FORTY-SIXTH :YEAR. 11os' .iti,Aoit-ifti.4l.- SATURDAY, JULY 9,1870 RATES OF ADVERTISING. •• -, • 6,p,,;,.E.'„ E, It.' 1 lm. I =44 ata. 6211. 1 . 1:06. ---L---- — --.— —..— 1 . .- , 1143,re r ~ -4,09, )0r 1t.,...q,. , 1 14, l 2 00. E 359 r. , 09 903 I' no 2 stul ,, tc.. tow: hich,l .. : '.! N I lAI I 6 Ce I 6' 09 16 0911 UP 3 Sloan-, r• 410.1; 119 1 9 At I 12 09 :4 4.44 ':::1 00 4 S. E llEtt,,, .• ' .1 06 I• Al E1:00i166039 Al 43 00 •. Ll'lLU:ll'.Vir A 1,..41 , 1 , .::'.1211. N0T1(7: 6- 7'.---1 4 1nalelnmert!oa k . 0.111, 3 1171 e.; ea:lt sub.Ntleut inw rtluaMi amts.. Itrie. ' Nt Vri(7E.S.-Secon.l Pare, c42nt.4 - " e n ,ani,,in•tnt, per - t;ESEIt.t L N0T11:1 7 .y.-Third P37,f, =1 cent, p rfit ,n1c..,...41:r lit In•yrtiou 15 cen t s per .% It 1112,N11T1eit.4,-a:,e.nts each. • I • xj.:l-t )1 - 1 1 '17.K.-Xzenintlanying Deliths-For two each hive 10 cents. SUBS6RIBERS . . 7 - 11.1. 'DO VS A FAVOR by sending . 11 the' amount.: duo'. us promptly. Our l ill, are now nearly all sent out, anij we lope for :An'early response to SPECIA L NOTICE. iciiisequenee of the frequent occurrence I. L.liriiiistake , , and generally of mistinder standing, noiiee is • hereby given tha all voniniiiiiieiitions, advertisements . of wh - ever kind, notices, 4:e., intended fin. publiea lion, wlill , liereafter be required to be handed iu at tire business office of the DAILY and WE6ii.v. - 111.xliti.s' JOURNAL:- In all elo‘es \ iiqtf his rule is not 'observed, a:publication 'wed not be exrpeted. • . Arrrimn sailed from' Canada-on l'lltirf4ll - 1): . for England. Wk have feed %;e4 the article cut from tike Inqs Aug, on the First -Manufacture of A h uilliacite Pig Iron, in this city, mid will2it: - tend to the matter next week. . . , 1 . .' the - f4enat6 . on Thursday the 4 seport:Of the einntuittee of conference on . the. army 'bill to reduce the number of ar my officefs awl for ; Other-purposes, was laid on iti , 2,, table, yeas 9, nayS 16.. - . A sox of Col. Forney, .of tha *as injured on . Jhursday at New Orleans, severely, while attempting to jump an a rail rpad ;train, that amputation of his' leg, it: wa.4lhought, would be necessary.-, Ent: is a speck of , war oil the European horizon growing out of the . proposed lion of-Prince llohetizollern, a Prussian, to the Span ish, _th roue. Considerable feeling has sprung out of it •between France and Pro-,ia, the former, opposing the candhla lore ofitioltenzollerri, the latter of course supportitig it: An alliance is reported be it.wkiirf Spain and PrusSilAnd Fraudcm* 'A tt , t ria. ' interesting yaeht race is now in pro-, gress across the Atlantic. OnlMonday after noon idit, the "ll.auntless," commanded I ts owner, Mr. - Bennett,.and the "Cambria," hy its owner, Mr. ' ,- Ashbnry, left the • Irish !,east, the goal [wink the, light ship off ;Sandy .. Anrericans"•t&' wagering' , on the "Iknintless". coming into port first, and ti nil a goii.i . nuit6' takers among the English, win. feelyonfhlence•in the tea-going qualities of (+lc • ' • ' N FAT If.AOl thirty States t ..3.0',11 vote toy,. returnr4i, in all two hundred an'ftWelve..' If the - Stales are wipe they return those iiz,--who eon sistenily f;polterand'vOted for PrOVetion, and ',ern/it otlicr - men tb join them: as Repre -,litatives who areitt favor of tike saineprin eiplejor without it this country; cannot! pro- eyes, itt. wealth:population and power in the 'ratio to which -her greet - extent; and , unlim ii:,d re;ourees entitle Tier. syeek l,ut,li hed an.artiele eredited' t't ANTIIIt.ICITE- MOSIToIt —it shotii4l I. ;.,..; !won \V.on.k.t.t.N. We do HAAt..* . rite . :t 1,;m• - ,r1 - .1. 1 .,1:,7 ' pldn 11:kAl ; amt• some of ~ tir 1.:111.1 , are 11 , ,t ViTY r‘ . ..l»arkabic ili rcAtAlhig 3 .1.4 .„. .:::. . • riFpt ----hoth. of wllit.ll are rather unfor- A Ala.tte n ,:t.:. . . • . . . •-., ?Ali -, v )11.1cm'AN l'Opied an article froth the xi is k rol pelatin:; t 4 1.1-, ati,l ,lid not copy om . . rt.' . ' This. i . .; unfair at, the start, :in& ' , :t ir•rei Ard.w.. cannot expect anything like itiene:+o, ellilinilf (porter, and we %O . :ldeal _. vith, them ace.Arlin..4ly.-, i.. . . , . . *.k - r,.. cult, ti. tit tt..lll,trotto_• :•wouts tittwe f,•,stta'yl it' to tl ‘i cut1:111 ,cau 4 ,,l. Tiii. •Span, Cir.!. at SA:ltiazt i ? . ,: irt , ",:-.:cry . ly i•thitt:(l . ; ant! Ol!! Co . o.tit-: k.v.N•y‘v!turt. :t,ip_‘;t: to 'Ai at:ting ."1-A1.1..c.411 st'igaz• .1 t:,l ::..11:fil,i 1110 ..a!z , ..7n.5,i ye. fl i, ..t.:1.1(.4.1 111:_ if . t ht.:: L?:l.V:.!dt`rt•Ated 4lit:''S111111,- i " .1. ' 1 . - .' '' ll -, iil ' - ' l% .''' ‘ .l ": . it' 49.1-,o,:zenlvitt. Thf. 11-fi.A',uhan: :Jur. h tzil“.ll.:tinttrage at ,the t 12: :mil' 111•1: d , 1 :•11:•.Vir lit"ttii , reshitintee , would tie. Hopi in tteiTtl s ly • reng„then the as . the hav,4' the. SI iII•WS Or W : 11% tO t :"110101.1 the iirti,i i ent botireen :Franee . ht on 111i:other, in re'i . ereile i .. to . tir2 'M.:h.-5.40a to tile Spattislt throne., roAitt!t is, the , i i nttependeneeii of I he ai.isuired,.for tit eimnplication wodhl keep t:i tua 1)11-..y;1 4 ,. home tO gi ' VeAllat to Hi.' /1 , 24.1`5.-;:1^V to CrllSh 1g 11'S UD G,E: K "El' \N MAI! ,EN4I..IND eatt•,ifig I —oil • 113;0...011.rrt• I 0)1 the :r.• t; I: tilwit , Ktith.inktnontlimw 4 .”2:l the Tem ' •• op:filed :it tilt. evil Juic .pr tlit• 4,f•Allttlist. *iti he • .I • truly - i••;tr.3et . • • M a 1.r...0h5:, rlio 61 Ow iahg •nt.•:' la • 1" art-- 1 ti 'won -04,11114 1. • - oilh••:••af Pr.urkta;:tql,i'dwNl.,riiie v and 'Alarahha•l through. a watcrs jjp.r;g-tior '1';::. havo th:.•ir itaVn -141 .1 . jou 111;: : their Ntealtiv.r, .cot the bit'ti.:at..l `:a•;tiet to Nov York, touch 'at 'VII tit! a gr( honvenien,t.:and, ;inn• and In ,ney for entigratits front and Hot: MAI, LucA Fonn;:;e. as -American . young, I:. N. h.iS bevlistad,qiig medicine at Paris, h.,4,:"-ateoez“inlly i) , :r•fier examination, and dcf;M‘hinr her thesis, has htTri ddmitted av metheine at the. College de. Franee, her the right of practising in any_ part of the French dominions. TI I ; • TELI:(7II.NI`IT CATILrIi TILE 11* I.: 11 Si, urn here - ; l reeeiliel in Liverpool of. the • • ite Art;y:tl : 4- ir Bright ot..Jam . tiett.--, ar o u g a d to , hear he wai taiNity eitg.hzthl n.. his : . .trrangeinent4 foe= lasing •the '.'"! i S , itittt Atheilen ti•le:_traph • ":4 . 412114', of f )hin. n 2.• ;ri 1..n , 1. , fr,14,;,-; on ;'• ;00i e , isn r at Ow Evawoli-. ,•,.! A To :1 NVa. Male ill tro; riiiLett • I:1 , RCN Ns'N TaE I st.eattior Nl:t • arciYo c i in )ler.o.s 1111 Jitino Is. e.-ICtor :t. vory 14 ;Lsroi, .the - Allaotk, 1,.t ink 1.•:1 •lu the at , :ertS'o,lf 4 , 1'31111e (1:1 :40 11t..1 du,L..),: , run \t-d. 3 0 7 t m il iss; ..I1 miles; tm the 1::th, oil Ow 14th, 3.lqmiiv.;the tiw milvs; and on th e : 17111, N %;zSA I.)11 E. S'EtTE, -.kt a reec•nt tiv?eting of the Committee upon Clo t Ihjiotn tti, ti,u•vi,•e. Lord rtarention, in -ail ,-,‘ to. 1)0,1 titteAtiott froth a mentiper of the c0ra .:!.v...., -11.1 ta.rt, if lilt unitvti:szat.N (1,3 , -41,,,, it, :, :von t.s't:ior. representuttr, tit lito•ti, It•titort .;;,-.„ • 2;1 , b . , r n .; n 4 .1, 0 1 1 4, won la it.l in .0tt,:t....,t2nt - :WI, in E:le,T.o i.•; . but it %%11 - 4 , for tlateni,tel :-.1,0,-. t ,'iuiie t . tt [ulna:lvy: ' Tiwe w ra,i Ito rea -,02 at ily. l a rt.';l lb . & !..11,111,1 , wkt be reptet. , ented i,,- :1:i atnit,t4,4l,lor, a-; the ..neintbiic Oil Venice fru! t•njoy.A . tlt,tt• doitithltion.• - J. .11112riemi Paddle-Wheel Sttifinship Ntetrop.,lis'l led Swiiiernutple .(the on. the Fith hist., with 70u of ih o poorer ella.s - of entigrtants for Nety York the following day, tottfimpat tt Pere etnli:irked ,504nore from i . „..lielliwig-14olsteiti .