FORTY-SIXTH YEAR ' • IC. UMW; Wrier should gentlemen niake hay? . 'V hen they are •Itass w.hiolrerii &canine." Ut•n train was, late two hours Saturday, .and the only Denson I can .give for:.`if Is the prolific tentlenCy of the_cow catcher haVing calf. - , . , ONE - of onr neighbors had a mule,eommit suieidel)y hanging himself by-a -rope tied :round tits neek the other' night, - and by an. vat t noti) kit, it i 3 the olthstory over, pointment love."- • • A LADY taking a music lesson.the °titer dti!„ - ;'eunie to the twdlettersoften usediti Mu sic, D. CI, m. !ming to return to . tbe begin , Ong and D,C. When asked -the „meaning, replied Before . • .A Clncus,coming in town tne other day my little niece Was taken up town to see the pro cession, in which was displayed six' elands. On 'her return tasked her what she had-seen • and she told nue she had-seen "six tows mit the deceit bend," ("grecian bead.") Tit Eta: was intense excitement in Eliza beth, New Jersey, tyre other day, over the discovery of ,an apparent plot to destroy the, town. -In the-pocket ofwmatiad been arrested for drunkenneS's ---- ts ound h letter from a person in New York, who informed the arrested party that he '!might expect him stain, and .'the first think he shoUld do upott his arrival would be-to - bloW up Elizabeth:'! It- was discovered, - subsequently, that the writer referred to..bis wife. E hear of an Old lady in New Haven Wnu was robbed 'of all - her spoons by bur= "Mars, and who went to the detectives about t. fibe:foldthem.that she would riot attempt to I nterfere with the reward which was stored up in heavep. for the tinder by of him mono. Whether she secured sPoons not we do not. know.; but if the deteetivesof New Haven are at all like ours, she didn't:— As far as our detectives are concerned, it Ina& he said that "Heaven is not their Alt)1111 ' • IZE . _ 4 .A MIinCIAIY old elememan in -a neighbor ing town - it; very absent-minded, and has a short memory. It is a common habit, with ' liiin in the pulpit to fOrget ,something,.and t hen, -after sitting.,,down, to rise again and be gin his supplemeCtuty remarks with the ex pression, , •'.133 - - th way ." • A few Sundays ago hogot half-w , y, through a prayer. When lie hesitated, forgot What he was about, and .. ; , at down abruptly Without ... doling. In• a ,minute •of two lie . rose, and, pointing his rordinger ~at the amazed- congregation, lie S aud' ; "Olt! by the wav—Amen.' • 7>f , ON the first of. last : July a mail int WU aingtou: agreed to give his wife ten 'dollars a xveck for pin-money, provided she maintain ed comparative silence: ,It was arranged that one cent was to be deducted for each superfluous word tittered. Three months have elapsed, and now tdat woman owes her husband enough mouey to : pay the .national debt. of England :And the Hite& Sitates; to pay the expenses oT the French war, to buy th't whole State of PelaWare, and to leave a :i balance over sufficient to supply every, can in the Pacific Ocean with a succulent :Ind juicy Missionary ! She has taken the ' of the bankrupt law. ; . •. .MlS:ild"RI youth has been fearfully per: sci.uted by a married woman who loves him 144 distractiOTh She has followed him every-i where, and his parents Inistled oft' per- Thi Kansasd'aeiti ‘ c road the other day; . but before the train 'had gone.ten miles the .wo man lairst thnitigh the door of the sm oking ear. awl flung heraims about the young man's neck: lie i now making arrangements for the puri!ha4e of a burglar-proof, safe - with a eliptic cambinatiow lock. -When. he it lie.hitends to go inside, -shut the door, hire a man. to dtimp the whole_ concern into the middle of the river.. He thinks-thls will beat that - woman bid. we don't. We will accept lints that before he begins to feel -at home down the:re,the infattuited i being will seulling outliiArlitiat and scoopongUrountl, "vet the 'bottom with aim' yster-rake and a - dnig-ilet, - or else-bursting him loose • . • 'AT the l'uti - eral 'or a - mum man in Camden, nue time since, the iir iminary service at the dwelling:of:Um pae •of the deceased %tyre eunducted by a veuera •lergynaln.— A tter a most pithetic anti eloquent address, which provoked sobs from everybody in the parlor, the minister inquired if there was preAmt. "any fric:nd of the deceased, who would like to say 4 few words - upon this so 1 •7 (mil occasion :"! jlefore anyone could reply, a strange man cline forward. and remarked that while be w4shed to express the deepest • :did most heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved 'relatives•and fricntiS of the corpse,' he could not too deeply impress. upon their minds that the ways of Providence are institute-. Ide, and - that; instead of tipining at what appeared now to be a great :affliction, it would 11# Jimre in accordance with the high: . est religious principles to retleet upon the myrtles that were yet vouchsafed touS. : this connection the wished to call the atteu lion- of the•company to a linit-rate artich— • of /lair Vigor, of which he was the sole agent ftir the state of New Jersey. It was Nrar , rant A -purely Vegetable amt to• contain no. deleterious substitutes. The corpse had.used it to great ,advantage for many yearS, and he •• would lie happy to'havethe bereaved . friends • of the deceased fall in line and pass around ,the eolith, so as ,to , examine _ the luxuriant ."head,of haiewhielt the el,3.rpse bud in conse • :unetici• of •using the Vigor. Hair grown un der Ihe intliter.ce of the Vigor would'hist for • years even in the' cold and silent. grave. He . would especially recommend ita use to the undertaker, whose . head, he was sorry to 'pereeive, was painfully , bald. Shake- the bottle, and rub well with a stiff brush.— There was some other vigor displayed im rnii'diately after the cloSe of the man's re- _ _ ... . marks. •It eltaracterized the efforts of the multi - taker . and four. ; inourneri, who trans, planted the Vigor:Man from the entry to the middle of.tlic street hi a sudden manner. : • :re • , • : - The sidiscriber is now pfepaned to bu • Steam Engine*, Palms, Coal Itreakerk and , Drift Cars.' Alt hinds otEastinga and , forgtnge made to order. Especial Wen LS=4 thin paid to the manufacture of " 41 "..- • wheels. JOHN CATHE ,„ " 4 . 4 " Shenandoah City, Jan. I, '7(l-4 • - • , . votng - DRy AND MACHINNNHOP, STEAM CAB FACTORY „3C. The subscriber would call attention to the anterior facilities possessed by cr =. him for thewarions branches of Steam • •-- Engink building, Iron Founding, and t the manufacturing of all kinds of ma eldnery for Rolling Mills, Blast Pinnaces, Railroad Cars. Se., d.e. He will also continue the business of mining and selling the celebrated Line 'Forest White Ash Coal. being the sole proprietor of this colliery.; Sep.!, 'ES-1-111.1Jan.1,"1365v GM. W. SNYDER. pOTTBVILLE BOLLING MILL. ATEINS BROTHERS. Pioarthrroxs, PotbniUP. gchitylklll County. ra., • Manufacturers of Railroad Iron (both •' - T and Street Rails) are prtlpared eel ve and ezecu t e orders at sbort notice, , roo for any and all the ordinntyydses In use. • • Making our own pig metal, we are • Laa. , ••• -- - careful to select suitable ores; buyers• can therefore rely uPon receiving in all cases first class rails. The smaller sizes T Rails, 2!, 21, IX, f 2, and 40 pounds to the yard, always on hand, and supplied in small lots as wanted. Jan. 1, '7ll—ly (- KOPiTieff Millis the Tubtle that he has ne-phrehm.sed the . SOAP AND CANDLE -FACTORYI;• coiner of Second and High Streets, Pottsville, lately owned by E. C. Seidl ,t Co.. which he r. Konitsch) established le Ml 4. The new grin will b e C . F : }c op _ ltacti le Son. bah try a manufacture all kinds ot Soaps and• Can, iii The patronage of Storekeepers and the public In general Is resweCully solicited. July 2,':a.-27-1y WJJ...LIA.M. L. DAVIS, • Practical Plumber and Gas -fitter; , Ni.. POTTSVILI . . . Having thii business over Pi yearaln Phil ailelphla, give", him unu 'mat favintlest for deriving aAh, „ .upnlies (room nest class bowies, .!a'• Particular !euthai paid to country woit .. March Al, '7O ly GXORGE iIiTARTZ, AfaCELITECT, , . No. ::'ll MAI:1::ET STRKKT, INITSVILLE. Inventor of ..the self-dumping cages, and 00081 brenl,fers half the usual licigid, saving thereby a great amount of timber In a large breaker. <The self-dumping cages are-nit' slopes and othafte.wlth or without door to car. awl with .water apparatus attached to dispense, with pumps. It self-dumps one be two.sturies, and hoists one, two iir_ three cars at the same time. .Thr :vlvertiNer will plan, superlnt..thl or contract o volinzyy Impruvetr.ents kind& Mare!'ly cAVE 7 YOIIR MONEY - .F, BY SAVING YOUR LEATHER! Mil UM EDE EMU IMO 116119 ('. S. 1.'4 )STElt's, C. S. FtiSTEICS, t'. S. roSTEWS, * • 'C. S. FusTElrs, Witter Pro , , f or;rs4 foul J,efither Preserrattee. Inferior qualities of Leather ititule impervrous to water. Old Leather made soft and •pliable, with !color renewed more lasting ,than other of its kind in market, and applicable to all kinds of leather;, 31Iners will lima it the best article they ever tised. toitroteet.t heir Itoots , r Shoes from Sulphur Water. Fur sate, Wholesale or. retail, by CLEMENT L. FO'sTi , lit, Ashland, Pa., ' And In Pottr,ville by Might & 4'0., Fox J.: Brother, .D•sse Foster, Thomas Fo , ter,* . and - F. L. Fotiter.