.FpRIYi•SIXTH YEAR. II Cite Atunorist- reg - 41th Xifir.....-you2l6_,:tlktits, mitioaplP9m!-; • I'll ten rod a sto!ri s verrald sada. . Who itv,haarhouse quite SWIM From that I've heasd, tle old Vas afrlad; Ataat her cupboard. LW dog, AMIS. twice. Mir, old maiden lao9 *tis'i bee eery gay, AndAttitopi she hdd bylbe !score: gat ailed them off, as I've beard people say,, • 'TI/I none of , them came any more. r • And now Jibe's old; quite wrinkled and•gres": With only her ..og suo,r,..ps ; . • She thinks of the du*" she had only to say _4 * • To one Of her anzalrers , Llres. • - For rh4Ohe titt r le wdid ahe has 'now. to atone, ' T4ere'a,puno To tue oniaoul doespre. W_ no t hing eat. not even a Labe, rot her eitptai hiempty and bare. ; 'az Young hidlei take is-annng an& ibteh or her fate, Decide idiera should cattle in your_ ellY: 7 upon one betore it is too tate And be careful how-aft you 24:1X—Nal.' A yoc Upon one oeeasieri,i cTs equt-, :"ed her lover to (lane .love . • "Well said he, IS t to ine, inward Inexpressibility and an outward all-averisbnesa." , . - _ „ 4 fr i idosed ma' that preached for us - last sum u yn ight, saniNrs. Partingtoni"server the bord tor thitty yeays—fint as a circus ri der then ass nlocustpreacher,.aud last" us , an exhauster." _ "Bauncirr,..you are quite an artist; how did you ornament the pies so finely'?" (Ile- . fore if table : fall. of vlaiturs4 `• 111 clacl6 , mum, ain't it purty? Faitti; Ldid It. wid ye'r false teeth, mum I." • ~. • rk! , •r • A TROMISING TOtTir:- i a,I . said Master Wens, "may Igo to-tlMAheatre: to-night?" "No, Tont," says mamma: "Then -I'll go two N et the measles, thatwill. I know a boy who has ro.•l'Vrltact.”, wl t - • .you done with the cream? TigoSeeiti '.n can.eatskim milk for totes k fast."i "St4n4 inarta, and it isn't inesclf that would be afterglVin' the scum to yers. I tuck that ofrand gave.it to the . _ . • • 4 .`:-THEY'n*: 'always giving things illftere resignations froth what they use to Lace said Mrs. Partin ton to Ike; •'in my opinio .what they call the new might is eatainon , to old rheuinatiz. "Otr, 1.1111:fe glad you like idtds!" exelait ed ayoukilady,;•,",whielr kind di) you adnii most 2" I; think good goose, wi plenty of, tutling t - is about a‘s nice' OS any replied lter!beuM As irishin an., having jumped . lato the w: ter to - save a man from drowning upon • Ang4l quartki_froin the pereoa as a reward Fr the service; 'looked at the ,money and tln at 'ilia, and at last exclaimed: ".I'ra oveipa) for the job.! : . A I.;AZr,•Over fed In.l returning froin it dinner to his work one day, waS.asked by li boss "if-he had no other motion "Yes," replied the youth, drawing out ea,t, %letter; "hut IN a little slower." 7 • ./v . "..nov of the Emerald Isle." whb ova; pi - Anted ens.us-taker in Pennsylvania, Ii sent in Ids report to the effect that, "ive' inodther's Min av Athem towid toe his , Mtn was,Nielitsferstay, and - that was ni l rears av age." e : .AVoi:Na- lawyer at Eatontown, New J sey; in the midst of a brilliant 'outbuuit eloquence, was interrupted by a shrill Voiq which yel led, "Stop! you lie. 'Stop !:you lie! Young Legality smoothed his ruffled feat eri4 when the sherifrannouneed that• it swl only a parrot in ,at neighboring: house. • • A indianian, a day or two since, g/ ;Overly ``fatigued," laid down .close to m lasses barrel, accidentally turned the fauct., and* went to sleep With full stream runnitl on liis.hegd. HewaS discovered - after 0141 teen gallons, full measure, of . trie ":,weet rte "three lind run over Win. 'The Mayor of tl city furthered sweetened him by a fine O eight • A COL,INTEtIi Ar.VON went home, one eve ning, and -complained to his wife that he had hen ahu ; ied-doWn at the store shamefully.'One of the neighbors he saltLealled him 'liar. Her eyei Ilished ,with indignation.—, - didn't ; you tell Miami prove it she eielaimeit• •!i''fitat's the very thing-that's ' the trouble !":realied th e - u:hand "that's just what I did. di; ; I told him to prove rid he'prb,i•Gd it." A FEW years ag - o a little fellnw was taken by lits father to a carpenter; toile hOund ap prentice to him, after the fa.4hlon of thOe ,tiinesA In Settling the busineSs, the ' maser : Who was oue of the still' kind otwerved : " Well. boy,'l Suppose you, can eat most ant ing can't you . ? I alWays make my lais live of: What they don't like." "1 love every thittg but mince-pie anti apple-pie!" _way the • boy's. instant .Keply.. . „ • AN.' olh toper said that he _t•e whOt dind-folded tell - each of several kinds of •liquors. When bratidy, whiskey,.gin and other . driiiks were presented to him, he prig hint aced correctly what they were. At length a glass of pure water\ Was given: to hitit ; he tasted. •and..pansed, - tasted again, and again • cotc*lcred,'and shook his head. At,last he "tientleinen, 1. give it up; .1 inn not used to that sort of lialuor." •Soni: yeartfago, there lived in an EaSte, n an old man Who had a propensity fee - "hooking" small and portable articles that .came in bid way.. As he was potgr and pi l r -'lukir, and well known about tits town, no tiler notice was taken Of hispeeulations ; than to _keep a sharp look-out when he was arnuqd. • A dealer had a : quantity of dry ash landpti on the wharf ut nu' hour tub late to getjhMin jkw hid dtore, and; as he watoliout-coVering - them . with un sair-eloth,. espied old IS:, apparently reeonnoitering.. Selecting a • couple of the fish; he said: "Here IL, I must leave these lidh out hereto-;tight., and I Will give you •the two if 'Noll I.lromide', me that you will not steal "That is a fair of fer, Mr. A., but—well=l don't know," with • a glance- at the offered fish, and then at the pile,"/ think Iran dte better." ' • erg (Saabs anb Oroceriti. WIIITFIELD es,ROYED. 247 CENTRE ST:,,POTTSVI,LLE. • .1,11 - . • addition tod helrusual assortment of DRE. , -*; - thiops, EmhittklliEttlEs, NuTtu..s.'StILLINE, . HY ti tni DJ, (kc.,tiavejust opened a tulllissort !nen kid Chulce , o Japanese isilk Robes, • . . I.Linitang Edgiugei and Insertlngs, ` 1 / 3 . , • - Jouvlul and Jugla Aid Gloves, ' 4:-firttry Black &his, , .. `a . -.. ,' - "---, 5... , , `" 44-1 English stuffings . , L.,2 - • .fr • Bargain. in Lluen; Handkerchiefs • • ._. and White thfrals generally. 4 .lAI3O offer In addition to the well known , , i , -.i • . ' ' BUrr ALAI ALPACA. i ,A, full line of the celebrated" . • -. - DEAVER BRAND, SILK FIND4HED, BLACK Ptiltb: 31011 A ilia: • - 7 I.adles cults, in Ltlett. styli e:,'tide to . Order. S. pieinbez 1, 'tio . - • • I—tf-w SPA LNG & SUMM&GI:DEY GOODS. c. FOX; & BROTHER, 27G CENTRE. EiTHEET,,-POTTSITII4.E, Destie to call attention to tattr exteii4ve.aasott, ints ut. , r ; 41: ItitiCi AND SITMNIi.E4 DRY GO at) S RIM Consistlni of the Latest Styles of the Foreign & Domestic; Mai•1~~,~ ticcLuDj.wra Ajgrao WIZ coiLscrioNs E BI ~Cfi AND COL6RED LACES AND EMBROLDERI -14 • = LIZIENS, •.• • •WHITE GOOIikaridDOMEST/CEL. • GLOV/49. OF ALL • • • CLOAKS, QC.; A.c., • • r:SIIANViS OF. ALL We also . # l24tention t 9 ear Stoes.ei QT.ME:N , f3W4 I /tp , 3 1 01Tch is verrissie :and siiteetid i elth the 12/1:11011a owe air Ibis market. - -We do not muskier neeess miry hi - enumerate what we have, bet eve rttilns in a Bret-darns 017 Goods end Grimes' yfitore,oux be had at our eutriblurtuarzt.' • - • , M il_lll7, 'a► MIMI 1 4 . \ ''.,--Y44,544, ittio'biltt: OB LEASE.—The valuable tract of • Land known as Robb* Winehrener turd, situated ln Blytheand Schuylkill and containing abouillb accuse *Mel for louse upon reasonable terms; _A F. IL OMANAgent, INA) ZI. 11.4 l - Irgittffilk or'Pno Carbon. StitTar SLATX I -.•• • 4. Tbe undersigned .bas always_ on l an d a large lot •of ROOFING SLATE. - of WI vises, ' sad of -the beaspaltty. which •be sea at tbe cheapest. prices. The ate , hen be delivered by liallete4 or Dtal; Apply to 7 WY. KAM:LW/4 Agent. • . asinborsiberks bfay42,.% 1 • ' - - Iltilut •• • ESTRATITAZ • a HALE. I_l Tbe • - ereseled bY aI. ktitriMAM 4% ,, ZPorellieit• Green arid tosallam., • • • • geds, die. *e. e dwellings -••• • • • • Iteirieed tuts an the modern coo wttdentila;__ • litas , ilealt: 7.-tenna easy, Apply to worv.r. C. MAW= • //ea! ° O ita 41 1114 ... /81 " 11 , 1000 : e t May,lB, _ • • 08. LEAS E—A.GASCIII I / 1 1BAL PAWL' I" AND HOTIBL.-77se `mdectdtned officers of the ischaslitill Comity_ Park Aseoei will melee p u rest f u lf il s I. la c Y g es=or ad =lotet mai Poews !Pm Siva' wa the lst chty • • • L.IWOMBLBDORF, F. B. Kassenza, • Feb 5.74 - . "8-tr • - YaiIIVATE hAliTe.—.