FORTY-SIXTH YEAR. miners' A0u.r0.0.. ATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1870 RATES OF ADVERTISING I=l3l I Square Ci-lneb) or 100;4..03 203 / 3 5 0 1 5 03 1' 909 1 a (0 Squares, (000 inch,) . ii2 - 430r1 1 6 0111 0016 00 125 OD Squarf3llo 603 900 12 00 24 t 0 a 5 4.0 -4 Squat - a% 14 00 II 1,0 12 03 VI a) 33 00 i 45 00 LPILS.IIETICA L SPECIAL NOTICII4.----Slnglt Insertion 40 cents a line; each subsequent Insertion 3) cents a Nine, LOCAL BUSINESS NOTICES.—Setond Page,2S. cent 3 a tine : s2lA Insertion: each subsequent; insertion ale- per hue. I:ENEBAL NOTICES.—ThtriI Page. 23 cents a line lint tri-o , rtloxt ; each sulasequent Insertlort 1.5 rstnta per Ilse. 31Annseps NOTICES.—Zi tint:4 eachl , ' ' FUNICILLL NCiTlClDS—Acronipanytne Deaths—For two t'.l cents: each addhlonal hoe 10 cents. 3IEETINC; of the lictura Judges ‘ l , :i ThutidaY,- an '-attempt It'As iiiatle by a,body of armed Dmoeratlc rang li s, to break up - the meeting, and obtain , , !.inlB7) - tit-0035e t 0 0 ,.. Karoo penod to 1e69 • 11,837,470 4 • ' Inereim In 10)- 2,2a5.9.54; kens . , The correct reports from the same Itegious . . I were es follows:. i „ . Total sappy In ICO . 19,K.3,31:1. tons . Fanie.period In I,Sit 11,157,715 ".• In et• l / 2 0.1 , yam 1,715,5Ki twig I,{-,lg . !..rig --t-t , port '''.os,ik;.a - 411439.4 . , • Nearly 490,:39 tons more thanwassent to rffitr- . het in 1870 up to last week. Stich is the eharac-' ter of the reports of the Coal Trade that. appear in the I.framE . s. The actual large increase this year bil.(sufficiently depres'kedlite trade Without the addition, of ,stich false statements' to still further depress-it.. It.seeins:also that many of the papers i 6 the c,:itier, would sooner publish a lie from a city . :paPer than publish the truth from a country paper give credit for the sante. And - there' are .alSo.”several aitors.of papers in the Ile} iens wliii profess to have a,:coal department, 111111 seem to little 7 about the trade that they re-publish:these false , statements in the 1 . 0.0 ltegioh a *eel: afterwards., ,-,without bellig able to detect their • • MiuLuzerne oun- • ty, we VArtit;',l that thaA)plalNare, . Lackawanna acrd Western Itailroadt:Ompany• have 'almost ceased bnil#l)gl4l.lSCSZ tte. ' :rilVy -find a it bet ler to lay ontleta'and.aell them on ease . 1.01,11 s to the tucorandeficouritge tfidtrt to laid(' dreir, own honacs *as siredilYitts.piisNe. gives more satisfaction - to UM Company and also to the Men, and bill& tip a ntrittfill interest tier ttcecn all partite :; larzy,. - loafing rowdies'ean not get twstrikes often Ittnotig welt .tnott,%9 - to, have prfpeity at , - • . - If a,!-,ittillar policy NV:4!; practised in thl.4 Coun-, ty, try the landholdera,ltwonfd va.tlY itripi•uve 'our I,olrulation, and make it ..titore'pettnanent.— Tln• .could then -build houses to, suit, their .ry , •atits .aiot I:1 ;nvenieucies, and tnueh of the money t bat is a 4 sgaattilered at the grog-shops: would . *o toNyarcts; Priie.l.lring [nein yi;atj ago, according:" to the villimf-Ste— piton it•was stipplated that leases on lds property could only_ be given fors years; was adhered to b•'r wmie years, when. it Was Gonna very difficult t make leases for so short a time. ':fudge P.:Cry. gave it its hit, opinion that leases could VIAI by the Trustees of the' t;lrard Trust for 3 longer period. with the per ini.ision of the Conti, Provided it 'W.P4 for the hettelit of •the Trust, and would out result V. That the object olthe trust Was to itierease the Income of the same, and if circnmstanees took place nut contemplated at the tiute by the testator t , the (\flirt possessed the power to . order such a change so long as it resulted in no in jury,.hUt tended 'to imnetit• the Trust. r.The .COureon,a full liearing ordered a change from 5 years .to 15 years. • AMU - ding to the will of-.1.1r, Oirard, none - of hi!, hind in ii+huylkill Cou t.y could be alienate,i ted. There is a - t aslY of upwrrds of:20,900 semi of c.oal land extending . for miles, and no lot can be bid& at a colliery establishment, and the hduses! must be erected at the expense of the tenant or the operator.._ This is a very . great drawback WV - cards' the i mprovement of this property, and results in a positive iiijatry to the .dove neigh borhood. Judge Pa'rry has lately given ano ther ipiniou that the interests - or the Trtuit would 'be -greatly beneiitteci by the disposal of lots to any person who desires to build houses on the property near the collieries,' and reside there, On the strength of this opinion, the trustees of the trust will make application to Court in a short tinie'to do so—the proceeds of ' the Sales to be paid into -- the trust fund. We !wipe permission . wil :1.19 granted, and a 'very grAit evil will ho gradually removed, and out, people will ' then hove an - opportunity to Sconce homes on this property,. We trill al htde to the mil .. 1) cut-of niitiers' houses hereafter. EnnAitilA.- 1 -In an lidyertibezzient , ,of John C. :....;critt 4k- Sons, 'published last'week,.ot feri ngfor -sale the Maple Dole Colliery, located near Mahanuy City, in this County, At was stat ed that a net profit of' $3500 was realized in 1009,. .trout eight ;non thie- running, attq paying cotn tnissione,linProvements, Sc. 'Ails was a typo graphical error. It should road $43,500. 'We note the error in this. manner, in - .justice to the Merrs, Scott &Sotis:-. . r • • • IRE 'k4,4 'r Yom Ciet: Isv ENI 1460 gg ; TOTAL. i WILICK i .TOTAL 1N A D .4..,.:1741,,:t1c7713° d . • -.'"; 9,411,72:. , • THg. .COff. , TRADE BT gozAzltti ',rot by IPIC 'phut.* lay : . : Port iaven — '''' It Anb4rw, Port Ti ta! aying - frelch Coal for tlorovemy'n • , T irttat I%)r 'Week Pre .m 5 - this: year.— tio'ssinae oieTaet year. Incl*pac.- , 4. • . • ' ILL:ILL COI' nig CElutring I%thean, • Itine }CIL It ..... klnhukkll4 VII ... ....... .. .. LArbiTry I in onthly 00 ...cirSpr1 , 4: mtlitj.hl • true atellurna Mr) '- 0itai11...... Muload . C. Leti.Kll ....- B. 1104.0 i , Italasno... .' ..... ......: ...... -J. *at:KM ebti... - _ TiOtal..l 1 Scene Lauri laNt ) rar. . .InrrFiahe...l..... Dec • GII COAL ispNAVIGATIO7i courvs - t. LTh., A. 111) •Itur Is the ;in 1:11:v ; of rte. trAlppoyted by the. tern and ii.tllro444if the Lehigh Cr..,1 .sh.l Nay, for the week eudllig oa S3turchL)let • ... Bj• The 4.4.1 Tmin , Wso 1)S ..... :17_ppir Lehighidn : /La-14.t0n It,: ." ,ftruVfq• " • L L. + 01. to EMI DEC. tit The 101 l lh 1 w.tre rdzky lint. tsr is% Ruttrou , South . EMS MEE By 14 ~.uva 11.4itr. a . ECM EM MU= rtIOSItIgk Ik,l Pie • do, .Tµ• W. As•t/ Lm Steaullur '114:1S, Eich uyl. 7t.•d do) Gtll•+t W Ash 1.12 _ .... ' FAT Sto% e elltAttf , lc ..... To Alto I nil Wtike..l.rr.e. 'Sent : 1101:0t W. Z.l•rbov Fplio.y.rd Cr..e (tejrgyy. , .• . , Slialho,?l. 1 It I.l.l;etv. Larka{vann.t. Wllia•Farre.• I2IJ. 1,1,11,11. Pt. .Ic, o.l•C•onip.tlt' • Port 4.1it5,..t • }:!i7-alletll4lN ' O w , . • .""V:a-l.