The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, June 11, 1870, Image 3

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ATURD lY • JUNE it 1
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So centralize: each subsequent tatertion XI vests a line.
LOCH ittlanciim 2 , 191.1tfiki.-9eccual %Page. cents.
ripe ihas tmettitta: each sub Sequent basalts= MS. per Une.
9/22.2t2tAL NOTICE2I.-Tblrd Page 3D seats a line first
Insertion; each subsequent, Inaertiou. la cents per line.
r ny k ii it r lr NOTICE/1-S cults each. _ •
• L . NOTICI3 I 4-Atteornpanying Deiatut-For two
*Lao 23 tuft each soldlthittal tine 10 cents. •
. With sincere regret we announce this!
morning the death of Mi.' Charles .Diten ,;
which took. placend ThUrsdaY afternoon last,
at his residence near London, - Mr.' Dickens'
was b ° :8 58 years of age, and there Was every
Kosneck-that twiny y4ars of work were yet
before Lim ; and even,lf he bad laid down
his pen, his adniireni could not but hear of
the sudden and. unexpected death of one Id:
whom they wereludehted for litany hours of
- enjoyment and innocent amusement Without
more than usually profound 'feelings of sor
row at his loss: Mr. Dickens was almost the
lost of the brilliant:opterle of intellect tha
tread the Englishliteratuie of the middle of
the nineteenth century what It is, and 'llls
death leaves avoid that cannot be fined.
Tairebolent is said to be making lirendfot
ravageoln India. •
fPnksrteelcr 4:";litarrr is on' a brief visit to
Camenni's residence :near Harris
burg;.. He will retina ip Washington to-day.
QNDERFUL.-A Democratic "repeater's
at the late New York election has actually
bCen convicted of the offence. The 3111-
lenium , is surely coming. •
HON. &YON CliiirEßON 11 the, member for-
Pennsylvania of the _National Republican
Congressional Comlnittee. He is also a
member'of the pxecutive Committee.
THE R‘publi na of Delaware have nomi
nated Thos. B.- Coursey for Governor, and
Joshua T: Heald .for. Congress. Both Are
popular, and strong hopes of electing them
are entertained. • '
WI:IAT has become of the lon. Dir. 3for
rell'sWarehouie )3111, which was reported at
the last ~session of Congress? ,Why has it
not been pushed 'and paised, - .tr at letuit an
attempt made to pass it? '
in session in Cincinnati, has adopted a rein-,
lotion In favorof a strict apprenticeship law..
This is right. The example' should be fol
lowed by Unload of other trades. It, ix a'
crying evil that too few boys are learn g
THE free traders and law tariff tnen
threaten to abolish the office of Special Com
missioner of the Revenue unless the .Presi
dent retains 4, 3l 3 111 r ells in it: Well, We
would rather: the office abolished than to
have it 'filled by an" enemy of Atuerican
ipdustrial interests. '
DURING the nine months ending March
31, 1870, our exports were $335,340,549; im
port?, $333,304,835; excess of exports, $2,036,-
214. • For the ninelrnonths endingltareh 31,
1869, our exports were $244,44499.; 4mports,
$303,535,818;„exceis 'of imports, $59,113,319.
Tki . cstateittenteor the past three-quarters is
if a very gratifying character. " ,
. A hits sin COnitantinople, Turkey, this
weels; consumed - over seven thousand build
ings, many - Of them being the best in the
•ity. - The iiecuitiary ings is eitimated atone
madred millions of - dollars. Three huiidred
ives Were . lost front falling walls and from
hat sense of fatality which .actuates the
Intac t and induced mane Of them to remain
n their houses to be consumed with them.
A' Proi , oszTioN.—Thir•leaders state that,
we arc misrepresenting the:men When we'
\ state that a: majority arc willing to - -go
jcork. We therefore make a reposition, that l
if a lair vote is peranittektoi be taken by all
the workingmen unmolested, by 'ballot, and
• not viva voce, and If a majority vote againk.
resuniing on the operator's basis Ya
present stateof the trade, we Will publicly ao-,
knowledge our error. Is,this not fair? • Will
'they (16 it ? . •
lr appears that So satisfied are many that .
