ME Fp RTY- T S XTH YEAR. COAL TRADE ,A_DVERTI art Ricljm*. -•! • • • Fier No. 4,, Fort Cirkassat, • , . riit4 Na ir. part iiirhutoud. , ~ •:, • :e • ' i WELD, -, NA GL &. c 0.,, 1 ; N. .. CO.,LIED:AUDENI NORTON & . . Diners and Skippers of the Beat Qlailtiel{ • - -- . '' .. , . . 1,04 . 1 . •=,T Hot:STAIN AND BLACK lIEATH . I '• ilililers and S hi ppers of‘. '' - . ' or' : C OAT,S . , . , •i i FIRST C L ASS COAL ,• 1 r 1 For Mulmiai•ttuitig and Domestic. use, and Sole ' I . ' , . LOCENT 31 4INTAL'N., • ~ Agents t o all markets . . : • I•• Ervin our 'iro largiiinderlebrated Collieries ••• . .. FOE. THE CELEBRATED ' ~ , - • '' • ':' ....iuzei DELL, - - - —...-•... C.. F: NORTON & o. '•l' I l'r IL KNOT WIIIT E A S H., AND ' • A- CONTINENTA47 ' GOODRI DOE * ACDENRIED. • .. "JACKSON LORBERRY".COALI4. • ' --•• • ' ' (20. - 4‘ Mainut St. t Philadelphia. 7 1 • . , • LOIFIBERRY, . .. I 11HI•e$1 : . 1/u Itroadway. New lark, , • Free Burning Red „Asti, and Splendid Preparation. . i„ It 'Doane Street, Boston... - - i • mi.KETT tI,LIERY, ‘. Owen. Long & Co. 1:, B. WELD. „HENRY' W. NAGLE . ED. SUBRWI. . mir,i)Li, CR EEK COLLIERY, C. Colketi, Frels.r• • - HENRY A. RICE, dit„, SHAMOKIN. • - f.: COLLIERY, T. Baumgardner, Frest. titan) and Unites:v.-. also via Selmilkill mats itooessible I , ;butitri: • - • Jan. 1, '79 • • Pier No: 5, Port: EUltunond. ENTERPRIS . .I.oeuAtlteu Li - A A $-- - -Sz.'-.BRENIZES, 1 I'll. ; . ' . 1 " . : • 'i" ppers • (320 j (m e ek': 4 Ill; Miners and Shi of• - A 271 - ,•• I JET. AIME , . TIIE'SUPERIOR. . - ' CHAR. D..",( 1 .Tan.l, "70. TU fl KEY:- RUN COAL, .1 I SNYDE 4 A.V:t .. SOLE AGRVTI4 FOR , • -... e Lee, Grate & Co..' Celebrated ; .l; ii t,I)I) ~_ . . ) PLANK. RIDGE A COAL...i 'j : 'i I 1 • ..) 211i•iialnnt St.. Philadelphia, , sofa , : efeavra - 1 • HI i L o r o ln n it e y Deilding, .iew York, ' I • St. ; Beaten.. PIN re:11 (9, '72 ' - : . MEMO I W ELLINGTON. CASTNER, STICKNEY ,&. WELLINGTON. I - L°T-• I 5 "'"N 1 - I:• Jan . '7u Miners and Shippers of:Coal. Ple* No. 13 iort Richmond. Ili: FINSI DE from their Buraslde Col. at Shamokin. ' nk. - . n, it. P. cloimoir, 11. P. nsafmir.3l. LENVIs VEIN (Red Alai-) I.94XST AIOUNTATti (Whi Newe Ash.) ' ' .. *' 'F' 1 REPPLER,.GORDON. (CE, CO ., 39 Trinity Building, New York. rlint..44: /203 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. };- • . • - • 2.0 Doane Street.; Boidan. ittittEttl Attii ittur.t•Er.B OF WJIMIF ..N1). t, PORT nwiimexp,nirLA. ~ . , • • , Jan. 1, ”, - 4f. _ i • . ~ • ~. - - .1— : Locust. Mountain, Mammoth Voin,.. , Red. Ash, .., Lorberry, and . -TOWER CITY, LYKENS VALLEY COALS,: • ( 11 r ilntSkr 7g . I'ln t li , 18.„ ners: k ? way, T2liA n: Ne : ! York. 27 Street, titonS:.intoitam. raarelii:,..";o 1 Pier 7, Port Richmond. „HAMMETT, NEILL, & CO.; Shippers of ,Vithraeit,e tu Bitninotts ' C 0 A. 14-. • .GENTS forlhe sale of the celebrated ' SHE'NAN II CITY, WIGGAN Locusibtoun trid Burnside Shamokin • • I . White 'Ash C0a1... , Mho, SPOItS and PEA c II MOUNTAIN Red. Ask 'Coal. FILOM ' The, best varieties of Lehigh 'land Boylan's CELE . I.ItATED L'Ai•IILY COAI, AL:6;1184)1e AGents In the F.Astern market for th. A Haat ie and 4 ; , • orgifs Creek Co.'s celebrated lIITU 2%11 :CULTS COAL. Philadelphia. 247 Walnut Street, New York. Room Providence. 27 Custom ttothie,Street, Roston, 25 Donne Street. '6!) OM! Pier No. 0.1 Port Richmond. . . JOHN R. w..w.111 & SON, Shippers of Coal, • No. 316 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. ' ... . .. • - a . Depotsfor Storage and Sale of Coal: , No. 314 We..t Thirteenth Street, New York. `,To. Str.: Third Avenue, New York. . IVO,' Wharf, No. 99. India Street, Providence,: ( only's' , Wharf. Mt. Washington Avenue, near i 'ederal Street, Boston. ! • Jan. 1, -m—i - 171tANKLIN COAL OF LyKENS VALLEY DEALER , t Aqi.l-7. CAUTIONED that there are four collieries wijAell mine this Coal, all of wit Mt are under the Inanagement Of the undersign ea, For he year 1,73 stINNItfICS.ON fi CO., of Ph ila ia, will be he only Agrpts.for Its sale In New EttglatelACew York.• New .ieti.ey, and :South of Cape I teary, :old D1t05t.,,,W1., of Baltimore for all other points.r Agents Ngriitli , al in no other coal whatever, an.l partiesivishiny.the pure genuine arti :e mu 4 procure It of them. The object of this caution shoply to enable those Intirested to, buy under ,4" 'lite Agents and their' assDatuttx for the above points, are as follows: SINNIDICsiON f CO. , (ienenii I:eeots, '132 Wain ot street, Philadelphia; their New .1: (Mice Is at .Iblout aS, Trinity Buildings, JOS. 6; Mir WI% .Igent ; assisted by .ELISHA MOrIEDEY, Axel, s.ll.ltinuoor street, Boston. . 1.1, 1111.0rit thmeral Agents, 5 Post out•.• ;.,v'eutte.D.ottinore, N 1.1.;,• representNl at liar r;barg: i.e errEIDIETT. Orders yen ei hero( the al,ove named parties., •••n.. 1 W M. D. H)Vll.E.General Mareuter tlieSniontlt Branch It. It.the Short Mt. Coal C0,,,,,i1r1 the Lykens Valley Coal Co. [Jan. 1, '7O-1 111 Port ICirluooncl. PierNt SINNICKSON. CO., .IgentS 1 r' the Sale nn4 Shlyniet!t of the - Franklin Coal of Lykens Valley % lf Nrw Jer,ey and south ? r ::rt!!.1,;11,1, Nvw York. ul , t i,•3' . - • ---- : ' (11).t Walnut Street l i Phil:ololphisa. . n::::-r.: ) 14: Trinity Itnitriing.' New York. I . 7.:1 Stitnon•r Street ' . 13:oiton. / k •• .lO.q:Pll c.;,. mooriv. Agent,. r3--1:ot_:, '7o-t... P. 0.1:14x (i'u.s.:oew. York . ; WALTER, DONALDSON & CO., .1 4 `I I NEU"; ANI Sur] I!EILi (H. • 1.. V 11 1 - 1'1•1' A :VD J 1 D ..A.S • C O AL.. • • ,LE ; ENTs for tln..4.'cleiirtttetl ; • ti " i - E-10".C:4AS COAL -s:treet:ll.amielpha tt . ; 19 Trinity NCAV York. . 19 i)ooro Nircel . Iro%ton. • • • Wtl \ - , Picr II rort : , : 9-If • _ _ t:t No ri j 1 6 .10 id I HN C. SOOT Y & & SONS , itlin- , r3 and ShippeO:s;of Coal. rw: OF_ I).%tr: N FV-IN Di•* -0 , in 1111 r.•>pr:t.c to !st V.t UR (.Gli'EN ti11.1314+1 ; ": It.l ; '01:1.: -. 11.1.t "t'..T.lValiplt St. tti IS I'ON--Ntr. 19 11949.• mot. • ) NIFIV I'lll h-111 /i1 . 11411 stay. • eltitmlacr ,l:l .1 , . . fiel-1, South , K.F.LLER &I.NUTTING 1 and ShiPpers of . - Coal,. . :..1.:r71,:tt oitr.E.Nr. - OA - )1), 1 .. :A , 1:,(,!1:.‘ 54.1..),1•7 • _ It.i'.l:VE-diALE, .1:1'1:1:It'r I.OII.RTIZIty, I; .. :NORTH R FANI:Li It1:1.) iFiIT, -. ' , iIf...N.CK HEATH. . . • 111(; Itl7N.l,th: ;ST MT., (imatim , wi f -tniwatt)viLr.r. 1 c•!1.; KUI. Sit., 110.ton.;-.. I '• Want n'l Trinity 11:11141,4.". N. T. .. 1 r: Walnut Ntreet, Plilla..telplila. , Pier 17. ' !lfritn,%, lintLErt , ..l: !ARDA• 4 Miners' 11111 I , IZ.V.NI:LIN ' s. J HUDDELL Miner 3 & Shippers: l f . Coal. W.).7.4iUt St.. NIII4 I tie;101.0.4. 1".;,.4,1,1. (TVlzalt‘j Bufllling N. Y. , F:fert, 11:INton'i eett.'braii4.l 41 r.Etqli • "/AL I.ll'lCoitY AND iin.i pErc 1 . :; , ..).% 1 . 14. . • . - i••• ~~_: ~~.. . 11.• Ci.):‘ . sil.k3Pil: I N COAL. 1g Pt. Itiebninn.l. l'it.r rit.sabotnpl, J '21.11 . 1 . 1 , : , 1 %, It --. _ . . t Ti! r--:" 0.-19 Port Jr.rl4ntill.' . J.O'riN RONfI.MEL I .i JR - 413ROTHER . , ! , 01.r. A: - ..NT's roit, i .• - 1 !v• i .ivoritr ant wr!litnoun HILL L OARlitiS, Wisttel.h. I i,.. sap-riot it:r:NNT cI.IT. bulky frofkurninn Pink ..h. 't :i.• (e.elWate.l DANIEL WEItSTr • it Deep Red _%.,h . .1:::3 till TOP SERI -lIITUMIIiat:S, 7 I, I it.I . 7EN'S WINO- LEHIGH at:, tlizabethport. i !-- - 1•21,5 1 , 2 ' walmit St., PhiltiOn. ...tti,er : .. 21' I)nalie Street, llcedtint. i !Lunn s:i. Trinity Itulictinx.' New Turk. FI: L 10:N - r-f4A NIVEL P. IWG(1, n•Nhitc4l WN and P., P. UP'HIA M.l March 'tll-11) VANDUSEN BROTHf.R & CG., • 11:tierA and Shippexit of • C LS. „ap.,„,..- Watch. Inettxt Mountain, Lome! ,Gar, WilkeAbarre,, aar, otlarr . WHITE AND. RED ASH •COALS. .• (Pt. Rielininril, , ;. ii.t Eilmbet bybn't, , • • • J*l - sey City; , IValtitit r , t.foet, P.llll4 , looltit. troaillyny, Njcw. York:. • , • I, .1 Doane St., .11{,stma. q. San '7l/,-.4. • IWIL-XESDRUIL. I) 9VE 4Slr, KEY,DRICK, Itfd,:nt 310'N:fibers of the 04,11.brztal .i 1 • or Rainbow and Keystone (),A_ . . :!1 Vort. Pleb fiend. • tI • :Lido phi 211 Dockt e . . Agent. j , t Washington. ....; — War? Joa • . . . - ,• • - ' " . , • . ,- - • . - . . • , . . " - ' • 1 .iL. i _. _ ll ll . _.. :: . _ _- , 1-=; 1 .5 ,- ., - J---.. --. .t. --T- ' .