U ORM RE - - dd. • "=" m r d l eility Wan PriN g .I.s. juiner . lw • • re - ESE 3,4*DAY,*.CEMB4 - 17, I biLli=r l2 S.AL Is bard every baturdur to subscribers at r .. per stun/m.ln . isrliallne.itAgArd to advance. aunt 010111—DiVABL4ZIT 1Z ADVANCYC. , Coes, trl One addree. f. in I IS C. 1 20E5W One adalime,fl , IX _- , Sal Z ... .. .. 43 ." L" To News Dealers 14 90 per 100 Omits. cash.. ' : To Whilsters and echoed T-mters se sill tundsh the _, • JOVIIISA, bytes. mall. at- 11l SO piefoinntim. in advance— :. o . - --: Srise at IZI ra Tasimairismimar scnnavasis ••• • —• week •dy morning, Saturday's ezoept4l. rare er TEAKS—Thirteen tents per week. paYo2o t the ~ty4l=l l erg tivaneC alf li ii l. l* ; {sonde, lane =atm, It TS • -- ' DAILY AM) WEEKLY MINDIM:to. JOURNAL r 31) per nutunaillWanetai kir BOW Off:R RELATIONS-tIVITH ENOkeg _ LAND. T _ • rsignificacit, fact that... while the feeling hf hostility:Sin this country toward Eaglanit is too deep and extended to•he Generalq3utler's late speech in saitet4taa• receiced in _expressive silence, except trom' a part of the hall where Otero was a group of his sunktrters. Thousands of intelligent men '.tft this•leOuntry. at :the . present time,- are it *trite; watching the - Russian question, ho 1; dbat England may 1 'yethe involved in t 4.T V v ' ''thitt we e.a..n•seize an Opportunity of reV, • lac...our A/ft/puma, it ' and other losses du rin il l iii*Jtion, . -But this spirit.is wrong ; sat it would tract upon America-just as suit: 'every :gun of the • 4tit, ~ 410anza was turned }son • English 'liberty an ileivilization.. Evil (vas ions cannot be in-, titilged fn by a nation . . with more impunity ~.ttian an indiViddal; and political: morality is as essential to the peace of nations as per • sonal;Marality to that of domeistic soelety. Iteannot be denied _that for many years there has been entertaitied.in this county a deep sense of injur,y, l whiph Entlithinen . }.otKito come here notice, however kindly. they' quay be treated personally. And tidwis - confined to this - country. It is exhibited 1 the continent of Europe and elsewliere . , , ,td "such an extent, that the - Tarty in Englan which Most dreads a war 'policy, must. as • Itself with some uneasiness whether Engt land base friend. A terrible; itumiliall4 questioq The iympathy which tiniveritally saluted.. Germany it the beginning, of the i:preseni war, has been a most sigpiticint niosal-support to the German . arms. .:Co4ld Engfati4,. under 'any eircumstauccs:which =might._ comp her to war,: expect, hearty. sympathy front public sentintent - in, any .' r- country? .We think not, 'and -the rttasOe• __would be found in consequent of r despot - . le arrogant position titiyards' the. whole world—a spirit Whicti and is - nowiteadily opposed by the : Arals ri England. -A rid. sit tpCre)y ile'sire the —advance of civilization, which depends upon 711iternatIoniti,guOd sense and .honorable un derstanding, will - bear steadily in' mind the fact that there are\two Spirits ithiEngland, . as here, contesting for the , mastery. • Ac the better spirit is :steadily and con staidly. ,advancing, ..what has any thing• Which Is truly . American i to gain by the . r overthrow of .Eciglandt • - Beneath 7nll jeal 7 ousiesand.hatreds there is .the controlling ,conscbress Mat we .are essatlially. the . • 'came ce—in the same line of, civilization, • •::)Witlithesante greSt civil traditionwand in stitutions, the right and the left hand of con-. 4,- • • stitutional liberty—to-da3 s and" under the 2 inspiratiO r n of our maintenance - mid purill -cation-of the Union, the better England, which believed and trusted tni, and which checked the band of British Toryism and ~commercial greed tl iongbout our war, is in power. The • Wyni fatly between the- eoun , tries ought noW to:he closer than ever. An American can do nothim.7. so unpatriotic and. so fituniinly as to join in an itnreasoning and reelthiss cry againstEnalandn Of course all telieVe this to be the favorable. moment for • the • fof Mal ,settli , tuetit of our'r difficulties ; and they would begin under the roost prom- is'n3 ausp.es' If England wolthl_pror)ose:tlie aptlernete Nothing helps a gOvernmient: more than Magnanimity: That Is conceded" 'in. many pointe, us in the treatment of pr.. litir al Offenders, but it is - equally true of its whole action. Both , Conntries 'want a peace ' tut :feeling as well as the form of peace,. t'DIES 'ANL FlSllllt►©l t S, . • • 'notice a little annouricenient.circtila.; E - • - W,Aing that the American • Path-hook arid Needle Compariy,of New Haven, Conn., gave received an onlor fOr 50.00 neodlts from a great • manufacturer i needles n. 13;tfuiingfearn. It is further stated 'that the chuipany - have been:. exporting tish-houks to England fur More than. - • a year. " • I-f this msertionls. precisely:Wit:nil; itidieated It is of no inean •value. The supply of fish-, . hooks.in this e , tintry has been idntost monopo lized by English manufaiqurers the Limerick bland, being considerild best. 'Mid enor- • :t;niourroonsymption of.needles hos:been satisfied. from the same source. To turn tits tables even such' an caveat as is inditiated, is nu — achievement 'highly credihiblo %kill (of our artisans.. :And to' turn it whho • Ise are • weighted's% now, is still more creditable. If so much can be done in this 'field, more is feas .ibie In this ankother indtuttries."::.? , :or have - we --any donkt that thore will be done; and that year • after year we shall see one fabrication after another rooting itself here ; antl.treoching upon the long-estahltsuied. monopolies of England.We call attention to this ..instsmee -because i;cirrobrirates the tetidencv we • ha've all along asserted and defended. Itraltre , tinder existing laws . drafting here the 'enterprises that have • _ been monopolized abroad., If they and ittezewed in Weir Infancy they will mature rapidly and- dritw others, until, addltionallo milting needles 'end fish-hooks .for.raiglaid, we 'may make her heavier artieles amid rival her imi all the markets of tht.world The above Is . fairr-thtfticx iN i e.haVe no dou,roOf Its correctness.. ss.. our ...protective Aey,- the pcison whose same we do tuirilot recrillect, spent n large sum in inventing machinery to matuffacture ifeedles, and succeeded in pcifectinonaehin -ery -n* enables- hint - now to matt ufacttrre these articles cheaper tlie-United states than - Lacy can be, nianuiectured • In any part. • •,,of the world. Hellas taken "out a fiateut, but - refuses to sell It to any gureptp.n:cottu •.. try, "If we mistake not upwards of 5100,000 • ' were expended In perfecting the machinery, -and 'lll it communication, published in the N. Y. TRIBUNE, the pioprietor.,o(the patent - - "declares that he never would, have spent one cent to make .the machine- it _it had not ,been for tbe protection given in our tariW.to Americati manufacturers. ). • ._ • , „ France establishedthe iron .httsinees in . last country by-high duties to.inticaltiee the ereetion of iron works, and after their erection prOhibited. foreign= ron which she could ma'te, from eaterinOhe -country,- - 'The introduction of the :manufacture of • Aron the - 4,Talted'. States Was 'ln ' • t.onsequencenf the. plashof a :duty of a ton tin foreign rails.; At 'that- time:we bad uo , faclOry 3,tl:4tlies:United States,: and there was 6 tern le cry - raised by the rail ,.; 'roadtonspanies and free traders. They, de elated an hntrage•;,-that there was hot snificitmt capital in the country for the eree ';diod: of Tail mills: The friends. of home , • labor and Industry met it by statirti . :lhat without protectioe - they: never would be elitablished,ltnd =*they.; - •prOpesed ' giving it-a and it-it.proved that -there was not -sufficient ca sal is the'ecathlry• to erect thtSe . mills, they could. repeal the 414. In less - than:four - years a suMeient-cumber of mil irlitli - had been' erected in • the .ruiied.Stat es doturn'oUtsufftelentMilis Per daitiilaxdOwn ,a•ralle of road, and• in eight years,tlyi-prim - ilf in* i*at Unitedfiates, . With hinity Of er ton, were sold Cheaper than Impoit , !AI• rails were - sold • when ditty -free.'; AYe • mantifactiared last yea.' 693,5 1 36t0n5,,aatt1ea-' ..,-ported-fnrit -, EuroPe-36,500. In 1861;mi-hen wt; hack C6l33llBllAi T er -free.4eade-hader a BO : called Democratic Administration, we:Only - • antunfacttired 189,818 teas., • is the effect 'Of proteetion io'nurlionte - labor and • ' _ • • -Wifi Nor?—The St. Louis .JorßNikt, of ComitzacE • says : "In IttSB - and" 'a the _yeails :profit - of the:Cotton - rnennfagturere :of (beet Britalti WaS $ 188 , 0 a1;00, 4 w-bile the total; ahte of our cotton crop was buts.lB4;- 000" iIVILY, riot kieP this profit at home? Straw..26ot little value in-ite :rain .state, but 11444411,1riga Italy in tine work "'a worth S1O,001) Why 'not, acid !lie ... veldt. hare?" . ". • - SEEM STEPS are baLag4silr.pa-ta,bass—the Gov ernment of the Ija! - Statek nee its lattu enceltillirthwr '.4 a • ii! Mptthne lattitihk* tilltikliviite .IMatettiY iir sea la Utualgiiir. • Thiproiask* ko'good. aid stiould ie adopted. - ',:. ~w~" ~~:: . "-~~a - MUTED STATES CENSUS. ' ' ' A r .' • AO - . '! : ' q -..' • 11170. --" Ir - N . . • , •-•••4 • A p ar: - : Vl,„±. .1331.751 , • • - lyn-- . „.• ,---I*-- ,SlO '1 • CAA ' - 1i1m0re;....... -- ,--sh.w .....-- -•••r••• • , -Ginel;;Triltill2lll.9ol9 z 414 New Orleaus.----.—.....---.. 1 64.468 .. 17=1' Nan Frandsoo----........ --MASI ^i : 1 1 314 1 Bfarralo- ...—..-4,,......—..-..114.C4 - C7eve1and......... .....„..- • 194013 - - 43.417 Pittsnargh —..---,....---.„.. -... 241X5 .48512 ler.ey Chy_____.--.........:.=--. 144634 '.. 43;84 , I:etroit - ....,....'.—...L.-....- 79,619 , 43,417 ' Milwa nicy. ...ie:-.. -.. --...fr- ..........-:•:-...._ MON ' '45 411,21610 . Allban..-..........u. , ..........•...:..A,...ier. -- 7 4:- 'Providence. n...r -- -,:.:.• --:-.....____Taum - - • a z Rochester, 11%.. eater, N. ............:........... ........ 82.411 - Alltgbeny City____.___-.--.........412 • . 31 . 7 02 Ne. w iblinetg 001112...------.... • 1.4157 4.:barMn.orr 8.41-__ __„,, - . 48,431 . '31,130 rTroy,N Y.«. «....: __.,. - 48,471 ^235 egracuse. N Y-.-.... - ...... „.... apt . . 26,342 W .nr0art34.13486,.......--..............,...4.41.188_,.,24.1 1 83„ Lowell, blass_-.:-__._...- -....,-_:-..- 4.. arr ALM Indian. ~.......,..........