• • , - . . ... , . • . , . . , ‘ • !. -I, - - - --, . - • ' ,4" I • _ • , . , . ~... , , . . • . . • - • . . L . , ' .• , " - , . • • 1 .. ••_ , . , • -;...-'. • ' , 1. . . Le - --1 . • - • ..I. • : I. - . I . . • , , . • , .• - • • • c - ' • • ---- . • , - ORTY -- -SIXTn YEAR.: R. .: NO.- 41. • , . •- I s . : . . . . , • - • . , . . . ...• . . . . - • . • COAT:; ,TRADE, ADV ERT . ... . .1..• -..-• '.. portititimiono:,. • ... .= port Nit:pont): , . • _ -_:-..,,--_-_-.-_-__ T _____------- __ ...- 7 - 4 - 1 -,-: -----.-.,,,.-_-_-_-_,---- .. - - .--,...... 1 .--- Pe - it Rictuses& .•' - '-`- .* . - Pier No. 17. Part RieVia' 7at. :••• . . . , . l i l 9 r E LD, RICE • & C Q..-, 1. AUDENRIED-• NORTON VCOs . • 9 -. . . , . Shippers et the He 9l Qeetttlea Of - Miiiert and Shlppers of •'' -.- a A.SIGIZIN and SCIItYLKILL . -:. , ' . ,- . • FIRST CLASS COAL, . _ _ ; . RE') ar,WHITE ASH . A - T_J ..• . • ' Lociirtrr. ms:myrAnt. • M 4 . • ..,.. 9 i • Erom our tiro large arnt-eelel;ritted,Foltlerles AGESPedt, THR CELERRATED ,- 1 • • 11AZI.'L DELL." .... ~ . ---......-.. C. F NORTON it CO. • , _ • 1 3 .1 NE X 71., T'" add other chutes , ...,-- ..., iI •9 XISTEHDiTAL,"......(IOODRIDGE It A.CDMR/Ell. ' , tXrEsT MoDNTAIN MALI . • LOUDERRY: • CCVBERLAND VEIN tuirmNon.i. ••• i •.- _ . • Free Horning Red , Ash, and Splendid Preparation. .. . . • • fit 0. 1 1,4 Manta. AL, Thileclossma„ . ' coLgETT c0iztz1w,...............0win, Long aCo . .- pale.' :.r 111 Ilroaderax, New Sort[; -. : - - 1, an. J ( ;01 Deane - titreeL tlogton. . MIDDLE CHF.EK eciA.l4Eity, .C. conieu, pield. . r -1.- , - .- i --- .;- - saaatoKfEk. • , • • • nee No. 3. - Pmit Itielosiotal. - , . • I:STUB:PRI:SF COLLI:U.RY, T. Ilannitgardner, Treat. , 11A. AS & B.RE NrZER , '..• .I...wit Mountain andLorberry. aboorla Schuylkill Canal, to all pUltits acs:y.xsdble by boats. - . • ' ' -. T-.• ' • • . ,• 021; IVahait..titieet, Philadelphist ' • :-,.. ' Miners and Shippers of . 00/ces: 'ill litro*lway New Tort.. ' i 27 ' 7 !°* 1141 n iece!, Rosana. . J. T. ArDENRIF.D, ' c.:F s NORTON. • . .., • 'rim sUPERIint , - • .. •• c RELI IA S. D.,NOItTO.N. ' ILAIOR L, • -...-- . - • Jan. I, l'o. • _ I URK ~ Y Rt..IN - • COAL , -:- -7.- -------- • • . :.- 4-, -- ______ • ..... , .„ . Pier NO:1 1, Pt. Dieltitiond." - _ , SNYDER & SHOEILUKER' „ -- )',, A Nil SOL:r AG ENPI•rOIt --. Lee. Grant & Cu.'s. Celebratedi , ' • - . -.„ - Shippers anAi DenlerS in •P - rt.-A N K R 1 11G E CO A L. . . • .. - • . ) &111 Walnut St. Phibuieln/11111. - C I Y GALE, .... - - .0121;1 , 011:•. SI Trinity building, New Turk. •_,.. . -, . .) 11 Doane St-. Boston: . • 'SOLI: .S.GENTS )'OIt 'CC W. ttitrara's .wELL a:wax . Fel) le, '7O i• _. . fit- . - - - - ._ --.--. _------ PINE. FOREST COAL S - • CASTNER, . TICKNEY & - WELLINGTON . -.; :-.- • Miners and Shippers of Coal. tn, WALNUT Sr., : tßTElsrrr Bru.outo. , Plin..koA. .. . I , !Caw Toast. '. • IsCRNSIDE, from their Butiodtle Cul. at Shamokin. ' 1.01 . 14 SNYDER. • 'X . :. B. SHOEMAKER. LEWIS Wk.:IN (Red Ash.) . ' . Jan I. '7O . : --4 ~., 1-ly . LOCUST MOUNTAIN I %cline ash.). ' ' - - - - ---- - ----t-'------ 3U Trinity Building. New Torii. Pler No. 13• Port Rirketiond. - • , • offices:. 203 Walnut Street. rhilaslelltlibt• i or.01to}: S. ttSPPLUER. N2.P. GORDON, H. P. It aPPLIILII. • . 20 Doane Street. ltostain. , • WILARE No. 6, roux lucilatoso, Piatt.s. i Jan. 1. '7O. . •' I- R EP PLIER, _,GORDON & CO., -.. _____________ ... . .. Pier 7, Port Ifictintond. • ' ' ' • ~. ! , MINERS AND SIMMERS or .--... • , HAMMETT, : NEILL . & CO, Locust 'Mountain,_ Mammoth Vein, Red Ash,:l t Nhip rs of Anthracite...t Bituminous . , , • . Lorberry, and . . " COA L . .., - ..i - TpWER CITY, LYKENS VALLEY COALS r . . (3.211) Walnut Street, Philadelphia. ; . . i Oilltat : -; 111 llroadwar. tßoomNo. 