. 1. FORTY - SIXTIL YEAR. , • 2 rd 111 .4F:• 11**Iiiiartpoorsvv.risPt." CALL-kW A"SarSIAFZEnSII-CIP /4330tiZte4 NEM 3W 4070 SONS TO TUE PlPLoptorr 07 . ' HARP - tr,vl 4 SIASONT • .11 • , 13414tVA1 D;Norr• /Mr I run li.)!VVOlii Itier week I,isubs. I iv in a jio*puper live'Vbitieee bad hoeiittitumervotiti otza AdiAl*rolandidttkluld thineln'o l 4 o gleezdof , tor the'llerutlatsy.:-/teru. ito tope 'hi Alebuhs! Hem 13_,._erwli,at more will I tire the IMMoentlic rouse Dinioneatie -The rt must,l alas 'heir au Imola Poit 'WA'. that we've lost the nigger.- Tiot!. : steps in at thernick uv time and Irian us the Chinamen. • • lomejitly on my arrival .I",eougsot,nnt . , • Dim Central nonce "uv our ik arOg and oohed I meeting"?V- rail'intoriu ban, of the nth Warn -Oppueedlo the intro ; duisheO u 0 fain pauper hsuor Into Anieriky. TWA, OVILD. wluai (nu" the elhehtrock 81000 .ne uk mule, 1414., Dennis o tA zh , Thr hi l esur, and Pat O'Fl i yun,',.mad Jew nurolaiku; and Terrence Ild,oole, and Jemmy O'Brien, em Muuluveloous in the blOck the Savor Era ls , located in, emend IMO the matter wttli.,eidrit: Were 6v:tilt In biznis, but, thank Heaven, iu poli tic% we kin act together ez a unit. _Our in terests are 'dentate,, • We tried to git isome,_atioemakera and brick masons and such to *tend the zneetht, but they 'all Ininstid they wuz 5,0 c• in the eveulti the mason tits convezed to . • the beck ; in uv the Harp ay Erin, Teddy O'Ryan I pie chairoind Dennis O'Shaugli nessiy (ber f tentier for Fat O'Keefe, SeknlarY. _ A CominltW on' Rewilutionis wass. - appoluted, ,conslsUn tiv Jemmy ()Teflon, Patasey 3lc- Shane, and Jimmy Sheashaa. • ,::: . f• The Chairman retnarkt that the contin he ,' the barbarous Chinese to the*.E.iusteru• States 1 had tilled him. with pmfutind alarm. Ersadabrin man be soltunly protested agin bringin forin . pauper labor , to thoaer,luippy shores to rompetewith-us. -",- -- • - With ail his pole lie.prbletitedietl this im potiaisbuit uV Pev.e.n3iditiFen'lturrtners td Ameriky. He hoped theineetin wood do its duty in the matter, He' wood interdooce.to the meetin Mr..;J,pin 4aemiet Pierre La Tou rette,• a'gentlematz try North Aflame, Massy , - eharseta,. where this on agin Ainerlkin tuber wiz bean pe .• - ' Mr. La Tourette ric and.addrest the meetin in French, ez be *Coodent speak English, —he Yin bin in' this country only ten mo at . We_procoored a Frenchman lurch cood 8 . En 6 iish, who translator' him for our beuefi Mr. La Tourette•remarkt that the principal 'thing labrin men bad to contend with wuz imported pauper labOr. x . The Chinese with ' • hed . bin adveutid in North Adams:win a in - .ferior race %Inch cood livebn nothineXtd•cusi ' consekentli workfor , nothin. They,bed none ' uv the habits and teaser civilizashen. They ' did , not drink likkeir ;in .fact. one of.them, Chlog,Choy, didn't know what llkker wuz. (Kipreshun uv disgust from theentireassern bly.)*-Onisihundred uv his peoplebed bin'ln _doost ten months ago to eome to the Yoonited_ States frot4 Lower Canady by the promise trY -. ekal - rites. ;.Them wich emigrated With - him from Lower Canady hedn't anythin pcirtick • _der to eat In that es:nary-mid Still lass to wear; in fact the half uv em WWI being sup . 'ported by the parish authorities. We clime to the lioonited 'States the mantifiskterens pay in oun fare on the railroadi, expectingg. to find a land uv good wages and plenty.. Wat :hex bin the result? Why:just es we bed all -_ lined the Crisping and established vihoshood and who, shood not labor in North Adams, and likewise wet wage§ shood be paid, and . hOw thel'shuod'be paid, but before' we gut control "uv the books of the *concern we are confronted with fcirrin• pawper labor' brut from ts foicin shore, and we are put in', the 'cold. Mr. La Tourette remarked -that when he-bad sad "we," he spoke of his associates. 'He didn't labor hlaself --he was a friend of humanity, whose business it wuz to orginize laborm men agin the encroachments of mid tal. 1 • - - Dennis oShaughnessy, our Sekretary, wanted to know, whist wages was,paid them' , . ignerent Chinese. . , •- • • - 'Mr. La Toureitelinsered about 12 Cents a - day, which anser, ez it wuz considered esseii ,, ,;. . tial to put Jan record, - I• rote down, ez Mr. O'Shaughnessy's early . education had been neglected- " Good Lordl" ejackulated Ted , dy Ryan , " that's only: two drinks' and a fifth! W want no idol labor ez that:" . FatherliteGrath, after giving notice that neat Sunday that a beautiful gift image-of St. llonitice, which tied ,bin preeeotid to his church, wood be displayed for the adoration of the devout, demanded that thestringengest, ' lawsishould be passed preventink the immi; gra:shun to this country of heathen and idol ' atolls. - He believed! in religious tolerashen, but the idea of a joss -house being erected in Noo York tilled him with alarm, and ire would - prevent it by ell the power ut the law. WHEREAS, - 17,ertain blotid . aristocrats in Massychoosits hey importid fguerent and de , - graded Chinese to take the place uv this 's hrew in that Sate, and . . • • WHEREMS T„he leaders ni , the Diumency • uv Noo York is the laspeshl champions us tu ber, there by the leaders uv the Dimocrisy tIY Noo York be.it. 1, ' ' ) • - Resolved, 'That the DiniOcrisy het alio - held that tree labor is the safeguard uVAme. : rikin liberty, 'Ceptin south uv Mason st Dix on's line, wher it hez idinz seemed to us that labor shood' be _owned by the must dombuint , est class. , Resolved, That the importuheu uv formin pawper labor into Massychoosite is au inva shep ~uv the- rites uv the Amerlkin 'fatten class which abood be .resistid to the 'death. [Cries uv "Good for yez, Jemmy!" t` Be dad .we'll,ail vote for.that!" "Letjernmir O'Fal lon alone for .puttin' a thing, naiely !")- Atid under the excitement uv the moment, the: assemblage; all Jined in singin' "The • Wearin' uv the Green." ceptin La Tourette, who burst out into the Marseillase hymn. Resolved, That to the end - that-labor in * this country may :ocs free and unrestricted, we counsel our fri nds in Nerth Adams to immejitly kill all the Chinese,and all others • Who consents to werk , with etak . • Resolved, That Ameriky hes bin the lef t. uge uy the apprest uv all nasheniAand ez we ' are determined it shall aline be sich, we pro les tist- agin any __chin 'catnip in on any terms ' whatever. '1 ' • Letters endorsin waive *hood do 'for the . C. caz uv labor WM reseeved from Hon. John ' Morrissey.HOff.lienjamin Wood, Hon. Fer nando Wood; and oiler distinguished friends uv labor. r• -1 , . .. —Patsy McShane commenced a speech on the' heeuousnis uv importin pawper labor, wich wood hey svig.ood effeek, but Abhibll3' ,MCQuade ' wich dent like him ; interrupthi by akin him ho* long ago it wus that be and all his brotlits and' cousins wus taken ' out uv the 'workh use in Ireland and bed their fare paid , to3his4sountry by a raleroad company, and 'Whether when ire landed he hod a decent rag oh his baekor a 'chit in his pockltMr. McShane retorted by \tenth' to kiwi , of 4fie MoQuadea, leery. mother's ' son tiv ein, t edn't bid in the sinuelfiX. The argy 'eat was conclooded by the two cline:bin, and In a minit the•twhole assein Wage *nz hichilgin in ez butiful a Ste es I hey . ever seen in Noo York. Nevertheless -good was as complisht; bz we hey this' labor .. movement Sting. tin its feet. I shell go back to Delaware immsiltly, for there is movementii -uv importance there wish is about to, be eommenst. I hey to draft an address to the Democrasy uv that e , State. . . PETROLEUM V. NASBY; (Wick wus Postmaster.) --Toledo Blade Sots, itots, &f. CRAB. 1717. DEBIOLZIt. AG2MT ■ : .I . lOOT i SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE - ,=s Castrrierr Stumm. °antenna. , atiVti ar &Ken o Hatt aznll M, la enttori paid to great earin hand Ftutiow pg ott Work; REPATRINq done nand) , on abort make.. Feb. U. •Th—sioki•ly • . il 3111"01ITAN T. ,‘ -''' '''i. . • I-• ` . a .- - . THE z. •101131 B001`& sfibt% EMPORIUM..„. : Is now litlidrispanuien. and the. stimulate at the ladies of Pot wide 14 especially invited to the large% - "stock now to store and arriving dallyof all the finest - elms (tripods. suitable kw-ladlee' wear, sod admitted to this market. Kr. Crine has, med. (super-WV •f . this brvieti of !minds, arid gives bisi”rilcular_lll - team:wing the be line of itia.. ' weer tiler brought to thorny. . „ Beery attentlotritill be paid to eastonters. and • cordial Invitation Is extended to *IL ,--- 11 WOW MI R. 13 . r FON - "C/IRTILIZNIIIL 60 Torts r HAWK- SUPRA , 1' PHOttPHATIgOI/ UMW, manufactured by }isms ;-* • & eon, Fastrz. Waroutted pars, unadulterated. au- Ur* and reliable; ,-: SteWr to , / -OLFZeIf, d BEM, • itaenle4Rallroidatreet,: ..A Mimi amiqta— •.t to dealers mandontarees _Erlotal_w_ __ ' • • Pound!. April*. IWO. ~ W 3ll. pOKALLISON. • FAalig oluar r ot. 14 1 TO 11 2111 g. FIRST 1- 1 . • v• ' BONE IttOSPli*AT MADE. • ' -.4*: l ' • • . * 1 1:,‘• I. B U,44:11* RAW BONE IMOE MARK rem. NM NM • • • TUB litiwaaxliimada al Baserbabillsed Xmas. 111 Ni , 400011112 la Con of vit. isp.eatirsizt=7,..... 