The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, June 25, 1870, Image 4
• FORTY-SIXTO YEAR lite Aumo : TILE WAITE% TELEGR' -' ' , A 2' :, BROWNS; AND THE' , L' 1. CKAS. DT inriGGIIIC .1 I . , .. • The Whites, the Greens,the Blacks and the Brown. • Being prominent zunnea, in cities audirown s , — r. 1 4 .70 one can germ at what any one writes Of the Greens, the Browns, the Blears; and - the Whites. 1 . A bunch of Greens that I knoW, are no i 1 t'erry green, And Quite as nice people as any I've VI; • - plc young onesore ripe, fresh-looking d mellow, • _ • And one Old Green, in partlvalar, a very good fel low. , , .. • Rome Whites that I know are awfully ;lack, • ' And some fast the right anti for the devil tocrack; There are others qnite sallow;while nuipPare white. But t,tie ones I don't Me are those black as night. , I krqt Browns that are aline, copper 4 co, lored, and •,•••• dar • . coppe r co lored, And some k., the right sort to go with oni a kirk: ' And many, ea great upstarts as ever rvr seen, `. But don't know a Brown that ever iris green. There are Blacks, that 1 . k now,who are tywhtte, Some good ones. and bad ones, that dotrt do what's right ; There are Blacks who are black, and tadckwitice tentment. ..,, • • ; t. - Ltd those are the blacks of the Fiftee n th Amend ment. - . r - • JERROLD said one day - be, *ul. make a, Igun ujx)n anything his frien(WWopld put to him. A friend asked him witethet he. could pun on the signs of the zodiac; ,toAchich he promptly replied, "13.,T,Geminii I Cant er.". • 4 .• .1 J , , • A GQOI3 STQBY is tOld'Of n diminutive me,r . cantile gentfof a Neighboring city , who,; it said,;Prupose& - ..10- a 4yoting and bu*Biri dan2 el, with the fdildWing ? resit: no," said she, "I can't think of .it moment.. 'rim fact is, -H—, yon're a little too ibig to put. in a cradle, and You're a? little ttio small to q.nit !" The back hai.Vort4e stricken youth luis since run to seed, -" 1 • • • • • A N women recelitly, gave birth to 4 child during her huaband s Absence, and just ` before his return the 'lneighbors borrowed two other babies and pliteed them in bed , with the little stranger.; When the father asked to- see the child, the coverlid was turned down, and although Ile must have been immensely surprised, he coolly turned to his wife• and asked, anYget away?" - I . ''' AN 'AFTERNOON • TEA. (4 FrOginent, 4 " Dr..iireoothman is finite "a lad'i' doctor," observedlfrs. Faintuway. "So .niee4" said one lady. /' '; "So, chatty !" said another. .1: "Never•priribes nasty thiligs! ". said a thir4. "OH! he's a duck! " cried anr en i young matron t'YOu mean a quack„" growled band, who had just seen the dobto ,me year's attendance. SIMEQN SrEES. AS A LIJI TERATI C ROM,. .X4i. 11 . .Simeon Sikes, silYer seller, sally 'ng solita f rily southward, steadily seeking satisfactory it 'sales, sauntered soberly, swingi? satchel, %s systematically showing stolid ;idly r• spoons, sugar shovels, .small sized snleer4 superior peetaeles, sharp scissors, sdnifer,S, sewing shields. Sombre skies•'sent soft showers, soaking Simeon's satchel, shoes, stockings, ~ shirt, 'skin. Suddenly _something' *teemed 4:tying . softly ; `:: . 4wget Sally - .Slator Simeon t • soon -shall see," So 'Simeon stiaightway .. strode stupendous strides, 'seeking Sally Sla . ' ter's snug shelter; soon saw sundry stately t;syeamores, standing-sentinel, sluiding said , spinster'slseeluded shelter; spied Sallyi sit ting solus, , sewing stoekinett, - sly4; snuffing Sweet-scented Scotch snuff. Sudden surprise . seized Sallie's•sedate soul, kAidinkj Simeon's swift. strides; Sallie's' sanetity, somehow, skedadled shamefully, She, soinOwhat sen .sitive, shrunk sitspiciously, 1440[4 suddenly, spilled some- - snuff; soiled, stoCkinett; stut tered, stammered, said : "Seat, sift? Simeon • shivered, shook, said; "Smart „shower!" Sally said, "Slightly so." Simettin's shins ;.. seemed sore, so Sally sought some soothing salve ; .supplied - some soft-soledl - slippers. square-sliouldered slab-sided, spindle-shank . . ed'Simeon seemed sentimentally Satisfied.— Soon Sally said :' "Sold some silver since Sulukly, Simeon?" Simeon scowled savage ly. Sally suggested supper. "Surton, Sally," i i said aihn, , "something sufficiently strength t•rting ; some strong stimulant." . So Sally sent sirloin steak, tomsages, soi4 soothing sangaree. Simeon's stomach - soon Seemed Satisfied. ,SO Simeon smoked sereral segars„ sat stupidly, soon slept, snored Sonorously. • Sally;sitting solemnly stitchinglstockinett ,shirts ' suddenly sneezed; Sim* started, • stared, seethed scared ;•suspiciously.sinveyed surrounding space. Shutter. shades seemed' secure. Sally stopping' sewing- said softly; "Somebody. slyly sneaking, seeking Simenn's silver !" Simeon;slightly susceptible, seeined suddenly smitten: sought S,allie'sl side, sac religiously Slater's slight symmetry! She seemed some- What • suspleiont,, said ; • "sickish 0 soft !" S -' , On staring significantly, said,. 'Sweetest, t- nly solitary souls should syn pathize! " Sally slapped Simeon. ' Sim. se. ned. suh 'clued. She seemed. sorry ; sbowet., some soft- . thing symptoms ; supinely Sou,yht Sim's 'sturdy shoulder. So! Slin Smocted Sally! ~tt straightway surrounding, she smacks Sim ! Simeon said : "Set some sultaldk , season." Sallyaid : "September?" Shill shrugging Slin'S shoulders, said: "Sooner !'t Scripture surely sanctions such strong Sympathy! s "S t ay Sunday !" So she succumbed, - Seven sxpernal seasons slipped softly, sat Seven quail selons sprung success • fully. sheddiug.,sunshine—shouthig, singing; • - seldom sick, squill ling someti mist- ;' still sweet ening Sallie's solitude: So succeeding Sum- Jbers serenely sped: Simeon sti*ells silver, 4 'sfipplying - subStantial subsistancei ' : , _.• so shun 8 ileh.steady , mains soi'mn' : Subsistence bweßt; subsistanc* silie! '.• - ' - - 4 ., lin) 'Aoobs - nub Groceries. . . 4 . 7 4 7 .___________ . ~‘ 1 AGGTE.i3OLAND. 122 CEIiT.RE ST. kvi BELOW Am F.RIcAN HoITsE,TotILLE, Ilit, now opened a new Stock of Sprlag & uninter Iloods suktable for the present season, su as ~ . 14IACK SILK, - SPkINIEIt CLOTET,I . CORSETS.' . i , s, FRINGE, TRINIMI).:(3S, NOTIONS, &c. , Has on hand a new lot of ' i . 1 . IsPItING AND SUMMER SAC I j... 5, which will be sold cheap for (11.911. - . I.mlle.Clookit made - U. order. New Patterni Just 00..130. & ROYER, 3! 1 CENTRE ST., TOTTSV 1 • .2 In addition to their usual as.sorttnetrt of DltEsSt ooODS, NOTION.. MILIAN E FLY GOODS, pace just opened a fullussortinent of Choice Japanese SlJk Robes, . • hamburg Edgings' and Ineertings, I -.. Jouvin and Jugla Kfd H lor s, Heavy Black Silks, • 4-4 English fehlrlinp, , . Ilargaine In Linen liandkerehiets and White Goods g4tierally. off. - -r addition to the - well kno n • BUFFALO, ALP CA, . A full line of the celebrated H . • • ' • BEAVER BRAND FINISIII.3I, BLACK. Prltil 31011A11:44„, ,Ladies' stilts, in latest stFles, made t4-ntder. srptemberi, 'UM • L . • I—tf-w & SIMMER DRY GOODS FOX & BROTHEr, 2.7 G CENTRE STREET, POTTSIVILLE, , . • • - . Dilsire to call attention to their extg l nalve assort moil of ' ‘. SPRING; AND SI:AIN fli3l DRY. GOP.IfsS Cohsl.tAng of the Latoll.iiti'lesof th' Foroign'& Domestic Markets - • • Diva ALLLn!grri TILE COL.L.E7CTIONS nr,AcK. C 011541? SILK.% .11\D EMBROiDERI LINENS, wurrE GOODS ar~d if HOSIERY, SSI AWLS OP. ALL ItINI?8, • • , We also call attention to our Stove f , GROCERIES,. 441:7F,ENSWARk' are.. Wbieh is very large and selected with the utmost care , tor this market. We do not corudder it neces sity to enumerate what we 'have, batieverythitig in *VI nd-elase Dry Goods and Grocery Mere, 4.3 be had aL vir establishment. Aptii IT. • 22—U -A' 4srEvir BEILIPOILING QAS, WI EEL for! 4r., made at th e . „ JALAPPA FOUNDRY, 1 Bov.`RNa BROS.. sole 3141111f$C &WETS. • • - r ilada of Catl&p , Balldlniil4ullware, &c leavc arddra with ti Y NVENT9Ni . No. • East frorweeaL,l3&„ PORgville• liar 24, ''P) - 22,-04 MN MEI MESTEI her.:lius ,'s bill for OMESTICB, GLOVES Ofi ALL XINIA3 CLOAK.' E 3320 IMI . - • .lor . ',Sate nub , ta get 'OB, LBABB.—The • valuable vita of Coal land .I.* known, an Robb & Winehrener •TnieS late Mil ford, situated in Blythe and tilehnehill TownsldPs, and contalning Mend 11119 sierel o is offered for lease upon restronahle terms; • g, tle - MANLAgent, Febßr, 'ett 04.17 •,•• • • ille or Port Cezboti. VOR LZABL—A Valuable Lease on the 310T11,1 PRIMROSE and SKIDMORE WEIN& with*. Ran te• CCM mile In the Miabaxtoy Valley, ad joining SL Niche!" Oilllem F iZi r to • _ Real Estate iset. Silver Tertage th . Patio% Oct. Aftla—littf . . 'MOB SALE.—A. Piro Ton Locomotlre. suitable for 41-foot. magaHas been used for eau- Ireying coal and dirt i W t the mines. and Ls in , aood order Jan. Apply to G IB. W. SN'I ' DER , SN'I ' DER , . SLATE P• SLATE ! I BLA.TE ll I ' .... . . . . The underOgsed has shims on hand a huge lat of ROOFING EILLTF,- of all sizes, and of the best quality, which he will sell at the cheapest prima. The slate can be delivered by Railroad or Canal. Apply to WAL RALBA.CH., Agent. • • * __en 22. 