The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, September 17, 1870, Image 4
FORTY' IXTH YEAR. humorist. RAmstiv Potts, Esq., one - of the can didates for • Assenthly •on the Republican ticket ftrquests us to - ttare,•in,4c: olltradiction of a report in circulation itf.stitue sections of t 1 county, that he is ticitifei by the lies'Of con ,a„authity, nor by business relationshtp,t connected with Baunan S Ramsey,liroprie; tors of the IdiEltS' JOURNAL—Sh .darddocth Ciru licrattl,loth inst. ' ^ .sA colored Baptist clergyman preached in certain church in Montgomery - county last •:-:dliy. "said church being withour - a regular minister. After service, one of the officer's came up end handed 'a fee often dollars. The minister looked at it. turned it over two or three times, - cleared,Lis•thr'oat, • thesitat ed, and at last "This Is all right as far as" goes ; brethren ; it VS justright for the preach ing in. the church ;• hut as I had some conversa tion with an impenitentrsinner on the front steps, I thought fifty cents more wont(' be • the correct thing." `That Is the t s ,tdry'as we heard-it, and it was aSI-Crtilt illat l ,o6e of the 'deacons grumbled zks he paid, f-A the halollar b6* 11 ,4. prices ought to eiii i ne down • no - th:ir the war wa,r over. TEEM . : is an interesting questihn pending . 'amon the • • s portsmen of Chester.; ,np-H g pears that the two principal plit:%•Crti of-the game of ninnildey-peg enguge4 in a matth • for the championship a week or twa ago • -and when one of them, named slag. had. ,to pull. the peg out of 1, he ground •his teeth,it was driven iii. no far that he could hat (AS - move it.. Mr. Slug has false teeth,' and, while making a laSt desperate _effort to r~ireet•the Egg; his whole aet came out with afjerk and rMittined elenrhed oh the peg.— .31r.:r3lag's oppiinent tinnteuds that .he had no riglit r io another trial 'inlets he gummed it`; wLilt Mr. :Slag says he %yak, ummilitedly entitled to , . the privilege of.lnser i ting his lecilhatorgoing at it ragltiFh. C umtr " v “* . upon the suhjeet runs V litery erli in! Closter, tend. it is • iniiinao2d 1 that a ,Muntlileyspeg congress will he as!•elphled. , to fix lie rol es in.,: 41111i:tie sje rtl :1•;. fast inalti ta::i races{'' g‘iiirna4. _,.-• • WE. are s.atti'.'• fh learn that the. Govern . until has . ilete . rtuincil upon coutpulsofT vac eiuntion of the lndia nA. .It seems ardly worth while to nialetinke th. - civilize these . i: , ..ivages and keel, .thew at peace, if the' rights are to be hi:rill:lva in this manner.— Every indian has within his hosont nu in ,stiiSetive love of libertv. . Ile know:011ot he Ls entitled to the Samer - priviliges the pale face ; 'and if, offer robbing •of land. Itis hutraloe, and v, lid tre(4,loill,'lve are t o d e priv e nim !of ii smolt-pox, liow can -we,tt mule; that lie g ets upon :he war-path ? ,:tVe think it worthlio vity mindi wiser for the. Government to liny :out the patent of 41 1 -111 who o ,has- invned a new voriety of the disease. and give r it to the Indians without cost. ! A tittle net oif getter . osity hke this Nt• • TiliS iMproved . has thel iiventor's name Oil every r e,tole. Beware of examter 'None gent ine without his itiongratu. • . ' - 1 , . . - .1 . 111:mi was a tan' ill ill .00Vii.,toNVII.Whe j!: . 1(1 hi:, life insured, oiddintne.tiately shit:Le:dont io realize on his ~,iiikeD lie hadma-arm Cut °it'll' a saw-mill; 10i17,,5t a leg I,Y being r .11 . -. oN- e r owthe:raii.4..'ad . ; :his dose tivas bitted 0'... 11Y a Ilnor l ,tlo.' At 'Il a!;...k.yrot-,ket- aeeide Malty vent oir',faii7/14, it hint through the lung.: Stililie reidainetfalive and irs.healthy as ever,' Then a torpedo A 'hied lie tried to-eratt with ~ii i .: teeth, c-xidoeed ;:tfil blasted lii- mouth the.size of thif.... ammo' li Cave atid II brick fell from 0 :-..-"atll4ding itiol - snia lad his sl:till's1", that he lad h) . I.e trepatiLe I. :li-t (-- afterwtirtis lie etoLC , .ht ti l de - moll -pox,.:i id upon his recovery art-.'siiiit 1,01 doWri ‘villi lie ytil low feve-r. I.)tiritigirl-ilirieSs he swtillowed, a inadvertently, quart, a bug-poiso , think -Mg it NV,I ,, 'llle.llyllt-. ! llitt he got veil—this nein ilia - I ,nittell i4 - i hisLdisapptit , nen;, and ..w.i: - Itirourtyl - atlain in j 0 111111111111? , hearty IL , ,ever,: SliHellleialy 11'11 fell : ;:rotii_tipsise and : broke his reniai:,iliw to so tliat it. hail 'to he amputated, and hiS lit-rt :tint' was „torn. oll' in . „ 0 roiling-min. ire ~ t itts earrida7liwily on a stretilier, and,on . tile ti•io,l he was attidiketl by 41.,1/(.1*() of (111111 t. al A/ 11,0r1.111,111r.111.1g1k 111111 through with 'their lit rips, xy lite I Ite hot \vas %-o intense-that hi.t„lvassunstr itek. 1 But he re eovered ill alssit a month, 'lurid' to his dis gust, and wa - - in splendid -iiitaith. i when his lioa'se burne4 doik'n 'ono night, : land; as he itnahle to move, eeerYbptlYl lhou , :ht lie was done-for :it last. ; Hut, strange to say, he -was rak,l ofitri l ext niorilite4 elitiried a little ' Init. as lively-al ever. lie was - -st) much ills -, gusted at this hat failure that: he abandoned his life insirrailt-e, IM4lswore lie t‘vidild never ' pay another vent. toWtirds such a swiiidle. Singularly enough, that very-410Y he atesonie toasted cheese for dinner, and it disagreed . wit ti hint so in [tell Aida he died in spasms in four hours. l'erimps the word Chagriliwill - IfeSt'etipre-, the eimilition . or iiiiild . 4l.: which he found himself in kis last tmOments.' after . all the 1)01115 he : hail !taken tit gefid (di, that life insurance eotnpany, to he heaten.iiii that way.; lie hadn't heart eigsvgli. left do get oil' any liist-3vOrds. 'lief Only stkitilit was laird. Sonic Men seemed never to .iiae anything fiut misfortunes, !no ittatter how.lpeNistingly 'they worl;t4l, and lie sobbed ti he ~thought limy. ninvh it wOold have littO 41-WS -pocket if he hail Liktwit otiy Ills brainS' tin -.the first 1 • place. - --j --•• 1Vn..ft.v.\1,4.‘ V,_ Prill I'S, IN one of; the cateliaate, forlFsetuttly on the-'lZepublicatt - ticket 'requests tea to atiate, iii comminution of tt.retutrt in ei n111;01(11011 saNne;eetiotts ht. _count y..-Oett he ka nett ter by the ties of r:no sangtatti)v,, nor ittositte, relation-1)0p, conne;teji withAlantk,Ln &It:11117 , y; proprie-• .tors alit& 'a= Cad /hcfrfit,.lnth;;/,(J - „ i• Itintclifs nub, IzAcluttru. • • SOLID SILVER 'AND SILVER, PLATED w•ure or every ileseripti.n 'suitable h.r.P.rldal(illts, Testimonlnk,)l,,U,,bly Pres ents. Priees 14ei*, than the lepulai73nvirlcet talcs. Ex fra,,rdi Initueontetits ti , puretcnsers. . GJ.:O. IT. nEeirTEL. • N 0.716 A reli street, Phil:m.10011a. 193 ! FISHER EROS; 193" dowetry, • Weddingtoil ET114:itt , 111(Ilt 1:1111::4 r I...did,p-Pqii'er awl" A n In•th-1 \Vare, W..rk hoses, Chou . . :‘ , ..ortinent of Mugon and Geo., W , ;l , 4. Climon Organs, Pianos, goner:llly. ' • Wat Nvorkirnen. . ( ...-‘ ll and On -, el,..e‘vhefe. 01 Pi t..!. . sept. I, 4. " OPENING DAY. HOLID liaving,lll,4 returned front di, wilt op ii on the l , t tzf nett of ilolt4:13 - t;. ;is ever etiihrbpiug both ForeiO at4Dui . ULOV ANL) ROXES', \Vol; JANDE.74:IA.F....i; • • - • DIYQUET • FIGURES, ItßW.szr.., , :; Ro;id-f4t—eij ti, Silver Ware in great variety. •Fine . Ware of beauettul duslgn, Call -anti make your milection. • R. C. GREF:N, 17.0.; i'ENl'rtr; sT..,:o•Minefs'. Rank, rorr r..i.tsv, 11 . • . . • OLD ITEDAL WATell.E*. - \I; • •.1 - 1-7. \N" E }AI S, ••' - • rv.r.'. CHESTNUT STREET, PH:IA DEI.PHIA, 11:,ve" iust rervivkil :-.tteanttlr another large sup; the 41:1.1, - .81tA rt;1) J• ' . ' 'OP EN II A GEN 'WATCHES.' • • I :I‘.-e;ally zwinufacturvae their.s.ale-, by Ekegren: : , . • , The,r •Watehes ati - e . illstlngiiished ILA excelling iil , (2 r ALIT Y - STILE .ksi) A C.C.U'ii.‘ (...'l7, 1111 .1 V ill ~•' I iltNi.l.4,:t conveniental L ratigentrut 1 1 4)r . frinti io.f; and M. n, and funthihetlat a vci - vmod.6 - 4teeo.•,.' .11, , r, oiir full... Low of • - -• Geneva; English and ATherican I' 1 N E li OL IPAN" A TCI 14..5. it ELT ‘1:1.i: TI N IF - tilll:lstitY; 111 every \ - nriety of,fill• I` , ll 1111. i pri. , : , lin‘et frhm the :ill., tltt:acturers, with iiew,}Nt •,,11.1 1 -.1 styles of • ..• Cold Chains, Seals, Keys, &c., 4%1%. A i ~,, ' - . , • TImERs 1.•01t Fell r, '7O-6-1y I NDIAN POWDER 'llll/11.5.-,-..1.11 for ••1 the nbove POWDER enn be tett nt the vencre et rev!. With ROBERT B. , BEA'rl.l%, WALLACF: P. RYON. 17.(1., nt the PennkylvAnia 'Sat bnial Bank?, nytt will be promptly at I eittilYl t(i. gTnn~_, 7,01 trr.:l-2:4f. Ti oNt As•witgN tr:UP,ERIOR FAMILY COAL al WaSS on hand; •,3 t 4-Oen. lett at the °Mee of C. M. RILL, ISU Centre, .§tre,71,14-111 he promptly attended to. , ' - ' , Mar 2a f9' 22—tf tit ECTECANMT SEAMLESS BAOSl—tlir War • th-n ,4 the (zounty Pris,4l has it large nasortment I ~t ,stioerier I 'lo,k and s. , antle•et Bags otrlutml. 'Also • MIN kits . ll( It rD3 AND Slit )Es. which - he `offers for f:114., :it the Priym, at,low prices, lor ~,• “l- inghest: - .i,11 pri , . 1., rahl for Carpet ltags.\ \ _ . • .Inne •))3,•, - ,..1_,•:,..... . ISA AC, 'A Ai n. . . - • - r. MO RTON, k.OO L § • . . 1, 0 , vi,..n. to li. B. CitOf7. ,, SETT. • , 31 \NI - r. , ...,; 1 l'img•; Or .'LL SI( .tITZ! . OF I. ' . . 0 : , 1 ' .1 : 1 11: , P. : - - 13 It I. C liZ.', For Furna ,, ,. It:r,i-iing Min,. Forgec, steel Wrirk• , :, . I,ltne Kilns, ('u4 la rnrnac.,:. MAWR'S 41,n1 • T/LES,.fi. Mug. FUrn..1., , ,, GaN Works, .Ma - 'cable-Irsll Work v.'s Ilvt•ii.Green 11005,4, - ..t.e. s.4o're, 11. , .^:0er anal Dang e Linings., Cylinders_ &e.., of ,el)ery ' . th,e;rlpttotcl.s.o6l.l.. . , Fire-Alay, 1 3 Cm:11n, Fire Sand . ; Cement, lit Milt. • or Barrel. lAmonti: Mouth of Woodbridge emelt, I , :' . J. ' ntal Peek) kiAl, N. Y„.,, P. 0. Atithi. , ...,s, Plerth Amboy. N. J.. or Doeks kill. N. Y. .. - . I , it.prli 24 70717-1 y • - • • - THE. PERISCOPIC EL/138'1 1 AL 1. SPECTACLES cause no.strata up fir'll" on the EYE. • They seem tots , as it were a; sepatl, pair of eyeq, add one m ts - Ilse Mem' to wrolc. day without fe ling that °net.: :.. .king throng i an art! ..., Oda} stir ace.- • For sale malif I,y• • - %, • josETH DlfEntt; 9pt itii[i a , : \ 0.215 Centre St, July[l6, '70.-. , -..11 [ I"' OR SALE.—A new ona tirst-elass TQF3Y GI: Terms rem;onable. A ;11,1v ;o 1 May Ti ' 53.1.1 • = gra= 1 ; I ' i , SE z & BISTIAN. ' - , -• 1 ' ' I t . ,I. C • _ . , Mac Lai ; ,Yoaderillz CoOr Builders ! u -F _ Pinegrove, Schuylkill County, Pa. Drii 144 in) NI% east on. mid, and self-olltril Drill Whoeig a IPecialtr• ' ,i, - Aug- 13 . 10-33- Gm s STAk'k\- r ..- C j .\ 2R Sep * lO, -1m , Err— fbIICNSTER =ON WORKS, GLOUCES ki TER CITY. N. J.—Orrlar., No. 8 Nsrth Sev enth St., west side, PIISLADELPUTA, manufacturer of CAST IRG; DAS and WATER PIPES, Cast Iron Flange Point In& Heating and Steam Pipes, Stop :Velvet; for :lib *ter Or Gas. all slam Ftre (Plugs) Hy drant*, Letup Posts Gas Hoiden, Telescopic or Sin gle, Ouftintrsand Wrotestit Iron Work, of all kinds,' for Gts Wor ts . Ali Pipes proved by Hydrostatic Press re. .1 April 16, 10-16-ly . . PION CAS CAR WORKS' - JOSEnt DELAkEY , PD.OPRIETOg., . 1 a hfand, SchuYikal Count:" Pa ' Hav mg enlarged hla Cox Shop, it now prepared to build all kinds oftlmt for mining purposes.. Being a practleal inerhardc , and having for el , years devot , himself entirely to this broach of tpe business:4lnd building o ltr.•• i cOAL BP 'ER& :Also. the Patentpc --.• • ~ ",---- -17::-...s. , of-two Me ted Self-Dumping ,Cars, . __. - - 'which. can seen working at the",works of Meashi. l3ancroft, Le isA Co., and Patterson, Eltringham & Co., AViland and at • Messrs . R. A. Moodie & Co., 'Presto con,. ries, Oirardville. Coal Breakers built at the hort,,,- i notice; - Orders solicited. A Prn 2. '4 '- 14-W 1, ~ ~.. JCZEPII. DELA3.:E.Y. S E i4ub En I P Plitt Ma rc.' a forginej t ion wbeertr— MIMI .FN :: Y AND MACHINE SHOP, STEAM ./.. CAR • • OTOHY, &C. ' - . .• - - - " The 6.. riber arid call attention i s - -• to the so. or ti ac Sties posacsised by ,EE NO. bicolor tb . various rsuiclies of,,itStezin t ''.. A ., "",- - ' Engine bring, ITn Founding. and. r t ile:l7,; - ,,, thelitanuf Wring I' all kind : of tria. ".. , '- . • inert' - to Itolitng,Blllls, Blast Furnaces, fallroad ;ars, de., qwill.a so,cointie the business of mining and selling the viebni nt ted Pine Forest While Ash COal, being the sole proprietor of tills colliery,' idepl,'. , Tflytt .flizi 1,-"ititw 'AiiiEo. lit. SNYDER. • poems Man act rent of Railroad IrOn (boll) Tat 7Stre t Rails) are prepared to re- !!" eel and e ecnte orders at short notice, ',, for nay and. • 11 the ordinary sizea in use. c rja:L.„ 6 , Making c ur own ~ p ig metal, we are to s 4 led ficatlible ores; buyers can Ilatrclork• rely ttlx)4l' JO l elving - in all casesliinu class rails. The smaller sizes of T R4lls, 25,:3 ,, , ;ice, and 40 pOIItAS to the Yard, always on hand, and supplieet in smaillots aliiranted. I • Jan. 1. '7O-13. - . \tr. INI.NG ENGINES, ".1 / Adicpted I=M =ME We hai - e these small thrlother The,male rOl,pect, to Esentl for ( ,:Aug. 21' TO COA - , . PIONEER BOIL It WORKS. . The sti*riberm tespeetfn y. Invite :7 Lr i feli c l the latent km of the mutton- .• ~ Boa into to their boiler W0rk...,, o Itailfrondr ' --- st;, below thi• Pluianger De ,t, Potts- 4 ',gar . 1. - 11 k, wheiv ti n y ale prepere4l to snub.zr_..-01 - ... Wll,.11111! I ll 'l /: () /LERS IT EVERim: 4 ( - Lrin - i , N, Sniolte..Starks., 3ir4..taeks, !oust l'it)Cts. Gasonit:ters : Drill l'arsl, :Le., 11,e. oiler, .11 I:and. - Cring prnetleallittevitatilt and inn iit , _:.ll-.r ',year, ,!evottal thein.elviej entirel to :hi., bfaneit ...A the busutt~ca, tan..tittu,, thitte'r thvinsel yes hat work done at their ..,lablitliinknt v." 11.1 give salt. action - to all who luny fiv,.or T.l'l'l4lollool. Inch •Idttals - and Comp:Atli, s wilt P. id It great y'.. 10 'their •ulvantnge 19'exawine their v4ork before itgaging 4? seqillert• . ' ' i , 1 - r .'. JOHN f i , T. N'.)121.E. Jan I, '70.-.:-I- i ItIATIIEII-10.14.0).1. n ncHARD !Ilion - ORBS, • -4, - ,,e. ..--,•,_ i _.,.__ f 1 .____.ci_ . - ' 4 Y.E.• 1 . 411* SV.II, I'ENN.V. The hubseribers Isire' preps - 11 to fur !OA STEAM ENGINII‘.4 an all kindA - of MAt'lll,NEltYl.and CAS INGs len t Mine , ,,- Blast Furnaces an, Rolling . 1 illii7tll7 7 , 11116, and Ihave a full tn....ion n ,int ot the mOst approved . palleyn , !_tt . w_ :Elt . T . 11 1 :A "-- 1. Itol, t l e G MILL ENGINE..., s, quEt.zi. 0 , ,5/11•41 RS, l'L Nl. H iN4 ; Ni ACB / :'; ES, quil all otter Nllwhinery required in the mann fact ure4d* Itailrf i r iron and (tars. The following st'• Engt ..s are now on liwudand readv torldelivery .1 ~ , _I • . 1 Enir,:v 1.1111•N•L'is . 11 - stive '2 Fbig',4l2 In c) 1. 111 in z-1 1 1;o, I'. •-• Ig - t. 21 !. 1 1 • " 11 'l* 101 " ." 15 " i i. I - " 12 " " 21 t "2 12 II • 6 " •,- 6". ,The above Engi s arc all new, and built upon the taost approved 11,rnelples,a1 d eon be seen at the . works of the aubs * 11 berm. A vo, a full - , SOI tin ent of I`l, , keritig et Flaya' 'Steam Engine Governors On -hand, which haveg iven hills ersal satisfaction .1 Isept. 1, `69-1-Iy, i • l i POTT 6: VASTIN E. WABHINGTO NOTICE.—The Nen) Brother; known i , ‘l l 08.K.5,'! located i Borough of Pottsv ued,by the subscri branches, viz; kite 1 and all kinds of m either coal or ore; all kinds of rail ; of wrought and I. all kleils of smith% 1 proved pumps, sin J promptly:attend I Ily careful atte I trt sts he µ•ill recei so_ Dieu - illy hestow Jan 1, '76-1- • _L. ASHLAND' The Subscribers pared to furnish, 'P'Orks, Stteam F, , °filmy power an ' Pat and other pp em of every else g•dller with casti clam. Coal and 1) large Trpek apd 1 shortest notice. T that..inasunieli na practical'' tnevliazil machinery that wl the ItegiOn. Alt co Ashland, Sefinylki attention. • . Ashland, Jan 1.,1" EAGLE IR Ha% trot enhirked chine .hop, at the Tamaqua, and 11 . 0 'lncreased tkietr cal work In lON o prepared to make power„ and capae Breakers, Rolling nsees; all kinds o , ! An experience o the facilities whirl the proprietor to t satisfactory work. All orders addr Iron Workii, Tama receive prompt att., T HE PALO A).' GOODS- Are prepared to weighlog from 31 RAMS—front Is to to stilt either for motive; All th•.. LATEST AND PArTERNS. , - Al. moot tiIMERCII. squares,. Oval, 11', AMID BAND 110 ; utIAIRS, (I' radix. blast - chart:nal In rails, street rails cApinNtis FOR vitt attetat lon to OA SHEARS; ter milli Bt. Office ear. Seemi :Jan' Inarl:Ms. •r,111., anarko, LicsA lc Fancy lik:exls, TIMM. 1.. ..4111/Isso.7i.i O (OAL DE • &A% Tln utult , rslttneel rt.r h. the bole nu l'att.ut; t;' , F.1.1%1/17MPING IT4 Ilt lItON itoisrlNG' c,r U cAdSUg Coal • . Also, 11.1 the ma Am prepared to fill divatch. Nirrict.—Being Big t h l t for the self a um Noek Mock. Wf rlrue urirm or purcl m rsetves . or.. our ie utmost limit arent. , ' It ADDIS February EDERICK' CHINE. Pate T iron Was. DOAN IRON WORKS I: _ ' - r Der lo'noln. pie :n eed to bulid Steam .. in,' Coal' )3re era, and ' ~.... A. 1 kinds, of castings 'and r. 1 I, .. • to . or7 o r. u F s ..apec cA ti T id li a c tt m en- ... ., 44,6E ''' . •••-7 . the manufacture of Car •,,,,,.- ...,' l i 1 ; 1 City. Zan. 1, ';o---1. 'IFALE 4OLLIZIG' :INS' 13}16THERS, utO~tile. - Sanlkill County: . ' a gauge of 2 ft. 6 Inches :tutl upwat*, ed height and : width; so as to,4ienuit hg In the ordinary beading perfeetcid designs for;,..two v . arletit , s bf loccituottves--one nut, '1414e-connected. !ak and *o r k inau,h I p are. Cliu al, i u every Lose In 'pad locomotive.; of full gauge. ircutar and photog!apli. HAIILD Ca., ii•Eoeuatotice WOOL», Philadelphia .-46443te1y O.I'ERATORS 'AND MINERS IRON OAKS orkso of th the ••1 liF! late firm of Wren ,II: ~e 'ASIII.NOTON IRON t, in the I eontio, r ' UM ;‘ I various ~.. building„.-471.:- - ',r minin .' . '"-.. —.---- . [ ees of hotor cold blast ;. nil railroad air fixtures Pads of brass Nig lags ; I sizes of the latyt.: in- Die act Inz. .Itepa. lig tly executed. -;t.. sinejui the hubserlher f the.public patrom.lge _ tellrm. -- JAMES WREN,: . - 4 - - *ON °pace. , , n Coal st le, will I r In all I r c Engine, eldnery f last furns ta.stlngs A ti Iron; ull brk, and a Oct and dot to and net ptots to bt 'e a share d on the 1 I gen re- e:mern i r I Pumps ;•-:„. .. • r min- , - 13'reak- 'Art now 111 use. to r!cings of everytleserip all sizes mid lanterns, I. furnished at, the 1. • ra natter themselves ;whet' of the Jinn is a it •be able to fa fell favdratily with a v in ed to .1. & 31. 'GA den, 'a., will receive prompt fi i sl. GARNER. • are now tho Am. LnOnt capacity, and putt ; ;a ana o Cars of - orse Can e subserl every rut they wl leornpan dens direct [ County, 115511 N WO "Litt RC, AQUA. be his found .E..vgle In very IiEN - nvit Proprietor, ILTYLKILL COUNTY, I'A. Iy and ma- tr n Works, gm, Jtaterially ring out is now • Ines and l'unip.s of any mem ; Machinery for r mills, and foi Fur d forging>, &c:, &e. in the husiness, with now ptri.,e.., enable ery best and the moat city fin' t linsinem, train En ly, fur _ n intri otll.l cnst lags a man) yea' ' l the , e wor :Tn out the RY WA LTERS, Eagle 11t111 County, Pa., will June 26, uF d to 11E.,. tta,Sello itton. VJOBKB, TO IRO! RAILROAD IRON— . do per 3•at d—e•TILI.F.r pc r + r loon- ard o tr oak L i . of the• • 81.1413ri- IRON. ROUlltin, I. tette., and Grow, ed, 14001` AXLEs, RAILLOAD A:AD 111)0R . .P1K1...., • e bt - st brands of cold for up.e, either for T Also, all kind* of MILLS. We tt.,NT PATTERNS OF fuddled Iron, tte., 00D. Preoprletor t nts.,,Poftm ille, Pa.. furnish ,to 70 pou , lis pound. rails a 1 10 S T nl a gene B \RI f 4 Rand kit 'L ATEK nude nit reads It bar fro l.)LLIN(1 , r j g old rail H4Y land 3lar FRANCIS WARREN AS COMPANIES, B2MI 'ittfarture I 'drtlotl Focltt & ♦War of }'wit's celebrate, SCOOP MEM AND BLOcKsI lOre, io, utacture EXiBEI EEO WIIEE 'BARROWS, 11 orders with promptness and he sole owners or the Patebt mpirpr, Hoisting. Scoop lideket ut ion all persons against man tug the .w.ameltrom any except . outs, as we will prosecute to y infringement on the Letters .eetrully,, • . I-- IN .1 Vk ARREN, ..COAL .11018T/NGliiA- ted April V 2, 1R62. .THE MINERS' JO - • L4I7HENSTEIN & to John It Dl • tirkeeessorw.ehta , , 'Manufacturer of Coal Screens 'of the Latest and Most Approved Berond-band &Teem and Seginentaabontya on 1 , We rapes solid t a con tlnnance of the ; 4111e'lle so 11 .L. L Y ALTUENST & CO., ' 'Railroad St., rear of admire Hardware atm ' • Jan 1. .; • Pottsville, sair4sE 'top AND WillE sclumsrs. L..A.U.I3qSTEIN, 1 IrATCCIA zit or, . . : SQUARE ROD AND itilitE SCDEENi. PATE' TED FE . IaIW.III.Y 4, ' MlNAnifiT ELLE, scadyi-tits. co„ THE SQUARE ROD, SCREENS. ON .ACCOLTYI of their superior strength' , and durability. 'art preferred to all others wbereter tried. Screen Beata all alzes,alwaysou hand. OrOers promptly tilled al moderate prices. Dlay 2U, 10.-r2. AbOcrtistritnits. as. BosulßOß.a ClOlO _ • • R(lizita t34;or to W e CL, 3lintier,) 'IIIP.OIITEILS, ar.A.'stria-rrigns Military, eirurth„,..Saciety, Ttieatrirtal c.outle r llt..D •• No. 131. North Third street, December 4. Mak . 49-4 Y • PHILADELPHIA. SURGEONS' HANDAZ a .1 • INIIt TUT.E.; No. :II North .N loth St., _....e.• above Market. B. C. F.:Vt.:Ia:TM Truss --.......- positively cures nu Attires:l:Lp Trusses, Mole Hein:, Stock I tiV,s, sup rters,Stioulder Brace Suspensories, Pile Itandag, Ladies attended to b Mrs. L. i July-lii„ '7o—di-ly FURN/TUBE. , .jo:-3EP.11 W*LTO:C, & CO.,- r . CABIN pr . :%IAKEII.I, No. 113 Walnut St.,Ptilladelphl. . 1 - Our estalilLshnient le one 4 tlittildest in Phi ladel plda, and from long experiedee dial superior facW7 ties we are prepared to turnksta good - work at reoport able prices. • • ,•,• - . We manufacture lino ftirnitnre, and also medl= 'priced furniture or superior.irzusinty. A large of,-fornitare always on hand. Hoods made to order. Connie*, 1.N...5k Work and Wilco Furniture 1 r Banks. Odic** and StoreN Made to order. JOS. WA - LTO.N, J. W.I,II'IINCOTT,, JOS. L. Feb 12. '7u ..-- '`VIBE BAILING, WI4E GIIA.RDS, for StO 0 Fronts. Eaetorlvit, tte.,Lllcitvy crimped Wit% Cloth for cleaning ores... cla!, - &c. Heavy. SCVeeh i- Cloths and Coal crectet - .- Wire - Webbing for itheep and poultry yards.'ll'apiT Milkers' Wires, Brash arid Iron NVlre, Cloth Sieves, Pitliltill Sereems„ Orlialllleil. tal Wire Work. Every infirmation by addresslrig rs the manufacture, N _ 3. ; WALKER, it SONS,; F No. 11 orth nth street, Philadelphlti„ - -- ~- 0.9 MARKET STREET, PHILADA.,IB the ii 0.. ., cheapest and best ' , Nee to buy Choice Toba 1 co and cigars by the box. - '•i ' , monitor Navy, and Jones it. Sons' Tobacco, tilwa s on hand at bur rates. • Meemenau in Pipes, liriar,!Vristich, and other 41. s can be had here to suit eilstl,lllCFS. either *holm' e or R. 4.4111.. . . . . _.. . J OAN LEMi,_, 1 •, W11010,:lit' and ll.C*lil J4ing House, and Mann lath u rer of t •Igars, Itle .11'Alt 'ET St., Philadelphia.' July Its, - 70 .:5 . 29-2.tri I . ._._. We: T tr j3 nt E arn i tl it u . :l 3 l - ro Fi a ' ll‘ Y nr ii 2l -N „ -G' l l. r : o Xl pr " l 4 l.7.l froth the r itt - tm. , . f • ..4sk your GrilePl. or Drowrixr.,WOr Willberger's Ed t!crds. ' 11.11:1,0Ws'1N DIG(' BLUE is, without doubt, the best article in the marl:et. dt will color more water than lour times the salmi weight of Indito . fl The ,saily genuine is that put up tit ALFRED WI TVG l s D iEtt'rug stol e. .Wlltherger's and Harlow's flame on Lalwis ; all others counterfeit. For Kale bymost Grocers and Druggists. WBLIBEILBEIes' iNDELABLE /NE Will be found liim perioriart tele. Al WayS on hand at reasortable prices.' Puri. Omuta! Splees,-Genuine Medicines Chamois Shins, Tapilica, Sago, and an ar ticles in the Drug line, at ' ir . ALFRED WILT-I:W.11G Ett'S Drug 14t4re, ,No. 2 - 3.; North tiecouti St., Phi la lelpiiiii. - June i,";11--ttl—ritil I ' • DANIEL M. .S.A.BCRED.. , - - . FURNITURE WAREROONIS,', , . . c , ' 236 awl 238 South Second Street,'!,,-. , .. . . . I'IIII.ADE 'III A. , " ' -- ' 1 • . . .'., i The undersigned baying gteatly'increar4.dfaelllll6 e hi th addition ~i the larg e Tour story building al- Mining lii, ft •rtaer place of 4..itisiness, otters great 4n dueentents to all pareint-er; of furnltuicto glvi,.. Ulm a - call. it. is c..iitident OfTilVlll4 lible.t., pleaseall who may Pi% or 1,11.1 with trir custom, and his, 41:-.. peri,.nee ol.tweilty .4,L:',lii:7linsilless is St glntrp t er of Iri s .ibili'ty to turn out Cie. beat. of work.' lie ier i. sonally supervi , e, hi; urg.trwoi kShops, and wly ar ticle not on hand will be isitide to “:rder at the IM. - est tenii- , . A L • irge st , lek. of iLiL kind. of I•'rILNITt RI: constantly on hand. ~ . a -•.14- . q. lAA litl'ilEll Sept. 9, '64 . . • T—lp vi, - -- UN lON HAMS.. ..i' . • ,-- 1; ' 2._.. In offering the .al /ore I.ptal to 'the attenfto of consumer, the Jo ...alit sewtoti, i.e 'beg leav to State, that we have made verygreat hoprovemeott In I lielreuring (luring the i.o dWinter, and haw ono hesitancy in saying, (Pity ,!trr (lie brAt liontx erlanl. Tla-y are .4.1..0,1 Ifollt stilvtry eorn led - Hogs, f I im• nied very 'lively SO a., to'ln4;:en, little waste In cut , ling a, pits tide, mai tio:,lnprettien;sti 4 44l in ((trios ate the \ CrY be hall:. The Clams are lilt n. sort - 141 Is-fore pickling liteqeacii slze . eared bydtse so as It, ( . 1, 1:I CI , it) pirkli•iv.-1 long eareagl, to cure und,not- be too s.ilt 4 areat , Halt with jnai.t Ilant;i. AV, 30,0 cu re in let! 'louses all summer and can fartil-ti ?hell:int- at :di titnes cut front flogs that were alive within 6 wq'el:s of the i line the Hams are delivered which I. a great advantage MAI: One pi test ssed by very few iicalf•p... 'We feel satisfied a trial will insure sat isfactioli. Npjle genuine nolets: branded.. Kola , alv by I : , 11 , R. • • ..k,,i . . t'llF.Ff , l.l2 01.. L i",,11 ,t ('o,,, i ' : I'ort: Pikers, NO.- Ili N. Delaware Arcane 'April 9, •Til:--1.:-Ilin l'll 11, A DELpqf IA 4 TA, . _ .11,,..", . . . u 10 011.8. ' U..l:r ANDREWS, RADRIpON & CO., LOW-DOWN RAT f:S A S I/EC A4l Mae:: Japanned, rti rx - tinted. THE 'LA tGE.=3T N'iN THE q MANUFAC:7I.7I:.I;I2S • Qf Cwi Luental 11 . 7ight /r0;1 Vin.ACES & Forn 011;EM . - IT I I IMPROVED STEAM APPARA 11." -.F.r Public. find It•i+ ale IluitOtii fps, 11 Send forlilted Cl rculnr. Sept le, '7O WINDOW DECORATIONS • 1.-10 E . craZTAINS,' HEAVY AND LAcE 'IIE LAM BREQUINS sATIN SILK PA RI I S , Of all Mgder f (.Itor'r, Ihri Latcat Lap) WINDOW `HADES, IN ALI. THE 'NE TIN S PLUSFIES, HAIR, foy Eitilroticl Sulip. 'q h E.! WA L HAVEN, I • MAsONIc. 1 lALL 710 CHESTNUT STRF I E I t PHI May 7, '7O $1 0 . , 00 0 GUAIiANTEE. BUCK LEAD eXCYIs ati . other , Ist,. ,For its Curly:ll(4 2ZI. For its rni,nual , il DivatilliC r - . • ' :wt. For it, I:usurp:L:44 C"ovvring Lastly for ItiCteituoilit: • I It nets le.:, to paint Buck Lend t4n other Wit extant 4 wine weightlef).e. store iiurcaer, is room Mid Wakes WI Der Work. • l„ • I BUCK LEAD is thug Cheapest and Iles% LUCK s ZINC , ,Exrels alljpther Zhu= Ist. For its I.ThequalotiDurabllffy. ^......d. For its Unrivule4 Whitenes... 34. For itr,L7ntiurpaii+ii Coyering l'ropclty. LaNtly, for its Great 14 , ononiy, i being the Cheapest Ilamtp.otnest, anti moot Ruri,ilale Vollte I...tint to the worhq .1 13" Y ON LI • B,ucK ILEA D AND 111 — IT .I.\p ITE CO:s:V.INCEL) Sall Uro:raiikbl Lytle: Man irfatieu BUCK cotTA,I)E VO L011:4 !- • • - • ' PrtparOlexprm , lv for Painting . .- .Cottne.,,, On t-Iluil,ll nu:4 II everydfr , 'ser4,t ion, fe re . , A:e." Thirty-live 1111" , .r..nti colors.. Durable, rh •ni Vo,ilotrn.ll.:l4 .P,,-not trot slpuleg. ' ' 1. ' samyile - T , .t.i.,p : : s ,, nt by moil if dr,irefl. I Doalers'Alrders will be prom pt ly . ekeetztrd iby lb tnanufactitrers. - . . , - - FRENCII. P , IVIIIAIIDSS: C 0.., N. W. Cor. Telithand ~ , , t rieets, Philatli•lptil: fon 2:?.. 70 4-. N. ! . . . t - .... 1 300t5;',..1i0e5 ; ' 1 • • -i cHA.B. likr. DEN GL.t.R, 400 T, SHOE, .11AT AND CAP STOR , • Boots, Shoes, lints anti eam; In great varlet', / itantlv on hang ; Parn.cerar"ttention paid to-04. Irt;rk: 'REPAIRING Ilont, neatly on anon tirl 1,1. 111---14,10-1 v IMPORTANT: i , • , TITE . N4W YORK 1 i 1 BOOT & SHOE EMPORIfiTrAI • 1 Is imw In full operation) and the attention oflthl ladles of Pottsville Is especially iiivitNl to the li rgo stock now in store and arriving daily of all the ti es class of goods, suitable for ladies' wear, and tali tisi to this market. Sir. t"rine has made nspecin l tto this branch' of business, and gives ' ills particular at. i Lennon to securing the bet line of ladies' wane eves brought to-the city. , - '1 1 . , 1 Every attention wilt bd. paid to customers 0111 " a. cordial invitation is extended to all. • = 1 1 -• , o e „ taber In.. . 1 • ,II ENRY CRIN - ) -4 .. ' '1 7-'-ly • ii ________._________.-77.. - _ - _ — _ - =- ---- -....-.-_• ,-4 5 "--.: STATE -OF DANIEL LASHORN - ,.' DE- i ; e.DASE.I).-Whereasj letters of A. mittlsirr.tloot tothe'estutrof Daniel I..ashorn,Asite of the Pero ..A or Palo Alto, in the County of Ss.htielklll..C.ol.(4l/ked, have been granted tothe subseritier, till pentium. i buying-claims alminst Jew - same issintsite tr. make +hem knot.. u, and those indebted to the to -1/18Lit tillnlecliatv kayMent. • J • .-,1 1. GEORG I.: 1% :.11 Alt I 'NPR, A.lmlnist rat ..' I Aug.A. '7O-35-St• i • • • palivAlso i il -4 --- -.- - ififil i lriori3iiiaittia. •it. -Davifirs- )• 11 4..... CEASED.-Lettersiestare elmaitc ' npon= H tat e of Wit/lam H. Du tbs. Vitt. e f Pottsville, ile having been granted to tl;e undersigned, all persuite: said estate arc requested :to to make pay- rent, and those having claims Elgllltlat the gamey. ~i preSetit thetato - 7P.LIZADETH DAVD4,I E*eeutrix, or 11. H . DAVIS, ntti tlentre St., P ottsv ill e } . . i •• Aug.'=s*l•o-35-4.0. t• • . -.. r't • . STATE Ok Et A --:- NitON E. ATKIN* D lac CEASED.- Lett4.trss testamentary cu to ther • above estate having been granted by the Restisterpe Wills for the County of , Scbuylltili, to the under signed, all persons lode, to the above - estate ass req ed uest to. make pay ent; and those having - claims or demands to prt. ent them without delay t* I , _ ' CHARLES o.i. ATKINS, rottaVßls I JAMES IL r_tSIPRELL.. 1 ltd South Oth St., pnirft. ' August 13, "11.13.8t] 'E • Execnito VIISS KATE LELBot.' Crealint .3.1 v and' Cake*. oonstantlY on hand. at No. 9,hiar ket street„rottnville. Fupatlea /supplied with IA i I Cream. •• ' • 'July 2. ,70-2741 " • • 4 "I~~` { ldne..~." foal Savrits,\&r. I.= and 1:1:1 , . 1 MAnEirr 1 • rifILADELPII $10,(Too ESE CH EST:CI:7 I3TT4EET. CILEKSOkA Vega_ oticts. C UNTY, PENNYiN/iNI.A. ' EOBt ilk , , . .- • aw. u. Azr.utp ' V 1 rt s 13 13F...A.W1148c CO. -: - 1 . - ltErctlliiSOßS TO E. F . BODET.) '' 1 ''' , ' , • - OENERAL --- • INSIJRANCE AGRNTs ,: , i , • , __ • No. 178,1Centre St, Pcittsville, Pa. - Julie= 'TO A , '1 BELTL I t ..3 .70, ... I • - EA:b 4 TWIGS & BROTHER - - . 1 COAL BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 22 8- STritET, • j • • 1 . 1 Ang.lB; '7O-I&2l3ktf • PBIIrELP#IIA. t 4.; Jun. 70-5-1 y , . . : . .Y- N DA. LE; M c i TCH E L L & . W 0 L. F.; • . - • { . ' - - - : . - .1.‘ . - / . CHINA,. GLASS AND. EARTHENWARE: ._. .i. • , - I I . I _ •'•••• . No. 707 C'he,;;:3: . tnut . ..Sji}...'eet - PirAl.ricielphi . a..t. , ' r . • FINE' PARISIAN - GRANITE, the.beat stoneware in the market, sold at the Prices ot i' ordinary itows. .*HITE FRENCH CHINA, in all the best shapes and stylEo DECORA.T.E.I.), - . D151:414t, TEA and , , . , TOILET SETS in great variety. Glass engraved on the premises, and Chink . . ".. . .. . Decorated either in frill sets or ntatchine, in the best matinee: .. 1 ~` • . - . . I . aoorks ONLY, anti LONVEST -. • . . i . . , . , ._.., CASH PIiICES: - : , ~ . . • r n• " Letters of inquiry:in rilini to prievs., , d.c.; otgocsls, - proniptly arksivera ', - . l'irqrelf 5, '7O ' *: r . • -10-3 m . ---~ -a NEW UNION FAT .T MAHANI'ONGO ; : STREET, ' ANY. GOODS FROM THEIR SUPERIOR STOCK GREAT REDUCTION PRINTS, 8 cents and up. 1 BLACK AND. COLD ALPACCAS. SILkS, DRESS GOODS, of al, kinds. - . NOTIONS, &c., &c. • . - • • • l• - '• Potne and rzed for yourself.. , PRICES THAT CANNOT HELP PO,PVLArt. - •' E NEW UNION DRY GOODS STORE IS THE . PLACE - FOR BARGAINS. • 34.0 . Mart i . 9, '7O. . Jan , ' ' IM!I 'g 540'S AND 18Srs , ;1) f BOUPIIT, SOLIS' AND EN,CIIAN(;ED, ON MO 3T 1t}"...-iS•ION Al.ll:ti.TElt MS. GO LAD • •• A.Ought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS ICASIiFiD, PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS BOUGHT AND SOI.D. flu STOCK'S BOUGHT Ali D -SOLD ON . COMMISSION ME CRADAG - 0,. DANVILLE anc VINCENNES "first Mortgage ,I per cent. I cold Bolcis, e` Fia ' fziA LE AT .90 AND ACCRUED INTItt - F.T. A cc l n inter received and interest allowed on daily. [ balances subject to check, at eight. Y)E*YEN'ttPIRO. - i-114. 4 R. - TIJTRD I'FIIIIADELPIIIA •5 . 10.reb 26, '7O • I A, .IDESIRABLE t, • SAFE HONE INVESTMENT. THE SUNBURY and LEWISTOWN . , ROAD.:C t OMPAO - • Otlersl,2go,oocoikneds,;:bearing 7 per cent, IntereAt In Gold.. SecuCed by a and only Mortgage, • • • ; The Bonds are Issued in 1 .• . $lOOO3, 55003 and 142005 . 4 • • 1 T4e Coupons are payable In the city of rkti i -114 on the first days ' of April mid Oetoher r i Piee of State and Uniteti retell an 3 thd price at present Is . I ' s 190 `and Accrued Interest In. Currenc v' - -,.: aids Road, with Its Connection iwith the Penn..3:l - Railroad at Lewistown, brings the Anthracite. Coal Fields 67 miles nearer the Western and South-. western markets. • With this adVautage It will eoy. stroithe trade. The Ent-titer Trade, and the Iminehs".• anOaluable derxrcit of ores in this sectionjogether I *l4rthe thickly peopled districil through Which it runs, will secure it a very large sad prontabie trot.. - i ' 1 WM. PAINTER ..t. W., Gas gktel, ._... Gealers In Government Securitit, - ', • _ No. 36 South Till ItG St., PlillihtelPiiiit L . . A ply to . ii 1 MINERS' LIFE INSIIRNSICE dtTRUST t tl. OE L. F. WHITNEY, Illaitki,r, i '4 .'; So. 160 CI:NTRE '6't., lie, Pa ?I- . . ..IfLne 30.'70,124-Im, -,. i 17 7-fm • . . lertttlitrs.t , FIT frI r hIPILATTO . F —Si TOMB E:man " itc A t L e L rt . 4 B l4 l ;l l :ll : l ai :len, Exeter. Warranted parNunaqultfrated. ac= tlve and reit le. - per sale byl GLENN 4 ItELL, Agrnts, 309 . street. A liberal disetiant to, tlealent lrforr urailarers prleesby pot taville: Apri a. '9O-11- %V3r4. DONAL) Scui AALLEN & NENDLES,, 1 142 South DELAWARE AVE:4I7E. PIIILAD'A i l' ; . • f EST.II3LISITED lIS . 18iS. 1• , Continue the manufac t ure of their old standard quality , - P VETE PHOgPIIAT OF - LIME; . ' : •.. ...AND:— 1 AMMONIATED FERTILIZER: 1,30. h Of which are sold at Low Patois, highly remu nerative to the Fmucra or DEJ4EII. SEND FOP:CIROULAR. • ; 0 - i. • =.i ' . No.I PERO i lAN (GUANO, el . 11 , , (Ge nuine Government from Cl incha and (+uanire Islands). Pure calcified,and Land Plaster, Illydrhu'- lie Cement, Candles, and a full a l asortment 0 Brtin lug and Greasing 01111 at lowest Market rater,. 11. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Should the dealer near you, nit keep our articles. send your orders to us and they ill receive prompt attention. • • i Aug. 13, 11ut33-3m 17"* . in.E` . 011,1 9 1.NAL,E /V r ßi n TIiEjFIRST ' RAU' BONE PHOSPIi ATE .1 1 41)E. ALL °TILERS ARE, 13trrAiiox. ! ' G 1 . .. . 13,` . .k LT 11 '-S it ALW 'BON E.' , ,; • Super Phosphate 1 lof Lime. . . 1 ..1 7' . .-- Aka MARK l Ii •FAI.. 1., .• °: il • • . . •-, - 1 ~ L .. , • : ,• • , . nai 211.ssitas is wade of Haw Or unburned Bones, rich to Nitrogenous smatter dissolved in Oil of vit riol, preeeatinathe Bone Phosphate in a highly so luale and quickly available form, and the Ammonia An tech proportion as to insure a prompt and vigor caul action upcuthe camps. • ' t , 2,.. i. . lees 41 Phosphate .was appli d the past . the I withOttAexceptioniare Mint it, 1 maintabs Ite I earned reputation. 'We re q an in need of a IPlertiliser to give this- article a Tad. BAUGH A SONS; Manufacturers, - 017/M-210. MS. Deliveitia Avenue. Philadn. arch 11. 70 . 1 1143 m , • I; . , THOMAS J. DONOHOE, BUILDER OF I Vrbt Class ;C l arilaf e rps Lind Buggr.les . . . , , • . 1 , Idilgt7FACrORY --Cos- Sac Own A' NORWEGIAN Swi..oirgB4caitg RACY or SIORELIII3I. Ilocsa, Powrsrim.x.„ Pa. • • - I• I . . . . • Constantly on band a good ,asstaiirtent 'of new and second-hand Carriages and Buggies- I . , Special attention paid to repairing. • ',April 10. 'lB-15. I ' • I • 13.11tGAINS IN nrt GOOD?. AT TIIOMAS BULL: St. • "53 FENTItIi . t • rorrsvlELE. , . - W AKER 7 & . PRICE; AVIL4., OFFER, FROM 1111'S ,frAT.F; LOWER THAN GOLD BASIS. linanciaf. Ni'. 2-19 i',ENTRE Ift EN II Or THE :1,111 EST AND POST ♦PPAOVLD STTLII4. PRICES. pENNSLVANIA HALL, II Cr.:vrair:s'ritF.ET, PoTrii I Lt. F: VA.. • This well known mot poptil4r.ll,tel,ittnving been m. cnil3 - ti n e Vs now (' pen for rt.i imultint and trunsie. t, lH 1 , 4 . en.. v—tT Intio 7. FAII PIIILNIS i ELII,H CA Maple Spring ;Hotel and Mtisenm, We bet; to annotwee t.. our old Blends, patrons and the public, that we areprepared to give them a hearty welcome to our. NEW ESTABLISHMENT, situate in one of the most beautiful Mut delightful localities in the "City of Brotherly Uwe ;" yea, ver ily, Switzerland of America... We say to all, come and see us, our. is TIIE NoVELTY , Or TILE -- .10sE1 2 0 8311711, 0. Latto.,- of the fitnithsotihm Mali, At:bland, Proprietor.. July ; *gal. nubs. T W. CAKE. ,NTTORNEY XT LAW, J . °Mee; er,NTRE Si.. over Ilarintin' t Rainney's °a; Store, Puttvvllte, , HARRY C. DOEN - 41111".A7T0R ,NEY AT LAW, No". 155 Centro St., it - 152:qy doors, beloF Eplseripal Church, Pottsville. April 23, ":0-17-1y F. SMITH. ATTORNEY: .AT LA W,lla7u C Ktreet. rthenunduah; Jan L!, '7441-lyj • HENRY C. fiEUE. AYER; ATTORNEY-AT / LAW. °thee, 155 Centre 4t., Pottsville: May 22, .U9' • 21—it A. M. PASSMORE,_ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . Pottsville, Pa. Office; No. 3 31n111intenge Street, Upposite Post Office.' -, • , - Aprll 3, '63-14-1y , , • I.EOB.GE R. IPriirliCHEß, ATINEHIS7EY-AT k.i LAW, Pottsville Pa. , °Mix , . No 179 Centre tit., nearly opposite Miners! Rank. April 3, 130—Ilitt JAI4ES H.CANERBELL,ATTORIVEY-AT-LAWi la) south SLXTIL Street, rhUndelpbla • 'Jan. 1, • • • lATILLIAM R. SMITH; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, V No. ISt Centre ttt., Pottsville, ra., January 1,'70 l— TIA.NIEL D. DILLMAN, ATTOILNEY-AT. LAW, Pottsville, Pa. Office, Noi. 9 31tthantorgo „stns.% - January 16, ( 0-3--tt nn LBEHT HNITTLE, AITORNEY-AT-LAW. tl Ortics., No. 162 Centrii street; Pottsville, Pte. All claineepromptly oullected.. October 16, 16—L^—ly GEORGE CHAMB4RB; (Late (tithe Chambers burg Bar.) ATToRNEY-AT.LAW, No. 181 Cert. tre,St., 121 floor,) Pottsville; Pa. . Nov. 6, '69-45—ly _T /kW AND COLLECTION OFFICE. , . • I CHRLSTOPI-lER LITTLE. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOT RY PUBLIC!. Po - rrsAitt.,E, Rom YLK. t 14. co.; Pa. Sept. 1,, Stouts, rouges, McCOY 8 TY801i; . . No. 1210 Market Street , Ph i lladelphia,, i . .1 Wilolemalc . ao Retall Dealp' rs fn - l' ' lIEATERS,_..RANGES. iin .STOTIN. y ... c e rbou, Brverberatory, Burlington lluiproved. ''_American and Benefactor ilid-Air -' 1 .• - • Furnace*. j. • '; . UNCLE SAM 'IMP6VED, Double and - Bingle. Elevated Ovenl and. Flat , Top Ranges. • CITY OF BIIRLINGTION,' , , ' '. , Vonstilttlifm, .Purify; Dexter, Forhi6n mid • ( - Woking Noyes and Empire , rtfrlaNc liangr. , : . • 1,;A571.14111T, e.% RPM:. STANIIARI AND 6:16).C . Itr.AroF4) STUV&i. 1 ' • • The above articles are manitfactureil by the CARBON STOVE COMPANY, . ! I.lriztrlti:Twc,, 1'.....;.. 3: ' . , , - i . i! - • Also—ltibb i,t- Co.',‘• Diamond Bait iniftre. Fire-Mice 1 Ileater. . I I„,' I - • GAS OVENS anti all other articles in our line. A III: G (50 (I ARANTEEA. A u g. 70 • THE NEW GALVANIZED IRON CLOTHES LINES can be hail at • SOLOMON HOOVER'S: frrovE, TIN' and HOUSE FURNISIIING STORE, r No. 255 Centre Street, Pottsville. A number of new pattern COOKING' and PARLOR STOVES, which can be had at moderate prices. He also has aspiendld assortment ofTin; Braes, Etritaatia, Japaned, Glass, Wood and Willow Ware, Hollow and Hardware. Also, Brashes;Brooms4 OH Cloths. Table Cloths, Door Mats, Clothea Wrangell", Trays, Carving and Butcher Knikes,Cl Oil Lampa, Knives and Forks, and all kinds of Glassware. Also, Gridirons, Boasting Pena, Children''' . Sleighs and Skates,Tabbles.? Tea and Butter Spoons, Mice and Rat Traps, Psdeutt- Nutmeg Graters, t3pittottna, Lemon Meet:sera '!arid,, Gmtens, Etl,ol Cages, Table Mats. Tab:Hawk Cleavers, , , Egg 'Whim, Bolling Pins, Potato Mashers, .Bre', Boards, Wash BOards, WOoden Box Flat and Tallor Irons, Sausage. Cutters Ind Studer*, Clothes Lines' Bed Cords, Clothes Pins, porn Poppers,Cake Cutters., Candlesticks, Dredge Boxes, Savings Banks,. Match Boxes, School torn panions,Slates.and Penclla, Toilet Sets, Bath Tubs, HatchetlylLamment, Az Deed and Bond Boxes,,Flour Sieves, Meat. Sawa, Cone MU; Concentrated Lye, Glt=ners, Fancy Toys, Lett wash,Tuiel, Wash Boards, Sheet Zinc, Market and Fancy- Wakens, rs, Knife Boxes; Shovels, Pokers. Tongs, Ltal Buckets, Tea Kettles, Stove and shoe.kcatlng. Also, Oils, Palnts„lVarnishee„ Win- • dots Glass, Putty. Lanterns, and Many' articles too numerous to Mention. Also, Itoodtig,Sponting. and an kinds of Jobbing done to order. and at the thort. est notice. Persons wishing any of the above Men cloned articles would dowel by galling and examin• big before purchasing elsewhere. 1. SOLOMON . EICKYITER N No, 7 Centre Street. 72—tfd MN Dec.ll. '6 --550..uw TNADDOWT NEW MAP - ,Lj I. • . orrats Aorrziaaare COAL'azirizoirs. This Map to the lateatr: i ltahed or the Anthracite to tat Ittgitina or Penney rant& in man/ respects from - other pap Wished. _erbium it eyes the formation and ciao a repreeentetton Of the Coal Basins, together with the Mention of allthettolhkrits in the Anlhrseite Coal Begiona, to. Price cat Roller* • ' 60 • ' case nor_,l'6o Do. on 175 ,I • Do. on Iltaillts dlaaectiett..- Ge! 'node In pocket form will be lent ' tree by mall ots recea6of the oy, ytrlcAnt . c,For *ale at • AN ik WA-WAWA 7 - Bookstore, • .121,-Mtf WIE L AT PR :GE:3 1111 lIIM hotels. I= Proprletoni. MEI En OE ~arifca:. AND WARRANTS WANTED _ " L • OF WAR OF, ISUI AND MEXICAN WAE. N' • FOREIG COINS, STOCKS, Got" . ("3, NERN- ! MENT Ind other BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD: COLLECTIONS promptly :made On 1111 points. DE.' POSITS RECEIVED.. No ippaln will be spared to serve the Intertats of • - home who favor. us with their hnsinemi. • • !. • JOHN 8; RUSHTON k CO., Baniceri and Brokers. 50 South 3I St., Philsa• - • . , 1 1-ly . &c. ' - . „.,-:=.-. ••:•-•.--..5•.':. ~ 7: ~ -: ..i•-• •• • 1 '• .. . ...-..... ... .. • l i Yi i l R . _ • ... __.,_ . ~_ ~,,. MANtFACTURF.D BY : - • 1 'i" O . '' ; 1 J9qIIN . AzllOEl- ILIN . $ S \s, - • H • TAB.NT y .". J. .; Far Inclined.Planes,litaliai,Standimr Slap Blirt:ing, SusOensinn Britigc!s, Ferries, rtars acrd Guys. .• • • i :an Berrleks. Cranes and t;tiears, Elevators. TlBerso.te.., ; • - ; • • ..; A. LAnciERTOCIi...OF WIRE 11.0PE . C9 ( NS'k.VNTL . !' • • ! i .. . OST tIANI/. . ORDEW44 - ILLED WITIt DlS:'iTelp,:. , ..: : 1 iii , FOrisiiength.size'and cost, seeeirCulars-, which . ' will be sent on applleat lon. 4' Ang.7,14.',..-31;13* -• ; Wr..ra, IR . 1 ROPE 1 - ' • ; - OF.fVERI DE , LRIPTION FOR i A; P lanes, Stays, Eddges;.-, &c., i B gliALlTtanti ot LOWEST RATE. Puycer; lunksiloq by Wirt. Elope. ' Plans prepared and, contract* suaele. .: I . 1 - 5= ' C. AV. COPELAND, 1 i GI ivitl G 6 Eltls ADA' k a' Nevi - York.,. July 2 t "I'e-:13-3tn ',..-? . - ' 1 • Ebucational. . . pOTTAVILLE IXPBTITUTE. ' • • • I - ! •. „ - Classical, and French. Boarcling.. and . pay. School,. PO It LT\ .1 I.; AI) I-E S. 1 • •/ Tltht InstitetiOn under tho Charge t! . •• d Dr. a Mr s. G . 11 • . SMILEY, ou the 11n4 13,10N1.)..11 Ln SEPTEMBER .4i.ecilcrirc alit be given"lol."-Nt] C11E1.1)11E1% 1 by t,,) titrpertencetlTeacher. ' 1! ; For rarticoitte, rohlre,. , • . GEO. W.'. rottsille, ! ra. 4- T.1,4E HILL " - INSTITUTE, • . _ , • - POTTSTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, P.\ - : 1, . , Englisti„Cla. , t;ltit..l, tictentidc. Artistic and Confiner:clal. i e uWilon adiNrabie. T .: »4,-itttetti 'Annual :,:es 7 ston. Titisrpitgif j -, re.i)ttrat lon• lot C.ollegy or lit•rginehs For clrctitars:i4ioess ' ) 1 - . 4 / ~ -, , 11.M1: GEO.F. MI 1.LL..4 IZ .M. riucipal. : (;, ItEt - thr.lscF2,—ltevs. d0...i. Meh:: \ T - 's , -littetli.:r, Mann, , Krauth,, acv , Hotter. d.e. •IL is. Judge Ludlow - , • ,NlCycrit, I. S. Yot i d, 11. M. Boyer. .I. Ilussel Thayer, etc. ' i- Juli• 2:. '7O---4.laztr . • • .Pritgo nub ~f~cmirnts. • '.• • _ ASURE CURE FOR PIMPLES.— 141111 by return mail. on, receipt of 6 cent Matupt..n ret. ripe for.preparing a Genuine Vegetable Balin „NI I Immediately removes Pimples, Fret•kles, Bloteln4, Tan.lllack 3lottoi,, and ntl Eruptions and Inipurkties of the SUM, leaving it elcan, with n Wealthy glow. Xlso, [instructions • ior producing a groWth or Hair on a-bald head or -mouth tare. ' V. TRU Mt, Chemist, 114 Broadway, N. Y. July `2,17a--27-:tm ..-.._ ....., lblo heCCOU . NS . of the complaint. , ' • i ti rTH 'W. FOWLE k SON. Proprietors: Easton ' I 1, ‘' ' BONI bY • driittithits anal 43 eaters reue n ery. • i . . . NMI, gmulne unless signed Y. Brno. March t”. . -.. • , .1.:-Iy -cow, • 'I.IIi.rITLER'SIND HEUMATIO ;VEGETABLE O EMEDY::-. 1 I %WARRANTED BY AFFIDAVIt4 A PERMANENT CURE FOR : t RHEUMATISM AND NEURALG Thisivege, . . v‘eseriptiou of the the eininent rtillndeipidsl'hyporis4 Profes,ot,. Jossrit P.,l•lll..girt, M. D., ‘‘l.,.l;ss devoted 37 yes 4-, to'ltheininittlAnt Anti' la' Srevia ly, and is I.y thg inedlcal Protesslon pu "ieiyannounvt d the highest 'autitnrity int Itnentuntle complaints. Sei, test !ninny.) It is pleasant and ng:s b fe j t. the taste 'anti w - rented free from mineral's and. injurlnits ' driiirs.lltr is u scientific report boll, II 0p0iy,11.1.04 warranted miller solemn It n pernuy. • nent, haFmiess positive mire for Iwiamattyry sVatistn,itlirnitie Inlet:unit Ism; Ithen mat hen. OrKitlitevs..NCllralglS I it.the eu,l, Neural:- Oa In ,the . nil. diSeasafs, Sold by Druggist. at $1 bottles, Medical advice. without elunsn:: sent kit letter_ All orders sent by Express eotleetvi uu delivery! Depot; No. -.l3:South Pbiladetr lira. • • ' Attrit '7O-1,3- sitrancr. GOUEREY'S, INSURANCE AGENCY, • , • Office, No. 21 Mahantongo , Street, Wtiere INSURAN.CE IV ANY ANIOTINT can lk effeetkil In the most tellable Companies•lo the Long and hon# of which arelhe flaileSt. Viz: North American of f;liilaaislphla •=2:917.9t0 rfaz.kliti.-.-..1, - " • • '• • . 3,00a,00i) Home; . of Neri• York 1 ' - f,571;.:gi York 1. ariners' Mutual : 109,!%/7 United Stat.k, of Bat . f,iitiore . 1i;i,51.7 State , , Fire,- of Ohio • ' , , • '274,•01.7 Wlllrardsport, of PelanNylvania ' itt - 01) Litiff f. , ttle " i " '''' • X `5 . 1 1 ._ . , The tib()re nanted Conlimii iv, art. all 14 - , the itto , i prompt - ,to . 'gay 10.0,4 , 4 and honorable lutl .araqlng, elidr/14. 1 . . . 7 T. A.-(;(buF'.v. 1 . p iA t i tsv!lkA, .‘1,:ii...4 20, .7(k..11-1111 .. . IF., MU i a r tkINSURAIiC • OF 1 1,N11..T, I al, it 13: JOHN' P. McLEAß,PreSident, • . . • M. M.CHILD, Secretary. • • • . 13Rz1.N . C1-1 )1.`101E( s. W... COIL ';SINTII CI4ESTI ; iI: P .S . rritEcT,i, vi1ii...8.1.11. - a.12.1 • • GEO. W. STONE Vice President; • Manager, GEO. F.' TURNER, ; GenI Agent & Attorney. PURELY )d-PT UAL LOW R.ATE-t. All Polleteit , Non- forfci t tug after Otte A tin nal meat: Evety accomthodat cut with sato t,y guarnntetd to Polio - II Oltlf rs. ' 'Soaks:containing fail intormation'concerning t tdamt arid rul., of the Po. rent free u pon - a ppll ea t too to the lininelt ". giUt., ti•anta through,6llhe Val., . mid RP:if:Fa:Net:A by pernti..&th an—l lon. E. W. titan, Chief JOstice.State of .Itclaw:t re ; Thos. F. nay - ard, U. t4enator froth .Delaware 'la. Rev. A I frthl Lee, Bishop hf I.lelaWare; Gen. Henry du PT att, Powder :tlaunfr ; Roth Gov. Saulsbury. (tor. atc of DeLt the Presidents of all ti, 1::11110, In I Ike 3.! of Wilthlngton; How J. %%dentine . ; Mayor City' of Wilmington. • July 2i. (y.. 1) AND.THIEI?. INCOII.I!OIiATEp 1831, 117 REIN 3117TVAL. BERKSHIRE LIFE . INSURANCE COMFY? M.' S, THOMAS' F. PLUNKETT, Prelsktottt. lAMEtiFRA.SCIS, Vice • R. Seitretary and Trca,tir; ! r. J. Assis , tattlt s':',•retary. Non-For : faltiifi of all Policlea Guhranteeti by In'csße Any prent!.unt Is not path!. u Inuf, due. Ulu_ policy is not forfeited; but the iodder remains ink mired for the full untount, until the firentium ut rva. dy.paid 'And unearned Is exhausted by the VW:. ur, Insurance at the not rate. • ' Example at the Age `of 43. . • I One Annual Cash Premium on , an ordinary id fe Policy will cunt lune the lithuranee for TWO y and;tia DAYS from thetime the policy was isslied. or ONE YEAR and ea DAYS atter the "SECION ANNUAL PR.E.MIU.NI,,,KECOM Es DUE. should thesecand premium not be . pnal, and theEusured die Within one ykur andl t tl ays after %licit ISM%pay% "tnenr, the fuD amount o he polley would die paid, the premium due and unpaid. The - , larger the puntber of prenilums paid; the lon g er will the ins ranee continue, In efisu of nun-payment of pre% minim The Berkshire - Ufa Insurance Cempany. has paid under this law Six Claims, which 41 Companies of other States Would have been worthless; and is now continuing the insurance on over 400 policies ori which the ; holders. have, been unable to pay pre; mium. •, . The last claim paid under this non-forfeiture phi}. tranothat of a member who insured a feu years since for Vale. In rs43B ho failed to pay his Annear pre} minuet; in January laist, one year .and five months afterwards, he died. The Coinpuify_has mild to the tvidOw the full autetkar. 83500, leas only the overdue peOnents and interest:* , ~ .-...- ,• Every Member L'ereires ercry Day - 3 lit.turanc .• Paid Jeri, . . • .A . ' . PROFITS pIV i I i D O E L I D Y kate .AII?NG THE:. • FOLIC'S(' I .INHAL CASH DiVlDE.t'..iDs. • ~, ./..• i . - ECQ.NOMICA L. Id A SAG I::kf 1 1 :ST r Careful 4elettion of lives.- Safe investments. ' • sod Agcntaund Solicitors wanted. v rotinfurrantion, aply at the berne office, or tol . . W.. It GRAVES, General Agent.: ! .. i S. W.:cor. ELF - 1...7E11TH and CHESTNUT Sts. ii, '63 - • ,PiIILADELPHIA. • ' I - ' ...._ Li 'HIGH VALLEY RAILROAD COMP'Y:I .1 L • --- • • it:fleaable tamale g ; connections Of the L. V. 11. Lio. with those of the Phila. a Reading R. R.'C° aid from Pottsville and Intermixtlate points be , en Reading and Pottsville. , . , . • A. M.A. M. 'P. M 4 . ,ve P0tt5vi11e..,......... 110, 9.00 2,43 ~ • Reading. . . 7.:13 1(L.! .;.2 x , I East Penna.:JancUon.... ..... .. 6":17 . .., , 11.411 -5.50 +Arrive at Eaaton.-,:....--- , 9.14' 12.40 0.11 •" • NeW.Yorh ' 12.15. 3.10; 10.0 g - . RETURNING.P. M.( P. NI. P. 814, . ' . L - . , A. M.; M. Leave New Y out ', ' i rt .Aj: Easton ',. G. . Esii Penna. Jottetion.......— ..... _ 7.30 1 4.A1 'i . Rradhifir -; , . 4 10.401 6 oft !vest Pottsville-i.i.a.._...-.__ ...... ~...... 12.,1i - 7.1 - 7 __._ 1_ I ..._ P. • 11. P. hl For MAUCH CHUNK and intermediate p_oin leave Pottaville.l4o 411119.00 A. If ., n 114 2. 45 E'. AL. o zl live at stanch Chunk MOO ]1.5.45 and 0.30 P. M. I RETURNING leave ,Manch • Chunk., 445 and 1 0 1 r• ht.; arrive at kottrivill and 7.. T) P. M. For altpoints In the Lehigh Coal Regions and Tor T&4o 4 oviatida. Waverly. and. Rl:drake. leave Pottsville,' .U. , • 1. - • ROBT. U. SA.YRE, Dec. Superintendent and ir.gineer. ~ . Sralderkela; 2‘: 00 - • 8-1 y 1, ' 11 ; 017 300 KB AS BOON AS /881:12D .N NEW EITATUETTEI3.—Mountes -Girotrria.- ' Jan received at - ' i lIA.NNAN 4 RAMSEY'S. ..' ..I1 ' - •l. ; ' • 'Poirot/4r IMM MI 4 1 EMI Law ra-1y I wart. . A : (kv.' , ,---7-.---z-imiTE ) . .1, .1 ARII, - A 13/n <SYVTIIIB i ii 1 10) ~.' 1 c° 4 41514.81 ;1 ' ' r3P4U• ' ' ' ' S . S aC• , 0 A , , 1,... ,..A . : . - ;-b 011121E1 M 1 ' 3 U .L. EV 1.31e0q Lxceilent art:Mein thomar luable for use about - 1, he moot 1 ket. In UNDR, ' or Y MACIIIN,E.S!IeP lint man uu HOIST 1,000 %a, with Ea.?* Sock wIII I • hOld the iheliht at. .• SIZES ON ILAl!ri).4 l : Pulleys ••• . turufshed•irom StSf\k. and the any poln separa nullucturers%irices by EMS - L. C. TIIO3IPSOST 20. '7O-31 A ugns G U re 3t ry .' le 'Z it, l 4 l o l‘" a f E uff sf l a E ceon l lPtit o zes. 't o b il ality; . hand from 2 t 0.12 in. .hree and four ply Leather Belts, made of tbie Very, lest oak tannin Lentherz.. o All sizes on hand. 'laming katilier warranted the best In the market. 1 Copper 11.11 Lets and Burrs, and' Belt Punches, all at the very, lowest prtces. August 21.),10 7 ;-31 1 L. C. TfIOMPSON: ___,., SHEET IRON of assort; t. received from piffle.., and he very Inwest prires by •• L. C TIAOMPSON.'' 00ed for, v d`c ut ALAI N LSI!! A make tock g e ----LB-7---.. In&I1 dt.t • of all slzeB fm Ilan . nf the very hto4;and or sale • thanufartm a ers' prlees. ;Orders shipped ill re or shipped :. t from the mill; by stitl.O. '70. 7 41 . " , ... L. G. N. AND STEEL..:, . -No. 2.11.- C'entretrt;et ,_;ltt. , riio . 7 . 2 , KT, 137:64111k . i At NII-.7.13. sr. :10,:% CALL AT T,:r. - . ... ... . • MIME & SCTI63I'S, ..".S'ew Ilaraware•Store,',No. 251 Ccnty__Q,.'f.t„ to. hay. cheap Garden Itakm, SlKocs, StiovrAs; Corn-awl Galion Hu, cpf all kinds. SCALES, '§c . :& T - ES„ :304.. .sr, • ...ttrin the market, at .11YEll Nat 11:5 , 1 kientre 'street, Potts- the 1 Of .6U k'nds, 6sSCR • 'FIOE - T AKE NO , , Builders and Mocha' cam lymu:litelwap 11 1 viz; Pal Tops mid Fltie.o Mnrelt U. "111 • Si MYER 4: SCIIIJWS. 'lading Hardware araltklatia, s. Cement, I Plaster,'Cillakrley Terra Celia Plpe'of all sizes. 1 - ss (tars. ' ?,Itt 5 il R. • . - _ ST., POT '( ; 131 LIM EN'S . ' • 5M.M0.U.T.1151. 11 , 9 fi CAPS. I,A Fl' I IS. A. Svvit 7,44;:ii-3111 - FRANK I CARTE .J ENGINEIpt, SURV: . Al; ENT. onicc.—si lA/ 'July 9,.'74—.15.tir • i . tj ARRAS BROT ERB, - • •. . ' CIIIVII.I;7IGINEERS A A. , Mtn,. I.:titicerinr„,- 1 1Collicry-llaps. for Inspectoroi illicc, Ita.l road, I.mi4lion mut Construction, 'Topo !zzoplipal Surveys atil all . oilier pnaressional work VI (SII IA ti proznptly Old on reasonable terms. tzlicc —Centrzt strelz, Pottkville: - Jan. 1.'"70- 7 1 . 14 1 I ENR.Y PLEABANTS ciyili...iiND MAING EN(11:1:ER, • ~ -;ur,-,.• s an‘l I;:ircctsleoll I eric. , . aihr einmines)llne ral I.;iict.4. :. . twytez-.-il,uitiatz's Epizc , zprol ClitirCir :YOR, and REAL ESTATE SIR TER ILL l'E, POTTi3 IL LE; PA" n 114.1 I ng, Centre St.,"oppa•dte . Jan. `N j INF..' INEIPE . UPOR —4 I'M. PROWN wr e n, 1.14. hi,' . serviees .. Mine Inspezttir and to Report on c•onlit ion, ell p;.eit 'atitt valtio of iliiiireit abio 'to seltlands on Cominii-lon. Oltice—Pottsville, Pa: " Jut, _t . 'to' ' i I '. 3• l 4iiii . ' Ii 'W. SEIE/1 1 ;FL'I., POTTSVILJ.K, Pa., late of the • Pc tiltsylva iiia State Geological Survey, explores lamb:, 01l [wk. Si'. , I .- Jail; 1„;.'61F-1 _ . • 17 T, ctuiLrreii, ENGINEER and A WM .E..• TE...'l, 17!) 0..111, • gtrvet,Potts,ville. Plans. Sile• riti,,LlitliV. 11:1d.I.Still Itt I'S matte of every - tlowript .on ..f inil!dings. ''ta t'Ting' in its various brittle:le; :Mended to. . . ..tut , 1 ~7 . r). . pplf:rit: 11 ST!:):111.1 STP. A UCII & CO 01 - IR . iN, .. ClCi/.• .r; It 31.1-ISING ENG INlllatk, A ' NT.P. ntArliliTS:llEN, ‘`:Z. • Po•rrsvfm..g, :,up stAtir4..) [. s - ,0 J. • t . . • AMU E L C H itl S U AN , JUSTI.7I. O . F T f t: I'EACE, tPAI' EsTATE .IGENi AND LI/ CliNsEl) .\ I'lll E . tcl ' No. 1 ..I.‘i l AN - 1 INGOST., TtfylliV I LLE, r . s pedal' at t..ti.t km given toall littsiness it wahove branches. li mitig , W large exporiencg, kit isfitello . .)11.1 plow pt nes:: edarant yeti. Colk.ctitms especially .olicitad and trill receive nmaediate attention.: • - January I. •m, : . ,: .-- - ---,--- CP. KORITSOFE, informs the public that he .. he has rt ptirchaSed the 1. . \ - :- - . .. , • 1•_ . ... 0A l' .A N D r i C.IND L F, FACTO - 12'Y; corner of s•ecutul a .1 - 111gli streets,•Pottsvllle, lately tivia.) by', E. C.- Neilic.t. Co., which lie Mr. Kopitsch. .stablishyd in 0811. l The new firm will be,C.F.Kop itsch W. son, and tlitty will manufacture all' kinds of soaps and ca lidles.i The patronage of storekeepers .o el the public In .gpnerat is respect fully.sollettell. July 2, '7o-.27 , 1.Y I • - ...ktorlto . • WM. L. LAVI4, , - . ... • Practical Plumber and. G a s Fitt er, -' • . .7• No. -20; i.k 11 ANTOICGO ' STItEET, PoTTSV) LLE. n. WV Itl g liven lite lail ess o ver 10 ykrs.ln Phil adelphia gives 1.1 al unusual facilities • for deriving •, . his supplies tram si est class lionses . . 6,4- Particular attention paid I oniuntrX work i . :'. march26,.?7o-1.y.„ . 179 • t -limitary I, . . FORGE MARTZ, ARCHITECT. • T NO. ail, M A III:ET - sTREET, POTTSVILLE. Inventor of the Self,duMplng caged, - and of- coal iireahertMitlf the usual height, *awing thereby-a great amount of timtivr in• large .breaker. , The %elf•-iltimping caged are for "dopes and shafts; with of without door to tar, 'and with water apparatud attached to d w putur..4. It selfzdunVa one or two stories, and hoists one, two or three canfat. the same time, '-! • ' The advertiser-will plan, superintend or contract' to build colliery iniprovements March 5, - M . ' . . • i-4„, 1 - F. WRITN • , • . 13 N E.R, • . 160 12tutrr , Street, rotisville, I's. .• _ DEAI,I;I. 1:4 G(..11) .AND FOREIGN - EXC)EIANGE; UNITED STATE - AND iITHER• BONDS, JIONIeY REOEIYED ON DEPOUT—INTEREST rer azreetneut sToh:Ks an 1 1;0ND8 bought and the New 'York end l'hdadcliddri-Ituards-of Broker* At the usual Jail r.!70 ' I 'CAVE YOUIi - MONEY BY SAVING YGIIII LEATHER. Buy 'Buy I. • BUY Buy BUT • 'BUY. • P. FOSTB-lUS U. S. FOSTE'R'S t' SS. FOSTEII's . C. $ FOSTER'S • • . Water Proof Grease and Leather Preservative • Interior qualities of Leather mule' lini?ervicafs to water. Old teat her made soft and pilable, with color renewed; more lasting than any other of its kind in wart: t, and applicable to all lands'of leather: • • Miners will tind it the best article they ever used .to protect their 1 inxits or shoes from sulphur water. or :sale,. wholemie. or retail, by - c - 7,l,Emr..rr L, Fug- TER, Ashland; FiL: and In l'ottsVlile by Bright, Fox. & Jule FoNter. Thomas Foster, and F, L.- Frx t er, " • :day 24. qiU-:.:224, A NCIIOR LINE OF TRANSATLANTIC rt. STEAMBHLFS. et tV cell New Yln It, ( Ilasgow,l:ontlonderry,- I.lverpool, Qtteenstown and' Hamburg.. arb B (LATE s OF PASM AG E.-+For pa. , 4inqe or drafts bytt tMctiminstilious,comfort4tblband popular line of steaSumhlps In.tweett the United Pitates awl Kurope. oefor fait Intorroat ion In rbgattt. to rates of . passage, we., awily in person or by mall to 'their Agent - Capt. C. F. CaItVER, No. 251 centre street, Pottsville. A prii T R. G. T. CURTIS'S • LIFE OrDANIELWEBSTER. , written in fulfilment of 31r, W•tbster's testaMettbtrx'snitimitions, will be Pi l f l: t i TN l :f ll4lll et ‘.‘+- :tti v t )l :3 l t ni elYUY4tfo ll i " ii " Wi l s i t u e s r; awl fine Wu.sienis of different "views at Franklin awl at VOLUM' 31EADY; "As soon as Mr. lc is published, 'the IpreNent4tenern i t i r I uchlutler and more completely ro lib . 1 of Oda extmordi-. j s nary man than tea! .t.lsimthedinte con .- • tiUn 1 p 0 In rielt. ' , 5 --. "Mr. Webst _r w ill.agnin comp Into view " as per haps.the fore mist man of this century on the Amer lean f...loutinent. it was he that supplied the Ideas, which triumphed- In' the late war for the. Unrou. 'The Union now and ?forever. one and Inseparable ' was a ..entimmt which tiff had so Infused Into all In-.; gennens.hearts that that they I were ready. to _poulr out every'drop 01 their blood la. Its support., lie is the one man _ - .vi thou t whom suctalsts 'could not burr been. ttelilev..C7-21'. T. 11-orfd. • "It Isrnbahlc the-linit Life of 11.4:Nist. that Will ever be written, inul It Is beyond.compagd= son, the best. AS a biography. lit has the rar3 gulch. fly of usefulness, being suited -to the , tusle of the general reader as , well a' ans'werlnsr thedeanire, ments of the scholar and politician. - . "The extracts from its spec tie and correspon-; deuce are copious, but the selection of - tl r t i rn La so happy that Glee cannot be 'Unit, to, any an Who cures enough for book ordta subject to ft"— N. Y. Tribune. " George Ticknor Cuitheis I ANIEt f , Wm:L. 4 3l7n will meet a warm welcome' f . ti Atneric public. , "'The Author does hot write ns a Piditici n, and.. Were the, nook issned without the naineef.any eat.' tor. It wpilld tmditllcuit. if not Impossible;:to aseer, tame front any thing In it what aro his own pollticsil aitiance.s. We close the Om.. volume with great 'sat. Isfaceion, feeling that the life of the illustrious New ,Y•nagetaler has been written as he. hintself„Would liave;approved of it."-.-Joisinalgt Cbmlacrce. • /hlrciet front ihe".flostbn (hurler," M • "s. - Curtis has produced not only a biography of marvellous Interest, but On e -of extraordlnafy merit a literary point of view. ' • • It may I, • praise, but we think ..that Sir. Curtis hits Written 'the life of DAstafi 7irtm as It tinglitio be Written.'" "Since • Charlemagne," said Theodore Marker, "1' thing there has not been such a grand .I`gure In ail Christendom. A large man, decorous In Arifes,4 3 % rtideddnsteportment, he walked as if he fell hl a king". , • - - ' . • , ' - .. . , . This work, of which the first valuate .lttl now pub listed (the second will be ready February Mt), timid by subscription only, and the prieo is. fo 00 per W arne, I - ,.. ,.. . Subscription* inay be given our authorized *genii, or sent direct 03 UL, - - • Agentawnnted In all parts of the mantel. i Address t •O. APPLETON & CO. Publshers,. 4t. , 90, 92 & 91 Grand en, Neiw. York. Feb. ID 3.5c7 . OBIS. OR STRAYED .— On T uesday . Asig„ 200. I_,ew kyo.c.ol„Vs—the one a small Brown CoW4 Kith short kip, and a White stripe down her. back; and small luturded horns ; the other pas a' Red Vow. with white thee a • large frame and very thin- and bony. , Any itiformisßoti 'col:teeming her prlil be' thankfully reSeivell by the owner. ktept 10, '7( , 4773t 1 r. , GEO..OILOOON FOBaltYlllo. • . • - , . SEPTEMBER, 1870 =I 5, A. 11:;COCIIICAN Ell ~Pu ^ farmer: ~ ~~. . . :111111LE14•0N TitE . F - At.V.,:-.Mitlca are altil••. ) . • unlirertal.on the sugar and .cotton planta tions 'of :44 far Bnuth; while I the• - tal -. 9rite. team on theNalliern farm has" ala . ays i w e); tc. the lax . ; partly bi!cause his .corcai,s b so ‘•- i l_ inible•when - cut - Into steaks, - anal-partly rt , ,,11 1 the 'tough eltartieter of the soil, ivliielt.tinik, ,- a Slow . team-3'oy desirables- :The i titi l,, i .. much stronger than the horse, Inn no) ,„ falst,as to endanger plows on stony. ,olt, ••• carts on rough. roads. • . They_tioaffore - ea,)l,. kept than either horses or. oxfn ; and %rift Consurtie" almost any foddei a Wreii:4 ) ,.. A. - seriou.a drawback -ttr thew ox ,teain i . 4, . that 'it demands.a pasture a part of.:the t inn or its equivalent In gree.ti• fetid r. . If liel•) - up continually,. and fed-with h'y;--;ilay :n) meal; oten will lase i m n - apPetl .';',oiid 1 1101 . ) 1 , t. t, flesh. The ule,eati lie .kept :as st.•adil: - -as the horse; with Out idly ItiNs tesiangt II •:. flesh... 'Thia Is .a. `great - advattfkit to t 1 1 ,,„, Avlio`.have MI 'work. for Their •lea Iti , . 1! . rather agrees - with: .mulei •to lai - ec a i1.•..k• ',task, and to he. kept. ttraight:lit it, al :...-•idlettes.s aeerriahtltentorilize thrill, ail have the les'son'to learn -.over again. .I are. not:is - II:01e to either di . or Ox,-tunlare much' longer lived. - uied mule team will last -thirty y . ca; that Is about long enough:, • - a But it ni willhe Ta, - the. mole is t;vll: . ,k:i . inveterate' kicker that_yon eilli ' lIVVi:r "ft:el safe with him. . Kicking is hi 4 aptetit mr:d.: of defenke.:. it is so natural tor retina 1. , 10\1 for blow that the more reeeivils....a pin(' vilt;- cation inthe'lltie of kieliing :rather :flan "i,l farbearanee: If we'are • *rsikentiy piticil: with.hitu,-and•treat him with knob vss;1;:: Will IoSC' his fears, and •iiS, dispoktion !:: kick: '• •it you. Wunt a 09d\teropeq.ii mul: team, you, must . keep . vor ow temper.- YOB fig, , scolding, curse t, and' blows. wi: I nuke a ' vicious team alifiost''incritallv.l _ Anier . iean 4lli•ii.lelttat-ist. ! ... . . RICH PUNIPKIN-11F;:—Siffliitott pan tlin-c, quarters of a iattinil of liour,'Ancfanother: • a plate. , Beat the whitestiflpvo eggs to a stilt- froth, 'and mix theinwl_th-,-,ti"wilie-flass 'or . • mpre . -of cold water.:' WO thi s -wet t Mar to a stiff paiste t mul funning it into -a lump, • r beat iton till slits With a rolling pin: Then •• ' • lay it oti the paste board, and nil' itout into - thifi sheet. :Use tlie extra quartiir. of Ilutti•!- for sprinkling. and, •rolling. dive 'ready three-quarters of a pnund of good buffer, di- . vided into three portions.- Co ver the yht et with ',One tiortion of the butter placed allover it in small pieces; and, ati.4piattlistunces, Then-sprinkle on a little - fif Mr; folti itp th sheet of paste ;'flour it slightly when foldc,l: tell it out agliim and put on in the same ner another pOrtimi:of butter; their flour i! , slightly; flild it' itj; roll -it out again, ni;.; then put -on the, of • Alien fold it and ,give , it a hard; II iil . roi always - Moving - Ow rolliiig-pin. • or/oil:arc/ you. The pas - 1e will-then - 1W • wida ptunpiiin custard. , . • . . Pass .0 pint: 4g well. stewed- putopki:i through a colander,-and add a piikt ut ereath tidd elOtte:.rgs tkunpughly beaten. Then in a te . inzpoontill oilpowdered einteinne: nr. a gratettnutmeg kgAnger ikr lemon (nay prefetTed. to these 4, :Wk; in : : kigur :Level taite. Lay thu. pas.te in La, buttered ; 1111.0 t- the cU . sttird:*".,l.4'4.kelt: a by..i!di .%. . thtet -,:iniirtets of ItOir: . .. A -I.llttittA), Arki.4.4 2 ESSI4IN.—A e0rr0. 1 ,.. ~ cat writes; 4 . Doe, it hot. !-ct:til t.-4.1-:.,••11:i. .:?...;., like the dawn ot lite iiiilleittunt when %, ....:- ero niilqueser intake ft 44r.etil of smile 1.1...._!..,-'. appru‘`Cd,juoiles of eulture? For in-t;tt ,',",,• there is one of . the• futetnor•A ;,a.rdenet-•-•. ~,, . •;-,vern".4 to hae.3. , no i n dea. that hy tallchz ‘ , •.% ~ Ai" 'husband! of'his nernwr ”r sim , iirill ,, _ iy,l , Aregetiibles, lie is aiding an,l tit.ett i lig; Lt , ,. -. pi..., , Lit01• ; and' tuark!et gar‘h-tti•r No. :2,. in ,•....-, . turn, tstrerilly to give th'e' henefit or bi-', Ti - enee-h - ! the 111:11i . Who 11;',1:s it, i it . ht.: : tt . ~,,--, turn., or to the eiiterpril...ipi.t %;:-i..i i i : l ll x v i l „ ~,,,,. -. sults him roncertiing-the•rai-:•. - n•:.ufe.tri‘ t al,- rtages jrAi ir k,i2r iczt(lizdi."' ..1 , - . 1 -. . , . . Ai;rjeulttire,.it this : resipc..-t if in nu ~..'e • - 7 -ranks, it'e",r'''lieve. wi it i l ii i'":" .011 " 1 .' , 1','. . - ' • 't" protes.saim*," I •secl'et ntle of 0ri.i . :014..!• :-- rt.s..9tryivti iis . .4.'vitit•itcf..- i,f• 4 owl:. ry.. Tl,.' - • whn.:..e experietwe titikl'.•.kill aV 4 1.i., ;r4... !, ; ily . sifirre•ltiee wilt ili .41.1`.4:T1CA . 4 1- ItS i t tilltilf: to I,*. :Mil We trn-'t IV' 10:r.: . c . tinkle, tp..6 3 / 4 .! the ea• s tAkhed. ea-40:i. '. ' • ban I?.%3tslcr eVi•o : , ter ;1, eh I tit. I h1y11411 , --? ticket rovers:4 . ns to e-etitte in (-ow ralieetiellt :t report it: Virtlitall4l.l Stlt / * SUN of 11. eutwiy, tle:it lie is i;either ley the tie "Imsliiess rt `ecin:Wettel- with ,11ae: trim & Itatlisey, prepri. „tors of tile 1.. —Nip Cit?'ll. .19f • • . • ' "Quinbft. .. r UMBER ! LUMBER ! r - • /-• TA) UNDERT.Aii.kAtS ANTI eIIAIIIMAW, I- ;7-. Wo have. on hand a large 106 di( Ft.trolt..ll '.., ..C.l'. COFFIN BOA:HOS awl, Ptil'LA lt. CIIAI,II. and: F.", TEE PLANK. 'The above 1,1 th'e hest lithLit'y “t .'s °' DIANA I.EMBEIt. - Ili kAS 4 it.t di N 1 ItEto4ll , ,- Jul? 3 , '7O-31-11 filor. -11 . h ,k,Snruee •.-4,..,1:,•ad1td:. I ".,. U 3 • 411E4: lUM.BER !! . . , • ' 1au , ,060- FEET .01' IVE.,TEII.Ni:I'..III:EIt. 140 AS 6r. na. - L:Dit:sixt - ls:}1. • ; . Cornerscg and Sprtiott Sts„ . . , . ! We keep cottstantle on hand Mi.-liktan Pa net. Il! dlanaNalnOt, eoplur Chair Plank, ..1.,' 1 / 4 Pep:ar. ,is•! Ash' Lumber, all seitsoried:. The Wainn tt! Timis fr..l:. .12 to Winches wble and-all; and II:.• - PoPlar from 15 to 30 Int hes wide. - The,ouality <;t 1.!., Walnut. and Poplarvuunot. be urpassed In any M. r ket, and we arelsellinu lower than tile city to:ol:, I, All parties lowltra of any klnds-of Luzaher.irou!.. do Welt to call . d examine our stoelt. 4. .July. - 9,-'7O! . . . - -if LUBLB4R.': • ' '- . . . . . • . . UMBER. PAR EE & COOK 31ANUF CTURERS AND DEALIMSI:4 BILL 713113 E KOK llority k esxwe froin.White and Yellow Flue, • Oak and Pollock, alai shipped to or.Wr..„ Also PLANK BOAll.l)S.Shlngltw; LATII,•h u2l: ING. &c.O ees at WATsos:STOWX, PA.,' a%. 1 Lptl: HAVEN: PA. • k P.M. We klilp Botittindltallroad. Apron • SAMIJET.t_ .13,4144 • N:IIOI,EziALE R DEALER, 'h47 4, ,, near It ATI-ROAD DEPOT; . ' „ • 'Po - m.4\II.LE, 1' win keep poi - Ist:or , on hand a full fel... • merit Uf Building Id, , bee which he will gtil• autteg to sell at the I:OWEEST... SINRKI:I KATES.. M Eta • • • all hinds of 11 , . Timber Cut to fled Frame. Lumber, Boardm ('lank , Lath. ..„.1 Shingles, Flooring, Sash, • . • . • • Moulding:. And all klfala"ot" 31anufaeeuret1 Lumber, emls:ub' - , - -- an hand. Whife - Pine,:-tiarin'ock tout Oak BoarAm length.. Our'Mitt* are 71) tnileM below II ia n.;• •• . being a saNdtig. - of 712 Zelfreight per 10,0 feet. filled promptly. Prfee-..stm ['unlimited o:t mpidiF'‘• : • July 9,'7u • • Tar; ie nub - 00 krt. - _ T O ..1. , T.-1101;i4E No. no Centre MrS. MAR.t.) ARE 3! t"ePt44. -.7 0-4;-:it . No. Lis • /A ' DOUBLE COTTAGE SOUSE well • H.etl, In. Jalappa , for sale. Apply to Sept 3, M. NI. 11 , 10ttrl SI Eft, -bra c.• 11; BALE.-'-ISI. I / 4 1eui feet tot nt tlodce estate •• to wholti or In parts. Tern:...: Sept. 3. 729-436-3't -• • - PRIVATE SALE A wit-s SALE tier QV A tory V.A,LITABtE L Irrick• Tavern stand 32. front hy nteet deep. wlthgood stabling and a tic \ • r falling Awing of water on,-the No. L . '“ , .A - Two-sttiry ,Drlck Store Floosie ?..r. feet tr by . iii teet-deep, wither -warehouse attached, all ate In the viltage of Leesport, n. iir the Depot et F. k. R. R. R. 'the Hotel contatns 15 !Moms' ao:t1, never. falling well near, the kitchen. • A.: - Terms ensy.lind willrbe sold without reserVe. ply to the owoer. ' Liiesport;Sept. 7446.2.3tj 'OE ' SALE.--,One double Elreaker for Colliery, all complete and as Cool as,new.: 40 horse engine, boilers, hoisting gearing. !Or one -0 ft , F an,B terse .eligtne and I,42ers, ouP ton hay scale.- fLiOtret tx)rhis rods with - lilts Aze z•II Io e,r,ii• •• • order. .A.lso, a-setof hoistinglgearing for siot , o, pl other articlep.. - Apply to C.• 31. • • - • •. Anguat D•O Centre street, •Y0t0.v.!!! , . t • BENT.—Two °Meet; In Itumersi m 1:n • Ing, corner Second and . .11ahantongo r.. APIIY A °..4I ENRY C. UU3SEL, Real Estate ;I:, 18 ahantongo Street. • • . Mar 13-if .• . • t CAN T H E CHB A ,r . pis,T ~., • • -:-.' "--- ~..,---r BANNAN & RAMSEY' HILL .I,LWAYEI,StI.I. S,OIOOL.BOOK.S cx-f- =I OF ALL kiND:: At, Lower . Prices thari any other Bookie-tips n Pottsville, 30 . 311F1T1L ItHATITHEIR PYIU )lAI li►. ArtlFlo4 Ltze BOOK': AND ATATIONEILY I.tNE Ata,GNat !ii*Kfitia fromlor. , CO `Compsre - "Ai* purchOng Eh/oiler% I weck • id 11, n If• MEM 1 -I,H fil,l • I.kiormltiaAtt. lit Pp sxio :It 4 dozen. •" • Sept 10:74471t . r't••• EAM. SAW IEI3EI T,)ill