= ,,,,—,1, ?;!: ,-4- 1. -7, - . ::,•,.- - -:3i.' , .•5: - ; - ;.•r- - :S-' .„.,-;:r7;,;-;fils-5,:.',-..ic::',''-i'7;-:--,n..ilti:.:_-7.2-..'-1.=-' • _ ,: :•; -, z 4 :, : : - .:, -= .i=i,? , :!, , :: . ;:.-,. - • , ::-',.,, , •-:.::' -•' RE INEI - . I ' "tt r lintr-EMETH - - 1111 WE i l EEPtiffi ricuP ("dm THE - • - • ' .' -: JAVV II O 4 :, a - s ':" - --- :=-- - tar plap ' - - in place et Itscorki cir•I N A• day' - Some hidlei 'POW O le - ° Pi In ocean eta , ' Per 1 1 — - - A n dinwr wander tha theY matiet usteri crow : a. . ... - . T W' s % iter•. eadstaneareprotuk - That !OM airt,, lad aenteare tall. `'. .. t. 'Ankara:lom ell - •,. ;- • through the =Sal& - - , g o d nen& "treed (at *tannin* Petel7- Ton nateN the outline Of a fate; , , . •: . tate • The' . sequil, _ Fan .... _ Dear s ir , abe lat= ill yotiri noolL w f ir'l she knowellhe cektr ot y ~ r balr, .. ..: •.: - • Merrell MA or _ lon area,. ; • • • She knows pod? ftliw - I'll lbe bound, 1,, ; And all your Mende - 01 Ma 1 1 . 1 4177,. -: - Itt-peeplng enatigh the . Shelatows thelibedtha arms the war n , ;„... And'what they dine on evely_ day l .--, , . And thl that their Matilda JelitC . le =rowing err •TOU• and lidli. . . . . , • She Brown , . at itaA r gllkr. • %v.-. •• • .Junto - Folks qul as poor ell - PcSir.rgl u rib. ...,,, , ,L, For &Wt. elt• a nd sl e ir t i e tondo,. .7 -,-,- , througll . Is peOtilit - ; , D :',Deal.,;!l if yon dorri inneeed viu need, / ' • _" ..., -i la gaining °sledge ow, _ . Then at window take roar .. . And gate l to the baty _ t; r 'Full soon t ir 'II read/1710bl ; Vet ., 4 inaie And Call Lutes 0811 40 • T, lcii- And know Ir Wall ion , . Much Les than own _ fee, Si ,PoeSIFIS T •P". u !g li 1 "7 - , . • - igS'C'APEGRA'C'E--A tniin latest dinner. • film ties that' connect btuainesi men with the pub! le—AtiFertise: • (I.4,Nums.iis e il i govein *lent land are exami upon , Varioutfliterary and, scientific topi "Lately one of them' by_ a! slip of the pen *rote, "Vennice":, In one of his papers. "Ipo you know therejs but one `ben' in Venice? asked:the Indigh ant exam iner. "Then eggs-must be very scarce there," was the reply. , . "-lowa. Crri, : Jungith, lis79. Mitssits. tnrtous :—Piease ex.** the jib -erty of writing you.' I have noticed 'your colug.in of "Vv, t and Humor" kg:Sometimes only - half len . • . -- I have a few jiakes which . I think- wou be sufficient to bring the i smile 10 some o my old Pottsville friends.—, I consider Pottsville my Inaine, being - -my birthplace and a resident for many years: A . LITTLE boy .met Pis Siibioith School teacher, and innocently inquirt , il if to say "coffer dam" Was swearing, "No; my dear,: what makes you ask that question ?" ,His answer was, "d. saw an old co* doWn the• street yonder. 'she - was neariri choked to death, and I thoughtshe would. roj'er data ea off. , • ;! . 1, head 4 "A.wom - A,N was arrested in this-,K.ounty, for , l'the supposed murderer of her huifband; and a nephew of liers who was alo supposed to be an aceornplice in the horrid atrair.- . -- they were tried and acquitted twitch against the ideas of their neighbors, and especially a German who remarked that . "he was well acquainted with Bigler (the murd' ered man) 1 and knew he "was one goot, honest man, and nefer would' have -tier -if his ilife had not - kilt him." ' . ~. - AT a party a few evenings lagol, I was very much amused at a conversation between two gentlemen, one a regular big-headed snob.— lie says, "I cannot clearly comprehend cm phags." "Well," says the othergentleman, "I will give you a sentence With!the euipha-. xis en different words,' and .see 'II you will recognize the difference. ..giuppcifie I shOuld say, T 'You're afoot ;' the emphaSis would be, be on tfool ; bht suppose I should say 'you're a fool,'• the emphasis , duld be on. The sentence was effectual In convincing the gentleman. A LADY• came into a dry goOllii store, the other d ~ and inquired -for Lavender kids. She,w s shown quite a variety of,,kidi. • 'Be / ing• mewhat confused hy the colors, -she held up two pairs and asked "which was the Lavenderest." - -• • ;1 . . •- A GENTLEMAN who was a c i vil engineer . Zit the Union Pacific glailoaad gives me the followlng.,•. He said there bad 'begn a well ddg. Finding it was gait; the : TAM:not use : it They had a canoe laying Ontshie.;their camp or lent. The care wereto Owe through to their camp that • day; ao he Was on hand -,, to see them. • It was .the time, Blair, the-de .. feated Democratic candidate, ;was going West... As the train came in'niy friend welt ticiwn. B, me general that was in coMpahy . with . Blair came out on Ble.platfonp. He says to Will (My friend), "Whaey do ' d ' ing with that well'?" - Lie told.him it was salt; they ,did not use it: "What are you ~. doing with that canoe?" Sus Will, ';'`why; that's the canoe'Blair and kis party went to . Salt Rti t ieVa.l.' , ,. With that who 'shoul(l stick j i his head out the car window but'`. Blair him- . self, an ' rernoV'ed . his hat while those thatjtad ~ • heard t to conversation 'gave three cheera:—i - l'aske Will what he did ? He aid he "ca „ *posed the .Raneh." . i • • ,i tit" you consider these-worth inserting you can do so. We have had heartyllaughs over them: I vouch for the ; truthfulness of all . save the first. The others came' under de- , tualobservation. . Very respectfully,. i SLAB, ON Tit.? -di BIIAGE STATE.! li• • • , - IsT. - JuF.l married. Destined to linger in elaver, new-mown . hay, - and auEh herbage, from nine to tivelve months. •.q 2n: Some black, rascally, stormy night, about the close of the above eptieh, .ytiu are turned out into the streets, all pOds or mill races, or amid snow eighteen . inelies deep and drifting like blazes, and told. to . drul• for the doctor. When you get home, a little` red4lnnnel looking thing, about the sue of a big merino potato, undoubtedly awaits you:1 • They wilt call it a baby. Paelted up with. it.you will find the first squalli of married llfe— you can bet on that. • - it• 3n. Paregoric, and soothing syrup, and cat nip tea Lind long flannel, - and diawstuff, and baby colic, and more squalls—therwill come along, too; in fact, wilMlbecomejust as' much .at home' in the house as dinner.; 4111. One of these days, in— "me wee ay e = O hours ayont thwal' . , i , you turn out again . This time you areLfound barefoot; distractedly rocking that.bsibY back and forth, and bobbing it up an bown in a cane-seated chair ; a shiyering, icy, disecinso, late sense of dampness `all ah.ant yon; iseat 4u.14 \ hard, only a cotton shirt or y. nearer thaty-the bed to keep :,..ousw rni, roar ing musically as a wild bull in A i ughter ..yard----- • t- - • . VWe're rota thg, Father Abraham, • ' Three hundred thom•and more." . „. . :Baby all the time yelling likeimad With a bad pain, while Mary Ann,, upi - to her nose . • under the warm bed covers, to help out,, every now. and then impatiently puts.ln, just at the wrong place—"trot . him fastet,,amuel." ' And you:trot hint, oh how Ott do trot hitn ! If you could only trot his; wind' outlso .fur that he could never get any alp back again, or brealehis back, 'or neck, or soinething, you . . • • would be immeasurably' happy. '1 But no. The little innocent is tougher ...