeced Capital—lndemnity from Spain—Unattlffned Marra In the Army. WASH I SGTON, Dec. 15.—Recent despatch es from Euro& in relation to the Eastern question are regarded by members of the ad ministration as foreshadowing' genemi Eu ropean war within six.montila , ,. In, fact it has been believed for some tinie by officials. here' who are in *position to know,- what 110- going on in Europe that silver, greWhig out ' of the course pursued by Russia, could not be averted, and was bound to eoMci sooner or later, and official information received at at a very , late i date goes to enfirm this view. . _ The nomination of General' -Sclienck as Minister to England will be sent to the Sen. Itte by the President very shortly, and it is expected that he will depart for Loudon after the holidays, he_ the farthest, not later than towards the Close of -January. ~ It is not the intention of the -President or. Sec-, retary Fish to adhere . to the -determina tion made over a year .ago to conduct all future negotiations lookingkjo the' settle ment of the Alabama claims in Washing ton ; but Gen. Schenck will be clothed with the necessary:authority to reopen this ques tion at LondOn, If the British officials cx press a wish and. readiness to -have it dyne, and the time or occasion is considered pro pitious. . General, Schenck, : :Will, also be• charged with the' settlement' 'gr. the fishery question, which there is excellent-reason Tor believing Lord Gladstone is extremely an xious to get erased from the 'calendar \ of unfriendly acts committed against the U it ed States by Great Britain. • In short,en. gv Schenck wilt go to London- . possessin full. confidence in the Administration as to his ability to.honduct diplomatic questions with the English Government in a manner that will reflect credit 'upon . himself, and at the same time represent truly the. iews of the President and his Administration. It may be generally known:that a weekl mail is received at the. State Department from Minister Washburne in Paris. This mail IS sent sealed through the' Prussian' Rhea- by Count.Bismarck' who also permits One to be sent back to,Mr. Washburne In return. The latest letters received from Mr. Washburne are dated November 20 in Which he says he will probably remain in the besieged city. Nearly all the foreign Ministers have left Paris, going qut voluntarily or else from be ing recalled by their government. Mr. Washburne says within a few days after his letter was written that the Swiss Minister and himielf will probably tie the only' ones remainiug in Paris. s The •Srianish Government yesterday paid over to the United - States nearly nineteen thousand dollars for damages and. demurr huge in the case'nf the American steamer Lloyd Aspinwall, seized some time,last year on the suspicion of being fittedout to aid the , Cubans. In a few days there , will be a general Order issued assigning to active dutieesixty unas signed officers A4ther list of about seventy will be publighed on the 31st of January, and , these will completerthe list of atutsinigised officers who are to be retained lathe army. All the others will be.placed on the retired list by the - President. . • . •- - - A nuMber of officers Who .are before the ;Examining illoard r or Bosint/of Appeals, as it Is called are resigning,:fitiding that their cases are hopeless& By doing thin they' re ceive one year's extra payi = , ICE . Cimgr; and what does the Dogfish Octistitation consist of?" 31 .0(aTiirtey, democracy, and a—a=••hy- cuosixoPßlCEt • or DE lELLIFILN 410 SOUTH THIRD filrairr, PHILADELPHIA. • Dec. 15, MO, So'clock.P. • • .I.T H. Va of 81..... . '62.-..... " _ " I :6a.............. ... :. _ , - - .1 . .., m.........: .. . ...---- . t wro, new t-rt.- t ~ 8.:10 yaw e per cent, culTenc 7 -7 notd:.— ..... --!--• ,-. . 7....::.: silver.-- ....... -1:1-51-37.—Bonds..... 'Union Pacific R. "ntral Pad" R. R— " *. inVoTti; ... 7 . ; Union Pacific Land Gran . POTTSVILLS' W LT ... , We give the: Callusing qions for today : ' I )(TATES— !lard* b .... lz----- 59 Roast Beef * Its.: ' t 20423,ChIckens $ w............, 20 Corned Beet I 1b . ....,.)