11 ESE -• 1. Y' ""-, -. - -.4 FORT . Y-8I(TH AR, :N'o: 44. if ort Niclintonb. ESE l'ier No: 4, Pert itlebtrona. WELD; RICE .&' CO., siiippers'orbie Best Qualitlel of - NI , .1: IN rtild SUM-YLKILL • •-• RED and WHITE ASH . • • • ,COs 1 , ..`4 TS FO 1 THE CELEDIt ATED ' •Itl :: E li N 0 T" mid otheirliniee . . • - . ' : • • :LOCUST iIQUNTAIN COAL, '4 :4., : - , ;1:1:itilt ND I , ' " EIN,IALTUILLNOUS. • . * 4' * -, • I. , r.. -*. -1- : i •!05 !!, Walnut ' . Philadelpillai '' . . ti I . itrotutway,-New 'York, I II Doane street, Boston. !ATI. I, 7 1 4 • MEI l'ier No: 5, rortiLlphos i &&& tl. lAAS :ER:gNIZER, .Miners atid Shipperp . ot. • . TIIE TURKEY RUN COAL, • ' ANI) SoLE - AogNIN Let., Iran t dr Co.'. Celebitito4 -PLANK RIDGE COAL • ) :71 ,74 %%Whitt St., tgle10111,), Unit rqi MI Trinity N.-sr '1 1I Iklane r•-•!• . WELLINGTON. . . - :fJ:JNER,' STICKNEY & - Miners and, Shippers or Coal. i.i......5.11"1.: from 1 heir Bili•mlilt• r01..1 SlommlFln, 1.L1V1: , -1 VE I N f ited'ANl).) cWI , T MoI"NTAIN (Whllemili . .. l: ) • . i 39 Trinity linilditm. New Alork. - • •''...0 - : Walnut: Street., Phila.lelphlt. • • •:0 Ihrstse Sfreet. RoAton. . -...... , _ VII ARV N. 6. PORT RICIIIIONL), I'4:ILA. 1:,:,. 1,'711. . • l— I=ll , :Pict. 7, Port Richmond. TIAMIWETT, MILL _4 CO., shii,p e rs & Bitumhums _ . H 0 , o":`A_- E ; I :Nl's . rm. !he sab • relebral r II 1:1 - ; Wl4 i. 15 TII.11 . :1R.11,S I%l"un s.:, ali.l - White Ali Coal. Also, SPi 1I N ;n,l I•E.N'II, MOUNT.VIN . • . ]l((I A:-‘ll (1()al. 11:1 VNI 1101,:tiKF;S, vat lel 1,1.i411 11.11.1 Iloylan'A.CELE- It itATEL) l'A NI 1 1..1" 1.. ' Stott. In the F.:Worn' market for the A t I : , i f •r,..•1; OVA celebrattM Bat: F. • - - rhilootelphia, 247 WM - nut-Street,' I~rwVork,.ll.utom 6,„ trinity Ituililin~, .I Prot i4lestre. 27 Cast Houma Street,. t 1:...t..". :45 Duane Street; MIME I'i.•r Port. likaiiiiripti LQII - IN B. WHIT,t & SON, Shippers of Coal, No. .316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. .ror Storage and Sale of No,. .11 I We-.t Thirteenth Street, *ea York, N.,. , O AVelittP, New York. 11pfrw!".*N... 99,1 mills Street, Providence. 4 %Vhorf. itt. Wue.kingtonAvenue, near I . •li•ral Street. Jan. 1, 11.)-1-:- 1;'.4 1 NI:Li r; COAL OF LT:KENS VALLEY \ 1.1:119, ARE CAUTIONED thAt -there Are Collieries wlrielt mine this Ccial, all of are under the immauement of the undersign- Car the year 1;;;OST.N-....NICK.SON di CO., of Phi la il.loa, NI, lie he ottlyLAgents pa for its le In New N4AVVori:, New.lersey, and South of Cape it. ary,ilSUl..ll,l:, 1:1:0S., It CO., of Baltimore tOrxti her pant's. Our Agents will deal in no other coal lvh;iti • ver,unil.partie, wi,hina the pure genuine art!. •I , :ittigt procure it ofthjln. The object of thin mitt ion interested to buy under foe and their . ' , n`ssistants for the almre ,steas SIN - NICK: 4 ,ON Ovnera.! :'',ZN‘ - altim 'street; Philadelphia; their New .., L.t miee t.. at Booth GS, Trinity Buildings, .IlkS. 01% Agent; a..sisted by ELISII.A. 3losEl.KY, street, Itoston4 WIG Ems ,t; CO., General Agents:s BoQt. :;..• its en op, Baltimore hid.;-re restarted at Bar ,' l'a., by .108EPII STEIIIIk.I7. orders 4 - iv,•ll toPither of the.above Wailed parti.,, WM. It FOWLE,General Alanager •.: to it Eraztell lt. It. Co., the Short Mt. Coal , I.ykens Valley Coal co. pan. I. '7O-1 • l'ler Nu. 10 Port Richmond. SINNICKSON Sr, CO . , h• A:4 , •litzi.f.,r the Sale and Shipment of the ~.Franklin 'Coal of Lyken§:Nalley,'" , I :(1..0:01.1,. NWA: YOrli: :NOW .I.'r-l k y iUt of tiari• Ifei(ry. I :Walnut Street, Plan.l• oak,. : • GK Trinity Nrw York. • - S •r Stri•et., .1 , ,, ,, E1'11 4.i. )I)IIY. fit;,-Itt. t , . Nw.v„Vorlr WALTER, DONALDSON Sc.oo =i .♦NI) 1,11,1:11 %V I C OALI =1 I'l I (JAI LEI-110,1-1 COAL.' • Walnut tit rp..t. Trinitytinitdinti, N.w 'forli. I i",t11.• S;revf.lll7),tpti. I,4;.lll4.riftiond MIMI 'l I I I t.. I! ACKIVK. rotrlC. ;ACKER , & COOK . (JAI.,_ n~rr~-.c~ ~, t' '" i.% j.( Wok N, '‘ •“:•rt v I It•T Ql' t 1,111114 :111c1 .;10'd A C(ntir4. .:1 1v.11,.:0 4 •14. 1v.11.0 • • 1a...1 !st N 41'1Z) 1:1'.1t, • • I: \ ill Haven. Pa. • Poet: 111. Purl I LOVE; BOYER & CO, _ Anthracite and ' Bituminous Coals \II., .. ! , \ N It VEIN I:l.lV\ll\vl'SCu.\l. • , 1.7. Dt.3111. lu•• I y lEEE 1 . ..., it11:111110thi. , TOHN C. SCOTT: & SONS, Miner's and. Shippers. of Coal: =I %I rpt.1:,1).11.C. - 4.0(•15T MOUNTAIN Whitt, I N I:_t NK lAN" I p Red , Axh ` , 111n.• 41141 , inilhfr- In nll rrxperts • !j 1,1:I-N- VALLEY Coal. Rca! 1.1111,111E11.1.111,1-:No.l2lri -- Walmit St. IttP4:I(IN--No. tit Itoatit. 'S I. I Nl:* VOltti-1 t tritnEtti way. (I6mttabee .ll 1. 7.1 DAY, HUDDELL & CO:, Miner - s & Shippers . of Coal. • 'f.070 . 2 ' %Valetta St.. 1'11;13114 . 111111i146 ri rtro:own,-.(Tritilly-Itaiiclittg) N. V. 17 Ihrtrw Strret, Ito*ton. tr I w %alt. Of 11W following celebrated opals: • -•-• I! 1,1KIllf: II COAT, t't):11: ('o.'S 111C1:1)1t.li AND SIMI MMEB=II c.) v11;1•.li{1t:I\ f Vi.•r N.. • 'IS Vt. Rich:mm.l. t Pier N,31:11/..11.1,,ttlit't, =EMIR ~ ..4„.............4m Jat :_ , --- •ier O. I 1 Port Richmond. JOHN RO, MEL,..IR„IBROTHER, • StILE Anl:S - V8 1 , 1; • , •S - i'Ar•oriC• an I ty,ll;tirt own HILL & ILfLI ls. Whito Ask: he Si - prior 111:NIIT CI,‘Y. bully frer;buiniter, The 2'4,•thratvol I),VSI Derp llltiftft VEN'S WING LEHIGH ai:Elizabothport Vi'aintit. St., Plallatla. ()mute Strei-t,itacto it. Itdmulls3. Tiltslly Sely,i'ork. ,A,GENi*-S.Vkii i;i F. 1tt.70(1.a..,:41 , 04-,1 by I 1:1:4 oW N aii,l I'. 1.1.11..1M. /I, 121,10 VODUSEN BROTHER &CO., Miner% and §:Tappers of O'A... S 111.1 ( oln:,ajtay'« Lehigh. town;a Nosatiitn, !Aced Qap. • Wili"barre; Erhl:ch, sad othrr• ' WHITE ~ AND RED ASH, COALS. • ( l't. Illelnilontl . ; l • • , tV-49. tiV : i bet ' - (J ergey 'lt). * r4treet, Plilhulelplon. • , ;• • • 111 Ilroo,lway, :C4 -.v York.. . :, Ih.:uu<rtl.. ui. - J'on 1,'711-1- . .(Vrat. kr:Not:A(4g. J)OVEY '8 KENDRICK,::! !them 'in Sidlyenc or tlth Celebrated S'!1111 or RainbOw and Keystone (10 AL S. ylia r i No. 21 Port. Itieholond. • I 1.111 1;utelp1.1:t—I?At INtek !itrert. " I : ll 'rt4 ; 1 '1014%111e —l'etotre Street. • Itostett—Nts. [Mune St.. .:4 10 .. 416 1".". r AgAnt. t ! Wysistngttin. . rttiruvryN, 'egi • ; - • ' .1 . , 7 ' ' • 1 :" . r 1 ...- _,..., ...,r.. -.. .._:7 - ' ---.- -. ..--- ~_ ....... : . ~ • •_ . „ -' . .. A .• .,- . •., .:. .... 17.---=__-----___ __ . c• _ .. , . ~. __,„„_•.„._____,_. .. „..,.._..__..• ..._ - -,2 - -...— =----- rmil_ _ ..„.____,..„-- f i,-„__ 4.. - - - ----tc._ -.._„______ . •i . -...." -- .-4.k. - - --- -----. ' . • . t . ~ ---- . f . • . iii. ' --- ': • - .; , - , • . ' - . ~. ... • - . , , . •,.. ° -_ t ' '• 1 , . , . --- ''.. •=-- . . . . . ~ . . . . . . , ....,. k : : , „-........................,.. ...... ,--• • m . '. - - -- ', --- N., 0 , " - --I 1 r . ' • ; ....- - : • . . , . ' - • 4 . s ..- 4 •:' , . • "'"- - -I' 1 . _ A it " 4 ***,..... .. _. . , ~..„-„, .o .* ~- jt t) t 1 .------ --..... "-% •........ :: - • . tili ) i 'Oh% ' AA.. , 4 ,i t 1 . - • rr . In 1.-: J t I* . • ~,4,, , . --"14411 / 4 1.-. .. . 4" - i ..z:;, - rz • . I• • , "..„,..,......., ;: „ .. ,- ; ,....... 210 ,....,... a; - ..... .. \ .l i. _ .. . - . , r _ - i j I I a i iEO I., .-- , , , t 4.-,i tli ________ - , 1A"... lig - . . . - , • • . _''.' . - - \ "ith•- - 0 11 , - 4 .."1 . - Z;',. e ,. ~ . ..- ~ . . , .. . . • ~.:•, 1. , , . - .... ee-••••••.... w , - - 5 . ? 5:..1.'7.-.7 , - _„.... - 1 .....- • . ... ... - , .. . ' . : . , ~•_. „, ..... • "`' . -ii... \ - ' 3 ---'" -- -#a",.. ~kr _ „ ....• , - -•--- • • -..." N.. .1, - , ,i f .. . . . . r Ent "" liaN li' l lalg i° A° c 1 1" convene, in the :ear TO. by Hanna n '.... i 1!AIZION7 in the MeV, Once of flit /Mallet Cburt , . . - ' '''' • '' ' ' - - ' - ' . ' ' , : - COAL 1 .I_'l-Z -NA) ADVERT Slott Riciptionb. M IMII MEI ME —floury Jones, ,Ages.t 9-tt Pier No. 17. Port Itlchm.ond. AUDENRIED. NORTON. & CO., Miners and Shipkys of FIRST CI..,ASSOAIe;'-' A 'LOCUST MOUNTAIN. :• ' . _ • errotn our two large and celebrated Collierlea • `4l-AZEI ! DELL". ...... .... F. NORTON & Co kiONTINENTIL." GOODRitKIE d Al7l4::;UtiEll - ~ • • LORBERRY. • Free Riniiirig Red Anti, and Splendid rrepiiiation CCiLK Err voLLIERY, Owen s Long & Co CREEK COLLIERY, C. Colliett, Prod ' N4A311.0 A ENTERPRIS,E COLLIERY. T. Baiunganlner, Prod., Locust Mountain atpi Carberry, also via Selluyik I II Canal,yp all points adeessible by boots. • ' (.11•DI Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Mean: • 111. Broadway, New York. I', 27. - Denote hteeetßostana. . J. 