The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, September 03, 1870, Image 3

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e - 131-Ati
. .
.:. • ..ticisate,
i '.4.l"fyi , , , ltAli.e : . iti.7;t.lell, :-•elguy
F. E. STP.F:ti,
W.• it.t. NIS EY I'OTTS,IPot .•
hi:. \V'L ii. 1V ENlll6l., , :llnlin no
is eP.ul: STMIL,
Ilieertor. ill" the Poor.
tt ry Vosiimi.daner,
%.131( EL i-TI
Aiti •
\V M. sTELLW A G 6: 4 7 iA'alo Alto;
C. EN TS WIN Titp„-w e &vire to son - d
,:, 1 .the DAJL,Y 311.NEits' rot: r, to all the
tows: in this and the adjoininCountis,
1 ,0
IL l'ell van be reached 4 all .early lour either
by train or stage. IVevoultl be lad if any.
4 ':! : Ponsible persons Will take7,the matter .in
hand and act as ntr-ag,ent or get me good
.party to do so for us, and we will llry to make
sat isfaetdry arrangements with the n: Every
reader of the :xturlay ',,lnuir.:s:At. s could read
":•fir . iglitly," and keep hell postel. I. Mend in
the names afid4ke 110:your orde .s.
s. ran' lii bee re-notni
o:i:ed for Congress itt; Allegliett • county.
lie i; au industrious unit valuablc i , tnetaber,
asi,l the people of, his District Uppre
-4-1:0ell hi; services in re:tiontitiatiii Itifti
-orip:imiAli;r the relief ( 1 4f' thre fumi
nine - person's who tvere ki
-haft at Ilint.-.s.:'ola.ssinire's•Collie
:tL this office, atitl 'pronip
the. Cointitittes., Mr. Joi
trea, ,, hrer. NeW!Phijatrtelp
.- •
Tlr - It1:1111..c.:17 1 12AVD:;.—ro shots tt!
ir-:14, I - (114 t were pr.zeti;;ed tit Nt.t.
ilegla:4 President!s•election, when
w:1- ~ .h.cted Governorand the Grati
,1 ‘coated in the State, theeettsu4 not,.
.. w
.that -in several listriets n'.
wer. , polled thud the, whole pope!
iu•fiagj women and . childnin, sh
1,, n-t ,rire_ illegal to roue. le
~.. 1.e11 , 2V(41 that after the '
,census is
t: , Cti.ins held legally under the, net
c-il.2 . ress, the bastard Denfocratee
:' tW• city will be reduced at le
r, last enemy is, very nusy in this
;:i“1. lay 'lead on Sunday, • includi
Wary Sligo in'years, front one to
undartakep and grave-digge
rapt, ,and a , rd now • making up
ring . the mffluoral?htNstrike ;
hen.--Sf , Clair
On this the last 310NITolt makes
lug yery singular remarks : .
•14inly another reason why miner; ml'
Zll remunerated fur tire; pottarious
4:thy occupation by whiph"Athee
' It scorns that despite oil all •th
aem., ,, them, during the strike;
had to say so, much' about,
ter health and fewer deaths auto
i Li n . 1 ,,w when at work."
.I.nihring froni these remarks the -A
the men , kii-letl ofF. We, a
t tat the st upping of extra rations at
prornote'S health.
111:1,4:11 - m there are gittp)oyetl,
, •oal p tttittes-,l_li,i).Ht tneu .aCwitst:s .
- .li t • t :iitti• a day. There are 'a1....0 emp
the mines : I t I:u't.e,nuanlter,t,fr
:11101;c1 . 2ifticult, WllgpS 'Are
the averaze wages jut
evats a day: A large act
v.,altva (;erwiaa:s-•anil
rind, are emplo - yed the :,:kiue tnen
[,-(,ltle are more euntented and. hal
it .. l (Mo.?: in. Ell The:
Cm propOrtionetl to their hleolin;,
ua(le•r pro tee t i p 11;ix'-e
-idyrahly. Not haring b e en aeewit
luxuries, they do not crave the
111 w suppoAe ice bad Free Trade,
oduPtsof this iowlabor was whit .
in !Ili , country, when thefreiglitifre
Yea: is no greater an
New York; what woult
!diet.. tabor here, to enable out. 10
eiiinpete, With thee low Wages'.!
is r..e r rii. lighcr ihan Belgium.
1,.,•ti0 u. I n
1 0 our lair anti hyllin nnial... , t
I,vep,i , Up the price °out: labor, and
pr..iportiirin . lyt• have protection
LiSi! likvard- .
apd fall. • I ,Evccry st:ll;4hielabortsr
l!d• i i, and km)* it —awl
c•an Ife
Deinue - rativ, ticket, 'will
to Free , while: the I
1:: ;tit pa ty k pletigeti 'to Proteetiou to
.!-,i"1 .- zind home inJu,U v. Eveit in Et
Fret ., Tr:t.)e I
p.rc;tt Abe rlll,,St.
tny other other interests, that, it is
~tlcit iP a t_tood,ske.aker, %Ow ttwocatt . '
ni to labUr and , . industr,y, would la
dolt and .additess the people in.
L;11C-• district, he u - otthl be-beaten fl
;I imtUithStadifing his great pc)
J,din,ltri;:t - lit d manufacturer
Irh. , • Trader, which policy has
I,S• tire
.. .inanufact tiVng, ;up,:ti,
i!, . thogght that with
ipitni labor, they votild
0,.• wan faellitie iu other •
lu.noi;olize the ttaA....
N,;:v that th(s'labol• tittOt-tio)1
• it high • tittit , that Nvorkho
thiuk a little, anti 'vote in fa , ,,
h -11 .10 . Sel:Uri14';'go9t1 w
:•::hilor 'for good wages. and, go II
v. , tc for a policy that must i
-r,ll iu rei.ltir hug the hoes of wa
6,1" • I- Ie EI G 1 T R tJfl
tio.y in.:P()a • No. I'2,
-‘ll. i 1) the I.l.4iler's hand's, con
::..e .J aht- 4,f the foroi;4ll.•trado.
I :••; . ;ate-fertlie 11. , ,eaj yehr ending
• In advaitee of a more exte
!di of the roittenis, the folio - wit - I.g
Newt ftu•nished hr - )fr. E.
chief of the Bureau
:•1: •
1- .
I •1„
1 t • •
prtriti ,. 'l.
;-r,~:~ ;ti~~
irr • •rii oopo,ll, of
rnor i'
. . .
I-:!1 r
4:1,, , W2.4)61
1 ••xjort:
'f ict
Wier OXp.)11,: '
tisnat 3. - e;OrWo, • •
initorts Were
....... : . . *.!.5.1.73 4 I
in IVO, of !wk.'
( ~x .por
r..r,• 91,1,r,vetileti6
.76orial rmiipareltier letzttemritt of Ow fori^iyli
th, rev , clire fiscal yoirs an!!
rht .trr N
ovi6r port N,. itP4
p•t: t,tate-
41'1, .'v 11;44..97/
V. t V.• 11A.likti(
,••utcnt ovo - r 1,6!)
- • li ll o : 171' STA 7'E CONI ENT,
• AT EA hi:VG. •
held : on Wt•tin''=
14- t• over•l)j• the followiln
of }Nicks L'Anitty.
Geer . , of Sell° Y /ki
of Carlxmi- A. IV.
%Via. 11. ftiester, of Iter is
Fry, oi York;-Frederic Dittman of
11: - ,y:own ) , or wityio.. -
Joseptv , ltittier. orCtimberla
I:• dtfiNtotifitomery; 1.1. J. Mo
; rlf Pivrtiiglllloolll
'4l "
sant., .
.I:tir appohjit tin. following Co tt .
• ,
am, credeptia '
11,erks, NW. Tt I}arlingt!
r , till Steadman,' ( ...'ar.boll, 11-
, 1870
of the
€(1 at the
will be
y sent to
N. W A 11-
• 1
l• York. at.
,Ore votes
Lion, in-
wing at
al. It.
):(4.1 and
V law of
g • some
greut.) -
eri , feu
• tr Do aid
the fol.
ng their
g , gt.trytt-'
Web tire
hey bed
4i extra
in the
l eraging .
oyiti iU
to all
ilwr of
\s it/A r-, 1 , 1
These I
y ,thand
• wanhi
led eon-' t l
!rued to
!I. But
l i nd the
ed free
- from
he the
Tit, to
6of ten
Ust iu
1 Lit r:r
Ittiem s
if he
cli is
1 ir
let k
)r of
ii us
1%%01, , rt
4 A; 211,1. •
71, 14
117'1 0 , . P
1e,, , 11
Bradler, Montour, A, Schwartz, Climber
land, B. C. Hammerslr, Lehigh, T. Bchoch,
Monroe. JaahLug Ashbridge, Atontgotnery. .T.
K. Dawes. Nottbaraptoii, Benj: L: Berry, PhDs
del*hla, A. S. D.ltighacti, Pike, B. IL Con - ell,
Schuylkill, A. J. Fry, York, Geofge
Westmoreland. ,
On Resolations—J, S. Richards, Berk;'
M. Lloyd, Bucks; 'Gen. Carbon; F.
C. lloppe, Clinton CM. Whitmbyer, Columbia;
Abraham Earnest, Cumberland ; J. W. Fisher,.
I..aucaster; J. H. OlLiver, bithigh ; 0. It. Gott•
don, Monroe;'S. Shearer, Nortliainpton ;
Morton ittc3lichael, Phila.; C. C. Jadwin,' Pike;
Benj. Barinan. Schuylkill; A. 11. Chase, 'ork ;
Iron. A; M. Fallon, %i'estmoroSlinni. t - •
The following resolutioni repo ted.hy the
. .
Committee were adopted ,
itehotved, That did praetit..*,- which liars'rown
up •iii the Legislature of Pennsylvania rA sub
mitting all matters of local Legellation to the
exclusive • control of local Reprcsentators, has
ir.4..ticatly pawed the local,:politimi bust.
'less interesui of minority wustituenciea requir
ing legislation at the mercy of majority tonal
representators, and has afforded such .1.• con
tinned merles of wrongs and of petty oppr64-
alon, es loudly calla for reform.
• Re...mired, That we 'can conceive of. no other
remedy for such wrong and oppression,
in a system 'which' will secure to each loqii mi
nority, as nearly as can be, Its proportional
share of local representation.
Resolved, That such majority representation,
will not only. remedy the wrongs of .which we
more eslic!ciallyieomplltin, but will also tend to
/omen unjust, illiberal partizanahip, and hi , pro
mote greater purity in Legislation, 1.
Resolved, That a•fatr and proportionate repre
sentation of. minorities by Districts is ,notnnly
just ,hut is in ileeord with the spirit of our State
political systems, which provide fur theelectiort
of Legislators by districts in order to pilitect
the minority at large from the unjust dotriiiia-
Don of theinaj , irityas,,weil as to guard the
-tore:its of loCalities, and which we propose! our
to supplement by 'placing Dia
beyond the reach of the unjust domination 'of
the local majority. • '
Pe ; so/red,-That in view of the taking of the
present census and the' approaching Legislative
re-apportionment of the State;'we recommend
the passage •of acts of Assembly . by the next
Legislature embodying .the prineiple-eot Mino
rity representation in reference to. the Legisla
ture, Beards of County' Commissioners; Woe
tors of the Poor, a County Auditors, as
as township and otlie vellimrs.
Resolved That we retommend the. passage of
an act of Assenibly•providing for a Constitu
tional Convention; to bo composed of menibers
elected on the minority principle, and to auch
convention, In making the many coristitUtipmil
reforms so loudly demanded for years,: wk re
spectfully recommend that the principlelofinn
nority representation be embodicd,in the new
Constitution of our Commonwealth.
Brio/red, That we tender our hearty cOngrat
idations to the people of Illinois.for their, great
and. salutary advance in the act .of self-govOrn
mein, by adopting the plan of the free vote;: for
the election of Representatives in their Legisla
ture; and for the choice of Directors and.Mana
;fors of all incorporated companies in their:State ;
and that weptedge to them our best efforts to
extend this wholesome reform which they tome
begun so far as our power and influence rnay
extend, to Federal; State and !Municipal e:lec-
Lions ,• -confident that thereby we shall prorifote
the best. interests of our whole people, joined to
gether in a union of free institutions.
lfrsofved, That the people of Pennsylvania of
every political party be Invited to 'unite in tfro
rno4ng the important objects embodied •in the
foregoing reSolutions. . r
Rerviire(t, That the Chairman of this Convan
lion shill appoint an Executive ronunittee, of
twenty-one persons to servo during the alining
year,.whose duties shall be to use all :proper
measures to promote the objects and purposes
of the above resolutions.- i..
liexorved,:rhat a ecuunittee of the be appriint-.
ed, Who shall lay the proceedings of, this C4ll-_,
vention, before the next Legislature, and; who
shall dbe authorized. by Inefins,,of an addrass,
and - by personal intercourse, to. enforce. anon
the members of the two Houses the objet -, !!1! 1-
tem plated in the resolutions passed by this C.ln-
Yention. i
the deleg4et:t from Schuylk4l County rin
• .
attendance WCre Sent W. Geer; Esq., Dr. B.
H. Cory-ell, Holjamin 'Batman, Sabah!!
Lo.ech, and Vol. B. B:Befith, substituted in
place of C.. F. Shindel, Etig.., of Tamitittia.
Mr. J. R. Cleaver, another delegate, wa': , not
in attendance. '
FRESII MEAT:—.A. meeting V/f
gentlemen interested in the importation of pee
served theatint.o Europe from the Australian
colonies has been held at Alio London Ta:vern,
to examine and test two casks (each eontai4g
about 1 cwt.) of raw boneless beet sent :14 !s:ttlk
pies from the Laurel Batik 'Eshtte,
toe, Queensland, belonging to Messirs. llerk
man & Lambert, and . prepared by the' prbet:s
intriainced into that colony by Mr. staiger, but ,
Imper known as "the ;Manning and Staigeti prp
cess." One of theme casks was opened, in the
presence, among others, of Sir C. Nieltidsdn,
the 11bn.. W. Fielding, John Douglas,,,l*.
