The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, October 22, 1870, Image 2

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lbw+. SPMALliniv* briarrnal Alphs4e de.lly.s4er tats
us at
beAd, cons pw1144 Imerclon ; IMO cats in Ilan tor' every.
sintinonsient lanneirtion. e.
BANNAN db 'TUNES —l3ookselera
trks and Binders. I eltnue Street, Po.
serTERDA,y, thi4e4le 'of Ta
Y dedi eafeCtbe thitAifonument erealliad
" I 4 - fickly'lk ill ``County it* thC, gallant•solOgts
o,:thiit- plat%sv 01: la I the late • Ott
it ,
*.itigiOe foi th, __ nionWtd Republican ha*.
tutiOns. - But has " t een &Mc for the
emetic:JO 0i ttioanty go`nument, to ‘bl-10.
acted in Pottsville, except . .tie appointment
of a Comniittee. In Order to give a start to it,
the subscriber will glee 1000 1 and the point
of ground at Greenwood, fronting -on Coal
street, for its erection.
~- ..
• . .
• THE DONERS, JOURNAL is Issued every .Saturday
, fla fting; and furnished to 'subscribers at af. 75 per annum. in
advance. or ita If not paid In advance.
3 Copies to one address. $7 00 I 15 Copies to one 'Wilma". PO 0 °
6 00 llt " " • -", " . 4 5 5 5 1
, To News Dealers 414 00 per 100 Copies. cash.
To M-Inisters and ticbool Teachers we will furnish the
,Jorensat, by smsli.mllt 40 pen annum, in advance:, others
. c ," Ise at full rates; i . -' ,
. ...
THE'DAILY• WI:NUJ - LS' JOURNAL is Published eyery •
weeirifrfti"L Saturd"Y."l".P'ed. ' 'the
T en cents per weeic, payobto to ciaTitr or
• went b tribom ft is served:
BY MAlL—Payable In eavance ? one Me, .500: IdX•
- bont ll3 . 42 75; three nioniti., al 50.
plalffrislt• N4 - 1.,.gi - tv atv.intA" zotrn*Atlrrso l *
sulitltla, La advanc.-; .fri 00for sin ruouale• ,:. •k.,., .. . .
s 1 . • ' BANNAN 6 RAWlSlO...Pubrisbers.
.A"IAL NAVIGATI N.7-The situa-,
. Lion. of the besieged . population of
'Paris . has compelled the use s ofaerial meth
odiiOf iiiinitntinitiltlini; thus far with exee -
lent success. - We ' have tad' Inlee -Faire
-and Gambetta both "up in aLballoon," while
twd.Amerieans made their tllbitt in'safety by
the same means., A very freitaent and toler.
ably certain postal service h4jailso been in
augurated by the same mffeed. All this
onlyshows the vast imports of sun:le-prac
tically regulated method of - navigation.
The age demands that facilit ',*Ur Bitch-ban
sit abould-be,afforded, and it enuitterimite,
as much within-the scope o , httnllepkittillii
as terrestrial locomotion.; • Tpa,,ColalyAiern*
is that the''pregress atOody Inside in the r- ort
has not prioduced soinellitni inore practical
than w.e pave had. Wirken 'll-e think of the
. .., ~,, _ , , „, 1 _ ,_
opportunity anoruea. j eer uwentive ginins,
an!l, the certainty et :15*
in `success, jt iseniff onuprialng that we htior
not already if 10 - tat 4 * Amen j , nary - 4 . )- seAnV
navigation companiestOn Soot. It hi safe lii
predict that before the 'thee of the deem& Ire
will navigate the air with ae_much precisibu
as -we do the water., Why not have aerial
sapphos and Cambrias, as well as aquatic?
An iterialsWeepitakes will be the excitement
of 1690, beyond doubt.' Close connection bal',
loons,for Japati'And Anet:t.irolla will then:he
tbe."first coach through." 1 - 1 , .
:CST week in an artiele branding efrtain
_Li - papers. for forging an intiunona
t•e gird tolbispaper, wegave the P)illadelPhla
LE*: whi'c'h, also. publlsliett It after
, Our,
lie.denialoitid..look-.l=aY . iiuee
eithfr to furnish the proofor relniet.the publi
cation.. They have dorie neither, but delibeirl
ately publish forges and then ,refukt to:
, . , r ..„
relraor.. ,This pia thein,iu; the , po iiitiOtkot
the; tirigii/ al Corger. and, we - 41iiiiTOre stair
!Irani} thli••pt•oprietor," Cleo ; w:
tiaaie , ppeara Juls jitibllslier, as Nye did thP
true'; la.4t. week., as an .infainoils liar and
- seoutidrel:; and we:. have :stricken: - hia ,papor
from riurtxehaitge list •tilb disgrtiee:to jatir- 1
1 t e ssili centiuue :CO bran l Lim a
on',all.otteasiontp, at,4llJie ekther.fur-r
pieties the proof or retracts, • i! • -
We - "Nrare that we live 'ln the enttntry.
MI/ a •tiell'.inatt,iu
r "?ant.l a pet ,tfith sogle; but-he • was onet ,, poor,
'•xr,Autt.we purthased Backs •frona , him , when ho
• 'occupied ti . rnall room in - a back . buittling on .
• the.e . Ortier:Of 51.11 and Areli streetti,'.a;great .
mans - years ago—but we. do. not &are .ithe in
askielt as Crk4. - Stita., and if everybody in Phil
chOose to toady to -we are de
t e i rildned Ite•. , ;liall not publish forgeries i abOtd,.
us with imPunityufter they ltave bee 9 eon-.
tradieted, and then refuse . to "(Irish , the
. • proof orretritet the same. Noneldrta'seettik
in nrai )‘. oat() be gUilty.of
tiet; It ; is-high time that tAteil ittfititteltitt
sviniluct eh uld be eliecked••iii - the: , plibile
F4ME C,oanfizatcr..—From the monthly
reports of the Buredit of Et . tatistles, we • learn,
that our Imports for the setri4n - months end
ing July 31,18;0, in specie, were—
Of ,I.Allichere
Few ennaunaption' ' •
y..x.porjetor 7 mouths, specie value.
11 . 118:7171,110
-.... 271,125.052.
Export of eoln and bullion, 7 inunths 41)549,4rd
I inoores of win and bullion do 1.... : .
Eires.s of ekpoits In coin ; I e.21,0fr...,f7d
Ois ° of ipiportati;Oni'in gOoda oVer
pwlations; :11,701,350.. 'fhb§ is the most fa
vorable exhihit of our foreiiu trade ,that has,
takeri place educe the Rebeltion'was crushed.
. .
IVe. - liti•k' Alwity; been iAui.Voons to the .
I,F.Dmat:iis ult our readem•know since it WA.9
- 1,11 tOl IA tett li'3• l &li ihiA, but roue' time agt.i• we '
. fonnd it 31 i: - C ..5.'411 , 4, •tO •Al ti(ld' "to the inilhbrng
of . a ,eouside able: ixiitiok o cif.our Opal :statist
tio ti 4;:an al.. our ideas, and palming them oil
, 4
as-their o.: 4 ; and also to the stieorreetness of:
ilk!ir e . oal t'aent en ts which WereealeulatOto
utlibarra.., the' trade, which ~ v,p' resunie was
the eatise td - his. publisiii ng the • forgery. after •
it- -tylt,; eOptradiete(l, and then 'reftwinki to
flail ish the or enue a it: . '
" IVeLuust again apolc:ezetu.our realers for,
usitik sneh strong lad&egu l : , hut weask.ony
tione . st man - viliO•reall the artfele weptibllithed
on this • sultitiet
. last week.;,'Wheilier, we are
notjustitied in doing sq.,. _ , • ~. .
• • •
surviving . members! of the; Port , •- •
eighth l'eansiVaniar Regiment, taking
steps to form an Associatiotq and have il;ed
the ';s day of January, 1871, itishe time stbr
the re-union, and Pottsville as the . placsh.' 4
ThiS, is right: Air-of Ole regiments of the,
late 'war kboul4 forth •aimilar organizatiOns,
for the purposes of friendly Intereourse t and
to keep alive the memories or the march, the
bivotiafcand the battle,' - In a gemration or
-two, but few of the veteransof tVi. late war
will be alive, to tell how fields were vYon, or
to interchange those esaurtesies.which are pe- ,
.collar to the soldier. -7.lleburage thtse.friend- •
ly gatherings by alljneaus,- ! • •
rp HE amending of the, Constitilifork of
' Petni , ylvania, is a rcirup¢rativenecessity,
and we are glad to see that So. influential a
, body of the inembers'of the Phil
adelphia rnion League, has held a meeting,
and'pagsed resolution pertinent to
ti , r, as folkiw.:;:
R.aidcra, Tbni the Member - ii of the Cition League
ul la; now assembled in general meeting,
in approve and reemomend the calling of a convert
am, to be a-omposed of delegates ehosfin by the
greenlet' of the:Bate, for the porpose propoidag
theadinents to the roost i tut ion'id Pennsylvania.
Rc. , nlCerl, °Nur that the 'wishes of the freemen
the Cnnonomwealth MEW Le duly 'aocertalned iii
xei,peet to the calling of such a emiseation that ap-,
'Meat ion lie made to the ,Legishiture itsmest sox
,.i t. .r the passi , i2r-of a proper -act, rattintitting the
ineatinn to the people tor their .deci4lon al an elec
t toff to held for the *'peelal purpose on thcrlirst,
Tuesday in May: next, oral some oilier' (maxi:Mad
true. . ,
4c.iptr, That a committee to consiieof ten 'pox
...O)ZIP, five of whim) shall be taken, front the body of
the Ll•agl4, anti five from the Board of :Managers of
ineieagne, be appointed. for the purpose of direct
ing pub I le atten4 to the sulijett ' of the foregoing
preamble and • utious, with authority to confer
with any other co irnitteoi that rdriy be appointed
by other omanizations or meetings Inning the same
• rids in view, ..and -powef..4.o4.aipagta•li Incas
a res in the preiniseiis to them may st•emaileet and
. expedient.
. .
The ineviing of the. nor' t Counties re
: ;ctlntly held' in Reading", also appointed a
..ottnnitfe, • a nd these . -two c , o s tirrnittees' ran'
THE ,61"}:AKERS111,1•.—As the Republicans
of. Lancaster Co. have re-elected Maj. A. C.
IlfalloHL., We WOAlid suggest him asp suitable
'candidate for,.Speaker the next Rouge ,of
Representatives. Bela hoi'iesi, capable, and
'will make z h excellent pre:siding -officer of
The louse. • .
cent election, •eery election A strlct .outside
of 'Reading, in ilerksCounty;.; went.'Darno:
:erotic. What is the "Iterks County.
Society" doing"
, .
THE Fenian O'Neii . te behiglionized;sinee
his release from prison, through the
iity.of our Republican •Presiclent. ;*iVe
1 he will behave himself In thelutare'.
lhinr.Nwpr.T.—The last number, of DIE MO.
DEN WELT comes to us with a number of beautiful
stilei for Fall, including dress patterns, eloaka, and
wrappings, hatr•dresaing, indeed atetYillMit that
coos to make the-"rouPenarphte" of a lady. toilet.
We are. the Importers that althongit this
standup:l fashion journal may be a little sate during
the :war, still it will be sure to come in. good season,
and the patience of its itubscribers will be pat toe
test of very short duration.
ail 1 , 6 :e,onjunetion . bringing :w , itlt',l,.tjtel . '
La: 9f pre:ss,- , t he; n.n4h4r. prout4ciatly
,IpefLito the peeple.. -Let petitions .tc, Alit! beg
' 4 !ttt Llfe!be k`,.`erywlit^re 'arkl ponred .
info, nte' - Legi,ilitiurcZ 'early In. ti
,se - s-YOp,,'
ucli en ntl;Wrs as to iteltieof.pfempt,iihtpiedi
who matte
out- of :the Tiettislnturre; by
‘v.hlCliti - ;niakii"lnOney, are 0 . p0 e .0 to ttniCnii-,
Q94titi t tio 4 i, the two'4e
inust show their tleterzni nation: .t ma -
ter ; §n'tftat their wishes shall tiot,lie ktrwart-.
Matter is aeteil.iiii t 'lliornptli; . the
t'liiljean elect= •,,lelOgales - ,tii_ a Convention,
whteliTeari at the-text Octitlier election sub
mit tlicaniciided t'onstittition to the jo..ople
fvr;tlielr pi . ..rQcct i lon: 'We hope
thafkv.trtiest untl.uetive ..ettlittt , ,Will; la; tuatk .
in titei tliri!ction.• •
Imporceil by B.T. Taylor,Zlol4 Importer of Ludy‘ei'
FautdonE4, SAL Canal. street, New Yprii. City,
Roctit fiiafers.
` 2 '
()en coNGREssIoN_-11.;Timai
TION. official rettirns . Anw . elnit
_L really 10:4.• • iiii.mbCrs 9f C'oligrci•s b)
majoritio , , wain. a.!ne iu IfieLuzerne
'i district. ' - - • •• '
I n ov.-otio's A 11,4 rict elorfs.!•,l , o-tor ovcsr
1 4 - about 700 majority.
k1. ? . 1. Murrell 71 Itiajnrit.y.:of
9 liotefg.