70 • - flaudsirg,Berks Co. Pa. TAZSZICABLE-PROZERTIZ FOB BALE. •.1../ The splenca r ndence, lately occupied by THOS. B. R&M , dn 'Ashland, Pa., Dwelling, (Moe, Green ands Ice, onset, Stable, Hot Ueda. Ac•-, de. • The dwelling is Oamparedlvely new, and has all the ptedern eonrenlatures.- Price low and - terms Aug. UMW RUIEL. - Estaite May 13 Agent, /8 Mrlharttongo St. CYR LEA BZ.-.ILGILICULTITEAL PAB.II AND £IOTEL.—The undetwlgned officers of the Scheylklll Clotutty_ Park Assoekttlon will receive go i rsals for a f. T. 'i s m e Y i rts' the hotel and • elan given on the Ist day of April raal L. WOilf4.BlX)llF, Piest. F. B. Karitruzn, Beey, Feb 3. le BARE OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A GOOD C 0.41 4 LEASE. THE LOCUST DALE COAL COMPANY Offer to lease a portion of their Locust Dale Estate as yet untouched,itt the Ashland Basin of the Mahe toy ReOon, containing the MAMMOTH, with the under lying and overlying veins, in very tine condition. Application to - be made to GEO. H. POTTS, ESQ... Preldent, No. 110 Broadway, New H York, or to S. Cz ARII4I, Jan. 1,'61=1- the r Agent at Pottsville. Pa- PRIVATE BALE.—The undersigned offers Ids I 3Fnem, situate In Washington Township. I.l4%huyi kill County, about 4 miles east of Pinegrove, mile distant from the S. &8. It. It., at private sale. The Farm contains l:Z acres, red gravel bottom, fti acres heavy litr ber, 80 acres cleared, and the balance. Sprouts of 12 years' growth. The Improvements p con.. 51st of a dwelling house, swiss-barn an (.1 wily also, a superior orchard of choice frail, trees. , T land is in good,cultore. All those wishing to par chase or luspeat the same, will please apply to. the proprietor on the -premises. A good hamain can be made. Conditions.easy. JOHN MINNIG, Ja. May 5, ill-? 2— m• FOB BALE.—A.Finst,:clabs White In the Malianoy Gail F teld,'l3 yearn to run. A Splendid Farm, ll* acres, on the S,u.suueliauna A twenty feet lot 11EI Second Street, suitable for .private residence. Town lots In Mahanoy City. To Lease—Mammoth Skidmore and .Primrose Veins, near Mahartoy City. For Rent—An office in Silver Terrace., Apply to FRANK CARTER,. Ralf Estate Agent, Silver Terrace, Pottsville. Sept. 18, 'o9.—ad,tr VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE V SALE..—One-twentieth interest in the tract of C,oal land„ ]n New Castle Township Schuylkill Co., (known as the ,Pott & Barman tract,} containing about SW acres. _ - - A tract of 220 acres of COAL and TlMEift. LANA. In Riley Township • ' Valuable building. lots oh M.ahantonke street. A' splendid lot on Schuylkill Avenue, SI feet front on the Avenue, and ST feet front on Church Alley. 'One-fourth interest in the "Cool Hill" Tract of land in Schuylkill Township, to close - the estate of the late Mrs. Sarah Bart.. • Apply to HENRY C. RUSSEL, Real Estate and Ituntrance Agent, No; Is Mahan tongo St., Pottsville , Pa. . Jan: t, L'OB BALE:—A Farm of MO acres with improve meats .and stock, situate on the line of, the Sch uy I kill and Suaquehanrut Railroad, 11 miles from Potts-1 , viTle. 10, acres of the land are under cultivation, 7'.; acres are covered with chestnut sprouts of 16 years_ growth, which would make excellent prop Wiacreaaremirered with heavy timber. The improve ments consist of a snhstantlal house, a new liwtss Barn, out houses, anda new saw mill w tilt water pow er. Stock consist@ of lionies; Cows, grain, 'hay, and it ruling Ithplements. The price asked stn be real zaed from the timber alone. „Terms ell 4. Apply to JOILN - 151.1411 HAFER, Esterly's Building, Pottsville, or to FERGUS'.G. FAittalimt No.lBo Centre street, Pottsville...August 7, '63—.12-tf• F9ll. SALE, TILE FOI.LUW IKC MINING MACHINERY. One high pressure Cornish Bull pumping. engine. 24 inch -ylinder 7 feet stroke, ("Wien and all parts complete, and 2 lifts of pumps SO yds reach, one is , inch the other 14-Inch plunger, each seven feel stroke. A LSo,—On e Winding Engine 12-inch cylinder 4 feet. stroke, with drum-gearing and boners complete.. AI So,—Four sets Breaker Machinery'. _ • ALSO,-100 three-ton Slope Wagons, ficax IWI roned for 4 feetirack. ALSO,—One 16 feet fart and Engine tubular boiler complete. • • ALSO,—Oue Horizontal Pumping Englue. - •16-inch, .cylinder 4 feet stroke, with gearing _and bobs, and twit lifts of pumps 100 yards each, wittf 11-inch plungers, 10 feet stroke. The above 'machinery has been to service, but lv In good working order. • . GEORGE W. SNY-feEn, ' Jan.9,v--2-trw.Bept.o,v—i-va • I'ottsville, Pa,- gegal Itotires. ADMINISTRATOR'S : NOTICE . Whereas, letrs or Admnistration on the estate o John Nierabe, te late of the i Boroughs) f Pottsville, dec f eased, having been grantald tpthe.undersigned,all person* Mixing elalips against the .estate, are requested to present the Kane tot he undersigned, and those in debted to make payment without delay to , ••• s. 1t...W II ITNE7I; - Wdrn Ist rah •r. June MLAUGELLIN - ESTATE . - undersigned Appointed by the Orphans= court; '.A mitt or to review a previous audit and report,, abd to re-state and re. settle the amount of Pierre lin, Ad ministratar of Rev. William C. MeLaughlin,,deeeas ed. will meet the parties interested,for the purposes of said appointment, at his attire, No. Ir, Mahantongo St., PottsvlUr, on Tuesday, July sth," 1170, at a o'clock -A. M. eilltlOTOPtiElt LITTLE, Auditor. June 11, 470-24-3 t, 17 STATE - OF CHARLES H. BROWN, DE CEASED.— W hereasjettvli testanwn tary to t he estate of CHARLES merchant, late of the' Borough of Pottsyllle, deceased . have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are reirmesteo to make immediate payment, and those having plaims ur deniands:against the estate of the said deeedent, , wlll make:known .the same without shiny, LI) MARY JANE BROVNi Exectitrli. June .1; `7O-....re6t• ' No. 26") arlcet Pottsville. OTICE.—In tale mutter of the estate of George IN Mort, late of Ashland, deceased. Notice is here by given by the undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Schuylkill County., to trestate and resettle the account of M. F. Mort, Admlnlntra trim of MI and singular thegoods and chattels, rights and credits *Web were of said George Mort, deevas ed, that he:will meet all parties .4.n interest in said estate; at-his office In Market street, betweet Centre and Serond streets, on Tuesday, the 28th day of J une, VIN, at lOVelock In the forenoon of said day. Pottsville, ,tune IS, '.O-1L1 7 2t ) J. , WRIGHT, Auditor. IBTRICT COURT Unitcil States, Eastern - District of Pennsylvania., - ' Elijah W. Zeigler of West Penn TriwnShip,Bchuyl kill county; Penna., Bankrupt, having petitioned for his discharge, a meeting of creditors will be held on Priddy, the - ist day of 3u1y,1870,at 10 o'clock, A. M., before Register John P. Hobart at his othee, Centre street, Borough of may be he exam ination of the Bankrupt may be finished and any business meetings required by sections 27 or of the act of Congress transacted. , 4 . The Register will certify whcfher the Bankrupt has conformed to his duty, A hearing will also be had on 'Wednesday, Jtily ISith, MO, before, the Court of Piiihole/plata. at Pi o'clock, A. 31., when parties interested-may - show catnie against the discharge. . • Witness Honorable John Coilwalader, Judge, and seal of-the Court at Philadelphia `June St 11, IST,. •' • G. It.i. FO Clerk. X, AtliSst•:-.-Jomc I'. iIOIIAILT,IIIO4Iste , June lA, 'di • gegat (tat Os..„ • , ATTORNtIY•AT LA W. • Room No. le, Esierly:s Building, CENTRE .Si., Ltieville, Pa. . June ls, l.v. HABBY C. DOBNAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW , No. 1.55 to tit„ slew doors below Eplseops Church, Pottsvlllb. April 1. - . - - F. SMITH, ATTORNEY 'AT LAW ; ]lain N.., street. Shenandoah, Ps. . - • Jan 14, '74./..3-Iy.l - s • ' - HENRYC. BREAKER, •ATTOR.NLY-AT . 41. LAW. Office, 155 Centre St., Pottsville,. May 22, 'te • 21—t T PAsSMOR E, ATTORNEY-AT:iA J . Pottsville, Pa. Unice. No. 9 Mahantonito Street, opposite Post Otltee. - . April it, '( -trip riEORGE R. - ICAEECHER, ArionNEy-xe k. 7 LAW, Pottsidlle, Pa. Unice, No. re. Centre et., nearlY. opposite Miner's' Bank. ' April 3, Vi--1.4J-tf • T AMES H. CAMPBELL, ATITJILNEY-AT-LAW J Rooms 15 and 16 Penn Building, No. 436 Wa:un Street, Philadelphia. Jan. 1, 70 7 -1,, • ILLI.A.M. SMITH, ATTORNEr-lAT-1.:111• No. le4 centre lit., Ponswllle Pa. • , '7o January 1 . DANIEL D. 4:*olNett, `atMito - An S TO Stret,t. January N. ALBERT KNITTLE, Street, AZTORNIIY-AT-L.AW Tciole4 Itt.Wll, Pt,- fl . lclaiupnnpity cccto a. r . l GEORGE .CHAMEEKS, ( Lute Of 1 .110 Chanthers , burg Bar,)/errORNEY-AT-LAW, 1.4% 1$! CVn tre St,. (td 11100 t:) Pottsvll.le, Pa: :Nov. 6, qtl-45-1y ______ LAW AND COLLECTION CHRISTOPHER ATTORNEY AT JAW AND NOTARY POBLId. forrsviLim,s4alVTLlClLL co„ I.a. • Sept. I, 'tlS-1-ly • gumber. J OHN AP OTTO & BONG , WILLIAMSPORT, PA. r- June 11, "70 - 24-2 m • • LUMBER. - PARDEg: &'C'OOK 7.2.