The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, November 12, 1870, Image 3

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Allure' 'outwit.
' RATES • 'v• , - LNG. •- •
- .• SPACE. I 81 .2.- L I ilk IWI
1. eriorzo'cyrtoolo or Im o ) ioo soo 3101.5al toms to
2 Mums. ((ono Incha . . .I,OO4COISD I FS OD few en
13 SO SOD SO 120 24 42) 21 W
: guar., . .
LPFLA.SETICAL 1110331.A.L NOTlClngrate')
cans a Una; each mabarquani tawnier' 30 cents a ,
I an ern tasartke; each subsequent ha cort erhealoe. pe cents it
r line.
orNICILLIAtOTICICIL—Thfrd Page. le ants a line . eras
Iwiertlont; each sotawown twartlon IS cents per Wilt.
MARRIAIIZ NarlaClL-211 cents each.
ruNract NOTlCES—Accompaaytng Desiba,4or two
Z mac Grob iketatticoud Uwe 10 cetite:
would advise our readers, particularly
the ladies, to read our New York letter . in
- this morning's issue. It Mat all, in ter
, eiting, and we are pieased to knirikthat con
siderable interest is manifested taknchi who
- our correspondent Is. We are edtt&fed pretty
thoroughly in the art of keeping secrets, but
we can say without • any serious breach of
confidence that the writer Is one of acknow
ledged ability;th : it is In truth our alm - to se
~t ribu tors to ou r 0311.1 w ns.
. .
• MR. H. EN: RY' lIIMIN, recently elected Pre-
I t
sill li,t of the Philadelphia Common Council,
w honored with a serenade on Tuesday
e ening.
THE TOTALNALVE of property hiTaris, ek
e i
elusive of the public,bulldhigs, works of art,
4:; , .., la 1,600,000,000. And the French 'people
will j
__mirky; much of this by maintaining
a position - rendering it . necessary.. for the
Prussians to bombard tbe' city. What folly !
What mildness r _ . -
. .
THE new public buildings commission .of
Philadelphia, has held a meeting and l,•►s-sd
u'resolution that. thC new tkructure shall 'be
a unitary buildingoccupyini the, i ntersection
of Broad and Market streets, with an uve. 7
nue one hundred and Oily feet wide all
'around it. It is stated thit the public is int
. patient to seethe work begun, and there iki a
.stiong preTa m sure to have the first story up be
fore the dedicatiob. of-the new Masonic 'Am
ple, which will take( plaCe in .1871.
eiaes.—A peculiarand important fcature
developZ4l by the Republicati institutions of
America was made the' subject of - comment
by Mr. Hughes In his recent,-this
(imit*. In Speaking of the public institu
. dons here, the fruits of the liberality .
ing citizens,' ho took occasion to exphd it Why
such a grand feature of ourC social lite.vitia so.
rarely witnessed in monarchical England:
With rare exceptions, when a men has
acquired in the old country a Ittrgle sum of
:money for which he -has no' need, and
stands in the front_ rank cif the millienatres,'
his great desire- l is to became, a member of
the titled class. 'He leaves the city- and
e itabiishesthiinself in the country. He builds
a large mansion,lays out a fine park, at the
sacrifice probably of two or three comfortable
farms, 'and endeavors to 'become a country
"big bag."
. If he be a •man, of superior in
telligence, and can get into Parliament, and
thus make himself useful to the Ministry,
or Worth being mollified, he may secure the
coveted title. Mani, however,' come short
in all their, ettethpts to enter the charmed
aristocratic circle, and even Mail to -get kite
what is called "count** Jmciety,', which
IS composed of the old Untitled land ownirs,
than whore there is not a more, exclusive
class of people in the worlit... But the money
!is thus' tled up, and if- the first-generation
fails in:his gtiand object, he
. Xtas. laid the
foundation of aYamlly, and the nextgenera
tion may be more successful in securing the•
c iVeted prize. There being no titled class
i country, nor even a law of primogera:•
t tire:to encourage even the growth of
prktocmcy,the desire for promhicncy
takes/a .'-.±rent and much better course for
gratification. To becomeconspicuou..4is the
benefactor of his natiye state, or cif thecoan
ry, generallY, take: the -place of the seltiAli
sounie of the old word PlUtus; and- coopt.r
I ii , t it uts:: , , Cornell LlON'ersities, and 4 ira.rd
t eges rise to spread their beneficent influ
ences throughout the whole land. Thus the
one form of. Government lends to contract
and destroy.: the . public -spirit-4 . f
while the other encourages a n d tlevelopii it,
and the wealth accumulated by. lion*, un
t I ing intimitry is devoted to betiefltt
whole commonwealth, instead of sitpffiy in
•ct ng the iniportituce or itijew-fanrakli
ime ti
upon th;A:ziyal Alarrtai4e Aet t':
I!, a Ith mat - I,e !mute, svent4
.Loa that:the-set titmit he amended at a
.The only- ile.cenitunts% Of ttoorire
I I;-,..•%,•;iipt. frotailie Aet are "th;e_i:,,ssne
who may,have married, or may hereafter
ntarri - into tim , •itzti families." 'Therefore the
,midren (if the i'rown Princees of Prussia, of
• the Prince-ei.l•inis of Hesse, of Princess (prig
tiad or Sehleswig-IlOlstein, and of. the - PrincrA
Te.-k will fie . e7tein: t from . the Act. Itut
• Margot , " of I.lrite cannot be held to be a mem- .
her of a foree.rn family, it would seem that -the
I.7stie of his Marriage * With the Prini‘ess•Ljnise
• to the Act. unit that the Crown
,h v, 'old,* the right to dictate,
wi.dies a•troatty inittrimotdulallianee sought
Is , formed the CamplielL ~ The
s It t(itst.. Parliament Will strowits
Koval of the marriage "by voting the Prinres.os
. I trge a .M4l' twr the more so as the
• a'hatiec trill itijury to the Nlar-'
It a rgnr ofi.ier'es 'the limmr:WARD
t., th it Ow people; Lein; “the most
• mut. i-onahle -in the NVOI rieeiileilly ate
the iii twit, uerer after allow Lord
1. W M ' to - Ilisapptoirstinent
hereaner, - ••••••,.‘• theyiee-raK
aity, woota.l4.lttstatitly tlenolinet!tl na tt.",*('ourt
jeh. '
,y • i ‘eature to believe that that Xvotthl
eatirely tipoil the qualitieatious of the
Mapplis Uwe.. ye,trs lie hat been in l'ar
li.titielt he 113,4,eeapieti the si tent position 'most,
protinsin4 ytain,.; Inerttlaer,, In our opinion,
wil:,ll:tve equal epportunitite, for a brilllant
eareer ,04 the: ai..4 he
iv,•ll Id othenv, : l,e tiii e ' liar!—pt•rhaps greater ;
And. it; the litL iui Vitieroyalty point lit% view the
the rank xv , tticl unquestionattly be a strong re-
other qualiffeitthins iteeortled.
llisktioe: (II it members of the Itilyal Fninily
must he. die.: I+ :i great inistake, and the
Vrtjti.tioe, exists against interfere: we in
113:1“11/ . . :tttrirs liv 2, foreign prince prince
who lief. ,:ites allied a the Royal- Family will
ti.!t in the ea:e of the son of the Duke
AN IN rEttYlEw 'wfrn• TUE Emelt:l*N Eim
A lady who has visited the Etapresi.4
v. rites : '-"The Empress'. was, contrary; to • try-,
e x iewtat 2' looking well. and rheerful.—'
Itereotiyersatiou about France washopeful,—
Stu, 'evidently b3lie‘'es that the majority of the
Vrenolt peoine Iglok upon her ' husband: tug their
hiivtul ruler. - The , Empress loves France' more
.than she loves power, and any one who will aid •
In saving. France from Prussia she looks upon
us her friend. anti she will never be found'plot
. titig against hiM, tie he 1 niperfaliat,olimblll
,,,.in. Her Majesty was dre„ssed in. a 'brown
Walking eostutoo. . The ppttieoat wuw of brown
silk, trimmed with. three Ilotincess e at.„
whirl) she wore a tunic and jacket of
hrowit:tnerinopf the finest texture..: The tunic
wan itiliumedith-.--flounces of silk of the same
shade; -thejaCket, like the petticoat, was.trinint
• ed with velvet. - It was a .simple little jacket,
fitting Itor lovely shouldeas most perfectly.
stashed at the sides and. back, and • trimmed all
T , rionsd with one row of velvet, ribbon 11 in,4l
wide. At the wrists Were deep4pOinted coifs,
with tittle • oil buttons extendiug from the bet
. l ona the sleeve to the. pdint or the .cull' ; aita.
• at the *leek me : - .1111111 velvet collar. This ,tuttic
Was very full, and was lqpped up most gleAtT(lll
- Around her neck Alio waren white tie. wl H
a large bas •in front. It. vas trininusl. with
Rttlasels 'Ace- xloves-were
• at thewristn, of a light buticolor. Reit sun um
brella was of the write shade of buff IlilZxi with.
green silk. She Woreu small Mae!: straw hat;
bound around the brim with black silk. 'The
- brim was narrow and drooping. int 'the jai
side was a large black bow. wits of
black thread lace. In her right band sheitar
ried a Substantial brown wood - - ttaps. , or which
she Made good use as a walking stick. - She
Wore no jewelry of any kind. The ladies of
I ler Majesty's suite wore black haWeimilai to.
that of the knipretea;, . They all "wore )potty
..oabywith tunics and jackets of isOpiesither
ierial. Some"Of them carried - canen like 'the
Empress, andlhose who did nut cairiedthe stn- ,brellas as tacit. • The gentlemen wore' ark grey
trowserm, black coats, and romul-toed. boots.— •
• The Empressr-walked, first; with one of the
gentlentee, and 1w others fothilved by von
• ‘ON . I,Ni EIWEA Vi nis tend-to rel itoi 1u ge all
new and rare oldt , ettiv, and thue. titoxitriezt
Übe' ate become tile neeeMitlesorthe next:,
ehlimieye - belong now to every
bat .Queen Iles hereelf,ewept her
•ientiiiied 'truing over rush-strewn fitioris•unit
onee tont blinking in the. smoke
flail curled along the rafters - vritli ntkelianee
The l iotato u ie'tlrstit to tie stared
at its 'ettrio - tei.tuber from South Anteriexti
. teiv,wait . iiipp&ti at great entertain.'
iiietito•tivo hundred yeast ago, as, the rarest
eos:liest of drinks. We rem that
• and pinisfiiail their tiny of value: .n ten
. .ed`iTl Old It tiuseii te liour-bonktislos teima
• ikiwn wo4.lea
. pegN, and eintsitirf that
pin -looney iwaint.the•grenter part ui
- • -
oilthe toilet • •'' • '`; .•'
—Ltil Rosa wee frequently *shed in
land if all the people In .Chicago are blink.
Zhe -Gloat 115rabc.
.ThigiOahtity sent, by Rail fob -the vie( k
.101,17i4; Eltnil I.soBo-; theiirook: 129;248
tratt,agai oat 12,406 fikr-the oarrespoudAng week
lad year. .
TitiP %upPly by the Valley !tailroa.d is
52,8= tons Sgains't ; 43,u5S—sunl by the - Lehigh,
Savigal ion 45,35 t syninst 30,34 toms f o r th ee° ,
responding week lu:d. year.
The 'rade Is exleedinFly dulloind it might
- almost beterined W 4 in a millapsed atate: - Con-
Kidenablo Coal has been - shipped for the week
but price, are merely nominal, in fdet some
kimis cannot he Kohl even by forcing, and ittia
belie - vet that atigniber of the Operators will be.
compe:lga kt 140.13 their.txdberies for the-want of
orders. If it were not that coastwise freighti
rule exi:eedinuly, low for this semi/in of the year
the - trade to Potkßiclutiond Would Lc almost
entirely suspended.
. L . au C 611 .11.125P4X:i.E.Vni.) -
the -
There is .little of interest to rrport In trade
the Nat week. The coal stappltng goes generally on
the market, and Is sold at the best rates that can be
obtained fur it. Low as Schuylkill cual ts, we think
It netts more at the mimes them eal from the
Wilkeabarre rekion. Freight* have advanciett. East
twenty-111*cent', per ton, and Teasels are scarce.
The trade sums up this week as follows:
t - i. -
. .