,iti rixeommt4. district; isg
clefeat.w.l,l),,y . Sherwood 4
• J)onley in deftatetl:l);;• a small tkiajority in
the 24th
'ilfltiltala is, defeated •in - t)5e".. 4 .9111-dikitet;
litl it is t.-otteyed that Ct.ssint,-is"defated
li.majority; . • : • ' • f• •
It yrtx ted , however, that hot Ii Cewna and
Morrell:1011 edntedh ttihtr. scat tin • net•titi•nt
f . friikkaulta't
ifiire are- 11 ve ..anembqs Sttepliiit Loy _kits
140 Tfitei..l.. " • •'
The only c10t. , ,L , . ilt,trict out of Philadelphia
carried, ,W - ai . "the and L ebanon
district; hy, it'argelyintrew.ed-shajority.. The
state (7oinfoittee,. as far 'as we can leant,
'threw intineiwo into the above dis
tricts, .tintl gave tha'of, F•Cchuy.lkill and .Leb
:man -the cOld shotihier, and • said it was
.int - poSsi 'to 'card' this oistrlet,atid otcolirse
,wasnot. necessary to 'lti'atlything for it -L
bat- mte,t look to *lie" other •Flistritits. •
gal carry our district without any aid what -
ffver.. against the nitwit - infernal clattilestitte
, onspiraey - againkt the Republicans here 'by
?;owe profeil ltepuhlicaus both at bowie,_
in Philadelphia and •.Washington,' that was
ever. coneottvi. know the men, and
open - enemies 'can altrztys be met,: rind,we
:rather - thin k : the Itepuldicany,,lier'e ivill
pet thetihto Mke back rseats hereafter, , if. they
der: not. but>licly den Ounce them. IVe can
getter without their aid than with
it. •
V.E YEA ICS have passed since the close
"of the War that imperilled the exetten
of thenation ; nearliyHorte--th6usand sons of
,ticliuyik.ill County who gave their iivc.l4,a,
• milli ng•saeritiee, lie buried in uur mountah
ceinetttries, or in f...l.Outherit soil, and, yet
monumental pile •except that Taniaqua,
fora-ikortion or them, ristsi,in our must. Is
Ij.tilight . P Tilt just the mernory•of-tbose
that: this.shnuld be the case" .
1i0c..4 it ,not • Show a Wank of. appreciation of
tin-.great .aeritleelliat - ffi - e , ..;:inen - triade for a
t.4-iranion cause?. This matter has .been too
long neglected and we are glad to by „a
notice whiCfi is^ptildislied In atiOthei.eolninn
. . that our Citizens entertain the Saine,oPittion,
- ' z t tidare cakin preliminary steps for a MIR'
- iy;trieeting lye thig subject.- Spirit-and C 1 , .,
1 _ ; tertalinsion , Ivotld place the' mutter iu stieh
Al t ai. the eOrtior stone.o„l suelt nien-'
the next Pou - ri.h of
Jtil t. •
...-.."-Alihtflijtastwetiug, will l; - - arth e
. 1,i04 - qAt;4.4..d on rsday everiingatext,.
at whiehidlanidie.ts, eitizenk.l.4,w'conni
anti latere,ited )1 e
r Metter,
, .
are invited -J ,, Le pre.,,,g4.„.....The meeting ,
. fat rly otarfetk,f hot, Ao t test. mAtil'-niti
-4, atag
cent monutrient„,''wltn.ilkenatne•. - uj)on it of
every soldier who fell in the service, rear
its fair proportions in Sehuylitill'C'ounty,-
21 :447 - 4atai.T... .4 19 .' t ,
1.1'3 SUNDAY: 6 31 0; 9
21 MON'DAY .. .. . 1 6 21..1 , 57 Ftrit Q. 1 4
25 TIVENDAY.4,...I 6 22. b‘. a !Full K. V 947 eno.
1$ WED148413.4.V 613 .6 .4 i Last..Q.l7 117 ev.
T11112.5DAY.. ; 21 $: 3 ,New M. 24 10 . 40 - MO.
428 ti FRIDAY 6'99 f " 2. ' l l/Pliwt. Q. 31 , 3 smo.
lionograma are larger and more elaborate
tliaiThereUtfaie:- • - 1
. ,
The 44 cori1stg" vemilding cards are rose.;ucrior;•
ed, Inrge, atid:hedrlY win Ye. • ..• •..
, • -
,•• trip Boatmen.ire working. lively at. •pr i esetit of early Skating. i• • • "
.• ,
•The Potisville Zonitaa will be- tarimlin
at the Hal!"' ofGowen Pat,. •evenisiff.z •
- _
Mining Aecidente ire , becoming of Jeii tre 7
I itieut occurrence, and we are right gluil of it.
. • •
The, Cnrbs and Pavemernte on both aides of
The'tipper end of GeOrge %trent are being raised
to the new itrade. '
. Vl* *After of prof attotich; the -daneiug
molter, died recently at Wouieladorf,,afred up
w•arda.of iN years. ; , ,
...., • . •
To•tticitpays.j—Perty-thiroi Sunday O of the year,
and ninekenttitifter Trinity. 1 . Day'a length,. 10
hour - annO 40,1nintaes, I
A Bruiser Went into a Railroad street "gin
will on Thuisday evening and teeated.two of.
thexerowd toijlaek 'eyes.
• • t,
The New Iron Front for the Bank ornaments
the pavement opposite our (Aire. It -will soon
be raised to its proper place. .
S Dame* Snyder, a miner eralpoy - ed - at Bow
*lan's Colliery, near. Mahantiy, wart seriously
injured on Monday by a fall of east
-• Silted...4olin McCarthy, &gadabout 1:5 years,'
and formerly a resident of Mammy City, was,
kited at, AVilkeanarre, on TaeadaY last. -by I WI:
of coal.
, .. .
Rev. R. - Weiser has realigned the pastona
charge or the English Lutheran Church, in lit-
haney City. He will deliver idle: ferewell,aer
mon to-tuorrow. .-. I -•--
..-t "
No Arrangements have yet been made for a
coutse of lectures in Pottavilie. Many 4:enr
nelghborin t towns are already enjovingjbe
lecture . : n, and why should not we f
:L.Thankagilite.—Governor Geary has inn, Yet
promulgated hie annual Ttuinkagiving PrOda
mation,a444he pople are hoginnlng to get
atuticom abbot it. Give us tire, Governor, to
latten.oui "gobblers.".
.1,-- B. Wamsherr Treasurer cir the Wl'4
Orfihans' Fund a't Near' Philadelphia,
all committees apPointed •to eioileet, • .
the sufferers by the litiiidleport (=Lamm
report to him before the 28th Lust
• . nuns
ey for
In the room in yesterday's; 13aziot 'Tor
Iclf the dedicating of the Tatnicithi Soldier's Mon
ument, the Shamokin' Guardsitern accidentally
omitted. 'They .were In line ligth 60 men; and
pres6nted.a soldierly appearance. , •
_ It you would see the woods In their glory,
• • s the They_tutye. commenced 'to
put on their gorgeous Autumn bum and at
this time present such p.rnagrilltoept, army of
colors that the y fairly , bewilder the 'seesaw 'with
coil Weither.-L-Wild geese are taktttg.their
flight scinthward ifteeependierefoogill uenntei
in theiltortperst regions, wldeb; Who • haeblugar
of the Elmwood', of ecgditrestherias the Weather
wise belsove: • A flock passed over , Pottsville
yesterday.. ,
e •
• Ass Altchana• Saari that ( .7 pretty &silting
bare appeareCiii ear.rinipi De of which -I*
three' gold hixipir, one ' with} - another, ana
the "bottom of each diamond. , Another
style is a lattice work, with lestraysind life-like
spider on the 'centre of
~, . ~-~:
- THE 1411 : NERt' Sc.l27irLiCl
k_the Monumental Fever has seised
etiiens. 1 •
pin the ------ tii =ed eh Ch ilrell u,
t, to- w 101, A. M., •
it Dr.
o 8 Y. T. -The evt
f : ri discourses'
•matter. - H . y furl
John Miller, for over half a eel
in the business of locksmithim
died in Heading on Wednesday in
• sixth year of his age. He was a
of fifty-four years, which doubt
for his long life.
The county Institute.—'The sessions • f tick
Institute will commence at Ashland, o n iTu .
day, Nov. 8, 1870 at 10 oclosal A. M. Darin
its process lectpres will -bedelivered 4rt4lie fo
lowing genUemen :-.-Jobn G. Saxe, tlie. Poet,
Rev. Dr. fimilev,llinom4
IritirShoithitkei• or
Proesittintra ! : — Council tbanther,"
the charter meeting
levied Town Clerk for
, •.-
reported repaired. .
N anti Lyon, and also at East
A streets were moiled eent"
-as ZOlkkitiilr inflrleet and
sopeitod balance hi
„Bank to be 821,1011.40.
fichole, the Proddent and
ter a cheek in favor of
mt. . .
Ted to. Cepleeed- over
..oe tte...4n front of Dr. Reese
....oance. in So street: •
__..Aurraititiee on Accounts reported bills of S.
Y. Grier, 11829; Railroad Company, ill;n; and
oil far fire companies correct. •
- iCaltifitittee .- on Survey , reported grade ' for
fliteeistrebt; which was adopted. They also re
ported Curb acid pavement in front Of M. F.
Taylor' p roperty in Centre street; 23 inches
lower the Borough grade, and 'reported Sil
ly manptreet graded. , . .
The, putaject of heating Council room was re
'ferrcd to Committee on '.Room with power to
act. ,
Special Committee on Drinking Fou mai trre
ported the same finished and proented . bills
ther,efor, wbjettiias ordered to be paid.. '
Bill otPhillP Steinbach was referred to Com
mittee an Accou n t. * 1
Bills relection officers, with the exception - of
those o fthe North Ward, wore ordered to. be
paid, °noting to $82.50. • ,
The allowing bills were ordered to be paid:
Geo. Efiu1it7.....::..:................. '---e,...;........ .. en il
T . ----,,--- --„2-30
Phila.le . fteadtniii:lreo . : 1 70
Street-I ands..
" 1 " '1 it
l'intstlde Gas C0mpany............ ...... , .............. K.' , 6 .'.l
S. Y. Ge1er. , ,.....--.. . ...," : , 01110
M. Zweibef ' .....:..:........«...........: .. . .. : . C,.750
A. K. Whither_ '' • tzt. 50
Eleetion 0111cers,li_
otith WIT! ' ' -16 50
. 11 ~. ..... -----.....--,- 1:11 ,
N. W. -".. 16 . 50
:1 : " Middle " 1..., ~ 10.10
- l . . .
i 4
Pre 1a5ue.....-.—...-......,....., ...... ...,.... 10,458' 36
I'• ~., • up,._ , .1
Lai, sae Boy, ;limit , bigheai lopiratien is to
a clerk in a More, remember that a good trot*
is a far more desirable occupation. -It is ncit
'only likely to be more remunerative in the, end
but it Is decidedly more c u rtain
. to secure OA
I means of livelihood for its'Possessor. IA few .
years bence„txuly well-skilled mechanics wifl
be at;retgiiinand thitifigiwii termv forlheli
eeryi , LA
. -,, ,
4 . !, .,, . ,
,„. w ton, who I was it
AitaMintlf • Ilittpf , who is nearl3i,
- 100 . 746101 a.4,fis lon at Tatuaqual,
7 14 11
V ia
on WI • • - . 2 ,a. e, tire of an intro
rue , :. , .
_;,, ~ , Captidn'to be no
' -,. • , j: • .. n,lphyOcally
iliac ~ ~, .. 1 --47 .nians whom w
llidtv intrig.o4 l 7,,Tco • • - CtiPtiln*- and n
t i.s.,
„tam moreitisitaa9 `" -• • . tosfe. - •
e- •'' ! - sk 'l' - 4 ( -,
Biswili : lkdbd.ilLit , icih• -twit* thr.*
urhougcrnldAilvai. •• IByanintigulips
Croonhes, ; •i.• • , „ liareiseit min
la tbairlamilisia ^ I . ' 7 f • " ; and 14", Year
during efil , Vlnter. ''` c early Sprtnig,*4 plan
,the Wile. By nein ,Itio .. esir terra wa,n: frames
'they can i hate -igthese - .varieties blooming i
one enclosure, forming a - beautiful sled.' Theo
bulbs can be obtained at Greenwood ;Nursery
or at the store of Hannan ,1:, Ransey. 1
, t
. 7 "
'The Soldreo Ottiterai ZitiiNt,i3 1. „ with
"vibitora- had 'a del
lightfol feurtioli` at - that
Borough, on Thrtisday evening;' at whfeli ad-1 were delivered,• by N 1 Alin.
Hartranft, Gen. : tik•efied, Major Huber, Col.
Beath, 41114. noso4l/AL.SllYdgri - --citturtnan
of thelCouuriittoe of .ArramettieMs:;foxlbe de
dicatiod flie;*kii era s - 3lou it ON n
Altetijoyed thetyseb;•es , '
The Railroad Officials mentioned - In Tester
day's I.kaily, left ML Carbon yeaterday tuornltig
o,9'elock, and,After i XCUT . ,E4.OO over some
of the lateral roads in the ce;gioa,returnod:at 5
o'clock iu the - They will . leavirlift.
Carbon this ;limning -IPF Tretrioot Pine
groVe7 fetrirriing t'biladelphia br way of
exearsion train I.q conducted by
S.. W. FreSEoli,i, one of the , lonk-expetienced
conduoterS of the Rending Railroad. .• -
St. Crispin's Day*. Wit., Crispin.'s },)ay.,oecurs
to-day, St. Crispin, the itmartlisuitsaint;of the
shoemakers. was a Cbritian. whp,„with his
brother,Chrispiniao,AVeut from' tote° to Prance
to pribligate tbe•Christiun religion, in 301Totnur
age:' Like many (if,, , the' early , Chriiitbut , prison
ers, Me brothers.stapiicortocbthemaelves by work
ing at their trade, which was that, of the shoe
maker. The day is ealpbrated, in many', COUn"
tries, but our bhoetuskers hare so little regard
for their patron sairit;,,tprit the'anntsirsary goes
by ailmosl'unhotieed.
