The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, July 02, 1870, Image 2

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: 4 11, Cm dart SPLCIAL NOTICES .0 be Iss4liid A
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011•1011011111011 B.
nAIN.-NAA_ .-4kgacsen llama
tem and_Bindeas. 1 Se Week
ittE mitrEue,. -rotrarux. is *HA.
! downs, add rarataaed aimninaiNg-• at
a d v ance, or sa it not WA In adot um
.CIA7B 803 6 CaMMIds_Er =
3 Copies to ode 1P addrees,ld 00 000111 1,
4 " 13 00121
" To News Dealers $4 00 per • •
To Ittintatera and School 'Teachers ece
JOVENIktY PIIPAReI. %.° Einuca '
Wise .
rreek-di D y A m I o LY- n l g o .is MD dVayO UVStdis
TER3th---Terk man per ..iffewparble r
Ity:ichtan Itla nerved. : ' t
li g i t •UAIL-41iyable` In advance one •
months, It 75; three months, 11 i s a.
Annum. to advanct; 114 cam
. •
... ~..
.. __
1 - AST week vri ()Aviv!.
--- ,LA the.elpifel that I strait
the capital that,,ln Its -appli
to labor and The •Pr(i( l dive:
country, pir .-ivhfch:.t e • pe
• business; iriafthetiOv raw
' ''We w ill now endeai7o
ditieri.of .the Govern,nt to
,•, tile •rneastirer that eu ht ti
• Vrcpedy the evils cons !eine
. . many
,persons.whoo. rmly.
are governed ts;omtr ' cl , and •
1., that the people:4,o too
ernment for relief and do no
Is.upen their ex rtion.
to a ecrtain., - eitent, i.b cause
dreds -and • t'hou'sands of la
. confer no benefit Whatever
at large; WhiehisO fl i rt as thei
'eritioh to t - h `tnter'e•As of
- concerned', are of, no,use i '
Jurious =but: there:are
2 . plinciples tkrklerlyinf,,
'meat. vthett tlare l nik e negl
' -1)4 fostereoy The - fir rri me
. secure prosperity to tie wh
. thus onh'anee the wFalh, pol
ness .9f - all classes lii' :the cc
the'highest to the r; ,most hu
that Government. • • i .
_ •, i
There are three priMilpal
.. : that give
. non-productive capital: poi er •to (control:
atrdjitroy productivelindus ry and - di:presa
the rate of wages due tar, 1:: ,r, :nd wi,terevi.
cr.:l:these 'causes prevail, capital become:; a
7 . • close instead
.s;f a blessing to . the• .ountry and
• its people;—these, are •Iftigh rate. of z interesti
and • large dividends made omit of non-prc4 .
ductive 'capinil . work . etas Mop y,, and not
engaged directly in c eating, nd adding
wealth to the country; q-imply b :ause it is. a
- prices by which an unilde prop: rtiori of the
• wealth of the "country is. grad ally, withL .
fronillie 'navy into ,ihe .hands of a
.' few, whose greater abut dance: is alwayS'tW 7 '
. ifig i them the advantagebvertho. e who have
the - k.aset-in •oilier wordo, •it Is to Unerring
, ' ..
process of making •the rich riel er, and,the
poor poorer ; . tfie: Want ordec tate priotee 7
tion to our home indust .y . :' r 'she cheaper
capital, more extensive. ac ' h•4e y, anthlow
er rates of laborprevair g in' ')t ter nations;
, . and.a sufficient volume Oi • -eu rct to, - of equal
, - value throughout the cfuntry 1 ibperlY tlis',.
tri huted with an expaut ing limi as.businesi:
•and wealth. expandS. • r".
. ..
• Our Governmental p: '
favored the policy that
.capital'the advantage '
capital and labor of the 'count'
. when.. the. Rebellion Jo-oke out
was changed,. protection secure
dompstic resources Were stiniuk
an extent, tliik , 'Wealth was create
. , that we 'were enabled to rafse i
clod to carryon , arid .suppress t
• gamic Rebellion in the history of
and meet all our obligation: It
. 4hecuriency of the country Was
- ; •11ated an(l prices' of everything
interest, 4 ividelids and the Prb
'Were inflated in' nearly if not ip
• ponding ratio. The high prenn
whielr' 0 - 6V:tiled during the . I
which our duties on fOreign gnu'
' 'added this preniituti• to the ra
;• ' \
imposed and gave' ample pron.
with the high rates of wage;
' „prices for: mosey;—but when
lint on , gold commenced deer
greater railkthan„interest i iV 0
.i., wag,es of labOr, '..the,rate of duti
, articlos eto b
clised wadequately !
.: our-heme industry, and it Luca',
for the last two years, and. will
• - tlii, vondltion,so long as non-pio
'., 1 tal , 1);Li the advantage, . utile •
• laws. These
..disadvantages t t
(. 1.
• bor,..and our produelli•tyindustr
remedied Ily, wise - legislation, on
. A'ongress, and we- will now, poin
gislation required.
1, , -;: The tint measure, which is-MI
'-: - OveiY6qerninent. which expec l
the approbation of its subjects
• 'nand their confidence and supp,
test by legislation all its' subjects
individual and collectiVe rights
siou from any Source, and also t
protect its home industry from
' • ges that : other nations may 'Pi
• Ow
. 11°9 produetionis :that'i
wi tilt - it - and power, and on ivhiCL
unist rely for husinessand th (
for support. Its foreign cominer
oti4j,try 'e nsideration,, because H
- ways grow 'n proportion to the
it, deiinestiepr - uctiouS beyond
of its own people. Non-prolit
triescan.only have . a limited eon
other notions, and never..cazi MU.
per when its home 'industry 'is
- , and• protected- by the (icivernat
fore, it is the first duty cif - every
Government - to .protect its het
-• and its'iabor,. in all department,
, -factures, theirodacts. of its nth
ricultural punmits, - &e., • whir
wealth and power and expau L
of the oOuntry—and partieula
PAratively new country, .wher
terest of all classes, - embrachu
• of the community, except t
non-pradnctive capital, who
• the ealtunities of the impoveri. I
of all classes by taking adva
manufacturers, that prices s
?tend to the rates prevailing i
countries, where- cheaper Cap
' machinery and starvation wa , a
a the masses. Home' protecti
-. front such hostile interests or
the foundation of every natiot '
To neglect this thity -on the
makers, is not only unwise', • -
criminal.—The high rates of i
- tiered during theft-tient : bit, wl
necessity undertUir financial p
the large dividends derived
Railroads, add many other sti
.'the benefit of non-producin
- Against labor and home pr .
:.- - tends to withdraW capital fro
try and. loan it on high.ratei;
invest it:in;Speeniation, Stock.
... er - eate but little : wealth, end. 1•
- depress and destroy domestic
- : This can ho remedied by -Ind
, - refundipg•Of the national sect
. Or rate of interest, by gradua
- , _to the rate that is likely to p
- ' . country,; When its industry is
and wealth becomes more a I
' such a ,Govern mental policy, ,
the' lowest rate Of intere4t is
- , • , ,)wolit on Government see I
country ; it isnot likely that ti
ti , rest will ih:.-scend belOW.-A'
• generation at least, .e.sliril*
- .. therefore we . would .p!diitibc
' the securities now due; liiiikiiii,,
, by providing for a neW•lixtn:,l
' • llundri.;ll Mdlion'of,Dollars'
years,- free of taxation, wits '
• tached-paying, '-- rest at the i
cent for
ceten yc 71--4,1 - per cent
and - 4 per tent: for the rem. i
J ---r- years. Such a !Olaf ',could be r
I '':,,, , the'Secretary of the . Tri.aBnry ,
t 0.1 of boktrs and moneY!..tilta •
and abroad, wity - the only • ,
printing the'new tonds, and a
' changeWithont any. per eenta, •
:•i - . All the 5-20 1 0.11 - OW:dife":4lll4'
faii• j dne,.would be • exchanged
... anital.l would fo,llAufp before
. of ilms"p4oinfiffairothite ,
.wmiw t ritt aoki : iii;*otli f
1 1) .
. thUf iliQl 4 o9k r t• i; , oe
only securities then lmtW0.t11::
. 1881, and thfil#,e aliiatian• - be .pai
751" • -
75 per annum, tju
,at Arrva t rat
address- „„,,O )
" law
es. cash.
will Walsh the
Ipublish,d every
.0" Usk pret
ow. IP 00; ;
AL tr sopa!
six Ina•
• point out
• a, is hostile
str , of the,
'depend- for
hat are tho•
people, and
adopted to
' ?There are
I we that we
to the Govt
v sufficient.
his is true
re are hun'.
acted that
I • the people
• aeral appli•-
enUntry. are,
prove in
Of Goverril
t d, hut must
, is 6de,f 4 -tO
people, inl
r and bappil
c • Ktll442et or
IS4 tolB6
me me
ver the
Wie policy
1, and qui
ted to such
I so rapidly
Riley 'Ka,'
le most
the world.
is Inn! that
e of labor,
'te a corres 7
ds :ue paid,
el- of duties
iv Lion,, even.
and „high
la. prena r
ling in a
ds and the
1 .7 on nvoy
rotective to
e dei : e4ed
•ol}tiinue iu
uctive eap•
he pret-..eiii
le home la;
only be'
the part a
out the le;
perative ()et
anti toni T
in all their
rum 4ggre
).foster and
!tie ad vanta-
t lieYeoplv
e is of seci
g iis will .ai
increase of
the wlnti;
I cing (..oun-
F1,..11( ! r
not fthge'reil
c intlu try
111 1111111 -
e:s, and-ag- .
t A li produo
he ,busiu6s
in a coin-
is the in-
• holders Of
. vi. rich o'p
1 produceis
;go of these
old ; obt de
much old(4
t 1, exteksisict
n therefore,
•qttalities, is
s prosgerity.
of our law
t absolutely.
t rest eugeit
cll became a
1 1
, and also
in " Banks,
, i, is':alsn for
capital and",
etion, atut
iome intlus
interest, or
&c., wideh.
;ely tend to
Ipg ;for the
le4=tit a low-•
' 1 tailhl , pur
y developed
3 dant , under.
In Eng l a nd
'3 per eent.4:si,
r ties in i thb
) .rates of, in.;
e cent. fora.
I pent rate--
, refunding
, y fall due,
su. Twelve
run fortY
•rat mils at
:te: n? 5 per
„i trai years,
I int , twenty
, illiout: the'
c ,at :kkaut6.
••xPen ....
se of
ing the ex
o anybody.
1 , est. as thpy
IC, this loah,.
01111 , f th'e
off by the
N. . . .
the time they fall due out of the sinking
fund: . 1 11 6 would dispose of all the Nation
al securities, and rte elf=be ‘ ' l4 l-'7
theMerif in*eat wilt . 7 t.tromin .
~, -
zaltifie .counity, aid *oiling It - Aetna to
r.idief intereapald
,beirtize the ' Ilebelliokiiz
:Vans of p rol o a sitir.' VS reduce the raleinf
Interest now tiplow 5 Pell' cent. would befit-
1 -polltie;tand *aid Gelid to banish the earn
; rides from theiountryiand the interestalio,
which would be a great cidamlty tothe . couri;.'
try. It would be more to the hiterest of the.,
country to keep these securities at home. by:
• paying at least one per cent more interes4
and none but unthinking persOns, jobbers,
and thisfriends of jobberaortnild adbotette it
different ;policy. • After all these - other
eceririths were either paid off . or converted
lizto'llie new securities , we *would authorize
the of the - Tieasury',- to . enter the
"market; an d buy up"the new - loan 'lathe tnarr .
ket value
: with any surplus revenue he Amy
have off handuarequired brother_ purposes,
'and place theta in a' sinking land, -the same
as be now , doea- The rates of Interest,paid
on National securities In - any-country gener;,-
allrcontrOls the rate'"of Interest to a great
extent in all other-tituisactione . Within that .
country '-in - the old witted - portions „rif the
same:- We pre . aware that it :rules "' much
on the fr.ontiens eta country likecfues
where the settlements are thin-and .the ex
penditure of a little money largely Increases
the value of propertY,with the present heavy`
ernigration—..but in the money centres of the -
country:the iower the rate of Interes t, with
business • In a . healthy condition, the greater
will be the prosperity of the productive In
dustry of the country. We Would- tax the
banks in addition totheir present , taxes from
4to 1 per cent. or compel them to substitute'
tile new loan. in place of • ; t4lo3ends they now
hold' t 6 per cent." , . . , -.,
Year after year, at the instance of the mo
tley. changersjiafflcers and speculators; great
efforts have , been made to increase the legal
rate of interest in Vennsylvania from 6 to 7
per cent., on the grorind that New. York pays.
• 7 per cent., arid thattigreat deal of Pennsyl
vania capital It draWn into New York, add
alsoforeign capital, which tends tofiveNew
York a great advantage over Pennsylvania.
This argunient appears very plausible, but it
is not true. • Foreign capital „does' flow inte
-:',.' - ew York, and. it will continue to flow there,
because the - agencies of foteign houses are lo
cated there,. mid some capital from Pennsyl
vania may be sent there for investment, but.