--,...... W . U ' 2 %., eninbirift apolis..-:. e,ldisa«,--_-:__—.. Seranlon,ra- - _ - .-L:;-:----, •_:-:::,.... ... WIZ - ~ Akat Hartford. (.;:ono---;.--- 37e4. 20,133 Re 4:141g, I'fit. .... -........4....---:.... : MIl Z3,162 - "1 , 1•"..! . . Columbuit, •Wiltningioa MAIM - 21,2611 Dayton.... • • .... WWI 21,061 ant moo SAKI ..26,00t Lynn, 23 10,043, Fall 'WWI 1014 wpringOeld, 23,06. ' MIN 21.31 W • '13,032 tag • 21005 Salem; ~ Maas 15, , 118 5.26:1 Manchester, 211.6110,107 Peoria. 111.—... 22.86 , 1 • .Evansville. 21830 • 11,481, New Bontrnt 3141 2L2311." . .12,1010 Oswego. i. Y.,;# 20.910 • ' Wig Lea•enwortb, 2:1,11111' 4 ,1711 A-sun:aster. Pa :;.• • 20.1111 Davenport, lowa • • 2%111 • maw St. Pant, ' 2DrO46 10,1101 It appears by this table -- ;there •are.lil cities , . , • - in the .- Gaited States whose population ei ceeds 100,000, and. 5( where ,the p?pulatien exceeds 20,900. In 1860 there were only 9 that exceeded 100,000, and only 36 that exceeded 20,-060 in-' habitats. . CUMBERLAND COAL. • rIIIIE Philadeipliia S.guLuoan REGlSTER..stitfesthat Mr. Gar rett, Preside& of theßaltinfore . and Ohio Cinupauy; .guaranteea the •Dela wire'and Cli,oapeake Canal Company a ton; nage of one million tons of - Cumber.land Mil tirrough,.tbeir eauid:ln 1871. c. 1689 the ton nage•wa#4illOpt.'Boo,oo3 tonal; but less to 1870, owing leiatened •dem nd caused by lhe,non-tinning of the am rg and Br.e -nuktlßite of siemiers -during e Franco- Prus4lamirar.: Th6.,have built a near- - 6al barge called the "Experiment," .of 450 tons trirden f cutting :63,1'20, 15,5 -feet long, 2`.2,1, *feet w!ititk.ofli and 8 feet in the old,.draw . • ing 7. feet when loaded, built . .-of gaud; Itut trussed,along its side's with % bat ,iron bt rarl4, 3 inehets . wide, -like ! - the .tildes of a Howe trinis bridge. It hai Made two trips and is on-it 4 third to Baltimore. • . • This is the "first of a fleet of..lifty . ! .-which tre to he built next year, exelifsively for (tarrying coal through the :Chesapeake and Pelayrare Canal from end Nevi -!York. After bidding threc.nr•ferkr of wood the rest will be built 'of iron, : 1 . 44 - will all. hive a: hole In the Sitern post, so that - a propeller shift can - be • inserted if necessary. " • . The Chesapclnte and Delaware ,Transpor: ,tation '`!:ortipatiy, which built - these boats, has n capital . of $510,004. _ The President 'of the' Company, Mr. Gray, ''-of New, Ga. , ltle, Is the Pxessident .of—the • TrainsPorti.- .tion Corppany. - It: Is designed to- prevent the. formation ;of Qutside . 'sea•going ; steam collier tiles from Ealtlmore to N . CW York. It is also Intended- . to act its,a check up - on the disci, of ButiAlo,Air "Erie" boats, as they are ealled i wLich ieftime to pass 'Philadelphia when frekhts between_ Philadelphia and New York' are high ; and cefuse, te . striP . philadelphia . 4hen freights` .between More and New' York are high. This new • fleet' or huge.' canal boats . . Kill net wheel to check the irregttlarities'9f the Coal' . .- Trade. - . • OFFICE Or ins' . I.1:11Tall COAL ANS, NAVIGIATION CO., PHIL'ADELPHI% pee. Ist, 1870. k I.•;;CTICE,,TO COAL SHIPPERS.' On ant niter T ursdny, Deeembir lit, the rates oti Coal by Railroad will be as follows:' Pen u Eidren to Mauch Chunk, on Tide Coal; 12 cts, Mauch Chunk to Phllllpsherg, •• . 'Mauch Chunk tollohoken.& rt. Johnston,'Sl (eller rates l'ennttnln nuettaniteil.' - ; E. 'W. CLARX,Pmaldent. • PROTECTION. TO 01. TR IN DVSTAY.7O n Wed nesday night in-sew York, , a baisiuet was . given at Delmonico's by leading commission Merchants of that city, to the woolen tnaii facturers of thernited States. Letters were rend front Vice-President Colfsx, .Hon. H. DaWes, E. B. Bigelow , Jo In Sherrnsn, Robert C. Schenck, Secretary Delano, Ros. eon Conklin~, • Reuben E. Fenton,. and Others.• • Colfax in his letter Says : , ...Agreeing 'thoroughlr with the popular .de-- - tuand for a reduction 'of taxation as rapidly as public faitivvill•permit, a pledge, indeed, of a national platform on - which I stood two years -ago, I concur quite as cordially With those. who insist that in the adjustment of your rev enue. laws American legislators should not piwirs)k, but-on- the contrary, seek to encour • age and develop American industries. Amer ican resources, with all their capabilities, _al -1 ready render our country, in this first:century: of its national' existence , eminent amongst the 4. nations of the earth, andi Aperican wages of i labor, unequalled - in: tae entire world, have a Mighotic effect of drawing, the poor of all other lands toward ue, Far distant, I trust, maybe the day . when 'Uses° tlyo:great elements glad - be , igiicired the.:Anierfean Congtoos lu • adliistlng the details ofAmerican legislation, or w.heii they shall by-their enactments deny that. the.segreal manufactures—iron, wool, snit .cot tin—Are-really essential to national , indepen _ dence.- r - slueerely believe that they are, and if, :Ott, war suddenly bnrBting upon - - us, we should be compelled toimport clothing for our army and nary beyOnd the ocean, or if we sbouldoiain see rails of foreign manufacture laid down directly over bodaof coal and iron that Providence has blessed us with, or as an' alternative the. wa of our operatives reduced to the standard of fore ges ign manufacturers, I think the Americap ,people would overwhelmingly denounce the policy which culminated in such results, ,On the contrary, with 1 i h. issue ,be josefthen, I feel' 'sure that . they would an,- 'mistakably - approve of the . policy of those whu i without demanding'. excessive or pro hitutor,v ditties, • contend that the ele mentst.o which I have alluded •ishall be kept steadily in . mind : _in arranging the 'details of Auteridan tariff.. The policy of the ItepubliCau patty ls re iltietiorporthe National debt as rapidly as is conslsieqt with the condition of the eon*. tryl kireduce internal taxation and protect tile Martittactqvitrg and productive.interests of the 'country by adequate duties, alibi' revenue is derived- from imports •to assist in "paying yearly a portion of the principal, and the inten4st of the National debt. and pay the e'arrent expenses of. the Government.-r This is the policy that. the people will.eup port denite . the machinations. of "reienue reforineix" and Demoeratie free4raciere., It Is thCqinly sy 4 sienipf political econotn'y,..ilint can lead -the eou►itry on irrthle 'path of tiros pc;rit.:•anti national piwer. , . • Tnt3:•Anoouy Cursor 'FAcrony now ap• proaching complethiii itt . •lslaeoh,- Ga., will be one of the most thoroughly..constttleted, and one of the largest In tlie world. %The engine b; building in New York, 'and will be of :3T,0 horse poirer. It- Will be ready In February, by-which time it Is expected the internal - machinery !of the factory will be here from England.; In alluding to the im• portatiec of cotton factories . to Macon, the TELEGRAPA iaya - "We need tweittytuore Just it, and will have them bekno our hOl.ll are Erewirtnen. It always occurred Wits, as it "does to almost any man the most ridiculous prscfire imaginable to ch i p our raw Cotton to New England, and even.to Great• Britain, there hare it made into goods and . go there and bur it back. In'thia operation we pay freight bothways, payfactors, pay rnanufseturerio, pay clerks, tieT _book keepers, pay profit, pay leas, and Indeed pay off - ..almost two-tLlrds of the - Ili:Arne-held' and kitchen experises theie people,for thie make their living off Eli in thil pay. 'liationld turn eyery bale of cotton'. Imbed lbGeorgia* into goods, and sell thent;ihsteadfAtte..eriettal, fibre. I-nstead of getting only live millions annually for ourcotton, we would koda - se about four hundred millions. It is thrill we had quit: working for other people and pitch.in for our stela-es. We could, in ten, or lifte•en ♦ears, be the slcheit people on the facet the earth, • • as that sort of thing always conituands respect, we would be respectable accordingly." i 'Every word of this true, and if..it were , .hot for the protective tariff, pow :have,- and which is yet too low on Ineby articles, and requires adjustment in the interest of home labor and industry to make it:mere effectiVc, this cotton factory wronTknotbave been built to "iiiiikUP our - hone litoducta and,give cmpleyment 'AG borne labor* re mungrating rates.. -•- • * • • Thto policy can only be maintained by the ascendency of Refoublican principles tire Go - iernMent. Th 4) scporty, are as hostile tolaneriCark labor • • Undue. try 0 11 e livaler:Articd• emit° eount ty , TintiltiNdependenoe,tvbettlize . trai tor and attempted deliver " • ,•,.. and his army tot e 4 truant. MINERS' ITOURNAE:"--POTTSYI EKG GElltaLd' L. 11.177 1 L8R AIND dlnfla I 'Liz PORTER. 0 U,.. R ztadellillkiikeeallet that ln , thekt% , %ter adarested ifiCiaany Wells by ' . . . .fiflliistomiti*i GA -5 01utier. Wheuthalal *Min qattgletfil*bolishing the takatili i t ~ha Oath of the preettlettkati; eiiiimt, Oenilitiklei *Mr; _ , , _. ›, Ift'l' a aa alig n ' hi‘beila;:m ads to a limiCeiesit „Perter,and irerasnot itnpedetitti; should refer to it a moment. 'lf grist stirs • to control his vote he should give it isilitifottlf Admiral - Porter for the writing of thatilattatir=.ll had put: before the, country Apiece of ~Atrf:' deuce for which be [Mr. Butler] was deeply , tt showed that the army commander of the Fort Fisher expidition was never to.sup. otied. —Stin t beitould seas ibelieselhat itwaa • • duty of Congresai to keep the grade or - Admiral even for sake of teeing such good letters written as the two to widens . eference had bee made. [Laughter.] ..