The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, October 15, 1870, Image 2

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Ten abort SP IiCIAL NOTICES ssill betnsertal Allqtabetically suave tbls
bed, at ` lO "%la dare Istseedon ; SO cow a ll= fav every
subsequent tusertlan; I •
' • _
• ; - BANICAN&.;BAMSEY.—Ec4iPeIIers and flitaUonera,Prin
terti add aladers. idS,Centreaprort. Pottsville, Pi.
. .
SATURDAY, - OCT ► BER 15, 1870.
Tire MINERS., JOURNAL.% lamed every Saturday
fz'roc.rning, and furnished tesubscribem at $2 per annum . . ix ,
fi;il raee, or vs if not
_paid in advance.
Con!es to one address, $7
co OD I 14(:oples to one add rms. 1 30 4 : 0 ?
1 . 3 4s o.)
To News Dealers $4 Oa per . In) 1 - .'optee. easb. •
To• Ministers and School •Teacbers tarnish lbe
JOV!IN.iI, by, mail; at 11 DO•yr...m annum. in udvana . : otter• .
a lag at full =Lea:
THE DAILY mmr. Eats' JOrliNA it4.iptiblulhed every
wee morning , morning, tiaturdity's exo , Pted• '
7.2°-5114-''Ten cents per weeg, payable to the earrior or
Agent by *born it, to served.
BY . MAIL—Pay/We in SdrinCe, one Fear. 031
inonlint,X 75; three months, ft 50 .
. . • . .. _ ,
~ DALLY:A:cI , WEEKLY MIT:Rs JOL - Et.ICA ii #7.0 per
' ansi.tral. - 111adv,..n.: kOM' gx ta °otlL ' • . '
. -
• " -.
MNNAN 11, RAMSEY. Purblishers.
TO3IE rather good natured - writer from
•kl).,SfahanoY City, in a communication to
• th i l M
w M
oNrron t inyetve have struck forhigher
ges. A'S true. When We commenced.
. the •%Rama experiment, an ath
we had publis , W a. weekly Jotir nal for a
. • great many years, we did notsuppoSe that we
would require additions : to our Office to' pub
. Bah a Daily, that would eaiist about f. 10,000,
enough Co - stock ]
at-least three weekly news
paper offices 'W'e did not.know that tie
. bills;—for we must worli,all night, would run
up as. high as 180 In two mouths;• that our
. :I'tolegraph "would run up so high, and
that:all expenses of the establishment would
have to he increased nearly four-fold to pub
.lialiiktirst-elass paper—and we will 'publish
'no other. We also pay our employees higher
• wages than we; l did during theltebellion, and
we would be compelled to reduce these Wages
' • if' we did not hicreaselhe price of the paper. ,
Udder these circumstances we soondiscov
ered our Mistake, but, We thought. we could
get a. large circulation; as everybody seemed
to like the DAILY JOURNAL, which gives
them . the..fiews of the day before
.from all
parts of Europe and the United States, at the
breakfast table, iti,a+ large portion
. of this
- County,ltbout six hours befOre they could re
ceive it from.any other sotiree;-likunless we
• ; can receive a circulation 'of about '5,000 - sub
.< scribers we 'cannot publish It at'- 2 certs -a
copy, of which we only receive 13, cent S, the
balance goingto our agents. The popol tion
- s limited, and although OurlDailyrci • la
. tion is nearly. 'double that for any - dher
; paper published r the County ex-ceptoue,
- still it will i oiot pay at 11 ecnts : to us—
and never
.will pay at that Brice
til „ the population and circulation, is
-- largely increased. We, therefore, concluded
to strike for higher prices, and „so far the
numbers that have fallen °Tare Much less
than we supposed, and smile . of these
• already coming back again, Ainding that an
increase in price from
. 10 to 13 cents a week,
is tici-sniall an affair that they would sooner
„pay„ ,it and know 'that the publishers were
nbt losing money to give them early
genet-. To satisfy our facetious friend who
1- 'seems delighted -that we'inive - raised our
basis—we him that we-Would have
• done it belore; but so long as work wa..-esus
• • pended we 'didnot like to 'de) it s because -it'
` • might (have-:deprived many of those Who
-% were idle oflitl dap -visitation—but now
-that the .last *Congress toOk oil' about $.30 (
000,000 of taption.. aninially,_ which took
. effect on the' ICt of. October, and that work
• • has been resmOtyor a couple of months it
gas out of pure good nature that we didawt
iroit sooner, but preferred to staler the Wm
.nut elves. We are not employed by any
person , 6r persons; we are our own bosses,
' uudWe fix Our own basis on - principh;; of
..-justie- to all parties. We do nut get-others
to fix it for us, and particularly those whose
interestsnre inimical to'our own w hey thdre
-. is a conflict of interests. Our facetious friend
will no doubt understand us. \ .
We are. very sorrythat the coal trado is
ii - ot in a condition-fur the miners and labor;
ers to'raise their prices; tat notwithstanding
the difficultieS, if they `had' taken a lit'
more of our advii - e, and not so nitieh.frm
those who proved that they did not kno'w
• much, they would be in a much better cod
, ditiOn than they are wi6l---winter approaCh
. • ing, when but little can be dtine in this coal
-region under. our disadvantages.
HE •-k
result in the tithrdeite Coal Gab
ties of the State, has been more - glori
ous than in any other part of the State. Lu
zerne has given the gallant Shoemaker 100
majority in that county, and he is elected . by
about '2OOO majority in the 'diStrict;, to sue r
teed Judge Woodward, Who has also l4n
beaten for . County Judge by upwards , ot 1500,
by Mr. Rardiri o in theft heretofore strong
.-Democratic hold. Tti is wink . done by .the
''English, Welsh and Gertnanvoting"the Re
pu,fflipan ticket.
Sehuyikill County lias • reduced 'the demo
cratic majority of 1238 on. the Congressional
- ,ticket, tWo years ago; to 859, and elects the
John W Killinger by a
.majority of
631-,ingiiinst,224' two yearsogh. This was till
done bY.hard work, with .but little means by
• the - Republieans.of tlre-.County, and a ndr-,
Lei olthe workingmen 01 btverat of the
. mining districts, who .are getting, heartily
tired of the Free Trade Democracy, and also
a large number of Germans who have' here
tofore voted the so-called Democratic t icket,
We had no assistance vvhateverfrom abroaq,
-but were rather given the cold shoulder, be
. ' .cause the impressiNaliall been created . abroad
that - this District eedlift not be carried unless
• a certain person Was nominated. ;The result
however, shOTs' ditreretit-and the• Repub
licansliave also made the .discovery that
- when twci-.or threelirofessisi Republieatis
' not work at the . elections; that we
C-mtleh better without them. The RePubli
als'o soon discover'-thae..
tWise per
sons, who will, do nothing unless their par
' tiehlar. candidates are nominated, that : it
- policy- also td discounte,nance
theifititerference before the hourinations.—
This rule or ruin policy will not.lie tohnuted
- any longer by Republicans who support the
party on , principle; mid . not merely to ad
- vance the interests of sozn6 friend, Whom the
people, do 'not deSire and - will, not sup
port. ,- . - ,'
' ' The election of I - lon. Chas. IV..Pitman as
• .Sheriff, by so large a majority as 96:: over
' his opponent, is ago a great triunipli—, but
we do noveliii in this as a partyzvlctory. Mr.
Pitman:was very popular, and tile • people,
'- knew he.wonld make a eapable,lionest and ,
sz humane sheritf, and a netnber of Democrats,.
who had beeo* disgusted with the acts of
the leaders of the
,party, worlits.l,and voted
for Mr,' Pitmati . ,,while a larg,c;'number quiet-.
ly cast their ballots against the nominee.of
their own party; who, it is said, purchased
several delegates, In Order to seenre
.11 is . -1101211-
iII ation, and ithe people have terribly rebuked
him for it, 4410 r-ballots. Oni; of . the del
. egates.of the VeriVention that placed him in'
nornifiation'rarniKed, at the Mine, as lie took
his depaqu're from the COnvention, to °lir re
porter-,-''lt 'is seize eti mei' ni ore 'easy lo t iimn i
. nate thm to elegt."
• - The naajotiy for Randall ii: 1,506 ;' forth e
Candidates f . t the Legislature; it will .av
'age.ab i lciut l' t ; for ConimissiOner, 10f .
`for - Div-eater f the Poor, 1,235,,
' The aggregate vore for Governor-last Year
was -0;503; Mid Governor Geary ',;•.as beaten
9911 - itt,the 6utity. The vote ;this year on
Congress iS , l6*5, 1,418 short-of lust year,
anii,Killinger was beaten Oily 659`. Of tb
. -
absentees from the polls, at least two-thirds
-Were Itepublictuit. •
number of Germans have .declared since
the-election, that they have Voted their last
Demot;ratic ticket_
We belieVeiliat this County will
.be Re-.
publican in the course of a'couple of years . .-
.and ♦when it is; it will be a very great bless
ing to the people—and all kinds of property
would be largely enhanced : in value. •
. TR/CT.
Schny'kill; - • 7318 ' - 7072 .
Lebanon; - • - - 4016
. • - •
Killlnger's nug., f.s3l •
Ifsforitifor Calio•in 186.8 224 —increase 404
That wlii do.
. . .
rilliE ire of the country Is an index gen
-1., erilly of the character - of tite:people.--
If the 11 is high-toned and honorable; and
is sustained by the• people, its_ will-xenerally
be found - thatthat is the chniacteristie of the
peOple•among which itcircultites. But when
- the press is of an opposite character, it is
generally found that *base who sustain such
papers; partake also of the - i•haracter of the
prey. .. .
. .
. . ;
-About three weeks ago there was enclosed.
to us from a Berman at Ashland, Ali article
in German, which we had translated,- is fol
lows I
A.suLAND,"Sept. 24), 1870.'
GENTLEMEN :—The enclosed article I, have
cut out of the New York, "Srsams-ZErrt;r44. Is
it the truth' _
A. G..
A Dutch.subeeiiber to the IL M:47
The following is the article: . • •
TOWARDS IMMIORANTS.- s -A number of Coal
Operators .tn Schuylkill County, some 'time
since, madec,ar_rangements to • substitute Chi
nese for their German and Irish workmen,
and the natural opposition of the workmen
to this measure induced the arch-radical
..,Nris'Ens' Jona:int to, make the following re
"The Irish and Germans seem to be the most
bitter opponents to the Chinese, and as they poet Cougress to pass a law prohibiting
their imni*nation,lt is.our belief, that,- if any
cities of immigration be prohibited. the best in
terests of our country demand that it •-should
be the iminigrationmf the Irish and Germans,
instead of that of the Chinese. If the Chinese•
'are heathens, we can convert them to Chris:
tianity, and mere heathenism can have no
more denor.iliking effect gni our eountrY than
the crimes and puperisni • of the Irish and
Dutch." .
On this article we, commented as follows:
In reply to the above we need only state that
it is a most infamous lie. No such article ever:
appeared in the MlNEns' JOVIINAL. It , is an
clear fabrication, and %ve :challenge tha pro
duction, of the article. - No coal operator in our
County, as far as we know, ever ,proposed" td
import Crthese, and it Is well known that we
were am4ng the tirstto denounce the contract
system of importing Chinese, but did not p
- pose voluntary emigration from any country,
believing, as - we said, that the few Chinese who
would e•mrie veluntarily z would demand, -after
their arrival, 7 as high wales' as other emigrants
The same day l the Lebanon ADVEF.TISER .
was banded, to us, containing the;above ar
ticle and an editorial also, as follows : As we
exchanged With the.ArivEnnsEn they knew
it was a falsehood. when they penned this
editorial: ' . •
"The Chipese are gradually being werked In
to every State in the Union, to take tlio . place of
the white laboring-men. In Schuylkill County
several radical coal, operators are arranging to
introduce them, ..and the radical organ o f that
County, the MlNEri' JOUR:IAI i , heartily en
dorses the movement. The white lath ring men
'oPthe,land should observe this movement inure
carefully, and vote accortlingl7,•. 1)r. (=lrminger
and his party are opposed to the introductinn of
these Pagan laborers, whiff' Mr: Killinger's
friends are, in favor."
As this was a forgery of their own_ in addi
tion to the artiele which 'they- no doubt
copied, but which they 4 also publishied as an
editorial, we denounced the editor; whose
name islireslin, in the following manlier:
The above is another baseand litftriiousfabri 7
cation, and until they produce any article frutn
the JoFmiat. which says one word . aliMitthe
Germans in connection with the Chinese or
Criminals and paupers, we will brand the
anthot-ot the' above article as a liarand atcoun
dna of the treepost_dye. This is plain English,
and rua3 shock some. readers, hut is it not de
The next day we found the same article in
the Reading EAGLE, under-- the editorial
head. The Reading Mfrs published our
denial mi the day it appeared in- the
EAULF); Lut the EAULE the next : day
reiterated the ehargC, and of course person-,
'ally assumed the responsibility of the
nal forge.i. To this we replied as follows:'
. The - Peaditig PAntr: is published tiv Ritter
& Co. , We know their' father very well. • They
published an article relating to the Chinese att&
tfernians .
the . I:Ante., purporting \to have
beenpublished in the IlisiElts aor to:AL We
-branded the person oi.nersons Who> concocted
this forgery as an infamous liar and scoundrel.
