The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, July 30, 1870, Image 3

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1:' I .
1 .
It' lm. m 21.1 an. etna
I. I. Square (yluch) or leics,lll CIO an 440 AI 4111 SWIM . no
1:).141.14)..g. tone Inch.) . 'f Cul 4 OV . 4100 /4 OD gOO ec
3 siputr...) l '; 410:1 OW 4KI 3:51*
4 rigilAr fr4 . (ii OM 4 00 11W 1111 a to 4300
1D cents a itne: earn subsequent Insertlca 20 eentaii Ana. 1
LOCAL BUSINESS NOTICES.- , ,•• tut Page,'Z cents*
line first Insertion: each sotasequent titan .2.1 - per Itne.
'GENERAL - NOTICE.-Third Page. Cents a tine 11:14t
Insertion: each subsequent thsertion IS per lin e .
FUNERAL NOTlCES=Accompan • Dest.bsi•or two
ytnm2.s mots; • each • IditiOual line lo
- I
T.N consequence of the frcq
of tnittalies, 'anti generallk
;tootling, 'notice is hereby
conintunications, 'advertisen
'ever kind, notices, 4kc:, inten
tion, will hereafter be requi . 1
in at the business office'of t ,
, .11INEtts' r JouRNA ,/
where this rultilsnnt obseive.
tieett not be expected. ';.'
I/Ennis from heat are re
the eitieni now. •
11,11) , Y rya:m.ll:v is in Ne
is katpd, tates great interest
pedititm to the Arctic, under
Tire progress, of events In E
watched by Mazzini and qui
the first oppeitunity will no a
on Rothe apd capture that city,
picte the long wished for r uni •
tire from public life, the, rea:".
his has left 'him
must go back to his profession
Congress will lose in his retire
' • a Most capable` member, anti
ests of the country a most faith
ous champion in its tuitional
a,- I tion..
'AMERICAN OffteeM WHEDOt aljowpd un
der any circumstances ,to follost the French
Army 4n the campaign againa Prussia,-for
the purpose of making observations for the
American Government. . Prussia
make asimilar decision, Generrl Sheridan7S
trip to Eun* veill:_be for naught, as far as
personal observation of the ml3vemients of
'the contending armies is concerned.
• I
Mn. FRELINOrITTYBES, the newly appomt
ed Minister to England, has not yet signifier!
his acceptance of the mission. What is the
'natter? It is one that any Aniericitn citi
zen might:feel proud to fill, espeially with a
chance to settle definitely the Alabanut
claims. It is intimlted, we mightstate, how
tiler, that ,Mr. Frelinghti s ysen's private af
fairs might . preclude his acceptance of the
TIIER IS a good deal of feciing on Abe
subject of the removal of the shipping points;
'from Port Carbon - end Mount Carbon,- to
iieeitylkill.Haven, and the .prospective re - -
moval below tjte Blue lifountaln Dami. We
have. receiveda number of com nuicadons
on the Subj Oct, which are written by parties
intereStPd, and we do not think their ' publi
cation will have any effect whateter, in de
feating the measure. What the Reading Rail
road Company hitAw decided upop,-they will
do. It has now swallowed up every avenue
to market, and theycontrol everything—Had
the people taken our advice a few years ago,
and done something to • protect themselves,
ilicy would not in tticondition they
are. • It is too lute to lock thildeo'r after the
iomJe is stolen. - .
WH' have received ii 'communici
a member of the 13. A. to talti
Willorin the C'otnicilS on the basi
tis too late now. He is a , men
: W. 43. A., and attends the Coutici
dart s that the instructions to tIU
are given by feWinemb . ers only.
doubt the truth—but, ifAhe, otheti
remain quiet and permit it, they
complain. If what the writer 4
/vet, by their withdrawing from ti]
t hey' would Awn' compel the - lea,*
;sorne'attentiori:to their desires, or it
not answer, do as the Germans. a
are doing in some Sections of th i s
where they are organizing a licx
based on non-coercion, and respect!
..c thosewno employ them, mid t'
4unizst workers will go with them,
SINCE the declaration of war by
complication has ariAn th
draw the • other European powe
contest. It is in the nature .of a 'se.
proposed in 18e)3 byJilhitek and 1
mutual territorial aggrandizemetit
.effected would have Seriously dksi
IsalaiiceJot power 14 Europe. '
tempts to. deny that Such a treaty
sully proprisedto Prtissia, but at I
shown freely to the foreign am'
and is proven to be hi Beneditti's (t
3linister,) hand writing., This is I
on by; the other powers as an ins
land Orilthe strength of It getti
War spirit, and she cannot ihterfei
dragging other governments : Into_.
-rel. Should the war become gene '1
undottbtedly prove to be a long a'
cis e.
- I
We compile the followingtfront
the - yttentsCatubria and Dal►ntless.
the distances. sailed by eaelf. for e
they were out. The footing-ul► .81u
tl•rettoe of one hundred miles in. thl
t,f the coUrse taken, and 'represents
catninla had that much less -Minn
1,11 her line.
Ir.;scetwi that the Clininia nudebit thirty-•
. ,
six Miles in her last day( while the Daunt•
he, made` , one -hundred. muul eight3lt is
(ti .
knoWit that on Tuesday moruiu •at ten
o'lf!ock, W:lell the Dauntless was b • rdemi by
::pilot, she was informed' that thepllimbria
.twelve hours - Idlead. This wns only
thirty hours from the lightship, 'pied in that
ulnae, therefori,.,: the Dan htless 'gained over
ten 'Minim on tier competitor ; but even this
does not account for the disparity. • : . • -
Time greate4t distance made for any single
41ily was by . the Dauntless on the 30th—two
hundred and twent3-Ive miles. Thetam
ria's greateA, run was on the Pth—t*o bun
dreml and !.wenty miles. , : •
'brutal NOticts.
, -
1c •
• ..___,..-.,—...-_ . •
; ce.t,.. line Gr . 51.110e1140 . 13; *ll subitequerit Inberth4
r ..fins si i line.
--..- , 1, i - i .
-..-----.L.--..."...--,--.- .
. . . ' -......---
.- -
Lti B . sa raw CIIMMX for the Dkapeptie, *filch
Is not. to be wondered at when we Mite Into the ac
e:mat the amount of bodily and mental 'suffering
4 hat this dim re.slng m (dad' , genetates. 'The I,'tertivi an
- syrup (a protoxide of iron) has cured thousuouls who
were suMring from this disease. -
i i ..
1 li.iyintrati.go Yar.—“lllood will tell?" say the
iii,i,se fanciers; ln estimating the enduran of a line
anint4l: and the motto lea sood one. outs' e of the
-Tailing umrld, A pure article—latrinalcaU good—
Jo est distance all compel it ion, eventiudly. B l:e sue
.-esi of “Igtotpho Wolfe's ArOnmtic liledatu
'4 , 7iinapps Irtiviniitteed the manufacture of • hurl.
Bred traltatiressu but lu the unrivalled sale of his
inrinufaltir.e, whiletthers have achieved' if at all
host iimailitk gucces•—inarbertound the public &PPM'
e tattoo Of a tiro and wholesoino b .vermte;, I
if; Par:mon Wotiatt or/4W Yealf• — lit‘e
NVeji known to our faablonable aociety for ter die
'lnoue appearmace and beautiful oomplexi ty wee_
end! h sallow. rougtrakinned girl. char at her
teL freckled faro . KM, pitched Into MU.
not I:11_1121m, and Is now as pretty lak complexion as
mhe'lsitharnimg In warners. Thal article overcOmes
freckles, tan, sallowness, nargh:pateben.ying.mattlie„
etc.. dad ‘lnalcen one look -ten years Yotler Malt
they are: Magnolia Beim_ for tram , t rem..
Nekton and Lyottli Kathalton to e Mt. hair
rewind, luxarhant, soft and delft's:o.4lm me rival&
rhe lietbairon prevents the hair Mut turnM_ ,ggray
eMdlostes dandruff,and -le ttle;b4l44antt_
dreasing in the world. ' • : arm,
lent occurrence
ly of miaunder
given that all
ents of what
', ed for public--,
to be handed
e DAILY and
In all cases
~a publication
numerqns" in
York, and-i
the-new, ex
Captain Hall
rope Is keenly
dl, who u
.übtswego up
nd thus coin
of Italy.'
I . tends to re
in being, that
poor, and he
for a living.
ent from it
great inter
nl and zeal{
l alls • of legis-
t i lt ion from
( i t a yule. by .
is coestion.
bei of the
16, und de
this is no
must 1/0 0
Ays is cor
he Council
. ers to pay
i'f that will
_ others .
t i e county.
i ' Council
the rights
IP nuc,s of
France, a
eatens to
into the
i •rct treaty
'rusSia for
which if
rbed the
'ranee at-
'was. seri
erl i is
e Fiench
eked up-
g up her
he (gar-.
I it will
e log of
Ivry day
'yes a tilt
' • -
le length
that the
lee to sail
To , •untlnes.
. 154
Jai: 2. '
".. i n bear. --
3141141,14 mi "-- -il We 4 V ........,..... --7 44111: °
WO likaumer .::....t....;- it • - -ta z 4
ivianam54".„......;,....-- 4 • et - . .;,..z.. 4 .4., — '' 4 Igt
5k00mative.....:,..«........... 5 so - ' : 4 -44" - -'• 44' 1 9 1 .
1 2 / a aChesulat 4 4/0
' Them**. Jarmo la.iistati,isabontWeents
' , per Soft ' o*er — thi s- Jinni isles.' -'•",-;-'- '' '' ‘-
' -
POTllrmis, JICLI
. The Su . eiditY ROOS by Railroad, for Ike . WA*,
is 2,),9-ift.--by Canal, 3,854 ; foor•the week, ii -
'ton% against - 133,2X, for the corresponding Wee
last year. - ' :. -
. _ .
The "demand, which yea. brist - last week ,' for
store trio -thirds and onet-thir.l Egg, at_3 (6 'oo at
Rome collieries, Lusa slacked off, and only $3 00
was offered yesterday, in consequence.of thit col '
lieries - making preparations to go to work, A l
number are
,already getting ready, and in' th e .
course of a week all will -start that can li f e golf
ready to start. All' are anxious. to veil; coal
while the price is up, and this desire '.. will, be il
the means of mitMing the priees. , quicker :t h an 1
an thing else. - : ‘ i •
The coal operators With , ;
have, -but a couple of
exceptions, made a manly:tight, and `AV the
meeting on Monday kW, byalmost a solid state,
voted -against accepting the compronatie bndri,
but they,were . finally borne down - by manY of
the principal interests beiow, some of whoinrdo
not seem to care much about obligations, When
a few dollars stand in the way. had not rine
of these interests declared their intention tp ,go
VS work; we believe arrangements could hare
been made for "tatting the- collieries ini, the
coUrse of a few clays, on better terms for . 'atth
Parties, and even when Mr. Thomas, of the
Thomas Coal it , IrOn Company, declired
his intention to' go to work, regardless Of; the
action of the mooting slid agreement ho Vol-,
untaril3r signed, they voted it down With -
but four dissenting' votes, land resolved tottest '
with the men .. Aficr the adjournment of 'the
meeting it-was discovered that others woolttgo
to work als6 if. the Thorne* Company "started ;
othe re treated with the men at 011 Ce on different
terms from the compromise' and conamenf'mcl
preparing theircollieriea ft)r a start. Then;titt,i- ;,-..
ing that so many were gain.; is work, that ther:l
others,ior fear of chairing off their old ' dm,'
also felt disposo.l- to Work , and the Pres entof
the Coal Association . called a Meeting y: te.r . dzY
to consider the subject, theproceedings f tidiirh
we expect to receive before our paper goei ' to,
press. In the. Pre:Sent situation of the rade sr e .
consider the compromise basis; as pr ted ito
the`mcetinp morti-injuidous to the hi sts ;: of
all parties for this year than the 0
. mtorii: ..
e i
Basis would hare been, qr the one we proposed,
to break the dead-lock: If i, should prove
otherwise, , , we will be glad to record the fact. ! '..
.i , . r
The proceedings for the weci 4 . will bo, forted
in this psper. ~ .. 1,
WE received the fullowin& funs our: Ni.ier
York correspondent
- . July at. ltnii
At the .kuetion flute of Scranton t'aal ,yesterdikr.
41,u00 tons. acre dt-poirkti of nt the following fig
nrea :
= 2. AvEstwOk LAI4
I • SIZE. Tons. AVkR4.4k, mOSTM •
' Lump- on • •DI . ; •
Ht. 8 id,ooo 44i • • 415
COD • : 4.62.
