The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, October 29, 1870, Image 2

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11 rew BPICI4 venom.= betiona ifshalgungtriblir U 4 s
Usk at:ll= AWS B.atl.a L s PIM Uri fircrett
all • •et
;Ist rnal•
s ,i 0 , a 29, WM-
' THE' MIN} '2017113.21, la tamed every tiatordaY
monang. and muddied tO aubscrtbernal g :5 per annnta. ll3
advance or t: 1 rot paid tn advance. •
OMB iaustAaapalosta,mvAawaLT az:miser
Ociddito one aa.dreas,l7 00 115 Capita to one addreso.o 3 l:
• 12 00
Tinges - a I ^glees M Oliver tiv cootie/Lew&
7 ' 1. 111 30 per annum. In =MIXT: Other'
yie at Mee. •
w Tjt.day3s DAILY mip4ta , TEinuirAL lee Cell
111McIlllut, !Canner% excepted- ; ; ;
'tent", per wek, papabie le the artier er
agent by wttom It le .erred. •
BY MAlL—Payuble- In adraore, one Year, ♦6 5 OW. lax
thro IrCCllbs4 ll4 - " .. "
94-00Cor month. - •
IV ,
NAM & RAIIIIIEV:11 1 11A&M.'
, -
Prir.o.ware. o NEV . YORK
. - ..
rii_ OVEBNOR-. HOFFMAN of New -Yoik,
' 1.. X - the so-esdled. - Democratic candidate
. for re-elOtion- to the Governorship of that
State, sueceeded In! reaching • _that, position
.•' by the aid of fraudulent-votes cut for him .
- jo - New York - CRY and vicinity. SO Ruceemg:
ful were , they in that game—some sixty
Ahousand fraudulent :naturalizations hav
ing been inanufactured, a large proportion
of Whoni'lvoted—that his plitlyins pivpose
to - h} it again this yeah.- Mayor Mali -10 30
in the Movement„; by impugning
.°5 l cor- .
yeetness of the census - of*New Y o , Vity,
which he proposes to prove by a loft, :stririg
of fraudulent '.tis..sments,, :,'whieh 'if * thet
.tioverninent 'should . perniit it, would. be
. .
come; natumlly,fraudtdent votes. lt is not
an unusual oceurrence• in that city of a
Wird .to shOw afker an -elect ion has been held,
more Democrtitie.iotes than there are men,
women and children in it. That'll. the 'ivay
Mr. Hoffmat,i was'elected Governor, and MS
partizan kends headed by Mayor Hall,
iiropose again - in the smile way,. not' mike their favorite Governor, but
to giveldur the greatest prominence for
the . next • nomination Tor the ." Presi
dency by the sham Democracy. Now, this
is a very Mee little arrangement` for Gov
ernor Hoffman and his Pregidential aspira
tions; but. there are two difficulties 'in the
way, and rather formidable ones too-Lin:fact
one is of4a,t4sysyjiaracter. that the New York
'repeaters".'Sdiot-box J stufferS: and roughs
ate squirming with rage and vexation be 7
cause at the coming, election, on, tte Bth' of
November, - they will be . able to repeat
with impunity their fraudulent operittiona of
two 3-liars since..
„President Grant, with that
deterMination'which :has marked his ,ottleial
career; to execute strictly :and impartially
the law:ri of the land; la ,resolved Phut under
the laws of Congress providing for the hold=
jug of fair elections ; there shall Lein honest
election in NCW. York City off the curbing
Sib of November. Troops_ will, be colleen
tinted there, which, under, the command of
Gen.:.‘TeDowell, will be used. With Stidgment
rare; to see that the laws are not wan
tonly violated. And if that forceihotdd not
tie sufficient, President Grant says that' every
soldier in the land shall 'be used, it. it
should'7 be necessary - ti) enforce the.
In -That • position the country sap-•
ports the President, witfl. the New :York'
rebel "repeate4'! , squirm and abuse the Gov—
.ernment its revolution to stop dishenesty:
and enforce the law//:. - The other impedi;
Mant in the way of ilovernot Hoffman'i
.pitations, ls the fact that thousands Of the
:tient/an-American 'citizens of New Yolk,
Who haVe heretofore voted with the_ Tally
4yled Democracy,' will at- the coaling elec
tion vote the Republican ticiter.- They have
-become - disgusted at they syinpathy of the
party with which they haVe hetetofore
Ny'rill Imperialism; ; and at its abuse of,
the camke of - the:Fatherland. With an honest
clectiOn in New York and New -ji.,rsek, and
the changes Which take place in the
German vote in those states, we - anticipate
signal victories for the lieptihlican. party, in
Loth of those States. •
Tire indteations itre that the party which
rules the eity-of New York will make des
-1 orate efforts nt - thecohthrg—eleetion to - poll
thousitOs of illegal votes, andto use- inthni,
dation at the'polls, and Willey *co:rue - in eon-,
met with the United State; Autlioritiea
the attempt:the respohsibility will , up
oh the lawless then . pho inaugurate it., In
ati!Levertt liregident will do what the
•frople of
. the
.whole country look to him
to do iv the premises, chit
rpirE 310 .ST intix)rtant War news. of the
week 6 , the fall of. Metz.. On Thursday
:morning last Bazaine dud his army of 13ft,000
uien shrrendered.. 'file city is .on 1,1.1 1 e! :Mo
selle, in the , department of that battle,
south from Litiembure -the
same distance West -of . Saregnemine, and
...- piles
,Cast* of Chalons. The, places
r uttered famous by'the war are distributed
all around it;' Mezieies, Sedan, Rethel,Xont
ined2,-, f4tenijy, ,, lDun, Thiouville and Briey .
i dot the, are along•the north and northwest;
Merck, Forbach,.Sarrebructc,i.Courcelles, St..
Arnold,jiitetTe. and WisseMbourg.lie' on
vorre.:4xMiling eirel4 to. the east; Chateau-
SalinsTstiarrealbe,. , 'Lauterburg„ Strasburg,
sartfmr,;:mi . :Hagenatibring the circle from
thie c.a.;ttothe,.south, ttful Natien Tout, Com-
luercy, - Pon t-alMousseti . ., .Ver(lon, Clermont
, 4. 11 if .Nlihnlihould ' restore ;it on the west.—'
Wltilifi ageircle whose ektremejadius is-only
, ciglity :Miles:amt . it .f . average less than half
that di-twice, the fury - of the , Prussian 'war -
' - has - :spentitself.' •.< ' •
.Nt etz is. au& limo- ba."•:!l(cen oini, of the great.,
.- • -fort resst;' , or/'rancer •It 'was the capital of
•. tistriisia,.thi , n cierinatc, and held aa. a bar- .
. (ler ifigaiiist France, andin 145•2 because
', Frepoli:,:itS priptilatisiti hat. exceeded .10,000
• ''.'a . iid sar6ly.etitialled..7,7c,olw). 11l connection
wiiii ~, S t rasbuig
.. it Was - the kty- of Frencli
( , s ,
ow` , t(r in the east. -At the inception ,of the
, :!('.(lrrelit war - - Metz .:way strengtheiied,;and
`l!when. 3lc:\Ealion's army :was• defeated at ,
_ Woertli August fah, Metz WiiS inade . .the-,rai-.
lylug point" This was but... Mile days after
the French initiated the war by taking Saar-.
. bruck. ' A series of battles oc-rum& arriund
;,- 'Atetz, iii which the Crown Prate 4as sue
' ecs(ful. ' They con tinued.tO. Etre' 18111.
.. Me-,
' lalirtit was defeated in -.ilit t enipt' to cross
, -,the 1()!(e. - fle on the,l4th, anglit i the intlecisie
battle itt l'oni-a:.,ilouOii on - Abe- 16th, and
. ( iravelotte twrNlay7s -later—the, lrOer hav
ing for its object to "sever .tanumunicatiock
• with Verdun: The 'French
'.‘fali - ott ; were again-defeated and ritoved
'le Chalotis, appiretilly . 'seeking ' '.3le- .
zieres, -where 'h6 might be , joined by
I; . • ii,a2ai ne, -4 ss u I u.g.f_com 11Ie 4114%VA ittiVer the.
_designs of the: French . - com*ltintlek were,.
. they,Were tlefjated ii.tid s Bazsii4 . :has • been
, closely isolate(' in the city since, resisting *a
.iege that, vas. /Mtly pressed, while he ryas
._: cut off'frOm all succor and all supplies. • The
tiler:mans have received both freely, and the ,
_. result that has occurred was, in, the nature of
' thing 4., only , aequestiot t of time.
The capitulation, reraarks:the l'ittLADl-:.1.-
PM:\ NORTIT ANIii:ItICAN, is an - important
eientent in the war direttly andindireZtly.,_
It destroys one of the prop ( on whieliyrencli,
courage has leaned. It rerriovei • th'e'?hieCif
not,the only obstacle to l'russian adilince,„:' -
While .. .Metz held out; a large army tiiui de- ;
; twined to obsertie tlie.movemenbc of its .gar
risoti. and force a vipittilation. Notwith
standing this, (lie reinforcements •recFiyed -
it eve allowed theil'russians to Move soitth
wardly along the, border, and. they. have
barked their advattep — at Nancy Epinal
itriesach, N'escittliginconlanti other potato'
.411 apparently On\ eiftowards' Lyons ;.• white
taller-armies have paSsed-WestWard through
itlieMts,-SotsSoii. !bald*, ',,iul are now be
fore Paris; , The a . y operating at Metz As
liberated to phrsu ' 4 own n .con . ese, a tid may
restore the - losses . d to be occasioned - by
Whate4r disposition is, Made of
the future the capitulation of Metz clop n
Memorable siege ; one of those that ivill long
studied: If it has been creditable to (ler
' Map. Vilkie. it
, bon
men( al
th e F 1
iym Of"
unbrokrit bombardment.
• loyvA.ri.- I ,olllelal retjurini from 130 cofinileg e
and from 10 , undlleial, give the TA.publlean
majority in Ml* flab. at 40,124.. Tlie—ten
riot reveled ate all Republican.
~ A * - FILL Ith smirk 4' e' proceiod
-CA.-.., tugs in Qlr loesi itroluntui, a prelintbi-
Eu4neeting waltheld in this ,Borough un
rsday evett*hist, - for :the purpose of
kieliumngeteenta to e ff ect - i permanent .
, 'organisspon oftbelStotroment Associathin.
The Idea very properly is *enlist the irym
-1 pathy and aid of -the ;Tonle of the entire
County in the project, and to erect a massive
and, imposing monumental pile to the mem
ory of every soldier from this County who
fell in battle or died of disease during the
life war for the Union. - To tlo this; an of
the Orders and Associations,' as well as the
eitixensof the different sections of the Coun-
ty, are invited to seag„repreSentatives to a
meeting to be held at Gowen first room, in
this Borough, on Wednesday tevening next;
to effect a:permanent organizatiOn - .• It is to
be hoped that there will, tieqt general re
ponSe. ' Let energy and detertnination be
thrown into this movement, and thelirdica
tions are that they will be; and the corner
stone of the monument can? be laid on the
next Fourth : of July. Everywhere through
out the country, towns and counties are
erecting memorials, of more or lees magni
ficence, and, SeintYlkill - County should re
solve that if she has been. late in thelnatter
of ttins 'honoring her thousand dead heroes,
she will make atotieinent by ataonce erect
ing one Of marked sixe and beauty. There
should be no flagging iti the work until It Is
accomplished. • We are glad to note that so
good M start has been made In the matter as
the preliminary : meeting of Thu i rsday night
indicated: k. • ' - 1 •
. . ,
iV QUEBTICiN.—Mr: Hughes', tlTotri
Brown;") who Is now on a visit to thiiseoun
try, recently delivered a leetuM on Work
and Wealth, In which he . gave Some advice
to - Workingmen , of America, • which is most
excellent and worthy of their serious atten
tion: It is the more so, as Mr. Hughes is a
disinterested advocate of the IntereSt of labor.
For years the eminent English Parliamenta
rian has beet' engaged in the philanthropic
work . of harmonizing labOr and capital, and
his position gives him authority:to. speak,
upon the matter. Mr. Hughes giVe a Sketch
of the history of capital and labor,a as con- ,
fleeted with4he British' artisan, for the past
five . hundred ,years-4rom the time. of the
Plantagenets to : our own era, and how the
mechanic had to fight' his way through the
thick ranks• - ot oppression, ignorance, and
bigotry,' before he was allowed the privilege
of a free agent in the dlipoki Of his only
wealth—lii,7abor. The stiuggles of the more
reeent,tradeii unions were dwelt upon; and
how litfle they have contributed to secure
the desired end shown cup.. in; one strike
alone, in-England, ; in the year 1851,-of the
Amalgamated society of Engineers, a reserve
fund of .C 2,1.100; and aIOSB of wages amount
ipg to .£150,009::.m0re, Were swamped in an
unsuccessful Strike of four months,. leaving
thesoclety at
.the .close defeated, without
penny in hand, heavily in debt,, and with a
bias of.more than a quarter of Its members.
