NI I •- __.. ~. ;H FOR'I'S~= I H" B AR. •. • Slump • hs elderly lady ,who was handling ot, artificial plates in-a dental oboe, miring the fluency 'with -WWII the described them; asked him': "Can eat with tbes' thinga?" "Illy dear ~ mastication can be performed with a t scarcely den - equ ti s aled by nature herself," “Yes.. - „I _know ;. bu ed the : bqdy eat with, thein - , i - 01-Na lady, wishing to ent young man in thez. - 4teshes of Cup folloWing invitation: . • .“Oh,yettl you come to tee with I, Anit-ttelp me eat, A =Ward pie?" T 4! whitiii the youngan with . co ingsentlin im tnt and grammar, replied: "Another one's asked me tops, . • And I mm.t go and sop with she." A nnunA"R went into the shire of a wholesale and ietail' crockery. dealt'. asked for a quarter: hThe deal& 100 bhp a moment from his comniandin. . nenee, and then remarked, You beg strong, don't you? 'Pears to. Inej yo inqre successful if you ask for a fe •- only, as a ride.,.! 'Well then, giye m cents," ivalijko• quick , reply. This ty much for our dealer and he ga+e u 4;ents. . • ~ D . •I c. ratNci lhe'time of a great. religi s ex ritement, an honest Dutch farmer, n the follawk, was asked his opinion ail to Web denomination of Christians wagon th right fi way to Heaven. "Nell den," said he " vdn we ride'imr wheatto Albany, some say 'dish road is the hest, and some say . dat; but it don't make much difference wineh road we dale, for when we get dere, dey never.: vich liay we. ednye---and,.it's notid.o their pizziness 7 if our wheat is good." . THE elder Booth was at times the , ictith of strange fancies: Once he ttiolo the fancy, to be an absolute vegetarian, and while .pcis-1 seised of this-idea he was traveling on a Western ?titer steamboat, and happened to be placed at a table opposites solemn Quaker who had been attractedby the eloquent eon xersation of the great actor. The 1 enevolent jtebid Quaker, observing the lack ofi viands on Moth's plate, kindly.aidd: " Friend, shall - not. help thee Wife breast of this chicken?' '"No . , I thank you:friend," replied the actor. "Then shall 1 uot - Olit thee a slim. of the ham?" "No, friend, not any." "When thee. Most' take a piece,of Mutton ; they plate Is empty," persisted gOod old hroadlirim. -'Friend," said .Booth, in those deep stentor ian tones, wilose volume. and power had so often electrified crawdedaudiences; 'ffriend, .never eat any flesh; but human flesh, and I th-efer :that raw." The old Quaker., was speechless, uhd his seat was changed to ano ther"table at the next meal. • ! c'!" ' WHAT' HE Wort D . DO FOR HER.-LA mat ter-of-fact lioetical genius Sari: "I overheard .moonstruck . chap the - other day remark - UAL_ he loved a certain young lady well enough to die for her."'h\ow•, I love some-. boily very much, and--; - • "I'd swear for her—:. I'd tear for her, The Lard knows what I'd bear for her; _ 'l'd lie for her, • - I'd sigh for her, I'd drink Big Muddy , dry for her. • ` "I'd•flaht for herr— I'd bite for ber, , I'dlwallt the streets all night for her; -- r•l'd plead for her, •- `. 'l'll bleed km her, I'd go - without any 'feed' for her. . . "I'd sliloot for her— ' I'd' blot for her A rival come tO`suli' for her • !Aimee! for her, ~ I'd 4t. for her lioch is the love I feel for her I "I'd slide for her— ' ' I'd ride for tier, • I'd .Aram 'a tta I nst wind ttpti tide . fdr her; I'd try Milker,' I'd cry for her, • i me if I'd die for tier! it.- Orauy other woman." r • A BIBLICAL REPKTATION,;,—Mr..Lordiwho i-' residing. in Illinois, was a•short time since riding from ,Jitek.folAille to. Peoria, in that *tate, .and ii'L; he wits•pas-ing a small hut by road-side, he noticed a idtAgy-headed boy of ;dont • eight years of age, with large and no hat, dresed in .a worn-ont pair of his father's trousers, trying to balance :himselfon the splintered top of a hickory - stump. More .for the purpose' of breaking' the monotony‘ of riding all day . without speak ing than to gain information, Mr. Lora reined his horse up to the'. fence, and ex _— ."My little boy can you tell me how far it is to i.. , :angamon btAtom?" • • The boy poised himself ott one leg, opened hiStarge eyes to the largest extent, and re : • t "'Bout six miles, I reekon." "1 )o you live house'!" inquired Mr. Lord. "Lreek9n," was the reply. — DO you enjoy yourself out here the woods ;"' , . . . . "A 'heap." • . - "Willa ail: yOur pants ?". ..: "Tore 'On," wal the laconic answer. - - Finding that he had hold of a genius that could na 'be putnried, Mr. Lord .turned his Bead to- ,depart„ but in his turn was now Bailed hi. - the boy who , in a comical, half rehietant tone, exclaimed: ,- _- .;, . What mom your name Ler • "Lord," - was' the reply. " The boy here grinned all oytr, even to the . wrinkles in his father's trousers, and seemed hardly able to surpass broad snicker. • ''fou seem pleased," - said Lord, "perhaps jnu have never heard that . name 11efore?" 'Yes, '1 have," replied the 'youngster, "I'l,:e'heurd l'opAul about-you.'• Lord put spurs to his inieser; and says that. even the thoughts to Whic the incident gave ri4e,• were not sulfide! t to keep him ..from srfiekerim.7 thrimgtou the rest of the journey. ' , Ratites. • NT OTICE.—:The - rizrtnership h •ret4nre existing IA ts-t'ween riltniel J. Itiditway , and . ibehtpluin .j. Itideway,umlei the tirmnament.l. ftidgwaydtp3on. m Lie M ers bithis clay (July ir , •' th 16704 dissolved t. l Lc Mimilit (onseiit. The busines.• will be carried ou lA. 'it:inlet , . 'Ridgway, the senior 31artner. by whom :cif the Itee4/tlthA of the lute firm w ild .e settled. 1 1 .1:\1I L J. Iii.DGWA Y ) .• III . :LANAIS 3. 1 11CK1N% AY. My . .l 2 - 3, .0....i1i-tit - • -, It - . . :"Itoots, Shoes, fa. _ . Guns. w: t DENGLEII, 'NT, LOUT, SHOE; HAT 'ANts*AP STORE CII E e iTN srtu:Err, CItEMONA Boot., Slnlesi, lints awl Cana, In .great.varletY;con. itu!}tlt on hun,l. P•zrticolor ottent ion paid to auto +n Work. EPA !KING done neatly on short notice.', F. 11, '7.l ta-7- I y . • .111.P.ORTAINT T. THE NEW YORK • -1300 T - &• SHOE EMPORIUM . . Is now in full operation, and , the attention of the ladies of Pottsville to especially, Invited to the large ,st.,cl; now In store and arrivingn3ally °fall the finest eia..n of goods, suitable for ladies wear, and adapted to thin-market. Mr. ("rine has made °specialty of tills branch of business, andgiven his particulisr at tent inh 10,St`Oilrin.: the bent line of ladies' wear ever bromMt billicelty. .. . Every atPaition paid to customers, and a cordial Invitation Is rt. extended to alil. ~-' . • , IIVeRY MINE.. fictobcr 23; 'O9 .' .. 