••• 10A* 5,01) r ;
2/AID .5 56
Chestnut , - VA* •, 4 43 432
Showing an advance On the general average of 00
cents per ton; the greater part of. the prepas e.l coil
was sold in *mail lots and. gees Into the hands Of
dealers in the Viet.
Nt the meeting of New York Lehigh' Coal Ex.'
Change. MIAOW It we detematned to .ntake prices
for Lehigh, o. b. at Purl Johnson and liobokea for
the month of Augnat, as follows :• • • •
... 75 • • 4 1010 H. •r!
oken ... .. ...... 51 • • 555
Egg .......... ...... 5 50 5 55 .
' ?Rove • 810
Chestnut,- .... -.. OD 050
•Alut in ] tier? fork ; Git.C.ltnel-ootudgriee
pay luedtschargi ng. . • -
The Witstsharre ooal and Iron Co.'s Circular will
not be isloted.bef re the Istprox.. It Is supposed that
their prices will be abut 2, cents higher than Jowl;
circular. . ,
Trade contl<es to work amboilly, thus far demand'
and Supply have kept nearly equal and while there
are no rargestneks el ther at sill ppl points or In the;
y lulls of retailers._ there are no in (cations of par.i
titular anxiety on the part of dealers-it is only ne.,
eessary for the gentlemen of - uur , vietnity to'keep
(plieBft few weeks longer, to make us ail sensible of .
the fauCt hat rsennylklil County hail m ,at a superdtf. ,
• Velma' Is are.pow quite pienty, and freights keep
steady at SI &Ott SO to Boz,ton and at quotations to
mound putts. • -
The trade sums up this week as follows:
_ .. MS.
• - . • awsisic Tirr.i. • &rams i.. toral.. •Ix& Be
Anfhreulte: 1— - a,.....-...................- —.:_..
Par K R - R.-I 115 111 , 1,831,781 . SAW ] /443,210 d. 581.314
rich Cana1...... 33,1311 , M5lll, .a.„554 , .." 11 , L1s1 is sism:V4
L yid It lißtli If2,,Nai l 3,lftv&if axis . I. 7ol Ais Waft
L v 11-11 Nth f 1 . .5.735 /MAW 101,100
L. C.inal. . 3.l:Vr:, r.3,`2.11 UAW '.. .t"3,111 d 614
L Nov 11 11.7. - - il-',= l ' • 317,9111 -- i.ttat . 5 k 1 . 5 10, VB-IP4
der,":4 n :ILL ,• 2,94; MA& tlXll' 11 100 . 5, 511 11 54,=
do Nth 1, . WAD 21,3161 -Wall 1 7 / 4 .85t
Penn It XL.. 18,113! mum. 3Lfr, 11 . *ILI: fkl,M ,
• do Canal algi
.- 11,041 815. , • SAX d 441 , '..
D &II cal- =.& 14 1 =Pa . ;CAN; 772,6314 Ift&of/
D & ii. Alt- i 5111 MASS 7,219 i •. zujna • norm
Wyoming 13,453 r , 83,95'1 VIM / , 127,4801 -45=1
I.ltyonting Nti i •
.Sluunokin...... 10.201 157.784. 11,9871 "Z/3,5=1 18.5 Zr!
- —4
• I - 3iP,.01 6 / 1 58 , 0 411 7 ii:7o 1 ,Z9:7:18 ---•
. , Zi1,540 '....4 . . il.,Usjaid, .
._......_ z __..
' _........_ ,- -- - .
• . •- 49,:xi - .. . • 1.5 , 51 Ll9l
Nenii-.1/1/hrg. " • , -
I'reverton , : '5,40 ell • - t 35,25.4
*Short 111.......! !LIM; 41,711 ,• : " Id 81,701
L_ykenek V Cu_i 3. 1 421 i. ' =3161 1,763 ' 17.733'd Is.
Willlamston.. , 11,74.1 t. 8.;;Go' 41;271 , L 10.772; 6/1,015:
Big Lick Cull I 3.141/ . 15.7:BI pads'
. ..
. 12,1151 77 7.4i,57 . 5 ----,
! 11,20 i
~.„, 205,87. 3 . 1 1
. - .Dityminatie. 1.
Broad T/4,......., 7,1C1 - AT191,7119 5,74+ 1 . 172,Ta, d 25,:r2 . ?
.11. & - O. IL 1.1 MITT 2 ' , lihmt,ftl u,sr4 :' 445,414 1 11 .1.1:2
Cilea & OCan.. 17,51* • 271,514 14,f2:1, ' Z. 4.80 1 ,4 12.715•
, —....... -....,..-..._. -_-_.........--- -.1 • .1
Oa= W 5,1031 40=71 ; 1475,7511. ' ;
• ----- ---, I
TotaLall kind, T,5u,(671 331,631 , i, ..
:131,631 - •, ' , 7513;057
The shipments for the week are 45,694 tons be
hind ,that of the corresponding week last year
of all . kinds. ' -
.., . .
The supply of Anthracite is 1,061,138 =tons
ahead of last year to saute period, When eve were
tirl,7BBltons behind the-supply of 1868. The in
crease oral! kinds this year solar; Is 989,488
tons. • ;
The Semi-Anthraelte and Biturninens trade
have both declined so far thin ye4r compared
with last year, and Bituininoua coal is cheaper
now..than it waa•laat year at this time. :•
If the eampromise obtained '
by President
Gowen is accepted the following will bo the re
sult couipared with the Operators . Basis. The
'Operators' Basis was" i 2,50 averse" at Port
Carbon, with s9Sor outside labor, $lO for Inside
do., and $l2 for aninerk'suini 30 per cent. average
deduction on contract work. .With coal ats2 50
the compromise bashrWould give to labor $9 13
outsido, and $9 96 to Inside labor, and sll 00
per. week to miners'. The coiripsamise we pro
_posed:. was—basis, uO , .with outside laborers,
so°so;' inside do., $lO 50; and miners -$l2 50,
with an average reduction ontoontract work.,( f
25 per cent.. It was understood that 'contract
work.would be reduced a per tintage in So
ccmlanee with the prices paid ,at tilfft rent col—
lieries, so as to_ equalize 'prices is 'En nch, as pos
41ible. This basis rron/d hive, been , accepted by
the operators had the , re tithe it. li
entertained it, but they bad been !fuelled . with
success and determined to stick to 1869 baais'or
nothing, but they did not do it•altsfwards. 'Our
compromise basis would have been more fair
to the men than that which the leaders have
agreed to accept; but , should coat fall below
$2 50, it will bear so hard upon Ithrce-fourths ol
the operators, that they will be conipelled to
suspend their collieries or be ruined; and We,
have yet to learn that labor can inkhepetitted by
the destrdction of collieries or factories dui;
when in operation, give employment to labs!. .
That is alesson .that a large number will yet
have to learn. '
• ,
.- • •
Que graft point however is gained to the
trade, and-that is the reduction of Coal below (Fs
in the present state of the coal'inailiet, so as .to
enable this Region to go to work and isitnpem
with the other :Regions. There ought not to.
intyg 'l)een a week's hesitation on this point, in
Mirth last, and there would not have been it
. the leadent of the W„p. A. hall known anything
Had our compromise been entertained, which
was proposed without consulting any person,'
the itiiipension old not have lasted two
weeks, and the IBR .3E "MILLIONS OF DOL.
LABS and upwards 'lust to labor and the ite
.:gion, which can nevvr be recori3ral weiald not
have taken place. Now the • large 'mass of
minors and laborers aro. inipovorilihed—their
food and clothing, and a large number of the
netamssaries (lyre aro gone, and • this' must be
• made u p amain at a lower retool' wain* for th e
price 41 - coal will not remainabovelß;pOlur ones
month alter the tradeltarti, if it can be kept at,
that, price fur the 'balance of the year. 'Freights!
will rise, and that will keep down 'tlie price, ofl
cad.. ' With ttiat basis the price could not have
fallen bellow 42 W. With their compromise 1
'basis it nnrjrikll to *2 00, and if the market
should, beeome slack, it will be forced belovr
$2 ao- r bit that 4 stoppage would oc
cei if 'inlanibll beloW.V4o. dealers would
sooner bah paid that price than - cause a stop
page lusd derange the trade. Now we candidly
ask.wkat the leaders have gained by this corn
.prondse? They may be able to .hold their po
millorts, but when the men go to work again, we
hardly think that th 4 will carenbout paying'
these men 'high malarial to enable 'them to Ilse
in idleneasoutordiminished wages, sthennlithe
badness they do, could be doneby any compe
tent person in X much more Ample ',manner, at
about 'Am.-third. If rot ono-fourth the present
expense. We rather think they wilt. tell those .
leaders to go }qwork also, and earn aportler of
their living.l . • „
AT t h o meeting of the Cod 'Trade, held yei
terday afternoon, a Unillittlollll Totirof thanks
was tendered to
~ Win. Kendrick,' Erg., for .his
untiring exertions during the late auspeasloh
In behalf Of the interests oral, trade.,
The Mooing eboreeolt of the ituetion Saes
of Serentai pool; bilVedueeday: isse;eompahot
with the lane ode s
. •
TALE Garznet. Consteit., . - A.—This
!conned, embracing delegates f
.of the
Anthracite counties, except Dauphin, which was
iin session during Tnesday and •Wedneaday, Iu
;this .dorougli, adjourned Rise die on .Wednesday
lofts - Snit:ion. A series of irestilutions was adopted ?
!the gist of
.which is—;•The eight hour question
;not t 4 be,pressed to •an issue at present.; con:
:demnatory 'of the resolution ;adopted at!the late
meeting of the Coal Cperatori, permitting theln
to make contracts with the !pen outside of the
A. ; and an endqrsement efthe act leti of the
iCoutity.Workingmen t 's meeting h st wee:c In its
adoption of the resolutions known as the!ttoweri
.1 .
i 993,4f43
deiptila and Reading. Rill Road Company
etas ia l sued the following cireular, dated P.hN
adelpnia, July 23, 1870:
I Hereafter; the Philadelphia & Reading
Road Company will take charge of the shipment
:tit mai on the landingitet the Schuylkill Canal.
.No charge Will .be made ,l, for shipping expenses,
and the . allowauce of five cents per ton, hereto
limo made by the Schuylkill Navigation Corn,.
Oily; Will erase. The Pea and Dust will be re=
tainedlby the Philadelphia & Reading 1411 Reed
Company.: '
LThere will be no further ahip m enta i t em the
landings at Port Carbon ,and Mount Carbon.
beThniihlptnent of coal front the landings will
nnder the care of Mr.,Nleols, general Super
,intendent Transportation Department, and com..
mnniettions relative thereto may be addres.seP
to E. T. Warner, Shipping Agent, Schuylkill
• ••
The ] fol low ing proceedings , were . banded us
I • -
laid el ening' for publication. :Thev ; speak for
Iliemselvee ::.- • • .-- .
- I • I
!Om a rtieeting of the Coil Trade at Pottsville. July
M 1 aO, the following hat resolutions were adopted i
Resolved, T, majority .of the Signers
of the •• paper of ) a rc h M. 11170, agree•--.•to resume
•work bathe basismegotiated by F 13, OchtettiL Esq"
Prest. P.l R. •R Co., and continne . worki nil al long'
nettle terms Will warrant without toe great • a ga t ,
• rid_ _
_cc. I /. •
i Rewired er, That in order to prevent future
t Miami inv. we recommithd the Presidents
,of the AL it; 11, Trade andthe W. B. A« to embody in
In eirtailise p operiv slimed by both their moths! ti n
derision Of the points above alluded to,. *wain
el in the eat hereto attached, f• ~ ferenee in
!the settle lof any disputes that may abent any
olileryjitet 'een opemtor and employer. J -
I, ; i ,• - ._ , noIiEBT.B . BEAIII,
1 , ' I Secretary Anthracite Board of Trade..