• wohar...: torrot, 1 iwoz,iel tuna. Ix 'a 1)
- Anthiere it.% ,--i----—.....,._____
Pa RR R.— . 154.9 r: • :Az; 4.1 L . 111.64,• .2,740,351 ,1 5p41..142
Pleb edurud.::...:: 1.1,,C4). Wile WO* 445.4423 d 151;541 , 1
L Vid RR tith : - Atkin - 1,821. .74 1 cog:. _‘''-',l= v. 2 74r.W.a5
L V aft 2 4 ; t % . • 5.1544. 157.05 i .1.17,0.1.:
L. Quis,L..
..... ' ..50.4 & ,57 - 4.4.1141 tr. 7.7112• NAM
L not R It— ' ICP.AC`. all 4 1 .: -.4 M i . 1 1115 1.3_ ,1 ;
66. / 80 s. f lo
See.= nOM 1 . 0V.701 , -4
do - tich ) lo.olli . I . F
:ILO2 - .6 - .44.74.1 - r.. 19311
Peen E ft.. , 17),111 , . Kn.. ' =at P 44 .A11a: 1 ri•- • 97 2
do 0 1 011 I . t;;•'•. •a: i • a.: 15.01 C d 1.74
D &AL OKI.. r
. " 5?..417) 1 , , 41.1 - 1211,833 r..,7,54i
Da /I Mt_ 6.771 Lb "; lo :It *Li 0, 101..47.1
Wyoming- tin "10)»4 Zf , 11..000 MAap, 1 0. , 0 2
rog - :CO AM e-=- 1. 41'.10.0r.
ELlkonudrio .11.51 A NJ. rlxt .4is,ern : 31.01.3
-- f--
2 3 ,4,:gx. Atom, 1 3115,917
• , . . - r 110,4 1; 10,983.244
i -7---- ;.27,65 • --.
..7,104,441 1
Trovertot«.... 1 : 73 .' 313 ' . A.;.. , .ir 1, -rmi....
illiOrt a1...i...... 2.0.12; , 1:11,101/ 1 . - • . . d lat.rd
''ketlo VIOu-, VIM' ~... 441.11. - lt . Veil , ' C. 0 , 600 d :ON!
Willlamstoo -. G. ]el ill.C ' T.i Ili •_, 2.,1.1/10., jo, - .4.
Big Lift Col. ; .; .. 3.1:631 - 74,445 " 74.445
12.754 . ' 13 , 131' 419;0/.
Broad Top 7.913 3.1;,721* CAM 11,727 d 4414
&O.R. K. 1%104i 21;3110: • 707,1911 d 121 Ira
11 u- 13,411' 320.319 4.3,= 1 441 AO d, 470
. • .
I "4:4,426, 112.4/ /.110,771
TArtall.all klu.l t1A.411 1;f43.7a: 41.41.5m'
I,We have reeelved a report from • the. North
Branch Canal; giving their 'shipments which
amount to V 2,22.4.... shipment, we beleve,
belongs to- the Peirfisylcanla Canal Company's
'shipinents.. '- 4 LI the 'first report. welave re
ceived th*:year.,„ , -- •
'flu' week is :'.14:1,-
i):"Trons :amdosit :1411,011D3---totit 18,17.1,7321
againaf itit3,7o,htent 1144 hi ihLv,year. Increase
2,lB9;fellons. supply 441'1E1nd:04 the week
141,timr agaidmt 411%414 tons last year. , Twat of
all kinds 15,035,11 7 against 1 . 3,021,715
,tons. :.,In
crease of pH kin05.:4013,552 tons to dale. '
. •
IT hil . ftiited that tbp Lehigh Valley Railroad
. company bas 'just. eeinstunixteted an itnporeant
arratigentent'viith_the New York and Erie Rail-
C;isil Company, by the laying of a thiftl 'rail on
hall tracki- of the lattei; road, which is'of broad
gauge, from Waverly, which is the .pfesentlter
animas of.the
.Lehigh Valley road- north, to
t \ c„
Elmira, a tlistitnce of someeighteen niles. The
laYlng : of.the third rail a compa ; and-the
Lehigh Compatii will, IM 'Wetilie4d v of next
week - ticket passengers: and dyliv freight
through to''El.mirs. instead of "flyer ~. as at
pr,:qelit. -.•••---„.. .. .. . •
There is. still. some . ilitlieulty at.' evertori i
and It is supposed that the inines vril be closed
for the season. The demorali on in the
Shamokin Region •by the withdr it of am ti in
bei.fratri the W. B. Al . , is:the eof the diffi-.
culty. Before_ another:Sewn commences we
May throw out some suggestions for the year
1.871, that. :nayreerve softie of these diffichlties.
The qua'rdtty arnt by fiallrmd and R trtbeareek raa
lag Tbur•day
.----- ,
lat. MAI . •- " • ,": 10 J", . ' 1
Par. i ", i. a,,,...... ,r - ~173 us' - I
~' . a ... ...u. ,s
. e . ..- .... 1 . ......'
_•:_ . 3 .,.
- .
• .7 ' . , . 1
Puri CUate , r..::. 1", , ,:0 1i
':I.: -
T,ta! payiig eigit..,.-y !7.:,.7 t -,
' T,..tsl/41,? Werfic
• . - J 01,177 1!..“ - =Xs 1.. i
PreVliollea this year , 1,3:3,4.3.3 al ftsjos: 07.
.....---r ~,,a-
. • •• : -- ----
!in= 031 - 411Yel .
~ :sa re•
TOme ti1mer:,year......._...; 3,:14",1117 r'' 7,41,5/5, t. 5 1
I ut
The following In the quantity Irizsport!4 aitt wiek :
Nrale4illl ....
Road t):lirtnit y intizarly)...._
1.1211011 COIL TRADS--1,00
Quint!ty aeintioeni by Lehigh Valley - Matimid fix the w.,1.
rtu Soaterday Wawa Mr the year:
• •17.4,1
wyoualw, •
..........---- .
I': I.elegn
11: ..11.ead0w . ..., 4 ,
- 11Inuch Ch , utik..
.31 . ,,ban 0 v 4...... . '
..... '7............-
.. 71
.7 : :F a t i l ' .
It tale. 1.1.1 t pear
1 n,•rrwpa.........
tuy•coAL 4:1111PiN
44 • •
The Odharring As the quantity or real transported by the
Caritas and 81111roadhur the Lehigh Coal and Nat% en.. for the
week oninlitr OM tistairday evening last compared with .11111 e
time last year : 2 - •
The C0..11% Rh derived ow Wiluw•i.
r 1 . otlt‘WruenOrg .....
. Upper Liebigh
" Benehr , Meadovd.,
" (Munk
• V 7 2.112
• '277;70.1
........... ' 4, 7 1 71, ' 1 30,1:113
14;01 1 . 11 0 /.711.
. IncretbneoverlSP
ff the • allove there was tran•porteg or 1..111)4'1
Coal anl 'Navigation Company
I.elllgli Nnv.
-•• NV. dt. ( at! A: Iron ('
Lrcn•arh •• •• „
The follbeilag• Is u ntatenneni, oC ewil transported ity the
Delaware and liudron earful Co., for the weed ending 2 4 4. t
By Cabal
_4ly Railroad._ •
For tha sante iferio4laat year :
Ity Lre:w,,ware ................ 4.67.2 I
....... 6.7111; Iltrutti
Sinn:. •
• 1.21.6. - V2
OT RV. :AMID ATHT OT • N EU' tilt'
PHILADELPHIA. ? ,v li. le'7. ,
. .
Lied Agb Preps red , • ' Cheirtant 3 5043. 3;
- • do ebtstntit.... Lumen Mt loamy- a Tam
W. .4.411 Ltittlp - .- 3 .73@ , ' do - Steamer ;kit, -
Steamer ' • 'I 7:44. t'A . ', do Broken. 3 11(6
Itrulr.en..z ...-...--.:. 3=4 - - du Egg ..-.. 4 3:ka, 4 "lo
)" . .3g........i.: ----- 4 fro.' 4 -ID. - do Stove.". 4 _{pi[ 470
5u.vp..........-.-...,... 4 •214 430, do ' enextnut3 30 Z 3 4 75
.. • !NEW YORE. Nov. 10 l3;I.
ticintyl: Red, A 041.-45 7 :4 G (41 • Retail__._._......
(to Un4-44,41114-,...•,': 4 115•0.- 4:A. Lpl.44l.'Luni... .... •5 40?
1 1 .51%'W,11 - Eum - fh.,..., 5 01.. 4 - Steamer 5 ttl„i,
t4trimer 5 ous, ' 1 Broken i ti tt -6- 4,14 '
Brnkrn - ;un 4 4 :1; }:, w .. ' - "
Ear ._....... 5 2501 5
!q... 500 5 5.5. eboAtont 4 aka. -
•1...!...tivit..,—.-. ..... .., , 41 411 . * 4 njetifialrgalGe 1/11y11 TE•chariclpg•
, •Tultor trado by cQo or carload.
W-litu...narn , andMinium W Ati1t,..,.... - $.l PO
LyiiIPOS VORA' , fted-litsb.- .:- ...... —. ^ , 6Y.
ettantaktta Wriltc or iti,d Alm 6 RI
7..<.rney Valley. Red Anil ..... '
From yard or whorl: U:1 to *ROG addlttoual. ~
Irly retail to.coniumert.. 7 2:4 + 23
Oeorges . -Creek sod. Cumberland Coal.. LO. L. at
' Locust Putut for atitippins.—....—...-•-.1. 4 ....... 4 . ,otrri, i 17,
' 'Ai.EXANDRIA A. 4 .4D GE4.O ETONVN Nor. 10.1870;
(1901 re pvek d Ca.mbeTland. carob, F. ',...111110(3 4 G.)
•J • nA VEX DF: (MACE, MD Nov, 10.1q70.
ND koatiarip and l'lnaton on bcard.---.-....---45 92
Rimmo•kin : • . - - - ~ • • 4 •-•-
- . .- - • : - 7 .", . -e z..
I.yira.l)., valley
17YVOrt0f1 . - .. ,• ..
-.,,:ii "Or,
, - ,
-7 ,
I. "lift. - Or. Es's. Sto'., Chat
I.:selriiwntins,Ttepundoilb4, 'SS _ft ZS' .4 41/ 44 40 ti 10 14 :40
W1 14 :0 13 arre...• 110001[441-.44 25 4 73• 4'31) 4SS tZS 400
• i,lO . \..w Y0rk. 4 4.4 3a) $4 50 114 73 44 su.S3 33 fl n
'1.4 , 1114,, , New Yorke--...11S &S 373 - .. SI 410 3lO
,rwrsur<3l37.F.llzabethport 4 21. 430 -4 73 310 45 00 - , 4'33
PlttA4oo, Newbur2b.........54 SO 430 470 1 V 311 • 440
I.ehlsh:'Pr.. J0hn0n_........ • -
Old 4.,nnnsany's f. 43,1).-at'P 'a •
Tort J0hn5aa......5,....,...55.50 ' l 5 40 ,5 so .1 :::r 475
Li.high, Elizabettipari 5 n 501 SSG 5 ?ti '4 21
Ellaahethport and PLZnhnnbrito New York au or Ron nd -
vi. ttgoenix; IVewbarght 70 cents. i ..
t la (Ninai. - consignee pays discharging.
. .
Altihippitie ;mints. Gold. i Delh'eted at N. 11. eurrrnet.
2110ck.110u5e..,........._......1.75 I Welttnoraland..._- --2
flower-L.- - I' 50
175 litewbumb tbrel . .--. • •••
K ney--- ------.. 225 West Fudrtnount._._. san
Pigtoct.. --....' ..
- ~.- 2 23 Itnuair.L.raz.t. ~
Little drnteßay....-...... 175 . Pavreltan tisk...-. .... _...... 7 110
Cattrionle -:... -.- ....- 1 0.1 I Stack Cirtnit 75 14 - 10.16•-nts len. '
MAO TS Cents 10 - E. 1 . i .n/CIIIIMIC.D. VA. .
Clover 11111,0sborb, .1 It.
Bat aton .... 22 oi .
