I ttttex ,ournal. SATURDAY, 'OCTOBER :22-, I'B7o . , RAT • F • DVERTNISING. erica •' , • ' , f It. 1 sm. , : zus. I sm. Gm. !MIL I squat* (S4nch) - ,),1 04 2OP 354 360 111 00 NO 4- '''ltkarefl, (one tucli,i - , :14:1314 uoi doa{ S $ e 10 au •45.00 3 squaree !s 03 600 ;P 4 1 I 12 PO 24 121 21 11l 4 ,rsUarti ' Ile po $44 g . . Ho fle as sPies 1i 6u • • .1 I.riIIABETICALS ..CIALNOTICS.-AinjOe Insertion 4. ,•nite't. line; each au uent Itutortlon •Zt 'cline a line. 1;114.1 1., BUSINESS ' CITICE , 4,-.fietouti Peke, 1.".. mate st 1,‘..y.t Labe:nun: sunsequeut InsPilion-Ike. par Hue, t V..74:11.AL NOTI • -.Third Piuge, Ili .oentn a .11ae, tlra t ,Ia .i.rtam".' each subsiquent lustirtlup l; neut.; per Dile.' " s i Alt ItLidE NOTICYL73.-Zi mut! each. ° ' FUNERAL NOTlCAcenrupanying Deatlni-For two i ne‘ r...; cents; earth iidditlonal line /0 cents/ . • . SoLDIERS! Cotr.N . T.l MoArUNENZ: r rif.k: DIFFERENT ORDERS of the Ihirough.nre requeted to appoint com mittees-to:act in conjunction with the zens,.- - to t i ake , the prelitninary 4•44 s for u . 111'4king of the citizens Vl 4 c , llllylkill County,. tOitrect. z i County Sol (I lens',:%lontititeitt,ivOrthy of the' suer - cid inernoriez4. Of the itien froin our v'lp) - died that our Nation Might live.' • ".I'lle I'unlnlit tees and all soltliip; and Ot)- • izva• , . favorfible to the project, arc requested t,, In at the Exchange Hotel, iiu Thirsday Octillier 27, 1870, for the purpose of • ,• 1 1.1r - ral : ralig,4ll),lll4 st:iitod MANY CITIZENS Oct. WAR '7IIISCR.T.LASIrE • . . r .-,- Tit E o rganizeruer the hirricadfm, among other ineau m •utrtlereuee, harel prepared petroleum pumps , ,,i ... -, IT to it4to that hundreds Of peasiantsataily m.ly to Or 'lir -Ai ymly to German pickets; request of Paris-, hut are tafusect. . „ fiaptir recouituendm, the French GovetAttUitit.l.cratiandou the. idea of a levee, en • IR hue asimpracticable, ind to adopt the:Plari of organizing famine around the enemy. THERE Is an encampment .of PrumsitiamMi Itaspai 1 , 147 property at Areuell-Acaehim.. .It doh not appear that the gtent democratic leader has obtaitied any . 4 . favorl fur 'voting against .be war.- ' =DM . ?Jr :FAANot , : In weak In' - arms ishe is -strong _in phrases; .Victor Huiv has thrown this san d:net:tat Prt14,31.3 : ."•Thei conquered of Napplee 0 0 c..e omit, and the . conquerors tit .Tapolison ' die Little.!'. ' . . • A 9}:coNu BATIIB - )- f the "imperial private cbrrempaptience' of Nappleon has been printed. One i tear is a receipt of 10,000 franc* on account "1 :0, 0 00 francs allowed by the Eniperor for fur ' fib to a for M. Barone Jerome David. .. 1.....< • A Loximx Dr.sr.tlrtt ; iti forma ' nn-t-hat the Germans 'apprehend mi -Lief 'because a fleet of flat - bOtkuntki bositrhav 'been sent to- the Nor* Sea. .As the trench ve hitherto put their trust in ." - epeed;':' 'it I only right that they, shoiildtry now wllg "bottom'' can do. 'kitelovera of champagne 'will be glad to learn. that some of the menu factureriehate writ ten to say that the Germans permit them to pu sue their business with evenv safety and In., : Lion. They add :—The wholp world ought to, .. grafeful to the Prussian military chiefs. ---„ • - . '' • DR. M. 13. RIDDLE writes- toi'the PREMBYTE SIAN BANNER, truth - Heidelberg, that the King :of Prubsia "is an earnest Christian,_ as is . Vol the planner of campaigns, while WI Rook, • the; Minister' of• War, is one of the comparatively few melt in Germany w 4,0 gather tludr households daily and lead their devotions:; f • 01110 11.,%:: 1,0 , 1W' illeti a .4« , ./ . work ItiP L 2, IN t -11 - kg , upwat,l s W. " 17,004) Itt•pulilit•ait iint•or i i ty•otiAlet l'ntis:,;ri..--i,,;;; t l v".le. ' . M . . .11'..N . 1)1.37:r0N bask-en liominat t-4r,t, 11'0put416.1,, fur Congress th Isjand Di6trieq TILE S•t:';:::11 1.114x - rzoN raiutled . Governor Se()tt, together %Cain :the: nttre Lepnbliean Slaty Two of tinZ . o . tn2,ressnian are valored men, .and the ti:7;ijo,zity of the delegti:V; 7 ll arc Re piblivans. AN A t011411( - 1.:.—M51-rk Twain's -map *as our' or th+oollorftli prolilletions of the' ou ninidcr+tth r' or anti we are not surprised that he woits an 'artniStiee declared rralipi‘ until he can eircultite it attiong t "Teat is‘ulicivihig armies I Cittr.t . Cti"As . l",,. it is :said, will iffil and retire to iirii7ato j ife. . c s ' ',ow:: I,ul,lie ~ e r.l; i et's having worn ia o i his pilysiezil constitution to bonie'LNinsid +•raLle tent, it tOlTendthe re nc~inder+tf lei; in retirement and ease., ONE• tilt• leatlit& lights of the SlaVein'ilder;ir Itel,ellion s are, passing away. 'l2he rolgri-lo ve ds lui but just .elosed"oYer the I,lu:tins of and now we are told that AN-N.aniler II : Stephens', days are almost onniGered, his physicians haying given -up :t.ll I telies of hip reOvery.