, I • i , • . ____ • • •
r.itIRP, MENTeMdi of Poitteiile, tlt " 2iflt of Jiffy.,
1. ,:1 187. between Use Cestestere el the- itatAroeile
J, . I . rd co 1 Trade, . mot the emumittee of thelirork
, ,- il 'a atnediesst Assoelation. - - : •
i • -
i m
. 1
1 It is agreed that the W. B. A. shall not sustain any
mei wts; is ditictuseged fotinechnpetence, bad Work
maned' or bad ••conduct or other good cause, and
that the i tpendors shall not discharge tiny man or
pincer f actions be duties; ;spot', him by
the IW A. i impo sed_
Llriejurtber tweed that the spirit and intention
f • the resolutton- (called the- - equalisation resol a
ila pansedbythe W. B. A.; Is that each man shall
worts 'equinely and it is the place of the bosses and
beratons to see that he dom. ,
I 'The 'violation is that any' miner earning, above
expenses. over one hundred, dollars and less than
'me:hundred:l"nd twenty-five dollars, shall bei re
duced telt per cent. 01:1 the basis, k..%lrra c tng over 421,
kutfund r 1150 ktu6l be reduced twenty per cent. on
the teal Earning over *l3O and udder , 11200 to be
redoced thirty per cent. on the" basis, and earning
ever s9srto be redneed forty per cent. on the •,b,saliti
TO obtain the priee of and inonthlY, the President
of theAhtheaclte. Board of Trade and the Preeldent
f the WI B. A. of Schuyikill,Cuunty, shall meet on
the 20th day, of each month and select dire operators,
statementll on the Kith last:, following, produce a
sworn or &dinned to, of the prices of coal
at Pert (*bon; ler all sixes above pea coal. ' • •
thosefive operators shall
tongecied from a non
ithippint ovee 10,000 annually, and I
Shall be ecteeted a amend tinr, until the MA is C.X.
ti/tUlged i . •
. The, pricer of costae obtained shall lig the rates of
wages SW that month, and this agreement In regard
Iso the mode of obtaining prime, shall remain In
force during theyear ON, I - • ,
Wm.'Kendrick. ' ' ;John I Biney, '
J. K. lOgitted, ' •Osiorgs Corbett,
H. P.lowler, Meow Athey, i
i flossiL Z. Gaseous. ' 2 ma w s Barry; I •
Baird Innycler. " ' Robert Weigh Unita.
.. ,
. . .
1 •
The Operators hare gained Imo oxiceesion in
awritalagroentent nut th interfere with bas
ins and
non discharged,-iand also- in An ex
. ..
iihniation of one of the rosolnUons of the W. It
4.,-butlwo hardly think this eompeninise win
for the loss of about Tine Millions'
ati Milli to the county. beside, the Other in.
little, inflicted ninn' it id ~ttiet - investment
elipi , 4e. But iii the Qpefators and Vtr.; ilk ,ii;
ItgeWeititied it. we hare no fortbeetioae-
Meet* to l ambi for the:present. . ,
,-;i • 1 .
con Inn at sumo
H..4111be gpriatity sent by RaSiii;: .".. 2
IMF meow last;
I ;. 1
I r
1 airsvir
$4 1 01! ' NLIB 1 0 461alar
.•.`,F i l-:':':.‘;'-''
the 1114Enwn or Coal, Orstnaverta.—A Meeting
of coal Operatbrs ~of Schuylkill. Ceintabia
And - Northumberland counties, was held at the
!Anthracite Board 'of - Trade Bzwoms,;!
Building. this Borough, Mimdayalteriseonlara;
Ins, • Neill Eisq. seas chosen to:'preside, and
;MAR. B. Beath and H. fit. Ilkiber, appointed
. • .
KeTheindrjekibillw I n
. g reabintidn
viras '
Readied. That untions not estimated mining
Coal in c unibla and ahrthttinhe'eland
counties; be excludAfrom any partidpetkmin this
Ail:t r ied. • ' - • I .
The. roll wastlled, and it ryas fiend that the
following individual coal operators and. tirrbs,
were represented in the meeting: I '
Win Kendrick.. HUI & Harris, •
-Geo. W. Snyder, Geo. °minx! Co F
Owen. Long& Co., Lawrence. Merkle Co.„
• a 3. E. Grieco's' A Co., te. Realove4
lileo. W.. romu.y. oraofft. Co..
J.& W a". itYO/ Co,. Nutting. Lewis & tki.„
kt. P. &towhee. Girard ttaintridth (Iced Co,
Wm. G. Kmr. T.M. tieholleeberget,
Itedlont t tae. Lee, Grant 411-C0.,-. •
Geo. it. 'Reppiler,
.uocr. W. l'wnroy, Rope;
Maim Lewls, : Audenrled thesiridge,
K. A. Desinlaton, Supt. Juno Auder*in it Vo.,
Mutiny tkral, Co., •• V. Pane,
T. Garreteon, Gilberton Coal C 0.,••
Wigged Treiblee, Focht R Altrionse,
Lams. Denning 4 CO., • WB. Thomas, Sept.,
Loom Co n - E. lista& Os.;
&Wu. Heckert Cook, . (eiterant. Eltringharn &
liammett. Neill &Qs., , (4, • i
K. ettigirrted, . Geo. W. Johris & Ben.;
Poeta Whitaker & Co.,' Raterprise Coal
knee: , - • bear Ridge tNital Co;
H. . UOrrell Co., . Lents, Sussman . . di.,
IL Van Wink. c. le, pt., ' Jas. birth, Truetee.
• I'
, Mr. Kendrick then Stated the object of the
meeting, - which wale to take Intl eisideration
I and act•apon the following resolutions adopted
at the late meeting of the W. B. A.; and known
asi the tiowen couiprothise: •
POITSVILL:F4JOy 22, line. •
Readved, That we the members cif the W. B.
de offer - to our employers of Schuylkth County to
titer' on the teals of NV, when Seal is worth VI per
ton in Port Carbon. •• ; .
Aerated.. That when coal brings it Z, we demand:-
IN per cent. of an advance; tri 04-14441 per epnt. of
n advance; $3•75-24%, per cent. 'of -1.2 advance;
If; 00-33 per cent. of an advance. -
liesolerd, yhat when coat falls below the basis Of
3Att, any 12 75, we amept a reduction.of r 2 - 4,. per , e.intt. ,
su--1654 per cent. ;12 25-21% per Mai.; 0 - 10-4
per cent.: and nothing lower .. L
r•Reziktred, That any mines' working bu contact
After they start, earning over iltOu per month, be iv
dneed 10 percent.; lit/a Mad over--;10 per cent.: $1550
overr-31 per cent.; tv..sel per- month, If there be
- --11) per cent.:
Resolved, That the above ne,nees be taken from the ,
Six grades of coal, peacoat not included;
; Resolved, That these resolutions be handed to F,,
R. Gowen, Esq., l'resident or Readincitallrond Co; JOHN SINE), president.
[ - Geo. Coaegrr. Seer., - ` •
Mr. Repplior offered the following; "
Rom:red. That the resoludotis of the W. B. A. be
laid on the table, and that, we reaffirm our deterred
!tattoo not to g o to work exeej)t on the t.l 5) or genie
t her satlefecturY basis..
Mr. M. llill Offered the following substi
tute forth° above, ,w high by a vote of 38 . yeas'
and 4 nays, was laid on thO table:
liegeWillEttAS, Franklin ti. tlowere Rio.. did on Mon-
July 18, voluntarily offer hiarservices to the Ex
ecutive Committee of W. A. B, of Trade its mediator
between the cperatonsand the workingmen; which
services were 'accepted'bje wild Executive Conuolt
,tee; and. • '
Govren did,. on - the ".:51j ineeti the
pla, ; m a ard of mr. A.,-Lbell in 1011110 II .Pottsv/ Ile,
at which weld, he received the following resolu
tions trom the said 'Ex. Beard, viz: •
r •• Perniitax. /a
'Revolved, That we the memb v ers of the y
W. !CO. II, A..
do otter !flour employers of iscpuylkill Vounty- to
start on the' basis of MS, when coat is worth $3 per
ton in Port (Arbon. . „. • . _
4lesoleed, That when coal brings ki 2; We demand'
PP.4i per cent. of an advance; $15(1-16 pericent. of se
advance; $3 75,24% per cent.,of an advance; $1 ipa
-31 per cent- cif an advance. '
, I
Rlsolred, That when coat falls below the basis of
10; say 53 74, we accept a reduction of SV, per cen t. •
12;50-10% per Cent.; $2 25;.- z 24% per ceni.*; £2 00-41
percent. and nothing lower.
solved, That any miners working on contract
after they start, earning fiver Situ per month, lye
d uced 10 per cent.; $125 and over-al per cent.; 150
anti:ohet 4 -.90 per cent.; '4 ,M 0 per month, If there , be
as 10 per cent.
Iferoteed; That the above figures betaken fromthe
six grades of coal, pea coal Pot included.
Resolved' That these resolutions behanded 10 F.
B. tiowen.Tisq., President of Readin Itsdiread Co.
JOAN SINB T, President.
(10.0. Comscrr, wee'y. 1
And...Wmratess, bir. Gowen did on receipt of said
resolutions give his promise to them to iednee his
toile on monday following; I. e., tb-day; therefore
Revoked; That we accept the compromise offered
In the above resolutions and agree to start our tot-
Resolved, That we hereby declare that theeompro
seise otrereil In the above resolutions is deemed by
us to be an unfair adjust men t of the wags question
In favor tif the men giving them more than they
are justly entitled to,both when coal is at C 3 per ton,
'and when. It advitnees above or recedes below that
amount. I
__ I"
Reirolvett, That we this uced to accede to the
ahoy compromise at. time to prevent the etc
tempt of certain parties to run up the price of rani
in the Eastern markets , when the real State of the
business of the country 'settee oandition'of the coal
market wilt not warrant Say melt advance. .
- Mr. Repplier's resolution was then adoptedj . -
Mr. Orson" offered .the following, which wits
adopted :
Resolved, That the foregoing resolution Mr. Reip
piter`sj shall not be 'construed to prevent any Opera.-
tor:from eabeti_ng a evenainarathe with his employers
ontelde of the W. B. Aasociation. I
On motion of Mr. Fowler, it was 'restilved
that When the , meeting adjourns it adjourn lo
meet at the call of tho President of thelAnthra
cifaßoard of Trade.
' It Wm resolved that a co" y . of tho proreetlings
of this meeting be transmitted B. Goweri,
Esq 0 .1 • ,
pl motion. It VMS alsOresolied that the V-XeCri
tivd Committee communibate to Mr. Siney the
proceedings of this meeting in referenee %to the
proposition of the W..-B. A. and the actior
thereon in this meeting. •
- i
The meeting then adjourned, '
, . Pre.sirlent.
-Prom 'Pt.
-1 Car : tgo. 1114. Carbon.. Sch. Naves. Pt. Milton
Toll lo • .00
Freight gi•* 00 . 05 00
00j . -1 C .
• • l I Lzeron CAPIAL.
From Nioch - Chun.leto itattum.. •
41. .411 •
New Hoy e lottd
Through to New York
Through to _
!IT soups CANAL:
To l Ntw York ».»...: I • .
above Centre. I . olAerniGn glretl nIIMP.ItateIV. For
terms apply to L.. C. TIIO.II.MON.
A T THE 80.TifOITATIONof nurner , ati friends
submit n
lon o can d idate ty. the Induced
to submit my name fait for office of
13utkievt to the action of the , Count,y .
Convention. • Cll4B. W. PITIII.A2I.
July SD, '7O-731;t0
. •
DROPOSALI9.—SeaIed proposals will be received
J. by the School Directors of the Borough of Port
Carbon until the 10th of AUGUST, for the Building
of a School Minn. Plan and specification can be
9EO. 8E 4 91C; See'y.
. . •
U.ND 'WAXERS AND utiAlts3leKEßS.
1 We have on band a lame lot, of. seasoned sg - OVA
TEE PLANK. - The Above lithe hest quality or IS.
July cor. 4th Bpruci3 Reading, Pa.
.. .--- -
- ilVir OfifEY.FOILIN.D.—A package of Pay Erma.-
111. opea,contalnlnig differed' aunts of money. 'WM
rrbUllti a short amok°, In the delghborlthod of Sha-'
Inct s. kin. They were evidently gram from %Odle op-
peratur, amid ortivealecl
. aqttl , jound.i' 91 proving
Crei r iillTlrd, e r r su e ll s . 144Zmul: tt a t e a - Tal a o l ij i ; I , n tf
ft; it. r - - July 'g, 7G-117-2t-:-31-It
: A TT - NTioN J ,
. ._ ...