'T. A ITDENRIED (1. F. NORTON,. • CHAN. D. NORTON. 11. &JODRELL. Jan. 1, '7O. :Nor No.11,1:1. Illehniond. SNYDER & SHO Shipperi and eale s In' - COAL, 901.r.1 AGEN In. 'von (1. W. M DER'S •WELI. ZNOWx PINE FOREST COAL- - ~WAT,Ntrr I 61 TRU:irITY . BUIL p eNCI, PH 11. A DA. . hicw loalt.• • LOUIS SNYDER. C. B.B.IIOEIIAKEB. Jun 1, '7O . . • I.ly .• - • . : - Fier No. 13 Port Itichniand. • GEORGE S. REPPLIER, N..P. GORDON, 11. A. REPPLIER. REPPLIER,GORDON. 'Br.. CO ., . • . m af ilt; AND suiurims.or Locust ',Mountain, Mammoth Veitn, Rem Ash, Lorberry, and TOWER CITY, LYKENS VALLEY COALS' (329 Walnut Street, Philadelphia; • Offices : J 111 Broadway, ( Room Nn. M)• New itairk. 27 Doane Street,. (Room No. 3y, Houton. march 3i, '7O . 13. pier 14,-South. BARDA I - KELLER & NUTTI NG, MinerS and Shippers of Coal, WEST LEHIGH GREENWOOD, TANIAQUA SHAFT, • REEVESDAL ,E - ECKERT LORBERIM • . - NoRTH' FRANKLIN RED ASH, BLACK' HEATH, BIG RCN LOCUST .MT:, - GA IittETSON, GIRtARD VILLE. ">) 4? ! KRby St., Boshin. Otilee4 • 1. Room 64 Trinity Building. N. Y. ' J 327 , Walaut Street; Philadelphia, '• Pler 11. • ItOItDa.'KELLER a NUTTING. - Noirel FRA.NICLI:II WHITE ASH. April ILI, 't.Zi. • . Pau lint I= WM. HEISSENBOTTEL & CO., Shipper,. mid H'hul. »ulr ll;estlersg lii Schuyll4ll Lehigh • and Cumberland 1 . ;:i 1 - r): 1:1'11,DIN1:_..111 8R0.% 1/ 'AY; Room sl, I'. U. 1t0.% :Afill,<.NEW YORK„ . . . . - -- ... , ,1.'.• A •,..v•itlq n.r N,w York and Yid:illy for the 5a14..,f 1.V.1:, “RA NT-..V. ro.'S 1'1..k NK. lei iAM ilktii % lif‘ AS s IMENIZEIVS TritliE IC RU N toils. - I,t.tz - ,11 1%, ;71i - ..1:1-1y ~, .. . . - -- - DAVIDSON ; YOUNG &.QO. WLIOI.E.IA IA: Di:A.I.filLY IN • . ...- .• I/1111ST NitilINTA 17g; •:411A StiJK IN, I.EIfIGII, (.:17.%1ISEILI.A.Nli„ scItANTON .1 WILKESBAILIO COALS. IIi)(1M No. IN, TRINITY BUILDING, ?TEW YORK. 1.. M. M. DAVIDSON, formerly of Ty 1. 1 1 - & Co. M' I, B. YiJIT NG, 'formerly ofCuldwell.Gonlem &Co I BIEBT K. BUCKMAN. • Jan I:.. ' • - PT. JOHNSON ti HOBOKEN. . COAL. . • VAN WICKTM &• STOUT; MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF THE C.!lebrated "Fulton" & "Stour ( e‘high) Coals, rio'm the Elwrvale and the Stout Collieries: near 11.1zloon ' lit. Delivered ilireet frolll MlDeli on hirard Ves..els al PT. 3011.7C50N, Milk/KEN. 14111 i NEW P , ItI'N,NWICK. N. . 14 44 .4G Trinkir Building. °Mee*: .' 11'1 Mom' way. Nerrol(ark.' • ((Temporary ut. 119 Inlaid %ray.) • . May It;. 'IA.- LT/ . .... . - CA I,IIW E LI:, - CONANT tk, IV ESTON; NO. 111 BROADWAY. NDW'YORR (lit...inn 33 awl 36 Trinity Builiflig.) . • . wion.k.m.si.F: Dr4i.xics 111 : ' ' LEIIIO 11, WILK ESIIXRILE, . .. , . i PITTSTON J1E1) AAli,•.„ - - Itl A. i i_t, ..-4 oy, --4. lt.t N'TO.N.,.__" . . 2 , . • . • I,o(lisT. , llolTpiTAl:s, t'LIiiIIEItLAICT), 1111.0.M0 TOP, }:111., .. ..... . • . CO . "2 ST.. SOFT.F. Pir 'New York ',rid the North of flieet-i.thnited MUNCII:RIDtiE,FILEE-11.71t2N IN(i I.E1111:11 COAL. THE . PMNIRA.PSE, 7 THE Sorol.liltonilimos and otio,r lirst-rato ij AAI 1 , 1 , 4 W. CA T.DwEr.i.. B. 'ONANT 3 WA LTEIC Wk>srON. A v)ri 11, 119 • 014FICE .0P THE,N.IAII4I4.A. .P.I.EVAT 'INti lieeom aimii,cl AI. til.crcic, t 4 .41.1.0. N. Y. COAL. . • CI:7)Pa- - ; . COAL. . . . . TI11.! NIAGAItA EI.i.:VATING , CO.. having a law, .urplatt Of Lot and Ikkkage, will 1..' prepared nt like opening of navigation - to receive trout Lim Erie Kull way, t 'anal, in' Luke, any quantity or 11.1 A I. for storuge Or transhipment to any plttee Etott by I'mila . or West by tlie . Lake,i, upon us favorable tenon as any partiem in Inaba°. Their lot Ix well breatt‘l for a general etty bugineam., , ^ • ~ . , _ t'XittN CLARKE, Vice-Pre 411411m1. Nfu i reit 27.'69 . . - . I:l—tf .'• . •- !• • . -. • - ..• , • .- *f i All F.,S . 0-9 IV IV' El- It,. miner and 14111plwr ortne t'elebrnted • LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL. PoTTsVILLE, ScHUYI:FILL CO., PA. - Jun 1, 79, , Wilmington, lid. 'FICE OP THE HOCArITE - COAL -1- , 1 COMPANY. No. 500 stud sfr . Front ~S t.,. - I LitiNGTUN, VELA . • Wfo are now prepared to -furnish the Trade:Deal ws-a int Consuoters with out, Celebrated ,the " Idocanaquet" • And time Interostott will Ilnit It to their ittivdntoge ont 1.14 my to tonsult tilt- company Irefore,making• their yearly cotitrartg or_vnizagling canet•ea. • - shipping point for the - WeAerak market. Erie. "" ' " • " Southern -do "Isere tle 'Gene* • ! . • 1.: 1 rn do Wilmington. N.. 11.—Also, tlit• Clover 11111-Rail Motor Mid Mt tt. minnow; tikal Co:pi Coa ls. for the manufacture of gas; (17 candles (/s"c. f. ;richly coke- first qunflty and percentage of amb. " May 21; '7O-21-ly 2 orktrrif -'reek: • . EAST FRANKLIN LORBERRY VEIN COAL. 1 4 YEAST FRANKLIN LORB E RRY COAL IV/ k bow mold exclupively by Memo*. REPPLIER, GORDON i CO.,'who art my polo Agents. Partira ontoringlront. them may always depend upon get- Um; a pure article. ' ' ( No. 3:29 Walnut St.; Philadelplila. OrrICES: I, No. Brakulway.ttomati, New York. .[No. I% Doane etruct Room 3, Boston. • :lan 1, • HENRY HEIL. • .DUBLIC•AALE OF A FA.LIIAB,LEI HOTEL . }43,IIPERTY IN POTTSVILLE; r,ENNA.: l'on.nant to an older of the Own of New. :::•httylkW County. the andrEitittnett Coni to it tvr t extute lA./011N t3lLlClol.ltili. will offrr at ' , wilte sale, ou the premises, on ' • ' SATtatDAY, NONiEMBER 5Ti. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. all that certain lot: or piece Of - grolLd, s 1 [nate on the earner of !tannish and Union trees, in Pottsville, Penn..; having a fronton AT :shut street of UN feet 2 Inch ,and bounded on the easterly side by ()natal/set. and on the weitterty side by liallroad'street.—together .with' the itaproVe itien's, 6011 , 100111 gs of a new three-1400'11nel; Hotel tiu I thing ; with a two-storit lolek aide building I hereto attached, and..ft.ono.ittory frame hinted - also at- Welted t hereto.' • : _ This 110 TEL being opposite the Piasefigtlr and Freight Depots of the Rending Railroad, is °stout the is.st, !cleated business stan d s in this part of the Shitr, and being but lately.erectod, is In p art lion. The terms are as follows: IC per cent. ,clisti thc.tia.i• aside. 'l4 per cell.. VP ounitrniation.alsale and delivery of deed.. :25 per cent. aan the find of April, Pin, wh.n posmeAsh.o of Or premises will be delivered.to the inirehaser. per cent. with Interest, on April 1.187.4 Z per rent.: with interest, , on Aprli 1, 141 r • ":"A C,.1,1411, purchaser will receive a liberal diseotint.F • A, W. FfiIIAL:E.-CA.uutnii - ite, ptaitrvilte I. 10•4044 • • • t. NEW _a:mix...Dims°. cAst winszu ter si tm : >.l.. sc., made at the • - JAVAP . PA FOUNDRY, By W 7 W E & 11143.4:, Finle Manufacturers. • kinds Vaal Building Hardware, he Lenvo order's with H. K. ' No. 9 Esti ,Norwitelwa‘ ht.; i'ottov We. • •-• . df9ipt 29, ',70 - 52-310 I= SEMI-] TB. _ ....- . i -- • i • - -.--. :--:-.- :., 114ilobilplilii i - r itr. - • Whitney, *McCreary ,d, • Ketntherer, . '' • 1 • ''-'•••• Upper Lehigh and oth er first Clat S . •,.. .. . . LEHIGH &4 1 , 1 YOIVING COALS,- . 2181r_e-224 IV.IO Sirerl, (.Vronil Siory,l • . , PH 4 i i. .A 7.: 6EL i ; H I A . -. W-11. WNITNEV, tilai. i)."Mtil:l4ll . V. Z. S. K Elt idt: 'tun. Sept 10,'70 ' i : , :17-.310. THOMAS C. PWRRISH, SHIPPER ANU,DE4LEU IX • • ~ • Lelligii",Schuyikill mid Bituminous - q .t• C r. At , la ~ Consignments o f Conuttlsnittti Solicited Anti Aitken tn fiivoriatle Tern . 0 [ ~.._4 '' Offie+D-441 modnut St.,i'hllalt•lplatt. May 1.'69. - 4-0 '. t IS—ly . r-- • tp.,wis. seitiKiiTs.,. 3. - •- . ,„......„....; AND GRIP PE -% OF VIE • .ELEIIICATEDCiVIIIIIIIA:N i.pursT 14)r:qr.% IN • :e•0 Al L . . , ••- .-: .. t omen Ioi 'Walnut Street; Phliculeljihla. : - June 1,'.;0 : _ tr,ly 11 • XOOl4 • . ! T. LAIYAY • 1, 170. - r .111( prc eut SeAszal )9 rn EW FALL GOO N 11031 ER CO 7 FALI Our Importations A. 11-NOW ' NOt wlthstaucllng the g on the European war to .bries for our Fail that., our (mien; early and thr( - tlone In I.:mope, to offer ber 0( NEW And we would call pitttli asortnrerat THE' NEW C the Infest stylefpr I N As it will lx Imlxwsllili t' table textures-1u thiN tun' • I I.: A. It I. 1" I N BLAC 01. known inake,, WItIThSIIA .COLOR jn.rNr.rr qunthtp_\ •u I'OSTFM ES = MOI 7 UNING i. replete,•‘‘ if h 111141 u••:kr.. 11111 ,v, ry nualtly and sA) s(i W.