- - IT t li'vt.txvEn that under the new elec tion law or Congress, New York City will .ggrvatly in iLs Democratic vote, and unit none of the strong* Democritio precincts i:! give ogre Democratic majority than thcy 1i vi men, women and children •in tit The I,•Outal Clovernment'has eigni 7 tk,,l its. int( 'mint, to . give the people of NeW "ati.opport unity to prevent "repeating'' Lallot x Tit!: v whin:4 - .4.6f the 1. - n inn Pacific Railroad I le.au} f u :ti 4 r . ptelliber, were $728,5'...5'' 08 (seven hllll llre.l.:Ullll.venty-eight . tliothi.44 ,Le.!:eel twenty-live dollars aneeight cents.) FRENCH' POLITICIANS. t':".II , AV , TILE N'II.I.AtIE ,±,(II'CATO ' RULE' Trlk: I=l ,_ . • The current' tOet. 9), numtrer' of the Lon don SATURDAY IIEVIE\V contains a very 4.,triking article, evidently written -by one . ' • is , .lio has carefully studied his subjtiet un the -;,lict, on "Village Politics in France." The v.rit;h• presentS a vivid picture of the Intel ! . leetual. cpmlitiou .of the peasantry, ; Any ': tI ii lig more lamentable could scarcely be eou . ccived: . Tlfe schoolmaster of a_ -country • t. oW11.1111.ti . "t0 eke (114' his liVing by acting as •i•ierk: • t the s a- trefet;" 'the dotriiiilit,' k r id. a village -lit - o w content himself with ••‘....1 vlng :LSbell-inger; acolyte, - ; church _/ -it (1:1..i . to the “ . 1 - Priest." The chalices .; that- instrin i tion given by men in such cireninstainass dill be of a high character a 1.• certainly not vefy great. "I n. a parish . .r tit'Sotitli," says our edntentpary, •'it is ft . ,- usage to present 'to the eure certain wooden images bpariug the witnesof saints - , hot whilst• form - shoWs them to I.e the fig-i • ores of the elder guds.of beathenisur, - Which ic-n.ii - h*: by lii..lienellietion sovereign charms .. against certain bodily ailments." one parish .. priest, disgusted with this superstition, Oak ..;;t -- Tt upon himself lO'burtt these images, but "he ofiiarl,• paid forthe act With his • life." Our. eontemporaryjs of opinion - that the peas antry do not - think highly enough of the imperial tlynasty-40 . expend a sou on its i t..-half; but he4oints mit that the Napole hnie rule has field one very uslwerfttt effect on tlitr mintlS—it: has taught theist their p.ilitical importance. For, twenty years the io.vi•rninent of the . country - has. depended Gut its C.Xi-fence OD their.vote, not on that Of Paris and the Other large_ towns. How will iiwy regard the resusuptien of power at the apital '.''• - ii i l.fiestion that it is all the more tin - portant t: to as, as'l he peasant hasi•oote to . A s siii:iate with the idea oft republic the no: t ion ,if 41: ,. itp4t-r ,to private property. Then.) „are somi• eiiiiisiderations to ~v- l iielt our eon= . iemuirary has perhaps not, given . sunk:lent :it till lion . If Paris •%vere • to fail to •,-'. to the , present einergeney, it !ivoitld 1161K-le-sly to exoeet that she could . . recover her ,;rd, :iuthori Iy ; but ci•erything , vt-/11,: to indieatethat, it . the ii !, l Veil to I:9 kidg largely, she is also capableof heroin in•tion, and will Shrink from no saer'- tia- to save the country. It' ,li.:. fulfils 0.- IA claticals iii ais-rtspct-L, may she act (nice mre aispiire•iter ancient-,holit On the pro vmees? Another point • worthy of notice is thaVitir.-u Imiiilittrs of the peasantry are at, the pre-cia moment, as members of the i iarde Mitbili.,'eugaged in the most .stirring . cvent of the century. Thi-4"willtiot In- with out it- effect upon their iatelteetual activity ;. :Old when they return to theiradd' homes; may they not carry, with than an influence wliieli will lie , asouree of new life to the :stag nant rural' population_ .... . . WM orimox or int. wAn. The .publy; opinion is the.wesrof,France. appears MR:idedly in favor of peace if may judge from 0 . 14 Cu ogiitrat DU price,, VILE , and the JoritsAi. Frt - ANti• of the latest dates by mail.. • • fhe nirnic r piper saiys: 'Peace!, 'I Ind is the cry which it this I)iotnent million's of voices raise quatiterm of the earth, as W , ll as in down-trodden France, awl lii Oer iany, intoxicated with in lexpeCted ,iri ph; la intelligent England` find lit practical • America, in far-sighted 'Russia; -In loyal `'.pain and iii Italy, where varis still fresh in 'people's recollection. Everywhere this i•ry is raised to the Almighty; and seeks to_ make Heaven gracious, seeing that the lend j •-r. of t h e aje Wit hon.: nr..ri•y." The latter journal, commenting - on thjs article says: : "Yes, . peace :is the wish tit' France. 