-Tge , andenditned carets his. Fann, situate In Washington Township. Vett:qt. kill County; alms 413211 es east of Mimi:grove, 1 4 mile distant from the R. It. , at private sale. The Farm contains liFineres, red gravel bottom, acres heavy tin her, au acres clewed. and the • bahuice sprouts or 12 years' growth:' The improvements,con. slat of a dwelling ho, swiss barn and law Mill 111110..4 superior orchard of choice fruit trees. T h hind is in good culture. All -those wishing to Par chase or laavect the same. will' please apply to the prtvrletaNia the pietnisea. • A good bargain can be me. Conditions easy. - ,f0111 4 1•MINNIGI, lu. May LB, 7u-A--kme.. • • . • PROPERTY AT :ORM/LTV VS AL A I L ABLII —One Interest In • the tract of Coal land, to New Castle Towbahlp. Schuylkill Cb, (known as the Potty & Bann= tract,) containing about tai acne. • •' 1 • • A tract of .2. 1 .0 acres of COM. • and TLYBP.II LAND, In alley, Township. Valuable buLldlng lots . on'l,D[ahantonao street. A siplenctid lot on archuglklU Avenue, SS feet front on the Avenue, and 57 feet fronton Church Alley One-fourth Interest In the "'Coal, lila" Tract or land In richuylkilt Township, to close the estate of the lute Kra Sarah Hart. -.1 Apply to HENRY C RIISaf.L, Real Estate and Inattrunee Agent, Na IS Mahtua tongo Pottsville, Paw • ism 1, "M-1-13! 'con S.ILLE.—A Farm of 236 times 'with Improve ' " menus and stock., situate on the line of the 2 . 3chu yl- AM and Slatipenatina Railroad, LI utiles from Potts ville. arms OP-the-land are under cultivation, 75 acres are covered witheliestrint s routs of 15 years gymitth, Which would Make ezaelleat prop timber. Macresansixivered With heavy-timber. The improve ments- consist of a iiiibittuitlal house a new rialto; Barn, arn, out houses, and a new self w lth water pow er. stock comilids of horsed, cows, "gtsiii, hay, and le &ming implements. The price asked can be real seed from the timber alone. Tertruseasy. Apply to JuliNl4.Bl7lEA.F.F.R.,h.Sterly's Ittillding, Pottsville, Or to FEIIOUIS 0 . FM-N U/IAR No. Pin Ventre street; Pottsville. ' Augustrl, lki , =SZ-tf • .ipußLic RALE QF REAL F.l3TATE.—Pur suitnt to Ars of Assembi, , praised. April let, the undersigned (kbritimisioners of ISchaylkill Co., Pa., wIU exptme Co public sale , or outcry, on SAT URDAY, JULY 30th, bce, at the public house of Solomon - -Feather, all that certain] lot or piece of ground, situate on Western Avenue, in , Wood and Lyone' Addition to the Borough of Pottsville, num bered with the manlier al, containing In front on said Avenue ir2 feet 2 inches, and the same width on Norwegian street, ano In depth 2 232 feet Tinchett.— .ssile to commence at 2 o'clock P. M, when the con ditions will b 'mule known. PATRICKDORMER, BENJ. EVERT; • PETER MILLER, Attest—Q. J. AkEooon, Clerks] Commissioners. 1 July 9, '7O-23—St ~ gtgal IN,-TECE CQUaT OP COMMON PLEAS o sebuyiklll Couuty. 4tl..ta A. 214.11Er.C1i by her nail I . friend,j klarvy Scott, 271 duOe Term.u7). . - i Vs. Allan subpcena for . ' A 1.02.120 C. SCHEICCI. .• . j i . • a rhyohee. 'ail-Dee. Term, 180 J. . To the respondent above named : • You are-hereby Mat - tired to appear'at a Court of Common Incas,- to be beld.at Pottsvllle, for the. County of Schuylkill, owthe drat Monday of September next, to answer t lIP cumplatht of the libellant_ in atm above stated case. I k ciEOlitir. C. %V Y liiiPOP,.Slterlff. I Sheriff's Office, Putt/3%111e, July 23, '7O-30-it N THE COURT OF .CO L Schtoil Kill County. CATMA EA NE U . I[OYLIL by her' next friend, Harrison Derrick, 91 June Term, 1870. vs. Alias Subp,ena, JAMES 0 . EFEELE. fora Divorce. - 18 March Ter , ". 1970. , To the respondent above named : I You are hereby required to .itmarat a Court of Common Pleas to be liebat Pott•Mlie for the County:of eschuylkill, on the first Monday of r*ptember nett. to answer the coMplulnt of the libellant In the above stated. CUSP-, GEORGE C. WYNKOOP, :Sheriff: sheriffs Otliee, Pottsville, July 2, 10-40-it . N THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS of. 1. Scltuyiltili County: YIIILLII BATEMAN 422 June Term, 1870.. • I • CATfiAIIIICK Et AMMAN; Allas Rubptcha for a 41 :.lurch Term.lB7o. • Divorce. To.the respondent above named: You are hereby requlred to appear at a Court of Common PleaX'uf be. held 'at Po. tsvllle, for the County of Schuylklll, au the Una Monthly of September next, to answer the comp.alnt of the libellant In the above staled case. . WI-WE C. WYNKOO ,P Sheriff. Sheri ff . /4 Office, Pottsville, July 23.•10--30-lit 1 IN,TRE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS of sallayikill County. Est it Kit SPANGLER, by her' 90 June Term, 1970. next friend; Wm. young. Alias Kabpatna for a GLORGE SPARGLER ' Divorce. n:-e. Term. IstrA . To the respondent above numeAl: Ton are hereby required to appear at a Court of Common Pleas, to be ltehhat Pottsville, for the County of Schuylkill, on the hrst Monday of September next, to answer the co-B . llol'lla of.t he libellant In the above* stated . GEORGE C. WYNKOOP, Sheriff.Ju~S 23. 7030 at ' ADMIN.ISTRATOE'd NOTlCE .— Whereas, Lel cm testamentary to the estate of Gustav - Wor, lute of Borough of Pottsville, Elehuyi kur uuty. deee.osetl, have been g anted to the au b pepsons indebted to said estal, are re quested to make - immediate payment, 401 . 11 thoae having elatues igaltist the same to make them known Without delay to CHAI•S.Ii. WOLTJEN, July Admllasfrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICIF Whereas, letters of aomittistmtlou upon 't " be estate of -Mary Sparks, late of the Borough of Pottsville,.de ceased, nave peen. granted to the subscriber, those indebted to the estate of said decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons hav i g co - thus or demands again t the said estate are requested to make known the same without - delay, to No. 257 Center street, Pottsville, Pa. Pottsville, Juiy Itt,„ltt 1 , . 17 STATE OF ELIAS RISHEL" DECEASED. Whereas, tethers testamentary to the estate of I.iias Eknel, late of the Borough of ftulanni.Schuyl k ill etiunty, deceased have been granted to-the sub scriber, all persons indebted to said estate are re rplcSied to make immediate payment , and those having calms against the ..ame to masa them known 'without delay to . • CATHARINE RISHEL, Executrix. Auburn, Schuylkill Co., 4u1y '70•••2h2.61.• AD,IIIINIBTILAT.BIX'B; NOTlCE.—Whereas, the undersigned having peen appointed Admi n -Istrat Mx of the ortate of John :Sett:Auger, late of the Borough of. St. (lair, deceased, she hereby gives no tice to all personaindebted to tbe said estate to make paYment, and ati those haring claims against tne same to present them for settlement to, - MARIA SELTZINGEB, Admx.., St. Clair. June'.l3 A EttLINISTRATOEM NOTICE.— Whereas, - letters of Administration on the estate of John (Cabe, late of the Borough of Pottsville, deceased, havinglieen grunted to the undersigned,all persons having cull ms against the' estate, are .requested to present the_satue to the undersignekand those in debted to tuthke paynient;without delay to N. it. WHITNEY; Administrator.. Juni IS, ESTATE OF WM. E. STONE, DECEASED. Letters tes.tuneutury upon the estate of William E. Stone, late of the Borough of Sr.. 'Clair, iu - the Coupty of Schuylkill, deeensed, have been granted by the Register of Willsfor, said County, to Martha: Stone, Jatnes Stone and EustaeeStOne, the said Mar the and James Stone reside in the Isaid Borough df St. Clair, and the sald Enhance Stone resides in the Borough of afahanoy'Clty, in sald:County; those in debted hi said estate are requested to make pay ment, and alt persons having et4rns or demands; against the . said estate are requesteitto make knowq, the same without delay to either of the said Eseen thrs, or to Wal. B. WELLS, Lag , their Attorney, at Pottsville, Pa:. 31.AttniA STONE,, JAMES STuNk....,* EIJSTACE EfTtOSE, Executors. • tine 21, '7O --W—Ct __.fumber. JOHN A. OTTO a SONS, [... 4, MMIIMMEI tunti3Eit .. ! 1 ,1 0,000 FEET OF WESTERN LtThIBER. \ . 1340A.t4 n litAtT Troszniustr, Corner of fth and Sktice Sts., Reading, Pa. We keep constantly (hair Michigan Panel,•ln d lana Walnut, Poplar Plank, Poplar, and Ash Lumber, nil seasoned.' The Walnut runs from 12 to 30 inches wide and all thicknesses, and the Poplar from I to 30 bathes aide. The Quality of ibe Walnut and Poplar cannot be urpamed in any mar ket, and we are selling lower than the city market, All parties in want of any kinds of Lumber would do welLto.eal ! rmd examtne our stock. July 9, • „LUMBER: . PA R D E E- 41.. - ' C 0 0 K. ; - MANUFACTURERS L AND REALMS TN BILL TIMBER FOR ARIAGES; BREAKERS. Boats sawed froth Whlte aad Yellow Pine. Oak and Firinloelt. d &aped to order. AIsoLPLA NE BOA4tlk4.l s l lE nales, lA.TR , k LOOR. !N ttlees at WA )21STOG, Ac.oN, PA., and __. -- Loeit Be, EN. PA= . PA. we shl pby Boat rad Railroad. Apn19,10.L5-fan CORK. PINE OTTq LIMBER- • FILBERT, 0179 & MILLER, a Mambo:Sr:lcl and , DEA-ti..ErtS lipT LUMBER •WILLIAMBPpRt:PENI3A. Mill on Canal, west of Maynard Rt.: Once at Mill. •.