EM=BE B FORTY-SIXTH YEAR At, jtiel iii! . Aobi tlira t. SATURDAY, OCTOBE:t 2). 1370 FU.ES'oF ADVERTISING. 12230 • 50 at I* t 0 I . .4 - juine tS-Incl2) or leo,' 6 0.1 -MI 1(10 S. 00 (one inch) . lis I. 24,00 03 60 (x) 0011 A AO 00 4 5 0 0 tilates, - _ A I.I•IIABETICALkiPECLAA.NOTICES.--Slngle Insertion ,r--tit, tine; each sabsequent Insertion LI) cents a Lim'. - t. , , c A r, nrsiNEss . , voricEs.—Scaind Page, :5 cents a o- ur4 nuert4on: esck subsequent Insertion Sic. per .NOTICIA—Third Page; . cents 4 •Itrie tint i.t .rt suesequent insertion 1a crab, iwr lttfe. ;IA Itt t !SUE NOTICE.S.—Z cants each. .I.l•NtiltAL NOTlCE4—Accompanying 41:Jabs—Ent two toe. Wien additional line Pi cents. . , • . _ 'r I:x•ENIP - Ris of Franee,'•Eligenie, t•howsliergood sense by refusing to .eo-ter itcto intrigues fur the re i tiioration ,o'r the TUE s EA CAMLIBIA hu. !wen Iff ' , bathe coal in a fearfol.:bturiii and oulyope lit'•cson out' of 194,..0f the passengos and crew is.litipm:ll to have. be - en saved;- - . Tat: OTito , Et-Eurtus.—The :Republican - ottteial nutkrity 1 'Sherwood, Se'cietary of .estate, 1t;,9( 4 - . '+ The rest of the . ,tivicet ha's about 'ilte.s:nne majority=. The Psohiation tit:l;.l.t reeeiyeti about 2,90(i.v0ttt4,.. '. • _ - t•ros and New N'orlt... very iannoral wqxe earthqual: • I !:tt . .,"ot her day.— l'ottsYitte'and tott4 be better, Istr they were -ilizttt,toultett. \\l:t.ll prnvetil t hat io virtue lieih safety. fro o internal row taitrt.l! atot - exteiTial -harm. • ._ , . St e- i ; V . ON llourKil.;the yotillat German j;. -iii cal; celebrated hl revenge - 11 ti - rthday '•fit last, at Versaillotl. :We say . _vo:R It fo!, hir at the heginriing of the present e a : , lie jovosely declared that "one can ?Lind any ;lar&hip sO long as one is yonni.g.7 ‘VE7..llll,:j.p.vr;,:fliat Mr. Fro!. fur:u..rl, lb:* this 11 . irsiugh, Is a c : titiliaa4e for z•tate !p t • > • . jl r. NAAS . .is a gentletnan'i,f ; - and will make a iito4 eg t.',ll;tll't Our l'ottsville arc to go aliewl-wiierevCr they locate. • • 1, Fe 1 -- .• ANsirt . .xtvuo that the botobardolent '7l Paris w,ill begin to-day The'dt.t.ay has fl..easiont-d - , according to Prw-sia'd ad ',outs., net. IrGin any .political or.hal;lane n•-i deptt ion, lad - . the german batteries were oojprepalt.d., l The negotiations for an arm istice. baii litr, and the . prospects now for a ~...4, l )t, t esioil of - hostilities before the bum- I,.,r•hent -a:C - poor indeed. • I;c4I,:tiPATIIV.-11. Le . v.:l tleci . .l.(l by lifghest:Caurt of the":-.ltate cif ?yew lurk 1, 4 t It on leOfiailly is not cluaeltery../,lll(6:as'i• ..ytit for allopat phy- - kr',.:tlling a hono.Op . atlile . itliysician a Stlt'ocfLinti, in Ilvtitlins the : !.:11i a pliy-ki,m,.1C1,- I.tek , . . - ... . ~ id titli.iiiiit.„'a iii.tel., t , itl‘ot eilttrallit; luta %. , ith .t ivant •,;- 11W, -ne..v.4.4ary knowletle awl tra.:l,:i4 t., ! . ,t.t.•:: , •‘• the system.. -4 Inedicitie ( whi , •h, he. ii - n.;%.llakei to praetiee„..al 1 NN t/iOl ilf.!- 1i ., : , 1-11i111,11 . . , 11.!i.iti having by u titirl.ttkilig lit f.:rit.•:li..-; :lit : I .I.) ilot see why t i-; now , ainl hi; $1 , .: be. n: ,In-e. the act of 1344, ..1 ~t as aelion aid, 1„:11..ely ;Ind nialletouslY to ea'. I 1 11 0 tll et ipa: •i!. i , pily-ici ,:l a quaek• as to eat I an allopathic: 1,1,,,...i,.,.,n a Alia •:-i. Where cannot be'any doubt, I think, ...h.,: I , f a lsely. and Inaliriou,ly ,eall .•11,,-i• :t ~:u.i.•!,. i.-.i..tionalile, .: ! nti r liaw.been since t ',.• ;14 , .•,..:- IN.ri, , .. :1! t 1.1 AN •V I I:W.—Among the lestons karnod front the lute elections, the fol o":4- mentioned by the Baltimore Wt..t t-: t:!:, 1 Kerman Republican . . organ. 'We and heartily endorse ; ••.:1 7 .t. majority of the American people with the German cause and •-piz,liatie the party' whose Member, are •,in',.11•4 the bitterest enemies and. tracinoors PM , " 'Philadelphia. : . . . It is as t;erniang that we have. °erasion t" re r.oiej lii )st iii , triii V - ever the result of the late elerii. 4l '. , \V•‘ a!e now justitid in thi• hop. t:i.it the 4:;..vin . 9 - 1- throughout, ti ~ country %VIII .. ,r i iltv.4o 1 li:Ali,:el% es , in a body t . ler Ihe ki it l!'.l', of th,.. Republican party, and'n a pea, etal . nay lii4lg. thent.4elyes lute a pbsi 'oti :e: voin t‘o.oiditur as their brethren in; Flare' )i. ha% e at Soiljed .hy ' lint of arms itistong. tilt', ti .:t' sl.t -1 i , t,-.. . , . ' . '1'111: ci::::::l4 ' .ol'lltifatiellihia-:-/•etti:-iti,!liave .' " pinto! , -the 11' 1.1131. .Blatt,i 1111101 afq the eenstiii . orNew 1 ii1;1; has ehngritl - (I(?thoillitf.s. fa.: k that thetori!i lit ;tl Htio, got -o with,their riitattee, an l:with flto itioa that they t : 111-'; the.ii 4 tni,i, that ilea the tiiitt-it,—titker eJate- - ..alop_i::til (fut., lift-i:• get tit am! Ilvti c {silo: Now we' Iwi•tieve littite; 11o' 141-11 , -, Mi. , : y0:11' W . ll , itdain morecarefal- ! Is - th.Ln ever iivfore, :I:comparison -halts 'that the 41(1 nut eery evenly. We that t 1101(• a, viiltioulty iti • taping \the cell-ins iu large eorreetly, awl lie • tit•Vt! that it van ht . done by adopting which it itt one itay: 11111,wii believ(; that heed (lone with eorreetitei-, in iitir large cities I .111.1-. year, 'anti thai• 111o.file6plesof tho:4,l•iliel: are it - i , appoin'ed th.iy their great. ilterease. Tlf V.S!..)N.O):AtIVIC • iLI t'l t 1 c el.1:111 ' '.1,• in (Ili , I )1!--1:11•1, MIMI • . {Cr 1,••.•., ..11.• II •• i.i• et' 1;1, h I tiro rl,ry . ...ha I 11••%••!;- * -11-re in' Ole 111,•X -1a .ot gekr•rill, trr 31..1,1 at ltr, p...t..1••••• I ',al :toy t 1(1:- 1:1 . . ' thy re.:111. .\ \ 1it.11.P..; , 1 it I ..tt:4- t: .1 tit 10. r 1:: 111/1.11 1 ;.1 11 1, , 1 1 TV. 1-4 in nu , ..; I' L: 1 II::: 11p thc hr.! Ow 1 .1111•.: learlArd tla. Nuirllnit a • titrf,r.l 1 1, 0 ,1: 1 :1: 11 , ....1 1 'ad find / , /l111 1 1411, 1 1,111 . .•isiply and aio ~ f ithi 'Het .0:1:y4 , 1e:toe 1.11: he' -.Va. t t. landll,g, .111,11Nriit : hr ...ad:,. 11.. : lacigaag,• .kll , l sl/ 11 I. , :\N ::!, I . 11, I'i•nr.t•r;o44- titlivit I)v.rwi th v 111_ turf. but \Vt. I)..)it'Ve itlnt 111.V:1 - r ifi grow yeillis• uptil tio lc t•3•Nvill Lase mine loft. • , k • 'i•' - ;'' -- 't :- ' , . , . M }•. , st,i. •:•;•• , t- HA wltinkitn: ,V. (I.Erit tEit I I:y (,;; z iiii, Eighth , :tin! :larket structs l'llie,ol,loli,l. i Ozivi , ' 40,4 ',toted ;i tiew ailver 0,-(-,;;:olt in Hai..., iii rii, filiti)lli.! Wl\ 'I'1•:1 i1,0,\3, - ,l:\ ( ,s, uLA Nj.:ET:• , : , ,,k,.., &,, 11, 1 , till•ir tl.lvcrii-tinultt :,11 , 1 ill not rail to giv, t 's,tii 41 tall: , g'itteral Itoticrs i;IS1 . 1111 , 1“ ri It u tile. It'll t t t itt,wr., Ut •,11111311114 4 . 11.1t11 , 01 , Of a tit., :4411.1.1te t.lat,telt• t.l Ihr A lain - . I•ni,,v,titititlly. The T!'" oimit S,•itiOtittlte ttittlittfa , •l Of nil 1.11,111- ' 4, d itu , 11 , 0) , 11 , ; I , lli lu l-lie ..f ttittittittt,ltrtl:, \\ Ili ~t Ittive•steltieved I( itt ,f;ttt tt I. taunt! the pultlit: - - h. is \VoNI.EI f. that lids lose nill.ll /II :11l Win'tWess ne . . 11,110, *‘ an . "d" I I e (Jl‘ adoe,s /l! ...eases W 1,1411 I I "t.,0t..1 5v511:111:4. - \.' ,• Intl-+• y vt,' to team 1, 1.0, 6. , r, 4,r 11.,• Ilr-t rai:art• of Ur: 1 ". 1 : 11. s. W I !.I I.lly, - 1•;:, eottglus, ttho imlitipuury eoat Zretbe. I ,o ollsll -'The (inatitity s , _100,144 4 —by . 1 ':ftla -against 14 st,••l.!i last \e:u The 1,,....d4fi It .ini4 tl• 0 . 1. k Lr.l y var. - : • • "...:11•1.'itt t'utitpany•:..sitd..:oi,SX. • •• • • Ti k .r 1.1-;/•••••• at the .c '.':;,,t Nl'r•ltic-afiiy, 11 , ;1-,j11;(11i:1 or 12 tr,ti 1;11 4:1 ` , 11.1i1 r , ;ulPletr!Y tr:sd.l., thy pvesa:itt, siitil priferm ' t , " tilet.t- (big - 'do , Blae. 110‘“ , v( r, 'wit!' i But )04 i. 1 ., i'.lo/1";.;t1'4;•_111 , •1:(` Ulan I) . .iyjtig 4.r.:c -t•et.i...* HOW, anti many are fo.itiLf at tht res. iit i•ltsipeilil the eollierii , tipuuld pot. r'1.1.1! , the regifq . la aa the r,eil the iliPri+ wilt re if an d ritii i,, lll ,• f ai s ii vvoiltil have , izeari,el,i' 411% , ha: the •fiztlaitee of tlAe f o,k Naveiolier aliat iiteim'ia-r ) but it:Ml{ll4kt Le 114-11) , VA.I ii Th . / r . :( 1 1 4 1 .' , .4' , . 11 go on will wig. , Oen net. idlilet. lux- rates,. trill . have eonforel Ita circiftstaqe-s: The lots and gaiticif - the ditlierent A ntbravite Region., so far isms follows: . t ) KohnylKlll Via I.# high , Wyoming VAlley ..... West ...... ....••. I terels ate inetease of • upWarmla m'f, two and three-co - Im , • Millions of tons., from the,,,mither, r.4,zione, tlidibty 1t e. ;1•1,t+:;:.t ons. lite large billk of Ibis eatmme from the Wyoming Region. - -Had _our amtim.e tak.ena by: the leaders of the ' AV, 13: A. • the coal market mat;ulll }mate taken Anthrwite ta 'this increase Sehbylkill County s avotill have iiilmisitemi at leami'nne-third, wh4t4t Would !use given - Sdittylkill f.