FORTY-SIXTH -;YEAR. avil itne alutuorst A .PETTYR • irliE HAS N - ATTACK OF 'THEIGREEN EY ED MONSTER AND DONS • THE BREECHES. • ~ • . • ,Nrik W--- s -sis sul t pretty - iv 4 , r i finau as you will int eton any.pleasant diti. ,irornenading arlstociatle Fourth street: tSite,tias a formtof -light a ialtife, and a face "so • lOVely, yeti's* ' -',' arch;' so fuII, Of mirth," that • , - totl --- eou td • not • • but ,tufd and - admire her. I . ,et for *all her prettinf -s and Winning . ways,'lshe : was pos sessed v :th the ''gretnt-tyed "monster." et:he was in,l„et jealous of hethusband, whom she . ! - - believelt was Paying court to another Hetet]. - . ''fitrn 11.-. subjectwhicliway she would, the - • object o' her susPicion would present herself. '. Daher Ir.tF.banet remain out M the evening :- "titer thatfvisulal, she Was stirtilm was in tIM • eonapany I -'the ca,,,,,ematiug woman: . Was he abient ft i.,fn his.nteals, the sante object pre sented - itself. Did he leave tke', ol Y on bust= net=s for a short period, site felt the - .,presence • of the beauty alop.6ide of her. t i ' living in And sonlatters stood. . k. But e , .. ,, i . `Such n state of uncertainty eon not be en dured, the enigma mu_st bet:oh - 0; and, -her Charley , , a` basking inthe . sunshine ottPan - o , ther;the retire=s must belegtel and the sepa- ' ration ihstantancons, though A plunged her • into an abyss of misery , , , .. . , • She planned 4 -and *here is. there.a*onin • who' never planned under-the same eirctini stances? Aid, further, she determined to '. ' develop° by strategy ber Chafley's bower of secret and unlatvful Rove, as she thought.- - She would turn detective:lnd "shadow" him ; hut it could not be done in crinoline, muslin . •••• (le laine, boinbazine,, or- any thing that „be ', longsAo the the toilet of the faii... • : • ' • She therefore decided to don the apparel of the masculiiie—boots l•tts tends .1-c.,' and • strut through the streets after nightfall, dog ging the footsteps ()flier suspected Charley. :., . The opportunity to appear, in her new role .at last came. Charley had - conic home in • a great hurry on the evening in ,question.— • Ile• must have his Supperat an 'earlier • hour , than usual;• lie had made an engagement for, . that evening, -and mast, tai prompt, in attend ance.- .'Ali ha! thought the little jealous /beauty, I have you now, Mr. Charley,, and if g y• - ou don't look sharp you will, find yourself ' -nicely trapped. . , Well, 'the supper passed off, ,as all suppers, ... . generally do, with the exception that the . husband ate but little and h - tirritally at that. So much the worse for him, fir rather her, as . - the sequel will stpdv. X few minutes were ' , passed at the Mirror by Charley-after supper ' in sprucing -Aim-and then taking his hat and cane, sung out "good I,y - ,'! at the same time cautioning, lik- wife not to sit up for-hint, as. it might he hite before lie • would return. - Down the front steps and out. the gate brisk, - . ly goes Charley, but no sooner does the gate . close upon him than .tip inM her ! c hamb e r dashes the wife: "-Now, Mr. Charley, I will. • showyou Bow nihely I will spoil your little . gaille.'. . 1 And then' Off . ffo . pas dress, :Skil tfhoops, . ete., until she statMsVtite filet urt., of.,"heuutY: unadornil.l', ; .- Now. the trapsno igri neat ion, '. . the counteresentmeia, r,-i he II ex t scent and fieremenifig drawers out onne - pants, ce,lit ves ;', shirt, collar, in fact a 4,•onipletesult oftts•F ine apparel. After :owl slight dil . - - 1. lielfilles in the-way - of adjusting the habit, she ... presented as ' conriplete an a ppCaranee of one of the "hints .of creation" .:1, geo id be-de -' sired. - _ . . . ' TI wee was a little aw k ward n . esS in jier walk 'at lb - SOTO" -this; in a measure, she UN-ere:tine -.after the novelty of her situation had worn ''''iill. 'Everything . neAv being ready t he counter-' - felt Maseuline passed I 10Yin stairs, out through the hall,: . and into the gaslight, of -the street. She•knew whore her Charley would be the first Idilf hour of the evening, for she, had 'fur poselyiseat him on an :errayd, to oit eff.siber aegnaiutaihqs that would pl a in li.l o cetij u it, %. long. ~,-; -. - • 's - ; tr, Th - .ii s a. • Here 'she'litaLd_itint. and when lie slurped. -\ •fi em theq-Asi , site was gloss oli,,his tracks, . _ taking good Pare not to be ol,serVed. -Char te:V-, it appcared, was given to Idiliarils, and.. pith ha v big a business en gdgement that evening, it Wa, , ,a1l llidlllWlteeiu thiiipftslible ltial l h:hi called him front his !wine. lie did nohlike to ineidion that it was t his. friendl„y -ganie, that called him out, so he styled it bus ' , eness, and thus tried to def.-civic his Wife. Af ter a hurried' walk (Uchida or tin square's. the lor , band reached the little Iditiard , saloon, .'. • and in la; went. ••..., ' • The wife, who hil.r folliiw,',l hint, I - env:fined , . . ~h tho oppositogidp of the street wahling for; I lialley to e.khle taut, but( he: . iiid twit-collie,' 4 , ,r he -was just Own tod busily engaged in • f chasing the ivories. ' 'llw' wile's= curiosity lititilly gut the imit , r -pr 1.,. i.trillyniAlatid . , t•risingAtver, -he peered - into the saloon tee see if she could ohserv'e faint.. Sure enough, 1 here he tits' with j 'lliard-eue ill hand. ' • At rids- moment however, a mina. of ' • _ p,ting 111,1 i—wit, vv, re :ibout'"half-sen-- , ovell''" -reeled up against her, and then turned, to • beg heCpardon Cuu their awkv,ardness. and, a s if to makf• 11W- tipology more c0mp1et. , 4441- . >ihted on her g - oing in and taking a drifi. 7 - - Site declined , but one of the yetibg, - Hen • A6,1:1111 riot :tempt the doliliwkon iiila• g.ra• •-• eions, spit it and, taking hold Of hell:pushed , 41-r into the.sfl'alon 'all!! iip,to I loo7lif, :old - wotild• mit let her go notikshe I n tl ae'reell M . •.drink with - theni. • The more sire endi , ir;fired to efli4•: het re „. ~ase.. the more the twain-clung to her., until -linally their mano•uvre.:i rittriated the ritten ,.. 1 1 " 11 "i ., ' - 'N'Aq -41 wit hill. :IDIPI 1 g whom:was her - Charley. Ile Started tor the scene, anti' 1t.4 , 'die sikhini'fe , aning• - she•relleWed With vigor he r e - ts--rsei-s to, trial in doing so her rap, • : - i F fli-l'ili and her hair hill down °ter her -Thoul ,--..ocrs, de.closing I:er sex. Of cotirse this - dis- - i- eOvery created ::ome - eXeittntphl ; nth! • the { .0111.1 g inch 'W;•111 in fur a little futi, making rattier free with her. '•-1 say,:.' says one: "old gal, what lark arti,N -in on ".' .- - 7. "Olt ! pray dodet the g.,.” - • - "Coii - t do it.; - tout toast litte sotnethin 4. , firt..t." .1, . ,- -• ' • • 11,y thisliine Charh•v was ::fel l , side ofliOr • , tutu deipitelier etliwt,: to keep her face eon's eenled from hitiel fie recognized her. -- --i. . •••. ' iThe dlseuvery of his wife ill Such, attire our-' ..,- pri-efthim, to an extent !eyelid' our power to describe, - But she needed proteeion then, :hid it Was do time to seek explanatioas; and . su . striding -up In - led 'Her away. : 'gi vi ng the „ - voting men hi .understand that shit.was under_ • . - i'hi - , - - , ( lialf .- Y; - "'"diroeuring his coat and - - fiat, left ' , with fitteptiiiit Crestfallen wife, who was nev er so. limn bh4l before: thl the road home site . explained ever v - 010_1g to hint; how 'sin , had • . - liceome jealous, - and. _had- attriblited ihis,•tin , • iispal 1x...C1i0-Troth home to the (Telipany of - another tail- olie. I.lta.lley forgaVe her, ad . milting that lie was part ialIV to blame from : the ftwbtof hisipAssion for billiards, which fre - - --I,ineotl'y kupt hintutineei , sarilv froni her so •THERE is an Irishman in .who -claim; to he ehaninion jumper in the rni!ed States, - *and has a standing ehatienge ,!,••• to a jumping mateh accompanied with an Affidavit that be once jmnibed eighty feet Market street wlia tit • t La 'petted Was this: One day he gut. to the ferry 'just as the boat was start itil. When he arrived. at the edge the boat was about hree feet from Vito. wharf, 011 it With a d,(...iperate effort he reached it and tumbled - fiat...on the - liy ....the'tim c e he liad piked kirriFelf lip the holt was eighty or a hundred fett from thE wharf; affil this man, turning round and looking at - it-in amazement, said ; it was a pretty goihi jump, Wasn't it r We do not knoW this Irishman: , hut - we do know. a young man \ ho'junied out of a witidowsome - • twenty feet above ground, and latojed about ten'reek frollr the house"right side tiP, . rare," all beeause certain young lady tilth Whom he was not on. very good terinti.,'7CoWif forfeit-money be•dvposit . e - d iu mfr.' harills a tnatilt eau probably-he ar raiigeri.7' t4l the Homey I , e - fury-.ited NV,i- ti - 4 do all we.ean In encourage .theArinatily :sport, • • • Eu i.E..4,;"—(tur Devil, on Saturday last I.roUght Inv,' the (alive t fol!owingt tieseri bed "piece of Property: . .` one "prove proj)ert. - , flay eharges and take it away." It is A lull,. kind vi: ; 1‘el: and in al •, our Lirvil rwa.t ti Inc . the 08VIIer;t1)4. 0110 we're "iirtliir, Will some fair maid 0 117 i and g) loir— . ;tart e r - ~,- • . , . . '• I I I • v i::1 ;;Kett rp, fur oltllaytunn;" Ntid _ u'-pretty' girl 1,.., hot. ina , ettline friend, "I am Inut•li fundt.r.•' l repliod, - ,if th..11(' , :" 1 1 1 C IrEi;IIELI THAN THE CLIAPEST BANN.AN & RAMSEY 'AS*II.I, ,;SET.I.: SCE{QOL BOOK' ~~F' Aki. 1:11I1.i At Lcwer Pries than an v • other Bookselleri in Pottsville, 11M AC.II C 1T THEM l'ltletti MAT CF., t And as .1r tielo.K in the Book r tND STATION iv:- 'LINE At a GreaPßeduction fram'iormer Call and Compare Before Parchesina Eisevh:lert. "UT ALKER & .OFLAWFODD, CURRIERS and - V V .I.IEA LERS In LEATIIEIi.a :Ii EI FINDINGS, No. aN N. second L. heloa , Poplar. Spanish, Slaughter and Ilemloeit sole Marling poll $B ins, Sptits, Grain and Hutt Upper. Idorooro, Bindings,- L,inings, Cut-Leather. , A general assort ment of shbe Findings and Uppers. We manufse ure stout Kips and Upper Leather expressly tor the . 3 tI.NESSI3TRAbE. !Seats' Foot, Tanners and COd Liver Otis. ; ' L. N. WALKER, •tiepti7, '7O--33-31p I _ H. M. CRAWFORD.; - ,: IMI=:1 ELECTION NOTICE lit hereby eft in to the eittsensof Schuyl hill Ominty, that an election - IW' be bee' on the RECORD TUESDAY of OCTOBER melt, tieing the 11th day of the month.) at the places' hereinafter designated, for the election of State and County officers, to,wit: ONE PERSON FOR-DER OF CONGRESS OFP FRONL THE ISYL V I7TH LONGRESSIONA.I. DISTRICT ENNANLC' ONE PERSON TO REPRESENT SCHUYLKILL COILNTY IN THE SILVA= OY PEI',INSYLVANIA.. .THREE'PEMONE. I'M REPRESENT THE °DUN TY OF sCITUTLiaLL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE SENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA. ONE PERSON FOE...HIGH ,SHERIFF oF O SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. ONE. PERSON FOR CO3IMIIi3IONEII OF sCH UYLK ILL COUNTY. ONE PERSON FOR DIRECTOR OF TII MOIL OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. TWO PERSONS FOR JURY COMMISSIOisZEILS UL OF' SCHYKILL - COUNTY. ONE PERSON FOR AUDITOR OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. The electors of the Middle Ward of the borough of Ashland will hold- their election at the house of .Troutznan A Osman, in said ward. The electors of the East Ward of the borough of Ashland will bold the", election at:the house of Charles F. King in said ward. - The electors of the West Ward'oT the borough of Ashland will hold their election at 'the house of ` uharine Carter in said ' . The electors of the borough of Auburn will hold heir election at the booze of:Abraham Moyer, in said borough. The electors of the township of Barry - will hold their election at the house of Charles Al. Hillman, In said township.