The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, November 19, 1870, Image 1

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ORTY -- -SIXTn YEAR.: R. .: NO.- 41. • , .
•- I s . :
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. .1..• -..-• '.. portititimiono:,. • ...
.= port Nit:pont): , .
-_:-..,,--_-_-.-_-__ T _____------- __
...- 7 - 4 - 1 -,-: -----.-.,,,.-_-_-_-_,---- .. - - .--,...... 1 .---
Pe - it Rictuses& .•' - '-`- .* . - Pier No. 17. Part RieVia' 7at. :•••
. .
, . l i l 9 r E LD, RICE • & C Q..-, 1. AUDENRIED-• NORTON VCOs
. • 9
-. . .
, . Shippers et the He 9l Qeetttlea Of - Miiiert and Shlppers of •''
a A.SIGIZIN and SCIItYLKILL . -:. , ' . ,- . •
_ ; . RE') ar,WHITE ASH
. A - T_J ..• .
• ' Lociirtrr. ms:myrAnt.
• M 4 . • ..,.. 9 i • Erom our tiro large arnt-eelel;ritted,Foltlerles
AGESPedt, THR CELERRATED ,- 1 • • 11AZI.'L DELL." .... ~ . ---......-.. C. F NORTON it CO.
• , _
• 1 3 .1 NE X 71., T'" add other chutes , ...,-- ..., iI •9 XISTEHDiTAL,"......(IOODRIDGE It A.CDMR/Ell.
CCVBERLAND VEIN tuirmNon.i. ••• i •.- _
• Free Horning Red , Ash, and Splendid Preparation.
.. . .
• fit 0. 1 1,4 Manta. AL, Thileclossma„ . ' coLgETT c0iztz1w,...............0win, Long aCo
. .- pale.' :.r 111 Ilroaderax, New Sort[; -. : - -
1, an.
J (
;01 Deane - titreeL tlogton. . MIDDLE CHF.EK eciA.l4Eity, .C. conieu, pield.
. r
-1.- , - .- i --- .;- - saaatoKfEk. • ,
• nee No. 3. - Pmit Itielosiotal. -
, . • I:STUB:PRI:SF COLLI:U.RY, T. Ilannitgardner, Treat.
11A. AS & B.RE NrZER , '..• .I...wit Mountain andLorberry. aboorla Schuylkill
Canal, to all pUltits acs:y.xsdble by boats. -
• ' ' -.
T-.• ' • •
. ,•
021; IVahait..titieet, Philadelphist ' • :-,..
' Miners and Shippers of . 00/ces: 'ill litro*lway New Tort..
' i 27 ' 7 !°* 1141 n iece!, Rosana.
J. T. ArDENRIF.D, ' c.:F s NORTON. •
. .., • 'rim sUPERIint , - •
.. •• c RELI IA S. D.,NOItTO.N. ' ILAIOR L,
• -...-- . -
• Jan. I, l'o. •
I URK ~ Y Rt..IN - • COAL , -:- -7.- -------- • • . :.-
4-, --
• ..... , .„ . Pier NO:1 1, Pt. Dieltitiond." -
-- )',, A Nil SOL:r AG ENPI•rOIt --.
Lee. Grant & Cu.'s. Celebratedi , ' •
- . -.„
- Shippers anAi DenlerS in •P
- rt.-A N K R 1 11G E CO A L. . .
.. - •
. ) &111 Walnut St. Phibuieln/11111. - C I Y GALE,
.... - -
.0121;1 , 011:•. SI Trinity building, New Turk. •_,.. .
-, .
.) 11 Doane St-. Boston: . •
'SOLI: .S.GENTS )'OIt 'CC W. ttitrara's .wELL a:wax
. Fel) le, '7O i• _. . fit- . -
- - - ._ --.--. _------
S -
• Miners and Shippers of Coal. tn, WALNUT Sr., : tßTElsrrr Bru.outo. ,
Plin..koA. .. . I , !Caw Toast. '. •
IsCRNSIDE, from their Butiodtle Cul. at Shamokin. ' 1.01 . 14 SNYDER. • 'X . :. B. SHOEMAKER.
LEWIS Wk.:IN (Red Ash.) . ' . Jan I. '7O . : --4
~., 1-ly .
LOCUST MOUNTAIN I %cline ash.). ' ' - - - - ---- - ----t-'------
3U Trinity Building. New Torii. Pler No. 13• Port Rirketiond. - •
• offices:. 203 Walnut Street. rhilaslelltlibt• i or.01to}: S. ttSPPLUER. N2.P. GORDON, H. P. It aPPLIILII.
• . 20 Doane Street. ltostain.
, • WILARE No. 6, roux lucilatoso, Piatt.s. i
Jan. 1. '7O. . •' I- R EP PLIER, _,GORDON & CO., -..
... .
.. Pier 7, Port Ifictintond. • ' ' ' •
~. ! , MINERS AND SIMMERS or .--...
• , HAMMETT, : NEILL . & CO, Locust 'Mountain,_
Mammoth Vein, Red Ash,:l
Nhip rs of Anthracite...t Bituminous
. , , • . Lorberry, and
. .
. .
(3.211) Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
; .
. i Oilltat : -; 111 llroadwar. tßoomNo. 81 New York.
'' AO ENT's tor the gale of the celebrated SH &NAN.i • i . 27 Doane Strerh (Room - N0.31, Roston.
LioAICEITY, W 1130.1 N 3: - Nu EBELIi Locust. Moon- i march :M. 70 . 13.
Lulu and Burnside Shamokin . ? .
•t• ; /TN'------ -- ---,-
• . - ..
w n A i--11 Coal. • ' -
- .. .
~• , Alsu, SPORN and PEACH MOUNTAIN 10R DA Pier 14, Month. --
. , . Red AF:ll..Coal. -- -• • • Minors:,. and 'Shippees, of Coal,
~._. , .• .
- wnsT LEHIGH anti:swoop. -
• , . ..• 'FA tom Holioxp:N. ••.... - . .
. r 1 A.MAQI)..%. SHAFT - i. • ~..
The best. vitrletles ut Lehigh and , Boylitn's CELE , ' lIEES'ESDALE,74' , ' ' •.. • . .i.
' bIiATED FA . XL LY COAL. - i
. .
Also, Sole. Agent,' tit - the Eastern market for the . ' BLACK lIE.t.TH • -
..' Allautle an I il..lorge's Creek Co.'. celebrated SITU- ' ' • . BIG It lAX I ViST - MT.,
-__ . • ) 42' Km* . fit.. Boston.
. .
.4-1 - •
-• - f Phriamphi.„ 24r Wainnt.Street, - . Otllees : -Room 04 Trinity Building, N. T.
' 7
wives-, New York, Itoomli. Trinity Dulbilarr. , - ) :317 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. .
, . I Provide:rose, 47 Custom House Street, • - . •._ -I-
•.-7• I Boston, 23 Doane StreeL ' - Pler..K.
- .
February 22, '0 , S-I y ;
.-.. .
• 1101tIlLt. ICELI.Eit & NUTTING.
Pier No.'9„ Port itiennlolld. '
..,, .. ' NA.;11TII - FILANK LIN .Wll ITK ii.SH. -
JOHN R. WHITE & SON, -ph r 1121,119. 4 , '
' . ,_ • - .1
Shippert j of Coal, . •
- . ub Nork... • ;;•:: : • -,-.-
- - -
r.h.poits fur Storage and Sale of tea l s . wo. ttS.lxstiilit - irgt:. Jolt:* 11. H Ltted:NRETTr.L.
"- No. 314 West Thirtesent Stnert. NeWork. '
C .Nu. 801 Third Avenue. 'New Vorlt. - ST •*'• • WM. HEISSENBUTTEL & CO •I
lye** Wharf. No. MI , India Street, Providence.. ,
• 1
Colby's Wharf. Mt. Witslittiglou Avenue , near Shippers ;Ind Wholesale Dealers ID
Federal Street, Bonbon. Jun. 1,170-1- ' . .
pHANKLIN COAL OF. LYKENS VAL LE Y. Schuylkill, '. Lehigh. and Cumberland
- - DEALERS •A PIE eAI*TIONEI) tied there are.' • ' C .- ',
--‘_ -- S •
.tarr l'imr Collieries win eh min, this Coil, all of - 1-
'VOIIIOII ore under 010 IllittiliZettlelit Of the IltPiCrtillZll.
-- t.I. F.O: the year IsTo SS NNrl•Rsolc ,t ,•1,„ .., riiii.- - - TALl:cal' /WILDING. 11l BROADWAY-, .I,,,,cini 81,
iieitinl'a, will he the only A2;ente tor it* ' , Ai, in Nair I'. 0. 110x.. - sd9, NEW YORK. •-, •
tuslidel, New 'YpliC. NOV Jer,‘e3...0.114 South . 409 .1.•' sole Agents for New York and. VlCltilt, -. ..f0r lite .
Ireiiry 111 11A1,1:-.1111( is., w CO., of
.L . l;iiii.ttart• t".n• bit 'Sate of LEE GRANT wI 't i's PLAN K" RI litlF.; und
ant :•r ps:1 1 11.: . Our Agents will'leal Dim' other (*.al, • 't
who teve- and parties wlshir,e;thi. Imre genuine artl- .: •' i . .-- '' ''' • ' . .'' -
. 13 ,,• b. ,
mare t... 11. .0
tie must pinch reit of them. ire - IT thet of tl' is eautloti _ ...- ______
h.. simply to enable those intore,tei 1., buy under- DAVIDSON, YOUNG. & Co:
.. . The Atenla and .thetr assistants fur the iliove
pulnts,,are as follows: sINNICKst IN 4; rii., General . •
~ '
..1 cents; 132Watindstreet, Philadelphia; their New i LOCUST MOUNTAIN`, mi)..moxru, LEHIGH,
' , fork Office Is at Room as, Trinity - buildings, Jost.' ti, CUMBERLAND; SCRANTON d: WILKESBARRE.
..mooDY,- Agent; asSlsled bc ELISHA MoSELEY, . .
Agent. :CI. Slimmer street, ihitton. - •„. •-• • . - - r
lIALL BROTHEIIs w (fir., ,t o
Agents, a Post ' • --. C 0 A...lLa 1... i. • • . .
. ,MMIn - r•P avetrue. Baltimore, ,A. 1.1.1 repre,ented at irar- . '.