- 1 - .P . . e .1%._, r._ e , ' • ~ , ~:_.- -..--.,---- .--"- _ '.- s —.- --..- -.--- ~- -f ' .-,.. ---- -.. -_ • .. -•_, -, - • - ------_ - 4 - .,..-.-- -7 , - - -. , - - -- - --. „,.- -.--- . 7 - - - -_, ------ . ...1 ~,,,- , ---- - - -- ~ . ---'. -arc -- ----- -------- . 4 . ' . . ' • . -..- ei' - ' 4-- -- --- --- aii.-- - -= , 7* . ---r,---;- -.-. , - . , , . , .- , . ' • ' -,. . . • 1 , _ , • --, . • , •, ,' ~ I i Id,. •••,- ••:• , „. ---.- • , • .- ,: - . . ~ • _ . _.,. . ~ . , : .. _. •. . J.,. .. , , • , , ,_ . • . -;. , • _ _. _ . ._ . . ~. .•,- ,-, - ~..• ._. I A . ' ' - ' • ..' 7,, - :', 1r ' ~. - j a i - '''''. „.; --, , .. ; • • .', ' - NV- P.1.2 ‘- ‘ 1 4 r zt---7,5--- 411'. 4,,;•••= , , ... .7 ‘4.p. . _ . . •: , • , . -.... -.1,......‘ . ...;.. 4 -..... , ) ...1......: . ...-.... - -N r.... ,„,„,-....... .. . .. . , . . . ~.. --,a-,...„.., - . -,.. . .. . ctla • • Nohi.z... -4ril „ ... I , . , - ! . ' . - .. . a; ,-- • , • ri. ' a '' i'• •-' —. , - !.:73.`: ...• 1: , 4 ',. , i • ..". ? i . :, - , - - . . -. ..... • I • .4 F. ~ ~..t,,..4_,.......,,,,,t_..00..„..........._;. ~. " .. _. ... ~ . . , .. • •.. '.. ' " . _ --.., ! - -1---' • • , . 1' : 11: :F: 1 : ;- ciik - , 1 - - • ~ I . . ..,-_. , . ,•. ..._-_,,,, .....,, .."- ". ----"'' i ‘"--, 1 / 2 :: --...P. ..., '-':' -- . . . „,,--___- , ',. lief . ..? P a1,..2%*.= I • - • - r i A - --- i• . i. • . - . " I ~ • ft,f - , • , • -- . _ el. , _ ~,,.. / '", ~'./emeeemoenompv - ' - _ _ . , . . ...;.- - . l ''''' - '-'• - . - ! ..... . - • 1 I . ,i . - -, ..29" ...-« - - . '. ' • ' " -• . . 1_ ' . , t •-•-• ' ,---, - ".k ,.., iik - k. : , :, - ,k - .......S"" ,-,..,----,. - 1 - . .., • I . . ~ -,. .'1 ` • • - II --- -- , ' --- :.--L, - ,, --- • ...-Fzr : t ---... - ~,,,..... .. _qt. .10 i _4 w.-- - ~, - * I (Maned ACCOrdin to Art of Contees, le the Yaw 1G9.67 Baania4 Std iii i llbi Cerra 0411 * 0 tte ;iii!Metl, icitalH -- CsithislAdtallatasis Ibr the Lotarellobirt . of Penakylyansa., - I - , , ' 1 . , I _ 3 _ . . _ _ , r • I , 4 1 -: . , - . • • - ESN= MAME ' Shippers SChUylkill; TRINITY MIL Y. O. Sole A - knts f, ASale.of LE}.;(} . lAAS & BItEN Illa rell 144-.70 . . . DAVID' ON, YOUNG &, CO. . • -i • or.l.9lALk DEALERS IN • • , . • .. . . LOCUST, MO 'TN - TAM SHAMOKIN LEHIGH. CC3IIIEH I LAN 1, SCHANTON it WILK ESBAHRE - - (JAMS. ,-- • . . ROOM No. 18, RINITY BUILDING, NEW - YORK. WM". Id. DAV DSON, formerly of Tyler .9 Co. SA NC I. B. YOl. NO, formeriyof Caldwell, GlThrdoli &Co 11013ERT ;K. - UCK3IAN.. • Jan 15_ 70 . . ..1-ly . • . - PT. 30.11 N.: ON & HOBOKEN. • ' ~.. H . . COAL.. . VAN, WICRT xl &7STOUT • 1 . . - • ' .I4INERS'AND SHIPPERS OF TILE . • . I ~.... T, el e b rite d 1"F u iton" & "Stiailt" (Lehigh). Coals, ; . From the iF.bervale and the . I•3tout Coilletlea, near Hazleton,: Pa:: - Delivered direct from minew. on board Vowels at Pr. JouEsoN, Iimn:IEEE, and NEW Ba.v.wswic -. N. J. - * (4 &40 Trinity Btalidlnc, . ; I , .. ---- : Offices: '-111 lirritsdway. New Yorkt - I I - en:port - try at 119 Bro!tdway.) . May IG, ' . I VER LEnt(m, ... ............ C OA_ I, ..., itt No. VI Trinity Butldiug . ... Ii I Ilrosulway: , ( 'Nen. *or*. . ' • . • . • p. W. V I'L a s:Ti.r. i ...- Jun R. 1 (.1 ' I, vr''' Oniee I CA falltiVELL, CONANT' & W.ESTON, NO. 11.1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (Rcacima 3 and 36 Trinity liniklinc.) ":" • WHOLESALE nrALEsus IY - LEHIGH, WILT: FALIARRE. • .—PITTATON, REI) ASH, • MA ILA NOY. SCRAIs7TON, r_y 1.00.78 T. MOUNTAIN (1;7,1 nEtILA STI."1111.0AD TOP, ETC., . •f- • , f - . C 0 A:'l., S 9 . . .. - COLE AGENT:4 for Nine York and the North of .....i the evlebrated 001.7NCIL RID(E FREE 1 - 11TRN,, ING LEHIGH . COAL___ltly. PRINIRCX4E, THE POWEIZON Sernl-I)ltOtifluous and other flrst-rate Colliertk & . . .I.A.:SIES W. CAT.DWE.T.J., C. Tt. CoNIOIT. WALTER WESTON. • - - Aprll - 3, 'flil —l4- OFFICE OF THE NIAGA RA ELErVAT ,ISO ( ...' l l..sCon.gratclAt.BLocs, Dt:FrA Lo-, :NT. Y. , COAL'. COAL COAL.. Tnr, -NIAGARA - - ELEVATING CO., having a large surpluti of Lot and Dockage; will be prepared at the opening of navigation to receive from the Erie Hallway, Canal, or Lake,-any quantity of COAL for Rtorrtge or translolpmOnt to any place East by Canal or went by the Laker,, upon its I T %Voruitle terms as any parties In Buffalo. Their lot Is well located for a general city business.. C' tiAltilEi lee-PreNklent. 3ftirch 27, 'KC - - IS--tf .. . . TO 66 1 D OPEKATO.ELS, MINERS AND ' / •FURNACES, T . GRICI - :' a LONG. Lui:tuzintive Builders. • 1314 EnAct! l'A., W.r.i hi call your attention to their. Cutlierp and larnerre Lo^omo!ire, di....4;tied for imtiffr fir outside work; find for any required gunge of road andsharp est curveu,. with capacity to draw from :is to :Ws tons grosx load. 'laving (11A - eloped In both the Anthracite and IN t undnons regions of tenielvanta, the moat twere"ta fail Tann , : horomllive 't ithe ontntry, theylr, offer 'With confidencv their various styles of Locomotive Engines with ,very - guarantee of their. workman ship and perffirftranee, and refer to the many now la operation in the several mining districts, .furnaces atria forges In the Stale and eon limit Kutnit, first coat; great, power. developed, to actfier with their durabilit ,g rent -ocononir and light daily expenses over an imal power or ordinary lonomottire use. (ss proven by 'their experience of•veral years) make a cant saving In expenses sq.. fident to paw theiellest cost in a reel/ short lime. • February 12, lECO • 7-Btu WIRE ROPE. • BIANYFACTTMED BY TUCKER CARTER CO4 New York: . : All slges - Hemp or Wire Centres, bright or painted. The Rope Manufactured by this. firm are considered itvall parties using them, the beet . and handsomest hope made in the world, made invariably from Wire drawn from the best Norway Iron. The largest ships An the U. S. Navy are rigged with Wire Ropes made by thig tlrm. etamples of these Rope can beacon with; and oniers taken, and all information given, and orders promptly tilled at reasonable rates andeeirtm- Lars furnished by A: HENDERSON, opposite Miners' National Bank. Pottsville. Jan IN '7l) • • 3-fins ROOT'S EMOTIONAL 'WROUGHT IRON • ' SAFETY BOILERS, • ROOT'S IMPROVED TRUNK ENGINES,' , • Statlemary, Portable sad Marine. Dcnblo Piston Square-Hoisting Engines, Hoist— ing Machinery for Coil Shafts, Sloping. Grist Mills, Stores, &C., ace. due of these Holsters can be seen running daily at HILL et HARRIS' Colliery. Mehanoy City, Pa, t - PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO the. Holster. which..bas no equal. No dead points -havind two pistons in one Cylinder, either end of which is taking full steam when. the other 'ls . ravaingcentre. It o friction straps. clutches or brakes of any tnd. Started, reversed or stopped Instantly. and at any pc t • of revolution, by the t O simple movemena single lever. Raving DO seri, gibs, set screws, or either- adjustable parts, which in other holsters require the-knowledge and tangiest care of an experienced engineer, can be put In the hands of the most inexperienced persona.- AU Us workingparts are enclosed in the case or, efUnder. and are tone protected from breakage, the of of dust, dirt, and rust or weather. Its extreme bight- MIS, compactness and. apid speed, highly eommingd it for this use. Orders received for the manufacturer "by the undersigned_ , *rho will also furnish descriptive catalogues, price drawings, estimates, and ootthheer Information. ' • • NATHANIEL GARRET. itehilevr CLtl, Pi • A. Mu. S. $l-411. •U. CHURCH. Danv • ille. Ps. • • •' , , _,~__ _ , Pont Ric Waluat Street, Plaßlatkelplida. !Broadway. New - York.. Doane wive-. Boston- 2kRTED. C". , F. NORTON, • !ORTON It.OORRELL, ear No. 11, Pt. Itk•hmond. SHOENUKEII, ers .and Deniers ilt COAL, we b. WEL!. xsow:v I• FOREST COAL. ' 2.1; WA amm TUOKASCAIN. *ORRIS HACKER. J}SSE M. COOK. CAIN • HACKER &..COOK: SHIIVEILS by "' . „ . , Lt V s OAP; - LOC•URT 'MOUNTAIN, BLACK •i ETH-. . . A I.SO, 1 - . A TN OTHEIt,FII:ST QICA LITT EN OF • ..WILIIA, ill.(1.. Red Ash. Coals, .N.,.. 