- - i. . „ - The electors of the North District of the township of Butler will .bold their election at the house , of Johu Hower, in Girartiville. . . The electors 91 the Heath District of the Eownslilp of Butler will bold their election at the hunse of Owen Coulahun. at Fountain Spring. to said" town ship. . . The electors of the .township of East Birinswig will hold the I r elect ion at the house,of Joshua Boyer, . „ In lieKettnebdrg, In Slid township. .. The electors of the township of West Brunswig will hold their. election at the houses of Michael Moser, In said townehip.2 • .' The electori of the township of Blythe will hold their election at the Infuse of Patrick Fogarty; in - bald township.. • : • + if The electors of the township of Branch 'will Ifbld their election at the house of Cornelius Coleman, lu said townableir""e The electors of the Northern District of Cars linen ship-will hold Welt 'election at the house of Mrs.. teconner, in said township. " The electors of the Southern Dittrlet of Cass town ship will hold their election at the house of Michael Kelly, in said township. , The electors of the borough of Cressona will hold "teeir election at e house of George F. llengier, in said borough. • Theelectors of the township -of Eldred whi held • their election at tue house of .blegelalena Wetzel, in said township.. • ess.,- The electors of the township of Frailty will hold their election at the houseof David Lomisoii, to tile town of Donaldson, In said township. s The electors of the township of Foster will hold ..their election at the bootie of James Ford; in said. township. . if '' .- The electoni of the township of Begins will hold "their erection at the house of Wm. 11. Bressler, lu said township.. The electors of We township of Hubley will hold' their election at the house of Joel Kopenhafer„in said -township., I.c The electors of the - GO - ro u gh of Mt. Oaten' will bold their electionnt the public school house In said' borough. • - -, , The electoth of that-part or Northlianheim town ship who formerly voted in the borough 01 Orw igs burg will hold their election at the - ,-Trourse of Israel Colter, in Landingsille, in said township. -, , The electors of that part of North Matinelm town ship who formerly voted. inthe South Ward of the borough of Pottsville, and all that .territory oil the east side of the river Schuylkill,and within the Pen man election line, the southerly line of the borough of Potteivilicomd the old line of the tenvuship of Manhelm, whose electors hitherto e e ted In Norwe gian election district, eteept that-part now corn nrteing the borougitor elount Ofsrhon, w ill hold their elee,tion at We house of Patrick Phillips, ,in said township. - • !. ' '. . The electors; of North Mitthelln township, not em thaced in We foregoing distelete; will held their eke (inn at the house of Cieorgeett. Sielot, in said town- The eleeiors of the township of ScMtly4i7nhV' will hold their election at the house of #toirew her, In said township. The electeire of the' Diet Weed of the. Ilereitgli of :debating City, will hold their election at the house of Patrick Ryan, in-said borough. The electors of the West Ward of the -borough' of 'Mullaney City trill hold their election et the house . Of Matthew Donohoe, in said boinugh. The electors of the towtiship of Mahanoy will Mild their electionaethe Maple Dale School House, to said township. "."' . ~ . The dentist's-of:the East Ward of the 'borough of Mleersvllle will hold their election ut the house of John Meek, in setittliorough. • ; "The electors of the Weld Pearl' of Ike_ borough of Minersville will hold their election ; the -house of John Mohan, ier maid borough. . The -electors Of the borough of Mlddleport will hold their election at the house of Henry K rise, ltesaid I eorongh. - = .. The electopeof the township of New Castle will hold their election lit the , house' lately occupied by Nelfert dr Shaffer of malittownehip. : • The electors of the township of Norwegian Will 1 . .; ed their election at the house or Martin ;:u ram, ' in said township. The electors of the township of East 'Norwegian will hold t heir elect ion at the itolf4 of John,Dor tiler, in said township. , - Tim eluetors of the borough of Nee Pi; ifadel ph la. will bold their election at the :house of Margaret . Kelly, In said borough. :- . • . . Tile ejectors of the borpugh of -Orwlisburg will 110111 their election ut the Ohl Court House, livaiti • e borough. ..,. Tin. electors ofthe borongli of Pinegrove win 111(111 th`eir eleehhOn at the house of George P. Eessler, in said borough. • ' o The electors of the townslap of Plnegrove will bold their election at the house ofJneob Barr, in said township. • . '• The electors of the borough of Palo Alto . %VIII 11„Iii t Mit election at the house of Thomas Me Ntanantle, -in sa id borough. - . - . - - - ',. 'Ole eleetors of the bordugli . of Port Cittitou will hold their election at the (rouse ofJosepli Weikel, - In said borough.. . . '. • • The eleetAmi of the borough of Port Carbon will bold their elect ion at the Port Carbon liobse, in said b 1( , oasis -I . ... The electors of llio lOWlislilp of Porter will 11014, t I lei r election ut t lichibuse of tieOrge Reiner, in sniff-- township. - . The electors of the borough of Pottsville:lujiouth waSd.,, wittllol,l their eleelioll at the house of - ,1":,:d. . Ft ger ..t. (V In said ward. The electd 4-,of the borough of Pot tsvil te,dn South.; East Ward, v. 11 hold their election• - at tliii Allierl \ cab liOnse,l»t •eld ward.. ' The electors the Borough of Potteville. In ii•l die Ward, will told their electibn at the house - of Munterie I. In said s l Ward. - The electorS o fieborough of Pottsville, East Word, will old their election -at the house, of John ..141teilly, n said ward.. ehe Ile-coins of the boroughof Pottsville, In North, West Ward, will hold their election at the house of Matthias ((resale, iu mid ward. - The electorsin the borough, of Pottsville, in the North ward, will hold their election at the house of Mrs. Bridget Ket tier, in said ward. . The electors of the township of Rahn will hold their election at the School , House of Coal Dale, in said township. . The electors of the township of Rush, : Will hold their election at We house of Philip Ginther, lli :edit township. .- The electors of the' township of Reilly will hold theirelection at the house of Edward Connelly,-in eu id I melte!' ile The electors lie township of It3‘rin: will . 'hold 11 ogr election at - Sciii.)l House" Nu. 1, . In said toilmt.., :,lips. - • ~ , TI icelec ors of the Buzough of SelluYlkltl Haven, In Solit II Ward, will horn their election at the house of Adam W. I:albaelf. In }inlet ward. - TM eleetots of the borengleof Schuylkill Haven, in East Ward, will hold thelrelectioii at the house' of Israel Wagner, In said ward, . The electors of the borough- of Schuylkill Fla:veil, in West Ward, will hold their election at the house •of Mt's. John C. Stanton, in said ward. . The electors of the boronglieed Schpylkill Haven, in North Ward, Will held:their election at the-house 'et Benjamin' Teter,'ln said ward. ---., - ; " - • ; The electors of that part of ekhuelkill township, lying north of.a line to the,top of Sharp Mountain. will hold their election at the housete HughHag eerte, in TllS4Frorn. !. 1 , ' ~.- L • • - The' electors-of that part'', of Schuylkill US ienslilp lying south oga line on the top of Sharp Mountain, - Will hold theieelectiodeo, the house of Joseph Boy er, in I.ewlsto*u. • : , T he eletters Of the -li rough of Sheliendoall will . hold their election at. the bowie, of- 13enjaneu N. Yost, in said borough. . The electors of the borough of St. Clair; in South Ward, will hold their election at the house of Lies - id Reinhold, in said ward. • e • ' The electors of the borough of Sault Clair, In North Ward, will held their election at the honee of _A tnzi Brown, in nattfienrci: ..' . • The electors of the -borough of Saint Clair," in Middle Ward, will hold their election et.t-he house .of John Taggart, In said werd. " ' •' ; "-e, - The electors of the borreigh -of -Tamaqua of the East Ward, and all thetie residing . north of Sharp Mountain in Weet,Penn township, and also includ ing all those who'reside within the limits formerly a part of West Penn township and now anneited to the borough of .Tainaqua, to wit: Beginning at a stone In - Union street In said 'borough. and then In cluding the saint north 7o degrees east 28 - rods to•a post; thence north 17 degrees east 11l rotls ton past , 'helve by a3O feet•alley Routh 70 degrees west 2s rode to the beginuing-ceill hold their electiOn at tile horse of Vliarles Preadenberger, in said borough. The electors of the borough of Tamaqua to North I Ward, will Mild their election stoke house:of, Meh I. t:ileard, in said ward., • _, . The electors of the borough, of Tatilaqualat South I Ward • will hold their election at the house Of 'Hum- I - Play Donohoe, in said wnrd. ' •:,' Toe electors of Tremont borough will Wold their .-lest ion at the house of pseph .Enzensperger, in said borough. - The electors of Tremont ownship will hold their election at the liouse 'of Jot.eph. Enzensperger, in' tile borough of Tremont.,- d The electors of the township of Upper Mahant , M! ,-, eoecill hold their election at the house of ll.. 11: J. K. Helder, in said townmhip. The electors of the township of 17ulon will 1111111 'their election at the house or John FOOSO in said - township: ' • I The electors of the township , Of East I"ri toe" will' hold their election ut the house of Nelson 'frail-Mom ,- lo said township.. The eleefors-of ,the townshiP of North Union will i,,dd, their eleaion at the house of John Frond,-In said township. - The electors of IM...township of West Penn will hold their election at the house or Reuben F. 1.4414, In said township. • • - The eleetors-of the toaluship 'of Washington will hold thelr.election at ( Isaac Baelorf, In , said Township. . . . The electors of the tow nshlp 'of Wayne wllehold their election at the hope'. of John Carl ire said town:dap. , i . The electors of the borough of Yorkville Will hold their election nt the loCuse of Michael Buehler, In said borough. 'flue General Election in all theW'ards,Tnwrishipi," Districts and itoroughs Of the ccumty Is to he opened between the hour. of els- and seven o'clock in the fore linell, and shall continue without interruption's: ..r adjournment until seven o'clock in trip evening,. 'e hen all the polls khan be ehated. - Every" person, • excepting Justices of -the" Peace, who shall hold any sides or appointment of 'profit or trust limier the govelimient of the United States; or of tills State, or of any city or incorporated d is t :let •,- whet her lecohnuiseioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate ofileerer agent, who is or shall be ten -played under the Legislative, Executive or „Judi ciary Departineete of the State or the United States, or of any -city or Mcorpdrated district, and" also every member Of Congress. or of the State legishe tore, end of the select and common councils (daily I eitv or compitmdotter of any incorporated district, is . f.y law Incapable of holding or exercising at the -'anac time the office or appointment Of Judge, In:. spector or clerk of any election of tilts common wealtlie and no inspector, judge or "other officer of ' any such election shall be eligible there to*be voted • The Inspectors and Judge of the elections -shall places appointed for MAUI g bowl itt the respective l h, be lo o n l g ee ; ll be on fo l re ia teifitlelsotr.rioet tok_7inlalchth'etlimeyortirelli,,..