81 New York. '' AO ENT's tor the gale of the celebrated SH &NAN.i • i . 27 Doane Strerh (Room - N0.31, Roston. LioAICEITY, W 1130.1 N 3: - Nu EBELIi Locust. Moon- i march :M. 70 . 13. Lulu and Burnside Shamokin . ? . •t• ; /TN'------ -- ---,- - • . - .. w n A i--11 Coal. • ' - -- - .. . ~• , Alsu, SPORN and PEACH MOUNTAIN 10R DA Pier 14, Month. -- y. KELLER &.NUTTINGi: , . , . Red AF:ll..Coal. -- -• • • Minors:,. and 'Shippees, of Coal, .._ ~._. , .• . - wnsT LEHIGH anti:swoop. - • , . ..• 'FA tom Holioxp:N. ••.... - . . . r 1 A.MAQI)..%. SHAFT - i. • ~.. The best. vitrletles ut Lehigh and , Boylitn's CELE , ' lIEES'ESDALE,74' , ' ' •.. • . .i. ' bIiATED FA . XL LY COAL. - i .. ECKERT LLIIIIIERRY. • '' ' . . • . • ' . 0 • NORTIi FRANKLIN RED ASH, Also, Sole. Agent,' tit - the Eastern market for the . ' BLACK lIE.t.TH • - ..' Allautle an I il..lorge's Creek Co.'. celebrated SITU- ' ' • . BIG It lAX I ViST - MT., MINOUS COAL.. , , - - • OARRIZsON, GIRAIWVILLE. -__ . • ) 42' Km* . fit.. Boston. . . .4-1 - • -• - f Phriamphi.„ 24r Wainnt.Street, - . Otllees : -Room 04 Trinity Building, N. T. ' 7 wives-, New York, Itoomli. Trinity Dulbilarr. , - ) :317 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. . , . I Provide:rose, 47 Custom House Street, • - . •._ -I- •.-7• I Boston, 23 Doane StreeL ' - Pler..K. - . February 22, '0 , S-I y ; .-.. . • 1101tIlLt. ICELI.Eit & NUTTING. Pier No.'9„ Port itiennlolld. ' ..,, .. ' NA.;11TII - FILANK LIN .Wll ITK ii.SH. - . . JOHN R. WHITE & SON, -ph r 1121,119. 4 , ' ' . ,_ • - .1 . Shippert j of Coal, . • - . ub Nork... • ;;•:: : • -,-.- - . No. 316 WALNUT ST:, PHILADZLPHIA. • • - - - r.h.poits fur Storage and Sale of tea l s . wo. ttS.lxstiilit - irgt:. Jolt:* 11. H Ltted:NRETTr.L. "- No. 314 West Thirtesent Stnert. NeWork. ' C .Nu. 801 Third Avenue. 'New Vorlt. - ST •*'• • WM. HEISSENBUTTEL & CO •I lye** Wharf. No. MI , India Street, Providence.. , • 1 Colby's Wharf. Mt. Witslittiglou Avenue , near Shippers ;Ind Wholesale Dealers ID Federal Street, Bonbon. Jun. 1,170-1- ' . . pHANKLIN COAL OF. LYKENS VAL LE Y. Schuylkill, '. Lehigh. and Cumberland - - DEALERS •A PIE eAI*TIONEI) tied there are.' • ' C .- ', --‘_ -- S • .tarr l'imr Collieries win eh min, this Coil, all of - 1- 'VOIIIOII ore under 010 IllittiliZettlelit Of the IltPiCrtillZll. -- t.I. F.O: the year IsTo SS NNrl•Rsolc ,t ,•1,„ .., riiii.- - - TALl:cal' /WILDING. 11l BROADWAY-, .I,,,,cini 81, iieitinl'a, will he the only A2;ente tor it* ' , Ai, in Nair I'. 0. 110x.. - sd9, NEW YORK. •-, • tuslidel, New 'YpliC. NOV Jer,‘e3...0.114 South . 409 .1.•' sole Agents for New York and. VlCltilt, -. ..f0r lite . Ireiiry 111 11A1,1:-.1111( is., w CO., of .L . l;iiii.ttart• t".n• bit 'Sate of LEE GRANT wI 't i's PLAN K" RI litlF.; und ant :•r ps:1 1 11.: . Our Agents will'leal Dim' other (*.al, • 't it t ti`i & IIIeFNIZFP'STURKIF i. PUN CO AI). who teve- and parties wlshir,e;thi. Imre genuine artl- .: •' i . .-- '' ''' • ' . .'' - . 13 ,,• b. , mare t... 11. .0 tie must pinch reit of them. ire - IT thet of tl' is eautloti _ ...- ______ h.. simply to enable those intore,tei 1., buy under- DAVIDSON, YOUNG. & Co: ~ .. . The Atenla and .thetr assistants fur the iliove ' ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN pulnts,,are as follows: sINNICKst IN 4; rii., General . • ~ ' ..1 cents; 132Watindstreet, Philadelphia; their New i LOCUST MOUNTAIN`, mi)..moxru, LEHIGH, ' , fork Office Is at Room as, Trinity - buildings, Jost.' ti, CUMBERLAND; SCRANTON d: WILKESBARRE. ..mooDY,- Agent; asSlsled bc ELISHA MoSELEY, . . Agent. :CI. Slimmer street, ihitton. - •„. •-• • . - - r lIALL BROTHEIIs w (fir., ,t o ne Agents, a Post ' • --. C 0 A...lLa 1... i. • • . . . ,MMIn - r•P avetrue. Baltimore, ,A. 1.1.1 repre,ented at irar- . '. ,s ,stiUrst, -Pa., by JosEPIP-ti,tSTEIMIETT. O rders ROOM. No. Id, TRINITY BUILDING, NEW YORK. should be given to ell her of it's) above Dallied willies '.