Ole-blacks- are superior to a portion of the
members of t lte,Thlnovratic party, which
correspondent Platt says is fast dwindling
into nothing- but the "concentrated Aging
duce of the country,a' that they are;com
polled to pass resolutions at all their ntect
lugs, deehtring that they are ;of inferior to..
the liegroes. If they really :tie superior, on
intelligent 'ptiblie will soon recoguize • the
fact, withbut being hacked ball kinds .of
resolutions, Which are well' calculated to'
Create dOubt on , this quesrlon, and 'Which
4114 "invariably : bring' up-blall ther meet-
I)it Wm: M. WALLAcr, President of the
State 7Medical Society, noW in session in
Philadelphia, is certainly behind the age
in wishing to restrain Nvinnen and colored
Men from entering the medical profession.—
lie might learn a useful lesson on - the sub
ject flint the action of the National Type
....graphieal Society now in tiet4iintt In Cincin
nati, Which has not only admitted Women as
. delegate:4, but Made one .Corriisponding and
Iteebriling Secretary. The remarks' of Dr.
,Wallace on this subjeet were discreditable,
and ;the - Society acted • discreditably In en 7
ntin 'address and ordering 3t to be,
puhlisi r d. • -
Tics: Democratic State beatraf
of Minnesota issuetirans - °tithe
tarirr questio*, asserling that ",tile'Proteetive
tariff' the . eaialinal principle 'of :the 'Repub—
Helm party." The RepubliemiS passed a
resolption in the 4gisiature in favor of Pro- .
ti;t to American Labor and Industry,, hence
thj, action of the Democratic Free Tiatiers,
rho expect they may catch , a few Depubli
clai voters, who were formerly Democrats;
and who have not yet got their eye 4 open to
the destructive tendency Of Free Trade. We
have a few of the same . kin in Congress,
but the number is rapidly ••minishing Iti
the West and South.:
PA says./ bat one editor May call
another a fool, acid that - the latter may retort
in.:, kind, and that is all of it. Not at all,
'John. Your positi(M is not rlogical .on this
uesti;qi—it will i not stand the test ofpractice.
Forinstaii,w hen you are call - can fool ed
rially, the community recognizi4i the truth of
the appellatiOn, for your writings in the M
!Toll prove you to be one. But when you op;
ply that epithet to other writers whom , pro-,
duct ions are recognized as sound in reason
and strong , in correct argument, why, John ;
you see it don't hit, for the public has already
settlisithe matter trn the merits of the lirts
flue:ions. Do -- you see, John ?
NVI: are glad to see that the Western Tariff
are pitching into the recreant members
id.congres.S-from .Pentivivaltia, who 'were.,
ali-cnt from their seats when important
lic•st ions ponWected with her indristrips were
voted tipon in Congress. They. advise Penn."
-ylvanialisfto Inok at _home, before they
rge Wt-stern, nrenbers and Wesiern peo
ple with, hostility Prgltetion. We are
glad to see that thcSe reer&trit Members are'
held up before.beir constituent's. When
' are at issue, on 71rhich
, lipend a if untber ofrottic-TsP; members ttri. fre
yiently carried itito}the'lialls . Of
4., from bedS of sickness, but when theireat:
A tiwrieakquestion of Protection to itstaixir
:old I iiilustrris before Congress, on several
o , ions from one-third to one-half of . its
1. • • •, .
Tifeßnantity sent this week is 30,f400 tons,
ii - Ofessed friends were' absent front their.
against 129,890 forsthe -consiTonding lweek last
, _ . . . .
• ••• " • - • year, showing an :inertias° of 'Al9,4qp
.w e conside.i the tariff 's° far as labor andyhi.oxiiig off the Cumber-ISM ooat, the
the industrial , pursuits of the. country are a meats froth this region
.emtuneed in Our table
' o neernedi as the most important.
..questitin4sn'o 9 nipart so i - withinksil e ar, w0u1d.312;1D3
now before the cohntior..--ali others . sink Ititikl tonligshist-SkfiK, riiaiing the-. increase forttui
iiisignifiea n qlitirion with it.. • we0k14*343 tons.. • ;'; '
p,trAvErri C0144101.-..41*. Continence;
merit week of this Collegni, l coated atEaston i
the 1 4 3 iii
• inn yery flourishing, munition. It eon
tains-two hundred Auden* who, with the
p - rofeksori,. d make the coirihtkpota menee
meat one of great attractiveness and special
historical talue. Piftident 'Who Will
in a few. days , return . :front Europe 'with a
huge collection of Cltriositlea, will be preieut
at the Commencetnent, whiett we .have n
doubt will best pleasant retuniori of the va
rious classes. - •
am: aa.