• May ?4, tI9-22-tf. . • • • . . _......-:- TF. WHITNEY, , _., . - • - .a -f • -13ANKE11, legl 0 or , , 57., •/!,,itevime, /b., • r,ekr:En IN t • '' :ULD Sit I.V Mt: FimElw; EN ITEO STATES AND I TITER LIONTIS 'MONEY. RECEIVED ON DEVOslr-t-E4TEREST alhowedms s 1101 . in I agri • Vllle STOCKS and tioNIK4 bought n.l ~01.1 at the New York and Phllad,lphia It,,ai l•t of Itr..ltErs at the wand entomb:slop. • Jan I, 0 heithiunic. _ fARDWARE (,$)••• v.. 5 Fr i ( N - Oics '%.'c'PAiNrtB • `-'2/I's — LA SP, N•kc -k , • MEI IRON ! IRON ! IRON! AND 43TERL. At M\ ER d: '111731%.1, No: 151 Centre Street CALL AT *YEA dr, SCRUM'S liardwanlez/htore, No. 211 Centre St.. to buy -heap Garden flakeViptides,Shoveim-, Corn and Gar den /Inca of all k tugs,' • SCALES ! SCALS ! SCALES ! Of nll kinds:and the best in the market, at MT ER Sc SCII UM'S, Agents, N0.:51 Centre street, Pottsville T.44F t . E •NOT/CE-! BUME/p_ MECHANICS , At Id TER: fi SCilt34.'S can be bought cheap Build- Hardware of all kinds, viz: l'aints, Oils, Glass, 'einem ; Plaster; I , lllmAler . Tops and Flues; ' Also, Terra Cotta Pipe of all sizes: • :'...‘tarch 12, '7l.s MI I) ADD OW78 : NEW MAY _ OF THE ANTHRACITE COAT. REGION • Tlds Map is.the latesfpillilisbed of the Anthracite rind Regions of l'ennsylvatila. li•differs In many re , pectil from other maps publisbed; - because it gives the formation and alto a representation of tilt.? Coal togetber with the location of all the collieries hr t he Anthracite Coal Itegiona; , &c.,.&c. Price on Hollers - 11`.2 tit ' - fn case for locket' I yt- In sheets . • —• • 125 • Du on Muslin 17. Do do dissecual • 2 sto '• Those In pocket form will esent free' by.tuall udt receipt of the above prices. reit sale at IJANNAN a. RAMSEY'S Bookstore, Potelinde. COAL SHIPPER AND DEALERS READY RECKONER ,for computsitig pounds, net an& {MM, tow from fire emu to eight &tiara, simple and noeurate 'with amounts carried out. Sent - free -of postage enclosing ss 50: . Shipper of Coal,. 311% Walnut fit., Kept ,70-3111-1 m• , . CRYSTAL' SPECTACLES.--,No article of this kind ever took so s ja illi ta" .oli d a hold upon public favor. Thole CRYSTALB are truly R blemag nto those who are not blessed with Rte.' eyeA., and they have been so prononneed by thoiekandh who have Used them. For sale by JoSEPII. DU RR, Optician, ` 04255 Centre St. July 16, • . NDIA:I4 'POWDER MILLB"."—AII ' , orders' for' the above PoW DER can be left, as'ule office, VS Centre gireet A - with ROBERT B.:BEAT/1'; or with WALLACE r *EM.. Vie Pennsy National Bauk,Mul w i l lbe promptly attended-to.lvania June 2. 115-104721—ft-tt YHOMAB - WREN & CO. IxrHITS AND sotrisrn TEXTRIitAt TRY itm Gams and •Sweet Breath obtained by' maklng pie of Preparpa at HU G HES• Apothe mrrp; Na 151 Ceistre `'STEFEE*BON-EI&PETY Lajzt-pit:_Ati sorne Collieries nre damp to ve ryjnreratent, and he common Davy Lamn ia not conautered safe, we have p rocure d a pt. orthe mtepheneonfiatety Lamp% which cantata a circular glee* tube Inald,e et the wire gauze. This Lamp from recent experiments made ulsEngland, hverrnsidered the 'unfeett Llimp in use;and I.lnow extenstrely used ID all the mostfleryollietiot - in England. .For sale wholesale and retell: - The CLA:Nprtr %LAMP, the WAVY•• LAMP, and Hatay Lamps of alt the moat apprered patterns "'made of inspected G overnment wire, bY the Single dozen or hundred. - , • These Lamps are all manufactured to our own • order, and we use now but mite ofthe N a uru pre ,, rtbed by the Ni tt,b Government for safety. • -attitudes constantly att hand' totnitt lamps to ral use, so that we Can Vi-pIY any pemoturwt e raui r -to rephutelatizeti tbot, ebeen. Worn out, tisane for melt ths yard:et plece,:wholeasle or ret a il . ; /Address, LIASNAN & AMSEY; '468 4 f.:esztos Street, Pottsville, pa. , I 3t . oist - 4,forks.. .'• 0 SEE & olFtuaTxair, Machinists, .Founders Cr Builders. Pinegrove, Scfiuylkiil County, Pa. . , az- Dom gAin , PEP* nest oii end, and Drift car Wheels a - speciality., .A.l2g. 13, "10,93.43 m. i' - •I;OI.7CESTER MON No GLOIICES .TER CITY, N. J.—Orrice., No. 4. North Sev :oath St., west aide, Purf.ArartrutA, manufacturer of CAST IRON GAS and WATER PIPEM, ( - fiat Iron Flange Pumping, Heating and Steam Pipes, Stop Valves for Water or Gas. all sires. Fire (Plugs, Hy drants, Lamp Pasts, Ow Holders„Telesoople or Sin gle. Qtstings and Wrought irrin Work, all kinds, for Gas Works. All Pipes proved by: Hydrostatic . Pressure. April 16, '7O-164y t: p lONZER CAB WOBKB • JOSEPH DELANEY, Paora Limn -.42l;tasui, &huylk ll Cbstary, l r. . Haying enlarged his far shop, is now prepared to ' buildiall kinds of Cats for mining purposes. Being a practeal mechanic and baring for Team devoted himself entirely to this ?tip!, branch of the baldness, and building o yLf=4 COAL BREAKER/3. Also. the patentee t rr , • a two celebrated - pelf-Dumping Cars. •••••• which can be seen working at the wor of Messrs,. 13ancroft, Lewis d Co., awl Patterson, 12tringham & CO.. Ash land, and at Messrs. H. A. Moodie & Preston Collieries, Girardvllle. Coal Breakers built at the stuntestuotlee. Orders solicited. April-4'70-114y JOSNplf DELANKT TO COAL OPERATORS AND MINERS PIONEER BOILER WORKS: . The' subscribers respectfully invite the attent km of the business commu nity to their Boller Works. on Railroad •tt . . . .. - St.; below the Passenger Depot, Potts- .".t.r. r ,-;•• • ville.w here they are prepared to man-' •ufacture ' BOILERS OF EVERY DE4CRIPTION, Smoke Stacks, Air Stacks, 13Lnitt Pip64,._Oaptiacters Drift ecirst, the., Boilers Onlttnd. Being practical mechanics, and having for years devoted themselves entirely to this brunch of the business, flatter themselves that work done at their .establishment will give satisfaction to all who may favor them with U call. Individuals and Companies will find It greatly to their advantage to eatititie their work before engaging elsewhere. • ,• JOHN - T; NOBLE, Jan. I, ORCHARD - IRON WORKS,. POTTSN'ILLE, • The subscribers are prepared to fur nish STEAM ENGINES and all kinds etr: or m ACHINERN and CASTINGS . for , Minim, Blast 4 urtiekces and Rolling Mills, and hay full assortment of the •' most approved tatternu for VERTICUI.• MIEI, EN. GIN.E.I.,'SQ EEZElttidi EA ILK, ING MACH IN and all otkerlttachlncry :Tired In the manufacture of Railroad Iron and liars The following Steam Engines are now ott It d and .ready for delivery: 1" - .. • • • • . 1-F:rig'e is In cyl,4Sinst'ke!2 Eng's 12 fully': IS ins '.'ke 1 " 24 I " 15 •"' 1 " 14 " .".• 24 " " • 11 " 12 " " 1 " 12 " " r ‘ " ," -12 " 6N " (1-" " • The above Engineft dre all new, and built upon the most approved principles, antics') Ate' seen althe wnrks of the subscribers, Also, a full hssortmeut of Pickering & Davikkliteant Engine Governors .on hand, whichhave . glven universal untisfset . Sept. 1. - POTTtlt AtiTl E.. • WASHINGTON:IEO;W woutp, NOTlCE.