(agt. for Queensland), Capt. Mayne.
SoutliWalits4 Messrs..). \V. I; e p,. A.. 1 11 1 6 11,
from Buenos Ayres, South America, W. 44 4 -
,11...Vhdpott, J. Taylor, .1: M. Mac Ka y -,
Geo..licimeb, Charles Mame, James Winielr,
and A.. 1. Lambert. ThewaSt which was open
ed contained pieces of beef varyni 4 in. w k ,± ll4 o
from 4145, to atlas. The meat wit, of a good 1.0
firm, close grained, and quite free from mine”.
its condition was highly praised by tllO
ny. :Meat from the-cask - il on the prey-d
-ons day was eXhibited and Merl: red eimullY frke
from taint or smell-. At the 46 Jest of the
perm, luncheon Was t e meat for the
purpose being taken (ruin tfie cask ,opened
the previous day,' as before-named, and At its
' placed ow the table in the shape of r.iast,.l3 , dleil,
stewed, mid steaks. Sir W. 'Militias) took the
chair, and the meeting was.afterward' address:d
by Messrs. Mac Kay ;of Messrs. Mac Kay mid
Cibbs), - W: Coleman (of W.. 1. Coleman
Douglas, geit, and others, and•from the g6tierpi
tenor of their' speeches, it :live:trot
, th.
t' the
zelat which they hid xami“.4 and eabii
- 9j
best of the kind watsh had ;beeii
and although 1114 feare , l t lie re wonld I.ONoTV
.great. (11111(.1110 - es to be overcome before finding
a ready stile for it in this eountry, owing. to the
-prejuilice of the:working chts,es against any
description of preserved meat, yet they thongllt
it Wight l am - introduced eventually in the royal
and memtile navies, where it wulthl etininiari)l
a ready sate, and stipercedelo a great - emtent the
use Of salt ni..ats.
. . - ••,. • •
. :
—One Inure .relic of thirbariz.nt, ha., hia•U
aholisdied. The five hundredth anniversars••
of the burning of the Jews is not to he edik..
brated at 11rte.••.sels. . .
Gcncrat - Macre
. .
. . . 1
i V
4,111• 4 A ,ilne ti nt iny.rtlop; earh •71-,11....yui-:It in. rtioe 4
1 15 cent 4 it !Inv, 1
A•TRyf: 8.% L 5.61.— Dr. Vii.tarN Baisfirn of
(rherry Is truly a balsam. It contains the bal. - situ IT
of the Wild riierry, the 11111.1sami, properties of tar
and of pi tie. Its Itignstients'areall balsamic. I ' , MIDI.:
co ts, Sore Throat, 'limp-11M,, and f 'onsumpfloii
speedily disapp,7ar under its tells : lmile influence.. I
LATT.sT F suit ,WILI: .
rusting shire In this v advertises a new style '0(
cravat as 1110 latest fashion fiir the liniat. Thls laity
be the latest stytelfor the nuf6d, of that organ . , brit afashion
fashion for the
. iust come up which' pi
twice as pcipular. Somebody has found out that:
Scliledam Seim:4)W Improve soda wat en, rued every-I
liodY. 'acquiesces in the arrangement. AlthOtigq
somewhat conservatlve by nature, we ;Ire 1110 t 01 , -;
posed 10 progress And e•mceivlng it ou r seilemn'ilutV4
as a publicJournallst, to awe,. ain whether schnapps;
Soda Water was a proper thing to be recsuntuendedi
to our subser, hers; we teed it. - The result tharbe
'slated in a few w'ords. The mitt ure is good to I ake.f
and if our stomach is like stomachs in general It lid
dongenial to that part .or. the human- organizatliin.i
Piitnt y, and to coact tle,'"lt touches tbe tight spot.''
+.l*. 1. Sunday Cuirrier. • . • -.1 -
5,-- . .
WHAT Din' IT? ;Lyln's Kathairon made my hair
soft, luxuriant and thlek, 11/111 liagan's Magnolia;
Kalov changed that sallpw complexion into that;
marble beauty you now see. This is empliallealiYa:
the Language of all who use these articles. .1 fine I
head of hair and a refined complexion are the great
est attract hats IC Wollllllll,lll possess. Tileliathairun :
• and Magnolia Halm are Just what will glee them to
- ,You..and. nothing - else will. The Balm is the Bloom
of Youth. It maicex s lady of thirty •appear tint.
twenty. BIM) articles are entirely Isarmieks, and
very pleasant. They should be in every lady's pus
' ession. • 31:!---4it. •
Zito (goat Zrab.,
. . _
fil'evinantity sent by Railroad, for'the week,
is 17;;52— ; b5• Canal, 30, II i for the week,
ton., axiin-it 114,13 ti tclis Air the cor
responding week last - Year.; .
.;Ti, trade (pens thin t hisi`rnon di.' There is
4 . i)rt to maintain prices, but the decline in the
11:ris at the auction sale on Wednesday, in
New York, in the face of an advance in tolls of
- 4•4 cent , .4 'en the lteai.ling Rotilioad anti
.; forec.priect; down in the Coal Itegionr
' r portion of tlie opt';trs will have to suspend,
fir- the want of if the iutvanca in tollsbere
should : he'nmintaiiied without a•enrresponding •
advance on the. Mr: leading to New York. ly'e
have received no notice of any advance so far,
and the impression scents to prevail that tili
advance .- will be made on:those" lines, - They
have-had . , so large a proportion efAbe trade
during the suspension here that their' neolne
has been largely im.,reased over last
Year, and will.c - ontinne toinerease without . any
aavanec WhateVer. The a flirther re
dtiction maybe made on the host of October we
are fearful will not help _twitters and it isaques.
iirT of pblicy whether, -- under existing clreuni
stmees, the Reading Road would not increase
its receipts by modifying the increase to about,
d continue it far the balance Of dui
year, if it is imperath to make . no aduatice iii
the eNistiag st.ito of the trot,- with Jut a tOrrelii.
pondinq iidvance bei ng
epurse this F.; for the Man:igen; of the lload td
d ec id e;. 'We only diake the su.z,:z.sti•-n.
The lass andgain for the different reAionS
and routeso far this year-Is as follows.
• drr Canal.
, Lackawanna and tircat Wc,deru, Spi.4l.;
Delaware rind iladsem Ciarfrettiy, ' :10,901
l'enmesivaniti Coat company, : . I itt,co;
Lehigh Valley itattroad, 778,17 b
- Lehigh Navigation Company; •
tlimmokin !legion, .• . 31,:cet •t,
?These figures shun . that ilic.glinS arc sty lirge
by. the eenripanies leagimr to :Ceti York 'ibis,
year, that they arc not likely to advance theiti
I '
r . to Is, iin esti lit ydo it to ace—oininodate'llds re-:
; • O wn, which we do not believe they will do. .
' received tote following fronton r
; OM correspondent; "
, "The trade hawbeeti in a very unpleasant iittard.
'the-pastweek. When It was annoutnid that coal A
lit July bed not paid the operators` an .aecrageter.
• over $2 Wiper ton, and in a number of instancealess
. than this price, it was put,down as. certain Ma'am
advance of lolls would be made on a market dun'
and dratping dimity ; but to their Surprble; tnetutill•
, Ulm to the 8 cents ,per ton advance on time - tai lrtntd,
'• to take place sew. Ist, the drawback .is also to bere
, dared forty cents,' tnakingan adviance of tolls of IN
. - cents on all rhlpments of coal on and after Rept. JO.
THE MINERS' JOURNAL- 6,4 .porrsvlLLt, SC
It coal then will bring no more In September than
In August. the basis of wagon for the month of Sep.
tember-will be abOut tk2 37. Freights were C. 70 tO
Boston during August, and it la presumed f 2 Sevin
be paid in September, but an will depend upon full
sIIPPIY of vowels. an those having registered and
low priced contracts., will he anxious to ship as butt
as coal arrives. The Scranton Sale shows st. small
reduction on the last sale, which, withthelarge ad
vance of.lblis on Schuylkill coal, was aellexPeeted-
It Is sulvlxahlet however, for purchasers to get oil
their coal at the current prices, which will not be
lower, as coastwise freights generally advance as the
cool vreuther apptoaclie.. .1 • j
WE Vro indebted to)(casts. Pay, fluditk
Co., 0t ... .1305t0n, for . the following exlitbit or tho
coal trade at , that part for In() in:comparinon i
with :
Etitiostt..; Sor A.L.:—Enclosotl plense nod rec-i.ipte :
Of coal impobtoo to Aug. trill, 1870:
1870. - • •
Nova Scotia..
Total d .ncea.ce, .15,1.18
rreiporuient at New York - writes is
ex a (
Niiw Ixt.. 1470. •
owing in the Rault of the Auction Mille of
AI yerterdny: ' '
• Torts..
11, 0)
.• . j
: Non,
• ^.1.11,in
. ....... 10,0(k,
"The f, rl
Strati ton
St. Boat
Gra •
Wm* ......:.!!
Cher. nut...
' here
a cancel •
corlelu •
.and opera
rmiroad t
frOto the
"At the i
day. the p
f. o. b. tit
. •
.. • . SO, Pi Average, tit 62. .
as a decline on all sizes except ;Egg, which
cents. The average Oft -line-0o the whole
d is 5 8-10 eehts per ton!; This rtau It shows
i y that coal cannot lie - forced up in price,
I,rs can rely upon it that the kul.vauee In
1 is must come oil' front the price of coal at
'Haven; it cent tat this junaure be had
* , 11.11111C115. .
. .
ling of the I ithith Coal Erchange to -7
vices for Sena - glitter were axed its follows,
1 tizabethport, Port Johnson, And mho-
....... ..... '75
:Of ti 1,0 V 4
n-11;.plerately y
Broken ...
a t quotatit
e SUIII3 ;Up lhis WC LC+
The tra,
V 6" KV; T. wTAL.
Y.O Si R
('anal...,,L Val R 11, 4,
L. Canal.,
L Nay R It
Scr'nt n SU:
do Nth
Penn It IL.
do Canal
D Dal.:11
D H It_ )1
Wyoming sl
Big Lick
T r i I
Viresa4 Tot,
H. at IZ:
clieg raft'
The tratlil
week. The
of 14;;,5 , ,e. t nts "ver Ca.: c,)rre icmhitt . .2; week
last .y..!ar. When we st,ced during thesuspen
slot', that When the.tra,le was tally umler way
we ctmld ..< id - •to market Irma :11l titelli.cglons
—in , lnding • the send-Anthracite anilliratni
nous coal- 7: 1270W tuns pet: week, lie were
charged witih exaggerathm, - but we kiwi.% that
we %%etc Lie fi er im•tafhof over the tigurcs—and
for the • - ut.' , l,: we have sent In•marlet 421,-
05s t ,m:-. :Ac thrac'.to z'ilone. :nnl thelniiing. the
other liinilt4, 17n.1!;.") tons against :13130 for The,
emriiels•Mlin.: week last yt.r• ilivre+ 4 all
.kitfs fn - ,,t1 ,-_. week 1:1" , ,jr.r. ton.,
.. - 1
IMI notw thstandims thi, , 14•1•.,. V : i Rork..l , y we
yalf upon th e c:3llstlllterS ahr,,a,l - ta lay-.M their,
coal imw, it ur it ii, ill prevent an 4.lWr 'sttspett
,lon pr:ev , will-at he lower, h' - teaus,': trans.
last wis-_ , and ,ktherwis : will make
'ranee of any redu-tihm that m 12, -
the' I %%LI Ili gon,--anct if ,Inlet her
iikriera be fm . cecl by the eaUStillitTS
ps , ilectitVg lower priees„the price
i.e. advance. The ihorea..4e. for the
ii• ~eaten will not he as 'great - :IS it is
e after this week la-t • year all the
le 'fully under Way, , Last year for
limlini:,- 'week builittle was ,sent t o .
efl,l i4er.1.11 . 011 eivitipaay or vi i the
4rio atfoncomp flpy. '. -.
r - '
up th.l.
tcldinc ba•
of Coal tilt
bahillet• t
now; be,_•ani
the chrre,iii
twirtsrt by
S0111611:ill .:
'Wt.. 1,E.5.11 iirlt s :thert. Is sonic trouble: brew
ingarnong t i he melt will Are notsatistle;l with
- the late awad of prices.. lkittny . of the - tnimithers
of the W. It.. l A.:tit piteltltig into the Conialittec
and declare, i thitt they did not do their dilly) . It
is alleged ist. Messrs. , Lucas ik Co. Sia ' lLyv. - “Ey,
~i,terable.eo-4,t0 dm Reading tailroad iii, - li3 4-
r:i.tiLs thanitt fialdt 0 - other dealers, Eieniif tlkey ~ . '.• , _-,
did; the gal itity iliey,.94ald. Le '4:le l'etnpaii ) ts . I PI. .- 1.:11z.a.
‘vottld not 6 like a change tii, inure than two i .„i,i , „,, j. . 1'` 1. 4'..,,; 1 •• I '`l ll 4 1 k .... ...
yeti's in the lriree , 13 itil, gthatmuell, - and that i h': , ,r,;:-::: ,, uth- 11 :, . Y , .., r _ i ,_ pn.... , ... i. t° '
Fall iti‘ar
- -,'..: i.l"- r , : 11
Wialitt make io dlfferertee "In U 1 .6 . award` t 1t is.; 5.i..,:i I 9.. Tameteo
:,... 2 . 7 ,, - • rItCl... •'l , ~ . .