0, blighb.., /o aaX aorallabla frt& aad las Amnon% la mob •taaoursas alto Wan it p"apt.allal now. s siblzwr oat ma S Sibs maw e - . Aram ll' .E.llolSthata arts meat thi feet sessaa. the I orialtoat=amiXor st wal t asalluals Ise We nit VIM WA 1 . 12 **l l 4 of 40 ittlalllliattilals: &mot aMIO a SOX& Idaaalsounom 01/72CZ—Xo. Xi& Delawalo Aoltaaa t Maas. libecti'll. 70. - • Li lm 1• 1 • MEI 1 S THE 1C017,1T ~Cl 7 00111/a...._ nth/WM Minlity, '' . CATE/muss tYliere'LS by bee ' nets friend, Elarrlsou Dertick, 91 Jane Tenn, MI. ta:_ . , , , .ettles 184214zsrua J**a 0101TLII. - -, 1 1 fora Divorce. 18 March Ter..., M. ._ _ To the respondent above named : You are hereby mulred to .ppear at a Court of o:namon Pia* to :las hMB at Pottsville_ for the Cohan, of Viebnylklll. .on We AnstMoaday ot slemagul next, to an-wer the W l + l l ll Bll4 of tue libel. tlo the above stated a ,- we. - •O S HOM 4', WY KOO ,P 'Sheriff. Alheriffs Mos, Powortlle„ July in. ia-amt, 'TS TIM COURT OP CO . 1, Saturant Vonzity,' } Plitt.tat BAtrimks - " ' • '4lavitaktiva fravintaN. , • . ' To .3. th*7 atareti Tera 4 ICI. caepaDdeat above.. ... -. maim! to'appeat at a Cowl of be bdd at /Po, townie, far thy t)on onW ;arn !Moody of Saptem . .' the oosppmiatai Use libellant In ease. , - - at-MO[IE O. W 8103 rirs °Moe:Pottsville, Jolty Tr fiabpsna fbr a Thrulttit. • ,• • You are hereby Common PI eak to ty of Schuylkill, itrr nest, to sus er the above staled. NICOOY Sheriff. 23. t j Ili Inn COVET OP coxtton: PV.E.a.EI .of Schuylkill County. . EMIT= syssoLcif, by her ,Inne Term; M 0... neat friend, Wni.:YOWIS. -. rs. Alids liabpcena fora w °ank litssOtsit Divorce. &II lire. Term,' tall. . To respondent above named: ton are hereby required to appear at a f)ourtigomniou Plea., to be held at Pottsville, Air the • m y of ifeliuylkiii; (mike. lied Monday of Septem r next. to answer cugUm comp i laint of the libellant in the above stated ly 23;1 4t 44/3011r.M'C. WYNIC.OOP, eheriff. ' ' .DMINIIITHATOWB If CO TICS. Where as, A 4 - 1. /MUM hostameutary to the estate or Du•tav Woltjeei, tale of the Naomi& of !Pottavitle, tleht/Y1- hill Volliny. demised, have hkedg, seated to the lOU b. =We:, ..ildlpersolui indebted to "aid extol.- are re quested - to make Inithediate ppylueut, 'aZod those tutting claims admiust. the same to make theta Paws° without delay to CHAS. Lt. Vi01111EN: July 16. 70-29-el , I Admilmtrator. A PYDR-DSTILATOWB SOTZCF. Whereas, letter of samlntstration apou the estate of Mary Sparks, late of the Borough' rd . Pottsville, de. osaaad, bare Dern granted - to the- subscriber, : those Indebted to the estate of said decedent are requested to make immediate saydieris, and all persona Lev i g claims or demands again -t the said - estate are requested to make known the same without delay, to • h. T. TAYLOR, - ' • No. 2i7 Centre street, Pottsville, Pa. Pottsville, Jtity td, '7l) 29-M FSTATE OP ELIAS BISREL DECEASED. 'Whereak letters testamen4rp to the estate of PAM Itishei.late of the Borough of Auburn, Whey!. kill County deceased have been granted to the sub it scribere all persona Indebted t said estate are re • quested to make immediate yment, stud_ those having elatllls against the .a e to make them -known without delay to ' •I - • i.- CATHARINE RI lIEL. Executrix. Mantra, Schoylkiti Co., July Ile, Iti.2l4te . ~.........„.• ....—..---- — - T . v 7-- . T UM.. ER! LUMBER rt) ANI CHAIUMAREFL4, We hi 7e on band a large lot Of seasoned !,..g ()VAL 01()Firf2 BOARDS and POPLAR CHAIR and BAT DER PL. _Mi.' The above is tile best quality of IN DIANA LAJMIAIit. B •As • . RAUvt:s.Bll24ll,, /illy 8 ,'7B-3 1 -tf cor. 4th &Sp en Sts., Reading, Pa. JOEL! A. OTTO 3 801.!1/9, , BOAS & RAITEVENI3ILTBII, COrtair of dth and Fipruee 13t O, Ileinling, We keep constantly on haidi Michigan Pa nel, In diana Watrint;Poplar Chaliank yoplar. and Ash Lumber, ell seasoned . Tile Walnut runs from 12 to 80 inches wide and all t ekneases, and the ;F Poplar from 15 to 30 inthes wide. The Quality of the 'Vomit and Poplar cannot be I orpaseed in any mar. , ket, and we are selling lower;than the city market. All parties in want of any' kinds of Lumber would do well to call and examine our stock. ' . July 9, Itt • •284 f IRON. laws. 1a!,427/./ Trz .. scgirars, 3 4o . :2st apitnistivet. 111 M. CALL .824" • ,„ No. 1611 Centre cheap Glanten - 11!inee t epodes, Elltovets, Cern a u se** Rain An n lama. _ SC sc - LLICS. SC Of Wads. Rad Ow Not ° . ass * *mufti*. * MYER HCHUMV, 441piPlatio451. ~Oci)nr.drost. Potts: TUN. _ . TIAZa 'Mani e Baillt aD ia• and Irtnes. :bliPslaTirtils, - Plifter.. s'? sed i r ls) ohm Coeta ripe ol u tr i Clam sises. ~.. r......-... _ .~ , ..t... _.. ' . .. ' . . , • . buy . ~. ~.._:,....,. ut.- , . . ...- 4- • is Tau vierstasur. oo ! a Neausull! O cnint4 e-Soste of to us* . Ner. de reamed. , The underskookAnditer appal • sad by the sai d Court, "t 0 MILO IftscruKuum of abelmaanixi in, the Numb or= T. springer, Ad niatretar, 411te ~ oil' the said 1411"14.5 ',/km _ win trh a"among those . *Wed totes e tartish lreet his office In =s Bornegh di Pottsvilln, onthe Mb Au orAluiPadAA.D.t et 10 o'clock In the foreenoy. - - JUria F. 40i r, Auditor.. PatterlUe. May 110. "fto '.-: f• '. •' - 3/-40,. - ) i , m , _ , iN 1U 001741 1 Of 001 L estitortkill Wont/. _. Juss.A rs.tilcalltseat by het nest Mead.: NAM' CO t; i Z s Jape Terti.N4l. • • - as: - • .-, -,, 'Mtn emblems ter Month o.Bcrtizsrat, 1 5 ' ,s Divorce. 661 Dee. Tem NO, . 'To the retpoodent those rimed i ' TOO are lierebl , . =lLtit isposer at s Cowl ef clonunon Pleas, to puts,, tor, the Cossets of tse.hoyiktn. Go the Ant thandey oreleven . nazi, to answer the oomplatut of tbe libellant in jibe above stated ONOlittie C. WY ,OOP sheriff. atherifs Otitee. Ft/attiring, Jaly .70-40-44 TEN _lc ON Plaptflof ',Mut .fumber. ~. ... 8.7... -- ,p i r.l . I L... . t... - -- . . . WILLIA3IIEII 3 OBT, PA June 11, '79 1231111E/1! LUIMER 1! ° 100.000 FEET BFIVESTERN LUMBER. • LystBEIC.. ' , • • , - ' ' `i • ''• LUMI3. R - : . PARDEE Si. COOK,. 1 . IiAIIIITACTIIIIZES AND DEALERS IN ' BILL TIMBER- FOR BRIDGE:4, BREA K. EII,S. Boats_ 'towed from Willte!and Yellow Pln •i , 4 1. e,i - • - ' Oak' and fiernlock, and iKhipped to order. Also PLANE BOA RIM, Ahingloa, LATH.; 1 , LOOM. I.NO. an.oollces at Wiermaa rwroWw P , A., and Ekt:w "Javan. PA. P. 13: We ship by Boat and Railroad. April P,'70.-15-Cni CORR. PINEOTTO, IfIIIILBEIL • PILI3EIiT, OTTO; & ,DIELLER, klannfacturera of d *, DEALERS 114 ., ! U 13E.R., WILLIAMSPORT. PR'S 'it: Mill otk canal, west. of Maynard St. Mike at Mak lot, Rt. NR-211-Iyr,.. M lsox fgafotg :ei n . Kw- PORT CARBON L MBER.O(AAD AND FLARING MILL. L. :W1 1 41.. BEUCHLEy, Proprietor, • WlrOlesale and Ftetikl Dealer . In 41. kinds of Hemlock, Oak and White Pine Lumber, and alware has on hand a large lot of Doors, !Sashes. Banda. Moldings,, Window Frames, ka.• - Work done at- Williamsport ;prices; and dell vered at the Pottsville Depot tree of charge, sermel eiawing.andSurtadeing done at short - hotlee Also, cOntmetor and builder. • Feh.,s,F"^a CLLLERI3/31711G STEA4I._ PLAI/ W N6 MILLS N. C. FIECK-qtc-00•, *.A3s . l7.PACrtritlairli 114,11 D DISAII7IIB LY .fr,„ I' 7------- - .. 'tV .- M P -47. D...,_;----1 - . L. P.• L.:4 lv ' v ir. - • ---- - - ' - - - - --t, , • , , I li. . , . • All Kinds •of • Big , Timber ent to Ordi-r. Frame Lumber, 'Bisanis Plank, Lath, tiltripping Shingles', Floori n g, ' aiding, Sash, Doors, And all kinds of Manufactured Lumber, constantly • on band. • . • White Pine. Hemlock and Oak Boards cut any length.' Our Mills are 7U tulles below Williamsport, b•lng ti Raving of $2 40treight per 1000 feet. Ords, tilled promptly. Prim eta furnished on applidat ion July 9,70 • • St-0m 'barbtuate. -}iAiDwAlark! itAß.i.w. N EE e L.• C. T H 0 W.l) S 0 N HA .DWARF, CUTLER,IROti, . • STEEL NAILS, SPIKES: / JILDING HARDWARE. Of ever: : telietS; Onnt and Leather Belting, Lacing Leather- Clapper Hirai& and Burrs, Blasting Paper AND• MINING SUPPLIES • Of all kinds and at' the CHEAPEST PRICER. July 30..70414f . • tSto,„ 411111iCir Ft !it ' OF ALL 8/ZES !ruin 16 lb !calla YARD Cipsrardi; of the very beat quality and patterns. • Special lengths made to, order when desired. For Rae at AIM pricer by - L. C. 'TIIOSIpSOINT. July 80, ,I1).-81-tf • ,RNSCZ4k•V 0\ inn BARRELS, just reovivid tinat. - dlrert V! front New Retifor warranted. PURE W LN TER .ELEACEEKD IPRM.P. Olt., for vale at Mama faettivers prices, and delivered to Collieritfawithoot additional elan*. t. p. THOMPSON- July lb, 19-111-tt " WIRE ROPE.!' 43' AT • /11111ttlYMACTUHERJ3' OIitICES of the mannhtoire of JOHN A, ROP;It- LINOISISONtiI 'and tom. IRAN protnptly. .call at 14tote and ran a thrills; gtelng prices, Mown. M ons. size Drum, manner of pre.etelug Rope and all partleultora. - C. THOMPSON.. July al. 7(a31-tt . - • ... .• . . . . - .... .- „- - • .. . . ' . • --- . • . . . • ... .. _ .. . .. .1.