We do not believe that the editors or proprie
tors- penned the following article—but that-it'
was written by a-dirty scoundrel who was for
merly .in Pottsville. We new' re:spectrally
ask the firm to retract and pphlish the. contra._
diction before, and not..after theelection. -The
'reiteration of a lie ; after .if has been contradict
ed without 'prcducing th's proof, is mach more
infamous than the original forgery:
"The Pottsville MINERS' JOURNAL denies the
charge that it published an 'article advocating
the importation of Chinamen. in preference.: to .
ttlfish and - Dutch." The Readigg . TistEs copies
the denial and assails.the 'EAGLE savagely. It
won'i'do,.'gentlen,ten, : We reiterate the charge.
The article has 'been copied in many 'papers in
this State, and has never before been. denied,
but now, just before the. election, 'it is brought to
notice leo :near home for these gentlemen of Pie
Radical press!".
The first time we' ever saw ,the artiste it was,
enclosed to us by. a German at Ashland, and cut
from a li"erman paper. We,had:it` trans
•-lated anti itninediately branded it ,asia forgery.
;Next wo satt,it in the Lepation ADVEIiTISER,
?WhOre it wasAccompmded With another torgTry,
- ivliielyappertred to bevel:wen concocted by the.
editor,, as It was editorial,nnd we brandcl it ate
it *server!. 5 . 6 much for the 'assertion that .we.
"never denied itbefore." - It appears _that. the.
Acipfling-F.Aote: also published-it; and 'they're
to the denial as .above. We -now give the
*- vopriet-o'rs an,opportunity to retract :before the
To this the t EAGLE replied_ by
other charges, quite as false anditifamOkiS'as
the , ,aboxe,.and correct
About a week after our prontn*ing; the
article al'orge-fv we found the saine•arttble
in the - Philadelphia LEn EB, :its follows,
This was at Teasea Weekliftei. our denial in.
our own paper 4 4hiCh they - recefted;.and the
denial was afro put - Ai:AO in other pafieii . ;
with which the LFLOER e2schanged: . •
T,ue MINERS' .1017 ItiYA 1., the leading RepUbtican
paper in Schuylkill county says: .
"An the Irish and the Germans are the piinci,
pal opponents to the Chinese, and areasking
Congress to prohibit the emigration entirely,
we believe if any clans of etingrant4 are to IE)
prohibited by Our , Government, the -best in=
terdsta of the cm retry demand that "the Irish
and German emigration,.- instead of Chinese
should be prohibited. Irthe - Chinamen are
pawing ; we may convert them to Christianity,
and mere pagatlisuecannot have a more demo
raliziut effect upon the country than the mime
and pauperism of the Irish and Dutch."
Now this is .worse than all. Other pipers
forged - 9 . e *article for political effect;' but .
GEORGECH!LDS, the proprietor of the
LEDGER; published the forgery after its eon
trad ietion - for at least a week before in 'WV
eral papers received at. hisvffiee,. and took
pay for the 50ni0;,.4,
We learn al s o .leading EAiiLE
that the forges `after it was, contradicted,
. was-copied into r the so-called Democratic Or- .
-gan of this - Borough. But they are so far
beneath the notice of any' demnt. perbOn 'that
.we.willinot trouble ourselves about them
as but feiv persons read that. sheer in this
County; and even those are growing. lea s in
number every, week.
We u 3 lll give the LEDGER a few days to
retro& the forgery or produce the proof.
This is fair. • • 5!
We now brand the Editor's and ',Proprie:
.ors of the Lebanon ADVERTISER, athi the
Iteading EAGLE, MS in tarn - nits liars and 's:eoun-
drat beforti.t he public,- and will continue to
brand theta at,sucb on all'oecligions, and In'
all conventions. Editors, ctc., where We
may hepresetit, as a disgrace to journalism,.
until they retract the forgery'oi prodtice the
proof . .
We have alto stricken these papers • off
our exchange list asu Olt to be received by .
any truthful person in the country.
We call the :Moab:in of the'decent .
hers of papers to Erich infamous conduct—
not :for our sake, because,; wee Can, take care'
of ourselyes—but for. the sake of the, credit of
presk which ought td, frown ulion.iinch.,
infamous Conduct. For nearly •42 years : We .
aVe publiiiied a paper, r and for .about 40
Yertia a -ptditical . journal,' and during that
whole time we leave never seen such an in
famous and deliberate forgery as these pa 7
pers have circulated; and in one instance r •
iterated after we. had, contradicted it; which,
places them in the position of the forger and
-renders these persons donlity Infamous.
Ass regardsihe pmprietOry of the LEEUER — ;
we all wait to see whether he will ietract Or
produce the Proof. -We apologize to our
readers for this strong language s but . we ap
peal to every honest man whether we •are
not justified in Wing It.
GEN. Runrart E. LEE died In Lexington,
Va., on Wednesday last. There appears to be
geneml regret expreased in Virginia and
throughout the South at: the event, and it'
seems to.have Infected a Deputy-Collector of
Customs at Savannah, who half-masted the
United States flag on the custom house upon
reception of the news. We are not aware
that the United States haw: any special rea
son to honor General /Lee, and , lt is probable
that the tendet-hiarted (or beaded).nilicer at
Savannah srtir be!relleved by Ebel President
from the arduous duties of his official. paid-.
tion. Mr. libbb; the Collector, says, that the
flag was half -masted without his knowledge
or consent:
fr ; ' JO
rfillEtoliowlng the total iotaixilled a
,theirtunlnent.toa - ns in"th4s County n
Rep, bent. Total. Alep.
la7l 114 • '077 1084
Ash4YNd_ f , 3 014 972 420. SA 1757
459 541 Cal 1,41 433 1t1f
Malsanoy City_ 4111- 31 , 7 915 'll2 • 0:1" . 2
flit' Clair flit. 295 - hta . 480 . • .740
..... M..t I :7t9 .7.10 , 290 • .500
S. Haven......._.:.. 210 • '227 C 0
Congress—First District —Randall, 4.4
Second do Creelr'•lnd. B.
.- ,•.-
... Third do 51Yers, R. 1315. j
. „._
!`• : - Fourth do Kelley, R. 2,704
: . .Fifth do Harmer, R.-16'
Judip,—Common.Plels—Paxon, R. S
'Ccimmou Pleits-Finletter, , R, i i
" District COurt-L-Lyttri, 8..1,15
Sheriff—Leeds, B. 6,899. . .
_ . Register of•Wills—Btina, 8..4,349. .
Clerk 0. C.—Tittertuary, R, 7 - ,129:'
- Receiver of Taxe.4-I.leatty; It, 7,1p7.
1, Commissioner—Bain, R. 7,543. ' - '
it -A clean sweep of city.ofticers. 'Ph Ik
(publicans elect 13 of the 17 Represeuta i yes
?and 'the Democrath elect 1 Senator aid 4
Representatives. The vote in: favor of Penn
Square over Wa.shington Square, for , the
public bitittlinga gives a majority of is,sio in
favor of Penn. Square. The, papers n mrly
all. advocated .Wa-hingtq:i :Squarg,- bu the
people' didn't.. , - . ,
-Two Republican candidate's for the r Legh3-
lature that. were . looked tiPon as
~. 11.15y, were
thfeated, and a - 4!ouple of otlTrs ;fell la -gely
behind the ticket. - This i slim .s that tlic:peo
pie are beginning to discritt Mate bet yeen
good and bad candidates.. . . -- . ...
rpH E Republieans - ~-the
the State' hai•e' been shatneftilly
ligent.. It is beliveil that we
lost four membrcs of Congres.9,•.
probably fiVe; 411111 - gained one..
lose Coviale's, Morrell's, LaUreitee'e,
ley's and' probably C'essna's--_aud . -gaiii,,,,
I.tuterfie District. This is''rea . ll 4 y .disgiltee
ful to thejtepublieans of these Districtsland
when members have • rendered themsiei
unpopular with the iteople by their nets, they
ought. not to be renotninated. A -gait of
three or four members frOnt•Pen tisylvitnitt to
the vau-e•or Free Trade, will cause . sourii• re
joicing at the:Free 'prude League 'in-:dew
York. But 'their gains-itt the States which
voted onTWeSday last,ls not .one-fourth of
what they. expected, with the amount of
money they squandt;re4l , in the elections:
in Ohio our net be one, anti in
Indiana one ; 'Oen. Lew. Wailace. - ItiOni
betn unexpectedly defeated; mfiking•the: net
d 0.4 front four tot•ix medal, tN,, It will 01 be
'right again in_ Pennsylvania in
1114 - an the uteanfitue, while *e• li
largely • icier -aced . our. onajority in
District without: any itid whatever, ext
our own hard worli i that these other Dist
slmpld be lost in our State. u (aild t-i
the people right in these dislriets if
duse'Of Vrt - e Tr11(11.: coUltl he aleuitt , Oere'
them. .
OUR CI UL.I TION - A .Cll.-1
•tERTAIN- l'ottsy l
1 is agnig troubled about tile iYirettla
of the - Jot - RN:a, mid videavorr, to tread:
impression thul it has tlintinislied., To 4.
.this question w -- t .- propise to inalt - t• the tblll
log propoAtions
As the suspersion, and the state ofsthe
trade is not in a v = ery prol,erous cnridit
no doubt he require
relieve the, limit : the coining winter, we
therefore.agree to pay
$lOO to 'the Benevolent Assoelatio
.11 our - aggr4ta te circulation of the'L
and,Saturday .loya*At. IS t t t•.greateo
than it was three or four months ago.
*lOO to• the Benevolent Avsoeiatlot
IT the circulation of •the Dmr.Y.-.lttritsm
not one-third greater than the whole wee
"edition:orthe so-called Democratic -Dog]
Paper, - ' •
$lOO to the penevoleitt Assoeiatio
if the ekealation orthe.Satorday
alone in Schuylkill COUnty'is,:not about d
ble the whole weekly number of the Eng
PaPeriSSued to subscribers both in the Co
ty andout of it.. , t
They can apperint one person, and we v
appoint anotherOvho can cheose a third a
committee toltike thx! affidavits Of the it;
'siins . who wet down the paper it each of I
offices, three or fouein9riths ago,, anti a
for four con3ktcutiV.e we ks.
Here is - .a fair chance. to tjit'these qu
_lion=, and let. them cot* up to the mark..
The person .who wets doWn our`palic - r wiill
please keep aitnecount of the paper lie w to
down, so that he can
_make the deces.s.ary a i r
davit. • _ •
1 EN. GR.NNT pardoned set,li;ral Of e
_IF late Fenian teaders;wiren iw'soon tli :-
covereil that •aliother. attempt wil's te'tuall •
brewing among these insane perAons; Air at -
other Invasion of Csnatia- under the ex fk-ett --
Con that Englan;l would IQ, in soineht at -
nor, invotyed in the great twilit.: no'
g .fietween - Trane,...t and Prdsiia • 'fit
Ate . sident has however nipped it in the-1m
ity, issuing the• following.:prociathationr i which hewarnt: them thai' no further eleint
ancy will be shown to those who violate the
netitrality laws,
.cif the United States.. IE4E'
also bppirrg another eat of fire on the Eng .
fish nation for its conduct. 'during our,liebel
lion: '
P,:c4;,l , ntqf -v , tl A ");efic,r
Wlll:Rtipi, Divers evil-disposed persons
at sundry times within the territurYer Juriedie
firm of the United States, begun, or set cm foot
or provided or prepared the means for militar
expeditions or enterprises to he carried of
thence against the territories r-r dominions
powers • with wlirhu. the United States, are a
peace, by organiiing bodies pretending to has
powers of r:overninent over portions of the ter
ritories or dominions Of powers with whom th
United States are at peace; or by being'or as
'suming to b•. 3, members of such bodies by levy
Mg or colldcting money for the purpose to
the alleged purpose of using the same-inc carry
Ing on military enterprises against such territo
ries or doinimuns by enlisting and organizin
armed forces to be. used,against such powers
or by fitting out, equipping; and arming vessel
to transport such organized armed forces-to b
employed in hostilities against such powers
and • j
WHEREAS, It is alleged and there is reason t ,
apprehend that such evil disposed persons hay
also at sundry times. within the territory an
juriaiction of the United States; violated lb
laws there, or by accepting and exercising corn
missions VI serve by laud and sea against pow
ers with,Whoin the United States are at peace
by enlistingAlieniselves or other persons to car
ry gut-war against such powerS, by fitting ou
and arming vessels, with intent tliat the sain
shall be employed to cruise or commit iliostili
ties against such powers, or by delivering com
:mission!' within the territory or-jurisdiction rf t :
the United States for such vessels, to the inlet
that they might be emplOyed as aforogaiii; an ,
Witette,e-s. Sueh acts are in, 'violation of th
laWs of the' United States in 'sueli .:Cases , triad .