NANCEs.--The Washington tkir
n•vontient f the PnFitic under date of . June
9• I , writes as °Hews '' • 'l' • ;
lln the, .use today Mr. Gartiehl•reported
from ti, • king and Currency-Committee
bill . punish the unlawful certification of
-.ecks by officers Of the :National Banks,. which
was pasised..`The,blll,provides that any olfieer t
erk ()regent - of an v . liatinisl .I:tanking Asso
, elation who•shall wilfully violate a provision of
the not entitled "An act- in reference to certify
ing checkeefNatlonal Banks," approved March
3, 1 , 3139, shall be "deemed guilty U ni te d intsde
-ineanor, and on conviction in any statei
Circuit, or District C.o.urt shall be tined not more
than five thousand dollars or be imprisoned not
more than Ave years, or both, in the discretion
of the COurt ; and provides that notbing in MIS
`act shall relieve any /tanking Association from
any of the penillties prescribed in the act•ta
which MIS act refers.
What's•the matter with the bank Officers?
9iny of :them becconiag so Corrupt that
Itigent la*jii are required to keep .
them iu
hint . Ilemoeracy, making the mOst of their
triumph over a foe • that: -niade tigtit,•at
• he 4udiciary election, are buSy . boasting
ey. have almost revolutionized certain
mii& ti high they name. Let. us see
about R.. Here are their brag counties; and.
• that the extent of the, enormous revolution
they have wrought may be clear, ;we append .
not only the greatzinte they, got for Church,
at She late election, but likewise the ti otelor
Hoffman ! yenta. extent-of
their gret may thus : be readily
Cayuga, .... .66 ;:iiii ' . -2. bi
Mauls, - 4 -t." . 4 . 141 • 4 - ' l2 " -2
Chenau I ' 1137 2194 • FM
Cart lanc• a,.... • 213 , 1• • • 1916 11/71
Genesee. ....... "•2NG: .••• - ' 1436 1395
.lied tut Itl6 , Nlti . * 't'otil
Jelrersot - ... - Zir4 . 3134 .',:..N.1i
Monroe. .....,».... 10226 / win ' 122.3
Ontario 422 2177 ‘• 1752.
Otsego , --. • - " 6170 ::/k3l" . ''!trrir
it. Lawrence -. •• rill , 1157 ''.X7
liteulo . ' 6551 • • 31'11 . 3107
,l'lug. - --' ' 32:2 ' - 1512 • 1440
Taal pki 1114....... ainS t . 421.t.' • 11/21
Waxlklagton ..... -...... lilt , ' inn - • '-, 212 i •
Wayne • - 4116. ,2= • i. - 2179 •-•
.Tota .. —78.713% ' '40.60* '' .' 39 . 6 5 1
A low to ' e Doniocraey of mare than half
their, vote sin 'the last strict party contest Is a N dory! And the !Republican.
:party "mourn .over the ruin of their once .
powerful ' orginization!" The - abOve coun
ties gave 41,467 majority for Griswold,' and
would do better to-day With as good- neatidi
date.' At the Judicial election - they-were at
- work car - -tbett-(farms, when they, should
have been 'at the polls, arguing. quit it was.
uieliis to'waste time to vote .w hen }they- were
morally sure to be beaten hy,,the , rum-shop
repeaters of the great cities.—TribaJle. -• ,
114' . 'at:4 Incergon; each Marsintleist Inneit:o•
15 coma, • line, _
How TO 1110 K YOUNO -4 IXTEEN. , -110113 raint• or 4
use vile Hair Restorers, but simply apply liagairs
Maga vila Balm upon your face, neck andhands, and
use Lyon's Kathalrou upon your hair. The Balm
makes your compli•xion pearly. soft and natural,
and you can't tell What did it., •It removes freckles,
lan, sallowness, rlng-marls, moth-patches, etc.;
and, in ; place of a red„rnstie fuee,you have the mar
ble purity of an elqutte belle. It alvert to middle
age the bloom of perpetual youth. 'Add these effects
tq a splendid head of hair produced 'by the Kathaf
run, and a lady has done her best itrthe way of
adornment. Brothers will have no apinster sisters
when these articles are around; _ 21 • tit-
Zhe (goo,' Zirtbe.
. . .
T s herinantity sent by Raitread tbls - week Is
36,251; by (7ana1; b 3,058; for the week, 34,211
tens, against 1,121 tens for 'the corresponding
week 'last year. - ..... . .
tlie - quanty sent this 'week ishows an increase
of 9,06 i. tons over host week, whieti WiLs . short of
the preceding week, 8,393,0n5.
We learn from purchasers of coal, that the
dethand Li weaker now in this regiim than it
wail last week; and prices 'on the line and at
Richmond, will not average S 3 a ton at Port Car-.
bong On the line and at Philadelphii, prides are
higher than for shipment at POrt Richmond. ‘.