-_ , -;.• ..... r•-_,..=,,,,, , ,, , ,. fir , h",", ;..,7•••11;-4.44:•••,."4:11;-:4**,1110•44&401-,1"".... •' • • ••' : ..„ 7 4 . 13 ,! ..1 " . 1 .4.1 1 1 V 4 :?4 ,-.0 ".0 ,4 4".4110. ir. , "- k, la} ,Adjatiai.lllW:4:".. l, ',. ••••••4.'1,44.:',.:, ,, ••;ct , •+ . te . • ••••••,,,,, il, =., tr.,l • t , THE URN MINERS' JOAL; ----POrTSVILI..7 O SCHFYLKILL 'COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA • . • - *k m • . • , 71 . 7:7:`" • — Te - Illni.-Collieiv„%lapa ogee. Bauman Location and Onsairririlnii, 0 P 0, 4 graphical Entrveys and ail other profeadoosionork eseec ee = o rteci ly and on terwonable teams: ': ~ -; om i Shoes. . Pottsville. Jan. P—ni-1 0/S PL A 8 o T.IENEY • . a a. , . CIVIL AND InDMCCI MCGINECII, Surveys and DrieeteCetterieL and exentintv rel LURIA. • • • Crrinr.4lintsan's Building. Centre N.L. Episcopal Llrureb. , • • . Jan. y '*- rL (,) W. 8131CALVIMPOTTSVittr 11 2 ,,, b i t e r. peansylninlii istateGeologleal Survey, ey lord's, mines, to, Jan. 1, Y T. QUILITC3I, ENGINEER -and A.IICHT-, TECI, tlentre street, Pottsville. Plans. Sp a olgssaluns and Estimates mode of every desert), lon, of buildings. tiurreyitig In Its various .branntios attended 10. - . r ~an 74, .71/-64,3! - GEORGE II S _ TlttaiMi unintWltimmcGthwais. AND DRAI.76III74MEN, - I • . ' 179 IIIE ismEzr, POTTSVU÷E, tinp statr4s.l .- January 1, 19 , N "PLEAS of June Terra, .1870. CRAB. SILABZLIN, • -• Laura Street 11!*1 24:11/14 ads TURNER in all kinds of Wood-work, Brackets, and all kinds of Fancy Scroll work promptly I=4lo loonier at moderate rates. Give me a calf. - ,May ; • • , •'. C A .11 If L C ATOM A:N, JUSTICE, On THE PEACk„ HEAL FATATE AHENT, A ICH Llr Ci..7CSED ALTCrPONEER, • • • • No. 1 31.4n4NTONCi0 POTTSVILL* P.& .) Special attention given toall business in tbeaboie bntiches. • Raving, a large experienee, saiisfictinn an toinpttmt gusuanterd. Collections espetially soli ted and will receive itninediate attention, j.l January 1;70 . 1-'l. C. F. KOPITSCEL,Infortus the public that,h he has repurchased the • • - SOAP-AND. CAIsMLE FACTORY, corner of recond and nigh streets,,Pottwellle.; owned by E. t.': veldt do tio.; which he Mr. Kurd taact4 established lnThe new aim will be C. F 4 limp. Itsch bison, and they will manufacsure kinds of Soaps and Qualm: The patronage of store*e'epe and the public In general 10 respectfully solicited. r i Juay 2,. 7047-ly ' , . . W 11. 1" " 73 ' Practical Plumber ..and Gos Fitter, • ; 1 Itiatiom.mGo*Srler...tv, Pornmql.44 ; . Having been in the business over Hi years irklPhlt saelphis gives tam unusual facilities for, deiivin his supplies froth first class tiolvsee. 1 Partleutai attention p",111' to country work.. thumb :14 1 1 '70-I • sEORGE HART; ARCHITECT. ‘..7 NO. 34, 51A1tiCk.r tiTREET, POTTSVIIiLE; )_ Inventor of the sel f- dumping !ages, and (4 coal breakers half the. usual height, saving the byt great amount of timber in a large breaker T self-dumping cages are Cot slopes ; and shank wi th or without door to ear, and with water. apparatus attached to dispeme with pumps. At self-dtunna ore or - two :stories, and' hoist/suite, two or throe s at dig-same time. The advertiser , will plan; .superintend or eohtraet to build colliery 'more - ea/ems of; all kinds, March S,'7o s kid* -t I . ~ P.. WHITNEY; 4 • ' L . BANKER, - 1.1 1 .- ! . 1,00 Centre Street, Pottsville, I'a. ; 1 , . . nx...11..En IN ; • : • . GOLD..AIND SILVERI - , FOREIGN: EXCHANGE, "I ! ,•I 1 ' 'UNITED STATES AND OTHER BONDS, . , MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT—IN'TEg T allowed as per special agreement. • i STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold at the N w York- and Philadelphia-Bondi:is of Brokers .'iit mined Cornmitedom Jan L '7O , - 7 AVE YOUR MONEY BY SAVING YOlfit LEATHER. r. .2 BUT Buy B - ' U S Y . l'I.: 1 ' l i .. - BUY BUY • - BUY .1 M - .C. S. FOSTER'S . C. S. FOSTERS j• - C. S. V. - ASTER'S - C. S. FOSTE R S 1 - • ' 1 - Water Proof Grease and Leather Preseriatlve . Inferior qualities of Leather made imperriboti to water. Old Leather made soft and pliable, with Color renewed; moasting than any other of Its k;lnd-In market, and ati , Ileable to all kinds of leather Miners wilt . nd it the best article they evitr' used to protect their Soots or Shoes froni, sulphur water. I' or sale, wholesale or retail, by CLEMLNT 14, FOB FER, Ashland, Pa.; and in Pottsville by thigh tot Oci., Fox & Jiro, Jesse Foster, Thomas Foster, and F. 1.. Foster.' May . 't;4 7 t 2 .241 . . . 21-2 m FB. RABRCILEB; GEB.IIII aT. /NEW . 11...,:ick.;.Auh:NT,. , • . . - , r . _ Office. Pennsylvania Ilall, Pottsville;nu, • LIVERPOOL. A - LONDON k GLOBE issrunt co. etu,t, capital nut Ansets, - , 810.04:fio.00n invested In the United tittitoWovet - r 1.000.000 —..‘• ' '_._•: HOILE. INS URANCE COMP.**X. • IVEIV un.% - pt, CONNECTICUT, 1 - Utah - Capital,. • . -ini•plua San. la 1,1865„ 8159.610 Ds Insuninee effected in the nest Companies oultavor.. - able terms. Louses ptulnpLly adjusted und punt will un delay. i• - I,Jan 1, 'aio--1. • , . . DELA*ATEE• 'MUTUAL . LIRE. INBTMANCE CO. OF WILf•INOTON, 8,11 JOHN P. 'McLEAR, President. t• • ' M. M. CHlLD,;Secret4r,y.. . • , 13T , LAN'CUI OPEPIC • )V. • CUR. 7st.Nru rIfEsTNEr ! si • - vw.i..A.D.w.L.Pu.t_•-t.. • • -4 , . GF.D. W. STONE, Vice President, Mapagec. , GEO. F. TURNER, Gen'l Agent dt Attorney.; PURELY SIETUAL; . LOW P.AII-si. • , All Policies lk:nn.fcirfetting nfler One Anntlnl riro , EVery aecnnsinutlation cuusli(l.4.l4 wit)/ t(al'e ty guarunte (I to Polley Holders. • ; Busks contain I tig DID inforniation concerning the plans and rules virtue sent.tree upon app4ei4t ion to the Brunch Offices' t • ' Alp a!, throttrhoof the',St,ites of Peongytt oniia and Neu' Jersey; ti.-rmusfon )•:lion. E. W.l.:4llpin. Chief Justlee Stat., I„),.•laware; Thos.E. .ird, s :senator from Delaware; ,Itt. Itev.!'Alfred Lcsiniii 11...'ia,v,tre: Geo: Henry Mr Pont, piw(Jer Altinaf.r ; (f.sn.Cur. Saulgtmry. or : the Frt.-M.l,ll[S of all the Bung in. thrtrlty •of Wilmington; ['lnn. J. ii.,Valentine, r Wiltangtem. July WDIsBIJECIII.gY R-Rin• OLD AND TRIED. INCORPOSAi')triril. ' MUTUAL. - • BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y nu), MASS. • • R. Semtary and Tret‘f.hrer. J.L. GREEN}, Assist Ont secretary, • • Non-r'orfelturo of all Pollcieti Guara.r.t.ited by, Law,' . .• 1 . . • In ease any prerni{nn Is not paid whet . ' Ue.lbe policy Is not forl'elichi; b sl , the holder rem ai ns In ared toe, the-full aniontrt, 'until tliattretulunl.alrea ly paid and uquartiod . exliatu.tiv by the scoNt. oi insurance at the net rate. • • - . Example at the Ago of 43.' ' One Annual Cash Premium on an ortlinarY Life 'Policy will continue the litsuettnee TWV`4"lllAlti. end all DAYS from' the' time the - pulley wee , litsued, ,r ONE YE:Aft and t. 4 DAYH atier the',Et.,o;ND PRESIIDSI BECONt'.I DUE; elhoold the atecond premluni not be paTd, and the Inaured lie within one year and as ',Jaya after such nen-pay ment, the tall amoutrt=-of - the Lisgicy would De' paid, Jess only the premium due and - Unpaid. The larger the number of premiums paid, the longer will the Insurance conthlue,in case of non-peymenk of pre mium. • . The Berkshire I.ffe Insurance:Company haa pald under this law Sit C.ialms, which in companies at other Statektruuld have been wOrth less; and is now ourtilnuing.elle Insurance on .over 'Oa polleies ou which, the holden have been,unable to 03 , pre mium. The last claim paid tinder this non-forfelture plan was that of a member who insured a few yours since for saiod. In /.tiehe tallest to pay his. annual 'pre, =lotus,: in January last, one ycitir and five months afterw >zrdt, afterwardt, he 4184. The Comp:fly illl% oall to the widow stie full amount, s3;ioo, less only the oyerdoe payments and interest. .I &cry ..afriaber Beocives every . pay's 'Liiiratieo Tittid for. • , ALT. PROFITS DIVIDED AMONti 44I.TrY . lIOLIthRst. 'ANNUAL CASII DIVIDENDS. - . E(Xi.NO.I4 !CAI, Ist ANAG Itld ENT. .. _ • , - Careful selection of lives., Bala In ecsttnOtta: Good 'Agents and eto lalGxa scouted: •• , i,' For Informatt“ii, apply at the Lome Otriecti, or to .. . W. H. (3 ILAN ES, Genet:al Agrtat. S. W. Cdr. EI:EVENT!! and Cl4.l3Ttill.;T Ste., PHILAPErmitt. .; r ' • • Pet la '..0 "131-3- . .. . . eTEPHENBOISI BAPETY 1 ,2 00 2 13.--Amln some Collieries tire damp to wery prevalent :and be common Davy Lamp Is not considered4afe, We have procured a lot Of the Stephenson catretY}Lamps, whicircontain a circular glass tube Inside of 4 he wire once. Thipi Lamp from tecent eitpertntelits nude in England, IR cotuddered the Latest LamPitinse, and is now extensively used Mall the most deryeellierica In England.. For sale wholesale and retalL II • The CLANNY LAMP, the -DA.VY.; and "Safety Lamps of all the meet up " Roved datternl ; G made of inspected tivertnizent Wire, by t singir dozen or hundred, ' • These Lamps are all manufactured to our own order, and we use tonne hut gauze of the pat e r ex a. tined by the English Govenunent torl . sa - Ganzes constantly on'hand to suit lam peri n iene. .tai use, so that we can supply any penson‘wishing to replace gauzes that has - u. been. wonrou Gaunt lbw sale by the yard or piece, wholtede le ,Andrm, • ItAN7. 