• than an India rubber ear spring; . I ‘,.. • lust as you are aboutglving uptetincluding f that you muse freeze-,thatthere*lll certain y,ly be a funeral in the.boase Inside of -thirty six hours, baby wilts fret sheer) exhaustion, and then, with teeth C:haitering Bites lileCor -mick reaper, you . ciuWl in bg Mary Ann ' • again'And try.to sleep., ;.--: • - 1- • . r raft. Gradually you glide Awak into a tang-. led Maze of cherry-lips, iee; steam-Whistled:- . 1 voiced babies, dimpled cheeks, More lee, May flowers, skating weather, ch•unotnile, jockey- , • club, sleigh-rides, crinoline i tronense, as the old bell at:Moscow, Indiannibuseadeß, eft ' nous like tmoor-mats, aWfu Grecian :bends.; . angels, , snow-storms; and forty other cheerfpl.l al reminiscences. • • .1 Orli. ' A snort, a tit rash, a wild throwing up. I ward or little arms, and legs anti then, keen and shrill, comes that terrible "4h-walla l:ab ' -.,.. wah V! -again. -- liguess yo -- ' wake 'up; don% , you ?' • ' - . ".---,... • "Get the paregoricand ato -spoon; quick !" -' a il ', says Mary Ann, in asharp, staccato tone, and don't you get It? • -• • .- 1i . . .. tt i eeo In just-three-eightns of a t nre lid you a , Greetati bend yourself-out - ere Non the cold • , floor, dropping.paregorie in it *won. ' •'. •• . - Hurry ! Oh, no; circumstances are not such . as to make you hurrynny. • Gracious little Peter ; he is describing diti bolic curves with, all the atins and, legs he's r ot,and screaming 100 pounds to-the square inch, and . Miry Ann isshe rifting around therein the beck; making arocking-chair of ', her ,back, and yelling bye-bye, p, like a wild ..\ Camanche on the war-path' that's all.. • .f -. Nice, ain't It! . - 1 ' .... ._ . And then to think, that, as pears roll on, there has got to be mOe•and more yet of just such distressed work.:' I --I -' '' • wrishilw- • ' • . 7rn. Then come the wishing days, too, and the spring eleanir(gs and movings—when your, hooks eTtd p.apers, and custard pies, and • carpets, and-plug hats, and rimless* and • feathers and baby fixings, and Pan-cake bat ter. ail, get stirrediup toget ' art when Mary Ann, dress tucked up, han dker chief around her head, broom : in-one , mop in. the - other, pretty as a clistern pole, temper search , ing as a; dose of 1 , ' 'about htinting spiders' wets, an i dirt, and spots, anti such things, whil Bridge , ~the .inevitable Bridget, slopping ap su alk over every thing, brings up e rear. j. .., 7 _ ;me STlt t Then there is that other-In-law of yours, and the six or eightfemale cousins.— 'rho have Just come over , visit a bit, and 1 .• each one bas brough t all her trunks and', band-boxes along.. And th t too, wheit you collide° easily have spared but the moth= . er4n-law. - - 4 - • , OM And so I might run' n and ori. These' '., things are , thicker in such' lanes ,than little: •'• toathFon a country road Ott -scorner thun ' ''dei4thlinter. 'You:Can't - rthem. They come With .nuirried life Jug as sure as, death ,' .• - ) ~: Bad! Very Waif My fries Pnly. _colic con _ ditiop lathe world much that rknow of. - And that badon't Int d telling V017)-!- . iherle the Angle cOndiar , • , Si.sar i Az . :l' - - i - ::,-- . WE BE ENNI MEM 4' FOB, ta1,111014-The _kiwi of 0601 , 11 0 at licobb 11[ situatedia,lll3lbitbalk__ ...!imittmostilie wan e oakeld or WIN 1,131111,1 !"P i, 44314111: AVSKAir 9A, 'SLAW -;,:roalFrinearibrt Outon: with* cow to- gaimir=' jotaisc Stalljolle:CoWert, • - • Lt. .4; lima 41 4 :51.L.16.- ma -A w Five Ton lAxamath'e. suitable ' Jar +Sart mod. •Itais been wed gbr too, outland coolilket at, the Wass_ r oad la la irly t at - plx): w. 8.1 .:4Twer. SUL .• ' 1 • BLASS! I , MATZ fit - The suldersigeodlow eillealf Oa and a lama lot of `BOO sums, or on st* : sad et the belt QUOIT, which be will aell at sae eheapait = The Vete moue be delivered by Railroad or APO:, to - • -Whiti, • 0 - =l lBer ke Co 41Prht Pa. - - 347.22. ' 70,-r '` . ' ' . ' 2141/ ' Varlln abie iriiitlit A. TICS* or yzess, a De. Htersteonneeted *lshtar este:Mee thane. ittiLt ...hfestassiPerithwlesusts. Alscryssad=as prinetpilli•gmnteed 'by this isseisseared at this establlabluent,'• There is ai this time a d ertrAibleueortineut of eterehandise in theStere, wbien - will be sold at • their cash Value. For further Infoesnetton sear is .: - • - - Vowgzars - coal. it IRON co. - • Jane 4,*11-23-3ti } ' Dig Wilatau 81., rolls", • TeIEBIII4I.BLE PIKIPERTY POE TAP The splendid yildlmeer. oabljned by TilOS. B. BANC=W, la Ashland,Dwelling. OBlee, Owen and Ic itouses,Stable.'Asa Beds, ix., de,. The dwelling Isieolnpanalvely new. and has all ;the Modern eonverdsheas Price kw and terms easy. Apply to ._ • EMMY C. ; Real raisin Agent, itiblahantango Bt. Mai ig;;7o-22.—1f ; ' • O B• LE A S E. -AGRICULTURAL PARK a - 'AND ROTEL.-The underalatted-officera of the Schuylkill Cots Part, raeli, Awed: f et e ' will receiv e i for rc rtat a t r al=o tottsterly-in adlrtinet. l l= Mini given on the Ist day el „Or% 103. • NMCi f fiElltiDOEF, Pont. F. B. Karacsaa, *toy. - • Feb .5.70 ' s.tt • A BABE - OPPOBTIINTTX ••TO OBTAIN • • A GOOD' COAL LEASE. • THE LOCUST DAT — T. COAL COMP. N Y • • Offer to lame a portion'ortheir Locust Dale Estate as F.et lianibbehol:lbßleskshland•Beutin of the Matta toy on, containing the MAMMOTH, with the under. lying and overlying veins, In very line condition_ • Ap Bastion to be made to GEO.• IL POTIS, ESAU, President, No. HD Broadway, New York or to S. C.' , . - their Await R& Pottsville. ra. • BIVATE BALE. The underaignedi offers his • I Farm, situate in Washington Township, Schuyl kill County, about 4 milea east of Phlegm' ve, k mile distant from the S. At S. R. R.. at private sale. - The• Farm trontaisui 135 acres, red gravel bottom; 2i acres heavy . art ber, 89 acres cleared, and the balance sprouts of 12 years' growth. The improvementsson , *lst of n dwelling house, swiss barn and saw mill also, s - superior orchard of choice fruit' trees. T h land is in good culture. All those wishing to par -chase or inspect the same, will please apply to the proprietor on the.premises. A good bargain can be made. Conditions easy. JOHN MINNIG, JR. May 28, 11.141—.11n• • , VOIt SAlrg.—A First-elasa White Ash Colliery in 1' the blahanoy Coal Field; lease 13 years [ft run. • River A Splendid Fenn, MU sermon the Susquehanna A twenty feet lot In Second Street, imitable. for private reslderme. . Town lots to Mahanoy My. , . To Lease—Mammoth Sirldnuire and 'Primrose Veins, near Mehatioy C.lty. For Rent—An office in Silver T err ace - I Applyo'/ f . , FRANK C ARTER, (state Agent, Silver Terrace, Pottsville, Sept. IS, 419.—a-tf . . /ALIT.I=.E PROPERTY AT PRIVATE V SALL.One-twentieth interest In the tract of Coal land, in New Castle Township Schuylkill C 0.,, (known as the Pott S. Banns= t ract,) 'containing about 420 acres. A tract of Z acres of COAL and TLMBER LAND, In Riley Township. . • - Valuable building lota on 3fahardongo street. A splendid lot on Schuylkill Avenue, MI feet front on the Atenne, and 57 feet front on ChurrhAlley. One-fourth Interest in the "Cool HID" Tract of land In Schuylkill Township, to close the estate of. the late Mrs. Sarah Hart. Apply to • ' limcity C. Rumia.„, • Beal Estate and Lnsitranoe, Agent,. No. IS lahan tongo St., Pottsville, Pa. ,lan: 1, 74-4-IY Veit BALE.