—The'works Of the - late grin of Wren Brother, known as the "WASHINGTON IRON WORKS," located on coal Street, in he :Borough of Pottsville, tilt be eon - r ued by the subscriber hall Its t „ . O trfpl ;RR brancliett, viz: Steant.hingine build g, and all kinds of machittery for min ug either coal-or ore ; blast furnaces Of hot or cold lust; a MG uds of railroad castings and rat Iroad ear fix tares of wrought and cast Iron ; nil Itinds of brasseiedings; - all klndsOf smithwori:, nodal! sixes or the hstest•lfn proved pumps, single and double acting.' Repairing promptly attended to anti neatly executed. By careful attentlon'.to business the: subscribes trusts he will - receives share of the public paln . .mage eM liberally bestowed on the late firm. • Jan. - JAMES WREN. A ISHLAiID IRON WORKS. • e . • :The subscribers are now fully _pre- ; • pared to.furnish, at the Ashland Iron Works, ' &newt' Engines and Pumps ...... • of any power and :capacity, for min ? jjj alb - ing sad other purposes. Coal Break ers bf every size -and- pattern now in use; to-, gether with castings and forging% of every . descrip tion.. Coal and Drift cars of-all sizes and. patterns, large Truck and Horie Cars, all furnished ar — the shortest notice. The subscribers-fatter themselves that, inasmOchi as. every member of the -firm is a practical' mechanic„.they will be able to furnish machinery that will compare favorably-with any In the Region. All ordersallreided to J. k-H. tiAnNeit, Ashland, Schuyik 11 !County, Pa., will rem-Iva. promtd attention. • •• J. 4; M.. (JAEN Ell 7 Asfilitild, Jan. 1, 'lll-1-. EA .GLE IRON WON:N.B. , HENRY WATERS, Proprietor, ' TAMAQUA, SCHU . TLMI,L UOLICTY, PA. ifavintteniarged his foundry,and ma- :• chineahoK at the Eagle Iron,Works, Tamaqua, ' , and. thus very materially art •—•• Increased their capacity for t urulng out N , •„• • • _work in his line of business, he is now -LLA•!. $ prepared :to make Steam Engines and Pumps of uny power and capacity, for. mines; Machinery for Breakers, Rolling and other : mills, and' for Fur naces; all kinds of castings and .forgings, &c., An experience of many years In the business. with the facilities which these works now possess, enable the proprietor to turn out the very Best and most satisfactory work. All orders addressed HF.NRY WALTERS, Eagle Iron Works, Tamaqua, lic.huylkill Cbunty, receive prompt attention. dune THE PALO 'ALTO. IRON WORICEi,, Are prepared to furnish T RAILROAD I 11.0N— `weighing from' al to• TO pounds per yard—STREET AlLS,frozn IM to BStpounds per yard, to suit either' or horse cars or loco- i s m motive?, All these' rails are of •the • ' •••• LATE:4 AND MOST; APPRI /A' ED 1 T it• - • PATTERNS. Also, a geherd assort.-' Merit - of MERCII A RAIL IRON, Itounds, Flats, Squares. Oval, * 'llalt ttotoid and Grooved: 111)1)1' AND BAND IRON, ;CAR AXIM4_, RAILROAD CHAIRS, PL.A•TEI -AND- HOOKSPIK KS; for rails. ROLLS matte of the best brands of cold blast ehareoal• Iron, ready fur use, either. fdr T rails, street rails or 'bar iron. Also, all kinds., of CASTINGS FOIL ROLLING MILLS. 'We also An e attention to our DI FEEItENT PATTERNS OF MI EA RS, for cutting old milk poddled iron, REND. HAY' °OD. Proprietor: , 'fidke eor. second and Market Sts., rot tsv Jan, . !•••• • • • CRAB. H. HARaisoig, ' • - No:1:G'; 31.111 K -ET STREET PIIILAI)ELP . GiNEUAL )LOE:CT.. . HOW 'mo • o. I PSO • NS 41 x D„ , AT ' "-- 421 VT..!* +Pk The SCALE made ,under these patents differ from all others, completely doing away with all long levers, check rods, and friction ori.the knife edges, thereby insuring an accurate. sensillVe and durable seine. ti. B.—bendlor illustrate&Cstalogne, Also, Agent for,,Weston's Patent Befferentlal rully Block. - August id. '170,41-lint mos. r...43313443:1 = I'o COAL DE/LABS. GAS COMPANIES, - - The understaned having succeeded Foeht.& War ren to. the sole manufacture of Focht'a Celebrated Patent • SELF, DUMPING, lorwriNo SCOQP BUCK ITN, MCI rItON 110I.STI-NG for unlivling Coal, Oro,. fie manufaet IRON CARS, EIM IRON BOX, IiVUXELBARBOWS Are prepared to nil all orders with promptness end dispatch. I.oTlCE.—Being the Sore owners. of the Patent Right for the Self-Dumping, Hoisting, iicoop thicket and Dock Block: we caution all persons against man. /securing or purchasing the tame from any except ourselves or our agents, as we will , prosecute. to the utmost limit any Infringement on the Letters ' ' • espectfully. Patent' R ADDISON & WARREN, Reading.-K. Februnik 6, IS - ryEDERICK'S COAL' .4.1 CHINE. OISTING MA l'uteuted April 1 16E2. Or_ _ -- --, ---,- - I op, 4 itsiTliecuriber mini and the per •fectsauspkiiongiveng, lorilicuumredestalogme coutainingsises, mins andteettmonmul Nun parties usin them; also containing MIL* list at our Wood Hack.ron Cars, Iron Tubs and searroses, Doc& Kid Blocks, &c.l-also containing much informa tion useful to Coat merchants. t . P. K. - DEDERICK & Co.. Albany AgriculturalAXachlne Works, Altemy, I.Jan-.:-... I, ' 6 9-10•Stm-ly. .` 1 /!ew York. , . • ~+A~ . ~~ ME EES I=9 -- THE MINERS' ;TbIJA- Vusiniss' S.M. MO TIMER. us c&N - TRE BT., POTTeILI.E. lIA'TS, CAPS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS, ...In, UMBRELLAS. Sept 11,, '7O . 3c Sm BANK CABTEB,_ E • . NGINEER. SURVEYOR. and REAL ESTATE AGM; T, OtElce--fillverTernme,yott;rville, July-9.'7943-11 - H ARRIS BROTHERS. - 'IL ENGIICEERH, Mining Engineering, Collie Maps for Inspertnee. Office, Railroad Imeatlon an Cqnstruction. Topo graphical Surveys awl all oth.r professional work executed promptly, and'nn re. .noble terms. Office—Centre Street, Pottsil . San, I, '7O-1 - H"111: PLEABANTI3, ' ,-4 • CIVIL AND AIf,ING ENOINkER. ; Surveys and Inspects Colliern ,and examlineaMini. era' Lands. OFFlit ' nan's iillildittg... Jan I,'o-1 Centrett..opli ite Episcopal churciL V trim INSPECTOII: dEointoic:: orr e r s 1,0 I.V I Fervlmi as Mine Inspector rind to Report on -conditiOn, capacity and value of trines ; also to sell lands on coravalssion.. 011ice-- . -lbalt.svllie, ra.„ ' M 1 PW. &REAPER, POT&NILLE. PA.. . tate of the Pennsylvania State Geological Stir vey; explores lands, mines, ETILAUCH & COCHRAN,- CIVIL and MistNn ENGISIERB; and DKAuGrrmsF.N. Pi, Centre St., Jan 1, ":0-1-1y Pottsville, tun stairs.) M ilabe - Abvertistilituts. BOBLISISON I GO. t".• I {Bl3ofrilOot to W:4l. Xi/tiger.) . • 1 lot • • sOthastfadurers and Purl:idlers of ' MlLlT4llllT;Cliciert. Soctsrr. Tlllt&ThicAL fr'LA • - BANICKSIS, HAM M% &c.; • N . h Third Street, Philadeiphts. Dece ber 1. „ _ , S. :041 ADZI.I4 . • e ''s - As INSTITUT No. liNorth Ninth St... ye Iltarket. C. EVERETT'S Truss -411: ittlflyettrealluptutes.ebeapTrusses, pp . tt Bei* z Moss, Suorter's mulde Su Pensoel File Bandages. Lad Si lees att end by E. July 16.:70-341x OaLts NOUTLI 8 )EPEr. I CO ND STREILT, above Cli =MI ri . .. , er. 111LADELPHIA.. , wit openid, with • large and well selectedlr: or Foreign and Dotuestle Carpeting*. oft ii;yles and onilities. Also. (iii motto.. .:- Inge. D rutte ta,Ru lE gs. Ilats,ritair itad•Ac.. W., lof wit he will , sell very cheap furl 7 sett: 17.7(1-33--Entr33ins i tl .I.BTE ARD DKTY,Ist Igor' at 453 South street: I)fit with Ttioa. D3evy. ilas *toe 'chol, Mat, ac. , cos , XV ,11 6 1,A a n LEATHEa r i D eill'okt i r'lTDlN RS J. 4 e ' No. sts N. dist.. below Poplar, Phlla ' clelph . Spanish. Slang!' r and Hamby& Sole Skirting Oil( Bic Ins,l 'Spilt& Brain and Buff rpper. Morocco, Bindings, Llnin , Cut-Leather. A gengral aiSort ruent dt shoe Fi idings and Uppers. We manntacz r lure Salta Kips nd Upper Leather expressly for ?JANEo...s"riu. JE. Is. elan' Foot, Tanners and Cod Liver irls. I .1:. N. WALKER, Sept 7.-!;11.-..14T3tai " IL 31. CRAWFORD. --.--- UURNITURE WARE:3OOMB. No. taliFAl; I' LOW HI I,L 14. .. PIIII.APELPHIA. i 11ELIESTNa & OPKINS. Designers and Slanufa6 Wrens LK Fine binet Ware, keep on hand A large assortnient OfWalnut and Cottage Furniture, Hair. 4.lusk.nnd the l'ovn Wire Spring ILattrasa. Goods :to be sent ai_a d stance-will lye parked In a secure ' inaulitlN,W - at 1 - and sell for CaStl, and in so doing 'are enahleit-ni! rnleh supericir goods at the lowest ,tates pi woct tftr: a /Mktg a call. Sept: 17, '70.4:4-ly lEM 4virsinftst. Cu t.. O .., • 112.4.11PA•1550:15FG. , - • • ' • lag th e Pitasa con, - - 1 . . 1 onausaurgawnings tosi4 1, ' Palm ibe much ea ZO lbs. of 1,-.1. /0 and wear lowa% Ti part irlV^. &Adm.. 8.80W0...5wy, N.1:50 LVT LEAI4 'North 4thl34.:PhillalL ------- • • llv , .S L . .er IS *Ma . Lazie. 14, T. !NITII . V)-11 ELIE .IVSEPit. WALTON A-. 11.-r MAxir, s, No 113 Walnut St., Philadelphia.. .tatiltslit era is 4' me of the Warta : In Philo:- t, nod long experience and superloefa we Are liztparea to fornholl g ood work at 'able 'lnnufnet :furnitu More a' niers, I , Otileem a 'ALTON ( tir 1 d.'lphl cillitle prleell of fart Coil Itanhoi ..10. S% 1,41).1 re fine furniture, and ago medium !of impertor quidltk. A tome nto,k aVSOI/ hand. 'II.j<WXN Made to order. Work and °nice Furnitudi: for id .Stores, made n) order. I=MMEM writE rontx, • L v tr Cloth for clean ING; WIRE GUARDS, fur ~tire tortes. de., Heavy- crimped Wire ng ores, eoql, de : Heavy Screen Cloth/1 and Cordltiereens. Wire Webbing rid Sheep and p_t.o!try yaricts. Paver Makers ' Wlrew. firass and Iron Wire clott Sieves, Pulnted'Sereens, ornutneni :ll WI ta Work. Every Informat UM by cohlressing the in nufaetitrrrs, M. WALK ER ..1; ...iONS, . N(. 