'Yes, conquered arrO humble France desires and demands •peaeg:: • All resistance is for the future unavailing.lt will may add in•xv hecatombs - of n million corpses to the "II"' '" 1 :1 ,-4. s. moulding. on the fields of, ReieltAnien., Lsiinnont and, Sellan. 'WO are l'onquered, scattered, as,n nat ion, in . t. , ,never been before'. Let us cease to delude with new 'hopes, and to calculate on au - iniposible . rjsiStance. Are honorably conquered. Our arm, which is MI Wore,lias made Ilemjc. exertions. It• has. even won the respect -of the viettir, honor it; tqlvetl. 'We are conquerell. Let us h um bl e atir,etv(,. Lei. tis - its:some the dig nit2,, of tinsfortune!.. Silent lIIMIeSt, let tillbtnit suite,' peace alotie, ; which is everYwbore-' (Imam:tels fit; .11,11 Prance, eau -aye the equutry'lijutuior it*.gke*and re- sources being spitted,. an;TiAltot.tiie,,eoutt , try's niti(ortune *re -nitt4,':.4Vtitta (tour bate the courage' tb ttOte :Ant for A - rlirpm: boy recently sent by49(l , ress f.‘ii"nletisnin to 4.1 " \*sr.w,.YintK again complains of tlu bi e nanqants nuikancts. ..oNE of • , .kildrew has g I fed in ;A atausas, aged 106. • , i- proposed. to erect a itew. hotel hi Eas t, . a large scale,. .$45,000 Ifitviiii; already ctt stilit•erilied for that purpose, • P - • TltE German street iu Ije 7 are iii a high. state of liiftirfation, he '-tase Oaf Council named it lirapolcoa.7 „ • I N.. Chicago - thlip.reon Cage of raet..s Is stated :.• folltiws Auglo-Saxon 45, (ieralith 30 , 10, rrislf 10, all-other:B4. TH114:1c1 ses.4icni of the Pentisylyttnrn libtp ti”t state flener:ll Assoeintion - met" iti 1.1164- I,urg on , NVeclneitlay. It represents 44,000 • IN time eetisys Jitlic oily riow.rtug between f'lii•u t o aril St lonth4, it rtit‘st. tlult formivr ureit,of-ttliqy-lour and a half.square thellatterone Of twenty, Square MU THE PAIITSIAN Public are quite enchatitte with Juloi . Pavro, who has receiven nattering addresses to.isunpensate hitu for his patriotic -sullering. :11is. recital of his interview. with Count Ilisinsiek has been read with avidity and, is universally, us far am Parts „is Concerned, approved of, We learn that while-the two emi nent statesmen . were trying to find it basis of negotiation Von MOttke was seated' in a twiner reading "Little Dprrit,"._ ;-- A - fiERMA:4 EMPlRK.—Sonthein Germany is showing opposition -to the assumption or the title of Emperor of Germany by King William. The press, in some of the cities,' denounce and ridicule the scheme. =ln Wukietuharg the peo ple say that the presene-war has shown Germs tirto be mutlleiently united lo defend herself; that no - ,inore hi needed for he r;' and the projects of Count thstnarek for supremacy ate repelled. The title wo , :.'d be a mere bauble, hut it shows iat width drrectien tbe ambition of the King heads. Ilis faCe is setdirmly ag.ifito4 pop ular rights. ' PRIVAiI.: LETTER from Paris nays that ¶bo balloons %filch bring the news from that city ara - sent out by. the Post Office Department: Each one of them costa for construction and despatch - sixteenthhumand francs. ' The letters are written Avon cards furnished by the Post Ottlee:authort den, and sent without envelopes. The postage for 'each one Ie half a bane, and each balloon carries as a rule„ twenty-five Monsen lof theme cards. Then eceipta for post z . age are accordingly twelve thensind five . hun dred francs, or three thousand five hundred less tLian.the cost. The loss is borne by the Post °dice Department. . • t N•a:3lS that Na p oleon the Great's edroom at the palace of St. 'Cloud has been somewhat deranged by the explosion of a French thereiti. Frenchmen, -- however never did sur rounda becrthattiber, with.that sanctity which environs it in Germany 'and'England, but'theY iuight atleast haee made an exception in favor of Napoleon's. •Previousaccounts lead tie Leber. lie,ye.that thesliell was thrown there on,pur-Ti pose,4iiil this suggests the idea that the terribl • messenger was despatched 'meter the belief than si , tue;:inember of the r yel fspily 114 Hohenzol lern might have been - dispo [big his limbs iii tile imperial bed linen, • .4 proprietors of a Michigan watch fac tory otter to remove to (..ialsburg, 111., if that city .sloo,oon. Burial of the late tit S, Minister Cogg - esliall and daughter, who died in .F.eu odor,' South America, about two years-ago, took 01'0 at ColunabtakOhlo, Tuesday. iuiratitoilc . . One Ara slitibraikitillolll46lll3ai it c.t.rlL4 • I. Vi PINT." RAG r::— far ii ish Ing store in t him I:ll,.i'atlc'ert Imes a new mty le of rut: aas "the latest faih . lon for the throat."- The. ; to.!‘• he the latest style for the vottaille• of that organ. hal :1 ta:4llon for the ltimitle has Just tome up, w nieli 't wire as popular. 