The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, October 01, 1870, Image 3
II ORTY-SIXTH YEAR. 111 iittr*'..,otiro.4l.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1870 REIT - 'MAN= COUNTY. TICKET. cosigirs, • .JOHN W. KILLINGER, Lebanon Cotint);. TILONL.I.4 C. ZUUCIC, WittyLicia Haven Asawnikbly, STRES, Ttnegrove. , RAMSAY POTS, PotiOrt R:VERRiC.II, Motional - . elty Sbertr. CHARLES W 4 P ,TMAX, PoitmiLle Gbrritnisalower, GEORGE STATIL,;En. Clair, - • Dltee toi• of the-roos, W3l. SHGENER, Rohnylkill Township, • . 4(l , ominlaslonei. . PASIVEti dARRErf, Pottsvll4.. Andltor, STELLWAGciN, Palo Alto. • AT A MEETING iof the Republican County 'Standing . Commttlee, held on Monday, Sept. 12th, The following gentlemen were appointed a Com mittee on Naturalization: • Dattizt. D. DILLIIAN, Esq. CI:WILES BRATMM, FAQ. WILLIAM D. SELTZER. \ ('eo. M. TROCTMAN, ALBERT D. ICmrrn.s, r _Wm. It. POTIR, " M. M. L'VELLE, F. C. CAMPBELL, " Sept. 17, '7O •- -• • , Jour: W. FORNEI7, sr., on of Col. For titT, of the Philadelphia Pam; has nqate- . riously disappeared JriNew York, and fears are entertained thaOte has been foully dealt with. . • . • ipaT HAW B DC; E C ,OTH I kit, Pry flooos, Eighthland Market Ste., Phila del(thia,) are advertialag a large etoCk of sea sonable Dry Goods;-. You will raid their advertisement, of eciuree? Yes, for 'I feel it to be Jmy interest to! `; :•• • • • . . Er.t.:(rrtos will be on Tuesday; OC tuber 11. 1)o not be absent ,Srona lonia on that day . so that you cannot vie. Airange yotir - business , so to- be at lintne that at least long enough to roter . .One vote 13 important. .1t may save the '1.)o not je9pardize success by' aJienet. tiETltimisrEnED.-H-To-day Is the last you "can make application to be' registered, - Do not delay, but see that it Is .dope at once. There is but one sure way to effeet this ; and thatis by making your application' person ally. Do not trust to. the memory of a friend. Should he forget :it', You will lose your vote, not he his. - . -. • general ', Notices: •., . . ~ . ------- .. 20 cents a line Sinn tuserUon; fact' subsequent insertion 16 cents a hue. ',. CAtllos. In our chahgeable climate, coughs, colds, fititld diseases of the throat, lungs and chest will wayl.'prevall. Cruel consumption, will claim its victims. ' These diseases, if atteudeid to In time, can be arrested and cured.' Thu_remedy is Dr. Wistar's Balsam Of Wild Cherry. IS IT MEDICINE.t . —A hien. of ours, who halls from one of the upper districts of South Carolina, called at the Pica' office. eDd among other novelties; be mentioned "Wolfe's Aromatic Schiedam Schnsyris," and stated as a fact, that in his seetion of the coun try; nearly all el the physicians, in certain cases, when they deemed a. - dent spirits necessary to pro long or save lice, invariably used these "'schnapps." justly regarding it as.the bob" spirits that could be procured pure and unadigTeratcd. He also stated that till§ medicine or "Schilapps" was becoming the only beverage sold on the great stage or railroad •rout &le says those physicians who have used and analyzed - It. state that for diseases such as .grit - vel, gout, rheumatism, ffe., tt to haoomptixablft- Zh.e . goat: Ziabe-.1 roTNTILLE. OCTOBER 1,10 ML The quantity sent by 'Railroad' for the week is 111,192--by Canal, 27,721 for the week, 133,913 tons, against 122,255 tons for the corres ponding week last year. • _ The quantity of Anthracite sent from all the regions foot up 355,577 tons, against . 342,Bol tons for the corresponding week last year, although the Delaware and 'Hodson Company's supply, • which foots'up about 50,000 tons; wits - rut off en .tirely, owing to'low water In the canal. 'These will, no doubt; be resumed the,comlng week, as the heavy rain will haVe removed the slim:. \culty. Seveyal collieries . had also' been stopped for the Want of water, and others Lad to' .haul water. These will also be put in operation again. The total increase of‘Anthraeip this year is 1,748,196 . tons, over the supply of last year to date. The Setninthracite and Bituminous for the week foot up 45,170 tons against 48,04.2 tong for .the corresponding week last year, and for the year 1,555,117 to.ns,.agaihst 1,699,70.5'.t0ns last velr. ,„ . The total .Bhipmeins of all kinds this year is 12,471,737 tons, against 19;818,129 —toils last year, making the total' increase this year ao far, I,ca3,cos tons over last year. The decline of about 21;',-cents per totrat the reee.nt A.u s tton Sale at New York, and the ad vance of Y.O • cents per ton lin tolls .on Egg and Stove, ik . hich were the only sizes itt demand., has . had a damiging effect' . ot . r, our trade, and has ril2de the Market rather. fiat. The general :pression is that priees of 11?.;4; and Stove Coal. have to decline at least 2:ii.ents'on board at' Tort and. the ,vetlti(*n i ll - T o will have soak, which will tligraitt result in . 1-ednyiti, the aveLage of w'agui down to at le::st October; if not leA.4 t We re !l'ect that the President oldie Reading Rail 'Road t.' ,. : topart.V has. liiivaired Tho tolls on Egg and -. inarkt , ‘t. 11 eirett 'ti ill c iet,4 li,•yond tlii,:.t.eason, and . ntaY un settle the trade for anlithor year: The effect is bio very 41 on the itcyou and retanis all de % i.oking to a further •increte.e of t.,t++tst;;et • tirider.tand that the Counnitt4e of the 'W.. nipt thtt operators, vdeclared that the* it 1111 , 1 gig p notice that the ‘.`Gowen Compromise It eqs - ,I,;10;ald terinitiale on the Ist of .lanaary. tve.,tateir at tik , time that it would not be long betore the tneAyould becOme quite as nitich that coiriproinise, as the opera tors were , Witett' they first rejected it: They are gradually tholiii4 out that our predictions us_,l•• the stat P-of the, tradP are being. rapidly eritied , [FRo3I uric (7oitßF,..irost.v.:l - ns • , ...,. . Ptitharnihrit lA, Sept. •21, isl'o. ~ ,. . - Tim• tritilerhave'been tryinglfor the last for 118111 1 , 1 bt'lieVe7ticere writ' -beginni lig to be wllttle noire tone to the market.. The Inst,iSerntaton sale dispels sit that ; it Is ti no nse any logeKto shut our eyestn the faet that. there beim spirit' fn the nintrket.. , nnit coal must 1w sold low to be t , Sld at all. The faille prat the last Seranton fialii was on Lump :11 cis.; st, 3ii Itit..,..llroicen, 1r..! et . ; Egg, 2.2 es:: StoVe, r ets.; Chestnut, _W i. . - et.. ' .. - -:,..; •--- . ' ''• The advance to imitile by the Reactlng lt., It. rd.,. on October Ist, Is 20 ets.. per (Mutt Egg and Stove; and Schuylkill Coo) of these izes remains at a dis advantage of 11 its. per ton rin Egg and,27 cts. On siMe str,es fur October delivery, and these two sizes ire the only ones the demand calls for. ',,,t-• 1 It rooks as If a general redact ion of tolls, on 01' Si zes by the 'treading Company would have boeu more prolliable both to the Company and the operatorWiti tile present depressed condit Inn of the trate. _ 1 ' Vessels have been scarce all the weel6 - .., RIM freights have advanced fully 25 ctn. peti!on. . . • , . • . Ni 4444 x, Sept. Wit. ih7iv; Tin. SernotOn Sale and the atttotonlangly low pit ‘••••,-( ibi al fled thereat for larger rwia•elally. lk the wain 1 opte of, t nteregUtlala weiek.- .1 append report: i , I )eclint• front prices,' Average. at la.•t_Sale.: 4 ?4 00 la eeti to. • 4 0432 !* 4 49 - :•:, - ;44 - " 4Si 21 -" 5139, ei •• ' j 4109' -. 11 '4 Tong. Lump ' 13,0410 st. lioat ...... 1:10t10 A.... 17.11 0 10,01.11) I i 2.00) 90,000 Avenigi. deelinV, 17. • The Kale has affected the market.. perreptliily: liroken 'which hattiiragired heavily, heretorore, 121 Io• .lay almost drug; the - same IS -true of rhestntit.r iltio talons for these are merely nominal. ltot ders to most eases selling at bestprftc they call get lather than inetirde,rhurrage. and_ .ire arm at former quotations, tinil good enal of thew' , I no sizeslsipinesd wit Wont difficulty. At the , meee , tug of the :Sew yorit Lehigh Coal Ex ange to-day, the following litters were adopted for t •her : 'anion aid Ito nl -'n. .15 ZS 25 ' • t 50 ' o. tmouip. lirokt•ti I= , ' ong81(10 In Yoric re eltar - Lu imp i rte d•lr Egg 1 ki rtie stnutf., ......... 4 :•••5 V-e.wela during the week ...*4 uet d though I make no ehaMoi known of charters !wing mailei fittit..on a lid adolsokett at i? , l ICi • • • •I igt •. ' "Ilosirox, ; R C PTS Or COAL BOSToN, • Sept. 25, #IBP, • - - • Ta 3 415 411, . , A01:7. - I comberltu4...