The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, September 03, 1870, Image 1
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XVI I I "' ~ ' - _„, . . . . . . . ... . _ FORTY--SIXTH YEAR. No. 36. COAL TRADE ADVERTISEMENT S. : Port ittchmonb. • Pier ita. 4, Port 'pianos& • CO::, WELD, 'AICE . & O Shippers of the Vast Qualities of • , • sIIAMOKINaud SCACYLKILL ._ • - . • BEI) arui WHITE ASH • • .• - C 0 A .1, 9 - A:GENTS FOR THE 17331.E111tATID • • PINE ENDT ". and other choke . • LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL, CUMBERLAND VEIN BITUMINOUS. s • (2051: Walnut St.. Fhiladelptlty. , liroadlway. New York, 11 Donne Street, Rootun. ''.18.12. I, '7O 1— Pier No. 5, Port Richmond. -HAAS & BRENIZE-R, Miners • ,• and 'Shippers of THE SUPX.RIOR 1 T URK=EY - RUN" COAL, AND BOLE ADEN.T.4 FOB ; _ Lee, Grant .1b Co.'s Celebrated • .1 '' • : P R . I D t, OAf• I • - (mi.: 1 .2113 Walnut • • t ! 'll iso,./%1414", ork. Ft..l, 19, 111 • • • CRSTSER, STICKNEY & WELLINGTON. Miners and Shippers of Coal. . IiNSII6E. from their Burnside Col. at Shrtniolt LEWIS VEIN (Red Asit:l LOCUST MOUNTAIN (White Ash.) ( 39 Trinity 'Building, New Turk. Officer: 203 Walnut Street, Phitadeiphia. j 1 -20 Donne Street. Boston. WITABF - Ne. 6, POUT RICHMOND, 1,1`0„ , . I-- • ', Pier. T. Port Richmond. ' 1$ I • • ~ NEILL & CO., iqiiirpeis of Authrteite S Bituullnous • C OAL AGENTS 6r the sale of the. celelirtited StiENAN ',GAT! CITY, WIGG A N 4t. TIIIEBEL'6 Locust lioun (sin and Ilurnshle Shantekba White Ash Coal. SPOIIN and PEACH.' NIOUNTA IN • H Heel Ali Coal. FROM 11640}iL . N, The lka varieties ot•Le11141 and noylaies cELE BRATEThF NIILI COAL. . . • Also, Sole Agents In the F7astern market 1;r the Atlantic nnil George's ,Creek Co.'s Celebrated MTV NIINOUS COAL. (Plilladfiplata42i7 Walnut Street, 1 inces— New , Vork: Itoopa Trinlty.Balltllnly o , Providence, 27 Custom Henke Streq, [Roatnn, 25 Doane Street. bruayy '22, 9 B—iy • Port Ittfhin9n . A. JOHN ',R. , WHITE SON; . . : . : .Shippers o Coal, ' 0 . -_ • a --:.: - , . ,_ No:1316 WALNVT . ST., PHILADELPHIA:, ' • I L . • , Peptts, for 14torstre'ind Sale of Call t No. -41-f West Thirteenili :Street, Near York. --.. • No„ 'WM ThirdAventte, New 'York. ,- - 'tree Wharf. No: 99, IndlawStreet, Providence. Colby's Wharf; Mt. Washington 'Avenue, neat - Federal Street, Boston. I ,• Tan. 1, 70.-,l— FA NKLIN COAL OE ILYKENS VALLEY. . ... tw.A.Liut,s 'ARE CAUTIONED that there. are but four 'Cullierlits - - , Which Mine this Coal, all . of . which are under the Management of the un'dermlgn ed,. For the year Ina sassi:Kr3o: 4 ; 6: CO., Of l'hilii- 11plithilly, Will be the only Agents for its sale in New England, New York, New de"ey, aridgionfh of Cape Henry, and'HA LL 111A05.,...1: U. of Baltimore for all [s other points: Our •Agenta w II deal' n no other coal ' whatever; and parties wlshin !the pure genuine arti cle must procure it of them. The object of this cant ion Is simply! to enable those Interested to ,buy under dandingl;y. . ',. "Y 'Me Agents and their assistants for the above pltißil, are. as follows: SINNBIZ.SON eh CO.. General ArAts, IV Walnut street, Philadelphia; their New York in Room tS, Trinity Buildings, SOS. G. MOODY, Agent; assisted by 4E1,1811.1. MOSELEY. Agent, ti Summer street, Doettin. • HALL BROM ERB & CO., iGeneral Agents, 5 Post Office avenue, Baltimore, Md..;, represented lit Ilar rlsbUrg, Pa.; by JOSEPH - AI...STERRETT. .Ortit-rs should be:given to el't her ofAlte: above named parties, and to no one else. W M. B. , Ft'iNV LE, General Manager ' of the Suannit Branch It. IlliCo: the Short Mt. Coal Co., and the Lykens Valley loaf Co. jjan. I. 1071. No. 10 rorlieliwund SININICKSON & Sole Agents for the . linle . rind Shlransrit of the .!Tranklin Coal ofr Lykent Valleyr In Sew England, Net ,s iirk,l New Jersey and Sthith of Cape II ury r . - t 32 Wsidnitt St4et, Philadelphia. Officer. OR Trinity Ituilitlng, New 'fork. ZA Summer Strimt, Boston. Jan. I, 7io-1- lil JOSEPI G. MOODY. igent, P. )..Liox tiit-N, New York WALTER, DONAL MINERS AND SD W.l - irrii: AND CO SOLE . .A.CiENTS for the Cr.letirat...l . . !' O L:F.I-i 1 i ki THMAS lO•* ,r COAL (20.3 Walnut Streit, Plillid . elphia: Orticex: t 19 Trinity Building. I'4.* York. • :. 19 Doane Street, .Ito%Oki. r WRA tF,--Pier if Port Richmond. Feb Zi, 'TO . - . 9-tf THOMAS CAIN.' ' MOt:HIS HACKER. Jf:SSE Ml' COOK CAIN, HACKER' & COOK L(iI:UST GAP, LOCUST '!IIOI...STAIN, MACK 11EATIF. .-' - , ALSO, DIiASERS IN OTII EH. FIRS? la r A LITI P-4 or White alid Red , A:-.41t - Coals, No. 214 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, and Wood land Wharviu., Schuylkill River. JOHN 11..STItYKElt, SII ITTEN. AND AGEN+, - - t schuy lld I I linven, Pa. Jan. I. Pier - 19, Port Richmond LOVE,. BOYER - & CO., sH I PPE RS 0 . Anthracite and Bituminous Coals. AGF,'N-Ts Fop. ('l.' BEfiLA VEIN BITU Nil NOUS COA I - ( 334 Walnut St., Phtlimlelphla. Otticen, i 13 rimine .5i,.1.4t0n. t , 27 Cu. Loin douse st., kructdence. 14.1 y Lrell 5 Pier 13 Ntirth Port Richmond. ',JO Hl4 C. $C011: & SONS, • Miners and Shippers of Coal. SOLE AGENTS FOR TUE SALE OF brArra: DALE, LOU CST 3,IOUNTAIN White Ash FRILNKJAIS' • Deep Red Art'. . . . . Vroin thelmanio yeinii and similar in all revects An H the LYNENS VAI.A.EY Caul. . ,• • FRANK .GcivEN sit.ammusßed Nob. . • • • I PIIILAIJELPHIA- 4 -No. Walnut ()Rides: ?-110STON—\o.. 19 Donne !it. I NEW TORK-1 I 1 Jilionetway." Chamber lain & French, Agents. Jan I, '79 " , '‘ t[ITD • - . ‘ DAY , & C 0., . • Miners 'B, Shippers,of Coal • • f201P.4 Walnut St:, Philadelphia. Offices: ill Broadway, (Trinity V.. k 7 Donne Street, Boston. • ,• . • Sole Aegis for tile' sale . of the following celebrated . ! Coals: , • ! MARLED - HI LEHIGH COAL, (.10.'S HICKORY AND DRAPER ! • COMA,'and the EXCELSIOR ,COAL C 0.1.3 SHAMOKIN CoAL. sulk.k.ksiw„A„,.}.,„ Pier No. IR Pt. illehmotid. k PterNo.:3Eltuarthpl, N. J. Jars. 1, i 0 - 'Pier No. 111.. Port - Itirhasoad. - • JOHN 'ROMMEL, JR & BROTHER. . ,t , SOLE AGENT.4,'IOII. .. - Tile Fiverße and' well known RILL a tusetS. White Auk.. The Superior HENRI' MAT, bulki frre-buralag Pink Alb. The Ce.eUrateil.l3.llSlEL scEits-Tyat Deep fle•lAxh BROAD TOP SI.III.BITURIS '" ' oes. : ft..6O7EN Wll4 l ll LEHlcilit at . ElLT,abethport. - 1.: .1. I 205 slant St.. hllatia. 1. .. T • f °Mee*: '1- 21 boane Street,' .ten. i .iltuoin 35. Tripity i ~, ulitling.'Zivr York. (iF.Nrltiit AGENSAMUKI "1 , . itt: i :0, worsm /41 .by T. S. liltOW.'s unif E. P. VIII. M. March ti, ' )-- (1 V - All' DUSEN BROTHER &CO - ., - • - jitters anti ShlpPenr of r ‘..---• • cl .0 A.— IA S• • - , , . ... Old Camputy's Lehigh, Locust illanataJa, Loesgt Gap, i ; • 1 Wllheaharre. - Ltklgiq ma a °lite - WHITE AND' RED [ASH ,COALS t I Pt. 141elynond, I - su t rt.! tio'W It oe, vg4: 1 Ellzabe hport, , . '2; Jersey (lily. - .I . !. • (MI Walnut Street, Itlplaulelplna. i orriflcii. : 1),111 , Broadway, New It ork. • ~- 5 Doane tit... Boston; Jan 4, "70'-1... •,. a, 3, DOVE '.l' . 1 1 (WM. KENDRICK. 1 1 DO7Y & ICENDEtICK, , „ , - • . )I? erg 4114 Shippers itf the relebratta . . 1 . . Shaft or Rainbol4 and Keystonei "Wharf No. 21 Port Rieteitend. • • • • • llPl.Dadelphle-22.111131xit Street. Pottevillp—Centre 'Street. Offices: Boston—No. 17 'Demote St, Jas. MI. Reed. Agent: . I . IWabahlagtoe, Jose*, Arent. •v To , •1 , , • 9-tt, lIM ' !'ebnis AUDENRIED. NORTON & CO., Miners and Shippers. of " FIRST 'CLASS COAL, LOCUST MOUNTAEN:. " • From our two large andaelebrated Collieries , "RIZEL DELL," C. F. NORTON & CO !TON►VILA►.III, " • GOODRIDGE & ArDENRIED Loankintr. Free Burning Red Ash, and Splendid Preparation CCLK srr -co LLIERY Owen, Long & Co MIDDLE CREEK COLLIERY, C. Colkett, Prest ENTERPRISE COLLIERY, T. Bauragardaer, Prest. Locust Mountain and Lorberry, also via Schuylkill Canal, to all points accessible by boats.. (3211 Walitut Street, Philadelphia. Diners:. 111 Broadway, 'New York. 1. 27 Doane Street, Boaton, J. T. AUBE:CRIED. CHAS. 11. :NORTON, Jan. 1, '7O. 'Pier No, 11, Pt. Richmond. pNYDER & SHOEMAKER, Siiippeia and Dealerm in MULE AOI4TS . 1 , 014 S.'SYDLICS WLL4 . K NOFIN - PINEJOREST - COAL ' ...,,-... '..1; AVAI....N i eT .ST. . P.lll l / 4 g . 5- 1, ...1,p Pigs:, ' ' )EH.. 'Jan I . 14 ..., . . - ' • rter Na.l3 Port Richmond. - , GEtn - wrii. itxrrti ER, ti, P. Gottxx . , , , r, 11. r.urLir. : .- Nr. REIVLIF,I; GORDON' &' CO., Locust Mountain, Mammoth Red -Ash, - Lorbeiry, and TOWER CITY; LYKENS VALLEY COALS - (3'29 *alma. Street, Philadelphia. 0111c , es; 111 Broadway. (Room No. a) New Tor 1(. 27 Ikattie Street, (Room No. 3), Rostov!. march 26. '7O .1:- I BORDA I 'KELLER . &• NUTTING] Miners and Shippers of Coal,. REST LEIIIGB cirtEr..;•wo'cli),l TAYrA.g.FA sii.krt, . it ka,N-ESDALE. . . . ECK BUT' LOBBERRY " ' NORTH FRANKLIN REIT ASII, ~., 'MACK HEATH, . . . • MO RU N LOCUST MT.. ' •• ' " GARRETSON, (i IRARDVI MAL ) 42 1 ,4 Kilby St., Boston. • Maces : 1.: Mons 64 Trlnity.BnlMlng. N. T. j 327. Walnut Street, rhilndelphla, . • . I Pier .17 1 ' - . . - t.. BORDA, WELLER a•Virrruth. -,.. .. •Is:ORTII FRANKLIN 'WHITE ASH. • Aprll2l. 'O9. - . „ _. l— 7 : • ;;; , • . • • fittu 1 .• ,• • .w . , Join: WM.-HEISSENBUTTEL &• CO ; • •,..- INboleaa . le bade?* - ; • Schuy Lehigh Cumberlan d 0 1 6 / -- 1.4 TRIATi'.-RUILDING, 'BROADWAY; `Rood 8I O.' Box. 7,401'J, NEW YORK. . - Sole Al , enta for New' York and Vlelnlty for the Kale of LEE. GRANT et CO.'S PLANK Rl6GE,tral, HAAS 4; TURK.E.t RUN COALS. march 13-1 y DAVIDSON, YOUNG Br, - 00. 