The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, October 22, 1870, Image 1
'TiCOAL .A_DE _A_DVEhT SEME IMNI MEM - port Nistimonb titiil444 Whitney, • lieCreary. -4 VELINGAND PORTER% ROAD I:04V 314tT.,14 4 I.vp rn.4 sr WA V • • ENGINR.:-- •• • , " . Pier No ? 4, Port flick:mood Pier No. 17, Port litiritiliend. WELD, RICE & Co., AUDENRIED. NORTON &-CO., Miners and pdppeis ic r f • 841ppers of the Eti.t. Quittities of rti.O:I4.IEIN and CIICYLI.ILL. • - • ' , At ED and WHITE Afill Upper Lehigh LEHIGH. itt. .nd o I YO Fit.,s l r CLASS COAL, C O-A L, LOCUST atows.r4.m. FOR THE er:LEBRATED . . . From .our lino large And-celebrated Collieries "Rain. DELL,"..... ..... - .......,..C. F. NORTON aco TONTIXESTAL." GOODRI'DGE a aUDENR:ED 001ce-:224 WWI PHIL F: KNOT" al4l t.t)p , r . Mink* Locus MOUNTAIN COAL. • c 1 MBEFLL4..NI) VF:gF IsrruijNous: mit , ....: l 3 ° l7 l it l r!,?i i .rs t : t a% . " l K l.lll inn ‘ l3d 11 Di14L11.3 70 R. WurrNEY, Gra LOUBEItIty. • Free Burning ited , Ash, and Splendid , Preparation COLKE7T . C6I.LIERY, ...... Long R. Co DIIbIiLE CREEK COLLIERY, C. Colkett, Preet• fir. pt MtII Pler No. 5, l'ort. Llicmund r . • HAAS & BRENIZER, • r SHAMOKIN. - ' : • I:NTERYRISE COLLIERY. T. Bantagarlaer, rrest. • Locust Mountie?' and - Lotterry; also vla Se;htly lk 111 Canal, to all polnbs ace. ielble by boats. - - , . (328 Walnut Sidlad lINYIees : ' 111 Broadway t , New Y P ork elphla. ' I: 27Dole's Sheer* Bu t on. - M I . ~ J. T. AUDENRIED, • C. F.- NORTOt TI., CHAs. D. •NOILTON„ .- It. GORItELL, ' Z Jan.-1, '7O: ::- -.-,-', .; I Miners and Shippers of .s 7 I:11 F. SUPERiOIt TURKEY RUN COAL, A'll. .A. , ; l+.N ' lee; Grant S C u .. Celebrated /km Na IL Pt: Richmond, SNYDER . .& SHOEMAKEER,: illustrations of Mesios. AvelingAr. orter's Road Locomotive and their Tratntity.Englue r manufactured by. them In Rochester; Eng land, and whose, agent in this muntry, Is Mr. W. C. Oustler, 43 Exthange Place, New York: . - - These engines have been awarded thf first prizei at the International Exhibition, Lon dtt, 1 . 802: -. Hamburg, Pitl3 ; Odense, 'Den In tc, 1863 ; Koniesburg, Prussia, ISM: and 'the Universal Exhibition, Paris,. pita. and Britssels, 1568.1 ..,niee and . _ _ [40'4210,5t - of. keeping them, When lille r lu bad. weather;and - tlirodgli the long `,winter, are avoided by the use of the HfAver r..o...ontotiiNi., Hauling is done quicker and inore_.-eettainly, .and much granter-weight of Material can be _onveyed in agiven tittio, - .--,a- , - -: ',.,. ' • Not only 14 this description bflwork dolo at.vastly less test than .it tutu yoesibly be done by - horse power, but, the eagitte when 'not:used - for traction .purposes, tan be put to drive'saws, Pumps, and other_tiescriptitanc of machinerg_tei'eeonomicalcyas a stationery: engine ivill' o the seine Work:: Etsalso forms part of the accessary apparatus; for Baum plowing, and now that the United States tna-- ikort.duty on thlit:deseription of ittaehiiiery. - is. removed, they'; aria 'be purchased et par; less than they can-be manufactured here.. .1 - M sae. - Aveliug and :Porter have lately.l conStru • ' one of theiißoad Limomotivetti fertile War apartment of the British (boV • ermitent: Th ; piirementi•Were that the engine should : " able wa load Of not lesiPtlian 5 fou l s an ordinary road, up aft incline of 1' in I;:atid ' when working -as a stationary'etigrite, Toifirve ileliettlar saW it ft:- in'diameter, with other conditions. The weight tit the engine with 'water 'was not to exceed tiVe•tonS,' with'fire bok to burn either - real or - wood. iThese- condititms were ful.- , ailed to the entire satisfaction of the. i tispect. ing olihers; thee4tigine ;driving the saw through ia log of timber 14. inches stptare and .;. ) 07ft.,,,,.in lengthWti trample of minutes; with a boiK \ prestitita'et:is lbs. to the square inch. 'rite engine alsodrew it loaded Wagon ,weigh-- ing 5 : tuns, with the._ greatest easenp star llill, en , inclino'of I 111 P 2. for 3.50 'yards, the hill having been just previmisly coverod_with a thick Coating i,o'f.stones. -The engine was 'tted' with a 'compensating arrangement upon the drivingaxle, which - .enables' it to turn sharp curve_~, either 'to-, be right or left, without disconnecting ei the it 'wheel. -- During the trial, • the engine -?vas upplied, driven j and steered entirely-'by on lad ?without any other assistance; and on Saturday, the same ; lad drove:',the engine : alinie,•fnint .Itwood to Ilrompttni-*l-htroteks, through , the crowded stress of Rochester and Gliathant. :. Pi, A N D G . E Co A L Shippers and Dealeril In Ofti 218 St., lli l.tthill4 '- 81 Tritlity ItatiHiltg% Nt., York, II Dom". St.. COAL, IZIENEI .80LE BNTS 800 , G, W. F3NYD , E.IB . B :WELL KNOWN • C 'ER, STICKALY .WELLINGTON ASTN • Miners and Shippers of Coal. " ET CsNII E. from their Burnside I ut Shamokin VEIN tlted 'Ash.) - ' I. ri 's'i' NJOIINTA IN ( White ash.) ( Trinity Building, New York, J•td:t Walnut Street, Philadelphia: . t 21) Ite.ane Street, Benton. • WHAM , N. 6, PORT ittelilkiONO, PHILA. Inn. I, ' " The importanee and advantages of self-pro. pelting engines over the 'ordinary "Portable which have to- be conveyed from place to plaee"bY horse power, or otherwise dragged heavily 'along by a vast expenditure of manual labor. and money, are admitted fads; Mid not only are theso - Traction en gines etnployett ifi . Europel.for agricultural' !burp:slew, but they can be seen In successful operatkin In the lumber yard,-sat the boat , field, the copper mine, and the stone quarry, where they are deingthe work.: of horses at less than list{ the Cost. -• . Pier 7, Pori. Richmond. HAMMETT , NEILL & CO., Shippers of Anthrikeite & Bituminous C l O A: I:. A';ENTs 6.r KO , of the celebrated lifiEN AS- Ir , #Aiterr y. Wit ;(46,:5; TRI EBEL'S LoSiiaLSlonu (.lll :11,1 I'.:w I k'sl4!, rinain,.ktu 'At the 'present time there are in use in .England and - Continental Europe upwards of roYor A et - ding's Road Locomotive, engag ed in almost all descriptions of work to Which horse power is applicable. The engines engines are capable of taking loads yarying from 10 to tii - ; tons along .ordinary roadways at speeds of from 2 to . miles an loam They are made to travel up inclines of I 8, and this they do.with ease. They are porfectly-contmilable and do /IQt neces sarily ,require skilled engineers: to drive them. The steering apparatus is extremely simple and etibetive. - and enables theengine td turn round the sharpest curves with un. erring liecuenry. For the convenience of heavy loads at the speeds indicated, , the 0- Vantage and .essminny. or these Road Loco motives cannot be overestimated. They dispense with a large number of horses and reduce the cost of carrying One-half. - ' More over, the nest' of working the engine exists only molting as its services are required and it i'sc4ris no feeding when it is not earning Cc6l. A 1.0; `crud PEA CH MOUNTA.J:N . 11 , !(1..A.i=1,h Coal. . , FROM HOBOKEN, - • .1 The bi , ' ~ tvarl,tlem of Lehigh and 'Boylan's 6:1.1:- PotATEI) FAMILY COAL. . . Also, sole Agents In the-Eastern market for tin hmt te and tirorge's Creek Co.'s celebrated Brill , Al I Ntit7:-; CliA • (I'llilailelphia; 247 Walnut Street, , New 'York, Room 6, Trinity Building, Provitivrice, cuAtom liens° Street, •• (li.o ton , 25 peatie Street. bruaty 272, • Pier No. 9. Port Itielnuond. . R. - .&. SON, • • • 'Shippers of. Coal, • t - *d. 316. WALNUT ST., PHII,ADELPHIA. . • - rortiterage and Salt of Coal No. Thirteenth ktreffil. New York. No.. 140'.: 'Third Avenue. New York.-. • ttliarf. No. 99. India Street, Providence. Nt hart -Mt. Wovldnirton Avenue, .nrar. 7.o'es•ot, /Horton: • -Jan. 1, '7441 . . . • 1 - A.w.KLI N * COAL .4r.XF LYICENS VALLF,Y. , 1.1:.‘ 1.1•111. , 4 .k RE ('AITTIONED that there' trr... Lilt ..I..ur Collierie, which. mine this. Coaty, all' of ~ . ,111(-1. t are under the toatia4;ement - Of the undgn, -41„. Vor the. year 1 , 10 sl N XICKSON & t'0.,..f Phila delphia, will !at.the only Agents fot itt Sale In NeW . Eng lat al, NeveYora, New`datwey, and Smith of Cixpe I teary; alai 1 I A - 1.1. 