A Pardonable last 'fignrday
thp 'senior editiir wrote Inna •publis_ed 1, state
filent'relativeAl the Csirird' lands.. It eraped
the attention of-the .!'insul,r. and. on, Thursday
the earner articlelell ander our eye 49.origival
in.tbe.d3vEsitxo Tru.sulLti'll.. and was a
matter. of local, lutereat v plipped4tioUl; and re
published Itlu the, local .coltiinti tlie 'DAILY
JCIVRIAL of creatertlay . credit
for, the sanse to the l'ELko'llArit. The-same
item was copiedJn all the Philadelphia pima!,
and lu, no.ease' 'wag 'the' proper credit glrenio,
thia paper for ft' , There 'lfs AU Recounting - IT
the large amount of atenting done by„die city
peperi. Indeed we don't know what theta; woo/i1
do•were it not fur brain.s'4llie country. preas,
F !ult. and. Shade .Trees.-'-;Frotit this until the
time when the ground freezes, fruit- and
,o'.n !le.planted in this County,
w ere th e ground is ot low or Marshy ;!iii fact
it la the bOt ..stia:tion fur it. -I,t regards the best
degeriptions - of fruit and shade : trees to plant,
hero, we havpiiment much tint_ and: motley'in .
finding thit Out by actual expvriment at firecn
wood. - Nursery vund we have got the '!matter
pretty. much doWn to a imin Ilia regard to wßat
Varieties suit this soil and , which iti an
iinportant , tnatter—for:thori - tiffany descritq
dons which fail elsewheriOnit succeed here,
and the reverse. Pet sons
..plandim trees will
save moneyand prosure geod - trOelby Selecting
from the Stock 'at C.: recu w opjf....2Culiery, I which
we can recotpmetiiL .. t!" !! - r.
I:TnelainaBfilatters reins:Ming:in the Pottsville:
Post Offieliiipot. 21,1F0: t :, , , 1
Alms)aal. - ,..--,L,Lneb-ThcaP'' - 1 toorha eh , I WM
Brow nit Brea!! -. 2ileilitiley A shurter .All.aTeng
BYerLbetgil - • - !
/form l*vid ,, :fienittrer tott.
Briton l'illsii Mz !- - 7Littugtin Hugh Shalfer Chas -
Cox.eltrist . . - Itiorgan John J -titaler Etta ,
Crane, LI P • 3tiller JO Seltultz-Fr'ed
Cameron FJ Martin T N shoemaker 11
Carpenter M A 31ccar ty. 31 rs .1 ' ,t-timer 3 it
Drydnle tilt - • , '',MetzidruterCetti kiteirklekirci I'
Evens Edwin - :Otverm ON, , scbtay. Wni ~
Erb Jun_, „ Osborn Oren . slide Therrati
English ILS , Painlit*'EliW' '. Tt•niplq Tim* •, •
Holdall Eli - ' Prehrors Tdi Illi. , Ural John ,
llotnnou ..I , bi . ~,i4onan gullet. Wingert .4, . •
liartrantt J.O , Reese Edw., . Wachner Aim
Halle/Altai N . lame lag '-- . !William* •Wn) .
Haar Mich'. -,• . Himmel Jennie Wright IN Irv. . t
Illtniororta .1 liocirt•f'i Win • „ .
, •
• „ .
New , Grand j.\rmy
of the, Repuhlic %via produce new' aqatition
in iteadtn4, cottinieneing ' %londa'y evening,
October 31st,' which - win nn deolitap-
Vreelated." The'eutertaSinnerir Will eonsto of a
perfermithee• • Similar to ..the• allegory .• f :the
Drummer Boy"; whietr.ianntitled',Pride, or the
Fortunes and-Misfortunes of •War." The pieee
was.written elpresaly. for. the occasion, and is The gentlemen and ladk,s
intendtaking per in the pieenhltve heen pre
'paring: theinaelvea ;for, the event, for several
months past. ,•Itisllone of thenost tfcally
written pieees': , eVer.. prodnced uPon the afar,'
and far stirPaasesdhe 'tirutnmet lihrot
The proti3eiLs of the'.entertnintnent be-614.d
by the Grand Artnyttrassiating_the wide • .1 and
orphans rpf tpeir fallen eemrsulesorli.,, L imas
instanees, Would sotillir the patio of tun. :r ; and
'• I
hlOii of
I ;.
t r i ilp#Listtranta ate!
table of the pop
or the print•ipkt - lowtoil and eities of ails
etniipired wit their /respective popuh4
th 11360, • - - •
ffia d r Int " ' '" " • 0.162 -
lAtienat , er , .::.t), • • ' /7,04
Erie: :••,-.1,-,••••••.•••••••• .•••••-1---";t• 941 % 1 •
W iiiir 9P 4 P q f , ---- --- - -
Anent - 4,4"ft'. ' - ' • • • 802.1
York • a
rasrton • ' :• • - " " • IV" ) •
. _
All the with tho :exception tot
Wilkes-rtattret klastcni and Pottsville ec
ponnee titles, and of ithe..begoughx
the largeat , on tlio list by De t er a t Limiest'
would -ruth0r,,0p,.&,6410:449e bprot4ilt t
ftliChtt: uiPt4 el* c 4 13".. •..
112.845 Ili
An•qtder olCourt to open a. new road . front
Norwegian street to. Mill Creek Road was read
and tted. •
Mr. Nichols offered the tollowlug, which was
adopt 4
WitEaLss„-James Chrtstitua, anentber of,Council
from the Nonheast Ward.hartng removed from the
.lorough t it fs . .
Resolved, That hts seat be and is hereby declared
vacaut4 .
Omiziotion of H. C. 'tassel the Construction
Committee was authorized to place an -iron
plate 'tit the crossing of Sixth and Market,
place *sv stone over inlet and-raise the cross
ing to it proper level over Market street 'at the
same point. Also to' repair
.prosslng• at South
-side of;Norwegian at Third:street.' Also to lay
pavement at Heffner • property, north- side of
31altantongo,lictween Nitalrand Tenth-streets.
and laY pavement in front of the Baptist
Ch well and Sister's School, and the liens.
On nioiloif .of S. It. Russel, the COnstruetiott
Committee Was ordered' to •lay pavement at
TrinitY Chuteb v on Church Alley - and
-On n noon-of Mr. Kinzie, the. COnstruction
•-Committee was ordered to lay pavements at
Fitzlinituonte propertyl on_ Stinersville street,
and troll' Latirel to MinefaVille street. ' •
On Motion of Mr. Brown the committee was
otleredlto lay paved gutters at interne tion of
Sandi - It : kin:and Hill streets,. - '•
Oh motion of H. C. Russel the courtnittee was
ordered to lay crossing on cast aide Of SecoMl
st d reet i . tt • Sdrwegian.
A 1111,1 libt.r of conintittces were . contfrittNlailf , ''
Cilllirteitzdjottrued. '
Mute as
,ion to
n Immense Assemblage of People—The ProttS
• .
-. Sioh 4- I);:ficatery CeremonieS -L Oralion of -.
: i
'•. 'Major ' Calhoun, &c., &re . .
.. .
1 . - : • .1. - ...____L - "'L.___ - ______ ''. ' .. . •
' .
Thurialay last, the day fixed ~r the.diWation
,f the beautiful monument in 'the Odd-Yellow:4'
Cetuetery, Tamaqua, erected by . Doubleday
Post; No. 180, in memory of the soldiers Irma.
Ihat: boroughwho fell in the service during . the.
ate w 4, was not auspicious; in the NYO:ither line,
rain fell nearly all der, but, notwithstaliding,
Tiumepea was crowded With 'people from rill see
ticirts of. the County, and the military and civic
tiockelits Were present in large force. - During
the. ping the trains front the .various parts
bf the fon nty,eame in crowded. - ,
,lw , W was suspended' in Tamaqua, and 1
agats'ere generally displayed by the-citizens.
. , -.VI '3 it'elock,• P. M., the parade forme.t iiti•
Itroad:street, east of. Centre, and proceeded to
the c Metery; by the following order: •
' - : - ...t. ' . 8 - meal Cornet Band. ' -
' li . o . wen titiards, Pottsville, i 0 men. ..
Gowen Post, No.:::, Pottsville, 30-men.
I:Shamokin Liberty Brass Band. .'
Ltron Fencibles, ofriliamokiii, GO inen.
Drum . Corps.. ~.
.. _ ~ Sl:monk - in t;iiards, 60 men. c
Se.erti Guards, Nlithanoy Pity, 70 Men.
Weigand's Br "ss Band. • •
; DouliledaV Post, No. 189, Tamaqua, lad min.
Ivauluef Ciniimatidery, Knights Templars, :19
i ' '' .1•' -• - '..' men.
.. . .
Pcfnnsylvania Cornet Baud, Tamaqua.
Junior Sons of America, Tamaqua, 70 men.
-•-• -t• .• Hazleton limbos- d.
Assistant Hook and 4,adder " Cot any, Hazle
t i k , ton, 45 men.
IPioneer Steamer and Hose Company, Hazleton, •
t t 30 men. • -
• 1 r ishitigtigi.Fire Pollee„.Ashlatid."• ..s
‘VaiNi gton Hoak and ladder Compan,:e,••Asfi
- - hind with truck s 30 men. ' • - .
. •
/ e l ? 1-:11 1% 1 74 '- i}l i n tn riiin
k c s .o h r land 29 . In eh,. . .
• ..• 'mei - lean Huse, I'ottsville, 60 men.
- =-i;- -. .: .DrutiVeorpa. . ' •
Pees . ranee Hose COmpany, Tamaqua, 70
• • -.- f - ' , ... men., , - i
..i._ ..- Drum Corps. ' -.r4i
• icyshpie Hook 'and Ladder Company, Tanta- .
• I * qua, 40 men. . .-• . •
Carriages containing the Orator of the Bay, Maj.
" - A. o.t. Calhoun, and Gen. Itartranft, then.
lelgnied, Col: Beath, Maj. Huber,
and other distinguished soldiers. ...
i• • , Drum Corps. - -
Junior Mechanicil, of Tamaqua, 75. men:
~ Harniony Lodge. I; 0. of O. if., Tamaqua,
80 men.
SMith's Brass Baud; of Milianov City.
: I Maiutnov City Council, No. 220, G. X.T. A.M.,
60 men. . .
. - Ta, iaqua Council, No. 34, 0. t', A. M„
' 100 teen. ~
Pioneer 'rein plc of Honor, Tamaqua, No. 31, -•
• ' t GU ;nem' . •
ets of Temperance, Tamaqua, 100
K nigh • of Pythias, No. 133; Tamaqua, 60 : 1heii.
Datil:; "elister Lodge, Nn. 85, K. of P.,- Maim
- 4 noy City, 40 men.
pi -t, No, :,:0, G. A. It. Hazleton.. 40, men.-
'Drum Corp.. • . • - , '
1 .T4e, Ilooler Post., No. 43, Ashliiiii , - tient, I
Junior• Sons of A nierlinti; No. 72, Nialiamim4 City ,
, .. ..
, • - . - 30-men. -- ..., , -4- -
'.! In addition there were over 500 citisii* in the.
.;pr. . _
ocession. '• •- -
I Upon the arrival of the procession at the Cent-.
etery the monument was dedlaged with . appro-
Triate c eremonies by the Ordor.of Odd Fellows.
he monument has a granite base and is Sur
, gionnhgl by a marble shalt, supporting at the
top a !globe. Upon - the monument are'-in
scribed the names of 59 soldiers of Tamaqua
*betel In•the late war. It is located - on a
tiromi ence overlooking the town, is a line
i .
'item o work: reflecting great credit upon the
cionstr etor, Mr. Eisenbrown, and is a memo
rial of whigh Tamaqua may Justin be proud.
Aftenthe. dedicatory services had concluded,
rajor a falhoun, Grand ' Commander of the De
artm tof Pennsylvania, delivered an era
t on, .Ititioke substantially as follows :
Coions AND FRIENni:- s: day and occasion
l i
111 belong remembered as the most important In
tie history of your beautiful town. The monuniept
- ,Pou have erected to commemorate the dead who left
sour valleys, that the country might llye, must
Ihenceforth be the index - of your unselfish patriot
m. Some may object to the spending of money ,
fir such a purpose, and point to objects Oust app ea l
ore directly to our charity, but the men who have ' 1
Mributed most liberally to this object, I think
y',ou 'wilt bear the out In saying, never let the appeal
of the toppled soldier, or the cry of the widow and
dhanigo up unheeded.
I T rp he world over, through all time,...
Lave beiui erected to conunemarate great men and
libuorieevents: since Rome. Egypt and India, In
their vi. 4 l - y - ruins, are rich In monuments, statues,
4rebes and temples. erected to their gods and berries,
ModerniEnrope pbtutm. wl th pride to her cities beau
-titled viith nionumenta erected to her warrium
poets, statesmen and artists; and the most pleasant
.rivolleclions of the traveler are he memories of
these things.
i reretigore America , In a small , listmlereeted'
uniuntentsat Bunker 11111, lialth •• and At'ash-
I igton, mind In honor of mach Men Wash Ingtun,
Websterand Clay. But I think, for all this, we were
time prosy, plodding people In the world.' .
j Our scenery in grandeur excelled the tild wurl.l.-,
at it Mut no history beyond the thin belt of coami
line comprising the original colonies. Wo were very,
mutter of fart, and leaving polities to professionals, :
mind ssories of war to student'', we went au uro , per-'
tog; ric4 thinking of the volcano beneath our feet,
Ni•hich 'Was so soon to break forth to overwhelm our,
Uravertimind best. •
I When our nag was disgraced and 'the dlssmilut Ifni
Of the Milon threatened, it was good to see men for
etting polities In patriotism, and rallying to the
defenceof the land. It - was well that the 'strong
hand or "Pcsausylvania was so close to the heart of
the flatten. Scarcely - had the mil. fur aid raug
throng Inc land when the martial tread of defend
ers In the nation's capital. The - othe. mil
• &Mee ollowad,,ancl like the mailleal call of Rat . r:,
ick Phu men • spfang from
every 4
part -
the earth to defend the land 4 . ,--- \ Vhy speak
Of deeds! of daring so familiar touil f Of the,yeani of
battle sard.strite of the militousof armed men ? Of
the tweaking of hearts of ieldowim and mothers, :and •
lf the lotions dawn_ of liberty when twelve hun
red t men furled their standee's and
. tarkedtheirarms 'nein& toe banner of true liberty
nd a Ctilocrrestoredr
I, The Mikity' of the war is the record of Peurisylva-
Ma's valour Her dead steep on every. battletield,
and th .-Infruntains and rivers of the :Althea.)
vuut l an
• male d are , ,made historic by their daring. f..
nd ra l i teigee
rasbeeri_ th w : t o hat T a r e e v am ery t w oi t une rte tai Ll Z usil ufte wiaxe hag ll o oren v i ee ta er vec w Pr itwsoni nns i on or y et l i bba c i-3 , 1 0 :1 1 :a .r u ri,4 1i,. ,
sandy WI" The pins forests of Virginia will en
-1 lOsetb omittnemerate stones and the Potomac, the
saes latedslappl and . cuattahoochle , wilt re.••
t rim
a m t. tie rials of Peurte r rlyanta'sdaring. , fslong
rboat " ge tori!t rnian ark th 's elivalo o r t randi r i.hrot ng t ittgOu a t t l i t t il
. tate evety.home should erect (La cenotaph. •
lieneeprth when men ask the measure of, your
'dried ,point to this mrimantnent,everloinclug
sour to . ti) read thp names on this white shaft of
s our lode s & - 1. dm glad dolt mere are occasions
*hen - ego- forger party lines, when Demovrani
Mad Itgriblicatir can meet sl i de by side - to elalum the
AtlerttsiOna agitate the hal s a h rid civil sulfa
visit this spot and see how quietly
alinist law* elde by side-and when
e ?
it subs i d es gage Iron; this spot to our she.
lonsnsand say, here Is - the treat. monument of
sir ohig and their daring. -- • . .