•!atinty'an ineresise . of about 867,000 tons lnstead of •beink 71-1•, , t1.5 tons' behind the -supply" of.last- year, 'Making. a differentso of - upwarda'ol 1, 5 81,i369„.t.0nf,•and the miners and laborer: wonlil have, ,recilvedaixmut two mil; .mm ire W.V.t4.1.1 'thiS,Year that' they have re • - •mut t nu:iotilwiulti - havo been better,' millirins, of wealth than melvm .114.41.41.`11 '4l"it forever, to the C4untY. •' • • Eißry person who -read 'the 7vctt~ . it. during the first six months of this year knewaithat all 4 , our predietienS about the trade, prieeof :*Coal and wagemlin.Sehttylklli Cotinty, have been ful ly realized; and:in fact inore than" realized. • We• based onr prelletions oti ticeeitati.:,ef the trade and thOitarkels foir:Ceal.".•‘%'e - stated that market won:4l he miverstoekedLihat both primes of opal atel wags past tiihm.year than' last, at •-least in Schuylkill County witerje we labor. under Many disadvantitges—tltat, if the men imi other -I•olgOns••?eftinett smite-met that they shoWil cut loose at . once - anti aieept the Opeistor4' 11..tsis;or neg - .ttiate f,.r an atuwahle adSustment•of wages -imetWet4 them, based ou Clial at tkt • - 'll au th e st ppin p We-knew it woUld.go beloW oil , but we itls•mm knew that if Coal fell a shale - I.i:mt-tw $2 :sla4 a stopping that time. pporators would' sooner ftliv, wages oil the $I! '5O basis than aust*ntt - ttieti co!: lieries. l 7tll titis•Wo ktiew•_aiati so stated. 'and the firmly belief e- that - if this policy had keen adopted by the, we "would hav ; t: furmilshemf tons . more a ail ..tlittn•-,we-vm:ill.thimi year, whirl would have ..empfoyittent to 'ail the niinesi • ;Md. Imih•ormilmtring.ithe tear; with probably, a sttmi - pensieu of over two ' weeks to have hasbi • privy at $21,50, , .on which wage's would have been paid daring the year. 7'imrme‘m rates w.titld boeti imigher•fmr .the year 'than the average.-will be under the tiotv7iits,eimpretnise for' he last five in ntlis of lime year • 'fhe result. has been that iheSehtl3.l,7 -kill and- , Slainek in miner's and "laborers . who suspended-, are greatly. , impoverished, while thosC in the others• Coal Regions were never in a More prosperous eolulition: Sa Every loader of time W. 13. A., with WIli;al woe elmnferred,•k aims that what sve wilte is true— ' Mit they failed to urge it upon the miteti',. 7 and then round andn'ekh i shioneru* represented- tis as an enemy of :working erking classes, because when we saw ivlierti these lead-m_ era must eventually land the amen, and the lain ent:able condition, hey were leading-them into, .;-we appealei to the amen to distaird these advis ers and take the matter itt their nirn bands. • . 'Nov that the results, as.preilieted,ihave been verified, we appeal to every eandidWarking" netri whether our advice was hostile to the in tere:4s of the %very - rig men of Scliuylliill Coun ty, in the. condition • f the trade. that existed - at the time; and in its present condititin? When we . cohdenaned the `ronatiet Of the readers 'they stated that they were controlled by the th6 l- 7- this is• no doubt true to some extent; but the controlled theta was' not so large it: I . :Tottea at the time. 41tit that is . a question that Itelotig4-to the all know , tifltt when we advised the men arid 'also the 'oat t titei , atols everything went on verYsiteiotit-. ly ba t Wlttin they refused to listed to Any• ha - ger, and seine ofthe leaders, who desired to belt x ed upon as the roily friends of the labor' ng ehtss(4.„ nippit'sed they had the power to control ng . ,„they not only refused the at v ire hitt alaited its iu rather an.xtravattant Chan-, nt• t r, z,.ing- even !liras t4batig Its itt ertig . y at Ma. i tity.'and it WaS . 7 l most which i. I ; atte:r . stigtrestive of a int.:sage to th g o od that he wht; dig's a Pit for 14. iteighlitn:, is lipely 1.4 fall hitt - ) it himself, that the person who the Ott re. in weieli to lup - k1;111 . 'A:is the first matt killed in. 'after le plavc, We arc hot very r.ditioo-. but i. a mo.i - Sittgurar eirettm -.1.111.e. • tor b:T wfwathiv ()t. , • icw of the Mosiwets t3Olith :11111 LIW . been lost to lit, 10.)! ill tWS U,Mrtty, we will take occasion o•re-1 olio h• Aluif however honest men may !lie it;`.] intuntions,;ltAS a terrible and fearful thing thOse who:tire tmaegnaMted With rli trade, and the state of, the inarket4:ot i• iMitfy, to atteinpt to regulate that tnisinoSKoll"i .:in ,- 41r , point, regardleaN of the surrounding:4n- to the advice of those why have; from :vears f•perienee made theniseAves it, where theYe is •nelt an iminense hiyesturent and where the weal or woe of• many tlionmels depends Nam im intelligent dealing' 11 - :th , 7( iltey (fec, dip, and . ii a•Ave, would wish theta to be. Wei",wonl.l . s haVe all theabuse-that was'heaped 'upon. 0 heads, than stand in the sl4arlif tl?epia_who a‘lOsecl". differently, either ...1-q‘ e , tof 1. p vleittie tbe bit IsinEimi,. er,rfig , -4n - ;•10the r inutiVe. ..„V c „ a , - Ever aim* w:e 361'11\ A liave. conductittit An . the ifiteiekts •di tho working classes, luta Isrp4uctive .-enpi every intelUgent We will i4i-oo tinue- to do 440 witetheribiled or. not: , . . We do no flatter ta deeeiye;but giv:e the thitli whether palltable or 'net. We iserk . .no office awl have no faVors to iLsk ex4pt siMple justice to our motives. We are utcd , lipa'y to no person or interest„ but desire , to do jrtstiee-to all parties. We appreciate theeegood opinio'n of all, .;w6 will never Pander , to piejudiees - oti lain it when'a stern duty compels u.r to run i.onnter fregliently to what some:m.ly e:insiiler thcir especial intro est.; for The An , nellt of the either in prilities,liti:iness:and)otherdii— Lrcst. that rise'far ab ne were jaarty strietly . of the day., 111,S11 i,wuittr • I USIS Nnnt:Vied V tll It; and al.() rermye in listen u: !'~~:iK lR 1'0xu,.~T.., Pit oot. 28, Is7o - trade Itevn untuittally • during the We.Ai,illlll t here is little dlst)ositioa t,pre:s saies'at prf,allt prlees; the 'lite darline in price.. at the last s;eranton sale makes the business a! ,1:1,`.1- mond virtually over for the F•ea4oll.. wiltllod tar shipment can readily be supplied .should the rceelp,ts be-reduced une-liall: Vesseis are Se r. and `it" any orders Were in. the market (, - elent...• w4.uld tot Vallee rapidly. NEW,Yo'itti, 0..4.. 2r, Is7o. Tin. deeli'lle In prices so Idesirlrshown to the ,ireli lar 0. I he'Pe 6 unbylvanta Coal Co., Issued on the Cal, in.t., cultalnated /It the auction bale 01 Seratiton , ,•,,,, t ; tho 441•414. wt s 4 well lit tended, and coal went on 1 'nowt •,..• 1.1 smallm tots to retail ,h•stlers and vow:tier-.-1 I :o,l,enni priee , :re.tlized, compared will, 1441,, 40.4- I 1441414-41 .....sI 411011111: - "e.... 4 ,4, .. • 11,1..2. ; . - 7,:ti rI . 2. , .. Lauri , . , -4 .,ty,, Ir. " t -.'..:11 ' . ~I to. ~ I . . 4 14 , ... - ....r 12,.k..1 . 4.i - 1141 I ;..11. , . it;,,,,,,, 4'1!1 . • I -.4. i 1 . .:Z-7. - 12,1100 • i ~, I s, 1 ~,. .25,,,,r, dod ' r..ts I Ch.'..: nu t„-12,,r40 :1 :ti This ,d,otc- , . an'average decline in prie.... .... 1.11....1. of 2) els.; Steamboat ....1 C 1,,.; Grate, :I, cis.; EL:lt:a-els.; Stove, C eta.; Chmtnut; 31 ids. ,Average decline 31-cents per ton. ' II ''OW se enlb tut If bottom had been *touched. and that we shall bee no. lower priers titan itlioye thin year. At the-meet - lite of the New York Lehigh Coal Ex change tOrday, tit,• following prices- were fixed f o r e,git I. 0. b, at -Port .lollitstott, tiohoken and Elf,,, L . 1,4 :, poi I: - . 1tr.e4...1 ,„ - - '1 al •-• ~ oi - clo , -.l.ltit - ' . • 4 2:,. i .t, lonciddeln New Yu! a. :4-1 e: , ifts I 4e.• ton more than to. e;:oing--consteneedlays diseltaming. - , t wittc.-.berre Coal find 1r 4 '4..'S price,. 1 . ..1 . N..% c:jj. ta.r, are ns lolluww:. I 1. 0. 1., at P0rt . .11,111e, , ,,i Along..4.le ; !ti N. Y. j. - ,t u IHo •oketi. . 4 • olisit4tiee oty,...trselfargint. I, I.narp ...[41... -:..; 4 . .41 :44 • •••• ~ , ;,1••••..‘ boat .4.: 4 2:4 • • . . - :',lkl • . .. . .... , - .0 , . • ', (1.' ,. ‘ MIL,. I ikt . , • 4 25 ... lituntors of trouble In Sehuylklll CuUtlitt." =het Wren 41144414t0r5-acid men are current, and base - 'lad some .efrect lii thiS market; all interested May Make up %heti - . minds that first-chum White Ash will not Itring over 444 75 and St: for cargoes of !,'Et,, , g/i.nd:' , 4.:,44tore. ' Vessels have uot`berts 1. - cry ;licitly Or. dal tett 1 days, and Boston frelghts have advanced to,I 75; no eltunge in quotations to otherpoluts. • , ' , Mi.--..sits. itANI , :.4 74 & Tt.17 , ,n44:y--lieligletilett I--The Illost lug are the . . ' ,RErturrs or co.t i. •rx liosr. , 1 . tilt . 2.1..-Im6.n. ~., I Pet. •0•1x7o. '' ' . . Tong. 7tnu. .