%1:13:.. P141,.V t N4l I. - Itlnclt .:1 lamtatil .... Pletoa Little fl race Ha Stack 7:i cent.. 4 . Freights ti,,)' :Portland llt‘ntory New Itnithr,l, ItrtxharF Itr.stat • New' art Hart tOrd hhllermil • '2 Nor Altai% f , t)..t fr. Albans , 2 Noir Yirrk :.,.._ I -Charleston kaerr 14.rtneraet nterrssri - • ,r , ..thridgewrt. Washington Lrfin Newburyport t. Allen's Point.. 2 a. 'Weymouth itiOlaziot3d. To Phil/Wel plitae- Tire raw., front-T r o' and f rom Tamaqua -A rawbru-1; of 0, ed South of Cam • vt*.Notrr 'auch Chunk to PI LEITUM VALLEY. _ .. 1 .._ 1 : I L. \ 'Co liubok'n. R .... 2 31urri.. (t. .1 , .•,•x ... ~... . Shlppiliz: t what . % it.g • +1 , 41.41.1,1ng t wharving 1 . . i 4', . -, .. • .To El i rabet I. V. It. .... N. J. 1 To Port Jobreom To South A mboy rFrom Penn haven to pilletbport. At Pt. JOhns.or BY B I.111(11( NAV•IIiATit N ~ ..o, l l.lNl''n RAMBO:kJ/. Penn Haven toPtilqihilm,l • Martell Cbubk to PM,ll:,;Thor''' Mauch l'hunk tv 11e,..k en tcritl. port J111411;49n..... slapping and AbAringe- '• , - 7 ----:•---. .5 • ~. . . Itt CiI.7CAIS.Pt , •• . . , • . - scilltV1.1:11.1.- NA+RIATB , !I• I,,SIVANV. - T4IP fi.)11PWIllb: al', the qt., or toil too Innght on tla.:-. Schuytklll tonal fbr",ll.le,nrr• ent: • . - . . • • •1' hr - 1 Nvihr YORE.- From Pt.enriolin iNit:enrbon. K.Th.ll:tve!l• PL•t 1 joton . • Toll . -11 a, ' -I trr. - I i. 17 -1 on Preigra , 175 k 7 1•T) ,1 70 - OZ. '• . ------ —1 ---• _ • --- . - -2 , t 1 , . ':. 77 - 2 GI k Drawt,:.“..k. -.l . C....A1 for Nir . o . York a u: : 1":‘•11.,;!y 411 retitm pertoti. ' . f , i . • Frocra Tnll :1 114 FleigLt!' • 91) . , b 0 From 'Mauch eltun Through:to S..wYr Th . rough W To Nem; Yoit To JenAy OW • Fur rp-44hIpment.. Micro P 41511. BA.LE. Sp stmt. u Al, E.4oire Chrlsninn's offlee. a l 'itii.; Wak,it. Iwd 5eat5., ,, 1110.1 to I.; ' 1 0,1.11. '71f— . .,14.1:12-11 ---- E ----"7"-- ASE TAKE --- 4ii "--- :l7a -'-:- eel•il tiii 7 et- P l l g ng of 2.l,ititiin Cl i t 'l y' 11. It. .A. - uhrf ' ple . will be held Monday ever Ing ne. tat 7 o'elock;.sh r arp. ,By order of the 1.1. 1111 I'. • , ' . • - - i '00.13.'7,f-24mi:1-It - ,Y. 4/I'Pr.N If FINI. .:.,..• y. .Flgi3T-CLAI 11;;w,SS CO t i..LrEltY PORiSAIA:X.— 71a - nroVelnenth, w, ental and latemd I.: lti low' will idirp - gi-0,,',,n4 itally nixt til s aSl/11,- - Tile propa ty. will'heaoldAt,:t*ln•g 000 t party:l , ,atlaftet , gy rea sons giVeil rtiFf:L..dillig. . - Arldre)-1 POTI'SVII,r."E P. O. BOX 178: ~, ; ! • licn: - 15, '7O - 4;:-It -1 -evening, tl:e. xtti in., . I "T,IctrIT sdaorr t ,,:ir -• tiort 10 the ronna n or. hi ect to meet to th^ ',Gratut 4.a11 14peentl I;o,At-Iteeping, Latin anti Ortr,ber. WANTED FAA Fir-a-Clam C.nil Mtn' with or without advan tog a good and permanent tertns will he rtnieeited. onre3 arid recurity. Add ' Oct 15. '11)- l. tp r a o l t n es j a faintly of three.—mureo, tereneeio require. Addr. houth ;Third l'ht .next .14 . 0aday and Itiornieiiinn ht., below Ceti • Ckior,, 7u-12-It ' THE CObildlTTEEti I Uotta who lotend poi • ry cercluonica "of the Sold I us, on tlte2att Ittst., arc tt of Gowen PoiNt. No. It. 15, at 7 o'clock, to make's: a el - NA:fat train, rOY COMA Is. OUN and E' S S ENEK auk pleasant, safe and ieerud Croup. Coughq. Collis,ll. elplent C3nsutuPtltro ever bottle should alwais he Prepared "M' H. N. CON Sethuylittll Haven, Pe. F Drug afore* of Dr. W. IL KENNEDY and Mrs. C. 8 and Dealen every : here. : October A ':0 I i 11M111 UPTcOSII TAC EIP We have iccare Tactics suloptectmail fo and by the e/. as those to course PrilCrE MIN JOURNAL,-H-pOTTSVILL;E, Lai I"EisTisTSYLV_AI4I.A. . • . , , , AILROAD AID CAI 41ined ald Canal fir II=!1 4 1 .7:411 GA.I) fT aßai al :MOO lb '5.2911 11.50 49 4,1A1 M ----- . 0./123.fe. • •xot,',lo ... :A47,196)1; =.141 10- 2.21.501, 4 1:1 1.19,122 16 _ _ IM-16.1 16 11 1 1.56 CG EIfIAIIOIIXI FOC I I !Ity trana:Kyrteoa.t week PR3 .... - la .1.1%),C4i :1.23/ Iv .12.1.2:9 (4 sl,lil ni fApft ...... :11,.:41 ~}• LEH= tiliL TRADE-MI. , 1- i_initfirt NIA t.i.Lie P.An.6041, . , .1 s liestia.tilt by /.11147.1,1Va.iiqraalt - 9.4lPallkeNct..3 " 4 a.tut - da.yliil 01,1 tor the yeur: ... - i . " • ;wra;.i.l i To.rAL. ....._:_____z t..-1•n! 1.-3",:i 71 . .---- I' , . ^ 11.3".3 -• ' - 1Z .-::,,i • .9.7/k49 9,;:ol. =l.4r Oil* • - ' 7,..9251 A0,1c..r, • deilva asccitt,tm: MEE V. /CIL% RE A lIITDSO,V.COMPA3IN COAL MADE.' Ina is mutellient - of otiarenuripskrted by tbd d Itud,9n Canal Cot tbb. week - ender, Sat- - , ud. MEI r..erhni l ig,...NE yr 4 17, Enna A ,171 K°E COA Al, fa VIE (•A C{l{4._ BICE% OF . .. . . . Y "I; !ANT -OF ',U' itlti - N..1V,,,:54. a' • ' -- - cd, 411 - E )11N - 1.1V4 i.b•urtvio..( • M 3111131 1:11EMICE • • (h.\ 3.• ...._...., 3 Vtql • 1'0 , 11.A I..irt:;," . 4_ 1 v) dtk: - .. ...;:eultier I 244.4 Ti'A II rlgt i .ro '4 7V F. :it (111 111 gb. (lies:m.l(l 714 inrrd e. 5 iyri; , UM 1; a 4 7' a. ... 'NEW Vt hilt, t 1 - .., , , , r 4, 1:; t i. 7.r..•.1011.:...11 Lump .. la . ?, ! , V . ,,, :: • t A ' , jt f 'l'.". . • ..... :......... f.''•C''rei' :'l 7'. I '., , t,r.nre.. PiW. glist•liarg:!W. . 'fit 4 4../47/ ~,,, .i 414. _ _ 4 i 1 a 4 ta ORE, 1 ;1. `I t. 1+74, \IA riltAt4.l, y Rol Avh• .1 titittn or 11,1 Ai nr•vf, .5,1 to )•1111111.,4 r . IV A b i u.::.7~Ltimi.~l.'r` ,rlt =MEE MBEICIEI MIEGIMEI IMMIZIE ttAr 4 o. r 1. I yr.,: r • (111Ai1!,, , , O• ..‘. --,:n OBEENSI = - . . ..„ -,1.. R.. • i ]are. 5 .... 1iv. ~... 1:•0.a. , . 6 -•:, 7; . •; •1 - .410 .1 lo -- . - 1111.:• ant • 1a.% a - 4 • %N . ' Y. [I , I 1 , 14.1 -1 rl irkta .. • 1 • 4 tt t t[.: 1 toJ t 150 • 4 ZVI , 7) 4 New ct•nt.. t , p rt tltt I t • r •% tar.:ll 7 , , 11 11.1" lEZO=I OREM COAL, . I. reenco•rt4l ~W, e ,, , ttsvrt'Platitt 77. / D'••••l , .trda .." )' h l'airtlll/11Ilt St k - 13 tx). . 4 • • 141111.ADIKLPHIA. • rt0w..11,11 ... 7 wt s'.ttel; rrorn (0 5.1.4'.•/i . 14 iilf . llMoVD, VA. .1 It :1' I Wly. •1 ;.:4 14 lj~~ri: ~? 11 1: '`A • L' FOR Elb HTS ••• • - t; • • y 4 Pirn - tnrkrt A: to Ver. EIME 3; •• 1 PI 1•11;•1•4”t ..i . I j1;;;Mlit1;1;•11,0 41' 2 to . - .s.:antitcltet... i...} , ; 14 to , ? 1 '9. , .N - i ,. .v I ci1'i1........ ,•I ,111 . I *1 Itrilzt• ;rt • I i.:l .. , I L4,Sorwrllic.... r ..,. p ••', .I';•r‘ey ( I ;ry r ' I Ito liingiuttia‘. I I p”.ll:l , ..ettat"•lt ul PI ft; Ilrahltr“ , . ..; eharir,towt;; - .1" I tr. E 4";tnt9ryl•ze... • ' 1 , rtkall ..... .... • ' rambrlttge ..... ._ :!,.Z; Dltrbton..... ....... " 4.1 ':' trll l rovlper.tnwn. - 2 to 'll:id:port '2 ,ri 7r, 1 pponang . ...... ....; 111 , I ri Yalliterfl... ..... .. , 14; I 17, ( 1p0rtV 5, .W1 , .•• 1 35 :.%: tow I - \ Vllntingthil .. 1 31 - SSAN - II:11101 ' 2'21 TR iNtiirORTATIOS TO TIM:. • nEBnll.l6 HA 11-ROAD. ~ i E.' - St. ,B. F. S. CIL ..... . ~,_ 2 1V - 2 10 2.10 2 10 2 10 2 10 Corielit nee 8 cent., per ton 111211.. r. 5. and grOVP PZCei)tt per ton t.h..her. 11 1 11P erntm a on ,P. r.11‘.0 . ...1' on all coal •Illpp !!!.nry an past nrun•lviel;. , . . iT PE.VNi‘IALVAI4I4 'RA ILItflA li. . kiludelpl4lB ! .1:....