We tinderstand that another 'mail collier•,
the-Proprietors of whirl did not enter into the
agreement not to work unless the mdn aeeepted
thOse basis, started during tho week,hitt:do not
know on, wint terms; but presume . the old
basis. 7 .
. -
The dead iock contiaties Without much change.
, The fuglenien of the leaders, declare they would
sooner starve than give up, but wodO net think
many of them would try starving Very long.—
This atoning business is not taken too volun
tarilYrby, many. The . tiperstors would have to
suspend again in two weeks, if they istarted on
the basis of ItsB9; and. Consequently they. loose
leas by standing idle than by • working, and ?of
eourist they•eantiot - start if they desired.' There
will be no difficulty •in• supplying the Market
this yearif. all thecollieries now standing idle
were to continue so until the middle o f October.
Of course this statement of the condition of- the
coal tmde and the prospect of higlier prices,
dots, not exhibit the getting of the , leaders of the
W. B. t., in a very sathtfactorylight,? and they
will no'doubt abuse us as enemies of ,the work . -
lug easses 10 telling the truth; 1)4 we dOfy
-them to disprove the assertion;
. We ivwe received a letter from' NIL Carmel
denying the statement that the men weroWerk
ing at Savior's colliery with Arms. Our infor-
Mat iim' was•glerived front a person -who stated
that he'. came from there, and we questioned.
hint particularly on the subject,' This was our,
source of information, and the statement MaY : -
not be truth/ Ho admits-there was tiring, rt6out
the lanuse;; and . not in them.-Lbut the writer
't4ingc they ;'tired the gunS' themselVes,,as an'
exettse not, to go, to stork., ,Strangq that tut n
slientld go to. work volunta'rily, anti then tire
guns themselves as 'n excuse not to work:—
Verily, this is another exhibition of genius that
would almost, eclipse Sine3"s, He--says "the
men there all live on friendly terms with the
operators and 'bosses,i and no man in:this place
would interfere with his fellow :man Whether he
works or tot. It is true that four or live men .
made a start at said colliery, but during the
day they decilded ( -to work no more:: There •is
not a single man Working at ?Say loets!ecillie6-.:' '
This may he•true, but we dinbt it; because we'
know tliat 'Union men lie as well as others, and
therefl we solicit the truth before We publish i
any fen er' contradiction. . • .
l'lrli N-. Y. eerrempondent sends,t4ie follow-
• t•
"I have hat little to note this- week,. except the
Continued tudispoiltien on the part of•the retail
dealers to lay ki any Portion of their stock till a re
sumption is effeeted In the Schuylkill Region. °Le
high coal which had been moving off quietly since
the tat inst.. has for a day or two been tree active.
, "Owing tologs and easterly winds, vessels th:s
week havebeen quite scarce, mid itoston 'freights
have been a shade.bigher."
• ,
Oust Philadelphia corresiMurient in a fit of
despon • eney, writes-ax follows. We iwould re
column d hint to cheer up a little—they cannot .
expect o have all the cream on all weasiona be
:low. A'e don't even have • invitationa to) . stich
blow'-o its
- "We' ave nothing new toreport In Doi Arad... The
susperialon still continuing the limited amount of
'coal arrivlugmects with rcadysales, at the present
reduced rates of freight Eakstward. The Wel
nut- street firma have had a•hand time of It during
the suspension. tin what is called - killing thuc, - )
shut were relieved on Wednesday lam. by a 'general'
Invitation from Mr. John street, (a member .of the
coal tmdel, to visit his magnificent (smutty seat at
Edgewater..ll.3.,on the Delaware; some 13 miles
above the elty. , ,The private Tropelier ob4r. Whit
taker-LAM...I the "Anthracite , hraelte,' was volunteered for
the trip, and the party started at lei.A. M.; shortly
after arriving at the manSlon,+a splendid dinner was
set brittle them, which was h -artily enjoyed, the
party returning itt 7, P.: M., and the only, regrets In
mar the pleastire. WM in passing near on their. re--
turn to the Richmond Piers; to see large numbers
of .taste sled Qty for wont of employment, en fir
eiillill 4 , a very assure-awry Ora, rut thi , -hii,ttex:'
Ttuftradomuus up n ,follows : 'i
exicit: • rriA
P tr. R R , 1,121 .1.211.,044
Sch Canal • - 4,1 . 04
LVa R 'apt' ' .j;211, 14.10,41.1
L It 'ft Nth,'
' 172P:7
I. Nov It 414' 2uL1.19 i
,'nen f+t ::47.9171
do 1 ,4 4t1 147 216.004 i
Penn 11 R.- .7:11 374,44791
• do. (*mil j t .