311.4 alleged. .hat lill 'said their coal . at I..k'''etV‘l , o.ii , .ro.l I 1 ,, 21.M.N MIL: .
1 ' 2. lot Mae, .• .
higher rates than . ; the overage
. Of the others , I =;;;!,‘,., 0 ; -. 1 - Nnlltt ,14,1.....
- 'vv. 1.1111,101 F-.
which makes Fit itp:lttt eiinal, ( 1. ur ILO pr,ession 1 . . 1 ,! , 4% . !•..,-;;•,• • •- • ii- ' - ',.... .._: T,',;...;,:..
is that the a tt4rti ii, I , ',u(littlevut of the why: rn, ; pr,,5-,,i.., , ,,,..... il ~.: 4,,,..,;..i. 1 1 ..4 4 2 tlr o i gin V...
till' ',i11:1111 , 41:iii , I. 1 , 41...ri1)1 the, an i ard .was i...2..9:.; fer i !k l i - ','.r,Ti.:."1.: -. ....,........; ''l i •••,•, - ..1.4-...ica F ...
the nunith 0111.1. - tiglist, 7; tictits ditirenee. .j , ur: 1 ; 1 ; 1 :‘: : : . '" 2 l'r
' 1 t r.::, '''''?
.', T 1"'1 :; 1 : e. ;,
ellaS(l : .4 Of 0. 'st:tte thiit they pay higher 'for. , "`""• , ; 1-, :; .1 i'T ''' l ' . '" :'''' s "''''' .
, in. , ,,,,r...._.., t s'•
- .... I _ I ' l4 , l ,u :g s,
sonie , ,liiti,li '
of Shanioltin than 'they do r. : 4 . :1,13r1”5t .. .m , 1 N.,4' ri
,' , ;
t it to 1' I t
Scittlyt sm. ifu it 1,. known that t h e l'Ompa
.set ti. , Mto,•.h,,t•t:
Westl ays lit ter,jltart that sent East. - We think 1 .. , 1 ‘ . .,'' 1 . '' 1!! ..7:,:';', 1... t
the ow - aid isl /01010 :IS ntar as ii.eau Int wittle ioi , "rn". l '.. , " l "'ili . ... •
the phut a:lrtit e . L oal. Many of the emu tuitteti tarn ' '-",, - • , ' ‘, 1, r •,:n
lint only shitl tql 114 in rather a- di‘rephtahlt. t , -; .... ----,---:- - - --r----i•----- -- ..
titanium, att:l liontitied many nitatil , ers of the ' : It ITII4 OF TRINSI'OUTAIItri TOITIDE.
W. 11., A. I 0 0:, the sann., for 1101111.: 1 \'hat We be-". : • ', '' '''''' .l " ( l2 . "' ~„L t f
's';: 3
E.. „ . . s. . ii ,,
Let - IA to ho I gilt. reLtarcilc-s ~,,.• ~, 1 1-41 1 p, n,,,,„ n, 0,1 nut.t,,iimi -
ft.• 0) ,V 2 IV V, (Il V 10 t..: al 6.2 .CL
. To. Prol..:!.•lyfil a - ..... _.r..._ '2. li.). "= 30 St In 2 11/ 2Jo '2 1.)
Now their titut• is 'conung, but they will Una ' - I tt• rt....-. itotti 1`,1•1`: , :lt are 54% nt.4 1 ,, 1,.9 Iti4llcr.
lali (lett t% it 119atitling their at,',1,0 o f rt,, we %%ill ";'•!'.`rif;.:,n,t;r4„.1"r.::!4,,:,!,:T.2.17.1'.:7„5i1',.7,-zu,t-:l,l:;;Ar,l4,ll,rpri,
not re-tot • t , • their Lictie., bat %t . can ti t't hero ' ! ! '''''''''"'' 't '."1"I''''rS81:11 Ei.e.l ~ Nell Ilrunbwlrli.
, .
.jll%lici• to }tr•l: l %Ve I , t•lje%y Ith.:.lyael.. rjgh L t and I, c 1 ~,,,,...„ ~i.i ' r , `,..";''''A:,,,l't! . .`,;',Ti l ty A" ) ,‘ t .511 " . ""' . . ~, h,
'now statt':lli Ili front the know ledge we p. , ,,t ..,i' t.,11,..1 1 1 . .s, J. ( I :ENTIt. SI. J::.;;; .. VA . 1 . ! . .;; ......... 1.. -I N
• rt 41{1, \D5.,..!
of .I.lle tratle„.4. third: i In , award 1 . ti , • 'rt.' , -i. et • 1 ' ' •,- ' :
int - Hoboken.
.t111 . .13,' I' .911 111.4. c IL: - , ''-'' TO Elizaltetliporl.,- ----
,---' 1.. V, it. R... . .. . . sI I. V. ,, ,p. t......... ....,. ... !...q
Hut if thir it''rtillsot- of the IV, it. .t. tuni fault . N. '''', (. "`" 1 ' ' I r ' :: 31: '" i' t E.. " ''
- - 1 19
ll‘e.l , WII.I. Si ',I .l i, i, ‘• '..- 1 .
gl; , ‘t .) ) , i„, :..:, i,,.;, . - I i
' . , 1 " , II t ~1 , ,,i i
itWar 1 n ill fm.tiltittli if the Fre-coil a,ls inee in ! -- I ` _
fO:Is i., tictintaij , ll. .1 II 111:11 , a... 01 ice , ”1 - , t)al ' T., Pltrt .1
I 4 . A
m Ll : l„Cran ItelOtt a;:! '"' 6 fT!h"1!1•A11M: +....-.
.'l.r, •t., 3 '' . r,t,c.•ttt 4. , n toYI
illl4lo[lk Pl. I:tns.r.
they will hegt i to•altprceiate Ike 1.9111,, - 1, t• ar- 4 . 115 trl"o l. i . , S *51,1 IfI" C" V 4 SA ''' n.".""•"''
VII•ell then! or :'lops, :%S hich w cold have' :. i ; g " . 1," . ,;!., t 1 , 1 ,;;;"„ k ` 4 r 1 1 ,, r i r, i ,,,,7,, 1 '',.,•..... -: . .;: . .
at-oitleA a silt, irll , /../II Iwo; s. : I,: it i z . w,•, a ,li tu t . -, ugit , .lo hurl: el
itenoktat rota l' a,ntiotit
",11.,:inv..:1.1 , 9...r11ure .
hut trot hi hare hoc!' dull 'and prier- a 1 ' III' C.VN.1.1.4. 1 . ' ..
little lotY'er, 111 the niarke . t would. have fakiat . t
i .... It i to Kit t. NA% in ITIoN• t "Mr%N.%
at leaq.:.1111.01.110,1:5114 111 , IDe coal, and t.i.ittlylkill . ,',. lai
...:-. 1..1 , lire the rate, or ton afel /re ,
I 'eon ty work i t Ilic v,-... t i1,i,:„..h av , nx ,i v
4ed th ,1i t .. , .; t-m0 . :,1 , ...1il I 'attr f.:r 11.11.prenr /11. I ,
; • . - I •r:, Nr.•W % ..11•K.1
share of:the trade, and the ay ork iitg, classes Would'rrra •
.';7' I. rt,,:%1t4:-,'e %I* I ', A rt;iit. f , -',l.i tics ell.• N. l'I1.•I11''011t.,rt
' a% 1 Il• .
II:lVe 60;ter 111,1111 15'%n, illinions ‘,l . dollars ' .12,Y;4..: 1 ,,, II
- 1 ;
i 7" . '
_1 '‘. 100
3 . :,,
t h an flit,. 110%%i %%Welt can never be made 11i% -1
- --.
°., lliwl 1.,.-k ,: u ..1. 4 ....d 1•:., 1 - N. 1, York url.%l••inity .1:P ~.1 i f...,
i pertoot.
• !.:.••7
• -
• ,
WI: I. EA Kat hat the. Men have stopped work
at: Kendriep rollivry, the -St. Clair Shaft. be::
cause e sdisedeirge fOtir meit who
worked i limn during part of the auspen
sion -to 'get coal to j<;ecp his works in opera
tiOn: tme of these men t r •alled upon a and
says he waf t voimpelled to work for a support—
that lie is' willtg to pay his dues to the W.
A.. but they f ;fused to,tak*e them tmlesS he
‘vill pay ;large4fines imposed on him and his I
son, - ainounting to about $lOO, which he saws he
is unable to pa •. This is a. great outrage upon
the rights of ii.tizens, Mhtyare ...wiping to pay
• dues, but eatrok pay tines, witieh he says lI , PY
have no right y i4ipttse; and, .. ire• glad to
igarii that Mr.r Koildriek t3 has refused to
.charge the meff..lf the ringleaders in thlt:
rage persist in kefusing to permit the tacit to
work because thesei four men are not diseharg ,
e Mr. Kendr4 ilight to have said ringread
ers a rested, ationee, and let question' ts•
tested in r,ttr
.11.1.. the
tu6tila Region.'
• The Average riot 4 coal in theiShatuoitin
It itegionS was tipe!...ll lot' Align:A at ‘f!. C.. 43, iind.
I s
:they agreed to 1 1 ,ty wages onthe .13 basis. 1
The oldilm,:isi - tillie,iists in the Shatiuskin ate-. gions' of K as 1
. 10 ; , ,t,i)p . fii n ii, point: 171iffeent
lbasis,will . lnui . e o lie adopted f;irlieptenibeti•or
'the nice will ha e ki cease work: unless the coal.
.;operators are - w Hintz to.sell , coal at lesk than Ra.
la ton and pay $: basiS wages. .>
The followinu. LM it.he result of the .'Atßtion
Sale of '.• , ',•ratitiin oal 'which took place on
• WeduCsklay ',New York, Collinared withlhe I
Leg :.ale.
, August . .Itny
taj : 21x,, :27
4., 4 4W4 44 4 441„ , .
7.70,4 4 874., I :15
...... 01/0•5 10 a 131) , . , -.5
4.1114, 4 14g i
drfliii6.,oraNirii "10 cent.'
10,00 Lump,
'111.11Lt) steamer, ~ .t .
16,0 n t;rute ...... ~....,
timuu Egg
:•,:5 0 .00 StaVe ...... ....:,'.
pi,oo Ctic.stnitt.. t .:,
Mak ilg . an aviora..., ,
ton on thelo.-1 "%Ile.
This is et‘rtaito ti
Soltuylkill Coal.'„Tr:
rent. per tfot for Si
% notion prives . at ;. ,, Te
..i We could no learn
i•ance had been tinad
~ . i
ijontpatnes leuLikng I
. anee. Amnia take',+
inatie oy our (-11:,rvit
' ,
V(lnie ott the pric,4) of
_ .....-- --- . •
• '4....- 7 — ,
- . I
" 'l . tle . following( Circular' hum been 1..4.1tea 1)y
(he President ofltho Ileadipg . - .11.ail moiol. TOl.
tnakto4 aztrattee r Volls enty. 40 cents insteatlior
r cents... The 1 e n - 111 roie
joke at the eltangd: .
!/„..... rift . LA 1 )14X/1; i . A4.:LZEAIIIIIa UAL!. iiOA Ili CO-1
.! : • ' Office,': Oeuth Fourth Strect,.- - 1
' ' , .1- Pl LA.AIIBIII . IIIA, Aug. 3i, 187'L
. Oil W
O :If • : 4 ...otend ..r Ist, and 'malt furtherno
t. ee,.n draw o.;', of 45 mix per tap will be , paid an
- • I Anthracite eratt MI pped -- fnnu !Mem lad atpl
''eonfigned to
',Oath s'f Cape. Henry, caskof
New 13runpwlek, untiring the tine of the Delaware
' 4 Thorium canui, abd ,11 drawback will be paid On'
coal otinalgued to 'any °Vier point. A furtherre
duction or ce.sci.ti+ of Itawhaeks Ina/ !Je eXPeetrd
on netnher Ist.. p
I 1
- : , . I ' Fite ;"FI.Y.7c itmoweri,
ti. - , PrerPirrt4
thiln. • .lA.Sj
3172,701; I.lLx. 44.21 M,
I's t 7:l3 Inc. ;11,41t.
‘ter. ;;,141.•
_ 34.14,550
1 , 4612
113,:•11 L',3li,r,t6( 117,75! L.71:1,417 4 fit", P.?
'L10.919 • 10.4721 (I Z$ 1:29
Ur , I, 47fr , , 2.54;
• 196,17" •• 19. ;.I;'s
. 1 4 , - 1 1 -6 . 1 . 1 71 1:7,41P4 r..! .1
.434.2191 •_. - 001 C.1•.711 • 141, - cf.
4.11" - .11,r.31 ,1,1•,-1,13)! ;
• -^ .V.1. , 11!: 4S*,• 17‘. V••".••1
t,471 - l - ,64•4'
1..7 • 11.117. • 1 ; LVICS
23:1 rlf.;),3011 4171.;:17
•.,•;• , 19m,..11
• 10, F `O4
1 ,111
:7N,t!t: 7.!r);,119; "cll.( ro , 9,31.1;417'
1,411 . 1.1 a•,.,..13
1.5.17 I 1,.17',
1.;,1.2.! ,4;)
B. 41J )1, 14ZP-41
7,71.21,Z 1.1.7."; .r P. 41 .' •
7iZ, A 17310 d
17,17:• 11;514 • ::21.012 r 1 1 , .17
4 , 3 171 1.2)4,m4' 1;1{1,110
1,1:n, 9,1J1,72, , , 1 • 470.13.1 1,..q figi
Cr. -- 11.571
shows :t t reale:lll(ms invii , ase this
tnthraiiic ;dont. shlws :tn 'lnerea.:e
Si are. at work in the Sha-
rt very eneourving to the
(le, with - 'tong. ailviteol IS
1 •
Ttoniber, with a rtei:line in
yesterday nrbettier an ad
re in tolls by the (=Trying
u New .York. If no-zid
place the' whole: adTanee
R companies, w ill
coal and labor..