—A Furth of MO acres with improve mentsl' and stock, situate on the line of the Bch ayl kilkandidualuehanna Railroad. 14 Miles from Potts ville. 'lO acres pf the land are under •cul.tivatioa, 73 acres are covered with chestnut sprouts of 16 yu - s growth, which would make excenebt prop timber. 26acres &recovered with bead timber. The improve ments consist of a substantial house a new Swiss B Barn, out houses, and a new saw mill w ith water pow er. Stock ootud plement&sta of horses, cows, grain, hay, and Vrulin im im The price asked can be real lied fro g m the tber al one. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN M. SHEAFER, Esterly's Building, yr.to FEROUS ti 0. FARQUIIAB, No. 15) Centre street, Pottsville. . , . 'August 7, '6B—.3Z-tt • . ' • FOB SALE, • ror.Lowtiso MINING MACHINERY. One high pleasure Cornish Bull pumping engine 263-inch 7llnder 7feet stroke, boilers and all parts 'complete; and 2 Lifts of pumps to yds each, one la inch the other 1 4-Inch _ 'plunger, each seven feet stroke. ALSO.—One Winding Engine 12-Inch cylinder 4 feet stroke, with drum-gearing and boilers complete. . ALSO,—Four sets Breaker Machinery. ALSO —lOO three-ton Strg*, - W,Hgents, heavily ironed for 4 feet track. ALSo,—One, 16 feet ran and Engine- with tubular holler complete. • - • ALSO,—One Iforlsontal Pumping Engine 18-inch cylinder; feet stroke,Vith gearing and hobs, and two lifts Of pumps 103 yardsoich, wit h'l4-Inch plungers, 10 feet stroke. The shove machinery luii - Lieen iniservice, hut is an good working order. • GEORGE W. SNYDER, .7an.9,*60-,-2-tfw.Sept.l,lo-1-Iyd • Pottsville, Pa, gegal Roticts. • ' /Vl if CLA.IIGELIN ESTAtE.—The undersigned appointed by. the Orphans' Court, Auditor to review a previous audit and report. and to re-state and re settle thetieeohnt of Pigroe McLaughlin, Ad inintstrator of Rev. William C.Mcl aughlin. deceas ed,. will meet the pa.rtlesinterested. for the purposes of said appointment, at his oillee, N0..15 Mahantongo SL Pottsville, on Tuesday'. Julyr sth. MD, at 9 o'clock A.'M. - CHRISTOPHER LI ITLE, Auditor. June 11,'70-2H-3t STATE OF CHARLES M. BROWN, DE ORMEIED.—W hereas,letters testamentary too the estate of BHA IGLUS M. tinowst, merchant, late-of the Borough of Pottsville, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the raid estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the - said decedent, will make-known the same without delay, to - MARY JANE BROWN, Executrix, June 4, '7O-2'l 7 6te No. Market St., Pottsville. NOTICE.—In the Court, of Schuylkill County. . MARGARET' 800TT, by her next • . • friend, EdWard Shane ; 42 March Term,lB7o. • es. - Alias Subpoena . WILLIAM SCOTT, - fora Divorce. . 241, Dec. .Term, DSO. To the respondent above narned: YOu are hereby required to appear at a Court of Common Pleas,'to be held at Pottsville, for the 'County of Schuylkill, on the fourth Friday of June next, to answer the complaint of the libellant in the above stated? I : GEORGE C. WYNKOOP, Shed Sheriff's (Nike, Pottsville, May 23th. 1870-1 TAIBTRICT COURT rutted ,Stai se .. District of Pennsylvania. _ . .. .... . Elijah W. Zeigler of West Penn Township,Sch nyl kill County, Penna. ( 'Bankrupt, having petitioned for his discharge, a meeting of creditors will be held on Friday, the Ist day of July, 1870, at ill o'clock A. H., before Register John „P. Hobart at •Ids office, Centre street, Borough of . Pottsville, that the exam ination of the Bankrupt • may, be finish - 6d and any business meetings required by sectionsl or 2S of the act of Congress transacted. • . - • The .•Reglster will certify, whether the Bankrupt has con formed.to his duty. . . . . A bearing will also be had on Wednesday, July With, 1,370, before the Court of Philadelphia, at lii• o'clock, A. H.; when `parties interested may shdw cause against the discharge. , ' I_ Witness Honorable Joint Calwalruler, Judge, and seal of the Court at Philadelphia; June MIL , itqa. I. *- • - G. It..FOX:Clerk. , . Attest:--Joriiii P. HOBART, Register. :: 4 -.• June 11, 'lid - t- 2..1it: , .. gtgal Maras. ABBY, O.'DOUNJL.N; ATTORNEt AT LAW L' , l - No. 153 Centre tit., ti few doors below Episcopal Church, Popsvtlle.• - April 21,:V-1771y C ATTORNEY AT LAW, Main Stiqnandoah, Pa. • • • J! ,, r , 25, • . LT.ENRY C. &HEAPED., .ATTORNEY.AT -ILAW. O ff ice, 155 Centre.SL,rottscllle. ay u,' - A. ffi. PASSMONE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, • Pottsville, Pa. Office, No. 9 lkiahantongo Street, oppcolte Post Office. April 3,'99-11--IS GEOEGE R. X&EFICHER, ATTOMNEY-Af- LAW; Pottsville, Pa. Moe, m 00.179 Centre St., nearly 'opposite Miners' Bank. April 3, 'O9-44--11 TAXES H. CANPBELL,ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi J Rooms 15 and 16 Penn *intl.:ling, No. 430 Walnut —Street,' Philadelphia. Jan. 1, 70--,l— IL SMITE, NITORN E - AT -LA Ismentre tit Pottsville, Ps Sanuarly . . 1, ID I. ANIEL D. DILLM.A.N.- —ATTOILNEY-AT LAW, Pottsville. °Moe, No. grMahantongo January 16, 'OB-8--t1 , A LBERT KN/T.T.LE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAIC •ti 0rth..11,161n. let Centre street, Pottavllle,Pn. All etaltusinucaptly collected. October 16, ~GEORCia CELEJLBEWS, ( Late or the Chambers -bun Bar,) ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, No. 181 Ceti - - 41'0R., i floor,)Pottaelne; Pa.. ' 'Noy. 8, 'OB--45.=-Ay . LAW AND COLLECT/OD OPPICE., CHRISTOPHER LatTLE, A.ITORSEY AT LAW AND NOTAIIN PWSLIC. • Porrsvmot, Sttuumittu. Co., Ps: ' - - Sept. 1. 111-1.--ly . . guntber. joz.zr oTTo's t4,, k LU M BE R* tr - - WIT.LIILIOPOUT, PA Juno - 114 'lll3 • -, • • • Al. Piatasr.' pAsivini 4 cOalr, X l3 ,c'liii,4ls‘ DEALERS IX ALL KINDS or LUMB E R, (LOICG AND ENDILT). BILL TIIII3teFOR stoning, BitEKKEIrtS. Boats sawed from Whit, sint.lrelloW Pine, ' Oak and Hemlock; and althiped *Order. ,Al/0, PLANK BOialtoS.Stdniten,./Ant. FLOOR I.lkrti •!Er. Offices at WArsostorroWst, PA., and . • LOCK HALITICIN, - • P.B. Weedy' by Baatand Rellrolid. April %MO-ISCm CORK PINY arro I•lmmut numrr, tyrrof& mi]wzit, • Manikacttmmi of tad DEALERS IN LUMBER. • n ArmumaioutoCui#A. . Jarrett airtai, wait or 0 at MM. licDONAtl ros iAm Box 'tll-0. 'DORT OARRON.UIESZR - YA, an AND 1 - PL AN/NG "ITT .:, WU. BEUC7ILEY, Proprietor, .tvieeeeme :Deane ticitil • wide Ntattlook, Oik as/White Plite Lumber, spud abrao bar an butt* it largeltittit Axis% goal% BHP* Work done at ta i myot pmts. tad delivered rptrititlrl .; at,tbit Pottartille /*pat bar afeharge. : ' ' • ; etty! Sawing aadkaratalas dame* iiii,el - 50 tla 6- _ , Akootaat"Asor aad uilder. • tke aka.. • utalakar aaffa . : it 7d mica , r . 4l4llftioc • Nate -*ems_ , - - C. t 4 . 6- . :if • - EICO MEM MEMO a)1411313r 74 21 and user cam. 000114 rd don. PartfoaaraUesitl4lll to oar as Oa% JIII7 MA, • ' , Wt. vim, 179 ess-rz =as ll " ,9 1 . 0999 ry "41 • - ' I • : I • - • 4. op Tag PEACE REAL tartars - .A.cnorr, LI CM4SED AIICTIONEEII. 4 : I • No 3 MALitAarronaalft4 • Pa. Special attention given Wall• simrs branch Raving a large • • • • and promptness wonurised.. r • .. solicited and wIU weelvelnuiredlaga • r January .4 , 1* " `WM. L. Diiine, ;1 Piacticat Plum* 00..0111!;111, Na 20, 111.14Lawrx!G4t - . • Hsv n been is the busizialicrcerill adelphis eves him 'uSitsual his supplies trim ttritidiss liouses":4k situation paid to eiciiistry f` FAROS N.ABT ABORTMIKM.