The Oahe affair was a grand sqcceits, not.
el ttn&ding the extreme inclemency of the
. , .. .•
In the evening theie was a renaption or the
mpOshed military visitors and a hall-at
itsinger's Hall. - .
W . e revel
that limited sPace prevents .ur .
eing , many intereating occurrences 'of the
x ; blOin
ws-gst. aongratulate the Pottsville,
on i sti
ks wlio Came _down in- tne evening, in the
epecial=in the harmony and good reeling
Which• them, „tepAering the trip ,
clown rtan=fant.- - -••'''';- „j - •
i The wen Ow*. made Ito first pared* on
, .8. - • ' p,andi was. staarally complimented
uit lap ressual mareling, /hi uniform hi -
. ronou by. litajor Calhoun to tie one or lb. ,
-moat becoming be ever saw,
.....Nortitt Pottsville prepare for the erection
1 a mold is' monument , and resolve that it
tit a
be ran.? during thecomins year: , .
. . . • .
. •
Aa OutiagiMus 'Swindle: - -:-, L IYe, hare tio
quetttly'e - Ippqtsl New York " swindler. that :pie
had ottppOsed there-Iva , ' dint it marlin Sehtrylkill
county to be "taken MTV by thorn. . Hut it ap
pearelhat n-: Mabanoy City shoemaker has ne
glected to read. the , .paiier* „ end- late. 44 , 4 paid
the penalty' of ids Mlle, the particulars
ef which are dump: A NW , Awn, ,ago
- ou - 4ey,a shoemakcti
..nahatioy, received a
! letter Ague:a:Ed, T.' Thiel; etwiti, Stating that the
writer was ii dealer hi - goods In his !hie, and
Oolleited ah . order fir Some' articles en which he
. said gnite - ahandsoree profit would no realized.
'Mr. Carney" replied lirthe letter and ordered a
bill ofgeods amounting to 525. Ali few.daye
bog' about one and a half feet square ,reamed
Mahanoy by expresi,.addrossed to Mr, Carney,
andwarked t). Lk lie alsoreeciveda letter
UIP 'same da..T. , with a hilt for $41.75i front A.
.Pollock et 0). 1. .09. riot,. Stmet, New "York.
Mr. gamey paid . the bill and took the box;whiOli
upon. Opening was ho u nd to contain waste piper
and blocks or wood. Mr. Carney is a poor man,
- and the loss • frills . heavily upon him. Legal
steps have hCen taken to recover the money and
- arrest the . swindler. We i would advise Mr.
t'aruey to . ret•thar thing. paos ait.a good 'sell, be
cause he 'aid never find ar.'ll‘l. T. Dickerson
and all the nioneyhtapenti.4 iq hunting yin up
will only addto the amount already lost.
, • ,
The-Portr l Eitihth Penneylvaela Regiment
Proposed ilteettion..—Want of Spat* tit yestei•-
day's DMILIT:JornurA,L Tweleathd our noticing,
za wo desired doing; avert interesting meeting
of surviving members of this Regiment, held
in Zunaqtut. wt. the Unfteit Stowe Mona, on
Thaeady last, many members, of the Regiment
being in that Borough on that "day, in attend
ance on the dedicatory ceremonies of the "Sel.•
diem' Ilcintunent erected by lionbleday Post
of Tamaqua. •
The meeting Wilam-faisi_l4_,E:a 1I i lig 'Major
Janies Wren to the chair, and appointing, Lieut.
WO. lionsberger Secretary. , " • •
was to. Make preliminary armtnrontenb; or•
id al or - Wren stated tient Do es eeo::dr ti re meeting
C ii : t ze the surviving , members of.the 4sth
fraternal Association,..ind to luivo
an annual-renniolk,
_endorsed the moventetie; and
thought that. the, feeling was nnanlinotis among
• the surviving tuedibcra for the prripli4ed organ
aUon of the old iteg!ntent Into:aq Ave - Renton
to keep Aire the benuirles of the 'fled and the
bivouac in. which the inembrni abated to ;ether
the datiget and thottlory. I
Other ienetuberd of ,• the Reettent present
spoke, to the aztneetfeet...
On motion •tt Was ."resolved, that • wi,fet'A
-ourselves into an vargardtatimi andthzd it y have
reunions; eateeloture d !.'v•" • •
Q - A motion it, was '-'reselved , ttiat 'tibe iennlop
belle:Kea M on d ay, n January ;,1,571; In Potts-
It wouldinfra bait fixed, on the ilttoshich
is a hollday;' - but phiiattn&.i thin year, and ;New
:Tear; 1874 . ennse'on Sunday;
On nititicin; # mum Wee was appointed to no
'th at
y meball, lathe. proposed re-union and to
-make arrungentetata .Ibr The ; • I
Oottuninoe ii auk Sollowat eapt. liuthity,
Port. canton, Cbairipan Capt., J0hn1...-Viril.-
liaget t liahettoy Ply; Lieuk,May, - Shamokin;
Oen; J. ',X., 811qtrie44 ; Pottsville; ' 'dent; O.
Ilor;dTait:wins( ; ' Capt. - .1.. IT
thilittylk Haven r - Lient: Iletirr . lteeee,l•Ml:
Denville; Thos:Willitursa,'Ashland; jam:Reit.
riek - ltit.'"earmel,' and John 'Mercer,
The meeting adJourued With three rousing ,
cheers and a tiger for the old Forty-eighth. ,
. ,
, .
toultrito ,nres:'•,.
fainsmarins sass trarrawr poi Tint MAW tattiata'
' ~. • sovanat.,;:ar az,".1 11 44. ~_.-:.-,
•!•.: " Celestael a . r • is. .--
•_, .. _ . .
' •-•..-- IPllgenexi.Wlr • Cigar.:' ,• ..
• atnanarwintast's irrtb tia-..ConTuttram,
'.treittlegf....3lOrishag 6reaiiaataUoa -, ' '
Dr. itrandf,restuned. 1 chief-I' said Wheat...
I found Kane his' ne rve iivaiem was - very
much aleicked.- - The w -be'hiid Medved
would produce - Hint Med • y 'Might. Vdhl
o t
not nnderatatel the . ' ajtisy to leave It
enUrely optional with Me go en *sad hold a
post mortem examina tion, rovided I could not 1
determine the cause of with it flinch exam- ;
leaden.) . I was prepared .nold s poat_mor-,_
teni examination . - I had thy instruments 'With'
me. 1 did swear before the Coroner's jurythat
the wounds produced the death, upon. the two
theories based, the. two 'theories that I have
In kepi'Lv to the Court-Explains what two
theories were meant, before referred to, and
that as si professional man be could not come
to any other coeclusion them:that the death was
caused by the combination of • the 'causes 're
ferred to in the two theories. I _do not refer to,
my third theory.' The ' inthunination • and. mor -.
tilication refer to' the gun shot wounds received.,
air two first theories are based upon the' Juju; •
' rim from the gun idiot wounds. I esumnot ac
count for thedeath in-any ;other way "than by
one of these three theories thati have given.-
, Ile-cross-exemined:-I so state the same Amuse,
of death, not as a posltiiefeet, - but es my belief.'
I pretend to pay. that it is thy belief he came to
his death from oneof thellaree (=see explain
. ed. • ketinuot say positively which caused the,
'death. ' I mean to swear positively that, either
one of the three causes I hive ex plainedtaithied
his death . The reason I ;cannot say Which,
positively, is because ' I ferule no post mortem
!examination. The .witmes; proceeds 'to explain
hoiv he can till ono or thief other pf his' three
theories produced death, when frOnktbe went of
I a
. post mortem be could.'not say ; positively
which one. A voung inan i„ in'the prime of life,
I seareely exceeding the ag 61 4 •21 . years, , coming
1 here , from somewhere to work on the-railroad,.
no one knowing that lie was ever afilietast with
any disease. . (The lastobjectedto by 'presoner:s
counsel.). Been working there for some five or
six days, I suppose, being 4 little dild, and',not
havilig got through with , otwing .his wild oats,-
getting six or seven dollar as a t his
for his services rendered, work„.beng too hard'
for him, being a harem scartnn- sort ,of indi
vidual, goes upon a spfee, free and (illy, declares
himself cock • of the walk, beandishew biliffets,' T
turns 'a somersault, is put opt. of.thehouserte, •
cording to representation,l starts- toff • for - . New
York or Boston; is caught; in the - gutter ciOthe
garden fence, and shot. Noile, the, reasonable
supposition on , the pArt of any . wine milled •
man, is that this man Jellies Kane Was iu &coup&
health, prior to the Headerot._ Then, owing. tot
not hiwitera post mortem 'examination, in; my ,
.opinion, there are but these three •theories.
which can produce death. It appears, althMitili-
I do not know it, that thia -man James Kane,
us he is represented - by name, was intoxicated.
The undue' excitability of that - intoxication,
leading btu' in -a .ruarmerto a maniacal ctindi
thou, may have la any ainnectioti with any iii
jury sitstained,:'brought :about'dcath- on, the as
ii_lrtion'Of taylitree them-lea.
• I told you last night that tieither one nor both
of the wounds, were neteasarily, emphatically
'He means thet the Wounds,-.On the
theories named, caused ,the death. : Having
made no -post mortem examination, I cannot
swear positively that he Sustained -no other in
jury. I said, owing orate undue excitability
from whiskey from - aiqu'ore, the - shock, to ,the
eery - met-system, without regard to-the character
of the Injuries received. was, sofliclent; in my._
opinion, to produce tie:whop th 'theorieio I have-
In - chief:--I made a therough supertielal -ex-
am Mation, and found no . eat rind marks of
i t,44_
v.olenee - on the hody of the deco ' al. ' , 1
•To the Court :-It wal,oii or bout dusk, to- .
ward evening, .of the 19th, , they - I got -there.; i
Kane. was partly insensible. I left Tietnont oi!II
s negt inorinrig t:i be present a the Coroner's
inquest. I state its a fact. _the Inflammation
had set in. .it wait in the abdoin nal- region the
inflatinnation had, set in. I. Also State as a fact,
that peritoneal ititiiimination, n d subsequent
niortificatlon had set in, Inlthe - • me 'place. ._.
• Re- cross ooxemizied.-I thin k- have already
told the Court about three dozen times. - I Mean
to saythat intiatnination 'set in nil mortitici
tion followed, and he died: : say thei parte
.. ere mortified. , With My seieh ‘e east umbel!
man, upon a post mortem examination, I could
.hive told precisely what caused ihe death. 1
Isaac I'. !tech el-, !oworril:-I• sod the I x /my
Coroner. • I held an inont upini the yof
Jaes Kane.. A cia
t-was in the eftertiden o the
Imhof September. • I %Yam; notified a nitiewas
i.liot at .Wiest'm tavern and humored ti be dead,'
' Next morning (Wil) .I -slay niltitled" lie 'was
dead, and,wein mita al I - Mind him des.d. -..Nial
• tied' Dr.-13.andt no go along and Make an'exam-
Minion . of • the body. ,Or - rather; he- wits to
go moot - ' see. the . Mari! '.anyhow, 'to see
Jinn alive'.- tie went• there. ,He did 'not go-'
Witio'atie. • -lie 'went - With Rank, the Constable.'
When I : got there. I empinuelled a ijiiry with
David Isonisono as Formats, and `issued sub
'ts t;nas Ter the witnesses. 1- II hil the arrival of the
.withesses..l sworeaiejurv; Wentintrilloe venni
• where the . body wai .laying, and- dleeeted'ilm
, Doctor to make-such examinatitin as Was no
cessary to tell the Cause of the death of the de;
: ceased: I told him if heemild not tell tae - tiaus'e
' withoutvutting the. body Open, to proeeed, but
if lie could tell the- cense without, lie - need tint
cut the body. "1 requesftsi him particularly. to
I Oexamineo the body and wee if • there •Were any
- blows, (Further examleation in that direction,
as to why a post inorteto , exit 11l t l u n ion) was not
niude„nbject to, and the objection Festal - lied by
the Court. The witness was therefore alleire(f'to go down). —. , • . • I •
The District Attorney st.ited that they -have
an attachment Out for Rob e et Price, an. import--
'..ant witness'; wild' 'Was before the (fraud Jury
but soon atter mysteriously disappeared. lie.
therefore propose* . to close; the ease, with the
'privilege of examining Price; if :brought in be
fore theses-se. be cloosed... The prisoner's counsel
objected to this, course, and insistea , that the
Commonwealth's who/wease l shall be presented,
before proceeding with the defence. As the
I only alternation,aherefore,l the Court,' at 101, .
adjourned to 31 P. •M. ttt gi 4 - e •-tline.,for the lir
ri val of the train onianch the 2,iherill**.expeet
to bring inthe witness. -; , . -
, . ~. .