-: -- • vt . 31..21. DAVID:M:ON, fortnc4ly'Of Tyler W. Co. Cod to nu one eL.e.• W.2d..II.FOWLE, General Alona:4er NA3I'L B. YOUNG formerly 'ot eeld well. Gordon &Co . id" the SUMMIT . ..Branch-R. It. Co., the Short Mt. Coal 110 BERT K • Ill.TC)1A '. • co., 101 l the Ly Wens Valley Coal Co. .Jab. I, pO-4 j , ~.- -, • -_- • - . , • • 3. , )y . in a. . .. 1•/or No. ID Port Itiellinond.' ' • 7 - - ---.-- --- -- -,------' -7--- • N , S I NI CS.S ON . Ott ci,_ O ~ ...-•• . ~. .JOHNSON & HOBOKEN. DT: - - • . ~ . sole Agents fOr the Sale and Shipment °flies' . ,1 . - CO A 7.. - , ' - • • ut .,Franklin Coal, yof L kens Valle y ," 7AN WICRT I. PI & &ro Sc New En . gliinil; New York. New Jersey and South.. MINEU.S.AND SHIPPER* or THE - . -••"' i;1" Cam,ltenry.. Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" ( ehigh) Coils,- .. .... • ( tstf - .7-moont. Street , PlailadAphia.- '''Froth the Ehervahe and the Stout Collieries, near, oinecx : ...'. Ga'Trinlty Buliclinz, New Fork. iHadrian, Pa. -laltivereil. dirts•l from IllineN • 'Olt 31 Sionmer Street; Itadon. board Vtowels a t. Vt: JOHNSON, /1011CIKE.C . , x114.1:!..:EW . . , • JOSEi'LI (1. .i(feliri . ..../...gei11, IlnuNswics, N.. 1: • .J.,0. I, '79-1- - X. fr, Ito-c ,La•••, New ' York. " i 44 & 46 Trinity Building, , • " Otticesi - -. 11.4 Broadway, New York. ' , WALTER,. DONALDSON & -CO: , :. - -' riren v orary .B(.ll9l3rnedway. ) • ' May 16,''64 ' • • ~ • ' ' .mistms AND StlippEtts or .. , ,____ _ _.., ' . NVlll . 'l`lP3 ..A.N.11 I tI4 1 11) A;4l-I . ' CALDWI...:I4i t (ONAIIT •Az iiINTON,' .. . •• -- -.. ~ 'NO. 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. - „. . • ' ''C C) :AL - „.„. (it.ionts 35 and 36 Trinity ituildlng.) ... , t•i.'1.07`..-.St/I:NTS for the'r eiebtated • - ' ; ' •, witotEsAt.r. DIALERS 12- • .-. - TI - 1 ONfAS LEHIGH " COAL. ' I..Emon, WiLKEsIIAHRE, .. ._•. e, - .. . PIT.NToN, RED .tsit. ','i • • .. 1'::15 Walnut Street, Ph ltadt•lphia. - MARA:NOY, .srItANTON. orn. es : It) Trinity Lleillrlimr. New York.. • , ... LOCUST .111111.7NT.11N. ' .••• (19 Doan, Street, IDedon.' - • : eArstHEILAJANT ,- . BROAD Tor, I RII k :.:1 , - Pier II Port Richmond. . • .. s Ibtf . ..' .. _ . '. •-,'. 0 A- - CAIN 111 , i11A5 CX-1'...:. 311/RILIN HACKER. JESSE. 11, efilplE. " -- C - •- 9 . . CAIN, F Q CKFIR . & COOS ''SOLD; , • i .•: '' 1:•;(4 LEHIGH. COAL. THE PRIMROSE." TI1E • • rilllt•lnElt,4 Or ' • L . . \--- t .:' ' ..:... POWELTO'N SernblAttinitriona and other firits4ratu • f.sa'l'sff G A 1.;..,. I.OttsT Ali S'NT A IN, 1:3..'-i;:1.'../A. c o m„.l • . . . • /„.• '."- - ..." rw.vrii. _ , - - ;JAMES W; CALDWELL, C.IrTONANT, A 1.14, Ih;kI.F.I.V; IN trellKit F1R...-,T CAVALITq...SOF • ' .' ' AVALTEILWESTON. _ ,whi r 6 A n d. - 1.1, , , I A,..-•:11. ..C.:c.)als : . i PT") 4 1 . - -14 . Su. 214 Warfint Street. :Plilladelplita.• and - Wood. • - land D'harees,- Schuylkill River., -,i, O FFICE ' Or• THE NIAGARA ELEVAT, . . , . • .IOIIN-11. slit - V1:1 , 3V; • '.. .4, ING C0.,8 CtiMMERCIAL MARX, BC prAtAN. N. Y. . ••..,•: - .4nrir , pi.r. ..iNi, Ant: NT, • "./..: ' ' 1 : - . 'JAIL I. '711.: , -1 -. ' -.:'-',. sclutyllttll Mo. en. Pit. •7- - 'C 0A L. . COAL'. . - COAL. _.._., •'. • . - . 4.1.1; 10. Port nirloiiond... - e"." ... , THE NIAGARA ELEVATING' CO.. having a • . 'large surplus of Lot and Doatesp.