-:' • r kr- V kinr r tiTRICET. • 8 1 Valk. •_ - Inventor of the self-dumplng cages, • of coal breakers bait the usual !height. saving br a great amount of timber in a large b er. The self-dumping cages are for slopes and with ot without door to car. and with water; attached to dispense with ,pumpits, Itself-4 nips one or two statism, and hasft one. Moor those cam at theaame time. . H The advertiser will plin, superintend 0' -to build colliery improvements at all kit .1,- ...11i:1 7 . F. virurnimpt. ' • :BAN ICE R, -: 1 160 Centre. Street, iottsvffle, I'la, . • . , t i • . GOLD AND: SLIN4.II, ~. • , FOREIGN EXCHANGE, 1 ~. 1 , .. • UNTiED STATES - AND OTHER IItiNDS. . MONEY RECEIVED ON. DEeterr—rsivßEErr allowed as per speelal agreement. - i STOCKS and BONDS bought and soldat the New York and Philadelphia ,Boards of Brokers at the 'ustud-Commission. . , ....4. .I .1y Jan( I, '7O ' • . 111 CAVE YOUR MONEY BY ' SA'VTN YOUR ....) /MATHER. .. • ' ' :1 • - BUY . BUY , 8101 - - , BUY' - BUY . . BOW C.• S. FOSTER'S -C, S. FO O S4R'S 161. S. FOSTER'S . ' C. S. } E ER'S-• Wi4r Proof Grease and Leather Priierrvative Interior qualities of Leather made imp l ervious to water.. Old Leather made soft and pliable,With color renewed: more lasting than any otherof tit kind in market, and applicable to all kinds of leather. . Miners will find It the best article they aver used to protect their Boots or Shoes from st E 4od s hair water. lor sale. wholesale or retail, by CL L.FOS *TER; Ashland, Pa.; and In Pottsville by Be ht & Co., . Fox d Bro., Jesse Foster, Thomas s ad L. Foster. . • .. . - Slay Mi*-..T.4.1. FB. RAERCHER,. GENERAL /NEM:, . 11.1iNCE AGENT. - I . . attiVe, Peansylvanla Halt Pottsville, is.,, LITEIIPOOh it LOND(PI a . 81.011S ISSURAICIt . CO. Cash Capital and Asiets, . , - 819 1 000,000 Invested imthe United litotes. over . 1 1 500,000 ----- V 11031 E IN t rIIRANCE COlifil s NE. . 'NE ItAvi".N 'CONNECTICUT: . , , . Cash Capital, k .... 00,009 , Surplus Jtvn. Ist, 18ra, -.* .. ' 5189.070 98 Insurance effected in the ooat CompanieSem Livor able terms. Losses promptly adjustecland,paid with out delay_ . . • ' - gam I,'y 8 --1- OLD AND TRIED.: T4corez!bruerz: 1 . . • 1 • PUICELY, MUTUAL. BERESMItif „ LIFE , INSURANCE co ANY, MASS: . - • -111011 AS R. PLUZ.:KETT, President.; JAIIIKS' FRANCIS, Vice President. BP CHICKERING. Secretary andTreasuret. GRElENg,.4S.Sistant Secretary Non-Forfeiture of all Policies Guarantesif by Law. • - 5 In case any premium 'is not paid when 01 the poticy.is not forfeited; hut the holder rent . in sured for the full amount, until the premin dy paid and unearned IS exhausted br:, , of insurance at the net rate. . • • ' , • Example at Um Age of 433 . . , . One Annual,Cash Premium on an ordinary Lifo Policy will continue the insurance for 'r WO IYEAliki. and 66 DAYS from the limo the policy Was issued; or ONE YEAR mai lii DAYS .after the !SECOND ANNUAL PREMIUM DECOMES DUE.I Should the seoorid.prenalurn nut be paid, and the ;Insured die within one Year and (Si days after Backlit:lon-pay ment, the full amount of the policy would be mid, less only the.premluinAue and unpaid. The larger the number of premiums paid. the longer will the insurance mot inne, in case of non-paymeed of ine: raium. . . 'The Berkshire Life Initiratice Company' has Paid under this law Sir Claims, which .in Companies of other States would. have beetiworthless; and Is now continuing the insurance on over 400 policies on which the holders have been unableto!payk.pre mlutn. . . The last &Jahn paid untler•thls unit-forfeiture 'Plan' was that of a member who insured a few years since for S3.JOJ. In Bet he failed to pay his auntial pre•' Millms; in 'January - last, one year and flee ;months afterwards, be'diell. The Company has paid to the widow the full amount, 51590, less only the overdue :payments and interest. ' . . • • . Every Member. Receive* crest,/ ,Days,4`nourgnce pctid /or, - • ALL PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE POLICY Commcin Pleas 'o • • HOLDERS. ANNUAL CASH DIVIDENDS: - I Ego - .4.:03.11CAV MANAGEMENT. Careful aelectlah of lives. - Safe, Invusit l nfnta. • Good Agents'and Sol letters wanted. t For Infortnatlon, apply ,- at the borne calm, or to W. If, GRAVES. General Agent. - S. W. coy. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT • Oct Id'V PHILADELPHIA.' 11==1 46 ffi/EE HILL" SELECT' FAMILY BOARD" -1 LNG SCHOOL. • 1• Au Engltsli, Classical. Mathersistical;Scientlltc • Artistic InstlXistlou, . VORyOUNG- MEN AND BOYS; • it Pottatows, Icrutgoofry CO., To.l. i ' • The Find Term of the Nineteenth Annital Sealskin. will coramence on - WEDNESDAY, the atli day of SEPTEMBER, next. Pupils received at any, ttme. For CI rtiolars addrty nIRV. GEORGE F MILLER, A. N., Principal. REFEILKSCEB • DES ..,-Nleiggq Schaeffer, Manni Erautb Se'l2l, 7 ifuhlenberg, - ritti r t Hotter, Stott Conrad, Ildnibrirger,Wylle;Sterret e ,Murphi7,Crilikstianks o lic. HONS.—Judge I.udlow, Leonard iti4ers, M. Itusael Thayer, Be. Boyer, Jacob S. Y 4.llleilter 1)11V...4i - toles E Ca dwelt, James L. Cloghorn, C. S. Grove, T. C. Wood, iliirvey Bancroft, Theodore (31.' ga 805.. C, F. Norton, L. E. lloopt S. visa ery,Miller .1 err, Charles Wannertincher, James Kent, Saattoe dc. Cy., 6:e. (July 31, tia73l-11 ECM _-celam ik t-_ ~ _ _,- --... Lae per gefisiiglisciton girl= • ctibrinaltratedlada. r = usthgcontaining sisemiriess and testimonials 11. them t also cotaining mice list of i , ' Wood and i lron n Cars. Iron n Tubs and Barrovnkreit anal Hook Docks, de. • alto containing mud] informili. Mon to Opal mercbanta. - Pari. - bEimacit co:. , Albany Agriculittral St MacltineWor ' Jan 1. 'O9-16-3tati-ly.. - •:; - . . Fir Yolit. C TEPEE - N*lON :SAMMY' • As at ....I some Co - Merlon ere damp LS not' and be ittimmon Davy tamp Is not eon d safe, we have Taloned slot orthe Stephenson which contain* el:enter glass tube 11= 1 Artkr i urti gauze.' ThibiLamp from recent experiments Made In knatend . Is considered the !mama LamgiuseAnd is now extensively used tritdl the =stile *perks In England. For sale wholesale and ret , -The - CLAX.NV LAMP. the . GANT -LOW. .arid Safety Lamps of -all the most a 1 made of Inspected Govenument by Ilitr a wie dozen or hundred.' . _ • , These lamps we all mane anted to own order, And we-use , none but peas artbe per. a Med by the English Government for ' , - • •• Gauzes cocistantly on band -to snit rid use, so that ire can .sup as pto replace gauzes that have Worn ' gnaws Dar sale by. the yard or plemsetsolemalo or - • Ad dy ess, •GAlittAN it ILPill • .-- k. . • . lartientre Street.— OM R. R. Coon'. LEHIGH 1 76.1..L.M1f itel-ILBOAp 99 4. . .r.: Time Table simians; nominator's . ' of tbl V. R. It. Co. with those of the Ficfla; .. _act:tending 114. R. Co. to and from Pothrtil hi and Interanadmil pmts be tio 'went Reading and Pottsville.- - - • , , . .A.M.f..CI AL , Leave Pottiertlie:_:„..- , ',.--....z..-.....! Mk ll. 1 2,411 - Reading. -‘,- .." - -, 7.0 . I I ' 4.21 , I 1, • " East Penns:JaketionL..- ~ BM MAST LSO; Arrive at Easton • -.:.-..- ILIS . ..11.411 4.111 .' -- New Ycirre. - .7...----..... MIS t P. ilil P. UM METITUNISG.'I • . . ..........4 i 1 WM MIS East - Pi - nus7itist.S...