-. / 42, 110 q;• - •114.3 r). Joe. • NOvii; Scotia__ 'ix flee: • fard. ' 1190,i% , • a 4•144 : 42; ;;1 . • ' „ TWO I ! • Tb‘4l3 ilegileair#lf tik te? . aII $07.e4 4 . • stni the otd-itteiritiThen: icharthe-effeettif atlrnnr int tons. may be we tutpliy know: -and Itgrematior, 1., he seen whether the market,*llllPar It, dr wheth'- r. heretofore it Wllll' have. I.) he 'borne by. t Ite• • Tie....acttmc of the it. it. It. In reducing Uielfr , • whseks on Eggatal Stove at tlns time, Is freely • L'llets44, and the. ,expregalora 114 ofti!m: Yorkers are ahead again:" ru4..wfth the ',regent •'•_,--,:•1-frelghta they ttnt'utnre t,htlat compete frith us; 1•11,, have been moderately hut the rei 7.. ht kale In eflittleetlOn WILLVe tthenTlV` In ("1/N hase together had a depritalng etreet.upon n hiarkei. musly tt: hut , with the uncertainties ' kt.f!e _..„ lei 1 hut, with the unerrtaiteltes ti.hott. 1x; the rater, PI freightvor'ying front wet*. to Week. t.hef ,alanttar' , k ,,, t1011 Knit . oltaing in "to re Ihteer -Int" market , .und then underlying the I whale syetteru, a tit wages that changes the moon, It that Antlititeite 0041 . ,ts attended with ivies it/ Its triinmit.,, than nni other great , . . • " , yhttrir, respectrultr. I • ' D. It. & •• ~ ST, CL:11U; f5414.-3b Mt- 4 . . . 1 ~,• I .. In ~,u sldviliblei 'fluttering and , dissidisfic-, 116 '" 1 -9' be seeu among the miners. nil* say that, dr. I if/with ha 4 md, kept his promise luirag his I , t4Position of the reduction of cost, berk'cui the. " oh i rITY, After he hie got tterni to work, the cowl 1 , are so arranged On the B. R. R. that the linn's share takcnyle them , mad, that what bl left wit% the op. ratonstodivhie, brings. the wales too bow, which wives them in a had war a the near approach - 01 Winter. They talk of calling bpi attention to ney talk of cellist* Ms attention to the Matter's's they believe he overlooks the fact than the Imzerne and Lehigh miners are getting one-third more wit gm than the tichnylkill miners, notwithstanding a reduction of the price ofruaL The Where leerc tan only amount for the difference- of Wages In the counties being in the tolls. 3.10 blame la attached to the operators here for m the miners my, these are their sworn *croon», and' we cannot get over them. One dell sir and thirty•nine cents Its all that left to pay Inside and outside expenses and give a profit to the openVor. While the Am 1-"roe miners get one dollar and six renti to rut 'end lost a too of noel Inside, which eltows conclu sively that tither thi operand» there are losing or that , the toffs are lower, The miners begin to think-there is something in public Opinion' abroad and scent most anxious thet thepreseht taste of *Mini should be made knOWn to the colt minters so than should any difficulty seise they will know where to place the blame. ' But in the mean time Mr. Gowon will he respectfully requested to so arrange the tolls as to make the miners of this county Wi nearly equal to the miners of other roan •t les as laradble. They believe he can do It without Injuring the lilt. It. CO. . =I The trade sums up this week is' follows : Anthrattle. ! WIZ= ' TOTAL. MAUI. 2.,7411144 Itch Canal $011,643 L V R RMth 3:3 0 6W0 LVIt it Nth{, ,- MAU 335,9 r L. Nay N 11.482 .157.711 ticrdt u 140.1 10.67 77.1141 do Nib j ' ; 16,695 2.11,852 Peuu R R... t. • 4 Z.31.1 :UAW du (..%4.011 ' WA' 12.1 C D U Cal.. w 413.364 -• • f 004,54•2 DA. U R U.: f 891 101..r0 Wyoratin Sb 14,548 =AIX! Wyoming :lb • Skansuic ' ICAO A'enti-AntAra. Treverton Mort Vt_ Laken V Cu_ tPlttlamewn _ Big Lick Cul. a:i.zo straminowt.. , 8r0ad212,414 B. GO. R. .11. 2 • 'MAO, 7u1.4.111 ;Ogee tt caul. 150:01.1. COE 13110,01 f 3%).1143 1 10.1111.3 Z 41 1 1 Ta MCLIS: I 10413,M. We made a flying trip of. a few, days to the Wyoming and Scranton Regions. These, Re , gions and the Lehigh cave increased their pro. duct- this year, about 2,400,000, making up for the - loss' from Schuylkill County, and giving a surplus of 1,798,000 tons over the supply of list .year. Notwithstanding this increase, they can and will increase largely over this supply In 1871. fact, they are able to furnish all the-increase of Anthracite that will be required for several' years to conic-with their present mines in full! operation and, those now progressing. • All is life and activity. The Delaware and II tidsan . " Capal Company can now mink) .itrid:. send to tittirkei weekly more than half the quantity of coal that • is now sent to market l'frona', th e whole " Schuylkill County Region,l , and also from the Shamokin Region' sent &Pith via the Valley.Of the Schuylkill, and they kaire several other large colfieries nearly ready to increase' this quantity; In 'about two weekit . they!Will have connections running directly frOm Carbon dale to Albany by. ran t which wilAgive them another outlet by which they will greatly inter fere with the : Schuylkill Trade "'ilkPhiladel 'phia by water. 1! J , . We are satisfied of one thing, and tint" is that in lass than five years the whole WyOnaing Ba..- sitt'from Shickshenny to arbondale V will be in the hands of six or iseven - Corporationti: If any yndiaicival operators are found after that period -In that basin, It will , bo• only those who mini and sell their :coal :to the Companies . who control all the, , lines of transportation and wi'tl- own nearly all* the lands. , As itly there are only seven or eight who pow mine and send their own CAW .to market indepen - Mont p ith s ' Companies: All past expeFience . p'rOvelt thatinaividuale and companies cannot -eAst togettici in aiming on a profitable bust ness—Pne or 'the other ' must affect:it:lib-rand -where the ccimpanki mine and 'sell, who own • the " lines of - transportion, the individualii ' sr., "bouttd.ftago tinder. Heretofore the cfitnpanies, ,were i*tfined principally to the upper - end - if the bikin.-.-but now their collieries are located in ever:l4llot the Wain, and of course are gradual ly driVing indiiriduals into selling out, or to sell theli coal to the Companies at their own 'figu res— bu fat the math ci' time many of the individuals, tin del'exisfritigelictuuktatices,aaitheyean'do tter by 'aellitig their Coal to the Companiel a less le Profit, that' to go into thainarket in competition with them,. which is. no doubt correek in the present litritticin of the trade In that sef 2 tion. ' Ai lie ban* . y Ft . short time to write *d nee our rret r irti Before ?"--wegcs to:presa, wetwill i resuttie our Malliaext week:-"... ! i 1 - . • TUE putilizlheil the following- lili4pialy in :tut article of hull week, Which iidaildlaty +tool : ' • ' "Our weeklYmpoyt'of the Anthracite coal trade Is : madeup from• =dal statements furnished to this ?ince directly Iron all_the larger coal carrying coin- i panics, and, to a limited extent, from statements of the tonnage of some few small concerns furnished ' to the newspapers in the mining regions. , This ne- counts for the fact that our figures of the 'trade do i not agree exactly wlth,thase published by MlY."ther authority 'on the subject: We do not publish our . report on. Safuday fur: he very obvious reason that an that day, more niatfriti any other, every Inch of space In the ; LEltriElt is claimed by, and even clam- ' (teed -for, by adi•ertisers. Our figures and eqtnments weekly given of the (ita trade are genendly, es teemmtiniore satisfactory than those elsewbere - Pul,L Ilsited." -, • 'They ackuowle Igo that they- steal a iPortion of our statements, and thinkiiit a matter of trifling import:- They also state that their coin h omts Weekly giVen of the coal trade arctsener ally esteemed more satisfactory- than those elsewhere ' Published., The :thief:. %rime .. stole ! goods and sohj them afterwards to others at a Cheap 'rate might conSimier, It. a satisfantitry ha 'sines., because-Ahey were trading on other • people's property, -and they re aliKed tl.e benefit of this stolen property of whiiiim , the owner has been robbed. There is not a per- ,.. . eon. engaged in the coal trade in Philadelphia, - who needs the JouttxX.f., and-the - LEtigh; that does not ktiow‘that our strictures on the eon . duct of the EEIkiER last ' week were just, and aline of the Philadelphia dealers stated ', to us that we served thent• right because the - 1111(11s were! - , were so glaring. - • , - - ' They also state that th eir columns ti re am, - , . ! l'rowded everyaturday that they have not room t,..; publish the reports: This - may heti* to a, • certain extent—but that. is not the treason why they are poqkmoneff. Their 'object ms to •ebtain. the information frniil the JounN XL. in ?which they can have the ennunemits, which they 'Otter from us, and then palm them off on the Public . in a lath, different shape, as their own,' Why not publish the reports they receive on Satur day ? Tlkey will take up buf little room, and their continents, based on their kit ncledge , tithe,trittle, would be either extremely slink, or supremely'ridieulpue, if .extended.; This is the reason why. they arc hal-cif - until Monday. • k\ c_, To test the platter wif%e if . they took a por tion of our statements, we altered some figures, which would - net be noticed for two weekS, and these altered figurers were tlacti tittle cophx.l by the Lei - mot:ft in their weekly ntatemenik, We are aware that they receive some of the reiturns, but riot all,. and the greater portion that they re ceive and - publish are not correct, betniuSe the tonnage in some of these - reports arc dciubled IT, and they publish" this doubled up tonnage. ,' The only correct and reliable statements of the coal ',frade,.compared with last year' is pub-. 