• - . A FTEIRSOUN: , •
Thu District Andruer stated that the Deputy
Sheriff, who had been sent . With an attachment
;for the Witness, Robert Pribe, hool.telegrapheil
that the witness-could not be found. The rum-
Monwealth therefore rests.'_ -
. foil rits: neeks - ce, -. • • ' .
'Edward F. Wiest 'recoiled by the prisoner's
counael-LTo , ,titio icist of pair belie , Kane •was
perfectly sober. When he firstrame to - ins house.
I think he drank three Wiles - while there. I,
think he drank whisky. 1 ' • - . •
, Lome P. Bechtel recalled -I am Deputy Coro-'
ner. ;Notes of. evidence before. tbe • Coroners
jury shown tosvitness. 'The . witties.s revs 'that'
he had-them copied by .Dr. Brown hem theMi
einal, notes, which were kept in penal. That
tiny were afterwards compared . with the origi
nal; and:they are subostantiallyeorrect: '• Prison
er'scounsel proceeds to read the testimony of
David Rink, taken torero the Coroner's jurv.•
E - First reads (from the DAILY JOIIIIINA L, ) , the
crow-axamination of Rank. before the Court
y,esterday. .. ' •
."..Joholltznatricksworn--;/ lived in Loiberry
on-likh September last. Was iti.Wiest.'S taveru!
that day ; went, there in the 'forenoon. Did not'
meet any person before I got there. When I.
g it there I found 'Purcell land's •inen named
Fitzpetrlck, a namesake of mine. We had a
drink together. Then eve' went over to the
-Patch,, to see if .we wou ld got paid then:
We returned to -Wiest's, , This ,matt Kane
ws on the floor there, staridlug on the floor.
'• You s-nof a —," says het, "I'll knock you."
Ile struck-me with a knife On ~ t he Wrist. I
threw up my hand, and he struck nie - in that
way s (shows the sear to the, jury.), He was a
ostmilger to me. I didn't want to hai . .o , any
thing to do with him. , They were a fuming
around the floor.' I saw a man bleeding in the
_face.Can't tell how the rewOutsideeriginated.
After stopping awhile, I thought ofiroinghome.
Kavenagh said he (Kane) struck him. They
got into some kind of a row- They were quer- -
, reling all the way down• the road. .Kavenagh
started down the road, after Kane and the man
with him. ir did not aawanything to Kavenagh,
not to the beet °fray knowledge. Can't stale how
far off Kane I was when-he tell. I_was among
the crowd.' Can't tell who Was in We' crowd,
except kavenagh. - Kane wanted toiret :hack' to
ouarrel with the nienowid• the big man held
him. Somebody hollefg , ffout ho - had the knife
in his hand 'again. It wasn't very twig; after
that I heard the shots. I heard several shots.
Can't tell who hollered out about tife.knife.. I
did not recognise the vole*. I was too- far 'up.
and I was in liquor too at the time. 'I was just.
Presentlygoing in whedl. saw -Kane 'on the
'floor. I had one drink with Purcell before I
went to the Patch; Can't tell bow many drinks
I had after coining back-3 or 4.: -,Pidn't eitse
Purcell drinking any but the one drink. .1
had some drinks in at MO time of shooting. I
didn't recollect anything that happened down
- there-only the...shdts. .I didn't see no man
tiring the shots.:.:'
t'ross-cxantirted.-Xano didn't sing the song
• after I got in to W eat's.' I came back with
Purcell. Didn't hear any ono ask. who they
were (the r ilroaders).. I heard Purcell asking
them up to take a drink .. . It was after .that; struck at me.• I' :tion't - knowiahether
they were there before.. ' We went over 'to 'the
Patch. They were there when we got back.
Kane struck me before I had a drink, after cono.
ming back from' tee Patch. I didn't getleave
to go inside the door hardly, batbreite-struck
me. Can't tell how 10-g he remained at Wieat's.
Can't say whether it was tux hritir, half an hou.,
1 / 5 minutes . - (ain't siV,', and 1 won ' t , say. •I'
hadn't my watchtand/ didn't lecke, the clock.
We were there drinking ' and - talking, and we
didn't mind thetime: Didn't haw Morris sititt.
a song.. - Didn't bear Kane sing a song, and the
people Were tppl.oid him. After he struck rite
I sot tiown, and then I heard- a noise 'Outside,
and IL:nulled round and I saw ono of his but:,
ties bleeding. . I winos out: of the door to go
.home. 1 tams by ;
nayielfi•but I didn't.go home.'
' I didn't see Purcell then. - .. Kavanagh was the -
Man I tem when I got outside. Kavanagh was
o in the sot of MMus ott his &oat, and he said he'
(Kane) struck him, and, called him a low s;--n
-et a b.--:-. I was in the - tete& keepleg }Cavan
" agh back; when we rnovedalawn the road by
by the. fence. It's a street there: 'ldeal tielleve I
' dad g° clown the road leading towards Trianoet.
I might have been down there,of counie Ididn't
wain to, hive anythin to do wit!) Kane ; he was
a bad sort of a man, laid not hear Barkalegit
say let's drive the scoundrel off the inoantitin::
he said no such thing lit my'- bearing. '_.l dtm't
know Where Purcell was' yrfia t s. allots were
fired. A ft er these parties, ' d down alto
road, all I know la the shots - vs Arced. That
leen /.knoW.ehteffit after-14 started down
the road, ‘ . -•- - •
In • C h ief ;- - Cant say how' T Went d ownn
the fence with Kitemsagh, . )guess don't cell
the street' ilia publics ,sqed. —. are thl*
road* wining in there..l.l tri to keep Kara
:MA knelt going down lo , ' -a. I , was close ,
by th e deer t ain't tell Whbta d tell. ••• As tar I
4 114 " " ...
as I can undimitand,ll - `elies alit after the- cry
about the knife that.gatfie feiti - ill oldlOwed in my
striatto Dr, Brandt. 'I did nos she Most,-
I had stuns aosiddsei about the bead: ' • • •
TO Use Court issOgarifieta• out In the yard i'in
tkonn-when lltavasashatarted atter. ,
•Wlllbsat asanutagh :sarong 1-I - Alva on the
Bread .14ounhen t tnw. eoldly-Jivett there last
•Seyfeniber.; I: Itaa at :Whiles i \wimt . there
With: John ' - Fliapatriek„i_ -the .juritiatess ,_'. can't
tell • the time 'I went there. Purcell
and . Tlcineltf. and Natalia ' lnin, - named
irere Atari. We had tonittliquite 'nearly
the first thing when we got there. ' I Ist down
.. . ,- • ,
—soma walked around. I found Purcell and
Fitzpatrick there. They bad been there along
tints and treated pretty often:„ now long it was
tilt thettlstrangers arrived I'm • sore l'sn't re
.. leis.; -. Can't ten how mark* drinke I h$ bellue
Zartearnizie hi. After he curie in—l teas talk
- ings -Lewis Fitzpatrick.. We were talking on
Astssetttus by oursevles. . Theftiret Ink& notice
rnwrist a song. in the bar-rootzt: I belleYe it area -
Mr.-King., Mr. Wiest ' down took... - his ' fi ddle
ArlitilleV eyed to suit the alt. James !Vine. I
suppose 1t 4 ., was hii name, the deceased. All I
- .ant sewn - about the song was the words,
'Via too t to steal and. too decent to beg"
-that'll all . can 'recollect. *Mr: Wiest then:
hamlet . Can' tell how many, times they drank.
i t m l ni
They drink a good deal oftener than: Idld. I
had got hurt the week before,,and. wasn't very
well: Every one felt as if theyWere.pretty bear--.
ay among themselves. Some took a step around
- thelloar.- I can't tell bow the row began. - Who
the aggressor, - whether it was Rine or the -
Other Man. I believe . Donoghue. There were
.fOr'S hi Kane's party. Well as thli man Fitz
palritkiwal talking I heard a noise. I got up
and turned out of - the, door, uld the first man I.
savrwas Donoghue. He was bleeding about
the face: - . He Bed- to • me he was itally used,-
and he bad a kind of tremor. 'in his „. voice as
thoughlte was cry. He poitated;out'
James Katie is- the man that' had thine, and
Kanemiade e rush at him,•and I Interfered and
pushed'him back, and Kane was nano dissatis
fied, and struck at me. I run round behind the
other nian-he was alter me, and I picked up a
stone. about the size Ora whetstone. I told binal
to keepitivay. *info one took hdid of hint:" I
went into Mr,. Wick's.- He followed in,' bet.
. didn't strike the; 'Some one cinched hint.. *I
wentocit -outside •again. There were several
with Ktine.., They went away down
,the toad.
SoM e
eonrtuula a remark. that ho was going.. I
said it was a good thing if - he, Was. goingand* i
Wouldn't conic back. After some time there I
was a--noise . I went out CO the road, in front 1
of the taVern, and saw two men going through, i
each other the sank, is if - they were pulling. j
Ilow many, were together I don't know. Lweut I
down the road. I thought tie had made urn. at- i.
tack on this man Donahue, air innocent 'kind of
a Man. I went down about ten yards front'
where those men *were when I heard the Shot, i
saw the smoke down at the men. - 7 thought it I
was Kane that fired. Atari hard another shot
- I saw the deceased. Kane.; he turned tounti 4 and i
fell likeinto the gutter ornitch by the side of
the road.; I stood and looked at the man.. There
was'a good uiany people arotand at the time. I
- d o n't know how titany tliat,catue around. I said
..: t .....a voice cried out, 2 lllat man was - killed, was,
abet. Who the voice was
.1. don't know.
I-- said 7 the - man -.ought hi be brought
up to the house. Mr. 'Wiest said, ..s;o, the man
should nut bo 'meddled with till. the CorOner
'should cantle." Atthoti we Biel:hots Were tired,'
Kane *lls struggling ha 'get loose,: I didn't See
enything in his hand.' I heard ho had a knife:
- Same one cried to. beware of the - knife. ksay
Wiest rush towards Kane, but whether Kane
bad strtick Fitzpatrick or. nut, I don't knoiC:"
I Don't know win, he (Kune„) tontine/seed to quar
rel with. He laufsted that he was belay 01 the
'house. 'AIe prOmenaded around as though he
wanted to Turret with slime One. As to Pur
cell's condition. couldn't say there was a sober
man in:Alte party,. 'The bar-keeper may" have
been sober, but he' wierjolly with the rest. , • .
Cross-examineit--Never saw Wick drunk.'
Don't refer to Rank, he was not with the party . --
in the house. I had •three drinks, and '1 eau' t_
say I was 501a.4. Fitzpatrick atll,were talking
King bad sunk a song. Katie 'Mung'itloing.
Purcell treated after King* had sun.%-itint Wiest
rested alter Kane's song: HI had sung ; one:
bad two
drinks. ! Three drinks had ' been taken- before
Kam:rand Fitzpatrick-had an alteruatiim. 'Can't
- tell how far orwitether at all Fitzpatrick went
down the road with me. Can't tell whether any
body • else did. I think my coat watt off before'
I started. I pulled it off, not totave it turn. I
;did no Itueli thing as stoop - down - and pick up a
' stone -when I Went . dews- the rood. I did-
not say any such, words' as "Let's drive
. the'brute off the mountain." I never called a
Christian . _ - a' brute. - I said he ought to' be
put off the mountain. I did not strike,over.the.
~bead, of one of Kane's butties at Ilitti with
a stone. 'All his butties ... ere together...l 'conic ,
1 Within 10 - yarsis of him. 'rite last • I saw of
• Richard, Purcell, be Writ.. 4.:, up by - Mn. AVit;st's
stable. . Don:white may rot hate been near
Kane. When I was going alowirto where they
*Were I heard thecry, beware the knife, I was
within iibeut, 10 yards of the stunt that was shot.
whe,si the shot were tired. I-don't know where
Purcell Was then. . He :Might hate been near
me forWitat I know, Will did' ut see him Mete.
If I had known tic wasist 'siding •right, on iny
right at that time; I world have told on soi 1
started 'down to make
„Ceitee.- Thatwas' sny'first
business, and KU it was ad the tatter end. I .
• didn't call 'on, my friends to assist in driving
- Kane-off-the Mountain.. I only a id- lie ought
,to be puVolf.• Donoghue was no friend ermine
any inure • than --:-. I ilittlet 4 'now whether
1)01114;1We was there or not. - * - The set-to we bad
at the tavern. The reason I followed'him down
there was that I dant' t know Whether Kale hail
- fallen foul or Donoghue:or-not. - I didn't know
whether Donoghue went. away .w itlr the Kane
party or not. .1 rent:tined tlicre idler Oa.- man
, was slug.- ... r. - Hank came there: ,-1 tali': know •
hOw many, run done toward Banc. -I went
do wittli M
tad. r.. Purcell might have gone'
downdownoll Vr
he mightnot, 1,11 !.iltril 1 clolifc: st_ . (l - a
111:111 1 ix . ool say. 'l.ll, re welt.: a great ninny' .
standing round in , front of tile' t,.1 vni.
' . Bona- Fell !Mon: :—I live on Broad Mo u nt- .
: ain ; wail at Wfest's on 1901 Sepuirib,4,,' last ; r
got-thereabout aln o'clock. Sass' tin re,K kw,
'Kavanagh, Pureed, and others, 10 or a t:ozi.o. 1
't think they were IL in liquor; itsaw Murk there ;
`he canal! driving up, in a sulky. Sevci al of us
were ;al - big then ;a man named Frank Bone ;
he was (ne atilt. nu ee.talking together, Rank,
Bone and tike. ' I heard - shots, tired while aVe -
were talking. There was a great deal of pigeon,
shooting,going,oir down in. t, he . bashes about
this time. Me nelinne said soinebtaly Is shot,
and Rank said no it's lower down, at the corner
of the fe see. We were talking itt-'tlie..time ; we
Were on the. road ; I think I had trig hand on
his sulk s', • It was on the road; May. tie 10 or 12
feet frosts the sign post. Lwasim: in the road:
In looking dOwn theroad; the fence would oh- ' j
Strflet. Brview. Certainly there are two feace.s.
