The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, July 02, 1870, Image 3

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frtATtS - 05 - F ; ADVERTISING.
hiPAC.F. Int [2n.l San.l 6m.
` 1 " a." . 114 -inch lor lesa,i!l 451 :3 30 woo Dm 7300
hares, (one 1000,1. 1,2 WI 4106/! 1 6000116 CM ZS 60
,114/art,i; (r) 644 11 OW 00 -12 2401 1200
'I 00 800 12 W. 16 00 at 110 43:00
LPIIA BET/ CAI.SPET.VIA i.NlCF34.—Stngfe I irtertion
Tilt"; tine: , rach .Ib4equent frt.? iilll 211 aI:MSS /Me.
L "WS NOTICE& —Sect:oral Pare, recta a
insertion:: each sut....awnt hisertion aJc. per lime.
sortcrx Pa4P.1.4) centsfine test
•r c in,n:,e.tch <,ileer i nent Irm.rtlon ce atx tier !the
,%.llltLy • NOTICE> , ...- 7 21e.nts each. ' ' .
- ,
:VERA!. NoTicEs — Aixonipanying tienitnitror two
c••nu4; PAC h aildittahal line 10 cents. • •
TILL Dd US 'A FAVOit by 'sending
the amounts- due• us promptly. qur know nearly all 'sent out, antyye
)e for an early re ponce to them..
! copsequence of the frequent occurrence
of mistakes, And - generally of mist/n(ler
giotice is hereby given that all
iniunieations,. advertisements .'-of what
hind, notices, 4kc., intended for publica
., will hereafter be required to be handed
t'the Gusine:s 1 / 4 14 . x . and
1;u1.1 - • ;JoyaN,':lt...' In . &cases
!re this rule is not ohiierved;, a publication
4 , - •
1 , not be-.i..xpeeted: •
It r.itk: are some persons in,,E•Mitijikill
nty and elsewhere,,who sell their honor,
bawds sell their virtuelind pOrsqnf4 fur
le _money, and these personti seem to
it strange that tilt people- slMuld treat
aeeordingly, When there is no.senSe
Amur there eon be ti.t reliable principle.
, p. I
E direct the attention • of our readers to
.:trt.l i of Prof. Denlinger in another col- .
During the • htst year one hundred
twenty students were in attendance from
dilreient States, and from twenty-six
ties - .' • Tile • School seems to be well es
shed le. it Cmfoys so extensive a patron--"
find' the following in
S. Senate Proceedings of Friday:
Patterson (Are:ea an amendment, ; (to the
kl allowing the h ee. importation to the
of housohold furniture intende‘k
diyidual use, and nut for'sale: Agreed to.
is ought to be defeated by. all-means—
any Senator. WhO'l favors protection
I sanction such a measure we cannot
rst and f the . furniture'and clothing
which would. ,be classed furniture
Itrniture fixings, would be imported
nder this bill—also ull kinds 'of plate .
:(1 be , callpd furniture. If- home . fund
s not godd enough -for any person, let
,ay the' duty on foreign furniture.
11 . 1
3 IA
v titt
1/ lid
FUNDISG BILL.—We observe by the
, dings of the Hou4e in yesterday'S pa
bat the bill authorizing the refunding
msolidation of the national debt, as re
from , the Committee of AVa's and
s, was•up hef6re the House, and that, it
probable that it will ,pass . it and reject
mate.bill.- There is, scareclsfa busineSs
n the country who does . 4tot , :now that
tweattnot be funded a? 4 per cent.,
ut lianishing it from the country. The
ary Of the Treasury. gives it as. his
n that it cannot .be fundettat less.than
,eetrt We advocate low rates of in
but the attempt to make it too low,
'dscas l 6, is unwise, for s it will offer
inducement to have the debt taken
t. Itdooks now as if the Funding bill
eith -r a failure or 'dire , loan be hail-
Join` the country, which would be a
r eala pity than even!the failure of the
It is.iamentable , that there are not
teadu The CounciLs of the :na-n
awl (.1
p rte
In 111
111 d
rt r(1114
a,rl7, L.
N% ill I
uf s party the
Itoota ri; i 1 r.s:i :
. .
1: INGALAN . S PA ICTY.--The M I NE.l:,' Jot' It-
II c.)!.01n-qitin . .4 - up.,n the Wilke,diarre
yam, the nic 4 ll.' 1... 5- beware of', political
hints, lett it, doingf, so , speaks. of a
tut in's party as a thing in actual exist
tt4aeli 1 ,, nut , the 'ease; some there be
t swill - lent intelleet to ever amount to
I 2: ilk t he , raee for preft•tntent open ton!!
..,, 11 , , think if restrietions could he placed
to entries thy might, through solue for
efrettin.ti flees, stwceeded i Lbgetting into
its where their unfitness won Id be fear",
Ite..trent. A workingau,tu's p4rty should
, 00ke,1 to when hod' , itier,rartie, fail t . o
, i , 9 ,- -r tilicn' 1 . , ,r candidates, and not. •as
I ri',!. bl.tlip , ri it zly . ;end - in his speeeh,
11 te.•YI up to ' itlt, 410:1ri f.r the parliament
lii zit:nu:ilk el, 11 11Ver c'eein well, here
• 1.•,,t•
~ill~• .
V t•-,
is Al.: fault lip•in the his
_ C. th rhil
:I •;i1:1 t:t an :41111 , 1,1i°, the '
Wtql. eif`c . toll 1:y a c./11.t
ei ,T the !initite•iLy I,lrty "all , l
e.:rse tlistattegratimi etelict .
Ne• sine whrii the labor h. , -
triy "eireiz'a deti rle
;Lly “r
above i= a v . o.ry !q•a-ililo article l,n this
lir all
1111 hi
It. ht. ;is that. ittra:4
I r [ration —but 'We hear tliat they w(.7re
vietorie for the workingmen,
of t/1• 11 ‘ 1 1 :1" 1 t if! I/ ...AAR irrio:l of.
pa tic and kiilt4.l
'aunot t.;:+s - en idle:opt wasmii3; again
ii )
'SAN i).)3tts(p)• Titi:ATv.— IL has ,
. .j.eti.,l by tho - Sonate, we rejtifeelti
tho sLitrnal vote of IN to ZS, 16 doclg-
I not yea in!_t. • T*o-thirds, not voting
flirnvitive, the treaty teal.; eiere:/ted.
30 wing i- the vot . e in detail
-.\ iJw,,, it,. , Avnt,, , w,. O'arnerfni, 4 'attell,
1 - I , o;v: COlikii II;:,• ('•orlirit, :Drake,
• n :,,:i.a. liviata. ll.)w•ard. • 3.1.,- .
.I.wti,;l, Nye. ,, •):l,,rn. I:3tti•rey; IZov4tis,
1; , •:::-• '. s!.r•v4itt , , Sluv..ift. Thayer, \Var,
lArtiti , , \l'.:,l„n -2';.
P-7 .141
'lit. ft).
'1 r'.%
ili i
111-• , •1•!ov,
11.11.•trri,., flowt••••••
;1, Vt.), Morrilt
Pratt It Ow rii:on,
•ti.twytr., - :StvktAin,
nrjrin ttr , Tip Lon, Vicker.4,
.Ht N4l' :kilt:1;511y,
4!arip•nter. Crazin, 14111'1-
;1" •r: IC.:1104X, 14. Wk,
Pornr,)v SliJrnian, 'fraltitittll, Yates,
• • -
\ 2.1
1 hi
I i
I :a a IMotiiigi W:l4 :1 jobbing hiNiziesr;,
lit-tenths Of the p:.ople arc opposed
While we do not believe that the
!It had been '4ietu :deli. by unworthy
n -his :alvoMey of the measure, we
. y to see that - -apparently he':had
ai4ureil 113- 'pertinacious jobbers.—
$1 (
HI( r
$1 t.."
'very l'residetit :rings ure . formo:lll
I,gt,on. Tckr . plunder,, Ayßte c inat
[lade capture the l'reshrenf.ei.-"Tiiey
eapiurelaitteolik but-eouidisat4 : They
Ore stk:ee..tful apiaren tly ;rjtlr.Presl
• mi. and we think it. IR a I.rx-ai lesßon
that - the; Senate defeated it projeet
.1k:oh there is an olor or speeplation
,1r; vate, purposes of the fingite, , . 7,
Isl ii
I tiv
nateral Council of the W. B. A.,
the Anihrat•i l te llegion.:, has
:en for several days at Centralia,
1• • , • „••
(:onnty. They at ottrned yoster
ikkgaleq, we believe, numbered
-re are ea.:ion., reports; some of wiirch
k•graplied to Philadelphia on Thuri•;•;
their aloings ; tut up to tlii7 time,
evening; we had no authentic inform
what %oastdone.. It is reported that
Ailed the eight hour r• 6 stem with the
jst;!),_ and riistrUltal the quantity of
to produced by requiring all miners
Ile over :F••:1 a day to pn'y the surplus
W: B. A. fund, which, we presume,
.empty, and the leaders. desire it
lied,' intik 1-4°4 is correct, and it
e tl it
1 , ):1
11/ Ht .
the - nlo4t ant bi , tit rumor current..
to credit any thing that is ,
;cadet nut the mass of tlni
du who control them: Of course,
, II:• (.4,10(1 earn 5 or .6 dollars a day,
Ixneli could earn only ~c 4 by,
1:p: eight hours, is trotgoing to_earit
.41 :"1, dud tray the halaucc treer to sup
:iv:niers ittidlencss; and eonscnuent
',Len t ion is to restrict the Production of
:this way. We :do not know what
ty think of such a pi.)llcy, but if we
wagcs asa we'neveil
t.,144,;14 a pidick and be de
witrkkileti, at the
artrt:.of p.'oll Who pluditkient 7
atttrP, aiitt•
cly 11 iktigi . kor tile ‘vorningtlll/1.0:
le .4).iiiitraCite Counties,. and .- •••• I
_i/r ballade 4.2 I
t !Lt.
tt Ilk
We find the .following is ThUrsday'a N:
Y. TRIBBNit, ;. . ('-
"- ) .
A• NEW AInAE•RoAD,—In ithe- , ,niatier of cait'y •
our railroads leading to • the irnines of PentlaYl-•
: vends have been so arranged as to 'entitine otft
virtually to the product of the Lehigh
,and Scranton. regions; wildcat In their . ; turn: is all
controlled by a combinatfon . ofprodneers'a ork-•
Ing in harmony.with thacornmen object or co o :.
trolling tbi immense market and'-'keeping out
all eompetition. t hi s ,--, -1
seemsßut the end of i moimpol ,ialaw reall y .
ed° be. appreaching..A. new railroad fsi
projected across the State ,Of , New JenseY, and'
to the vast coal fields beyoti&the Delaware...and.
is, hl fact, already in proertei of coestruciihn,'
which will nut only cis a -rival transporting
line, bi 1„ . I:''''eietettintr into the tic theylkill re
gion, epee io this Mar tot a nevi Bald of supply,
hitherto elo--eo ntraisist lei by the nisiebinatlona
oTti at powerful railroad monopoly, •the PhDs-.
delphia awl .- lie:ruing tkauipiany:' Atilt:a:at two
roads have heretofore been projected.; from this
direction Intn Sehtylkill County, Pa.i and some
made in their construction; but the
:Reading Company, with Its enturnotri capital of
$-35,4100,000, ,has been able to buy , uet th fran
Oise:Sand stop the work: Now, •tioWever, the
approach its!matle from a more distant and se
cure 1 it.e, and with en assured _capital and a
franchise so valuable that it •cannet be con
trelled by the Beading or-arty other Ara 03 41-
patty. . .
This' new appriktekis by the New Jersey Weat
Line itailrolid. a-Conipany Which, after several
years et persevering effort; • and by procuring
its frlinclidsin piecemeal, has now ',Wally se
cure& a charter for a road extendineContinu
oushland by a short 11013 from :the Undsoft to
the Delaware. The BAtti legislation iiiijuired to
c-omplete this franeliine,wax procure4l.from the ..
New• Jersey Legislature last Winter, when the..
Company, at once organized and c. - grimentvd
work, amid-so energetic' have• been their opera
tioiorthat already the route is all surveyed and
a contract let for its construetiOn, ana the first
34.1 miles is rauout ready for. the ironllwhich 'a
being rapiqly delivered along jibe !fee, so that
very early to the Fall one-halt of this.'new road
will be in actual operation. - • --• . • '..'