214,i-tvkinti t stiert„ Philiiileipilln. and Wood..hind tWliarvP*. Schuylkill River. ,101 IN 'II:. STltYliEit, . sioluu:n AND AO ).:NT, Schuylkill liarOn, P. •. t J :kn. 1. ;70 7 1 • ' t Pith ID, Port Iticimu'oul. LOVE, .BOYER . & CO., SHIPPERS' or and Eiffaminous Coals. ,OLE AG.E.),III§ FOR • ' .1) I - VEIBITFNiINOUS COAL Walnut . St„ Philsuielphin.. Doane St.„'Houtint: • ' Custcna House St., Providence. 10-ly ' Anthracite CUrAtpiinLA. 334 March 4. 7,1 lien; nark. METE SENBUTTEL' .& CO and Wholesale Dealers In - a ehigh and Cumberland 0 A E, iSING, 11l BROADWAY, Room 81; ox .1019, NEW YORK. rNew York hint Vicinity for the ANT A: CO.'S PLANK: itlfiGE, and 2E11:8 TUILKE i RUN COALS. LANCK AT.WOOp, mnqi.amAiu DEALERS Jr - 1 ,4 - 7 111%1 - 1 4 KILL • , - i.:11. - ii.kEsnAnit.r... . • SCRANTON, anti I . SHAMOKIN /*dining '7,lll:ullintril, monb. • ' I Ct. rarNITY KW YORK. C. B. kIIOKMAKEIt. 1-I).• J 011 1 4: D. it Einstxnurrra 09 El JOHN W. ATWOOD, 2.--41 tn stipervixi . nn. ~ • . 1 ( 205% Walnuk• St., PhHada. ' ' i 14Fert:41.4, ) :ei Doane St.. Barton.• , - ( • .43 Trltiltyillullttic, New York. :lay 11,'70 -• L. • . - . . . - ... .: . VO/3., EIA.LE. - • MINING MACHINERY. . . One:iiigh pres.sure Cornish Bull pumping engine, 2%-inch cylinder, 7-foet stroke, with boilers and all parts complete, and 2 Ilftn of pumps *1 yards each , one IS-Inch the other 11-Inch plunger, each 7 fee{ l s. i • . AL.IO;-One Winding Engine.' 12-Inch cylinder. , feet etroke, with drum-gearing end boilers complete; AI .S0:41. our aeta Breaker Machinery. ALL,BO,Aue three tons slope Wagonm,heavllytroneti for 4-feet track. • . . . . ALMOrrOne 16-feet 'fail and Engine. with. tubular complete. . t i 141. 4 4040ne Horizontal Pumping Engine. 18:1ncli cylinder,!4-feet stroke, with gearing end bobs, and two lifts- of pumps ,100 yards ' each, with 3.1-Incti, plunuers. 10 feet stroke. • r : The abqve machinery iia.4 twen In service, but Is In good wycltlng order. i GEOltaitt W. fiNTDEII, Pottsville, Fri_ —O. mg39-2—qw mem_ 1. ten_l_ty4. t nrin IVOItTII OP MINI MS} f.. I flit/ CIIINE E 'MA. RY of all Dziellll7loNs F. . 1 ninety horse engibe, 3) In. lircre, - 8 ft . stro ke, 19 it. fly - wheel; shaft, 14 diem. - purrlp shaft 15 In. diam.xl Eft. long ; pump wheel 11 ft. dittm:_lB in. on the face 44 In. pitch, with bobs and connecting rods, .hal sixty s heeti t horse engine, 18 in. ueed to rums In. Damp. re , 6 ft. stroke. 11 ft. y whee with pump wheel,. shafts and all trounce-- lions; Irum 10 R. diem., witha wrought Iron shaft. . 1 _stx y • horse engine, 14 inch bore. 4 feet stroke, d ie m ., heav fly wheel, also pitch'wit pump wheal; 901. 12 n . i on the fare, 4 in. drum In ft. diem., wrought 'lron shaft; &hollers 34 In. diem. log .aaj conn lm tions. nl igorithi emmections and with all pump I largeAouble breakerwith-30 horse engine. ' . 1 twenty horse engine with drum and all connec tions tota long dirt plane; 1 set of heavy cone gear pushing trucks-and wire rope. 55 peamy drift curs. 431 x. age. 4 large coal cals, s ame gauge as the P. 4tlt. R. R. Several large dump trucks. - 0001 feet wire rope, different saes. A large lot of blacksmith tools, anvils. vises, bellows fie. A tame lot!of second hand belting, various sizes, tons of second lisnd hook spikes. 3.i0 tons of second hand T mil from 2 lb. to: el lb. per- yard. - second hand Injectors.: 240 yds. 16111. column pipe; 100 yds.' 33 in. column piper /'X in. pole pump; 210 In. pole pumps. '1 Iticomotlve, 1 drivers. suitable for shifUng cars,r on an iron ore bank. Alsb, the wood work of 2 bre akers, surrounding sh ds, blacksmith - and car renter *boils, One , blowlng tub suitable for large furnace. • . 100-horse sh st' ke4 engine. 1 fifty horse erwlne. 2 thirty" • , -e !twenty " " . 1 four, #." " _; • I ten. "_ '4"pm-table en. T1,,m4.,, In.,* 22 ft. " • - 301 n. x2O ft. 2 811 n. x3O ft. 1 " 30 in.:s MIL " in. VII 2 " .• 311 n , :x 1 211. 2 " 211n:x Oft. I •:" 13-1-terse, tubular: 1 upright flue boiler; UDy.c.is2Oln.oohiFtn Wee 130 18 tn. 339 ~vdtt. lii. colL . r rlpe, with bolts and 40 yla.121!1. column plpe 114 30- r. 50 e 14 I Lot of l in. . 12) In. pole pump. • 118 " • - • 4 14 ". • ". ' !AY:" 141n.1111Pon1Psi j ft WWI" 10 Mal BA add Sari dfiglee4=l* EMENTS, I.l4itatiC Ilia, &c. THOMAS C:PA:11. RISH, sairrEit iItDDEIItER TN • . I 'Lebigti,.Schilylkill and Bittuu;ilio s ! ' • - 40 A_ I, , P• L . • „c • . • . 1 Consiglimentx 'on Commission Solleittal if.ral4alr.en au ihvorable Tenn& 1. • °ape -441 Walnut St., Philadelphia" 1 1 rMay. l. 'GS. : . lt,--y . ALKINO,'- AND smprEns . OF CAMBRIAN LOCUST MOUNTA N . _C O . A. -•• . - • s Oftlee I - ar Walnut Street. Philadelphia:, ;one 4.'70 , , :"..4.1.' P - .TUNE 7TH, 1870.—A Co-Patin r 1 - ship ha.' been t 'tiny rimmed twt ween tht. u tl optlgneth for . tlie' pit rpose of ?tr.ttitvt: antlStittpt LYKENS'; VALLEY COAL' , Froirt the'FIZAN K ettLI.TEII,I".' .Ni!rthunit;erlitticl county, undur the tlrm nr..,tne BRO. t r z WATNUT, Plitlndn., of )11()S., REESE & CO., Ilautbklat ti. t~xTrlt, Tim& C. IttEsx," :T. Flit sumr. JA..4. A. Minn., .1. iIAnYER SMITIt , if ENItY BOUGIINER 401 IN It. itortill NICE. ;Jtinv'll,-7,70 gorbtrrq C . reth *1 EAST FRANKLIN LORBERRY VEIN COM,. Pt'Y EAST TRANKLLN LOBBERRY COAL ./. Is now sold exclusively by ~...Misstru. REPPLIEIi, HtDON d po., who are my sole Agent. . Forth ordering (ruin: them may always depend upon get: t In; a pure irldiele. t;No. 323 Walnut St., Philadelphia.' OFFICE:)' • Nu2siI I liroathray, Rooms, New York ; Nu. zi thiane street, Room 3, Bortt.n. .; HENRY hEIL. . . , i , •, • , juktpilligtoit, et. . . rtrYprem ciEi• THE MOCA.NAQUE C. 13 v...fl COMPANY. No. 5110 antrZt-'l2 W. rroitt lit., • - ' : ' • 'l,l lt • Ni;"II.3IINCITON, DEL.VW.UtE. .. 1 * • li . Wl'e are uou - prepared to furnish the Trade, Ile. - era find ConSumers With our • - . • • pelebnited Coal, : the "Lfocanaque,l And those littertisted will flud it to their advaritat ;indicts:mon-1y to Consult thi• company before multi • ••• their yearly contracts or engaging cargoes. • ' Shipping point fOr the 'Western market, Erie. , •-, . • - -Southern do Havrede Gene . . • " " • " Eastern do ' Wilmlugloi . N.i13.-L-A.lsit, the Clover Hill Itail Road and Hitt mineons ow co.'s Coals, for the manufacture I f gas, l'l7 candles 47ti e. f. yield); coke tlrill 'quality fin petei , ntage of ash small. .May 21, '7O-21- y• ~ • - • •, (Fonntii: S - J.,- Co .N• ."tv E .12;, I ;'ft' Miler tkail Shipper of. the Celebrated 4.4CUSt . MOUNTAIN • COAL SCHUYLKILL Co., IA J . 4414 1, '7O. • . . WE''.&R.E! NQ3I7 IN DAILY, RECEIPT • • , U}' ME VERY SErEitIOR • • • • tiree Burning beep lied - - , I DANIEL WEBSTER COAL, II i\ D~U~IF:, • BRIGHT, SQUARE-FRACTURE' ' SOLE AGENTS: JOHN ROMMEL, IR., & BRO. 20.3 1 .-,1; 'Walnut St. ? Philadelphia. ()slew:, • 21' !Inane St., !kaftan. ( Z.a Trinity linliding.."ietr York, May 7, 70 ORIGINAL H E NRY CLAY COAL. . . , .. . 1 bpg to waif). my 6•l4•adA and the public gel - 111r ally, ilia(' aave appointed • ••• ‘, • ;Os\ 'ROMMEL, JR : . 44c, RHO:, WE; iiOLE:AND:EX(iLUSI,VE AGEN* FOR THE SALRL-OF itTY • ORIGINAL HENRY CLAY COAi; - : I The character and reptant Inn id' wit lei' Is MO well known Mlle market, ax to need no4pecint comment.. It will be Sit I I.7SI:AL tinder, my ua•p B. Dot ;Ty. SIIAMIpCI7.I. May 9, '7O rrtt 'roLLowzNa7 EDE 1 4111 1 4 . - 4Z.,10 kne OSA* esasseasv lout e• • a _ • 'ln . : . r: in ' IV tons of chain, range, sizes. 1 10 feet hobtUng drain, with bolts and lag ' Ono complete. 1 G 8 feet betiding drum., 1141 • 1 stacks ftdtax39 ft long . I stack al ln.xlo " . 1 " 30 in.x3o " " • 1 " a tt.mki la ulna spline plates, 10 ft. long, 4111.3 N. Lot of pump stubs. I hew 12 ft exhausting fan ma ft new it seoond-haud tg wire rope. MO ftln Eas lee " 1 " ' Lot -- 111 - ; hint bop Pipe: Pump ofl MUM. wheels mut Nadia sty/10mm slum 2 nem balsa; 8480; muiaA . Oplbr Vet • en . iatesk *U " , 11,41111/1/ • • • is —fl TrB FO. LE. SATUItpAY M • •L• • • 7 r - R . -*M. 8011117130752 a co.; ~ • (Successor. to W. G.; !MIX/I:MRS, 1 14LNII7ACTURKItti & let 113111r1 or .1111:tury, Cburet,. Hearty" Theatrical diode, rlag., .Banners. midge% - No. 131 North Thlnl Street, l*lliclaphlit.' • • December 4. MIL • • • • • '67-1Y .51 4 , - .); TILE roasom .IMPROVEDIVetitv- V... cos Five Dollar Family Sewhig MaeMie. Vie etteadesd Flrist CM** Maelilde In the Harked :40esttr ;twisted in rerris Thum. Liberal et•stotnlssion allowed. For terms add elretaitt, address* es.', HA huvroN, Gen. Agent, No. 71. V elie•Stnut St., Fliiladelphta, April Iti, '7* 16-3in' - A =STEIL, CHALFANT sk COX, • Importtirs of.