.and provided, and are done in disregard of th
duties and obligations which all persons r -
siding or being -within the territory or juri. -
diction of the United States, owe thereto, an I
are condemned by all rieht-Minded and lam -
abiding - eititens. -
Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant; -Pres -
dent of the United States of America, do Berea
declare and proclaim that all persons Weal r
found, Within the territory or jprisdiction
the United Statee,Jcounnitting any of the abov -
recited violations of the sovereignty -of ti e
United Slates, for
:which punishment is Tr•law, will be Vigorously prosecuted
therefor; and upon conviction and sentence o
prinithment, will not -be'. entitled to. oak 1
or receive the clemency. of the Exetriitive o
save them froM the consequences of the it
And I enjoin upon every of:fit:eta the . Go
ernment; civil, military, or naval, to uke all , f
forts in his power toarreet, for trial and pu 1-
iehment, every offender against the laws p a
vidiug for. the performance of our sacred e. I
gations to friendly powers,
• In testimony whereof-I haVe hereunto sot ,
hand and caused the teal of 'the United Sta -
to be affixed, Doneht the City of Washin
this twelfth 'Say of October,. in the year of ur
Lord 1870, and'of the independence of the U it
ed States of 4merkei the ninetyealattr. •
.By the Pftiddent, . •
Hail Krin,lSecretary ,of State.
• ,
INDIANA has .lected the soicalled De
cratic State officers by about 4600 tnajorit
The Legislature Is also Detnecratic, I
not believed That Senator Morton wlll • •
accept the •inissioti to E;igland;and pe
his place to .be filled by d oci-adjed Be.
=Ale Senator, as ause front, Indiana
generally of the most. coppery 14nd.
closely affiliated with Rebeidotn.
f:117 2361
I'll El.
• r
..._ , •
.••__•__••••— -
---_... 17
..._..-... ! s -
.-- _•
~i . _ .
s •,-
--. - t : 4 . . -.-. 1 rrectv . nri. t '
. - 1 00 1 14e1 1 6M6113 1 11 ! 60111 thtr ' Sherl2.,Cim'er.,otPo 4r . Cr.i.A .
.• . .
. . •
1 11 2 . .` i_.-I . P r t fg • II 4 I-Z
- - 1 - - i
.-. M . niers: la, a. gj F if p,i, z.r• - r. -11 r. i' g Ft . , 1: it . ir i
Z.. ... I ;47 r; - .1 ; :1 _. L I I •'.' I . I
:4 . ;
. • c• -?, 11 , i 71 ' : , tri
. . i i " •1 , 1 ,17 , 0•
.:. i ' i _ :, :
..i .... . i 1 : 1 ..• i .: . .1 ' 31 [ 111 1 , . 1 1 / , 1.! •1 • . ,
. .
rOttliv : /d.w . a ,- al 1.51 251 1111 =4 linii irpiiisi 1414 L*93 - 3 - 99, 62 1 , - 3 , 31 t. 5727217- 1 11 xmi
. 1.T3. , .z.1, , --- 053 .
!. -7, - _•,.-1.,/, E.... . 2191 142 : 210 1.4 t rl4 , X 5, ...1-11 I.M .13M, 131 1 2.571 102' • l i 131: 33); 19) , = '137; 223' 1,47 •
• 0 . - 1,4 w,.., re! 1127 gm, al! mil -%71 . 256'4 104 951 96 342, sti • Imo: 144 log! 2 1; unt me 107
s mit h 44 - =2 ; 1,161 2 , 6 , 6 3 i if i t 11 : 4 1 r i ll fiti 1f 7. 1 - .1211 . 144 mi 61'r .. NI 11.1'',
, V I ZI , 11 .1 1 : 1 2 1 111 liti-rii , 117
; .. t it'or k ii - i " " 13779- 741 8B
..Ml7 63 : , 571.61!
~ M l' 93 111 15/ . 91; 32 , , , , ..51
. 911 ..r,a stt ! m., to; 59' 63
Auburn ._____ , 51 - 21: 561 LI 56! •561 Mi . .= . 2 1 , Mi 56 , Xi. 58 211 •27 , -22,. 56, .23. 56: 31
Ashland 51I & Vr"ik i 1407451: ID; ltn, 123, 113',..r.X! 136 ;TX '1571 154 1 .149 143 1 . x1; 147 1 156' 1-r2; 154' Itl: 157
. , 'West " i 1.133! Ir 2 1433' 11757 1571 li4. IC! 92; l••: 913 104: 88: 1767 77' lin: 32.• 1691.. 92„1614 92
Ea't '• I 111: SC 1911 ion . 103: -91 ; 'ld! 1151 Pr.: 82. mi 811: 1401 531 1317 3167'157i N1:407i 1.6
Barry • ' 1 46; 61: 49', .W, 49 Al. ,511 .se.; -,.%. ...ui Gil; 40. 41; 41 1 19! i 5,3, 421. 36 , , 49, 59',-
8runch.....,_.....-.-.... 1122' 50' Hs! GO: 12.1 . 121' 12 1 : 57 1 57, 1 571 IX! 52 1211 .561 121 • 57! 1211:47, iv. 57
Blythe... - ..... -.. ~ 411,160 41: 160: 43: 45 143 17!:1 Pr - tt - 7 0 ; .55: , um ow. - lot!. 45 476: 44, - 474 413 175. -
Autler. _ 0rtn.....,.-- ! XG..2.2; * 119 1 att! 117 ; 127, omi xr. 4 7i' *-
, 321, , 164, insi .377, 125 , ate , iv, •ast! 125, g•O4,
Butler outh..-_...... 1 '55 . 74, -1551 : 74 1 Erli - y 511
. 741 781 7,1 i 7! 52! -5 1 3 691 .5.V.: 121 . 56? 713! fkl, •Z.
Brunsw g Ea5t......,.. , Ull. 1,24. 125:' 135; • 17N; 143. 131.. r.vs, Ito, 124! dr 1 - ..13 129, 129 . 440
. 1:0): lel, 133, Ll' pc
Brunsw-g \Vest__ ' 54 136 51, 126 51 , 51' 5i 136' 126 , 131 1 33. 121 Si; 135; 5.5' 13,1 1 .. 51 121 .5.4. 17;
Cass No h ' 1 td ISLE- 22; 2:5 - 20 : 27 , 27..221 321' 222: 31 2312 25 , 2.1 4 . ' 27 2328' 27 ! ‘2247 271 215
Cass So •23.. ...... ..-:- 7 1.751; 95, 101,
/47; 151; 103 1 - 01, 137, 143! 117 i 104,144 101 r. 1471 101, - 137, litli 1174' Illj IC
Cresso 1 1711 99, 171! 3.9 172, 167: 172' 9S, 971 91 179: 16) 166', 9.1 173 !V' 172 ,911 .172 ,- OS
, Eldred- ~.....----....-. I 112, ' 53 ; 113 1 : , U 1 /121 112, 112 52 1 ' :52.! 41 114: 46, 1131 '44 112 ' 5/ .11:r - 53. 112, ..:1
; F r idley ...._,..r. ..... _ I. 98, 71 94, 71: .91: 99- 05* '70.. 7 , ./i VJI •99 09, 1811 86” 76,1 .751 thi! IV 99 .70
1 Foster - ; .. 1 76 , 21 X 74 21. 72' 2.1 761 214' ~I 91 .19, :25, 75 ...,4 713 , zit 75. m l 75
llegins..-...-- -- . ... ... I 32 115 '4,11 101' 51 7 . 52. 51, 11W.; HS' lal l 95 - 91, . 611 791: 34 lest
,54; 1271 53;1ns
......•_...,.._-. I 95 50. 3,4 ir2, 54 35; 33', ty) , 6.55 1 . FA 3.1 i 60' IZ I , 315 55 09! '25: in, 65; 63
'Land • : re.....„........ '4o' 'pa - 42* C. .43 - 40' 411 73 73 -551 49; ,G 1 •r 2 (171 40 73' . 3-0 • 72r 4.11 ; 73
3lount ‘• 7.1:3 • . 1 41 '45: 4; -114 , 4' IS! 4 , XII 2.6 * * 319 351 18; - '
0 41 - 40 , 4 , 40'; 11 *4o' 4, 40
Manbel East ... ... -.. 22 1 52 11; 50, 21 29' X; 52; 47' 51 •.431 ,tll,- 11, 511, 23 - .5(1 237 -51: 31 51
."31anhel • North 1 5'4 - 122' .55. IX, 511 59: 52i 1221 1191114 901 90 : 361 115: .12 1 , 221 371 13/.1 , ' 551 1:32,
j'Manbel South 1 71; 1 73: - 73 - 71 , 727 73 ~721 711 71 1 - 1 75: MT 731 •70' 73 :71; 731 711 701 7l
1 Mahan• Township 11691. 134 : 177 1 271 179'174' 214, 2934 3131 271 148! 2191, 1701 279 1 ,179 17211 to 15b1
~ "70
Mahan ',City,F.:. W 1 :;57, 11181 21ti 1021 3 3 21 233 : 211; 3131 11141 Is" 334, 225' 2.9t0, 181. 216, 197.41 Itili :-04: 2261 tfr:
W. . 1 215 : 151, 3171 1611 23, 'XV 2-N, 1561 140; 1:7431 13 - K:. lail ''it, .1574 315 151, ... , 25 161;.201.161
Mnhairt ngorpper. 1 201 192; X , 102 1 3./1 At. in: 101, 102! 102 ' 22 971 - •31 1 101 7 3) 102, 'X. III " 31' - 1022
?diners ille, E. V."•_;* , 213; I i ISI Mil Jaz; 219 231.218: 121. 12 - 3 104 2. 43 , .. 977 0.-s5 1167 215 325,215: 1.,,5 2 1 ,41 12 2
1 • " W. . • , 97, 1 - 5,. 50. 1047 MI 157' , 1 1 5. 1481 146, 146, 13i, 1114- 1101 1421 105 140' 104. 14'.): lull 140
11141dle. rt ..... ' 371 ; ; ;:li 36 1 Ili 37 411 Mb 21. 17 : 191- m• - 39' 371 .311 T 34 ; :7; • x 07.1 20 .