„: ! ....................•.;;2 1 0 ii,' 1. t . M.i:T11.1.1. Atili meott: P. .t r,....0....x. 0. U S..I:OADY sport R4TES TO 01111,11bkLPHIA, . _ !Mt. Cta•bpll. Seh. 11.1,:n. M. clintob ft Q4} . :-1 (r: .. ..4 g. , -I ....... ..---..- - -1 RV • -. 5 ' -Vgl ' - 1Y LE M I :14: - ..% NA L. _ e • to East tk New'l ,t, . and Brimlot I:. . 1pht.3......1.. i a : - . .. , m0 U.. nT7,...tx t A6uirtiCements. 14* opolned miOloriday . Tivte desiring instrde.' tier I , ranetiem nr Selic.l at 7 Welovk. at Itoiom %yin; Le j.titil' lo ll;Prnaan. RAT.% 41. E.; Teacher 11.1:SIVE ..CtENTIVICof k. Commission, eith To the first party.offe I rinneethin,ndvantageoi k • rfeetly satisfactory ref. CITF., all Walnut :•:t l'hlla nt tart for general Ilea :.k, Washer and Ironer. :•2 :ICI per week. .11004 rs. H. J. JOSE.-t. • r c ell on Mrs. JOS ES, . . at jibe. I: Iht It El.'B, re St., l'ot tev [lle, INA. oi. the different .Ipat lug lu the de.lM:ki en' Sienna/en! at Tamil v Red to meet at the ro ,`n Saturday evening, O• tut - ultra's far areurli i 1.11. KAMMERER, IiAS. E. BECX: %mos ioitsEitAN, of Gowen Post. No. 1.2.1 t VOin=utt yet. 11. IV of - L,WiLD CifMARY ' owledged- to be the most retne:ty for the cure of • nese, .A.Stlitrut; and lu [offere.l to thepublie. --- 21, ! pt to every family, Druggist and treetnist. rule In Pottsville at the E W. t rifOft. and by Druggist!' IPrlce 40 rents. • . tOu.7-41.ter ICIS I ALTrc : PTO TACTICS! BM `;er of copies of the new tia secv ice of this State, ready completed, as well letion, in this vicinity. DOLLARS. • a rat the tiove I f culla TAY IMfilMi Ini Oct 1.1; '7O —2.2* AL, 1S:O. the weeken 7R - 11.1131^1 1 . The , modern..three-story , Tirleic g Dwelling noose. No. le North Second Potts. vine. formerly oectipted by the inbeeriber. For terme,upply to - • 3ITER STRODE. Get 15,' 70-12-It-stil EMEEI .fjti COAL CABS FOE .SAL.E.-715f11 C9al (*s, Sn gcxsd order, for tole low. Apply to " - 1. A DOL. - TY. or DOUTY, v6harnok °et IS, .ta-1t THE CO-PARTNERSHIP beretotorrAxtatint between the undetalaned at ISI k.Diali namodPbtl= adelpida, is tlits day dissolved by ntntdal Vonsent. -GORDO:N.' SMITH, THOMAS F. SMITH, - •J. HARPER SMITH. THOMAS C!.; RE E, . JAMEs A. SHIPP, HENRY ROPGIINER. JOHN: zoucountn. .' 100. Se pi 14,1 r 4) 1.5.;1041-It' • Ipo EPOBT OP THE PONHITIOH of the FOIST. ATIONAE BANK of Mineraville. In Ina State ( 4 - PennSylvania,,at the cloaC of buaineas, Ost.S, . - , rmsorricEs. Loans and Discount,' r. S. Bonds to stscnre circulation. Other Stocks and Bonds. , late from IttNieetninn 'Agents I.pue frion other National Banks.-- Vlluo from other Banks and Bankers._ House - urniturze and Fixtures etirrent Expense,' -Revenue- Milli of other National Banks. Fractional ..... •Ecl,rah,Tender notes s EEM capital stof‘i ....................... Surplus Ftultl and ...... .............. Narlotlal llauk Dividends rtipahl '11(11%1411AI I tepostts *Due to .NlttOntul•llunks I 1111 I" , t 1 ftirtly Sch uy k U, xi. . I, S. hrullimdn, Caahier of • the Flkt•Naf lona-) Bank of 1%11m:1 - .4%111e, "P.oletutvly. toNear -that the fitt.)ove state t 1, true to the be ,it of thy knowl (4 Ice ant I txd I (V. .S. AC I , VOA. erish .Sitheril, , ,ed ',wont trefore toe tldv, 12th day of •. J. F. G Ku :Is s- J: 1' . t'orrevt,--ittte4: SA(*(4l.,WErZr.' .INb. t.\Ct)h's. REIN C Itirtcsor: W KIX: VITAL :34,74. 7,1 ; w.:zr, y.TPTAL. • 9.• - Li 1.7 Y 115.910 11.+..1'. 15. , v. 12-4 7.• . ' • . er; • p.>~?=. LADIES' SCII.'ICS LADIES' sun' s !. • • Ltit.ei4t 'ln greater Omit ca 4 be found eb.ewlierC . , we malir iku t•pectuity., •.. • ~ • MEE ~ - • ^ ' LADIES'CLOAKS, -..- .., In every.v . arsitly crf Cloths.. Also. 'Astril'elion if u r it'ud, .Beal Skin Fur Cloaks, with MUITs, 3e., to match._ 4.150,. , .., :L,,.' lIIIACK ':SlLliti FOR '. DRESSES •,' 'o' ii , , ri,„tio.t 'O,-x : is, at the very'' I'mvest. prices, I w:.3rlvlxrrAL,, = atragi 6 "" • 3P:4711 Pai.335. ==l A epotce asAntxmen:t,a.t.n)oderiite I.; A 101 :NT 13 II 1.4* 74 • v,.;r11. 1 7 i 47,?.1'; T IS EU AR K - E151i;1.1 % 4 4 11, ' • NO. W:A . CIII . :TNUT Opp:1,11.- Con tizienuta Hotel,• • A' s 29 sOrril SINTII ' PHI:LADpLF!.}I.I.B.. ' 17, -^71 , 0•• 12-3 m • • NE "SELLIN G OUT *CLOSE.' BUSINESS fir sale the balhale, Toincees: Pipes, rancy Good-Ic , v II v. in W . S •I M VVitt ATIO S UZI Se 1111 trAiOl!T ''DRAMATIC'TONSTELLATION, ORCIILI:LtiTUA., v,.lr'~l.un~e IiEMiEME PO~iTJVEhV TflIZP:k NI! ijITS '4:7ITT!I( . IIC . IIg Oct. 13th; u'hen milli I MEI , _ I•Vnl4y : Gail.annttf aY rt blbp't Siam Ryan as 11 .rinatlas. ' F...N4cs as " "itthrkey, ,‘ • ' R: T. G 00.11103 1 .............. .s!..litiortn ll . l3 ) - a Dramatic Coinpany, fall - ('reLrara al:dot:lass •. ECM 2 FA 9g). 2 :AI 2 , 110 j n; ,1 421 ite:,•rved ficatm 1)1; :i . eVll7rt . fi :It iillias(;S.!:: Book 5t,:re.14.',8 MI C.111"i• 111.0t.',)Iapatfy wl II gii - e i!nlertal Innen at. $1 TIIL - ItillA.Y.e.nd Vti - 11).1Y EVENINGS, oi;t --.- • 131.11 and ism. ' • MEE $ FI . I 19 EMI En MEI ES MEI HARDWARE, IRON, .STEEL ic : 4 AT.tIWEsT PICICEe' : 4 MINING SUPPLIES . „ 5,01' every.deseript ion, at lowest prices,, i- A•GI:FTS for the Meta:el - 41 EAGLE - PACKIlitt the best artieb• In the world. LAMP WICK orex tfi tunllty. COTTON WASTE by the hale or pound: at. the very lowest prices. • are general Agents for , , • 44 .• -"CLV 1 4r-ir ) • " • . ,••••••-- . -4 7 :. r f,c-9. - 7 •-•••••••:% • , ' • '''"•••L r fiFir-r. Manu CAM uted at the PALO ALTO IRON NV 0 B S . ..I,ll`size44 (,u hand from Iditn 4 t o th e lard' and of Bards, and at 31111 prices; tipeeh i t I.,hetht‘made to order. . • E~ * - 2 47 Of altsizes.and lengths furnishes! . at titatinfitent , eni prices. either of the HAZARD MAN'l,"l , .kuTuft- Is , : roltrANY, or tennis JOHN 'A. ItOEILLIN(I's sON: 4 : or both. •of which nuikers we are general Agent's. . t - Mars furnished on application. giving .prie'r, size, measurement of drum, and manner Of preservingpea. . . ,e iiCREEN, AR AND RRIDGEBOLTS. gi at A full AWOL of leading sizes ou - hand made -, at our -maul:docks-. , ry.. qual t ig _ of f the venr . t tr. at loudest prices. special 'Rises and 1, lengths made to u order on -snot* ' I . I notice. • ' 1 ... . - , Itro .:Abuctlistaunts. 7,1,t0s ..... ino.oun 00 51,0n0 00 Pkvii, 16 1,172 TA 6.4262 ffi in.wo co Lor.! 1.7 a) 67 200 00 1,500 00 1.0 100 00 310 00 :01 ... ........... Mil T"L'l2, ti te At , tt.k. e Insist! lig At • t )ioe \\. E REGARDLESS - OF COST. t' IRS. LT.! ES , 13110. tolik 1 , 4 f LANIEICS:‘ •-' .wn. LAN I Fin cAM. lIVAN, ~ Piot. 11. I-% DI 'N,,,PAYN KNPlilt: TILE GASLIGII•T; " • Introlucin g •tlm w•oudirtul Ai LILOAD 1.2;CE1.N1: It i. tq ‘Is N p \\ • 0 : - N U,TS. nY TIE l'Orm)41);t0)x MA .7.: UT ACTF Rl.:lts•' pit ic L. C. THOLEPSOI.:: PorrsviLLE. AItRANTED ill) detreel. '• VDT sale •by the one n barrels at Rennery_prlees. _ • • L. C. 1149.11r50N, :1041: totes 15. 'lO 1810- S . 0: BA.E.PIIII. • - . 4!--7-- . _ - mg . GENERAL SALESMAN with JACOB RIEGEL A Co.. Wholesale Dry Goodi. No. litarkei Sit., MAU: N. B.