, 'Foßridr=aperil ,, '22 AtifiorigU4- , THE YOUNG MAY AT A-FAIR. 4 go him three Courses are open—two ways of wisdom and dne of-folly.. 'Either he can take to his bed, display a box of neuralgic pills on lib_ bureau, and publish the fact that hisuffer&with that most disabling ailment ; or be ein pack his valise and treeel fora time; or-44e can *lnbuilt, and night after night eQcoreladies to a place that he abhors, condemned to mask his grief with smiles, and watch his money ebbing, ebbing, ebbing away, I 'lowing that for ice cream , be gives up,lx , er; i fortraces a vest, and for slippers ,a el) it, - • • , It wa= hearlyta year ag4i that MI. James received 4 .ne of those little uotes to which few of us are Amtigers. . . - J : DEAL- I'OEND ; They are liaVinwir fair at • the -,--- i fall to-night, and if you possibly • .ctiuldfl.nd - it convenient. I should be glad to "have you as an:'ecort. ' Your fri end, MAY. . . James, who,-when liefsceeived it, wag a ‘.. picture of robust healOA at once looked at .one of thWovainabrg ortality .reports of DrAttvell, Ci• after,.ponderingfor sonic • . time overlbe list of things' shei-eOf . people - die, andown :and vrio. • , . r, '• . Clue GO, Sept. 17f Pso.. M I re( Y MAU FRIEND; - •eived your kind note to -day, and 'would , ' e , .happy to comply; brit the.doctor says . I have a severe attack of -.llepatiendometrogiutritis.• I hope, howev . er, Wbe out in a week.- . ' Yours faithfully; "-' • Jicarts. • The :onsteftiatton of May was fearful, and,. judging that diseases were dangerous in0o • portion to the number of Syllables, she re .viverl; indistinct memories of the rule Of three . and ascert.Liiiied that as three was to. ten, so was consprOption.ba the ailment :Of James. Thereftft she gave up 'all hope - of haying, : mes and sought another escort. BUt there wow/mother friend 'who did not have Dr. Rauch to help.him out (lithe Serape, and, consequently, accerded a young lady's suggestion, and,. • Purchased. Ice cream and otirr edibles. #ll Paid postage several lett !rs _which Were .stupid. . , Bought' a fancy lamp mat which he 3id Want. -. Took shares in seventeen things-aud-drw whichthe was compelled to give bai.Z. ' Paid for a !pair of slippers, because- the. young lady said she worked them. And did several, other things after the same fashion. He came up to Mrs. Smith's idea of a per fect gentlernanL-a man who goes to a fair with inch money and comes out with mine. 'We . all know t hese,fairS - 7which play such havoc with the nerves of- men, especially when they cannot sly "no" to. the alluring ladies, who say that every Cluitice but one is taken and indeed you must have your name • put dOWn for just that one chance. Now 'there they are, just waking to raflle' off that lovely afighanand if youonly would—.. The person' %VIM does say "no" is entitled to the Valor Medal. Of such stuff are- those made who lead fOrlorn homes. They, are of tour age dl compact.. There are, however, two rtleiPes for flanking, the d ifficultyov kb are estly litibmitted for the tese ofthe oppres -41 sex. lA:St4 tly to hie ts ..Asten intently to tht. :y antsy takea Chance in a silver dish, the plat ing . of. which is so delicate that a rude glance would rub" ittlf, and then, With an air of profound ;sorrow—that air which you assume when' Spevins risks you to lend him money, and you infolmj him you would" be glad to, but, ,unfortutiately, at that moment you are your-, self hard up—tell the lady you havea goodly female relative—an aunt,.say7,.otrwhorn you are dependent, whohas an insane: aversion_ to_ anything savoring of ganabang. „Were you to take a chance, and were it to cojne to her eats,-you would he disinherited and become an outcast. " • . - • • Tile roost hardened lii•ggars give way tit that appeal. • 4 1 Or, .when a woman bears down upoll yen . like a Corsair on undefended merphant - yessel, pull out pencil and paper,. - make a dash at her, state you are for the MALL, for' instance, and ask her [mine, and . what she has on.ber•stand. She respects the poverty ()tete-press, and the word -she. was about' uttering•die - on her longue.' The • nekt 'day .she buys a - paper, and not finding. her name • therein, moralizes on the falsehood of report • ers, and frowns severely on you when you. next meet: One misguided girl !iid once ask' Mr. M— of,the, to tali Fit chance- something,-but a wiser senior. standing 131,% sternly said, "Oh! Annie how' cao#sl7l - 7"" ".Annie conftfiied and wishing to repair the injory to his•feeling, invited - him to take . chance in allaptist prayer meeting.—Chira go Tribuite. '" l narinuqrt. , . I._ f„.....,, WARE ~---,..„..„.. _ . - • t N. ek cs .),, ARD , . '',[. A D N " ) , - , ... ~,,,, G.,/ ,_ _ „z -t--. ) . , , ,-,,,,,. ~ -,-- z ,-,-fe -‘ - Uits. --- , "Z. 4.75 . ~... • , 4...4 • 4 - '4 4 ''' ( TAINTS A R sio, r .. .....e ., ; ~‘,01c 6.4 1 7' s •• • .• t s , , / . 1. 6. \. X A • Mil CM . . I RON ! IRON ! IRON ! AIM, - STEEL, MYEft ct No. :lA - Centre StreVl CALL AT - MYER & SCIIUM'S N'w flardwardr - stort., No. 641 Centre Sr., 10 bap heap t-iardon Rake', Spades,Shovels , ' ..orn and Gar den ifipiz (t; all kinds. SCALES ! SCALES iria/CLEF3 ! Of 11 kind,, and the bust In the' in'itrket, al. . - MYER. Lt: -Agents, No. 311 Centre Stri-et, Pottsville TAKE ' NOTICE! BUILDERS ' • . • AND' .NEECRANICS I At MV ER A: S('NUSIS..can be boiiOit el) Cap Build blgliardware of ali Ida+, ' viz: Paints, Oils, Glass, . Cement, Ph'kster, 4.:llltnney Tops and Flues. Also, Terra rot ta Pip of all sizes, • e.;" . March V.!, :7u ' 11-ly • • . A LL KINDS of -Garden Toole. can he had, at re (laced ppric.•.+, at SOLOMON HOOVER'S Tin, stove autt House . Furnisilln; Depot,' No. C4.-ntr Pottsville, April IS ; '7U THO•i. L. AlriSr. rRANKIIN PARR TO COAL ~DEALERS, GAS COMPANIES -1. &C. The understene.fhavlng succeeded 'nicht h.War r . . ren to the soho inannfitot ore of Patent . ' )31.1."11.' :DUMPING, . -MINTING s( . 4I()P 111'(:KETs BEM IRON 110I8111NO Rl,ocKs for naloading Coal, Oro, Sand !•• 4.- Ite`i , , del • I , n . the. I . linnuta4t i ure of in tiN • CA Rs, 1. A NI) 1 IRON - BOX, WIIEELILARTMWS, • Are prepared to till all - orders with prOmiane.ss and disp.teh.- ,Norice.—Beirig the sole owners of the Patent Rigia for the.Self-Dumping, Hoisting, Booop Bucket and Dock Block, we caution all persons against man fae.urieg or purchasing the same from any except ourc,elves or our ageuta , av we will pro,ecute to the utmost limit fl4l -- infringement on the Letters' Patent; , espeet fully, ADDL N & WARREN, Rending, Pa. February 6, 'CO 6—ly CHEA PE4. THAN THE. CHEAPEST BANNAN•&FiAAISEY WILL ALWAYS SELL SCHOOL - BOOKS OF ALL XINPS At •-toNer Price,s than any .other Booksellers is Y - • - Pottsville, „ k • • ! 1 0NiTTER.ITHAT THEIR PRIM. HAT RE, --7 liad nil Article, 1q thi• MORI AIM STATIONARY LINE 'At a Great Reduction from Former Prices Can and Cinspare Befoie Purchasing Elsewhere W ., Allltrukr & .CRAWFOUD. CHIMERS /led t/EALERS, in LEATHER.* SHOE FINDLNOS, ' No. Blg ti. second !M. below-Poplar, Philadelphia. gains, Span 4 S„Filaughter and Hemlock Sole Skirtt ng•Calf splits, Grain 3 1rdings, Linings Cut a L n e d a thßa Up g p ene ra do a r s O s c ort- : mentot tilitie Findings and Uppers. We manatee mre Stout Kips and .1. pper Leather expressly tor the 1 1110ER•AT RA D£. ' N eats' }root, Tanner's and g(id Liver Oils; •• -- - L,,N. ALKR, • Sept 17, ' 7O -3;-- . 3tni . H. H. CRAWFOiat.. , „ ~ . . al rS C : ii ______ _. _____ • , 1 pTIT' ( 1 ,01 1 1 .77 T ti ireLPD Smarr..al.:we Cif rftr 4 .l 52 z • PHI LADELPHIA, . I V' ... Has just opened, With a large and 'well se! . E" stock of Foreign and Domestic Caxpetimm of p, choice styles and quales. Also, oitiaths. 3., z 3fatfinga. Druggets Rugs, Mats,fitatr Rodt..*.e., .1, &,... f allref widen he • will sell very' ette4 fur ~ • :::: Sept. 17, '70,--38-3inf.tdms •••• ZirDLiN POWDER mrtt,s.—A:ll- order" foxes the ebeyepOWDMft ton be ten, at the °Mee. 1 78" centre stree erIth . ROBERT D.- HEATH; - or with WALLACE. 1. Esq., at the renneylvanlo Neu ena i Bank, and will be promptly Weaned to. June 2. " T 110 11.4.85V,REN & CO. )MIS SATE LEM C onfectionery, Tee Cream and Cakes. constantly on hand, at lqo Mar. elstreet; Pottsville. Fatnlhes supplied W 2, with Ice 3 2, 111-21.tt • El ELEGTTOiIf PAWL/MILT/ON. r • NOTICE is hereby given to the citizens of killCounsy,_ that an election will be held on ie SECOND_ ESDAY of OCWOO , . (Wog the Ilth day of the month.) et the ah nezetulatter designated. = for the eleeldoo of and ( Inapt/ officers, to wit: ONE PERnON FOR MEMJKIP . OF (X ) /lOar li O FROM THE in CONGENITAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. - • ONE PERSON TO R EPRES Sentrilja" COUNTY IN THE SENATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1 • THREE PERSONS TO REPRESENT THE COUN TY OF SCHUYLKILL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA-_,_„, _ • ONE PERSON FOR HIGH • SHERIFF OF ,SCHUI-hisILL COUNTY. • • • , e• ONE PERSON FOR. COMMISSIONER 'OF .' SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. ' I , ONE PERSON FOR. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. TWO PERSONS FOR JURY ,COMMD3SIONERS OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. ^ • ONE PERSON FOR AUDITOR OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. , • • The electonshf the Middle Ward of the borough of Ashland' will hold their election at the ,Alouse of T.. 111 A Osman, in said ward. • b ectors , Of the East Ward of the borough of 01 - zilan'd will told-their election st the house of 1./iarles F. Kirig, in said-ward:- ' _ The electorsof the West Wa r d of the borough of AshlanCwill hold their election at the house of Catharine Carter, .lu,said ward. • The electors of the boron/WO! Auburn. will told heir election at the hou.so of Abraham Moyer, in , said borough. The electors of the township of Barry will- hold' their election at the Wait. of Charles M. Hillman, in said township. The electors of the North District of the township of Butler will hold their election at _ the house of John How . er. In Olrnrdcitle. ' ' The elect Ons of the South District of the township : of Butler *ill bold their election at the house of Owen Coulahon, at Fountain Spring, in said- town shThi. pe electors of the township of East Bruuswig will hold their election at the house of Boyer, in iteliearniburg, in said township. The electors of the township of West Brunswig will hold their'eleetion at the house of Michael Moser, lu said township. The electors of the township ; of grille will hold their election at the house of Patrick FolfartY. in said township. ' • , The electors of the township' of Brdrich will hold their election st the"house of ornelius-Colemun, in , said township. ' - The elebtors of the Northern District of Cass town ship trill hold their election at , the house of Mrs. O'Conner, in said township. , The electors of the Southern District of,Cattow n ship will hold their election at the house of ichael Kelly, in said township. • , The electors of the borough of. Creiseeth will hold their election at the house of George F. Dengler, In said borough. - The electors of the township , of Fidred wid hold their electitm at the house of Megdalens.W_etzel, in said township. • ; The electors of the township of Fralley will holto their election at the house of David Landson, in the town of Donaldson; in said township. • rThe electors of the township of Foster will hold their election at the poise o khuniis - Ford. in said township. „ • • The electors of the township' of Regina , will hold.. .their election at the house of Wm. H. Birtawler, sold township. Thd electors of the township ,_of Robley will bola their election at the house or Joel Kopenhafer, Jo said township. The electors of the borough of Mt. Carbou will - hold their election at the putuie school house in said borough. - .LA:4 Er ' thet - electors of that part... _Oartn - burg Wh o formerly voted In the borough-oi-Orwigs will hold' their_election iitthe house of Israel Colter, in Landingville, in said township. The electors of that part of North Blenheim town ship whaformerly voted In the 'South Ward of the borough of Pottsville, and all that territory on tne cast side of the river Schuylkill,and within the Pen man election line, the southerly line of the borough of Pottsville, and the old line of the township of Blenheim, whose electors hitherto voted In Norwe gian election district, except that: part now COM pristifittie borough of Mount Carbon, w 111 hold their election et the house of Patrick Phillips, in said .township. • ' • " The electors of North 'Blenheim toirnship, not em braced In the foregoing distrieta, will hold their elec tion at the house of George S. Melot, in said town ship. The electors of the township of South Blenheim will hold their election at the house of - Andrew Re ber, in said townihip. , The electors of the East Ward-Of the Borough of Mahanoy City, wilt hold their. election at the. house of Patrick Ryan; in said borough. The electors of the - West Ward of the borough of Blahanoy City will hold their election at the house of BiattheerDonohoe, in said borough. The electors of the township Of Blehanoy will hold their election at the Maple Dale School House, in said township'. The electors of the East Ward of the horOugh of MI nersville will hold their election at-:'the house of John Mack, in said borough. The electors of the West Wart of thee-Ixirough • Bilnersville will hold their eleetion at the house • John Mohjin, in said. borough, I • . The electors of the borough of Middleport will hold their election at the house of .Henry Krise, in bald borough. 1 • I The electors of the township of New Castle will hold their election at the house lately occupied by eliert a Shaffer of said township. The electors of the township of Norwegian will hold their election at the house of Martin Curran,' ou to in said township. The. electors of the township of East Norwegian willhold their election at the house of John Dor mer-chi said township. Thuelectors of the, borough of New Philadelphia, wilt. told their election at the house of Margaret Kelly, in said borough. The electors of the: borough' of Orwigsburg will hold thelrelection :Atha Old Court HouSe, -in said borough. ' • The electors of thetborough of Pinegrove will hold their election at the.house of George P. Fessler,-ln said borough. he-electors of the, township of Pinegrove will hold their election at the house of Jacob Barr, in said „township. The electors of the borough of Palo Alto will hold theit•ilettion at the house oflThonins Meldanamie, In said borough. The electors of the borough of Port Clinton will hold their election at the house o(Joseph Weikel, in said borougfr. • t The electors of the borough of Port Carbon will: hold their election at the Port Carbon House, In said' borough. , The'telectors of the township of Porter will hold their election at the house of George Reiner, in said 'township.* The electors of the borough of Pottsville, in South . Ward, wilOold their election at the house of J. 11.. Feger &Co.. in said ward. 3• I The electors of the borough OPPottsvil e, iq South- East Ward.wlll hold their. election- at he tAzueri can House. in said ward. Tfreelectors of the Borough of Pottsvi le,ln - die Ward, will hold their election 'al the house of David Munterich, in said ward. -.The electors of the borough of Pottsville, in North - t Wardovill hold their election at the hoop of John A. Reilly, in said ward. • The electors of the borough of Pottsville; in North, Wendt Ward. will hold, their election at the house of Gressle, in said ward. The electors In the borough of Pottsville, In the North ward, will hold their election at the house of Mrs. Bridget Ketner, in• said ward. The electors of the township of Rahn Will bold tlseir election at the School House of. Coat Dale, in said tow/Ishii). The electors of the township - of Rush. will hold thelt election at the house of Philip Ginther, in . said township. • Theelectors of the township of Reilly will hold their election at the hditse of Edward Connelly, 111 said township. • The electors of the township of Ryon will , hold their election - at School lionie 1, In said.Utsvn-' ship. The electorit of the Borough of Schuylkill Haven, in South Ward, will hoMthelr.election at the house of Adam W. Kalbach, is said ward. The electors of the borough of Schuylkill Haven; In East Ward. will hold their election at-the house of Israel Wagner, In said ward. -. • The electors ot, the borough of Schuylkill Haven, - In West Ward; will hold their election at the house,. of Mrs. John C. Stanton, in said ward. , • The electors of the.borough of Schuylkill maven, in North Ward, will hold their election at the house of Benjamin Teter. In said ward. The electors of thatpart of SchOyikill township, lying north of a Brie to the top' of sharp Mountain, Will hold their election at the house of Hugh liag • gerty, iu Tuscarora. The electors of that part of Schuylkill township lying southrof a' line on the top of Sharp - Mountain, will bold their election at the house of Joseph Boy er, in Lewistown. The electors of the borough .-of Sliehandoah will hold their election at the house of Benjamin N. Yost, insald borough. The electors of the borctutelt of St. Clair, in South Ward, will hold their election at the house of istKld Reinhold; in said ward. • . The electors of the borough of Saint. Clair, in North Ward,will hold their election at the lithise bf Anis! Brown. In said ward.. The electors, of the borough of Saint Clair, in Middle Wank - Will hold their election at the house of John'Taggart, in said ward. 3lieelectoraof the borough of Tsimaqua of the Etait Ward, and all those residing north of Sharp MOuritaln in West Penn township, and also anclud ng all those who reside :within the „limits formerly a part of West Penn township and now annexed to the borough' of Taihaqua, to -wit: Beginning at,a stone in Union street in said : borough, and then 111- eluding the same north 70 degrees east 2t rods to a post ; thence north 17 degrees east IS rods to a post ; thence bya3o feet alley south 70 degrees teest.Z4 rods to the beginning—will hold their election at the horse of Charles Freadenherger, In said borough. The electoreor the borough of Tamaqua lu North Ward, will hold their election at the house of .ilield.„ 4 Beard In said ward. The electors of the borough of-Tamaqua in Solt's; Ward, will hold their election-at the house of Horn phry Donohoe, in said ward. " Tile electors of Treniont borough will hold their election at the hOuse of Joseph Enzensperger, In said borough. • „ The electors of Tremont township will hold their 'election at the house of Joseph Lnzensperger, in the borough of Tremont.. • The - electors of the township of Upper Mahanton go will bold their election at the house of D. & J.' K. lierer t ln said township. ESN EMU 4c) 4, , t ,e , re; l o In tor g i - the , to;rnshl) theriJeTition lii the house otiain Foos! Tri ‘ sn ' t , township. -. _ . . The 'lectors of - the towrship of tla3!t Unlock will hoki their ciectioliat the house of Nelsori Bra lon, In said, township. The electors of the township of 'North Union will hold their election al the house of John Bond, iu said township. . The electors of. the tilwaship of - West Penn will hold their elect at the house of Reuben F. Lelby In said towns .' .' The elects) of the township - of Washington will r bold their election at the house of Isaac Batdorf, in said Township.; . -- • . ~,, The electors of the township ' of Wayne will hold their election at the, house of John Carl in said townsihip. . . . , . The ele c tors of the borough ofYorkvllle will hold their election at the house of Buehler, in "sold borough. • The General Election in all theWania,Townellm Districts-and, Boroughs of the oounty is to be op ened between the hours of six and seven o'clock In thai ' forenoon. and shall continue without haterrnptionr or adjournment. until seven o'clock in the evening, when ell the polls shall be closed. - _ Every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any otlice or appointment of t = or trust under the government of MO United or of this sude, or of any • city or incorporated Me tric!, whether a commissioned officer or otherwlee, a subordinate officer or agent, who World:dill be em ployed under the Legislative, Exseutive or Judi ciary Departments of the State or the United States, or of any city or incorporated , dilit. and also ever y member of. Cowen, or of thefitat.eLegisla ture, and of the select and common councils of any. city, or cOmmlasioner ofant a incorponsted district, is by law incapable of, hold or exercising at the same time the office or ap :detect of Judge, In spector or clerk of shy election of this Common 'wealth, and no inspector, judge or other officer of any such election ;shall be eligible there to be voted for. . . '-i, .The Inspectors .and judge of the elections shall meet atlhe respective places appoint's' for holding . the election In the district to which they respctively belong, before nine 'o'clock in the morning , and each of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk Who shall be a qualliled voter of such district. . • - In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend on the day of-any election then the per -son who shall hare received the second highest number of votes for judge at the next preceding' elect lonshall act as Inspector in his place, `And In, case the person who shalt have received the highest: number of votes feria shall not aitemd, the person elected Judge s appoint an it i u m ser in Ille. place—and In Cabe the pinyon elected j shall not attend; then the Inspector who reserved hiet, number of rotes shall appoint a jad4ge la his p or If any vacancy shall contlnueln the board fbr the _space of one hour after the time fixed bylaw for the 'openin of the election, th e •qoalified Voters of, the - township, ward.. or 02[40114r. ,which slick °Mars shalt have been eluted , present at such elletien, shall elect one of their number to till such Vacancy. It shall be the duty of theses - end aaaellieri of each dlstrietto attend at tne place of holding every gen- eral, special or township election during the whole time said election Is Kept open, for the purpose of giving Information to the inepectore and judges, when called on, in relation to the right of my per= son assessed by theta to vote at inieh election, or such other matters in relation to theaeseatmeta or voters oaths said Inspattors or either ofthem arthil from time to tin* require. No person shall be permitted - to vote at any eleb; tlon, as ahuesaid,,Other than a freeman of the woof twenty-one years or more, who shall Ur* resided In the State at least one Teat' and In the election • district where he °Mew lisinsta at least tan 'dim homullatelr Preluding. =ell election. -and within two rears pant a stets or bounty tbs, which shall' have been asstesedariewit ten days Wore the else. ' don. , Butls citizen of the :United. BMW who tubs • previounirotee4itAns otalllied voter off this State and have resided i m n th removed and , returnak end who •iiiiitir e and, district anti paid taxes, as aftwesati, Audi be antlued to, vote attar echoing in this Matteis. months; Iprovkited,.TlN the RN. ' men; eitisenint the Visited States, between twenty.. one and twenty-two years, 'who hays 'added 'la alt ...• . . • election distni eliZi io onlik the] r penmen is not nontelni ratihed by t. S produces e a mai) at a tat Oonsiltatlon„ an his nigh r- of irukitier. a. to produc Seconde a roe. therrot- . being an elector bets -two • Unit year oft* proof or reds Attie net, and t ermant Ocean. other evidence e pia p~~~ ~fnelttEp.lll"ts/ ands note irord !lax, of having pm belidniltledy called (Kato, on the list of In all:c tts - volejs=ii stollen and a- found therev.._ . uot, is objex.o.- uy any (pato.- citizen, It shall be the duty of the lbspecters to ex amine each person on °Will rue i to,hisnuellliestlous, and if huelatot tti have resided *Mile the Mate £,r one year or more, his oath! shall not be sufficient proof thereof. but shall make proof by at •Leaat• otie. .cam tent witness, who 86411 be u qualified eleeter, that hehas resided iti.the - distrietfer more tinin led days next immediately preceding eneheiteetion, and , shall also himself swear ALAS his bona We residence in pursuance of his lawful calling,l4 la said distilct, and that he did not remove Ibto slid district for tpe purpose of voting therein. ••: Every person qualified us iifuresahr,Hha who shall make due prOof, If required, I ' 4 the ,resideuee and payment of taxesas afocesisid. shall Ge admitted to vote Inthe township, ward Or whieli tie shall reside. If any person shalt prel.rrit or attempt P./prevent, any onleer of this election 1 txlcr thisact Irtan hold ing such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or Ebel/interrupt or Improperly in terfere with him In the .eXectition of lilt duty,'or shall block up the window or aveuue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall rfotottsly disturb the pence at such election; of - shall use any Intimidating threats, forre or vloleetee,..with design to influence unduly or 'overawe atfy elector, or. to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person, on convict lon,•shall be tined In_any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned foranytime 'natio.* than three nor more than twelve months, and 'if It shall he shown to court, where theirlat of such bfreiise - shall tie had, that the person et' offending waig• not a resident of the city, ward; district er townsh ip where the ofre tore' was committed, and not' entitled to vote therein. then; on donviction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not:less than onelimitireti nor more than one thoasand drillers, and be harprisowni 'nut less than ifix months, nor more thantWo 1f any periferrotot bylete quart,. Shall fraudri-• • bent ly vost-any election tb Coramouweall or being otherwiso : voto out of his proper district if unfPurwqr knourlOg the want of such qualideation, shall •aktpr ; procurAsuch person .torote, the person - ifilototing shall; on conviction, be third In any sum note.vetsill nig two hundred 4ars,atid be tinprisoned In arty-Agee:tarot exceeding three months.. • • If any perso shall sole aeinote than one election district, or, otherwise. frauduien tly Verde; more than brim on the lame day;or shall fradulebtly fold and 'donee: to the inspector two tickets together, with. the Intent. lilegally.to Note, in' shall procure another to do itb.he or rbeycifriltdingehall. on conviction, be fined iti any actin net lonitham - fifty or more than. five hundred:dollars, and belmp nor for a term not less that; three nor mere then twelve months.. Maui person not qualified to vote in this Corn monwealthagreoabiy to,lawtexoept the sons of qual ified eltixensi shall appear at any piece, of election for the . purpote of Intluencind 01cent:ens qualified to vote, be shall net contletiou fatfelt and ,pay any sum not exceeding one' hundred' donate for every such offense, and be Impridented for-any .term hot exceedintthree months.. wth Aihnheirn town-: . .. . . , . .. , I 1 also give officialnatlee La the eicOtti4 of SehuSl - ast let d. reuth ctenli e ttV t '• h A e n e A lee ct t f i u o r n t s tie o r f tith'Cinamontrealth:' apiseive4llprill7, A. I): 169, It et provided as follows: ..:- .12-- • f - - Stenos 1, Be-it enacted by . the Senate and House of Iti te at. tre Representatives of the Conisnontreatth of Pennsylvania to General Assenebey out, Midi( is herektkettarted by the atithoilty of the same, That it shall be the duty of each of. the assessors within this Commonwealth, on the ,flrtit Monday of June in each year, .totake -up the transcript he has received from the county corn niissloners under the eighth section of the-act of fif teenth April, eighteen hundred and-thirty-tour, and proceed to an immediate 'revision" ofthe name,' by • striking therefrom the name of everypeison who Is known by him to havedied or removal singe the last askes;ement from the district of which ,he Is the assessor, or whose death or removal from the same shall be made known to Wei, and to add to the same the name of every quadded voter who shall be knotrevn by him to have moved into the disttirt slime the last previous assessment, or whose removal IntO the Name shall be oeshall have been made known to him, and also' the names of all Who shell ,make elalmto him to be quail,' eXvieterom therein. As soon ae - this - revision is rmin he shall vlSit, every dwelling house in his s rite and make 'curtail itt quiry if any person whose mune IS on his list has died or removed from the.dlstriut, and if so,' to take the same therefrom, or whether, :my iitmalitied voter re sides there'll whose name ei.not on Ms list, and if so, to add thesame thereto; and in all teases where a name Is 'added to - the list a lax shall forthwith be as sessed agalent the person; turd the assessor shall to all canes, ascertain by Inquire,- upon what ground the person so assessed, claims to two voter. Upon the completion of.this work It Rival] be the duty of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out a ,list, in alphabetical order, of the white freeinen, above twenty-one years of age, claiming to be qualtilest voters In the ward, Ixtrougitetownsbip, or district of which- he is the tisseesor, and opposite each of the said names state whether Reid freeman is or is not a ; housekeeper; and if so, the number of his residence, in towns where the-same Ore numbered, with:the street, alley or Court in which situated; and if in a town where there are no nurubers, the 'tame of the street, alley or emirt on which said house trouts: also, the occupation of the Person ; and where - he is not a housekeeper, the occupation, place of. board: Mg, and with whom, and if working for another, the name of the employer, and write opposite eget' of said.' names the word 'touter;" where any person claims to vote by reason of oaturalization, he Shall exhibit hie - certificate. therein to the assessor, unless he has beet) for five consecutive years next Preeed- Mg a voter in said district; and in all cases where 'tile person has been naturallgere the sante