111110 S., &V), of Baltimore for all othrr: points, liar Alain"; will deal:l ano alit r coat What ••vt•r, :ma part i..S wishing the uu re genulta• tut i rk t I 'JUNI pr.wure it of ;lieut. - The object of t 11 I, Cll Ut 1011 ';', - simpiy to enable I hose: luterested'to bay u tter ,tatalingly. ' • , ._-- The Agent 3. and I beiT aßsistanta far the above 1.4 mils, are as,fol lows; SINN ICKSON • t CO" General 1g..-at.s, 13'2 Walnut street - , Philadelphia; their. New .'. a k ()Mee Is at Room Gil, Trinity Buildwa , . JI k. i I. NI. a ilfi, Agent; assisted by. ELISFIA. ..NiusEr.ur, .‘ g .ent, .r..: Summer street, Boston, itNi.r. lifttiTHERS di eneral Ag..mts,:i Po , t ' 1 a ai..,, avenge , Baltimore, C0...d. represent e.. 1. al liar ' , -1)1 1 rg, Pa., by ,R)SEPI G..STERRI-717. Or'dprs ...”ild be given to either he above named parties, Lod Vona one else. - W5l. WLElGton . ..ral Manager ..I the Sumni_ltaranelt R. Co., the Short Mt. Cord . ... and the ens V le Coal Cu. .[Jaa.), '74-1 1 ifib Pier No. 10 Port Richmond SINNICKSON & CO!, Agents for the Sale and Shipment of the "Fraiiklin of Lykens-Valley," , N,,sv'Eti;;!and, New York, Nen'.?ersey alit! S4' Zit of pipe Henry. • • Our second Illustration is that of a light ! venport, and in•manymineit, quarries, brick locomotive or Tramway Engine, so • con , ! fields, and other large works ia England and structed as to be worked almost 'au° any other,European - eountries. .gunge -of rails,, and may be deSeribed as a Apart from the actual 'economy A.if• inging traction engine placed Upon railway - wheels, ! mteant in place of horsepower for conveying these wheels being coupled by the pitch- heavy freight, one great . of this! chain, which is employed to, communicate Tramway Engine of. kessrs: tie -Motion to them. These .engines are Porter's us to be the facility withmade from four tot,hirty horse. power: , ! From - which it can be applied to drive portable or the crank-shaft the motion is communicated •• fired machinery anti at tke same time retain by spur ,gearing to a countershaft, carrying '-.its means-of. propulsion.- For-lines on brick at its end'the wheel for the pitch-chain, the field's; quarries, !mines or temporary lines. bearing of this shaft heing placed in tarred m public.,Works,' l LlMabOle advantage would. Ililots formed itt the supporting brackets, so appreclated,.. - clipable astlfese 'engines are. that the 'shaft .can be raised. and the chain - perforniing broth the functions s.f the loco;; tightened when necessary. The crank-shaft ; Motive and the engine at-a very carries a fly-wheel, and the engine is fitted moderate cost: • • •• • '• • with Aveling's usutfil link-motion reversing All,the tWheelS being • coupled, the whole gear. ! •= rweiglitof f the engine and tender's a-VAJa , These-engines have the advantage of eta- 1 ble forpreducing adhesion with!ratis;;Which tionary and portable engines for pumpiti,g, i is su ffi cient for the ordinary reqhireinents of sawing and driving fixed Machinery of ;all i such lines', and considering the fact that It kinds ; they are • capable of taking heavy . can be applied tq various.purposoi tinworks . loads at the rate of from six to ten miles per, generally, arid .that it hi much simpler and hour at asciait of three to ten hirthings per ton less in price thanithat of the• ordinary. loco, pet' mile. , They are in use in her Majestys motive type of oligine, its use should become dock yards; t Chatham, Portsmouth, and Da- general in coal and Mining districts. • r• Walnutll,lliidophia, York. • 1 M 4 tqgtor. .111:4 - Wit M04311,Yi Agent, • 1": O. Box N4:46 , York. .I.ln. I. '71,1-1- WALTER • DONALDSON ; 'lSe . 4 • kr IN ERA AND Sit 1 PPEKS DIV;' ' "NV i C UAL. 41. E .I.(II . :NTS t he Celebrated ":-THOM AS LEHIG.II" . COAL 4 %tire `.Valool,Slreet..Philutlelphim. 19 Trinity. 111.11,411ng. York. •1 - 19 lomo...Street,lloston. WII \ Poilltit•holona. 9-If I • 14 Md$l:MlS- ri r M. (')3K. CAIN . ; HACKER COOK: =I rf-r ;At , . Lilt miwNTA IA ,A 4 111 , VIII.. Itl."11.1.1:, I'; 1'11:2 , T QUA LITT OF " 1;1 al/11 it,'(l , A:-Zil 'lll 1V:!: It .I St Ppitaaophia, 1.0'141 %Vharv.... JgIIIN EL t4TltYii Elt, mitIPPER AND .I , :r:NT, Schuylkill I•ort ICI4I LOVE, BOYER & CO., SlilPPl?its or • Anthracite and Bituminous Coals E=2rMinlM , . . • - (1 N1l:El:L.1N1 Vi IX ItITI7IIINOni ('OAT. . ; • -. - 1:334 . waintit st.; riiiimfrlpilia. 11:11,.., • ••. 13 Donn.. st;, ti.fttoio. . . . I ....; I.:11,4 •114.:1,c•• st.:, .Provitleiten. • 10-ly . I'lt•r 13 North o i•t'FUt I. ' • . JOHN C. SCOTT & SONS, Riners and Shippers of Coal. • = M %HA: tO(rsT While .flet li It EN. F N K ti" pPep 8441 A xla ',17111, V*4ll'lllll , l ,Imilar 14 all regptetx to INEFEN:4,VAI.I.EY Vont , • GOIVEN SHAMOKIN Red 1.1.111..iD1F.1.1.111A—N0:2213-Wa.!mit St. IttISTO.,i--No. 19 floano• st. YORK —lll Ilro.9lWay. rt 19 her lal I. French, Agt , tapt. P.:70 HMI DAY' HUDDELL &. CO., .\, Miners & Shippers of Coal. 093 , ,/, Walnut st .. Phil:W.4phi*. ( )814.e..: • I II . ftrowlwny. (Trinity 1:1111.11-11Z) N. V. ,1 1 17 Doane !Omni., 114.,tun. ''.o..lgvigt, , ; for the wile or the fo;lmcing sq.2ebrairvl IL% ro.m. iiirK"KY /AI. Co.'S 1;1CK/JrtY AND DitAvErt • ..cuAl..4,.tind the 3 e%/.'r, co.'s siIX3I4)KIN CoAl.. • ; \‘'/lAUVE;4:f I'ler No. "I Pier N 0.3 1.7117-fkbetllpq, N. J. Jau. I. '7o eke' 'No. IV rorethrhamond. "- • JOHN RGIIIIMEL, JR., & BROTHER, POLE AGENTP Frott• he Favorite and well i,.11111/11 hILL k HUMP:, White Auk 71,.y Superior lIENILY CLAY, bulky frev , huratulr Niel Ash. . 't kf:(!...ebr#tord pANIEL WEIISTIEII, Deep 'Led Ault 1:1:0,111 TOP fiIaII•UITXMISOUS. - RAVEN'S WING IGEI at • Elizabothport. 2115!,4 Walnut St., Vitilada. attire.: 21 Doane Street, ItitatArn. Room 53. Trlsoltißanding, Nr‘v Tur4. . . . I. Ncl ENT—SA MUEL r. RC'S (: t - u.. , Asted ' -. i:ES)WS Had E: 111'11AM. March a, 'rr,a—ai VOIDUSER, BROTabil liforr4 and Shippers of COALS. 5 ' 1 .1 Yome.toc'e Lehigh, Locust Limit*la, Lurid GsPs ittoe.barre, Lehigh. and other WHITE AND. - RED ASH COALS. . . "u: l•r• 1 Nii WII.t IZVE , 4: ) , EllZarb ellip9rt, , . t. (jtiraey City. r.:11 Wallltli :Rm.% Pill liulelph la. .+c.: • I:i I 1 in'iai twaY. N” w Y '' rk • • • (' k Doikli, • Kt„ it , p4ton. • Jan I. 10-g- . !.1 1. , , , F 2° ' ,_ ,IW.U. gIIMINKIeII. DOVEY & . KENDRICK, IP.lNtliperoi of the Glibrafnl. Shaft or RaStibow` and Keystone COALS. tVhari • Port . . • i. - I.lll hutelphin—e.2B Dock Ktio.t.t. t 0..., ...: I Pottnvllle--t'etitre Mtrtvet. _ " linston—No. 117 Ingsisn.j.y....Lan. )11- 1 l' * Agent.. ..r t W sabin3tou. . I —II/miry dunes , Avir,t• retnneryZ, I` 9,U • . . . , . . , 111.11111111110 - - - . . ; - ‘, i'4'‘''‘ - ... , ._„._ ,_ _,--:?-- 7.,,,_---..-_-‘-..--2---.:----}, • A ~ - . ~ - 7,45•. . ••. - • .- - - -: . -- -;---._-(--- it ilt - v . ,_7,..., -"-- ---_. ..„.. ::-.--_--„:„ l 4 . - 1 -I - - ---- *r - ~. - *-4 ,- -.-, ;:ur =tea ea.. . , . . ... . ..- .. . • . . -_ - • . . . • 4 , . . . .** '. .4.; • • •1- ~- -, ~.4 - .. ---- • Th •;*; :- .; . , _, $ bn- ,. -, •,,I.F. - 4 44,,,, •,,,,, ..- L ~ . ._ . . .. ' • ' -';',: ..' - '-' '''''...-"'• * • .p, -# - - ; - -k ''''' *,... '• • 1/4=b • - „.., - '- •l''' - ••,'''' • •• . . Z. e • ' ',. • - t' l . • I '' -.. ; • ...... - - • ... .1: . (1: ".: 1.':',1 .f . "...t 'J. .`t , :,‘., - ,i, ~ 6, ...., ~., ~, . 1..... • , . • • • .r- - • , :.. - ‘4t • .. a 3 4 I -•-•' - ..--.;•,- • .4 1r1r* 1 • A . ... ~.,.,, 4 I :A. • I ,:. Lt 44 I.? :. --", 10., . 7 .1 ‘ 44 ' .- '," ,- --- ' - . • } • - •-- A 1 - ~) - ..; ~ i . ~ •, ~,, .. :71r ..- r -'• ' - .4: , ..- ~-. • , • ~. ' 1 .... 'oaio•'".l;;;..' - A A Jr .. ._• i • : .. . ' •:i.,',--. ' • TR . . . w-i (-4 -,0%....A. _ . .., T. °'./. • - i - '- 4 . -2 ' : •,. :. , ..-• • - •,`1. , : . ' 1 / 4 - :: • , -, . . 1 . • l• ~... . • ..... , . ± '-: - 4.7 .:- . 