- ', l i • ... ' . . , .•, „ 4 - ... If u.sierf,' 'Notions:- ''.-. ,< 1 , . I. . - lillite GO6ds,,Enibi . oltie . rie*, •. ; • . G,Puts Furilish ,iw 4 Ooods,,tte.,' , .:No. -...4 1-:tRK.F:T stREET. PI4L.V,DEL.PirIA. Jun 15, "To . 3-en) F " . 7- '' - `I:77I.NITuRE. • - i ir , . - . JOSEPII 'W..I.LTON, .2; CO,. CtarNkr Mitkaus, :o. 11 3 Walnar S ..r •- .l l . u . u e , Pm , a . Our establlShritent Is one Of the ail est In rbilatiel- I Oita; and from lung experience' an superior facili ties we are prepared to fundith good Irurk SA reason able prices. We manufacture fine furniture, arotalso ritecilurn priced furniture of superior quailty.i ~.A. dame stock of furniture always on bond. - titiods nude to order. ! ;Counter.. Desk Work and (Slice Furnitnre'for Banks, Ottics4. and stores, made to order. _, • JOM. 'WALTON, J. W. LIITINcOrt, JOS. L.:SCOTT, . - Feb /2. '7O ' - , : • • , : l-ly ..1 ; ii_. . -,` . . — ' .---- - -4- - , kvlßankAkitfuiv-i,a4.m.-Tfi.GY‘l ~.1..8,iz;t1,,-.1 ci Cloth for cleaning ;ores, foal, ,C.:.; vary Screen Cloths and Coal Screens. Wire Wiiti iltig, for sheep and poultry yard:4..344).T Makers' Wires, lire.r4 /and Iron Wire Cloth sieve., Painted Screens, Ornach . tai Wire Wort:. Every Information It addre Mg the tvarmfacturers, WA LEE 31. W LEE ct SOW • - Feb -, • 'TO No: 11 North Gth street, I'lif kulelphia. 12, . .e• ' i . 7-fy. .! . - _ ; •• ,_ (--"AIiIjTOGO (.iDGNAC.-,-,This win LIII-A.NTh I. x_;. is bows 61.fereti to the trade and•lconsurnertt,' in quantities to suit the demand. It Is, Idchly'retomt ' mended forDs•stsict purity and 'tleffetiey. of flavor; being 'manufactured ' from the prodteri of no - 10.cted - grapes and thoroughly refined. Tlie trade. ancl, the pubtleare invited li/inspect It. S. 111 V, 31,NAN ,f.•• CO.,' :sole Agents, u•i Bram' St., N. Y. 'For;sale in Ptah-- v ille by F. Sanderson, . Druggist, and Chas. I;cigitc, t• Liquor Dealer. • '• June 2.7 i ';ti--25.1t , i..... - - , D tat OVAL. . • ' -q- ,-,-----'---,----- i . 4iv .. -. JOSIIV.I. cowri... l Axtrs S?(iN s 11.1vE ILI:MOVED illr.lß. ' it ! . , • i . ' LooklNG•sut.,” AND PICTURE-FRAME STORE, ~ . To.XO.IS North Sixth St. , Phllada-• 1 Where they offer at reducedprices a 'general nietertr talent 011.mi/dug-Glasses, Picture `metes, Large . French. Plate 31Irrius,,Plein send Ornamented Picture Fraupes, Cornices. Nioulilitms, d o ! • Feb J 0:41-11 I A COW-I'L A4N VS NON: l) 19, la•Gral, No. IS North Sixth St. EMI PILES OR HEMOEEHOIDAL ' d'U.MOB79 Ins positlvelyjoerfeetly and pernutnentll- cured; With. out ludo; denier; InstrunteUt4 or eatuftlrs, by ViM. A. Mur.I.NDI,K.S, M. H., No, 11r338pr 'Garden 444 l'n 118.. Pa.,who eau rofer you to over Eleven 'Hundred ' of I;. , Nt citizens of Philadelphia. why hare. beeli 1 eurtNl. .I.praetleo tt . .."ftyl , urg ti' Its.N..laity In this utt r.iirran PO/ rums 111 rw:* ' I 1 , ..1; 19. '7O 8-ly ; GAS FIXTURES & RER , OSEIcia LAMPS I , - 1 C 1 ct;J:AT , VA n E.-ry OF NEW -11 ." -• • 3IERIDIAN SALT AND lEST IN TUE MARKET. GIVES TUE OF ANY 111'11.NE4 MADE, • • 'COULTER. .1t();!;a:9 , -d CO .. 3 lanuptctitreri nad Dealer., 702 Arch SF., 1 . 1illn.• E . June SI, DANIEL M. KARCHER.: '1 • . • ; 'FURNITURE ---WAREROOMS). 236 and 238 South Second Sgva. • I• • ; Th e undersigned having great ITinerFased facilit leg! In the iiiklition of the' large four stunt building ad-i joining his Berner plaee of business, driers great In-I ducet4ntsto all purchasers of furniture to give him! a .eall.' , Ho is .contldent of being abto to please till! who may livor him with their custoin, and his el-1 perlence of twenty years in business Is a guarantee; of ills ability to turn out the bent. of wprlt. He per- i sunnily his large workshotWXMl an ear.; tiele not band will be made to order'et thelowuit terms. A large stock of all kinds of F URNITVRE , constantly on and, D. M. K.4.RUHER. . . Sept- it, 16 HE HYPERION HArR CHRLErts. '.! TIAN INDISPENSALE, LADIks, ; (Patented Tutil 90, 19E174 • This Curler is the boat per-! feet inventiOn eve'ruffered to! the public I te It Lii!einilly opera.: (sill neat n appearau, and . j not injure:the halt. as .here Is no beat !required, tier 1 any metalle substa nee Used to rust or break the hair. Man- ; ulact u red only, and for Nth' by McMILLAN CO., ' No 41 \ North ktpont street; tiEi,p. I'dj. Sold _tit Dry Docids,u tA Trim. wings and Notion Stores. • , N. B.—Single Box. 2.1 cents;'' 3.6oivem, assorted sixes, 65 ets. Mulled tree to anir part , of the United States, u fion'reeelpt of June 11,1'711t.. • . 19-tf y UNIO . .N HAMS. In offering the' above brand to the;atten . tionid cousurners the present season, we beg avis to state, that we have made very great imprtivelments In their curing during the past Winter, and: have no hesitancy in saying, they arc the bet! ),lane, extant. They are selected from strictly. corn,fedi Hogs, Brent very nicely so as to make nude lirent ting as possible, and the Ingredients u.' 41 in curing nre the very finest to be had, The Hants are all 'a/I- . sorted before• pickling and each size caned by itself so as to enable us to keep In pickleJust.long enough to cure and not be too salt a great taut; with most !lams. We also cure In ice Houses all Summer and, ottn furnish the Rants at nil times cut frotn flogs that were alive within 6 weekaof then ime the 'llama. are delivered which is a great advantage and one possessed by very few dealers. We feel satisfied a trial will Insure satisfaction, None ker CO:,e unless branded. Sold only by . • • • A. P. eIIEFAEBROUG &' • P6rk Packers, No. la N. Delaware Avenue April 9, ":0-15-61t1 PM A IfiMplirt, • SEVEN PER CENT. • d• . FIRST MORTGAGE It NPS riF . TIIE DANvILLE, lIAZLEToN, .WILKES _ _ RAMIE RAII.ROAD,CoatrAi'yt: AT. S. •A:1) CLEAR (I , ' ALL N'T'!i:ll, EST PAYA I. E APR! AUDI (N4ollEli ~ . Persons wishing to make inveatmentsi and invited i o examine themerits eg these nosim: ~ • .1 0 Pamphlets supplied and hall Infgrmatl n giverfliy 1 , STERtING & WIT,IMAN i r 1- Financial Agehts, 110 South ThirdBtreet. ; ! I'llll.A illi:LI'111 A. . ire- Govern in - ent Maids and other Securities taken . exelian,g . e Met he above at bmt market rates, April IN, ill , , _, . 17—arn • • VIM, .I"A'ht D: BORERS,. CARRIAGE. BUIL I ODD:MAL AND ONLY NIANTTACTCRIi 4 411- flito 71,17,*. A iNSA A L sway .... 1 1 110 G S' CIAfIRI2 1001 and MIL CrIE4TNITT STIU ' IL lal rr WAGONS _I:N-13 ROAD' AND PARIt. A SPECL II air . 7ses- and Elegant Styles of Car; utly produced. ' Aptil :A W-, 11 ;• , , 10,000 . GUA.7I'ANTEE, t. , t . 'BUCK LEAD excels all other Lead! 1 i Ist. For Its UnrivaledlCAlteness. 'i • 1 i I 'W. For its Unequaled Durability. il •i • 311. For its Unsurpassed Uoverlug Uriiper f ty. Lastly for Its Economy. • I „I; It costs less to paint with Buck Lead Limn any - her White Lead extant, The sates wett covers re Surface, hi more Durable, andltudt Whiter, Fork. • • 1 BUCK. LEAD is the Cheapest and Bad. > 'I ' 2' • 1 • $lll,OOO GITARANTE. 1 . .111UCE ZINC Excels all other Zinc,. 11' I, - Ist. For, Its Unequaled found:dilly. ; -: ZI. For It, Unrivaled Whiteness. t 3d, For Its Unsurpassed Coeertat Proerty. i . Lastly, *belts Great Ecxmorok. _,.., i- 1 be 11 343 lbeEheaMit Usuldsomeit, sad - meat Divulge Nt hits Palest 111 the troild.y. it ... }-,, - . ii").. ONLY BITOK ?ift• a tt.few doom of the store. •, , . • , .i I , ;;DWItk./ HALL '& C0.4 - t - ,, oath, - Svcoad Street, .Philadelptrias iF _ .. . . T.tNT.TON ! ' .• 1870 B P D ANT tti SD 179 InvlUc the attc. - dielph titl UM D caigsisTrso !thick al .Plaid an • Plain H tfcu t C i „.• . Grenadines f Chintzes. ; . Goods. BLACK _ . Bnichn nd .•1 Spriti t Luce &mines, and Napkins. tnrpanes Blan Corer*. Whit liosiet7,itc. N. .11—We,th• at stioh pikes 0! Chesit . vey you to with' . , April 16, '7u LADIES, A i s ; ItAviN-1 EIME 'Emu LADIES \ MO, conm!an tj. . • • • ' NFIN • i', wpitsrin,.stLx . 