, :cow ..tle 1 10 9, 11191 inii 1761 45. 95 IOU; 1731.121 239 1 ,112, 155. 00 - 1 2181 102 176: 1,3 175. 1627178
' N'orw• lan , '42 , 163 '3l /711 .31; 35' 31' 1701 170; 1701: 07; 136' •.:1, 112; 35 173 1 33. 179, 3 31 163)
Norw 4an East' I. :_ti 97. 21: . 911 2s. 12, 2.6 054 93 971 417 3.2; 251 97 31 137, 31 45: 261 97
New P tladelphla.. I, -131: 40: 31 LA.Y . , -as' 31 11 7 i, 451 40: 40; 31 1 29; 177 1/4; ...?: ... p - 1;61 ..?./.:. 11;!, Nt
Orwhol nrg bort,' _ 1 03 AT 61 72; '9l Si- 59, 775, 77. Ai; 61 71 , ( LII 7:5 ; 51, ~, .0.1. .7S 199 ; ~: s
Pineg e Borough. * 1
111 1 GO ' 113, 59' 148, 111! 114 '' 511 511 .'25 : 1311 53' 1171 5:2- ' 41! 1:10. 115 ; 5 4* . , 1751 , 115
Plitegt eTownshlp -1 114: Iso* 105 /si r 131. 1041 105: la ii i-el 161 119' Is 9: 7 - ni 140' 74 -21 4 3' 11x3 /911 1104' 193
l'alo A 7. l o'llorougn. I 70 124 - 122 .79. 71, 70: 124; 1211 1,11 821 in; .751.115 70,1 11. : 70 1241 95! at
Pt. Clln 0n... ..... : 4...1 35 rOl - 36. 50' 31 : 35' II 7
5 : 61: ss ; 411**,533 46.1 52, 34, 61' _1.,..'1 61 , 351 61
Pt.' ear ion - !,•••-i, 7 ~ I') ) ;5 - 1913 74. 191 194: 1921 7 7d , 74: 244 - 4 - , ez! z•r! 67. MI 75! jr • 751 1177. .75 -
Porte: ,4....f. 5 -. ',' 122' 55 , 124 51- 124' 122' 121 1 , 531 511 , 52' 121 -32 : 1a4,. 51: 125 9 52 131 : * 30' 1231 AI
Iti , 111!: - .. • .- 1 :- . ... •! 109 1:93 103 112 111' lid,. 107' 12s1 1251 133 101 125 lie! 121: 109, 131 10.9 1:X, 109- 126
R as h . _
.......,... f f 7... I. I-3/ ' Dr, 3. ! 1 .ItA", ai .1: 3.1'10.11 1 157 4,1, 150' 11 163' 3'.11" 151' 37, 105;; 15' 155
Rahn.— ............ ....... . 1 , 5 , 1 Ins' .i 5. /01 -,55 Si - I 5 194 91.1 1.1.1 .53• 9/2 . 511 101 ' 55; 101 55 914 .15,.104
ttyi... - '; 1.,r, 41' '26, - 3.. 2.2" 22 21 39 49 AI 24 15 '24- 45 213 1 44 , 22 1 414: 22 48
Santyl 111._...... ,• :t7' Irit 35
.15S, : T. 51 25 ii 15,4 , Dr, 17,7 ; 3.7, 151 35' 156. .557,159 95 158, 95; 159
Sithuyl tll Si , utit_... i 52' LI, 52 27, - 32' 52 F-1 -27, 21 1.1 57 21 ; 55' 24' 571 - 21 32 .27; '52 , 27
Shelton onh- :.. .. 1 1 141 2gll 1 2 / 2 -'- (1 : 127 , 125 1 1 / 0 2 , 5'272 , 21!..135 .2ii7, 3 122 : - .2.6 . • 1:!6; 2245, 125 257 1 , 125! 20
4.5e14 • 1 II yen, N . 4c.: 1 49 , !.. - 55'. 01 45 1 '5ll •52 50 3i- 7,71 Zd! 51, 44 .sn . 531 .501 ; •54 - 51, 51: ,511 t-. 3
.. .. 8 . - , i -; 6 GI 7,t 1... 75, -;-2 . 75 57 93 00,7 4 . • 59, 75 : rs 9 76' al' 76_ 62: 76 ; 61
- " " - E. " - IV; LI 119 541 1. - 1.• , ,• 121 121 52 53 17. 121• 49 131. 01'1161 ' Ltii 121' 5 '3 , 1211 113
7W. " ' 4: 53' 33• 51' :41 5 4 54 33 51, 4 'Si, 4 53 -4, 53! -• 4, 54; •41 -5.4
St. fist , North-W. - 1 / 5 ' 91, 132 110 11.1 . ..137 111 .103 91 107 No '4l .I.r; 11:1 -11-1- 62: 14.5 - 901 145 1 215
....." Middle " ~ • 172' 01 155 1 . 67 1775. 170 174 G 1 63 - 7s 156
_67 Ill' 102'- 175 64.. 173 ,. ; fin: 172 1 1 76
South : " 7 ",,172 : K., 133. 132 1.74.7 Iszl 178 MI Si 93' 354.4;e67. 1043'195 1631 81 Is 3 811 Is 2 81
Trilmont 'Borough._ 7 - • 133 152" 135, tin - if - e ",:, l: „r 147 146 142,- . 144:
. 14 , 4 15 2 4141 1361 149.- 121 14i1i 1341 147
Tremont .Township .7 11. 27 •1$ ..-2. X 1.1 4 V ) 9) 33 21i' 31 21- 18 21 : 10 1 25 . -114 3 / 1 , /Si . 23
Tatn49lia, N. Ward •. • 11.31 1674 1141 164 .1314 11 - 5 121 102 1 0 1 1 1 '=. 1 132 -
,142 127- 13S 1:111 'l5ll 117..'.111,1 116' 162'
~.," ~ E. .. i"." 113, 343 1,114' 118 no 110 112 145 1411 1 131, 119.132, 113; 131: 113; 141' 199 1171 1101 147
• , ~..... S. " ' 1475' 112, 155: 110 165; 107 170 110 109* 1111 170, 96'170 91 11:41: 10'.156 1(144 16 , 1.109
Unloti ' 44 117' ti 115 ;15 45 45 110 116' 111. 49 103 - 45 _ll5 45; llir. 45' 1191 3.5 1 1113
U - nlon North - 1 21; 96' 21 1110, 21: 9) 31 99 96 97„ 71 1 ' 31 21 • 4113: 21; 96 1 21: 9.51 21 1 '91
F pipa 1 , .4-0, Z
...... : 35 5.4 :4 7 ..... Si, 33i 2.7 A. 35 . 5 , 4' '..504' 57-. 44 -'4O. :15 51. Zit' 57; 31, - 671 351 1114
'll',6ylle. .. .. ...... ..... ~... ' 61' 345, 89 145. s, - ;1 3,5 s 5 135 115' 143: 302: IX •',,7*, * 141 • 81 145' 9. ' 115. 011 115'
Waslitn-rt . on 1 26' 1011 2f, 157; ':7l 35 36 : 4.59 1501 157. 40' 113 35 -157,.• 341.55! '94 1 1,7411 :9: 1 1)9
West I' , tin __ ' ! 1303 2.;, , 0, 1 . r.,. 211' 1:771 147'7,27, 'III' 211. 211' 1 1 11 211' 127;2I1, -131 210: , 1,7 211' 1271 211
YOrk):11 p • I •1 - 5, 70; 151- 711 1 151 13 "15: 7r 70: 70, .21 511 '-.7 571 11- 79, 15' 70:: 13 . 1 70-
..! • ,
* I
'To '7313 7972 61'75 1 , 161 7026 7192 261'8171 ..076.7967,6061.7061,2.72 013 7506 6:1741,7137 6097 7075:1014)4
i .73131 - .66751 i -,. '7681 7(r.:6 .7192 709.5. ::- '6,78, ,700,1: . ;7 1 ,177 72175
,•; .
____.--,—._. . .; • 7._ , ___... - • -,_- i_
, 1 — 7 • 1
SL oritr .. - 1 ,! ii."3l '1506' .*1 , 71090 11;52' 815 9 , 13 1 : 7 / ' 1091 1 1248 - 1 9io; '-. 1 942
.. . .
01? r.
üblicans In Roman—Dinniiernts in /bill,
—This new revised and Illustrated edit ion
'tees Dictionary, which is radii ishi-d
dam, of Springfield, Mass., ix the mist
r issued in this country. - Beautifully
1 eniry typographical accessory 1 tried to
t Moth.' book, its doh - and ',laical routents
I home eyelopieb.llA - It Is the book for tilt -,
nd however t he st Mlent may deride on con
points of rom punitive excellence in Oval .
rite, the reading public of the land rill give
MI. In favor of a ; work condensing .w hole
Into a single volunte, and offering :accurate
resting, 111101311:111911 on matters at once re- .
tml abstruse, or witutlng.explanathdi from
y novel; r or Meal use, and giving I:, too.
alit of exquisitei va -'-cuts,, reaching the
e: furnishing the)r - Jtiti: Even to indleme .
, P.ener of this work would require - more
in we ran nth wal: In hrleC, more words,,het-
It tons, more Mt unlinks nymmy tie:, a resiscal
pity, confai Mlng anor, , e elie:ely. to ..ther au
with an ::.a..pemlix fall ,CI ta‘a.ltnal.le, 'fa
cotalnne thmake I his ;.Vork 111,11, , p , 16 ,, h,fr
111 i 111^; 544: the taut as a I rhe.^:lry of nriZrente
and calculated in 'loft rti \ e't nod iut..l.,i all
• luluo its beautifully arc:atm. - A mid :Ilustra
s. The work Is one which none v, ho r . ...0l or
in-afford in dispense with. • . ...- -
I to
t • di
:LOC allutteis.
SUN .4 4, 4
IS7 I . • " .%
• RISE:, sicrs • . • •
I I to
n DAY... to /1
AY. I; 12 -5 19
16 `A k
17 Moo
to T
AY...... 6,11 . 517 Firs Q. I I 2lev.
11'14 , 1t; .yull 34, 9 9 1711.0.
~ •pSDAY Ii I. 5-1 i Q. - 17' 117 ev._
LsDAr..,, , 106 ew 5 1.1 .N 31. i iii"
&AY. • fi 17 512 ...Flrst .;
19 W E
21 Fin
Forty-seeond Sunday o.Rlie year
Meeuth Sunday alter Trinity. I 7 lty's
11 hours and 7 minutes: -
T 0...
and el
Mr. Kleinfetier will - preach in ti,o I.:lnz
theran pburch„Market Squaie ' to-tnor
' ming ut 'fhe publij \ are in-
tty Institute. The
leitehers' County Institute be. Ifeld
and on the Sth, Uth, 10th and 11th of N,J-
' Con)
of the
in A. 411
4gtjen has nearly elospd his larizi stuck
. , tenace9l4, piges, etc., out,. and (lie stare
only lie oecuphitl, . utlisr party as a
, .
of ciga
will s
eh till,
of the
k 3 was an unusually brilliant display of
ni Lights last night. The crimson hue
treamers wcas as bßfutifti I as it was ip,v.d.
gathered on our streclts to gaze upon the
Nene electrical phenpuienon.
IReturn Judges yesterday appointed B.
Esq., as Return Judge tor Schtlyi
unty to meet the• Return Judge of Le-
County, to count the CoOgressional v. •
District. They will meet in Pottsville
that duty. •
B. 3,11,.
kill C.
of tfi'e
•rse Trainer attracted considerable at
in the streets yesterday by-Ll:lying:a
ithout bridle, simply using a whip l, the
ents of which the horse obeyed. It was
to interesting exhihition, and attracted
'of people as spectators.
tentio ;
I • •
r 9 o'clock yesterday •a man
lled in tha• mines of Althonse h llro;
Gilberton, by a fall of slate from the t. , p
broke his skull, eatioing' instant death.
ime te
Av,e4olin G allagher. H. leayes a
,nd three children in .destitute
was k
u bleb
11in n
gecoM4 Presbyterian Church will ‘v.or
itti the Trinity Reformed Chore,h in their
og (known as Thompson's rinkrch, Mar
refit_ Services to-morrow at 10} A. M.
P. M. Rev. Dr. MeCluskey. of Phila
will preach. Ail are cordially - invited.
ket st!
Committees of the ilifferCbt Assockdiori.4
Borough who intend partiripatind. in the
dory eerenionies of the Soldiers%
t'l`axrfaina, on the Nth inst., will meet
'ening at the room of Gowen Post, at 7
, to perfel: 1.,'; arrangements for 'seeming a
of thi
this ev
Third District Conference of the Evan-
Lutheran Symid -to Pennsylvania will
in the •German Evangelical Lutheran
Mahanoy City, Rev. Mr. !!;chirittlf,
and hold its regular SekigiC)ll44 on •Nlenilay
tesday next. Divine Serv . ices will be
each evening, and addres.,tis be tnuile
nand English.
and 1'
held o
` , ti's infantry. Tacties.--These new, situ
d effective tactics, adopted in 11.447 in 'he
Suites Artily, are being/ drilled -by ,the
L ry cotripanies organized in this Itozro t
of the book can be obtained'at Minna!'
nsey's bookstore, where those desiring
can obtain them. These - tactics ar as
as they are interesting, .
plc. at
nit( ,
Co pie
Convocation (Schuylkill and. Lehigh) of
otestant Episcopal Church will hold its
egmlaa quarterly aci'sion in Ashland and
(ilia on. the 16th, 17,th and 18th'itistant„
gita member arethe Rev.. Messrs: Abel,
anon, Hammond end Karcher •of Read
i artlett and Criers ofAllenjown, Coleman
Mott of Mauch Churr-I.oaf of Birds-
Lewis and Prior of Pottsville. Murphy
.anJy, Reed of Easton, 'Van Dyne and
'borne. '
Township Ticket elected in North Unit
, la. Tuesday is as follows: • , - .
I ervisors—Amoslioirman; John Baker.
di 1 Directors —Henry A. Bell, George
beim 1
4 Tr/
I ;nsbili Clerk—Cortielius '
' • • .•a—Frederick Beck. 1
: rarer-41enry Sinop. 30
stable—Michael McCann. •
!istant. Assessors—George AtelVot, . I.ivid
!Ice.—For the information of those. tlesir
participateiWthe dedication .of_ the Sol-
Monument, at this place, onOet. 20th, no
, hereby gvien that excursion tickets will
ned for the, occasion, from •all stations on
bile. At,Readlnet. R., in this County. .
'extra or special train will leave_ Sc,huvl
- even, at 8.15 A. M., on said day, golug
sof Pottsville, and stopping at ail sta-
Leaving Tamaguffat 6 P. Mr, returning
,e same route. Parties froth Minersvillo
t. Clair will find this the best tralwfor
. .
H . . If. SNYDER,
Chairman Com.. Arrangements
miciA, Oct. 13.1670.
II r. laimed lettere remaining irrthe Pottsville
PostioOrce, Oct. 14, 1870: - .
Bankfrtr Jno it Davis Mrs Ann Mengel .1 P 7
n i
Bros aryl Pater Eldle Jas p - 0 Miller Justtim" • '
Bent 3 , Wei Ellis Wm D Meennnret j .
Bare h ell Lizzie yougeray U.l . MeGlone.eatli
Su Mary Green Jahn Penn Ellen
ClniStlan Berri Gala/ Lizzie River A, •
tnaftn Daul Johnson Jno M Snyder Ed 8
(...oierly Eugene Kramer. Win Smith Israel
Day Ales - Kull Mary Schaub Jno D
Derek on Gto Leplry C ' Sidle Tillman
Dal Jos eph • I If rty John. Troutman Gee '
De °JEW E Moody Arthur Troy Mrs Mar
Da n Mlles . Murphy Edward Weber AVE •
Dun , Mary . Miller Jacob 0 - WarrenJ .
D .. .. %Tim* K. . _
'Coreplatnt is made of the pavement at the
handle factory, Matailroad and East Norwegian
Street, being occupied by teams.' loading, elms
ngladies and others to v. }ilk- in the street whiCh
is often. muddy, 'to .get past. This is wrong.
There is. an .prdinance, against•Awenpying the
pavements with which should
Pedestrians Ica ye riglits Which shoitid
be respected.'
. .
, Procaedinga: of St. Claii-lioro4gli Council.
—A _stated' wetting of Catneil .waK
.144 d on
Monday c vetting la,l: Pre s ent, Mes.srs. Lewis;
WilliatnA, Attwood, Morgan, mut ',Vrahtz,. Pres : -'
ident. •
. . . ,
Minub.s,if state,) ati•l ...special' iiii , idihg4 were
adoptid fi' , .. , read..'.
.'' - • .
Street kaiirmiitt4 , ta.portd ghat lititTittly is 1 , 6-
trig (low. ~t i , . ' ... .
Itri,lgi• roinittsttta , 4•>p•irto,l:titat saute repair- I
jug has hertz cloni• to bridges., ,
~ ::•.• .