• - ' .:, • - .1. ,- • tile desiredto know 'whetter it was worth u bile to have an Admiral of the navy who could net for 'wo days litter- the -• . • •• • - Whether it was worth while to have an Admiral' orthe navy who one day ktudigcor and another -daybuga his commander . ? Be could easily un derstand why the President - bad taken no notice ofluituiral Porter's letters. They were personal to him, but was that the Man to , put in the place . Ofthe sainted, noble, and brave F ,1? Was thatlhe man to put as an example ore' .. the youth of the nary? AVerntitey to heloidthit 5 naval officer eotild at one moment lir .hil k sh. : , _. eammandef, undid another malign hi might at one moment write a sycolauidellette to thrßybcretaryof the Navy, loge prOmOdo pow and power, and abuse a min not then in:pow ; and when that letter was brought forward' rn: around and abuse the poor,old Secretary, - ho• was not ',ow in power, so in qetgain the lay r o the President .who was Je lietwer? Wits' hat why me'n should be promoted in the,!navy? I Was that the example the yf were to set .before; the youth Of the country 'T he brave, frank, open-hearted sailor rho lia djust died [referring to the adMirals:., flag'designedbydrdmiral Por ter] had - with histiving Lips said4e his'ittendant. :7'Niever raise that flag over - me—carry it not be re mypoillin ; that flag *Mai had been imposed ;Maim by the man alio expects to be-my imams- • eon`' Asa friend and associate of Farragur, be [Mr. flutlerlprotested in the faceof the country " that. Congress should not step ontof the Way to tax the people for, the purpose of putting I honor upon' the t man who haddiatronoted the Presi ' dent and dishonored the navy." ' [Excitement.] • E 21112.1ER . AL - IrE4.I_LTH OF , Ve copy the following' **resting rstatiii tiN from the 1,0;930N 1 1111'4INfi JOrRNAL : clln order' to permit of the Infavementa of the Several products to be compared, ye subjoin a cOnplete summary for the• last two years, in explanation of which it may be mentioned that the value of the coal is filettiated at thelaetual east of raising, before any.,:e,harges for imove. orient - are added: With reference to the item "gossans, ochres, itc.," It is slated that the oxide of iron obtained from the precipltatiiitT'ork and mines is being largely:used for gasp flea tion ; but for. 180 it .bas been difficult to 'obtain reliable returns. The salt ix estimated jet the value given in the reern of she•exports , . - litazam-s. Raised le 14i) '• it 1869. • Tons. - value. Tons. 'alue. coaHL.„ • :,.,„193,111.157 .625,785,289 1e ,4 . 7,917 01,8 6,882 IrOnoW. J.,166,511 • 3,196,600 11 5+6,52.; 8,7V.06&) • 13,9%. 770,31k5 11,7.5 4,187,805 ,Ctimer ore., 157,335 612,193 120 953 .539,612 Lead ore, 1,1•39,764 99,566 1,199,030 ore u15,:111 49,366 Iron iies CHMgitartr,.. Arseni e._ Liaoning and Wolfram d tang 9 : .• G 0 42 - ..... /.sris 7,b.47 Bary 11,24 - :,",tor' 3,415 0 3 Proliles• : 17 .r 0 0 71.500..... . Bplc 1,313,!:3 (1 1,112 , ,tuu 1it3704‘) Lt4b - 111 1.01.2,470 ' 31.7,77 - o i,Z)O.OOu ; 450.000 ,th I y fa orats not - t u. ti riled lesti mated). 6.541,1,40 Tot.val. , ol prod. .C11,C17 , 14 ETA 1,z3 r ,OBTA 'ENNIO FROM Tlth. 9.11153 ILTYFRAT • • 1868.—Tons„ 69—Tons. Vain 4,1770,1 , 06 412,:kz - 1,•2R0 , 5,44757 Llsl,oll, Tin • • ' 11.300 901,-100 • 9;700 '4201,4. - 1 Obpper ... . 9,817 761,00 g ' 8„,21of : . , 71,01,7 1,37.4,401' 73,1 . ..11 1 • 415 5,713 92,400 0t5.:.... - $415.r , 12 ; 22 4 .7 - M g ll ,Ol 217.712 (fold' 4012 , 3,522 , + , lB , 02 Other metals 4(eutligiated)... tot. val. or met. prod- 115,735,110 Absolute Las! A•alue df the Metals'. and Coallrlth :other Minerals (not. lueludlog Slates. Lime. Build - llngttione, or Common cla,N.produeed luls6 4 .and 11600 retipectively, : • I • Value Or, tias metals Ithalbced from_the tultsesuf the United V 5,741,416 £17,17,7,74r: Value gi;coal 7 • n • 25,765,7..ka 20,ii53,ab; (it hPr • minerals, Ora sinet.ed, mutt, bervte. • , 2.0tr.t419 ,7,1115,012 - I T 61411 ..,....,.,... 42., - • . .f.43,5:.'. 5,a21 .C46,440,(01 4 -1 The prdottetiali-of gold appears ; from LW: Are -turn WI hate almost entirely ceased, only 62./. worth hakitig.kieein obtained in the year, and , it Wlll ba rfoticed that tberels• uo return for eepro litrs in the presefil!.uminary. • Tile:increase in ttke op - roil uilloti of ".•other•.nietals" friar!' 5,000/. Value tiit,ooooo/. is very remarkable, and mast arise, - ,we should presume, rather from more eninplete. returns having been obtained than • kom other ,caunes. 'Snirke additions have been made to ;he' statistics of. ltiti9, and ever!..• effort' lies beer' made to ensure the reliability of the' returns; published, and Mr. Hunt feels 14;11114 duty again to express bls obligations to the'coal ownorti, metal miners, ironmasters ' smelters, and ethers who have, as usual,-with the utmost liberality furnished the returns-upon which the' pOblic.tionyelies. .. . J ItvpPearts by this statebieut that theiietull E . value of - the Coal at the .pit's incintli in Eng hind is ts., which at 24 cents to the English shilling, makes fiG cents per ton:-. We cannot mine Coattin the United states ut these nites - , clpitith Amerfcan pritys fur labor, inuerlinery, a1, 1 4c . . , i 4'I.I . I{O( . IIIESS OF MANUFACITREN•LI.TIIE WENT, --talpt. E. 8. , Ward,..the great ircin•master, atliose three mammoth, rolling mills, with rtiitteA r blast-furnaces, and all vorriph.le, at De troit, Milwaukee and . Chicago,. wiCn their. thousandi of Workmen,' are daily refuting the free trade falsity that the American Prim interest bi a PenntiylVania monopoly, is about to do another great service to the nation. • The an mtu n nuneut is made that he is about to establish a yard at Milwaukee for the buildink of iron ships for the lake trade. $800,(Xle will he put at once Into the enterprise, which proniisea to be of great benefit to the West, and indeed, the Whole country. • . ~ I Mard.•was• fur several years Presi dent of The American Iron and Steel Asso c4ttion, and has contributed more than any Other man in the4bountry in advocating the ~ ca l uses of proteetlcanobome labor and home industry. ' When he commenced agitation_ and the distribution of tracts, &c., behring_ on the subject, there were but few members West; of Congress from the Wt; hot who were . free tradeM. Now • more than three-fourths Of the Republican rneinbers Vote fur-protec tion, and in the course of. wvery few years Fof a - single RepubliCan member will be sent torn the West , opposed to the protective policy of the country. - The sO-ealledDemoc racy of the—West are a unit, with 'olte soli tary exception in favor of free trade, and advocate foreign Interest"' In - opposition . to American labor and industry: ENGLISH RA11,120.1D II:0N. , STATEMENT of the export of raihi from Great IBritain compiled frotn'oilleial returns pUblished by autherify of the Honed of,Pemmonsi- AIif.IIIC A . , I 3il 311,Q9British ...... • ..1 1a,495 81,705 ... ; . ton , ; .... ' 2,171- 2113: - :Sat' MIL ... . . .... . F ....... 1.4.50 . • .24182 t 13.840 Xern. . t 14,73:11 • - 13,EN) I PO :*4l, Mi.soci" - 1.984' 2;sas --..1 5,721 i . ISMS: . 4141 , 1* 10398! A 3171 41,465 France • - . 161 , 4= a. n. 113 1 , 15,212 Spain Canaries._ - Tr a P 2l ' , WOCti '/V Bl British India ASIA. . • .1111.310 t IstrAsi Australis. ............ ...! 8;131 • 11,Sei ;MS • - ..7 ,14„51.2 1 2.1U1 Other teuntries......• .. I Si 123 0 1 1,41N7 • e Total-. • ....I ;souks masi su,sol , Old Iron to an..4.outitrles... l 81.111 t . • 63.131 V 42.31/3 Plit ion to Milted States:l ' :1M568 . . Powzin's &ureic r......ii - Antastrxxxri.:Lin the Scranton lidorningltternmeAs ve.find the fol , lo *lag notice.of the large business done by 'the `well-knOwn music dealer, L.'l3:Powell; in an artiele headed " .Wholesale tnterests " , We have frequently spoken of the rapid growth of the wholfSale :trade of Scranton, and ' have taken a great dealer pride in the energy evinced by our business men In thia direction. Dia.-attention heretofore has been milled c.hiettly, to the Sale of the 'more Staple goods, and we. mutt therefore eortfesitio a good deal of 'sur prise; as we stepped into the music tuore of L. 8.- Rowell on Penn avenue, yesterday and saw Something oft he proportions _ to which his bus inser haattafned. We were.aware thathe had. a very large lacal:trade, but had no Maw of the extent of territory he was covering in . the gale ran:mai* goods.- in looking at hie shipping ' book we noticed that he had sent pianos and or gium within the past few days to the J011°11 . 114 ..ints, viz r. Binghamton, 'Waverly, Oswego, h, and 'Elmira, New - York ; Calisondale,. • .Wilkew;BarreL Bloomsburg' Danville; and--Ta lamas, Pa.; i)eekertown and Princton,',..Netwj Jensey...,..l4r. bas the general agentlylor theChicliming - pianos, and Mason organs In twetntY4lght "counties, sixteen of. which are in 'Pennsylvania and twelve yin. NeW. York. • untiring energy, with the:alder the' great popularity of the celebrated instruments which. he reprmenta, will no.donbt deVelop his boxinesetto s' still 'greater extent, Ind mate not e nik:protitable to. him but an' hoporp. ottr EU Taxa* are stftl one M ildred and fifty 6e:U2r Itiole;btavre IO the eveithutes of rorld4 ' Tog new :hammer hobs Beeeeteer Steel .itlhe Works. ittliantsharg,,weighe 36,9901001 d dist 114,00 01 L •- -t , ;• . • • • .:. :: Oiriar, One! during the twit; tmenty Yews witettberAtt *laths biht se ugoler W AI I I Wri ,I4IOI OOIt 0 2,A0- oevigstlon 76;484 ' :rtitA. "75,114 h 1,191 1,00 k) - 9.710 ME Ma r,,coJu Ito MIAs. 4+11d . 0 . ig ,Ott. 11 KEZE2 In°. • I.3rens.. i Tutu... I ;lbws.• r"••=" 0 1•"' , /!PPP. . - :42iist :"illfteir. treat, koNlionow bi ("Inst. . , are buadradtb innivereary at *ilea of ; aiethavan, the. ! utudeas pun. 4 1 210 V ialli;s4o Cl a fi re at ISL air ow Tbagsda3r s 4 1 01 111 .41. gklailNller-,!itreata yeeseram sae *Mr.' • - Av..11 , -. • ~ fit 'ln the toeir Joys litsts4ll.ldedka4llted to their purpose htesnisha. , are nett. light and airy and .wil,the them. { _dtarspprectekd bythose wbo ire to • !nitwit/lam—Mlle extends*. Steam Plim ill ot-Fink, Eisenhower Cit.. Beading. w destroyed on Tbursdar night. The loss Is about $ll,OOO. There was bnt $1,700 Insurance wtturprembeiv. • • Some Bru e r a tris fbrtttnate enough not to be known, a respectable lady in Market street on liVednendny fired until she ran to the door of one of boi nelbons, rang the bell and galled for help, !An she did .this, the oowardly villain took 16 his" ht•els and macre good his Aceldents.—Vildle many brave then ptirilled their lives, to aave property, at the 'llineraville ire yesterday, but two were injured. so far as we wennigoMffeeertaln. Rey. J. T. Carpen4 ter had Ultima severely injured, and a fireman, whose Ethane 'we did-hot . learn, had 'one of his • hands badly'eut. The Second Presbyieriattetiiireli and dangre gation.will ..rallip to-morrow in the Trinit y Reformed C - 4reb; Market street, at 104 A. M. and 74 Y. M. abject for the, evening, '"The Nature of the t t unan Saut.'! All are `cordi „idly inVtted• i‘ i Zonaans' Christian AJlSOCiatian has been o In Philadelphia. That's Just exactly w at:Ftrewaritin Pottsville. 