~ . .
iI i rLOOI:II.IOEICENT.' "19:17 , OUR , : COI/TOW
X RS.—ln ronaeuneheciorthe total deatructton!
4)f Mr B 4 mker by tire on tbonlght of the first 1 nst, ~.
we lilt! be unable to,fi;ll ;the orders now on cnui
book.l We wilt rebuild expeditious!" a*Pollfitfie:t
b i c.
but tt wilt take fu ll y fou motottut to complete tbe,
new breaker. We will in the market early In the.
sprint; of 1871, and runty acConitnc•date Otta friends;
attain,_ ~; . i 1 HILL & HARRIS: ,
vol.noy C1iy,....5ept.3,, 1 4'0.35 , .
The 4asatfty sent. VT lialinr4 and eana4:lbr tne weelciad-
St-- -
Portaxrbo7i '
7,10 ii
.s, - •buytkin "Ltacest.Aunorn_.. ...... .1 .
Port 4,vW1,-JIL: I • * r . '"'
.... . •
Tjukt • iln;
Toted swilrig freigla,
Coal fo Company's
Totil for Wer.k...
Preciously this yens
" year
ttrav lasi e
To sam
„ .
srlirrtrzur; OurriiuslLEO/DS roc ii.a. .
The f4 r '' luvrlnich the quatifity tra.nspo:ted jwt o;eor: -
il . ' ' Week. ' Taal. ti. It. it.....--,„ . ......_ :”: '
1,.1r. M 0...7 .sll 07
Selnrylkfil Valley _.. _.,..,.... _.. 2.711 IY: VG.Lic lo
Min Crlitk.....- ............... --......:-t- .....
.„- ~0111 14
17 ,9u1 1 I
NIL Cart}pu . - .`.. • ' 7,:iN VS 17,74t1 41
AftX sl -1O
L0rtwrry..........- .......... .. .... , ........-. ... 1 1 2. 6, 79d m t o r ,;
50,(11r. 4
(Plod 5 itt ,,,, , ,.. .__.. _
gi if
41 -
•i luj
I 21
VALI.IY 11,61LykA14:
i by tio• week
emt:T+i;•+4li r'ati,irclarlaat and ftf Ili& year:
• I ••
Wyott.ll4 ,'
H. 311enutqw
.. t .
8- due II tn,l , laz p•ar
- .111,-reasv• '
I, _i_. 7-
f . The rettmel ,
ne, hg the irtantlt? o f MO treamix•rh4l b'y the
i, (. ,i. !
'“ r :•.:2 .v . iw M
.11-ttiro . fidot tut . . 1...!,10.1(.....0 and NAV . . Co., rurt lie
03. aturday ',chi r• ; t.',-1, .
t;. 1. W. 134.1.:.. VOTA L..
1 , . 1 . —,----:
11V ( . :1 , 1,11,
}By 8.a..i1t4.1.1.,. .-.. .... ..!.-. ..... -..-
4Th . e.l'oal j•••..V•1•:rive•I as f••;lievs, .4
l• • • . - ,;e1.. -I,il.fLr
• ve - EFX ~, TOTAL.
' j• '., .. --
1 . Fr . :IT
, \V.ypilill,g
_.1 , teg:i4,!! , ...., .... .4.. . . ,
.....N .,3 7,. , 77 2 .1 4. 74
1i - • 11;. 1, 11 ,r 1: 1. '„ I t " - 1 1 1 ,:ir " 19 " ....... ,t ------ 11 '' • ' ''..-
~.”/.. , —I,. ~1
- Belo'. r "Meadow_ .. ~ .... ; 1.7• - it. .. .0.721
I. " 14411kaner. ... , ......... .•,:... .... —1 . : .... . _...... ' 191; , i.t6l
I, - 1.. 0, et.l; Co.', tutee...; ' - 117::2 ' • 1'1;0,
, . ••
1.-, •1••11tt?'
'I. V. It. It. At S. Noh.:11
Tocui' ' I
- _
I. • '...._ --l.
', Ti, roll;1,16, iN a ~littenwilt lot 4,nti If.Laisp..rd...o to V Pli:
I I ' •tl.w•ir•• !.i••1 il•et.•••it Pantti I %1i, , , ror 11. ,
..ri E:I•k etiel:ll.j,,lt
lir.l.iy lA•tt,, . .
r •
tg .
1 .K,, ToTAF '
I kktl.
Ily . •
i 1
For 0,,• • qt,pl . ..ii . .ti 1.. 1 ~ .•,,,,, I
i. ll.i
!1v1 r, v14,,,re ~t 1li:,1. l'ait:4l . . I
... , ..,
1. . -
. 4 I
- Tli E C CYA L lid!' All K.. TS. 2
; ' •
ru I( is OF Co.I I. 111" 111 E C11 . ,11:0,..
4 :)t tlt ‘ , l 4',,P,t, it )::: ay AND t.i6sr (4- : , ..1..W t.i.1 . 5 . 4: I, U.
I , •, , kI' , ;•,TFIL. W.t.F.V.I.V I'DD SDI. NANI..r..‘ J ~ l i., \t..l
----. i
I ' 1.
. • P li, LAPELPIII.I. ` 4, .{.. 1-IS 7 P .. '
Hod dl I' ri.par .N 1 ti v• q, •i 11 . (11,,tit pt. ....,.... ... 3 - 71,0 , 4 4 „ I ID.
DI-41it... I. rell,l 314 1.•11111,_ - I 7";/.4. :; r irl
W. A.--I ' .4.9,1....... 4 75..1 4.1.' ,40 4.4.14:5t, r 1 7:4 , .. .1 01
SIi•DID.•I 4 . ...... I 7 - ....6 5 rkl' • :tl,• 41404.4.-11. I 7 Ii• r. on
Itnoketi... [ 17511 r. 94 1.1.1 , 4:::1.7 ..
17-F_: -. i 4 i
1 . 14:..... ........ .I . I 7 - 4'.: :. ‘ 4, i. 1 ,. , 5i,,,--. ..4•';:9., 7, lof
54.,,,D , ... 1 474,4:.t ii. ' llO • • (10....10,1.1 7,,, 101
, - 1 ' ...•
. . •
, • 1 ,••;i:.o.- vortg `,7V
, p. 1:1 , ...
~ 1 .1:0•+1,1.1-.1.: . 4 .. ',- ". - e, f; ::, I 11:••taTL........ ......
..1 . I 1,6 , 1.11 t , 1 .•...t. :..) . Logozli I.lmll,
:.4., \V .1...11 Law ..... . 01'•4 1 .1 4tiAm.Pr.
..nrtler i... t. “r4ll I R gien. /
hr. 1,4 , . , ... 1 :. : - ., -, n C..f.- 1.V...... .....
St.fro , r . ' 5 7Ve. r. 21 1...1 ••••thli , .
l'i,Q , Joit 1.. , .. , . 1 14)a. I 7:, 1% , 1,11.ft , .....1. , .... 4 11 ..,
r , h. , ..1 ,-,
I --
. .
• 1:.110.1N(tI1t1-1 - :••••••p t t•.,71
- , ~ •
' T., 11,1,0, 1 ' : 1.;ll ..rtrl,1 1 :
Wff10....1,..r.r.i andJ•otsl44, \V, .k.. 11 ,;,„ ... ..... ..
ty1...•11. \ allf, It. .1 A.ll • t .' . :
Slinfunktn wha ,or Roil .V 0,1.. i .......... .
7.ltri, , v Vt,lltr..l .•1 A... 11. ..:4•:.... k... . ......_-.....
• ,n - .. 1.) %.1 - .1,.1 . hart. - . 1 tg..7, - K•11:1‘. aflilitfun.a.
Brro.:“I :., i•ffirfptit.r...... . ...... .
litvri.:‘-' 11 ., 11 1 2. Rua l'unih..r:..w.l pjt..‘l, 1. u. L..t
L0cti.04 . 0.1.1 fla - •liiitimrx ' t
... . ,
A L.EXAT)III..I :LSD 4:1;011.11 , :lii AV.N 5.... P. 1. Is:b.._.,
I (iisa - ,jes'S'roet & (.stmlior",ati.l: durfro. r, g. 1,..........i 5.54i..Z4 5
ll'lill'E OF 40 ''.'il P.1N11.2' I 0.1.1..
• A • : ... " 1,. i istO tlr. A,Fa - sr. SM. ("IA
Laekawanna. R4snntaito,o4 '.• 0I ,Ir 0 1 '':' 5 '4l -,: 5. . 1 :".:'
• ,.. • .
, I
AV,lllinurro, .116114.1.4im..... .
: 410 . 'Xt.. , Vi.rt..4. , i".
~ . ,
1 '.4erilllTllll. Ei.l7.lberilllf.ft . .
I ritt.ton. 2.7mirtforch '
i . .
1,1•1:1_11• Pt. Jplim./..
I.4 , ltiati, Etir...itaalmort. :. 7.5 aAI Z. .-.... 4 :... ....... ::. 4:5
1'317.11.111114,rf arid IN. Jot: inainti, Now burl :)clot ...; It., Una
myi tn,•,."1,-: .N . PWISIITgb.I'a renvs, i ' , ... .
' : " Via" ' 9.rtz.l" COIISJI.:11ve part cif sclntrgin2s ' " '
I :
-I ". " 1 . , r - c;A:-,c - uAI..
ni , ...-ris,-1AL. , , , , ,holy. *I 2.51 1. AltililCAN.
1 A ' "• 11,11 WY. 1'..141. I flolttorisi at - N. V. Carrel:my.
A, 1.1t0r.14 11 . !risti; 01 75 A iWeslrmin:Altl - A .r. 745
I. lliiwro• /..".". ', .. _..... I'S "Ik.A.P.ust . 64 6o
1:1607.01 " 4 1 , . ...,....... 175 INroatiorah Ornri. ... .. ...... A hoi
I. Sill ZIPS i , . -........ 2 12'4 W.... 01 Fairmount SI . 14-...-. 5 Ott
Pit•totl... . ..... : .......-..-... 212 , , . I 1 0 4400.0111:0ntito.
1,.1 lie time, 12:::,": 160 ,l'ow4.ltrot (Ms 7 Si,
i Cal...lonia .. 4 . . 1 60 :' , 10.); croin 25 to 50 ' , Ants les4..
' ,spark :5 conk, tti 4.,1 Is il nici.,,,,,vD, v%.
1 - t.:1,11- 11111,0Istiorn, JR.
„ ' I. q. 1, , - 5 , 1::,
'/ , ,,,,:i,t , t.. pf.., N"..rk !It 21.--tu I3Oston 22 25,..3 25. .
' -
." : o 11111..1.1 , E1.111-4.
Fi . olll Pi. CAig;tii...- Mt. Carbr:ri. !4*.h; (11nlvti
roil.' •1 oo Itr, -11 n
Cr,•tOtt W j. w t 91)
-- I VA, -/ ir•
,:i• 1 );nl::ir ( A Ni.‘ t i .
Franc 3..tau , 1, I.llvak to Eq•ann .
..4 40
..' N , w•1it , 1 , ,. and Trtqtol..., .. ...... .. • '::.)
Throat°, to N.-)x 17.0 rig.
I . 20,
T,llrotir,lllo rllll4l,lplita
. ', nr litillElti C.Z.•:.•/1.1... •
T., No,w Fork
For I,i"hipinttri,
• 11Ctu- Itincrtisecitents.
T°l _, E T—ii r msE No. ris ceT3 re st • A - ITIS
• Mrs. M AI:G.I:Kr M URPH • .
:ss•pi., 3, '7i)--3110 Yn. Fp; Centre sit.
A' . D 01.181 4 -4 COTTAGE HOUSE ..velt It ntslis
.t't eel, ii.lalappa. for RAI ~. A-Dril V il
Sept 3..70.11; 31 S. M. :SIOR.TIM .''.1t,,190 o.llt , rt - : St.-
1.: 4 "0 it SALE...4 4
.-I.sixltiS feet lot at
.1 - Ilodge I - estate; 'in whole or In parts. Terms easy.
Sept, 3. '7O-31g2tt .. • i- C. LITTLE.'.
S. ' .. -,. TIM . -,--
• MORER. _ :-. ' ' ! '
p tiff I'ESTIIE ST.. I'OTI'SVII..I,I, '
it A'N,.CAPS.' , LADIES' AND' C11111,1)1tE'tS
.' • ' FURS , 5.%:.:1) I..M.B.RIiLL.‘S. \
Se1.1::1, in -3•,-1,0% . „. ,
% t , ,
.. , r .
L°Aft . c.1 4 ).,"4.,t-il!:„lill'ialg'eilti . uns,;; a4:'tee'; ;gtt.v. i . .',‘, l ,i
near tie eye, al - o, white spot on iter forehead. Any'
lutortitatton all b 3 glad*, receives*. to the ow e. :%;
GEtI. ILES 'Slicatter.', 11111, fit it Nlinersvllle.
Sept. 7....":11-,.:18-471t .
.•I . .
T ,
G. .
(hermitic:o Instrument Make 1%. consLAtlng Or
Wm, You tut awl' Citarles S. Metier, was dissolved by
the deotii of Wm. J: Young. The sAry brine partner
will cont i n ne 1011 he saute line of bu.'sincssat ltiNorth
17t It St.; cor. of Flibert, rtilladelphilt. Aug-1. i' ,76 -
Sept.!::, 711-41.1-4, nil ' (11.. t IT.L4S 8.../lELLER.