11 North tth street, l'hijadelplila. ' 7-ly r " - . F'ebll2, "10 - - 1 18 70-. D 4. tiOODS AT TIIOIINLEY'..4 WhY we Pell ist Cheap: Light Expenses! Larz,vc Raelnei.s! Clue4 of i'urehasea l: P n Pose Personal Alien on ! ; A Life- gExperlende! (Over 17 ,ylais on Spring thirden Street.) e W offer this S EASON 8, mos? Sriden - nrn STOCK ov G )one, embracing every Abney of - Shawls, Ilrese Goode; thanketaand guilts, Ca..el nieria4 a d Linens, . . • Kid • „-. Gloves, • Corsets, Skirts': .le. JOSEP.II H. HORN.LEY,"&Iate Tliornley .1: Chismi . N. E. eor. 81 and Aprl ng Garden Ste., ?blinds. ' Rept 17, . vu I L T BIR 0E R ' B 'PLANORING EX 'I. V TRACT warranted equal to any made. Are prepared from he ritUrra. . ..4 A k you r _ G hat, or hruggist for Witib,rger's Ertrurts it AHLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is. Without. doubt, the best art icleln th e market . ) It will rotor more water than. our tint s the alum. weight of Indigo. The only itennine I that put op at. A ;ACM' Wiltherger's_ Drug Store: Wiltiairget's and Barlow's naine'on la bels ; all nthe eon tterfeit. For sale by moat Gr.". rers and Driagg sts. WittmusitumeslNaEt.tnct.: INK Will be found a superior article. Always on hand lg . reasonable prß•es. ''Purr Ground spli-m4, GelltlilW - .Me.rteines,Clialnols Sk Ins, Taptoett, Sago, and all uri tieles In the Drlte line, at - - . 7- •s. ALFII.4II WILTIIF.IttIEtn; I trap; - Dare, . •-• No. T.rv: Si:, lob i •adelph ia, ' June 4, ''."o . ' . 2.:-tai • AN lEt 2 KARCHER. . . . • T. .. . rIJRNI T U R E WAREROOMS,. '236 :LIFO 2311 South Second titTeet, . • lc ; PII.4LADIMPIIIA: ' . -• Tilt- tinders% ed having greatly loci ellKt . ti fad tide. 111 &tit` add 1 t 11)i . of the. large four. story. building ad joining his fort ter ter plaee'ot badness, offers great ID, al dtleeinelitli to I puribasers of furniture to give hint a cull. lie is ormffilent of being able bi pleam!'ail who:may layoff hint with their custom, und his ex perience of .twipity years in business Is - st guarantee of his ability M turn out the best orwork. He per sonally supervises hi, large workshops. and any ar tl,dd noton 154 ,1 watt be made toord..r at the low, st - tenets. A larg' shad: of all kinds of FITICCITURE coreitently on 14 :stud. . L. AI. ICAlhniElt. s.Jj,t 9, '1,9 . ~ , 7-lyclw - .... . . Ip,o_oo' iIetIIARA.NTEE. t:el:l.EAlri...xitells all other Lead .! . st. For IlUniivaled Whiteness, . 2d. For its l'nequaled inn-ability. ' . 1 kl: For it. Uniairpasi.ed COVerhkg Property.; Lastly for I eEeonomy. • , . . .. costs less to paint Wild' Back Lend than any IlerTlitte Id :f.a lid extant, , Thenie weight t . Tiverg its: urface, IS more Durable:and makes Whin', irk. . - . IitICK.L ‘ll is the. Cheapen and Pest $I ,000 GUARANTEE., MCFC / 4.114 C Excels an other Macs. tat. For Its nectualed Durability. .. 2d. For - t Ehrivaled Whlten&N. . • 13d. 'For Itstirneurpassed Covering Property, taetly,-for 11.9 Great Economy, lug thet.3llV Handecnuest, and most 61111141e bite Paint in the world.' . N T Y ONLYDUCK:LEAD AND BUCK 1 ! ZINC; . .. , TIr";IT AND BE CONVINCED. !Nip/et/on. l th ?garytidc.l/ NI r Aftenecf(teturcr, \ 1 .., Br(' C COTTAG4I CoLOIIS,,-- BEE . . I're4n."l expressly for painting. i ingot, Out,latiltllmrs of every d escription, fenec:, .. Thirty-tl& i dlirerent enters. 'Durable, tlilip, miform Lind' •• nticul Sliml64. - . sSaanple cltrt , ent by mall 11.41esired. Ilainlers'Ord4rs will be promptly 4.xecuted by the Mutt facturent. • • . • ..- • . FRENt'll, ItlCHAltit-: ,t. CO.. W. (*or. Tet I lintel Markel Pa reels, I'M hulelphi. 'to 22, '7O. ' - 4-ly. Stotite, ilangts, stc. .ANDREWS; HARRISON as CO., LOW-DOWN ORATES A I•APECIALITY, ISInCL Jvi.p.t , tul; and Nickel PluteJ:. TII ;EST IN TILE eitr. • miNui-m - -eurtEß.4 t Of ate: (s),ltinertia/ WrougAi Iron Air-Tight LT It N A( . ; .. ES A: (WIRING-RANGES, FOVU SIZES 1))*. EACH . IMPILuVEI) STE.X.3I4tEATINO APPARATUS . • - F.r puha- and Prietdejtoildings 1:127 and 1:t5) Market Street.• PHILADELPHIA. • • f•43tal for Illustrated Circular. Sept 10,'70 t • • :17-3nt - - S AMUEL cultism AN, JUSTICE:Or THE PEACE. 1. ) Real Estate .A;reilt, and 1 Icenseil. Auctioneer. No. I MAIJA:C a rON4:O IST., 'oTrsvELLE, PA. f.l,pecial attention given loft i btisinevilil tile above branches. Having a large experience. satisfaction And tirs.nptnes.s guarantee& Onllections especially solicited and will receive liatinedlate attention. Jan. 1. '7O-1 - . . . ,;)1151111311CC: " ODFREY'S ACIE.NCY Oftloe,'No. 2;•Mahrntongo Ser,;et, • • ~.. - , Where INSWitANCE TO AN\ AMOENT. rata he elfeete,d bi thi...hio , d rolla.ble Comp:lnk, in the land, inickhante'of whleh tare the .141,4, viz: • - - . . . -- ,.. ASSETS. North American .1 Philmfelph la - ••'5_,1117,1106 Franklin, " 3,0t0,000 Hume, of New Yi,rk........:.... ............ .....t . 4,5764.135 York FarinerW. 3in i nal ......... ....... 9(0,907 , 'no Andes, of Cincinnati. ' • - • pino,lol. Willition.port.,4 if l'enn-yiN unlit ' c: 10.5,1)00 Lan - easter, e•- " 2.>3,607; • i • Me illove namedf'mnpailles ire :VI of the most' prompt. i±., pay losers aini . lionorablis in a.ljustingl claims. . T. A. (nifiltEY. i . . . . • Pottsville, Augtrit '7O -31-3ni .'; - - D ELAWARE 'MUTUAL • LIFE INSURA-NCEICO wiumiN444.4,4N - .37 -f4,II.AWAUE , .P. Nic - i44R,:Pres!dent . • M. M....CHILD, Secretary. - BR A,N CIT F N. W. coll.Nillt AND•cilL.Nrst,r sritEErs Philadelphia 6E(. W. STONE, Viec:pre-I‘l,-nt, Mantiger GEO. F. TUIt.NER, Get Agent astid-Attorney. .PUR ELY • u - TrA L Low A I - I Noit-Forfeiting igter 0n.•41,11neu,1 pay ment. Every ace )1/11110dat lon r . hnainte•iit o itti surety , eurttuteed to PoriTy Hollers. • Books eontalning full Inform:Won 4 - .Meerning the plans and rules Of the Company sent fre.•On apptiva ion to the Itrauch (Mee. - Aw'ls 'Wanted throephoul thi M 47 4 1 - MU: N.'u Jr) vio.y. REFErti.:NrE4 (by _permif.,lon)—Hou:. E. \V. Gilpin, 'tAilefJm , tlee state of Delaware; Hnn. Thrw. K. hay ard., C S. Senator. from Delaware; "Rt. Rev. Alfred Dee , . Bishop of Delaware; Gen. Henry du null, Pow der . Mauut" r; lion. Goy. Stiuttiriary, Cloy. Stute - of Del.: 11w Preiddents of all the Minkel iii the I y Wilmington 7 "lion:Valent fix.; :NI:Ivor City of July OLD AND TRIED. INCORPORATED,IBSI,. MI:TrA r..' BER6tiHLRE LIFE MATRA NCE fO.; PITTSFII.I,I) ; NIASS • TIIO3rAS: P. P . I.FS:K E l'T. Presiariit. - t ' JAM ES' FRANers,,Vtet. Pt 49. iti 411 t. . .. ''.- • , - B. CHrK.ERINt.i, Si.wretary all.l Tr,,,tic.-r. J. 1... tiItEENE, .4o.lntaut : , 4.,•: . etary. 'lion:Forfeiture or all Palleles Guaratiteltl'bir l• . • - " Law. .. In ea,r any prr•tillum h. ~ S ; 11,,1 pall *hen du e . the I polio• not 101 l .IN:4V; liat the lioliler 'retuning In-, sure I for the fun unoupt, tunas tu• premium alrfarly paid :m,l un'eurn •tl Is..rxhau.te./ by the eu.f of lusur un,•4.• at tin.llll fan.. ,_. . 1 ..... , .. i ' • ,Example at the Ago of-43.- -,-- , • . , One A linal rash Prendum on an nrdinary Life Policy will vont !!l U ' the insurimce. for,Two „Years aiul o; Days froint he Hue the policy wanissuedi, Or one V.Var and after the Second Annual Pre rnium Due. Should the 'second web:l,MM not be paid, and-the insured die within one year And tki days alter non-pavinent, the full anniutri• Ref the policy wouldbe_pniti,less only the premium ihiie num&l. The larger the number of prethittnis paid, the linger will the Insurance continue, in cane of non-pay silent of premium. ;e• • The lierh.hire , Llfe insurance Company has paid, under this laW Six Claims, which in "Coin pan ies Of other States would have been worthies,: and is now continuing the - Insurance on• over 400 polleies on which the Inilders have•been.. unuble to ,pay . .p/ Iniunt._ The last claim Paid under this non-forfeltiut , . plan was that urn number who insured a few years singe for , In 11123 he tidied to pny Idsaantral pre miums,: in'Jantiary last, one. year and five months afterwards, he died. TM-Corm:my has, paid to- the widow the full amoimt ; 3.:,• - ,41.4 less only': overiltie payments and interest. , • • Errfti 31.....t0 , r1.1.Yeriri:.v ere/ / 11.1;/x b oro oimo 1 l - paid for. .. . .ALL i'lt./1"ITS Diylllll.:l)..tilQ.Nli TIIT: PoI.ICY 1101 ii . AN. - .l:l*A I. C.i.slt DI V I-DF:NDS. - :-. . ECVNGINILICAi M.l NA1a , ..11 ENT Careful ,eieetion of lives. •kar.• Investments. i (;:00.1 Agents and - Solivit•ms Want e4I ' F4,l* Intotniate:4l, apply at the home Ilint.l., -. Or to W. I-1,, ttenernl Agent, 'i S. W. eor.IELEVE.:irit and l'IlE-aNu I' 5T: , .., ..i. - 4PIIILA DELPit lA. - -' Oct IG, V) .- ' l3-1y I . NION btierNAity, NEW BERLIN. UNION CO.* P.4..-1-The West Term will commence Our.' f lath. The at Mop of parents and guardians Ls re quested to Up advantages IL affords. Full corps of Teachers. We, course of Instruction embraces the 'Latin, GreelflFre,nch Alla German Languages; 74.1',- themat les. Nattuml Sciences. Music,' Painting, Draw.