43—1,y CHEAPER THAN :THE &HEAPEST BANNAN & RAMSEY WILL ALWAYS SELL _ sqHOOL BOOK'S OF ALL VILNLIE At Lower:- Prices than any other Booksellers in Pottsville, MiTTEII . ITII . * TIIEIR PRICE.; 311.118 E, , • And all Artleieiin.the t ;BOOK AND _STATIONERY LINE At . a Great Reduction from former Price;. . . , .... . ~, 1 , i - - 'Call and Campanili-Barna Purchising Mewlhew " • ••k° DA.I)DOW'S NEW MAP OF rnE ANTTIRACITE COAti E66ION'S. • This Map is the latest published of the Anthracite coal Regions of Pennsylvania: - • diffans In many . remsiets Iron' other Maps pgbllithed,, oecatute It gives the formation and also a representatiofrof the Coal Rasing, together with the location of all ihe collieries In theAriihraelte Coal . Regions, dta; Prioson Rollers. - " 2 1 150 In twat, for ' 150 In Sheets ' ' . : ... 1 25 Ito: on Mu.lin., ".7 . I 75 Do. on Muslin dissected__ __. 250 . • Those In pocket form will be — sent — fres by . mail an receipt of the above prieft.:. Roc sale at B4NNA h RASlN,Erikliooksiore, rottarine.' THEToi'iit DlFFlCErittlr MAI). I,NO at NIGHT isoklwuif,acanald ,mbletrimpeclaily wltlrt hose Whose eyestalitts tiklllag :Rtiony. , The Perlseopre Crystal Bpeetaeles are not only eye helpers, but eye protectors; using them glVes as It were. hew eyes. For sale by . . „ JOSEPLI DUERR, Optician. -,. =Vacate en.. Pottsville. ' July le, 10-2).-- TO ISANIIIP.ACTURERS AND USERS ON' swan! &Wage, ',kn., In Schuylkill County— TAKE NOTICE., that have sold to AL & BA NAN.ofPortCarton,anlntermitlnmyPA STEAM PISTON, and bare given them the entire control of It In mild County. with power to co ll ect all MOOOMI Poe Or to become due thereot foe the mane. %lure and use of the sable. • DAVID CIABIL. - hazknon,Pa., Jan. I. 4N-1U M . MEM TSB KATZ Coureettocery, Ins Cr okkee r ee tk etenuy on hand. at No. 9, Us het street, Pottsville. Families supplied with l ee Jill,' 2. '7ll-2141t IBM to the NT OTICTe.a. fatten hatentotracx,. _ .1. eNeatate of IC Refebeldeat. fete of the sto ve been panted. rough of Port C ll3 :7, m 4llo4.ll "l l 'ndebted to the, add. to the entnertbejal it l ems. to - Alnico Immediate pa= , and egtat th are ose reg hevt a ns eisdros or demands - i i a Rill make known pa the estate of gm" withou t dc ll BY BEICEIELDERFEIt, • V *.emtar. at Fort uniatau., a pair ad ad ', elitist body auaru t ,acility , can a A lIIKINUITSATOWIS. NOTZO3.- , Wier.. lA. Depets teett'...Pletaty to the estate of Gustav ,Woletate of t e parotiatiof Pottsville, Schnyl gall . 11%. have been granted to the sub perst; sert all debted to sold estattt ate re eves to make 1 late payment, d those having claims tat the same to make th em known without lay to . Cl4B. B. WOLTM4 -, July IL '7O-4541ti r' - - • Adnitinstratot. ngle a I sent ADMXISIBTBATOR'S , NOTICRL letters of sdadnistratlon upon the estate - Or. Mary Bmrks, late of the Borough of PoUsviLle, de ceased. have bmn granted to the subscriber, those Indebted to the estate of said decedent are requested to =the Immediate payment, and all persons hay !r g rialtos or demands: against the. mid estate are requested to ntake known the seine without delay. to B. T. TAX LOH. ' No. 2-'ff Centre street, Pottsville, Pa, Pottsville, Jtuy 18.10 -2154 t pond- pular and "eclat emi t ther ` 'd be cents la few too' the STATE OP EDIAB RIMEL DECEASED. Wherms, letters testamentary to the estate of Elias Ettshel,late Of the Borough or AuburmSchnyl kill County, deceased„ have been granted to the sub scriber, all persons indebted to said estate are re queAted to make Anamedihte payment, and those haying claims against the came to •make them known without delay to CATHARINE RIMEL: Executrix. 'Auburn, Schuylkill Co., July le, '70.1.1P-6ts . J.N THE Dl= c ICT COURT of the United' States for the tern District of Pennsylvania. Michael R0ma,,40 Ashlattd, Schuylkill County, Bankrupt, .having atoned for his discharge, a meeting of credit will be held on Saturday, the 27th day of A, It, lat 10 o'clock, A. M., before Register John P. Ito, ,at his (dike at Pottsville, that the examinatoigt of the Bankrupt may be fin ished. The Register will certify whether the Bank rupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be bad on Wednlty, September 14th, DRO, before the Court at Philapiths, at lOo'cloek, A. SI., when Parties Interested may show mane against ttre dts cbarge. Witness the lion ruble John Cadwaltuler, Judge and seal .f the Coutt at Philadelphia, [east.) August 1, 61111. G. R. FOR, Clerk. Attest—Jon. P. 110BAUT, Register August 6, 70 • $2-3t LT UMBER! - LIIKBER TU tniDERTAKEkiIi AND CUAIRMAICERS, We have on hand ;large lot of seasoned OVAL COFFIN BOARDS i d POPLAR CHAIR and. SET TEE PLANK. The above Is the best quality of IN DIANA: LUMBER. BOASA RAUDENBUsII,c July 3 „ .03 .4th & Spruce Ste., Reading, Pa. JOHN A. OTTO V . Dz,-; _ • Juni 1, '7l) L IIIL V ERI LU 141,000 FEET BOAS & We ItiOp constant' 'dlans Walnut, Popli Ash Lumber; all ,sea 12 to 3u inches wide 'oplar from 15 to 80 Valnut and Poplar ket, and we are sell All parties In want do well to call and • Julir 9, 70 L UMBr ' it. PARD MANICFA. I BILL j TIMBER Boats sawed Ir L • Oak and Hem Also. PLA4NE BOA I N G, d.c.Offlcee IF P. S. Weship by 80l CORK PINE FILBERT Mai DEALER , WILLI All hind., of F mute Lumber. Shingles, El .1 knit all kinds of 1., Willie Pine, He engtii. Our Mills wing a saving or Wed promptly. I July d,';o : IA ; RDWARE G T.. 11. 1 k HD - WARE i , • Of evary variety; Lent Iler; copper 'll MINII Of all WAR an July, 30. '7O-31-tf ,-• • • . F ALL SIZES t i rnm hi t., to the YARD upwards. the very best Itivaltty- and pattern?. Special gills made t ? - order When desired. For we e at I i prices:by, . ,'i lily No, , 70-11-i Pi 100 B AitZ S "i v"b lf T mllc,wg ter PURE VT TERIBEACHkD I WHALE OIL, for sale at Manu facturers prices, aful delq,ered to Collieries without additional charge. L.,C. THOMPSON. July 30, 10.31-tt • • , • WIRE ROPE. AT M.A.NUFACTuRERI3? PRICES of the celebrated. Manufacture of JOll/§1 sONS and furnished promptly. Call ,at store and obtain circular; giving prices, (Hulett- MOM'. size of Dm manner of prefterehm Rope and all pa yrticul l)-31 lars. L. C. TlitalitiO.N. Jul 30, -tf CALL AT MYER d. SCIII7.II'S Nt.w Hardware Store, No. 251 Centre Bt., ttl buy cheap , Garden Rakes. SPadea, titioyehi;Corn and Garden floes of al! kinds. ,SCALES. Se t LEB,.. SCALES. - Of all k'nds, and ple-hrst In the market, ' at MYER tr. SCRUM'S, Agents, No. 251 Centre street. Potts.: vine. . , TAKE NOTICE. , . . i' • • Builders and 111ehanlek. At liTlrtn & SCITIMWEI, earn be bought eh • , p Building Hardware of all kinds. . vlz : Painta, 011 a, Glass, Cement, • Plaster, Chimney - Topa and Flue*. Iso. Terra Cotta Pipe of all SW= ~ 1 Mareb : l2, 10 • . 