'our lower. rate of Interest in dismunfing
paper for . the productive - interests , „ of our
State, is of ten fold more advantage to Penn
sylvania than all the injury she sustains,hy
a . small' portion -of lfer capital being directed
to another State for . investment, where it
will draw one pbr cent. more interest: It is our
lower rate, of interest that ,is' developing our
mineral resources and increasing. our manu
facturing industry ipr rapidly;• that she will
soon 9UL:trip .NeW' York iii - - everthing bid
her. foreign eornmerce, and eVen in popula
tion before many years pass by.' . Therefore,
any legislator 'that votes In favor of increas
ing the' rates of interest. in this State, is
. an
enemy to labor and the domestic industry of
the;country,-fayors the interest of, non-pru
ductive capital s and is nothing'. but a tool, of
the,mone,f shavers. ' '
The next iitiOtiok is the:curreney: 'A good
and safe curieneyliihe greatanxiliary tn
..,s ure p ro4Pe tityilfrileO nrtect i on with the p ied
iug measure:4o:llcl would be shorn f one
half their • adVantage; to the coin) . nutty .
without it. Ina, commercial country a Paper..
currency Is: absolutely -necessaryit may be
'made convertible, ?or like-our legal•tenders, .
nor:convertible—if made n.on.corivertible, it
must have a limit; and the Government must
stamp a value on It thesame ascoin,'and we
it for all purposes that coin is now used. -We,
however,' in accordance with the principles
adopted. by all other commercial countries,
s -. .otild prefer a convertible , paPer . currency,
,particularly as we are st c i h large produCers
of the. precious Metals. Olitr‘National . Or
rency made convertible, withdisiauSe requir
ing thAanks to redeem' the notes 'at par in
the money centres, and' thus keep thein of
equal Value throughout 'the -- coutrr'y, is' the
best currency now in existence: But to make.
it more uniform, and more useful to the co i f ti .
thuitity, i't musk not have an !Arbitrary limi :
to be changeti - • periodically by legislation, •
nori is• it wise;
- to have nn unlimited, issue un s '
(feria sys,tem Of. Free,Banking as claimed by,
many, which W . Ould, in our country ; proVe
as destructive as. Free Trade -,Vith foreign
countrie is to our productive industry. It.
would. be attended with all the perlodiezil;,
fluctuations which has characterized our
country heietofore; and Whielt has proved so
destructive to investments whet? paper issu e s
was made too abundant, by the creation of .
new banks in a time of speculation and high
values, with scarcely any limit, 'i,ilticli always
has and always will resultirt bringing about
a crisis which results in prost4ting business
and haulm: thousands. - • , ~
We therefore propose issuing the currency
based on the assessed - Value of-the real and
personal property-of the country, in thepro
portion- of one paper currency . to
t. , 37, of the assessed valuepf the real and per
sonal property, and distribute said currency.
among all the States and Territories in pro
portion to their asse4ed wealth. This would.
remove the objections of an arbitrary limit,
and also provide for au expanding limit; just
in. proportion as wealth and business in
creases in every-part of the country.' This'
,would give to the , money centres their:pro;
porthin' of enrrency in proportion 'to: their
wealth, (not populat ion.; as smite rather i ii ex
pe rieneef I financiers in Congress have propo's:.
<A, which would be a Most unjust .distribu
tion so far as commercial interests are con- . .
cerned,)'and no injustice would be v done to
any section of the country: 'This must be
avoided as far as•possible, because now that
the old bone of. c . ontention is removed in the;
abolition of slavery, sectional' interests ,may
be the n*xt bane to distract the Government .
if sufficient cause is given if by, Congress in,
not awarding equal justice to all sections.—
, This Would require the banks to be located
In all parts of the country and not princi
pally in money centres of the country as they
now are, and which would' also be the", caSe.
to. the same extent.under Free Banking.
It has seemed. strange that the ltepresenta
gives from the West and South have not,
urged this principle in the issuing and diStri- - ,
bution of a National currency, - whiclrwould
give them all they require forever. With
tirt:l Principle of issue and distribution oiice
established, the people 'lever' would pirinit
- ; =l, , be changed, because it is: just,"artll. re
,. if i - no further 'disturbing legistaiion4 to
nsettle the busineSs of the country aftei.
F r
•ards. With such a limit there , couldbe
. no expansions beyOnd that point. Charters
, would bel Issued tcy the States in proportion
to their nealtii as they are applied for. The,se
applications could be registered at the Bank-,
ing Departinent at Washingto4,and issued iii
roMilon f ' m the. books. Wince there .i.S . ini
'eigriAlo beyond this. patit, - rietion:
"cin' take place, and Coitiiiiiiiiiito,,im Oliv.
and the . ' ueef curreneY,ltitivnitoifinnootlily,
itiereasing as inisliteSs Ilailit*Jitilation in,
creases, Withtnit 'tiny ditttirbing•tendencY . -
whatever.l . Gaiiiraectirity*Ealsiiglven in the
Invegsagii . t a nt . v. p cal It 3 building, in manic
facttifii,t (RAW.; eiaiVinient of the country,
Arleltbcti;lllaltit -be., given . under, any othi! , r
syslenil .. lo: -. 4nti ,they•krio* that issues tan:
not eipand''beyoud this limit. On this' prin. , -
opt e ibe...distribution could be made to each
,Pengrestimialdistriet throughout fire coun;but We imesn'uellait in but few instahecs
-.fa - foNd stich adiStribtition be reqxired; Every
'4hreeYearsthe .•<.-.l.snientsarelnadethr;mejl=
opt the Country, and the annual Increase in,.
Wealth ctitild be otitaine4'On 'the average of
the 'last three years.' .. 1 '. ' ' .
, The • presents- volume of Paper , auTeney
from . sl_ and. upwards, is:astfoHows
2 4 Zatlowil Bank
Legal Tenders. 4'4
3 pareenta;
t••••••• , •
3 . - 38.107.W1
• 45,56.5u0
---. 470140 . 7 '.;e.l
i'tinu a reeetit.statement publishedr: the;
summed Value of theiealtizidliirfi:2l.,
..erty of the'bxutry Weyer' ats2l,ooo,lpo .
The ISSPef (cir Satk - jra''"
thia country Oia 4 aa weaver
- es 41;047,
3 4e,ifdsc i ntlis, Rate lit
14 05iiinteteliotki
laic sand nanotlth
eirlikhditigliniit, , talesanr any
There can be no 6:0040,4 :0 t
of euire44kudthe.{sitniegei*
tion, orat least there ought not.
!section of Oli?"*Ifft:!:•I
TL ) 6 06 11 .",- 111 iP 1 4*LO
uraw' twenty ,t . e" tireti f y ye
thb Statce now having toolargei
giving theizillie 010011 of traniferrini tUe
the .West , or South by the_. , _•„sorgetillOort of
boalii there; ' 1 e isr9uld then ila*llialliAle
..: . : '' and Territories is#llll4is'... 4 l
their. , ',?: .d • withdraw
nt-saris • en'ilititlei.
''io o4 we " would cornmOtk s
• , .
. oi
~' is. isitli , .7, il
~ 4
i .•
legal- tenders -- ' 4 '
~• In , '", w _ , , li r _ihey
Orpid byAe . ~; rn%Ant, as
N&ione2lank , - • ifY wqs
the llMlc•ineluding the, legal,
standing. Just In = proportion
tenders are removed will the '
ter prepared to resume, and h
'as the legal tenders ; diminj
serve In place r of ;iigat tends
to a resumption. ': In this
Government issues can be Or
ually, and - Without cousin;
Instil we haee-nothhirbr;'
issee of currentyltr.thewow
feet to the intenst thlit, would;
on the legal' tenderSlifAintled,. - 1
vantages to be derlied 4 ffrom thelrrel
as to bring about a resumption as si, dy as
possible, will more than conrderbabsime all
the disadvantago,-4 the incissuied4tenstt
1?oth to the' Government and the p ucing
classes of -the country, and business genet . ;
ally: ,: - '1 * ' . '''
- i " '
With these three measures fully eng Crad
le the legislation' Of the country and '' di
fully .earried•out, our - productive yap( . rind
labor would be protected 'from the Ming
intluenee'or non-productive capital, gni bun
drqds of millions of dolhus now used to de
pre=4 business and developments, woulrii then
be invested in deve4Oplug.thelndust4 tot the'
country, and would . tend. to Increase its
progress in wealth find power to suet' ,a -de
gree that-ill,othbr -rations wouhl island
amazed at oTur rapid progress't.liall lla Ithitetns.
would nokbei confined to the limits of gown
country, but wonbirmet tipOilereigii.--
tries in equalizing,the inegoOlties .tha,
•exist in r_niining theft-4130i* .labor
thus elevate and ruitellorie,•h4
l 6
Inindreds of.millions of the foil rig in
the world. '' : • i' 44, '
I N this eivernt*- the eitizet4 ittA dill
. ..
to two great'politicar paqies, :with .rin
ell des as di4inct as!the Poles. Adhere ..ts of
either Party - expresii their dvotion to heir.
principle t freely, and are I iced to • act
i x,
consistently there With:,. If lected to Alice.
they are capected to .sustain those , party
principles, by word
: and ac . The 'e• .is
applicable to both parties; and the peo' 6do
nut- look fur, nor expect: eeption.s . o it..
The Democracy when in rower, nrEocon
sistent In olserving it, in whi6h respectlthey
tetieti4fe. Republican party !if useful Iti..
For years past the Republican party li - had
w .so
a majority in both Ilouses.of late Stine eg
islature, and queithins involNing the r i ghts
of the minority nountieti• aridithe principles
and prosperity of the, Republican part/ in:
these counties,' hate come tip' only to .4:ve•
given the go by An i; the Legl lature ID,y the
Republican IrepresetitativeS fr tu . thplrisiteri- .
',ty counties.' Surety', if the pi' neiples Of the'
`-ltepublican party are, right i is the duty-of
the Republicans ite: the Legislature, tolsup
port measures, which will.stretigthe th.e
- , .party„whii;ll contends, for them year fter
year, in the minority. counties. It 48 heir
duty wheneVer it question hearing on - lose
'principles or. krowik; dot of a con* bet , .
tweed the • tWo parties ...hi these tea tieS,: ;
conies up before the:Legislature; forth Re--
i k
publican representatives toj support.that
quest ionin the interest of tit patty' in, the
minority_ - !eounties. We are - ulte- : rmily to .
admit that there . may be ques . ions ndt, r t
ink ti 1x m pa rty, : p ri tici pies, upon . .whie. Re-.
publjean repreknitritives can act at th re
. of Deinperatiie represeutativeB. But„
we speak ,f those' questions 'thick bear our priiieiplthi. - 1 . • :•:..' • ~
~3 :
• FUr nianv years a-systeni ilk 1).. ii:ln voue,
. . . ..
in the Legislature, by which t e Repnblican'
repretitati-e8 play into th Inuids"ophe
Democratic representatives -1-e ardieSS °Vile
rights or wishes
.of = the' Repopileans
ininerity esAttities. i In this - tpeet th • Re-',
publicans have been iit Once /11 re libera and
unjust than tite Democrats ae when they.
obtain eontrel of ate htato Cloyernmen and'
<Legislaturejliar they. alWays; t.ake 4 exetillent.
care of their: minority coati les,'•-aiur list ,
every titeans,to;huild up their artk, "In these,
counties. But the ItePtiblicaupartYisitore'
liberal to IV political . autagOnists. ':1
' look in our Borougl Couneil which is alt.
entirely Republican,: we` oans
turned out of ofilee . atid,, , Dcmottrats pii:V . ln.,
.And proceeding to thelLCgisluture w' ti-n$
the Republicans turning iittengveearo :Alt:
..Dem4cratic • repres,entatices . fRr legisi con
against the ,Repu,,blican_iarty,l arni e tV 3te l r .
publicans of the 'initiorig contitiii*, [ ible ,
et .
to obtain no favprablei24on'.otkilaters of ,
importance to ttle. Wile ipf6s.,rit i(I aisCOlif if of '
, the patty ih thekk:'COtintiet, • I ' asked ,heir
reason for.thissaection, -they : say that eTittlitesy .
prevents' then' . interfering.,.with • kcal illials ,
brOught , 4,by the Denir.kratie repre,
tilyes,..not e,n,when those bill have a *
big' •grilthefprinciples_of . the Ilepit z b lean,
.party.. - pue'opon TO
, cOurtesy , l- , Rep bit
:can representatives igho act, thus, are „ ar;
lively MOre hostile 415 and:. juju e the . f) net,
plesaif the IlepubliOn - party, rn rethatt Nett
• the l'il.`•tuoc' rats. - It', lit . ii•ally tortifyit le toli , _ ;
be; in, II iirrisburk'dttrlistt'a p e.,4 s j in' of the E.g.
islat nre:en d . WitneSS' the thatf br it(whiett,
the iteptibiglin, :Legislators treat the .aPplieti
i l i
tioii•fotlfteeiled :legislation -of the' itopubli 2
,cans of tiiii;;lnindrity coutitie4 wti.rti, we
went-tol,lairtsbar‘W th
last 'hiter . for.e pur
pose of_ olital it lug legislation
s forr[this 'notinty,
wt • itilqd • the Republiean - rtipmentatives
- aft
bitter ag,aiitat what . Weilv' - auteidlhan
the ' lientocrats: SUnte, years; itee-We had
situilar- , kperienee, when we' were ev r to
obtain - the passiige 0 the Poilt;t: bill; ad if
we had not been, taken • sick.'ilniined' . ely
after our returnhome, we world • have lib
fished. thetianieti"of: these inistiie Repab lean
•• ; - , - -- •1 • . 1: ',•
representatives. ' • , ;A
• Systetnatieall , continuous)) apint (J
-ent.if, have the Minority Conaticti ,ol
S • te. been : suchbecl, 'their .. W9teSl'.4e)
l and rights ignored, En n tiritatience -has: c- , ...