'Cite New Jersey West Line railroad runs across
the S:ato of•NeW Jersey bet Ween the routes of
the Centeal and Morriseaud Essex. 'flaying in
view from the outi)t the shortest all easiest
rot to . the:l.-oat Ileitis, it 1114 'avoitle( , the di,-
vergeneics of '-fll'e obi road for localibusine4;
seeki ti.; merely the ' straightest route rttli. the
easle4-gritles. Audi singularly enough, a route
has been disc tvered that is thirty milLi) shorter
thaii the INiorrist tied Essex, and from twelve' to
lif.eeit shorter than the Central, with inlich easi
or grades than exist on either of theae roads,.
and withrion6 of their Objectionable. mind dan
.gerous curves. '.;Tile .line leaves" tliel Passitie
:River at Newark .i n a course almost dhe west,
keepinz tearerstie heatioliters of the Allahway
RiverAlM the Morris and lisat.'.l., Wlliejiread it
cr., sv : twice--•inee abdve and again beaeatit tint
};.,...0 =:n rorritilii„. , the l:pper Passaic. 1 .
Thi4C .Inpany bias a eliarter fir a bridge,' the Delaware at Milford, . froth which leant it is proposed to constrain a road kfire e t, to
Allentown, about IS miles distant, in A Conti n
nation Or the general direction of the main road.
A further exte,usion in. the same .direition he
eolui Allentown will strike the Sz•hu2rikilitVulr
1 y near Puttsvi Ile, tlie very heart ofille famous -
S imylkill c•lal re!...,iim. Negotiations for such
ti C ,11:11I nation of the road are now peneling,
tin Tuesday evening time presides:; direetor:,
engineers and contractors . of this new• ioail met
a nuini er of Pennsylianis calatalisti, inter
e-tied in the Schuylkill regiotioit the Atne.ricatt
ill (tel „in. Al eadown. ,A. sumptuous supper was
spread for the oceasron, which was•deseribed as
seareclyinTerior to Sir Mornin Pete'S !famous
railroad banquet, given some years age at Del
nionico's in this city. After full justice had
. been done to the solids and liquids F. ?alaill[cl
‘.antly provided, an 'tripoli () :tetras or
ganized, with Col. C. imp rompt u 11.. .MelinightPresident
of one of the National Banks of - Mauling, in the.
,chair. The Hun. Frank W.• Iluebe 3, 01:1"(ittrA.
V lite * WaS then .ealled twat) • for it •speecii.- Mr.
Isaac Eekert,• Mr. 11. S. Eckert, Dr. Diller Lu
ther, alt of Reading, and other capitalists inter
estettin ~tlic Schuylkill Valley, -were present
.11:1(1 participated in the meeting, the result of
Wi k i. : ll was a determination to press for Ward and
seize this immense triune while the . opportu
nity was presented.
The New Jersey West Line Conspanylis'com
posed of capitalists of this eity,and residents
iii; mg its Hue, and has fortunately escaped the
c ti:elles of the tiroles:ional railroad jobbers.
By sp,lcial act of the New . Jersey Legislature
tli,e 0 w, it iiii through which the rtkil. passes
•are ailthoriristqo exchang e their bonds for its
stoek, and a untidier of t haw have! done a) to
the attienut of SlOO,OOO ,each. John 11. ;Ander
'. s9O, E (•., of Somerset Co., N..L, is l'resiclent,
' Iti,.verley C. Sanders, Es g., SecretaryJ . Jarvis
Johnson, Treasurer, and J. S. Bassinge,ti, Chief
Engineer and'Vice President. . ... ,
-The Directors 'are John ri. Anderson,..L B.
Kissinger, Joseph Alward, of Elizabeth 1 Sant.
net 11.-:truth, of. New York : Jarvis .lelnason of
Union County, N.J.; Fred. W. Caggill; if New'
'York ; William J. Osborn, NeW-Vork„; Samuel
ll.' itassinger, Union Couthy,- and•Jii in Van
Ne:tiSoinerset County, .N: J. The cont. •t- for
bending and equipping the whole line' ) the
1/oliiivare 'liver, Including the bridge ovcr'ijmat
1 ,,,,,te
•river, has been let to Messrs.. E. Ilanfortldt elt..,
who are •rem.fired to' have :the entire 'toad ih.,
running order by the 314,',0f December, Is7L '
This iii composed of Ir. Etliiinfoqd, Nich
olas Renter eft! e Maselem I rim Worksl Ilerks
County, Pa., and _7aleb N. Malin, of the Aria - of
:llaliti dzDundare him merchants, Philadelphia.
For the present the eistern termite's of the
roairwill termina e at New:irk, though negotia-
Uinta are-pending for running arrangements
to the 1111(iSonili er over'one of 'the .eXistina
roads. Ultimatel . toe 'West Line road will
build a road of thipr own to Jersey . -City. All
the bridges, culytts, embankments, 4e„ arc
building, with a view. to acconatnotiating a
double track, though the second track *ill not
be lai&untiti li the, fi rst is completed . thirong,filut
the full leng of the line. .. -
, .
We know -but. little' about ,this prdject.—
Everything :will - depend upon•tthe grades,
whether the'road is favorakde, for the Itrans
virtation of coal O lint. We, nre exeeilingly
anxious to have an outlet direct to NeW York
from the
. Coal Region, but: the . pr;lx.Esed
through Traffic Road leading to Perth
boy, for Which a Charter Was pa‘;sed, ; before
Congress, would be much preferable. i;t"titil
we know more about it mill the parties : con
nected with it, we are -not prepared t 4 give
our opiniba.on its feasibility. .1
C 031. 1 , 1 LEI) FROK THE ''F.4.71101 . E.llq
THE "GIIE:AT EASTERN' . R' .s p iorf at
Sheerness on. June 11, amid a scene 0 1 some
disorder, marry- of the men' being disslatistied
with the large !tmount of "stoppages", Prong
their pay.
Mn. Tlattunr.—Mr. and :Slrs. Bright - are still
staving at the St. George's .Hotel, Llandudno,
and those who see thoright.hion. gentlethan
'his' oceasional Walks on the Protnenade are
gratified by oliserving a great improvement in
his appearance.;
/ •
NEW FOIIE:ST.—The 0,090 acres or waste lands
in this forest, belonging to the Crown, produce
':ln annual iheome of al wilt sixpence per acre.
Mr. Fuller, the eminent land-agent, considers
• that, if properly. managed, and sold in !detail,
they ,would 6,000,000 Z. sterling.
Cutcßiir.—An 'English Eleven are griing to
Tradain the autumn. Lubbick, It. 14
, liornby, Green, Grace (and most likely hiS
other,} Maitland, and V. E. Walker are all 6:f
tile eleven as yet made up. A pretty good team',
but it may be changed tx , lbre,"atictiqin..
DIES.ANG SOUTH AMERICA..-.IC is 4peetdd that
'telegraphic counnunieation lietWee . n. Jamatia,'
Nev - York, and Europe will be coMpletOd• to
wards the'enil of the present mend!, and with
Aviti wall about the beginning of August..
TIM M AT A WI - mfr.—The wife Of a polisher
named Salter, living at New llJackson Oxon.
On JuneV gave birth to.threo dinOter4, and
mother and ehildren are doing well. It is pro
pose'd to mike application to the Queen for the
bounty of three' - guineas customarily made and
provided in such exceptional cases.
XLIE - DERFIr MEMOTUAL.—The subseripttons
to this memorial In the former Parliamentary
division of North Lancashire represent total
sum of .£1,560. It has been resolved that the.
memorial shall take the form of-a statue to the
demised statesman, and the Duke of Devon
shire 'has consented to act as chairman of the
Goon .Co:s Duct 'BADGES Will' in futute be
Franted to soldiers in the following . order
irst badge on coin pl eting t vi . o years, two txtdges
aftervda . years, three' after twelve- years', four,
afterxk eighteen years, five after • twenty4three
yearS, and six . after twenty-eigheyearai :The
adflitionalpetinvr, per day hitherto granted to
slidiers on re-engaging will not .be granted
after September : . • '
ings in connection with the Cambridge leein
mencernent began oh June 14, Uy the.unn i s a l
recitation of prize poimas, which took place iu
the Senate Ildhse, at natm; in the present* of a
distingiiished audience, which inet tided a!large
itunilicr of ladies. The Vice-Chancellor pre
sided, and the conduct of the .undergraduates
in the . -allery was very orderly; and strinigly
in contrast" with previous years.
on June 11 the sixth, party of emigrants, ILS
. slated to Canada by means this fund;, left
LondOnArthe "Medway, " for their new homes.
The committee of the fund. have' already sent
out to Canada this year - utiwards of 3,900 i. per
simm, and they are in expectation of - being able
t t forvrard close upon 3,000.m0re before the end
of the season. . The party in question num
, bored 420 statute adults, or,. in more intelligible
- words,. 550 inen,*rotnen, and children. .
I SewspArzits. l -Au Inland Revenue return
shows that in the ytetr ISID coftifef of 1,190 regi
rs • pu s
tered newspape blished in the United
Riugdo.m were furnished to the Stamp Office.
1014 were newspapers published in England, 33
in - Wales., .137. in Scotland, 141 in Ireland.
.Nearly as twinyas the odd 05 may be struek off
fromthe. total of 1,195, as being publications
whieh,thcfugh registered as newspapers; are
not it:winded in the popular iceentation of that
- term. The number or stamps impressed on
newspapers -0o ...frank them through the-Moat
Office) iu the financial year 1868-49 was 291905,`-
115. . . .
Queen's regulations of itit% for the army direct
that Mall ranks the hair is to be - neatly cut and
kept short.Moustaches are to be worm, and Me
to be shaved, except by pioneera,: . who
arc to Wear beards also, Whiskers, when Worn,
are to be of Inodenite length. On active service
in'the field, however, beards may be worn at
the, discretion of the general officer comtnand
.These direetiona are not made applicable
to India. The .custom of the Royal Fad y is
that . officers and men may wear beards' and
moustaches, but one must not beworn vr a i r tord
the other. , Officers and ..nten'of the M nes,
whether eMbarked -Or on shpt . : 4 o4.' l ns," !rear
beards and: moustaches;. or nimistathes
Uniforthitv of iwaotice 'as to length of. hair,
Ixard, and - moustache In the -navy are to be ob
tained As 'far as practicable, . and neatneat and.
enanifiless_to be in all eases ea arced. „
Fr. * friastistit LONDON AND TICS PROVIA4CM.
t-The two suarieeted . Fenlans, Michael Dity.itt,
, ed and John aged .43, a gun and
.tohniale,r-iearrying on business at Harper's
lui : .t nitigiutnt,
0 f• • 14 brought= before r. D'Eyneourt, at
.lebeer Pollee court, Sy deal margins--
troll arta clurtge '
of treason-felony, the a'cusa
tion being - that they did" feloniously, wickedly,
and nidawfully emplane. devise. and intehil to
depose, our Lady the Queen from the . style,
h Royal name of the Imperial Crown
or th p er tad Kingdom, and did manifest such
intender' cerhtin overt acts contrary to the
statiate4l, Alley - the - deposition* trial been cern
pleted,:Mr. wenn said he believed ;the
Crown ebjected to bail being taken in this case,
and hiesrule was never to take gill When there ,
was a Strong case against the prisolier. .4,ft?
the usual caution , the prisoners were asked if
they wished to make anv answer to the elutrile
'before being committed tor. trial. Both - replied
that they would' reserve their decoke, and they
were then removed to Newgata ; ,
' Tug t e tonou'r.'L-Prayers were .soffered up:for
rain In churches on June 12. The Icing-eim
tinned absence of 'rain is one of lb, remarkahle
experiences; of the present spring. Hiner- the
Jellmoinv of March 17. the tots rainfall:
reenwich has been only It inch: Out of eighty
eis days, seventy haie been rainkes.
average fan in ' April and May is four inches,
but during those two months in the present
,vear only one-Afth. of that quantity has fallen.
FCOM , th e beginning of Jantraty t 5 the end, of
May the Iraiirfall Ureenwich was but a little
over.half the quantity for the- Same time on an
averige or fifty-four years. The results for the
other large towns of the kingdom hasve, on the
whole, not been so favorable. , The rainfall for
the present year -hay been In CilitsgoW 15.6 In.,
Manchester i'l.6 10.; B ..