11-ly LE311611 VALLEY RAILROAD COMP'Y. - ! --- • 1 Time Table showing connections of L. V. R. R. Co.mwittifttose of the Phila. & Reading R. R. Co. to And from ,Pottsville and intermediate points be tween Reading and Pottsville. • ' • I . . • ;A. M.'A. M. if.. M. Leave Pottkvllle:; . : ' . -, - 5.40. , 9.00; 2.45 Reading. ; ...... .. ....—. 7.21 1 least CZ .. East Pen4 " .....lnnetioii..--- 0.351 11.551 ' 5.5 5 Aritie at Enstotl.. ..... „...,.c......„ . 9.1 '12.401 6.31 New 10i1i......:,..4--- 12.15 -ami 10.00 .- 1 • ••• P. AL 1 . . - 11.,x . ..m. , : . • 1 RETunSitpo. 1 i , • A. M. 1 bt. Leave New World. ' 12.00 -"- - Easton •I. - J - 5.45 1 " iLZ " East Penn Jitnetion...... - ........... 7.31 4.20 . " Reading • - ... ..... - ....... .....4 7 10.40 COO Arrive at l'ottsv e.-...—... 1-.:- ' --- 12.25; 7 .35 1 P. • SLIP. M. For AlAtreli and Intermediate. points i nnoc leave Pottsville, .40 and 9,00 A. M., and 2.45 P. 11., ar rive at Manch eh nitl2.oo M. 5.45 and 9.30 P. Si..• RETURNING, leave Mabel* Climb. 4.45 and .0.35 P. td:', arrive at Pottsville, p...t 5 and 7.35 P. M. . Par all points itt.the Lehigh Coal Regions and tar: Towanda, Waverly and Buffalo, _leave Pottsville,. AM A. AL 1 ROBT. H. SATRE, • .1 superintendent and Batsmen 3). Vii 1 sitroLikto_cre,l2, ol trii i i. ait rig! : 3. b itglem trorr u . xxis 'Po• RonanlC Slate, (Ptak' and Ornamental), Slate Man. telr, Oraeloet filesivre. Burma, 'Table aad Wasb-Staad Irby% Floor Tiling, , ...PA I AT I NG, _ ial at lladelphttiprirea, and prrparea at all times trith competent Slaters to /ay slate in antrotumat toontivr Fire Ina Butidlng,) llama', re, 21.'70..t4m ' Bethlehem:, INDIAN POWDER, ILILLS.—AD orders $ l ht abuse POw [telt ears he lett at the ofilml7ll, (*ore street. AItICROHERT 8, MEATH; or AIM WALLACIS Pat the Peneolvants figalonal Bea 'i% 4 L e sl ..1411 taproots_ _WA Attended to. .„ Jens '7O - IllitratAXWlMN AIM.; Q-#1%112011 raimarl 00,11.1* ail baid °Mention &Übe Ornes of CL, Centre Street, grill be 3 Slay!, OW 1 1 1 . 3444 ' l n • ' ISISE .6,____. - - • ' L -pump. • ' ''.- .'4-•---a umber & SONS. I.tMSPORT, PA UM BERt! F'WESTERN LUMBER' ILA.IIJEIE.NIII27STI, ''orner of 4th And Spruce Sts., Reolng, Pa. - - 4 von band Michigan Pa nel,ln and oiled. Chair Plunk., Poplar, ohed. The ,Wainut runs from nd all thicknesses, and the yH nthes wide. The quality of the nnot be l'urpsased in any mar ng lowes than the city market. .1 any .kinds of Lumber would amine ottr stock. 234 f ER.' E Sc. COOK:;' .RERA AND DEALERS IN . BRIDGES, , BREAKERS.' White and YellOw Pine, • ock, and shipped to order. Shingleas;'LATli, FLOOR- Wiemolitirows, PA.,-and e& !UWE'S. PA. t and Railroad. April 9,'70.15-Cm OTTO LUMBER. • OTTO tt lIIILLER, nfacturers of and • I- IN LUMBEPt, MSPORT, PENN A, Etll 'Timber eta to Order lards,. Plank; Lath. Stripping ng. Skiing, Sash, Doom. Mnultting, flutricenred Lumber, eon - stantly on bawl. • - dock and Oak 'Boards cut any re 70 wiles below Wllllatutp‘irt, 2 50CreIght per 1050- feel. „Orders lee sts furnished on ap . plicatlon :24-Gni . arDware. HARDN47ARE! • 0 M P 8,0 N , CUTLER IRON, _ • STEEL NAIL. 4, SPIKES ~G HARDWARE BUILD( um and Leather Belting; Lacing vetl and Ilurrs, illatstlng Paper AND SUPPLIES • at the CHEAPF.4 : I* PRICES LL% MI . . * laiST 0 1 51ARtikt"" 3 '. 7 r - r ,aar • Apfdig* & /UAW* .4 4114 f ,i 0.0. r in ENorszsit.stravEroaZ and .sz./4. Ewan_ *maim care.-AuLri*.t4zAfg Julys, - A-rz - • • ". 4so 19 v ' . ira°ll l l ' - suus=itzumy maps swlissisetur.. sod caustruessur. Two , -vmprovur surveys . and sltAlltusomalleedosialiralt exect ofinp ted romp=d.,l4o-=.0164::: HENRY PLEABANWi rm i -. ENGEMIE .", CICIL MID IR - . Surveys an 4 Inspects Collie**. and misdate Eli& nil Lands. • 1 , .. Omas—Bannen's Buildin& Centre St, Win* Episcopal Church. . • %Jan. L, 1--; 11 if DM INIMMTOIt. GEO. =ORM offers INS. his *eyrie* as idinelinspector and to RePoll on condition. capacity andw e lt mines; also :to sell lands on commission. Pottsville. Vs . ' July "10 . PW. 81131APIIR.POTtSVILLL,,Pa.,lase ores . Pennsylvania State Eit*i*ml enver. lands. mines. Ja!l•4'.lll64'd L'" Qumrpora, ENOINEWS aad /MOM TEM'. MI °entre streeti.PottaTilia. Lla= ettleations oind Estimates made of Of eryo of buildings. Surveying - lit. 'lto various branebta attended to. '.;an111.:111-6-17 swims A smicra nati i r , .. ~ A..114 - C4XMIA.S. STRAIT= & MIL AND MeGE-22(&ZIOZW6 ' ' . .i•-' - A.VD DIiAU )17133M1, , • x7O M . C.lty. Brescr. Porrr44., (uP stairai January 1.:0 ', - - . tf,, , , CHAS. XAMiLLIN h.., • TERNEEIn t il l "I I itladat k aAf l ll irate 3' 4 and all kinds of ram/ w •-• soorderat tztatittatetat,l*. 0 91 8 1 , $1 1 77.1 0 . - THE EA. ' - " = LI CZNIEJ9 - • No. 1 mAHANTorroo , poi" ra; Special attention given toalibtudneaatntlwabove branches. Having a large;antperlenee. sat action and pmrnptness guaranteed ? tlalleetions especially solicited and will receive itantedlate attention. January 1, To • P. KOPITISCH. informs,the public (hat he C he has repurchased the SOAP AND .CANDLE :PACTORY, corner of second and Itichitreiets, Potleville, lately owned by E. Cs.idt t which be Mr; KapHach. established In 1844. The new firm will tieS. 'tech & Bon, and they will huuinfactaire BJ3 hind* of Soaps and Candles. 'The flatruninfe of ■ and the public In general larespectfully riaTl= ll- July 2, 70-27-ly • . 130.1f1i • • , WM. L. DA.I4 5. . ;,-Practical Plataberand Gas Fitter, • - - No." Ittinkivngtoct I:laving been•in the btutiness over 10 years in Phil adelphia gives him nnu: 4 ll.l 1 facilitlet for -deriving Ills supplies; from that CI houses. sir lartiettlar attention paid to country ork. march as, '7O-1y - -EORGE MARTS, •c OT. I O. =I, MARKE - rRIMY. POTIVNILLE. Inventor or the self-dnidping *gee, and of Coal breakers half the usual height, saving thereby • great amount of timber ip pp large breaker. The ,elf.tiumping pages are for. slopes and shafts, with Of without doer to ear, add •with water ap to; attached to diSpense with pkmps. Itself-du mps ne or two btories,, and hoistspne, two or three at the same time. BEM The advertiser sell plan e larripert ntend or contract to build - colliery improv,einents of all kinds. ' • .larch 5, '7O • *. -- L . P. wsrrxn.Y, ' , • .r. BAN -riC E-R, • ' 160 Centre Street„ Pottsville, Pa. - GOLD: AND. SILVER,' . ' FOREIGN =ORANGE, 17,t1TED STATES AND OMB BONDS: . MONEY .RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT—'INTER ST .allowed es:per speelal agreement • - STOCKS' arid BONDS bought and soldat the New York and .Phllndelpbla Boards of Smokers at,. the usual Comitalssion. - Jan 1.'70 . 