shall be marked with the letter 'N I - where the person ihas merely deciard ' , tie I utention to become a- eitlten, andtlesigns to be ',mutativ'd before the next elec. on, I the reale...she,' marked "D. I. •" where the el Irn is he vote, te,- rea son of In-log between the gm of e 1 twenty-one an t wen ty-t wu, as provided i - yr I alr.l he word t'age" shall be .entered; and If the person inns moved into the eleillou'dtatriet to reside - el neel the last general election, the "It," - shall be pl-ed etpliesite the name. It shall be the" further out - of 1/.. each -assessor as aforesaid, upon'the oomplet lo of .the. duties herein iiriposed; tomato csut a separte tu list of alt new asiessentenisuie by him, end the amounts assessed noon •efso and furnish the s me Immediately to the cotinetymbraionees„w ho +till - - immediately 'width°. names to the tax duplicate of the ward, borough, township or district iti w i f ieli they have been asseseed. I . • ' See. 2_ An the list being teen plete I and the rmsiess inents be made , as aforesimoq t he saute shall be fore Its with returned: to .t" tidy coinentssluilers,elcho shall cause duplicate his of said lists. with the 114* observations and eipl: * - tOns" required to he nOt est' as aforesaid, to'lme madesiout, as soon as practicable,. and placeeLin she hands of the 111,4•SSOrt who Shull prior to the hrst of August di each year putimede copy on the dciOr of or on time lions... where the elf,- Con of the 'respect ive'd istrietis - required to be held, and retal mi the other in its possession, fur the i wipe , . Lion, free of charge, of any .peersons resident lit the said election district who shall desire to semi the same; and it shall be the duty of I,lM,sa id assessor to add, from tithe to time, ton the personal atepiteat ion of anyone claiming the eight to vote, the name of such eialmant, and mark Opposite thee nam e "a'.l' .." and immediately west him° with it tax, not i it as in all other <ADM hte oecopetioe, residence, whether a border or housekeeper ; ifa boarder, with wleitn he hoards, or whether naturalized Ordeslgning tO be, marking_in all such cases the letters opposite the name,.".N." or "D. I. ' " as the case 'Milky be; if the person claimingto heassessed be naturalized, lie shall - exhibit to the astsassor: his.certlncate i sf lin u r- " alization, and Übe Claims tbathe &algae i 0 bejl ar admit before the negt etuat=ection, he shall ex. - hlblt the certificate °this '. llomot. intention ; in all cases'where any wardborough; towts..li I p or he election dietriet - divided into-two - Or More ;pre cincts, the olullieeter Shill noted Ist' all ' his 11..SCS11- meats the election preettiet In tablets each elertor_ resides, and shall - make a separate return for emits to the countreommhattonera In all caseate whirl' a retire iii requited from hi mby. the provis ions of this act ; .and the county eorffinindfters. In making , "In plicate copies of all such-returns, - shall make dupli cate copies of the name. of the voters Aim cacti , pre duet; separately; and shall furnish *the same th the assessor; and the copies required by this stet te he placed ontlie doors of dr on the election stares inn or before the first of August lie each year, shall he -placed on the deer of or on the election place Site:Leh of said precis-lens; 4 .. . • i Sac. S. After the assessments have bee , n eomPleted on the tenth day preeeding the second TIIeS,I3I.V In October of each year, the assessor shall, MI the Sion:. day Immediately following, mait.• . a return tithe =it t ,__ , Vi ln inti ' e n eTel l e i g, - . "" r m e:, 's .7r f ,, 4 l l ,! ) : ' ;: ' 4 ` . ' f.: by him try the sdcond section of this act, noting Op posite each name t Ileobservatierumand explanations required to be:noted rev aforesaid; and the county commissioner shall thereupon Cause the same, to be added to the rettten required by the secondsection -of this edits:nil a full god correct ropy thereof ;to be made; containing - the nattiest of all persons so re turned as resident taxables ip said -ward, borough, township or preelnet, and furnish the sametogether • with the necessary election I:Minks, so the officers of the election in said ward, borough, tiOwnshlp or pre cinct, on or before ate o'clock in the morning id the second Tuesday of October; and nn man, stsiill be permitted Wrote at election on that day. whose name is not on said list, unless he .shall make prof of Ms right to vote, OS hereinafter required. SEC. 4. On the day of election any person whose name isnot on the said list' and claiming the right to vote ataald election, shall produce at leaßr one qualified voter of the district as witness to. the real-: deuce of the claimant ire the district in which he claims to be a voter, for the period of at leaflet ten days next preceding - said election, which witness, shall take and subscribers written, or partly Written, and partly painted, affidavit to the facts stated by him, which affidavit to the facts stated by .him, - which affidavit shall-define clearly where the resi dence le (tithe person so clahninte to be a older. and the person po claiming the right to Vote shall - also take and subscribe a written, or partly n - lritten . and partly printed tifildavit,stat lug to the isett of his knowledge and belief, when and where hew burs . ; is a citizen of the Commonwealth o f e Mean- • sylvania and of the 'United states ; that he has rest .ded In the Commonwealth mine year, or if formerly a Citizen therein, and has moved therefrom, that he . tuts resided therein six months next preceding said, election; that he has not-moved Imp the district for the purpose of voting therein; thr he has paid a elate or county tax withim : two year% which • 'seas assessed at least ten ;days before Will election; and, if a naturalized citizen, shall also state when, where and by what satin , he was naturelized,and shall also produce acertificete - Of tulattottlor examination • the Mid affidavit 'dun oho-state When and *tide the tax claimed 40 bli paid:by the Milani was assessed, and I when, Liellalla and to whom paid, and the tax receipt ithere. int-Shad laeiproduced for examination, unless the alas= s.WI state in his affidavit that it bait been lost or destroyed, - or that he never received any.but ' if tree person so claim I ng th e right to vote/shall take and subscribe an afildavit„ that he le a natite born citizen of the United Suites, (or if born elsewhere, shallstate tbelact In hiSaffidavit, and sill pro duce evident:o4l'm he has been haturallzed , r that he is entitled to ettizertshtp br reason of his father's naturalization;) and shall turther state in his aftl davit that hets, at the ttmeof taking the affidavit, between .tbeoges of letanty-onE end ; terenty-two years ; that he has - reslded in the State - one.year and in the election district ten clays nextprelleg such eleerklu; beetle& be entitled- tokote, affliough be shall not have paid taxes; the said. afildavitii of all persons taliklug each Violate; *dallies illfilda,Vlts of the witnesses to"thelr residebets, Shall be preserved; by the election besrd,azul at. the g tore gif the elettion r they shall be ealtimeditith this Mit or icaermi, -.tally list and otherpers required by law to be ti led by the return - ju do wi th the. pretlemomm,f shalt,' c i d nmusta on file thetewith4b , the.prethaisota -!a' of 4 flee, subject to examination, as outer election paperer' are; if the,electkln otilatit ttailltratidsPibiteell' cant or applicants pcaseis ail the light ettmlin ions , pt voters, be or they shall bepernatted to vote. and the DM, or names datailhe added MAIM fist iof tax able% by the election officers, the word " tax" being rh.gtcrici4xill.re the age" =lif it tl e lt r irms tO MX ! ma ter t'ete : tux, and same word' ,being addedik - , the clerks la earn ease • respectively on' the lists of persons ',voting le such election, : . . . . RM. 5. It shall be lakful for any qualified eft bum of the district, notwithstanding the namei of the proposed voter is contained on the list of resident ' taxable', to etudlettge- the vote of such person;: - whereupon the same proof of the right of suffrage as is now required -by- law shall be and made and acted on b the election board, and ttievote ad mitiodor rteecea, ambrdlog to the evtdebse ; *very. person claiming to be a mattratized citizen , shall be required to erodible his zusturalizathm certificate at the electioebefore voting, exOept where he lass lien for ten years. cOnSequently a voter In theslistrict in which ha offers his vote; and on - the vote of such person being received, it shall be' the Mityi of the election officers to write or tampon aueastoOlticate . the "voted,'Y with the month and year; andif any election ofneertir *Meer. shall resolve a second vote oaths same day, by virtue of the saute eerthi este, exeeptiag. where some-are entitled tai rote by virtue of. the naturalization of their fathers, they and the person who shall offer each' seeond vote, Upon so offending. shall be gully of a hrghtalede meandr andlat conviction thereof, be lintsisa, r im prissaor botri., at the discretion of thesauri; but the line not exceed one hubdred Millers each ease. not the imprlsonment one pear ' s ,the I t a tm ale= shall be Inflicted; ' oti cant - union; It the of election who - shall . neglect - or' use to _ a or dale to be made, the indorse s at re tail4o Mitred as aforesaid %L sand =Moralization certificate. Al% If i armetectlim Offisser shalliftists orneglect ' to etre 4.1 roolf,tof the tight- whom as is by Mislay, iwthe laws ivitteN is is n oupptsonint, Own any _poroon-orrortng ti] vote wham anon to not on-the het of asseesed vet,tersi or nbooo right to. colitis thallsaged hiany Atrium' ' of Union will h • TAE Ittfli4EirtrlV • LiCILT, -- 6004 - 1 1 1 6 ,*‘ PEI,I. woo .ititels.penton tti 'rote f, every Demo ic) -enemas, le legee - guilty of:a .1 aenteWee for receding one hialit.;.; tat nt at thestiscre lintel's:7 'election for elm ` elaa.ent Of.the United - -- ' misers to attend Int the election fn and there hear all news have beet 1. teaseolsio on - ratd Shall . fete as shall slurs, t cif. suffrage In such - DM of the clalmatd—: n . with. the proper. lett:thereof shall use where thel ht days beforethe ' same course she'll '. required by this, set', 'alernent, at the gen-j" Assamr shall also . tray, commissioners: 'IS_ of AtiLs election:, Haldrnish copies: _ .1n each, district, -M I , 4. - i" iti-' - hirer, in all respects', as Ls 'required at . the" ir l .