4 I4.I , 4•Es;RAMSY.; . iceCentre street, Potter e. Pe. =I L EM- r /17.11«LEY 11.6.11410 AD CO 3,- Y. Y. Time Table showing connections of tlieL ' VAL R. Co. with those of the Phila. & Rending B.R. Cu. to and from Pottsville - mld kdenord/4?4/ 'itas bs tween. Reading and Vottsyllie.. i . - • ': . . lA. 31. 1 41,F , V. If. I,Tv..ePcdtsville - --.', &AI . - 2 4 5 4:4;‘ v .. Itesdrng.. - ,—....,-....--..—... 7. ... i . 1.23 " East Penn.. ' 8.15 -' 5.50 Arriv . r at Eaakin...,... ..:---.......-- 8.15 ,It 1 - (IM : : . New T0r2....-..... t .--.- .12.1 J '''. 3. ,10.00 . 111.,P.:;11.X. 31. RETrltitz - G. , t t • ', 4 ) , ...- • -.' ' . , lf..i 'M. brace :New T0rk...1.... ..... ..—..—.._.....:_:4 . ,t 1 .', 3 1240 Easton 1 .....:. , - ma i a. 2. 5. .. : East Penna4nsiellon..„ ..... _ ..... • '.74311 LW " Beading _ , _, , fO4O, 8.00 Arrive at P0ttav111e.;..„...: „ ............ - ......... ; j1 7.83 • • • 1.1 , 3L. Am IdATTCR ti B t:6M and Intern' st ta leave - Pottsville, 6,40=0 9.00• A. 21., and2.25-14Pr rive at Manehlmank 12.00 SI. 1.45 and itell i t . . _ RETURNING,. leave Mauch Cana . t" illad MIT) P. M., arrive at Pottsville. 12.2.5 and 7,, r. - 1 For all points In the Lehigh Coal' Altd r for Towanda, Waverly and - 13araloia- ive RI; 6.40 A. M. . ROW. H. RE; - _. •, _ ' Eitrhitendentiusil neer nethietiem.Dee,P, T. /'-',-., „ i 13 . /lA* A. WATS. CALVIN IL &MAUL L BSlbttiWi 11011 TM. it/iOADO CO. DEA14.114411 V . Zoft MON .114 thhasassital):: • nth- Wt. Hmathe. thashet,lhotres.- Darms*, Tads sad Wash -Stolid Tama Flow TILING lata railadelp - 1 at allttmai with eatapoteat DTGaWo Itel#‘ Yn I • l U n ga l i e raltl. atom - BaDdlagjftsadtagma. may 4ta Tarzrzaz POlllrbirft—A1F for r i Weil:iota POWD:4ll,ean be , tett at ON* 171' Maks staest,with' nuirCla B.- NBATIL._ Alegi WALLACKII, - RYONg., .tha firealliv National Bank. andirilt Ei be pnr it imipu m at pole tegidod to. . Jun 2. fir 110640,28 w tett, 4.61 s Wnit . .;`. •. . ' i 1![ - . "., ..,. , • . I**,l: foliA.-::,. EU .-f4- ‘ ,7sttsurattre. 7110, ..1.15.rrr, - President. SAME", FRANCIS, Vice President, I Illiscdtanccias; ROB?. ' = 113 Arrlit', l 4Te•CO -•• • • • ; , • . us TO-R.: n'immar: -! • - • - • - • IntAN AGENTS ' • ; N0.178, Celli:re. St.. Potfit4le Pa ' - 'Auk. seem I MII I, ~ ` GOODS FOR:. I* LAZsIES AT ± 1 GREAT BERG GAINS. J i• , • „ • • , , ;1 watild invite the attitition Of housekeepers end os tl ers wenll tO MY Stock of , ; J, . suErve:Gi and SHIRTDIG 1 MUSLIN'S, CALR;VS and FLANNELS;' T ABLE •- ' LINEN .IY.A;PICIN'S TOWELS, r.n..4.80F51, ace. - ', LINEN, , .., ,•, .1 - Dress - Goods of all Descriptions, White Goods, Lace Handkerchiefs and Collars, , . _;.-: • , Linen collars and Duffs - , Notions, ,7riminin4s, &c.; • , ~. At LONN 4 PRICES than , cant be sold elsewhere. I , I ' ' ! 11HONIAS BULL, • 1 253 Centro 'street, Ppttiiville. A. s. _ . . e . • . • 1 DALE, .I-'r 1 • MI T C - 1 - - 1 i E . LL ~ •-' &' - WOLF, . , , ~. .• , . CHINA, - •GL.SSIikND E.ARTHENV ~-.-..;...,,;tt.:. . H . :.. I . 1 ': .. . .s. ARE.. -li . N0.;70-7 Chestnut St - koiat,'" Philadelpli4A• . •.,•• • , -,.., ,-.' • , ', : , , ~., , • , .iorE.PADISIAIf i GRANITE, - the b eet stlnewnre in the ma/et, sold at the prices -lot ordltia.ty pods. . . ' ~. • AltstilE PE,M4C.D CHOA, in all the it...t shapes and . style. DECORATED, DIENER, TEA and.. - - -- -,, - . 1 TOILET SETS In great twit. 'Glass engravtilion the premisecand China ',. ~, . ~• .: Decorated cab+. in 1111 lieu or matchings, in the hest manner. ',,, -, i ' ' t . ' FIRST-C1....41313' GOODS CiNLY,and LO*EST • ' . - •- ; ! . ,i CASH • PRICTId. I ~„ ', --27 1 -; ' • - March '7O . , • Letters of inquiry iri regard to prices, dc..,Vit goods. promptly aniwered. .•• • I i ' . ; ' 5, '1 ' • 4 .. _ p,, 'i ' ,10.4 as - !AXI:..):I',ISILI97R - 114.51. P .: i 3 , WALKER & PRICE, NEW UNION A T',T MAHANTONGO STREET. OREAT 11.EpUCTIOt i l, IN PRICE§, PRINTS, 8 Cents and . up i• 11 I BLACK AND .tOL'D ALPACCAS. • •ji ' • " SILKS . DRESS GOODS, of.' all kinds. , . • NOTIONS, ic., &o. P Come and see_4'oi your-4.1.1. ,PRICES THAT C...6NOT.FIELP!BUT 'BE POPULAR. THE NEW UNION .DRY; GOODS STORE 1$ THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. Apn 4-2-Ivllhir • , 1, 7 • • • 4 . ._. . r . r t . 1 -- i:-.1 -...- ) it I k_ 1:1\ ,_.; :-- 1r . .4- .4::. ::::- 1: -.--- - 1 ‘l-- - P ti ;-, -- ---- --- - - 1-....\ - ,- E-__ : ---__ 4- , ....:....,: - ..-.... 1. 1..,___ . } . -' , .... u: -,-• ".1*"r!. " __' %.2 1 I (-„. ; 4 1 .• •-„,,,i 0/1 .: ~4 .t_ t,i „. • , : October IC, '69 .'! . • ••. • , fir• •• • - , n t ßeSitifirk t "- .•r * • Co. • Tbentlynntsges anal ettinettons of Cilia investment pn r . )oses, ;ire ninny inni inlPOrtU4it-: . 1. It: 1s ba , ed npnn one of the; Grerl LINES n wztK Trtr: Sr.Alio.lltTl A:tip Trtr: WEST. • 2. Tue.SCCURITY IS ALUE.NDY (.3:I:ATED, the greater - part of the line'be . ing ini iitte.;4 , 4ttl operation. • 3., The Local , Truffle; from' 'the Agrieul- Inntl regions and Irrm and Coas .depo,F!ts ndpirerd, must lie large and profitable. i 4. The enterprise receive , ' lispowri e c T con;te ?atoms axnPatvtl.zot trona - Stags or Virginia and'Atiest 5. - nt is under. 1/4e in. - 7trattertinC . oliefpelent and WELL rlvolylv VITA LISTS. Cil)(Aio name ft. are guar: 'bntees for j ilts F. (nix C03171.Et1Q15 and' sacce , sfnl operation. • , 6. The Bond.c can be Irdd either Re' • , . •• coral; they . have and latereat.bang paiable In aiaia.. : 'rho, 'l3i; :s ad.ii - ar!'4 - 4 dencinilmiti4ili of t , • 1 . . . • $/.000, 0500. 'and 4/0. • • 'l. • •-• . • • ,ben.rlnk interest nt.tbg rate of I v , qx per.cept, In colic : payable 111;:y 110. and soverabei, From mit' Intlraate.mqualtitance. with the aft.iirs I,inceotidttlon of Use Compaily, .4 know t ' • th..ese, ;rkentitles i be cwserillarli desirable,tisgitable for safe employment of surplui Npital, rid funding of Governmentt. BOnds, by Iniestorl Trustees of bf a • Estate ' s, and• others who Dreier a lute security "with reivionatile income. 1 • Fleideriv, United States FIO-TIF ties are ena bled to promiretheso Bonds, bearing the ' sarm rate of interest end having it longer peri to Ton, and ; to rewire a huge I.4r;uise of 4 1 :11tal 1 additi, kn. • Smuts and rittreintdoalt In at the lit It:Exeliange, received its exchange-tor this t.onn, sit the tall mar ket vain, ;aid the Muds reihrtied tree of express Price 90 and Accrued intereitil Currency, . . ' . Parapnietnarte. and Intl informs. upon furnished on application. ' : ' Figra ct /t.i.Tcn, • • • ' No. 4*.r.seAtz Sniper. Nww Thar, Veti 21' .70 " : ; • I -9-5 m 5 - -20'S • :Aresp 1881'8 : BOUGHT,-%R.OLD - . AND. EX. HANGED, ' • . Obi .1104 T ii O \ Fat.Ml , l. - . G 0" ,I,' ____ , Bought arid ~ old at Market „Rates.- , ip COUPONS , ' CAgEill , ' li ) PAOIFIe.RAILROA BONDS . BOLV II T Atifll SOL . •: -, STOCKS BOUGIII AN soils / torr . , rr : , COMMISSION ONLY: , DANYII E - , CHIGAGO, t i. and 71(INCENNES 1 , i first:Mortpge 7 :per , eent. 140 Solids, . , *vit. siktaliv Are- , Astro Abactryfr, s recTEßEg . r. .4i 4 :nentiininiinsiiii siaieient e Inee on deity . - - branneeis **beat, at Ilight. B E . r , .. „....... ......,,,__ 'm .. _. sicCeo is. num) sr., Putskeiniamtr - , - uch srk P re 1 • r I ,1443 , _ __— -___.l.-;—____• - . "._,-;_____ i ; i ~ jai MBE FRO lima DATE, . , y. ANY Coops FROM Sf'. I PERIOR STOCK AT PRii.El3_, GOLD .BASIS.. Eli ~ J • ice .. . . " % 43 Ek . _ „ ,C1 %:%.--.l.‘:.,'' ' Z., -; 2 'Cat ;'..'' '' ' ” • i. -• ' •.' - g!.:. 0 -•.7-:_.,.. , :_ - ~ • :,...••_,..1 ‘ .41:..k..)ejef : ~ • '... 1 / 2 •: ..„ 1 ,,, :.,..,..F.-?,,,ti..i.... .... ,•., . , . . . , . ,p.,.....':'' - _%........„,..,:,...':'. ( \_t , .•_... „ ,...t,1 { :k . .'..." __, .. ,..t.. .•• ... ~,,......,... ,_.. v1 4., i ., .• 1 io> t . • *. ci.. . ~.,....: . . .our e“ral. — y understood, we eUtible ct:stomers to qnd thqir tittoh a Fray "as to SECURE AEI GOOD-FIT ss thougb.iihoy.cc,r_le themseliees to our EstablishMent. o;tr Improved ttiles for Solf-K.eesurcir_ent, Samples ana Pfriies cr.t, when requerted,laLd PROMPW ; ATTENTION given u a crciere, with C-ITAHATTTE-FI of entirb satiahetion. • • i JOHN 11VANAMAK.E1t. 1M 'ittaftrint t' __ ;i . '~ . ~ COUPON OR,REdIStEREp . 01.‘. J.. PONOHOE, 4 $ Ll r kllat OF' % • I i • i'irst: Class • C,rringes And Buggles ." ) • or Tax .I..xlnsr *so xiosi ArricoTxv strtss.. , .14NUFACIORT—C6u. 05M..ticuNozwzataN Erx..osi fictrixx • ; 11.1XXVIT MORTTFX HOCECIN pornsvlLAA PA. koskitalitiy. on hand a ,good as4attment of nowjindi 4 ls=atten and guggi oa F rid to i•ellatiti . tag. ' April ■ 11l 1.- - - 1z- . ~. : -z-- ‘ -.. = ri --- 1 .tz ,r-- ,f- == = i 1 \:----_ . - . ,- - --_-_c - ; E_ . A - 1 & 1 [ I i $ TV = ii-i n' _. 1 I I . -0. rt., Simies, !lenges, fig. HE THEW GA.I47 . 4iISaZFX LIMN' CLOtHEd:. can be had at s • I SOLOMON'HOSOVICIVe. STVE, and novo; irtnINISRING .87 . 