- It& McDONALD. Rpm% July 11. NA-Al-ly ' i Ftnir 2AIR Powtaviiie. pa.: DORT* CA.1113%N I. MIND Zlt I' /LAD AND 1 PLANLXO LLL. • WM. BEUCH.I4EY., '' Propzietor i • . wholesale and Retail Dealer I iii all kinds of Deroloch. OA and whir Work ianabeidind always has on hand a lame to t .)?souk Deo* Sashes, Blinds, . MoldleAs, Win w ll'lllnlelt, /a: ' done at walla/nowt, prim. and delivered at the Pottsville Depot. 17,,ti0f ettailPt. • !wow' dating and iki ing dopes& short notiett Also; eontrzetar and ba il or. 31111LBIIECIILEY. 114tio " Feb 5, '7O ' X J.LIERISB CMGSAM PL I /LNUFG -MILLS _ :fiiiy`o, - *7,% 4.4 S e 1 0 = 1 II a I o p 11 1* =1 . tct tinet ton f 113 P t C O rs ' adevera arid all other i gabaalOaal w . ezemed ronsptlzt nem lan e terms. bartet, Pitts, . :all LT A J. 112119 r. rattaAN" CIVILL AND X6CIX ' IMGV.Tert., Surveys and Land Inspects Collterles , l_, an, eznattnes nil s. "•• - • - ltine -OEn mcn—Bazumsu ,. BaIldln& Centre St-. opPodfie inconal Chritch• PD W. 81131111nr8,1ifiDWILLX. Ps. late cif the . renewlvattla staset Saril expionts lands, mines, da dan. 10-4- Ms V. QUM/TOM: ICCOMEEft and ,r,4 riper. nil inreecnntre 4Pottsville, elneationsatui Estimate" made ot every nesesipt of baddbans. , Barveyhts Itt'lticiatioas braneboi attended to _ • ;hid" VS-6 4 Y r imams CTUAITCH. Qom:BAN - tam, 11,JI.Ep auxbro kwatiazits, . • ANDamiVGFEITBIIMO. 179 Cirarrter 8121:11Craftsvit.i.s. tap stairs.) 'mutant 1.10 - . - 1- Co gAl3. Laionillbeiween 2d and 3dj TURNER In all kinds of Vood•work...BraekeM and all kinds/of Vane, Scroll work promptlly made loonier a) nindexaSettatee. Ors ape seat. . 1day7,70 . 15-Bro ' LCJIIIITMVCRIVISMAN.JVIITICk Qr_ PEACH, EMIL INT AcIENT, AJIM 14- . CENMED AUCTIONEEIL. • No. 1 bLituasrteurGo tar...rurrtrellax. PA. '. - l&e!al attention -given wall bwittleettln tbelWOrta_ chea. Having a large'egnetienee.• and pran aptness guaranteed. muerte= aulletted and wLU receive Immediate attention.. January 10 l• • 'f•• P. KOPITBOH, Ififorms ate public that he C he has reparehabed ,t he SOAP AND CANDLE .FACTORY,I' corner of r• ecOnd and 1111hzstreets, Pottsville, lately owned.by E. C. !Seidl at t 0.. which he Mr. Kopltsch, estubllghed in 1544.-;; The new tigmwill be e C. loch & Son, and they will manufacture all Mutt..f Soisps and Candles. The patronage of storeizera end the public in general Is respectfully July 2, 70-27-1:¢ L4i lm M. L. - DAVIS, Practical Plunibe! and gas Fitter. ; MAJFAICTONGO ,STREET. PorraY . m.r..l Having been In the ' business over 10 years in Phil adelphia gives him unusual facilities for derivik his supplies from first chum houses. Sir Particular attention paid to country work. march 3G, :oily- f 'EORGE MARTZ, ARCHITECT. • ' . $, SiAlt,Kr.f STItEer,II.YITI3ILLE. Inientor of the self-dumping engem, and of coal breakers half the usual height, saving thereby a great 'amount of timber in a Large breaker, ftie sell-dumping mutes .are tot slopes and shafts. With of without door to ear, and with. water apparatus 'attached to dispense with pumps. 'lt self-dumps tine or two stories, and hoists one, two or three earaat the same time. The advertker trill plan, superintend or ountriac to build colliery iniproveineuts of allkinds. March 5.10' •i 111-I,y L. F. WHITNEY, : . • BWNICEII, •• 160 Centre. Stre - et, Pothirille, DEALER • . • -..GOLD AND SILVER; . FOREIGN EtCgANGE, r.N - mu) STATES AND. OTHER - MONEY !MOM, 'ED ON DEPOSIT—INYEAF:SY allowed as per spacial agreement.. - STOCEI3 and BON'D'A bought and sold at. the New York and Philadelphia Boards of Brokaw*:the usual Commission. . - • Jan 1. .. . my CAVE YOUR MONEY BY §AV/NO. YOBS LEA.THEB.. DEMON PLEAS of Water Proof Grease and Leather Preservative Inferior qualitleis of I.mthef made Liveryloni to water. Old Leather made soft and pliable, with renewed; more r lastlng than any other of ita knit in market, and applicable t all kitols of loather. Miners will find it the best article they ever used to protect their Boots or Shoes ,ffom eialpliur water. For sale, wholesale or retail, by CLEME.NT 1.11.10- TEtb Ashland, Pa.; and in Pottsville. by Bright &CO.. teox & Itro.; Jesse Foster, Thomas Foster, and Foster. . : May'., In--2,litf • . B. K.s.p.acHEß., GENERAL. IN:6E r.. r . RANCE, AMJE.NT. , --1 Ogler, Pennsylvania hall, Pottsville; Pa., I LIVERPOOL It-LONDON & GLOBE PitiILTRANCE VA Cash Capital and Assets, :-- 111113.000,1100 Invested In the United States, over- - Lsoo t two HOME INESURASOE COMPANT.. NEW lIAVPN, (I)r:steno:T. Cash Capital,Bso6.ooo 'surplus Jan. Ist, Ism, . :. 6159,674 Ott Insurance effected In the oest Cpmpardea on initor able terms. Losses promptly ad)nsted and paid v4f11.11- 411 t delay.- - ,I.lan 1, '14.9-1- 4 , OLD AND TRIED. INCORPORATED 1851 BERKSHIRE ,LIFE ,INSURANCE COMP'Y, THOMAS F. PLHNKKIT, President._ ' i JAMES - FRANCIS, Vice 11 ; cithlent. ' / B. IL:BICKERING, Secratary• OM' Treasurer. J. L..OBEENE, Assis.tant Secyctury, '.l Non-Forfeiture of all Policies Guaranteed by ~ In case any' premium Is not paid when duet the policy Is nos forfeited; but the bolder nonaitot. in sured for the full amount, until the premium Mrea dy paid and unearned Is exhausted by the cost oi Insurance at the net rate. • -,., t j , 1 - - Eilitmple.: at the 4e of 43. .. : . One Annual Cash Premium on an ortilnary.T.lfe Policy will clot Untie the Insurance for TWO Y EA Itts and 60 DA Ytii:trotta the time the policy win issued, dr ONE YEAR and 60 DAYS after .the SEcOND ANNUAL. PREMIUM BECOMES DUE. - Shituld the seeond premitun not be paid, and the insbred ,lie within nut. - year and 66 days after such non-pay ment. the full amount of the• policy would be paid,: less may the prelilitllll due and unpaid. The larger the moats.: of premiums paid. She longer will the Insurat....• vont in ue, in ease of .nol-paytniont ofipre-: minim The ' The Berl:Adre Life Insurance Campasay.has i'paid under this him Six Claims. which In Commodes of other states-would have been worthless; and hi now golltilitlitll tile Insurance on over 400 policies on which the holders hake been unable to pay, pre mium_ • a : Thelast eldlm paid under thlstrum-forfeiture;plan was that of a member who insured a few years since fur' .t..;:igi.. In I-0i he failed to pay his annuals pre [litmus,. i ll. Jun tiarylast, one year andfl tit. ve months afierwal.r.S. he died. The Company ham aid to the widow tile full amount, Cia,l:' 0, less only t .overttue I . ..Lyn...tits 111111 interest. :: - ' ; if:eery . lAniber Receii7es every Day's InsuOnce paid for. L . • ALL PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG TILE POLICY .• • HOLDER:4. I , ANNUAL ,CASTI DIVIDENDS: - - .ECONOMICA I. MANAGEMI:NT. Careful selection of lives. Safe investment's. Good Agents and Solicitors wanted. For Information, appli: at the home office, hr to W. 111.. GItAVE.S, General Agi•nt. S. W. cor. ELEVENTII and CHESTNUT Sta., • PHILADELPHIA Oct 16, T..) " - la MI THE .10 - , : -, Sit.hitst,i44ol. BUY BUY. BUT BUY C. ..?§. FOSTER'S C. S. FOSTER'S C. S. FOSTER'S C. S. FOSTER'S linsuroct: PURELY 31liTI:iL PITTSFIELD; ' MASS Elistellantous. rIECDEE LINE. RICIVB C.OAL Patented April --, e „.. _in LtheY-..e.,6413P1e. durable and easy W of operation,lenee the large number sold, uud the per feet satisfaction given. Send for Illustrated catalogue oontainingsizes, prices and tottlinonlals from hartlex usi them: also containing price list of oa r Wood andiron Cam- Iron Tubs and Barrows, Doek imd Rook Blocks, &c.; glad containing much iniorma T tloMuse-hal to Coal merthants. , i- ' I'. K. DEDERICK& CO., Albans , Agricultural & Machine Works, Albany' Jan I. - 1310-15-Ittart-ly New!' York. 4TEPHE,ISI3ON SAFETY LAMPti.4-As as some Ltullieries are damp nrvery prevaleht, and he common Davy Lamp in not considered eats, we have procured a hit of theritesitiensontialety Lampe, which contain a circular glass tube inskie of the wire .14 Thin Lamp from Meent experiments made gauze. England, In considered the unrest tamp in dile. and Is now extensively used in all tbie mast fleTy collieries In England. For sale wholesale and rstal_ The CLANNY LAMP, the DAVY LAl4°. and &dell Lamps of Mti I the most roved t erns made of, Inspected Government wire..by single dozen or hundred. These Letups are all manufactured to otir 'Own order, and we use none but gauze of the pattdm pre.. s. ribed by the English Government for safetY. Gauzes conaantly on hand to suit lamps in gee,- ml use, so that we can supply any persons wishing to replace gausestbat hare been worn out. Guise for saleby the yard or piece : wholesale or Will. Adams, BAASAI4 do RAlfsElt. IGB Centre titreet, rottstrUle„ LEMON VALLEY ILLtLIIOAD comfrir. Time Table.showl rig connections of the fl. R. Co. with those of the & Reading It. R. (o. to and from Pottsville and intermediate points be tween Reading and Pottsville. 