-wm be prepared , LOVE - BOYER & GO': ~+4 „ the opcnlngof na_vlgut ion totemic*. Rom theErle, ' el. ri'llallway, r4inal,:or Lake., any quantity of "COAL for . -- :41 - IIPPERA -I IF' .' • - . • - storage or transhipment to any ;dupe East by L%inal Arithracite and . Situmumus .Coals. I eru.vs"Y the Lakes, upon ati feyorahle!ertrts p,l4._uni parties uffalo. Their lot- Is well located 'or • SOLE AGENTS TOII. i - ! general city Madness. ' I l • NI II EII LAND VE IN li IT 1. - M I Noi:s CO A 1., i , CYRL'S CI. ARK F., Vick-President. , . --- . (33.1 Walnut St., Plillailelpitils. - - ii March .ff, 'al • • . 13. 7 41 , 0 ales., -• 13.DAA,S,' St. !Dolton. . . , _. . ' •,' • I, 27 Custom leouse St., Prot idenee.... - ; .SclJuglitill - .fountij. . - ' Murat 5. Id . , . 19-1.,- " •....' I. Piet' 13 tio . rtlt l'ort-Itselim ....... . - ,'" l ii . A . , i‘ tE s . 3 .. coNN.,Ert, 'SONS, ~ I JOHN C. SCOTT & -" •.. . : . ifneritcul titipper of the Celebrated' . -. Miners and- Shippers of Coal. ~ ;LOCUST MOUNTAIN :COAL • . - stix - TWENT.VI , /s Tali bA1.1.: Or . ° i • • , ' A PE 14 *ILI - 11.E, LOCUST 310 TNT 'WhiteAlli Ash . .'POITSVII.LE, SCHC,YLKILL CO,PA. I " . ' . Ta i l 1,70. , . -,, - ••lIEN FIZANKi.IIN" Deep Red ,10611.,. - -, Per. l • - - • . ~, , oiti't'ne :Wile ve; Iv and Si 11111ar in nil resti.'•ets to' / • .._,.._ uilm.ington t . , • :.`, -----= -,.. --e.-- -, --- ---------- e thr LYE }-Nr: VALLEY C.ZI4 !..11.-13101(IN !telt .tott - ,)-PliaLADET:t.nrA—Niti..B2R 'Walnut St. 1 Itivitil : • BOSTON—No. 19 Doane St. 4, NEW V01:! , t —I 11 lir.uratlarny. , Chamber lain - ,t French,' ASeals• . • inn I . -- .1.1 . , - . 14 D AY,. HUDDEL &. 0 • , Miners &Shippirs of Caaf.. 1. , • 4 144 1 4 \v314,44t St., PhltadAptilsi. -, ' . 111 /01-444,1w.t.y, (Trl.tity Railditel, N. T. trl• Doane Street, 11,-).tu.n. . . -at- AK.::114 for he sale t;f.tht: fallowing orlrAstlited . . . _ I ° . "11A1/T.I.:1(711 I. lli I (fir. en.t . t., • 41 I rx.,)%y . . 4. , ;,,,t, I. rty.'s HICKORY AND DRAPER. . , 7... i'1i.U...4. 4.411.1. Ow - -1:X.4.•E1. ,, 1. wilt ~ '0.1.1. !C.O.:A SHAM OKIN COAL. - si t i eel s. o. w irA i„ „.: I 11..r.X0. I:i 1•t. Illelitn.,ll4l. - .„. , 4. 1!ior NO. 3 Ell nthethp'l,l447.4. illnEll MEM . . - Pful 111rlUnoAd . - JOHN' ROMMEL, JR:, &BROTH..ER, MOLE AuF.NT%' :%.• Fay utile:llli well A II 1 1 1111.).;11Sito 1 be. %appear 111.1Nilf 1:1,,1y. bulky frr.l.bundag Plat Ash. Ve:r4rat.mll 1).17.1i1EL VVER.4T.EB 1).4p Lt 0.1.1141 1:1/0.11)-4111. • SENE-1111TAINfir.I. k-.l.yalsys WING LIMIGH at`Eliza,bethurt.. 205 1 . 1 Walnut St., Plinsii.. 4.3ieet 'lloatie Street. n0t103.. titmen 53, Irriulty Itutistitsii, Nest Vork. Eli I. AG . S3r—S.t.Mt - EL F. , lCCUl 7 ,so.tistell by rW!...: ar! ' Itlarell-13, lANDVSENT3ROTHER&C(I; 31;ni.rs anit . tihipperi of •C *0 A_ _4 S • . tossimetf's Iphlob. , Lorust Ilissataht. Longd-li* '„. • tilikeeharre, I.ehlet t stud other . WHITE AND RED :ASH .._COALS: (Pt. ftlefititond ei . t.N..i.W1143tV61:1 ElPs.a!xit h port, • • • h•twe+pt`lty. f • Wthaut Street, i'illindetplim. - Broadway, New 'Yurk.. t i INxinti Kr— iireyon. 1,70!--4 7 :, boyEY. • [WM,. ICE-% CM. • DOVPY & Kj,Nl3ltlaK, • and !Shipper!. "at the Cadi!..rated Shaft for liainbo . w.',nd Keystone COALS. . _ • ' Z . Wharf No: !t Part Itlthnisnd. • -- Donk Ste Pottsville—Centre Street. • (liftt.ts:S Unoton—No. 17 Doane Se., Jgbf! M. W.l l Agent. • (W stlilngtan; . —llenry .% eianierjeZ, _, • . 11-11 , . , i s . , . . _ • .. .. • . _ . _ , ... • . . .. .. . , .. . . . .... _ _ . _ .... . -...... 1w -,........„........., .. . . . . . , • ~ —........ . . • ss. , , .:.4-' i ,•'' - - '.. --. ' ' ~. . . •. , - „ .. . • . . -7 7 - , ‘ , -...-- -,--, f :. ` 4.-s` ' - . 4 1. -- .=••--_-__- - -,-,- . 4 , 1 .- ...=.*••••=: .... -i- . 1.. , ~-::::. t . , - , i.: . .'.'; . f- •-,, . :. - 1,:',..- . _ , •_,. ~.. '.--. :_, ;:, i• . . .." L:: .... ..: . 1 ~,.-,. ' - _-,., -s-: . ;,. l' . • ~ .1, ~: 1 ,1 i , ; :i 7f ~.