• shall t:,::.• tug 844 I L',040., but MOD ERAT 1412 and 1414 CI Ot•i 4_.'7;1-I.'-- :;p1 070. PALL J.:•:.:6li•rsti.:NT ?it* A ( )3I11.1:TE PA LI: S.:W I /11(111.1111g Pop • slindu., .T lan • Hand.t.tne.P.liritlg, tin tin I and a, ntlr line mere; I. t igtt and MILLINERY' (:0011):: ti,II„KSI, , V El: \ Fl.oW Sept 21. "41-::9-t (-1K)-!(- GRJINP XPOEIIT Fon. TIIE F COMPI,DIENTS. OF ON t -J • . i,NII. A.- • . , . . No. Ind N. W. mr. Etev nth & f 'hesitant Stag, Philgi • EAsttioss raitt_rtr.:TA I. I. AN TI wiNyEli; "F• 1870, - • • ~:-; " ' wiloitw:ii, 2 .11.:1,1•1 etnil, • - .. • . alai. It Paris:rad the firs tip nn 'act ories supidy. .., !tresses..., Ntatit le.:. Chad s mot Gent tunes (gar Yazd It, MO I:ltilalren. A •s`pecla depiutntent of plain:anal elegantly I Hunan-al pattern., -a lithe latest Parisian mot . English Styles, at ..air Vellalgazen. If you want a handsontely-titling, It - ;II-tatate snit,. at Plilnt't Ilik- I ler, go to M 1414. lii N IlElf . . fair tits, end trimmings and dainty idltele.s. Mound ag, Tra oling - and We-'alitig outfits:Walking anal Vat 'l-y re,iintiles.•. ••• • • 1 llip-.•ss & I . I,CIAR TIM 1111 l 'lll.l. IttlfroNs, 01 - t?0, At r:Mts cOni tarts' tag the latest: Pails .tioOlt les in' black anal ...hired .lerlnges, taint •• ItticlieN, Lootea, Flowers , Waives, Bridal -Wreat ha, '4:4ls, it i iiiivlll(,,lll'N' 141;1411,1 i II V.OV,oo4ilt i II anal Tat ela Itllalsans;.iiitidies, Neck - asj ‘, tles. MARE trf,o-I,Argllcapits.LtfitabliPtuo:ssfcl...tc: ',foie ling'. Tut :NMI Nil. -1.111411i1. ,-1, ..rilque. valet t eleit. nes, Ilionliurg Edgings anal Ittsrfrtions. Black tin 1p- Ilte and Threat) Laces, tiOr. In 414-algit anal inashirate in price. (gulch: IN kal A Altt,NA - tiENTWAFttifs, Birds, Maas, .0 1011 4lii, 311/I.lolo ra. Ca..afx anal Fancy-tfoods, selected lay Mrs. Binder. VNittgara. • Elegant line of 1 Whitby Jet.' (foods, In fets." Ilten.l pins. Earrings, Neck Itu•ea.and Ilracelend Spletidial line of French let (hods, roma' and French Unlit Sets, I'li:trios, :SleeY,..e. Buttons; Clio I ma, at-a....wilklpt for ',Flavor vat le- • ty lit :•.0 y le, chnnot be surassed', St nnigers v bait lug Illir city are respectfully FaiAlleflito examine. ' ` Lo' Pinking fliaartr.rlng. •tnit ling anal Fitting. Alm, a perfeet.systeni hi Dress . t'ai fling taught. Pal - I erns sent. by mall of express tontl partisan' the Union. 31te4. M..LA. BINDER'S,. N. Vtr. ciar, ElOvatith , at al (lies natt, Sts., Pio bAn . A. Oct I; - A.—fa-:lnt.- , , . • . •. t . . DOFI - WRAPS! . . - ( 'Lea Imm Kee, to i'..! .10; first. 11kitals.7 Selling price only• 1 ' . • WATER PROOFS WATER P,' -We have- Water -P-r,x hotight by the cite Inn based ()Wane shalt' pm . Water irroat ileac Serge Salt.. I. Sitawl h 44114. '.lllttek 'dle to order. j taut crltclent Fine Suit null ut. Fours uur. irrittly en i,. ladles tan ntutte-ttieli e - [ nut*. nit pr ptly.irounut 'deux° the :mutt ra..ll.llmut. =EI • We lihve organized% Dress-Mahlpg twpardr Urged Dreioitioodz Bt . leet long mar lia,ve them Az leally,udin a style to Just openeal'new, Serge:, Vni,nell Meriting. &r. largeta and nuit• tleiont be , mils', nioderate prievs we rlgt‘A lu part , Itrorhe Shawl*. IteterAble.Velnur. ' NaVel - Woolen, , 'Squart, .tc,. 'acres, Idyl to 11 nemt , of exeelled•ln town. • t dONARD, ANI)I4AnWsi STRKM Silk Poplin*, *pipeline*. Now ofwb, by far II klurek or tillowls, and at lilt'., ever L9d. It corn Palnley: Shawlit, ' - 111oltatipn !Adln; • tittoituul ' Long an Famous IltieN orl'axst (lo a I: hip; or every do Wo"leo stock 1,4 • CO 0 P C4R10P.12 N INT! NEW GOODS N Hi%FILINGEN ; 4 ISON mt • • • .Atreet, • SJPPARD, V AR. No.-.IOOS Chest satenlitln of bnyent to their (wt. or E . . • . nes fully I nri• ite large and '4Ol nßmarttli oto D s t !Uteri N E All . 0 %who,. have IN ;reported ' , Direct: or I t nil a loial experlenre la. oar !NEN floor's. • Very WM gltent ion ILn, SPECIAL LINEN OF WHITE COOPS, • - 1 DOUSE FUILNI lIING kllY GOOD:c ; 1.--. ,- ClI ILTA 1 ZN., 'URTAI t ' 3IATERIAL, AD, •, .. LL ._... _ . ___. Enable us 1.0 give oar .11610014,11/4 Many suipllntagss *lot aftbrileil. ebietvber .'Evert l degalptlon.-of the NEW .I.IAKES of aMARSEILLES QVIINS. IXANTF.RP.ANES, ~ FI_ANNELK, /ILAN 'ETS. 31 !SLINK, - •.. SHEETING*, TAHL DA MAK).), 24APKINsi, i. ISIY LIES, FRUIT 1 ' FLIES, AISLE IdEEN:),,. TOWELS., TOWEL! Gm. TRAY CLAITHS, . ' :TALIE MA) rum (x. .%I MINION 'CIAITTIS, LINEN SHEETING . TAME coVERINOS. • TABLE And PIANO., • .VERSJKTAND C) WHIGS, I)I3IITII34,CRETON IN ' ... 4 , . f FURNITURE CHI Nur:. 1 .: , " FURNITURE myEalsds I ' TOILET 03VERS,.0 In util Ts, •. • LlNicsirt.Axm cum Rizie4, )IURIKENA., • DA - HAIIKR, SILK CURTAIN ATF.RIAL, . SATIN ISCINIENF24, ROCA ELLE:=S RAMP , . ' TEERYS4 REM PI SU Fl 4, c.- • 3 1 LACE CURTAINS. LIMN IC . TA.SSELS, , • LOOPS. WINDOW I:WAHL - 4,4r.. Oct I 10 ! • *lie •: PO VILLE ,. 84.TUltDANI - MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1870.. C 1 3 L. 14:: l•It' rid illpeuitiep, comseritletit ' l ,btaltil Fketv rPt• enalkliir by placing ugh criiir.ext?wave tutinvr un large hom , A B RUCS, , Istr tot 14 . ton or pPrli y 'of xt ores . CiTR COLORS, • • . . . • cci-rt, ) ).iir 'mast de,-1.) kit; )4r would re•ps'et ft Inv U . * C •C) N j SILKS : 01 DON'S ` and olitalltic"c IS AND SATINS ^-!- I) SILKS • - • 4b' 11.1. V ~~ - t • T tvxt4ro f.;r• I% IA. waritit-i% and t.i for 1.4.11 'II 'E -.... 4( II..• of 41. - 1,111,t4.,.1,11.,11 .41r signk al - • • , stitta, Street, • - ; • `'~ Ailadelphiat. _ PENING: TEkt . 00()I1S, INS, (iIIINTZE,s. sKIItT7, 'ECS"yrEIiNs.-(•oltIrtr :biL)1141 (In the no w tlNlMlkitis. looS, y tat I I;r4tui 1,,s t t otr . . • ..o At. inoquintrig ° NI - f/7 "J• , • „lit. . rohailad for Cash at Mil EM UMBER! LUMBE : ! L it. TO UNDERTAKERS ND CITA IRMAK ER. , We have on hand a large lot of seasoned ,'.',. OVA COFFIN BOARDS and PO 'LAR CIIAIR and s TEE PLANK._. The above s the best quality of IN 'DIANA LUMBER. ' BOAS A. RAUDENBUSII, July 30. '7O-31-tt 'coy, - -- Sta., Readtng; P , UMBER! LUX: . 1 • . •• . ..100A0 FEET ' RN LUMB . .1.340 Ari '8:: '',NTIT...7S H . Corner 4th , its., Reading. Pa: • We'keep - constant. Ileliktan. Panel. In diana Walnut, Pop! auk, s.:Pop'str. da d', Ash Lumber, all Hilo . __., Without runa•front 12 to ablneheri wide and all titlekneasea. , and the 5.4 Poplarfrum v. to al Inches wide. The quality of the:: Walnut and Poplar cannot be surpassed In any mar. ' liet.and we are sidling lower than the city market. All parties In want of ally kind. of Lumber w9uld do Welt to emit and examine our stock. ' * - ' 4uly 0, '7O . • • . 2S-14 - . SAMUEL . BALL, W 110 L ESAU& AN 'LUMBER DEALER;)c COAL - 124.. mar RAI I.IIOA Dr.POT. . porrsviLLE, PA,' , • • 4 j , Will keep erilistantly tali basal a fall assort- • t meat of llulltlitut Lum ber. to %e ;suttee to %ell at the • tt* LOWEST mAitka:r ,•07. ItATFA. - • ie , I i a n Toa dozen. • • . • ' Sept 10. '7O-417-tr-ir.Ltt ILLEREIBUEG STEIAM SAW ' . 'ANDIvi PLANING MILLS. N. C. FRECK .. c4c CO ' NI.VSLIFACTI:RERS DEALEIZIS IN . .1 • • • '- - • • "'• . . _ _ _ gER-1 . .111 Ainda M Bill 77inber C4l‘ to' Order. 'ramp Lumber.. linarci., VlamPlc , Lath, bbingleN.Floorinu.. Sluprig, Saah,-Duorgiat • :All' I:ll.iels.' of .Ij..k:nufuetnring Lumber, euiii44:itly '- on While Mid Oak Boards cut ally hingtl4. OtieMilli:ure'7o.u4tem below Williams') rl; :"):).freleil per HO) feet. iii - der.,„ filled Phil:1 1 '01y; .. .,Priets list furiiislitsi appl leatimiffr Jul - 9, laic al tli — o V • et. , 170 R SALE. -A new and tinst-elass Tot sy BUG, I. G-'l'. 'retool teas hie, Apply t., • May 7, !7e-/9-4f WAL ItSMITIL ISt Centre St. f - ,,0R RENT.-Two( hike In I ttoist.f'7.4 itlitY,Atni.lii it .. -. to .0 g, corner Stsnd' al d 31altatitthigo Street , : 'Apply to HENRY l'. RUSSEL, Real Estate Agent; ,Is Itiliantinigo Street. • . . • ' , , March 11.-If - -. . . . . _ R , 1 4 sOR RENT. RE --sTO OOM With dwelling al-' I 'ached, In 1 hompson's [Row. on Market street . , above Centre. Possession glyen,lntmedisitely„ For terms apply to - _ ' - I . L. C. THOAIPS - CIN, July :to , 11.1-31-lf ---- Lf OifSE AND LOT FR SALE, situate on , L 1 Savory Street, In the ea rough of Palo - Alt 1. ne•ir the PaluAlto Rolling Ntilfi las 5 rOCIIIIN side l4l• ' lik , ' large' . kitchen, stuatmerAitchen and cellar-. Witter on the grounds. For termS, So., .C alobly to I /et 22, ''',' il- 43-3} t. , P. KELLY, Pahl Alto. • - , -4 • IRON WORKS ! IRON WORKS! .