' .f:roSs .:saiiiined :—Don't ktrow that the fence
is higite Of lower Bair others. Soseetinies I
looked own. At first,- :Fitzpatrick. Purcell
and Ka anagh.were running down inter Kane ;
'run doe 0 the road. - There were several others
in.the 0 own,, some railroad men. I• - couldn't
think o i them' 11. I was standing when I could
see'ilit ingoing down. Don'tthink that I could
see more 'the upper part of a 'mare.a body
,over tho garde n fence. - Didn't- see Kavanagh
Lend•Parcell come baac . . , I , -
'-'• To the Court-1. think some others went with
Kavanagh, 'Purcell and Fitzpatrick.. -I didn't
knowlantof the others, some railroad' men, I
think - Some went down before. "There was - a
lot of railroad Men ' there drunk. "Kane :was
'some place where he was shot, when Kavenagh
.started.l - , - , , ,
Therdefetwe , ....‘. ,
k" The prisrmees counsel-aubusit burials' pointS,
on winch they requ est the Court to •cltrge the jarv. - -"2 - ! -, ~ --: .
.. .
• The- District Attorney *also submits cc. talti
'"Prittle\ ' ,
- -At 0 ' , clock the Court adjourned
• fLorrtivitbruct.
EAltort are not responsible tor any sent .
ments ex
premed broorrespondents, neither do they endorse them
l'eumsnunlcutluns addressed to um Antic*, intended for
Pektaxstitus, must have the real nettle uf the writer attached
furl ptiblicatton, out for our Inforuildiuti.i—and be
( Wrillen op One side Ur the 'paper only; uthenirtse, they
wilt go Into the wastie-helices. - • .
NO MANI:MC/LIM 01:r 'NI,; the editor. restoril ;g the
right to utspuse of all ounlttlenli.atlons as nisy be by th e n,
deemed moist proper: : • ,
tt hi•lipiviallY. desirable that all letters should 'bur l
as passible tottstrataut to the point._
loW w VITT, OA. to. ,
- NiEs:sn.4. Eurrous:—l um in.feecipt .4 a lett4r
from a lady friend of 'nine traVeiiiig in the
West, '.who ha. 4 voided Salt Lake:City. giving.
me adeseription of the tabernacle there; Witt: the California State Fait. She lais be
come very epthualastie over , the beau.y of the
country. 7 I eJnslder, her letter very interesting
and worthy a publEvation: The full swing 14 , 4
portiOn of It : r- -
"I stripped Over Sunday in Salt. Lake ciry
with alady I became acquainted with iii the
cages. .Weo went to church in the morning. The
tidier:l4e is an inpuense structure, the first
Ailing one beholds - nu entering the city. At a
distance: its bell shaped roof looks like, a large
hill , rising above ilia trees. The building is
oblong in shape having a .length or 23:3 tea t.
east to West, by a hundred and tiny i i width.—
The roof is supported by 40. cotillion+ of cut,
sand stone, which, with the space between used
for doors; 'windows, Av., • cimstitute 'the will.
Fr o m ,ti K ii tt pillars or walls the root springs in
one 'uttifroken , arclu, forming the largest, self
{ sustaining roof on the continent_ The ceiling
of the ristris 61 feet above the floor. -lu cue
end of this egg-shaped building is the organ,
the Secoud In size in America. It was built by.
a. Xibritiou, J. Itidger, and tear in COUrSE: of con
struction 'about . . four years. The. tabernacle is
used for church purpoies. as well as for other.
large gatherings of tue people. With the gal
lery which - meads scrims both sides and one
end of this immense building, itt,wlll seat 8,000
people. ,There Is only the foundation of the
temple as yet, buf:the people confidently expect
that intim°, the massive building tiili , be ereet--
ed ikicording ,to design; the dimensions of the
foundatiou rs 99x186.1 feet. — When complete, the
main building will tip WO feet high, strinounted,
by six. towers , three on each end, the centre one
rising 200 feet above the ground. The estimated
cost:when eontplete will be 53,000,000. Tbeetone,
a tine quality of granite of which it is to be con
structed; is obtained in the Anionetaln, ltt miles
distant, i The eity contains several public build
:lugs beside the tabernacle and temple, which
are worthy of note. The Mormons are kind to
to the Gentiles whileSmong them at their City,
The Mormons have cut an eve. Over it are these
,li'llolinesse to the 'Lord ;" and under
neath; "Zion's Co-operative Mercantile justitu
.tion.". At the Mormon conference in the fah of
4568, all toed'. Mormon merchants, manufactn-
Vera and deitie' who. &tired- the patronage -of
the Mormon people. were directed to place this
sign in a bonspicuoua plane that irmight indi
cate to tivertioyile that' they were attend in the
- •
"They; the Morinon'iteople Were.altrodire:ted
and warned not to purchase goods or in any way'
deal with: those who refused or did not have the .
.sitru. The object seemed to be only to deal with
their own people. I left Salt Lake and went - te
my brother's .where, iu his garden, I saw more
floaters, litha f Fannie, than we have in all John
County./ Froth there I started; to the State
Fair held in Sacraniento City. I saw pumpkins
that weighed 163 pounds, and a beet that weigh
ed SO pounds:. Th e handsomest carriage l ever
saw in my life was there also. It Sas lined with
scarlet satin. It was made in San • Francisco:—
I was in the. was shown all
through the house and had everything explained
to me. Nail *Vetted off with walnut and
California letirel. ft makes *Afloat beautiful
finish and the prettiest furniture lever beheld.
Tids laurel will always .rocelve a high polish.
The trees are very beautifull• *tune kinds I nor- •
e t ; heard tell of before. The Madronhi, Its wood
la very hird. eta mahogany' elor;,whsu In bbs
sons in the spring.they sus very tregraoti•ln the
fal l
are chastens of rieb; red, bemire bang..
Ism all over the trees. •§ This year , for some, rea
son the, berries' are seareer than usual. The .
tree - abeds Its bark every year:* • • falls it
resembles cinnamon. hark. The bier* are on
lv do for h9gs. .Frons there I went to 01 , 1btoga
Springs. That Is quite a Islam in - Nowa nunnty,
wher4 I stayed one night "and' part•of
Thee are eighteen nottagespooneetatt with ihia
toter there isle. be had bethi i t every sTeserip;.
I have got Sigrid the .yet where they'
have no Sabbaths hert‘ I vs tonndflothing
but a' nk*aet people:lnd 'a , most beautiful
country; jib Eaqt; arlia"tegard' to ficiwere and
all thing , / belonging so nature r l think it ,
.Pliradlse 'of Anterior: White et the Sprino I
saw a gortekwpFly. litches from Nan Francisco, all
hieltinnably &eased, and putting on ales, Some
of them had their ,hair powdered like in olden
times.' . .
bier, • :wife, twu,4wthree s ethersan‘
myself taeY a tr' 'out on the mountain on
lunieback fcir a f.• 'We killed A deers. ne
isms; have bad a bear:inea4though, shire
I aline here. apalother *cream in the
Welt, and Pils ld, and grottorand putsome
muter b r it o di On ou namp-tire‘v4P, e. camped out,
Thteo try Wes wild. brother thinks'.
lessee _ e first' to AVOrtlinl that ever were
.the and4hinks-ii doubtful if there ever • was a
squawthere. I did not like (estop, AO' ,
we tame
home-in three days.
"Nancy Smith's husband, .has. they say, la
bushel of gold, and holes, aft fhe women. It I
,see the old boy, make him-speak to one wo-„
man any way."
This I believe is-ell that Would be intervalnil
to stringers, sad L=aaaa3yy 4uoLed...the lea part. to
show that man's pervel-sitv extends even to the
Pacific coast.
OUR FOREIaN • .21Eli'S
• ' •'s. . .
FIRMLY SkATED;—Sinee %leen VictOrki took
her_ place on the . English throne, every other
throne in Eurespl),..frnitt - POPJoehtiithifitrelllests
has changed cieeupanta:-:
Nov Er.. Rzz.AvAirnottr,-.Tbg A; xrr4! earro-
Lica, in its indignation at the recent r. • logy,.
of theltaliNntealtOiutelsonfilo ; f or
itself Amt. 'PtilFri opd B°-kindred - ans-.
thing but thitteriftgre t '! , rar FAVAkdar.t.r_".O it says.,
"we have had no Mtbliigeneetif the'stt Y'Fatp
er I" .."Cain," ri t skini .Lor,d,. "what Inittie7tßl
done: with - Ythir .. 4 -' VVOG:4;' -
the Ministers .of .taly s "what have •l yilifi done ,
with l'iitTn Fartigetind'Orms?", •
tliefiltats- Ti n*i rt..— defender
probable betting's-to-the flintily of that flame in.
Belle Is)e; whom Mrs. - .Bury ~mentions
hasher "Tong in Brittaaly . f."2.:-",.,1,11er eight hours'
sail we reached IA Valais the port and s princi
pal town of Belle built north-east
side,.ard overlitin,g by the citadel, thework Of
Vauban.•, The, town consi s ts of one.. Principal
street, the itue:Trecku, so called after the gen
end of that name aridlilkbrOther, who were the
first; at the 1 , beginning'of this tenter", tos Intro
duce agrieniture into the [ lsland.. • We passed,
at a distance on:the , right,, the niodel farm; tsf'll.l.
. / . .ffss 'on our, , ,u . across the, island to the
lighthouse; a chisthless'ilriye;',4 . t4erii :irefl;
trees to be seen,:tatrept near. .4.ll.kide(fgsl. When
M. Tr , whn began his labors figriettlturo : was
little attended to Frunt.e, • t he.
..fsethevered .
in his exerfiniiit,- IseOnning by Clearing about
sixty acres of grahlte rock,. alailtLcoire •ed with
he.fth and furzesiosttling'ittAasiciees the Breton
ssayilefr tu,--44,14tude- tut
Whit - 414 iiiieli4isitssifris:stolw' r editireilwitif
rid) meadows, tine, productive arable
in.d beigtiffieeln pittitrrre" funti,"on which
horses arc extensiVtly i reitred." . °.: - •
AuuAntsx Carta hist-n'et
Olsgnieed Ireland. ' It is very remargeblethat
when the fate"of thb Land - It'll wait . Yet midi.--
- Wrinkled, the itibhoh bodges Were eittrentelY
active, Ar,illitiy burteved that; Its! 13astsagc.•
through l'arlianient would be helped by s
oeetisionartnunter. Singe it became law t ley
have stayed their hand, not froini.satlsfaetibn,
With its proclaim's; but apparently front recog-•
nisinglust at: present no chance . . efturningthe
instrument or tionssiainatilin to. much; practical
aireount. fiturder•is reported : front Limerick
of the social, type.. The leo - Aire was robbery. Or.
else the crie !tit trritivkeinit44l.,
A man 'ntied Efirigfit,' driver Of a" porter and :
soda -water Y3Ul..Milts - valled.on Ity.several per
sonsi on the high =road to, distribute the liquor
among thou from his carts Ow his • refusing
was assailed with MLOMIV.SLId.It ie k . lie was
found hydba,wa,v,-sidti:ble-edieg,,thiii senieless,
NiuLdi ed. id *Zaino N or . Axes/After ing conveyed]
to the 'hospital. plitplean, twined O'Neil is
male, arrest.., The, district s} t h e crime .
ozeurred ]sass not' been of late years it lawless'
eue, but was ternierly the cause detiitieli trouble
to the einistabUlary anddhe GoveriiMent. -
. , ;
TltfilTiTiflit44 au:4214 ny butt: CifassEenr;`,
frit , 7.Silittlltt.gOrt , l.;-- , - - A- - Prltt-'
this general ellitraeter ist the wounds, it may,:be
said that those in - dieted bY the F,rtinch balls re
vastly more dangerous than.Alltite of Our
The ball of the. needietrun, being long Old
teMIN to ampurate the tissues, and
the wound.lii euniregitentre shows a better ten-,
deney to ;teal, - ,Vhassepet
round-sliapial;fear tife';, issues, stud,. driven by .. .
a great nets* of powder,, they :break :mis craek
the bones iiuttlrir f lth. ',Mae IMMO% the effect
of the initraillense and - iut enormous amount
serious wnti d>i b3:,Ciditsts.l by the !French
taetie4 of th'eetiliOlrit i 4 nbinv" hall-storm
of Jew!. orgrotiifil - Enka! whit+the
Froich tittd are ;Atmore known by their being
w - ith -- crtrtvittge army etim posed
of hessian,- .Saxoia and Prussian regiments;
lost on -litgust Is,2ttOLllYinlLitlid and mannered,
and the French are isaid to have lost 10,000 men,
an u rdertms, battle involved.a loss of
The stsetto on the taittle-field 4)11
-tile r. twiii lig , filat terrible;' heaps of
dead ;•;; 'the grbttlid.• The .ersrps l•litrged
with:pert t)atl
Itaa",worl: tor,ttiree-'Altlys: , Our tiitlaalition
iiiediratiMtlk.tarnitnoCarnaligettirtits proved to
be very i4ood, rot ito woodidNl nie,t) runt:tined,
tor any lete , th i in„y - up,ivp 4 , ••t.4 irk
~. .