.. . . ---, 5,21
•i • ,
Prrtsltts to :le* York ki
- Pt. Rita , 1 -'" Pt. • Wiwi-
Ri'm'd. tittipt . ' Rl'm'd blayet
Portbald -.... ^9t I 30,Baintor—..- - • 120
Portsmouth.-- 4 44' • $1 "Pawtucket /Cie. 2r, i 43
8ititt0L1........r....114 11 ... oil 74 Fan River,.._... 2 (k) ain
Elalenl.-.... . 21 I 73 Chelsea -...' , . 2 a.) i Pi
Ikrw Jkilfued.... 2 or' t e Magtleheml.',,.. 2 34 2 on
Itoxbuty .=, 2 Zok, 210 Nantucket... 4- 211 len
Ihriatol.:-.. ..... - : to 40 !Pena L0nd0W..... I : 1 11 1 23
Newt-mt. . ... .. ... .1 In • 40•Nitarniteeti..... 175 •• *1 04
Vrovldence - 210 *1 Bridgport.-__. lat Ito
Ilartford.._.-.- 2 •la 413.-Nprwa1)c........ 2 .r.) i U
Middletown__ 2 I'i Wiersity•tetty......_ 1 41 ' im
Norwich :SO dt tow 21 Hingham .-. .. .. . z: IS
Allacinv.._- 2'o
1 ...NTE.w Y0rk..... 121 . ID Bralutree---.-
1 tt1eti0nd........, i 2 0 t'harlentowa....
7W m.. 4411e1tan.....- 2 23
... I 90 S. C ambridge ... 2 vi
.. ,„
' ,011 •7 1 41 -
--• ..... -2 4 Ole
Q ,
Ile b lig n1........... i.
v tc1A.............
'' 1i..4.4.4"°"` I.'. 2 It' 1 'teb."..." - -.0 ~,, . 4 )
ll's6iblnitdiv::: I it 4 . P. ?OS
/ .n . ... .- 2tl.A r. if 13 172'...i. ito
ewbernsert ... . t 114
.. . - . i r,
i • veil ...L.:4- lIS • t%
1 •• • ne..-.... 4So ,-, ..Pttergoaric..-- I 4 ..' ,
THE I [ l 4L- .- MUNTY; P7.f
5 , 511111
dVaek. - Total.
71981:1:17!:t!: I.
RAJ Id, 119,171 11.!
. 1
0,779 I ;
, c yczxx. I TOTAL
45,5 r; 7.n..
1.=1 , 0:t1
'WY£Lj TirTA L
7,5,41fii 677,781
21,130 i 1,095.:C4
51 ; 5011' 1,173..µ4
trCkK .111TiL.
414%1 I:l3,rat
AI.II.ItORE. Nov. 187.
. . . . , -... —• .
- - . . . . •
mAnumL .--- -- - ' .-7 . - , 2 ---: -- - liat , laistrOsontatt. - -- '
RY Ar.antsa
• L. - IL- - Z• 'llCdt.= '4l. Itii. i '''' . -. l ' . %-*-- '- - - > I
TI Port illelin ol
—4= 110 IP IX ) r 09 V up Vie g CM
To PLNI,IrIy • ..........)„,.......,121. SW 210 gV' 2 1ia..2111.y a.octr---. -- _ - * - 115 - k - ks
LUC ~* C rranglalließ read -am
'B. C a
c an eu d r
T...0e rAtAg i ' t letrbm 4 . 014' •II ceativitrada lieddir.42are atm& , - - NOR 11, - in-sp'--61:a
and he Tilt ua lai duo! Plnetrove r• °mi l WWI ' b4llther* t...'
To Pond+ no to of Cape Iteury. rAnt nt.:Ttir stmt tit. _ 1 , trigr. wan I-1 win sell 3 !shoats of SI to Itll6
or Wong the line or the ttelawart. and 13a tan UnnaLlho "1-... each as ya . d o t E x h amire E o x i d 4 poit a ym e. .
&iguans pia clatlpillbton Lni:np. tneandnd. and Dinkel' it, AI °m i ss iffienimm . -N OT . a i th . GEo . nom ta tswi,
eJ "Mr -.4,--- rte and more 3:1 etnitik TO an I
NW.). 7 %=.314,-41A. ...... • ..:_., __ -
.r. 17.1, 4 Inge.ll4 floe r lielawava, eaall-1
• On cr,
the t'il'
wan' •
e:A $1 " ." 1 "
L., 4
t.. R_—_— .-4 ';sl
.Shipping .t
To Put
To Sow - •
From 1 ,tiaport At Pt. Jobticon.t....-
a, nAti,iwi D. Penn . •
Mauch I - I - m uI: pi Phi - ---
Mauch Chun 1ct..1 liubokeu and fort
GULL trivet:ay,
L. V .
N. .1
.1 BY CANA1...". 1 .
The follo_wiete are the Tatra of toll end freight on the
%ebuytklll Caen! for the pivment.
To .XII:Vr T0rt.K..,.•
___ ..„_....:.,..':.......- 6 4C.14. iiaYrn. Pt.Cllllfilll
- 1.1 3 -I 40,1•
i • • i•n %.
• il;',11:tou
• -: - -I .
vretgy.<:.....: ..-.
, , .
Th.". es nsiori.is4.k i' , ...45. rent. On T.ut,,i,t.r.f..3g,,,, a m ( 1.!,,k en .
r.l on C1.4.t wit. and 15 .....nt+ on Eng toil r•t.,... on coal -oo
to .Siw York 'mid vicinity.
BY LEitta:Al cAriAl..
Prom X &Ur /I -*bunk to Barton- I 01
•"* Low Hope and iir1,04,...... ........ 70
Through to Ntiqr York__
Through to PiAlladelphl9.-...... ............. '. ..... ~. ...........---... IT
l' Im Wor.nisa, AL. • .
To Nev.' York 4 ' . IM 14
To Joe., ett.t r • A.,_ . 2
.4 5
Forry-ihipoteht_. —......-
- •
_ •
I 11E. Nll- R'S. 2^so Centre street, rot
doe. io. - , • 4
'170B: BALE CHEAP.—.t llerrailla t tent frentlfr
Isneer. infeorniilete order. ArplstAS
syl% Avon Ilale. Centre Street. iNtiv...,411411P
- • - •• ti
PHILIP NAGLE will Kell Tits 1. (;It • fit;
1 earner ti ft and llarketlitqaare.
- :Xis CENT It
Nin 12, '7 112 --18-it .1221-1 w •'
(;:.• n- - . roue g men orbs
taut liailipraelleal experience:la (lot Wok- ,
keeping and Outside inanagetnent. Add
Tamaiina, Pa. Nov. 14,70
t iC : 11 ? *71 : °I°I A 3 t t a iN M t . P 917
+ so the Jrayor.vllle MacMse
Na,-. It Josasesvil.
AAEVLEDA I N. — F"ur vair. an tutitieltuerw size:
lily 3 feet nolo% nn'l t feetilliftt„ as gored ns
new, and will la , soldat Site. Oi Sr.:—
Nov T. A. it:WWI:EV. ri
.:S.T — TOR.,N .AT 1.4
vv . QttleeJeorner of Centre ana Market-saireel• ,
pki. Collections ga °nippy attended to I
Can be consu}teti in tiennan. - „Nov 12,
- ------ - —,--
I 1' ALUABIZE TROPE/MY 4.01 SAL 3.-.-The
V tindi.rilgd otTers for Male thr.,,, , vninank, mope:.
t t at the curler of Centre owl.l.,tet. Nonce ...Thu' wt..,
Pottsville. tuw occupied by - Mr. Ile •ly t'rine. lite
property Is crenr of Inemphrrtrie... ror terni.. rte.,
amtly to Mr.i CHAILLE>i 1 'ENG LEll,at the Penn-.
eylvanioNalliotfal Bank. To trviU. , :or Igkei.E.o,llt/F
-FERNAMT,IIO6 Green street, Vall:idelpnl.t.
Nov./1, '7 l McV46-lf ... . . -
First-CM/us Colliery -for mile. with 1,•:o., tor_l_s
years, on therMarnmoth runt ;Oilier velllB, 1141 W . 011 P
ping faint 10 CO iv) ars or Mil Ptfr &lay . Coal ~ f ta-t
quality al whir; In demand at, highest nuirlavin 11,.
ior pat tieulars enquire of the undersigned.
'..„1.1.ANK C.s.tliTElL,
Evikineet and P. , nlE.Ntlite Agent.
Nov 12, - 7.)--,26-r - ~ . lioir , v/rig.lia..
, ~.. -- -- - - -- 4 ---
BEES! TREED: L—icroomill.wi• the old iala.:e :
T }'hunt a Iree and it will J. , jun• - w hen you are
sleeping. A Hue *weir. of Ertfit, Ornamental and
Evergreen reet . A. Grape Vines, Shrtibs, Ito•;irs.Nlin , a.,
" .
Creepers, &e.I " ,
CE' Gnus!, s rang ::, ear old Coteord Grape 'Vines,
at :10 to nts,p. • viue.7. : Kor rque by
fitrnnintown NurAsiy„ . 4
Nov I''.'7ol-k; .t. ::..' I-I f r•elftivlktlf Co. l'a "
N... 1
In (iOWIF:N cal'. on .M4llndny.;:l;hvetnlkr 19.
at I 1 w0.. 4, ; A. M.,,preeiaely." 4 mile, /NMI ii or :- . 113-
moldy, Mood •lately !Ukiah - ling ana outride the gr 4.40.
shato4 hi 041 1:3-414, near eight or !Ow 11:44-4,h)0,...
Collierfe,t lira Vey !Intl he.intlital , h4.a. ton---g(PNI
center; he.-111u4 t t one or the largest: coal I, )%rtis.
The lint-x:4l ternh4 give gre..t chnheet. (or all .to get
homes. • Ternts—TEN DOLLARS on each Int—,
habinee, Fin , Dollars per mlni,lt •1111 Vutd. As the
'crowd 'v. 111 he litrge,looo ttieuisbe.l to 10.1 free of
charge. .Vhitecs • 4z, K. WX! KEL, -
Nov. 14•714-n, shata:ili; lu I . 40., thiwen 4:11y.
0 1 Ae.E3,18Tsi i rt0Iin a. I', BC.,
I .
- - 1 17.i.' . A T. 7 d - Tic) - N._ -- . 1
In e.):a•,;'j .1104• or c) • 11.17,1 - 4,v,11i04t. , A -a :law
tioiv. il/ IVA! , 41 1ue.... niel I! 1.--. lii.lV ll] po.g..e,a, ~ two
tht”, to ro:,ld•Avoci .n. n.• ),;!..k.11• ilk i it/ :,./ . n.r to
A viii,:tc: %o.•11.01:-;,.../,, 1,,,, ;,•.!tt••1, of or` .t6A-k
or m.,!..,...-; ..1 olt -ry :: 10. 11 , .•.n.1..,v-u. fitliolin our
1 . .
e. , , 1•I. 1..i•1..n. vq ,4, 1,:a1. 6 1.1..erd 1.: - .••
.1 1:,,,. 1 !. .1 ;.- -:"...r.;u m . r.vent:y ., i.-
:A k v 7. i.: II:, 1 . ..q.,z,„ N... .....:1 rt . /II tC.
lt , i I , 'Y ay m 1.. , t, I:. Mot will bi•
. tort up
- fyluveloti:: utile t0rp0, , ,r.10% .1 .
I •ri ti,entent in waiter ristunin. • :
11, Le .1
. ,
110,)140;ellern , soul ;tat 1013,4 Y,
DA 't•illre e.t ..e.t
Siv.. 11, 7 , ./
RARE: :g
, 11-
1 .1E,45r: rosTEIL • :
• AT
Street, - Pottsille, Pa.:-
No. Pt 2
9.•e,a, either artmlessale or retail, sh.. h.•
• hip, y ire.vnt bu.ln.• + .x. All who are 101
r the above menttoneat trod•a, Will a 0
call. Nov. H. -31)-22.1440-ttt
reauee.l 1),
wintiV-4 In 4.1(e:,
wattt fitly t!
well to Rh . .. It,
••• 'Ag•Ang ntmgirt - '
• r • elm got twerything in that iinwai
Wh. la the
s,O iCoittte Street;
i.kri-nsv LI,E,
4 auiterior quality to that they hu y.
If the (titles.
t OF MY MANlAAell'ltt‘
mated %Ott that routle in Philadelphlu,
I'hca~r ~,xiiJ
liaa been ea
and found et,
li .
tly oil hand :iotortnient
ttolllS • AtiLY C.A.5:41.3113111N,
whiett I am bit-pars...l to make up In the Twit Mt - Ir,
n t I only tooplit, tirxt.-ton.r workmen. My principal
I. utter, R. 4.1; 'OtIV well known as a II:xt-chota
• A Fir,,A-chi Sukt Made fur
'.....lTntrt• r i lVinirt Y 4 uiti; from to •r2..k,
. 40, eis large as.or:nosnt or
- 10VE l tiCOATS,
yiLINGIN(4 PI O: Elto3l solo its eaf,
Mfstle of !Inlayer,. and English Melton..