•• 71,1,... • • . 444,71; • 469,U; glee. 1'3,731 1156,74.% • Inc. Nova 146,Z2S , 140,917 ' 1,100 . 706,127 mains up: tiri4 w.i , 11...71,4 rallo-A-4 0= MMN=MtX= A fah rterile. ra Rlt to - 113.1.11 '3.131,73: 1 100,941 k• 11 Camel- 11.461•'•%; 4411,1104 stye; - 11,1,;43 I. Val Rlt 43.104 :.113 133 , 773. 0 11 . sot It ft Nth: , - ' 4.3211•:A6.01. , 1:14,012 :17.1C7' 331,11.11 i • 36A11 I. Nay 11 •J 104.1 042,1193i.'.•34311- ces,=; oczis et. 'a Scn litti , 4),4011 1,431.17:. 630,071 do Nib i.•••• 111,4 4, ' =1,171i '10.747' 111E•14: Poop 71 R... et ,41.101 764,416, Z.Ar= 116.21:1 111,116 • ii; d • 7%• ii at Cal.. 1.22,1172 fi0I,1:111 2%947 1.136._71 744..04 Dd. H , 14 R.., . &IR 116,135 f 11,.532 317,418 U 1.411. Wyoming $l, :17,143i • • =cc, • Wyoming Nli , 11.1131 1117,4 X! 10,014 • • ,31;,6111 364,ci11 26.61?. • " • ge,Xi' :341,1X • ski , A rehlll. Trevrrvin • "'..`iii;' • Khort ijijet. , 146: • .1 p tx.keswV I.W. - WAN 2iir... 9 61.: • :AIX. J V.:47. Willtatued. , kn • 10 ' 1.50,1 p .V. 1116 =IAA 10t.51.1 Lick - • . • , CAC. 67.''4 . . zow ' moms .43,4 , - 4-4 1 x50' -• • . • Hrotid Top OP. "41.0T1 . 213.3.4 a Ojai b. &IX - 710.1.73 - UXIA: sia< r &ilkOs ac `,41, 111,..34 410.4= • 4Alii 411..513 d 04 M=2::!t!U= - • ----- Tutai!,lllll kind ,11:71 I:3l.lyr,V' 14 : 11:1341 •7 L 34 4 . e; 0411:1,. .. • • ••' L32.19/I ' • . i. 702,196 " • - aljp 71.1.` , 3:. '4777 pith (do. Col:for. I J.l/ rill I.lttp 1 stejos 4 lirolo F4N st tlt ••• tittvt. I. Yi Hi gli For, I . . bi ES "...I.7isTIII7MENtS are of the he , i etas , and :ij wqFklit tlshiliancl 4ve 'been 11rtrit.1"ElICrntisa ihe largrxt : utt ttio.t.lmpqrhant MP:ling li.ori,-1 of iLfi, g .. lanl, 'i,vl ere they hate lien thort!itghly 'te*.te,‘, and ,Are flow rt'euti%httit. live , The I earl r&• rex' • • of a in detefloi glee of 000ur,t the u Inlart ENTII NEi r r LISA r.. WlllOl art OnpElts t !.1%, Twpttirt 1.2 it lEEE t , ';}. 11)1:4 , 01 - It.lll.ltoAp ANI) 4'.1 , N, - 1.,15:(1.... , Tl‘ 4,110111 y ..-11 . 11.3 : 111 . 1.,:01`41,1 (241.1 i1;; . 6,. w. , ei,...end. 16,cr,,,,,gi.,.).1,...,,: - l, St. (latr. ._ .. Part ` V.4r:•,,1 .....-. Pit uylt!.... . ' .. St.KIIIIIiiiI i .L.',.1 AMit , ll , '.- .. .• .. ' • • Port ,t'llit:‘ , l:. , ...,., .4.:: elm{ it,r • 1' , 4.411., l'it•vt•ot•l MEM UM:11011N 11.11,T0,4 t4c ttuadto tratlq),:rted 14.1 week : Week. Total. , IZ 1,L10,313.1 11 -. tr: 7;13P 1 : 1 a. 1113 1.1 1:11.}.11 13 • • I: , ;;;•liir s. •Ifill f....rilterry • Ilt••ii - •.:110 - . •041I:Niriti3, • tyi au hi " 0 • Qiuktiat% ~114.1114: Malta w > ,,0,;,;.. , • ... .•. K. Alvaci.., • aiuuad MlL:aatitA ei.unk Ti.ta! 'wren. • Lh I (3.1.4 Tl3O roilowlnglk the tiututity - of cool tnooepurteit by the (7“najA arid }{...1 co.] ..r 1.-litgn ...“t land :S. ay. for the ,week endow of. S..cor.h.y ei ruing list ,oropore4l with •allur 111.1• 1.1.4 yeor By rzimul Ey Rtialrui.o The.l.7uutwam cl.iriveti u IGlltwo. Frowl Wyout I ng ' !• ;Upper Letligl, ..... I.Mautitoy I -1112.164.m Regloit ..... " ..... •'V 4tielt I'llllll4 ... aeriutt.st•oVor aP41,114.1 Ur t I 4 alpory'llli.re Was tral,poitra Itli fuel :'uA Ntts Compitel%" •• 30.1;h:111'0ml Na.vV” 12.313• •• 4t I r.+ll IS. , 19111 , 1ti1; 41i 1 . 4.;4111.iwi1te t• trlsr*ort.4l by tll^ . U :ill , l If ;1.1+,0, C..ikal rk,r tbo ruling sat- I -11 v rtmal ily ...... V.; tl e sato' , 14.,t . ftv i 'anal !.. E== . . P11.11:AI)E.I.P1r1A, (4•t• :::•:1 ,4 7,1: ft.! .%I.h I'r*lktrai . l'lteittilut ' .—3 7i .C.. 4 410 .10: ,Cilk.sttil/t... : . fAivlisi.7.lt Ltn , l.. 4..7, , r_4 :0 - Vt;...t.:P Limp ..... . I Wt. t ''. do ...41..tuner 4 ;1141'.4 to At•raturr 4 - mi 4 '2l du '..tiroktu. 4 g......0i , 450 ith.tzekr.- ~ i ov al 4 21 d,,,, ':. • E .. zz.._,.4 7,(4.-:. a) 11:44' , ..), , • • .. 4 71.Trt • III) St./VP.... 4 77Ve.,-,7,1X) Stove!' 4 7.1 . 4 k 54.0. .du ' c1ie5tp344.1 . 7. - .4. 400 • .CKW YORK-, 1r..% 1r:,..-13:t.. :• , - lichuyi.Red•Ash,-14 Si'4 t: it Itt•tall . alo' I.7lteattutt 4 IPa 4 1. 7 . I.fibtoll Lttcup.7. - :. , .. - ... 3 We' - S W .4.'sh 1.0,r0p...... :. o tat " 'fitosinor-, 3 r.0, - o - , r‘ti.ani'r . - 510.4" Flr)lien , .3 Ol.fil. • BrOlcoo ....... ............ 3 23• a. 5 .4. ° .,K 4 rg....... :i 854 K:.g. 1 4.1..46 37i fikwoo 'ti It@ ' St.,Ve••; G lltn , C :::r Cho +Cant . ' 4 4- .6 . 'C.ontoot 4 334. 4 71 , 4 oogigare 4.ayn Oi4ellArginr,. . Fr ,ni van' hr wharf,.) :0 7: •;•nt, a.: tri - ,,,31.:... By ret,ol 10 171411.1 , n0r4 ,'_....t , - • 7 21.4 .. '.f.'l filairp.44' l'ro7l Ca naileri.u, 5 4.:041, f. 0,. h. t::. .1.0 - 424 t Pohl ,r %%hipping L t .. . . ' Ima4 71 , • • . ....g....- ; - ...-. .4 ID iti.+ - AND 112: 11'7e:rows . 1,,) , .. t. 1.7..1 s7d. (;cortgr , rel7r,,k h euniherhipf.eai'..hr % f. 0. 1i..-.]....44 4p(d" 460 - • 717,412 705.= o~ EEO I=3 p 41X5i E IYII.I*ERS'. JOURNAL, ---- POT'TSVILLE, - SCHLTY4ic.ILL, 'POUNri7I; - : P.ENI4gYLVANIAF, _ L_•-• _ • - _ ;` ' • - 7 --- le , upply nflAntlirneita foi• -- tho seek te - J SAM OP krl43 TO; TIDE. ' . 4 ;IS tons. agtaid4 347.,619 rut the !,•irreeprlttd. , ' ..- :-- - • IeT_IMSDOOS . 114 S.. ' ' -. . i - cs: uo..te last 3.rxr. -.L.1%4411 '411)03% 1:4341,127 T•kriat litittamaL .— -,:-.....r, 4,,,,,t, r l iA lt &V 0 3 Ili te _ Tu.rui , ",a La i Wit 10,1 4 *.#141. Itirreilie .10.' far ewer i T. • 'di rt Port ; tiar•osallot 1 ritoto - 14 IL - i!t„a! 3.4")2", - 2.1 . 4.411, WI; 1. Toni, fur the week of ...- A,.d eltil u b a s oa "l ioatio ir =r 4 ao on alt cows Lit tattris., 407. ti::. 'lti;nto.t '34;;;',977 . tomb I - ;Plisinar4tArOipe am; and Ewa ot'New Erwoortek, - - . . E. TAni..14.4 1 7',....,1N1'11 , m.,, na.4111 4 t 1419, - ,:979 -• . ei :ll4 Noun I.II:XXIITL.V.iNti ILAILKOA.D. oak to Phitodelphla.---...._, '•---IC le' year. !here+. to•t - thr; 1,01 1 1,404 tint* •• • -tzinron 44 - ALUM: 3r.. J. cierriux AND - limo A nom(' . Vir , t y,o - tr ibt7nvidy :it Anthracite wits abort • 11 " 1-1 "'"`t"- , ' • . to 'ElliabOttipart - - E:' it. :r. I.F4.%l4nvy . pf s tr 1 4 04;;.1 totor, and the .Ittin- - - L-v. R. n.... - ~........ „atiii- 41 !!!" . . —" ea ! ' 4 0, r..it 4ti a it, iii,•i'K; '' '5,13 - - lons. owing . to N ' ' l ' II "'I r4: - ''''-- ---- I M N iD ir"W -- ,:- . ------:- 19° ... U( t . ~ 3i It,. co:iilatrrt.i.r. of tile brad !lperittom VIII LA. hi. l %-e 1.41 a e9rtliete of rite tang mitring meek,.. '..1 mixteierktitttitt;; as to the, ven ts -tioo or tht:, t: need rOtopnititime took - Tram ern tle..to „anti iift - er di...1110.41g the: Poitutel N.ftlt.!' t.rtole. it;...; tit e r idjourtte.l to -refer itiatjer,..l , .4r ic!tstrod:tio'fr.. They Will meet . to-Jay:Owl; the ‘‘aytes .. . wi:l ti 6 doubt be far cktvlir, - 'i me r.iiite-4 til,. • us*rkct ktas: out olitito!,.4tifTeiimt - from what. many .t,, W 1 It a-ouqi, lie: at :tire tfitie. f.r the eotn ti4w. but iiot .titter: it trims what 14 ,•a• i . t h.i:. 1 it 1:voula ;urn' oil , : le•foro -the - . eitsoft. 4 3- . - -'. t; • 1'.... , ~ _ , i.l. !W AIF 11"tiAl. 11t•i',U.1,1,1:•; ..%.1 , ..i :.% .116‘. r. ...... I'iCILII Ite.1:: . 111 A, 6, q, ..."%, 1 , 7 0 - 1 , t Itit.et.iliglielltitlll 4 .ttly, Ito. tollott tog pri4, Cor 4 t ear,. or 144:444 at )1441..1a I 'it uls li tvt-rt• i t ,l o pt t4 4 toititt ll' .4 N‘iVeitill•eit; . 1.74 : _.,.1 ' ~ tit:it. R. :$ lAVYttN: ArtENTON•OF • Operalo:?3, Mining Eitlineers,, ine - Inso;;Jors and other SIR= EM Olvii PE fiS-. urrent of Air.i.n Mines, Foiled and 'now offerel for Sate by tq.Un4o . rsigoerk .4' ~r . entor of tti,i!lainma• p.:l;ia'at liVarliiaoat. •:"o evaiipd fliaii wltli .viaidr.nce; nay ,a..if .4.. !.t• Le I, : o';'City i)et)ze Air thromililan'y ita,sa4ie , r tai4 - )iich they are p - , iee,l soul ate a Mire ,rLti:y blaf.,lell4ig 4•I tPe euri . t4,il,7 - by ie. qie farnael, (.1: - . u.L.I tfietb,4. ili the Air- Id a vmapkrti Oltelva ..f..11a-1 . 4 no ti..nti , m in Tatea•-tuan. . .eukalntiee wird; the -retinae - tun...tab.o'. a la If.\ TIWs: ACT, thte t , r. n len,uf t ..., w ill b, IEI, F.A. - ElOriCor,toicity . Itaat - f- 7 1m1P : u1,1 aflabt! I It -umber: - tilalrt.allyittityltsrafiaf but ar, a al: lam i7lllP nlvtiop 4 .- 1.,11,1i 11 , rarllkhrd• :It ll,' ..I , A im - i of Ili«. .11 Ow foll;ffwtng pr1.... , ;': .- • . : - 517.:...; liet ' i.l); (; ill.. si/..', 7 ;i4 tri. . . the at & If* l'entr. 4. St:, 1?Hit•o, 1011. T :s • tri .• lo r or. .1.4,112, ie 111, rot rt•:,.. =EN RUM .n:1111411.1'0 titE-:1•A VAI.I.F.N . KAI! Ito A 1;a:holy ior thr...verk (1,••••..r - =ll9 1.t.:111G11 AND NAYII:ApO'S COXPAIt EMI pi .;'.l ut;Ltw Ira: s 11111 SON Cal P tNT'S• COAL TRADE. 111111 THEC OAL - m RIC EtS PINCES OF COIL UT THE LRUO wv.:;;IK EY. jr6P. TIVE 4111NPilts .n.v 1..T1 mom:, . i:-.1.. „ism, , - •,. . . t To the tr.blo by ' , Argo or ,•or I Orld Wilket.barreUnii I . llb4b•n V: A th Lllceb.. Vallov 11.41 A‘b:.. ' :. .. ~. Sharmikita Wioltf..or Ftt+lAsb Zrrbey Valley, 1b41,A,1i • • : 7 ORACK'M It., 6.1. :7. In V. Wlllurbarre laud l'itistolnon !ADAM Vall;•y Tr,v.,rm • l'111C1“0? et:)III•ANIES' WAI.J . . . 