• • v., l a , a 100 ..1):1110:g.,i Wilo had larrived .)111. by the titcatuer Aurora, after slot 'steamed throughl. the 6rentj Belt to Sea, avoiding altoiether Copephagen, 311:1•0 - it inelerskeid she Will no longer touch ofirotne unpleasant 'ilill'erencert tim 11,itilsh government. Tut: t.;rf..: ,, eitoek A xitiert•; • ..1: I a lo.tcr t•esp;t...tiit.; _the rutin . •of the (*.lN.ti le an olli•Ntr urlonwesrkt ienee i ••of t h e Penintukir and Oriental t IY. It stato that; ft 4111 never ,bo a twieu .;14 brtiad tut at present, r •••';: routing; mot being. of great length.— of ell v : o.i..ois of, large; tonnage] which (1:r• through,•late been dimageil, and wAY-11 wore- rt*frieted to six trifles an hour while stetuti lig hi tfte - Canattre oow4 in eon -.e.1130110.4.i trio • Troitterit.: wield bate by-atouad 'mg Anti 1911 isionA, to ter towed through the, Fnat - NigltaNN-.9 the Most celebra ted living German 'tragedian, has .resolVed to make a professional lour . h irough the - United States, and perform befor .her countrymen in Amerimi those female gLiaracters of Stfhiller, Goethe an Shakespeare,: that .have raised her to the plan le of-artistla pmfessiori in her. own fatherland. Herr Grim ' thadlrector of the The, atre Franc a is. at New York, hale engaged her' for a series of performances at his theatre dur ing the molth of September. and she has taken 'her passage in one of the liatnhtirg-American Company); steamers, to lea‘,:e liainburgitt the month of August next. -; • -• ' ..`Pgavitik'o."—During the. recent. 'examina tions at Cahribriilgo, there was ono unpleasant little episode. One of the ontgaing bachelors; after the examination in which-they were both, yam! 1 CiA t.e4 'ky - as 'or 6r ' intimated to the authori ties that hil , had - otgerved a fellow-examinant •copying. be charge was investigated and the re,oiltwits hat the accused was debarred from taking his degree. A - strong itnpresiiion pre-.. i vails antina,...' s 1 those now or lately in stain iitt piltati that the charge was UnfOntled t but haw ever th tt may be, it is quiteooritrary to the undergradu gte code to ,"peach" under inch cir cumstances and the in former= came in for strong, si iibi dation ' stitingled with cries of "Turn , Iti ni. out I" from the - galleries. • - 0. ' THE WEA in I.lncion, Hifi e'or no attire at G average. ritiat.—ThioughriutJuno uno 21, the beat Wa‘t attain intense. -and there was . attain week thi mean tempei-- .eenwirh was or 5.6 above the 'be : bottest day of the ;seven 11. tho time of ° the rthttnderstoiin 111102111 wlieb, - the , Th.l amount of and 'also sin i wispliere h! extreme se% of the; iron' district the excesaivi• the' tires in out till the - AiiED pers relate . t barked las was itn a native or , ince Jonlie tuft.: age of Out to inns 1 hermometer 'registered 86.2 in tile rain - iKhieh fell-last week was Male . I,ls:inch, . For sortie time . previously e, a remarkable dryness of the at : rreyailed. ksah instance of the rity we may mention that at some works In the Smith Staffordshire men have left work; owing to the cat of the weather, and it- is stated the puddling, :furnaees•Will,:be let - eathergrowS cooler. .. '4 . I .l4 ttortaicr.-TheSwediSh tiewspa 'iat among the emigrants who' em weak at Gothenberg . for America , l',•ontan named" Ann ika Johansson `he parish of Stojkaryditi the pros - - 1 to-Lan, who.has arrived at the ma d sears and 4 months, and is going I, her day S-with horson, a welllto-do fartawr at mittance tol Was marrii it,'AglY, -Mid wit') has sent tier a re 'lry her travelling expenseS.' Sal) when she was fifteen years of aiee .• fwentygwo children, lour or *hum. 0; 16 hu had three brothefs and tit- u:ail hav had aro chill WI% teen sisterg the ripe of _ . one of Whom died mo r ale time ago at. - *cc of 104, and her father lived tip' the pttriare )y and:titkitlL •Jos.;set:tiion into t ao of lU$. The olit lady iv liye log, hill of 'conversation', audio the f ail her faculties; ut first iiight'n.: ke her,to be more . thaw a 5ex.a;.4,7 THE gray I . of raoi rrNend stionidbleep—amo 1- , the great bbey; sleeps amid the few famous thousands whose high state I her irt - alitrehs—avataretts too. fly Nleejas as I In tlteoht Of Etightticris 1; to lie wit w• 10 men's ntindi 'neath' their sway lag Wit and lium , ,r, a.:4qm, ion., en line or sounded 'suing. 1113• es When artim46 are ho more. . t 12~ might o llusleof pip) Of Art that. 11 . 1 i grave' Is TWA ssiarlne Is nu name I, SOuivis as thl,i cart of England's heart, 'thin her shrine: and all uround t in Letters or In Art le auuncs; of the immortal 'sham]. I ;them lie beside his (lust, I arable fortu4 and mimes are here ; notaph—remains or bust— r p_ lace,for thee; their latest peer. Of serne..the ;Of tittrae, hu 'Lit vile° or 4 They wild sr 121n-.:e ri.)0111, Shirt, 3011114. meet; (;arewl: wh tunoturdlaliclel, at thy,feet; oh wiLty:Slieriaan at thy ;head ; Ti, till tti,iu leave him grave-spae, art he loved, ress to him dead. Marmulay, un By th I ue, t To take an it Front thins, !ny-shled reevive frame that housed a. mind :w keen 'pres.s". or an improve . or ou thlfigs. - Tedd or heard, ,or seen ‘Volconte, oh Ills eointpg Wttn fypes 01 1 !lan whic - ritre. Addison, with calla, wise hue, who has peopled Ettglish air humor,. tenderness and gr:we, - la thine own are less rich and !flute Ibrother or our t floe, last' lost, ". , ern cl thy brow with kindly cheer . ' to ract,, ikave-worn,,. tent pe„A -tost, • *J re's voyage, (-4 nue/4 to harbor here: Thou, too, his la 'inn, thy c Who, front.' .VI Put More '\\•lthout tilt No nu,urn~r, thilr , . 4 . i i •eleonto L 1111: he seeks hls re. pumps Wat ( 4,30 w great oile',4 endi-- 7 avert ne natural o ne.: that Kest (Lather e. cotlln or . thelr t - rteit,l'S wit h ~ p lutne, and thnte•i-tinnl pall ; : Ideonntnierialter's woe; : ! I . and tenth ufred hearse,-anit coursers.. , ', - teks -We gritVe wall hollow show, 1 • .. , i., rouglif.lllnOn the,surntner tours; hopefully they laid him 11011'11, - te that. tells wheti'dead when lswn, t sdove, 116:e England's, lay it'erown..', No .hble t rain No lout; para Surfed mute. roll— I II All that be EBBEEZIM • l~unihly at lnd up the - Ills <•LilQn 'l7 powthe e Many 'crave tinrin,z into it. 1111 n was n crown of leni - e: ritid , wl“te ' ,f those W:10 (111110 10 iOO% into illy . 110 . 14}- it remaitied Open threw flowers .. . ' IREL.tNII. , l'li.—lt is said that a licitl4i peer- • nifot•ed, at the !Itii_rgi,tiiiii of thei . e Earr of llowth,•Aind that it hasi 1 Limn itaml are has Mien 1 ;.11CCI-1-, tO U been aPeepte = Tll "Dra Itai 1 way s do preparoa iii the proposed palsory pur agement by t be agreed up fail, by arin leaving powet than twcpty - = I'e ale.) to hn , etion otez, thd I :over:lntent, which ha 4 li en . With a v•iew , tif prouvaing: purchase, provides ,for the corn-- [.ltse of the lines, and their map trustees. Thcp. price to he paid is to lal mutual consent, or, if tlett. itratiun, the' arbitrator",' howcyer, it to give inlire, but not to give lcssi live years' purchase. L - The trusties tee p 'weir to arrange for the entn-I fisting and the construction; IM61! - • Tit E Pno(4:sstoNs patine meeting . 7.V:14 11(.1(1On ytine 20 at. Belfast, and a resaltn,ion sagas Passed, t. l `, effect that "it was the opinion this meeting that the 11111 introduced by the ;finer Secretary for Ireland for 4 the purpose of Ittirogating the liberties of the people and pre venting them from celebrating the leading events in courmlion with the history of their `country is a most unconstitutional measure. ,and should die opposed by the' people of I re .lath" . A eoMmittee Was aPpointed to take the tleeessary steps to carry out .the ohjeets.,of.the resol u t i A FENt.ts DinioNsra.vrtoa took place ,on June . 