1. • • '. . • ... 1 , \ 4: ••••• _ , , -.4.411P1W" .. " '._ i.—.1%, 0-..geq , '-••••, -rAidapp-Ipo- •• • - '',.` ; 1 3 . •!` . . 1,• - .. - P' 4 - ,-:,-,.. • , . ~, ris 4 1A A , !, itoal - 1110 01 / 4 - , Ootil ri .r : )• ; f4 tt . e" . -...--•• - ' - ;V- , . j.;, 1 -1 ..... , ,,' ..-.-.--..- 1, „ ~ i• ' ':- ' • , .. . , • . .... , • ' • . r , • _____ • . . b 0... • _ . -- • .' • . •,• , . , __ _ _ , . _. _,_.,:.. 7, _ .„ _. _ ~...- _-,-. _ir 2 , ‘ 74a w g i gi e llal,c - • -- • • - ..; '''' . . , ~ . . 1 - -.... • ' ._. ; '': ••:' •"-i - -- -- . 1 41a ` l l' - ... . • . v " Ar4.3 "" * ""mour la-'.- - - - " --4 ( --- - , , . . • • : -•- . 1.,' . , •' • -•••-r :, r I. . . , -, - , -1 .- : • , . . . . . '...• , _.. p . , . - - • . . . • • I , . . , . • . . . • - -r- tr --- .., -IP , .. ' -T,..;-1..- t. -...- .. -,:....-: - .z• - _ ... • ' ' .. . , • . . ... . . . , . . • • . , .. . • - - ' . , 1 Eilvered liwcarcUslit so rAc t 4 Ontt ta. t ee Un•b7 Solouu7ii.Aaantr ba the pork* Oftico or the Matta Coort i ot liblt.traftod Maio I* lb* Notsati Maria or Pliamothroado. -, . ..----, • - • • . _ r _ _ .. - • , , --.,-- . . . - ' . . .. . . PINE FOREST COAL • 2 ^ 6 - WA.LIPUT ST., ' ' 1 W TRINITY BILTILDINifi, ".. fill LAVA . • NEW YORE. I LOUIS SNYDER. - C. R. SI/OKMAKER. Tau 1, 70 .. , , l-ly ' ' ----- • Pier No. 13 Pert Illobtoood, W>ito r 8. REPPLIr.vt, N. P. GORDON, If. p. REPPLIER. REPPLIER, GORDON & CO., +10241t8 AND sununens Or Locust Mountain, Mammoth' Vein, Red Ash, ~. ~:k Lorberry, and i. OWER • CITY,' LYKENS VALLETCOALS, (329 -Walnut.Striet, littlatielphla. • Offices': 1111 Broadway, (Room \o.s) New .Torkr . , 7 t ; 27 Doane Street, (Rooth No. 3), Boston. ' mare), :1,, '7B . - 13- Piet. 14, Sout h B.ORDA, - ..KELLER VNUTTING' Miners and ShippOit of 'Cooly WERT LEIIIGII GILEENWO9p. •.• TA M A (.2,11-A SHAFT, • • REES' EsDALE; ErKERT LORDERRY • . • NORTH FRANKLIN RED AKII„ • • - • , BLACK 11EATH;• ' ' • BIG - RUN L04..(15T MT., •• • . , GARRETBON, tiIRA RI/VILLE: SL. Hosted; - 11111epli : •:./C41.111 64 Trinity Banding , N. Y. ' - 321 - Wisinut street. YhUidelphla: ;7•• • -- • • • • Pier 12. 1101tbA. KELLEV. £ iNTUTTINCL" • : NOwril igi.INKLIN WHITE ASH. Apri I 21, - 09; , • . 4t , • - - : • , W SI. 111:1.,,t4ICNIIIITTEI.. 3011Ni1)..11K155E14131.771-El.. WM. HEISSENBUTTELA CO., Shipper% and:Wholesale Dealers In • Sehnylkill; -Lehigh and -- Cumbeigand • C BUILDING 111 lIICOADWAV. 110001 ' P. 0. NEw yortK.._ e Agentm•Sor New York:land Vleitlity for tlio 'salts of LEE, GRANTS CO.'S PLANK RIDGE, nOst- II AAS S FIRENIZER'S•TURKEI RUN COAL 4. '7O DAVIDSON, , _ YOUNG & CO. NVIIOLEALR DEALEII.I IN • lAN:64T MOUNT..4.IN, (..3;:kiLEIILAND. sk.ltfilyrulsl WµII.KF.SUA tits C L 0-A- S. . . .. _ ILOOM No.-18, TRINITVIICTILDING, NEW YORK. V1,':11., M. DAVID -3, formerly of Tyler ct 1.10. - KA Ml. IL DA; SoLi„ rmerly of Caldwell, Gurdou ..t.,Co I.W.BEIrt - K. LS uct,,,y...ts. Jan 15. IV _: 3-ly _ . JOHNSON & HOBOKEN, - COAL. VAN W.ICzT & STQUT, .111:11VERS AND SHIPPYRS Or. rpm • Celebrated . "Fulton" & "Stout" .. ( ehigh) tools, - • Ffn - m the Ebert-ale ansl the Stout Colllcrie*, - near Hazleton, Ilellvere& direct from mines' on ' burard Vet:MAN/la Pr. JoitzlsoN, 110110 14 • and NEW" iiittlrNeiwit'K. N. J. ' ' . (44 546 Trinity HuilidlnlG 011ier,4:1; I 11 Broadway. New York.. aemporary at 119 ilroudwa )• -.) • ' May 6;-'6B: • AL , WE I LL,.' CONANT & :WESTON, Np..llißl3.o.ll.DWA'i, NEW YORK. .1 (Rooms* 3Le.nd 30 Trinity Building.) • RFOLF4AI IMALEIt9 6.1 LEJIMIL WILRF.siIiRRE. PrnsToN, RE') ;11.411. • • MAILANOY, SCRANTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, N;II.IIEItr,.AND, lIROAp-TOP. ETC., C• - • OA_ S 9 • S6I,E AGF:N3'S for New York and the North of the eele!.rated-1 4 01.7:sielt. Flit:E•4ll7l-114- '11.1:.11.1(411 PRISIROSE, 'rHE pilwEuroN Seml-14tuntinous anti other first-rate JANti , .. , iW.-47.1,T.DWE1.1.. C. B. (207.suNT. A 'writ 3, . 119 *ALTER WESTON. _ rIfFIOE OF NIAGARA ELEVAIC ING co.,81 . thlt.1115:11.171AI. iSIAN:K. BUFFALO, N. Y.; COAL. COAL. COAL. THE NIAGARA . ELEVATING CO., bay hag a largesarpluxof Lot and Dockage, 'will be prepared at the opcning,of navigation to rem! Ve from the Erie Hallway. Oial, or Lake, any quantity of VOA L for stymie or transit' pinvnt to any plum East'hyl 'anal or we , t-liy the.l.alies, upon as favorable terms Its any partikx in" - Butfulo.. Their lot la well located for a gesteial city business. CY1.11,14 CLA ItK E, V ce- en t: .7kf a ir:11 27, _ 13—tf - _ SCiptlithitt „;.TAMES J._‘CONN En, •. Miner and Ahipper ut. [lke I srlel,irated - - LOCUST - MOUNTAIN COAL YLkiLl. CO., PA: Jan . I, IV. I- iliilutintiton; FICE TUE MOCANAQUE COAL COMPANY, and ird w . Front St., - WILMINGT )N, pELAWARR• • Vile tire now prepared to furnkti the Trade: Deul to.s rniikiimeni with our !Celebrated Coal, the " Macanaque;" -X Tull those ItitereMed will find it to tiielr sulk - mange andieentitony cvinsult eionipany before making tbei.r veuriy nitnieni nr 'we liktiglng cargoes, pol tit for the Western market, Erie. ; " " " southern do Havre de ( race. tt Eamon. ) .. Wilminaton. hip, the Clover 11111 Roll RIM, and Bitu nn tioum Coal C0,..' Coals. for the manufacture of wohtilTeninlies 475 e. L , yleld cafe nrst qualtte nod perlentage of mat , 3.ltty 21, '70,11.-ly gorbtrni Reek. E4ST FRANK N. LORBERRY VEIN COAL. TY EAST'FitANSLIN LOUBEBRY C 1541.1. /V 4 .1s now sold exclusively by Messrs. REPPLIER, OoRDON & CO., win/ are my wale Agents. Parties ord*riaa from thetw. may always depend upon get ting a.pure antele. &29 Walnut Rt. Philadelphia. FICE.6: I , No. 111 Broadway. Room 14, ew York. Duane street Room. 3, Boston. HENRY URIL dtcl 1, .'tl-1 -. • 4 PBLIC BALE OP A VALUABLE HOTEL pmippERTY-IN POTTSVILLE, PENNA. rtk.rtpalic to an older of the Court Of Common Netts of siLtintylkliii , Conotr. the undersigned Com mittee of the estate 0f.7011N OREMANO, will offer at Tubi lc Sale, on the premises, on .. . SATCIiDAY. NOVEMBER &rot, 1 , 40, . • at it o'clock, A, Mt., idi that certain lot or piece of grot nil, situate on the corner of Railroad and onion streets, in . Pottsville, Penns., having a front oft Cit I in 'dreamt' 12e feet/ inches, and bounded on the' eitscoly side by Coal street, and on the westerly side by Railroad street —together with the improve. 11144 IP, consisting of a new three-story Brick Hotel •Bul M F 4 in g. wlt It at wo-storr brick Ili de be I kit ng t hereto tn fed. mid a one•sttory frame kitchen also - st ifle! tsl thereto. ,'.•;. - iS . "fIits:ROTEL being opposite the Passenger and Freight. Depots of the Reading Railroad, is one of the bestpocated business stands in this part of the State. and being but lately erected, is in good condi tion: The terns are its follows: - . . 10 pe r cent. cash on Ibe day of side. 15 per mid, on eout emotion of sale and' delivery - of deed. Z per eent. on the first of April, hal, when possession of the giretnis&4 wilt he delivered to the purchaser. 25 percent. with interest, on April), Mt • ri percent. wityinirryst, 013 April /.. lat. " . ' A 4'4511 purchaser will reeelVe a liberal discount. - - ' A: W. 5C11A1,...1i:, Coltlimillee, &e- Potsvil le; Pa., Oct 1, '70.04 i N - .. - .... A -. _ EW SELF-OILING CAB WHEEL for MI r. NES, Az, made MsThe - , : • -, . ' JALAPPA FOUNDRY, . - Ity IhAVEN A: BIM:1 7 . 134?1e MaiMfactm•eris. Ali , all ktnitiyil Cfm.t.lngs, Sulllll9g liard *qua, ac 14-: ye oi.lerii with Ii:,IC. WERTQN. ' . -7' • Nix itEest N9rcredalt St., POlDtvphr: - - 221-11az. - i 1114 , V, "Al THOMAS . SHIPP : Lebigh, Sehqy C' ronslgtoneniß on on favorable Termit. AND L' kill a MMllsaiti! Otllee34ll. Walnut Maly I,lll t _ LEWIS BZ . 