' Finahee Committee report...A that: it
.ti.ts se . -
eured,ts3oo for ttiP p4iiietti of new likise. ,
i'oiiiniittee on' Fire A pparatti-* ,repi:irtealiat
::Ill) feet of tieW .11.74...104 been si.".-iit.for•aud - that
it will be brie. oil 'P'tiilay rd .. ..NT- 7‘ 4 ). . 1 '
1 I 'm11)16)1() of) • I Lilt. roportea that new ' 7 411p.5.
are 'moiled to LIH tAatncil building. .V.
fliii•ial Griiiiiiil,C.olimittei , reported that one:
ti,erniit lia, k:oiL issued siame bod meeting.- '-.,,,.;*
IShilding Committee hid nothin4 M report.
• Lt.'ommittee 011. khe A !ley. a- , k ed to be disidiarged
- which was ii,raliteil. , ' , •
Spife:al Committee appointed tiecitifer With ly
,C•munitte.• of •is-hiiiil ISnaril with a, vi ow - of obi
tattling . part of South Ward i , F•ellool lot, reporteil
that it could .li, obtained if the •Conni•il,wOrtlil ,
allow Cothfi•il Cita..4ll)er to be iispd.tOr a school
house. • . .
, .
• ' Ihi motion. of Mr. I.e)vis -the report ,was at:-.
Opted *amid 'othinittee tlisetrarged.-
i I othmittee appointed to Politer Mr., Lan -
ikati Anil Pre , iilent of tti P. S. It. It.. It. Co., in
releeetiety to new roii I ii9ar,tlitAtirnaf...e, reporti.-'d
progress. -',' • ''l -,
,: • .
On motion of vounntlttet.'of two
Welu app.)ll{ted to vont . tT
tor in icferent•t• to,.the iteet..nity lilting in at
County kridge.•
On nu.tion of,Mr. 31 organ the ttreet- Com
itlittoe was ittstritetist to wake Ilopy
passable. and to use.ui) more horses mu! eartd
than is really needed for the perfortnanee Os
said work.
Mr Attwood inove,l dud the suirrvis, - ,r be
instructed to back up pirt:of „Tither on Nicho
las street between 'La \vtorLand Jtailroad. Lost
by the following vote:• Yeas=—Messrs. Lewis
and Attwood-2. Nays—Williams, Morgan .
and Frantz-3; .• - , • .
oi;;'...tu Intwed that. a committee of: three
be appointed' to -procure a "s7flituble • pee of
Nround on which to build house `for. Columbia
ose Compapy. ' Motion but. .
On motion of Mr. Attwood a pieee of groundr'
is to be purchased .and a house for Colunibia...
Ilose Comphny built thereeu.
On Motion of Mr. Morgawtho follsiwing-emi
mittee was appointed to procure a suitable
place on-which to build iii house for Columbia
Hose Company: Messr4. Morgan, W !Mania
and Frantz.
- Trea , nrer's report read . and filed. -- .. •
Mr. Morgan moi - cd that the supervisor he-in-
Rtrueted to raise a stone inn crossing in Second
..t.reet. Motion 1 f., •
• Mr. 31orgnn "et 7 Tilded t he Blair .while Mr.
Frantz i-xpres-cci .hi , .: sentiments An reference
to raisin): sti.mes hi -islet erossings7.,. -
•:F.J . 5e 1011.)wing'1,:ils — wee read andiordered to
lye paid : I
John 11ea1d............ .. . SI 'O3
. .
Ilerivan 2 , ;ieiiianri . - - - .1 00
. . .
J. Craze ' •-'
, f. Sri,
blartiiiTekapeit '- • - • - s t . ~--, '2O 00
Tiiciibtilil Butting - '. •,. - ~ 50 00
1. B. Wagner.. . ' ^ ..b' 03t
51artlii... . ' 140
L • corrling Fir Insurance C 0..., -i.: S'i
(4 vy. \V. .10)1(1% . ct lir() ' ' IM 00,
'..0. I , 4lz v atill Street I,tiborers .. 91 fili
Pre , : . lous . issue
AlijminieJ. • .
Attest :—J. rIcAZE,.Town Clerk.
Lewis. Mot with a. painful accident a few dayi
since, by which thd tmlex Linger of the- right.,
hand way'--taken off :Nam first joint. Ho Was
handling a chain at their colliery near Shenan
doah. to which a borsx was hitched and the
oral starting-up suddenly,' Mr. L's finger was
cainflitfljetween the links with the result, stated.
On •••;:it-::relay two'Anen were burned ,by stil
phur at No. 3 West . idope, ' York Tunnel Col
liery, about two and a half miles. above Llew
ellyn, operatedliy.Royer :I,*. Tho names of
the mew are Thomas Fannon and,..John
the former residing:at Liewdllyn and WO latter
at Forre.stvitle. Fannon is as marriedinian and
has five ehildrer, and the wond, of it is, this is
the third time,he has, met with a sinfpar acer,
dent within a year—having-received: but ,oife
pay since his recovery from the accident before,
this. Both are burned iu a shoeing mander
rand it will be a lung time belbr they are able
to resume work. • , • ' , • ,
Hollow Eve will be celebrated this year ,on
the 31st inst.
Two brothers, named Charlet and ,
floodinan, Were severely burned on Monday
by :sulphur, While working 'in the mines.of Sia
earez S. Co. Altar Tuscarora. •
On last Sa ' Thrday Jame'S Blacker and Thcinuei
Jolins, residents of St: Clair,: were very badly'
burnisl at the shaft there.' A large quaiitity of
sulphur floated over them .in 'the place they
Worked, and although every. precaution was
used with their lights, the) . got caught, sonic,
slate fell from the top which is supposed to
have brought down the explesixe Mus t :One of
the men,.and the worst burnt', has a fareily,.but
the other de single. It - conies very: hard ciri
them, -both to have, tc. lose 'the balance of the
season after .hising by the long,Fuspension.
Ateleven o'clock, on Saturday night, while
Edward ltleAttee was oil his,way home- to New
hustle, and walking on the rallread,nearJohtnia
mines, ho diseuvered a. loaded Aran' ,conling
clown, and,while .watching it lie. Slipped into a
gutter crossing the other tracicand fell, and just
at that moment there came im,upArain and ran
over him, cutting tiff one' foot , and : all, of one
hand but the thumb. Ms:leg - wits Junpmated
. 4 - dose belot . W.he knee and ,the bruised part of
the hand removed.
Up Monday evening, Tit Silver Creek ;John
Flynn and Patrick C . atlery got into. an alterea
lieu over political, matters, when Flynn drew
revolvicr and shot Cafiery, 00 ball taking ef
fect in the bridge of his nose. .Flynn immed
iately fled to the mountains and lia/5 since avoid
ed the officers In search of MM.-.
We btkve'received the folio ingreturns front
the census enumer&tors.: • . •
New Castle-.....
North Casa . . ...
South Cass
The tleOrease. in N. Castle, since 1960, is, Olf;;
in the Cass township's, 2,067.
On Tneildarevening; at Mt. Laffee,.a man by
the name cif-Flynn, gut into •sume sort of an al
tercation with two of his brothers-in-law; name
Kelly, which resulted' in Flynn shooting a the
Kelley , s with a shot-gun. One was hit in the
face and the Other in: the leg, the tormer, eing
injured quite'severelyand the other but slight-,'
ly. Complaint Was lodged with Esquire Reed,
and ad officer sent to arrest the guilty .party
Flynn 'inspected this,, and p made his eseapa be
fore the- otlit* arrived and,has thui far evaded
arrest. •
Blancliforci, of. Tremont, met'svith a
painful accident while out gunning on Satur
day laid. ire bad his hand over the muzzle,
when the gun was accidentally discharged. the
.load passing thretigh his hand, and badly shat•
ter ing it.
The Soldiers' Monument whiCh is to be dedi
cated at Tamaqua on Thursday next was put
on board the cars at the Eagle" Marble Work*
arid shipped to Its destination yesterday. .
As a ?Tied coal was passing - Stony
Creek, 'Mem An urn a ,Port -Clinton on.
Thureda evening, a rear accidentally
dumped and; precipitated the conductor and
hind brakeman through the bottom of the car.
,The conductor bad one foot taken off and the
brakeman had both legs taken off and received
internal-injuries. The conductor isuceeeded in
crawling, qtf th..traek; brit the 'other man was so
severely Injured that he could, not help himself.
Anothey trail/I,Boon (Arne alongroind the engine
and - soinethirty ears "passed overhine before
the 'train 'could be Stopped. The conductor's
mine Is'Patrick Ward, and resides at 'Palo Alto:
The brakeman's name is Peter timollue, a rad
dent of Schuylkill Haven. Bath were brought
to their homes by the late passenger Jraln. The
b ra kek ian died immidliUle.lafterlie Was eariled
Mr. LeWi:4 of the firm of ItfaizAii
;'• - •
. BY soli's A D DI . 1
'N.. :2
Tr , , •
• T raF tuwil of Canton has been lance stirred .
and grieved by arid unfortunate occui
'tame in the Pleasant - street DistrictSchool,-
Witch. led, directly. or indirectly, to - the.
death of a young female, teaeher,who. had
'decently assu med charge. The
heel, hieh
hi numbered'. ftVar.,w w
in- the,town• reports;\ has
,been noted for the diSorderly ' character of
tnany , of Its pokily, and was in charge °La
linty who kept order at the expense - of the
good iirill of. the district, .Wbere she found It
impossible ,to .obtain board: She therefore
ties:geed at .the expiration of the Summer
term. • lAt the opening Of the school iti* - 4ep: l
temberithe .conilittee advertised to ILII the
vacancy. and received . several applications,',
among them that •Of Etta R. Barstow, Li
l Ntbung lady; about twenty years old; and or.
Zlind untie& stature and' feeble health. :- She
riassed.exam illation, and began. her duties,
.*.it met - With - the opposition of the boys !gnu,
ie start-. Determined to succ e ed , in lier
t4oisen lc:tiling, she persisted with Out appeal
i the authorities forald, until last Wednes
day.- On the Morning-of that day, she rang
,t le hell 'as usual . - for the assembling of fife
:: liplars, but a few . of the "larger: boys, 1.
t al: -
. cep the ages ofthirteen and nine yeas:,
declineartoo answct until the helm had passed,
and she locked the door. . This enraged them ;
and they threw`. several bt oues
, through ;he
windows Ur intimidate
. her, 'without 'etl'ect,
-11,0wevee.' There was no further:disturbance
'until Miss Barstow ,left the school-bons& for
dinner. Four of the boys Nyllo were locked'
out then .met her and threw seVeraL stones,
several otylrich'struck liet-two particulhrly.
large Ones corning in contact wifh , the back
of herl;head and shoulders, She "staggered
under lthe,blows. whereupon the, little ruts=
ere:tuts assniledlier with cries that she was
drunk; and other epithets. Arriving at her
Narding house, She crawled up, the steps,
VW, asststed ' into the house:.' and ek
e aithing that "those awful bays have stonial
rje," - fell upon the lounge, and :apparently
cent iohleep' She was aroused fordinner
nd `ateheartily but fell aslcePligain home
(Pately hiter i wards. She awoketin a few 'Min
ntes, s4ing that she did not feel well enough
Or rettirti to k‘chOol, anti intended to bisit. her I
frientiiin Boston. She ascended to her worn
hh Alibi : buy to dress, and upon reaching
t s e
Skint . Hill Railroad .station her bombs
%.ere .+) weak that she could••not enter the
ears ivithout te.siAadipe. She met a lady with
.Whon' she haul formerly hoarded on the train,
.who's hserved that. the Was drowsy and.evi
deal suffering. !In her wakeful momenta . =
she, m - inagisl to make her destination known.
toiler Companion, :pit when she :arrived in'
11.($to t she wa l sontto No. 42.Walthara St., her:,
home. Dr Buckingham was called land pre
seribeilfor aComplaint under whi t ;she been,
hint; sAferi ng, w i t hou t laing told theoe violent
usage i shc - has been submittetito at Canton.-.
She gradually failed, and died atone o'clock
on Thinsday• -morning, lire ditettir having
staled that there Were some symptoms about
her, that he could not. account for. ilpunedi
ately after the assault on Wednesday, three,
boys j,vere arrested and brought heftire Trial
Justir White; charged with disturbing the j
'solos land assarilt, and were skurtencedhy him
bi the 'State Reform' Sebool. •Their names ;
were 1 John ,Culfee, dererniah Keliher, had
Daniel .Keliher,
_the first two eleen years
old und 'the last nine. Sineethe.death or the,
teacAer, complaints have been Imade against •;
theta for murder, and also against h. boy thir;
teen years old, named James Cogswell,' on•
• the %:ttrpposition that 'AI iss Ra&tow's death
:Wu , : a stened by their action: Thil.,surgcon
who' 4 ittebtled ' her
. belying been iitformed of,
the as sa ult, accouns for her th:ath i a ,aceord
anee ,vith the complaiut. A pnstnwrtero es- ,
! ., r . t i. !irltr , t,ior.inow in : progress:f-Dol.rot MI ,t-'
, 1
1-I(;Koss.—N'ow th'n,t
graphie. wires het weett Paris —the heart of
tote Int:vagoortsl t•iti6s .of the
F.tpftit have 1,04 u broken' by the Prit,-tattq,
i: j iipiirtat el. Of S 0111:• other mean , of cont- ;
.iittitv.atioti is ixviiletit. The-ttelitoTtt. that
50t r Y99 'fraUtt+ ottere4PlV' ally one who
coal collyk.y . t2 a „Varshah Ii trine
tira ' , tun' :With his rci.lym
or ay nig,
t ,x,..vigt•nittql, hut HI,. ,•;.,•,it•rwr it ha:
. ..