'Two drunken wo menivere Italged Borough lock-up during the last Week, this, too, under the nose of the Young Men's Christian Association. We are in favor of a W. C. A. forthwith to. reform the women in our sown who'are on the road to de struction and going at a break-neck rate , of speed. For tha information of the "dunderhead" who exercises the little brain ho has over the columns of theTremontiCaws, we state that the package of Weekly JOURNALS sent to Tre mont went firm hero by the 5.40 A. M. train and the early stage from Minersville, and bow they got the mall at all is vet a mystery to us. We do not send agent's papers by mail when we have so much better way ofdchvering them at a much•earliei hour. A 'Word for Young Mechanics.—. Young mechanics should take encouragement from the fact, that theworld is .indebted to hardworking mechanics and. -- self-made men, for nearly all the great improvements in macitinerrof every kind. This.proves thatin the struggle for fame and com, the mechanic stands on a level with all is fellow men, whatever their position, With such examples, no one should diapair, but on the contrary, enter upon the contest witli a 'tout heart and a confident spirit. Unclaimed Lettfire ' rentaining 'ln -the •Polts. villePostofliee, December DWI, ltr;Q: Allender Eder Hunter Win Quinn - Anstlrt,Jos. ' 'Henning bi . kuttenbouse C Battey Mary . ..Karmoney F Romer Martin Brennen Kate Kenny Mary Itippel Win Cafferty D .Kerman allsa.;, A Roker Debra •i Cragan Wilehael 'Lard Albert Are.ei Cooney Michael Longikt Henry steigerwald A Carter Win Lorry taa_pii ettrouse Jno l• Cocker MargareiMeDade Etta, • tOott Hobert Dreier . Magee Edw Abetment! Bob Daly Philip Moeallen Jai - tiCh0:11(111) Will Doley Mazy Miller Mrs \Vin Shay Maggie Davies Abigail Mollarman Mn. Hennitte Mary Minx Mra NUM p F - :Inman Ellen Graver F n ikleCan Pat .1 Vidpins. Herman Gallagher P Owens Jei4le Ceech Watson 4k Greatlaead Anna' Nagle Marla : Veeeh • Herrington ft eon Jas.- • Weft% er Devi l Hatfield Wm - Pelt-engin-I - Williams 'W L Herr Angust Price Mary . NVlgner it nlopp F- Palmer Hamson 41,¢.23 E== 5,7(4 4,NT 010,000 Fire at Minsrayille—Destruction Of 'the .Ez change. Hetel.—About 10 - - o'clock vest... May morning the back building of the Exchange Hotel, it large two-story frame building situated onliunbury -street, Was diaeovered tribe on tire. iht4-Allurtr was immediately given anti the Will, Independent and Mountaineer lI trt companies were promptly on hand to combat the element which had already got a gtta t i head wayand was spreading towards the main Imi - Ids Mg and also toward t the stable is the rtir of the premises, It was soon discovered that t t•re Itias no.hope ; of saving the lintel property an I the firemen -directed dear partieular ttttvati n to the adjoining buildings, which were nm.ily wand, to: prevent the flames 'aPreiding along the main street anti causing a general contla4ra, don, and so greatwas the fear that such woula be the - case; tat citizens telegraphed to Potts ville for one a onettiteam Engines to conic to their rescue. The' request was reaponded-to promptly by, the *Good -Intent, but fortunately their services were not' required fetjhe flames had been oontpletaly subdued beftWilheir ar rival. The Ii gehange . Hotel was occupitsi ' Morgan Schwartz and was the property of William Matthews. Mr. Schwartz .had an In surance on his furniture of il,ooo in the Lebanon Mutual, but this Wilrnot begin to timer his loss; as Most of the ftirnittfre was destroyed by tire, and the - r_emainder seas med by remoying - It. Upon the house. and baitsthere was an insurance oT ~, L po. in the .. me company ; but Mr. Matthews itfforined us that this would not cover his loss by live or six thousand floliers, and theittrOke is a very heavy one to him. Oipt.CharbeiHryintn, Asst. Assess or or.lnternai Revenue and Attorney at Law, - t'. W. Weill, Esq.:lla4 their ranee in the build ing, but,-notwithstanding they were both in Pottsville at the time of the fire, their friendds sueceetted in getting the most of their 'books, papers, furniture, itc., out before:O !lame. reached them. . - .100,000 117,657;7w lIMM . .. ~ The' tire originited from q bake overtj belong ; dug to Mr. Abrahams on.the adjuiningl3iopertv, in which the people had been baking during the morning. .It is auppoaed that the sparkm flew from the chimney and lodged in the frame building. -1";., . . . . The building of Mr. Abrihams 'on tbeiupper Bide, and also that of Mrs—Lydia Kunisius on .the lower side . of the hotel, were considerably scorched, bilt the, damages ,to,,either was very slight. - Too much: praise catunit be accorded to the Minensville firemen for their heroic conduct upon this occasion and to their earnest and indus triousieffortbeloug the credit ofsaving thousands of dollars worth of property, which it was gener ally believed .would be , swept away. And to our own brave 'tire Mays 'of the Good luteiat, great honor hstiee. Within three quarters of an hour. after receiving the • call they ran their istearner, fired op and ready for action, together With. their hose carriage, into the main street of Minersville—a good run of four miles. The dameahxd been extinguished by this time, but it did our soul-good to hear the hearty lamas of the Alinersville &onion and eitiienA that greeted the Good Intent as they rounded the csrner near the scene of destruction: No mere hearty reception cduld have been given them. Court of Catriatbn Pleite.—Tha (Mowing named persons have lieeti draain 11t.4 Traverse Jurors, to attend a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Pottss-Me, on Monday, Doc. 1914, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M : • • Jecob.Madara; Norwegian. • • •• Anthony Fetguson . , Rutter. George Reiner, l'orter› , Benjamin te:er. Schuylkill H - aven. George Dalton,Rbeiriutluab. John Copeland, Malitimiy Tow " William Beck, North Matilieini. Samuel Lindenintith, Union.. • Robert. C. Smith, en'Cust:ei •B. F. Ratner, Esq., Jr., gebuylkill Mayon • ' Jacob G. Frick, Martin Zerbe, Reilly. _David P. Brown, Neu; Castle. - Emanuel Becker, Butler. f :'Delbert Robley. J• - Jacob Deem, Mahanoy City. aniet Nestor. East Brunswlk C. li. Tyson. Pottsville. . Henry Knebel, 'Palo 'Alto. nry•lierb, Upper Mahantongo. ' Willinn Kendrick. Pottsville-. Emanuel Wilson, Cressona. • Owen McCann, New Castle. - John Gensetner, Pirkegrove. • Jacob Newkirk, Mahoney City. -• Abraham Berger, South Marthci I I Peter Cleary. Butler. . William A. Buck, Pottsville. ' William Clark, Casa. Chas. T.:Bowen. Pon:iv/11c., Loniallerwig, Pottsville. Jos. E.. Wilson, Butlers Theodor*Loder, Toning*. Andrew Keefer, Crellloll3l. -Jacob Osman. ' B. 3i. Unargat, North Manhelut. Traverie Jurors for 2d Week--com wowing Uondsiy,;Dec. 0,10 o'clock, A. M.: Lafayette Hower, Eldred. . Franklin 11.-Kasbner. East Brunswick. :John K. Mlle. No Blenheim •, • --John Drill, Pottsville. '• 'Sacobilitner; Pottsville. Solonion-Kattlrman, Post Clinton,. Jamesl i tigek±iland. - John V . 13 Tp. • Amos HaniciVitiM;sville. , John Prank McFarland. Tamaqua. ' Aaron Orass L •ralon. • • Peter Stein, Pinesrove Tp. John MeNtunars, Boller. • William Menke% ByttS. • Riobard-Aisstr, Cressona. . • - Jacobj,lfsedir, Pato Alto: • Michsedilieltaes s West Brunsuick. Wirt.P:J • ,Mainumy City. - John Kautsll.' Haven. • Cherie/I,llMay, Ofirtillburfc WiUisiop Yelper, Pinegrove.. . • ' Reuben Jonss;Rast, Brunswick. Michael lklortm,•Bntier. - Ephrahn YarnakKarry. Daniel O. Herk•Pseter. • „ Isaac 8. Knarr,V.Mithantongo. • David Otivat; c Tote Carbon: ay. James F. pani Fra_ J • - , Harriaos Basvielt, m nokstio - .f elty • John Dellreninin. Foster. . - \ Samuel Los* Alchnylkillibiten. Charles...Mtn • ISebuylkill Haven. Ephrsins Barlow, oy. City, • =The ,Local Nines of. the Week.—The= elected County ntiloers enter upon th eir ' dm* Umlay. • theneeso Thursday n enee the Met reel winter night of . • John A. Redly bas become landlord of Mrs: Conra Marl. ha Railroad stmt.. The new Owlet Rows *mar Is ming.. The tidldren's Fair for tbe banans olds* poor Will take place _at rotors Hari UhII areninig. ' Nelson Brandon's Nair WU Oran' Manor, lres dwdroYoCirr Art iaornin g. win, KOOS.: sor A, wi Into pork on Sat - Tran talrrOnsidoMrssr IWaS on Rail- Ind • rim th, ss ow . r i w i er lo M i r a r c w o rt as oafs ballearte tesarkir UM. . _....eran: IMEN ~'nenE- ~a :~ ;:Y ~: laNil ENE 14") & illhalliraali r d U rea' mirendsir -canat uliV - The 4 -eleee . dimmed amtibetneneargwly tbewime limy were fro" els routs to MA, - Is.esidassa ee,the"Nsifoliell labor U a pleek.lllnee_ beets, Jell": alibi OJOS 1 ONO ' cm relihr was esesSibecause only a; couple of beagle howl Idea: • ; hoe seeleoit sit 'the' teneedei; . amtPleognsve itallioad - la now In :coarse of c°ll3"ltsti°l4_ - glove should al' be 4rker thin t he. dress. Wants tee tireee:' - 1 031realeffife on Sishionable attire, _ • The tavagofof the.lailarbitlever-IP been equalled by the ravages of the marriage fever in Pottsville, 'during _ the ' , pea two Ma,J,Gen. Orders No. 1; commanding coMpouty °M eer* to furnish a 'complete rasa!, of their rel. &flies. ' • r. Hark-Haase an employee of the :4" AL °MON kin AD laefellAing little daughter on tisturday—snother victim mate diphtheria mid scarlatina. - it/Schuylkill County has More inliiittl7 comPa 'pies than Berks. , The clothes line of /lifr.,;John iucas,ldaban tango street, was robbed of 'a lot of clothes on Tuesday everting, that had, been left hanging out to dry. Ortlast Sunday evening. a than overloaded with "benzine " entered ontlthe churches up town, and • s ta ted that he ted - to join the church. "While; the lamp bolds ontatt!btinfi, tlacvilest sinner may return." . On-Sunday Mr. Heiser of 'Schuylkill Haven, buried his only two ' children —allittle boy and cotiln. 4 They were victims of the scoria. fester. ' - • •, The bulks of Trinity Church held "a very sue= cessfal sale of fancy articles on Wedneadayand Thursday. • We are in receipt of Complimentarlea grand ball to . be given by St. l'atrick's Ben eficial Association, of Shenandoah, at Shoe maker's -Thursday evening, tai 22d instant. , • Two women have been diimovered tin Guinea' Hill, who have been drawing 'heavily on the Benevolent Association, and at the same time keeping disreputable houses. • Ou Monday evenbag the police arrested. a young girl in. Railroldstreet who, *as ins oeastly state of into x icat ion- klhe was taken to the lock-up. , • d Mr. John Harlan, - for many years a 'citizen of Tamaqua, died on Tuesday morning, shout 2 o'clock. Ho Served . one term with , credit as Prothonotary cis this Cpurity. During-Atte late war he wits a bravo soldier of the With Pa. Reg iment. At no time this season has -scarlet fever and diphtheria been more fatally prevalout among . children in this Borough than at present..' 