19, on the occasion of the funeral of the hi - other of Thomas Clarke Luby, a fenian prig- • oner. About seven thousand pasons.marelied • in procession: through -Dublin. wearing greeii and orange eniblyins draped with crape. The • processionists stopped •and uncovered at the' scene of the elocution of Emmett. Oil their' arrival at Glasnevin 'Cemetery the crowd pro-, reeded to the memorial stone to Allen, Larkin. and (J' Brien, the Manidiester murderers,. -the' bals playing national airs. The people rin: rovered and some prayed aloud for the rept:l,e of the souls Of "the marfyrA." Others 'id:10(11 wreaths and evergreens on the stone. After the burial the band - played-" God save Ireland," numbers - of people- uncovering.. The proceed-' ing'S were. orderly. The proesionists . • Composed entirely hf The working class: • SCOTL.i...ND. •Fogrr AND Mourn' disease iN prei:a:ent in Caithness. _ A FtEt.4.i of Wheat near Kilmarnock wai; fully in ear a week ag9. . THE NIXsTlm ,11.NKERS of t:rocnock have] aA'reed to give the operatives the demanded ad vance of 2s. per week. SNOW IN Juslt.-otOune 19, atltirdrie, snow and slecLfell for some. time. The weather in ; this lod , lffy has been remarkably cold lately, and bleak winds have prevailed, with occasion:li, showers of rain. - , . linAvr WtyEs.—The other _daY three "Son-y wives" of Breehin were weighed at a public! house. They weighed respwtively ,19 st. 12 lb.;, 18 st. 61k, and 15 st. 4 lb., the aggreole - atuount I thus being 5:1 st. 8 lb., and the -average weighti of eaeli..c.nisiderably over 17 stone. • T F . tTWL'ED TRADE at. Galashiebi was neA'er better at this Si!ZILSOII than it now is. Nearly all the carding machinery is running' tiftecn "or twenty hours a day, and all the rest of the qe partments are correspondingly active. 'Wools keep at moderate prkes, but with an 'upward ' tendency. ANOTHER i 4 TRIKE.—AVIpiIIte. has ozNairred at Dundee between the operatiyes* quarrying masofts.'and the quarry master. Upwaras'ef 100 tneware already .on strike.';Tile' ask for three, alterations in the'present . system ; the first being that all apprentices; shall be inden tured ; the send that they shall be paid by the day, and not by the- piece; and the third, that no stone shall be dressed in the quarries. It would appear that the first two pointsThav,e been conceded. • MISCELL tNEOt4 liArve,st in Ilungary ist,very protnisina, but earn &tilers, it 14 tinderstOoa, will stand out for high prirc,.. Its; (::kutttr:r has r. - Teiveil the NI. , 1): degree' of Vie Paris University. This is the first oveit shin oil whiehtha degree had been eon fermi .. . in =I - 31.-- - -Th , Y 'Ministry hal r , ..;igned, and it is said that 11, Them:, the leaqur "1' the Hight, has ha.l art amlielfee of the. KA tiz !who ;:ffered to entrust hint.w.ith the trek oI • laav z a Mink try. • • fur: P.urar SO,'lETy'and the Asiro notnieal S 'duty have eaoh appointed h-eotninit tee to consider the steps to be' taken :for ',the proper observation of the totai eeli - p.e or the -tin in December next. Lik:not."—We learn, on very good authority, that the accounts of Baroti idehlg'S illness are greatly exaggerated.- lie Itivi" been suffering from carbuncle in the 'leek, from be is now recovering. Sorra Ammtick.--.The news front Brazil ap pears to be indicative of a steady onward pro gress:, 'Theeception of the Count: d*Eti, on ihis.return At J m the mountain warfare of Para-. guay, seems to hive. been in the best spirit of BrazilLan.enthtisiaim. • " GllEßM.—Five of the brigands who were im plicated hi the massacre at Marathon were exe eined-on June 1.1). The - iqinviction at Athens is general that the honour rind .future progress of Greet* eall for groat social- eliatiges to erailimite . the seeds of brigandage, after—the existing brigands duce been slain or captured. - A t:oooltsasos.—.l emintry laird, wha had bitely beati.eloyated to the °Moe .of -a 6 - noi - try inagistfat,c,' tueoting the Bev. , Mr. Thom,: id o t w an, on horseback, attempted jocularkty by remarking that he was more ambitions ihan bis 'Master, who was . content to4ide upon, an ass. "They i-atitia• be gotten 'two," sad Mr. Thom,' 'for theY're a' made justices :the peace- ...- , Paorlivic SIIEEP.—Much has been said of late years 042 , very prolific breed of 'sheep coming, son from Russia.' and others from China. There are several specimens at present in the Zoological Garden in the Bois do Bon= 1 1 logne—notably two Chinese sheep (one of w deb m has already produced pine labs in the co me im of the yr,) having at the . present moment one four and the other three young ones at its slide., `A 'limn MEncustrr lately arrived at a Ger man Nillage, and exhibited to the inhabitants a paper which he certified try have been sent from a 'Sainte Association" formed for the purpose of c.)llecting the hair of Girls and young women, and weaving it Into a curse for the Pope, to be presented to him on the dslty of the, prod:ma, tion of his infallibility. Numbers of women were thus deluded, and submitted to be sho and it was not till the "merchant" bad deeps that the faun . the hair was ihteuded, not for : . , , a 1 . . •tions sad false ,bits. I - '• r , Tiirt M v IN MIS ° .URNALLy'r.,,PO. • 0 . . , I ..P . nA Ne'E. 6 —The ruin ' onis in referenCe . t;:.• little, Atuperor are vague and , aematisfactery,;' land „while ,we' are assured that - liejs now resto •to his usual health, there can be no doubt t Jolt islubject to intermittent attieks of gout , all g (*mot be without their effects; . upon a / ind tiVery thought of which is.bent upon ,untstd4la liigrllll4 Position. The Emperor, _Empress, nd Prince Imperial have lett Paris for St. Clcind. • The Itentes have been 'affected •Onßecount of tt* drought, yid the atiticipatioe of an utisatis:- Etetory harveat. In view of This ntinOtton Corn . dealers ,have telegraphed to Amen* to ienpa, and thelkinubliin Prinef antics:large . ' orders at.e.qtain prices: 5 - ' , <'-' - . , H. - PrtES,MIVNTION, Of .1 W 11.—In I tile _,.tcsa.z.r.s tir. GETSIE C r IVI I:, tor A tit l o-4, 1),,r -. Iteinsch giVet the following direct ohs. for this Ikirpase:—The wood. upplaneli, is to be Placed 0-..24 hour* in a liquid composed of ionc part•pf neentratedl,isilicate of potassa , and , thrOd •of 1 re water. After being removed anti dried for Feral days, the wood b; id again to - be soaketUn t is liqu, and r after being again dried,-Painted o rer with a stiiture of ono, part of cement and ,T failr parts of the above -liquid. When the r.. i lit Post 'of this paint is dry; the painting is I be ,repeated twice: This paint mi;rture Nilld ,oply. be . made up - in pintail ,quantities; i it rapitilv beeoines dry. itrul hard.:' Wood ta us treated beconies - uninfiammahfc, and goei ;tut' pay underground. , • -.... , .. 1 !!• Oencrot iroticts.' . . s.le.enta a!lineVora; each autaanutat tps.• tun 13,genta a Hue. •.~ - ..M.t.NY littETsit rather than take nauseous luirdi..•. tide and this Is notlo be Wondered at, as the ram= edy is often worse than the disease. - rfulfererS . Item efoirghs, coldsilrilluenza,-sore thrnat. or tendency to AN orsumptiou. Will Mid •Itt-Dr. Wistar's Ilalsar4 or Wild ellerryis 'remedy as agreeable to the paha as egectual In it... Moving disease. "., ~ , itile.4;gOrrlasT Won AIC lig NEW Yon. W.-3114 ii-- *en known 1111.--aur fitAhlotiable esbclety for her lA.. ' anirue appearance and betutljul 'enniplexhrni Was ' (Tee a sallow, rough-skinned girl, elm:tuned. at hey zed. freckled thee. tihe pitched Int.o'Hagan's;'Shm,. India Balm, *nit is now as Pretty in ismiplexihri as she is cluaMing In manners. This article overco r l reps fr.deklesilgn. ss now newt, nudir-patchesaing.nl3l QS, $.! .;, and makes one.look ten years yoangeri t an t ex arc. ;Magnolia Balm for a transparent ir m- - p exion and Lyon's Kattittlenn to make the air p eat Ifni, laturiant.,lprft toot delicate., haven() Chilli.. ' t to Kathairon prevents the hale (min turtiltigAttay; e Aiticatelvdindruer,afid la the trod dud - ctie*pest d Caoilng in tite„Anrid. . i ' . `rii. i s- ,( -i.. *he . Y.Qoa Zraii POTTsViLLE; Jlti e, i'szo The quantity sent by Railroad this weei is • i;i7sl,3a;g:li yi t C ' .4 p4 11 11 1 6 1 7 ' ; 3 1;, 9°5 )r th ;* e in c i. orr tl e i s e pon e i e lit , gt i le i:23 k: i 1: .it, year.l :. ! . t -, • . The shipments from-this - Region comParpd ulth last •Iveek have fallen off about 13,00ionFi . cltesed by cessation of easiness on the ‘4 ; t11 , 01 J 103% - i ' - 'The increase of -tolls amounting to DO rents and SI 304 n coal destine :far shipment ~fruit Pot Richmond, and .10 Lents per - tow on the di, has already affected the price of eintl here. Pfirehs-sers arc not% , only offering $4 25 . f0r coal ft) ;shiputent, which before -com,niandgdt.4 75/i .a if f 3, pee ton. On: the fine - oficsitirsel, wiliFre ' th y arc compelled to obtain theirstippljesfrOnt :4t huYlkill- etninty, the reduction 101 /MO lie f soiigreat, ;but iofl the quantity isent 'to m4ritet trent this . ftegiurr,more than one-half has I.Pten slOped front jpOrt Richitiond. The. l'hilll pl la 'lyo4 Cotppany particularly threatenS t r-. it I,y under this, intlieticin, and declaredl, that th 'y had:onade extensive contracts, and - nt nded: - its &flyer*:, old' tells., , J le P P . iitlentiof thOlaileraWeettitiany clamant ed' thii, Prpof;and itAvonld.h.,' alloived,* Tito: p e vafragons with regard-t 0 the starting of tit -ir collieries 'after tht.2,- had ilgued an agreetri lit ;tilt si', Were of such'ic eliarrieter that fnt -re \s" Persons will believe . anything they alts r t, WilluVitt ample proof. ' ' • ~ . ! ,tIM President of the Reading filiiraa-1 Crnit pri fait pally agreed-to reduce thlis,.. ,t.C., if the tidier 1 ; , , p. :ties weuld.:nsake a corresponding red inl.mti : tolineet the, fall in , prices generally. Theiejol ' li - v . !tilts k to make a reduction of !tipy Cents per : tan on eoal; ' and .ottered a lia*ircif a4:,-eS whitill theY deemed fair, to correllond 'tit this reduction—but the leaders of the irking:a - h.:Lk refused_ to. inako any ie.luOion ~ iatever.•ll.lln.ornied-thd trade, and als;) Ser i i;e thee elcaders.iif the men, that -they; wohld - 141- . , n the toffs In. con Sequence of their laYihg F r 5010n.4 .att.,,,the result of they refusal Ito 0: e a tiy iiisl hetion n hateYer. fi r Avaited tin pie Ist ii.lnly, expecting that the men whithi t!ke sotne..eonsioll,4 by that t i in e,bri t lrii,. i i t g lised and did not go Co work,' Wittl the al4frO t on.of these' who are resisting the denrimrs le men, he.has made file adVance.- This ill 4 I Illt;direVt ofreducing s the price of cotilli- . more t ly than was: asked in =the basis inr this ;;ion, and those operators 1, - lid were taiking • advantage of. those: . who wow .ri-. • Ong wrong, ' :will now', have to ;- 'sty tor 'submit 1.:; the reduction hi the 'priiN;k - ir ;i'n)ftlieir profits are 233` large that th" y sellyoal at :$2 25, an , P,Pay. wage.; .911 a . I t wa 4 , wit; ME ha+, we presume they , will continue to Wor •. If theyeannot, we presume they will stop hist). 'air . working has ‘cnabied the - men 4,, , R hoid Ait. naiieh longer titan they. otherwise &Uhl hat-e dintZ!, ,andlu some instances the men haVe bet n, aid Ito do j!so by•those with - were working, bY i ' false reptirts, 4:e., so that the other A•ollier!ts' Aida be hek shunting, atyPthus keep iiii the prii e of coal to put money in their poCkets; re girilless,of the,intereSts of ,emsunters and] thi , only interests of this I:l, , • gion -and.elseW hert. Whim the trade 11O:4 resnintsin fral;iinf. t, t he r - r wetwAKWhiell a few of those Who arc work it c g. 'null:used, May recoil hpon themselves, [ NNe has mthose wit have ivi. - latell agreements in the present contestOry I have to find markets - for their product ando7 the m i. sypathilzing friends when the artichi-C . i . 13e dbtained•elsiewhere: - ! , . The Pt - ,,,,,..1tEc0m,, of Philadelphia, of 434 7, spies that an7"arratrgement was perfected 14- . tween the Operators and miners _of sepaAkili c.t)tirity last week, by which, the miners were_to.3 continence on the sth of July on the: basis of 4 0 per:rent. reduction'on the eontraet price of 1! . i4, with eight hours time . for all work done by the daY„! Our informant,states that a majoray if the Operators Were and are now in favor of; tills coMprouliSe. ite." There Is not one ltoiil If truth irr the above. No such arrangetitenCwas I entered into; , and the informant, whoever he ht, •,, hag rated :whitt was 'absolutely= false. - •I'ileri! was: 'mly - a feriort . that the i:eneral Council i halt , Para such er. esolution in theirseakdoil, whir 41 themay havPdone, because 'inany-things:,at don`' in secret: !in .the. Councils which are rof prof?ulgated,l .o:wept as rumors and 'are i pup il Out iii." feeleri t i: ',bat as far -as we can lean:, il'e , su:thipropost On *a made to the Coal Opera!ork 0 :!'ew.icirk l oorrespondent writes a.s', f 4 i ' i ..' ' .4 . 1 ei„ lows` r . i, -',. , NEW I '. ORK.. - JUIS,7. 1470, 4 i Vile- halt stlifeneclinoneeably as a natural 1.. quea e orate' clrcula4lssued by the Beading.nam., road :1 comp:ll3 ; N- andL the Schuylkill Navigation CoMpany. - It Is that these documents , will _ serveito materially Je.sen the supply far this nuirtr . ket this supposition together with the fact that 4 _portil! s t of the Hazleton miners. have struck, inn(' rump that the rest of the Lehigh IteglottwOl 114 'ldltt pa and after the 15th Inst.; has tended to - mat/4 thing* lively fora day or two, retail dealers gener-1 ally ; 'riving small stocks, and trade mare Chap ort dinar ly good. - - 1 ) - (Ak purchased at Kale last week iri.regarda jar ' good; n vestment. and I have heard o[ some velm .hard ready Incited an honest penny by selling out theft' urchaseat a slight advanee. .- •-• , ! l WI eitbarrecoal Mould& in New York via chard ; is By cents more Allan prices which I quoted: lasA week viz: ` , 1;/ I Lnitil • - • ,1 5.14) St. Boat , 'S.i, lirokon, - ' 1 Ili Egg 1.. 5 '2l Stove `,, '' 1 5 tit). 4 Ipf:ii lint ' I ''', - CoM,lgnee pays discharging-1 ' • 1 VeKsels are more Pleofe and freish ts earsler. iTfrej , int rOdueers or the l't.:e w cull of..Ladtna- labor 811 it al zr;al Which In-a better cause what,' be eammeMdithle.: , hut thus tar without Klteeess• • , r ,•t' ..The i re W . :14 'souse _dill - lenity at Ilail'etOMbc-; tweel Pardee 'Jc. c co., and. his employees with ri!garil to ictiseS. .The men refusing to six:: the' ; 1 usuali leases: They were aiteredin some respeetsj aryl ibey reused to sign the altered leases also.-1 ' 1 ' i. • L wherethey presented a lease,'to whi,kli . .51eSsrS . : 1 ; • . P3r l Itr Et ' EI.; objected. • The. men idoPpeill Nvfqlq lint it wits..reported•lasti;evening, thatl the ditll64ltr had been arranged.., We cannot v4 31 0 3 : 1 for 04 truth of this report. . . t'. "1- • 'lt not I)elievell that the men in Carbon!andi IMzel,no counties will turn -out on the . 1 4 7-ith inst.'s:TkeY understand their own interestritoo4, v‘ i ell.tO be taught in suelia trap: -• ; The!tracle auras up this week-as' follows! ~ ---- i . PM, j _ TOTAL.WLIILK .TQTAL. .1:10:4. -- ll rviette„ _ Ph. 8 If, R....;.1' 7A.111.3 1,471,05: etch ILUdal-...... - 1+,53: r. - 4 Ain 1., via Il t lt Stlt',' 3%,,,1.: 1,137,316 LV It littli . • , . L. Ca0f............ (1,..971 141,611, 1... N ay 1t....:. : 8101 ,_ 2.1 .93.1 Scrap 14th t : . LIZ SOS,IIo do.Ntb i 1 76.1 Zr.". 967 i Penn t! IL-1. .:4,1'.7. 473,12' do it:onril j. - ,17.7' - . Er, ..,109 • :.,..4t,toS D S. II .14. it _ i . 4 - .. 1 1 k 4.4.11 Wiontitig Su.' i'iti, - =Ali WyorOlog l'ill P , ~ • • . I 1 Stumm!, In-:- 9,..17), • !1.1.1,147 . ... i "1.9.4h1 Et .3. ~..r. ! ` - ! • ' ' 1 „ormat TlVVirt 1,1;1 '14,1172 .S 11011: :LTA ; • 74.0i7 Likepl ‘1” Co.. !:,1•13 • • ZARB • %/, fa • sum... - Sig Lk. Col.; , I • 1. . I -1.!,;10. 776,1g0 Bititthitwiii. • . 171.vit! be et, b. b. 1 412.1t1 ebri Lta.q.,' it 1,43 W:1,44%, 30;CM 791-w: 11=12 MOMM . . . I , , Thit. shipments , fur thesweek. are 3.;#,414 tons, triusi '&2,038 tons for:the eurrespending "Weo.k last yettr. :The ay.erage.sidpritents - last year, in eluding Cumberland coal" w - ere up to Docent:bet, 3561,090itans a weelc.V At this time Wit year:the Anth anl4 •ite and semi-Dituutinoits trade wasibe itind ,l . ~3 &1,900 tons ; this trade . from the same. regi are now about 1,500,000 teas 11 . 