011:E, No. 283 Centre Btreo*.. ;r•tul ruining, .. A nurnber . of new paioeru COOKING and•PAS.LOS' sTpVEB, which can be had at moderate prides. .lie 1643 h o :o&splendid assort ineut of Tin * Brisk; Britimia, Jimied, (Bass, Wood and Willow IV are, Hollow and ii• rdwe_re. Also, Brushes, Brotims,oll Cloths. Tabk el the , Door Mats, Clothes Wrifig"ers, Trays, (Vying and 'Butcher' Knives, Coal - OH:Lampe, Knlvto and Foiks, and all kinds of rwere... Aled,,Orldirons. Roasting Pans, Children leighs and fAcaters, Table. ,reli and Butter Spoons,. Ire and ltat Imes, Psieni N- B ,„,eg Gutters , Spittoons, Lomon Squeezers and ii- B er'S 4 1 rd Ogee, lableldatS,TableStrwt, Cleo= Egg Whips, Rollieg Pins, Potato Slashers, 'hoards, W ash Boards, Wooden Boxes , Flatand Tailor I riMs, Saussire,Cutters and Sniffers ; Clothes Linee. Bed lords, Milken Pius, Corn PoppereAnke Cutters, CoOdlestirks, Dredge. Boxes, Stivaigs Banks, Distal Beixes,SchoolCompanlomi,Slates and Pencils; Toilet sets, Bath Tubs, Hatchets, Hammers, cea, Deed and Wind Bozos, Flour Sieves, bleat Saws.; :Coffee ia_illbl, afti• eentmted Lye, Waft Drainers; Faney Toys, Lard C i s Wash Tubs„-Wash Boanls,"Sheet Zinc, Marked Fancy - Baskets, Castor* Knife. liti*eit &nivel*, 1 , , kers, Tongs, Coal Sockets, Tea Kettles, Stove and shoe 111*.hing. Also, Oils, Painte,Nardishos, Win d.* tibias, Plate; :Lanterns, and many articles tee at merous to mention. Also, Bootiing.Bpouting, and el kinds of Jobbing done to order, and'at the short es notice. Persona wishing any of the above men- L .11, 'lO-441-tfar ' TA--t.fd tj ned artleles7uld d . owe B, ll Q,Lo b il y I: 7 ll 3lo2 7ll cei lim ootr d ev e s s im ar t.t. a.. ill before purchasing elsewhere. . - ? I =• --- 1 --- -.-- . . . iltailiC . SilltS., . . 011IXISSIONERS' 84. LE •• • ' OF V.ALLVAIILE .1 • ' i IRON . FUR.N A CEO ipy c little of a deeree,tif the Circuit Court of Shen andoah County,- pronounced on the Ist day of, April; isil, In &chancery_ snit pending therein, the name o 4 IlleComtri and Wife, dm., vet. LoDdeli and Wife, s.., we the understgned commissioners appointed for titat purpose. will proceed ea / * .771(7.126DAY,ZM Nay of 4 ugtal. 1 5 70 . .. 1 , • - . • . i 1;t the town 'of Edinburg. in said County, to sell that most dc.trable and cahrabie • 'Pumice Property , known ne the - CAROLINE FilltX AC/1," situated 12 miles South-East of Woodstocit. and Et tulles cast of Edinburg, both of which, are on the line of the Or ange, Alexandria and Manacles Railroad. Thelluidi cOnslit of various tracts, adjoining or eouvenlently located and AllOil•T 56 0 AultltX IN QUA-Nryiry;.... bout. l l= acres of the land had bee' IA atlUvation • The land yields Iron Ore of&uperior qinsilty and In crest. abundance ;• also limestone and w/d. in the utmost prolnaton.- „ The Iron made at this Pomace. was used for years by Slows. Rtteli,d Luhdell. Manufacture:s /of Mot. ,road Car Wbeele, at Wilmington, uolaware, and Was pronounced - by the late , Itlittlrles Bush, unsur phased in quality. iThd Tregedgr Iron Works of Richmond. Virginia, I very usedi the Ironbi ghly exlensfirely during the war, and t . - - • Part °title Furnace B uildin gsus were destroyed by fi cre during the war, but the Alacis, nin-Wal s and t earth are in serviceable conMtion t irre is t 6 pml-ews have Dr lUBLhI WE G HOU - 611C, • ARV EIRRTEEN' MUM 1101hati If. WORIC. St EN, besides ntonecout other Whigs imitable to Allah Emir V. Teo; Sianaswiti Bra of the O. A. Al SI. As. As. runs within eight Mlle* divesainpits factUties for the shipment of Stun. North sodBollth. Ouly X miles of the Valley Railroad from Harrison. burg tu - Staanton. is necessary be 'made to se cure connectlowwith the . e. It Ohio R. R. The contemplated proper on the south. Frage Naller r Ratline& will run ithin six miles of this rtuumJo ph menden, who has rek ded upon ibis prop. coy and " for Many years will take plea- Owe In 'Miasma Purchaser's. or a ngWerthe ill " gullies in regassi to In character, dm. 1, Terms of tiales--Twenty-flve per cent. of the c a r i entse money, on 'the /80th &Ayof Angus. being toe Ist day of the next Mena Odin oes eindoah county, and the residue In One. two and three years from the day when the brat Vows& becomes due, the first payment - to Pe n od by bOnd tgd personal seetwlty 'ittict othow itudailmente- to be iwatreii trjr obdiptioatattd * deednf trust on the spreenittea l NOM Rae , 00M nlentyliat ti, o'clock...A. It. ~, , . . . RA= RIRD, ' „ l ; 2 DIME» WALTON _. • 1 ~ IRO, J. QX19 1 811011: IZ titT . 21, ,10-4:frit. 1 . NW 800 .11f/KI4B4 30 1 , NEW STA ,•• ' ' • ' . itugi recelve4l IPA - 411 t -1 1 Li . t r , T oarAiniimo m unius,Ai n , !Oulu op ••• , *tam liceipaims. iftw ha . 1110kum81- , . AlliarSulles, slum 1 Wor=iLALLDOCH W Ir_i _ . atilort,,CarboaAMA,' up ticktrA. - a - sugs pi:vannow. Ag a l ate aver Ems , was %laths entalaimudi Ortite , to maid all deem la . ow WlReit. Ono tad OH oftWram e.' .1 DA CLAMIL. ' kitsAiescejlib.Jaa.4.lll-4tf r- 1 1 . • kaukk IL 1141261114 I"26tr =I I= EMI 8'24 in=il I - 8 117.11.201 Vb , -1.A 3 7w . AR 01 , 1-l i gfq /dEILICA.N wAB. • FOREIGN . na. GOLD. G - IVEBN‘ MI **Bo th er BONDS GOUT and SOL.D. CO . 4orr i Atir r.c made on riß poytta. , ,DE- , , EIVED. , 1 ,' i‘ No rebut ' '' spared to serve the interests of hoes tho Ss , tis with their , hrodnrat. i - r '. t it: JOHN .B._RITEGITON CO. nailieja • • , :Brokers . No. 50 South SO 8 Phdada. Jan L TO. ;; ~ - ' I 1-27 .t. QuiationaL "Txr. }ILL ' ISEITITUTp. 1 .' ' '1 . '1193T18T121115, -- SIONTGOBEItY'COLT3I - TY, PA. f.nglLsh. Claaineal. Sdentltle. Art tstle ahl3. eornituer ciaL Loolati ' admirable. T.rentleth Annual Sea- Mon. nufroq b preparation for Coll re 6'r Bastrtesi. For clretil address' , ; '_! ttri:oF,o: F. MILLy.lt, 'A; 31., Bricoipal. - Riirctuoier 7 Res. Jos. Iletga, Whaetfer; Mann, Krauth; Gnint, Butter, '&e. Hous.-Judie Ludlow, /11eyera l ' I. Teat, 13. 31. Boyer, 31_ itesatt Thayer, etc.. , I 1 ' - 313.191'.3..."Nha.4)41 PEE PIittirNSYLITANIA ' • , pat: TIACILER:S' ASSO C IATION i , Wlif hcild i ' Seroaeenth Annual: 31.eeth n t lii the Coari ;font% fri the City of Lancaster, rm.the ;914i 101 h and Iftti' of August, .1870; . . Hotel ratsii` to pertoos attending the meting, *l'3o per dai. , 4 .3 ' ' . ", '_ CHAS. W. DEANS, , _July 30, ,___,. l.2t. . .', Chairman Ex. Corn. _.... SIIIMITEMANNA. FEMALE CiILLECIL. , SELINSGROVE. PA. Next sehnlastie year begins Al GUST •Tbo rougtOnstryteilon, good board, comfortably furnish ed lamas, Itgitt, fuel- and .*asbliftt, RS() per year. Apply , foxi Utterances and 'yntalogneft to WM. NOE. - TLINO, A; M., yrlnelpnl. July 2% I ; ' St • I'REEKOUNT REMINA:ERY, , NOtOtIsTOWS. t o I. PA .,' for Young Men and.Bnym. ClasAleal, Ual he in.tleal an Cornmerelal. !I wenty-seventh year will oornmeom nTTDSDAY,SEPTEJIBI.II. a. 1F:O. For elreulars at drexi JOUN W - .l.oCll;PriLelkili July p. 10—,31.)„.3t* - ' . , r . ______.........,.._—......._ . . , . 114/8110FOT„ Darn, _ _, l • ' __ 1- , A CHilltt:ll SCHOOL. FOR - YOUNG LADie:s. • The Third Tear corral:teams Sepreniber-11, DM/. .For ' circular aria . hasher informal ion address the princi pal,' : . I Miss F.. I. WAI...Aft,I luly itl; -411. -,Rishopthorpe„. Beth:Chem, Pa. • 1 7PENNIS LVANtA. FEMALE 'COLLEGE. FA .tirallON will open SEM: sth. ISM. • Superior advantages tire offered at moderate Charges.' or , Catalegue with lull particulars ad dress the 'dent, -- .1. P t s!SHEILSIAN, Jail:2, ?-at Collegeville. 3.lol4gomery CO.. Pa, T TNION! —The next Term will • V continence AUGUST 3d.. Locution etigible: ,errus inWerute; advantages goal; good. corps of teachers. 1 7 23tildies: English. Latin. Greelt, French, German and Music: For Catalogues address . • 1)4 DEBLINtiEit, Principal, Plea' Berlin, UnioriCo.,Pa. WrIftEIILLL" SELECT FAMILY BOARD. LANG SCHOOL.` - • . • • - • An EnOish, Classical, 3iiathcin.stical, • 7 :! Artistic Institution, ; • FOR reti.NG MEN . AND - 1301tS, is `fit;rattstoira., Ileitgontery- Co.. - Ps... T Tile Fir ' Term of the Nineteenth Annual Scei.lon all ;corn voice on WEENTIBDAY, the tstit day of 4EpTEII Er., next. Pupils received at any time. .For Circulars aids • ' Rall.-bIE9IIIIIIIE F. MILLER, A. M., Principal.. _ ; ' REFEKKNCES: REV. 'DRS —Meiggs. Schaeffer. Mann, • ,Erautlf, labia * Muhlenberg, Shaver, Hatter, Stork , , Cohrsiti, Bomberger,Wylle,St..cret,MurPhr.Crulkshanks,,tc. HONS.' Al_ Myers, itussti Thayer . . Belli. A.L.Boyer, Jacob S. Yost, !limr. C ieli tner, John Itillinger; 4.e. • . I..4lJ,S.74'Jittnes E. 01111• , "threll. James L. Claghorn, C. i. Grove, T. C. Wood, Iturvey - Bancroft , Theodore G. Room C. , P. Norton, L. L.'lloupt: el.Grous Fry,3llller Jc Derr, Charles Wannemacher, James !Cent, Santee ,t . • • •• iJuly 31. liti-3i-tf b Cll El:l7o4moms of the com Plaint. SETH' W. FOWLE & say. Prorrietors: .nOstoa Oold by drtizO•de end d.ller renorn!iy. . . t Haas g:inUnr, wiless signed 1. =TOR ' 7 - • .12-Iy-eiym, • • -- V , : • IJR.FIT LE lI ' S HEUMATIe'' -VEGETABLE EMEDY.," , T W.AI9 RAMIE 0 BY AFFIDAVIT": A PERMANENT CURE FOl . l :RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGI: This iirat.i . .