.. .
to be a virtue. , These ,counties , carried
'..S.tate at the last eleetion.forAte.eptlblican
party, and' they feel that they, - laver ights - -
which are entitled to tmme-recogititilln b)i Re
publican Legislatutes of the SOO. .:itettiated
by this feeling and, the-almost entlre it 'less.
ncss of obtaining redres,..s of their. grieve, 'des
in any .Other way, I the' Memliera - ot th Re
publian-State Central COmmittee,frOnil the .
gyAl t
• minority cottutiesWill hold a mee' thig.a . -thir. l l
Ginird , Hoiise k „ P10104114,4' pia : -,llti oy,
July for the purpose of takingixruti . , l'tO-•
i l
gether on the
,question,.'itu . d..iftiiisiitg.. 'aye,
and ineani to obtain redriis„', , lithojr - fri fita .1
are not to be "recsignizO, but tohe peritSt' , ly,
-ignored in the future by . 1 4;publiciut;4kuila- - 1
tam of theState,liten the'minoritYtOuitties,
will be compelled tO , eofanitand attettikit by'
nominating-a State'ticket, mid znalting_Stna- .
torial and - ,Cong,resOional ',nOtniztatinns.i.'Of
course in such a nrOvement the:coal:ol4 .hir
no nniomwith .. the benickratio party
This' important subject is • attracting `,llat,
attention:l'li. the tninerity .-•eounties whitt it.l
- merits, The RepUbl7cait r a are rhoril*lii the I
matter, aittl we: anticipate that the antil
ted meeting . iii Philadelphia will befpr uct... li
tive of good, and of'reventualiy greater Liar-'
many • antistrengMbthe ltcritiblietttfr i l
Party, of Penti;;YliCanla.-4:ear
. - tift - .4 yetirY
they ..labor Itardet7.:,:liZz-efteh:•••-tau4P4'_iiiai'
than the inajerits,.'. l 4*.ooes . 'i,*...-thpt Tri4
that I.lty'havg rights. as well is themin,.. tY . -”'
couli,tiq; . Whicill.-shOlir .he • ienie r etettfT .
'those rights - have..been.:persistentlyjgap . -
and ilia(theyahould-and'lvill.-41‘-'l*rms
4:11 4
lor.past - slights ain;r*rilhiaf ' . z ;', .1 -:_!,...:','
The folloirl ns: s p. - 11".:e : :10.1 fort tkty s tx: pittig:-
of- the metnheraf-ef ,zail 6 tll 9l 3 iiti'llesiit giiii
- neutral Csinunitteetriiin .11'e'.iiiliaikfiii'ciicailk--
'ties, at the'•Ohlkid:r•HlO*'P Mithielobßiit an -
M.. .. ~. ,
ired a eswiy • dna' isi titmice 4stainattoir fil l a g y
Trnitreiiitt6t6. l ,- :`:.A • i ---•, I. • A f...-7-!:1 i : ac
,-- ..: ,_. ',.•:,- • ..-.,..-,-..:i.,- , .ti...!,-I , .•'i •-,1-
o may •Say - that unless
Something extraordinary had unforseen hap
0n5,.4114 loarkci Will .be abfindtunly swii ,
plied With r atid'dttiii.g the ri.maludee of the
se eon 14 , 10W4riens. ' i • ' -.
.Notwithstanding the stispeimion . in a per-
lion of the Anthracite liegions, which has
hutted here for three atonths, the supply of
coal this yeaCto.thls date from those Regions
is 984,910 t,atiiiibeift of the autigiy . tYpm the
sagovikegioni Op to the same dote last year c ,
Mltire Same paled last 'year' the supply .
w.f2.t,137 tons behind that of DM up to the
samedate, Yet when the.,eollierles got , to
work,that deficiency-was net only made up.
and prices broke down, [aft a surplus of 573,-
13iions WAS, thrown into the market. ' The
shipmen afrom Julys up to December, av?
eraged 350,096 tons a week, and' when all*
the collieries got to: work leitl•year, the snip
n3ehis,avemged 41,1;035 bins -per week', for
ate tidecesslve week;. Mid Yet with abOut,
three-fourths of the' collieries' in Sehitylkill
CoindY suspended, and a pettion in Lehigh '
and Shamokin,: the it.;..10iv,"i 5. re' now Ship
;ping to much per week ltl av r ,.'.' -rate ship'.
meats of.,last year at this a l : , as ploy aver
aged haiyear 850,033 Vins`4'oiltbr; b A L A ne, ! of
• the season. • ' ; - ‘' \
When the e4lliericii all resu i me , 'We can ship
' at lead 415,001 tons a. week, land Tau throw
into the luatleet SOO,OOO tons wet and above
the shipments of last yeaC. hould that be
, done it would Av . e an inerc,oe of 1,7g-1,0')0
tons this year ever last. 1 i
0 3 W
l• and
on cif:
i - . of
Even if the present calli 2
idle for the rest of this seas
at ail probable, 1114 a large kw
are tired uiid desiroutrof wilt)
Will .be an increase of a mi
coal thiay r eae.. But - we. (lo
the men will remain idle m
that it, will be but a short t
. go to . woik,as a largel •,
confidence. in their leaderi
a turnout in the s otlier';Regi
notheliere there will be'otir.
situation of the trade.
- This is ; the situation. \le are aSked if the
price of coal will.beltowerf this season. We
believe thitOLWlll iii,the Oat regions, but as
the rates of transpkatioa to the' seaboard
will be advanced, vices, ihl the imarkets,oll
the seaboard will ' hardly : e, atr+qed. We
would advise. consumerk -abriid not (:;)
be -apprehensive cif .ashOr l siipply,ir k.. Jai,
but we would advisd those ivhodoire-tO layin
their StockS to do .40, ,' without rushing
into the market and cansiii,r a tlurtuation in
, .
priceS which is notienefii; al t i p.;:and - which
is not desired b y the dialer. ' Ont. Object is to
put consumers abroad on: their ~•tiard; and
wain them tiottoiiisli into thelliarket,'-for
there is 'nothing itf:thqr . sittiltion of thedrade'.
to warrant the 'priges-of coill... : roptil
be inaterially.Ml VaIICC`d t II) i.season it.will:he
.their own fault not that of flieinal., re . g . iints.
Let them commence ,laYitut tit I , their roil
gradualtYli..but there=is lig L ttecessity: :as I.
have Shown, for eonsonienito ,. ri.ol into the,
market and-qui:4 enhanifeitriecs, : 'tn. t;ila. it:
As iflthives. -., ..*: 1 .. , , -. • • ~: " ,
M _
• rBE following verdict, w!
universal Satisfaction'a !
, _ . . ,
everywhere.- Si) corrupt -h
nines become, that' 'n_fanvil
professed religions Inch,. tt
Wonted Matters thati.they.i
sh Uildered a
then haN'e consigned ttieni
. .
- Am or the . country. But
:told -up ,their heads, and
_Pett'ed In many: cotiunutiit
.were successful, ignoring! .
Other. And (lie only watt
this tasc.ality = for a lar4.
tthancierpig of the presew
but rascality—is to conviq
criminal of the kiln]'
time in the penitentiary a;
ott)er'S of his class:' It wi
press . - ..4 the hountry•Will o
In the':::e sWindling,:iblY
. .
Mighty rs4WCr! if it is.bnlyl k i
will not Surer. itself to be
rich and,:powertul,crinlinal
whereVer.they are found.
'are supping - .the 'founilath
ttitions and bringing,ourkg
courts of justice into disiet);
ing Many into marts .wittir,
jUdical decisions are - sobli i
iitoney Mid favoritism; reg . ;
.4 the rights of the people . ! , i,
1"A SAL ica
ARY Vnicr.-4, ulicisi. aftwel',
a financial ing pin of Bun wens , inathetnianip
,nlator who. voperations haVe been.on a colossal
shale, hicluding.Wall and 8 to strq'et in their
:ramilleation4, was yestorda sentenced by ,a
Boston Judge to pat ttineM. 4 tine, and reniain
rive years in the. Lenox . Jail . Seithef wealth;
=nor family, nor social , posit of e nar financial
prestige. mitigated , the S nteneN Eminent
-counsel pleaded in vaintM4 le ' !lad Iproviously
borne a good character. Ji go' Looelt
flexible, and brought the full force - ; r the aw,to
bear upon the author of the 'tate btrect .rtegu
larities. , We haff the . vocili .t, asatil,!auspic. a's
omen., It means that Bottum ; at lc;l t, is deter
mined to regard and punish ; Time as such,' that
feckless financiers and !mei lens cannot carry
'on their high-handed operate Ws/cinder Me very
Shadow of her courts and s - ap their .fingers at
thie authorities,. It means! hat .on i c Judge at
least is determined to call tie tigs b, their right:
riamea, and . not hi regard .4 wnrilitif raise:tiny
as shrewdness and sharp prig Bee morely. This .
severe punisliMent will unq icatiohabry, have a
salutary effect in our Wilt feet circles, where
men.kave almost Cometo' i ugh;'atl the idea or.
any criminal ;punishment !being to ministered
forfinancial wgitlaritn".s. .! We wis i we coiner
:feel that it would - - arrest ilia lido wild
n reek
lesaness which '..- so contatpl sting 1 - ind demor
alizing, and whichleadsto : he counnittal of so
mativ overt nets: .We fear, owevec that there wilrhave to.besonie such - ' isplays''of•judicial
vigor here as this 11 - arta-ell ,isentein4 before, the
cormorants who prey apon!jione another down
town realize that tip 'ptiblie have sonic.
rights which they are bound* CO npsPect, that
there is-a limit even to their rregula hies which
cannot be passed with imumnity.":
n e
. . - 4 ..PECTACL ,
.. . ,
' :UT, .1:: has khout ONE HITS DRIf..I)
I Vl' ' i-virittoss'ot invpsimentrcompara
'tively 'ldle for the Liat,Oree.ittontlis;lfrom
'ten to tweltethousan II pTple s . elpier lying
idle lit
.ilie County or driven elsewhere, from
their homes, their families Und thcir friend,
- begging work ut any , ;price except• mining
eoll;- others receiving a!ms .like paupers
"at oat' poor-butases,doleti wet instii•;,l.l ortlerJ,
i.tind 'the' 'peeplO 'robbed of ' at least three
:millions oflollara in wagm, transportation,
- : &c.. •this' sthrekeeperi,:ivhe hst'a ifti rnis lied
• temwith goucts•almalirkiluo..l, iiiir some of,
.theikifera Nr:10 have p . .rehascd th goods on
;credit-the storekeeper being' afruill to refuse• thetk-41th:rouncratuldt;ciare that they rkre.
, living bettet:thauthey 41- lief° "' :. .' All of
this, has been brOught abotit,by .2 ; rw igno;
rant and ;flip* leaden,. srliti are . t ing, by
.briite force, to adeomplishjiin impo•'
the State ofthe e3al - trade. rln au] ther pp
the on the•fsee of the gleihe, 'nor i * . itt bf the :
';Anthracitedial . Reglbtfa.',EoF'Pli , sy•lvania,
•WOuld such A state, of 41T-..,:tti'.i tie! folerritel4
:without aindthg some Of the stuOd letuleFtv'
at tke heatl - 4 It; : th6eriltentlary . , when a
:taro number are-
_Ai* feir rohbfr people.
t•e xi
; cif Siru4l.§tiots,, - whi . these, spaad els • have,
robbed ttielti- Sdliiiiqrt, Sha- -
Mokin. and Pe ititralialetitryt!m; : ,of ilti9iisA)f ,
:its* which Is lost;jhrever.; Witiflol44
!.elitltta'of these pesiPle"are'atikiims: nd . f, j*,illi
' ' ihi ilo'ak f lflt ~titreT
esso g ar,.
11 ,
- -
wee k we WA
from ab ro ad ,
itustion, .
4' the:trade this
ii. i
tsi s4ual s ti :it.tild
1 ,
ri,,whieli is not
tioli - Of the.nien
r. to s - ork; the re
lIOm of tons '*-4)f
lot 'believe that
ch longer, and
me before they
rtifitrare loosing
'S(lim anticipate
ins, hut . we do
'in the present
11 be 'ha . with
qcong 11()11e:it men.
11-3 son2 . conlinti-,
ig9o(l tneii, cven
YmntiG ; :crin
oti.1(111 - Ve.rtlinost
many j are• even ,
beeatise they .
the crime
to; put , a strfp to!