161.'A. 111.:P. M. Leave Pottsville. ...... 5.40; 9.001. MS " Reading. 10 . 251 " East Penia.. - TaiieitatT.-.,. 11.85 i 5.50 Arrive at Reaton... m .:-. iLlti; 12. l• New • /alai a. 10.00 ELIE'. .IP. M. Id. • Leave,2tew • ' • ................. 22.C41 " Easton_ i t s East 7:20 4.20 Readingloao • 6.00 Arrive at 12.25 j T.2S . M. For MAUCH °IONIC and inter= P; *LIP points leave Pottsville, fi.4o and 9.00 A. al. and 2.4 S P. it. ar riveet Mauch hunk 12.00 a1;&45 and az P. 34. 'RETURNIXO, leave Manch Chan 4.45 and 10.E P. 11., arrive at Pottsville, 12.25 and T . For all points in Use Lehigh Ocsit and for Towandiii'Wairerly and MA W O ' AAA. ' R SA Saporlutenden dad Xliginetir• Bethlehem. Dre. 19.111 isp a t r wsk i paratm omra i ti • eitsonslal Ann orns F. i; Illeie " inn use. Araelanninlommek.enserwlible • • en!llff A TILING 1,4241114" IW[it il itid . grqiiiinoti st. all Massat Use co with' - Se IsT Inas In skl i r unty. -. , --"- . tia...m... '-—! ' -- ‘l3 ?snit It- vouurirrigth re Ins au Imo Ilesdlns. rail LATIN ilen Ohm and Cakes 4 11 =7 .1 0: e f u lter• dna, Postern* , Fsnallel• -niesllod( be Cresin:". . .. ! Mr; u _ , . • ' " MIE ===go „."i i. • _ *- 4 ":1 5 0FISVII ttr 3 , . Rolm ltiviatniii_ 3 , 1 - 0 - 0 ,._ .._,,,, , ,, ft .. . 1 - 1.":..r.,.., ~,.. ; t-.. , ,;;.-. 1 ,=,..y.:.,z 7 :ic 4: • - A.,..:. " .4-- .• i- -•::-J;.7.-_.!..: - ... 1:. -,-..-.....% , _. -.--; , z , -, . , -.. • --- .1 ;; -, ...rrnicalkii*lng • ".4;:iPitODAXX - ... , I 'l'. ' -:- : -,- . :..- 3-',-..t" :--_,_ ....H• . A ; CZ B • tlylo,4llti•Ci ' t;;POtt_SVil i _-- .." ; . ' i, 1 (loops Fort THE 1411.D`ME6 AT aI!AT . BAAGATAS r' ; ' I wpol4; ny . itethe attentl of liontleUeePors And 0 to 32 4 st°4 - M. z'l • ' • 1 a SHEETING :arid HIRTING 'B "SLINS I , ,CALICOS Ifd .FLAICIeEL TABLE E LINN, NAP4INS, TOWELS,. CRA‘So ES, ..t.c. -r. i Dress,Goods of all - -T Description 4 White I . Goods, Lace andkerchiefs and -, Collars ~.1 -, - - Linen Collars an; 4 Cuffs Notions, Trimnlngs, /cc., '' ' : , , At LOWER PRICES than can he? sehl elsewhere. . I • 1 1 1 THQMAS BULL,. 11 . 2r3.. Centrej -Street, Pottsville. Jan 29; 70-471 r 1, . . , . . , . • .- T Y 1%1 Drt, E' l Vil I T 1-1. E L ~ '&'W 0 ••'-, .., F; • . , l• • - I. , . •„ 1 , • CHINA GLASS. ANA EARTHENWARE: ~ .',. 'N o. 707 Chestdut Street, •Ph.ilaciel;ph.iu:' __ FLVE rA i t 2I.ISIA.7./ gRAIVITE, the best %toneware Intim marhet„ sold) at the nrlees of ordinary goods. , i WHITE' FRENbIIi, CIIINA, In all th l ,ci hest shape's; and style: DECCidtATED,'Dir;!:is. ; ER,II.I. and - . TOILET SETS in great variety. Glas4 engraved on the premises, and 011'1m Decorated ilther 40'1111 sets orimatehings, In the I.lest manner. '. ' - . : FII*T-CLA4B G 4 5 .0114 ;ONLY, 411111 LOWEST. ! • i CA fin k'RICE.S. matrli 5, ,70 Letters of inquiry IrTregtrd to prices, ac.,nr smads,Primptly answered. ','. • .. • ._ •-- GREAT ikEDUCTiON I. IN RIC.ES. PRINTS, S _cents and up. • * BLACK AND I ,COL'D ALPACCAS. I 1 i , '' 1 . ~ . .' SILKS; DRESS GOOOS, of all kinds'. -- r . I '- , ' J 1 NOTIONS, &c., -,&c. • •BUY ..1.11.717 Ur Come and see for; yoi ,ol f. PRICE S THAT dANNOT 11ELPBUT Lli POPULAR. THE NEW ONION DRY GOODS STORE IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. March 9,'70. Jan —2- 1 v _ ' Octaer 16, '1,3 The advantageg and nth - actions of th:.; Lo.tN, for! Ilirestipent puipmws, are many and in.ll4 , riarit 4 'l. It *ls based upon one of the Clfeat TilltoCtill. LINES lIETWEEN j•Ti yc'EST.' Ttii:SECURITYIS ALREADY CREATED, the lirreater part of the line being in sttreessfut running virwrutlon. • The koural Traffic, from the unrivaled Agrieul-; tural regions and Iron and Coal deposits adjul.:ent, *aid be large and profitable. UM 1. The enferprise, l reeflves IxronTART (WS cr_4- ~iIOSB AND PutvlLEf;r-s from the StatiN oiVirglnla„ 'find West OISTING MA . : S. It to under . tbc. management. of enie;Cat. and . NVEI.L-OViCX CAPITALISTS, VCLICW:CD:IIiIeS are guar- htitees for (tit 'EARLY ComrLirioN .nntl c lecessltil In . Iqat pperation. G. The Bonds can be had elther in corm; they hare thirty' years to run, lioth principal Ind interest bethg payable; in gold. The fonds are of tten . 6tilinations of :beatdnilnterest at the rate .it six.yeri vent, in coin . ,payable May Ist and November Ist. • •Frant our intimate acquaintance with the affairs and txtmlition of , the Company, we: know these !smart tins to be peculiarly desirable, and suitable 1 ;Safe employment of surplus Capital, aud funding or Ir.htlyernment• hoods, by Investors, - 'frustrZ•s or Estate*, and others who prvfer....absoltite security . with refasonablothcOme: Holders of United States Five-Twenties 'are ena bled toprocure these Bonds, bearing be vane rife of interest and !timing a longer period , to ran; and to realfze a large increase of capital irk addition. , • Bonds and stocks dealt in at the Sleek Exchange, received in exchange fat this Loan, at tile full mar ket vaine, and the Ronds..returued free' of ispress charges. . , . ranaPtdeta, Maps, and full informatiOn furnislied on application. Feb iV 5.20 1 8 AND 1881'8 ; BOUGHT, SOLD , AND EXCIIANGED, ON MOSTSEASONABLE TERMS,-4. _ Bought and Sold at Market Ratns. cOUPOisIS CASI-4 ED. PACWIC - 11 4 44.R-CIACi `.BONDS comittssiorr oNiy. ~ ~, CH!GAGO DANYIIIe aid: VINCENN Ea ... ;rod sposagel. percent. Gold Bonds, ToE4 Milt .:141111 . :1:icb *Aixauisn; stamossr. Aeo6;sto ieeitvid . d .alioiel oft daily 1 ' b°4o2o , l l4 4 fiettl o Fbtot.. • "* : . !,- . ..; 4 ... • r ]lia. 40 AL =MD BT.. PHILADitalt/A. , 1 1 - 3 4 121 , mi. ra. - . 1 1 • iskir ,! • 7 :I ' - :' . . INSE GO s:1-Yi \VALKEII & PR ! I NEW UNION 'FIJA!T:ri, IVIAHANT WILL OfFEI2, FIIONI THIS D I GOODS FR0.11,. THE IR ,SF,PERIOR ST?Cii... AT PIM, r:S LOWER THAN GOLD .. , • ' i n , 1 . ----: : . 1 '7 : ,-- =.- - - • - i - I 4 . % f_--i . 7,-. 5 - • . r - i)• _ ,-_,-. • a_ --.; _. 2 _-, , '.. . N . Z- : . Vii . - -L=. - _ : : - 71 . _l. ---:- . ~i , j- \ , .. - - .1 - - 1 4- . C' i - • o- - -\' t % 4 . 1 4. , It e_ ; s:. I. ni .tuL I. c 3 tit e e,, ii t .......... -,3:.., ,;(...• ~.. ...- .. •-_, .. - ‘,.. • --....--.... r I , t 5\ ~.....;.....1 ,t. ...,41..rt . 4.\11. ~ ,t .... . r, -.1,...•.0 ..1.1.t.a.5i..,.a....4.1....,- ~ XI - -; . ' Ets t o „- - ---- . • Self m , . •-By our system of eas.. - ,remc - zt, oasily uaderstood, we enabl9 customers to send thew orzlers in 'such ci. trar as to SECURE AS GOOD PLT as though; they came tban - isclves tn our Establishment. - Cur ImOroved Rules for Self-Measurenien4 Samples f and Prices sent when requested, m2(.1'4 !RO.TAPT ATTEETION given, to all orders, with. GUARANT.O4 Cif entire satisfe.c 'on. . ' . , . i . - JOHN WA:' AMAKER. MEI Thiamin!. • / r • t -2 t • r ef the r , n A o. osa p e akealiti Ohio gqiii- a u "COUPON OR REGISTERED $lOOO. $3OO. utul $lOO. Price 90 and Accrued Intereilin Currency. . . • I FISK d: IiATCII, No. SNissAtt &mum Ntiw YORE. 'STOCKS • BOI7OHT AND I SOLD ,T ---- i ,- .} --- 6TiA -- 3-1: - i3(.5SiOi-14.0:, , _..1 7 _7 7 ; :- I - 1-i -...' • ~. -- I .-- ins* . .0.0.1• ; : - ,7 . r ' ' ''..7: - .. ',•• '.: • :-:•. ' 1 , . t C aSti Carr', ges and Buggies; ' '' ( -or Ti LAILST Alen x arraovitto err:sari - • ~. illi 4 rU, _, • __," • ' ' iFACTORYstt. SIMOD:CD in "SOFIVECUA3 liTi"..o?St Saraita . . 1 1 1i.696"07 MOILTIXIM. H reit, Porrs - CH.Lr, PA; .. -,. ~.; :'• P• ..' Co' tardly .otA Wind a good' a unent•or ueXasul aecoad-aand SpeTl.% Sad uggim , ... - •• _ ial attzation paid to re ^ vill" il,cl e 4 14 :44'14 1 1 , THE rrEAA , diIIiVANIZ' ED rEiCN6I.7OTI3O3 1..1\E.4 can blhud at • ME , . A nutnber of new pattern COOKING and PARLOR , STOVES, which On be had at moderate prices, .He also bast' splendid aw,ortufent of Titijinatts;Britania, Japaned, Glass, • 'ood and Willow Ware, Hollow and Ilard!eare. Als Brushes, Broomi, 011Clothti Table • Cloths,Doin Mat Clothes Wringers, Trawl, Carving and Butcher Knives, Coal Oil Lainps, Knives and Forks and all kinds of Glassware. Alio, Gridirons, Reetating Pans, Childrens . Sleighs rualSkates, Table, Tea. and Butter Spoons, Mice and Rat, Traps, patent Nutmeg GraterN Spittoons, Lemon Squeezers and Graters, litni Cagm Table Mats,Ta hieSaws,,Clesvers, -Mta Whips, Rolling Pins, Potato Mashers, !tread Boards, V. ash Butrds, Woodenlioxes, Flatand Tai for Iron's, Sausage, utters and Stutters, ClotheS Etats Bed Cords, Cloth pins, C4frn l'oppers„ Cake Cutters„ Canditsulcks, Dredge Boxes, Savings Banks Match Boxes ,School CoMpanlous, Slates and Pencils, Toilet sets, ilath Tubs, Ilatchets,llartimets/Axes t _Deed and Bond Boxes, Runt' Sieves. Holt Saws', Collen Inns• Concentrated Lye, Gla.S'S Drainers, Fancy Toys, Eard Cans, Wash Tubi, Wash lloards,Sliect .inc, Markel and Fancy Baskets, Castors, Knife Boxes, Sitovels, -Pokers, Tongs, Coal Buckets, Tea Kettles, Stove and • 'Shoe. !Making. , 'Also, Oils, Pain tn. VIIniiKIJCS,. Win dow Gloss, l'utty, Laitterms and many arlielell ton numerous to mention. Also, Ititofing,Stsatting,and ail kinds of Jobliing done to order ; in the Short est notice. Persons wishing any of the abitve Men tioned articles would do well by_oalllntiand examin ing before purch4ising elsewhere. •- , ii , - i r SOl.O 3101 . ,. ITO 6 VEn. 