-rrAcTrntr-s„AIaD DEA.LItit% Ilc ALL RINDS ~ 017 'LUMBER, BILL ThdllEll FOR BRIDGES, BILEARERS. - : Boats sawed from White :Lad Yellow Plne, k and Reertiock, and shipped to order. ALIK.,..PLANK: BOARDS, Shingles, LATII, FLOOR ING, &c. Orneell at WATSONSTOWN, Ps., Atka Locx ll.Arrs, . P. R. Weshl pby Boat and Railroad. Aprll9, '7O-15-dm • - — 7 .COl= ppm OTTO.LPNUOUL., FILBERT, OTTO 'lt MILLER, • Manufacturers of and • DEALERS ..IN LUMBER., PEtNA. • 31111 on Canal; lest of Maynard 8t Offlce at MIL S. ItfcI)6NALD, Agent, • July 31, '6ll-3.1,1y - Box ZVI Pottavuip, Pa. DORT CARBON LUMBER YARD AND PLANDIG MILL. . , WM. BRUMLEY; Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In 'all kimbi of Hemlock, Oak and White Pine Wither, lioff hat on hand 'kluge lot of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, 4/(rkticaulVAlValiadmr' yr! air4 and delivered at the Pottsville Depot free of ch. Scrowl Sawing and Surfacing dari ty one at Atari notice. Also, eontractOr and builder, • - • • • WMARISCEILET. Feb 5. '7 O • tHitn• 171-IE, MINERS! Vitsbiess Cabs. TIMMS 13 '.ll- 1 , lIMI C I PM EN GIN ME it 15 .4 1 Rine 3;,alna.aing, Colliery Rata for logretar °Rice, Railroad • sad Oaastruetion.Topot araphiad Raisers esectt ei tad ressoaable tetras.? set • Jaa.,l•P6-4 -1 • lIHNET. PIMIASABTS. - - 44 _ :. . CIT 11: AND .11ESEM Wi . . . . , - Stiarrela and Atapectik Coilleries.a . nd exauzilo . aa4isiiii, ral Lands. . - 1— .- - Omienna . 1 Orsits--Bannazi's !landing. Centre lat, Episcopal Ctiorch. " • ;, , , - Jan. 1,111: p alreaurramogrrtivx - p0:, bui'orthi, . Pennsylvania Wale vermi p4 n= Swarm expkalai binds, mines, 4te. aln:L E I s T tiCH .s tr E e NG ,P IN ot E tsEvRIII an ndM a A a a sßML irPt aons and )ent nammadeo descripi of buildings. Surveying In its various , brantheS attended to. - Jan Z. '7O-i.5-1: °Gross:idea. friaArca. ; . a. a. itraataaa e It&UCH & COCKS/air ~f I i : criaz. AND Mario mvcrizints. --i AND DRAUGHTKIMr. • . , • DV emernic enuttT; - tuts, (rip stairs.) . January 3,, 70 i • 1— ' SA liirGEL O a Et /Eli AN.JUSTICE OF Tlc.., _PEACE., REAL ESTATE AGENT, AND L I , CENSER AUCTIONEER., No. 1 ..liazatcconoti ST., Porcscii.t.t, PA. Ervelal att ention given to all business in the above branches' - ,itulce experienee, satisfaction and promptness guaranteed. Collections eirreclall,r solicited and trill reeeicv, immediate attention. January lap : , i ,1 , ' Avid.. DA.VII3. f . I • kunititr and Gas Fitter 20, : sranvr; Pornivrxi.z.r. Having been In the buiiness overall pears t p Phlk adelphia gives him unnsnal facilities for derivine his IS 1.1 ppltea from first ciass houses. Kir Partictilir attention paid to country' . 3voick. , march 96, 10-I,y 641 EORGE ATABTZ ABGt3iraleT. k T 10. 1. uniticer trraEer, POrTsviLLE. Inventor-of the self-dumping cages, and Of coal hreaktra halt the usual height, saving thereby great ernount of timber in a large breaker.the ,self-dumping cages are for slopes and al:Latta, with of without dour to - car and with water appanage attached to dispense alth pumps. It self.dutups one or two stories, and hoists one, two or three 'pan at the came time.; I , -:.',„„The advertiser will plan, superintend or contract to build colliery improvements of all kinds.? Starch 5,':0, • : lO-17 L. F. WHITNEY. ' _ ' BANKER,. IGO eentre Street, rottittille, 1 DEAL= IN 9114LD : A ND • SILVER; FOE=GNEXCIU‘NGE, UNITED STATES AND OTHER. BONDS, • 1.10".:EY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT—ENTItEtEST allowed as per special agreement. • STOCKS and ISONDS boughtatsd sold at the New and Philadelphia . 'lloarff of Brokers at the usual Coramt.ssio4. Jan I.'7d SIV E E A MIIR MONEY . BY SAVING YOUR tun". /ICY ' BUY C. S. FOSTERS C. S. FOSTERS_ C. S. FOSTEWS C. S.. FOST.E.WS .• Water Proof Grease and leather Preservative Inferior qualities of Leather made itripervioul 010 eater. Old Leather me de soft and pliable, with color renewed; more lasting than any other of its kind in ft:ticket, and applicable to all kinds - Of leather; Miners will dud it the beat article they eitgr useu to protest their Welts or Shoes from suiplitirwater. Fort ale, wholeside or retail, by CLEMENT L. FOS.- TER, Ashland, Pa.; and in Pottsville by Bright &Co 4 Fox et Jiro., Jesse Faster. Thomas Foster, and F. L. Foster. ' May 23, 1113-22-tf ; ----- .L• B. - KAEHCHER, - GENERA L MEW. .1: . RANCE AUENY. , 1 . Office, Pennsyli-ania-Ilall , Pottsville, Pat., i . IL NVEUPOOL ..1: 1.0 LION A GLOIiE LiSCILLIWIt• CO:. Cash Cnpital Opel Assets, ... , 816 1 000.006 in v e.‘to.l In the'Vniteci Stat6.,•over . 1,300,000 HOME INSURAN c r,' c o ELEA.* Y, .. - NEW lIA VEX, Cu NN WrICUT. • ^ i Casi.t .f.',:ipltal, . • - '• - Si. 4 surrou,lau. 1,, - 140.15 - • ". •149.670 9$ : ffe Insnronce e cted In they r,.....t Compantenott favor- nl•linterrns. Losses promptly au u.t ed and paid svl th••• oat delay. - --. • pun 1,.'4A1--l- f D AND THLED. /NPORPORATET.).IISS4.. 0' PURELY MUTUAL. BERKSHIRE 'LIFE INSURANCE . COMP'Yi s : , PITTSF4:I,I), MASS. '!. r • . THOMAS F. PLUNK TT, Prt:sident. 1 J , . JA.MES - FRANCIS, Vice President. ' I . • R. CDICKERING, Secretary and Treasurer. J. L, GREENE, AssistaptS.ecretary, •-• Non-Forfeiture of all Pol i cies Guaranteed b Law. , - In Case any premluin to not paid - wlien due, the Is lott - fortelted; but the bolder it-maths Itt snred for the full amount, until tint premiont alrea dy. paid and unearned Is exhausted by the' cost of iosurarit• at the net rate. • • Exampfle at 'the Ago . . • Annualll Premium ern an ordiriary We :Policy-Wilt continue the liiiiiirabee for TWO YEARB and ,4).'t Vs from the time the.policy wps Issued, or eisE I`E-1R and bti'DAYS rifler 'the 'SECOND ANN I%l'l. PR - BECOMES DBE. ':Should the setonti premium not be paid, and the Insured, dle witit I ti one year and lief days after suelisnn-pay ment, the full nmount of the policy would be paid. less only the premium due and unpaid. The' largeir the number of preniturits paid, the longer will the Insurance continue, In ew , e of non-payment of prit. wham. ' The Berkshire Life Insurance Company has . pall under this law Six Claims. Which lb Companies Qf other Stales would have bean Worthless; and is now continuing the insurance, on ,ovr,4 l Xl policies op , wideit the holders have 'ix•ch unable to pay prir last claim paid under this non-forfeiture-pion wa, that of a inenther-wito Insured a few years sirlee for 6.3:tati In Isfht he failed td pay his annual pr* , nitwits; in January last, one year nod live utonths afterwards • he died. 'rite Company ba 115t!.13. to the widow the full amount, t:3.1" less Only t.ttb eyerdir payments anti interest. . , Every .11 - c-Wicr liceeivoi every they' s ?alit/ranee pp id for. ALL pROFITS DIVIDED AMrrNO TUE POLICY : HOLDERS.' • } A:CSI:AL CASH DIVIDE.NLIsI. ECONO.MICAL 5111.1TAGEArElk:. Careful selection of liven: Safe inveafpliints. 1 .G,fs)d Agents and solicitors wr.nted. . 'l' i' . - Fur Information, apply at the home °Moe, or to r W. IL .(iii.AVEr3, General Agmt., - ' s. W. cor. ELEVENTII and CTIESTj4I.7T SUL :"1 P.H.ILADELPITTA. ' ' Oct Itn, •tn . . • . - . 1111.- . • t, T HE LULL" SELECT FA2EITLY BOA - up i 11+:0 SeiIOOLI An Itnglish, Classical, Mathetnalicni,-Scluntifle: Artistic Institution. ' . . , ,FOR' .YOUNG 111. EN ASiD ppv:3, At Pottstown, Montgomery to., Pa. The First Term of the Nineteenth Antinal 'pexsitin will commence on WEDNESDAY, the stlt • day .hl SEPTEMBER, next. Pupils reetili)eil nt any ante. For Circulars address I i -R4 - . (3,4).111ffiE F MILLER, A. M., Principal.) . . . • f. REFEnENCE3:- . i REV. DRS —Meignsi, ' Schaeffer. Mania, Kr4lll - 1, Sei)•s, Muhlentierg, Stmver, Huller, Stork, Conrad, liolithur g er, W v l ie, St o rrel,Murphy,Cruikstirenks`4e. HONS.—Judge Ltidlow, Leonard filyers, M. Ittisst .Thayer, Benj. 'NI. Boyer; Jacob y, Yost, f nester:ilk mer, John .Killlimer, Se, ) i ESCis.—James E. Ca!dwelL.Jaines L. IT ) r. S. Grove, T. c., Wood, litavey EitnOrrift, Tukooott• ci.. Bo g g,,c. F.)Norton, L. L. I foupt, S.Gross kir:Miller & Dcrr, Charles Wautiettiacher, Jtunes likel,,, ) elattie SCo., & e. ' (July 31., 1.0--..V4tf '•; - • . • zltisc U fUo:tis. EDERIC~'B COAL CHINE. Patented ,April They arcdurabli t z easy bf peration o, hence the large number sold. nd the per fect satisfaction given. fiend for illus catalogue containing sizes, prices and test linonials fromspartieis asg them ; also containing price list cif our Wood ndlron Cant, Iron Tubs and • Bainurs, Dock abd Hook Blocks,. de. • also : containing much informa tion useful to Coal . merchants. P. K. Dr.DERICK. & CO., .! Albany Agricultura t Machine Warita,Albany, 'Jan 1. VA-16-3tm-lY , Nelf York. CZTEPHEtit3ON AFETY 13 —Aa J some Collieries fire damp la very prevalent, and tit lie common Davy Lanip la,not coaaidelredasfe, We have procured a lot of the Steptienson Safety .Lamps, which &Main u circa's:reins:a tube tnalduof the wire izAtue. This Lamp from recent experiments made In England, ls , eonslderect the tartlet Larnpin tte, and is now extensively used In alithe mastllliTycalllerle; iu.Eugland. For sale trhol6sale and retittl. The .cLANIsfy LANT, the DAVY - I.A3fP, and Safety Lamps of all. the. most ap,proved patterns rrn made of inspected Goutent NVlre. by the•alngie, dozen or hundred. - . These Lamps are all manufactured to oaf OM order, and we II*: non what gauze Of the pattern pee. r I bed by tbe , F.nglish Obvern in t for safety. Gauzes constantly n. hand t o ;nit htfrips in item mit! use, so that we can Supply atty., persona *lshtar to replave.gatites that have been worn' out: , Gamut for sate hy the yard or piece, wholesale or retsil Address, t.VNNAN ICB °entre Street. Pottsetilu. . • . . . LEHIGH VALLEY BALL.IIOAD C.O/Yrri ' = Time Table •slorstvl wt. .ebrineetiong of the •L. V. B. -It. ('o. with thou of the Min: .I. Iteaalng It; It. Co. to and from Pottsville and interiut.dlitto '-twevn Ilt.'ading and Poliksville. • •••P.'l • • . . . •,:i. . SLiA. 