A much wiser policy has been adopted since
then, evidencing the fact .that the unsatis
factory nature of strikesflir settling. difficul- .
ties is at Mit recognized. In all - the great
industries of the kitigdom, courts of tubitra-,
tiOn and conciliation have been • established
-for the settlement ot, trade disputes, and
nearly all the. trades \tallow.' insist that rio
strike shall occur until the matter hits been
laid before' one of these courts. But even
these excellent tribunals leave:the kernel - Of
the disease,`.untouehed—they mitigate, but.
do not cure the consplaint.- Mr. Hugh`erad
vocates as the only sure road to a satisfactory
finality, the adOption. of the co-operative
principle. He deplored the apparent dispo
sition of the trades'unions in this hemisphere
to neglect this universal remedy,. and warned
our workingmen of the impolley against as-
Arming the old, wornout :armor of they old,
world, at a time when the trades,unlotis of
England, after , discovering by years of. sad
experience, the inefficiency .of its covering,
are '.lbecotn frig evety,tid more peaceable and
more reasonable as they 'become more pow
erful, and are jealous of every expenditure
which is not for some provident or benevo
lent 'Purpose". It .is, pleasant; however, to
know—which the short time Mr: Hughes
has been among - us did not allow him possi
bly to fully realize—that 'co-operation, al=
•thotigh net. sO,geiteially , appreeittted or tin,
derstocl,. its it deServes, making progress
among us. The sad -- elperieneeS have nbt
been titunixed evils. Many of ouv *working- .
Men have - tibTovered the firma 'road which
will lead them out of the old- slough of de-.
spond, and many more. «ill Rion be found
• pressing onward eagehy on the same pith es
scion as the blessings and benefits of ce-oiler,
ation become more geneially spread.
.THE CENSUS.—The Marshal of the Western
District of Pennsylvania has promptly fur
nished. to the public a return of Its popula
tion,: which , exhibits a very 'gratifyinit in
eremse. It is ay follows : .
Sutler, • , - 28,455 • 35,504
Blair •- • • Ml,Ofil - 27 7 101
Bradford- •---' - - , 51,104 . 4m,734
,Bedford 4,--,, .. ... : . ...,::„.1...,.. ..... ....... %bunt; . ;N;,736
Cameron • - „.... • - • 4,2:3 ,
Clearfield..:_!, _ 25,779 , pi ::A)
Cam bria...,.,•. ...... .:_.. .... ..-,. ' • 36472 .-
C1int0n..... , .:.. ' • Z 1,213 . 67,723
Columbia • -.; ' ' • iN 765
,Cra - trford • . _
Centre . ' ' . i... 31;94 _7 AMU
Clpribn..., • - , ,•, -r 23,512 '.21.941
Elk " -•
r 9,315 - .5.91:,
..„,... 9i,977 9 , ,4:r2
ulton • . 9,36 l 9.111
Fore9t • . 4,193. . . 90.
layette 1:1,•...94 •,-' 1% 1 19.'9
Greene , -
2i,%92 21;312
liuntingdoo :0,252 '.14,10u
Ind3ann . 39,72.: - - :C.,9
Jetremon',„ „,.., • 202;61 ..- ,18.270
Junititn 1.. - 37,191. 19,989
Lawrartoel • '‘
. 1.7 *.L..ei . r'2,949
I.lizerne ,- ' • ' 13 0 :971,. ~ 99,21 i.
- I.yeouilllg 47,63 N. '7,:riu
. :M'Kettn wJ 9,, , C;
3te3:rer , ...' .49,951 •, .'.l{V45
311111 in • - -'-' - , ' , .1,7.7 9 , 19.,110
Montour ~ . • . - .1 . 1,131 ' 13,603
lc • ottlh7niberlitit • -' . i1,. -ilo* -- • asir.;•2
Potter .
-; ' = , lt,iis .' 11,470
Snyder 13,66 - . 7 14,0:15'
Somerset , ' _,......,... ....... . ....... ~:r2..1 ' '1;,,1"76
Sullivan • .
~ ,- - . -
. , 4 "-• 6,161 •• 7 0 37
Susquehanna • • ' - -,V,53:1= 2 ". - 16,:57
Tioga ' - , , • 2102 • :t1.014
U nion - ,-...". '- • . ' - ' I6,W 14,015
V tqualgo. . . :46,-*2 . • - .5,043
AV arren ..4t.. - ,^ Ln,t4): - 19,190
Washington - - - 48,451 ••-. -46 SOS'
Westmoreland,, -- ‘ • :400 .51766
•W yom Ink • ~ v-:,, ..i.:_ 14,563 • - . 12,40
',t-4 • .
- ' ' • '• ''''•••- J,713,957 .1:::- . ..1,(M
, - 1,2Z,039 • .
, - t -- • .
, ittertik!, . - , , .90,1111t 'r. • .
' To, this add Philadelphia with its: iM ,1 , 71,s
\ • ,
and one cult begin to nin' some idea o f 1 ! - -le
poimiatioßof the ,State. - "We presuni,_4t ito
be tinder :1;06,000, an i rterease 21 atiotir . iipa,
900. It wits 2,90,115 tea - years ag0;.;:",.,,•"
. •
.41t1:Sii-OUNA BynciLAns.--1145rnsez ,
keepers' and owners of busines s places every- .
where thrOugh6ut thelNA; will he interest:
,in the .ltite 'eiperience.4if Mi , Joseg
street, NeW yorkjWho-bits been 'repeatedly
robbed h'y - li ; are. 'krcothericcounts pat,-
- fished in die New' y,erk• papersiwe learn.
that is,peCujiarly exposed to delve
datkiiuslAO one !cectipying it at night.
hasotbeitatteinfit,edto defend it
Waded musket, bet sothatit would be
(;;li - argeil by opening the back window shut : "
On' Monday night,ti burglar bruke'Oien
the shutter with a chisel ; the'guil was disk
charged -and killed him on the spot.
AgostiiiO beenarrested, and- ia i now answer foethc . death of the, flurglar.
As there.seems to be no dispii*iupon the
facts It isnot - likely that he wiltbe severely
Had an innocent •tnria The
vff'tjar the : affair would .be nianilan,gli:ler; bat
inthis case, Mr. Agoatino - seems to lai=s
made it.impossible for harm fronifiis guii to
befall any one not eng4ed in a 'felony. If
- he.luid been lulls shot!, and had resistecbto .
the death a burglar striving to enter it , . no
one would have blamed him ; and he doubt
less has the sarde. right to make housebreak.
lug dangerous whether he is pi -es - Rill •qr
absent. • F •
It .thieves have bud any doubt of this
-hilperto, the history
,of 34.' Agostino's case
will probably - Set thiquestion at .lest. The.
-sooner men wholive by burgtity.understand
that. they - art ,out of the jaws • protection
When engagedln their Crimes the lie r tter:
There are obji3etiMis to the use of man .
*Pot and aubunatie gu
. us by unskilled band s.
..,Stieh contrivances must not. be permitted to'
'bring peril upon innocent men. But when.
they reacts the very mania &gat* whom
they are designed, thetact that they. happen
to tslll , instead of Merely maiming or terri
,fyinikoughtto be monied:sea fortunate acci
dent, If it only strikes terror upon the most
- -
6 1
1.470. • ISO).
• .24r2,482 I:ia,Kll
....... 43,145 :15,7C0
36,,132 J. 18()
dangerous class • whops the connoting 'is
1, •
Our citizens who,4u 4 re frequently annoyed
solid alarni4lry thrii: depredations of bows
*eskers, wrl - Od &Oren 16.f0110w the wane
pie set by *. Alcutinio. It would hare
the effect oe:iteeplog bugles at a respectful
diatance at'night, fiorn their premimes.
GovEnNon GEARY wrote a letter to the
Union League commending the movement
to apply to the Legislature for theeall of a
„eonventiOn to amend • the Constitution of
PgaitiylVania. • In the course of tits letter
he ssiys“:l
. .
It is 'generally conceded that our Votnniou
wealth has outgrown the constitution of Ittic.—
I hope, therefore. the subject, will be thorough=
lv discussed by the people iltiring the brief pe
riod prior to the meeting -of the n ext Legisla.
tare; &sit is my intention to lay 1113 i, Niews In
fire s or of calling a constitutional convention be
'foie that body in my ,forthcoming annual inis
sage. ,
Mts. II es *iv Woon's EW BOOK, Be*"VA . RASE: *
by Mrs. Henry Wood author of ."East Lynne," is in
press and will be published iti a.few days by T. B.
Pet;rson 4i Brothers, Philadelphia, In uniform style
With ."Roland Yorke," "TheChanaltunt,''und all the
previous works bythls favorite author:l It is *odd
to be the best book that thls dlitingubdted authoress
kits yet written. The following new books are hav
ing Immense sales and shOuld be need by all : Dr. R.
Shelton Mackenzie's "Life Of Chailes Dickens;
"Married In Haste," by NM. Ann it Stephens; "Ml
ehael Rudolph. the Bravest of the Brave;" by Miss
Eliza A. Dupuy ; :The young wife's Cook Book ;"
"Comore, the num . •of the New Empire;" "Consue
ht," and 'Tile t'otipte.; of Ituticklst sult,:•:1.1 - Madame
George sand,
goof Aitters.
, •
. .
. .
OCT.. lATto. • 81. ` SCX '
. Risis.. sErs :. 1100;q:S CLIAIIGE-1,
SATURDAY...' 6l ..
31 - C .131 4 Z'xi, lira Q. 41 4 21ev.
1 TETEDAY..... 1i30, - . 4 . 37 Full Al. 9 947
2 WEDNESDAY! 4:A LW:, It 11 11: ey.
3 Tlir i)
icsAy... U 31! 451 .2110 40 moe
4 FRIDAY ...... , U3l , , 4:4 ,F 1 1 ,4; (4.-3/ 3 3 mp.
Tbe Scarlet, Fever Is itgain raging apiong the
uvenile portions of .ourteinninunity.
I ' -
. . . .. . • -
Much - Needed hoprocemeut—that now being
made on centre street, between.Nqrwggiatr Mid
Mnhant?ngo'. • . . ' 1 4..
'Mabanoy -City has a; iti.i.tl4 subs)? _which Is
destined to I , e•pf great benefit to the .yonth of
that Borough. "
To-moryow.—Fort.y, )tt rt •NA o lay of. the:
year, and nineteenth acuir 're; Day's lengibe
10 hour 4 mid 31 tni mites.
Postponed.-:the fair of .WlL4lllnp.,lol/ campy_
7fi, P. 0. S. of A., Mahanoy City, hits been
,postponed !Ai til 1 t ceather 12. • •
Ptiotographed.—The 11611Ing:.Nf ill
teas photographed pesteirdar morning Iry :t firtir
of Photographers - frail' .
. ,
The. Census:,- , ,rhe „censtlA
..of nuinhor of
(*unties has been announced, , bati %"e d() not
find Setinylk ill uucopgthc iitunt!tir.
The Borough of Tunkhrinivick, on thc,
high. Valley Railroad, near Pitt,ton, was
Iv destro.yi.l by•tirelpri Thursday. •
. .-.4.
- I
. --, - ~ , , •
Thankagiving.-il'he Presid'eut hai appoi nreZl
Thursday the twenty-fourth d:LY of Novethber
as a dav, of Thanksgiving and: l'rayert
.. ,
Patent Granted.:—Mr. 11i11, Of Affix
Borough, has been granted a patent,on teina
t•hinefOr scouring heads of metalic
Arm Broken.—( !Tuesday lait at Gllberton,
a (laughter of Wm. 1.:..89iith, fell witli,a yotiug
sister, alio - tit two yedrs (Wage, breaking- the lit
tle one's arm. . , •
. .
Killed in the Idinee.—On Monelut• last, at
Otto , CoiiierY, .111109 -Snyder, a laborer, was,
caught between %011ie empty ears and the tim
bers trAl.eruslie.4l to ,1e9t,11. •
. ,
. 4 . 'O.
The Chief of Police Us shin removed his
office to the corner of 'l.altatitengo and Centre
streets so th t Ile can I,e tlear the ieene of dig . -
aster when the 1.1116 f Burgess' - 11ftiee .rittribies
to the gr'otitid. - • "-,- • ' -.• ; .
• • •
,•-• The iservicea:pf the 2inlPiesbj'terianClnireli;
Rev. Dr. Smiley, Pastor, gill be held. in the
Trinity Reformed tliiirrii..—Nfarliet street, to
tnoTrow, at 10; and 7; o'oo4l, M. s%irtiM,
for the evening, • "The revelation of tiny InN isi
hte hid,
a'.?tirt‘le.thi ottgh_t he visiliii...fratiol."
All are (virdially • .":
-Drunken 14an made hi 4 wa'.. into the house
of a eitizett l / 4 M :4andersou streeCearl l / 4 'on Thurs
day eVening athiqaying Idthself
the kitelieu.stove - went to - sleep; He . was dis
covered by a female - member of the household
who gave the alarm; when its4tAtattee i'•ante and
the intruder %vita unceremoniously ejected.
been fully tietamsH•ated
that the public Mind of Our Borough is not yet
quite depraved eitOugh to support •,any seekt
of a low entertainment, no matter hot
high !bounding may be its. name' lO
n-tennis ' the female'r-attaehe4' of the troupe.
CoMert- ;Halls' are rfotAppreeisited in Potts
ville: and we are right glad of it. _ -
The. Luzerne "Union'. fiiu fault beelfin4:
Wilkesbarre. has only abOut 10,600 inliabi tants,
anc says if the inhabitants of the. ltdrough
proper {'.which is four miles long and two and a
half miles . wide) were ec2utted.:-itt a, they'
should be, , Wilkesbarre would 1.1:1A ahoUt :24-
000_inhabitants:, Were the ,:anle thing - done•
here l'ot,tsville,-Would have about thirfy.drms
and•inhabitantrg.. Where i:otild"W:ificesbarr,e;
be then, brothel
' Public Choir firettearpale.-:-St. Chttroh
ehuir, PM tadelphia ire olrierv.e, pt:opme-s th . e
stated pubtiereheanlals, free, at which they — trill
render the ehokeht..selections. A most cout
urier-table prat-five for the ettitivatioti - of good
ta,te atneeg the une,ses, as welLas for
the impr.,v4.liii 111 of ebeirs. Thii Oystem wag
mats-nea.ed rvith'rseellent effeet. by our own.