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LOCUST MOUNTAIN, SHAMOKIN, LEHIGH, CUMBERLAND. SCRANTON WILL LSBARRE ROOM Ko. 16, TRINITY BUILBING, NEW YOII.K. i WM. M. DAVIDSON, formerly of Tyler & Co. • SAM' L J. YOUNG , formerly of Cold AAell, Gordon & ROBERT K. BUCKMAN. Jon 15. . „ . 3-ly & HOEIOKEiL".'' VAN 'WICKT-P. Sz STOUT, 4 - 'NEILS AND AM - PPE:RS OF THE Celebrated "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coals, Prom the Flitereale and the Stout Collieries, near Hazleton, Pa. .Delleered direct from mines on board Vessels at Pr..loll:VioN, Honotttirr, and .icKw • . . 1 . 44 ilc 48 Trinity Building. Mines: 1114 'Broadway. New 'fork: , t • (Temporary at 1H Broadway.) -:' _May 141, '4lS_ 3)— SON &. CO., PPERS OF 11:111I3 AS. I-I CALDWfLL, CO N ANT W ISTON, • NO. 111 BROADWAY,. NEW YORK. (Rooms 35 and 36 'Trinity Building.) L. WIIOLENALE DEALEIIN IN WILKEsBARRE. , PITTSTON, RED ASH, „. MAIII-7•.:0Y, SCRA.NTON, ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN, CUMBERI4ND, tilloAD TOP, ETC.. • COALS ' 9, - COLE - AGENTS for New York and the North of the celebrated COUNCIL RIDGE FREE BURN INO LEHIGH COAL. TIIE PRIMROSE., THE POWELTON Seltil-bithintnotts and other ttrit-rate Colltertm JAMES W. rALDwELL. B. O')NANT, WALTER WESTON. April 3, 'tift OFFICE OF THE NIAGARA -ELEVAT INCI CO., A COMMERCIAL BLOCK., Hum to, N. Y. THE NIAGARA ELEVATING CO.,i having a large surplus of Lot and Dockage, will be prepared at thd opening of navigation to receive from the Erie Railway, Canal, or Lake, any quantity. of COAL for storage or transhipment to any place Eiud by Canal or west by the Lakes, upon as favorable terms assay partlea in Buffalo. Their lot foi well located for a general city busineas. CYROB CLARKE, Viced'residdnt. NOTlCE.—Manufnetnren , and ustlis 01 Steam Pumps, are hereby cautioned against the mant facture, cale,- or use or any Pumps that ate an In , : fringement on Allison's Phtent, dated September 21; 1887, as they will be prosecuted to the lull eztenl of the Jaw. • • I " I lave already commenced suit against severa par. ,lies,•and will prosecute all other infringers. Port Carbon, April 8, 'IRA. HORT-ALLISON. Parties in want of Pumpscsiube supplied at reason hie pric& ~ by the undersianed. , ALLISON & BA:;;NAN, Franklin rou Works, Port Carbon, Pa. Jan. 1.1•0 . • fort Nictimonb. Pler N0..17, Port Richmond.' SHAMOKLV. c. F. .tiortrox, R. GORRELL; COAL, - I . 111 B o uiLui . Ni; V. IL 81.1013261AKE1L . ' = Pier 14,,Soutb COALS., C COAL COAL. 14b.rcli 27, Mining A NEW BELF-OILING CAB 'WHEEL for .1 - I,safNE.s, . 4 t c., made at the... • JALAPPA FOtTNORY,. By BOWENh MOM., Sole 3ltintipwturcri4. oft4Siiingli, Blinding Hnnt Ware, Leiive oraeni with . H. K. WESTON,. \0.9 E.lst Norwegian SC, Pottsville: 2i:•-•3 -Msiy V, '7O Rq 0.1 6 / 1 1 SECTIONAL, WROWT IRON SAFETY BOILERS.‘ , ROOTS IMPROVED TRUNK ENGINES, tifatloaary, Portable mot Paine-. . Double Piston Square Hoisting-Engines, Hoist ing Machinery for Coal Shafts, Sloping, Grist Mille, Stores, &c., &el • • On. of these Holsters ettt be seen running tinily at HILL & HARRIS' „Colliery, Afahanoy, Crty. Psi.. . • PARTICULAR ATP - ENTI9N 1W INVITED TO the Bolger, which ; ham no equal. No dead points —havlnd two pistons in one cylinder either end of width is taking hill Maim . when the other is passing centre. It reqoiree nb friction straps, clutches or brakes of any kind. Started, reverfted.or stopped instantly, And at any. point of.revolutiOn„l!y the simple movement of a single lever. Raving no keys, gibs, set screws, or, other adjustable ports, wbich in other holster' require the knowledge and constant care of an experienced engineer, ran be put' in the hands of the most Inexperienced persona. All its working parts are enclosed In .the case or cYlinder, and are thus protected from • breakage, Ore effects of dust, dirt, and rust or weather. Its extreme light ness, compactness Juni rapid speed, highly isommend it for this use. Orders received for the manufacturer by the undersigned, who will also furnish descriptive catalogues, prior lists, dra w I no, estimate*, and other. information. NATHANIEL G Haliaiiity City, Pa . A. H. CHURCH. Denville Ps. Mar 2A ..tit.-18.: • . . CH.A.B. H. HARRISON, • No. I= MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA GZ2t ERA L AfiiXT The tiCAI.A.43 Made under theme patents differ. from all others. completely doing away with ail long levers, - check rodg; and friction on the knife edges, thereby inswing an accurate, sensitive andilnra - blo scale. N. 8.--Bend for illustrated catalogue. Also, Agent for Weston's Patent Defferential Pully Block. August 13. 10-23-3 m . . • AL d li le f i nlirDES of Darden Tools can be bad at re- MON HOOVER'S Tin. St ove and B= i L 'iltnisbing Depot, • No, iii Centr et Ap reet. ril 10, 170 Pottsville, Pa. ' , • ‘. • ) . !_i_..g . , , ITitaacipl~ia, &c, - .,THOMAS C. PARRISH; saneecs ASD D4IXR 13 -Lehigh, Schuylkill ulul:Bituminoilk C aA_ Conalgnmentii on Cbmmlaaloagnlicltedund taken on favorable Terms, , . - 4tece--541. *alma Bt., ilillaielptlia. ,lap.l. 69 • • • • LEWIS .& - ALICINS, • 111.. USERIIA24k!fri LPPZRS CAMMIAN MOUNTA 1:4 • - 0 - A_ • ,Oftlee 108 Walnut Street, l‘hiladelphLi. ,junet, •• 110H/LADA., JUKE 7TH, 1870.-7 A. Ca-Partner altlp has been.thia day formed :between the un dersigned, for't he-purpose of 31iN t NG and SnIFPLICO LYKENS VALLEY COAL - • ••• From the "LA:Di FRANKLIN 173LLIKRY, Northumberland County,. under the firm name of SMITH ; &.CO., d— • • • 2tlN,wAusarrlit.,!Phiwa., uud or &NI EROS., REESE &CO Shanyikiu (11. SMITH.. WM& ES nit Zs. FRANX sierru, • = .1 Xs. A. Bllll.l'. 2 L . J. RA'APKII.IIENUY'IIOI.7OIINbiIt. JOllla K. 1101:131VICR, Juxie:ll, '7O • • or: EttsT:FßAtiKu LoN RBERRV VEIN COAL. 4YEAST FRANKLIN LORBERiIY COAX., ta now bold exclumicely by Sir see. REIT LI ER, 'CIORLON 1 CQ., Natio are my - suld AgOnfi4. Parties ordering from themalwnya depend upon get ting a pure article, t i - - • • No. lt4i Walnut OFFICES: No. ill BrOall Way, REPOiII 8, Nei , : York. t . No. 3i Doaiie •,treet, Room 3, BmitoL. . Jnn '139-- 7 1- - ••• • . ,HENRY 1-IEII,. jilitmin4ton, OFFICE THE VibceivAQllM COMP, ANY, No. 500, and ..5t4 W. Front ,st., I)ELAWAItEI, • WeaTe howlirepqred to furnish the - le, Deal ers arid Consumers with our • ' • . Celebrated Coai;n the ";fdoca . nuqae," .kud those interested aHll flail it thel 'advantage' and Pctusonly to consult thl contiguity before :nuking their yearly (snit raets or, engaging eargbes. lupilig point for the Weetern market, Erle. Southern dt Havre decea. •'• " Eastern • ii 4 Wllnil - ton. N. • N H.--.),Wt). the clover Hill Rail Road and . - Hu tntunous Coal Co.'s Coals, tor lhu mantifacture of gas, (17 candles /6M e. leld • ; eolui tirvt toallty imsl peteentawl of task, rmall. 'Slay .Sc4u4lititt fouhtti. .• • E 5... J. 6oNN _rattler at(l3:lllpper of the Celebrated • < LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL poTTs VILLE, ,Stzlit YLK ILL CO.; Jun I. mi. • - I. I- Tor'S - a(t gni) it() ct. BENT.—STORE ROOM with dwelling (ached, to l'hotowm's Row, o market street, atiOve Centr,e. Poe-silott givetr-intntedlalety. For terrns'applei to - - ~ • ••• CT, TlitiMptioN, July 30, '7ll-31-t FplatOß BA-14 • 1 4 -1 pair Breaker Rollß, N tri. with bed es, die,: 6 ft. hohtt trig drums; 4 ft. screen, It lougt counteesereens, shute . gates, shute bars, dust ers stack and rate., and -a lot 'Of tuine machinery; will be sold c Apply ' • . • ;JOHN PIEBIII'S Coal Yard,;• • June 4, 'l6-2lr- - tr ' • Coal St., Pottsv.ille. • — • FOB, LEALSE.—The . valuable tract of coal Land . know') as Robb& WlneUrener Tract,' lute ...Mil ford, situated in Blythe and Schuylkill Townships, and containing .about acres, ofreriNltor lease upon reasonable terms. Apply to "' • F; B. IotAf•rNAN, Ageut, 'Feb 2.7. •. Pottsville or Port!Carlxln, SKATE:! ELATE!!! . , The undersigned has alwaya on' hand a • large lot. of , ItCILWIZ:(3 SLATE, of all NIZCH, 'lllld of. the hest quality. which lie will 'sell at the cheapest prices: The sfate can be delivered. by Railroad or Canal. Apply to W.M. KAIMACII, Agent. ...- Hamburg; lierks.Co., :ea. - May, V-, 'lib . 'I 7.:2-6111 . . WM TARSIRARLRPROPERTY FOB SALE. The splendid residence, lately oe-Cupled TUGS. ti, ISANCittlf.'T, in Ashland, Pa., I/welling, Office, Circe° and lceMohses, Stable, Hot Het he. The dwelling Is comparatively new, And liiwdtll the modern conveniences. Pr4ee low and terms easy. A pply to HENRY C. itCrks.}.7l,, • . Real Estate Agent; is Siallantongo 'May lA, 70-11—tt U 0 R LEAE—AGRICUL PARK AND HOTEL.—The undersigned' officers of the : Seivay Mill County Park Association will receive proposals for a Five Vears' Lease of the . hotel and Park: Rents• ptryahle quarterly In advauce„ Posses . slon.given.on the Ist day of April; ism L: WOME1. 1 41)011.F, Prest. F. B. KA.Eacitaa, s Seley. Feb 5, lo • I ti-tr FOB' BALE.—One double Breaker fur 111 Red Ash Colliery all Complete and ak good as new : with 40 horse engine, bolters, hoisting gearing . fir plane, . . One I^ ft. Fan, 8 horse engine and boilerB, one:Ave ton hay genie. • . Sz . . ;cii tr.,o feet holing rods with bits, e., all in mplcte order. - • . . _Tian, a set 'of hoisting gearing 11 Ir!slope, pipes and other articles. Apply to C. M. 1111.4,, Agent, , ' 14.1 Centre street, Pottsville. Angust 6. '7O-32-tt 136,ew-tf CTEAM ENGINE AND BOILERS POR ..3 SALE.—A very heavy nO HOlttiF, ENGINE, in in.-ey 'Wilder. 3 ft. stroke, will make' 60 revolution per minute, 7 ton tly wheel, governor, pump, ac., ns good working order. Also. 4 Cylinder Ilpilers. 30 feet long. :.) in. diame ter, tire front nearly new. grate, bars, ,i.e.