,s ,stiUrst, -Pa., by JosEPIP-ti,tSTEIMIETT. O rders ROOM. No. Id, TRINITY BUILDING, NEW YORK.
should be given to ell her of it's) above Dallied willies '.-: --
• vt . 31..21. DAVID:M:ON, fortnc4ly'Of Tyler W. Co.
Cod to nu one eL.e.• W.2d..II.FOWLE, General Alona:4er NA3I'L B. YOUNG formerly 'ot eeld well. Gordon &Co
. id" the SUMMIT . ..Branch-R. It. Co., the Short Mt. Coal 110 BERT K • Ill.TC)1A '. •
co., 101 l the Ly Wens Valley Coal Co. .Jab. I, pO-4 j , ~.- -, • -_- • - . , • • 3. , )y .
in a. .
1•/or No. ID Port Itiellinond.' ' • 7 - - ---.-- --- -- -,------' -7--- •
S I NI CS.S ON . Ott
ci,_ O ~
...-•• .
DT: -
• .
. sole Agents fOr the Sale and Shipment °flies' . ,1 . - CO A 7.. - ,
' - • •
.,Franklin Coal, yof L kens Valle y ," 7AN WICRT I. PI & &ro
Sc New En . gliinil; New York. New Jersey and South.. MINEU.S.AND SHIPPER* or THE
. -••"' i;1" Cam,ltenry.. Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" ( ehigh) Coils,-
.. ....
( tstf - .7-moont. Street , PlailadAphia.- '''Froth the Ehervahe and the Stout Collieries, near,
oinecx : ...'. Ga'Trinlty Buliclinz, New Fork. iHadrian, Pa. -laltivereil. dirts•l from IllineN • 'Olt
31 Sionmer Street; Itadon. board Vtowels a t. Vt: JOHNSON, /1011CIKE.C . , x114.1:!..:EW
. .
, • JOSEi'LI (1. .i(feliri . ..../...gei11, IlnuNswics, N.. 1:
.J.,0. I, '79-1- - X. fr, Ito-c ,La•••, New
' York. " i 44 & 46 Trinity Building, ,
• " Otticesi - -. 11.4 Broadway, New York. ' ,
WALTER,. DONALDSON & -CO: , :. - -' riren v orary .B(.ll9l3rnedway. )
• ' May 16,''64 ' • •
• ' ' .mistms AND StlippEtts or .. , ,____ _ _.., '
. NVlll . 'l`lP3 ..A.N.11 I tI4 1 11) A;4l-I . ' CALDWI...:I4i t (ONAIIT •Az iiINTON,'
. •• -- -.. ~ 'NO. 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. - „.
. • ' ''C C) :AL -
„.„. (it.ionts 35 and 36 Trinity ituildlng.) ... ,
t•i.'1.07`..-.St/I:NTS for the'r eiebtated • - ' ; ' •, witotEsAt.r. DIALERS 12- •
- TI - 1 ONfAS LEHIGH " COAL. ' I..Emon, WiLKEsIIAHRE, ..
._•. e, -
.. . PIT.NToN, RED .tsit. ','i • •
.. 1'::15 Walnut Street, Ph ltadt•lphia.
orn. es : It) Trinity Lleillrlimr. New York.. • ,
... LOCUST .111111.7NT.11N.
' .••• (19 Doan, Street, IDedon.' - •
: eArstHEILAJANT ,- . BROAD Tor, I
RII k :.:1 , - Pier II Port Richmond. . •
.. s
Ibtf . ..'
.. _ .
'. •-,'.
0 A- -
111 , i11A5 CX-1'...:. 311/RILIN HACKER. JESSE. 11, efilplE. " -- C - •- 9 . .
, • i .•: ''
• • rilllt•lnElt,4 Or ' •
L .
. \--- t .:' ' ..:... POWELTO'N SernblAttinitriona and other firits4ratu
•'l'sff G A 1.;..,. I.OttsT Ali S'NT A IN, 1:3..'-i;:1.'../A. c o m„.l • .
. .
• /„.• '."- - ..." rw.vrii. _ , - - ;JAMES W; CALDWELL, C.IrTONANT,
A 1.14, Ih;kI.F.I.V; IN trellKit F1R...-,T CAVALITq...SOF • ' .' ' AVALTEILWESTON. _
,whi r 6 A n d. - 1.1, , , I A,..-•:11. ..C.:c.)als : . i PT") 4 1 . - -14
Su. 214 Warfint Street. :Plilladelplita.• and - Wood. •
- land D'harees,- Schuylkill River., -,i, O FFICE ' Or• THE NIAGARA ELEVAT,
. . , . • .IOIIN-11. slit - V1:1 , 3V; • '.. .4, ING C0.,8 CtiMMERCIAL MARX, BC prAtAN. N. Y.
. ••..,•: - .4nrir , pi.r. ..iNi, Ant: NT, • "./..: ' ' 1 : -
. 'JAIL I. '711.: , -1 -. ' -.:'-',. sclutyllttll Mo. en. Pit. •7- - 'C 0A L. . COAL'. . - COAL.
•'. • . - . 4.1.1; 10. Port nirloiiond... - e"." ... , THE NIAGARA ELEVATING' CO.. having a
• . 'large surplus of Lot and Doatesp.-wm be prepared ,
LOVE - BOYER & GO': ~+4 „ the opcnlngof na_vlgut ion totemic*. Rom theErle,
' el. ri'llallway, r4inal,:or Lake., any quantity of "COAL for
-- :41 - IIPPERA -I IF' .' • - . • - storage or transhipment to any ;dupe East by L%inal
Arithracite and . Situmumus .Coals. I eru.vs"Y the Lakes, upon ati feyorahle!ertrts p,l4._uni
parties uffalo. Their lot- Is well located 'or
SOLE AGENTS TOII. i - ! general city Madness. '
I l • NI II EII LAND VE IN li IT 1. - M I Noi:s CO A 1., i , CYRL'S CI. ARK F., Vick-President. ,
. ---
. (33.1 Walnut St., Plillailelpitils. - - ii
March .ff, 'al • • . 13. 7 41 ,
0 ales., -• 13.DAA,S,' St. !Dolton. . . , _. .
' •,' • I, 27 Custom leouse St., Prot idenee.... - ;
.SclJuglitill - .fountij. . -
' Murat 5. Id . , . 19-1.,- " •....' I.
Piet' 13 tio . rtlt l'ort-Itselim ....... . - ,'" l ii . A . , i‘ tE s . 3 ..
'SONS, ~ I
•.. .
: . ifneritcul titipper of the Celebrated'
-. Miners and- Shippers of Coal. ~
• . - stix - TWENT.VI , /s Tali bA1.1.: Or . ° i • • , '
A PE 14
I " . ' . Ta i l 1,70.
, .
-,, - ••lIEN FIZANKi.IIN" Deep Red ,10611.,. -
l • - - • .
~, , oiti't'ne :Wile ve; Iv and Si 11111ar in nil resti.'•ets to' / •
.._,.._ uilm.ington t . , •
:.`, -----= -,.. --e.-- -, --- ---------- e
thr LYE }-Nr: VALLEY C.ZI4
!..11.-13101(IN !telt .tott
- ,)-PliaLADET:t.nrA—Niti..B2R 'Walnut St.
1 Itivitil : • BOSTON—No. 19 Doane St.
4, NEW V01:! , t —I 11 lir.uratlarny. , Chamber
lain - ,t French,' ASeals• . •
inn I
. -- .1.1 . , - . 14
D AY,. HUDDEL &. 0 • ,
Miners &Shippirs of Caaf.. 1.
, •
4 144 1 4 \v314,44t St., PhltadAptilsi. -, ' .
111 /01-444,1w.t.y, (Trl.tity Railditel, N. T.
trl• Doane Street, 11,-).tu.n. . .
-at- AK.::114 for he sale t;f.tht: fallowing orlrAstlited
. . . _
I ° . "11A1/T.I.:1(711 I. lli I (fir. en.t . t., •
41 I rx.,)%y . . 4. , ;,,,t, I. rty.'s HICKORY AND DRAPER.
. , 7... i'1i.U...4. 4.411.1. Ow -
-1:X.4.•E1. ,, 1. wilt ~ '0.1.1. !C.O.:A SHAM OKIN COAL. -
si t i eel s. o. w irA i„ „.: I 11..r.X0. I:i 1•t. Illelitn.,ll4l. -
.„. , 4. 1!ior NO. 3 Ell nthethp'l,l447.4.
. . -
Pful 111rlUnoAd . -
:%.• Fay utile:llli well A II 1 1 1111.).;11Sito
1 be. %appear 111.1Nilf 1:1,,1y. bulky frr.l.bundag Plat Ash.
Ve:r4rat.mll 1).17.1i1EL VVER.4T.EB 1).4p Lt 0.1.1141
1:1/0.11)-4111. •
k-.l.yalsys WING LIMIGH at`Eliza,bethurt..
205 1 . 1 Walnut St., Plinsii..
4.3ieet 'lloatie Street. n0t103..
titmen 53, Irriulty Itutistitsii, Nest Vork.
Eli I. AG . S3r—S.t.Mt - EL F. , lCCUl 7 ,so.tistell by
rW!...: ar! ' Itlarell-13,
31; anit . tihipperi of
•C *0 A_ _4 S • .
tossimetf's Iphlob. , Lorust Ilissataht. Longd-li*
'„. • tilikeeharre, I.ehlet t stud other .
(Pt. ftlefititond
ei . t.N..i.W1143tV61:1 ElPs.a!xit h port, •
• h•twe+pt`lty.
f • Wthaut Street, i'illindetplim. -
Broadway, New 'Yurk..
t i INxinti Kr— iireyon. 1,70!--4 7 :,
boyEY. • [WM,. ICE-% CM.
• DOVPY & Kj,Nl3ltlaK, •
and !Shipper!. "at the Cadi!..rated
Shaft for liainbo . w.',nd Keystone
. _ •
' Z . Wharf No: !t Part Itlthnisnd.
• -- Donk Ste
Pottsville—Centre Street. •
(liftt.ts:S Unoton—No. 17 Doane Se., Jgbf! M. W.l l
• (W stlilngtan; . —llenry .%
_, • . 11-11
, .