Triai-'3: church l'hoir, upWards of a rear
and wa: ,);.lp diA.N.mtineed during then Summer
past.. xi v. 13 the eommeneement of: their organ'
repa!r.. .NVe 'hope to see it 'renewed.
Unclaimed letters remaining in t ie Pottsville
po, t Airfire, oet. 21:4, 1870: . -
flak - erC "I.elltoriPatrlek - I,e(inard .Tohn
Each Ina fiti, .f it )oupert Lewis ds ltro,;
sanint•l ' Eleshman Frank L? - tell WN
Drown F:wely Focht Jess43.ll-Miller Jacob;
Clothter Mr ' , Griffiths Sallie J,':McGulre Thomas ,
tusp , erly Ilttriek llollingshead 13 Relnliart Annie
COok Wm • lladerer• Chita ftqads.litie •
Cankeye Ifearlahan ltlargtsanders Alfred
Cox Hannah 1, - lieartner Caroq'eSuter Annie •
Ininspaugh .1 I .Jenntny . , Isaar Wlsetil II ter (lilt's.
Dalton John lilolhaut Ciotpar. • Ward Mrs M
Dltolort NteholaAKettltdohn Young N
Alladin, in the,Shonatidoith EiRA truth ,
fully remarks that Pottsville alto s the . snialle
boroughs of.theXounty hp lead ht r itt the triat,
'ter of Willi! etaerpri:le. For i t I.,tatTee, .tshf
orsl her polite his;tof suninicr,: and
ANntsNille 'poi ieenten RI just tuanY
- d l itterent stvreg as it 10 pollee ollietY;.
Aua'has h4'id.l%-crith a solhicr..' - nsuuument, and
we are itts4 beginninx to stir up in_the initiatq
F-4 - -Step;i'for . the t‘revtion ma not in
ra,tipnet-d, htlo ,„, illatlng.:', to the Ti've pcirtion dr . 1
thig' eon in unity thafiuieltslioncel 110:the statedf
affairs tf6ut, ,
o Third...Anntial.Convention two
11.eirze l'ltriitlan.fAssdeititioif • of. the f
TYnn.slsraitia,Zlll con ve neat Scranton, bluer e
'county, On Tuesday, Nai'etnhcr . t; ;
its session' Thursday N.-veiling, Delegates e
expected' fronfiall the aSsociations in • the',Ntat
among whom w ill be many of Out most; protn -
nentquiriisters anpt earliest Cbristian worker‹,
A host - cordial invitation is extended-to : millili
ters and Christhuflaytnen in toy n and conut y
districts—where' there are no tisaoctationa, -
- come to tlikisaiyentionl 'A moat bearty , . (Mr: -
tian Weloetneis assured to all' Who a. d
arrg.rwenT - 6,nt.siktill be made for. their entertai -
mend, as well km. Ter reduced % fare• on the ra
roada, ' '
All Afho design attending, aro re9ll,
iiAltire*"..LTlnpnas - K. ("fee, chaiiman Flu
cutice (21mittlittee, Pittsburg, p r
ctio t of liarriabiirg , that they Ipay7tivail
set el of
Pottsville School Board--Wedneeday E
ning, Oct. 26.—Mr. Smith ih the Chair.
- Mr: Boyer, on behalf of the Building
.tnittee, reported that•the amount of esi
for - i York done on the finersville street'
Mouse less per cent.. e 1,41
referred to paving in front of the school
East Norwegian street, As urged by seri
izetis in that ward.
„Kr. AASpach presented au instrument
ingthe revolution of the earth around
knd.the different seasOn4, forthe attentiot
Committee on Lot reported l'avotably
'chase of the Bell Lot, and, on motion
Edwards the report was reeei veil and tin
mittee'netlioriced to set. ,
Mr. Fokitieved that the; bonds for tin
issued at fityears.
Mr. Wye Moved to amend by maki,
bonds of one, Vigo. three, four and tivc
which was carried. •
The following bills were offered'
Books for High
Isaac Boyer
Water Company's bill reterreil •to J'inance
Committee: , . .
John E: Web, ' .
Aire. ..... ...........
L. C. -Thtunpsen. referreti to Fla, Coin
On :notion of .3.1 r. Foxibo Building e
tee was authorized to procure heater to'
eraville street school house.
Mr. Edmonds moi,xxl that the - M,atter
instrument of Kr. Anspach be prnipo
the_ present. which was carried.
air. ;Edmonds moral that he Buildin
mittee tit:lnstructed to pave in front . ]
on Bast Norwegian atreet. which wash 11.!
04 'motion of Idr.fllgfrkist the Punta •I
mittee was make a tempasar,
to meet present expenses. • .
- •
is _Olhato—A Constablii' - la
--3eroeseldarnee was
WI In "North East Ward of the St tor*, lind
iam bs ut
ma tlnta tedi ldti mit,
_ terilt howe ezpired, and iLigaran not,tho bt
Apia - in - TIU• Audi a few days
. geaator
Id I littd=rnhallatnes Winn, one
'of Ma lin while constable,. made,
oath= Sionire Reed charging Witmer
With or in odic% 'having collected
law* jtorne IMO as constable, and
lipiliregldeted It to - his own use, barring his
bcial=o pay the. amount, Atke a Mar
' hi* was held in 140 0 bell to answer,
# delltodt of which be was conveyed to parr'.
. -de nit or v..-
- ':..":::..... .
~ . .
~... .
. - . .
- .111, 41 County Soldiers' Monument.
—By following proceedings it will be.-per
m f erecting a County sal
die' nonument inthis - Borough has received
a start dwe are glad to say that the interest
stria Di the matter at the preliminary meet
ing ie cater; that it will be pnahes..l with energy
and vi r until a .beautiful monument to the
memo of our buried heroes, rears its fair pro
porti li in our Borough :
Porravit.t.g,'Oet. 27,.1570: - . •
A prninary meeting.iras held this evening
in Sei 's Building, for the formation - of anor
gani on whose obiect is the erection of a Won -
umen lto.the memory of the soldiers of SelluY l-
kill C unty who gave their lives for our coun
dring the rebell on. -
• C 01.41. B. Beath was selected chairromr, and
J. Albert Huntziriger, Secretary. • .
On nliotionlhe follewing gentlemen were.ap
pointed a COintn ßrittain f; Tkeo. ittee on Permanent K en ornisa
tion :-LJaeob, J.•
.IC. Si tied, Judge. Donaldson. A. -B. Cochran,
Maj., Am. Wren, John Herbe rt; .Capt„ D. A.
Smith,: Wax.. Tonsaant, and Wm'. Steveuson.
The committee on Organisation were instruc
ted to invite all societies. in the County to send
a delogatiein 'of three,- members to meet on
Wednesedsy evening. at .the hall of IlOwen Post,
6. A. 8., Centre street, for the purpose of ef
t ...cling apermanent organization, and that the
committee shall report a plan for proecedtire
with a list of nominations for pz:rmarient °divers,
and the, presiding orlicent of all Societies not
meeting lathe interitn - are requested to. appoint
.their delegates. • •
• 1
-,Aitiriurned. . • --L- - 1 1 •
r... !...= : .. J. A.- UL
Thefollo*lng netie.34 W e
e publish nt the 're
4f the Committee on Organization :
. Noetce.—The Committek: on Permanent or
ganization for Soldiers' Mcinntnent Committee,
will Meet this 'Saturday) evening, at 71 o'clock.
nt the rooms of the Anthracite illard of Trade,
40.;1741 Centre Street. - r
N'o - TicE.—lly,resnlution Of V ~ntettittee •J , l . )1' -.
ganization of Soldie& Monument. Committee,
all Societies in the county, are. .i:fetixectfully re-.
quested to-semi three perinils asd'elegates to a
meeting., to be held in Potts,v il le,=..lethe h a il of
60weit•Pott, t; A. IL, on NN'edne#4ay evening,
7.Covet4ber 2, i570,at.71 0 . c.4000,y. M. '- Ad pre
-ssidiugrthaers of soeieties 'not having a..tuening
in the iinteritn are requested to appdiut - Milli
tielegatei. At*ug perm:merit oilieers
'are to he selected, anti such business transacted
Inr will guarantee the era c tion of n Sealers
MonuMent creditable to the ic.ople of .Schtivi
,ll P , itinty. ' • , •: ' .
`:-~ _
* - MiT10"1. • "
, .
Wii IItEMI, It behooves a pcOple liett...ible Of
.heir dependent,* on the.Altnighty, puhliely and?
pollectlvely,.to acknowledge their gratitude for:
Ilk lliVor and tnerk.iei4, and- humbly to be:eech
for their cmttirittance : .1 ad whereas, The potk r
1e of *the 117 nited States d urintlrthe 'year about tfr
nd Mitre special cause to he thankful for the gen
ral prbsperity and abundant harvest, and e xecp
ion frgm pestilence, foreign war and Civil "strife..
*ow,. therefore, 1, Ulysses. S. Grant, l're , ideut
f the . .Utilted State 4, concurring in any similar
ecominendatiou from the eltief . magi4t rates id
lates, do hereby reeounnend to all eitiiens to
Meet in their -reipective.:plaee , of,w.orship on
ro itirsday, the 2lth day of .N,,velitin
f' next, there
givi thanks for the boil rity of 4 i. 14 during the
rear, a 'out to elose,•and t , supplicate for its con
inuanee hereafter. - . '.*
In w i ittiesa - whereof I have heroint,o- set my
tatid and have caused -the seal 91 . the Unitisl
'tales to be affixed.. • . ,
Done it the - City, of Wa.shingion ) sjm the yedr. of
,ourloril (Me thousand eight hutftred mid sei - -
elan and- the indepembinee `of the fluted
State:it:be ufnety-fifth. , 1, 7 :5. 1; n.%-. , :r. - ':' , "7'
Ity, tite Pres / I(l6ti ' •
. = HA Nil urox Fillt, See'y of s:at ..
, •
• •
$UNpdl SCH OOL CON I 'EN 17()
The Stnclay Si•ltoot Convention 0f..111.4:44
7Pennsylvittia.ra3treno:3 of I vat
LAssocnition, - organizad at lo :Tile , iloy
inernifig,.(Set. Ugh; 1870,iu Salem Chtkreti, NurUi
.Eight 4treet,, RTirling, PA . .: 10y
the lb-Vowing ottleem : .
President—Rev. T. fit ":111;i11,
.. .
' Vied I'rei•iiiienti4-:—Owen Swartz, of•iiii,
Pa.; Jimathan Swab of lierry4tiorg, limitAiiii
roitivtii - , Pa., J. M. Mitlii.r-of---Pkilluiellibia, Pa..
F. t-i.'lllowi of fteailing, Pa., Rev. Win. W.o.;nit
of ifaitletsitiA'a. • . .
Seer Cary—Re) - :.Jolt[[ I:qehl, pi ; R .ailiitg, Pa.
The. President ilelirere.l the openititt: iiii , tress
n eo n king the Omit. -
flieike.iegates to the pre-.ottql
their itefleotials.
A resolution was passed ielmitting the report- 1
era of - the Reading newspapers. , ' - -. ' -
Aftersonie . .prellthinnry business was .tr.iii::
acted the e Inc oution adjourned to meet' at I;
o'elocit, P. M.. ' . '
'.; j - • •AFP . ERNOOS.' • i
The k.on,Vention met again in eli . inadi, ..*pcnil ;
with reli g ious exercises, alter - whteli•tlce tolhoc- j
ing fpleStiOTlS were di enssed: ' i i l ist. (How to make Sunday Sebotik.nio 'Litt- j
tractive? '
°petted liy .T..Knerr. .itter along iliselession'
by..K - nerr,•.Stirk, - Snyder,' liengler, it-M(1011;1
and others, it" was; •bit motion- referred to the
Businks CoruntlUee. , a - ',:.' : -
1 - J.-K. l ' Knerr illustrating,objectteachie..:.; lo a,.
niap. I/le/Wee/4 That we TeVOlVlTliena . lhat e . 3.011
schodlisupply itself with one of these maps.
_ -Th exercises were interspersed with splen
did Stnday School music.' .
,ualiticatinn of, Teachers. open i by .1'..-4 i.
Sands .1 . - ,..kfter disewising the question, on mo
tion it was referral_, to .OW 1 - 1 . Z1Ath,:..., tiw n _
I . 'itlitte(i. - - • ' •
. . .P
. Ey EN IN( i ;it:N.oo ,:,: .• ' •- ,
..Tlic conyention it.:b.:ssitit . 3h.deat 7; ON•101 . k.
-sessibn Was mostly ilevoVed . to tlt.• fl.-.
loiVing,questions-: :•_. - c .
- .,,..J.:‘'Stiotilil a female be employed as Siipeliii
jitendentof a Sunday School ? - . ,
~- ' - . '
- Oit tuotion. it was74olvi•il in the :dill ma
Live. .
. - 2..,Z VI hat _can be:llene to retain our tirgest:
seltulat's In sylebol ? -
~ • -
Referreil ni Business `I 'outiaillec.
?...-What ban be. done. 'to hritig ne g
teache'rs to sehool regularly? ' ' • ;"" ~
, .4*. Should we erect' altars of pr.i,t.. er j'O' s o.O'
Sabbath Schools, :ind.pii lilicV invite( i- i
an 1(.1.olito out awl - seek religion?) ' - ,y...
.Tlikriae gpiestions were referred to l i ii:/itii'iii;,?..
( * Until itte.t.. . •
~.....-/ ~.- i''' l.
M EDNI.:-..0.‘ 'I, 1911. , ',,..- ~,4
Abel 'Onyeinion iiii.viii tin: F,,,y,:m , 1 11. ll,m, :- 1
¶), A • )t. ~.tier the devotioilai - eso.,,.rei.l< I:ev.