=::: - -- 4,2) . ri_ Iteaßing....:„.. ----....-.--. /0. LOS Arve at Potion 11e.. - ....;;.------*-;.... " TX . , . • For MUCH _. I.M'C'lkil. •-- and In p_oints leave Pot nivnie ILO and toca: Of.. Anita P: aiLt par live at Manch Manh_litOXlM. AO andIIAIMAL ..,,. RETURN/NA_ leave Ilistreh Chalk, fuldand MN P. M-Antire at Pottirrilk4lsLl 45 pwlic . • For all yob:dein the. and Ibr: Towanda, Mravettroteeht --- 44slirer.' - '' Leave New •-- == IMEMI BM MMI - 3nsuranci. eutationat. TYv ~~y ;; - .; OMB . :.. .i:: _ ~ j ~~~ ,3rd-~. ~'` k ';i+w: '~'i m'~~: , W EE3 contract, 4s. 144/ October 16. 4t6 - . \VAL - K*4R SL:' PRICE . ~, NEWIINI4 iTA ' mAIRANTroriGo sirßtErf T WILL OFFER, FROM THIS DATE , D 1851. PRINTS, 8 cam EIL T ACI,. AND COL'D AirACCAS. ° i SILKS, WIESS GOODS, - of all kinds. I. • • NOTIONS; &c. i i I . I • I ' '': . 1 /Or Como goma a l lici. 4iTee, for yoursolf. ' t ; PRICES CANSOT HELP.BUT BE 1 1 :0PUI,AR. ,• , • THE NEW ONION 6RY ' GOODS STORE IS THE PLACE' FOR BARGAINS. Mn'Oli 9 ,' i 7 . 0. - -. -. 1 6 It . ~, Jan 4-2-13•41.tw ' • ' ' . . . -:_ ' , NITEti STATES BC:kji BOUGHT; SOLD AN,DI ON MOST RENSON4 COURONS C r kSl-I,Eri. "-4 PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS M STOCKS 130VO ITT A NI) 7 SOLD. COMMISSIO! . . Acconnte received and inter t aliowcil lin daily , . balances noilect to eli cit. za sigh'. 1.1 i : ' 1 ;' ' t t • : 4 E h 1 . • ( "• , • , r ) k r r .fn• -* . '! , ;,: i.,- . .- . 1 • No. 40 8, THIRD ST., PN p :MPH lA. march , , „ .., • _ • ...de.‘A-4 •,.‘1:44,'-',i,..'it -. ~ - -, .1" . . -- "1.....„ „....... - ... ..........„ , r ._:---.._1 .... z . e ,: . - ' Ch. ..,... „.......: ___,.,....... 1..... ,,i,..---.—.7 74 ., , The advantages and attract fins of . tbie LOAN, for , investment purpnses, are run y and portant : 1. It is baked Upon one of t . o Great TilaocGll ' IMlESagrtriss Tun SE.AIIO f UID 4 7 D IZIE WEST. , 2. Tux RECIIIIITY 1$ AI # 4IOADY . A.:,IIOXTIED, the I .greater part of the line being n staful-rtinning 1 operation. - .• ; - 1 ai The LocalOntille, fr6sti tit unrivaled Ag`rieul- turn' regions and Iron and C.4al:dePusita adjacent; 1 nine! belarge and prof:Wade: 1 is • •. ~• 41. The enterprlte twelves LMPOTANT '27olVelnu SION* AND PO.IVTI.COM from the States. of Virgin-hi l and West Virginia. ;, • i f 1' • ' '; , • 1. -. i , ...,,,. i . . 5. It is under the naanageinent of efflcient and • ;!ELL-ENOWN CA PlTAiTSißcliiiirr.o ri.fttnes are snai- unto* for tee PAULI etaIPI4ITION Latid SUCCCaAtiI , . - I , e. The Bonds can be had either In i . . , • I .. I•' . ' ' - . i . --- COUPON OR REGISTERED - • ! operation. • .21 , 47 . , they have thirt.y i yearsran,: both Prise' ps! arta assailed beini Finable la 'told. MOOR - i4e ire ardenamlnatiornrat: c0...g incr. in the { rat e of peer .cent. to coin i Piiiiib.k.mnir island November lit.., : ' ,:: - : . IPsoot our tattoo's, solousiore Ottfi the :Whirs ink *Atka ,t4', the Cossp y, weknow these :osoititisitOW PeliaLP26 , 40 1 41404 6 ;,41digultaili far . fail onoiracont . liciansam!4tiit )iikiictqol*Ot Government 14 : Brit y ol t : / . ! I .iiiie. , 0 I Estate/ 1 / 2 Ossi otheei: who , ipiefFOkbecolate Peisr§t • Oltbills l o4s4!. In_ _ ''..'• ,1,..' 1: Malden; Of ,1714101 , m- Fitio-TwOottoo ino:eria. ' ions toil Mist SopOossto iltiosOl ' i the oarse rate or fitteiest lad - tioviiiris : POll4_l# *4.414., to realise a brie Ittesooo of : t, It if ißt " Boo4s mid Btocaui 6141, lia4 Ur ! 4 1 0 *: 1 4 t1412 4 lloiiairedln,aitiiin on' itt*:fnis a. .1 Mi. nani*l 6 t - 1 11: . 4 " 111 , 0 • 664 :,. n? a tis Itf .r* •Ifi! t r. ' •f',"7 81 1 MI Pi 6 90 ind APFIDO I !#rt i '.,C urre !'"' • islgoeutagais 11,1ke4 . 4 a 44staleethft 401**19 - ' ; ~~~~~~ v ' • W OA — , .. __ P. ,..) P .: , .- I- 1 I '' ' on easily tlardood, 1 ' Dy 'our syste of Self.mosaareni t, tm nru.encble. i customers to se d their orders in 'Ouch a warti to ELECVD,II AS. GOD PIT as crugh they came themselves , to 'Mar Estahliallm, tint Onr. linprov Itnles for Self-lleastirement, Samples and gripes 1 raiisent - when acted, and PROCITT ATTENTION giVen to all orders, with WM/LAMER of - :dire ,satisfaetion, " 1 - 1 t ' 1 :k. J 11 KR. 1' WANAMAE • 1 NM ill SIi f VER GOLD - Algy GOODS " 1 .R0311 THEIP ,SUPtitIOD STOCK" • AT TRH :ES LOW R- THAN. GOLD BASIS , • , GRE f-M =IN -IN pRICES. l• ~__ i _ sll[QilCil~~_ ..-ExcitANG ED, 81. ; TERM S . D G CY • SOLD - .Boucart AT MNR-IT R MEE BOUGHT ANT; SOLI) REIM $lOOO. $5OO. 9 4 sit+ BI me:am it *ATM; • • ' ll4 rrirince ,, , . , - . !. HEM THQ...41A...S J. 3 614 - 0110 E,: ' .12_ BUILD= - ;• i ZITSt C341•541g0 andl'Bpuggies • or ritaiumr Alen it* .arriLltidt anima DIAPUFACTORY ft. Bacons itairtlqoarrinuift Wit.. ors Scittaa* sacs QV Molars= Honan, , ,. PA. . cs. i s ntbr on hand a iond •staortlpont tior i peoond- Laney' S and Ettutzlis. • • 8 attention Tr; to rettninalt,,' , 'F , Pri' 4ll • 111-21, - 'itrt NE NEW GAEVANIZED IRON CLOOLES can'be hat* at . • • • SOLOMON -nRE, - ,- ,number of ca ts dt COOKING and PASLOB . :5.,-TeeS; ES. which I be baa at mOderate,pricee. Ile I al has a splend isl assortment of Tin'. Brass, BrAtania; r J , i natl. (Slaws. Wood and Willow 'Wgre, 'follow and If ware. Also, Brushes, Brooms, Oil Cgothe Table CI Alta, Door Mats, Clothes Wringers, Truss carving an I Butcher Kniveg, Coal ; Oil •Lanips, knives arW p i goirks, nod nit kindsetf 011ostweire.i Alsetirldlrens. liciasting Pans, Ch Meerut' Sleighs and Skates, Tills, Tea and Butter Spookts,; Mice mid 'Rat:Traps, Patent . 1 Nutmeg Grates, FSpittoorts, Lemon Squeezers . and liras ers, Bird tie% bade Matss,TableSaws, Cies ,verw 1 list Whips; 11,0 ling. Pins, Potato Mashers, Breed lhatnis,.l% - taih Boards, W ooden , Boxes, Flat and Tailor I rOS, rtionsagei,l'utters land Stutrers, Clothes Liner ,I i t onis, tiottuniPins, Corn Poppenr, Cake Cutters, t died icks. 4:tredge Boxes, Savings • Banks, Match xee.Schtail Conipanions, Slates and ,Peucils, Toilet ~, se , Bath Tuba, Haten'ela, 11/lumen, Axes; Deed and k , Bond Boxes, Flour Sieves, Merttl Sews, Coffee Mills, - concentrate/1 Lye, Glwa Drainers, Fancy Toys, La Cares, Wash Tuts +, Wash Bowls. Sheet Zlne, Market and Fancy 'Baskets; Castors, halal lkilei, Shovels, Pokers:Tongs, Coal Buckets , Tea Kettle+, Stove - and shoe Blacking Also, ells, Paints, Varnishell, Win dote Glass, putty, Lankerns, and many articles. tow numerous to mention. Also. itdOtlng. Stool lug, and eslkfrids of Jobbing done to . order, and at tire ratort notice. Persons Wishin arty of.the above man tic r ed articles would (Jewell K by railing and exiUnin i before pu rehashig elsewhere, • , ' „ ' ,!. v SULOMON i ,troovgn. . 20 , - No. gentra Strait. 11..*M1-4141-tv r !, 1 t, ! - • t e. • , 74.—ti1 ".; IMEII M lu r vxt,;'.4.110.‘*.78 0 AND .STEEL, - At ml - mt fi scilV3l74. lqn.r.r: Centre Street: GO AND SEE .t i I , ' • . THE DAVIS EPRIGR.YDR.. . the worldk lAt MYER. ;:ft' SCRUM'S, • Int% No. lit Centre street.; . ACALLC. -- ' AT _. ,', • I , . , .., lman• & SClinit'S New Elardware Store. No. MI (*titre 5t..10 bay, eheap ' Garden Rakm, Spades, Shovels, Corn and garden Hoes of an, kinds. SCA.LEO,.BpALES, I sol►zEa, RlR 4 tutt. fled ti best itt the market. at MTER Agents. .o. MI Centre street. roue-, J p i . 4lk I vi le. i f AXE •71102'WEii 4 . 