...10421r.Duchis 1 1 ), ---- Rump Steaks* lb;..l'r-423 ThrheY ll l llsl ---- 10 Sirloin Steaks* lb,_Z-1 3 ' Haddock * 1b..--- - , 10 13ausage wi e5._............ , • IRack it b...............„ 1 0 LS - Marron— . iflailbut gibs—..,.—... . ZS Forequarter 1111b.„...-. —ol4lWhite Perch 0...... 15 Hindquarter '. lb-- —Ole Mack I 1b.............-.. —4.15 Molls is R--.-- —o2CiestiLob * lb.— ;4 - 015 PORE— • lEels alb .;?-0 Roast &Steskap lb.:. -7s2ll,Eteaust(soltplil qt-- - gl--15 1 Corned 11 1 u b,.. , .- 141 1.... IRlMlButter gilb.a)--..:. - .... 0 Han? -- Rsighippt $1 dossz.. ...... —.— 37 Hums slier.) --1.. alpastsagefhead.—... IS Shoal ers*llis--.__ 17$111 Potatoes 5; pk .1 15 Dried Beet 9 IL.-- •••••94SISIrt IVA& ow* pir. 154b* Y NAL—. i 430, lOUS V, s• Forequarter* b.._•.—Olt Realises% w 1.1•1 orb. --di Hindquarter* b.-... --WWI arnips 1p 34 • ... ... --912 Cutietsis h•• L.- —4t2 • VA PP S99 . tre ":il/pAZ ''''' Prime Oysters * 100.. 51)(471E Ail las • ........, Roiaoa Sausagellth —•afas , SmokM taxmen Wes- Eisni - porr3v4a.s, MARKETS Corneas roam as maws' bi wtkr,t itazorttr. 14- simuy. vibta...:. . * • vet . ** " s' - extra ... ' ' ..:.-... net- Beekirbearleer ,--...,.-.11 on-. Wheat, prime white,.........-ai bu5rea....3....--....-.--ltbanh rea....3....--....-. - -ltbanh- Catia..4.-.........-.-..,.. , .. ,- ... - -1:., bomb - •Oete - ... t c..---- . i." bush- Rio Chop Abesh_ bash ,Middllizip...- -;.:-.-,t:. Web 8h0rt....-:-.,-.,--.:.....‘btuiti- ittan.;—.-.--.4.....,....-.lbush,... Potatoes..---:-.;-;.4. -- - .;;... r i1k bruin- Bay • ..-.toa-... wr I bale ................4-,- Itir . , - - . ,- • .. . , . . • EMI =I FRANCE. lig $7 " I 374 700' eta se; 50 160 1 110 ftl ;.' t''BUI10,011k& - >:-,-,:=2 ,- 4 - --- -- - -;„,,, :. ..,.. , , r):, -- , - ,. . -- 44!,,,,. .:,--. Asiiititizr to — Amarkian' 611 0 1 4•4imilliat"' • eip a et isabitabdat th Pe e ace a! cw44l/0 ,It-' • '-_,, c rW ~ ics • niwa -mistesser , Jrair Wit' 41 14hr,r4 . • • - e -..- - ,'„? - ,1 ' • -- -, - ",......:4 . 1.39. -. ; LgO _ Dec . _ .DON, I 15..—An appology, iaathretie...,;.t. - setit to Captain Wells, of me Unlietilitaleet : -- steitmer cittenandosh, for the aocidental Alit ' ..,,'-- received by that vessel a few dolt esti ft* m a preach iron - glad which. was using:, bet:, 7:: , guns to intioddate Gen. Berriand, French' dontmankler 14 Hann; wilb had ordeted a portiOnof thesquadron to Cherbourg. " It is announced that Austria. wishing _to • maintain existing guantutees,for the peaceor _Europe, yet desirious of *paring the suctepta. bilities - of Russia, adheres without reserve. tiori to the decisiotwf the approaching eon- ference at London. ' - 'i • ' Noel, learnin be wa s - to be committed for ; - trial and_ indict for counselling the Greek brtgan - dfnot to rrender the.hiarethoh cali- ' tures without th , were assured , -cf an am- . , nesty, has fled fro ' ' glanci A i. _ _‘ -- It is thought Licit' auteut is warcialair - : upon, Caen andCherbourg: Despatcher from Havre, however, represent the retreat orthe Prussians to the southward as . pricip. . , Rate as a balloon_frpm - Parni With mail de sended at Intatleut. - erne. . ,; ... . FLosEzieu. Dee, 15.—1 n the Italian Pax.; .:',. !lament a bill for the cousitteratlen of Papal, - f , debt!! was introduced. '--- . Ditnvietr, Dec. 15.—The Chamber of 14. p. ' • has passed a ‘ fttrther military Credit. of 41,0'25,000 florins: `,. i Thoifederal treaty. has been referred to - a' Special - Committee-of the Chamber: r -. ...f • > . • :, • ,_, , .* , - WASHINGTON. General Pteasiuston's Ifonilnation Coiarnalt. WASIIINGTON, ; Dee. :.I(3.—Tho' &gate Ml* afternoon confirmed Gen. Pleasifiton as* Commissioner of Internal Rventli. CUBA: General Voituegia4l) Assumes Comnitutd—floltodso .• veer to Spain. "- • HANAVA, Dee. 13, via LAKE CM. Dec, di Valmesada assumed .command of the Island of Cuba•at noon to-day. , Ex-Captain-General .Delt,pdas leaves' pp. the,lsth for Spain. • • . . NEW YORK. ConnterfOter Diveharged—Writ of Ent". NEW YORK; Dec. 16.