• • TOR. SALE Olt TO I.E.%Sti. The Schuylkill Haven Hirect Iron Works arc olrer- 1,1 fur Sale at Marti...lr ortgltial vost,iew 111 he leased for a term of years to responsible parties. For term-, apply' to ' Cll4 ItLF.S WILTROUT, Trustee; tad 22, '713-447-tf-- -- i. , ' - . Schuylkill .I,ojo-11. ''A ; ' ' pair ' -' ' l I * '- ' I.;'OR SAL -/ Lreaker tol s. 34 lit. I% ith 1144,1 1 taut Ps,. - -'76 n. hoisting (Irmo: 4 11. screen,'2l 11. hoig: euttsiter4creetts„ shut e gates_situte bars, dust. erssitnek :mil Mate, 11;Itt a lot of 1111111. 111111,:iti net y :- _ IN 411 bi,Soltli,Vil-e:11... Ai,ply at. At MN R. 01E1 I NI'S Cold Yard, . June - I, 'lli---2 - 3-4( ' . - . t 'rail St., Voi i,-.A in. , . Vali LEASE.-Thr vi0u1t141..4 tract ol 4.".4:41 lash,! L knowtr as Itoldi ..te.-Whiebrener Traet, late 'NI il for.l, situated In I.:lythe mid Schuylkill Tiiwtislifte., mei I.ollt.ti !link -about *Pt :acres, Is offered for, mx,,,. , . ,up.oi re:v..oll:lWe terms. Apply to . , . F. R. I.t.ANNAN; Agent, Fel) '..77, 'ill. iki . "• I=vlllc or Port • Carbon: ' SLATE! SLATE!! TE!!! . . . • - The mulerklipied 'has always on halal a large lot of Itt a )117,54/ SLATE, of all -, sires, a n d of the best quality, which-lie will sell at thir• elllqlpeSt price.. rile slat, elm be delivered by Railroad or (anal. Apply lii ‘V M. I•ZALRACII, Ageat. Hamburg, Iterks Co„ Pa. `,- 2!-cut . 'May, 22-, '7O • 'II3.I.IIART.E PROPERTY FOB SALE. epletiilid rel..ltleiga., lately neeuplea Ly It. DA NCROFT. In Ashland, Pa:, Dwelling. 1:n,11 and Iry !louses, Stablq, Ilul Betls, ,te. Mei/welling mlitparutlvely new, find ha., all the Inotlern e.onvenleneelt. Pelee low and terms ra.y. Apply to 111 NIIY C. ItCSSEI... /teal Estate Agent, /8 .51allantongo St. M.tv H . '7O-2•2—tf 1 4 • OR BALE.—A Flsrm of Wunder.; with improve ./ !molts met strx.k.si Mate on the lineof the Schuyl kill and Itallresul, 11 tallest from Poi ts io sere: of Gie land are utitler eulttvatlon , Ti acres are etivered with chestnut sprouts of IS Years watch would make exCelleut prop thirlier.: i ;ten, r,e.ei ivered with timber. Th 9 in prove metals eonsist of a substantial Imer a new Stxiss Harm out I ni ases, and a new saw mill with water pow er. :stock' consists of horses, cows, grain, hay, and If ruling' implements. The price asked , catt be real zaeti from the thither alone... Terms easy,' Apply to, 'JOHN M.SIIEAFFtt, EJ'derly!s Itmllillnx , Pottsvillei or to FERE; • G. PA A It No. IsIO t'entre Street, Potta ' August.,7;'6,4—.'L'-tf , ' E VALUA.BL PROPERTY FOR SALE: HIE AWILDINCiS .IND• PREMISES vrly-,k,cupled by the ; .‘:440,11 . I: rd. COUNTY LUM ISEIt ronsktlng or a larige - t.nkk ,and stone shop, with steam power apd tools for .4; PLAN NE,I and ' MANUFACTI:IiI:Saj with !anther Klietlx, abundant yard rt' gnu. and other conveniences for a litrite ILIUM SIPS& Thu,. property I'. ellai cvl.ht Arht , Row I t Dr POTTSVILLE. and fronts un theJtallroad, and la 'otliervrlsa.*ell located: e:ht.n LOW and uptin tcruoi orpityment. . - Apply to .1011 N 1.. M Popr, rottsville, „ or, If ENJ. PTT 0,.".=15 t, Vernon Sept Id, 7 O—r-t fl l'hlladrlptda„ , 1 4 - 01{, SALL--TIIE For,r,r)i.viNri . . JIINING, 31ACIIIN,ERY. ' .1. , One Five 1", /II I.4 , iratt4tive:Aultable for , l-rt,olgnage! . road,. 11 - am been used f o r conveying coal and rout' dirt sit theltolto, ult." .ite in got K- 1 order , • •ANci—Twii Ile, ivitind Pumping Ertgloett, 14-inch ryllmter 4 Gel stroke% Nrlllt grttrinit atul holm, and twiiiiri ? , or jump. tro yard,. earls, with I t-Inch pluti-. gr,r4, In feet yttroke.-1111111 two llttA of pool'. so yorA, cult, Iblle IM-.11101, Ito. other 114-1101 plunger, melt 7 " feet stroke:4 . A lbs.-4 hie Witi.litur Kiuflue.l2-Inch cylinder. 4-feet utrokr, drum-rmtri lug. awl hoilers complete.; A ko-- Foner seta ltreaker 2c940-71011 three-ton Slope Wag Alis, heavily Iroutsl for four feet track. . • ' Abio-- Our It; feet Fan and 'tubular holler complete. The:J.ore tuarltift.,ry has 1...e11 fit service, !nit 14 'ln .1.;..1.11 working orileF. 11 Eli.-W. SNY Jan 9.10-2-t f —4 FIRST GLASS COAL FROI'ERTY FOR 11. SALE. • . ~ . • A I:Itt7.AT SACRIFICE.• The sulkerltteneoffer for sale WA party entnpdtjent tryatoitttne the entlrts tnanagetitent, the one-half f o r entire) interestin the Maple" Dale Colliery. looniest near lklalianoy City. Schuylkill County" Penna. - : 'fhb, colliery . running but M toont hit In ISO), %hipped with One breaker and, sent to market, Kam hoot of coal. realizing a profit of fiiaVitiU, and a net profit, of *l3 :au after pay I ii g onnto k IV. 10 DS. Improvements, ..te. Tnis property iv offered for mate mutely In coma, quence of the continue,! 111-health of the principal owner and manager'of the colliery. . . With. tile 'completion of the II immiremenim iii)vi• being nuule. 1:10.0u0 tons r nun in itlth readily lie mined and mil Ippol for lit 'y ~ it bout furtnernx•J }m.0.,. For twitter information; omot,dte..'upply to .JOHN C. SCOTT ..t.SoNs, . - , ?..lt Walnut. St., iltibula, - H - or JON U.ScOTT 4. SONS. • • 7 Ih4ane St., Itommit, net. , i, 71)-11-- .. . • - 31astalellumelts. • VCirt•l3'..k.L.E,. , -. , .1. ; ..1. - • %." . 1 • t 1 - ' l iP It: 1 i - '. ' .= 4 tIVNI.. ....(4111k •••,-__ AA Ann WORTH OP CHINEItY of all bEIieItIPTIO M NS.., 1 ninety borne engine, 20 in. bore,4l ft. Stroke, 19 ft. flywheel;shaft, 1$ in. dlant. • pump shaft 15 in. diam.xl4lt. long; pump wheel ft. distil.' IC in. on the fare, 4 in. pitch; with bobs and connecting rods, has been used to run a 2D in. pump. .1 sixty horse engine. 18 in. bore, 6 ft - stroke..l.9 'fly wheel, with pump wheel, shafts aid all connee-' Lions; 1 drum la ft. diem.. walla Isntiaghtirun shaft 1 large double breaker with XI horseangtne.- _.l 1 sixty horse engine, box bed plate, 11 feet stroke; with ail the pump gearing attached. ninety_borse engine,' inch bore , ; 6 feet stroke.; 1 kletim pump, 14 IS. CYL.3 stroke In. pole, with expansion Jolnis. I set of rheas, cone, gearing, with , pushing trucks and wire rope. - 27 digit ears, Ott in. gauge. ,s , olift earl, 36 in: game; 45 drift ears,' 4.4 in. gauge. large coat cars, Nano • gauge as the V. at 11.. IL. IL. Several large dump trucks. (U) (eel wire rape, different sixes. A lot of blacksmith tools, DAVITS, vixen, bellows, ge. .A lot of second hand belting. carious sites.. xi tang of geeptlil hand T rail. i ow.eond hand in l e thos 1n good order. 210 yils.26 cOIUMn pipe; 100 yity.':.6 in. column pipe; I 39 in: pole pump; 2 16 ip pale pumps. 1 locomotive, 4 delvers. sul table klr Shifting CI" or on an iron ore bank. Aiso , the stosxl work of 2 breakers, blacksmith and carpenter slippy. One Wowing. tub suitable fOr large furnace.,. • 2 ninety horse engines. ' . with bolts and lag. riddity " rings complete. • 1 fifty horse - engine. 1 8 &yd. - hoisting drum. 2 thirty "- ••- . • • 6 -•• 1 twenty.flre " - . 1 3 .• • o. Ltolleni, 34 119. k *lt. I stack ft diax:l6tt 4 " 611. x 2111. stacks 34 In-x3l) ' - 4 ." • 30111.-x 9D It, ° 5 tons splice plates. 10 It 2 . " 21 tri.X It ft. long, • 2 -' ••• 21 in..x 6-ft. Eintotpump stubs. 1 " 12.horhe, tubular. 1 new 12 ft exhausting fait 1 upright tine boiler. 1 " 9 " • " new bollers,3l3n. x3O ft. Lot 014 in. hautboy plpei " 20 in. xl6lll. Pomp Wheels, shafts and 160 y'dx3l in. column pipe. blocks of various sites; 111 ", la in. " " 1 small foot lathe. Fire MO yds. 14 In. ent. pipe, fronts. steam and water with butts and-rings. pipes for boilers of di tfer4 114 yds.,loln. columnalpe eat sizes. constantly on lue " " . " band. 150 tons east scrap. 1 Lot of 4 In. pipes. - a 0 torus wrought strap, 2 121 In. pole pump. sets of breaker rolls. 2 4 -2 18 " . ft. *cr. - Snafu" for • 11 " "•• " = flat chain , -Lot of Eng.i, 1 ' " " "lisb flat chattel, &boat 1506 _ I i4an.urt pump 9 n atnee, feet. ,Lot of imiiiond hand 1111, • and ,lore! sheet Inns. Bonen ot all • alma fttde_ at the shortest, of ettaM. various Indite. — *Way,/ on hand • Plo ll7 og *WM ; 1 10 feet ludatinirldrunt, 10. ant, At the Machinery Menai on Oasi atieet.- • M0r.1.1. 4110-1114( • JAM @A/111,121., 11p1...gootis; flot4ing, &c. MO PRESENT SEASON, We lia;:i:deigned and n:nufactured a large slocit et the' -• 27 0 1-ZTP..S'Is RUDY-MIDI CIMIN 11 , 141i:h we warrant co br. AS - FINE AS CUSTOM. WORK In all iespecis. MM . , . • . . . .. . 