4-7 • ludident and Mee 'fit MYER, d SCHLTU'II, inni bob:night chea t: C:l lng Hardware of all kind*. via: Paints, 0114 cement. Plaster. ladtaaay !Ts& Ind Mal. Alio, errs pats Plper.of all slim - Kieft -, • •. • .• A, .” .A . • • • AA: . A ban. aloe • a • oia AA -band. in • e erK Own:mated galvanized koo. that , tot rest and will• keep Ice Motor -for twonty• • bOuri very ebtaip, at ,", I. C.. rucatesows .- Beeketlynakes,l l lSeklo4 and lIMEIIIOZeph....• ' theOPPlifiehlog titan 4.4, *iimcor - - • !, ' O....THOMPISTiIa.' sakitntaatiii 144. at all alma aad la= battoaa, aratatalattreara. , far suds at P • by . • • • . ellota. No: Dm;fora:* MOW% B? 0143 g 0 E, RAT . 1 - 141 D, CAP 421 7 0 A8i , eirrextrllitai.thtaicatA;' - tir warba. , W X. REPAIR'S 4 0 0 1 fIlkiftirap OKII,I, - iitPoRTATiT. ; ' ,-,yl , ' - ''. &seo rTg , mpon ~-u..-1, .. o p rh " , 4*._ , ~. zoiriaaredartz fl,• 4111 V ''''' t wo to 41 . . 04 ''. i r l iPAC Ir to , •(- • 11 . 1 r . " 414 '- - - 1 ,'....';-:.*.1 t..1, - 4161.170 11 , 11 A - Ali' , i ::". I ,i—r:l .'.', 1-• " ~. - 1 _-• • 's. - - 1 / 4 ,l:_i --„I ' ' :: - ‘ - - - .71 - • - i~ 1111 • Stobes, natty", •M:, tarbtua;t. No% Ago 4...i11f:,,i-i' - -.:... - ..f:r . ..f1::•, - . - All_ . : - :::. ~,-_*::i,;.,•::--•:',1,..•;:--.12..1t1'.,..:-.,:i,F....fi._,W,,,-; MO= WANTIID:-Ld Prinethalimary ate wanted tor tb bathe Omit° l e -a s irm=-Irtisx4 __J'et tare' Borollith et: win babel , sweithe. exiumnetion of WO tactic* Mtn to Crem""e i San pf, l l* t Eck, E.• lion MAN. 1 - • Awe 11."10.1114 i . • - • ,• - ..ispe-81: (Wreeeherilrate in And three remake; for the Tonnont lioroo la gt Ltoot .11 Ihublle eihntlattlon of teacher. nlll •tw La , the ,munt:f floPerintendont on Wedneed ; IXS.; Appltoente are expertnt to to itttit, the ilooteitnattoni:; By order of the - ; AJone II "4-htat ' .. :: -C. Ir. ItROWEIti& 3", . iFithtes,Ani) euLtc arAmmi,=. - _ - • .EY. . 111 JEWEL Nct. News IntOnall lEPtiqam.coaxint or * *trannT.PaThanittrstia. , • inottnbent of Watatca,"Jewelsy„ Wier an Wars . constantly • on,. tumid. Aepstrlns .olses and Jewelry pcomptty fi,indad assustONl. • - . . - • :13—ann , . Pea Wakiresiiid Jewerrr r .— kaAsitult.ll,#: • • - C s OLEt) SELMSB •AllE) EILVER PI A Were et every description iind latest des imitable forliridalGitts;Xestiminibiliclicdiday, yttt - Erkes krirer than the".repdar market: e l tYsprdliiFY Inducements topm . • GEO.OEstat 5d, ;4.23.41144y No.7leArehstreetildledelph °3• 't FIS H ER BR ' CL§- n ' ' '/93r = +lL:aim! Clocks, -Tkielr3r. 'Wedding and t Maga, cta X solid.) tglver. and,. Warci SA•lics • Work. 'kites, China am, etc. • t smortment of Mason - les and ;e r as it 'o).'s Parlor and Chia& Musical Merchandise generally, eXe..lt-repatring bp competent workmen: --. )0101 and muuntne before purchasinrclaewhere. Milt BROTHERS. lati Centro Street, Pottsville. Sent, I. •03 , - 1-4-d .. • . fr% P X NINO DdY. - - • ' Hiring just returned from the Eastern markets, - Mal open on the. Ist of Deoember, the firiest.lviso meat of Holiday Goods ever offered in Gdsivlsrke ethbreetrig both Foreign and Domestic Caney 0 ... ands as 0 VA:AND .TANDKERCIIIEY BOXES. VOR li 8D.N.03, [I . • - . " li• - I-43 • ' . BoattEt vAsEs,- . ~ • . ' 1,2, 1 ) -7::' • j .. til-D7 - EL F L IGURES, ' l3ll, .O . N - ZFIS :' , GC ~.- , lld *Hinz S i lver Ware to great N'ariety. ''Fin ed Ware of beautiful design. Call arid mak 7" ideation'. - '-,. •' . . •• R. C.: GREEN, 1 . CENTRE-81 4 ., near Miners' Dank; PpTISVIL.II. lt i tsville.,Atiguitt M. VI . - - Z—lydw ME craax & RIDDLE, JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, dc?ors t2th sc.,) fel CHESTNUT SOEET.-PITILADIELPHI.I • • " ; op, H • , 4y:t. 7N4.41A,./ • 11S-VO now opened a choke stock acx:nxi: ran trade and Holiday Seasan.:lo9lnpr 1! :AMERICAN & SIVISSW4TCI3 8:' IV LILY; STERLING , SILVER iNVAIVE, FINE • . ELtITRO.=PLATED WARE,' TABLE., • 1. I•• ' • CUTLERY; : • • !to, a fine itssoettnent tit, • - ; - French Maatle Clocks, Bronzes, ' &lighiln•French and 1, ienna _ - - - Leather and Fancy Goods, Of ;oar (en Seleetlan the past Summer In Eaio;e:,ap of ;which we areoffering at very inOclerata pc..1(?e4., HERRING'S ~ k PA) ax.norma . . . . . . F RE & k BURGLAR PROOFSAFES I • 1 . . (wirix Dux FuiANGs,) - , ..tiiwrded the Prize 3lednLe at World's Fair, .London, :-.1 1. ,World's Fair, New York, Expo.sition i... , • . Universe/le, Pasts. , .-., L i •IF.44tIME.L, HERRING 8:: CO., • " . •:,•• .. r • i , CS CII,,ESTNET STREET. • ' , : HARVEY GILLAIL 1.. __ _ . . • , Mt& MATTHEWS,. ilinimotaxmA. , ~.. , 143E0. W. MYER% - J •: 1 . . • NO, FARREL & SRIIR.SiN, New, Tort, i ElRlETta rA T ßEL Cid a esse. to4 - lir ; w ' C o Tort. ' . . More than 10,000 HERRING'S SAFES stave been, .=l:4Sre now In use; and over si x HUNDHED have thiongh eel:ldeate/ tirea,priwierving their con tend& fulsome instrinoes,where many others failed. ' Itsoo:en HAND SAES, OiKAIr Own and other makers hating been received in part , parlor the. Improved rierr;nei!Patent Elaamp l. ion,,for sate at low - rates. ;ine 24 . TO , ‘ ~ 1 .. , - , -21-1 V . , ...• iinigs , , •' N .Evir p.1117G STOKE,. • • ; • ;49 :CENTRE STRtE e",`: • I ' - r • • • (I,PPOSITS 01.DVOWN rtrp DRIJOS FINE :OFEritfcALS, RR ' • TAII3L;E fttllclNE§', all% : ny4 'on hand. , I rotild•respectinny attention to my pycliltra volt! a Iron. , Cala-say-a MTh, ac., hi .which 1 ;hale: endeavored to overcome the ,tAtternesm and *teiallie taste ciorinnon to - thixse valbahle tonics, and 11?legid into pleasant cordlals. l .1; Tim my.Cologne,Verbena and Violet Waters. Al so, y Tooth rowder, wilicit is considered' a :cm ' , o :fintj article. , ' 1 GEORGE W. KgIV.:4.:DY, Apotheeary, ." 1- . Gradnite of the L.Nillegent Phartuacy,Philad'a„ SOL .1 I. 110-37--ir • rt.o-=.4l—trd 11 Xaodi~aesntesit W 7, BCmti'' Y.. it/ " 12-Iy-Pciw DR.FITLER'S 1 1 HEUMATICJ I , `, VEGETABLE.. I I EMERY.'' , • i WARRANTED Br' AFFIDAVIT, - . ..i. A PERMANENT CURE FORia -.4 i ,.' PHEUMAT;SM AND NEURALGIA? Mi.-. . . .: 1 'This vestetable Iternedy as the prescription ; of the the ;eminent Philadelphia Physician and Professor,' ./oaltert. P. Frrtan, H. D., who hisa devoted, 1: years 'to Rheumatism and Neuralpda specially, and is by j the Xaedleal Profesolou publicly announced as the thigMtst authority - Jo Rheumatic complaints. Hee teathmony.) ~ It is pit.asant and agreeable to the taste i tuni:lwarranted free from minerals and Injurious 11 1 1. is a scientific preparation, a medical mon. ittpo , and warra nted tinder solemn oaths perms men harmless, pmdtive cure foe Intlansatory Rhea. Anatisin, Chronic Rheum:ohm), Rhissmatistn. Rhea. thtm of Kidneys, Neuralgia in the React, Neural:- itla in the itodyf eryous Headache, :dui Nervous; slisettem. Sold ty.Druggista at II per teattle,; Fpotttra. edical advice, without charge, sent Say letter.. All orders sent by` Express' collected on. 4eipiery, ttepot; \0.;.3 South FOURTH street, thitiAlelphia„ , 4 - Nur Pospbatts. ' ciwzwe ookpLETE NArinutzl;, — .-- .3., i • i • sums Piton , - Li iER ' PHOSPHATE OF" LINE, AMMO ,' - • , NIA a POTABIL if ' 1 Far Hale by all Leading Pealeins LP RFECT FERTILIZER rim .A.p.r. CROPS. il Oriiini' %milt of the redneed cost Of llaii„Matertals, I Am ennteed to sell "Complete Manure at a lover W e l an tsTutr aid of ra m inaci tr ilne al it b 4 tgrg- ' rHENBIr ManuLesetsArth,.. tlandit, 14 4 ''} ' only.* nasa.rrituidelphta. 0 4 * . tri l i,fri nvean r4, 4l. taist elen awell , ts tAl a eflai lastloit WWI(' to th*AKILL, ~ ~ for krinl r n' eritt a l Oc t t t. e en ii " f.?ce*Pl t L a, li t C, -i n lempy ujrirt ?Lar i : Maribstl it and of id lhe New F ipaaaa.*Statts, *I " lug In ^a ... ft, tot the es = er a " ' hiul WElt, Feir ro- ,/,3r mu, -- wocoNomutampagwr,'.o4: •i ! i • AH marllisda.: l' 1 , . ✓ . 1 0 6 Booth Street, . l lalthaore;_Md. - 3W:, 10111.111AW4t021111- , i, , :. ' I ''• ! - ,i , 131111Ptit . Fri:loor litA TE, Qp..,i4 31 * . . • .0. 0)E „Mk— . -.-. ., i - h . ; • . , ' i , !::6 44; 0 !-- , v 1 it . 1 ., ; :d : ..,' ~ 1 f;, , • - , . ^ - ~ ~, :',., ; • il :., L ' ''. '' ‘• ' ,rj- . t' -- - F A it .Att ..t R - 8 !.. ) ;. 0 47. 14 114,. - IWP lEAT '. l orpligAts*i. i 1 -TO THE - trY:o*t..Yoult sou; a iihaelklionii4tul-llixashieleal muds :ot :. , l ly , =ma MIMM - 44—ti„'s*-Ai!ttt'' - fir.„. eft WA %I& 'Atm _sersemii,Eootax„:9 KlPlzikkaPuniwitiout .alletr etrt,te telotiete Albeit bastners: • -. • CR AVISEITON ',..- 210.1013tettkhe 84 1 the Iteboote- - vreeMmt InutteV.-extr —Mate lertere school; ity.lve dol_ ,• the ma other atuithe FeatiloTeeetwe Mtn ?Term, plot_tooottis. An In the Btlek School ' Id day of June, tottunenetog Yr the County I ttureinteteem " "s= l the "Ildwil a ". COCIM.L. y. ItOLIPAY GOODS itt•rs, ~ • • : . -- Sant G • iied-WATXlakeitnilrbal• eip "I NTA LI 4M ore prowth„, 4 •la 4 , , anitiPilusdir ; t i m i Nrair..o • •41pr11174-71".1Wir • _ - QIECUIMIXLL OQ sirs N 4 00!. latiOool,v, atoes A.L.Tibigioul; Pram Asi...mciaquom onspitnimeemreponetse shoes; rmigrond geMtador tided. Meat Wings, and moukts made to Flat. Sar i Rannot_suld *mare. andutarsal:d, U , aur atm. - w 'Man"' loath luso od- non *am tram 14eet..espe. faallY &dined be atiNKFar D pioNzasia OAR; WORlghl • - - - ' JCitsErlit .DELANXT; PROPRIATOR• . • AsWalk& 4114dittlat Cbustot t salartted Wear Shop. It ttow itrejtared; .r haild otetrarar mining purposes, &WWI Meehltak and • haring for - yeast. denoted Molten entirely to this branch of tbe bust andintilding Pic s a* COAL 11.9EMICEIM the Patentee of two Celebrated Setr-Duasplng Cam, which cats be seen tracittft at the works, alcsam Bad Lewis & 0°,4 and Pancreas. alttinghasn & . Co, Ashland. mad at Blear& /1.. A. . 11,. 1itt Co. 'Preston Collieries. Gtrardrille. Coal II ere bunt at the shortest notiee4 Orders tiollett Aprils, 10-1.1-13 r • ; _ . TOSEPH.pIi:LAKEY.. SEZNANDOIII -ON 'WORKS. ThO subscriber I ..wpropur • W to-‘bultd. fitesiir Poem*, "tom Coal MreIIXCEIN and • • Drift Girt.. All kinds ot *w 0 11 =5 t si ltil i rita.de to order. . _ tiori. pald' , So.lhe zusuulkicttere o f .....„ . _.. wheelt. ..- • JOILN CATHEiI. - -1 .±,,. "-- Shereirelosh City. Jen. 1 m--1. .. . ~ • . 'PO UNDRICAND ItACULNE_ 9 HO/".13T4A.15F: CIALE JrAcrraillrot.C. ; , . • • - ' Tie 'subscriber woUld attentions 'to tloi- superior biellitles. -iiessosied by 'him for the VAliCkallt bran es OiStCalra 7 Engine' building.; Iron Founding, and ;,;. - the insitufacturi air of ail kinds of inn. &filmy for Rolling 7311.1bii Blast _ _ ' Be wilt also iontinnalbe bristliest of -selling the miebrated Pine Franiiit White A.rh Coal., being the sole proprietor of thiamine/3- • `.. _ Rep.l. 410-1-Iyll Jan 1, , GEt). pOTTSTELLE BOLLUICi MILL. ATKINS it nonums, tnoraizroigt. • rettisnle. Iselnumlli Cessq. Pa. - Manufacturers of 11^1!road /TO l2 (b o lh T and Street' Rails) are prepared to re- ' -ceive and execute orders at abort:notice,. 44 .' 4 for any and all the ordinary sizes Making our own Mg metal, we are easeful to select suitable ones; hewers eau t excrete rely upon receiving in all eases tint class e smaller sizes of T AZ, v, 32, and 40 pounds to the yard.'always on hand, and supplied in small tots as wanted. Jan. 1, 10—ly TO COAL. OPERATORS AND ?LINERS. ••+. . . - • ' PIONEER 110p..ER WORKS;. llhe euhseribe_re ri.apeetfUlly Invite . the attention of the; Lewdness comma nity to their Boiler Works. on Railroad *- ,r 7" tit_ below the Passenger,Depot; PPt.W. vine, *here they are prepered to man- --....- • 13f:secure ' • , , .. . BOILERS OF ; EVERY BESCRIPTION,- , Smoke Stacks, Air Stacks, Blast Pipes, Onsomeicrl ' Drill ears, &c., &e. Boilers onlhanti. • • Being; practical rneclumies, snit . rf inn for years devoted - themselves entirely to thi itinincit ;of the• i bwiinetei, hatter theinselves that wiii clone at their establishment will give'satisfael ion' 'all who may favor theta whit Weal!. IndividnaL 'aeemapaules; will find IL-greatly-;to their advantage-to ; examine their work before;erigaging. elsewhere. ... : , „ 'JOHN 7..1t08LE, 1 • ) Jan 1,, "M--1- ; ; . . 2dATHEW 111101)1. .' One/Z.119 lEox WOEKS, - tai rT rn Lam. PENNA. • The, subscribers areprepared to fur m "gm r nish STEAM ENGIZZE,S and an kinds „e • of 3LACIIIICERY and CASTINGS for 3flues4,. Mast. Furnaces' Old eri- i i• - ;; Mills, and hare a full.rumrtMent of the • most approved patterns, for VERTICA 11.0 - 171, MILL ENGINES, s . grEFZERS, r , I: NCI 1 . - • ING •MACHIIs:F.:4, and ail other. Machinery required' to the manufacture of:Raliroad Iron and itars.. _ • The following Strata Engines are now on haturand ready for delivery- Eng'e IS-1n evl.l4l . lifirke'2Eng's 12in •eyi. hi in st'ke 1 " 14 " 2i " " "13 •• 1.. 1 " 'l4 " "11 " ••• 12 "." - 1 . The above Etiginesare all new, and built - uponth'e most approved prinelpies, and can - tie :seen at' the' works of the suisicri*ni. Also, a full assortment Of Pickering & 44team Engine GoyernorN_ qit band, which have glyen Universal satis:faetion.. • • Sept. 1,'4 POTT ,t'VASTIN NV 4.BGTOZir IRON NITORIEB I - 77 7 7 -- • NOTIM—The Works or the late firm o_ Wren' Brother, known as the "WASHINGTON IRON WORKS," located oittoal street, in tho 4/7" BorO4gh of Pottsville! will be contin- t kt . , tied by the subscriberin all its various branchesoria: Stearli-Engine building, andull kinds uf machinery for mining • Oilier coal or ore; bloat ftunaoes of hotoroo all kinds of mi irtad castings and railroad cur fixtures of wrought and coat n; all kinds of brass costly.) gs ;, all, Medi' . of smithwork, and all sizes of the latest im proved maims, single and double acting. • Repairing prompUy attended to and neatly executed,' . • Ily careful attention to business the sul.tScriber trusts he Will receive a share of the ,purdie patronage so liberallT bestowed on the late firm. ' 713-444 . LIMES WREN. A SHLAND IRON 'WORKS The Si lsscribers are now fully pre pared to furnish,' at the ' lr Ashlandon _Works, steam Engines and .Pumpsl of any power and capacity, for 'min ing:and ether purpastvt, CUal era •of every size pattern' ,flow to •gethet with 'eastinws and .forgir.gaof every . Roth Contend Drift t.,Sirs of Alt sizes'andi . 