'r 1 r N0..2t, Centro Street. Dec.ll,.'6o—tiftr ~ , - 72.—t rd 6 s* v cAxxi. As s lac Jau L. 7u ptort. molr., 4891 F, AND if TE:L. o At MT ER No. :11 tre gtreet • • . . GO ANUS ON& ' • - • * ._,__•,- - • TEE SlVirtaltl^FlUGPiulittOtt Best In .the. ld. 7 - At . 111Eit i • SC111:1114 Agent:No: 2U ' . tee elivet. _. •.• - ' 9-Sm CALL AT4 • MYER & Uld'A New. hardware S So . Centre Bt., cheap Garden Salter, . Shovels, Corn • .t...:lrden hoes of all kinds. SCALES. 13 • AL.thi r SCALES, , eif all kinds. an the best in the niiirket, 3fli"Eß Jecklait's, agents, ;Co. at Centre street, Potts- Wine- i• • . TAKE NO,TACE, ..• , . . .:-. ~ Builders and Vectumles. At MYER,* 5C11113114 can be bought cheep Ilnildlng Hardware °fall kinds, viz : Plaints. 01Ifs, titan,- Cement, Piaster; Chimney Tops and Flues. Also. Terra Cottal`ipa. of Waxes. - ;Z•ly ‘• ..iiarch 12. 'WV . 4 .'BMW arth-oudasro qmi wurim Ibr A ALINE a, a.c., , mada at the , • JALAPPA routoßT. . . -By BOWEN &. Sale Ilan'altsettiren. Also, aU kinds;of Casthaws, Hnlldlailiarawsrec lke, l e eave orders with U. K. WESTON, 4 - , t1 , c0.19 ElLit.Noreregliilr st.. Plittsvil*. [ urn May 33.'70 - ,-- , .23:...: la t . . P/1 111150/41 117 N 11111287414siti.—All tat wear, ~ /alma aid Real Late varaaDas. G 7... . 4. '"'!'1„ i .... r .rvxm2 llatrateal. I; , ,; , L.„ j i,.,-,- tr o g r 1 / 4 a 4. 3 ' , • Donatai 0 .,... o— , -rt , : I , , - -t! --:,,,-- ana s t i , Illoot. Ara4slr- . wish lli and moderato peast..; -.: .e. 2l. No. al ream.=alb meet rut., , Aldo Mae. .ket iusitatala nat. Milder , 3617 /0,. 3~_ r };y . , 1 jr 11.1LIMAUfit . t , , AG aP S, IBM le. Va. BA.STS. IMO NGO ,STREET. WI BA SIS. - . . -.-., .. ...:' i'.._. 11 =, _._ .1 rai - .?,1tar..a.: - G, , ' r t . 3~ IEII §touts, 14146, hc. rintbniari. '7" ~~ !"i 14EV =MEI 4128 At:;. I r+:: • ED:—Three Tektiont for. Tiiinji"l4;ll6 . ', Sc . !of 0 • viSti-:1 for Orwruzwir Bab . eacher for .iternt or 8 wombs: -1 i for Primly - Saco .. term, 6 months. -4ppl es!! wil l be inane on: Ist ',Monday of August. 10 •• i ~ ' , ..'• •.• .7. C. BECK ; '400`..; ;',1n1yn.34-41, 1 ' .'• : ' - .' .-..-. - , .-. . . • 123-480 T AMY W : : •. - T8 WANTED , . 1.4 - • QV V , 'r S 1 AND U.EXICAN *AIL 4 1 14 vol t s er r% ,FORMON Ila OOLD, ` 0 sVERN._ lIENt - av at , NUS DO= and.4OLlA •,- . cou..rerioN ro 'br made on all palists.., DE. _ , RECEIVED.- • _.- Napalm *All bn soared to serve the Intereals et 1 hose who fa us silth thelebruslneus. 4 . , 4,- -• 4 .1' 1 PAN 8. RLTON I a CO.. _ Ilwalsens and prek rs, •41(0..50 80,34; St Initial*. 3 be Sebontl3ai4of North 313 1a....ft-t at the public housr.ot SI, . pa August 1-11,11.447 4 . at s l 4.o ll cl4ock so of raviving:groposals for the b OO l. House, ee ,Ranch's Land a Long Rm. and, Moo, for the hoot House at Landlngvlile. pn by calling enr: Om liecrefall% 4 place they *llk offer to sell end Lot, near.,W.m. Slitle, at. rus and conditions w1..1 barnacle the sale, Dy - order of the. Beard,. • - D. L. EOYEII, Mes'7. 18, - :11-21...11.• . . .:, ,_ , . Bhelm Itep..-*/111 Meta. in ilaN P. DA, for the purpol building of iv in itld Twp,- linear t rebuilding o f ti>e e' Ylano. at.; eitn Imn At The mute mitt the •id Schoo figtim the Long Run.; -known on the dny al Ltinalnini,ue is T ß P .ln t` t . • ' : I. .i , , .roi'i row- ;'3l, 1,3, English, ClasSl 1, alai. Lpt=ition .i tiilan -eon: Thoraugh l pret For. eirenlOs*dat Itirtursir=4-17.0 Erauth,otlu.4.3,l.. : 4lti Meyers, I. : , i. 't;all.,-: e. ' . .: , ifiQUEEF.IIII4Sd. FEMALE: Ci?LyLEGE, • '' iliEl,iii'S.GliOVE, PA. 1 . .., Wiest -scholastic y ar begins A.l*(ll'iir Is. Tho rough Instruetton; t od board, consforbibly raonl 414, :nil anti waslslar4 $lBO per' year. Apply for 'se fen s and catalogues to ' ,- .' • M. ' OETLING, A. 51., Principal., • 4,ttly.•2i. I'o-. ~ ; ; . ,rrlit:EElltql:l ,T ;EMINARY, 1%; CiEtRISTOWN, f a u n r < ilizr" i . e I lat a lw ß gt;:re i = e ll k ? t : l e ll ar at w h rto li C1J11.1.111C"CU tin 4 rE4D.4, V, .SE PTEM B 26, urN. For t 1 reul arm suldrqsa JOILS W. COCA, Principal. . • July . . • . issoptitoßVE, _ cuuts.4.4.t tikilitibt, FOR TOVNG Tile Third T ut co thiptember'lf. 187 i). For circu!ar and far(lierllnfurtuathin addreas the Princi pal, 31 ism F. I. WAISII, • 't ' fil - hopthorpe ' u!F (4, 'VT, Alp I.lll.chern, Pa. VENN:WM .• A FEMALE COLLEGE..' PALL • E••3•11 1 ..*: upon MEIT. 1,570. superior 'splyatil • g L• 24 :kno l l- offered numerat e charges. k'otit:ata ,;tie wl tollpartleulan,,ad dre.,,» the Preslfleur P. 5i1kat31.3.1%, July 2,1017-4% C, Negev 111 e,. plontgomery Co:, Pa. •UTNION ; b Dd Amy. —l 4 lir .nest Term wilt V col - amen i A OUST t3d, ' Lineation eligible; term» mode 0; vantages good; good . 00rps Of teachers. 14 lOC Vngt lll 4 'man. breek,. Prencli, lierniap. and 3 Usle,p 3 For catalogue». add ref,» lll:\LlK I I;, Principal, . July .1 4 ' . '1134114q, Nu»? Berlin; unimi Co., Pa. MHE MILL" A LNG SC4OO . . An El' igliilL i k: • • leid. Mutheniaileal; Sr ientlf.e • it.ell.riluttio Institution, . • • FOR .170tYNO3IEN AND BOYS., ..o'l64stw4rti, Montsenicry . COO., rii . . The Find Tettri'ofiThe Nineteenth Anntial Scssion will continen+ on WEDNESDAY, the* Sill day of SEPTE.MBEILInexI. ruplls reticivell nt any time; For Circulars Intl . . . - •• , Ilk.Y. HEO F MIELEE,.V., .31„ Principal. t.i • ~ t, r.skstt•sCFS: • : 1 • - :11EV. -DIU; -r-Mel w; Seliactrer, Mann•.• E.rautli, Sciss. MuhiCniierg,fitliver,, lloitter, Snot', Conrad, Bum tin rge r f :WYli c,. tcrret,Murphy;('...rulltsliank K, ek e. HODS.—Judge Ly liltw, Leonard Myer, M. Russel Thttyer, lien). b •e~ Jacob S. Yost, illester Cly filer. John I >;. iUlitgc• '. &c. ' . ' ES4.4.—JantO4 S. prove, T. C. iW Be5V, C. V., Norton & Lem Charlool'a emote. ~C~ j 3 EMI TA and Tipelii dl u te by supilying the blood with Ns=UZI p .. Trriurrsa Acts:n-1110N. ia CassitoWl--Re Te Ton row Nrrnlnn icyr vp, rAultagelstitee. J. P. DINSMORE. Proprietor • ; : Mold ..0 Des St .; New York. 1 . Mobll b Dtuggistsgettendly. !dare!' ..1 ic. • 12.1 H t ) DR.FITLER"S , HEUMATIde i VEGETABLE ' EMEDY.:: . ... . .. T , WARRANT ED BY AFFIDAVIt:',! --?• A PERMANENT CURE FOR - . ,RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGI: T1i.,...e..,.„,.. ; ..,.._ ..,. . ~....criptlon of the the call tientelall Mphitt Physician and Professor, Joaktelt P. FlllbEtt,k.l. D., Who taut devoted' 3 7 yea Ss , o Ithetimatlstn and Neuralgia specially; and 13 by 'he medical, l'rofestion [+u'• 'lel!: announced as the highest authcirity n Itheutuatic complaints. See testimony.)' It ig I) smut nnd agreeable to tile taste and gra:ranted fn from minerals and Injurinus drugs. It Is a Iclen flc,prep.aration, 0 Medical mon opOly and crarrant ..1 nyder solemn oath -a perma nent. tutrinleaa, pin tiVe cure for Inilanintory. Rheu matism. Chronic It etintat kin, itill'llnlatiSlll, WWII- . Inatistn of KlituevA Neuralgia in the Head, Neural gia in Ibe Body Ndt v..ais Headache, mid Nervous diseases. 5 4 61.1 03 - ru,zgl.L4 at. $1 :,0 per b4ttle; ii. bottles. :47 Zit.:. - jj3led cal cutvh , e, without charge, ,sent by letter. A lliorde . sent' bk - -Exiiress .4011 ;.eted on • letlvere. 11(4,p0t, \o:.`l, South FtrettTll street, Philialelphia.) . .. , • , Aprti Ili. 'l4-117!...... .• - . - litiu '11: 1 '1 A ---7- ' 8 - 13 7- 11 --- E C , itil FOB PIMPLES.-1 will Fend Ly return inntil on meet nt . or t; eeht stamp , . a re el pe , for pv1101141; Genuine % eget able; Balm. winch ,funtedtately '11.3111/ 'VS l'noples, Freckles, ;notches, an. Attack Nkprin. Meths, and all I....ruptlOns and. Itatnitles . rill the 'Rtn. leavin:::_lt 'c,ean; ,with• a healthy - glow,l Alm ... Instruettoh4' tor produel mg; a growth of Hair on- i ULM head Or sznooth rave. , F. W. TilLtk.:l chein ht. 11,1 Drone Way...N. T. 1 July 2, '7...-:.T .. -itu 1 - - T,„4 0RT0144 MA 111 & CO.'. AL a .' 