1. • Of all the novelties of the present aeason ,re have seen none td equal the •'Dollar Steam En gine" now on exhibition at ,Batinan• k•Ram-,. Key'sßookstore. • - The Postmaster of one of onr townships has moved away and taken the I Post OiBt4 with him. The citizens of' that neighborhood have got up a petition praying for-the .return of the office,..-Tuey don't,seem to eare anything about the P. ,- -31'. • ": , • . . -On Monday evening the citizens of Pine grove orginized a Temperatixe Length) , and over oVndred pi , rsons signed the pledge. , The L • n HoieldAshland. ilt‘nOw kept in in adinirablthmanuer by Mr. Chas; Culp, formerly of the Mt. Carmel iouse. A special mectin of the ' X.--.M: C. A: will be 11 1 held on - Monday evening, 18th inst., -at 71 o'clock; in the rooms of the Apiociation. A full atieodanco is requested. .1 Ktbry-itod-a-half frame bowie, situated - on AN'altititstieet, above 15th; Ashland, and owned and tA.Copieds by John Mitchel, ()aught tire about three o'clojk on said morning and wits entirely consumed, flea Eteiiily having barely time to get out and remove a 'portion of their household :goods. I At a stated inter. leW of Schtiyik ill Command ery, Suns of Aineriea, held at Schuylkill-Haveit on Tuesday-evening, 13th lust., the following were eic4i , ti officers to serve the ensuing term: Coninisiler,, S. ,A I lien iltintzloger ; Lieutenant commander, . George , E. Bast';' Scribe, Jas.i K. 'Johns; Purser, Jere. G. !Last; Rector, Rev: 11. A. Seitz; Inspector, Milton It. Saylor; Watch, Edwithßobinson. _., A.BebatingSociety has bees: - formed at- Gir ardville. • ' ' ''' ' . . . . . • Some men are forced into Society, by reason of their official positions, who are unlit to as sociate with r6spectable hogs., Schuylkill Coun ty can boast of such. • . Be'. L. IL Hughes lectured again in St. Clair la.st, evening, on "How to Succeed. . • The Readlng Railroad Company has put its machinists it* nine hours' time' This is done to save gas n tl e machine shops. ' 0n Monday last an explosion ocrred at the Iteetitwooti Ce'illiery, Mt. La ff er, . h4'which thys. • Day, a resident of St.. Clair,, was so severelyin jured that bodied on Tuesday. Six men broke.luto a house' in Shenandoah, on Feat y evening. last. TW - o Of them got but leo6 In their bodies fur theiripains. • • • •Sch 110 - en-is; in:tested with - hell roost rot,bers. • On Wednesday evening the newly elected and retiring .county . offidials indnigea to their an- 'noll banquet at the County, Prison; The Ashland 'people want to dedicate--lheir Monnineat•lop the .22c1 of 'February. . - tuout'halt : pastnine o'clock on Wednesday evening a team attached to a wagon ran away in Centre ?greet,. and wore , loat to view • in the darkness up ;%larket street. • . • Pity isn't what the poor want. They want food, raiment, fuel„or the' c?..sh ..with. Which to _bus , ,those nEvessiiiries of life. The good people of Kingtown havelorthed a , lyceum, The Temperance Movement haikt..titken new life in the Borough of -Tremont .. . • Too many of our aegar atoms - are mere loung ing.plam; in the evening. ' ;.--- • The Il ll of the Gotven Guardsjakes plies!. on Thursday- evening next and promises to be a brilliant affair. No 4Am - cleating liqupra will be allowed to be sold: It costs five dollars a pieee'to Shoot • chickens in Shenandoah. The -Evangelierlay School, Schuylkill Ilaven , Dr. 0. 1.. Savior. superintendent, give granda concert on the. 25tla of January in--the (luten; for the benefit of the Sunday School ( • • Jere' Helium Post, No. !lit, (1. A. It., is making excellent preparationA for the' production of "Pride.' The character* are all well filled, and are now under instruction. • Chaplain Beckley acting as instructor. wail Mr. -Harper, the sa t lior of the allegory, appears.l - „ r .11-E SHER.If AN PROCESS OF STEEL MAKlNG.—Aniount the novelties ex hibited at the hut quarterly meeting of Iron mastem at Blimingbarn, that which excited theniest interest was the colleetioo of sam ples Otiron and steel, made froM slaw qual ity of ,common -pig iron by the • "Oberman P,rocesi” for purifying iron, land making steel of common English iron; The Iron mlnger's Jorn-vAt., of Birmingham, say- This iniicess has already reedved the iseriona and favorable attention of.our Admiral% , and f ro m facts-and figures placed before have naliesitiition in saying it ahou d. proniptly command the most earnest and careful attention of the trade. The diseptir er and patentee of this success is Mr. J. Ed win Sherman, a citizen of the United States of Ainerica. Mr:. Sherman was invited to come to F.nglandly Mer Majesty's Govern ment, through Sir Edward Thornton, our Emba.ssador to the United. States, at Wash ington. At the request of Officers of the Ad mirality, and a part of time under the observation of a surveyor of the Admirality, detained, h the Lords commissioners for that purpose, Mr. Sherman has been for some time engaged in making steel - or cot:union Ehglish iron at one of the leading steel works. in KheMeld. Thetool steel, steel shipTplates, and other qualities ofSteel made by him have. been carefully tested at the Chatatn Dockw: yard, alrof which have :proved highly satisl'i factory. Some specimens of his steel bore tensile atmin of over seventy tonalo the square inch, while, at the same time, they ere more ductile than any othersteel of the S3lllO tensile strength; and his steel ship plates, in tensile strength and ductility, far surpass anything :of the kind heretofore known in any country. Some very satisfac tory experiments have been made at the Dar laston Steel and Iron. "Company's Works, in this' district. And the result of these all of which Were highly successful, we' have nineh sat isfactionlyilaying beforeou r readers. 'A low quality of,comreon pig iron was wprked in the puddlingfurnace in general use in this country; The weight put in was 41 ewtrths yield produced In bars was* owl, time usu ally about fifty minutes, but in some eases renning UP to one hour. These bars. were Mare of a strong and fibrousquality, and, known to the trade as No. 1 and Dro.2 bare, • and after being- nicked -around MOW . from twenty-five to. thirty-six hard - blowi - withB9lb sledge before breaking; Some of theie bars were then cut up for melt-. ing into east-steel, in pot iferucible - furniteee, and cast into steel ingots,,„ • Those ingots, af ter having been tilted down to bars of 1 and 11 in. square produced strong and solid quality of steel equal -ftrthat, made; from Swsidish iron. Apart of this steetiras then wprked into chisels, cold sets, toolafor turn lag hand-chilled rubs, 'ie., all of. which ' proved highly , satisfactory. One end 'of a piece of this tool steel was tilted down to a halfan inch Square, and then bent, cold, in to a ring about fourinehesin diameter, while :lie other end, 11 oil} inch square, wesheated and split. up the middle five or Nit inches, and then welded np eo as to leave-no Mice of seam visible. 'A piece of tints steel, in. square was tested in the testing machine at Darlesion Works, and , bore a tenelle strain of fifty-four tons to the skigare with an elongation of an ineh in-'alit inches. Seines of these bars here worked over again, through a heating furnace, and produced a quality of b l r t4 itsual to "Best Beef," masse from the rpig iron. • I I.krz •Av CiIUIWIL—One of the papers tells the story of a m_ m.-mming into church af• tet the sermon tied begun, whc.reupett the er - sald to hirn, "Gbd tome yogi. ear; come n, come In ; always glad to see dear here to who can't eotne early.", To which salu 'wits! stranger,. taking bb seirt, as Coolly replied "Thanklon. Would you fa vor me wlth:the test?" "Certainly was the insirer which; was *me, and the. dlicOurse - moved 6 as bear.. • This recalls a Missouri Incident: One Onti nightßev. Dr. Ears a Ely, of Presbyterhut fame, was presehlw in eprabie term home : When about third thiWgit, the 'two atk-oomers lode up to the door" and e The dont& stopped lad said that aw,lbsee friends wens. very WA With their Me, the meeting would lag etyma whllelkey were inning than* -• ;' which beinclimes s - he ot w iereed-that as • - bad•tekewee-mieb; trouble totwaseake • : kellisdkorettnes blo igida , i7stml.highlatestae.= co ra c '--bil • • , • • • 111,t qpir . • .• ' ' •*"`. /ON men le • 1 • heir* 0113011 r, Pal 401116eriliiller • . " l ' C ' . :-pol; - :‘,.1..170 ' ~ I mm-vANIA.I : PRIA AND READ - I RAILROAD. ritrLd D . . . , '.oo.ntsiat - pply and ~ d lstalbuilon ' at . thaii!tior .. 47i front Ekhoylkol Con*, ,44 . ..„.: nmn Harrisiburg,'&44l An . •T; •.iiitif itra* rg, Allentonaind Al - r= Al. 1, 1 „.;,_ - 04,. ' Iladelphla ind,Readlug' , , lvad; lb stbe Year eliding Noirember l ite 1 * ' of coal - received - from varijiiii tot, lkill rilthalitiamis in Schuylkill Coal Region: RalaW KW 'W ITT lialtcpad - • 1011,666- Clirla :IlidailiNraBhidnoklu " ......a, - ._..1,0611,694 i T.......-•-' at Parttarbou-.__ . _ 1.5 1 8. 1005 Wadi! °obeli 1811 road at MonaDarbon.- itigez Mad 111111 and filabrailkill. Itasoalload rd,_ i - Sunny ata and Susquehanna Railroad at • -annum, mid I l i P . G. aI.C.S . R. al 12 14;Sk'Pft11411111 Railroad at Port Clinton _.= 177 160 .t. 165 Rettral at Ilariiaburg and Dauphin 511.145 -_ . ' • - . _ aliantowo and Amorni, Kt: .....___... . Bltaminous reciiirtd at Ilarrlsbarg Total ita per Mailed statement Wow.— :1;750, Coal palming ov littoral's Su. Map. mein by canal Coal ablliped weil:tia N. C. R. .. - 1016,,U Coal shipped W from PlnaltrOviv • P' S. Et..M . ..—...... .10.413 Coatconsumedpitillaraii::.. ........ ' --... . • . - ' .... Tcgal of all, l tons atelbs 1 . 4., , i , Wliere Dellveredoi Llse et lifegu Naimoli sad Mut itatkma or Turno,wls.; Ringgold CreSllol3.ll6 r , Ashland Si Clair- ...... -.-- Jonestown.— m .„_. Union nay • 7.1...-. Pottati..-.-._ Schuylkill ErAv en.,. Landinilvii-le-•••• • t••••• Anbtirn Port C1int0n......i...... Hambunc ---,--:, shoquiskersvilltt.