- l'riee s!l:il I. Gouti C 'al will be taken in o:seliatige. tall oft or 'address , . . - ill:lilt k CO.. . . .. • • St.r:i,.::,lltir,l„,.l.:ineaNtt•r C , ...'l'cliiia . A Ilguht ti, '71.)--3'...-1)11 t . ~ . - - 17OR BALE.—A Farm of '2OO acres with improve .L ments and stock, si Mate on the llhe of the Scluuyl-• kill and Susquehanna Railroad, 11 tulles from Potts ville. 40 acres of the land are under cultivatiou,'n. acres are covered with chestnut sprouts of 16 years. growth, which would make excellent prop tinter. Rem are eovercd with hen timber. The tinprnve merits consist- of a substantial house a new !Avis& Barn, omit houses ; and a new saw Mill with water pow er.,, Stock consists of horses, cow's, grain; hay, and If ming implements. The price asked can be real . sued from the timber alone. Ternni easy. Apply to JOHN M. 8 !IBA FF.II, Esterly's .11u Ming, Pottsville, or to FEttfil:B FA itquilAß No. PCeOntre street, IPottsvAlle. August 7, '66---4-tf COAL. rPOR BALE-THE FOLLOWnit; •. t - . MININU MACIIINEB.Y. • 4 • , . 1 One Five Ton Locomotive, sultalde for 4-foot [magi; Iread, bias - been used' for. conveying coal and coal dirt 'OA the, minas, and ts to good Drier. Alan--Two Horizontal Pumping Engines, I:-inch pyililer,4 feet stroke, with gearing and bobs. and wo lifts of pumps 11.10 yards each, with 14-I itch plun gers. 10 feet stroke, and two illts of inflow', 60 yards each, ono IS-Inch, the other I tidtich tplungar. etch 7 !feet stroke.f; i Anwt--Ontr Winding Engine,.l2:ineth cylinder, 4-feet stroke, wit!) drum-gearing, and?others complete. Also-Fa u; sets Breaker Machinery. Also-100.11tree-ton Slope Wagons, heavily - ironed For four feet track.' I Also , -One lti met Fan and Engine, with tubular }caller couiplete.t ... The above machinery has wen In service, hut is In good, working order. - . . ' . . UEO. W. SNYDER, Pottsville, Pa. . Jail 9, ',Xi-C-1 f . - . ,- . . ~......__,..,,, ... ! ' : ..441,... „.... 1 1 • : I , ' )! - - - .-,... 1 1 ll . • • .00 ~_.........__ .a,..^.^ .e= i klip ' '.. 41 .0- 1 ;k 411111 ' `,. . ali.laißlililkieliWill. • • .., !MN . • . 8100 000. C F'ONrEt' OF - MiN.IIBO MA , , HIN EMI of all ninety horse englne, - 3) In. ft. stroke, 19 ft. 11v wheel; shaft, 14 in. diamf:• -pump shaft la in. dism.xll ft. long; pump wheefli ft. dlam. lei in. on the face, 4 M. pitch, with bobs and connecting rods, has been used to run a 30 1 sixty honie engine, 18 in; bore. 6 ft. stroke, 19 ft. fly wheel, With pump wheel shafts and MI counec (lons:- 1 drum 10 ft. &aro., with wi•ought trots shaft,- 1 'sixty - horse' _engine,' 14 • 'inch' bori.:* 4 feet stroke, with- he4vy fly wheel, also with pulpit wheel, 9 ft. diem.: 12 In. on the face, 4 in. pitch; drum 10 ft: diem., wmught iron shaft s ;-4 bolleficntaldhain. .X..% ft, long, with all conpeetiomiand with all Pump ing connections. . • 1 large double breaker with 30 horse engihr. • twenty horse engine With drum and alliconnea :lions for a long dirt plane; 1 set of heavy cfine gear ing, with pushing trucks and wire rope. 6.3 heavy drift cars, 46 in. gtptge. 3 large ssial cars, same gauge as the P. is it. R. lg Several large dump trucks. 2001 feet wire rope, different sires, iA, large lot of blacksmith tools,:anvii,S. •erses„ ttellovts ote. A large lot of second hand belting various sties. . 4 tons of second h and. hook solkes. 3,Stlons Of second' hand Taall from 22 lb. to 42 IM per yard. 7 second hand injectors. 210 yds. 16 in. column pipe 100yds. 30 i n column pipe; . 1 3) In. pole pum p 2 1141 n. pole pumps.- locomotiv4y4 drivers, suitable forshiftink dirs. or on an iron ore hank. Also, the wood work of 2 breakers, surrounding ah sls, blacksmith and car penter shops. One blowing tub suitable for large furnace. 1 60-horse sh stke engine. • I fifty horse engine. • 2 thirty " • twenty four ;" • 1 ten' " Isirtable en., 4 Boilers,lo 1m x. 21 ft. . 4 " • 301 n. x. 20 ft. . 81 in..' 30 ft. 1. "- AOBoft. " . In. x 18 ft. • 221 in. ' - 2 • ."" x 6 ft. , I " 12-horse, tubular. 1 upright flue boiler. 131rds3)ln.column pipe IL" lain. •• • • - =Yds. li In. col. pipe. wit h . bolts and riniPk. 40 yds. 121 n. column pipe 111 " 10 ,• " " 40 , dd id / ,:..f 1 ln. pipes: 13 iii. pole pump. • 1 16 " . 4 112 66 ad 18 " " 1 14 la. lift pinup!? ftstroii 10 small lift and Prue pumps. . At theitschlnirylfej Nerr.l.3,llF-18-tr`-:: s' ' • POTTSVILLE, ' SATURDAY" MOFINIrth, RU LAIIBENSTEIN it CO., bittmeasora to. John ILADielinr. Manuflot r,or of 'Coit Screens, 'Of the Latesti end' Most Approved Styles. Second-hand tier pe'na anti ESegmenta alwaYa on . almQ- We respootnallysolioiviiiinftinuanoe of the patron age heretofcrte so liberally bestowed. • E...4.ILTSViSTEIN cltallmatSt., rear of EaterVa Hardware Moro i _ Jan 1, 70-1- • Pottsville, ra. sausaz Bop AND Wlltrilint*ENS . 14t.TBEN5TEIN, - • --lg. A NeI'ACTI:EZR • • SQUARE 1300 7 AND WIRE SCREEN& -• : - • FATES ID FEI3III.7ARY; 4, Ifs. ; ItINERgsviW,F, - BcHUYLE:II4 , CO., PA. TILE SQUARErROD SCREENS, ON ACCOUNTS of their superiOCatrength and durability,. are, preferred to'all others wherever tried. Screen Wta, , all Rises, alwaysort hand. Order*, promptly filled at moderate prices: I • Map '4, 110.-V, AM. Rom:Brow; a co. . • (SUOgeitgOr to W. U. Mutzer,) xarronrios, .a.Almracrtrixios driAritailizit3 or BlWary, Chnrch,lßoelety. T heatrical Goods, Banners, Badses, ay.,- • No. 13111ortii Third Street , lieember 4.,18e0 • . J9SEril WALTON, it. CO, ;CABINET .11,i:franao.113 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. -Our-establishment la one Of the oldest In Philadel• I,titita,titnd from loag experienee, and superior facill !Des we are prepared to furnish good work at reason labia prices. We man ufactu fins furniture. and also medium 'priced fiirnlture n superior quality.. A large stock 'of furniture. al ssa3),s on band. -Goods made' tOcirder.. Countese, Debk !Work' and (Mice Furniture for Banks., Offices snit Stores made to• ordet. ;Wit WALTON, .I.IW,LIPP.INCOTT, .108.*LARlOTT. Feb 12. '71.1 ' • 'with 'r a, WIRE ODI.IDS, foe Store Fronts, Factories, Heavy. Crimped Wire 'Cloth: for cleaning ores, anal,_ Ac. Heavy for ;Clotho and Coal Screens:. ,Wee Webbing for sheep and poultry yards. Pape takers' \Stints, Brass and. icon Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted Fiercer's, Ornamen tal Wire Work. }Very information by,adclrelising he mahufacturen4 l • • M. WALRER 4. SONS, No. j I North 6th Street, •philadelphtu. Feb 111L70 ' is • 7-Iy , .. it.AxacurbsTurx,T,Rrtr.LADA.,, is the cheapest and best place tod.iwy Choice Tobat:- et) and Cigars by the. beg. ,• • j;lionitorNavy, and Jones ee. Suns. Tol ineco; always t. On hand at low rates.. • • • •-• Meerschaum Pipes, Briar; Er•ench, and other 4 4ty les , ean'be had here to bu towers,' either wholesale or retail.' • _JOHN .LEES,' Wholesale and Ifeta Jobbintelf rinse, and Manci met urer of Cigars, 114 :" Alt IiET SW., pill latlerja. July Di, ••lIT,TIAiItERGEII'S I'L.VVoRIN(; - EXTBArTiii • v - 6 Vat ranted tainafr to Any -made. Are prepared from the situ • , your Grooe; or for TVltibc,lrjer'x Ertirget. , . BAHLOW'S INDIGO 1.11.,11F.; is Without•donbt, the bekt 'article in the Market.' lf,will.eMor more stater than lour times the sumo weight of indigo..-The only genuine is that put nj3 at ALFRED WILTDER OEIteitDrug s_itoreg'iltberger's and thirlow's name. on Labels all oth counterfeit. For sale by Most Orocers and Druggists.. Wnangarimes I.sfemiduL6 I rig will be Mond usuperior article. Al waysOn hand at reasonable prltts. Pure firoutid Spletv. entlitie Medicines Chamois, Skins, Tapioca, S:agn, 'At , titles In the Drug Ilse, at 4LFItEI WILLTBEItGEWSDrug Store,. (. No, 2is North Second St., Flidtvielobise . June I, 7n--*ZI-61"i .7 • DAN/ED M. 4 , ,A.RCHER: . - FURNITURE WAREROGMS' 236-and 208 south Second !Herr, ' PHILADELPIIIA.; 1 .• The under-limed having greatlAnaciel %I facilities to the addition of the lurgefour•etory building ad iolnlnF former place_ of - tininess, offers great In ducements to all purchaseri of hirnitnreto glvenim a call. He is confident of being able e• - plesse all who may favor him with their cu6toni,ind hiker perienee of twenty years ln.bnsiueaA is a guarantee :of his ahility . to turn out the beztiorwork. IlePer• *malty supervises his large workshops, and any ar ticle not on hand mill be made to orderat the lowest terms. A large stock of all- kinds of FITENITCRE eoustantly on hand. /C ARCHER tbept. 9. 69 • ' . 11- 7—lydW UN /ON. SAMS. On offering tho above brand Jo the attention of consumers the present sergion, we beg leave to state, that' , we have made very great hnprovements In thetreurlng during' the past Winter,. and have no ty-sltaney tit saying, they are the best liarn't. e/lant. They•are selected from strictly cods fed Hogs, tr ed M very - nicely so as tom ! ake as little waste Went- Ong as s posslble, and the ingredients used ,In curing - are the vbry ntteßt to be had: 'the Mims are all as- Orted before pickling aLiul eaelf , xlze cured by itself_ t as to enable us to keep in plekfeJusb•long enough: - to cure and not be too salt a great , fault with most Hams. We also cure in Houses all summer and c furnish the Hams at all times cut from Bogs' that were alive within ti weeks of the' ime the Hams' are delivered wbfeh is a great advantage one vil.'raLessoil by very few dealers: We feel satisfied a trial will insbre satisfactinu. Sone gertuine unless branded. SOU' <wily ,bv ' • A. 1“. CHHESERROUGIf & CO„ . Pork Packers, Ni'. 10'S. Delaware Avenue April':U 1 A.DELY IA , • • N W D VIND44, ECORATI..OIO. • , . i-! - E A V pi: , • ~ , . .. 