-0 1 4 t mi - Ert & SCHUH'S. No. Zreentre . ..,street,
rtr Wyllie, you can be furnished with Mork iiit.,ll.
lied /putters, Panel tihutters,•,itiouldings or all
lads. •
Also, Hui ld IttgHtirdware of alibi nds. (3 lim ult a
cidi. and buy chi;ap, , J,ulyspi, 70-147A31
'win hold its Seventeenth Anndal Meeting lu•the
Court HOuseqn the, City a Latunister; kip , the
l' 9th, 101&nd lith of: August, .1070. • 4 .
Hotel rates ttilienionsatteiulini the meeting, Si Lo
per day . L . CHAS. W. DEA.NI4, -
;ply SO, "70—.11-21. 1 . • . - Chairman Es.
,Coni. •
IS TIM 0 11PRA.NIP COURT of Schuylkill
I !
county.—Estate etCharlea Springer. deceased.
The undersigned. Audltei• appointed by the said
Court, "to make disrbution of the balance In the
Winds of CharleaT. "'ringer. Admiatstraior, rke .of
the sald,ii:baorlea Rp Inger, deceased. to and tumuli
those to thiaame, • will meet the Wpm hi.
t * uni in the Borposh• of . nlville,
tha des of Art. A. D. wit at 10 Weloek, In_
the forenoon. 1121 P. nonmtr. Auditor. • •
Pottsville July 11), rito . . 31, 44 , . •
R Ai L.
• oratvainewai4,.
et the- • strirl in Fattyl oaf ,
viten 'or it
VlNSheler - CL.TllO3lll**Al'.,,
• ~. - . -.
41_ -. :" -...• 1 [-' • . . ... ~: .1`
. • ipli,.. *in" "Hotel an d liwtim,
~.:.. owe I. aiutoo . oars, old Mem* patrons
, . „;, the= i that , ... 6. ir i Vmect to them a
' frimii • I'VeutletteefaeZoet beautiful a nd fl i e l litatiTi
la the "City of Itrotherft Love;" Ye". Ter°
, - 4.lleffetteerfatitt of America. We aar to RAI OMO"
1ft41106 111, our M 3.1f_721.11 Bromvsy o r THE
-. • ,
1 = . '.•
t h .... -- • ........
~.,,,,....• *
mu t
a the Bml 41Efaf i,,,........d.,Pr00rw.r.
JOl7 710, '..M-11,41m . •
a" eine. <
1 1
1 1 '
H18ZW.4211!• : " WA= I S:.-- 2,. _,' .i • z , ,
• ..;ARDWAIIIIC; 'i . . 111101 W; i, i r'T ";
':-:! t _
• A'::: '
I ' ---:.- r ' s " . l ' minitamativnitinoW
i''' as " ' ",' •,...
~,,.- . pug 1 , '.. , ••• ....
..:: - .Lt(2 ., .
:, ,
~- , c;'):.. 1 -1 - 1 , --:-, ''''.'''"" .'
e' ''''': - " soi , -,..,., 61 10010;4#4 1
- * ,• - - ...0x.5.z.,./,.
- , ,.! - L.,: - .,,,
.t.., ';',3 , -, ',-*-."--- • ' .' :
.. , s .V. •••-•_ 4(z.,
'4410#440k, ~tilitt4**.o'
t,. , ...&;, , ..., -- ::::„,_-
sus is
slj It
gam w
WM* Vil.tia• 1NAM104.31: ; - •
sivit sod by Taikaik Valtriltiantid !tit! fbe week
Ilairday , WS fa& Sat liorr . iss7
Wrimeinit '
Radek* ll;Ht MAO
- • u*Him COAL 010,11AYWAnoN
• ---t ,
The lbnosing le- theziontig i r ma
Canal Ind Ilantolid ot be tkpal ant!
week enthrig on Elaturs 7 even ng laid: i
. i
lir Canal ' ' N -
1iaatv i ii ...,—................._
, --------,-------t
The Coal was &livid AZ f , 409r3
.... O. . , .
• TEri r
.1.. .6 Yarning' Rftion .
_ ............. 4 gue1 1.".."----- . : Mtn
Lektitil /kik - 7.. C.,..: : .......- . 3.0.2!
es .., Were
: Beam Meactaw —......,..... ac.-} : . 1 sun
il ehaney—........ - ____---. • $ 7 1 TX
" . L CA Ray. Ck...'s ea1nem.......4_,--I , ' All = . 24411
, , _
• :
Leis Set. Si V, a. xi. s. A=3
• ••
• •
~ ..
DELMARE A noses- iln3lPlL'ltliVell. MADE. '
asr r
Thr Missing* a statemetili< lralutpartedhir the
Drlaware *ad Undron Canal C NI. Meek . 1 . 0 . W.
Unill7 /81..44
1 •
• •
DeL & - Aud.47.561" "MAW
Br 7.212`
Soatai I 1.01 .:a443
• ,—..,.:—. -.....--
By Tlela r 7, - & I4ud. Canal -3.- —.....-....) =AAA 3112.11 C
nyRAIL —.-_....-.......... • - ._-.........:_,.......• =A _ i Imitfi
South -°.—..- - • -r ' • • 41•1 ,31 ,1.69
Tout: 1 : • - ' -
4 TljE - COAL MAftitETS.
l ;
: I - , • i
40 W111 or IrX RUDY "1.9) -LAST or NEW ILIIII.:NIGWIt'X
fooatiocrien wurryv'izot TIM XDIT.V.Ir 30U11,34.1..
. Pit IL.4 . .DELPIIrktJuIy
Propar (1
ed , 4 i ZI 4 Ono
do valooout-. Lout Mt Lat . Mit.. 4 Vat 4.0
atap.__.- 4 Zit, 4 Jo, do Steamer 4 Zia 4 .7.
a.teamet r --. 4 Zit 450 '
, .do Broken: 4;91
Romans._ . 4'2152 4 , do' EMT 4 1 . 0 4
4 Ts." 4 4 So do titover.t. WS
4 atr4 4 -17. i
do etiOsionti 7544
l VEW yORIC; July '26.16:0:
Schur. EANJ AAti .- 4
da Chastaul4.... 1 1 Lalllab LariiT..., et oati •
R'W Ash Lump .11 I Rt.paraer_....1.4,...::s 'awl
ute1im0r.:.....4._..' st-i 7 Rrnikest,..-.1.....---: A'.4.4 , '.
Broken— 4.—J . i-.51.,_ , Riar.- I___. s raol c s
Ear. - - cr. stare _. _____......-... 6 00Q1
simr.77---- • gal, ' i 11aatraiu.........1.:„.....s vail
c..imaxpall.-. - 4 . •.nrdroo• wifouscharginkr
. •
I a.surutoar. 'Jnly.: - .5. 15:0
?n the trader). ear iim or radioed: ~ . , •
Wllltraltarre m t i d • PittrePet W Asb,._. ' —.ss WM 5:10
,Lykens Vali , Red A.ii- --- ..... -. • (4) 500
rthamokln he (Wiled difit.---...._:_ . .... ._.—.. 5 'V* 600
ZeTbeY Fidler. Red A. , . __
....... 3 ; 30
From yard i or wharf, Lt 7,,, • T z et iii; i i iiiiii,„ l ,r. .
By retail to lonsumere.. _
Gemmel' Creek and etin;t7CriatTifiSba7l," e 43. - ti. at
• Labia Puint fbr ithimilne__ • - ' 4 774 41 00-
-. A4Iia.A t I DILL I 4.-‘ IS GEMIVIEWVTIE July M.. 11570. •
Gooneet* . Creet & Cumberland. crinro,i i. b..........:14 Mogi -4 73
Liselsaaiannsi. W Sty. Or. P . Stn.- . sol
eleken..4ll , I.
ISS 15 $3 oD • 15,k1 115 so 75
Wilksbersejlohoken—.. 475 4 73, 4Si 00 5. 5..1 160
do ' - Ow Yorks 491 4DS al 12) 53 110
neratitors, _ sabettport 4 3% , 4A . 4ro '4 AD 7r as .4 SO
Moots. Net korrk.-.- . .. . 1 1 50 ISD ' • 70 4 SO. SPI 430
Lehigh, Pt. 56 5 7:35 50 473
Lehigh, Eliziketb. port 50 is Z .5 Z SAS '4 .3EI ttanetn port end Pt:Joh neon So New York 50 Cents: Startl:t
out pole: Nemehurak.7o rent& • '
*Via Caner consignee says fitschSTSlng• '
, . ,
I PRICMCSP, Gas COAL. ;. • '.
Psooilacta.t. •', Duty. 11l S • Astitateiy.t., ' •
At Skipping Oolong. ._ Gold. Delivered-at N.Y. Curirricr.
Block mouse ....„.....„.4I 73 Wratninnebitid........„.—..fa IS
Uniran......--i....:, 176 Icrirbarch "oirTel... ..:—. i3O
SYdney..- ... t ....,..... , . 2 taviveat vainnonnt d id ...:.... qCO
Pict0u......... .... • • _„: 1341 ~ • Purtaroartria. • :
Llttleldr tai1f.0............1 rO !Powidtint Clan..,' ..4.......; -AO
Caledonia . ~... .. 160 rack from Pi to lid ninny . " 1 ' 061..
Black 73 ceictrioll ii . 'Bedroll's,. , VA. , ;
i - ' Clover lllll,Ctstioria. / R.
, __ f. o. b..., , ~,,,• ~...... 525
Prel .. is to Stew, York $3 71 -to 53‘601,-V.--04163.7-a"
. • .....
. , .. .' Pl. - 11 1 114‘1" ' ' ' PL- l .IglltaL
- • Wired: blbra: - , •-• . Rl'ro'd to'11)91
1300100..: •
_92 no 47 110 Nartltaq - ._..120 'I: ro
fialeto---....._ 1 73 I.le Mlddletwwn...,..:. 1 - 2;
Linn -.........._- 2 03 2 03 Altartr„.. .... .......•1 25 1 no
rarrtnridgporl. 200 210 New Yorti_"....l 2131 30 . "0
Newburpport.,, , 210 2 13.Jeisey (Mi.._ ' :.0
Purtamatith.- 1 2 00 2 a 3 Baltlmore„.
r .
t1aen.......,...—. '2 23 190 Witeldnx 9 9l-.-3 1 1 e :
Portlano.—...-.1:2 00 '.l. M. Illehorond` 1 tr., . •
Rwaree-- ' 200 Panama. . .1' 30 " .;
Prorldwace.— 1 I •40 Rodman .:. . . 1 4.1 • . ' :t9
HAMM . ~. ...- ~.... ~ 175 1 ' 4s Mnrfolk ... 1 15
Pawmielteta.9l. 101 lat Cielreeden .7 . 23 ;
i l a=e7. -- . ..; llt i • 1 :l l ' L i ttA n gr_ _ r "...-7.. i V " -
l'aaml o 9-..2...' . 230•• ' 1 73 , 1 11001 a m.— .... 223 211
Roxbury ..Ti 2) 2 10•1 teannla.-...,-.....2 00 ' ;
Chelsea .... .2 00 1 40 ;Nentneket."—'... 203 - . •
kppanstur . -. 2co I Qlincy Point.— 291 ' • '
Marblehead ..1 210 ' 2 00' Hoek p0t...-- $ 2 ; '`
NiuMneltet.....•_. ' 1 99 1;0meraet......._. J 1 Vl , ' • -
New Betllbrd...4 -1 75 . 1 40; Weyrtivuth ...... $ 03. •
New London--; 173 • ' 119 0rient".............., 1'73 ,'•
Norwich' a tow 1 73. l• Pe Allirm's Point... 111 "•.
New Maven_ ' 1 . 70 1 00: MeWle...--. ..... - I 74. •
Rr1dep0rt............1 IMI - .1 Ulj R.ith...4 IAI •,
N0rwa1k.._....: 170 "1 0 0 Charlestown__ 200 .. :I io
. ;
• .
,( - ST ittappara luttutoAn. ' , ' '
-..1 , L. St.-R. ,- Font, S. 411.
To Pert fUchtnOnd......-....4-.42 00 P OO 2 , 2 00 02 00 oil 41 00
To Phlladelpht4.___ ..,...'..., 210 210 2.10, 2 10. 210 10
• Thecates front Schu . yikill haven area cents per Ann (Oat,
and front Tamagni 7. and Plnetrrove 12 cents per ton Maher.
A drawback of 1M amnia ton is allowed. on all coal shipb
d South of Cape Ifsnry.anfl Fact' Of New Brunswick. fln
coal ahtpped to Other Pornts a drawback of 40 cents per ton
will be madeunlll further notice.