XT .071 CE.—i'krpootatts will be re4ived by the tin
/A %let-signed etramballonent of Eictigylkill County,
Pa, tlAtil .-- -" ' - ---- 4. 1% 1 1 49, for the erevtion of a
Stone bri • • of two . 4 .
.. or arches, in
- a - Iflcations *•-••
-- -....
Nern in ;t:
for RA.L
for P. 1741
p Vxs
gait. Pt
lion! tu
119. rhari2t , Ipt 'faro-iv ejt tcred.for r.peed.
k.:ntry BI dtty,Sepww bee 6tll. Fur rat ,
alognei ,•- , addh...404 at •ranton„ • •
'l).'NV'i, .11-12; G. MORRIS, Pre...Went.
Secretary. '
• , M r
eCNx.ry, '4 ,r. SA;crciary.
, .
iltcpt,is. - . ,
13817.1LTE 8 A.L .
; op A V 21.7.611A8L - ' PiIOrERTY.
No. IL A. To- tors' Brick Tave • Stand .32 fee
front hk 52 feet d ' p. altttgood stab! bg 'Anti a never
failing spring of, - ateropoe prielltite...
.... a'r
9 .A - it" Tiro it Tft -- lir; -
o. -:,- w ory r c iptore oise 22 feet front
hi J 4 feet' deep, with a warehouse Id ct led, all situ
ate ill the tagc l 'of Leesport, mar the Depot 'of the
r. t IL'IL It The ilUtet contains 11 !looms with n
never.l,alling well near the kitchen. • • -, '
Terms easy, and will be sold with nt reservd,'• A 1.,.
ply to the owner.l , . , ; - l L ' '
• Leesnort, Sept. 0,-.74444.1, 3.., 11, TOLIAS,
MOTIGE .18 REREBY WE --- thatl . have
1. 1 1 peirehased this diny , of t fSch a l tde, Of `Wayne
Township, the following articles of mama proper
ty, via:' I gray. horse, 1 brown mare. I spring wagon,
and 4 old wagons, I cow. 2 ttetkrs, a boo. 4 04.
of hey. nod St raved n and tibant the barn; allmann
ott the premises, ii: lot of wheat, rycoind oat:knit the '
corn, t i mb e r trills
potatnesitt-tht tields,saw I ogs„- ,
pnvp timber, tdlls and t ruth hi the iworxls, together
' with
about the house,. and aim% ail farming utensils ii oat
the prefabs( and have fatten metes:don Or putirlng
an agent In c 'of which alit pagOns will mite
- f tiotice,, : . ~ . ITFIII - 13YERL
Y. .
sppt,, ' ' 1 '
- .• -
P.Ar4R6 4 47
114.984 I
1,6431141 R. to
1.761,41; In'
2,174,11; 10. 446,104,4,12-
toms in
1, MAT.
19. 1 It. : 121,311
•. - 41' , 172..419.
4 4 . 0 1 , ; hY, 1,V.7
I •
If _
ns and a.. It!cations tO im
tPr's Otrias.ti
nevi: is m
PETER Tit...,
, . Comnap,sioners.
te exit tbi of !Ms S;f)elety
of rt Oa ..
—_...,..0t5.VN . N. on Tv,......
sweria9. Bepten ber . 2ct h. Thitia-.
A'rida,V. kept , nbcr :bill. The
/e. bajtdingsntul iceort 1 tnotia
ireml.atu li,t. Alberal. Th.rc 4 ,
. _
I'Mlt PA
Nils day illsanh,l
almotiok, Jr. All pe
said ttrakulli present
part r. who's:1111ton
debt iplyereto are requ
to theitindensigried, wit
noes tut heretofore.
47 Broad street.
Stern Disitrict
=Tact , Ib the matter
rupt. rnstern District
A warrant:ln 'Buk r •
f . xstrt * atn4t 1116tistat
Coanttrlot Sclaiylloll..
',aid District,. %V 130 has
upon !tit lop of his ent
any tisaitsA nd the deli
Ing to'rh)4 Dankrnpt td
transti , of any props
A: meeting of the.
prove debts and
of tits titate, will be ,
tai rte tioUlcin at Potts's"!
2:434'4114:e br , l 4 epternber. I
ikt., at late otter of Jot
CtntrO, Pottsvi
Bankrtiptev or said
t • 7-4
itardollowing nor* ,
land: 11
. 1 • _
>4.= En
1. Sittkiniz it Pump
_teen ft: 'rollnr, seven
road hteentse, anti pnm
billttipg'n Hot...ding
i.iXteeltl•tt.! erillar.• seven
intol wet, madwayN. - •
tirtvidig a tunin-t
the id xiff. titlce:•l h
[Joie rail j
,)I:ll4iiiry andexeavall hin,l
; flat ions 1 . .4" 1 , 31 r •f ti
large engine', 1.11,1
rpr Nina]: emzimi at t
enktue'itail IH.i ler Ito!
P a rt teNi 40 . 0iie:ing for; old].
lrthur, ttp Find .
titntwr ithd 14,r Lumbl,
• for racy
drai,dor 1 the ‘i :ode
I C.HitroetOr, will esti rn:'tfe fu
pedttiiiteityt, with three %
:van woOt .
I. me.,,nry
ra4' , kl per per.di fur ; ,tOn
'yard rot digging,
The imital pet; ten %In
tee the ful tittne••nt• ~1; Ito rnn
;;. Lithe(' Eit the riri les nil ued
, •
i • 11,1:1;
• I . • •
• •
i . ',7,'W.
17.79. t
• ,74;
1T,t1., L.
- -
naq :trt.tervi‘l4l.fry
, .*. C11:1 - 1 ) ENHAGEL .
, .
• 1 • Pekeg"
oat... •
t• - , •")*N"
In H i
fur„,. 4
•, I . ll'n :11it• ttj
Genevai 'English algid
• ? FuN
- .
i4ll Irma_
t L fl,l yks 01
Gold ;Chatris, Seal ,
N r C LI
1,04 }„'
1 ,, dill,V,inyailS q,rre ISM
WO 44 Ihti it i,lows and orilbantt, ,
1+Vv..1,,,r'•4t dimktvr at
lii•ry, and ella4Rni
:101,n Pr, L
• V,v mild ()Alan.; s,•ct
flett.4:,l4.llnil,•ny the olucilt
1011cli, !!t ilia pcn.,,fiti
llerrntn rn , g
I)onnlik J
Ip,l r t,p t e 114 - 1, l'A•4l4.l4tll)t Sul
• p, ft7,--IJot§jatiiin vonct
KvAd Miki
It414.1:110 ;LB
1 0% '* '
Fifllll7, (..;•^O, AV Tut`
y, J
lib 13.1,iii4;
I I/ _! ,, er.
I; trl.ll
4 7 I IOA
fain Tet,..r;J:‘,l. y.. 1 0: rat
7'e•vnor:74-114.14ry 11110.
S Nun
Ti pun.
COX: •
//.. P. P.ns . ci,
Sdu. PaVii
O'Brien. IS
I'nrke•r, r.
;41). W. Col
Baril,W. I
kt. • thn
Sir ( narb , ' , 4tt Wa.o.'a',.l,tle
;It . 111Vil:
.. Loru f I riot (; i
)(az!, A. Pattilre,t'tfl, Fit
Niorttir it Jiiii—Ttlyittilt ,
,ri/drtir. 0--W 111.4101.4'111s;
‘ , l“.
••Vieriel'4.+,ll -11414• W
011111...' •
li ° HJ
in'd 1, itip't
71) I , 10
1 1..
.2. I
yy . 1 01
I no
IIP —J. J.
. litalkettez:
- Mt.-Jou:4: lcAYISIII:IC Walt (t 1
eeiee ma:lt a:timatitts as may It
I •r,- Ivill rOx,rtito hlun
sehilylklil l'a—l(li•ounr.
,010,!..uw 1 1 ,gi fv..11 ., . 1.
Reading] liriving Pa
VOrdliel•ltaY. : Thar
:NEPtEN11;1:1: 6th, 7tll,
V ) ..,
Int . 4' i 1 ;IN li. r•kri nn- al .114.r.c. ovt
.. , . . , , .. ,
Wviter wi-Itzlii.; 111.11 , "1 onv ti tl.k. !
Seqinn.l Ita.S.J.. - 1'a,r.,......,1:0 I. j', all i
VII rol Rite, .l 1 . 111 4, 0 ).:;00. of
1.41 , ... FOr.:111 :r.Z. - 4 : - 11 ,, 1ts 46,1)11:II1
46('().1'/). / , .1 11— In 'thi,SIIIP/, 5 4 ; , •
Tiri-t It:C(11. - 1'dr ,, ,ro. ,:b1)
h" ,r.q. For all ac' Ito ,arry 111
lotlf ; .
-horw. • For ono :I
inog 4 rVI
• ,
;32:01.' 5. - 41
hi Fok,- ;.111; a go to earn - 1(111
SeCiald 515.0. tiu
For tj Frr yciar WAN. to
and a qcarte .:.
third navel, Par-2, -l u g,et,
4. 4 palla
/70 CRT/1111.1 1-,.s"ilt,
• Fir4t R•tee:l•J'und , o. , •"ia
liot , JV .1 Habib vap Hurdle Um.
eight ;11 ti rdle , s t Av. •fp
‘• rieertitl }tact.. Plitsf! 4.,01
t btrAt. Flr beaten:ho
Otte'tjille.',. • t.
• l'ldjd '.`lod
IJ , ortel For - tttl ,a;.tv, . • 11eat...; f 1
1`;-trrE.—A 113irtl le I.l.dee is one •1 1
11 1111Ther of bhi , hcli lenvem, abut
placed t over 'Nrlt tnakt ill.; vJ.I
exeit I
• 1 ; 1
forThlllihorz . es t
• Notriltiattottivrevlous to the' j
nhule to the Storetaly;Rt. the Bell
Pa.. during ee lin at the e
!flit Roles of , the j toerienn -I ,
ern all ea;e4t '
ism": Tu ET.; trill 10.,
rnSlro;ide for tht itee(ltatitialatlo
.. to al tend tdi.trivetirilz.
• .N.I),NIISSIOIc TO 111 E: °RC/I_7
hail at the (Jittery
'.Entri'es for tile Ti aces will be .
coirtriiMeernodt or Liu:Um:es.
41 of thellnOti Blooded puree.
Inc alrHnly hetttt entered. • •
• No eftert Ikeen'tpAred to HI
5.414:e1,1.; In even. pArtfrulor. Al!
ate exqindol them t U•retnnN,
has-been taken to preserve the h
• S.•
irrrr:‘ 4S:vey •
epLiS, '7O-36.41
. ,
Dailittrs -nub VI
- •- 6
I . .
KO Minn& frittNET.•
ffro(Jkils, Rt.),INTLni add cioliit
TIES linught 31d fink) strictly 011
PLAUS-ItS I' il4o.l4lollArElt A ^
Being mcmtiors oI Liao Philsi
.change, all'ortlirs eCil,rtuited to,
eels brouipt attention,-
March a.
IQ S.Rgee gen
ANGIIOII. LIN* Or -T : - .1
EITZA-14841143. L
Between New 'l. Iltit - ; (4 4. , g0w , Loi
Liverpool, Q*eenstawn and • ,
drafts' tv this ednimodiouA,eotutb'
Ilne of atuannohltt nettreeu the I
Europei or for MB In flrinat ion 1.1
ilaar.age / , etc., arty It person or
Agent- , Capt. C.
c No. t.'73 Centre C
, A pril 2., :74—Ii-t;;ni .
.. •
• i i • . I -b4rationa
~I _..._„,
Al. RS: HA 1!1.2143g3g1, : -
wi1i1., 4 111 on. VT) Y.
ot See , md and 3parketiSte... A
71‘, „IISi M.. 1 4 -).!ii i
4 i 1
Will itti.-0117[014.h0 first 3fOin.
BER, 15th.). 1 1 • Augill
WE6lP7irlifi 1,,P3311,42M COga /I , •
Tir atinualVia trill twain ' tber Gth,,
ror imlafsArles. re*. JOHN' IN,
Attg..4„. 0 -air '
t' - 7-
- '. t
SPF.ACIASti muse itostraits diti
on the tir GT e. TEm to Onntit ,t
pale Of es; an +ono nip Wie til I
Without Ot li ng Hato eln looitln I
netpl on am Ecar salt astY 1t 1 7.. - •
- .1 ... H - DUSRB, Ortiginn;, - ., .„
dnly 14. "71.)--.15.0 ' .
. • 1 . .i I 1- - , ;
.I:eikileretofore existitui be
-7.7iand THOStA3 littAtt•ott.
' b the death of Thonuts
nsh ring claims against the, once tq the surviving
late he same, and parties in
rodmatte eartypayment
wt eon Ohne the Coal Bust
! der , the . old firm • narne of
• a IS Washington avenue.
. • 34-tt.
of OPT/tilted Statesk,for the
f Pep nsylva nia. Dv liankt,
tof NI rheteX D. Dreher, Bentz
1 f,Ptuna. IS: • . , :
. 10_, - thas been itzsnen bY caul
of Webster D. Dreher; of the 1 ,
. :4o.te id retultiThisiniA, in
vit duly ildi udged Ban kru pt;,
. Mori'. and the payment or/
'l7 oy' any. property belong:'
hl or to his' tow. rant . the
,- b Ina are forbidden by
...atil i o „antetimwki ns:f sa
aiiwrial l d it4:4 l3.l oot ; ci k ," : 7o :it :
! t ,)L. o ;
ono ...c more tassilaners
lit l'Rowan% 'Fag...N o. 1,1
.. o: e of the Registersin
rirl. • I • "
. N.,
, g, _halter mild W..' 'let.