11•4114:14iti . :: 40111 64114, l• largo itr. e ortinnt of • •
- j '11i4:121.....1 1 C.Yr I 17St
• • •
Gents' F rnishing 'Goo s General.
My. tto 5.." Fair th•aling e‘erybOrty. am,
,ati•la , t tong/yen; or money refonthlt."
MORRIS BoHnutimr.u.
'281) Centre Street. Pottsville.
, . ..
- , - : - 11: 8..1.0M0N lia'A Elf .1
'...: - .,V.1t)..1t2.1.2.72w 16-a . - -
-- I'
rein. -
- Rail 'tend l'4)nspainy.
_ . .
PAN # '.-k 14LE, I.\ 001,1),
With tnte t 14111) Eight-Per Cent.steopyable
in -Gold.
coveoble..oß LAIRED
Mow Pint-Chuis Umtata are now for , oale by the
Company ;through the uuderslitned, And lire mall.
deafly rreatippeaded . tug c ;liiblultigoAlaiOLUTELY
sAiiti and a Lancia Ixnun6 .
Almost the entireline is completed and In Istiecess
NI operation. -Only Twenty Mike at Track to lay
at the,Westerti Trulnug. and that being rapidly
The preSeut iralllr of the Road is AIIIPILI6I 011.1k1t-
ANTEE fut tbeRtIII4WILITY at these hecurlties.
The Road runs West from ST. /OOMPH, and forms.
a through East and West route: ' • '
Mortgage: per tulle eorising _Franchise
and all properly. •
Length at *Emitt.lll, Mlles:, • • ,
Total issue!of Bonds, .1.500,000.
PRICE and me :creed Intermit hi entreary.
Maps nod ;Pinnidtleti.,(„; i,t:hed - ua application
Expee.sagel rorOecothit 11: j.l.lelm.V!es treeOTrbargct
' • . Vi i. P. - CONTERBEkte
• 4,1 Itlne.atrgat, York
s au stiut,s.livaig.
. - -
c•nntgned to panto trttlaln
althteraie drawback of it eta.
Fos sa ; T.s-zvvo ems . (44th° c 4111 2
aab,lge ll l
biar etl e ttmc d lt: o t t r ie goact , lbuslut i s
Thrr-r. MN LAVIN P. ° o B llSoi . 1
- -
N.149.01A Nov. 12.10-441 m•
:t . ..
• .-• sect. —Lettr •. enter. • •
e • •
be above estate having been anneal to he un • -
18 2110Pennill indebted ;hereto wilt make l6'lt
r fa
to r vsjrinent, anti those 'hailing atlas; pr preen em
• egitisSlAY, J. P,.
Nov . hatatrilla, Pa
LADIES' FANCY rum... - -' • -- . -
I - ,
1 . --. • - . JOtat... , -P*lkk.a , Fl.A
- - - . -
. ..,. . A- -44F.Aviitoriuter.• •-• • -
_Middle of the block. between:l h - and
L --' ;•./ . -- - . • eth streets. *anti side. •
~ •i . ' • •• •.. ItupoirkWdanntatatjS and i:ria.r
I . ...., - lu all liand q - oaf FANCY
MCA' lar..„ •„ :ii:hlldnslu_•-
i- . 4 4-i - ' Wear.ti , led
_, . ....7
12 ..-.,--",. and inspror Old atu 11sessably
known Fri t RIUSUSIPAItav -
Iug Imported a very large anaspleti , - .
did waortment • of MI the different- Wade ef.- Furs
from -first bawls in - Furope. and have ' pad 4lll "nt .
, made no by the must skillful workmen; Lima& re
t Speetfully 'lnvite toy friends-of actin/Mill and &dirt- .
vent AN - angles, to call and examine my. very large
I and heatit Intl assortment of Fancy Faro for Ladles
I and-Children. I min determined, to sel l et as . low
lirices as any other respectable 'Home in this olty•
Al l Furs warranted. - No misrecreientationsto k;ffert:
sales. ;JOHN FAHEIIiA-
Nov. 12,*7u-tire oW-Em , ' . 7114 Arch street, Phila.
. • Al: Alje . r/CE: • -
4n a lame c:icief,:
ISo'l7i, LILA NE( >US 13001:8
- pi" ALI. KlNlts • ' ~ ' I,
' ' ,- iii , li43".. Poetry. kic.t . .t'' ' Orec..' . I
• - FAXI..:Y Li pocKET But : i:i.;. '
ll:mautr..- Oirtielailli, ' • i - ' • I
' Vitinkilimh Envouppi. • - -,
:; . .j. h - Ilik and Inkataud*. -
1,, - ' • '
r. . . -.'' . t'a:u•d% and Houlinura ..7' - r
:•- -
.;* 4 4, - ' -- -., I.ocket 13 , n0' LI.. ' • .•-
'.--:.'" - - ; . •'.,l . , -. , Cheikerlia; Board.,
„ :=,. ciii it-DREN* Tor PApq4l4, of ' WI kind., •
• •,. , . ..
' '..41111! %WIS . artiCle+, aigkolte*lllloll.ll:enunjerstri.
Im,loit Ron pow 11 - O'I:•TLT .011ITPlill DT HEU•
tV - 'AN KENN, INg.,j 7- '. '
- .'. NO. 274 CENTRE STREET, - ..-..,
• !
seaxrvo_ . tki,mukrrcE AT 7 1-2 O'.CLOCIC.
,OlR—; 1
Nn.r .14tlif 370ne to - Bpi, itualia lit a Lear Fivar , .
Tin , .l.n4itintrit evening/A are vntni es in-.4.ny and
tlik k a go,rNionportunity to get . In a g0,, , i stoet .If.
rcadlnc mutter. •
, .
sale lye 'lib hO4ll revi.rr.e. apcl•t4 , 4.10.
lota sb stitsekSlol,t ""nblond, .
• NS.V.II,':4O ,
- 1
rtue of inttlr;,‘: write Au-Um, Levert
J.AI rim* and Venditioni Exponet; issued mit Of the
'Wirt r 1 t'emnum !Neste or rehuytkill County and
to me directed, there wilt be•expeeed to public esle
ur outcry, ow,_
3r!...Tl*.f2DA ; 17, Dreenzber 3d, 1870.
at 10 - o'clock - in the forenoon, at the Court, House. in
the lioningli of Plittnville, richuylkill County, the
lth)", log described real estate, to wit: -
All that certain farm Or tract of laud situate in'
liegins Township, Schuylkill County, botindedniul
.leseribed as fu lows: .Eegin ning at a Fume copier.,
then- by I,:nil of Joshua Enty north' decrees,
west .161 perches stone.: ;hence south U.n. - y &Purees.
"'w'et al!, perches to a poet $ feet froth a atone eoraert
thence by land of John E4lmail and lane *coin ti
4e4kr . .Ves. east 100 iier;:lies to a Atom", thence by hand , lute of John A. Ott north 11!./ . 4 degrees, etud Lat.
pereltes to the place of, beginning, containing 195
nerei. more or less, with the appurtenances, consist-
Joie i'; story frame dwelling-house,n-frame
barn. and a frante mtabletax the property of IJA NI EL
Vb'ET KEE. .
il that t•ertaln lot or piece of ground.
stmate tn Resin* Tcrwmthip, elehuyikill Connty.sif
„mining the public road leading from Donaldson to
tlratzltorta, rota lands of Hosanna Meader, Reuben
flalatzltiget, Jacob Updegrave and others, contain-
Lag seres, mole or less, with the appurtenances,-
comb.' hat of a frame stable; its the: property . of
-AISIt.%IIAM fttIIWEINK. • • -. •
A I.Sti—A It that certain two-story frame dwelling
houss...w,th one-story frame kitchen attached, Wu-,
rie In the Rorough of Port Carbon, Sehtryikil.
4 y. l'IL: Olt northwesterly part „
of Lot No.
I.aWtoti'm' Addition to Port Carbon, said lot
being on the northeasterly corner of Market and
Second streets In maid - Borough. , The Old dwelling
house coefaintog In front on Market Street about 1.11
feet and In depth ahead i) fret and the said frame
Itnellen ("manning In leneth about.l2 feet and In
depth about 12 feet, and the lot or piece of ground
und curt l'nI(.1 ppurtenapt thereto; as the property
(14,01ttlF: f.EF. and lIEBECCAP. LE:e.....11b . ;
riters or reputed owners, ,Ae. -
A 1:411—A. II that eerltaln small tract or piece of land
:At tune .141 Branch Township,- Schuylkill %County.
I. onded by a public road, land, ot Suninel Heed,
Ir I ward Relater and dithers. containing 3 acres, In we
less, with the appurtenanceS, rOnslst Ina of a two
, tort' frame dwellini-lieme a n d a log staple; its he
F,property of GEORG HEIM&
.%IIIJ—AII that - certain lot or _piece. otground,
;..i.„itunt„. In the -.Borough of l'inearove, Schuylkill
emint,y. bounded northwardly by lot of Levi Miller,
mats-artily by - Canal street, anotbiwardly by lot of
It.' , ben I . Ster.e, and westwardly by lot of,
•ontallning In width rll feet., more or less, and In
depth 110 feel, more or lean, with theappurtenances,
eon: siting of ail,: story frame dweiling-Douse, with
; a one-story frame kitchen al tachQ ; .nn the property
of EL NIE.ASF...
ALSO=AII that certain lot or piece of groond,;,
.Calmar in the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill
County, boonderl northwurdly. by Elm street,. east- •
woolly by lot of George Bauer. soulhwardly by lot
of Janice Whentley, and westwardly by on alley,
eohtnitiltig In width 31 fret and in depth SO feet, More
or lwn. with the appurtenances, consisting of a
double two-story frame dwelling-bourn); as the pro
portV of JOHN MORGAN. , ,
'AL:4O,-All, that certain lot or piece of 'ground,
sits In the Borough of Mahanoy City, Schuylkill
County, on the northwardly side of Centre street,
being the Int numbered seven (7) in block one (1) on
the tulip or plan of said Mali:troy Cite, made' by'
-Front; tinter In July, 1659, containing .1n 'front or
whit li 'One entre street twenty-dye feet42s)Mid ex
-lending back of that width at right angles thereto,
in length or depth one hundred and twenty--live
feet (1 5) to Railroad street; bounded westwardly by
Lot No it. northwardly by Railroad Street, eastward- 0
ly t, Lot No. S. and southwardly by Centre street"
af,reanid, with the appurtenances, conslatitig -of a'
two-story- brick and .frame dwelling house. and a
stable: ns the _property of .J(IeiEPH HOF3IA.EN
and JOHN iIe)E3IANN, -
—All 'I those ta r cert a i nn iota or pieces of
gonna Mutate In. the Barough of Mabanoy City,
Schuylkill CountY, bounded northwardly by Centre
street, eastwardly by A street, sonthwardly by
Water %drive% - and' weatwardly - by lot of Jamb
Ithofutri, containing In width 50 teetemd In depth IX)
feet, with tilal. appurtenanbm consiating:of a frame
stable•. as the property of,JOIiN PI 1. and
C. I. 11OFFMA NN. .). -
ALSO—AII that Certain two and a•dialf story stone
tavern and dwelling-lmuse. and a s nne and a-half
story frame' building anklot or piece of ground,
situated In the town of ' -w Ringgold, - In East
Brunswick Township, Sch tylk ,County, bounded
in !tont. IS - Centre street, array by Chestnut
street, and southwardly by I No. 47, and marked
in the plan of said town with number forty-eight
.iisierid being SO feet in front aria lei feet in depth,
and being the same premises which William C. Lud ,
wig and Sophia C., his wife, by their df). d, beruini
dote the ;Nth day of June, A. D. 1861, granted an
confirmed unto Jacob E. Drelbeibies, In fee, as the
:ALSO—AII that certain lot or piece of ground
situate .In the Borough of Shenandoah, Schuylkill.
County, bounded northwardly by lop of Charles
ifezins, east by a. 14 foot wide alley, south bY a lot of
A. Paden, 111111 west by Main street, containing In
Width 3) feet and in depth-150 feet, more or less, with
t lie appurtenances. consisting of a two-story frame
-ri welling-house, with stone basement and a 4% story
plank dwelling-house on the rear end'of lot; as the
property of ANTHONY DEVITT.