1•:i . .. 1,- \ Our . preparations for p. 4 \the - present season .. have, been:famtiie lar- • \ gest and most Jibe- a. --..,,,3 \ral scale,. and - ottr, _ _ • • , .pre s ent stock .is --' . (hate .. \. .. • as stiperiOr to HING , i o. any former .. i TIIIIES oneras.. our Goorrs,.• • . ....- former ones • Finest .in ~ haye been quality, 'ofti t, ' i ' . . superior : 1 , ' the - greatest,' . .). ,to: those I . „variety, and up , l5l. otb i ir • • . 1 to the very latest houses , - fashion Wand style. ,----•' - ' k . • Embracing every, 0 f .4 i .. •• thing essential .to a. • , . gentierrien's toilet and "- - usardrobc. . .. ,! • . ,S • • . '.',.., .• CUSTOM .DEPT. •': ti;,/ . . Goodi of bur own . import - . I taticint-•-tbe newest ,and ' 4,,....0-... . , best fabrics of English, - , . French. - German; and . '".• • .•;',-• ' Home - Manufacture: • The - most. a kifl fu / to7f 4 * 6 , I , • cutter.. inThiladel- -' : v ''• th .l•lg L ,-- - pine. "Ektyle" and ~ • / OILLUS - 44 ' good ,worjomin, / -- ' - • 7. - . - , ship. A - per., . feet tit , : f • Childreo,. Emir- . wp i • ..,' . anieed. with .• Batisfac- 4 4 ,„ • • DEPAMIIm ii - ties in all 'other re. • )..,2daitY new stylei ~ .peas. . - • ' / made up •in the / 4 , ; most elegant man- 1 • /ner, and securing the ,- . ' • 2" '* . i qUalities' of Aurability ..„. „..., . • l a ti n i d e . s, . 41 sintr,ch 4 4 'e.h4Bo . ,d q ieafrotha - ,. •••\,, log. ' *0 , have made \ . gqiecial efforts in ' • -, - . this , department, • \ and ask - special ni o n __,\,:._ , •: \' an d' ;, ..-.._: d o h .'. 010 —, , \Ate, ntion . -to our ...... r \ ,i. tAock. Toren- ' , • - ‘. IP, •, , , •ty-flve styles 80 1, . i '`,, of - littir .. , . • ' 0 VER - Chestnut ~ • , O. ' e - F. ' s\ • `COATS St., - • . , • PIELADELPHiA. , i . ~... . .• • ...._,',;.,..._.L, .•. .1' 1 1 : • 4 1;\ * - * . - ' - PI. INT .F. '3 T _ ,\ -.. _.• • ' - .. , ti o ili :: -It ti ta ta t i \ ~ \ - . ~•!-N- C ar n . • ' By our , system orSoli-ideasuri m ent. easily /understood, we enable customers , to send their orders in such a way as to -- szotinn AS 000 D. PIT as -though •they. eamo t thorcsolves 'our Establish. mint.. • . , • Our, Itntiroved ilr&is for Belf-Neasubi resat, Etampte;,and,Pribet,sent when in. (leaned, suaft - BROMPT ' ATTENTION giveu .to ell , orders, with GNAIWATieII. of •tritiro satisfaction. " , • JOHN WANAI[ASEB, 818 and 820• Citeatiltit'Street, 0e4,..1ii•9'1.;. '69 PLAI N• FA C TS I WORTH "cil DIN G. r ge, well estibhshed and ful busines's 3 ; with an ex c :;)f more Ethan tiVenty rs., enable us to offer ents to all who are become purchasers of no estat i liihment in y; Our garments are f the , best materials, Oeeted; :nothing 'un any imperfect at all,! even in the -s of goods. It is lished fact among t our Ready-Made ever 3 : .. thing that a sUperior gar quailed by any in *iladelphia. 9 ntl is so large t every.bne, can ; without delay. always guaran °wet, than the •We have lent of A succ perien tsfive y: iriiiue about.t t the Octm , alt made earefully sound or is made u lowestgra a wen . e:sta clOtljiers . ,-th . Clothing, iti goes to lila ment, is - - or stc:k or g ooi Our Assortl and N . -arie‘i th be fitted at one Our arcl tc . cd:aS low,' or lowest,. elsewbel also a fine assorl za'Goods 8.04: which will be Mat in the best ma • • priCcs much lo usually. charged • ' made to order. Samples of . , - lists for all kinds 0 ' forwarded - by mail - when requested, w , timis for s( • gannents, or seleeted • Made Stocl .s , press, gu7 rectly. Persons • can when y' , call and fr ' gisi -'' ' ered ol 1 that purpc . ,°' menu can fu*ittim BENNETT & Toper li t 4/4 szs: Araei, Ifiilfimv. Mtc!eile r RfiA mf Sixth PHIL4DA'iiHI.4.4 13,..11142.4m • G. B. Sirrysicn. . . CARPETS CARPI:ITS f, - A FULL A.I44O4TIdMsTT—AboNH Odanat:ifattingi. Druggrls,, Ravi; Wintfor Shack* . Nair Reds. • z *, %1.. G,rB. SNYDER CO:,T 34:Seath - Seetnad St., Philadelphia. • . Warr Arun *cunt; MArttr. • • X. B. If 41. tlbeng discotmt toittmnsbne and Clew Men.- _ , Mud tiastam tor CM Zane= mous of iv nu,. Of' tbe 111 PUILADEiPIIII. Piece,-r up tp order, her ...and at r - than are r garments with -price t any time institc- fl W. F DRESS - PARA DE-rOITE --- .IICI • .: • - TURES. • llAßP,'Shifting fines of toyaljight, ' t7I The bayonets flash firm lines 'Wong, -O'er breasts whose patriot 'Bras burnt bright, That muster pear a tPonsandirdrong. . • With hands untrained - to warlike dee ds, • gut quick to learn the soldiers trade, tier champions when their count nersls,t staunch' freemen eland at Dress ; • :4 • . A shortened, service-shrunken line, • tha soil fraternal blood has drenched. • . Flushed With the victor's crimson wine, • - • With inertialardor still unquenched, Another dawn brings battle storm! Well knuwa each heart, all tindisptayed, - • ' Thereafter many a manly form • more sha itstand at Dress Parade ! ' 111.. • • ; . The tinal, happy victory Won, Fresh garlanded with loyal thanks, . ! gtands a bronzed handful in the sun,- • Itentnsuxt et thrice replenished ranks, For some of pence and home, they change . '• Familiar battle-music, played Where death well knew tue gamut's range,. A lust, glad, peace -crowned Drew; Punic. „ - • . ?'lie la-Nt —till, granted their release From II fe , a hard marches, sharp alarms; ', And won those fields witrruperteet .peure • Comrades!Folds the wer-weary In her arms. ' . when 'heath-the saxglikug sod,. o r Soott or late, we tdi, are laid: • Oh shiningsands, triumphant trisi, We'll- lans# the anal DretiN Parade! ' . . . . ~ . SWEE'I'S of 11:111RIED LI FE.- .. . • .7:: „ • , 4 ,' • I. ,•-‘ 4 - A Ititim;.E, which 'most girls muskier , . . IY,L,the sole aim of their - ai_xistenee and the end of all their anxieties, is often the begin ning of a set of troubles which none ainimg them expect, and whieh, when they come, ' very few accept with the dignity of patience - unthe reasonableness ofitom mon sense: Hith erto the man has been the suitor, the wooer;; it_pas been.his milier to make love, to utter extravagant professions, to talk poetry and romlnce of un entinently unwearable kind, and to swear that,feelings which by the eery nature -of things it is impossible to maintain at.their.presetirstate of fever heat will be as lasting as life, and never know subsidence or diminution. • Anal girls - belieVe all that their lovers tell them. _,Theybelieve in the absorp tion of the'ulijes who:elife in the love which at the moat cannot lie more than it part of his life; they believe that things will go on for ever fervor they hove begun, and that the fi re and fervor of filissiort will never mot down to the more manageable warmth of friend ship. And in this belief, of theirs lies 'the rock on which' not- a few make such pitiful shipwreck of their Married happiness, They expect their, husbands - to remain always lov ers. Not lovers only in the best sense, which 'of course all happy husbands are to the end of time, but lover:koala theold fond, foolish, courting days: They expect a continuance of the "yomance. the poetry, the exaggeration, the petits 'wins ; the - mieroscopic attentions ; the , absorption ' of thought and 'interest,-the centralization of his itappinesa in her society, just as in •the days when she was still to„.=lie won, or, a little . later; when' being' won, she was new in i the wearing. , And as we said Ite - - fore, a wife's first trial, and her greatest ; i'iS *hen her husband begins 4 to - leitve eff.' tiO kind of fervid love-making; and settleiduWit into the tranquil friend instead. It k in the nature ofmost women to4equire continual aasurances, jfiSt wilt Is with ehlk , drew ; and very few believe In, - rove which is not frequently expressed-..- tile the ability re' to trust in the vital warm of an affeetion that has lost Ito early feverishness is the Mark ot a higher'wisdem than most of' them pos sess. 