_al nett prbves the value t,riat NVok:I,I he attach
eclirto IstuAtla feat. slut, kid not ill,. reliance
(o ;Hcutille;tl)pliunc:....s !wen too ..:,:rt0,;;1:,..,:it
Woulll It- of q•asier :i.'•vot;:plii.ll:uiolt•th:m the
dailyi trattsmiss6in of iutcllipmce fr‘on Alit.
t4ie„, , , , ki cities.. • lf 11,:lzimn were; int.:l(lM, ,
:Ind it "tweatur..noce,•-ary to kt•kbp ::it l'i sll.llll\l
- 11!” itiVv-h• , l tortres-4-4 and
the ttapital, there W,',,t111) I.e no difik•ulty
WTlllleve:' in ,C) doitig.`_,ltu ft,- tiNt. peolta-11
bifitl ora Siege, a '"pft,iit ,- " of tic' trained I
"JO, tots 'coktT rws" (if which thous:m(lp. , are ,
t li i i i. ir e d i n B w ru s ,k, poutil Ice :edit Ithere- , -1
froth to the threatened .city, and day after 1
tl:4 - ; de•_,..l4te trittfie inOst rigorous . ' nvestnamtt„
, otit Ori ...ire might Ur de-patched, with 'the
certainty that They would carry holm.: The re
quired information ; while i n tell iectice could
h -forwarded in tile reverse direction by pi
geOns trained at the be—it: 041 to‘‘ H .. , - ;o111 sett[
befOrehanti to it russels. These means arc
ttpliticittly too situ pie to-have attracted the at-,
tentititt of strategists; but whitt would now_
' betthe value in-Paris of 7,t) birds by which .a
Mtissage mild be-sent daily to'Marslial Baz-•
,aisle in•Nleft. Or wfiat would the Parisian'
aUthorities not give. fora "voywe'nr". front
-1141z : that would' tell them, bow long that
city - could bold .Out against the besiegers?
Parts itself iS now beingdinvested, and all'
°rain:up-means of communication With the,
surrounding country cut off; but liq as 'amid:
a stock of- "homing - birds" exititedVyYthat
cit! - as in aillhe Belgian towns, intelligence
mi ht still fie tlaily forwarded to the capital' .
fro nt every part ofthe country—the birds,
belitg; sent away- before the surrounding dis
, - •
Wet was In the poSsession • of the Prussians, '
~ant-liberated with their messages day by day •
as: equired. -Even if months were to elhpse
betrelhe .birds were required, they would,
, on 'gaining; their liberty,- at once' betake
the nselves to' their - old alaxles. However
mu h we may
.p . ride ourselves on our scien
,till apitliances,in t i's,eas,e the pigiou would
,sur ta;ss the electric to ' , rapt', and where the
wi , .‘i - Ould he of no avail abird of the air
might t.arry the, vte, and that which 'lath'
'Wit gS tell the matt -r—a mode of cdrinnunir
chttoh at least as old as the time of Solomon.
—4o74((fm•Fictd. ' • ,
i i . _
S -7Q S 7.
l"7 Is
, .
. . -
r .. lt . I .Ni - 1. - H---A
. ACTURE OF TEETH.---At- is stated
Pia •afleast three millions or teeth are an
, itrapj,- made lit this country alone. The first
• operation, ateording to the Method of mann
fa'etne pursiled at one of tip must extensive
atut tadebrated eslablisliment,4, is the -choos
ing pg, the.materia6. Ilkse are feldSPar, sill
-ca,;arid clay. To these are added. various
metallic oxidFs• to produce auy . shadelof tailor
desired. - : - The feldspar, May, &e., are;ground
to an Impalpable powitir tinder water, dried,,
an&Made into. paste: That composing "tl,e
body. lof the tooth is of ditrerent materials
from that composing the lees or enamelt The
teeth, are made in brass Molds, and this is
;(Lahr,{ delicate protest. The enamel islirst
put !in; plaCe With a small steel spatula; the
platiMini rivets,. by which the. teeth are fas
-tentid to the plate, are placell in position, and
thee the body is pressed int., the mold. :Tliev'
Aire . hen submitted . to powerful pressure.ana
Ark , la After being;dried', they are submitted
to a i',.l6ci - erful proceSs called biscuiting, in
. wid . d) they can be cut likexhalk. They:lire
thed sent to the trimmer 3, Who s scrape ottall
proke!t.lons' and fill up all depressions which
ma3l have been left in the operation of mold
ing,laud‘.then wa , th.them with what is; tech
nicah -termed enaMel. This is composed of
Vari i s. Subsbinees, More-fusible flunk . ..the
itoot i i
Lself, and answers the glaze in common
poi- .elfin-making.. It is ground to a tine
powder and„suspendeflinAtuter, anti, is laid
.on e - l i th a camel's hair brush. • They are. now
sent t • the'guminers,..Who apply . - the gum.
This ik chiefly composed, 141)X ide of gold, and
is al plied i n Abe same manner as the enamel.
..kfttr being dried they are, lairbed. This
iliope thin is (sarried (min' a muffle. Thereon)
are !Aimed on,a bed of crushed quartz; which
is pbteed pita slab of refractory clay. After
heirwlexposed to an intense' heat ',l( r some
. 1 / 45.5.,
liMits,! they are taken out. eooled;and . ssort
ed;:4-.lourna! of jppliill Chemistry. -
i.: 11•:•.1tetttu. WIT : 1101'T INII.I.I:ITINTS.— i
711,0i : a reM of the orgatiiied 'Territories of the
Irnitell *States, including Alaska, isgreatei•
Jim' of f al! the States Which hay* la•ell ad
mitrd i into - the, .I.'ilion... There are nearly a
tho san million sere of hind in these.l'er
ritorie4 according to the following table: •
tt asl nigton ' • • .11,19 1 .1, MI.
• .
New ~..Ne....x1e0 :7 ; 7,04,610
utahl .4. -,4,0G5,013
'1100:lora01do3' .ouss.l3
• - . • ca,vo,ooo
Monta4a ' , -
H 2,010,643
Arizona ..., - ' 72,908210
1dab0.1...-..., ' 55;Y/IHD
In ,1114 n L ..... .i.....---...... . , ............... ...-. ............ ;,.. 41,154,240
AI wili. iii . :, .... , ...... : ... ..,....... ..... ....... .... ........ ..........,.: 30,529,(00
' Int 411 this vast area, there ire probably not
over half a million of white inhabitant. In
.manireas this territorial donialn is
richer than all the area included In the
States, The latter contain say forty Million
inhah tants. is a country ivaltltig
for fo ty million settlen4, and even these
would i hardly be near' enough - .for'neighbor•
hotxtpurix . ises. - Railroads will. open up the
country s t ud bring in population. What a
tuagnitieent country to-'earVe into hoMe
stealia!for forty. tuillioiati of landless people.—
.San anebleo 'Bulletin: .
, - ZP.I)
• .
MI I : AITUR, of PAris, has taken a patent
for uile manufacture - of steel printing types,
According to the specification, the inventor
'emplo l ys a machine similar to those for mak
ing pins or. nails , ; a roll of wire beibg placed
on a reel, the, machine nips offs piece of a
given length and forces one.end of it into the
steel die. Fine soft iron wire drawn to the
shape of the body of the type is used, for the
pu .
rpof i-
After leaving the machine, the:
typ• require trimming by hand. When
as been effected, they are placed in
metal boxes with the materials used fbr
clinentation, and are heated to a propei tem
pentture in a furnace. The inventor - says
tputt,i*lth \ a single machine and steam to the
extent of one nominal horse power, he can
produm ttiirty-flve thousand types'in twelve
hialirs,l and that while the faces are far more
perfect , and, triore damble, the type them
selves are cheaper than these in general use.
'Aix7 RITiN ti of the pr e sen t• prison of the
TY Emperor Nipaleari, it'cOreSPonifent
dating. hialetter at Cassel; maya: Wilhelmr,
Shohe, or Nho German Versailles," atilt has
been:.efters Whited, has just tikw, astiutned a
greater interest than it : has dittee it vans the
(Summer peat* of.the ..Elettor . .efHeise
Cassel, Frederick thesecond. No. American
le likely to forget Or forgive this Monarch for
hating acquired most of :hislrealth by sell
ing the fives of his, subjects to the King of
Great Britain to fight lus battles in Ainerica
and elsewhere. From 1776 to 1784,• 12,000
Hessians were sent •to our country for the.
sum or $22,000,000 ;, but this little claim, un- .
like "tile AlabamV" was settled long ago.;
and as I walked ab o uti the Erederick'slPlati
(the largest • square in h any German town,)
admired the stattleof the Elector after
whom it is nuthed, - I•xfal wicked enough to
enjoy thinking . , howl his own '. Govern
went had met . pret_lselY the fate •he had
wished for ours. •, ,•:- - -
- • You may - walk dr.driye three Mileti friiiii
• Cassel through a sttiight avenue-,of.limes to
the palace .of .Withelmshahe, miti beside_ it
stands the-'theater built. by Jerome Bortit7
parte when King; and in which , he himself
.used to act... Just - behind it
. is the- highest
fountain M. Europe (except-• that at Chats
worth,) which throws up its fairyspray 12
inches in diatneler• and 'l6O feet high: -It
sprines from its imperceptible jet in the cen
tre of a lied of mossy lawn, anti so lightind
airily does it play amid the. spark 1 ing sun- •
Shine that when the 'hour is over and you
:suddenly miss it, like 'a child' hunting for:a
' rainbow, vett look up at the blue sky over
ana VOnder to what part Of it has '
flown away - . Further , tip is an artificial
waterfall, descending front a tall aqueduct
- over beds of stone arranged in - exquisite.
taste, and on Sundays and Wednesdays,:
when the waters play, 'great crowds 'flock tot
see Bann. : _, .
The Aquatic - Stairtase and the Octagon
Temple at tbe_Winds;with -the, Statue mid
other. extravagahees connected with- it, are
reported to have employed 2,000 men for 14
years.• When their labors Were .eompletial;
the cost was' found to he so enottr ous 'that.
the apeountawere burned, to destroy all - „re
cords of it: _
l , The Cascade of the Earlsburg is anotherof
theyniny wanders . Of the place—a flight :of
stone steps, 900 • feet long, over which a stream
of water is at times permitted to fall. _Half .
_way up the stairs is, the Gianr•Eueeladlis,
rudely 'represented lying
.ott his back , at. idi a
mountain. of _rocks heaped upon his ineast.--•
The artist intended a jet:of water 50 feet high
Should spout from his mouth; but none plays
there now. The staircase of. this t` Chateau
d' Eau" is surmounted by. an. octagon build-.
lug 1,312 -feet above the Fulda; surmounted .
.by a pyramid serving as a pedestal to the
colossal Ilercules, 31 feet high, of beaten cep-.
per. Nine. persons, it issaid can stand at ono
time in the hollow of the club and ,enjoy-a
charming view .out of a litkle.windoW formed ,
in it. 1 have rarely spent a day more delight;
fully than ineiploring all these intesels of,
art antrextravitgance; and, setting • them all
aside, the natural beauties of the Park-are far
heyontithose of any other on the. dintinent.
In the midst of it is a toy eastic--.-"llmkent
- burg"—built to-imitate a• stronghold of the
middle ages, -With draw-bridges, battlementti, -
towers and ditches. -Among the rust suite
in the arinery Is one Which ; belonged ' to the
. great Conde. There is ao.a very curiptis
;. •lS
collection,pfdrinking glimses, a seriesvfparn
traits of the 'Niters-and Stuarts, and
,ti libra
.ry Oiled with; romances alone. The . public
are•not content that the Hit n , has-devotees°
' , liii4sntlicent a ratio to hiti f allen foe, and I
doubt if he will be permitted to remain there
im_reThe wnmen are partieidaely savagebn
thqtrlijimit, and, haYe heard a number Pro
, pose-that lie should 'be - eildbited in a cage
t•throngh.the streets of nil the German towns;
! at
,a . Gradual a head,. anti:thew lie sent 'to end
1 hisidays at St: Helena, as his iiiestrions tin = ,
ele,• whom. he .10 mufti liked to : imitate: • • ,
1 The grounds werefon splendid Order. Snaie
1 Wneeen were euttiit the lawn and Adeitring
1 out fining the sh7rUbbery the _day' that we
were there. Ti.. , prettiest :arc we have yet
sect, in Germany peeped oat fruit o blong the
rose-1)11 , 11es. She was!trimmifig. as we pass...
nl out of the gate; and but thrft4 4 l feared to
hose the train., 1 shozildhave look( d longer at
a picture Ilia gave much pleitieire--
The eamitig of i , venatr ex-Emperor and his
suite will he an immense exeitetniait,r,in the
lives of these peasant laborers ; an.l ! think
if. my pretty friend is 'Mending wh-!ere . I left
her when the French °dicers pass-into their
splendid exile, hersweetZ.4s may-somewhat'
soften the hardship of theirYfate. - • . 1 , -' -
:1 G I 311'..ifl :I - 7 e L R.