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l'"`""" 11.3 " 4 • 1 • 111 ° • ' ft Coagralls• 12 Ur- Year Ira. kr liaaaalid Estasity bt the Cleft% 91113.111.6 Dittriat Onet stiltalliillsdeiallistbs tllBlll,misittallot et Peattialvult. ,
4 111 k t. . .
7 •
.1 ._
COI4PA,NE,, .:;;0. 500 tus.t- 5 , 12 Fruitt it.,
'W1L311.7.44T0N; DELAWARE.
. ,
. . . -
. t
•Wr'itre. , tihw rreparrfi tii , fitrnhat the TrtiklP. Dal
en. rind Consumers with tan.
. .
'Celebrated Cos], 'tlio "-! Mocanactup,"‘ 1,
I And ilia. e Interested will find It to their advantagei
i nod eeaionty to consult thtscinnputy before uniklng
tilAr yearly rout nude . or etagogrni; cargoes.
Shipping point, for the Western ittArket, Erie.
rtouthern do 11as - redo Grace.
, II p....deen do Wilmington.
N. 13.—Alen, the Clover 11111 R•di Road and.Bit,u
!Mount's Coal co.', milli; for the manufacture "of
I 117 candles f. yield); c ke first quality mini
',percentage of May ,
' •
1 , / now took! exclmv rely by 3,lemstit.
ooltooN & who pr.' mr -tole Agents. Parties'
Ordering; from UP.III mits phenyl.' depend upon
ting I pure article.
(No. /el/ 1% Cant tit.. Palladelphla.
OFFICI:*:' No. 11r K.Nwidway. Itex,mg, New York.
Roma:;; Snatim.. .
'Jim 1. y HENRY 1lEII;.
A. 3011'S A. .110EBIAVON- SONs;
, • TRENTCLi, 37. '
Far Bhlp Rigaing;
• .
,Nospenslon Bridges. Ferries. bl mid (Mrs ;
on Pertieks. Cranes sni nheary
Elevators, ,
01% . HAND. . - -•• •
. •
. .
*. . • - Orders filled irlih Dispatch.
. . . strength; size and cost, s circulars, crliicli
-will be sent on nonlicatirol., Aug.., 411.-31-ly -
• Wz4o.p.„ - , • . .
4 ' 4-- — 0')1 EVERY DEsCs[Pl'fo*i FOIE
Nines,. Planes, Stays, Bridgesi ac.,
ItEllrgrA LITY and at LOWEST RATEIt.'
TranAralsalon by Wire now. .rlaas prepared and
ow' tr,e Is 4 '
Ilmt.AN , t ,
al and 110 littOADWAY, 2Cevr Vor.
.-341Y . 23, •:. •
[otamia wao Aaasioicoba
.witb any chronic din:atty. should without - eloy
write for Dr. 'll4tmg.Toat's New Tresttskeent , twee to
tow Oddosso. LW.NIDAfft HAMILTONiM. D„Nr.
York City; P. O. Box ifits:. Wt-211;*211.721vit
gortitag k
OW Reps: k.
144 . .
It;i1.; - .. Z f ...... .. .
. ... 'A. • 'e.- t
- -V vo :
. ,
plii!abettrilia t
Whitney,McChiary '4V:::.Xemmerar,g
Upper Lehigh and other Firit Class
otn“•—l24 Walnut,Streee. (Setniid
WHIT:: EV. G n V. )11.,1 4 ..KErmn:RErt
Retri In,':l = 374 m
Lehigh, Schuylkill sod Bituminous
•C ,Ci A. .
tronsignments on CoinittLision Solicited All.l taken
oh favorable Terms. • , . .
Off3ee=34l Wainnt Philadelphia.
may, I, la. • -7, 114-Iy.
LEWIS ~&.-
Itrszon ounirr.sui. orTkre
• • C . O A•
• ;
• Other lO ti WaltOlt S
June 1,'70
BELow AltElucAx Hurt' .doers -
Hapunow opened a nttw Stork of F-NLL aC WINTEIt
thxxli suitable fuetth- pt' ,ent seagull, much as
fins on liondn new it ut of
• . .
. .
whi c h will be so hl cheap for cash.
Ladles Cloalp made to order. tiew Patterns just
reeelvegl. - Oct. 30. 'OO-14
I.,Abmsurrs r •
latil:42:_4t. :Sty es. -for Fall l 1F370,
In greater variety tl an can be firand elsewhere. ag
we rankle It u special y. •
In every variety of lot hi. AIN% Astrachan Fur and
Seal Skin ; For CI ks, with Muffs; de., to match.
Ti_, rei'v heat g t* at thus very Pnrest prlees :
A eholce Fiascalttnent at mtxlerate
r. tT -tvv. rt
A 7 aI:M. It K.S.BLy /AM'
duns! c Contilii.ntat Hotel.
1:,„ '76.12-3m _ -
W FALL . .11001)S! - •
110 NH OLL A DAY k 6).
Ft.l.t. 1870.
IA I r
. 1 ts. pot get
'tom. :or the,
-A. It V., -1NT.(41.‘" (' I(); 17.11... I' i..., :1;E 'l' }l." .
' ';',::7- 1 ' .•
'''' -
ri ft
Notw itlo!t ntlin • the'grent tiltileulti44: - leoni•egnent
nti the Ett peLlll •4 - ar t 9 obtallti .rh(!ire . krettep. 1..41,
brtex for 14 (r Fall
our onle vatrly
loris t
ber of
‘ a
• • I
~ 6 3 Wl` NO deal,
214.0 rt ti en t In grel
the late,
`l[\G cC)::%11-.1s
AV A TrAil
Av It will be lbat
mble texture 4 in
tbrite an '
1 w411;le to replent.mll out ronst
this trtatket,we'would rim.isfrtfitlY
. r.......A. it I. • . I.N 1.4 P .I , IIC "1" ! 4 0....N . '
. , '
)3 - CK SILKS , ..:-
- of known in:. - e..
- €7.. In • itli Prtees atl,l , lqmiitip ,
4.. 7' '
FOR Wlcily.l"i!:4.
~.,.. C lA)RED Salts_
in ,v 7 r,i: quo - 111'3 i --St Wel 44 WS,
?M} ale TVOYA
la all Itie newe
NI ylem and fal.rieN.
' - :'. • --^
very varfrty of texturo .tiltalpfr,p,r
(Dr elier'Y 40th
;in I tiTscy n 01•
agid Mvlejiotli for 'warmth and .s.c•
nit sty:R..4lot Fall dr61.5.
- • •
•. • •
410 Of the'wnriity of de
,it slot If - continue t, tkell ur sto,k n
al ruble gtxmbt, b
14 fliesfnut ;Rivet,
- .
141 . 2. and
G 8:41415 - c
l'::siTt3 flte MRM. M. A. hrxiwn,
For. Eleventk & Chestnut Mt.., I' kiln
Ili TILE PALI. Nil W 1 NTEII Cdr lalla,
Wholt*.ale an Retail,
wbLh Parise I P l ° /lt:fi rl ot n tn il tti - tif:s - cliiem ". ' aupply.
Dreamt*. :Ilan les, Chinks itistCmtunsess for Latitem
and Children: • A- mpeelal deprtnient of plain and
elegantly trim ned pattern*, of the latest l'arislan
..tat " English tylem. at Al per-tinzen.. I( - titi want.
It r handsomely Ailing, a - CU-made exalt, at *short no.
'lto% go to Mit BITSUXICA tor taxtefut I rimming?, and
&Amy mt Bela :don int ng, Tool,' Intt and We 'ding
outtitss.Walkt g and }quick CAlhittnine.i. •
1 4
DR114. 4 1 & CLebAt: TRIM3111:511124. DI'TTM.M. ORICAMEN is
conaprintnif th iateat Parisi nbreltitla Jo black and
et:do:mod' Erin gimps , Ituelies,• Loops, . Flowers,
Gloves, Brida maim, Vella, Itilsbaua„ new, stualea
In .Velvet, Matt t and Taffeta Ribbons. flasher, Necics
-1 4
ties. Mans Ur .A('E (.:c01M..4-01/.l.2gloPernr..KELAtse.
roe Bonsai Tat also. Pointe ,Appltque. Valenelen
nem, llnntburg Echflogm and inmerflotim. Black Guip
ure-and Threat faces,•new in design' and Inederate
111 price. CHOI `I: INDIAN OWNA/111:NTsi. Faill; Blots,
Mans, COsid n , - Moucholra,camest and Fancy' Good*,
aelected-hv Mr*. Binder at .Ntagarn. Elmant line ,sf
wrathy. jet Gkaosli, In setts. Breastpin+, Earring's,
Neekhiceti :andß m racele , Splendid line of French
Jet . Goodm, Cs al and French Gold Kelm; elmrimi,
fldeeve Button , Chm Ins. Ac... widen for price or varie
ty In Style, ca nut be NU epamead.s. Stranaens vial, Ing
our city are relopectftilly issvited to examine.. ~
84-Pinking and Gana:sr:lv. Cutting and Fitting.
Also, a perfect mvatein of Drams,. efittlit4 taught. Pat.
tenotment, 1101 ail Or eXpremm 101111 parts of tholl„ , nlqm.
1 - MIN. 1f...5. uINDEirm.
PVCII th And Chesith , itaits., Pit ILA 1. 4 A.
;M . , , . , .
'irowpur as
N. W. No. 1
Oct I.
... .
+ORISON: •i- - +‘
Chestnut Street, Pialviliu; 1
1 , • • 'n
ity lie the n cleat lon of buyers to th eir / It t
1 1.. ,, orte!l.toek oi ' t -,
co. 1.00
tatlrrittia will
W :000 DS,
whlell. 1
Imported DI
LlN)u .!flier
ec:. or POrchased
.for Caah,• Ht
VOry Losi Pric'ez. •
yltin in, and a Tong eYpi•iioner In, our
ik4 J.INF7s..; GOODS, . ! -
I kußsxsitrica PRY "(. 1 0(?riA.. •
AIN 4 „ (I. 7 RT.I.I;II:3IATEMIAL,•tr,
s clodoinent matri'advAntagor ;
..ahrre. ):vt;ry Iteverlp:lfln oett-:
of. • .• •
• Enible
- not • afforded ."4.
• Irt.j.NNELS.
•ri ETI NG-.