—:•.•• 'lie etnlhent l'hysiciati :mil Professor'. toseriC d'ITLEa, ha:A-devoted ! 37 yen 3s 1110 ?. , 4 • 1117;11 , :i:Ispechilly, end Is by lin, meoitc6l Profes.lon pa -. l loy hit tiOniincit as the itgtiesH ruithorlty in "Illiei:outtio eliiiiplaint6. Nee testimoni l i) • It Is plens:triCatzdngrenable to the taste • wderonte.d free fro - f ) 1 min. -1114 -antic injurious 'rngs. it to a seitlilifleirepatatl , ,lt.;:t ii tlival loop, ipoly warrante,hiliKter solema oath a perw4- , efit.llllArrlless; pc..l; e for, In ll:amatory Itheti matistel, Chronic Ither.nint ititrittnatism,Rhea -nation of ,Ktd nevx. SA•uri.lgia In (tie Iliad, Neural -la. in thefitwiy Nei . zaid Nervous !Incase Rohl by Druggists' at $1 ',Sir per bottle; 6, Kitties ; $7 •Tol. Jleillt l Sciviee. without charge, sent ly letter.. iAtionierK sent by. Express colleefbd on teh cry. tliepet, No, :AI oath 1011FLTI.I • street, Philadelphia.. • • ' _Af 1i 16, '7O-16- pe:in-poric .IPvir.ll9.oittiit9.. - A. SVltt• CUBE - hyiret arn*rnal I. on receipt otit cent &tamps, n cc ell,* to - .preparing ii. Genuine Vectuble Italirwwli ion , Itatnet lately removes l'lmpies, FrCcitlem, IllotelicS, :an, ri link Worms.,'Moths, and lilt -Eruptions and 1 qinpUr t.CS f . the Skin: letivink. - It el ea. 11,... lc Ith 'a •pealtii • itlo . Also, IntitYuctions for •productiii:;:t 4rOwtl of -Ilolr on a bald head or smooth itice- • d , ' ,'-• } WI Tlitt:tat, Clietnisti 111 liroadway, N. Y. 1 I i r ', July r a .!, 70-27-30 - -. . , • • i . . • . . _ "TILTON, MARIE & co., . ~,.... .. . - : • , . • !successors ,tb 11. B. ClLOssEry, - . .. 3.l.l,:zirsrACTTlLynni 0 . 7 , ALL.SiIAPEs 01 , , _ AI 1) :, 1 F-L ii: It ' 43:1C - 1, CK. - For F rillCCa, Rolling Mill ,-Forges, Sit-el Work',,, . Lim, gitns, Cupola Furnaces.. _BLOCK:4 and TILE.V, for Blast Furnaces. .6.1e4 Works, Mal- - ' lable Iron Ni;orlLs,-B:ilter's ,9,:elis.'ilreen - .- Homes, se'. - Stove lienter 411,1' lipio.;.• .tilitings, (':lindens, .l - c.,,0f C'N'STY- . deiCaPti9il to orra. , • , ' Fire 4.6 - .•Koorlii, Fine Satul;Fl r 4 Ceilient ;In .:u!1; 1 , On' Barroi l : - ' - .FACTourns. ;'. , •.; : • , ' I , lloulb of Woodbyi ll ge ri.so., N.:1., anti l'ecicskiit, N. Y ; il,.'"._ O. Address', L'erth. - A s tubuk..K...L., or Peeks kill. Y.. - AprlLltl, 7.1,--1.7.1y . , poot.Ey A Cp. POWDC ---- - standard rinatatiet atm:tel:by this unrival ed and Infallible 1 raft Powder Curing , twelve years pat. is trio to its perfect parify,•healthrulners and rtiay. Put tip in tine, actual tectght, as re nted, and *ll keep for year?. ; quantity rtlEired•tor uce is Irem•One-lburth tacine-balflesa than other Baking Peveders. Oftld by Grocer, three:Jr:nit the VnitOd t3tates:' tiooLEY itßcnite„ ' • ,31anallictun•rs arektProprietets. • ' .11w Street; New ITH2L— • r zt-tat- I 21 70 .I.llatelits -aul• ~aririj. ID: SILVER AND .SILVER' PLATED re 'of - every..deseripil9n, and latest do.igne, le for Bridal Gina, Testi monlalo, hulk ay Pres- Prim% lower than the regular market rates. rdinary ind cieemon in to purelias,er. GEO. H. BECIITEL, 01(1 Establiolied Staiel: ' :ti0.716 ATch f,treet. 1,1111a(1e1 S o V: sults! eats. Eat , r 4 .I . - FISHER BROS. r 193. Watches. Clocks; Jewelry . W addin g. and 7 pAsetnent .Itlngs, • (IWK solid ,1 Silver and t Ware; . Ladles' Work BOxes, China . ~. etc. t assortment of Matn &,Itamlin , s and Geo. Woo &Coe s Parlor -and hurek Organs, Pianos, and oldest lierehandlze generally, ..; ; •. • Wa etirnipatring by competent workmen. ' 'Cal anitetamlne before ol= - Inislng eLsew hen% F.4ILER 8110T1 . 1C.R..1. - ' . 1 ";;• ' ‘, , Uri Centre Sired', Pottinqlle. , I. ICI - ri9 , ._ Jr - % kJ ~rasrlNia DAY. ECOtero4 l 2" GOODS. . , , , ' . •• ' . - , Hai the returned from the,Eostern nr • ••••ts, I will pen on he lot of Dreetnber, the fa,: ::•-oort men or noway Goods ever oircred in this market, erutuytting bothFOrcign sad Dothestic Fancy Uoods, melt OS ; • .... : 5 , ow -- x AND' IIIsNDELERCInEF DONE'S, : = -. . • ORKGtOEn‘i ••• . r - - t IARUEINIELLVA, . . , , , ~. • 1 Botaror vABV.S. 2 ' - • - .. . • - FIGURES, BRONZES, 't.te. Solid SterlingStiv r Ware in.great variety. line Plated Ware of bet MIMI design. , - . Call tind,•Make Tour ilekcilen• ! Il. C. GILEEN. CENTRE: cNTBE: ST., 'n : Miners' Bank, POrrsviLLF ' poturillic,Augnitt az. VP •.• '• •• . t.5-IYdw -- --- c- • . , • ePECIAL.., I qI6I , - 7 • —,--. , ; 1 - .As - ;tkirre seenai to be . tin impre&ston with many that:4re deal ONIX in very ex ptinlivf3 Plated. Gods ''lre Ish) to specially aniiorince that ire keep' 'and tli mainiatu a `,. " . : . • : '1 2i ' . .. Y FULL and ,COMPLETE STOCK .. Ar.atELIABLE CHEAP.,PLATED..- - ~..,. i -.. i 1 WARES,; Combining every - variety of pazo..Kr.aisr_., • ,• 24 ; :, . prkr.NrEtz, 1 . i - DEzts::.B.T, mitt • • # 1 ' t : TE*SEIW/CF.S ; . ding also.' a large and porefullyiselected.line of "es, F .. .cirk i i, Spoons, L t acUee; IvOy Cuttlery, V c.._ote.. • _. low ' , ' • I 'nose wares Utatr l t J priced , are perfectly reit :abbe Or $ll the ord uses easeeta or required of .e.h articles. and. , " II receive our guarantee we 1, the the best of their kind in the market. . luta -prices,,, In plain tigures,:eonunending them • i , ... to cloileet buyers.. •.. . .* . ri rp .~,, WELL , 0„ , 1 *,„. sat CHEBVITIT timnim-r, • :' : • ',... - 10-64 r, i ' - ' . vnicaiiii.l4l/ '4. 1 A SZIAT BELV-OnaNO bdit A WILEEL WES, made at the' , JAUT;pd,FOUNTLI3*, B o y :•! * I3ROEt t fiale Ifinufaetturers.' ' ; , ankisubiiitcastinimputidwit liNtwate, duo Ittit:teltelese4ittj MN" Matt Narvelf!**l44 a , ' 7O ' 93-3141 =MIME Gitcniur . 343cirs vim aramni: acres, : . • SEWING- MACINNEt.- BROADWAY,' TORE,: cluznitrr exam.rarLADELPE4. - „ , • Pas,* eniselissie; !" ' • • r IZ* O l mad 'Elsailattr of dtlbabL• Pea t e j efl i ail' 141 EU= ,of Mani" both' di the 14'co ihstenlng of tum 4 and no was Of thread. Wide range of WIT cation without change of adjustment. The seam. retains Ita beskty and thinness afterinishing and ironing. Besides tieing all kin* of work done by other Sewing Slaeldnes, these Illsdhlnes ezeente the most beauttMl and permanent Enibrolderyand Or .munentatl Work. +or sale by =, • fit: E. CHAMBIMS, Pott Sul 31, '69 ' 31—ly M (71.04CIESTER .- 1E0E 1 ;7011ES, GLOCI/ES .%-7 T CITY. N. J. 4 —Ortieg; No. 8 North sev enth St. west side, PIULADIMPiIik, manulbeturnr of CAsT IRON GAS and WATER PIPLE, C l ot Iron Flange Pumping, Heating and Steam' Pipes stop Valves tn. Water or Gas. all sties. Pire (Frogs_) Mr drants, Latrip Posts Gas Holders,_Tglescople . or Sin gle. castings and frought Iron Work; ofdU kinds, for Gas I Works : 4:. 11 Pipes proved by 113 , drestatlo Pressure. ' ' -; l April /6„ 11.1-115-ly' — j----- - - r - .-... .S . C - llllY 4 r.wlla, i ; COUNTY' STEEL . CO., -. ._ - ). NEW RINGO‘ILD, PA. A. L. Ilion" Preet. Tito& PENDsit,, Agt.,rl annals. lilani a rturers oppringSteeLTires.sleitglishoes, Plow d Cultivator lineel. Steel Wings, and moulds made I pattern; Flat, Bar, Roand and Square Iron and 'Steel, Shafting; Crow. Dam- Wedge*: -Harrow Teeth, and also Oeisgon Bars..lron and ideal, esPe• daily adapted for MINERS' DRILLS de. , Aprtin 71). -% . Malt - • .r...)10A BEER CAB WOHISI3, • - ..,; • . 1. , JOOEPH DELANEY, PaoParrrott„ . .. , .I.r.Vand,r Schuylkill 'Charily, Pm • , Having enlarged his Car Shop, it now prepared to build a I kinds ofoa* for mining pn Being a practical inecb.*(lq and baying or years devoted bird - self, entirely to this etrAk brahehlof the business and building o , I*, tr- , COAL pit EAK ERS. Also, tbe Patentee , al of two `F el ebrat ett 'cl 3' elf-Dumping Cars, fetich can be seeti working atthe works o '; east& Bancroft, Lewis & Co., and Patterson, Eltringham & "Co., At,hland, and 'au Messrs. U. A. 31 le & Co„ re V cdk Preston • o m lllerier.; - Qlrdville. Coal B ers built :d the honest notice .. Orders *solicit ed. ; - • Apri 2, 114 o—-1Y • . - 'JOSEPH DEL V . a• . , 1 IN .Thelsubseriber' 13 now prepared to build Steidle F.nalm a, .Pumpa,l.Coal Breakers, and Drift Cars. All kMds of cwdlngs and firtNll l foremia made tolirder. Especial often- ' 1 4; 1 =4 don . 414 to,filMnanufacture of Car ' ' , ...... whee . , t . JOHN CATIIEB. L * "...- 7 . - nhenandOalf CM-, San. 1, 10-1- NDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, STEAM C z FACTORY, Ac.• ". The I ,4ubscriber oronld call attention f t • , • to the .s u w itor . facilities possessed by him far the varionS:branches of Steam Engine building, Iron Founding, and , n i r the manufacturing of ail kinds of ma. i•binery for Rolling 51111 s, Blast Furnaces, rats, „tc,, • . He trill also continue the busincss'of inining,and :seilingethe c.elebrated Pins ForC4t White Ash Coal, 01 e prcnietor of this colliery.: • se/0 '6/ , -1-Ird Jan I. VA,' C'P). 