'billed in the MlNkfts' int:II:SAL. We havegone to grelt expense, and given a great ilemil of time and - IKr to collect and tabulate these statistics tmepttemerve them, - an official form, and they arc (intro correct than'all such statistics that•are, collected by the ClOs'erumisent. ' The papera that , .profess •.o give correct statements have •aolic :ited the use of the machinery we put In motion . to.obtain them, as far as they could; ;mild they generatly steal time- leilance and- path' them off 'upon the public as their, own. - Is such conduct honest? Is it nut twist disreputable? - It they paid even a portion of the expense in obt4tning thigh information,. they might then have ;Some justification in stealing some: btiF.tbe LimpimEn does nit pay one cent for these goal Statistics, and nearly all the ideas they .pitt forth they filch from others Without one particle of Credt. If they persist in this:, disreputable course,. we • will 'show the' "make-up" of ^ the Ptmat.te i LEruntn and point out how some fiet.ple can utak° a good deal of money- In. publishing Pa pers in our cities with the e;penctituri;of a small amount of brains. . .1 ri.,,igtiee paying tit's. PO . ti itt ken " 17- " . iteen quite plenty, In quotothme, luvre for fionion from Port.. Tan C. COst DEALsn'os linstkv RECKON 2 EIL— Thim is the title of a ;very useful little book by Henry H. Benedict, which is -of much nut in • computing lbs. and gross and net tens. Lifter os mining it we are satisfied that no coatdeal • er or shipper should ltd without it, ad %facili tates the computation ''of coil in quantities vsiying'from ten lbs. to three butnired tons, and in price front to ;Viper gross and net tons.. • Tug Wants for Sep*ber in the Shamokin Region were to hare been fixed on 4'huradai, but our report n tho result failed to reach us fir to day's Jot uxA L. TUE WAora Eon Seremnen.—On Ttuteday, lard, the Cotntitittee of the W. B. A. and I Paid nperatora met at' the Anthracite Board .of Trade Boonia in tits Borough, toarraage the wages ft* dentetfther. The following 'tithe rest& of. their action: . Poriayst.t.e, Kw. 27. The committee on the jaart....of the Anthracite Board of Trade. and the Wotirlngmen'e Benevolent • Aatootation, having met for the purpose of ay= ing-the prices of met, find from Memo= merits presented, that the average price 11'1240;6 arid that therefore the wages shall be reduced on lmga It % per cent. IrIZ2I ITZ3 • ',Mei wrAL Ix • D I- 1111.11 C; 1- 14181,0171 d SC3IIII 1.7,7=; • =4ZIld 4304 . van.= ; • 1/03,red . 7,6112. 6 1,1131 30,7101 1 &IL:0 44,17 T 71= • • • :irons I 178,40 11 34,11 t I 470.027 74..Z1 •;4574.101 304,-166 21,,,6 • ide.l6l i3l • ,99it 117,13 ' ,Ice.l Zd...711 9,0112, • IS, l 9:1 id =ter 2,34 • ,231,3641 i 5.104 it:es s. atm; • *ls6 ! 8114911! 9,118,C1 ssa sr, 10.1)1LECI 11.12,831 11,115,C1 1:1,776' 1,798,19 G '7:O ."" .. OZ ,C3 t -4 '2 All d 1016,Ct 4 1 =1 ' 40,51A•d W. 1117 6.3 47 1 . , = 0,91.7! 70,431 3.025 , • 57,,917; 57AF 1 3 k ::1,647 1...:49 Ricci 3.14 • 30,716 4.766 • 140,W , =xi 1 = .uw 48541 II 7 C 11,100,43 sot n se!,4rat I 11.1104 i issa,ste lai=ll:l=EiMMl W. B. A. W.*. LunD. .1 AA. ItcLAriat.Tx, Kunz* Woltz, , James RYAN, Joint MCOurci4ox. A. B. T. I . WY. IC ZNDRICfE r M. P. Fowixiti J. IL fil47lllllM DANL.. R. MILLER, T. GAltuirnOi. .THE Mil pu:Airuitekt"Jorttot•X7Xo.—The fOlkilrhttig eir cular to title trlnie was boned on Monda/hy.the Betiding liitilroad Company. ' 1 --• I: ' ' 1 , ClitcUitiAn Iftt, V. . 1 1i ii 1 .'-' 141 * Ric. IIA Rb . ' do -' 3ft" PII4L.LIOOI, %Milli I!. ADI ri . . _ l' _lair*, ="' Houth Fourth kitrort,, 1 :• • PIIII.ADZI.PRIA, Wert , illiti, hn• • on and aver ilct6ber tat, and nutil urther, not Coal there will be paid a drawback on Anthracite Coal shipped frOsu "'art Richmond top:data - south of -tape Henry, raid of New Brunswick. and'alOolt the line of theHelakare and Raritan (Baal. as follows:. tin Luttip.rSteilmhoal and Broken sites, 40 celits. BA Chestrtut.:..— -- ...--..._ .... al •On Egg and love ... .. -. -9 1 '" , ~1 . ,• - i*;CRI. - -I.l:ll,:iibiarr...t : , w. : 1 _. I . . Ting F 044.0 ilI(li la the . , result of the Auction Haiti of &Tin n Coal, struountink to 90,10) tonty held Wednhad 3:, in New York, enuiparod,with , the laid sal: I • ' • -. .' ' l • Doha. ~I [ September Di. ' August 31 10,010 Lump --, 54 00 0. . - • II 10 4 1 2 7 '4 12,4D0 Siteatncr...l 1 (0 ' 04. tIV ' I 49ca,4 4i . -1 17,000 orate...l. 1 4 47ii(d4 521 1 4 75a1 i '' zoo Egg.....L' (... 400 iiil. go a ovAa to A mow 15t0ve..1:.:..1 . , ..... 'sl:* h., , r2 ,, _, 1 40 0 5 50 . 12,0011 Chest:lh t 4...... 4 Ili )al 121-j, 4 /00-4:5 - Which is 6n t verage decline in prieopit,of Is} ,e . entir on Linn! I ; :7;0 ou Steamer,; 30 on (Outs; P oh Egg! ' ; 711-9 on Stove, and 1.4 on OKA_ nut.,l . . ~ I ', , , n . • I NI, 1 . kell make!' an a'llairo fall ist lArieFt‘ Or. all - • khidint 21 • Cons N .,./16". • i • -.. ----i---_-.---- -_: 7,1-7- - -:- . ,---.....7.-.--.1-.:-.:,.-;:...-- .. Coil; MEM /MAIM i i :T" ' M U; U.& i Th e q ua ntfty issig t uy listlroisl ask amid ibilxiwiiireevisti,„: lus Thursday Kit :4 I. .. i.. , • . . I • ' I i :AA 1 L Fiaali...%.. .. rAs•l. • . St. Qalt. - -.-.,.. , Portesrbau-H.l-4----4, :: ,' B A" •• ',: _-. r 3 ch ti = - iii "- VM - .. ' ...4. ' rl '-. 'Wel .• 204 • - es. 47---T - .............t. ~.,..._ . 2 ..,- .441. I.= , eon Ctintoo.... , ........)......: ,t6,=r . • . ..,. ME „,..... 44. :. _ —.. , •!rtgigia_,.....' .-. 7,msnt ---- . 7! ; 4. sma ' - ---..-- 4= ! • : 07' ” 11113111 17, 12,1• M 4116 . Mt 741 :ve lt ; .."*"..-.......: ........ 2,00a,b55 lo; , 2%494 as . . ' =. 1 .1.047 . • :7.4.t.`15 lo r .. ... ... :.718.248 16 1 :1ntr,.43 01 Total Coal Fir . Totil for Wii.rk.; Previously this ;per . To same sigy Wf,.; KW*IE4 ' '', __WINO l 9 roi is*,' .... .. • • ' I:b•sbuoirvito . tima . tity twig:aned bmt wee,: - • v. _ _.-- - 1 -:'- 1 - . - vac igt ur" m ai k. ars. au f Ti r R. - -:.... - .........-.... "AIN ir 104 T1 111 . ( 8 IV' - - - • vat 15 Ira 913 01 Xll.l -,......i.....—...4..........--;- 11,4.51 la 111;753 o` Mt. C 141013.4.0.......-. 4---...-......-- coma uu 41001 17 Legbearjr—:.....U..... -........*--; WM: la " 11,C11 la [kit* allatlo4V--..-... - , 111.1 7 3 al 5001 a 4 1:0111 . 11 COIL TRADE—PCo • . LLAINIII VALLEY P.A , II.7ifIAD. •!. ' diuutialy tent went y Lehigh - Valley Ilail road M l r the vetol, ending On Saturday l ' A.At and for life year .: .1 .1 ,vrtax.l 1 , 1"•'. • -- ---;-- .... 10.0 , 111 4-. - .... I•lirC' ,Lala,crtl 3111' • ',11.101 11.1,0, .101..nn 6.4;a: 4 4.5.:1C. ra; I Mtn .:90 - orcp , .0.4+4 4,v7Ajl. .......__ —.......- 36.541. ttAlgtgr Wy6aalrdi .. ~-..t. Ilazletan V. Leh's% ' - • B. L litaucia Mukk Sumattrai TOtat i- ra+ - 4 3" ' 013 . .. .... . e TgQPYI:..~... jleCila~l...._.. ES MUGS 04 AND NATIUATION COZPiNT. The following I Most and Railroad o woe 4. =Cog or Motu By Canal_..._• By 8aarc?ad........ 4 The-Ossl isms illertved Ise follows "lons ißryointr 8 . 410 n M r & . eton h isk " " . Beaver M " - Lg.& zit*. F( 4 s tattles—. Lem del. io L. V. IV HS I at. Fowl/ : -,-- DELAWARE B Qt D,OY COSPININ COAL TBADI;.. ThatbllOwlng hi a Riatement of coal irt,ported by the Delaw•are andlludyfow.t.Unal Oa, for the week. ending Bat ttrday last. • _ : .11rtil.:X : TOTAL. By Del. & kiwi Coital By nallroad—_-- Total l r .-.. For the eara period I t year • •- . - . ~...,........ 15,,9bs 1 77C,7.3 . . ~. . wzitx. Twria.. By Betamire & INC eAnii.l.-..—... • ' 44.184'.iiIKPZ. Ng i loiXo . Tut511.—....--,...1 ..... ...—..-1-... ..... . M,9,19 9 , 12,3P4 THE, COAL MARKETS. .1 PUICKS Of COAL BT TUE C4BOO. 1 1 ___..., vw-rg or t•A PK •it g.,Nripir IC AND APT 11l MLR lillit . NI•WIl!IC: 11 , 01tESVTILU WICZO.Y Ffl TUC llehtillill,fl',USNAL-11 . . . , 1 • . , , . i PITILADELPIf AA, Sep. V. 147 n. Red A,l. Perron-4 1.5 on. - p. 5 2 - 4 tllet.tout -' '.... a 75:11 4 .11 do ~ hestutli-. - : Loeted Ilti Lump- 4 7:44 501 W. Ash Lan) 4 . ; - r, no, do ' , Steam:VT 4 7MRI sOn Steamer _,; -17. - SM. . do ' Broken. 