1 1 11 ~ , 'Arl ail artlel CS ' loail na:to a relator ytorated Stole, ';. . ~. • - il . 1 ,.„ . 1. • •1 40 1 r i . atr - 'A. JdANDEit JR . .a, '— ' . • ' i. ' 1') ;'• ' t . • ; ' mlr2 chi, tritat.reet,.Piilltutelplita, and •• t - lua Fat fon .I,loreitae, Brooklyn, New, Yo.ik ;• . , t, , r , i . I '• - All tilnifj. of (..qt.rqui.'str.K. Emit BEAD En BILOIDERI Es .1 eto order at lahort notice. c .1_ ~' ' • I DEBIE'S at ittalf price; for Wile I .11,114A.T101N .t 1 II ' llf .P.:, Ft ICES.- ,• i• 111141 am above G RAND • IN: LO • . )O!,LADAY 6; CO, .- - IIt'ADLELPIIA,, HOMER, Ern KIM 1: Al NOW F.T!!ii 111.1411 W TOLE. OF. THEin l• 'n 1 .INIII!:FliT SITOCK.,` 1 I '',' ,OF I AC . DS; .SILii.S, ETC., ( i •.. , • th i Choicest 1 1 Novelitaii of this .: '' .I i n 1 . • i , i 7. ; • 1 - . , i re ooAirugs' wrijr ; .- E 2 1 .):; 0 i)E. 4lt A 81. E 00 . 0 . 1:6, I! i • ? . , IN "rtg Fs 'mA.c grr Ton (-Asit. it . : '.I, AT '. • . • . - 'III - • 1 ~ : NOLY LOW RATES, m PRESS EM:=CI LARGE INVOI; Itell I / ASTOSISI . • tidilthat It bt only; necessary to * r oflorisigs is in Index of the prt ttP,lttlAttTOClC wIII be dtspbseas ly 411. - - width Cheno Slohittrit,373.s9enht. d M - ohrdt 2 h,. 45 .• Gems. . C. &.Cl). - efillr !moth a fe . u- of th evs at; Which tills of, to Insure an eri ;Handsome rtoupS; poublerfuld foal In the new light 1.1 1 . • ! • • Prints. 25 Cents/. , . . . ;D old Shades, 56 Boyle's Tard-vril Printed Satin Ci 'Walking Cos . A 1 4 f., ; it! ow : artfelfaT the house" or me, ' late, • I , • ; L • ; eat srviridtesimported, 40 Cents. I 6 • . roXi in all 03143,:.V. C r ania, . Anloi•d• lifohafrs,! which aoki ffp , Cente,; - ar now offered at . e t ,' ' s mild Driip de Lyon,ei ta t : ! li 51 tOilAi la! ffart- -,,- - rJ. . t _ , • t dceigns of therntle i pliac • net ty, aoldletst Spring at ..15, ' -',2 .•• 1 : - ' i :• : I •:: -' : - tuotpii6oxi.. i- ,- 'l4 ' - extra in4ierb puility. OVA I. 1 . 1 • 1 '. - - 1 ' . • - il O I'S Pe i tite. i ' • . 9 I , .__..' • - iill wpdtlis laud qualities. uP I I 1 . ._.i -- , jobairi. Lace Pelotas de. -' ,• T tit 31Y4 7 ,n44•IIi:EL . i , 20-3insa3nit One cnsetif the he 1 Scotch Oing" TiTn cares etrFnztl bv -the piece bet Centa.ik s • Otis drcoi best, makes, f • Chene Silks of th ket.And extra: LiII. I Mack. Crinvas Cents. Black plasm* Mock 011111 MS AoSIL .- *suilzwitistiar. IfALL A ' . (April 16, '7O Y..Mler Garments of all Kinds, U. Uit • pah.tots, . • . . , ALL AT: 0.1 . 1 Niaith .5t.; Philadelpida. '' ~ ? a CEAVED A .l• LW i LUT 1.4 , ; :nch' Worsted Embroideries, at the lowest :gold prlcelif ExiAmisu. MI 'lying . '7O-1A• 11l IF ONLY. vti.Niusr In my dreams I once might t‘ee I Th* tae though thou shouldat stand With cold, unreactiing hand, r • . Ntir veit_thy lips to break . The stienco„ with a word for : nay love's sake, turn to mine thine evea, fierene with the long peace of l'bradise, YetHienoehwth, lite would be • . Clore sweet, not wholly bitter unto jilt., If only; t might know for verity, ThittWiteli" the tight brdone Ot this world's son; Amkthat unknown, lonir-sealed • *- To sound and sight Is suddenly revealed, That thine should be the Ant dear,volee t hert4n ( And thy dear (see the tlrst-0 love, myim - e! Then coming death would be • _ Sweet. ab, most sweet--not bitter'unto me ! -4)rertr Monchl,vfor vs 11 i -, TAW ART OF 11 ETICEN)CE'. A r - '41 6 .„'4 ' other , . ehtssiflea tie i4 7- ;v'e Ma ) 11.(1 - ts-lie, the world into thoet?,4lin live .blmpulse and the undirected. flow - of. eircome stance and those who map out their lives ac cording tolbrtand a definite design. , Thesie 'last, howeyer, are wonderfully rare; few peo ple having eapacity - enough. to emitract any persistent !plan of life - or to carry it through If even they have began' one,—it being so mucleensier to follow mitureand drift with the.Streanttliiin to work by rule land square, and . buildOP even a-beaver s darn: Now, in thetnatter ofoeticence, how few, people un derstand derstand this me an art, , and how almost en tirely It Is by - the mere chatuSe to tempera= ment whether a person Is confidential or ret . leent, With , his heart on his sleeve or not to. be got at by a pickaxe, irritatingly silent or contemptibly loquacious. Sometimes in deed we del 'find one who, like Talleyrand,. has mastered-the art of an eloquent reticence 'from; Alpha to 'Omego and knows how to conceal everythine without shooing that he conceals, anything; Wit we find such a - person very seldom, and we de not always undemtand, his value when' we have hint:-L. Any elm not a born fool can 'resolve - to' keep silence on et:rtain points e but it takes a tnas'-:' ter mind toibe able to talk and yet not tell. Silence indeed, seMevident and 'unmasked, though 'a - safe method, is but a clums one, and to be iltolerated only-in very -timid or' very young, people. "Le silence .est. le parti plus sur pour celui qui Sc defle de Soi- - merne," says Rocliefoucauld; . *to - is total' abstinence -d ,for him who cannot control himself; yet we. o not mail' total abstinence as the best or der of life for a wise and disciplined person, any more we would put strong ankles into leg-Iron, or, forbid a rational,. man to. handle a sword : • • Besides, silence' tiy - be as eXpressive; as tell-tale even, ae'stpcli . ,• and . at the best there is .ito art In sliteAing one's lips 'and .silting mute: 'though ( indeed too few people have gut even so far as thistii ret- -- Icence, WIC tell. everything they know as surely as water. flows through a 'sieve, and ' ere, safe just; in proportion to their ignorance.. But there is art, the mast rioneummute art„ , in.appearingnbsolutely frank, yet never tell lifgan,ething tehich. it Isbot -wished should be knoWll,-re-.,..1,Q41 pleasantly chatty and conversational, yet never committing one's ,self to a statement or ail .ripiniop which. might. be used . agai list one afterwards. e,•:.1 telafr cirteui' in keeping one's Pwn - cciunsid t i as well-as in other things. "It is only- after - a long.acquitintnuce with this kind Or person that you find out he has been substantially reticent throughout, though apparently so • frank. Caught by his easy oznannee, his ge 'nial talk, hie ready sympathy, youihave con.- ...tided, to him- not only all you. haVe of. your own;-but have of other people's ; and' milt it is only long after, when. yPu reflect qpietly undisturbed by. the Magnetism, of his pretence, that you come to the, knowl edge' of how reticent' he has been in "the midst of We seeming frankness, land how little ,reciproeity there has been in your con fidences together; ' You. ictiow - such people • for years, and you never know really More or them at the end than you did in. the be- ginning. YOu cannot lay your finger one a. fact_that would" in any way place them. in., your power ;:, l and though yotf.did not nottee it at the time, and don't know has been dime new, you feel that they have nev er trusted you, and have all itiong.tcarefully avoided anything like confidence; r• But. pu are at their nierey by yourpwn rashness, and if, the3' , do net destroy you it is because they, are reticent Air you as-Well as towards you . ; perhaps because they are good natured, per- • haps because they despise, you for 'your very , frankness toe much to hurt you but above ftll things not:because they are unable: How, you, hate -them when you'think. of the Skill' with which they took all that was Ofrerellet thein, yet never let yetu.See they gave Leek-nothing for theirown part—rath er by ti 6 jugglery of manner ma 4 you be lieve th t they were giving back as,',Attueh as . :they iv re re - delving!. Perhaps it wits a little engene, us ;i but they had the right toargue 'that if . on amid not. keep your.own counsel you would not be likely-UP keep ,theirs, and c l o it was dilly kind at the:U*4l./0i you. hood_ Wink "Aurselr - so that yeti nil ;ea t_ not beOf rended.'i . :In 'manner. genial; frank, conver- . &Mond; sytatathelle—lnsubstatreettbso/nte ly tiecret, -. cautious. - netyg,•taken,!off!thelr. guard; never educed Into, . t geroux' Conti— deuces, as careful for Aheit en - di 4 - they; are for 4 therrerelver, and • inuertil'eVen - for. Strangers unknown to' theMe-therte.