1-ly CAVE YOUR MONEY' BY . BAVESG TOITa LEATHER. - BUY ' :BUY • ' BUY • Buy 'MY " BUY' C. S. , FOSTER'S 1 , C. S. FOSTEWA -C. S. FOSTER'S' • C. 'S.. FOSTERS', • • Water ProotGrease 'A4 Leather s PreserVathe Inferior qualities of Leather made impervicitut to water. Old Leather media:a and pliable, with color_ . renewed; more lasting than any other of Ito kind, market, and appli mble I.; all kin ds of leather. Miners will find it the-beet article they ever need to rprotect, their hoots or Shoes from sulnkur water. I. °oxide, wholesale or retail, by if.ILEBIL.FOI3. TEll;Vtidilandi Pa.; and in Pottsville by Bright &Co.. Fox dc Bro.; - .1ess.e Foster. Thomas Foster. and F. L. Foster. • • • May IA 411S-.423-tf - nELAWAILE MUTUAL LIVE- Irisulte,ticE CO., .WILMINGTOY, DEI,AI 4 I.kRE JOHN P. McLEAR, Pre‘ident. • • M. EM. CHILD, Sitretary. N. W. tx)ft. NINTII'Ki CHESTNUT 43TREETS . • GEO. W. STONiOe =President, Manager. : E; 'X GEO, F. TURNER , GefiThAgent & Attorney. PURELY MUTUL. ;is. - LOW iu;Tr44. Policies Non-forfcit log after One Annual pay ment. Every aechrutuntlailon conahitent with safe ty- guaranteed to Policy liolders: P,oakiebontaining full InTormat ion concerning the plans and rules of the Cd. tient free upon application to the Branch Office.- • - Aggpts wonted throughout the SYntes of - Pcpittyfrania 'and lycsij Jcrsog, 4raitmits cc"(bY pertnisSionj— i ron. E. NV. Gilpin, Chia Justice State of Delaware:: Hon. Thos, F. Ra'y ant, U. t, Senatdefrtnn Didaware; Rt. Itev. -Alfred Lett, Bishop of Delawarc; Gen, Henry .lu Pout, Powder:daft urr ; , Hon. Giiv -Saulsbury, Gov. State of Del.; the Presidents oral! the-Banks In the City of Wilmington; Hon. J. 'S. Valentine, Mayor City 'of Wilmington. July2l, OLD AND TRIED. INCORPORATED 1851 BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y t •• MASS. • T11c0.1 . 4.F. PI.X'SIZETT, Pres .I.INIEs VI:ANCIi 4 , 4 NIee Prodderit. ,Secretary - and Treas4rer ..I,,,lstant,SeCretary, Non-Forrelture or all • oiictes Guaranteed by - Law. -In CaSe any premium 14 not, 'paid when due, the pokey Is not forfeltedt.,bra the bolder renialtia in sured for t ill- full amount, until the premium alrea dy paid, and unearned is exhausted by the coat of insurance at the net. rate. • One Alumni Cash Premium on an ordinary_ L ife Polley will isintinne the Insurance for TWO YEARS , and to: DAYS Irina the time the. policy wag twined,' er ONE V EAU mid 16 DAYS after the SECOND ANN UAL PREMIUM - BECOMES DUE. Should the riceond premium not he paid, and -the insured die within one year:mil 4;6 days after Kiehl:ion-Pay tuedt, the full amidint of the policy would be paid, less only the premium due and unpaid. The larger, the number of premiums paid, the longer will the insuninee continue, In casvf non-payment Of -pre mium. . The Berkshire Life Insurance Company has paid, under this law Six Claims, which In Companies of other States would have beeniterrthless; and is now continuing the insurance oti over 400 policies on which the hullers have been unable to pay pre mium. The last claim paid tinder thislion-forfeitttre plan was that of a member who Insured a few years since for SUR. In 1%4 he failed to Ow his annual 'ninths: In Januarylast, one year and five Months afterwards, be (Wed: The Company has paid to the widow the full ainount,Mg' less only the i)verdue payments and Ipterest. . Ecery'3lanbet# Rceeirrs. every . Day's lasitraftes , . paid for. ALL PROFITS-DIVIOED AMONG THE POLICY - - - - - i • HOLDERS. ANNUAI.,CASII DIVIDENDS. ' ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT Careful selection SI trettivestmelth. Good Agents and Solie4o . rs wanted. For intormtition; spiily at the home omee, or to W. H. OHAVES,'General Agent.. fa. W. mr4 ELEVENTH and CHES. 1. 'NUT'Att. PHILITIELPIIIA. ; Oct la, '63 ' 13-Iy. M MELG. T. PUMP'S'S 1 . . ' , . 1 . LIFE.O DANIEL WEBSTER._.'. , This Great Natlona. Warw., written In fullilltneot fruMr. Webster's tesuunentai7 Injunctions, ;Mine ' blished in tiro voltnea,lSco, MO pages each, Illus. 'rated with elegant Steel , Portraits of Mr. Webster, aail tine Woodcats, of different views ai Franklin and at Marshfield. ' • i VOLUME ONE NOW ram.lay:. . . • "Alsoon as: Mr. Curtiles ,work Is published, the present generation will have a much fqller and more• completely rounded conception of tills extraordi nary•man than Was slammed by kis Intinediate con temporaries. • r .A.Mr. Webster will again come' Into flew per haps the foremost man of this century on the Amer ican Continent, It was he that supplied the ideas which triumphed In the hate war for the Union. The Union now and forever, one - and inseparable,' • was a sentiment. which he had so Infused Into all In genuous hearts that that they were ready to pour out every drop of their blood is its support. He Is the one man wittiout.whom success cotild.nothave Veen achieved."—X. Work!: , . "It la probably the list Life of DANIXL Wgstrrs, that will ever be written, and it Is beyond compari son, the best. As a biography. It has the remittal-. Hy of usefulness, Deng suited to the listeitt the general reader as well as answering glis restdre ments of the scholar and politician.' "The cattail& from his speeches and deuce are copious, but the selection of =rig happ enoug h they carnal be dun to any man who mares for the book or Its s ubjec t to bur H."— If: Y. 2'rsbune „.” Mr. George Ticknor eurtlies life of DAttlgt Wragren will meet a warm welcome flout the American public.. "The Author aloes not write at a Politician: and, were the 000 - hosed withoutt, the name of any edi• tor. it wouldlie dinienit, if not impossible, to neeer tain from any - thing in it what are his own political , alliaeces. We dote the BM volume mith great lab isfacticm. feeling that the life of the illastrions.New ? Englander has been written as he. himself 'would have approved of it,"--Joiamal of Ceasseseree, Marcie/from tie"Bostors Cherie'," Soo. Lent. ' l "Mr. Curtis has produced ) not only a biography of marvellous Interest, but one of extraordinary merit in a literary point of view. "It may be .considered great praise, but we think that Mr. Cciitis hairwritten %he Me of Deur= Wait. area as it ought to be written." . . "Since Chart e," said. Theodore P ar ker,ae n think there has not such a grand fgure in all chriseendor w . A large TOAD, decorous to dreas ;„ ll4g - nilled in deportment , he walked as it he felt lit 11 a king." ... . ... . This work, of which the first reteduse. is now pub lished (the second will be ready Pebrussy Ist), is sold , by subscription only. end the price l ,$$ 00 Vol.: EtobseVions zany beglven our authorised Ansens. or sent area us. • • Agents Wanted in nii_p_i_w4 a the country. 