• TOWEL...A, 11
'TABLE and
TM LET (X. 0.•
riATIN rin - e •
...L0()P14. WIN 1
• Oct •I. I
BLA NKETI4, rsLT NA. • .
lIK. 4)1MJII.INIoN Cif..OTHK,-
COVER! Nog. _ -
9, CRUZ fiCILTB. -
(*VEILING: I ., MoREF.Nri.
PLUmHENote. ,• •
=MR •ordersylet
WDER eau be tenet the efliee, 17*
th - RODEit? IL Bld/ITII • ' a* with
TOII7 Esq.. at th e p ont ro lvanis
d will be promptly attended to. •
I.tie"n 4 l TRUMAN ,UZ.Na co.
Centro Ktn'et,
.leAttonal Bank.
June 2.'70-1
. . .
• Atk -or
lik i* . - ETTICSEW A NT API!
tr if . LAji . Ota•DER BRAVE ouid CHEW SUP,
PORTER. • :Co truism:m*l , Am armai; 'Perfect mg_ •
lost atabettptitipts t SO North Seventh M. I t
below A :....,_ Pie fa.% Trummt, itttotterters
Monte Miti • "" Tru es:. *a ` batty tit toolatt.: 1..
ili ,zt
, . iiiir Wm.. - -,., .. . 2111/. . .
P f httadetpbbs.
r 63-1),
Pro (Soolis.
Ende,-we ate nnbied by , pbul:t
lid throngliskur extensive .of 1 nee ,
I .
,d7e.r nu unusually Ittrge,ptm...
partienlara.ttrntlon to 0111,111.4 , Th
t vArlety of texttires of . • , ,
. .
0 5... . .
• — 777
Cr.its. Etraltr,.Porptvit.t.E; + • -
TM" writ known and popular Hotel, hit. newt
hely renovated and refurnlahed„ lx now open for
nent and tratudentbordera.
June 7,lo—vf/lwn. WARDLE *SON. Proprietors.
We bare on hand n large lot of mooned 1 ;4; OVAL
' PLANE. The above is beat nnalltv of IN
Wan. '704141 nor. 4th & Sta..ilteadlng, Pa.
itanimits LITALBLB:
100,0110 FEET OF WE'iTER* I.I3IfTER
*loam & reAuruc*iir:rii-1.
Corner fth and spruee Sig, Ileit'fling, Po
IWe keep conatantly 4)n hand Michigan Panel, in
ana Walnut. Poplar Chair Plauk.'Ni Pop:ar, and
h Lumber, all be/mined. The Walnut rune Imo) .
: to.:ti inehe% wide and all A hickneases, and the ::,
I' pier Dim 11 to:tt inebea wide. The quality of the
ntim: and Poplar cannot be knew:me / 11n any-mar
t, and we are aelling lower than the city market.
I partly* In want of fir - kind+ of Lumber would
well to call at examine taw sttaik,
,Os iii; l'O , t
i / /LL .
- -- - ----, -,.,-.
N. C. FRE CK &CO.'.
... m.usrrAcrtAtatt4 .utn nr..iLES rt
. ,
. .
. .
. . .
, . .
/".,:. D .... .._... 8 ,
1..., M-1 ra
,' -,...-- , ;• , '-....7.-
t 1:.11
AU 'Kinds 61 !WV Ti tither o+!e to Orttel.
sic . Lumber. lloarcbt, Plank, Lath,•Strinplug
plau - gips, Floorlnk. Siding, 14. h, 1t001.., -.
I , . 31ordtlitiz..
.: • I,
1: Inds of Itnnutacttu int( ',quitter; eouf•tanCy
• • on liana:
"bite Pine,_ IFletnioel: and Oak Ilonrdo. but any
!Atli.i Our Milk are.7o miles tvelose V illiantsral,
m u saving of s*..! Zij toSeglit per Ilea feet. -, (miens
d promptly. Prik*list luriLisiwillin applient ion.
fly P. '7n , . .
• -- ' . -213-6 mo
I Yet s4le anb io grt.
. s
I ..,
Ift SAL?;.—.l—.l now mid tliNt-c::t.s TOPSY BUJ
-4.7 Y. Tertnx reto:onnble. Apply to 1 • .
Ity.7. '7l:-I! , -t I' WSI. K. NM Int .1:0ICen tre St. .
• R RENT.—TaI, i inici4i i II Itil.s.ero. intice Itu I 1..1-i
lug, corner Second. and Ilattantottga Street,'.
,ply to IitENRY V. RI:K.9U.. [Leal Ei.tate Agent
f align t ongast rtet . ' . •.. • ,
larch 13-11•'",
. . -
.)119 RENT.—srtium Icoog with
duelled, Itillioturimin'ii Itow, on "Market atreet,
iivt , Cebtre. r oAnr.sltin qiveti Immediately, For
Ilk apply lo -,...1' 1.. . TIIOFsON.
ly 39, '7v-31- t l'' ' C:d , ,
I ; • a 13 6 6,Lx-T WO Li Mt•l,fa - ine enrner oi jdoid
and 11'...,..t k trrets, In Shenundoalt,
,•Ii: It It Iu o
bit.)l • l;./4 of lininaN4 on It, In - si wood 'bald netts !cmII iy.
rofl part iollialS, :ittpiy 011 the pretolweis non to
• 011.1 . : IDA 71S, I'. (I. 1 ' t0.).• t'.
et 11;NAND0.11(. ,
CITT,.PI/.. ,'• -''
NOV. 12; . ;O:41.;. , 110.
• 7 -' II BALI; OR :Po LET.—.I Piece lil
•ontatlnlnti alkn'tt 3/ ACRES, with law blinding...-.
at In Wu - midi rig Run Valley, tn . :, ' nitles,froin
4.1111y,'.;,, 4 1p113* to _
• , Jr, 4„ WALliElt, on * tli pfenil.r...
• . •
il l .l Si..7d-ii-51ti . .
ijiCf*bliic.ti liiiiiiiiiciiii al
. , • . .- • Foil •SAI.E. OR, Tn 1 F. '
Ttlf, Kilituilk 111 Ilavemlflreet Iron Worki. are offer.-
f ,
1f ,r mili• ,i wort Leir orlgituil ~ o
rosto'n I I I be leassAl
r term of years to responsible parties. For teroks:'
, ly Co CH A RI.Ks Vi11.T1144-"T„Trte.fce.
tim 22. '76—ti—t 1 • ' , .Seliii:T-1:111-11a% en.
- - --
- ,
•Ii SALE.-1 Ittli Breaker !tolls, aliln,rrlth Iced
lutes. &e.; H ft..hoisting.drunt; 1 ft.-Inert-en:2l ft.•.!
• counter sert.cus, Wilde guttsb, abate hors, dust
tuck and plate, and it lot of 1111111 - 1 itinchlnery ;"
I be :sold cheap. Apply ut
.1141LN rt.' ('rail Yard •
ne 4, '73-21 wool • . bal St„ Pottsville
• It LEASE.—TheAlluntSle tract of Coed land
known Rohl; 24•Whiehrener Tract, late ;
b ,sltuateditr..lllytite and Schuylkill Townships,
acres, Is offered for lease,l
rrats , ,onatitte terms: Apply to it
- F. R. - 11.13::.:21.N. Agent,
eh 27: TAD. fi-tf ; Pottsville or fort Curtiori.:
Colliery for salv e witlt. lease for is
'es, on 80.. Ntannuoth and other 'veins, now ulkip-,i
1.4 from to Ito ear- of coal per day' Coal of Ibk•s4
Illy al Ways lit demand ibt highest market _
. rut tovrllrm eloodie of the undersigned. • '
• Enbiliteer and It( al t;state Agent
A bby 12. • l'ottsvt4lb,<lNT.'; •
ATEI 1310A-TE! I SLATE!!!. _
. .
T .te- undersigned has always on :hand. it littpe
lot of Hook LNG SLATE, of all .sines, - aid_ of
th tird quality, which he will sell at the elleape!,o .
prl ..s. '1 he,'shsto eltn• be delivered by „Hailroad tkr '
Oil ill-I.P
Ali" lo :W3l. :KADBACII. Agent.
Jay7o . .
. Hamburg, Berlis Co.,Ta.
. -
`3 -22 ' - ,••,... ... - '
' . - The. splendid, restidenee, - lately.:oecupleci• b'y
T.IIOI 4 ,..II:IIANCItOFT, in Ashland, Pa.. Dwelling.
011 els. fi reiii and lee ilouseN Stable, Hut Beds, de..
fie. Thl• I/Kt:1111.4 IS coin paint:v.4y new, and has all
ea v. Apply to II EN It Y ' 1.% ItrsSEl.', .
I h uhxl"ll lt e. e:t l l n. F. u ta le t l e u. ../17ent i , i l i Zlit h6W itan i t i o n n i gi t t 'e i.71: 14
•3 ay Is, '74—.4 7 -tf ' - . 2... • . •
_. .
Coll BALE.Ofie.Tiotrbje Breaker for a Red Ash
1' 1 Collie! y, all rot:inlet e find as good as new ;with
10 horse engine, boilers, ho C isting getiring for 'plane,
.1e..4 /-..... • • •-'`, •
One g 2 ft. fan, M horse client , and hot len., one. live-
trot bay . .eate..
/Tree: boring' ro, ltsfiri 01 bits, ke.....511'1n rpm plete
on er.
4/S°. Fi BP t of beiillng gearing for slope; pints. RIO'
other.artidt.. Apply :o - t I% M. V. 114.. Agent,
i . . . , po Centre street. l'qttsvllle. •
41:gum: o 0, 70-32-tr , .j - hww-tr
EVE 13 E.—A Firm of 11 - 10 acres.- watt' Improve-,
rents undsfoek,situateou the lisp of the Seliuy I- '
kill-And Summehannaltaltroad, 1 I rqllem.froqn PottN
vllle. 10 acres of the' land are'undtr,eultleation, .5
Rereiiiire eovi-reel wit Weitest nut. sprout-sof Iti Yeats •
gm wth. wllleli NUlltlti IllaktX eXtilieli:t Prpp tlnlher.
11:1 resareeoverol with heiwytkober.'The iutprove- -
int fits corals'. of a stilkstantlal liiitise, a nett .;wise
Bar If. out boa ::*, and a new:saw In I liza lilt wat erpow
er.[ Stock con ilst, of loirses, rows, grain, liay, and
If fining Implement*, The.,Met asked:can. be 'real- :-.
vied-fro:ll4l3e tinther.alo*; Terms easy:4'l.lprd%. to.