4 744 L' oo Broken-... . I'S SUI- d. Egg-• r -. 4 7.1(4 s'co Ego. -.,........ ..... 4,7. 4 5 uo do Iftove..- 4:7:.411 :rho Stove ••• ' 175 .5 ro d.i`,.,.. t'ileolnuti r.'ii 4 ad. ..,,L - • 1 , 4' - ' . ... . .. .' IXEW 11'011,1 , 4,11ep. V. 1570.; Beliyl. Rel .Asb,—*s =',. a 501 Retal_ .1.. ...r.: .:.. - ' do Chestnut, ; 4 75: 5 OU'. Lehigh Lucdp 1.1005 I S W Ash Lornp..-..,.. 501 5.25i '111muner......4.., 5.115145 Steamer._..!, S Isa 5?. Broken....- .... ..—. 5 554* Brokßroken ....... ;......_.... S S 7i, F4x • ... 5 sir* , STr 6 tn; Wove__ - 6 '' ' 2, . nnd. Stove - 6 A 6Zi i'ne...— 5 Cosstapit • 4:6 ~4 7'i Consignee pays dis c ha rg i n g. . _ _• _ . . BALTI3ItiRR, 14.1 p. tr.), 147 o: , To the trade I.v cargo nr car load: . • . ; •Willtrannrce an Plttstqn W'A:4ll ' 11.1•W1 ' 4.Ykena Valley Red A,14. , a .1.7, '. lifiarnolcht While or 14.44A5h ' 1. •- ' tUO • Zerbey ‘'alley', Red Aate. , • • From ,yard or a* hart; ,I,Olto 7.;neota additional. , By • y retail to ( . 011 . 411111crA . ..... 7 11;ns A tieurgße CrfPlt and Cu: berlaud Coal. 'f. o. b, at ii, ,- ,ll,lPpint to 4/14 Tin; . : .. 4 rna, 4 1 7 • „. ~ . . AI. EX A•24111t.1 AAI aEa 1 , .' Rq C.) •p. 73, • I kro. , Crerk eumbeki and. rrgo, f. o. ?•. .14 4ta 60 . . . I{A VIII : . DI: 1:11ArE, MD., Sept. :". 16:0. H Wilkeshatre awl Pit trier, on hoard SI SO Shame!: to . - - S I'S .!. Leke,n, Valley r 6 25, • . Trevorum r. w, , i'fi.MPAN lEse WA L. • —- 1 : . Ro E l .. str . Or. Egg. Sta. Chst Lickawanna. undout. 50 -14 11 St. IKr SS( O 15 50 $4 50 Wllkeburre, Hoboken.... .75 '4 75 6 ..... II 7.5 575 473 : do New Vork 4 ll IX/ 15 00 $. 30 IS 50 $0 0) ri 00 Scranton. Elizabethwet Pittnum. Newburgh , • , 1.0 Pji 4M. 640 440 ,3 70 4 PO :. Leldgb, Pt. Jobnaon . t. t Lehigh. Elizabetlyport 13 75 5Si 510 500 371 475 Elizabeth pOtt and Pt. JOlthmonto New York SOcernts: Ho a ud. out ni cen ts : Newburgb,l7o Cents. :., - •Vla Cittlli.conelgnee gar , dinchlrglng.' . . EMZEI PROVINrIALDut --- . - - - - y, 12.` . AlE1:111rAlkr. At Shipping nointx. , ( ' tld.Aellvered at N. V. Currencr Itiock Ilouse...i .......... Z... 8 - ..4 extmoreland.,.. .88 .i (iovrrie...... , I ..ilontpard , % SSO Litman ' - - 1174 Newburgh Orrot bSO - Nrdrbri., ....... L....., ... '......-.. 7.113';', West Fairmount Sit_._... $ 00 Ptctou '. -';' - - 2,1 13 % I ' Pit ItAnatimia. 0 , . -. _______ruce _ L till.l.y. ..... egleclonli4 .. ru Stuck 1i34.4 LI/ S ti ... Frelltlit4 to York COALIIEIGFITs. - -,• ; . 0 . . . . ..:- Pl. EltiL l .: ' Pt. - V.lita-• , - • - 11.1'ni'd. blabst.,- , lirm..l blilip ... l Portraiel , 2:I • II IV &mos. - 210 . IV :1 Purtamouth • 2No ' t,.. (II Pasincket et to, 210 .1 4' rillattgl ......A. ..... r. 2102 ai 11 Fall Ricer . I 40 -_ . . Salem , _._l __ '2 30 ;3 rhe . lnea - . . 2 31 I sal. New Bedford.— 2 10 I 40 Marblehead .. 210 200 ii;,;inuri .. ": ' 1 ''' 2 iii I in' Nanturget._..... Bristol - 10 New London__ Nevrt.ort. . 2 2t On New Haven Pe - widener. • 2nu ' 144 Bridgport.....-- - . liartford ._. 2 s'io gi•Norwalk...._ ..... Sllddletown ." 11 .. tr.. Jersey City • 14) Norwich 2so,t , tow . • r., HI ngbairs._—_, Albany , 2TO . no Wiseamett New 'fork''fork' , „di :no .4i) . Ou Itralntree litiehmonii 1 M . Charlestown._ Charleston ..... ... - 1 . Z 10 E. C .j .ambrldgel--- Saco i. 2 ig) / 0 ti) Harerb111....... somerset ...... .. -, - Derby ......... ....... , Atantrori. Fair 'raven [2 II) nrodklyn..._—_ - 1 40 • Medford -. . . SS . :Williamsburg- '. Allen's P1•1nt..112 00 : A iPsandrira....... Astoria 170 - E. tireenwlrdA„.. If lidson __ , ...11 7.1 • : 'Washington IVI West Cbester.',.; 1M• '. ' Mobile Petersburg -11 75 KC.. John_..... BAITFIWOF TIA'AtiPOITATION To iIDE. ST 1/ItAIiING IA11.11.0111). 4 SI. B. VAE.. at, Ch. To Port Itletrulnd--. L... 0 0012 00 1 2 oo tc oo 22 09•12 To 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 210 The ratan front Port. (4trqam are 11 r,.nta per ton higher. and from Tarnawnalg, and rinexpore 12 cants prr toe hither. A drawback of 10 cents a. ton is allowed on •all coal ahlpp ed South of Csitoe Henry ci - & T.osi of New /Vomiting. VIA XO/ITIII Itrw o =iorwrii - 11.00.1toan. Y: tail Chunk $0 Philad =KIWI voitair N. • cirsTaAt MID 11201121. & IMOILX lu,lutOgna. To Ellasbetkpoit. }' To Hohokam. L. V. R. N. J. & t Ia . g Go Shipping At Shipping wharring— 30 • , • r 1 .131 4 23 Ti, Port Jotinaoo... . ToSonth Amboy...: • • .......-2 13 From Penn }Laren to NUMbethport & PCJohitson....--2 tl ICAVIU•TiON RAII K IBOAD. Penn 'Haven to millimbur* Chunk to ....... Maneli k_.- Mane), Chunk to Hobokenhuld Port J01.11A0112 00 Shipping and wharfage......•,. _ • A _ BY +ANA t.m. • atiII'TILKILI. I•I4VMATIOX CO . . • . MP 'following are the Caton or tolrand freight on the Schuylkill Canal for thept l c.ont_ _ i , TO Ni 1.30 TOOK. ' • From Pt-Cartel Mt. Carhop. Sch. !toren. Pt. Clinton Toll -1 10 - -I ty! - -: 07 -1 00 ' ; Freight 17. i , ' ' J r, ,170 • 146 . -- --1 -2 al - 1 .-2 -2 TI -2 itt't 'Drawback ou Coal ror low York and vicinity- 40 tents porton. . . i , - 'I - Ito -rsitiLansa.ruiw. From Pt. Ca Mt. T eli.‘ CU M n. Sch. Hav, Tt. nettle rte 7 Toll -I -1 Freight SO • • , 115 '. go . -2 00 '• ...; 7102' Froet .. riga ~beh:.."..Chu- :. li, .Ikollllf t F.a , Thrretib toitevrratic „...... - 'rho:igen to 1 .11 0#0010111611% -- ..., : 71: 'raid To .Xgrir. . 71 1 ZA-4 .v•Searlr_ _....---.:.:4..i.i FOrneilldilleltenems-.--...... :, -~~~ Ica W ----4 VE -------- 11?i•T.'+; w itk t JK 4) & 13° C r r.,VI r ferg r 8 b72 1 4 1 3C. Sept-24,70 9 ..ii,9l-tr . WANTZD.— aro v Addrexe RI W. MO. - COB TOCNTI—A e desirable Xetory Brick I 'Dwelling. No. 142 II et street, IPottirollle. Oct I. ":0-10-14 meld T 'M. RiLTSBKG, Nab. Ik}&L I)ITANTED—A competent CLERIC to take charge Vl of a set of Books at i Oottierpr A married auto preferred, Apply for 911.E..* to Oct 19.40-1 t ' ppm HAZLETON 1'..0. DIRBSONIN AWN • a toettel tb~A et Met - • :;,...mAYIS ()art CRI B an io. -r -7. 6,; 0014 to. - :inoetbs.. insike w Si order 0 ,11 aket1„1.4111140 • goods' voisber. 'Will Oct 1,-';T-11441 ERS' - JOURNAL,----POTTSITIL4E; COUisTrr, "PENNSYLVANIA. • :47.5a co t tit quantity of coal tramported by the ithe Lehigh cool and Nov. co., for the y evening loot: =3•303 31.4 I w Nct : TOTfkl... 4,144 , fe5 4 .6,72 I 11167 222.71. 4 • ~It , 107,G. ... 511 1,447 114124, • 144,173. &5,4& 1,4Z,599 1,100.:93 104 .1161,1111 11,E111 3Ar I=l Poarlton ' 7 . 80 c.frrn to 30 ePntit IFtteuvoNb. itlover 11111,0‘bortt, J R.. • f. o. b - 6 to floton ^.3,1453 K. 90. • 124 I al, I 7;1 I tri 1 fn BE CE3 =9 now sod 7U • ca.itit. 2 411 2 211, !!ME!! went,. t ex:perteaced Blacksmith& BLLENBERO. P. O. Boa Sol* U. 70-1111,tatw G COURT cannot d Ltt at • t. XS Centre Bt. tk Exchange lintel. 'himself a eandl subject to the atm -I*TM and If elected lb" duties-of said oaks VIISMEXPIODGEZIS. f•f - • ••• • 1, hip, Tenn lon 1010! ISth. An ez on OM IS. • FAUST omit. cinnattir of „441R1110 )(ILL, _as up to Ist of No . 4aissOlusho orin parts. L. PAWL * BETZ 2U rogseittrisot, Ressellroris. iteo Abstrtistuunts. rsitywrALSPZOTA(Milll,—No t„," gephiat snide of this Idol ever took ss, 'told who* upon puddle flavor. These throterAus aro Vri a blemisso so these who are slot blessed with essiosudAttey hare bees so pronounced by asievb , who have used them- - For sale by JOSEPH MIRA, Optleitur;No. =Clinch! St. July 11 4 "10-21141 , TIII:PBOVZD SQUAB]: IRON SCRAZZIS.— pt. andendirned Inventor of an Improted Square Iton Herten. &atm to call the attention of Coal Operators to his improvement. It can be seen at thefthop in Coal street, near Sparks's Boiler Shop. Application haft - been made fora Patent: _ Pottaville.,Oct 1. !1 0-4 0 -lm C. W. BCSIIAR. - • t k t 1 , 10 , 10.wa11-tf • 41 Walsafftl. MI.. O. (111E/LP PAINTING.— , 100 lbe. of the Pireal—ColfeeNt'e Coussso PeCief(eastics sLl.6o)will - • ' paint ma moat all no of tewl. /2 =ear longer. 7141:. BOWIOI. I, N 0150 - CAST LSO Meth 4th Bt. Phnoo:l6. rs Malden Use, S. T. 3 1, ~o SZA6 . 111•E118 Biuks TUBES FOR PLEmßisu. YE.AKING."