—All orders. for Goods. A w e., Intended foe zna okaae 'Odra,* it. C. listrAoar. ewe of Jaeob Et_ 6 C0...N0. US Market St.. rblladia. , - Jan U.7644N4.:7. ''nitro Paerlisments. PL4I FACTS WORM-, • 4DING. A 411 established , and bisiiivis, with an ex perien of More than twenty , five y e.aable us, to offer indu eats Ito all who are about becOme purchasErs of dothbig-va, no, establishment in y. Purtarrneniz are the best materials, 4eetted; nothing un- , 4 a y way imperfect It all, even in the of gciods. It is fished fact among everyßeady -Ma& every thing- that a ci;,l i s ll u e per d b io ga r yr an in Philadelphia. ent is so , large every one can , without delay. always guaran 7 ower, than the We have lent of - second the coun all made Direfully sound or .is :made U lmest gray a well estal clothiers, th Clothing, ii gotv to ma .ment, is u stock of 'goo Our assortl and varied be fitted at one Ourprices ar; 403,756/0 10%000 00 35,761.; X 3 i+l,o7.'S 00 - .316,7,35 81 teed as low, oz: lowest elSeWhe 'also a fine.a&sOr Isar:Gods 1 which will be a in the best prices: much 110 usually charged made to order- .Sarnples of goo lists for all kinds forwarded iby mail When reqUested,_ v tions for self-ineast garments, either ' or sele4ed fi j oirk a, -Made Stock, 4 arc . press , - guarante tj -rectly. ' 1 ... ' i Pertons "not re's Can when visiting call and have thei 1 gistered on our b o. . 'that purpose t purpose , ,from i, t ments an - be; orde d future time. BENNETT -& C 7 ToweO•Hall, 518 Mark fiaifiway benzven Fifth and iixth PHILADELPHIA." tht. _ • .ttll i •. • A.I;LEN I)I;LAAV.U.Ir..‘ ENTE, RH I „ I ' Iti•••1:41q. • Innk• the ni:e.itthiet ere of thejr ;old stitiida'o 1151)E'R . • .PI!()SPR ATE OF AMMONIATED 'FERTILIZER. • 1 . • 4)111 of wlf fefi are sild'at 'Low Piziers, highly remit,- Wenn ive U., thy, J.:tamer or Dealer.: . f. • , NO. 1. PERUVIAN GUANO, Geuulne f;oyein inent irina Chlneh7l. and Guanape and'''Land Plaster, Ityd rau .lheCernent, and -a full tis,:ortntpJlt of Burn ing and grea.nini; oils. at lowest iimirket rutes. " A Dliq.'OUNT TO-DEALER.: 'l SJinulq the deader near yhu not keep our articles - , hetet vourorsler;4 to us-and they Wlll.receii:e protript •attention. •' 13.'70-3341m S TANIYARp FEII.I.O,DIPALB FOR 1870. REPUR SCOTT'ITII ' LISHING Cr).„ NEW YORK. . • .• L:tttra Cott rt laud. Bloswan bi(tivixen.mbie to all ,icsiroul of (wind feell in formed WI • the !igen! it it tject.i'y the clay, - • • ,r. •• I. THETTINECIttaI REVIEW. • I ' ttiti< to the oldest of the serles. In Its main fea , !tares ; it. Still follows In the path marked out by Ilfoughanf‘Jetfrev, sycluek Smith, and Lord Hal ! hind, its origigal founders and first contributors. • '.- ' 11. Tut.: LON no:4 Q.I.4AE.TERLY REVIEW, - 01101 coltilnellees its k2stlil Volume with the &um , fty number, was set on foot as a riyal to„ the Rpm 'At 71t.fill. It resolutely maintains' its oprosttiowrin polltleN":and shows..equal vigof In its. literary de intrt'ilent. . .. , . . , . .:t. THE Wr.ST:III'S!*4TER REVUEW 11ISJU4 c ebised.its il2d volume; In point of. literary ainlity this Review is kis„l rising to a level with its editipetilos. ' It is the advocate of p,ditleal and reit gfms, liberalism.. : , . . 4. TI L E NORTU hart 51t REviEW. `• - r w w in it..l,,ast. yuluule. , )eruples a very WWI ix4slt ion iniperi,diral liftrature. l'assi ng lieyond the narrow feralati',:a of selloote and parties, It appeals to a Wl dcfr, real: , or ••;yinp.atli tea and a higher inlegrlty o eonyletion. . . . .• " ,ieKw(); "is-Flit-carer tr 471%4 was coin tiiene e ed Z 2 years ago. Diu :Oink the Quar terlies 111 its literary and rcleiiUlh tlepartrirents, it nide reputation for the narratives and skiitelii:s which- its pages: • • TERMS FOR Fory . !Me of the 116N - feats_ For nay t wo of the Itevierr , s For n:iv thr c of thc For.allb 113 ratt be Reviews .... Itlae:twkxr s,'3l4,, , azhte For hta•k.lroad at Far 111:C01:14*(XXI aild'ally two Of the WOO For hlacttwood and three'of the Ile- . • Vieirs • 11 '" For Itlackwoodarid thePiur Reviewsl.s t " Flogle Numbers of a Rev lea, ;R. ngle Numbers of 1110cl:wool, :It vents. The . licrieres are : litarktrood'i 3fogatiae ie month y. .loi3Orter•Obasiebte in January. A iilsPannt of ttr•ritrpeii crnt. q-111 be allowed to Clubs of lour or'more p u rs9us, riericxlleals are sent to oo ruhtte.w. , . The Postage on current subscript ions',-to, any part ot the United StatdA, is Tutu (lids ti ounalier, to be prepaid Id the office of delivery. For -haelc:nutalsers: .the postage Is double.' - II Eli I TO NEM svr...icittnxits S;, New.Subseribers to any two of the above 'periodi cals for Is7o wilt he entitled to nseelve one of the Fenr /2,1 iews for. New ,Subso-ibers to all the five may receive Illooltw!*1 or two of the RtTiIICS for ISal. • • RAC% :grit nt Siii , feriffers may, by applying. early, obtalla back sets Of the Reviews from January, lwl,, to Deeetn ber, 1.90, and of Illackwotal'a Magazine front Janua ry, 1204 . to December, 1. ZJ, nt half the 'current sub-. neriptlon price. • ' *if - Neither premiums to Subscrlhers, nor discount to Clubs,.nor reduced prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the rahney ls•feinitted din-et to the PubUsheri; No prernitma can be given to Clubs. • The January numbers wal beprintect from new type, and 'rtrrangenvitts hare &en Made, wAich, it is hoped, tout secure. regtdar and early ,truqication. SCOTT PUBLISIIINO CO., , 140 FtrtioN NT., NEW Yenx. Tu LzoNAnn SCOTT PC'llt.l9llli 4 :o COMPANY ; t l / 2 0 rablisth THY. GUIDE to Scientific and Prbelles] d.triiculture, 13r Henry Stephens, P. It. S. nitnburgh; and the late 3. P. Norton, ProfesSor of Sclentitie Agrlcultneu In Yale Colleore, New haven. Ns. lutMJ pu,xes and nutnerous En- By nasal, post-pald:sB. .Inut urtdtlt, - so as to permit , thcLir - rtinnin,t in tht....x.n - dttiary. beiviing Of; it Mine. We have per.foct44:le.!gns ler two varieties - of t•rnall 14ornotV;es—one tastde-connected, and' the other out side-conneete,l., MC MA tell:lland workmanship are equal, In every respect, to tfioso-in'rana lOconai?Oves of full - guage. - Send ft;r r-n I ithOtogralg!. , • 111. BAIRD k • • • • ' LocontOter Wlerks. Pl,l ulelplala Atlg. 24. '.713-1fM.35-ly 1, • , . J n TROXELL, DEALER IN ' - • CHINA, OLASSWARt, AND CROCKERY, Mil .' • . CENTRE ST POTSVILLE. • ARGAND.tOAL OIL BURNER. , Thor".'ironcterful tinnier 4 proiluerc!s a light steady, rare, white; intensely brilliant.; surpassing any ever known: is safe from explosion, and can be Jilted on ! alikinds of lamps In uso. 1 Thorehlraney Is always. cocit at. thelroitorn, easily handled. and mire breaks by hear. Is oval to, and iitx ctiraper than the Gee. limn Student'Lturp. - ',"lsept, •;.% '7U. ' July 2,4P-p-i - y-1130-ly ' t Oct 1, nO.