I,• Por,ti9fis
t thi:;
„ p an ev.tople ,
- albe
.if the
,A,dO its duty. ,
Qat:pendent, 3.not
of tilir le,;:ktin . trY
this el.i s:
14 . . pf iota
islativ4 lin r lls and
1 te; an 1 conyf:rt-
ut for in
rlley , il - 6f ju-tice
' 40 4 4) 0 14101 70
ilk‘it ." I _4o l-
trill iiarliOijin4
iiiz - Isliri , ralibt
isMK ° .!! ,- * 110w ; - •
10t ... :pm , 77 --7:4111 m4414:-flileTliii:tnl4ll4ll4llll:exH
:::,,,: i6 .,773,a5 y ft,,
1: Fab* to '
tt.te"Mli:-IlEco ' cs tc! 'nvArkli .' - :wili iiiti" to
PaY''9P laibielc fhs,Vetore.;ii . Wilt he min.,
stated;and.P . r.rmitt-tio. go -to ,I Work.• And.
this may involveseveral months of delaY,--
he it the meantime being the t:tifrerer.' ,
• In thA* ylhe fruglemen ofjUltedealiers, in,
sonic of thi disirien''''Where they ' have the ,
power, tyrannize
. oer the members who
may after - years 'Or liuttd -, '.tabar; have - se.; .
cured, a.: little .110*!tY,, anti '; are.; told
iii Mortgrige it, 1 and In that — way
they can-pay their dues to Arlinciation
promptly, and be enabled . to lire While' they
are compelled ,to idlenes.: 'These ruglenien
foree.every working flait: to jehi:the.Associ
ation—theipriee of initiation - tieing lu some
dit:ti:ezt $10;' in others . . as riki
,t ro Sai-, 7 ,0r
th y will not ' permit him' to orE Now,
.th )s not ieryenebniagingte, dependenee
Or' to - those men who desire 'to secure a little
p perty after ' they have pasSed the meridian
- , .
o life . : . •' 1 1 ;•• . I,'.' -. , •_. ,
This system of tytatmy should b' Stopped
)y the men themseive4: 9ur ad% lo :to them
it i s
is to break loc4e. front 'the . A's ' .Introit,liind
. refuse tpl,. p# dues any longer o IL : . '4lf an
s ,c,
attempt should tie • made .to . pe . cute', them
in consequence - or suet: . action; „ , nieunsy - 14 . 1
be niukul, yli4iiteeitillein iu Owl r'rlFhtst. '
- 1'42 . Cca1,i . 341a . tic..5.
17 I. Pird R['\ " SUN
lISAL4 i' E rs
. SlOO
2 ANTtTitl);tlL'..:: ‘ .l 1 . •-1
4 3108 DAY,. • 4 :V.1., ::i1 • FlrBt
Ttr - P-8n.vr.:... 4 , .4,34 7 34
41 WFaINF-4DAY' 4•." i ,7 31 latst
7 THUM...WAY— 431 33. New
8 FR1DAT.......1 455 • 13
• • L
, :
JUNE. f. M
H t .
?..),,,-); ;! ; .a u t n itE t i . ;) .. y.... ..... :.. .. :. .. , ..i . .....1 . ...1...!
.7;:, 1T
31 ...ondllY••••••••• ... ..... -,••• r•I , 6 t
2i Tlicway:...... ... ..... .. .. /.....,.. .
70 _
_f• Wedn.esklaY—•:••-- .. 1 ... 1 • GI
3) ThArstlay....---. •I - Vl'
1 Fri ' la y- -- - - ' ...... ; f - 17. 1 ,7:i._
Dany Jau*3:l4s . 4 terror to
A Grand - Picnic ecime3 off; at 'T
day. • ,
Distingui3lieci,Arri!ini,—.Vn itin
arrived in torch
tdeesrs.agyar & Scb. m and
it: substantial IrotV;-st l / 4 viiing .fraiho
their stares.
• To-morrow.—Twee
year acid, thir(kffirr
- .
Thii.DBg Fighters hay a
e in
Esquite., Conrad this Itifterliooif if t t
the diNgraeelubintdr
he .hunted. up. • • t
•Serviceb.'l,ll. the
Square, .t.)-sikurFisw at ins'
NIA". Hey. Dr. Sz,asi:l.y,
iiiallti;liri ti. Seafftfree..
A • 13an natifed Madden was. ~ n .
akantri -I ;ity,on,Weittittsday,:au3l it'
naurs. TV:e learn r•lin
nh bc'efl . in fire ennntry atn,..nt.t cu ',
ollairgo of Tilugr, for the , Ezza
tillIt• f«fr 61:i0:11.119.
hilt TOWIISI/i1); 111,S 1131.,.1t.
:4(i 'the 1.4,t.h . ! '!!! : ~!!14
A Suggestion.—Aß quell
Ai . d !Woad
•priety ofinittiug. to it a
;0/0111., or tilat'aliulL , ut
c.ari±l,hat. : 47lre3t Our sttbo:l- "
``A stated-greeting .. •
•• st'', the i 4 )..4itrA
gedieaL.syvi4?ty - wii,.l. ibe field` at .11,
fix)iisi , . in Matutitiy (,litj:, bli
,". 4 •S'etjii ,
tab, It. , .1:1; at 2.0'ci0dk..1'., - ,Nl' :
• r- ••;•".. o!!..‘s. Ti. PA r.m iiii, -M.,
Patric' E3llotti "a,liriy::pf 13 or 14. vt.
it killed . Yebterclay4:llovAatb . i
.Mallazioyeity. • lie.,iNat
was conting.aliing thp icanif,waY; l iv;
top - rock (.aug(kt both tipveraunt
killed them• •' ' -
-Dog: Shot,:—Nestertio morning • ;
that laid &evil clunerreinemiotrily
night preyious was 'lying , 'near 1.11
•:Nlanalitoilgo and, Cvntie. -
te,l ttnr rum_.Ml toerriM)ilies"-.Yestfalia%
Is one (air on nn o;nr street.;;
-" -
Tile ;Librarian of 114eli Poi4t itth
a (foliation or. a briqtt:Tprjho Li bfare
of Taularaua.` t!oniratte
tornted That the Li b l'Ar - win ho
fling between iliediou of .8 1d,:10
the pureiose books to then
Before Esquire- Esedf—Margaret
Jr., of 'Windy liarlxnl,, had fillet:icing
day; for Wittig liquor!
,ou Sunday a
license. After hearing
charged on the ground !Itiat litarfrar
stead of Margaret, Jr.; kept the ituttA
' Before Esqdlre, lise4;-- 2 11ridget I
U fore Estruare Ikeedlyeste_rday 9n
of having cointnitiel on aiisauit at
_upon :Thotnas• WilsorG a' lad ,
ye:a - a •9f age. Sher Nlvm
t nlwer the charge at Llr4 .191kierin
4 urt.
information is thisired liv the. Pott,
Muster of the presenti resilience of
Waughlin, add. Patrick! neGlaughli
wife,'Aiargaref„ maiden "num
Siennity% They left 4Yrslkire; St4etl
ln.years ago, the hi Others Nveyking.-1 1
-in this COtITI ",'
Tile street:a throli, l 4i whiCh -the. iroclession
will pass do Monda2,:thierning nest, hould be.
sprinsied. Will the tsitiltebg who ha : e hi,se at
tend to this; in ennbeetion with CAO4 .
sprinkling carts. it !Would add I .nintsh to tue
participants ih thepieeessinn,
and to the' Citizens ;dein; the. rOtth.j.6( the pa
rade.. . z
In a match ganio, of •base hall at
near Ct. Clair, on Thursday,' hetiveed the Key
stone and.t he .MYstertoits nine, both of St. Clair,
the Keystone:were thie victors [ by[a. score of Sd
to 57.. : The return Match will be played on
Thursday next, at St. Clair. The Keystone will
also pht,. the Swift - Nineriea of' .Malianoy City,
at that , place to-day. •
. • , . ,
. . i
• The NewlyAppointod' Policei• assumed the
important posts to whirth they to ale becn:c!eva
tcri,?last °vetting. lAA las - htipe.that by
tions in the rlischargri, ht . the :duties'. devolving
. upon, them 'the* will ,proyeikluttuSelves worthy
of the distingulsheA hotiprconferieiltipon them
arid the trust .imposhil utt them. ',The position ,
of policeman 1 au itenorable and arduous one ,
ay NV e 1 1 as resixinSiblP, iatid pre
,hope to see. the
new officers prove Ormil, to the deutszls'upon
-them._ - • - ••
. ,
getatnora,cotracil,!of the Order attic :Amer
ican Mechanics, Avitl . .irelebrate 4 the Laying got the
corner-atone for thetr, new balliat Ss•haylkill
Haven, on Friday next, Bth - inBt: Enittivxt
speakers and Jone'sl.porript Iland hays. been
en , ,*•aged for the , OZaxisitin. The need of a'publie
had hna long ,beeirkfett for our siXter.borotlo:: now aboitt to 'po 'an pitlie.3. by, the Am
hers tit this entirprisihicirgartiration.. Tho etti,
ernonfeii mill hegnuitti 11l o'clock K. •Sf... A !arige.
attendance is'antieipageq. • •
i •
' •
' • Hnclalmocl le tlernaini n t el in the Pottsville
Post Otllee, - July 1, lea): " • • ,;• •
'Beaettlet AElb . Freklerick Nick ...arty Mrs • J
Brown GeO Ewltat Ikletlestigat Jas.
Bachman Johrk Ifreney Mary 31a - thins John„
Brown jhselitr) Gibbons Allies Hoot Jane -
Bits eJohti Geller, Wta Price James
BR e Deals- ' (Ruder ChristlanPurry 'timothy
' r 1)r W 4fuseph -,Pascoe Henry
khisa Haas - -
3 r 4Cat . Hors
Bernard Antria Jest,
Nriln Htrgb - Job
'carlr Uric:get Ke
Das d Henry,- Kr
Dal Joseph. -KJ
Deatleh Sarah 311
Enders Dorothy
r: IL*
_nic-nie ikt I
ort distvrrc out ,
atitt9. seem Vitt, rnosiiftns for
Id 'afternoon trair
'lbitford to Its et
visit this plaee,
emscires "•of it, I
al thus spend 'at,
liday in a' plesfiluil
Ilratitnis have . '
nl.the . 'pertbct
iaause.thattsa sal
conadent that'
tale VortArit
herald the wasitun
eon atthe Wets'
Affable No: . tie* . ,
mu 7 1417491411; tg .
, -
- CO
,_. ; • i
euramay's omit in a • ‘ ph • .. m
4:that a small boy in:• ~ Bo • ',.
bliita. by , a dog, there - Irere'twol
fisee: , desir t.' o to: ooriec One • vias lin the
iii . . .. o t f that inerdleso d Tne wlis boYs. bein :T lt his t°ll7 w e e "d learn by .
I* . fleet , Some children.' among them the
pi 2
11 • c bbY in Queetlen, tine lof whose 'arms was
-4_1,1 din g, it having 'been' broken a fortnight.
'bef ;'were playing on the pavement of the
leer , ' Ishtchltrdwbeirrngnd; - wberrlturdog"
**MO unexpectedly. and' bit the. boyin the
aottilihiug five deep holes in the „flesh. , Om
uitati) lbeithgeseas IP faille,' 4 0 t the hey, and
.. ld - &live been : shot, instantly.:' The, other
•error is that theparents of the boy I had isuper
stitiputfeare, ang that *as shot to quiet'
-them.:_We uuderitinalLit - hiiiliiiiiirthlf - calnir
they, entertain no aupetigitlotta flaws qa thesubl
Xet...whatever, ~ They'probablYfeetes thifclt ita
411 Y parent Would atter having •.child bitten by
*dog: worthiewsor not, that the animal should be
killed to precut*. a pbasibl*-iispetitiort ' or such
tin opeurrrenee to, otber people'ach c ilren.l This
qog nuisaguse, la lone Atm*
s lito.i f:. Burgess
411ould algae; by 'CoMpiilling ,esene of dogs to
ilher 'meatier or tiet: thenF tip ', on; penalty of
Ong them taken up - gaidi'ltiteed. 1 1
, .
• I, ICL'Ai. R.-L--41.setateclmeetint
li j'it we Poet,
N.011:3; tepartment'Or 'Pe_iiti., I A t , IL, pf • thl'i
11oiongte held oict7.ll)uredey e .ening- lest, the
I.lo.lopring cvatradJi were elected I' officers : .to
• servo .tho ensuing terui:.-theiinaiider !W. 'F.
11untringet. ',Sr.
• Viee" f:Aimme!ptler, 'W. H.
llewes., - Jr, ,, Tice' (Inninander4': Wm. , '. Glitne.
.-Adjalein:t. - - .1 1 :,.11„ , :Wit labbi..:. Qillrtii*utsfer, Al
freil J. Derr.' •Sliveaie, I). W. ittemd4. Chaplain,,
glory, Ek3tg...?-o,,Wer of /Aty,' , A,„ ! Nagle.• 0171 . * -
of qt,fa f eri;•, Jane' Hoepstine. i. bi.. - fgr.'l,/,./lor,
.I.evi•llubeic...Ql.. .2fr. .Serfs.,,' A.! Fors'ins.iii:
limille - bat/Ana; ie. - 4. I Leib. Oar4de ~,,..,,.,,
;min, Latierty. 10ed. dicint.i Janio
..faitirp e' r, James LllTertir., -The (•l l et 'wail
.4e installed on Titir6 - illiv bretijii,....:next. 4 +' •
II Aia:i4tittisl muter or'lere.• Helms I' I. No.