'Somebody has MOM that dam Schnapps lintirtme Kochi wr..ter, and ere:, - , dy A.egi11e:41.,3 in the arrangement. Although mie w hat emiseryttt lee by nature we are not opposed t,, ress, anti ermeetrlnglit,fair aolentli hlotA i r ik poralh,t; to ascertain whether I*fill itps. soit.i V. :tier wits aproper tiling to recommended pi ..tie"unsodb , .*Ntivitutegritvogliajt mu - be • ,!( at ,qt sn-xamtinti*. : l:fte moo l gselvirooa vs ut ic out , eteVl4e Etteentl it to o,r genii/A to =et e - foe.— elitly.atettxrsp • t spot:" . .iS . on clay Cbtaltr i 4i„..,3,4 St,t ' ' L . • : • T3lll BLOCOUItiVILIt . •:• ,' :i.itiliaitkeohuh, o N.'liteb. 404410 . 41, , i' ..i., •• titlit- . 111. blthy pCrt.u, a e :f1 .. ..- 'Of , _.• ', T, fob eyes vitality 1,, t:ie bloW5: 0 11•01 4 7 , • -• ! its the I,lod witbilblitVi • - , 14- , , vist=siii and zi;e - to;fter;tie. rOIII4YILLE. 0( . 101931 ti. 1870 ERB The kjaantity aent,.liy Railroad f l / 4 ;r the Week, is 9.4,519 by Canal, 26,682; for the. week, tons, against 1L5,312 tons for the caries 'wilding week last.year. There in but little change to note in the trade sinciOast week; except that the'ilemandAs, if anything, a little more slaCk than heretofore, an,! prices rule . pretty low. The coastwise freights remain low, which is a benefit to the. trade' this season, and tends increase the ship inCnts to the Eastern markets. The men-at several collieries in the fil,tatici-: Region, having refused to abide by the de made-by the delegates who met the -op erators, several colliriies in that Region are still idle. a.t Eangden's` Colliery they offer, to pay tho wen SO cents a wagon until the Ist of-De ! . cember; which is 3 cents below the t.. 1. basis. At one or two others they offer to pay 140 cents a wagon. until the Ist of January. Atst couple . of other's tliby aye taking in Men independent 'of the Ny, EZA. Such contortion will always be the result: when the Men refuse to , be governed by cite action of their regularly constituted del egates, and if Persevered in most result ii . de-,. stri , ying their organization. • FBc3M OUR CORIMSPON I 1 E.SI ILA DET-11'111.%, U e t. 2 1 ', /8711. . Tins-market has been very ,pdet du ring 11Ie Iraxt WCeR, and shipments have been tande only at ‘ery FAV it4tlretl. The prices of roal and rates or freight being both very low it was anticipated wonld bring new orders. The queSt inn now urbane, has the tnar ket a lull supply.of coal? If net,.lt is singular why the triele remains 1.0 dull: The season is getting late and thole who have not laldin a supply of coal, will tibd MI better time than the pi esent. lAcights -are 130stIttlanm desuselapi e ttt fair Suld IY• our New York• letter did 'not arrive las 4 evening. flogroX. 0et.20, ln,u. ' B NNAIf BA 3lMl'l—Getitletnen P , lhtsvitighile the- • - :I;tican-imiott co.d. IN BosON. Oct. Is, That. 44.4,111 dee. t.1.7:i2, 10.21 d I ne.':So.p) VOO4l racite....... 4#ki4.l 1311,110; N ,vzt Kr( 4,tu Sti,Asl Tr)tai . I licreu • tie, IrZti.•lA- aismlt 6215,1±41:3 CM The change of the seasons begins to be manifest in various ways, but not ail yet In an Inereasestde mund for coal. Though but six reliable weeks re in:du of the present slapping 'season, the wants- of thelrade can only be met by low prides and low rates br freight. There ha 4 been considerable coal "an the market the past week, which has had a depress ing effect-lipon prices. The trail of the four months stElge.still re.ls upon the Anthracite trade, and we can ' , en bat little encouragement for - prod LI et 111 mint-, ing balance ecl the year - I !v i t. triode Sun& up 4his 'week as follows: . , _ Plll2. - ItClz • Wlmit TOT L. .44K1414 L4?TI. -4 - nthrrorite. ,----4-- --;..- . ..s.- _ P.tltlt It • ios,wo 2,1115,911 9.1.5 , 93 . ..i . • 2.4a0,711 41'1'001 Koh ('anal..._.' 13.9=. I .11.11,-1.11 =Ale 34-96.2 t diMilljeA; L Vlllll It- , alt 31),512 .h . -1,704.17.11. 5 4.451 7.35 . 7 241 714,."- - V . 3.. A. it It Nth 1 - 4.35 241.2a6 • 'Ill.:90' - ' I. Catial -tl.t. , .1020C9 1 3191,211 d •Moa4 I. Nttv R 1t...-. 00.140 • ' 613,una• 21.372. 819211 W 332: seetit-0 Sib I 14,1411 7:3..111; 40.1.04: . / 0 110070: . CI:Ad 'do - .Nth I - 17,1010. 902.099 ' 10 . 7(4 ' MAC i 2- 09 . 00 1 Pena It 1t... 't - 13,7uD 770,719t 21,0113 911.210 101,52:. du Canal I •=t •i•• 14,1916, 1111( 14,4:0'd tit DA Ti Cal.. I t 4041 . 9911.=/1 10,993; 1325=41 .7.01.1 M •13 ,t-Ii 11•11., j, ' 30.11. ' itural 15,762, 310,31:3 2 - 46,1f10 Wyeating Kb •- , =llOlll 11,195` I . Wywiliag . .:111. ' Pthautakln. - ..- .130C1 ' 312,522 70,575, 11;k9,821 . , . . , Arra I- ; ,, I lansa..i , ' Trev,y ,t u '"- • 443 . • :SX7, Ku art _. „.... I ~71"..,,,11ti i • 112,671 I.y.ke . , V,C4L. :, 1,114 - .:11,14 WII Ila ingion ..--. 30 . 15o„.11/?. 