ALSO—AIi those Ii certain lots or pieces of ground
situate In the Borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill
Comity, bounded- nortiogardly be Arch street. east
worldly by lot of Emily)Polloc ~soathwardly by
-. East Market street , and westwa ly)by Wolf atreet,
lOontaitting together' in width 1 feet , and In d,ept
,5 1
0 feet, with Übe appurtenances, consisting of a- - .4)4-
story brick dwelling house, a 2-story brick-nn74
. frarne bake-house and a (mane stable; as the pro
• ALSO—No. l—All Haile i certain lota or pieces of .
ground, situate In. tbstßorough of Tamaqua, Schuyl
kill County, boanded.nOrthwardly by Lot ,No. it,
eastreardly by t ri *foot wide alley, sonthwardly by
Lot No. li, andWestlorardly by Lehigh strt, eon tato
jug together in width 50 feet and In deOth 150 feet,
imd being lots ktiow.n as Lots Na. 7 and 6, Lehigh
Niregt. ' ~ , , ...
N,l•. 2—A , l that certain one-hall lot or piece of
"ground, situate on, the northeast corner of Brawl
and Lehigh street', in the Horoask ail Tama.ica,
Schuylkill County, bounded on thew:math by - Broad
street 50 feet, on the north by the remaining one.•
half part of said lot 50 (sit, otithavast by Lot No. 2 4 ,
75 feet„ ansion the west by Lehigh Weft 75 feott, be.
lug the one-half Pa Lot No.l, in square "Er. on
the plan of mid h;_ais the property of JACOB
ALSO—Millie* certain' -teem' piece of ground;
situate In the Borough of Sehuyikill,llaven,
kill county, bounded ,porthwardlyi by himgaretta
street; emlwardly by lot of Jacob A. Geiger,. Muth
warily by a public street, and westwardly by-lot of
James' Saylor, containing in width 21 feet 6 inches,
more or hem, and in depth 168 feet, with the appurte
itancas, ronsisting of a two frame dwelling
, house; with a one-story frame kitchen attached, and'
a frame stable; as the property of PETER URCEEs
LOW. " - -
,`ca AL/30—AB that certain lot or.. piece of ground,
situate on the eastwardly sLie of Centre street, in
thollorough of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, being
composed of the • lots marled N05..1110, 521, X 4, Elks
=and 327, on the map or plan of the Norwegian
Addition to Pottsellle, and which are bounded and
described as followalipelginntnp at a, post on the
eastwardly -side •of-Zmtre 'street, thence along it,
north .21 degrem.Arite4 , 2ll6 feet. 8 inches to a post,
'north 15 degrees Xaninutes, west. 240 feet to a post,
north 517 feet 4 Maims to a post, and north 1014 de
gram, west in feet 4 .4 %ties to a post , thence by lot
marked No. on ' map or plan, north 79% de
greett;east -75 feet 5 Inches to a postast at the dis
tance of 14 feet westieardly from the middle of the
west branch of the Mount Carbon road, thence
along at that distance from the middle of said road,
north 11 degrees 60 minutes. west In feet to a post,
thence by Bridget Cullen's ground north 15 degrees
40 minutes. west 79 feet e Inches to a post as the
southeasterly side of Centre street, thence along, it
north degrees 10 minutes, east 47 feet 7 incites to a
stone planted at the southeast corner of Centre and
Coal streeteethenos along the southWestarn and
western sides of the latter Moth 40 4=50 Min
utes, east EX feet to p a post, south 11 degrees salt
ilt feet ft inches to a ost, south watt 714.
ft.vt.3 Inches to a post, anls degrees east 599
feet 7 inches to a poet, thencebylande now or late of
John Farntim sad Mhos siiith . at Ogress 54 min
utes, west 105 teSt le Metes lathe piece el beginning;
onteinine 9 scree and 51 - manor law, with
the appurtenances, consistingal 2 titre-ebony Dame
dwelling-houses.wlth Me-story Intmeineek boil&
ings attached, (sailed. to the rights, restervation of
coal, iron ores, and minerals. &a: mentioned to said
nintee)•: as inc trotter*/ of THE SCHUYLKILL
Aliso—All that esetain lot or Owe of ground;
*none In Holmerrllle, Butler Township. Sk.hoyikill
county, bounded on the north by road tainting from
Ashland to 011ardeille, emd by clot of Doyle;
speak by. Niobium Creek, west by lot of Monsi
eur; containing in width IS feet. more or. leas, and
in depth 1110 feetonore or I. with the appurte
notices, connoting of a< two-story frame dwelling
tcrase, with -stone basement; aa the ;
ALSO-4.11 Alf the certain' lot Cc pleee-omound
situate in-sha Borough ) 0t Port earbulafetiOy/kill
County, bounded nortiawardlY by lot o&kabomao
Lynch, eslorgardly by Rigel sheet. *Mahe:My •• •
lot. of ThomM Lynch and westwardly by ones
street, containing in width IS het, more or less, and
in depth SIS feet. more Or WM. with the *Minna
minces, consisting of -a two-story frame dwelling
hoOs,and:4=tine.rti...oo.l.street; saa's two
ry j 4 irant a frame noble on
Hazel street; as she perty °TRASHY= QBAT4
ALSO—AiI that oert. lot or piece of ground,
.11tuate in the. Borough I of Potlartils. Schuylkill
County being part tif - a jot 'Marked No. 17 In Ben
jamin 'Potts' Addition to Ptottorilks, cansafning to
ex nt or . breadth on said' Ventre stroet het, and
ng back ,of that width in Lith of depth 13)
`fteS,bonncled aouthwardly by an oth e r port o f said
Lot N0.,17. the propetty'of said Vhacir ,
eastwardly by anotner tba *
of the Plsiladelpithlandlt
tionbwardlY by WS ole lit alid Ma%
Amition t ther pors=Ar i a Klink, gal 'lreat
ifzp • Clitotre' 'to the mores at
ad the eppluteemook, taro
"tory.. ntirst i OATl za.
inZ erty ,
t3o the
Selge4 ok. • el:
r • •
s:is - - e sir ' - A
• By virtue of a writ of reettitleall'itrowas. !mined
mn. or the Lit of Cantinas -Flaw of Schuylkill
County:And tome 111 meted, thensW id he, expo ed to.
public lade er olltery, 'on •_. •
.• , . - i
- , N. 4 Wight 1' teteraWr EL MM., - -
, , •
At leieetonkin the . fereetinte, tat th e . entartHease.
ln the'-Borough of Pottsville, Seltuyikill• Canty,
the selient eh:scribed real estate to wit: • .
,-:- , erne,' and vide* otiOeiltheinth part'
Into /*equal porta to be paled:
_and die'.
• 4 1 tre • In iiill the- folkortogiellblad tetreet iIIr
"GUI Lend teentorteed of pertioneof *eve.
wtrveym referred to inn eartain. indentalle of
ealeProllt and Mental goods -and-treleaws made
by and between Richard I'. F o u lk e :
_ William Park
er ftulte ant w.fe, and a canwsuanlaton as the
Pneston.Retreat, of the one part,and John Amp tett.
Jt.„ and Wife and others of the other p at,. detect tee. ,
Mb day Of June , K. D., ISA and recorded ht,Hebush: I
kill County in Deal Book No. 30 1 ,.eage 3t; Atand hi I
Columbia Monty ined Book U. page 114 .. me. els,-
-course being thereurito had will appear,) alleate, tr.'
lag and being partly In the township of Rater
(life Barri') In Schuylkill emery; aforesaid. and
artit (;muiyli the State of
Columbia ilanaabed
lug to a recent survey, marking. and meet Ma
larger piece or portion of land, of ertde-`•-tits de- ;
seethed sakes was part; m eta - Peter-W.Rheafer.
and Allen Fisher, of the of 'Peitillelliet ht.
Schuylkill Coentytatbreald, threescore for that pur
pose mutually pointed and cuceen by the porton
to and• to mud of the aild Indentare 'Of.
.Compromise) tut follows, to wit: Beginning - et 'a ,
-Caln the middle of the summit, of the High
nett north of tbaddishemoy Creek, whit%
point 1 . midway between the casteralaiumlary Ora
tract: o.iginally same-ye -I ou us wurrost dine 1 the
lOtti,dety of May 1793, Issued to William Elliott. and
the western bo undary Massenet originally al reeved
on istenrrant dated tne 10th day of .taritotry '17104, Lo
aned to John Alexander (now part of the Girard es'
, tate) whieb point was marked by the sato shelter,
and Fisher open the ground bye pine knot stake
and pile of stones, and witneteed upon s chestnut ' ,
oak tree., each having 3 notches toward,' maid pile ;
thence by the middle of the summit of said ridge by
the following courses and ithstanees, the atone being
.10m *eked, by the said Sheeler and Fisher, by cub;
, tinge Male between 2 notchei upon the sight tree 4, '
• And h blaze tor the ether tines, that 9-4 to stay smith
63 degreed and
,5, 4 of a degree west, 71s feet Lou young
pine tree, merited by the add :shearer and Fisher for a
corner by 3 uotehe, on lire easterly side and tresber-y
side thereof, end witnessed by 3m:cites upon race
of the attic.; rU9 , CtiVeIN borate:, stone of seven
' neighboring Dee . one:of which I; a large White kaiak •
.TUilding, westwl , mltv of said yoator pine tketuo
south 63de:trees and 11, ee a degree west 1.1.1 fret to a
1 Pitie trto o '. markei by the d sticafe and Miter
. with 3 noecties mt. the easterly and westeriy s defend
i wltnetssed by 3 notches-4in tine' sides towards:the
1 *Sallie of each of I pine tree and , 2 rock oak trees';
thence smith ill d...rees 2.' mime s west 7dl leer to a
• pine knet stall. se e in a pile ef's es made by t...t , e
:gild sum ryinN nu that line of the . ternmeetater
vey on a It to Joint Dreher, which exteues
northerly from the Northwest can of Amin - teeter.
i ins survey on a wio runt. to John. Ily (that last of
said stake 'and pile of stones are at al_ distal:re
of • 21.e3 ' fret north Si 4 ' degrees west ' from
... l id earner - of Jam 'Kelly, and witnessed by
the said sheaf. t and Fisher by 3 notches upon - the -
side towards the sante' by 0 trees; standing in; the
neighbothou 1 thefeef; thence by aline parallel
with-the southern - lino of the Girard. tracts, origi
nally Slll,Veved Gowan - ants leased to Robert Mitts- 1
helmet . . William slumnott anti George lileeklume, ,
to wit-" South e. 1 12 degree,' west about ...lan teet,ibe , '
the mute more of - less, until it strikes the eastern
boundary line of.the tract originally surveyed .on
• warratet homed te - Deborab Grant, dated the 2nd day
of - January, 17'31; iit (be dlat MOW of net) feet, south 7%,
degrees esist frotti`i he doubts, pine corner of the lasi
said trect,• theni.,- [long the eastern line of the said'
Deborah rant purvey, north It degrees west Sal feet,
to the aforesaid double pine corner of the Deborah ' [
Grant surrey • theme along the northern boundary :
line of said laid named survey south tu. degrees west :
ahmt it) feet, be the slime more or leas, to atones, a'
corner of a tract originally surveyed on a warrant i•
• Issued to William Elliott. dal ed the let tf dny of May , :
1710; thence along the eastern boundary line of fuel said William Elaott. surifey north 7% tiegrsoewest
' eroashig the County line of said senuy 'kill anti
t 'ottimbia Count lea into the said cob:table County
a. out 3132 feel, he the sena. more or less, to a corner,
by the 'official plot, it chestnut catk. tree, b ut now
stones, attested by old witness marks on 'a neigh
boring tree, being the southwestern corner of the.
af atsal , l- tract originally surveyed on , warrant
to Robert Hiltzheimer Obence by the southern
boululary nue of the aforesaid lest mentioned tract,
and l the tract originally surveyed on minuet toi
William Shannon. nor th iC!!: degrees (est f!1:39 feet!
to a point midway between the said eastern line of
the maid William Eillottl survey and the western!
I -survey of the-John Alexander iturvey, which point!