'I4,P. 7.1. Ltave Pottsville •'' . .5.0 ' 9.00. 2,15 Reading. ...... ._. .... ..- ...... ...... ~..; 7.214 10.21• it-% East Penna., .............. ... ~. ..; A. 55 II55!, 5,50 • Arrive at P.aston • 9.15 12.10. ti. 35 ' " '•• !cm York " ...112.15' 3.-ioi :moo P ..M.ii , .. g.,P 14., . - ~ • . IREiI.TRNING.. , :. •-• . , . , - s ' • ii• 41.1 liit. Leave :Neat York' '; ' .• 12.111) ."-- Eastart..-..:. - ... '.; ... .... .. ............ .....- 5.151 1125 " East Penna. - Juntilon - 7.2) 4.20 " Reading ' ...............-.—.-- 10.40 .1140 Arilve at pottsyllie.--4- .. 12.25 TA ...-...- ....... —.. P. . For 'MAUCH • Ctl CNIC and intermediate nts leave Pottsville, 5.40 and %go A. it., and 2.45 P. IL-sir rive eV-Mauch Chunk 12.10 M. 5.15 and 9.00 P. M. RETU.11"111 4 41„ leave Manch Chunk, 4,45 and 10* P. hi., arrive at Pottsville , 12.25 and 7.35 p. M,. _ i , SFor all points in the "Lehigh Coal Rasionalind Ilbr 040 ..selin M. da, Waverir anti Builltlo, leave ,--- Pottsville, A. - BOBT. "I, HAM M., i Buysertnlendent and Enstneirs,' • Bethlehem. Dec_ 221. siii ' , ' ',. 're to ICE 'CREW& FREEZlCS,warrstat edtio makelee Cream In FOUR MINUTER- Feb. :en Custards, Water Ice, and other, nice :Desserts ma. in in the moss dellcktini manner In this amnia All sizes on hand and far sal*chantilly - -L 0. Tplh TIDIAN POWDMIt IitELLEL—Ati mkt*" ibe the shove POW DaR can be left at the anima* centre iareet, With ROBERT B. brawn ; tor 'with wALLAcis lITON.Fsq.. at the liennalvanWl National lianitomt win be alt entled to. Jane 2,10 1 16-21-28 tt Tntutela WitaX C; • EOM sitsuiance. nurational. OIBTIN(?MA 1812. Mr" '" Pl $ - • ki %All. .... - . , c * *DS MR Vie t LADIES '.AT - GREArt - - ,Timad Invite rataitiee of isiteekediperies4:o2i* ix. eloek rkG and 81118TilIG' MUSLIM; eitlOte .144:, .17T#szio. IgINFA NAPKI2,7B a TOVETA CRAVEEES dr.e..: Geeds'of alt Deuiriltoni ' White Goods; Late HandkerChil Linen Collars an d Cuffs, Nofions, Trinimifigs; 4, itILOW.ER PRI6ES thazi ean be sold elsewhere. ' ' i .: 1.. 1 1 , , THOMAS ' BULL, I) ir i " 253 . Centre ialeOti , •PatteivlMPi! JaiA tt.)-474, ........ TY:Nr)AL - MITCHELL - & , WOLF - ,' ~ ' - j , '1 4.. = • -• ' . 7• I .1.. ' •• .' J ' CHINA, OLASS AND EARTIIEWrARE. -- ' -.„.• - L ASS . No. 707 , Ch6striiit,Streei, P;lol . acle.ipilia.. ~ __: .._i:• 1 . . . ; i• i'i. - 4 , 110 E PAILD3Iar• GRANaa a.ltilie best stortetrar' eln the market, sold at 1 thel prices' of cmdir,ary good I I ' WRITE FRENCH CH /t In all tire beat shapes and style. DEGODATED„ DINEER,TEA and ' TOILET SETS to great variety . ; Glassengraved on the irenilse, ltrld China .., Decorated te.iiher In full Sets or matching., in the belt ina i rf4r. , : • . FITIST-CLASS GOODS ONLY, and. LOCI MT .. 0 ' ' . 1 1 .; 1 , CASH PRICES. 1 !. j . • i 1 ~. , 'Letters . of Incintry In regard to prices, tke.o,of V 044 aiaa.p ' tIY • *arch, Site • sl • '1 EMI 11E 1 •- I - - F - 0 „ r:1 e • " • --- I , r 4 - • -•-• . • - : NM 1 ' *. CM , . ' • .=5• 9z.r fryzttmicr - Se7l-inco.: -•oracr:" cazilyur.orlorst,oed, re enable cusloraa - rs to ordors way as SECITRE. AS I".) PIT as t.lion:• - ,11. Ihemselves .to our 41 - 4.'stablialunent. car 11 - ny.,-ovc(1 :ctulcs for relf."-X:easurenner.t, Samples and•Prieea sent v:l.lcn requested, • anti :3201.12T . ATTENTION ellen to all orders, GUA.4I.-1NTT.1.3.11 ealiro satisfaettan... JOHN virANAMAKER. October IC, 'LA GOLD AND. SIL vE.R . 1-,-:-AVALKER •,., NEW :.13N101s,T' IM ANY GOOI),S FRO"Nt- TllErn fAT rit:( QREAT IEDUCTION IN ,PRICES. PRINTS, 8 cents and tIcl• BLACK AND COLD ALPACCAS. SILKS, DRESS- coot*" of all kinds. , • N OTAp NS, &0.,, to Come rind see !`. • . - PRICES T.II ‘ ' I.T CANNOT HELP BUT BK.POPtlf.tAii THE NEW UNION DRY GOODS STORE !VINE. PLACE :FOR . BA March 9. 19. • • Jan 1-2.-lytht‘r • ' ~ , 'THE NETT. GatEVANLZED IRON CLOTHUNITED STATES BONDS 1" , ' • " ~ .L. L1NE5 . ....-an be had ati-.1 • , 4 i' ' .4 ,' brr . soi,om iIIOOVER . ' 7l .BOUGHT, , SOLD AND . ' IiNCIIANC: ED ' „., STILYVIS., TIN and, 1101.11-;4t.}:NI.SIiING STOrtli p . . ON NEOST REASONABLE TEIIIIS. ' GOLD BOUGHT A7SI '; • AT ' MAnKET.RATES " 3 COUPONS CASHED: PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS ~. I.lOl:GriT AND: FOLD, STOCKg_ I) :-,01:;) C.Q3PIISSION'QN Arronrits.rkeired and InterPilt . - lxklancef subject nt sight. 4,• . kty _-t • • • 40 S. T111P.13 31areh.28, 11 • ( 3.. • • 1 "Pea . L e ;si. I ill • 111 The adystitagenand attinetliml of t h is LOAN. for Investment parposea, are man l y and important: . I. It ts,baaed upon one of 'Great THROL - Gli LINES IMrirE.EX Tlln SEAIIO.kRII AND TIII6 WEST:: SECURITY lii ALREADY ; greater part of the line being in ?;ueressfurrnrin Mg oPeration. • ' I 1 , I 3. The Local Traffic, from talk nnrfva led Agricur tural regions and - Iron ' S an d f."4tai i tleposita adJacf at, mast be large and pro Citable. • 4. The enterprise ilia-Ivo. : I *mi.:TA i‘rr .(. - „i ets AND Pa tvt LEG 7 1 ,13 11012/ Stllteg 'S ri r g iro3 .. aria 'West Virginia. • . i• ••5. It IJ4 Under rhe 4 3rlnsing6rieo, 4ut - efllyien )Iml - 0 WELL - KNOWN;CAPITALtinI4; whosa nre our:- antoes:for co3cli!,ETol.4 nnq nueees:4ll operation. i 8. alio Band:4 can be Imileigter 171 ..„ rlp . AND EiDN L COUPON'OR REGISTERED •, Tin": DAviiilis:ritlGETLNTort. - Itest In the world, I At: MYER' .1: MC1115., , VF.. • Sitnits, , • , • 1.., . ' • • „ • form; they have thirty yearn 't..o ran 1,4 , bc4ll RlllOl C AL ILT- and nttereat being. payable in Fold:, The Benda are oddenerninatlon* of 11000, e5OO, atid.indC). _ • . . - bearing In tritest at, the into of td.c imr veut ‘ . lit Mtn .1 Mystile May Ist amt rgovembe r Ist; .., Protn'oni Intltmate ticquaintarice with the ni; aha . a1:1 condition of the Comiianil - -.v re knnyr tluee securities to be pecallarlydcalrnMeolmlnttahle for safe empleymaentpf atirphiao44*. :Lndctn ‘ . dlngct 1 \ Governmetit Bonill, 'by 'ltir4rici- a, ; l'iM tees - or 1 , Flouts. anti others It - ho c nr4..r. tibsololtt security wtth reaanbiojle Income. • ! '', Solders of United Shave, FryO - Twentie 4 are ena bled to procure these Bonds,: hicsiring the issa;2e rate of Interest and having a longer : period, to run. and' ,tonallse a lame Increase of carsltal In addition. Bands and Stocks dealt In st i ff. ac‘ Stock Exausrige,' received in exchange - for thti 1t 4sui, at tho . frill null'. k4.‘ lllllll, sand the Bonds ienarned free of exPreas _charges.t • . . Price 90 and kerned liresi in ,Cuirency. Ph'eta, Mops. SIP full incur/nation furnished . , erupppliention. i- ..I . a liPtnit. .. .. '• ) . 7 Ito. a 11"11A0 Vliktuper. Nair Toss •L ''• 1 ' . - No . If Mt OM . . . .. _ p \ 7 - 7 . • I ‘ - :N--- - Pg-An'ill 4 v. ' '1 1 . - ..i: 1 .V.:,4_ Y- - - . .sdn '441-..14. , "•"'" l ':- ;" . . I,t. "'• `.";•jr" . ' ,- i ,:f . r. -'"c'• ;:: 7 : 4 i. ~,- `TP_' ,li4'; —, s -,r,... .., ti I ; K •f -- r l. 7,'&- ; - ; :, ,, - 1 4 ai i , • ' , . 7.- - - . 1 t'.. - ! '' _PnC f• 10- ki , ./ , ..i':,, ~ ..$ It.„, t'_#,_:. Vi\.• t! ~..t.• li .43. Ar. . i .... -- J, , , , ---,.----- 4frf.....,,v- ~ ,--4 Nr? , . l• , r• - q '• • - - _-. ..., .z,v , \,--•.--,...- . ••-•:-.', rz-r - - 1 1„,6_,..... ..,-:-. 0 ......- 1 \,.....,.; .-• _ , & A MAHAIsTTON,GO STREET. wt 4 FROM TIIIS DATF:,. 1 • - . • LOWER THAN GOLD B11023:1-S. t. I Tinanrint. WM s• •- •••SC • . - c " 01.61. c,t • - 4.14 N.:et - _ • -•• , Mil sl,:tqa, ~' ~ i A inn :LOB STOV ac.nsterade prices. Rs) LW) has a sole,nd assorthient of Tin t Baum 1111 Walk I Japatted; Glass, Won(' and Willow NN are,ll t ollowa w nd, ! ilardare. Also., Brushes, Brooms, Oil Wits. Tab's ,s Cloths, boor Mat. ClothesWringera, Trays, Garvin anlt , „Butcher Ives, Cohl Oil Lantiw,'latlves and Forks, and all I:1 45i of {llassware. Also, Gridirons: itoroding Pans, 'hildrenS' Sleighs find Skates, Table, Tea and Butler Spoons, :dine and Rat Traps; Patent Nutmeg Graters, Sittorink, Umon Squeezers and CI raters, 11l rtl eatres,'.fahl4 Mats.TableSaws, Cleavers Egg h E whips, ILolllng Potato; Masher/1. •Ilret4t !limas, V. ash Boards, Ws cxlen Boxes, lint and Tailor Irons, Sausage. uttera nit Stutters, Clothes Lines I Bed Cords, Clotlies Plinciporn Poppers, {tare Cnttct*, ' Candlesticks, Dredge Loxes, Savings Banks, Mateh Boxes, School Campatilotts; Slates and Pencils, Toilet Sets., Rath Tubs, lintchetS.llatnnicrs, Axos. Deed and - Bond Boxes Flour SieveS,' , Nto - il• flaws; cetro 111111 C.. N. neentrated Lye, Glints Drainers, Fancy Toys, Lan' Cans, Wash Tubs, Wastrißoardir, Sheet.Zlne, filarkik and Fancy Baskets, Castors,' Knife Boxes Shovels l'oltem Tongs, Coal liaelfets. Tea Kettles, Stove and Shoe' Blacking. Also,! 