1' :s uc cessors:s uc cessorstoA 13 T: 4 Cl,l< - 41 7 .17. , ' 31.A.NOltateri.tlillitS OF atli..ll Ell-I.I•FS OF, . -- No. 1.1 Il I. 11 E .B tt VC K,. For Furilacu:l-;to:(n.g . Milt, Forg,. - 4 Steel Worlia, -.1..1ine Billie, t'uriol•l' Farm:rem. Jit.tUCh:S and ' - TILEs,-(on May Furnace,. Gas Works, Mal- . leahle I rjin Wlrks, (toiler's Ovens, G.rech - • Ilousett, e. - i titove Heater and Lange , '- . Litang,s, iliylltalen, &e.. of every . •1. delription 16 order. ; ' , • Fire Clay, h :uo:In Fire Sand, Flre Cement, In Ilulk I 4 , ' - . BM 3Lty, 21.' nub ,tivittj. • A— D EIiLITED. PLATED S T Wrue of..ever.,l description and, latest ilmigns, Sllltablo rortitidal Testtniontals,Roliday Pres. ems. Prices loweri than the regular market IllteM. EXtraertriitgirs' Intel rents to purrimsers. • • EO.. H. BECHTEL, 3 OldEstablishcciStand • Oct.:'-'l, V97-10-ly • , 00.71f3 A reh-Ntreet,Philadelphia. • , , 193. ';rte gR.BROS.. /93• Watches, Cloc ' Jewelry, Wedding and .. R i s i tmen N tynt . Hit es cla .. l v f,.. „ ;l:o k iLUt i llt:c i t c : , : h a i s i td : ~... Ay r Ware, eta: ,' .i • ' , . ' e... 3 Largest nagaintent orldason . .4 Hamiln'sl.ll.. glen, Wools .t. Co:* Parlor and . Church Organs, Pianos, and Musical Ilereltilsk generally. „. . -Watch-repairing • competent woritinem • Call and examln tore p_=suring elsewln re..., FlliiiF, .. BROTILeII.S. - • . l• 193 Centre Street, Pottsville. 'Sept. 1. 11) . t. . ~ „ , • • . I—Pfd OrENIN:O *.A.T.' ', . : .... '. • - ' r I HOLIDAY "GOODS. • .:. ! J flaving.Jusr, returned from the EnKtern - markets, t will open on it he lkt of Ocvember. the littem assort ment:of Ifoliday iftr.d.s' ever offend in this market, embracing both F iga and Nane.dicFaneyGooda, much rut GLOVE s AVAKDKERCIfIFF BOXES, . • . WORK XES, . . J npr...).Eu..rs. f . . • • . • .t..! leckitth-r•vAmEs. : -- t - ff •FIGURES, BRONZES, ac. . Solid Sterling SilVir Ware la great variety. I Fine Plated Wane!ot biennial debtan. '.Call and make rogl wri ,lelecilb/i% •C. - . R. C.. GRIMN 711' REST., near Miners llink, PODI'SVILLE. Pottsville, 41,„ngaW28. In , • • • sr,—.lydw • . - •••c i i, .1 t • • , 1 :. ..f .. ; ---k s • S PEC IA L- NOTIGE.. --.... I, -- Ir k . • : I 1 k _or . • ti • , Ai tame 'tiaras lio ie finproofon yrlth many that 71e ON Llnto • expensive Patel Goods iraloirtsh to.. 'ly ann uric° that w e keep and constantly main a a ' • I VERY POLL t and COMPLETE groerc ~,,, of RELIARLE CHEAP .. PLATED . ... pre i •'' .. 'i: • t WARES, - '.. -7 ' .l C AKE. ry pler) , of h.le . , • . • . ' : ... .. Diksspir. glad i t • ,EASiAtvlegi; InelianneOtaa.l largdaud arefully...elected lino Of. galvee. ritt! B l)o4ait, ladlcs,,li - ory , Cuttlery, ear Vac+ 1i low prleeo, are perfectly reli able for all, eo nary uses expee..ted or required stanch &Matta. d wild„recetve our grgarriatted as being ther, of eir kind In the nnultrt. '' ' Mad- P 1 2, -, fa' a' Agana. tom meacting` 'thcui ' - ',I:, P clumeliP'! , ffliqra i , iii 11' - - •,-- • .--- - -- a....;,' ._ L•• .1119,40$ - :..: •••• ‘joev -10 4:11r . --:' I' : PuiLuikiirsii. . '•., •.- .'"'! '. ' ' ' gYLVANuti.. *lO6 chafte`ork Farm; Friniamalaii.4both , to go Boat PEEFATI.IIO)Pa4OIIIice. ticational. INSTITUTE; . , '• 2iTGOME.E.Y - coVSTY,'O ,- ,„ entitle. Arthitte rind cnunnetc; cable. T:centteth Nunnal .Ses• rittion kr College or M . 0616111.- 9 11ILLER, UH Priceiral. s. Sea. Melgs * Schaeffer., Mann, ter. te..l.lonhi judgn.,Luillow, 1, M. Tinker. i6Ans.. - set Tlinyee, . . T*4IMtVII7V4MA Janie,s T.. lintthorn, lianr;ott, Theodore G. 1.. L. ll,kupt, 11. tip... Fry,llllller nemacher, James. /Cent, Santee fJulyZ 1,10-441.-tf nub COmicals: Abuertistintuto. 191 - t 4 : l sf i nfe c N jork g i.. , VIRVI GROVNit - 8AK30813 . , . I -• • a - FAMILYI SEWING , MACH INES. 1, 1, ~ Alit tst s)WAT.l 'TOM -' 't. 30 , PT fallgfrk , n#, - and . , 'AY of Sat Pee4ection mut , he : i 4 newor "... bath tuxes& „,dl.• front th , ~ , : lick aketetand -or seams by and " 6 ' •of . read . Wide range or arPit i- .offlo Illith9t4 c . • 'orlidlus Meat. ' The Woo zeta= its oesitay sad tirtancra after washing And r. IP____& Beoldtc" dein sit lamb of *mit done by I " er '" w in if t t Wee Maehince execute the imaa.acaut4 nd permanent EinbrolderY and Or pg4tktittal We .1 , °tinkle by 46 . ' 't" -' • "Lt. cilAasittrus, Pottfettle. •_ ly 31. 'O9 . I • :: i. •_ , 3ro* 114rks GI.4SIICEMII ON NVOBJEB; 01,00CES., TRH . CI Y. N4l l —Ovi!tt-E. No. 8 •Nortn bey. own tit" west's", LADMAPIIIA, sanuodfacturer lor CAST IRONIOA. a d WATER PIPLS, Quit Iron Instage ramp , ogling and Steson.irlpeit, Stop_ i Valves for IV Or Gam all slue. Fir" (Plugs) i 4 -, draws. Lamp ts, Gils Roldere,Telescoplo dr Sin! , Bleu Ousting* Wrought Tron Work, of all kinds, 'tor Gas, Work* All ,P,ipes , wined by Hydrostatic 4o re g sure . i • c c , T Aprli i8,.":0-10.1y CHUYLXILL COUNTY STEEL CO. • f ;•• - NEW .KINOGOIA). PA. A, L. frito*Al3, Prost. 1 oa yr.soen. Agt..l amnoua. • Matt utaetu rel. of Spring Steel. Ttres, gh attoes, 'Plow and'eultivar.or Reel. Steel A% Ings,an4 moulds irande to patte.jk Bar.fliound and Square Iron Sh Inge, CrowtHars. Wetlies. Harr ow Tee, th. and Oetagolt Ham Iron and Steel; ebpe. olally-adapted for MUSEHS,'..DIIII.LIS, Ae. • Aprll 9. - 70 • , • ••• • + pioNE CAR.: WORKS JOsEPU DELAkEY, PRopuirrox, .Athicind„ SAwytkiti Coxii:v. Pd. - . ' • - , Having enlarged Ms Car Shop, is now 'prepared 'to build all kladt(ofCamior mining puiposes. Being a pmetlcal mechanic and lurking for , rears dentedh imself entirely to thia 1 11 - = l. 'branch of the Ist nes.i,tuid bonding o ./.. 1 :eat:7 . 7 , • COAL 888.% ' ..Also,ike,Patemest 2-. •. , .... • -- 4 ats of two celebra ed-, Self-Dumping Cars, - 1-11" - --4' -' 1X1E ' which ran be wen working at the works of vssrs:' Bancroft. Lew* .k.!Co.i and Patterson-, Et ttinghazn & C o., Asu lk nd, !Anti at. „)dessis. it A. Moodie dc Co. ; Preston collieries. (Worth - 111e. Coal Breakers built at the shortest notice.- Orders solicited. April - 2, la—kitlly t JOSEPIIDBLANEY. ' • SUS NA.N t) CMii • IRON WORKS. _ _ • The si anbseilb; la , tikew -pre red to build Pteam Engines, Pam , OW , and Drift Ciir. All; . klnds , Of castings and ' r • forgings made lo °Met. Especial o ft en- 4,g ti en paid -td t co manufacture of ('at 'f . ;.:: wheel.i. J 91.124 CATHER. ," . , '''t"'" Phenandoah My, Jan. 1. "Xl—l- . - ; " FOUNDIIY LAND MACHINE SHOP, STEAM • CtA.l3 PA.CTOBX, MC. • The subscriber 'would call 'attention e ta to:the superior farilitiessect by hint for tilt vaifous Tirane es of :Ream Engine build! g, Iron Founding, and 7fit the manuthetu ing or all kinds of Ina- -•— ichinery Inr li4lllng dills. Blast Furnaces, • !road Cars, al., ke. , +!! continite the business of ,mining and (elebrated,Fine Foretit an Ash Coal; iWng; the sole proprietor of this eollierv; Sepl,S.69-4:llti Jan), 'rtrhe GEO. W. SNYDEIL. , pOTTSVILT.,3II BOLLIISTai MILL:. • , • • ATE:II 4 IS IlltoT4llltS, Pnoentrroas, : • • Pottrille Schuylkill Consty.Ts" ' . , ; .. . , .. , 1 Manufacturt of flallmad Iron (both r • !'y :and Street. ils) am prepared tO re. : . Sste, t..elve , atid ezerOte orders at snctrt notice, t.. . ' . for any and all the ordinary:dries In use. :. t' gi E siiit id eking our 'own plg metal, xte are careful to select suitable ores; cau t lerrfure rely upon receiving Mall anima first class rails. The , snluller sizes orT Hal/$.22;25. 2.4,n, and 40 pounds to • the yard, always On hand, and supplied in small lots !as wanted. I , ' , , . , Jan. I, '7O-1y: 1 • -,-- ~ , — TO COAI...FERA.TOEtEk AND E43rERS PIR.WEER BOILER WORKS. The anliserther.4 r64.eeti f ttlly - jlnvlte.• the attention of..the;hush.ess comma. • ' nity to their BOiler Works, on Railroad '"". fit., below the f'asseriger" Depot,- Potts- ' Ville, where thry are%prepered to'rnan- 2. t.- upcture BOTLERI3 OF 'EVERY DESCRIPTION, Siunke Stack-.! Air Slacks, Blast Pipes, Gasometers Drift 143 rs, Boilers on {land. Wing practical mei:hanks, and having for yeuis 'devrited themselves entirely -to this branch 01 the business., flatter thethseiveti that work done M. their establishment Will give. itatisfaellon 'to all who may , fitvor theta With a coil. Individuals and Companies will find it gwally to their advantage to xamine their work benre engaging elsewhere. 1f; • ' • .z ,JOHN T. NOME., ' - .7an 1,'.70--1- q j •I 31 ATT,I EW niIdHAJ3 11 LIZON • • •-• = ... The subset - 11)1 , m are preparipi to fur- ' - . : nish sTE.t.I4‘RNOINES and . ill kinds t e. , :of MAt'IIiNEILY alid EAST NGrt for '. *- ':-" ' Slities, Lilted ?Furnaces and, Rolling , lerr :, 1 - :'" Mills, and have a full assortment of the . "•i•tv• • _ , meat I.tpproved patterns ter •VERTICA to ..LING NLILI. E5.