1, MINERS AN et:LEBRATEI3 . CAM, snippy. RYAN I! qifier 10,14 . Wal Juue i,'7o MOM 'osoo STRAWSR,IDgE f B CLO ~, D R.: S .. C}, i PIIR SE(X i ISD OFF;SING 01 FABRICS einhrares. litany Ile goods not yet exhibit Iby any The Very Low Price we huv] earlier and present I) • rill:t.4 . .ii year, notwithstanditi the War 4 and rapid salts . : • . • • I Although our Impor a! tom: . ! larger Neale' titan eve Isl. in.,:l stock rapidly (annul !mg befe thus early made upon?. • 1 Atnong themlost ets les4 cart _man .and British fabrl •s, we wo ally beautiful styles o , 'i 'foN(;F: rogi,rs:4, RICA CL~YCII P ' SSTIN•I AINE SILK, 't . . •"-‘."lu all'New.Sli LOW AND MEDIU ...‘',l:ipt...4 !,, tiu.kvant. thi - :',,k, , ,,,,,,i ~,,, m or n imi 1 , .., 13 . ,1 - A I C - lii our nilkert kerne 'time ,i nee, we ave n I -Drlees we wltnli emit Intl 'longer tiohi•ltli tandit WAluiv• r silikob aLlklet CHENEY BRI3S: • GRAI - - Same tvn).ls are. - V.•ry al :.111►.s;, foil . r,s:j X - 7,%,;1)(f :111.1 12133 NV. , have Lto-411y enl \I ENT, ILIA at: /1 . ..1 thy , • • t 11'e otl a 1n 'hi, Pi:of:HE SIItVyI..Q.S: •.1:1..AN IN; ••i; ;= tlio tiyer. X ll or M. u• 1 I h.• g4 II Jo 0.11 ♦r Mc RIC AT MEM ..% NI • _•.l tin ea° G t-1 I'l (•f.() , 'Dr MEE DEL 111. If 'rut C. P rrutE:4JisunDlTY OF TIGHT LAC :I ING.J-LThere - would be - no tight lacing if girls could be 'made to understand this sint 7 . ple fact—that men dread the thought of mar rying a woman who is subject to, fits of irri table temper, to bad headaches and ether ail *rents we need not mention, all, of which, everybody knows, are tie direct and inevita ble pniduct of the compression of the waist. Men like to see:a•small waist, certainly; •but there is a very " great idiference between the waist•thatis well Tormetl : jand in proportion to the rest of the -figure, and a waist which is obviously and artificially. compressed, to Um-destruction of that easy and graceful mr riage, which is one of the chief 'charms of..a woman's appearan. An unnaturally cots pressed waist isiar. More certain of detection than a mass of false hair or a- faint dusting of violet powder., The rawest youth who enters a ball room ,egin pick . .out the_ women who have straightened themselves artificially ; and there • is no more. ready handle for harmless jokes. If the young - lady who to obtain. the appearance of a dragon fly; has been subjeeting•herself to considerable pain, and who has been laying up for hermit a pretty store of ailments, which •only Wants Carlotta, afterward Maria Pauline, who, as wife of Prince Borghise, became the most liltistriohs Italian . princess of her tinie ; and Caroline Maria Annunelado, the wire clf* Murat, who becaine queen of - Naples in:1808: The youngwidow of Ajaccio had no reason . to'dream, in wildest fancy, of the spiendonb that awaitesiherself and family. The latter' were . . mostly little.. children ; Jerome, the youngest, an infant in her arms. She was left with scanty means for their. support and education. To these she devoted all her en-• 'ergies with marvelous success. Strength; we have observed, was the prominent feat tire in her character, and this was.displayed in the hour of need. Napoleon once said "she had the head of a man on the should ers of a woman. Losses, privations, fatigue, • had no effect upon her; she, endured all; braved 'these came at times thick :and. fast. • Joseph, even .kindand good; helped his mother with all his might asks grew to manhood ; while Napoleon; a rather dull student in outward expression, was • prepar-; in* in. the Military school ,at Paris forlhat wonderful career which enabledhiw, by iris • pedal decree, to' make -sovereigns of his brothers and sisters, and' tolconfer upon his mother, at the age' of fifty years, the Lofty' title of Madame Mere; esplvalent 'to that of empress mother, with, an - Income: of •, • • .. • 000 a year, L Roos ILtrattv.---Believe ib tomtit - 11g on step by step; dop - 3 expect to get, rich at a Jump. Slow and sure is better than fast and Himsy.l Perseverance,-by its daily, gains enrichei a man 'far more than fits and start; of fortunate speculation. Little fishes are sweet. Every day - a 'thread makes a titeln in a year. -. Brick by brick housesare We should creep before we walk, Walk' be. fore . we 'run, and rup before , we ride. In getting ricb, the more-haste the Wonsexpeed. Mute trips up Its own: heels. Don!tgive u a snail business till you sea that a large on e will' pay you better. -Even erumbi • - are bread. Better a little • furnlturektban an • .empty house. In these bard Um& he Who can alt on a stone and feed himself had bet.. ter not move. From bad •to worse is poor ImproVement. A crust _Ls hdrd fare, but none Is harder. • Don't, joinp out ante' fry. lug pan ipto the" fire. ItentemberOnany men have done welt. In atiot*' A lit tie -trade, with profit, la better' than. s pea concern, at . a 'ices; a small fire that warms you is better thin a huge ittethatburattyou.l A great deal, of , water ea* ,be golvflens a small .plpe, If the tateket lialWaye there to catch it.. / Lame hares May' ber -esuOt:in. small ' , Mods.. A sheolltMaigethsthre smell meadow, and , starve lu 4,-grest - disert: who undertakes too -mu* ageompljahesbut, ittle. • • • - , • 'Sf.s:Epts:o Aliiiest all flowers sleep.during the bight:. The Marigold goes to bed .with tlie.Suii, and with him rises weeping. Many-plants are so-sensitive-that "their leave's close during the passhig of a Amu'. The dandelion;opens'nt ftve 'or six in the morning ,sind shuts at nine. in evening. The giiit's be,Ord wakeW at three in the morn ing, and ithuts - ht five or SIX in the afternoon. . The. ; coininon daisy: stints up its• blossom iu the eyenir*iendupensits "days eye" to meet the" arly heal:its. of the morning _sun. The tutip_and _many' otltar%, elpite their blossoms at different hoOrs toward 'evening. The iVyleaVed lettuce . opens at, eight in the morning; and closes forever at -four in the afternifien. The night floweringeerpus turns night in to day. It begins to expand its mug- . nifleent sweeLseented " blossoms in !Ake krl- . _ light, it is full blown atmidnight, and never -to open aguiff*lth the dawn' of ay. In a ewer field not !ilea opens until after sunrisel 'So saysn eelehnited English - author; who had devoted - muck time to the study of plants; and' often. watched them during their quiet' slumbers. ThriSe plants' Whiehseem tolieawake all night, he styles Pthe,,bats and owls iittlie ivegetableltlngdOM." . WlifT.E . tbe in ale- rotifle ri or wheel-animal cules never _reach the age: of 24 hours, an actinis, or Sea:,ereinotie, is no*speriding Its 43d. year in 'o;ScottiEdi tyluariu*,; a;earpoged 150 rude, and . apparently lively and - active, was seen by Bugen,;. a pike, aged 2071 years, was taken in Swabia,4o,l4o6, which weighed 00 pounds, and. was'l9 'feet. long, with a ring Attached to lt, betirink an inscription indicat ing that it was . putlnto.the lake in which it was caught hi 1230. Some of the `sacred. crocodiles or riiaiiniaNe .lieett known since the Conguest4. - Mr. Thos. Beit,the zoologist,. 'has. described.-11 :tortoise that , he supposes to be 200 years old.' Parrots have been nOwn to reach the age ofX:3) Years; and : th ere is reason to believe that the elephant, and the' Whale can read/the respective. , ages of 150 I s Ind :300 - yeanr, The horse :and ass,' under favorable mind it ions, live' from 20 to 25 . yea ..„ And may reach 40; while the mute is loner lived . than , either of ' its parents~ i The ot lives for 15,0; 20 years, the pig .t.eyetirp,, the' : theop s 'and 'goat, 12 years, the dog 'ID or 12 yeani .tonedopg is, lioWever; , known to' 'have lived 34 Years,),the eat oor 10 ycars..! ' . . . , 1 , Kl 4 roWLEllkolk• is -Poins.