Birmingham 8.3 In. Shell) gld
8.6 in., : 'Bristol 7.8 in., Bradford 7.1 in., s
7.1 in.,
.Wolverhampton 7.2 in.. Dublin 6 !A .8 i
vi n.,
Liverpbel 6.91 W, Portimouth 6.7 in, and Nr
svieh 5.1 in.' As - 1860 eras the wettest year which
bad been eiperieneed far a very long time. 1870
bids fair-to her d fitinguinhed in a exmtrary dime.
tion. ; •
«T:11. Wan. an eminent stiiptiilder;
o N f e .l ap; .)u h b . 4, walaceidentolly drowned in‘Lotigh
'" •, - .
; • -
. •
Tits 1--/orr - NEW PEErt.'•-'•-The Lortfehanceithri
im.• to he rained .to the dfgaity of al
Peer of the the
Baron cijing•an Tollahogue, in the optinkrof
Tyrone. • •
_ .
A P.tat.t.tgE --
sr.Ther movement.
in favour of schetfie,. we are tdkl, Is pro
ccedingly qnletlY, but earnestly. The weird
"repeaV. is, for the present at least, repudiated.,
lest it.sliouitl frighten the 'timid, mut the
graintne is strictly limited to an Irish 6Parlia
fluent Mi., local purposes, as well as
Itor,t L R nix DENCE.—The .110 fast papers
gave cui - rsiey ,to a statement that Tellymore
Park, the residence-of the Earl of ,Roden, -- Whs
likely to ht purchased, as 'a residence for the:';
''Vrinee or Wales, -but it appears, after
the Prince of.,Wales is nut going t-t r-e4ide itt
'Thllyinore County Down, and that the
Wipes regarding the maite , r entertained by the'
people ef.Ulster i are not td be realized. .
—The tr , al of JOlni BradY and Edward Gearty
for tiring. at Mr. Radelith; by the,Sptwial Com
ntissioners. Was lttineludei'l at. Trim, on June It.
The state:whit by Brady was read confessing , 1
-the critunvatfil adding that he Was engaged by'
(party to watch en the Hells Road, butthat IW
did nut know the purpose. Gearty' held tit,
pist4l"tx; his head and styfire 'him as i son of
'Rory of the Hills" to come. hearty compelled.
him to ehwh the bridle of Mr. lbrtdelitfe's hope
while he 'tired the shot. Nci% witnesse.4 were
called tsar the prisoners: - The jury, after deliti
eratinvVilf - an. hOur, Min! bath prisoners
guilty Ot, Shooting with' intent to"titurder.
i;earty was Sentenced -to penal seryitudeTne
life, and Brady to ten years.
IttcENT (il - rnAnEs.---A man named Daly,
who had been for sonic time in the eittployment
of Mr. E. Maunsfell; has been imninittell
for trial at - the Galway Assizes On a charge of
seuting.a thaeatenin , .. letter - to Mr. O. Itoh
bison, of. Hallynahich Ca.sitle. His daughter
has also. been arrested on suspicion of having
written the letter at' her tather's dictation. A
curious threatening letter 'case CaillEt before the
magistrates at the petty sessions of Killorglin,
county of. Kerey . ,; on June I). A man named
Kean's, a care -taker; in the employment of
Captain Stnk es, J. Y. , of Cam Lodge,.was charged
with sending : a threatening letter to that gentle.
matt.. It ra.t . fonOct posted on his - bidge .some
months ago, and informatimi was given to the •
constabulary, who failed tofind any clue to the
sender. After sonic titne Kearns made an in.-
forrnation against 'some persons, but a hint. - wart
conveyed to the Mike that. he knew mortv - ihout
himself-thanit any one else. On. searching his
house they - found papers.; corresponding in
hatrdwritilig with! that of the letter, and took,
hini into enstodV.l
. ~
i It. JAM FS Ga.k.v, wholesale tea merCliartli,
Dundee, was'clr.oWned on June. 11, whilstliiitlf
ing at earnotrstie beach. The batty was` rc4-
covered the same night .
Tut: , LATE LAMMING TIME on, the pastoral
firms-iii Selkirkshire is, on all sides, reported
to be the vnrst experienced for several years.
Since the, middle! of May the weather iit thiit
district has been ex.rectlingly favourable for
, . 1
A TEMPERATE COEPLE.—III a case of (teeter
r tion of marriage,. before the Court of Session,
• Et nburg,ion June 10, one Of the witnesses mit
mitt 4 that the defendant and himself had drunk
"thirt,X•two bottles, of whiskey between then!
in the t ourse of •teh day s."' - '
I L r „
_, „
, THE luconTATroN of 011XILIX CATTLE.— U [}
Tune 9;180 tine cattle, valued at from L'l4 to 1:2.5,
were landed at Leith from Copeninuren ; also
761 sheep from Ong same place. lkith the cattle
, and sheep arein . good demand, and brought
prices equal to mediuni-ellassed Scottish or
•English animals.'
.:. t a RICIIi,TEITE IN SCOT LA A li.—Accor!ling, t e
report made to the! Board ofi,Agriculture, it pr
pears that the-entire area ortleotiand extend tO
•29.niX1 raluare miles, or rather more than 15 .4
910,000 imperial acres. Out, of this total, 5, 1 4 3 ,4
000 aereslare under cultivation, and 13,900,0(.9
uncultivated, Or occupied, hy- lakes, rivers,
roads, and the sites of towns. It will he seen;
therefore, that the extent of arable land•• in
SC.ot land iS small in-comparison with its al'ea of
barren'soil; and yet we find Scottish farming
famous over civilized world.
A CoStertmitENstxr: CEsslis.—The General
AsSembly 'of the Free Church of Scotland ha.rl
presented A memorial to the Home SecretarY i
asking that means may be taken toLet a strictl3l
accurate account of the iattOber ofrulherents td
each of the religious denominations in the
rnited Kingdom ; an accurate census of the
actual state of edUcation in. the United ]line -C
dioit. the dumber and character of the setrouts,l"
by whom they have been instil n '.ed, under 'what!
minagermlnt they are condueted; and the'-num-1
her of ehildren attending them; information in
; regard to the houses of the people, to the num-I
her of hotels, public houses, and beer.simps ink
the UnitedlKingdOnt; and as ti the aetual num-I
ber of thoiie speaking respectively the Gaelic,l
IN. Irish, and the Welsh languages.. f
' 1
TILE SA 010-Ni• Five minas '
i 11 . the TWeed are atl
• present vei'y unproducti v e. The remarkable)
scarcity Of - trout ',which 1 hart been observedi
througthout l the whole season 'still contiones.l
Grilse are coming ;in slotyly. Prices continues
high.- There is Also a scarcity of salmon at-lier... i
'wick StatiOn - on the sea - coast. An interestin g)
experiment, with the vie* of testing the rate!
of progress -of the salmon lin its early life, hats]
been conducted' during the past year by a gen- i
tleman al IlaWiek. At Christmas, IstS,' he
placed. a inantityl of salmon row in oblong'
zinc hoxes so eons rutted that a supply of fresh
- water wasli , kept constantly; running thrOugh
them. Abmit forty days afterwards the' dark l
, eyes of the fry lwerOliscertii hie shining threinth
the globules, and - about April i fattening the
'headS and ItailS• began to. protrude. Ten days
'afterwards; the fry were almut an ineh l in length..
In' one ease two ltbdi were Joined together at the
tail,havintwol heads, PM!. eyes . ; one umbilical
hag, and. o e tail, presenting the shape of the
letter Y. qinmo, , specitneli.4. were taken from
the pond al few days ago; or' about thirteen
months aftgr the fi st appearance.of hatching.
The largest weighe27o grains. It is a perfectly
formed surrolt, and; ready:to 1 7 ,;) seawards: A
good mane Of, the smelts have. left the pond on
their way tri the salt water., , • '
• • c
. .
1 • - .. . . 1,..V301j ,
Fro•ii July 3, in 1869, the .weekly shipifientS
for Diu balance of the season to Deperobeti, in
eluding Cumberland Coal, averaged 340,009
tons' a week—the whole detieliency 'of 4 1,137
tans vest made up, prices broke dowry 1( the
clown' anii there was .a surplus of coal in
market for 1869_over 181i8 of 573,159 toos.i We
aro new 98-1,910 tons ahead of last Tear'ii ship
men te instead of being 5Z,137 tons :behind those
of 1848 tO same gate. . I. '' -• 'I. ;
L" 't. year the ,Dclaware - and, Lackawinina
Cusritiany waSsuspendett up do September 18,
and the Delaware and Hudson COnapany'Sehip
mernis were curtailed one-half up : to Septelibei.-
IS, 11439, reducing the shiptquts about' ap,*
'tons ii week. The Lehigh Region.was parelaDy
idle for a c.maiderable time last Year alsetttei
,•• 1 1
- • : 1
Th s year, Schuylkill County, which can send 1 1
135 t 1 140,00(1 tons a week, Shipped only ittale
upwri of 44,000 this week. • The.Sliairi kin
Itegi n
can also increase her; hip
(r; menu south, wen all her Collieries aretitalorki,.
mi. and tpit collieries of the Lehigh Coal Sind'.llllvig
,nee ationiCompany In Carbon County are also;idle,
"'Y a B. i and have not been worked this year. • 'They
prode Ced from 14,000 to 16,000 thus week last
at Ilre- Y °11.1 ., • ' •
it i n 15 . Last ; year when the collieries were, all at wOrk;
ork,, nod embilacing the'Cumberland RegiOn, for 5 Weeks
Hamburg In siieeesislon, there was sent to market ansvet
118 persons _
New York, a:;co 4 bi,oootons. With the collieries all ativicork,
rich 973 pro- ' We eviiii do the sane this year, and perhaps more.
d Liverpool. The 'average last, year,. after July, wai . Only
ais year :..t4,88.5
3 - 0110 't ' Thiswould a finer-..
(against =4,49 , 2 le * - c '"' s- '
Arg—making to; of 65,p00 tons a week, on the average '..Xi 4
• • ' last ,tear—bat say. only _40,000' -.,- - 7 d
EAS.—The North... give Pr addition of 840,00.0 tons '1;( .. , high
. Mat . the Liegotia- ; added to Die ' pieseut increatie of 984 'lo,tlmg.
(moo actiotion the t ' would give a surplus's:if 1;1 4,010 tons •Ibillbe
.rth Cientuatuves.sels -I ,
inguninvihe panties, 1 shipi?ing
.1, ear, which is more:than - thegliatket .
the Earl of - Clarboden i will jako unless 'realness lisprovcs ve4" - nnite m
Ito the English' • 4,#rat. ! rialit; and phase tnlo'xery low. ' F ..i, A --
ri,12 , 72,1 4 k i.,-i ti x 1 ThisOf tk state.of , the coal rnarite in
sharp • act in hat*ony f ansit etw e iliquiriei made from ahitstii, al
I,:a s j4lFar . pretrera for the 1 regiid . ., s prices, and whether conaumers'should
-ical-erst 2! ell enter. lay in ' their coal, we advise them ' Milfoi...
1 1 - m !lows! • 1 -. ' - • . L i •
"-"--' - • 4.-- ~- • I WA do not believe that' prices will be lo er•
irarly.—On 1 .
-...-:errdr!... wurlead . .on the seaboard and In . distant Markenri ;
--4 1‘it4faitrViticelkiLl ' I they Will be in July. The price of coal willifiell
*%- tiliirixongetion tin the coal regions when the men resumestOrk,
' 144 ‘ 19 L - the Isrbick.they will do, in a short timeiJucigint.
- - -7.,;•• Ifrom r the .signs' of the times, but this det.line
I will 4o doubt be counteracted by an ineiesaS of
transportation and coastniso freights) whieh'il.
I wayl w edvance as th e season ,ItdTerlOna. The"- ,
fore e would advise those who can 6:fr. lily, in
I theiTapplies of cost!, but dO not rush ,inte. the "
!mar et and too up prices—therets not one ',
title ' f necessity to do so—bnt air! the trade! by'.
ltakin it at fair-prices as It arrivett”„-Notiting'_ .
IbutAmin biriathin of speculators cap i up.
k t;
the ptice of coal this y e ar,o_net even With Atte .