-:•..`-',,,, 23-2,
'wtTi •
be Almiveci for
• ,utpel Ash-
the sixdt, N'elti, four
h Ott the 'rail, wagon
elicit '
oni the elx-ft,
-th4l vein,
Rh , e dlvlded
ix , 0:
t. hl
i' Z n
j •et 1
ht, Nhtiniaoth VOu to
I',t high off
, Tll
Feu• a. Nt and..fouti
ndatiohs for a {lair of
!rout at • the hiAstina
,c• pumping p.10pr.., and
r all
. 1 ...t)gille , •rft'aittl:, fire-
state stparate.
11L forn.isl,,xl to cod
to them.
chhitik the work ex
anti Ic. many men us
i•XeaVatiOllS A 1 1 ,1111.1
and per cubic.
rctahiol to g1131,q1-
, •
elow wit! ftirniNli
I:,! I,•etive Ott,ll
1:110TfiF:1;. ,
li~aui(t,:Umi}~}• ; is r_~,.:np~
guis a. d a., excelling _tu
.1 NIT , - WCV RACY,
,t art ingeno.nt, for
•vcq'y vudety of flo
ttonfart men., wll
iys, &c:,
.11 Iti . : •
a' meet itvg oif the
vicinity was
,r 1 Wednesday, int It
it fund for the re
.l the (0 the
the (,late Vein COl
eproprietOrs. 31 r.
, Men t, mini
•hirie,„ Th . e Prea
rneelinft after
r , appointed to cio
u. 31cLuilgtili:I. •
P. 1): Barnet.
Mel Bright,
'Lim:m.ll.J. fiend-
R. Rldiard-, .11/tr-
ge Scott.. •
(;,+). 'front Herrington, Wm:
, Sr. .
i mail,
•, \ 'in. 1Z,,11,1,•nt,m , 11!
' • I
011 .
e •
pat Idi.T..l.(lßrien.
. 3than r , on,
E 111•;.
raclN ie..
reamirer to
.1v Phi htdelphia,
reef again at the
JR, •
Se.c n.
Id. I
1`.•:'.11)1 NC
wd /1111
•• . •
11,;•-s- tiro, 1670.
lilcL th
I four hilt-lib,.
mie mile.
Ii tii to otnenrad
dember 71h
q mil 4.
1,1.11 ti . , second
) po !WA,. Heats of
Of is li.•11 to so•oqill
alf i tlle..s. • :
.I.‘‘ iycar 01d , ., I.
Sep f emtnr .....04.
4ilell to Refund
1 11 „ ' t . Y l l' t ' w e ' ll i t
t o " i s ( e::011 d
, iTy Ki 1t,.. pot...mile
Ilat ( ;li4ap. For all
yk - licit 1.0 second
'• to' all lige., over
w Ich to mcend,
o carry 00
if witch to seeontt
e., 1 11,...-;.
1 wl 1,-11 there are a
t 4 vet in heig,ht.-
he horses are
,ry i tercsttutt and
i •
the bove ram-n. -
le r ittg, are t al be
in use, Reading.
ckoy ' uh wlll, goy-
OILERS, •• -
1 2
'lll R
DaPU. -
I M m/BAUD. .
elp a Stock , Ex
la? are titian r
t 9 • -
door erry,pa
—F passage or
bl 'and popular
nit States and
r d to rates of
by mall to their
.a VER., .
Ri,S, .
RJ sth, onriter
fil 7=Ar - - 1.0016 . ,-
W CV S lecou,r,
th' ac
. _. .
- *mate gt. '.
trifT's Salt.
sum - Erl4 BALES =um IatICILTE.-1;
virtue*" stuldry write of Lenart "Archie ead Fen
dittont .f.hporessi issued out of the Coact of Common
Picas - of cietto3tikiLl. County. and to me directed ,
there will 'be exposed to public sole or outcry. on •
' SA raRDAY; SITPTrafiIER Mk 1870,
at P o'clock In the afternoon. tit the'. Cortrt,MOnse,
in the:Baton& OrPottasille.Schtikill County, the
following described reed a estate. to. salt : ,
NO; Iz-An that certain farm or treed of. land, sir- •
aate near thel3orOugh lief Mount Pathan, In North
31anheitn Township. Pichnylkill County. bounded :
and deer:flied as fallow t Beginning at a post 14
ithe line..ef the Mount Carbon garden fence, at the
'distance of 21111 -feet. front 'the southwardly line at
:Main street' 1n the'llorotigh of Mount Carbon, thence,
by land oPT-aweence. wis and others south GI. des
green west 2101 feet to a, In tae - litteeaT Leonard
W. Welsaittgers laud. ' uth 19).‘ deg rees ; 'east 216
and flee-tent/3a feet to a pine ,. aud .ou ch 16 telegreel
17 minutes east 736 feet' o an ash.tthence by other{
land formerly of 3lesra , ',Owls and others south 64.1
• egreea 15 Minutes east =is feet-to a tfeist, corner of;
the present 'Mt. Carbon4ark fence,anetthence north'
25 degrees - 6 minutes w t 75: - feet to the:place of be.'
ginning, containing 41 acres and 109 and stitlil-tent hs!
.parches, more or less, w ,th.the appurtenances, con-;
slating of two 2-story franie dwelling houses, with:
all:me basements, one illrkstory frame dwelling.
house with ittone basement, a frame barn with stone! .
foundation,!a stone and frame reservoir, a shine
foundation !fora dwelling house, a. I-story frame
shop, a hot, house, and tTo,frarne arbors, with stone; .
foundations/ .
. .
NO. '1
--All that eertain!plece or parcel of Vend, sit
uate near the Borough of Mount Carbon, in North' .
31anlechn '3 - Ownship. SeJoylkill Counts-, adjelnlnei
a ptiblic read ; the, continuation of Mahe ,street, in
said Borough of 3rount Carbon, and other lands of ,
Walter Lawton. Edward Hamilton, Leonard W.
Wessinger acid others, feeintainiug 2 acres more or
less„with the appurtenances, consi sting of a 2-story :
stone bath house, a stone lee house, a frame dancing.
floor and Musicians' stand, with. stone flue eat ions,
te stone foundation intended for an after; 6 frame
arbors with stone foundat ons, a stone spring house,a
'frame carriage shed„aud eget her commonly known
as the Park et Hillside. /
NO. 3.—.ti1l that certain piece or parcel. of land;
situate part) In the Etelsiugh ' of•I'ot tsvl Ile, and
partly in Norwegian Woweship,Schuyikill County,
abut chiefly in the Boron It of Pettsville,ladjoinlug
the public road leading from Pottsville to Cressona,
mei lauds of Howard• chants, William Oerter,
Wilharn W. Potts, Jose hShatzinger and 'others,.
containing II acres, snore or less; as the, property elf
AI.SO—NO.I„—.III tha certain farm or traet elf
land, situate in Waytw T woship,dichuy tic ill llottn- - .
iv, Ileatcstunnilt,Station, on the road leading trent
ItottsvAle to I liehrersburg, bounded by lands of
Benlamin: W. Cumming, t>si., the Amerieste Pack-.
inc Compituy, William Mengel, Joseph Emmeriele,
John Essen welu, Joseph Achey and others, contain
ing 4Xlacres, more or leas, with the improvements,
eonsisting of a tworstoey frame dwelling-house,
witaa 2-story frame kiteteen attaeh ed. a frameharm
a frame out.-kitchen( a frame ; hay shed, and all
other build Mita and appartenances.
N .
O. 2.--Vil that etztr
al tract of land, situate in
Wayne Township. Schtty kill County, containing
40 aeres, 11101:(3 Or lerc, wide I wilh 16,14.!..5.5ei1a51111NC:11.01-
1411Jil in the tunne of Wgiam leennierling, 'and
which%vita spiel by the Tr surer of the said County
fur unpaid Mies fte thq Connnissiewers of said
County, woo alterg•ards Sold the same to John W•..
Heilber, - who WI4 11 Catharine his wife by ludentute
dated the leitiel day of No ember, Isla, granted and
conveyed the same to Jolla Berle lie tee, which ealti
two tracts of land are interferlug and eyerlappleg
each others, all et( which will by a reference to said
t mortgage'. recorded in the mile, ter the recording of
• thesis, (t.e.:, in• and for suifi County, ill Morteatre
no .11. 11. page 251, to,, more folly and at large
appear; as, the 'de/pert v of t iorr LI Eit viintraEr.
:tut' t•C‘rt'A KIIAPBELf, his wife. --- -
. Ai:AO- 7 A LI that certain ewssteage ortetteneinf and
Int of ground, '.ferr ets
tti• on the southei tinily side of
3laltantou,go stat u s in the Beteugh of IPuttsville,
- Schuylkill colietyl.being t licevest wispily hallo( lot
! ...trettrlted No.
60 ea the map or plan ot . Pot t and Pat- ,
terson's a/lattice) to the 110 'ouch of l'ottsejlle, con- •
Mining ill ' fron!e•-on said el:than tontonge St reel II
feeteattel f stewilne back in length or deptlkof that
width 211 feet 6 ]aches. be qh, saute Inure oetless, to j
Church:Alley, bows - tied eastwardly - by property of
J. Acker, soull/Warelly by slald Church .1, Iley, west-
. wardly 'by lot No.:18, and t orthwardly by said 31a-
hantoatter Street, being t 0 same premises which 1
Lorentz Fisher and Mary no Fisher, his wife, by
indenture bearing elute ti c :Allah of September, A.
it, pelt, and recorded In t 6 C,MCC. (Or res./reline:or
Deeds, &e., in and for the 7..attaly.ed•Schttylkill in
Deed Book, No, 43, Nora Li .t, be., granted and cell
toned to Peter /relic:Lethal. party ben/tie; reference
heing-ftliereuntel had will more fully and at large.
aptaser. Also. all that cert. in alley fronting e n the
southwest side pf Mahatit tug° street, one fixd six
inches ft ii.
-& inch. I in eidth, and one hund,el
and I we:lily-Ds 4 beet 3' riches 11=1 feet. 3 hi.-
ches, in depth, strict Measure, being the
same alley which John . eher and 'Barbara, his
Wire by their ilidelii ure bea 'lug date the lit,h day' Of •
. oetocer, A. D. lari2, and reCof dell in the °ince for re
cording It sis infanti for th • Cot:. - of Schayikiii,
fin tweet Book 1:4. 43. page 5 4 v, Sr., era tittNi and con-
vio, el to 'Peter lied leut hall part Ma e
Made. referiees
being tlwreuttle had will more - (elks and at large
appear ; with the appurtenanceS, eonsisti lig of as
2t. stOry•frame d Well ing hoise, w-illi mimic basement'
anda 2-story frame back•-b 'fitting attached, and a
frame stall fie; aslll e proper. y of PE L
Jll Ai.. , i • ,
, .
. At / .'U--U that certain fa in or tract of Gaud, situ
ate re West' Venn Township, Schuylkill Cotinty - , ad
mining lands, eff, Jfilm Ilefite-h. reolotuote Haeliert,
if:entitle 1., - ,Lefiby,i Frederic SUSliillail till li others,
eentaitilug 1 . .1 acres. Miro r r Lest, with the appor.
tenant-es, consisting 91 a ' -story stone dwelling
!louse, - a frame barn, a I' -story frame eiseelling
house, a 1-story ;frame Me 'tine shop, a fine-store
.frame Feu Miry al-story rialue slaw, and a frame
water ii w.-il NMI Will; ILS Zto property - of Etta IN
Z 1 3131E1131AN aad DAVID 11A.Alf. • .
,AL , tel—A. It that eertain f: rte, Merril dand anal
tract of land, sitttateeitear ! Sehtlyikill liaven, in
North 31:meerm j 'roWnsiiip, Schuylkill J eternity,
bounded and deser'lleed as follows: liegittning ati a
cornerstone in it line between land of Daidel Warner
and the heirs of Joint D. Delbert. thence by land ut
'Daniel Warner math 'I/evenly-three and a quarter
decree west :12 perchese to a shale, thence, by the
-same south 76%; degrees west/sit,: perches to a state
'corner, theftwet by sellool lot,l crossing the fennel ae
by NMI of Nat lent - 11. liutz: and land of Witham
shorted north 15'de...trees weest 176. perches to a-cor
ner stone, them; by land-of William Sigfried anti
land ofJohn Sandwell north co deaf es cast 126
perches to a chestnut end Wan. corner, thence by
laud of said J4hn Schappell ',north 27 degrees west
46 and a quarter perches to II JpoSt and stone corner,
thence by, land of Henry 11111bish - south 66 degrees
east ill perches to a "coriier of, a field, then6e by land
'of Benjamin volt smith 2 degrees; c at perchPs'
to a corner of sold field; thence "bythe same south
Pt degrees west trl perches to it mace-corner ora
thence by the same and land of John D. Delbert
stint!' !degree...east at: perches, ern-sine the turn
pilte,,to the place of begin-Ding, Ceofitailliils.; 1 , 37 sere::
strict measure. and being thesame Which
James Lessig uud Sinsuwaah, his wile by deed dated
the 4th day of April.' A. D., IScoi, granted and con
veyed to S;inmel Wcssrter, recorded in deed book.