'T. -141 r. • AO: — Act. T4n. flint f.stektovrtunAtltuntutout..-41.,"1 114 AI 71 21 44 50 ,Wllltstturre, flubuk rott -.4 :eV 2. i• 3.7 4 :A do Nrir Vortc.4.l 21 44 75 14 IA tr. 50 WU f 4 1,11101. Ne 4 - l'ork• Ki - 0.1 0 .1u 210 AcraUT,itt,' Ettlrattettip ,rt. 421 4 :11 421 10 1 - t4e .11 14.1 4 0.) 110 120 ;74 4 . - 41 14"4tigh. Julttutnn " - _ . . .. . . . Ohl 1 Wolpattyl t. o. 1,. ot - . 40 Pa 5 :41 7.0 4 Lehigh, Ellunbethoon . 3 - 11 i 4 111 321 4 : - .4i S7l 4:0 . ,E,I leabeth port owl Pc. SohnAonto New York 40eeritA: Ito n rot out MO/into: Newburgh, 70 Cents.. - , * VII' e.n.r. ffwPdien.e. pay. Alw•hirgini. .• . , [ [ PRICE: 4 OF fiAn COAL •7 ' . ['MO:nit - tat. i Duty*. ft 'A, ASix.vilt.i.s. at ..•tilitpoing p. id.% (k.ht. 1 . )..104.041 al S. Y. Curtrney. .alockllioase_. .... _.!....Ef 75 • ,We5tm0n.1and_...,_..........0 :5 ,Driparg I 7$ 'Nrichtierh ~ S io 131 We,t Fairmount $ 00 ......- 13N Put Lsoin.rni A. t ,Pusr eltou 7 au from te c•ntag RIPILUMID, P 4. • ( Alover litl.l,o4br.ru. JR. ' f. 0. .... t Yurlc $3 1F••-to ,Ilooton r Z 64.1 MENN GlltteOnsor • I ........ICalrSoala ME =EC= 112=1 OAL FREIGHTS Pt . F2tuk 'ol*.• lit.hpt UDC ilskor.. - I 4: NIP Piortuckrt 4rtu. 2?I - 141 Val XIII 0? Fall litrer...-.- 2oi .I . 40. 1 I Glchelxesi ' . 2 50- .I DO flu 2 110 lirathlehe - a... 2 :Ai 2 uo 1 .2 #l2 kvgL0t0.e0e,._._.... 4-90 12 oo . 4o Nor b0nd0u...., I. , 121 12 ow 4014rer . ltuven.-- I ::." '.l 40 1 10 1 . ' 4o Brl4aOti-...".-. i' mo •i to 240 - • :.0 m. Sorwrollc,—. :.0 '.l DO 2DI II Jerxey , (l4y...-- 140 - 40 I'2 on 'e Iliiitbam---'-'-. .2 Vi W I:O. >, 1nea55ett...,...... - ID. al DI _. , 01 ttrolnti*e.....—• • . • Portsmouth Salem- New Nfidrad... Roxbury . Br = istol. —..,-.... II artfbnl.---- Man lAlawn N nrabli A lbany..-- Rew %ork .111clitanun.. - Ckatirtlok•- • bomb WaAblkalun Ijlll' t/UrY.POrt arr. k 4".1}7114011‘11 . 1,.. K. Cambridge. Haverhlll...... told easatottdge I Ashton. .2 la Pray Met Low tu I Val S.Bsaarrien 1. , r• l ieurgetow :10 riAlrxstufris.:.— I Jr I Alo • Danvprvort dts. • Taantaia 2 711 yeer t4e Lilo the Di .eleme 2:1140100 -I_R oti fitatipOrot & artlttrrtng.. 7 - To. Port Jolitiso - '. 112 Tottiootta A othelr.- • '' -!.4-11S;I: • -3 13 P r r i m •P'', oo Rarest to Mtizthettipurl t Johnsott: tl 1Y 1.:111101 igArroxii•posr odualkricy*• StAp.itoktlx., Prim ILavra to Mauch titan& to Pt Mauch Monk to Hoboken mot Port 81) 4 . l anOtitg moot tIY CANALPI: • olhlPPins • . •., , ncllft - LL 'IVAN/4+,171 , 0N 'COIIIPAN . ... • The halo - elm; be mew of toll and tre4l,,t on 'the Arhuyt kill Canaa tur erre...eel- • remit Pt Catipon. Mt.l'auttio. Sch. - Haven. 'Pt,ellitton• Toll -t to --1 it.-1 in '. - 1 w Fretsta .f 74 .• • 1 75 . 111:: .-1 05 -1 , ' • 2Kr • .': el - . .2 77 • Drowliocle on goal fur .Icir, Turk e.tad .iltipt!,j,4lo Cent. pertun. , • 4 . . . -_ .„ . . . .. . .• . • .TO PIIILA 0 B.lrtl lA.I. . . . - .. Pnm Pt. rarbott. Mt. Carbon.: Seth Maven. Pt. illtstutt Toll • -1 - 10 -1 en ' -I u - . -1 4110 ' ,Frelicht So St/ 111" CANAL.. . From 3taurh ritnok to F;titrio_ ...... •• r Through to ..... rttriolgtv to Plalladt : lpht4 giiitut‘ CANAL. 1 Ib ...R :lw To Now. York To ifroiwy City ' For te-Itligi4ient-.... I'HOSE WHO ARE STOIC OR AFFLICTED with:any eh to, to ditfi r ffity, r?none(tri thong do lay %t rite for Dr:.ll.t bN'm New TrOat wont fro. to any n4flri-.4. It. 1;14.1.N11).kg HAM 11.TuN, M. .York P. oet 24,'70-211-2t 41-41 FOR . ALE Olt TO Nee.. In 1;) contaltiltignbotit :12 AFRE-i, wltnthe situate' :I".ntnbilbg Run VaLley;ivr.,- Apply . . JOS. W A LY: Elt y po thaapiuni OM - Rl4E4iiist •: 7 . • ! , .1270 R SALL2I.7.:A 111(iFssE n till I.OT, inia"thai COrner of JAio.nyi 141 Washington at cbaril);,..bmni.e,.2t.sitOrles; 2iitt !iv 2. !vet. maw, - Apply to O. p. la.:eftTEL FA • Fgiertr's Centre anti Ittaktun • .0p151,, '1•041-1t-211-5t T°- LE?. E"EiTd2rld OP -ALUGUtsTUB CE.A.B4D.--LetterK of. Actintnlstration 111 V hi:4 beeh granted to the unders'tzned on the ate.of Anzuctu‘Nenettoleceaxeil, all periano: indel tel to the said eratnte irlll make pay neat . and' tho.e lin v. Ing elalm;+ stgalit.,t toe .cline. t I ieni . tvi t out 41.-lay to . ANI At:11.311;:it. • Orwhi p. I J. Penna. Or to his Attorney. ,Arlt, D. SELTZ El t. IMt 24. '7.1-4 t-.3t 4::2 Centre St. Pottly 1,%.. peri.cuis are heieby calat!orn.J. iieizotiatini t •for or purchasing Trout WI:- Vig,lll. iloW!+ or any of theta, gay tt by no. to Nali Proiat, dated,-5 twist 13th, liCO 3 ,foi. Five Ii reil iol ;ars, eiketOpatsible rcipectivelv,as fol low,: it licciy ninths; six tnrintii)ii;'llilir nimit.: twelve iitAtlis; fifteen Monti/xi iixteett tarnitt. , awl rh:lo....eif - inontivi niter date; thr.l buying liet•nrr.riii.tillifroni In, 1,5' fraud, are it,. ;110 Wilt mat be pi • —JACOB iiiEBRII.I— .133L112331 0327d1t1T?...: , 4 , , • , Sacfed: An Secular; Music, Choruses,- Solos, I - By TniNfil" j EVEN ING, NiiVEMBER 114 T. a! n Jelock, at; No. ;Stmlitintortu,ri Tie';(.l,4 f.ar . , ale at N N.VS: V. 4: • ti0t2?."7.1-11-11 ... , . • F----.. — 1: - . - - 4,7,!‘„.-,‘ i PER :MONTH. Tile best selling; llool: t Pt- , '' l. • ,.er publi.slie,l. .A. , ents who will 4,11 Aur new %loth, Plain Hanle Talk and Medical Common •I SensP, . . ~ . I,_ bare no eunipetitton: There neYi!: was :4,1.091.: }Alt'''. rs'..ied Mte It - Anytm,fly epll sell It. Everyisst!. WAtlls It. Mll7l'll;:etit,. see now waking front '' , :oi•P t. W . ) pet , moot li 4:Ham-this Winnte: fill losipa;..t.' tlesti i , tivu Cirri/jar sent tree 'on apptiea t lan, We want 4 Asst.Jtve 4 g• - l'It , !; 1 . 11141 who ran fun yalpi,re.-;- ) Iltelil • /llrtil c of the work, and the filet that Iparets it tllllVeT.lti W. 11.111... AfteltlS Wlft, ilesireto .1 , ) 0,1 , 0 :I ~, well-as intake money.Nildraxs 'WE1L1..5.41 . .C0P,F1N, - Oct - .!l, '73-it-tlj . ' 41.: Broome iSt....NeW York. .r N THE ORPHANS' COURT OF SCEO.II‘.I,. / KILL COUNTY.-lii the matter of thej , ...tate 4.laerib fil„iloetrer, deveaseti. -. . l 'l , . Pailia'rine Hoetter, Albert ifoi.ffer, t aroline I )Iwrlis. Emma Weis, Mut Cecella , lioelfer: i. Take'nottee. that by virtue of a-Writ of part It ion, issued unit of the I irphinis' Coin-t of Schitylk 111 I '0671- IN'. air / liquest will - be 110.1 at the text-11-.11p; LIII)1.• . t)lllikitoUgh of Put lxv Ille,fichtolk li I (*aunty. Penni , on SATI'It . DAY. the 3rd flay -of DECENII.IEI,;:..t• nt2o'cloek lit the. afierrici,ur., to anake partition "lie real estate of I lie , sald,deeeased,jo mot soul heirs and legal repres4.oitirtlves..if thrit t;aujs ' without tireJudltti tn. spoiling the whole.l wi.a. t ll. Val ue nod 111/pritke tile' same, Wlll.l uie.te you tuay attend if you think proper. - 1 ' . • '. IiEORGE C. wrNiqx.n.,,Alik Stttritrs 4.1.111et•A'11i.6401/4P, I let 29, - 70-ii•ta ' ..- ... • TOT ICE isIR.BBY 4 h;-- 1\ p, at il , - iN . tiership lately existing between .1. H.lii i.... tlenry W. 114 iw man, of Schuylkill Haverr.,t , i:litt Olt (Agility, Pa., under t hetlrin of Butz & Botvilia ;ult.. dissolved by niut toil cOtiSent on the twenty MID GEM . , 7 1: 4.1 z t- 1 7I 'III I j~!n.v 4 , 011 r:14, 1, :. , 11 ELI 111E3 ~71 04 7C (al CEI ITAKE GREAT PLEAstrztE.w.lllP./11111 toy old friends i and The public in tzemerul, thai rental u and entre on the Store Bust nes, at •'t I %tan& formerly kept bj; BUT/, dr. tto WMAN - t , 1 1 -- nnr - Fret*red to Offer you II large :‘,..ortMellf 01 kind, or t;001/4, and shall be plea.ced to bleed your rartiier patronage. 'Yours, Se., =9•26112 1::a) 71,076: 3 Stf c igt e 0 I ==l! I ;KV, • 4,12 41 •i,tiii,6l.l TOT 31.44 992,1;8 3,:v511 1«:40.1 188: • 1.18:9. •. :W:118 V't li2l/3 MEM COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE., T F.itillrli A:ixr Al, SESSION will lie , 110(1 •AK11.1,83.1.), voilitrieneliig TUESI)AI'. NOVET 111 St Ix, -la 47,iii. NI, '. - Iteuilllile It. It. Coitilizily wllllsi:,,tie exelirxioi lie r tit to Tguelierri find - Lilreetors, gt)o4 Irknit sti, tl, 15 Inclu.lve. . - I All who N ' Valit neCAthlln 4 .l4llltitill - S':intl,t , :i $A 311J1:1, lu V 2.-4, Aslaluiil, iiiiitioliulely H.:l , c I EOM 1, 1 x 1 I I= 11,144;279 77,1:d 11,00i1: I !PPI,ICS 111 . !, :II 11,1:1 :t . 177 12MEMM DIM MCI 575 • G ZS . 6'lll Pt. ;ramp krnitf ii thp't 'I u 5 . , ISO \rer Hop! and ATUWI . a 1.1 . tw Abutxtornirnts..! STORE, NO. L7l CENTit}, }4TI:I-:ET 0 pp.site Market..: . 11EILNIA:NN'Ke ak't 20.1,11-11-Itir MEM MUM . • . . , eat Inlay t,( th-tober. All debts 0w10 , .. f to we ,1 II are to be.rreelwel by the sold J. 11. BUTZ, ;li ot, dettllt:ltlS ol I sald firm are to be prerwnt ell totlin IHIY/Ilell.t. • ' .',.. J. II BUTZ. •,li - . IiQW - M11; .tikatuy - 1 1 .,;(1111:iven.V.a.,0v.1. V.T; thit). : , :i•ImylkIll ILavt•ti,l,k4 29, 70 11.31 _.; COLTPQNS, ~ :TOE 7 PER CENT C)l , 4') i d o V 1? N S ule Tiff: • SAMMY AND I.EWISTOWN R.R. I . “.TE OCTOBER Will b.