-10-w&d-tf C TXPICENSON &WATT sWildlll,—As o,isokie Colllerien fire damp lal Very precahli • .ind. bgr_pon bevy Lamp hot ootuudered- , , h rocured • lot: of theil=ruim Safety 'Whit -contalna circular be Inside of Itiv Rause. This Lamp reoeu experiment., ro lir England, t l'onsldered, Wu. eatest &unpin !lie, a sarr - is now extertilvely used in OHM moos daryconteries . • in Engliikid.. For sale wholsailitand retail. - The CI.A.ZPIT LAMP. Ups pANY LA.3IP and Safety Lamps of all ' the- wai l approved- t eem made of Auspeoted Ciovengpsoll Wire; by e shista dozen hundred. • ' These or Lamps are all thanufnetstred to our own order:and we rise none but salute of the pattern pre rtbed by the English Goterninent tor safety.- I....Sarmes constantly mimed tout lamps in ae rial use. acr that we can supply any persons wreniog tollriPlaca Wins that have .beft worn out. • Gauss (cirsale by the yani or piece lwbbleaaleur retain. • &Wins.• , _BAleitAtti a RAMSEY. jet •-ventre Street, piltiaTille. Pa. . 1 'I e ,Piece;-64 up to order, ner, and at r < than are . r garments with price garments, E t any time instruc ent, and o order, eady-_ d ex t r- iii ere; ila elp 'a, me re for .sl'oo per 411111.1 M (x) , " • . .10 rq' '• - " 7 UV MEI =II fNEEi, , • Incbe% anti upward „ • • , 3000 0...1••••••44.1 =I linkers ad proktri. Sins 111 STAITIONIRNi . . • - - 'BAZifLEMI.AIIIi lIROKE.III3. - .. i...4040vri T* STIIIIIM. PHILADEI.I.II .' ,_fiTtUALg 'DO WS and 9017SILVAIENT SECI:O.I. TIES bought and sold strictly on commission. • tiv.u..ggs rit tioLts,Sabvin also lemmas t.lorigai 'Bring members of the Plilladelplila Stork. Kt stutfstu. alt orders entrusted to our cure shall re-. eelve promucattention. March 8. ti..—o-ruarh - em-11-6m : L. P. WIIII , NZY. il-3ANKER, -- -' . . 16u c....tito-st, .Ptor&tilk, • - • 'DFALT.It .1 (..;014t , t tx ER, . - . • _FOREIGN EXCIIANOE, . • D OTIIER BOND'S. MONEY RECEIVED DFXOSTT-..17.. 4 . - TERET avowed an per &pedal agreement. • - ' STOCKS and BONDS bougbtand sold at th• New• York and Philadelphia Boards of. Brokers at the usual Commissior. • Jan 'TO . • SIT- ilaitroa Abutrtiscmcnts. pLirLADELPHIA.* READING 8...t, 1 ' 1 i FALL 11,14ILkliGinCVIT. Monday. Sept. - sth, 1870. Great rewak flue prwrat die Norik gad North least foe " ilollartelpadar, . Jeer Xorh, Assailagr, Pena !ale, ginnagna, Ashland, shansekin, Lobe- ' : . - wow, Allentowa, eaten, X , Ulla, - Lancaster ' , Col de. • - Trains-leave Harrisburg for New York as fellows : At 5.35, 8.10 A. M. &SPA. M.-and 2.50 P. M.. connect ing with similar tminson the Pennsylvaniaßailroad and arriving at New.Yorit at 12.10 noon, 3.50, add 10.04 P. M. respectively:- sleeping ears accompany the 5.35 A. M. train without change. • _ • Returning : Leave New York at - 9.00 A. M.. 12.1' noon,and 5.1141 P. 31., Philadelphia at 8.15 A. 31-. ana .801'.M..80.M. Sleeping cars accompany the 5,71 I', N. train from New York without change. •:. . • • Leave Harrisburg for Reading,. Pottaillie. Tama qua,' .11neraville. Ashland, Shamokin. Allentown and Philadelphia. at 4.10 A. 1if..2...%) and 4.1 a P. if., stepping at Lebanon and principal nav *Patient: the 4.10 P. M. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. Fur Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.40 P. M. J East Pennsylvania Railroad Trains leave Reading for Allentown, Easton and New York at 7.21, 10.30 10.45 a. reL. and 4.15 p.m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. in.. 12.00, noon, and 300 p . .. in.. and Allen town at 7.11 a. at:, 12.21, noon, 4. 21 and 4.4 i p. tn. ~ Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia. a - *-1 A. M.. connectin2 with similar train on East Penn.' Railroad returning, from Reading at 5.35 P. SI, stop ping at aldstatlons..• - • Leave Pottstv ille at 1 41, 9/10 A. M. and 2.50 P. 31., Herndon 10.131 A. M., Shamokin 5.40 and 11.05 A. M., Ashland at 7 A sl A. 31.,, and 1130 noon, Mahanoy, City at 7.41 ,t. M. and Lfr: P. M., Tanis: Ina st• .3.1. A." ll_ and 2.1) P.'M.. for Philadelphia and New . York. MAW, Pottsville, via Selinylkill and Sesititeltanna. Railroad at, 8.15 A. M. for liarrisburg. and 12.05 noon for Pirts , a:ove and:Tremont. , • Reading Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville '1 at 5.40. 1., passes at 7.30 A. M., arrtvtag at -Philadelphia. ar10.1.11 A. 31.: returning leaves Plilla delphinia 5.15 P.',11., rn , Stiri Iteading at 6.0 U P. 04., ar riving at Pottsville at 9.40 P. N. • . Pottstown Aessmintodationt Train : leaves Potts town ut 0.25 A. 01; returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.09 P. 31. . . Columbia Railillid trains leaVe Reading at 7133 A.• M.. and-8.15 P. 31: k tor Ephrata!, Lilts, Lancaster, Co lumbia, he. 1 s, • Perklumen Rlll flfrl ti al hri leave Perkiomen .Ith-te am at 7.10 9115 A. 01 4 -3.00 and 6.151.. 01: returning, leave Schwenksvilleat t 5.11,, 4.10 A. noon, and i4.1'1 P. 211„, count - - .tins.; with :dui I lar trains oniteadi lig Railroad . - Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown -at 9.401. M., and 0.20 P.. M.: returning leave Mt. _Pleas aut at 71/0 and 11.25 A. .11. connectiug with; similar ~ trains on Reading Italirold. Chester Valley "Railroad trains leave Brifteport at 1.3)A. N., 2.05 and 5.02 P. N.; returning, leave It own ingtowia at 0.30 A. 31. ' 1145 noon and 5.15 P: M., eon• nectirg with - similar t ruins on Rea,ding Railroad, - On Is.--alays: ' Leave New York at 5.u0 P. M.. Phil adelphia 4.:.1 A. M. anti 3.15 P. 31., the A.M. train running only to Reading: leave Pottsville at 4.00 A, 01., lea - . a llarrisbarg at 5,35 A. M. and 4.10 P.M. leave Allentown at 7.25, A. N. and 4.15. P. 31: , and ltead lug at 7.15 A. M. and 10.05 P. 31. Corilarrislatrg. at 7 .a3 A. M. for New York, at 1.15.1 1 . M., (Or Allentd"Wts, and at 9.4(11. N. and 4.25 P. .Jl.„ for. Philadelphia... Commutation, Mi ea-e, ' %sou, School and Excur sion Tickets to and irom a. points, at reduced natea .._ R24tgaire. checked' CI 1 , 100 pounds allowed each pamenger. G. A. NICt)LL.4, . Rept 11'70[Jaii, 11,8-41•Yar] GenerseSuperinteriden t l e N FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE BOROUGH OF PORT CARBON f , ,r laaa and 1877: To N'olllam Foxali,(forent sa) John Ryan. laborer, • Mich . ! Connell, •" `Henry Tooker,' Mieli'l Knowlen," Samuel slims, " • ....... Mirlel Tool; •'" Putk iSturplir, •' ' Jon. Wheeler, iforetna ..... , Ccoiluly McFadden, , latiorer, , Dennis Doyle, • " Henry Oliver Itirk Gillespie, .. ••. Put:k Knowlen, Put:k itunti, Ptak - consaden, " Petry cowls'', •••• • Jacob Wentz, Margt. Consaden, Morris Woods, • " .Ellen Lamey, " &he'd McDonnell, ." Jos. Eisnach, " Fitzsimmons, " John Carey, Jr., ••• Mary Burke, Thos. McGrath.. ••• Tioscs. O'Bryan,' • " Mts. Maneil, John L. Shissler, (mdz.) H. IL Heebner & Bro, Frank Carr, . (lab) Wm. Coho, ,• • " Fat'k Bamson, Abut. Thomas, 'Thos. W. Lead', `' Jas. Thomas, ' " • E.dw'd Cormly„ hauling, .... PhlLSteiubach, (sundries) .... Mich. FitsiMmomi, (lab) 'Jim. Reed, (mason) Jas. Ruddy, (lab) .... Blazing Mar uet -" .... John O'Brya, hatling, Manuel, ". Edward Mtillin,• `• John McCord, Isaac Aregood, indz , Election Officers-' Ross Bull, Burgess Borough Auditors ' John Bailey, assessment • Election Officers. (Fall) Ag, Bolton, attend i rtg Court.. David 'Wilkins, clerk Jos. Orru Constable .... . Barman & Ramsey, printing - '8113; 10 • 4 • Orders oedstanclitig, tedeelued ' • KA 83 . • Total antounTordera paid • .. 