'Address D. AN & CO., PliMisb at Feb. to. , 76-29 at s st IS Grand ;JIM Yak Pirafannamma: statozoirtr BA MAN • I.I4BTITUTS.,pra. Wie . rtkAtoth et.; above Market. IL C. mv tivety ewe. some; • mmatie Betts, Stock dpi. iodise Mrs. Uri". M.' P. -- • July 11,—'76:41143 • -•- HVANNT I re-NNW PATZNY 4.W LAU nuoIIILDNRSRAM. sod oinarreur •DßlTTN: No atom griglotibe anus. . P.M* dellIP; loft and r benefit puiponoo i d,. ISO North b e k vw wo m ip ZINO° 4Occ loft Meadow Jul: /11.10 39 -7/7 , • ele s c e PURELY i,IUTUAL. Example. at the Age of 43 ••‘- --. '..--;-•,,,' - '.. i :-.:-,?--,,.. tni troff ;Pilreolv• nr4-Txt ..._,..,, , ... .; ,„ t i , _. .t I; -' ;' • • • ; 41410 ~,,,._ . , -•- C t" -- . ; ' • •1410221130 10 ir , .F. -11 0raJ" it 3 f! 0 a :I'' '''.: -- ; (, - t ii i -- - I-- - ' -- • ' 4 • - • -11 1 i 1 .. ii` CHINERIAL: L INS t 7 - ' .' ' 4,-.. ..' Li' : 7-' . • fr ,''' - ' V:11-.. . sal n - NoTrrecleeiarf3 St., P(ltt r 4lll4. f .. ' GOODS FOR TEE LADFES AT c REA 3)3ARCIAINEL . - I .' i would. Invite ple*:tentiort of IllousekcePeT 3 lattlirs to 11l stock 4 , i , Sigik7rlzifit - , aNI,iARVTIXO Mu s, CALI COS ' and FLANNELGS, TABLE r.r:Fmr, - xAligiN , TOWELS, CRASHES,' Iie_ • ~ • 1 ' s - Dress Goods of ail - Descriptions, .W ite Goods, LaCie Handkerchiefs .and Donal's; •:,1••. .. •,._, - . Linen Cellars and Cu 1 Notions, TOmmils, l'itc.; •- '• At LOWER. PRICES iOM . tttsur tikri belsok ' elsewhere.. 1 j,. 1 " .- ' Tili Jan 70--5417 TYNDALE t , mirrckiE 1.4 CHINA, G.I e ASS EARHEN No.:7o7,.:_Che'6tiaut! Street, Phil ' - - i. • , - ! FLITE PAILIfLA.I 4 I .GRAINITTE, the best stonetrare In the market' SoLtl at .th WHITE FRENCH CHINA, In all the bestrshapes and stile.• FC,01124 ) )3 ' . : - -• ' ' ' yortEr It6TB hi Oval variety. klass engraved o the pram ' . r •.• 4 :. - , De;niital either In full gets or =telling*, Ili the best ' • ' FIROT-MASB .04)(5D8 ONLY, and I LOWERT ! . . - tif3ri PRICES. .i . . , lard, — 5. vzo Letters of inquiry- In regard tO prices, ae., ofsoc4s. Premitli l i : GOLD AND; SILVER B RIO NEW UNION. 4ALL; 104 H _ON e WILL OFFEII:,. FROM DATA; ~ANY GOODS, FROM . THEiR SUPERIOR eTtiqK ' • • j • LOWER TITAN GOLD Et , GREATI REDUCTION IN PRI PRINTS; 8 cants and Op. . • BLACK -AND C L'D ALP : ACCAS. - ' . BILKS, DRES S , GOODS ,.. of all . • ~,j NOTIONS, Mir Come• and se l p for yiaurself. PRICES THAT CAA t s OT HELP BUT BE ..POPULAR. - IRE NEW ONION DRY GOODt".STORE IS THE PLACE FOR BARONS. )( A rent 'Jan 4-2-lvd&w „ ~ ..- - --4,., - .;4,4'...4 1 i 1 - 1 . , 1 1 la , . , Ica ke-)%t At 1 4 (1: g, .E 1..! %ev _-• -t -. . .s I . -1 ~ . ,• • ~,,. 0. 1 i ill. ~. . . . • c - - :- •t N 4 , kt1...L.,-.....114 '.. ' i • 41111 4 . . c . . , . , I ' ' ~.,X-1 • ' 1 ' ! ? .. • I , . _ By otir , system :pf Self-measurcir:eut, easily4inderstood, we enable customers to send their [ orders in such a Way ors to SECURE AB GOOD PIT ns though they came themselves to our Establishineo. Our Imprcivedißules.for Self-Mcastirement,,Simples and Prince sent when requested, and PROMPT fiTTNIOION given to all orders, with GIIIMANTBE of entire satisfaction. ._ ' ~ t , 1 ' ,'', JOHN jWANAMAKEIta • October 16, '69 financial; 6 _ 20 9s AND 188111 BOUGHT, SOLD AND E l XCII ON MOST REASONAIitt TERN G . O liD • Bought and Sold at Markel - COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD B BOVOIIT AND SOLD STO6Ic.,S BOUGHT AND. S COMMISSION lorzL CHIGAGO,, DANVILLE and VIN . - First MOrtrage . 7 per cent. Gol4. : onds, F9ll BALE AT 90 AND ACCRUED IX:TM - MKT% Aeeonnta received and Interest allow 4 on daily .i, e • ' balances , rubjeet.toebee:k, at Mgt i t.. ' •1 i • . ' No. 40 A t TEL;RD.AT., PII;LADELIIITA: , • • Matelk 26, '7O 1..549 .jeriili}rrE FET11,12:11118. 50 TONS 4 ,' HALL'S" SUPER PHOSPHATEOF LIME, maribbletnreklby Hewn S. Exeter. Warranted pura, unadul#rated, no. ilia and relS d !‘ • For sale by GLEN 4 BELL. *meta, ES street. A 'liberal tecount to dealers from rien:trent prloasby 0 Pottarllla, April*. '9O-15. W.Y. DONA DAON. A TN NEEE4.IOI3. Routh DELA.IkARF. AVEicrE, Pi ESTABLISHED 'il-botlnue the tuangfacture o their o .quality 'SUPER. 11110SPHAT • — AND -- AMMONIATED 'FENTILI Both of which are sold af. Low Items, h is erauve to the Venues or Dmaxsa. BEND,PO)3: ' CIRII LA - • ~ . .. II& I PE RUVIAN I GUAR a, -* (GenuMe Govertunent from eittneha and 0 nanape 11" . e.. /Await)." Puri, calcined; and rdind .Hydran no Vaunt. Candle! . and a full auto at of Guru tag Mid Otelalng Oils at lowest nutriket li: DISCOUNT TO D,F AMI - Should the dealer near yoa. not keep our article& =one enters toms and thvyrirM rendre prompt on. , ~ ; Aug. Lk 7L-13-301 F I -31"ElliONritEli FIRST BAW BONE B'EIOSPBATE.,I MADE. 1 • . • • ALL 401118123 'ARS - 5 I • 1 BAUGH,.!I3 RAW EcONE • I. t" Sup* 'Phosphate ; of Dine. . f - -.4 '•• _.„_,. ; , , .- ,••-; . M • - i. ._ ,t , _ Aliiddallaasstam inadeof East or onborned lames. me* va.,Nltrommmas saatter_, dissolved Is Oil of riol, parientltomtba Dom nompataus in* tasklY DO' luld• mad taus aitallsilastatamsaduss Ammonia In mak arms:oakum as to Immo* moms and vier oasaaii itamt e aln. .: % ~' ~..1 :.' Wbsee • rucassiasMas mdshost Om pact sassoM Oa arttlalliSM l4 7 l. fit will maintain Its earn** Wo se mimatall !mamas** -Odd nettele, *arta, --;.. -a. a 11:0111C4M amssast a Ph 1 ' FALL, MM. • poi _ _ DIM send • MM. seems . wbPaa zaLtfZ an amp= tostrutaiss \lenfie ea • WI swot IMMO- F. IF. TIMM. ClwandsioXi , -.1.117,14 10-41104 ft • I i ( HOIAAS ssuzesor. 4 4 Class Calirusges and auggik/g ens Lassa AND mar Amami= • L atinna MAItIIIPACTORY2.—Coa.. EistcurD AND Nonirsouitins..onsfinnast - - - - soca or Kos rimsa novas. Pornrsztan. rt. Constantly on Landsgoo4 nintorthann of new and saansflaand Cl = s rati tu an at iatd to +lrtng. ;- ' !48.. . . 2 I 253 Ce t. • Rates t ONDS OLD Olt 1 EM ILAD'A. atund . a .. .t . LIME, '► ER. . ship retna- ino. ' mrmE j• 1 el' „:, 0- -71 i CI 0 OHOE~: tre St i ; w cr.L WARE. - - a e 1 a Prices of ordinari *amis. DINZIER,ITA iisisi an!' China ' aruswerod.l. JLISIS. . E, Arr.,' iltlt ES SY:.': L CES. • . bolds. rqs - zfayLvasze HALL. • emu=Brssar, Parrsvita.k, PA., ) This well knovin and populartiotel, tisidria been . entirety renovated and refurnished, Is now•cpen for petruanent and transient borceni.