C. S.' Daman moved that two ineifebe anded to
the committee to prepiwe the programme fir the
evening exercises, which was agreed tai. and
the chair appointed Messrs:Price and Kinsey:
ales- I R. Deisher of,N. 'l%, moved that a report
olthe.statistics of the Sabbath ScboOls connect
ed with the East Pennsylvania confere,ii., be
handed in to a committee appointed by th e
chair. le
On-motion of Rev. L. Snyder,laid on k,
table. ...i. .
• Re pert of the Business CoUnnittee.'
1. What plan has been folind to be tn.'s'. ef
ficient Jo retain seholars in the Salihith School :1
- •
What books would the eotivention rt.,ont
.mend.k> the Sabbath S;:hotTea , her to st.olv to
lieemaequalitied tor his duties.
3., , 5h0u1d Siiperintendents of Sabbath
Schoofx be ineorbers of t/ttart,rly roofei ?
4. What relation does toe I . .ons:h so•.a: it. to
the Sahbath School?
i. HO- trretiltiVate lienqvulynoe rtoong!our
children, elicited a di4cus'sion {chieh '
cu ituo tied
*loathe close of the morning session.;,, • -
ArrEnSoON •
- : l Thesmsion was opened with the usual =dtv,j
iional .xereises.
A relsolution was liosstO11 ( that the nett annual
Otivetitioti be held at A.llentowe, PA.,- the time to
ftxo by the ExeOtive l'Annufittee, which ix
constituted Itevk T. BoWmatr, S. S.
Chutift,- A. M. Stlrk,ands J; K. Knorr,- , and
MessrS.. it. Weaver , 7 1 7 :` , . , Mertz t and • I). ti
It Wax resolved that the questions for diwits
rsioul*,xent to the Executive Committeu. '
Oar the TeMperance cause, was.then
-taken iip..and warmly discussed.
The i following `repots or the lthgiitew r,on
iiiitteet was ;hen presented and nfflinitiionsl'4-
adopte4 t •• , . ' .•
. ..- . '
.I. . ,
je , •euiced, 'that in order to awaken a deerir and
more general interest in the'Sabbartil Schoo eausn..,
we recommend that our ministers urge the import.
antse - on the atirb„. - In their Wine and private iiiinis=
tratlouk. . .
Resolt'd, That to make our Sabbath eiClioils food
attractive, we recommend a. pleasant - 1 - 00M, a well
qtralified Superlinefident and °racers, an- effective
ruidernelent corps °I - teachers, good vocal, and lit
stramelatal music, and awe!". selected library,.
Resohred, That we consider the necessary goalie
eationnof Sabbath School Teachers, are piety, pa.:
tienne,perseverence, punctuality and preparation.
Resofeed,. That we rusdunday Ax - hoot men and es
•pecially ministers of the (lospel, by our testelliog.
and practice inculcate into the-young 'and oil, t ~ f.
importance of a total abstinence from all spit in: ...
"and malt liquors, wipe and elder.
, .
Resoteed, That the filthy practice of using tobacco
by Sunday School teachers, and especially .slitibitens
and Superintendents, Is very uubeeutning to the
"poeiti they occupy, ,cud detrimental, to the Sun
daxi I cause.
That An onier to cult! vate a spirit of be
• nevolence . among our children we reesnameird the
faithfulineulcation,of the teaching of our Saviour,
that "I is more bloated Id give than to receive_
Re d, That the alm . In teaching should be
the en tdetiment of the mind . and cauveralon ~ of
the so
Reedited, That In order to retain our larger schol—
ars In the'Sabbath Schools we recommend that toe
teacher* treat them with the respect that their age
demands, and aim to adapt the lesson to their peen
liare.T.— . . .
• .R That the church sustains the wane rela
tion:to at *ands* . School that the parents do to
their ildnlit.
,ResOled, Stint we return our sincere thanks;tothe
Committee of Arrangements for the able manner in
- which they have performed their work, and also to
the Sabbath School friends of the City of Heading,
ter thelyrospitality in entertaining the delegates
(luring e conrentlon.
Reed .ed That a rote of thanks he tendered tit the
different Railroad Companies for Wel if II beml Ity in
-I=lldelegates to the convention at redimedratex
. Ir l • ,
'Rambled. that we tender our elnceze thanks to the
•Presidebt of the Convention,
.13ro. Bowman, for the
able. Int eland courteou s manner In w limb he
him presided over our deltheru tfon 4, . .
EVEN/Na' 5n.. 4 14(0.:4..
. Theevening session proved the num litter
eating ,titf any yet held. , . .
The Scholars of thq Bth, 9th and Chestnut
/Streetbath Schools took part' in the exerci
ses, eo duetlog the singing, and the hall :was
literall jammed ritb people. --.
The rogragusee For the ereuing was a. foi
' lows ; I
Sing! gpraver by ,Kev. C. K. relir
- Singi g—addrams b Rev. J. K. Knerr. -
t• ... • e! H. A .Neltz,
1- ,•• - " " Mr. Levi Watts. - -. . •
i ' • 't., . :.• Rev. John Korb , - - -.
fd.o i. "S. L. Wiest. *
. .
f' • "' - " ti C. B. Fliehr.
• Altera taw - appropriate remarks by. the.. Pres-
!ideal, 1 - the singing "When shall Ws inset
, i n
&mint a
nd the Doxology, the eonrention txin-
eluded** present session. ' . . -
5 00
• t
S. S. Cucari..
~. .. .n
fifiCAUTIFIREL . 10711111 t
• - • t. rltOn Tyra .
blauttltd , lLlebieffteMilb.•.
atom' tby bolt ea the mum'
pptt ii tae ruck betas sae
• MOM bind in band. •• •- - '••-•
y feeret, thou me. my child,
. That. trusting and melee*, , . • • •
Pti•ofts wtth the blibapa arkkl "` '• •
• bty heart. IlkelitateatialaseeMs. '
Stoma. awl and' flow, -
- Arad pearls otemadr ebb oue beauty-
Itepose In Its depths below. • •
WILT) duela% are.ratheibite
. WILD turkeyti are *into ite aktuutlant
WHAT IS 'home without"' a piano'? Very'
"How ure yOu Otitis?" • ix eti
quette. •
"Tike with the li r lkers—alkut
9.30 P. M.
. ' .
~ •
"Till , . light' or other -,lays-,,the auroral
displays of last week . .
• THE WOW styli;li shirt-worn hu.s . but a sin
gle plait four inehes in breadth. , . _
N EMMY every eity iii Europe has a v ku
hable."home for elnsumptives.
Orn own !company ;we eaninn--avoid t we.
should make it 'a-'4 KOod as passible.
COLFAx 'retiret frinn piddle lire
to beciune a steel axle tnanufaeturer;
• •
'Frit; Mortutiret predict a - eivii war between
thenntel . VeA arid, tini 6:4tatet•i within a
newll,l4on - reportersittlk of getting up a
new badge, and ?Lome otie }4ngsrestii n pump in
active motion:
Mits. Syows says* th at hr Ameriya ttO,
woman ever dies tar wantof muintking
mind. 'This, however, aceounis for much of
the mortality among - , tuen. ,
A Mt I.w.s:UKEE
.tolliecontst has idneett In
front of . him store ti'blaCkboard'- - on-- wttleit ' lie
bulletillA Staudt . ): small neecAttitn that eeicalti
pArties have neglected to mettle.. .; ' . -
• .
- . . . , . . •
iht,to y
~RIL .
Irt '
I)Eussilys le were challenged
light a duel, he wpuld suggest to,his 61"w-tient
that both should take., poison; mid- then sit
-ihiwti and play poker for the exclusive te4e of '
the ?itonmen pinup._ -
A• G ENir. 1., I: NI :t . N of Noiw leli,‘, CO 1111 , found
.in his.yard a -King , tieorge's qlentli t qlate4
'17:,... 1 .. He,seld it for one dollar and a quarcer,
thejudieioua -investment . of- which amount
rendered him eligible ftie.tbe Inebriate sow-
Imil-,- ~ . - • •
Kist: Vu-ron }l3t.OrrEl. - has undertaken
to deny the truth of the allegations iiontain
mlin u Pupal bull. What next? No wonder
we:haye earthquakes and high winds and
11Lxids. - The'eo:nets full, play and
Awry long tuils - in future: • , -
i .x
TI4Es truni,t..!stotit.t , . , , or Quern Viet°.
ria's.dtSlike to appeltr . in public, that not
even at statue of the Ptinee Consort,'-to say
nothing-iif 'one . in her own honor, - con draw
her from ,retirement. , 'Liverpool - has two
sith•nriitt• statues Of the <ljueen and'Prinee
ready for Mang - oration, and fondly hoped
that its i soverviem would attend the,:eeremo
ny, but Ims reeeived an intintlttiop- that this
is not to
WA . I?'III,S . G•_E-LLA
MANY lie:14.4:10m ; of the Prussisu teavy
have been t , ent yaris. • - •
nr-witymo Frtttich s'iteees..4 'eontinueslo.
(-4vtf , the Prem.lf arnoi with ilieo.ter.
Tiff: WA it - "lies 'been carried so far. into
France that thelnermaii watering places:Are
;again crowded,. -
1 • Cpr.. Pg.l.Kao, - son of the late war Minis=.
ter, is a prisdner at Wesel, Rhenish' PrtisSia.
His mother is at C.,ahatne. , ' -•
. .
, . ~ .
WHEN -the news of the 'capture 'of Sedan
re - :wined Stockholm the royal theatres were,
ordered to be closed for the evetting. - - ,
'flak: b t are
ladtig tepidly repai
.. All: the masons,
carpenters dint laborers of the -Mull are 'Ml
pressed at ingla , wages. • ~
(Nis l'Alcistafs to another: . ..'My' wife' is
half dead at the ills ;aof a siege.",, "Courage,
my friend,", was the reply ; '"in this world
ante is neverVanpletely !nippy. - ,-- .
_ , ,
-- _THE PA-1.1. ALAI!. t:AZ . ETE learnses from an
anthoritativesouree that the i•toop.vr French
'prisoners at Revenue was broken up in eon-.
_sequence of the a eLm , spiratcy .to
disarm and plurder the Belgian - Guards. , • ,
1 ' A iltuadaN ea ekut avers that air, Anteri
. can six - mini um has run the . bloekade of Paris.
-and introduced supplies of fo:al antl'iMimun,
' ition .to the tune of l,.lotlmoin franeS. HI! 11:14
made such a goad thing. of it that he pro
liosestit once to,,rt coMmence operations.
BAIII':x, , Wt - irrEm in:RH ....Ind: Southern
Hesse have, according to the lit.ilin corres •
'pendent ci , the' ,Lontlota• Tl3lFls, signified
their intention to join the North German eOn
f_6leraey and ratify its limStitution with
sonie slight moditications, . The Ningof Ras
varia still - holds back. :
• ~„ •
~ , ,
L.t i ScrEavto.N., referring to titz,;*eltallenge
Or AI l'ietri to Produce its authialy far the
alreged manifesto of the Emperor, and to a
"airiest frOm I lerinany. tofu rn ish-the name of
'. the person Who furnished the . .manifesto, re
piks that it has offered. to
.tlin- Emperor -to
give-11 Bit full and entire satisfaction; It Will.
return to the has - learned the
intentions- of.. Napoleon HT: • •
IN.Tti E Prus.slairariny the soldier --is sup
.plietl'onty one.nieal a day, and•thht.*is a'sub
stantiai One.' He-receives daily .three-quar
ters-in a pound' Of meat,-.beef- is the ...illy
flesh meat suppliedHialf,poimil of speck
t Very - fat baeOn and
,!pork 1 - two'• or; three.
times a week, three-quarters of a pound of
• bread every day, 1-10 'pound 'of rive and a
similar ijuantity of coffee dailyissvith-ii'plen
' tit - ill allowance /
nf sugar. -
... . - • .
, .‘,EtriNt King William of Prussia, made his
el110:' into Versailles Count Bismarck- came'
nu to the HoterdVs ' iteserVeirS at hair -1)11,4 six
o'c;oek, dusty, and hungry, with a few oft:-.
eers of the royal staff, and ordered-dinner o in
tiarsta c a wringer; which was crowded:with
tile - Lat./Pars of the place. Recognizing (len Burnsidi', who Was seated at - a.*.table
with General Sheridan, General Eorsyth .
and Mr. Forbes, he mak a chair besde, them- and slaikefor sonic time in the easiest. and
pleaaantest way prisinible with the (miner re
specting his visit to Paris. Over his head
oa the wall there was a map, and once', he
raised hig.eyes twit .and said-:"Ah !, a'- map
of Germany—as -it WAS." In fact it was #.
- ettrte; d' Alleindour.• . • - .
• • ~._ .
THE. "Fittt.ANes,Ti ut .
amts."-:-Thu franct;
tireurs, - the French guerilla foreetuf which
so much has been written,' -are,' a corres
p.indent writes us, "dressed in blae4-- uni.
flints, with leather-gaiters to tire. and
carry a black nag beuringa ilehthia head and '
cross honei, in imitation of- th.e.Mice sere
brated Black Brunswicker hussas. - The or
ganization of this corps. wn.4 'commenced , 6y
the t,rappists, and all its membbrs are bound I
—die otiby,a vow'of silence which they'l
only break . - upon a signal, front their ' i:Mn
manning.'offiteritodentaildprovislons or to
. ask their way • 'in . places with -, a inwe •
topography they . are let ' , acquainted. !'NOdoubt they will do ve well,, but their ap-,
pearance is greatlyMdi tiled --tIY the - :pOisy
volunteers and llnesnien. • • ; ' -
.• , - -
'DIE LostioN TIMES`, ,
sa - s that, slump - PHs
Unhappy war eontinue, le-British- gov.:ro
- ment . and people will - urged from More
than one quarter. -
tat ' nsider . closely the do
titsf.of neutrality' Phe' renewal of, the dis
cossion on cons band of war by the publica
tion of Count lernstoff's rejoinder to Lord
(;l-ranVille coin ides With th ca
e. embartion of_
the 'lrish anibulance,'-and the prObable foun-5
'dation ,of another'diplomatic grievance.