-:-, ( .1 ' , •,_- ... f .: - ::1 - fic; .. , _._ i - ' - - 1 • - •-•:-.---, .- . ........., t s 4. , . • • . . . ..._ , . • • . . . , . . ' . f I r • ' . . • . 1 4 1 ...... ' „ ''''—' '• , ...• , •- , 4 '} :' .. ' ;.e- .-.:, . • '..,'. i. . • ?.... ....;.--..- .• '', ‘ ,.. .5 . C ., .... ' ' : '',.. -.4 .: -• . '', , , .. 7__ . , • • • _'. . ...• „ ••• • , - Airi. ' •,, iriti -. , .4 -' -. .P .... , :., : - . i.. ~., ~.' .it 1,.... --.. itai o- :*. A - `, .. . ,7" 4": ". . • - . .._ • i ~___.• _ .... ~.... .... .. , ......„-...,.......„.._ .. . , ..., .. . , .... . „..i., , at it 4 ,u„'"•-*.li -.Nitb....,,,.. . -.! • •-•--- ..,,,, ': -. 1,._--.': , - .-, •-.: - . _ '- ---. ' 7 % .. .:Z. , ,,A - .:-,',.-:••.'.• i i .... 414412- , '%;"----.:, ;;.-;:,..,:-::;*'-'-',-: . ~' 1 ''''' •Itin _ -: , . ~, 1 , ."-, ' ,f_ -,' -- - , 7. . "21,, ,. . ,::. • -__, .. _._ i ' ~ ~.• '• ' Ai 4 , '''4U ' .-- :.;.--. ' . .: : .-7:.. ~.......,,___....,...............1 _ ,,,.._ .... /e . . . -- "emillialme r - . -'-'7 - -Z,SI ' - „.. e. .. •• •• ==.•A,47 , ~ - - / / - ' - . • - • . . ‘ 2 .. / At -....., -...a... ....„,s- - -..'- - . , , . . , i ce - ' , . - • - i' . ' ' • . • -,. .: ,- - - - . ..Z.Z.... -: . ... IL. • 1 . ..j,tra":•_ _.• ~. ," . . •• " - - . . . , = -- -- , - -- -:- - -4,_ .., _ ~,_.. • „,-, 1 . i ~_____- • , . . . . . , / . • l'"`""" 11.3 " 4 • 1 • 111 ° • ' ft Coagralls• 12 Ur- Year Ira. kr liaaaalid Estasity bt the Cleft% 91113.111.6 Dittriat Onet stiltalliillsdeiallistbs tllBlll,misittallot et Peattialvult. , 4 111 k t. . . ,=. ...._____ 7 • POTT'S .1 ._ OFFICE OP THE ./LOCANAfiIUE COAL COI4PA,NE,, .:;;0. 500 tus.t- 5 , 12 Fruitt it., 'W1L311.7.44T0N; DELAWARE. . , . . . - . t •Wr'itre. , tihw rreparrfi tii , fitrnhat the TrtiklP. Dal en. rind Consumers with tan. . . 'Celebrated Cos], 'tlio "-! Mocanactup,"‘ 1, • I And ilia. e Interested will find It to their advantagei i nod eeaionty to consult thtscinnputy before uniklng tilAr yearly rout nude . or etagogrni; cargoes. Shipping point, for the Western ittArket, Erie. rtouthern do 11as - redo Grace. , II p....deen do Wilmington. N. 13.—Alen, the Clover 11111 R•di Road and.Bit,u !Mount's Coal co.', milli; for the manufacture "of I 117 candles f. yield); c ke first quality mini ',percentage of May , ' • AST FRANKLIN LORBERRY. VEIN COAL. TA" EAST P t EANTZLIN LORI COAL 1 , / now took! exclmv rely by 3,lemstit. ooltooN & who pr.' mr -tole Agents. Parties' Ordering; from UP.III mits phenyl.' depend upon qrt ting I pure article. (No. /el/ 1% Cant tit.. Palladelphla. OFFICI:*:' No. 11r K.Nwidway. Itex,mg, New York. Roma:;; Snatim.. . 'Jim 1. y HENRY 1lEII;. A. 3011'S A. .110EBIAVON- SONs; , • TRENTCLi, 37. ' • Far Bhlp Rigaing; • . ,Nospenslon Bridges. Ferries. bl mid (Mrs ; on Pertieks. Cranes sni nheary Elevators, , LARUE 3TPUK OF WIRE ItOPECONSTJOITLY 01% . HAND. . - -•• • • . • . . *. . • - Orders filled irlih Dispatch. . . . 7F.tt strength; size and cost, s circulars, crliicli -will be sent on nonlicatirol., Aug.., 411.-31-ly - • Wz4o.p.„ - , • . . 4 ' 4-- — 0')1 EVERY DEsCs[Pl'fo*i FOIE Nines,. Planes, Stays, Bridgesi ac., ItEllrgrA LITY and at LOWEST RATEIt.' .Pawar TranAralsalon by Wire now. .rlaas prepared and ow' tr,e Is 4 ' Ilmt.AN , t , al and 110 littOADWAY, 2Cevr Vor. .-341Y . 23, •:. • [otamia wao Aaasioicoba .witb any chronic din:atty. should without - eloy write for Dr. 'll4tmg.Toat's New Tresttskeent , twee to tow Oddosso. LW.NIDAfft HAMILTONiM. D„Nr. York City; P. O. Box ifits:. Wt-211;*211.721vit gortitag k OW Reps: k. EMI WI 144 . . It;i1.; - .. Z f ...... .. . ,C--- . ... 'A. • 'e.