- - trs t.f WARDLE dt 80N, Pro prietors. . June 7. pHILADELPHI2e. Maple Sprimt Hotel and Museum, WISSAHICKON. ; We beg to announce to our old friends, patrons and the public, that we are prepared to gire.them al hearty, welcome- to our NKW.MTABLISILISIENT, situate in one of the-mnst, beautiful and 'delightful localities in the "city of Brotherly Love;r yea, ver ily; Switzerland at Americo. We say to ali, oome and aee us, our. lift/JEW; its t. or ruz n. An JthiflPH B.SIITH, of the Smithsonian / Halt, Ashland, 'Proprietor. • .. •,Luly 80, '7i}-41-3nl • *gat garbs. I INY% CAKE, in.,.ATTORSET AT. LAW, . °lnce, VENTRE St. . , over lidarian & Ramsey's ook Store, Potthvllle, Jane IS 70-254 y LI ABBY C. DORNA.N. ATTORNEYAT LAW I No. ISi Centre tit., a few doors below Eptimpa Church, Pottsville: , : • April 2 3 ; M"-/7-/Y F. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT •LA W, Main . street: Shenandeati;Tt Jan IS, Itl-3-Iyly . . HERBY Q. SHEAFET.L.:,,JAVTOrtNEY-AT LAW. Office, 156 Centre - Bt., Potting!le. May 22, 'O9 . • _ 21—tf I A. M. PASOKOItki, ATTORNEICLAT-LAW, j • Pottsville, Ps. OMee, N 0.9 lialuirit Street, opposite Bast ; • .„ .April 8, , 14-1), G— EORGE ,KLETiCHER. ATTORNEY-AT= LAW, Pottsville, Pa. (Alec. No. 179 °wire 81., nearly opposite Miners' Bank. April B,s'S--141—tf. TAMES H. , OA-111-PH ELL. EY;AT-LAW; •130 loath SIXTH Street, Pltllailelphla • . Jan. L. .7- -I. f ' ' , wrrALSild ATT9IINEY;AT•LA No. Ird Centre St., Pottavllle. Pa. January 1, In 1 : 1—• ri.A.NIEL D.IT,Lbt 4. 1 % ; ATtORNNY,AT 4-, LAW. Pottsville, Pa.! tHnee4 No. p ]lahshtonJo street. ' • Januar% ie, LBERT BRITTLE. ATTORNEY -AT.L. W, A Office, No. 11U Centre street, Pottsville, Ps. lat Clulme promptly 'collected. October 14, Ve-12-1y - - 1 EORGE .0.11.40111.13E85. (La or the Chambers burg Bar t / ATTORNEY-AT- tW, No. IR Cen tre St:, Boar.) Pottsville, pa. Nov.,6oll:HlS—ly LAW AN] COLLFATION'OPPICE. • CEIRISTOPipUt ,LJTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND #OTAItt. PUBLIC. Porravn.r.e, Beinrrucrx.r. co.. ra. Boo!. i. • .• • : • --- n , 4 Be, C. • ~~:l a '2~Me7.r~f." rs: • Ff :1. ' 80% Crit.6 N V.lll le's, • • STOVE, TIE and YOUNIMITNO SToRE, _ , _. ____ ___..-..sessitakii also has is c itlaswortmentottle,_ Ile Japased. Woodised Wino* W ilantwame. Brushes. Dreellta..oMkitlilL. r... TwW l f1.i.... ,. Clotlta, Door - Wes. Clothes W sad Bomber Koras, Owl GirriZipicillaWs WI IZols!al AU kiwis of Glassware. Moe. ()Mimes, Pans, children glelsLa atelglelassaabls a Taa's=og Butler Wpwayl. /Deem* Bat Tels: ream Nutmeg Graters, S. &loons, Lemoa essaasers wed a 141131 i * Vo a ilk MIII l a 0 snli: s r"i s " + 11 : •M I e Pli 2 k 1 r Clelgers arid illturDses, Clothes Uses ileirnorek ries. Peru PaSPere.DillaerlDenk Dandleglete. Dredge Boara. Beelnast NW; Marais Boxes _fficiloot Vompsmlglates said Amens. TWO Detsaselb Tubs. DatetsetaXam mere , ;tomer lied Bond Boxes, Flour Mimes, bleat, Sawa, ,amenigtiedTuLgarri DMillintmet T°%/Pst stiFifLM im ßesksta, Calton. Heir* Cosi ftdelsaleslF. . Ake. GM. iitott ai == - allie . : old aa • • of slasiblageLets , swel OM . . , .. . WM. ,: . . . • Sit '..l :WMFl4 ll lB r 1 ,11011 0 141. ONFu NOOVNa r • , • it asimmire. Nig 7.11 F ek r!MI:MfMfM = - : 71 - 1 - • -rm. • ix, • • .le schools or Orwlscbunfrons osts for Seeotstary school. for .tent 3r lr4 l ll .tossolths. Appliestlon to be mad* at orS • A• t JOILN SZC. -- , Assinst S. flec'y of Boa rd. T AND SP • XIO ' • . ..L. . OF W , : 0 ' niI2WAIMISI4I ;.Ito NaxICAN WAN. FOREIGN InDMII&_ GOLD, RAMS*: C3 ri til ' i Mc w r ei rid DONIS matrour szkl SOUL Q a ci oad a t on an point,. pr,-; No 1;164 will,be awed to aerve .ED ihe Interests' of boss WWI fa . aiwita thelrboatnesa. ', - • • JOHN 134 BESUITO./. & M i,alL, mai& ... dad :, . No. Sisoutalld St., ' • /-17 ; "• ti Q"RIP2tAXB 001THTISALH.—Pursuant to :an order of le th'phans' Court Of the County.- of SclitgrUHll, In he( isumonwealtb of Pennsylvania. the suabir ei aldmiiitstrator of Mary Sparks, late cif the Of Pottsvllle„ln the County of iieltuarl kill. Orill expose , to sale by public Tend,- . . M AL& ri7Hicbm. Ale thliT4 - ' ; day ctf /4:ptentber 'next„. at 4 teeleck l i tghe anernoim sit the preantsok In the Borough Of taaVilie, In the County of Schuylkill atoms! Al that certain one full undivided 'half of th e ". certain two-story frame dwelling tweieontiguous. lots or pieces of ground, situate the 13oroogh of Pottsville, County of . l .egit glamor Peonsylvanla, marked ,•on the ' drift of Hughes' 1131 bdt vlatop of the east ern lEl ol N:stern*, with numbers 161 and lai, bonndedond tied- as follows, to wit: north. • woolly bY let . a 144 on said . draft, eastwardlyl by Lawtonr sauthwardly by lot No. 153, and west wardly Oeogge street, toget ju ir=ntainlng in from, or w ith n Ge org * meg* and extending 14 or depth of that' wi th. one hundred and Myles& Dorton strecct.: Sabaedt to the coal and kui late Wof mid d Terms and etindl tions • ktiown at the time and place. of tolo'by mineral 11- .I7M F I:T .. . H T u A I :LO iI It ia . im Ad ira m ari ln: l s l t:t i :r a . a. 111 . of the Orphans' Court, • VlPot I ' Cows. MeGxr, Cleric. ; WTI°, August 13, 10-33-3 t . . ; BULL; ; t, Pottsville. PUB 'OR -, OP UMBER AND COAL TA14.10, FO • WARDING HOUSE, DWLLLINGS, at., 'amide in the village of 'EPHRATA, Lancaster . County. iPa. _„r . . . No: 1 dottabcts of apiece of land, fronting about 206 feet On thecDowntngtown and Harrisburg 'turn pike, , alid i aboe.t 400 feet dee with about W3 I feet on' the B ong and Columbia p, Railroad, on whiqh Is e 5 • ' 1. TWO-STORY BRICK WAREHOUSE, • 40 by 100Ifeet, Sinn a good dry cellar under the whole building. Alt the freight business of the R. tr. C. it. R.OO. la donti In this biOlding ; also the business of the Oenvq;oresis Co; also, 75) feet of good Rail roadcise4 sad 120 feet of ighich is a new Coal Dump. and LID feet ititaxidingii keeping coal under cover_ , Brick 'Stable; a e 2-story Brick Dwel ling II 40 b3r 33 feet, t two-story Brick buck: building. 1 b . 24 feet, .and a one-story_ Brick wash kitcherrattac ed ; Ice Vann connecting with cellar; a g l aide= d smell of never-failing water. 