, OrINE dirk - December day, near dusk, two
I..:nglishmen - had ;a: boat ; on the •Neva .
brink and push out-rapidly , throhgh, the- bars
1 W ice toward that grim'-fortress of St. Peter
and St. Paul, in t% II 'eh buried under mar
t 'Ede slab and golden, cre,s the Empresses
(With one exception) I s4je - t he reign-of Peter
the Great. As tht y. ai;t; pushing "onward,.
they observe , -;the ertomi drop :their oars
and dofr their" caps ; and looking. ;Irvin&
the . ...4ee the Inlptlial: barge,- propelled" by
twentY rowas, 'athwart their stem. - The
1 1 Emperor sits in that alone; an;oftli!er.
'is standing ,by his . ! desi,-and the helmsman
'directs the rowers bin to pull. Saluting as
he glides past their boat, the Empertirjumpa
. to land, and muffin i: his those gray 'coat
!abOut his neck, steps hastily along the planks .
and up the roadway leaning to the church.:
No otie goeSWith him.'",.The l six pr eight
idlers whom he meets on the road just- touch -
their hats and Stand aside to let !dui piass.-•
Trying the front door of that sombrechurch,
lie tindsit locked; and striding off
to a second .door, he sees' -a man , In plain,
clOthes anti beckons .to him. The door is:
quickly opened, and the; lord of, Seventy mil
lions walks into the chtirch that Is to be hig'
-final home. - The;Elitglish visitors are bear.
"Wait foran instant," saytthe man in plain
clothes, "the I. mperor is within ;" but - adds,
".'you can step into the porch ; his Nfajesty -
will not keep you !Ong." The porch-is part
ed fro the church by glass doors only, and
thee Eir nt,
ghsh visitors look down 'upon the
scene within. jjong-Uisles 'and columns
stretelmind rise before them. Flags and tro--
pities won An a hundred battles, fought
1 -against the Swede and Frank, thb-Pt rse and
'Turk, adorn the walls, and here and there a_
silver lamps burns fitfully -in front ag a piel.
tared saint. Between the columns stand;la
white sepulchral rows, the imperial tonibs.
a - weird and ghastly 'vista gleaming •in that •
red arid sombre light. Alone,'his cap drawn
'tightly on his brow, and mottled in his biotic.,
way cloak, the:- Emperor passes from slab to
.slab;.now pausing Mr an instant, as if cqp
'ling an inscription on the stone,; now crOgs-.
Mg the nave, absorbed and 'bent here hid- •
deli for a moment in the ginom, there niov
lug furtively along the aisle'. . The dead are!
all - around hint—Peter, Catharine, _
"lieree.Warriors, tender women, innocent ba
bies,_atitb,overhead the dust and glory of a
hundred wars. What brings him hither.
this wintry dusk Theweight ? The
- love of death ? He. stops, unbonnets, kn l e*, ls
the foot of his mother's. tomb! Onee
more he pauses; kneels—kneels a .long - time,
as if in prayer ; then rising, kis9es the golti
en eross. That slab is the tomb of lila eldest'
son ! A snoment later he is gone. ,‘
.Sc.t ithET Fr.vnu:—From aecoutils of
the havoc made by scarlet. fever lin almO4t
every part of this cotintry we have long re
garded it as the greatest • beourge of our race.
Unlike most contagious 'diseases, it often
leaves those who are said- toliave recovered
from it with other;tioruplainta more painful
than the first. Our impressions are con
firmed by the following statenqnt from Tin:
Mt2mcAt." JUunNAh, which will
strike all thoughtftoershti as appalling: • •
"During the 21 years, from 184.4 to 19G8 incht
sive, there. were registered in England I}nd
Wales 415,92 deaths 'from scarlet. fever alid:lts
allied disease diphtheria. To bring this num
ber, down to the present time exact data are hot
vet forthcoming, hut it that' be estimated tklat
at least 49,000 deaths bare occurred throughout
England last year... In the six months, endinn ,
June last, 13,900 deaths were returned its result':
log front scarlet fever and diphtheria—a number
which we expect, howeYer, tSi be under rather
th m:ovei the,inark. Here, then, we have an
aggregnte ; in round nninbers 0f'470,000 persons
who have fallen victims to one type of zymatie
disease in the last 24 years. x Itutt what of
those - whom the diseasei attneked • but dldnot
kill outright ? On the lutist moderate assump
tion piohahle that atoleast -s,lloo,o(Ktlerlier
sons in England have: . during the last 2a.ycars,
'suffered inure or less severely-Troth, at7W4s of
scarlet fever and .diphtheria. That a consider
able number of thesh`peisons ultimately per
ished by other , maladies, either ,induced by the
original attack or'supervening,ohabrok con-
.stitutiOn,! must undoubtedly be. taken for
Ought net thevotaxies sei'ente4o,,inake
systematic and united eMirt to provide triot.:•
worthy means both for the prevention and
cure of scarlet fe'er? !We have. beard of re:
markable cures by:
.Means of - sulphite of.
soda, carbolic Acid; and other antiseptic
preparations; but there is no settled practice
among the best Combating this
disemse, and there Will be •none Until, the
cause of Wand its•cure have , bee . u made..the
subject of a most searching and exhaustive
series of scientific inVestigadons.
, Racal Iluints9. Notices,
14centa a hue GM inseitioa; 20Cent,' • llae each sabse
quest Insettlun.
NEW Parranns just received at the .Cliziak and
Trimming Store, L iVentre street, behim American
House, Pottsville. 11-it t SIAGOIE BOLAND.
_ .
(mix cents for a bnprrior Oyter. Cent at Potts'
Ladles and ti ants It . ...stiturtint, o. )91 re street.
Prices redeteed to suit the time. • Call and seerfor .
3rounselvett. , 3
Fler.`wu; Engllafi and Artie:lean 'Clothe, all stylee,
end of the fluent D. A.tinfitli'a, Centrefit.
Fussell PAnntso Ltxxx Daria.a, a. beautiful anti.
de D. A. Smith's. Centre Street.
PILES 011 szeitmoanttorDAL
all kinds positively, perfectiy and. permanently
cured by. W. A. MoCendles, M. p. No. Lon•Areb Bt.,
PUILADA., PA; . ; ; •
• I desire toast/0 those &filleted With any kind of
PlLFA,intertutVitatemsh Blind. Illeeding.or Itch
ing, that there Is positively no kind of deception In
the - tuts ot. these diseases, the cure Is illerieet
and permanent, and without the .ellighteet.denges,
;Without the slightest Injury td the.patient In any
way, and without caustics or instruments. I also.
cure Fistula Fl.sures,lProlapwas and Ulceration of
the lower bowels.' Patient" must visit , me and can
renialnat till cured, It they desires Can
refer you to over 120Opersons cured In Philadelphia
!done. 1, '7(ttamini
OCTOBER;, 18':-'i
A. TOBBID SYSTEhl,—Someimi c ,..
2 - I.llny assignable cause, thC physical str!:rot,
animal spirits give svay, rind a - strange -•torp.r t.
"altke!M body and intajlect. There is Intl,.
can perhaps; hut- the natur4i ,Them
ellen - ohs and Muscular sy - stent sizeolA 1,, dire
parted, end, all Indifference to the , pleasures of
and even .of its grave reiponoMities,
place of that earnest interest In ieTl, which ,•h;,p,
terizes eViary well balanced mind n lii• ti t
,condition. •
• 7%1.44.w-or parttal coil: se , k idle» the pr,• 71 ,,,,
tory sytaidorns pf some Tagus ni,ta ,„
enit'S uninuttakablY that 'tile:vital power. ar,• 1.
'inhaling and need a. Sti Mutant. - la • ,
eitect or rew thAiN ih r aer.ter:•,,
fa wonderfully beneficial. The great tool - 0
the system troni its drowse. , The I‘eireet f,;,„ an. f t
circulation receive a »ew impetus. 1•1‘c
"nerves recover their elasticity under
of the sptscitic, like the shickoned strength ”f,:t n
ideal instrument lathe :process 4.4 . litiline. „,
gy anti debility are repmeed*by.energylh.l
Its risr,,and ;life that al Most - seeto,,l a 11, r;
while the sensor, of depression lasted;
more enjoyable._ That such a radical eleAuz.- , '
be produced by a remedy entirely des
. powerful plitaloid , r and itinrcrals so exten.i,
- in modern pract lee, may ' , seem incred I I d..
who pin their faith. on: the medicinal
active poisons, ult St these shept les will
trouble to enquire of those wli.viiaAi• :!„
rective rind altettative virt,tes tht lilt ter.
the eirrutustances tlet•cribed,
istatenlent Lobe true. - •
jan.l, 4- . . • NCI •
How TO . CURE bo AI PT I 0.15;,!
Tag PitaLozol.lll:•Cii LI% SOII.:!CCK'S 1 ; g 1:1;,.: '7: ,
e:Ea.—Will:people mpver learn to koow ft.‘ .
eased liVer and stoutaeli neeess.rile ,11,.., c..:,• ..,,, .
tire,. System? . The plainest Prim,lples of ~
serum:Wadi. this. , act!. yet there at r! htn,;!r,-,!,.. „
ridicule the I e : utinue limhe ,‘::-,.,7 te r
alMost Ltibvlta y tiri s thein primr,thi.,:, ~: •
gnlVe., , Living as , the naj4rlty of the ti , 13..!, o.
' complete variance wth the laws ,Lf nal 6 re. ~, ;,.;
be apparent to al) t t, sogher or I hit t r,.1,.;.‘,.,„
revenge herself. 'II nee we (lad that .t.eroo. t . „
Indulge tb..e.Yeetts I 'l. the use of t; erg rich o f li,
gestible food or Int xleaUng,... •
a heavy penalty 1 the en.A The 'stoniaen 1,., ..?.,
disordenal, and reuses to net: the I l),;. r.hoZ,::•. „
form its felnetions,'LlyspersA cud 11:7;atte1,,:,:,• , ,
follow; and still the sulfertiTg: Individual, i,..f.7.,...
clinging to the thoroughly exploded 1.1,,, „;
past. Dr. scHE,.icic.'s i11....a tel ties ate ree,. m f,;;;.-,.;
to all. such. :.They brief; 'sure tid. vertlllli 1.•
wherever they are used- us Aire hod, and ;; ;t..),,
nectt..eatry toleshiblisktheir re mtatlon VC .!',.
ailing Muu Or Woilllllll,ll.ole Gi lil. JS 47,,ra 4 r e i,..,
( al
Part,ittl irttil {4IIIIOH. , a'flllttt,. • aho at ..(-f,,, ; •,
on Oda ',point, and who IM`ye elluitteo 1 1 0, :..
persons to,prvjudice thoftlrag 1 t these Lot:
brined ° remedies for Consun 'On, +t 1, - ,lli i I :
prejudices, and be governed by the_ j.rn,. :. 1 .,
reason mid- common' sensq. 11 , ,the systt 11. 1 1 1.. :
, dered depend upon it. in ifine Fa•nes ont nt Ti ;•,.
leat•of the, disorder wilt be found iii.ll.e 5,, ; ,,
I and liver. 'To cleanse awl invigorate th,.,, 7 , - ; „
1 . and to stimulate the liver to heulthy ‘ tunion, o,
SCIIENU.K . ,4 31A.N . I,RAIi}: Po ::1_...-!Thee ll, l l v I ,
Mg demand for these pill,: Is the bear, , • v !-i,-t:,
their value. Thousands Upon A holr.z.breis ~,f ~.
are kohl dull - . WII.O . simply• becalic ti.v .
promptly and efficiently. Inland:: Who . n0, , ,.'
find it convenient to call on- Dr. scilENt,'N ii, i
son are infornie&that null :111.1 et,' . 1111,4q,/, dire, t ,
for uito accompany e a ,.h I,,,,t ag e ,it the
I MANDItAKt: Pll.l-.. l'Utmoxy• S y ur p AN i,- s
REED TON 11:.—Ttll.V; 111, 111•1111.... a 111 ell re consht
tton uniessllle,• o, far gone t 11111 ,the Pat i
is entirety itcond the reach ot tnetlital rebel.:
. It inufbe asked by th,',..., w la. arrahre mat:Mil
with the virttiesot .11: etc great reitatiZlie,. "Unit
Dr. SCIIKSCIC't mediemes eireeelhelr. wade cures of-eonsutitpt ion ''• .. . .
• The answer simple rfiq.. ..Ti.ey •begth II
'work of • restoration by bringing the tdontach. 1 . 1
and bowels into tin active licattlty ootalitian. 't
.. :10tat that owes ttriNlortal 'aille disiase. ,Stltt N.:
.StAtilta.k.iiy. Pitts net on' the 11•. - er anti. ..;,,I, j
promoting ilUtliy ',Very! n at, and l l llllo IVIIII.I 11,
loco'' and sl loco' le cc resulted unlit the fuser:-,
I.torpld e. uelit ion 0 ' krse t,rgaits: and of 1.1;;.,t,,,
generally. This s 1-h state °lt he 17 , s iv. ~. I
conueonetit iteettni atiiTh of I Li,. •iinii.-Siti6 ,
stance:chantedpre , . ensthe proper digestion .•: !.
and as' a rt natural Consequence creates 711 , 777e.,1,
results hi -prostraeiou and bliallydn , leach. ..) •
SCJN eli's'Pcot4l,lc S Vitl* 11l li ISV.t l, i l ' . i l'„
'when taken regularly:, - mingle wit h .t he'::,, , o 1 .