—That knowledge' is power:wait litepPHY -illustrated by an inci dent that happenedin 'Milberg some years ago. A etti‘Vd had:•gutriereditreund two dogs. The larger one, a pnwerfna mastiff,: hti'd smaller in his Ifferitterirgrtp. Every effort had been made to image 4.1* bold, such as slitting his, ears, and iiitingaMi_pinching his tail,: but in maul' .Atiength a quist i schularly looking gentleman came up and asked, to be allowed to separate the combatants. , :Ailment was given amid-laughter- and jeers,'When,, drawing .a snuff-box from his ~pocket,. ap. Aled. a ek o inf powder kith° .n*, - ,',Whck not ,only tele:aired ,his holci, but made: as his legs 'could entry •Ttieactiolar waS 'greeted' 'With cheers, but,-replied;snily.:"Gentlemen, I have! given you priz•of that knowledge . is power.". • ' l ': • Gooni? - pnviis*thetallie• peas "are new" tilinose - - adopted; - and, pure intorecadve ink nearitan tinixasibility ; ['thousands Will thank - ua ror t, the _fOlicnOtig • To. event any _ink- from cor, .rodiugliii.pulpitothiiihr4t4itor the .bottio,- Air - tunail OR::lirok4Uttik of tor anyiiiitpulas of Insitat, iron.} aliepartilveneser of t .comes expended on these substanosiverhieh Fire-Akin cov eed of the. :spiptuitokqtrpper,lttliit oidinarity adheres •!taro44Poliotit4o/ - 11kthfititiuktado rem . 54 40 1 1 4 0 1 4 1040 - 2' "JPOtiCiOdlOg; ;au ' .41 1,,,m '• ' MIE FORTY—SIXTH YEAR: No.-t-14. =I EMI 11821ffi CUI I= =I POTTSVILLE,- -S ATURDAY MORNING, MORNING, 'OCTOBER , 22, 1870. 4 , iii C. , & Kemmerer er First Class ING COALS (Se r! Mory,) MEI ulr, Y. Ki;.ilimvatrit. EMI ARRIS - fir ILE.II IX 1 111 'Bituthino I Snlie'tell and taken Philadelphia. LKIN: S, =I oCUST MOUNTA IN L . , Philadelphia. ICIER FA. Our , an-1 MEESE IN4:l ; vs , - r t . D S rnitf:a;:s: fiIIPSS; • anti N'...anAnstlinitile• nl her hong.% hen asking f..r lair neh bi‘vert Ilan last liaveAnilneril large rIVe , ln'r•n 1111 1.1111101 V171 .. /.41CM1/I{' Iln+l our e tiro act tit , nielid 4 rty r.f French, /i~•f iil,llllolltl,lll „FITS, -Lille: DRESS GOODS, t erltlc3l ax teell an 'L S2-f.14.4 e!)to o low prt. , , ~ fit if I+ll lit.nt for rya! zlvuove. I 01ak,4 an -C Y" (.I„:di.swill WEE N. W. f nel GRAND F.* FO CO3IPLII2I. \o:1161 N. V. 'FANIIioNs fn, == F.;; . 7/4,), am? .If, AOS7EON THEI FASI11( F MRS. MEE t. THEAI.I. ANT 'bolesle and . 1. fi BLACK GROS '9O i'ofr Cotiip(4l:,,r_sqa ~i - ~•r~: :-;ITAW DEPAIT AND NVATER- sort nient of ' ty sof vwLs, up . in 011 T , iTit a! supervision: cu act,• -404 m 'V,II LE WORLD I. A. HINDER. StA.,lla WINTEIt OF IS7O, . • .... . will h Paris an I. the llhd manufactories supply. lii - etittest. Ntantle,l'lttks and (rostumeg for Ladies 1111 d Children. •IA special deproltmen anti t of .plain elegant ly s trimmed pat erns, t. tithe' latest Parisian and F,ngilsit s tyles. it Id per4lozen. `.31" you want a' handsomely-Oiling, tvell-ntade sul, at short no tree, go to MM. 13i:cm:Ws for tasteful trimmings and dainty *ditch:Vt. 'Morintl II g, Trmit , ling and We:Ming *outfits, Walking anti Fancy Costnmes. . , DR clt. CLOA I: TIONILINWI. 'Br 12 , :t4. OFECAMICSTIA comprising the latest Paris 'My •Ities In tdriCk and i v. - coloted F'ri a get.. Gimps, Ituelit„S„ Loops, Flowers, 'Gloves. tiridai-Wreatlis, Veils, Itilibonx. new shades In Velvet, tkatini and Taffeta Itildstns, sashes, Neck ties. *NI Ana lIP' , II ACF: tiooDs-liiisk 'I , : Lt OCCIIEME LACE x. FOE Int li-04 Tut. .417 NO. - red Ott. 814,1141 UP: Valencien f nes, nen bnrg Aging:: and insertions; MackGuip ure and Thread !Awes, m•win dij.dgn ,and amderaie in priep. A In•drE INDIAN-Int:VA.IENIN. Fa 11A, HOAK, ..Mats, , Ciashl as,:lioUlittitlt. e•11..44 "I told Fancy GoodS. selected be :\lrs ilintlerat Nine; ra. Elegant line Of Whitby...l . A •Gttrsis. insets, It astpink, Earrttmt, Neck 111ii•S and lir:welt:is. sphinithl. line of French. , Jet. Goods. Coral and French fluid Sets. Charms:. Sleeve Buttons, Chsi as. 6:c.. whiela for price or rade ti,v in Style, eattivt is. surpasstili strangers visit log one su &eity are rttrolly invited t o examine. . arit - Pinking ant Gautrering. Putting and Fitting. A tat, a perfeet tti . steta t.l (tress (hitting taught. Pat terns sent by nurl or ex rtress total parts of the Union. - W - * :da.s. M. .1 1 %. IIIIsDEIVS, N. . eon Fleet - 11th und Chest tat its., Pllff-Ah'il•, Get I, '7c—al-thn - - - —F . FALL PPENzNG. : 1870'. A ('OMPLEIII Atisi;itirmENT OF . ! -F-- . 111.1., S:.' W1.T.141. GOO1)S, Ineboilw.sar.KA, roin. ,..\T rss, cIiINTZE. , 4, Sh7lltt , TN'ai.z, CLOARTN(iSti VELVEfrEENs, COILDU. • ROY'S, NVA11:1:3'1{00FS1 (In the new shipl.:4..t-.0 'rE.tantivi . :s . , K 11) . . 41.0):E.., a carte y of " 11:m1dt:time Plai4x, 111 illw neW gol(i awl 1:oldel: oilx- I tires. and: a full II ng! of beautiful St.rtlietli'dsli- mere, Bengal an, Berlin :N.lsan - k. Als", . ' a .pletl" . l assortpient of I . ii',' inelolllg '. 41 % .4=• • 1870. MILLINERY ;-UOOl hATViS, SILK 4, "I f3itSiIIES,FIA,I • Sept 21„ . '7111.9-it'lB9- WATEB. MEM EI Gs, \VII IT!. WATER P 11-:T,I) It( IYEtt- OOF WRAPS ! NS ...have Vt ater I rkaf (•Ottliti from Age. -to ?ti :A, Imught ,hy the Tow frnm 1110 1l 'Ms. !telling price tuussl on mit , ttnntll pr s. ofit only. - 'r • , . Water "ock elotik S tassl Suits. ... '.. ' Serge. Sultti4 • im , :. , lark Spits; -' ':;.. • tilts *dello ( nice. We hare organized a most'`.,. , :lcnt:Fitte•ftult and Dretat-Maktng Department. t V irr'ottr greatly en larged Dress Goo& . Loch, ladle 'tats make their se leselluna and have Da mmule ul promptly. econont- Ically, and •In irsty le • ti plett.l4 , 111 C 11113,111. fasttalcms. I t Just opened noir. • Silk' Popl(na, .- Av r ioi ftei*PS. ... Silk Eplngllne.o, • ,- : 11•* ~ , t en Metrnetes, Le. Now open, - hp' far the large., and most. elegant stock of Shaw la, and at themes.lnodenite pries% tee have ever had.'l . .lt etoutirlses in 1 part, =..,' • Paisley (initials . ei tot'shitsrls. . " Imitation India , .. 4rsible' Velour, ' Ottoman Stripe, - N. el Woolen, A ' i lLouir and, Skil,. , 6r. .-_ • , . .Fatamtx llnesiof Ci'po.lnieres, I. or to finest made. • Ito lugs of every /1/•si noble. 111,1 mAdr.. j The Woolen f•jock is not exec led In town. -.., , • cOollnii. ,t,.. ()SAUD ; • • . R. F-••'; COrtrngp. Ti 'wit ANL)) .11,4*Kii.7,T tirlikkni . . - ';• °—kW , - 1 PIitI.ADELIIIIA NEW_ - 1 .•• 1 ,oltals , SHEPI , ARto,- VAN - HO.RLINGEN & - .. c • A RISONt • : - ... - ' No. 100 S I ell Reirp&et fully Cavil, large and well ttltsor' N All of:aisle - II lice Imported DirOc: ExeluslVenttenklon .italtt - Street Philada... nt tentihn of buyers to their ed stock ov . • GOO D S-4 =EMU r• . for Caillt at •• Low Px4es., EZIMIE q SPECIAL LINES t • WHITE tiOttl)i • . . - MOUSE ;URNISHING ORY GOOD 4, . ~ CERTAII4E, CIAITA IN M ATERI A 1., &c,. . . Enablje tut to isfye dur eugtotnere tunny utlesningel not utronlesl•etfewliere. Eve 't . e i ...descrlptton or the NEW :MAli.k, , Ol .- I :f ' , , , , MAIISEILLES QtrILTE. COUNTERPANES, , Y_,. , IV ANELs,.IBLAIiKETS,MVSLINS. - • ' - S'7.. EETINOSi TA I3L E DAMASKS. :NAPE IN's. DOYLIES. FErIT:DOYLIFA, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS. TOWELINGS. T - Y CLOTHS, TABLE'CLOTHSroVIMUNIt N CLOTHS - - - LINENARECTI. , (:).g. TART, .CoYERIN . OI4. • I' TABU:and /lAN , ', ill KRA. AN I/ CoYERs,, TRAY }. DIMITIES,_CREToNN ES, . •- . ' • TURNITURECIVNTZF>I,' F - . . •- , .FPILNITERE'rXWERINGS: I ':-- 1 ' • TOILET COVERS CRIIIQPIETS.' . r '+-.. • . ' , LINEN FLOOR WVERLNGS.ImiusEivs, .• DAMASKS, , SILE: ,UItTALNI IIitATERIAt., -, ..__SATINDit t.IIEN BROCATELLES.SATINE, TERitieti l REM, ATSFIES,Its - - .2 ' t 'LACE et, RTAis , CORED:Es:TASSELS,' ' • LOOPS, WINO° 1 SIIADMiIto: •• - ' - '•, . . I LINEN uroons. T UMBER' 7:LIIMBER 1. TO UNDERTAKERS - AND. CIIKIRMAKERS: Wehave on lamelot ct(toeasfinitti DVAI-i COFF/N ROAR, and FOMAR CHAIR KET-' TEE PI:ANK.IThe above is the best gguallty of IN DIANA LUMRER.• TIOAS.,& 11.1117DENDUSIL July AL 10,31-tt cur. tth Spence SW Reaffirm. Fa. . UNITE! • . LIINUNEII I j ; • 100, 0 00 FEET OF .WESTERS LUMBEIL Isom Curlier ith and Slim* {its.: Rending, Pa We keep constantly on hand Mahican Nisei, In dlanaWalunt. Poplar Chair 9j," Poplar, and Ash Lumber, all seasoned. The Walnut runs from 12 to 30 /sachem wide and all thicknesses, and the 3 ;; Poplar tram 13 1471 inches wide. The quality of the Walnut and Poplar entmot be surpreased In any mar ket, and we are selling lower than the city market.. All parties In want of any kinds of Lumber would do welt to eall and examine our Stock. t 41E3tr BAIL, W1101.b.14.i.LE LUMBER, DEALER,: COAL AT.. mar TiAILIIMT) DEPOT. ~..r. pOTTSVIIII,E, PA. Ayill o4 . A . . "Wlll keep ronstuntly —... , •-: on band a. Dill, axsort ww.e2:•.