_TURES FOR MINES. Far Sate by MERCHANT h ('O., . . • • Agents for American Tule. Works. Oct I, lii-10-1m . . . ... ' BUSINES S COLL E GE , ... k Aaissaddy Buillingi, ' I -- ... • S..W. CDR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. .. Sebularstilps Rood In . ' al Coifege. - In tll'e 11,04 state% mot CarattlriA. For particulars call•or t.e ol for': Catalogue. •I wt. I. - ant-ni , ____ ___ __..... .. _ _. _ _ ai• SELLING OBI' TO CLOSE BUSINESS. The untl , r+llitiv,l (sll",r f•tr mile the , ..r their II it slock..tansist • - t . Tobaccos, Pipes, Fancy' 3°,13, •69 Al.o), a large and ch3lee st s ., R of WINES , LIF.THIEtn, OWN IMPORTATION REGARDLESS, OF COST. CHAS. WOLTJEN MO. P'ept. - iti-191411 -t ( R EEVE L. KNIGHT & BON, 1222 CIiEiTNUT ST:, Plitf.A, DELPII.IA Now offer, at t he loioreW, iirieles for e'glit dire, their entire stock of • . Carpetings, Oil Cloths,' Canton. and Cocoa s. Mattings. • • (.4tOSSLEy' t BIif7SSELS. CABPETS; sl•so:pt.r yar& . 000 'ALL WOOL INGRAINS, ,Sj.. iKI per yard. ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, UZI CHESTNUT PHILADELI'II I A Prept 'TO. Auguitt. "P3-35-34.-iii-Im-fol WATICE P.ROOlrit WATER PROOF We have Water Proof Cloths from Ee.l bought by the ease from first hands. - Selli based on one mall profit only ' Water-Proof Cloaks. Komi Suits. Serge Snits. ' • B.ack Balta. , Snits Made to Order. We have organized a most efilcient Fine Suit and Drees-Making Department. Front Oar `greatly en larged Dress Goads Stoch, ladies .make, their bet.' teeth:mu and have them mademp proniptly.;econom featly, and In a style to please the Id fastidious. Just opened new, Wool Servs. , Silk Poplins, Silk Epinglines. French Metinoei, Sc. Now oven, by far 'the largest and most elegant stock of Shawls, and at the most moderate prices we have ever had. It comprises-in part, - Paisley Shawls, • -firoche Shawls, - Imitation India, Reversible Velour, Ottoman Stripe, Novel Wbolen, • Lo t and Square, fie. - Famous lines of Crumb:nen% low to finest made. • Closkings of every dealratde kind made. The Woolen Stock is•not excelled in town: ' COOPER voNAltri,. 8. R. ociamus.Nrwrn AVID /DAUM IVragrra. Oct. i,no4-Iyit . ' PfiILADELPIIIA. 'IIOI7BLIO BALE Off` A VALUABLE HOTEL a 'PROPBETT LK POTTAVILLIII; PENNA. Pursuant to an order of the 'Court of -Common Pleas of Schuylkill County; the undersigned Com mittee of-the estate 0fJ911.11 OREMMANG, will offer at Public Male, on the &ernises, - - DAY, ,NOVF.SIBER :era, Ib7 l , at 10 o'cloc M., all that certain lot or pleee of ground, sit ' on the corner of Railroad anti Union streets, I t ellle, Penna., baying a front on Union str t 2 Inches, tind.bonnded on the easterly side by Coal street, and on the westerly side by. Railroad street.—together with the Improve men's-, consisting of a new th Snick Hotel Building, with a two-story brick shisbn Ming thereto attached, and a one-story frame 'kitchen aLso att. tacked thereto. This HOTEL being "Opposite the Passenger and Freight Depots of the Reading Railroad, Is one of the best located business stands -In this part of the state, and being but lately erected; is in good condi tion. The terms are as follows: , . 10 per cent. cash on the disk of sale. - 13 per cent. on confirmation •of sale and delivery of. deed. 25 per cent. on the first of Apr 11.11471. when possession of the pretnlselswill be delivered to the purchaser. tri per cent. with interest, on Apili l e 18 72, Z, per rent. with interest, on April I.IM. • *. A CASII purchaser will receive a lllscral discount. . . A. W. geIIALLIK;, Committee, Pottsville, pa., Oct 1,'70.40.51 ' A TORBID SYElTtit.—Somilimes,.., WI tbout tinny assignable cause, the physical strength and animal spirits give way, and a strange torpor fails' alike ow body and Intellect. There, Is little or no pain perhaPs, but the natural vigor and elasticity of the nervous and muscular'systemseems to bate de parted, and an indifference, to the pleasures of life, and even of, its. grave, responsibilities. takes "the place of that, earnest Interest In both which charac terizes every well balanced mind *belt 'in a healthy condition. • This state of partial ell/apse is often the preinonl, tory symptoms °faunae serious mala4y. 1E01; • cafes unmistakably that .the vital powers ftre goishing and needs stimulant. In. such eases - the effect of.a few doses'Of licmtetter's Stomach Bitters is wonderfully beneficial. Thettreattonle wages up the sYstem from its drowse. Ittesecretibus rind ' , t he circulation receive a new: impetus., The relaxed nerves recover their elasticity under the operationS' of the specific, like the slackoned strength of a me dical Instrument in the- process of tuning. Lather. Eyelid debility are replaced by energyand vigor, tne spirits rise, and life that almost seemed a burden, while the season of depression lasted, becomes once more enjoyable. That such a rudest change sifould be produced by a remedy entirely ,devobt of the powerful alkaloids and mineralwiso extensively used in modern practice. may seem incredible to thos Who. pin their faith on the medicinal efficacy at active poisons, .but If these skeptics will _lake the trouble to enquire of those who have tested-thecor rectime and alterative virties of the Bitters under the circumstances described,. they will d the statementto be true. Jan. 'TO . - STRANIITEIDGE 4 CLOTHIER. DRESS. GOOD:S. ORR REC:OND OPENING OF FOREIGN DIIESS FARRIO4 embraces •many new and seasonsonahle goods not yet exhibited by any other house. The Very Low Prices we have been asking for our earlier and present (much tower than last, year, notwithstanding the war.) Nave induced large and raptd sales. . 'Although oar importation.' have been on a much larger so-ale than ever belong we already find our stock rapidly diminishing before the active dental:lr thns.early madeNpon it. • Among the inlet endless variety of French; Ger man and British fabric:4, we.worild mention 'unusu ally beautiful styles of TONGE POPLIN'S, ; • Ittea cwra zum.D4, , : • • : SATINT isgst win •gtrits, - •• • sux,yiroor.,, ,, AN,ReoTtup POPLINS, • • Ii 11 New Shake, 'Wild 1 . 401 Ltdre , ;ot • LOW AND MEDIUM-PRICED DRESS GOODS, Adapted to the %mute of thenioet elides( at mt.ll as the moetteononflest buyer. • - BLACK S T EKS: MI Id our adverthwateut or BLACK SiLK.'"4. sons time sleee, we - gave a list of very kow prima at whlelt, c m: rtes ig ! er s we shall coalface to sell them for two weed siotwlthstandlmt the tessera/ advance, 1 We have slat* added to oar stock OHENEY BROS. AMERICAN BLACK GROS BRAIN AT SI $O. illame= arst are "offered by oar . 9impetltorw as . . 'AN igU •. . - We have greatly enlarged pur SHAWL DEPART ]CENT, and added thereto - , • • • . . • READY-MADE SUITh" -AND WATRA? PROOF, CI ! OARS. ! ' We offerer' f immense aaeartment of BROCIIE ISELIWIA,ISINGLE t DOUBLE : • BURET HEAWLS. it ' And WI the Wed styles 'FANCY SHAWLS, Our snits 111:1d Cloaks will be made up . In oar. own it bntlding; ander oar pennant 1 STEAWBEIDaR & CGOTHIEIit, lig. W. Cortier.EVeth arid Market, Bt.,' Agadir. Oct. L '79 . . . . 1213 51; and 51V iWR,APS. to 12 80, log price MI lalli , . 1141RcisNutaisENT AND 828-ARtii gritEiviv PNladelphia, NIII4I.4TICEN"S LINEN STORE • ITS E F N SIH ING. G 0 0 ( D S • • • • w INT Elt .All the heat maker of Blankets, from the lowest to the titian qualities male. A BID FOB' LA rtOE BLANK/a SALES. To increase onr Blanket Sales this Season, we shall sell at useca.:WY Host pric4s. We promise Out( our Blanket customers will be pleased with our LOW Tantea. MAIISEILL&o Q,,CILTS and_ COMFORTABLES ! Entirely New Stock I Fresh Goods! New, Pat: terns! ,Eireatly 13.4.*1ced nicest I Marseilles Quilts are Much cheaper, since hist sesison. Our Sock being quite new and, fresh., our et.lisiOniers may depend on boding in our Stock the' latest stTles and . bestralue In the Market. • ' FLANNEL! FLANNEL! CONTENTS OF OUR FLANNEL. DEPARTMENT • Ballard vale Flannel„-all the widths; and all the qualities. • Gilbert's Flannels; Real Welsh Flannels, Saxony Flannels, Shaker. Fisnnel, all qu'alittes—Red; Blue, and Gray Flannels. ' Extra Heavy Hagenot canton Flannels. • • - Allays sboirs the most extensive. Stuck of 11...hien Goode - to be found In Pliliadclphix. SPECIAL BARG,AINS In TA IIL„EMSENS, NAPEPSS,SELEET/NOS,.TOWELINGS,\ Ac. :_.: - . i• ' GEORGE SEILLIALEN - ' . . , 11411 Chesnut Street, mid 82S Arch Street, Phullauleinhisi. . . ... Hew Aborrtistmentf. UNION ! Mattack's Wowing Room Companye FORI-'ol7it NIGHTS ONLY. Monday ..!Ight. Oct. 10. Hamlet, TumdaY' 11. The Man wit/strata Mask. Wednesday o a ...... -....The Ldy of I.yosof Thursday , 13, . Oliver Twist. In schirK plays :the talenled young Tragertan. , BENNET L. I!SATLACK, AND Tnx CEI.F.BRATED TRAGEDIENNE, MISS ALICE PLACIDE, Will a av - tiir lealing parts, waist d by a full and effeetive corpn trt writ known astiste.- Endh performarice will conclude with &favorite fareo. Itot,wrvill.'ifttit,.. 73 'et*. I Drew. eircie. 