141 it 1.41 4 1,; Col.' . CZ= 4,7=; Brnad Top • ;per.; . =AZ. B. 4: (1.. t 4,4171 76.1,W Clies.El)l%ii.l Ca.tr - 1; - . D IEI mom . 379.74: =OM 11,973,411 720;5,73 11,8751,1131 sane 1:49.71,14 Win r,or6AP • 4 , 1,0) 2 671 112 6, .ICI , 48 351,6 7.51 1 3 mr,,070 ni.s7l j G 6,11661 65116 it,cti 410,4¢! _ z2X2 d tot.soi • 644,17 S d 133,22 i Lea MAN id di),ldt i 1471,=7 Tuiul.4llkl lid 314.8171 11,743,719380.013 ,4111 ' 314.ari WWI . sosoi I,sta,sc, - Ti n quantity of Anthracite sent for the wAk exceeds the quantity sent for the eerreiponWg week last y ---7- ort'ir 53;261 tons, and of all kinds, 50,393 tons. TO total ciaanti y Anthracite sent .to ... - To same date laud . . Increase Adthraelte so Total atutrit Itg..oi all kinsis:to date.. To same *late, hot simr Increase of all.ktnds to dale .2405,5E1S . 13,01M,491 Uil IV il2 While the Anthracite trade has inortiamd . so largely, the. Bituminous trade has fallek off about 175,000 tons. If Congress had taken Off BM duty on Bitumirioni Coal it the tut Session, the Bitur►►inous cot► trade of the country Would .=,have tettit' almost annillitatixl, itruL we -could `lawn only Ininished what Nova .ffentle. could tiot,furnisli. causing almost title io:jhosn i en act4ml in the , home trade. d Unless the ixoal tnarket kbonfd 'foriek' down hetOre the Ist of December, the trams:N!! of An thracite coal thin year Will'reach-nearly2,soo,ooo . "P 1 , 4 .: - 1. 1 =I RE OM ha t l ..N' e } ll ;N ee it i l i .,t i -, ~, . i - • D a d e a wgrithat ,:tanyotowexperittiellttgs Ittaebbwv., ity: ot: Wbbtlt have bee e .. A•tried ali. a l banatat fit.: .; tel)r. Silage P:ftOrngli; been made till inipFot lig these nute i blafs., and . • 'the LDAD O „X/Ift:Wiot•itNAT. elgt .. talUs” . tiie' . fouawips .. . •...J ~! ~tt tt ,ge ) hniejbat_proinkeel to be verti.s,uptesttt I . : , . • So for greater tutees* los Ottentletti We turcohtio6- of Mr. le. Mild or the e cavat ion of coal by mach!. nery lb any t Cher whi •11 hat I:wen brwsht under th ji ee i i: t re of th t public, or not only. lass he received , •or r sere or he 110130 put dowu In :b at col ! , lie .4; " n Ean hlre a;I Yorkshire, but he liar n nfriging with ileutleme . in rrance, Belgium, the United plates al.-tenter ountries, to send thefxt ottt there, Mlle Inv - ution./hmaylazstattsi,-Cattabilla In• • Puttinghorixon,al, longitudinal * radio!: and dingo- , ualgroOves in end or °Mier mineral to b excavated. by means of a st•ries of link snicks -containing ctd ters,..whifth arel)olned together in such a manner that .nu ;rivet A o connect lig pins are required. Th e I cutters pass a iund a they mounted in a rola l i arm ; and firma -a, -whoa fittest-to ..a &haft, J which fits in al leaeope flume to increase or reduce I its length. Tii r.adiut arm Is provided with grooves which support the hack) of the-cutter stocks, and I re pvent them f , tin Icing Urawin out, In the groove of,' the radial arnx;i whilst tlin ItootheetYudioellis driven id to Ole motion 19 the cutlers. The . position of the ' radial aria is ci anged, so ut to give t h e c, required cut- ! s b iL a ft W aTeli n t .1 W3ilt i tt 01 4 1741r e l i s i 'l it f t ( A l t '! it t et el l "( ,• ' er cam, too cleve r tni eatch turns, tiworttil at order- . vats, and thus . vancen the cutters to the extent re-. quire.l. i The in •liine 1.% orked by coin pressed air, ror otherielastie fluid, tit necessary machinery' for Which has alre y been I a.eribed in the Journal. i The machine, e bellevd,Wasfirst tested at Wham.; 1 entre Slittstone 7ol,llery, in the pmsence ofa number hr . mining engl eertannitivarlous parts of the mutt- try, and the film Its went. St), Alt i S flietOry . that the i 1 ropriet rs ordered one without hesitation. A noth- 1 - stria! - 'as made at the fW ,even Main colliery. t the p esenee of one of lice pr.oprietors. 'himself a Vente4 of a mode of getting! to by machinery, nil witi equal vsatisfiwtFry r+tilts. The - machine Itself at iglis al;mt :teals+ Is made set f •propelling, and ran . paapttA to work i the thist lewsible i t aeank, n severalof the t filth. Made I t he.n rat in stance a tank 4 ft. lit leng di was cut - lii a depth of* ft. in six and a half minut s, tin' I.1.0"/ I le bentz rev - 4 - than 1 , 2 In. It will thus I w seen that a machine, which Is work sil by one Imam and clears away all the dirt as It goes along, i, , fit hole P. 2 tons of coal in 1 about tiee minute.: lug 1 - N!.1•11 ;hat qtia LIMY will be:• exceeded by th • don hie Aloder machine s which are beltig made. here ate ' t t ree description , of ma-. chlinsi-our fu under-cut: Lig , one fox :dratght work 1 ic and a thbd to• worked by manual power. the bit ter we believe. lot weighlid much more titan ~ ..ewt, We may itatet tat Mr. /HUH tins tli , por.Ni or oai . j-litill of his patent rl ht for a ciiishierad.