„ ~...- ment of Building Lon,- •=x — A!..%coe• v.... ber. which he will goal - -•" ... 4•;./ . CV i • :nay, to sell at the i E L — 4 . • ' ‘. . LOWEST AI A RKET . . y!yr,,,,, z .A . , _ .., : r HATES. , I klors, Saab, Illit ds; F X ill SLLSIIIIt •ill tr4.l/IS.pCI sei it In. i-179-t MILLF BURG A ti atifla r sa - MILL; N. C. FLECK & `CO,,. 31 ANUFACIIMERti .1.24-D ItN./11..1:16S IY 1 • lIONS ER -4 ~..7 „.:., . , -,;;,_. , _ ~. .. :"......-TV .. _ - . .....,._ . . - • • , . All. Ktiult of Pill Timl,,r Cld to - Order, Irntne Louiber, lloarith, riank, Lath. Strip.. .. Shingle*. flooring , Siding. Saab, Door., .. i . . Afoul!ding; ; ' . . . All klirdw Of Ifadufuetnrinfi Lumber, const • .., . - - on timid. , liViitte Pint:, iilllli(tek 111.11.1 Oak ilbartla it.;n• :,:i)- tengt h. Our Illlbi sire 70 tulle s below WlllOl., 1 . rt,. tieing a itavlng of itZ St frtstglitk rxer 0100 feet. ' . .r., BIWA promptly. 'Prke I INt .01 rot Ailed on appl km it M. - July A, '74 - r , 21-litilo • .. for aatc oitb - go Tet _ • ,von s4LE.-.1, new aIA tirsl-ch,.., TUr:4l . BK4I - A j/1/1‘" tek ; - , I Slay 7, '71.;-19-tr !Tn . . ISlrenir,• • A Fatityr CLASS CCILLI.PIRY;POR kV/ILP. Improvement. 114 . 14", nit ni tool lateral Will ship too. doily 11,0 •411Soll. The 1,, oi...rlqy will ho sold tow Co iL' 1 Mod parl y Sliti..Tpelnry - sow; riven f..r sv:111 , 1-2. - 1 . 14175N'11.1.1-:: I', O. BOX s. . .15, . 42-'4l • 'E" OR 8 ALE.—TheENTIRE-S1 1.:10/'' 4: I , IIL',T-4 • LAK4 'Fora Ito3l I.l.oolllNti MILL, In good as new. (fan he Freri runbila, tijt tb Jst: Air No. venther. \4lll be so al it 1 . 11a whole or fa Parts. 111.11.1..1r 221Toplar slTeet. !lead I tig,-, Oet 1, •7)-40-ti Wan RENT.—Twoatfireslllll.6,,t-r h cim i . L . curr ;old , Apply to irE ne Nlty C. Itt.-!;:SF:1_ 31.a1 , 11,11uizatonga Estate Agent, .flattatitotigo Street. Ntareli 13.4 f 17OR BENT.-4STOI:F. ItOtiNfrwith- dw4:lling at -I,lleltml, lu Thoutp.ah's4 . lt.ilw, Nlarket kt , reet, above Centre. Pc...sou:lou riled int ely. it.llllF. (Will V to, L . U . 'IIIO.IIPSON.. July '7041.1 17011. SALE.-1 pair lireattter 110 l 111.14 plate-, Se.;. ft, Wasting drum; 4 rt. on en, 21, ft. long; counter ncrcvus, shute gutet, bars, du,vl-. err ,crack and plait', and p lot offutitte tinteitinery ; will be cheap. Apply H at ,- JON IL 11)111INI.'s Coal Yard mtith. 4, Cm! St., P0it,“•1!! ,, .• jiOR LLASE.—TO. vafuable .truei. of C o al ,I ; ti o t kit ova au: /bath & Winebrener Tram, late 3111- fr,rd, situated-in he and Schuylkill Townships, and epntalning about Mkt txres, Is tattered for lease upon r!...athonable terms. Apply to '. 11.11.1.NNA,N, Agent, = Feb LI, 'GI ft-tf Pottsville or Port Curbon. SLATE! SLATE!!- -SLATE!!! • The . undeisigned has - always. (01,h:dal- a' large lot of Ittil)E,lNCi• SLATE, or all sties, .Ind of thr 14 . ,1 rontlif w -sell at . the clreape‘t prleeq. The. sate enu be.tiellv.ereel by Itailroad or Canal. Apply to , WM. KAI . ..BMA-I, AMt.. , . Ilataburg, Co,, Pa. May, 22, '7O • • • • , 22:Gui'. • TIESIRAHLE PROPERTY POI} BALE. '• A/ The splendid reslckence, 'lately .c.ecupleil, by 1'11t)54. la ,' la Ashland ,'Pa., LweillnlS: 011.1 e-e, Grvt•ll and lee Louses, Stable., Ilot Iteds, 'the dweiltngls eoznprtrath•ely trete:and tans all Ihr w 147 eonvenlenees: Priee 14w and lethis easy. A y to;: - C..10.755E1.; Beal Estate Agent .LS Mal/autui}go St. May 14, '7O-22—Lf - . • SALE.—A Farm of . ..MO acres with linprnve ti len ts and stook,Sl tuate oat lie Lilco( the l.. 4 elltayl , kill and Sto.quellanna Railroad, 11 miles Irma I'otts'. rifle. 10 acres of the land are mid. r cultivatiOn, acres are eovered with chestnut sprolts of Phyears growth, whitit would make egrellen mop timber, t• . "' - '.liacreaareo;oiered with liciavA' timber. i ke t 1111 RribV e nu•nn. consist of Nisubstantlal bowe- a F:4 new SW Darn, not honses,anil a newsaar mill Vv . It water pow.' er. Mock horses, cows, grain, hay, and if rating implemenbi. The price asked can he real+ zaed from the timber alone.- Terms easy. „Apply to JOHN PER; Esterly's Pottavillei or to VERtit'S hi. FA it+QUHAIt. No.ll.lo4.eutre street,. Pottsville. Augultt 7, ' ALUAELE P./10PERTY. Poi?. BA.Lm. E forte ecly occupied by,the • • 1 srl:11* r1.1:11.T. NTY I.I7M.BEJI' consisting of a I:trge brick nits stone 01(9, witl: straw unil tools fur PL.kNING and NI.c.NTFACTrrtf.NO UnlitElt. with-lumber sheds, abundant yard 'room, and oth ,, rl eotivenlenevii fora hirt4e business. Thtm propertv•is! situated in the Honfiro it of Parimvfm.u, andfrtintsi on the Railroad, and is otherwise well loeated. Will be soz.n Dm' and il . pon easy terms of payntemt.! Apply to JOHN L. POl7, Pottsville, Pri., or, BENJ. rorr, 1.rJ113 Mt. Vernon St., Sept 10, -70-47-tfl L'OR SALE- TUE tine Five Ton i,coniol I ye, sit 4 , fiont gtuige road. Ilus 1,. en used for convi..ving coal' flint e‘sil flirt at the minor , and Is In good order. A I•oe-.-1 wo Mirliontnt Pumping Huddles, J. loch cylinder t.feet stroke, with gcsuing and hobs, and, fwd. ling of pumps llssyords 01/11 I plun gers, feet rlroke,ltnd two lifts of pumps Zql yards eaell,“»n' the other 1 plunger, sell fi.ef strtike. • : A lso—tme Winding Engine:l2-i ueli cylinder, I-f .et stroke, with drum-attiring, and isdiers i•otitpiete. Also—Four sets Breaker SI acl .list--psi three-ton SlOpe Witgon, , ,'lleavily, ironed for four feet 'track.' • Al,e--One IS fort Fan ;Ind 'Engine, with tubular h. filer emoptele. - The above lituchinery 11:L4 been 111 5,1 V ice, Is ill boost woe king order. • GF:11. SNYDE:ILA'ot LS , : I 111`, f • Pt FIR OT CLASS COAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. A cfREAT SACItIFICE.; . The kuleeriliers offer for safe to ti party eompetuilf to assityne't he entire manftgement. Alm one-half our, 'entire - I Interest In the Maine Inde located near ki ail City; Schuylkill County,.l'euus. Tlils colliery running buts uniallur li, IS 9,shippe•d WiLladine breaker and mutttu inarket, 'an,taltl Inns. of cnN realizing a profit of unit n net pt•ollt $.43.511111an0r pity ingeommissions,imbrcyrem=l.s..d.e.: - .This properly is offered for sale solely In conse quence of the continued 111-lietilth of the principal owner and uumager of the cularry.. With thu completion of the-Imprlyrements mow being made, tromieo form Igts minim% lean readily he ntined and shimtd e for Hi. &airs, wilhout l'utC1101: elt prose. For fps tiler infiddi MI, terns', ke..,tipply to • -PAIN O. scull! 4:l4t)tiri. • , 2-'ll Walnlit kft , Plillaila., pr JOITN s Bilrtrlstioss, Inane It., Boston, • idattsmenusetts.. 41,1. s, '7a.rll: / 4 : 1111 PAL.P ...\ - 44. 1 14. 1 110 1 1111.1111LIMPSOOlfig: , 4'44 ":74 1( r 0 000 clYNEVil of ° .1, 1 grellaill:4111 4 A f ninety horse engine, 3) In. bore, 4 o ft. strohe, 19 ft. fly wheel; ishaft, ii in. diam. • pump shaft Xi ;tn. diatmsti ft. long; pump wheefil ft.' Main. Id • In: on the face, 4 In. pitch, with bobs and eennecting risht, has been used to nun a 90 tn. • I sixty horse engin% 181 n. bore, It. stroke, 10 ft.' ' fly wheel, with pump wheel *limns and till con nee, Lions; 1 drum loft. Want., w ltha wrought trot/shaft. 1 large double breaker with 30 hone engine.' I six' y horse engine. box bed plate, 4 feet stroke,' with all the pomp goarkritsttneliedt 1 ninety horse engine, 20 hich bore, li_leet etroka. - fatemon pump, 11 I o. cyl.,3,ll.4tredte pole, with' expenalonjoint 5..1 set of. heatgeone gearing, With . ptedilng trucks and wire rope." - .27 drift eggs; 40 in . gauge. &drift cars, gauge. 45 drift tans 4.4 an. grange. 6' Large. cad cans, same gauge as the I'. ifs IL It. li, several large gimp trucks. am feet. wire rope, different sizes.