' digestive organs; make gnt,tl r:7,1; 1,h,0,i, 1 , .; .
natural consequence,' g'o, e tiesh'alel , tret, e 7l7,
. 7 ,
patient. Let the faculty a;tty what ,It bate, ::;...',
only true cure for .Consumpt it,111: . I:.N - 1.:1.•!1 ~,
• Proved tt beyond the shadowtot a d o n 1,i,,,,,,, ;
ands are to-day ullvr and well whoa teie.,•....
were real:tided as 'limit.' VMS .. MiNI. , , .1i 11 1 w t -,• , .
duced tea try' Dr.:Atli EMi . ls- 1 t,ltn , to -.' 1,1. ! ~.
restored In pertnanent health by ;the', r n...•
One of the first Atepti tjit' liilyi.i....oli •Iv ' 1
With a, itansumptlve ptt tt,r, t• 1,, ;to 1:0.,.., ', ..'.
system:: - Now • how 'ls his to bei 41..,,.•. ~, ;• :
not, l*Nl,,liyine,:mectiente. that ex latio.t :w.L , ';.. , •
medicines that Impair Instead of ii ri pro% • 4:. -_
tions of the dikes( lye organs. I,l,etoi:: : ,, ..114 :. ,
medletnas cleanse the stomach aind 1..., ..,.:: ..
sulattanees.which are.ettieulatett to io i tat:. ~,.„
them. They Create nu tqwetite—,prota. ! :,• • ~...._ , .
digestion—inake gcssl blood; and, a.:.
they Invigorate, retort lien.tittlt•al:,.",,
andmore especial) y' those parts - -wits-1, s!.
If thli cannot bi dune , thun tliA•
gardett as u '
Itthe yth,rideistri finds it. ittipo.,thh•
tient feel hungry, Lillie
take of good rionrisiling f..;411pi Opt I I y
impossible'that he inta.-I‘aici,-4'.
and it ts'equally impse.thir to hrOrt
condition CO /0111. i ue the 11% i - r •
easuil bile , rind the ..t•,111:0 1: laden' vvizil rl
Almost tire first molest matte ti, ;1., j,l . „
a consuMptivepait ietil is Om: lie Wll i
tehleS that wilt Lrrgit".4.,
sweats uad chills,. w re Inc Nur.-
consiitiiption. But this .11,nild I;.•:
cough is only' nii•etrort na!iirc to ;.-z ; ,•,.,•
and the -night sweats and e
diseased Mugs; The remedies orilii,utr[o: , .
clo:More Mum thin 14..2.1: =They.
tians or the stunt:tell, anipeatritrnitltrp
aggravate milker t ban ctire The tii.casc. ••
• There is, after all, nothing like .fa. i
t. : - ;:•1 a
' to substantlaii, al positl , M; and. It l's. msu, 1: ,, 1.t
Dr. SCH ENCI7. - • relies. N. arty all a 10.1,::.', ir.
"his medicint4 In 'at-coedit-nee with ht. a.'.• .
have not only I,cen et; rod of eonspm pt it , 1. t ,, • , .''
the WC filet West, tut m
sliels il.1: . Uil h w , ,,,,.:
power upow , t la. til: est iv e, (wr4,.iis, Intit.l-F,7 .
cured speedily gain nV L
mh, •'relLieNitlit thrsy,- ,
all impurities, they lay the '1 oiidatiott 'for a
• substantial ,structure. Restoring - tbestt art;..:
health, they ereatean appetite. The foot:ilia pt.•
'assimilated; the 'quantity of bbssl is ut,q -,,,i•
creased, hut Is made rich and st reng , andl !Mit,.
of such a contlifidn ofd he systetn :all LI hi t,,.:
be banished.
Full directions accompanyenel:of the nie‘i.,:
so that It is not. •absolutely necessary • that p , '
should see Dr. SCHENC ; II,. 'personally; uIU.--.
desire to have their lungs examined. Foi•ti,:•
pose he Is athis principal, °Mee, Ni.. 15 ,a-t-,
St"., corner of Commeree,Dhilatielphia, e. . 1 - . :-•
day, from 9 it.•:%1.• Until IP. M.
Advice is given .
withoutcharw, but, Arr IL il,c.r
examination with the HCspiromettir the'ela,t 4.•
Price of the Piamottfe Syria') SeIIWIV , KI
each, $1 59 per bottle, or ti 7 M a Is If , 11i7A11.
'drake Pills i.. 3 gents:a baxi For sal by till drug
--April 16,'70, . • ,•• ' , -- 'lO- iv
lIABB—ENTWISTLE—At, . arboe of
12th, by the Rev. A.. 31. Ltiwri . _.r. .11 - 44}.: 31. 1.
formerly of - Reading, !o 11 iNs . LIZZIE Essw t•
of Port Carbon. - ~ . ,
.. .
. RAMSEY—NICE—In Trinity Chit reli . l' , - C!,‘
on the. morontiF of the 11th Rev, IX:
Lewis, Rector:hAttAit E. Nies to Witaa.t It is)!
the residence of ti 4` ' IP
on Thursday, October tith limi. at i .. 2 Ai
the Rev. A. I - lAStlngs, Mr. E. J. WA I.XEit,- , 0 t I.
burg. Union Co.; to Miss KF3GRAII F. 1.qa1.,
nersvllle, Pa. No cards. ,
• .., 1
BECK—On Oct lith, 'ANNA 51AP. ArIIECK.
Funeral will take , Tilaee (foul hor,,,late
Cressona, on Sunday next; at I o'clock, P.
Geed to Schuylkill Haven Centel ory:
DENTZER--01r Tuesday 'morn •-•
Chart• s and Mary Dent zer, aged
_= years end
HAF,IsrER—On the 9th In this
LI7DW3G, son of Martin and Catharine 11:the
4 years, 4 months and,27 tlays:
JONES on Friday,. Oct., ith, Tit Era As ;
of ..51.1neravAlle, aged Si }ear, and 2 la:,
burled at • tile Welsh COligregat 1011:0 is •
Oct. 9111. • .
ISTOORE—On the 7th of 'Cletetier, I,ll`llr
Haven, Jourt Moons, a-soldier - of the- War,.4 t.
the IQ.ll..year of 'his age.. His reron I ns ...t.
Annie Cemeteryat Cressona, on si
for Solt nub lo
FOR BALE . -3 Inl4 [ ,. on,
street. 12 lota on knee skeet:ll:o
street.. Price from upward:. in!
be made In' $lO monthly' instal
SAAIIJEL BALL,. Coal nlrect, or 11. K.
Ni). 9 East NorweglanAtrvit!.
Pottsvilke. Ang. 1 (April
• ...
The sunscribersOffer for sale 't
0 :.,p° ri y •••oiJ ;,
to N . ni interest
the entire matragement, l he , eie•:',
enti . 'Merest in - the 2dripm Dale c”lllier . ,-.
near ahanoy City, Schuylkill t`utlin v.,' i•• , ITT.-" ,
This; colliery running but 8 months it. '' ." .-4.;
with one breaker and sent to market, : ...o. ~.;'
coal, realtZtnx a profit of $ 4 l2.0) 1 1, and lri wr 1' • "
$-13 ',it/Darter paying connillsslous,lnip rovete. ii:!
This property' is offered for st3h. solely n: ,
quence of .the continued 111-health of 1,1 e.. p:4 i.
owner and manager of the colliery.° I .11
With the completion of the luiprovene.r.
being made. J 50,000 tons per annum - rail r,,.;
mined and shipped for lEi years, without 1u,1 ,,,
pense. .For further information, terms, 1t0"..e.,7-1
JOH,N C. slitlrf .t: :sr)N-.
1'..`.!(l Walnut SI., 11111;1.i , ,
or JOHN r son.'T & sto::-.
"'". Doane ;t., ji.,,,/,,,,
Thr , , , ,,..1;:e. , :
_ _-,
:FOlt PALE- fV;',-,11
0. •.
• 0
• ..
_ . .
9 . CHINERY A_ l dult DESelt.lll. !,
, .. • - 1
1 ninety horse e i ngine, 'aft in. oote, 6 ft. 5tr:. , , , ,;;..
fly wheel ; shaft, 14_1n. Want. • pump shin !
diam.sl4 ft. long; 'primp wlieefll ft;vititnt..l , . o
'the face, 4 in: pitch, with bolls:ma eou neer in.:
has been used to- rurt a LI) 10.-•ptinip.
' , I sixty-horse engine, IS in. re 0 ft. strrd:e. 1
tie wheel. with :punt', wheel shafts and all •• -
[cons; 1 drum to ft , distill., w ither wrought trio, -
1 large double breaker with 30 horse engine.
1 sixty horse engine, box bed plate, S 1(.41: NI
with ad the pump gearing atraeheti.• - ' 1
. • 1 ninety horse engine. 21) 4th bore, t: f.. ,
1 steam pump, It 1-. ry 1., 3 ft. stn>ke 8 in.,j••:l , -
expansion Jai nts,'. I I set of heavy cone ges,elle:.
pushing trucks and mire rope. • , .'
27 drift ears; 40 In. gauge. 4 drifkears, 2i,
4, drift ears, IS in. Gauge. 5 large co -1 ....•-. •
Range as the P. tit IL E. R. Seyeral • ar.:• ,'
trucks. ,600 feet 'Wire rope, different t. 517.1.... \ '
bhlCksnlittl tools, ; . anvils; vises, be110w5,,...- %
of 'second hand belting, various sires. . :;' , "•:4, ~
second hand T.Tail. 7 iecUnd hand Imeet:”l. !!...
order, 240 phi. 10,1 n. nolunin pipe :. 11..).5.1... - ^eOlUllarl ,PlPe ;11 31 in. pole' Rump: " k 1.,. 'io
pumps. I loco Motive, 4 tiriveriptultabreUt , •..1 , ..t
cars, or on aniron Ore bank." Also, the we.,,s v. ..
2 breakers, bbieksmith and carpenter 5h..1,.. ,
blowing tub suitable for large filtlalll'f'. , :.
~ .
2 ninety home engi , nes. with bolts - 0....
_ 3 sixty •• "—• "1". ' .44t4 conl• v ..:
I tiny horse eVne. I S t. et ItolstlozA..
2 thirty • " - 1•• .1 ti r' . " " I .
1 twenty-five " " 1 I3' ,'" " . •
• 6 Boilers, SI In. x , 30 n. • • 1 stack sft tti:tx .::
. 4 " 3O itt..,X 21 ft: . 2 shirksst In.x • '
4 " •.•.t• 30 I . .4 x'X ft. 5 tons Splice-0w....
..:2 - Z. 24 Us. al2 ft. ` hoig, 4 inx l l--
• 2 •". -- 21 In. x , !tlft.• I . .tt of,pump •t;.1.-
1 • " Eldiorse.tubular, 1 newt?...ft ex I t .y., .t••,...
' 1 upright flue butler. I " 9 7' ' I
2 neWbWiersi•V In. X alit. tot of thi. ilauti.:• , , % l•
2 " " _ In. xim ft. Pump Ns - heel.. •1. , :t• - .!
1 0 0rds204iLoolttrau . , pipe: blocks of vs era: ,
150 " 161 n.. ...• •" : " I small ti 3 1.,:le•,
800 eds. la In. col. 14pe.. . fronts..stoal'' t ',
- with bolts and rings. , . pipes for lameri ••.I J . , .
114 ycli. 10in.00luma pipe cut ~, 1 7.031. ~.).11,0, . 0.`, ... ‘.
100 " .6 " . "" '1 " hand. - 1-" it tuns 4,1,...
1 Lot of 41. n., pines. ln tons wrought ••,..r" ,
1 ID In. po le
. pump. sets of Moaker r••••,,
'2lO ''- ' •" " ft. aer ws. 2 - dttan•
.4 14 4 ." " • fit s! elmini, Lot , q` 1
'1 s ... , -... •• i. - itNli tt h o u r '
h ri c h, S hoot ,r;av
111 in. Ifftpurop 9ft it ro'o i e . ee
10 small •11ft and for
,_ Pu
i detthes!:or
20'tons1cbalt, vinous A1.,45:4:
slags.- rl ram,,bouel :.
110 feet hoistlui drum,
tin • • ..
--, Atahe *Machinery Elep•A o Coal.s4treet. . - .
•. Nev.. '•'.5145 4 tf . . - . -
'LOP-% .Sl'.‘. IO:
CARPE*ERS'.4 ND \ l3z - ;: T-. 1
. .
, . . .
- 1 .
At UTE:II 'A , , SCIIII3I'A, No. ..r.; , „-,
, .ii
Pottat , lll6, you ocut Le , haw t 5.1.1,1,1 wI: i, 1 0.1 ~. ! , . 1
Blltul- Situ &tart; Pauult Shin Le rs, !1: , ul•ill 4 q . " " I
klutla. iI. I ,
Abso o llulkllng llardcwe, of all kinds.. (Ave. -a
eall, and buy cbtap.l . • July 011,.1? -141411
E 3