'co make then thoroughiyhappy a man in tist • be always at their 'feet; and they are jealous of everything—even ef his work—that takes him away from them, or gives hint lac -- elision for thought and interest outsrde them ,.elves. They'arelarely able to rise WI the height of married- frientiThip; and :If 'they bclong to a reticent and quiet-going mull—n man who soya "hove you" once for all, and then contents hinlielf-with hiring . a life of loyaltyand:kindness, and not talking about it—they fret at what they call his coldness; and feel thenkelves shorn of half their glory and more than half their dties. They refuse_ tii believe in that-whlehhinot daily repeated ;" 'tiler want the incense of flattery, the excite-. ment •of love-making; and If these deifies are not ministered to by their .husbanda the danger is that they Will get Some one eke to ."understand" them, and feed thesentiment ality Which 'dies of inanition Italie quiet se; .' renity _of home. Moonlights; and a bouquet of the earliest floWers carefully arranged and tenderly presented, and the eltang,ing lights oil ltemountain tops, and the exquisite song of the, nightingale—at two o'clock in 'the niorning—and all the rest rif,those vague and suggestive delights which once made : the: meeting-places of souls, and furnished Occa sion- for delicious ravings, become by time. and use, and the wearing realities of business and the 'crowding pressure of anxieties, pber ile and an noyi ng to the ordinary Englishman, who is not a poet by-nature. ."When all the world was young" by reason of his hwn youth, and the fever of the loVe-making time was on hini, he was quite ns rornantie as 'his wife. But now he is sobering down ; lH'e is fast becoming a very prosaic thing tii him;' ,work is taking the place of pleasure, ombi- . tion of romance ;.he pooh-pooha her fond re membrances of bygone fothes, and preferS li is pipe in_ the .wartu library to a 'station by!the open window, wataing the sunset because it lOoks as itdid on Mat evening, and shiver ing with ineipient-catarrh, 'All thisls very dreadful to fteri - whinen,funfortunatelk for. themselves remaining young andkeeping irobl much longer than 'men do, ' ' I , The first defection of nib's. kind is a•-pang thii young . Wife never forgets; but she has many more, and yermere bitter ones, when the defection ; takes a personal shape, and sonic pretty little attention is carelessly re ceived without- its due reward of loVing thanks. Perhaps some usual form of careers is omitted iu the hurry, of the morniog'S Work, t`ir seine gloomy anticipation- .Of pro fessional tMuble makes him oblivious oilier presence, or, fretted by' pier importunate at tentions, he hurries himself in a book, more to' escape being spoken to than for the' book's own merits. Many a woman has . gone into her own room and had a "good cry" beettuae her husband called her by -her .baptismal name,- and not. by Some alumni hiekname'in vetitedin the days of their folly; or because, preisetfor time, ho hurried nut of the lainse without 'going throb - kit the -established for: mops of leave-taking. .The lover halt merged in the httabond ; security has taken the piece of Wooing ;and the woman does not take kindly - to-the transfortuation. -Someti,mea she' plays a dangerous game, and-tries what flirt= ing with other men' will do. If her seheme depti 'not answer, and her husband is not . Made jealous; She is revoltedt . and holds her selftr . that hirdly-used being, neglected wife. She cannot accept as tecompliment - the quiet trust Wliteh certain cool-headed men of a - loy 7 al kind place in their wives; and his toler ance of her flirting manner—which he takes to be Manner only, with, no.evil In It, and with which,lhough he 'may not especially like it, hee - does not interfere—seems to her in difference rather than *tolerance, Yet the confidence Implied In'tills forbearance is in point of fact a compliment worth all the !pc- Ws wins ever Invented, though This .hearty faith le just the thing which annoys her, and .which - she stigmatizes as neglect. 'lf She were to - go far enough she would find out her mistake. But by that time The would have. gone too far to profit hy her experience. i • Nothing is more annoying than that dis play of affection which some husbands and wives show'to each other in society. • That familiarity or touch, those half-concealed ca-. nases, those absurd names, that prodigality of en dearl ng ,epithets, that devoted attention which they flaunt in the fitee of the public as a kind of challenge to the. world at lorge to come - arill rOriaire their happiness, is al- ways noticed and laughed at ; and Some times more thug laughed at. Yet to some, witmell this paYade of love Is the very es sencealiaarried happiness and - Part a their dearest privileges. They believe themselves' admired and envied, when they are ridiculed end scoffed at; and 4hey -Ithink their hus- . bands are Models for other men' to copy,. when they-are taken Asexamples for all men to avoid. Men who hater any real manliness, liawever,.do notglvein to tlik kind of thing: - tinitigh there are some, as ,effemlnete and . gushing ita women . themseivei, whO like this sloppy effualveness.of loye, and carry it on'into .quite old age„•fondling the. ancient' grandmother with grey 'hair as lavishly as. they had- fendled the .ynutfiftil- bride, and : seeing no want of. harmony in calling 'a withered old dame of sixty ami upwards by' .the pet names by which they had called her when she Was a slip of a girt of eighteen.—: The continuance of love from youth to old age is very hively, very cheering ; but even " John Anderson myln" would Wan its pa thos if Mrs. Anderson- had Ignored the dif .erence.between' the. 'reveal locks and the -nosy tinier. This nublie.displayot familiar affection IS never sweniunong men who pride themselivei on.making• goodloveri ; as ter• min men do-c...thelie who bon *diked the - practice tof love-Making.to an art, le science, and know their lesarin to A Utter... These men are delightful to ' woirieni who like nothing so much as . being .Matler Web), fag. Well atter marriage as before : .' but Wen: who take mallets quietly, and rely i_mt - the gond sense or their Wives to take inattenk - quielly too, sail Armand' these . saiendfle adoreiiiiiior both .detitk`itur uutightew :, And if 'unmet'. r. <, real • ._ ~ kneW . their . ,:hest-liiterests• they. Would care more for truth; truth Scleuee.. . .. :All thal"excess of nattering and petting of -which women "a _ e•fond becomes a bore' to, a: man if requl put -of the dilly habit: of life. Out in. e werld, as he is ; harassed by anxieties. Of-which she knows nothing, home Is emphatically his:plat* of rest, Where his wife is his friend who knows his mind, 'where he. may. tie 'himself -without the_fear Of of and relax the strain that.nuist be kept:tip out of doors- ' *here he may feel , himself safe,. understoed,. and at ease. And sciine women;' and theite,hy no Means the Coldest or the least loaig, are wise enough to understand this' need. of rest in - man's harder and; aeceptiqi the quipt . of secu rity its,_part of the :4) - onditkins of *marriage, content tireniselvelth the -undenionstra tive love info which the fovea , of paatdon. hag subsided. Others 'fret over it,' . and = snake themselves'and their husbands Wretched be cause they cannot bellmk.'iti: that Which - Is. forever paraded before their eyes., Yet what kind of homels — ttlbripturtpui. if he his .to walk as- If on ..egv.shells, ev . Moment afraid otwoimding the " tiesoflsr. woman Who will take nothilig . . _triist,n ' nd' ' who has to be. continually town it , that he : still loves' her befare'she Wilt believe that te)- -- day is as Yesterdays?. Of one thing she may: be eertaini no . wife . Whit: understands w . - • Islite best kind of tintfriage demands the conthittal attentions, which, voluntary offers ings.of the lover, become enfOrced -tribut e from the husband. i She knows that as a wife whom' it is not neeesfsary to court or natter,' .she has a nobler piece than that which Is pk ,, . pressed by the attentions : paid to a mistress. Wifeluxal, Like all. - assured "`conditions, does . not need to be buttressed up ;..but a legit cer tain 'Position - Must ' lie. Supported' from the optside, andiui inwcure selflespeetran un-. Ceiba tiltold iti;in tist be perpetually strength - -,_ coed unit reassured.. Women who cannot llyohappily without Whig made love to . • - more like - misstresses than wives, antliadme , but badly off in the great )4.ruggles' of life: andthe cruel handling of time. Placing uili , their happiness hilhings.which eitunoteon-_ - dune,. they let slip. that.which lies in . their hands,'and their.desire to retain the roman tic position or le ers lose •the sweet security of wiyes. Perhaps, if they had higher alms to lik than those , with which they make shift to satisfy, thenisel vett, they. viotild not let theniseiveiSink to the level of this folly, and would Understand better.lhan s they tlo uOw he wciait of realities as eontmsted with appeallatieerg7:- And Yet we cannot but pity. the nobr, \Orki,,Jeraving . souls whO long_so pitiftill ror . he - freshness of the Morning' tor contin :. • *-) tit t h e d ay and , evening, who . .