The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, October 01, 1870, Image 2
FORTY-SIXTH YEAR few abort erecut, N0T1C186,133 Petoorrod Alptiolodelinpaader tun 6 yd. Si 00 amla per its,. ,4s Insertion; 30 ants &lbw for afoul . itorquest ilterl6Nr. .—Boo st ters and Stat6 : 4* tens and 111 168 Centre Pottatille.Pa; , • guitiers'EPOurtit .t • . sit/RpAYACTOBEIVI; _tEl7o.f 113 • • nyy. 3111.:i2t8. .1013B2SAL is honed every Eistindar morning. and furnished tosubsCribers ikkr. 75 per annum. to a dvitore..n . advance. • . CLUBEiONS—EKVASLIABLY IH ADVA2I(7II: Cople• t•• one addrwa,V SO I IdOopleato one midi:ll:rim-4 3 Q 00 00 00 weirs' Desieri UL.o SS per 100 Copies. twsh. To E eters and Echoor Teachers We will Walsh the ininnacat sonal.,atid .70 pet itiwahm4./n. advance: otheir. - , _ THE .t 11 . 41 IiILEVIRS.IOERICAL to pi:Mahe!' eleer7 4 Wwe • attO _li2 muyier of nt b m N binetred.... • d'sa &l.—Payable in advance. one Prat'. SS In; lax - .10-onthr , .1: 7S: three montAB4l-fa .HATL7r.A ro - wzmaximrsr .3=3l2uxr i sa ante; 0 41 . 0000121 V4, tb5 " •-• eAlrfiyi 694ullifx , Pshrogiwm • Mil GOY,.,' ,GEARY---TH.V, NATI:ONAL • .LABOR UNTON. 7 . v i\yrs of,Governor .Geary:'upon the TH E . 1,16:c 0 -Pree 13 te d for eiMaideration by the'...-ntional 'Labor Union, leserve more than apa singn,ntiee froth ns. Like the dictators • chosen :by the Boman Republic. w 1 en • imminent Olinger threatened,- and. sworn to see to it that the. rariublic suffered no detriment, the present, eller Magistrate of Pennsylvania, is ever -!9n, the watch to . promote the interests and defend _ the rights, not only of the people of his own State, but of the nation at large; and he seems ;deter mined to demonstrate that "peace bath her victories•not less renowned than Wuxi". The Governor, in introducing his views upon the que;tions propounded, .modestly disclaims'- the answer' them in a manner sat-' isfactory to himself,. andadds. that be only • expects his opinions to have Weight and in- II tier ce with the people ti an' far as they are correct and lend to the protection of their interests and defence of titeli rights. Ilia excellency also directs 'attention: to the ob- jeet . arid design or our forefathers in tout:Whig thisgovernment ;* that they aimed to Make it agovernment ."of the peciple, for .the.peo - ple, and by the people ;" that they intended ~...-jthat all laws should be "(vial, just and im '„..partial," and that they regarded the repre, sentatives asthe servants of, the people; he deplores the - departure. in these latter days from - the Republican symplieity Which -Marked our. early - history; points out the dangers. thatthreaten ns . from fire increasing tendency of our .Legislators, National and * State: . to ignore et- neglect the general inter eats, and to enact "many laWs for - the benefit of thelr‘ored feW," and- mulles the remedy, • tti'witf!"holding;:otir servants as represents tires, to a shriet accountability, visiting any • betrayal Of- trest4ith condign punishment." Tlie subjects submitted for the Governor's' •. views by the National Labor Union are, the "National. Currency," the "National - Debt," the "Public DMmtin," . the "Coolie Trade,"- and the "War Expenses." - Upon the' first he remarks • tht , t enormous interest paid to banks "upon - . bonds owned 'by them as the basis of theiy paper issues,"' and calls attention - to the necessity of diate& correcting a matter which works so = much injustice to the produpg • "All Interest," be truly.says, "paid-for the use -of money, for .any purpose whateVett, • Must in-the end fall upon the wealth.trio .. clueing eleMent of the nation." • , His Excellency pronounces our p i n,t4;ent financial • system defective and,comiliends change in order that- our national finances .niay be placed . on a basis equal, just, sound and permanent. Upon the qu'estion wliether a specie or paper currency would.' best sub serve the public, interest's, thetzjGovernor . Strongly advocates the lattelSon .. oe.countr-of ' - the inadequate . qta - Vity of the former, and , of the . suitability - - 011t1 convenience of the atter. \To the. mistakCrf policy of paper • bank isiueS, based upon Specie, at the rate of from three to fiv-1- dollars In :paper to orre of specie, he rig,htly \ittributes the cleecrirtial . financial crashes,- twginuing with libel -1817. There Can be no doubt that these:with the exception probably of that of 1.57, were the results of the -inflation of the paper cur rency of the local banks. It is pateritto every one who bas givenlhe leas[ thought to this subject, that a paler. currency issued tipbtra Specie- basis aloy4 is unstable and dangerous whenever It is in-. . , „ • creased beyond the proriortion of dollar for dollar. On the other hand, no one will deny that so long tui tLis equilibrium can be pre served, a: better medium . of .exchange cannot ' • . be obtained: The Governor, however, reeog-, - • nizi IT, theimpossibilify of maintaining such , equilibrium, advocates a currency based upon _ • the credit of the nation. Such. a currency , ' would of `eoute, remain: stable while the national credit endured, and .wben that is ' gone there rum:tins but little worth contend jug fon . - . 111 regard to 11,1 e payment of. the Nn_ tional Debt, the , l" . .iovi•rtior uses laugtiage whlch cannot be nitsundeNtocid nor. misconstrued. Only, its "entire liquidation, princiPal:Eind interest, aetorditig to the letter and spigit of the agreements made and entered into al the time the debt m(a..> contracted," will Satisfy \ He' is opposed' to !giving any. more , of the public lands in aid of priVate corp Orations, conceding, however, 'that the nation has in the paitderived great benefit trent. such . a policy by the increase in value-of its unapt r proprlated• lands. But now that our vast Public Domain has been coinpletely . opened 'up so as to permit its occupationby thi actual t tier, "the • people," he says, ••‘`have ehangtd their views and are not :willing thal• another acre shall be donated for any other purpose." • While His Excelleney would "wehome to our shores all whtiyoluptarily route to Make: this land their home, to unite their de:ditties with ours, and to aisi us in .developing' our 'east resourm ,- .;'' while he would not deny,' to any.the .enjoyment of the civil and relit ions liberty ;titibieh our goveruMent affords, yet he ''will )never consent to establish - slakvery again * no mutter what shape it may assume dr in what guise it may' appear. • ...whether as ,Chinese t!o.Olies, Nexican Peons,, or African slaves." That property,and Wealth shmi'ld pay the expenses, of war, and that the soldier should not be taxed therCfor on his return home, the ,Governor holds to be • a just principle, - upon the. ground that nearly Wan are waged in defence. of property. $ , Among tbeAnany State papers put fyrth front' tirne to, time by Governor CiiearyAllis attract gretit attention: The sub ject-4 treated of are not of ,local interest only; they concern and agitate the nation. UP:rEE: torN±its. ATESTERDA ' we returned after a few :days' sojourn in . Luzerim and contigu ous counties. We found that in many of , the strongest Deinocratic districts the ques tion of Protection to American Industry is engaging the earnest and serhitts attention of the workingmen. They are becoming convinced from,.the - action and votes in Con gress of the Demociatie party that it is hos tile to tbis' important principle; and that it Is unworthy longer of "their conlid&ce and support. The course in CO`tigresit. of Judge Woodward, of Luzerne„ . Mr. Getz,' of Berks, and other Deli:Hieratic Congressmen, who, notwithstanding Professions of friendship for Protection;-voted . rtgaiust the m Suppleentary Tariff:ball proves to work inginen that - no reliance in this matter-can be placed on the so-catled Democratic party, In fact, thiti feeling has grown ao strong in Luzeine that it is very doubtful whether . Judge Woodward -will succeed in . being elected to tiOlepch in that district, for which be itrnoW a candidate. There is a . .revolution "it progress in the minds of the workingmen,' and they are discov ering that their true friends: are not to ire , food in. the modern Demo • eratii 4 pare.F. 4 So rapidly has this change in sentiment: been ettieted, that there is.a ....strong probability thai the Republican'enn didate for Congress in the Lucerne anclStis quenanna district will be elected. Every , where we nlso found" the Germans abandon- ' ing the Democratic party whose leading or . gans have abused them and the causeoftheir * Fahtei:laadin unmeasured terms. All the In digations are that the Republican , party, thetrnefriend•of PrbteetiOn, and religious liberty `througheut the be argely : -, trenithened,,by the votes of thousands of workingmen this Fall, who; have heretofore acted with the Free Trade, Imperial-loving, hdstly...styled bem r' '~iyl j - ~~ ~ Y ~ -~. c a }~ - MIN ~:~'^ - "ratielParty. It is to, be hoped that the 11 thong tful schuA lll Cc'un" twill emtlate the excellent example. ~.. ItVe hhe this kief noting a s tht_ Sum*. • agingjciliiical sieketion in the upper, cads= t ie s, it Bien' c t lles strongly duritr*ur.!4;e. cent v Othere. i : , '-"----'-: • ' t'- following article frorn the Boston. ViRTLSER we commend to-theatten workingmen. It' is ,of vast impor! all interested In labor:, . tion o tinee t Vree "ireedq Leads Sae WtilliaiMialk IDiESOLAND 4WD THi ILTSiTZD,WrATER. =I ob, We jve melted from a correspondent now in Europe, th who I.•;4'eareful observer of the Matters about bewsdeareAnteunualeatimeasitheenb ject of e _wager paid toarm latentas In tht month of Engbad, UMW • WeWNilm_. _ thet Zhtarestlag_pektit fff Ude lieW. therang., Made asserttem tnat ene _Wipe 01 11 laborer do Mat mote than three Mean • week of our 44 ,4 moray Mroettra In cannery village' of the • Hid Of the Wad, acrd that the difiltrence betty this sum and the lIMMU ereekte.-eatof the farm represents the difterenceib - the rewasd of wo In tbe-twoomutzleit. Measles/30May: The-truth of this statettant, whlcki limy at first seem oVeirdrtewn, will itpr from an 'elimination of the Tamer In which 1. et English laborer are expended. We haw* found the metal ags, r ordlarerif /ISM Work, kayoed. the neighs ' borhondot th e targetowns , not to exceed nine shit linpi a week—llltie mare Van id hittat ir ated at this prier there la a saperairtmlisnoe Or . Now the wages paid tff an Adult hum matte' calculated on the Opposition that they are to soppat Orme and family. and the English laborer has usually a _very . bily. : Nine or s Zetd e llbilen are ne a t . ettlee av 'lt is true that the. children work at an early ; but their earnings ate very small. and as a rule soon Mayotte* heighboe which offelli nine . , rk, ler service elsteereme. Ttus wife, with shave family, can earn little or nothing. We may. seam° Mite lna or tere4lllllhipa week is to= post four ovsnoutbe.; pectin-vary many .cases, rbaps the avenge r -this Is th e actual fact It Is no ouger gene the plot , hat a peasant bag a garde . Wben be hat little the endue of the fruit triestablei raised Is said not to exoe eigh eldllings v i er. Neer le H. 