Omni Bernatortr's „reply to Lord Grifilville '
is able. and Makes • somepoints which may
'have their toree as relating• tolhepartieular •
form which these negotiations tOOk. '
The Loudon sT.i.NuAttu contends that the
.s.ympathizers• with they French • felmbile ill"
England are-dolor their best to make their .
cause ridiculous..; We -have, it says, -every
kind .: good wishes for France. - .We are ;
willing to recognize any form of govei ii-0
ment - which tour.neighbors,,-aftet due delib- i
etatian„ prefer, but, for the republie apart',
from France - , , ,we have o particular feeling.
"To ask England to • prevent the bombard.,
inent:tif.-Plinic event if she could' do so, only
because ROI* is the seat of a republic_ and
was the lOine of Nugnatuseomte, is to de
grade what is au international question into
one of the • narrowest: politic-t, and at crazy
philosophy" • -, .
, •
. THE FIuPPLv. Ut? Funs, : pi PAnis.—A
'French correspond Writes to the' EvE-.
:: , .;!.Na pan: r - . - ,
bite order to riassure_th;e population on
the seore of provisions, the papers have been
directed to notify the public that 'there - -is
an immense, reserve store In .th e (1 ren ler, d'
Abundance near the Pjace de la Bastille.
This it:Altaic:6 was commenced undetthe
fins empire for the express purfmme <of con
taining a reserve simply 'of flour and 'grain
sufficient for four months' consumption.-
This idea was not entirely carried out, at
least on• the scale - origitially projected, but.
the building, es existing - at present, IA 2 ,140 .
feet long, G 4 wide,- and 8: in .het ht, and can'
contain 3:m k 3,000 s of: flout'. : ye baker- -
it: Paris was'obligal sly law' tokeep within •
the Chenier a deposit. of - tire:ay sacks, and
could warehouse as much More ins Ire pleased
on thipaYment - of a woderate eharge, The -
-ordinary consumption of,flour in Parbils• es,
• tiMated at twnthousandeacks a day.. .
"rforat are among the articles Within, a
Paris which hate been no* . =depreciated by --
the siege ••• at the auction_ ;sat and the.
French ta tuns. .to - the r lime- - ilasqln. u•
animals: ar rose market pritie-bifnie the.irer
varied f . Loot° kouctrnises, h;ye *ea) -
.soldg e
at '4o. to lOU, Mum* and the poor
jadeti of the *lea* 'adds*. are too pintail to '.i
be used for military ppriaites a are disposed I
pf for tta.. little as Aileen, sous, or a hallo. 1
.apiece,'. - ''' - ' : < - 1
. . ,
4 ElulAir virEir
AND . LOREJ l YE. , .
• , , 1--
..,:ostagonwot i rel, :it
iiningliovoet i o r : cise w toa r : lmird ll b b i :E n .tivt o luhi t i t chtih h aeo g :le e ti ,,.ig i <ms l 4 6: l l : boue.e u a t6 .rd e: ll)bcrei
je. o t4 ra. f bs " .o7 l lise l f i ri l: betsiee4 rV l: plipe; tr :' ..6_ l a n iwnere e llidil : ig ii iilh ' w - i al ies r ,
'lltitn3rott this moment seatiporto,hs ‘ ve : m ....
upher 'Mind. to hold, and Nadel* 1 k ratuaklat,„
leitist'Profeases to have uo,.kss fully triadOlp
mote UnlikelY than that the strife should be
.endedr.hy either side submitting to atiabs tract
piriticiple of any kind. But It itejitSr as well
that-people Should fully understand that aide
regatitt ,
l at least e now th
queettonitifterritOril it eexhstonowemo
to beLthinesa popular. Many people, even
p_elOple: Who have. on the Wholeftaken the
erman side, are beginning to c ry`' out at the
'German claim on the lands - Whlch,':changed
byl French lips into. Alsace and'-Lorraine,
still keep ou 'German lips their Older names.
of,'littarl and ..Lothringen. :The' • claitn, - ia.
sp( ken of as if it were -soma thing strange:
all monstrous , something of which the like
ha I never been heard of before._Other peo
ple kilo* better than Oils; they know. that,
'if Germany:seizes, Elsass,and Lothringen, or,
a *Bee of;French territory muChgreater than
le lsass and Lothringen, tlermany'wiltslinply. -
be' doing what - all .eonquering - States have;
noire Since 'wars 'began among Men. But
they argue that ( termany ought now-to.set a,
_grand exiiniple , that. sin? ought to begin a.
new ertr,iii• which cessionx of territory obeli.,
•We tire told that we.
A i l t i_ . ' i i i i
i f s:
g r r :i l . : i l i t t e e l l a v 4-( i a l :
i t t i n o i l l ys f : f . .1 . 1 , - a ti
1 7 , 11 ,, i i i i i ; i t t i likelier
- oliout friold master to master without .any
regard tol the.wisitesof4he - . Clill:". themselves.
W are (tinker told that the annexation of
.these prOViticem would be iitigainni Germany,
but rather•a lass; that, iis it •is .not lust, so'
oiiher--iti it profitable, to re . g i over unwill- .
Jog - subjects ; that by exacting a .:eeK.sion ' of:
territory I a , wound . would •be Infliettil on
Franc which wouldrankle in the national
' brept<till-some form of venge.iiire has teeter
taken.; that, in short, ( tertnapy, by demand
• itigthe IteSSion of tin Se •prriviet as a einti-
dition of peat e,• woidd in teethe, sowing the
. •
dragon's teeth for another witri'• ~... , -:
Now Westionldsupplee that ni, ti it it .r u li
Ilernum ilr partis.tii of (,:erroaoy would deny.
that.lit seine tif these argittneuts there is. no
Tlack'of 'strength 'or appears - Inv of'strwilgth4 .
W,herlier, we believe all t Itestories of col ver;' , '
.satiolis with Count Ilismatvk or not, we nittp
ll sure that the last at any rate of the:sq.:iv,
•, -- g inents I has beenand will be carefully
weighee by German Statesmen before -the.
Vidal deoishin is veiny to. • That will he doile.,
Which toeeilitin very clear heads May seein
to! be nin-4 likely 'to lead to the lasting profit
of Germany. Meanwhile it may be well to
try to put outselVes into the posiQmi of an
ordinary ,wekl-infornied German, antl,to see
how the question is likely to appear to him.
First o f all, it is 144 . well to remember that
Gerinans. do not, like (ourselves '
• live. in an.-
is and. The fact of our living iii anialand
'wakes itSoniewhat hard fur us tlnfronglily
to.untietStand the case•of Cuntiuental nations
with-regard to the pOrely artificial barriers
w [deli often sell - irate 'them • Because Great
Britain i something with a , real physical
'king. with linundariet4 - ' l 3;t : bleli eamint . he
eliangeti exceptt - by ate act 0f4.4-atl, we are apt
—biten quite unwitting - Iy-tkixik tot France
oil Germany, or any other rtnititientul min
try, as sintething which - is ettifillyorichange-
tille- in the' 'nature . of things, and ,Whose
Is titularies it is as. enlarge or to:
etntraet as it. would be to:.eit.large or to ebn ..
tr et - the boundaries „ of; (Ireat :Ilritaiii:— ,
,SriiittlY; 'we slionlil.--remeniber that her- ! li
i p( ins, as it rule, understand the past history;
ii of . 0i,...1,. („,-,,„ anti of other coutitriesi . -
;FAA ry much butter• titan eitherlFivileitiniai or
rE, iglisbnien do. ~ There are a great number
of pOints !width . have tin -sired! hearing on
; •
. 1 the presen tease, about Which an Englishman -
I gcnerally , knows nothing of all, titions. which .
Ida Frenehinan is positively fed upon I false-
Ch«ej, het:which every well-ediicatedlterinan
12ultderstailds tiropitiglilY. The Frt'nelititati ...
et. rtainlY believes that there is solue'special
s. milt? about his °VII cotillOY null nation
• W nett give; .it privileges above all - Liither
cc untries . i and. nations. I In the etcrnal
li nests - o ft things -that the French frtiiit(er:
should alWays.go for a and bever go back; '
tltat - Fratnee- should disinealii ! Ve l'Abtq• coati
, tpes at illea...tire - . but' that she
..Slioulil serer
bit disnienibereti I11.11"!=t1f; that on every..aetcs
, snm 0 power by a ne-Ighbor she ninsp.4ti
i enninion justice - reeely . o:c enini.eia.:atinzz in
unease of tcrrittory, but that it is something
wicked anti prei , (l` , tl.i.l.{l••ielr INV-it :r4;..i1111.14 . 1 , /r
efir • altilielE , Olt Ftettelt soli to think of keeping
any portion of itt , e.m.p. , ,0,-. 'it seette4• to
1 11011 PerreCtly t'igill t ;mat - FV:11::1'....11t)li!!1, l'‘ . 1•111
r 4,
Nitiaail la'aVOl•atlial, illV:,ttrt . l •lia't voonaries
: (I besiege tbeir eaplials,., tgat that a . fo le ign
‘ i .iiiiiny shoattl, even lit strict self-delettee; ill-.
i , e mi t,. F i t amice . inc i fu,ivre 1,... i . enl tii a l, seems
I, to' him nut titerelY t he - tt7iversefertailic of war,
. lat MinaOliing - inote:strous . , lonia! oral,• :,tels.,
sa slid lords. The Vrenehnian kee ,
ps:on .ay
i*all thit: till he believ.i s it linie..eli . „ aii.l till'
thpEitglOinian hall' 14.1ie1..-i. , slit: also : 11 . io
.F.ligliAinnin of himself ittieottseh:usly'fatteies I
F l ance 10bt... not an arhitiaryApa er °lithe
fri tit, .t . fill Somet It) lezas • eternally' trilee , l by
~ i
di l e haml;iii nature :4.11i.;
ov'n k:ind. 'He'd
.1 ? ;. - iluili - 'prvpalil to think it •s.:4l.i.tliing eon-
tro3" to. ititittre''.ter time' Frain:Vof the map ; i
like. he I;st-it Iltitain - ii! the .titar, to gri , x : 1
sthailve.• A Oil" wilco lo' ,ha; jil`laylatY lee-
• tined loy the b
irettelintan 'iur 'l i
Aries-, he lialritelieves th - at tliti4ccujoation of,
the west skit .of the Rhine im,-*Onie power
other tlnitffraiice is sonietliiiq attalogotis to '
theovenpation of the west -,11(...., of time (ter- 1
titan (heart liv sonic Powerlotber titan Eng- - -j
land, Furthermore. he get..4.--lv,e.nfusiqi idea,
. that a (.00p:wt. mild united Frame is some-.'
tiring which I t i•xisted from , all eternity ,
•while a compact and .united Germany is a
dreaitCof Yesterday, whichperhaps first came
into then's Frankfort itelB4B. Al-
together inkgets; wittingly or unwittingly; - a -,
kind of vague impression that tile. anitexit.:
,tbiii of Freneir•territory by I :erniany, Is • a
&mess orif.rutteti nioni dreadful Atintrthati.,
i the annexation or (";ormaii , territory •,I)y
~-. France. . : - . .
, .
~. NOW the Gernian has a very "ifitit•Mit talc;
! to,tell.'t hi his eyes Fratiee_ls verY far from
• Ifeling ii lady.and-ttlielialnteable thing ‘illin . - 4 i.1
.144 exh;te‘l,-or Ought to have exksted,:froin '
all eternity.
It is simply that extent or ii,r
rifory !which the 'Dukes, Icings, Cottioloo--
wealtits, I.lflir:. Tyi'..1111,4 of, Paris have, in one
age or another, eonti ire( to win anti -keep.
I filte ellooses . to speak of Fra nee :t it a revolted.
-prbvj live ~.r (;erniany, .lie will lint is speak-
ing °wit botit authority... "A. iegiin seeeSsit
( ;alba nusiro" . is a vet y old saying . indeed . .
I (he is u nei vll enough tuspval. of a .large pa rt
of ; e N i;:ting France' asniade up of .ritest, at- .
ings of the last six hutalred'Yeais, lie will b e .
saying what.the historian capitol tak e opoo
himself to deny. Instead. or itli‘wilig that :-
Fiance has any',uaturat and eternal I,otimia
ries, lie knows that the I)6MA:tries of Franee
are of all boundaries the, ,Most - fluctuating.
lii, knowslthat there was a titneooien tetras
, burg and Metz, 'when Lyons - Inal M'firseilles,
_were 11 - 0
- yet French. lie .knolls (teat there
was a n'inte when Hamburg itlid I.llliceli,
when Bonie and TrieSte, Were Freitelt, sO far
as ',Frerteltoccupatiuti . could iti - dike - them i-i '
HO Is tempted to think that, IL:much oteu
palion has ceased in the, there May
perhalk be no eternal law forbid:li i::•• Herten
occupation to cease in the other.. : Ile •ske,,s
..that all the:'aCqulsitions of France have two ) .
thade at + expand lie eAptne of •the k:inpire of whieli,
Uerinany was .- once .the head; tii:it •mt large
• portion -of:them has been.. made •at the ex
pease of the ( lerman Kingdom itself; Wbe:?
jilt:: war began, he saw :within • tliki'Frctich
territory. towns and districts which . tower.
were part of Ceritiany, which still ~ bear (Seri
- 19 . 1 m :11:1111eS.,. Ulk../1.110.-..e Illilailithat - S,.still -
speak the Gt..rinan - t4iiigite, ! . ..ilesateittie iiobli,
,(l,Orlinin city, the. site: of, otic of the great
tnitsterideets,. or , tivrulao art, held by - Fr a n ce
by virtue of ain impatient rtkhlpery coininiited
Thy a.Freneli King in a One. of ia , rieet, peace.