JOHN 31.5111E-AFF.II., Etterlr'.4 Balla I og, Pottsville,-
or c 4IYERGETBA.L.F.I.II4pii,A.R No. PM (~,'ent re At n..+;,
P elite. - ' • 7 August 1';'..6,4-4C-if, .
• . qv . "
f TILE III:II.01 .11tNI.ISES •
2..4 s
- : 1 ( --- . 0
ToraeertY . occupied by the' ' , •
••' '
S lit. N lokiLL clil:.N , Y' . T.I'MIIER' ( . 0 ""!
°'a Ink of it larva. bidet: and stone shop; . w int'.
straw powet and tools for •
I'LANINU and mANI:FAETTRIN , O jA.731.111111, :
with IntalWr illeSs . ,4l.bilialant yini rain., and otlifT
ro‘tvealenees for a large bushiest*: This property ii,
slittated in the 330d0t:611 of Poirmii.t.i, and fmnfts .
i.Ol the'ltallread, and ix otherwise well located. -. • ,
I'llllles/ILp LOW and urin easy terms of plyment. •
:Apply to • 2011 N L. pciTT, Nit hie I Ile,Pa.,
' or. lIESJ . I'OTT, =l3 31t.:Venion St..-
~eitt Itt, 1'..1 , --r- •f • ", •
. : Philadeint la.
THE , •
t'onnecting St. Louis and St. Paul. .
Ilia maul 11 built by a Company. of p.truiti eupi tal
s, who !rive' pushed their work furwartl ut a rapid - •
-of the. rompany remain, which are Off?reil 'at tife.;l
SE ry . low rate of - .
•, t 90:and Accrued Interest:- -_: t
motictiteir advantages are— . !!!---
tic'" 'The creel Is nearly tinbilied,snil-thr caniarc ex-•
~ peeled , to run imross the state into dayx. _ .
:NI The road has been built only of the ~best mute
rial, the iron avlng-,bien manufactured ex
-T• h
• presets' for Rot a much higher cost than-that..
usually pall. . ! • ; • • •
lid. It runs through a most „superb 'agricultural
Country. : ,
ii. i." It has EMU . t advantages in carry I tig coal .!:•pitit
',.., ' and bringlneumbertiouth. ' . • ,
:t h. The Mortgage
.I.s,i3nly SINAI*? per ° mile. , while 1
Many other raids are homiest to double this i
!z-, Altiown!. k
ht 1. - like goad is'principally invulid by bankers and.
other canltalists, who hava !rive/dell a - Into i
stun In Its construction, and wbo• have ev'rY ,
reason to earn of ha otiligationa:- • 1
1 ~ A° Find ;Mortgage for so entail an ainosant. 'Won!
• ! a raid isa near cotnplet Um, and In such strong
hands security. , may well be considered a i perfeCtly safe
We believe there will be nti more fiivorable tliiii.;s . '
0' sell, the Governments, and tiny .really Fibit-claw - 4.
.1.41 iroad Securities—such ail thCiiiS--I WM the recent:
% Int any further decline In ! Gold, Oov .
ust decilne also. -:• . . .....• ..-
tiliserlm ion, will be net-iced In ,r(fITHWILLF., - hk
!"' • . FA F. WHITXF:Y, .}.:, - 4q '
... .
a • wham pamphlets's nd toll information may be had.
. It. SIiATTVOC, Tnalimrer,l2 Vine fit.. New York
lter a fall exantlhatlon, -we have, sweepted an
A my tor the Sale at the above Flat Mortgage
'dal, cud desire to recommend them to -par qui-
era as a theraudhlo Jpojr, a4dl as st.
• .7i .,
JAYCOOK* &.CO., 20 Wall St., N. 4
/et 24-1:0-1:1-ata . •
• ----
. .
!... .
gis c.—
• ~ . • . ..,- : that purpose, - - -PtANO .. S.'- / —•.- •
, aunts'-
. .IL ' . MIEONDMEn-'& t;s).* ~ r fu
Cti 1.711 C I I ..t*l. - pA.II Log- / Opal ANs ...
.. . -•
Id f..r CASH an•l /N14.4.Tat*..-TA. pnrchwio..; :. ! . t... Bg,NNE ! TT',I,'c
111. w,, to esumlne turAirolt ImproventPutm i.: I . • , .-- Mark ..,
• ono pnrenaslng elthevehOrr: ... ! .§, • , ;.Hal l, fr,,,,...„ ., .0 lir lid for Descrlptlve,Crtu.lar... . . '"
' . ' tTUWri
.. ).14,P sr.sarx
. _ .. .
I W: REDi'f4L - 1) PHELPS & cO.' • 1 •-. : 1ia?1:4417 heitveta Fla di'aSigth
4,team;l 1Floord;21to. UV - CA kfir.N VT. STREE.7, - ' i " - , •
- -11 I 111;ADELPH IA A . • •.-: i• • . • PNI.LADEL,PRIdt. -
. 6v.:;;-6..,z - - 1 . -• . _ t!-btu ..
1 ' flet P. ' "I""nir
_ •
OTTO* WAlStilt.—ill gnictes et . corrox -0. namilosi.
. 4:LEANING WARTF. seemed tor /Awn, "Ilso• ! - , '': ' '
s 11481,Juld ror liallroul we.' All onto* rewired 1 . -
A m ail !rill be proteplly ARTZTB 1 9.4.10111 TEL I, ciLltrilTh," .
Ist i tsfaUla North Irrupt litrecy., . r, 1 ,, , ...1. , ' -- - -' ‘ .•' : ! ,••
ilt. • IL tf. *AMPS& . -• • 11170 1 ' ' ii-...' ' __L... ....
[ENERAL SAL6slias with - JAOOB.llllOlO.* 1 ' ' ' - • "c", urcwi - O •F'T_
,__, ,
4 Wholmale DiViloctis. go.= Mosta 81 , ,P111.4. i - ' ' ' ' - &air Rode dr ;
i. IL—Au ordors tor mask 41ie,113 leaded far nu. t ''' • . "' - - ' I ...
me widrosiit. C. 'Ol4
tkl• ga 4 MirketS.Mget , lai s reM : . : -0. it , . SN .I DER tCO
U 0 411, 1 4 r I .. ,---. I . * " ,:- ':.' - '
m of f Nfil; 34 . Siindt egeeimailt, 11411Welpitiii.
trelv - '- 7 , r . ' - Way Iting" A • ' r . ' -"
INBettiati . 1 . : it.31.%-4.111414114t1e0e5t to- Shnifiirr;sati Citirelr r
Ii r'i
"•• 11 41, '' " ' *-- '
baaggra .
: deathgg J. Y
datlaus Vetjtate
,1114.00 raw
We Ism designed and Inansditetured rge
stock of the -
lairiliOL EWING
, ! inlet:ore warra6t, to ;ye
In all respects.
Our preparations for •
I '. the present season,
t \
ill. have been on the lar
-1 \ m
1., .
, I tl ' \ gest and ost libe
1 , - ral soda, and Our
~. present stock is
} - Gen he d t 4 - as superior to,
1 '
i = --- - ti p any former
KM -
1 G one as our
OODS. - former ones
.1 Finest inOi I hove' boon -
I' qutt.Y. of t oo superior
1 the greatest to those
i.• :variety, and up , i IL of othff •
I to the'very latest ho nes
fashion and 4
style * y . • r: o f x 4. fi •
i • Embracing ever. . 1
thing essential_ to a ;40
- ,
gentlemen's toilet and - -
wardrobe. '
. _ CUSTOId DEPT. 1;/;•
Goods of-war own' tumor. / ,/ •
, talent—the newest. sad
• beat fabrics of. Mnigush.
/ .
i Preixslt. - German, and '
I , Home Manufacture: " " Ae t a ..
vTite'tnost skillful ' 41 4 116 0 % , aal 7
4 cutters in Phiudel..
Phis.." l3 tYie" and / i youth: l l .
rs v p. . A orliagan pe / , c
feet, flt guar-r./ -
I .s a n a
t t e Z 10, 4 BEEMXIIL.
I tion 4 l.ll all
I - other re-- Many new st y l e s
specs'. ...
/ matte-up .in the
/ / most elegant manj
, lo / nor, and securiiiirthe
g t
' qualities , ofdurability
' '• il , , and strength, so desire
\ ble in Children ' Cloth-:-
' ing We have made
1 . tio,
\-, t \ special efforts in
his department,
• \-
_.4 •
\ and ask special .
-\., \
_attention to our
818 '''' .
.-- ~„ ~•
\stook. T..... .
_ . t\ty-flve style,-
. 0 , 20 s. ,
.. \ \ of oir li E tt , l43 .
t 1,,,,
ciestitat St. ~ ‘ COATS '
• , . ErisTM3 l l"
i \ \ ..•
•MI ktibliiints : \ 44
v 4400
' •
Br Aim! system of Self-M ent,
/esidly understood. eve enable customers ,
Send their orders in such sonny as'to
}, • BEMIRE , GOOD PIT he though
1 , they earns thimsels4s to our Ilitablish:
maul. , _
40nr. Imp:tiered Bules : ibr 8q Measure- '
• maid, Samples and Prices seat when re--
given - to all orders,irith GIIARAN,TEE
• of entire satiaraCtioll.
70I13WANAMArki . - •'
•,'j 818 and 820 Chestnut. Streit,
, Oet.,ber It% 09 ' ' . -
five. y,
. about.t
' • -
'second t no establishment in
the coun Our garnients are
all made f- the' best Materials,,
ca.refully lected; nothing
:sound or i anyway imperfect
is made u at all; even in the,
'lowest gra( of "goods. It is
a `well esta shed fact among
clothiers, th our Ready-Made ,
` I Clothing, i every, thing that
goes to m g a superior gar
' ment; is u quailed by- any,
stock of g... ,m Philadelphia.
Our .assort ent is so large
and varied th t every one can '
'be fitted at on. without delay. _
Our'prices always . - guaran- -
teed is` low, or ower; than the
',lowest elsewhe . We have
also a fine assiir ent of
.up topraer,f
t ner, and at
'than are
r garments
Pa - Goo€l3 vt
xyllith will be that
,In'_the best nta
prices much loi
usually charged
made to order..
Samples of go&
Hits — for all kinds c
forwarded b!