• i sum y of loone to a gen t ietnan wellactittaftted il,;lth maeldtsetTlot getting eon!, a4d himself a patentee. .? . -•.,.,..- It would apt ar that the tit t le,. of rttbslalrifrattarit j, other mineral by ntaehtn ry hi et trai ki. font - deal of attexitb n nitro:al. :non ,ne Platee ilk' sila`l* 1 cubit!. wllefe. 1 , Obably, alt rger Itint*te4ol - are emplOyed t an at any( titers on thia. , land 14'10.1'0SM h Inconven (-nee has reelft.tifileittit . ..: ex perieneell ovlng to strik .s. a hi day tiNgisseteolgiq.i 1 letter has been received by Mr. 11 it'd: -..7 , ' , ..,;. ! ,.1..,- ; ..., -Le Crthemor, LOIRE, HO . ;L DV 'OMNI Earrillft . gaie .. • Xi. 1.7p.--fienti -meat Havi g hde y reads/n o &Nutt 'your patent roal•eut tug nt teirtue. I witt..lt. very glad .tt.ls, favored by 'Oil wit it -a few larn. and Af is Able, wit It a small ketch. t..: ter Is . causing : good deal t 1 exeitemeni in amongst Minh g engliteehi and, perhapa. I ltd to sum,. ()Men, . - 1 ,1 . • HattutlitnEgM mini isrlette Is.l-IVt fromtaxiLltid other places, I t e Irani Mr. M . Weil. Nile Mundy, Park,, 'I, Of tin .11*pultirefaud lialtimore froth halt i 4toAktU4l3 ) ,. no hare nrluding Mr. Pry Compati r het her the i 12-1(. • . From the a •ts of that pal aV w• Fatprll values as tow itroductlon work done Ii enquires rus to M`:1111 and tlu;rn put 'stow that the prop eneounuang, give a WWpa ,regard to the I and the actual tog put ti4l+l7l. The ternus et are—undt•r-en ' llaellint i Hit 11 11 tares• (a, ell lt eft : 0:1 a fu ' 1 )1111. fill i ,f the ott ' • tar 1111 _ ...i. . g4;434' work 4 v/e..w_ t , i Ilarinir. Is It will 6 , 161 , 014, re 111 every wits' tire 0/ . 3..11111, til ruireirteof , ..tiltli title cylinders, le/title. How be- tot' royalty ; and le. per ea 10a., which the ti tang wer straigh 1: and-maul: '40)111,44 mi Vgi Ulta, u r ith I';.1 pt•r , tvvrk t.ro itl-pou•rr BLAztv-Ft - WA Lks.—The fishes a eorrec rurnaeca now I - statement wit It k found tha a marked lna blast.- to the West Colott, against 97; byshlre, 3t rot mouth, il7 , ag III: In the'W. letnn :19 to 4iS f ever. that soc has being Increase its th means repr• ' elevelailicl. 'I ACES IN EN ..,t.tNn, :it0rt...%:0• A..5:n • Iron and I 'or.l ''miles ;Rev lew '• pith. e I.labnlateil +lateniviat of the blakt blowing in Briiittii.• l'Ompartimt this I one iniblisti -.I ahoy*: two years into, In nearly ev4.ty ilistriet there I 1 aas ...ell Irease In: the; number Of turnuees .ii . ' :cirt h of F:nglantl thhs hi' la; it=alii•t 4 41; ( I against 3I; . south Sit; trordshlre, lot rib Statforilsl Ire, :3 In; iinst 21: Der inured with 31; south U aleAllllll .11011- , 1.1111. t III; Seot 1 , 11, I::2 I . fipa.red ivith st Riding, thf returns s ow 44 41.ee , eam., trzuwes. It xi ~uhl 1.• tn.- it lolled. how. it. a generiil,ol4.eonstrue lon-,of u0r1,•.4 1 , kg ,kik In the Nr rtht,f Enterna, that the t• tinniber off ilia. es In hhtst "In - Ito , nUi the deceit. pineal. of i, hat . district. 1 furnuct a are now being ereet..l in to fnerease in he West. ('oast dlstrhl d, and there.ulin a !nimbi r of new for- - pl lic.lng built. In the other ,l Ist rt.-is fenslon 1‘ in to•Orrre,a. Tlio4 runt rot ti rm.' 11 . ..1 , btllll. mot 440 ill 11111,:t.101 - tliove not a, be safety allied that fully:one-half /tot he idowicit lei.a , ii... It is not , 41... y 1. , 01 or..iltiefion of I ii...lViriCliy.,.lll) hikt•! hilt 17: l es , than flopt .11,141,1144 u, 5,7; ',lay , . ArE UT ILIII.IIiIik /NIP (..v . . • .1•••• IS Very . 11111.11: 711tele are no ♦ery little ex give In blast it m. of theill eStildlate the it (NUM"( 206% per 111411 lAuTa. 6.• gncntlty Ing l'lturid..y Ij AL, lhall. nt hy C..111:41611 the -,± 44.k:C ' 'tad 112 E St. Poitcart•ffit Pottsville ' Autrm, Purl Vlintott... • II " "." Ni • : I :' ME NA' I •/1.1.,iii t•tio Pres i..ti.:y . .11.11•1- 1.. I i rpa, ), • 'T LL+l LI, COUNTY It OLYZOADA F Th,• nail"' Ls 11* tripatitity t tot:tuned las _ _ • ' Mille inn ,t Y. Vao Vtryk....:. art. lurb.•rry 'inn; (Joint Spring I. ... T 001. ; 2.1... 02 12 , -; I.11.(3. 141 9 .31A 4r; Ll Tf.. , ,1:11liat COAL litDE--1 , 470. LICII Hi II 4AL.I.i 'VV Lltil.% D. Sr II C fly Lehigh y 11Py ntart a, ra, day l: :mil fort f t^ enr : I t , I . Quantity seta] el.:lll4Ln SIAII 1 I,t nip week =MEM Wyoming .... 1 11:4711.tem iw•h- , Kh. B. .Meatl..w. Mauch Cbtkulc... OMB 1.7 tA. I 47 ML . 0.16 1,117,1,n1 ; 1,1/.,1101 Total &aut. Uzui , last NEE I n( lI . U.SP Dec rra..w LEHIGH I ATH)N EZED The fullowlug Causql anti Ftal/ Week _ending, i”' ts .11IY y o tot] of the Geithrla sotuettoy evenlo coal truh .l r!}oby .the Itral rael 7 NlT•et..o.. (or the : I - • .11,7 A L.'. ........ 