•• -4 'cling ) .; , ..1 : ously to the lieeting . roMance of - youth .4; ley are taken-by theglitter of things—lm*inakin ,, among the rest;, and the man who is shoWlest it . hiis.affection, who mu- express it. with Most colours and paint it, : so: to speak,l'iyith 'the Minutest tquehes, is the man whkee love seeMs to them the' mosttrustworthy and. the most intense. They often. utak° . the inistaketifeonfaunding this show With .the substance, of trusting to ;pictorial e.xpresslourather than to solid facts.. lAnd they often . make the mistake of cloying /their It usbands- with „personal half-childish lesresses which*ere alt very. Well In the ear ly;days, butwhiehhecome tiresome as time' goes- on -and the gravity; of life deepens.- 7 - And then;,..when ..the "Man either quietly keeps them MT or ' more bruNUely repels them, they are hurt • and - miserable, and think the whole' happiness of -their lives is • dead, and all that makep marriage beautiful at an end. What is to be done to balance -things evenly . In this unequal world of 'sex ? What, indeed, is to be done.at Any time to reconcile strength with weakness, and to give each its due. Olie thing ,at least is sure. ..The more thoroughly 'women letirn.the true nature of men, the fewermistakes they . will .make, and 'the Ims , unhappiness they will create fot themlielYet ;.. and the more patient men are with the, hysterical ekeitalillity,the restless'eraving, which nature, for some pur pose at present'unknOwn; has made-the spes eial , temperament of . Wolnen;. the feWOr lemmea inconaprisca there-will be in married hothes, and the larger the chance of married 'happiness. All one's theories 'of domestic life come down'at. last to. the give and take system, to hearingand forbearing,:and meet ing half way idiosyncrasies which one does not . personally share. " London Saturday. • . - ' - • TIOW 'T . DRATITS OF ',ORRMA.:c:' tiOLDTiITIS ‘• ARR. s ANNOTiNctI). • . . . • 1131.1ZAIKT.H . 111::SS . EN sends to the I_lJ 1..0Nn0 . I:LatEs 'a 'few 'translations of the notifications irmtted by , 9errnau, families ri hearing of the killing , . of their •relativeil the war: - • "On .the 16th .of this month. (nil-tendert,* • loved -husband And 'son-in-law,- Alexander, Count of Gitisseewskiolted the death ef a hero for king :and his cinintry ut Mars-ht-Tour. He was firstrieutenant in the Third WestPhalian infantry regiment. This welterebyannoUnce sorrowfully -to ,all 'friends and relations— Cinuftess Denin, of bilusieewski,nce, Lied ke, yV Illiatit Litike and wife." • "On thelittit of thiS month our beloved anti precioni - son tind.brother, Wilhelm Iliedsleek; • died the death'of, Otero for kilitrand coun try. Ifefelliit the. battle of Mars-la-Tour, beside - hiseoznpanionS,.recviving a ball in'the head while storming the position °tithe enc.... my, in his thirtieth year. He remained un wounded in the campaigns of 1864 and .1866. Now 'God has demanded thia treinendottsfak critic° front us: .Altlitigh in the, deOest sorrow, we bow inhumility under His alb powerful hand.. Air who' knew him'who has "keen called home will understand our ethic- Hon, and not, deny Us their silent sympathy. He was the model of a good - son, brother and friend.—L. Hiedsieck, Pastor, his father, &e. Heepen, Angrtst.3o." ' ' "Death It - as demanded a Sacrifice from our, circle alSo. We itearthat our beloved friend: and colleague, the: engineer and lieutenant, of lAtildwehr in-the 09th regiment of infanl. try, f-rariz in - the battle of Grave lotte on the 18th Instant: . His excellent character ninkv.4 us feel his loss, douhly, and his memory will be a - dear anti lasting one fci the engineers of the Cologne litimpany. for building machines." "WhOever can give. any information as to the fate of Joiopti Christi:mum, 'of the first Infantry reginient of Nassau, who has-wound ed at Wterth";-.4lentreatett to for Ward to 'Di rector Christmana, at Dusseldorf.!!!* - "In oat , deep and inpxpressible sorrow we givetiotica Le our deaf ' relation§ friends, and acquaintances that it has pleased Almighty Gott to call away our dear youngest, beloved,. and hopeful sons'Rudotph and Oswald; offi cers in - the Think, 'Westphalian regiment of infantry,. in the- Sower of their, age. They both died.on the 16th Itieti, in the battle of Mars-la-Tour, the death of , heroes. for 'king and country. Rudolph wasstruek by a ball while storming the Position of the enemy at, the head'of his company, at the moment" he was calling to %Is mew ; Worwa{d; my children!! . who was . : taking an order to the first-line of shooters, was killed - in the set:,-.V.--Aralutaiitihis.wifelit Wetz 7 lar." • --. • "The regiment , of the FinftNassau infantry . fulfills a painful duty Iti OHM:Miming the loss of Lleutentuit Schultz, - Knight of the Iron Crcs, who fell at Weissenburg.—Bivouac Floring, Sept. 2." ' . - "On the 14th. of. August Hugo' 'von Hasse receivetl a severe wound at the battle of Metz, from the' effects of which re died at the hospital of Ara:sur-Moselle. He died the death of a hero, for his king and - country with the assurance of having fought,in. a just cause. All who knew the yotingdepart ed Mr, and the -pride .aud joy his afflicted . parents had in him, auf understandthisdeep sorrow. He won many hearts-by - hie loving ways and excellent character, and.a loving remembrance of him will always remain.— This death Is annodheed by his friends." • "Our excellent ; - flever-to.be4orgetten,sOii; , August Namur, having, followed t'lle` - eitlrof hits king,:fouml.his death at the bloody bat , tie of Metz ou the 14th last. .He .gave. his life for the•honor and saving of his country, and died the glorious deathof a hero at the youthful'age of 21. For the loss is a-bad and heavy one, for with him all our bright- . est hopes are borne.to the grave.7--Bberhardt Nausz and leamilY." - - "At the battle of Rezonville, on the 18th; our precious son, brother, and On-in-law, Henry, Baron ,of Bruntfert; died the aetith of a hero.' Helelrwhile glorying In hissasig ty,• heledlitt men • on to the Storming of the Village Bste Marie. The_joy'of our life lies buried with him.--•-• The ISor Miring Mother. and Sisteri." • "While hopeful but in dretnlful suspense we heard of thedenth of ournever-to-be-for gotten beloved son, Louis Baring. Re was torn' from_ us while istoriang the heights of the 6pie.heren7hill,! in "his 19th year. : 4The Family Baring:" - TALE nos. T. HuattEsi, At. P., while at Cornell,joitied the boys In sesame of- foot-' ball, of *Wei he te'ver fond , and: the saw. delfts etuuse,Eeriseci, y- teriseci his leo endihis -kteltlng BB Prixligks*."- • . A's Iridiaba farmer 'via.: ostoridly . reused that a railroad wouldn't, priy:lll43 for cow , Ott Brae over,. but thotiwao nco reason Ito should -tear up_s itO anAegineer . a , Ond - firedilui. • - • = • -: SINGLE COPIES SIX__6ENTS: IrIENERAL SCIFENCH.I3PANVABB, • if ever a party had itite9n to holrotid- , of a leader-in a politleal canvass, the.' Ateptibil-: elms of the Third district :have seat2ott ' ty b6,~ proud of the 'gallant mintier end Schenck bore .'himself during the cam paign which 'has just closed: 'Much was expected Of him, because it was apparentihit , the work to be done in addressi_n g thepeopfe of the district must be Amon/Wished mainly • by his own efforts. General Schenck is not , the man who shrinks from • either laborer reapenaibility,and In accepting the namiva, Ron he assumed the labor which it Imposed-- lie conductedconducted the canvass -with a spirit and energy of which b ut . feW men are capable, ' ,and with an ability and 'zeal which ht rarely: equalled. His prominent piiiition lo connec tion With,,all the Important legislation of Congress, especially in riTani to the tariff . and Internal revenue, afforded his unierupu- . : 10 - us opponents abundant - material for_lhe exercise of their peculiar vocation of slender and falsehood...