*hen re(
tions for
'or seletcb
Made S
rectly . .
• /Person
%tan when
• call and
, ,:.,
. ,
rge, well established and; With an ex
of:imore than twenty-. .
.rs, enable. us to offer'
tents to all who are
baome purchistrs of(-
, with
price ,
W. F • 11.unni.
A{110;.04 Rade r Misutafit;
FANCY, If thou it friest,. FA Zne bock
aiaMs . s'
OThy fluttering w Inge are sett as love's first word.---:
Andsfragrant as the feathers of that bird .
Which feeds upon the budded cinnamon. ' •
I ask thee not to work, or sigh—piny on, ' . •
From nought that wait not, was, or tsoleterrel:
The flax that Old Fate spun thy flights tuavestirred,
• And wavered inemoriatograes of Marathon.
bat be gentle, not on that. day ,
I saw thee running doWn the 111114 of doom
With stars thou bads% been stealing—while they lay
• Stnotheredin light and blue—ehumed to thy breast;
Bring rather to me in the firelit room -
A netted halcyon bird to sing of rest.
• . - 11.—COMPESSATIoN.
Otte launched *ship, but she was wrecked at sea;
He built a bridge, but gtoodstave borne it down;
He meant much good, mute came; strnav destiny,
. Hls corn Iles sank. hbilanidge bears none to town.
' Yet good he had not meant became his crown ;
For once at work, witen;even as „Nature free .
.From thought of good he atm, or of renown.
Gal took the work for IFIXKI, and let good be.
be wakened with a tre ac l s b ins after alnePt
Dread Mona Doe yield her fateful store ; • •
. •
All gleaming hot the Set rivers creep,
And bunted of great-It v-sl palms slip to the shoO,
Then stolen to unplund wastes of that far deep,
. IM3 - the foundations r one [gland inure.
- - LNG PoWN.
,Mountalus of sorrow, I ve heard. your MOW" .
And the aim log of yr pinsm: but we sit high
•On your green should' nearer stoops the sky,
• And pure airs,,visit us fr ut all the zoom
Sweet world beneath, happy far to sigh,
Dont thou look thus •Itetd from thy licavenks
thrones? s.
No_„'• not kir game love at eaunta thy topes,
While sleepy with gr t light the valleys lie.
Strange, rapturous s its sunshine doth enfold •
heart, I have esea to the days dikine.
It seemeth'as bygone ag.• back had And all the eldsa; past was now, was mine, •
Nay, even as if lek of old
Might here elute forth ous with bread itod
, —( ood Words', for
7ER .11r A NY. i
-_,.- i ,
r f ftE official effor s f or an united Ger
are pro ressing rather :lowly.
1 While the other G out .states are sound
[ ou this queM ion, Bay 'riaalone is still iti the
way. Sne has again Allen back upon her
old'Plan of a direct 6 y, or, in other words,
of dividing, and.thiis weakeuing, the execu
tive power of the Con edoration . This State-
Bights party, Catlin : itself patrioily, while
. in fact It represents in ly the t:atholle clergy
and nobility, with th it followers, have still
so powerful a hold on the Bavarian Govern
ment, that the latter again wavered iu its
ultimate decision-. wh la Mr. Delbruck -left
Munich, by .the end - T 3 Wit month. Tills
the_negothitions hav e come to a StAnd-stili,
as Prussia, udder Hock eanistanceswhatever,,,
can sacrifice 'Military : and -diplomatic Au-
Pretinicy, andimust i sist -Amon being left
free from the control If an 'y Or her Associ
ates. . I.rithis que4tim , as far at least as Be
- verbs is concerned, the whole German pee
pleside with Prussia, which, for thisTeason,
can and . will . enforce her' terms.., Mr. Del
br.uck bas fora second time gatie:;for. about
tendays to the King'is headquarters before
Paris, to submit to hint the following •propos,
sithms, Viz.: "Rrairive at once at an unders
standing with Bavaria,' and to invite
her King •, yi a visit at the royal
headquarters ;.' to Settle this question
with him directly ; :t..;
.publish a . draft
of - the new . .Colitederation In • the
course of November;i to lay it in Decem
ber before the North liermau'Assemblies fob;
ratifieutiOni-and 'lbis 'having_ been ~ d one, . to
convoke .the newl:German Parliament in
February or Mareh" ne±t in Berlin; where it
will be its first busin.w...s to_ratify - the peace
to be concluded with. hr to be imposed upou
France. - If liavaria;-eoatrary to all expecta-,
lions, should refuge"toeinne to terms, it is the'
design of Messrs. Disnuirek and Deibruck to
isolate Bavaria, and tolenter.into a confeder
ation With the other Soutiiern,States Which
have declared, their willitigne4 to do so.=-,
Bismarck has said tbarhe nimbi '! raise
hell'' against Bavaria, i and tMili - fife :un
endurable to
,her, go. that - she would,
report that ilie - liail refused to accept the
moderato terms of North Germany. Bis
marck is a man who means what -he says.
Delbruck is - his able:assistant. The••one is
the counterpfirt of the other; •and there
never were two men who worked :together
so harmoniously and, efficiently. The bne Is
a creativetulent, and is full of ideas and vig
'. The other gives shape to his. col
plan,and,' assisted by practical, eX
perience and business- act, ably .works tccu
out in detail. They never • differ in respect
to the ends they are straying for,. aunt in re- .
spect to the proper moment to realize them.
In the. pment instance again theY agree,
that-the iron Must be ham Mered while it is
hot, and that When coming borne with -the
armies, the 'new form for German unity
must be completed.— Tribrwe: Corfe.
- -
paratively few person! , who partake Of
thls 'nutritious food knoW an3,..thing of ids
mode mode of manufacture,' the care and skill . re 2
'Au lu its . proiluetion, and the means by
which it possesses a-bright yellow or golden
. .
Cheese made for exhort or for th e e' home
;market Is' colored quite :differently, and va
ries from the light straw or lemon tints to
the deep yellow. The reason this (liversity
of color Is' made neeesgary• will he at once
.understOod When it is known that the 1 . .0n
4,10 n market deMands a iiigher or deeper col:; .
or than:that pf •Liver Pool. Many other
markets. are equally particular; and the
cheese must satisfy theta in tint 6s:wells's in
Jaste, or It Is thisalabie, 'Fortherly satrrqn
wits.used, but it, gave a Strong odor, that \i'itS
quite objectldnable. , '•
The article now coMmonly used for 'this
purpose Is annatto,' which': is. wit into the
milk in small qµantitiegjust before the curd
is formed, and the shade given . 0 the cheese
:depends upon the.quinitity used. The trop-
We heretofore has been 'that Makers found.
great difficulty tit' keeping: up a - standard
coYat annato pa.ste; which is imported
froniErazil and Guinea; is very.tinreliable
In quality ; And is Without uniformity of ap
pearance.. It is hard to find twp lots of the
same shade;, while - a greater portion of it, Is
adulterated with farinaceous. and mineral
sulkstances; Many of which are highly inju
rious: - England has obviated this abuse, to
a eertain_extent in the,prepamtion Of a-fluid
extract, but which Lila never become
Lai in this country, by reason of its great".
In slew of 'the difficulties arising from the
use of paste,' - an artielebas lately been tun n
ufactured by an American cheihist, which is
now taking•precedenee.of every other.,yarie
.ty of annatttir in point of ,strength,
ofixdoi r purity ; and economy, it surpasses
every othar'preparatlon heretofore manufac
tuned for affike.purpose. The new article is
called amt,attnltte, or, dry extract of amtatto,
and mandfactured 'from the fruit or tletid.s of
- the Bhca „oitlana, Which. is .indigenets to
Brazil and"thy parts of South -America.-•;
,The color 014 wholly on 'tire surface of the
seeds. These - are - waditst du a chemically
' prepared water,
an ingeolonsly-contrived
process, utAil no More Color remains upon
them. Thalwaterlathen drawn °Wand the
coloring matter -.precipitated by as solvent
which destroys all trace of, the first prepara
tion. The extract of .aunatto Islas° used to
color textile articles, and iseitensively.used
. dyers and printers. .'()netfound of the
dry extract-will color from seven to ten thou-.'
sand' pounds 'of eheese, -- acefirding - to the
shade required. The South. American an
natto is. extracted hy fersuentation,,And is
then boiled down to the consistency of thick
paste, when I Is packed In baskets and nl,
lowed to coo , after which lt.' is • readY i loe,
`market. - , - . - 1
. . •
Tiri HE FATI.-One 'of the most remarka4
.L ble rases of sudden cure of disease was
that of-a.rheurnatle individual, with which
is an amusing ghoit story. 1- • - -
There were a couple -of tnen,- in some . okt
'settled parfof the country, Nrho were in the
habit of stealing sheep and 'robbing church-
Vards of the burial clothes of the.dead.—
ThereAvas a public road leading by a meet- .
ing-house s where there wai' a graveyard; and
not far oil a tavern. • Farb . one moonlight
night, whlie one of the miscreants : was rob
bing a grave. .the, other,went oW ,to steal a
Sheep: The first, '
one having accomplished
his business, wrapped a shroud around
an4look a acatin the meeting-house door to f
wait for his - compa n icin. . ' •
A man on foot; passing along 'tile -road
toward the • tavern, took him to bets ghost;
and, alarmed almost to ^ death ' ran -as fast as
his ; legs would carry him to the tavern,
..-whicir he reached out 'of .hrith. As Man
' as hemonld speak ho declared that be had.
!leen a ghost 'robed. in .whlte,,.sliting in •,the
chafe. h. doOr. .Nobody would believe his
story, but, increduloks as..they were, no one
could be. found .that:. had ' courage - enough
At ' length..* man, ill) , was :so articled.
with the rheumatism Unit heeoulti-searcely
.declued luiwouldta- if the Mail W 41114 .
carry . him there; He at once emaeil, took
him on his. add
°MTthey - went ' Nirhen :I
they - .got In 'si t, sure enough ltAras.# he
Await. Wishing , to satisfy - 111senatiebera well, -
and get as near •a. view' Ai': - Omatilo or his
ghoatahip In the dint Veit
.turing nearetand neater. •
,Thor num - with ,the inntind
tookethent Mbe hie companion with shear
on -his: beak,' tout ',shed tailttow ton off:
" 111*Alt
.• •
"Is he (eV!!