I was - ascertained by actual measulement and trim:
attested by said sheafer and Fisher by marking a !
youlm pine fur a corner with 3 notches on the
' easterly, westerly and sotitherly sides respectirely.
and also by Sit ItemAISIZ. 114' same by 3 notches upon
the sides looking toward, 1 hesame of 4 trees reaper
tivelY standing in t it e tenieli borhocd thereof; thence;
by a line parallel with the
.ea4ern line of said itur;
-A eV ft) the Wil li am Eillo t. south 7 degreet and a
hnl f east 3THI, feet, recto. Int: said county line tote ~
scheylkill County to Be. I,• , eginnihg. point In the,
middle of summit of the-high ridge afore.said, con-i
mining within' mind` - boandaries . tins quantity of
*Mat SIJJ w-rem, be t tiv , sauk adieu truly ascertained,!
more er has; being the reline premises nine ,undi-i
vlded sixteenths parts of which William A. Patrick !
tool Sarah L., his wile. gramtd and conveyed unto
3lary ilitst, by Deed dated the 4th day of April, A.I
It. IS6I, ilia in and by a reference thereto; recorded 101
'Schuylkill County, in Deed book No. —, pa;e---,1
w dil luny -appear, metrical in Deed Bonk. No, tf.,•
page tee, &c., with the appurtenances , , consisting ni,
a' frame 4 nut Breaker with Salutes, Screens, 3.111=f
chitiery,Ac., cOmplete. 3 blocks of 1
,ti'-story frame' houset and a frame atnblc in Cohnnida
County, and it large frame Coal Breaker, with
sehtdes,screens„ machinery, Sr... complete ,,! frantic
engipe house, -1 dirt plane with machinery, coat.,
plete, I counter seleate, 1 self acting plane, 4. frame
stable,• 30, (mole "weter tanks, and 15 blocks of l ; 4 ! story (mine Winces' houses In Schuylkill county. I
seized:and tr.ken In execution as the property of
JOHN A NSP.kl'ff, Jlt., and to be sold by . I
. tit...OW:P.' C. WYNKOG r, iihertlf.
• . .
• sherlirs Otliee, Pottsville , Pa o November Ist, 187;„
.Nov. a, 187 d., ! •••,. 45—It.
.....M rine of sundry wrl is of 4 , 7ert kte.H-. Levert Ft.- -
CM/I (lad rrdilliti , ffii Etp.i.ta4 1,4 , 114 (11
,1 .11. nt tile Coort i l
of common P.e.e. of :"...titlyri: ill county a n d te. me
Movie,' titer.. . v :I. 11.. 4.1;1 I•P 1 10 pulMe .51e or
outcry, on .
.y.! rr It 1).1 r, .v,,,,,..5,, txth, ucik.
At 10 o'clock in the for.moon, at the Court House,
in the Borough of Pottsv l Be, Schuylkill County, the
following di-moils-4 real estate, to wit :
-Ail the right, title 1:11,1 Interest of Isaac rtey fort of, '
In and to nil that c , rtalti lot or piece of ground, sit.;
mite in.the 13ortYugh of Seht* 'kill Maven ,
t , SehuylA
.kilt County , hound e d! north wardly by lot of Jem'es.'
KlrXpatriek, east w4irdly by Doe': al rev t.sout hward i
ly by property of Jkic .ti I lu til zinger and westwardly
by an alley. containing In width 21 feet more or legit,
and In depth Ito feetonore or less, with the appnr
tenances, (-med.:fine of a 3-story frame dweliing, .
house, with a ::•story frame back building mu:cited,'
ands frame stable : WI the property of ISAAC SET-I
-1. EliT 4
.. I
A Ltitt—All that certain small farm or treetof land,
alt mite in "'Moo Township, Schuylkill 'County, ad
joining lauds of saltine' Dresher, Ilichael Grover,
John Hart, Henry Stauffer and others, containing
austere., more or less, with the appurtenances, con
sisting of a lt.. story log dwelling-house and a log
barn; as the property of JOHN TEPLE.
ALSO—NO. I.—All that certain small farm or tract
of land, situate In Norweghin Township, Schuylkill
County, adjoining the upper road " leading front
Pot tavil le to Millersville the Duncan tract, and land
, of Conrad Seltzer and others; containing 4 acres,!
more or lees, eidth the appurtenances cc:insisting , of
a 2-story frame tavern and dwelling-house, with of
1 1 - 4 -story frame back building attached, a brick.. - aed
frame smoke house, and 2 fraine 5tab1e5.....1:' , ..• I
• NO 2.—A1l that certain lot or piece of gronfid*sit=
nate In Jelappa, in„ the Borough of Pottsville;
Schuylkill County, bafinded.riorthwardly 'be Front
street, eastwardly by lot 01 Frederick , Sehultz.
southward* by the Mount Carbon Railroad, and
westwardly by lot of Frederick Flail, containing in
width 110 feet, and In depth 180 feet, more or less;
with-the appurteriaticeis, consisting of a 114 story
frame , dwelling-house with brick_ and stone base
ment; ae the properte of CHARLES F. KULL.
AlPoCt—A II t licse 3 certain lots; or pieces of ground;
situate ln Newtown, Reilly Township, Schuylkill
County, hounded northwardly by •an alley, east
wardly by - the public road leading from Pottsville
to Tremeni, aouthwardly by Pine street, and west=
wars*" byanalley,coutalaing together in width 73
feet, anititrdepth 12,5 feet, with the appurtenances,
consistilig of a 2-story frame dwelling house with 1
stone tatement and a I, l 4story frame kitchen at..
inched, a frame stable and a fount. awoke-house ; as- I
the property of MARGARET ZEftN DELT.
ALSO--All that certain 2;story' frame dwelling:r•
bou r se, situate north orManch Chunk Street, be
tween Coal Street and the Mount Carbon Railroad,_
near the boiler manufactory of John T. Noble in
the Borough of Pottsville - 3n the said County of '
Schuylkill, containing In front ou a email . * street•
running parallel with Coal Street, 12 feet, and In
depth ys feet, and the lot or piece ofgroutid„ anclenr
t liege appurtetant TO ash! building e' *a the props* .
ty of JuIIN QUINN... • 'a , • .- •
A Lfk)---All tent egkrbOri, t 2-storta.briek dwelling
house or boffin:or - with ha enient den below; situ- '
ate in the Boroarttilvtll_,e• tn the County of
schuynt Ili, on intirtigthlterly6cot3tee. elf Leurel
Street and Hill ' enditinhag, fresh on said
Laurel Street - ;'B feet, and ladepthalongeliill Street
20 feet, and their* or pleeemfgronnd and curtilage
Appartenruit to said building •' as the -primer's' of
COORS. . r
ALSO—AII that certain farm, tract or piece of land,
situate at Landingville In North Man ;elm Towt;.
ship, Schuylkill County, Pa. bounded and !hoped
SA follows, to wit: !!chi nning at a stake In thyroid
leading to Orwigsburg, at a corner to Frederick
Landerbrun's land. t henee along the said road lead.
lug to Orwlgsbn rg north Ililidegrees„ writ 33 perches'
to an apple tree, thence along said reed north 5 de
grees east 26 perches to a white oak, thence by land
of Jeremiah Reed south 33 degrees west 4 perches to
a stone, thence south 78 degrees west 5334 perches to
a stone, thence north 12 degrees west 44 perches to a•
stone, thence by land late of Richard Rlekert and
Philip Doti:Mellor, south 73 degrees west 59i
degrees es to a stone, thence by other land south , 4
west 75 1 4 perches to -the River Schuylkill, thence
along the said River south 12 degrees east 1934 perch
es, thence south X degrees west 11 perches, thence
south &i,4 degrees east 6 perches and fort -two-ones
bond to &stone, thenre south 1.334 degrees east
d perches anti twelve-one-hundredths to a stone:
thence swath 5%. degrees east 33 . perches and one.
tenth to &stone, thence south 3.4% degrees east It
perches and feTelght-one-hundredtlas to a stone,
thence north SA, degrees east 41 perches and seven
t_y-five-one.loon redtits to a stone , thence north 78%
degnea.,.. tai perches_ and fifty-four-one-hum.
dredths toot/ done. thence north 47,4 degrees east 9
perches and three-One-hundredths to * stonethence
north 16%de:trees west 31 perches and seventy-two-
one-huzidrWtits to a stone, thence south 7934 degree,
west 12 perches - and twenty-three-One-hundredths
too stone• thence north, 834 degrees best 12 perches'
and twen ty-three-hundrMthe toe stone, thence
north 7934 degrees east 12 perhhes and six-One-hum
dredths td a stone, thence south 233.4 degrees east 13
perches and nine-one-bundredths to &maple. thence
south 27/,' degrees& east 20 perches and oeventYlsixi
sloe-hundredths to a stone, thence south 3 1 %degrees
east 14 perches' and ninety-seven-one-brimiredths to
a atone, thence loath 77% d east 14 perches
and seventy-nine-one-hand that° a atone, thence
north el degrees east 20 perches and seven-one-hun.
dredths to the place of beginning, contaluing 90
acres and 24 perches, with the aeMiltenenees, con=
sidlng of - a 2,144t0ry stone dwelling hotite„with ti
lothsre atone kitoben attached. and a large-frame
hank barn with stone basement. -- ALSO—AIt that
certain ether piece of land, situate in North Man-,
helm Townshlpiabresatil, And adjoining the above
mentioned tract, bounded as follows, to wit : Begin
ning ate poet corner, thence by land of Frederick
Lauderbrun north 77 degree"' east 41 perches to a
stone corner, north 33 - degrees east 7 perches to ii.
pine, north 4 t degree, west 11.% perches to a spruee,
north a degrees west Di perches Logi:Wuxi. thence
by laud now or late of IDahard Rickert south 71 de- i
grees west 40% perches to • post, thence by land late l
of Philip,Hoy south 15 degrees east 31 and three
tenth* perches tea post, theme by Jere:Mitt Reed's
acre lot north 77 degrees 'east 12 perches to a pod.
south ittlegrees east Llperches and four-tenths lathe
place of beginning, contalning itacresand/Mperch
es strict nseasttre being theitente prenthes ankh the
snid e thePresigent, Managers end Company of the
ikbuylklll Navigation Company by Indenture
even date 'herewi th . anti intended to be
'forthwith eaii recorded, did, for the eonsiderstioti there
in mentioned, part of which is intended to ba/tere-,
Iff secured, convey unto the laid ands Qaynot and
Edward J. Gaynor, In fee, under =Meet - 7to the
reservation. restrictions, . releases. covenants and
provillana therein set forth,
as bY reference thereto
will MIT appear: meths property of .101119 GAT-,
NOR, in the hands of Edward .7. Clay_nor.
his admin , and of EDWARD J. GAYNOR;
lit his own right.. ' ,
ALSO—nil that certain small farm or -tract of
las d, situate in Butler Townshipp, techaylklll Chan
ty, adjoining the public toad-'leading to Ashland, -
and lands now or late of the estate of Benjamin
. Pott, deceased, Isaac Reed, Fidler, and others,
containing 17.ecres, more or leas, with the appurte- 1 ,
nanees, containing of a2story fnunedwelling-home
'and a frame ham-I' , as the•property of GEADROK
REIFF and CATHARINE RUFF-.. . L' --- 1
-ALSO—AII that certain !color pleceofgrottad, sit-,
oat, In the Borough -of Mahoney City. SchtlYlnill
County, bounded Uorthwardly by Centre street,'
eastward.* by Catawba* street, south ' ly by
Water s treet , and westwardlydry lot of H Tolan,,
containing In width Xi feet, and in de 125 Peek)
/ gittsAite agmartealuteeiti etiosisting 'a pel 1 71;
4:4 7
frame store and dweinex-hatese ants femme ata' .- e 1
as the property of MARTIN • '-. . • I
, Seized anal/then in execution and will he -*old
, . • *:-- , , OEIMICIZIDE_WIragAIIiEIi tummy. 'I
fiberifF*olloe. Potts:till% 7feer, &JIM •-7 '' 411-4 t 1
I • - ' _ - • •
Twirju i 4 imu.vl
clim=A; auviltwAßE, AND MCKIM;
ittipin COAVOU
Ofir • •
Clltinilso:i A
, 6ipszlinOtreat vortetY. eon
-141-11111i'.4Cititii47—leieviar°atmon paid to Custom
War*. REPAIR/S i done D e afly on short notice. 3 htz_iy
lid' kale I*
NIErtC:I.VNT 111.,7'
.51; and 519 ,AIINOII, SL.
' rt.; A ilaertrun Tube Works
Oct 1. ' 7640. /111
nub.',it:vein'. i
•,' T
. 1•1
. `,.- •--,- -..*''''''
' • .1 a ;
•\ ' ,
i 4ll • . , M ii °
,P - ; •1 7 :1.1:V
T4\Th.f:.. - c= t : 1 . 03 ..
9 1 '..itex.* - • =4; 34 t ec l -• i
1-V474.;! :• 411 - ,
Brorizes,lFancy Goods f . &c. - • - 1
13 1 ,11-ITI-IDAN'. BRID --% L.