± it ,
tf.. 11
4.'., beitl 'at, t4 - ..luf,ylkilii,. I I:iyi!ti,V on the
mli It.:,:tlie litllowing were' ekrtedj.otitvers-for
-1 ie nsuin..t. , keini-iiiiiiii•il -terke I 41). 4 .,ssjabdri:.'z
'Olia 'es 1.:.11r, wn; b: I:lo,l,:eymnlexl, Apes.-V..
}hart .t... 1':. (.beg Ed*. ylleeKener-."—
afar toitt, ..10. 1 1:.11e1ni5.,• . -.Bititiviii; r WlXl.!.l.olY . a.
aiert tit, , n, Iter. 1....11.!..11ecji1e.y. ~ ogi',ti.) , gt 1),(y.
• koh 4. Mart,. (ric:er vf ( iani,f,tr , ..thittiepteed.
~ry , .)(anus, Viinctin. 11.41.00e5. Q: :1/rxerY,
, N 'raj Lerner. .111ithicirni,, Rom:utak ll•theer.--:
pelt.' Vex to'Deptetotent ( ));::miel6:l,ll.ll'. Fre
. are end liibn - .11„.‘141-tr.„ , 4 :1 .f • ' ''
,4). ti. x
1. 12 5 V et'
29 921 nio
•1. 29 C Itrmo
. )
,I Nerst.ll9se',Coraccatiy..-''We:v4e sliAlled 'arbor
ex:WO:ling the riew`hOse eArijaite.iti t "Litt up'
fifr the llmd. Intent Fire' llottipan3l, Ics, 1, te,-
is n ir. . aeol) I.aitliews, at hls earriagui slains n that
4, o longer neeeisary t...) g.)4ilit Of: ou
for ti ',- s t
class work hi'lbils 141(.4; Tli‘cayria , .:o•,is
0tt.4.4i up on tin .originaf. design,- is t.oistrio-b-i •
r thi)ivery best tuaterial t utul the WOrktilanrinp
'isptayeit in its entire e(4l i ' O
liqini , l . hears the
ttifts, :of 'superior iiivehani:,in,; while the
ttrpl ,!..'ed , in vainting_and 4:rtiiiinentingis,ilVi-,
4 , ne iof artistic skill Seldm o :found . outside ?'•,,r
t el 'rge and extravagant prized martfaetories:
I is tainted in,earnti tie and highly nhellist e o
I ti
It sipver and gold tinge; giving it n brilliant ap
peartiiive., , Aniong .the•ornanteitta!, we ini'gtit
tOent i lott several miniature firemen iwith !Innis
and lira:mil pipes, a nfagnitieent siktnil-or 'head
lintirir , two hantlsoine,„lanterns,,attaehed- to the
rlarkr the carriage. , On the whole, we eon.:
snler:the new huse. - .earriage a finished pieve of
miorlti; and wo" eougrOtulate the .0-04 m l -intent
19re.!oitipany on their gob(' fortune in bee 4 ri lig
s 9 Illt itisaute a piece of furniture .fee the litiitse,
Tile I,arriage is worth - between. seveii and eight
tipiiiiired dollars. It will - be •taken out Of Ow
sipitilita - l.%torithay' morning,' and wit' be drawn
ill Altt. proee.s.sion. no 111.d` davit . "fol :kir. Ja6)l+"
411011, Who 4.114 the blixik.sniilli Work, and :Ai;
[lto bailing conuttittee, :Nlessrs:.S:rif. Russel,
A. 11 iepettrun, JOhn, F; - I dutle,' Jillin.-,ltudy,.
. 1
TtiotrWillianasionl.W, 11. 44ore, , reat , cretlit
is,eu 'fever .ir share. of the work:,
W .tairOlotiee`the,:hatidsonio ear-r
.byreague vean Ito • - ,e,t'ont pimy in Mk . .. Mat leW•s' ship
wlter : it;ll4 b.-10a '`doing:liti."-1 It . los reeeiVell
a iii.,4;vilat et paillt and ether repairs and now
atVitie.i-the,appliain,.6 of a number of new ectia-.,
inent, i when it will her Onc of the unisflisaub:
•soine, •-arriages in the ilir ile - pfirtinent of ;Potts-,
4 •
ocm. G r. 37
i/P ; SP
9d t 1
1 1 1 96
Nsi 1S
'XI -
Fd i 72 ,
vil i!oers.
rant harpist
are erecting
front of
nday of the
14' length, i 5
aring before
t birparties
sit. awl 71
!\ll.are cc,r7
, , I
~ .-. - • ; - : - - i
' 'criinlnal' Court.:-*Judge GreenPreidlnk..—
TV., followitil,r, nanied persona ,hare been! amln
; ' rtnul- 1 as-t;rand.:,lnr•lrs,, to serii - e in the (!'rimi
..nal I.) , tut' irlf Schuylkill Vountx, -fa it)e hell at
Plijts :11c; on Tuesday, the s:ti day . i ) ol.ftth - at
. - p r ..
l(1!&41 . ovk, A, M.: ' . ~,, • : -•:.• • .. . -
, .14. ti ieVNVitnian, Pi . )ttsyille. 1 .. . '
.. i .
I%th'• Lielltooney; New Phit vlelph!a..,
. ;litli iU. Sollearen, Aslilan(l.l'
' rlo "Fey,. Boyer, North Mardit‘im.
i• '10',..a ph Eiz , ..enach., Pori Carbon:
t ... 'er inand .I..,:i`eter,.Orwigibuts.
,- 1 I'lirCooch, Pottsville,
1 .:.- ;lac :Wopen)iaver, ll.uhley. ' . :_, -
i !11.,...4 . 1;:tik ii.s,_Frailey,! _ • ,:
I- 'f
-I -AiyS Br, mtner, Smith Matibt4in.. ',!
r?Chatle - r, mitili, Port I:action:l •
.- Volill K. Wilson,. Cress . ona. !I
• • ',tacit) Ilri , lon, PQM:4IOIp. I; . .
„.--. i t rac , p)..l.)intinger, 'Finn:vial. 1 , ...
Aiury.K. Smith, Mahanoy t,;.ty.
I - • l'ltaltles)lutuntel, 1N'42,- - -ne. { .
1 , lit..dek'rCtirrV, ,Norwegian..-- • ' 1
fain Iftltehki's!., , ., T4tnalita. I, tier) - Delmer; Shenandoata :.l I'l .
1501 i P.4'ollrbitn, Ashland. 1 '.. i ..
~r'etrri to,s'W. Si" -- y.tor, Sejidylk.lll - 11 - aveaL. l,' •
• ilpret f, , rii. , l:-Stiocu_tak4_ , r,
,S,•lini,lkill I taven.
. 't.tiv,4l..) Weist, .Mitiersviiit.. I ,
' !Yrlie,llfoVowing , .. nathed , perr.,:atri Ititve"lll;cli
5 - ittninilie„d.f.Ls PKit .lur,rr3, tqls..i•ve dr:iiing , rtiap.
. ,
Wiels: -_,,
' , ' ..
Iperunra Jteilly; , Pottsville.
~Joliti'lleider,, Ehlred. , •
..;(I , ,iltril Connelly, Reilly: :.
;hit i Alokser, li4liii. .- - j. -
-,0 . 'l.layi, esAV.,ll.Arker, PottillYe. ,
J. j...loipiNl , Slikster, Minusrivi.llt:.. . c.
::/,11.1t. Ni, . Richardson, Malianog . city..
rti r'll. Stet - 6135, Port Carban. •-'
.._„.... An.' satisonth, M • aitattovn'liwtl4llil.•
1 :: . 1,-,.atliwii I farderi,tvin, W:i+ljilig , in:••l
i yrn't Nn'kel, .M . l(wrsilii". -...: • : !
V 4Ni:it ins I;rest,izitiln„ I, 4 o,ttsvill • p; -•
I' ;f-tall wi• Pret r, :Poo • i'ar / ?4,71. :
I . P:t . f fri 1) . .N1i - `41.1.r.•:1111th, ItYail. ',.. .:'
Kirkllilttc3 . .'M ilter,'NE4ilallf)y,T% - p, ..
'. .,.',F 1 1 - I,` : I unin,,P,ra t .T,• A.%,.......w . • i . - .
4111-1 g a
wl. Grood,;% . ,T.M.thrinoy 04
. 7,
,V.i Jam Aditnts. I,lollki -' !' % ' :
1 1
.•i pilule! Dllinan, Braqii,". i -
. 461.45 (kreen, 3.1i.1.11c.d0it.... J I,: •
...,illio s linas NVekltr, Newt'Astlei.
'11.1enfo:01 e:f. , r-y, P.'ut , i'yiile. - ~.
141 . 1 hil'N, 1 ). t2i, t i i,ttr=:iille.. i'
- •ilrettir Woo'4, INtalniiihr i.T.,',.y..
c .. ... , .1.16 , 01411 If.'S•kconyynttisciilei , '
dielry All•Fltrally,' 'rain:ulna,.
• !Illn 'ma. , Etaing, NVesv iltrilriftwi,i,
'Vri. lor'itSt Bynum'. Yoh:with..
.fllie ry.N4rlfnrt, lyttr - 43. . • ',J
. : rj . „l , - ,4 . 4 0 1 , , r4., sly,-/ind f .',.al" ,
Ira, - est , Mitir, - :Pcitsvilit.. "., i,,'
r fl'< c.. ,1 17 , ;nyiter, `,\l•iner-r•ir:1 1 ....
krithel 'I. 11.4,t . t..11}Pi1 5 „ :$ll. iLLIN:tI:I,
.....*. s l / 41
i ~. lA . I.i:iO. 11'2 , 11:111,. P , , . .1....
1 L.,1.:1 ,:i1.7...ke1, 'frenniht. •:, •
Joh IV:night:if. •11111•Icn. • . 4 , -.
Ir.ii , . E;..Fifrtig,.W3:s,:n(%* . .
'Lim lee. Sn'otici ,, r,"..ll.lh.b.r . ipy" . .'t'i:y.
brutielliii,lll: Soh- 11:aVvii• • - '
I tiostub..S. Koller. liim bt
lisu. ,
Wit lain-Port - 0„ Plue,4rove,',l;,,v v.
Geofge W,.'Slatei., Pottsville. .
Oete'Eranti, Pottr , ville. r
; .
sla io'Foley, Malt.lnpy Ci•.;y..• ~
iicdt .1t.,,P6t0t•, '-`l:thitlin...• t;Ilt1;. .. ,•
• f.,;11a ley S...iitiler, 1 0:• , r;:v:d.....,'
4ohri L. ikhytna:i, Mailai.c.y City.
>N. IL Berg4resr,e.:, I . ; : .•lro i l.'i .... '
\Villiiini It'. T.Ch t,.T.4iiiillta....
Wn ace \V.-1\'01!1' , p, q:- v. ill": ' •
JOll ' 13. lii'iVi.
kt'l", 'l';':i'llJltt. . ,
Panel' Kil-lin4;3.r.' P; rt.
..: 4 % . 1'110!1. • ' . -..
400 B. Kerstnie.., 1.:.4.0..
,ftixtiaql 11c.w b. kt.t '.. , 11 . - - .Nl:cli boy t•lit!!.-
.11. struck ut
Ord 1n a - few
tin ; aa:l hail
inntion of
tit t hat:the
!•1" Will be:
, k , 14 the pro
iti t ty'
1, ~ ei- • .'•
' cry,. near
'river, and
!nu .of
I atilt) and.
ticus•n the-
comer of
rr coudue:-.
tv,ll - A1g . 034
from Mr.
AIN eye.
P. 24.,
"Ntalope;oh Thor.*
F 'W:18 diS-
A; IL. in-
:o ft NV as'
he charge
d tje
tt tldilre
)0 bail to
(hi nal
ti ills Post
iatles Me- .
. and Ids
t; the cold
iho • lJettinga!—The pitbli4schtio-b„,..; pf Potts.- I :
Ole - used for the sunriner vacation 'on Tinrrs,:
Tiiio f
flex -. t State Convention or the tlrand .Anny
!tin. Repitblic . o . lickl at 11'ilke:-:,baric.oti,
r. ' ° li r i ll t) ..o h t l i h: ‘ ,.., 'l i t i l j i t o t. m c i3 r:it. i .i ni A l l:ii a l l i ., h l ,l i li t i , ' ,i tatii: .notnitiating..,
I,' t : e e n .t il 3 .e ßi fi b r fa
e l pa y r4 w l i i l o l u be t l
I:(Lu ee r t n h f
. l o iu ,i. t l i t e d y i.( . ar
e; Li i
1 'tier ance its this borough. .- ,' - • .. , •
i. ,1 r a
r u m a t pxl apples barehvy
areni a theird.t
"sweet a l p !
a p r e b a i l i z e t;e s on.