- litg. Sc. Terntts moderate. For catalogues tuldress i ll. DENLINGEIL, New Berlin, .or -I, • .. lTnlon. Co.; Pa. Sept 21,V70- 10 LOOMS = ILTRO STATE N ORDEAL SCHOOL J-PANn LITE t ARV & COMMERCIAL. INSTITUTE. 'The Faculty of thht Instituthin aim to he very tho rough In theld !pat ruatien. and to look carefully after the Wallner; testi It and morals of the stnilenta. Apply form logo" to TIE'S RY CARVER; A. M., Oct 14,.'70-4I- y . . QI7PEBIO JOrders left Street, will • • !day 2), '81) PAM/LY COAL always on hand. t the Office of M. HILL, 180 Centre promptlyottenaled to. MI eIIECS. - D tikA.MLESI3 BA.GB.—The Wsr i en.. 4.1 of the °may Prison has - a :arge assort. - t-ot of superior CI eck and Setuniess Bays on hand, Attie MINERS' B TS AND SHOES, which he offers for sale, at the n. at low prices, for cash ." - highest cash prices d for Carpet Rags. .• • _ June 3D, ' - " - ISAAC WATtn. . I • k --- x MARIE & CO., T • - - Successor to H. B. CP.WSSETT, ' NANO FAcTritthis oF. ALL SIIAPFS OF . . No. 1 FIRE BRICK ITtor Furnaees. Rolling Mills.: -Forges, Steel Works, • Lime Kiln% Cupola Furnaces. BLOCKS and ' TILES, for Blast Furnaces, Gas World, Mal- - leable Ir tn Works, Baker's Ovens, Green Houses, Stove Heater and Range ' 1.101 Cylinders. fac. .. of every description to order. i ll re Clay , 14tolin, Fire Sand, Fire Cement, in Bulk. oeliarreL I ' FACTORIES. ' south of Woodbridge Creek, N. 3.. and Peekskill: - N, Y. P. O. Address, Perth Atnboy. N.. 1., or Peeks kill, N. Y. ... - April 23,10-17-17 1 'BRIGS- ''ALLEY RAILROAD COM'ic. ime Table isbowing connectlonso, f the I-, V. B. Co. with 1 of the Phtla. a Reading R. R. CO. - to a N n .e d p fro ot m tsvi :11Ie and , Inter . tn l ell s. lit t t7 ll l l nts be t een Read' and Pottsville: ' . ._ .• •, - Reedits ..... ..... .. . ; ... ..-_ 7.21 le* , , East na. juinGun ....... ...- 8.3.5 1L Arrive at Eas n • .„....._ 9.1.5 1.:40 " New York ~, 12.15 ..- SAO '. cf . . - .IC P. Al. .. . ' Itr.TUENING. Leave New Y‘ rk ...... -.-.... ...... . ' Easton. :- ......... Fasit.Pect.'Jtnetlon ....- Readi ... ... , ..... -.._... A !vast Pot . ill; ;. __ i _ ORTON RE 10.40 12.3 P. 10. I 2.40 450 417 10.00 . P. X. 12.00 4.* 6.ILE P. It. ar- -.r. K. !med 2.4s iate ad id 1100 P. M. d and la.M P. M. ./ Hngions and fur ve Ponsville,s.4in H. SAYRE. and Engineer. Iy an 3 tIPOS. Wn , l le. w. J. NEW PATENT SCANT LAN MIOULDBRILELCIEandCKESTAIIP PONIZILIinos under the IMES. - Peebet corn het mod benehtieteresteed. le North Net*math EL below Amu. musketr*.. Thaw. eamossero, Eliattelgtooktsym en:genes. de lady attendant. , July la. 70 1111.-17 gtgat „ • VSTATE OF 'ELIZA. OLIVER, DECEAB .U... ED.- . -Leiterx :of Adm Inlst ration upon the above estate havlnir been granted to the undersigned. all persona !wielded to the utxtve.estnte are re,luesksl t nutke payment.and those having elaltosor demands to present the Without delay to JAMES C. OLIVRIt, Adrolnirstrat - oi l . Sept t)1,'70-Igi-Gt -.Pot lsviile. Pa. • f tilET° llAle undersignedhaia - Ist rotor de . bards non or Henry lati.keisbill. late or the - Townslil ti - Of Washington, deceased.. Not lee is liereny given to all Indebted to the said estate to make payment. and those having elal ins against tke same W presettt.thern for - settlement to JOHN et/N.lHr'. Anminlstrator, de bunts non, oet K. it)-41-44 • •1 . otirt#. - • i • THE. CO-PARTNERSHIP beretaferee:xlmtlna 1 between U}e undersigned Stiatta ok I n and Ph it adelPt,ll,l.l...!lLth 4 . 10.: ... d I moire 1 Iff !tin n t 1i01444N MMITH_ THWIAti ' J. lIARPEft TIIO NI AS e. KESP:: , , , JAMES A! 110KG1INElt., r t 10117,1 It. B011(IIINE:1‘ 7 . f3rpt ,7J-1.!-Q„ NOTICE XHHEREBY GIVEN itut,t am. nrin or ran Hulbert .1: Co.. has 'this • day been dissolved by mutual 'consent. The entire interesit or. E. W. Conklin - it .t twin purchased by H. Holbert, who will continuo the Hootr,,l4tatlonery, Wall Paper. Window rthade, and Printing business at the old ritand, No. Et:Centre street, Ashland. Pa. All account*. or the bile area of entitling; Holbert & will be settled by 11. Holbert. _ . E. W. CONKLING ‘k CO, H. lIOLISEHT.. Ashland, Oct. I, 11170 O MANUFACTURERS AND USERS OF I 'Steam Engines: sr., in Schuylkill County— TAKE ISOTICF., that "I have sold to ALLISON * TIANNAN_ I of Port Varia) ,a n I uterest In imy PATENT. STEAM P ISTON and have given them the entire control of It is said County. with power to collect all moneys due or to become due thereof far the manu facture and nasal' the 'unite: • ' DAVID CLARK. lfarleton: Pa., Jan. I.•*as—ltf T • E CO-1 3 AE.TNERSHIP- heretofore ex ist Ing under tbo firm name of WELD. INIAGLE. & lu New. York and Philadelphia, and - WELD. SHER WIN & CO.; In Boston, is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. :.The accounts Of the old firm will be settled up and the business Continued' by the new firm of WELD, RICE & CO. 4:tEO. H. WELD, < . EDWARD SHERWIN, 11. W. NAGLE, . JR. Tint UNDERSIGNED have this day formed - O Al CO-PARTNERSHIP for the purpose of carry ing on a General Wholeealephipping and Commis sion Coal Business; ,uttile - r the style of' WELD. RICE & at • Waintit PlIIl,Nlelphla• 11l Broadway, • New ]Yuri: ;II Doane Ht., Boston,, ' • I (1 1 0 E Ff\ l ' 1 2 t A Au g 3), 14.411. I J HRACE no wL.Azi N o Tr icz . , . Wedaseverelly hereby notify cacti and every coal mine operator, °whet'. or agent, working operat ng any cod' mine or oolliery within the Iltults of our several Mining districts to furnish us at our re spective 'offices, full- and intelligent mans of their coal mines an a scale of 100 feet to theitich, thereof, and to distinetly trace out the course of the different Splits or air salt is at the: Hone circulating or carried through the mines frosn its downca,t to its upeast , quid to 14 outcast, and also, to intelligently mark each aitytate, runaway„ , , erusabeadlng.„. dog.hole, breast, grove pillar , battery, tunnel, gangway,late ral,•lift, leve l. and other objects of interest In the mines; the •dliltrent seams worked or abandoned, and aimes where : water may be lodged • or darned 111;lpr were the mine truly bean are, or other danger. outoplaces may be ; whether working or abandoned, and the locution of gamy, It evolved ; • the thietenees of Outing dates and rock, together with the'sitna m Bons of di buildings On the property, or nuly becon Ugh/us to the od-crops of coal veins; road croasings, streams, creeks, t:lmads; an ther mutterers' spe r -cialinterestehowin the support left for the perma nent:security bf objects of interest, as maybe, deemed necessary . for the security of persons and - property, ant also to describe the modes of to Lion, and safety road. for men and animals to esoalpe by In ease of aeoldents. .Such maps or. ( re to pa made and tarnished on or before the tint of.lann toy. A. D.' 1$71; its required by the Act Gencr t s Asaembly, apPtaved the dal , of March, D. MIL An Act for the health and safety of persons employ ed in Coed mints. FRANK 11C1111FIZZElt, Inspector of firstrlistrict comprising all •the collieries sotith of Brusaillonn-. fain, and east of the West West Branch of the* Schuylkill Ulcer, In Schttylk ill t,b, Headquarter" lir Pottsviller. JOHN FaxEuNotiAlt. inspeefor 'of second Air trigs. comprisift - nil the 'embalm north of Broad Idountaln,-tattylictil CO.. With all thceollieries in tkdattibis Co.. and New heat Joins}: Head quarters at As h l andOn.lichlt/Iklil'em' • DAVID'EDMUNDS, - limpeetor of third Warta, eamprialarall the aontaries lit Northumberlandread- Dauphin eanittlea, and all the aothertea_ adhay-I. kill tbanty,srags of th e West wee% -11nusels or e'th Behttriklll Dam In Behayllklllaninty with Abe Helthasteln eolDesteit.: Ileadignatteurao3l,llMatin la Northumberland County. - Oet '7l) • ; - • • ot- . . • , a. • - Mining 4c. - xi'OTlClE.—Nlanninettirerm and users, of Steiun •11 Pumps, are hereby cautioned against the man-. Picture, sale, or nee of any Pumps. that-are an in fringement on Allison's Patent, dated September 24, ISC, as they will be prosecuted be the Mil eztent of the law. I have already cotimieiited suit against several par ' ties, and will prosecute nil other n fri tigers: • Port /:arbor, April 8/Isits, ' AMASON. Parties in want of Pump:semi be supplied at reason 'bid prices by the undersigned: ALLISON* BANNAPt; Franklin run Works i 'Port carbon„ 141. • Jan. 1.10 - ix DCOT% SECTIONAL WROUGHT .IRON ' . SAFETY „BOILERS,. .. . •, ROOTS IMPROVED' TRUNK ENGINES, andleuesry, Portable sad 14srlie. • • Double Piston Square Hoisting Engines, Hoist.. ing Machinery fOr Coat Shifts,. Sloping, ' Grist Mills, Stores, dm., dm. . One of these Holsters can ( he seen 1 ousting daily : st HILL & 11A 111US' Colliery, Mahoney C ity, l's,- ... • . —• PARTICULAR ATTENTION' Is INVITED TO the Holster, which has no espial. No deed .putula —havind- two pistons its one cylinder, either eud of. which Is taping full steam when- the other -Is passing cent any rewires no frictlon.straps,elut ..