15N yrTn. •• ROLLING MILL. . . . .1 5 6 i . )in T an eelve for nt Sin carvf 1 rely the_y LIVS 'TO COAL OP.ERA!PORS 'AND MINERS. '. ! , • I • rioNE.R.norLER woks.R. . • - • The subscriberespertfully sir:cite, it. . - the. ovation of " e husiv.o4 comma- - m HI Cy It...their Boiler 'Works, on Railroad „ --' St., slow the Faisenger Depot, Potts-. • -,.. in ' . , as • vtlie. where they ltre prepared to man- -. uthetttn. ; - BOILERS e.iF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sun,ik,, Sm elts Alt Stacks, Blast I'l as 'I Drift Curs 4 lec.. Jgc. Diners on band. Thilng peactical3tnechanica, and having for years devoted theinselvs entirely to tlxisd:ranch of the husmess, Batter them:wives that work done at their establishtnent will give satisfaction to all who may favrir them with d call. Individuals and Companies 'will' find it greatly. to:their atlYantaga to exatnine .theist' work betore:rngsging elsewhere, ~ 1 , • JOHN T. NOBE, ' • • . Jon l,':0-1- -! - MATHEW RIIOIJA. ' , CICH.A.RD !IRO pl' WORK S ;,- . - . .. . PO.47SVILf.E, PENNA.'. • The strbscriber4 nre prrpared to fur. . . • Mid: sT.E.VNI.ENGINES and all kinds' .1. of LACHINEitY; and CASTINGS for - ;1"M O .4Ft . • Miregc, Illtist Furnaces and Belling "." -2. 133,,•_br',„.- i Mil s, and have a full assortment of tit. ! nor glimoved patterns for VERTICAL 0 01 . NG :51 I I. ENG I N 1....'5,1ite EEZEIIS, SIIK`V.ItS. PUNCH . LNG NE-WIIIN FA and all other Machinery required in the manufacture of Rallroadlron and Ban. T be (onowitig Steam Engines are now on hand and readkitor delivery : , i E aei. IS' In tky 1..1:4 i n stlic 2 Eng's,l2,ln eyl. IS in St'lie ~1 • " . Ia - " -.h . I 1 " ito,4 "; " 1: - ;.:' " 'I - " It " " ••2V. " " 11 " ft .. ;,. f 2 " - .t. - I - !,..... t 2 " " ' 2l; ''' " 12 " '6 ":4 " G . " ' he all; e. I- : criivii are all new. and built upon the 1:14,5t tki , !,rov...i I.oitelple;,, and can be seen at the rO Oa; of zip•s a :‘,/ , rit!ers. . A!. , ..fr, a - full lussot t men tof id:crime :.: I , :tv,i“ "Si.van Engine - ttovernors on hand; ‘ritich lore : given universal satisfaction - Sept: 1, '11.9---1-12:1" ' I'OTT& ; V ASTIN E. —._ . ASHINOTON • IRON WORB R. ' HIM ()TICE —ThP Ni - orics of Bid bite firm of Wren die B )her, known i+ the-_" WA:it-ZINO:TON IRON . loeate4on Coal street, in the, er , Bo ough of Pottstille will he eontim i ut by. the subscriber n all its - various k • br: itches, viz: Steam Engine building • Ita-: - an all kinds of Machinery for mining eit ter coal or oref blast furnaces of hot or con blast; all kinds of rail mud east lugs and rallroad ear fixtures Of. rought crist iron: all kinds of brass castings; all kleds of st thAvorkerind.all sizes of the latest im pr vs%l pump., s gle'utul double acting. _Repairing pr napt ly totem % to and neatly execUted.. careful all ien •to business the,osubscriber sta he will reeelve.a share of the p.ublie patronage so iberally bestoWed on the late fittlLi - an I,'R/-1- . ' ,JAMES WREN. A ,EINL AND FRON WORBI3. . . . . .. he Subscriberlt are now fully- pre- f rr _ t • red to furnish. tut the Ashland Iron en, , nits, Steam_ Engines and Pumps -;., 1' ° ; 144 / o 'any, power anll• capacity for min- . Qs.--i t: in- and other purposes, C o al Break- - . ' ent of every -size and -pattern now tt use, tO,' eLther with alStillizs•ancl. forging, v 1 every descrip-, tem. Coal and lirift Cars of all size* and patterns,. large Truck andi• Horse. Cars, all furnished at the st - Drlest. notice. The subscribers flatter themselves, trot, ina.smuch• rta every: member Of the firm Is • • practical mechanle, they will be able to furnish . • tnachineryihat will compare favorably with any In . the Region. All orders directed to &Al M.'o.tastre, • Aithland.Schttylkill County, Pa, w tve romp .4ention. 1. 'J. 4: ~. ' . AILNE4L Ashland, Jan I ,tO-1- , t - l'' AGLE IRON WORKES-L .•' , , i , lIENItY •ITALTERS„ Proprietor,, • TAstmaliTA. isclicylatllt.i.couNTY.l.4. ' :11e..Vitut enlarged his foundryand ma, Prix . ' elOeie , shop, at the EAgle Iron Works, . , i _.l Tstnatma, *sad -thus very materially _ ...- - ~ • Mereased their eaPacity for tumingout ,La ,•- -- work in Itisituct Of business, lief Is now ptepa-red to make Steam Engines and Pumps o any . p,wer and capacity, for mines: Machinery for I reakers, Rolling and other3.lnllls, and for P,`ar ' u tees; ail kinds V: castings and Ravings', &c., dtc. • i i t Att experience of many Years in tlui bouldltessewllb t to facilities whi(ili these works - now;possers, enable t e pr o prietor to turn out the very best and, the most • • satiNfactery works. • •. Al• . Irl orders addrtissed to HENRY WA.LTEBS, Eagle ron Works, Taninqua, Schuylkill County, Pa., will receive prompt attention. • - June al, 19--9li.t.f , • THE PALO-ALTO IRON WORKS, , . . •'• - . • .r Ire pr epared to jurnish T• RAILROAD IRON- Weighing from I.i) tu'iu pounds perysrd--STREET ' 1, AI Iti to bli pounds per yard, ~,., , • to suit either for horse cars or loco- 1•1`. ' "-- tiliot Ives. All. these rails are of the t.Stag ;I= gIATEsT 'AND .1 MOST :APPROVEI, , pATTERNS7, Also, it. general aasortL .1 , ... .....,- .Tent 01 MERcIIANT BAR IRON, -Roan . le . onarett, OVal,LHaif Round. and- Grooved,. ROO • .. -ND BAND • DION', GAR AXLEfti RAILROAD (Li 1A I its, FISII !„ PLATEN . AND IhKt3PIKEN; it): rails. ROLLS, made of the best b lan d of'cold' I,Last charcoal.' ikon, 'ready for - use, either for T• teD•s, street rails, or bar iron.- Also, all' kinds of (AriTINGI4 FUR; ROLLING MILLS. -We 'also in t itemttention to p ut DIFFERENT PATTERNS 01? SMEARS. for cut ing old ralla , ,pladdled iron, de.; de. -it • •f -. Hi J. IfAYA 0013. Preoprielor. 1 °Mee on. Second and Market Stsr.,:Pottavtlle, Pg.'"" 1 Jan' 1,0-1- • 1 • \ .--'-'- t'.o ON , . .. ... . 1 pitALDWIN,/. 4 C 0 IVE *OILS& 1 t" ......- .T iiip . • . ' . • Nr. mar= aCO flair. tiroi k d and Hamilton streets, Philti4elhiti; Penna., irQuid run the otte,ntion ofjtallioad' ratiagers, and those ' Interested :In , 11 , 111 -•- i ' tattroad Property, to their systerW of b' t ii".. totxmietive: Engines, in which they % co— ' -# 0 atinPtc4l;t4:4 the particular' busi. ''''''. less for which: they may - tie reqpir• • uy the ..- . i Of ono . twn three or f0ur...4161r of :this'll whee . _ ja• ' Eiti the use of tlto whole, or so mdch of i e weight t may be desirable for sdhcalort;, , and :In &Orem °dating them go . the grades, curves:. strength Of superstruction, and rail work to •be done. y. these . means the maxlmulri useful e ff ect of• the ,powr. is secured With the least,e.spense for attend • nce, cost" of fuel, and repairs to d and Engine., o 'With these objects In View, and as the result of twen ty-three yearn practical egyeriencei M. the business 1),,v our senior partner, we manufacture five different inds of Engines, and several elasstm of 5t5..... or each Ind. Particular attention paid tct•the eirength or:- he machine In.;the plan and WOrkmansoiy " ad the. pietalls. Our Milk *aperients:l .and !opportunities of. obtaining information, enables us to offer these en- - Incalnca with the askurance that in efficiency, eccnio itly hrni durability; they will compare 'favorably with wheel her kind iti use. We also hire to Izit..:.•,;'axies,,bowlicrg or low moor' tire to nt centres without : boring.) composition .castinipi for , ngs of evert desc ription of Copper, Sheet, Iron ' d Boiler Work. ; and every article appertaining to e repair or 'reue'wal of Locomotive Engines: --, . • , . : . . i Jan I, 'n)-l: . M. BAIRD, ••'•••• . • ... - - '.„ ' GEO. OttitNlVaK, . • . ' CHAS. T. PARRY, -- anabk),,,Sr. raa'scis . wastass. "0 LOAD' D p Etta, • .GAII t DOXPANDICEI,, ; at. The undersigned having. sneceedetl Peeht War ren In the sole teemuLtetnre of Facht•gg • eelebrited' Pgitent _ I i • OELF-Dt.131 - PiNp; . • • • SCOOT' A ?-}? IRO* BLOCkS; Tor unloading Can), Oro; Sand, .lie. AIR() In tlib inatuitacture . . " • - • 1 1: ' .11a014.i 11 1 1 -IRON 110. X NVIIEELDA/iIIOWS. dp tottill all orders with prom . ptness axal at NOTlCE:leiiig the sole owners of , the patent ht tor the Peu D.utoPlag. Hoisting. Sooop lineket 'anti Dock Slociti we caution all personas/tabu% man. *Rotarian or parchasing the same harp any exorA ion/selves or our agents, as we will prosecute to the utmost limlt . any infringement on the Latter's at. peetfally. _ t , _" _ Irak AD DIs ON & NVAIIRM.i. tiandlittprsi 1 1 February e, 'tat 1 6-17 MI A 7#02108 LIN X Or TB4.ISiBATLAITIV isTISAMSHIPS. Aterween New k. Glaagaw. Londonderry, Liverpool, deenstown end Hain. or PAsMa g . mol F :an 4 " 1 14 1 14. Ik:One oteuieniehips between th e United Me% an urope, or tor MII Information to to Manor peaaege, etc.. atply Dentin , by mail to Melt . Agent Capt. O. . OLOVZI.- , t. o. Mi Centre street, PottITLUe..- April 2, • • Lit LL KIN * B of Garden TooLO ean be had maze:: z-L ,rhseed Arriree, at.BOLOMON, ROOVII2II TM' Ettore end tames PerzdahLa; Depot, N.o46,4entr " TA I la. la • 1 CRAtigiomilipTh---------...-_______ixxhia thangs an band atress Other au aot C. IL sd4 iteCantra . O rfil to prouttptir ttaialed ea•• • . • - .. , , . . I , 111 StalaS ntatinti• Norks, NAiil)OA - 11 IRON WOltitB ATKINS RROTIMRS, - raorni crofts, ;•:.._ .