'No. 2 a a ptece olgrongd 23' by 313 feet on which L ere et a Viro-atory Sandstone House,'. .e by 32 het. wIt11.1? ' achen attached. - II No. 314 s apie ce of ground adjoining No. 2, 21 by 313 feet on wh is erected a two-story Sandstone .House. byfeet, with' frame kitchen attached; and w I of. er-falling water. - No. 4 a loe , of gteund 24 by-313 feet, adjoining No. 3on th westelde. • I -f ; - The, ve'ivaluable properties will be sold at EPH TA, llt Public Sale, on i TOURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SM. Is - . 11; ', at I o'clock, r. M. ! ! •• Tatt*—One-third cash at time of giving al on, abalarice in five annual pay t n oils, Ittlest red. A very ertensive LUMBER, COAL and FOR WAR abovtse NG tIUSINDIS' is flow being done ot4 the Med property: Persons wishing !Wo r . matio will please call on SENER BROTHERS, Ephrata, Ot, Sail& Seers' corner of Prince and Walnut Sts.„ Lenia. ! 1 ' August 6, '7O-Z2-a 0 =I STREET. ~-• , • , . RAMP COURT BALE. . .. . rs t 'to an alias order of the Orphans' ditirtf the entity of Schuylkill. lh the Common wealt -o i t fPe asylvania; the subscribers, /W WII to,' Erato Of J EPEf. 111011,GAN, late of the Borough of Pot;svillei to the County of Schuylkill, deceased, will epose:Waste by public! on , ) ,!. • WE N -I /". AU a t'S t T 21, IS7O,- at 10 Wcfpci: i f . . tn th Jore t oOn, at thiPublic Rouse of Solomon Feath r, (M, rtimer Ho !.) la the Borough of Potts- Troll ,11:•otle3g County a i lx s i l i ci. t lplr huY t i t .l: 'goa l" f a tl ,t, tl7 l l l t i iicttTn i l ed desert as 011ows,?. . - No. . tilting - at the :s.liE. corner of Third and Fairsl i ts, thence along the eastern line Gl' Third trees N. PP iii' W.-VI feet to a post, a corner of Wrio..E. er's lot, thenee by the came N.711-r E. El% feet to post, a corner Of Mei [zinger's lot, thence along ludd - 1 1, &le :kr E. 1.15 feet to the north side of ,Fairylew st t, thence along said street S. 7t!4 , W. 176 1 4''leet t the place q beginning, containing one acre acrd 190 rehes more or less, with the appurte nances., en listing of at twd.story frame dwelling ,h f u, ouse with . emerit ando frame stable. And N0.12. - Beg piling at the iMithwest corner ilf Tliir l / 4 1 and 14orgadi streets, t !tenet. along the north line Of Slorgam str t 8.;704 ) W. life feet toils) N. E. corner f ul of Stlddisto TiOga and 1141tirgan streets, thence along said sll.ldl !or Tin g° - street N. PP 24' W.2*.ia feet to the line of .1 formerly offleorge S. Itepplier, now -sit George l. Johns. thence along said tieerge W. &shill' . lant N. 71 %, }.::..Wc2 feet to „tile west side of Thirdaitreet heme a Ilalgt m1,1'11.1111 iq rect. Ks° 3, i,e i • E.Zolreet t the nisei, o f beginning, (-mkt:lining f.tur aCres laud 141)1y-eight pe) riles. I i acres s i istrehl)s) more pr led .. late the estate of said deo:aced. ! 'Terms ansi conditions !mole L nswn at' the tithe" and place : ~..,i, by . ;- ' JOIIN -, E-. ItAr3f. 4 : l'itt , .i)'l: L. FitsrEit, BC Omer , f the orphans I. ( , :11 I, I -.% ,4111113.traturs i - -CltAs. .N1.111:E,• Clef k. 1 ' : - _ Pettmrlli Aug,gstyl, '7 1---.1-2, . . it II MI MEI AZLOR ==3 Palm. Nublit , Salts. .'buctitiot;al. 'porrnoixt.LE INST/TUTE. I ~ t i • 1 : ' Engqsti, Classical, , and French Boarding . and Day Schoo!, F 0 11, /V 0 I n J X(1 F. I N 1)I ES. • ;.,. • n . . : Thiii ItSlitlithilli UptIOT th e Charge of i 1 I • ReTII . 'Dr. and Mrs. 0.,. W. BMILEY„ . . ,I oi. wln j ovli on the BrNt, MONDAY i.I; • EI'TE3IIIEIt. I ! ', • Specie' 1. oare will he triTett to I'ITIEF.C(; rti.rl.l)lq2 , ! • byiexprienced Teacher: . ' ', . !' ..For Rarticl9Bl.+l , d•fro,. ' -. t• W .• ; i , I '- ! ). \V. :431ILEY , At4uNtl, '7O-32-:m ' ' Fottsrille, l'a. 66 Tx , , . INSTITUTE, INSTITUTE, . • • I . .. ~ . .. . .... ... 7: . .-. .. OW D.:: 31.0'N'TGO.Il Lit 1 !COL NTI,,, 1'..1... ~ Eng bib, lassies', Scientific. Artistic and - COnt mei'. dal. Loa admirtstilb. Twentieth Annual Ses sion Thorough prepiiral4on. for College or Business. 1 ,- 'clrelidars addret4 • , - ' . .. Rev. 'OE6 F. MILLER, A. M.; Princirll. - 1 . T Rargagpicss—hers. JCIR. MelgS, Schaeffer, Mann, . , Krauth,. um, flutter; 4c.. Irons. Judge Ludlow, .Meyers,, fi.,'Yost, B. M: Boyer, M.'Russel Thayer, I etc. , i, : July :II; '7O-In.t r . " . • SusQI4EHA.NNA FEMALE COLLEGE, •il ' y.ELINSGROVE,•FAI -- • . - ..litixt alholas.pc year begins AUGUST hi. Tho rough Intj rUctlon, goodboaril, Comfortably furnish ed rpoina ? light, fuel and washing, 51st per y.rar., Apply f,r references and ciltalogues to' I _ WM. ISIOETLINV, A. M., Principal,. • Jay 21,11n.:71-f . 4 , . - ISHOPTHOEPE: - ' B - 1 I.lltEll Setlool. FOR YOUNG LAPIE.S. The,Thl Year commences September 11. 1579. For circular id fit rtherttiformnflon addles s the l'rtrici- Pal;' , • • Miss F. E At - AI:NIL - July II 7i litsbopthorpe, lletilieltem, Pn. 1012NNityLVAISTIA.'PEIEALE COLLEGE:. ' iF.III.L SESSION-wall open SEPT. 11.70. ISSPerI advantage*. are o ff ered at- moderato charges. F7or Catalogue with full 'particulars ad. drat" the 'realdent. ' J.l'. 311ERM I 03 1 1 21 1 7 - Yj i teepr pleasant L in d il"c e-T i r ie l-i tit i ll i i.' , Zt: an if ted free from minerals and I n.:,:rtnu r s disuse, I Is a scientific preparation, a medical awn -OPOIY' d warranted under solemn oath a penile ne t, leek positive cure for Infiamatory Rhea , " Chronic B.bertmatimm, Rheumatism, Rhea. h i matiam (Kidneys, Nenralgis In the Read, Neural gia la t e Body, Nervous Headache, and Nervons Bold by Druihrtsts 5O per bottle; 0 bottles, 60. Medical advice with out charge, sent by e t : ,All orders sent by Express oolleeted on del ' Depot,, No. i ß) South FOURTH street, h_la Pdelpkta. • . . ' Aprlt.lo, 719-10- . Coal Screens, - . T ' uszNEl ll llThr & eTee 3 R. inehm , lan ; ruily ai t isi 1 hil ufactimer:of Coat Screens, • . , Latest and! Most Approved Styles. batediScreetwaiedSeermeataslways outland. s solicit sootitinosace of tb•Pelrell• so liews/17 bestowed. ___ , ' ,__ , L. LAITHENBTIMir & U•l%. • elt,.. rill of; Bistealra Hardware atom . an i Pottsville. re. Eiii t son Amp wins: iscairationi. . LAUbEINSTEI N. igAzartAcitsze. or I ROD AND *IRE SCREEN.S PATILNTRD FEBRIIARY *l* ERSVILLE. scaruyilarg.C434',P.A.`, SQUARE ROD SCREENS, ON itaktuNT the supedor strength and .-Alusubtlltr k :-_tim to WI others wherever trtedAlergris Untts. ghrsyson hand. Orders prosegly_SUed at 71""T . prices. • Msyllt,111:-22- Miff ' 0N41.8.11/111 & CO, L _ • sioreessore to rt. B. t , useser• - r - x • acitresas of Au. snares or • , FIRE: BRICK; 1 1= Mast urnaces. Gee Works.' Fare s . HIACKs - Aron Works:Baker's Ornes Orem . • • de. - Stove Heide: li pid none upyi g a. Cylinders. &e.. everr description to • - i!Citorinil&reristadoiriniCeeemt.lis BWk 7 0 /4 41 4sedis i tsdip a .. _Crook ,_arid peidesirm: •11.: 17 "' Arberied:A""** F!MMIIMI 'ANCHOR - LINN - OW TILANBATLAMMO Uvrilmol.:Quanistown sad tiasnbora.': Remora ,Rarsa. Pasaasur.