1 SN.TIN I).‘ M . .tSK, SILK, AND SILK & .\\ , .l4)L . 1.7, -- z A. Illt 1,(2:5, i •. WINDOW SHADES, N ALL THE NEWE;ST_TINTS., • ;• MUSSES, HAIR, 'tec. c fOr Railroad Supplies, • ' 14,10 ) 000 -GUAJIANTEE. • . pucK LEA - 1) ezeciri all other ',teal ' , Ist. For its Unrivaled Whiteness. • For its' Unequalisl Durability. :kl. For itaisirikurpaysed Covering Pripet ty. Lastly for Its Economy. - It costs less doquitlit with . thick Lead tljan any other White Li:ad, extant, The same weight covers Mere Surface, o inure Titinihte, arid makes. Whiter nt , is the (...neamist and Best. • •$lO,OOO GUARANTEE.. p. I;I_7CK. ZINC- Excels all ottr_Zines. 11. h d. For its ljnequalist 1, 0. For 111 I.7nriyalett Wtittenelia.' 30.. For its rustirinssed Coverinit Prtyrierty.' , • 11 Lastly, for Its Great Economy, ; 1- ' belilz the Cheapest Handsomest, and 10)4Tiartilile Al'Fttb PlO4llll tit) , world. , • B!'Y ()NIX BE'C'K .I, ( EAD AND I~iICK ' - ZINC4 . TV." IT .AND BE CONVINCE!). tons Of chaps various • razes. 1 10 feet hoisting drum, with bolts and lag ging% complete. 1 8 feet hoisting dram. 13 ". 1 t . • I stack 5 ft alas ,10 ft ItTg 1 stark 34 In.s 111 " - 1 .". 30 in.z3o " " 3 ft.580' , ,,,t 10 tons splice plates, 10 ft. long, 41n Lot of pump stubs. I new l 2 ft exhausting fan 300 ft new k second-hond rd ware rope. 000 ft 2 Vi c e s tae pipe. • NM" 1 " • -Lot of 4 In, hautboy pipe. Putnp o f wheels and blocks of varion6 BlWA :new bonen". 34 in; &am. ;with live fronts f 414 all ' connections. , I 1 small foot lathe. Also, always on band 1 In. Ina ae) rorven- Waling at , • Woes,. an o w n dual raartutotam • JAB= SPARS& . , 4 a I,.Scrano, Phitabtipbia .lautrtisemnits'. LA R.E Q J.J Nl' p Shades of.(blurs, the lettetit 1 ,- ' I} WRF E. ALAVN I , IMASoNIC lIALL, 719.01ESTNIIT `STREET, , . PHILAIiELPHIA. E,D) 7, '7O Sqf , i,l 7 llol ia G rik7,7 ranked hy the Marittfaeturera . it 111 7 CK. cow AoE - COLORS, " ' . I'Yersared expressly for Painting '. ,' ' • CI" fa; t es., On t-Itulld ingi; of erPry description. Idioms, Ad. Thirty-11er different colors. Durable, Cheap, Uniform, and likantirel shades. . . . Sample cards sent by midi it 'desired. Jr4' ... .. f!eftlers' °niers will be promptirexerate4 by . , the manufacturers.' • t' tqt.FINCIr. ItICHARIkbt CO.: N.W. W. Car. Tenthand Market Streets, Phtledelphla lan 2'2.'71 , ; '': ~ , , 1-le ' 13oots, -shots; 4c. dH,11.8. W. DENGL94 AGENT; BQOT, SHOE, FIAT AND CAP s'l'9ltE , . '- CHlCSVcrTSratri. Cal:ago:4A.: '. . . - - ~. . flool.g. Shotv, liata and Cabs, In (Great valiety;orni• inaptly on hand. Particular al: radian paidlo Cagovi WOrk... REPAIRING doneneatts on abort florin°. Feb: It, •70-30,17-13 . , . . .. . T U.PORTAWr.• • j-c NEW YORK' IiOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM is now In full operation. and the attention of the ladies of Pottsville is especially invited to.tise large atOk now in store and arriving daily of all the driest claim of goods, suitable for ladies' wear, and adapted to:this market. Mr. exits° has made. : a !specialty of this branch of business, and given his particular at tention to securing the beat line of wetwever briought to the city. • . z,s Every attention will be paid t o enstoznent, and a invitationis extralled to tll. 1121 :no tiOBTON..X&BIZ & C. 0,1 • -.._ _.‘ Successors to H. H. CrsossETT, . , _ I! s.tart:YACIVILIISS Or ALL. 88APE8 OF, ! IN-o. 1 FIiR„E BIIICK. F r Primate:l,lolln* Mills, Forges. Steel. Works, Attre.Kilos. Cupola nitnacea. BLOCKS and , 1 31:1 4 . ,1 3. for Blast Furnaces; OAR Works, Mal. 1 .able Iron Works, Baker's oYetis, CirPOO' . - Nousen, &c. Store Heater and Range ! • Motu& Cylinders, &a. of eery 1 dear' iiption taorder. • - rireCay, Kpoll n, Fire Sand, Fire Ceinent, In Bnlk or Barrel. • 1 , scsoams : ,- • . ' 1 • *tooth of Woodb e Creek, N. J.-,lnd Peekskill, .N; Y. P. O. Address, h AMbOy. IS, J., or Peel/x -.lOn. N. Y. . 0 April 21,-”lo—IT-lyt - -,- -- - 7 - -- ----. TVIDIA.II POWDZEt 3CILLS.--fi order& for 1.1 the above POWDellt. can be left at the afire, M. Centre street. with ROhlgarc 11.;HEATI1; or with WALLACE P. RYON, : Ep., at... the Pennsylvania Nstional Hank, and Will be p_romptig attended to. Ju ne le 10‘21.—Ttr THOMAS Nunisx a co. CiptUPERIOR FiVY COLT , alirsys_ op hand Orders left at the es of C. K. tinCentr• "wee., will be prom , attended to. May2 o . se • I 113r4.1 liii frHECTIC AND 8111131114111811 illiaPi.—The W . ar. den of th e Countir Prison has a large ass to t, orshipertor Check and Seamless Boa on harillo )IXNEES• BOOTS AHD SHOES, which he othwsibrt• at the Prison. &s low prices, for cub. •Higteest cosh prices , paid Cl t srpes Eqpt. ' • Tam 9D, ISAAC WAER. illll . ~ - I.7lROlii, " 111 e Land East of the kWh and ..12 .Westof the *con," We take this heautl . ful. picture of the 'dawn :: . . . ~ . Theft the Moon sank, the sun( grew:Pole* '• - And the find dtown' E art to show the veli • . , - The.nightheal ro zwn irom tree to tree. ' • - • A light Wind A thrush drew be ad front under wing, . ' . And through t4e cold dawn 'gen to sing. Athlone biotin about him woke . - The 'Must *is or the feathery folk; ' Long ere t o !hitt gleant of the sun.", • And' non aer4"s theiongilawit's grey • The climb! g ettu's tint level ray - Long cli mb! , yell sodden when' it mute. Over the t ornh , lng gm= did flame '. , And made he mid alive once More. • - -.This' vi'vid. 'ins ' lielty Is a marked eliar.w- . • 1 teristie' Of al hi • descriptions of ..11ature. . As a conipat ion picture take this •• frcini "...eontiuS an( ry 4 iptle," ',of nightfall on-the ,sea shore.: • . - .. . . . . fie wa kod toesi do the Suluntef sea - ''-' • • .Ae thus I *spoke, at eventide; • • Aerosathp waits of waters wide -• , The dead pup's, light a -wonder east, ~ p,. That inte!gm inight faded fast; . • - , • And everts.; shadoyes fell. - • ' More.formless rew the unbreaking sw'ell t i irg ' 1 • Far. Out Mies; more 'triage and white,. • 1 . : • Moro vocal through the hushing night, -. The narn w litle of changing form, ..., !,'. 'that 'tag t the eland and flehes'.hprue, . • ''• • : 'Writhed, .riv onward by the ti,de." .i . ' One sno re e*trac we tuust Bice Of his still ~ . life Itinascspe beau. ies;aLso frou.i_wThe Land ~ - to .T.;itSt of the :jun air-WeSt of the•lfoon 1 . . . 1 , . -Then - down int' the Vain he adipir..-. ' ..-', Ana.bera his breittn, as Itarcutzed ' • • fly all its vondrdus lovelitiota ;. ' ' ---' •• : For as the Inn it depth did ttles*,. • It lighted. op frotp gide to vide, - • ' - 4 A iloNe-bhtit vas y,. nothing wide.'.- . • ;, • ~' not ever f II of It thinp ~.' Pair. • , '''' .:- A little s-a 'the illwas hare, - . • Then - 4/un ,to it deep gremwood- . 'i .. That guardd m ny a fertile rood.-, • • :, Of terraced vine nil slopes of wheat : • •A white way w rid about his feet, , . • _ Iteset with heav, fruited tries . Ind cleaviu won t ads through; nthist these, • • ...n t eh hetunted r, and w,ithilowory chore.: • . , . lint the hilidde prang suddenly , - . • From tevel'ate owe that. did lie ' • 4la either side a ionic stream.. • -.5 •M-R.* golden . voet :„ then rose iiippi, . - : i Tlle' funii - eifdlls (i . e.: I;riiiiiWriiiii.raln, 4 And fair wEth or hard and close w‘xkl,, From wlience at art the scarped cliffs iddod, • . And clear tow, Aden in the mom— • • Against th Westri sky.upborne t , .. ,•., .tined lik ta ga 011.141111 , lest care ilr unrest ,y tshould . cretp In there." , -. 1 t. . i . , re)",7lr/C4 it k g 'CONOMY:. •' - ~. : r. , 1 ...,._.; _-.,,..:..,' 1,! IV - . tI.SEtli TWAIN.' ' - '',' • I,':i i; . • - - t .., • . i 1 sLOrrie . -AiL economy , is the basis Of ! all '" gtx..l gyv - artinlent. Tlicl . „..niSest men of f tillkitites have.lwong it to bear upon this Sub . feet the-- - 7 . i.. . ( ; here 1 was inter ' ptcd• anitinformeil that a stranger wished to s down at. this - door. I •-went and confeoutt laini,.and 'asked to knoW • hIS - business, mere ing all the time to keep a tight rein" On My eethirig _ politicaj•economy c 7 ideas, auttnal t h ell break away from nie .or 01 tangled ; in li • itrixesse. And 'priCateTy I 4 wished theiatr n ••e was in the bottom of, the 'canal with a "e, - o yv.heat on top . , of; hint. I was all in a fey r,lit tlie was cool.-. ,He said he was sorry to dbiterh me, Gut as he Was passing he noticed that :' yd-some lightning-rods.