12,3ip 93 Borough of Port Carbon in Account with Atitimet • iinyder, Collector : ' • . 1870. . Judo 4:1570. to tax duplicate for IMO, 8.•.133.67 • By unit received from Sanfl Snyder, • . , 82151 50 By pxouemtiona . : ... ... .- ...,•• :.. ~ 124 75 By am't returned to Co. , Cominisa'ric, . •15 98 By, ain't collector'avommtaiton.......... I:r2 72 Byttru't due from. Sant'.l ' tinyder - , - 12,72 ~,, . . • S2:IRI v. SZ.7O Borough of i'urt. Cartoon in account with Treasurer: . . Ou Mind .1668 ` ' 51 45 -, To anVt received from col ectdr 2151 .50 , - '' Ithoda's estate, .'IS 00 Co. .. ~ L T.reasurer, 1V e 1 .Ces Commis'rs, -1019 .• " .. '• Stun'l Snyder. for 18614 - fo,is ' ..! • .. " ditto. " 117 23 •-. By streets and bighirays • ' , 1197 10 By outstanding Orde:l4 redeemed 852 tC3 By atn't due by 9. W.:Browny:Cromer, , 508 41. DEMI $155.1 ISorough of Port - Carbon for 1869. - , Dr. - Cr. ToanutlnhandsotTreasurer • 3143 ' Tax duplicate 2730 67 Amt from..l-Rhoda's estatd....„..._ 15 00 B. Snyder, 1864.-- .. . ... ~.. 017 :,,13 " " County Treasurer ...... .i'.. 137 01 , " • - - Commissioner* 40 00 Outstonding orders 'll6 35 ' Bills payable' , 53b7 71 By streets and miscell-'s expenses... Outstanding orders redeemed collector's commission Exoneratlons . . 1., . Amt.' returned to Commissioners-. ":..due by collectors, in Treasury By balance tmlauce Oct 8, '7l)74l—:it REEVE L. Nl'iT WELT & SON, . I.= CH ENTNITT PkiILA DE LPII IA Soir offer, at the lowest Aricea for elgtift pears, their • entire steel: of Carpetings, Oil Cloths, ,Canton' and Cocoa Mattingi. C4OSSLEY , B BRUSSELS_ CAlit'irrS,, • Si 51) per yard. . GOOD ALL WOOL .INGRAINS, $l, 00 per yard. - ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS. • REEVE L KNIGHT 1..."4 CHESTNUT ST., belcOr 13111, PIIII,.kPELPIII A'. Sept . August 13, "N.F-:Z-3an-133-3111-eod - • C. IEIM,ATZ.Ft THAN THM ORIAPEST. • •- • _ • 13ANNAN sVRAMSEY • ". • WILL ALWAYS SELL - SCHOOL 8.0 OK S . OF ALL KINDS • ' • At Lower Prices thhn any other . Booksellers in • Pottsville, NOTES THOM PRICES . MAT 88. , „ • 11 Artlelee In the -BOOR AND. STATIONARY LINE At a Great Reduction from Former Prices. ..• . CeU eed-Cempine flifere Prehseina Elsewhere.. -, •1171LASIMLIMIA . Preemea,. Pair(itiglid Building Bricks; Post BALE: Eti& - ' • EASICINIcK 1114411111111 DoakllLl Philadelplua, Aux. Itl, no—yeasiku WILLTYOI.S. - _ _ MILL ENGINEER. , - . Asp crrnwszarcry PCITTEMItIA PA. . ' • .. ..... • , surveys Lagtii. Mln &a. SPlDetal• gig! 111.' nsi'l motion studs So devoloolsiz sopeentandlng Coalsotalos. • ~ ,- 7 : Zatylk"lo-0 1 41 2 . 41. : . ' 4.55113 09 . JESSE NEMO:7,, - H. .H. IiEEBNER." JOHN 111.7LLE14%. Auditor:4 - I A. s xiog ViCelesiaph.„ - UP TO MIDNIGHT.."-v. THE EUROPEAN I.IUROPEAN l'oir rs :Ocrtepleg «iul iAbctadoiactl, THE pART.s. PRUSSIA KEPT 'AT BAY. zaiv. _ztAa-rx....:,,kr . vim*. ANS. Official- Despatch irom Kflig Thousands, of Prisoners Capture d . GARIBALDI'S SONS 'FIGTING FOR . FRANCE. • Stenbtße.eaptitred i)y, the Ffenek. - • • 'ENGLA4II). • - to A rirst-Claut Gunner-!A Steady- Fire—The Monde of the• French Sokliets—Tho Great Storm— - Communication between Western and '.. ; • Northern Franca Threatened— . The Stemt of Parts. LONDON,' Oct. 14.—One of!the gunner on. 'the pads fortificatlons has pattietilarly dis tinguished. tura-self by . the'. great •amuracy with Which he points his guns. fie-has thus far frustrated all'efforts .of the Prussians.•to construct 451fetiive Works- within_ the range' of his guns:. •- HE is bn;lltsa'tiuit, named 'Christian. The authority reporting this mentions that the Prussians have not yet .been able to planta single battery near enough: to _disturb •a'kt,• 'part of Paris.. • : Ar - steady-"fiie has recently been main tained front Forts - Mont du Vitivriait-' and •PI sty. . ! ' C; The PrussianS have been coinpeller4lio re treat from the fire of these forts behind' the plateaux. of Hendon and ISt, iCloud. The morale of the French soldiers is exCel lent. They 'are- constantly. Tile wooden huts for the troops are arriving - at the Prussian position before Metz.. • The telegraphs and mails are bringing In accounts of the late storm' from' all;,,4iiree tions. .heavy shOwers prevailed in tlie mill region-of I;ancashirei raising the cstreauts and causing disastrous fres6et.4- The -shipping in the Mersey was badly damaged. No .AMerican. lOss . es are syet re ported. no London telegraph !ides through out Ireland were prostrated, f delaying. and' disorganizing t he,A tla n t le se rvi ct,.;..7 city of Liverpool has already voted relief to thesuirering in that. region. " '•Nieltwaaet;" a speNal 'eOrresondent of the Njow York Trmus, writittg froth the City; of ltouen,,Oet: ii , st•itea that ,the. Germans are not only at, but ;rat floninay, on the railway item-ell. 1 1 and' Andena. The only line eolineetin* the northeiti with the western portion of France is, therefore; threatened tti be cut, probably at Forges,leti- Eanx. • The Most! deplorable • liseiml eon ti n newt° exist bet Ween! the French civic and military authorities. :Getityral ttuditr soft a body of then.and two pieces of artititirY to Forges the• other day, but they , W:6re met by •counter orders from th - Sou-Prefeet,:atitl sent in dif ferent directions.... . . ThiS•cirmvoudent adds that if some grit-• eral • .would iissume the dictatorship; the' whole country would bless andupport him. ... There are - between" ft oueuland Havre 15,- - 000 Fiencti-letiops of all kinds; but they are undlr .the orders of every one, mid can Lie fOilikd'lrhsVlielv exactly. ' ' __A ) *Cial despatch to New York TtmEs..l-- - IThe Cohduct of Mr. I , ;elix Pretard, United. :Stales ConsulstStrasl;urg, the. only foreign representative retained, in the city during the sief , e; is th:AlierhOnf warm eutogium in the Lot 'don journa IS - to-day: He not only protectil all the foreign residents, but when Ms lain,e and: premiseS were burned, took them tovanother,. in tiny cellars of which he sheltere .1 and atte tided-the lit,w iat the, aid of his Wife ;_through the danger Of the hanOard ment aad smallpox, whiehl Airoke out in., their midst to add to their anxieties: - ' - i "Lupus," the speeial correspondent of the New York TIMF.S with the Prussian head . quarters writes fmin the Germanside on the 9th in Cant that the bombardment of Paris. will positively begin between the 18th and 19th histaAt. . This he knowS 'frorit the best . authority—the King's orders: ' j I , heard , read this morning menniranda • 1 .from the,dfary of Minister Washburne, sent ~to his wife at Brussels. They arc inesE_W, ."terestine but as they were I intended only, for 'private perusal, T ennnot give the details. Otrelfact I may mention. 