- t - -V vo : . , NIBNBFACTURED BY plii!abettrilia t Whitney,McChiary '4V:::.Xemmerar,g Upper Lehigh and other Firit Class - LEHIGH & WYOMING COALS. otn“•—l24 Walnut,Streee. (Setniid PHILADET PHIA WHIT:: EV. G n V. )11.,1 4 ..KErmn:RErt Retri In,':l = 374 m EMEM==ill THO=MAS C. PARRISH, - *RIMS LID DIALER Lehigh, Schuylkill sod Bituminous •C ,Ci A. . tronsignments on CoinittLision Solicited All.l taken oh favorable Terms. • , . . Off3ee=34l Wainnt Philadelphia. may, I, la. • -7, 114-Iy. LEWIS ~&.- Itrszon ounirr.sui. orTkre CELEURATED CAitBRIAt4IOaUSTIOUNTA IN • • C . O A• • ; • Other lO ti WaltOlt S June 1,'70 vi AG GER BOLA/111;122 CENT-BEST:C BELow AltElucAx Hurt' .doers - AAA Hapunow opened a nttw Stork of F-NLL aC WINTEIt thxxli suitable fuetth- pt' ,ent seagull, much as BLACK SILK. vONTER: CLOTIT. COP.SETS, keItINGE.I4, TRIMMINOS; NOTIONS, &c. • fins on liondn new it ut of • . . . . FALL . AND WINTER SA I'QUES. whi c h will be so hl cheap for cash. Ladles Cloalp made to order. tiew Patterns just reeelvegl. - Oct. 30. 'OO-14 ADIES. SUITS! I.,Abmsurrs r • latil:42:_4t. :Sty es. -for Fall l 1F370, In greater variety tl an can be firand elsewhere. ag we rankle It u special y. • LAD] S' CLOAKS, In every variety of lot hi. AIN% Astrachan Fur and Seal Skin ; For CI ks, with Muffs; de., to match. RUCK SI S FOIL DRM'SM Ti_, rei'v heat g t* at thus very Pnrest prlees : A eholce Fiascalttnent at mtxlerate r. tT -tvv. rt A 7 aI:M. It K.S.BLy /AM' =I • . •-• No. WO I'HESTNUT STREET • duns! c Contilii.ntat Hotel. • , A :1)S1 SOrTII ?NINTH STREET , ,ADELPHIA. 1:,„ '76.12-3m _ - ./.11 W FALL . .11001)S! - • • 110 NH OLL A DAY k 6). . Ft.l.t. 1870. IA I r . 1 ts. pot get 'tom. :or the, prer.entiSel...ma -A. It V., -1NT.(41.‘" (' I(); 17.11... I' i..., :1;E 'l' }l." . ' ';',::7- 1 ' .• '''' - ri ft Notw itlo!t ntlin • the'grent tiltileulti44: - leoni•egnent nti the Ett peLlll •4 - ar t 9 obtallti .rh(!ire . krettep. 1..41, brtex for 14 (r Fall our onle vatrly loris t ber of ‘ a • • I ~ 6 3 Wl` NO deal, 214.0 rt ti en t In grel HE the late, `l[\G cC)::%11-.1s AV A TrAil Av It will be lbat mble texture 4 in tbrite an ' 1 w411;le to replent.mll out ronst this trtatket,we'would rim.isfrtfitlY . r.......A. it I. • . I.N 1.4 P .I , IIC "1" ! 4 0....N . ' . , ' )3 - CK SILKS , ..:- . - of known in:. - e.. - €7.. In • itli Prtees atl,l , lqmiitip , '' 4.. 7' ' - ..'s )IjIITE SILKSHA NIPSVPINS FOR Wlcily.l"i!:4. -.T. ~.,.. C lA)RED Salts_ in ,v 7 r,i: quo - 111'3 i --St Wel 44 WS, ?M} ale TVOYA cosy la all Itie newe NI ylem and fal.rieN. OLIR 1 N :DEPARTMENT ' - :'. • --^ very varfrty of texturo .tiltalpfr,p,r motirtlittieweli • (Dr elier'Y 40th ;in I tiTscy n 01• agid Mvlejiotli for 'warmth and .s.c• nit sty:R..4lot Fall dr61.5. - • • •. • • 410 Of the'wnriity of de ,it slot If - continue t, tkell ur sto,k n • ER A T,E A RYA N E; we al ruble gtxmbt, b EEO 14 fliesfnut ;Rivet, - . 141 . 2. and G 8:41415 - c t THE FASHIGNA FILE woithri., l'::siTt3 flte MRM. M. A. hrxiwn, For. Eleventk & Chestnut Mt.., I' kiln Ili TILE PALI. Nil W 1 NTEII Cdr lalla, Wholt*.ale an Retail, wbLh Parise I P l ° /lt:fi rl ot n tn il tti - tif:s - cliiem ". ' aupply. Dreamt*. :Ilan les, Chinks itistCmtunsess for Latitem and Children: • A- mpeelal deprtnient of plain and elegantly trim ned pattern*, of the latest l'arislan ..tat " English tylem. at Al per-tinzen.. I( - titi want. It r handsomely Ailing, a - CU-made exalt, at *short no. 'lto% go to Mit BITSUXICA tor taxtefut I rimming?, and &Amy mt Bela :don int ng, Tool,' Intt and We 'ding outtitss.Walkt g and }quick CAlhittnine.i. • 1 4 DR114. 