;sus on so far. Parno attention to int of
thetnaational publications tea& tor, etreit in
it,he ea.- We will keep you posted up weekly
es..tOthis state of the 'trade, tind if. from ;:eny
ea• whatever an advance is likely. to i • hike
01 we will ;die timely netble
,of .1t....T00
.high flees of Cosi deranges thb Wade tindilri.;
Snresithe pindoCer as well as Abe- wash' er,
end pone teat speculators; sine generallf Ca
it Whew there is no necessity •tar it, ere
now TO 071 t Yourso—Sticioo.=-Don't iZ i g n oe. twholocsit always reap the benefits.
lase vile II r_iteiri, but simply ~s. * a • t
siagnsila Belm open your tamp, peck at4tiatuts. suet
,10 ,1ktrEastern eorreigiondet i tea its thstrlie
use Lyon's Ratbalron oPorel'oar hair. -ne w = is ta t: i eon:base tied' fictniiikilt Nioall;44 l ir,
.sad reale% rt u etrwest lezwn er F its li it is saa nar a el freckles.' :• r , 5 1,,-. on' band at Pert 114moku.' te:
tan, sailOwitesa. rimpintariok: BM Litntrawl: - act .5...2_-_mi e stikeispeopktitue ago that there tire
audit' place of ared. rustle .• . If•va tnaniar -
hie punt of an ex site . -••--
~ „gives WM • • tkuotelherni 'ANON as the sappily sp
ate,Valt" ~ -'-',
,4 4 , 4 i i . ,: ti•i - it-r.,. - ". • ,-. ~ - I .' ... ~..,,, ' ' - r -RN A '-coal
- rort, 7 • - ..., ••' • - - -7...-• '.. • r •beatawlea .lve arty:under *mating ': - -.1 , 1i..
F or_
. .
, 000 , „ ~ . : wei. .
4 . . , ,
whai ~" • 4 6 , ,,... ... '. ~•,, '.'," ill, !, ~,j; -" , ,f-.: 1 .Zi.;. . . . .. , ~. - . .., .-; :-..r ; .',,.:
.. = c." .ii g' r., , --1 "'"i_ , .. .
.4.,4;;;-:•,‘... i=gtin.i.'",. 4 !- 441.7-,::,' f" ,- - . ,
• : 4 •
Cot:Nt BismAncg, it is' Announced, by the
advice of his , physicians; ; after completing a
course of Carlsbad Watersiat Varzin, will pro
ceed to England, on a. visit to. an English
watering. place. ; •
THE Crtowic Pm$cE.SS PIiUSSIA,WaS safely
delivered, ini• Jiinell-1. of a .princess. This ati
-dition increase:4llw family or the Crown Prince
and PrinceUs oflPrussia tolse‘‘en.. Their Royal
Highnessea were married on January Li, 18. - 18.
GERMAN ,EiutittiTio'N t MAY.—The number
of emigrants that ethharked lust Month at Bre
men was .10,296, of, wholit 8,001 went in 15
'steamers at i o :thinsto New York,, a:.d
ttl in nve;veieseis to Baltimore. At Hamburg
the direct ethigration eonsisted of 5,618 persons
in 11 vessels,of whoiii 5 ' 246 wont to New York,
and 372 the Brazils, besides which 973 pro--
cettled to Now York via Hull and Liverpool.
poring the lirst ' five months . of - this
.). - ear :g4,885
einigranbiernharked at Bremen fagatitst
in 18614 e and 17,901 at Hamburg—making to;
gather 46,74 ii• persons.. - 1 ,
PinAer 1 1.71(IIIA1 SEAS.—The North.
German COrrespundent . says Attat.the negotia
:Bons with Itespeclt to a cormion act - lot:ton the
part of the; ; British and ,North Gernian.wes.sels
of war in 11w China seas istguinstothe pirate s ,
hive advaneed se. far that the Earl of 4113t'bodon
has forwardml o despatch to the Engliisti•tira
hassa;dor at. the ('oust osdi' kktyz i lvislag. hint to
instruct.. the talkers; .f British
men-of-warin theatt,‘ Ili • set in haitnony
with the naval ibrosic4 .. Aftif powers for the
supp *
ress m f i ZU
.acia-eratjg • enter.
inssid ogliiettikLei3
Porr,st. . • • . • Ir t iv.y._oo
July 1.i."4.Tt0 -•• •• • merdr, -wurborild
witted itistintbf : • • ii;m1}11". ' ”. icertiLl
contain IL • .r. r lazopetion
pf the.W.• '" ^ • ''.:4ollltee of-the
abbe . .1.04 •• • • •k' flo areteteq.ecim
hinnies onl4 • • • ?teetheanniention can'
be written ' , -0Q Sleisk-41:1414 ieneil, but
the writing;in use be 'durable and legible: The
w ic k . may ate • with Intter,pross or
lithugraphlii uir4ef. - .1/(l l l6Weste insertions in
writing.ttriegkitipi.:,Mitit.ioender need not
sign his natitietile.,'7Afit gatediP , Oter i etainable front
oilkitsc • :j „.4 "
_cOtirdry lamer
tare yeelSr EIWEVe
of the ir/410ot -1 • •• rimles s ortiord
ing ther*hull.t4llo4+l*.ailviry in
tow or . States.
, It
2.)cents m
lIS omits a /1
Mit Ittsestiort;
• "
Isms IN Ttne 'Moon,'When the blOod Is weft sup•
plied with its Iron element, we feel vigorous and full
of animation. Ti. Is an Insufficiencyof this vital
element thatimakes ustleel weak and low-spirltedz
In such au* the Penick* ,Ifyrup (s , protoxlde of
Iron) can supply this dell 4citty, and Its use will In
%inmate us, ouderfally. .
ll"he quantity' sent •bylroad 'this week is
41,d4"; , by 2,348; for Use week, 44,015
against 11131,t.i0 for the correspotidingwitek
last yeari Increase over last week,*4ltra tons.
the trade:Ls duller than it was last !week; - Usti
primes on Most kinds have declined: ; The'de
cline in price for July will befreititt4 jto 30 Cents
per, ton for some kinds. •This we have from its! ,
beet authority. If a 2 foar more collieries ilitiirt;
Tifie . decline will probably :reach trivia 40 td 50
cents a ion.
It is rumored that.the President thelteld
_ ,
half Railroad Company his determdted to re
move the drawbacki of 80 and 4411 conleper tee,
if no , reduction iiniade in' tiages,-sitid,e)al Olfe•
ratOrs - tviy the 18g.19 'basis 4:veg. - lie
states that these `drawbacks
_' were msde rritdaf
full understanding that the prices of 'sea l and
wages were alsoto - be redneed in,prelortitter-
Noperson could blame him for dein so, and it;
would serve thotte_ who; to niakeA few dollirs
'would forfeit their honors; and take advantage
of-the other members of the trade, at a dine when
they knew that the trade would not' warrant
What 'they were If' the ~. atiticeernent
th& raal mperators , 4-yolitnt4rily • en
tered into Was Wising; ,Un4 • them
.what .was - wrong, they Would
tiod in ylolatitig .it- T -but they linctsv hitter::
'W th ritard to t!le basis of IStri4, - it wss nitt le
tentedfo . Is7o, and the' intend - ow was to' re,;
rhoddle it in apt, unless'both , parties itcreed to
it; !and bath pardes not having agreed': i it was
a fritud and ho utenilber of the Unionsiia4iiiinntl ;
to Obey their leaders in atteMptin3 toektforvo h.
It lit there'Ore not very strair , o that Operators '
v4i! , viola:ed .- if 'keep away frOm
ga7p :
They spy 'there "is honer among thieves,
t iii :Irani? instil:lce's. honor -ainon,g„tioal Oper
at•-irs is at a mighty; low ebb, and we are fearful
tits[ hiatip at least. • scent cleisirrus
.matry.:of the charges made against thekt; •
. .
~ ft - ls said that *'.otne of the middle ini.grests„,be.
16‘,,v are. very tired of Ma being pheket the
1 2.1 cents , commikSion .on each ton Of c .ii... .*c+
r 1
`'''woulhl advise them not M push 'Vox) ar--they .
, I
_drive the ‘ coal men to the wall=-and.if they
• ilo,; there are already OVo propealtionkon foot'
to reduce the 'number of „ I , Cents iq The}shipping
ports 4o two M. ilikee, instead of 30 or 40, which
wit!: enable them to reduce their ...X.periSes' yell
; materially in the shipping of coal. ilii . ttierely.
f•ugkest that when peopl.„w;mluive int l ide large
- . . i•.
investments. are driven to the wall, 11, hay;ng
their produed.ias clipped largely at both ends,
they may be disposed to disPense ‘vith. l 4lie o p- .
peal as far -as possible. Men will nit suffer
themselves to be:fleeced of their entir'cl, invest
'mints without makingz.a struggle to r preth,et
their proper.y. s.- ' r '.'• 1 .•
L i - , .- , l'utuAtna.pstiA,...--tuneM, ih7r).:••
Attenteeting aeld thIS day „, the follow lag prices
for r;ohl Hi 'ears or Itoats at Mauch Chtfnk.twere
t.dorted un(l4 fit Wier, notice; : • .
/. 1 m1 , ' 's•;/ 00 .
bump - 'I. 3:i, ',
$l. Boat ' ' 4..3.50 t.
. -
.Broken ;I. 3 31
•gg . I i 11
St two .... • , 3 75
Chestnut.... 1 3 '
, 3 04
Tiles 6 prices are _for kineloal, and on-.lar6
quanqties dedncticuis arc. nrde. At Elizabeth=
pori raid Port' Jninlsonfor prices
are poker., These are the,,same as last, month.
(*n New . li3rk correspondent writes as col:-
, -; - , nn' Yottx. June -31, 170...
"Itelow I tusn.l y ,, tt - elieullir prlees,forJul,r, ()Ida.
ere:4i o , l,ll , allies:
, ~;
•.I.nitt,:xt. WitJxr.... , ukuitt.:. l'lrtsTopt,
T , 11r4 .' • •,.. 1 5 5,1 • 4,75 . , ,460 • .
N. Itoar, - I- 2i - ' . ' - 71 - 0 " T'l 6)
lirolp.ll, .
~5 2;
Em.v - 5 : , ,5 . ' 5 riii . . - ~ '4 P4O
Stoic,.' 5 5 , 1 ,' ..5 $5 . '. - , .!51),
Clieit kll', 4 7,i : . - 4 134.1 14 .50,, "-
"..i„lottgicitte to NI:. Y. (Vla Callar) eonsigneo,paytnit
LEIII(ilt. W 174/.648AR1114
Luton - ,s 5 Ki I : 4 I.Si .
lirolfert' 5 el. . .5
Eg • 4 fin 6.30
Chestnut .....:.. 5
25 t , i • 544'. •
Vessels.. which hare been quit-a:scarce. are now
more plenty, nod freights ate u shade irovir. than
last creek."•
• - , 1
AS we - bail the rqsnit of the Scranton Sale . al
- reit44y 'set up, welite conttted that porSoin of
the jetter. . • . .
Ni.d•Creceived no letter frot h our_Philadelphin
colspoiddent., sWnhope he will 'find t inge to
);ee us posted - as to prices ev e n if but Ottle lit
,• , .
. .
The trade runts up. llis w e ekk as f011OW's:
___ I_
• Pa" 11 It ...... 97,791: • 1,421=i
Canal • :17,07.1' 122.554
L Val It ItSth • 19,676 11:7,3:14
L V ft It X 114:
1.. l'Anat 4,1174 17!4,7111
I, Nits . It 19,6111' 312.93:
Scenril Sib
do! Nth i , 41 • r 1.1111=4.1
Pennlll . 1L..25,161 , -te e s=
do!! Van al i • ro)
I) .t • 31,94.1 341;',910
1)&11 It It_ i 117, -143)1
Wyoming S4l: , 11, 4 11
Wyoming tilt; ! •
Shamokin • SA:gr.. 149,7;ii,
^ r_
Rem rstkra
Trr%rairton 7,4,11
•-port 3,0t4, 71.61 S
I.vkepi V Ci.Ll t" , C; Z,i73
; •
Big I.lck Cul.; ;
TIAD 9.629 1 161,4 , 0
It,•,t 11. It. ILI 21.91:1; 412.111
Aes 1J Can-1 1.4.111! ' 2414=
5 )-
w• We have had St eral lettori.of inquiry, from
ahre'ad, with regza d to the prices of coal. - lin re
p.y el) these lette s we will give' the ottate:o the
trade as it now - Mnds, 'compared 'with fl;.iimer
year;.-t.) date r inefuding CuMberland coal I: ' ' '
To .Tilly 1, r 6,643,069
To Jtily . 3, Poo.