'olio.' ' . .- •
1 ,
. ,
t. •- i estimated that Delaware will furnislt
:,wii a d a half inillions-oe, baslteis of peaches: A
Thu Junior Clipper,timr Junior isiatithial ba , a..
ball e ik3 pitty6d pinatch gartie at the park on
latit STtirday, reatiltiniin-firOr of the latter by
a t,eor of 49 to !lA. •,./.i. II.."• 1
N. l !
',.eutern!fisenter predicts that the Erumensity
or ith wheat' crOp: this -year,: will bring flour
thiWn to - ,54 - per!barrel. I r . ',,, • ~ 4 - i • ,
:irt '..S ) ;IP-allerson._44, Cranberry, ri' 1r Itazle
to !, 't s'etrneitirtiOillied by lightniU _ iirit,-day.
lastw ‘k... -i-;; - - -----------: -- --- H - :! -
,l'ilb,hotala In!ttrisq•leinity lire tilling uP with
stininrier roanierti. - ;' I . "!, . ..
.4'llei Whip-Wor-Willm ha.'yo niade, their np
witiratteu. '• ! -'' 1 - i ' ' ' .'
kli le boy at. g"titztekvn, •Ibequeathed his 'ti
'tire w MU], ‘i•ill'ett is - 3.s Title dpllar,- to ;he Wont
ro o :,Drphailli' }lnvite, just 'before hiii death.
' V•eeeri , -quarter! etcatts We enturitging
news. that the crops wRI bt7iihnudant iw year.
flu reds' of dintf4exzweit !were on <Wrist rc'eN
ia.iii S'' 'inlay night. ''.' • - • I '
. !
Mb': .1 - 1).,1an wsui. • ritit .mier on Silo rail'ivaa
beivrequ'lAwner's• - • , L'itscit . -• and •Dc:ailo i ,
,orie day.
.14,14‘ wO4:, ault .iieriottity'Wjtirekl. ~''
71 - .)n ht.s.t, Satkird.iy tiveiiitig! sbv:.‘rt, litlles hat
garinUnl,4 ruined it t011a..e.,, l4plttera. 5", . ~ !
. •Qn.gaturday evening. n ' ...1.4:-..4ar i . rtaited. Mur
phy, ',Ptit-to .theidlouse 'pr Mr5....:514311.; awl !Was
giveni iiriatilat belotiginllo bbr soul !: It w•tui
v red, ou - tb,i - lagluwing I:day tible,her son'is
w 11;,-iialued at $l3 wii,iit :one or -ilio,l-vol;k00,
. ...._,4__- ,__ . -
• -1,
4i;ln this • t • rough iffy like. 9:44. A. - 31.;• To
• Irian, on Thursday.; J01Y.„7 and wt I
l ip
.11 , tbal&OS P. AC, train, tk. • , •
• h.uoirn to our i yrs • - f •'. •• • ;
, Th rel :la s Creole -Y ' i4 O
eTeWilt ---04 - the Sohn th '1 pills
• ' • - will-roman -- • - t' . :"*.
. . ~_.. -
1 - Daniel'Cox was on ' Monday sent to prison lbr
thirty dayt because he eouldn't.brhave himself
on Minersville street. . •
r .
~..„..„,,,... old , ~ na_of.,.. thle /lorough,
,• sev yLnj . a feweeka *ton the
rail .at *piste '' thit hi - diedps Friday
or -sr , d
.• nMrroxt eh imiljdunday in
th .••;., - •- - : - :Y . ' -
:'''. learn - lc-enmesh:M.o;
•-• t thailliern,
wil:t; •Ve 111 - 4,loiwiakWgi nn, the 41x"
of ~. . ' 1'.....,, 1, t •-r, - .., • -
• ~,.• ur orhiry, a tOnider, iiksAlrowned .on
Bat imiggat Tgadaqua *ldle in bathing'.
- motion was made in-Court oil Monday fOr
*natty:trial in the ease of Cardin, Brown and
Thomas. - Aitument of lire motion will take
place on Monday, 11th inst.
Cherries were never more" plentiful in .our
market than now.
• The wheat fields begin io put on a golden
tinge and look beautiful. .: ._, -
-- The July Tersh or Tudge" Qreefea - Criminal
Court-will eoriveno on Tuesday nest.. • '
Peaches of inferior quality are begitddg to
• obtrude themselves on the market. . • ..
Sudden deaths have been very numerous 'in
this County the present season. '• . • , `
i All Banks will be elosed•ort,3londa,:y. . -' -
'lliiiijr - ibr ilier.liiiiimen on the Lehig h — aid
selrri .Crisie have prt their mules at
ltiihard Jones and Jack Jones bad a fight
[at Eagle 11111 ttg,9ther dayand - alter. fight
lug fifteen rounds' 'Richard t staideelared the
Adair fight came • off - .I"othErille
Iday - afternoon which lasted fOrty4lve minutes.
-Thq lasrthie win s her - arrested this tiftertimeb, .
That:panther • whs . set , if - on Pesch 'ltpuirtaitt
litgalti on ' Blond 4; UnsucceSsful scorch waa
i r tnacie :.•••., : . •
Charles 31 - cDailessaislaid :Esquire Reed
lilf,tloo- bail- Ori , "TelteislikY - for walloping Mary
Enty with a chib.''! - •
) John Beach. Superintefiddn't Of Maple:
Colliery, started on Vcestern tour on
tWetinesilay.oflast"Week,.. and on Monday his.
-, frientlii received wfielegnini from St . : Louis
:announcing his sudden iJeatii In that citY. '
. - .Tho Court having -- finished tint causes ready
or trila this Weefi,"adjourned on'Weolnetalaktilk
_this Inor t oni T .
• ; Deihert Je t s. i.)eerf- aplxiinted census
taker frit tliellorrnigh of-Schuylkill .Uaveb.
-The I.lf , gret..i Of Iloetor of.lnvinity wa.s.eonTer
,olij liptin 11ev. 11 Y. Lewis, Rector of Trinity
(Cr lsco pal ),Cli u rCfs' of Pottsvi Ile. at Andalusia.
;Coilege coin inenceinent `: • .
_ . .
; - The :ions Of A in - e,rii..a will . huvc a grand' i:el'e
bratinaltt Pitiegrnib on,Niqndity.
A 1ki,4)4.144, tnecting . willlxs ;held at:Tower City, nnu iNnameniing-to-il_sy, and coatiimiug ttatil 310 ii-.
; . . ~. .
Mrs. itovily're_ o't
f Mt. 'arly...)ry,' ri.g.eti itinetY
:,evert ye:(iN. (lie ). this week., ~ .. "
A roittnitinc wit; tiq't on ;tie ttoorstep_Ot.M - r.
C. S. Posttir, nt: Asitlittlij;.ort l'huriday: •
. . . . .
Tut: FAitort are not rt..p.on.thle fi,r any , a.-tititneitte ex
arre4:edla - eorrinliondentatotelther do taey trudorae Won.
ll: , .t.- .
IN ALL s'A'.l2t, Jotters - and conl.ipandenee taidrt.taed to
t. l . , siglice.alad in trade.' for puhlt*ltion,, third have the'real
• ..r.,.. or thr wrder au:L(11.41—(u"; that we 'SIIIIII pUbIiSII ti,
t.tirr our Infbrat atinn.l-rafel he wi . :411..1) on t•he male or the
'.., rrr gray: Other he, MAIM ta NO into for a asterhaaket.
- ••• "`
1 To rfre.Punue:—Vottr attention 'is respeet
011y'anik came:fly ached to the depleted coil=
,lition• 'the treasury of' the Ileleyolent
Pottgville.' Without any monk
Void: W4.iare daily called upon by..the indigent
t - I(.k. for medicine and • food: We .have been
touipelled t,). turn :away all .others daring the
n Miner. nionth4,lllmt . Like trick mold be attended
therefore, call upon the • friends of the
% ,!t •s ,. s ,., , , T . i , ti g ti (i oi f
u t lni o n ri t assis c tite
a t n w rn Ae
d v i zn i n tai ot 4, r iv elt i lr to'
a as
o.iieh coarse i 4; contrary to the pencapies upon
we are organized,:. namely the volun
tary contributiOn•plan or raising,itin,d:4, and we
as,tire,l that it is only neeesiiary to make
• - n.)wn our and-they-will be supplied,•, -
• }XEeuTtyE 80.4. an:
' rorrsvii.lrE, July 23; IS7e. •
1 • ' . ',. it'Ar r ostrio.i . s. ... t . ..
One of the men to be env-ied in Litese . hot days
our phihmthropie. friend, George
,Achey... -
eor;ze is, agreat man, in the %V. B. 'A.; a great'
iohior • f 4: their interests, and an earnest de
-1 ouneerof the Panipered,operanirs. -, :, ~.:
[ I it•orge is treasurer of the tieneral •Counejl ; '
. 7
It. A.,- [perquisites four per cent,. on all
1 nit I e''`i ' eutieezed. , out of • the .worktiqinen t
.issiii ,g tlfroughlils kands.: '„Anaouiitof sant per
E . n t .4 lge tailing to lila share 'laud montivwds'
MIN pitED Dom..itia. In addition, GeOrge
• gc, , t.s . three tto)Virs per day and travelling
,ex pen ‘.
sies wheal .engaged on :business of the W. B. A.
:And is alsti.S.!eretary District No: Id. Ale
is forthertnure holth4r, having the,
,township dapliamtelor and .road luxes;
so t h at on the vrityle, George way well coda rote
`his disinterested labors on behalf or the men.
1 One thin * rather against George, is that ho has
of worked astaininer fo over a" year, he was
s eh a trouhle:4l - ain4 nian:that none of theopera
t irs in that rigioti would -kevi him in their
ipluy. • •
. • • - .0 Ni; Wito :News:
: L iItIrI7I.TURAL COILkXIE, PA., June '2:5, - 1S';0. .
}.:OITOUS Mli . :Ellt.i' . JUUßS/1.4:-ITIIO farinersiii
this eoinintinity have been somewhat displeased
with. the damages done by along series uf show
'ers,.a fete weeks ago'; but"they seem. nuw to be.
•v ry well satisfied With the present state of the
Weather for making hay; which theY hay& coin-
Aunveil with till furees„ .Zdaehines. Are heard
wing - in various direetioira. The stinlent den
tills -, on the eellege .farm, are not suffteient to
n'eet the want of hands, and voluntary service
has been caltedifer at ten Mid litteen tents per
hOtir... v.' . • - -
'lite students hist Sattirday and tl-day had ar
4,ilery drilf:• The
_cannons. have been. bright
pi cd'nud put in order td celebrate the Fourth 4
ire2ron t clq-ises in the iusiitution 'are
, cipc.- saCkuilly. - The .examination of the,
LSS graduating in the ficieittlfre tbuive,
•cinatal about the middle of-July. - The class
4, - . 1 . ( ~.1
. . ! t.,;1
--A i , 1
. • .
the Agricultural. (burst. will - conlp s lete it 4;
Itl. , es by the dose of (he Faltterm. .... . • ,•-.;
,I.' ta?rs . oit liv i ing in different , seetihns. of a'
,ite or, country, .catinot hap 'notti . .ing 'tae
ales aiia: peohliarities of' the people of, f slich
kiona. • ' W hat -most strikingly cattle tom : /to
o itb thisseetioh ; is the delight which th cl a --
1 take-in hore,o-track riding, '`.This Nips .
th ,e,:x . . It is not urffrequentiv that gentle,
Ott with their ladiesgo (pn 1,301 - Ye 6aik totl.eilllt'eh
t I . S1111:44 sehaol, as .well a,a riding for exer,- '
e and pleasure, arnl.l have . even seen, yOung
L it taking' their. _lady-loves to thernselveis tot
saute hor.4e. "That," I think Ph, killin , *
oilyirfts with one .stone."'
I `St
I tsll
P 1
, • r Ibi
I a
NT the follfacrin:i cam munt eatioh,
Garretgon, by whom it em
d«t to ti-i"for
; lia
. ,
ccQA - r), cif uncif,
(Mr Steontl Presbyterian Choreh frientbwon
rket Sijitare,Ainder- the pastorate of the. Rev.
Miniley, finding their. house rather. small
their rapidly inereasiog:congregation, have
I,iiiiiiiously„orithoutAiiiiit' as to - the conteut
tedeapeii liture, voted- ten; tencl thejr present
("Whig out to the street,'whieh will give them
hilt one "Modred additional sitting ~, •
V •
e . hre glairtn learn that. they aro gping, to
iet -an eye also.tcrilie.beautiful as Well as use
-awd havi, Matte - arrangements to: put up
;fifty. t:othla fl Ant with liii.ttresses extending
Crum the , fitee.scino three feet. . -
t l pi,
' al,
I ft 4
_ .