‘4l or brakes of kind, Started, reversed or Atopp,air Instantly, and at any point of revolution. by the Simple movement of a Angle lever, Moving nO keys, gibet, bet serewi, or other 66.045t:561e porta, abler' In other holsters require the knowledge and constant June of an experlenetid engineer, can be put In the hands of the moat inexperienced persons. All fps 'working Pasts are enclosed in the owl of re cylinder and a thus protected from 1 1:1.altage, the e ff ects - of shut, dirt,- and rust or weather. Its extreme light.. .tress, compactness and rapid speed „highly eon/Mend 'lt for this. use. Orders reccivestforthenUtifutnetorer . by the undeandgasid. wheal!! Mao furnish descriptive InfOrmati pries lists, draw trepiosstistuites, and other, • -'::.' NATHANIEL GARRET, linhaney CRY', Pa. ' • 4.II:CHURCH, Ihussllle. Pa. 'War. 111. allt-43- •- • • -i• • - 1.4. -• r; . . .. . - • ......._ A f ... -...1V. -..-.. .7 . .=" 7, TR ,, ( CHOR - 1.111111:, , Or ; ANSA.TLAISTIC EITZAMSIIIPIL fielween New York, tlhuS i bw A s ullionskl7. al Llverp ooo lxQueenstown oud Ibunburs,. "•• itsnuclus RATIN OF PASSAGS.—VOr !' K s. awe sweets by this cofnenodlons, coliabsetable'suid popular line of .stesinsblps. between tbe, Untied Staten and Europe, of Cull Information lb reward' to -rataßtpioarkete.. applrinpersonor tir nuin to Agent . Cunt. . 11 . - _ No,'ZSCentre /Street, Pottstmet April 2, '70.11-3ns .1 lilatclies nub ,cluttru. („ZOLID SILVER AND SILVER 'PLATED Ware of every tic•cllption and laleht , a;.o), Imitable for Bridal Gilts, Testintonials, lb did ir kentk. Prices lower than t ite regular ntaritct I;.h. Eximitrdinary inducernentx W purcinv,er, ' GF,G. It. BECH rEf , - Old I.:stabil:l.-j stand, - Oct. 21,'1.)—C1-ly No. 711 Arch ttrevt; Pinta elphi.t. 1 9.3. FISHER BROS. 193' Nt'atches, Clocks, JeweirY,' Weihimg awl Engiurement ifing4, cis K siolklJ Silver and • -Plated Ware, Ltutlek' Work hoses, China Ware, etc. <, Largest 11. 4 0sortmeneof Nfamon dr. Ha mil 11 . 4 WOON C43:714. Parlor anti Church Ofgalls, ~,,, and"Musleal Herchantlize generally. Watch-repairing by competent workhl.llll, eallArld examine before pureka , ing el,ca here, PA Centre st,, Sep l - ,7 , t9 • "PENIISEG DAR.. ; / HOLIDAY GOODS. Raving just returned from the Eastern markets,. 1 Wlll open ou the tst of December, the iinest wk....rt.-- meat of Holiday Goodin ever offered iit this ;attract., em 11. bracing both Foreign and loinekt ic . Fatety such aa - GLOVE & HANI)KEitt ifoxEt WORK BOXES - 4' - ' Bcogurir VAS "3, 7 - riGutt Solid Sterling Silver Ware lu g Plated Ware of beautiful design. t.ialll%lel 'tint selection. - - GREEN, 178 Centce.Street, near MilieN' Bank, Pot hsv (tie. Pottaville„ August 24. 'ev • -fiiiintsiriiiiiiii.r.iour4et'ii.:6.. M l,- ; sa le 1 tbematleal Inatrut let Maker*. -, *'441_111134 . 0 . , Wm. ififtung and Marl ts: I feller. wae Itievaki,,,teu by this death of Wm. J. Y. nig. The su'rviy hug partner will continue in the e line or bnalume at 33 Nort h - TM Bt. corner, of Filbe , Philadelhta. Aaff.' I 1&01 Oct. i, '7l)-41-thn. • CHARLI.* S. HECL*R. • limiciaL COUPONS. 13/=M GOLD- COUPoNS OF THE • • SLINBURY AsiD LEWISMWN R. R. cq 1)17E (H - 11)REO 1. ,1,11 .. 11.. old oh find uftr that A7ytr, :it lLe "lire WM.I PAINTER 6.; :RVIS. Tulin) STREET, }PHILADELPHIA slitNew.L. TrPamirer liepL 24, 470-15,4.39-11n 5-20• S AND /8 8 /11 - BOUGHT, SOLD AND Exc,pAmai: ON MOST itRA - R0.N.11:1.F. TERMS. GULL) Bought and Sold at Maiket Rates. COUPONS, CASH ED PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS -1161 - 01 IT A\ll suIll) 1 STOCK'S' 11017011 T AND SOLD ON C93ISIISSION ONLY . 1 1.04...annta received and Intern t. allow' nu , t 1,. =balances NubJett. ta check. al gd Na. a s. TIEt IRD .sT., PHILADELPHIA. ItarCh 3S, 70 ! EERIE Ll-1--POTTSVILLE, .COUNT] t, NI,C/HT,I3 4 HbOL,—To be opened on - Monday . eveninglte.l:lll inst. - Those desiringtnstruc tlon in the cdir ruon.or higher branches are request. .41 It) meet In the flrammar School at 7 o'clock of sitid evening, special attention tall be. paid to liook-keeplti;4. I.:ale:and German. r • E. KRATZ, B. E., Teacher. October, 15 .` - 0 .12-21.• , .. _ . EAI3TVION._ ki , BRONEM - • . . ._ ~, . . , • COAL PROKERS AND COMMISSION M ERC HANTS. ' I No. 228 pocK ,Eanudte; -' ' --,,' '. i - :Au g . a. 10-1112034-U •, , PLIITLADZLPIELLI. , S. TI-10M - AS; J:4),ONOHOE, ,mptinia 'OF : First Class Carriages and Buggies] • OT TtIE L.01711211r mat maw APPROVILD STYLI'S. , . . . iiA;4IIFACTOIEtY—COIL SECOND AND IlOnwrinAN Srs., ONE SQVAIii ,aitCat. or Moirringa Harms:, POTTSVILLE., PA. 1 , Constantly' on hand, a good ansortmeut or new ' and second-hand Carriages and Buggies. , . • • / Special attention paid to repairing. , f April 10, 'Oll5 i - HOST. 11. BEATH. ' ' • • . CHAR. H. 11A • 13. C 0.,. • , . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT _ . No. 176 . Clentvt. - 4 Sr.i..-Pottsville, Pa. J uue I=2l/ • • 'A 1 EMI tilt EAT .BA MI A INS .1 IN • • DRY. COORN. , Al'. THOMAS BUEL'S, ,•.= CENTRE T. • ' • PorrsvlLLE. • !HES:CUT STHEXT cuistru'r,.s AND Mir • - • :, 1 828 . ARCH . Srfftl :RtlE STREET, hiladelphia. Philadelphia MILLII STORE . .. • ~ a. HOUSE EURNISHI - IT•G'GrOODS I . ,. i_ W IN:MB, JIIANKKTS. AU the hest mutes of Blankets, fronr the loWes..l . to the finest qualities In Me . A-01,8, 'kilt LAR9E BLANKET SALES. To Increase our Blanket Sales this season,Wirel — f, la I sell at' maseoffy rfese prier:, ' We promise that hur . BMiiket: customers will be .pleasedyrith our Low Tanne r:7 MAUSELLLES Q.UILTI4 and L'OMFORT44ES I Entirely New Stock.! Fresh Uooda! New Bat. 'eras ! Greatly Iteduced,Prices! Marseilles Quliiii are much cheaper since last season. Our Stew k being 4 , mite new and fresh t our customers may depend du Ilndluir,ln our Stock the latest styles, and. ',value ii the market. - .. .- - FLANNELS! FLANNELS t CIiNtENTS: OF DER ',FLANNEL DEPARTMENT." ~ . . • Ilallardvole Flaunt:ls—lll the whltlik andlsN . ll the qualltle.. .• • . . . - Gilbert:a Flannel.; Ural NV•el.h Flannehs.Saxony . rlannels, - Shaker Flantrelx, MI qualitle.- 1t..1, Blue, and yrtij Fitinni.l..• ••..•-•:- •• ' ... . , Extra 11eavr•Hugetiot Canton }launch... : ~ . . ISM , NI I LLI K KN'S- KTOTIF: . • . . - • Always show 4 .11tr most extenslve:Slix.k oVt:ddetrit,Gootts to be found In Pldliutelphla SPECIAL ItAIttIAINS In TABU I.;INENit, NAPKI.SS,SUF.F.,7I:SI.7.OWELINGS, &c. 12. , , '• -- . . •. • . .1 , 'GEORGE MILLIIKEN„ - . . : 1121 3 1.:(!he,:nut Street, and ft2thArrlt Street, Plalsidelplo Ital. 1, •7U-1.3--Grn • . WALKER & • PRICE -s -4NEW UNION HALL, ALti.HANTONGO STREET, • wird. 00* ER, FROM THIS DATE, , • ANY GOODS FROM THEIR SUPk.;RIOR STOOK AT PR lES . LOWER.- THAN.' GOLD . • GREAT REDUCTION •IN PRICES. PRINTS, .8 cents and up. ' " BLACK AND..COLV'f ALVACCAS. • MKS; DRESS GOODS,. of all kinds.. ' , ' NOTIONS, - Ate., o -o •' ' - - PRIPES THAT CANNOT HELP IMF, HE PuIiCLAR., THE. NEW UNION DRY GOODS STORE IS. THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. . ; March 9,'70. ; t JEW. 4-Iy,ht W TILE rictgsLz OVEN SUNNYSIDE (MOE. OF DM, . , fc ' Entirely Nelt allentille lrinclplex,.with Siphon guaranteedto thlo mughly heat two large oventi,audalz pot with two-thirds the fuel tined In the alogle ovjen Cook stoyea. . We are stlll.manufacturlng our long and favorably known . It AELLET-snEAr cool:INA; sruvE, highly esteemed liy the ,public for several yvars pa.d. , THE JUNIATA, our great donble,heatlng IP.s+ tam srovg, hisatmen touch Improved and l'ieautltied t is' year. Where known the merits of th la Wore need no comment. Our celebrated ISUNN OH FIRE-PLACE HFINITIIB, among Its.manr PREWII ills also carried on' thO Ong: premium, at the 'Maryland Institute at Haltlmoreja IVO, although subjected to the most Severe teats at the home or the ktaltliuoris Heater.' Vitals the only true-hot-air tyre-place Heater In' ttie market, and like the regular built cellar heater loses no heat. . . Send fur Circahum and 'Terstimonlalx. - • . . .: .7, - STUART, PET,EROSON & CO., 2 • --."-- " 7Plllladel ph la, Pu. 