' 6 1 117,g42
. .. 1
i pet , resise July 3 , min • . - '7F...r5,7.
shippi,n!s t
q 4 i?,wn
netesse sn far In 1870; elver 1919...;...
Add Olelenry In 136.0u1y 3
J .- 1
subisqtheia Imertkii
W.:hi-ElSolt i'cgitc...4i.i.
13 , 1,Auf; 4,173.491
J6.7/7C' 11.2. , 44."111 '
Z'4)4G 5,173.494'
52,1% 1 410 MI
1,153 40.3
9,341 1 161,9tti
70 ' 47 i /4S.NI 'ic,l(.4
17,601; 191%0 d •
7 .- 49 - 7 , 1 1!
3u3,711 63 1.7,5 -
333,7111 ' air.=
July 2,1870.
f'- • '
following L• thq (ft
(heal krid . Rsllronal of The
week ending a; Katunioy
Italtroad ......... .....
The Coal wax dert;,•ed 4;41i5
'From Wyoming; IterlOn .....
Beav,r 3.1
L. C...t Nay. Co.* tut Opt
Lew del. to L. V. R, At ' 1
, I
'Tile fallowing Ls a slitetniid of seal transirted . by the
Mel:aware and lludion,l.7ana 'Co.. far the , w eek . ending Sat
Untay 1 a..t. '
1 ''
By Del.& Hud:CaualL'
ity Itatltroad
Fortbe same period !tilt year
By Delaware Bud. con].
Be itallroast
cil4 _,_ 34 A
Ti- E C A Ft KETS,
- , . PISICIN op COVII". THE CA1260.
i ', • , '
. .
`0L , 711 OF s:4lrd OEN tr.V 4.13' le.4.4:f tr ok• NEW ttIIUNVKICY.
[connecTED wraod r ir 1 , 42/IE {LINERS' JOL - 11...C.a1-1
, . 1 PHITA.D.ELPHIA., July 'l, MO.; '
Bed, %h 'Prepared $ :OA . i Megtout..._J. __ 4 arra ..
... do • liestouL. ' Locust Mt LiTmp.. 4 Vice 4 .1a
W. A d Aump.....- 4 7...542.; 1 .:41, .do : steamer 4 =ail 4So
Stmun. • 4 7.17.) 4 ,* :do Broken. 4 :05 .
Hroken..- ...., ..... -
.Egg.... 4 'IS 4. 4: !-, do . Egg. •• 4 M 44 1.
Store_ 4 414 i.) 47 , do , Chestnut-IDA , .'
Ochoyl. Bed Ash,_.. ,
de Cliednut
. i,
S W Ash Lump' . 6 ; Tao
Steamer........ . g.T.1.3
Broken ' c.t"a)
ricKg-- Ztk o
mtovi, ..... ct .
1, • . 71.A.LT1310RE, July 1, /co I,
To the trade by cargo br load:
Wilkesbarre and Mutt 30'A S 50
45 5 AO
--- 7F4 1100.
Zeibey Valley, Itit( r l ' A4h. ------------ w s o,
From yard or wharf • it to :Vents ---------- •
13y retail to connumera.L.'-,....'--h..-- 7 0 0 4 sp
Georges' Creek and numberfand o. b. at
Locust Point for ahl • ' 4 750 bOO
George Creek & Cumtrlan
ow l
;.,t. Str. Or. ' Egg. Eno.
Lackawanna, Winlten44 Co, Ki 15. Is 3 (rot $3 tn. $5lO $4 15
Wdicsharre, Hoboken.... 4 7.5: 475 4-85 5 al' '4 60
• do• New Yorkl.4 07! 4al 505 -520 53 ;4 80
Faanton, Elizabethport.-, 4 .15-1 1 "4 40 460 4-80 Xi .450
Plwiton.._Newbucith. " 4 60;1,1 W/ 4 - 70- 460 10 450
Lehigh, Pt. J0hn50n......,....5 301- 5 Z 5 Z 5 Z 50 473
Enzabetnport ..; 30.1 , 525 Z Z 10 474
• HI izabethport and Pt. ltihnsollto New Yortsooentan Round+
out 00 cents; ..Newburgh'; 70 tient& _ •
.4Via Canal;onsignee'payartschatitthg.
Is a D
2 •• 4 a 7 1 . 140 . 3- 4 1 1.4.111
2)48 4.5,7311;f1:1116,m64
4 / 4 4 141:91 -.141.t1l
AXCI! 1711.4:1V d
i ;261 151,4,14 • 411."15.1 ‘1.18,79#
• , • K1e.t,14 ,
15,971 218.3141. 112,1:4:1
V. 67 5: .507,W1;' • 57.971
6:12: d • 4:0
510W0: - WAIL • 419,,91.1
I,GdD l ' 7:43:14! 1311.1 M
• 77,14111 13,740
9.531' 153,i211
, .
At Shipping potnta. . ficold.' Delivered at N. Y. Currency:
Block H0u5e...4—.....41 .:. Westmoreland ... .-..--.18 1
Lintrall.—..-.: - ._. ...... ....4,$ 75 • Newburg . l3 oivel - S SO-
Sydney.- ............4...4 tri - West Fairmount SLt_.:-. SOO
Fietota,...t..., '•. t4 l / 4 I, PHILADELPHIA.
Little Grace . Bay ' .....'l So) .Faigiveltontlas...—..... 780
Caledonia:..:.._ m
' SSo '. lack from ZS to 50 cents leas. Stack 75 cen t to el la:- -.- plover Hill,Osborn. JR.
- - 5 .?:,
FreLanta tO New York r ; totikwton 2 2.341 7.5. . ,
d 71.613
'd 10,423
f 4.791
' i l , .COAL,F,REIGI-ITS. • -
. .
rt. , Inliza -. ~ , ' . Pt. . Eliza
- 1 • . 11.1 M). lab ' ' , Erni'd tithp't
Boston - , e' oo $1 Vitartford • 150 lat
1. 4%1eru...—.--. 2141 -. , Ina , lddletown • ' 1.)
Lynn ... __ _ 235 ,1 611 lbany.... 153,' 1 00
elsrumitlitep,;o 03„ 2 ' 1 75i. ear Vork ........1 91a1 . 30 . 50
Newburyport ... 2 11' 2 Do, erne.) , City 10
Portsmouth - 2.15 1 75 ,, Illmore..- .... .•, ”
Moto__ .., 2 3') 1 rty,, 'ashlnifttm.-...1 10 -
Portland • :0 0 . 1 oy, lehmond. 121
Bangor.... ..... ... • ' '. 1 iturus . . 2. 50
PrOvlden ._ e.e 175. , 1 2.51 udson ~ . 161
Bristol • 1 75 1 ; 1 25, orlblk „; . . 1 15
PnWtnekez ie,„ to. 12M 7 1 21. bilveston .' 7 .., - '
Newport • 1.5' , . 12 5 'pennImpori ' 200 .. .
Fall 1tiver.,,...,. 172 ' 121 On.-- IRI .
Taunum _........2 50 .I , 200 1ncham........._ 225- -
11.fixbury . . 22) yannla . 200. .
Chelsea _ i , 200. , antocket.-...... 200.
Appanatut, . . '2Ol . ~ ulncy POlnt... 200
Marblehead ... 2)0 ~ '.. ' kp0rt.......,... 225
Nantneket--- ' ... . merset..... 175 '' '
NeW Bedford.... 1 J 125 Weymouth...:. 2 0) .
N4W Loadon_./. 171 1 - IS 17r1Pnt , 175 . .
I.'ioralch a tow 171 :1 21 Allen's,' Point.:. 1.75 • •
New haven 1 7I) .•I on mystic. 74
Brazport....,-.... 1 00 ' 1 00 : th
.. 03 ~
Norwalk ...... '..- 170 - ,I' 03, arleatown..-',2 03
1 . - . ay ana DIN Igart.Ttrun. " .
1,- ~ St. B. Egg. • R. - Ch.
To P.Crt Rlehmond...-.......'.....911 0042 430 r. 00 le 00 92 092 00
To Philadelphia....-_......, . .:__ 910210.2 10 . 10, 2102 10
The rates from Schuylkill ItaVeo AMA cenia - per ton lent,
and from Tamaqua 7, and Pinegrove neenta per ton higher.
A. drawback of 8o centa • to f Is allowed on all coal shlpp
ed South of Cape . Henry and tof New Brunswick. On
Coal shlpPed to other polntw a rawbaCk or4o cents per ton
,will be madeuntil (tallier not . , -
p r
' - ~ pia 21ORTIII MIINATI
MallSil! Citunk to Phi ladglphLeti',
1..*111012 VALLEY. N. 1.4 rt.Sil
- . . 1 11C,Allicr,
. .
To ElizabehtpOrC, 11
1:. V. IL R....-.'...-. 81 ,I
N.-I. Central...-.....i .'•-•
1 !;11 Kt
Shipping ,k, wharvitut ii :}lill
To Port Johnson.:.::. 1
..,....., .
To South .a mhoy • "J '
Front Penn Haven. to Billabeit
BY .LlllllOll ,- ,:AylO. TlOnr:
Fran haven't° Minns rg . ...;.i
' Mauch Chunk to Ptillll burg.
Mauch.Chunk tdllobo - an
Shlppittg anti wharfage .....-..
- - C
$ 1. . .
silty rtgo.t. B
_ The , following are the .ral
`Schuylkill Canal for tho'prosc
.Yo, Xr.w.
From Pt. Carbon. Mt. fhirbo
Toll -Ito • 1 to
Freight 1 . 75 . ' ' .1 75
1— 1 ,
' i . -2.85 Iti I :
• Dntirback: on coal for! the
,Per ton. •
. , - TO I ntl'
From Pt, Carbon. Mt. Ca - 14
Toll -1.10 .1 to :!
Freight •SO , • , 90 :11
1 '
.. . •-4.- 1 !I
'.. -2 00 - .1 99 I;
From Mauch Chunk to ff t. 4
, 'Through to New York.. ' , 2.-
Through to Phlindelphl,
.. 010
To New Yprk
TO Jere, at
'rHE DIRECTOR 0 , THE POOR-will . hold
A their next regular rneequg of Tuesday', theith of
July, instead Mon ay t e
Jape *V7O-128- • •It /• : F '
J . he will Lave flue;
:the Floarth. and Las
188 KATE L
and Cakes, eon.
ket street, Pottsville;
cream. •
Linen H Costa
portion. At M. RO
JulY 70—dtw-ia
mope:if:lr - save* • '
ehlinta. -For ."
dress the .Frealdeolk
F 0 ,135 811E.RITIF.
of lt[
' • .
• ' ,
Subject to decision
AITALITI76III for,tb ell
Wet, tbur nutlesi
iiot less ttuus eptax
bs held by - " NE I
AccTioli S.tiqr
swam taciran saga
pay held All itkOlimi
in ifern To*, von' IVIT
iodized as amponad
WSW, : •••:•1
We: . • "
Which is an a •
10 alga Per ton.l*
there would be so id
-ante coal is to b$ d
4uly,and 'first oflll l L,
antleipition of aU !In ,ri!
poeition. ' As it has
11451:Dirket for (mid is.
the' Vitality sent b} ALP ;4
ins Thursday. Lost:
Auturen ikl
Peen "r
Coa l top Total pasinc
preTi9psty this year..,;.... • !.
- t
713 saute Liraetsst Test
t • •
• ; •
sairiLEiLL corsFF , FaiLROADs FOX 170.[
The follringl4 the 3,
quanlll3' tisurpoeted lest week: I
• .
Week. Total
Mine 11W U. O. : wiss 19 Fa os
kill 4 .7 4.59 S 00 68.317
Mill 11=1 16; ta,410
637 161
bweee l 7. ' .. _
16 •/3 13 4, ,4 40 C 1
C a
..... so= as.= Ca
• . .
.11.141(41 CO.. TRADE—i
4 . - . 11, :uicin t *A71,77.r nAntilwi,
. •
Quantity bent P.M by Leh 'ti Valley Rapt
euilLug - On &intr.:4x last and: br the ycar .1
. - , wurs. TOTAL.
...... : 4 ' .--'
77.:.:- I IT.lii ----I .r re
71r7 ...::: ""--- 1 . tz R.sel
jr: ....,..