-... Malirsville 11 Leesport i -4..... Turiterton.„..-.4 Rend . * At E. Pa Wall I , Sinking' Sprin g Wernersvill .-.- i Robesonia__ ...... Vinutelsdort ; Sheridan -.....—1 Richland._.. -..- i Illverstown.4.--. Lebanon.-... 1.:.... f AnnvUle ..1..... , [PalittYra--.. i . , :::). Swath= -. .. .1- . liutunielstoWni 1 Beaver*Patxton't liarrisburg.... ..... t teter tbolxiro'-,....,...4.... I -....aglasavilic....-..... , Pottstown ..... i I Limerick . . ~ 1 Roper's Perk!omen Janern Valley_ Forge Port Kerrnely.:4;... Norristown likuube'e llme Swede Joureatee-,... Canshoheel.oli Eabert'a • Nicetown a r.`d e tiermantoWn via SelMenl4 • via Calumbla Br. via Rlehtu'd • El 12:3 1.74313 sr,sci 1.0019 111,21$ Riclunond torah p't • Total paving frel i ght Coal (4.r tompy ju sr Total 44 alli - • . .. OUR FOREIGN vE WS Ii UP.G E 1 comp Lim 61ox ras: "graOrk:AN 'Mb." 1 'THE Scotch ~ervants at •131ilm,orakand in Ifci tr 3lajesty'a Houttehold hivtibscrilicd 200/. • purchaNea marriage pktesetikto Princess Vouise. A NEW tYrE is 'Calked ro,f, to ,he erected J tri Whitefriars, with .i - frontage on the aortherH embaultnient. and bettieen the Temple and the City Gas workti. _ :, • . THE Marquisi of Ditto, we aro .told, retienitiv attended the marriage of a daughter of one /if his tenantry. at d 'when "the door was cleared •for dancing". t e tioble marquis led elf al i • the youthful b tie. . . . . . . • . , .. PEER Hsieh. . the Celebrated k'ren - ecelealastie, ha:' recently been visiting the Re*: Professor Jewett, Miiitei• of lialliot ' Colleo, Oxford,-and made a nity..of ft ritn e days •at 'I 'e li , Master's lodgi ;pi. I . . . Axcer HER - lt )AL ..)IA 1ti11A471:.,-1: was hi t natural that go ip should .be Inventive upo i the strength o the innovation with regard t i Royal marriage, , and we •are not surprised i o 1 1 hear gossip Lel inn- 118 * I hat another marriage may. be heard of as arranged for the futnie with the scion t f another Stc.ntish ducal famil, PROPOSED _ EW. , WEI(iILTS.—The , e(anini. - Stoners appointisf to Inquire into the eMdition of the "standard;" and the g e nervl arrange meats relative tin we'ght. and measures In t4e United KingdoM, hive approied 'of two ne • • imperial weightS of i oz , and i oz.,.whieh the consider tit and proper to. 1/e, oonstituted•leg: I secondary. stain ards under the provision:a 1 f section ti of the 'Standard ' Aet of pkkl,". 1 . - • Sticltonkruck Murectfisos isiri a very- CriilL teal state., Ovvirig to his ripe. years and the irs-. nails of the attack, the opinion of his medical E, 'fondants Is thaft his •ease is to the last degree rims. A great number of pens ms,•inclutlin ; the principal irielintiers of the royal family have sent to learn Usti state of his Ileilth, and man; of the nobility; .entry' anti - Scientific .persons 'absent from tow 1 sent to make inquiries. . I RAG PULP IN' Wm:R.—After melting' a s'ank- Ple4--hetter pa ch ased at Brixton, a large et r aeparated, and although the sample was lelt aI night' in a aka place, it did not again solidify._ This led to an immediate- miscroseopie exatni nation; and proved beyond a doubt that seamier. •st State of pulp had been employed in.• large Miaptity. . The rags themseltes conjure u ) \ ir ideas sufficient' nauseous; but, in addition ' the dyes had not, even been discharged, as th tilismenti presented•a great variety of magenta; blue, brown, and other colors. - . - 1 • Titx,ito...! s i 4 x t.is-rrfoi.tc UNIVERSITY,—A 101 l fronsD r . Wobtilock. was icari orfoventbei 27. in alithe .ehapels in Dublin in heUnif of thili Univerilty,.for I whieli collections -sive - in f idel He asserted thatllriali'l_!atholics, .would not ael cept education sinsanctioned 1* - their Church! and that only 20 youtlis out of 0,000, shown b Die last (*midis. returns to be at school. had be come stUdentS i artlt.44 the Queen's lTniver ii City. 'He.ahro e pressed a confident hope tha 'Government wr old consort to an equitabl redistri4ution o the estates of Trinity Oilie r , and the endowed schools.- - . _ .1 THE INCARCKEATED FENIANS were BO Sub ject of discussion at is special meeting of th Dublin Corp?ration the other day. The tone oft . the discus s ion I the council , chamber was al ,good illustrAtto of the change of feeling 'with' i i regard to Chest fortunate and misguided men. which prevails among all Owes. It is telt and" - acknotvledged. ti , irw. by altnorst• every mit —the - most devoted loy alist as well as the nationalist, prop-the landed ppetor and the peasant, and even by thostrwlio,lu,o years - ago, were loudest lul denouncing anti, favor to them as an act oft treason to the State—that the time has coined when their prison doors may be thrown open, not only withou danger, bat with positive ad vantage; . ! . I• 1 ~ . • Roonus's P ' sermi: .tscrton.-4.ky order eft' the Horse GLIASti authorities some\ experi- , •nfeata with Bogen' s'. projectile axichdr were' made at the Schorr' of Military EughreOring on , November 2.5.• The experimenti werOnade to ascertain wlrother . the elicitor would apply. lu warfare' to a:ad:dim throwing a bridge across a ravine or ditch that could lint be crossed in any other way. ' Amongst the officers present were. Colonel Gallwey,ltamimandant of the School of Military , Engineering,- . oolonel Willy, Captain Slothero,- rte. The reicluir, weighing 128 lbs., was fired frens a 8 inch mortar , with 'a charge of 8 oz.' orpowd r. n. was - thrown arrest the • ravine, - a distant Of alsourllr feet.. and itu ri. bedded itself -in the soil. A:1 inch cable .was then. passed ;4 1, i 0.4.- Throe lisi-tin. weight* were ,then ` .attached. and au attempt shade to p ass thi u do semis; but the anchor could not keep its hold; it gave way. tearing up the ground with it. Another attetript will be made shortly with an anchor constructed ,tbr the purpose, the one used on this-0..10n being one thatis tised for life-saving pttrin caseate( shipwreck. '.' RIX:ENT OUT AGES.—.A murder . was eolll witted at Cahir, • unty !Tipperary, on Nov. 25. titers The victim, a man named Patrick Lenormur, caretaker aft the property of Colonel.-and Lady Margaret Charteris. was list seen-ttliVe about half a mile from hir,.whencolui was walking .towards his rest time at :Rebid, six milei dis kola tanL The flOdy WI found not ten yards from 'an Inhabited ' . There were deep lacerated wounds on the back of.hie- skull, the left eye was knocked out„I atelthejaw terriblv contused. The wounds 'appear to have been indicted with i blunt instrument. His pOckets were rifled, and some little money he is supposed to have had was abstracted; but this is thought to have been done in order to throw the pollee off the - 'scent. 118 died twenty - minutes afterwards. Two 'nests have been mid° at i considerable distance from tie skette_eCtske Murder.' The. .datiaaaed was Wolf in - rear - Cif firktilfe and .bor rowed firearms. I Thontas Dowilug, steward: of Messrs: Perry, mill owners, Ilallinagore, West-. meath, was shin:lon, N0v.,:., when returning home, and when withinl a short distance of the - police tarrack... it he . tall 'entitled a Vital part, and death rat C.I immediately. 'The . only cause assigned. that demoted Ineceeled a per non who wasdissidaind by Me , isrs. Perry. . . . , ~ • , . . . , Da.. tar nictsron . k.- - ---siii IL Murehson stated at the inaugural meeting of the winter session of the ItalrW Geoctraphleal Sceiety, iin Norm her 14 that a considerable portion of the_ sup. OW I forirtliftl - lrentiliiniWr- to rjlji.'where Dr. Livhigstonoias last , heard of,- must baps - reached their des nation: It . is staisfactory tci :learn, added Sir . oderkic..that the native vi : • mg from the interierto the coast continue to. heirs in the dtor'n eiistence..souse sowing that. he had `gonn to Karagire, others that he wall at GlitstiU.l Caravans dally_expected at. Zanzibar, Pr. Kirk - ( truing on A-milui4- 19 -) 'would dos ma bring cancel news of the grfts tat i lito mabikinary esp rer. "Let its hope,?-' wild Sir lioderielt, re: this seseloscolosea,ws may on tter'lntnerwritittirof Cittr nti [languid trio . though : / am paresis/led ho will Inver trY return to hia tome skint bit' his tolled" theifrisit problem 'of whether the southern lake Widens, which be has followed up so. pertinaclOugy, do " may lon into the - Albert -1 1‘yanza of Maker, and thocogwo 'bum s Nile." ID addition to the sum. - of 1,00. a i d-, lance by' Her We 90r:et - mast, and' ad equal nun_ WI by' th e. ficnranutaint of 1134141 km the pa • of providing Dr. Living_ stone With Auk supplies.. Sir noderlck an that etntablisegbio sums of money for the munstatilent backbeest pissed in . DrilLirk'a napaestbt r lbiioliaea TOWIL qa•ooo4.ed _ . . . • alimitiqn Ab a c i.. o u; 1 101.911110 V 4114 iiiiid ariadp kAbetwitel- wart • • lIIVik • gaskhltbst - . • - '''' - -':' • Focal 'Visitant Initiate .. . atarato • gait lasontaa:4lo ,tata a llaisach were sotspeps mosetor foyster :sum sit Potts"' IsidilistridUorsta NA=Want. No. NI Centre street. Ton _Prleiffiredaeal salL ;Os 1 / 1 00. Qtll Lad SSU tor RISM.. • ; • I ; 8-ta. riften. Ea;Mak anitimealleaa Oahu. an styles. stan Wtha InearquaWU% at D. A.naintlea,Cestre St. Flamm !ammo WWI Dsux.iuN'a bestatral e l e a* smooth* OentrielStreet. • a. , A/lODIC AND NIND DISSIABIL--Such is dye; pemda. The stomach and the brain are too Inti mately. allied for the one to suffer without the other so that dyspepsia and' despondency are inseparable It may be added, too l , that irritation, of the stomach the is al temper, most Ineertably. accompanied irritation of • •. The Invigorating and tranquilisin operation at Mostettera linters ta - tnest - developed In cases of Indigestion. The first e ect of this agreeable tonic Is comforting and encouraging: A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic unessi. mess in the region of the 'lomat% is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterise*. the disease is abated. This.-improvement is not trun- Meat. It Is not succeeded by the return of the old syraptoems witk.esperaddad Sone, as 11/always the ease when unmediested sUmulants are given for the ODlgliplaint. Each dose leernato Impart a permanent accession of brelgamtion..