4l"l*NlL large Truck and Horse Cars; _all iarnistieß at the shortest 'notice. The subscribers hatter theinselvcs U - that, inasmuch as every member of the na i a practical mechanic, they .will be able to-furn i sh machinery that will compare favorably with any In the Region. All oniens directed to J. & Gicaxen, Ashland, Seltuylktll County,Fit.irtll receive prompt attention. • . J.,dr.111. GARNER.. Ashland,Jan'l ;70-1- • , • • 1 . EAGLE IRON -WORKS. r • • , HICHIY WALTERS,. Proprietor. • - • TAMAQUA, isfuitria.rim. COUNTY, Pi llaVing enlarged his foundry and inn- t , chine shop, at the Eagle Iron Works, Trimaqua, and thins very roatebrally inereastsl their capacity for turning out : it" work in his line of business, he the now _- prepared to make Sam Engines and Pumps of any power and capacity,: for • minas; Machinery, ter Ilreakers, Rolling and other mills, and -for Pur-„ naves; nil kinds of castings and forgings, An experience of many years In the business, with' the fealties which-these works now possess „enable the proprietor to turn out theyery,best and the most satisfactory work. , All orders addressed to HENRY WALTERS; Eagle Iron• Works,,Tenumiut, :Schuylkill County, Pa., will receive prompt attention. '' Junealt'ai—L%-tf THE PALO ALTO IRON COMPANY. 'Are Prepred to furnish T RAILROAD weighing froth :Di to 70 pounds per yard - - STREET. RAlLS—from 1$ to G pounds per yard, ...- to sett either for horse cars or loco motives. All these rails are. of -th • AND MOST. APPROVED 7 - rry. : TAWS NS. . AL.°, a general - a.s.sorf- want of MERCHANT DAIVIRO'N, Rounds, Flats, Smiares, Oval, Half Round and -Grooved_, ROCJP AND BAND IRON, GAIL AXLES RAILROAD .CHAIRS, FISH PLATES 'ANDIk in KSPIEFS;, for rails. DOLLS made•orthe best da of.cold blast ,'charcoal iron, ready for use, either for 1 , Tltils. • street rails or titr Iron. Also;)all . kinds - pf CASTINGS FOR ROLLING MILLS. We alsi in vite atlention to Oar DIFFERENT PATTERNS DF SHEARS, for cutting old rails, paddled him, ste., &o. :BENJ. HAYWOOD, President; • °Mee car. Second and Market Sta., Pottstille Jan' 1,54,..1 7 :* • - - FIRE BRII:YK-. • .• • Tzi_tnz M'Aux.—" MOUNT SAVAGE." 1. • United States Government Standard, .Mamithe.. - lured exelnAlvelv by the CONSOLIDATED COAL t...N33IFAN Y, of Ufa land ; for •Blastlng, Puddling, Smelting, and .9lass t;arnaces,.and all other. purp. a r iN " Vi= l.,-,. :ra. ( tu t zlial . bri i r=d o e r r= • Also. • • . • GEORGE'S CHEEK ciamnrimixi ) COAL. By - the Cargo,. froth the CoMpany'a Ocean ;Blue,. C DA - LTON Preshlenk CMhemo2 Square, e, Boat on. !LAS. S: MACKIE, Vice Presld.Mt, 7t Browlvrav, New York. JAS. A. MILHOLLAND,2O - Ite Pres 7-1,.: Arounthlavage, OILMOR MEREDITH, ' 25 South Gay streei;Baltlzponi. Dee. 11, 'O. - • 34-Cut . BALEWnir LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. - • • - M. ItAIRD & COMPANY. • Remo' and 'laminar! streets, Philadelphia, Penna., , would mil the attention of Railroad Managers, end those interested -in Railroad Proppeerty, t I erty, to their system of • ^ I Locomotive Engines, in which thee -•• -, in • = • are adapted to the particular bail - ' in iisr which they ~ may he reeiuired; by tint, use, lof one, two, three or four pair ot driving wheels,• land the use of tpe whole, or so ranch of the weight Ms may be desiMble for adhesion; \ arid itl, OCCOII2- modat4rtg theta to' the grades, curve% strength of at perstrtictlon, and rail work to be done...lly these means tho nuttimum useful effbet of the per to secured with the least expense far attend ee, cost of racy and repairs to Road and Engine. With these ohleett in view, and as the ?milt of twen ty-three years , practical exyerience In the business by our Senior partner, we tuartufacture live different kinds of Engines, and several classes of sizes of each ikihd. Particular attention paid to the gtrength of ithe matt' ne In the plan and workmanship of WI the tdetalls., Our long experience and opportunities of ;obtaining information, enables us to offer these eb- Igiues with the assurance that In efficiency, econO nd durab il ity, they Will compare tayorabl Y w it hose of any other kind in Use. , We also furnish to .rder, Wheels. axles, bowling or low moor tire (to - fit • ram without boring,) composition emulates, ler aye of every description of Copper, Shret-Iren d Boiler Works; and every article appertaining to' e repoir'Or renewal of Locomotive Etiginm - 4, M. BAIRD, , ', , GEO. DURNMAJe. Jan I, 73-1- • , cIIAS. T. PARRY. - ktr P Roe. 1.. Anntscg. f7tANCie If-t!ilt ,1 0 C OAL DMA T.ER*I. GAS COMPANTESr The nademigned having =meet' oto the sole manufacture of - A -DUMPING, ' MO/STING, • -. IiCOOP BUCKETS. IRON . MOIsTING CLOCR, ' A ' or unloading Cool, Ore, Ntil, eiortc• 1 . 150, In the 11111ZitandUre of pigir cARs. , IRON BOX iVDEELRIt DAi tO ti'l! orttens Nri!ly n'and OTlCE.—Deing the sole tremerit:of tie Patent t Ibe the Self Damping. Misting, Scoop Bueitet poet Ihoek.iwe amnion alt - persons against than emetartnig or poretuuttna the *sate Mut 11 1IY exeoPt or' oar wow. an •we prosecute-to, ItintLitor:lnfritreutent no the Lott, Ai n g eetib f r a t - D A DR.MDesaltft 4 . •re prost7 •. - -f- -47 • _ . I . iin ZAX.2llT4ll,7B4 l okONNOlraiwwwit./N = • nuar,„:- be landeisignel Milting bed 1.5 . ,elareomio! 1/11Mineveyinnc Exandnation„ Ex. err =gaw k ! lichnyl oceri Ws - 11-11 %enliere Of Linibelneeles, and Reel Eli 4 ' taLraead deseripU t on. 61s prepneed-teLettinnt to a l bevelopukentont toil I, ia44 _:- mouiduat ut Roman Coodjtion oftbnitisieti Conectlft Salt* Poky - silent of Taxeit• -—t .; • !!‘l l l ?thaes , ,Pia 4 / 4 ,- ' l ' •-•-- -'. agankusc wz., •,,,,‘" e1",4.... 11189r Ininu.t__4,,r4 : ''. ' " ''. ' AdolEli .I.Pi*PirM4F,I44IMI%:4, . • _... ::• _ .., sn . c 4 ,3 arksaumittc _2_;_;_w.woesw,ttsnmetebk. • . .wigu.. believe there will he' no more lactic:lWe t ;,, tOaell the Gavernmenta, and buy really Flott-,•1:,-•: ..Rallroadtieturttlee—inteh ex thaw—than the JAY - COOKS' & tO., _New Yori. tig t lmeripticaus Tilt he re telved In POTTSVII, - LE, J ,, •J,.-.F. AVHITN`EY, , \ beirlimn paniplilete and . Tall larennatiott tiny bad. -'' • • - W. B. SHATTUCK, Trcasurk''''; , . • la." lf•Virle2MIVAL.Vnt it..ittii* illrxrin 31. V ITITAL 121 Z O&M& &CO .LE.I,..LER-; ' Tribetbalifilatik . %haft mat +gnaws/f:Z.I, 11•;.s,-• *else ilkar thk ararket Shatires. mini, T:t b 0 • ',• • aadlilrala4iltaad Topa. Vaer-1 - 01,4:... • ' tAx Isi , . ..''T/LING nadeiph a • priet l / 2 4, an • 4. pr.:';‘. , it all tla wavrith - competeatjilatera.to 147 ".1 anypart.at-thaecauty. I • •- • ..COROPIPTH lk - ST'S,' (11.4a4inir Fir - 4"s. •PDXltit.) isellailag. Pa. • - •-.ltak:2l, / 11 LELSIT ..... .IPACTUREES AND USERS Rteara &a, in Schuylkill Oauity _ NOTTa,„"eit I have told to .ALLI:4 iN BANNANo(Portearbon;an Interact tally PST K N./. STEAM PISTON, and have Elven them the entire ot+ttmd - ottiltrmaitQottnts with power to cot 1e..1 aU . =ma* dtte or to tteoome due theme.. for thenLi , ii , fatiturifAutittee;at the N atio. , MAU!, • " :ThOditan.PL,olaa.l,llB—ltf • • " CMCI I. AND'S" AjIIVINICAS BAGB.—The War-: the o)Untlir rlllOl 11400 tusortnient et to Cheek and Damian Baron hand. Also itCOUTS AND 8110k7 trhich lie offer. fur SSW at. the Meow at km - Weer, :tor each, Hight -4 atattpeleatpahrke thispet thigiir , • June ID. r • DAM: NV ' A It" AT MAR /MO . FL 153 . 51 5 667 4 . ~ / 1• or penman& will:Cotner deficiencies OI es they MU be suit , /1 2 41 r t re " : br 40finli DETERIC, "P -tlelsA; NQ Street , ratnirille. Sign pi ' elme _ • • • March 2).'W--12—if Alk ot yNntat,third•Ortoois essz bo tutd nt re 11001Mars-vuo, etGrire and' •tiNt Na. Ctra • /4. 10- - • • " • - - 45-ti iittbrt, :18713. =lO font scrte ![rju ij rk icrtjGcmcnt . MIS II = El .tws l' ' c •