„tlan'einbid'. each of said inspectors ellen ;appoint one clerk who shad ix• a qualified voter.of such district , . • • • In case the, person who,ahall !have received the second highest nutukr of - Votes for inspector shall nut attend on the day of any eleetion then the per son Who. shall have received' the second highest number of votes ter judge at the nett preceding election shall 'act AS inspector nettle place. And In case the person who shall have received the highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend, the peratirt elected judge shalt appoint an Inspector in his place—and in case the person elected j udge shall not attend, then the inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge In his place— or if tiny vacancy aball continue In the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the , openingof the election, the qualified voters of the • township. ward,`or district for 'which such , officers shall.lave : been elected, present at such election, shell elect one of their number to nil such vacancy.. shall be the duty of the several aaseisors of each 'district to atten towns hi pe lateiof holding every gen , end, special or election during the whole timeaaidelection:ls kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the Inspectors and judges, when called on, In relation td the right of any per son assessed by them. to vote 'at leech election, or. `such other matters in relation bathe assessment of voters as the said inspectors or-either of them shall !rem time to time require: _ • • No person shall be permitted to vote at any elel,-; non, as aforesaid, other than a freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more, who shall have resided . .14 the State at least one year, and in 'the election' district where. he , offers -hie vote at least ten - days immediately preceding each election, and within two years paid a state or county tax. which shall • have been assessed at lewd ten days beibre the elec tion. But eitisen of the United , States who has previously been a qualified- voter of this State and removed therefrom and returned,, and who shall have resided in theelection dlstriet and paid taxes,. as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State Mix nicrathst Provided. That the free men, eitittens of the United Staten, betwserntweirty• one and tWellf • Phro You*. who have resided in an MI 'election district as afore:add shall beentiUedto Tote although they shall not have u rd Ibitellt ixi i, ' No person shall be email to vote V niune Is not Contained In the list, of taxable Inhabitenta furnished by the Commis= olden. lir= produces a receipt for the witlfln awe of a State or - county tax ag nild agreeably 'the Conetitutkin. and gnat tar 7 0110160100eithar o n his o ath or arennizort oath or, afilintalon of another, th at he has d teach a tax , or on- are ant thereof. produce a receipt nutter oath to the mit thereof. Second. if he claim othe right to b . being au elector between the iv of twenty twenty-two years, be shall depose on oath or - mation that he has resided in this State at. one year next before his application and makes Mich proof of residence in the district as is requftal! by this act and that he does verifybelleve from the ac count given him, that ho is of pge aforeasid,and web other evidence as is required to , this act, Wh the name of the penOtrtleis admitted to vote inserted in the alphabetladdist by the Inspectors and a note made opposite thereto by writing! the word' -Ms.." If he shall be ad mitted to vote by reason of having paid tax :. or the word "age," if he shall' be admitted to vote by reason of such age, shall be milled out to the clerics. who Meal make tbellke note& on the list of voters kept by them. - - In all ,cases where the name pr the person claiming to coteler found on the list furnished by the commis stoners and assessor, or hislght to cote , whether fonud thereon or not, is (Mee ed to by any qualified citizen, It shall be theduty o ithe Inspectors to ex , amine such person on oath sit to his muellilealkfins; and if he claim to have resided within thelnate for one year Or inom, his oath strati not be' mullicient protd thereof, but sball ' make proof by at least, atte compete* witness, who shall be a qualified elector. that helms resided in the district for more thau - ten days next immediate irpcceeding such election:and shall also himself swear that Ills bona Ade residence in pursuance of his lawful calling, is In said district, and that be did not remove intoeald districtlorinie 1, L. purpose of voting therein. , Every person qualified as afore s alkand who RUM make due proof , if required. of the resident, ate( payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall tie admitted to vote In the township, ward or district In . "'Welt hir shall reside. ,- . _ 11 any persbn shall pry:crave attempt tapnev6it any officer of this election under this act from heir lug such election, or use or threaten any violence o any such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly' in terfere with him In the .exeintUnn of his dolar, or shall block up the window or oventletoanymilidow where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such electionjar shall itMs any intitnidating threats, force or,iloMm, with aglow to influence unduly or overawe any eleeter,;olf-14 prevent him from voting, or Wrest:Ws the freedom ..of choice. suh person, on convietion, shall be need arty sum not exceeding fivellundued dollars, and Ittiprlsoned !orally time not lists than three nor more than twelve months, and if It shall . be shown -to court, where the trial of such offense shall be had, that the person ao.offending was not a resident of the cit y. rd,:distriet or township where the °Creme was cozatnitted; and not entitled to - vote-therein, then, op- conviction, he Shall Ise sentenced to pay a tine of not less than one handeedoor more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned Lot less than six months nor more than two Yyeats, _ any person, not by , law ettalleed r altall fratidn-' lently any election of phis Commonwealth, or being otberwile qualified shall vote out of his proper district if aperaon !knowing the want of such qualification, stall aid or procure such person to vote, the .person 4 onending.sliall, ou conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred dol lars, and be imprisoned in any term not exceeding three months. , . . . . 'lf any person shall vote at more than one election district, or,ot herwise fraudulently vote more than once on the same day, or shall fradulently fold and deliver to the 'lnspector two tickets together, with the Intent illegally to vote, or tshall procure another to do no, be or They offending shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than. five hundred dollars, and he ituprisoned (of a term not less than three nortmore than twelve months. If ans . -per.on not qualified to vote in Oats Com 'ln on wea It It ag, meal, ly to law i except the sons of qual ified el tizens) . shall appear at ?any place of election for the purporeof Influencing:the citizens quaff:led to vote, he shall on conviction. forfeit. and pay any stun not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offense; and imprisbned for any term not exceeding three months. . di.t.:OlsTRY LAW. - . T als./' , ,ZIVI , llnli . nll net lee ti) die elec.tors of Schuyl kill County, t hat, by an Act entitled "Ah Act further Supplemental totice art relat ite to the elections. of this Commonwealth," Miprovett April 17, A. I). 12309, it is provided isti-fialqws: . I . Suet - los: Lite te it enneb- by the Senate crudllinis of Ab•pre,ientatires IV the enarnoineyealth,of Penasyfraftia in General Assenably met, and it is hereby rnailieff-by the n11110)7.0 of-the same, That It shall be hit:Canty, of each of the assessors within t Us-Commonwealth, on the first Mst.nlay of June in each year, to take tip the transcript be has received from the county com missioners under the etch( it seetioreof the act of ar tee II th April, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and proceed -to an ini Mediate revision of the same; by striking ther from the name of eviry person who is known by h m to have died or removed since the last af , essiii Mt from the district of which he is the; assessor, .--or chose dedb or removal from the same shall be I - de known to him, and to add to the same the nth e of every qualified voter Snits shall--be know by him to have moved - into the district siztoe the las revirhis assessnumt, 6r whose removal into the sans • shall be or shall Muse been made known. to him, and also. the names: of all who shall' make claim to hint to beoqualided voters therein. As soon as this revision is completed lie Khan visit every dwelling house - To - his dist riet, - and make careful in quiry irony person whose-ulnae Is on.his list handfed or - removed from the dist rill. And If so, -to take the saute therefrom, or whether any qualified voter m• stilt% therein wiwise name is not on his list, and litit;t,' to addlhe same thereto • and ,iii all - cases whete 'a name is added to the llstalas, shalt forthwith he'w sessed egoist' t the person; and the tasessor shall ht Itll eases, ascertain by inqfilry, - upon what ground the person so assessed, claims to be a.N•oter. Pfion the conitiletion of this work It shall be the duty of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to, make out a 'list,- i a alphabeheal order, of the white freemen above twenty-one yeais of age, 'el:Ottani; .to be flu:Oink, voters in the wani, liorough, tawnshhointlistrictiof which he 4s the assessor, and. opposite each of the said names state wliel her said (outman is or is not a housekeeper; met if so, The number of ills residence, in. towns where the same are numbered, with the street, alley -or. antes in witidi'.4lt oat etl ; and If itr a town where there are no numbers., the name of the krei-t, alley or court on WllOl said house frontii; his.., the oceupalloiwif the person; and where helm' not a housekeeper, mit; wet:path in, place of board ing, and with win an. and If wilt inv. for another, the mime Of' t a he employer, nd Whe opposite each of said names the word "voter" win-re any. person Ciniffn. hi vote I. rea.ona,f ma , tt niliZatt ion, lie shall exhibit taioecrtifieati• thereof to tbeassessor, unless be ha. I wvii ,for live i Vt. 'years neztl-preced- Ng a Voter in said distrlet : snit in all cases where the persou has Leen nal or:ilia-11. the same shall be huirki-A with the letter '•N;" where the person - has merely+ .11.6:ilni I s is Int entioa Ito become a citizen, and desiztisto be nat nratiz.-.1 before the next election, the name shall ha maritel-"I).J.;'• where the claiin is to vote by reas. in of bi , int.tibetween the ages of t wen t \ - -one and t %vim ty-two,n% provided by law, the word ''rre" shall he entered;and If Ole person has Toyed into the election- ilistrlet to reside slur* the last g.,:iieriii election, the fetterrß," slualdie placed opposite Pie name.. It shall he the further duty Of each 11,.. - ses...or as-aforcsaid, Ivan the completion Of . the tint les'llercin imp.... -d, t 4 make (fut. , a separate hit of all new' . assessments" [Mule icy ddin, and the ainotints aise,,ed upon each and furnish the same Itameihately to t he c,mitty cornaisslonem who shall immediately :ski the namesto4he tax duplicate Of Jite.ward, tiotugh, township *p - r• district in which they have been liss , ri . , • SE , ._. On the list tieing c imPteted and ti e assess ! , 'moots I, made as aforesaid, t Irdr; ine slut! I be forth with returned to the county'coin inlssioners, who sliall tititse duplicate copies of said -lists, with the olsservatioll.'i atilt ex plonat iongresittired noted Rs afiaesaid, to 1,.e naele out :is.; soon as practicable, and Win:Tit-in the Ihrnils 01 IliWassessor, who shall' prior to the hest of August In cacti year put .inte copy on the door of or , in 1110 Idolise where the clef , - tion of the t es'pect ire d Istriet 14 required to be held, and retain the ot her in its possclssion, for the I itspee tion, free of charge, of aura' *onus resident lir in, said eh etion. district who shall desire to "see the same: audit shall la• the ditty of flies:OA assissor to add, from time tot line, on the personal application of anyone claiming:the'riz,lit4o vote,, the name of such eloilliant, iii:d mark opposite tile name ;1.., V.,•• atid immediately assess him With a tax, noting, as' in-all other eases, his orimpation, residencerwheeher • a border or houszelteeper; 1f a boarder, with whom Ile haunts, or whether naturalized or designing to be; Marking in all suet' cases the letters opposite the itante,,"S. - or "W 1., • its the 'ease may be; if the 'person...claiming to be asses.sed. be naturalized, he shall ugh' tilt to the lissessor his - certificate of natur alization, and if tie claims that he designs to be natur alized before the next ensuing ylection, he slash ex hibit the certificate of his declaration of intent 100 ; ill all ca.•;es.where any ward, licirough, township or e:ection district Is divitie44intO two or more pre cincts, the assessor shall note. lat all his assess ments the election precinct in. whiell each .elector resi&s, and shall make a separate return fur each to the codsty. conimissioners, in all cases In which is return is - requi red front' him by 'the provh.lonii Of this act.'; and the county conimissfoners, I,n making dy plicate.cqpies of all such return*, shall; make dupLI I cute copies. of the-name .of the voters „Ur; each pre :duct, separatelY, and shall furnish the same to the assessor; rind the copies required by, this act to,be placed on the doors of-or on thOelection places ort,Sor before the, first of August lit '.eacli year,, shall (lie placed on the door of ctf . en the elect ion place in call of said precincts. " Ski'L. ll4After the assessments it five hero contpleted on the 'tenth day pros,ding the second' Tuesday.iii. Oetober of Iztselt year, the assessokshall, on the Mon. day Immisliately following, Make, a return to the. county commissioners:of the mimes of all persona[*-. sessed by him since the ret urn-required to be made by hint, by the second section tit this act. noting op posite '.iielt name tlll•oltservations and explanations required to he noted as aforesaid; and the County canimissioher shall thereupon cause the saute to he added Miloe return required by the second section. of this act, and a fall and correid copy - thereof to lie male, containing the names Of all persons so re-. turned as resident tax:tides in said ward, Ixtrough, township or precinct, and furnish the stone together with the necessareleetton.)iiiinks, tothe officer). Of tile election infsaid Ward' borough, township or.pre eine% on or before six 4 - clock in the morning of the second Tuesday of October; and • no man shall be permitted tit vote at the election Mt that day wlimie mune,is not 1M said list, uniesslie - -slialiirnakeprisd . of his right to,vote, as hereinafter required. ' . 'Sta.% I,- slit the lay; of election nay person Whose ilium is not on -1 hasaid Ilk tibil cial m I lig the right to vole at said election, 'sliftirproduce 'lit least o,qe qUalitied voter 'of the district rui .wit miss to the ristre deice of the. claimant in tifeillstriet iir Which lie claliiis to be a voter, for the peridd of at feast ten days 'next , preeeding said election, which alSrteas shall take and subscribers writ4en, or partly:written and partly printed, allidavit to the facts stated by lihn, which affidavit to the facts stated by him. which affidavit- shall define clearly where .flie-res,j jetiee Is of the person sp claintlng to bp a voter ,• • and the person sorialming the' tight to vote shalt • also take and suliwrlie a - written, or pirtly written and partly printed Wilder i t,stal i I to the best ii of hie knowledge and belief, when add ere he waalbOrtri that lie Is a eltlxiM DT the Comtno wealth of Penti 4i{tati 'sylvania and of 1 he'linited Stares thaehe has rest.: tied In the Commonwealth one )'' ar, or If 'formerly a citizen ttierein.tuid has moved t ierefront, that lie Mei resided therein sl ruin ltlq. m t preceding said election; that he tine rata red nto the' tib4trlrt • for the purpose: of • Voting tilt ; that - re has paid a :'late i county; tax within qua]) years, which was, sessed •at lewd ten days before gall election • ; id, 'if zi Incturalized citizen, shall also stall. whe , ere nutria,' what court.ile i t i.,, wits naturalizik I, a h . tall also producellecTlificate of natumilzatam ti exanit nut lon.; the kaidatfidarit shall also state 1r n and where the tax claimed to be paid by the Milani was assessed, and 'when., where and to whom paid, and the tax receipt Were for shill! M. produe.•l for examination, unless the, annuli shall state - ill his affidavit that it 'has been lost or destroyed, or that he never rtltelved any, but If theyersha so claimimithe right. to-vote snail - take and .Subscribe an affidavit, that he Is a native bron elt3zen of the United states, ow if born eisestneee, shall State the fail in his affidavit,: and shall pnfis duce evidence that ha has been naturalized, or that he is l'll t 'tied to Cit izenshlp by reason of his father's nattiralizat ion ;) and shall further state In his Wil lard that M. JR', at the' time of-taking thistitfillariT., believe?' the ages of twenty-one had tirenty-tvio years; that he bias resided In the State one year and In the eicet ion district ten days next preceding such election, he shall be entitled to vote, although he shall - not haveyald taxes ; thekaid affidavits of all persons making such I ctalinic., and tile affidavitsOf the Witnekseitfo theinresidenee, shall be preserved by the elrict intl. board, Mid at the close of theOlection they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tallY 114 and otherpaperXrequired ro py law to be filled f lythe return ju:W wittithe p lionotary, mid shall renintri on Mk:therewith In tl e prothonotsey's of. lice, subject to - fraininalion. as of her election - Paper. are; lit be etc...titan (Miters shat Hind that the apph cant or applicants possess Wilde legal qualifications Of voters, tic they,shalibeisermitteudiceore; "tint the name o tapes shall be ati4eir to the list of tint :thief; by th ; election- officers, the word "tax - -- being ed add,whert4, tile claimant cialins to voteou tax; acid the word ''aOse" where he ciitims to vote on age; the sametworils taloa' hililedny the clerks in *nett case recpectivel3, 4 on the lists of persons voting sit „each el S eiTtlon. ; . • 1 • . ue. ri„ If shall bc lawful for any qualified'eltizen ..of the district, notwithstanding the mune of the proposed voter is contained tin: the .llst of resident taxables, to chalking() ; tire" vote-of such' perigar ;- whereupon the same proof of the light of sug're as 14 now required by law shall be publicly toe end aeted - iin by the election board, and the retied- nutted or rejectedisecord In g tat tile evidence.; every person elaind n g to be a nathralized citizen...shall be. required to prbduoe his nabirallgatiosi certificate at ' the election before :kiting, except where he has been for ten years. ohnsequently a voterin the district In which he offers his vote; and °WMe vote of such person being. received, it shall :he the' duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such certificate the word **voted," with the M a ntis and year; and If any election officer or officers shall receive a second vote on the someday, by virtue of the same certifi cate, excepting where sons. are entitled to, vote b virtue of the naturalization of their fathers, the r and the person who shall offer such second vote, upon so offending shall legality of • high fill .meaner and On conviction Therent befitted or tin." -priameaairoth, at the discretion of the__ivert ; but the fine not exceed one htmdred dollars in each • case, nor the imprisonment one year; the likeplM-• ishinent 'shall be inflicted, 'on ooniictton, on the officers of election who shall neglectpprr .slice bit make, or cause to be made, the Indaltsement rer • quired as aforesaid on said nanaralisationeertincata Sac. a. If any election cdneershall remelt* neglect to require sae4proof of therright of le prescribed by this wen the laws to wi ll irthis li a se'pplement, froM _person_ offering to vellsl , . whose name is not , on the list of assesise4yote or whose right to Nut* is challenged by an sr Mill MEM THE. MINERS" - 'JC: SCHTTYPCILL copUNT.Y ; = tigNN -SyLVANI i - •• -, ~ - • kilted sheil Man suth to vlie Ift • . 't 1 rel si alri eueb endseilop emery person co upon m os L i tio n actrtr ev of a , 1 to psi aline nor= ng one innet t L or to underrteran its t ne a thediscreet 6 . , , or*lther. Or , •:' ;-. -,,,,t dun recedievev elecOoh for eleb , toes • t and Vice Yreadtht !ci 1 thwUnlted . ' • ' it be the duty Of theemoesierstnettend at nXedhY law fw hohnuittite electiott-th wseits fan Ana district, or penmui siod wune .thert namesanatkere, blare e ene bee ali n ..Est the list of almesbal,t,voters, and who' 1 righ t to vote or wtobee • rights have mi „Item the same was Made ont,ttnd shall add the of such persons thereto lea shall show' that are elittledtothe right of suffrage in such On the persemil application of the claimant , only," and ftthwith eases them with the proper. tax. rd iqr completlng the list, ncopy thereof shall ; be on the door of or on the haw where the election e tabs-held. at least eight days before the elect on '' , and - AV the election the same course shall be tied. Snail respects, as is required by this act 1 the OM to whith It la ,thAp The ientent, 14 rse sor 1,2111 Z% truth 1. waT 4 =ie returns t ln Othe county eotomtfaioners of al emausraents made by virtue of this section; and bounty commissioners shall furnish copies the do the election °dicers in each district, in like ner In in reepects, as is required at the gen in October. Sett 11; ',The same rules and regula tions shall apply at eCerfipecial election. and at every . separate, city, g bi or Ira ni election; i r n all respects as at the gen isonre in • . The Yee lee assessors, inspectors and the lona shall each have the power to • tit oaths to st e num clai tui a right , g iu o fr oped to by or the t of seffrage or In regard to . 4 7 Mathinor thing niqulreo to be done or In ha bi any of said officers under this art ; ~atid Lima false swearing by any person In re , • • any Vatter .or thing concerning which they Ibe lawfully. inter perj rogated- by any of said shall hepttnished as ury. . e Saba ' The ameas ors shall each receive the saute ens for the time necessarily spent in per ;the duties hereby enjoined as is provided bylalw the performances of their other duties. tobeipalikb the county commissioners as in tither mOsoW. auld Ii shall not be lawful for soy assessor to _arcibl4 alias against any 'person whatever within peat preceding the election to be held on Tuesday of October, in anyyear, or with , plie s a next ' before any election , for electors of It and Vice president of the United States; . any v ou _of this t trovision sludi he a mlsde tneatia,pod subject e officers so adrenaline to a • fille trivictio not exceeding oubluindred dol lars. or to imprisonment not exreeding three months,. both, at the discretion okt;he. court. sect, f ly on the petition of five or more.cit liens of the elcatOty, stating under' oath that they verily ballete that frauds will be practiced at the electitin about nil* held in any district, it shall be the duty of th i f A court of common pleas of said county, if in semi npir if-not sjudge thereof In vacation, to up poin to iS judicious, sober and intelligent citizens of . the carui4ty to act as overseers at said election acid mam• ov shall be selected from differt , nt political parties, where the inspectors belong to diffrrent par- . ties, cladilehere both of said Inspectors belong' to the same' po litical party, both or the overseers shall be taken from the opposite political party ; said over seerstill have the right to be present with the offi cers f e election, during the whole time the same is hel e votes counted and the returns made out and signed by the election °facers ,• tri, keep a list of v,oterti if , they see proper; to challenge. any person offering to Vote, and I ntertolgut e hint and his witness unde • oath, in regard to his right of sutrruee at said election, and to examine his papers predueed; and the officers of said election are required to altorrat 0. said Overeeerti so selected and appoluted every eon ventericej and facility for the discharge of their (I a tics ;land If said election officers shalt refuse to per mit said !overseers to be present anti perform their dulled wizato - recdd, or If they shall be driven away from thel'pells by violeuce •or intimidation, all the votesiplied at such election distrlctimay be rejected by a I t (banal trying a con test under said election ,• Aryl d,, That no person signing the' pet it len shall lf, be ap noted an overseer. t Sac, il:k If any prothonotary, elerk,'or Ihe deputy of eltherl or any other person, shall tells the seal t",f onkel to spy naturalization paper„ or permit the same tO be affixed, or give our, or causetor permit the saina'to be glven . out, in. blank,achereby it niaty be frandulently used„ or furnish , a naturalLtatlon certificate to.any person who shat not have belt duly eXarnined and sworn in open r.- in the pre seneel Of ilte judges thereof, amen , ' the act of Congtesoi, or sb.WI aid in, eoneilv• co any Way permit the issue of any fraud *nrultrat lon certlfiFte, he shall be gu thy ol ("dernewnor ; or If h. NI one shall fleasidulent such certi ficate' quitnraltsation, knowl ~.Wfts fraud a lentlY I ied, or shall yule, ar' 1 vote there on, or pr, any one shall vote, ( to vote, at any ri b sate of natnrallrat! NI to him, he shall l*gullty of a high nib and either or snit et the persons, their al( Mrs, guilty , of either' the intsdemclinors a! tall, on cortJ vlctlnn t he finelin a aunt not one thom:- re,ari.l lmprl~nhed it sand do 4trerlod not'exceetling PiAny person who on re any court in thisin minister oaths. shall ary fdr I Next in or • Ised to turpllzation,for hlti cote of F 4011 1 ., ;illiffulik dc,pose, declare o. any molter '-to he fact, knowing the %Arne to be ..., •, or steal{ In like Mariner deny any matterto be fr. k nom' lini % Ile saineotWtene,shall bedeemedguilt • of perjury; toot any Bertillente of naturaliz it ion boa ed in' ursuanee of an !shell deposition. deelanitior or affirmation shall li a rfll and void; and it shall I-, theduty of the i Cour: ss Inn the same, upon proof wing:made be , fore 1 that it was fraudulently tibia tad - , to lake In:- me:11 tell:least:meg for rlilling the an for cancel, latio laid any parson who shalt .6444 or attempt to vo ,oli atippaper so obtained or, *.ho shall in any way d ken , connive at or have any a Epley wiact,evir' In th Islue, circulation or use of any fraudulent natu Mahon certificate. shall be reineil - guilty ••r a rep einem - tor, and upon eonviet Ion! thereof shall uncle , pi l au imprisonment In the • pehltent tory her not newe r than two years, and pay a title of not no•••• than Ptut thousand 'dollars forevery 1 such °ileum, or either! or both, At the discretion Of !the court. • Six I•4l,Any assessor, electioirotli e r (,r person up tad lit dSO an-overseer. who shall ti !act or refuse to tx:rto inny,duty enjoined by this act!, without rea -1 sona e r ilegal cause, shall be subj..ct. to a penalty ' of on hundred dollars, and '( - , rosy ' assesses shall as-• seas a y person as a voter who hi • 3 ot ritlalltlerl, or shall !reins° -to assents any one who In qualified, he sl all! be guilty of a misdemeanor ip, office, and on OrinvictteM be punished by ti ti or Imprison,' ment ; nod also be subject town ,iet I •n: for darrunryes by the !party aggrieved: , unldf a y ' persen shall frandhlently alter. add to, de face or d stroy any list of voter:km:Ade out as directed by this et, or tear flown or ref:hove the same from the pluee 7 w here it has been ffixeddysith fraudulent or bilis:bier° sintent,-or for any itnpaoper purraise;the person a offending shall b e ee pt - A e e a high gisoleinerinor, an I tin conviction shall he punished by flnenot 'exceed I it five hundred dallaft:oe Imprisonruent not es , ling two years,- or both at the discretion of the cou t.; • - Sae. ,INeelections for city, ward Is , " ron a b., townt• ship and action officers shall he •• tier be held rof the se and Tuesday of October, subje tto all the pr•i visioas of the laws regulating the e edtions of such officers nest inconsistent with this a t ; the person , elected tot such offices at that time a all take their placeriat the expiration of the term. of the persons holding_e same at the time of gun I OeCII011; but - h no elect% n t for the office of assessor r assistant us se.ssor is Ibe held, under this act, until' the year one Ilia d eight hundred and tier nty. i rn Sgc.l 1 ,At all elections hereafter iota under tli•• laws Of Ls Coninionwealt 11, the poll shall be open: ed .between the hours of SIX- and . EVEN o'clock, A. a., hnil closed at SEVEN o'clock, e. af. . • Seel:l7.ll.ft shall be the duty of the, 7 Trete:3' ef ; t he Canuoionltrealth to prepare torma,fo all the blanks made heonisary by this act, and fur fah copies of the same it.o Abe county conunissione of the several' counties lot the Commonwealth; : lei the county eumnilsso ere of each county shall! , as soon as may be note • after receipt of the N3ll te, nt the proper ss i tx expense grille county, procure andt impish told! the . eleetl6ll apices; of the election disc lets of their re specti`ie . teOIIIIIies copies Of such - idatika, In such q urult:l tie us maybe rendered neer, sail- fur the dis charge optheir riutles'utder • this net. i • ~• •,- , ss p • • • st:c: 191 That citizens of this Stale temporarily in the servloe of the State or of the'll if Led States Gov , ernmenta, on clerical or other din and who di, not vote whete tinueeniployeil, shall i it be %hereby de prived o r 'the tight to vote in the! seVe'rni,elect ion distrietsLi. otherwise dilly quaint d. 1 , ' . . CIANCIE IN THE MODE Oi. VOTING. AN Acr regulating the mode of voting,, all elee- • ,tlorim In the =several '•coinitic•• f MSS , tbliunan wealtiv,approved March Seth, I'ie : i '• ' • -, • S avrioiS 1, Be it started by themate'arift .1 Adm. of Repredentatives of the Quitmottiera th of Pennsylvania GAssembly in eneral met, and it hereby MCKIM by i , the authority of,the same, That."'" qualltinlVoters of the several counties of this-Co . tamonwealth,' at the general, township, lxworighsw special elactions, are hereby, hereafter; euthorizedand reqiiired to vote, by - Mit : eta, printi . d or wrltten, or/ partly, printed and partly:Written; severally classified as 'follows : One ticket shallerabniegathe names of alludges of courts voted for, and' to be-labelled,-outside 1 ryedict a;* one ticket shall embrace the ianorof all State• office . vOted for,'nnd be labeller' "state:" one-tick.. et shall ' embrace the names 'orall contity.iollicerik: -voted foNlanil be : labelled "eaunty ;" tate tichetsliiill. enittrithethe names of all town Ship ()Myers voted for_ and be labelled - bleirnship;” one ticket shall cm-, brace', Lbl names of all borough officers voted for, and belattelled "borough ;" and each class. shall 4. Pi. depeenteddaelleparate ballot-lioxes; - : ' 1 • :. i . . . 7 ' I ! , 40,11EADEENT CONSTITCTrON tt. , S. - .' "Hex' •izeile 1. The-right of elklzins of . the'rnited States. to Vote shall not be denied:or abehlgrsl loy the United Staten, or by any State, on account ot nes. . . color,or Previous c ondition of Isere-Utile. ,•.,.. ,•, FIRST .11.'10) . SF.COND SECTION W l ' ktri o6•oNiatt>iii Of . " r .;., 1 • lIA,IICII ii, Itrat. !,-•-._ !,_:. ._ , ' ,a 7 , 7 l3lacrie i s 1,. lie it enacted by !the Senttir opt/ :thop% ttg'Represkniatires of the L'iiiteel ts7rtirs iif ....I dterirt.ia tirmgress lksseniblett, That all citizens irf,the ridled States, , who are; or stall ite OttiCrwise"tinalifled by .law tovote at any election by the peeple, - In any State; Territory, district, county-, city, "wish, loan ship, sehOol distr,et, -municipality or other territori , al Rub-Mt:talon, shall be entitled and allowed ta vole at all .iurch elections, without, distinction of ritee, color, or precious condition ofiservitudq• any Con dtitttioni laci , custom, usage or regulailon of any - State or rerritory, or by, or Wider iisiiiitlolty, to the contrary notwithstruiding. l 7 •. • 'S "Sze; .2.;; And be it Airfare: Miaeleil, That If'l ) or .under the:authority of the CliStist hut Jeri or laws of any State; or laws of any Territory, any act is or . shall be required to be done as qiiientuisite or quail teation boqr voting, and brsuchi Constitution sr law persbnaot officers are or shall i r charged with Ole' performance - of duties In. rani hing to eltlzens an Opportgatilty to perform 'such perquisite or to Le mma 4uapliect to vote, it shall tie the duty of evi•ry such pergola and - ollieer to give to ail citizens of the United fates the. same until elitml opportunity to perforni alleh,peniiiiiiite - and *become qualified to vote witlibut distinction or race; color; or previous •conddlorhorkerviturie; and If Any • suet 'person ear officer 'shall refuse or knowingly omit to give hill i effect to - this section, he shall 'for every eirclioffense, forfeit and pay a sumo( Ave hundred dollarsi to; the person aeyed thereby,robe recoveFed by tin ae - tlon on t e ease, with full and sueli ,iillOwarice fees for cou 1 as the court shall deem lust, and n igri .shalislart t for every siieb offen'sc, be deemed gni Ity of a misdiemeriner, and sliall,on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dollnrs,or be I in. 'prisoned pot less than one month and not more than , .:rnlieyearlor both, at the discretion of the court. - -1 , . , SEC. /0:0511,44,N.ACT or THE rENNSiLyANIA*LEGISLA . . ' I, TrILE OF aIIIMILO, A.D.. Igli, • ... , . . Rec. 10, fTlicit so much of every act of 'Asa:viably iIA provides that only white freemen are , ehtdrect 111, vote or be registered as voters or ne elatinlnglo _vote atany genend or spa,elal election of this Common wealth. be and the-same Is hereby repealed" and that . horeafternrefreemen, without distil:triton. of color. shall' -be pnrolled 'and registered according to the., prov hdone of ale Drat section oft tie net approved. In h April; Me, entltlerrAn act further supplemental to the act:relating to the election's of tads f.'raurmtin wealth,' rind - when otherwise qualified undert he es- • tannic la s, be entltled ko s;ore-at all - general alni " special el tiotis hi this Ocrminonwealth." 4 . ... . ...n., tto theprovislohs cobtaltibrl, t in the - 71ith section o the act Ars' aforesaid, the: judges or the - aforesaid illstticts shall respectively take charge of the Certificates of retain of the election of their rel. - spective districts, and produce them at:a meeting of one judge from each district at the Cogrt ifoirre, lii the Borough of Pottliville, on the third day alter tiny . -• day bfg , lte election: being . ' ON PHIDAY, THE flit DAY OF OcTIMIER, IS7t), at 10.6';11,0ek, A. M., thenand there to dtiand,perlarnt the trues required by law of said judges. • - , ,-. Ak that whereajudge, by sickness or. nnavoida- ' ble Ident, Is unable to attend such Meeting, of judges; then the certificate or return shall be fallen ch eof by one of the inspeetors or clerks of the files un alba district, who shall do and. perform the d uti required 4' said Judge unable toattend. ,• ri ' 6 . 1 ••en . er s tu as .tr a.zErj ha T n linG d y. , at Ec co t ur n lx y rio o zs. llll; l4( , ) M t ).ni.. .1 .1, 1e 2me i . ~t. a r s i l o l . l ,- • : ......, this tth clay of September, In the year of our. Isn't! one bookend eight hundred and seventy. andin the , ' nine y-foprth year of ' the Independence- of 'thee Uni ed States., She la's Offloe, Pottsville, Sept. 14, 1870. , •38-4t .„ _ - 4931 yummy cola. alwitits on liana. I.IM at the Mike of C. &I, Hiut:ebtre ,‘ll,lll),promptly attended to.' 7- • 11.7.9 It • f' • AHD SEAMLESS BACIB.- , The •••Gen'of :MO County Prison-has a :am .asiortmeut serenperiOr Cheek and Seamless Blurs on hand. Also ERSIA3OOTHAH4i, SHOES, whlellilie offers foe_ at• the Priion o, r at im t. kleee, for melt. rleespeld f Hee. , 1 • .1 - • • e Cnfpe ' ISAAC wAnn. • I • ETCIK, MAXIE & CO., - linecenoor to H, B. 4411M5ETT, 441Yrkerratauor ALIO6ILAPi2S OY. • E .13R, XC R, maces, Rolling Mills. Foges. Nice! "%Volts; • Hank Cupola Flummox. < 111:0CRA and ILRO, tor 131 ass Furnadllll. Gas Wol.ks, Mal lows i ron Works. Baker's Qvens. Green . Moues, te. 4 -11tove Heater and Hauge ." F- T angi ar7cript lin trzAti ke otit:r f e i erY • . cur t , Kowa. 'Firis Rand. FlroCe to eat. In Bulk • Acreatua. th Woodbetage_Creak. N. J. ireektklll, p. r Address. rwth Amboy N. „o r Peeks- HIV . Alley 94,. Bbtly _ • 5 IR EE - • - LiA•l4.• H. Ii•AZZABP , . . 0. • AR., IEL lal&AVI1E1 icocctssotsB TO L F BODEi . j. • • . GENERAL MS 3 ANCE AGENTS, ,• • No. 17i4 Centre St., POtt.;.:Nille . June 22, '7O, . .- TYNDALE ‘- ., ' - MITCHELL .& - WOLF, . . ~,, ..,, CHINA, G _ LA S S ANp EARTHENWARE • I : . . . No :I'o7 I . le•stnitt - ,51:treet. P.ltilatieliillia. .- , rip:E : PARISIAN. GILALNITE.I, the best Stoneware the ulaiitet, iizid at the pries,. I '1( . or. I hiary. 14- a:4-:. 'White. French 'China, 'in all the best tdiat•/,a!l and style, iteeaitted,. flintier, Tea atilt Toilet • ' • ,[-- : Sets In gnat variety. i Glass engraved on the prentiSes," and China i . • ••• Deeordted either in [full Sets ..)t•iiiatelitniar. In the best manner. . .. • , FIRST-CLANS GOODS 1 ONLY,, anihLOW F..ST . • • rAt3H 'RICES.i .' ~ • ' • , • . '.. '- - Let tert of Inquiry In regard tetrices &c., pi -mold ly - all , V5 . ..11:i) . . .!larch s,•':u-10-3m .. _ - ._ . . . . . WALKER & RI C,E NEW MsTIONHALL, MATIANTONGo STI-3,EET, •,btlFEß, FttoNt ..).)ATK; ANY GOODS FROM THEIR t-ILIPERIOR F 4 TOCK AT PH. (,Es 'LOWER THAN - GOLD . BA 818. GREAT REDUCTION. IN PRICES,I PRINTS, 8 cents and up. " BLACK-AND ALPAPCAS. • PRESS GOODS, of all 'kings. • I NOTIONS, &c.l &c. - _ tre . c:otno see , tom- . C. • Pkitt.'Es ;ritAV HELP HU' Ii F. POPUIcAit. - THE NEW UNION DRY GOODS STORE IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS.' r ' Jan. 4.--13 - 41.1 ye "". • ' MIME X121[11111.! ion, verauthor-, *e a veil 111. MEMO A &URI; CURE. FOR PIMPLES.-:pw will mend tiy return in4ll,on - receipt eeeut Pitiunpg, a re preparing' a t ienuino Vegetablelialm, which ininie,Slateir removes Pi ntplem, - Freekles, !Hutches. 'ran, lilaek WOrni!:, Ntothm, and nil anti Impurities of the Ski u, Jellying-it clean, With . healthy gpaw.• A lso, Im:trail long 'for producing a ...growth "cii air in/ at Unlit head smcioth face. ' F. \V, Chemist 113 liroadwny; N. Y. July 2, -71).'27-3ai __ _ _ . , . _ . . This xegetable remedy la the . preectiion of ais . 9 A loea t PHllail el phi/A Playblcian , an dreohAlllor; Join P. Frm.zu. M. D.,.15h0 has de 37 year. to Itheo loa th es' and ISetindsta spedialy, dla ISY( r the Iledleal pi/AM:don publicly announ as she. liMbeat anthorkty in Rheumatic complaints.. Nei; testimony.; It_ Is pleasant and agreeable VS thslt ate. mid warranted free frilm : minerals And klnjuskno... el niece. Itla a, kientille preparation, a medical on. opoiy, anil,warraMcd under-solemn oa th a nelit;lirtnless,pcsaltlvpcure for Inflanunadmy eu4 mat tsio, Chronic Itheurnailam; Elientuatlam. en- Illit (MIA or Kidneys ? Neuralgia In the Mead, :sienral -11" ela In the Isody,, • Nervous IdetuLache, and Nervous. diseases. ,Fold by Druggists at• At 50 per liottle; slx bolt, le* 7 :l' ,- .0. Medical advlre; without charge, sent. 1 ..._v 1 ; 11 .4.. All orders sent. by Eipress collected on. delivery", Depdt, N 4.01.1; South Fourth St., Fhtlada. April 1G '70 7 -16 . ; • . r • GODPREY''S • INStritiNdE • ALOEISICY. s i • Cr'4l . co, No. 2, , Lialia.ntensb Street, I.Virerti•INSFItAN . CE TO ANY AMOUNT ism Der the- most, reliable Orr:rules In the Laud. unit smile vilileh are theisold . e „viz: • r. • Asicri..4... • North `A me`fir4lti of t. 9Our Franklin: : . " ." • 2......... cs 11,000,00 fr of Neiti•••YOrk.;.• .•• • York Fara - nem' uttml ...... ... ..... ... rEttkiltlT. , I litteil sta tes, ofßaltimore • ' 48:11AT: r•itate Fire, of Oltlir • ' Willlainr.port, of rtarnrrylvanla_ IniXttOtir I.nneariter, " , • " • :MAUI The abore'rranierl iitimpaniew ore ail of tho prompt to ptry bissei Aryl • honorable In N.lJustiliir , , , • • . • T. A. GOIWII.EY., Pottm•Ille; Atittre4 1.4 ffl-3i 7 3nr , : • FIEL4WARE MU UAL ' • • •••i - LIPE IIIi3UI3.ANCt . 01.' A ' LNIINITTON, . .JOHN P. ticLEAR; President_ . , . M. X. CHILD, 'Secretary,..„- . ft A N't, If I' o 'l (`E; N. 'W. ,mUt: , itur ~ Nll4lt Nu Utty_stirr : • . .F lladerplals.: , (4'4), V. siogE, Tl:ltNEEttpen'l A tend Attorney. Pc it u." 4 - 3i11.711,7A1 LOW . . . • All Poi le es Non-Forfeltlrig'after one annual poy- I meet. Everyaoennrnodation eonHatentw Ith smarty g uuntnt .4.41 to - Polley Holders. . Book., eontraning rtill Information eorMern Ina Ake plans and rules of the (Xornprory ?Lent free on.lokitAlest .chin to the; Branch otnce,. • gents Wanted throtighaut the Mater of Pennayirdari* moil - Were Jersey. ItE.FEßlzyckls (br pertnlsalen)-1-lon. E. W r . flltpl i., %let Justice Pilate of Delaware; non. Thi;w:lfi,..klay,-.; ,nn l i, U. S.l4eriatur 'DOM ,Delawarel Rt. Ilev.;4l.llrea. • Lee. liishek. of Delawnte'; Gen..lieury du.Porkt, Pow der Mann; r; Bun. Sinn. Sualebury, tkor. Stale. of ; Thu Presidents of all thlee Banks In the City. of NVlin lngton ; J. H. Valentino. Mayor CUT, . Wiliutnirtou, 'July t!..1. • 767.41-I,y AND TRIED. INCOB.PORA.TRD 1351. • , PrIi.ELY .31I:TVAL. ' • . • s s.-• s •-sir 13ERESHIRE Tat }, ils - m1.11,A1 4 41, • ' P1tr1iFtEpD,..431:t..444. , TitOMAS F. PI.I7iNKETT, President._ - .1 AM ES FRANClS,,Vitierresldent. ICCIIICKER.ERG . , Secretary and Treasurer.; L. At Secretary: - • ; • Non-Porfeltrof alr Policies Gaaranteed,by • , - Law, . • • . s one.; any Viteinintit' lic - tiot paid is - lirtlftlUO , the policy is not forfeited; but the- lioliter renutlna In sured for the fall autolint, until the premiuni slowly paid nod unearned is exhausted.hy the mit a Maur-, alive at the net rate. - -Exainplo at.' the , Age: ot' 43. v tine Annual Otsh reininni s, on tin ordinary Life policy will continue the Inatininee for Two Years and RI Lays front the tinte,the-pulley was issued, or one Year and 06 Daysidler - the second Annual Pre.' nilum becomes Due. -41muld the • second premium itiat'he trakt,and tbetnsured diewithinone year and. 6,i-days niter Inch noh+-payment, the full - amount oil the policy would be paid, less only the premium drat and unpaid..,The larger %be number of premiums paid, the longer will the Insurance continue, In pump of aria-patyntentsof 'premium. The4ierl slAire Life Insurance 'Company his pidtr, under this Law Six Maims, which In 0 3m p e t n i e , w ir -other States would have been worthless and Is rows continuing the Insurance on over siOu'polieles ers winch the holders hai-e been unable 'to pqr. Ist. mum. • The last claim paid under thlii non:forfeltUrri • - was that of a tnenibet• who insured a few years - for $3,500. In - 1,11.3,4td failed to pay hls annual pre.:. rattans ; In January lastitmeyear And Ilve reasst s liss afterwards; he died.° The Company has paid la the widow. the...full amount. Wilk less Ankrino ovlindhlor payments 'and Interest. - - - • s. - • • • •• ' • Every Mouter Receives .everY Pcty's issarstraew •-.- • paid for.. Att. PnosTrs Dleinsna artexa Tat PetacX rulers sus . CAUL Diyamins. ,- = - - . • Eseostaittest. 1;s: Cheefullselection litsfainveistmetita. , , Mod to an U Benetton Wants& For haleneation,appty at the hante'elhee. or to W. WORAVNlA,petaeratligeat, a. W. cor„ ELIeIraNTX latta Ms Cinerrarr , • Uet . PFtlithl=4".4l.4.-. !t5,.18 Pas EASTWABC - BF, - e :IN eOAL'Bp!Cg.R.S.ANp CPSMISSIPN MERCHANTS, No 2211 DOCK EMMET, lira BM It"UIR34.tI •I . 'S, Jan. 2..0. • 70-67,1 i; Anb (Fjjcit!icals. IRON and,t zpels dt ease 6i Supplying the blood whit Nteritu's Owm VITALIZING AGSVT—.OO37. Cauttets.—Be sure yen Pet PenmillifShri‘P. P.unpliletB free. J. P. DD:SMOITY. Proprietor ` No. tut Pley St., Neer York. Sold by Druiattats wierally. . . \lnr4•h 19,'70 -- - • HEumATICr VEGETABLE EMEDY. • 'WARRANTED BY AFFIDAVIT,, • PE P.MANI_NT . - RHEUMAT!SM A .51Isurnitct. " ''±i-10110tAS 'J. DONOHOE. First Class Carriages and _Buggies; or rirr "ATOM AND MOST APPIIOVI6O IVYLEA., Hamm MA;.II.7FACTOIer-..Cort. Hamm AXIS VNIRAVEOIAN RM. ONE $4.0..1k10E • . IM DAM OP MOXER IfoCsit; 'urisYCX.I.E., PA.. " Comilainfly band; a .good - aalliartmeni; or new and strand-it:it .. oirruiges and Ilircerin. Bpeela.l attention psld to repatring. . • April ia, T.04.:47; Ili ARGAIN's Lax cOODs, T THOXIA A. BITLE•s, 253 CR P ITRE arrs t. LE. ME ' . "Ir W. CAKE,W a11..V , r: (Sr& i:l .. ..•rLA a - , j. Oniet.. CENT . Itt.: Sr,• .•' ,r It:mil:111 • . .T. V.:A til•••yrS ~ Hook Hipre,t...t,, Ille, Va. • jam-- Is, •1 , -- J....--ly - " _ • .I.I.AILELY . C. DOB SAX vrro.ics EV :vi I.A W. No, LisCLatro24l.,,.t li.± 41.10 r, belOW Eifi,llolg.ti it ligrel). .I.l,it!Wille. _ A pr Or:LI. -;'o.__F;'—iy ._ ~ F. 8E1LT11...A . 11,,it:: .1-: AT LAW. - . ‘....,1 Xi:4i i 4. :-..! I twt, Sii1:11:11/ti•g1:1 Pil. Jau 1.5;:7,1-1--1y - HERYHENRY C. BILE:A i'l H, .V14,.1:.i !' , i ...VA..% W, Orti,e, CI. I' ',,1ii.,, s. • 1'.21t,. i 11... . ~ .. .. ' May 23, NO-2I —I I . " •-' . A. M. roi:2:v4v AT . • I`.•t twv tile; Pal /Mee, Al.4l:ita.m.g.! rt.ei ”ppueilte Punt 01144., • GEO.- - ICAEP.G.HE ri - meNi:T AT I,.ttr . Unice, St.," .Opposite . l— t TAMES, if...CALIPBELL, .‘ 1. J XIII toet, - .111 W IT WiL Ar .ti o.* IN4 Centro st'., , •. . , Jan I. '7o I . . ..,---.--,.. -- ---.- - • . • DA:NIEL D. DILLMAN, A reoti:crr...AT LAW, .Pattnvlite, Pa. ()thee, lloina. IC, new. hii I 141144 Velt.trei St.., Pot tsv i Ile. r''. .'. • - J:q... 16. 4.9-1-1( IiBEET '1 ' • 10Z..Coittel-gre.l. Pa. Al: ,411kIrns proliaptly eoJleptelf.. . C EORGE CHANIBERIt,((afe 4 - the Chamber.- I burg-liar. Arri)llN .W. No. 1. urn, :tri• Ilour,jl•ffitsville, Pa, ov,, •no--1;--ly L AW AND COLLECTION OVEICE: - . IRISTOPHER LITTLE, r LAW and ,r.% 1:1; *lt e".; J -I~ -eow TIIE • DOVELE OVEN , • - SFN.NISIDE t.:L./E. OF IsTe, • Is ootistrapted 'on Entrrely• New and ','Erlneiplea;lellh Siphon Flue, guaranteed -to tip:- roughly heat two - rarge ovens, anti six Dot holes, with 'two-thtrds the fuel . ;used In the. single . . oven C.N;91:.: - Stovt,ek, • , „, Wean, still'Untntifact or' rig otte long and taveraidy known. 'BA RI, E -SI LEA 1200.1 i. ING rtTOV F., la) highly.- esteemed , hy the pnliiie. Mr several - - yenta . , • TOL J oar great double-heating. 1:- .S.OB 81'01.'4 has been touch Improved shod Leantlnert this year. Where known the merits of this Slum need no coltinient- Our eelvliratt4l. • ' MUNNYMII)F: Fitt F-I'LACE !lE.\ inlotig Its many PIKEMIMNILS also carried otr the"rirst premium at the Jlaryland Institute at Saltinittve,isi - Pak although mthJected to the too., r •a'ere. test‘l' 'the hi m° of she Baltimore Heider.' 'This Is t mily true 'lint-air Ilregpliteu heater lit 'the Market,: 'anti „ like the regularEullt cellar heater 16;calio heat. Send for and Teritiumaiols..-i, , STI!A RT. , I . FTExasoN .Ct •• Pltilsidiirptita, Pa. For 'sale I.l3rJftssis. SE•ENN A-. K EICNS. .• " , ..)I. , ILADI - 2511% , ,X,11.11i , Sept, - 17, 14-3.4-Irtt • ~•"'f icfcEoliar, No. 1210 Market Str.eet, Phibide!phia W lioie*aletuthi 14•iai I 1 - )oltlerN In. • • . .HEATERS, a.nd smatts. - . , 'Keirerherittu . r.y, holm°le4l,, • '.. , .! and Benet:trim. t • • • • IMPROVED: DoVIILK and Finct:LE ELEA:A.7'Eu. , Tol••••11A:44:Es.•••... .CITY' :e..urkiuNGToN. De. IP'', Ilishio?ef 114.! 'F.:;?api . t.r. Ciookbig . Vorez 'and 1 -- ;1410/)..7 Pol7;1611 . 4:III yes: 3iy •Lidi9itt. CAllltuS t STANDA/tD A • STUVILS. • Thr atm Ni• artleiro:o thanlfatet u by . i caI.RBONTOV& -COMPANY., ~• Ile iti,ii:trnoN , 1. J. ' .. • . . . e i. Abm—Bobb .1. - .11..,:i Diltm. , ,: d Vjni, w , ei,....,_ii,, I.:AS OV.FXI a.„111 stll o the 4 tiellc•fiNifec4r"llll.e. • brml.; ' - Aug 17. io= 'T"- .t Ifer GALVANIZED .DOST . •• . . ..- CLOTHEki Li N kls, can 1,, , :,•,..1 a: SOLOMON goovki, , `s•rovE, T1N.4 41 1,1 nousE4ußNlstlisu 811011,E, ' No: •...i Centre !..,.1., roligyffie. . " _ • • , - Ansuriberof new pattern COM: I NG tuld PA 111Mit ktTOVER, which can be ad at niodeeste priers.. lie abet barna spiend Iti aseo e t Oft' n, bras%iiri t mita, I lya..ed. giant, wood anti, willow ware, hollow and. •.aartintsam• Mao, bruslter,brooms;- bit cloth.; takle ;iel. ',elottsa, 41bOr mate, clothes n. tray} care I a,g borteben„km es, coal 011 lam ps, kttlVes and forks,.. maid ail klede of Glassware. ...kis° , gridirons. roast. ng pesea,ebiklteme sleighs and skates, table, tea and butter +of/ANL. /Wee Sind rat (rape,- patent -nutmeg seraters seadtoone, lernon - squeezent and graters.. bird •catca, Stibleosata,' table saws, cleavers, egg It;:itils, ipigs: - IXotafto" mashers, bread boart4,.waNlt ioards,w6oden•noere, -flat and tailor Irons, .rikunige •cutters and sinffere, clothes lines, bed cord% clothes .: - panit,, corn popper. ,cake entlers, ettntil est icks, dredge , boxes, Ravings hanks, match Mute*, school cumPatt". atatenand pcuelle, toilet gebi„bath tubs, batch -cis; hainntera, axed, deed and build loxes, flour ndevat, meat saws„AUfee mulls,. concentmk4l,:iye i elms dratnini, fancy toys, lard eine, wash tUltS.AriVill boards:sheet zinc, tuarketand fancy baskets. exudors, iklifeboxest; Morel*. potent:tongs., coal buckets, tea kettles, dove and shoe Wicking. - :Mao, oils: rite, • Varnisbno. window glay4 patty, tanternev many •artielia tosannmerous teo mention. Al and en,'moditg, Oonting,andall kinds of Jobbing done Monier, and at tbetenariest notice. kemons wishing any of the -,abovernentianed articleiterpald do well by calling and examining before ptideltaslngelzewbere. •• • • s LOMON lilKWEdt; • Dec 1.4 'dll-4511.tfw,- • • N0..2:45 'Centre s. • . . • , •••- • COAL, 11#4104 . .1C5, . • filltekratile istiirswite I t differs sin tunny pubilsUt l 4, beesose It gives Akio si representation of the, Coal .eith • !bestial of all-the collieries Coil - • • ag., dr. • • : "tiek4l- 1 FD .. •aWit. e free ' mail on or sal ' • • 2.oo2kattire. Pc:4o4lllc' . , OP Iltll A , A Mt:7 • Aumagoa • a )".' tael.aki) itiet:74lWith 0201 . ass for P° 4! sheets Do 710 X it A OM :y` ~~ ririi. wberr~,t. BUILDER QV Vtgai Itr.tirbo. -•- Sionts, liangts; &r. =I • LANPOF I IVATOF .r IB 3 I2 JiarnTeXICAN FORDIGH7 COINS, STOC.ItS, GOLD, >VERN, MF.NT and "Aber BONDS BODUHT- and AOLD. COLLECTIONS mptly made ort all N points. . • •o pains, will ;be spared to Serve the Interests of those si'hotayor us with thelrbrodness. • . • • • • - JOHN S. utrAirrgzi !tankers and - Brokers,,!Soosh Ild St., noted Jan 1 .' 70 "• f—ly . • Coat Screen's, 4c. , . T LATTBENSTZTN & CO.. L .;Itive4.3:asions - ro Jon"; 11. - 431WTX. ' Manufacturer of. boa! IScreens, - - • Of Ore 'Latest ? and Most Apgave4,. - s tyles. seciald-hand*ereenSead segnienta alit - AYR on: 1 fold , ' respectfatly aalieit: a emittathinee of the p,t , mange heretofore so Itherrillyt estowed.- • - • L. LAUltil-NSTVIN & C- 0 .• Itailro . ad Sti rear .1 Diterly'r . flaralT u t 54 ‘ 471'. 1 . 4 1 . : Jan 1, SQUARE ROD AND wqtr. 9CREEN3 • . . SQUARE ROD AND WIRE SCIIEENS. • r.t rENTI 7 7.I) FP.l.4lr.t . ily 4, • M4Y:F.:I44r SCH4TYLKTI.I. (10.. rA. The :4Q.UAltk,' itop SCItEENIS, op uremia of , their. Slllp4rlor st reagi It awl tturoblllt.l', are preferred to altotherx wherever tried. Serkeit ola -Ortler proutOtly tined at ifinfleriab prin May .tr.}-7.2-"‘: 113 ItIA.NUI' , ACTUItE:.I) BY. .1(.)1iN A. IZOEBLEING'S SONN, Tim.vros,k J. . .. . • • 1 4 e , r lwl ie.. ecel l'llnes)lieiig,Sir . t ting E!eip 11l f ygi ng e •se.4,; . teion trld,eB, Ferries - stlVS llil 4; tys' , lll)errlekg, Cnns hnel shcars,. . . • I...leerietorx, TilleJrs,e.t.c. • '-. • •., - .1. I.Altt ;F; S.Te KW. 4.)1 NI ILI; ItOPI•; (.. 4 ..).NsT.NNTLY . eiN 11.).N1). . . . .. °r e l..; ..; tIllt•A witle like e plie ell. . . ire= For m t rfo rgt ,'s bre and vo4 t, Net , etreu Farm . ; which tell!W be sent on up:dn.:on. ' • Aug. 7.:410-31-ly ••, DFSeRIPTION FOR Mitres, Pjanes, Slays, Bridges, BEST (V: ALLTY and at L0WF....7 It kTEi.• Trauma ipo.loa by Wire It•Te..-Pi•tns.; preparot and contract:4.lllllAV. Jul). '2% '7v-1 ~roic Uicrk~. .) 31nellini4s: Founders & t'ar' Builders fin sg - rwe, Schuylk4 County: Ta. • . • L., •F H :1:4,/ifll I. WI; :Anti t•lf-4d11111,! ' , rift 4 'ar \ Ileo!'s .lag, 1.4, 10- - - • s' k • - t :1 :Lep% 0P,...513.4771:ni • LOVCV_HSTER IRONWORKS, (MOTTOES -1' TER OrrY_„ N. .T.—OFFIc North ,tier enth gt..lro4i I . IIILADET..I•IIIA. 01(111Uraclitrer 01 C . \ST IRON' (IA WATEILI'II'EI4,'t it'd iron: , licating add stcanl Plp-e-1, stop for Warr:: or (irk, flit Flre.(Pluo" Hy ! ArAnts, I .:atilo lia-:,lloktore, Veleses4ile or Min i bde. siltmi 'and t'Vrouglit tr.Al Work,. of sill klnds, iw,"%oe'l by livdromatle A'pril- 'lO-‘lO-ly . . pioNEyat CAI: WOIIKEL • . . ~,. „„._ .: . :110.-d-TH I)EliA:'4.Vl.', Ideora fere, t . i thht:l;e, S..haylkill t r'4io{l),. 44i. '. lliti in. , ' .. , olorgetl-ial s Car shop, Is; now prepared to build allLtitliti of Alin" for nittaltigt'ptarpoeted. Beloit* pra..tikal 1:1•:-4:od.. nod lia.% tog for ... . , .:t.11 , .. de% "led - ilittl , ,df etaltrv6; to tbk . , 'lnt..-It of tit.- I .t ,,, ine•t•:,siod,lttiliallit; of Iff ...-2- - - t 'ttAl. itiZr..% V. EltS. Ako, t,lie: Patuatee -- I' - - - Cr- - ''' . 1 . t .. =l7 lot IWo cllei;:+tit:ll Scif-Painloing: t'a'rh..._..' •• . IN 61, 1 : can iA.-eott wot, k tog a.Z:the ‘ - ‘,l - 1-.....:)t Meaara, P.mwroo. L.,,,.. , ...i3.... , .: (•,,, whi Patterson, Eltringlutta di t',:.; A...111:.:::1..011:1 :It ''Ah.-asis. It.-A.:tto.alie'd- tw,.. 1. l'i'v;don C...1.i ..: ie., (I, . ttville...Coal .Itrakers- built lat 11, ,I,•:.o it. 00r,c.•,, Coders i“.llolted. . '.. A ilt - iN.::it- 1!-1}., .I°5EOll 1:11.:I.:1NEV.. ~+: .. „, .._. . . _._. IXE.N.ANDO.MI.IVOII-IWditics - , : 110 l: Ungines,. un , .111 1:linls or 1-,lstlngs to nag' ngs nun!‘ , l•kolder.' . At Len, Um], i.) l.l.t*tinelliaa...tkirk! of t'it CATIIER. I, , 0 UN D IIY k taiD MACHINE 31PDP,STEAM 1 I CAR 1! . ..A.C./.1.01.2Y .'d C. • -,. 1 "l'he ,al:,.,:tata.r V. qulil tall attetillat ,--,..... -t , ./ia. Auta.rior liwilill...s p. , nri..*(4l,liv ' i f,,,l q ii,;: ~ him I , Tlae VariOUS., I ITIM.`III",•44 . Sten-In,, ' , ::.' •••^• Kia.:lne building.. Iroa 'Founcltrug,.awl'. ~ ' 111.!fliiLLIIIII1 , 1lriliig ac all kinds r.t Tap- . "- i 't1.0412:4 - elsitte..r . l'..r Edit 111.4111iN, liiilAt Fllrllf,l3,l:.ll,llnta I 'i s tit,st V..... st e. • s.'s t. . - :t: - : ' . I 1.,N, i a :ek.)', , ,t;t,ina... the hurstries, or Illi II I lig *ilia • !•••14111.1:4 :t.:1.• .1.•hr..:. , ,l Plia• For,.•.T. \ late ststi tt.ta.l, hot it:: rite s , ,is-,t)r.spriettei . of tit.l4,...nirry. Slt. I, il —/ , -I.YII Jail. I. ' , i'/W tin:‘ I, W„ ti:c y DKR. ; . .._ fi.OPTSVI.LLI: ROLLING MILL. • - ' . . , \ ' , 11.:.7 S!: I:V.01'1i f'.1r. ,, , l',1k111:! :1•:1 - (.11:ri ' ' “ IN., Soll,,vlkill Cemiat .; 1.,L.. .." M!• , "0: I : fa' t ',lna , .4 lt.11!: - ...,r.l. 1r0a,.1!.t li f ... T /11 , 1i::" Itaik. ar ., ., la cpartAl If I 1 • 1•1`.:VI,: ;01 , ..:%.Ik•iit 1.••/:47.01 . ,:::. •11" rt :0.1 if' . .., r .V .. • ''''',. ric r.,...., ff.,rany :It, t :,`!! t ia•ordir.ary , i:a•N ! AI:7 , ', t.. .. ~., ''' . 7a1112:4 , all . ~.;*a p!..: aw:al, pVai, • • - 1 4` . r i ms •Cil n•; I: t. t -4.:,..t , l 1 : r:li/ , '` i•rt• : 1, 11y1•1 l'Ll•li I rl . f , /re I CO * :11V.r:1, la,. i TT, all e.5........,.1t - st e Iss.s : r.:ttls. Alt.. • .t.;:t. 1... t.,.., .'s: I! It a. 1...":.: - 1:3 '.''.. :;.t.. tt 1.1 11 1 ,1,1:11.1.:10 t Ji.• .....i - d,..•11,, :IYi ,- ;.1.1..4 IP I, :( Illi , Ililt,lit .1,1,1 ,slll.O/ rots :t., Wit:lft , ,!. '. - • ... 2 . . 1111. 1, ;70-41y To cd_. . IL CI:EI. 4 .A..TOITS AND 4.INERS 1. , :rile •, 111;:iTit..-IN a ~:pectitilly invite the ntf.p.:lll..ri - itt The Inviine....4"•innimiti- 1..1= ~jtvjo 111 . ,..ji•jihilq W;lrt - {q On Rallroi-d . i a., . ••••' :.:t . : 1,1" n. t 1),•,p,i,..e1iz r ikep. ,, T, Pott .. ..,i. ... , :t„ i'lii.•, NVilert , I hry - ,:are puryntrol 14 nia t- ~Big ......., • • AIOIT.E1:14 OF• . 1)1 itt 140111'1S (01 Wind. • . . ~' ll, • it.: pract 4'ol ivy:OM:nos ; and Ineving foc years • devoted thetuAelves vitt:ft:l3:qt) thhibranelt 'of the business, tatter thelm. , l yes thatswor • done at their 4,,tabliKliniont will gIIN , ati.fticclo.4l , lo all who may - favor.thetit' wit It a call. Individuals. I ful.eothpanies Nrili.ll4: it great,ly „to their adrauta ~ to ex:Milne 'Eitel r'w,a lc' nefore em , ,a li lig 't•ISWXIII•rI. , . .,1: " ,2 • .- - , . JOHN:* .. 5 Ns:rtil.:,. Jan. 1, .o—, . ' • ,NlA•rli 'w ft,H01).4.... ORCIZAIID in9l7 WORREI, .. • • • ~ .. yorr:•;ra•LE,.PENNA., . 1 - ' The , 41thsefi hers are prepared to far- . tii•di k0A...11_.i;,-•44„ . 1- 7 7c1,;73 -0,,n1 :111'1:Inds ' r . ' . :1:01111:: , :give: And .C,VITINGS- fir„• •-•:••••-• . - Mme,, 'Mast Furtuiees and ltolling 49' -.M i I IS, II tig. IiLIA 7 e a full ao,,ort went of t.4e , t ....::'. " tito.t arpt - ov'o,l I)atterii, hir V Eirrti•At:, etoi,Ltst: m IL111.•;;S;t4IN ES,L:igIIEEZEItS,SIik4AItS, PUNCH i NO AACIII N Ezt, Mid sill other Alaeltinery required. lo 'the m nu afacture of list il road Iron it..,nd liars.. . The folio winqi:teani Engine, are IVAN On hand, and ready for rd,.:! I ver„,- • p . „ , -1.1 , ..ine Nut cy I; ISlll.titte"..!l•,ll2' S 1;.: 11l eyl.lBlnst'ke 1' 2.• - 111 ~ " 21 " , " . I " III' r : 4 1, - . 15 ••• o : M . ... 1I • - 11 " " "Zi " ' if' ."' .1/ ", •• ,‘• •• •• '2!••• •• ; •• • I; 4 1 14 4414dve Eng Clies'ate al I new, autlibtillt upon the th oipprov.,l princfples, anti Calle& tjeett id't 110 WOrks the: 44411 ,, eri14er5. Also, aCu tekortment. of • -19elferIng S Ibis is' Stain Engine Governors. on Von!, which have giVt'll I/ sir ist,i!.l- , Kept. 1, •b"1-s"kly rrr . .WA4MNOTON IRON NVORICS..--!.. - NOTII works 4 if the *ft; firm of Wren ..t 7 B w Brother. known 't1 -s , the "WIAIINI.;ToN IRON' WI tall's," wilted bn coal st eet, In the . nor/igh /if PlittaVllle, will IA eon in- • .it by the snliscrliair in a 1 its various • •••• •-••• branches:Nl z Steam 1•2113:Ine 144111 d I OC, and all kinds of machinery nir toLtith r iioa or ore; bk - Ist furtatice4 of brlCor Bold blabt ; I " aakithiscif railroad casting-sand ralirtint) ear fixtures 4.1 Wronglit amtinst nat.; all kinds of,brasS casti riga h 0 ila , of anathwor.t. anthill gazes or the latest lin. prov ett, punt pa, mingle ands douhie acting. Heim Itlug promptly at [culled to and neatly excented. I - Ity earetuf attention to: business the subscriber trusts Ite.w ill recetve a share of attblle patronage so liberally besttowed 00 the late 1 Jon. 1„ , I . I - 'I.IIP-4 • ASHLAND IRON WOR*S.,_ . • The •• • ;' , 54 . 1 wrs are_ no w" ' fully: y. D! ,. paged to furn islt, .81 I e .x:;ittalut on . Works, Steam I , :tagi nem and Ithinn!s'; sq f . , 4 ( telly poWer anti eifpacity, - Mr 81141 .441 lier 1144,:e5, ' 4 *tell direau• •-••• g u • era" of every size and pattern. nritie •„ -use, to -4,4,4•4 her lei I h 4..114:4411gs and 'Corgi tigA. of I•very: dew:Op tion. Coal and Drift cats of tilt sizett and patterns,' large Track ainr 'tors, Cars, 'ail furnished at the - shbrteat notice.- The snlAcrart•ntAatter,theinselves that, Inasmuch as every metillicr of the. arm- I t Ii practleal mechanic, they will be aple to !arras!' machinery that Ictl I entiante faVi!trattly with any In • ;110; Retauti.• _lll .iolers:d I reefed to 311 1. 4 41(51 It, Ashland. S.l ik ill 'o's my, 1.a... w , ll. receive peon pi' :at tenthin. , a: S!. ARNE! .". ANllligitt, Jan. I. '741. ,- 1- • " LE • I 1: 0 N 3." St It R • Ilk. ‘ltl .11:1ht.R....„ proprietor, • - TA Aaa 1.); 4 - to?:.dry; Ravi fg.,;.en 114.1-zed: 141,44011 1.17 and lOU- if ; 144 eldrie,hl3 l . at the Eagle Iron Works.. ' d ,Timulinia, an Inns very mat L r -•• ftl•ltP ' increased. their eapaeity for (tinting ont a`• - - work in las line tit •Inisine.4s, he is • prepared to trtalt;- ettearn Enginesland rumps of shy power and . capacity; for .11111114•44; 31aelancry tor . areuitery. and other . inals,l and for fur nace,: all kinds of ea.l ngs and forgiai's, '.:Ait.ekiicriettee of many yetirs tII timeliness. w I the faella ti, which the... works HOW 441.5e55, 4•nat4144 the proprietor ru out the very heist and them f sat isfactOry work, ' ()Mere whirrs-sod re. m:crt l ' W.!" - f.TiCTtet, Ea e 101 m - Works. Tamaqua, etch nyllat a CA"' — - receive prompt attbation: Ju , MHEIPALO ALTO mow - Are prepaisq to 'furnish T weighing front ::J Lo 7u„psininlil per ,* ItAlLS—frockjs to OipOunds per yari . to suit ettlitir'for horse ears lf . r motives. these roils are. .cif tll LATEST Nil .t6101` . • - ALTIRW•EI PATTERN:4. AN), IV Eceponit 41 - 4144 ert• Men is of SIEficil.NNT BAR stpulfo: 'Oval, Half Round nu , ' flrooveil. ItODP AND 1.1. 1 1 ND flit lN VAR AX LEA. ItAltritteA 0- ett:111%,,4, i'LATES , AND 1100KSPIK for rititi: ,inade of the best lbrunds 4r e ittt blus.t•--eitureoat iron, re:el y use l. either •to rails,- street rails or lust 'instil A 140 1 ,, ittl - hinds of CANTINGS-Epit WILLI:Cs; MILLS., irVe ;as° 0... vita attention to our lIIFFEttk.:NT I',ATTERNS•IOP S:IIEAIt.-1 Alt cuttinirolit rat iron, I*;:‘ LIU .1.1 - WOOL) ; rupriet or .1" Office cot. See.nul and Market Shs., Pottsville, PA.. "i • • ' • • 'INDIAN POWDER MiELS.-411. onlers for tue'above rowum cart bt left :at , Life otter, 17$ Centre rnmet, with ROBERT B. BF:4T11 or tat P WALLACE , itYO'4C Esq.:. et , . thePenneylrlibli, Nutlonal Rink , and will be proniptl.r. attended tn. June 2,. 7e--ltki-2t-234; , lite TE fizazscorivor Ca l iST.l 7T SPEtAVLES m strain use no raln up on the EYE. They seem to. b e as It 'were *a. pair of eyes. and ono hiay two the a *hose without reeling that one Is hxiklug through an I Actalaurface. Ear male only hy • • .. • JOSEPH DIM RR. Optician , No. . Irriyeitta . Jany,15,16--si-tr , . - . , - Wank =MM=4 X .I.!CrFAc,n-itemor ME wEr. ND: \VA rAk build Stettlii SEPTEMBER,'.; 18.70 EZI ithe Sonnet.. _~:._ DRIVING vroitAl.vo itonsrs , briving working horses iiiffers from/PRI are driving as much as does its object. dZsideratum in pleasure driving is' a eertah .yle-arni airman' bi appearance, while teal., ing or btisitiess driving has for its . Main ',Nettheinst eeetionly of the strength of it ; te.ant, and its application ttrt perfurmaii e oflabors. lt - true 'that a feamster have aettst pride in thenppeitrance and sty i hisAchm,.bnt this should always be sat„„ dihate. tb - tb6ir uSefulties:;i, and the malt' Tirn: lem4hich he luei to. solve is, how to 'hr.! . certain atfiounkofittyestedeapital, and a ,tain'atriount of-hay and grain to the hest - COMA, in perforMing.the work 'in ‘vhiei t is and his'teant tire employed.: ~'lo • this, having the' horses Ted in -a mataier give them thegreatest health; and , Orootized that—their systri.. are 'in the best condition for approp ria t i the -nutrtmetit - ofAheir the' - following rules alway4in view : ' ' • .Firl4.-:,The.loa4Fsitouldri be just. Bch: t t 60m-orteam can ineveity!ai o n g - ,-I„ neither so light that they :ire pe,:opyin t; tituc,iiigoingoNertae they can draw, or so heavy that they nu': oyer4ox theirstreagth to draw it, or - sliap, hike breath and recover from the etreets too thud. a strain ; in short, they gliould4 . l all they can do, comfortably, !lever lunch:iv-. acid never any 'pore. • &cal4d.-1-liir,'es, Will work I ter if th'e_ . . are kept 'well. up to the bit t not sonli ! j ell o s ,to pall on-it, hut just enough to feet its etre( and to receive its support in ease - of -a tat , step; than when allowed. to beeonte negliget and Careless in , their` gait. Thiti/. - -W.heittlive are two- or more 11,,r, es hi a team,. they'sluMid h so harnessed .0 to - draw' exactly 'alike. This requires l -then to be or:Uniform dispoAtions,.and in equal! good training; any .deviation from this 'wi -Muse One horse to do more and, ;motherly , - than .hlti sbare . etthe work. ,Fourth.;.:—Working horses should never' i dratvpig, except it, is absOliv , •ly nfreessary andl,4len they should not pit, ply ,belapped. tuft smartly punished manner that - will eauc3e them to under-iflo that their driver really, means th;it they work, and :work properly. • • Fsflh.--:lfliecei,ary . going up a hill, let' the bnit be :1-1-:1; lhi (ri: • taneofrom the foot of tho•lii I they Ili:, now me,habit .or -.topping foot ()revery . hill. whi-h they 4 . ;:c9llllti•r:j . WiletethOkare'fti ly 1.1 pr...oared goon, let th6t allow "itch ;they nt,.it in-such a Case hoe toor 4 . ill ind than. t ~wiarld gaits in init.etti , . - ..`lf e i ) 1.1 i ' era ,ply tip every hill leeting that it, 14 timeh laie.l;er_to--,4 7 ; rt. a b., against a hill than it is to kep.'4.. it itt after it is - Starteil.' At the - .-:thpof vvory e 4 h4.r sttip t!.• Or lei t!"-, walk slowly for a - 1-', %Mad 'Ow:: . recovered fronr the, ett't:N. , . ertion. • • • • all' u'n , t t p. r i•, ,) plaees'„ tiIiNIVS- load,: the. drivCr ovoid exeiting his leave by patience, but shorth! lodd Own] the'llit , , and tall: to thew in a qui-et terrnine(} t - eoll and rt.soluie, pulling evenly and Ily until they. start their . &::d. king asudden jinn p,,at it, as litany nen, Such niiivent„ j£l very likely. todiSeoliCert the other hots--; •and exhitusts.the strength Alain'. than t• ti ties the effort properly expjnile.l: - • ¥ h nderke;eittling a hill, •eSiieetai! it" there be no break or drav, on the w}us •t to team should,be so held hack that t.l wagon ,never gets ran increasing lq.ceil; the pole should he kt.-0, in an wf.41,1t,1i nt• and nu t 1./1(• Nrli4ut):" • team liever ;hardly driven.ns to I,l•otne Nowa (wh;:it e - Is'pottsibletoli•vold it nor should they evi be allowed to keeciat. indolent; (reareib:s their gait. They always he icetiv and willing, hut never jrupatii;:it: to do nail than is - clearly ",withit,t their peWers.."( ill -4 Meciett:; Mock • ,r, . • IN iktrltiLiug ethni nir vat ile, it is hot 1,"tt.1, to the irtin front tile - I . :t tlita the. zittc'efittilic,t,- . . ii r ttltle tit zirter-14:iwz. 0;1,o t, - 01U , n, :In t l elite in ttlclttott.‘ would he ;tern 1... , 1•11 . e.• tru.s c(itittlinS stow, frist; ni•iTt., o o . introduced into 14,11 i Sy. -10111 IV/11;11 - i, Ity;tio j.nelins!ticsirtildt;z - , :7, • • • . TJJ of-wly,q4 i 61.4 It,' Alo• fore , :eitt .i-. antl v..,lttoti are trliv•li 1. , e1t4'... I !tan I a.) , 1 t • .o • T.Vo 1 lk •.; ise't 11:111 Croin the . e:;, , of N0 , 11).• , '0.'1e , 1. th_fs „year'. l'eN:l*-4 1 13 ; ( ~„ i;.,,';•• Aoring 'se:No:l* ;:ltv! , • t•r n. • v , 44.) 4,14) • pENNSYLV,ANIA ' via: Sri P.,:rsv x.. 1.:., PA; 1.••• e ne iVeiy retioyl,ti , •l pormanPnt ap,l Mrv4- • Jime 7. 7.;--wtt" . . . pHILADEL.PIIIA • f1 4 1.:1, We be; twituvoin,•;i;:ioAl,- 61i1 the publle, w.• o welcome -to , .inir estbl)l.l , ihtneitl, ,itll:tr.,• ~• 1;4-m11111W ab.l*.kl,li•Oltlat 1;1 t; . itY lirotherk. , !""-A •. erh,iitl of Ann • i Ii a . \Ve:s - ay 111 a I 1,1.c0n.• it 00 Museum Is the Novilly of Ito- Aso. • i -JUSE.I'II - t.;MITII; of the ..zt - 511111 ,, ,b;.tb.i10 , uI 341, Asli1;111;1, II uTpfurE: English, .Clas'sic; 4n.J. :FrenCli ' •• and: S chool, FOR 015 N T., A. 14 I 1.: S . owci, tr,{e Y. V. W. NTAIN SR/11,F •" . . 1 . DAy ,•are %vitt be givt , il Yf f f 1 1. Y ! : •):Pert , •ll4 - ;,41" - Ictieli6e . rul ! tr. t ni.. • !;, "T UE HTh ILL" INSTITE 7 - • . Co-I.I& I I, I . • English, Phlcsien.),.. , 4eient-kih;,. riitit ittr.l.o eial..:Loc•adnn cuitntrnLh. Twentlillt A ?mind 5110t1:' T.lnfro4tai priepar a f Eun t , ityront..ll,.! , lV For e.ireninis whirrss • A 4 0— ." • REV. lin); 3111.1.1Eit, A. .•I ir•Ett Etgt•R.;-=ltevs. J ,1i t;lgs, Rraut ll"tilter, Av. I. w. Ynst, Iliov,er • 31. etc: • ..•• • • 'Wattlles . nito—,..itiurtri. - • • SOLD SILVDE - AND 6.ILVED.f 1i A T Ware ot every tto.Netiptiort and suitable km liriklartlifts,.Temtinvinitts, if Hi. - Pr.. 'Wilk. Prices lower than the 1,1 trk - , r , Exinaiirdina . ry indtie,.ments to imn.hit. (i - Efi: ISECIL b L . . , 1311/ )1: A 1 I. Oct. 2:4•:6 14-13-J? •71•;.Mett street, I Cu-Atr.,12,.!. , . • - ri,nl7 . , • . 1 93* ••• FISHER BROW, .-wateh**; (I(s(l4.*•,,Jewf:iy,,,, • Engasminent Mugs,. kis; K sii Platol Warr, I 4141 ii• - ; VOrk Ware. etc, . • • n•al 4,1• '3 Woobrd: Co,'m Parlor Ciittro!l u.lltri, P,ra. End 3lttslral N r D2reliattlize'rezn,r ‘ tll3-. • .* l° • W4tch-rcpulri nig by culiitletellt'UtOrk.ll.ll,ll: 0.111 n4ll exttritrne' pix•, .aclYt;, I wlal °• _ , pistiEtt !Mani • . I it t-ty Sept, 'o3` - P SINU iAY . '• ..:; " 1161. i I)xy , (nn-)1)•$: Raving jdAt ref urnel frbrj Ow Eiv.tern nc.!.rit”l'.. wilt open on the, Ist: .4 th..3...inbife; t he'llti..,t a... , .'0,1 ment vliotrday (loo:t. evcr o:tcrcil, In this- Mal k.• embraelng both Forc).ll. will 1..),n, le 4`.1.!..:.1.3;•,y1 , , inch as • GTA)Vi.; 4:.ITANDICEIZ.I. - .:.fil•il : ' 1.10X1 , - , -7 . .... . f . • _WORK' BOX • , . . .. .• . JAltbEglErt. 4 .l . - • .... • 4 • i - " P(otiltifr_Vii.S.i.N, r . t(it!ftl::, : s . , flltto 4 ;zl , .:+,.t ~ , Solld'Sterijuggilyr..lW-nre in . gre:lt V itr :I: V . i .. i , Plated Ware , al Ileantr..ful tlehign,,l4ll-I,Lil. oi.o yOurseleetton.,-- •-..., - . It. . GM , EN 178 Centre Street, iikr 11:11ens . Pol t, >•! Pottsville, Augnst 2A. , . OLD.IIEDAL "WATCAEs, :.T E...\‘ , " E , Ili It:t.; , ... . . N . 0. 932 OFIESTNI73 SiTitEET, . ill ILA. I ,L 1. 1 .11 I x. I.liive J mot rv . .elvecl. (ii' Si, tllll.l. zi•!ntlker Lc:.4.- • -• 41. 3113 r or the celebtatcd COPE . IN . HAGEN. -IV ATi •: Evoelnlly thanufarturc• I for4!kqe Nab.; by : tlegrett. ' I'ltedu.'lVa4lrra a . ,listiogoihtled us ;•ik, QUALITY. s ri LE aipI,ACCUR i•NZ, having thi.mot votive,' ir-ut arrangrUolit• fag dind"Settin.j, ancl . turul-Ard at. a p•ritm.../- Alio our (tat new - : • • • Gen • Sva; Enjlis"l--pnd . . • • : • CIOLD . • ~ • - Itztektit.r. c-.Kcisettr-24. in evory of do ll'lainit liflee..(llrret. from 'the . 1%1:17, I •:.? rt. with newest and bee"3...rtylot . Gold. Chains ;Seats, Xeyi, &c. • &c. . • . . TIMEI%S FOE THE TURF'. . .Feb e, '74)=5.1.y . . -• ,„. . DIE ~I*- 1 6-telg. Ill=l (rlucntionnL. c3i:o. - ~ ~:N H