--peepre• are thesalvation as they are the charts of Society; never making. uslitchlef, and, ' by. their, habitualleticence, :raising up barriers at which gossip halts: andiuttmr Ake. - No slander is ever traced to'. - thenti -- and what they know is as' though 'it, were, not,: Yet . they do not make the clumsy mistake of let- - ting you seer !that they are better informed than yoirreelf On certain subjects{, and know more about the current scandals ..of the 'day than theycheese to reveal; - on the contrary, they listen td your crude mistakes. with a• bighlyedlfled air, and leave yowelated with the idea that you have left them. behind the scenes, and told them more than- they knew before: • If only they had spokere' your ela- ' -lion would - not, have been very. long-lived. Of all pereonal qualikes thisart of reticence is the most important and valuable for a pro , fessional man to possess, 2 :Lawyer Or.physi clan, he must be ahle-to hold nil and hear all without betrayini by word or look; by k nju-. dielous defence ny more than , -1 .•..mtrt e treachery, ,byang, rat remalicioustuusation, any more than by a smile at an egregious Mistake; his business is to be reticent, not. exculpatory, to:maintain silence r not set up a defence nor yet prOcialth the tridh. To do this well requites a rare combination of goo} .qyalities, among which are tact and reit remect In about equal amount, self -command mid the power Of hitting that fine line which ,marks ; off reticence' from deception. No . man was ever thoroughly eucceseful its either a lawyer or physician who .did not possess this combination ; and witit even - a modest attionnt of technical skill` 'can be made to go a long 'way. .!. . • . ! ~ Valuable in society, at home the 'reticent are so, many • forms of living death.. Eyes have they' and see not, cant and hear not, arid. the ficultrof speech seems to hive been giYen them in yarn.. They go out and they come hoMe,,And they tell' you nothing of all , they have Seem!, They have heard Jail Sorts. of , hews anll seen no end Of pleasant things,.. bet they Owe down to breakfast.l the next meriting as nude as fishes, and if you want Ryon must dig : ont your own Infeirmation ,bit by 'bit by sequential; categorical question- ing. Not that theyare surly or. ill-natured; they are only reticent. They are - disastrous enough to thew who are neeceereed with them!nd make the worst partner*. lu the wo - in btfaitieita or marriage ; ,for yetu never know ' what Is going on, or where - et:rare: and yOu Utast be. content to Walk blindfold' If you', walk ivith them.. They tell you noth- ing beyond what they are obliged, take you Into no confidence, never qmsult yen, never arkeit:their Orrti action foryour concurrence end the consequence is that you i live with thetn in the dark, if you are timid; forever afraid! of looming , catastrophes, alidmore like a captive; bound to the car of their for tunes than likelhe coadjutor with! a voice lathe irtatiner of the driving- and the right to aasiet in direetietsof thejourney.i. This is • the reticence of ',temperament, and We see It. inchildren - frimi quite an 'early age,—those children ,who are trusted by .the servants,. and are their faYorites in consequence, be cause they.tell no tales ; • bitt it a ped lion that nuiyi. become dangerous unless watched, and that is always liable to degen erate' into falselipod.—Lonclort Satiirday.Re , view: r - - - '.l .: tacVITRIOL'S Tarsus TO KNow .— Bes i de, the t that lee is lighter than . Water, another curtotuithing about it which persons doi not know,l perhaps—namely its purity. A lump of lee' inelted will always ',become purely did Wed When the early nes , - Mrs of the : Atetie mean got out of water melted :ftretissa . , “..'. tut of three vast moon of lee eallerticeberga, and were aston ished to find that they yielded only fresh f wnier;- 1 They thought that they were frozen salt water, not knowing that they were form ed on timland and la some way launched into the sea,-:: !id it !bey had been right 'i• Ate re- =ft wOli l4 l ha b*W - Lod the - e. The.' *lna ilk nOWlDttUrns lOW of it 1 :thpasli_kbot. issitl 1114 010e4ig inanin ma k ADP all WOW ' Frown imelintermakee teabriineter4pie: 'it . , freiseabietnotledi-: 40:11044eV kit* . Atnepene Nobel made otmre rain, • ::::= , ft.litii.eoltlifs vet"' IR' : , : literii • 4, ,• 'inettenfbaveliilthfle tii'• 04 ; , - ' • •.:I,Y. if ',. . t -'lll3l( hilre '+ "'not tbrnz - 484 , _pint ipq. , +A - X. - - -- • - ' - t • - 'ic4' '- ' 1:z. •_,-- 1 - ,/,' 4.-- „- - -''.:- ',t; _ . d. lliT6 LIDS WITH A C~dLTF~lt:ti Id - SA.2I7CIE P;zj 1-. after; leaving Santa • ilarbara, • we t.J.Overtiookan iddrlfe.xicati, who seemed, to:, cast a longing look upon our, -- ea,,i.e-axe"; so, accosting hint and extolling. its many useful priipertieS, we intimated that'lve - ini4ht-:be induced it() part - With it, on account 'of its • weight, and would be content to'receive pay ment in iprodtice. bargaimwassoott Struck, the...Sem r contracting.thr(leliver us two feeds each of hay arid.,barley'i-and inviting 'us to spend the nighrat poncho.. The invita.!•' tior :was promptly accepted,. and ' I rejoiced at the Ling-coveted opportunity of witness ing the. domestie • lire of these people.: Our ! • entertainer's family, a_ 1 observed st supper,, consisted Of his wife, a .nurnertins progeny, Ong- of his forefathers. On - whose expressive features Tfancied „Signs of remorse for his part in the torture Of Guatimoziii) audit ban dit-look ig.gaest. in seatlet Sash.- To these may b 6 ,added a little - 4 red bull, rather' blase in Appearance, who seemed n1(11'644 member .of :the The supper conAsted principality of r ofr, cirin , and I was forctii, out of politeness, to !nuke such a meal as kw Civilized !persons, since the'days . Of , l'ortia, had willingly'regaleil tlienuielves with. !The Universal adaptation' of chily as a . condi Meat -is . truly astonishing. : -.4 am not entirely Sure that they; do not use it, in coffee. The repast over, a converSatien', with- our hest elicited • from us.stune'very. Wonderful . Spardsli—that 4 ' gentleman's knowledge of English. Nbeing confined to one word, which he fluently pro nounced' 'stiolty, and; when we confessed a ignormice! of. our own- language, translated. 43-V . I)ou Rafael had .lived -in ',California !fob ten „years witholit making . further - progress: He had - come hither. from Sonora, and gave us a: pathetic . account of the eaftscs his entigrat ion. Thes - e ! were chiefly niu,chos lipaciacs; and.. I regret to-say, the old man showed little "Christian „charity toward the'potir savages, of whom he spoke in very.forcible lauguage.llut his dis course soon - became almost as ,prolix 7 as the 'celebrated ,after-dinner conversation orhis• celestial - piriesake. with our distingifislied ancestor', and the inattentioir }its guests :It ' ".length reminding hill . ' lir the dales of bond-, tality... Therefore, .witif ;grave nad Cerema- Wogs politenesg; he el!earted us th our chain -ter In the bay-stack, fiti• put us to sleep with the bull. Next .inortiiug, dreatring . further • torture from chile, "we left'-. our compliments ':with bur and - _ Made .haste to depart, withouting our hosedr any of his family.