—Few Pie ot• dying _.onimoolatui.eWfortabe and popular llne ors.tpii between ine United States arid. Europe., oe for lull intortnation la regard to rates of Agent Pmintge. etc.. apply lw peCapt rson or by mall ,to their . F. GLOVEIIk Wo. ",* Centre street; Pottsville. ' ARM 2. 70-111ortrall had a good - latigh at me.) 11,..1 _ bim'cut up in -small ON:Ts. then made n i ri;,.' of manure, by, putting a hiyer.of stahly nureittfayer of flesh, -Jones, dc., well kied' with Bale; minther layer , and So In about Six weeks - afterwar - ,1, hatiled the luau tire out on my eorii fl eta ; :u„{ I am - of the opinion - that .1 Will be well 1 - .;tiel • for my tronble and investment. I have ite.,l - SeVeral careasses in" the 'S11111 . ( M'ay, think a slower, but better u-ny would i bidid a penot -ralls : or boards, tlitit e!.l 1 ! : ,. animals up in - small 'pieces and till. Upwith, them and loam, taking care to 11:1 \ sufficient loam on the sides and tOplo e i lt,•l; and retain all the gases, etc.,front : the OA -- tug animal matter. Whether the additiot, of.-litn'e would be a - benefit or not; I cann , .: .saY, but . should use : Hi When the matter 'decomposed Shovel the iv 11:1, maks over once , or twice, ter mix it well ,t . .- getlier; - .:atidAlieu cart it out. on the taking ..out.'-tite - .undecoMped bones : :t, putting theist -in- al-box or hogshead, 'asln.4; and treating them to atl„. • front Alie, house. ,: g . : • -- .1 'have out a stand o hg er of $-,5 foi'it;!:i-i; dead. luirse.', or stetal,.. weirifing i;ont.n?i. delivered to me at any larnvard, and .tin: willing to let my neighbors have the Ian - el,. ••- • • 4. :ALFRED h. B. ZEnt - c:\ • I.oution county, ,Va . . , DETOIOIt...tTION ..‘ - agrictiltural writer Of considerable nob• tc• 1- tit ng in. 4liehigan,.has- lately 'been vb.itit,.: portions of Wiseonsin kind Northern I ll it and has published in a lOcal paper, t Mantled-ft (Nlieh.); hitt obtetvat : follows, regarding. the above sultject vie* we ha%'e stated.frequently in tliisl,4,. , and have urged thc.apparent remedy: I strange that- western. farmers are so Plom sit, the general adoption, of fertilizers. Wt. lir: Holloway will continue to.pre 7 ofti impOrtatit subject . on every fitting oPpor116,: l ,He flys . :‘-- • "'rhisis thelteart of the great grain g.'Ci‘l atilt-North ern Illinois": For '3O lqrs- or :mire, th,• ; .• prairies 'and plains.,ll - ve annually brought forth- their abundant crop„. To-day as pri, ) - lifiC: in growth as ever; but . theyhave. beet ) ; ShOrp. of their strength in producing in gnat) ity. Once their, grain. Was • noted'as N?o. -,-- unlese - diiniaged after maturity. Now nisi : tenth's of -its grades as N0..2, or - rejected, Kuii it "I Sirettineworse every yea r-.,a . good for grain growers"tO reflect tit - ion and study. in every, country ' • and I loop upontbe main difficulty. here as the want cif mineral man - , ures in their soli, . , largely vegetai Ole, the other having been thoroughly taheit: ... . . ; C lOUS T triuS TO feet that ice, is" lighter tha'n. water; there is. 'another - curious thing irhou t which pmrso:r. do not Itiow, .perhaps-,namely, its purity. A lump of lee, melted, will always - beconii purely.illstilled water. When the early ink - igatorkof the Arct ie.' seas, got out 'of water, they melted fragments of those'; Fast_ twins of lee called : icebergs,"and were aston iihed•to find,that they yielded only fresh wa ter. They thought that they were froZen,Palt water, not, knowing that they Were fornit-1 on the land,: and in, Some Way launched the l aea. But, if they had been right, the O ink would have been all the same. c' face • is, the water, in freezing, turns cur of-it all that is- suit :waitersalt, iiie matter, and all impurities,. Frozen sea watio. Makes fresh water ice. If you frZeze a hasia . of indigo. water, it will make it - asTure that ..rriade'. of pure rain water. When-t h, cold: is very. sudden,-those foreign. haVe no time •to escape, either be" risi ng sinking, and are thus.Cluangled.with the i( btit do:not form any part of, it. rij. 4500b0` mAGGIE BOLAND, 122..CEINTRE ST., • BLLOW A.30R1,f .741. N 1; erft VOTTS ILL Hai now.opened.o new Stitch, of eprlng & Goods suitable for the present season, such as BIACX SILK, Sl73l3lErt (tont, ~ COIL_S: F iIk TRINGF...,TRIJ.I.IIII:I.IO3,,NOTIUNS, lists on hand a new lot.of . • 7. SIACQUir_s, . . wklelt will tiesold cheip. for; co_sh. Lodeii Cloaks blade to orde . i. Nei-Pattern. Lt.! resefved.Oct. 30. '69--11. -1 liVi*/TPIELD 8 86YE,34,. ' • 2i7 ciNTrtE , POTT:ii;"II,II,E • 1 , • . ;... In addition to their Usual assortment oe GOO_ _ ,DS - .EMBROIDERIES. RY GOOOtt, havej oat Opened a full assort Choice Japanese, Silk. RiMes, Hamburg Edgings and Insert Mits. ' • Jouvin, and Inglis Kid Glover, • Hevy Black Silks, • .414 Engtish.Shirtings, • , - • 'J / Bacg~in, in Linen Ilandimn•hi , .: , ite ti 0041.., • Also otl'e , z aildttion and to W th h e wel knownrally • BOYFAI.O ALPA 4 A fall line the celebrated .LLIt nit:i SILK FINISHED; BLACKIcIi moil: tics.. Ladles' snits, in latest styles, haute tln onkr. September I,'o`J' ' - ' • :1-7-11 v, CPRING g Eitrhi3.lßß. DRY GOODE, , FOX & BROTHER, • sia_chien trritErr, • Ll4lllre - to - can attehttuu ti their. ex I elm Iv e ~, ..!, t. . • -. ..• SPRING AND. SUSI VE: DR GPO-S Coilslxting of the Latest tityks et the Mil . , . & Ala fit ( .mc'L-LiDillia.Aynß44 Tu i c CciLLY.L`TIc, i • • Bi...tCK ' .ND COLORED RILES. AND EIDEMOIDE.P.I tt,% " - anti DOMEhTlcs, • GLOVES OF AIA. KLNi•• CLOAKS ttc., A ' _SILAW . LS OF ALL K1 1 .N i)s We laS;) Cait &natation to uur - gtOct f • 'EE WARE • • • %%Fen lM veiy litrge nud selected wit T..- mire . mustet: • We do not canal-dor t lacy ttl eninuentts wliat.we Itsvit, buy ever:k z Dry goods Audi:tiger a;:dur establishment. . • . APO 11:119 yaws ihNM BILAMLIEIg a IasLIS.—The donor the Ocenty Prison a isuge 'mom:llff'; of superfor Cheek and fkainlesaßago on hand, , MINERS' BOOTS AlqD SHOIN, which he otter',"" avid; at the Prima. at, low prima, for csuah. Hit "dr prkmaapald for Carpet Rags. lerorle. ISA A t• IV.A ftp. Flt intllT... , TwoOlSoeg la }lsmael's Otlice s Dili! , i ih r &wad sad Diallantango 4 ;qee t- A • BENRY C. RUSSEL. Real Dilate AgePt .. .18 tango lipaia. - •. .. NM ME , i EZO