No. 00, page 121. with the apptirtenattce4, consisting
of a 2-story stow , tavern house, with a 2 story stone
kitchen attached, frame wrignn shed, large stone
bank barn, a frame (littie 5h.,41, I stone bi.cksinitif
shop. and wash-house; Zas . the property of SAMUEL
w vssNER. ,
the righ , title WO interest of
David Beveridge, of, in and to all that certain lot or
piece of ground. situ .te iththelßorough of.Pottsville,
schuyiklif Countyl boundedl northwardly by Mi
nersville street, east wardlY and sou thwardly by lot
ot"Mary Johnson, and westwardly,by lot belonging
to the estate of George. IL galberstadt, deer ised,
containing iir width, :Id feet, 'and in depth .14, ) feet.
more or less, with the onpurtlnanues, consisting of
a brick Church, with stone lbeineit, now usud
school house: l•
NO. those ti,eertalu lois or pieces of ground.
situate in -the Borough of tott - sville, SehuyikllJ•
County, bounded northwardlyi by Arch Street, east
wardly by lot of Emily southwardly by
East Market street; and . West wardly by Wolf street,
containing thgether lir, and in depth
310 feet. w Blythe appurtenantNis, consisting of 'a 2'
story brick dwellthg horisc, , `a. 2-story brick and
frame bake-house, and 11frame stable; It% the pro
Seized and taken ircexecutipn, and wilt be sold
by ' GLORGE C. WYNKOOP, slheriff.
Sheritrs Office, Pottsville, AUgust 20, 70-31- it
SA FN; 11.03 i E I\ ENT:
• 1
_ • ,
(bier, Ii41,200,00S) -I;rPoad'l4, bearing 7114 . 4.
a •
Fitand 61113 - ‘ll.lfortgage.
) .1 1 e 'limits arc Issued lh • •
$lOOO5, ssoos Emil $2005.
The Couporni are payable, in tte city of Phl hotel
pliirt, oil lbo flrnt (lays of . 1 , pril rind October,.
„ I ,-
ati'ect rif &ate _anti ( ,s7aho Trt.rcAt. •
The price at preticnt
90 and Accrued, Interest in Currenc y
This Rom; wltli its CO111100100: with the Perinsyl-
Mtlia Railroad at. Lewl4own, brings theAnthraelte .,
Coal Fields 6: inile4 nearer the 'Western and Solith-.
western markets. with this atlyauta,ge It con
trol the trade. The Camber Trade, arid Rio Ithinense
and valuable deposit of ores in this section, together
thickly peopleittlistrict through which it
runs, Will secure it a very large Mut profitable trade.
PArs.:TElt CO., BANiczns, •
. .
Dealer's: in Government Securities,
Appl. to
the 411 treint
:Noes Wishing
50 CENTS.,
tasaud at the
L. F'..)V1117,17.5.E1,-ir,
- el- up to the
OUfltT UV'
tie meeting 43
()per •pemons
ry precaution
igld decorum.
4 President.
GODYSEYI3 nvaunAarci AGENCY • '
. -
. Office, No. 2 Mahantopgo Street, 4
... ~
Where INStillti,NCE To ANY I,4IIIOtICT can be
effected in the meet reliable , Companies in the land,
and some of which are the oldesqviz
TS. •
. .
North American of l'hiladelphlal. -2.917,11%
Franklin,. • - - - n,u00,0100,
Rome, of New York 1,57/1:115
York Farniers* Mutual' i . 90 1 / 4 P17
United S Fire tates hio
, of of 1ta1tira0re......A....._ .........
tate O ' • • 240,117
Vl",,lllutrnsport, or ennsyl vania.. .• -.-
Lancaster, .. Z15,405
The above named tloinpaidellJai; all of the tuerit
proropt . iff pay losses and hono blii In adjusting
claims. • Ti, A. GODFREY;
. .
• Pottsville, August 33, 7041 4m l ;
.• , . •
M ceoY al • TYSON,
N 0.1210 Market Street ) !hiladelphia,
Wfloitpale nod Retail Ilaless to
• ,
CurbUn. fteverberatar3, Burlluigtun luiprov;sl,
Anirriptn oud fleneflactot 111 M-Air ,
Double and Single Elevated 'ov e'n, and Flat-Top
_ , Ranges. I
*CITY OF 13,178.1...1:NGT0N.
' a.
..ei . [. •
tbniii, ituVr. nezicr 41244fr05t (nix( ./ZaPire
rt)ak °act ttrulamplee rartattite Raitar.'
A 4-L i .• CA rlti Pir..STAIII:iiIiD" A;11 . r....iityc'
, . , . nt,4-rtica- sltlvami, . • . . .
~ . -
t: - ,
The ab.r.n:c article% arcm
, ariaft 1! by lb•-,_-,,
CA R ltl - O'N - II i 0 1.9 R . C IC PAi N YT 4 ,!-•
'' • / ' • 43uatixt.aroN, N . .... '•' ' •
Ab'il—Ribh .p .i1!.4. ,, r Diamond Pr . 4iato'rrFirc.o4 s .e
7- "- . • nerfr,
.o..‘t 'o.‘'.Wl4ol aurl all ollakir aril lea lu our liao.
ALL k100D5.,U11.A.4 E.ED
OA .
• Aug. tr'..'7 l ) . , : ; , ..,• - d&-asa • '
lt if UM EAT* 24.1121:13,k. CoOreetiooery. lee Cream
lei aretaalma.ermataratty'ort lmod. at N o. 9, Mar. ,
ketsteeet,Pottevllle. Vanill relpigled with Ice
Cream, . 'illy V7O-17 -tf
No: 7; Son th MT) (t., PhtlndelOlLL.
No. 11 CENTRE at.,
No. 1130 . CENTRE
;St., Pottsville, Pa.
'ise.tegraph. guieMoinitig
Titt 114 Yl.!'
Terible Fighting lor_Tiree Dan
II 111131P.1 , 1110R ILL
11641:T14e b_y kJ hEr t
• ill: . riar
Thy French -116'
The- F. Bince.:' Tuesday !
The' Decisive Bi r ev.- . -7Tlie Fri: illi - Drivta Over the
• ' BoMeit—Frendi Reporti e't the Operation::
,Srin, , f Tuesday- 4either' Tre
. _
• oiced , .•, , ss Batt'.: .
t‘,V 444 uth
despatch.; dated at Doomap, a f e w
ICOIII ' Setitur; this dui, - . - Sepf..2, is kist
-'.`The. ye.Sterday- was very
Moray, and., TOS , ttlted --4li:- - astmusly to the
Frelich,who retreated tin 3fezieres."' •
• -The retiz,,,.h.ols Givotinc, a.
few Iflill to .zedatt:
ten thousatpl atid ,-- sbldiers of the
Fro h yell' •ft ;r4feli..l Mt° r. 4 :
whe, , , re they. wero. , required to: instantly
surrender their arms.
"I,lre;tt, number:, NA••uuntled 'have
been inimitteil -MR) I.l4:b.zfinil. for lituntipity's
sake.'' "- . . • : •, • '
Pattl.4, ti'tlq. I—Mititaigbt:--Thit Mittibtry
ha,,"in,.t I l ir.pi thYt , follovitiff tirt . + t-...) the,
111 thy al;;_ , yin:*- of oti . iyial.retin:ts front 0 4
“encral imititnitntingitr the Northeast, frti it
the multitittle of t&graphie destiatche 6
S r 4.
.. , ..
-etived from
. various De!ghat toites, uud sr i l
date of..,,k‘nMst. .ll, ' 'fom :.5, o i rit)ek ilt . the
morniiigNgitil•A in ; the aftexticiou, are ex-{ -
'trailed the followinii,; dent iii4;4b lel/ floor the e
(liarilV.tOr iliT 141Alttl_1114. ', ' ' ' • • '
..On the :intiv'ult, a
.qries '.}e ens igetilenis
oceurreil bet Weell Mai.' Mali c 'MY'S army and the
enemy , aear. the illy
.of NJezieres,. lasting;
fronrS o'clock i tt,the:inerning until S o'cloc -
in the eveliing: . • Our triKip?, were. aft:wre I
Airtllo l'i'es- . siaus frOrn the woody heights'' f
Stuunes; a positionWe had burreeentlyava,,= i
a ...ell and the enenry hp ruediately'oreupictl:
The Litt cvlzi,' V.:100.i WU'S -vigorous .at tirst i ,
to, vett our 'army tO a' .retrograde tiloventent, ,
'lna we . soon, at • 2 o'cloeli. in' the afternorni I
took the olligisive again, athrretained it till I
47 oMoek in. the evephr,w hen darkness - put '
au end to opirrations. • TAfteNitightfall we re-,..,'
crossed tin: '.ll.ense, in: artier to form, Jig:Tit
near Doucluiry; a feW Miles eAt. of Mcider sy !
„ Tlil. eng;nlements itflhe first, ilay's fig! t- :
Mg, have(ll,4 us sensible los,-Ses', - although' - e! j
,laave igillico,•o Ilea .3- ilabla.ges • on the ;Prus-'!
shins. The liill'an •3- of the. 7.k.Jaine partici - 14; i
larly disiingpished WO, - arid Performed pro-
digies of val Or. ' The .. zussiati.4 tiurned..the
town of Motel.oll, lit thaw height horhood, .and ;
- killed nny,t 4,.if the inlialdfantS. ~; *. j_
On the - next. day • t the : . ',Tht) - Alit''''Prtisfanti,,:
again tooli.tille tillusive„;;;;;O'llocic lullie
Imoriiing. ozytlie left-lain k•of I lie Meuse, lx;-
tWeen the ..ttiwn of, Dow:: ,tint Ilonchery..;
Our fore'i_s ret reated'slowly U ntil :qrti.:Nlattoit
hind ..drkwits ' the ; Pin •siltts:- lutothe tingle
' conned liy'lli,i.. lapwings 'of sedan mid the
heights On the 'left ,side of.- the 'river. 11ev . .;
the Pritssians tottered very se Telt.';' 105564, Anal
I we r,'.. compelled . ,.oll ato.sluite,or, the 'murder-
ous, tire, to retreat.; The ay etrecit thi s about
. noon, witluttaWing ' towards - .yillentoutaY, -
A fterseverahnisuccessful .;:ittempts, they at
last sueceeded in plaeingthentsolVi, - )* on the
opkitite side cif the .11euse: .. ~ ..
o . tr‘the mor'ifing.of PrinetrCharles
crossed the.:W n euse. at Monzoti...Titis 'furnish-.
es direet , uuntradiction ; of theAl6patehlhat
he had rf.mPli•ed'Ute troop , ,citiler the.. emu
wand of ItteMalvai beyond: theAeuse. Ev. 7
erythitig sueuisio:imlicate. that:the 4ugugC.-
renewud to-day, :In the same
section of e . ountry. ' -
Losito,N; Seitt.'2.-Telegranis ; frout l Bonn,ted 1,..,-terday, report a treinendous
battle then progressing .betweeti .Sedan ant!.
3fotdon, but result not derided: The
gerentm appeared - to: maintain their
1),10,411,1 lf . is h&wevet., that the
Truss tans have advaneetl; . and wimpy-Chapel
wohne. . The .village.; of B#eitlez.,.Baltm,
Remilly, Willer •atict .14uttoy were burned
by the fearful-tire of artillery.. The 'slaugh
ter eras frightful. - The.. river Mete=e 1y ruled"
with corp,=es.,
De;patelie.i !lave beep reLfeiUetifroni Paris
t !nom i n -that the Prussfan:4
were repufsedin their.attaek -on ..faelt.lahoti
after ten hour:-,' sharp fighting . : The Prus
-dans attaelied the 'French Irons the front and
rear The Fren.uh eaptreil thirty •guns turd
r great: tunny Prit;onem..,- The - Prus,s.iamt are
repoittud to have , been driven
. towards Bel-.
giuni. • . • • -
Thelliartstt N 1 Jok:U.N*.t
lieNv it t;:of t•St."Georges. I lospital,--' has het ti
summoned to France:llo tittuml the'Etnwror...
;" . 1%, BAH HE, ti4iitettiber
forenoon Bazaine's fOreehas. fought the Ist
Corp,„ the battle ending - in the lat
ter', r. , t •
The Prussian Victory_ at Sedan—Despatch froth
King Wilhani—:Heavit Losses on Both
• Sidee:—Arnis and Prisohers .Cap- •
tere4 hy the Prusis.ins.
- Sept. l.- ' 1 ' 6- 41
sep he o_ ow
„lig, __ezipittelt
front the King to queen., A tignsta
made public : . • •. •
Sept..l—:3l':hattle". 'has
waged since half-past this. - m9rning.
Our forces have advanced victorious. The „1
4th, 51h, and 7th corp, ls and Bavarians were
,engaged.7.. Thy• enemy were 'almost driven
into the city. .
MeNlcti; Sept.l.-.L.Theßatarian Minister's''
'have,reeeiviisl•thi! following despatch ' dated
near Beaumont on Ttiesday : .` .I.l3attle
just occurred Which we 'were. -victorious.
The French wi.•rts. ,- driven - .over . the!. Meuse. :I
The Ist Bavarian' Corps „participated 54,e 7 '
•eessfutly, one battalion eaM.tiring two gtrnS." .
•IttntrAN, Sep..:!--1. P. IL -0111eiiit news is •
still behind time.. 'lt is knoWn :that a series
of battles_ occurred mi - t he 30th and 31st;
which both sides .shfrered; - ,heavy losses::On
Wednesday. the, Prussitis'.;assumed the
Pensive, but were. - drawn by • MacMahos
under the guns - Of Sedan, where they•sullerl
ed terribly before they.stieceeded lu'paising
the-rivet% Alac.)lahon,phßvediti Mouzon on
the morning ef. WedriMbAy.`...Yesterday the
-encounters were retieWeillitotiably:„ .•
The following despatehi: dated August 31;
- is just Made public at Berlin :.--Aa the suc
cesses. of Wednesday. eoyered "so .vide a re
giOn,.particulars are . confused . and
Certain. It •is knoWn, .hOwever, that th
Prussians have earn nreti.twentmts; eleven
mitialleuses-and seven . thousaudrprisonerg, •
The .French • Repulsed at Sedan,--Belgian Neu
, traiity.