0 Is, Parnts, VarniShes, Win- . dow Glass , Putty, Lanterns and runny &Metes tow - numerous to nientitxi- *Nib Robting,Spouting.arid all kinds of Jobbingmp to order, Rad at {)39's short eq'notiers. - Personsw stsitig nay of the above wen t (alled articles would Morrell by eiillingaad exiunlia- Ing t befOre nurehasiag!chiewhere, SUI.O.NIO'IST "{DOVER,' • No. %5 Centre Street: 72—tfdl , „,„'L„.I. , ~-----i----r-L::), . -.-z-.- ~..4 . 0\ • f . - li ABDWAIRE''.- --- • 3 \-)-.)‘- • •/-,---' if ' - '1 0 :i - ' ) " -- • . • • • ... ''' - '2V . - .- il - 8 ,,. , L . :VI4 - - H \'' 4c PiikintS 0 , ' 1 • ••, • • ~eg _ /Gk `LASS& ~ .: -, ,4 I C. . .. .4zill I. 7u , U MYER Setn.73l;tl; So. 211 centre Street:. [74eir hardware store, .No. Centre to litty clients flarden itakix„ Spades, Sbovels Corn told Gardu Itocat °Poll SCALES, SCALES. SCALES, . , '— ') .. Of all k'nd , 4, nanritile 1)c t.. fifth° market, at :I:INER Q. SCEICYIkni, Agents, \o. :'l Centre - 14v:ft, rptta- Nil le. TAK,E.NoTicic.'. - f -, .. , • . . . , , . . 'Builders and Steihanks. At 311 - Ert can be bokight cheap iloliditig Ilaxilwa orall viz l'aint_s Oils, tylas4.l Cement. Plaster.. Chi ranay Taps and Fines. , _Also. Terra Cotta Plp..of all alma. March 12, '71:1 ' I 11-lyE I ------- IXTATtIi COOLERS- = .l hill stock of all sizes on vti kand, made of corra4itted knh - an tzed Iron,that Win not rust and lent isrtp leo Water fortwarittr four hotirl;:very elle:1p; nt L . C , Ttiomrsos:rs _ ....., _ 'COTTFIES ! Sri/3 . .17as I STONER! Witter */..7 Ducketz, Rake .4,:411•1:11 ei , . iintl everthltigneeeteta. ry Tor the approach' er. 'hat . % - ez•t . sett.ori. for set teseh•-$l3 at ' i L. C. THOMPsoNCK, . STJLIR RODS. 1 •,• • I e' ,11 . IL •,, . A fall assortment. in ntlelt . ,;of ttll sizes and lentths, with buttons. tyesrtptt ierews. For sate at lowett price. by - i'i • ' L:C.iTLIOMPSOrt. ants; sljoes, 11 % . 0 • . CRAM W. D.ENG ZEB. AGENT. r . 800, SliOt',`,' riAi l ' AND CAP BTOr,E, , • ~•e nsisrxrr slmirr, Casasos'A. '' I Boots, snom„ 11.44 awl Caps, In great .N•artety, ,; . atantly on hand. poetiO r ular rairntioa Paid to em Work. REPAIRING dohs neatly On Abort nal , Feb. IL '7O-4.4k7-ly . 1' — . • I 21.PPE.TART. ' • •1 , ' i '. j T#F.*lli YOUR : , ( BOOT & snOt p.mpoßl f ivc , , ~ , Ti now In fall i ttiatioa t .a4d. Ma attention. ad As' : ladle. of Potts" ;La espikeirU7 , l n.Ylttlit t r n uit stock now la alareaad qv war • • 1 eta's af ada. imitable fOr,. aated! . to this ctitifilndhai l le., = hoC l ' ll I iirlecelialz y lei' enflan to ailatalnik the , of _' weari t i brought la the alti4 - ,; •.. -_. - • -. ,i r 1 gc=attention pi11..404 t•°.eualtanbers. 1 layltattaa ta a to MI. , ; ; " How il , . ~". ' ...ft, - ' • .' - .1 . 1 I= BIS s6 - ercKIL. • 10-3 m% i RGAINS; 1111111?5; ticr. Otuati• AISTD STEEL, NNSYI.,VANIA. Fur. the Schools et, Port; Caw apd four female leachers. Sa e<ereteltion -will be held b itendenkbn day otlone, co • _ o'clock Al' - tAEC4 VECK,, See" 3",. , • • 11141.CELEBB WARTED—OIe j, male and:ltt Tamale teachers wasted fore tie Plnegroya 84. • •. . Behool DlStrlet—seltool E toeolastenee the tbl rd tag lln August. Term, 40. Months; ; salary fair ate teacher •11175 per month; for female teachers et r mouth. None but .No. 11 need apply ‘.l.lnegroave„lase '7O-7.1-4t UtfLEn, Seq. m TEACHSEPLI3 lATANTED.-•A' Principal and PIO • ''...kardstant Pernale ,Trachers are I %ranted for t ~ heals of the • Borough of Cressona. School tern JO months. Arfexamlnaticin of teactientwiU be he! in the. School Hotta°. In - Gress Auk `on . Fri . • • •lyl. •• .. , (CEO.. /101fir.11.1NiEteeT. =ell; ":0-21-3t. . •-. ,- ' i I :AND WAREANTS WANTED • • OF. WAIL OF 1.4 'AND 31}=.ICAN WAR. OREIGN COINS, STOCF.... - S, I. GOLD, G 'VERN !34,:NTand other BONDS BOBOIItandSOLD. LL=IONSOI T agtIy Made on al, polal.s. D - 1 REC'Ellt7, • • • . • ~"o paints will be, spared to serve the 'lnterexts • - w li o favor us with their bust elm. • JORN S. Rtrairros & CO., Bankt , rl. and Brok e n, N 0.50 South, 111 St.;"l"htla ]an 1:-,111 - • IEI ii== NOPOSALS FOR A LOAN - OP 412,000. ' The School Directors of the Xtorough of Port Calti• n hereby advertise for Proposals for a Loan .r elve thousand dollars. pasoble front to two fate : llnterest not to exceed 7 tier cent.,free of to • • Minix ton law passed at the last besi4on Or t • alslaturr. Apply to 9E1.11. BECK.. Sees. !June 18, • . ,70 .sin _ ;N • -_,.. • prpcir. ra iirilt be received -b the underainmedl COMMISSUItors of Schuylki unty. until Sattrntny. July 2%,1 ISM: for the (-rah, on of County :11Utt SI V. te Ta.,se , Of Wstyne Tor..nsli i r the year - 1•70, i' . . r.vrivcf: IL EVENT. I ' • r ?Li.. J iyie IL. 70 , -:::1-3t • Coml4l:sslrlic,-s. riILADELPH.T.A 11E - A - 5 1230' 171.1.1 X TELEWIAPS CO.I±‘LPA2tT.-1 , ;<0 t t r • hereby given that - the -animal meeting of tt ickholdeni of the l'hlkuleltatta. Remling 4t Pott Ville Telegraph Company, wilt be beta on Tuesd. fiaty sth; 1..70, at the Company'antlkh. in the City f ading, at 1014...0'c10ck, A.. 11., to elect Proddel t .d Board of Direct Or. DA VW{ E. STOUT. 1, ! Beading : Jane 11th, t7ddlt-111 • f•teeretary. TrEAOMEE.S` EXAMINATION 1n 3fallati. fa'tilty will be held ouTuesdarand Wedn.sselay. 11 a pith and-kitli of July. - YQur inale.smif seven feina e panthers wanted. 'Darn? ilesirlngtonliply will r c teti '[aimunicate with the. Board ly,rer oils to eXii.fitin: - n, stating qualit cation?. ex.;cilence...s:c. '.•• 1, Parents of scholars :Ind citizens zeneraliv. are r TLl'ectfully Invited to attend. Fart ie Board, 1 June Iq--llfglt • • . 7E. 3 , 0111i11i. Pee:Y. 1 , 1•11 T 0 T/CE.—r N' I T 1-.3.) iaT.'l. T Eii INTERN : A.I% P.EV ,i. al ENUf. COLLEcroit'S QFPICF!,'ITICiIi .IJI,TLICir, ITithINA:' I POTTSVILLF:, 311116 .1:;9i, .1) , 71 1 ,: H The Tnx on Incomes for the yean ending alst la tuber, 1,0 and on Watches. Plate. Sc.; and ti e pecial Tax igenerallysalleil License , . on Itnslru-ss r Vortation for the year MAY 1, IS7O to MAY 1. II, OR the COUNTY of sl'IlVVIJ:11.14 is now 111:2, nd PAYABLE at the cor.i t ErTon'B (wrier:. -.:' , 1 entre ,itreet, l'ottsville. Pu., lahlilthe • tio • :. T ri" EL FT If - 1141 - 9.F.. J trLY, A. p. 15... n, `, fter which date all Taxes rciliairdnir'unpalifewilil collected as provided bv law: the Penalties at kl *t.s of 4,llstraint will. be rigidly enforced ISIMON ...I_ sTi S 7 E, Kdlector Tctilh : Diszrict reniasylVania., June li, - N—LLI---a .' . , .. . iliatcly% nub 4tiuttni.. 01.11) SILVER AND bILVSE PL&TE • Ware' of every deserlpdort and. latest tlestg Rattle tor pridal Gift %Testimonials, Holhlay Pre • ts. l'rtees lower than the regular market rate. traontlnary iuktueentents to purchasers. • • !, • GEO." If. fIEVIITE.I., • .Estalittstied Stingy Oct. ttn, Ty No. 7111 tr, et, NO hetet nt t. 42 _ 93. 1, FISHJR trto.s. 1 93. watchp.; Clocks, 'Jewelry. Wrdding and Otethi'nt Rings. solid)iiilvcr arid, .4 , .a A A l Ware, Ladies' Wttrk 't•-•4 are, etc: . assortment of Masan llarnlitis and . 7°o* .Parlor 'and Church' Orgamt, Clan 4, Kaisioal Atercimmlize , generany. Watch:repaiti ng by competent wbrkraen. Call arid examine beiVre purehrisinget,e-..ihere. 1 • FlzgiEl.: 111 - tOTHEIL'i4, 1 • - Centfe,ritr...vt, Pottsville, i—tyd, IMII Sept. I, 'M pEN.I.NoDA I Y POTTS...VILLE, PENN A. - .. - - i'ilio kub.criberit are prepared to fur".- : - _nikli S'IEAM ENGINES 'and all kinds ' ' wow -• ~, •,.. • .. of •31ACIIINERY and CASTINGS for ' • -•• '""" Ilavinijust returned from tlie'tai•dernrriathet44, I Mines, Blast, Furnaces ..and Rolling „-,, , m,..;,-... rill 0h...41i ow the Lst of Bota•inher,tlie tt tiekt ttssoet- Mills, and have u futllassortment of the • ,`• 1 m. tent of Irundikv riorkis - ever. otfertst In this nitarmit; most approved iPatterns for VERTICA , iort,riNG Imbruci tig..l.itli Forel gti• and th.nest Ic Fan ey!Ot.,x s, Nlll.l, ENGINE-4, St„)„I:KEZEILS, SHEAILSMUNCH . , . !ugh as ~• - . Ist l NrAcIII.N . ES, asatall other Ntachinery required , . . . . "LOVE "AND 'ITANIIKEIICIIIEF .110 X Et: : in the manufacture of Railroad Iron and Bars. . • - - WORK 41.10KE,5, ' • • . • !The following Steam Engliirs are LOW on hand t and ready for deliv e ry: • .. - . , I:Entre IS hi eyl. IS fti at* he '2 Eng'S nin GT11.3111 set:o .3.-"tDENELLEs' ' . '. ''' ' .' ' . 11 "i•-• 1-1.1 21 " " S, " 10'4' 'I '"'li '' ,!),..' , BOCJICET VASES • - •• - •! .. •. 4. o ~ FIGUItES .13110`;iKs„ tt,e. li -." 1 1 1, ." " PP" -:: I • 1 ' .-': . 11 ' ' ' ' ' ''..l..' ‘:.