- tt t ll lec irtgi .ln tri ii e in ,ru Cle los k" antifiethli tatittnlii shall apply at eve special election, and ai every.separate city,' bee or ward • elect lop.ittall. respects -us - at the gene elections In liklobe e, . , Ste. 0. The 'respective rtrispectora 'and' , j' il digaisaat the elections shall each have tine power to aziattuiester ttlts to aitv as claiming the right' to be atsessed or the right of sutrfage or In regard - to Isar other mattefor thing remitted to be done or I n quiredi into by any 01 said officers under tutu set; anti any willful fakes swearing by any person in re lot hin Ito ally matter or thing `usincerning w loth they s:4ll.4.e. : Jawfulle I literrogated by any of ...id he offiFt "shall punished as peij 14'4 . 1 . s . `o. The assessors shalt each recelKe the same, - CA pluollon forlite time necessarily spelt' lo I.ts . z M. • aui' g the duties hereby enjoined us is provio.4,l by Mai for the la.r.V.rusatioat of their other Mitt s, l to be paid by..l he county ccinintliedriners'asin other cases ; hind it shall not be lawful for any assessor to ~assi tes , la tax against! any person whatever withid, tenl data next preceding the election to he held eat thelsecond Tuesday of (tardier, in nay year, or with in 4•a luny" next before any election for el...coin, of Yrusletitqat and Vice. Eresidellt of the, Foiled States; ' anywlolatton of :this provision shall be a tnistie• mentoir, mid subject the! officers so offending to a llneao 4 cony iet ion, not exceeding one hundred tiol- Aar44 it tolidgrisonnteut not exeeeding three 1 ,, menti ,or bothlist the discretion of the court, -, ' - Sigc.2l. On the petition of Ave or more. citizens of I I the! et nty, stating under omit that they Verily bellevC that trends will be proctleei at the elect ion • ! about to d obe held any district, It shall le; the duty of the,k"ourt of common pleas of guild county, if iff . sesSioa„ or if not ajudge thereof In vacation, to :IP point two judicious, sober and Intelligent citizens of 1: theloulti ty to acto4 oversrtitsat said elettlon,Aiald twerserrs shell - tat selected 'from different political part ere, sritere the inspectors belong to different par tieet,apti where both Of said inspectors belong to - I he settle sitil Ica! party, both of the overseers shall be taken tom the pppONite political party z said, iit er see, ta all have the right to be present with the otti , • cent o 'the election, dritimethe whole tune the same is lieldl,.the voter, counted and the returns tuade mil an!! aligned be - the election officers•, to keep a list of voters; if they see proper; to challenge any pers , M oinking to vote, and interrom.te hint and his witnt,s undertuath, in regard to his right oh suffrage at sold eleethin; and to examine his papers produced: and • thil i orneers of Said election are required to a ff ord to sal o e selected and appointed every coo- ve le ce and y for the discharge of their du ffel; rid If said elee lon-oMesrs shall refuse to per. mit l,4li i• d overseer* to .p - rmamt and perform their dulletkas aforesaid, cit, f they shall be driven away from the:polls hy viols nee or intimidation, all the votespolled at such election district may be rejected by lan tribunal trying aeontest under said eleetion ; Prbei ed, That no pengin signing the petition shal l' L c. be hp (atmd an overseer. . Mgr.' kJ. If any prothonotary, clerk, or the deputy', Of either, or any other person, shall affix- the seal of', office Ito any natnralliation raper, or permit the same to be affixed, or give out, or .cause or permit. ' , the setae to be given Out, in blank,:wherehylt may', be fraiMulently nsed; or furnish a naturalization' cettifleate to_an,y person who shall not have: been duly ciamined andiswora In open court, in the pre- sent* Of the judgeafibereof, according to the act of .Congreas. or shall aid' in, connive at, or In any wak perndt the issue of any fraudulent naturalization certiftrate,heshall be guilty of :thigh misdemeanor; . or if any one shall fraudulently - use any such cart 1- Ilcate bf naturalization, knowing that It was I raial u - lentlyThaued, or shall vote, ar attempt to vote there on. cad( any one shall vote, or attempt to vote, on an,y esliticatit of naturalization not be teed to him, , he sha llbeg !trot a high misdemeanor ; and either or anslof the persons, their alders or abettone, guilty of *deter thii misdemeancira aforesaid, shall, on et/11- %4CM ,be Clued In a sum nut exceeding one thous and ddllars,laud imprhanted in the Proper penitents- . ' erg rot a period unt exceeding three years. She. Id. Any person who on oath: or affirmation, ' In 'or 1 fonlpany court in thifiState,-Or officer author-' l e lied t administer oaths,,shall, to procure a curt M crae o naturalization, for himself or nay other per- son, Wailfully depose, declare or affirm any matter' to be filet, kuowlng the same to be false. or slain u.' like odinner deny any matter to be fact, lolow ingt he garnet:obi true,aliall bethieutedguilty of perjury; and! any ceStiticato of natitraliz ttlon issued in pursuanct• I of - an such depOsithin, declaration or :Ant mm 1 1 ,91 '; shan't null anti void; and It shall be I hedo ty of tlof "1 l e . emit stating the same, upon proof being, Mat. li,=l! Tore iVI hatllt was fraudulently obtalnial, to tette I n'e - I I mediate measures for recalling the-same for euneel- " I lotion iotA any p wean WII3 shall rot.. or attempt '1 to rot; on any paper so obtained or who shaidiaany. way ail in;iccoulive at or have any ageney witatoiler In the; issud, circulation or use of any - fratitifeiit naturalization certificate, shall be deemed guts:rot? atnisdemeanor, and upon convictlOn thereof sled il i under ro all imprisonment in the penitent laty,for! l not is ire titan two years, anti pay a tine of not more! than ene thousand dollar. 14. r every such offense, on either of both, at the discretion at the contd . : •Eitc; .. .ll. Any itroustsor, election officer or persen it ii- " pointed as tin over et. who shall neglect or rem-, to' perforit an N - duty aiditicd by this n et, without IrJ sonah e or legal ca . se, Shall be subject to a penalty'' 1 " "of °actin mired dot' ars, and if any : assessor shall as sess arty,person as r voter \ who is not qualified, or. shall refuse to ayess any one who is qualities!, he shill be guilty of 0 misdemeanor lit milts., and on convietlote be punished by fine,or impri.on ment;and also be subject to an action• for thifillgvs by 11. party aggrieved ; and lf any person shalt french lent ly alter, add to, deface or destroy any list of voters made out as directed by this act, or tear down Or remove the same from the place where it has I wen fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous intent, or for any ithproperipurplse, the person K4lofrentling ,hall be guilty of a high Misdemeanor, and on cons fiction shall he punished by fine not exceed imi, five hundred dollars, or imprisomnent not exceeding two years, or bon ,et the discretion of the court. fizc. hi. All elections for city, ward, borough, town ship a d eleethin oftleerarthall hermit - ter- be laid on the s o e l wl Tuesday of 06tober; subject, to all the pro vision of the laws regulating the elections of such office not ineonsixtent with this net : lite persons elects ftl such offices at that time %hair:take 1 he.r places it the expiration of the terms of the persons holdirtit the same at the time of such - election : but no eleetion for the office of assessor ur assistant its-, sessorfshall be held, under this act, until the yeaT one thimsarid eight hundred and seventy, 'svc.la At all elections` herr:tiler held under the lairs° this Corntuonwealth, the polls shall be open ed bet veep thediours of SIX- and N - SEVE o'elo dk,' i A, M.. fold cloewanthEN'EN o'clock, r. M. . . .. S> c. It s yhall be the dut ,of the Secretary the ennui mthe rwealth to prepare forms for all bhailis made teeessury by this act, and furnish copies _t h e same 1.4) the county commis-toners of the seN'vral enunt es or the Commonwealth; and the county .... . . , eontinpisionerx of each county shall, R 3 soon to: mais be neerxsary after receipt of the sante, nt the proper ex grope Of the county, procure and furniliit to all flp• eleeth 0-otticers of Ille election dist rteb4 -of - their r.•- peett - c'-counties copies of Mich tilanink, lu ,tu loam ties as may he tendered necessary for the a,t.- •hurg of their dilates under this act. • • • • SEC. 19. Thid cltizens,of this Stateleniporartly iu the se vice of the State or of the United Stan, el. iv erum nts. on clerical or other duty, and ♦rho do not vote • here - thus employed, shall not be thereby de privet of the right to vote In their several election, distrt is if otherwise duly qualified. =1 'AN A 1". regulating the mode of voting at till .de, Wm In the ieverni counties of tlals Comnia.n, 'wcalth, approved March 30th,1664: ' • Swim's I Re it entitled by the Senate and Mont, of Itepre rotative+ of the (Innmontrealth rf Pennryttu,i,ii 4n 17 era! 4stenibtr met, and It CI hereby enoctra the au hortly of the same, That the qualified voter, of the se -eral counties of this Commonwealth, at the gene . I,townshlp, borongh or speclul elections, are beret),hereaftcr, authorized and -required TO vote; , p by tic • eta, printed or serittrtrf, or partly printed and partly written, severally eta:rattled as follows: Ouc tick Quaff embrace the nam& of all Judges of court • voted fur, and .to be labelled outside 'lndict , ary ;" onesebket shall embrace the nanie of alit:tato office' vo=r, and be labelled "ritate;" our tick et sh en ) e the names of all county - oflicera voted, or, and be labelled "c3unty;' one ticket shall embricethe names Of nil township Officers voted fur aild --- efuriVelle,..l ; I tosv!whip:" one ticket !shall hip bracethe namci of all borough office!) , voted for; and labelled labe "bum:milt': and each class shall be _ . • = tedtn separate ballot-boxes AMENDMENT CA).NSTITUTION 1% 51. 