1 Wlie eat. I ' l rrA L • N 71,7 41 II 19.2211 •—••••••-• 351.614' :1,17:10, 111407/ 1,740 144.1,74- By lixltallnkui Ttli. Coal wail at.. i*l A. FONVWS From Wrorrith l'pprr •• " .111.miver M,ol2lif IV. " Igh .:MME= T,lii cl 7 Uts.% del. to L V R.. R at s. 2,C,.)tc EMI =MEM DELI WI RE itrosoN cox EMI Tlie fnllowitic Ih,lawaro and urday N NtaLuineuf u 3.1404 Mimi Cu., Coal by t - 14k. or tut w el4i Sat , wk;E:l:.!torr•L: By S7rf. k iTud B, 1tnt1r0u.1..... solth 121IM IMllliilliliilll E'er iLe same pe lal lust year By Delnware By Hatirond ' lila. (...anal Mil WI 1111 i9f It I:,q.ct E. 9 d( bt.:ll I 144511 T IDY 1 - T0u1..._:.;:. OAL MARKETS, Ni OF COIL Hip'lig 6111;410. THE PRIG. . ICNII j 1' AND EArr OF NkW RX,H.ltEtalltt, ENK Lti Veit gr.:Ens, .1! , Red Afth Prepar *SW a,...1_74i • do t.lltxtnut Lobtut. Mt. Lyra W. Ash 4 ;56s ;.01- 10; . .... 1 ;• - rto L,ou 14.4 4 0.) „.• Egg ti 14tort. SLOVr.. j 4 4 (d, =I I= - Lt -1,0187 4'oo "4 . :441 , irr4 t 4 So 4 2,4 4 oil .. L.: i .-. 411 zlttlt 754 4.0.) EDI 3chuyl. R.d Ash;.. do Chevtilut, • S W A4ll Lumll , Mitearrror ' ir• 2.14 „.; iui, , 1 Oil 4 -"*• -4 *, ; Zi t 4-AfT! D , 6 74514 . 5 74 , Htl • MO 6 Zi , (lb ] 5tY44 4.;3 Co oi v YORK, Aglb LnraK. 9 , . 871). yap 1.- ... 5 Oka; 5 54 Kkio 4.l.lstharirl rig IC4R _.._.....:.._.....} MEI EMZEMI t. „ 70. 1.,70 To the . tract:. Wilkenbarn• and Lyketut ,Val Icy Red abitmokln Walla Zerbey Vatter ritont yard or svn retail to consum op t yr i mv Crprk 1 and Lax nst Paint Ku or ear it, ttnton W Awl4.-L. ...... Ea= r. So to Ou hipping- &4d111.0.44 . :icy Y :: =t23 4 GO& 4 71 ALEXANDIiLk Ot.orgen' Creek Cu , A.N . D firAnil ETOW;q : Inberhuri, canm. t. 0, L... 'RE DE tittAck MD.. stun nn 1 ikiiril 91. Ira,. 1-44 404 4 CO . j lIA Wllkesharre nitti Pit Nhamokln Lylterieg Vailley. • Trevarlon 14-1, PU. •• • G IS V ('OJIPA. 1 . 10 41 4iJA1.. .L. me ..!C d :r. Elt • . Stn. (1$ "t.. 4 50 :,4 ii. 4 f: , jl4 7•5 CS 10 . .1 '43 ={:q —414 so k. 94 79 El 5 (CI 911 PS .1) - 41.1 Od td 74 .....SNI sd. . l. b 5 dld ..5 10 4ln 4 1111 475 5 111 ..1 do .4 13 ....1 1, 4 90 411 110 1 Z.. .1 GO .4 .10 ;it '. - .-IV. 50 4 . 11 01imot ,b,76Cei PAY% 11715 Pam•txcxwt. But At Bblypicg Writ& Block TAngan Little Grace .Slack CrAlts to .$1 =CETZIM CE • • • • COA4 ER: t. Pran'd: Puatlarta.„ . 21 PUTtistnatittl--- S to" DA • Sow Beinn.d....Lz au 40" 2 CO •Pro LT' Itorsibral.-- 2 30 - 1111ddlruorp.—. 1 2 11 aterolelk OD Ala* , Atbsnir--" Near 1 reire4F,77 - f ' Wlnter2/nrr.:.::" Pambaldgepori. 2 , Durebleater.-- , larwoaryport—. Alleu'o Point— : nl 2 13 El • Pl. Dais.. Arced blbp't . fat I fa.. JP* pz Atr 4et I El - to. MEE • E.• Cb. gib 00- • gra* back tdrutb ciyt%rto scitruki ULM Laicawanna. Hound,. 110 hoke do New Yo Lehlr,b. New York*, Iteraction t Elizabeth. Plttatott.`Newhurgh.... Lehigh. Pt. Johnaon_t. old Volnpatqoa f. o. b. -Port Johnsost---- Lehigh. Et Izabethpurt Elizabothportinti Pt, Cu? CO °eats: ewbo • tiaa Canal. ristgu iiii .. m MEM BENI - .1 Al MEM MESE ME EEO fri , ;:l t AM :,~, ;. MEE 1i.151 I, 74 , II ls -1•14',1“ Ltbs 11E1 .04,7 EZEBEI EMI . 6 21 a. art 1a I a I 90 a C.Y_) MO El .. • _ _ .. • VIA Norm Ptifinn-LVAIIrIA, lAII.IIOAIAr- • Nati I PS ' .; ...—.*llo I =4o ll- . 1 44111.41,, ./xl6 maxim' & . rmic.x. *Ai iha v... 1 .Ifiolookos. 411.14%. ... 1 ...... 11,14 :: 4 i..Ai . g......,...,;... • • , • .14 la arn:-LI •• • -t.i-- -. Te.Vorris a zaiez,:'-'. — tno • ..... .. , ... ..._._. 00 BLllPPlllii&`ftairling--- qIIIPPiOS i 'orbo:vll4.-. as .t: z", " Taltift.Taiftibir_7. ____.. - ,P,ratttiPenn Haven itThtilai n.—,..: • Di p1311(111 NAVIOAT n, -- - - 1 0 .". , ota t r. Penn fiaren to Pall! pain ',..._,..;.........:...-----.......—., Ite Mauch Chunk to Phillips g _ ....- ~.,..........;...{......_..-.1.4 . .of sllutch.C.ltnnk to Kobuk Pea Joblisarl:- , ---;--- ; 00 tappingstA slAtage • - _....4.............-.1.-4. 4 ....:._.... .17.• • =I.W. - . 5, ,- .., ;AWIA, , - .•741...,,x.r ~, • IiCkICTIXILL -440,104.36111tift,0111, - , TIIP' fiIIIIIWIIft are the; taitttt of. Inetans IL Sati97ll:lll Omni for tat Omni . t • , , ittri .w-sW Tonko. .. ?er -I g Pt.t'airtton. Ittkozib To I oti. 44cji. Haven. 'lot Clinton Prei .• 11. ' {on . - --t tr.' -I GO • ttit In - / 74....- IN• • 14 ' . • - .• 83 Drawback iteTtott. on' coal for New York add. • . . ' TO gitI,LAUSLriIIA. .1 . . . , . grto 4. CO.rbulq..le..rarhotic jtk•h. ;facet!. Pt. Clititon Tot! -110 . --I ao -1 07 -1 00• Freight 1 911 " 9l) 14 ' • 1.0 . . • _ • , 4-. : .:-./ '-I By.,l.Liiilsk,c..A.N'Ai , Front 'menet, - mui.i. iu rweion:: - ....._..:,..,:... - -... ..:,.- . New lope Airoinrtstoi Throokit to New York. Through to ' Philadelphia, • 1 40 70 AV NORRIS CANAL: To New York To Jern..7. For re-ahipmnt-.....—A. .V..._. !2.