30. Seats can b sfeurtlll7j adViiiice At, StAISNAN dt RAMSEY'S BcrAsture. ' Manager and Treanurer, Oa 1, '7u- iv:2E-7.11), 11, 12,13.,11 CIIAL, H. eitwAntcit.. G RAND'r•XPOSITION • FOIL THE; FitsHIONA - HLE NyoHLI, CoMPLImENTA Was: M. A'. BINDER, - No. 1101 N. W. cor. Eleventh & Chestnut Am, •Phlla TABlilo:cs PonTHY t ALL AND VY IN'TEN. OF, WA. • Wholesale and natal!, . • oh:elf Paris and the `tirst manufactories aupply. Dresses, 3danties; Cloaks and Costumes for Ladies and Childfen. 3 special department of plain and elegantly trimmed patterns, of the latest. Parisian and. English Styles, at. :la per dozen. If you want a haandsoinely-titting, well-made snit, at short no tice, got° Mits. BiNumes for tastefal trimmings and dainty Stitches. Mourning,.Traveling and Wedding outfits, Walking and Fancy Costumes. ' 'ORLIN CLoAli T 11131311 N4lB. BIYTTOXIS, 01111A311111131. C /1111)1101111 the latest' Paris novelties in black and colored 'Fringes, Gimps, finches, Loops, Flowers, Gloves, Bridal-Wreaths, 'Veils, Ribbons., new shades In Velvet, Satin and Tstretaltlbbons, Bashes, Neck- • Ur LA ca Goo res-6.ostant. Inrcuzsiss LACX roe Parse Tutaxusis. Pointe Applique. Valencien nes, hamburg Edgiligis and inssettlons, Black•Guip ,tirt. and Thread Laces, new in design , and moderate price. eTIOICE INDIAN 08 - 3/AMIUCTIL Fans, Birds, - Mats, Cush, ns, 31ouehoirit. cases and Fancy Goods. • selected by Mot. Binder at Niagara. Elegant tine of Whitby Jet Goods, in sets, - Breastpins, Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets. Splendid line of French !et Goods. Coral and French. Gold, Sets. Charms, Sleeve Buttons., Clam Ins, Ac.. which for price or varie ty in S yle, cannot be surpassed. .Strangers visiting our city niTe respectfully Invited to, examine. as - s-Pinking and Geuffering. Cutting and Fitting Also, a perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. Pat terns sent by tualtprexpreits to all'parts Of the Union. • • , Mtgs. M. A. BINDER'S, N. W. cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sta., PialLAn'A. Oct I, . CHEPPARD, VAN HABLINGEN _ & ABBISO.N. No. 101 Pi Chestnut Street, rhilada. , . Reinert fully Invite the attention of buyers to their large and well assorted stark of ' NEW'.GOODS, MI which have" been'elther Imported Direct Cr Purchased for: Cash , at. Very Low Prices Etcluelce attention to; long eiperlence in. our , • - , , , • . IVY:pit LINLI'S 0: LINEN 60.03, ' WHITE G00L , ..; . • tiOLTSE FurtlFisurso fati•ctoopci, • 7 . . Cr/MAINS.' TVEZ:4,I24'4II.OERIAL, &c.• En . sKe us t04.4n.,64.t.,..cti-leoluen many advantages not ;nlfonitsl ebirviinin. -*:.veri - '-descrlption ny th• -NEW MARFN of ' • . :.- • '. Maraelilcs 4utlts, Counterpanes', FlannelsJilankets, Nittellna t Sheeting'. Table Damasks, Napkin". ' , Ooylles; Fruit Doylies,.. Table Linens, Towels, Toweling', Tra3, 4 Cloths. Table Cloths, Communion'ClOthe.. • Linen Sheeting% Table Coverings Table and Plano Covers, Stand Co'vers,:- Dlmitles, Cretonnes, • , Furniture Chintzes, • . Furniture Coverings. , „ • •, • Toilet Cover", M Crib Quilts,' Linen Floor Coverings ore,Fns, 511 Curtaltißlatertal, ' Satin de Chenea;Brocatelles, Satins, Terrys, R4s, ace,: • Lace curtains; Cornices, Tassels, LooPs. Window Shades.:4le., • Oct 1, '7O • , - - nucational, 7. - _ - .. -----7 ' - _ _____—,.,_____ ____ - UNION. SEKT*.tiltY;NEW.BErtititilON. Co. a ir rm , P - 4:-The neat Term will. - carMsfe ' CT. lath, The ; ttention qf went* andlUardi re= ,quested to.the ativantages'it, affords. „Fell cr of leaclierg. The course(.r InstructlOu - embracies 'no Latin, Orval:, French .and' German Lasignagejt, 1114- tbeinat les; Natural Sciences. Music, Painting, Dmw lug, .t.c. Terms moderate. Vor catalogues address' , D. DENLiNpEtt, :New 'Benin, , Union. Co.„Pn. Fwept 24, :1()-GL i_Dankets .4#o Itoktrs. , sa.ti.r,s a STRingtlBo.ls4,... .'' , ' . . - BANKERS AND BROX.PAIS, • So. 46 %01:111 MILD %TIMM PKILLDELPntA. 'STOCKS, BONEt3 and CKIWKFLYMENT SEGUES,- TIEI3 bought.aud sold strictly on 00=2151111011. DEA EERY IN •130,L1 SILVER AND FORJUGS ORIEL tieing -filArnbera of the Philadelphia. stock Ex change. all orders entrusted .1,.0 our care abet! re , celve prompt atlentlon.o -. , . . - *arch: X, 10.-17-Tuallifkri-1.1-Gra . , . . 'Wirt Ilopt, - . ---- , 2 .,; -- : - ...7 ' - •• : .; . ,.. - ,tz,,' •:..:,,-.-.„-----_,.... it R ‘ . MAKUVACTURED BY JOHN A. HOELICILXG'S SONS, • ' TILEgTOB.-11...i. . • For Inclined Plaries.Mining, S tandink Ship Rigging. Suspension Bridge. Ferries; Stays and flays. on Derricks. Cranes mind 'Shears, • • - . Elevators, TiliersOae t . '• • =4. LARGE grocx.or VIBE Ropr e - commtaTry • HAN% . • _ Orders tilled wit)} Dispateh. Wit-For strength, arse and cost, see ciretairs, which wIU be meat ow sppllastion. Ang.7,4lD-31-ly W nlls It ? " 0F. EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR . • Ih36S, ' Planes, ; RAP; - BEST qv - Aunt and at IXAVEST LITES. Power Trtutian by Wire Wipe. - 11tum prepared and ea tracts made. - . W. 'COPELAND.' 41 and IS BROADWAY, leelir York. ittEy M,1430-3111 stones, Aanges, .• TEE DOUBATJE 'OVEN • • • • fiIMNItSIDE. 'MOM Is constructed on Entirely :New and Selentitic Principles. With NlYbon Fine. guaranteed to tho. roughly beat two large ovenkand sin pot holes.•wlth two-thirds the fuel used in: the slugM ciyen Cook . _ still mann Whiting oar long angriVoruhtlr • BARILEYAIMEAY COOKINO STOVk,, - FWrmy esteemed by * the nubile -..tor . several TM • JUNIATA.' dor irmitdpuble-beittink Pane Loa &ray* has beensanan Improved and Ittantllled. the! ear,: - Where knows the merits OP this Stove need no oontssent. Our celebrated - • • , arrstintlEttr., UKAXICRS, . - anooan ta7lianr riaztuxil also carried air the first am::at the Maryland Institutitat, Holtintors, although su_.• .telested to ttugniost._ketrerit tests at the of the Mal Urattril MeMer. =di Is 'the only • true hot -air Ilre•plOs- Maoist lir Ole market, s Wm the regula r built celiar heater logs no 'heat: Send tor.Cirettlars TeatitaintlaßL 1 • - • • 1 / 4 .• STUART. PETERSON+ 4k tX) --77- 141 - 11adelphla,11t. For sats by Messrs. twat= t ILMILNS. Pottsville. " ' • • 4. M. UADEHTT, Umaqua. • , WOOy it TYSON. Igo. 1210 - riot Strew: ' Who e sad Retail Dealers ln - _._. • akergaS, and STOVES. Cartsia.:Renrerlieratary. Dartingtoef-latiernall. Arneripue aad omasolOctor, itot-fir intr'=l , lMl4. UNCLZ .61A74 tletiOVED. Doc: wok #l*.it4 ELkfausp, Ovapt, 101 PLAT Tari . • gait' or arrazetaworotr. amxiitution. Aeste% itrikkao;art zoipir• noting -Strom 4sact .104 ire ittreesideltingt.' GAR-Ltairr,..CmilsencAtAirstaluNAND it ctax HtAfrlM Stays& • The Athol* ;Wait iuri t 9.Eieti*blr the • • BToIineCIaIMPAIITT. liar =~ptii re.tb:is .o . nr-Race OAS Ovittiii isitteistitribar Una. - (MOO 00111110011,4 : : . MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE ALL HAIL TEra Excramon AND 'ANIMAL EXHIBITION. •-• The largest and moat compleiely constituted c:statb listinnent of the kind in the world, will exhibit at, ' - P 0 T T S.Nr L'E • On - Wednesday, October sth,. 1870, IC.xtitlittiocui will be given afteinuon and Night, enmmenetng at 2 and 8 ri'Clnek. • Admission, - - cents. Children under 10 years, - 25' cents THIS IMMENSE EXHIBITION Possesses exclusive and `nue attractions to, striae snd 17/3143e, and the entertainment will emdlirrn the pledge that they are BEYOND THE HEINIOF•RIVAI.X.V! • .. In addition to the Grandest Troupe or Circus Per formers ever organized, The predominating features . are Gni • - • NEI TOE LA . ItOEST ANIMAL ON EARTH. ltuua NA The Baby Elephant Sultan, .the smallest of the kind ever in Atnerica.:The Den of Six . Caffra Llona, the Herd Of 'Sixteen Camels, this strange (troupe of Anises, the Monkey Circus Rider, a Mandril as big as a man, with other novelties of animal nature. n, Bettssaiwt. 15!. J. E 9 8 cimsmirr:smiiT. 82s ARCH STREW Philsdelph!s.. FOR ONE DAY ONLY • " - FOLTRTEE'N BEDOUIN vu 6 OR:SAT . ELLPISAri EMPRESS, A GRAND FREE PARADE • , , . • will be given on the morning the Ethlbltion; led , •y • W. D. Stort's Silver : pullet Sang, in wblch will ppm the Heed of Camels, • i . _ ' , ' The Open Den of Fierce Llonit The Sabi Vet)luint. Stittan, • - - . ' ', ' ' • With other BMA!log Ffmturee I K 1 ME • WiLLIIIBiT `AT NILTON O Friday, SeTtembcr . 3otb. DANTLIVX &tardily, October !lop *tow ;, ASHLANb, Towiday, October 4th. POTTMILE, Wednoishin Ott. 5M IINEILVILIA Thitredity 4 Oct.:6th. TXMEOI4IT, Friday. Ocio"tier Ith. PlNEtlßOyE, c Sipiarday, Oct.: so: 1. W: MOIR ant FRANK MYERS AlaiOs fill Sept.2i. 10-441 . w7_ APR I. Mantle J1131 . 