• paid on and after tlhat , date, at. the oiiire 'AVM.' PAINTER 4S; CO., 36 . 5. -I:HIRE? 'ST lEEE:I'. PHILADELPHIA E. 'SHIINIIEL, 11.'e4sui4r 1%.441'0 7 -213,t • , 1 N STR CTI I RS. • Prof. li:Al'ilinnery. or Millenivllle; Pr,r. tarter'. Pr.r. sr m octnaker, nr Plijlgetk..; Pr Vlrroy.of Lelemon Vall.h• College; 1f00..1.1A vir erzigkm • J.. W. punenhower; it. F. Illti•liburti l . a S. A. Wile.- • • .Er'Expxr; 0. Saxe. itor. Dr. Sniiley,llon. J. P. `.l stmot,ruot Prof. Shoemaker{ . . This Promises to be.the most intis.resting an. pr II:able Institute ever held In- this County. Tit: struetors are men Who ',•lt awl at he head ..or fits profension, and a More able corps hax ni,eer ed at any previous ia•Aslon. Let e‘rrY Teaeher in the I r,eonshler it a 4hi to attend. J 1: 4 ,-;E•ti l•IW MN, (*o. IVINTER CLOAKINqS " - - STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHI BM halt b", , ti cpeAztlirlrit it; for .0: 1 years. an.l wa hove very y unusual. tactlitto, It 'it porch Or 111. f brat El' itt)l'E.‘N nre now dtgitlay at . l our owninportaffetn. vointki.linr, In 11,ACI,t ASTRAtiIf ANA. . ._ HIV )WN ASTRACiiA NS. 814e1 `e.-inAcm.L.As„Y • . R - Row•N cAß.vil - LiAs.. • , LYONS VELVET. • - 1 s FAL SOONS, : O. I ,cti BEA V Ell;', WHITE - BEA 'tat , ; , , vEi.vEr nE ‘c-Ef BLACK (111$CIIILL,k4, COLullEt) BLACk •V'ELVETEE - N 4 , „ WHITE es:int-rwys, nieted in-the. country. . 1 1a r ti001) . .4 cannot b 3 purchased elpLewlie WateipiOf Cloakings. . We cull• especial attlOnn to our stal' G(KMA, .one of the-4*est and bed ossiortilill in Ain ekes, 'lncluding eve*Y brio% Vom per' yarkl, In . I.lventy-dllfedent qualltled. ' Blankets ! Blankets.! !' Blankets! ! ! . . . . . , . . . ~ Having alwp.rwsob.l yet!! largoly pt. these goodi e t.. we can o ff er thew at whirs with which no retail hoin,e can compete, SO far , thiat Nestatat one lh have been beyond preeedent, Ant t , ou r a rran gen en' with the Mina ure such Utal l we ultati he able to !LW' ply.alinold any atetnazidm, . . Mr' Take Particular Notice: ..t.T.-11 , . 53,, ; Our iris' Is 1...) sell e%lerything at law6r Klee , II hu ii;gs.itng goods can be Rirrelotse4 elsewhere.: 4 '..; - STRA WB li I 6:l' I.: & C I.OTII 1 li, ' N. 11". C`..irner E;ghth an-I.:ltt r rkil VA., PUILADELPHrr - :. to -1m 1 - 00t.,1. 70 iiiiES Wanttb. I\ 7 l4 l f r Thlir tmn OrSAL.:ITANI;odoiII I ref renter.. •• Boa ite. Po:twine. net .10,04t-51.1 A NC11011! LiNZ .0F TIUINSATLAN /C t - S. LITEAItaiLIZEL" ~ Between New York. Obiagow.toridouderry, Liverpoorit,_Queenstown and liatobunr. REDVCED HATO; :or , l'asasaa.—For Pips. sage or drafts by this oommodbing, ecankirtable and . popular line of. steamships between the , Unit& i4tatesi and Europe, or full Inforinatlon , In reward to 'rates of passage, rte.: Appli in Perlman or b.r loon to the Agent. tlaga. C. Street l..OVEK No. =Centre , roltsellie. "% 041 Az`: Elotith Prdi.WlttE.Nit . - ESTABI4B -Continue the tuanunitt. j,• . SUPER- PHOSIP 'MAE, AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. B4lh of Which are Hold ut.- nPnicris,blulsl; 7 o::autt-: ' nerstive lo the rarmer or I. l k-rk!er. • - . .. • • • • sr*..l" FOR LinctLAT:l..: . . U • . PERUV AN G ~ • filen Cline- kivrrninent On' Chinehaawd Guanspe Pore rkirinee and Land Plaster.ll.rdtan4 DX Cement, Ctinoek and • toll assortment otj arn- I urinal greasing oils at lowkatanarket 'rates:- • , • should the dealer': ear not keep.our articles. Send your order* to andlhey will receive prompt. attention. - 1 g. rl/2 . • ATTRISMO*! • • . • CAT!..PENTEBS' A .Nt D kartm;k 0 ~14- Centre - st i reet, Pottsville, you .ct he • tu . nlithed m. Doo Sash, Blind Shutters, 'Panel Sinitee.rs, MotgillugS, or all Ws. • - , Also, tuli , _ tardirare i f art kinds. _Give nit a -• I, Th • L.= Er ED En .._ . I 44 )1":VD. J r . from I li Ise.. r from 4. (I Ir- Prim, MEM HAR • ATI.OWKST MINING S . of every •,.l escrlption, c - elebrat et] tltZklmst , art tele In lire wr)rld. tra quallty:,,COTTON \VAST I.ltt , Ary.liow-t price, W 11; tro AFerits:for . . . . . . .R A . ll IL• ...', .., ..„,.. i _ .s: -17 1 . I .l!.th i I . • li:Lnufact vett at tip. :RALO AI.ETO - 1130,N W 0 BIC 5 -..- Alt 6i2,,,0: t Aland.' froin If 'to. kittii. % ant and. upward.. 'and 4[l Mal , p,rlia's.. : ;4 1 - .P:Ial lengths mad..• to prdvr. •- - I •' - , •-- - ...: -!.' , 144 ) 1 * .. . iiiii.„ ' • ',. 1 ' . 1 .. • ..r... .. i • - ..' . I ' . • # ,:kli ‘ Nle I , .. s . It . ,L. , ' ... T.; . : •-•,-..,%. ~. .1 - 1:' i_ i r . A 'kilt s'peU oa 'dad, put rip 11t' goat -ilea. ir o n bound lain - cis. Luna for :salt. :di malllitaCtUrer:s prin,,,:. IME • • • " • -• _ • • • • '01; :01 kite* -n attha tarnished at mann-1,14111r 7 either. or 0..11.12111W31 A:NI:FM:V*II- lOWA:NY, frittn ..10iiN A. H.OF.I•II.INtt'S 5ttN....4, !with. of puckers' we .are lieneral AL:rats. (!lt•vtiltirs artt , ' — prio% 11TV.3•••11'71f::11' . 11t • Ili I 1 . 1••••• r Omp. a. • SCIC FIE 4, CA It: A l D . -BR I: - lair; st;,,Fji lekql:t; haul at ,414. I-V t/tallits, -of t• t'S -,;(11•40w(s1 • speti l • {IAN Mid 'l.-1114i as 111:6.1•-to •ffi..1.1.: 611 MUM • ti. t e II ;oil I' II /Ilk I her, .i. Ir. 1: Em • W ot, t, WIRE RQPE 1111'.3)._ 1311.3131:1% lititni42iate r'epee ,, ,,roAl ve of the licuse of , • I 1 T4l.;iii.on, N. J.:Malin fac , l lii ri, of eve ry' dv:,,i•Upt 101 l of' ~.• Wilt ROPE, 1 . ~,.., . . .._. ,• Flit': NI J ':i::.(; t'l- , •IIP(KES. for I net ito4l Pla ors, 5054-1 he tp t , l l ,l6n Itridges, • tle.vit ors, - tor • xrintsmi,:ioo or In _tiOwer.toOlf•lll kinds of 110 vy liOl.llog. ' • , :It - Office ht. 1.13 t A tneri.-on I aim., Pi,ol. , ville. . ; '1 .• t)ei..l!i, '7O- , -.4lVht Id-1711 -; . 4c- .., . ' i - . .. .. . . _ „, .. of ' ,k . r.r.v.o L. .x...y. - rOLIT S sox, t ' • • !id I 010 i( 31.4; I liefr • L ,• .• 01; iturk or. . • • Carp tins, - oil,CfOth's . , Canton and Coto . ai Mattingj. . =I r ir I crlos.;;l.EY'S " eARPETS,c 751:5 , 1iwr yzd .. , • • tio7ALL I z IN(:O.ON7, ' Si 6( 1 ) 1 r yard, 11()I)1 KNlater t SON, • 1.2i2 CIIESTNr i'ST., 1.;v11.4 I-;t LA DELYIIIA, . '7i. : 1•47.-31u-15!) , :isn-4-041 • MI . _ S TANDARD PERlonfe, A. 1,5 • FOR 1870 e REPrIif.:BOIRII BY THE LEONARD SCUTT PUB; p 'or SEW YORK, intriven %able to !zlld , sirous of brini, we ivi,if ur „, e ft 6 - 4 _t h. , .1!:( the day. • " . _. J. Tii t%: i:r . 4yliritcin IlkstEw.,- ...., . r Th 1 .41. the ()Mead of the e erier: In Its main feu . tares It still foliciivx in the path" marked mit' by Brongham, Jeffrey, Sydney *luith, and Lord Bolt land, its original founder? rind Ilrrit contributors. -,. . • '2. TILE LONIWiN !Qt - AirrEwLy Itavrvw, • • ' wliPh.coniniencus its 12iith' yolume with - the Jana-' ;',Fry 'Mintier, was set orff,,iiit 414 a rival to -the EvIII -111'11.(411. i t l'EfsolUtrly miaintalns its opposition In polities.and :shows equal vigor in Itsjiterary ile pai , . •", " ;I.!. tag WErstlll.l4,llEll 141EiEW • . 1111.1 j 11.44 eloSed ihi till volatile. In point' of, literary ability this lie - slew is- ifisist rising to a levet with ItS Isonipet 'ton, - II ix the advocate Of politiciti and reit , gic .. arslineralisni.. 1 . , • . . . . • . 4. T 444.• sicarnialtsrtsit 41.4-xi v.v. , ' - now in HS ilst volurne,Occuples a very high position '`•,- in periodleal liter:dare; ' Passing beyond the narrow re;, •formalliumciEschuols and parties, It appeala to a wi-- - tier range S - tip.illll6. and , a higher Integrity :of' oonvictli , ' • • ... ' • - • -. 1 }3l,...scsosiidn'a EPIIIIIII.IIIIII 11.41:FAZ11SE . ~ was Commenced .it years ago. - ,;k4uallng the -t.tuitrA. terlitis iii Its, literary and solentlzic . departments, it has a wide reputation 'for, the narratives and 9kr sketches which enliven its pages. , • ' ". . • TEIrI.IS FOIL 18:11. ° . i r For any one o(the ReVieWs ' ........44 doil per anunnii. iFor any two of the Reviews_ .. -....... 7Ou -, ... For any three of theZiCwil----..1.0 ei ~, - • For allfour of the Revi w 5.... -.,........-I2 00. .. For Illackwood's 31 Me, ...g. " 4 tou - ... _.. ffl=Mllll ia7riCOd ou For Blackwood and any: two of the • neelew 10 OU • For Blackiuol and thve.t—iefte- •• • ' ....... )3 00 ea, For Illackarcloiland thefour Reelewxls`oo I t. • Single Numbers of a ftevieW9l Single :cumbers of Blackwood, al cent.< - , The Rerieirs tire psiblittlied quarter/y: liklascoodi, agazior 1 1. A110111hly• ecottsitietier' in January. •-• •• • ,• • • dlaeount of 11,.craty per eeilt.' will b, allowed to .Cl be of four or More petaorta„ when Ilse periodicals petit to o,ae whirr's*. MIST !VS , In a 1.11 ME Teditipz'p. -1 - arumart. FARE, I ON, STEEL, num.. • - •PPLIES ,t l "weAt ;irieesc N UTS 111 - il':s; . 