—Prem Thr?tijh the - LOOf . r Coast in 04er.tand F . . . . ELLINO T 2 RP.P.4 tr:•' PUG ET SOUND. •—The morningrek St being over, each • one goe.sto his werk-fthe:chopper with hi. "board" and two - axes; one - to cut througit' the thick bark, and the , rather, grotirid very sharp and thin, to 'cut the clear wood. The mere "felling-of a tree," as generally under ! woodmen, is I but a'simple matter of labor, gut fn the tiirestSorOregon and Wash ington Territory, it is, quite a novel under taking:- Dhe'ctree being .extremely large at its base, with Impel* outspreading Toots, and frequently "shaky," or . perhaps a little decayed at, the' "butt," - it - is found to ke_lV Saving-of - labor to cut!it -Sometimes as high up us fifteen. feet front - the ground. .To do this, the chopper Makesa,squareliotelt in it, as high-up as practicable, and Worts the end of. his board—which is abeut . five, feet tong and eight •or -nine, inehei .avide, furnished with'an Iron "lip" at the,end,which'eateini‘s in the upper side •of the notch 'in. the tree, preventing it from • slipping. out :whew the man is , standin.m on it , he then leaps upon. - the board; cuts another . - nOtcll-11.9 ,high up as, he can reach; strikes' his axe into the trim it' above his head, holding•on to the helve with one band, stickS his-'toes into the notch below, and then - rernoVes l • -the board.from' it to the-notch above,:avbile,', bat fjuniaing anti climbing, he 'mounts itis: - '• board again. :It high enough ap, ho chipSoff the bark With -his heaVier axe, and then, . with his thin," sharp one, cuts a bnialt"searf" into the heart of the tree on the side be- desires its to fall ; then t .chopping the otheeside till the tree Is about to come down, be - calls out .".under I untied" as a warning I SignaL 'A ' few more strokes with the keen axe,;and the leviathan or, the . forest begins to bow its towering top. When inie of its fidli g -the chopper flings. ills axes at a. distance Oil the :ground, and quicklY • removes his hoard . tn. 'the notch below; then, swinging h huself clear of the: ponderous roots; be itmpl :to the ground,i whilefthe tree ' comes stow i n with 'a - erag - hin&, noise that - is heard for' miles distimt.-Irom-. "Lumbering in. 117ctslihiy6n ;Thrritoiii," in Oix.rlaz &Monthly ,f , :r,.;fuly . : • •' . . F txcreasz Esnitsir fol lowing,oassage is front, "Notes on Rurgun dy," by Charles Richarid Weed,just published in Loudon : The foolish and often. insane at tempt so prevalent; unfortunately, with oar countrymen to ape their•betters is rarely seen •in France. Contentment. with their lot seems to be very general; and, if it is a fea ture of the French eliameter'to,. be amused with ,what we shouldi perils* call. trifles, `this custom has, at leakit, the advtuitage of Oc cupying time harmlessly. It is impossible, of course, to be the gveat of, aTrench family, where there are daughters, without' being struck hy_tlie• great contrast between their life and'that of the English'girls: _This•eon . treat appeared to me now to be more striking tban ever. ..,And this:le, the ease; tor, while the French - girl has been, sa to speak, stand ing still, - her life before rnarrittge running-in . the same narrow domestic groove, our . Eng lish' gi rls have'beett tteOnvied more liberty, of Whlch.they havepot been slow: to take ad vantage, with what result; In many xases, is ,well known. Thuttendourterd to indulge in amusements jot, the= timid exciting nature, a quiet home mesa bore; and tbdix_Antng , life Is spent I. • 'co - plies whichuresorry pre pandlotts for F e years when they - hope to be; ,Inatronik' l Thent is, doubtless; inuell,ta'. he. said'ugainsttigr. -Wentlii system. ,otmarryitig . girls to men WhosecharacterstboyhaVe little erne opportnnityfUdylag; beit, though continentaMO'll tea not, Olt :rule, , the lesnituf amutual vO:il ls certain that In: "atm groiddentroodAtitlitterhigliutunreal. ;splendor 4 s rarely - 'er,,,succeeded, *lra** at dis al Y Poltit*tkaint nnhaPPl';' ANcenyry. Air .0' C0..15:5nm.--In wit and millery.O'Contiel had but fewequats. Upon o rt e. oc eage n he met atthekcll.lll. the House of : Commas •bv the then 'numbers 'of • Lincoln, aua Armagh, successively. - .Ziich" , - of the members , was a colonel;' opekwittridis=-L--.. tingubMed- by a long Hewing .beird, the other two were remarkably clean shaven: Weonnei, in his reply, made theacebarac-;: teristics the butt of his _reattysiitd*trleg wit. He said : • 1 `.`The attack _oltholltortorable'. sit - a gallant - sormar- .to:,hlik mind Dryden's lines. upon - litlltotv.. -•• • .three . p oe t s i n three 'worm •-•• •, • Greece. ItfklyiAtid Roe 41141'' • titftetuessrot thought.; Tus neat Is 1n eery ,' . it bo h but Mae 11,01.T4 OteJeliWAbeCtitterVW&' . pettaissiotiOttiet" tie ivould sligittdy eitettheseintibteilinek , Oi tuse d .- 004 0 -e. ••• tae bolonets to th,r o dli r t tiehales bet*: • t=te leii Bth st d pt i leneashrrelailt • • .oes. to both the last : " 41 " W = 4114 4°' farthert other „.: , • „, , 4 •! 4 •7:„ „ „*".N 1 ,..„„,„ , 'l7 - Ariutos. parpopgivo us the, • lOrtaatiOil for fait, • • • - Ttik I( l l6lli*rocitthjai4**3lkikiccii* 9614 P1a •_„ , - „ - • NEM= • ---.- M UE MYSTEIIIESOF.MILKAGE.—The I..,Washington Corresimplent °fan Indiana 1 paper has been investigating the subject of , 1 mileage. He mewls the fact, which ; almost '. everybody has forgotten,i,thatno sooner .htu 1 he.Republiean party come into .power that the mileage paid -to meinhers of Congress • was cut down quo --half, that .is from forty cents to tweltye;enis per mile.- The total re dUction of .milea , ve,•however; as the figures show, ' has •beed n - igteat. deal more than . , a half.' In . 18.3c;1 .- -there z .was paid to -Sena tors. $7.:>:011 as ttiiledge- In ltign, with six more S4'atitors, here WIIA paid ..:.'29,312, 10; a ' difference of $49, - '7 ti0...•0t course, the-clue:l -' thati arises, how s that :with More • Scuato - rs the total Mileage is 'dearly slo,op less t tan half -what it used to be? ! The corresixuidenfi thus explainsi thetnYstery: . • ~ ' .'.- Members of Cqngress certify. to .the num ber of - miles which - they ,travel,, and their' - word of honor has usually been , deemed sill'- . &dent: According to their eertifleates,,then, these fathers .oflsrael traveled a good many , - More mites than their Republican- sueeessors.? 'and my heart 'fairly,bled for the virtuous.ohl gentlemen; when T. - noted their• long and weary search furl this .hiStoric spilt Ant.. the banks: of the. placid Ton - male.. There was Johnson, of - Arkansas ;. when he Nvt . s a Sena tor it -. At }.s 4,000. ;hi ries .from - Little Rock "so Washington 'and back... Now •it ,is not "so .m u ch by thougand * .rnikik nt reaSt,,sorsaya . Rice,.. his Republicanfisti&rssor.. Think' or poor Green', of Missouri,-trampitig3,sooMiles to- reach. the Capitol; while Drake. meal 4 cuts it across lots and saves LW - miles, the former Coliting iiiy at' a cost to . !t he •people of .$1,400; the latter, tpr less than . Sinn. ' Wettsed -to pay .that 'eminent diplomatist, G win. Of California, nearlYStl,ooo for eolning to Wash- Ington; We get Cole, a Repuldican,bere test 51,400. It cost us isSOO every time that shining- Democrat, Jesse D. iiriglit,' turned his face to the Capitol ; . but Morton cornea down for 5'3.59 - a vear. Graham N.. Fitch, of, Indiana.' had a very weary time; of it, for he' traveled 2,86.5 nriles ; and finally reached Washington. after much suffering ; -at . 'a. national 'expense ..,r $1,136. Pratt,- though living in the. same town, diseovered aotne Wonderful route 10to. - miles shorter, antisb we get 'him here and bltek again, heavy as he is, for. z- - .1:19 3A,:. • -: The great and goed -, than,, David Turpie, when he had the - thistartune - to be a . Senator for a few days, - wn'ttleffd about'' like it- lost sheep, until filially' his eyeawere gladriened at the sigh t.of the drne, after:having travel: ed 2;636 miles. ' CegaX; Packard, and others, : make the distance from Nortliern Indiana to the capital front ei7,llt-t9 nine hundred Miles shorter than did Thrple . :: ; ••:... - .' - Davis, the great and;eostlyJefrerson, tray.- - ;ed- four thousand Miles eVery tinie he came ,uP.:-to the capital, and ;charged 'ns $1,600 for the trip. _Revels,. Idarker, but more modest, Allying one hundred And fifty miles, further away,, cuts across t the country a thousand nilles . nearer., and charges $l,OOO lessfor the job. These figures; are; from the otlicial re cords,.and challenve contradiction. SING E' COPIES SIX .CENT. • --- : it RTIFICIAL COFFER. —Every ! ma IX. knows that groundeoffeels 'adulterated • with burnt sugar, rye, bailey, - Malted grain ; " -nits, acorns, ele.; and that some'peo-.; .. rate it for themselves with chiccory; Lot so generally knOwn that chiccory • adulterated with Ochre, soot,'brick, . Lek earth; or even ; the burnt refuse .. .. —milleries. . • --; ,-'-'' -We have; however, hitherte:supred — - that,: if we bought the unbUrut 'toffee- ens and roasted and groulid them ourselves, we:should • ' be - snre of having The genuine article ; but alas ! this 2 SO turns out to be a sweet illusion. .Coffee-ben S are . new actually ,mide,- . like bricks, fro A mal:ile greenish clay, and approx- ' inufte so e sly to the natural -Java - coffee that in the r unroa.sted state they are miled: • .with the gitnuine und munet, be distinguish- . 