'He Speaks of the - mobbing or the - American ;Vice:•Censulate . by' the- prenehl , which necessitated diplo- Matic,.corkespotidence With - M. Jules Fevre. General Burnside's visits, back and for- . Wards, between both cutups attract attention.. Where such strictness is observed, even with NEM 31 25 9 00 oo 11 00 5 OU 1500 4 00 6 00 6 00 regard to ' the pas.sage' of the couriers of the enabas4les •:this is natural.' . I.t is stated that the object of the General's last visit 'to Jules Favre was to convey to him the willingness of Count von Bismarck to permit the hold ing of , elections for members of the Consti; .ttient Assembly in the Department bf the, Seine, . • BEI 15 . 00 _..• Ati`Olt. 6 :t, 00 • ....• 5 07 :1000 ..... 17 25. Trunnion Ocenpatilori of Epin4—Sfrategial Move -ruenth—The , ReCentosies—"The ,itallooii Sys trin-rtiessr:' tronl . Talis--The French t . More Sucr,es‘eg. • - , Touts , tact. 14.—A despatch from .I,lpinal, dated yesterday afternoon, annetinces that the krusStans bai:e entered that place. The; eitizers.inada wstout defense, but were not. able to resist the artillery of the enemy. The town was considerably tiamaged by . ltte can;. • tionading. • t • • . • • . . It is reported ipiofileially this tuornlng that the Prussians seem to is*Jalling, back from" ; - 'this side of Orleans. They_are no longer in Wilugeacy: and .Meting. Theie towns are nearly fifteen miles south of Orleans, and are thenuist,extremekints in this direction yet reaclied - by the -enemy.. The troops which Were sent forward to' reinforce the 15th Corps, , and subsequently participated in the actions near Orleans recently,- are again arriving ;here. . -.• : ; - - ' , , . Front he reports oftheir officers it. seems 'that the - leass stained 1p . the • two days actlOn. w ?elm vere as Was - at- first re-- •porteft.' •, - 1 ' • „ :'• •: =',,, Topas', Oct. ti.4,lballtxiii fronvtlie . ctilli' - tal brings the "follO - vi'lbg intelligence:: -- • . • , , • Parus, l Wednesday.—The' Prussians are ,now compelled to remain entirely upon - the Defensive.. _Owing to' the incessant ,bom-• _bardmcnt frorri.the 'lower chain of forts they 'have, been compelled to evacuate the advanc ed line of earthworks, the, seeoud-of which they have lately been constructing, Ind.:re:- treat behind the, heavy fortifications upon, the•plateaux of - $l.-Cloud and Meuston„up- -- •on the south-west:- -- 1 •• - The ,gags tition' Mont Nalerien belng . sif * *Morrison!' 'mtge. - -I ,cotiimand the .Gerukiii Works upon, thetitasfat'as st .- Cloud. Their Eire lila ' v it the - 'l l rufesliins as far as Been and-Bougeval._ The Prussians are - dislodwitfrOtia• Clanairt• bas Metidon and •Montretopr;,:,.The French. have retaken .the heights of Villejniffilid "Cachon. These op erations are ail• oOnduet44l. on the soutli-.:.r, - .., Upon the eastern side of Parhs the, manoid- - vres have alaoeen eminently sucessfut— The Prusiiiiiiii were'driven to the - .village of 'Bondy in fetpeat. They have also evacuated Cbampigny, v.litol - t_ 'was weakened "by the withdrawal of.their supports. The Prussian. circle Is enlarging - instead of-narrowing. , •Miriskttams, October - 14:1---,: The intent geneadd_ a rising in Algeria has been-corrob 'orated by later advices. Tbs.)" insuiTeetien has how become most - formidable, and is ' participated in by ,many tribes. . The chief, • tribei in , the importapt . provinces - of Con•: - • staustine are_in full revolt, and hold-manS',. impOrtant l'i,c,:')Sltions: -, Troops titeln motion sigsinsethe insurgenti,,, Who are fiirtifying. Totras,Vet. 14.--Garityabirs sons, Menoti andsildecOtti,•have johied.him in his com mand. :;Both have passed -through the city • •- to their destination. ! , • The Count de:Chambord has issued anoth er . address to the French people 'relative to • lila pretentionS to Jhe'throne.. He declares that.his whole ambition is, tfl found a really ' .National4',ioverument for France. • . . 140770 852 g.. 1 1., 72 124 73 15 9',4 4272 308 4 5563 09 The Northern Fortresses et -Frata , e-Iteealtttrre of Steady by the Friach,(The Prms.lan Tbrtory • at Orleans—Froadan: Operations at __ , lincssims., Oct. 11.—Thc str.kegieal move ments of the French may compel, the aban-. donment of active operat lons against IMezieres and Rocrey. , - Burtrall,. Oct. 14.- . -A royal proclamation has been *sued announcing that after l,thls date" the :northern fortresses or France ate declared in .ri state ,cif siege. ' Communica tionlvith the besieged is forbidden as an : act of hpstllity. -_„. , • . • - Bnesset,s, Oct. 14.—That portion• of the' j French,narrison which ,ticaped th roug h the Prussian lines around ° igontraedy, Wted and.captitred the town orgtenity , , n the southioLgedan.. ' ye -Prsundans '‘estab naked" a small garrison _there,: who resisted gauntly, but were tamed' ' to emrrender to 8U• rier, nnnibers,Witix ;several pieces of artil lett. and &Mader:olp isapplies.i Is kw.l.lfax,. Oct. - 14:6=-A HERALD extra, Issued set : A •.o , 4.3l* ,this.:mernink, contains Bssu OCt.tbilelkArthdelr " " Qu e e n mo rning, '---- rt 1 e The received the felle*US • 0 ,, lfilk3fi r lillorn f 1 4 VEnsAu, . . . :.". ~Thotisands of prisoners' 'tell Into ~ r bands. as the, result. of Von Der otues-vletory, near Orleans. - The battle lasted from nine o'clock in the morning till sevenin the evening.. It was.foughfentilfti cult , ground'e . The , capture or Orleans haa followed: ;The 'French losses' are bendy.-- Ours are Masai:- Details are ivanting.' l - ' ; •. - • r • OCTOBER ' 370 a MEI WAR. FRANCE.; PRUSSIA. RoloFriiiic i I),;:ioftfic Sahirday, -3 o'ciOc . ,*. 41 • - • 'rat:, 'EUROPEAN WAR. Rqpotted Retreat •.or the Piulans from IIiREATENED . SIEGE , O7 . ••• • The Prussians Lev3,ing Wally -Contri • . butlcpus, - - . • BATTLE . [IMRE O'.LEANS. - Mg* French Town_ CaptureA by the Prussians, liiresis but Ineffectual • • •. • kohl/es; OPERATIONS AROW4D PARIS. \ F.111.-ct of the irrenebr'. Each Canton of Francs to Furnish i . Sattilion of SD!diets. 7. - GLAND' • Reported Retreat of the Pr4lllll=llll Irketaa Threatened Siege or Rosno—The Iritreleni - , Levying Heavy Contributions .7 .TbitHar. • U. beibee Orleans—Tlie Otterations • Aeountilrerie—XtreetoitheFretait ' . Artillery Flee. - `.Lostiox, Oct. 14—[Special -)(4•Tgt.i -otta.Nt.l—A despatch has been received from. Toutts,.:(lateti 14th, by .the Provisional' Gov ernment, vca. carrier -pigeon. - , whileht- states that the Prussians are in full retreat from l'aris. 'SO particulars as to the cause of this: had been.. received when our despatch left, , but ttesputeh was- also receivedtrona Paris . by another source, stating that the enthusi astic in Paris, consequent. upon .tlae •tinex pected retreat, is'infieribable. • - LoNno_;.:„. Oct: 14.—The rumored . ileciara- ; tton of Wag against China id contradicted. The stnit that the. Prussian Government pro_poses•the retrocession of Nieelind Savory ; todtaly is aufhoritatively. denied. Los.noiv, Oct. 14.