— I teed "Yes, • rot, -- , gn r on—what about it." - He ,salti there was inthing, aboet it, in particular— nothing exeepthe ; Timid like to.put them up forme. lam n w t housekeeping; haie-been used to hidelant I) Lil d . aiding-houses all y:life. i l t hike any body Ise CI( similar experince, Ptry 'to appear:4o at rise s) td be an 'old housekeep er ; consetleent y -I said '-in 'an. olf••hand way. that 'I had been use dew: for some time to have. six or eight, ligh nin -rods put up, but- , --- The stranger sOirtes ,•• at d 'looked inquiringly at Me', but I was siwene I thought that If I chanced tik,make any mls , es he would not catch- nie by, my countenakatv. ,He said he would rather havemy (-natter( u any man's in town. I ;add all right,* started off to wrestle with my I I great; subject 'n, when he called me back and said it Would be eceatiary to know exactly how nuiny "poiehin warded 'put up, what parts of tlieliousel wan tem on, and what quality It of rod I preferr I t was closd'quarters for ti min not used to ixigencies of hoagekeep itigbut.l Went a ihtel iro! creditably, and he nev er,. suspected th Iw s a novice. I told him to Pet up, eight; "pohitS, 'and- put them all on the roof, and use the hesquality or rod.. lie said •hii could furnishlthe 'plain" article; at 20 cents .. a l'o,ot ;..l`coepered," fiat 2.5 cents ; "zinc-plated, !spiral-twist". at 30 ce ta, that would stop a streak 'of lightning , any} din no no matter where it was 1 . s bound, and •tre4ler i errand harmless and its !farther progre. ayphal." I said apocry ! libel - Was no slouch o a word, emanating froth die ; source it did, b t philology aside,. Inikeil pact thespiral-twist) kind :. - ould take - that 140. !Then lie . maid-libt, cote d make , two hundred and 'Bits- feet answer; be . to do it, right,' and make the - bestjob fri loWn 1 it, and attract the adrui- Ir.ition of thejusrland unjust alike, end compel i 6 all .;parties to an th v never , saw a mi:lisym metrical andhyfith tical display of li thing *r.als Since they were born; he auppo he re ally couldn't get alo g without four hundred, tlumgli he Was •Itiot. indictive and trusted - he - was willing to try. I said goaheadand uselour hundred and maize ar y kind of a job he pleased cut ur it,-but, let kne g,t back to work, Sc I got rid of him at lteit. at,d now, atter half an hour spent in getting' tey't -sin of political economy thoughts couplel o tegiither again' I am ready to goon once more. • h , richest treasures 44 'i . _ riel of, life, it Id tl lights of coturoerel' natiopal'eonfral ; erni tion'of all age:Ntall tionalitie4„ l'roxv Greeley, leave MO lucre I was internipted again' and required to go down. and Iconfsr further withthat light ning-rod man. • I hurried off boiling and surg ing. path thoughts -wintibed in words of such majesty that (wit one of them Was in itsolta straggling prover-Nicol of syllables that might he fifteen nititutits. passing a given point,_and once More V ciittfron,ed him—be so calm - arid sweet, I so hot and ffruziesil.- lie was standing in Mi... contemplative attitude of lite Colossus of Rhodes, with one.footl on .itty thberose atid the other among tuipaustes, his hands on hit hips, his "hat-brim tilled forward, one eye shut, and the other gazing',l critically and adiniringly in tha direction 01 my [principal . chimney.. He said ; now there wits a State of thing 4 to make a man glad'ter lie alive;. and added, "I leave it to you if yow.ever Nall' a tything more, deliriously - fraitarcsque thatii eigat lightning-rods on one 'chimney V' I bald 2,1 tad no present recollection* of. ianytbing that i transeendeilit. He said that hi his'opitoon no hind on thisearth but Niagara Falls was super or tO. it in the way of natural scenery: All t t wneeded now, ho verily believZsi.,to make my house a perfect balm O to is the'cyc, was to nto touch up the other chlm treYs a' little. apd thani ciadd to .the generous cone ,f' ad ;a sotbig uniforrinty of achieve- Mo u t which' ;would :a 1 lay the exeitomont natu rally eonstspien' until the tint-coup d dat."" I aiiked him if he 1 learnd to talk out oLsi;book and it I could rrow , 1:41 any where. Ho smiled pleasantly, and Saidhis manner of speaking was, not taught in bei s, and that nothing but familiarity withlight ing could enable a man rfic to handle his mite thins' style with iinpuni tille then. figured up an estimate, ands said that about eightViore rods scattered abottt •my ' reef would about tisllne right, Midi's gneased Are hundred refit of stuff' would do it,; 'and add-: ott that the firstiiight had got a little the start of biro, so to speak'. and used up emote trifle of material more :pair o had calculated on—a hundredVect or ong, here. I said I was in. a dreadful hurry', and bwiiihed we could get thiS business perm. ontl mapped out so that I could go on wit my •cirk. ' He-'said : "I',confd t haVe put up tho . o elgl t rods,' and marched off abbot my basin ' rile men trotcht have done it.; Ilut•no,fl 'd tb myself, this man ,is a stranger to me, rind I tvill - dio before I'U wrong :hint ; there ainillight4ing-rods 1 enough on that honse; and for one I'll ever stir outof my tracks till I've done al Isr ld be done by, and told min so. Stranger ni,l, duty is accomplished; if I'll ever recalcitrant pd ephlogintic messenger of heaven strikes ~ r— - "There; now, there," 1 said,l"pution the other eight—add live hundreid' - feet if spiral twist—do any thing and everythingiyou want to do; but Calm your sufferings nd try- to keep your feelings where you can h hena with the dictionary. Meanwhile, If un enitand each other now, t Will go to work agai „.". ' I think I have been I t e 15ittinglaere afa 1 hoer, this time,trying to got lig& hi wherel its ta.ben my train of thought *ls broken up iy the last interruption, but I believe I basic lecoutplished • it at bud and may ' venture to proceed again.] .. , Wrestled with ift thisugreat subject; and the greatest anionglthefa have found" a worthy adversary andli on ' that always comes up fresh and sm ng fter, every throw. The ii great Confuciu s aw d that he would rather Ili be a profound Mimi economist than chief . 44 pollee; Cipe frequently said that polit ies] economyttas Viae grandest consumma tion that the um mind was capable of ebralltatlag; and enen our own Greeley has 'said vaguelxlint forcibly that— . ° . • Aticro the liglatin*rtxl man sent up another dell for ' the.: I an down in a state' , of mind 'bordering on Inipa . t nee:'VElti said be would t Ui rather have died thatittrrupt me, but When ,be was employed to 6 *Jon; and that job was ens/tied to be done€ in a clean, workmanlike manner, and when le wigs , daibibed 'and fitlittie urged him to seek the.', ma and recreation he stood so much i naiad of, , and be W. 14 &but to do it, but loOkiAttpad saw at a glance Oat all the calculations tad peen a. little out, add if a thunder storm were to emu up and that beadle which be felt ainten d in stood,there with nothingun to protect it tint idateen lightnitt-tvalar-: " cull have ' par re I 04.1 sibrialcal. ~ rutl up 4 hundred' and fifty I: Pat Wills on the ki4 Put , * dozen on the tiara I tut a couple on ho clw!---put one on the cook I lon —scatter them al over the persecuted place till itiooa like sew- lided;spiral-tartided.silver; ttionitted cane- el Novel Use up all the, Material you; t our hands ma, and When You run out lit i to g-rods put up rann:rolts; •'i. t • . Ism Ii xt:Y CRANE. SEPTEMBER 3, ILLIA 310114124. Ficow TUE GALA It r FOR OEFTFm 'hOir genius, their expe leir learning. The great i 1 jurleprudence, inter y, and biological devia- I iN'llizations, and all 'na reaster down to Iterate cam-rods, staltrods, piston-roda—anythiag tha t . will pander to konr dismal appetite fur artificial. in scenery and g respite to my brain ' and healing my lace-rated soul!' Wholiy' unmoved—fu er than to smile sweetly—this iron being sin! ly tutted hack his 'wristbands A dal tly- and dhe would,. now "proceed to IC p hit:noel " Well, all that was nearly Lb horn's- ago. It la questionable whether 1 a calm enough yet to write on.the noble theme of politlisl ecnnomy, but '.l•aumot 'twist' the desirtrta• try, for it .is the one subject that is nearest to my heart and dearest to my brain - of all this world'a philosophy.] . , "PoliticaLimanmy is leaven's best boon to man." When the loose but gifted Byron lay . in his Venetian exile, be observed that if it • .couldiegmntad hirli to go pack and live his Miss ntlive Over again, he would give' his he ' and unintoxicated intervals • its the composition, not of frivolous rhes, but, of 'essays upon political ecmoni,r.- Washington loved this exquisite science ; such names as Baker, Beckwith, Judson,. Smith, are imper ishably linked with it ; and even imperial Homer, in ills ninth book of the Iliaiii, has said: - • A i HIE Fiat j titiu, rust ets nI, - '• • Poit . sp rl Ortem uncu., watt bel-lit6), life jmeet hoe, ex-paFte res, • • eolitfeum e-eotionlicx) est., • • .. _ The gran cle4 of these conceptions of the Old poet, together with the felicity of the wwordingwhict clothes them and the sublini: By of the imageryanY that ever-- • wh,erehY they are inns ttAted, have sidgled out that stanza and made M it more et) - than- . :ed rNew, not al, word. mu of . you—not a single word.. JUst's e.your bill and relapse into ins penetrable silence. for ever and ever on these premises. Nine hundred dollari? Is that-all? :rigs chiSck for the amount • will be honored at -any-respectable bank. in Arileriea. 'What is that Muititucle afpeople gathered in the street for?' How?—'look4u at ,the lightning-rods!' . Bleai my life, did ,they never see any lightning-rods before? 'Never] saw 'such >i stack of theta -on one eStablishment; ' did I understand.. you •to mart- I will step dowm-andJeritically Observe this poptdar ebullition of ignorance.'- - • • ,..; z - Tunix l. %.D.t.Yi L.vrtitt.----We ye all about . worn outl Fo • four-and-twenty hours .our, bristling premises were the talk And wonder of the. town. ' Thu -theatres 'languished, for their happiestoceule inventions were Leine And commonplace compared with 'My light ning-rods. Our street NVZ44 blocked -night . and day with lApectators, and among thetii were many who cane from the country to see:, It was a ihlessed. relief, ,on the second day, when a thtinder storm came up and the. lightning• began. to "go for" my -house, as ,the his tbrian ;otiephus quaintly - phrases:it. It cleared the galleries; so (o`speak.. Inllve minutes there v‘ias not a spettator within half a.mile of my place ; bat - all the high houses aboutthat distance away"were full„ windows, roef, And all. Artcl_well they might be, for, all the falling and FOurth or .Yuly 'fire rs works- of a go erittion .