6311f1e5, • Adapted to a aps‘ 2 IL , iliteetted rand oPtrd* - , and of sada* befell aaaldtb. in as *lrma& Utah' rant* in the T , & nail Deceit* 'opt We Dave'peilhaeak' designs'. fir tirci 2 4lPlOit_i'ir tha ; then asuaiLlotase taatde.eonteeetla, .n d z7R—ii o i litiriaiattaWOringto4 l 4 l . mama, so sham! taw" #'"i'xwOtiV4 ll l o fre-t at litPt ilill ! xl 4 o 4** oool * Plativistaitopqr Aug. 21,741-411610547-, _ ve (2.:.x, ~.._:. bluvieler et i"m • 41,' g iv a,,,,,,......... -iitrag, s.Wir Z_H :Zetesr&ph. MEM MIE'EUROPEAN WAR. Lf 1. 1 14!..1810N or, PRA :WE. -1 11-1 E. PR E.Ci-1 SUCCESAS AT PA IiTS. C D If_V: F PESSEA; MYSTERIOUS MOVEMENTS OF PR I "S- THE Rteueitc - TO PROSECUTE THE WAR • Fieuela linsubordiriatiottrleaus Not Vet (loop, pled—No Movement on Lyon - The Prussian I:noses—The Paris Etarrieade4—it New 'War Nlyeapon. 7 .The Russian Preparation,). . . • LoNixitc; telegram jtit receiv ed from Tours ontaina the , Therc is still.esMaiderahle insubordination in the, French army, and•the MileerS 'are appar ently unable tovrevent di.-order and violence among the raiv and undisciplined soldiers.— Severe examples have beeii Made. . The PrUssians .have not , yet, arrived at Orleans. They- 'have d • ed from their -. Westward - mareh. and .• zto be concentra ting around Paris. - The: reported Movement of,Pfussian. on Lyons Is.also untrue: "'The French say the : -Pritssian lc*ises, since the war begun; - and partichlarly at vestment of Paris, have been itninen4k,,and that the •Gerinan authorities hate: tal:cit care in cotwid the facts from' ned-sintiATs. I 4 The eorrespo nden t; writing from LimettibUrg; Says 31erieres Is very strong. lint it was not tlyinght it could hold out.. The French • prisoners, oP - war have been -set at work 'constructing. canals -- it Hanover. Later adviees from Paris mintier that the 'el:instruction cif barriead . is vigorously pushed:under thesupertigion o Henri Roch efort and UustavtiVioutens. The Middle has been armea with duos . ru ive engine. J. The in vetii ion has just been, made, and is kept profound.secret. ExpeOtittions fromit are greater than, from the famous. m The Tours firemen are tieing enrolled, and large numb,ers •of breech loaders liate been distributed to Buell.Of the Gardes .Nationales as had inferiorarms. There is no abatement In ( preparatiou,s •of Russia at- the arsenal at Kief. Five hundred L percusSi u Jutiskets nee daily turned, into breech-loin ers.:o-y'. • . • . . , The rresselt.Victoiieft u'ear rarbo—D , rAux* th• IN•u-. I• pat,up4 Stoppeil—Preat.fteducttust of I.7.xpetike.--. 1 Lyouni Qulet.—Thilloilai-IF4II feux.T. l'ailg: . . . Touits, Sept. 30—I,ater advices from Pa-: ria - mention a• series—of enecessful engage-. merits around the city, and the ardor-of the besieged has been much-increased by these • Victories. New breech-loading. cannon have been ; placed on the -ramparts. There are no signs of the enemy in this direction. Later ;Wilms ~from ,announce that Jules Simon has =stopped the, - pensionsto those dramatic writers who needed no assist-. - ance. • • • Retrenetirnents have also been diade'in the publier.xpenditures 'by the llinistet of Fi nance' by cutting down the salaries of coun sellors of State and prefects of departments. It is also proposed to reduce-.the pa i y of Ithe ministers.. „, , Tlie members of the ..riovisiorial Govern ment havo.announced that they.tio.nol wish any pay for.their services. Countingi upon the total suppression of the.eivil list and, the Senate, it - issexpeeted that the aaving'to the Governtuent will rcach fifty milllons,.as will be down by a.Comparlson of the fitst budget ,under the new, (c'ernment with the last Mader the Euapire. It is .understolod that the pay of all the high.funetionaries will be reg -. lated With a view to the strictest . Ltrows, Sept. 29; Tours, Sept. 30.—Po liticid excitement , as' entirely sqbosid,7ed-:. A . few additional arrests of Clusere • - r• have been made. " Rourßi,'Sept.'2.9, via Tours,. Sept. . other balloon from Paris landed near Mantes to-day. A ;courier, with a multitude td-let ters • and. packages, has .gone forward Tours. - . . . . . . Ifycterions Progilan Miovemen . t4--Frenela Plat. of ' Attack—lax on lii.wspeono. BnussEt.s,:..Sepo :30.—A.inysterious acti vi-. ty is prevailing among the German troops at: Sedan, and anioveinent of their forces in, this direi..tion is kept se c ret. Besides• Mese 'manoeuvres, the outposts have been doubled, and the works upon the-Surrounding-coun try are being placed in a thorough condition for defehce. Videtles and numerous patrols occupy all the main points of obseivation, • and the greatest vigilance:is -mai:life:46d. Whether these extraordinary precautions are being taken In anticipatiOn of a sudden Frenell'attack; or:Whether intendeda.s a ruse to-divert suspicion frorna: hnst:le - movetnent .f.orri some necyquarter in the direction 'of Nezieres, Verdun or 'llontinedy, cannot be I definitely ascertained, however. A :Dirge force of XaVarlati cavalry has arrived, and 'detachments patrol all the roads. The undo body is concentrated• i thin the town. ' Positive infortnation rtteeived here Amu Pails announces rthat the French tneah to operate in the rear . of the PrusSian amines, both at Paris and • Metz., •- A corps of free" shooters will: be attlVclys - Organized to eat telegraph wires', destrriY , '-rairoruls • and sup plies, and hafrass atad .glitioy. the Prussians In every conceivable way. • „ The Franc-Tirehrsin Alsace are alteady at their haritving operations. The -Govern , „Ment of Fraq.e Is evidently preparing for a • :Vigorous - campaign before the opening of. Winter. All-Frenchmen between the ages of twenty and 'thirty4ive are debarred -from leaving the country. by a, tlegree from the. 3linister at Tours: The INDEPENDANCE:DELGI:: says the new French Government hits impa.3o a special, tavOf four-centimes per numb n ail news-: papery, doniestic and foreign. , , - •". , Sept. 29.-The natunumatlon treaty *Rh - the United.Stlites has been sign ed by the Austrian government.; • • ANSTAIIDA,M, Sept: 3).—Th ' e Batik of tipl land has,reduced :the rate of discount per tetll.• ' • 11 Sept, -30; r -The -Accommo dation trainowest Philadelphia and Reading - night • was thrown fretti.the treek heai,. - a misplaCed switch... Baggitge4laster Reese Friscoln, of Reading,,wie; injured; and alsne brakeman. Although - the end of one --lin.v.retiger - ear was -elevated to. the to.k ef , a - nothe.r,.4l the pas entigers4e4eped v Itlt ..verv..sligh ',The. s:Was clearedinUftbetrainsare now nglish.,Luniera 'of. Eastern Teittiv trahla continued se ssion ' this • • Morning:, .; • • - !mat Eihibitio - 1 rark.rat: 2. ?tEW IPosui,.:.Eletitegiilt . 3,f1,--4he ionlains of A.dralrat, Falert this morning, on thCilititOl, - tiattlect by a committee otthaeatisnon Connell. They xere taken' thence IS 4ba tug-boat . C4italp* ,to 'Brook lyn ; osyr - ratil . o o)month:ta r n( otito Nav, lEat tied- aalunabee orothe - 141t1Ota being on boattirthe'Mg: Therleft the' Nail' Yin* 000 10.31);!iiiciariivgd at the ,f l oot , Of Canal skeet trentendotti,inante or sa no, 04.;tatiatted overlo Omit,: in Niralttam helnanamatod *tinted itnnlediate ;dot a :Orate gripPa,and.lnintett4e_aron*::'• EIZI A, 4. 5,4 ' 4 'WeeetrAtisote; ittept, 30.--Vodee, the pro , . ',444httl'Oat,thAteo 461 15, 13, • •er eldiMaill3F. digerati* littudreCtind sixty , Pitiraumit. iVeestinicTo4lll4TA*tlvrenty tivitedatiara.t _Nam? . * re ow tootraxid. to Foy' tito,delleht , attrdliftreeitte; , sionkos hoe .Veittotettalttifit4tal k — fitlye yews! reildetexiimitkultied:hijielfeet the ti thititAiptifv f Mer the old:4Iome• 10- - T - 'L , • 6;.. P ,M1A.V147.9f-T. Ts - P.nt RUSSIA'S WAR PREPARATIONS FRANCE RETRENCHING. `IAN TROOPS VIGOROUSLY. EA - G LAND. FRA'I'CL• BELGIUM, AUSTRIA. Austria ana that tilted Ntate4. --,.--= H4L~~i.'l~: V ..~ The Bank or Holland ,'PENNSYLVANIA. Acli*** * C '4 4a (be I t eban it*ltrtod—liel I tinu4 4:7 1 ,1V. r 0 4E. El tIVASIUNGTO : , • • -:4 look OCTOriig_ SEFO: ICI . . , . . k .- . ...,,,-.. Registration in IKarYland , shoWil a very 1 • filo proportion of Wilored voters, and Re. . publicans tixOct treater gains than befOrd. . The anticipated Public Debt Statement to bd issued iii.a day er two will show "very handsome ietinetion - during the present. tnonth. - • • ' " '. ' - ' . • i The Navy Departmentis closed to-day luta mark of respecNt to o thy ;memory of the,late ; . Admiral Farra '-'''- ' , - , --- • . . • ; Fifteen dollars„in nickel coin was received". .at the - Treasure' trotha pOstinaster ~ 'asking that; that "amolint be redetiTned iff : paper money. -This coinage4s.not redeem-, f WOb. and Treasurer , Spinner so informs' the. • P.ender. - . .. -.- ' --......:, .‘./ - Late morning Mispalches 1,1 Saltstritag, 3 o'clock, .4,, W. EUROPEAN WAR. I'RITATE DOCU.2IIE2V.T. r TILE • EMPI-.114R.,.F.A,P0LE0N.