'he Cita." f at " merly, the Mit r keeps a pig, which was ex =l t ion di eM h m ea t the "..bthEvbeite d el . :: price wh ich he is now obftied to pay for &Mg puts' this uree out of his rdi , Far back =the coon try l a rers pay fat their potato patch a rent of one shill a yard, or eight pounds to the seta "H much, then, of this pine shillinp a week., the sot resource of the laborer, must be spent. on food al net Nearly the whole. We have found that the en e flour for bread,' which is usually obtained, from employer -under the market value. coats fours filing" a 'week for an avenge family. The potatoes will and eighteen' pence more, and from sixpenee to a shilling aghast mast be added for rent. be i ed When this areadded the tee and butter which are the s oh luxuries that the cottager still' insists on, it will seen that the greater Tart of the wages is aecoun for. ',Fresh meat Is beyond their reach; teA _ nis procured at eight peace per pound and bolted With potatoes perhaps three times a week. Vartet4in diet there is none. • lAt i present time there to universal depeession And ditseetistaction among the English Mechanics; and the stranger will seek in vain for anyeentiment of patriotism or of contentment. But "When those, receiving perhaps double tan named, are asked bow a Wearing fatuity get along on. nine or top-shil li ngs a 'week—their answer is,"God knows: It Isn't Riving; it Is sterling: But we satisfied our curiosity by actual Inquiry In the cottages.. These ei ,rottag could never la so glade, so orderly, and so pretty f the housekeeper had not been long trained to the s rietest habits of monetny. The ro oms are 1 few an small; perhaps only two chambers, ten feet sqwere,linhabited by a troop of coley ' ch il dren ; yet the Goer is always clean, the plain wooden chairs look neat, and the crockery is carefully ranged on the shelf. This life is of battle, in which a peony saved a a victory. Expeudilores for clothes are Wall—smaller than we can conceive-and the chil dren's garments are always somewhat tattered, yet clean ;Fad therein a carefully - kept Sunday snit. "Ina ch a life there can be ho room for ideas or books. The peasant is not intelligent enough to be , discontented, and many centuries of order have edetcated the English laborer to oneamplalning ac quiescence In his lot asifittitter of course. /t Is the better paid and more - thoughtful artisan who is the radical, the innovator, and the Infidel. The employ ment of machinerY and stesuzi4eower on the highly 'cultivated land lessens. so much the number of hands required for a given district, that there is actually a deficiency of employment at the rates Inamed ; and the pennant has no share in the increase , tin the value, en toe soil which only his labor renders . productive. - I "Shalthe emigrate! , lie hae neither means nor eutermese: The present Immense current of Eng lish emigration Is not from the laboring class; fits from the moat valuable of all classes, the akilied m il/tans.] 'Why do you not ask me to walk over this rieerr• mid one. 'The people In these parts is like the =Milt" yon; they doesn't like to go fur from their warrens,' said another, and touched the point more nearly. .It remains to be seen what changes 'a system of compulsory free education will make, which will no doubt be carried out at once. We may_ safely say that tbe changes in another generation will be very great, and that the peasantry will no longer be the tamely acquiescent population of to-day. The op portunity of education is gratefully understoocefind appmelated by the parents In many cases. school costs a Penity a week for a child ; when the mother can save the penny, which she strives with all her soul to do, the child goes to school. . "We : Jere:lld not undertake to say that the farm Lahore [ is absolutely worse off than forinerly;, doubtless he share" indirectly in ninny results of modern progress-in better dwellings, better seheols, and th k i influence of a diffused semaphore of civili zation but his food is no better, his living no easier got. e has no hope of bettering his own-condition or that of his children; he , does not receive "his share of the increased production of the ooentry." A rode nt report of the - National Bureau of Statis tics es an Interesting comparison of the rates of wages Of persons employed In different trades In the' two countries, especially of skilled labor. It appears Au=voollen manufacture the rate of wages I talk averages hardly more than thirty per cent. _above that In Great Britain, but in all other trades the rates with us are larger by .a very considerable percentage. We reproduce the princi pal part of one table comparing the weekly rates of wages in different depar tments of the cotton manu facture in lien. The Mu res for the United States are thewm reduced to e value of gold: . ' Average '' Per eentr Cireupahosr. - Average en Great excess iny in U. 8, Britain U. B. ,verS .. d 1 in 18411 . •in lace . Gt. BM: ' , Overseerarting. • Sit FT Fr 91 - 4,03 9 14.5 ".. 142.9' - - tenders Rai isrej tenders Oralig 'frame tenders speed r tender.:..,. " picker Orindrs. y....._.............1 Strip ns ' pinning. Overseer ..... ...... lisle spinners Mule backside piercers Frame spinners • Oversee Dffia r lmg • Second hand -SpoolOre Dmwers and twisters MM:M „Westv .i ng. Over r ... .. t .:— Weav rs..l:;. Drawing-In hands....-. - ttepair shop,. En I glue room, etc. Foreseen—. - ... Woodl- workers Iron-Workers En Ze eg. La Overseerin cloth room. *New York manta wrlr A still more tavor factory hand In a tat cot ton 'mills in the tw43 July , i I 57,0, as follows : it • Veiled Rag- Percent- Ckvifpetios. .57ates. land. awe of U. a. Picker tenders per we k... se99 ' 'l2 30 - 147.84 Card 0ver100ker5........ 15 75 853 . 141.19 Card-tender girls- 3 04' 1 69,, ' a 1.65 Oard setters.,._ 11 40 • 4a; ` 159.77 raid grinders. ', ' - 10 00 4t. - 141,37 Card !strippers 575 B'2ll - }MAO Drawing frame tenders... 5 .52 2 30. - z, ram; Slubillng • .: .. 552 230 , 140.00 . ' Roving • ' ~.. 6 111 3 OT, Py.9B Eh:linters • .• •• ~, 14 01 , 701 43.06 Mercers ~, ".- . ” ... 7 . 00 2.90, .. 141.37 . Piercers ~ " • " . 0 2,i. 181 • 190. a, • Creelers • ' _ f", . .... 275 ISt - 303.76 By the returns to the Defeat' of, Statistics, the av erageweekly wages of all tmployees, , 'excluslve of Overseers, In cotton factories InilBoo,llwas 50 58 in gold while In England.the MEW= showed weekly ettmlers Of 83 (40. , orli , feese Items include, of course the women and children employed. ' ' I - Under. Democratic Free Tradel,' with the conritry flooded with goods, &c., p r o d uc ed by , this heap laborof Europe, oceantranapor tation-Cheaper than inland transportation, ' what under Heaved - 1g to prevent the price of feigor being . ..reduced in.thls country'.to nearly the .EuroPean standard, under Free Trade.? HoW can you keep up the price of labor In this l co untry without a tari ff of duties which willigive ample protection to our laborers and tproducers? • : SOme sai that protection only lienefilli - the .capikliat. This is a great mistake. ,Undsr protection when all the people are employed ' and there is a demand for all Productkis, the "Mini of small means can enter into bust; neie on 'efcgating with the largest of,ripitalist, andimaintain himself because there isJa de mand for all produced. It is only with Pro tection that the man of small means Can go into, business and sustain himself—but under Free Trade he is 'easily broken down by the capitalist, who' can then crush out the small proltirmr with his capital, 'when there is, II glut in the market, - caused -by. Free Trader and low, wages, which largely decreases eon.' gumption. • . BOROUGH NOMINATIONS.—The Republi cans,of the different Wards of this Borough will meet in their respective Wards on Fri day. evening next, October 7, for the purpose of Placing in nomination candidates for COuncil, School I39aid, etc., and to appoint delmdes tc• a Convention to meeethe same isvetting . to place in nomination a ticket for Chief Burgess, High Constibie, Treasurer and — Anditors. s It is - hardly nem 83,ey for us to urge our citizens and business men to at;. , 'tend the prelithinary meetings. As ,prop , irtY holders, t'aipayers, and persons inter eAted tu the ;proper conduct of Borough affairs; administration of school matters anti enforcement of the M. it is their' duty t Partieipate in . the proceedings of these Meet; ings and vote for tit!, best men 'Who are can didates for the different positions.. 'lf they do not,dischargethis duty they have no rea son foi-,Complaint it the ticket nominate does not meet their expeotations. - 1 We hope to heiti :of alull attendance at then Ward mectineon Friday evening next. It was rumored this 'week that the meet ings would be held to-night, whieb we Stated in the Deux. But it was a 'mistake. Sat.- .nrdai 'evening is ;a bad one forhusiness men to attend meetings,nnd these 'Ward meet ngs were properly fixed for Friday eirelling next,• • , - , • . • . '.VaoPE4N ,simply` this :-Tout and &manta' have surendered. Thizainetia still rut in Meta Which must soon 411, 'The *win ::balsslon ciliated 'Fare to the P.ritsatin heachituirten) Nufiktnied 'ft Vl ore from the inability of the PMVisionar Government to give satinsetary guarantees 5 . 71 - 2 85 . '''.14196 309 - 192 - 61.45 327 '• -2 75 - 18.91 4 16 .4 276 - 51.27 3 68- I IS. 56.59 870 37 . 24.76 5 56 428 -, . 30.51 1396 .. 742 . .-81.40 8 :15 538 55.78 1 96 1 Si 15.15 270 2W ' - 13.92 11 Oti - 3 92 . 2 47 .23.7:0 K.l - 340 10.111 3 6.1 330 10.00 10 85 1250 10 40 25.00 6 33 • 4 51 36.42 4 RO 2 64 R 3.91 11 70 11 :12 : 7 42 : 879' r.l 10 31 0 00 t I. b • 4 Zi9 urer sends to the' Ems°. le exhibit for the American le showing weekly eou pities at the present tilde' EM .16.21 Ma THE MINMtS" act for even an armistice limitary pcoint insisted__ grelt i abject fir the German 4 r d to liti,: i seenntY ' tion e siliits of - Parislirthlitockwded Biel'ilip All, nicati side rid, thy 4st• is halm is, bee) Prussian ijiklansare rani out the whole countrAl ,and diapers t he rally) peasantry.: e Prince of Saxon mow y south.. caused the evainatiowaftlisteram -- - I erant French Government, fearing the south- ward extensim of WC-movement, nt'l PM paring to evacuate Taira at is montenils warning. Poictiers is named as the next lo valtty-fram-whictrthintecrtssrof-thts tluvri sional JuntawrlU issue. Russia is said to b prepliiigg for ildr; tiut‘whietherwritti-TurkeY OiGermany is Cli4B iinestiOn. .-.:.'.1' -: ; i EDITORtS. T A BLE.. ,f. __. __,.• • — 7 ---, 1 I v0,.. 4 ,...10311.1.-frreaTor THZ LA= Wail art TWILL"r Tlreltraztra, ke... ar Aix:: H: ferstensant. Vot. n. Natrorrat.PCiatiantanCeirrasy,.Perisr An Lrsii: We have read the second volume with cam. The author, who it will be recollected. we Ile Vlne President of thelate Pentherti catifettiracy . ',. is a firm - believer in theSstatm Rights' doctrine' . -of the ultra Calhoun School, and the :second volume, like the hest, - based el/Web!! on the truth of this • Seutht ‘ i,rn comtrurrtion .i of 'the union of the. States, 'which from-the very 4- genization of Lim .U . nient was proved4o: be nit only qinienstible, :Ind !absolutely, • Whreions.!--- This the debates and discussions •groviing.out of the adoptionef thercOlstitution at the.time, ylearly'proved. : The old,cortfederation formad by the different State,. gcfvernments proved to • be an imperfect Unierii?