7TIOX 1. The right of citizens the l'ititcd Ito vote xhwil not be den reaTirficbridged by the 1 fitstee; nr by any stew; on amount 01 race, or 'pey s condi t lort'of servitude. I • nv,ri Stater I "nit c )lor FIR. su i t 711 c r‘ •• • • AND SECOZI'D SINTION 111 , ACT of CoNORENN OF RARCII 31,1870. • ,,,, 10t:1,4k U enacted by the Senate and flogs t ,resentativea of the United &ales Of A meriea iii e y ss assembled, That all citizens of the United .Who are. or,stall be otherwise qualified by law vote. at an election by the people, in any' 4 . Statekerritat7, d latrict;cour tr a. city, parish, town. Ship, oottlistritt, munlel ty Or other tertltini• al an ivision, shidl be en tied and allowed to v“te at al such elections, without distinction I.d-rare, colo or previous condition of sere Rude ...any Con, stitn ion, law, custom, flings or regulation of any tits Territory or by;or under its authority, to, the e nunry notwithstanding.''` ' . ''' And be it further enacted, That if by or unde the authority of the Constitution or low., of any tate, or laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a perquisite or guso.l - n far voting, and he such 'Constitution or law sor officers are or shall -be charged with the pert rmance of duties in -furnishing to citizens, _an oppo unity to perform-such tierquisite or to is com qualined,to vote, it shalt be the duty of ov...ry sorb person and officer to give to all citizens of tli& I,4fit States the mime and -equal opportunity to pert rm such perquisite and to become qualified to vote ithout ilbalnetion of race , cotot; or pNvioni condition of servitude; and 11 any such persim or CO r. *halt refuse or knowingly omit to gill. full 'eh' lothis section, he shall, for every such offellst.. fort t and pay a sum of five hundred dollars to the Iron n ntense aggrieved , tel i t e h r L b reL o tts and sn e e r ettWo .' an i l' i t , e ; i be for unsel - fees an the court shall deep Just, and shall-also', for every such offense, be deemed guilty a eta 1 isderneanor, and shall, on conviction then-otr be tin not less than five hundred dollars,. or be lin pr ed not less than one month and not more than one ar, or both, at the discretion of the court, sEct 10, That *O conch o m v u r e i h nt:P f e gnir very ilvt. setli VA r N A lA Y.F.DISLA. BODIN v as ,provi es thd: lt on E l O y ir w A h Pß U l :f a ree A M D e . n . I :re lL ' en ' entitled tled to vote be registered as voters - or as claiming tiCiiote .at an general or special election of this Common. weal ,be and the sante ishereby repealed; and that i he all freemen, without distinction - of color, shall be enrolled and - registered according to the TProv ICTEIS of the dist section of the act approved I:th Apri 1840, entitled 'Ad act further allppietnentat to tpthe t relating to the elections of this. CODDIUM eaI . e ' lecu and ous whe i n a citil this eraise c quai w ithal eath u . rider the ez- Win laws, be entitled to vote at all general anti l e Pt et tnant tO the_provhdtms contained - in- the 7Gth of the act 'first reeL s t me.t r the judges of the If d dist ri cts shall . Weir' take charge of ' he tillieldeaof retnrtiof election of their re'. etthrttiets, tad_ produce them at ameeting of ne from each district at the Court House, in . e *ugh of POtterille, on the third day after the the election, being , • • - i N AZT'4* PAY ,OP cicronEft, is at 10 deck, A. X, thep and there to dOand perform the ties required by law'of said Judges, - • Al, that'irbereajardge, by sickness or unlit - Ohio- N accident,' ilimitable to attend such meeting of "ea, then the certificate or return shall be taken 'lt of by one of the inspector' or Clerks of the in of the district, who shall do an d perform the required of said judge unable to attend, , on under my hand, at my once , in 'Pettarlile, Itsday of September, in the year of our Lord lOnsand eight Moulted and seventy, and In the r.fourth year pf the Independence of the d States "GOD SAVE T AE' CONXONICIALIit ~," _ -.“ . ;lit- , "480/414/0 IC. trYNICOOP: Alwrijr, 1 "s Office, Pottsville, Sept. 14, 1571).-33-4t 1 MEI Eat:. Gtv Pisa net , htne ntt SIM 4 : CFRIPAACCGY COAL always oil hood. •rs left at the Oftlee of C. 31. Centre • • will Os promptly attended to. IS, I* • :ARV SZANZICISS /LOS .—The War 1. of the Comity Prilson has a :srge assortment or Cheek and Seamless Bags on hand. Alm ) 'A: - BOOTS AND"SHOES, willeh he offers tor t the Prison. at low prices, for cash. Highest ims pond for Carpet Hags. _ 20, , ISAAC WAHL). • N. NAB= 4 CO. • • • . - soccesmorlo B. CROsSET7. xAscitAcruarsa or Air. =Arts or .. • „ .. .. . , 0.. I. FIRE 13.RICis ; • rumens,. Rolling Mita, Forges, Steel Works. e Kilns. Caßola Puniaoes, BLOCKB and 1 . - sae BbutrFaraacea, Gas Works, Mal eible Iron Worlm.Bakers Ovens. Green .n o u s s a .ka, . ; Mare Heater and Range ' -Cylinders. dr.... of every 141414 %ae, riptlon to order, a s i.atiloun„ Firs Band. FL! Gemmel. In Bulk Phrloans. 'th Of Woodbrtdie_Creek, N. J. and Peekskill, p. - 0. Ladropuvrarth Amboy 1i.1., or Peeks .r. . - . rf i N F-0 REp A irg H - • 'MAMMOTH,.M NAGERI :: 'AND CIRCUS; .4 - EN MA ti t A.NOY-= - 07..,Y, ASa i ! E AZIp t ,.;:,I I _„;:.. • kiNf i ~.c.... ....,.•':.0.1.-i:i7 ........ - , , v-.....;_.•N'k•-;, i- . iitcCV,TIZ- ~,,,,- -i „ 7 " - •.?‘—‘ -* 4.6. F...•_ '-'''''' -- l - sl ' . , TUESDAY, - OCTOBER 4th. _ The ilermt S h I pC'' WA; twaur: .• with earga of Ne , and Preah Ar iitals„ exhreold AP r F . l r 1. logickl I nst tote, w hnve is si it d to• 131-1 ready Ex:;1 - srva: Mcnag; rto of hat *Om • I arr in he r • w 4.1 e• bath toe Ataxy an 111 Fompangli p Neat. t o 11 I pat you. Thirty. Ahu - sive • Dena " of Living Wiitl Animals, a matutgerie double the size., of any Exclusive A. mai -.;Shotr on this 'Continent, and larger than any tour oat lea I :onibinationf„ that CUL tie found in Anuirlo..... a - .•:-"r11.E1'110(31ti4S.S.—Mr. Forepatutta cd-ganized Ids Si for an American four, and‘started in tit • Spring of Isa 7, tt the m!iowi ss. • Is r,". hi Cages of.'l:tdtlialsVil a Cireus; (under.one ient.l i-crls,-.--4irt•age.i. of 4711111.11 T mad aCI reltS, 'miler rite tent.) Cagekof •Ah mii is a tkl itriceus mailer tso tents.' 1 , :0. '3O Cues cos, ;under I wuleni wl;a u; irrearkmat In"; hanroventekt Kt °z it and rat api• n ilia. , sueoess.has tatiniled 1;14 Pfhirt. Tttol• the )toilek beatro rip; 41 him fiy, a ilLuctintinat l'Ablic . Lias beets Judiciously c,t.qlk,r their beneflt.,rand hilkg-h4littr4 , are lulling all o• the country lists F.'ktablialltrhmt has• been grioiwilly grow' strottger, ust4i tor Vic - Pcrtirth.',tunti.m Tour Amt." lea l orupaugh rill;;:entelii his patry,us _ . • ' ' ••J - THE !F1 EST_ SHOW IN THE WORLD! Mai TII A .11 AN "e ADANI FOREPAUGH'S Zoolpgimil Itittestrian '.Aggrmtion, PoirTsviLLE, rt • ICSLIA.B", c.)c•roisi;lt. lu, 1s 7o ATONE &CLOCK' P.ll • PLIN l;:gitutir, Cucquuled, inwpi tom iZetl - 4111.1 ( s tatiprolt. us I ce s , ANIMAL IsIIOW AND ELD.I.INTLA • Ett . l 7 MITI) CIRCUS Will not divide taller tIUF CI ~, but iv I fityt-I gorlier, hll the principal' Towns and cities In this rs ‘ E at X 11111 NG IN TWO zsI•IPAIIATE tbre Uia gratu of 1 attn.'', I , lr true.price 0f...-Vtimissioti. • • ~.. • ' ONE TICKET.EOR 50 CENTS ALEIHTS TO BOTH SIOIWK tmtler lelieur.._.Ceuta to both' til,o4s. $ 30 Massive Dens, of Living Wild 'Animals, The unities of which are onaitten here tin' want 14 rkottn, but h.r a eorreet ILst , ;.rliteh the reader is rel.4reil-tOsniall Bttlr be exhibited daily. on-the St reet4 and in the' :druagt:rin iu etinJunction with three Elephant.R, 'leaded by the .A..sintir Mastodon. , "Itotnen," viand tt HEIM (t} BLACK. AND NV11111: CAALE;Ls ANI lifiC)MEDAttintl,. . iiiia AS!!'wNEHORNED HORSE! ONLY WiLY ONE hi THIS CUNTRY FUR 20 YEARS Ntit. JAS-MAGIURE, EqueArians:(iytnitta;ts, •Aciabats,',l•_:,iuestrielue. 11 ability; • • • • Pior,l'ony,Frank's Metropolitan Band " • • r. Embracing the recitiost Musical Talent of both li eini4plim with a full rind complete seta: solid Sliver Instrument lair (toeing In the street Proceralon;and also in'tbe Orchestra. I wrin,lerful piece of Mechlnisra„ invented by. Pr,of. Frai ke own ea the STEM. MorrisParro. This truly novel In', meat will he played in.the Bend by - Mr. Vliarles yiank,Proi er of the inventor, who will be assisted in their excellent M skill Selections by Mr. Fee 1. Frank, the wonderful Basso. at a full anti complete. hand ,.. We make this Band a specialt and challenge the iNyttrht to compete with• - The,"tt lead the - " • GR.AND- Pi-eOCESSION, 171; lite& it. Niqn to p see: 30 31, , e,1 ye liens and Cage*. tk, the Golden Car of the Ccingueror, -decorated • with i.lags and Fanblanas of every Naticpson the (hobe.' El ephantg„ Cam els and Dromedariea. elegantly "caparisoned, and.the ' • Princely tircqui fleapit:mot Ring Hornell, Ponies, Mules', (orating altogether a closely &arm tip line: rep- . . resenting a poritivo cash Ativastment of FOUR ktUNLD.RED • :.1.141) FIFTY THOUSANSI LARS. Presenting a beautiful Moving Pan°. 1 .rame. one mile •arut a quarter in length. tie - .01u , pro .h..qiun and then If you think the shoo is nut all that Is claimed -to be, .. • don't patronizejt. • , NO • ppNgliksT;,ir EXAGGERATION 1 niR,563.-rr.t-T..Pr.Stuv,r.AN n2.IETEr; s LA W Ever.sacaln America., tazo,pe or any *art of .tlis „.. '4 P .'''-'- , tt VOILA . LE COi(PS• REPRESENTATIVE IBM ADIII FM&I.F&LQiI. B. COfing. J. E.. 148.3[16 • w. Luna, ar•g• DIPS. • i ; N`:-:- WILL Exawri AT BEM MI G R AND VIII( II %'ILL EXHIBIT Il' , AND : A Tltr(x6l : : lit lultl~l'a M R. 'W li'. r : Don't Forget 'the-Name, = ) :V W S! =I Imager .