Roll •
neireply. •
• Then, In a vehement. tone, he cared:
"Is- he fat ?..". • • . -
This. was enough. The man with the
other•-on lgtelt replied
. "Fat or lftn,yon may have hit')." •• \ •
And droppingtlie Invalid he traveled hack
to the tavern • 10- fast as . -lilt- feet Would
carry. But he hidseiticely arrived
t there,. when along came the invalid on foot;
oo! 1 - • - •
The sudden fright had - eitrisl him Of rheu•
raatism ; and from that time forward
. he
man. - .. was dwell •
) •
e t iy inayl ot b e
borax is in various. purposes, of housebold.
yuse. We find it "the very best Cockroach ex
terminator yet discovered. One-half : pound;
Coking bat fifty cents, has completelyeleared
a large house; formerlyswarming With the
so that the appearanee'qf one in a month'
- quite,a novelty. The various exterminating
powders!, puffed and advertised haVe been
'found not fully effeetive, tending rather to
make the moieties cram than to' kill thenV
There is. something peculiar,. either in. the
smell or touch of borax which-As eertaim,
death tothein. They will flee in terror from
it, and Inver appear again where it has once
been placed. h is ahsy a great advantage
that borax is perfectly harmless to human
beings ; hence no danger from poisoning. It
is also valuable for laundry purpose it. The
washer-Women of Holland. and Belgium,
so proverbially dealt, and who get up their
linen so.beautifolly white, .use relined borax
as .washing-powder, instead ..of soda, in." ate
propertion 'of a large handful of `borax
powder to ten gallons of water., They save,
soup nearly one-half. 'Alt the large washing.
establishments adopt the - saute 'Mode: For
laces, caries, etc. • an eXtra ottantjtyof.the.
pcki - eder is used; and for Crinolines '(requirhig
to be stiff) a! stranger solution is, neeeary.
Borax being a neutral .sat, does not in the
slightest' degree injure the lexture or linen.
Its effect is to soften - j ibe hardest water, and.
therefore it should tbe kept on the- toilet
table. As -a :way of clean Sing• the_ hair,
!lathing is'betierzt han, solutlon'of tkirax in
Water. it leaves the scalp in amoist, Cleanly
eondition. and tho:ltir. is jtiSt• 'sufliciently
stiffened toretain its place. This stiffness,
.howev'erj can be readily removed, if
4ionable,°by.WaShing With water. Borax is :
also an excellent dentifrice; dissolved In--
water, it is onti'a•Ohe beSttooth-washes. :
•liot countries iti; lewd ; in combination - with .
tartaric acid . --and biearbanate of Sods; as a -
Nadine- beverage. •
0111 A NI, THE STONO MAN.•—Thos
i, .
ToPhatn, thy 'strong matt,"j was .born
in , London, lila, and was bred a Carpenter;
but afterwards '!traveled on his: muscle.'.'
He was a quiet; peaceful . man, of middle
irsize and weight, made like other men, ex
petit the tisual•• cavities under- the arms and'
:hands were;in his case, Tilled with muscles.
,The wonderful stories or his teats are well
•• He could.hold :under' iiife:t' '' - r - L•tit l rain , an d '
with ease to hiinself,thestrongest horse. He
lifted a table six-feet long; with fifty pounds
on the end of it, with histeeth; aAid.helit It
in a horizontai position a, considerable time.
He rolled up a pewter dish weighing seven
pounds, with as much apparent ease as the -
reader Would riill tip, a piece of. paper He
held a pewter quart pot utiles length and
s jueezed the'sides together like an eggshell. l .,
. lie lifted' two". hundred poundS . with 'his
little linger and waved it gently around his
heid... He lifted_lr. Chambers; .n clergy.'
man, who Must< ve lived' on the fat of. the
!midi- , for he wtigited three• Innulred -Mid.
tkwenti-zeieht pounds, wirleAte hand, •Mr.
Chanaier4's head . being placed-on one chair
anti his Wet on another. At alilow(hestruck
a round - bar of ; iron, one inch in liameter,
against his lurked : arm', and bent ; it like n
:hout.. ..
~..- . • •
One night observing a watchman. asleep iii
his ! , - , , lic picked up link and watch
main, carrying -the • load' with the, greate.4t
ease, and dropped them-over the wall into
Tindale hurying.groand.
A,butcherpnee pa.4ed a window at which
, Tophani was.litting, '.He stooped' dawn and.
- took half an ox front Me fellow's shoulders.
with so much ease and dexterity that the
Man swore that the devil had Clown away
with the n beef•. „i : : •- : . . .
. At n raee a matr insisted 'upon driving upon
the track; so Topham took hord'of the tail
of_jhe cart and drew* it gently URA;, the
driver..whipping the
.horse like a" Madman
all the time; . - . . . • •
- When - he kept a puti.lie
.hottse two mew
were determined: to tight hirntLso, tq satisfy
them, he 7 . , eizetr the the napes of their
necks and knockedtogether till
e knocked all the lig t out of them:
_ _
, . .
i BILII:AVI'llEFIRIti AGAIN.:-It is a pleasant
ditty •tcr watch our changes of-modes of life as
they'ootre4lond with the procession of the
seasons • :For many months . .we have been
,alntcht us much out-of-door people as the in
habitahtei of the tropics. We have' swung
iii 'our hammocks beneath the trees, - lounged
- upon the shady or the moonlit piazza and
hate had hardly a - seggestiOa ot need 'that
fires should 'be bfult. Stove 'dealers hate
been disconSotale.; The usual ;black erup ,
tioa of all manner of. gas-burners, _ base
burners, • and other machines for getting- all
heat with no coal which crowds our side
walls in Septemberhas been deferred. Who
. wanted a stove 'in -such ',weather? Who
cared whether - the , coal. bin
.were .full • or
empty? • But now copes the sure premoni
tion of cold; and brighlt though the sun may
be; our. evenings must be, passed indoors,
and around the clit.erful , lowhig fire:- -,--
We like the.. contrast.. The fireside,
bolizes the idea ( - ,d hunt • - d l'or weeks yet •
one -may - -!!*,t3.y, the pleasant; glew.- of the
open gate, poStponing .furnaces, and stoves
until, sharper._ weath& comes: -- The king
evenings, - calm ' - or gay as 'solitude - or com
pany may make them, the book, the lamp,
the dreamy putt of the cigar' or ` pipe; the
laugh' or son,.. the happy chatthese are,
the suggestions whiehboute to'every healthy
1. mind as the, sun grows layer down the sky,
and the winds that used to sigh now whistle
-round'-the . gables.,: In our retell*. we may
ttank whit sk-,•bt : _ ,thing_.: the very neces
aittor-shelterl eMb need that we"should
b d
htive.:hon4o4,.. - se houses make hoMee
and home s marerfamilies. 'Suppose that we
lived hien:elfin halcyon ellinate tlud no roof
-11-ree_ shcitild be .wanted. . .''- Hew long under
melt cond itiotiewou Id the fitmilY tte hold'
good?' The Yuung ,Would ',wander away be-.
fore their time; \and dthere _would be no cen
tral sPot"-SnehLaS . that which we, know as
horde,., and..ahoht, which cluster all our
better - an d
p urer.- impulses. and airec.tions.
Half the solid comfort and more , than half
the of the World is due to the provi-,
dent feeling inspired by, the necessity of pre
paring for the Winter. • For if we plan and
build outhouses,,limit it: come 'most:of the i !
devrees and. beauties- of architecture, and a
thousand beneficent! industries' are the out- I
growth or ofrspringl of our': Winter - season.' ,
And its we Shudder at the: bitter cold that le
coining let - its recoltest that It is the spur
- which drives us . on in and in ven
tion.—XFteark Adreifiser. _ ` ', .;. ..
. . .
..S . HYLNO HORSE:B. A horseman whOse
horse is given 'to shy' g,, ought never to per
ImitlliimSclf to evince symptoms of nervous ! .
ness nor, pun ‘ ish the animal for exhibitions.
.o,f - tirnidity. Whene c erenhorse directs the
pointS of his ears in a certain direction, as,
though digtrustful or . fruit], the reln4 should.
be pulled in another lirection, thus divert
ing the attention of ti e animal from the ob
ject causing . the per Intuition. • If 'oh the
other hand,, force or • marsh means are use
to compel an' acquain anee with the. _object.
feared, the horse will be doubly expitedj. if
not unmanageable. : '
We, have found, Int Ses of shying or halt
;lig at real •or Noel objects of disquiet,.
That atopplog"the ho eitud using soothing.
language, answers AA, ry good purpose. If
the object is stationary- v . the horse, 'after a
short lii;e, will most t”tally , advance in the
I#re ttio or it, apProinthiug cautiously till
1. , &tatted, that no danger, filo be apprehended,
when he• Will -resume', his way in a. quiet
J inOotL ' Autirslisstise4 for shying, 'he wilt'
have t . 1 Otji eers of fear instead:Of. one, and
become .re eMilliiiied 'lri - the habit of dis
trustful cset.—.-ItrhifaClis lraw•rlry. . • •
, .
Mixt rn• 31 - soutitictiv.-44. • correspondent
.writing from:pa/don says: :"The most ex
traordinary„Machine in the exhibition Ist
beyond gwislAoti,:. the one, for microscope
*Ming , This enables a person - to write in
the usupl *ay, and - to duplicate his writing
• a WWI Unt i e:l=ller, .so anon, Indeed , thattt Inv' Ie to the naked eye, yet with.
a poWe . Mid i pe become soplain that
everr, I e and dCA rt ca p e seen. The invert;
tor elainas thMlwith this instrument he pit
copy the entire • Bible, twenty-two times lii
the spaegaratifinch. The Ardor Ltbeinii.l.
prestune,4ankt - te - trallskirred ton *beet of
note per. _ Pnunically it will: be of Vent
servlbe, in preventing:forged/1; , Wfth one
of these mitobinek- a PrivatoAtiark_ out be
put'on;l: au minuta,iuul Dogleg& that.ttit
&rgeri -r ' Watt :pert elve - rio rluiltate it,. t butthe baaialaik Or broker knotting where
tiflookkt iit onoetletekthat a bin Wien
,nine.:- ' ambit= ,is the hireation' of u
SINGLE -.lCOPlEB,:Pi',•cisilsi
Tiit OVEIRLA_Nrs kozramx - iide Hlit i ovember la even
more than umbel a Western IlairtsilliOtit &laterite
:being:almost entirely conlibizi till .iftidlitlitlzt voll=
fheetion with that section ot,cuir conntr7, It con-. _
tains, "The bed 4 itai Itier;'ic"Titritte Big Trees:"
"The sabre Of ifottorr4"The Angtiniztioal,P (11111
ably wtit ten . lele lowing 'how _veer prof table
the Angora or Cas h re wool Goat
.would. to to _
Callforflin, where ill • 00l groil ton length 41l
inches:), "At San i)l mid the Gold lillies,":go.11:. .