He :‘ , :twiitile 'afterlinle oflfie shore of the
Gernfan stream turnotinto a'Frenelt province
- and strengthened , friar fortresses directed as'
a tit,eitace 'swains-1 !(3.i-rtiaii3 l .
.l.te. knows,-
moreover, that 91.4 r..: ( s i ,:r: iia :i i a!' kii, -th a t. tll q
*hole length of the Get:piAt river, h4il been
marked - out as the iteM staid;l.,o4tritfritt in
I -- thisgvery war he- is sionply-t:beating - - Wt.%
.thikse who would have seized thee)... Ile sees,.
hesirott, in Frond siinply iipnistant,- ro.t 7
leSs'•insatiable aggressor on every. (ta - ntati
. lund. • AtAttst the. tables art turned; . IM
stead of the Frenchman being encamped on .
German sell, .the Gerneoeis. elle:Mined oii,
French twill. What then are likely to be:liits .
.feelings',.' it, Would mit be. very ainiS4 . ;ng If
he gave way. to feelings - of ,pure vengehneei .
if he deenicil that the time- wad at hist mute
Whenhetnight doby his enemy :t.; VS enemy'
lied 40 . often i done
,by faint. ,: SUdi leViilig'!
' alight he 1111ChriNciall, aailllt: impolitic, but
t. t hey would certainly not be unnainiut. If
I 'llli. Conqueror wert.' , to , diSinenib'er - the eou-•
citnlst4l latittaeeorriing., to-tin-law but leis own
plea,ure, Jte,ivould be simply quitig alter the.
manner 'of ttompiertirs. -- To decierti hued.
and Bordeaux to be ineorponded Willi tier
many Would not be more violent, noire eon
trtiry to nature,•tluin it was to declare Ilium-
In og, and Lubeck to Le , ineorporoted with
Fratate. % It is worth bearing In Mind that
the• furthest extremity of vengeance 'on eon ,
quered France wo - uldhe simply retaliation';'
would be siniply (Mtg . what eonquerorshaVe
done over and over again will incomputably
slighter • proViiration. It might be : .t4tsy - to
argue that iii =dealing with a State Which
has spent life of aggres.4oil: for the last six
hiitid red, yea* the only.way- to hinder future
aggressions is‘to cruslilt once and for ever.—L,
. - .ll4lthere tinythlOg u•Mitterful or blameable if
L german statesmen tlenuitol: such a Lydon of
fortrenes. , Suell a ri_aititication of frontier, a 4
lofty defend' Germany :it - least fora while
frtim the attacks, of her restless iteighbfto
Is it..anythlng woiole,itul orialanieable if
'Orman popular feellog_goelia'atep further,
~ tikinte*more purely histOricalauti.selt:,
Alnaeli to I .yle w, detqautlit that a (dottier wheat'
eYes tali stn carele!sl.Y" 4 4' n ten German Tooth
lais : tilie h r i : joid a tiev i tm be nyieiliuwo d io ni viriet w 4 ail li tt l e\ t:h :4 ° ll4li i iso t g trbe j h i N i o -e ligi i astwu ti s is t i :i 4ui ll ti.e t if i ; it t ini li xiv i l n n t l i t i e . l i ot i l t ri l t. a . :: 47 . 6. gil osst ru . : l l i ot e i t cl i
theiniw o l V es te t r o ilii e telinien or • swildiei w .
firstrietawhleh erg
14 Qefiortni hi *pees: i'. - The: liotxtsciiit
Zatitmoi for loatatiee c ' takes Infinite pal pli
a hi' deaden. diiithiribat. lietWee4'
rioe4 404 liraW.W, Aries/ea.-be;
lw n that, .part—atuelt tile fattener pa rt-A•of
th Noy whkh"still keepatolOcCtenasia
ispepelh . , , ..and • that part *bleb . has . Wean*.
th I cUraughly ,ftwach lti-,alieeeli in well as ta
. .
• • ._ - .. .
-- -_. _. .. .. .. •
allegiance:- • Elsass and ' fitefaclifothetrige . it- IT 124 cmdilily. asserted that half ii l .• , 1 .,
must be kept; but, the notion 'of keeping eases which alfeettnoderii - himianit" . ,_--
Irrt/sch/o riC • cat aside with sort of be attributed to catpets: - earisicti r a i l , - '" t
hellt or. atesni and - AtiltliersietAY. sett* conshMtlyaiecupied euniain million. ',, f ';'-'" - '.
aghey iliabot .the fortress • eiritfletz ; bulk. tides 40, hair .cuticle, "epithelium, t •.?„.'''
Gennauy, as ' any, Min .. claims 'so-: fungi, and other orgenie 'matter; Witi:. ‘ ll ll - '
tnaeh territory *till retina 1 erman, amt. in .mittion by the trailing skirt; „ i . ',7'
;Akan hal t ?bey . Stilts .-- . IS won, and: women, make the air alive,,, wlth-itat.t.if„''',
tr : tbe a nine' c Minn hdeid- and filleur nostrils end hings.with tl •."
wV`h ,to ge back ' alit .. Apti'lvitk of - everythinithoirible.• -
St - taah , the 't
oit, II .1
. „...,,,.
Germany - demati all that, like Eiliii.Siturie,.
is still German, _end rejects anything that is
not., Tifati bilge body of Gentian opinion
carehilly..insistS on this distinction at-least
shows that the conclusion which it supports,'
i whether sound or unsound in itself, is a con
! elusion elusion based - on - Argument and reflection,
Lentil is -.e . tot.-the. Mere -instinct, of insatiable
conquerors. - . '
The obvious answers which a' eutral may
he expected to make to any form Of the claim
have been already hinted at. They chiefly
amount - to this:. The people of the distficts.
'proposed-to be annexed do not desire annex
atiun. Even where they are German :in
kririeCli. M) - ariglii,. 4 tliey f =have T lohltbecOme
French in - feeling, and altogether' abhor...the'.
within of separation from France. - Thelr
annexation wOuldttiertiern ,brillit itseltun
just.! Andit would Also be impolitic. - "-No
strentrth can be gainedt-bv the acquisition of .
unvi - illing subjects , - and Prance' would be sii
enitiittereti har:Uni 411 - ufiemberinent .that she
*Mild never Cemielrein - efthrbe to tegain the
lost Iprovineeie, .end''. a suceei`intui • -0f Wars .
would be the limitable lesulf. .. •-.. • - •,' . .
Tot argtmients of _this ; hind the :liermait
Would probably tnew4 that the right of.the
peottle to choosetheir own - government; and
nee.tu be transferred from Cone goVermnent
to unother against
.t heir Wilk, t hough agottal
general rule, cannotbe held,.nnd Is not held,
to apply In all cases.'. He might possibly**
,whether,all of those:Who. use this argument, !
•against him. would be willing - to t 4t, the
(.6it [teeth', between Great Britain . "' il Ire'
lautl;to a universal . ballet of Tritshni. IL,' :lie
might go on to ask whether ' Seine hislop4
ponetits did mint 'deny Abe right Of he Con- '
federate States .of America to. chi se their
government - for t liennfelves. t I f•th safety of
Aferniany-elie would perlitnist •addf Europe
--calls for the cession _of the, w a le firmly
part of Elsass 0..• Lothringen , he oniti argue
; that the - wishes at 1A:0,1111mM - taut.. •annot be
allowed !ushered in- the4way - of the safety (if'
Gerniany: These arguments, these retorts;
niti,y be'sonAti,or may be unsound ; hut they
arcs.; obvious: that they' a' re sure to be - made.
The °einem u.iight. SW 011 to nrg . ualle_at , the,
nuiritlingness 'of the s:_.ople-iii these ,pro
vinces,wonld not be very long-lived ; 7 thaf, if
they, turned easily . from . Germans. , i n to
-Freitelemen,' they. would..still More easily be
turned ba'k from.Prenclinteliiiito Gerrnanit;
and that the
: next- sl,eneration. would be giant -
Germans-born. lie might also perhaps argue
that, the times .aref how, very • different fron4
the it ineA Qhen If ranee ';atinexed .. them. .:„ . It ?
Might well-be, - dist' the-district"whicliiii:he.
sevente e nth century was transferred feeni.thie '
rule of some petty genii - an prince to'thittaif
the great Prowl' mouarch3r, may very well ,
have, inituitdiateirgai ite - ti by .the change, but
that tar the seine. •,..ilistricr to be tminiferretfl
backagain, not to the rule of tiiiy petlyGer-1
malt prince : litit - ito form part of the greae l
nationtwitiiita mighty future.before it, was 1 :
.a gal iiNtet nitire incontestable. A's to.the al;
leged Letteiniats which th e disinembeirineut
would leave belitii4; in th'.railee. ho - would
.answer that France, as irbiTtwill be • so.'etny
bitteteel .14:',_inereLlvant _Of suNeess,_, by, the •;
erusitiu4 of her. selteiues o( eggrandizement
anti by, the illit44oll of her territory,stina the
increase otbitternetoieatimed by the ditemeni
berneent would not be. perceptible. - More ;
over one alleged ofof .the Alistnetnber-,;•
- .
meta.' ts, 'h,y giving 44,erinittly: a stronger
inately, (silo
the egrets Of,the
bitterness whiell the 'present
war eittinot `fail 16 leave hefthiti ' it int atty.
e.t.4... Setehargunients aril there may not cull- - _ ,
"inee : neutrals, they certainly will uot„eini
vinec Frenchmen ; but. Iris as well bi .la.zer
in Mind that Geinranyhasafrgfinients on her
side, arguments alike ItiatoriCal, sentimental..
and politie;• And it implies no-approval. of
ntinexatiowto bear in mind, 'tvitztt-is-begilf
iiing to• be feigotten, that - the - most that Get.,
Many threatens to do in It; war of defence.
has at atty rate More ta he a... '. 'al for it - titan Ilie •
14 , :vit, of whet' France thre:iteheil tO - (10.111,11er
'War: of aggreession..—Loadoa S;41 1 /oedoti , ,11,-
, •
l'; rif . . ' • ' .
1.71 i 'FOR EI (P.V n uPIiE T
c• - )mr:i.rn ricom N V. 6
._ f •
„,',the he.e Prothietit,l
•heen in I nin,h-e,'orit a v) -h hi NI r. >nnitti, th • e4
AMO pastor the Lie', jh'esti-
r .
(len •
!;:thi.'t DON. Ir app eat Yrutit
the 'relo.rt 'cif' the Mete,n•oroui.,,!-.,
that tli,• v eat her r a tet. ll '
tli:ih at
'any oilier Itrith.h statipti. The'dirrininneteriti- ;
(Ileatett three ,legri t , 1 . 4 fields were ,
white.inihe stilourtyi ; Bit aner:
The frost wa.s ~weeei.Nl,-1 In a el,n l / 4 1:e...,s
h• the it•lnper t ittirt• j! _
ahln, for !net a Stu paper
nitoTesting muss', •.i.rt!.sl pat wean-
I non siihattsraily the otWer that w'hop• he i.
linisht4 the tinieleth,le ntn.l ott. •S‘irrk
-ay it was taken for 111, ,, r , I,t I,y the. broker,' ;
enin se, in that ease, thl.'nrtisi nio-1 have ken
tine ;
not perfetA. - • • .
i TO: I; A 111,1:t., t i'l'N. Tili•, 1:111.1! and anxiety 6
~,f ale -D well t 4r. of the I.:titling nu trallettscs ; , Dr.
! ( ;luting a'nd Ntr. ftrathvell, who since the - last -
ktiel.d.slav at Shoeburyness . frave been freqUently .
ctrizi4; i t ',at Woolwieh Arsenal. in showing all
the INA nes of t heir :iplendid new held gun to the
War i rdi , c tuithoritie, appear to'be drawhig . to,
A elOse by the /ptliciar reeognition of the,biatiing'
small 'bore Mitrallimse - (which has arrived at
Pininstead 11,r further trial) as a valuable artil
lery arm. We understand that the Government
have reaMved to introdnee the antall-bore•tiat
tilig pin :into the. ttr4i-li Service.:
, ..
-4 - 'l` it E Eau mEss Ey ti ti NII:.—Th e . ' E 1 u prem.. s • 1.: tt '..
'genie con ti nuec in retirement at. qattuden. Place,
an old-fashioned residence; standing in its 'oil*
~ grounds adjoining thiselhurst Poiumon. Vitts'
estate is the pr„ )arty of Mr.-Strede, a gettfle.:,
maryit large fortune, who' has beet% for some
years on terms of intimacy with the Emperor
. Napoleon... TN.... Empress, with the Yrinee Im
perial, attends the sere lee at .fhir 'Homan Catho
..-lic flume! in the neighbotheod'with great regu
; , larity, and is' permitttd- • bk the inhabitants of '
I the yinttize to enjoy that seclusion she ninch'sle- '
sires, though it is 1 , 414 someatmoyaih.e.haiil4n
experienced by.the tntrtision of strangers.