• VIA XliTtif PZNKRYLVANIA,lll.' 1
Mauch Chunk to Phlladolphla - „. - ~. ' -$2 10
Lantatt PALL*}', W. J. czwraAL AND Koalas d' zaksxl
I .
- • , SAILSIOADS. , -,-
To klizabrbport. '- - To Hoboken. • ,
L. V. - it. R ..... .... ..;-_, -11 l L. P . R. R.......,' .. ~- ./ :RI
.N. J. Central..., 1,„.-.._ 1 12 Morris et, Easex...l_ 119
- - -, __•_.!
...• r. 011,
8141141 g & Whiur •
ing - • XS - Shipping a wharglng..- 45
;T, - 0 1.1, , ' 7 ' ' -2 ni
o:Port J0hn50 n , ......:_..:... „ ._...... ...-,:... ....., • -2 31
To South Arn hay._j - .
_. . • -2:15
From Penn Haven tct . Filzabethporta . Pt. 4 ohnson . 2:40
. •
' ng taatzatt IJCA!VICIATIONT VOll. *NY'S - 1
Penn Haven to P.hillrobura .. ' _...,.-,........,..._,..-• pg
' .01
MauchChank to iPhlllipshant.:.,...- .
Manch Chunk to, l laboken.and Port J0hnpn.......—... I. Mt
,Shippintr and wharlir - '' . -.,,,,,, . " r " - AS -, -1., 51
, C , 44;' . .- ~ •
sent'vt.xll.t. NAVIGATION CoMPAJti. •
The following, are the rates of toll and frEgght on tke I
Schuylkill canal pr the present. ' .
-in Nrw lieRY. '! . 1 . - 1
FrOl2l Pt. t •:.rl-on;, : Mt. I_ 4 arbon. 'Flch.:lTarril. Pt, el iilloti.
Toll .-4 toI te ~ ' -1 , 57 -I co ..,
:Frelglit 175 - 1 75 . • 170 . I 415 - .i
-2 It: P, -2 Al -2 77 ..____-2. 61, .
Drowlrark on, ~.N.,1 for N ew York and.: vicytitT - 40 ernts
pe r ton. } .
Prul Abottlistmente.
s m ray aza—A la mars Mute; 11 years
Pol A
u, being trained to work on 0 - 161 Lindinag.
i' DANIEL J. 1 1.1DOWAY , ..
Mt. Cuban. Juty72, - to—uti-,241 , 41
July I , ' 7,1-31-2t
17 . 775 3.3 U
[d b 7 Ib
Naa:Oo , f rha
; tkismo
•--4. 40
......... ..
.IN , ,
.8 UNI4SII: 1870
1870 , SPA D riiyf , - G- 0 OOD g. •
Ii: D ',NY 41%7' 1 H .N. 1.11., & C 0.,
Invite' the et tentien of pnrehascrifint itisitlemPhila,
thdphia.,to their Urge and elegant stock of,
• , ,r: Dn,Y.GooDs
coN„,s-hx. 14 PAU TOT ,
Black and 610 Silks. 'I • ' •
Plaid and Kiri Silks, • , t-
Plain Japitni 'Silks, - - ' •
lelgores:lNtri and Plaids do , .., ' :-,t
Plain Silk .oPlitis, select shelties. ..,
t'orded silk Poplins. • • . •
FiliciSerges and Wool r'oplitts.
Beat slakes of Alpactui and 3fohalra.
- • 'NI Ixed llohai rs and Poplin Alters&
Grenadines anti Organdies. Lawns, Percales and
Chintzes. - ( r til , !eues and Low-Priced Dress
Good.s. 10 Goods of the latest Styles
Leo stahtly receiving.
. ,
Smell e and Paisley !Maoris,' Whet and Blanket
Shawls, Spring and SUmnier Shawls', Lace Point o%
Late itacques. Cloths nd Casatrneres, Table Llneh a
and NaPkins, Shoe ti n and Shirtina Muslins, ro n.
set-panes Blankets, S reads , &c. Piano and Tot ,le
'Cover< - Witte Gpods Laces, Embroideries, Moves,
g l xit
Hosiery, dr. 1 ,
N.D.—We deal; in Goods and endeavor to sell
•at sneh prices that ITI give satinraction:
ii%-•The Chestnut and Market litre. t cars wilt con
rex you totwithin afe doors of the store.
• ; EDWIN HALL dt CO.,
2.1 South ond Street, Philadelphia:-
April la, '7O ! I ••• 1134 m
Gelman and rend ' anted Em broideries ,
- ,
• ' .
; I, offer them for _ itaie t 'the lowelf gota. prbtsts.
• , i •
lan,eonstnntly - - •
Ar , .1 d ail arttiliabelingl4g los *lO Woratedlikaw„
-:' , r
.. ' ' ' • ' ' : 1 1 . A-4 44 2 11 3 k Sa.a,
tkU 'Clustilid: Phlyi4ipani),
It' .1 . r ._..rr
WO,FUNISI Allnnue„ Brooklyn, new Trak
ElSt ur
MI kinds of Vto _SILK " and RIAD Ex
BBBIREIIIIO3 doxler to ,
_abort, notice.
ElllßßOlDEltigr at halt price; tor bale
. ~I - : • Slay . 7. '11142t0 .' .
V 3111114 LLYZIE•JA •
=LII7 tow*
and WO
PL vi L ci I leaL
Woman tins.
WI arias. ee addrella
' 7.
tea article la sbe ' wanasemi to •- _ .
Riallaiandlessity • ataalcals ftwodosod Des
SI Itell7 ebellimMi Alsor.llaNkeesi
ag, a ttaapsthar Mk 111 Me ivqlder-;
los Soldfil. . assdreaa v .
, ; - , •"1 ' • -'• ',' , i Ih'D.,=o !'
'-',!;-:; , ' , . - • , -.. -- :•'..; , :"4"-i. , i, :_--=...,..',- -. - F,: :
~- . '-‘.-._, -.? !, - , : , ,,,: %-1- , -% ~ - -.- . R - 1 - -
.- . - ;:- ,1 '.. 0 - - ':'! , ;'.1 -, ` , . , -% , ;' , ,, zl -!,4 , , , .:' , .•:.-
F:_ , ,- ~ i , - -, , - , ;;;, , ,4 ' , , , ; ;*r . il . 74,..: .•,.
" •.'"
, ,
li . 1
kith '
eat: VI tutp. 1
- -.1
Cal :r ocs IPOS ALILLIL—Ttut, itubsertber
rs sato' several ettotee battens kg" as
J jefftison streets. Poussitia. at IMF
era aaqt " eisrterms. .411..NV.t0 RENB.Ir - ,C. It. M..
ra t
Mate Agent: te issualatittito ot• ' . : ".'''
At ls, , la-a, ..21-u" .-
,;.,-- - • 1 •
st , • • \ - `se
TIM, CUED WHALE OW, for lastest Mann-
Magnus ties, and deltkered to Collieries wl meat
additional, g am. . • L. C. THOMPSON.
.iNI RE , R op E
elrbraied bum utaeture or JOIIN A. ROFili-
LING'S, NOS., arid furnishisl pr, omptly ; tuu at,
store and &Pain a, circular, giving :priors. (ninth-
Mona. eir..4 3 /re.m, manger of pre.eriring Rope and
air Parlie .0
Vublit Sato: f
r . •
I t
s roNmus. , , SALE '
01 . : VA1.,t7.113LE .i i
:".'. iao- Fv.R.K . A QE i l l •
. - 13 , :irtite c h decree of the Circuit Contr. of Shen
-an. h eou iy, pronounced on ,the list day of April.
11i81.' in a chancery suit pending- therein, , theliame.
ot Sfetionatts and Wife. &c..; vit. Lohdeli and Wife, &,...
welhe undersigned cornmitraluttern. appointed kin%
that PUrporaVvlll proceed on ' • . -- i
• . Tifirlf.Sli.4.l - , gith.diry el .1 tk7ttlf, Ike. 1
Atihe ,Own Of,Edinhorg. In said CatititY,toSell that.
most dedrable -and valuable Furnace i Property,
knOwn fiat WI...CAROLINE FURNACE." Situated 12
Miles South-East of Woods) ock,and 8 relies east of
Ediburg. baill'of which are on' the line of the Or-.
sage, Alexandria and Manara.asdlallroad. eland s •
COUSISt Of various tracts, adjoining or conveniently,
located, and AI.IO,VT 50 '0 Atiteil IN-QUANTITY.—
About 200 :wets of the hand has been In cultlVation
i l.
The land'ylc ds Iron Ore of superior onallry. and In
great abond. lice; also Ihneiitone and wed. In the
. .
uttnesVprofti tin.. -.
The Iron made at this Pnrnace, was' used for yearat
by Messrs. littsit & Lobtiell„ Alanufacturers 'of . Rail- ,
road Car, W - W.els, at. Wilmington, - Delaware, and
was pronoun • by he late Charles Bush. unsur-.
passed in nt Sty, .
The Tregetinr I ron .Worits of Rielintond. Virginia,
used t hed ron extenid% el,y during the war, and prized'
hly,hift. '. .
Par r t y of thelrurmice Buildings were destt r oyed hy '
fire duringetise war, but the i4tacit. ' in-Wal a and
. Hearth' al in/serviceable eonditlon. There is upon
the prem) esi large I) .I.IBLE DWELLLNO HOUSE,
AND Elti IT ' t
.N EN, heldilost timorous other bnildings suitable .to
such prone (y 11 The Alan:v.B,B Branch of the 0. A.
..11-IC...rti .T he
It lOU Eight mi1..8 and gives ample
',facilities Ibr tlie Kb Ipnion t of Iron, North and South..
Only 25 miles -.r the Valley Itallratul from Harrison-' Stnunton, Is necessary b., be made to se-
Aura ronnert.idit whit the Chesapeake & Obi° 11. R-
The contdnifilpted Page Valley Railroad will run
within 81x Miles_ of this property on the south. Joi
gePli 3 latston.lEs.i. - who has resided upon this prop
erty and matt: ;e i t for many years, will take plea
sure In shoal to Purchasers; or answering in
qiiiries in ir e rd to its character, ..Sze. ,
TO' ms of i—Tvrenty- ,Ice per cent. of the pni , -
chase otone fat the &nit d.yof August," MO, that
being the let Knyce the next Circuit eourt of Shen=\-
and'oah county, and the residue In one, two and
three yeara testa the day when the first installment
hecemes. dub, ~ lie first payment 'to be secured by
- bond. witi-F g•lisl• personal serprity. - and the other
installments Co. he secured by obligations,. and' a .
deed o f Vrtuiti oin the premises •rltl. Sale to' eplinii
metier lit I i A'clook, A. M.
5. • ' MATI.K BIRD, ,
310iiii>t WALTON : . ' ,
J O IY 2 , '. ":0 -4. it - commissioners.
. . -4
~~hilaD~lyhia ; ~DocrNscmc~it~
, —_.;,
/870. ••[ La, 2.Ctz'llASPElt. •, : lAliO
CO., Wholesale Orytiooda, No. W 3 Market St., Phila.
N. 11.—AO nr era for Utioda, Sc., Intended for' ine.
'please addreivs 1. C. flamer , care of Jacob Itiewel 4
(.0 . .. N0.=1,4 ket St.. Phll.lda. ^ Jan 22.70-1&.18-4
;COTTON Asi7.—.ltl grttuoi
Miner., --COTTON
CLEANPN NV AS I' E prepared (or Me=
chinhits, and 14 Itailrbad .nee. All orders receivtd
by wall will be:Orumptly!atuaided to : - _
d •. • ti. S. HENRY a CO.; :-
• • Ir., VA& 154 N orth Front street, Phtlattelphirt
Nnv 12. '614-4,;;;414,,-13, ' •
~ .P E l i alt l a '' L I . A I a N tr o l ni E MIT .8
above 31arket. ,:e. EVERETT'S Truss .
positively curet opt ures.Cheap Trusses,43 oll "
aasticße:ts.s . .k lugs supporters, Shoulder Braces
suspensories, Pi a Bandages. Ladies attended to by
Mrs. ip. (
,July 10,•'70-18-1y I
PORTER. Jos vs under the arms: Perfect coin.
foci, arid beneflt , guaranteed. 5.0 North Seventh St..
below ARCH, Bhlladelphla. Trusses, Supporters,
Elastic stuektnet Crutches, .t.c.: Lady attendant. 4
July le, '7O
•_ , , - , 2..t—ly •
9„ 32, m ttt s t 2 l7l.7•J?.ae&vottei!
• .cheuW
co and CticArl by the box.