*l, !murkier, . imittiat gager. r. ' =Ell Griehal bfretOor, 'Tremarir EMI Kept': :30. t• ' : •,, i••• •tl 'l4; , sATIY utSAY, ()cr. 1: .IkIONE),VS7 - , Clf JS. wlilrkisezlibt:c•ll.,'':'Pr. the Animal ,t4,11.,w, 10.1.1 t the very talent, f iiime;e, from of Etirl..pe Lnd svc• M'LLE I • IA IIINIATEY, Mit. iticHAH.D MR. Flt A N MTTIEWS AN .11 t: ti NINt) EDDIE, Dui ti. OINTY, _M'I.LE VJIII4INIA, 111 i. NV At. NI( ; ~ , ~' 3 1'GR'A1)1)11: I•'(l }'! .\I tilt, R:;JUG. V'LLLI\I.`EVA,. • • • I:; 7 ''' • • .• • % p i . . . • - • . . . r. • t \ 4 I ME ; ;.:.; ~ , . . !NM 3 - IME , . .\/.. J. FoltEl'..1.1:11, :101iN• NAY LO.ll, (;I•'.i). FoItEI'AUGLI, NI it: J.:. I). Tu.(' HA I N, NhiT. it.c()I.LITII BEE EME =I - • • - Waidtb.— TARTMD.-One Female Sod , Three Mato Teach ,it ets for hterseatisborLool.; District, Term, 4i stunirths.: 4 Eletoxdit °rim her 14th. . An' exam. Manion riline held in, Z - Ir - estestiati Thursday, October W.b, mutt nienetng • A.M.. order of the Botird,_• - JONAD RUN • , decoy, • :Mil Si, 11 . 1-11144, ,:• , Neer Aloitgold, P. O. L AI' D sirrataaans WAILIMA , , . OF, WAR.OF. /$l2 AND-41,..E;c&N. WAR. FOREIGN COINS,. FUGER . % GOLD, 4 MERN-* IdENTand other BONDS BOUGHT and dOLD. CS&LLECTIONS - promptly toadrren all points. .1)E - • • PoSITICRLOEIVEDO \ ho interes ~'• 5 k NO pains will lxrepared-W genre tt* Ot those wholtavor us with Mott; bustness:\" • . • 1.1t,,,\ 4, . ' t-- 'JOHN S. RUSHTON & C 0.4. • ... Itinkterisinit Brokers, No. , soitotrth &I" .., Phi tuda.' . Je t ts4,•'7o ", , -,• ~• .. .. -i -1 • t—ly —,f.,tr—^:--r-----------•-•r-,--'-7—.----------,g-.-'.---- • '-loat Sttittts, i&r. • • J , 43. PRICK,_ - . • ritANt , rAl.ll.T . REit cao • gQIIARI4.I)It.ANCII - LA.R. Itt>ll,A'ND, WIRE . • ' • .('it! ENS,! • • • :t• • ' . 4 (1'.4.7..F.NTEp SEPT. Grit, t47l'. NOrWkitllllt rA. SeDl'„ 17, '7.1:!--11:-1.1111 . 1 . Manufacturer of COil 'Screens; Of the Lates! and t.ifost Approved Styles. . Secuitt.l-lu.'.ultA....er.s i.lll 2. , it - n..•nt;.' nlwayscri.l.ol;.l. 3 . Nrep.:;... , :t fully s.o:liit a.- burilia.itsiv ,if the OA* 1 r..ibage I...'rc tutor.. Au hip. nil I-3; 14 ...!; t.We.d. . .. - - ; -.- L. I.AriIENSTELS . A. C(I-.. - Rniirt 10 St.. if at . I Et: uryyst 11,;au dwiat., ,, t:e, Jall 1...5 9 —1 " -- '-, ,• ' l'uttsylllc, Va. SQUARE ROD ANDg';'.lll.E. SCREENS. .- . .. • • J. I,A (5 1.11.: NST I.: IN I ' .'• 1 ./ . . .'• - - • • :- m vivrAcri•Ltp:::irz _ . SttUKR 1.: 11.011. - 41c1).'1V4R,E S.C.III4:ISS—. PATNNT.EI4 F . F.llll,l'.lltS 4, kV. .3t1:4; Eit. , ,v LI1; t•. 711 I'Y !Ai I 1.1. • The.i4t/T7A141.1 Rai) . 4.01:2E NS. .11el1111it their tilwrl4r-vtlreng4ll and are ,prefrrr...lll,ki -all others wlotirever trtisl; al/ tways , OrderN'protiv.tl 11114.4, a..tjt . p.lerate .; „ ' y •41c63 - -‘ , -.. • . •-, ' . Vega'. fnrb4.. -• • • ,-. jW - .-C,A.KE, JR— ATToICS IN, AT LAW, I I • - ilift•V. A - P:NTIt): NT.. - t,V..E 111111111111 '& Ittimiwyto 1, )64, i4U.,re, V.t. tt4l: I I le. l'A: June S. ..711.44.-1 y HAN,',.'lrl'-..„Pr . , ?lii -N : A t t N e i'r ito7l,7 4 41 Y 4 W A ;fij i i .. ., AN4 4;.11 . ! flit:T.or; Pot lin' i lie. ~ . , .." ---. " . r. 13 1 4XTH, Arriin Nr.l" AT LAW. . . •-••••.. Main Street, hheliatidonh. Pau Jan 15, In-,':1— , 13. , • , .. . ITANEW.C.BIIEAFEH, • Oftic.e, _ Centre St., Pottsville. . •• • Muy T • A.M. PAS/MORE, Arl(inxiY AT LAW-i-, J Pot tsvl Ile, Pa. Ottlee, So.-) Slahnntonfo Street, oppositj, Post ont4p. • --- fito. R. A • CHER,,, ATTORNEY AT. LAW, - •Vi Pot torvlllo. Flo. 179 Centre 'Sr.; nearly , April 3,, '6l}---/ 4 tt 424 ES CAMPBELL,.- ATTORNEY AT LAW; 14) 54ut1 si x•rn rret, Philadelphia. ' . WTrariimmr. ATTonNYN AT-14(147i; ' : N 9,, 11i-Sceutrt. at e pOttsvillet fan ANI.EL.D. DILLkIA.N. .I.TrogNE.I - AT LAW, 1.1 Pptfttriltr,i't. ()Mee, Hotpimit's near Hufldiu••, (...!.mttnt Jill id, A LniRITTLE. A'l t 1 Ni'.NitlCeitre 4trt4q, t P 4. Al! rkidtpx pntmptly yr.:leant. "octphor lit; 4 09-42---ly GORIIE "CILANC/3ER S, l'Attunberti••• bunt Var.) Al - roit.tvi:v-AT-11.4.w, No. NI 041- nat.:v-111r, .. • I A. 1.4 AND CODDDCTION JDF.FICE. "- . • Ci-lIIITOPHEFi ATTuItNEV AT 1 , .% %I" V,VBI.IC. . Sept , Potts% illy, Sktuylit.lll Dings an glymicals. isg mumaTine , complaint. SLIM W. FOWLE & 80N, Proprietors, Boas.* bold ,by druggists and dealers generally. Nuns genuine unless signed I. Alm St e '7 , 1 tv-row iIIRIITLER . SE . ) HEUMATICi - :•VEGETABLE EMEDY. sWARRANTE D BY AFFIDAVIf - t 'A PERMANENT CURE FOR . ! :RHEUMATISM ANO NEURALGIA . • This vegetable ternedyls the pirscriptlon ,of. the i-mintitt PhYsielan amt. Prote;t•or. I,.silt.tr P. Frihm:;,ll, who has devoted :37 ye4rs :0 Ilia ntuatistu mid : Nem:tight:specially, and l,)- 0..• ProfeNsion publicly au non need ns the higlicrt authority hi Ithetimatie=e , on plaints. • (See It Is pleasant. and agreeable to the'taste and warranted free (ruin- initmrals and. Inj tapas rmu.s. It Is in , Preparation; a Medical Toon opoly% .and warrant. 1 under solemn oath- a perina tie t .11arniless, e eure for Inflammatory Ithen mat isin. elironli• Rheumatism, Itheumatism, !nett kril of Kidm•ys., ts ra Itria I'l , l Iliad, Neural 2 the" ttody, Nervons Ii e:al.v-Ite, and Nervous disoases. Sold by Dna:mists at -it •el per bott'.e: six boti les charge, sent by latt er. All orders sent by Ex press volleeteri on ditilvery. N0.1:.t south Poprilt St., Phitadti. -April le, '79-16 "ODF fiEY'S INELTRiaIoE AGENCY, • „ Office: No: 2, Mabantongo Street, Where T( ANY A.:MOUNT can he effected in Ihe,ntnst teiiable CorniThonles In tint Sa u d, and ...ne of which are the oldest, VI4I, • - Assvirs.-. North American of Ph , itL - ,91,.1)010, • " ' Franklin, " •'3,t,m Home, of New 4,376,•!.-14 Yhrk Farmers' Mutual % the).9o7 rlifed State., of .. ...... ..... -141, - !t):" State Flre, r.I 01it0..,• ' ttso,4l: Wtfliatnspert, of - ' - ' 19.3,600 I:Mu:aster, ." . . :The above namist emit panics. are the' 'most prompt to nay losses -and horfinahle• In adjusting • T. A. t_li ;LW/LEY. 'Pot Is% .Itigust. '2;l, • • . . 1 -- ) P.LAWARE MUTUAL •• L. LIFE INSURANCE .( NVIIIINGTON• DEI X.W RE • JcOVIN P. McLEAß.,.•PrOsi"Sent. • M. M: CHILD, Secrettry. • ' BE A N II 0 F (7E: N. \V. coasts: •N'INTIT Nn STR4';KTS, - --Philadelphia; (.E0 sTONE, Presi.leilt; - Ntakisiger, , (4:1). F. Trit:s.a. - ..r., Gen'i Agent and .kttoruA•y.. - •;•, MrTrAl ' • LOW RATES. =I Son-Forfeititig finer one Linntual pay . - Irient. Even, - me lTUNlCietat lON et!llSlStera fey j{elarainteesllo Calicy 11(1111PrN.. • Hooka eontalning full inform:knot ettneettilinf the plaits and rnles of the Cornpanynt - free on-applica tion to the Brandi &Mee. • . • A;it-at, Irttritef I throtrghwii thr N",atex of Pratvnficaa pt ,zatt 'New Jrraeo. • . RiisT.h.L . NcEs thy Terrnlsslont: 7 llon. E. W. Gilpin. Cldol.ltist slat eOf Delaware; lion. 'Him:. h.:ll,ly ord' 17 ,itt, senator r frowt Delaware; Rt. Rry: A Ifmt Lee, Delaw;u:e; Gat. Henry du Pont, Pow tler . .tlanurr; Iron. G 0.... San kbury, Gov. State of Def.: the Premtdennt of alt the itanktf in the City of W ;ttt. Valvatine, ,Mayor Clty of WlNnltotton. ' • Ju1y11.3..70-3d-ly • OLD AND TRIED. IN . CO.A.PORAT.E:4 1861. -• • P.ITHEIN 111:11'•A.L. • BEI!, S HIE E 'LIFE INSURANCE CO.: I : l'rtSl ' !IE ra), MAS . . , , - Tilt 1..11A.i.i. 1': PLUNK ETT, President. . _ ~. ..I.A.MESTR A NCI'S, Vice I.'rra hien t. i- H. CBI CI: EIIINC4 SteeretarY strut .Treasurer.. -, `.....) j„ L. (;,itp;E:NE, Assistant Fweret,'ar. • . . . . 14 - Jn-T , rfoltOte oreal Policies Geoirediteed by Laikr. . . • . Ili en_si:. any pre . nilina is not, veld when doe, i lie pulley la riot fotfeltol: . but the tinhier remains in an re 4 for the tul e l anion tit, until tite prenii Ulll already paid unid.unearned Is ...x II:Instal by tbeetird:of ltisur anee :,ct he net tate. . . Rumple at thc Aga of 43 'One l'reiniunt on au oidlitary Life Poltcy,witl. continue the ill1011111)06 for Two Years mist btirlik3 a froin the tithe the policy, was issued, or One Year and fot Days afterAhe Sr:collet Annual Pre m Imo. bee. t. >unit 'Due. tillettld the •ceountl premium not he paid. anti the insured die w it Ittn.one year and ih/tlaYnafter snob tfott-iloyntent, the full at natant ttf. lltc PoneY uoukt tte pal , d,ies ouiy the iircsoitsmittle and unpaid. The larger the nutaber of pretututrts pahl,Alte !Anger -will the itettnnnee - ennt lune. in ten!. sd pt, ' • • The llerkshlre Itigurnnee Company has tiald unitei tht;:tanit4l.-c. Clatnts. which in Lbtroxinlett of other titates woultFlitive been worthless;' and is now continuing the insotAnce On over Mit pnlielen. on WhiCh ,t be hobleot nave N•en unable to pay pre , Ditunt. . The:lant eland int id. under this wait-forfeiture plan was that 0111 met ober woo lusurea'rt few years :4luoe for t 1,5130. th tkoSS,lin'fattrit tn , ltay btu annual pre miums, in Janunty, t, ono. year. and live niont afterwards, he died.- The vorvpany has pals! to the Widen/ thelutlAmount..l - 1,140 teri . 4 only - the overdue. pliyannut.3 mild ItAtertnn„ . • , . Ever t /. Artinbckllfrecia.;i4 . -- err - :2,42,4.fp'4i . I .l.l•ztrolitee . - • ,'"-. pix.2.f.l fur. . , . . , . .. , .. AL. l .•PAuTgi.ll.4.:Ntpt).) autizi.a Tut; 1,.p1.7..:1* 11tiL4- . ASNUAL Cisll - bl.Vrtiii:.: - ti..st- • . - ' ' • ''' • • • . 1 -- ..vsex.• , iit'A 1. NE , NAGE.3.m...er.. 0, - Careful s•rleetlei, ii% es. a•fe - i- In‘ie"thaeuts. , . • 3 - , 4Kvit..511.710 Soflicitors Wanted. 'Fur til'Orm4tl.,n, ..4 , 11:y at , the litinir WIN*, .01 . 10 -W1 11 : 4 4ii.A.k . F.14 itguend Attelki. • W. ens. Ela-V13.%111 Nrs.,* " ' • • (bet' 16, . .... , trby.Aria cbc . ni.';' • ;Light : Eit.l)* taws: . !Argo .tstusincsa l'.nrclni.es! (Tao: l'orAonni lioat 'A Life-Long, r.per t crie4s . - • (Otier. ~,Aeoni op Spring•thirtlen Street. l: offer 1.014 kiltASON' O 110 &;:ii , LEAtall 131 • 01:1: (looms, embracing every variety of ' shawls. ltreis - fionila, , '••,• • ttlablittil linetni; ,-•••-• ' Kid 4an t;cs, : • Clark t.0 4 : 1 M . 4 nt2.; . it% rtritt.:NLE,V, IlittE.Tharatr,i* Oar:81h and Spring tiarden - Sts.. XTRIW.I)OOEtt AS SQON 411 ISSUED •La . •-• . , 'NEW EYATUETTER—Rager% Oroupes.. A t . „.Tastiraielyed at 11AREAN,RAMSEY'S. Potty:111e: . . =I - 11511rnitri. O_CtOBER; 1870 ij 11 A o Nr op- .21E I IMF .: • , -,-",- Man re is,the: key tii-all gtieeessiful au,ti, „[. 