- heel:true ;them Was fro cohealve powerlo hohtthem together, and they could withdraw . at'plerteure; consequentlfithere could be Zni perfect ,Icnion. It was to reined' , this.dlal, MOT that the !people demanded ; it more perioct:Union, pereact Union, which ?was tube perpetiaal, that the present CenstitutiOn was adopted, :i - irid,the Union formed. Probably in no State. in the Union:were the principles of the present Cent &Mutton so fully • diriens.sed,fts - in Virginia, and. the'brood isaue was Made:that if the =present Constitution WWI, adapted .by the States and the Union perfected, no State aenetaing theiConati tutkon and entering inth the Union bad alright to withdraw from the game; bilithat s the Union Was perpetual, and nothing brit a secceasfUllrevelu-, den or rebellion could destroy it. The friend of the Coustitutkm and 'Are Union admitted the Issue, and declared thist the ob j ect in form sg a more perfect Union was t o make it perpet a l t and when once formed no State could with 1r from it peaceably without' the consent °t i the other States:Underl the old 'botifed'em on,' States could withdraw, and- that was the o jec tie* made which lett to the formation. oi the I peeseetUnicm. • 'lf States could withdrawtm the present. Union, , by should thhave changed froth the 'Union formed unde ithci old Confederation" lioeslnot everybedy know Iwho has read the early. history of our count.ry, that it was the power of the States to Withdr aw. ledito the . formation o the rom ti. it at pleasure, the, present Union, so as:to make it morel pe rfect and perpetual? The Very language of the amble prelim this; which ht as fellows: .' the people, (not Strateti;) or the'United-SMte, order to forni a more ,Perfect Union,., &-e...,1 "de ordain and establish this ronetit tio the United States." 1 - The whole theory ofState Rights, wastrn consideration, Mid thhiconstruction w 4 hi ed up in Virginia by Sotneo? her hair-Sell statesmen, and the, celebrated resoltilloni 1708 on the poireWof Hie Constileition civet the States, was forthd purpose of buildin u t u the Im Seoeratie partifinenntradistinetion the•old Federal Party whicir*ati in power atthat, 'su e. These resolutions w ere espoused by the ' t.h= 1 ern and Many, of ilihNOrthern States, arid' ere' based'upon a pen; , nrsitin of the. Constitbiti n of the country—in feet, fit was, a frand'ulpan the people, and the en'd avor. to maintain itiand the Institution of Slavery; based •on that duo--" trine, has drenched (143 . eiruntry with bl - , sae rificed the lives' of' nearly a million of h man col being 4 and destroyed not less than fi Vet lit lions' of property .' The crishing out "of thil hel lion hni settled the htinelples of the tionlititu don and the basis'of 'eurUelori forevere-ad all. =the efforts of the Southern Traitors to the Con stitution and Union, *ill utterly Lai Lb revive' the Statee_Rightei doctrine of the Calhou -- Sehool . .L. • We have no room le go 'uto detail, in Jades.- sing this question. ,Ibr,'S tens is one 4f the. ablest men in the Seulli. only. acted with. the, Democratic* party after the destrimitn of the old Whig Party,'. when the Missoulri .om ptomisewas repealed i and the South beetime a -unit on the Slavery' question in oppo itilui 'to the Republican Party; -which was then origani- I zing on the basis of 'opposition to the eat-elision of `Slavery into the !territories of tht 1 united Stites not yet organised into , States. , lie was opposed to the secessionists, and 'resisted se vzessioduntil Ids 'Strife, Georgia, sece(tedifrom "Use Union, when he, Very reluctantly4ca t his fbrtuneir with her, anti the CoufederacT e: i t,cted him' Vice-President. ; . . The failure of tbe Rebel- ' lion has caused Mr. -S. to feel, keenly tlae.tua- Hon in • which he it• placed as a traitor o the .best government that ever existed, and thelwo .1 iiilumai writtedarci .intended as a vidiation of hinureleand. the Sorth, and parti c ularly to relieve himself, as ;far an possible,"renth() stigma of a traitor 14 th e . his:Dern( this great 1 Republic. To do,thli he seines Mel Ca boon States Rights doetrine, which,, ye have bin lit tle evidenee that he eh ensiled! to anythl rig - like the extent in his Pinner public career, as he. does in this Tolunte. Inc fact this , voluu e de- 4 fends theSozith iii tier whole crusade against the North, in her efforts to perpetuate , Slitvery • and extend it over' to country—even . jnigtitiem the repeal of the 'Misiouri ,Ctimprornise oh the ground that it hid oiver been accepted fully in • the North,. , because kt its adoption About gnu a persbn In hendre4thappened to be o posed to - it—thatAhe South netrer encroached in Oman ' her upon' the rights of the • North—that they' were pure and unsullied in ell' their inter 'ounce • with the*North, andlriever were the ors 'That the.greater thei tralMr in the you , the greater Hie saint in he estimation citkizi. *ste 'phens. Ile - even derrieres that the treettnineof .our prisoners at .Andersonville, &e.',, - Was no worse than the * treatwent of Southeni -pnso nera in the North. To sum up in a few worda; . the book is a complete vindication of the Whole South foreVerything they have done ' and that all the aggression and tyranny ..preceededlfrom the North i 7and theyiend they 'Only, are reipon-• bible for the Rebellion; and all tile exprniditnre of life ,and treaeur4 - that- followed. ,no ren _goes acefir as to declare that while , thePeo le of the Forth abolishediblack slavery in the titoiath; they-have substitutes'! white , slavery ii . the North in its stead r 7e11,, we do not , fee any more like a slave new•-than we did to ti Rebellion„but k breithe ' the atmosphere .. I freely, brsinise we scan now expiring Mfr • ph ions-over the length and breadth of the an. which we could not do without subjectin oil selves to violenenbifore slavery was Alm' c '. and the-Rebellion crushed. ~ - No, person -can read these volumes. wi hoi sympathizing with the position of theletal Mc g i e author. :He was lensic against hie better kidgment, and he now i xi to dread the decree the future histori anwl must stamp him as it traitor to the best: . ,er meat that , ver existed, and In spite lot al. his protestations to the' confrary, he is destined to fill a traitor's grave;.: 1 The boost is art octavo of eV pages rind issold by subscription only. For terms, 64., sires. National rublfshing Co., Phlladelp*, , • focat AMets. ====l El Ocr4 JAM !.:RATURDAY«. 4 14 5 5:1 I 1 __4:t_ . 2' 8 171 4 11...... .1_ 8 MONDAY...... 4 TcrusnAT::.- ~ • 6 WRDNIXDULT -...' , 6 THIIDSDAY... :7 Fammr...,.:. Tolierroat—F4rtietti Sunday of th e y - Auld sixteenth a ft er Trinity, ijknes , ength tours and 44 in:lncites, • The 'Breaker of 14ttessrs. Wiggsn & Trie at Bear Itun,Nras discovered tolie on! fire . Saturday miming - 3ra was extinguished , fore mach diunagebad been done.. . - Lutheran Services.--Services yid held the E. Lutheran Church; Market Square, M. morrow morning at 10 o'clock, and evening at 7t o'clock. Pr act by s member of Eatt Penna. Synod. t. - • ilarchenta ahonitt not leare-boxes containiryg Vs remain too long on the tddewelks. ughit maygive an ideal of their business! Still It causes blole and is violative of ilia- Borough ordinance:: • ".The ihnri Mr. Moilool - willpreachla the ,Tr ity 'Seamed . Chttrah,,, Market - street, n FourthOo-morrowithutidley) morning and rang. _Sm.O free. The pliblic are .reepecthali. to attend. ' • MI ' pre 'We I Ake., ,o of tett- Ling of i Dedicatioti,of the New Hall of the Grand Army of the Republic.—From the Reading TIMES AND DISPATCH, we 'earn that the hand- ' oine new hall cif McLean: Post, No. 18, Grand itrmy of the Republic, Fourth and Penn streets, as dedicated with public ceremonies on Miura ay evening. The oecaSion was a very inter eating one, and will form the subject of many pleasant memories with th e organization.' `-, ~. The hall was 'tilled, a large proportion of this udience beingladies. Representatives of the Organization from various :sections of the &Me: were present, together with Mat. A. R. Calhoun, Department Commander of . Pennaylvania,:and re Col. A. B. Reath; A.' A. Cl„ and other distin , go ished visitors. , • , 11-. t .The hall was very gracefullY decorated with d, flags and streamers. - The members of the Post; r_ (the oflicersin uniform,) occupied the,two lines , on either aide of the room. I - . 't , The exercises Were opened at 8 o'clock, with ' o overture by the Ringgold Cornet Band. The i t mrades were then called to IlAttention" at , e tap of the drum, by theDfticer ofthe Guard, Simon Foniman, and a salute was given upon In , e entrance of Mei, H. D. Markley, the Poet is, : ommender., with the orator Of the evening ' d other distingulehed guests. . io ,The „roll was called by :the Post Adjutant, , A. Grant ; and the command wasgiven ~'Parade Rt .", while the Divine benediction Was infoked - by the Post Chaplain, ReV..J. F. teredithi who fervently prayed fora blaming pon our country, our fag the Comrades of the ost, the widows and orphans of , deeitased !oldiers and all friends of th e order and of the time of Freedom.' ''' *'. ~., . t band then 'playe d it selection--" Sweet *.i Pa r i lk ßear e krk r y A P jai ay iPW --an as su d ng a ' s t7 ng tL nt l ied 0 in Vocalists. At the conclusion of the song, eguirds with, marched off to dr qiiartorii, td the commend given, and the-Post Canaan der, Maj. Markley, presented the orator of -the foocaslon, Mel. Cidhoun, who probieded ,to d* ver,an address. ' Maj , , M. Odhoun's address was full of eloquent and elicited frequent applause.. Ilia fereriees to the privations and sufferings of e soldier in prison and lo the field were par ticularly touching, and a point - of interest was frallusion to the experiences of a year's im isonment in Libby, with Major John Teed, a member of this Post. He gave also some amus ing instances of the devot io n of the women of e South to the , catuse of - the Rebellion, as it ' bated itself in their demeanor towards the 'Yankee" soldiers. an, , I.' The address was about three-quarters of an 'hour its length. At its- conclusion another se !action was performed by the band. _- i Mid. Gen. Hartranft was then introduced and tnade &short speech ; in •which he referred in bomplinumtary terms to the address of Maj. Llilhoun and dwejt upon ' the Objects ,of the organisation, nd the greatness of - our na =', to he honor of which the Order was • _ 11, he eKeystone Vestilits then sang "The Ship State" in a very beautiful manner. Colonel. RObt. 4. Beath, of Pottsville, A. G. of the Department, was then introdimed. and made some remarks in a humorous 'vein, in which [were included some t poisons' allusions ko theloreeeding en. Major Cidhoun came ta fox itN%eAstsharet of the speaker's sallies ,. is bethelor condltionbeing the particular point pen which he was zaUlaLl His eulogistic ref tcpCol.-11cLasn, who had beenhis tellow ' Met, was warmly a lauded. Re described °swept-work on by Gowen-Toot, ti. 23, of Pottsville, and the ten other Posts of e Ord's :the f amilies of s Schuylso ldiers kill Coti h nty i . which sought distress, and -. them liberal relief. , - ex 1.1 • A sprightly * gallop was perforMed 4iy die , ; and Chaplain M.. Sayers, Of Post N 0.157, , 1 , . ~ . - 3Ciacil4 I • ; •• . RI D. H. X 539 Titst -4 24 V. tr 39 ;Full 947.0. 36 L 4441, Q.. 17 L I 17 tr. 5 M ANew' M 24 /0 40 rbo; . 5Si mitt' 3 5 itio),, 1)0' . itis. IKE 1111 - 11aniiiie bed ; &dud tint inn hewn orronsonitr misted in timr. telai wattusi lls ur 114 i 6; 114,1. cl* from, our Arms:turn with": - 4 rail i svie is the ilium o aluAlti ay oll ot co the mpossd izepume. of >mPirly will meet.this A Meeting of the Board of Managers of the e. A. will be head ttrirogurs of the As lodation) this evening 'ni It !o'clock. , the Members of the Board are reqiteded to be pre., en as business of importance' will be trans - d';•,' •s' - I .." 7te5t,4;411 was a gentilnel rainy day. The mitt descended almost incessantly from morn ing until night, and the *diverse! wish on the part drew oldie= seems; t a o+be that It may continue In deseettd.for acv days to come. Copious showers will be springs and adre atua, moisten the earth-and make the farm ers', laugh. _ Naval Appointliment.—liarry,F; Reich, ne *lkt Col: J. CU Frick, of this • Borough, re paned a moat creditable sad 'auccoutfor 'nation before the Aeadeutie Board at the - affaiiiikeadetny,at Aunapolit, and was at once appointed a midithipman in the United Mates • I.4 . iiiry, from this, the Tenth: DistricLl Ne con gratulate the promising young ; lush :and hi ti frieruhron the gratifying fact, Cruelty to 'Atdnuall.--Wil learn. that' an' agency of the Society for the Prevention of cru nlity to...Anima/a ht about beltig establiihed in ,PottaTllls. We - think it higirtime that some thlng_of fhlisort, is done, as We see opportuni lbw almost daily Where a hnmanitarn could 41410," good work in briogitur, cruel men to the bir of for abusing poor dumb animals. agency wiltsoon gain popular favor in this - • ' tottuntulity. , Ipring to a vacancy in the pastoral or the Trtnity Reformed Church worshiping in Mar ken street, the congregation baa very kindly oNered them* of their church building (known • sOtte,T.bouipsent Chnmh), to. the Seooud Pres byterian Church for worship, until their church intfldktg is finished. Servieft.hy the Rev. Dr. Sitilley, Pastor of the 2d Presbyterian Church, -Wtnorrow 5t..101 A. M., M. Both cob ,gregationswill worship together. Seats free to - all, and itil.are cordially invited. • !The .following arMonticament f • great importance to all persons using revenue shpnpa, and after . October obit, 1870, noliittittips are required on' receipts' for any. stim ef money, or for payment of an debt; pipmlssory notes - for a less 4nup than one bun dippil dollars; assignments,: or transfer of a 22rit,where it, or the instrument. it se e asbeen once duly stamped, or on cthmed anil preserved flab. Checks,. deeds, frMirtgages, notes ofsloo stud upwards, and All other portions , of the Stamp . Law will still re .thein in force. ' , • ?ably!lie ;might Infahtry.---This new military oMinization bowitutnoers about seventy mem 'hers and will be mustered in by 11. B. Mc Cool, Eisq. this evening. The Company will be 'uni ,&rued in the , same style. of dress as that - adopted by the Gowen Gaar4s, and arms w lithe llArnished by therStats authorities at an early date. This will make the second military orminiza tilm in Pottsville, and we hope Ms military strit will not M w op here, a* e have the mate ri within the Borough and Its suburbs out- of which to orptaniie a fall Reitimedt. I,et the ;work goon until we can boast of Km•li an or-, ganization. • '4 1; , , nulalrned letters retnilnlng in the Pottsville Pt st Office,.-Sept. 30, 1670. • Aloes' Varieties Deegan Miss Liviney-Jeaa , Augusta Mrs Evans J ).1 Übe Mary 134 wen C F Erb Mrs Jos Leveriek N W. Biker Chas Elingsworth W .Lutz Sebastian Stickle Elias Faitsch Dyouys Niepold C Shockley F A Fannon Joseph , Nichter Clemens SWekley Harry Fox Carrie ' O'uorman J • Beesellaru (loodrich E Tk, , , • Parrott J W Baoker I Griffin John . Powers Pat Buehler Jacob tieko N T Perkins Mary ' Bradley Jeard Hepburn E Quinn John i Stamm Itich, , Herrman John Reynoldrli W W F Hoar John ;• Rose David 1,1 Brew:Binger F IlinksJos Scoot Chas MeWnos.llendityJohit . Spearley It likun'hHtlder Jos Simithlsand Whirr' Mary liartstein Jac Stanley Emma Ibtatutny Cath.. Holden Peter Thomas David Wits David Ft, Koehler Blasius Tathes John Dobbin. DrJ H Kith H J • • Tepedino Leon Donahoe John. ',Wentworthy_W FtWolf Matilda DOne Maggie -Estoril:tan Maria. Young Elizabeth -•— ' alse German EtMdler'Pund e --Stateinent of :Merman Kuhn, Treiaurer of Gernfan Aid Soci etty of Pottsville; of all contributhinsand monies received up to date, in aid bf the sufferers in Franeo-German war Proceeds of Pie-pie, $4OO 78 ; Collection of the Agricultural - Park, $lOl 00; A social gathering of Germans, $37 77 ; Yueiagling, $3,5 00 ;_Renjamin Ilaywocal, $3O ; Chas. H. • Wollitn, l S P. W. Sheafer; VA; Barman dr-Ramsey, tr.s; Coll. of Prof. F. Veling, ; Geo. Lauer,.sa); Bright & C 0.,. $.014. Bendier &Schrader, LA A..W.Schalck, 18 ; Galland & $10; H. C. Russel, $lO ; C. Little, $lO ; C. Ei kopitAch,*lo ; W ni. Fox, $5. Meyer Kuhn, p Merman Kohn; $5.; John W.. '.lgekel, s3l }l Snyder .& Liebner, $3 Conrad ock, ; Total;:#885 •• , .I.lPArther subscriptions towards the fund will .14.1 - rscvixed .by the , Treasurer, at 274 centre' steiet, and - published An the newspapers of the Trough until the Bth bf October, when remit tance Will be sent either to the "Central Com- Mission" it Berlin, 12 tinter , den Lind - en, or to Er. Johannes Roesing, North-German Consul General in New york. . . ---- . "4 • . friench's Oriental Carawitt:—Of this coup. hi - nation "show" which will. be exhibited in Ils Borough on' Wednesday new, the Spring-. Id REPUBLICAN speaks asrfollows: „ . 4t presents such a variety of attractions WI to amuse all classes—and to instruct .whil l et amuses. The student of natural history l becomes abeorbed in cs .u. ntemplating the European and Asiatic represent • Ives of the Animal Kingdom.' The gigsuatie Elo nt, "Empress," and in comparison. the Lillipu lan elephant "Sultan," the collection of fierce Katf ra lions, whose den Herr Schott' fearlessly enters and • makes one of theloost exciting and - daring exhibi tions of the power of the human mind over the brute creation that we ever witnessed; then 'billow the drove of 16 camel., drivenLby genuine Bedduin Arabs-children of Ishmael. whose peculiarities of 'race are marked and well worth the study of every one. There are various other features or the animal show of French'i Oriental exhibition that a limited %Wee will not permit us to mentTon, but which can tOt fair to claim the attention of.every 'visitor with in thecapacious and well-arranged canvas. But the circus performances proper are.also not .to be for gotten • for they embrace some rare featsrin eques trianism, In acrobats, leaping,' somersaulting. bait ancing and feats of atrength, while here again, the Bedouins enrich the' programtne with an oriental driginality that seems. to ii,waken". the Interest ra' even the most habitue -of circus"' exhl- Dfitions. Their displays of :strength 'are won derful, and always extort the plaudits'of Ihe must oultivated andleraies, while the contrast c l between 'these sons of the desert and the more mplished American or European gymnast is so distinct Lotto excite comment and elicit decided atteun. We li3ntess that we seldom expect to be mu ch enter tained at any circus, but French's claimedour close attention from the beginning to the cloSe, by the novel and exceedingly proficient feats In the several departmenta or - the exhlbiticin. Those Who have tired of thelconvenUonal circus programmer will ex- Perience a fresh sensation and a new delight in at tending French's caravan. And we cannot !loaf this notice without reference to the clowns connect ed with t his establishment. who by their impromptu. local hits and - tzd' esprit-8 raised a roarof laughter that put every yln spendid humor. i Mlid et enribitroduesd, and saadesome aver which do Llysione Vocal*, ttlik another vatelaile seleetion— "Mimi, Teem Aga," ' • Tbs Pest Conunandst estarneltbankabi do audience kw tbsiblpeaseisas and attention, sad ChaplaWiletrioni pnreensead .._ . . ... . . ClolMbar. Newtons fit the *Wag Chin" irt 00110Ity; Judge 0101111 PTlOSlOngir atedin=ling named persons - grave been ehrawei to serve as Grand lanai in the Criminal Court of SchnylklllConsty -tribe:bud ar rotteville, Onlifontri: a lottobitelidialiWorth m. len'ehrek, A. Ma John - . - • • Jacob.GiriteciMinitsville. - - ' rreJ. - Meckle, Creesioni. . . eTler_Bunio,„Milleraville. Daniel !Moe, Jr., SonthiMartheim. t - Thomas B. Lewis. St. Clair. • Engelhart Kraft.Aahland.. ' s i; -. .Samuel Miley, Cressona. - ' Lamar S. Hay, Jr.. Mahanely Tp. ' • Jacob Kaere4,Tamtwut. . . - Edward 11. Sillyman, Nahanni City.! George T. Johns,Bt: Clair. . , 1 Giorge Reber Efoutteldianheliu. . John Waddlinger, Minirriiiille. , Matthew Shaw, Matianoy Tp. , Hugh Mullen, Palo Alto. Charles Saylor, Tamaqua. . ' -, . Base Krotosky, Pottiniille. : . ' John Teter. East Bronewick. ... .." Edward Weiser; PottaVille. Josiah Lyttle, Mahanbv TP. - •• . . • . Jonas Lanbenstine, Millersville. . • Peter Burichard, ?tlinersville, ' , - NAMES I or Pkrrr Itfuotel roil . ssnk: *ESL . . Williarn Kistler, West' IPenn. ' . . , • 'Raninlaer Bonne, St. Clair. • . •'. Frank W. Reber,. Washington. Jaonb Wagoner, Foster. ' Jaegb Buctier,,Anbure r '_ 1 . ' . John.Knerr. Pottsiillev . ;,.. Christian Hernung, Ashland: - • ' - , Edward JoriestyraileY, , . Preston Robinson, .Tatinsina. .. . Joseph Kimmel, Orstigsburg.. . , ~ • John Liebig, Rush. George Major, Blythe .r ! . Benjamin, Riebsamen;Schuyikill Haven. John Voetlin Mahanoy Tp. • -Pluton Haas, 'Tainitquo, . j . . , • ' '. ' Richard Barthlet, Crealort. • - , , H. H. Price, MahanoyTp, . ; . - Edward Elreland, Tan ua. ~ , Hiram Wenti, Ryon. 1. i ar4 1 Henry Rick; Mineravi le. 1. ' ~, Ludwig Zimmerman, Union.. ' Michael KetkeslagerShuyikill Haven. . James Kinney. Mt.- COrboia. . • • . FJlas Miller, Union. 1 1 - • P. D. Barnett, Esq.,_Palo !Alto. `.. ~. t• ' Thomas:Pepper ' Ashlind,; William Seltzer, Enid Brunswick. • ' _ Philip Wagoner, Blythe. t , Jacob Christian; Pottsville. • , George W. Good, kottiville. • ' . , John Pollock, St. Clair. 1 . Jseob Huber, PinegrOve. i . „ • ..- Jesse &Owen, Tremont. 1,.,, _ , DattielK. Kistler, East Brunswick. 1 John Bressler, liarr.T . Baldwin Evans, Foste . ' - . . J ' CharlesiCntz, Eldred., r , j James ration, Barry. .1 i , • .. ' . Charles S. Fredericl, Esq 4 West Peon., 1 e JOeeph Herr, Pottitvilte. . ' John Diattrere ro Vnion. i • • ~, ' Samuel Fry, PinegVe Pp. ~ Philip Edwards. Pottiiville. - - A. IL Klititi; Pinegrove. 1 . Henry . Loechel; Potts - Ville. . Lewis Buehler, Tarnackua.; . • . , Joseph Miller, Union; Edwin Smith, Rahn. • . , Abraham L. Bonghner. Rush. •,. . William Huntzinger, Pottsville Edirard'Reese, New Castle. ' • ' Patrick Keenan, Noriregian. Dennis Kirk, Butler, 1 .. • - ' ."1 . Petit Jumia for secOnd" week, comineuting on Wednesday, oc•toberil2th, 1870: . • ,• , Thomas Stevenson, St]. Peter Miller, Orwisburg. '• -lien ey'A. Focht, Malianoy . Tp. "henry Bigler, Heginii. Daniel I%t. Reber, South Menbeim. Joseph C. Gartley; Nlinersville. • 'John Cummings, Nen :Castle. Peter Head, Ashland.:. ' Solomon Adtim, Tamagni) , Henry Heilman, Rchnylk l.llaven. Tories Artz, Hegins. William Yoe, St. Clair. • ,- Robert H. Irwin, St. flair. ' Jacob Lindner, Union. Joseph Geise, St. Mali. Joseph Boyer, Frank Strain'', Creiuwinsi. George Ormrod, Mahanoy George Hummer Pale Alto. F. C. Lawrence; 11finersville. Henry Moier, Ashland. John S. IN lest. 3llnersville.' • William A. Field, Schrlylkill,Haven. Benjamin 'Cellar', Ashland. • Henry Ouiterman, Port Cartion. Jasper Snell, Pottsville.: • • Solomon Moyer, North Manheim. John D. Lermanl, Pinegrove. • ,Michael Garner, Ashland. Peter Starr,- Branch. -; • George Troutrnan Butler. ' William H. Bressler. Branch. W. S. Chillson,"Palo Alto. = Jacob H. Sheilhanimer, Benjamin Hains, Eastllorwegian. - Henry Rumberger, Butler. ' _ Jacob Roads, PinegmVp Tp. . -Sanituel Ashland. Gedige Morgan, Ashland. • Charles Richmond,,Cass: =Valentine Depner, Ashland:. • Henry S. Donohue, Mahanoy. . Charlet VaugheilTamitgua. William Lloyd, . Ezra Cockill, Moses Hine, eflt Philadelphia. Rudolph-Breish,^Unicin. •• , B. E. M. Kepner; OrWigiburg. Robert Alll6Oll, Port Carbon. John O'Donnell, Cass} josh Murphy, 4utler.. johri..ebengood,•OrWigsbarg. - Petit Jiirors for third I week, chinmencing on Monday, October 17th, at 10 o'clock, A.1.M.: John O'Brien, Schuylkill Raven. , , Herman 'Hoover, Ashland. - .Gabriel Herb, Upper Mahan - tongo. William Shickram, Rush. , ' Watkin Morgan, Butler.: • • 1, "MichaerM. Kepner, Mahanoy City. I Robert, C. Green. Pottsville. , -Jacob Belsel, Ashland. ' John Kaibach.'Sr.,`PottAillo. , Henry Haas, Ryon: ' Jacob P. Emhart., Pottavillo. John S. Longacre, West• Penn. Christian Joseph Artier, William rFaxall. Port Carbon. Samuel Miles, St. Clair.. • Philip Lehmier, Shenandoah. James Monahan, East Norwegian. '• Jahn Whetstone, Tamaqua. • . • • William - G. Kear,Mineraville. ;'• Nathaniel Girret, MO:awl City. ' Jacob Stichter, Tamaqua. • Simon S. Gochmauer , ! Upton. • Thomas Lynch, Butlar. Philip Chanter. Branch. Milton Cake; Pottsville. Johb Bond, Union, 1 • • Jacob Heitz, Schuylkill.' Geoige "Wagner,' St. Clair:. 'Edward J. Robson, Branch. Henry Buri, Tamagni. — -• Thomas Montgomerv t Yokkville. DaniekYost, Schuylkill. -• , Allison Wolff, Pottsville. • 'George W. Betz, Frailey. Elijah W. Ziegler, West Penn. James B. Reed ; Pottsville, I '- Thomas J. Lloyd, Pottsville. ' Geome A. Herring, Shenatidoah.s ~ Z T Mat. Was Grande Pottsvi David Hancock,' Cass. Alexander S. Faust, Pot ilte. . Nathan Wetzel. Pottisvill . • ; Jonatlian Hassler, tri;Chuyiki I Haven. Charles Matter!), Port Carbon. 'Wm. Kershner, South Manheim. • Jonathan K. Yost, East• Brunswick. Samuel Everett; Mahanoy Tp. Thomas Stanek, St. flair. Stephen 'Ringer. Egg.. Schuylkill. Thomas Evans, =Porter. • William Kieffer, Mahanoy' Josiah W. Thompson; Pottsville. • Local Jottings.—Extensice improvements sire being made on the 'upper end of Centre Street, In the shape of guttering, paving. he. - Twenty dollar counterfeit notes, on the "Shoe an they National Bank," of New York city. are belt - 410;0d quitefreely in Pottsville. Sev- , eral were ofitlßolle me banes on Friday and Saturday. ; . . Charles tM. Atkins, Esq.,. has recently completed the erection of- a substantial Iron Railroad bridge across the canal, and. lay. .lag of 'a railroad track ,from hia furnace to connect' with the Valley 'Railroad. This will afford hi: greatl, increaled facilities fqr receiving ,and m *hippi y ng as the cars can now be run into the:. building, and freight will re quire but one handling for the purpose of ship ping. we learn that the Geros, the - two French gentlemen'. who came to. this Borough a few months since for the. purpose of lookieg r af. tar' the 'Girard coal lands in, this region. to which they claim" to be legitimate heirs, have sold their claim to several Pottsville .geb tlemen for a peetty_large sum of money. If this be the case,. and we have no reason to , donbt ft, we may expect to see 'an interesting litigation growing out of the affair. - " On Saturday last Esquire Conrad held an inquest on the body of Paul,' Guy, a , miner killed by a „fall of coal at 'Flowery Field. Colliery on 'r Friday afternoon. A verdict of accidental" death was rendered, and the operators , e*onerated' from ,- censure. Mr. Guy, was a ;man of more than ordinary inteill gence,,having for a long time acted 'in the ca pacity4f load - preacher, and was universally le spectediby those who knew him. Re wane Man of about 43 years of age and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his bias. Anotherattempt at highway robbery was made' upon a huckster on Saturday while he was pass ing overthe mountains between St. Clair and hi* nanny City. the particulars of which we were un t able ta ascertain further than that the , bitchatar was driving along the road When anon auddq— ly emerged from the bushes Just in the rear of his wagon and - tired a pistol shot which took • effect in the mule. without ails Ming' him, however, when the hucsiter whipped orpris animal and made his escape., Fifty muskets andacCoutrements for the "Gowen Guards" reached here on ,iidonday. The Company will make It s first on the 20th of October, to attend the on of the Sol diers' Monument at Taira. On Sunday night the p ublic of Sr. Jo seph Weikel. at Port Clinton.rginvimady entered through the basement window after which they proceeded to the bar room do or . and forcing the lookeiTected an intraisea. - : The burg lars then brokethe lock on the money &rawer from which they took all themnon amounting to four-or five dollars in silver and currency.— - They then proceeded to the cellar and taking aloe of provisions carried the samstathe dinhig room where they sat down and enJoyella aumitigiat midnight meal, making themselves perfectly at home. This to about the coolest transaction of the kind, we hive lately heard of No clue has been had as Sasebo the were. A pining man ettern=i i o, jump onto a , train , above Pa ' O ll • Tesedar and Dirt& bektOisll - WI one foot under the oar wheel: Two or three of ha tote were badly maahed. Mr. J. 8. Wamsetre,. Tressuler °Utile fail *or the widows and orphans ereatail by the late mining disaster near New Philadaykida, ,COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. qicknowledges' the receipt - -of • the *Mowing amounts collected by the parties usmed.: Moors. Beddall and „Pt. Outortrttlit 841 - Andrew Robe Sbatnokin. $77 .• In Minersville. Taesday.Pro ...mules. of Kr. Giants,. huckster,'Of• thhi Boielbgb, attached 104Cingon. ran off in tha enis' of= place, and coming in ; do Cosi. w th &smith, Jef NG, George Lauer:. inbred one , of Mr. 4!" mules eericaily that it - had tabs kJ*, nd in the tivening. It ; teas valnedid Mire Wag _.,_ On • Tuesday eveningg list; wide William Noir, a miner. employed by Gustavus Eichol- Isuberger, and residing in Thomastown. Owes Township. was coming from work, be Jumped on a train of coal cue. to ride to Coale Otatle. Ile slipped Ind \ fell *On the track, about flirty cars passing over hie body, cutting of his right leg,and arm, and Injuring his bead. Notirithstanding hts terribleinjories he • /ivied Weever an hour after the accident.. iffi•etas 18' years old and leaves a wife.. An.' inquest. was held yesterday, morning , by Deiputy•Coroner Neugardt, and &verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. Deceased had the repUtation of being a steady. sober • and led Won' young _ •-• I We uiderstind that the deceased as broth er-in-law of a boy who was recently run over In that Township, and bad hi legs cutoff , and that behlmself, had once befo wly escaped death:lmm .a similar. occurrence. , This is a teeth& warning , to potions ,not to attempt, to geton cars when 'they are In otion. • -. Dr. T. Brister, or rhiladelpb*.will • deliver tiro lectures - at the A. NE E Cburct4.ln this &Jr ough, on . the 12th and 13th of October, for the benefit of that Church. • • - • I. =I TAM Editors are not responsible for nor seatinients ea . proved breorrespoodents, neither do they orders, those liXtailosnlestiona addressed to the odic*, Intended dor pabirestkin, nines haverhe real earneof the writer attached —(not for publicatlon„ bat Rd oar lnlbnnatlon.)—and be written on one ibis of the paper oely: otherwise, they "will de into the waste•basltet. —No soncaciurr arm steno; the editors reserving the right to dispose of all oomentinloillons as may be by theta deemed most proper: It is specially desirable that all lettentilioald be as abort Y possible, sod straight to the point, T,ME AMAX DONMENTRtdpiPPrlrq.Parlfll**, ' EvEroart Mts ants' Jounstrt :—Manv property' holdeis and citizens in2Port Carbon, 'Palo Alto, Mt. Carbon and elsewhere along the line of the , Scbuylkill'Canat, are interested directly in the removal by the Reading Railroad. Compa of therahlpping of coal from those ;points. ''bey naturally inquire who is • responsible • for Oils ? BS! whose' omission of duty to - the interests of the,petiple, hate many, of toir. citizens had the the value of their invetrOments and of thefr pro.. pertyjeoPardlied? Senator Randall wizen lately eharged through your coluoana with permitting or not, opposing the , passage of a bill •through the list Legislatare',' authorizing the Reading Railroad Company to abandon - shipping points on,the .Schuylkill Canal, ' denied that any bill qtr&tly authoriiing Kuch abandonment was passed. , That is try., but there wan a Supple- • mentlo an Act passed—the merger bill—the ef l'ect-or which permits . l the abandonment. For the information of, cot r readers I, will Copy it front-page • 75 of theVan - Thiel . ; Laws of the last s e ssion. It is as 'folio . A SUPPLEMENT to 'anti, entitled "An. Act Mist lug to railroad and canal .companies."- approved . April eleventh, ouelliousaud eight hundred and sixty-lotir., • , MEMOS I. Be if paneled by the Anotte and House jof Repretentatives of U.. Cninmonwealiii Pennsyl vania is Werierat Assgmbly met, and . it' is .he'retty incited by'the assiAority of Me : amine, That it shall be Foetal foraorrearud or—navigation company, ineor rated by this commonwealth, to purchase, and ld the stock and bonds', and to lease the raid and property of,' or beeanie consolidated ',rid inerged with, 'any•ralltoad company so incorporated. and lot'. 'any such •rallinsd company tonurchase and hold the `stook and bonds, and to lease the canal, navigation Ind propertrof, or become consolidated and verged With tiny Sucttomator navigation company, in Oil: - same manner as emelizpurchases, leases, consolida tion and merger are now allowed law by and be ween'rallroad.cotnpariles ; :an d all' e provisions of slating acts relative to such purchases,i leases, evil kolidation and Merger• by and between railroad com pattiiii are; whenever applicable, hereby extended so tuelognibrace the purchases, leases, congulidation and merger hereby authorized: • BUTLER B. STRANG. speaker of the 'Minnie of Reprekeatat lees. . CHARLES H. STINSON, • Speaker of the sektite... Apritovx-Tile fonrteenth day of April:Anna . bomini one thousand eight hundred and seventy. .JOl - kN W. GEARY, :^ .NoWritlessrs. Editorl, I Undonstand that the above was gotten-up seeretly,and its eilstence,, unknown-to,the people of this County. It seems. te.htte been one of those kind of bills not niade publie—not,healthy to see the light of. day until passed. Thi s s was the only link that the RtNicl mg ;Railroad Company needed to complete its absorbing process, - and it came at laid without any preparatory notice to the people, lint even from 'Senator 'Randall and the Representatives, from this County who could nett be ignorant; of the effect of the patotage`of the bill. If the hill had - been defeated by 9ur Senators and Repre .sentatiyes,' the "Reading Railroad could not have absoibed the Canal, -and abandoned` ship - ping points 'on it. And the final result will be the complete abandonment of the Canal in Schu,Vl `kilt County for with the shipping .oCcoal by it transferred below the Blue Mountain, the Canal above will belit'a measure disused and till.' p • with the washing of coal dirt, etc., in it.; TI tts the! loss to owners' Of property en the up r . part of the Canai will be very great, all of wh cit will be caused by this bill which Senator Rail -dell and the Representatives in the lad Leltielu-;" tore from this County; permitted to be paseed without opposing it. . ' • Now, let Mr.ltandall extant if he can, this matter, and give. the reason for the passage of • the bill in so secret a manner, or hundreds of Democratic voters in' this County, will at the coming election, deem blur' unworthy of their support. ~ • INovittEtt. , KM TIRE SITUATION IN FRANI:E.—The SATURDAY JIEVIEw says that whatever may- be the . fate of Paris, Europe will' render a willing homage to the bravery and ptiblinspirit that has- been ex hibited. it m-ky also be justly claimed for the Provisional Govetnment thatmomething of this zeal and high feeling ix due to the establishment, of a republic. Tit ei„Prussians.not being able to use the raW. way fpom Metz to the frontier, Match is within rangebf the 'fnria, have constructed- another for,, their. communications with Saerbruck,. Strasburg and the east. They have also formed another mountain road to be connected.with they form Fotnilty tO Pont-a-Monsaan, About . 4.500' laborers.tvere Occupied nit it, among which are many miners and 250 plate-layers. ' • NM THE NEW HESSIAN - gAZETTK, writing from Koenigsberg, states :—"ln the battle-.of 'Metz the . soldiers of out' 43d regiment, as a protection against • the- continual alaiwers • of bullets that the enemy ',poured' open them , . fastened their knapsacks arrohii their cheats: ATtee,lhe battle • many of them were Convinced that titeSe tactics had saved their lives. In then, they found no small number of bullets, which instead of strik ing them in the breast, bad only entered their' calfskin cuirasses." , - • • PaACE PROSPErII4.--Th! Taxis thinks., that the chance of stopping the War and of restoring peace to Europe., which 'lves never more than,a` bare possibility, becomes daily less anir less, and now threatens to vanish altogether:• It seems certain that Paris enlist boar the larunt of attack before the firit condition of negotiatibn. • will, be arrived at. We cannot Hatter ourselies with any belief that there will, be so much tia. a trues to hostilities before the chosen home of., pomp and pleasure shall have been asastiled.. ; eirizim of Trevea had sons in the 2d Regiment' of the Prussian renadiers of ho. Guard, all in the same company, mid, strat ge to say,,in the &Vile rank. They, were all fit wounded by then"-Ctieniy's bullets on the •I0:,of , Augusi . at Gravelmte. ' One was only Slightly wounded, the seetuid severely, while the thied ,wholid received two ballets in the lastest, re! minted upon the field. When bolh.his brothCia knelt at his side and asked him bow he felt; his last words were, "Cover- we up; I. am fiery cord." . • IMI THE Timis or.PEACE.—TIie SpeCtator, thinks that it was only right that Paris phould be made to feel to its .very centre. what ithe cry of "A Berlins!" really meant- But this once accom plished, the responsibility of . German lead ers becomes very grave indeed.. It is•known that the French 'Provisional Government 114 quite willing to , yield almost anythhig but ter ritory is. a condition of peace to the powerful foe, but' it will not transfer French subjects and' Preach provinces to Gormany.against ther own consent. ' ramtcu liixousxcE or tixikut.tefix.—The Manchester Gt7a nninx says:—The. Gernninis latigb at the French for their ignominy() of goo-- gmpby, and tell tales.of prinoners who Periously asked whether it was true that Berlin had been bombarded by the French fleet. One can hard ly henceforth accuse than' of exaggeration in: theie stories when one finds tpe French Gov ernment idOr confessing to the Parisiamithat it had rerxmanended:Getieml Ulrich, the brave defender of Strasburg; to cross the Rhino with hislarrison. The unfortunate General natural- . ly asks, in reply, "Row could I cross the Rhino wid:int abridge or . boat?" . lisamonrrioti.—The TELEGRAPH think, it unlikely and somewhat unreasonable that Prus sia should be the first of the great powers to recognize the. French Republic. She will natu rally ask what guarantee Id. Jules Favre and bia.colleogues can give that the obligations they may assume will not be repudiated by France. Tbettusit natural course seems to, be. that after the capitulation of Paris; which the Ta.t.zonAen aUbmes to be inevitable, and which it supposes must end the war, Prussia would. convoke;the Senate end the'', Corps, Legislatlf. The Chem beret it would be urged were called int‘i-ealat ernceby the Empire, whose claim to represent France has been acknowledged by France , herself and by the world for nearly tiVenty Tux flaxsrrz of Aix-La-Chapelle sayi of the . fortifications of. Paris: "Between St. Denis ituB the Fort of Mout Va !erten to an opening of *boot ten miles; and which was the Andefroded place alluded to in the Report of the Minister of War on Me Bth of An,a Steps are now being taken to do= it by alarge work above the vallway station at. Saint Cloud. Without, prejudging the road the Pit:miens will take, we think we are not mis taken in sayirig that our tlrat.cnnnon balls will fall into the Bets de Ikmilogne and the Champs 'Elyse= The . Arc de PEiciile and the . Avenue de llmperatrice .be reached:by our four =dais 'pounders. • The siege artillery tiow em ployed before Metz and Strasburg will prob.:. ably be free *fig° and salute the Tuileries. The invading Sores seems now to, be working out this vargifuggestion. e• • EMIG WILLAAWS MISSION.—The Serasninn cannot venture to entertain any doubt that the Bing Of Prom's considers it part of his. Mission sit'connueror of the Emperor, to overthrow the Ropubintiirro of government, in the crea tion of which be has W.= the main agent, and •to establish an empire or =marry in its place. A more preposte'reas, Indefensible, and, it may aa added Insane Intention his MaJekty could hatilly have conceived.' If we look at the mat ter solely from this point of ski., we may sate 1y say thatno government that be, may estab llsh,-directly or indirectly, will hive the slight est clinked atrulliig in France. The title oftbe. Gioverrunank of the National Defense tido doubt . r io r t z imperfect one.. It was in Its bekinning is g better than t, assmtion, although AbilUrd as th e u pro p duct el tha mere. used Mm ebefsatum, litasinwit as the 2qatienst ° tbe solids smelts in creatincie. . . Zak Pa ussies Illtiollites:—As: so much hesbasssettathe,merits ot theTrusetazi Add, it will be well to quote s passage from the letter otan experienced German correspondent ' Norrespostbnice. erer - iir WAR MISG'ELLAZYY,. respecting the superiority °tithe fire on hbi own side u observed at Spichiren, Meta, and. Bean- Mont, whlch snakes no allusion M the breech loading speedos! proper,,but ascribes the ad- VinPlig° to th* gerclusiont fess solely :"---."On sly• side tiho French shsils, striking o ft en harffly ten felt:- from one another, made large deep hlMa intim _ground, Deming the caith all vOund in thebollow, and leaving 9f its brainy, Mier. To do lids lathe nature of ; time fuses.' I ISavenever seen any et these meats made, by one Prusaisnehells ; they sike and explode, at once, - smashing everything ' ssend them. In the . second camp captured at llissumont. I saw a group of nen& corpses. three of which had their heads actually Mt off by s sbell,bursting, while the fourth, struck in tho • back, wuralto genre burned up." I •'! • . A nowAirric riecingwr of the warfare in Al= sacs took place ln a small harklat not far frm Wasselonne. A poor old Woutan 'lived there with her two granddaughters, aged eighteen and twenty, and herlirrandeffitteen. !During the evening of the 21st tiro Sadism dragoons, alighted; st..thehouse, .called' ter Meat and drink, and ordered beds to be prepand for -them. Thewcinesu were forced to obey. Whet; the ioldiers had gorged themselves , with food; -- , they eompsneped playing with - one of the girls; the young peasant, seeing, the 'idenger to which her sister• 4ras exposed, went up into the garret wider the pretest of Wel** /mune sheets, took a guni'whicl; had belonged to berlatberloaded'indtbcked it, and . thim wilt ed behin ds door; preseittlYone of the drove= rose and advanced towards a sideboard to -- trike some wine, when she,fired.lkilling him on, the spot; the olher, terrified and believing in - an .athwk,.rushed - to the door, Ind Jumping on his horse, galloped of. ' 4 ; ABDRRSS OF THE! - 8 Tat CEN . TRAL COMMITTEE OF THE RE PUBLICAN PARTY ' OF.- PENN-. NYLFANIA,c; . ° . . 11*.Apat Awaits Pilaf :my pi km* REPUBLIV.A2f STATX CIafTIIAL , 1105M/IllirrlCUT STIMET, . • 'Plin.anitLegm,Septernher 29,4870. ITtieHep ; üblican State Central Comudttee pre sentalo the people of Pennirylvania•with and pleasure its polities! reeord. since the Com mittee. last add masted them! " 4 ' • ' The Republican party is the parayofprogress, political adraneement, and the dissemination id knowledge among men.- - • The Democratic patty lithe party,ef Übstruc, Lion, andTpf 'resistance to the onward march of. an advancing 1 " ' ' The *inner enfblasoneon its banners the 'not to "The greaten gond - to the greatest ninnher," - embracing in its philanthropy the welfare of our fellowmen. , The latter wend teseree its benefit- , Cent* to it single 'rade. ' t • The drat speaks to advance and promote. the wealth, happiness, and conslortof American cit izens in pretere..nce to others it the second 'flints to prettwee the interest of foreigners In prekr eneeto those of our own people. With such broad differences of political faith, the action of the two , parties is In . accordance therewith. The Dentocratie party, wedded to slavery and seeking to perpetuate Its power through that instirition had well-nigh destroyed the integri ty of the Union. • TO, the Republican. party -wits left the task .of restoringit-1 - • r' • - • 'Through a series ofyeats, sietw'the Democrat ic rebellion was crushed, the Republican party. his been Industriously endeavoring to heal the Wounds that Democracy had made. and by con-' greszional action last eessjon, the -last of the. States that remained out of the Union were ad mitted into the paternal folds. We have. now an undivided Union, with : every State .in the full enjoymeutef• Its political privilege's 'as -a member thereof, notwithstanding • the Demo:- crane resistance to such a Wimpy consurnmetkou. The emancipation proclamation and the four teenth amendment gave to !an entire rim lieges as Anierican citizens.whith •they-had not heretofore Possessed, upon the Jeffersonlan eipte of the equality of man, but Southern: De ttioemey sought to nullify their influence even at the expense of Its own political, power. • • This obstructive action ef the Democracy ne cessitated the passage of the, fi fteenth amend ment, conferring the right to the, all 'Amer ican citizens, "without rega.\•4 to_race, color, or previoui condition of servitude:" but .the Southern Democracy endeavored to destrey the beneficent provisions of tlke• amendment -by fraud and violence) Hence mme the niciesity of the act to enforce the_ provisions of.the _fif teenth 'amendment. Both to the, amesidnient and the, act to enforce It .the Democratic. party -gave Ata undisguised and unqualified impost• Lion, and' still, in an open feud unhesitating man er, denounces that .amendment, made nn -der constitutional forms, as 'unconstitutional and' of no effect. . t. • The disorganizing polferit pursues thrbugh out the Union with a view to unite the old pro"; slavery feeling of the Scut . . with the standstill policy of the Northern DenioCracy, , in the vain hope that such an unhallowed coalition tnay re sult in once more gaining the reins of national political power In this hope it will be -surelf disappointed, for no friend of equal rights and equality before- the law, and no voter of that race which has been enfranchised fly-the liberal_ and enlightened action of the Repu bl bap -party, 1- can ever give its support to a party whose. petit ical policy is so retrogressive as is that of the • •Democratic party. Ever,anxions to relieve the people fiond - the burdeniy, of an oppressive taxation, resulting • from fmr'efforts necessary to crush out a Demo cratic rebellion. the Republican party has sought to adjust the internal revenue laws so as to atfordinimediate relief to *II .claaSeaof the ,peo ple.; ' - It has abolished all' the special taxes that were - so irritating and "annoying, and now the-met chant and manufacturer, the lawyer, the doctor, the farmer, and men iii moat other oceupations, can pursue their avocations wjthotit receiving visits from the tai. gatherer e There now re mains a tax' on 'only a few articles, such as , liquors, tobacco, stamps, bank dividends, and one" or two other things, which belong to the class of luxuries rather tbah of necessities. The delicate atijusting the du ties on, imports as 'to afford the best possible protection to our AmeriCin manufacturers and their laborers against the low wages and cheap -capital of Europe, was most carefully consid ered by the Republican majority 'in Congress, and in spite of the hostility of ; the Deinocracy, an act had passed carefully., discriminating be tween those articles which' we could not manu factute or produee and those which 'we could, and affording adequate protection to the latter, and admitting • the former at low rates or free duty. • • In the controversy mier this' act" the Deirm 7 tie party was always{' in • unison - with -- the foreign free traders, and Wave its Whole' influ ence to the interest^ of form mieufacturers and importers, and 'agains ..the American laborer. -. • , By this reduction of the filtern evenlie and inclobe taxes, and the duthisn imports, the Re:, publican party; has• relieved the people of bur dens to the estimated/m:l . lbn of eighty mililions of dollars per annum. .1 i " In addition to this . it has .reduCeil - the army. roll to a considerable' extent, and, the expenses of the army and navy several millions per annum. The public debt has been its especial care.= By a careful husbanding of the resources,of the "people, by exacting arigid atvountabilftv 'from all persOns employed in- thrl Revelniabepart- . :tient, by a closer ColleitiOnn.the tax on whisky - and tobacc o, 'by a proseentirsti of defaulters and violators of the revenue litiviscit has managed to secure to the Treasury million" of money that, under a profligate Democratic' Administration, were allowed to go into the hands of dishonest office-holders. By this economy and vigilance the revenues have been greatly augmented, and • the results may be seen in the extinction of one hundred and - sixty millions of the public debt since the present Administration came MO) power. This reduction may be still further. in creased-when it prosperous state 'of the money. market, now disturbed bylEuroperin Wars, may enable the Secretary of the'Treasury to fund the public debt at a lower rate,of interest, as is pro vided by a law of the last session Tile development of the •unse ed public do . main by *Judicious and,preden policy of landl grants to railroads hai rebutted In the binding .1 together of the two extrennis of the Iteptibllc;' opened the way for settlers to penetrate to the mines, and develop* the vast mineral resources of the nation that hithertoWereitUseceesible and • valueless: saved many millions annually lathe cost of army transportation, and ended the cost= ly Indian wars wherever the "iron horse" pen etrated. As soon as such of these toted ave nues of confiner:* as are :teal:wary Ar the full present development of the country 'to settlers shall hive been completed,. a still cloeer 'hus banding of the lands for ectual,settlers will ob tain, and every head of a family in the nation • will be enablea .to get a homestead free of ex pense, save office:fees, within reach cif& market for the produila el his Industry. . " Along these railroads, byres act Of the histses-. , sion of Congresis every : soldier .who served ninety days in the Union Army during the late rebellion and was honoribly discharged, can now have his 160 acres finder the' homestead' laws, a privilege denied to. others and which will afford hint a chance of a comfortable home along these great highways.of the nation. • In prosecuting to it--sadcessful ;emanation these great and beneficial pupil° mesaures. the Republican party,lever attached ter the Interest of the people, winpalwayi met by the hoitility and opposition Of the Democratic party.- which seems to -have no sympathy with the interlude of the masses, butte be nbied, by the wishes of. , foreign matinfaettireni and . the Important of the great commercial cities. i Holding it icardinal principle of Republi cen faith that a G overnment should prefer the, '. welfare of its own people to that of other Mittens the Republican party, both in its State and 'Na tional legislition, - has kept that end - "-constantly in view, and labored faithfully' to promote: it arid, despite-of the clamor of the free-trade Lie- I ,J mocracy, who wish to flood- the country with cheap goods until their foreign 'friends can ob-,. taro the American market by destroying Amer ican niantifitilures, with a view ti then advan cing prices to suit themselves, as they have heretofore.done, the Republican party declares its uninterinitting resistance to free trade, and Its determined persistence in the advancement and protection of American lacer: • With these views concerning the protection of the inTerests of the people. with a determination ki still farther reduce - taxation and thoeipenses of the Governmenh with a funding of the' na tional debt at a lower rate of interest, and a , stringent oolleetionof the piblic revenue*, the . ' Republican partY will add to its unsurpassed And brilliant record an example uccessful • administration such as the- ntitiori h asnot here tofore seen. , It commends itself to the unbbisedjudgment of all lovers of the r country; and' claims that it is entitled to the support of every 'true Amer ican citizen. • • When 'the National Adtninlitration has been thus 'successful in administering the political and financial affairs of theGeneralGevernment, the adminhitration of our State affairs bra not been lees satistketory. ' • ; • Large outatandinedues have been Collected and the taxes have been - reduced. and there has been paid of the public debt of the State eight suite' , quarter millions of dollars since the termination of the war. With care is management under Repub ruler dey -not far distant whin the whole public d eb t ort the State will .be extinguished; and the People relieved frnm'all taxation excepting sminuch ,szuty_be n • for the . ; ordinery Walnislra Von Pf .State off ra, ' - With such rebords the - citininittee thelbAhat it may , be proad eadlaithough . mete ip i ky b e no exciting SUM arNetiOnatquestions.prominent lp nefore,the rept; .yet with the well-known bas ta i i t ti s of Deacls 3lllo Y to the American prineip and the - policy of itepubliatatim, it; urges every Republican to earnest action at the coining election. • , . OCTOBER,-1870. Every member gained by the Detnoeraev. iu - our State orNational , Legislatures will Is a il , encouragement to that party to pursue, th e i r dhiistrous niessiges,.-And v;ill tlitwourage.itml disampxten Republicans, while every Ineml„. r gained by the Republicans Alp strengthen t ket r Una" In doing good for the peo'ple. . . ; • 'Let all dissensions, then, wherever they 1 ,;.. be In our radius be healed. Let every eutlilif‘e 4,ozugder himself& representative having, thil . eat e • of the party idteresta rather than of his iv,ll . ' and let private wishes and 4 rsonil aspirari v ,„' give *ay to the public g 0 J t ' By iliVisioni;,4,,, taxitsion bitterness °flee .. . that . will iu,t• 1„,._ own Allayed; -we defeat our, candidates mut-, t't h, , etct those who are hostile, as-we believe, to th e 'interests of the country. . -, pertionatfeellngefe,verywhere be ; win.. ,t o the altrr_of our country'," Welfare ;.)..i, „; u. u oil for "in union there's atrength," aial %;,. • shalishow reshits at tbeelection that will grattix everyone who haaat heart `the, welfare, ..1 - n„, Stateand•natioti, and strengthen the .lieloild: can party, which has thirs tar-ibeen to., greal ' ~.: • Pennaylintnil must.ntaintaitir Repu I..:Cu Majority in Con reaa, or 'her, earest iptert, L , ruthiesaly sacrificed.: The next Legislature is Charg •ti with thy of apportioningtholitate for Legislative a 1„1 gresalenel in:iris:gni'', giving it an import:ln,, .which' occurs only once in stweuty years, titt,l OAP lesat'of Pennsylvania now will, •i n all' prqltt• buig*,,ooeasion to lois o f her electdralp .v~.ti•. G , the Reim Main. eitildidite or President in and : a Demotratic Legislature, if elected, you apportion the State att to prevent the !Republi - put , party front ,retting the position., t i,„ hayelteld so tritimphantly for thelast six Ls only those who were lityal and true ti rine the rebellion be trusted now, and the worla see that tl free Republic cannot die. • • •Let no feeling of confidence or- Zipailly t ,, the reedit keep a Republican_ votes ruin at - ance at the polls at an early hear upon daY, and,a victory as gloriouS and- sit comp s , ; „ as greetift,you last October. will -again ..r,“,4 1 , your etrolta.. . •• socal,lusiness .#9ticts. 15 cents a ilke llnt kalliortiedWZ teals a Rue!. anent insertlan. - - ------- NEW . PATTEIM Just receiv at the atik. Trlmuttag t3tore; E: 12.•4 centre at e re d et,bekia_ W.Amerkub Howe. Pottiv,ille: 11- tf • MA.OOIEBOLN ONLY 20 ethic for aapperfOr ON - I.s at . N Ladles ar v reats itettaurant,'Nes„Bd Centte t Vt. • t Prloes• eed.4o suit thellisasa;;Vlt. and b,.• 1..1 yoursei " • - • . • Faxigen, _Engllan and Amaritasr Cloths, il/1 Kt> and of the 21 :last qualltiesost D.A. Eintl thli, ern tn.'s t . FEW.NCH PADDED LIS%NAVA*, .bCatlllfUl ele D. A.- Stalth's.VentrßS • , PILESP• -- 08 resuptitaitnitoin,a L. TILMOIIB, • all kinds positively, perfectly and permaneuti 4 cured by .W.A..7llelles, 34.11 A No. :SSW Arch St VA: • 2 1 1 . deilirr to say W tßotte a 1111,44 with any kind ~t ' PlLEA.lriternat. External, Blind, Bleeding, Or lt,-1, ins, that there IS-positively tin.l,owl of decepthm rt he cure of - these SalseaSett, the cure is 1.-. and permanent, and without the slightest, Ilittiget without the slightest: Izikury to the' patient In way, and without. caustics or .biseruments. cure - Fistula Flsstitc*, Yrnisiesus and,. V lreral I‘.l‘ . the lower bowels, yatietitsoust .v 101 remain at miliouse kill cured; if they Air-sire. refer you to tinter 121 U persons, curedin , alone. • • . • • . • H OW I.6.aultr CONSUMPTION. .. • • TB Pitt LOSOPITY OF - Dit:gellVSl A I \I;1, - CINIM.—Mr ill people never teat!' to'knos, that a ,ii•. eased liver and stomach ,ittiscwe tr., L . , tire system,: The plainest Principles of e ,„ 1 ,, ,,L , 4,• • amiss Mien this, and yet - there dire build ' tidies:de the Idea,-and continue :indite:course %, almost inevitably - brings thetni'.preniaturely.,,, th, genes. 'LLITIng as the majority , of the peopl e complete vskriance with the. itimi . of 'eaten., it :be apparent to till.thrit,;, sooner or - latr,. tint ti - L- • revengeherself. Keats.: we tind%that - indulge to.i,eweess in 'the. use-of vets', rich r geatlbleleod orititoxicating drinks, invarimmio „a heavy - penalty in theend. The-stunt: eh 'he, disorderedand rettfses to act; the liver :forin.its functions, dyspepsia and itsattendabt follow; mid still the im.ffering 4,'" • ' clinging to the- thoroughly exploded idea. ~t ..,i. ' past. ; I,) e medicines are reconiu m e m ;d„ t 'to all -such.- They bring sure and certani tetaim wherever they are used rot dtreeted.' necessary to establish thedr, reputation wit - allingimate or woman in the - hind is a ft; air urns ~•" partial trial of theni: Let otiose tithe. u e ~k, on this point, and who have permitted um, :LILA ' pereOns to prejudice, theta against tlieSe nos :bested remedies fur Consurptiott;. ois ,, ard Preiudiesia,.Stid Lie governed 'by the 'prim:JO., “? mwoli &tad common senile: lithe system 1- • detest-'depend upon It, -in nine eases oil t ut t, • the disorder will be found ; be the and.liver. To cleanse and r invigorate the st, , ii.iLL and toistimulate thitherto health) , itet ion, -• Ais - intessit du 113 11w,, lug demancltbr these-pills Is thebest evidenc, „t their value: Thousands upon thousands are *Did rdially.• Why Simply . beibuse the , Mptly. and efficiently. Invalids who net t convenient to call on Dr, stSllENcliv ii , 1 ,,.m. can are informed.that .full Mid complete dire, . 19.t,use accompa'ny each package of the , • '' „ • ~.igsterittstrs; rulatON'te:24•ll(l.l , (N WILD T0tt1e,...-Th , ?sc. inedielnes will' Lion units! the lunge arc so far shik tliar the c opa ict t Is entirely- beyond the, each of, mei h-al, miter... •'. -It-may, be asked byithose who arearedMt 1.,t ~ ammi, with the . virtues•of these great -remedies, ' t ., • Dr: SCHENCK'S medicines effect their: %et:Fidel fi.i curea oficomiumptton The. answer heti simple out, ,They , .liegin. - work oUrestoratiou b.l bringing ,t sWruach, and bowelainto afractlve healthy coodlth.e.. It is - food that cures thislorbilitable disease. sett EN, k'i MANDRAKE . cut .S.beliVer 1111(1 I,ll'/11 promoting healthy secretion, bud removing'the bile • and slime which have restiltedi from the in:leave tOrrlld.oollllltloli Ot.thetle Organs, aotl,of t -y •s, generally. This sluggish state of the body, 1,111, - consequent' accumulation " li of the unenbh% • Stances named pre the Koper digestbin „ ,,eLLI. • and us a natural consequence creates disease, \L 1,1 ch results in prostration and dually in death'. SCHENCK '8 Pt; Lnostre Slam e and Sr.Aw 1, '1 . ,, when taken regularly, mingle with the foist, Ld 11. t digestive organs, make good -rich blood; end" • natural equsequence, give flesh and .strength opt L,e patient... Let the fueult,y say what It May, this 1 , it:, only true cure for •oonsumption: - Experience proved it beyond the Shealba• of a doubt, and then- '• 'ands kilo-day alive and well whoa few years.s.tie,; - ,, 'were regarded as hopeless. cases, but who were ti,- - dueed tb . try Dr. SCHK.NCE'S remedies, an i,n cie .i'- restoredtb permanent-health b.x their use.• 'One of 'the-21m .steps' the shottli I t,,k, with a . -consumptive patient., is to inVigorate .3-atm.... Now how- is this t.o be done Certaltam not tty.givingmeillelne'S that exhaustand encivate-- medicines' that impairlustead of improve the f ur , lion' of the digestive organs. Doctor SCHEN( . medicines cleanse 'the stomach. and bowels 'ot substances which are mieulated to irritate orwiLli them. They creat6.llin . appetite—promote been lift 'digestion—make good blood, and.. as a consequence, they invigorate - and- strengthen the entire, syk ten,' . and more especially those parts . If this cannot be done, then the case must be re garded as a hopeless one. If the physician ilnds 1t Impossible make a. p.,- tient feel hungry, if the diseased person cannot , . take of good nourishing" and properlyAige,t it, it lainipossible that he ea gain tr intiesand strength and it is equally impossib eto bring a liniment t t, t condition so long as the liver-le burdened with eased bile,sind the /downed' laden - with ':' • - , Almost the first request made to the Physiets,...t., a consumptive-patient is that he will prescribe' icines that - will remove.. or, allay dile cough, n,. lit ,• sweats and chills, Which are thesure attendialit- is, - consumption. lint this should not he' tion'e, a cough is only an effort of nirture . to relies, • and the, night sweats .and chilli- are (b . used diseased lungs. The 'remedies ordinarily pre,, .r;l., I do nacre harm than good. They impair the fide.' lions of the stomach, inipede healthy digest ion, 1 - aggravate rather than cure thedlisease, ,There is, -after all, nothing like - facts with to substantiate a position; and It is upon fael,. Dr. tib . 'H 'ENCK relies. Nearly all who Ala, ••, • his medicines in accordance with his din,-n,:,'. have not'only been cured of Voneuruption, the.fact that 'these- Medicines act with w,riekrtt.: power. upon the digestive organs, pat lerits'ti n 'mired speedily' gain flesh. Cleansing the 'all impurities, they lay the foundatiOn fora substantial structere. Restorinit net., orgrot-. !Li health, they createnn appetite. The fOoml : aSsimllated; the _quantity of blood Is.not ' creased, but hi made rich and strong aril ill the.he • ~ of a condition of the spittle all diseas", . lie banished. - Full directions accompany each of the met 11,11 , ,.., , "so thist it is not absolutely netressar • t hat I,,tt should see Dr.SCHEN9h. personally , 'desire to have their lunsrs examined-.. For thS,l , s , ._ pose be is at his principal oilier, No, 15 North slx:s St., corner of Commerce, Philatiel,o la. cv,-13. day, - from 9 A. 31. until I_,P. 14, • .•Advice is given withoutcharge, but fer liarrlik,:h • examination with the Respirometer therg - t: P , Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seas - *;ed itsieb.ll SO per biStie, or $7 AO•a half desen. Shoe I drake cents box, For sale 1)3*AI! rucsiNt-- I Apr.ll le, 'TO , it;•ly . • WHAT DOES REASON SAY !—The wheit bitten by* deadly serpent resorts t!'' a rertalit plant eats of it, and escapes the effect of fer n• - , 1•411 , ' That is fnittlact. human beings on the other hsad. must deperjd on reason. and ex penenee lit the Means of protecting health and life again,' au. wholeitome calluences. Bow, what does mown ",,O on thlayitarstibject ? Dines it not tell toi that ta vigoratclaid purify the system is the brat wo to. 'proteetit against the Invisible:-poison which gt-net • _ ates disease? Surely it does.- The next one,,ti. , n what guidashall wo follow-1n choosing a me,h , lllW safeguard? Reason replied let your Monitor he rx• percienee. Well, the experience: of ehiliteen ~a r. - - comprised in . , oae unbroken series' of sat_lsio•t..7 testfmonlabi assures us that Ilostetter Bitters possess strengthening, regulating and septic. propertied which are not combined iti tt "MehaPPr S i mPbrtions In' any other prelltlralillil extant. therefore - Is the_ antidote• to alac reason bids This, resort when our health i. impcnit •t eitherby the mabtriawhieh produces etiVetlii , orders. or by any other cause. whether I thew- \i) 1."" 1 constitutional or connected with our. potion and pursuits. . .-"! • The - venom of a noxious reptile Is s e arem? , n, ,,,, subtle and dangerous than that which - lurks in 1 01 t 1 air and,lixt pure water. To escape The fevers, hi!!!. a.• disorders, disturbances of the bowels, and othvi serious.maladles pmduced by these itisalubri.m . .. I''" meats, is absolutely necessary that the .rents,'!, and all the seoe.tike organ's - should be, spe:th, Irta robust condittolin: 'Upon the amount of &nee which theoritot-system can oppose to Ito , i.•:" terloits litridences •tban" assail it, .the islet y l!!!' ' etnh Orsptnita, end Will because the oak ~k VA•,I4 sarieseazazcr imparts. energy And resin tatitr Most Important fuoctloos the body". tligibeeticoinvended andipuirantoedt_as au,l It va!;!. r prefellit A e Modietati. =5 - z - " ~_ MILLICHAP=ORIFFITHS—On the •.a.llh Port Carbon, by the Itey. 'Noble 'Frame, Mr. sit. ,l .' MiLiaeuAP, of Shantoktn,to 3118.8 Ewen Ge late offttatlordehlre, England.- • . -.- - BERNET—Sept. 1870, Lormi A x►:cl " of Georrif Bernet, aged 31 yeqrs awl 9 id-I-mos. • • 80YEkt...=On the 21Lli 'of Sept.. of appoP l, -" . • North.slanheind Towriship, near Orisigiburc. 4 ' o ' '' HAM BOYISH, 'An old and estimable eitl7..i I.Nsunty, aged:74 years, '9 months and 1 days. • • -le CRITZ—In this 13cirough; Sept. :Nth, M. .0 n! emit, aged 45 years and.2l days.. The friends of the,family are reapectfe 11% ie . , to attend the funeral this dieter day,)eft nom( -' o'clock. from his late irealdenre. - No, lii' 40; Laurel CeraeterY.- •NIERMA NN.—On 28th Inal. at Aiblatitl. M. A ma. wife of F. A, N lermann, of ebiladts... ter of the bite Benj. Williams; of Sditiyiktil SI years. . • . • BIBS. uoder;lloe.i .Itlittiself as candidate toe gest Burge.. 14 DA [•- ri le. aub)ect to the decialonjAMhe Re_publ Justin& Convention. • JOSEPH. - SPE].NA Sep 17. `70 7 .18-it - • • -- :PROPOSALS will be , reeelved at the Pine Forest J. Shaft Colliery, near. St - Clair for driving a Tun' nel from the Mammothh to the iit i chnore Velin a d'r Wire of may, fifty (55) yards. mensions; 1 1, J , " Wide bottom, 7 OK; wide. at top .7 feet high. , , • W.l3NYlord ' Pottsville, 'Sept le, •— -. • Ica' Salt anti to vtt. FOB 15.1.11. M--4 building lots fro-. ot% street. 12 lots on Itaceetreet, awl • I‘,l-. 7, ,street.- Price from MI upwards. .r.•,:ralcoL4 11;•9.. be made IA 110 __ monthly Insiallnk . 9.15. .ta ;;', ILLYVEL BALL. Cosa streetOr No. *East Nonveglan street. \ • Pottsville; 70. (April 14, '76-7 1 / 1 18-11 - • . II JOUN Corpp' E, 01441)13(..? Peattic gaubibatts. proposi t 9.-