2414 of list Year: Deducting the increase in Cumber:— , r edsl last year to date 215,773 tot*, sr* were behhidl4B6B, Ally 10, 3511,036 tons,,'etnbrieing 'all kin . . and we are now aimeda het dear in,- . , a•Plpti.s.l ALITCY-71U:i1A AVOTLI • Only eight hours after , and no huller .I.)er•-• Milted to Make over ti a day 4t the usinalwtirk, anti if he did ,the I.4lrplus. NO.S• t 4,64 paid into the Treasury of thi , ,AssoeiatioU. If the men in Carbon and Luzerne tthe'eonipanies!`xcePtetili, will not rabldti by ttda' resolution, then tee pee :muthe Schuylkill, Net - thumbed and and (blunt bia counties *ill cut, loose 'and :,Arta N.lasis In dependent 44 the i4her counties. OtTurtiotare hoW making, to in4nec the tne# in Carbon runt Luzerne to accept ;the terms", of the reselution. :The leaderS prole.-;ti fie-be deadly' Opt . pied tit the i';mtpatties, but thekeanittint'work ikareleritur their interest)4 than the Companies are' doitig themselves.. We know that mane of the leaden' arc-stupid,' hutWe hiirdly think' they arc as stn-. phi as that would itnply withant tkingPaidiwell • for their services, particularly when .some-Of them change'-their 'ninths() sutldenly.- of ours-once visited X,7iibilit ohlain soi , lie Owls o( a deceaied person,' whieh!'according to the. laws of the country,wbuld Ivtve gout) iniel.ho treasury; f. ),s they were articles iv hieh he 3 1 11!.liii-d he was told - lhat some of the l.istont ItousOf lieer-s'were-very slonpY oeraitonallY. diet• the °dicer and.lbok+tl at 11:1W anti said I think, you look sjetlk. lit reAied. , that w drosy—he siipped an' 'otthee of „gold - in his ,hltnd quic!tly, and he was a remit OleOp in an instant, land dm not- - get awake dmimll after ho deft with the coveted artie'le4. •'yht; s y- thit.tay that smne of the - leaders in Making Visits to Philadelphia. and lelsewhere, • chamre their mindsal,tmett,as snddenlY: . of, July, therefore, lion, unless thoke who desire , to - .3.10'..t0 work ;Should refuse to pay anather c..trtt. into the Tata ; sury until . the leaders listetaßl. - tollictir desires, which they otightt to do,. Hilda - would oim , settle the question, a,',; Remy dr the leaders would - Rolm .desert anything that haid An,'empty treasit. Pry, which would nut e permit them_ to take out • • their salarie:• , , they always {aka cart to put .I.otOlth'eir poelets tirstt, a:: they, throu..iii' thrir Nends, einitroi the furet.t. . - "Wo - timiel - r;tatol thaC ~o nte,twO tir titre. , collie:h.- I L have net•yet restoneii:atol mAhably the ne'w rmh , r; Inercasitic the tells on the lteadl int' Railroad will elte-e mow: more to sthp. This must rerhilnly etc the 11,kilt in/ les.* the limit, Webtlßroti•il imnrove.4 • Till' tontine-on the N.T. 1t..W., tor , the,, halstnee or the season, will • doubtless tx, eimsictertiPly In- . I r 4d -• . , . .. •In "Sell fay Ik i I !etitity !wise, .i - i•iil3 . • tWo or the . -firms have eituttieneed 'woyli. that s i gn e d. tied agree willt,. the l'hilatlelPhiaCealComiNiny, and they - • .re-ttnstiiiii msly denounced' s ,ioiil -of all him° and confidence bY, the trade, MO they , any refuse to•ladti n intercom - 1:e I..With' tivii,n , wink . control it.. The •other they did not think worth .noticing, and tratel it with .Silent, ejtittinipt..--: The coal operat ,, rs are in the right in this 14-, leit, .and tilJ,: li4dets: orj the ,NV.: II: Ai haVti placed their men in the . v;r:oftg, purely: from . nionve,i, in withholding . infortnatjen fmni thrill ;.mire if wrong sliould triumph, with Suchleaderljtqlnishies of the Itegion' t ifill be rui nett; and hi less than , Einar mOnth4 martial law would have Jo befproaliiirned in the c'oun ty, fot the pra l ,teclion of ffie - tratle—or:dlihe 'lieri&s would have fo be grotiped ' into a l:ow i%inpanies, and Pa orkei.l as e i. ompanies,l who. wOuld• unite as a tin t; . protecting the trade -the satire as the mtnpais are now doing . in JAI- . 1., aerhe CountY, and those leaders would . he re .spotoithic,,,for this. tdeed Chatige: to proteet , property. This wm14.1 he the only... Alternative, because no business could squad a year tinder • the • exactions these i,gnorant, • leaders ! Would mai': e, who do. not understand one single busi :\ nest principle, and hope to 4:trey all,their nieas: tires by There brute fllrce, tepirdlefis. ef.fighi or Wrong, as the editor of the INtosrrott.lirtjitiated" in his speech atWilke,Sbarre;w Well ‘Vrislii sill): stance—get tine wages demanded; . whether the p:ice.Webal dill affiird thme 'or not, Streh was T ~ , the, report of his speeeh in the Wtlkesliarre pa pers; • . . resolittion w:i , laclopt , Ni by the E'NeeTttive 1.1 , ,ar51 of the It. A. of Ltizeine : , A [potion Wd.4 It/Opted [bat eaeli ai fries 'yhull dl_ ci4etheworkwith`thebn,ther•.: now eatt on 11 strike lu gchuyikill stud. tlio , e work inc; two-iturfitell shall Work three 1 , 1 , ..e-buttilefi • t,, work four ; • rtrul.four-hatolell to work sit. front and oiler the first driy of July, or be tire:l.ll Onto thu organization. - . =M! l'ort Carbon nO Putt Nth* , . fit) : ltay.-41 • . 11.11.3. I on Total - Coral f tr ` .4- ' l ' t.. Co ur onipany'x MO. Total for Week...`l.ltLs year ••• • •715: . I,ICBJ}M d •3931. - 49;115D dm' fri; 0 1 .61.''.'i,61T,3•C ' 7.: 1 11 •••" 149.U10: MAIO :C.,Xl' • 'Z4,404' r,rai 73,1:19 41111,933! 1009: 2 ./..101 =SAN; . ...,51:•.4:17 • 14 . 1.9.41 jrklits ‘ • fr '";•' . . - ' 33 •=rn .11 .fuu, 6,811 d . 'll3 4.1 • 234 ' • 6 C.lng , 1117.1041 =OAS, 4,3=1: 110, 4:1 44,17.1 . • • 9 . 111 7% V.1.7p1 *.t Total.-.---..:...... To Fa:lse - Mile lAA year. The feJlowlih; is.ihe quantity tranihdrhed last • • Wet*.Tll.2l. • Mine Hill &S. If. IL _ 12,538 al l -1 34144311 11 .. , 4,312/ lt. 73.439 13 Jllll Chwk_ Id 7 -• . ..<1.4135‘.'..%5 13 mt. Carbun______==, 11.1 1 . 13 113.13 C. 4 I .4.1115 °crud , (11. V.„.1.27 13.1 :19,,m' • , 77,c4.3'! IM-1,140: - - -141pli 43,411: it,"l7 j . 1104 d' t:Ara • GAM' . aan zima, . Quitotnyliegit innt bp . planit: on -o.lpir4 ay hist Ams oi t!, . • s * 47- I L - -xi -- ; ' Wyoming -- __ ....,, Hazleton .. ..: —_._.. --I 17,411—.:.......—,......„ B. 11ta1ir—...—.........._ . . Naltanta t --.—.—,..:. ..--.. i 2.7:1 .111 Andi ank-.—.. .1 v - Total. - . —....'—. 4...--...: ' . .z..:3—:.:-1 ICAI Bonze time lilac reat....1 ". 74-7 - . ......_,.. 1 , V ..-- . ~. ~,rte ' • r ISS,910:11 ts,M3 .8:11.2114 =X46I: leAlen 7,M1 111:6W 1.4,64 gATC MESM 1E I.o4toisl I ..--sris i i . ,g,,clipal COAL AN.p . 14,11,017103 Co/trill.: -• . . - • ...---1-& f . The following 14 Ihe quaylia i wt coal iiiirripot , led :by, ihe a Canal and Railroad tilt' Le li, Coal alai Say. C4a. for the t veer ending on Saturday. rive! Ra 1a i • ' • .. qi -- • '1 serum! ravret. 1 4-- rtirCenal,..---•—,;--....:-- , 4 .......-1 !i lebe Co* was do:tired me . .. ` - , ' lritz!..l l Igtom Wiwraia m •--;.-... - 34,34 ' : '.1117:41$ [sme dia. to 4 Vat.,3l. a& itaito 'i. l' .., • , .... J. ..., i,.: ' - Tlbtse-7-'--v-ir------" , -- ..,, • • ' - .' chiding' 4atithe'rlsod.:boalos4,l4olpos: :We* shipPed•for,the week 354,41 f, iiniwilate the 'average tonnage of4ll,..klndsloi4l'enta Peetint; ,, • berl, WWI tp!:l4 , fburv4c.didruit ens brnee-Ciiroberlandig our tablet this do requires the idurre ritures•bii be glvinsii that thetrade abrw .. l 'can 14ndersbatid...iiie :With all the present. Collierleistandlijirjdlt;...sii.: are•still sh4d and piUlnlng on ilistai.orage-vOek ,ly'7ihiptubrits of lad 'year.' Our liguis'AO not please settle Of . ;.those*ho are anxious to"rnn the..prii , ;es-of* ; 4130 see a tendency that iray - iu goitre quiii • ers. i ; I Y•g gibe the facts its they Are, amt .