(41: 4 7 ...... ,Eii SAUEEZEitii.SHEAWS, PUNCH LNG li4ACLIINgz, dial. other Machinery required lin the inanuftuituraof Railroad iron and:Bars. ! , The following:Me:tin Engines, are tiotv on hand and ready for• delivery •,: I : . • ' I•Eng:e fain evl.--trintat'ke '2 Eng's•t 2in cyl,lB in st'ke 1 " 16 " "! 21 "f: " I - kr:7 161,4 a.. •!, IS'• . e 1 " 1I - " - : . •1 111." "- I " ti " :], L " :12 " :, 21 . "!•• "2 ' w, 6 " " - 6 " . ~ The abOve 1'../t ginei are ull in , and bu iil upon the inte.t apprOved prlncipleican can be Seen at the works of the stlbscrihers. Ms .41 full asset tment of Plekerlng ..1: OttvisSteaut E igive (inventors-on hiiind, which hive gi.Ven un I \ '4' 1) Fa Lis fafq lon Sept.-!, '42i-141y !, , yrr .t... VASTIN,E. ..,* WASIIINGitaIg c IRON' STOELKS. , NOTICF..-1 be worlis of the kite •flrm of .Wren :13rother, noitn ati the "WASIIINGT( IltON -•\ R1::1;' locatcti on Coalstreet, tit the , Borough of Pottsville will( be etaitid- 4 '4l • ' Lust Itv the subscriber in nit its various ... , c " branches, viz: fiteam Engine building •-•- 1# 't • • ^A.II2IS Mid all kiwis Of math Inery for mining eithcr coal •or ore:. blast furnace: of but or on blast; • :ill kinds Of rail mzti cast ingsand railroad earn:stores wronght nut c-astiron; nit kinds of brass rulings; k irtk Uf stnithwork, anti all slier of the latest lin punt ps,,; single and dotMle acting. Repairing promptly attemleil.to and neatly executed. .• By, carenil attention to buitinewt the subscriber intsts he will receive a share of the public pat foliage so liberally bezttowett on 1. he, late tirm., SIZZI . . „ . Jan 1;14-4- 1 . 1 " 1 JAMES WREN: ..' -1 ' ... A SHLA N D InOli W0.8.X.5. : ..., -- ..• • "The Subs:critters are now.fullypry !pared to furnish, atlthe• Ashland Iron e Works, Steani Engines and • PutnPs i'. ".."'""" f .if any power land eapacitv for min.". -7 2tEr -; : iiii ; Inc and other; purposes, f:Zal Break- ......., . . ers ilf. every itiz.e. andpattern now. n we', t.O-: 6rether with, castings anti forr„ings of every descrip don. -,Coal and Drill. Cars of all sizes, and patterns; WV - Truck awl Horse Oars; all furnished at-the shortest notket. . The subscriber. Mater themselves that, inasinucif as. every member of the firm is a practical hie/tide, m ' they will be able to furnish ' ameltinerY Om . wlllcopare favorably with any in . the Region.: Al l onion& directed to. 3.41 M. GALICEP., . Ashiantl, SchuYlkiAeounty, Pa., will receive prompt ' attention. . i ' . , J. & 31: GARNER. .' Ashland, Jan r.70+1.- ,: .."' EAGLE 1 1i.0,:i51 WORSE., - • • • • 'IlES:1:17 WAITERS, proprietai. •. - , iSA3/4QUA, ACIIIITLKILL COUNTY,.PA: H m aving enlarged his foundry and ma- itt • chin.• shop, at ;tlm E Iron Wnrks, l'uningeo, and thus very materially • , inentased their, caperlty for tun:dugout " 7 "-Tr7- , work in his HO of .bu;lness lie he new prepared - to make Steam En4inesaildliquripa of any power and carpacity,, for mines; Machinery • for. Bfeakers, Rolling :and other mills; and for Flit uzioex; ull kinds ofewstiirgs and forging", de., de. ' ;Am experience of many years in the business. with the 'Utilities whicli,these works now poseess, enable llieproprietor Mtn out the very best and the most litisfactory . ' • All orders .sldrfttstd to lIENItt W4LTERS, Eagle l nu Works, Tunnipia, Schuylkill County, Pa.,• will . reed , . e prompt attention. ' June 35,•'69-*,-* rit_to Avro 1110 N WORKS, : _ . Are prepared to .furnlsh T RAILROAD- IRON— weighing front 31 10 70 pounds per yard—STREET ItAll.st—frora IR '6004 pounds per yard, to suit either ;for hdree cart or loco- VIA motives. An these rolls are of :th - LATEST. AND MOST 'APPROVED refI... .PATIE.IINS. Also, a general assort- •!•", ruent of MERCHANT' BAR IRON. Roun o. • ;IVli n liA\T " 4ltig, CHAIR:4, FISH PLATES • AND .111,1kOKSPIR'ES., for 'rails. ROLLS ado of the best b nds of cold blast charcoal iron, recody for use, either for T runs, street rails Or bar Iron. Also, all• kinds of cAsn,Nots FOR ROLLING MILLS. • We shoo In vite attention 1.6 our DIFFERENT PATTERN'S OF . srlEAlls„ for dUttiiif old rallot, , ptuldled Iron, &c., doe. BEN,I HAIM OOD Ptelprietor . kilt, °Eike cot. st4onTliiiii Jan' IM-1- '1 • • BALp . vF . niT, LOCOMOTIVE WORKS M. ' BAHM COMPANY. . . • - Broad and Hamilton streets, Philadelphia,' Penna.', would • call •the attention of Ralima& • Maulfgera and those Interested in :t•-• Railroad - Propi‘etv; to their systsystemLocomotive PAglnett„.. in which th esyp are` fulapted to the particula, ness for which thty may be . ti nulred; oy the u.e of one, two, three,or four pair of driving wheels; and the use of-the; whole,ur so much of the weight. as may he deitrable for 'adhesion; and in aceom modattng them to the grades, curves; strength of stiperstruction, and rail work to be done. By these means the . Maximum useful effect 01 the power is secunst with the least expense for attend ance, cost of fbel, and repairs to- lioad•fuld Engine. With these. objects In view; and as the *stilt of twen ty-three years practical egyeriened In the business by our senior partner, we manufacture Uve different rinds of I.tgliies, and several classes of .4 each kind Particular attention paid to the strength or the - machine in the plan and workman...bp the densibt. Our loncexperience and opportunities of 'obtaining infortmolon, enables us to otter these en glnes with the assurance that 111 efficiency, economy and durabilltY, they will, °ampere favorably. With ••• of auy other kind in use. We alscr furnish to or.h. - , wheels, pxles, bowling or low Moor tite (to fit centres •vritholft boring,) demposition castings for bearings of every descri ption Hof Copper, Sheet Iron and Boiler Worts;-and every article appertaining to toe repair or renenal of Locemalve ,I ea IRD, GEO.. BURNHAM, . • Jan I, '7O-1-4, • CHAR. T. PARRY: • THOS. I.•;ADDlifrON'a 'wets we-mm.4r, 'ro LQlk-L !DLILLEBS, • GAS COXPAI7.B. .1 &c. - ! • ... . , • Tlie undersigned harp ieeee.dedFr— ren.in the ,ole =mut ,- - Patent,: : t .i• SELF-DUMPING. 110IST.Ttit. • • • SCO:10/ . ii CC IRON HOLSTINB • Di for antonding,Codi, Ot AlsO, In the ninnufacture. of IBON'ek*S. •, . • • Agg, • IRON' BOX Arel A d to AD all .oniers u ith promptneas NOTICIK—Being the sdle , Owners of the Patent Bight for the f3elt Dumping, Hoisting. Scoop Bucket and Dock Bloek,pe cnution all persons against man ufacturing or purehasing the lame from any exmpt ourselves , or , out agents; as we will prosecute to the "utmost Unlit any infringement on the Letters Patent. I yADDiON &l. mluP&Fehrmu7l%•ST .oa4satt, Astncies. •A NCROB rs u-car TRABISLTLANTIO. STZMILSILIPS, • • • • t ilit iletween Nilollc. InesSev. Londonderry. Liverpool. Queenstown met Hamburg. Rzottexp: ISATICIt. Or Reneets...Por mileage Sr ll drafts try tbiseommodlous, comfortable and popular oe of &townships between the - Molted Stasel and IbtrOpe. or for Intt.lnftsrustlon in retard to rates of pasasze,•e*,-apply In person or by mall to .their. Agent - • - Capt. 11 Sr. OLOVEtti_ SiVentre stmt. Pottavw.ei• Aprl! 2.10-t1314311.. • . ;.7 A I& 704.10/5 of Garden't _ode Can beliadiet ifto4 ' dueed at EN iLOKON' 1 100 1 1.81VarTsa; Stave end li ta mm Pungstang Dep‘ ti0.1,4.7en0 SI: -,* - : . := - .1E14 • -. • - - -QOPMMI_OII-IPAII,wI7.Ir sem barer, Orders itikaira. 001oest.O. M. ales+. OMOsoueve 'llSress. 'win preoipOrded . • Ma 71.0, :; • • , °7"l ; • , . - • • ". - • - OM =!== --... ~ . . ': . :4:C.T.Y.t.," 18 10. \ , , t. , .?. , 7. , :4 •e:Zi'-. ;' 1-. sw,r) s CUEEsk4 ti\ fe*' miles of Oshkosh, 'll be 50,469' idsor - • 4 ouo tioutidstif Sly ht..; pr "Igwitzer".'ebeette made this. season. John :Ityr, ruitiie OE switzeiland, - waS thepionee In tho-basirtetiginlhe vicinity., h'aei 'rnebeAd work. 10 years awl.He brought t,t • Nirisftnsin'st - that : time - 1700. • HOnOW- has f arm i jr I,(Noo2c . res, With' buildings which ectstslo,tio,o•ltTelish—the cow. barn be- • lag liartieitlarly rood tine—the , profits Of Swiss: cheese, making. •. This year:he Is . • ins ehemie - from,so costs, commenced thane ; factufhig :Stay - I, Miff has already a goodSti 1:- - ply. of cheefte.' • :. • The milk is' ‘ 4 , set'.r.a4 : manufachatlei.... l .lt islibated capper ket.i• herding ,gallons, -to about . l?- 40 to r'No 'salt liiptit In the' 'cord. A level insteiid of.„ tesereiv pries Is uSett.'•• The' cheeses re z;l.:' Inehea in'thaineter, and about 4thlehes weighing frianBo"to . llo pounds.