- A lot of LLteL'alulth tools, anvils, vises; bellows, A•e. A lot of sevend hand belting. rari.nts 3.0 tens of ITerind handl' red. 7 second hand Injectors In ;Cool order. 240 yds. la In. column pipe; luo yds.:2) In. minion, pipe; 1 20 in. polo pump; 2 10 In.:pole pumps. .1 lucomet .I . tirl vers,ain table for shifting cant, on an Iron ore bank. Also the wood work of brelent, 'blacksmith-and carpenter stiorks.4.' One blowing tug - suitable foe large furnace. 211Inety horse engines. sixty " I fifty horsc; engine. 3 thirty." - twenty-fire" ." .0 Boners, 31 In. z aa It. , :,1 " •nt fn. x2l ft. ' 4 ' "Stin.X in ft. 2 21 ULM utt • 2 8i tn , It Oft. 'I " 12-horse,lubnlar. . 1 upright lituiLlsoller. Znewbolters,Rlin.x 3On. " • ; " 80 x *ft. 100rds2111n.eniumn • 150 18 in.• 310 yds. 14 In. - col. pipe, with bolts and rings, 111 yds. 101 h. t•ciintnn pipe " ". 1 Lot of i tn. Pipes.: 11-in. pole vap. ,• , " la " m • i ll 44 It • • 8 1 I 1 i io. itft pottiptiftstreee 10 small lift :and,. loose 20 tens° ehaltt,trar4oug alms.- • . : 1' 10 feet helitiog dinar.; .At the ; *Odom DC kW. Li..;er*Lt - • tilth bola hint lag ghigs vompteter. S feet bolstting I " " " 1 stack sft dlazel ft Iprtz .. • - stacks 34 1n.:30 ". 5 tons splice plates, 10 ft. long g 4 11113/. • • Lot of 4 , 1 new 2ft exit:lusting fen 1 " " Lot al ln. bent boy pipe. Pen* liftels, shafts. arid Macke cA' various-n*3es. • 1 small itotAlattte.. fronts, steam and-water pipes for Urgent Of drtfer ent sizes: constantly, • co band.' 1511 tons Oast scrap. solons wrought scrap,' 2 seta oflfrreaker real:. A 4 ft. scr,Ars. drums for • flat chains. Lo or En"- ilstiltatehalns; about 1.41 'Pm & ;Lot olseetrad band sheel4l Roilentef aU stses at- eshortest notice. - [ways pn bind= Jratt=lless, 18 In:and SO 4ABEg at'MNES. _ ~_~ooas, Q~lot~ing — : Vic. . , T FOB IRE , •, . . ' PHESENT . I SEASON,' Vie . ..!esrizzied ruldlruanufaciared a large itack dr the • . . -. , -• •-• Fil s, Ta i l l ". -I . ' - ' - ' • • Which'wo tto be- ' AS PINE AS COSiOli WORK , In n!I respects. - Our isrepazatiozus for , the reyient season ' \ • hav been on the laz esand most - - g es . /Lbe ei \ r ail scq e , and our preseit stock IS a Gul . , • Nits superior to ~ o- any former one 88 0111" -i. GOO,DS. former ones 1 I:4nest in _ have been .. 1 'quality, of t it,. superior the greatest to those variety, and L i n , . of other ' to thO verY least • ' houses. fashion and styl4 l ot k Embiaeing ev r oiY- I thing O ~s sentiali to a ' gehtlomen's.toilet! and wai;drobe. CUSTOM DEPtT . • , : , 1 i 'Goods of Cru own impor- / 1 bes • lot irflirith.Ezi .'" 4 4, , French., Getman. ail' II o sue. lainuhtettire. ' Tho,naosd skillful , ' BOYS' 4 6 . , cutters in Phdadei- / 4 : ... Youths phis. "Style" and / ' jilitilla 1 I good, workman- I ship. •A. .47,,„ Children's feat- fit guar' , ' • * • 9 antaeci. with. • sat isfaa- DEWIER tion in all . 741 '• - . / other re. , •• • *any new styles , aspects.. i ~ Ili ade up in the I ti , • '/) I - • f , . / most _elegant man ia ' iker, linai'sectuing the / qualitlesof . durability .• and strength ; so desira ' - tile in eliildrens' Cloth.: ing. We have made . •-•--\\ speoial efforts in \ \ a this department,. •\ tt \ ri l d ask special 818 s. •\ attention to oat , A.:4•D' \ t i .,)•\ stock. Twen-' 1 \ •• -ty-five styles. 820 , of lit tle ----- , , s 1 ~ OVER . , Chestutt St ,- '. I ciATS - --(PHILADELPHIA • . .M -3 ,1i1S . '' \ '', Cloth ktd I ' its 4 % , . . , ,i 4„ . INT-0"..W. • -= - . By 'cinr system aft Self-idessurenient. 1 eaiilY.vLigratoOd. w edleMe onstonsere to sondltheir ordeir n such way as to --sEctrifE AS- ' G9O - PIT-4'17 i th ough thiy came thomaerie 'l 4 .4;onr,Estatdish.. . • -meat. . ' • '";,-..:, _........ . ' • '- Our Improved. Itul ' for gelf-Igeasure . . • moot, Samples and :cm sent when le -1 - questl . 4, and P - RO ATTENTION • gi - wza r all orders,- th GOARANTRIC - 4* entire. satisfictpon. . • • , , _ 101.11 C. WAN if.AtElt BlCand 820 dh stnut StiTet, - . • .., ' . I ILA DM P111.4.-' =EMI P L N yell e-tablished acid with an ex- UM I= ,G A I , rge; ) succe• ful ' perien e five - y Ir, induce. eats about t • hec 1111,114 ore than twenty nabl, tis to. offer to all who are onte urchasers of = second the:_coun . , all made: carefully • ';.:Etlnd Of es blishment in Qu 'garments are he I est. materials, :ted nothing un- ; ny ay irnperfeet-,-"- - t• even, in the of goods. It is, ;hey fact among )ur Ready-Ma& ve - thing that ,uperior gar- 7 iu lied by any l• in Philadelrhia. e. i t s so large • very one can ithout delay. t vays guaran wer, than 'the We have tent of I t - - is made u a I, ,16 - vxzt gra( -.s" 1 . a .well eSta li! . - .rs clothiers, Lb. 0 : Clothing, .i 1 c. -.-- goes:to ma -. goes: to Incur,is Lll stock of got? Our assorti and. varied . th .be-iitted at on Our 'prices; arl teed as low; orl lowest - elsewlie also a fine=asorl, see. Goods which will be mac in the best ma - prices much usually charged made to order. SaMples of go t lists for all kin fori - 4rded by 11 - when requested„ i'tion fors - garments, or seleted Made Stor e PleCt;-iga . • up, to order,-. her, and - at r than are„ . r garnichts.. with price garments, t any time instruc- Press , git rectiy. Persons can When • call and ha (' • • gi.sct tere that purpc." , ments can filiuie time pErl: 1 Tow H HeAry &d -ms pffiz,/ Oct 1i:4742-31ii 0.1:1-Ssvracu. • •W.F' BAY" t ` C.A.PF*2 I I3 FAIWETA. 'FITLL ABBOIMIESIT Q aCiorJs o Ma Drnlegs, _Skades• bTair Rats, 4 • ' G. 8. SNYDER, CO., Ni).:l4 ¶ o of Wean* st PhiladOphist viewraraois scum" 4zircr.. ; N. 4—* iitlisfaiiii9iitliiftirebes via derv . into, . Oet 8. '11)-114mt&Sms =I ['Roo ME II ' • trate IM SINGLE COPIES' SIX 9NTS. TAE atooir .I) , EAD . " • . • _.,. ." 1 ----"'"" , -1 ,, - •., io - r-;,`t , tr' . . ,• • - rfllili Maine Jup4roi..pils,try t' . !l•t„oN has -L translated an article "frOM the ; edhMos in chick- Stsuilidas Meunier gi_x_es ,senie ' curious speculations with-regard to the press eat physical condition Of the m00n.. : -. : _ t • • His theory Is, and, he has that:tal_pPOr of eminent astronomers like Rear idoedier, Ihtl Arago, that - the moon ii, a, He draws this Inference (*dna singular spear- : once upon the; surface; . whiehr -- is •Cidled• "grooves" by the physicists. These,,,grooven , : have parallel aides nearly a tulle Iti width,: and from ten to one huiidred and twenty-Bye miles , in length. ' There are already,: ninety of thentiand - It Is supposed that snore are in -. process lof formation: •. . Reasoning. ' , I - from •f -anal analm7 ire Lm believe that . at sower period - 'tithe distant_ past,;the moottlad au -. atmosphere .and:water, and :also that - on - ae- . count of her inferior ,size, she has cooled ' Much more titilekly than- the earth . .. The • water penetrating the crust, bast bees. Mr- ,'. sorbed as the decrease of internal heat-46- ereased.the thickness of the crust; until-166g: before ;the cooling process had reached' the ' centre, the • water `had disappM ed ; = <The ' rocks then solidifying, as. the - heatlsiiipply••.' . diminished; contracted In a ittanneeristetn.. bllng the appearince of basalt prOdueed" the grooves into which the atinespheketet-* tied. Hence _ ,immense chaotki appearance ." of. the - inoon, With Its mountains, - Volcanoes, and craters. - Stone astrotioniers he detected an • tippearance id - action in - so e of the volcanoes ; but. the general. on Is, that every" Vestige of physieul life, t i Ot M .1 long.since departed ' from the surface - or , : 1 1 . sir Siitetlite. - -:-- , • . •• -•- `:•:' These theories ure-ill:_very 'iv en - when rip, ~. llted to Mir distant neighbor, the miShti ; but we cannot sliut'nur eyes to. the startling fact, - - that the earth isundergoing a . shallar process . of transformation., (leologists trace a close resemidance between the circles in the moon , and the circles of granite and .prophyfyupen . the earth. - 'T•hey. have also discovered 'evi dence of a line stratification - among the lunar moutitains, [ while the volcanic forma- i tious hear a discernable andlogy.fir those of Tenerife and Palma. ''' "- - . According -to the new theory, the - folt4w- ''''' ingis the proeafs Slowly taking place on the earth's surface; for she, like hersubordlnate,, - __ . is graddally cooling': It is estlinated that one fiftieth of the original oeenn e has been - already absorbed, andthat.when tlieerust of the earth 6 . • has become one hundred- miles in Wailes* ; every drop of water will disappear,. • It, is also estimated that the earth could easily ab 7 sorb fifty-oceans like. those which now cover .. ra large portion of the surface. • . , All the water atlpresent. on the earth. eonstitutes one-twenty-four thousandth part of its weight, and, - oned absorbed. would become .rinseivible to cheMical .. analyais. The water being \abserbed, the earth will t l =k open like the Moen; and form similar g •ea into.' which the atmosphere •will settle.. Long bey:. fore this ern all life willjhave'ceased: ." - - -.!.. Whetherthere, is aniFtruth lii the theory • . " aribt, we have nelmuieditite cause of alarm ; for the - process will .not advance enough' to give. the slightestreeord in the short span of at single life-time. I According to the expert-. • ' merits of Biseliof ; it will take nine millions. of:years fer the earth to cool down. fifteen .. degrees. - This loss isahnost imperceptible as . the "internal heat "adds' only a thirtieth of a degree to the tempeniture of the hurfsee: . If this process is true . of the earth and,'., .the moon, the same cause Must produce the - same effects in' the other planets' and Satel lites of the: system. - Even. the great' sun himself must be'subjected tithe laws whlch: - .. - - - ,, rule- his subordinates. - Therefore, the time . must. come in thedistant ages of the here- - after, when sun, planets, and. Morin, 10141)g2i-: every Vestige of heat: 'will -have absorhed z: '. every drop.of water In their thickened crusts, • and will have imprisoned emery particle of atmosphere in their huge fissures, - • . ' The solar system, now se / grandly beanti- , fhl, will then be bat an . assemblage of dead I . worlds, "without a ray- of light., without sv • , wave of heat, without a dropef - water, with out a breath of air •Iloatingllround In the 1.• lmensity of apace, hound together by the ,;law of •gravlthtion in, the embrace of death. It, is not a pleasing speculation; If it 'ls a philosophiCal Oile !.'7- 7 •Pro,videncc Jou mat. , IrovEß JO F.keIPOLEOIf. , . . ~, • -.. ,--- tARLO 110NA.PARTE and Letitia Ram-- . • • ~i'• olinl -were his parents. - They had loved • and been betrothed when she was only 'four- .- .. teen years .of age; but their families Were active political antagonists, and the marriage - was defers for about two years , when the - .Paoli party- to which Carlo belonged , became a •'- abSolute in tern of Corsica, and active titrife - ceased. . They were wedded in 1776 by the . Arch-bishop, and _reeeived the blessing of --,-. . her parents at the nuptials.. - -Count .Martaeuf, the conqueter, v'us made Governor - of- Corsica, and Carlo -.Bonaparte ' and his family were the 'highest on the list ' . of personal . triendti - ...- Ten years after that conquest the Corsica nobles sent: Carlo to '. • Paris as their. representative in the popuiar i : • branch •of the Government of France.— Leaving Letitia in ,charge of their growing • family, tie tdpk Joseph and Napoleon with • - , - hint. il , - • ' '. -, • • They - trOsed ilie!-4sea_ to Leghorn , and journeyed tci‘Florenee; Where Carfo.rec'elved frOm the. Grand Duke-Leopoid i a letter to his= ~ sister, Marie Antoinette,the Queeiref France. • She Made Carlo a welcome guest al - Versail-... le', when Napoleon, then ten years old, first Ickiked upon that gorgeous .palsee - of .which" • he waft afterward the master. Carlo !eft Jo se • --.- In a se r hoel'ut Autun, and through the ' • I eini. o ;Governer Marbmuf -he wits,al. - *- • . lowed to 'place Napoleon In The -- military .. • 'academy at lirienne, where the afterward • . .- eminept Piti4igrue ;was one - of: his instrna- . • Ors• .(' _Sit. years later :a heavy Weight. of. -, misfor-: - ~_ Pune fell upon Letitia. Carlo was attacked --- . -g by the disease Which terminated the life-ofhis nmst illustriods km - at St. Helena thirty- ' six 'years after Ward. He went alone 'to '.. i -Montpelier in Fran& for advice and reme- . dies; and. and there 'he 41ed,' in 1785, under - 111e . hospitable roof of a girlhood companion. of .. -;Letitia, the tnother of the-celebrated 'Mar- , shal luriot, • . . When Carlo died," Letitia • was not thirty- .- five 3-ears of age, and had been the mother Of. thirteen children: Five wins and three, aughtera were yet living—a dace of- moue • are-hg who occupied I thrones and lost _them doling; otie.iti the most wonderful historical • &fames, enacted in the space of ten years # they world has ever . ; known. She saw them . rise and- fall while tier-tresses were yet dark, -, -and the beauty of youth yet bloomed On her. cheeks and Sparkled in her eyes. Her eons • we Guiseppe, or .14eph, who was tnade King' of„..NTapies in 1806, - and of Spain •in 1804.AN'tipoleon, and made himself Emperor Of the French and disposer of thrones -in ; 1805; Luciana, or Lucien, who alone refused a crown, but accepted a principality, with Its' title; frOm the pope, in 1808; Luigi, or Lduis, made king of Holland; 10 1800,- and, refujied the crown of Spain in:1809 ;I and Girolitai4, -- - Jerome,--who was made kinitof Westphaliii. : In 1807, when that province was erected into it kingdom. The daughters were Marla Anna Eliza, who was created sovereign of Tuscany, ~ with they title of Grind IMehesa, in 1808;' time- to -pronounce themselves, ,coubloniy '' see the stare of scarcely-disguised contempt,' and tiAderatand the scornful pity wh greet, , the result of her labOr, we shoot have a. 'change offasbion— and it iii merely a shim). ,- It There is nothing • intrinsically beauffuul hi. an unnaturally small - waist, Ind Ifl't were to'go into the opposltoottremewomen would see beauty to Ridded waists.'- t is a great - misfiortunecthat popular taste never alters ,in this as it does it matters . - Observers other matters_Observers _ ' may notice .with .what a regular ebb and , flow—wide skirts and narrow skirts al ternate ; hew we have . the peg-top , garment -of Men followed' by i. the sailor's 9. wide ankled „attire ';! how square-pointed _ bootsgtve pia& to peak-toed boots, and how - the peak-toes go out again- for the square- -. points. Through.all elapses women remain true to only one fashion. Whether her cloth- 'ingis as long and lank , as that of _a Greelan.4,..- virgin, or, whether she builds around the how ethalf of her.figute a rotund and capacious . . .etrueture of i steel, she is foyever fai th to the tradition of a small waist ,'and she will - weaken, she, will make her . lianda red,' she - will Incur headaehe,she will Crack her voice,. and she. will ruin her digestioh,‘ all_ to pro- ' - date a malformation which wise met} regard with pity andfools,,with devotion. VA . Nib ' UOIJIITINO IN eiII - en agen feels deidrous of taking him a atifip, he sends to the paternal head of saute - faintly containing daughtettLfor a . S pecimen ict 'the size of their feet . with'the , .priec 'atbeeike t i. One foot Is valaidat.! perhapakcivithz,usturd dollars. the next anallestal-ilve thousand , donate, etc., according tOtbe lima& After the foot (or the-lady th vhoullt'belongs) is chosen, she is sent ln the sedcw ehalr to the Intended' - husband's house; beAxmcds her at • the door, looks. into the 'vehicle to take , view of the fair pne,and r ifabe suits hie le• he'adnalts her. As socufas.she - passel we tbresholtahebeeoncea hbrlaccful wife;but if he likes not the lady,, he shuts the- clamant abeicketuTletwhithee &became.. - - eijuirlx si34l--f Make.yourself S`pod azi t -sudView pcitt inty be issivithete krone .lathele~nwi RIM El IMI