4 1 & CLebAt: TRIM3111:511124. DI'TTM.M. ORICAMEN is conaprintnif th iateat Parisi nbreltitla Jo black and %4 et:do:mod' Erin gimps , Ituelies,• Loops, . Flowers, Gloves, Brida maim, Vella, Itilsbaua„ new, stualea In .Velvet, Matt t and Taffeta Ribbons. flasher, Necics -1 4 ties. Mans Ur .A('E (.:c01M..4-01/.l.2gloPernr..KELAtse. roe Bonsai Tat also. Pointe ,Appltque. Valenelen nem, llnntburg Echflogm and inmerflotim. Black Guip ure-and Threat faces,•new in design' and Inederate 111 price. CHOI `I: INDIAN OWNA/111:NTsi. Faill; Blots, Mans, COsid n , - Moucholra,camest and Fancy' Good*, aelected-hv Mr*. Binder at .Ntagarn. Elmant line ,sf wrathy. jet Gkaosli, In setts. Breastpin+, Earring's, Neekhiceti :andß m racele , Splendid line of French i Jet . Goodm, Cs al and French Gold Kelm; elmrimi, fldeeve Button , Chm Ins. Ac... widen for price or varie ty In Style, ca nut be NU epamead.s. Stranaens vial, Ing our city are relopectftilly issvited to examine.. ~ 84-Pinking and Gana:sr:lv. Cutting and Fitting. Also, a perfect mvatein of Drams,. efittlit4 taught. Pat. tenotment, 1101 ail Or eXpremm 101111 parts of tholl„ , nlqm. 1 - MIN. 1f...5. uINDEirm. PVCII th And Chesith , itaits., Pit ILA 1. 4 A. ;M . , , . , . 'irowpur as Nr. FA*UI4):V4 N. W. No. 1 Oct I. Etm NEW GO SHEPPA • VAND' HARLINGEN & ~. ... . +ORISON: •i- - +‘ Chestnut Street, Pialviliu; 1 1 , • • 'n ity lie the n cleat lon of buyers to th eir / It t 1 1.. ,, orte!l.toek oi ' t -, • ES co. 1.00 tatlrrittia will W :000 DS, E whlell. 1 Imported DI LlN)u .!flier ec:. or POrchased .for Caah,• Ht VOry Losi Pric'ez. • }solu~icar•~~x yltin in, and a Tong eYpi•iioner In, our ik4 J.INF7s..; GOODS, . ! - , I kußsxsitrica PRY "(. 1 0(?riA.. • AIN 4 „ (I. 7 RT.I.I;II:3IATEMIAL,•tr, ot4 s clodoinent matri'advAntagor ; ..ahrre. ):vt;ry Iteverlp:lfln oett-: of. • .• • SPECIAL' LI NI •}I6.E :fru; • Enible - not • afforded ."4. NEW :MAEDA I MARKEILL . • Irt.j.NNELS. •ri ETI NG-. • DOYLIES, V • TOWEL...A, 11 TABLE VIA) • LINEN SHE: 'TABLE and .13IEITIES let RNITUR • VICENITUR TM LET (X. 0.• LINEN E . DA MARKS, riATIN rin - e • TERRYIkIt • LACE CT ...L0()P14. WIN 1 • Oct •I. I +$ LILTS; CMINTERP.v.V BLA NKETI4, rsLT NA. • . NAPKINS, LI:IT Riff - LIP - A. TABLE LINEN+, WELINGA. TRAY It•LoTHs, lIK. 4)1MJII.INIoN Cif..OTHK,- MOS. TABLE cOYERUNGs. I A NO (AV BTA ND (IMF:ILS, • ETOINNES, , COVER! Nog. _ - 9, CRUZ fiCILTB. - (*VEILING: I ., MoREF.Nri. ILK CURTA I N MATERIAL. • EN Es, BROCATELL ES MATI PLUmHENote. ,• • Nl4, CORN WEB, TABS - Ls. W BIIADE4, Se. • =MR •ordersylet WDER eau be tenet the efliee, 17* th - RODEit? IL Bld/ITII • ' a* with TOII7 Esq.. at th e p ont ro lvanis d will be promptly attended to. • I.tie"n 4 l TRUMAN ,UZ.Na co. • TSDIAN P • thesboTe Centro Ktn'et, WALLACE P. .leAttonal Bank. June 2.'70-1 . . . • Atk -or lik i* . - ETTICSEW A NT API! tr if . LAji . Ota•DER BRAVE ouid CHEW SUP, PORTER. • :Co truism:m*l , Am armai; 'Perfect mg_ • lost atabettptitipts t SO North Seventh M. I t below A :....,_ Pie fa.% Trummt, itttotterters Monte Miti • "" Tru es:. *a ` batty tit toolatt.: 1.. ili ,zt , . iiiir Wm.. - -,., .. . 2111/. . . LKINS, P f httadetpbbs. r 63-1), Pro (Soolis. . . , v Ende,-we ate nnbied by , pbul:t n lid throngliskur extensive .of 1 nee , I . .. ,d7e.r nu unusually Ittrge,ptm... W FABRICS, partienlara.ttrntlon to 0111,111.4 , Th t vArlety of texttires of . • , , .• l EW CLOTH COLORS; • MMEI SHAWLS.: '-, NOTICE. LE,; SATUkDAY MO&NJNG, NOVEMBER ig: . . 0 5... . . • — 777 Cr.its. Etraltr,.Porptvit.t.E; + • - TM" writ known and popular Hotel, hit. newt hely renovated and refurnlahed„ lx now open for nent and tratudentbordera. June 7,lo—vf/lwn. WARDLE *SON. Proprietors. fumber. UMBER TO ENDERTA K IKR1) AND CHAIE.SIA EDS. We bare on hand n large lot of mooned 1 ;4; OVAL PFIN BO attErs and POPLAR CHAIR and MET ' PLANE. The above is beat nnalltv of IN IA:tiA LUMBER. HOAK a ItAIMENMEMIf. • Wan. '704141 nor. 4th & Sta..ilteadlng, Pa. itanimits LITALBLB: 100,0110 FEET OF WE'iTER* I.I3IfTER *loam & reAuruc*iir:rii-1. Corner fth and spruee Sig, Ileit'fling, Po IWe keep conatantly 4)n hand Michigan Panel, in ana Walnut. Poplar Chair Plauk.'Ni Pop:ar, and h Lumber, all be/mined. The Walnut rune Imo) . : to.:ti inehe% wide and all A hickneases, and the ::, I' pier Dim 11 to:tt inebea wide. The quality of the ntim: and Poplar cannot be knew:me / 11n any-mar t, and we are aelling lower than the city market. I partly* In want of fir - kind+ of Lumber would well to call at examine taw sttaik, ,Os iii; l'O , t i / /LL . - -- - ----, -,.,-. F. 8.88 RG STEAM SAW AND PLAITING .MILLS, N. C. FRE CK &CO.'