—The following advices. 7 ' have been received here from, Tours, dated Wednesday evening : • A Roneri, journal has an• . editocial demanding -that the. town , be dared in a state of siege and :the command "entrusted to an experieneoilletieral. - All lines of }.Communieation to the - west- ,iiaril*.from this._ paint to Tours are Still open. The Prussiarrilire levying heavy eantrilmi Cons on the people around Beavais, in the ilepartnient Of Oise.. . , . The cominander Of the )sth corps has made an oincial report to the government of ' 'the' battle before. Oriesni. lie sapre`tbe • lighting was tliperatOA The 'Prussian's ar- - finery literally overwhelmed us." - LONDON, oa.• 14.—The 'terrible!. artillery fire of Fort Du Mont Vajleriati has sivept.the onuntrY about for a circuit of six kilonietres. The Prussian . works- • have heendestroyed, and all the batteries that the% Prussians have. sought 30 -erect , - against Mount Vallerian have been annihi lated. The Chateau of Medeau has also been destroyed. " • "- . The. Prussian .engineers have been;driven from Clarniont,• 3fondeau 'and. Me: ux Re- ' tool. Villejuif and. Carhaln have-ti- Ali been . 4recovered by theFrenchgn the nor -The 'Prussians have been driven back far as Denil and MAinevitie. The entire. around 'Gen ', has-been fret' P 11138111114 by several strcing'cavalry . 7.26)110i sauces, and is now in French hr 4 :14 agai i. On the east of- !'arid is lively been - malutaine.l toward. Boni . e Prussians have disci liven driven • C piegny, more titan .three riles Pam Vin cennes. The l'rusSiau circle ...ot id Paris is - therefore expanding daily, ins.cad of eon tracting," and the Parisians ,are .greatly ei- courageg. • ;FR:IJTCE. ~, Another Town Captured b:t tfe 7' - .dash-..:The -Mobile," Fight Well pia I neffeet 11 .y—fritselk; 4 Canton of France to Enrni ,, Reg.' . Intent of Sohlierm . - `rouus, Ott. 14:—Ativiees froill- , -tcouen up to yesterday, announce that the Prussians' have captured . .11retrottil. •Th 4 Mobiles re pulsed the first attack, tmethe Germans cane' up a second time with rein - firer ,tenth. ..• For three hotir4 . 'havever, th J euemy Avert? held in•check,,When'a flank movement corn; pelted our retreat, which 'was e.ti'Med in per fect. _ . order. • , . , . , • Each canton of France has been required to furnish a battalion Of 59.111..iere,: fertile defence. The total numberof cantons in - France is about '4450.• • - ' Details of the "lighting before St. Iventin . have been received, and furnish; aceotd lug, to otfe of the- jourrials,".. a- story 'of . true French heroism . The Prussivnti have. hot returned to a second ellbri to-capture the• town'; as they threatened, The: French preparations to receive them were perfect. .Touns, Qct. FL—Nothing has been • r.f ceived, to-day from Orleans or Paris. A de spatch front the sub-prefect of Pont Eaegne, -dated d,rt Wednesday, 12th, fully conitims the report*ot successful Sorties by-Marshal Daz ante; ft . e had burnt live villages which had given sheiterto the Prussians; dislodged the enemy • from ,severa positioif and cut; to, pieces four_ regiments of cavalrryy and several battalions. At the same titne - Getieral robert made a successful sortlezOn the left bank of the --Moselle. PORTUGAL. , MEI tieas froin-R.ct OM October FL—The A . nal' • steam e r from Rio de Janeiro has rittlired - at this pint, bringing kiates frourthat city. to the 22a of September. The newa Is . quite Important.. The forces of the **Mine, Republic had defeated the•insurgents in two engagement& - There had also_ been an; indecisive struggle between Mouteve9ms rind-Petal: • :PIyNNSY.L.V4NIA, Death of Hon. John C—Kunkle—iittlelaftlectfozi Oct 14.—Hon. John,' C. Runkle,-who'at due time represei q ited this district in Congress and - was a distinguished member of the bsr, died at 2 o'clock to-day., Ly.w,isTowx, Oct.-14.--The officialre- • turns of . Mifflin county, are as follows: Speer, lea; Morrell, - ;1671; NVoods, 1036; Milson, 16 . 89 ; Crawford; 1671; Petuckett, 1617; Mc- . ' Coy; 16721 Etzea, 1 otp ; Mealer 1633.; Roh rer, 1662. • Dow..m.row:4,* October -14.—Reading's of ficial majority-in Bucks county is 288. CIiA.MBERSBOita, PA. Oct. 14=-3 P. Franklin county official.-.-Meyer's trukfority,'-1 186. GREENEMMI.,-PAr; Oct. 14.--Foster l f.• om cial majority- in Westmoreland County Is 1 X 33, firoxEnstr, Oct. 14.--7Csesna's o - cial majority in Somerset County, is 948. , CLOSING-PFkIC;ES attv*s 41) 50M44"1 - 11;111?BiltT. Pa x T.:ADEL:Ii tA. . :Oct. 14, 1870. 3. o'clo ; 7 - •', 114 , 1 . 112 Q. 1 , 6 1' 111 , 4 ~ qh 1.1 , 1 , 111,t,1 ,newn • r": 10 s 11 ' • ' '6i.:........., • 110 , ,1, 11 1 114 - nob .• 10-40'S •—•.".P•••••%1 106 s. 80 year 6 per cent, .1 I, 111 - old . 13% , 114, t4ttver ' x. 107 • 'llO • tnitorr Paclfle R. R.-19141. 130nda...,..'&30 ' 1440 - Central Pacific It. - ''ooo . 910 ' [retell Peclue Land-Grsint -71 a _ 77%-. st. iv-. 4 - - - • POTTSVILLE MARKT .TS. Coc:recteci won Tor las Antal' Jesnial bj JL11311:ili SAN 111 Wheat Flour. extra, itamtlY;*trbh.-.., .. ': . • "-, " I * cwt... • " • ' '" • extra *lad... Rye Flour- ... ....... ; ... .... ... ...abet:L. , 14 :•......." Cle t.. i Bnekwheat Flour -* cut Wheat, pritne white ... VI bush... l red..... * Hush_, Rye • It bush - . I C0te...... ............ ......, ............... bush... Oats ..-.:... , f bash._ i *busn.. Rye Chop ....-........ • . • Corn Meat , "pus. .1 Idlddlings . bh.-Shorts - . ertufsb... Bran • vatartsb...l Potatoes...... .......- W VI boett, Hay *ton.- " bale ....... Rtraw - - ' —lean... l Eittni Butter . Beef. hind quarter.;;....-4.:..-.......,;„ fore • "- -----.1111‘......». • rorisrulas imeti.V.lpLllllMS. .. Wee the [(Mewing quotations *pi t 0417 - . - - i 51e.i .• ' Lard 15 4,--., ~.., t. Roma B eef_ll b:..-... Melton" fit --, ~., 5 . Corned Beef ft 10.-... 1 D ucks"!_.... ----_,.,. 5 ItrimpStesks 15 te.-. rk -----• 7 ,- • 81rlasi Steaks" lb,' II ki. ... .. -- -6ip - Bigwigs ip b,,........:;.: -46515itkock 0.9._- - .... --- , 7 0 '4, litrrrort--- . - • liaallbeit II . 2 -:.-.Z .. " .. - 4 .1 . 1 - s' Forequarter ili k. -- .!•4114 White Perch_ *,--- _,.- L ii Hindquarter quarter" lb.—. 1,015 Meek it 1 ..------ 4 1 1- Mate iii i1t.... , 4,.......- 4-013 I , Wok" lb.*" ••• -- ..... i t :i. - Powv- • - _ . -- Well u•rinr-- , -• Ths" =Stifflialprt...' lit_ _.....-..-•.—. _ • = l = 5 3:E -I =jire"77lCeit::: 1 •;-- Asktor l io....__ 77 i , sewrotalomillNlkk 15 Dried Beet 114,.-t-4=Qr t iga t rilt i taj t 1. Mum,- • _yorequarter Ilt a,..;.... / 4 1 15121 V 1 , , 1 . Tpo i paneplob„,_ , 1 Bed jralt , . ---74 =OystereWer. 51 OD e l allkl,_!‘: . . az=egiusime W 7 APP." saaimps /Ms ..i 7 A . _ . . . of the I= I W/191e- I israt. Retail 6776 3 87 7 50 6 10 3 50 i tO. 7W ' 3 50 1 /0 to', 400 1 65 , 160 I ., 0 : 31! Z 1 1 3) t - an 1.5 24 CO I 1 16 3400 261 k fa eft MUM WM