'Fr)r xalo-hp Memara. lih:fiEN & KERNS Priktivtlle. J. M. If ADESTV, Tatuatina. - n Sept.; IT; '7IF-34-3m ' .. . M cCOY ,TYSON: Rill No. 1210 Market Street ; Philadelphia Wholesale and Retail Dealers' In HEATELS, RANGES ''and STGYES. Carbon. firratrberainry, uillagton lanproretf. American and lieniftictor I:ll3 . aim - sem , xisep.ovEr.i - •-, `'• . DOUBLIC and 8/2COLL ELILyATiD,OVF...4, and. FLAT . TOP' RA,M7II:a. • CITY OF ,I3IIRLINGTON. • • • CbiLtiiiuiion, "trifle, Dex(er. Ftukioa, and 1., , , , apir0 (baking Staves arid Erqpire- 116riable GAN-LIGIIT, CARRON, STANDARD AND UNiO!: 11 RATilf4i fiToVFA. tllenlxn - eprUcleare tnanufuetuted.lbY Lbt CARBON ..STOVE• COMPANY, • ram:carol!, N. J. • Alen~Ribb .0 N.'.r Diamolul allimprr heater. GAM o,aNa and all other 'cuticles In outline. All Goods Guaranteed. 34-.lm Aux 27, '7J- NEW GALVANIZED :nom . ••• CLOTHES LINES, can be hid at SOLOMON HOOVER'S. STOVE, TIN-and ROUSE:.FURNISIIING BTottE, ' No. 2S Centre 'ARLOU STUN , ices. He also[ e5p1ent0......... ..—__ _. ___, ____.... Be tant Jammed, glass, wood; and willow ware, hollow and "hardware. Also, brushes, brooms, oil cloths, table cloths, door mats, clothes wringers, trays, carving and butcher knives, coal oil lamps, knives and Masi , and all kluds of Gittssware. Also, gridirons, roast ing pans, children.' sleighs,and skates, table, tea and butter spoons, mice end rat traps, Potent maize; .gratent„ spittoons. lemon squeezers'and graters. bird =l.table mats, table Miniver.. egg whips, -saws,-saws, 2 it pins, potato..maalters. bread baud% meth boards, wooden boxes, fiat and tailor irens,Minsage cutters and staffers. clothes lines, bed cords, clothes pi as. corn popper*, cake cutters, candlesticks, dredge boxes. savings bank*, match boxes, school tampon to sistecand pent! Collet sets, bath tub% botch eta, tners; axes, deed and bond boxes( Sour sievm, meat saws,' coffee mills,' concentrated lye. =miners; fancy toys, bird calmorash tot* wash lisair ru sheet sluconargftsnd fancy castors, knife boxes, Along.. okent.longsomal tea kettles, stove and shoe bli)= 7 *. -Mack, clls.. ts• varnishes. windoirplass, ,lanterns. inallY articles too ntirnerous too mention. Also, sooting, spouting, and al I kinde of Jobbing done Monter, and at the diaries% notion. Persons Within Oar _or the maddened articles would do weUby =lung and examining belbra purchasing Member.: , . . .. - iscmomopf . 11.00V,04, . • :PoOts, Shots, cH.A.s. W. 17ENTCiLEFi , AGENT. ,BOOT, SH - 01 . .7., HAT NI) C . AP ' CIITZSTNUT STREET, Cati.4.4oNA. ' 1 licsits, Shoes, Huts and Caps, In great variety, can scantly on hand.. Particular attention paid to Custom • Work. REPAIHINti dune neatly on short, notice. Fen, ii. 70 • ' :init 7 I y I T 111!ORTANT. . . . . 1 . . . • . - /.. . :I ' THE NEW YiniK . , Bokyr &kur()E - E,NIP3RIUNI •-, . - - 'l n now lit [till . operation, and the attention of the [canes of Pottav Me is especially InvMed to the large stock now ip store and arri ying.dally of all the finest - Claes of goods, suitable tor ladies' wear, and adapted Co this market. Mr. trine has wikile a speciality of this brand' of bustness,land Oyes-him particular at tention to se Curing the hest line of ladles! wear ever brought to the city. • Every attention will be paid, to customers, and a cordial I tie Rat ion 'is to all. HENRY ritINE. . tk:tober 21, •fk) ' , .13-4 .. . . . Illanteb. ME AND WARRANTS WANTED . , OF WAR OF - 1012 'AND 31F-XII3AN FOREIGN COINS, STO(111:ft, (LiVERS-: 31ENT anal other BONIA BOUGHT and AULD,. coLLEcTioNs promptly made on all points., DE- ItECKIVED.: No Nth's, will be tlpared - to' serve the intorestm of those who favor ne with their bhsiness. • JOILN S. 111.7F:11T0',N.7 a CO,, • ' Bankers and Brokers, No. Mt-South 31 SL, Nil lada, W jan I„7U ANTED THE EX!.."I.:USIVE AGENi.If . Of u I First-Class coat Mine on Commis...don, either with or without advances.. To the first party offer ing iigoosi and permanent connection, advantageous terins,wlll iw cois-tied. Perfeetly satisfactory refer enees anti security Address ' • ANfiIit.VCILE,33:: Walnut st... Oct 15.'70-12-21 , . Phi hula. WANTED. . , , —One Male Teacher for the Indepeit- , dent. lAeltool Dlst rlet.. cfr 141 S -the Tovnish.lp. A noddle-ptted waft preferred. Alt e.7.aretinat lint Will i.e held at the house of I% It. I:myer,Tftwhling Hun. tfetolier Illith. _ ' ' ‘l'.. It. I,IOT Eit. see,l.-.•. - • .• - • 054 '..t; • NITANTED.—AN AoE t , NCY. f"r lilt, of a first class White Ash 1.74.a1. say ,1.V.t0 10 t'ars, per day; wilt make a very liberal nerisagemetit.vvitti a glsnl party. •`1:0111t1ISSION COAL - Oet:8.,'711.:11-4t Past Unlce...V . lli raflelplihi, Tiatcts. . , . IiENNOCLVANIA. HALL. , • . • ; (.71.7NT/Clc synr:r, Potiskl [AA!. +librwell know/land p(!pular !rote!, h ;.; t.. 41; tiri•lS- reutlvisted . :11141 ra.risriiialiptl, I, DOW •ei,;;:ftrbil m.1.1;111011- arl Frainsietir • MILS. WA it D 1.% SUN, Pp,t 70 - -Wt r • •• • IifuLADELPRIA. • 7, En NI) NIVi4I.:I:M thP vele() the., in "City °eland our. M Elll •1146. ,Ll,l I Vt. ,t.ittutte 1it,0,;,1 ,ly, 'II,: 111. Sat a<_ el-11111. IV., inithSl,lllllllilitk. 1151 5r..03 A : El Imo! • - . - It at Zcrents, 4c.; • j . I . MAIICTACTVRER, OP r SQUARE lOR ANGULAR ROD AND WERE SCREENS, . . :4 No. IS Norweliliui Street, itYriyiLLE. PA. Sept. 17. ..LARRENST IN & CO:, •, 1r• , i4FC`C SSORS TO Jolla R. DlEllli, M uanufact r r of— Coal SCreens, , • • • • • Of. •the Latest a i nd, Most . Approved & Styles. .Secoinl-int'LlSe . reells' and seam ents alirays on hand. We respectfully wdicit a-con4lnuanee of.rho„ Pat, reinaire heretofore so liberally bestowed.' , L. LAUBT:',NSTEIN & co., ' • Railroad at „ rear of Esterlyl_s 'Hardware Store, Jati 1, - iOll- . pot twrillO, Pa. L._,._. SQUARE ROD AND WIRE :SCREENS. LAII7BE*STEIN, • I 3iANi - r.acrnnan. or • SQUARE ROD AND WIRE SCREENS.. PATI,NTED.FFAIReAItY 1, Irk!: • • EItSVI LLE, SOH CYLIC ILL CO,, PA.. ' The Stati&RE ItODSCRItIENS:on account of their superior strength and durability, are preferred to ail others wherever tried. Screen Sons, all sizes al ways On bind, Orders promptly filled at moderate prices, alay.2), • TKPJECOVED — , SQUARE IRON ' SCREENS: The undersigned, neentor of an Improved square Iron Screen. desirft, to call the attention of Coal Operatont to his Ouprovement, It can be seen at the shop lii Coal street, near Sparks's Boller Shop. Apt:41(1010n !lasi/4.'011 Made for, is.ratent. • pocavllle, Oct . ], '7O-1 ,6 1M • C. W. BUSIIAR. Mil Vega' Carbi. MEI • , . , •r. W.. CAKE. .111. Arroltli EY AT LAw, • ,• .. (Mice. ( 'Emits over BannalLar Ranisey's Book Store, Yuitaville. Juue 18, '7ll—ZLi-ly, IT ABBY C. DOBSAN . . Arrottsmr AT7LAw,' 1 I. „No. MS (1.10 re mt.. a few. doors below Episcxippl Church. Pottsville. - •,•11prittri, 7U-7.i--1y; C: F. SMITH , Arroxs — A ~..1 - 1.Aw,.: • %....,i. Mato f•ttrert, tilit , osandwiN Pa. Jan 15 , , .'";)-3—ly •• . . .. . - ' R H R_ C SISEAPE __,,A li TTONEY AT 11V, °Mee, 1.1:p ti Cetre St., Pottsi• ille. May , . T A. X. PASBAEORE. Arronstr AT B.Aw, • Pott‘vllle filltee, No. 9 51ithantongo Street; , opfimale Post 'Office... • April 3,:69---14-1y • KO. B SAEECEIEB , ArroitNEY 4T 'Law. • Pottwrille. Po. Unice; N0.:179 Centre St. nearly opposite Miners' Bank. Ayrll,_:l, 'O9-Ll4—tr. JAMES EL CAMPBELL. Arroirszx AT LAW, 131 South, Si wris St met., I'hilatlelolll. • Jim) 1: '7071 WILLIAM. R. 8BILITH; A;rrouNEy wT Lett, No. 1M Centre St.. Pottsville. Pa. " Jan 1,'70-1 • DANIEL' D...15/Lfaiiir,7iTTOßNl.:Y A:r LAW, Pottsville, Pa. Office, tioffinan'S-tiete Centre tit., Pottsville. Jan 1G 69—a—tt A LBEETAENriTLE.! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. IG2 Centre Street, Pat/mine, Pa. All claims prittfltly colleted. October 16, GEO.IIOE CHAMBERS. (Late of the, Charubers bunt Rat%) ATToitNEY-AT-LAW, No. - Isl Cen% trelst., (AI pool,) Pottgvll4e, Pa. N0v..6; '69-7ts—ly D gOLLEcTiO.ISN:WPTCE, C STO F, 2 14 ER LITTLE, A - rrmiNkAtat LAW wild .! , ;UTAny Pun Lie. S••pi Pat ta‘llle, 4chaylicll . l (Y)., Pa. Orugs' nib flputicali. IRON IN 'THE BLOOD. • sad expels diseas.,; by supplyipg the biaati with - Nierrist's OwN Wrr..t7 c . lAcTsr-111024. • Calstion.--130 sure you t Peruvian Syrvp. • Pamphlets free. .7. P. DIN , 91-El. Proprietor •, ' No 36 Dey St:..lVew• Tort. - recnedrk the Prescriptyott • otthi eminent Physician and Professor, JtiSk:Pli Frri.m:, M. D., who bau ‘ devoted 37 years to. ItheaMatisto nod Neuralgia, specially, and is by Profession publicly announced as the gliest authority In Rheumatic complaints.. (See testimony.) It is pleasant and 'agreeable' to the taste and warranted tree• from minerals and liduriotts dnagi4. Itls u scientific - preparation, a medical mon opoly. and-warranted under solemn oath a perma nent,harmiess,pasitivectire for Inflammatory Itheu mitt ism, Chronic libeuntathon, Rheurruttlenx, Rheu matism or blidtieys, Neuralgia lit the Head, Neural gia in , the B v, Nervous Headache, and Nervous dlftenSes. Sold y Druggists ut.51:•50 per bottle; six bottles 87 50.. J I advice, without charge, sent =tic letter. All orderti Aent by Express collected on delivery. Depot, No. lX)Soutit }North St., Militate, April IG. '7o—la Wirt ..Roin,:.