We would rill} 11 attention of our patrons. ronll
frlends to our large: nortinent or
NEW AND DESIRABI.F. 00010:....,
:Our importation" d thl% sensor, ore in , ,r op,i,ned,
rind present many n %tellies, which we Am vet/kill.
will ',tense. •
Orders by mail ea .
. Pi C 4
Z '
.fully and promptly :43...10,4114.
4 tir. 1 4 ILVEM , M1 S.
J. P. CLARK. NAM I. 1131 'I
Nil'. 11.4 CIMSTNU
NOV. 5, '7O
leular attention to their Fall
DeN!re to Invite 'pa
Stock - of SOLID 13' LVER WARES, arranged for ,
WEDDING PR&SE 'TS, comprising a great variety
of new; w.efui and ornamental al:tides in Plain,
Oriental and Pearl Finish.
Theo , goods, chiefy of exclusive designs, will be
found Moderate 'Feces, and In very complete as
sortment (rum the, l i nexpensive and most practical
article for table use to the more elaborate and orna
mental eombluatin s for Dessert, Dinner and Tea
ofkrvimr. •
. A cordial indtat on is extended Loan who may
f!el,tlll‘posed to vi.,tt oar- Store and examine this
beautiful co llection f Art Work in Sliver. s•
902 Cii.ESTI 4 ,IST . STREET,
I Bonds, bearing IT per
. t.ln.Gold Secured.
by a
Otter 411200.
rent. Ititit
First an
S ;only Mor'tgaige';,
Tile (loud,: ar
1544U1.41 Cn
yable in tho city of Pi;lladel-
The Coupons are
}•e of Apr i l and (kdnbcr,
.phia; on the firxril
Free S!ate
I.%l : frvi ,V7l/ex : Tq.t.s.
The - price at pre wn
. • I
90 an-il
1-d Interest in Currency.
LA connection with the lie.ansyl
wtstown, brings the Anthrael to
nearer the Western' ant Rout h.
IWlth thin advantage It will con
utttber Trade, and the Immense,
, Ls of ores 19 thisiteetion, together
icopled digtriet, through which It
,la very large and- protitable trade.
Wit. 4A INTER id: CO., RA N
This Road Withl
vaula.Rallitsid at, I i
* Coal Fields G'
western markets. i
trolthe trade. The.,
and valnabledepo s .
wine the thickly
inns, Will Secure 11l
Denteig In unw‘rern
ent fteetirlt les, ,
South 'TIIIP,D St., PhllnQe lNhia
Apply to
- 11INEILw I
• , Bunker,
st• Pottsville. Pa:
N'ov. '74:;.2;
lin) 60
shades, *e.,) TRIMMINGS, KID'
. GLOVE 4, a variety of '
Handsome Plalds,lOn the new gold and hlack mix=
tures', and a full line of beautiful Striped Cash
mera.Benga and Bstrlin Shawls. Also,
. a Splendid assortment of
. ,
MILLINERY 000A4.' Including - pl.: . . i
BoNa,si.sicra. WEER. ax. I
, - ' 'WHITFIELD At EoyElt. -
Sept 24. 1040: us-er
)3idantam citapra. Lisaxi.Ac.
21IS I g i etttL i f?.,ft m ftn Ahl tasit l ai
Jseq Q, 91) teal , 06. .
Marseille. Hullts..4 00 to $l6 63. '
Lap Blanket:a. Carriage Rugg.
Trerelinsßlanketsand Maude. • ,
215 dos. FlneTowels, $2 50 to WO).
2:11 dos. Rapkibs, SI 00 to-SS to.
•, Hack Tweeting'. 15e. to finest.
• Russian and American Crashe ,,, . • -
• Loom WA. Unsus, 37c. to Si 6). • °
•• one Bale Superior Loom Dice, 50r.
to pieces Irish Damasks, ale, op.
• Laninaa96 up.
'a Ltsena,avery number.
Mh1K 36,11 Milner, all stles.
"SE M &
ELE.,Coaliat trim Art, I.LtamitrEtritarrs.
oak 1.•;0-4/Lt ' • •PILLLADELPHIA.
• •
Preload, Pa lOW Building Briekk
e. DetAs SL. '
1/1:111 , — . tr • rhilh ' ,l.l6Bll.
• LTRit /11141.1ralt. ' •
. -
'WM , mania axturnaci. .
sokcracriug ..iarraviux, PA. '
MO H t°
4114 1' alidira-PY,E7III',I-1.1111201"114
To Tzsziala i .A. padiattaualvtatleman at.
, 45. alapetcalatn. - tit goat stamp/wilt &aro= of
aelptlponaft mit aa asetattr laatriat out tarCitad
rasa mmmamti ~ n umeoll ya alUtai i _srlUt au eat
laWitly to maw it tbe ore 'mutual+
tr assappa , wlttl
.- i., ': 2.:
__• - 1113% ,„
•• • • ' - APMellar 13.6 Lawaspart.
46•21 lt
. -v. • • . . ~.. . ,
• . ~. . . .
lit keep mnstikuily
land -A full
`.Of Building Luta
'bleb hewn' plat ,
to xcil nt the
itAT i.
Sank, ittlntlic dc.
1511 at :iOCe , l3l s per
lei and u ft pwaels., -
sto .as to permit
eadinr, of a Nine—
two varieties of
leTeonneeted, and
are equal. In evely
Ts of full ktiage.
w LC CO.,
211,g s_-iitelegretphA
Captui.e of New: BreirlArh.
Great •:Distrtsa - : : Aram g: the Freheh:'
, . - . ~•• - • • :,
• 1--.A.Z # AINE •D\ NOJtNCIA:D. '
Saprrader: of Nem- Brehach—Rumors of Carib*/
41'...stirrender—The Empress Euileale,
A tistriaN Yediation:-OrenLDl/1-•
tees" Amos% the Feetteb.' •
LnNimisr, - Noi - ..ll,—Late last evenint, a l re
port was received here that the gartison at
New lireisich had hoisted the white nsg.
This rumor iscentirmed to-.s/ay by 4wofficial
despatch announcing the capitulation of the
fortress yeaterdsy afternoon; Fivethetuand
prisoners, ineliteing one hundred. officers,
-tell into the hiMiJs of the Germans; no guns
were captured; • i•
The corresloondtnt of-the TIMES,: writing
from Berlin yesterday,,mysii sharp reply has
been returned to Austria hi •response to , her
note offerhyg mediation, owthe ground that
Austria having armed at the 'beginning of
the war is disqualified now to act as neutral.
It ix generally thought that Prussia will pre
fer the annexation of two provinces, Alsace
and Lorraine, to any Wiarantee that neutral
powers iway see - tit to-Make. Prussia's relit-,
00118 with Austria andlftussia are ttotsuell
as to render any guaralftkv of theirs accepta
ble: r - ' •
TAferwitit-reat distress' amoug the, poorer .
classes ortifii-Tmuch, owing to the Govern
.:lnent haying 's(l4ed..all the Money: hi the
:savings banks, together with the;property of
;.*cArpotintis and commune which by tpe
. lereneli iaw were placed in the custody: of
Disuiazitled—ilgaidu• Veuovii*lemL
. .
ALT ItnEtskcifz:7N-ov. 9. —The -dismant
ling of the fortifications- has already been
ennurienced,now that the French works on
the opposite side of the river are all in --Ger
man hands. ' A heavy battery. at -the - itotth
of the town has been entirely removed; and
the guns !in'Sehlivisberg taken to ,the loWer
town. ; The Baden artillery has been thank
ed by the Prussian Government for its gal
Gantry:. ' •
The Grand- Duke of *den is 'at, the Bead-
',quarters-or _Wing m nt.Versailles.' ,
LILLE, N0v..1t1.-.:-`:1 'e City . Colincii. to-itay
unanimously' parsed ..reortiticitt . < " that l3a
.7:line, in telling. the army which her traitor
;Onsly iurrentlerell to the enemy-Oathe city
of Lille tind all northern Frarfee craved peace .
'at . any coot, lie4Ap•,nally, and this body in
iodiguatittS• sptirpS the lie } " _ . • ,
-, . •
The Pop" Little
FLORENCE, Nov. 11.—The Pope has fixed
his • compoisation for the • improvements
made by him hi Rome at five millions.
i':itrtis,r 1 Writs.,
- ALRANY, Nov 11.—The ARGUS claim the
election of 66. Democrats •to 62 Republicans
In the State Assembly.
The Congressmen elected' in thIS State
'stand 1(1 'Democrats to lbßepubli#ans as
follows :—Democrats elected- 7 in the. Flpst,
Second, Third,' Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Sev
enth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, Fifteenth (is a gain), Sixteenth
(gain), Eighteenth (gain), and Thirtieth
(gait*. The remaining districts are Republi
can. 'Names outside New York,::Chas. St.
John, Rep.,Eleventh ; Jolla H. Ketcham,
Rep., Twefth ; Joseph IL - Tuthill, Dem.,
Thirteenth ; Eli Perry, Dem., Fourteenth ;
Jos. M. Warren, Dem., Fifteenth ; J. Rogers,
- Dem., Sixteenth; Win. A.. Wheeler, Rep.,
Seventeenth; John M. Carroll, Dem., Eigb
teenth ; Elizur H. Prindle, Rep., Nineteenth;
- Clinton R. Merrill; Rep., Twentieth ;lEllis
41.7• Roberts, Rep .
_, Twenty-first; WM. E.
=-Ltuiting, Rep, Twenty-seoond ; Robt. H.
Rep., Twenty-third ; John E. Seeley,
Rep„ Twenty-fofirth ; William H. Lamport,
Rep., Twenty-fifth; Milo H. Goodrich, Rep.,
'Twenty-sixth;: 11. Iloardman Smith, Rep.,
Twenty-seventh ; Freeman .Clark; Rep.,
Twenty-eighth Wakeman, Rep.,
Twenty-ninth: William Williams, Dew.;
Thirtieth; *Walter. S. Sesslutis Rep.; Thirty
it is claimed Holiblan's majority will be
dimini;hed a s ttdditional retitrus are - re
ceived. • • - • -
In this city' the Democrats Succeeded in
counting in Delaharty for Pollee Votuniib
sioner, al though Felttnan fairly
electedlhy 42 majority. This givesthe Dem-.
ocrats -four cerptuissioners. The . Repu bii
capOegarct-it .as a high-handed proceeding
and fraudn(ent on its face, and ,the matter
will he lentitested. ‘
4 . - :MICLIIGAN. • ' ..
_ . .
i -
Durnorr, NOK. 11.—The State his-,Republi
can by fifteen to-twenty thousand.: , " Conger,
in the Filth liistrict;:ta.l 130 majority: -The
distrietiusnally his4,ooo. Waldron, in the
First District lois" leas than 1,000.1 The Sen
ate hai4 20• 114ublfran niajorfty, - and • the
'House 20 Repttblican 'majority, which is a
. loss froin last term; but enough to insure a
Republi ean .United States. Senator.
. . „
~ • • ' ' MINNESOTA. •:., '..
. .
Nov.,ST..rAti.i v 11.—Thereturiis of Tues
day's elections are still far froth completes-
.Averill'S majority in this district will probes"
. bly reach.4,ooo, which defeats Donnelly by
.as large a vote as he ever received when run
ning as . a RePublican. - - -
I hthe Firs( District a• few returns haie
been received from the lower tier of.coun
ties but •enough is known, to insure - the
eleclian Of puunel,_Rep.„ from 3,000 tu 4000.
The Le i.+ . Wile will probably stit4about
pi l ii
the same as e Inatome. - .! • ,
_,, . ' 4.,. • •
The - Re bliinuts ;havO.,gained •In several
districts, - and lost in Othersi.peciAlly.lti-Ar-
Mistead conrity,..Wideh 4w :there .siirpriltjtig.
The election orGeneird slbles!, Petnocritt, In
this'eotinty+c-depencleOti UM: . voteOf .SlClund
ISjewriehieh is reported is
bellevedl that tbe Legislature' elected is-in
fivOr-of IW..Windotn• for U.Senator.
• .