. rlicy :lirilie; contr.:it:AO for 4.llo,•neiv, Style of
:16' ** The liirminghanyGreen." trronght,fronf
Cc....rer ci-rtitii:::', and whirl) k being- Introduced
.`•s. i'aiddly ati ielavorno build steno into our
;'la •:4c7eitia,4. - '' • • i.-:-.. - : • •- . • , •
• rhey have made a •seleetcon for •trinuning
! sf +no the !Mach %ad Mirnill doYs - colored.istolle•
hi ?..rtight from VenangtCounts. This Os a tr:ini
! in rig stone is , kort . being brought into, trotiee - ,
i at d i•i• much finer than 'lmy,StOiter yet:used-far
11 -it piirprise . • 2 .--. '"'• '-' . ' ,. -
',.. Whey prdpose changing al 8° the present Squ are
W udows int° Gothic style, richly' - iirnarnented
I w th stained giass':, while it Will be lighted with
a constellation .of gas :burners in . the eel:art- 4 ,,
! ,w rich reflectingthe light down from aitinvert-:'
1 ci, cone and concave reflectors of glass plated
• w th.silver, :agoras lull
,mellow light,-yery
-# ateful to the eye, hile at the -same time it
Tr educes the most thirrough ventilation . :
;4' .
he rinpioYenic•nts put on the church will do
Ii cipiiit to Our town tri the arehiteret; Mi. Hatton,
ot.Philadelphin, and - the Building COMmittee,
vfx:', Measrs. H. Stratit.h,•ll.. K. Nichols, tt. - E..
Nice, Z. P. HoYer, J. F. Shoemaker and. ' l o .T.lar-.
.ta -, under-whose supervision ' it is
,b,eing coa
st itete,d. . -, .• - . • -,••• .'
• the Con - tithe° on Finances are viz., T.: M.
hi isri. w; Dobalit4oti, W. It.' Smith, T. yarret
,sin yitd F.V..itterson..-
.he Inside will be - neivly pewed. with' wide,
e i
n fortabl e. bets,-han ilsmnely upholteered, and
at d the entire door carpeted. Thiel liberal ex
pntliture of aboutten thousand dollars, white ding greatly to the ornamentation of or r filer
zlimay niStr be considered a .contribit fowl n
t. • grand turivonient °Trolling up dyer million
I,a the grateful - specialty of the . Primbyterian
C urrd,this year. It will ho in many rspectic'
' wu en emnpleted, the flint tasteful structure ils
td l County of Schuylkill:.. - ' •„., .- •;.
gotta Pusititss tiaticts.
coats a line : Insertiba: cents a tine c . arli - at)bse
nt,lustation. '
• ri:c.R.: pay meals relnnteil at Ga crg,:.
llan •
trir aix - ins nt ante-war prices at -Gananchi.
thit:4,4,t. SA t.m . of Drem (]node at tiallarars:-
. GALLtan ;:. cn.,211r Cerktre Kt reet. •
urvrs, h Li/ I.t y ards, for one dol l a r , at tiallaild's.
24 ertifre strkipt, 'giver la change.' April 9, •:(1-1:::
--t— r - ----,-.,.-
I,C I: IN' PA 'l 4 f.K lIN !i jU.t. Tereirol at tire:kintrit and
Trimming Stare, - 1.:21% , :i tre F ---t rect. br.-•l47.lruerieatr
1101.4... Pottsville. ilea .N1.1.(101E1 BOLAND.
. 7 4_ ZY '..ncents.nir r:strrarrior ()toiler Stew et Potts',
forties alai (lents Itesta,urant, N. WI Ventre street.:'
Pees rednetxl to- - gult "the : time, •WI an t. ' Are int
yukitrsolVen.' .
- '
knrerleap.• Otothm, elk istyles, -
/X A. Snail hrs.xcntse . st.
qv L 1,4„ a_,beAgtiful aril
,±CF; ABl-171.1VG MACHIIIE.-Irijure . the •main.
J. i spring of alcatelFund every portion of the works
becomes disordered. The human stomach is to the
' , onion system what that, elastic Wive of metal Is to
tuonorneter. • It Intiutineem the action of the other ,
ns, and cOntrols to a certain e.xtent, the whole
mai - bine. •T he ecenparison may he carried
7: for as the weakness or tidier I ruperfect ions
,:. mainspring Is'indleated on 'the race of the,
re p - ece. so also it the weakrwsit or other disorder
stomach betraYed , .by the - face - of - 1 he invalid.
comple.ticm is 'thole or faded. the eScht are earn- -4
t in lustre and, Intelligence, and t bere'li a worn,
lints expression in the whole countmanee which
to plainly as written „words could do, that the
organ whostrotheuit• is to m 1011147
wants the body,;and to sustairt and. renew,
parts,,, it not periunnina ito duty. _it requires
l‘ting and regniating.Autl44:accompilsh this
ostetter'S Stomach. di mons may i I.,te
:truly eat('
the only, thing.needful. ~ The broken main
Ora watch mny•be replaced by a new ose.,trut,
a:moth:gut only bo tvixdrid and ottoontitoncdr
• Una ma !so of the oblects,of the fatuous , vegeta-
iresioratise which .for righteert.lsest bad. - bees .
lag : ato etteeessful . oontest :wliti:'.dyspepala,:in..
itoutes.,,,, As 44 lapooino. Con tinthiestlo n , ittitande '
.. -Arbon the, resonsa.of thie. ; •poartrussatielia
• eeli•oxhauskid, without. tdonest.delng snare •
113111ipstiag the noinglaintv 11, 4 , 0140111 .of Atllll
1 gin
/ ' volatable, yet. poirertuh: atountotilo
a pectact and permancid cum.; !In rilleases of
la the !Wools inure oc.lems disordered, Ind,
i Is imprirtatirgiaud. aawellatupolitneatom...
thrind bowels, the Al arra act with si owl las ( Wainer" •
. and Jelitilgotatlidi Viet% *Motive
141.11411 11Cotgati 'on wbleit nod Ilyand vernal .
th depend,
1, '''W -77 - •
• ' 1-ly • •, I
Tarrtstionb . tuct:.
_ .
pscrroßAL.-114i r e Orlin• a al iti,:,
i - ,of Basle, of thleCough Medicine have be, '.;,•,1
In eve years, and,thouaands have , been ell I vti 1.1
in,e 4llo =lisseceinpanylog any ordinary ebb*, a,i 'lb:,
aofth of bewasulaption havealliih).,, , , " i
10 ft, It of Lbegreansia value to the 1.4,1:1111111::to.
11104 110 tiiiij I' 7 should be without it; lt is, 1,4 :,, ~',
Bma gt.
-to the -_11," Is ~lir. I.,EVi. op I:f.'
ISOL ' Or Philidelphhia, and hi ' sal,l -I,A. - , i;
, and- lira. SAYLOR, Drugaba,. i , ,,, - ,,:.
Me, and' nearly isyery•Drugaist mid SUIT., 1 i ,., ~..:
)01,1F•eentais bottiov, •
~. Dm 4. "46-49.44„
:Vest external_ remedy for Irnetu e
igsursigss, tnirsins, Orniam,Chiblains,
Stiffness of the' , Pmsessing uu.u=r i ,
qttailtieiasa. Liniment; It Will prove
i mev ry.t az t i ny• In. eases of itheurnatism
.4 1 11.1
raigia, either all.ght or serious. it is siv. s ;
.relfeve pain' This Liniment has'been in use
lastlifteen years,.and has'given entire -
wherever it has been used.
Prepared and' sold fly -Urs, Q. - SAYLOR,
Centreftt.;.Pottiville. agents t' 31 int rs Hip - .
55NC5,...4..11110WA1. -Druggists; '..Asidalca,
• H O W TO Ouitr. - coNsumpTiciii. :.
--• . -
-:" tinier= or Mt:Scecrocs dirt : ter • N:. : ,-
• * ...AV ill - people never lea watimv . .•:ll„, i ;, ,I„. liver and stomach nocessuril y iiii:eii,••l i.,. . ~,
•re mi system? , The plainest 'Principles 11( (....intlil,l.:.
's La this;' and yet there . are hun,r,,,,, ~,.,,
ridicule the idea, and continue In the cout.s.• ~, „,,..,
!Islamist inevitably brings them prematurely t , , t• . ,
gruff , . •• Living ea. the majority of thepeopte ~„ .
'complete rariance with tne laws of nature. l c L. : ; ,.
lie apparent to an that, toanee-o, r iattr, liat a, ,• .„
revenge herself. Hence we'. aad that pers,.;;; ... ~.,
Maniac. to esters In the use of very rich ce ti „..,
getting* feed or Intoxicating drinks; inVit tin . i ~.,
alteavy penalty In-the end. Tbnettimaeli in ,',,.,„ ,
' Mordereil and refuses to act; ties liVer flab. 1,, ~., :
hum Its-functions, dyspepsia:and its attendant .• . ~,
. follow, and stilt the suffering individuals p, i,.'-'..,-.
_clinging to the thoroughly exploded Idea. ot •,..2
; past. - Dr.:SCHENCK:a tuedictnes are reVI•IIIIIII : .'.1, , .
to all such.. They bring' sure' and terrain'-,..,,,
wherever-they are used us directed, and col r 1:...
Moectisaryto establish their reputation wit„ - t , .
ailing nine or woman in the land is'a fair :.7.•1' ~..
'partial trial of them: 'Let those Who are 'di., 1 .......
+atolls point;rual who have permitted hi:, ....., ~
person:tit) prejudice them against th2s4.i flora
brated'a remedlos , for •03numptIon, else:int' -,:1., ,:,
'prejudices,. and .be, governed by the- priucipt,•. ~,
, reasofi mid common Sense; ,It the system is,:, ..;„
detect depend upon it,',ln• nine eases out of t. :a, 1•• ..
sear of the - disorder will be Aiund in the 5t,.1,, ~
, - and liver. ''fr) cleanse and-Invigorate the stom ...,,
and to stimulate the liver to healthy action, p , .''
lieu Oscit'is 31oNtinAIESCPILLS."- - The artily In., , ~ . ,
- lug dein:mild - ha these phis is the best evidem ,
Their- value.. Thousandalipon thousands of 1 , ,,\,•.'
are sold-daily. -Why? Simply because th.-, :,•;:,„
promptly and ellicterttly. - Invalids who ins, '•!,,.•
tind'it convenient. ,te esti on Dr. SCHENCK ~ ; -,.
• sqii are informed that full and complete dire. t. • ,
for Iptie.tfektottirSitis - eficit package of.. ae
31,Axintsar Pitts;- Permeate 14Yr1:IP A xi. s.• , .
Wer:t4fii.Ntc:—These medicines will cure co n , ,,,, , .
• t ion - ualessa 4,-.lii,uo are so far gone that e4L i
is entlrely'brec,,hti the risteh Of medical relict. ,
F ” .
, -,/t tag) * Is' asked by those who are are not fa inllt...:e
i With 'the virt tofstof these-great. rethediu , ,, - liou :-.,„
r Dr. Bt'IIENCK $ Medicines effect their woodilt , tl
wet's of -eonstuctptiont ?” ..... "- •
t , 'Il? sinsWiir 1,4 a - nthiPit. otte. 7 " They begin ti,,..,
"•-vr uric Orrestorat ion' in - bringing the stomach, 11,..-
••=tind* tiowels into an active' healthy condition.
:Mod that eli . te , this forint table disease. Sep ENt I, ...
• .31A 74 Dtf.Ab; fit. l'ltas net on 'the neer and shah:, ~.
' plontoting_tataishy secretion, and retrieving-the h.:,
• and sti me"whi CIL have -rtssu lted from .the ',tact iv, ,
t o r:pt.t (.n5),1111011 of 1 hese •Orgitnis, and of the sys t • ..
Oiterally.- This sluggish state of thec body, anti t,"
corisectuent - Roca mutat ion of the . unhealthy s• ,1
*4:lAli:es tutrued prevent the proper digestion of It v,
1 and via 11:11 at ii ra I ennsetineitee.createa disease, w I.:: .
, te,idtstu prosf rat ion Illla filially In death,.
1 ' . sett t• - ,: , ';.. I, . 4 1't - t,:iiosierivuu,PandsiEveEED To ;..'i.
W fie, i hdti-ti I* , :trultirly, niingle with the hood; it k. th
digestive 'organs,. make good richblofS,ti, eats' .<'..
• natural comasnithr V, give flesh and strength to i . ,
patient. , _/..e1_l lie facullyrsay what it fday,lllis,is t 14
only trite rune far conmuniptlon. Experlenee. Ic.o
proved:At be,volid the shadow of a doubt, and thou,-
: ands ate iced* al i veand well whoa few yen" sine ,
• were regarded as hopelesscu.easetc, - but who were in
• •duced 'to try, ' lie.' SIetIFINCIC;S. reniedies,,azar '‘. el
.restorecito permanent health by their use. -." ,
- tine ofthe first steps the physician should t: k ,
with d consumptive patient, is to invigorate th
system. • Now hunt' Is this to be clone?. eettctul ,
not by gi VI op.;tiold Miles t liiii exhaust rm.! 01 , 1 \ ,I
Illettlel.l.lll.le ihipair instead lit kiwi - 0% , I Is'' ~, •
A lona Of the tih4estive organs. •ISfetor ~ 4 ,1 : 11.K.',4 R'
ineditities - cli-ahse. the stomach and bowels c.,! , a
'.sidectunces-Wrileli areva hallo heti to irritatt• ca v. i - n • . .
them . .., They create tin appetite-promote itealtt•:
digest ion—lllldie gooil 1,10‘.1, and ; kti II ( . 011,1,111.•; .
they invlgOratcr, and slit engtia-a the .entire s, s t,
'AIM more . : specially 'those '.arts wltirh are ,ii"...,••
If this, tallied. be done, then the ease ions! i 1 . ,
garde(' as artope -is le one. .