4x.sti by the e%ve:alone. As the prit:it' of artifi-• -- cal beans is Only one' cent per pound, itl„:" . ' , place of forty, tit is.adulterationis very pmilt-'• able fo the grocer. These artificial beans are made in inoulds, each of.which will shape one . ' hundred *ivies from the piece of clay whli, , which It is filled. The mot g i iils open and Shin i.- like.the moulds for eastin .lea eh bullets,— , 'After being filled and shut ( they"; are pressed 1 . and plageditt a moderate fire for 'a few mitt- -4 utes. Soon-the clay becoMes• dry; and: by , •-•'-• opening die mould the beiliefrare allowed to ).. fall out. When afterward inixed with.-gen - uine beaus, they . will -refelte'during the: -. roasting the usual aroma, Which, as .well as the brown ucolor,a Will be T abiorbed by. the • clay beans, and all will come out with - Mil- ~ form appeafance freni the roasting machine. ,4 The products of art and of nature . will . thus i'. together, go into Oaf coffee-raill, and thence . • into the_eotreelint ; • and. the coffee will have •. no foreign flavor. but Only be breaker in pre- - 'bportion to the amount of - artificial coffee; eans employed. AVe last coafess that the adulterators of this :Oasis are much better` than many ()then+ who poison the people they roll. ' These con- - scientious persons-give nothing injurious, 40, -- health.; their. adulteration forms simply • • `sediment of clay at thehottout tit the.•ftWee:- 'pot Or cup, and isnsually snpposed tehegen- • uine,coflee-grounds. It hue; in -fact, one pos.; ,I titive advantage, it assists the settling of - the" . ceffe' -grounds, and thus, - if it makes the cof- _. :fee Taker, it - re, ndem it also clearer. ' • se only way to detect the frald,is toreak sonic ;of the it nroasted 'henna- "and . inspect .. their interior,; or better still niehew.,same of fligt. TO make 'assurance doubly" Sure, it has breq . Seripusly reee - nnuentlid that every" --- sold -beau, should ;be broken In' (Ivo and the .-. : Interior exiunined.w4h the mf4oseope!, • • ,. ' - • ST EAMEMOM:iimr , s l ,—ADexPerkrient which. • was made recently on the, streets of Edln new patent roadsteamer and patent omnibus, - invented by - 3lr; R. "Thom- •, • son must haVe sat istled.those Whe wltnegi ed it- in , that era in loCatiOn, So far as our - • large, towns and public roads generallL'are • • concerned, has begun. At .present all that . need he said is, thattlie trial. of the steamer . and- omnibus was suffielenti-to :convinee •6very one'that a thoroughly fare means.of locoiisotion -has been provi•iieti ry.3lr..Thotn andlliat. there is In ittot tnt,..70! . ? no der r.;:?: fra.Sengerii who,are.-eotiveYetl; Intl absoltitely- no fear of any injury being • ~caused iti.tliestreets through which it may. • pass.. it cannot - hurt the pavement—that is agaittsNby, , the elastic . tiro of the wheels • :while the-.unobtrusive .manner inivliich'the steam part 'of the ma- ' - chine is worked altogether prevents the dan- • : • ger of alarming licirses,.or any other of the risks which have hitherto-attended the pass- • age of traction-engines through crowed ouglifares. It is perfectly : under 'centre', anti- can tie regulated almost as nieelraii a 'watch ; and therefore; so farm it is econeernr'' • cd, there is no need for the elaboiate-precau dons in the 'way of signalling and other • . _things .which have -been fotind necessary as, 'to locninotives 'on common - roads hitherto. Shortly after.: - .,i o'clOck in She 'afternoon the steamer started for.Leith from Parliament- • igirtuire. l'ailiament-sqbar-e•-and lilgh street, a large-croVid congregated 16 ,steamer start, and •aleng the route-7Whieli was up along CaStle-terram, • Lothian-t0:44, , • Pritices'-street, - and Alown . Leitliwalk, to 'Leith—there was. a .numer- Zits - hcidy of people folloWing it. On arriv ing at Constitution-street;.Leith; the englke '• turned rig - TIC - limn - Ad, end 'Ake riarty" drove bark to-Edinburgh. Not llie Slightest hitch • • occurred on the Journey,..,., The Omnibus' *, came straight up the steep place at Leith- • . street with its •load, :turned' without: stop ping at, 'the feet of Leith-walk with' More, '?" ease than horses could 'have den°, and took itsplace aiming, the 'usualtratrie so naturally that it is' evident . it has been put . alto a practical and. pleasing . burgh '- • . CRIIIE AS A Dlsasu.. 7 -An Edinburgh • savant, Dr. Bruce IflioniPson,,- has recently • published an essay upon crime as a disease. . He offers the' following propositions:: - FrusT—That crime being herditary In the.': eriminaliclass, measures are called .for to • break:up 'the caste; and community, of the • g class:, • -• ' .SEctiNu-r--That transportation. and 'long • sentences of habitual criminals ariealled for -. `ln. order,to lessen the criminal offenders: • - • • ttlittn—That old offenders can scarcely , - - be reclaimed, and that JaVehliesbreught un der very early training , are „ more hopeful, bOreven those ,are apt to relapse Into their - retl ta ry tendency.:: F. • ' 'foul:sit—That crime is'so nearly allied to • : insanity as to be chiefly a7-ptlychological ' study. ' • - The doctor 'enforces his theory' by state , ments, of which the following timy.,,tpetaken..; • 'as a Sample:. , t•'• •• • analogy of what happeni Iy£-train-- - • itik ‘ anumg lower animals Proves- Alutt .class habits, must; neceseirily be' trimaititted to thedifteretif. classes of society. . I do -not think that the transmission of thieving. and - other criminal habits forms. _any exceptions to other - analogies. - - -One of thethose retnto - examples of a criminal family I know • • 141 was that of three brothers wbcc.had faint- - lies - amounting .to fifteen Members 'ln . Of these, fourteen were utterers of hese-colt:1;V the fifteenth appeared to be - exceptional; but at-length was detected in setting to hhs house after hisurift-it for four times Its'val uc.-'ln the prison -under my Medical charge, -one hundred prisoners are known to be from fifty families, Of. one alone are eight prix- . :, Oners; often two or three atalimetlfrorn"o "- „single family.” ' - • CUT THIS OUT AND HEFIP Dyin, a highlY.reeetable and Intelligent farmer •of Galena, Kent county, std.,:gives the. (01 , i lowing as a sure eureleirthe bite: of a ; mad- ' dog. As will be seen. he has . tested 'it iwith the most gratifying re y 1• ...• f• - Kleezmpane is a plant-Well known - to most! persons, alyt is tir be, found in. many gardens. Immediately. : after being . bitten,* take oneand a half ounces of the root of the plant-:the 'green 'root Is perhaps prefera ble, hut • the dried .ivlll. answer, and may bed ound 'in our drugstores, and was used by me,.—Slice 'or brnise, put into a pint of fresh milk, boil (iwi) to a half pint, strain; • . • and-when cold drink it. 'fasting at least six hours afterward. .The next morning, tasting, • repeat 'the prepared as .the last,-.and tius will be: sufficient. It is, recommended that after each dose nothing bb,eaten for, at' • . least six-hours. . . I have a son who Wits bitten by a - intid dog eighteen yearsi ago,-and four rather children • An' flip neighborhood were abto 'bitten, they took the above dose,. and are allie and well to this day. And I-have known nUmbei af.others who were .bitten' and. same remedy. :It is supposed that:4w toot contains - a piin eiple•Whichtbeing. tare,ifurtty the blood in , its circulation;' criuditerdets• or neutralizei-tbel deadly efreets of the virus of hydrophobia.. • ; I feel'so much ;Confidence 'ln.,,thls simple retnedy,that t am williqg that you should give 'my uame in connection with this-state ment. - - .. IMO M ffi EMI MEN .t ' r.'