' • 1 KENTUCKY. - .• • •
liortsgra.F; Nov: - I1:—It Is now believed
the Dein lots have elected the Ninth
District by a. small Majority. The following
are .the 'names of the candidates eleeted-to
Congres : First District; Crossland, Dem;;!;•
Seccilid, .MeHeri4;' Third, - Lewes,' Dent. ;.•
Fourth" Reade, Den]. ;. Fifth, Winehester;
Dem. xtli, Arthur, Dem 4 Seventh, Becki
-.Dem:: E hth, Finley - , Rep.-(small majority);
Ninth,.• Rice,Dent. ( small :' majority.) . '..• The
Republicans claim that the Ofilcutl count will
give thiailistritt to Thoinas. The majority In
the .State for Governor is 30,000... The Coh
gretsdonalrnsjotity in 1868 was 75,000. Full
negro vote in the State is 35, 000. The count
ing shows thatthe Democrats hay - I Hen off
11,000.' , he- negro& cast about 1,111 votes
this el ' on: The Republicans cla'• . a gain.
in the -S to of .15,000 over the August. elec-'.
i t
lion. '.-- •+, •
F asetscO, Nov. 10,—The election
returns-from Nevada come In slowly. It is
genemlly believed that the Democrats have
carx,R4l the State,. except for Lieutenant
Goveriforkand Congressman; Slingerland,
Republican, for the former, and Fitch, Re
publican. tfor tke latter position, are believed
.to - be 'otectect. At will require the official
vote, hinvever, to decid'the result.
Noir °fret, tb,„ii_lqweift, prices for eight years, t4elr i
• t enure4re stock i
Carpetings, Oil Cl oths, Canton and Cocoa
$1 50 per yard. • .
'• _ • ,
- •
REEVE L. infilinZir!iis. '
_ .
la!I 131r4baliar 1211241PIUL&DIMPIIIA.
Sep!. Angus tl3. ":046.301-I.lll4en•ead
, . . . . ,
. .. 446 - :Aisik '3tx43€4. - . .
><A:ft7'Adlvw 0V
• , LA lEW 'FANCY , FURL ; --
ea..lwi g ',it tim,,,,,,i, - ‘ saw,. itait fay ti:bie;
minktku ft . itoyal,Ertaltle. Grebe. Eleat,,/istraeank
Squlrrel,FUeds.*e. •ChUdielatailetta..*-, . . • ~.
tatli=:s Collars and. tiloves , ,-,
The latest ittilea at lowestprleei:_, , - • ' '
All Purl jkailalt sit !Tpreleated:' • _
JO A.'. firAlisarin a, CO - 2 i.. -
iva ;freiVatt ":1: $ 4010.4 below 144314; i#
ort iori
. .. - .... • .PEULADALIPIIITh- ,7 ‘
" NOT. ii -• p .
, .- ,-. ~, • • - _ , - - ioni': . ;
. , _
,VEM - BER 1870
that Atiltria has Joined Frame.
'MEW FOR AillrfiAlloll.
Papai Zouaveg - ite.eatletti
vrreneli Itepossewa-Orlem*S.
The V
le Silereb—Bomar thet'A pt L
ee—lelovsenent lbr Arblbee--Pa
opal Zoaavet
. .. . .
NOV. 11.—At a. banquet. at Nor= -
ii hist evening, held to celebrate the
'of „Ilayor {Albeit! a member of f Par
, for that borough pronounced. the
'ran to he the result of adiealistn.- ,
riled Emile 011ivIer as the prime au
e;War and one of .the greatest, romii
'rnac: NapoliOn i lwas a desp ot And
, with a hireling army. The speech
iy clmmented upon. ~ • • • ..-:
lON, Nov. IL—T • he stock. market has
ouch depressed thisrertmira, by
that Austria had • • oined__Preace
Prusiiia;' that Frene , troops have
Orktiusi bild•Ahat the French fleet,
ode important captures. - The streets
!ti with rumors which however can ---•
received. the cautiously, At this hour.
, t are down to 93 for. both- money and .
, and United States five-twenty .bonds •
at tiri for issue of 1862. • • ,•
tON; Nov. 11.—Th e• formal surrender
Breisach occurred at 10 o'clock . . this
i. Gambetta has ordered . thitdril- .
infantry arid recruits must be en- '.
11 days. '', .
ermans have new , batteries o n the_
of. Varreuy„ at Mont Magery, Bea--.
id Couxbevale. - • Colonel... Chureettp . •
a authorized by the. Court of Cham-
Wall his Papal Zontices to fight for •
war in .
He reg
that. of
cats in
a tyran
is sha
13 1 / 1 1031 1 1
las Ina i
are fillet
not be ri
consola t l
are fiat
of New
ling by ,
ished in
The (
sous .a
has be:ei
benk to
wor, of
says II(
sal suffi
toN; NovAl.—Aosta - dnuies the - ru-
having demanded plebiscite. Re
e vote of the Corpielected by univer
inge will aniply , suffice.. _
iecial despatch .from Brussels . states',
*informed political circles are. Ini
with the. belief; that new - arringe- i f
or. arbitration have been effected : b
utral powers. Preliminary condi.;
an Egli - Rabic peace, accept ab le alike .
.vlti Piussia, have al repAY been'
The initiative has been takeu by.
for assembling a Congress....,A heavy- .
now has Rouen. • .
A 81
that %A NN
ruents 11
four 1#
tionn ofd
to Fran
Aussia t
EAU of .4:
The Fretich Itepowsecd.tieleaim—The•Prussisim Re.-
, • pc , ..rtid -
TounS, November . despatch from ---
General DiAurtilleS Paladineis, com,k
mender of the arinOif the Lair, ' ' was
ceived by the 311iiiStei* War, lash venitig; -- .,
and ha i just beeirgik•eit to the public.. - Irt lit
as follows .
We have taken - po s sessio n of the city- of
Orleans after a tight which lasted two days. 7
.Otir aggregate losses in and wounded
do not reach two thousand, while-those of the
ienetny_are - much larger.- We have Medal
=more than one thousand prisoners thus far;
and -are continually: adding to them ; as we
follow the Hying enemy. • Arndt* the pro
perty captured are two C 3411011 of Prussian
model, :twenty ammunition wagons and a
great 'untuber of vans and provision wagons.
The- hottest of the righting took - plice around
Conlinier on Wednesday; Nev,-Oth. -
Notwithstanding the -bad .ireather and,
other unfavorable circumstances, the elan' .;
displayed: by the troops was- .rentarkable..
Gen. -De Paladißes, on occupying ' the , city,
issued the folloWing congratulatory order to .
the of and: ,soldiers - nof- the army of the
Loire: 1 "The action - ofyesterday was a
glorious one for • our• army, Every position
of the enemy was vigorously. carried, and
the enemy himself is: now retreating.
• •"I havein formed tile Government of your •
conduct and a n t instructed to retern to you
their thanks for ,your victory.. Mind the ..
the disasters in .which'-France is- plunged,.-
her eyes are upon - pill she - counts - upw
your courage. Let us all make every,elforV
in order that this hope may not be mistaken.
tglgned D'Aurellespe Paludines Commtuiti
der•in. Chief.". • . •`
. .. _ .
- Tomos, Nov. 11.—The jouninlis report that
the Pnis.nians have lost over 10,000 men kill
ed and wounded and 1800 , prisoners in the
battles around'olleana, and arliFlieeing tow =
arils Qhafteti and Elaine. ' A large number
ofitinei thrown "away by the enediy have
been picked up and distributed arliong`the
National Guard at Orleans. The entire army
of the Loire is moving forward. -The thill-.
tary department of the East has been abolt,
Otiedeaud • Geaeral . Michel who held 'chief
command there - assigned to other duty.
A despatch - froth Chaguy 'reporte. a large
French foree thete'well supplied With artil
lery, mid suMeient to resist, the adVance of
b it
the enemy. . Troops' from Lyons re march.:
big to Mvolun
teerseet• the -Prussians: _I a volu
teers euntinue to Join -Gard:atilt — mino hi
large numbera.
Nf IittSAILLES, Nov: 11.—(den.- 'Von' Der
ham having evacuated Orleans. reports-that
the enemy is not advancing along the Loire
as previously. rumored.., .. . • _
Another Projected Sortie.
__ . .
)Biaii..lN . , Nov. lA.—Deserters; from .Paris
say that Gen. Troehu, in order - to regain
Prestige, -is preparing for - another ' grand
sortie. I
. .
~. ~ _
I - Move:pent. of Prince •NapialiSa.
Bit' 4SELS: Nov. 11. -.l l l.lneel Napoleon
arrived nt, th9lotel DeGate, In dale oily.
Mtasourt Elections.
• - e
hvr. Nov. 4.1--i7Completei returns
from this county gf4i3 *own, 17,256 ; Mc-
Curry, 4,672 ; Brown's majority,l2,s94. Re
tiirnsirorn 54 counties give Brown 41,79.5
McCurry, 10,8941 majorkty for Brown, 30,-
911., These indicate -Brown's Majority In.
-the State • will be ao;octo to 49,000. •
The REKTBLICAMOIIIIUI4 to have returns
and estimates fromi9s counties. The follow
. ing is the result for the Legislature :_ House
—Democrats, 67 ; Fusion; 15; Liberals, 16;
R9publicans; 20. Senate—Democrats 7. ' Fu
sion, 7'; Liberals, 1;= Republicans, 2. The
liberals have their County Marshal, Clerk
of the Circuit Court, and Aisistant Prose- .
.outing; Attorney of the,,,Court
Correction. The-Demcicrats •• IniTAL all the
other County officer - a - by , bandsoMe - majorl-
Jies; including Judges of the CirctlitCourt.
. Nov. l I.—Trlia. of
Mattie Batham mutderer of I. McNash, was
concluded to-day. Jury brought Ina. verdict
'not guilty. •it will be recollected about i
year ago Miss Batham who had been seduced .
--by Mc 'ash, visited his boarding horiseand
11, emended fulfillment of his promises toms,-
iry her. Upon his refusing to do so she, deT.
liberately drew a pistol awl shot him dead. _
—Thereis an old• :St. josepb, Mis-
Bowl, whb has kept house over twenty years,
and who has had only one' paper of pins in
that time, and yet has apart of the met ,.
I.N GL RI cf4S •
OT •
DE RAVEN' i nito; . -5.,„ •
HI filial) STRUM,' PED.AbitiADA.
Nov. 3..1000 a:ciock.Oall•
1.1 :. 8. VA of 441..4.-........- i. 1131 111% „
- - %IL UR lOW'
i 1 Wig
7 . ' lt: _ - - - ..... .-.... , 1 t • .M/7.
• ” . 4 '65. Went - -.....;,..;. 1 i
i tg
" ........,-..:L. - ..... .. .ne •
‘ ,-.s'i, 10•0nt..... ...-...............--
V. G. 30 year 0 per cent,
.Carreney,....-.. 411 11l
G01d.,..1.........C* ....------- - ''a 430 4- . .
Union fiCe . iii7ll. - Klat'Sf. Bonds-- • WA i , SIB
Central Pacific R.• R-------- Ilittk Eh
Union Pacific Land Grant monk . ..., mg_.. .r us:. .
91141M114. 3 TAMXIIT XAMICIIIIIL :. ..! , ,
• . ,
We give ,the following quotatiallia 99 to-dm 1. - " •
Maastit- -- Lerdi11b......... - ~,,'• --am
/toast Beet. 11.:...-- Chickens 9 i1k,,,.,,,....4191 .
l u l s:
Corned Beef . it.... - . On OM 1 ku-......
Ramp Steaks 9 kr- fps_ _
.....,. .... •
Sirloin Meeks 1 0 lb, mown 919.:-....... 10
Genesee 9 lb---- Ronk.. IP- .a... IS
- - Morrow- • . BlUbut .1137...." '
i Forequarter......... ' -. 14 While Perth 0964 ,
9 19--:..... r . -• , caS9sb 9 ." ... ~. .. r ....._ a -
Ponz--___ ._. • _ .9. 4 -_, ~..".
ikastkekikkkilk. -'•llseas9so.2l-di
Corned 91b— .....
- • - -
,Rotiarfkik.:--- Alm
tiamoi ll leat i llk..... '-' ' =9:6 11111
li ~..... ~ - Tri PotatoesT rig...... 111
DiSe9elet9Sr.i....l... 19 WM
• Iv -, 1 Pk '
tiert i lk....*u ea. um% 4 - -714.18,•::
• !Lit.. "10rnt.000:44-,, .00,-...,
' Ca pli tlete mmomeopr i lit.--- E. , . . 4044 ,PIDe ka lt rew s " 1- ' 4 .4,
l i ara=trar:M l ,l l : l, ! l :, • *
.:*-",4,414 -
T A rarptuvarrer...
wn to sa sult w the 07 t hed N i ci.
*llllldlrsot, d bet , 3!! 01111 time •y2 ,_ -.7f
#.,-t;y _
Murder THAL -1