Monitor Nov); and Jones it Sows! , Tobacco, always
,on hand at low r tem. , • •
`Meerschaum P Briar. French, and other styles
can. be had ltere t spit customers, either wholesale
or retail. I , JOHN ELI, 1
Wholesale snit 101 l Jobbing House, and Manu
facturer of Ciga 512 MARKET St., Philadelpbta: ,
July It, '7O ‘. 1 "w+-'gin '
VV iii- --- -
ftour th ar e
Wranted i aut to airy made. I Are prepared
ntrirrs. "1 • - , .. .
Ask your Giailer'onllruogiat Inril7tiberger'illanwts.l
: BARLO'S INDTGO /S LUE is; without doubt, the
best article W l n the market. It will color, rnorewater
tharr tour times he .same weight of Indigo. The:
'only genuine is th st, put up at ALFRED.WILTRER
GER:B Drugoitore ':NV-Ilibegter's suld Harlow's name,
on Labels ; all *pa . counterfeit: For sale by most'
, Kirocers and .Ttru ' Lsts. WiLingatisn'a INDErant.r
D..ts: will be fowl 6 imperiorarticle.' A I ways on band
•at tmsonable rloft. Pure Ground N Wee, Genuine
Medicines ChiMioLsSkins,Taplora,Sago. and an ar
ticles in the Drug Ma at 1 .
N0..243 North Second St.. :Philo lelpb la.
Rine 4. "70—'43-41 ' . ,• • '
' ti)
. % .
Nat k
.;, i
•Fluest French Organdies:
• , - Aleditun and Fine LaFa'ns., ; . •
• AU Wo - ol Black lien:males. -.
St and Wool Element. BI k English Grenadines: '
. . SI k Figured Grenadines. '
• ‘-ti.uperttritlThin Goods. . ~
. DREGSI)IOO _Sr . .4Itr.I3g.TCED.
Ladies L nen'iteadv Made Suits;'
.' • .
,Linen rarepaa for Tourists. 1 7-
-•• . Lading mttl ix Mule to" Order, i :
. .. 'Bathing Salts Ready Made, ,
• Bath Wh
in Snits, Bathing Caps, -
, it° Piques,
. .
. ' " .Drtiss•Mtudins,: • ' - `
• _ ' 1 ToUristl' , Linens, .
' ~• ls(lol4hawls, • , - •
t Sint Stuitques,
•',. ..• li ClOtb sacques, "
- • - ltich o- Covent,
Fine Marseilles Quilts,
Large Linen Stock,
' , ChcapiCassimUres,-
, Fittest , Canal meres:
: '2.,tbbhvl Scotch Sultlngs, , -
.•-. .. • '. I The Novelties. . - • •
1 '" C. OPfER .t. CO.S — ARD, .
S. kt, con.ssit. NI 'Tfl AND MARKET. -
' 1 PIIR.ADELPIIIA:, .' . -
Oct. 2 .'en L vit" , . ' , l- ' ` ' ' •
4 1 82.0/21 . 1.- •
ri;;M : 911.1TO W1GE9339Eg ? . ..-
7 Or. porricULLE.
•RslGoals. &e. Bpi at- . :
1,1444 supenutendl.n#
I . 1 4
, ..• `t 4 4 ra
to Inform the citizens et
he . wilt •gtve Inetrue,
In SINGIIIIG, reinsue:
let Poet b Pottsville
1114Itt—thwten" '
1 DOTTVILIMI :81: 00 • D . 1811:13T. -: ... .11- .
1.. -npal %gatemen& cif Reerigta , and Exp , endit urea,
for the hoot year ending drat Armada§ of June, Is7o':
Tale tbr 19M-7 , illteet=t on Ooh inkr-11 for
School d & f or Banding Pu et t' ; 1 ,••
• . IZECE/PT,S. ' l ' • , •
galsMee !front prevtons year, 1848-IL.-- ~ ..... $.2„•114 al
State appropriation for Isai 0. , i
Fines. natters% pupils, tuitioni ac ._ . •55 00
Gross Mat. tax - dupastri-70.—.......-....41t,51 iei _
Lea errant. returns, exonem. 0
Goma dr t; 031)0 . .
' • , .
••. cow, tar. crimin!ix;l4l et.,,1i75 b7l' " .
- —.
• :tl'7lo 06
. s ' • -• EX PAWDITUTtES. . • .
• • l ~ , ,
Superintendent, and $5 Teacherii On
eluding 0 1 ,ii
. mos. night achooL; 19,401, -17
geeretam. cet,2,); l 7a lit tom (lOU re `---. •
.....s, t.zu); Janitors, (161 S -51,9):,... i1'.6.4i..10
Res;ts.•(: . OD); Mel, (978 904 -...;...... i 1,011 90
Ilepalra n.l contingenclet4..-...1......
,1,173 2..).
Inclden Is (all unch*silled expeu., .
~ar.l-311 ' .
,-• . i ..___
• . Tot4l ordinary expenses....... . ' 21, 7 19 46
t t
8411.11ng2,913 8.11„ . Interest, (312) 4 . 3,215 S 6
Fu rills - 14g, I its.' r ce.apparalulae., 1,314 . 54 '
. ~
. . 1 .. -
.' /
L 1,279 in
nalautlTreasury, Jane 6, 1870,-. 05,160al , •
' ldf LLANEOLT STAII ,I IICB-1.9g4411: •
Whole Ns:Rep:trate selloOls; including 1 cord,' 36
('Supt. ar3s Teacher.% (1 male and 81,0:males) :XI
A. salar of nutleTeichers; per calen. month, :11 .
" female •.! • - ' " . " -34 l '
Salary OriD ll s l -SoPt..' .:..
..1 " - 'l5O 00
School tegm, from let Sept, to istd - ule, cat. mos, • 49
Whole IV. rota's. (1315 males 1156 females), 2,471
Av. doily es , endanoe, ,1 , 4 et. eilliniales; 671 tern. 1,456
Debt bal. wilding fund 1. an-..... 83,1).1 60
Library Spud (owing to school hind? '" - '... 1,411 $l.
Tax-rate for current,(lB7o.7l) nneen ml/ls.on dol
lar—lo;s tar school purkosea, and 434 for build Mg..
1 r: DAVILIt'A. 1411 ITH, Prtst.
caalsrreriEti larrLi:, See,y. • July 16, '7O-21-::t.
T ll - • -
• . .
, 1 •
, . Nose Nearly I , 6lnpl9ted. --.
. This Coiapstny are now pushing their Work for
went wit great raNdity," and tip entire line neces- *
nary to nett St. LeWissual St.Tisul Is grmled and
under eon tact to be finished, tilt season. The fact
l i
thee-this Lemnos lurk been un tertaken by a com
bination cir leading he leers 'and t'ssilreast cepa tall.ts
of welt known wealth; ezperience, anti ability, in
sures Its surly completion and figure 1411CC146. -
The rowitrans tinsmith the richest and most thickly,
Nettled potan of lowa, sad is built in the interests
of Use t Northern eyafesu of roads which centre
M ' i
at . n The
r it
f.! . •
- . .
i .of the Company pay 7 tier rent. • Poidlnterest, tree
of Government tax. 'and are leaned for the very
small amoltrit of per milel For the; present,
the unsoldi portion are'olTered at Si and accrued' in
terest. Thh attention of investors is invited to the
fact that Me road Is new nearlyMtdshed; and that
the Securi is therefore Cut Itledto a high
In our op nlon, no claw of inVestments has bt%en .
found sou I forralysafe.and profitable ad First Mort
^n' pitted matrix:Os. '1 I • .
Or 27.5 coMpanies operating MAO miles of milroal
inthe . Nottern and Western Stat es, on which there
IS a bonder debt of 5er.,000.000, we know °that two
that do no • pay their intermit regularly;
We' bellete there ill; be no mere . favorable time
to sell the governments, and - buy really First;eless
Railroad Serpuritles—snOb as these—than the present.
! W. li; NU.% rIITCK, Treasurer.
After a Bull examination; we I have accepted arr
Agency tort the Male of the above First Mortgage
Bonds, andreedre to • recommend them to our_cus
toritens as thoroughly (IV, as nell as a pro fi table
investment. 6 i;
. .
: . JAY C ECM & CO., 20 Walt: St., N. Y.'. -,
Subscriptlotts will'be received in4•OTTSVILLE, by
' - '
. . 1...• F, ..,EsQ • . 1
•WHITNEY;,, .., •
May 7, , 7bllo-.lm 1.. .., - f I •
. -
A DES/PM/MEI ':., ... t t : t . '''' . •
t - -• . . .
. ...h ....,,-- t• t - i t '
1 - SAFEF . . , . .
1101141;. II i tVESTIEST.• •
. , , I __lL' . L________• f_ • --
• • .
. ~. . :
1 .
Otter $1,200,000 .13on •
,heariag 7 per
cent, Interest in Golti; Secure& •
a .
~• • • ,
Fir:3 t t fad orilk Mortgage. .
-,. - •
,- Tinrittanisare hatted In r ,
0, • 16 -i i
1200 s.
' 'Ille•COUp01:111 are papthie in the 'City -of Piffle:del
piriti, on.the Ist days ori rll and October, .t3' •
- - ;;; t t •
._ - , ;
_. .
Free of Vale ayi I:i &rla I..?atel
, . . • • -.
'Tits ;price tit p •esent is: :-,
90 and Accrued, iri,terest in Currency-.
This Road, alithits co n nection w i th the Pentislif'
yenta Railroad at Lewistown, twin s the Anthracite
Coal Fields , gliniles nearer the Western and South
western marktits. - With lida advantage it wilt con
trol the trade. he,Lumbar ' Trade, d the Immense.
and valuable d posit of ores In this section , together
; with the thick y peopled district illirongti . which it
runs, will seen t i t a very large ar.dVrolltableitrade..
1 , . iVAL PAINTEIR dc CO. Bairawni,
; •
Dealers in Government Reiciii i files, .-•
t-, •.. °., ' Nt36 South +limn s., Philadelphia. ..
i - APPIY to-'
- I - , ... .i . - '..40. 2'30 CE I NITRE fst., '
./ 1 ' Anti [
1., F 4 WHITNEY, Rinke.t•;"
(• iro. 160 C.F.PITRP. R . t.` Pottsville, pa.
. 1 ; June`.l3.'7ol - • ,1 " .?1,41n1
livararßooss As scioN AA
J!zugt received st 4 HANNAN &
GIBE:' 1151aPXOTOB,.—,GEO.
his services sa Mind Inspec .
on • ndition. capacity and 4 calue of
sell lands on con - mission. .01111 co—p
July =, iQ
C"rilzoir . a.. immix-B s si.s.brs.—The War.:
dim of th wonty d es large areortraent
of amperlor and Sear/flees Ffag*on hand. Also
MINERS' AND 81100:4'woleb be offers for
sale, at the 'at low Prices; for [atah; Highest
cash prides d . Carpet ltaga. ;--- ' • e- - -
• Janell„ • . •
Du :" w A ltn.
: • u I•o L i Or . . •
IN f et - XlGlETlselirwrs inael4- -.• _ -
. . eialeeially jprith these whose is OKI
way. The ran -ple Oyster
• nly eye helperag hat ems:: ;
the .
life. as It - .
.werea. •,-
i-. • - MIX tkehui„ . • ,
;„--, et, hrville. Pet
übr 11. „" ,4tts Mom -
. '
I ppoPcm.47 , . /13 4 3r iiZ . . *RILL
, bilipcp.utekior t . •
, iFcitgAv . i vie ot Reenerneo, •
___ _ 1 ii - , ...tuts /1, WO.
*MAL= PRO '1 : - rib Mittens' tor the
Navy far the . • y • no tne June 10.1; WI. will be
received at this : , - ,nu leo'cloch A. 1.1., of the
Sth at Aterrit n at which , time , ; the proponent
wilt btropsned: -
_._•• .. .
Tbepropmale sit be whinni ed tp the "Chletrif
the. Bureau of . An pm/intend Recruiting, Navy De-.
e .... siteti l. Waebbigton," and Mini be • indonted
fk'r r* ref the iflntey.!' that they
riiiiVornstingtti ell froinietbee baseness letters.
_Printed sehtidul fine anyi tWiss, together with in-.
stenetionsto bidders. (Meg the Steins of
argearantee and or amide:ilea Of gmtran= ai rt i ll
be Mentalted to
_persona air donee to bid on ap
pUcationt to the . et the' respective
yardajoulii, ' II I) `'''"
nevi- end 'of '---i.attila en applica
tion to the- 1,;: / --: - .ri ' • .
The Continua= of asehlupry-yasid and th e p er .
chasing Paymainer each 'Ration will have ie copy
of the sebordes of cither'Yfu'dni the exionlitatlon
.., 4 ,.. In order , tha t : *be Intend to bid may
judge whether Rio fable kt make septic:linen lir
art i of the chwarto those ytirds. i
in be t the whele,rof a Plank ,
a ke
n1;117'11=0 for Metz on or tor the exam
of samplesm ust be eto tile Command.
'ante of the Yards. v ' ..'
The m be amossitnled by a certificate
from Internet Revenue tor the di
trict lo which the realties that be has alleense
to deal In the artlelds for wls t icti he proposes. and iie
most !Unitise show that heis t s marnitacturer of, or e
regu:r dealer In the articierwhlch be teem to su
' ply. The grow:n
s(4=l3st Certified by the Maa p-7,
s 1
sor Internal Reyna° to tho tUstrict in which
ther reside.
Titecontendwill he a to Person who
t maims the. vest. tild and rot the guarantee re
quirts' by law the Navy t, however, re
went:nut be rir e l ni tireject kerest *nit! or any
which isnlay one t. - ~ • i
outruns In the t 1 amount Ain tne. required to'
alga the canteen, _ d their rponatbulty broth °
certified tsithewilocum °lithe Naar Departments
As additional sactizarninty: per mutton will be,.
withheld from the Ont. bills entll the coo-.
treat: aha U have -003 . 1 . 1 plet.ed. and eighty per
cement of the tau 'ea
_blULlikPlagellvd ' in
triplicate by the 'lntilimitive
7=141 , 11 41 te r mid .nasteecthe station
lipids iseettneasee, -
at. thstaptiell Of f . In las dins ,
altar the vpm—
-wit atud ' banwinien- "
fieneed b'
----- senbeeett Ind'
, 7:pire: ae.
°lmam !=irrn
pe a r=9 . e . eirthillaa an cost, itOe
aP • - &tut. 7. 'CIFP—VAY
. .
. .
\VP?' .11°PE 00 -. EVE ''l'.• DICIIt. IPTION FOE ..
Blin t r. Planet,. S s; Bridges,' 8e.,,
BERT DU ALITY olio at WEST EATE 4 . Power
Transwthidon by Wwe p - Atoms Preparedand
contracts made. -• . ,--- 4 . 4 ,• - - , •
(.1 46
WEST;- ' '" - l .W. - 01PETAND..
. I.-
61- PONS - AY. Ziegw York.
7C 7a3m' ./
' • • . •• ,
Decision by the' Attorney Geste" aupp ort - 9r
martne.ntispiale—.. Mtn 'Preelitentt Mcnrentent..!
W4 , shr.Nottax, July. :V. ---TI
General will - shortly make a d
under the recent net of. Gong
peenedbalances of appropriatio
on hand at the close of - the fiscal
be conveyed toithe Treasury. .
• The bill reorganizing the marl e hospita.
service gees into effect next Tu y. It_pro-
Vides that' thereshalt be' assessed Bud collect-'
itd - front the master or owner of 'or) , vessel
engaged in the coastinetrade, a iving ftom
foreign pirds - and`owncii in the LI ited States;
the_ sum of forty cents for *very man ein
ployeti on such vessel. The mon yis to be
paid into , - the:treasury and 'to used for
the marine hospitals. ;
IC IS Said the President will visi
ton before his departure for the Vest next
- eel:, Tor the purpose of attending a meeting
ft e Cabinet and settling some business re
quiting his attention. ' •
. •
• .
• ' - ,VE - ty, Yonx July ..11.--4tenjamin.'',Natbatif
brother-in-laW of Jud ge Cordozo, was mur;
:tiered atiMit midnight, in .his own morn, at
No, )2 West Twenty-third street4His body
was disetweied• this nionaug with! his head
beaten tokizjelly. The inqruutetitl, used was
a ship-earpenter's toot .known. as; a "dog,".
iilood Jde
of iron. - •The room was covitTed With
Presenting a-siekeniug sightt. • A safe
ur the department was blown open and a
quantity of jewelry stoleri. A seryunt' slept. I
iti the room adjoinig that cif the! deeetiseti,
and his two sous in ' another ,over him, but
,heard 'no noiSe... -- 'rhe titiikaSed tiftY-six
'years old, • . • ,
• '‘Vil - Nn50n,.. 4 t77 . .., July 29.-- . --Ged.' O'Neill -an a
Col. 'J.,T.".l3rxiwn were • arraigned .before , the
'IL I,3:Circuit Court : this morning for violate
ingtlie neutrality taws and . pleaded guilty.
They were committed to prison to await ben
tent*-.. w hiPh will be, pronounced lii-morrow
.niOrning., Gen; O'Neill, When asked whether
.lic 'was , guilty •or ' not • guiliy, answered
promptly, "GuiltY." lie was composed and.
gentlemanly in his
.deporttnent; and. smiled
when he made the reply. col. Brown, when.
asked, the same question, teemed much dis
composisi. and. answered, "Guilty; I pre
.. •'. r !*, ;
b1en1...1. J.- Donelly 'appeared by counsel
who stated that an •affidavit :Would be pre
sented to-morrow betting forth hissickness
awn 'cause fur-continuance. " Col. Hugh Me-
Gin nis not appearing to answer, Ills bait was.
declared-forfeited, and the trial of Mea. Danl.-1
Murphy was continued till the October term'
by agreeinent'of 'counsel. Capt. J. J. Mon
agitu will, be tried to- oFrOw. morning if he'
makes his :Appears ce; otheiwise his bail ~
will be declared for lied. . --
8pec1n1"tol the .Dally Wens' Journal.
*ORA%, ..• .
- •
neward fuY Ote"4irest u a Marti° re r,
'NEW 'Storm, July - t .—The Stock .I.l,Vhange
of ivhletr. Dlr. Nathan' wA as menthe ,1 hive
offered $10;000 reward for - the aiiprehensiqn
of:the murderer. - • , • - - -
-.=r•, ....
.Napoleon to his Artni-la. Stirring Address Vito
' ...traditions of trletory—English Neutral
. - 117 7 -The, Coututereial Panic in
- . .
Lox nom Suly'29.—A destvitch from Pestkan
flounces that Count Aintrassyyesterdayassured
the Diet that in an circumstances Iltingary will
act with Austria. - -
The Times Says the drain of geld is subsiding.
The,amounta now on the 'Way. here from Now
York •will go a bing way to counteract the ten
deniy of- the 'pressure in the 'money market:
Tae advarfed in the.ratO of interest at, the Bank
',of England to five per cent:was a preeatitionary
measure rather than a proof of the actualscarci
ty of-money: - • -. •
There have been thirty failure*, 'at the Stock
Exchange Miring the war panic.. -
Thcl clepression in' the Liverpool - Market la
Still very great. . • •
Lo'S.lbox. July 29.--:The tone of the Prussian
pres%!iii tine of diaattlsfactiOn with the neutrality
. i.f Enktand, andthe Polley of the latter govern
ment. of abstention frottuuterferencein the con
tinental complications is severely reproached , as
lming ' -
• Loxtrmi,'JMY 29,—Further rumors aro. in -cir
culation to the;effect.tbat the Catholl in .Aus
tria will embrace Protemtantisin, , unlesa the doc
trine of Papal infallibility, is considerably modr
tied. e
The Brith.h government is.unietly but active-`.'
ly prep:Ai - ink to meet any emergency. All the
kek yards' and'arsenats are busy4tow day and . Supplementary. estimates for the army
land navy-are expected. The story is repeated,
that France . promises Italy sixtynelions livres
for her fidelity, l beside the evagea on of Rome.
The discount demand nporkithq".Bank of Eng
land is rapidly aftn - Thishing. '
LONDON, July 29.—Count Albert Do Bern
staff, Prussian Ambassador to England, to-day
makes public [statement that Franco in 1866,
offered .to lend. 'Prussia AOO,OOO men to use
against Ai:tittle if Pruaßtlervould surrender to
Franco the territory between the Rhine - and
The rejection' of this 'proposition, in .
- part of Prussia,.'lwoke the EMperor's aympa
thic.3 with Austria., These offers whicib Napa:
leen now finds It convenient to resindiate have
been repeated since.lBB6. - ;
• - .1 • • •
Special tp toe New York Harald. ; • •
Loxixxx.July,29.—The populsc.exeltetnetit at
the-course (Atha British Ooverninent,.in the re.
cent Secret treaty Onsinesss is very great. The
'people went a poremptery notice given to
Fr:um:l'll:tat England views with , grief and dis- •
pleasure hex : lntrigues itg,ttinst thelionor anddig.
nity of this nation.' - • - ' -
- ,
Paws, July 29.—The followin g is the procla
niation.of thegtoperorto the 'array onassum
ing command :
"Soldiers. r come to take my place at your
bead to defend the , honor and the soil of our
country. :. Yen foi to the combat •against One of
the beat firmed of Enropeancenntries, but 0410 F
conntrics as as tuts have not been able to
resist, your valor 4 ' It will be the same to-day.'
The war which , now commences will belong
sand- hardly contested , for its theatre will 'be a
platie hedged with obstacles and thick wistZtt
resses; - but . natfiing- is beyond' the per
efforts of , the soldiers of Africa, Italy ' alt
• "you will prove once more what the French
army is able to aaximplish ; animated by a sen
tiffientof duty,. maintained by disclpifne, and
'influenced by 'the love at °lemur)... Whatever
road wOulaY Pa Oxon, oar , frontier , we • will
littd epee it '.. us . trice" of, our fathers,
and-'we will „oarselveis to be worthy of
them.. Ai l : ce , fdlitiwe you with ardent .
, pruyem; and theiffl.tte efsiverse are upon
I you: Upon eta' dependi the fate of lib-
I, erty indelvillat io ' .
G"Soldlem let eich ' one do Ids diibe,,arkd t he
od ' . tile:swill be with ' us: s - •• •
• , • ••_ I • .._,
..„, "Narmteme.'
_ • ". 4 , ,General
~ rulers, at Metz, July 28th,
ISM ,-
.:•• '... .
f,Tit French pa its are furious at the restrie
tions placed upon War news by the , Govern
_The early abdication - et' tinging of Prussia it
rumored here.
ti - - .L. - -- •-- .: . I •
It is field that e - Empeess, on returning to
'St. Viand toasted M. Thiele: under whose ad-
Milli on th2rtiZationsof Paris were con
structod hereb , F us is to-day enabled US
rgi .
- send o 'Mind I thousand m ore men to the
Held thansheotberteise could. '
The proclamation declaring the dePartments
of 'Moselle,- Rant-11MA and tas- Rhin, in a state
of siege, is officially , : ,promulgatetthie morn- -
The folloaingfart lessee hive been Placed in •
a thorough state of readiness' for offense and deT•
fence :•--Mctz, Thlonviile,.. tougwy, Marshal,
Pfalsbourg, Schlettstadh New Breisache, Bel
fort, Dichtemberg,lLs. Petite Fierier, Montmedy,"
Norden], and/ the entire fortifications of Stras
bourg; . 1
Mgr; Department *cif thskaloselle. July 29,
The Emperor Nap(Aeon, arrived hero last eve-
Mug by special train from St. Cloud.- He was
greeted upon his arrival by . a deputation of the
Generals of Divisions stationed here, and on be
ing condnetedlO headquarters ho was enthusi
asically'received by toe troops with vociferous
- cheering, elves,, andother demonstrations: of_
lOyalty.. ., .. • • ~,__l
FARM; a , llTY : = l6 .Tbill. 301510/AL OFFICIAL this .
'Morning' contains the•tallowing report (ruin the .
Minister of. War slid Interior to the Emperorl.
, —The Governminat hae authorized the organl
. talon of Local NatiOnalGuarda hi frontier towns
of the North and-East, : but the - Goiertmient
thinks it necessarrto returnee:elite Idea of the
organization of a general Naffonal Guard.
Meanwhile the Gerrerement • believes that
companies of Fronits shanteneoesis
MOFI) exteruilvely than at pmems4.-sissti‘•
lute a Nal nab!. protection Orestiosall .