Tit t; DEV.E4 i',N.4 . _Yr . .t PA ILIA IN' 1514.-'-111e l', ; 2‘..yrt - tu
-gii - es a retra;pect. of the dell ii:• , c , dPAris , '"l lsl4,
i which; it thin.ks; is' cot,w, Ct . ':11( • iii est at the
present.vririls;, Altai sk.`tlie.., - iiiiiP, -y poaltion 4
altogether thliereat ; fr. ni what it was fifty ..if
years ago. , 'ttUbe - 1.110.4 .lilay,-*lsl4, Na a sin,
who. lila beef) . figh_ilt4 krati+ll.tfOr twn
„non tbs
against - the a
allied ptifes, left . thecapital an;
, protected b`•a darifig - movement -..blwards
1 -- 14ni-raine,' in the rear .al the clieihy. The Em
peror peror l'if Basile anti the Viirgiif.Prussia, decided
I upon marching
~str ' ' .11, ado l'aris. The grand •
Xustro-llussian'a_rt y,..c!ibilisititleil by!, Prince
1 . Schwartz . enuerg, aiii. the army of liileAa, under.
ifirrola+r:' -Were nailed,' Ina began .the ad eanee
;Ain March 24.. They' only- had' in trent-of them
twfcrrencit, corps, t•ery much. weakened; those
of the Holies of Tievise •and Hagtotai which -
• were forced to Iretreilt . rapidly. before- tl e supe
rior fdrce. ' Olt the VA the fightof . Fere them-
penoise occurred, Wlieii a convey eeitullig , from,!
Paris, under the estnrbof turtivisiqh of :„'s ational .
Aittards. from 'firittitny. ',Were surrounded itt,the !
-1- tithile ersiti injinehieTiAiif
:`,J,. ape tiereleA.
cavalry.. The ceser-Irib+, li ho :had net et , seen.i
- ,fire, . defended theriaselves, heroically, and re-'
pulsed the.farious,eharge of ;be dinasianeras-:
siera: - Before theto,eauld - "taf"oVereomis futon
'had to be• fired and the - lftniferialGaard'ef Alex
ander brought-out, *which. haditeNier been tn+
pltiYed since the opening of the eampaigh. The
-young soldiers, ho,Wever, wonlfl riot:yield . , and;
perished to ttielaSf . ,,,kiam., ; .... :., .
: . . ,
311 - s - c:tors • Pficienrcißs.—Some euriouk
• propliecies , -aria,heiag brought to light in trance, ,
having,referemie, it n is , ?*qpixfsell, to the present
eiitid. • 'Maltre - +Piertol•Tdr.rele air 'astrological
- iihildifoplier, mute aeytiyal „of, Ail which
he - spoke of 'tlie life ef- him who was' to save
.I''r tact:' !Afore sSifiiitti- Iff - the prophecy of
4.llola„as, it is itilled"itich was luittle in ISOS. by .
• mkt t: rsuline :nue,- whit foretold troubles in,
Blois in -ASS aiiil IS/0. r What gives especial iii
teresv bi,thase proguostieatiubs is the statement
that the prophecy concerning Pilli was partially
realized.; The CON3TITI - Tiox - .X E - ...- which pub-
i lislies the deep inei#, remarks. that:this accounts- 1
' fur its geeat local , +lelf:rits.. 4 t ;is to he hoped',
' in the intereata of Enince,.. that the latter part,.
may. prove equally. authentic; for after - lore-,
telling terrible ,troables
.to trance in• 1170, the
nun', like 'the 'rltrobrer, predicts "fr- may/real
, accovic_ctla FI:MIer, •• adding that the •ebtintr3i
I I:0'1114 ex peetod !him: Soule
,painta in . this
prat - dicey are vertapO' variotoi:!..when 'We . - a 7 s .-
meiter how long -it has been in eicistence.s - --
The * - rinds trialheura" are to begin after the
middle of July (the' declaration of :war hawing ,
I be . en , mode' about that_ time) -land before the -
vintide.' The' t roil ble.4 , i hie - ,t-rattect the effPital
tuorebartieitlarly, where there will be a terrible
'fight and ILp:ea; mitsaaleee, itath good and bad I
will .fall in,l+ *t le,for ail: the, inert will helirdied !
o-n, and only tile aid - iliel4 /en: - ..Tll(l..sis . terin
t hi s foretells' :if. , tiantbetta's last +circular, The
tinie; - slie adds, wilt he shrill, 'for the women_
will prepare the vinktge4, but tho - nten will rt+-
. turn to tin ish theiii; Nleairwhile :no newS,will
be obtainable except-througltpilvate_ letters.—
: Presently three. cooriers -will come' to Blois.
The first wilt trntiotsitee- itt a t a1,...1-10;:iffst, tilt-see. ,
ond will be too hurried to, stop„_the-third i who
will enfnerify tire and. water (evidently the rail-.
way) will briiig theigood ' tieWa;- 'A' Te 'I/elfin
will be sung, such an_ was -never sung before,
lad, ':jrllll„nit,bek,ferhign Iprlao reigned at - first,"
bat t.faz.. , the ifiavlotiCiiiiiniild to reope.. The
prince will not be there; they Kill go atittaeelc.
hint; and after he aveends the. thronel'Franee
-will , be Petteeifil-xibl_kro*lkeretur for twenty
. . .
. •
SUGAR FRlVirtKielr,..-4; eorrea p ondent writes
Its follows on this subject :—When _we hear of
ceutrall'aeloties,in the Vrencii colonies paying'
less adivldend u tharr its per 'Cent. tn. their
shareholdernoind wbeii we enusider the great
facilities • theY afferd m proprietors of small'
estates, it seesum..wonderful that lin eft:* in
'this direction should have been made in,the .
I • British.,lpt.r...Vossvissions. It is now clearly
sten, hi - mover, that The recent changes_ in the
sugar duties, by reducing the distance between
the different grades, bas had an injurious inliur.
Nice upon thelower:qualitig, antithe common
. est instincts of :prodeiiee dictate that' Some
practical steps must be taken to send' West'
Indian sugar to the marker in etrimpeoved
To those proprietors whe, front'•
want of thaws fir Any• other cause, have' been.
unable to (-Quinn,. with the requirelnents of this
altered state •of things,The establialdnent of
central factor es beteime ("Simple necessity..
There is no necessary eohnection between the
cultivation of the cane, and the manufacture of
the 14ugar.. call be siivided. into tWG . Repa.•
rate-Ind reitrietl. 'Tbit Small 'planter In !trying to
ant* tip:tbe: prodlieti- of bis Lane -fields.- _very
often Impoverishes himself bv the 'expense of
the suaehinery.' whereas if he aevotes the Wicole
of .his attention to the growth of his cams, and
leavO - the- manufacturing part of his businesi
to those who esti eoniniund the requisite capital
and oe, mist akilftli appliances, he relleves him
self of an aiiitious and' wearing . 'responsibility.- '
ort 7 theVolitinenri
have generally acted upon- this nritutiple„ and
the-restilt is seen in i`the extraortiliiiigy
which has attended -sett the departments of that
industry. • The _fernier ' ht England 'grows the
corn end. leaves other people to make it .
into b •-• . and sugar Is almost neeessary an
article popular consumption as the stair of
Wei . In their r i: 4 c h colonies the establish
utent • f IWhea hai not always encouraged as
'lnertias° lof the enitigation i but - this may, per
',hap.% accounted !ilk; at least to a greatexrent,
by the sintil.E . pereesitage. ;which . it has hitherto'
been the.hnbit to alb* th., the grower. This is
• but tit detail In nianagementi however, which'
tan be easily altered In favor 'of amore liberal
system. - .lr RR alloWinee elf six per :emit. .or
sugar 'mien the weight of the canes vered'at
the tut/nada shade instead of tiVe per cent.,
which has hithert o been the aspire... n larger
n:debut of profit Is allowed 'to the grower, and
sometimes 'this 'Additional one.'per eent. will
' make all:ther . ffereneei tg tilufdietween profita
ble and unProtitable.eultiration.. The proposed
helot - lea, in - the British eolonieli'abould not,
Therefore, bind the planter down to starvation '
prieeti, - blitafford Wet every 16(1m:einem' to ex
tend and improve hie eultivatiob. Aecorilisig
to• the . prelent ,, farlif,.The•plituter- eau probably
obtain, on the average, better prieels,fortbspru...
duee.if hal:sable tornarnifueture but
the pr.oeptiet. of a einaller pro fit, glitch la eer
taln, is HkelY to' be •lirefernzal loiLtntiriger one
Involving :'all 'Tho---Ite of man re • an&
_ehaniong_ntarketp rtabe Prench , colonleti the
amount of capital Invested In nettles Is very
and the m'einsk employed, for the mann(
re.,of the anger 'Very , elaborate and omit
plete. : They obtain, 'on the average,. betiereetf
j.• It. TROXELL ni •
A AN , .4tD= 14 OIL BURNER.
pitwonderful race produces' ti :Tit St , 11.1 y•
Plare,rtilte. in teusrly.brilla I. 41411
" L "ritl: ks Raft frourexpluedon, coa
al: kinds eAelkos.l Use. The chltuiley is alw.o -
cool at the Datum; e lly handled,
eiv Amt.. la vital*); and Ihretreitper
malt Student Lamp. ••• ,
Sept. M, '7 O . . July 2, *-21.1yL-132.15 ,
• • ~
'tine and ten per cent. of sugar 4-)w the u•i•i„.;1, -
.of times. The actual yield or-ju kelvin yar
the different c"donies, and the' Vrctiell
ran wanely le taken as. a thortruLthly
basiectropemtiona, Viler the present .‘;n
or ouninforctut t re hi Trinidad,ifoe iledtto,•„ .
.about lax per MEL of sngtr is obtained,
this of course • could be .t'irnsilleirablk
yroved:',liy.: the - central factories - f t - , • „ii. 1 ,1
more nearly .; approaching thlit ifailey t , l
the French -willies, One very itatS)rtant
-'tote considered is the existence Dr proper
and cheap and tapitl.tuettnit of transportin g ;ht.
material'. In isinneetiou with this, th e - w
way aYstetn, deserves attention. CarVap.
bersome, and'-expensive in propOrti4 ;,„ i t
slow,find tranntrays, either.on theyti•Stliel it ,
the air, witiOld be much more eisoloini, :; o l - 1 ,,,
•eapital for construethig and the itteal:,)d
ing them—in short, ail that relates -to.
:Might be provided by an. agency .t 1„;
separate from: theiwo great departnient,
culture and manufacture. ykdarge-and
supply,of Water will also he necessary stl
proVittion Will have to: be inutile Aiy.
against the risk of drought; An
require careful estimate cud
*lon, besibtaa-eapital. enefgy, and a true s r i4 t ~1
enterp(Lseito carry them into effeet:: tejtcyc,i—
ed and profitable etthleation - nittans':.
prosperity to the 'volony•tWwwliolC, a ne . )reii.,,.
relmuuntenance of its institntions, H . 11,1 th,, „,,,
nirqc back into avtate of honorable and i .
industry alarge•nntelicr of til t p-,ro lat.or;•ts
whom idleness has long been enjoyed s:
ury; whilst „it.' has- really degraded' thciii;
gocni Nitsintss
• Iln. tlnst
.NEW PATTERkS illst Meet veo at - the 1. 1 ,,, ..::'.1
tTrimming State.' 'l*-.2l'ettrre htreet,'liel,i - tv - ..kt...f., .
liottse. Pottaivllitt. , 11 -tr . .M.1.1..1G1E 11pt.,„ \ N
.------ ---
ONLY s titi cents,for a Pluperior tsvider l';,t
Ladies and ilerits Restaurant, r0.,,191 J
IPriees , reduced to atilt the tithe;yourselves:. '
FuitNeit,'}igilitiratintAssieriesti ird
Sind of the, finest you'll itts', at D. klatith's.e.aito.....:
,•Pst roat.:n iti:V DRILL -4, i tti I%;
'de D. A.'s.tittith's. Centre.gtreel.
1. all hatvl , :posi• INlfiy,p!•rieeV-y and pe:
•iired to. A. .leCtit M. tles, MD. No.'201)1 A rrt,
I retS,wtxtri Itiulm atllleted with any
iteraiat,Extehitil, Blind, Weeding, or It, :.
Ing, that tereds‘positively nwl r find iif decept ion
the cure of these 'iliseaset:, - -'llet cure is pert.,
and .perrna lent. and without the slightest daze, .
without. II -slightest injury tie the patient In at,'
wa3. , ,- and- :lthuut cati4ti.,4 of - insr'rtin.ents: I al,
cure /Iglu Flo:tires. 1 . 1'01:411.,11, 1111,1 1 - 11 ,; rilt rilti •
the lower b i. l'utient'n MUNI . ' s
tat 1 11 4. :lnd e . :i
remain a my house till eni rsl, - II they . lesity. Ca.;
refer you to over -124 i pop.. n, c1a..41 lu l'hlhnlelptib
alone. • 7'
A TORBID Crite..i,-
any antounti,hte
,; physleal ilrength Hiss
animal spirits give way; and a strange torpor t.i.l
alike oh laxly. and infellea. There is little
pain perhap , oltut the natural vigor and .-las=t tvf;
then erVou. and 111 usett Inr syntent seems to Int‘',77,.
parted,and an indifference to the pleasure. "C
and even of Its graite
• - tido, h.,
place of that earnest Interest in both y:bielt el hr,:
terizes every . Well balanced mini when I ti.a.
conditkott; -
This state of partial c•illapiels often the pret,,,,,
-tort' - sy pttine, Or ha .carious .malady. I,t
caters Until istakably that the vital, powers :ire
gab:him:and need a 'stimulant, - In 51041 l i , ,
effect of a few doses - of Hustetter's
is wonderfully beneficial. The great mu., IS
the sytitein troielts4roirse. Tire mfccetit,as
•eireulattori receive a tills „
nerves eeeover theinelasi lelty uti,i\ I ,
Of the speCtfic,like the slifekoinql ft rem:ll. 4.1 s,
deal Instrument in the pi mess of , i.„,
gyanddebiiity ark rep aced I,v energy :Lod I k „ c
spittle rise, and life that us ;,
while the .y..asor- of deprtNshai laste.l,
more enjoyable. That such It raqh‘til elennt, •••!..
be prodtieed , by a remedy entirely dev,l•l
powerful atikaloWslind minerals fin ex te
inintalern practic4., seem
whit) pin their faith on the mettle:nal„
active poison., but If these skeptic, •
trouble to enquire of th os e who have testi-it
reetive And alterative yirt.te4 of the Intl
the eircuitisninces .described, • they - will •
statement to be true. •
Jan. 1, ':0 : ' .