&e. '." ..--.,...." --; -' . , - .. - „ ~.... -, . - • : . 1. L.. c. ....•::;`,... 4, 1 % • .. .. , N....1r .4.,...4?. ,;„,,,. .....,..., , , MANUFACTURED 1W .►Dint' A.- ROEIRLINO'S SONS, • . • TRENT.QN;I4...Y. , FOr - inetined Planes, i'dining, standing Fddp.Rigaing, tlaispensiott Bridges. Ferries, :•dufit and . thays • - on Derricks, Cr:Nes-and M .ars, •. • . . • Eievatims, Tillers, dc., -_, '- - -' A I.i.RitlE STOCK OF WIRE ROPE C.N.INsTA"KTLY s % oft,HaNi>i On.terg lIIIM With Dispatch. • • -• . - . _.. I. For strength , stz.tand enst,sett circulars, wittell will-Ise sent 1111 uppllgation. Aug.; 'm i I'Llj• - -.- -WiIrE,'UOPE: ' • OF EygltY DES&SIPTO?..rtort. . • Mines,: Planes,' Stays, Bridges; &c., lIEsT QUALITY anil at L9WINT.II,. t ATI.N. Power Taoisml,tslon by Wire,:4l,ope. „ Muhl prepared and coot rticta-made. tz. . I .., ,- . 'r. W. C0PEL4: 4 4,1 , • . - 64 nod 66 IitiOADWA Y, New York. Jtily::2l, le-31,-.uu .. •, • - - • ZZARD 1= BEET, + l~ ~`.. MI othoEER, 18rM ME la warner: .FALL: PLOWI:1 G. . - .. • s, As ti-rule; - fall plowing is ' the most useful, and necessary wTtere spring sown crops L i te : largelj grown.' Planted .crops , are usually put in later, giving ritorlt time to , prepareeh e land. In most sectVbxn,aues the best when planted ou'!re • : plovi'ed land; but in some sections 'at ti 'West,. titult.4.certai n • elretnitstancei, us where.a large amount is to he" planted, .fall plowing is recofiamendk•d : Potatoes, and .especially Peach blows; . tiftuii ' do /the' best . Whenikauted ~Very early; but' thellitnited . arrtritin 'of land devoted .M.,tlie crop, cart generally .'of in the spring. So fall plowing is mainly needed in prep r-, Big land for spring *hent,-,.barley and oats: ' One of--tire-strongest -reason: fog, fall plou ingfortheSe crops, is Bui,t they,• 2, , ; al l_ , emlly'do the best when'.'sown very. early-.. that, hi laet,,trgoOd farmer. Wiktliegit to sow .1 .his s full lowed gland about ,as' soon 'a,. 11, could begin to plow in thespring. . By doinv So he 'Can' pot in :thee afeps very early ; be Can have them all sowti, before the land:ca l , behalf :plowed in the spring, which inzsy make a,-Ittrge- difference in the Yield har.- • vested,: This is .ofteri - the ease when tin.' .weather is gdod i . but when it is ontoi- tmi t,i;. , with frequent stories, and there, is only -ii;.4‘ ' and: then a day or two in . which - the:land)... • in„good 'condition to • wiitk,• as is. often 0,;. case in the - spring ; thewille difference- i.,- .niuch greater; and where these .crops , , , i ii ,..-- . largely grown, all eannot be sowit,in sca-,:n to do well; uniesS.the land is plowt.l4l in thi• full. •!-- l' . -. _ . - • - - , . There Is'also a great gain in time When' ti„ farmer is prepared to du his Sowing -- r,. tk early, and thus.get it out df,the season to attend ;to other work. -W .wi 'all the plawin g m ust he - done its the spriug-,_ tl-e preparation . Of the land and getting til,; fwwremps, will seldom be% dorie before it prepare fair planting.; while it , vetsj often happens, that late sowl'ug Makes: . t; :c t ,.. planting, and - thus Makes-a late start tO trip woilegetterally,whieh may not, bre , fully ' cov e r e d ju,o whole; Leason. To • get rails • .start lathe spring, and - to keep ahead of work through the sunnilyr is a great taAettl.ghe fapner; unit nothing.eontributi, More to this result, as -.regards spring er.q than fall phi-wing:l Nearit' all k ktuisof hiiid'inay r a lF i d owe d : r 'although .the Irracftit4).. ita ti4;nlariv'k adapted to the.varion: sa:iel• gra vplly Ng/ tos,: •ntici soils that may berleast .fleeted by an open, Wet - winter. • If V(4-11 rams kinds of clayey maims, and soli,: may be fall plowed... licit vla• lands are kjured in:this way. Nrlou:e.thelanil is rah 1-;'r leve4. leaving errltuiltfor-the Waterlii run off, aid - fthere thete-is nu suit 1.6 hold th,• soil together, it is soma Mies badly injured in -au open' wet winter, or a wet bail'sprine. • The c lay, -hy. frequent freezing and thawing when yery wet, would TIM together I ike - thpi mortar, and would be longer in drYiikg Aoki harder when dry, than 'the same Kind .tlint • , • hail 'not been full plowed... ,Ofeourse,. \Oh ::- steady cold winter and dry spring, the would be different. =l3ut it is alWays:-beSt t;-;• he -prepared for the worst. .11ence stubby: clay . land, When fall 'plowed,' 5.hi1t1.12,,. `thrown up into lands on 'which no, le-ahl s- - allowed to stand; the dead .fur,rows : p lumb' I,z. Well cleared out, and sutlicit•nt eKoss,ftur..v.., and•outlets-provided, t- no water will ~.•.t:in;f. in the- furrows. • • If it is a stiff claY . ,- a still better,prael ice to ridge ,up, t I.IIIW i -I wo large- fleroi',.. together; and then .carefully draining ~trail'standing Water; allow the frost_to pu vet the-soil thuii thrown . up. If their is a -lin sod tljat will hold Ope soil widi tou,,;111, through the winter:and if the tield,N inn! 'tip' In suitable; and . the water iced `drained oft; as hefoie:Aireeted, the sod \% lit 'lie well pulverized hy frost, and with a crate preparation will- be in good for i-rops. so it is (Omni that'a elay i n‘a proper condition to he pulverized - bY-•fro.l, • and . not unfavorably . affected - KY•.-surph,- water. will be largely benefit-led by Call ploN - Mg; .lint thatit may he phiweit and 1,41 - cojitution to he decidedly injured ... for the next crop, . . , It is true, nutlet - draining surli Would be agreat •Itelp in; this respect; but eveit•then some damage may'be Wli,r.• • *.he land. is frozen deep, and there is a 'gi,"!l ;+:41l.01 of freezing and hawing-while thcte, less . water to. llw - sorface. So in all di=es there sli6411(1 lte'a good Outlive fl;;: water to run - off Where theland is nol un derdruined, tosseeure the best results, %tater . , be as wcil drained idh of all j , r 3 ll , illowedlainl as it-is front winlitr On gond Aitinit4 wheat soils, where tin - 1,;•• trinclordralnei; or naturally ilry 'entail! he slue far wheat. aini "corn ins all :•:ett. there is nitich legs tieed or fall plow•inl;. small utnount of laud' sown to . spring 'edit Leas prtipared in the spring - .1 'Hirst eases or this kind there is 'Lit! !WM improvement, of 'tint t•rops - that 'snits front full plowing. But. •there (littler seetilns..wltere spring crops. do ji' the befit on fall ,plo - wtst . lanj, avid lio•ro i'er}• i Itportant hi hale thelaini well. ph in the fall. -this been don+• for 'all barley,niiionts Nest the past season, Ilk ti'tesee would 'Jaye been inilliohs of .1t eli..• II;ui 1 Lr 4)11 , rI'I1,• 1 I+- 1 .• II 'll it I" ,fl 4 BULBS! . BUI4IpS ! 13 ttL*l .. ... . . . -•.A.. Fine As , ortnitent of Alt 'haul's of 1t171.114, nett a% Hyacinths, single :tud double_for foridng su t.ior Garden, Tulips. single and.doll LPN!, ....1111W Drup.idens ens, te., :tr., of our own importation. For salt: by 'the single, dozen or litandred,At • • - • _ - -- .. (ME:EP:WOOL) NUltttEll,l';' and also at the Doakland ..Seedstore of i - H-k '..•: .ti A N & BA NItiP.Y. October Li the month for plahtlng r hardy • Ili:Ile:. Sept_ 21, '70 7 :19-4tt i . . (r_REENW 'I'NURBXRY. . '-' i •' •' .--, _ • - . . . • . I H. L . FALL PLANTING .'' . , . . -We have for sale it large lot of all; kludn '41% Vrit it Trees of all sizes. for Planting. seleeteil wit li,, Nit e to Kull our still and ell itutte,.trb lel] Isar) I tophrtatit eoit sldendlon In the selgelloViSf Fruit Trees. ;Also. a ,feir large slzetltilgtulard?;-- "• .- • • DW,ARF PEAK : turd APPLE Tlilli':::i Isa• Pea: Ing, which must bemovetktornalie rdow fi,r other. trees. - Also, ;of ,F:XTILA.- SIZED ell( lb •l: CHERRY THEE.S. 'many of which bore this season. ft ffl will be sold at it bargain, by eItU or snuer clump: tity. In this region the Ea ds quitertslavorabie fiir transplanting as Abe Sprity, and people getkenilly. Imre more time to plant.- I.senti in your "niers, .:, trees elm he , transplanted ,daring - Ortober flail N.,- vtiintier. - . ' - BENJAMIN HANNA N, • Proprietor 1. iree n w uod Stti....,q :, . - Sep t • 21,..'70-:it ]ln. 2+;
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