The two esinitgerspropossthat at
anti: of:-these compsuleeof Free*
shall be litnitedesthe sensal.senkr - th. war
"sailtill" irtetimatkini Ishaltiett,tritiitbeir Oodles
shaltbeli.oolatkr. with tholooadiltinft;
• The ges 'alba. come, destined
topenines locittGuerd. . .. r
• Penteillutyllit: eahhaeoetteedeig Pm* ,
entrAlgerie -
.I.7iSid. .• , ' '
iIOWN offers
. and to Report
InPs; also tie
train I le, Pa. .
e eg-ctp h.
Nlerdee to New Turk elt3•
.A'"E .E.2.lraiAND:
- et Gen. O'Neal and Gal: Bronv.
. •
through Rhertish-Itsvarial mut an advance or
the. Primate= enstlat, !left- isiettaL " , ' '
-.: _ H parrast.t. .• _ -
Bantam, Judy itaT4lldtilght.—A French de- '-,
,tachtn'ent of three co_mpenies and - eighty harse.}
yesterday &trekked , halFot the Prussian 69th:
Regimeint of. Foiibtatlfeekingen. ;'Alter a Short -.
engagement the French retired.. with the toss a
cme Wilco/ and!, elahrriten: • - On the Prussian
side one man was whit= _ • - . -
, The Prussian GoVerti ' as also declined
quate allow foreign military I"Officers at the head
rter*. - - / ""I ,
. The North German Gaarrn; is sharp OR what _
~ it calls English neutrality. • 1 ptgland..the GA
ZETTE ' aaye.. suppties" Franw with cartridge -1
with whichto alanktiter Germane. , .
Cogataultjaarektias despatched to the English
Government die teat of tho ' offer made by -
France in 18(18,.to jolt ' , pre se t s , I n crew against
Austria in return ic r the "d e o
of the district • iyi te, her (France)
-ng between the Rhine kid
M05e11e..... - :.i
.' Oentlorra, July Zi, A. M.4the Pntssiens aro",
massing I force towards Neurivall. about eight,
miles f this 'city. The, coumniration of
troops in ' , that quarter and in that vicinity
,of the: fortress; of Ehrenbreltsesin, -is very •1 ,
Divisions tirehold In readiness to, march north
or south: -•• 1- : • - .
buire bodies Of French troops are leaving the
ramp at Mew takinettiMiicasterly- - directiOn. ..
This Indicates a dune towards the defences of 2 :
Saarlottis: .'' " " -r - I .. " - --- .
e attorney
slew that
alt unex,
PrinCeNapoleen; who has arrived at Metz, has
been attacbed to theataff of the Emperor, with
out Independent command. I •
BERL,* July 20.--Tlie COnstisroxu
amjElti an- article to-day
.attys Belgium has
been enlightened by the publicadon' of. the
secret treaty as to' the greed tot . .. France andber
own interests. If I3ertnan,r Is, oonquered . by
Prance Belgiunr is lost.- 1 TheCOnnstimonottret;
"Belktium hi ins - positiOn tnroblige, Napo- •
leen tri pursue without result, the_ win - begun
ariliout a motive. If she-ii. firm 'Germany
- w II
.pr , tect the Belgium:frontier." . • • -
. •
.snr..tzt. July Llt.—Ttiet ge neral ' rn
neral' ov,ement - of .
f'r -smart forces in front of the' French lino. lirlS
eel unenc4d; • and, it is • evident that 'decisive
ol - atfons , are near at hand. Troops..are man.h..
le..t On to Mayenee from till•dtreetions. '
:le King Of Priasals bide adieu to his guard . _
ye erday. -: • • - I
I.lgland's violation of neuttality in snpplying -
- Articles eontrabenttatirar to France, is buterts•
• Pomplained of:
I •
•VtExwit,luly ,—The Arts Tian Government ,
hag empowered the National Bank to trnat for
bills upon fareign,houseti to the extent of thirty
millions, as part of the cash reserve required Apr
thi+ eirculation of its notes, •
The Hopgariatt Miniatry haieintroduced, and
the lower:housct has voted; urgent bijis appro.:
priatinOupplementary credit to the-War Qlliee
of five tud_-
hons to enable the eallingout the eon! j
tangent reserve before - the appointed thaw.
• 't GERltAkr.i
iiA3IIII7R(4. !July- :M.—Tho French squadron.
destined } or operations bn the Northern co,o;t.
of Pres.sia, entered the Baltic Bea on Wednesday
night. - • .
CII~\E4E` Lll3on.
TRE'SYSTEM. - 12-7,
IV.isltr: 4 lnrox; 'July.'tn
all—infOratio ‘ n liaS
been' received from General lidegendie„
at Amoy, that the Chinese • government has. 1-i
limited the exportation_ of,chinese laborers
to the vessels of the treaty powent, And the -
consul seems to think that the effect of this
will be to decrewlAreverit this _ kind of
emigration. Thestatu etia t stied by congress
- in 1862 - forbids the transportation' in - United
States Vessels of the inhabitants-or subjects
of China, known as " to be' trans
ported to any foreign count y; port or place' t.
whatever, to be disposed of , or wild; or trans- ,
ferred for any term of years; :or for any time
whatever, as Servants or apprentices; or to be
held toservientirlabor.•
.It is provided in the same; statute, -" that .
nothing herein contained shall-redeemed or' • .
construed to apilly; to or liffectOny free or vol-
untary emigrationof any Chinese subject, or '• -
loony vessel carrying.sueh - person a.p..vssPn- •
ger. on board' the; same,'but Isuch voluntary
passenger must have a certificate from the": .
consul at, the port of embarking, _showing •
that the consul has personally inquired into
his case, and that'he is satisfied that he is a- -
• Aro. hintar y emigrant." 1.• •
qf The Sestretary Of-Slate is riot aware
Any coolies are being imported Intothe United :
..States in the - sense in which the word "cool
-les" appears to be itie,a in the Statute. It has,.
however, come to_the knowledge Otthe de-''
partthent, through two despatches from the - •
consul at - Hong Keng,•that two ship Icradiof
Chinese eidgrants have -sailed for. Itle'WX-Ir- -
leans. 'These are Said, bythe - eottsuhld-have
been free and voluntary - 'emligratiti, and not
only willing but anxious to go. •
- The consul of: the United States in China,
ore requested to rightly observe and 'enforce
,the provisions of the net of '1862.: : The sub- • ' '-
ject continues to occupy the serious attention
of the `department, but the instrtiCtions„.
.which • haVe been. issued to the rcPiegen W., •
,-;tives of the United States in - this - respect Can!. -- . ,
'not properly be ;Made public at present.•
Consul Legendre says tlse order of the for
eign board in -Pekin sprovities that oirty,
treaty power merchants can - oPenernigratior,
agencies, and only _treaty- power ships can ,
carry such emigrants, and it: itionly to treaty. '
power countries that such- contractemigrants •
\carr proceed: I
The coolie traffic is prohibited at Macaci.—
Hy this - order the convention_olf-1866,•rejectrd.
by both France and England On the ground
that it amounted a prohibition of the cool
JO trade at the treaty Trirla, betiorries a law* of -7.
'the Empire, binding upon the- native local •
authorities, The consul - says tinder the new
iirle the traffic must die OW, for it has ceased
beluemtiVe, and the. lawfutemigration of
n iv es to the Pacitle Stateti„eotiiined to Hong
K •ng, may soon become 9 , l , :tmcioboly-innor,.; .
.1 • •
POT .biaii.Ft;Kors:
odes !mason:lr rue misers' Janrikal by GLENN 4.80 N
' Whe ` Relila;
Wheat Flour $ 8 oat 850
" artl A '4 •
“` • — 7 I . • -
bpi ; 50 o
aye F10at........ bbl .6.591 . •
. 3 3 So
Brickwheat (mit.— -.3 Zi! 3 5
Mists!, W i tau "bite -;
.1 7q
• Cora
,bath— • 12)
Oats - • . bush._ ( - 01
Rye Chop •
t bush— 12 _
CoCornldeal ' • ' bush... 120
sllodllugs .......... ... bush., ' 801
shorts ' fvlibusb—' .
Bran - -. !moo.. - 30 • , 'B5
bush— 45 ,
15 1 tO.
rat — .
BL E ffs w .. r .: ..... 6 1
4 1.
hind 12 as
fore H ' .: 3
. .
Patuev,,July 28. The money. matter to-diry is
gliout noticeable teeter*, the Yates on'eall ranging - •
n 504 per cent. and trout age per cent, for prone . •
discounts of shortttate.•: • _ .• •
Gold is - quite active end strong, ehosogabont,noon" •
at ID%
.1• • -• ••• •
Government bonds still tend upward. sad' We .
Hee • ugh t tart er edvaneo et about 1.1 h per cent:. all
throhe nat. -
_I •
• Stocks were active and strong. Lehigh , gold It:um 4
sold at Stt _ •
• Head e h t z Railroad was setive and advanced. selline • -
at 4P ,4, b. 0.; Penna. Railroad sold trebly ut 57%
and - e igh Valley at . i433g. 35% wee bill toti Ufa:twig. #
sa prekvred. ••• , ' '
PittnaY, 29,-The Sloes market is Cxtrenleir: -
,yule .—$ G 2.% for superrito; Si ' l2 for extras, '
Saab 50 for iow grade and medium up to S7a7 :41 for
eh..lee and fancy spring wheat extra family ; -
'for Pennsylvania do. do.; s7a7 6234.14 ladlana and - ,
Ohio dd. do.; and r riaS•SO feS fancy lots. .
There is loss actiVity In 'Wheat. antLatie receipts
are. Increasing, Safes of pepasylvaniaredrn. SL iii;
:Indiana •and Ohio do; at Si 61al St I goat Is very
wire sales or -yellow - at' it lit.• and mixed
Western at Slarol.•_Oais are dull; 11144t5, of Pen 44 3 ,- ;
Irani& ntiSlitisc.; nerirSonthern at Sic. i •
Whiiiky Is gnu. saies-iof Written* Iron bontil"st
. - •
NEW roan MONEY wroapAtsturcrs.
NKW Pont, July Z.—intact, hess*Adonslr . 36 . 4
5 per cent. Gold, 121%. s-zik 1&U .coupoti. 110 1 4, -
do.. MI, 10., ILO: do g Igos, do., 110-ths. • ISA neik,
Mt do.. MIT, Met do. , tM L0:110404, .10834;
Reading, 1.lg; Adams Express.' a'
• LOSDON, July 29.—Console EOM for money and'
count. .Amerham aecarltlet. quiet. United States _
.3..204 of lam. Eti%; of 18th, old, VA ; qt 1567 ft; mo. itkc. I,
In. - stocks gala. •
Lrvisaeoot, July Z.—Cotton—The stork . at 'sea
bound to this port estimated at 478,0J0 bales, of. '
which 50,000 are American. . • 1, • •
ACARD.—WuitirsAa. a certain ATII &
Co ,of Pottavide, Ps.. Insurance Agents, have
advvrtlaed theinmelvea at representing the LYN),
.Pa., this in. to notify the public that auch.advertime
nient is a false and fraudulent repreadlitation; add
that, thataist ft. B. BEATH, & Co., have l no appoin t
merit orauthority whatever."to transact any busl-'
nese for said Lyeominglyire Ininninte CouipahY •-•
within the Banta of County.
JACOB A. ILAZENf. General Agent.
July •
Fire Insurance i o.
. 4
D lialLW4Bl % ;3l6 l.l :r i l
E- /NOUBiBrOit :;.
JOHN MCLEAR, President.:
-101, ...CHILth;ecretary.
-isrtAwc II OFFICE -
N. w. coTt. Nisra CirrArcuz STIZZET§.. •
• -•
GE - 0. W., STONEuVice : Noldiat e l as ,".
CEO, F. TURNER, Gen Aged:*
111.11LELY'litITITAtAA, _ 4.0 1 tt
Il Policies Notrilotlikuut_ ice"
to- tt- aminolohoilOots •
!kb sal v o
wonford to popes , •
• I .04AsoutiAdligmuthisingsmi cat nit -the
e'er"' niluit =3 70 .,,n 1 fir110 Hon
44'14t.'IttR yy i‘k
ql;on \
aF r f ;node! ,
of : pont,
sgoo:1116 roussiol. jimaintelpAter
Cl WilolOpootr-4,i - 1 • • .' " 11" 11.443!47
44110mIgivoiri, JW-21%,
itsireaarai t toa 1 , !_ 4 474,,._
. 11? i ara
B.INIUIT itX.t.,.. ar watt
' • Iraq.. ea. clivetarnitaba-,
kam.~4L. . a* -, 1
4 ,..
ilr, wiliOntak - I
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