SePternber2.--.Despatebes fruit'
Florinvilie, dated, last. bight; .s2ly *bd.
nes-day the French Were:repulsed at:Sedan,
the Prussian,i. keeping the adyantage they.
had won. On Thursday. evening the Prole
took the Often co: . a nil pu4biiig I for wa rd
steadily, forced hack the.Perutslaus, winning
ground, and approaching . the Car,ignan bat
tie-field, near Potrzy., Great: evwts are gh
tieipated within thelie - kt few dilys. .
Private despatches -received !tyre contra
dict yesterday'ssreports of a French iletory,
They assert Oat. the French were, defeated
and that fugitives 'are docking to - itelgiurn.
where they tire dislrnd, and:eent to tamp.
at iteverlon. • ,
Last night thp, frontier
,guard captilr6l,
unliorsectto !lurid ref! yren!!li
nn territory, near Sedan. .
. . .
, ~. .
. Loma's; ~S ept.- .2...-A . .` , te..l4.cgratu from . :L*4lJ
'eutta GC. the TIMES Vague panic and ap•-.
ne. rehensions ar springing . - up , . ainonr the
1-Europeatie,of a native insurrection. atAlla-:.
ihabad, an an - eh:tut - city . - Of Hinclastar4 450
riffles nori l liwtA of Calcutta. ~ • .i - '
. ... .
Another Manacr'in Pekin.
i:oNnux,- Sept. 2. , ,LPriv,,ate teleOarna- (row
Pekin announce thatnntither massacre has
been committed L, *he Chin2se in thaticity.;
The llritish-Conssist sit e.:a14., barr: beeri
aapose; the Nictlims. • -„. .
lit: M
v. u. intssing: Deacon. ,
premisew one evening was h orfified at helir-:
tog thatvious official swearing infthe titian
arromplistraner at his tow, yihkh
just - Wired Its pall into' 'Middle fill
'nest .Observing his minister.
over the fence tit hirn,vthe deacon saltrapolo
k`.l sin radly . afraid, Mr; 13—,- U.
shall ne.ver be - able to enjoy religion as love
as r keep that eov,
- it. l Nejo.
Intirrectibri in "India
-f • -
:- ---',-. "gPT,XM8E,R..,j870,..' ,"'
Saturday, 3 -o'clock, A. i
AGA Es--
: I: A Z l .l E
'nisi • TRumv.
• -,
"EU YER FritEb.lvvnt DEA
• :BODII*2 • • •..
•• bitNa': FROM DISEASE I -
• . • EN - C r /AND. ..'"
, .
Ban"'2e Again Driven fnto Ws Fortifications iVi'te'r
, a Severe Battle—. Death of Napoleon• lie
pnrted—The frussian Advance.
Ls • Ni,oN, .i.4ept: : 2.-- - 1 P. N1.,---Ilespakbesitn
notiii 6?' that. on Wednesday, .Itfg. 31; lia-
Zane undertook to cut his ivay . ont- Prom the
shelter of the fortifications. a Metz. The .
haw, hi-tea ,diL,,l.• -that doy and - next cv6-
.liint.r, hylih;ii on Tharstlirc morning h t .
t,q wa,.-
.agniti tirive n Nvitihin ale NVall.i . . Tie. .le=Ni.--
were e x tra soiTre on both Atty... ,
The cleiith of the Ethiperhr NapOleen,is NI
-Inoreil Allis ihficfnorf.. hut particulars arc: >u
roullictinix thitti the vireo at tho cmcir n, e ;
ttlarke - a. • , • ' "
. ...z•latinihe'r '2. - Ltindolif jotitnals ,
are;saillY porpl6tAl by the lute , war de
spah-hes. - They say that 'a -noU . .evat.trutiOn
nMq.'lll". to appear yvst%.l\l4l:l.. - ileac
i'oring the:Vl-each. hot thi.rels . .nothing (b.t.
prevents tli.e Prtn , sialts from going to France.
i'hr~ ire practically unrestricted...
wriks that last week
nothing• totilti possibly have elteelital.' the
Prussian ativitneci. on Paris, but um,: .that
thi,. fortifications - have
streng-theneeil ara.up.atnk , there kin.arly
I DI , - T eit..lC-C;I ttltS , V Kt , ' I
..([ ip t.
• ,
:rhe Preneh- troo , •Nrhielt efigaged "the
P•rusAans at Attiaaky, were, reinhireement ,
left Travis an the 27tli :Ma -.2.udlt of
August - , for Mar,slial "..11ae3lithoir. en ,
cpnveyedl . ly froin : Parl.t . t6 itethal, 'and
marched from:rtht=re to Mint a tinedy. Not.-•
withstanding these troops, were•fresh; the'
were routed ti` the. Prtißshinr , ,.-', -
:• 4 7.‘pt. Vrenth Uniperor
attended by N4:1;lon-' !an4l . aither emipent
surgeons,,is nnw. with. - shat'llazaine. -
,boosts, ;apt. 2, 7 --Paris paper,' nutlet! an
that PrtiA , ian . oetnri-e, 4trengthen thi•
London snick -niarki t, al,u that Prinee.q.atn,.
pert; Crown PH nce' of Italy,and hig. wite
/film' Pirlt , sitt upon her sue;
. . .
:Sept. f',+.-Prince Frearrid,
Charles p.seerktas thaoked, bin; troops-in-the
lialtle -
. -The • 4tli
'army cot has - al riarly
411 thlaiii
1. 'l.Ve L"?
Th Strasburg- . - -ADecisive Battle ill
Progress,-.Several Villages in flames=-
71).e River With' Dead
• . Bedits—The Ravars •
• of Sicknesit..•
. ..
. .
. .
.1 .I . .alins Sept: "..:.--IS2pceial- s
to N, V. T.m.,1:-
4,it'n.l—(ieneral Ulrich trie - ln:i'ole old V?'l T,
1 'erau who has •voinininnt. or the. defense; i.
1. Straslitirg ,s . tatestu-40, - : titat - inwt witlistandi tn.;
vile bomb:B . ollmA 'ol,,,the eit, try the,Pru--
1 sian beleaguering, foroe s
,t he fortre . ss gilt and
e.4.1i hold out against . i.very attack.
l A despatch-Iron'. our speeial e3rre.cpontlent
in Belgium, dated Brussels, Sept, A...',',. 7.21 . A.:
51., reports that a .ileeisie :haute is 110 W iii
progress between Mousson. aid Solidi. it , .
r ru . s i ttn , 3 .l ll . lA - 0 alr e a(iy. advanced an d ric k in s
Ailed the Chapel of Ciroune, and Ole villag e;" l';)t. kr44ille. Biilli)e, . Nottii•ille, "Willer and
Sernay, are' in . . :fhtnies. The river Is liltf'd
with dead bodies.' Mt the culverts ainl'for-
. .
titicatiotts- are mined With gun .pt - lvvder at
Paris, so that should Mattel - witch thsl worst, - ,
the whole defences. eau' liOdown -up at a • c
motuenes aotice. .
1 x despatch-da te tan, Sept.--2, _reports '‘•
that the -Prussiantu4taluing - sievere loss
:es front the ra - agt. f 'sickness' tmlueedlby
the priyatious of the' campaign. ' Pointive.4
' news has ; been received 10-P:teili'that eommu-
-Meiltion has been, Opened hetwevu 1 . . e:kfT
hon and .1 - 38zine.; —•- • • - .
PAnts, SepteMber A!..----p:uis jou . gals all,
publish -letters Twin correspondent: to-day w
corroborating . the newg previously published •
of sage e 5,...., es to our tu;uly. The Prus. : dans.
.howevet;, are so nutherdu 'that battles must.
he reAutual on a vast settle. Both skies have
recinvcaliunvy t'einforcoments. It i4assured
(sere thaiithe. King of- Prti4.iia is insfttie and
has been taken to Berlin. . ' ' .
It is reported, here that a lat'ge - Frene4
army ttiuleeeMontatiti of (.34inerarlIoutty has: -
entered Out TerritniT Baden. •,
It.k salt( lore to-day - that the' old • penph., -
women and 'tdrildrutt of St rashltrg hake been. lea*.th6.eity' by 'means of a .
ter.riuteai p 1 arn iit old-clot:4er feeently
diseovered. •
etts4gu,con)l - .
mitittlantnt ....;trashttrg -has :111 nouneed that
even if the eit`y is hoinharded .day and night '
he will,ontinue'to hold out"Tiqain.t-the
, .
. - Paris journal.: rdernalpl :tlifi . tlisrifiF , :al . .r .
(:etieral FMly.,, wlic)::e - nitittageinent, 0t.3( 'lli!'
Corp '.l) e Armco t.wiraye . d . grciat ineqpacity
i lt tho rreimtt hattles. -'• • • - ' ..- -
I;EE(: I i'.il
• I
• k
= Dispi!sition oreaftured Freiitlr Tro4s.
The Frotch tru(p Who were captured and
ditlurau•d;lu itelgiunt„ have been - . st(tnt to
Ctinip Itiver .. • .
The :Cerlists,
.• •
;4epe.'. a-1--A few Carlkt bands
have been noticed in'tlifllrent parts of Spa . in
within a few days.'
c!thint Deehoste itnil other . Spanish officers,
e.sfileil to. the Canaries' haye'heeo4 reealjed.
Cotreetect P2LIJ zor tne stitiere Journal - 16 i 6 . 11,E101 LJO
. ,
Wheat Finer, extra, family, $ 02 •
••" cwt- 1 g.l J 2,
eta 1.50: ii,(o
{bbl 50-: •700
. 351
Brielr.ichent Flour. ..,3 25 ' 3'oo
Wheat, prime w bush '. 16+• 1 711
~ a .55 •1-ot •
1 ‘ 10! . 1 15
1' $; 1 '.3),
' j 70 -
4 5 '5l - 1 341,
- *l)thch.., 1 1 25
• • SI/
, 3U. 5
.... . . ... • go".
1/P , x.
5.1 2.,^ (X)
3+ '1 10' 1 SO
21001 26 (V
- . 23' , 27 ,
35! Mr !
..... • ":12t 15 -
: 10' l2'
Bab; .
Rye Chop'
Corn Nteal.:.
S 4 1 chil
- Bran •
Potntof, : s
any • /
bale •
Stra w '
Boer, htaii quartey
", fore
- .
rurrs . vr4.l.E 3111:V 31ARKET)3.
, .
We giro tlic.follotvlng qUotal nts for to-day :
NI ri.t TS-•, , • _ • Lard 'l9, to • .-,it'') ,
Roast:{l,of V . lle .'' ..... --1,7,'2;• I 'bicker's; - 1:4 lb" -4titZ '
Corned geed' if th.- ...._ Ifit"rt. Duct:l4lA zb.....,_...... __r o ll
4-Lump sttelli..3? 1b'...: --t.i.ti.", to Idwys? M..-- .... .. -...-4:{01.5
sirloin steaks:o Mc -- , 4•2.1 Undiloc4 1itti1....., • .4710
..ettotsoge 1,4 lb ..... ......._ ..--e - ,„2.5 hock p Vi... .. .. : . ..:....... --eit)i.4.l%
11turrots-- _ ... .. , Halibut ' - e Vv . .. . ---{g.sForequartc __b. ...... -41i-Whlte, Perch-? 5,... z-(016
Hintlqttartcrltb.....,. -.-etols Boyd; le Lb.,
..l • „... (4 ,1:-,
Chops - 0 ti.,.•.: - .....1 ...... .. -(5v;...; Cat Ilsti ?AI) ............... -(eftl:i
Pooti.- • • t- . " ... BOY 1,1 tail .•,,..„' ...,...-*l2 -•
'Bawd. .5... St et...l:s - 'e)... --0...'s Hen n s (seo ti p {I/ okt.-.... I'.l-15
.Corned -el lb - iX.retelrt But 11 1ib,........,..,..,... --19£11
flatus e whole) :4 7)...... ' tl'S' Egg"( -# drez,...:.
Elatns?sltceeil'il Re • --IPA, citt.itrlg . 6 -0 he
,_ 75 4 ;t r:;-'
Alton iders ? tb.:.:........ 1744.15'Nee. - Potatoes ? I ,:c pit 10.1 -.
Urged Beef - 0 th...J........-(9:{3 Old P,tatoes IA lot.. •l tr:
V.r..4.1.-- . - 2---- - la: , ,- ,swl, Vor. triceo“,ipi --.1.9 ,
Yorequarter ? lb- 441 t tlqtAue ? : neck-..... - - - - e.g., •
Hindquarter -0 tb......lr4irds it eel 8e . ..,3„., -, .- ~ 1. e it. -g:' ,
Cutlets ? tb•• • =-643 , '1 arnips -.. ~: •. . -mac - :
t'ri toe Oysters 14 . WO.. $1 10 pine Apple , --e, • .I.lettl..
_Bologna Sausage lellte -',"..tit'aelettples it 1.e.:1 , -e:.;•...• •..' ' - 't 0
I Stoke{ ~.t..eF,lejr, Ton _ . a. 2.1., A r r te,,...6, 1.1, - .. 1 ,1 Wady)
GOLD,, • :
.• -I , ItEMIDIt /lON EP. -
. : 11.E sittrt TO ADVANCE:: • -
Bzzy your 14 , axis hcforn the rely/Ince In pike/4. • • .
'. •11. L. ENIGHT.&
Aurru.t.l; 7/9-p-3m -- lqkpm-eort -
• •
• •
. ._ _ . t •
-aId' i cENTRE ST., POTTSVILLF4 t ‘ t ". .
' I lust received, Water Coolers-Patent -
i ter
Stone Otto.. nuicii cheaper ; Jo ll y tuinbiors, ''f-itih.
rim, to tie over ; Air-tight and. other Fruit ars.
Stone Mead tattles, Poiter and Nine Bottles.: ...-
sivily 2, 1 7G , •-77-iy , • , Itio•Ir •
,C 1
viler: . •