• "The Aleutian hilrinili;" "The DietoW. Tree;"-?The :.
inha:;". "The Imperial, Prison ;,"? "An evening in a
Califeinia Carden:" "The Ilend of Sitn , ili'llsr.". Ind
the "Caree:r of an Anierieau Priricesit" a - very -rend
able sketch bf the life of the 'Trine* I Balm &alb."
the bright and brautlful Amazon, whom - many of
our officers arid soldiers will remember tu ecinuee- •
lion with our late war of the liebellloniliid who
afterWardibecame quite - tam - me from ter efforts' to
rffeet the
_eseapZ• of the Unfortunate, litutimillian
in Mexico. • . . , .. • .
Taitilaarrscrintati.tatrllrttokal,-The :Covent-
her nurnher. contains a' large number of artieleit
interest to the artisan, the nilner and all engaged In
productive Industry. This publication, which hi this
eheapeit and best of the kind Issued in this country,
is published by Western •.t Co., 17 Paik g o y, N. '
To houSe builders alone the amount of Practical and.
useful Information confab* in a singliPnumber. is
North Much more than the ,entire cost of subserip
lion fir a year.,... The miner, .manulketaier , and '
tofildei, who dp opt see end read this publication •
iegularly, expilileneesa deOrivation,,,the value Of. •
which he cannot apprer latelleCilthia he does not pn- -
derma gal I t. •
• Sacramento (California) Uxiox'
Stntes Census . returns have ,
been se far ascertained by the llnited Stites.
Marshal:is to show a close approximation
550,000 as the total. pepniation of (he State:
also, a,clok approximation ld 154i000 as the
popuhttion of Nut FraneistorifisA that there .'
• has been to verylleavy per - cent. of increase .
in the 'Agri - Cultural counties. ond a heavy de
elinelb the mining ones. Tikese Changes In
the movement of our populatiOn since. 1866,
wiihn the present basisnl i 'county iepresenta
liOli WIC'S fixed by law, are accepted byabu-go t
nuttiber of the newspapers of the State as,
sufficient ground for callitig.a special session •
of, -the Legislature -to reform and • readjust
legislative representation. .
"In IS6O the , eenstis 'gave Californiii`(in
• round !.numbers) 380,1100. inhabitants, all
classes - told. San - Francisco had 55,800,0 r a•
fraetioti over ofte-seventh of the whole. In
a :Botts() . of eighty-Rhin...Kent:Alves twelve
were apportioned' to her. The agricolttiral ---
counties, including Socitimenta and Yuba, were allowed thirtyitime, and Ithe mining
counties, including Butte and Klamath (not
wholly ininlng,i' were given - twenty-nine. San Francisco' Francisco' has 110 V 150,000 out of
550,0o0; she should be apportiened meinbet a
lit: the House a5..1.1s to 3)t;, or the produdt-of
I:Al:divided by T4it, is, as nearly as-. can:lic ;
figured.,. twenty-two representatives, with
an. Matte° added. • She would - secure ten
more Members than' under the old appor-.
tionment law: - The whole loss' (and more)
would fall Upott:the' l initting counties, since -
the agricultural onLs have lucre:wed ift popu
lation enough' to entitle them to additional,
representatives.. It- is likely that du appor , . ' -•-
tionment now would cut down the represen
tatives of the mining. counties from 20 to .
about il;3 or 14. Perhaps, less.. Such counties - -
•as Calaveras, A mador and Tuolinnme
not get - over one' 4fiernber each,'Plaeer and
Nevada two each, aws() on."
.• No. THANK , Yor.—Thi - Lontion_SPixvi-;.
Ton, discussing " theuse of Prince-Dukeit;' I ',.
•prbposes among the public employmehts - . In
the i\latquis .of Lorne, after ,ho be
'conie:i the liusband.of a Royal ' Princess, will
be peCuliarly . - serviceable, that Of ." British
.Embassailor: at Washington; We .most
earneiitly.l-hoPe the, young man will -stay et:-
home: NVe hail no .doubt that he laan ex
cellent peon; ut an evenf:So portentous
.fes the-introduetion of_ a Roral Princess into
Washington sokety is -not-to heCOntemplated
without terrort The eilltignce : of titled aria= -
tuerney,- even ' :of the humbler sort, has a -
painful etreet.ppon the American character;
and' a • Winter : at -Washington, with Queen .
Victoria's daughter presiding over---tlie -
pitalitlea of - the British Embassy . , wcitild_;;he
'.to serisible . and thinking people 'almost ttn
,endbrable. We hate to-be impolite, but the
truth is, the 'women of tliis noble Republic
are not to be trusted in the society. of .the
children.of royalty: ' They are;too ready to
-get upon their knees. What a hfdeouS arena
•of ignoble maneuver's 'the national capital
would become when' half the fashionable
women of the ,United States were there
acheining for the fitVors of • the Princess
Louise! • What envy would tear the bosoms
of 'the fair, what wrath would shoot. from :
jealous eyes, what vulgar elation would fol
low. every social victory ` Going:. to Wash:, .
ingtou wou/d lie something like getting.pre
sented-at court, and we shonhl bare - here at
home, right under our eyes,- degrading 'tour .
daily, lives and 'convulsing our families; all
the petty intrigue,.ineatiess, vaulty, anclolf
abasement Which distinguished a certain
section of the -American colony In Paris Mir--;
Jog the palmy days of the Ern:the. We pre- 4
fer a simple gentleman like. Mr. Thorntoir to
any such gorgeous embateiy-S.S the SPEcTA
TOIt is 'kind enough tO.Propoise kir us. -The-
Princess Louise . would doubtless be. a - boon -
tnsonte capitals; but notto our. She would ) .
so to speak, take- all the starch out of the
moral character of the American woman.—
.V. }: Tribune. .
"TintEE," in Scripture use,,,mint have'
Some other Significance than. Merely that'" —
number of units- 7 -ms, where it litsakt Moses
was hid three montliiS.: thatEHjah stretched
himself' three; times upon the •_child that:
Diaiah walked nakoot . and. hafefoUt; three.
years, for a sign; that. Jonah was in the
belly of the lisp thrldays ; that Christ rose
after three days—an in almost innumera
other instances... So of twelve and • its
multiplies—as the twielve sons ofJacob r the
. twelvelribes ; the tureivedisciples and apes
ties ; the twelve gates of the „Holy City, and
its twelve foundations; the-four and-twenty • ,
elderi, and the one hundred and forty-four.
thousand of the redeemed. is-.lnstance also -
the...forty yeare . Wandering. of, the children
of Israel, and the forty, days' temptation or -
'Christ, t'in the wilderness ;" the forty days
and forty nights . that It rained at the time
Of the flood, arid the- forty 'days that*Ezekiel
was required to lie on his right side and bear
the iniquity of the 'house of Judah . : TO •
whet Ltheologreal seminary shall we go to
have . .ejtplained to us the following passage
initeteration? "Here iftwisdom. Let him'
that, bath understanding count the nutnber
Of the beast ;for is the number of, a man . ;
rind. his Humber Is Six hundred threcieoe3. •
"en - ittx; I.:" IS.) _ • -
..A.DIERICA:,": HARDWARE. The Lonuon
Itto.vatoxurit of a recent date says of Amer
/eau goals We are running .a great risk In -
England of being beaten by America in the ,
manufacture of- axes, shovebi,, hoes, =and -
other manufactures of -the kind. The
Pittsbuygh steel, both4ast and rolled, Is fut. '
ly up to the best-toglish—in feet, to such a
degree that it is not only supplanting our
produce, but In-every shape 'of tool it is be
ing exported to the European - .continent.
American bolts and hinges excel our, and .t
medium and American cutlez of all tads
is cheaper and better than an nutaet
here." The Ot is that Engla 4 • not only
In danger of "being beaten by Ameriea, h
but Is already,behind In the race, but hot ".
only in the manufacture of the goods named, ,
but many others that might be, mentioned.. -
It is a very common occurence of H. Se y- - •
moat' & Co., of this city, to have orders, for
their- shears from London, Glasgow and '
Berlin, and even from Sheffield • Itself, the,
.nglisbi home of steel manufacturers. The
on Toms on the same subject; says In
roger to Edge Tool 4: "The manufacturers
of the United States can - import Iron and,
from thls'country at ni heavy linty, - -I:-
work - up - the metal by high/3' . Paid laWr,"anit
beat us out of the market after, all with the
manufactured' article. The Atuerleens
eueeced in Rupplantlug us by novelty! 'glow.
strnetion and - excellence-of make."
TIIE aniC.EftL t
for years have been `eozzaultingthabeit - m e &
lent authority 'with reteretuin to being *pa.
rated. , ; &knee, however t .' haa-f- in each
'instance, positively asserted: that: any such
attempt would be death tohoth,:-,130ne tittle
since bang - badsCustioke or and -.
his twill brother from . that hour. effect
tied" to a dead - man.- Latelr,'• Ching ,had
low erpirited liattisnelaneholy, - and
g hatt showipmliatincfand ssepsitates
lion„aist onlyam th'itect of , atimretaluing . „
his health, bat fiesta the further fact 'of being- ,
cheerful; whiki.his'brother evies ,. .deprei ,
This state of albite has OVER' rise toanether
ww - Undtation of the medical &milky, and they - --
now • declare that - should , Ching die ,, kb': -
brother could be' separated from the . dead :
NAY With satiety, Science bs taert 111. - •
thileconclusion In the former, -igit,atethe
operation, atter the death of either,: b e
safely performed,.giere 111 -why ft -
WSW not have 1104 ibisse during the-ligs at
and,the mks of theme two age beeti..
relieved or tho unka
must ba m doqustakAtt.---,
.0.1r610 -,t4BLE.
4-7 c