- lea V, r e i• ,-, underStatul the busiiiss tti driw, their osyn• • •(”1- . elusions. Xt : ery ,pf'..i . surP.:conyersaut- :with .; the ,trade knows that-Itiles., .P • riqs compira- z tively low this the tiftlrket take the coal that is ;noc.golli:forwaill. Eiit;lr,.price'S lunyalt , nesit a few Specie:not& ahr.;::icl, they would tri the . •OroduecrA, 14 - ycanse it would put ii, wage , ' Ile rand wli4t they Ought to be, !arid carrying. vorupaniris,srouldini,res*ithe4tesoffia,tAsp!lrta- . t ji igher than What sizoUld 60 r hili e r . eireutnidauei. - ; and ;the tritiilxititlon it air okiir' stocked market Waal d • another skp page after 'the oalliericsare all; tarted;•;or 'red int • tlie price of coal to ruinous raitiltin.ttic coai-re whlch-inustiesult enhancing prices tit the c..iiisuluer. NVe wilt state hii reply Gi iliyniries abroad as :to the stitii ; of the% , •ltaAion. plat the , . . , . . .. ANEW Yon!: erWresporident yi4int4 Out sit .' e , err it!dn the prier, or St9ye erial at ...k tu.diozi last' wo•L•I'.. ZWO publishell jt.i:d.llo l --it puttift , t , ) ittito tnii!Al_7o. It wa , .; ‘6') ttton right, 'lant• iliererfor oveurred in setting i up. • It .i,s - n verydlidienit_ (t matter now - -a-days to keep..ti t :ores all eoereet in a printing oili,•r; : , even after:the . Yart• iii.ulZ , tili right. _--•, ' . ` IN. tlie , iihatnoliin- Ili•gron :the eoal .ois;rators . aria sitstispiewnsvand ha* soslittle .eoiiddenc . r In each other, that it. hag bet , . admcisd di n pe , ;•;si- Me to unite thedn'in thy-pr4.jetttorditeidi mutu-1 al benefit,so , lcntg as a :dollar isdikeiY to he made, ' and not Withstanding The agre6tnen't they enter '''l into I ' 6 ; 4 'P : tithe ago, a'. number_ er , irtineneetd work thiS , - on the 'basis Of ISfT." . i.wo `ave twi, - outleti to market st.uth, 'arid north and tvest,•• and Nave :in advantage' .!,)ta7r. -the . 'eltuyi kill' IteAlon in that reipeer; aticdWhile The trade is 'dull , south, it is frequently gbod atvili and 'west, and so bug :lA . : there I's :t elbilije fed . . any market, they see diliosed to go on.3n st;iti! ! ! 'iVany agreements they may enter ,litter . It ii' i This va , eillating eourse that lia:4 c?ausedilie lea;: . - of the NV. 11. A.'to niake demands, whit•h they Would not otherwise • niake. The'd•iliknokin 'I • ; 1 thinALo, of Thursday says :„ -• '. . ~..,-J • • ...Icni-Li,st: OF TOLI..S t.rx TIIE REAL/6:6 . /LsiILTIVAn SCIttrYL KILLTANAL:—TIIC lowing order iurii been issued by the PreSident and Managers of the-Philadelpina and lira ins Railrnatl: • ' • . READTN - Qqt, it. Co., • . rill LAD.A.. July 2,'lSio. Fronrkiula (ler 14,Iday, July ti, ls7o. and 'during the continuance of The puspenSlow, bolls oh Anthracite Coal to ail poi tits _will be advanced tiny cents, p-.r t on , an d no 4.l_,,;-FR -,,'. • - -P 1..' i i 1 'MAI 1 ,1, 1".' I,4lipt Iliciti,n ....... 11..... , . , :i (1/1!•! , ,' :i.l. /1 , i iro - /' , -ti ••1 K on ' '..._ 2 r.•" mitidircirt: 2' /4 'r 1' '..- . owlirrpo .., 2 i / ory.nioutt,,!.... 2 ra -; ' ,1 ' 7 7 Ellien..—..-...1-..... 2 If. : 1 :: 71 , Ptntlattet .... 4,•.... 2 11 ! • .1 G" • 11,141,4 „ :„ .. • .... 11 c. ,•1- -' • Pr wi , seato.., ; I ; 'Pawtucket 4! to. I, wt. ' 1 N r e1'110rt %; . , .....'.:.:. 1.78 i - "I 2• ! 1 1- n 1 0 n . ... :1 ' 7...1 i i 73 , 44 t' . I 'ltirthurr . . li. 2 1 ; • ' .iri ~ Appanclut; i4 MArliiii•lic•a/1t , 2 ', . 2.7,0 •Nantorki-t.,..,.. 1 : , - New; 1114 1 , M . 0.... I'r; -. 2, New 1..mu106,.... 1 7:, u • r... - Norwich .t tow I i' l .r. • NoW Ifureti4... I ,p, - no • titi&silort...ii.,... 1 ' to ' :I lb. X oewalt.-..4 i.__ I iRo • .... , ot --i r — 11:: 7 r ^ - - • • 1 It.i l i l IS J. , r u i l sp • , r ,it!g1111 To fort lUch i rn0n!...: 1 ,,....,.... ,'To o Ibi t lt .V . le n lphii.. . .. ;r, The . Tl(45 f 1 1 Icay 11:111 1 .atl'rrhTaonfo o.7,Grut Pit A!,lr wiic - dr / emits rto ll rlklutli or t r ,.,,„.:„, e,.r.„,,,,r4 IcrloirL. n INtit 110 mltdo , Ottl fartLe,7 uo ' , IA Nortflt• PN'E V/IN NilltiCll 01111114 .. 10 lli VW...114111 T.Elilil II VA f.1.1.1' j 1;7 . '1. 4-1.;•: - ' ' I'd • Elizl4petlip , iirt. ' I. V. It. 11....1 ...... ir.,,..i., N. J.. C0ntra:',....... ' . I ' • ~:. -i-,rt Sl.llllT4nr,',E irlir.r4o.>":;! ... *, ••L ,•4 . 1i ;,. ti - . 1. 24 To Port 3.11-/icii/G-i-••-••-•••-•••• o k•"1.1tli et Ili I.lly. ' ...1.'....: ..... • 'Froth l'con 1.1.4 . vc1t itt*rabei --: • - f:l* . 1.k.11:1111' Ir:L‘i:l,,,Vl tom i'criti Haven to Phillp•jbltre. I. N1,a0.,•13 I 11 )? 111 ;;Ip.Nor . '.7ll:itlch Chunk, to lt hp tom ai, iiiiiiiping aliq.whti, n5j0.;......... 1 • , • • - vx.t - Ct,' . N'AVN *re,, the rat , )i the'yt:r.,4 ME 01i!! (ro,', I.4z:nir l'4l l i 0 ziv.y Nop.x.• .- ' . ! Mi. earhcin.....;,:,..h.1Ta{:,,:i . : I . L(d:don. .; i.. -I'o , , -I 1)• , - 4 1 co , • ‘ i . 1, 175 1 )7o_ ; _ ' I :,.. , E ' ,! I' -2 , 4t' 1 . . ' k 1.77 . 3,.. .-2 r. 5 41 I I New layk and Ic3 , lilty - la4..ents 1,, • II it) Tqlll, 1:RL . P1114.. , f, ' ML.V.i . r'l,, ti.' Sell. Wtren., Pi.'( S linion II I , 7 4 DE, ~ -, 1 la 1 :' ---- • 7 -- . --<- ' ~• .'i , ". ,• !1 : :- - 1 , :t i , , . ; T ‘-......‘1,.. .'. 2 l` , ew I 6p.• and Iladol. liplda.... . 1 ... . .n),' , „ ut,ni.i4 , From Ton, rpqrlit.- 171 pur Con. rrnit s . pt. (•:,, T4ll-I . -1 Krftgbt IBM j . Thrtlti4h , tt, .1 - 3 • ----- :50 I 7 s 50 . • . •. t To...11•F• , •:•• For 1,-,taivnit.t) Abeertisenteitts. , - . . • , .. . , N txii:ERiENcED MALE TEACHER` A.[WANT.pD . o , talco 'eltarize of Uhl. tingratled sehOol In thr.ll:loligli of Pottsville. •; I. ... 1 :ii),V,n,, Il.11011(lSt1S., Szer'y DIAN.- 1 r ru l ly 11. '7O --Lfl-'2talt•—:-St. . • .- . ' . jil i ' . ' ' ' ;' • "F.I:tANK PA .It . .•, ~ ... 4. 1 F -,, . EN,GINICEIT.'S I.IiN:F.VI lit, .and 'nE NI. F.ATATE!. 'AGk".N . T. • 0 tiji•e— 1p..1:11..T1ii.1i.1.Ci.., PorrsviLLE, PA • jill3" 9 .-. 74—it , ' : ' • . i • .- 'i II rA.NTEtl—Teir4 (3;Thriclu , rs _rm- Tremont , . W.. .1r V . Irotntit slhools, One. ( I ) male Tenelter for seeoT4l. :try i‘(•tiool at g. in Or tohntti.nniit wri female True-14'1.i for Prlnviryr 0•11o'Os; at; -'_K1,....r-lito:ith. thy or.ltikbf the 11.0rtri1... , . l• : ..• ••,. t'. W.•llltOW.F:lt, ser!y. • :I tity..9. 'TO' , i , 4 . 1. . i: • i• ... ' . 2• , - , 2t 17011 RENT. — plilqniTodalous 'Three story lihtk I. 1 welliier..l.le:n:antly rattiated,nn Market streil .11e) eSixtli. Co Bprll I. 1571, with the privii(-7 . ,e of i rwi'":al. f4 4 " . ' N ° 1 1 . 11 11 er iltiL r i.,. I l l s ul zig r t e ttl ( Tmgo . Streist. .110-y 9, '73=:.--11-1:1i-2t IBM • - ourutus .vnu FILI 'ls', A 31P 0! N A MESTA I: TREE:4, VINES, •.l, S: IltE•13131.:RV : To RFC' 11titIVEFLF:11 NEXT TALL. "..,311.1ce,s .. 1 ,:"1.13,14.11Y, 157 Plymouth Aventi.t., Itochemter N. V. FOBIsAL ,-- . - /UV Ramttlton lan mare, sonnd and 1:Int1; 7 yours old; sorrotmare. 4 years old. kind' and gentle l 4 liarnems: 1 roan mare. 7 ye o irs old. gd.'sl trav'eler!nntitlispcoltiGn,Atitl I sorrel horse; j years: old. Spply to C. It. SPELLMAN, : • _; at FRANK '!.. Al Bhorse Boardinghorse Stable, •RallrOn•I tit., Volley : Me. July 9, 17a.2..1t-134tlt' - 1 HERS WANTERTIirce Tcachom' for Tthe 'Piddle 'SiThools of Orarlarihnnr. viz: 'L for 'Grammar Setiool,:a Trucher foil Secondary, tern' of x !now Iva:. 1- 're:ulter forr I'rimarr School % .ternr. 6 nimiths. Xpedicailoif will be' r nuue nn Ist Alonday : of August to -•: ' I 1 ll J. C. BECK, See'y. ' Joly 9. '7O-7.:14--4t,tt. ,' . • r ' WALTERI S. ''PIi.EFE.It, '• • ' . • t , •.‘,, , ~ , . . -en-IL I A! , 1D,,3111N11.11 - 1 ENGINEER,. - ;;: li ; • ~ . . . .. 180 CENTOE STREET, - ,-.I ) OItSVILLE, PA.,' ~ : urvey,: I.and:.i, MITIP4, rralliOntlit, &e.' Mr*Criil 'it., tellt 1011 giVVIII tOlde‘kgloplui; and superintending Coalestates.l! ..',l' I'. - July B,73—rris2T.dr. . ~ 5-20'S' 'AND litt'ars . `BOUGHT; SO 'D AND ~ EXCHANG , .-, ON MOST itfASONAlittE TF;HMN . • LD • ' .- i ' ~• ' , . Boug,ht - al*h P t , at z . Market Rates.' COUPONSCASHED. PACISICIBiILROAD BONDS •:... 1 1 t ; : . - • ,:. . , ' • . nptpawr 'AND SOLD: . ' , It ' ' • • - STOCKS''-iIOUGIIT AND SOLD: , • C0315i11eT510N.;0 . 4...LY... • -, CHIGAGO' OANYILI.E.- 'Rd .. VINCEIiPitS .. .. . flist Mortgamt 7 pp.. sent.'Gold gonds•'';; ' • ' " '•1 1 - - . 7. - , - - -• t. 04*.AL - K Av i ri "At,C , D AOClitfitD is•rrii*, ‘ 't.svutita.reiehri' iiiia."triterest ! funi) . .ccFii oiji:4is ,- .. ~:palanc;elirtatieqtct cheer, At 041;it. ' 1 ' N 0.401 - : : o'Ert:lilii.L.thrtirniA. -'.i. !Pizeb-111. "10 li le a :.- - • ' '-- , 1341, ' ' `: - .: , - - 77.'ff.' i 'ci4L - 4- 1 i:- -- 4F-sxv., - . • . =I . . PEpINS:NIZVANIA. F ~ i''t 71Wm. illirb7 the ted enitinii Oat- e.t141 Ansa . 4.= =ma r4flsi =IA r •-..1 ayas veriart. , 74ELL. , • sai.otti resis 07.21 EC M=ll . • •• %, Pt. • ..... I J. ,1 33 . • 1 23 A arlf • '. Ns 110 N' }irk : '1 1 :0 , 1,1z1,21011...L.1'10 ! RIc1110:1 1 21 • ' 1 1, 0121 is :2 70., ' 1100•40 p . 1 11;: • -11.10e011., ; j , 4 1144 0 ;•.;th5e,...' it; " ' Ilfoo - 04•0/1 .410 Dir.ht6”, Ilyannk 2 01 , , Nantuole.4 r. Iyl • (.11110 , .y taint ... 9 a) 1. 1 •01n,•r504....__,..„ 17S f• Wrymoutll • 2ut '/I)rierit ......... I I 73 Mr•tic 1 • • .......... ,• Cbar leNtost 2•U) QTATION TO TIP I. _ - C h. no 110 00 PO I ID 2VI 2 10 - 2 Id 2 210 :wen ari cent' (On tem, :grow. ILIonnIA per.tnn.44o..r. ,I,g allirtired on ull coal IRT) flro,O ; ~ I f.vwb.t.ek of tirrogits per tun ee. =I :4•AnttiS . . -7.. Iliflxiken... 1,.t , ..11. rt ....... i Si 3tori:- ‘ t. - ' / - :-. , X . . 1 19 1ti1,411,51; fi wharvln3J.- , 35 MD . , •- ... Wl;il7tiii7.74•llll-101; - : 2yl (MaIIIA.N; .R4ll.liOA b.' ' • ... ...... . ....... $l . ... 2 0) - ALS. POIIPAN Of toll awl. STi•lglli on 414,6. MI ' yon Abugtiimitts. LAND FOB SALE —The itatleralgnet. Estlen _Sara of the 'estate of neurwlieteer, deceased. lute of weal, Bratuittleic Towed,* Sch. „Co.. Pa., &Ter fur wile valuable Coal Land Inhaled in Branch *left at the Junction. of the Mine 'tilt and 'xilocuwit•.RWtiroad. which road' pi?,sses through • the tract. For further itigarinattian /t6I HY- .7.111- 31/pIMAN. o t 23 Coal vtt, , Vett:vitt°. -'- • luckily zimmitim. . • - • •• • nusER, 7. 1 0— t , U 4 stiaw---t; ' kxeck"ri• " itEKTTRAL RAILROAD • !.ctf. IOWA; 235 MULES IN LENGTH. • ,No' Nearly Conipletecl. Thls CoMpany Me- now pushing thetr work :for , ward with great rapidity. and the entire. ne neres-, sary to connect St. Louts and St. PAW ifi traded ander con4ract to he fittlabed this aera.on,;? The fact that this terprtse pas , been.irndertrilleWhy a coin binatlottctf leactlng .tllzeris and manual capitalists iaffAtelf.knocvn t wealth; experience; and ability. In sures lts Ohrly completion and future-success. rhertatdught he richest. and moat thickl. 'TRIO pattl runs on thro Town, nmt ls built in the Interests y ,of thegratt Nortlacin vsein of roads which centre atAt. Pout Tha' •; • .1 PMST MORTGAGE BONDS .. .. ~.. _ .... • of; the Company pttyl pmceiat. Gohl intered, free i of cloven went tax; add ate Issued Tor the very • /Matti am unt of 516.0130 per mile; For the present.. the unsoh portion Mr ; offered at ikiarel rimmed in tereitt-. The attention of.inveotors is Invited to' the fact that the road is now *warty finished, and taint.' the Security Is therefore entitled to a high rank. '•lii out oPintolvno class of investments htis been You nd so nniformly Safe antprofitehle as First Mort nnm etooplefe , erailrowitt. • ; TAR 1:34 cOmpaniesoperuting ae,c42o mileS of mitroal I n' the..NOrthern 411(1.We:dent States, on which there is a ticmded debt of tar5;..000,030, we know of bit, two -that depot. nay thetrinterest ecgult . nly, l ..Weielieve,there will be no more favorable time tO:isell theteovernmentti. and buy realty First-einss 114iimii &Turn I es—t.uch as these—than the present, After n „examination, we have accepted an • Asieney ow le Hate 'Of the above First Mortgage Minds. Mid desire, to recommend theta to our cus tomers' osjci'thorutkrnly awe-, as trelt as a profitable in'reslasfat: J4Y COOKE CO., 20 WGII St., N, will licxoteivcd rormvlt.Li.:,l..l.- • 's • , ESQ' of and' ftill iittornuiti nu rilaY Lc . 4 4 4 , '• ' • W. St4ATTUen, Tiwsuier. • • - .244 y 7, ( • . Bailrctab ibuertiscutnite. . . .DFLTI,' AttEIfPH.TA a HHADING• n. n. , .-: • P 1 . 1 - - . • , . SUMMER ARILINGEMEST. i . q.t.iir/aaV e . ' A 1ay.16 tl - k, 1870. . • ~ • • Great Trunk line fram Me „Vorth and:North weft far • 'I tibutelOtia, and Nem, York, Reading, ,PortX, r '''',„ettle,...ilitsiatitia; .datittius4l,; Shatnata, Lebo,. ' • J, wan, :411eaftlien, kasha!, Ephrata,. Liar, ', • I .' - - '! 1 , Loheititer, 'f.01244:4144, 4.. e Trains leavellarrisbnrg fqr..Nliwleork Au follows: At.V.rt, 6.10 .4. 14 . ,.,1i.:10 A. 31. and 2.59 1'.:61. coMieet-. lag with similar t rains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and aril ving at' New York at: 12,10 nolOn, 3.50, 0.05' and 10.00 P, IL respectively," Sleeping ears accozn-. party the 5.3.1 and 11.23.'. M..trodus . w I thuu t eititilge. Returning : Leave New - York at. 9.00 A. M. • 12.00 , noou,eud 3,00 P. 11., Philittlelphla at K. 15 A. M . any. . 3.16.1P.11. Sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 A. 51.. and ..oor..'...ll.,titiut front Nevi York without , Citallge; • • Leave iittisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tturia-• 'tins, AlinsAtiville, Ashland. Shamokin. Pinegraye. Allenthwn and Pitiladel phia, at 9.10 A. M., 2.50 and 4.10 P. M., stopolng- at Lebanon and principal' way "sta tions: tlre 4.101.„ M. train conneeting - far .I'laladel- phia,•Pott.Sylile and 'Columbia only. Fur Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Aublirn, via Schuylkill and Sligo uettunlia 4 4.101r0ad, leave . Harritiburg at '3. tO M • • P. ~ , ~, . . kaust Penit . ...yi% unlit I t irrst i Train:: leave Read lag , for.Allento n, Fla,ston and NeW York at 7.23, - 10,w. a. in., 1.27 a tit -4.43 p. in : ' Return I ng, 16:t vi• New York at 9.00'a. in, 12.01, noon, and- 5.00 p. la., anti Allen town at •:.q,, a. in.,_12.23,4M0n..,1.733 and A. 15 p. to.' Way' P • %ger Train leavoll'hilistelphia at 7.30 it, 4.1 A. 1114 conn c ling with . sitni Mr train on East 'Penn. Railroad; re urntrigfroin Reading at 6.33 P. IL stay- , all s talotis„ •. • - Leave l'otlsvilleats.4o,-9.00A;.51.. and 2.53 P. la., iTettdon tup A. M., Shamokin at 5:0 anti 10.43 A.M., Ashland 414 - 7,b5 - A. 51.,..ithi1.12.a•3 . noon. Mahatioy -City at ",51 A.. la.•'utat 1.01 - 1.: 11., Tamaqua '.t 6,34 A 4 51.. apd g„Di P. II:, for Philailelplait and New York. i . Leave Poltgoallle, via Sehitylkikl tind•St•sineltanna . • Rai Irolui atili.4s A. II; for Ilarrisburg„ anti 12,05 noen' .„ (or Pim:grove Ms), Tronon t., - Fterullng. Aecommodat lon Train, ,lert,Ye4 Pottsville. . at 5.10 A. 51), passes Read. ng at 7,30 A. SI., arriving at Philadelphia at 1ti.231A. M..; returning leaves Phila • delphia at 4.15 P. 51. ,passisiteading ut 6.04 1 7 '..M., al . • riving at l'Ottsvi Ile at 9,40 p, iii,' - . , P9; 141 14151'1 Aeiximmislatadi Twain,: leaves Potts tnwn- at 6.45 A. M.; returning . leaves illdiadelphla at 4.00 P. M. • • '''.'f,' ' - '.... • . - ' Columblaillailroatl trains leave . Readlngat 7.• MA. M.-, and 0.15 P M . for Ephrata; Lit); Lancaster, (..*,Th. lumbla, &e. ..' 7- \ . ' • Perk bane i Itaiirtgal It a Ins leit'l•e Perk kintert June-- lion at 9.00 •M. l 8,01 ot and , - ;.:.i.P..1i1.. returning, l eave SchwenksV Ile at A. 11., 1•2.4.1 noon, and 4.15 P. M.,' ' conneetin t tale similar trains on Reading Itailromi. ' Colehroo ^ ale Railroad trains leava Pottstown at 9.41) A. IL, 101 6,20 P. M.; returning leave ML Ileits=',.. ant at 7.0 U a a 11.25 A. M., connecting with isinillar ' trahrs on lug Railroad.' • • - • Y ' ' • t - Chester V lley - ItAlltixultitans leave 'Bridgeport at • d.3CIA. M.,.;:i. land 5.02 P. M.; returning:leave Down-, - Ingtown - at .21A. M. 12.43 noon and 5.1,5 R. M. eon: : nee:trig walk tamilarlmins on Reading Itailroad. - tin Sunda - s : I,eriVe New York at 5.00 P. 11. yid I - - atleinhid.B. -A: !I. and 3.13 P. M., the s.OO A."