• 91,651=At;
1'.. , irl ' • ' —'--
i .. ; • • tps,tert . 1.1tfi11,7111
--.4.4.--....--1 :Loa,4 ,hood
• 41 : • _____ ........_.;__
;4 4 _ , .. 1 67,874 77q,.111
tlazletnit -
B. oar._._..... _ Mesch
0 6 Xur aloe last
'plot coal trskrupotted by the
Lit "li tAmatual Muir. Co., for the
I NEM:PORK, July 1; 111111 i.
Lehigh Lump—
' .....
I naETowzil July I. IttO.
cariroJE 434 4
VA 2:I/1 MAMA:OA ' D..
To Hoboken. -
V. R. ; gl
orrin a 0 'F,11.3e2 ...... . 1 19
. ,
ipping r 00
vrilarvlng-- 35
port it Pt. Johns.o4 419
. .. . 22
gii . :2011111 - 1t02 . 7 . .. - 7 2 :1
i.Tjnx 'coirPANT.'
I CI toll and freight on .the
• • •
,YORk. -1
Sc.ti Haven. Pt. Clinton,
-1 07 • ' -I OD
170 ,' IrS
1-2 77
vicinity=• 7 I
rorit and 4 oa
• Set'. l Ilaveu. Pt. Clinton
• MO.
, -I r,
... _ ....
A ;uettistnitnts.
trelto notlrk tho - publto, thitt
RIWN. TURTLE. 80UP - for
floe freeti lot of SOPT
, Jutpl.,."-111.111V - .
• rectlonecy,_lce Cruller
Un bend, at Nu. 9; Mar
files %applied with - Ice
July 2, 110-22-tt
_:b • • ,
I!TY •
•S ft -re
"11, .1. 7 .
SEPT. . .
!iv °Mired at moderate
- inn particular!, ad
e, Moutgoutery Co. Pa.
Count g Conren
-1 ',Swig.% '70.47-tf—ISNIt
ha • Ifr mchools of Franey Dis
t ijilhp female teachers. Term
eympinattot! will
• Ictart coat.::-L..1110 Del-
Westain ihdlipadt7,oozi
,ef *ow teas of
:arida". hat. The 'pricer'
ith these of May 2B are
•• I •
June 211715.
-4 4 totPir iv"
SI:$11173; XI
0,01,110 • 461
. .7,1001.5;L5 " 61
3.1611 1 11 2,&
ranee of betroneat t6ind
eral impression was that
eel of Ziewata, astanch •
• - thailatter part of
and lints gorillas"' Lia
in the price of trams.
h4 - igalt r • '
the htieittitl
ii,l/j. 19
1 IS
" • i 1,10
• 1%1
. Oi
;:at iu'
*3.1.g OS
103 CCI
I ' . 4,I.UPECI
OJS titi
2,5115 05
C,..0Z 01
1,141,3 4 UT
1.4C1.1142 05
. 41 4 3° al
* m em 1..
_ISII as og
rtiad Ibr the week
O \ BITITILRY.—At a special meetingof the Amer
, Ican Hose Co., "Zo. 2. held at their house, on
Tuesday evening. June 'Zitb. WO, W. - g.liuntzinver,
Reuben Snyder and Hugh Stevenscritrwere appoint
ed a committee to prepare reacilutiens expressing
the, loss of the Company by the death of GCSTAV
WOMEN, II manlier of the Company. .The•:•com
mittee reported the following: -•
Wur.axas, Proahlence bag removed
from our midst our fellow-member, flusr4v
Jim; therefore, be It -
• Resolved, That this Company has IoW-In , him a
true and faithful member the community 'a good
citizen, and W of us a loving friend and companion.
Itivolved, That we drape our Hose .House with
erape for the space of thirty days, and attend his
funeral In a bbdr. ,
.Resolred e Thais copy of these - resolutions' be tor
nlseti the family of deceased, and published In the
"Minene.Journal.","Ponsville standard," And "J eV
fersort Democrat" ' • July 2, '7x27-1t
,;leg FOUATit OF 3171;14" . .
. . .
t -7 7 -7 7
C,Bll 7611113
watts.' norm.
25.1:t sal
2 . ; t 1.45 .
5,72 if 41;8 1
frJ.' ,
•, 30:
wr:EX. roTAL
51,10,1 597,ms
• : 4,00; =,Z4
im,so 1,0 s
w . vir:K.,•roT4l.
' 31.9301 . 307:910
'• 117 100111
5 754
5 640
6 634
Offer *1,200,000 Bonils, bearing 7 per
cent, Interest 'in Gold, Secured
. ,
The Coupon," aie .payable in the elty."Of
Oa the dud days of April and. October,
The pilee at present :ix
90 an . d Accrued Interest in Currency
. .
Thts'lto 1, wllh its connection With the Pennsyl
vania Railroad at Lewistown, brings the, Anthracite'
Coat Fields 67 miles nearer the Western and South=
western markets. "With this advatitage it will con
trol the trade. 'The Lumber Trade, and the Immense
and valuable deposit of ores in this section, together
with the thickly peopled district through . which It
runs, will secure It a very large and profitable trade.'
PALNTEE CO., Etigicans,
. .
Dealersltt GovernMeht Securities,
' • Citisrmar eralstr,
• 'Boots, Shoes, Haia and Caps, I n . grpd, variety, eon
stiudly on hand. Pardesiar attention paid tio Cadens
Work. REPAIRING done neatly on *twit notice.
Feb. '74-410174Y
. .
Is now In full operatibit, and the. attention of the
ladles of Pottsville is especially Invited to the large
stock now in stmeendarrivingdilly of all the finest
clan - of goolia,aultablefor ladies' wear, and adapted
tO this market. - Mr:Ctine has made a specialty et
this branch of businmi, and gives 'his particular at
tention,to pectiring the line of ladies' wykr ever
brought to the city. •
Every attention will; be paid to customers, sail a
cordlaUnvltatiattUaXteaded to al_ •
• .oc_totjer ?1 'ap •I
-1 SO
. - garfa - iiiiarpt, .44. , .
1 "1 0 4 4avits •Irfseler,4rOiranr, ZAN.,
_ • , 1 _Xdraeiredey Catairege.. ..-, _
; Trains l e ave Marrisb Infleew York as /allows ,
At &MS, tin A. M.) ILEr IC and 2.50 P. M. connect
-lag with similar trains on Penns:ran% Railroad
l e
sre am/ving At /few'"? . at 12.1 noon. 3,50, OA
, and 10.90 P. M. reveal . Sleep ug ears accom.
gouty the AM and 11.23 A: trains *without e
Returning: Leave New Fork at'1:00 A. DIM)
noon,and 3.00 P. 81...Philadelphitk at 8.15 A./ AL and
1.10 P.M. Sleep! ears accompany the 9.00 A. M.. and
LA P. M. trains New York without change.
- Leave fo r Reading. Polley Ile. Tama
illittri: ne i n gt i l i Allad t eMU St rirt i l i k.„tsO negrw and 4.1 4 6
P. X., Mopping:at Lebanon and plincipm Itruy . Ms
tkum: the 4.10 p. M. train connecting for LPilliadel
phia, Pottsville and Columbia only: Poe rota:villa.
Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and
Suaquelumina %ahead. leave_ Harrisburg at 1.40
P. m. I , . •
East Pennsylvania Railroad Freak leave R , %ding
for Allentown. Easton and New York at 1.23,10.30,
a - m., 1.27 and LISp. tn.. Returning, leave New York
at 9.00 a. 12.00. noon. and s.l3oAllen
town at 7. 3ra. m.j.2.25, noon, 4. ) and 8.45 p. m. _ '
Welreelentirer Train leaves Philadelpela ;at 7.20
6 ,l l ll,lnnetting with eimilar train on East_ Penn.
returning from Reeding at ISM P. M stop.
ping lirg 17121 stations.
Leave Pottervilleats.4o, 9.00 A. N. and 2.50 P. M.
Keno,* 9.30 Az/L. Shamokin at 5.40 and 10.40 A.M.,
Ashland at 7,a6 ti i lif-. and 12 ? noon. M ahoney
City at ._7,51 A., at. and 1.07 . /1.„ Tamaqua et
B.M A. 91.. ank2.25 /;. - 111.. for Phila delphia and New
' York. 1 1.,-
Leave Pottsville; tie Schuylkill mid Berunenanna
Railroad at Ll 5 A. M. for Harrisburg, and M,..M noon
yor pinagrove and Tremont.
• Reading AecommixiationTraln, leaves Pottsville
at pa A. M., passes at 7.20 A.M.,•arri ving at
pbnad lowa atlas) A. M:; returning leavea Pima.
delptil at M 111
SP. ~ Reading at 8.00 P. lat.,ar
riving t
Pottsville 8.40 P. M. i
; • wn Aedommodatton Trainl lamas Potts
ALat 6.45 A. IL; returning leaves Miledelphia at
tat P. _
_. •- • 1
Columbia mauroad trains leave Reading it 2.20 A.
AL, and SAS P. 3L for Ephrata , Mb, lamer,Co
Railroad trains leave Pergiamen Judo--
tligritiKeTZ /L.& 80 and 6.211 1 . M., returning. leave
' at 11:35A. lek. 1145 noon, and 4.15 P. M.,
with similar trains on Readi Railread. ,
Railroad India leave at
A. and IMP. M.: returning leave XL Please
40.7Jiind 11. M /L. amn: -rw,nir lath aludiar
, .silleaii trans legit/I==g
miss...., 1 . • Mani! P. IL;
MILIDA. AM moat at i‘tirn o%V wltm % . /L. eon.
ista l
ir allollar an
: sir IRM:P: , -Phil:
ii.MA I ZOLM P...1111,= train'
' lea • ' - un i &A.lll. MOP. leit A.-
411.2% ' M. and &45, . /L i , and Moor
TM A.: OIL 11111P.11‘.1br at 7.28
"4--Lstraz .. . ;TOE . $ -—I wlll send
, o r Dr return emu; poi reeetpeolli . • , istatops, a re
elter a elifiliDO VAgetable Balm. whim
Tommie, Iltatates, Freckles. Blotches.
Tassalladt wmoltalts.aa all Bralitkille,rd
lasseuitless et the , wass. leaving it dean Ir. 6
bra/WY Els tr.. Abel, lastroalkess ler prododad ai
growth or Solt on s. bald head or =mow
F. W. TRlTER,Cheallat, 11.1 Broadway. N. T.
Joly 2, 70- 7-fm • . • • •
J . a. TEeinuiti, imaunt 1N- _ •
se e zNnw. ST., POTTSVILLE.
• Just received, Water , Coolers —Patent Spigot . ;
Stone ditto:, much Cheaper; Jelly Tumblers, with
rho., SO tie over; A,tr-iisht and other Fruit Jani,
Stone Najd Bottbesqorterand Wine Bottles, 41c.
July; 2; 'lo—W4y : 13d..1y.
, •
.0. 900 asret heavy prop timber. - ' ' - •
. , 21X1 ; chestnut. timber-imma.and rails.
..1100 " - - aill timbr.
. . •
';2MI -•" - - superior white ash timber-car stall .
WM " pine thnber. an. -
SOO " 1 ' red shale land, suitable for , tru-k ihr
between Tamaqua anallabanoy City. Several small
housekand lot* in 'nabbed' .and Mill Creek. Town
Lots in Jalap (iliberton and Shenandoah: -
P. W. I 3.I4AFER, Avant tor Owners,
July 2. 11)-47,2are . . . 12S Centre St., Pottsville.
WITERRSrin (moot the beat and moat available
coal and iron ore mines In the Lower 0 *lcy;
win miles beloW•pittaborg, commanding the qf
the Miasisalpefor SUPERIOR COAL, holding natu
rally, the key, of the location and controlling
00 u acres ortzlialltaleent Coat Iron and Timber
Lands, where Cold, Iron and Steel can always—tar-
Iffor no tariff—be produced, With. furnace- mine*,
houses, boats, Ac.,, complete and nearly ready ibr
operat iseion, can be.
-S. hail hy letter. or oth
' HA tH
...July 'll-27-it • _ •DA
.or Ashland. : . Leri Facing,
• ra, ' . 10 n
Ebtamea Snouts. -- •1 J r t e Term, 1870.