—Brockway, the al leged counterfeiter, has been dischanged by Commissioner Osborn, under statute of UM- Ration. .Lawrence Sullivan, yesterday sentencedto be hanged, 'was to-day granted a writ of error, to stay proceedings, by Judge Ingra ham: CONG*ESS. - FORTY-FIRST TERM-TBIRD SESSIONY Wasersorox, Dee: la. • sENATB. ' .. The Vice President laid before the Semite a, communication from Mr. Drake, that he had, to the 13th WAG, transmitted to the Guyer net of Missouri his milt:nation as a raember et the • Senatee, to take effect on the 19th inst. , • Mr. Sumner pre,ented a memorial from WM. ,-.- F. Wills; tieorge T. Bigelow, and many of the most eminent merchants .of BI ston, &vets° to . • the proposed anpezation of 13an Daningo. , Mr. Sherman, (ruin the Finance Committee; reported back adversely the vafrousbitia fur the, abolition of the income tax: Upon his request. the said bills were placed ppon the calendar. Mr. Morton Offered - a resolution requesting , the President to-communicate to the-Senate all information in bis poaseseion relative to organ ized bodies of disloyal and evil-disport-A per sons s • , in the State of North Carolina, which have in view threatened resistant*so the execution of the laws of the United States, or the denial to United States citizens of the getal proUe•tion' of the laws and theierightsi under the Conititti- • tion, and also what murders endoutrages for political purposes have been committed by amp organizations. Mr. Pomeroy rernarked that one hony of the day the Senate was for general amnesty, and t re next Senators were -after rebels' for • kit ng Unionists. The resolution was agreed to. At 1.20 P.lll. the Senate resumed the coneld oration of Mr. Scburz's resolution,. looking. to - general amnesty. and Mr. Drake' was awarded the floor for the purpose of replying to the . .. speech of his Colleague. After alleging that for the introduction of a personal controversy and • local political contest Into the Senate of thelinit ed States his colleague was alone responsible, he •, - said his motivrrin replying was not merely with a view of his personal vindication,but that of a.s noble ' a party as then hold the dMao of any State of the Union. The extrao inset' re- • e m eiti arkable speech of his colleague w " without provocation. Ho could vet, conceive why the' hosts led by his colleague,ivho had had their vie, tore when they trailed the. Republican banner ' , of Missouri in the dust. shined not have been ~. content with their triumph upon the soil of that _ State, but seek to cote's! it before the 'mann, crit- - iciziug the reference to . himself the: thirteen"= .: years before,lteleui Objected iu toe unwary in tercets to a political candidate in Missouri. He attributed the motive for the statement to a de- I, 1 sirreto hold hint up before a Republican Senate. . and the nation as an object of condemnation _. ' and distrust. But supposing he had been a' ' , pro-slavery matt in 18.7,iit did not constitute .a ;..t. justification of hie colleague's act in 1870. _ Thougit for ten years a penitent, his A eollesgue ~ could not pardon him for his sin. ' A ' Mr. Schurz bere desired to interpose sword of explanation, but Mr. Drake declined to give. way, remarking that his colleague had over four years of Senatorial term remaining in which to answer. Mr. Schurz, I merely want to tell my col- _ league I forgive him. [Laughter.] Mr. i • ke expressed his appreciation of ids colleagu .'s unexpected out-burst of clemency, adding in his opinion it was better to be a'• new Re . üblican and a faithful one then mold I -and t -. . arena one. (Applause in the galleries; which th. V ice rresident promptly suppressed.) At 3. I Mr. Drake still held the door. Mr. Sc urz briefly replied tbat he could afford „- to allow it speech Andthat of his colleague to . •• go to the people aide by side without a single reply o his Dart to 'what his colleague . 2 had as i , but he wanted .to ROO his 'mileage- one monsoletion On his .way ' It see:tie. he bad fallen into the habit Of act signing .verybody who did not agree with hi • " to the I mocmtic, party. The Hon. Grate •••-1 Brown, well-known .consistent and fearieere - ' anti-slay ry. man, and himself, bad been duet , ditiposed of. The Germans slip, it seelibeit w tug° in . e same directiot a liind to be ' led by .