11 .11i IX ...NI A :s; 1 . 1. 4 .1.1•TUREa.: . rincK:4, L.•C. THOMPSON, RTZA STET 11 ili , :i4rets. For sale liy the Itetinery prices. r. 'F ; 1101,11's0S, rottso. ille. MIMI t3OIIN IWEBIANG'S:SONS, MI I'2! t • ti F.-4T r, t DELHI r The Postaore on current-milker' pt ions, to any part - of the United States, k Two c'esn a number, to be prepaid atilie °dice of delivery., "For Leek numbers the portage Is double. rumituns To !cEtir St!LisSCRI BEIM New Subscribers to soy two of the above periodi cals for ISIO will be entitled to , receive em of the bur Rerittrs for WS. New Subscribers to all the live may..reeeive Blackwood tie bra of tbefterfewi for leak . BACK ,VUXBERS. ibtrakeribrii tatty, bY aPplYinit est l 7,_obtsdn 'sets of the Itevtea - s from January, nth, • bar, Dlli;and of Blockwood'o Magsainetunt ,Ire. ry, WA, to December, link S belt the =rent r. scrlpt ion price. . . titer premiums to Subodrit noidiscouo to Clubs, nor reduced' prices for beck uunibers, be allowed, unless the money la rouOtted direct fr foe pub/inters. No premiums cm be gieim to Cluht, - The Januury numbfrs Win be priatedfrope ,woo type, sad arrongementshrere bees teraleocAtca, it fa &Gr i t, war rfrirre regular um traddrkwdfax. • TIIE LEONARD s PDRLD4FiIISO CO., • • lie Fut x Sr, New , Tug Idgmt liSosiT rUBLISRIXO COMPANY also git icu ilish THE FARKER:4' (WIDE to Helentitte and ea/ Agriculture. Br- lieruT Stephens, E. It. R., Edinburgh; and the late J. P. Norton, Professor at tielentidc Agriculture in 'Vale College, New Haven. Prioo,r. mail ola. ortarp. the pazet soil tiu. Sb.metou, a at '. poet-044 11110 ' •.,. • r , • Am.s. . Adapted to a •gtiage 2 ft: 6 Inert and upwards.. 6tn. f•t*i:eilitnet. height and Width, soar to veruite I.ltiVinitifitg in the ortlinsu7 hauling efa . ltitne. tie intlVetteticeted designs for IWO varieties of. •theale . anialOiroWtortves--orte.tnodde-eunnected. And Aliennail , not ,sitfe-t;o' n netted, MO ilhe'ruitterLtil'e.nd workuuiumillY areetjual; le every restiet ..I.o . ,gllu!iir!rT,l fueornot iv eil'uf full gone.. . - Sebd (4'..;iel**l24:r suit photogrstpb..' . . , Laressotha Work.; Philadelphia. Aug. Yl, 70-141.i.Vely sit:Aim:as BRASS .11 7 11Fii' FOR PIXIIBIIP4I6. SITAKING TUBES FOR 'MINES. . Sail&;" by - • ILER.C!INNT & CO., 517, and:s.lsi MINOR $L . , ; Puit.apst.V&l.c Agents fn- " r American Tube M'orka. 4)et - • • • . - • " • " FALL ARILL.NGENENT. Nfontray. - Sept; sth; 1870. Geeat Trvaitk lixte.fr46l the North 414 NOrthobesit fiir 11.11.141e1pAia Sew York, Reedit/V. Fano% Att,;Tism4wis, 164111114, Showooki*, Leta- wen, AUeistsiww, Esatows,',Eiihrirta,; L' lnsell !t r r , eld'a!!4"l94'e* . Trains iota. Ifarriaburg for New York 'ail (011014: At 5.35, ii,lo A. M. S.SOA. M. sind'2.so connect- Ina withsimilat tiwlnton thePennaylvanta Railroad 711111 arriving at New York at 12.10, noon,- 3.50., mud MAO P. M. respectively. Sleeping cars accompany the 5.15 A. M. train , without change., -tv . , Returning: Leave:New York at 9.00 A. M. 12.0 P noon,and 5.110 P.M:, Philadelphia at A. 15 A. I M. anu .11P;M. Sleeping cars accompankthe &A P. M. train from New York without Oran' e. ' Leave llarrisburg for Reading, 1 iittsville, rams qua, Mlneraville , -Ashland. Shamokin, 'Allentown and Pkilidelphia, at 8.111 A. M.. 2.50 and 1.10 P. M.. stopping.at Lebanon and principal way stations: the 4.10 P. M. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottaville and COlumbla only. I'or ischoylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schn,vikill and Suluellanna itallrOad, leave Harrisburg at 3.40 - . East PehlisylVania Railroad Trains leave Reading for Allentown, I.:11SLOil and New York at 7.24, 10.30 10.45 a. m., and 4.43 p. nt. Returning, leave New York at 0.03 a. m.. 12.03, noon, and 5.00 p. and' Allen= town at 7,) my:.. noon, 4. :Maud n. 43 p; tn. Way Past eager.Tmin leaven Ph iladelphla •at 7.30 -A. M., connecting with similar train on East Penn. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.33 P. Al, stop ping at all stations. : "-gh• • Leave Pottnvllleat3,4o, 3.00 A. M. and Z. V. liersdon 10.03 A. M., Shamokin 5.10 and 11.05 A. M. Ashland at 7.03 A. 31.; and •12.:kr noon, 13101nirmi City 'at 7.51 A. -M. and 1.07 P. M., Tamaqua. a. 33 A. Eh, and 2.20. r. 3L. for Philadelphia and few, Xrg. . ' . • Leave Pottsvliltt, via 'Schuylkill and Senquellanna Railroad at $.15 A. 31. for Ifarrlsburg; and 12.01 noon -for Pluttonve and Tremont. ' AGLE PACKINO. LAMP WI(K of vs. - by the. hair "r.pountl:j FIRM • Itentli iits:Aceotnmexiati on ,Traitt, lea ers Pottsville . at 5.40 A. 1., pusses Resat ng at 7.30.A..11.1 arriving at Philadelphia-at 10.31 A. li.;returning lea Phila delphia at 5115 I'. M., pasSes - Reading atiliMirp, SI.; ars riving Lit l'uttsvNle La 9.40 P. SP..:. - / • • : Pottstown. Aortuntitudatlon Train : leaves Potts town at 6.21 A. M. returning leaves piiiltittelphia at ASTI P. M. ......‘,-,, Verna:ibis Railroad tralni leave }taxiing:o.7;M As 111.0ui3 6.151'. M. for EPlArata. Lit's, - Lamaist 4r, Co- Aunahla, Ac.. - -- . ' Perkiumen Rallroikl tt Maisie-are PeTiqomen June ;Asti gi 7, to, La; A. u„, Ats Land 6.35 P. Ms; rrturtittig, leave Lielisieuksville at.r..lit s.,to A, 51.T14.50p00n, and 4.49-I'. M.; Ounnecting with shulhar ttainit, on Reading Itatl.roatt , -., ' ' , , i -- _Colvbrookdalti Railroad trains Mart; 4ottstoWn at: - , MO At,11.. an.Ll-AiSt P 1 M.: - returtinge Mt. Pleas... anCAV 2.5 .00 and 11,A. M:" emineeting intik similar trains on Reading Itallrp:m. „., t Chestee - VallerdtallivaultralnS leave r/rtdgeport at I f ,1 n .:I A. SP.,'" and-5.02P. 11.; return - T 1. ..t og, leave wn ltigt9wn,a 1111.11 A. M.. 12.45 noon and 5.11 - P. 31. ' can heefli-g w i th similar Imlngon Reading ttillro;sl. -• • Lpf is. ••••turit ; Leave New York at 5.011 P. 51.. Phil-Ai *leiplii . a.`i.A.l - 1 A, - 31, and 3.15 P. 51., the S. 01) A. M. train 1 -running - may t6'-Ile:sling: leave Pottsv heat S.OO A.- : sl.„l4tave' Harrisburg- itt 5.31 A. St. and 4.10 P. M. leave - 'Alletitaa'a La 7,25, A. 31., and 8...t.5, P.,,511, • and Read.... lint at 7.15 ,t. Si. anti 10.(151'. M. - : for fiarri,/tburg, at 7.21 , A.IL for New York, at A. 4•4. I'. M. fart Allentown, '.. and, t 0140 A. M. and 4.25 P. -51... fur Philadelphia. '-.. c Commutation. Sllleage--statsott'Sehool and Extiur slot, Tiekets 10 snit mom aft ppluta;•at niAluced rates. , -- iggage eltheked through; luo ;pounds allowed .1 Ii pititsenger. -' • . G. A. NRCOLL:s m 0: J 11 , -. 1 r.l2,'7an. -8-d&w] General Supprin tender/ I AGGIE BOLAITD. a r EliFiltt B'l., BELOW Alsktuceir HOVILIC,WILLA .'ow opened a new Stock of PALL Ea: WINTER leick!d_s r suitable for the present season'. anal as !A K. SILK WINTER CLOTH,. -k•oRsE - rs, FRINGM, Ncrrio.ss, dc. . maipn hands new lot of • FALL AND- WINTER sosltiks,. iyitlell will be solo cheap' for cash. ; 5 • , , • ,- Ladles Cioaks triads to order. NeW Piitterna oat received. ' Oct. fir. ' ADIES' UITB ! LAD s'; SUrraill • . 1.4 A I ' Styl_s for - Fa.ll 70, sweater v.arlet,y than cart be found',eltiewhere, as we !nuke it it specialty.. • • • :LADIES ' CLOAKS, F . . - In iivery variety of Clothe,. 'Also, Astrisehitn Fur and meal Stilt Fur Cloaks;_ with ..Vutris,'&e. c to match. , • .. . . . , . BLACK .SIELIM. FOR 'DROSSES. .. 1 . 1.); - e ; %cry ilekt goods at ple very lowest' prices .- •-:i .T......4%.1D1E,5! - PlUrtS. I , - ;.. A ehukO nregol4;ent at moderate ririces. : 1,..A.; 4 1) I*.r4 • -ti IST:n Ir. 11,17V:V;A:lt SPRING., DRY GOODLi , _ __. 278 ivEA . u`STItIKET, VUTTSVII:I.E,, i : . . 1 t . • ..1 Destire to calilattentlon ) LO, their.ez c 2 :unite sti.ort went of . . [ - ~ .. , i , . ' . . . .. . . . , Conalst. iug of the Latest ::41yles of, tlie ' t i.' - ' Foye,,i4n: '& 1 )oniestic. lai€lcett..4 E.I.At:K AND c , OLdlr+.:l) mIL#CS, = • . LiCEs .4.*D • uouwind ni.)lrEm. TT( -s, • - ItomrEitY. 1 • iclzsrbs •.•, • • . • . CLOAKS, &c W - LS F• L. I( IN DS. ,• • • We alsO call atteutioti to our Stix‘ OT OMB aria Oaks. A 34 Int&IIED & CO.. itailtmg),Abuerlisnientk 71r) ` Q OODL - • ATit6MAIIKAULI^ LoicPtilez.li: • ... - ,T - = AGNIM & IPA GLIM.% h. . ~. *ji. 53 , 9 CHERTNITt(STRELIt 014:‘)+4Ite (7nntinental Hotel. ;, , I 't AND 29 SOUTIT. NINTI - WrRELT, :. . - ili I 1... A 0 E--1., PI/I A. ' - - (1(1,15, '7u-t243in ... - . , . FOX & BROTHER, -6 , • st , ulNi; ANiti,NummEit le DRY GOODS • r, s vicLuDivn &WINO THE COLLKCTIO:4,IIS • .1 - r• ; GROCERIM.QUEENSWARE - Wl/101111 very large arid' selected with the Utmoet• care tor this market. We du not consider It: neces sart to Ctininerate whit we. have, but everything in &first-doss Dry Coo& and Cirocery More, caul be had ft our eßtablishment. , 2A,pril WIN DCiW • : 1 . 