• _ 5.411 d rtferling• Silver ! Ware in meat variety; pittic The' above Ern.tines arc 4111 ne,w, trntl ha ilt=upou the late,' -Ware el beaatiful design. Call and n, ml ase our sek et. in `? . • ' !IL C. GItLE_N, most approved prinelples,iand can' bp keen at the. works of the kultseri hers. ;.Also, a full sip; ittment of. i!it`ke.riatt 4'. Darts' S.:ft.:itti Ettigitte.GOVernors,Otf 478 CENTEF:ST.;II4-41r :Miners' Eatilt, IN.Fin - , -, ,A - ri.a.:. i Bond. whielt have given universal si Us action. ' • tottsviile, Augmt 2-3, 'M ,' • ' .T. , ----ilvdt--- 1 18'1'1* 1,'0'9 1-1%• ' • 1 EOTT 41: CASTINE ; : 7. ) i ' ..' . . . • - I! • 1 4:4 , 7 •-, -.. . SPECIAL NOTICE. lc- • : - :. . • . :,.. 1:' . .- '' • . • • ~ A, - th,,,,,..:,...: Mr be an intlia-.-4,1401 . tritli mai y t! tat we deal ONLY 111 A" ery . t;N - 1:`:1,1Vg• i'lart-i GOO 1.5; . - .. V. Nl'iSil' ' ,(4) Spertlity it:lnounc, l ,: that NVU k1"....1) a d inastanlPy riallatain n . 1 4 • . , - 7EItY'ECLI<. .aibl. C(./Ntinl:',TE sToc:-;:. - . of RELIABLE 'CIIEAP PLATED - --- ; - •' i . , - NVAILE,j i i - - -, • • .. • . , . otabining every VIIIii•ly of . 1 -- . - - • I '' BrttAlcr,tsr i i . : .___. DIN;;;I"Ell. . AdIiLAN.I) 1.136.31'W0R.115. [ •• ' - , DEssl:llT,,and • • •• . ! . . . 4 . .. I . . . ~ TE.k - 5K11.V0:11.4 ; '' The Sithscribers are' not 'fully pre -4flnelMling, ittso.. a large and earefully-.eleet, dli 40 pared to furn bill, at the; Ashland Iron itr Knives Vorks, Stettin •Elig•iii. - 14 and Pumps' I ' ' ''''' .l;: `' sl ' - '''' i° ' 1- 1 ". IP.'rYCiittle'Y ' . .:lf any power jiiid capacity, for. min- , 4c., &c. 1 ' ' ! log and other, Intrpos.r.t, !Coal Break iri These .. i•Az.4 - ;<; though Inw priced,' are 'perfeetly: re 14 , erk of every. idze and Pattern now, in. use; -. to hle for alt tlaz ordinaryaises expeeicii or riliu i r.-4 ' 044--it her with castings . and [Orgill - 1:s of CVCrYdeSdriP: iir such art icles, 'and Ware/ads - 4;1 ohr tmaratitee' Lsi thin- Cold and Dritt. Cars of all sizes and patterns, .1 clot: the,best.ttf their I: •„.14.1 In the Market; . ' large *Truck and Borst , Cart, all famished tit the, Fi*ed prios,. hi plain illture,4, e‘tglaten hog the ]. 4 - Shortest notice,. !The •subserlben! flatter themselves 1; -1' i .'' .' to cloaest huyerk. .- . 4- tii;l4, - inaAptuch us every utember of 'the tir,in Is a, .4 t- - .-- . .. - .. • , praeliettl !mechani e . they will be nble to .furnish r 0 ! • 1 , -„ A , i , ALDWELLI cz. i ., . • 1 . ma,„„,„„,:i.b... will coot re favorably with ARV th ii ' O .•••i tti • • the Region: .kll!orticrstlPected -to .1". & 3t: GATiliEt, ig--Lab . ..,....„,,,,h-tiyik.inconi,..,po.. will recelve ... , • - •... ..-- ...MT O ' . . - g „ai ait•sti ion. - 1' - 0 , , Ashland, Jam L,70-l- I No. Mr'l'ILEsTN II.T tIl I il,:l'i I', g Feb G. •74-47-ly f , . I .I III , AI I i:Li . HIA ,F A OLE 'Boil wolau.s. , t z : - L — Ali - ICe I Isii L , ! .. -- ❑ Irir.:•atlC iI".IIUTEItS, Proprietor. ' . ; ° tAMAQVA, SCRUYIACIA.t. cortrrv,„f,t, k Jew... r i. EP,' .d . N 3 SILV L . r : . ! r 1 T ., ; • ,,. Ir., in,- entail...ell his foundry and ma- ,1 , . 1 '-'• Il 'i ° ' , . •loors la 2 , :v.• I.7.iliiSt 7- hT,iina q ua, and thus very; materially . ...gam 7 , ' ° ' . inerl'a,...(l Halt' capacity for turningout ,- 131 -1,• --;,. Mk 11 ' 21' II II F.•ll' 7 i UT NT 11:: I:T.' I'lll I. I. 17 I' Ll' ll I t I work in hts line of Misfiles., he Is now •' . a.". - - II . I -• ' ' II Pre Pared tomak'e Stearn Engines and Pumps of any 5 1 ' C.),,,..., , . f • ! I...ver and capacity, for, mines; Machinery /or ft •- - ''..'- I ,• tircakers, Rolling and other mills mid , for Fur . „.e. • .. -- .... - I,;:l , 1.1,,i ;' . A - 1 naves; all Muds of enstitm and forgings, fze., die. fIl , , %° ri ' - t -, 'l -•I ti I An exPeriellen of untaryears in the business, with • ' the taci Mit., which those works now p013.4C-AB 2 enable I 1 • , • 1 the proprietor to turn out the very best and the most I ' Cati , f tet,wr work. .. .7.t ... z . „,, , -; • 1 f i . All ci . rile 4. .; addressed to HENRY WALTERS, Eagle ; A ,,f • ' z,:., ' 'I /roil Work.s, Tamaqua. Schuylkill County, Pa., will , etc • I i :, ' • 1 1 T reccis c ;minim attention. . Junep 2tl-11, 69-f FiE PALO ALTO /HON aItrIPANY, An. Fall t :ado und lionthty r=rB,ol;:t “Itipr,king: ' AME.w.CriN ;.;.; S s'l. .iSS WATCHES, • , , .5.,. 4 EwE z.N r.nY, sTiltu.r; „sir:V . ll ~„,,. „,,,..s. ~ - t „.i.,;(.7ri„..,...,,...,,,,, WAR ..:. % A T.', ~ _ CU i ' LERY„%.I * , ‘i #l3O, a line te , sortil len, of I Pretich Mantle clock., Itronte.i _, ; . English, Irench real "Vi••itila. i 1. , 1 01,c; ;mil nc Pa s own, st l k emi. ' Of our select 101 l I ij,•17•17.t sal:inter in Europe; a str wlifelt we rt• otr,, , q-- J. 7. cr. - tiipaerate prices; Fi - Eif . Z:lSa-'§, , • • ! ! r.I7•ENT FIRE & BISIIGL r AR PROOF SAFE' Lit" • \rallied Fair, Lma( Wtirlekls .tiniverselle l'atis. • , : • FAIIREL; IlEllite, &*.co.' `t r -: , t...( Krio...:Kr.' , 1 11.-111,YEY 1111,L.V.M. (4IAs, 3tA•rriiEws ;.xtA;trEnr.rit.Lt. • ;GEO. }V. ;MYER...4,i . i,txl- ~ : i ' . . • . lIEURI32Ij FARIIRLot SI:ERMAN!, ; 'New pr.rk, .ifillilllftl i.2.,,eti.. iliiraxa. • • - ~ 1111L1RLN22,, , FAILREL,a't.O., New wifrk. . • ' More than l),000 111;;ItitI.Nti'Ii 14,,A1!T5.114vc IS.v ti W na 21:20v 111 useii rani te,..i r st2x .I:l::einrv.o lia Joied 21in)24:1) accidental tires, pti`seriing I heir co , entx In Borne Instances where nuilly other% fulled. ' IiEvoND ICAND a.tins of our own ;intl. Miler znakt living Leot received to part pay for tlo, Itnprov ! erring's Intent Eliginplon, for hnle•222 low e r:nest: 'June zi, V) - • .- • •2:4-ly , • ~. Prqss,ituD IRON IN THE • BLO OD. The —ea the!week.strour. tad 'expels pease I: , y aupplyint pa t:400 with .3r.arrsr7S-bww Trrazrztxo C'lmre you act Peruvian &imp.' Paroptilete free. J. P.;TIMSMORt. Proprietor Nix 3R Dey St., New. Tort. Auld by phriCiahl generally. ...March - _ . -,--• DR.FITLER S HEUMATIC .:.:;.''....-... VEGETABLE AR4T ED '' BY A E .F M F E ID D Av Y l . WARRANTED t. 1 ' ....5.: 1,. A FQR' RHEUMATISM This vegetaule...u..s , 0 4 P1Vscriptionof Hae the eminent Phlad'elphinl44sici n and Professor. .Tosssll..P. FrrbEß, M. D., who line evoted F 7 to Rheumatism and Neuralgiaf tally , and- is by medical edlcal Profession public' nooneed as : he highest: nutliortty in Itheuma ic gxsuplaints.' testimony.) ,It isyleasant and agreeable to the t to and traeranted free tram ratuarall and Injurtons drugs. It is'a scientific preparation, a medical. mons °poly, anftwarranted under solemn oath a- pr t r bi r neut. 'sonnies% positive core for ItdiarnatarY matisin, Chronic Rhenniattom, Rheumatiatti Ithfiu nudism or Kidneys: Nearaigin In Ibe Bead, Neu 1- ta in the Body, Nervous Headache,. and. Nen us :rdiseases. 'Sold by Druggists nt SI . 40 per bottls;. bottles. $7 5).; Nedical adrift, Without tbstgtv sent by letter: Allorders seta 1:f ExPress collected on: aettvery. Depot, INO. "ff ftioaifa' FOURTH street, PhiladelPhilk - . • _ tupgathairmar.:l-,coir..S..atre Or t d ers /e . ft at n the Orrce or C. X t . o D 44. I t o o KLSXI nptly attend,* . • . 111311----(DEralf.l.BB,l2 013:—Th e oz. den of the County l' an hien t of arrlar Cheek and n. Lela Zaas en hand.- .13001'S AND SHOES..ernich be.ellArrellor ordoi.ot_,Dre Prison, et lov Pricelylo; cub. u 10414 elltb priel i e r aor !Duvet, Raw MN MAU WARD, Andel „ - A FIRST •CLA,'4.4 10A8-31.iletr , at to ' .thrwo, .hatterflklit County; VI Alba underof rued. afiving refers President Clover l if Co..' - • - t lEUebtoozO, y - ilatices.l HOLIDAY GOODS 12-13 - 7 v Sewing lindti)ints. GEOVEIItBA/CMI3----. - • _ . • • minis:3am xi...estio Bunn, - . . . FAMILY - SEWI NG MACHINEk. 4EiBROAMIVAT., NEW YORE. a. - 739 CitUiTEUT STRISET,42ItIAIMr4I 3 .fkIA. , • . /Wats of Excelhnice: • Film &war and Einatleity Of BOWL Perfee t tic u luna War lachinery: Using' both th di-' Mom th Aguas: No 'fastening, of.weannt by hen and no Notate of th Wide rangeof uppll (*non without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and nrmneea after was'hind and. ironing. 'Besides doing ail kinds of work done by other sewing Machinei, these Machines execute the moat beautiful and permanent 'Embroidery and Or namental Work. I• or sal* by M.. E. CIIAMBEES, Pottsville:. July 31, ' ~uii" IJOrhg: LOUCESTER,tRON tiYOBBB, GLOUCES ‘..7 TER CITY. N. .r.,—oprrex. No. g.North Ser4 enfb St., west side, Pratsmatritia•manutsettirer, of CAST TRW , / OAS and WATER PIPES, efiSt Iro ny flange' Pumping. Heating and. Sterun Pipes, Stop' Valves for Water or Gaa. all sizes. Fire (Plugging-. Grants, Lamp Posts, Gas foiders,lTeleseopie Castings and Wrought Irian Work, of all kinds, for OW Works. AO Pt - pm; proved by Hydrostatic. Pressure: , APrIl ' 7O - 1 & /7- SCUITYLNILL COUNTY STEN CO_: _ NEW tu.NfiGot.u, rA. A. L., TnostAs, Pest MOS. Emtmtn, Agt.,Tantaqua. Manufacturers of Spring Steel,Tlres, Sleigh Shoes. Plow and Culticatoi Steel. Steel Wings,and Moulds made to pattern; Flat, Bar, Round and Square Iron and steel, Shafting, O'nw, Bars. WO c ifes: Harrow Ban Teeth, and also Octagon Bi, Iron eipe- Malty adapted (r AIM En D s' RILI.S; &e. • - April 9. 