-. Pottsville, Schsylklll 'Chanty, Pa., •. : ' iuraelurers of Railroad Iron (both '-r i h ww., . street Rails) are prepared to re- I m- MC gi,cl m execute nrdersat short-notice, tP i ' y and all theordinary: sixes In use. e l - cal= lug our own pig metal, we an ' I ; us select suitable, ores; buyers-tau nil's . erefore . er on receivg In all cases drat clam* . The p in sizes of T Italia, -.4;e25, 32, and !O pounds to-. ern, always on hand, dsupplled In small lota, nted. , t San. I, 113—ly !MS A3D Paisagt Astncits. AulbsT, Se larnier. RIIIIDNIV3O TO ANIMALS. TAO bleeder who has a valuable ,brood mane - Of ' , antra. 'whites to keep. her as hee from' istieddent as - possible, In no way can he &kW; more. than by jendiring Eler as tame add 4diet as possible. The same rule holds good With the colt whikfrunning with the dam; and ~when the time arrives that he will be wanted for use, we believe most persOns Will agree with us, that - the less trouble he gives inlearning m hisduties,.what ever they , may beia_the better it will be, for his safety,; and for.the lveket of his own or . With the generality of colts, treated as they mostly are," their wildness is the first . sturni). ,ling blockin the way of the breaker: nit this is vot over no good can be got front them. rheit their natural timidity has to be assuaged; for,. , hough a horse may be made Ludo some things by force and purl- Jahment, we can teach him nothing while in a state fat - alarm._ .8o long as , this lasts - ail his energies, are. employed in resistance; or endeavoring to getaway.' The hare as tim id an an lm* . as any in nature, can be brought to fire pistol 'without evincing, or proba bly feeling,. the slightest alarm; but7at the commenceMent of her tuition all the pun ishniont we could inflict would,not in-' duce `hereto remain . quiet at the llghtest flash:of the pan: . We have no greater-right to expect aCelt to pehnit even a sureingle to be put onim without resisting. r being alarmed. att it, if done - -for the first Utile,: unlm e .bad been reared in that confi dence with-ua that be never expects. injury itt , nur - haiida This the colt, brought up wild, natundly does expect, and as naturally refistal '" • „ >Cows, Irritli_trow. and then au exeeptiori, are, all taiiie3 even - When — we find one: that isitot, depend'utirinit..kiiiiti extraordinary eiretuns - alanceptitherhiilitie*Orthg, or • after usage, hasoeettidoittiedier rcitiecomeotherwise. The calf, an, leaviii2g:t be mother; is as tante ailitsr.: self; at>d Wotild.:reihairt,SO' if :• the treatment was.oontitihest: but if it tsSuffeied to . retrsitt in .a 11l tead£fitieinti daily brought , intointercourse with nkan, it becomes wild., • Probelsir;lttanclaavirig been accustomed to folloW:the, .'rootberhome, it Still wishes and ittteniptalothitio. -”. How kits wish. to con tintte' on4oollterms with us rewarded 'Y•lt 'driven back, With shotits i land should it sur ceed In 'atroiipts at% do atestleatinitilare•probattly, repaid by a•• lie4e s4kelop,MVent;a marmites of them.. tan we wondbr:lflt.afterwards .both 'fears -and .bateathatf7:,Vet,lhe 06061 the time comcs • ,when 'this wanted forh is use, , it is dill& Led tits4tand meekly to • he :milked : bya .berhape..the xeqrsayage it has such just reason, tlreed ; if - Itdoes not It. is -tied up, and.prO "a fbiy,theledgestake.lattipin ' Need 4 we he surpriSseil at 'seeing aces many sn' these entreats with:knobs on their Morns or a board ag .to.tstilheir , faeckl, We do wit mean to say this:drive abdittss•tlititi Ispertnitted to be practiced '.with ; LUC; It in. pretty general use with - .ordinary ones. No wonder, then, breakers am _wanks] when this la the cage. • But though items of• this is. allowed' with the high bred colt, or anyt Wm: dung to Purposely,ftighten him, nut on-tetk is.done that ought to „be done to.. reh4 s• r . .blM. familiar. Ilat.• are ~4y nature more aiktivi thahecivm; mere to gallop about.; ThiS only-anises:-froth,- galloping ; :tieing . less: kxhuble,,to.thefn tiottito the leas actiVe ani- • .tn'ttl; huttito antipathy. to, ,or thee fear of, dian.exists ;stronger:ln the ' one aniniah• than in the Other when , In the wild state, The highest bred; the • haideat and' most:determinikt filly that ever baited with a riderWiteit in, a .state of Irrittab ity ex. citeruent-the.veifrequent result of • severe `training cirkticitigcsn be Made if Properly 'treated when permitted to lead's life of quiet and repose; tusahroOsHiltrate, as familiar and docile tie:the - veriest cow inexistence; - anti a colt, tasanyealf that evetliveit the pet of a cottagOlamily,. 'Such, niaibtain, is the state to WhicLall mares and oohs should .brought, and most.particultuly valuable ones. • ' . It is necessary for .one havingr i the care tunt managers:tent farm s.ktoek, tb entertain a kind feeling• s -a real regard ter the animal is his charge, in or - der to cause th e m to thrive aitordo well in' all respects. • Two Men may talte.tho charge of an equarnumber of au • inals , uuder isreeisely'the'same eireumstark s • as regards - theiti•eiindition, •and the 'atnestkot and (inanity of the. food allotted to them ; :mkt 'whiteone.ofthe men will attend to his charges on the prinelple'of duty,-perforraing his work in a - rrtechaitieal manner,' the other - keepCr he, actuated hy the higher pri nei ple o lriegard. ,tikr the comfort of his beasts. -1% ts,4 Will, anion See that he who is in eg:nprrth,ii nis-ant nu& will have - -thcip in tine contlitiOn 'shit good health while the 'tied?' an kill, :isot keep hies in even the same favorablecouditioil as when he took ehhige of them. 77 ....intericen •• • =CHEM .good horsemen NIU al ways-drive • with a tight rein—just 'so tight that the animal - will find a gentle Pressure ori thabit,,and if the check rein is not too tight, 'this is the best age - guard against stumbling. /The carriage horse rs erten cruelly puuisht-d' by • the upmerciful t)ghtnesiCof the cheek rein ;- his niouthibecomes callous - hv the eou „stunt hard pregvre of the .bit, and lose 4 sensitivettessjothe gentle pressure oft he tiriringlein.t.s • • • • - • - • • liici HOUSES.—Every earn 'Mist be devoted to impnwing °the general health,• Let work be regultz and moderate.' IslaVe the stable elean,7 dry, ,and well FeedLort,sound bay and oatseither brubled or. cooked:'Withhold all.lndian corn, above all, if raw4nd 'bard. Foiir or.five pOurids of liiy seed cake May , be „given, daily. Give every day, in the bind, Wl° diaina of phosphotate of iron; and four drams Ofiin'tvdered' gentian.. Coal Screcns;=.l4. - i . 11.&170.t.biEt.TEIN & CO.; • •`- . ' . . , . 812,1..ceis.ans up John:ft. bleb to, ,- •.` ' Manufacturer of Coal Screens; . ',OrAhe - Latest and Most , Approved , -Stytes. , Scond-hand Screens:and Segments altrSys o n ham t . We respectfully solicit &continuance of the patron age heretofore so liberally , bestowed. . L. LAUBENSTEIN dt CCV., • • litdAroad Bt., rear, of. Esterly4 .11ardWare Store, . Jett 1.It!=1- . ' •-' ~ • Pottsville, 1:3 eleuLain *op AND vintE . SCREENS LAUI3ENSTEIN, Or I L , . , SQUARE ROD AND WIRE S !HEMS. PATENTED FEBitUAR.Y . 4, I#4l MIXEItSVILLE, S".lliriii.KlLL -CO., PA. • TUE SQUARE SAD SCREE-NS, ACCO,I.:".NY 'of their superior , strength- and durability. ur preferred to another, wherever , tried. Screen }kilt, ail sizes alwayson hand. Orders promptly tilled II: moderate pri 2day 21), 419.-21- eet„ :iip).Gootis nub . Stacrits. WiIiTFIELD &ROYER. aii CENTRE ST, rorNvwx.: , • - •;lnadditlon to their usual assortment of ikliEs ,4 GOOLlti, EMBROIDERI'Eg:'LIONS, MILLIN ft Y GOVI4S, havnlust opened a full assorttnent ot Choice Japanese Sitit , Sobes. - - , .11iusibarg Edgliftandlnsertings,.. ° ^ Jouvin an JogLa Eh! Gloves, : • • - Heavy Black Oaks, • 4-4 English Bargains 4n Linea Handkerchief,: . • . . and White (iambs geaersifyi offer in addition to the'well known ' •- • " 'IIUEEALO ALPACA, line of the mini:ingest . • • SILK:17111/SHED'SLACK. BEAVER BRAN • . Ladlea' 'm sp i te,. in latest style, Mode to Order. - :t3tptember 'tl9 VAIRG & SIIMMea DRY GOODS FOX & BROTHER; = X 76 ceNutis T. POTTSVILLE . . Nolte to mat * 4tetttlon to their extFilittve merit of, SPltltiG'A\a SL}IIS~iF7R D 1:1,Y GfOCIDS Ctiuiletkiis of .the Latteet Styles of tbe OM Fbi , eign.Sc Domestic ida,rket, Aviurguruz ouLizeno:4s, X1%!1) COUXII!a) SILKS, GAG'S itNI)=IROMERI CLIVEPiI‘' • WHITE OOODB.ans IiQfiIERY: • ,9LOVES or ALL CLOAKS, 0:1 0 ALL .KIN I>a CIE EN=l Wn,alio oil; attention to our Mimi of otf . ixtithtK quEE:sswAnk: , - bullgs and seleatkd thir utUzost - • 100 , MO". We do not, °prodder It lied* !sty to eis#lnenae what W hal% buteverythlu; In (000th alidOrOcerylatore,earl, be t' Ad ft,Otts d, . ralit7X .LigD lILLICLESS 8A6197-The deo ot.tha foonitchecin bask on assortrocu t of sugarkie Check an Semmes* Bags on kiend W.,,lfor *. vows* aocrra sumo. which be 6 " — is " th " %PrialmLatick. Meek So cash. Big Sash- Prisgs,lad scc Carpet Rap. • June 11. mo-gg... • ISAAC WARD. MI