4 • i I , 1. LACE Y LACE FeA 1,1 • L MBREQT.itN SATIN DASIASK, MILK; &ND SILK & MrOOL 'FABRIC'S, •• • ••• - Of ea 4hAndes uJ golort, the Latett int Meted. • WII4D9W SHADT.S;I IN ALL THE. NEWES;T - TINTt..• PLUSH:ZS, taut, :f9c., for . 4aLlroOd Bug lieta • • . • •IL E. WALRAVEN, iSCINIC..tI.I. I I ,, 719 CIIFLITNI.TrsTRE4T. • P1114ADtLP111.11; U 170 N TXDTICs ' • _ • 11PTC1N TACTICS UPTON TACTIt*I-11, We bare received a number Of ooplra of tbel'nerr Tactics adopted foribe militia service of thla Mate, end by the Otirlfllzations already eromPleted• as "Noe in mune of Completion, to this 'dein! 7. PRICE TWO • DOLLABA, • • • BAN, A.N a RAMS Oct 1.% 19;-202a4.2-tt, . • 163 Cen IL- T80X1C2.16. DEALER 11l Ch 1 GLLASSWARti AND CROCNE,ItY,, 256 CENTRE ST., porravrim L. • 1 RGA ND iCOAL ft Bp RNER. Thin wonderftil 'Winer _produces alight `attladi; i gir i l i a e. 4: l =x b il l =itn i d P r i vr i b g e a ir ev :ft nit kind* 4' tamp/ to ;use. The chimney, la ra w at the bottom, mills handled, and serer bren teN heat. 1a ritual to, and tar cheaper • than the Ger man Strident Lamp. , • , I Jab. 2. "11-17-Iy-110.11, WILLTZEV B. 19/1114.1PE8; • CML * ' 'IBO,C'EXTRIt Krftglir, POTTSIVif.LE. PA. Surveys lauds. Mesa, Hpeelikl seen teutianyveit Co 61.00 rsoperit4oll9! -Zete iaoh. .1. .f • 'I7P rofTiErD2f-rGirr. THE EUROitAN THE SURRENDER OF METZI itrilllajle# olikr lal 1-11gpattb - _ Fats . _ , BEAT' REJOICING IN BERLIN,, . . , Paris. to -be Starv9(l Into • Stanussi,on. THENEW FRENCH • LOAN. THE 'PARIS' BOHBARDIENV. in The Serrender of Meta—The Blines Mnopsic o theVerge—The lienwe et the Capitulation lit Mkaa—Exeltearent)lnMeeil* r en isli-7 linnh*--The Pre/Omuta In mti LO-Ite dove Paolo by.ftwinalon., - - .. . . BERLIN, Oct Th'i 'following. Is the full text of King William's despat'cli_to Queen Augusta, announcing, the surmuli.i. • of Metz: '' "VERsAlttni. • Oct: 27,, Morning- 7 = To: - -Queen . Augusta Hombitig : . Marshal Ba ;mine, commanding, the French garrison at,. Metz, capitulated this morning. His artily), consisting of one:htradred and fifty thousand soldiersOncluding twenty thousand sick, are Prisoners innur hands.- • • • . • : 14 Thir ririnY% under Marshal Bazaine ,and the'reguliir garrison lay down ., their arms this-afternoon. This is one of the most important events 'that has iveurred to our &ribs during-- the present month. Let return thanks to a merciful' Providence' Who: has so ,graciously accorded -us such - . victories. Ltquiketil "WiLLIA ' 13ettLis, • Oct,, _H.—The news dr the, sur -render of 13azaine, and the eapitutatidn, f it, Metz, created the wildest enthtdasm, being; bulletined- publicly from the . balconies 0f, , , the ,Ministers , of the Interior and War.— - Great crpwda, rapidly swelling, to enormous . proportibus; surrounded. the Ministries,: ,cheering and nicking most extd.x4ant deny onstrations of joy and delight.- , • Prominent officials were serenaded,. and their: reAdeuces besieged by eager •crowds, and. the . decupants were forced to appear And Address...-congregations composed of Men, ;women and children. •ID the. - evening a proet*ion. of immense length, headed. by bands of mush!, itaniiied the strt;ets With' banners And Hasubeaux. The principal p>qintres, particularly. the grath ave . cue, Later-den Linden, were patked with people singing and oheerin*,..z. i• T o scenes lathe evening were relietitlign of those in the afternoon. MUNICH, ::FC-There wero great, re.•, jeidings here yesterday over the ammo nee ment telegraphed ' :direct from Versailles that Bazaine add his army had surrendered , to Prince Frederick Charles.;,. The royelpalace was.serenadcal and the statue of the• Kling, of Bavaria wreathed witlitioWens. It is reported that the` Prussians Witt ,ad here to their plan of reducing Paris by star vation. and that this acconnts,for their dila ,to movements towards Mounting their . siege guns •and 'opening a bomb_ ardment against the city and forts. . BEttt,rs,'Oct. iom• the Xing'S headquarters aolunis - thatin eon i sequenee of the menacing attitude of the.in .habitants of Versailles at the last •Sortie or the 'French ,from Mont' Valerien . a 'severe_ order has been Issued front the headquarters'. of the Crown Prince, declaring that 414Vi -lia us leaving their housed whilelighting is iii progress in • that neighborhood will be shot: , In. consequence of this • on e. twenty in= habitants of • the'village Bougivalovho assisted a sallying party by guldingtheir at-. tack,' haVelbeen executed. The Paris Bombardment—The Terms'. Marta to Ba saltio—Thei dick , and .Wounded it Versallee. • • Losinos, correspondent• of the TIMES telegraphs 'the following from Ver sailles, under date of 25th will be agile* days yet before the Germans will be WWdy to.bombard In the action on the 21st, silty liattalions took part, supported by twelve battoPies of ry artille. • • - _1 • Bazine Was recently inlZcrznell he could on ly have the terms which were accorded. to MacAlahon • . • , There are over two thousand . sick • and Wounded French -and German inldiers in and around Versailles. •• ' Twenty citizens of Rougell have been exe cuted by the Prtiselan, for aiding the French in their sallies from Paris. A sharp `skirmish took .place between • re connoitring parties on the left bank .of the Loire, near .Orleans, yesterday, Bpth par ties retired. On Sunday a Prussian:provision train near VonzieraWas attacked by franc-tireurs, who escort and captured the stores.— They, t haVe• .Also • killed !thirty. of- the white.cnirassiers neat Olizy. • . • There IS a fOrce of twenty-live- hundred' Prussians ,before 1421eres. Active thins boWever - ; have not-been commenced, as siege guns have not arrived. LoNnolv, Oct. al.—lt is decided that if the new-loan:is not rinsed, =contributions to sus tain the war will 'be left to the departments, each parish paying its quota. • . !~ LoNno.v, Oct. :„—A despatch from il3otu bay 'announces that a day has • been fired by° the Chinese fOr the ma.ssae*‘of all foreegu, ers. They.. are- matching`. and distribUtiing their hoops awordingly. ',Consuls every, wheienbtice the increasing }hostility and in solettee amtmg the native population. There is much excitement among-the English and Freneli residents. • ST. PETEasutruct, Oct. 7.3.—8 y a Ukase emanating;, from the Government here all governors of provinces of Russia on the Bak tie Sea, who -have rendered themselves con spicUoua by hostile utterances'and influence against Germany have been removed, .and superseded liYiurilcials of leis pronounced The 'formes officials made plena- . selves odious by denunciations of prominent . PtittOint Officials. The Surrender of lebets-Hoodth of Chief 'Justice . Clune-Leox and - Delano—Senator htOrton. ItitswiNcrrox,' Oct. al.—Au official' des patch was reeelVed by -the French legation this *ruing from „France, eonfirtning , % the report of the surrender of Marshal Bazsine's army yesterday to the Prussian forcests A. retter ha been received here from 'Chief Justice Chase, in which lie says he is improving In health, and by no means, in as bad - health as reported. • , • He expresseka determination to be present and open the session of the Supreme Court • inDecember, if his health should forbid his remaining =the bench during the remain der of.theisession. 5% , He irt - es no :allusion .to rest I. ning the ChlefJusticeship, and' his - friends -here do . 530 t credit the report that he has , me to a determlnatikul to retire from the bench alto ' gether. • .-.,. . . Although he hasigiven up housekeeping in 'Washington and purchased a reskletice a few miles out of the city, it Is no% expected that he will take immediate posseft' it, ,bue will probably take rooms at the Arlington House during the earlier part of the winter. Such is the statement, at least, of a member of his fathily. N. - - - President Grant called-at the Internal Rev-: ynue Office and bed a long interview with Mi.-Delano this morning. It is understood 'Ofitt, Secretary Cox- will retire next week, ,when Mr. Delano will take charge of the In-' tenor Department.. • , • • ".• L.Tenateir ➢Morton arrived this - =morning , but ,wits too ninth fatigued by hls journey to visit 'the President. Ho denies the stories about 11 'lint having' recommendedv any person for ?Minister to England and - says he does not intend to I terfere with the matter in any way. lir. Morton did not resign the English , missiousolely on the ground that a Demo • c• would have been elected to fill his place n the Senate He thinks remaining here he east redeem Indiana' in.lBll, and se cure a Republican innjOrity• in the Legisia tuns which le to elect his successor. EMI 111111•160 =IN . • ENGLANIXI , CHINA. 'tnothi.r Chinese Miussakre Experie,ti RUSSIA. ISE= Officials lieunived for Denouncing Prussia WASIZING2'ON. PRICES D! ISATIOC.11,1110;z5,- : - , , ruaariSsuszi. PHILDSLPIft.i. • ck*Vuelero. 15. • 8. yi Gold Silver_.:. ‘ wic kms Veniria Union 1 ~ire w5t..... - ' .;...--;•---- , •»-e 1 U. .**- '. 112.;-,.......; —:-..„...,........; - 1 •" :111.......-..1.--...........................- .- 11l 1 111 •61...".:..::...-....;.:-.:. - --.-.."...- 111 ,„ 111 . 11knew.....-..-..—....... - .... - ...!- 110 10.........,...............................4...! II 410 • ' , 64.....-.....:-.-.. - ........,.....i_. t L ll ' 1 , 10-10*.......,..:.---„4.-- I- 1 veer 6 per mat, Carnmeey--....j ,111 111 ........;..-. ~,, ... ...... -............ -..) ,1 1 1 1 • (.:....... ........ ....... - ........-........,....—i 10: 1 Ice ie1116,111. It. Ist 31: Mende . . ... :-.... MO F $lO rne It. W. ...: a. l 'llp i 910 Ohs 1.60,4 Went eons • ~..t T9l i T5O Rale ftrning sispatefies , e ; Saturflay, THE EITROMAN - WAR, - Tin: ' CAPITILIaTION OF METZ. . 137,00 PRISONERS' TAKEN. The Pmpeet or an • Ntaporrleort .rertt., ktl4LllD i'Yi&Th I!1 BM GitEAT,BATTL# Liberal Acts, byKitm El PRIjSSIA• MUST" • .14 PANISH'' Cii:INPiD.I . DA",iI: • E., MEI Tl 4 Capitulation of Bletit4-173,000 Prhowers Ist. Pra.peetA of an Arinatice—Citptur,C of w Berman Veovel—Natpoleoo to Ile .seni to.' :.,. . . . LoNbox, Oct.' •31.—The capitulation of Mo z, was not.'sigtteil Until Tharsdaynight.-.'llie • ' city will . be ocetiPteti by•• the PrusSians to- - 'morrow...The tvhole number of BrtisiAitil - A--:--' taken Is now represented .to be :MVO - 0 o in cluding three'Marsballs And 0000 ~Hirer:`: -.'• • 100 guns w‘ift: tired .in' Berlin yesterdaY,ip. . honor of thit`event. : " : . ... . . A seittitlespata to - tlie.',Leittion Trail:!. .. ,from Berlin lutimates thatt - he - French loot! rejteted the German terms of an armistit.e, . '. :but thinks the fall of. Metz will , lead them it t.,,.,:•• reconsider their determinatiop. •,• q,7., ~ I, - Lord I .yon it, . British Min is ter t o.IF roil et., ilr', l 7. preparing to ca He has engagell' — OA! first ItcsorAvf i be:'''HOtel de 1 a:Pit . iN i • Bei' • cleattx. • . ;-• . Li I'As.l es.litivites the-exPenses of the wilt..., beginnitneWith the cost or ArttAinents•sll.. 180, at 460,000,000 franes. , . .• •• • ' ,:, : LoNnox,.NOet. 2.8.—A recent traveler- from, the tvest coast of Afr:•ea.atlllqllll:l4,thalt the .- 24 - ' Frencli frigate'Villempete eaptuied the tier - .-L., *An vesselflero rt„ near Bititati - Islands; `iii L. .. the 17th - of s.4.eptetAberi= The' prize had sev- °. - en .hundred, barrels of gimpOwder aboard. N . , ToNnos; Ovt. 11.5." - -t-At prleati;the Prussian - band,. pias ,evt t ry' evening ; imt the - inhald„ . taids,remain eliised housed. The shops are ' dllaiseti and the.wonien appear in mourn . „ . hi; - $• , . - . .o.sistx,' (Jet. 28,—The Emperor Napoieen is t , o be sent td Elbe. L o Oct. r;B.--w,The TIMES douLts 0:k - '] I;:tiglatul should Mit, 'like' Amerien , ahatitit,u scrupulous - neutrality, and airortE stitlieieot - stipplies - to both' belligerents,:,': ,- - • - .. ,It is.eertain that the Italian • Parliatnetid ' Will be db , solveil, and a new Jai 9:rst ry I.k ..foriii s 4. : ' \ •--'1,.,-E, T.lllnft this city inn ineor " . T hr sttuat Mutts, tiet...2B -2 —The-ttovernment nem to withhold tieW4 Of uperatkins the Loire. All that rs known is that., 1: - ust of troops have Aleen manoeuvring ,fur day and that great !IRMO; tire ithinincht hear Lenutur and, Orletins. Nothitig (Alicial has heen received 4..0t0 Paris to-day. It is'privately -reportea4lial several successful sorties have e_eehtly made. Official reports of the capitulation Schlestadt „have „lit:en eceived by the - Anni,.,. ter of 'the In tefior. Atlidees frOntllesaucous, show that successful resistance *has heen-t2f fered to German invaders. for j'aris • • ~ I.llorratl Aetk or King 'William —Prussia. MIIO E. e 1, ,'" Metz—.Nspdietin*K Removal: .. ' .. , . G BERLIN, f Oct munieatetb to Oen, Von Falikenstein••-hbi'd sire for the removal of all 10st:title's., t_llA wuy,. of-,independelit position . , and TOrliiits. • the enforcement of the penalt y: for lighting-, public meetings. He also adered lienerai FalkenStein to release three prisoner:4 Mtested for..violation of - such laws.° • - • 131.1111.1 N, Oct. 2S.—The (op.ncs otthis city says the -health of tE m r he pero' Napoli:km Tequires a milder climate, mut ,pcs : sibly earlY,nest•mMoli he„maie elfange Wil . helmshoe-for , '''f,he-A - ' , .i-Y.ratir.tt - says. Crerniat . iy regainin,L• I • Sleiklins the strongest point im the line oi IheAloselle and she must keep it. • •,-; The Prewident of the Cort' to ReAgirZTike :Ali .MAtOttn.-.oet.. 28.—The early rehignatj.,fi of Senor Itiverer as Prosideut of the l'oet.e.4 ainouaeed. . . Seuor. Mort will introdneecinto the t'prte':, .early In the Coming seielion a hill , to date the Cuban delft.. - . 3,4),Dam. Its,. via. Toutts, eel. twreporAqi the great powers have returned an answer , to the •eztailidafare of the Doke Oastka. tablnet.'3ieeting—Thr - 3111Itary PreNioraiions . the , .tirn.- York Elm' NVASIII.NIiTON,. D. •C., .Ort. th,• members of the l'aidnet .attended the meet: • ing to-day, which-coptitittettfor three li.O - urs. The time was--...priudipitlly occupied in-.con sidering questions connected-with the elec• Sion law ant parlitularly as toNew York, general sentiment being that 'IV - iiltonld strictly enforced without .detriment to . the : ' rights of the _voters, but* the 'interest4 Of all.. • • 4.. • - The arrangements are now.;foriiplete sip fait as the military forces ate concerned and th,: - :orders td theme are great caution so 11,4 trt no cause for a `breach of the peace, but Gera - Sy readiness to render such aid as may _be:Wel, cessary in the. proper enforeement law. ' • • - MI POUG.IIKKEP_SIE, - .N. ' Y. 28:Richard W. A i keort- ,arrested here this niornine- - I,y _ SherifrKernworthy charged with detrituding A C; A. Meigs 'and Charles H. Meiks, of NeW"' York cif $75,000.- His bail has been-fixed 540,000 - but he has. not been able to obtain it. • . , - --- - 'N .z The West Virginia Election — Lee Obsequies lu, eer - . Orleans. , • W EEL iN VR., Oct. • 21.—Partial returns from about.ten- counties show ,large Demo erotic gains: Democrat, in the First Congressional District, is- undoubtedly elect- . ed over Gott; Republican. • . • Ohio county- increased the' Democratic ma jority for Goyeroo'r to 46 , 5-altlifough on local issues-the Republicans elected the Sheriff mot Clerk 'of the The . I,VII - merats 'gain • largely in members of the linis f je of Dele gates, sufficient they .claim i utml -the • next Legislature. 'A -telegram from ton, Kanawha Co., says,' the county Is verV - . elcae, probably given a Democratic inajoir , It is impossible to determine the reSul -the State- until further returns are received, • although 'it is conceded - by the Itpul,-' beans that their 'lnajorlty ill 186.4 'been , greatly reduced, and - -they, probatilV lose,the Third District as well as the First, NEw ORLEANS,- Oct. 28.—Y*tterday. oh ' account of-the ,Lee obsequies; business wa,' Suspended. All classes were in the / • • „ The steit u,abost Lee's time to Natchez Is, i Ii hours , „ Ininutes and 47 seconds. besting: 'the time of the .Nittehei -14 mlnutes; anti 11 secomlst. / • .. . romrsmouTtr, Oct. :.1;1. file trial cif liirain Jones,: for': the murder..Of Ida* wife in'=Jupie last, resulted in a - Verdiet of guilty; and the was' sentenced ,to be hanged on - the fir,t Tuesday in November. 1871: 4 7, -4 • -, - • • .- . • ••- • • onstenn I y tor =invites' ifiestial 'ST elLEles , ,i, sip' - Wheat 'Fil et, 'File, artrucarelly,k.bbt...., ; . ile,owt._ :•I L _ ." 'extra . vh.Dl 'Et - ye !Jour.- .. ....,...... ....... 4 11 bbl Buckwheat FIG . ; ........ ....0 we t--- Wheat, Fillie white ...,a,..1 4 ,.,w bush red.—..-. thugh••• ill bush ..': C0rn........i..........-........«..-4 1 U Sh- RroCtioi,...-- ~...„,......z...14 bush- Cork 1itea1.;...„....; 44 . ...„ ......... Vet1nga.;,.............., ...... , ....... bulb.- ' Ruud— " . • *but& - 110 '11at 44 . 444 . 444-444 ; , , ....... :-. rut. i li dc 1 14.-: : . . , . . . . _ DI OCTOBE R:,1870 Ei'YGLANp.. 7REL 1 N 7). I= entti;%t cK,:90..*.-4-Tlie carpal-Mica or • pacunit4..4l iu a vatted aguiwzt 1!:11- . ithittion Or Papalists: ?•-• • FRANCE. atti—L4Glreast Buttlei I 4 rtattre7fittpAttrilt I'll'll,olA., SPAIN. ilitlatUre, HI2KG EEW Srre.e on a Crinanai c'hirge TkE SOTTS. , NEW ENGL4NII: 'ninttence . of liWll46,Murtlerei.. lINIIMIM paTTSVILLE MARKETS an N iN VMEM William. "MM °~ MEI .h , t.ti! I ? 3 7 ' .-4 i ‘) - Iv - "su . II CO' G 5 , 1 • 1 co. ..:I'. - ,) i 350 4Qo i , -* 1: 1 i I 1 1 d -; I hi 1 z . 40 ' i 1 w i. 4 • 74 , I 25 - / 3. 4 o -- 110 . v.,a5 . Ij -41 .54 t: 26 2 ~ • 4 ...' .14 - 4% ....., ,i .1 - Is.