` HOW TO. CURB C0N4T.11.117..1C1N
_ . •
TILE PIIILOSONIY {IF Dit.Sent:slcs's t;iti it v..; '
• etsas.—Wlll peopitvxlever It.uttilti Itnott u, ; -, .....
,eased !Wei:and stomach neeeSsavtly disease ~,, ,',.
lite sestem? .The titanic...l Principles of 4, 11.:.,11
sense leach :this, anti yet titer,- are handl..., s, , ,
'I. ,
rid •ule the lied,mid continue la the coarse Ll., 1 ,
111-ia 4t.llleVitably 1111 !Ws . them premat ni...i,..... t!..z.
gruv .' Living as tio: majority of tie
, i , i' ,, i'•:' ',-. ,; etnindete variance I. , lnii the tans 111 II:III:le, .1 i.„.,
Ite apparent•to alit% at, stainer
ater.., ma 1 11,, ,. 1 '
reveng.e.herself.. II nee we thitl-that pers.'. at, ,
hitlidge - to toreesir ler the tise Of verY rielr'ot it ~. -
•gestible (0011 or Intmeienting•tiriniis, lovarla. ' i
a heavy 'penalty lit fht.• end. '11...- stoutut.h la.. ~,!..•:
disordered and refuses to act; tiot...llve-r liiil, t., i . ,
form its'fimetinugy, d - t-spalislat add lista it entlto. , i .
folioir;attli sill: 011 e li , ultering' huh% iduat,,,,o, i..:•-• ;•.,
clinging-to the ilieirottghly - exploded
.idet,- ~,, a ~,
Past. Dr. Sell ki.ti (1/C:s toed ICI Ile!, are rt ec.uin , .. :,,.• .1
to' all such. ,;Ebsy.Lhrlttg stile awl eet.,1.0, ,'
wherever.ihes.,ltre it,•tal as direettat, and ::ti ti..,.....
/Writ . e..ataty•La-loottabllNn their mob ta 1ki4 . 1 4 1, 1/11 e\ ~ i,
ailing nutlytor WOlll4ll la till, land is t.. :, I an.l - f.: .
partial trial of thent. - those who ate t,...!• , ' ~
on ' this. piiint, , .tind-fteno have revile:lied aiie4..-,, .
persons to.prejuiltets them ausoist. these ti, fir • . ,
..hrated• remedies -for -consuittoti,.ll, - ~b, , -..rti i 1.,,
'prejud teats.: mid be *0 Wel& Pi i . I I.e the la 1 net p..... ,'.l
reason and. cot - Amon sem-v.': It tlit- .s)stelu n..:;., :.
;tiered depend upon it,. in nine ea.-1., 1.111 111 It 1.. ,I ,
'sent or the , disooter. will bakfound In 'the stases
and liver. To cletuise 'anti: is:ltalia le 'the 5t,,t,,.....,
and to stimulate the liver I n•altliv aetton..ese
Scits.ittem.Let Maletritagr. I 's.--.Tite4itlly ine•e.,..
lag detnan - d - VDr 'the.e. pilltelis' the best eVidelli ~r
their value: Thousands usearl thousands ~r t.•.a,..
are sold dally:: Why! Simpfle:4rbeeause• the, ~,et
promptly and etflietleathe. frivailiLs 'who no., ~, . 1
find it convenient tottall on Dr. St 'ill..N('K a, p : .
son.are infdrined that full and Vgliplele tit 1...,-1 :,.ii,
for use neequiparty each package•bor the . - '
, e. ,
IfaNnitAEs: Plitl-'it, l'r.t.mosit: Sylif-i A '.`. 1, ' 4 ! •.
~,WEEt) Toxtt.—Thes¢ metiltdoes.evill ette - re Vonsittei -
(lon unless the lungls etro so far goilc thin the 11.1,2 , %,L..1
Is entirely heyridthe'ri_ell of medical relief. ''-
, It may be
,asked.h.Y thoae who are are not hi to II i.,,..
with the virtues of these - ;great 1 emedies, ”1f0w . .1.,
-Pr. SCII-ENCK'S mkt tellies effect their "a
cares of consnmptidn I." ' ..
The„auswer. IS a simple one.. They :beg,ln 11trit
work of restOrtrOonlby-beinglng the - stomitch, ill, ,
and bowels into. an net lye healthy 'e,ottetition; It is
food that cures this formWtede disease, • rugses .
.11.Qina.titg Pifa_s ;act on the liver and atotiii.ell
promoting:healthy secretion, and removing the I.tie
and slime whiclt•have rf!snited from the !meet ive ,-;
torpid eontlition of these organs, anti OT the sysi ea,
-generally. This slugghilt state of the hotly, atm it..
ei UuxiNeut ricenntubition,,nt_tlie un)teuittiY, =..i
s celYtuuned preventllia p,raperthges,tiou of. f.,,,„; :
l ik 4
a Nis-a natural eimadqtlence ert.'ates, wlif, I,
reit ' In prostration and •ilnally, In 4a4th„, . - •
n it ti N u c e g lt 's r P egu ct imirit moti y te l g i v ir lu ,e c „. an u c mji.e l SEA:t r •s t4 ti , ..' „ i i ..p li,. ;
dig stlce„ergans,. ale gbed 'rich bitted., anti ts
natnral consey eC, give flesh and strehgt la I a ti„.
'patient. Let th faculty,say what' It may, tide Is lb..
only true cur for !consumption. EXpetlt'llee 4......
prolted it beyeld the shadow of, a doubt, told thaw ..
, ands are to-d yalive and Well w-libis few year..;t ley
were regarded as hopeless eases, but 'who were in.,
1 dticed to try Dr. SCHENCK'S remedies, - ,,.y.i.....
restortAl to perintanent healthlly thidr Use.
One of the-drat steps the physician she-ill ed.,
'with atJtoosumptite_pallen4 6 to- Invigorate lie.
system, NIA!, hotr lis this be - donee? Cei Lai:lly
twit by givinguiedleines that xhaustrunixner, tile-
ntedleines that impair instead of improve the tau, .
' dons of theiligestive organs. Doetur isitlii:N , -N .•
medicines ',,elettnse- the- stomach acid bowels et.:. ,
.linfilttatices which are calculated to ill-It:l2r In - u * e . .,.1...
them. Jilt** create an appetite.-promot a ii.olt it ;..,t
dlgeldigin—tnake•good blotal, turd, as a y0n5eq,...1,,..
they invigorate anti strengthen the entire s% st , la.
'and more especially those parts - which are di,,,....1..
'lf lblil callitadr•he:ttOne,. then the ease truw. 1... ir
garded as a hOpeless one. .'' ~. . ~ ,
lf,ille. physiebui littds it impokdble to nutria' a r,•
tient feel hungry; if the diseased person eat. not I , :u .
take of good nourishing Paid and propylli t h,.:,,i
it IS impossible that he can gain th hest: li 1101 evIIIIII,' .
- and it is equally imitoxSible to Ming a ',atlas , t.,thi,:.
condition- so long a y. the liver Is burdemirtt it li O.:-
eastal bile, and Ilia Ni,-totuacit ladenladenwi,will , ani'''.':' /.3 -
slime. , .- • .
Alniust the trrserequest made to the-oe. , i , Aul‘ ,
a Lsdniumpt ivy:pat:W h M is that lie will pre. i .ril,. , “L..:
lutlyeti .11Uit will rotative or ll '
a..ay tsie eone.h, r,,;ici •
I.weats and (dolls, which are the sure at teialat,t , ~.-
.'constunigion, - ,'.9lut this should 31 , 4 he donne, 1.. I:I.: .
• couglt is only , all effort of nature ti roll. T , 1 :‘ ,1, .
• and the ulght• etwatts and chill's Ire 4..aaseil Ly use ,
diseased-lungs.. Th renualleatirditiarily pre. , ..tit.tit
ado more Alarm-that - good. They impale - 1h- 1,, ; „----
(tense - If-the atoinncli, linpade heal lltyallgt•st 1 , 1..., ,,,, t
atatruVate rather than Sure the dl ease. 4 . •
There I st aitit :t thng fart
-th., t",
to substantiati ler e a Positi no on, i and like
is is. uptta. tea ta
Dr. SCHENCK relies. 2 ,, learly all who unto 1,,1t..t.
his lactile,lites hi aceeirtitence• watt his , th ., : t '"""
have not only been-et - ilea of musumptlon, 1,1,1,1 , 4,
the fact that these tneetliclues act 3v.ith yv,,11,1,.,:t
power upon: the diEstiye organs, patients tt,,,a
cured elteedlirgaitti, estti,., Cleansing , the , e sysl , 4l 0:
all impurities, they . -the foundut ton. tor t, ~,14‘1.
tuthoutu;944 hiracrure. Restoring these orcate. 1.,
health, tney,ereatein appetite: . 2 , Tlte fotki Is Or, , -- 1 '.i , ..:1y .
tousslntilated like eitaraity of blood- Is not chat lII'
. creased, but hi matlet-rleh and strong mid la..ele' tie'
ofsuet a condition .lof the system -all diseast • ittr.+:*
be banished. - • 1 , • • . • -
Full directions accompany each of the Pletill . ll l . , ,
to' that it is not absoltztellrne7y that 0,a1,1, , .
should, see Dr. SCUT:NCR. persona ly,
,dale.. Ist;,
desire to have theirtunga examing. , Far lid- ha-
Pose he Is at..hls 11 1 1hetiall 94 A aq, NO, 1: - , Not tI, ,-.; tit..
St... corner of CrAnnteroe Pniladelphla, eve ry s.,lttl- .
'day, from 9 .A. - , - hi, u I
'until P, 51. ' - . -•-. • -
... AdVIM IP ILIVL'II without charge. bur fo:t d o es,.-,•-: , d o es,.-,•-: , :1
~ . 1.-t,
examination with th e Itespiremeta , the ein , tl'
Price of the l'ul mmic Svrup anti .Se...tewee a o," 'l ...,,,,
each, $1 CA) per• bottle,. or ti do. a hull du'ieu. -‘ ll, .
drake Pills 'Li t eats it box. For sit,le'.:.% ; ai! - d. .' , :. 0 • -t-
April 16 ,'.0 . 1 • 7- a. 1s .
- - - , ea s. -•
.• - - • .
.._ -- 7,- , .--.. - -_ , --_ , =,---_-_-.,-,..,..,,,,,,-,:.--- - ..,..,
ex...kith.. —On the 9th of oe/04r.,18"..1).94 . it.,111,..c •..,..
Northampton Co., Pa :, aged fr y ears,A . . 0 lea ii'? --''''
.3 dark .
Jens CLaitg: was bornin *Ars- ie.!: sh re, Eau I:. :+•t
Match 4th, nut, and r closed tier ' earth' plig l' lI,L. x•
OR. Attr, .18:1.4 at. litedluglua,. Nbritian pion eo.. 1 %.
She gate her heart to trod when young, and lor ; ~,.
'ty-one years sho was ma eansest. Chriatian, wa, ,‘• . •
attached to the eltureh of her choice. A few ~,,...J., •
previous to her departure she imffered- are:ill. , .
patiently In it all, and when she breathed her'•4: , •!,,
turning, she her family. "weep not forii...,
am going home." tsbe leaves a husband and tell ~.•.i
dren to mourn the death. of a beloved Chrisi...l.
, • - -
IDAVIEE3—. I I.I„CIaI ;on the lith Inst. AtataliT .% ' -
RESIN, the son of it 'a...Davies and his ' wife, ~,,, d -.
yetsrs azd a mouths.
FINS- • . • . A.._
—On'the Dat 1 last., suddenly, at 3 1, 7 „e:414rq.
I:tutu:err FINN, aged iii years. -
. . ~.
'II vat lit EL—On-the 30th of September ,. W i ll, Cr. :t
' '
ella ton, Satan, wife °Min. Hu refuel, aged sr ... t. • •
and /Ida:mi.', ' i . - .
• >.
' ' nENNINSYER--0 4 the 13th of Or-tuber , in 11 ' ' , " .. ' l
son, Finney -Twp., /dux Hazagt.:coEtt, sot, ~, :,,, a . • I
Henninger, aged ;f2 Years, lei , st;daya.
JOHNSTON.—On; Wednesday eirailing, ;,,, ,' .
o . ekaCk, W11414.1/1 OHNSTUM. ill t it 41+t. .!..'”
his age. . . ,
,ot Salt anti to gtt.
- - _
COAL CAW; róß. ItR: 'oa .I'lll
in_good order, for Kate low. — ;t% to
411, Dorn,
wAr. ic.porry; 4i« umk:c
FOR bonding lots front ttre: , m,
Street.. ld lota 90 Race street, anti
street. Price . from $1.91 upwards, , PaY l O - h"
be made In CO monthly Installments
SAMUEL BALL. Cval street, or U. 1, IV t'SS 1 (.1 •
No. C East Norwegian street.
Pottarille,,Aug. r 70., . [April
7a u- 4.
.. .
'VX& O BALE..—One Double B e/reaker I
. a Ili, t,,,t , 1L
- Colliery, all complete and ag goo( ns new- - ; Nt* ot ,
40 horse engine, bollent. hoisting ged Ing for.l)l2lc.
ha, &C. • , • ~ (...
One 12 ft. tau. 8 borge - engine and" litiklers. 1)11 , 11 , !'
-ton ha made. I
..t W 2) fe y et boring mi.. , with; bit . ..4;&e., ail In' -4
waideie -
Aleci, a stit of lkjihrting gearing for elope ; p(pan awl
other articles. -IA( • —. M, HlLL2,'Ag'e4!.
Anifteitt 411, 70 . 41 ; 4 f
1 to :(77 Nt :Hill: A 011„
tio Cetttn.. street, - .Pot tsv He,