`A Pcw Abutrtisemtirs: =MI WANTED —A young man MR KALEA . MA,S; j Dry chx,d4 and orrwery Store. •with referenettx..' - P. 0. Box Oct V.1M83-2t—.lld 1 . .T... 1 OUSE AND LOT FOR' sA.LE. xdtattr= - on I I tint nry Ktroo. in the corona!' of l'alri A I to. near the Palck.‘lto ItollinirNllll,lla2 , :r Naomi beside a large kitChP ll , , llllllli.r.kiiCtlen 41i,! cellar. Water on the grounds. For terni , , &c., apolY toi. ' 7. ' 9.122, 7 4-11-::1.- . t*, It 1:1-:11:1". Palo Nilo. - ----•- 'BOAT WORKS! IRON WORKS ! ' - - , . 1-111 t SAL'E Ott To ASV LE, i The'ii.elo ty I kill rEalVell In.recf troll Ny'1;1:,... art otli r ed torale at Ind ) Mt`dr original rot, or , ill la . leaFAi for. fo a tern' of ye. o re.' a manlier pasties. 1-7 or tern's ; apply to CjiAlti.E.: WILT/LOUT,: 'frn.tee, 4 , 'et 22., '7 , :—:1.,1).1r:‘ ' • - ' .schuylklll llivcri. ..._ 15 30.41aTiON..—Notice . I* hereby- given, that • the paelltes*loi heretofore existing between II• ' 1 4 , ' 1 aisle P.r.Aemzer and it. lititaille,a-sli.-1, t,e , 1 , i.: cr a • -takby-li6,t tutt eonsent been:dissolved, and it t s, , retl lAnelisolit still lie eontinued by IL L. Seltzer, of Al ',., ...Ad paethi!, indebted to saki firm ate re fill/ WWI and acute the *lune with, and- tho,e 'lt um agallist It:to present then' to, Said B. I. t . lit Rilittlo44l'. Schuylkill epuniy. P.O, - 11111" TALE ORPHANS' COURT el : , :elsetx I k 111 a Co In the matter of the I.:stair:of John W. Koch; dercsied. - The tualersigned Auditor, appoint ed by t add Court; to audit t h e nee, .11 nt . n tut Ina ke diatrib nof the balance in thy taunts of the Ad-- whilst re et said eetate , to outlays:mg ,t11....,e 4.14 - • , titled to emus., will meet all parties Inicre.trrl for the yetrpasiti of itts appidfftruent on Sultirthik,.l Norenther 19th, 'Mil. at 1 ... clock, P. M., at Ikk otnoe, ; In the Nopa!igh•or Taitinqua. Schuylkill i•ontitS.. nt. —. -- 31i1 1 :N., ITENLIP.ICKs Auditor, .1.. r oi; 7 , to g ;.1:• !STA TE . NPR A. picncsoN. • DE- L-. CEAS.rD.--The , trteleridattea,,art Atitiltdr p.i: pointed tu re-idate'und tr-mettle the account 1.1 Mary A. Inco.m; Admintp.truttlx of maid estate. and !., ,inoke• atidxlialLikpu Ad thu-lonlazeg in th e hajei. m Nliti .14:4411411.irkitrir,-:will nvetittl partjet lutea - t-s;ed 1"r - the puripive,.. of 111.4 appointment, at his"rithee, No. Imo Centre ilttert:„Put twilit:, on Tueada;y, the btil day of Novelober , Ig7O, at 11 o'eltotk,'A. M. • r RAIN W. MICREI., Auditor. . • Oct • . To DRIVERS OF - HOSES.—The CLIPPED ROWS E perforruallbe labor with kreatoid case. sweats It.scs.,:..uftersipork 181400t1 dry, clean arid 1 , 111 ft/M1M1.% earth S More .tiesh with al.- 1 - 44 . higher spirit onn ukven quantliy irf food and 9n.htas I{ 0/11. i.row:lett roczver he would shoot ilia ag hi. Greenwood . Wa% placed in jail to awaitpis tria1;' 4 4..4 ,- „. • -,_ • -4- , A•LA FA YEIVF: pa I.:says that the alleys of that city are so 111th) that the Street Vonit • ' missioner has to Wear a clotles 7 pln on nose When Malting hisTounds. porrsva4x. mAßkgis...' evereetiaqiugy!or las iiise4ne v fogrikal by•IFLEIIf a No!.. ES 1 bak. I 25 7 - 74 382 $ 87-, i Y TOM.: 750 ' -8 - CIO 360 - 4 00 - 1 60 164 ' .1 60 . • 110 1 13 1 Ab 110 ' ' 1-36 ; ' I, ' I ss' ary 8s • - • I: ao 1:1 160 . 24110 t.O CO • U -. ...! /0 . 12 -; I • • ' 14.11.bewtbt.,.. **Flour_ . ma- el, 'IkbPLE: - 77 •-" 'l, mma-emboss ••• • Red r1.7r11.144 . 7r 11 .144 Prima whitir r..;-...11e1".." Rya— - . ''''' • ^ ••••• ...... oortf...z: ' • Oans - ... .. .... Com Kea: .. ... liiktditop, • Bran "*"—** ---"•••-411 bush_ ^ - - —.l . . . . • .bli e _.,.....,.-.-...1,.'.......-.11 Ettraw........,.:-.:-- , ..... , . ---,TA 171,,141. ..... • ~., ...... ....,.....:•••••,-1 &mi..- Bu ...-....:.......--......... , ..44. 7 ,- Pio; .• y \ -; . .....4.4.44.....11111116:4„-... 0. - IfrcirsilLA*o 1i0414.4‘ 4 ,—_ laio 'pouts OA? ,14*, 14 iolliv mod - . • ..0 , Runlj n atrik *I.- . 4 * • ~ ' l itr....== -•.- I 8 " •Iniri , D lk...rf u t aii iigiltiokylb..,...«.,- , G,! _ . ~,.414. 1 5 • • I=triuder99..-1 ' 141,Whita Ferelielid. -WA • - win 99,....r Erar' ek 9 -11 ‘.---t-112 airiy999......m.....:..., ' 9 D--‘--• , - - roirar-t, .., ,z, -:, ~ • ~ .eigii9- e ssing..- : -.,....., 10 . De 9 9. 4ll 9odufillilk.a, BeaselaGuiplci‘-...,13-.111 - • Corned 919.....4. ~. Rater 99-...:-.....;.4. 4 9 - , M a ieeir i rgt,„ Bear . 1114 3 1 4 w liMp 11. i Dried Deere lIK. ~. ~ Id PutidosiDems.44- _, .vii i ks,- -, ,-4,-„,., „it-, patitfieregoin ' . 0.011 499rter I 1 4*--_-•14 II t oomf-t •. . gintsgowtorikb...... filt,Dervi 4+ ::* ••.** `2. - A-ifr t . .. , ...•,,,, 9 ..„.... terrible 9sidV..7 mt.: , ;...919 -1 4 ' ' a u 4 4914: Si PineAPPiell - 9 - /- , y - 8 " : 44. - tibial& ga kail tin o4 Uta l . ..- . . ... . , . El Ei 1:3