Tit F. 'ArTLEt- despatch - 4'16.. just
readied - the Otlia . e, stating that a violent
outbreak of cattle plSgue has commenced along
tho i. m tries Lording dp• in the Iti Ver. Plate,' and
that • an isipiallYvirtilcot discaie has siA in
attnot;lst the sheep in that quArter a Intim:whin
of the niatter has taxi."' convoyed to the veteri
nary departmeikt. of the ,i'rivy
wltenev cirililars haw emanated • through the
'o•lllnissionera • rostoliis instructing the lit via:Renee to. 4C erci.ed at• the vitriol's
ports of the irk s order to prevent the
.import of dist•ased - It - c n 1, some
can le, , but more partuitlarly situp hive heen
imported: front the - countries - now affect 1 by
the plague.
l'Avrt - it; AT Sk:,A.—lt has
been the unanimous SputiOn . of even' the
inhatiitnin" that ing.. , was inimitable of sua
,taislihg, itself for.a.q, length or time by •ml4llll
- awn- the a...t that Irnm their pees 'air
1111,Nii. of isitigtheir Ore 'legs the sharp hoof
%volt id eltt tlWir throat. The tellowing.will tend
to such :iinpressiolisi—The' lugger
WIWI! AI, 1 hinter s of . LoweNtoft,
e hen seven .tiouth:Told, Picked 'ulna.
live pig.. evidt.nt. that,,poo„,•piggy-:•Itail
had long swim, for, there. Avlrslie vessel to be
seen near the spot. and the conjecture is that it either ivasiteil overheard, or fell oVer unob
s.erted thoi,e 011.103 rd the vessel front Which
it had been bust.. •
„ . .
I ilpesi S mgr I•ls2 , number of 'sheep exdii b- -
ited at • 4 1allina.slon':Aluring the last ten .years
total sOl - tt and. tuutold,_,Bl,66l; 11.161,
75.11 W; .1562. 749074 1863, 73394; 71864,,,71,1155;
4 •ti1i,5311; 1866,84,91: 0867, ,3,364; 1 / 4 68;7;:i;042.-;
MO, 74,011. Last year the sales amounted Col'o,- -
77 . . On October 6, when the prineipaldntsioess
was transacted,- 60,9 . 21 Piheely changed owners. ,
The remainder .were sold ne;itt, day. The-- total
sales amounted to 71;110 head, and %tidy f,148
were left nasold. The - dentrind Was brisk, but
seller's stood otai for prices etinsiderablY e-Seeed
ing those of former years, and in most cases ob
tained them. NVethors brought fully, 7s. a head
more than keit year, and ewes at toast rs.
- wetherm were in greatest demand, the heat aver.
'aging 31b. 10k per heath The at erakettriee of
g. ; 0 ,1 ewes was 4.15. _
, . .
f • DEPARTURE OF .T , I ;I, r • I 111,01 A NIB LTLA NCE
• •Vn 8P.4, —On t !ember th :about 120 recruits for thin
' corps, for serviee in France. left the St. Kitther;
lites Docks 'litho steatner-ifohn Drat rop'llrt4ei
The majority-of them appeared tube tif,ltwogen
patiou in Particular: i Puor.but stronx, folue!itler
fellows they hooked just the class of Men who
might . Le tiiitd 'O5 fur the . .execittion of any
daring, desperate mer vice. The tom in i vet! of the
Franco-Irish Ambulance Corps - have receivtal
mount unle,atons from the man twit te i '4l Havre,
in which it Is stated that the kletaconteht ..r 100
Emen ivlifeb left St. Katlterine'ti Dyck . on Cteleber
li, was rece:veJ With the 'utmost enthusiasm by.
the French people on its arrival, First -chats
arranzements were Made for the reception tifthe
• corps, but owing to some misunderstanding
about tho time of arrival, •.these arrangetnents
! were - not (tiny perfected wile!'" the Mew reached
1 Havre.. The mvit are. stall' al at• Cherbourg
where they wilt await the arrival of others from
i London and linblin'iimthigent. The 14(rmion
, committee !Jaye been ectincmtell oimena Oil :lien
'ufllnsf-cletairehameter. - 7
I .
' ..ti . KrRALIA. AS VRE-ioltr-ro,R Ti : t l 4oriti . 74- •
cm„. 7 -110 LANcev says ;— a itt all stages of eon
isitutptiOn after the so-called 'pre-ittberenlar,'
there is no evidence to priive that Australia pfe.=
begsccs any exeeptl4nal teiViintagem is n• health - -
resort for the phtilialcal,- - Atl4•ell'urt ban boor
~made in Ateibotirne tO _show th ' natimptiye
itt3 i
patient* in eyen the most ativan" stage of
their malady mav, with certain lam tit, under::
lake a voyage thriller froisil Ettrope;and ininte-.;
diately on their arrival make such further l:-
, aessioms of health as in a Otst majority Of ewes
to be, perfeetly.cured. ' Wet - egret :That this news'
for . the - phthislcal is too good to -be true. ;Ilie
- experiment luta been so often . triAt. and has so
signally :Ealled. that Eitir.tipean pkyideialts . are
yery slop • to, scud gniyitimptlve rittienta pug
mielt excellent quarter 4 .liir ilieir Malady .- as the,
sauthOin shores of the Itediterraneat!,_ :op *
voyage of recovery' to the Antipodw , .. ' Trtist z
worthy atatistleislllon :11elbiitirtie;: itiA!lfjte.lify•
this rilitetitpee op the part pf our iiiiropeinf
'brethren. Of all . the patlinits 'li:hi) die ni ..Niel : ,
h)nrrta-.T.filostp44l,- onertuurth.,ltte viattli • : t,, -
phthlsls, while the list of deaths that oc.. tirre+l in
that itu4itptipn; wid - 4itsie Fi yr
the present yeirgt-ea, 'mit Of ulattil of twenty
ids,. no fihrrr iititso - nitrites. fient phibilds
alone, bpildes \on 'H.q . . i'.l) there moat; haye
itbeen, to iAs the lewd, a 0 thisteal compileatiop..
i ol these ease* were Mental,'" twilit one estep:
. ) tkr)us ilioresad;Scotrand(tir Deland; and
mg* not or, titiwnine vietima jo''pbtblelit Urea, :
o!l,lllRarativelY recent visitors to the tolimy...
OCTOBER, 1870,
focal Vol:less liotitti
Zapata gline lira Insertion: :V cents e. line sxrq.
guest Lamirtlt.h.•
- •
Nnw PirT Ns Just.rect'fved at li* . ~. .k a,..
Trimming 8 re. 12rt'entrr street. below Ai m ri .„,,"
H A mm,p o tta file, . 11-tf ... ii,ktitilE Los kN . ..
'ONLY 20ne ti for it Superior Oyster stew itt. p 6..
Indles andlienta Restaurant. Nu. ha t '..i0r,..;.t,.,;
Pricer redinerci to stilt Um time. 4.1 " i '1". 0
, t ;
.. .
-rnstecif, EnaMk and Ainertran Clot h.; .11 ;
And of the finoot,qualltles.nt I). A. Shn
Far It PADOND LINEN DIU LI.S. 41% bvaLut _
tie D. Smlang..Centre
Y _
altklndeposhively, perfectly and perzo• , ,,;• ' ' ~.
_cured. by W. A. - IleCandles,lf., Ilk No. 'MI Aryl, . e ! ••
PIIILADA.: PA.' • '' • .. z' ._
• I desire to ni l ,Extern aftlicted with any. - I, „ t
PILFA, intenal, Blind, I:needin l. ( r, -
lug. that there is positively no kind of deeept i ,, r , , 7
the. cure, of these' diseases, the cure is 1..r5.:,. - ..
and - permanent, and withont. the slightest' data,
without the slightest injury to the patient , :i ~,.
way, and without mustiest. or Just rnments. 1 4.. „
cure Fistula Fissures, Prolepsur and • Uleerat 1.4, • '
the lower bowels, Patient:: must visit me i lti , loll -
reumintst my hone° till cured, if they' desire ' c ,,:..-
refer YOU to over - 1412 persons cured in l'hitsd;d,... '
alone. • . -•-.. • • - • Oct. 1, , :o-- ; 104,,„ ' ,
ATOI/BID - SYSTE I / I .—isoniet fines, i,,ltt,''
anynssignable cause, , the physical strength
animal spirits give, way, and a strange torytr Lifl.
alike-on body and intellect. There Is-little o r "
plan perhaps, but the natural vigor and elind ;elf , j.'
the.s ervous and muiteniar system aeinns to ha, ~.
r, —
. parted,antl an In:Effeteto .the pietism..., 4,f 1;i,
and even of ita grave usi bill t les." take. ti,,
place of , that earnest in tln both which ehar., " '
herizes every Welittsbuteed• nand when 1p a heath s „
condition.. . • • •
Thiastate or partial collapseheorten the preue'lre
tory - syin ptoms of.stnree serious malady. It lase ."'.
eates unmistakably that' the vital power:: ark. la:-
guishing and need a stlimilant: In suet) ~. th, •
elTect - or a few drues of ilinitetter,`,e, Stomach Hitter.'
Is wonderfully beneficial. "Titelfritat tonic Watt', rip ._
the system iron: its drowse. . The secret ions and the'l •
eirculatitat feet:lye a new' impetus. The crud est
nerves.recover their.eltint Jolty under the operstaw s •
...of the tipet•ifie, like tiot - slatitmull strength ut a um- '
steal Inalrument In the process of tuning.:
gy and debility are rep need by energy and vigor. 14,.
spirits rise. end lite that tilmo.i .secuted• if hufdyi. • '
while the sea son'of deprepsion lamed. becomes once'
more enjoyable. - That.stlch a maleill ebonite sitot:l4
be produtstai by a reittod,v entitely devoid of 11,.
powerful alkatloldmlind mlnerali: so evenilvely in. -4
In modern praidiee, may sepia, incredible to •tito , ,-
who pin ; their Loth tin the Medicinal efficacy ••
active pelsan., but lf these 6 :kepties will take ti.
trouble to enquire or Haase who have leited the ,r.
rectiveund - altenutve virtae, or the- hitters .itille,
the eh:e - deserkbed,, they will ifikl.'-!1,.
statement to be true, . .
. ~..
Jan. I, ';ii -
How TO CURE coristim.prioN
. , •
- Tits l'ititosorna 04 . Int. Steitt2o•rcs Gal:.Ci - Mee,
ClNE.s.—Will people never learn to know that El di , . ,
eased liver and sewn:telt necessarily disease tLy et, '
tire system? ' The plainest Vrincipleir'Of isee,":- '
sense tench tills awl yet there are' hundred' tit, -
ridicule the idea,' gentoxm t Mae in the c0m5e41,1,,,, ,
&Intuit, inevitably brings Went pientat tart v utw. '
gra .! villa tat the majority of the fakople'd,,, st
crimp •L lance with the laws of attains% li a.u.l
lie appar nt to sit that, t‘ooner or hetet, i r e W - i- vt L .."
revenge, herself. Ileum we tired that pe,,,ie, s 4:
it - Muer:44 imscess •ifi the , use ot very'' I.eti er it.i.1.„ . •
genii., e - food or ihtoxits-iniee.,it,‘,:,tut• 1,.,.
a heavy inottity in alerted. The sline .. tteh 1,, •aa"
disordered a . id retuses to act; the ii-vet tail, wk.,.
form its funlions, dyspepsia and he alfelL, t u ~, .
`fol.low, - , and s ill the sulleripg. individuals prise,i .„ ,
clinging tobe thoroughly-. exploded idea , ot t;, - , '
11Iii,i. Dr. SIIENCIi:'S sitedieuees . me I ',wit a, 1„1,.
to all - such.' They- bring sure mid vet ta::. .r.-;,,
whereN'er t hey are - used - as - directed, and :q, U..; ,
necessary. to establish t leeleTepti tat ion 5,,,,1.e-,‘,,
ailing matior - wMrisui in the land is a tau asd w.- ,
partial trial of them. Let those who ate .1., p',1,,,,
till thik point, and. who have permitted twei,;:o, •
•peisotes to prejudice then. agalnSt , these tu,.. ....,.
brated' reinvent* . for t!onsuruct .. ion, ei- e:.rd ii., ..
It el ttdicee td he .
pt,..-;s, aim. .. governe d by :Ilia p1114;:ts
redsotii and cotunam sense.. It the. systen ; a ,i;.„,,
tiered depend upon it; in -nine eases out.,; 1.. 4. It,,
seat or the disorder - will - be Aound In the *,1,„..,..
'And liver. Ty -eletinse and ijivikorate t 1,- ..;;,,,„,,,.,
and to stitnulate Me liver ; lo healthy act it i,„
r itS'cir slices's 11ANDRAICE 1-.'11.1...5.—.11 1 e . d u1 0 5i n ,..,..,..
114(1.1(4.4-MI1d for there pills. 'ls the best 1 - •%1 4 _;1 . 1.1t,
their value. Thousands tittaal thoutatmts• 0t ;,,)„
are - sold daily.. Why 1 simply heesim'ei t 1...,
prtimpily and einelently. litvnats who e.,, ? ;,. ,J,
i laid it cullVeititlit 16 call tni 141". *tilt:Ns - a :. 0 .....,,,
i' son areinfored that Intl an conipl(le dn,,t..,..
! for use aceompany each pain
etge of the t ,
' hl),xllLtick PILLS, Pub . - MINI(' ayarr A]34./ t•
VrEkliTol4lC.—These ittedielnes will cure c 0 , ;,;,,,,,,.
1 lion unless the litmus are so tar gone that t hi 1 .ttl. L.
Is entirely Lwyontil he teach et unsileal I ell s l. -, .