- Salt is rut - , bed hiday,..for two or three • Mont lis. . then once lw.twrk , or three days until i Weather end - then one &week.' The...cheesy , ought te beat least Mie year old before being used,..and the older' it le.the. better it. is etia sidered: - .There , are small holes in the ghee' e, and if these, are abOut the- size ofa pea this i• considered - tin evldenee cif eteelleneQ.. • the cheese.. Is obi theSe itelei become full' o? butter. •• . •••. . , ti • rho . I cheese' room on thi4 farm, is smai and io curing:mom is-attached,. the eite;; ; ,-e , • being.cured in the nder the d welli g - Tbiii as well as all 'about . the checselmuse,* was 4t.tfte clean, and the entire plaCe gave eVidence of good tnittagernent, l neat h esS. and - eletuilineo.. Theeheese, ever, popular with Anu.tri: Amrt4.4fi-thAter,n).-smell or taste. Yet then. is a. • good deinand, fordt. atgood'priem Mr. lisifii..shles were- Made at au riven i t"! - ...22 . 0fits: delivered' at Oshkosh, - going tr. p .•. • Mit:era - tittle market:,' He has sold-It as :4' , lfs as all'oenla per _ 4 • • i ' T h ere,akittoixia,toui other daiiies in the neighborhotiti•Making this•checse,;:. We had only ,opportunitY. -to.-vistr, one othfri, that] of „Metoirs. ttie farttt of.IC. '• I..:'llieli•."*.We riot. find either. of tt i he . chiftso ".trodchrs. • They . 11 fge.e,ngaged some- -, •- • • • .rnUno cheese Is nutile - -• in sutall, briekr like. pieces, weighing abigit • two pounds•ciTel t: The..:milk is not heate - 4 - after being `'set..." nor the curd stiratid The 'Card isituf in.. sixtall - boxes ; and is pn4s ed 'only With the • liandS. As with StViss • • Cheese, the: alt i t rubbed'-• on the o le. The cheese.. are Inclesed in tin. Nil: Owingf-. to .thOess pressure.....a greater. quantity of cheese can be wade from a given ,qiiantity - oT, tit i lk, lhsit with - American cheese—fright poutTds . of.. make one of, eheeste.—. LAot :3eere.2.-tthe *average price of elteescrat-Oshliosh was. about 15 mitt • trimsiii„Ftiroiler."- . • •-• RECIPES FOR CANT'S; 'i ( rsutp'.(!m:x.- -- -- pat yolk, and Whites - together,. "I ii minutes ; add "3 etp... sugar nod beat minutes; I ) .eups Own with 2 tvaivoons - cream tartar and beat two minute ; • -1 :cup :cold water-and 1 teirspolt of.galeratus dii-solyed in, it,. and beat One minute l flavor,. salt;eind 2 mere cups •tiour, and beat another minute. Observe tlititr.o exactly -and bake. in steep pans.. Make. .two good sized Inaveg ; is very good, And us dica , cakes eau be made. - 'l"6 have good spilt cake, a good steady ,hi it. is required, but too hot an Oven... Too much heat hakes' ; l... before itinis ;attained its lig!ts ess; and eau;.. es it.Tto,fall and bCheAv.y. . I.(j.ta , . CAKL--Take caii Lutt, antflltetiftf; tinttar (1 lnever tomarlor any . kind.of cake ;)- work silgar hatter_ well. together.; add , thfee wt!! beaten; diiisOh'el..it.aqmon of soda in 1 of skeet milk - ; :3 eti . pg>itl Hour with • poopftills'vreattf tartfir. or vanilla. a lf.v ay t 4• beat well after 11 I II; eaeli'artiele. • Allikd.s one large or two LI I i .1011:YeS, 110 W TO ilS1:1:1iN STItAW.I3EIIIiY lallety!??parß ofilvatei :901 can only tit'? . rciluiced by an 'hour's EVapiii-atioy mare essential in making tl:r, jelly, : tb!ailin tliatuuidc from any °I bei! fi tiii. Prueinv it•in the covefeil with inxiiiqui to:nett ing-to..iirotvet it froin It itt-;—.UlaV produce the same elrect vs • and ,iniietinies harden it. • • • • 131:17..Vii A'fivr k . S'onf bread, i=rivo4l.(itiglisullicicill to to clip s t tga r -I . ctip butter, 2 eggs ];eaten, 1 cup . seeiticiis raisitis - ,1 wilted tiutineg,; wori, with- tl iinia lois . al 1 together Very t horoligh , After-ptittiti.• iu.vour.• pans, , let, it stanii , iii ivarin place for hall an hour before hakitig: 'Make, iu one laiTe loaf. . St t.VEn'l,..ati.r..-41alf I:up button..ll cup !if w Ititi!.'sugar„ cup sweet-milk, • with spoon Snthi, the whites of 7) eggs beutrti: to a froth, I large cup flour,' wiltit 1 teaspoon main . turttir. ' Flavor to. tast6.. ."., ' stfgar, butter, of ; •',•ettp sweet mill:, . 1 . teaspoon tat ps.ll,onr, I fiea:spoon -cream, tartar: . Th.t..sc . . e.a;: are good, antl . Wlten tkoth are made, are. niee ftir cake baskets ; putting both •in hasitet, 'When I rise the whites of eggs for frosting, 1.-tise - the yellcs for 1.;014 (cititrfrbt Genticiitaid : • •. TRE.CiaftLxt or E...Katisn. milker': Sttiy:tvirionfent before you start on ,stieti - a desperate, pursuit :with stones :and - crabs, afteribe,coWthat has just kicked ov:T your Mirk and left you in the rear. It ilsa very mean trick. of the covi , .l trill admit; mot no doubt yotimre triad, but to :show out his -your spunk in t way will:rot better. tt e Mutter :in the leaq—only inakeit dgreat dcal worse - you . not_only tire - oursell out but .hurl,_ the, cow;, get her' wild and, afraid or Yoa,;, and mak her held tip•diermilk.. Now-thcla st way is to avoid this 'trouble in: the 'first start;, and to thISI would - say, first; look close. to Sour linger 'nails; keep them . cut :.very 'short; there.aie , midonbteilly a gteat ManV kickirtw.gows. 'caused b, inegleeting to do .tg , 'This. It.,vill onlv take 'a few minutes,,,and - will often save a geed, deal: of trouble. find'Milk. ;Second—never drive along the eo after you have milked her before gettik ,. .ttK. I have often noticed When . inie isa little tired and lazy that it ..coaries . ,yer;,, , . handy ante In. rot •- h bis.last caw-, 'tn drive tn and sit still'andjalk with, l ittose that Aro ntit Yet.done. • .How qiiick she - will ltar.a.'.„thi; , .' trlek , and'often riot, perliiips'beOre so tavo• ; quit4oislied - litzand tip over the 4 lk ' , the Virgain-1 ',liiiill 7 -ralways, be 1:4 :i• and gentleotever making too much noisOt. the 'milking Vard. this . would he lieWetl,-1 am - sure tte•nuinber of - kicking cows in :oar dairies wouldr - be - _greatlylfintinished.•" - IYet . there is Once irts.whtle-44azY contrary leow that will kick, jul, , t4 - 13plitean, wheu.st,good', sound thraShing - often. proves to be.? d . very effectual cure.--WOuntey Gentleman.' • ' • . . *WAILTA ON t'OAVS' TEATS:-'-A correspon dent ingnires through the COrNTRY tiEN T LEMAN what.will eure.warts on-cows' teats "I suppbse what will pure-wart 4 on one Mal will on anether: I have. u parse that - had a.large wirt'on his eye: which cured with thefolloWing:•rentedy diwolve isonie washing soda very v615111;14 water, - then With &sponge *fist' the wart once or tWice a (lay and it gradually diSappear, • . 11Arn.:ToNie.:-Take one pint of Lui;ir_t water-14i ,it ttini:a •thq.eu large . I)ranelt,. of rash sii7o, ur a large . hatnitul of (tilt-1i leaves, .tioicenver it tightly for, an hour. PO t lilt° a bottle, One 'ounce of iron 'fillings, or any bits of iron,: also a - piece ,or borax t - , t . large as a walnut ;"Atirtt the sage tea .upoti it. In two or three tlaysit is:ready for use. It i , . th reeelpf Of .a•fautous `• geentatologist."•-: • • foal Screens, &c. & CO., -• L. . 'meet:elm:lt to John ILDlehm. • - Manidacturer of. Coat' 'Screens, •- or the: Latest end Most Approved: Styles. Second-WOW Screens antil4ewnentaalwayis on band. • We reapmt fully /solicit aponn nuance cif the pat WI/ - age heretofore 14/ liberally la:Mowed. . •. • L. LAVBENsTELIN & CO., Railroad St..rear . of Esterly'es lianiware Store • Jan 1,470-1., ~ sQuAF.p ROD AND WIRE 13REEN8. J. 1..A:13-131 - ',NBI: • , 31)05CFACTC11..F.R St/ÜBE:ROD AND IVIRE SCUEENS. rATENTEXt:FEBDITDY:' 1 . 812. *thau 4 vruz: 7 " --- ' 4 ,sentryza:utxto., THE SQUARE. RoD I I3CREENS; 0;.1 . -A(Xx117.NT Qt, their superior strength and • durability, ate priderred. to all others wherever tried. **eon Dohs, all slzes.alwaysun hand.. Wrier* protuptly filled a:, moderate prices. • liday '014.2.::: • •F EETtraffklol.so•TOka "11A1.1."PEE PtIOSP.KAXEOF LLlll,manuta ettired bs. It'lw n 41 Eon, Exeter. • Warranteil.pnre. unadulterated. ae tlve and reliable. For sa le oy. GLENN VELE., Agents. 3 , 11 11,4111.r0ad street. ,A liberal discount dealers from manufacturers pricesby Pottsville, April 9. '9u 155 \VM. IaSEAT.TrEO.N. "VARMERBI EXAMINE AND BUY , THE OHIPPTA.Li; BEING THE VIH:-1, RAW BONE i'HOkIi i iIATE: - MA I )E. tkiL OTUEIti ARE . LIII:TATI9N.. G - .1-I'S . WA:W . 13.0 N• 1 - , r , -- S ' per Phpspliate of Lime. h ir . 11 0 MARK F.ll .;- ', ' • t . .•. , . I' • . . - TM/INA:crux is mule of Hew or Unburned i ri rich in Nitrogenous matter, dissolved tit,tni ot Ytt el„.presenting the Bone Phosphate in a high ly labia and quickly available !Ormond t heAt wool+ tuanett proportion as to Insures prompt and vie , .: sous acts upo n the crops; Where h'e'Phialphate was • applied It e -NORM. taw In leationa, wittoutexcatnion. aft' t h ' t will mainteda wells:waxed repptitlon,„ We np Audit tat la teed a s Ifertillaet.to give this sulle' atrial..llA.ilGß BONB, iffannfacturers, • :OFFICE—No,2O 8. Delaware Avenue, Phliada. .JtarelaJlt '7O • .; - - . El a ENIE =I