'cure._ lienewthe most intport.anti,towsti ott .k •• farmer can askis, bow can I oltinflt anti tipt ply it - tiit` be best,advantage'."fo throw Nola little light I can, of .this quetition, is , mV oh. ject in writing"lfils article:. • . • .• ,Qur oWeet is to obtain the largest i 5.,..-ii, l ,, crop with • the :least, possible (-xis...list , . .1.1, use ofsoil iik toil - old the..plant -- .Whiffi it ifed with appropriate ftioil„which is already f l i,. • tallied in the soli or atmosphere; of ilia. i we i i . supply .4i-it. The sooner we can:Convert that plant food into a - paying crop, the faiiiir...willi.• we enrich ortrseiVes, and She better can •,\ 4. , affont to return more plant foOd to ti nt soil • Hence it is aLso an important question a. t,, ' what crop will bring the must motrey.tim,;,, . rx)rtibreto the sttpply of food consumed:. . ,Manure cannot he appropriated:by_ 1,; : ,,,,, until it buit_under.gone- decomposition. A--, I atiiiimi manure In its'freshhstate* Las i t o,i, 1 gone .deetimposition :to a eekitiitt 'em, ~;; _trot :itot, i. 9 'sitirely: ' , Hi tail.,• j1:-m •• ,1:1; ‘ , ' ly 4,l'eompese it without, ho. ir „ , 1 , ‘e t iste or-4• uppty•lit,..., , t 1 „ ~,-, crop-, the ,-tn•er mil •lat .air pr.. 111..• ."11 , ; ) , : :..• ilkrettittlioNett Ittattttrt. Is 81.1,1istl to t ttt• tit : ~ 'roots of.thr. o:ll4,:4llt.4itttetti•t; ttit4..l,. utAt ~ ,!i . tW - the te,tilt:. • ~ • : „ With thes_e statvtiam Of pH ‘ teil.!, „ . cecd , to °nein - et hod of 1.14.-parilig alto' in}; manure. Witting any Init. ! Winn is not otilerwiSe piofitably we selitrittoriTier,.l .7 l7l,4legivtli,,,, to cart bottal . inanure.,ol4:(-11 w,• :„ lietipS of froiii ‘ tWenq tifty 10.4.3-; t. • eXijeet ttrlifillty it ! t o, r i , , ler, 'when the roads. tare ball, earl bue•OWll,2.l.ir:l. lii February „ :11141 . 1iii6k these liyaps, laill(ing the- faarirt-t.,, 11114!. lu. March. turn tiga-,1, The.oftener it is handled the betio.i• a iii , t the ii iult. As '4m - rill as we have plow,-41 furrowed oul .groutid. wtt.takeour heads _wagon, load on this-flue decomposed 1111114t.1, and se.itter it lightly in -tl o row fir" pit, alo - itit (itiart to the hill.' - drop • on' our and Cover it. I atn. well satistied-:that load usyd in thhe. wil Will give_ as suits to the tir..t • (.1-4,1, 'a's fo.tir' loads 'broatleiod and plowed under. -- Alalluty composed and tiiie , l , n ill go 'a , far again tr.• fresh upon grass, it It Atitadly - •21.4)41 result-• Still 1 believe that the lir4)101' 1/1:31 : : Ili III:1 ntirtz for gratoi is %viten - we sceil . down. lint ;rowing it in With the La proof of the good ctli.et of annuity :111 -2- plied in this way, I give the results of a few experintynts., In January, IsIN, I drew tipon tWO it(11.4 grow nil altout.mebuinired load. of manure, upvti wi l tell 1 dante,l lila, I, Capl - rows.eightleet'aparkrputtitig a .r.e, of potat4ies - between. •thena. About one to. t . il ott the south • - end was umitanitred.' 11' 1 ,4 .spring I continued the berries Appi acre, and planted potatoes between - -11.,- - :4-,.„, putting.ten.loads of - `minor: in ttiCal, About two jotisinjength of the pal : iliac 1, enured the previous year, had' retuaiily.l : - ,plani-ed "kith .berries; thinking. enough, 3 planted w itlaiut fort her 111:1,t1 ni the potatoes and berriys 10 - ,le a i14.':%"= , , .growth,.- OIL .t.h.C. 04.11. 144111 itkril with tine dcloutpurt ilanait.tire. at :It,: tti to:1(14. - 414i acre,-th r an they (lid on tlt4 1 , 1 m !ruored the previotesyca.r_at tit,• rat. , ty loads per acre. 'This ' - land is tint I . but (r . tenaciont. limestone loam. • Last spring .1 Planted nJ'out one ..1 Acres witlipeat., , 170 m (pd ., end or tin ; •1, 1 tipreitd, Nfarehe.titree loads of h.. -I, t nun., t int* , twort y htittl; i ,•:: . andirpon -the ri.nit 'vier put tielotel- . theunuture• ill row. ,T he peits , W-liere . tite,ntanttre was put iu ti,. the turuips . ,wcyc equally gcsid fill J , ,,t , .Farmers. you efut ,titt more ti ; your phipt-rqkki rapprai,ri:auil ,111 suit, lhau you enn allied to have :t ttur buried in the ground:: r!.,. I Hein Lot ;thit.olll,l yoi,thttve nits btu ie,e. .111,1litu:; next, year:or ti . hoppe, :flii , 4-yrtir: thus emit ra::-t- Idrget. er , t -- fflett(tr,selt, - and thtt,-• in turn rtutlie t,,, 'note unkiturefor another yettr. ',?r : t 'l,l, • •fietrif;inttn: ------ 7 .-- . --- • - • ' - •• • . . . -''''tiorti.ii'e.v . i.- . E•ii.. 'l'aitatt e gaila'ah.,.d .1. - ,',. • heti l'omiatoes add 'loin: taelarealatac.iiiiik ul-i a ,,,: four tublesprannfithl Of lallielvjaeplaer : tha,...: mustard ; half ,n taahlea4polit47ll: of :ell-lai,. , '. ! atlati eight pothq, of retl palaver.. All ill- Pt.. : Ilieutai Ottatiltl k 1114(le. Illov and 5i11141,-', AOWly hi -a -i.(..ter bit-iti,.,wi-tti - 441' , ...11:‘, Alan) Vinegar. /S .. ll,rlll , tif until it_ h,a... re , .16-; ; ; , i i,l :i olie-lialf. .St r.th liroti;zle:owi re it , . It ter lt.hrls somewha t - a aaa o ly,t, :l am t wo - („ L l,. gpooti Atha of the' thee tat' g't.rlie, Math aaa - half twttlt4,atad 5eat1....1: The above-is thtiugG= I have not tried it on 4!ie gt: yet. 'the- ta.sh the"garlie iv not pereeptil - 4. • ; t? .. t/LBE4 ! 'BULBS ! BULBS!' A, Fine AK,arttarat'6l ; an Idiat..‘ liyaetntla4, siligl.. and durable for fqroing ;tart ; • oaeowlTlllllKlrtlitiou. • For; bah the .Ingle, dozen 4 1r.blitlreti. • , GREY:SW(I q 4. ?“.`rt.41 , 1, 1 and also ut I and se.,:ist ore 14 . • ' ‘N.N.A.N ttlq..tber I , the 111 . 1011,w Wanting tiairly Sept 2i, 'lu.:-.3tf—:ll • • : - ;" GREENWOOD NtiFSEIWY. . . FA ...ViT I Nil'. • . 2 . . • ._- • • • - ~ . , We !Ally , . for ,:rle a‘lonze 101. of Li rt k intl., of F, ko , Tfties of zill 51i.....4; for Plaatt.in.4, .4,:tseit.,l lc it s ' ...ik i• .. soli. on r icon anti . 0 . iniate;'l4,lll,l) I. tin IlpiArttint , —l,- 81..ft.broAl,o1 in lb.evioi.i_-et ion of, lirnit. l'te..:,. A 1..., .few.large t.:lzori standard: _ ' , . LW - ARP. REAR and APP IA: ' • - In ben ing, which must he niov.eil to make other- trees; Also, ;ill). V.XTIt.I CHERRY TimEs, many of which bore Ibis Will be 60Id a; a bargain, by the PO or smal Ler ti t. thin region - 11m Farl"is quite as tar, .e. fransplantiug 3V4 the i7:•prlag. and people have more time to plant. timid in S.ouri rdvr , , trees can be.iramplainted vember. L BENJAMIN 11A NNSA , Proprietor tireetiv.so”l , :vut —•I , Sept 21..:70, -•. • - • • • • •: • Ijoicls.. DENNBYLITANIA... HALL. .;; • CENTNE STRET; well known and I . .xmitiar Hide!, Ito%•• I tliely renairaferf - and'refurnisheAr It now opt., 1.• , , permanent autlAraat‘ietit burden; • Must. WA HALE t Pft . tpt rune-7, 'lllwtf'. YSILADELPHIA!7 .MAPLE sPHING VNI MI' , 1:1 - • WlSSAlnt'lp.iN. Vie be;{ to all itutlllee In 6.1.1 r told friends.. p,t; • .• i• • I t he nubile, that we are •preptred togfve :• Welcome to on r new t•stabilshmernt, .It me. 11. . . the nuitit beautiful Mal delight:nil Meant:..', le • . "City of ttrotherly . l.m e;'• ;t ca, ver.l ty, 't is t!e• stn •- erlautt of America. We say to till, emu.• to:.t z• • our Museum Is the Novelty of the Age. JOSEPH SMITH', late . 0( the Sin th , ..to to Pe , July 30,.'70--,:ilLittaY Ashland, Po Ebucational: • • • TEE IftL . L POTT4T9NrI ; ;;I, 'MUNTGOMEItY (.11: Set4lltL ‘ /pIA. rt r-Ot• dal. Location tutitilro,tsle. , .7rwentretli 1111'.1i 8106. Thorptlgh prepnritt ion ' t lor 4ir For clreolurikaddress •Rks, - . GEO. P. MI L LEN,;•.: M., PO 0,•• ! ' REtmnztretts—Res's.• Jos. Selloetn-r. Krauth; Gong, nutter. Se. Mous. •'.• • Meyers, I.'S. Yost,- IL M. Moyer, 'P1..% • ' etc. 2".% '7O !I a • . nub • jiltifflics ,)clueln). - • - • SOLID !SILVER . AND PLA TED Wore of every ;••iletiertption and. Itt.t.td suitable for Itridot tilttx , Tentimoittats. I ,• vents. rrletatiGwor-thum I beregutur inark , L r .Extraordloary loin:went cuts to purolat... • t. 11. 111.A•irr •L. .- "- old Estabn-5h...., f.. , ... ~ °Ct. V, '6,4—t:4-ly No. 714 Arch. street ; Pit d:cm,, ~... _ . ,493, 'FIS'I-lEFt BROS. ° " 1 1): , 7• - Watchcs; rlock.sg.Jetrclry. \Veda .ng . aml ; ,... 3 2 . . Engagement 'Slogs.- i.PI R. sollt.l.) , Silver 41 / 1 0 r.. - .. , Plated Ware, 1.a,11c..' lirork .11,ixes, china. 2 1 ‘ % Ware; etc. • . • _ ''. - . •Largest asSortment of Jlastin & 1111.111 i n's amt •••, Wools &. Co,l{ .Pa flu r •and Church orealis; • VC: , ',..- anti At usleal • Nierchandtze generally.. . - • \Vali:l)7r*pairing. by competent .work.foco. • . Call and .oxamine befarepnre2.<amlng. el--,0411.•t • ' - PlBlll6lt. dIItOTPLEILS.. • - '•••• . . . . 1:41 Centre St.. Putt:it - 111. Sep 1.-*0 - - , 1-dy ~, • d r ‘RENING DA.I% - _, .• - - " . , • N.-1 HOLIDAY 'QOODS .., . / 1 • flaying ititet. returnettfrom the Ylagtern tnarlirt-.., 1 will open ou the hit , 0 1..flecerrsher.- the finest az ,, l I' meat or klolitla,y Goods' ever offered InAtils n1;1:10 'umbrae...lug both Furiti o gn and Domestic Fazwy 1, , ~.ti stirh at • • . . ) - !..A lii.ti4( ItAIs.FI!KhIit.C..IIIEF .BOX Es ' tru.s. 80.X.k.5; • ' - . JAKIWNI MIS -, - - .xectumi• V.AS,O4,' - / - . , FIGUREac• LIRONZE..-, •••-•-... . Solid Sterling Silver Were lit great vn.rltt , ..l.=. Plati - ware of beautiful . cleslgn. Call and' t:. , . your selection. . • . . . . . . - • ?R C. GREEN Ira Centre street, near Sktiners` Bank; Pottarille. August 25. '69 • ,GOLD MEDAL WATCHES.. , •TEWE.I.4t . :RS.. Na 91 . 2 EsTxur STREET, rti ILA DELPII I), tiniejuat recel - ved by StPaineratiotber Ply of the-ettebratett _,, • COPENHAGEN WATCHES'.. . LiKetall.ntattuthetareti for - liteirsatig h}. 4 Ekegren.. .:-. • • =.- - . , - _ f esti Watches ar,..! '‘ll4titiguilhed is exectdc .t I , UAL:IT Y, ri Ty tit: and AcT uit A r c...v ... • havlnsi . t tie - mut Mil t•tatent arrangement f t ,ill'i. , • l " lag oad.Netring.nanfurntsiteti at a very ino./..mt - ,:‘,.'. Akio, bar full line et Seneva, EnglisiE and .American • : . • I. • FINE' GOIa Li AVA 'V 'H it:S• iteLisati.F Thin-x serge:4; in eveit : - •-icl vof N, 1 leh-and nrice„ direct . from the Slat ICI I:. ..,11 I t ~, WII IA newest and best styles of ,- ' ' Said Chains Seals, Keya, '4le. Ae. .. ' '7O •16, ' 7 / 31 -tail FOR TIM I'VRF. -• . '. eb' —fclg a . .... _
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