. ~ ... m.usrrAcrtAtatt4 .utn nr..iLES rt . , . . . . . . . . , . . /".,:. D .... .._... 8 , . 1..., M-1 ra ,' -,...-- , ;• , '-....7.- \' t 1:.11 .. AU 'Kinds 61 !WV Ti tither o+!e to Orttel. sic . Lumber. lloarcbt, Plank, Lath,•Strinplug plau - gips, Floorlnk. Siding, 14. h, 1t001.., -. . I , . 31ordtlitiz.. .: • I, 1: Inds of Itnnutacttu int( ',quitter; eouf•tanCy • • on liana: "bite Pine,_ IFletnioel: and Oak Ilonrdo. but any !Atli.i Our Milk are.7o miles tvelose V illiantsral, m u saving of s*..! Zij toSeglit per Ilea feet. -, (miens d promptly. Prik*list luriLisiwillin applient ion. .. fly P. '7n , . . • -- ' . -213-6 mo I Yet s4le anb io grt. . s . I .., Ift SAL?;.—.l—.l now mid tliNt-c::t.s TOPSY BUJ -4.7 Y. Tertnx reto:onnble. Apply to 1 • . Ity.7. '7l:-I! , -t I' WSI. K. NM Int .1:0ICen tre St. . • R RENT.—TaI, i inici4i i II Itil.s.ero. intice Itu I 1..1-i lug, corner Second. and Ilattantottga Street,'. ,ply to IitENRY V. RI:K.9U.. [Leal Ei.tate Agent f align t ongast rtet . ' . •.. • , larch 13-11•'", . . - .)119 RENT.—srtium Icoog with 41wellititt.at duelled, Itillioturimin'ii Itow, on "Market atreet, iivt , Cebtre. r oAnr.sltin qiveti Immediately, For Ilk apply lo -,...1' 1.. . TIIOFsON. ly 39, '7v-31- t l'' ' C:d , , I ; • a 13 6 6,Lx-T WO Li Mt•l,fa - ine enrner oi jdoid and 11'...,..t k trrets, In Shenundoalt, ,•Ii: It It Iu o bit.)l • l;./4 of lininaN4 on It, In - si wood 'bald netts !cmII iy. rofl part iollialS, :ittpiy 011 the pretolweis tir.by non to .1 • 011.1 . : IDA 71S, I'. (I. 1 ' t0.).• t'. et 11;NAND0.11(. , CITT,.PI/.. ,'• -'' NOV. 12; . ;O:41.;. , 110. • 7 -' II BALI; OR :Po LET.—.I Piece lil - •ontatlnlnti alkn'tt 3/ ACRES, with law blinding...-. at In Wu - midi rig Run Valley, tn . :, ' nitles,froin 4.1111y,'.;,, 4 1p113* to _ • , Jr, 4„ WALliElt, on * tli pfenil.r... • . • il l .l Si..7d-ii-51ti . . ijiCf*bliic.ti liiiiiiiiiciiii al . , • . .- • Foil •SAI.E. OR, Tn 1 .E.tm F. ' Ttlf, Kilituilk 111 Ilavemlflreet Iron Worki. are offer.- f , 1f ,r mili• ,i wort Leir orlgituil ~ o rosto'n I I I be leassAl r term of years to responsible parties. For teroks:' , ly Co CH A RI.Ks Vi11.T1144-"T„Trte.fce. tim 22. '76—ti—t 1 • ' , .Seliii:T-1:111-11a% en. - - -- - , •Ii SALE.-1 Ittli Breaker !tolls, aliln,rrlth Iced lutes. &e.; H ft..hoisting.drunt; 1 ft.-Inert-en:2l ft.•.! • counter sert.cus, Wilde guttsb, abate hors, dust tuck and plate, and it lot of 1111111 - 1 itinchlnery ;" I be :sold cheap. Apply ut .1141LN rt.' ('rail Yard • ne 4, '73-21 wool • . bal St„ Pottsville • It LEASE.—TheAlluntSle tract of Coed land known Rohl; 24•Whiehrener Tract, late ; b ,sltuateditr..lllytite and Schuylkill Townships, acres, Is offered for lease,l rrats , ,onatitte terms: Apply to it - F. R. - 11.13::.:21.N. Agent, eh 27: TAD. fi-tf ; Pottsville or fort Curtiori.: I.I3.S . T.CLASE, COLLIERY FOR SALF.-0, - . Colliery for salv e witlt. lease for is 'es, on 80.. Ntannuoth and other 'veins, now ulkip-,i 1.4 from to Ito ear- of coal per day' Coal of Ibk•s4 Illy al Ways lit demand ibt highest market _ . rut tovrllrm eloodie of the undersigned. • ' • '- fIIANEC CARTER,- 1 • Enbiliteer and It( al t;state Agent A bby 12. • l'ottsvt4lb,