-To neet:tiiiii deftuction i and tefitte the calumnies which were persisteritly ' uttered, required constant and uuretnitted • effortsi- Speech:l% to till appolutmetits, made ' for Republican 'meetings, and debates with hisupponeots' occupied ' nearly every day of the canvabi, and. in some instaneee lie filled _two appointments :ln a single dat. There Was no labor too hard ; no etlert too great Air hn. A holder, More vigtirous and laborious -• nvass could not have been made anywhere •:'elqr,any speaker. .. 'lie 'met all assaults upon Cengresslonataction with- an ability and power which coOld net.he excelled. With' such, a candidate andliguch a canvass .theirepublieans ()fake fl'hird district deserved sikemia, in spite of the mountains of false hood Which ware piled - up by the llemocratic . 'spOakers and ',opera day after da.' Th a e Deniocnits with their fore ig n emissar y iesnd I.,free4Mtle_ money, their lies and defamation 1 .- every kind, wade the ificist' of the infa ions material, and thus reached the : result they aimed al—boy/on VEB. Bar • me l ?S .R tt l :l7 T or E ks ßP a ß te l-. ?t l. o — n A ceto b e erected in elticaigo ou a plunntid under Mat- _. pices—bOth• of expetience Mid capital—which render their 4.tueetws a certainty:. They are to, be built by the Union Rolling pany of Chicago. Of this elm:many, Mr. 11 'Stone, President of - the Cleveland Rollink . Company, is - President ; and ltwElettre-.T -tory is Mr Wm. ,Chisholm; a son-.of Chisholm, Yle*-President and General- Su perintendent of the Cleveland Rolling Mill 1 Company, under whoist immediate supervt slum. dar;.by day, the manufacture otthe Betoemer)steel has there been put on *airi en tlrely s ful basis. Mr. • Wm. Chisholm, . - . t.tdileattitllrom an early age In the practiml, i ,,..; school ill j Willoll his rather Wit ',nester. Is an - expert in every • process of iron and steel •'l:' , manufacture.- The Union Rolling Mlll Coro? pany of Chicago ' otlius•staitti wi th certain- knowledge of all that relates-10 successful =•• steelinanufacture—wliat material to new -the exact process; the precise' cost 'of materials and process; the best plan . of• buildinicanit -process; in one ward, the enterprise-liens out with-every element of the problematical and . the expert= entail eliminated. fl -• • • The Company, in. view of thus important new branch of their business, and still others in contemplation, have recently added largely - to. their tract on the South Brancli-of the Chicago river, - increasing lt - to eleven aert:s.. The_plans are completed, 'and . the 'erection will at once begin of a Itessetner steel works building—brick; iron anti Slate' roof, caul- • pletely lire-proof, I.soxlr4 4 Teet—at a cost of $50,000. It is expected Iv begin with • the ' manufacture of fifty tons of ingot steel' per day, the capacity of the werk"S admitting its ' increase tine hundred tons.' The works wilt be ready for oPeration early the coining ' spring.—Chicago r 1 1 1 - 14:_CHINESE LAN(ICAGE was °tie _L. witip - - :Its images Feemue gradually words, modified. in a variety ..of ways', changed,; compounded and so abbre viated that all raseinhlantv with the object was lost. The spoken langtiage is t he.,Poomt hi the world,'while the writtenis the tichest. There are.four principal dialects and a nll-) thuds of local varieties,. sub-dlalecti, patolii; Jargons.. The difficulties of the Chinese are many. -it hese multitude-of characters' the gnat:matteal 'relation bet Ween the..Vorila is omitted,. the reader being, obliged to: -supply, it ;. and It forms,-In short, a sort of-,ageboaltail • languSge, thus affording a 41peqlei of:excel lent Men tid. gy mnastics.' The.ChlueSe Intotia tions . form an tuter&thrg and - important .portion of, the language,. and by means-of them all misunderstandifigii were avoided. I.'rof. Becht*, who is a Prefeybor at Cornell • university, describes the 214-radicals,. the phonetic.systen4 the Kuwen and K-Oan-hoa,' edutoq, Fu-Kiting, Shanghai and other dia lects, and gives useful. hints - to the leaino. The final question, ."How long will take Chinese?" Is niet by the ProWssor by a quotation from... Confucius, given first' 111 Chinese and then thus: "'There are persons who are -unable to leetunpliali anything. 'lt Is becatese - .they :are lacking earnestness, energy and patience. But they should pbrseverel ppoplentiquire one hundred days to do the..wolk which others dii In one! And for what Is done by other's in ten days, they would need at least tine thousand!" • rrHE bEECIITRAI)E.,,One of the trades Carried on in :the Landes,: south of Bor dean x; in. - Frani*, •is that of 'Propagating leeches in the ineres nearthe hay. Formerly the .citstom_ was , to, use miserable worn-out Merges ;- bid thise poor animals were found by' the proplor to wear: out too soon—the `veins opened- y . the the ,leeches did not. heal ;• and,se the life s bits* could-not be renewed. 'Now, the cow has to di) duty as nurse to the young annelides. Frightened, haggard, but resigned, the animal submits with s stupid kind of astonishment to the attacks of clus ters o( leeches hangingon Its legs; and when the moment: of utter exhau stion • comes she Is sent os - to her, pastures to• ' , renew life, and. furnish a fresh 'repast. Two weeks suffice for t each process, . ' alternately [carried on, un ,death puts an ;end to being eaten in de tail.. ;The owner of about- eight acres of marsh supplies yearly two hundred cows for the nourishment of eight hundred thousand leeches; he - buys the animal for hbout tw Pounds,'atvr.sells the carcass for -sixteen . shillingsl_Mie ass, is sometimes employed, but it ..jarves to • be less resigned - than the nuire - phtlent cow; it kicks, rances, - , and tries to Bite ; and when at len gth it t f In t O- . -the Water under the storm-tt its null3erouti enemtes, it becomes mad with terror. That •thlt 'Culture of leeches forMs an important branch 'of trade to the inhabitants of the Bay • Aroachon; may be believed when it is known that a million and a half of leeches annu ally. exported from Bordeaux. .. • THE STATE FlNANCEil—The_monthly re-' ports_now published by the Sinking Fund Comautissioners afford frequent opportunity fin 'the public to see for themselyes the Com monwealth's financial condition. „ - . The statement published on the sth instant shows that dnring last mouth $109,0513.00 of the bonds (gibe State were redeemed and paid, and - that" since the 30th of November bust, the whole amount redeemed btthe State us $1,570,151.08. a . - This is truly a gratifying exhibit and proves, if further proof were‘n , the advantage in having Republican utile Os at therheW of affairs. - • In referring to this subject the State Jour nal says it 'further appears, ;on examination of the subject, that since the 30th of Norm ber,,lB64, the semi-annual interest on the debt' has, at all times, been . promptly met, and that the handsome sum of $8;141,144.87 has been .paid on the' principal, thus - 'reduc ing the balance of the debt to $311,238,389.27 'on the 80th of September^ 1 t. This grand result will more clearly ap ..irywhen stated thin; : - amount of State debt. Nov. 20, 1011 - " • " " depL 1070 07 05 . 339 27 amount paid ;dnee Not. 141,214 CT This . Tesult cannot be other than satisfac tory' to every patriot and tax-payer in the State, and the more when ills remembered , that the Democratic party, dbring their long , mismanagement of ,our State finances, had Wed upon us a . debi of over ,840.900Assh terentikthree, ritillions of which was over-due, rind no provision made for its payment. ORIGIN' OF ?HE Pion the French Poet, tells ait „thit Hymen was a exyoung man at Athens, obscurely hut tremely handsome. Falling in hire with ' a lady of rank,he disguised blown' In fe• maletittlre, the better to canyon, tiliamosE; and; as he was one day on thetegothete brating the Eletidniascrlereyeltniter mistreat , and her tennile'ecunpanionsin gguigpirates, MUM 'upon `them by - au fin d. oarrieu them Gift° adistamt wherethe_pircies got ihnith'for rs.and. asioeP• nimeu , theiterined the wiwitis,"And dispatched digt'' . dePl4' sdrates ; when , leaving the two.' winnen upon-the -Wand,- he sped to Athens, told: his adventure„ and. den 41111 1 44 bis be loved in:marriage sa , her isusons.:_,ille re 'quest wassgrentegit sad so Tortninateerili;the SluribiKthattika tuune,of Hymen wan ever after invoked !skull Mere nuptlals • and in • ebt , tinier. the Greeks . e —,llollded I** El CI EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers