The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, September 17, 1870, Image 3

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    FORTY-Sncilli YEAR
Pintsro' ?o,lurnal.
SittUß►` SEPTEMBEA 17, 1870
. 'SOWS W. ElLlANGE*,l.ehrinon County.
Semite: I:'
,TIIIIMAS C. LCLI£h, Sehoy'hip haven. "
^ : Asse-mI?I,T.
ST.EX.% Pinegrove.
11.4,:i5A.Y POTTS, Pottneiliel
WN.I. li. WENRICII, MatiattlY
Sheriff, •
‘.(„iEolttiE STAHL, St. Clhir.
. , Dsrector of tite Poor,
SIICENER, Schuylkill Toit
' Jar,' Cowto4sione!
sA3:11 7 1:11: GARRETS,
AutiltOr, —t -
STELLWAGON,, i'silo A:Rt. '1
A . ..T A MEETING of the likn.bitcan County
tumid tuc alminntee, beld on 'Monday, *ern.
1 I lie foLlutrlug gentlemen wereappuinte4 a eum
m ittee ua Natuta/Lantlon:
1.5071 EL .1.1/ LE.IIA N. Lab CITAWN:I3RICYX;
NV I LI.I/131 11.1514.1V.Kg., GUI. TROCIIIAN,
Attmar " Wm. It Porta,
:M. U. nraztt, "
17. '7O ,' 1 , • •
'or.. J. c F • ICK gives notice that having
Leer granted aiiatent for:an imko ved square
roil- or wire screen, he will prOceed in law
against all h o ,
ugly In frhige upon his
right, or uscl said . ser6c , ns withont authority.
, - :---,--4-----,-----_
A - sEatoulerr i hr has been' made in quoting'
froth the prOclatuation made by King Will
liam,.ef Pridailtil oh the entranceof the Ger:
: a•rmical,itit France. The King did hot
I.2.o(flaim that!ti warred ,oply-rtgainst Napo
leon, not, - ligiliast the Fresieh - People; he only
said that he WoUld combat thejsoldiers,•not
the peaceful eitiZena. The proclamation Was
purely a military docuent, with no politi
cal bearing,. adocument, warning the Citizens to he
ave peaceful}, and not to attempt warlike
demonstrations,l if they, wished to be pro
ected. .! ,1 ! 1- 1 . • • ! , .
1 ' I
.PARI.S is :
~i Also accessible as,, ,it Was a feW
layssince.'; A lt.ter from NeWYork, dated
:Ali. saA'-s :1 • : '
- I i'' • '
Notwithstar ding' the wholesrilerstampede of
merieans fipin • -Paris, slam the: approach, of
be PritssfanSl it is khown : that there are Still
hot a few .tiey yerkera ther,e, on business ptir-f
bOSCS, chiefly tnembers or agents - of commer- -
'tial houses here. Efforts wore made this morn
ing to ermim tnit.ate with . some ofi those by the
,able, but i t lam', told) without plieiting any
response.. The inference Li, that there is now
in) direct telegraphic commu.nitudirrn with the
neleaguered Oty, and that Ilareignere as well am:
1 ativeA are nbt, ;now in a positiontr:)‘'receive or
newer messages. The rettectionl; is certainly
ot an agreeithielone to the parties;interested, at
: i
liner end of ih43.--line,rbgt unhappily there is
1 ..) help for: it, i ' ,7: 5 1.... '''' , ‘ ,
- -
. .
J N - , r1Q.7 . l..;piseopal 'Diocesan COnvention at
I iticago i ' on - I,,Niednesday, night an amend- .
:'fient to the ( T attoos was : proposed that "no
e i ergyman. Shall resort to a civil court o r
t. amnia for the4mrpose of- arresting, imped
i g , 'or..avoiailig l any ••celesiasti T cal . proceed
hi!g4-against high ;. , and the penalty for any
vwlation of thii article • shall be, suspension
p'-o.fact, from the ministry." After sortie'
!l scusshon n'ldivision ofas
the question W
t: ken, and the first portion , of the amend
nient was adopted by a considerable ma- ,
juritY. The' ,8 portion; providingfor:
sitspension, waslost. by non-coneurretice of
the ori t lerS. The MinisTeriai'vote was 27 to 7
iii its favor, While the lay vote Was a•tie.
I 4
tow In France tuayrhe.deseril
-.The Prussian armies sur
corn too ti ca tio n 4 with ti
'cut off, and at any xnomeiit
fine the .fO4ified'it'alls Of that
Nrence.. The city ,catO with
two or three weeks, efend
ri.seldiers,• butit inevitatic
hundred thousand Gertinin
: VW shortlyi,zencompass
in the end 'Capture i What"
predicted, with what truth
in a letter from Berlin, which
prussia' oc9upies . Paris, the
enate, and "Corps iLegislatid*
wlib. be expect:-
Ltnisioners to treat on a
ben this treaty is Signed it is
will lie relensed, said Franee
to choose . her own govern-
• Ttte S • ITUATi
rti r und Paris,
oliter•world is
•The conflict 1w
elty may coin!
ed by'lts citiie
that the fonr
troops which
every Hide, Wit
will- is
eannot bqgaid,,
sa3 '= ;thatiifter
Regency and I
"will • •
the4e su
i•dto tiatne•com
bag - i..€ 3. WI
\V ill
. 1)0 left fre,
• ",
TI,IEI G cum AS . .N..s:trox %.r CoLon . s.-:-A)xt
this subject, Dr: H. Kaine - thiS Bortftic , b,
setitls us the following
IHI several nee,isipps an-error concerning the
i,Hrinau ifhtionatcolors as thee
p pulation of l'ottsrille,aftttr-the . irsuc ,,
I . lc-tric of the 12th iust., 11111 Y. be conii
41,tif that thcre , s.ifin will I.A.ot . tior
f, ..:;.rielusions aratilin,lll ,-
~ rablil
I. i• of dm wlt,-)`fe
nia t iy, ' a ii i pts./ troth the loqtelation (if itA'ara . nd
Empir(!,;tre Maek, eronsotqana v 01.% %.Ttll ;at.
milt !ern: me Irial•k 4..10P in Iil.:.:1/1/41: IlI!. i
Iklaek.aml W nue'are the - *pet. liq I'rtts? , iati
..)fors••as thi•y at!,t thine of the • : obenzlern
dina-Av ; an4l V L• A
3. 'rne sant , l'rtisian i-.'ilurg, black Old WIIIICI.
I.ollibila.,l %VAN/ 11P:p.'4i Iql I. 4,411.111.3 , iellnanilags
nanner under . ... 1%61( ,- ;.111.1)ted only ' it,t. 160.7, Iry
1.13”.7,,ft1i ( l'onlvderatntk4 fur', theirll4,J,'
.n the sed. . ' - ;••44.-•.• 1. . - ,
NVM.n. theri•fore, l'rttssia,no ll r ehe ..Norlh tici
• 4;'• -
,u .+u Ck/ilti .. th:rilti.Al a ~ ). , '),ft all t,rerkraany •arr
nga.....n , ( prt•sent in the , warivltit vain glorimir
"verbe.,rina Fratwe. It is aiiparent. that not
and erun,on, but blaekierinison
(gold 1?(..t1P! crilors thatvitiouki
fereee•e•,-ehen 4 det•oration i the -in
lit unrverr,al l
.r4Crnaa ¢!Y.>,.. :
• ,••
. •
• PIZ tfl!T T
r 1 1.111: Congres,ihmil to lid I eld itt i
.L this state . elsoOtclFe thiolgbout
:Ile country this !Autumn; are of tl:e ut too,t
:mportanee. • A riowqrful lifUrt l,y 4neute,
gold undUthi;e• - aiii)linee:• , , i 'ls :
imelein every district now rept e4i - 11 - e,l
I;epublieau earry.tieto in
the int ere: -1 - of .I.7retc EugLiol with
her itnpoveridleit
,lire-ent condition by I.C:Frt7.l
i:- .. . • denottneetl• by - :,0111!. of tk it f 1 /"` t
111111(ls iu that country; :t-,:the ruin
haluAtial int eX,,h•; --- .6 inhoriil7-4 0 in
thie,2 tlie . :B. , loption! of Unit policy iii . tithe
v..untry. :She wilt greet rejMeing,t9n.
ti. , W.'t of the. &Adel:too rerrestmiativem•
p Iged to 1"r4. , e Trade. It, h •
intere,i of worliingtnett, %vho!are 'dependent ,
rn the maijaelninee of the Proo - ...etiVe
i•-,c fir comitant employinent goull
t'i 6 4C only for :thos,e • : f.,r !. 'l in
hr who. .are identified -. 3,W;'nt the 'l,:•+,•t
-thm. !hem by pro:,er legimlation
azinm;t 11 e low svages
U -, q1;111 , 2; masses of Europe. Enemic,.iof the
l'r•;tecti've. system assert that itis a tai up, n
4 •"tle• 1,e611e; This' is not so. It iticitt:ies cilA2:
pt . ..tion,. and colniietition lidtvitys;re_thiet••• l
I,rices. The ease 'of the lieSseniur steel'iait
chiMifactort• in this .cotintryi-is a striking -
rii•thtration. The : pr0 . c;....,54 -wits irit.roditeed i
ilexv, wills were i-lahli-fr4.;;4l,iatitl . fibtwilli-..
, I.Citlittp; theAkity inip.,....i.d, ilit, 1+6(4 was re
dueo ottelialf. 'lbis fact Ita4 bread' Masted ,
.to Ik' '4til. the prominent rail - mild men in the
) .(im i try. The eiliTt 'trill he clie 'wine with
„ir ot h er . ;1).4 Of untitufsctures..;: , 1.:-tab-.
lish them ~by an. adequate rri c i itectitie Tarifr
,m a firm Lasls, and corfiliet!tion itt. 'boliw:
-, w ill k ee p - price:, down to theoi l tistittii•r, Thil, ,
clo,4e,our worltrlmps with ,Free Trade, re
-)11,4•6 our capachyeto produea; and : We will
1., hut a cOlony of. Europe, while tlit• ability'
to'purchase, in consequence of 'tin: innover
i-intient of . our people., willt Ide . tint - tailed.
The true policy of this coutirreis tiilingeet
those articles into which la!otirf enterS, while
+t' , • admit frei, of duty thosel eominOdities
' , viii•li - we do - mit produce, eltuA encouraging
1)o:1,e - tn:utufacturesand (mat& nwthe.people
to.nitreha:;e the fax:tales as we I as the item*-
tries of lifer :• . ' , i
... • 11'ofking,men, the wrist mportatit.. 'natter
': i• Ire you at the'cotning election is this. Iti
it•leorrectsettlemet4 yOu” are personalty in
'. i••Io , te(1:,"I'lle %V i'llalk nitil haffilttn
-, ,Y , .nr fiatnilies are involved. • 'l'lle recorit'il
1 !; 11' '' so-ealletl lietnaeratie partylim (hi .. .slip/es- •
~ li' ;II -proves that it hits ;et-Anstatitly arid; con-:
-1••1!ntly opposed -Proteetfon tp Youf i l Ocitts"
try: The voices and votes of is metnliers in
;. • .( •'flagress . , with it few : unful) riattE•axcep
. ' tii!..l-, have been for .F.ree ITrade. '''. -Every
1 ' 0 N: east for the f'otitgresiilutreandiilate of
that party at the coining ele!-tion ist a vote
for Free Trade; t 6 bOil4- up Oriiihtf, j . Twill
. _tures unit for pove ty' lt p ow l 4 ,1 IF ) 1
,I eh
_ .11 tider,i'roteetion are lippy id Proiiiperou4.
Thin br 1110e:facts when yoo.vitte
tober, and tet your naltot be, oniY..wli lvd tt
will not nfterwarda regret.
Ftritit run, of a Rtiperler quality . ; au4nit Iteg,ister & 1144iitit04, 1 :43
etilhAvhiltstreet, Pitihicielphfri.,.Pureliamet A
win AO to give them a .Ikatt. h;1.
vertiernti iib in4nother eolunnt4 -.. . • •
Kt:4D youi attenuoil
Mr. JoA. Thontley'sativerlisententitt this
:tine. He is offering it tiipsttpleuditi stoeVot
t.kas”tettile dry goods to the at tufslcir
ate liejettk.' 1,;4.' insult-y(7llr interest by giyitig,
him ft
. .
invite the reader:s at ten tion'to the card
of -rests, Ert wxr, I.4ITI;RSON Co-,. the
well-knoWn stove founders at Pinta ielf)lth:
in. another eOllllllll. The mitnufite tires of
this tirm are obtaining a Worlilwidt
ty, their merits being of,the very highest or
tier. Send for circulars; ete.,
, .
AN VIVFULFILLED PatioitAxitt.--7111antieilia--
tonW the war- resti I atm: In the defeat id Elrussi a, it •
is stated that the terms of peace to hate been
'enforee , l.4tY France were, that thelatte should
hare the'coal districts aronnd Saarbr ek "and
SarrebotiS, Prussia pay the ex ponies o ;thU , War,_
; I
and to refund the umotint of the war in - emnity
i eceived !rem .1, westrih in Itiat - ); the Kin of idati
over and the Duke of Nassau restored t&_tlisir
thrones ; the 'N firth German Huta brolfen up ;
the territory of Pritasia reduced to thearea - it
ocenpioil before 1848, and a new Confbileration
on the Ithibe estielished, and the Prutialan port
of liantzle in the llaltic;eeded to ilinapla.
• It is preshmable, owing to the war operations
not frivsng turned wit altogid her as anticipated
by the French, that the carrying out of the pro
grain tne will be deferred for the present.
.. ~ .. .
. . , . .
'--‘: -*- : 6rittiallliticts. - 1
.. • • .._,
• = cepts - ii line firm nvoertleni: E./Ikb mitneque.u4inkertlon
15 ...,tas a - line.
, . .
.I.:NurvAt.i.E.D' - • • Yrr.-' 4 Bio , xl will tell '!". laity tile
liorse.faticiera, In esti ni.tting the enddranoetuf a tine.
animal; and the motto is a good one, outside Of the
sportlnic world. Apure article—intrinsical y good—
must distance all competition, eventually.. The AM ,
ceas of ltdoipho Wolfe's Aromatic 'Solledum
schnapps ha:, Induced the manufacture of .4n hun
dred itnitatiOng; but In the unrivined MAW .of his
majinfueturecWill le Others have 'achieved rat. all
hit a wean ejkeees.--rmay he found the p u tic appee
via t 1011 of. a 450'0.- and. wtfulesome b Aerate. •
• ---
Tip: NI 'lots RANGE or tonic and altera
ative-.lnedleinew known, none is entitled to more
4erinhide ration than the Peruvian Syrup. In All cases
of enfeebled' And debilitatedconstltution iF is the
very remedy, needed. The most positive proof of this
'Lin be adduced.
(s.Ate, aticti..Z • t rcibe
.c., ,, i .• -
The quantity sent by Itattroad,,for the week
is 99,3:37 by Canal, f...t.,427. ; Mr thei.week,
1211,764 tons, against 99,497 tons for th e; corre
splnding wick last year. • 1
The trade . 'is an unsettled condition inleause
quell-re of strikes anti suspensions at some of
the eitllicries among Ufa men Slid boys, ;fur-va
rious reasons. - Several large collieries ak now
idle.. This:state of affairs has had a te4tiency
• i" .shipments •
Week, -
to reduce: 1 ie. somewhat this- I
and the market is a little -firmer, ivithor how- •
ever. any material advance in prices.' 1 • -.
Consitmers abroa'll act
,witiely today in
their supplies with( t delay, as prices 'Oll the_
seaboard.cannot go lower, while anything tend,
ing .to ehe l ek the trade and cause, isteirtett
, , , .... -Z....., .
sion,. will only have the effect of pri
for the balailk•it , of the -season. , Nothing is
to be . gainedlby Itattitagback at this tinict,
- OL'ti correspondent at dew York , write. as
, .
. .
. .
C. - - 1
NEw -Voitk,' Sept. lith4Js7o.
..tlytetall tr;jsik- has been considerably stimulated by --- !
- the cool nights of the past tvetik and a firmer tone
let he maratd is not let-able in consequence. I bear.of
but little coal on which demurrage is accruing; prices:
however are tar from helng - retnurierat lye. qitta at ions -
are about the sainelts last week, Viz: Remelt' hire Ash,
fret i4o for Egg and tz6 ti roc Stove.fted Ash, 14.. Z and'
Stott! S.C. 'Lin inT.O. - TileSt• Prices' are fur. stlintlaril •
"coals only; Inferior grades are with difficulty pi:pitsl
at utuchilovrer figures. - • .-.
Vessels are quite plenty and freights are, lower ',.; - '‘l
Willieslitirre alongside In New_ York. rinisigitee
pays d iseltitrttin L. , :-I--Itti top, Lt. - , loo; St. Boat. .i'll7: Ito,-
ken. 'ST, :Si; Egg. ::11 :',.!,!; ST10V0( IA (Si; Chestnut, 'P. 111/.
The tradesunis up this week as*followg ; .. •
1+69, ' • Is/tO. L .
. . ~ .
' ; . WEE);: 7 - 01514. WKEX , TOTAL. 11N,6 I)
-I ..q. roe iti .',‘-.---- —_,l -,.---.
, i.,a It It It
....,:'", h....;;51 -2r, . - /,1;34 ' 'AV= 1,11.4.711 ft 397.342
vioh ca1,..i....'., i0;...-13.1a.: '27,t11 . - 3 - 1,11 - ..:1 d": 11.114.1
J. Val I:USU.. /.1.11.1 ! 1..721..1=3• 4 3:30 2.P4'..i". f 3.V.:416
V It R
I.Nil. 1 fl 3,474 •_04!.31l tiI7V-..inl
L. Canal. 27.1 iii• roiLiCt 1ri,;70: itt.i..trli. I tsl,itm
L Nassf: It._ 11.110 -. .531.4,31 ';,11.1:: ',:sil . - -at.t ss
iscr'et a Sit t . Lt-..itt Gra,...r,; .....9..0)- 14iu.G75 rai.9K.:.
-6. Nth . , • -• .4 • il., ~ '1'..t.1.44 4 7 15..:;33 .e. ~-,.1.1,4.D. ,I f f, ff -,,,if
" it 'R.... t.'1,.);": frol.:tl.l' ..2.3:31:7 4 . 4 1.5 4 1 , f . Imll'l
el. Calif..; t • i 34' l'l..:te: • -tilt" - . 13,5 f ifi" f 44 .0,!:,3:41
11?,k, II C. 0....! -1.1t 4 ." GYA.1 4 :34 , 4 ?-1.;t 4 0.1". 1.044±,197: 216,072
I/ ;t If It I:, 1 9/ ' ' I.IJ Cl,' 9. •14 319.'213 1 ! taint
AVyonling Sh 4 f •49..1190, 1[1,1[•1. 4 319,1.4.9"_ .9.;..5•2
kVf...vr.11,114.1 Nil „MM..; 4- 741.4.40"; 43.-t:.: 1:: 4 !4.11'/' ' 3 7, 4 1. 0
Sliatriaklis .... n."..-91. 1T9,n5..4"- 15,t1'.9 r 11f;.7- 44 11.1
! --"--,...—.. 1_....,-_°_
9.11...;:n el .97.1 11...;727V.1 I
. " 4.
.4 .316.5711 - , " 1
-,.------,--- -, ,
; t fl.... i lfit - ... .„:3!;.*_5!
,Semi-A. Ihriv.. • . . .
1'revcrt...a....... ,""11...fK0 - .:1. 4 .".1.; • 4 2.!:71 ., . 4 , ..1:12" .n*4
~..,h,30, M.. ......Cl, fill, ~'". 't..; IMAM
trtX.4la4f V t'. ' 4M; —.'. It.fti 1„:"R.r, - , :Ifl,nr r lA lime;
Will! 11-141Itrit _ .1..•.:7.31 I;t 4 712 3. 44 73 ' 1t...01/ IAO lit
It".g' Lif;l: Ci11.".... : 1 1 • . • . r. . .3; ti. 3 ' 51,431 ! 31.43.
, -- - -I .t...__
" I (361 ' 7 :4 ;7. - f-31'...11.;
Ilito.Fitioi.irs. ' 'I . ._ •
110.:41 p i. .Al 7
0 ft. .111... !±2,:tr
.Total:!{ kind 3
Ntnr C 0.%
ager of the Co
and Nayi;zat
-Creary, late
pAny: and M.- I
selves foi the'
n st
!-'zip, that
cre!'o;ell .
saki' tfio pradi.
;trot the; ntiners , Itt* iatr eotiray: .
tin on the 9th hr this InP4l,
bt •0 Adopt thel Gowen eturipro
te reJeetion c , f ithis prapocipon,
, resented to thOody their ti,-rins.d
future, which we learn: tii.;e
,al is*ti 00 per ton at kill
e per INag , ,i!. shall lie thetsatte as
p price td t:,,al-advances =or ,
.a priee per ivagon he
sen" 2:5 per . cent. cif sail; ad
In:IA-hat- the miners of our(
ing litAti on Tuesday and
U.N. did nut agree to accept ., the
kin Herold.
COAL InApE 11T 11111,119.11) AND 1:1,15AL, 14,
.V ^t ELT! .
helii at S11;11116'
mas revolted t
piise. Upon t
thaopei•ators 1
for ivorliing i
folloi f vs: •
ll:tven the• prig
at present.
When •th
tit this point,
nerposed or le I
vonee or fall.
gion, a meet
nesilay evenin
The q Laud It ~!..f. - ntAyy Itallrnad and Canal !bribe wren end.
IL% ; "-)
• Al,l,kirst
• Slfal rix3 - Ing frMght.
Olinotny'm tyre
—,---- i
:V.337 o , i '.:74:1 nil.:
; .1NZ,?..74 tit/I : ONycl 14 , 1
' 2.5' il ISI i 4 , 11,0(1: .14
M1:.94; 1 . 21 ' 2..94.2 417
M.:HUI ',KILL VOrATY uttLii().trts FORs . ,•();
--- • _ ,
I `rittsl
Pneviotisly this 'yt.flit
Total ,
T., saint. yegtr
th. f transp Or.e , ast work
Mtvn 11,11 et H. tr. ft.
1 , 111 rr....14• .
Mt. ('=o - Noel • -
ti"ad S 4 rl,e4 .... .. ......
• itAlt.ll.oAn. • , I
1.4.11a4;11 Wallop rySilrnnil ro ! - thr i•eek
ending OM NLlerilay Inot and for the . -
ft Mealiotv,_...
At, &honor
Soiaw time last Sear.... ....
b tcre
w -
Th folio ng Is the anantite of coal traneptdl"l b} the"
01,nal aril ILadrand of the Loditth Coal and Nay. Cu,i rut 41e,
week ending au Saturday'evening
'WELK, 071 A
;1",14,93N .
Fly ('anal
By Rai I r mut
The Coal wa o s &Tired 04' fOnll
Fron)Wyonittig Itegidn
111.tx•r 1,111K4 Itegicurl.--
4. 'faxTeton
Its 14 anor
. L. V. er Nay.
Lem deLto L. V. I. It. aitl. Notch..._
'..lrril ur CAPE HENRY ASrb EAST or Nicw• sarmorivie.
. .
. ' [CO2BPCTEO W.E.ELY - TOl 4 THE lellsgas* JoViele.4l...i "
1 .
Rod . -- .0 Prepared $4 nrg, 5, 311 eberdoul--_........-.. a 7.071 SO
do i7lo-dnut-. . Locuot Mt Lump.. 4 74rd,•?4 03
W. Al: amp.-4 75 4(0 do Stesuner 4 Tua..i...N . co
stp.v., ...... .... ..... 1 7546 5 rot do ° Broken. 4 7,44 ~.. CO
Broken... .... 4 7-144 5 At. do Egg ...„. 4 T,ig:41.5 op
Veg . 47W 4 or" do - Stove.-. 4 77•1414 CO
Stove 4,75(4 § AO. -do Chestnut 3 1106:4 03
'NEW YORK', Sep. 1-4.14 .
behoyt. Red .6-sh.-tel 'VI 6.93. 8et511..._............ ' ma !
do CheOnut -- , 4 751_6 500 ' Lentsta Lump........ 6 1 i
SW Mil Aslmp.-- :. Oki 5 TSL-141.441MPT...,-.-i:-.i 6 6616 I.
Steunter ...... ..,....„. 5 trt-11 'I 7.1; 8r0ken.:__........... h 6 16 6 i •
Broken..---......... 5 to - k i 75i nkr.,—. '—..-.......,4 WO e
E.4.....,............--.. 5 7,4 6 u0:u0: 5t0Ve........,..--.--. 6 Pk a ; .
Stove . : ... . .
.......4._-_ - 6 034 I V' 115eatnnt.........-..- 4 le
C0i1di5 , 11......-..- ....... 4W4 1 7i-Cordinee•pay6l ll6 C o *IC
• • mit - among, Fier): is, 4/34,.
To the trade by cargo 9r car load!'
Wilitesbarre and Pittaton W 6066 6 I _ s l
Lvltena Vans' Red 66 , 6 sa
Simi:nog:ln Witty. or Rod dub Mae 00
Zerber 16ed -7i
Fromard or whi:4 6o l o 749t0 additional
to consuatera- ..... T 030 7 60
George* . Creek iutd Cumberloao Cool, L o.a. at
Locust Point for iblpplar 4 744 1 4 to
C. 4,4
732.17 , 422 937
-72 132 .1.110.74 t, .43,!.11.3
.1.'‘70• I , r;N:S. 4 4 1.4.14., 13,4 ., 1,... , 34
. . .
al.llepartment of.tlke Lehight Coal
Ibn 'Contnany •le
thell:kney litook
lionmereri,latot •
• I IriTt'i*
.I.lavO assoelateil
pnrpos . e of ; , - .. , oing; a yaiolesald coal
r •
• •
111C01.1 OF:111.W TplEs
16.V . 1 . 17ptripnii !coal laudsl
an thinks'lliat iiie in=
ne of is7l,'jinignlg '.1 . 4 70,i : y . ),11
et.,or twenty larige
• - to: .
)1 • -
:r;.;:tr: •::.; ; 774
15.646 CRIB. - 1 • 1.
1 . 17,040) m j -
. .
4,'+..11.19 1.N"...1.1
1 .1 r 0,71.) Ity
.13.:5%; 16t4.17X - • Zio 4{6 1:
. .
Id:111(D COAL t'k
[qua:4 OF COALOT TOE CAMP. ; •1;
. , ,
' 4- 'l` ,
• ' -
SF 1.11
GAo T 4, 1
('rte tirm ia4r4
• I , L. , Mr. Or; .F.,tra. Atm 61si
re " Y 4KI r; lit i l !(.; t-r P- 0 9istatasiri.A4: 3 0'
~,.',zir,wit. . .."- -- 4i,••• --: i!
~.....t r i,,...„..........: , „
las) Amur. -. , 0 la a .Vt . a 0) apu 4 ti. Ir 4
It port knd Pt !Jolt mon tO Neur.Terk barer/tic itatFtil
, t...: 14 , 9 ,11 atrids. .70 mark -
Ina% dantattare pars clkarhystnp.
Pd. 41'n%
Iw h 1,01
Out to
71t .411
Ll nrne
nem n
P.+) .
Pori Lot. .
PorLarnt tt
Bostpt n I
maletn 4
my. B
Icetal n.
Pr , virtrP
Tian fn
Niiddlet •
' , Zany Irl
A lhawr.l
'ti , Pw V o
R101 , 11'1!
Chariest pi
.4 :paw - hur3 ,
Umell . . •
Dtgiver ,
Edearto •
Sont ra
To Port
ThP rlll
and from 1
A draw
ed '
r , ,
nl.: tt.
Mauch (
1.. V. IL
V. J. cez
To Pori IA moo
To South rA no
From P.ln
AT Litt roil
3f :inch Chunk to
Mnuelf'holik tt
Shipping 11,1'
'The, faklnain
From , r(,(Larfi
Freigbt :175
Drawback nal
Pram il'art
Toll -I
Froklit Ai
Fruni Nt.iii,ll
Th'rou:zh et
rotlx tn Phi
• " H
To New : l' j
,Ter Jere•y• I City.
' For nten
g I vellcat.
St:pt ..144 'TO
\V A n E P4
s i , Micueripalll
Lu troop lft , t4
pupils OrrF'
4.14 tio , EV, It '
SrOt..ti, ''..70-
i --- Eili - LB
•....• totii , wlt as'
'title, itttbjo , t t
Imo log L'Onve
. • Sept 1.7.!171?=-!-
NT OTIOT3 in leec h}
IN hr inlitill) It) hi, 1.
,iloq4,sineKlilr, MITI%
slobs, J8 , 04,....r ...r. , ..m!
men( 'tOr llili . . v.?1.q'.1.:
Al-;I'?CUSP/lb' fi t,l it - Iz, claims 11.4alunt theft oni
.111.'141 , traili, lienf* - 14 I littfiettliall l'atrrot,O.
,sod4iy fli••;r1 , wtp. I, 4.,..;.itt then't to Ili(' eoni ni it lee
.at Cirr,..'14.41, 0 , ...,0 - Itta , .lav eve,iin.4.Sept.2llll.nt'..
LS Webwk. it J.:. 1.,,,,,!1', n R1:14 . mili:CTipti‘pn 0,4.4. Or
'inoui , y bc )044 ug t P t' i.: land are requo,ited to,baior
it ov,r-sit lir a iou pit , ttv anti LI nit:. Arpt,l7, '.7(1.V- t
f 1
F ° ,ll:yl t lt I VI : re .;el;t BENT .
— lt l a ' t s
t , n t a
0 1 I n t! t i v , ll ~ , . , n 't, l
...Qt. in tle i re a cttut u t.•U ' r_ . t.ttt Sti4tri l E7.-
'I. '. F1:12;! s l .ti id ititO hor tools neres.sary tor no titi••
n. 0 oi)e. tlo . APO ,' to. WM. 1)11,11'k:it,
~, .tiil)t. El, 70, Wt. Zlzi- t. Broad street', Tatnioitts.
' ....) ft.. 4.1., OC .ETIC , --Nottce is hereby given that
In , Xluot tit ' .vnotot k i s t.xhibitton of the 5..-it y,
will be.he, at ItWit , BUItO., on
Tl..* .I,`‘, tlioith. day ,. .of ouronEt; ne.3o,
to con: hitt • fOrttlirco, rg.• The i tale on rosier:i 1;e
-' jog an 4 , 1-t r.,00 <la.: 1 r.; early . and .should be cor
reeled - j , S 13'.1' e it ri .‘1.1 , Ff5..1p4;.. sef..y. '
i cli
!Sept 17, h-:: —.2.1 . A
~ ; :
1 -,, :c:i--ni
li -.. 'IP - fill.
.....ij as i ni.ll'oi,v4l,ll; %VII'
• °. :•.l:Lek 01,11 , •Oft•ALLIV :nit:
~1101 re ...t341. s' A. 11.1 qi
..a..1.1,tat telq, Dr,
..... ,
Cc 1114 tot Psi I.'ll lie
7,: t 'atii ,, , .1 -I. ', * ; I t
..r; MIN IT tIR ' WA;
.I.' Jo p1%:111 . 1..1., A. 1'.,,r11
- It Et:IS l'Clt. 41111'1:
f ttrers of - Kim.* ihttik '
as,...ortment of•A *:%lfita t!
1111,k, attqltlic 1 ' , ,vvil
to 1,.. sent Att. tt..l -..t_01r,• '
hammer. IV.. In V Mid .•
':Ln , enal bk. I 1. . `t rnmtt
1.1tter.. , .:1,,,.,,,r )11, 4 1,, , ,,irk
. ,• ... ._ ,
X AfA.L.K 'a OA .C.tto,'
v v DEO.I.:,ItA 411 LE.)
. NO. Xn 2C.::•41:1'01Pi :••::...
i. t 3
5tg:111144.. taktgti or 6101
~Stems, Spi fits,
..iraifir. '
.liltitiltigsrLitt In +, Cut
men` or tift,e• Kit (11115 A I
• tiept 17„'7
j,' F
:•:„ It." N. Itl
I 1
4 , I
}..ipt : 37.
tt0.10.,i A IA
fiffei t
t: 11,1
.1 ' , Ertl 1
N. E. NI
Sept 1",'7 .
T ILE 130:1
. t. cotistra
Principles. •
roughly heir
Iwo-t t
; ‘l,*i! are la I
so Ugh ly
years paid.
811 E. JCT.
t.Qtt STOP E,
, this year.
need no eat
'among IN in
welkin in :19
d!69, allltou
the tonne of
true hot-al
like the rein
send for C
:..t pl. 17
4rrat Trutt
• vale, Tai
atm, A
, . .
•Tyritns h;ti
• At 5.'. , 5,5;10
and arrirlt,
1 1 ).. 1 r
the 5.15 A. M
3.310P.M. SI i
tinin from 7A,1
Leave. Ildr
qua; Miners:
and Philteleh
stopping at t
the 4.10 p,
..Aeltuytkill II
P. M.
Laet Penn ,
for Allentnsil
10.45 a. ta.,
it 11.Qati.'ia.,
W A 1..
j • 434., , 1
41,14 q; I 1,5R...111
118.:1141, ,
l. 4 9.tVat
g 763
" 4 . 1,141121:11A '
...r M. , 51).1 9t5.41,7
town at 'l.'q
Wuy rause'
A. M.. canna(
'Railroad, retl
ping at a ll ati
:Leave Inut•
ile . rmlon Ina
Aulibud at
City . at
'NOM ' 3r—mq
S ee • Ip,skr:
191 1,4:5
+34 A. M.. an; 1.• P. M. or Philaderßh Is on - i N:•11
York . pv. Potty . 'in. , ,- la 14 1 h r 'n3 - 11011 and-Arc:quell:Anus
Railroad at al S! Ai St. fur IllarriStoarg. and 12..0 noon
.(or PinegrovedTreraoat. „.1.
Reading A ' nuruslatlint Vain, leaves 'Pottatille
'at 5.40 A. SI.. *ii.t Itcati4ng at' 7.30 A. 11., arriving at
Philadelpitialat I11:1) X....1.t returning leaves Phila.
dclphia at 5 . 1 . NI, passmiltond lag rd !OD P. M.. ar.
riving at Potliteilleat %el P. 11. . ',
Pottstown Acednitnodatlore Train : leaves Potts
town at &2 Ad M.; rat urnttig leaytar: Philadelphia at
4.09 P.M. II , I I . 4 .
Columbia Ballot trains leave Beading at - 7.21 , A.
11., and 6.15 P OL. r Ephrata, Litt*, Isineaster„ •Clo.,
tumble, le. FP - i
Perklomen ltallred thiltisjeavePerkitirnen dune
, tion at 7.10 9.05 A. M., 3.00 and 6.55 P.-)4,
_. returtilng t
' , Clive Achweriksvi le at 01,51), SAO A. M..l2.Aahrani;liad
1,4.0 V. Nl., connecting with Similar trains on Reading
Itailrand. 11 I I - r 2
Colebronictlele Bkilroad tralrui wain Pottstown at
0.40 A. M.. and AZT. U.; !returning leave Mt. Pleas-.
ant st 7.00 and ti a A.. M 4 tot:meeting with similar
1 trains on I log Itallrtau .
• Chester Val y 1 Broad tains I.IIIVO Bridke=
trz e
1.:11 A. M., tt. and 02 P. )41 ; returning leave
ingtown at 01. A. EL eon and t Li P. M., con.
nectinfortth lnd r teal on Reading Railroad.
44rthlunda ,:. I viva N w York at 5.00 P. M. Phil-
adelphia S. .11,n t 3, I P. M., the &le A: M' trßin
running only tO. v -Ain ;tteave Pottsvlllest a.OO A.
M. leave Mar lab, 4.. t A. M. and LW P. M. leave
',Allentown a 7.2: A. SC' and P 1.43. P. 11, and Read
ing at 7.15 A. . a 1 1d.05 M. for Bantam:Ft* at 7.21
A. M. for No or ;at 41, P. M., Mt Allentown,
and at tat A , .a d 1.051 P. M. for Plabidetiobla.
1 1
Commutati a, littageou;Senoril and litsenr
*lon Tickets fp an Morn all point*, at reduced rates.
Baggage erred through; 1116 pounds 'allowed
each' I . - ' 0. A. VICOLUS.
Sep 17,70 :1. o.44iiiriciesetatisaperisikedinst
- • '
[lll OP cms6:ial,.. •
111 ZS.
molt.' Dollootort at - N. Y. OrrloGior.
« I 7S. Sa
4. Iv. Ifro.horrh $ tior
.... 13t.; Nest Fulirmisont Mk--; .1 GO
Z .
ISO Moreltml 7*l
1 Sa. •slfdr from "Si to
• ltwvnianlc D. VA. •
. Ckro.rll3l:l,o4borr. JP.
1. o: h..
mit $1 30-14:0301411M TisG2
ritTA-• ; -pc '1:111...
03 ••‘.lO
CID Pairtll , l‘e4 it IF - 0.2 11 45
40.1 71 Fall • V4O
1 171 rhel*es . = 50 et Al
14n Marbleheso •_ 00
2 In liantorkrl.4-- skl
t 40 New lonidnci--
140 N.• - s• Have/1-1 9i- • VOO
41 1 4t) lin()
t 31 Nnnwa1k.2.,..... 7.40
1 n Jorwr . ,
1 2.1 Hoc krlt/ti .2 In;
to tVcr-.1.%-o•tt .1 0t
2 7:.• - 1
2 fin t =
I! „..
Ras 2 - 73
11• Thy ' 2 Pr , '
St•;010.r.1 2 01 •
ti; •
Wllllxunpthurg.. I SO
Aleut-m.lll:c._ ._ 1 70
00 -
SVA•bincl , ol
1.y051007.,_... 101
; let
I 131,1
c, •, •
__, ij
10 TIDE.-
.tor ii.tnzNil IcAii.una o. . - 1
1.. Sr.- B. ristr.' S. Ili:
, n d
~:. , ;
........ r. sob r: Oa foi rn r . ni S - 2 an - roo
._.......::11....._.2 10 2. /t) '. 141 .. 11) . 111 2io
Puri J.S4cr'. to ;re 17-oontl Dor boo hicabor.
float:, and Ibistozr•svenoool.7 por 'no 1
sr 411 et illsii ton ix, gillima4ll,n bin cord odirlp
14. 1iebt91 , 11.4;14 }list of NeW lify.uswlek. ,
, ' r , .. „,....z„,„
ourif I . lliNNi I.VAVJA , PAI.T.I:I'IAD.
4 PlillaOofpfsb...... . : ' 7 , ISS JO
.I',• S. 4.1 eI4.NTOAL, 4b.Jilb. liOERIS: it 2.743111
paii:no.%:4. • • • ,
‘thporl., 1 , , To liohoken. .1_
- Ri
- Al' T'. •R• N - • It —1
''''i't - 4 . •
hm ,1
fr 1111
.~Ltl•piu~ & " nry
h... ...
i 4
len t.. 1r?...a.:.-0.4p..rt. k. rt. J..huni)n
N - Avdivriirlf 1.1 , 5.14 . i . N1 - A" i 8. 4. ILIrnA 6,
> Phlllitrihurv: -
lk Ilohid:i.11 and l'ort ..rohnhpn..—
• „: Bb t.'.1.N.% L..
'-- 1 - - 1
, - 1.g.11.T. , IN.S‘l..tlyor: ctiftl.A.SV. .' i
,• are ttti• rstte4i or to l• ant! Tretzlll. on I tie ;
1 for thepre..ent.
' To ; Nt:•tv yon{:..' . - . -
it , 31f,;• ;t rt,,,,0, .....;.. 11avi.11. - Pt. 1.110104
.-3- to t If• ; • 4 00
LI 75. 1 .:.0 I , - 164 ,
'.l-.^ . •I --, •
I coat to-T7N - tex ; Carle ail 'Vet nit, - ip centjt
i'! •
lip;; eitiLAnkx.ram. '• • •
.., ..I.llJ'arbfor_ Kit. Haven, Pt. Clinton
, • ‘; , e.Ol
A- 5..) -1 07 • 1 01
. i 4 FO
1:1 ' .F.1:1 , .11.'tN.51.. • ; . .
10.7..:14ii....;,..!..,71. ........ .... ... ." .... ......... 1 14
.“ ... , :i•WILor.. 0 . 10111r13101 • 74
atielphati.r.... ....... ..... ................ ..... ... 2. 1 77
l;v: . p.i4:::t It i - A:NAL. - ...
-" . 4...10
- 1,45
• :-:4
AbuertisesEtniF; ....,:.
bby I'ol earberil (. 4 01 - net Rand will be
ti rlcultu rat l'aric fru SI()NDAY NEXT,4
ii—Two gond eiryerknved ilitteksm it IIK:
i• W. iI 4, cIir.A.44:NLE.W.I, l'fil lint
it. e:,•.• 7., Septri.)l J. - 71)—Is•ec.;;Ltf
',..EN . CRAIN having' returned;
ttt t
' - iii num r,
ii vaention, is ready to reo l ye',
lin. cab net Organ -and :klrlo.lenn, at
WWI'S; .kflEge fit r , ..t. •
RGE44K - tioder,dgned otkrs
rafv.ll. l litfe ler .itirgess IN.tI
the dtt I " laion o ft 1:c RetAthileati N
n o:a
-ion: Ji)41.:1`11.
.1 r _ • .
lip yen - tint, dpoll. j<tll
, 4•0•11ency,,(16 - ::. t :,,try, th par.
IH%nl at ' tti,•••': , ..,• 1 .1..:111,41.. Sen l ,-
011141 , 4 4. 11t.`f1C4 , / til tuiprvjnil
1. • .
4.SlV:•it .t•iV''.t.
A I •
111 l,•trie•nnd well .vlceled
I; I..oniest,ie I'Arp!•tttigs. ()1
Also, Oil Clotllo,--:
will s ! -Ir very 'rEeltli tat !
Dra ,
ft.i...Elooms,' \o. 52:i t'stl.-' -
i 11..1../T.Fill'il
.S . Tylrealgneri.4.ind,!kranufne-'. ,
4t'itrlT,4reeli on...ha:id a large;
it' .. 9•Catt:n.T.r Furniture r lfair,,', v
ire spr - rtmt :Nlattr,aaa. CnTodai
ill %be, packed' int a , seetirel
ell - lor t',..01, nthd in ao ilelirr
11l iwrior in /oda ill nip niwear
61.41 cup sent. 17, ..7,0-3S-/V,
WFORD, - ITllttlElisi Aura
It tlt:lt ilt "411 i it. FlNllEs.Airi', ,
elan• PiTrilai - , Plillaidelphlal
'ileinniea Sale ;skint iig'eal(
Vol Hull"' I"pper. ' 'lloriTeeo;
14N:tiler. 'A. general asaort -
ertid l'praers: '.V inziniffm:-
liet Learner ekpresTily tor the' . n 4.0 t. Tan no-rK- Aing ('at.
' • ' I.: N. AV A I,K r.:lt',
- II: M. ett-IWO MD:.
:\\\ •
, .
Nt 1 N.
I ,tect, 1%1-,
111 1 . /
Ins g
, -
141 hi 'Exp.:lse:l! Large
t,i,' ! clpsr l'ers.,Lbal Alt - 0417„
erience! , i,
I !.zn . Ting, Garden ,
L .m . i,,str kirt.ENOIP litouli Ok'
r...,v:lriety (4
. •
[; : - !!! 11KW1s, Pr...KA 11(.04.,
..‘,4111,1 iztall{..
11 So IWO 1
:1,11 i, 1 relic
;-Lono EX!,
7i yeam,:oft
110 II ,tt ever;
Y. l' auk..
"nod linch
1 '
I_ , •
or ,
.' . Tnj_11... , : 1,
Ist), AL f ..:•p
1 .p , ---qt i. :-
Si .
fel ~ El
•411 Sopliffl
Isi.n !Urge v
le fuel um,
&e: '. •
EY% ,late Thornley 4..:(.11h4n)
I- -
ti7E N , • ,
N\lt SI DE 1700 K OF
rely Neu - and. Scientific.
Flue; : 'guaranteed to 144-
veng, and si x lett
I. IA the r I gie oven Cook
iing,.oric long and Invorattlx
4:AY CA 1010 NG 1iT4 . 0.1.4
11,1 the pantie fax .hevernl,
. . ....
I man Ikea
.stecia•ti i 4
; I ATA. oft - fitreat double,heatinw rAit
as heitn no ..di trriproved- - atail beautified
if here tznow i the ,merits of tills Fitpve
lent:l Our c . .elel ,rated .
rilliF4 Fitt .i.PL.I.CF..I.IF.ATEttSt, -
'lily; pltirm;i - m.4 al• 0 carried oft" the' first
i tie M;trylaitl , lnstitute at Baltimore On
sti . l..P.eted 'ottle. tnosi severe tests ut o ,,
' he Ehltinltir,p - lii.ater. Thla is the only
nre-p are Jteater in the market; and
[tar lot it -celliut.loati.rlteiet no beat. _
imii hi K ani -To.tinionlab4.• , 1- -•-
•. h 1
7., PEfEIt . 4I..)S it' qi.; . , n _q
l'hiladelplitn Pa
MeSS .4. N, k: E N N I.t. K L1155..1',41 , , , vi Ile.
I -..1: r . H A IiNsTY, Tainiiiinn.„:
2- ty-lrit-' ' • '.
- . •.. ~
: LYIELA R. .E.A:DING R. R. ..
F.1T.1: AttIfANGE3(ENT.
i:t.V :'icit)t, sth, 1.870.
111 ,, e j l i , o j k , I .....worrh muirNortAreerr fir
Ira, ;Vrts , Tiirk, ..fteo.fiew, Patt.g..
a4.farl. :i.i. atial, Shanoli4in. &An.:
0 !start -a, 1 1, "staa - Ephraim, Litiz,
bkitr-sstei, Coltirtsbits,,,er. ', '
Istrirn!ltrufg for t M 5..0 A 2 New:fok. Iva follows:-., .
.. ~ I ,M. and 2.0 I ' . tI., eurineet -
a trititisUP tie Pennsylvania Itallrond
i New Yttic at 12.10 noun. 3.50, and
,peer vets; titeepinz ra
cant necupati::
trat without Change. • • .
I.mi, - * , Ni ' York al f' , .(%) A. M.. 12..iy .
P.:NI. 1114010phi:A tit ii.. 11 A. Si. ono
epi tut 'oars I su;eoni pany the 5.00 P. - M..
L, w Y ; i hrlt yili hi Mt Clittllge. •
lisllaFg fur 'rtewlifit.t. l'ot I sville, Taltia
011e, Ash - tin:l:. shainoltin, Allentown
Oda, at 4.1' A. -1ii..2.50 and 1.1. P. M...
Whitt in ap tr prtneiptil woe attitions:
fr . 3,rrn co ijurt Sag for Pfiltredelfinia,
Id - olninhhs. , only. Fur. t'uttorelite,
Welt and A'hprit,,ltin Seittlyikl 40
i /1111' 1
. 1 1.atroo4 leave, aye Flarripbuni t 3.
*hen in.lhit ton d Trains leave - Reading
, Kiiston an 4 t*Zele York: at 7 . 2 :4 141 - 30
1.4.4.. p. ma. go arnlng, leave ?fel, Yorls
Aii, noon.
.ad.' .100 p tn., and Nlteru
, 12.2.1.'skirrt„4. 21%114 it Si
Train. nntves Philadelphia: at 7.21)
wittsanntlar train on F.aat Penn
from fte-..u4ni at 6.35 atop
• • '
^145.10:0Yt.A.11.. and 2.71 - P. M-
I. shandnitto 5.10 and 11A4 A.
It. and 117-30 nn'h, Mdbandy,
a1mc41 2 .1).'.. M.; Tanta/my -• at
rucu t oi
iiiiirie 'eci
... •
E 4EPTI°N g.l Et olusAirueri ros.. . • -
... ... efiettliai'
district '
as afro el a.. audible cuti ed to vote
- .filth .in their eV" noProtve t Jed tsars; , . i
- NOTICE labeirektrairtn to the citizens of Selinyl If •
kill Coun.y, that an el , coon will ere held tip the isnot ° iiihntahi s rl ‘ l ttre rl l n ha lt Of totab t°ll.9te le la in cse hatil na tan tri t:
SIXXESD TLIMDAY of th.,TABES next, (bettor the
Ilth day of the month,)- al. the. pleats' hereinafter p fti red rn Wa t*. recelp' th '
e itte i rthe mieslaner4 °nine. Fir" '
designated, for the „ election of:State and Coact ty'• ore Stec or-eons:oT :um , Pli a ,,,, i lPni wi s g i rim ip b4/ t il. a f o s • tbe rB :
officers, to wit: '
° Constitution soul airy wt. th,factory4 evidence either
uNE PERSON Ft/It•MEMBER OF CON'Orti - S It hi ' hO7r alfirtuelon,or the oath or eh Mat ion
FROM THE lOTH tX)NtIE.E.-'sSIONAL •RIS RAT of _Oth er. that be beipeld such a Mx. or.on failure
/ ' prolluce orer.e.ipt shall slake oath to the payment
, O'NE PERSON TO REPRESENT SiCIIITY KILL' tie L 'Second, - if'tte' claim the rig ht l° " •te b
COI'NTY.,IIS THIS 8 iiNtsTE OF IFENNSTi.,‘ AN i .a.,, i -hetng etirctoters Om nate of t.wenty-oncarid Y
THRENPRigiONS'IO IfFiFIIRIENTTHE flarsii-tires -to - c , rears :b,i.
Ty . rs r :Km u ITACTI..DT THE HO UsEOFTI.Ei•Iik- matt lit" he fits *n. lal itted al . l llt d* Ars P... aia
itatert h"ll3r
lo s ts ° t uric
SE.NTATIVE..4 OF T'ENNSYLVANI A. • veer ort hero . •
ONE -PERSON roll.. 111011 sillEttlFF OF 'proof ri_idre rt 'e h int ie lt 4 b P e lll d i rst t ri lD e l t n ati mi ts - ak .ilu el tred erl i ell sy,
SEHUY'LIi.II..L COI:NTY. " tilts and that. in aloe. verily believe f m the ale- .
°NH l'Eltsirrls; FOR 'CO 3i SIISSIONF.R. OF COW . WI Riven him, t hat, be fs of age aforesah .andauch
Ze o li s t E `T p L i ß a t 4 t o li N t . T ..o U ki NT i y al • Et ' .. i- ofi
,or , - other Oidettee to isi ritkquirecl by this kw*, telieretapoin
Tit E. Pooft lite same of the pertain thus admitted to elite shall tits'
TWO PedisaiNs Folt ' Jfl s lir ,CO - 513tits. - ti.lo '. NEILS ' ill and er a t rnole p .M tl ai e le al -lp i rit t e tea ll i e t re sl• to b•r by the wr 4n itl P‘ nrO rs ke
C3l;: ls tS E Ct i l , Vt e lL l a s il i. .l ., ; i t i r .t E u lti o T i l .ro '.
1114.1 f bellt.Y'Lli.lLL w ol i ha rti vr ". ing-s7ald b taz e sh ; " ' betliale•woml:,Ttedea4L'ir"Tk4.. ithr,riNl'orna°,-
f „ vote'by mason of snelt age, shall •be
' - Tile electors Of the Middle Warif,tf the tiontash tri 41310 mi tothe el.-reti, who shall make the like notes,
Ashland will hold Mel; electioreert the house of . ti n Melt-V& voter:al:Opt be them. ' •
Tniut roan A Osinen, in said ward. ' • lin nil ext.', wtseic the n:usteof the person clainfifita
Theelecters of the East Wart/ of the It:groat:li of • 10,1014.1.14 found on tb • list f rnisf ed try he er
Ashland *lll bold their eleetltip at th.• house of - stone and naw.s.r.i.e ( r tits right . t i to . - v - o t teslc Au ltet in 4 " r
; tit:tries I:. King, I n said want. I' • . • genial heres,in or not.tisobjecttafro hp artYlaitadilled
! Tile elmtnr. of the Nest Word of the bontinkkolf c4lzet eit %bail tic I I.teq'Zi* Of the'lnepectors. to 'ex-.
Ashton,' will hold their election- at- the house - id •arainestich penslin on k„-ett.toisdaqtatillicen ions,
eat laultre Carter, in said wool. anal if e_cialm to Itimorisskled Within fhe.St4te• for
The-electors -of the borough ei-Atflturn will Bold one' y root mire, tilti oaths It not be surlicient
.their election at the house of Aibratuun Moyer. in - kel ... rst ereot. brit-shall make roof by at least one
wild bough. . . eat witnko,isrbo anal tie stAtualltied elector, '
The electors of the township of Harry' Will hold Z . M.. e hoe -resided In tiltaidisl et - for rupee than ten
their election at the house•of Clsailes.g. Ithlusan. in -, 4.111 next inuncalat.dy. priced ng.oncit th , etion, and
said town..hip. fi b I also b Inaselfsweer • ARA bit bora thie•resldence
The electois of the North lastrhd of the township in. surtanenof las laWfutirttlialt,i4 In sted district, '
of Butler will bold their election' at '''t be ;brow -of -.and th a t he did not•tentrivebatosiii.ldharict for 1
'John Hower, intlirartiville. '' , I • - - s's •- • - , purpo. of Vidingthi•retn. ~..,.. ' . - ..... i -
The electors Elf the lietith District of the.towriship , live - perSou'ituatiff A ' - i - hi 'lt ' Itb .- •
11. as a ore , a.- ass- a - shod
.bf Butler wjil bold their electisin tot the bersse of , _matte lee proof, if retmirod _or tio;'resldence and
•on eit Coniti ,at Fountain Stprlng4rt . -- ; ravine 'RAW tall...Xli.ll4loXrnat;L,l,:lll 1,,. • n a zn isti.d s
ship. -
/err_ o
vote 14 the townsbinsivatil Or Mi.d.ri..t in 301101 be
•••••,Tne el • ors of the township lot fizst• Ilin . tiswig shall reside. -• 1 ••1 •' • '
*lll hold hem elect lon at the troutte o(3o+ , lJuni-toyer. l' :lop person Shatliprek.eift or at re; 1 1 1.• I ..„% p
in - Sicheanshurg, in suitlloant•iilli. ••' •” . air/ r ollimr Of t I,l.l.•loettoit under that asst[mi n i. O e ld t S'
Tile electors of; the tonlishlp of West nrirtr, , wig I sit...mein eleetlors,•or Ilse or o k .r.;..`at e n i f ti v. v i„t enc
'will hold their electiou at the
. houite or': , ..tisitaei any stasis ita..4;',ir \Mid litterrnmor ltii pro ' 0 -in. -
Moser. In sold township. - . - • = terere los: aishith ” in • the ,- .. , 51,1141i11i 14•111 S 11111. k '
'*tic. electors ,it. fli t . t,,,,eosldp trf irrt , ttile. will laittl` sin 113doek 'up !Litt winilowiZ•aveutte to at • el .fr
their election 'at 'Like Ii we- Of 1 tattl , k Fogetn•in witi're ihe." , a we may l i ,' lodd hie. or sisall * rl ' ot: l els e l e y
said township:. •• , ' , .
r. ..• ~, • • 'di-, urn the. peace bts - rit•li elOctlftn or shall use • •• '
The elector". of lite loWlis hip p.trranch will hold tut Initialing th Teat it,•toree or vitnenee, with det:ift il3 :
their' elect ion at the house of .Cor i pe, las Coletaation . to foriutene.• uatlttlyoll overawe any elector, br It
Mali tokirnship. ; ' ... pro...cur trim frolitverer, or to restrain the freedont
flie et•tentrs,of the : North. 1-n - filthier of Cass town-• .ottikolts-; such pers;.ii on.conViet Him shall be llama ;
ship.witrucrld their , electieer; : at ;the 11,•;;;••e 'or Mrs.., m i nty 1 -sin not cxesieitiag rive, littudied dollars, Ishii'
trk'onstisr e in taid tot:ilk...hip,' •' I ,i hap rhen ed for an'y thin, not less than t hOle. nor more
- elve months, tmid . if it shall ile sholttl,A4ll
The electors of the staitia•rn.l /Is trio[ ~r v.:- z , ....11- ... that, 1
ship wild hold tkielr;eloctibat eft the helve ot .1 . lo1lirtel• 1 coot t, 'bare the trialOf scion offense Shall he had.
Ketly.'lii sash" quails:sip:, , • • • • taa n•d person sOott.'ing ivas not , u resitictrif of
• • The electors of the it•taneVolCres•siiii, wilt bola. , the 010 . ward, dlstriet or township win re theolfenSe
tifelr•election at the house,iir Cleorst.e F-1/014ler, In •.' Was- matted. and not call 1 1.1 to vole therein.
said borough . . • •
• " • trail, 0 'convictlota. he shall he sentenced to pay a
•s' The electors of the 'township . 0 Eldreit wi.r hold-. 11 aii of of ten s e than one hundred nor more than One •
their elt•clitkant toe lieu of Magdaleha Wetzel, In .tifoltra d dollars, trod; be luipriSoued riot lois than..
Milt toaresitip. ~ •-.• .. . 1 •• i Ali mot this nor ontare d o or two, years. - :
The electors of tlie-iutk or Frailcv will hold • ir an persots, not tip lawstu ailtietl,'Shall (mulles
1 heir election M. the honee c vitt Lotird.on,.lo the I lent ly-i ore at any election of tuts Contringoweattii;
tou'n of lainaltison, in 1404 tow ship. - , •-• • -le": or r.l % otherW I,:e- *modified. shatii , v, - out-tiit - o r tits
i x
The-cleettirs'of the township of e tide ill hold .• pro a r4llstrict 14 - lit,y 14, 1 -....0 1 i k, l , l ,, w hi g • the want of
their ehctloti at Oil , 'house or James For „in Whit ' suc s q• slide:llion, „i t ,sti. n id 0 : , .. rm ,,,,i ir i r , mt i tt ht.. . riie i l.
- township. 1 . • 0- ..• •to Ott., Ora person' °Mottling Slialt,en ,ecinkietien . •,;:;
Istilitte r n •t exceedi Mt two hundred d d-
Tile'eleetors of the township of llegins - Will hol d be (Wean) any
their Merriest nr" fife house of M. 11.1tresskr, in !ars', and be itoprisreled tit lime-term not exceeding
• I
said township. i- three in nalh. • ' " , ..
The elect(wr. Of the tOwnahltl of Robley w ai l bold .. If 'an) person sh.til s't,f.• at more thaiinneelet•tion;.
in district or others-I , e. trautiulently tote more than '
thetr elecr ion at the hi:arse of Joel" Koper/hater,.
said township.'' il. •• • once; oli Ore.-ante daY, or o s %
hall Iratiulentiv fold and
The electors of the borough of, Mt. Carbon still deliviar k.i the hi5,,,,..,,i0i. loci 1 jek,i, r: y o t her
hold 'their election atthe public schoot Boise. in s...kit the lute it II ly t
... er shall pr e e urw;111
borough. . J .
.; . • cod° Nil he or they ..11:oillotf sliN:l , oil coos' letion., be
The eteerora of that part of Sort If. Nlatilielni town lined 1 Many sum not it•Ss th 16 fifty hoc more than
. Ave; litkaittred dm tart, iteithe Itstprlstiteti fora teem
ship who formerly voted in the bdrourtii o. Orwigs
tteg stilt held. thelrelection • at the house • ot Israel not. less than 1111"1:0 l'lol' 1,11. 1011 'tw'i -
. 11111 ''lo 111011110 i '
s.,,,tiee, in Landingvitte. In italditoWnship. . -... ' j Mtn 1 iwr on mat, en:aided .to ViAolll•lhis Ono-
The eledtors of that Pori Of•NOrtli Mauheint town-1 itiorino it It agrecaltly faielawtexcept tliPsons of titaht:'
ship wholormerly, voted In the Shinth. Ward of the 1 inerrel`. t - •••.4 - • - ••! ^hall a iip s 'ar at any phkee Ilf.ete ' etlon
borough of Pottsville, and all :that territor.,-oa rue, : ..for 11i.1 tfrie.-; of intltii•roltig the vitizei '
n. wattled
• e .,,, 5 t t o,d, of thv river tich uylkilhanil Within the tem: to vote. lc sohli tat 01411, - Iclliol.ll/1401(. and I, ;,:, Low
num election line, the abutherly,llue uttile bort. eh . ,tint; no ca. ce, i lug Illoi`i 11,14feliet'll 1.14/11/1.1-S. fl) 1 1: 1 C - V1.1 ..
of Pottsvilte,ratifil the old, tine of Vie l•ovri.„ alp, ot ••••tieb oiryllse,"atal be . 101 pristine,' for ails - 1/•riii no V r.
Ntanhelniewhisse eleCtorstiithertnivoted in 'orrery , cicee,dlll4. St• me monlirs. . a ;7 . •
'Wan election distrlid, except that,"part IV 4/* et/111 1 : r /1 ••‘ 4t- -, = -;„•,, 1
~ . , ,
prising !lie borough of Mount Carbon, wIII 11 Ail their -, t; j . ~ _ - - 3 ..... 1 5 i r.k1 1..t.w.
... •
eii . ethiii At ,,, !.4 „, t inn ,,c, of patr . iclr • rl-- - .s, in . :4; ~ a, .1 „ . 1,1 1 1 1 3 47. -
~ , ,, i ,, T v , ., : :;e( i : Li a l n • - , '-vre to the . eket•i;;;;T*l of l'lllit‘ ; ;Vt - •
I,y'aft Ail., ellled **.i,ri Act funfair
township. 1. ..- ,
The electOrt. Of Nort!i :thin 11P/111 / fi - ',,, 10 i• 111 Illlt '41 , 1- •• S tLil l . * '" ..hlat 1 [he: ot relative to the d e er i im -,•,,,f
braced in the foreuoiitit.disti jet', a ?I' I. ' -It et rele, , 4 •, I I•&s , t....ins s'ohn;et•atilt• - appr,,i,i,..l .N.prii r„'s.. It. "sue,'
,lion itto.fle ImuSe ••• efts rge N. S.ib", .•... I .Z.l 11.1.VVIi. Lit : k 'Tiro .14, - 1 ;„, 1.,,,bi.,,,,. , .
~.. „,
i 51141.•• . 1 ' 6. • ,
The VlC•kllril of the town•dito 011 •••• t•h iinkllct Ul' . •P•11:',; . 4P -I l t. "" '-` "'..''', 1 •Tra.;,-;'''.l'''Yl is 1' ,1,- ; ;•.;i;' , • : tutiir , ••
wilt bold their id,•vti , m, fa t 1,,- , ~..,;.,.., ,- - c • .-: : , ir , • - .7 iz.-- 1 ,, ; , ~ , , r, -, 0,-1-- . /„.. , ; , 2, „,,- .tin.l. il ~,./44,4,,,,,,„.11 , 1 1 h i/
• '
i s
in•sahl [tot:us/lit% ' ,
~ ..e . ~ f :•-•„...... .- •.• •;,• •
•,,,,.; ••••. It nit It slektirw Die thity 1 . ,1 '
• : Tlie•eleetors ot lite F:ast WailE•••• :a.,; Bt.„0:•;ii t,f ' 1 'llta r 11' asit •••••;•e,,11 1 thin a n , C miti ff,•,,, 51. .,,, i i t i i, rat ...
.'„didianek:•• City, kat hold their cle• 1,1••,u ht . Ow h•attel ' 3" , l l ,7',li i, ,V'a ilinklii
.e.reli yefti: to mice op
jot l'otrieir ityen, in tatlti loiroMair. 1- • , . -,• .• • 1 I' e gan 'l l l. , II0.• Ifits real-ivist from th e k,,,;,: rn ty on ,.
Th e elec/nc4. a the West Ward Of the !,1•;. - .r.oili tti.:-' iii . l , l, , ifirs ttrelt•r tno keg:tit It'seet ion t•f t lie ' siet or rif
manstn.ty city will holti their . .eleetion_ lil .s:r, 11•/11,0.• ''''t"'"q` A 'Ci li 'C' , '4,l 2 .toi•li. lAllllr,_4l:ssid t h irt y- li mr, a lid :
of Matthew ISmointe, in said : bonen:lk. • 'II •• '. • lil-qed lo ate 1 iii•mot iar, : ~.1,1,1,,,i ',,-“, chi g . ..,,,,,, , hi ,
= .The electkas"f thejogwoshit .01.31 tiltanoyA - 1!1 1e.."•1. , , tf.)lzkitg 1 .1.:1 - 0 , .7...6 , 0fi...1041!.. , of ,•‘ ery,person ik - liMis '
the i r e ti . et i * ,o„; th e S at o., I•i t t,..; .11,.,,,i . . - ; i t , .1 1:,1 , ,, • tiy ty 1,5111 i , ..,•...iii,-,t or rt;litovett sikice the; :
saoll hnenstip. , se , ; , .
..... . aie.V,11111`111'Ir0:11 Ila . f.itl LI del ef_dvlitc.ll he is the
. 1 ., _
.The electors or the East Want .1/(1 Ow- I...rough ,of it,''.';' , i•l‘l or,"-Pt kh.t+ deiifil i.,r reallos id froka .- the 44/ Inn
NiilletSti/11/ will 1/i/ill -Owls t•lectiMi lit Oil.. lion-, 1;1 - -Pio "" rIINr ,, a - n to hint. and to a l t hi to thi.. sa m, i
John Mirk, ilisadd boreatg,di. - '.. - • ~ SI 1.!..1., ' " . ~ ..',.1), qui9 Ti.d. reser trio, shall 'be
The rlt•etors of•the'WesCAi;ard of tt.e ir.r../1 gts hi' 'lt IT' 9 ":“. 1. ' I In'?" II• bave 1111.1 - ed into the dtstriet. mite,:
, NI iner.,ville.will hold their e•tecri•ei at; I 1W . ..h. n'"i' 11l . the L.Ft I .. ,, :-.11- 3 - - ' - ....' lq.'`''''• of whic , c removal ime .
• - . •. -i ' the ••••,...nte ..-iii•til.),, , . , tr,halt have twee, toade Istwtwo •
3,d111 '4 II in suttl. tstrougli‘•
'rite electors of ihe Isirongliof :I11•1•1:cp;0 • •1• , r1 ! te•l;t7; "I, iiiai..,l nii :Os , . •the roispe,.. , ol all who shall ma): e '
i. , 1
at , ti , 1 , , , ,, ,,,- ,, ,
s .„. , i , Hr ... K .,,.., i „ ~.i ii ,s.:, c :tlltt'lt, dip tab. , c,u,,ii,114,1 5 II erS t !ICI:011. 4.41,
. 1 ... • , '''' , • , 1, 41/ ..(11/i, j' =1 . .1 js 01•1111•4•14•4 'Ilt• Slllltr . th•lil. - sVery •
ir .1,11/th. - • ' . ..
Tic - , electors: or the lec. mir I;
t ate., ,•„,,..ti • t v iu ,lw,•;:it.:: ant-e in -1,•••,11. , tri,-t. mo make cArcfel ins;
hum that ei .,, t , mt , ti i the: i riti. .. e . o y c• .;•••,, lass r 1. : ,- . . s il:! , I Atli. y pet s•al w ti•••,•; /IA Ttll• 1-:, 41 pi, li , l 11,t. 4110 -
..:Neflert .t Sheller Of sad township, • s )1, r •line, ..-,1 4 - 1••111 trig: di L 1c 1, 01.1 I L I NO, 1 , 1 I:ikl! the,
• The idectT` id' a t [cite 11 ' , MP "t"Nery• k•ti at IN ill ~ ~..I111•1 1 i4O Ill,: 111... r iv iiet her :my othilitied voter re- -
• ,1161/.1 their election at Ce , Mal •k •••t; Marcia t' trraso, , • t•ties ti••• ao WI ;•se tetuit•' is not 0 0 hi,..ii,,t.,in t .l if so, .
~ ......, to add ill s., 1 111 1 .• si t er.-1,,,• awl 'in at! vi,o.s W1 , .:•r0 a ,
ionael town - hil`,' • • ' '
--...,,,,,, ~,„.,,,,...,..,,, t h e 1 ,,,„..1,;,, „i 1 ,, ,,-,t , y i r.',l v ,....0, 0 , . '11:11I1•••1-•• a tied to th•• lid li no: shaft I.•rillai it ht. :I S .
.wiii I,,'stil It,. If eltset ion at Cie 'loose •;t 3 ..n Dor- ••• toga is)? -1 tile iso-s•a;?; arid lin assessOr shad" tu ail
. iller:in , L tvw !Ishii , . - ; •
....• - • ; etor.s.:ls.-,i•r . aitt• ity,trotir ~ kli,oll what grode,r tile.
~. The eleetorard the le ;Ftatgli of...NeW ilf•i.l_;ltit:/rlf Li. 1-'1••••••t •••o•A.o -.1-1 1 ••••• ,, e , l, `,.....iiin- hi _lie a •••• • ••ter. Cava Che t ,
• I wi ll' t„,pi th e ir ca t ;•••ioti, ra •tiac'li,,to..•• of 31, i t,i,,r, t , c •loPlttit Not 7.1"1"- a •,•r'w., it ••••11 it; lit'• tise..l - 11,y.0f ..nch
', l, Kelty „to ~ ..ti.l 15.r0t101.' „,• '. -.. , • ', - •'.•. , 3*:,:•• 4:4,. - ,.',11',1 I:i t.pi., t.,, melte out. , a I isi,
r 31,-em,.im - s. ~r Ili I. troa; ; ;•'' or en we...lntik y. 11; in :I3I;1;:a1;;',.'I-altor;-ti : I . . - el rat - white irejnien ;kis iv e,
hold their • 1•Ict ion lil t e li d , 1 '.a.i.a.11,., h•. sit 1,4;d •',. I ••••. 111 ' . e . •ow h i•'••• , a , '4. a"..".•;:c'taitssir.ii• hi l e. ,'v 1.,',.• Med ••
. • , , _ ••••
.; . -
~ • • t`ot.irs in 3••• ik - ,l.'d, bm'ort;tii. lown,hip, or (lb:trier of ;
..i t orough•
'..,. The e.odetrs ot the lewough of Bitit:, - ,:lot tit ill 111...1•1., IS•F: 1 ;•h . 11 ',I• i. 1 Ilf••• ti:••••! , •-•e;. - iold opp.ti-ll 0 itaierrof thi.
' their election rit Inc boos.'" of 11,0%0' V. l'e,st••••• to .:'''sald 11l ta• s , •!:•l•••,keti•e•tikar.i•mei ft- era:oils or is tort a
4 aiti boonig,ll.:• 7 . .. • • . : ••, I.• ,••• ••• •.•ept r - ; liter; f so„ t1tt..1191111` , T1 , 1 Lis i',..11,1011e,
Tile elevinrs of the tow•tt-itist ;o11:itlet t',,‘ e
. W. - 1,1,•; .1 ti• towlis. •kd•en" the saint- tire
_ -310111 1 heir eleettelat the bents,: Of3ateoi, mire, m sAid • t h0,,e.. ni . ,... - .rl t• :nil ill 414 - tilsql Slillktrlt ; and if ill a.
tow nth ip.. . . ...
..• -. 1 ... h ;ken Nth, !et hen , arc bir 11,1i1 , • •••11, thename of the
• The: electoi s s`of - the borottgil or l'aio Alto . wine:old . 1 ••tieet, itt; '•.\''' 10' I'..Ul': 't La Wit1011.1.1411.11.01104,.r111111.- i...
• their election at the laciest , of * TlWllla., M4:51://lilllll=` ' ''• tr''-"i''.3 l l-"'MUn''. l IllOi" ,1 1 1 .tine where
lie Is.
. Y, not . a iiiill t.ttia•llll.l% IiIi• 00 ,, up.tirm, -I,la,se Of •breird- .
' In sahl bonnie:l. , .
- • Th e.e le,•ims •31 - • the I iorough •;f iNert... Clinton will in_ mad i., titr a s r. i.a, au3 if work'ing ter anot, hi-T.. trie - ,;
hold their Meet ion at- tI e 11,1/ I! l/i.,1 4.1•41Til W/1 /i'l•:, ill na111'.....,0/ . • Ile entriospr, m e i 44 ,,, Its /41p0,1141'1'41 , :h Of/
said borough. ; . . • eel ham ~. the, wool' ev-iter; - .. wilt; re ally persons
The eleetors lir I he - I ortaigh of Port Carbon,,w,ill . • • I :films to' ••:•te Ilk' teasoki'ol inetuntllz.d mil he shalt
- - hold their elect ion at the Bork Carbon theis t ., in . 4 ,1,i., :es-1103i Id, Ili r; iti,.,,•,, i1,,., , ,..,ii 11 , ti „,„ :„ . , , , ,,,,,, , , , , In.
• .- s- • , he has 4„n 11 ' , it. fl'l e ,01,con lit o*years lie . pree,l- .
' borough '
' The , clerk tr's of the •reovtistifp of Porter Xi! 1,1101-i • in.:, a cot,. ,• to said district.; anti. in all_ eases where
th'el r t•lection itt the heitse Or Georgeitt'lner, in sin& the pea; of hat , nisi II stared, the ...aloe shell lie
township. ••• , • • • -. • niarki;il e.• th the. letter "N ;"- w here t lit- pers. - alias
1 ,Theekeettirs • of the 11,:i . rau.ili-of Pot ts t.litt., ill 1 4 in . th' mereb• iI e 1
. I . ;1, ilittntion, to litoonre a - eitizen;
and it Set . to I'S Imltirakii7.. ii before the 'text t•leet Wu,
.Watti, Wilt li'old thalr e ectiOtt ut tie- house or J. 1.1 r;
Fcger - it-eo., in Ship word.::. • •
. . - . • ' titc'nuine hail he' !rm.*, •1 N. 1. ••' Avhk2l's tile (-taint
. • .
'theolsettirs of thelsitongli of l'ottsvi ) le.M•Swittt- •is 'll VOte.l3y. rl'AS,{l , 0 t ong ht.:064 ,- I . n . the' 111:P1.1 14.
East Ward. WI - I hold their eiertit.ta at the Atiteri• ta chty-ses , and twtlity 0.,.... ar .., p rov id,' 1,./1„, , , i ,,,,
. , ' w•ird ••o„rel' shall be t• tetetf.: and if the r/4•l'S'lln 11115
'our film se, in said •, •• 1 -
The , electorsol the Li ; eitigh 6f r•lttsv die. in Mi 1. newts' 1 tuli, the else oaf Olist riot 10 re'tsttle since floe
file Ward, will Bold ti Or e , etlion 'at tit" Weise 11l la-I gencritelycte,e,. the let ter 'qt..' shitlllt.,' Fllic'ed . N1 . 4.1.11.Cf1ei1, 1;111.1i d 'Marti. : . . - . - . , 11111'10111.0 the rentoi, It shall be the further ' , lay or
Th e . ~1,,,,x,,r, yr . the hq tegtior pottscitie,in North , each assess•tr at aflres•l id, upon the cornrilet ion of
Eivst Ward:Arid hold 11 eir 'electidir at, the /10/1:401/ .
I\.. 'lilt` all , it•S•ftwiti r an Imp .141`11,, li/ 111llke oat u separate
-..r.;••1 of all ite_v,:ts".essto ;skis neoto by him, and the ;
Jolitt :1.1te110., in said ward, • , . , , .
'Die en:vows of 1 , ell, OUOTof PortSViik, iii , Norill • :hit.'!' n 75 tor“: 6.11 !/Pork 1. - Is-'l - ond'filr.4l..l, the Isanie,..
Weist NV,: it:. Will hottcl. tell . Oh ethat at the ltrai.i. or • hilioediatelytir.m.;tstms, y•eottimissioners,who shall:
• MattlilaS I,lreredt, in +:u d W = ard. • ••
.=-2 • - ' iiiintedintelv;add the names to..the tax-don•leate-"lff ,
_ Tin...etectot.s ilk t he, h•troutfli of - insartr., - In the Ille:Ward...kar"lltili. lokitu r ship or dhltrict In wine"' -
N.,: th Ward, watt hold On ir election at, the tionse et. the.v,..ln, r,s'eit 1,,,,, WAZ '." , ~' -, ' . ,
~., 1
. 3/ t „,.. i. , priduj ,„„1„.„,..31, said w ,,,ra.• , •••• '. :. ~...4.(•.,.;\;.'.• eau the list 115111 g c wirtdele I ittfil ilte'•-, ,
Tne.Vleetois of this: yo4nshlp 'of Rahn will hold 1;'..511';,1 1 .. 4 . Mlliil . ./I`.' , /-6 , /•:X/111/ /he P4llllO Sinai he r-i n',_
-. . :1 k...irsipt.o.‘ni .. at 0it „". 1115 ,, i - jig ", „f
. o_,A,D u i,, ill •se'strc . ritornol 1., ths• woofs ronimirtviliniers, actin
sal•I tOWusltip. ...• • ; •••••• -
stud[' eatfte - ditpiltate •••.,phes pf sa4/.1 ,11,;(4„ with the
'. The.eleetors of I he. 16,1' 1 14dr , * of 'lush. Will il • Oid .°;”'ll,,Ntailoll , 4 amit•xplanartio.ns,reirulred to be noted
• +.•ll,l,filre. , ll • l'li. 1110:1• 11000 iltit ti..* iasin as Practictittle•
their.e'eetion at 'the Inptsereat Bliiflo tartather; ill
14 ali township. • 1 . .. ' • .."itiellp aged to the ha 11.1.,uf
,the assesesor, ;who. 'shall
. Ttiv etect „,,, „r tl. n . 1,, r i q d i i r 5 4..... , 0 1 . .10..A.,, - ,.1 li 11 „1 1 1' ill i•)r•
,fri.. Op , ' tir.l' of :A egust,lll Oct] year put?, one
'their election in the Ito ise .of•Y want Connelly, in •••11'.s' tin the door 4-f -, ll' unlit,. honse tellen,l roes elec...
. .1 ,•• ~ . , , s . . .1 ton of the bastweti,.•••••lisi rl,ot7is requited.fohe Ii Ill,',
./4114 tONV l l 44l illl.'and - retain the other , it its pos'Sektirion, kir the Inspec-„,
• - .rl ie 4 .1„.0. 0 r, ~t tti,!• t.,, ensidp 'oft .Z.. on wlil
. 111•111
t ion.• free:of 1-1!..ir_r.,.. - of 11(114 person resident in. ale-,
theireleellon at :seats , ' I flume Nu. I, do saidt•ot 11- -
stills. , • 1 •• • • ' . t:"; •' " '' •-• k - ' , sattEelt4.tiadi tifstrii;t• Nebo: shall desire to' i•ep*file -
;The e..lechirs ot the ',llol,qualt of schtty Milt Havers;,. , :inte.N 1111 , i 11 -sliril I she file dilly of thus: bl u_ssesS'or to
in soofti wantclvili min if e.eet-oitatt the holes., am.l A rpith lime to time, ou,the personal:application .
' orAden.W. - K.:lll,ip.clailit: . ward. i • • ' • "f i .t.Yone- ehtitiling the' right to„vote; thc•tiainienf •
Theirlec4ors of the baron . 1
ofaictilkylkitL i guveti.-
1 t
sloth 'clahriatit. ut.i . l thartr oplioslte_t the 1141.11 Q ,"(41S / " .
~in nut-t-wiisd . .., *ill poll the election. at. the !muse 11111 - 14.ininediatcly....a. ,, iis Inin Wit Ft a tax, nciling.. , o,l
.of •lselier Wegner. in said', w rd.., , ~••
• r , ,s ilk ail other 1. :•••,4. his occupation; resitfeliCe;4lkettrer I
- Tne electors oilho boron -o•or g•rottY.ittill }fairest, a border' or lean-etkeeper%; 1r a boaryler,WittlAthl/113 hi:• 1
= 1/44114*4, lir . %I - bolter , Initunill:keil .:`,}r designing to •.tte4 I
in. Wt•st Ward, will holtiolleir electiOrt,att the house
or Mrs..fohn t:..rdanteti. in said ward. . - itaargite• 111 1 a 11,suctre•i...4s1 ;Ile .lepers opriositte the ;
I• The eleetors of the borougn 0 oftsChttyl kill -llav'en, -. ' 3l ' loo '9 .' r ..N.'...0' . 7 1 )...._4 , ' ' ' ', a 4- ilic...cLise t gray be; runic -
;in North Wardew ill, how thidre.pel ton 14 ill!. /,01, , 1, 1";.1-h i - ela , !,ltinz to . (w , ti,..1 , 4, ,, ,..d . bl,:rutturalize.4l,,, he'•
1 "of Berbantin Teter, trriet,' , il.warti. . -. . • • 'Arall ex:title' tot he as4l-.:sor - 111 s cetalticapi of datur-•
• The . gleidai aof that part of :Schuylkill .toirnship,. IP Lzikriiint Alla I ftitelal hist hotho (14-'614011,1Q bettittor-
Iy int; Mirth of unhe lo the•Wß. " 1 r'horP . Siontataitt. ' 'olitPOl ,h.lor9'...ite•orat ;instants elostion; he shall C'it -
'evil bold t•heir e-edion al sthci hour of Jlogll Hag . Is 1 1 .•1 I tile I:_;:itlioanstif Ilasidi•oiaratlini• of InteritiOn.
4401.1 V, 11/ TUSei.l r1)(144 . j'i .•• 4. - ,•. „ 41i Ski i oa , i''.., V ilt•flrf1111 . 1( ',W,irki r lx)r,tigli, township or,
c cotton ili...tict Ic lfivid,i,d natl.-two or more. pre
.• Tlie eieefurs of that part 'et SehuYlkili••tewnslap '
ici tie's, • ic., 1 .1-...v.....0r iMall • mote 111 -at' his assess
lyi ng 'tooth of, a lint on lie timid Whoop sfi - ninfilan.
-svlll nold their election :k tlie honks'. of 3 esePli.itoy - ITIOIII,I ill., otts•l he, oreeinet•• In - rltic_li. tetelyrelector ;
Cr, In Letrlstexen. :'- I; ; •:• • ' : ' , • - relfle . .,i,llllili , lolll' i11,..1ie .11 siTautte retrun fogractr to
The Clectors'of the borough cof, Shetrartdokiti . wili - the . . . 6 4 61 Y t.9;11111 , -OnorN.1 In clisesiti• which- a
hold their election at lini-liouse .of Sensoren _N., return is lel • I I\ A trpttl.hisiti by the (troy' . ions ofthis
• yo..t, snigthi liortragai; Al- •..- • . • „ ;F i ac. ; and flu eotint% eenlnfles)oriers, In making du
i The electors or _the' bor Ot;li of St. ( *. hair, • lit . Konth P•ic Mc evpi.. (If ,41!!;t1e11 returns,- I:hall make dupli
;- - Wartl. will hold' their el • {tun attar house Of i„,, , i ; ,1 .. it.
;;;: s i i i. tr et tl:o m p l i , e :t s l;i • l f: 4 ll . r , , • , ;!:, l ; , 4• l ru sd „ t m , l if i . f r u h r.; % l , ... !„ -, l i i ter t;; ;: e i sa ll
Reinhold, In said wardrq '• ' '
~.•; ,„ 1 :• :
; Tilmeicgots of t•llo hi tottith or iiatto ts listr, . 111 asssossort auk! tilt. ( . 01ill , risi to re .s by. this'be.
- s•Ntirth Wed, will hold [hitt erectiou.ut the istosv of, phoset inill.l l l . . do ,rs °for sae, t lie . electton places on or
ka l if ire thst v• -t ofll.lgllt , ill Paeli shall be
i• Ante' Brown,. to ion' via d. ... . . , P5.....1 = - ~.
ll The :eleetons_of tile ro sgh 'of at -:Claire, Pss ..Place Oil I ill! lil , t , ir of or (ultra.. eliketton place In each
l i r
• 3tltitile Ncard, will hold I heir election at the hrk . let " . fr' ir.. 3 ,. ,_ 1 !. 1 7 : 1- 1 1 cI v i' r t .•7
~Ir ;l 1 - 1 7 v - - , ' ,,,s le•
~..• $ .1. 1 .4 1 - 1 ,4 ila , v..Q l be n
(„onw i et;:.d
I. ;Ira( John, in sat,ii „Ord, .. : •
; The electors of the Aso iugh oft Tatertotrie , of Ole 'oh the i dill. flay' hrece , flut; the, sceihni Tite,daw in
i ..! East Ward. and all those; It . esiding /tort If' of , S o t irt, • IJ"loher if *nett vear. therisSes.sur shalt, on the Iterti
l; MoUntain in We's't Penn owrisinp„.6.olalso unclad
:lpg all - those whreresitie pith) the ; Malts formerly ~•
t ... -,,,1y,,,,,,ittirti
i i .ii , i .l;;t: i t i. ii::: l. l , :t t i l i: o .m:: ( 7 l g u , ; : k it rt itk .g e , : i i r t e r d el , l2:l l l ,,e to ll : a t
1. 11 5 t.:
`trimly ,011.1911 , 410'llergifif tlo• nu inea et nll persens as.
Ili Part of West Penn tow', 'ship allti.ll.l/W 411110:C01i I,ii' '
by-)11111 by - t• ie Seedrili seetiqd of this act,. IMO in; op.-
i the boentrgh of .Tainaiina Ito wit.: Beginning at a
. t h ci , in_ ,posite-eaelvt :tua• 1 lo;obs, , reittions 'index planation*.
odone in Cnion.street lii . ld li.rtnigh;and anotrea . t., • s •nors .1-ras aftwesaid :', and the C11)11iJtY•
,C,11.1(1111g I north 711 degfet cast IN rods "i : cerl'S
,votornis-11rei r 51115 , 111 hertuttion ratite-this sr, me to be
paid ;.thence north 11' detter-s,enst IS•rodletre a Post ••,"
, ; ,, , i,!, :t f j,, ; ;Lileirerittn"retittired by the se - cont seetlen
- .tee to' t4O feet alley's - anti 70 detry4es Wes't . t
-' is 1.0 '' '- eat s, , ' --,arts- ' ',fell and turner. copy
5 - w titer of to
' ls•
- ••••11
Fill (ilcrvt
- .
thence hyirt.- .
do the beginning—alit
horse of t'llarlesci.'readei ,
The etceters or the born
I..)`ard,.wi,,jl hold-their rtic
'De:tot-in said ward. -,
Tlicelectors of„,the bh '.
f,Wiird,-w II hOlditheir el
-Tilirj - Donohoe, In said w
. Tile elector, of,Tretile
,election at the Weise o
nid bin (+ugh.. ; • ..
' The eteettlr,4 olf,Tremof,
election at :the' house o
the bor. ingh pf Tremont.
The elet-tors of the tow'
ko wilt hold their eiectfo
jtepler, I ii,sidci township,
The elertors•of We tot,i
their eielztitincat the lion
. township, ..4,
The • lectors of ifie tow
liokl tlielf election at thi.l
+ ire Sillid township. 11
..• The elector of the. towit
bold Wel releet ii iii nt I he'
Laid town-11p. •
•," The cleetors of the i t0.1,q
• hold I het? election al the 1
' in said township.
,• The 4.1(.0 ors of the town
hold their ekk't lint at the 1
Said Townidilp.' -
.. The eicelcals id' MPMWAJ,
41141 r PlePtlolll at t lit•• hots
!ownsliip. • ... -
The elector , of ihe burnt g li of I*,,rk vine:will hold
1 helr election at the " . of Miclinel ,lipitiler, in
Said borough. . - • . .
The! eoeral Eleet iOll In l I the Wariln, - ;Tos . - nsi:ips :
District* and Ilorouglis of ho - ecniiit•..: 0. in be opened
betweeu the IlUtItS 01* six' awl set en o'clock 'ln the,
torenuott, npd shall i-catri t oe without Interrtipt ion
or adjournment Until sev n o'clock . In the evettitag,
when all the polls shrill I . closed.
• ~ Every person. exteptit g Justices col' the peace,
who shalt hold any . °thee a+ apjsatument , ql“.p.i ,
or trust wider the govern ent of toe tinned 'Arairs,
or. of this Mate. or of any
c gty or trux>rpurated li is
t_riCt, whether.o. euntutlzst ed officer or
a .übtavlinis • rioftleer orment, who Isur h
ployeo an ter the LeglaWive.' F.xecurive or.J tail,
.teary Departments of the totrior the Cnlied Slates.
.rir of any city or In ed district, and .also
every' member of Con g Or of the [hale LAII.InIa
Mre,and - of the:, melee; eraileommon COO Pal' , of,an,y 4
.- , c)i.y. or commissioner of ah „incorpritated -di orie,.
holy, law locatable of nig or exeteishig at the
bo l
slime time the office Crr a polntment otjudge. in. '
sper:tor or clerk' of any election of this VOramon-..,
wraith, and,no inspector, jutlge or , other (+Meer of
any such election *halt be ligiolc there tit he ~,oteti
f ur ..
The iuspe.. ler% end Did e of the . citctiortisitall
Et eel at the respeet,i , +is paw s appointed for h (ding
the eletdion to it/0.1110 . 1cl o which theyreSpci reiy,
-behalf, he f u• nine e'c. kto the morning , d
each of law inspectors at I appoint one clerk wh •
shall be is:qualified voter o sti • district. - , • :
p i
-l i ft' civic the person wh i shidl 'have received the.
.'eun.t hlititest number of •ates : for inspector shall
tforatiend op, th - da,y of it y elect low then the ' p,r
16n who ‘shall have fl eet Tcli the second higitist
another - of C 1.404 for in at the next preceding
election shall act as'.uepee or . in 1114 Pi+SCP. -And In
case the person who shall ti ve receiver} the highest
ntionner of votes for lit, or ' shall Wit attend, `tire"
person elected Judge stud. Wotan Inspector in his
place—and in case the a elected Judge shall not,
attend, then the inspector Who received We bight*
-number ..f votes shall appcd nt *Judge itriils place—
cot if say vacancy shall continue In the litiaal lot the ,
space of one hoar after the Date fixed by taw for the
opening -of the rieetion, the qualified voters pf the
tearnship, snul,.. ocdtrtrict !for which sheik 'Wirers
anal have born-elected, present at such eliectittn,
shalt meet one of their number to fib such vacancy
' it 11111$ .1 be thedutY of thOseversi assessors of card
'district to attend at toe place of holding every gen,'
eta}, special ciellownstilp election during the wuote
Ithie said election Is . ept ripen, for the pur of,
g i ving informal a to theLltisportors and jrlgts.
when called on, In relation to the right-of
any per
sist amassed by Weld to v le. at such election, or
'gulch other *Meters In relation to the assessment of
voters as the said inspector.} or either of them such
.from time to time require. I ,
... . .
... 410 person shall he permitted to vote at any elec
lien, as aforesaid, otjier than a freeman of the age of
twenty-one years °emote, who shalt halm resided
hithe Mate at least Phis yesr, and in the 'election
district where- he offers his vote 'at leest.ten days
,ftemedt‘tes , .. preceding such election, and within
two years pad a state rjf county tax. ,shoes: shall
hit. si been seressettet letwi ten days before the eke-
Ann. Bat. a eithen of tbe . United Motet who has
. .pnerherthy beta a. qttalLded voter ot this. State and
removed therefrom and returned, stud who . shall
:..b♦ e resided in the electicia distritt arid pew taxes,
1. , ideresalo, shall be entitled to vote ofteiyesidinn
In ails dude sIX months; Prodded.. That the free-.
uiten. althea' of the United Mates. between tweat
o .r.
ne aad tweeit.f-two Team who have resbled In an
. .
wrger, inrsaifi - bqrougll.
ligri of Ta mato a in .7i vrill
r.inn of
.... , •
1.11;41 4.)f 4Tflifywitta lif,S)witli
lion )it fill. 11ot3sf• 9f l I tun
lswougli•will 11 ,, 1d I fiPlt
it s .1)11 I:bzengiwrg , r, in
toWnship will, 13) , 1f1 ilsi`c
.I.)srpli I).ll7.)•iispenx....r. ill
.hip,or 1 1.1.f» . r 'Milliali 0114
:if ' ; 11.3)041.,fi5i . : - of .l.). ..t J. Ri
slitp et:itiOu will It J: Y
11.1 . 1 4 .4 }J . OA 'r.1.21(1.11
41.01.1m7 of 'Nelsoo Braaten.
ship of Nortikl
hut7he i ❑
\\*,‘,...t rota will .
lb~anv .4 ilelltwit
Nl)ip •will
.1••;•.t:o• t
,hip of Woyitr , will bold
1•• of. 4.03.1t1i Curl in ',lid
G~ C
o r 0,14 •tt,, a et 0 1 . 1.111 . 111111 corr . / reef , ierL. .o .
mail., •
t - i rita ti i ll,„ t tara . tags o
. M . 1., }roam is so re.
', L imn st. us rt- d int texables,to sitaLluarti, 'rough;
' t aroshin 00iri: ,, ,mer..and furnish the satneltogetber
a ttlidia: l ll,. , -zi&Jo ,elrt 1011 bb.rik., to the iitheera of
the election' it saiii•Ward,.tatsnigli, townslitti or...pre
cinct, on or before six tie' alit in the tuortiiiig of Ilia
,itcoad f ay....14y of Oetoberi.t and, no man
neriniligd cite ote :it the ehltion on that 111• Neb./Se
i .,.
11:Pfle IN •111 il I;V'S , Alti'st., tilliests he stunt ma - ci
. proof
i t
'or 111141•Igtjt t it; dtea,
~ iteroluafter required. -
. ..5.4.
i , i. I. I,)n he day - of election any p -rson whose
ram.; Lb. Mit 101 Illy silid list! anal con mi ng the right
to Tite', tsid election. shin pr a
oduce L.least,ot e
quid Mist To; .r of the illstrtibas witness to' the res . ,-
done t of lie) 'elaitimin- in he district. iu Which he
cont. s 1 . 9 bee votor, for fife periiid: of at least teh
days next lifei,..llll'g s',llll idectil al, width witness.
shell take, mid sab;eriberawrit tem ttr.parti:,•, written
and 1,4,1 try p 1 ia to.l, ailiMis it 1, , i the 1:111S Stilted by
long! wlllial Intl - Maki% to the facts sitittn by him,
.b ieb,, olida - 11, shot! M - 1100.011 may' Wre he the resi-
th.„,, I, tit i ft . p t .r,,,;-„, , ...,0 iii.ii mina te, be a voter;
and the pers n n'y elm Ming , ' Ili': right tolv-te . , aintit
also tat; 0 a'nii- 4 .'iti.serlia . a vt - ti iton, or partly wft t ten
alai tiartl2i , ptio It-it attidavn;statitMtellinhes."l rif lits
' It 'low Itslitc,und tivief, AVM Ti OHO Litre hit %cm:born;
to:. I. he ism on L . . , ,0i of the Coulabmweltith 'of rent+.
,y1v:i!,913 Mi.t t ot tie' I'M ted v iiiiittes ; that he had resi
ded In the (volition weal th otaryear..l or if - formerly
a t beg,: ii. and has moved:therefrom, that he
ims reisttled - tberein !OX 1'14,11111s nlext preeoillatt kohl
etc! ton;, that he has not. Moved into the district
for 'e tut pr`..e. of. ..vrtin - 4. thi rein; that Le
has, slid a ;eta e or county tax - a tiblii two
Yvars;, trhi wits assessed ill- 'clot ten .dm it
iieforl said e ectiolf; and, II 13 naturalized citizen.
t i
shall also Ida e when, whtiretid nby what court he
was t aturalited. ittateltall 113611 prodtwe a certificate
of naturalization for examination; the :Laid ivildaVit
.. .111W) 1.l ate W;1011 , 11111 * W 110401,110 UM 0114/11ed
(A be ;pai d 11' tile Ild/11111, WAS -111s.Srissed, and when,
were and ti %Omit paid, an the,taxt ccaipt there
-r r -.hail. be a'n I tieetl for ortrnitimbin, unless the
atti-ttt Shah ioate In his aftitliarlt that It - ha. been
List oeilfeLtra t (I. 011 . rfat he neverreeetved. any, but
it t tie pleri ont so el:tithing the right to vote shalt take
litld 511 1 " ct lb 7a ti atilde i. it, tMk i 11.• Is 'o. natice born
eitizeu of the Van ial state., tor it hOrn elmewheao,
- 'stiiill sttne the fact lu Ins a/Warn, and 1.11111 pro.
dare e S'idetlee Will be has been neturatlztil, or that
he is entitled to citiikoitil oby remain of his fathers
naluntlizailoti;frand.hall Wither state .in his sills
ditv.t that lions, a t.the . time:of taking the affidavit,
bet Ween thelog-s , of twenty-one amt. twenty...MU
yt..41^5 1 ,: that he has re-liided in the state - one yeas and
le thd elecuon district Lou days next pmeeding hneh,
eteethin,- he Nhall - be entitled to vote. although be
!dial( notineve paid 7laxee; the said at Its orlth
-Pct.:sons hilisbig intelismilitaL mad Abe azildavits of
• ate withensel to their residence, NUM' be preset - Tell
liy.the el eeti boaretried ' ut4heepse of theeleetlow
rupy litian enoloteti with -ally •
its, of voter*, tally,
list add tithe • miners re4i.fired by law lobe filled by
the return ju ge wittttrit Lindh notary and shaft
remain on ti e thereltittErinithe prOthottotary:e of. '
fire, subj-ct t..
exam I nati, its other eiection papers
are; 4 Nilo el s e t
ton ottic shall lindk,nat the uppit.
iaiait or applioanit pusse;sriltlue legal qualification.
T,voters, be Cr they shall liii!nt7rmitit - s4 to VOW. and
e mane or names shad Ill' waled to 1110 Hlt of tax
les by,.Lhe ehetion olihfer , ,t he word "'tax' •.
ac le.t.relfere rile ettitmaat etainot to vote nu I,u:. laid
i t . Witrdi,"iivi! where he claims to voted oil age; the
tie- Words tieing added by the clerks la awn ease
htsetively tai tun lists ol twrmnti -voting at. acacia
election. ' ~ 1 . ...
• SI.X.- 1 Ifglifin . be Mwthilliir any qualified cif Izen
' of theccitstrict; notwithstanding the name of the.
propsfol voter is contained. on the list of resident
taxamor, to challenge ttni VOte of saeh penion ;
whereupon thfrearne proo ' or the right of suffrage
ails new reqtdred by t. shall be' pabilely Mane
and acted on by tile electio i hoard, and too vete ad
out tett or regt+ted, acconli g to toe (wide:tee ; every
peokor claiming to be a naturalized citizen. shaii'ha
required to prOduce tits naturalization Certificate at
the election before where he has been
for ten , years, con.equeutiyWvoterip the district in
whioh•tie offers bilk vote; itlad , ofilhOrna 0 1 Bach
-'Petsal.riptrgieelved. i t shag be Abe marry of the
VINCS.Ii) 0 et• _ to. write or Starapeu ratriticertiffears '
the svor . tP”.otOil,"..orittr s thei mouth and year; and If
any ekeito,.celicer.ot easing shad reeetve a, second
vote on the 'We day; by Vertgeof the same istrttfi
cats, extep - where sonis sire • entitled to vete by
virtue. of t • s
ntuttratiesttan. of their fOrters,toey.
and ~ • - .whie sis tell bif alTall euett:Mowni vote,
noon setoff n guilty o(. it high•
tneanar,art •
I F eottelletion , tftreof. be gned otten-:
'prinaned. o ti.'idttie aof tlitieoest; bet,
tbedneslahot exceed litindred dolhersin each'.
camp nor th • iihrithiciatnen otostrecir .. the lige pun-
istuaent - it Ibe Inflicted On eJuvietion; Oil the
°Moe* of r le•tiln- won 8 neglect_ 0 ,r`reftpie -to
or, rinse to -be mini ,e' MO Indorsement t0.1112=
.111 2 = as al lid ou sold netitritiPleS4lloertYlaite..
-eilse. & Itany gladioli olffeefshelll'efues Or neglect
Aotvquire u proof of the - right of suarsge ai is
I y ithls um. or tbel Uwe to which this Is
sure & frum any offering to:vols.
whom xis is utpt. on the- tof aesessed-voters,_ar .
whose nigh . to stat Is eballoige& by any quallffild
: j - 1 .
voter present, and tibial adreit sitch periorn to vote
without requiring seen • proof, every i imorson so
offending shall, upon convietion, be kailty ofit
high thisidemeandr; and shall be sentenced. or ! 'every
such offense, to, pay a fine not exceeding pne . him
drat dollars, or to undergo an imprbonment not
more thanone year, or either, or both, at the (Mere..
Lion of lire court. ._. • I l . , :
Sac. 7. Ten days preceding mAnT electibitfoi elec
tors of President and Vice President of Xbdiklsited
states, it shall be the duty of the Presid ent
at, the place fixed by law fOr holding theiells. wog ,
each Hectlon dhoriet, and then and WWl:mar - all.
,applications of, persons'Artienia nanittie Wee -.. been
.o.iiitted from the list of assessed' volettner7r
claim the right to vote or whose rrigh are eni L,...., ,
hated since th e same was made (AIL , tgli algal Id
the punks of,sueh persons thereto as lidsti .w
that thozyrire entitled to theyight of stig in such
district, on the s personal application of'the Alward'
only, auti - forthwith assess them WWII tIM proper
tal.. ^flee completing the list, a copy 'thereof shall
b phteed en the door of or , on the house - setter° the
el Lion Is to be held, at least eight ya before the
et dun .;'and at the election the sam • Course shall
be ursued3ti all respects, as Is eemu! by this act
.an the nets to which it Is a scippPe LI at thegen
era eleetion in,October. - The,Assessor shall also
makedhe same returns tb the county cotrimiiision era
of all assesanteuts. made by virtue of this election:
and the evinity."comminwhiners shall furnish copies
'thereof In he election officers In cacti; distrlet, ill'like roan er. in ..all...respixts, as Is regained at i the.
grnerat e ectlons•in October. ,
- Sow. (t. The same-rutca and regulations titiail apply
at every Special el. ction,and at every tett:trate city.
borough or word-election, In all respects as, at" - the,
general clectionge iti ()climber. dl 'i • : ,
L , EI". 9. The isstrieetive..tis'sentsitrs, insttors ' aid
Jud g es of the . 'C,llOu3 Shall 'each have 1 e power to
administer oaths to ally persons ctilmlng the right
to be asaessed ne t lintrlght of autfrage or In regard to
any other matter or thing required to beldone or In-: ,
•*,lured into by any of said officers under thia'aet ;
and any v4'11.11111 false wearing by -any person 1n: re-
Wien to tiny rittatter-"denthing concerning .which
they shall be- ilawfulte Anterrvigated - by any of
. said
°titters shalt beepunistierras rte. Jury- • i -i • '
, t.ti".10.. Thettasessura shall each receie the saute
'ctnpertsatiun for the time neceestatil spent :ln per.
forming the dune* herein' enjoined' s Is provltied .
'by law for. the parfortbances of their other. dui i - lg.
40biespale)by the county commlastionera as in other
.ca es; and It shall not be lawful tel any i assessor to
anes(sis a•tax against any pepon whatever within
ten days next preceding then election' to be held on
'the second Tuesday of October, In may ye ar. or with
in ten days next before any election for eleetopt of
President - and Vice , President of the rOM Stales;
- any violation- of this: provision shall be , a nisei:
%Ineanor, sad subject the Officers Eno offending. to a
line, on-conviction,. not • xeeed ng one hunched d 01...,
dors, orto Imprisonment not exceeding, these
months: Or , bath, at the discretion of the Court: '.,::'
'elm IL Oa the petition of live or mord eitizefini.of
the county, stating under oath that they .verily
Del lime thati;rands will be practiced at the' election
about to be held in any district, It shall be thin duty
pf thecourt of common pleas of said •cOuntY, If•In
-session, or if not a j u . dgei thereof In vacation, to op-.
, point tiro Judicious, sobrjr and Intelligent chizens of
' tbe - cousty art act as overerers at sail election'; said !
overseers shall be selected from dlfferetitAegitical ,
parties:, where the inspectors belong to different' par-
tees, and where both of said Inspectors belong to-the
I , nadne political partycl4th::.Of the.overseets that( be
I - taken front tit e•opposite political party;: said ov ,
, :seers Shull, have the right to be present with the° .
I !cersbf the.eleciton, during the - whole tit ether(, ' e i
'IS held, the votes counted and the rein - run! lu:kie fillt
andsignedby the election ()dicers ,• to I:6oge_list'V
voters, If-they see proper; to challenge any , persek
offering voe, and interrogate hint and his witness -•
under oath, in regard to his right of suffrage - at said '
enetion,•and to examine_ his pairs produeed; and
the officers of sold election are required tO afford to
:said Overseen( so selected and appointed every eon - .
yen/fence and facility for thediseliloge of their the;
ties; •and If sabl eleetion.officers shall realise to peri t
mit said overseers to be presentainif perform their
ninnies as' foresaid, or If they shall be , triveli away .
fr•sin the poi IS diy.violenee or I nth initiation, all "the '
iit ,
v"s polltslxitsnel) election district may he rej e cted
by any trittunaWrilima conte.t tinder said election;
•Priiiviiird., That 'no persdn'signimr..; the petition shall
hemppoinitesi snoverseer. l , ~ •
KFA:. 14. If•anty,prottannitnnt. - ; clerk, or the deputy'
of either, or filly', other per;li. MIMI aids the Seal of
intik& to.. any uptikalizat ion „paper, or ppm) 4, the
s saine - tlf-be• affixed, or give min, or
. .eautie orperillit
thil.' - , to be given ant, In blank, wherenv - it fitaM,
be -frauditlily,l used, •or. ntrulndi a lad urallzat ion '
..'iltillcVn , t 6to stay person'tie Ind Shall not hove .beenv '
dilly e opined attaineyorn fit open riarrt, in the, pre- I
:sepee t of the : I totte:s. thereof, Inventing to 't he tier of i
. contrress„ or shall aiddu, isiinnlvtclitit, or Ili , any,way i
tperiait the, Issite-,of buy friqirgelt; A:moralization
inert ineale, Ireshal ObeAttn II fy. of a ft lain]) inslcincanmr ;
:or i...f any one shall fraudulently ntl , e any k stith certil
~'irte a n.e of a&turditzkoni„ knowitMthat4t,a-asiraiik
leittly issancsi, or shun vote, ar attempt rh, cite there\
l'oth, - .l)r If*liall vote,,or al [(mild - I n'f• vote; there '
ally"rert I tteat4s,of nat uralizat lore 'pit Is . .lntsr...vo - I' i iii . •
ri..: - 1411111.1.•grufily.of a bight effete toesuor ;•anti Other
. o- any, nif the pennons, their (titters or Illtelt o rs. guilty
of either Ow uticdemeanors,uforesalit. shalt, inn cum' ,
Vivi ion, be tined In a son) tett exee.tling, one thiniri- •
' rinti'dollats. met int pritnenevl lii, the proper Wit !tell , . t- -
aty.forti period:not eiteerslifigtliree years, / , ' - i• 1
•-,siit . Vi. Any persotra . lei inn nail Sr afilnonatiop s ,,,,
it, fore t0r,.. ,-- -clottrt in tills Stare, or officer 11O.t/lOillir
iicii to administer oaths., .licit
,td pr.oeure, in cerofl- .
cat'- of nat tiro!" zat lon, fur 111111.0 f-or tiny ot tier•per.•
son. willfully depose, di:epee ot - :,tlirot any (hatter'
untie fact, 1:n0a-mg the same to Ine.false. or shall to -
111. 0 - ; Inihmerdenvany matter Pins" fact Atiowing the
- Same to he true.sfialf be deenneni gailtyatfperjury; and
any eertificate of natural lz it ion issued in pursuance
of any such declaration'defio.ltion,- or altirThati. , ll,
_sluill i.e hall Mel void; and it shali lint he dit tv of Iht .. J .
~ , r tir leStilitc, the same. Upon post( being made he• .
lure ht that it 'was hand ti lent ly obi:trued, to take hn.
Inediate iitc:tsu4.l. , f ,, r rt , nalittli (Ili. saute far cancel-
anl , any ,vll , h , rll vot or attempt
vote on any paper so cinttnned"r vrliol.,lnin In any
way aid In, connive atTor et onytigeney whateAri
in tfrto.i.stto,...iln!nlatipna - n , , , tai zi,ny Ir:in - /intent.
tnrt nal real non ttl,.shatl deal:tett guilty of
trint ,, ,foneatior, and noon 0ut0.;1 , 1i ,, 21 iffereof
toolergo, at/ italprim,sllll,llt in 11,1 penitent lar,y!fur
not,ploio than two-yoals, and pa3 - ,n One ",0 not allure
than ono thou.. and delhiFs, f,r every. offense,
or :4:ltlier'brhOth, aL the dif , retion'Of the t t ourt:
lkic, 11..1ug u,, , ,,,sss,r,vlyotoic<,illoor or person tip:
pojn tpcf ars an averset,X. Who shall I,iegletl or'roftise to.
enJoineil try this tiet, - willfont:rea , ,
sonal?1,1 or felfat effitse,,Nliall' Lie stthJein to a. rm,.ni,,fts
of (toe hundred Itollars, and.if ituy zi..osiLs.sor shift! air w11; - ) Is not , viallned, or=
any cinif who is qualMod;
he Sicali:ls• .utilltY.,•of ntlsdetoetcniii •It•
and on eon e ictivn be pgntshed`ty lii e pr inipri•tai
inent,.ana also be tailtject an tietion for •danih-ges
the party lat,grie•vell;:alid If any. person 'shall
fraud ulentlyalier, add to, , cleiacitor de,stroy any I tolisf •
• squerm niatle aS Oi , ected bY !let'. or teat dawn
...a-remove the Stip:et - Nita the platie husiglly
' fixed, with fratattilentioritasehlevons intent i lir,for
anyi in - proper rposti; tire yaw •ojt ottepillng shall
be 00 Ity of a high tniscleineunar, and oteconYleflon,
shalt be.pnnlSlltlfl iN ttile not e X - I,•ee , it Pfyk,ilittn - dred
dollars, or I norlatintuent ntit exceeding f•ttkpc,,years,
or ts hot! the discretiOn of the court. •
8 All eltslions for city, tearti,horotich„
ship fend election officers-shall hereafter he lir on
the second Tue'sday of4)ctriber;sittlect ft) all the pit> ,
V I hismi;,6l: the -laws.regulat ti; the elections of such
officers not inetinsistent with tills act the persons
Iti such. others. at that iliac lake; their
places& the -explrai lou.of -the terhis of the persona
holding the sane at the time of such. election but,
elet.tion fur its office of assessor or a ; etistaat ps
sessbr shall -he held, under tills :lot, until * the - year
one thottsataiefght hithd red and seventy.- • •
sm% la, Ai all elections hareatt r held under the-
Jr lA' his h. the polls shall be opim."
ts . t : between dhe hours of .KIX 'awl SEW EY o'clock:
A. 1111 , 1 ci(WAtf7.
.41' uIC.V EN o'cloistr 4 e. at. ' •
• SEC. 17. It sliallaisithe duty of ttie Secretary ofthe
commonwealth to. prepitrcl forms fbr all the blanks
made necessary by this aeA, and furnish copies of the.
sairue-!0 -the county Commissioners, id' theseveral:
climates of the Coruniiaarealth apd the (lustily
ellitillet•StOlaers+ Caelf(MiUllt y 'shall, as wm ns'inay.
he neeegsary atter reeelid - ofilte same,atA hipproper
eti guts" of the e..lnpty, procure lad for.ntsh Wait the.
eleetien'ettleers+o(44••• elect ten'a Iktiletx itf their re-
spective e,ittntte's qoples ot 'such blank-5,.110 such
i L iptuttAlesws maybe rendert4l necessary for the ills:
(•Pcirve 'Nf Abele duties tallier this act. "
• Sie. la. That A...1i izeos ihis State teen porarily in"
tiasAzervice °tithe :Allite or ,of the states Got.,,
erninents.nn cl:taricaruraititer duty, .and who cot
vote WhereAlfus_employtsl, shall not be thereby'ile4
prtyeil of the to vote in "t helr several election
distil cgs if otherwise dilly qualified • •
••• TIIK r )lopE of 1•11.1T1'5:C
.Ac-al'egulating the motle',Of voting nrall'elecs
lions ln. the several counties of this Common:
wen ItWitipprOveil March ;1001,
'sv.A. -- ticsl, net. marred NI rhe Senate mid House . of. .
RepiTsentatiiW of the anajnoti,roalth of Pransyleania
i n . (; rne rcit ,quelably tact, and ft is hereby endeted Art
ttoirulhorily or , the row_ .
ilea the (manned ;Voters of
the seVeral 'wain ies of this .Commonweal lb. at the
gen 0.111; town...hip, borough of. Special elect loni, .are
bet-,by ; hereafter, aothorizo, and required vote,
by tickets, printed or written; or partly printed and .
mArt.,y writ en, Severally cito isilien as follows; One
licknt shall embrace tile names -of all Jutlges of
courts Voted for, and to-he labelled outside udlck
are;" one tieket shall cintiracie the name of all State:
officers vtetLlor, labelled "stater one lick
et shall embrace the naiues, of'all county .011Icqrs
-voted for, lied be labelled "c linty;" one tllket shall
embrace th e‘ mimes of all tow4isbtp olliceraivnted fon labelled "townshipl'i one ileitet Slain em-,
bracit the napies of all p.rough officers: yobs` fork
• And be labelled "borough:" and each CiftAti slinll
'4.leposite. , l. in separate batlot-b4xes.
. r ' • l S
1..11 - te . right of ell liens of
- the
• •
•'SF.critht - . _ne right fait of ell liens 01 _lie uitid
States to l irole shalt net he denied or abridged liyile
.l - nit .l sitates, orgy anylitati, ontaccouut u r •e,
color, or previous . ontlltlon--... of servitude.. i" '
• '.. /
'F(R-sT -AS A .EC0:..9) SECTION - Of ACT Or ilorionlkss.oF ;
, xAttt.' n . 1 31, WO., .; . ,
t`iiecrio:c I, 1k it erte/eft bye fin, Senate awl R a m i e,'
~i Rerreirentalkes of the' rnitc4 State& of A m e rica in,
conui,ms mrsemblert; That all.- ellizens of the 'United .
•ritateS, who are; or a. alt he otherwise qualiti4d .by
law to vote at any; election by the people, It auy
Suite, Territory, district, county; city, parish, t ma.:
i l
sup, schT.sil (rim r. t, neunicip.dity-or oilier tea r torl-:
al sutemyision, 'shall be entitled and al'olvt.d ' yore
at all , such elections, withol, distinction -ofiram ;
csdor, - tfr pi ev leas condition of servitude: any icon-,
stilutiOn, law, custom, usageor regulation of any. ;
State or gerritory, or by, or under its author'y, to
1 .
the et.ntret ry notwithstanding. ',.
• " , ". • , .
•••.s'ec„ It. And. be it further c tested, That II is o
, under the antherhy of the .•onsiiintion or la ti Of •
an state, or laws of any Ter dory, any, or
',hair be•rertuired to be done as is poquisite or final-r!,'
motion for-voting, H all by such t. onsritution o law
persons or officers are or shall be charged wit. the
i s
performance. Of dunes In frirnliting - to-citizei an
...opportunity to perform guch perquisite or t • ire-!
come (omitted to vote, it shalt he ,the duty of every
such person anti of to gis - d rto all citizens df the,
• railed :states the same and equal opportuniir - to,
perform such pe . ritaisite and td become quann ,1 to,
- vote without dlstlnction of rat's, color, or preilons
condition of serviinde; atid -if any such 'n or
"cancer shall refuse or knowingly 0411 C-40 give. full
etlect to this sect lon;lie shall, fOr every-41mb 0 nse,
forfeit. and pay a stun of live dellars tp, the
twrsott aggrieved-ti Oreby, to be recovered by an ac
lon on - the case, with full costs and such allovianec
ter calumet fees tut the court 4 , shall deem justl and
shall also, fOr every such offetnie, be deemed -gnilty
of a misdentMuor, and shall, on conviction thereof.
be Mum not has than hve hundred dollars, orbit 11111 ,
,prisoned not lesstlitin one moth land not more than
one year, or troth, at' tlw discretion of the court ,' .
. TVEE or :tint'. 6, A. /4,1670, 4,
SEc. le, That sbmttell of every act of AsSend I - tits
pros ides that only—n:111h. freemen are entiti to
vote regiqterefra.yoters or, tie claiming toevote
lit any general or »metal- electii of this Conon.
wealth; tie; and the sameisliereby repealed; and; ;b at
hereoi ter all freemen, Without distinction of * lor,•
shall he enrolled and registered, according td the
itroVISIOIIB of the first sect ion,oftlie.aet approved 17thA
Nil, tsBo,en tit led 'An act further supplentental to
the act retain); till , ' tile - electiory. . I this Cominon
'wetuttw and when otherwise qualiflea'ondert he ex.
..I,iin. taws, be euti, le.l to vote ;at all geuerall end
special erections itt . this Commonwealth. • - i f
rurstiant %tithe provisions contained:ld_ the, IWth
section of the act first aforesald, the judges the
aforesal,d district fil; shall respect tvel v s take chage of
the rest fticates otretorn'of thoelection of their re
spective districts., and produce them at a msetit e g of
one judge Loon each district at the CourtHou ,In
.• the Borough of Pottsville, ett the third day ant, the
' day of the election, being ..' . ; -
.. . . .. ..
. 6N IeitIDAY. TIIE .1.1rw1). - 1,1'.. t)t Ot R
tOBE, Ital,
I t
. at 10 o'clock, A,"11.; then and there to do and pe torm
the dattes reoutred by law of said Judges: 1• ".;_
Also, that where a Judge . Valeknessor Unattridae
'Me accident. Is unable to attend each meeting of
Judges, then the certificate Or return shall be Rini'
chargeof by of the Inspeetoris or cierks".lf the
election of the district; whoshaltdo and perforo the
duties required of said Judge unable to attend .
elven tender thy hand, at nil:r e in pottsville j
this fhb day of September, in th year of oartLOr
- onatbousead elaht hundred and venty,. and In the
' tifnety-fou , th year of, the Indtpendence ot o the
United states, - ~
~, - i ' -
C.-," GOD . SAVE.' Tug CAM KONWEALTIII" •' -.-
V 7 ,
GEOFtGE C. W Y',4 KOOP, ,Shriff.
Slicrifre l Yn e e. Pottavllle, Sept. 14. ISM - i
_ .
j . R. T2iOYLLL. ,DEALES I t
'Just. received, Wider &own —.Patent Siatgot;
Storm ditto.. mach cheitOrl a er. Tumblereg witti
erat, s to tie over; Airtight other Finke l Jam.
Stolid Mead Bottles, Porter and Wine Bottleal de.
ty , - . •
W4rATEFt B. 131MLITr3. •
C6ll - lE'
• 1 •
180- ktyttEgr, POITI9II4X;P
igiteys !amts. Ilattroads st;
tendon even to flevelovlng and, so u Qs;
Co ‘ atestatua. • , • July tf
p3/7.OI.DaLPNLA. •
Itiniag itlid4hillaing Brcks,
FOR 84.1.1 g BY • • • ,
• 4.. • •• - 11 •Arialkee. 1 ; St.,l I
-Aug. p,10.411111612 . - •
The 7 , 644. 3 ii to ENO/ma-4'mA of the ;adiftn.
• W.l.sittxtrros, Sept: MT-The gliestion as
to 'who wall•sareeed hir, Motley as-Minister
10-Sfighuid •retuallta unsalted, or, at
lenist,Jf settled . ,'Vetrotitutsiprolbundrnystery.
It is- k noon that Vire. ;be debit nation-of ex
senator Fretlighttysen,,the b4 ' been
tendered to several penintor.ot-prciatinerteey
but in every instattu*Aledittedi- 'Moon' is
quite ctirregit,to-day,thiit the riaine of a Wes
tern man has. lieeu agreed upon, and he has
notified the ' - Presidentthat "he' will 'ac
cept, but this cannot be verified at tbo State
tklxtrtment, and therefore should beaecepteci
With some reserve.- Various, persons are'
natnedaechosen.'one'otthe moat prominent
betnb 36n. GodloVe Orth; of Indh=, but
there are•good reasonwfor'belleving that be
is not' the person tei whom -General Grant
would tender' a tint-el-nits minion. Your
eerrespondent is enabled', however, to say,
•by auttiority,.that one thing has been deci
:ded upon s by Pre-Went' Grant, and that is,
that the appointment Of -alilinister to the
Court or St. James, -shall.- be given -to soate
Western man. •
. • ..
From an accurate estimate made by one of
the clerks of the accounting division-of the
Treasury Department, it is ascertained that
each' man, 'woman, and Child of Ow Indian
pop'ulatiott- of. -the: United Stan% ends the
(zocernment $359 per aundln•
'3 7 E,W-Y9AK.
The. i,itutifit.Start
1. NEW Yost:, Sept. statue. to the
Mernory'of Abraham Lincoln, erected under
the auspices of the:l:nu:di League, was quiet
ly "placed in position to-day. ni Union Square
without any formal ceremony. -..The statue
repreSents Lincoln. in -a standing. position
; .the,Etnan ei Patian - prOelaunilion
extenii:d hand. • The .ligure is eilVeloped in
a. cloak: The'-statue, s 'bronze,_ ttatt feet
hjgli f standing on a * .lpedestal vf -- -stene,and
cost about:rslo,ollo., It was 'east at 'Wood's
bronzelontidry•, on Ridge '.'aifenue, Philadel
phia, in front of which it was erected... Rime
tinie.before being taken to New York.. .
A 1.13;k:V1 - , 'Hayes', - . fire-,
titan ou the .locomotive attached' the train frdm the West, fell
.front theltraiti abotit four miles-from the city
- Yester¢uSt morning and was killed... ..He
:les•res a family; : • -
._A man^ uatileJoseph ,(laYnor was, yes-'
.terday run over and fatally iuJtirni * l ily 'a to
.eoniuttlce an the y . tingipiehanua•
; Railroad. -. .L . .
, Z511r.14c
' A LLAN. - , 'rues,
•N'l emits° suicide 'S•es . terilay\ 14 .
- Litt ng her throat. It, appears hat her b s
h cud
h:Atf gone .,.Cvadi , :iltkeers pfl.t
arid 'slie.suppksing he hit3l.lefr.t.,-tled her,
con iitted the 6461 cfeed, . •
~-..- • -
ATTA CR, .9N 1141[1,WAY TRAINS'!
uanrobert Escapes p.4llll.Metz
Felarchink on Paris 60300 Men I
T 3 Ty!
I:4O . LAT
i it GdTE SHC
' frain the PrS4ian
Lest rtvilion ut PrOertv . l6 Frhtiee—The Prussians
NotiDelayetl,4he French thigh Medley-lon
Tralnii Near . Paris At ,
• • ,tacketTbe Army ufAti# , •Lntre—Pa-'
• tiaiiofi—Thi• Itp.l%no at Iksome. •
. . .
LoNnox,. :4(14, 16.—The French -hat:.: use-.
lessly destroyed till the works of, alt `on the
highways and railroads leading out ipf.Paris.
Notwillistandi tin this wbolesaledefitruction .
of property, the "advance Of the Prussian
army' has not been - delayed a single hour. : .
'The :Paris not_
of to-day persiitthat
mediation =is possible. The Prussians ale
massing some.distance from the ay.... The
measures of defence at Pa ris are now so - great,.
it is expeeted. that this tact . will act Strong!)
• •
favor of .Pea Ce. •'
It is reported that;the railroad trains leer-,
log Paris. yesterday. and to-day. were attacked
and captured by the Prussians.'.
seiigers on award were .killed Mid w ounded.
After to-day c?minunicatiOns with - Paris wilt
be-uncertain.: •, , - '
All the regular troops, its well. as the,Yrtine7
Tireurs, hays left-Paris to oppose the move-,
ments of the Prussian Army of the Loire.
Arniris well supplied with prr
visions at Meti. "The Prwisians 4 are slow y
Concentrating around Parts. •
'The.'ll.4 - nEs of this tnerniog ~_lias. a special
lelegratri from Berlin, giving; 'The following
"summary as presentin*g_lalest intelligence on
the question of .". ,
• Russia de.elint. MI Itirtherieffort for
, .
-Mr. Bancroft, the Ameriain Minister,-de
nieS having evoked AmeriCan intervention.
Prussia is satisfied with the reserved attitude
of England an defeating - the.. French hope for
armedlintervention. - • • • . '
Germany demands. the. session of Alsace
'and Lorraine., • - . :
Froni \despatches received from Florence,-
it = ould , seem that - the Italians have sun ,
rounded Rome bY tliiitirne, if the Prograturne"
of-the Government: has been faithfully.46l-
16wed..- ) • ' ' •
The Tt3tE,s'ihrtherenaonscm the opinion:a
expressed Vy the journals of Bt.•:' Petersburg,
thatsPrussia.must negotiate peace with the
.ConStituent Assenibly of France.
Adyiees - froin I'arisotate that the capital in
calm, iest.lute, and confident. . • 7 •
Despatches from Berlin are confident in
the belief that there in - no. proipect" of Ger
many abandoning her claim against the res. : -
sion of .territory.„ -; . •:, . •
FRAY .;;
. .
... ,-. ,
Paris iii' a .State sof fUege-Arrival of Afottiesut
Volunie'er3-Foreikpi efittsurued-ita:lteay Tia4l
.i.Stogpethted-Canrobe - rtN Marching fo Peri" - '..
,P.Clus; -I-SePt. 16.- - Tbe c 14.• has been de
clared in a
. sta.te of siege.' I nn-combatants
are tá be. expolleif.'" It is reported • that the
A'merican ship'Qucen•has arrrtred at Topical,
with. 11 ve hundred 'American, voldriteirs and
7,0%1 rides: . .The Prupaians wore' yesterday
pt ,Joinville, seven milt*. from they city.
There Wive been no "railcciaditrain t . beyond
Ponteise since Wednesday last.. . .
- Tbe forMsurolnd the city.arP 'age - entire
ly consumed: ••, • . •‘` . • •-' - -
P.U.tts.."..Sept. - I.l3—Ntlflo.—The.Pruviians
having 'captured the railroad train at &Ulla )
travel' in that ion stepsintinedtly; , ' •
14;090 Prussia s ate at Soluville. ' - , • ' ‘.
d t lct
..BOtii t tON, _ ' t. - 16-4
..lanrobert'is tOrees,
hieki lattlif cut through tile Priisplan l ll,, Ines
at Metz, 'are ' now . marching towards Faris,
were tiii thousand strong".: •• • • ' ..1 '
Genet al Bazaine h iMsclf basloneto,Sedan.
The civillians are•Oithiiraleing ,from .7. r• --:
An 011febil.p.1.113trfk—The - Aitraner—Thr
. • - • . •murta te, • -• -
BERLIN, - tiejlt.‘l6th..--I'he Minister of War
has builetined the folkiwing imisirtant news
received direct from Meaux,. headquarters of
the Gerniau armies': '
.SI -
..AtEhArIC.ON-THP-SIARNE, - .45 'miles from.
Paris; ThUrSday, Sepr.Js.—the enemy have
blown Up.all important . stations,
viaduet.4,•&e: upon. The road _ and railways
tending tw • Ps,rls... ThisdestirtgrA was n
necessary ;as the march of one col mns don
itinues Withour r even an hour's hale upon the
The blockade of the Gentian Ports of-the
upper Baltic and Nails. Sea *teed on &an
-4:14, •
tchlo from Konigsberg, Calls - rug and
ban e, upon the Battle, report the Weep.
peerelOw oldie Wen& hloallusding squadron
off.theekt_purte.•=. _
A dtspatets front liamburg-abta'annunces
the veteastiou'or thesblockadelmon the North
Sea, and the opening or: the - Elbe,lller and
other rivers there, togethWintb the • depar
ture of the French aquadnutiouthivardly.
•., . • -
Sr. PlikHeiatieo. ee1:44 1 6.-Iln Jowl
of thin • city, btftelst iti Mat _: regrets ' th• re-.
Neal of the PIU/411 veirnut,ut to treat
outy viitir the' Freach'-'Em_ parer far peace.
The Jegourat. , ways, at Napoleon cannot•
asl4,reign ie eig Treea. ace, he mpeot, as a
t oota
• BoulLuolv, Belgium, - Sept Tina* :
dakklast,-8,000 troops under Marshal &mine,
'writer' had been shut clip in Metz, broke
through tho Prussian' lines, and, under the
t e aqer o hlP of.hiarshal Canrobert, are makine
. 0 • alatakeN upon the Prussian :army rt -
a.• Tii•Or intelligence has also been colu
mn icated - to the . Prussians at Sedan, and.
11 , .. created the greatest excitement within
th t city... The Prussians are ruak:ngseatra
or i inary e"frorts to prepare for an attack awn
t sir works. Sedan has been proclaimed in
a state , of.siege. sod the inhabitants' Inter
, teed fre*lcemartMicating with the extt
or. The heights • commanding the city'
h ve been fortillecif-and every precaution
ht been taken against surprise. 'Th e mews
' ur .s for defence are esteemed. perfect
Ni4ro4lll: I•ll;lrihtness.
*Lout':Nek, Sept. 16, After the emtipatlon
of s - Papal &stets taly ' will -instantly
ational P liat -
sumozonA. Ni f rfent tot:al-el:Mien
by;univet TE tsal euff ,
rage l . 4 „ ,
LAR.—FtAmtEscne pt. z43.—^, COr „ izsiOrt
occurred ;yesterday betwgen the Italian troops.
and die Papal Zouaves Vivo kilometres from
i t
the city of Rome. ,Oui • a', few were killid -
-.and wounded Ou each s e: - - -
The Kellam heatiqtt rters .on -Thursday,
were fourteen kilottiet. ut front Rome. .
General Cixio hisi re hed Coronto, near "
Civiia. Vecchia and d' übtless Velletri Mai
Valmontone will-be Asa.. pied to-dak. •
Tim.* are wailed tow •s, 25 rnilevaputh oft .
Rome. • • - 1 ' ' f ,
The gendarmes, cult ' -botwlYiters, and . L.. -
"pmple fraternize with t e Italians, - w - ho :are " .
received with Acclamations. _ , _ . '
• •
iAvtuv, dept. 14.—A crisis • in the - giitpt- r t,,..•
ish Ministry is Eminent :
Saturday, 3 fMat: .4 . 1. I.
A Slow: Mail *Befit-eon' -London and
Paris, - ,
- _
Tfie Emper,o'r Napoleori's Habits . I
App . . • - „ ,
pp rorlow to'ifOinburr Dang&otts,! ---
• '
Ningr . l.tetween - Loildon lantl l'Arin 7 the•
• mror NA.e,ollieon—What FruiOe Might do •.
renc.ihe Eropieis Eugenie
prioeltos 'to Hamburg—Vie - Advanc-e of
tbr Privoqan4,.
. Ltilkirox, Sept.. 16.JA (i N . V . mail routein,
been' arraiati'd between . 'city. and Paris
by way of Audem3 and Rouen. • .
• A. despatch from Berlin eludes that_only '
few euriutiatravelers theta far. h a ve
NVilheitua Hoche since the: arrival. Were of'_
the Empeior Napoleon, and more than hall--
of them were ,AntericauS.
thi Sunday las. the Ducb,ess of Hamilton .
Visited the Emperor. 'He drei4esin• an un- •
tires's uniform and has Dr. - trieary -perpet- - : .
welly on,hils right 4durrpg s almost inces
sant walks. ' .
A . Pariceorrespondeut of-the Tnikti writes a
itt the evening -- etiithiti'as 'follows I "There;
are those who think it, possible that 'France '
woulsie up a portion of her fleet -to pay .
the cost 'of the war; raze the walls of Strus
burg add Meta; abolish the conscription end,
accept Abe limitation:of her army, as, the
price of peace, but. nobody believes that ihe
will cede a toot of territory."
--The Empress greatly' annoyed
by the army of eight-seers who follow. her • •
and stare .at her wherever she-appears in -.-
public. • n
The Government - of North • Germany has -
given official notice to mariners that the up- ,
proaches to Hamburg are dangerous. The •
usual lights are extinguished; and the Chan , .
nel-Itileti. _
. The following Jptelligence has just been
received froth Pastel% .."nie advance of kthe
Prussians- is at, icreteitMeilly-Sur-Marn4,
,eud 'their. set - with
.‘ parties have occupied .
Corbil andAteniiirt. Throngs.of -people arc.• .
escaping from - Parls.'!;
Lortixim,. Se pt. 16,—[SpecIal to N. '
Timks.].-LOur correspouetene writing &ode:,
Paris Sept. 15,44ay5:--Bread- and:Meat. have.
fallen in price,and salt and provisrons.'have".:... .
• An immense supply of poWderi thr .
nx Monson kiloiranznirs are within-the walls. • •
• -Pars: •
• . LONDON, Sept. l6.—_- - It is reporte'd here that
the - Foreign Ottice.has a' reply. to (he - ;(1: -- e" ;
wand of ,Julekravre for an armistice: Bra-.
niarck says theft are, questions yet to be t-et.. 7 , 1 1,-,: ,
tied with France, before dsuspeosion.-or ht
tilitics la.-posenbre. - : : • •
~5~ ~~
ArrivNl In YMri■ or Tj.oops rho 11r.ocaped . horn
• '•
rAlthi, Sept, 16.-Troops'atediiijitiri . vittg
Who escaped - . from Sedan. Ainimg,;.other,s
that arrived laiit night was a kieneral
peaSant's attire. : •
• , ,
. . .
FRIDAY, 1?! t.'B, 11179...-ilbe iloeiti money 'Market -'-•' '
retains its stringent features. The _poverty of the,. -
hanks necessarily adds to the activity of the street. -
and rates there are almost nominal. The ranee tor
call loans is still bad - per cent., and for dr a t-class *
mereantilepapet6a9 per cent.,-
Goldin freehorn speculative movement, and the. -
premium ranges from 1 14
. to 11-0 4 4 The tendency is ' - r
slightly upward., --, - . . (....•
• Government - bonds attracted' very little atten
tion is thli market, hut prices Are still: on the -
' At th e Stock Board al . ere'ws.§ n moderate-business ' -
and prices wenthigher. - . . •
Reading Itallrmd sold freely .t.t. isil t lattX, b., o, ; . • - '
Pennsylvania at .5056, ,
JAY Cook. & Co„ quote Government seenrities as `' s •
follows:—U. IS: 65 of lasi. 11Wetilt.; 6-3:ls Pee, 112 ,
1135{; - do. 11S$1, 11150111%; do. N0v..113.13, 112allk ; -
de. do, July- 11W4a110 3 4; -tic.: - do., 1867, 1103411 ~;
do. Mit 110%alleX; 10-10 s, 10694a1065,:"; PrICIIICS4. 111411.
DP::: 'old: . lit • - .
. .
.; . ___,.:______:_._:_..4 ___—... ' • - *.' - '. ..
. .
' TrttitEMAT,September I . 6.•Ltiker cede-Clovekseed may
be quoted at $75-S ? 61 pounds. Timothy sells at " -
$5 s^kB. Flaxseed is in demand, and told at td z. .. -
The Flour market presents no' new features , •
worthy: of , special note. Superfine at 15a5 50:: Mt. ;
- barrels. Pennsylvania --sztra ate $5 t 5; 41:10 -barrehi '..':
North-western extra faintly at Dna 60; some Penn-' ' -
sylvanla do.o. i at $6 58.17;100 barrels Indians do..
. d.: choice, / 7 , ..' 'Ohio do.; do. at se - 87307 ; • anst - taney ' '•
brands at 8 7 MaS 501 H 3 -0 flour mazy be quoted at, •
Li 75. , - - -
The WheatmarketcOntlituee quiet at former m a tes. ,
Salesd of Indiana red at-111.93 L o. te., and 6.5 M-bus-
elide. d., in the elevatne, at $1 a s. Rye . Is firmer.
and prime Western sold at Me. , Oats are firm and
iii goal 'demand; sales ,
of, white Western at'biscstc ... .: ' .
Corrals quiet Mt steady. • Pales of Penwtylvtrytt-,,
low at - 5t.96n.; 1,5e0 bushels Wesitern do. at'. ',; alit • ~,,_
800 bushels high Western mixed at 9041/2. .
_, , . " I t? 't ,
• Whiskrls dull at 90c.. fbr Western . isozi-blp
.I, • —-- —:- 7 . • , t - ,l`' --, - • ~ ' '
Ni:* YORK multi itlvei:4sosesix s. :..
• NEW Toßic; . Sept. • 16.-=Stockft strong. Money la.; .
.ner -cent. Gold 111; 5-31 s, Is6l, coupon,. 111%-; do. . . .
1401,-do„ 1i11..c• do. iirii, do., 1 111%; do. 18037 i, new,-
110%; -do. 1,107,1 . 10 1 !-42; do, 1556 110. V;
_id-ps, ltir- 7 6; Vic
-gltila-ls, new. ; 6s ; Nitwourt &5.. 3 9CP4' ; Canton:'eavi : -
rumbetlipd preferree, 31 :N. Y. Central, in, "x divi• ~
dead :Eric, 29 , /, ; Beading, 0i!'„ Adams,F.s.prem '
(is! 4. ' • . • . ' ' ' • . •
V* °
vouzicir ItARKEr 4 1 '
LONDON. Sept. 16.- . -Amerlean securities steady
5„20a of P.C. OW ... Railways steady. . .
1.4t - Eseool.. inept. le. —Cotton water buenot lower;
lito-k of Cotton afloat. MUM bales, ineluditut 17,01 e
bales of American,. California Wheat. 98..11d.a104.;
red Western, s.e. Bd,:sits. 5d.; nadt ant'ler. an. &ann. Ad.
Receipts of Wheat for three days, 15,0 x) quarter", tn
eindlng az,w of Amerhan. • • . . ' •
qvirnwtei.' rorotae Joaraal -
Wheat Flour, extra ran . lll,Y. ft bbt .4
•• • .• ewt.- ,
- - • 'extra VI bikl
Itje F10ur.....
heat • .:
; MVOS. prime ' bwitt
- red *bash_
... t - "li k b 4lB h•-
ats. bash
--;..•.11 barb
'MMus" bpah
bale •
'a •
1.870. L. 41. 13: 11970
Drykaoods. No. stei Market Inv !WI&
15:ft--.4ai orders SOL Goode. de.. Intended 'or ow
101 address M . O. este Of Jacob IWO)
learicee Jaen •••41
UM :re '
WAJITIL-;•All_ a ltrao;L t oon‘
of a
NG WASTE'pretv..-- T ows n oigrid - -
and lbr Itatbusd cum 4
be P5 04 4 417141 2%*.t&Y & -
11& 154 & Ni North Front 'ptrig*
Canrqbert's-iGeaps Centlrmiti.
nu LY.
Another - mute,. Re.
A Crinln In Spain.'
1'40311 THE CITY
1 0-.
. oStr" .
~~ E
w.- I
me I • us:
.4 a'
43 10
4 0)
1 55
1 15
137 8 251
. 7801
22 al
0 OD