, If the, physician finds it impossible to nisi:. I r
Al ..111..fe..,:l hungry, ir- t lie clhiirased..peison etc:tll,-I ;
Valie of good tic torlshing hlcid and properly r.L...,
if is IMpossible that.h....cain. Willi in tic: 'braid ... .. :
add ft 1,;•-• e...1 . 1mi1y impossible„to bring a pat 1 , •., • a.,
, tionilitiOn so Ines; as the liver Is tau 1,..„,-,I ~ a• I, . .
- eased, bile, and I lie stomach • laden st It 11 41.11;.• .•.'
?8i1e..,, . - -
' - Atniost the tlySt-l'egnest made to -hi e ph. - -i, ,„.: t
. a consumptive pat ient is that he will prc.s,;r i 1., t; •
"tellies tilai• - will remove or allay II c• etlirglt. ~... •
sweats and chtils, which are . the sine' , -
consuttiption.. 1:111 this should not
cough tr,rt of nature to r4241 , ‘.
anottlie night bweAts and ehtils are eait , ed, iii
,Tnoe retuodies ordinvrity
d.kitiore harm •than gored: They intpai tier • •.
tiotis ut the scomaelt.tenTede healthy diges:
aggravate rather Ihatt. cure 111.. ti..h.ea:;e. • . .
• litereds, after-all: nothing like fail with, •
to substantialtea positlein, and It IS upotr,al-,..; ,
Ur. keg LENCK ,relies. nil who itax •
Pa accordance with hi, dir; ,•tis ••
.lave notanly tcl!lfe 11 red of consumption, ht.'.
the fact.. that these medicines act wit ti' ivei;!.e;
li,ixt-er upon the — digestive organs, i•, ,
_cured 'speedily gain tiesta.- Cleansing the sys:, n,
all lnatluxitles, they. lac the fonlicia t ion; fora s";..
stubstantial • structure..! Ltestoriatz the - se or, t o ,
• lleatt Ir,lhey &rent.; au al,Retlte:' The n sal b. pi op - fl
t he. num:lily Or 11100.1 IS Ili.: 4.11:y
"erease.l; hat.} aunty rib and str,mg• ;In d in thy. to
,gf•stich - a:condition of the systt to nil disease MU".
„tar banistied:' ' •
.Full drrectfolat accompany eseb of t ha nrc , lici
NO that it iiinot'alisolutely nreessary that pal t,•.: ,
shall'Dr.-semixek peno.n k hi ty, tto
desirelnhave-thekliings exainibed. iFor dais pt:,
pose he 1$ at his principal - °Mee, No. titx i ;
sl.aatrnerof COlllmeree, Philadelphia; every S; , :itoi
- ilav, from A. 31; until 11' 31.! •
- IS given •wit bout clarge; but far a.thweing!
examination with the nespirometer Cliarge
Price of the Pnlmoule. syrup and SteaWeed -Ton
each, $l .sirpt7,bottle, pr :Al A .ha dozen. - 3111:;'
drak.e , ceubi a [Kix. For sale —by all drii , —ist ,
Aurtll6, '7O • , ; .
- -----~ligr-riagcs:-,-
Ite4,ll44g,Ju:pr: 3.;111, 11S
Geo. k rear, 1 - Aml.:s Xrip.Ntki :',11;:s - KA 11.
- BOAS; butte 01.1teaqing, • • -
• Itltliee.=l:l.l.N.E.Ort the 2,..414 lust:, 'tit the•l, -.
drnee of-the bride,' uncle, Mr. It. ? liiiiie,.lty t h. , I:e , :”
.1. Illelt.t4rNini. Mr. NV n..l'. IpircE tt0.31L ,, , \.Ul': I.
ii1..1N....' . eldest tlati; of the lute .:Wellitii4:.-1
- K lino, till "1" l'flrt,y ille. .lutae.29, l'il-l'-'76...±7-IU.
... . -
F,EY-1117,.:%[:%11,—' , 311 the •_ , Ztli tint, by Itev. - .I
Diekenvotf;., - 31 r. G E.oizot: \V. FEr, to .-M t l
;-•:.."..131.VN n •
IttrmatEL, all'of POLtSV I rit,'.. . c
. •
, .
..4.INTCYS—BEIDF.I.:%III.:*—Ori .11t.T:(1 :41til, ls - i.i, I.
1 ,
[lit' 11f:;%...1V111.1 .. .11v
,ei, 1 vell.i . of Trinity CiuTh
PottsVille..sY.L.VksTEß 4) s r:t.. - SINToN, to :11.1.1'
ELiztitETlT,'.lauy.,l].tf..r 'of 1, 'j.l,llalaulleiftelinni all .
Pottsville.: - - - • - - , •
Nir...kaNlifj._—ROVPENl/AFFER--im the 25th
Sclufylkill !Liven, al lilt! ti,itle!lvo ();
ILVV.,Thonium how i ani M. A Lit .
'J. Mr.a.iiicse.,- to Miss, MAivi: KOVVEN:I.AF.I.:II:I2,I , . •
of GurOcin, Schuylkill Pa_ =
J iti;s.
81L.:11:...N.L.t.hi the litil'of clone, ikt tit. Clair, A N.:,
.51.aitt5..13 . y.1.U . N, in the. 7:,th ytar of het lige.
• „ • .
DERIL--lii• thil4 Burotuzli, On. •Sti n(lay', ::t.l h 1 1 1
nikh . ttir ICt RPM:, ' iii fan t :,,:in .4 - Alined .1. :;u
Ainauda.C. 4.)er r.
. ... •
rri..A.:kt - ,lEl2—tin . the 19th .7 t
'or -un - % :,1111,-.
. • .
vilteN ..I,?.HN,11, aged S4.yeare.. -
Ii 1....
t , " - MILEL—On the .1t)1 of Palo A.lit :1; i
ii.T.N . 7.41:1., dig% "%MI a lit ., rge :11: , , 1 24.3(1 ‘ a1t.11:1 ill ti:./
- 1
, Ztittli 2.Zi. , yvars: " " 1
PAX ON—ln 1111.4 Itonnr4li, c• 11 ;"2.,•441 i,ho. :
AME.4I . .•.PiXION,!AO:I of. LAI %cavil. 11.. mut *.5..11,•". ,
...m.'ultett 1 yvar o "itivi-Vi mut - 1111s. • ; . y ,
the 27.!,..1 fiv"A'ayne n•!,
SL',:IANNA wife tit' 501,A1.(4 :7 y
SIIXII-011 11:e 24.1 ii of .18110, 121 Pot r
W. SiilTH;st, Wttli. oOf I , IMII 11';0.., • an'. ad 1: -
dent of tbk Buroits...lf, nzr , f ,gr oar,
WQLTI.E . :C.I,;I this Iro:',trzli nn Aliindar
mrort, urie -1;7, at :ifier.,ClC. I:/
Int.h year of •
Tar ,S;nlc nub go _'et.
-"COP. .11,t1siT.—A pleasant alai eolnnaalliar, da,
llngliause I,n.,3lahan tango St reo,.large y:t
garereni w 1111: well-grown shade and trnir
otte..;'Sitibie In rear of lot; 'Apply 1 , ,.
C. Lirms, Offlee-111 Malian 0?n , .z. ,
L'OR• Eiji/X.—A new and 111..1—class TQP:7 , I . I; t
.:Ternni teasonattki. Apply to *
31ay 77'1U-Eutf . • WW M. It. SMI'III, IA4 Cehtrr
.pOR.I 4 I.EN,T.L-Tu'uoitices in liwisers
fig,'corner - Sektontl •anti Matlituitpnitit st
Apply to....HL.Nity C. RU Et., Iteal
ld Matiantringo `street.
Mar Iti,tf
F .OR SA:1 0 11.-1. lickzai;er ltul 3-1 tv,t h
pratinicse.f,- 6 ft.:ltoist i tlrti .4 ft. Nen..
l o ng .'COUViteil SereclLS. sliute gate , slinto
CM - Stack 1111 , 11plaltC; and a lot o• 1
y at
I IL DI 11111:ki'S C4iol
• • ' Pot
MAC/ii; EltY BOh BALE. 7 :.(me lilt hu r
.. glue, lollop %haft anti
eogine, drum. pump mlitift annIZO/111 , Lig-:
engine, 2 twill...lli, lu relit fan nail stack: uuQ i(;
pole pump, awl 100 yards 14 nich et/1111Pa pipe
boilers, flti feet by ., ilf inches; face slake., ',lat.,. -
= Apply to.. S. 4101tGAI'l l'h ilacol I
'7O-14-tfj - or by Icliyr to Port
-,Eleven- :a feet lots, : trutititta tut
thieige iitrevt, are offered true) ttl2tratti.l utis
Iltytuente Ste. month IS , ileautments: r
NAAWEI: BALL:, Coal street. tiear it.
• Pottayille,cApril : lll. 7v-73416-Is.
. ,
Selniyikilltabunty, wilily!, rented on favorable 1,41,4
The Collferr embrapes the Alanitrioth,
.and 'black heath Veins. A 'good eilope haw .;
,sualcupoa the Slzhlknore Vein and a tunnel d'rl;,
to-the Mammoth. Toatenant with sultlelent
to purchase the waelaint.ry and erect 1141(eW break.,
at:lest Mier:elle:lse will be
. • • 1 0 11.‘NKLIN H. utrwr::%:. - •
=South Forirtlf s..frevt, , i'llilaciel phi
• HENRY [q.t.:ASA NTS,
f -
or tts,
EA.L. ESTATE ALE.—A traet f
• Aettpi of LAND. PO und E
er S
gond httlii Val he o t . w , r;
fl :
youtw orchar d; well Water6.l, fellt . C(ran.l
good:two anda-halltitorydwelllng boast., and a te, ,
barn, Is offered for Sale. The W.u..e has been ,ker; a hotel for for the last twenty years. It - is a tare .•11:‘,1 •
br any one wishing to engage in'ltaelp;tnii.itin_.-;
there Is nonewithin flee miles of the location, •
property Is situate In Rush • Township, on the
tinzleton flood. two miles frant.ltarnesville s t.,i
milt% from Tarnaquti;. The property will Ire
32,1katis the owner Is about tp.tog ',
West. Apr'
1 the prewlses:to
june.lB; ...„
, . <
The following stilton hand at the Dunra:, , 'y:::' 1
' One_pomping engine, sixty horse ptiwer. 11.. ..,
Mg attlite machinery connected wide .tho
elusive : -"4 , -, , I-. „ .. ..•
Orte imitating tic: lne t sixty.horie i vt7ll: all th. :.!
ehlnery oe..nneer - wltn 'foisting. ....- • • t .
glx. boilers Used for pumping any hol,!rnz. • i . ..
feet bltirty-four knelt's' in diameter , %, i: k.. 7., :' . '
Cots ii,6o.lo'ne.-
- - . , •
One !Ayala p011:447-inch (Allison d:
satisfactory article. . ' .• •
The above. Machinery is hi goo.: con ti:..
lir lithe sold.reasanably'.,
Iso,-Wagons of 40 and 3C-inch '''•
Belts, ofvarions - sizes; Store Fixtures and
Cross-cut Saws, Firewood, etc.- • -
For further infopnation, ipmUire at tit , "1:! ,
East Market st.. or at the Duncan!collierv.: "•
Jam'," "fil-.5dc2-tf JOirS ti A
• -
7,11 b; toLt.ciwisa
•. .. . . ' - • .
- 7, N31.N.WG IVIACI-11.N'E.11 Y.. ,
• • ... . .. . .
: , Qt"te tlltetk.firett'sure 'lntl pull] i Ill;4 ..,,7 4 1 ” ' ..
28344 itch cylinder, 7,teet stroke, -witlrl , ~ iv is. ~:,.I ~
patty complete, and 2 lifts of pitin pi sl - d- ~..!,..
OLIO Iti•in4 the ' other 14-lucli• pinoiter, e. , 01, 7. ;•'''t •
~. ...
111 •! 7 Z30..-Otte - Winding..Englite.. I ^ .-inch r;v:in 1,, 1.7
-tact stroke, with drum-gettritig and boi le r, c ...: a 1•1::.!
- .O4.LtiG4 our sets tlrtmker 3inkitiorry. '
A.150. 7 10d three Was Slope Wagon.i.lten VII:. tl.•f . ••
for 4-feet track. .- --.-- . • . •
_ . •
- . .
ALSO One hi-feet Fain Rini Engine, will) 'lli ' •
:boiler complete. - - • . T r •
• Al..l—One Pumping.P:n in
4-fee.t.streke, with gearing ainl
two lifts of ,phinps. ahi
plungers; . l.o foot stroke.. • • .
The above machinery hit ocen In vire,'l,:it i!,
$ O O4 Working toniey.
. 080141.3. E W. S`/ DER, ka•
itinnai7 /807 . 2 . 1* SePt. l l 41 W -4 --1,311