- pitt 'together and rained down si " ultaneciuSiy - - out of heaven in brilliant- shower dram. one helpless, roof, would ;not have 'anyladvantage of the pyrotechnic display that " , was making. my house so• tnagnificently conspicuous - in the general gloom!' of the storm : 'By . actual _count the lightlu struck! at nay,-s4,,,tablitih -1 g, Jnent seven hu,' dred and Sixty-four times in forty) ininutes,'' ut tripped 'on . one of those - Saithful rods every time and slid down the spiral' twist an shot into. the earth before It, probably had titre to be surgised at the :Way the thing was 'done. ' And: . through all that bombardment Only one pateli•of slates *CS ripped up, and that was because fora single: instant the rods in the vicinity were trans ,porting all the lightning, they could possiA* accommodate. Well, nothing waa eVerseen, : like it; 'since the, world ' , began. For one whole day -and night not 1 a member of my family AtwilChis head out of the window but bigot the hid: _snatched off it as smooth_ as . a billiard-ball; and if the, reader will - believe . me not one of:us eqrdireamt- of stirring :abroad.' But at last the' a lid siege came to,, an end—because : there Was absolutely no more _electricity left in ,the clouds above us Within grappling, distance of my • insatiable rods. Then I sallied 'forth, • and gathered 1 daring workmen-together,' and not a bite or . 'a nap did we take till Aire 'premises were ut: terly stripped of all their 'terrific armament ' . .except just three rods on' he house, one - on the kitchen, and one on the barn—and lie : hold these remain there even-unto this day.. Aint then, and not till thelri, the peopleven tured to rise our street again. I will remark here, in passing, that, during that fearful time 1 did - not - continue my'essay upon political economy. I tun not-even yet settled enough,- in nerve and brain to resume it. . . , , ,To NV nom IT MAI' CONEIIIC—Pirties having need of three thousand two hdndred anOleven feet. of best quality zinc -Plated spiral-twist lightning-rod stuff, and sixteen hundred and thirty-one silver-tipped points, all in tolerable repair (and, although much worn by use, still equal to any ordinary ediergency,l can hear of. a bargain by addressing, the pnblishera of this! magazine. :- . , DISCOVERIES MADE Bp ACCI NOT a few.. discoyeries in 'the iirts and; sciences have. been made or suggested by *cis:lent.. The use of the pendulum, sug-, gesttd by the vbrating of a chandelier in w cathedral; powerthe r of steamointimated by the,oscillating' . of the • lid ;of a teakettle the' utility of coal gas for light, experimented upon by ;an ordinary tobacco-pipe or White' clay;. the magnifying prOperty of the lens; stumbled upon ,by an optician's apprentice while holding Spectacle-glasses between his thumb and. finger—are well-known instanees in proof of the fact. , I ': . . Galvanism was disco Vere& by accident. Professor Galvani, of Bologna, pt Italy, gave 'his name to the 'operation; bill his swife is considered as actually entitled to the credit of the discovery: She being in bad health, some - frogs were' ordered for her. As they lay upon the table, skinned, she noticed that their, limbs became strongly convulsed when - near an electrical conductor. ahe callecl.her" husband's attention to the fact he institU test &Series of experinients,,,itnd in 1789 the; vanie battery wail invented. ' -• ' ' Eleven years later, with that discovery for his basis, Professor Alessandro Volta, also an Italian, announced his; discOvery of the "voltaic pile." r . i .. . ' The discovery crf glass-making was effected by seeingithe . sand vitrified upon ' whieli 41' fire had been kindled. I • • ~ . • Rlancort says. J.l hit the making of plate glass was suggested by the fact ora workman happening to bleak a crucible. filled With' melted glass: The fluid ran under one of the large flagstones with iwnich the floor was ,paved. .0n 'raising the Stone to recover the. glass, it was found in the form of a plate; such as could not be produced by -the ordi nary process of blowing:, . 1 Glass pearls, though among the most beau, tiful, inexPensive, and eommou ornatnente worn by the ladies, are produced by a very singular process. 1' InI6M, a Venitian, named/ Jaquin;discovenid that-the 'soles df a fish, called plealc-fish{ possessed the property of" communicating a pearly hue to the water. He found, by' experimenting,'. that beach. dipped into this Water assumed, when dried; 'the appearance.of pearls. It proved, howev,. er, that the pearly coat, .when placed 'out', `Side, was easily :rubbedi• off; And the. next iMprovement wai to make the beads hollow':. 'The making of these beads, is carried on to this day itt,Nrenice. The beads are all blown separately- . By means or a ' small tube, the insides - are delicately maw' with ' the pearly:liquid, and a was.ed coating is placed over that. It requir' _the smiles of four theusand i /-fish to produce half a pint 'of the liquid, to which a small qultntity Of aal-amtriotha aud isinglass are afterlvard added. . . , ~ i . Lundjr Foot, he celebrated-snuff manu facturer originally kept a smalnobacconist shop at Limerick On One night his, house, which was unlnSured, was burned fo the ground. . .As he contemplated the smoking ruins. on the .. folloWingl morning, in a state 'bordering on desir, some of thepoor neigh- I . hors, groping an . ong the embers , for what they could find, rturubled,....on several canh-. tens of unconsu ed,'. but ' half-baked 'snuff,. which theytried„und found it so pleasant to •, their nosed that tey ' loaded their Waistcoat:" Fm I pocket with it. .randy Foot, aroused from d his stupor, imita , their example, and took' a pinch of his oiiyn pro' rty ; when he was; struck. by the superior pungency and favor it had acquirOd from the great heat to which It had been exposelsd. Acting upon thehint; .he ' took another house in a place called I . J:flack Yard, erected ovens, and set about the manufacture of that high-dried commodity Which soon became widely knoirn as . Black YAM . snuff.,. Eyentually he took a larger houttkln Dublini• and, making his customers pat literally through the nose amassed a great, fortune forrving been mined.—l ions Olieci'. Optic?* -V gm:inc. - . '. • le A ton the yhe beeanie one hundred years old, went t have a pair or shoas - tuade, remarking that wanted them built sub =oi = stands!, with ' or • hob-mite.. • • The storekeeper that he might .not live to wear out. - , a pair, when the -old matt retorted that' he*mmented this one. hunr dreg years a good deal stronger than the-last one. • • WitAtT an e:. uisitely delicate precept Is that of the Hittdoo lave which says : "Strike pot, even With alblosionk, a wife, lhorigh sbe 13e guiltrof a hundered faults," - . • 187(5.' DE3 T. STREET NAMES. A , PLEASANT article In the'NeW Or _La.:learis• PICAYUNE upon street amen -elature; • traces • the origin. of the names by • Which .inany„-of the Streets are still designar text in, that 'city.. New Orleins,has,'PerhaPe( conformed less • to the numerieal. plan of naming; streets and' avenues than any other . city, In 4merles, .Boston -only excepted. There, ea be no question. that in - numbering streets we gain greatly' in convenience, but at the sane time-we lose much 'of historical association. In' New. Orleans' the streets 'called • Cirartrei, Conde; • Conti, - Bienville,-, 'Orleans ) , Marigny,.and ethers, keep in - the. memory thenames of-important personages Ju some way. connected with the early his tory of the town. Som corruptions _land perversi e' ons of an odd charade!. are indeed,' .to be. noted,. by which. Minne*reet,. named fur a iltike, has eothe - to be wFitten. without ;the fleet c;. and - IXEnghein- street, called, after the':unhappy prince who was shot in theditehat \lngenues, by order of :Napoleon, is now -known as Engine Street, and is sup posedto, belong to the records of the Fire Department. ' -- , •. • . - Isti. New 'York the lower. part of the city is .yet rich,in :street 'names , which refer to the old time, and; whibli; -like geological strata, ' reveal; when examined,isomething of-the histery.of, the.towil in years gonelby. ,Thus,' Water stre*J, was -se called becauSe, When first bulilt il p,it:lay. along , . the mi*nrin of ' the • East. River.;. and Front street. Which wags constructed later, by lilting 'in deriied ,its , nurse 'from:, being .the river front. ;\Vall sfreet,:was the line of the old Dutch wall i which ranacross the ishindarand . protected the aricien taettlement from the - forays of the -Indians. . -Stone street, near the South Ferry ' landing, owes its name to the fact that it was the firt street:-.paved With stone. Maiden lane', knewn to the- burghers 'of Nieuw *Am- Sterilaiu. ás r:J.fad, q c Paalje, orthe3talden'a Path,. was the, shatlyivalk ;Mow which the eptuely yoring -damsels of the period were riectistain ed. to take their afternoon stroll, and its crookedness is- due, to the circumstance that. it was. the route by which - the cows. came borne craft patiture. - The Bowery, tir Bauwery .was. the name of the Governo'r's farm, which day 'deeply shaded in the woods on thoioad • to 'Harlem: - Nearß Is a small ;settlement? sprung' up ,willela-liecaine - a .fa-. mous 'resort- of city .folltS. for 'fresh air autiVi- • rat' recreation, ;but ' Which was the scene of many encounters with the savages. fader Governor StuYVesii t; • a Avide avenue: Was laid out there . , - 16 wl ich'was given the name of- -the'R every;, Veagy street perpetuatestlie goad fame of thelltclyl..\ti rese t }', -who Wris , rector- of Ttinity Parish4.and Vi. arren street :cprnmetruifates Sir Peter Warren, at one time commander of the. naval forces - of -Great ' tritani, at this . pat. - :Many other streets..., 'Such as - Roosevelt, Vandewater, -Cirrystie,- , 1 4 orayth;:RiYingtonjileeeker; Duane, Lls', ilenard, Dresbrosses.:Dey, and Cortlandt, were. SO,entitted hi, honor of ord' *itenS.— NaSsafr street Is- a; souvenir of the Dutch - dominetiori,as:Chatham street isa Memento of the resPect -in • which - - the elder Pitt' was . held-by-the roloni4s • iw revolt against King Geoige...' . . -.-- 7 ' -• - . '•- ' --.- • Theserneinorial names, as applied to buy thoriitigitfares;,belorig; lhoWever;' wholly to the past.- We no Longer designate streets or ;web neti - in any °Owl- manner than' by ntun -Wring then. -Phis I& certainly the most c u yenient method, but it..bevolire moue(on us 'after' the - first htiOred. ' Tht,great avers es 'at least might he ap_propriateiy friTh'protita ly i named after. , distinguished:citizens, and, by observing an,alphebetical order,, with o great sacrifice • of : convenience. Astor, B Nooli; Clinton, DeypeYster, Emniet:Francls, (4aliatin,; • Hamilton, • Irving,'. Jay, Kernble„ ,Livingstonot7c; &c., would be a wore pleas ing and - hardly fesseouVentent, mode of nam ing them. . . 1- • ' - • . - , „ . , . ~ , With - the ;Ittinierieal- system• carried out despoticallv,:the New York of, our. own gen. , eratton will certainly riot perpetrate its tciry jiaines of ,its,streets, BRILLIA.NTS. Man hetterMerC . balit, than he' who lays out his time upon . (toll, andAls money upon the_ : Tare' . higher the order' of intellect with -which onetis.hrolight into contact, the- less "one has to hair •; -true goodness is all._ charity, and tree genius is least PresumptuOus. Noldaavait tellwliether he is rich or Poor by turnine to his -ledger; It is the heart that makes a.matt He is rich or poor accord ing to what he hi., not according to what he - - • . HE Olin is Passionatedud-liasty is generally honest. 11 is your old dissenibling hypocrite Of - whorn you shoulOeware. • There's no de. ception in a - bull dOe.l, __lt is.only the cur that sneaks up and bites - PiTt- , ilien your hack is turned: . !3. 4 • '. • . .. . . . . . LET 'your pminises-iitY sincere, and so pru-, dently considered as nOt:td exceed , the reach of their ability.' } who promises more, than :he - etin perform is' false .to himself, and he *ho does not perform avhst he hes pmrrilseq: is fals . e to his frietid, - - ". - .i,. • - i -:- . , • THE :DIVE fH , 'CH IL6REN.—.II I were to choose-among. all gifts . and qualities that which,-onthembole, Makes lifepleasintest, --. should ,select the:love of children. IS'o cir 7 Tunistance can render this . world wholly tool- • itutie who has thisposSeSsio . n . " , It is a ‘f,ree- , masonry: Wherever one. goes, there are ,the little brethren and sisters of the mystirtie. Noo - diversity .of race or tongue- makes much -difference: A smilepspreads the universal language, - If I value myself on anything," said the lonelY-Hawtborne, "it is on having a smile that-children•hivel, ',They are such 1. retriPt little -beings too ;_ they require so lit-. tie prelude ; hearten& won in two minutes,. at that Crank perio*ariti so long•as yen an , ' trite to theta theya I 1 be true to von. . , . Dt ) ' , Tilt: -MOUT ELINCi—=-M 7 hen eVer you -- 1.1. are. in .iloulit W ic of two things to - do, let your:decision be' for that which is right:. Do . not Waver: do nor parley', but equate up to the mark, anchio the right thing. Boy, when: you tilvitleithat 'apple, with. your Sister s be careful not to keep the largest half for your self. Young Man.!' do not sneak:out of the' Ito* . the baek - way, beehuseyou - wish to es 'alp& Ourfather's eye. Maiden! let not t the • most trifling . deOeit phavurrent in thoie little 'acts which make up the sum of your life.'J.No matter:Who you-Are, :what yonr tot, or where . you live, you cannot affiitd to do-that ..whielt . is Wrong. - The only way to obtain happiness andpleasure yOurselLis to do the right thing. 'You may not always hit the inark,,bet yout should, nevertheless,, aim. 'at it; and- with ever); trial your skill will iticrease, • .Whetb.•: er you are: to be praised or, blamed- for it: by others;. Whether it:will - seemingly make you riche g or poorer, or whether no-other person than tontseW knows of-your action, still - al '..whys, in all eases; do the right thirig. Yopr first jesson'in,this will grow easier, until. R. nally„doing the. right' thing will beware a habit, and to don." wrong seem an vil•solitie . impossibility.! .... - •• .. • . : , .. . . . - STRUtar OF ' STEEL , ASTi: 1R0N.,--M. l .m Schott, o senburg, has made many micro it .sccipical . ex niiriations of the structure of steel andiron... He - maintains that all crys tals of iren"are - of the . forM of "a double pyr amid, .the.akis of Which is variable, as coin-' ~, i . red with" the ,size. of the base. The crystals of the, Coarser compared with those Of the fluest,..qualltiet3 of crystalize iron, are Of about twice the hight. The more uniform ~the grain the smaller the Crystals; and the 1 , flatter .th'e pyrainida Which-form each single elemetit the better . the quality the greater is the cohesive force, and the liner the sur-- . face of the iron— -The pyramids become flatter" tis'the proportion of mu-bore-contained in, the steel decreases. Consequently, in cast l oan, and in the dricitt kinds of hard steel,' the - crystals apprOach more the cubical form from which" the octehedron proper is derived; Mid the opposite extreine, or wrought iron t has its pyramids. flattened: down toyarallei surfaces or leaves,: which in. their arrange-. ment, Produces . what is.called the fibre of the hon. The highest qUality of steel -htii; Jail- Its crystals in- parallel positions, etteh. crystal, filling the intersections fornied b,y the angu lar Sides or Its, — neig . hbors. The crystals -stand with-their axis in the, direction Of the =sure. or percussive force exerted. upon in Working ;. ecinsequently, the fracture showir the -sides. or parallel . crystals. In reality, deelshows, when examined under the mter4k!fope, large groupi of flne,crystals like 'the- points of- needles—all arranged In . the slime:direction or parallel. . . • - . - ' IN Sweden . the Principle of ‘i•otuen's rights is 'makings rapid progress. They' condu nearly exclusfvely the bUsiness of savin banks, and are extensively employed .fns. , post ofileuend.telegraphic departaients;.`" 1 numerous private establishments they .ma efficient clerks and book-keepers, and reeen 'Ye medical coflege has been opened at (xi' 3t tenburg, where ladies, not' under seventeen }ears of. age ,eare admitted la_ a copplete iceursceor thrAiyears, with clinical and ana tomical lectures. • • - , HE that enjoys'thit intimacy of the beat, nelthei disgusts them by 6millarity, -nor disgraces himself by servlllty, prOves that he is aa perfeetit. gentleman 'by nature as his ViimpanitinTs -bv rank.— " ( . i • : SINGLE - ';cQPIES,'Sp‹. .CENTS: E Casa VALUE OP I. lekhottmo hi5..4 . ..:—u - ;.. der this *caption the Portsmouth,Newllania shirei Chronicle has the following . s,or k sigh, article : • • . ..? , . .1 . - • ... • "It Is often:renlarked et :persons with do not :Rowels any property, and .'rho depend upon their dailylahor for support of themselves and • :families, that they are *worth nothing' fina,ml-1 ally ipeaking. a language is geberalfy in- • .dulged in by men in the community who style ~ lv themsees . busineas mon, and Who get rich off . thebecessities of other Initti. 'Let us 'examine the lineation financially, and see ittheir lesser-, tiona are correct. ' ' - . - X.. ' .. " year the plie - e of coranion labor aver aged $1 50 per day. Admitting that the - Ilhorer. received $1 50 per day, and it required the hole ' of that sum to support his .family, ,nevert ales , ? we contend that the laboref was worth in cash to his fambythe sum of - s7osaks, - ' ''''• ' • ' , . "The amount he would receive for one yearii • labor, at p 50 per dasOvouldThe $475 60,. which . amotint would 17%03 interest at sit per snot on ' $7,989, which hitter Mil would be the cdsli value - ~ .of the laboribg clan to his family.. -,1,_ - • . "The dash 'value of the ;_aborieganan to the , much more thantheabove named 'sum, 'as iabbr is the only true , wealth' to any country.'.,- Without labor our' Ibrges, fart/aces, - woolen., mills, and indeed ntsnufactorieS of a11, , - kinds; Would cease to he. - The music `of the- i loont and shuttle would be silenced forever: i Our national and otherl:anks would close- their , ' doors, and our most enterprising merchants take in their signs. Withoutlabor civilization would . recede, and the bat an'd owl would soon, occupy the crimson chambers of our Would - lie business I istSti, • , - , '..'"l.*et - the laboring men. of the' 1. - tilted States. realize their true pOsition. Let them .reflect . , that-jabor is honorable; that- labor, is wealth. Let them rem ember.that they area lver in the state ; that to them this greatgovern ent is'in-' :debtedtbr all it possesses of liberty, glory and grandeur. , - .- , _ - ~ _.. " 'Let them only' rellect . that labtit is honor able ; b,utiet those who look dawn oil the hub). .ble laborer and Mechanic reflect tbr one moment before they speak in' terma of disparagement of the' ' hewers. of wood and drawers of Water.'; The custom is too prevalent in 'the eommunity6 . of making remarks in a sneering.niatiner of the' greait industrial class of our, p ' Ilex le, leading youths among us to think that our, iiidittry . is j not honorable, be It :what it may. hattime hzei, passed.. , •,. . - - . "ifonest, indthstrious-nice#anies and JaboreM .. aro the wealth of states, and, until they are . en.- .. couraged tind ,fostered,: our people cannot be , ' -prosperous. It is not the cash value alohe. by which he enriches the place of his residence; Mit - he' adds by his labor to its material wealth ; -no country er' nation that commends the respect of of the world, but .what that respect was gained through the the skill of her mechanical population. Then let all classes, more especially the rich respect,' and inculmte their children- with -ttil truetheorr of life, that labor la honorable, au • =if, in.afte'filifeobisfortune should-overtake them willing hands will, be put forth to earn their stipport.'! • 1 .. - - : .- - .. , *EDI:WILS . 3LIN ' ERS' JOUR•:.,eAL—CiL-!iit;EMEN it right? Is it sjiist? or. It it - lawful? becausp 'a man wishes - to work for- his family, • antl not .• • be governed by a set of idlers and tyrants ; that he.thould be shouted at, end called '4 - blackleg,' .as he'gdes • along-the streets, by ther'great ' , powerful W. 13: A., as . they call themselVes. It show how -low, mean, apd ignorant they are. They have also performed another low vmean, dirty, lying trick upon us blai*lngs, - as they " call us, and that is; they have got 411 our-names 'on a paper. nailed up in a conspicuous place 4 the entrance of every nine, wherever the V. B.A. have got men to doits dirty work; with J the following words at tO top-Of the paper: . _ • THE'ROLL OF VISHOIstOII, ' ' - Now, sirs, I will bet a.dollar that ice ',•;iti fihid a great many More blaekl anti men of dis-. honor, in the ranks of the W... 13. A. (or Wleit is.a more fit name foe it, the Wretched pother; • ites Association,) if we went to work and en quired into their CharaCters. A blackleg; as ~• II understand, is a man ivho will do altruist , : anything before work. foF his ho will •• Steal, cheat at; play, if he- is. a gambler, and he will cheat at anything, A - blackleg is one of the lowest and' worst of characters that our large . !cities and towns arEttroubled' with -Iwo don't,nl believe any: of his -would du that. ''.. , 1,,5•0r nay Pelf, neither my nettle nor any of our candles names was ever' on the: Roll of pishonor. Our name - es christendom. ' I have - history, !andl,have read the rnewspte pretty . lint I have never yet seemany one bearing our Maine, that was charged with any, (Tittle what; , soever,- not even drun kefi ness. lam one of it who-paid his dues - and levies, and don't oiY'd the V. B. A. - in red„cont ;• but because I ivotild notleive my work at a moment's notice from them, Lain called a blackleg. The .Secketark wanted to serVe'mo another, foolish; ignorant, !low, mean trick; because I -did not attend the parade at SL CUD . last ?lay,. -and leave my em ployers cattle aw hole day 'withiiut water. Ile And a few more of the members wanted to fine me 'dollar, but I. aid' hot, 'pay the fine. I do' not 'dread nor fear' the pdwor of the•W..ll. iniless they come blithe siiirk,arnPif they do; will be ready for therri, and they mu:q.t.:die thei consequences.' I will now conclude, Init before I da so 1 wish to Zell the.pewn: whit %%tote our names, to' buy a spelling book andr,leirn'to 'spell more' correctly. • :If ever I see my' mine spelled right on ,any ef - the Rolls of Dishonor. I will sue the person that put it there, and tear it-down in the bargain. . Yours, . ' . . We publish. the' above 'at, the: request of one o ho most. respectable. N . vorkitignieti in , the . 51allanoy Coal Region, and in dithigso.we kill stale that our columns are ,pen 10 all i•Oniniti -Itiestions from miners anti inetuls?rs of Om NV. if, couched in proper language; ainl also iyriopais' •of proceeding) of ineeting; , ,,, ?.•ivhether - NVe approve of then) or not. - ilitr'ob jeet is to give all .wIQ feel ,9,47riprod, n f ltoarflit • through our , • NisEtts or' OgitgaN Y.—The nil n6:l ipid mi. nersof-Germatty are wo of same notice, were It ouly.;Oti account of their WI- .ullar institutions...and ctistotits, privileges and immunities. The Mine} of Germany belong almost exclusively to the:Govern ment, and informer times were productive of great ri c hes to -their respective Governments or- SON , :r. , Mims. The silver and lead Mines or the Hartz Mountains. belonging to - Hanover and Brunswick, the Bohemian-Mines, which areAttst rlan, the mines of Silesia and Hungary, those-of the Tyrol; and tin) mines of Freiberg, In .Saxon4are amungst those most worthy of note. Alsyrelh rg there are twelve mining officers, ulider tlidcont>4ol of the Ober-bergs' . And, or chief officer. The 'Misers have , a:peculiar dress and 'are not. liable to conscrlpticitt they are exempted from excise Zanies and,,titiVe special ittivs and privileges of their own. The men_ iveakwlth their unlform.-gree*eaps; the. officers fremgrey, turned up.wlthl, red. -They have parade fetes, • ' marches, music, Songs, and sermons in their charfie, -terof miners they have a pecullarilfalect of their own, And %teak , little pride in the keetittig•uo ' all their customs and solemnities. In St. ftotntnc.r- and Hayti, the -barbarous, fanatical, :lII.] gra.soitin . Spaniards sent the natives, whom their blood hounds had not killed, nor hunger put out • misery, to the mines. The ancients onty employed. - coils-lets as-miners; just as in RUSAtib I,9lllfrai other otfenders are sent to the Sitivrlan w“rks. .T.he life of the miners is hard,-hard their work ant 1., great their industry: but poo? enough Metre:tr. alit nourishmenercheminers in:Germany Purely earn- • lng more:A. fftL per week,- and - living from year to year on potatoes, black bread, milk, fruitand roots... • Yet. strange to say, hard sit the minei;s fate is, there_ 1.18 never any scarcity of these pooryhturian !whose whole lives are spent in the depressing gloom ! of spbterranean env-es and Passages, often. poisont4 bypestifential vapors and gases, and sacrificed to • ..terrible accidents. The poor miner does- not-Blink of the misuse. to which and silver CR put for which be risks his life, nor of the sinfullluxuries r. and evil purposes - which the precious metal he Ms - so hardly gained7 - is destined to serve. lEe works and eats and drinks and sings, and loves aud dan, eels, and marries, like-other men, for use is second nature, and he works us calmly in the bo.wels the earth, amidst.nolsome.a.nd pestilent vapors and . eternalgloomas the happier• husbandman in the • green fields and bright sueshine. But,' in order to. . add to their scanty meant of subsistence, the miners' during times of slack work, -donning their partult uniform,-with-its gay epaulettes; anti double halt- mere (as insignia of their calling) 'embroidered its gold add sliver on their coats, wander in etim panic' ) of tenor twelve into the towns. and visiting fairs markets, and village festivities, avail themselves their privileges, and, as wandering musicians...sire at times considerable sums of tnoney. The Genitor -iniifer IliWrIS a flllabieilid-4111.1810 is-111S ;fix - 41, recreation, his delight: many a sweet "Volkitlied,', and mane a tOukiiing "Weiss' , have I heard -with.; glowing heart in tne.s4sll summer twilight ,(rot. theSe wanderinglmusichtits.- , A Poet v rg,, folurter.%' .- , EDITOR'S TA BL.K. TUE Lair. Mi CkiMILELi DtckiN t s. — lly ton MackenzlO,,Llterary7Edttor Of the Plii 41/J44143G . pally Paw. With Personal Recoilisstious.aoil.An , ecdobeli.:—Letters by "Doi" never before published Ris,Last Will in Full. And unWrdleid;-Id pajx•rs it - Prose and . Verse. With Petal : ale 'sod 41ftograph.- T. B. Petersen nail Brothers. Pliibuielpliin.hiive _published The Life. of Charles .111rIturts, by Dr.:II Shelton Mic.kenzie., Literary Editor ot the Philadel phia Daily Pitt•ts.s. It cnntalip!,betiltles - t a fall hbitor, of his Life, his Uncollected lileees In • Prose s ap Verse; Personal Recollections and AneediAes: !last- Will and Test anient in full ; •as %veil •EiffLetter from'Mr. Lichens to various persons; never befor. published; and tracca.the entire career of the toe: Novel isflront the ti me, Of hishirth andßist Conner Lion will journalism astilt potter, to Ittiundxpec te and lamented terrnhanti ,iikon*the indi of Jilts°, With a full' account of . the Ftinerai Services, an- Dean Stanfey'sFuncial sernon preached' trtWesi mitutter ; i:bbey, the Sunda" following the Funcra It also contains a new likeness of thartes•Dieltr•ii taken front a photograph fOr , which he. Rat a fir days prier to his death, as well as his Antogrept , . The whOle Is_ toned in a largo sittodectinowonite bound in Green. Red, ,or Blue MOLOMo Cloth. sideantt hack. Prieo Two Dollars a eopy. Agvn• and Canvassers are waited. Male and ' l, k tl " ., t every tOwti,villige, and county in the Pal ted :4ate to ensu r e - In - selling Rik _getting snii:ieripers t•h . 2 -10oce WO,tlr,,which'lk the Best Selling Book ey‘ • blishedi popleS of thewOrk wtil no_sent teleo ono, per ars( ruail,post-poiff, On receipt of llrol ,cars by tbe4ublishers.' Tot Miatton or have revels( . Yoi .frotit the publtatiera,T. H,Senolr New theolltrror of Typography r June,'urliich contalt a remarkably good-spechnen :of oalot , printing,fio; zinc platei,,priflted on a Campbell _cylinder pre! , in a copy'frnt prani•fi.ehronto of Whittiet . 'it "Bat s tool, 8t0r.",• Itta 'clearly and delleatety.titintetl, Yt to ®oath much a , : picture alf.kt 9s na istechitt eat triumphi : • • • - • • , • - ' lIE EMI