111 154 M, • •posvara, cmi ' JOSEVII DELAAEY, Pitornti:Tors, • -4.0./ind, Schuylkill CbToas, • linviug-entaried lita Cri Sbop,Ar now ,prepared to. bulk! all kinds or ears for.tninitufPurPedes. , Being a prnetimt - tai , eliante and having for , years devoted himself entirety to this !myrrh of tbe - btrd 'less, and lintldlttp, , „ o COAL DILLAKTLIM: ALsO, tile Patentee .., 44 '• pf t tro celebrated Self-Dumping Cara, '1". v. lit fell can be seen minting at the n'Ort o of 31essra. - Dancratt 7 Leivla t Cix, and "Datterann, latrtngham ANltian. - I,tand nt 31‘stats...1r. A. .sloodle k I'r .tun . Breakers at the shorts-st notice, Orders snilelted.- v. , . • April '2, '7U—it-IF -; • • .1,0:41-.:P1k1B131.ANr.y. E'N A DOA H. IRON NIT 0 . 3,1 C. f 3,:• The sulxcerlber Is no*" prera red •to •• b.ulld - Steam I:nalnem, Puritris, ..Droakerte, and Drift Cara. All kin di at castirmt•and• Na b, hr s ings, mo.le to order. atten- • -•• Don pall, to the mannfaeture of. Car ;:(f,.. r .„,e•••• wheeli. • • . JOHN CATIIF.H. • Shenandoah Cl', Jan. 1, '7O-1- • , UODNDI - ar AND MACHINE SHOP, STEAM E,ACTOHY, &C.. • • • The hubseriber would call attention • •••.-- to the calpertor faell/ties pricsessed. 0,19011_. hitn.for- the various. branches of Steam. 4, , bulldfug. Iran Founding, and . .., I xtrO s t z t t r• the manufacturing' or fill kiwis or Wit- , • - eltinery• for Hotting Mills. ttlast 'Furnageo ; , road lie v. Si also continuC the Inlkliami of bilnlng,und - Kel I tig the ce•lehrated • Tine Forest White. Asst Coal; • being theL,otc .praprietorof this colliery.. Sep 1,,*0- 1 1-I,rd Jan 1, 'bt/w• GEt).W. 8\1'01•:1;. • pOTTSVILLE ROLLIN : O • t • '• ATKINS ISHOTIIERS, L^nor trot ••••• ' Pottsville; Sehorltill County Ps •_.• Itiannfadu rent of 'Railroad lion (Ixotlt T and Street 'RAIL%) are prepared to te l'Oi nOtt eXt.N!Ote Orden; ta titiort notice, . • for ally and all the ordinary sizes in use. ••-• t ia: f iiiiiic 7-laking our own pig metal,- we are' . 'careful to select Sultable'ortis; buyers 'can therefore' rely upon recelvintl i n all eases first clam mils. The . smaller razes of 25, 2S, IC.', and 40 pounds to the vard, always on land, anti suppiledin small lots. aiydrited. • ' • Jan. 1, trO COAL - 072,ERATORS AND ISILINEBS; ' ' rzim - E.En BOILED. wonris.; • . . , p:6 tui.,,,erlhers res'perttnlly • • w p Up. attentio4 Of Um husit,nss comniu nttv to thel• Boller Works, on Railroad St.: below the: Passenger Depot, Pottle. vale, where iitcy are prep red to mail- - ufoeta • . „ , BOILERS OP EVEItY DESCRIPTION, :4•nol•e St:lel:N:11r Stacks, Blast Pipes, tioslnteters Drift, ('arts, Sr.; at,. Betters on hand. .practical -mechanics, and' having for years devoted themselv'es entirely. to this brunch of the ltisiness, natter themselves that work done at- their 'e..rtoblishment-will give satisfaction to all who'inaS Thvor them with a Individuals and Onnpanies Atilt .11nd It greatly to their advantage" to examine: their work beton, vi4ntglig elsewhere_ - • JOHN' T. NOBLE.;.. • •Jan I, '7l-1- • - •• • 111101).1.. ORCHARD IRON WORKS, • • • •... WASHINGT:pIt /RON ., WORKS .I.sIUTICE.-:-Th4 works of ; the late firm of Wren' 3: Brother, known as the" :e WASIII :.: ciT UN 113.0 N WO BES," loenteil on Coal street,•it the' ' ' • Ih:rough of Pottsville • will he co: tin- S ~., 0614 tied by the Subscriber in all its VII Mis 6 ,.: 1 "" --"*. branches, viz: Steam Engine hull ins, iigihi and all kinds of machinery for m Clog _4IGI-, either coal or ore; blast. furnaces ot fot or cobi_hin-st; all 1:1mb:of milt- uvl cast ingsiind rati roatl car tixtures; Of w - ronght and cast iron; all lein ds of_bratp; ings ; oil kk:ds . cif sin fth work. and all sizes of the latest Ira- Proved pumps, single and doubletictitig, Repairing, promptly attemileci to and neatly "executed. "• By careful :Omani) tO business, the subscriber -trusts he will receive a stint? of the'publie patronage SO liberally bestowed on the late firm,. . .. Jan 1, '79-1- - - - JAMES W itE..",L' Are prepared to furnish.T RAILROAD: IltON--=_ z weighing from -2,1 to 70 ,pounds peryard—STßEßT RAlLS—froiet Pi to C 8 pounds per Tart!, er inimk to salt either for horse anti or loco- I 1110 t 'Veg. AU these rails are of .the 7* LATENT AND MOST AISPROVED 47- irrr: • p.trnat:cs. Also, a general asssert: • went of 31E/WITANT -BAR IRON,, Roundel, Flats, Sejoares, Oval, Halt Round and Gicsoved, HOOP AND BAND IRON, CAR AXLE 4 RAILROAD CHA FISH PATES AND .et' rails ROLLS made or the best o ndec,of cold blast charcoal Iron, ready: for ust.,'• either bar. T rails, street rails or bar Iron. • Also, all lands •01, CASTINGS FOR ROLLING MILLS. -We -also In vite attention to our-DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF SIIEARS, forcuttlng old ralls,Tuddloa Iron, &c., c. • BENJ. HAYWOOD, Prerldent, ' °files cor. Second and Market Ste., Pottayllle, Pa.- .. Jan' B A.LDurgit Loc9moTr; T . viroitxp. AL rianip a co.inus'v. ' (•,. : rtroad and Ramilton,streets, Philadelphia. Penna., would call the attention of Rid - -managers. and ttaxe - interested hi et*. ' Railroad l'roperty, to their system n ~ L; irafic:R . Loco:M./tire .Engines, lii Which they "-••-,, ..„„.. --- „..,..,_, are - adapted, to the particular "bust- 'bust- '-lim:" .,l —k" inewt for which they may be rermired; by use ' of one. two, three or four pair et , -driving wheels; i. anti-the use of the whole, or so wich Of the weight rt-4, May be desirable for „ adhesion; ;and In -aecom niodating them to the 'grades, curves; strength. of snperstruction, and rail work to Is. done. ' By - these naafis the maximum useful effect •of •the power is secured With the least .expense for attend . unee, cast of, Mel; and repatrs to Rot ant.PEnglne, Willi these objects in v lew, and as the remit ht Wen ty-titreeyeam practical exyerience In the business by, our- senior partner, we'inanu facture rive different k Was of Eng-hies, and several cleasesof sixesofettch : kihtL Particular attention paid to the strength of the mar:line In the pin and workmanship of all the details. Onr tong vsperteneo: and opportunities of obtaining information, ens des us to offer iht.ite en gine., with tlie ItssdraneOthat in cracieney,Oconerny and ritsrabElty, the' : wi ll eon:pare feNtnithly with • those ‘Lf any other kind in or.. Wo also furnish to miler, wheett, toiled, hoWling or low4totlr tiro (tOtit, isit:es without horingO con/J.3.100n castings for ls ari'ngs of every description- of copper, Sheet, Iron Ointi RoIIN - Worhs: ttn,l every art ;eh: appertaining to the :t'pair or renewal of Locomotive Logine..; N. BAIRD, - '.. . I Cli.:O. 13(710:IfAL • 'Jan 1,,'11?-l- ' • el lAN. T. P.Alllt'f. ; lutos. ti..l.ontso . s". - . . 1. - n,\;:rla'w,t ARES T°'oAl .- 1, . DEALERS,. ,, GAS, COVI.k.AMES,,,. &e. - , The untlerxlgnedltavingmterred(hl. Fotht War i te a n i n c t t.Lte s•,el , e nii.tintzterre c9lel.,rated SELF-Dl* NI DING, • • . SQOOI , I:1"( im -AND I IZO.N 1.3.00K5; for unloadlitz Coal, On% San, dte.,ac. Lti the manufertitre . . . . • - iii.. 1,16 .. , ~ _ • . tr 10: c. 13-1.„., ~, - 4 _., . A.,.,.. • :. ~• " . _ . . . . . . pox. Wit 1--I .L II .IIIHOWS, .-. OpAre prepared to lift all orti. Is with. prop•!pnieeli ithd iateh. ~ . .' • • IN OTICR.4-1:el to: the k,:e • owner :: or - thO Patent H ight for the ;4.elf Duanplag,liastlag, :44-tkorilluektt, and Thiele illeek. we mullein an lemon.. eguirkka tuan". ufacturing Or purc h e4wg tne . rune TJuin guy 'except , ourselvt or: our. ugents, de we will proeecute tele the Utmost - limit' tiny intrluxemeut eu the Lettera !usetit. -' Respectfully. , .- ~. - ~ ' . ADDIStiNs i'. UsAR.RE.V. itenill94: , ' FebrAaryva. '4l) • . ' . . .• o—ly • .-. .-------,------ 311STA.TE :A.GENCY.4.4"FlCE424.BlL ritintaca.—The towers igmed -having had ii REv".. ye., oxPe_rlen,Se in surveY4lig. Easminn don. Ex ploration and duanagement of Mid Loads tn.Sehoyl klll and adjoining' Counties, re spectralty'otftre his services to oirnenfat Lamb Collieries. and MAO, tate or every description. li i mparail to altenil to I Purchase and We of Beef' .- _ _ Examinutits and Development plt b0a...a.m., Exatohuttion anti Reporton Condition Ottani' ilea Oolleettottof Dent, Payment or,.ki. - .. 1. SurYelLl:3lll,l.ek.LAnAbl. 41 , 3t8 Z i ii ' . " - ' . . , • . F C.C11,2T.D...- 1 litirstazatitsre ' X.' Trolatmant-Evw.rew dent Central lOW Itaat-PhiladolPhia; A. Diddle ft (30.41tliadelphia Joshua 14.pplmeata,Fistdi philadelphia: Adolph .. nor i e .Esq..ralladiti tki i.. l .tr a. . tleptembetl9.llll .•' ,- '., . • , 7 -- . * 413.* ?illr"itralNL. l'' ''. '' ' L''.--I'. N.O • . •''' ' 1441114 marT mort_Dagmacallif a ad; TURNER n i - all kinds at Wood -work and ill kiwis at Yana,' Haan Irk 001,113311414 Warder at, madonna sate& GI as A "nide )(ay; 79, .. , . • • : - i' .‘ -: .117 " rt. M. . _ CEN ~ .. . • TRAL RAILROAD: of. • IOWA:, : . , : ••• At • 9‘!,- Fr - ee ' fedlit: ',71:.1.N . Af,tkr a tun ( ~ ‘aitilnation; wu hnve accoi. , ; . ~'. .Agenry 7 for theliale;of Cp , :Li-vt• them Mit,.-1-.. . • liondA, and desire to. new:n:1111W thinly to "tr: , . ' . 