- Bid this is not all. The aperient and antlbLUous properties of the prepara tion are scarcely secondary In importaree to Its tank virtues. if there la an overflow of bile the secretion-is soon brought within ptoper limits. end . If the Weary organ ds inert and torpid It is toned lord: regulated. Tile effect upon the discharging is equally' salt:deer... r eed. In ens es of constipa., ri7tMe catharticaction Wait suflkient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain. Tice Hitters also promote healthy evaporation from the surface which la particidarly desirable alibis season when sudden *patient rue, unpleasant weather are apt to check the natural perspiration . and produce congestion of the liver, coughs and C 0144. 'The best safeguard against all ..dlseases is - bodily vigor, and this the motes great Vegetable Restorative essentially pro • Jan. I, '76 • 1-ly ' , 11869. I . Tofu. H • DILLS GR HZIiLYORBEIOIDAL TIIIIIOES, all klujita groan lyely, pettedly and permanently cum'. by _WW A..3leCandles, N. 1). No. Alol „Areal St., PHI LA D.L.: NM I desire to say to those thnicted with any kind of PI Ll,leLltiternsal. External. Blind. Bleeding. or It-ek ing. that there Is poiltitely no kind of deception in the cure of theme difieases, the cure perfeet and mermanent, and without.the slightest Winger.. rivithoet the slightest ihitkry. to the patient in any 'R ay, and without caustics or instruments. I also cure Fistula Fissures, Prolapsus and Ulceration of the lower bowels. Patients must visit me anti can remain at ray house till cured, If they - . desire. .Can refer you tonver /2011pensons cured in Philadelphia alone. _ Oct:1, '7O-40-tini Dom.SCHENCK &HYMNS CONSUMP TIVES TO 00 TO PLOHIDAVIN "WIN TER.—Nevi/1g for Memel thirty-five years devoted my whole lime and - attenemi toile study of lung diseases and consumption, I feel that I:understand fully the course that ought to be pursued to restore a tolerably bad case of diseased. lungs to healthy soundness. The nest and most - important step Is for the patient to avoid taking eold, and the best of ail places on this continent for this purpose hi win ter, is Florida, well down.in the;State, where the temperature Is Tem:liar, and not subject to inch variations' as in more Northern latitudes. Palatka is a point I can recommend. A good hotel is kept there by'Peterman. Last winterreaw several per eons there whose longs had been badly diseased, bat who, under the healing influence of the, climate and my medicine's, were getting well. One hundred miles further down the river pis a point which I would - prefer to Palatka, as the tem perature lx more even and the air dry and bracing. Mellonville and Enterprise are located there should give a decided preference to Sielionville. 'lc is two miles from river or lake, and it seems almost imporaibbe to take cold there. The tables In Flor ida might be better, and patients complain at times; 'but that Is a goof sign, as it Indicates a return of appetite, and wit% this is the case they generally increase in flesh and then the lungs ninst,heal. Jacksonville Hibernia, (liven. Cove, and many I other places n .varions parts of Florida, ran be safely recommended ts consumptives in winter. M y reasons for saying so are that patients nee less liable to taking cold there than where there le - a less even temperature, and it is not necessary to say that where a consumptive person exposes him self to frequent colds he hs certain to die shortly. Therefore my advice is, go well down Into the state put of the reach of prevailing -east winds and fogs. hicksonville, or almost any of the other localities I have hauled; will benefit : those who are troubled with *torpid liver, adisordered, stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat'Air cough. but for those whose lungs are diseased a More southern point Is earn estly recommended.' 9,14/4' CU - 1146 licNili 111 -1,95.1 1,219, 996 2 7, 14t1 14 , 4, :1, ilO • " 3,1115 2.trS) 409 :AO 1,41 2.111 1 4 54"2 14 4 11 CI &to 11, 41.157 '155,01r2 5i5,067.19r090, 755,. - , '237.773" 155.2 e • I=2ll ~ , ~'~`Nj 2;M5r.'2 3,0114, 144, 33 . 1 4,101,U3 137,911 i;:O,4:Zr For fifteen years prior to NS, I was professionally in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia every week, where I saw and examined on an aver age live hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, embracing every possible phaseollting, disease, has enabled me .to understand the disease full and hence, my =taloa- in regard to taking cold. A peregm ,-- 'may take -- vast quantities of • q"Scheneks rti]atonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and iliandrakb and yet die if he does nut avoid taking cold. In Florida, nearly everybody is tieing Schenck's Mandrake Pills, for the climate is more likely to produce bilious habits than more northern • lati tudes. It is a well established fact that natives of Florida rarely die of consumption, especially those of the southern part. On the other hand, in New England,-one third, at least, of the population die of this terrible disease. In the. Middle States it 'does not prevail so largely, still there are many thousands of - cases there. Nk lint a vast percentage of life would be saved if consumptives were as easily alarmed in regard to taking fresh cold as they are about scarlet fever, small pox,. ac. But they are not. They take what they term a little cold, which they are credulous enough to , believe a Ill! Wear otrin.a few days. They pay ito attention telt, and hence it lays the foundation for - another anti another still, mall thedongs are diseased beyond all hope for cure. My advice to persons whose lungs are rarefied even slightly is, to lay Inn stock of echenek's Put monk syrup, ,Seltenck's Seaweed - Tonic and Sch, tick's Mandrake Pills and. go to „Florida. receunmend these particular medicines because I am thoroughly acquainted 'with. their action. I know that where Army are used in strict accordance - with .ray directions they will. du the work that is required..,,This acecnuplishea, nature wile do the rest. The physician who prescribes for void. cough or night -Sweets, and their sdvt.es. the patient to walk orridesout every day, • be sure to have a corpse oniala hands before long.. My plan is to give toy three med . cities; in accor dance with the printed directions, exceptl in mine catirf where a freer use of tip Mandrake Pills is ' necessary. My object is to givTtone to the stomach —to getup a good appetite. Is is alway.. a good sign when as fatient begins grow hungry. I have hopes of, such. With a relish for food and tbe grat ification of that relish comes good blood, and with it more fiesh,,which is closely followed by a healing of the lungs. Then the Cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and clammy night-sweats no longer prostrate and mini*, and the patient gets well, provided he avoids taking Cold. Now there are many consumptives who have not the means to go to Florida. The question may be asked; is there no hope.for such! Certainly there is. -My advice to such is. and ever has been, to stay in a warm room during the winter, with a tempera ture of about seventy degrees, which should be kept regularly at that point, by means of a thermometer, Let such a patient take His exercise within the limits of the room by walking up and down as much as-his strength will permit, In order to keep up it healthycirculat ion of the blood. I have cured thousands uy v this system, and can do so again.— Consumption is as easily cuiredas any other disease If: 14 is taken in time, and the proper kind of treatment is pursued.' The fact, stands. undis puted on record that Schenck's - Palmonic Syrun, , Mandrake Pills, and Seaweed Tonic have cured very many cif what seemed to be hopeless cases of eousumptiOn: Oo where vie will, you will be al, Moat certain to- flind some poor consumptive who. has been rescued from the very jaws of death by tneir use. So far as the Mandrake Pills araconeerned, every body should keep a supply of thiiiin cn hand. They act on the liver better than calomel, and leave none Of its hurtful effects,,beninii. In fact they are ex-. cellentln all cases where a purgative medicine is required. If you havelcialtak.en - too freely of fruit and dirirrhtlia ensues, a dose of the 31mi - drakes will cure you. It you are subject to sick headache, take a dose of the Mandrakes and they will relieve you in two hours. If you would ceeviate the effect °La change of water, or thetoo free indulgence of fruit, takeouts of the Mandrakes every 'night or every other night. andyou may ..hen drink water and eat watermelons, pears, apples, plants. pettenes of corn,, without the risk of being made sick by them. They' will protect those who live In damp s i tuat io ns against chills and fevers. Try you goo d are per fectly harmless. They can do you good only. I haveabandoned lily professional visits to Bos ton and ' , caw York, but continue - to see patients at my office. No. 15 N. SIXTH street, Philadelphia, every Saturday. -from 9A. U. to 3 P. Those whof 'wish a thorough examination with the Itespirom eter will be charged firs dollars, The Iteepirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable eir not. - But desire It distinctly understood that •the value of my medicines depends entirely upon their being taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I will say that when persons take • my medicines and theirsysteras, are brought into a healthy oondltion thereby, they are not so liable to take cold, yet no ono with diseased lungs can bear a sudden change of attnosphere•without the liability of greater orless irritation of the bronchial tubes, Full directions In all languages accompany:my mettle:nes, so explicit and clear. that any one can use them without consulting me, and can be Naught from any Ilrugglgt. .1. H..SCHENCIC, D. No. 13 N:SIXTI/ Street, l'hiladelphia. . April 16;13' DENG LE tt—COX—Con the morn ln g of the Sth 1 net .',. by the Rev. J. Todd. 'misted by the Rev. A. Rickert, at the reeddenee qt the bride's ;parents. Mr. -lessen rucut.En, of Pettsville. - to Miss Emict'J. daugh ter of L. W. cos, Philadelphia. . • EDWAUDS—ItAiLTON—At the Pri tnt t I ye Metho dic Church,__Ginardvllle, on-Banthay afternoon, rec. I, la7o. by Rev. Samuel Horwell; of St. Clair, Mr. Tflosi.4B govrAttost. to Mhos 3iARGARET HENLEY RAIIEYON, both of Glrordrille. • STEPLE—JENNINGB—on the Mb lust, by Rev Joseph . MeCool. Mr. U.:Ai:ran Wrsets, of Reiner City, Porter Towaship,lo Miss Sys.tsows JE:c.NTNos, of Pottsville. FOB SALM—Fins lionse and Lot situated la 'East Market St. House built in Cottage at, le.— Terms easy.' Apply to It. P4R.KEtt 4 801.51. led Centre lit.. • Dec /O. I[ o . 10--50-tf • Pottagille. VORPrame Tvern, 450,feeoy 1' kitchen attached. altuate a In ileg o ln x aTown l sh l lp, th near Gernsanifille. Also; It acres of around, sta bling. 80.i:ri feet, can acciturunadate et) horses. For terms, apply to - . ABM sertwEsx, - Dz.c. lit, '7O-50.1t• on the prentifies. VOL 0,11.T.V.—A. Valuable Hotel, an old and well e.tablishad stand. altuated on the corner' of Second arid Franklin *Dacia. ln.the Borough of St. Clair, within 1041 Yards of the Reading Railroad de pot. and•kno Johnson's Hotel. The property oomantiret briidlags, large Stable. ice Hoene. ge.. a good 'and ' , Wiry ot yard room. The property if trimaran iblearedirmm. For particular' apjpiy on the premixes ft't Dee. 10. '.o—oo m' CHAS. R. JOIINsoN.- _ _ TO L'EST.--1 4 / 6 1111 li 001/. - Fentrl street. Inquire at :Wet. titre ' , tract. Lee, anaxazir .CA2131. i e- biltiAla.—Co "-- ruilt -- Ib l four.wheeled LUMPS, 2 Cour-wheeled ilittolxn !le toms dud I elle:it-wheeled Cnb!e Car. be Rohl cheap.' Apply , to LIORT .1t UHLER. LEBANON, Dee. I, I . , : 0. • • Lebanon. PA. Dee. 3, '7u—/s l -3t. TEIIS .46 TIIIII.Bp GREAT SAVE, Or Towar LOTS at GOWEN CITY. FRIDAY and Sarre- Day. December rid and Mb. 18:45. Commencing at 10 o'clock. A. M. - • Two daps sales tolO abort to give all a chance.to ge; lots, and the 1)•'' bidding all of both days .wair . .. Irants another-day s* sale 1 °wren City, 4 mites Routh s of Rlseunokin, lame dlattly acklulnlng and outside the great tllunnolr.ln Crail. Basin.near eight or :ten Ilan-ehusi eolieries, j-healthy and beautiful location. good water. s c... must be one of the largest, and town*. The liberal tems/ere gre t chance for all to get homes. I Terms—Ten dollars cash on each lot. Balance. Sa per month 1.111 'patel. 10 per eent..diseount anoned on all aunts paid over 910. . . I As the crowd will be large, food f urnis h ed to all {free of eharil ioanto. 1 ..The Lima u. Band will be in attendanee. . -_. ! C. K. WEIKEL. Meant. ~, 1 ' Seurinokin Peatoffice, Dirsedville.' i Dee.. 3. 70-0,01, IF clf Sigbehmelari Pelt. andtehr, hot a "Won - Houma lairotal Pular. For particulars apply pa tab preistisita.. l3l . IN Last Starke& at. Dec. 10,19•21:1-1.1n0" , .11.10411,-4.1101ea balldlatt_lota Georte .F °Baer Areb *treaty.. Payable In.lllo mutably Mrirbta. with Interestor sillberail.alsaeaut e itettah. Apply tonAllUitt. BALL. at the 4.: start.or 8. ir , l WErf/914. Atataellle.=7o. • - • DIARIES FOR . 1871, 7 fir,Ckarkri;VAßlZTY, ' At viliatefthiapstela irmt *emir pow prim. At &LIMAN t ItAiISETn. Porridges. .:1o" Saltltab ts td. bg.CE , mBE,y - t , 4870 IOtIC 9. CIFFIMI MILL CREEK AND MIME Fl LL 11.-1 IvA.VIOATION AND RAILROAD COMPANY, - 'Prifigaract.prow, Dee. 5, y w Di7u. The meattnerClffice e stockholders Corupanill ho held- o of the Company. No. an Llbiaryatreet, On • inlay. Dec. Mtn, elevenVelock A. M.. at which Ulric an election finlOrtn to seryo the .ensuing year will also talc, place.- I'. C.-1101.1.-1:4;. Treasurer. Dee. 10, 10-213;18, 13 it , 24-75U4t OFFICE:MOUNT CARBON AND l'Oßt CARRON RAILROAD COMPANY. riee. The alumni sleeting of the Stockholder , * of thi. Company wilt be held at the ofileoLof the Oi l ,_ patty, ho.- Alf: Library street; oil Meliday., at eleven o'clock A. Sf., at which lime aii - election Inc °Meer* to Nerve the ensuing year wit also take place. P. C. fIOLLIS, TrraNurep. Lec..lo,'M-2,11-12, 13 & 2.1—.10-3t FPIOE fIeirDYLSALL .I7ALLEY NAVI kf GATION AND RAILROAD COMPANY. , pit ILADELPIIIA; Dee. :lit 14.1570, The annual .tneellng of the Stockhoklers of ttii, Company will he held-at the office of the eornpan No. Library street, on Monday, Dee. !MTh. eleven ricks*. A. M., at which time an - election. tc,r °Meets to setve the ensuing veer will also Vtlt.• place. . C. HOLLIS. Ttrasu Dee. 10„10--'S13-12„ 13 d 1:-...-10-3t lettal-)toticts. N.OTlCE.—Eetters of Administration on the - tate or.D.tviu VILEITZ, ,deceased. having to-ei v - grunted to the underedgned,all• persons iudelititd i„ the estate are requested to make pay men t. and M 0... havlngelatuks to : sdestritt,therrt to Dee. le. BAIII,4NY DER, Adininistrunir. I* • NT OTlCA..—Letter Adurtzlistpathli oil the tate of Lkwxs . lta.p. late of the' Borough. of Pothsvtire.,-in the ttuutrty of Schuylkill, deceased, tovvithrkeen granted to the undersi ..ned, all persons itidebted tumid estate are requested to make infnie dime payment, and th , mehavitak'clainis aoinst ti„. 143141e-10 present them sesim fin , twit lenient to- • - - w3l, REES", Administrator, -. !So. ISkSantlerrion street, ETAT E - or DB. OHAIRTEB HAEBL-ER: . late of the Borough of Pottsville, deceased. •I.ett era of enlintnistntt ion on said -Estate • having been umtited to the underslgn'ed,nil persons indeld ed to sakilstate are requested to make plyniettr, 311 iientotts' hay lag chums against said ebt,..ltt to p•-,!.. . sent the s.nme t ." . . • DcZc. 11), ILILESELER, mtnlstrat,,r. . No. Li 31ahantotmo si , Pot-Do. or CO A. W. Self A A ltornev at Law, - 2 1 3".! Centre, St.; Pot t.....11-!‘ Dec. in, '7O-3ii-4it opt.s., - I . Stic — i l .p . : iki. CIALCW. DENC4,EII, A?,ENT. BOOT, sTo C/4K314 tC I.2ltl:kitlNA /rub , atirt-Cniis, in gre,4tt. - Natr:t , •r„1 - Sbilltly uu band. , Partici/fa; rti raiioi pi3id tr, I Work. REPAllitn.i•tione neatly un htuai au to -. - . - - Pickcinut _ _ ,• • ('' OX.E'a CO IMPOUND •or WILD 4.7llEttltS". %. and - SENEKAs ueranoWledgetl to he the ntit.,~ pleasant, safe and . cert:ti a. remedy fur - the cunt.; C,roup, Couglis,puldß, Hoarseness, Asthma, and • elPient Constitnpliontiky.er offered to thopithlic. .k bottle bliould at littt-Ist•pt ILI every for Ally, Prepared by .1:1;5;;;L :OX,',, Drttgglt.t. and Citettil4, Schuylkill linven;Pn. , :-:,:,For vale In Pottsville at the Druti PlN:welt, of Dr. IZOBINSON, UEOrGE NV. KENNEDY and :llrs. C. SA YLOg, and by Itrugg and Dealers everywhere. I'rlc l / 4 , 1J cetutw. ~ October IR, . - 42 , tint=stl.t. w 2'rou Works,. — LT= M is ~ ENGINE . S. • '-- Adapted to a pingo 2 'ft. 6 Inches and and of redtiee'd height - and .:111dth, so es to peruoa their running lu the 6rdluary beading of a We •hayti. pertivted deaigns for. ts • ti i'attetles these small locomotives—one ln'stdelconnected, tie other out aide-conneetcsl.: . ,tttate.rial and work mulish' p kre equal, In 4-, I ttie respect, to thoAe in wail locoraolives of full g Send for Circular and photograph. • Itahlwin Locomotive Work 4, Phlluidelplklis- An;:T. 21, '7O-11'41.-&35-13, • _ • - .. • guntber. SAMUEL BALL, WHOLESALE AND BET.AA I. LUMBER DEALER, COAL Erf!.. , 40!4• itAiLitOAD -DEPOT. Porrsvii.l.P., . keep constanfl.- 1:e'l .; 'on hand a full - • ment of Building 7.lfin ,..bet.'whleli lie will - :•'• • '.*-i , tee to tie!! titl, • %t . 4 :. ‘ „' LOWEsy :MARKET keg,: ,Wrt, • 'RAZES. - I :titi.qs.4c. l .,)ohrs, Studt,pind, II _ x 3 lo l, Saah pe.` • Sept ; innncini. MOUNT AIN CITY INSURANCE • • EPOST 13 MIA NY, • • • - . No. 176,...ce.ntre Street; _ POTTSVILLE, PA. '. ' CAPITAL STOCK, iF;0 411 ,0 0 t-PliIVILEG F; TO I ! , ,7 citENsE TO .9:40 WO. , ' This Cbmpany chartered by the Legislature is now cu rer e4 red „. for the iransaet , ion of ageneritt bankin,t • IN : I r EREST PAID ON .D"P.PO:4IT:i U. S..Elo,nda and other Raliable Bonds' Bowpt . and.' Sold. GOLD. 44 . LNEIi AND. COITONS ROUGDT AND SOLD. =I . . . . . intin 'W. Itosels-rry; Theo. linrref;zon J.)lnk Dawson, Riollv F. bee, W. P. ktyon,• , ••• • Ft.ork Patterson,: Hent v lles , ,er., • , . -(''. J. Itlehank,on, Geo. C. tole, ,• , . Chas: F. Koplizt•eh," John ler..on, '` C. 11. D(hlg4 , r, - J. W..nos . Et 3 ERMA': Presiel , nt. .1 - I JOIIN. DAWSON, V. Pre.sid,,,r: C. IL :snz.rn, S.:,,trtary and TreFft.Turer. ' Nov .*:.3,'76—',ttiztli & ilir:3"--In-ly _ A DESIRABLE • 4-a. • • SAFE ROME INYFSTMENT: THE SUNBURrand LEWISTOWN RAIL-1 "ROAR COMPANY • O .PER GOLD - First - Mortgage .Bonds. Interest Payable * Apr it . and October, :Free of State and: United States • ' . .Taxes. • • - ...We axe now offering the baianceof the loan of 31,- 200,000,-whieh i 6 secured hy nrat and only. lien, ou the entire property and franchises 'of the - Company, . Atr - 90 and the 'Accrued Interest Added. • - The :Road Is now rapidly apprtmehing eomplet with a large trade In COAL. IRON and LUMBER, in • tußlition to the passenger travel awn It Ing s the open-' log of,thls greatly needed enterprise.. The Im-et, trade alone Is sntrieletitly - large to nigintaln thr Road: We have no hesitation in reeommending the Bonds as a CHEAP, RELIABLE'and SAFE' IN ,For:pamphlets, with map, and . fail intortnxtiuu apply to . • V3i,: 7 PAINTEEt d: CO„ 11.4:NKER.14, Dtxcleni In GuVrindent:Sccuritles. No. 36 : South THIRD gt., Pl;llwitlphla APPIY to MIXERS' Litl:: ---- No: CENTRE St.. 1211=8 L. - F.,: WIIIITNEY, :!3cuake;-, Pottsville, .3..'70- 4 21.944-n-414in Nov. lii,';ii ALMANACS FOB 1871. • A -, L Ai A N - ACS• FOR- ,43(101 • AT *3 7:i.. PER GROSS'. CAS-lit • 7 BANNAN CJIAMSEY'S Bopkstore, 168 Centre Street,lrottscille. Solicited/I:fondle Ttadr. PTON- 'i'ACTICB 7 a UPTON TACTICS!' ' - tiPION TACTIC* P. We ilarel received a number or caplet' of the new I`.zet las adopted for the militia service of th Is State„ and by the organizations already completed as ak-il a.thoxe emir* of completion, this, , . PRICE 'TWO TWO DOLLARS. • 1 FA Oct IpiNIZAN- drRAMSEY, 1,04 Centre et ORTO:111-M CO., flumes:me to - 11. cRoffsETT, . MAiITFACit - REEs OF ALL SHAPES OF `No-. 1 RIRE BRICK, For Furnaces, Moiling 11111 s, Forges, Steel Work., Lime Kilns. Cupola Furnaces. BLOCKS and FILES, for Blast Furnaces, Gas Works, Mal- • ' leable Iron Works. Bakers Ovens, Green Ifouses, &e. Stove Heater and Rangy . Linings, Cylinders, de.. of - e-etry • description to order. , • "zn re-ClaY. Kaolin, Fire Sand. Fire Ceeat,Bulk' or Barrel, VACronos. -. Mouth of Woodbridge Creek. 11. • 3. ,and Peekskill. N. Y. P. O. Address, Perth Ambovt,. J.. or'Peeks• kill, N. Y.. " Aprll,l3, '7O-147 • . DA.B.Lou . BILLIARDS. . • • . . -PARLOR 1311448D5. . . . .. . . . - . A fled Interostliog tome for winter evening otausement.: -. - • • ... • . lAill and wait. Only $5 50. • ' Oct- Mi7o.--2. 1 2-.. . . BANNAN & RAMSEY. Pressed, Paving and 'ding Briekp, • FOIL SALE BY" • • • t - sawrwicic a p = a • r No., UN Doak St.. ANgs 113.10-112a344V ~7 HA.111.1) A: CO., DEO
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