- himself. He would tell hi colleagues that if he (Se rs) ever d red to lead all 1• 11 the Get s In a laid into the Demo crate to - tre-conld not o It . FinalkY, N the State ; at Missouri w to go to the Dew- - °crate fact, however. that the • recent election resulted he securing Republican - executie and Senate in that4State,While the ma jority in House might be either way. If the State changes, by reason of.the enfranchisement of the hitherto disfranchised, his colleague could not escape - some of the responsibility because belied • admitted that everybody in the state feclading the McCleary party was in favor of ' UM proposition, the only difference being se to time. -He assured his colleague that those - - who acted with him (Schurz) would *now •:,.. how to , take " care of the Republican eansir'-in -. Missouri. ;-- • e ',. _. The Senate +Went into executive sess ion and' ..,.. soon after adjourned till Monday. , • - ' - - MOVIE OF REPDAIIJIAVATITS,..- - - - - Mr. Mercer, of Pa.. from the Judiciary Cour mitteeEreported a bill repealing the Tbtrd Sec- ' • thin Crthe Act ofJuly 1b.1870. to provide com pensation tor Grand and. Pent ; Jurors in the United States Courts. - Such section having been enrolled by mistake. Prated. , Theilouse then proceeded to the (*athlete than of private buts. Mr. Porter from the Recoruttruction Commit tee reported a bill removing-vendee' disabili ties from some twenty-five parsons, chiefly re- , . siding in Virginia, and from iW. K. Thrner, of Nashville, Tenn.. Judge of the Davidson coun ty Court, which position he bolds in violation . , of the fourteenth ,Amendinent. • I Mr. Maynard moved DS strike out the name • of H. K. Turner, because be bad accepted an. • oftit* for while:he was disqualified, thereby • subjecting himself to the penaldessrovided in the Fourteenth Amendmetrt. ,The motioniwas rejected and i the bill was - .ed. Yeas, • ill ; raise s 3. ," , I Tb H ouse then seeded to Consider the bill reported yesterday by Mr. Hooper relating to the duties, bu sow. He explained trat Me' only cbange which the bill.nreposed in tholez. )sting law, was, striking out: the Words "raw" or'"lnuseavactor so that sugars may be claimed entirely by their number. The'Secretary o(the Treasnry bad called the attention of the Com mittee,of Ways and Means to the subject, and the committee bad had before •it a great many experteln sugar it , wee Irnpossihdel to construe the law as it stood, and therefore' r . it - wee recommended that the proposed change, be made inefead of presgribing the mode of taking samples. The bill also proposed to leave that matter to be regulated by the Secretary of the Treasury. The bill was passed. I Mr. Shouts, of Indiana, introduced a bill'it o dispose of the Cherokee Indian lands in ,Rap sas to actual settlers only. - Referred. I he e lrusittnen at a quarter-past two - s? < Darned ti ll Monda y. THE operatimi,of hog killing and dressing is so rapidly: perforated in Ohio, that lt yow study the faces of the hogs gun. they awihntig up to cool (Rayon writer itt !the Vineldnati Tom), you will find, ad expression of the - most interule bewilderment upm them, as _though puling themselves to make out ; what h a d been going -on and where they Aso, 1.800 7 4 g 650 50 660 :166 1 10 1 15 1 06 'TEE BiniEnTa OF 4.DOERTISING.—A lin. - morons writer in aw exchange says tinged- . vertisingognods "Ia jest \ like snorhe or taking a crying baby too hutch. you ideSto- kit church and don't snore, how's •folks on. thw back seats or hi the gallery to know yotaittit— there? and in regird•tothe beby,yolltaWnwhit'.: turret know you could raiser orseitt: *hi* nand Sakai. him to •4172urch, - he didn't: beghb . l . to letldistesna. But when he yellecertipitsk;-:- and titters? ereubody; pown-ktataili,gagy:- Inlght4fgotxl. athittiAindlagtek.':: tlenisehnist• Fine Ituit r itoPii~lia ti thittow; , ygustirTlet4itwa = ar theAiWtheleople knew ith - atiolthez morethey know the MOOS they'; *battik"- • ' - • • - • In at is as ii s 1 Enli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers