.F 0 %$ YEAR. A i . frHE 'LONDON - InLondon they have I 'Post-office department, what tal cards;" for the convenience) They are blank eards about twi ordinary,visitingTards:With steal and*cost but-a halfpenny. Onesia .;-the.addresa • the other has room for of ordinarylength. As they are Used Ni) out .envelopes, they are of course 'free - pas.l-officeoftleials to read—those who hap pen to have .uo more honor than to do so Mean a thing, and who choose to spend the tine to so. However, AnYthing of a private na ture would. not : - be slept .in thiLway. They are used largely for invitations pnd . replies, • and - for blisinesstriessagea. They areexeeed ingly convenient, - and also cc:monde:lL -. They hate already created such no addition to Wort' nil the l'oat-ollim department that.alarge- inereuie of the workihg force has bee)i inade..` - .London Pt7scit sitews,, as follows, .how'cipher can be use so that tio one Can read but those addressed ~ Adopt a elpherthe key - to which is only, known to yoarseifand yoUr correspondent . 'sou eSn'easily arrange that beforehand; and • then, under cover of some nonsensical, com 7 monplice, or thysterious . sentence, you may, 'without fear of detection, convey to the wife '-of your bosom, the object.* your .affeetions, orlhe solicitk to' your family,, the inmost thoughrolyhyr, Out. . We subjoin' a Ifew snecititon ci . -pher,s.-whichleive reeeteed the akinvahof - the Postmaster Geuerai • • .' 1. From' a zewlY-Married. man to' ' wife, fi'om Whom he has• been parted an hour and three-iliiartere, and whom he Will see again iri .course of the 'afternoon : "Dirty Esqui . to:tux-end roving Easterd Shieks taste peen= 'ean every Thursday." ' • Froru.❑ young lady-in the country to , her cousin -4,m lon, annonaeing a most int - p4rt,ant event-e - "Fanny's roses excel Dick's. ,Hardy asters seem plentifol. Read Oliver's pamphlet on seedlings—exce.fieutly Will Edgar and Ruth Elleu excuse.no green gages, as grandniamma expects Dan ?V • • Key to the cipher 1 and first - letter ...of each-Word forms the message. - •3 : From a gentleman to a lady - to Whom he is engaged; their last meeting was as far hack as yesterday evening -and they will . het see each other again. Ouliaeveu o'clock TA-night; —"Mem. Daily - piiPtirs shorn: strange . ignorance, but I shall go. 'thin grog. Let --no parcels eseape,vteilanee. ,„N'ot cough h.q. Ow, please." ••. . . • • Key—the last letter of each word. . 4, From a lady at the seaside to the gentle ,- man she .be determined to marry. Her friends disapprove of the match, amtrare afraid she will elope : '-'ClovellyseentsloVelx; Will A r think Clara's hat exceedingly . droll Blackberries :unusually temptiog. t'olisins of Minnie's expected." Key—the first three letters of the first word, the - 11rA two of the seeond, the first . aim] last of the thirdonul the first of each of • the rema ining - 5; Frutu a nervous andceceentric ritient, wint.dites not wish the servants to know all her symptoms and remedies . ; to her doctor, • • who happens to be aka distance:- "Oppor- Cantabs' climbed • up Hillsborough, attitirdinising capitally o . 4 .others visibly corn' jelling animals. Owls - Chase hats at Eslieri . Cheap candles all . allow ; gin adherents do.'t Tiy4 • doctor's answer (in the same. style)t • t‘fliertinate errors `battle ones Oddly, dyfias . ties'lall. Onwards education! sway, :late. - guor! r Attack Devonshire - ere:mi." -Key —theseemelletter of eaeh Word. ti; , ' From . 'a juekey. at Newmarket to a trainer. An town: "t=hing Saddel runt we'll Change Tjaker's kroner, . Old Zach is often 4(i tie o riderstud about - -Ars. lite %lin Letll • . , fiey : — . the fi rst letter of every other word. 7, From • a 'client in difficulties- to 'his' inoney•-lender: "Noe . uoy tel •em evah 1 - ehtona derdnuh"."' Key too - abstruse for eiplanatioa. • , BISHoP iII'ItNLT,. 'once preaching before Charles li. ; much warmed with his'sublect, and .uttering, religions• truth in--a very earnest% insulter,' with 7 great svhemenee• • struck Ids tistEimoii the desk, and cried,our in niouil voieei"• Who dare deny this'."' • "Faith," observed the'king, in n key not so . loud as thepre*lur,'"nobody that is within reach of that gre:Wlist of yours." " I fivnPATiitze sincerely with your grief," '„said a .French lady to a recently widowed' friend, "To lose, melt a bushand ua youri!" "Ah; yes,. he -was' ver . good, and•then,. son see, open u inisfortune is always great, one kno fis wriitt, kind of a_ husliand :.he • has lost, hat cannot tell Nxhat,kiud of%a loan one will. dud to suceeed ''.NIANINLi;" said a child one Sundayeven t,-atterhaving at still in house all day, "have I honored you to ;_rq,v ?'; - , don't' know. Why,,do Usk , • "Because the Bible sls •lionor thy father mid 'mother, that thy 'lhyi4 may be long;' a rid- thislas,lieen, oh; longest.day I vvcr Tniii lig a, genuint Pptlaph- on a child im!ati Oh lo,g t•aveS•ard • • - " - "iiil taitled of Wen hitter et,p, ' • ' •::. • Awl ruen reftwed td p drink it up, -: - .Hn thrnedhist'fittlefite•ht aside . ), ' . • I lut , ,ied . writt the ta.ste, awl died:" -- litre• sfts the main stay • atjhe. eluti room. Stay:, pretty - tilt ht ti 11.12. • Mitp. I) hushan4 i ninch (.ver CLOP.KINGS WiNTE STRA CLOTHIER,I • . . . . , . - This 9laoh ha. hers a specialty-a-11h as fipr '.Dais y . earg, and we have very unusual ineflitleA la the - pai . .chase of thelieut i:UROREAN GOODS. " • We ale. now fibplaying nn unrienlllsl 50 . 0k:chiefly s,f air. own importation, ,ionAlE4ing to parta .I.STRAC IttN ' • • • ' ASTIIACH • ' IS !ORA. C : ET. SKINS. BLACK . .BEA \ /MSC. • WHITE II VI ' ISEA VERT,. CIIIN(III4.T.As, .•• BLACK: VF.I.VETEL:Ns. • -• WHITE O)RDL'ItOIs, No ts oil. red In4he fouLitry. .3fah.y vi our:l3E3T G 0J1).5t1 cannot - be purchased el....whe c Waterpioof 'Cloakingt.' \ Ve r. e.l4l'esipeciat tention to stir aloe:: of t one• of the leryeat• and bent escorted in A werica.t nCluditi4 every price, from at eta. to f... 2.00 • ~pr: yard, lu twenty different qual it • - ~ . ..• . Illankets !. Blankets !!. Blankets! ! . .. . ~. r . i . . .. 11.avIth.rnlways 50:,.N., - larOy 4.r . t these tr..mts, ' We can offer 'Wem. at prie-A,Pi.t.efi which no retail holt ic .ea compete: : .So far this lq . axon our sale. huie beerrbeyond precedent, but our arrau r getnents ..„ • Vi'l - t)1 tho 1:11 iI hi ore mull that we shall be able to sup -. ply slntoA an4dentands. . ' ' ~ .. . . • ' - 4 afa . ''Take .Particular Notice.4lA • `or almkto sell ererythiu: At rower prices than the bank! goofs can be purcha . sect elsewhere. . STRAWBRII)GE fi CLOTHIER, ". .Corner ifdyktliaart Market PHILAD I A tat. 1. l) Financial, ...____...__...._ . -5'.20150-141:1 188111 . a- • . • 130rOliT, SOLD AD L'Xi:II.k.N*OED, . ~, - •. MOST REAISONABLF: TEI:Ms. • • eN - . GOLD ___.... Sought and Sold . at Mar.ket Rates. . . COUPON• : CASHED. PACIFIC 'RAILROAD BONDS.. - . BOVO Az A xci sou): k' TO r.* K S 1101:1311T7ND SOLDoar •' t. - • - L ••_.: • . . (•01 M -I SSION.,-ONLV. ' - ' . . _ L. ... - 4%,,ilats recelce4 an 4 int.pres: unowea ou daily I. , b a / a nces sublect to clieck. at estglit. - - '- : 4: ' . bro. 49 41.•THIRD;f1T., PILMLADELPAIi. • - . . March 4 29..19 . 1 ' '., •• • .. 134 j• •- -----,,-- ---- A NCHOR. LINE OP THA-NBATL --, A.NTIC zi. STEAMICHIPIL 1 - Between New York, Glasgow, 11. 0 hddigerry. r ia .LiverpooolQnsenstown and, ilanuStitlr. ; Iteikeen RATFA 0 1 . ..PASUAGE.—F4k Pak \ 'sage or drafts by this eommodlous, Comfortable and 'popular line of steanushlps between the United dtates and gurope„ or full In formatiot to re gard in s aces of passage, eta., apply In person or inill* the Agent: (UPI. C. F. GLO Eat itt/12, 164 No. =Centre Street,.Pottsvllle. • • '', I s =I STAL• CA SD. Induced' in _the called "pots " the public. he size of 41jti them is for Ante MO i:I.W niter 'lV'e,tghtst iron Works. SEE & CHEMTIAN, -Baehinists, Founders it Car Builders. finegrove, Schuylkill County. Pa. Dar Rim, flint east on end, and self-Oiling _Car Wheels a speciality. Aug. Lk 70.33.4nn• 1 4 EICHICESTER IRON WORKS; GLOUCEB y_ . , TER CITY, N. 7.—Ogrtms, Nall, North Sev enth Mt.. Crest side, PHILADELPIIIA, manufacturer of CAST IRON GAS and WATER PIPES, 1 Mit : lron Flange Putnping, Heating and Steam Pipes, Stop Valves fur Water or Gas ; all sizes. Sire (Prugsy Hy :intsj Lamp Posts. Gas Holders, _Telescopic or Sin g OW legs and Wrought Iron W.ork, orall kinds, fur ras Works. AU Pipes proved" by HydroetaU _, Press re: April H. 7046-1y,,- pzoist CAR WOBICI3, • JOSEPH DELANEY, Paof•atkron A and, Ekhuyikill Onntly„Pa. Having snit. ed Lfa Car shop, la now prepared to build ali kind. Okra for tnining purpcoes. Being a practical mceha •ic and having . for veer. devoted him If entirely' to thi. tt branch of the basin:. and building o COAL BREAKERS. ~thepatenPe ' of two celebrated Self- t 'unplug P.Xe, which can be seem worki ,at the wor of mos. Bancroft, Lewis .k Co., and • tteraott, Eltringham .t" Co., Ashland, and at Mews., H. A. Moodie * Co., Preston Collieries, Cilrardvllie. Coal Breakers built at the shortest notice. Orders Solicited. April 2,70-14-1 y JOSEPH DELANEY 2 SHENA-NDOAIL IRON WORK.I3: The subscriber is. now prepared to build Steam Engines. Pumps, Cnal Breakers, and Drat Cars. All kinds of castings and et' Singings made to order. Especial atten-., -7 luta; Don paid to the manufacture oT Car - wheels. - CATBER,. Shenandoah City, Jan. 1, '7O-1 • FDIINEST AND MACHINE SHOP, STEAM CAN FACTORY. &C.' The subscribe!' 'would call attention to the superior facilities pordmied by et u r i g . h es irn for the various brancli of Steam ', Engine building. Iron Founding; and 4.:t er , ... ,-.•• „,,,,.- • the manufacturing of all kinds•of ma- • ‘••• l + , .'" , " chinery for Rolling Mills; Blast Furnaces, Aiiilroiui Ca N, lie., Ay." f 1 . He will also e nntinue the business of m ining and selling the celebrated fine Forest White Ash Coal, being the sole proprietor of this colliery. ,t-Sep.l; 'fAL--f-ild Jan. I. '69w GEO. W. SN Y:DEIb. , . pOTTSVILLE BOLLING MILL. ' 1 ' ' "-----__ .` 67.I 'ATRINs BROTKESs.. PaeOPRIETORB.' .. Pottsville, Schuylkill Connty, Pa., Manufacturers of,Tit . tltroad Iron (both - T and Street: Itatiai ;are prepared to re- etM eel ve and exeetVeordiersai N .- bort:notice. for any and all the ordltiary,sizes in use. ".;-' our own pig. meted, we are careful do .eii :t suitable ores; buyers can therefore rely upon recei %log In all cases first class rails. The snuffler sizes of T Italia, 2 4 , 'Si, 2 0 i, 32, arid 10 pounds to the yard, always on hand; and supplied in small lots as wanted: Jan. '7O--ly TO COAL OPERATORS AND MINERS. • PIONEER BOILER. womi. • The subscribers respectfully invite the attention of the business comma- et nitY t heir Boiler Works. on Rai lead. :•••••• St.. below the Passenger Depot, Potts- ' -r..7 r „.,„,..• • where they are prepared to man ufacture ' . BOILERS•OF EVERY DESOHIPTION, • Smoke Stacks Air Stacks, Blast Pipes,. titufoutetOrs . ' Drift ears, ere., tte. Boilers un band. Being practical meelianic.s, and having for years 'devoted thentselves entirely to this - branch of the business, flatter theinselvelf tt.at work done at their establishment will give satisfaction to all who may favor them with a eall.• Individuals and Companiea, will find it greatly to their advantage to exathipe, their work beforeengneng elsewhere. JOHN T. NOBLE: Jan. 1,'70-1- ' • 'MATHEW RHODA. .• ORCHARD IRON WORKS, I'OTTSVILLE, PE'SNA The subscriber% areprepared to fur- Irish STEAM ENGINES and all kinds of 31.A.CIIINERY and CASTINGS for tr Miliex,hrlilast Foram-es and Rolling .*-Ze n,,. ;;,..„ :dills, and havea full assortment of the mr,t approved patterns for VERTIt'A OLLING ENGIN ES, SqI , EEZF.ItS,f4I.IEAIIS, PUNCH ING Aril INES, and all other Machinery required in the manufacture Lltailrotul lion and Barm. The following Steam Engines are now on hand and ready for delivery:. • 1 En g'e !sin ei - 1; Eng'sl2 in cyl.lR 1 " " 21" " 1 " 10%" **l.i" 1 " 11 " 9 . 12 " i. .1' ' l - - 11,..ft - .". 24. e "12 - " " " " The above Engines are all new, and built Upon the Lmost, approved prinelplem, and (min lac seen at the µMrks of the subscribers. Also, a full assortment of Plekeriug 41: Davis' Steam Engine Governors on which have given universal satisfaction. • lMept. 1, I MII- 7 1-Iy. • PUTT 4: VA ATI NE. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS. NOTI6E.—The works of the late firm of NV,ren Brother. known as the, "WASHINGTON IRON WORKS,' located on Cott I' st reet, I u the Borough of Pottsville, will be coffin ut d by the subscriber in a.l its various ;JR branches, viz; Mtern Engine building, ' and all kinds of machinery for mining -MAI ,- ; 6 w.u. • either coal or ore; blast furnaces of hot or 04.1 blast all kindsof railroad earalligSatiti railroad car llstures 'of wr.mglit and eliAt Iron; nlLit inds of bra.ss cast ings ; all it Inds of smi I Itwor::, Rattail sizes of the latest im proved.pumps, single np double acting. Iteealring promptly attended, to find neat If executed. By careful attention: to, business the subscriber , trusts lie will rec:etveii,share of the pubic pattbnage so ilneraily bestowed on the 'late firm. Jan. L •iu-1 , JA NI W EN. • • • ASHVAND,IRON WORKS. . , The subscril*rs_are now folly pre- - • pared to turn at the Ashland Iron Works, steam Engines and Pumps of any power and t'aParlty. for' loinr lag and other purpcxseg. Gad Brea• no _ - -ere of eWery•ltize and pattern ; nocr 112 two, to. gether with cast burs and-•forglngs of every deacrlp. non. Coal and Prlff - ears of all sizes aild pattertia, Large "frock and IlOrke Cars, all furnished at the • shortest Mitlce, The subscribers flutter thetnaelvert thgt; Intismuch. as every. member of the firm is a pradjeal mechanic, they will be able to furnish maelit fiery the - Cu - 111 compare favorably with any in the Region. All tirders dlrectedio J. & St. aimircytu, Ash in 1141, Selluyik I IVoti n ty, Pa.. tlr iilr t..etive prompt auentton. • , • , 'J. 4eM. GARNER. . Ashland..lad. ' AGLE IRON 171011 K 13, r___ HENITX WALTEitS. Proprietor, ' TAHA4I. it, sell rY1.1.1 LL cat - Scri:.PA. Havingcularged his ioundry and ma- , Chine shop, at the Eagle Iron Works, r Tamaqua, and thus very- Increii.ed their capac It y for turningout work in his line of Nosiness, he is.t..ow - prepared to Engines add Pumps of any power and capacity, for mines;. , 3lachinery for Breakers Rolling and other mills, and for Furs. nacos; nil kinds of castings and furgings, he., An experience of many. years In the business, with the facilities which these works now,possesa,. enable . the proprietor to turn out the Very best and the most isfac I ory work.- _ _ _ Ail orders addressed to lIENRYiWALT ERN, Entitle Iron Works. Tamaqua, Schuylkill t:uuntt•, Pa., will protupt attention. June 2', , 119-altr •• T itE'P+.+.ALO ALTO IRON WORE% .14 . e prepared ick furnish T R.kILROAD - IRON— weiltilinitrolo '3)40_70 pounds per. yard—STREET RAlLS—from ISlOCKpoututs per yard, to suit either for horse ears or Ivo motives., All these rails are of the Jt r iunii LATEST AND MOST • APPROVED - PATTERNS. 'Also, a general sussOrt ment of MEIiCIIA:"a BAR IRON, Rounds, Flats, Squares. Oval, 1-lair Round and. Grooved, Hoof. AND BAND IRON, CAW AXLES, • RAILROAD CHAIRS, FISII PLATES AND 11001:SPIKES, for rails. 1 101.1.4 node hifithe best brands of cs)ld blast charcoal Iron, ready for use, either for 1' rails, street rails or bar iron. Abio , .ali hinds of vASTiNGS FOIL ROLLING' MILLS. We ~ so in .vile attention to our DIFFERENT PATTER - - OF slizAn4, for cut ti ng.old rails, puddled Iron, &e, BENZ. HAYWOOD. Proprietor othee'cor.SecondAnid Market Sla.,-Pottmcille. I'a. Jan, I. 111-1- • • . • . CHAS. H. HARBISON, : NO.ri MARK ET - STREET, PHILADELPHIA, GEICEItA L AGICNIT vicNslE - 1,40 - 40 T PSOifts: C414 4 g 0 ' • The SCALES matte under these patents differ from all others, Completely doing away with all long levers, check rods, and • friction on the knife edges, thereby insuring an accurate, sem.itive and durable scale. N. 11.—bend fur illustrated catalogue. Also, Agent for Weston'. Patent Defferential Polly Block. August 13. '7O-33-,3m TUN". ADDIA(..N. ntalccts WARRICF. '"ro COAL DkALLE,IIB. GAS COMPANIES, / QC. The'undemlenedhavina . aucceeded Focht &I.Var nit to the hole rannutactute of Focht's celebrated Puteht SELF 1 1 1.',Ntl'ING, TIOISTINti :4:4101' BUCK ETA AND 111. - K . 4 110::•TING BLOCKS, Nr-i,;4!--0.1111,1 Ore, Bac EMI .A 1. 1 1.,, In the mnlitifacture .of 44 - 4z, LRO LOX WHEELBARROWS,' IRON CA AND Arc prepared to till all orders with promptness and, NOTloE.—lteing_ the role owner's of the 'Aitent , Ill.rrt for the Self-Dumping, Rotating. Swop /Wake!. and Dock Block. we caution all persons against man-, factoring or purchasing the AMMO from any except eur%elves or .ear agents, as ws will prosecute to the utmost limit any infringement on the Letters Patent. ReApectfully, ARDISON d WARREN, Reading. Pa. February 6, 'EU • 6—ly D E o lyp t itiOlC J 'a t 3 OALHOIEIBG MA, - '".patented April 12, easy y are At ple, ..urable and of operation. hence the huge number sold, and the per. feet smitsfuctlongl yen. !send for illustratedcatidogue eon t aln lug sizes,prices and testimonials from wiles using them: , ail* containing price list of our Wood and Irou Cars; iron Tubs and Barrows, Dark and llook Block; ac. also containing much Infortitii, lion useful to Coal merchants. P. K. DEDERICK & Co., jAmalbeut.l4l;stgris.icustlintu.rairl* Machine Wort*, Aibsay, ell/ York. 7....._,......_............._ I'4MM- X 021021 SIDILDII2II ___.IIISIIOI[ANICS I At MYER & stmUlt'll eau be bought ebesp Bull& tog itardware of MI kinds, etas. Pettus. Otte, Gls" names; Plaster. Moony PI Terra Cot Tope and lace, Also. tofu Wof ell slow . • Marra 12, "70 11-ly• !E(F I C lEEMLIMS BALE or .2NAL 111ETA'PE.- .-787 'virtue of a writ of Yeadttfeeti Erporias.tasuea out of the Court. of Common Phew of Schuylkill County, and to me direeted,,there will beexpneedtra public sale °easel:et/eon ' . , : '' 84reliP.Ar. November 33, IL - 0, • . i At 104elock in the forenoon, at the Court House, In the Borough of Peril's-111c, Schuylkill County,. the following described real estate to wit: o All the full. equirl, 'undivided one-sixteenth pare the whole Into 16 equal parts to be . parted: and utvi ded, of„ and in all the following described piece or parcel of Coal Land (comprise:lot portions of there/. cal surveys 'referred to in a certain Indenture or compromise and mutual grants and releases Made by anti eetween Richard P)Foulke, William Park. er Foulke and wife, and a corporation known Bathe Preston Retreat, of the or2 m art„and Johu.Anspach, 'Jr., and wife:tad o th ers of Cher part, dated- the Bth day of Jutie_, A.. lb. l' end recorded in Selluyb . klliCounty in Deed Book ,o. re, page 31„ de, and In Columbia County In Deed Book 0, page 264, /Lc, rte course being thereunto had will appear ) situate, lys lag and being partly In the township of Butler' (iste Barry) In Schuylkill County, 'aforesaid, and partly In Columbia County -In the State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described (aceoril- Ins to a recent sarvey„marking and report of ft larger piece As' portion of land, of which this des ecritted s ake - War, part, ntede by Peter,W.Sheafer and Alien Fisher, of the Borough of Pottsville, I. tic/auylkill County aforesaid, purveyors for that pure pose mutually appointed and etiosen by the part fee Wand In conablendion, ed the said Indentur&cd Compromise) ei. follows, to wit: Beginning at St point ie the middle of the summit-of the High Ridge next tiortlOof ,the lSlonenoy Creek, which point is midway between the. eastern boundary of a , tract originally surveyed on a warrant dated the' loth day of May, iTal, issued to William Elliott, - and the western boundary of a tract originally surveyed on a warrant dated the 10th day hf January' 179 t„ Is sued to John Alexander (now part of the Girard er+ tate) which perint was eat:irked by 'health' Shearer and Fisher upon, the ground by a pine knot stake and pile of stones, and witnessed upon 8 chestnut oak trees, each having 3 notches towards said pile 'thence by the middle of the:summit of said ridge by the following courses and distances, the same being altad'inarked by the said Shearer and Fisher, by cut.' ting a "laze between 2 notches upon the sig ht Mei, and ablaze for the other lines, that is toady south iCs degrees anti of a degree west 718 feet to a young pine tree, inarkedny thesaliteheafer and Fiaher fore corner by - 3 notches On the easterly side and westerly side thereof, and witnessed by 3 notches upon each' of the sides respectively towards some of seven 'neighboring treee,-one of which is a large White oak standing westwardly of said young pine, thence south se degreeri and !.. of a degree west .409 feet to a: pine tree, :narked by the-said She.afe and Fisher with 3 notches on the easterly ages westerly a des and witnessed by 3 'retches on the' sides towards the same of each of 4 pine tree+ and 2 rock oak trees ; . thence south 81 degrees 22 minutes west feet to a pine knot stake set in a pile of stones ,made by the . sald surveyorectn that liucof the westernmost sur- Ney on a via ltont to Joi n t Dreher, which extenele northetly from the Northwest corner of an interfere Inc survey en a war rant to John Kelly (the last of said stake and - pile of stones are at a distance ut :9 , 6 feet north 8,.= degrees. west from . said corner of John Kelly, unit ' witnessed by the said Shearer and Fisher by 3 notches upon the side towards the same by 6 trees standing In the neiglaborhon 1 thereof; thence ' by n line parallel with the southern line of the Girard tracts, origi nally surveyed on warrants issuedi g ßobert Ile tir.: hirimer, 'William Shannon and eie e Blecklann; to wit: 'South 'B2,N degrees west a ut 3.02 feet,- be the same inure or less, until sit strik'us the eastern boundary line of the tract origina lly surveyed on ( warrant issued to Deborah Grant, dated the endend day •of January , 1703, at the distant, o 2 1 03 feet, south 734 degrses east from the double pine corner of the lass said tract; thence along the custom line of the said Ix.bitrali (Irani survey north it degrees west as) feet to theatforesaid double pine corner of the Deborah Grant survey; thence along the northern boundary line of said lust named survey south 12 degrees west about eal feet; be the same more or leas, to stonefi t ia corner of &tract originally Surveyed on a warrant Issued to,Winiatieraliet t, dated the loth day of-- ray, 17W1; the ice along:the er.stern boundary line of the said William - Elliott survey north 7,ti deg rows west (-resitting 'the County line of said Sebes - 11011 and Columbia Counties into the saia'Colutithia County about 3l.sreet. he the tame more or less, to a corner by the pit ain plot, a chestnut oak tree, bat now' •stones,littested by old wittiest; marks on a neigh !tering tree, being the southwestern corner of the aforesaid tract originally surveyed on warrant to - Robert Illitzbeimer ; thence by tite southern .boundary line of the aforesaid last mentioned tract and the tract originally surveyed on warrant to William Shannon, north st2.!.y degrees caret 4159 feet ton point midway between - the said eastern line of the said William Elliott survey and the western survey of the John Alexander survey, which point,' wits ascertained by actual measurement and - was attested by said Sheafer and Fisher by marking fis younrepitie tor. a earner with 3 notches - on the easterly, westerly and southerly aides respectively, and also by witnessing the same by 3 notches upon the sides to king towards the same of 4 trees reaped-- heel v shading In the neighborhood thereof; thence by a line par a llel with the eastern line of said sur vey to tile' William Elliott, south 7 degrees ands half east 3 ;IV .:'l';ret, recrossing saki county line luta Schtly Iklll cuitely to the 'beginning point in the middle of summit °rube high ridge aforesaid, con tal nin within start boutidarles the quantity of uhOUt aU e. OIL , res, be lie-Seine, wheu truly ascertained, more or lee'a ; being Atte same premises nine undi vided eixteentlis parts of which Williain A. Patrick and saralel.., his wile, graph tk - rind conveyed unto Mary Bast, by Deed elated tin lth day of April. A: . D. lea, as in and by a referenee t het eta. recorded in Selniylkill County, In 1 teed Book Ni - e eteie--..., will hilly appear, recorded ~In Deed Biel No. bi, :page 600, de., with the appurtenaneo s , erne:tannic of a . frame Coal Breaker witheSeltutes, eereena, Ma ehinety; Sc., complete, 3 blocks of I , ;•story frame miners' houses and a frame. stable In Columbia County, rind a 'Meat frame Coal Breaker, with tarbutee, screens, machinery, de. complete, I frame engine house, I dirt plain with; inaehthery, coin , piths, I counter schute; I self acting plane. 1 frame stable, 3 triune water tanks, and 121 blocks of 1 1 .; store frame miners" houses In SeliuelltilleoliblY. Seized, wet. takirn I Western t ion as the property of 'WEIN n C•d x t v o y b N e K s t o o lth.Ss• herlfr. sherttr. Ithere leetsvine. Prt.„ NoVemixtr bit, Drat. Nov. ilOre-to., 4e-tt. -_-_-__ -_-_.. • C EIERIFFI3 SALE OF BEAL ESTATE.-By ...3 virtue of sundry writs of.fieri Fa , dalt, Lerurt I'd. CMS and Vvriddioni ,Exponas -Issued out of the Court of Common Pleat. of ischuylitlll County - . and to me directed there wilt loeex reed to public erste or outcry, on -• •' •:, . 5.4 TURD.I I; _Veer et/Kr 2rith, 1370. • - At 10 o'clock In 'the forenoon, at the Court ifoust.., the Pothwille s Sehuyil:lll County, the following th.r.erlfs real estate, t wait 7 Al ii lie right, title and I atermi. t,f 4.aeic seyfert of, In and to all that certain lot or pleee of ground, . tiateAu theltorinigh-oi I.lehily!kill haven, Schuyl kill County, hound• il north wand' by lot of James Sir patrlek, easta'ardly by Dock streetMouthward3 ly uy, prenerty tir.Jae..l) fl unt zi 'tiger and westwardly . by an alley; containing In width feet more or less, and 144414. p% 140 feel, more terless, with the- appnr tetutnees, .consisting Of a "story frame .dwelling house; with a.-story frame bark building nttaeheil, tnila frame stable: usibe property of. ISAAC 1i ET_ 44MT. • A LSO- 7 .1.11 that Certain small te or tractor laid, 'sit urate in Union Township, schu County, ad joining lands Of Samuel Dresher,, .'Slicheelerover, _John Hen, lienrsestautTer nod others, con taining s al acres_ more oriesis, with the appurtenances, con sisting of.n story leg dwelling-house and a log barn ; asltie propriety of JOHN - . - ALSO—NO. Oita cera I n amallfartnor tract „ ofSore . ..ghat Township, Schuylkill Conmy,. , adjeining the-upper rresd leeding from_ Pottsvill ea 0 Sither.+vi Ile, toe Dunean tract, and land of...Commis Seltzer' and 'calt , re, containing 4 acres, More or Iva, with the appatenancen consisting of wii-story triune tavern -nod' d welling-house, with a lt:estory frailty:back bulk - fine attached a brick and frame 'smoke iinuse. and 2 frame stables. NU 2.—A II iliateert site lot or piece of ground, alt .itate In Jalnepa, In. the borough of Pottsville, Schnylkill`County, bounded tiorthwardly by Front • Street, eastwardly by lot of Ftederick gehultz, southwardly by the Mount Carbon Railroad, - and westwardly by lot of Frederick, Flail, containing in widtif feet, and in. 'depth tat fs et, more or less, 'With the appurtenances, consisting of a 11; story fraire dwelliug-house with brick -anti stone base-, eat; Lathe property of CHARLES' F. KULL. • . ' , AU...ft—All Idote 3 certain iota or pieces of ground. situate In , Newtown. Reilly Township, Schuylkill Confity, nonrated nertliwitraly by an alley, east wardly by the public road leading from Pottsville to Tremont, eontliwanlly by Pine Devi, and 'west wardly.by an alley, contidning together.in width 75 feet, and in depth 125 feet., with the *appurtenances, consisting of a 2-stbry fraineelivelling teams with stone basement and a I,i'story triune kitchen at taelted, a frame stable and a frame stnoke-aquae; us, t tieproperty of MARGARET ZERNIIELT. Ad that certain :-story (mute dwelling...! house, situate north of Mauch Chunk et-reef, Le to:eon Coarriteretnuti the Mount Carbon - traitress]; near the holier. numufactork cf John T. Noble In 'the. Hommel' of Pottsville, In the said Comity , of Schuylkill, containing in fond on "a small street, running parallel with l'eaistreet. 'l2 It, and in depth L'.4 feet, and the lot or eiTeree of erioun and cur.' tilage appurtenant let said Mitiding ; as the proper ty of JuitN QUINN. ALSO—AII that certale 2-story -brick dwelling-' house or building. a ith itarement story below, sit u-' ate to the •Itorciugh of Pottsville, In the County of Schuylkill, on the northwesterly corner of Laurel' Street and 11111 street, containing In front on- said Laurel Street Al feet, and itislepth along 11111 Stneet feet; and the lot or piece) of ground and Multiage appurtenant to Kahl building ; as the ;Muttony of L MANUEL EICHORN ano ELIZABE7I Et c:llOlLN, A L.StS—Aiitha cer al:. far trat a r sttuatent t t 'in No m. rth c Ma r nheim Toa - r- NMI), Schurlkii County,_ Pa., bounded and limited as follows, to a It: iteslimlng nt a stake In the road •leading to Orwigsburg. at a earner to Frederb k 1 Lnuderbrun's land, thence alohtt he staid -read had lug to Orwigaburg north 1.4 degrees. west :73 perches to an apple tree, thence along mild road north 4 lie— grece east 2.1 perches to a white - a -Lk. thence by land 01 Jeremiah Reed south 3:t degrees west 6 perches to a stone, thence south 7$ degrees west 3u l G perches to a stone, thence north 12 degrees wesr4 perishes to a steam, thence by kied late of Morava Rickert and Philip Drumheller:south 73 degrees west re 3.4 -perch es to a show, thence by other land south 74 degrees -west perches to the River Schitylkill, thence along the said River south 12 degrees amt 19;4 perch Rs, thence South I.S) degrees west 11 perches, thence south rdet.s" dt greys nest 6 perches and (Orly-two-one. hnntlretitlei to a stone, thence sou th'38,,4 degrees east 6 perdu s -and twelvesonesiniudreJths to a atone, - thence south 64 degrees east 33 'perches and one tenth to a stone. thenoe month 3'4' degrees east It perches anti forty- eight-one-hu 15 ndred sand to a stone , t hence north 673 4 degrees east perches and seven , ty-tive-on e-hun d tedtlis to a stone, thence north 7s l / 4 ' -degrees east /55 perches and lifty-tour-one-linn dredtlus lo a stoue, theme north 471-4 degrees east 9 perches and three one -hundred the to a ettine,tri4 nee ..north 16% degrees wet- :A perches and seveuty-t wo one,hundredths to a stone, theatre south 79% degrees web!.l_ perches and tit... nty-threeknie-hutidradthe to is atones thence north, l i i degrees west k 2 penises and twenty.-threvorie-hundredths ton atone, thence north 7443. e degrees east 17 perches and illesoue-bun diedtlei to u stone, thence smith degrees east 15 perches andnimeone-hundreeltha to a maple, thepee south 20,4 'degrees east :12 perches and seventy.sia one.huhdredths to a stone, thence south6„74d eg r ees east 14 perches and ninety - seven-one.hundredtu e t a stone, thence south 77,!.1 degrees east 14 perches and seventy-nine-one-hundredt ha to autone, thence north Si degrees east 2)perches and seven-one-hun dredths to the place of beginning, containing en acre s and 24 perches. with the appurtenances, con sisting* a 2t'?sbory atone dwelling house, with a I•story stone kitchen' attached, and a large frame bank.rn with stone basement. ALSO—AIi that certain other piece of land, situate lw..Norte Man helm Township aforesaid. and 4dß:riding the above :mentioned tract, bounded its follows, to wit : Begin uing at a post corner, thence by land of Frederick Lauderhrun, north 77 degrees east .4d perches to stene corner, north' SS owes' met perches to a pine, north le degrees West /134 perches to a spruce, north tJ degrees west 36 perches toe hickory. thence by land now or late of Richard Rickert south 71-de grees west 4034 perches ton post, thence by land late of Philip Hoy *path IS degrees east 81 and three tentlisperches toe post, thence by Jeremiah Reed's acre lot north 77 degrees east 12 perches to a post, . south 15 degrees cast 13 perches and four-tenths tonic, place of beginning, containing I , l*resand ill perch es strict Vivienne, being Use se me premises which the said, the - President, Managers and Oompany of the Schuylkill Navigation Company by Indenture bearing even date herewith, and Intended to- be forthwith recorded, did, for the consideration there livnentloned,part of which is Intended to be here by secured, convey unto the said Johrelleynor and Lilward J. Gaynor, in fee, under and subject to the reservation, restrictions, releases, cone ants and provisions therein set forth, as by reference thereto will fully appear : as the property -ef JOHN GAY NOR, "deceased, in the hands of Edward J, Gaynor, his artministrator, and of EDWARD J. GAYNOR, in his own right. ALSlu—All that certain small farm or -tract of . las d, situate In Butler Townst Ip, Schuylkill ant ty, adjoining the public sued feadleg -to Ashland, and lands now or late of the estate of Benjamin l'ott.decertied,froac Reed. ------ Fidler , aed others, containing 17 acres, more or lews, with the Appurte nances, consisting of a2-story anieshrenung-house and a frame barn; as the property of OL'ORtif: REIFF arid CATHARINE REIFF. ALSO—AiI that certain lot or.pletcs Schuylkill tilde lu the' itureugh of Malieney illy, Schuylkill County, bounded non hwardly by, centre street, eastward!: by Catawfara street, sauthwardly 'by, Water street, and westwardly by lo• of Hugh Tobin, containing In width 2) feet, and in depth t 2.5 feet. With the sppurtenancra. - consisting of a 2-story frame store-and dwelitne.houge and a frame stable . as the property of MARTIN FOLRY. ' Seized and taken in ex ey ut lon anti will he ! sold by GEORGE C. W YNE4X)P, Sheriff. - Sheriffs Oblate. Pettatilh., Nov. 1, Ind. " ..., • _ • - • . -. 193. . FISHER BROS. - . 193• , , ;. • Watche', aorta, Jewelry, Wedding and E eat Bt_np„ (tx,E solld.lnllver Ind • Plated. Ware . LeMes' Work Boxes, Chins Ware, etc. ' - lam* assortment of 31siom di Benlln's an Geo. Wools It Bo,'s Parlor and unwell - Orson; Pianos and Maslen/ Mereluindlze genendly. L 1 • • Watch-repairlnk by nonapelent workmen,' OW and examine Wille poroluwlnz elsewbern. P-U3REft BROVIEBA. . Ise eau* sr.. Pottsillkx , . THE MINERS' JO Sljerirs Salm RO5l 1,111 ...._ . ...,. . , i plitabetisigir Alivertbounts. i 1:1 IL. .Roantsos stlo* t L. • ( Igocompor to W. G.atlittzer,) I Isqxwlest, irawribeturers and Atratthere ty . 1 31.1LITAsy. Calmat. Wenn'. TIMATNICAL- 00011. FLAW. Brows& BAimm, Ac... . No. 11l North ThLol Skim; litliatielplLia. 1 Docetaber 1. 'ft-1Y i ~Ere; Ai l , 1 5 4:M r anil t rp s . BANDAII* shove Market. Ai" it Eil c 6thiT'S Tgiort" oval. Mattly eurrollutrhotra, Chtitprrtmoes. _ Belts. Stual Su err. 15h2K IPIPPI— Ftra. ; oat. atuopensucees . Me lAdlos attended to by lam E. oly 14, "10—N-ly 1 ~ PôII r SVILILE; ' 1 x t .. c A ' • .• Rit : "OEPORD, cruntras and If It 'ALMS In ' 1 HER * SHOE FINDINq,y, • . . .. N. Seem • Ist.„ below Poplar, Philadelphia: -- . h. Slaughter and Hemlock . Sole Skirt Ina Val! S his Spina, Grata and Buff r pper. Morbeeo, Bind! • I.lalliga, Cot-Leather. A getieral Insert /eel:it .r shoe Findltirpt andCypera. re manufue, tore . OUT KIPS and b.R LEATHER ex prev .- ly for he MINERS ' E. Nests' Foot, Tanner' and (,)3d Liver 011 s. L. N. WALKER, Senl;l7. - 70-35—ana) H. 31. CRAWFORD. Z eh in 't rai casael COXAS DRPITY. ' "Sorra Smarts Errusarr, above Csadrarro A • PHILADELPHIA. jest opened. with a large and well selected: 15 at of Foreign sad ti m ea Carpetin. of, re aryies and qualities.DU Clothe.:' Sni t Driarrk, Rita*, Rata.Stair ROO, 41e.. tal or wht be will aril very cheep fork Sept. 10-4S—thalf3Bms , STEWARD DEPt'YOR xtrr at Ztl South street; but with THOS. DZPVT. ÜBE EMIL L ST.. PHILADELPHIA. 41; • : e ESTER & HOPKINS, De •ignersand Manutac turet of Fine Cabinet Ware, kelp on hand a large wp) ent of Walnut and CotU r r Fu rn iture. hair, Husk and the Woven Wire HP g Mattress. Goods to • tit at a distance will. belacked in a secure • man ter. We BUT and sellibr cairn. and in an doing are e shied to tarnish superior goods at the lowest 'stet • • Site. We solicit a call 4 Sept. 17, '70401.•1y • 49 Value St. CUL. O. . . • 137...1.P PAINTING.— -, { -100 Ilia of tta Pant► CaarAn' ,l •, . COLOILZD pArSi frostin: $1?...,": , 16.. j 1 / . ' paint ea mach as 1n.3 SE-n. et J., ...4. , /a : - • a a , nl wel dterttig..l*!..En pa Kti-cl^S`•l COST LEAD North 4ta at, Phamiti: . •-. ir.s___/ji „ A y ess use, N: 1, 'TO ~I SITUSE. JOAEPIrWALTONA: CO., • gm MAKZIM, No 413 Walnutat., Philadelphia. estatiltshment is one of the oldest In Phila. ta,.atid from long experience and superior fa s: we are prepared to furnish - good work at • able prices. . manufacture line furniture, and also medium , furniture of superior -quality, A large stock Dore always on hand. Goods Made to order. enters, beak Work and Office Furniture . for s, Offices and Stores, made to order. , • WALTON, J. W. LIPPINcOTT. , IO3. LWOW. .12 , -ma. CAM: del OU ellt I rea • pit - I , of In, Ran Jthi. Fe; RAILING. WIRE GUARDS, for Store Fronts. Factories, dm. Heavy CO alped \\•ire for cleaning area, coal, 11:e. Heavy tiereen . and Coal Screens. Wire Webbing for Sheep • • ultry yards: Paper :Makers! Wirem,.Reamg and Wire Cloth Sleeves, Painted Soreens, Ornament re Work. • Every information by addressing nufacturera, M. WALKER et SONS.•` No. 11• North 6th street, Philadelphia. • 12,1'0 liVi 103 and Iron I al v 4; Oe..] .r 0 DRY GOODS AT THORNLEY'S. iy we sell so cheap: Light Expc ! large east Cash Purchases Close Personal Atteu- A Life-Long Experience: . (Over'l7 yews on Spring Garden'Street.) . offer this SIASON a soar SPLICKDID SroCK uF , embracing every variety of Shawls, Dress Goods. Blanket,' and Quilts metes and, LI pens, Bus lion Goo: Kid Glares,' Corsets', Skirts, ittc. ';, ' J EPil lI.THORNLEY, (late Thorfile'y A.Shisnr" E. cur. Bth and spring Garden St a., PnAlad3. • rt. '714-38-Bra -= -- -- ITiT 14 Ban IC B' 8 PLAVORIIO3 DX TEAMS warranted equal to any made Are red from the FRIT it your Grocer or Druggist' fee IFiffherger's,r er•sets. IILOW'S INDIO() 111.1. TE Is. without sleuld,l , ll' .article In the market. It will color more water 'four time. the . game, Height of hong.). The genuine In that put up`,..zit Alfred Wit i le'reer's g Shire. Wiltberker's and Harlow's name on la-. all others counterfeit. For sale -by infj:q I; ru and Druggists, Wil.rnsmcgis%4 Is tistbsistd: f eu ' be found a superior article. .IDrays on hand as nable prices. Pure (trouts'( Spices, Genuine leinei, Chamois Skins, Tapioen, sago, and all ar s In the Drug line, at 'ALFRED NIiII.TDEItDER'S Drug Store. - „ No:: 233 North Sis..,aul W., rlaitudulplll:‘, 4 -. no , '7O ' Zi-!an - Mi . lELlei. KAItCHER.. • . , • • bel ce 1 WI! rea, 31 t lel 1 . .. . ~ . . 'FURN . ITURE: WAREROOMS., .236 and 23a South Second Street. . ' P.llll.4.ADlibl ILIA. to undersigned having greatly inet rased meal 11 , 4 In he addition of the largo four story build in,: ii,l- Jofl in; his former place of business. curers g rt-itt ;4:1- du ments to all purrhasers of furniture to gi,e him a e 11. lie ix 'confident of 'team ot.d.t. to irtiani.eull wh ) may favor him wlt lel heir custom. and his ex pertlienee of twenty years In , business Is a gum Move of Is ability to trim out the beat-of work. ,:lie lag-- an ally supervises his large wiwkshbps, and ally :cr.. t le P unt on hand will tie-made loonier at the lim ~...t to a.. A large stock of all kinds of ElltNITI'llt: r l n c o st wntly on hand. 7 IS:M. KA I ...it i.:l fl , : rz.- t. lt, VI . . p . - .... .an , . 0,000 otrAB.A.NTEE. VCR - LEAD eizells ell, other lAqui!,.. lit. For its thirivpJed Whiteness. - 2t. For iteUneocaltl Darald II ty. : 3d. For Its Unsurkassed \er tug i'ropett y. Lastly Tor Its Eeonon*, • Nets lees to pAintrivito 'Rock Lei than any er White Lead extant, : ,:.The same weight eoror. re Surtsee;44-. mote Durable' :and makes Whiter . Ili BUCK LE.gpla . tile Cheapest and Itest. $lO,OOO- - GUAILVS . UCIC ZINC E*eels all Other . Zines., Ist. For Its 2: For Its Untivaled Whltep t esi. . • - 3d. For. Its Unsurpassed Cot - ging Prdperty. La' stly,.for lts Greht Edonomy, f ! - r ns the Cheapest Handsomest, and most Durahle lte Paint to the world. - I 'TY ONLY.BUCk LEAD. AND iIUCK. , •t ZINC;- .7' • TR" IT AND BE CONVINi2EIS. i tixjuetialkyttarcnif red by the tuetfuctuu•, en BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Ptyptired expreruily for pal Fel ng • . . gex, Out-bullillngs of every descrlppon, tenets. 1 tiri Ttilrty-five dllirrent colors. Durable,..Cheep 1 i form and lleant (rut Shades. ' -.-••• i ample rards lent lgir mall If desired. ::-..•fi '', ,realm,' Ordure will' be promptly executed 4 'ig - 1 hi ... • nu facturent. , .. ~ - ' FRF:%"CIf, Rtt'llAßDs &-e.0.. W. 'Cor. Tenth and .2? Aftirket Streets, t'lilatlel 4-1 Ipli la. • , ••••,n . • . i , ,4 . '" . . '''' ebucationat. aL . • p 'ref BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1. W. COR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. •bolarshlps good In 16 Colleg In the United Oa and CaColl ege int. For particulars call or send I • ogue. • Oct 1, 7010-om. :101 Vieffolic1:94ft41141 )TTSTOWN,' MONTGOMERY CoUNTY, PA. Mak, Claindeal. Scientific. Artistic sad Coaner- Location admirable. Twentieth At Sea. , Thorough preparation for College or Business. address F. MILDER, A. ?[.,'Principal. res. Jos. *lipt, Schaeffer. Mann. titer, Jo.ige Ludlow B. M. MOyer; M..ltu.rl Thayer, July =, 03 STA't E NO FrifilidEo6l, VI" & CO34EKIICIAL INsTI rrti: ' All Instill:all:4i M e Mtn to he V. t ho _... l 7.lr_ . :Atttruett , •ll, a tid t o look atile:nil; at: r r ogaA _i l i e T i l ijra d , b' _a and nyt_t_ttl_r_tt! 1 It P AT iyientm. • vig:,70.113.2"Nued., .11',.'iltli t!Alt% ER, A.:v ., - ' .p.ibeipui. . • ~ . . 111 suing illaclA:mtni, 4c... NTICE.-31annikettmerand users 01 $!4.11171 pumps, are hereby cautioned agalt:st the man ta/A wente. or nee of. Pat e n t ; mp Inut ati.• rum in. fedi !ti on Alltion'e dated etentendaer24.• ISC as they will be prosecuted to the full extent - or the law. I have already commended snit against several par ties, and will.proeemme all other infringers. rt Carbon ; April it. 'DOC , MUST. ALLISON. ble 'rice' by the undersigned. - supplied atreason , . ' ALLISON .k. DAYNAN, . 7 - ' Franklin run Works, Pori thrbon. ra.. J .1.'70 . H. li er T:F: an ilAs t"Pun :::::: i.... 1. nnecessor MB. B. CROSESETy. r e u tee O i r Worics; v.o.r .urnacesscatc:Lerruna:ioirwarm.orgecsna • 0. 1 F I REBRICK, Utile Kilns, dipole Furnaces. BLOCKS and 11ILE14, for Blast Furnaces, Gail Works, Mal - leabte Iron Works. Baker's Ovens, Green -. - , Houses, an. Move Heater and Rouge - • Linings, Cylinders; dm. of .very description to order. , Fire C1ay„.1461114 I. Ire Sand. Fin Cement, l a n !bilk or• Barrel. - Poinrosno. - Ai of:Woodbridgs Creek. N. .1., and Peek.il It, N. Y . P.O.Addrem. Perth Amboy , N. J.. or Peek= kill, .y, April H. 70-17-ly - 4h L r A9E VALLEY - RAILROAD COISPY. telde,.showing eon ons of the L. V. R. wl those of the •ft Reading It R. b. Pottsville and 10 rmedlate . O points • lie 0 Reading and Pottsville - . Ilf.tA. e Pottsville.. A. 5.40: 9.00 Readlity.. .731 i 10.2 East Penna.lunetion—...- 3.3.1 f /LSS e at 9.151 42.41 U " ,New 12.1Ze 3.40 . .e. x.l r, L. 2.1 - BE BErtriunso. IMO New Easton__ .". *- • Hart Penn — a: i iiiii ''''' 5643 Read 1 n ' ''' -••• e at Aril rivet • MAUCH CHUNK and intermediate Pottsvlie, 5.40 and 9/O.A. M., and 243 P. 3 p ManeEt.2iunkl2.o.l M., 6.4 and 9.30,P. 1 trig leave Mauch Chunk 4.45 and 1031 at Pottsville, I=s ail II 7.33 P. Id. • . all points In the Lett Coal Regions end for Waverly and He slodeave Pottsville; 3,10 ;Mint H. MA y'RE, , lehem, Dee 33, NS PApetinreneleint and Engineer. fly ' - EGTI rsn Fg n - ping YONTIE. The twat selllmt-ItOOK ever published. Agents who Will eel& our Moms Talk sod Idedicil Common • Son•e, Or competition.. There never was a boot pat.. like it. Anybody Nut sell lt.Evervbpdy Many Ingests are now niskina from tie i to itionth seuiryg this wondeiftd book. 21 page ptive Circular sent tree on spidlestion: We live Aerate ales who eau AIRY eppreet merit. of th e w ork. snit the fleet that It work - want. M an ia ,‘rbpdottre to doxood as Make mem" Additim,,.., WELLS i t COFFIN,;' • f .29.04 u all firm: sue Bt.. Now yryrr„ Nal .1 have E 5 E 2 13=3 ,210043! NOON - 41141SUILIA. . • NEW 1111EMILITM—Rogetaire p a s repatvla at DAMIAN a — a • , SCHVYLLL PENSYLVANIA EASTSFICK& BROTHER, COAL BROKERS AND COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS,- 11 M:=l Aug. L. 10-,:1at31-tr , , 1 ROBT. P. EFATIL. • , • ' CHAS 17, HAZZARD rt. 33. meE..A.za-r ".k. cci... 7 0 f „ , . I - • , FIRE INSURANCE, - - .‘ • . , . ANTIIRACITI B'OARD OY .TR ADE 'ROOM.S.i ' :No. 178 Centve St, Pottsville, Pa. June 2.1% ,In. . , . - P. . ~. ••• : 1:2-28tf WALKER & PRICE, NEW UNION HALL; MAHiNTONGO STREET, ANY (10013 S. FROM THEIR tiLTPERIOK STOCK AT PR I . ES GREAT REDUCTION PRINTS, 8 cents and up. I . BLACK AND COLIYALI?ACCAS. CO • - ancll:gee 'yourself.. CANNOT.HELP.BUT BE POPULA R ; THE NEW VONION-DR *GOODS STORE - IS THE ' P'L'ACE FOR‘P*RdAttiS. .31nreh • 4-17411 ' w ' - INIS Jun. ;N., '7O-:-‘l=V Staves, flanges, &r. ANI3IIE I .'7'J, EANRISON CO:,CO I.()W=I)(3WN A SI ) ECI,ALI'PY, %lap:tune". Polished. Red 3,6•Cei1 . ; and i • Nickel )'lined. THE ;.1'111••1 of rhe Fl - 11NA . C . 1:4J. CopICING-lANG.ES, Br Lt(li NA 14% . INI PROV ED STF..k .11EATINi; Prirqt , 11.7 11,1 . tt.t 1,12 ,, 9 ,IPli . f. , l ) .. l s:Ltir i t it A I I/ Sind Circular. i !ia ' lrt '7+.l • • 37-341 9"514 DQ'UI3LE OV.F.th / COoK, tiF 1770, 14 constructed on Entirely nod selentilir ith 15i pbou , Flue. emitattteell ter..3lec: loi it v !scat t me, and six with WOAILITII, Ito lu_A tieeil 1:1 the ehigle oven 'Cook NN'etart• still nuinu tut towing our long nod f.ivorubly ' , known • ltAt-iLEY-slIEAt' COUR' !NO Kft - lVk.; so highly euteemcil by the pubtie,„tor ~e% era!" t'urs put: , • • I ILL JUN - 187A, , eur great eirovi:,, tuts littexc to rapruv erti and I.t. nUtied litt yt-x.r,„ Where ' kuoirri the merttit of th Move nerd no eornmeni. Ihi r celebrated llt - PLACE II E ttMODyr its many PRAY 11.7143,1114) carried MT the Ilea pri'quiton the-lilarylatul.libilittite..tit ltaltimore, in 1,10, nit ltottalt all bjeetrit tai t thchbe,t Ke L vece tc h ts nt 111.• ilOtlle 01 ~ . he Until:l:Jure I leattre: — Trii, the only true hot,:tir Ilre:place Ifeate.r to the m_urket, and akellet; regular built cellatr heater lir:esno heat. ' Scutt tor ClSeulnrs mid.Te,.ll monlala .PETEIL:4I/N it. (11.. • Ph thalelphltx, Pa. For sale he Meusrs. .1. M. 14.1,1tESTY,- altirou. - .7, Sept. 17, , t •i n It'COy - TYSON, , • - No. 1210 Markot §tirp*?t, Wholesale: nd Retail thAleritlii JIEATERS, RANGES .-and ),STOVES. Curb.ln; Reverlperitiory. 3Surilaigtau Improved. Azuerlran Aim) Itinefietur UNCLE CAM L91E41017E0 Dlll . BLE and SmiLits Er..K.ll"En °YEN; 'ientl 'FLAT- CITY' OF BURLINGTON tr r nd lest] re 'ooking &4r,.? and Eiapi :•• Pk.r:able-4:ampe. (iAs-Ltiarr, cAttivoN, STAND. , uI 4 !Vb. U 5 .10. 7 ,1 llE.trtNo STOVF.f. The artfele arelnimiurttOured.bs, lt!o. CAPXON •STOVE ' COMPANY, WI Ifrta,noeiti II:, Minor.. hr., Vv tied nud ull'utlier :Li-0(!t In "nr MI °nods Guarnnteed AIM 'VI- • • THE NEW O.OI:LVANTEED IRON' - • . ck,opHF-% LINES. cult IM hud . . . , SOLOMON HOOVER'S, STOVE, 11N anel•llfit7sl.l4 , l•7llNlSlllNli StteßE, ' • . No. '2,44",vntre St., Pottsville% , w a.olc: frriivi•:.s. him', eitil be had nt moderate priers. lie • also has tigpletni Massurttite(t of tin. lwass, tiritania: . Japaned, gidss,•wtsal and willow Ware, hollow and hardware. Also, brushes.. imanns, - all cloth... table e:oths, door min.A. clothes wringers. trays, varying and butcher tt n tees, r+atl all intiltrA. kul Vasainl forks, 41111 :All 1: 'dads of I ilsup , w,ire. . Also. gridirons, roast log patohettildrens':,icigloontitWatrs, table,ten nud . ha t ler Nalons: in lee aad rat t nips _ patent nut limit !:muses, sr I I told's, lemon hatiettzerl:nditi graters.islrd. ethp,. :nolo mats, tattle sttlesi, clearers, egg wh.Pit, roiling FM., pondo tintshers,! bread bound., w:ern beanis, wo , Advii huge:, tint and tailor irons ,ausage - cotters and stuffers - , clothe, lines; bed cords, clothe!! phi.,„ Cor lirlpper& mitt. eit CIO% ,calollealle,lVi. i arragre I ,,, Xes, mi lints banks. match I.,,xe.„?. , wiltoOl'eatilpslll- 1 ,, n5,,,11.1 :4 and pencils, toilet - dm, laith tillal,Lhateb el& MAII:Men% fixes, ileiNt •Ht 3 1'4.0114 I axes, dour toeves. meat sans. Ingle!. Inn s, concentrated lye. ia..s. it:nine:N. fancy toy eclat,l iiir& Waal' t a las.wasli is unls, sheet 211),..,1,nit*:et and .itiey laisket&-vnalara: knife ll! ., XesistlerVels, pokers. t tams. cord buckets, tea kettiee• u,tovo and shoe biacking. Also, oils, paints, N nin Isheit, WlncloW,glar.t, putty', lantern& 1111111 many articles too nix lilermis tau. me' Itlan. AWN, rooting,', sl.nUtlng. and all - kinds of Jobb tig done to order, unit at 11:c shorttaft•tnit icii:t l'etsona‘ wishing any at the , above ntentPated Aretelet idorti I di. - well by calling ninl examining litleipik.plittlituilng elsewhere. • ' - ••:. ' • ' •40.1..A.)3k0x ,Htmv.E.i:, - , 1 • OT/CE.—Letters of Admi l tate of ttylvealer uce. into Atahanoy, in lift tbunty . of tf granted to the undrrrigued., . to mild estate are motf...lard to thole having cialma - agittnrt.l,l them to r t 4 AltAll A. trtk, Or to.lollti W:LIC _Nov. 5, Iv .• HE co-PA.E.TN.E.BI3/il ' betel - ohne exit:ling l• Tbetwecn the undersigned atiShatookin and Phil- i adelphis, In tilts day dlssotved-hy mutual consent. t • istiltbliN ik311111.. - TIIOIIAS F. tOIITH,' ' J. Lf AlitEtt LOUTH, THIJIXIAg C. ItIFIETIE. JAM liizi A.141111'1% 11.E.liRlf Mt tilLSEll', JOHN' It. BOUGJOIEIL. Sept It. 1870. ' ' (pet 15. 704.14 t , "f '0 ILANUPACTUSEEttI D crazies- OF : 1 t m. 1 _Stearn Eogines. Se., lu huyltr.lll County:— 1 TA,KE: NOTICL, that I have eld.., to ALLISON. WI 8 BANNAN.nfPort Cartxm,sin Int .iest In myrATkINT. ; ISTEAM PIisTILLI.I.. end hare pi them the entire ! control of It lu iu.ld County. 1... It t power to rollertull moneys due or to tice , ,mc due II error for the mann fuel in e und use of the same. IlaCeton; - ra., Jen. I. *65-11f. .'r .- _ _ . —,-- —_,--.-- : P. X. 2.40 5.10 OA° P. X. "I `SE CO-PA.P.T2111.11181111 heretofore extottlng • 1 und& the firm name of W. 1.1.1), NAtiLE, at CO., In New York: and Philadelphia and WELD, SHE- W t. at IN . C0.,1n Ileatan;lsahls. y dlsotalved by mu tual consent. Tippisixonata of he old firm will be settled tin mid the-landfieva eon I nued by the new , firm of WELD, RICE ,dt Co. - i .EO. M. WELD. . , Eln% . RD SHERWIN'. 11. W. NAGLE, lIEN • Y ..4. - UWE, Ja. Tug tyNDEB,SION - ED. hal - nil : 11a day farrier' a 1.1/-PART2:EItsII/P for the nurvoee ef carry ing on a General 'WI/alewife ffifintang and Commis. slots Coal Burl act% under the atyle of WELD, I, Welt ift CO.,at , , -,-• , . j, , . ..I'>34 Walnut Br. -- ,. , -Mikultlnhl i 111 trandwar. , 1 - - New lior4 - -0 - Aluane t., Buxton. • . 1 - N 1). D ovrif 12.0 4.'31 6.01 t."..1 P. M. •:nits , at- gE3 COT TIM A. CR& T1t1.4 Map le the. - Anthracite t'nat Regions of . a to many respects from oth nose It leers the formation any .sr of the Coal Rasing, together wi,_ .. ____ - ask of all thecolliertes .to the Antitradte (lost Reg i o ns , Ida; dr. - ' t'- . Priceon 1t011er5.,........------...-.-.,..... 92 59 .„ ... , ,7 In cane for rocket -...-.... --..-.-.^-t- • 1 39 ~. 111 shssets - " -M;slitt ' ~...___. ' M v ' 111-1 do ,di -- ca —"'÷'..."... I " sxect .-ay.. - 2to ' : ?ho! Ist Omits% foem'slll ' e slot freir iby Mall°ll ' nearing of t liestbne_ pre leer: "for tube at _ i BANNATAra RAilliiir, ZOokatore, PoNfiltili • First Class Carriages and Buggies, 1 or THE LATENT Mal; Nair. APILMOVED STYLES! . • MASVEACTOitY,—CON. fiZZONTY AND NORWFAI:II.SBII.,OIiZ SerAILZ • SAM or SIPITTINZR Horor, POITINVILLZ, ennanintly,on bawl, a t o!xl. assortment of new nnd eftond•band Cur' and Bunten. • .. nitention _ , Tepalting, ' April 1 'OO-13 , - . No .114.1t10[X-STREET, ' t WILL !C PEER,' FROM THIS . DATE, • • • • I LONVga.!THAN GOLD , _ • I . GREAT RA RGAINS v. 1 - 1 , Ael l'1;111!* 'POP BI.7I{IJISUMN, J Heat( r EMI itaticts llstratlon on the of the Townsto.n of tIUS - llitU, have been 11. persona. halehtel" slake payment fund; he same •ta. present, Admlnlxtratris, • . • ,Palo Alto. EL, her Attoine.v. • -4.l.trt THOMAS J. DONOHOC.' aviLDETt: OF‘.' IN PRICES DRESS .GOODS, of. alt WOO. NOTIONS, &0.,- &o. IN „ DRY - COOLS, - AT - THOMAS 8L1L1.. 4 : . 153 CENTILE - ST. vprrpsvi LIE. G ODFREI"3 I NBIYEANCE• AGENCY. Office, N 9. 2, Maliantongo Street, Where INSI*RANCE TO .ANY A3IOI:Nir Can effected In the mart reliable Comp:Artie% 1/1 Ilie,, land, and some of which are the obit-4EOlz: • ' ~.,-. AdVETS. . ;iN - orth Amerlean •A' Phllthlto.prita . ' $ 2 ,t 117 . 911 ). ' Franklin, . ' , - " ',. ' 3,lrio,otri TIonle; of Sr IT Y0rk........_ .............. :....... 4.57,-..', York Fennell,' SI ut nal ' %... ' . - ectiTuo7 The Andes, e,f Clouturnsti.....- ........ ~. ........ .... - 1.110 1 ,0) Wllllano.port. of rentiviraninJai; li 9. , Lenea...ter,- . ''• . , ". ~ 7 • zis,w3 The nbo*Mnatin.Rl4 , otnPeillas' are a'l of the. most prompt to pad lOtii;eo and - honorable In adltt‘ttic tdahos. T. A. 001)FIfEy. , .'-, Pottevllle, August LO. !M—.lll-3m. r ' - . iDEI.7ANVA.BE *.u•ruAl. . LIFE INSILECA.iVCE CO uF NI`ILMIS;t:II).N. DEI„‘WIRk ,JOHN P. McLEAR, President M. M.' CHILD, Secrataty. . - BRANCII , . N. W. costNER :NINTH .1:vo CitrsVirr iStut.:lr4, • • ,Fhtiitteielphln. tiEO. W. EETON Vi ,l o PreqWen!, 31andieyri . (IEO. F. TURNER, Gen".l .gent and Atlerniy. • Low I:AL.EIN. '-Al! Polle(si. Non-Forfet i I tor alttroneannnt.lray- Intent. Every set tnuni rhtt ton 611,1F . .1StiblIt u h ratter). guaranteed t o bolder :. - : Rooks eo'nfillninc:full Inform iiion entwernlng the plans nti.l rules of the Cottirattri bent hiee on appifea. don to the Branch °Mee. Agent's , Watittrl throughout ts. Wars of Petinsylriinia - • , Ns,'" Jr, neg. ' R "EILF:Nr ES it'll' Pernits , iot }-11 W. i I pin, l'hiefJust ler State .4 I.)elimur lirsit. Thos. F. bay prtl, - I'. S. senat(.l• front Dein' vare ; IU. per. A Itre.l • Lee, tilshop of Dr lax a:1.1 (lett. eney Ehr Punt. l'o‘f de.r..3l(inure: (inv. Nanishury. Elv. :state Of Dei.; the Fresh!' nts of all the Brinks In the l'ity of -Wilmington; It ill. J. s.,Va!ent *::%lnvor (lir of July 2.:1; OLD AND, TRIED . INCORPORATED PI'RELYi4.I..7TI . A L. • • ".. PrrESOF.I.D, MASS. k' . Tuoit.,lo4 pLcsitErr, • JAMEA - FRANcl.i4i Vice President. . Secretary and Treasurer, J. L. GREFiNE.Assistant iseerettay. Non-Forfeiture in' all' Policies Guaishteed by . Law. In ease any premium Is not paid alien tine...the pollee Is nOr.forfenetl: but' the holder :remains ra ptured fertile full amount, tint the !yrs-Intim ;dread! paid and unearned Is exhausted by the east_ nt Insur ance at the net rate. Example at the Age of 42 One Antmal . Cash Premium: on an onlinary Life Policy will continue, the Insurance for Two Years and Days from the time the policy Was hewed. or One Year and al: Days after the second Ann nal Pre mium becomes Due. Should the second pr_entium not be paid, and the insured die within one year and 416:illiys after %nth non-payment. the fun amount of the policy would be palii,less only the premium due and unpaid. The larger' the nuiniair preiniums paid, the ionizer will the insurance continue, in camz of non-payment of premium. , The Berkshire Life Insurance Company has paid under flay law Six. CUM'S, which In Companies o: her istmes %rank{ veheen worth and Is Ma con:liming the insurance on over - 'J pe r dicie.4 or which the holders have-been unable :to. pay pre In 114111. The last elril nt pall under this non-forfeltnre plan rrzv'that of a member who Insured a feir 'year.i since for $4,50u..-In Pitts heti:died to pup his:lnn:tat pre nahutts; toJnaunrylast.oue year rind rive months afterwards,h._dl.4l. The Compa.ny has mkt In the •a - Itlotv the ft:II amoutrf, less-mtly the overdue payments and Interest. Eery ifehtb . er, 11 . eil/ 1)(1 . 11 . 8 " , ' ,/18 7.1..1 Nit/Fri.; DI T;ED- AMONG TIII rot. 'VT HOLD-- . ...‘24Nl',-14 I. CASH ri yitt.ENIIN,, EIONOM ICA L JLAS AUL:4 ENT, . ner.^ful A•lectlois or lives.- Safe Investments. Good,Agenps and .solleltors IVitinett. For Informatihn, aippiy'at'the borne - T •or to W. IL Gll.lNES.Aieneral W. - c.v.. Ei.acvsNril and , ertiorr.sur STA., • • pilli.ADEppiriA. • . Oct Drugs anb Clicmicals. and ( — 1 7 1 4 X , I .., Nartmes Ors itinuaxa, AzixT—IRON. 1 . anseisiit—ait we you let Pererrion .Bpltp. Parapttiew frei. J. P._DDMNORE. Pr:inlet." , • Na 34 Del FA-. New Tort. ./ , . .--. Bold by Drumm, genets/Iy. • () . 1 ' lillareh 19.'70 • ' • 12-13.-eow _ It;lase rf .ernineut .ciala and \ Penteaser. it Jusse P. Frrixii.,3l. .has devotell 47 yam kthelitnat ban and.:Neuratgia speelailY. and is by • the Medical Profession_ publicly annotmeed as the bighead authority In Rheumatic eansplitieta. (1 1 / 4 e testirnouya It is pleasant and agreeable tz the taste and , warranted Uwe from minerals 1/13(1 InJurl.ms Antes. It' a scientific preparation,* tni le:21 MUD ' •oPoIY. and warted - under solemn atil t a mina .nent,harmiesa, pnaltirecure for lariat/natatory It lieu mat ism. Chronirithenntalism, Rheumatism. Rheu matism ot Kidneys Neuralgia in the Bead; Neural 41aln the nody. Nervous Headache; and Nervous Aliw.sues. Wahl by Drugaista at 'Ft 1,50 per 'bott'e; six ixottles 37'50. Medical Miele*. _without charge, t , ent by letter. All anima sent bv . Exprres iNillectra un Depot, 2;o.23mi:rut's Fourth st., piffles's. April 4 70-10 -1 • ROOT'S • SECTIONAL • W/401170 /RON . SAFETY ' BOILERS.. ROOTS ItPROVED TRUNK PONES, Statiosarf. Portable Sale Sullos.; '• DO anis Piston Square Hoisting Engines. Hoist ing Mischbaery for. Coal Shafts. Moping. -Grist Mllls , Stores; arc., /sc. '., :sass? of these llnistemean be RCM rutinnik daily at MILL & HARRIS* Alananoy City, re. .• PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INVITED' TO, rue lioistorow bieb bas•no equal. No dead points' --bavind twopbdona In one cylinder,reither end which la trains rah steam when the other' is' Plashis ceu t re. It nrooires rep friction strapsitintebes ,:r brakes of any kind. Storied, le% ersed or stopped, Instantly. and at any point of terolutton.; bz. - the atm pte movement of s slugs.. lever: florins uo kers, _sabiceet scream or .1.44er adjustable pun.; which in, ther holsters' require the larusririola alllti . tol2ltOtlt easn, of an , experienced ralt•ineer.ean• he Vat In the ;?:tuna of the meet ittexperleneed persona. 'All its Iroritlag pilau are curtailed in the case•or rylisder,_ -and are suits protected fnarab:*saltege. the egrets or dlrt; and rust or wreath its extr e me conapsetnees'and rapid highly ecautnend tar this nee. Orders reset fertile at:minent:ref r nettle nadersigned. silo tarnish deeertptlre •eatelngnes. price Mts. drawings. c Aim tee and other Insornserjon. • • • . NATHANIEL SI ASSET. Stabiunig atg. Pa.' CHUSLTIADabIittIe. Pa. . • Mar se. - 4 - . A 3,OIGAZIL—For aale, an IRON SATE. MIA. _gra W• 11. tease lathes mat 11 losigk i r al tim Eira a new. be acad "AIM. ' Orl rya. . • szot 1 2.70-1114 c • _ . o '•( PHILADELPULI. MN IC El 3nsutanct.. __ I EZIZA CM Ofitoe.d DOMlntl, .!!) Noi•th Eighth St. Phi*di. ‘bbins GETABLE ) .1 - or and dressit* that' burn the hair siri injure did I does - not prodUce a color „fianically i as the poisonous preparatious do. .`. It gradually restores. .the hair to its . original l color and Justie, , by supplying hew life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of Soft; fide hair. The best and . safest .article . evirf offered," • • AfGlean and • Pure.r. N sediment. So d everywhere. , ? I A4: FOR 11 4; - barbwart. HARDWARE, IRON , - • STEEL , AT LOWT.:ST PRICER. MINING Of eVery description, at lowest prices. AGENTS Air the celebrateil EAGLE PACKING, the best article In the world. LAMP WICK of Ss- Ira Ci,./TTQ.N . WASTE by the nsle'or pound; all at the very lowest prices. • VE fire general Agents for s 1 714* uied at thel PALO A.L'll . O IRON 7 . All sizes on hand Croat le Um to the upwards, and at .Mill prlee. Speelol de to order. Maim W 0 'aro lor A ft Irni L. C. TE.r.OLIPSON, •..,,,.. • t i .::,-. , t 2 c - • . :::•i,- . •': . .--'" -11 -Hl,* - • S• '../`—', - ~.. , • - c _ ai4 .. -1 .1 64 COAL .. Oili -0 I•. . . . 11.4NT/E1) 110 glekreec. ' For pai r ' by, the ri ukrteln at Refiner' Prfeei. ' t , 1., •I:: (.':T110:1111':40N, PottAviltr„l'si, 1 •r: 15, '7O • ': 42-1.1 S BCC AfiDWARE N E , '7l)--1 I IRON t IRON 'AND STEEL, II YI:R t SCH IrWS, No. 2:11 Cant Strect I ;_:__..f... --t&T MYER & scautivis, ~. NelV cheap( den Ibl S c • fitore. \0:251 CenttetAtt.. , to buy ant Itaki.• , :tipades.Stlovel.,Copt•land Gat es ot 411 k•tndy. • I I ' , , I ES! SCALES! 6C441.LE6! LL • • thalk.-L In !lat,. trair::et.ift Id tielit7M'S, Agents, Nct, 1:51 tfill Ire Srlet. • • l'.)(tSvilie ' Of: MYER J., 0 SQI . 1 MI . `o. Sept. ---, ------- . : 1214 - STEIN i. CO„, • -. •SUILTR.4S4I/Lst It. jllit NR. Di r.nal, - ..( ruf'aoturer of Coal Screens, Latest and Most • Approve Sipes, harz•lfiereena and .leron'eata aiwurOnNand. .pe.ufailybotieit a santinitigie .he pat teretoture so liberally beittowed. - r. -- 5 1 . 1 L. LA II 111.44:4TE1N- ik C0!...-' • ul $l., rear of k:steriraliardwarr Stole, ' 0-1- . • Pottarille, ra , -..._—____4 ...1........,..... t ,....::„....._ as itoD AND WIRE 3 Q.artso. 3' 13,EN,, , ;• .- . LAU STEI'N ' ' <:'; t l.' 1 \ :111 AN r IPACIT lIER OW ~ i 1 .:',. • - - . - 1 ;L a ~,' ' StftjA tE ROD AND WIRE St!REENSiI l i 1 [ PA rP.NTED FE111:17 t %1:1" 1, ite&„. i 'il ~ , ,'EIt4VILLE, Sell t'YLKI LI. CO., l'4l. • ' UA HE 116 D rti.lftElßS:Kon account of their - fatrength art 4 durability. are preferred to .4 wherever tried: Screen Units, iiill. sin's al. 'lrma. , Orders prompliT filled al tnixterate L. la I Ma Of "th geeoitil We ronnge Rail Jen 1,, --:- S QU F The iie superior all othe . ways on priors. iiiiiiii 140 pis. ..cibtite,' TAIWT. I MP° TUE NEW • , ''AIS' HO E.l ':NIP 3111.1.111 . ruftill operation, and the attention of the ot t syt lie 14 espeellily invited ,to the large • ins}:•re andarriviniedally of all the finest (1 ~!. ultahle for ladles swear. and adapted keit Mt. Caine km", made a 'speciality of It of past ne.s. and . gl Ve4 tits p articu la r nt scenting the best line of Italic , wealeeer 60 the esty. Ittentletn alit tie mail to customers, bad a' citation is extiTitill ti, alt. ,_ '1 I 23,- , _ ' ' 1 11ENItY CRIN, E. , j 10 • ~ . • " • _ 4.4-4 . -ty - , it t r. . 130,0 Is tura ladies or stock n c.lons of a: to this this bolo' tendon I brought Every cnrdlai 1.1 ME t —.--........ i l WA HANTS WA BD ' i . ! P N AtkOF 1312 a.ablfExteAN,WAK CO Ns, ' , moors. I, Qom) ; • cra*stax. n , lo er BONDS BOUGHT' wed 8014.0. lONS' prometly made on allimlnia. v-Dr, POSira IfELEIVER. ..• - 1- wlll.be Oared id sftVe the 111 01 ' Suer tut with 4.13.1 r baahuma. • , ' JOHN 8 . : susigoar.* Potrni. He.* th 1141114 ' L"m FOREIG VEN'T CQLLE rEM C M =1 EFM,M3 WM STJPPLIES , nittlet furnished at manialitetiir- Jr the HAZARD 31ANI'FAVTIZir _Or ,from JOHN A. ROEBLING* )f.tibich makers .wo are *tieheral rs furnished on application; giving arernent of drum, and manner of .It AN!). Jilt I DGEI3oLTS A flat Mork pt . Lead rig •Ir.olfi: on bald litlall%t at our turmutacto ry. Quality of the very twat d at loW, , st, Oze..i . arl lezerllt4 wade to 1 nrch , l' uit :•la)rt , T 1 . . • N UT . S TH NO Olt 41OX EZE ASl' ERA' Pit 1c11.4 MMa=as EMI NOVEMBER, 1810 ttfie hemir. RE . CIFF- 4 1 FOR CIDRIt' • • • A "Subseriber'''asks: for a Coeipe to pin op eider 'so it- will keep through winter mid spring; also bow to Make ,what- is called Chtunpague elder. The following recipe. have been often tested, and their ineriN ti i 6 r „ oughly proved ; Take one barrel of ciderfrom the pre.. • let it stand there three days to Settle anti ft•r: neat; then draw It off into a cask whit& runs (Aerie; turn It into anotnei barrel, bbe l; it up tight; and in three weeks draw it on' again; take two ouuees.of Cooper's isinglass; and mix it Withas 'inert of eider; stand two Clays; beat it up in :the cider, a 64. ad.l a pint mere eider, let that stand ottoffivr day, then beat ir.up well, and add twoj ilia , I , more.of cider, and.. beat it thick trim t Into -the barrel of eider, and stir it timma, : : the: bunghole-still itt is thoroughly mixed :- bolt it- for „fifteen minutes at least ; nr, w ten it up tight for three weeks; thin draw it ott and either bottle or keep.on draught', t. 'lt closely fastened. :• .r= • . A _less intricate method is, to puh'eriAr charcoal', then put one pint of it into a e,;; ; ,„, - bag .and put into-the barrel; the etdef will keep sweet, and will improve the-longer tt is kept, anti it Is said, will never intoxicate. • VII.A.3I,PAVNE CIDER. Take one barrel of pure cider made fr“ t a sound apples, no decayell Ones ;.mix with it forty.Potmdsofitght hrdwn sugar, nlissoleit it some of the cider hi a tub while it perfeelly free from ferntentation . : pliteeii.;• barrel in a cool cellar; and legit work. t1:,,- ogglily froM the bunghole, filling it up •evaporates, with smite that has. been out for that pumtle; when it: has worttili , week or no, bung it up securely; draw it, i - , 1 1 in -March, and pin it in a clean cask, r:t.t i t .„l tightly ;- it can. be hottled. in May or. Jo', "and it is Well to boat the erdks wish ti4if tallow and main, . using! one ounce of 11,, former, to ono quarter - -of a) pound ni latter. • • • - We drunk bottled elder lasf l 'April that been . Bottled when t lace tiara' from the . It was as n ice as ehampagne- 7 11 I led a tu t " half full 'of-foam - and was of '.lel iciou4 tlavi, • no sugar had &eel' added, no practiced.. The -corks' were •seeured a kik twine, and a more delicious 4 , 0410 be desired.' ..: •1 ii . . Tat: Kuri , itt:x•--isr z t - teN find great dilllettitY in indueing girl, to do;the foamring, four things,. : • -I. Using the apples ftlr stew.im; ju s t begun -to decay he i.'11,1. - Cp lilt's': a I .useS the:sound, ones, and e4ins,jo,, , l i fj, ‘ the apPlei ate soon gMfe:. I:Ooking small 'as well as. the large 114 . .taitt,0, ,, -,11 . olit , the large and leaves the small, and tie'', thr,iws thein -: Way. 3. S.iying the she Makes a tieedles:sly tn hot tire, sunierail.i • winter,- Consumes the fuel twice 'as :.-• necessary and burns tote stoVi!-plates. i. Pouring the kitchen slops Into puildledd The dodr, intik ug a disgusting and sieketiit.;: smell. , 14'1 stand and •wate:iher,'ske trill .eourse.do. as I wish, hut as sotUr us 1 8111 1:111 of Sight, the old practices are re,ttimed.- Wheda . I speak to 'her,' she apologize*, ho, goes :4') . 11 ~AS .htifo neighbors tell ni.- they haVg the 'same diffieulty, andi do not knoW any effleient remedy: Van :toy 0! your! housekeeping traders tett of scone royal toad" -out .or thetroubre.2 _-• , lii Order• to show you that it is a seriom, matter, I havo - made u. little figuring, us tot , ' lows We' had linshels of winter Lipp:. laid lir,: and they hatted May. till Februai%. - because the:sound ofies..were used lot and !Tibet. ; time there.liad busliels of 'rotten ones • cal Tied out. \V, litul , tci buy :20. Mullets eosting I. am sure thelOrty Wotilitimve laSted• ba'a!, : e if eitrefully piekeiC 114 e :then are iollarK gone, , andWith a : giant deal mutt, Sevondly, we use about half ..hu,;•ht4 of potatoes In nweek, or ttcctitr•= Y' barbels lit., a' year. One-third, are Illio‘‘ A w v or the:-small 006 s, a ert i on g l i these lest, as they eook better than • ones.- - . These Wasted one, eost us eight d i ,l. Jars; or would save that if -our ikitehen witod costs us.. year, and - 1 •ant •stire more 'then twenty needles,ly wasted'-by tint tires. In twoyeiu-, a cooking. stOve costing ;Qtly-eight dolbus i wits ruined: Both amount to over fatiy ! eight , dollars yearly. Fourthly, the 44.11". says that .fever I hail eaute from the b a d smell' at the kilehen door, and it eo,:l loss'of time and"extra expenses only. tiff 3 • •foklr dollars, 'M say writhing of the tit Here.is -a yearly loss: of otie hundred and ,twenty-two dollars, front' the stupidity of:, 'hired girl. ('an suttiri of your older..readers. or your yotiliger;Oltehl like •Eyebrighi.: • "glye'a g,ood•reniedy . 'witty/ . 1 rou rive,. lEEE • • A jai TIIE Bois . atEtts.—ludinthemito take au ititereA in the am, in the implements, in the '460; ; 114 . 1r:them all your plan i i, your suCees , es faildres give them a history of Vour-sArti life, and what you slid. and how you livt d t when a boy; but do not harp too much ; the degenerate character of the:young men. I of the present age; Praise them when. Yiai can, and 'eni•ouruge _them to do still better. Let thern dress up fisrlthe evening, 'instead of sittit.g down in their dirty elothes in t !•dingy risom. Provideplenty of, light; thanks I to kerosene; our .countrY honics can brilliantly and its cheaply lighted as the gas•ef ; t houses hi the city: Fhicourage the neigh % bore to drop in evenings. Talk agriculture rather than polities; speak more 4sf the im portance • of. large cropsi, of good stock, of Irbral• feeling., and of the tytvantagts. of • inaking animals .tiomfortahle; rather than s.; the hard thileS, low - prices and`' high- all, encourage the : boys iolead • good, - agrictfltitral books. Papers 'are- all - %yeti enough, but -an intelligent boy wants ,Onte-, thing more and better. ' tet, him some kood trzricuilltiral Zook. to shul,si..Rtad it With and •giVe -him the benefit Of ,Tosur experierm anderiticistn. ".Whetii he has mastered ilti. - -13ny him another. Iti.our own ease, we; isw, our love r for' (arching. prineipally-to favi that our father-taiked to us of everythin:l. 'that - Was &dug On the farm ;,ansiverig . our,que:dions and eneouraging, rather than retnaing i on . c childlike &Are - oil:wiping Ilia,. to. plow, to chop, - to' let 61' water, ti -the brush heap Th'c: wieultuokat. . ffili .garbs:- ;. W..CARE, JR.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' j • . Office, Ccrricie kir. 'over flan nun ' - ',,s 'liliii:,.,. ook:S iv tpre..Pottllle. l , 'ii: 'Juue 18, '76 - . :::,--1 _ - LIALEBY ATTOkNET AT 1-411 , 11, No. 155 p.-ntre m.t., wren' doors below I Church), April zl, S/T W H. AITOUNISY AT LA. - Jan 15, 'lll-1-11y CshlL ,111.11/ Sti;eet, slietiohiunl,, • . •• HERRY..C. BiIEAFEK, ATTORNLY AE . L Ni . • Ornee,llss °entre . • 2t-:tt • ATTOIL:qI; Y %T rOttAVllle. Pa. Ultliv, 17% Centre .t.. tie•ar4. pppox-14.' MI nenikSalank. April ty JAMES. H. CAMPBELL. ATToi c AT t.A W. 133601141 Kum Mtneet..Philad6lphia. • Jan 1., '7O-1 • . ---- `(ItLLIII2It g, DMAT , ArrOI3NEY:IO LAW OTtre -!-, • - • Jan I, '70.1 D. DILLMAN, Arton.vivr AT /..: 1.-• Pottsville. Pa. Otflee, Uotfinan'g new Inn Win:: Centre St., Pottsville.Jan-le, 69-3-t . . 4iLBIBBI" ATTOUNEY-AT-LA WM*, No. ilr.2 Centre /Street, Pottsville, Pa. AI: n2s promptly Collected. - oetober 16. '61 4 -42-1 GEORGE CHAMBERS,(Lati.ot the Chaiiiho e-1. burg liar;) ATTORNEY-AT-f.AW.. No. 11.1 tre (2tl floor, ) Pottsville, Pa. Nov. a, 11/4V RAMSAf POT tB, .‘TTORS EY AT L AW. , • . °nice. corner of Centee anti Starker P~ttsvllle. Pa: Colleetions promptly attended h• (;s: t o eonsnited in th.rnutii. • Nov 1:,';0-1.-1. .4ND COLLECTIOB . OFFICE. AIL*. - - CHRISTOPHER:LITTLE AlritillNET AT Mid NOTARY PUBLIC, Sept I, Ni 4 iy - Putville, Schtiilk 111.6%, . • • * Segal notices. .. . , -.,,,,,, , ,,,,,,t-, .. TN TIIE.COUR T Or commoist PLEAB . 01 0 .s.o.leituyikill County. ... . l'ltant.Ea nrittxrt / 1 - 4 SepE Term, pr:e.- . ri.. • 'lt Ifirrsim. ' }Allan lii.tbrupos for I. _-_'4l:4Juite Term. IsTo.' •.; 1 ' Divorce. ' ...: To the mums:de:it a Iroyar moutd : Yonrire hereks , : required to appear at n Eattrt of Vomrnon Max, t...` be held at Pottsville, FiltAhe County of Schusdltill„_'' onihe a rt' 31onday to December next, to ansirec , the complaint of the !libellant in the abovepdated ; ease. - 0 EOItG 0 tl. WYNKOOP, Sheriff. Ftherirrsolltee. Pottsville Nov. 't, IS - 0 • .IS-it . ... , . . ---'.,- ----,----------•--- 7A TER COURT OFTCOMM.ON .1 1 .41 AS O F , Count 7. . , • - • tranarer. Ticrit.ott, by hell let Sept. tr at friend, Henry J. Athpneti Arhuitinliwna Ittra.raar TATLO ). it ...Divorce. ' Jttpe Term, . •In the reapondeirt above named Yon an. 1h5r0,,,. t7e glared to appear ,a 1 n (hurt of Corn 1111 l 1•• be rietili at Pottaville;',lor the County or Set u) 1k it. orri,the ghat SlondarlofDreember next. I" tirom..l Atecomplain of libellant ht the above istat.-il 4v , -•- '' • ' .6 ZOR6' , F; C.. W Sheriff. Sheritrabiftee,,Pottavi he; No,' 5. Itt:O r , it IN TELE COURT or comm , Schuylkill Comity. • - .31Atio.vittcr D. Mountsofx her', .1 . next frieud Albert Ktilttle. f - .• • , • Alias Subpro:tl..l JOYEIy MokfiLioN. I ,- R,Divorec: 517, June Term, lttlb,/- `TO the respondent aura e numell: Yon sic licrelo reoulml touppetir at a Court of t'outmon...l.less, t. be held•st Potturille,, for the County of Schuylkill. the nun 'Monday of December nest, to troy. Le comphilnt of the libellant In the above staltNi :..GEOltflE C. WYNKOOP-slwrilt Sheriff's umee"ttsville, leint - ------- / Tis THE COUNT OF COMMON PLP,ABO.f\ .r. schutr:lll County. _ A tack Davis .by her next 1' I'l Petit, Term, Is:e. friend John McDonald' I • v , .,. - ', • Alias SOlTtseria for -A . • Stolufsx P., I/Avis. 1 11.)1v0n..e. . • • Itii•J one Term, 11470. - `. To the-respondeut ab3veinittnesl :. • l'on are hereby non - bed to appear at,* Coart of (bottom/ Plem, to be held at Pottsville, for the,Coanty or tlelinyla 111, on the first. Monday of Deeetuber. next, to-, cower the compiaint of the - liheaaut In , the above stated -, cone. - - . GEORGE C. WYNKtIOP. SherltY. • eihertire °Mee; Pottsville, Nov. 5, Itt7e. , _re it .- - • T N THE ORPHANA' p i CiDIIT . 02" 8011IITL a KILL COUNTY . —In, the matter of the Estate of Jacob G. Roeder. deceased. To Catherine lloeffer, Albert Roeffer, Carotin. °heals. Emma Wets mud Cecelia Hoeffer: Take notice, that q virtue of a Writ of Partition. Isetted ontof the Orpaatve COurt ilf Schuylkill (Xam ty, an Inquest will be held at the, Kxehange Hotel. the Eknvitigh 01. /NA Mille. itek ay I kill county. _Penna., On HATUKDAY the 3rd day Of DECEMBER. DM, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, to make partition or. the real estate of the said deoceited;to and among the heirs and I . representatives. UAW tad ,he done i • Without pre ndleo to or spoiling the whole, other , . la wise to -.‘ UID and appraise the-name, when and gal where yott way anemia= thLokce s e. - - • : . ___• • OKOBA ~ C W•I/4 1 OUP. ilbarttr, Illeear . s Oilloto, Pet N'PLEAS o '9 fAt...p. Term,