„It may lie asked by those who are are 1,,,t 11,;7,i:,.
mita the virtues jr these weal remedies, - 11,4
Ut. SCHENCK'S medicines eire K i ;bet I- a otoi, n,
cures ir consumption I"-•, T..; ,• - r•
'I'M,- answer is a i•Mlipik' °tie , . ', T . hey begin IL'
•rk at -.-- le - - by hr" "
work , . retttorathir .
li by 'ringing the tntatt. pc,
iota bowels into an active lutaltitY', , ,t•ontlttitc,.;. to ..
food that'ettres tills fOrint."able disetilte,. seict.tstt,
sl.ttvattaita i'll.Lat act 'on_ille• I•toul ,st, (hr;,'
prtnuoting healthy sed:ryt ion, end rcinto tut , tit, LI t.
and slime which have iesulteti from Abe itutc:nt...
torpithcontlition of thettorgatos, and of the ~..,:4„
generally. This sluggish state of the laliy.', ~,„: o+.
consequent ateewtimhttion oUthe tinhcatLit, ..t.,..1
stances named prevenYthe tittiper , tii itlititi.,Pr r.F, \
and n tt a iteturOtreousequence creates. lseat-, s't .!..
resultslti proctration anti finally in itili=
•ticitt; , .'scit*ertt.i.mosioSve.t.:eand. '.4.WELI, 1',,,,,,... 7
when Laken regularly . mingle will he for ti",
digestive ofgainii itudie good':2l4 , ~1,1 :.• ,
natural gunsequence, give dealt and; tdrenr,ltt tit IL.
patient,. Let the faculty say what It may, rt.,. c. ft,
tigly true cure for consumption. • Expel ern, -.. t.,
pistved, IL beyond the shadow of. a don la, an , , zi,„, t .
tentLi ur • wat - etiay alive and, well whoa few - tclit, >tr.,
were regarded as hopeless etti4.s, but NYIt 7. 4 4, :4
dueetd to tryrlir. SeiIIENCK'S renit•dies, van.: 1., 1,, ,
restored to permanent health. by their use. , t
one 41y. the first steps the-Thysician thtt•lld ;ali t
with tl consumption patient is to in vigoratC •.n.,-
system.; Now hOw' Is MIS to he done , : ye,rtalr, ,
tot. bv gi V htg metal ditty that exhattstund enet ,'•••‘,,-
suslielues that impair instead of Improve tin• r t ....
ions of-tire digest iVe• organs. lks•tor Sr/ i 1-I.N tit ••
1 iedielnes, cleanse the stomach and Lose cc of .t . 't
SubstancAt valid •• • ralculated toirrktute or a cal.,.
them. 'They.ere:ite at/ appetite—, pro:note health_.
digestiOn.4duake g l blood, and, us a cons4qttea.•
they invigorat e ant • strength( n the ear i resystt tt
and more e.speciall those parts which ate dlsetc,..: .
ir this cannot be one, then • the - eitra• - • utiottl-hr u
rirdeti us aho • one..-- • , • -
'tilf the!physic finds it impossible 10 tuakt 4 i:i z
ent feel hungry, I the diseased pariahs' cm/11,a. p.:
-t ke of :goes - . I uour ling food-and properly tlige,t :I
l Ita I mpostilble that he van gala In flesh and strengn
c i
a die is equally impossible in bring - a pat lett t lit ill p
condition So long as the liverts burdeueq, a,•..
eased bile, and titp stottrach laden with unlit ..tlitt.,
u Ante. • ! ,
l i r
Alumid the first' request made to thepliygiuz, I •,. ;.
it coluitimptivevitlent Is that lie wlliprescrii, in,,; .--'
; I Ines that .wili..remove or: allay -She v0,111'4,1,414
eats aturchilitOghtch are the sure attenilsal , ,,
.i nsumptiou. But this iihti_uld not be dune, 1i... i;.,
ii ugh is only an effort of nattire-20.•,relh•ve Ile-,:
and-the night Weals and chile are causrd lx", 0.,
teased lungs. •The remedies ordinarily prt,erit,.l. _
d i more harm than:good. They impair tht• t,14, • - .
thins of the gtomadit,,ini pede heal thy digi-st Jou. 5. - :,-.:
a gravate rather thtutimre the disease. .
1, • .
1 here is , after till, 'nothing llke farts v.• I i snip,,:,
s i,,.:,
t substantiate a position, and it is upon filo, i.1...0
Li% stiIIIENCK. rel.irs. Nearly all - who haA !AIL rip
Ills medicines •in "accordance With Ills ii ~,,,t,,,,,
litive not only:Ix-elf &treat of eints.nifipi ion • to t, ii. 0, •
the fiq't that fileiie,fmedtelties act with o ~inh ,!“ j •
ist, •upon the digestive urgens, 'To it,!.,. ::.u.-4 -
cured stawAlly"gain,ftesh. .Cleariging-the .3 .t , k i, ..1 ,t.
- all impurities, they lay the foundation" for -.: ...,•+ 4 .• - ,T;-
substantial structure . Be:doling these-or,„l.:tv t.
htaltli, they create an appetite. The food n. pr..pi• - ..:..
usiihnilated; the quantity of blood 'I , not own ~,
- erensed, but it made rich and strinig and n, - •-t he nu , . t .:
"of such a condition , tif the- System all t 1i, , ,,..• it :,
be banished.
" .
Full directions itecohipany: eiich of 1i.,. ii.ed.' l, o••
6 1..
sietinW it es ne ithiftilUtel,y tiversz , lir t t.nt iiidt,dt
.,lliould )icis 'I)1 CLUENch ix-rtamf 1 j ~ti toi , t. 1!, •,
desire to linve e r lungs examine,!. f ,n. 11., i .ni
isx.e he is at his "prtileiunl• other, No. I' Swe t t: si CA:
- , :41.. ' , rile* of Commerce, Plilholel ph is,..i•ii .',s. -- i•I •
•• der,trout ..k.A. 3t. until , 1 l': 51g••„„ , ,. , i
~ .iidy iee is given without charge:lbw - 1,4, a ra.,1 ,, t,
exaMinittion VIII the„ltespitortiete;Yliii. ein.ipi. 4, ''''' ~
Price of the Puitiioniei6,yruinmint Nen. it ee...1 -I nut.... •
each, 91” 50 tier_ bottle. or it; 50 ft hull . roars. Shin.
drake Rills 25 coasts a him For ::,...00liv ail il,rugg.,t. ,
Aorilltl, l'lli " " . -. " "''.• , 16-1 y
. . .._ -
1411.1ksli- —AR Bo rr—A t. 11m4(1wri1 • I:io , ''. ' ". ,
rude et . 19, INTO, 1*- Rev, E, I'. 1 --,Weih4:.:ti:,..t.:,t,. 0 ~.
0.--finitatT, or I.(gtsvlll.,), 1'a„,1.,,M1,0, E / \ it , ' ," \ .
Allucirr, of 'lll4olwlsurg, l'u,.. • •
. ...
RoTitAlt—FßANcis--rm i tho„tsth 10 . :t0 ,,, 1. ,,, s•
Clair, by the Row.. H. E. 011ror, o.,Ptilin., )h-1 %.% i!
I.tAx 130TD.4.3t. to Mks J v:1F . :•..4-1;:.;. , ,,:,, ... -:'
WiideSvillit, SehtlYikin Cf'• ~ " . i
_ . ,
iir t
ERDNiA.'—Ltitt.,tWN At' the reNi.1i.0,... ~.
bride'Piiatli iln Port Carbon, ,u 4 111.• -.'.5t1, ;,',l,
Rev, A.! 3t..1;0wt ~e 6. :qr.. F:owAtto M. 1.7R - r-rx-9 •
Potrxvillt. to MIK* EMILY W. filtoWN,.lait•4l:t. •
Gto. W.;11r0wt5,...1.1. D.
• HOLDERf—ROWks..T.—Ibu.' Wrtiesthty.
1570, Pt the reshlene&of t hritivs'
Rev: D. Washburn; Iteznictsn
Pll., tti FANNIE ArtANTA..IS6I:IIIeOI I%Vpr,
W. Bonen of Carlisle, la. •
IRVIN—CLAXKI.:—.It Wadeaviiie, it( I ilk• ;ow -,
.the bride's 11arciih4. Oil Saturday evedliik, ifr; 1- .. :
by Rev.:S. 'lumen. jut' St. Clair,• Mr; WI .1 0 , ' IL
VIN, of Stathatttey Mane, to Mr.:. f 11.1.111 "i"li . . , I .;_ I ' " '
of Wudesville, ~
. . . -
7 ENKINS—BOTHAII—t on the hit I,Taut :.[ c•' II the Rev. IL K Gilroy, Mr.- - . ..0iN .ii '..., 1
to Mks MARY ANN Bor i both of Wa.t_. i; , .., -
~ -,
SAYLOR—RESSLER --iiii Friday, 64.21- t:. “! ,''"'
rnokin, by the Rev. N. S. Ruclelo_ghSoi M. 1 .1 , A )..
Los„ Schuylkill liaven, to Atlas 13Aliltlf:1* 16, ,, p -r: ••
Excelsior, hi, .• .
• ,
. .
THONIAA—EVANKL-Ou the Sit,b iktst„ by IWe-.
Wnl.. Storgan. Rev. TrionAim Titomws, .4 A-2‘14,..:.
to M 1 MARY ANN EvANSS, (111111glitCl" of, li.•s. I''''''
Eyans, tit shenundoa b. -; .
• , -•-•'•,->' • _
.-.• _- . _ •Ileatbs. e_ '. • •:• •
'3le:lf VILTB—Iti this Borough. ou the - N-ith in. , :,! , ,r)'
... •
1 '
Mr. Jon,: Nlc:ll.•!sus, aged 1L! yeursi. i
The friendiko( the faintly are rexpeet fully li,s i!...d
to attend the funeral fruit/ the luleveslilenee ~f, . +..
deceased. No. 96 , Bou t h Seeottil st Nei ; in nv.rr...
for Astir mia to
C 041..! CAM POR ISALE.:--25 Sit ..'42.0i,„4': , . '
In good older ? for salelow.
J. Apply V,
. --...,_.
-, ~ ' .- , "B. DO UTl'. UT
W3l. iI,IX)UTY-, slitin.. , ti:::.hi 2 :
VOR'SAIaI . ..-3 building - Tabs, iron!' i'LP3.,,p f : , ''-''''.!, " •
'4 - eitreet... 415641 on liner street, Mid 5 145 - z4,ti A,,
street.. Price 111)111 'Mb upwards. Pst,y inez, I 4 11.0..
be made Ili- $16 , , monthly linstallreArPly . '"
SAMUEL BAL.4, Coal street, or. If. K. WY: 4 " ' ..
No. 9 Emit. DlorWeglon st re et- - - •
Potty 1110. Aui. '79. - f A ptl ri.f. '7O-73.v 1,, r•
POR, EIAII4Z-4:4te o.tuble Breaker fora /ie.!
A .c. ; .i . ,
a '
„ ZnerY• all conzpets and mo •
od as new -
40 h engine, boilers. hoisting gearing fm; pii.l, , .
fir., gc. t . .
, ,Thte 1211. feu, 8 harms, ruglits• and: inilLerz , .""' l '''
ton - buy steal*. ,-- ,
_;s . -. --' ..
2iti met lidring rods wltb .11111 s, sr:, ail in ~,:a1, . ., . .. 4.
order. - 1 ' , •- • 4
Abkh - lt.M.t. W . tiol,t4i . ig gearing ror glow.. 1 , 11 , .' .. _
chlier tia - tieleA, Apply to c. M. RILL A gell 1 . ..€ 7. 1 -
.11. ,
'VO C.'lar4,4 , treet, It ; Vtt .. -
August 9, 11k..!..:41 . , :. , • I - ,,t4'.% , -'',---.
oct, 15, :111144L1 ,
ir - OTToli . -Vir &STD.— alt itro.deer .oi el rt 1 1. S . '•
•-• I . 7I 4EANI'Ne W.twrE prepare*, tot 311Lif' ,, . Y ' . ..: 4 ' s , '
1 'cbluists, mad for ii.wilmal ia.r. All marl's. n . , 1 , 2.!."',
I b U=ll.lllll'l* nroruptiy attended to.'
H. K. 111';XItY ~ .t . A , , ~
l a MS :14-9( Lb: Front. Miliftel., 1'6140
'. :P".. - f
1 • • Mom Sw.—ktato-Ils
- • -
1 COICE•8 tlg_liPoUNtk or W i Lt., t'tlh: tt 01
[ 1... - . , mitt lAA llie ilia: •
Pletooint. point ah..l-4..ertslo rentedy for the cure ^f
'tt!rotnirtooglnt, tioidajjousseuess, Asthakik and ' t I. '
t cipletit eqoffultiptlott eeer offered to tlr po- 0 1%, '.• '-,,
I:bottle sbottlit alway s i''. liejlt In avec" atall'!.• . , '-,t
, crPfficatt lfr if. 7,1_, riCailv ftrumptst and i !1r. , . ...
, tio tuyutilf bayou, 1e.t... I mAl a elrf P . ottn.til.. r t . ,.. v . ,
i' urng titbres of-tor. W. It. R NtION, t l Et, it, .1. ~
, lo:ENNI.11Y and Mrs.V. :::Al Row) IN' tm1".. 1 ' -
1.9114 Isialers ?spry where. jtifen.,4o oents.
. petofter hi, lo • • 42 timi '.4%i -•
r!Rierlnr.d..T.. SP-ECTA.CLES.— N0..7- - 1..
i .... artlclt orth4 kihd , e kver too
. 5i,"jr...." - : - , Q..*:
solid's hold, upon puhlle_ favor. These( t,, , :a 1
I .11::..'
pri s itilessio; to those who are not to_f.t.,W %
area; anti ttns , have been so pr0n00n... , 1
ousands who ha#used them. For sale b. -
JOSEPH DUI' , Oldlelau,-No. - 2:4 Ceultt tt. .
July 10, ,, r70-2541:. i - :, .. I •,• - ,