The undersigned, Auditor appointad by the Court
to report distribution of the moue,* arising . from
the sale of defendant's real estate under the above
stated writ will meet. the partiesinterelded for the
purpose or:said appointitient, at his 'office, No: Pt
Hahantengoßt:, Pottsville , on Monday. thelBthdar
of July, A. D. link at 2 o'clock, P. M., when all par
ties having claims upOn said fund, are required to
present the same. or be debarred therefrom.
July "
2,, Xt . CHRISTOPHER LITTLE, Auditor.- .
•-2t . • ,
A I ge and Flue . Assortnnint, on hand at .
Miesse — & :Son's Union: Hail Confeetionery
-NO. 8 Mahantongo Street.
Consisting of '
'etc.; dre,
Sai-DOu't, forget. the place
July 1,'";07m-gt—x-It.
SPECIAL OREERA, No 3P.—air switCmr n d e 3 f the
Port will meet. at their Headquarters, 1510.N.DAY.
July 4,1;0. at 714 o'clock, A. aliarp, for the our ,
time of participating in the Parade in honor of the .
• IL .'Thti dress will be dark , clothing, white glover
and fatigue eaps—non-complianee with which reign- -
lotion witi. prevent any comrade parading with the'
Post. . ' .
111. CornivdeS ire heretiy notified that by resolu ,
tion of the Yost; they must turn out with the - Post
on all oceaaions In which it parades In public, under
a penally of a tine only to be tvoi tiled in case a com
rade parades With another organization on the same
day, or•by a vote of two-thirds of the comrades pres
ent at the next stated meeting. by order of
_, CHA.S. E.. BECK. Post Commander.
P. B. WALLACE. Post Adjutant. -r -
June 3, 7*-127-3-27-1t . • ~
A Px 4 n I I .4 AIL . ~..
- .
.. .
/ •
• ,
and only' Mortgage.
The Bead* are jasZed .1n
sl9poa; $5003 and $2OOB
Fele of StatO aml State; Ta.rot
No. 35 South TRIED Philadelphia.
Apply ti)
N0..239 . CENTRE Bt.,
F: WHITNEY,. Banker,
No. 100 CENTRE St., Pottsville, Pa
:June 30.
oots, &c.
iur.Azgick XL, ;13,"
Mag 16111.145.70.. - . - ;T
Apra eleill:Xerarnuttfiti
_APOWibie. Pat o.
Zeie. ,
. .
. .
Sanity, §, i ~ .- O roittic. _
-----J ' —_,_-_----- --
• ---
. . • , -
Sidapi3,l36.llllllkX.Alollr, Ulf Wsp iit”Xen Yost:
. L .. ' • BANKERS #1 . 630 illtoirkum_.- - ,
we allow Interest ct i zxt ot ssnisaing dis••
posits; and
li smrd prompt forpos purenase•
and isle of 3A,ND DDLD tX =ass
Direct telegiapb le • •
• • • % un doltdds txnee to New%Y - & • nitknen nl 24 P -din ••70-4s.
. ..
BANKERS : ~Ir S i t' D BR R,+
. .
. , Ns. 46 SOUTH rum UT. PHIL 11.
STOCK% BOSIki andtsiovEasht
Tics bought and sold strictly on Atfirnatinfon. VW '
t 4 t
_uc Goma. tit van as m
p. reote Oonia.
Being thetmlera of e Philadelphia Stock ills:
change. all orders en ed to cur taro shall za.-
calve prompt attention, - , . . .
March a. 70.--17-Tukiti arn--il-ant .
y brim uy,ylE No. aq MARKET tiT
respectfully- begs leave to ) orm the citizens
Poitsvilleand vicinity. at a.e glee-Instruc
tions on the PIANO 6 11.:G1.'.13, on rbasona•
tole terms, or address Bax Alag-Oflice..Pottaville.
ParravlLLis, May 7, .1 lieJni—nli-Mnd•
. „
1870. • .-' , :.EL C.MB: : ' - 1870
0 ,,, r
CO., holesale lily G a, No. x 49 Market St., Phila.
N. B:—All orders tor Goods, &e., intended for me,
please iddresslLC-Ilarpor: care of Jacob -Ri egel A
Nao.. 3 Rgarteest.Pillada. Tan p. m-seur-iy
COTTON' WALITIi.Z-All widely, et tYITON
M° %VAST* prepared (or When, bla
bhlutau, add ler. Itallroad use. All o rders received
by malt prompUy attentleil t o k , •
li. S. HENRY & CO.,
152, 15th. 15t3 North Front. street, Philidelphis
Nov 12. .
._ pliosi.R.A.m.F TON
et lion, 'Exeter. Warrant' pure, unadulterated. ae.
titre and Tellable. For aale: ny (Mr.:(lg a DELL,
Agents, 30 11 - Hattrnad et t. A lamina climatal to
dealers from manneteta
_rs pricesby - • i
Pottsville, April*. '9l ".W111..1)0:4ALD801g.
. TECWrntisTEEer .
Thbi well known anilinuln,r having. been
entirely rtnovnted an Ireitirnisbeo, Is, now i
for pet mnnent and.trunginot bo.i.eres, .• -
Mrs, WAROL.t.k SON; l!roprletors.
Jilne - "ro-d & Nr—tr, 1
. _
is now o ff ered to thel trade add coniattners, iu
quantities to suit the,demand., leis highly recom
mended for its strict putt*- and delicicy: of flavor,
being manufactured Dorn. the prodect of selected
grapes andttioroughl* reined. - The trade and the
public are invited f
rondspe t S. BRANNAN d: CO..
sole Agents, Cif BN. Y. FOr sale in Potts,
stile by F. Sonata:win D ggist, and Chas. Logue,
Liquor Dealer. . June 25.•170-25-,it
./.EW/8 di : ON .....
• . .
Lad Eta:shiers "ii %Ira ard i) 1 Interfering Clalutflo Lin
• .
• Being is possession eta, large ectileetlon of maps
of lands In Ketiuylicill and adJoiningeountles, as well
as copious , notes respecting tbe titles, Interferences
tax - sales. Cke., we are able to give valuable
Bon to Owners, claimants; and those dealroils of pur
Eu rii
boetor pe ChMles IL , litiesefera nook 'of Travels in
OrMhich some k‘i:i hundred eoples - arol sill ill oci hand,
will hereafter be Mold for the low price of Otte Dollar
per Copy.. - . . .
41so for sale a few noma.orArurc nesnfs•rtc puY-
StCI.INS' BOOKS, • wait ' accompanying Medicine
Vials filled 'with pnre. Poraceopatble
at Philadelphia Phariaacy price.% Apply at the Doc
tore Oftice. NO. 45, 31alant .ngobtreecPottsvlsle, Pa.
June 21, 71:1-1.21-raF,
D ADD OliF'S ' .I!if *•NIT ' MAX' •'• • . - . •
-Or rine :4raitACITE 034t.t. REGIOIIB. ' • •
• This Simi ts the latest published of .the Anthracite
'Coal Regions of. Pennsylv i ttnia. It.' differs in • many
respects other Maps nblished, because it gives
the formation and also :. , . c ..Ftresentatlon of the Coal
Basins, together with thal •Inri of all therollierim
!ti the Anthracite t! ' I ions, 4e., 4e. , '
, :Price:on Rollers - '. .
In ease for Pocket . ' . .• - 150 •
. In Sheets ', . 125
80. ma Muslin ' " ••• •- ' - • - I 75.
Do. on Muslin dissected' '
I ' Those in pocket form will .be sent . free by mail on
receipt of the above p_rices, For sale at . - • -
RANSA.N & HAAN 4178 Bookstore, Pottsville.
•R 0 ,
.. .. • MANUFACTURED' BY •• - -
TRENTON, ..N. J..,.. . .
For Inclined Planes, Mining, Standing Ship . Ttigglng,
• - Suspension Bridges, Ferries, Stays'and Guys
• on Derricks, Cra es and Shears, . •
• Elevators, illenk, lc. •
. •.Tz ON RAND. .-- - ••• .
ORDERS,PILLED. Willi. rizsrAtcri.•
SiirFor strength; size andlcost, see circulars, %hid'
will be sent on appliczttion.l, •:. • Atig.`7, 419-411-ly
.•_., '
,•.- - - . GRENA.DINES
. .
~ •
I' - ' • Finast French Orkatidfes. ,--. -. .
- • " Medium and Fine Lawn§: ---
All Wool Bind, , liernaules.
. " Silk and Wool !lentani. - ..-- •
. ' Black English4renadines, ,
• " : . . - Silk Figured- niulines, • • •
- , Superb . Stock T iin,Clunds. .
. • ; Ladles Linen Ready Made Suits, " ,T
• . • .:. Linen ParepasTaktpurists. • . '
Ladies Suits Slade to Order, .. • ,
• Bathing Suits Beady
,Natle. '.
. •-• Bathing Suits. Bathing Caps, •
• . White Finites, . ~.
" .. Dress 3.tuslini.„ , "."•• ' .
• Tourists' Linens, .
.. - , • . .
f . • 1•500 Shtitirli , ' , . • . .
Silk littequ.m, • . •
• ' , - ~ ' Cloth' Sacq r tes, , ~ •
' . • Llama Laees, , ,•-.• . .- .
Iticlt Plato . Cciverg.""
.. , • -
' L,
M arge. Line n Stock, •.- • . ,
GOODS FOR EN'S' .AND .11017fi' WEAR.
Cheap Cassimeres, - '. ... • -
.' •' • Finest Catilitlllres.: . '" .• • ~.,.,:
'.Nabby Scotch ( Suit impt, •
69L-Iyit 1 ~
Alt The Novelties, = ' •-„, . • -
• ' . COOP-Flit I
.:CONAIiii,. •
'B. E. Coss ru Nrs - rki • ItAna4T 877cirrs , .
Oct. 2.
PHILA.]) • El:i:' .
1 p
' - .. ' .
At Lower Prices ,than., -I
.114*X. :AND, -- STA
Ata-Great4teductivi f
Call' sad Coeipti4c fitior, Pi
,• . .
M T. CUTiTIWIEV .-: • •
7 • froJtutetionsi will be
0; 1300.paites *nett, Illus.,
traits o. Mr: Webster,.
tap,trieyrs at,Fratlklin.
of Mr. - Webster's testatnen tax
published in two voiunies, Svf
tratedwrith elegant-Steel Po
and line 'Woodcuts of - differ
and at Mer i nelcL
"Ammon as Mr. Curtis'il
• present generation will have
completely rounded conc
nary m
orariein than was
temps. . ...
"Mr. Webster will 'again e Into , view as per
haps-the foremost man at th century on the Amer
ican Continent. A wart he t at supplied the tdessb
which triumphed . In the la war for the Union. *The Union now and forever, 'MD and inseparable,'
was a sentiment whigh hebtu infused Intoall In.
gama hearts Thu that the were ready to r.
out every drop or their bloodlin lie surt. He le
the one mart without indium anemia could not have
h • , -N. Y. Wort • •• . - een acideved."
"it is probably the last Lif e of
114 DANIEL WERfra .
that will ever be written, and It is beyond compari
soa,•the best. Asa biography, It has thetas' squa
tty of usefulness, beim , - slated to the toste of the
general resider as well as answering theirsquire
oaents of the scholar and Widen. •
"The extracts from his a es and ourespon--
,dence are copious, but the leetion of them is so
hippy that they cannot be ull to any man who
cares enough for the book or rulbJect to , buy IL"
N. Y. Trroissue.
"Me, Giesirge Ticknor • Corthri 1163 of Dexint.
Wanness will meet_a warm welcome from ,the
Americas) pubfle.l 1-
__ _.- e ,
'The Author den tut- write as a PoliMelin.and,
were the Doak Issued vri M the wavvrotaar edi
tor, it would be diglenit. lino ,tuipossible, to ascer
tain from any
_ thing in tt wha ere his own political
alliaires. We close the first olome with great sat
isfaction, feeling that the life Of the Illustrious Xew-
Englander has been Written las he himself would ::
have approved of it..."-Afoutaufer Chstaterce. ~.;
:drociAmo Ole "Bag** thurler,"irse' Awl;
• "Mr. Curtis has produced 11/0E Oalrii btogranhyrof
marvellous interest, but one of extraordinary merit
'ln a literary point of view.. i rii i m i ) 4
... UMW be considered great ha% wis think
that Mr. Curtis has writtee•tbi it of Amax, Walt
ers:a as It ought to be irrigen. ' , I , • -r - .