1 - 01 - I Wro - air a tkitrou,:ltly..v.lfe, .u.:. we:l as,fi pr,..: • Fin reltarent-- . ' - • - . Wo iittlivre Mire la:1-: I It:. no . more th:ttr2l-2,- I . ,t -to sttl Ilirt Governtuent•x; and buy recta;. :, I: v -t.: • ' • Itttdit • nadSt.Turlites-dtuKi as I hotle---t tin 1. t It.- I v . - I 2 ef"! '• - - J.A.Y.•000M21 &. CO.; NG-.1,- - : Yo':. ' - ' -) ' 2..---- - r . . litt'l?'ez!llll9nyL win he rept:Eyed En I'OTTr,V;! ' ' •_. .. . • • ' Id irj - totn pampllZote and Nil tntnrnm,ti,,: :„ • .. '. , :ti..,— - 1 16'.. ., U. fiILN .7rU(.. :s."I'N -" •• . VHMI IL vs.i7Tl...'_s_kiLci:4 Micah's, isr :.1} . oVTAE, - uuo.itis co., N 7 Roo ntlfgliate.iPlatia Mat Orkiameuttill. t minim Ifreeket Sbelyeta, rF•"•‘' •'• • and Mrasb-litand Topes..Floor•Ttlitz.. I Ate . ...TILIZSia PA laid= PhiladelphGia , prices, rE = wi l- r. •::11% .t id, all %Imes 'with competent Slaters to lay any part of the meaty : • • - ..1k (nu HT 7975.; Mending - F:re• anilding.Aleading• pa. • Inv . . • -- • . •c) • icistrrAcTuar.ns AND IraDD,s' OF Atka= line, &c. In sovtylioit /.17irE NOTICL, that I have :tom to 1.1.154 Q. DAN NANofPettearbon,an IntereA. In titY PISTON and hate • Riven 'them the entire control of it !timid County, with pol.ver to co:feet 811 ruoneyti due or to become' ie thereof for the ii 11 4 ,11. 1511/tr4 arid ascot the same. DA Vlll CLA latalanu,Pa.. Jan. I. * Cfl--Itt • I\j 'EAR SIGUTED FEOPI, 7.: .- .40r or persons with other dettelenele, - of the.eyes, shomid remember that they c anb.•..m; nl With the proper glows by Re4El'll DC ERR. ii)- Nn.= Centre 9.11 wt, rtg Nv MlCEltbeetaPle. •• - • • March '2i, —l2--ct A LI& KINDS of Garden Tools can 'be had tit prima, at Stove and Ho Pundsli SOLOMON 1100V,Eit's Vue. use tng Depot, _119.2.'5 Cent r . 'street, April l Pottsville,pa. d, °.•J : ITI•fE; .1870 Vie Atrium. THE I . LEA 'FES OP ,71.0 O.T C 116 !8 . . .. . . . . . Iti one'Of HYda's.Lowell lectures,- we -n a l . a ittateinent,of thavalue'of the laaVes of dif- Jferent 4inds of roots. Ifa says, ." leaves - . , 1:,. .net to . - be -discarded As worthless. Th',.., ', make most excellent 'food. If left to pert,;, - -on the-land'.their saline' matter is, ititle,..) ' returned. to the . soil, but ills far- m0re , 6•,,... hearth* . that .the'ittoek should deris't.n 1 ,. tire, benefit from them, varmerf! , havelie elf :slow I.4rippreciate the value of leaves, nit Ilk. r ' as foodor as thmagre.. They are always rj'll in phosphates; add' the animals that fi,, 1 •1 '.on; leaves "laver want material to inal;:. . -- r-a '-large. 'frame. '' The moose. that • for 'merfy browsed in. the forests ofN'ew End:ill'i. Supported - n- large amount- of bones, .:,r,,t in the -museum of 'comparative zoology :,• . Cambridge . may be seen tlio mammy,:;, skeletedt of the Ina s - totion,An animal thatevi dentlysubsisted on the leaves tinct - bnine:.: . or reesi anti his jaws and tectirwere evidi.,;-,_ it - designetrtO'criisli and grind ; sonie V - -',., i, - ,- Irber. in - connection with..tha more ten , i, * :- shoots. -The ash of the stranr• of All kithis ~,, grain is richer in saline matterthan the gr:: il itself; and , the conclusion. is evident tt . .„ : growing stock, - Whose. frame - work we tie,:i..... to build up should be -fedi with grat , se, ~,,.1. 'roots, never, negicetiti# die. •toPs'i • Miik , -:1, l'invo.eare greatly relislieT 1 by witch Or ''.-: . and they give inereased richness Lathe et(A :.. illY'•carefully-eonducted experiments% •at 1, \i4 'Albert institution, in I teland in ,15,.,, ti -v;.„.., found that 40 . pounds -. of milk, pr 00, , :, -. ; 'froth'. rye-. grars shone, gave three . p0 rn. .,,.: 'and .ounces .or puttei• ; - proklu eel t • sly' , ,,, mai:o)l4 leayesand past, re; the same :L111(71'011 of 11/ilk - gave three:. pounds fourteen ota - -;,:.„, ',or butter, anti- - froth -tningold leaves alit,, • the yield of hinter- was four pounds. ‘',. 7 , .shiiilar.restilts will fOlow the feeding of i' ! :„. 'leaves Of, slrbhageti...and alt the roots. -.T:,,... testiniony of all farmers Who have .been n-• • diced • ii), experimenttipedi - the leaves, 1 .. An itaupon -their great nutrition, and when`: ~ ex aetly accords' with this practical ttistlin G T; y. 13 . 91*FS VS GA t! LT gives ,Ul9' ilia ..11111itySIS of i 1-1,• ' roots Of . the - inangeld, and wink. .the, -refit git vit es - 1y. : .1.66- per cent. of hitt., ' geticinA OrAins•cle forming matter, the leave give 1.5 per cent,- . For making bout-301e :le.-. vantage - is still • greater, -with the leaves.— They must not, Atowever, be -picked Lfree'l, the plant until they have accomplishedilicir special :end valuable functions. They, serve. . so , kootl p. purpoie in feeding that the ten.p.„ tit tiod is (particularly in the ease of-Cabbaet •. • 'to i;trip.till the leaves prematurely, ;nut! thin deprivt.the plant ofits lungs and-kill it with, consmnption. . When the leaves, begin z., droop and turn yellow,- Which ie"heral,i . - oe.eurs. id the -latter part-of September, the, may 14. ionoved without damage:" - .. - • urkii3g the lb.- vessity"nt thinning crops of fruits, Man:hail 'P. in an artilettf the J0titt541,.4,,. .11oirricrurcitiz t says eite of two fartneu, .near•43ostan always thins his friths ; the ot 1 er neglects this: .'L'he first sells his Bluth iii apples at Si si) p&' barrel; the latter royki.‘ ;lessthnn _i 50. tlfe. (la tiger, ;there,is-a.largi!'erop , thelnne. nut, thl nrih.l% engtig it rratlit - than 4n , ' • .• ' g. •• • . • • • _ - - DIM vitns.--•lltNat whites-or three t very dry.. add gradually tlitve-quarters' tit pounttof suptr beat tilt it is well l3lineltitiltatuids, anti . cut ‘t4cto int() pits . 168 Filial: as pvc.s, - , mut stir them into the • .. Ittnd sugtic 7-1 I ll'et`.-lfttarters of print: t !tit:if/n(ls for ',three eggs. Drop, the yini":l7.: itt•speit.; ti's 46, half-tell , fly oti upOtt,tt tifk:twci bakp iti.a •2(,:1 1 . 4)r • Pfau: l't,r.m Orin (.4 .41onr,Lbigi# -ounce:: of beef eniet, half pf pint of n4lk. ,C1)61) the 'sut:t. very tine, niix it Witt: h our, anti half a' pound of ralsins niik - tlie Whole With !Fall gt pint,lif • t,wo well heaten Tie!-it-up Pico. t , i eloth, or vut it intoa it int,' a. saucepan of boiling whicawl: - Iti i-1, . .or two hou.n4 and 'pi itoursi - • ''"' Ix-SVINr.-11: . D. - Iket;oli . .breeder - nr BViln of Baft I/ 1 11. mm l'AiniEß that fin-, spoon:l:W.6f quantity sulphur, fed in tlio 'fir three ohys, eiti•etive . . :Soinetinit!s a lon er treatnihnit . • -.- I .yl:iiiktoins.ol-diseas.e—a lameness - in / . 1 liiiniquartert-iiiii;B_,,v . vakiies in the' Inn-k." quart cif :),wel)t ittiPtk; tittarti of .I.ilki:te tileal t4lfitlt_t; ° 2 cup-) art Moiled nee tyolti t*g- I "'atell I:O. Y' I . l g tal.llesptionfttis. ').of ttit ter ;) .1)4:4 ttL‘tt StIX these) v)'elltAgeftler..grettl-e is . e..itke Well; I,itt4e the, t.)6 , ittl itit)ifratitt tura ow fr,.l. .to I.T. "lonars to l!al - .).-.• - itttorttitit: in qt., • , 4 - a :Foun t ( ITouy,?. •v), 19010 stpar t)f _butter, vomlered . ciiii tolw:ntixot . Nvit.ll, i‘mmly ur "rend, tl eia sidtp; verY: thin,-tint:l (oil":.".-3erctits, 59.17.7A.D7i RO . D AND Ii7.TDD26.i.DDs.- MANCFACT,CREI: OF SQU typip WIRE SCE EEss. rATENTI-:D }*_tii: CARY -4. • co:. PA. ; sctu.utE rltill. SIREENsc ox At tftd.'N'i of their—. superior strength and daraidtp.y, preferred to nil others sta".lprev'er• tried. Sereen „ ALI SiZes,alwriyhon hand. iOniers prntni.ttv affil ,t modorateTriens., Al AN LVAGSITUri..RSOF COAL BURNET" 6. r L. T. • L... LAUBRNSTEIN &-.- CO T•-, s to,Pdin R. Metall, . • ManufactUrer cd" Coal .Screerrs, Of .the Latest artl. Apprcoded Styles -The - tnidetsignea r. it.::: oSereen Mate:. ncturers,,inf:,rms i, opqratee. and they - are tnannKiet uri nvlt new ce.%-t, scltEtzr, r .:• LI, an.l et tv‘r Atign.t s. • lfdi;the - gintraitte? that the )IR.--m will rdwaystet.ita tts original zdze tint it entirely - worn out. Sclntd-hand an 4 .Seg , _nytds •:. band. - • - - • - WC respect fitYll. - colle:t a rent Ittstan ee of the pa t , age' heretofore nti iit t ralh Ixt , tnwiat„ L. LA 17 LIENSTEIN & CO., J rtairroaa St., rear of F.,stetly'ss Hardware st.,ro4 Jan ' PottsvliTe. . . • garit Abuertisttncitts: • . .T.TOB.TON,-,11.1141:itr. & CO. ' • • t•cuceessors to 8., _ . . • , M..tiNUFACTiItERS OF ALL .SIISPV.:3 • N.O. - 1 •FIItE -BRICEFur . Furztaees, Forges, Steel Wofi. • - Lime 'kilns. ("ttpola,' PuroarPs. BKS LOC : 12,,1 TILES, for 131.5 t Fut - tiro-es, (fits IVorirs, lin!. • ' •.- leah!ty lion NV.orks, 13:tker'r: ()veto:, Greet. • . titove Jiettter and I.;:towe • Li ttilitv 7 +.,,Cylrliderg„. 4e.. of every • - • .)tertptfott to order , . FLtr; Clay, Itraollo,FliOsiirld, Ce:z.kent , sitfl;,l ; or Darrel.. • ' • .119utti . of- Creey. N. . 1.. la duo to ite perfect purity, healthfulneva and economy. Puts tqr is tinr, umnal Might, as prtsented, and will keen Tot ytare. , ' • mai nnantitycrqulredlor num , one-fout icrone.haltless than other raking Powdery. t3old by °peers throngtioa: the 'United states.' • • DOOLEY hautQrrnan, 3tattuilcturers and Proprletopp, 67 2 , i'm Sirqt, New jpr =I alay;:.2l; '7O • ,3 G0LD..136=-N or Tu taw