-If. tfain pursalpg only )0 Reading; leave Pottstalle at 8.00 A. I 11.; leave ILIe/Lsiturg at 5.35 A. M. and 4.101'. 51. leave Allentown tit 725, A. 51., and - 5.4:7N P. M., and Read . l i it , Tt t 7.11 11. and 10.05P:51,, fur ilarrisbilrg, at 7.23 , ' . -A I for 1,7 ya York, at - . 4.45, P.. IL; • ror Allentown, P •at, 9.40 M: and 4.23 P. 51 .. for Philadelphia.- --", Chi - manta ion, Mileage, season, 16ebool and.Exeni , slon Tlckc to and from all points , at reducEd. rates. Baggage p G ecked through ; pounds alloXifil each passen 'ex. 7 . t .A. N-IttiLL.s, Mats IG,'lO- J an . -8-Mtnyl General Superintendent, ' ' • F ilsOngt 7 ' Issi)R..WP.bliP'ool; AND titrE..thTltOWlst. •iNJIAN r.r.S:F; OF saltng fruirkNeW, York,' . • ' • • EVERY, SATPRIIAY. ' tt, • AN ALTERNATE TUESDAYS. • i And tiVice *eek.troni lAverpool and queen: Cown. siteerag . e csano tram Liverpnol, Queenstown, g Hinsow or • erry, nny.Stenmer •t lie Li tot: JOHN ,O. ALE; Anent, 13•11rarglw-Wy. New York, or. to ATULL - NEUIIT,Agent for Pottsville, Pit. Hay Lt, '7 20-dtit • , L rNR OF TRANSATLANTIC SHIPS. • . Yinlc.t4lasgmr; LondMulerry, €l , (I.twenstown' and II ambnrg. 4t.rlLs • OF. PASSIAQE.—For passage nr eommodlaus, coin fortable and pot her :hips between the' United .States °and fajtlnformatlon lu regard to rates of apply In person or by mall to their. Capt. C, F. GLOVER. • - Nn.,lp.ieentre street, 4-3 m• „ .• A NCHO • STEA. Between \p • t.t ce rpcx, I drafts tr. - _ line otsrea Europe, or f etc. Agent April '7 PASSAGE A.oElsirCy. TE.$,At, BETiyEEN , K, LIVERPOOL, QUEENSTOWN,. DON.DF.RRY, GLASGOW, ,‘ .App, HAMBURG. ' G ENER NEW YO LO Inv • L AND. lIREAT. WESTERN ITI 4 AI9DIII. COIPANT, V. N. NAIL ((JVION) LINE: AND NAIL LINT, iscrion LEE . 1.1131113 MAIL LIT&BP ELMER° ..tEtEIC.O* r.t. CIE ET Cllr AT.RppucTION 8: OF,.P.A.SSAGE: 1"-tA ;.; INkitly LINE. , 00 — 1 .and Queenstown, Fm ny Live, Grin:4o4 MArt, Ltnn. • , nol and Quetnistown,:.L., (K) :3u Ou , From Live To ~ • !' CUNARD MAIL . I and Queenstown,.. sa Oiom Liver Tu ' A, NellOß LINE. ti pw and Londonderry,,... + 66 Ilanwiran , From Ramlicirs,proviaiona furalshed,Gold,s i 0 00. " I •••• " Children antler 12 and - over 1 year old, half-t•rieet Infanta undbr 1 year, Id to New York: From New York, free. I • • . .. • By, Rambo,' Llr.e: children over 1 year and under 10 verve , half- glue. - • thrritittanmp for brans or Passage. Ticket,' eau he made,,..85" Eapsess or Post Ofldee..lloney Order, which will".be returned by find wail,. • . For paenagelor drafts by either Of the 41mye or fUrther ln f4rmatlon, apply in pruarur hr -by mall, to their agent; JUSE.PII IL lIICILt Hi*, • March 4. , -I‘l4 ‘ persville, Pa, Fro" m flag• TO AA DE 5.1.11 • ' EMI E2litil 'ROME !.I,tyEST.WENT. = = RY airdiEWISTOWN .RAIL OAD'COMPANY' OAD'aM,PANY' • .• ,000 Bonds, tvartug 7 per teyest lii Gull), Secured. by•it- ' - Offer 44,2 a _ First 0n1:37 areix.srsed In The Bo . i.slo 3, $5OOB and $200)8. 1 7 16 ( I ;u P t ? phla r 0* the n are 'payable In the city of Phi laael -4 Opt of April still °etcher, ,Free of 1 M LIe 1 3 ; 1 at .1) ate and j7iiitell Sl , ttcs Threw l eactit is 90 'and. Ac rued intereit in . Currency: ~. . ' This Itiatd, * th its connection with the Pennsyl vania Rail . at. Coal Fields; V Ilex nearer the Western' and &nth-, western tnark - With this advaintago It will coa trot the trade. e gamber Trade, and the Immense end valuable d tof ores In this section, together With the thickly peopled district through, which It runs, will 'went* it a very-large ar.dprotitabic trade. ''-' .-:.' • w*. PAINTEiI st, CO„• ll A!txnut. Dealers In Gov nment Seirorities, .l • .-V ' ' - - , • . . . . . - • 'le ;4outhTfilliD 8t. ,- Philadelphia., c ir tf "' . - . . • ' . -A'pply to . - • .....:••, • , , IFE INStiltAlieE•dc l'11,1781" CO. EMEril •a 29, CE§r/tE #4"nd EEO =NM ;. • c . ). IG3 CENTRE 8t:, PtittaVl.lle., June 30.10 ~,,.9 OMEN 1 chintsta, and f V - 14111.1 win p, • - --1112.45 id I 4874;:--, ABT/3.—A11 inalea ei COTTON WAI O ITZ prepared Inr , 311nere. Ma- ItaUrea& uNe. ^ Ail Went received romptly attended to. ' H. B. MIRY & North , ' Front Street. Pbtladett4da EL O. ILLEFAIR., 187 W tailtAN Edo.. JACOBRIEGEL & SlCO24lllo.2l3lllettBt, - Ibr Goos*ft..lrAdodlor • its, C. thaw. este dirjacob • 80.. ?Mid& ".laa 22, V-4&1*17. i f v 9=l • &aim addars 064 No. WS nub. )3rah - trs _ . • • 0 DAVii es 60" • 3113., tr i S, 111 ‘ ,114* Stokilli.AAEl.lqll,t; • •GLUDWOO. iSkAndUT;Nii-17 Turk - . HAN titi3 'AND 'BIZOKEIIB. . . allefulaterest. chi :- temporary Or standlne d posits:and ex sent orders proraptty ferthe porvnake And sale of UoNDs AND GOLD IN stratus Dimet ksio - tatimleistion 'born Mc Pt UR house tei N .w YorIG . 1.350 a1..11),-2MG,Sot . . I'IVPR & 811117Ektilq?.i; • • . • • • BAN h. F.B . AN D BROICER6,. 44 .stitom. PIIICADELIAILi. • nut:Ks. I.l . oNlei and 1 1.3t4YETIN.Iii ENT. SECti RI TIES bought nntilthid strictly on eenntssien. Dir.dtt,xas ix Gatlrr,Bl.z.vx.x .A 01) VoustoX.Rolltrse EteingfmernberS;bf the Philagleiptits;.sinek Ez change, ill order* Ontruste&- tn . ear earn shall re ceive pretupt attention_ •-• • March K. . : lk I Lit I an S: ket sine Cream, OR autgrkr. • -:` . • •:' • • : 1 JANIrS - RIP4Z..PATRICK, , of Norttr[ Atianbeirit Town, tilp: • . . Subject to dept fohtof Rtyzibilean t'onnty f'onecn. lion.. •• ' ° • juLY•it.lti: , -1-If-l'l4J,lf . WILT HO • -.ION. 1.1 I WOO tTil - Ni Propri4stc,r, • ATLANTIC CITY, N. trwata' ti-twee. of C'Ottect Stati.s an the i h.. 4611,114 otrth6 oc . Part. • • Itlelll7CF.ll. • 7 f vela tint I ,botc9jer I. ...tune .• J. , -;k7=l:rit • = J T'.l 3 .oXT.ei • . . , k;LAssrAliE, A N t'lts .256 cExviti , rorr.l5vILLE. • icrelvea, !Nii:':,ter • Cilottsricr- Tueeitt Splwit; Stob clitto..luueit I Oicil-cpiii; u/bitws'i• with rim, to' tie oVerf Wlr-tight=:ilo other Ptsti it - dais: IC...rtei ;ma, \Ti r o.? -JWIT 1 3! - • LtIVIS•4--sozi suip.vEl9lts,, ;it'd ,no.Bakier‘ and lute:rfqinc ttalna to ,Ilandal . OF/IC$, No: 9 4.:sgeon D POTTSVILLE'. • ... Being in posinftsal n of n hlt ze collection of ins oflandaixt &Amy lk Wand 4 , 1)40 Inst coun t leo, 2L4 well as coplivas notes r peeling the tines. inferferenees tale salea;.&e., toe ,l, 'llhiiLta ftiVe Vaill.11)14. I eforina. Win' to Ownelrs; el/intim:int, and thosesteNimus of pur chasing. -- ~- 1 : , -, ' ( Feb. s„ 10-07-ly . . . , • TIELLEVUE ,OA111).Eilil. ; • . . 4 -• ... NALI.T.S..D.T.FI.REAL 1 7 ,.;TAT.Iil'at rItIVATI: SAIE., ..-The ttuderrdgned; vixties to §eli , her real estate, known its BEILEVUE VA 11. DEN, sit uutgil 4 n Ittitint s etttboh., and lellLitlipme of It -on .reasonible terms. It eotudids orxiimt tervs.of lutA , l, ul trotted at the toot of - Sharp MoutAtalti,, apposite 4 he. MatiNlint liouse. The hubroveuttintil couidAt or'4l large Jitree-ittory Direllitt4 Itutim'e', and Outhulltllnkm. , •AI&N one Dou ble and on•&t 4 lnttleT.ieo-story Frame Itthrse-1. T i l id 0 dr' it lieuritifa - rdower• and littaudi Garden. laid out In terruotei, enntaltilott heiddeir eegetattlea ' and' duty -em, stuff cholee mitt trees; grape tin es. - shrubbery; .t.e. - Fot.further punkt:ll46i to ~ apply on the tire:al:4.s 1 , 1 Itsii. C. KI EINERT. - June Ilii„!7a.- - -,V.---ni ,• •• • . - . . ..- . .2_____.a..___—:._ j~fiTCE REDII ( ~ED AO d . 92 TO 51. .11Wobbnge V rleed. - _ _:.• t2t4is : sixonkiers* iti...:: 4.. i.„ Voli ; SeirPobWies jilpsLlVlTi 1 , VEAL -0117 i p oi VEAL-- -- - . -- gigr'l , ciA , ti kocenttuttUtt'4l . ..2l".- - ...,1-4110,it0 ' “„,... 21 . I l k Ificithitiatter44lo...:-41 , 411itit I.loe, _ stn :.. •s' . cutiqus ij Itt:,:.-_,....... - --00 ,1 4 1. firalALM4' . . Prime Oysters it MAL, ,11 :n Ptio • , 0 00t ‘ .15430 , ',-,,,N:. :aologusolumweitithr2t -11,Pramp1ug...,..;016•--7--", NI - , - . ~ ,J ULY. , ..1.453, /0, 6 FOREIGN. cu ~vcrl~.~~~s e Irno(e map. 18 00 14 2030 1 io CM II EMI MEM $ r, .13 7,, 6 50 a r,o ° 3 25 350 . 1-40 . 110 1 10 .. 1 20, 1 ZI 1 1.1 2200 150 213 00 1-.