Mint* .Chaff "'said- Thoodaro4itiiiir,-"I.
think there beano*. winch a gnus/ • rggre In-all
Christendom. A larte Man, dMlle In dress , dig-
Edited in deposit:nen he walk !lb if he felt himself
. • . • - .
This worts.. of which the r
sW It. nowt üb.'
fished (the second will heready February lath is sold
bT sublicriFtica o ° l 4 44 ittill! Prt90 1 .13-00 PerVol
i _
flabscriptions may begiventstrantnorized Agelits.
or sent direct to tut, , ' 1 . • \
Agents waniad fitallports bohonirT, Addrest
D. --, L,LrTO7 - --,tille
, . ...
i*O4i 62- TO
3 SEMI ,
24.)e - : .• •
plher:iiooKsellers. in
1 ; : PRICER it BE,
ies In the
m fotmorPrke .
k Ia published, the
a mach fuller and more
ion of - this extraerdl
by Wel tnmedlate mn-
• •
Current', Tax 111111—'Iio!P.Telgilevit
• \+",tl the:San Domingo •. .
• Wasttixo • - 4-1 t is the general
ImPre&stoll n weathers and , -Senators
that the new co erenee committee. OD' the
currency bill will 1. cotupelled to eithet take
the report agreed %W on by the Mit confer-.
:ince, or else they - NM et nothing. 'Aenatori"
say that their- body will hot Make any furth-F
er concession* as they are hot particularly'
anxious for the passage of any curs:paw-bill -
The tan-bill being under considertUio n , the .
Senate rejected the athendment ttO tax the•
interest of United States' bonds Hie per cent:
- by a decisive vote - of yeas naYs. au- -A
dfscu'ssion ensued upon an atnendment
Mr. A. G." Thurman to tax incornee derived
from bonds five per cent:
The President, hi conversation With smil e
Senators, to-day, said he was not/cinch 'disap
pointed at the action of the Se..nateon the
Dominic= treaty. .Ho protases to negotk
ate' a : new one next sftsion,... barbel :fears
that-fn the meantime the DoMlnieens will
accept the offer of Great; Britttiit, irbo,lt Is
understood, will give tn4p 06
• ,
, The ptiblie debt, statementfor th
of June .shows •a• .reduction of tw
lion, two hundred and three thousa)
hundred and' seventy-two dollars'
cents. -
of the venerable-Judge ..Ware; 'fit •
dropped dead at her home today - f
Death orib - Democratic. VolitieLai
Thor, Julii—Pomeroy Tucker, rc
years editor of the Palmyra
a well-known ll.imicretic
(ley, aged snty-eight . He had rep
his'distriets lu•the Assembly end hal
positions of reeponsibikity..
, .
The Jersey City Fire
N Vonic, reporter
the scene furnishes. the following of
soy City tire:—A tw•o-story.: frame Li
occupying .three-fOurths of the pi
Warren Morgan and Ray streets;
stroyed. by . tixe this morning.-
'We,sacticaTirc; 4uly
oENAttlf." • !
111 r. Anthony was elected President Ilire teen.
in consequence. of the absence -of the. Vice
President until after July 4.
St-12.15 o'clock the tat. bill . Was talten'uk the
question being upon. the amendment to tax.‘the
interest on United States bonds tlrepeTcent.•
().47.9Z . 'OP REP.O.E.9.EIiiiTi yds. -
• Mr. Brooks,
of Mass., introdumiajoint reso
lution giyingfoer Pieces of condemned *neon
to the - city of LOWell for, the - ornatul.ation or
&soldiers', monument. 'Passed. '• •
on motion of Mr. Stiles, it"was ordered that.
when the house adjourn to.fuerrow lit be to
iiieet on Tuesday next. .
- fit motion of Mr. :Sargent; the Senatothill to
grant' the-.:right of way to. the Alanieda toad
through the publitylands in California wastaken
fn_in the Speaker's table, briefly explaihed ; and
p'eaed. • - - • • if • •
7he House then:proveeded to the call Of torn
fin lees for reports of a private nature.-I • .
Mr. Butler,. of Massaehtisetts, .offorecta reso
llitiOn regnesing the ProSident ' to. demand of
the British Government under what
Jf, tinder whose orders Atterlearf
*shim; vessels are arrested and , detained' on
their,voyages in the Straits of Canstyin their
Way to the fishing .grounds, by+ vessels flying
We British flag. 'Adopted.
The House then,' at 12A0 resumed the,mi
sider•ition of Om fun'ding bill.
_No amendment .
Ras the second or third seetionfi._
t• . IIIDAY, I.—The Flour extras;a thal.:' $5 Ona
5 115 for superfine ; $5 '.!5a5 50 for ST 5035 25 for
fancy brands. ". , •- •
Tlio Whent market Is without luiprovOment.-z,
.Balesof Pennsylvania red at SI 45 for prime. f'Urn
LS inactlvi at -further deeflne Pales of Pennsylva;
nlti yellow at sl.ttal OS, and some Weatern mixed at
Slat 05. Oats,are-. un-settiv,d; stiles of Pennsylvania
at csialZe. ' •
.Whiskey is nominal.. We quote Western irini
,pound at S 1 e 2.
. .:. • 1
. . . ,
.. . •
I Putr.Ansi.eur6, July I.—The-rates continue: to
range from :Igi'per cent. on - call, and at 5a7 percent.,
on prime discounts. z ' ' • " . 2
001,1. opened active 'and •• strong, with - the sales i
oldetuating between - .11:13iall•4",;,. closing at noon
at 1.12, 1 4`.•
Government • bonds are hi gond demand, both ' tor •
inmstment and speculatjon, and the- market 'l.k .
again stronger. The as of 18 , 1 and 'the. -5-20 s -of iftai,
July, 1887, anti -180gf are quoted ez-tilv,. .
Reading was very ai•tiVe and stronger. Sales, at•
1.3 7 1'. Lehigh' Valley at' 51 , 34; and J..ktunsvlvaula at •
51/ • '20.'4 was bid , or Philadelphia and Erie, and .173.34;
for Ca awissa , preferrcg:) ;' : .
Joy 'ooke .4 Co.'quoteGovernment bonds as lol •
row.: U. S. 68 of 184, illtalLl l 4,3 6,-11a, of 1812, ill '
11231; do. 1861, 112a112 3 4; do. 184% 112 3 4a112,34% • do. do.
do. July, 1114 : ain3,;: (10.410...w7, , u.v,41, - ti3s ' do: 1868;
Illtialf114; 16-40 ~,-•s, 1083(.a109; • Pacifies, 11 . :1Thall 4 1 .4.
"Gold, 112 , 4; ..
.7• , . •
NEW' 'YORK, 'July I.— , Stocks arm. MorteY-may
at 3(6,1, per cent. 0010,112. ti-Ms. 1806, coupon. 112.3/4•• .
do. 1861, d0.,112%; do. 180.tioio., 11234; do. do. new DP , ,
.do: i 67, - 11134; do. 1868, 11134' • 111-10 s ,, 10874; Vii-
ginia 60, new,•eS;. Elissouri, ti5 . 91.•3.‘; Conlon Corn- e
spiny, 683, 3 6; Cumberland. preferred, 40; New:York
Central and - Hudson River, 9634; Erie,;ll;
Reading, 167 3 4; Attains . Express, 68. Michigan 7
Central, lid,. Michig n Southern. 9104 .-t Illinois .
Central, 14934; Cleveland 6: Pittsburg: 1168.; Chicago
-and Rock Island 116%; Pittsburg and
.Fort Wayne
9:oi ;•Weitern 'Union TrieftraPh, 3 1i. ' '''''.
( . us•r6N,s: recibilits for • .4t, woCk,
• — 53,061 , 0 I.
In. • RE - Ar„ih i e Murderer, -islo hting•ln. Noir'
York - AugustB, next.. a ' •
, Ti.i wheat crop in-Southern Illinois. IS . eon
siderdd better,than for mack...years. •
Tan leading led companies of Newiroilit" have
since the -hot *eatlier irc,`.ltieivasecti theik,
prices 25 per cent. • • • _ .
Tun internal revenue receipts for June have
beertir25,468,7.56, making , a total, for the fiscal
year to date of 1).183,97 . 2;374,. -
Witt= robbers,'a little boy, in Alme
da.courity, California, the other dun ; sHbt his
playmate through the lungs.
Fnms•cisC. LIELLINOF34 a well I Jitiowa citi
zen of Newark, committed suicide on,Wednes
day in a fit : of temporary insanity': ,•,• • •••
TIE deaths in New York - daring theipastaix,
days were 506, et' which 57 were front icholern,
infantudi and '57 from diarrhoeal. diseasils;''
_ .
JUN:Da:sr,. W., VOORHEES was .
ted for Congress by. the Democratje gotiven
tion of the Sixth District of Indiapa,tyester
day. •
• • I,_ _ •
-•. . • •
• ,
' A. GARFIELD,' Ilepi;tblican, has, bean 'elected . -_,
'Congress„beatiag his cinttpotitor, by a majority,;
of 73'2. z, , .s ' • ... • ~
Gov. SAE-FCMD, of:Arizona, has had a 'confer
euee with Indian chiefs desirotni of-pestle; and
hc. Intimates that a paid voluuteeii. form' would
J'ep them quiet.
. _
Eat -COLLECTOR . BAILEY'S! p "deficiency'
toitpts to i,9it , and snits 'hay° been en-
ed by the Vnited States Government'agaTnst-
Ssareties to recover the amount.
Tni: wife Of Nilehael - Reilly, of Roft6n; was
seized with convnlsions on beholding ( the dead...-,
baly - ofher husband, - who was kilie4.Hby being
run over by a train, and died la•*fent, hotira„,•
appears 'that out:of the nirfety-six cadets
appointed to West'Point, this peer; only thirty
tiro werwad mitted, and only two 'of that num
tier are from tho Soathern StaWs, and they aro
from Virginia.
mete* &molar Ine*lnene Joarnal bri6ILEEN SON
. . ~ •
Whist Flour, extra faintly, p bb1.....
_ la cwt,. ..1 , .
11 extra lilt
........ ...-# curt:-..,
, Bneirwheat.. i . -"ri.;11; , I+ cwt.....'
yVheat. prilne white . 0 bash.l
reJL......:,..../...:.-- ft buatt
- ix buxtr...
Corn: - .:. .. • p !nigh
Oets. ...i..,............ ............. .-..p bash-
Rye Chop - vt buith _
Corn Ilea - p busb s ..
Iliftddltnipx.:-.......:: ...... - ....... :.....--jt bitsh...
lattorte..- 1 ......:........ -:.-p bush.:.
' Vi built ...
rtatoes..... _.......:........p bash.;.
itra w bale ..... „...,........--.-..,- 11e1M-.;
.... -... '
. . --.."tt .-
Eggs ' .....
• dos.:-.4.
rer.....: .;:.„.........—.....4 - ,.-11 1b..1. - ...4
chirid'ipuirter li lb -
"- Tore "' - • ..—....•::,...1111t.;: a ..
• ; . rorrsiraut IPAAttLY Illiklarrilili -\,.
• 1..._, —.....
We Wee the retWittirequotatlana tot bptiki: •
. 4 Chickens
II 1b......,...,-,
...• VW* 1b: , ... ,, z•-•- 1 •4 115
6 rA
$1111:.::.....- --910
• bat," '13.. .... -.402tr.
: - , ii White Per th ii:,- lap.
-411 Hawk It 16,_.„... ' 12.-
, -77elge s gsVallkmiii:: , n;;;1-`.
, -411.1i4B(sackpi:: re-Is
,-.,•; , • 1ivdi5ti......',....,.;.... I-Air...
it head—, 12413 i-S
. Trio NewPotatoos II ViPx l2 #2M .
• , .. .... w
.)t d ir" 4 44 1 40 i ii l o : '
-=• , 9 -- ••• , ' '
- laral ' -L- • .
, ,;:- •-,•
.;.., Applesq
t.i, • ' - 3
• • • Tr VIM ' : . ;e..-
. . - •
e month
L; 4 four
Sudden Death,
!ire, wife
I li» city,
Int heart
died tO
resented ti
ild other
8t from .
;cx* e cru
I was 4.0.;
te , l
sate. •
$-# 73i S 751
3 37i 3'7i
6 00; - 6 50
600 650
.. 3O; 3 25 ••
3 731• 350
• 1 1.• 1!D
-120 ,
10 ' 110 "
1113' 170
1 - 311;
1.2) 50
125 4,
18 Of
• It