• ,ye .. - . Sortudalotts - velatiori l sofhis Pri te Life. ... REDUCTION. OF THE RATE, O F INTEREST IN ~.-1,-. - ENGLAND, ; :,:•.• ' ' TOTE ,ENGLIB,II CABINET kiNETINCik, The"Germah Language in Aisne and Lathan* PRUSSIAN RECONNOISSANCE I;efs it revs rd rstwortetrb.h be in • tpe !leaner Iti It:it4i Or Inierest,-"the, Cabinet Meet -, of a German Mark. .A,osnox, SePt. 30.—The • money- article tii-day, say=s: "Further dortipn io the rate of 'interest at the Bank - . 4 1 of Etigiand may he • tanked for."-:.The jib expeCts',lit tie rood front the cabinet' Meeting • -to be held "tii"-flay on the' subject of, forelir affairs. ."Tho result," says one of Theliittr rinds "must- Aissatisdy the beligercnts and please ruibody." LON - nox,' Sept. 30.---The (lbtinatt' bark • Texas. which sailed front Philadelphia the i9tW of July fat' Hamborg and which „ put into Stainoway, Scotland, on the ttten ty!-Mxth of August,- as a sport' of 'refuge ailedfrom the . latter port. to-day forliant-':'., burg,ilietvs having been received or the rats inn; of the:blockade. =. • • PrPrato Doc:upknnt,: of the Es' aper Or. Napialf.on , = ScuunlalmoiltPvelationot of Ills Prlvaio Llfn— Beaiuregard ItopOftett'to be 1n th t• 'Frenrh . . To't - ks, Sept. 80.;--A .greit nuniber-Of Pri. - vote • decuments• belong to. the Eniperot : which were • recently siezed at the Tuileries__ .by the"ottleera of t Government-have • . jttiAt iteen made public here In the columns • _ of the jouruals of the: R.ePublic. • Many- noted persons 'utider•the old reign are , • implicated in theseandals. The Provisional Government at Paris have already - distidssed • -111: DevVowne, - President of Cor de CsasatiOn:. he having, ,heen .shown toc'be mixed up ,••. in the sandalon4 connections of. the .Ex- Emperor anliThlargurett.b. Illaituer,tbe sister: •. Correspondence' in relation teNtesslers was " unearthed; implicating Lthe due Dd Moitky F, and others 'high in the P.iitperor's confidence. Beside.; these there were found letters from-, Spernigny to .Napoleon, _proVing the -i3rcist euce of the black tribunal and nitotherfrOur •-• the , Queen of Holland, written,after the bate - -tie of SadoWn, warning' the t Einperor against anyvtvidenee now discovered. • Thus the ills= • coveries inade:ln-yegard to the' of • Napoleon, haVe - 9iubstantiated old charges the opposition l a ws made; and It IS thought , that tt lot soon:t6 be published will ,be still more iitan li3. ~ . ' - .; -' Torus, Sept. • .---The rel)ort.-is•reiterated ' thrioi, that Gen. -Beaureg rd, • late of the COninder- - = . ate army, is in the*Fretich service. It is sta . - .ted that he at first accepted a Colonel's' Corn- • missien but has since been appointed Gen., . ' and is at pre,4ent organizing troops 'ln-South j•F.ranee. • •- - - •' , : • : . e . Tho'Gerniun Lanigulageo in Aisace;,and Pru Wan lidecannotosnce. • ; • - . - • CotAisF. ; Sept. Mi.—The GAZETTE to-day publishes the VieWs of several ehrrespond- - ents on the question of terms of peace:- writer, While admitting that the" prevsitthigl. tongue iri Alsace is tifertrian,,ealle editors .tf. task for statements that -The 'same Is true..of Lorraine. • One of the 'eorreSpondeitti- who' rstssed- a great part of his life : In these, prpv inees; -says ; the German - 'elethentls hardly perceptahle and that. the- rfaugnage Is spoken- onlY in .tlpir .adjoining • districts. • • 30., , ..-41espateh• from Fer riues states that on'Tiiiirsday the King re- - eonnoltered the Frenehlines from St. penpis , •- • ' to ItometiNille. • . „I . KehtisTrowded with refugees ' from Stras- . • burg. •- _ •• - • • ./. tiontslrnir ••• Mond in S'irginia--Bridgea 4 .Sttept Away—M . lM and ylvrelling% Carded Away-- Craintlitt...t.rayitl-- , -Telettraith Wires Llu - n - a—; Water Iteiteltes 'ltteluuand in a' Wage •- Five Feet 11104; • • . • -- . Itten_m-wsw, 3—T o:he accounts that coineltrfrom • thelllood are more and More " disiwtrdiss.ti'i'lr6* .gt! and 4 Alexandria it. 1100 idges Hoick Fish Ann ""are swept"; Bridges over the. river - and. Morse' CretTli • the Chesapeake,ct:O. B. are gone. •• - . _ Burley & Wel - two- mills , both floating dowu the river, with four hit - Init .- abarrels floating, .around ,them.. A.„4wetling house completely" furnished went b'y this afternoon:, Crops on the low mounds :aren eomplete: failure. Telegraph lines to liynehbarg and' • the West are badly damaged. Vice-Presl- • dent Wickham of. ChesFpeak & 0. R. - - ' haween:Greenwielt Wayn&boro two ttliht.4-. unable to retreat-or advance. , Ittnntliiit&u, Sept. lio.—"Water has risen here ten feet-since noon. • Water from Itivan nu itttd -4 Nattiefroin 4 - ynehburg-flood.will strike. Vete iibont „midnight. Water at noon at: L*nebburg'was'-tweitty-five fcet higher,thait7 everhnnwn before.' - • • • - (LATEn.j—fitclutosne. Sett. 30. 'lloodSreached,. -at 12.30, in _a waVe five feet ,blgh, l and in twenty minutes "the. river rase six feet.: Great excitement-In town. In the lower ***part of the city the people are remov ing goods from places- accessible to the wa fer. The. Orange Hotel and Orange 416 Alex.: andria Rail Road bridge at. Lynehburg-ivere swept away this morning,. rEODUCE FitiDAY, Sept..34—This Flour marketia less active 4 brit prices are wellirustained,. About bbs. sold, Including superfine at Via:s 50; extras at litt 50a5 75; 4'ennaylvanla do. do, atSB 5048 96.4 i Ohio and Indi ana do. do. At $6 75a7 In; eta t9,tiox brands 1417 Siki 8 50. Rye Floor, •its .50. • • Wheat—Sales of 2000 , busbeIS Indiana red at $1 al 40; and•-oe bushels do amber at 40. ,Rye sells nt Slra9W.. 'tor prime Western and Pensylvimia. -g - orn• In limited request.- Sales. of 400 bustle's Western and Pennsylvania yellow at Slat 02; and and Western mixed at 95a97e. Oats are leas active and lower; sales of :imp bushels Pennsylvania and Western at 51/1624.... • Whisky is unc h anged sales elf 90 barrels Western iron-bound at ISle. • MN . -.' (1411.LA.DELP/11.4. MONEY 3.IAILKET. ' . ' ray DAY, Sept. 4.l.—The state of the Weather to-day - law a decided Influence on the money market a-* on most branches of trade. , (..itill.lbans testae, at 5 . 514 - per Cent, on goal collatends. Prinfeaceeptances • at rkg..9, per c,fut., according Lo credits andother eir- t. comstaKei:s. ~ Gold buyinrat 113MA.11, and selling at.lllN.'9ov crnments are quiet. . . - In Reading Railroad there were no =leis. -The bid ' Was 4S-lltio,V. Pennsylvania at '60 1 4, an advance -,... Lehigh valley at:E/IX. - . - —t. B.lis of 180, IlViall4; ii.33a -18 a, 112 s ia ' .11 1 2,'„'; do. 1661, Llip'ai G l2, ; do. Nov'. 1N , 15, - 11134a111N; do, 18x5, new, liO l o.llo , • do: do - . -- , Up, 110 1 .40110:3 , o; do. 1868,110 1 4a110%; I - . 106X,a108 1 ,,i; U.S. at Yena per cent, Corrency,4ll4lll%. , Gold, 113%. - , • - • . • foxoos, j Sept, 30. -- American securittes quiet. Stocks quiet. Erie Is. LTVEnvoo Sept. 30:—Red Nyes;p 4 Whisl • Sta. ;81=.4=1;:,ted Winter , d. pis Of Wheat for three dam 11%,:10) quartent, ncludlng 14,000 of American, Flour, 22.4, • • • NEW YORK MONEY & STOCK MAZIRETS. • ' NEW Yong. September --ItAntielpationtet the= Farragut obsequica, business on Om Stock f&sehange • and geld room Is entirely suspended_ Onthe Street; = i tweur . about oio,aoo - tn gowaas miaow hands at ?prirtiagiuic froin 113.1,1a114. No sales of Govern ment bonds or stocks up to noon,. • • • • :Oirreete4 ram r. isil'upery idolW fy j Bei A l lioat Fldigr.i!xint Weft; VklAti. . . - It .. " • ~.- . extra:. f_ Flour.. -.-..., ,i, - -ip I, tt • • .- • -‘... :.-...1 bbl, IluelttiVhoo7l6;67: - "».. 4....1evrt..... wh24, prime white ,::......4..* bustiz.. - re1.....•-..,,,i4.. r .:..•.;-:.lltbualt... I 1t.Te...-::._:_ . .: ................ I= 44 ft-r---•;:• 4 -7 a...'....... built - ...,..::-..4......__ - - lactsb -11091.M00.,,:.w......-i.-.............1ibu1t- h . .................. buf‘h - =1 1 '7.7. f••;:•. , :x.:....'4.: , ... ihati1ibriLL.a7...,:..,;;4..:.;...... baler... 'ply - .:.....4:-......6,....4.,.............:* n...» allalt: , ',--4........4.....:........... „ ...1 10 W 14-. -Staltan...-:;...:..4.....-L. ... . . ... nit ton-, ..........,.... ,. ....':10. . 1. " 110 . 1401 . ......„%.,..-..- , ... 1" , •" , .... t s';' " i et 0 ',,. •-•,,, ...••••••••••••;.•••1111.04•4'...A Rabiie liebt ISM French &Tyke. EA - GLAND. FR4 YGE. PRUSSIA. TH.E SOUTH. FOREIG' unk.a... .. ',......,-;-._ Ret. laii, AF,T.26 -. - :-1 oo 150 4 . sso- , e 150 1-.50 '7 1 , 5056' ' , 141 • ' l.lO "I 15' • 10 1 10. 416 1 . 1 30. -.--.1- t e a : ".•;'; , l :1 - .w a „ :' — 1 • • 35 , - - 1,11 23 IS) ;- - ll` . P.- •- : - . -- 1 - ::.,,,,,, ME ENE