See ' 1,40
I) II Oa L. 34 „113 =HA=
Il tilt R-1 . 16.011
Wyoming lip. •1,411 54,3441.
WyomlOK Nb'
Nenti..tiathrtt. •
Trevertors - ' • * 7,(14
*Abort 2.961
Llicens V Co- 1,48. 111.,64
%% tlliamatnp 431 41,73
Bit LICk •
4,412, 117. M
broad T0ur....! 7,751 1 I.V.Ve
R..! O. 11.. - R.; =We i - 34;91 4
( . 11/11 d 0 e an.., 'COM
17e ".
FLO saa -Ch'urrh. 3 l
- 16.7 • '2241
n. trot
PII7IXVILLE. it - NE 11: 1M0,;
R nor. , Tarr". L. .1s a 1)
34,2• Z , 1.037,601 d 215,16.1
3,95/4. 36.336 'd 146.104
1,Z7.,.1611 V. 14.619
6,516' V.7,4117t 27.417
:1,612 • '106,7714 WAN
.:14f611: 4070111, 101,7:3
MOUS . 7:13,561.. ;AG
16,1111: =,4 0 31 41 . 461
:1,512 4r..;! 1 / 4 7, 41126
1.313 lASI d 1.7116
=6 41,=1.
103 - 11 4 ,7161
63,243 , 17,6;2 •
11,561; 133,6,46,d 7,t411
'll3 . 110,1
.11,4 C
j 4/,=4
THE mmmts•-i4ourM.4-=-
• After inky, 3;l* the Wenkly: Ithlinnenta
averaged 310,000 a week, and itai -market was
Ain* supplled .and wipes. broke down stilts
dose; ri e aro now._ ishipping /Tie 64. 48 1 1 4
regbnia ,1111,p9 toes
_a week,. with toyer Air*
'thir4° lol o *Wailes - In ?SeliiiyildliVaifityt.
form t ; he largoei in the Shantolttn ,
andjill the t-illieries of the Lehigh 0 :41
Cotnilany In Carbon 'pountrit !
lag • • '
... •
Thistime last year we were behind
meats Of Itlt 105.859 tone—we are i1fi1 . 1 65 02 1 )'
tonal ahead, Which makes an ittererte etilll;l74
tonal; Which Will be swelled up to 1,500,1*1 kin"
by the lid of July, against 275,010 Mita',
dethdettcy at that time last year. .
• The wholei Ineresse In the supply 1,14 t ye
Overi#49 of all kinds, Includingtin inereaki. of
974:35 tone of Bituminoits coat, was '0n1Y163,- .
230 0 hint by tile Iki of July we - will hive 0000
tem! I,..ineire than double' that; surplus ith
market. -I.7nder sueli eiriumatatices re
is leo •-• passibility of coal =rising in the
maritet, 'for; it is well known' 'that
nets 11 of * all Is more dePranieo' thls
year *tan last„'and'tualeita a great change takes.
place, ire will sequins groggier latereaue Hits'
-year khan " we did last year, unlesa priept recede
still snore, which wpuld tend to increim the
' With the figures before them the i • trade can
fornytheirbarn emelusi?ns,
, •
-11.Enardi of Thursday, says:
'seine It collieries are still idle.. and their;cmeroo
tors sar4 they shall not resume until the meet *vent
thenew trams. This is a great leas to our region.
amounting to at least 51.50,0 at for the months of
April and Mar. -
The miners at their meeting on Tuesday mat, re
solved not to go 'to work , on the new terms unless
the "action was , general throttle:tout the - Milting
cry Of the &mad, leaders of th I P W.
if the- operators
work, the - collieries-lin tie Basis „ski'
tikiU give itirm'iip, and leave somebody else
work thetn Who eau." This is thOidea.that
the Nadeta of investments--'it - 414 the
roblier and Vrigajall's idea when he stops the
traveler. and. demands his purse, 'or diet But
. . . .
'to test these leaders who C are always prating
about .the large profits the coal operators are
making, Col Conner mode a public pniposi.:
lion : tic, them; to test 'the truth.. of itheir
assert" ns,'atid the cOrresponilimee alitietided
grew I t 4. This colliery of Ctil. Oninees
is on .:ofthe !Most favorably 'located in: the
a /
' region? and these honest leaders when pot to
the testi - could : not afford to pay over:fi tents
a ton to the operator; and. work this fOirable.
.coliiery, an amount which Would' seireely
'cover the depreciation and repOirs, Witliont
allOwhig one cent on . the iny,eiittiieliti 'So
mucli for
,allltinTe assertions - about the large
prolitO.- ', 1 ' - '• :::.;
. ' - The prorottnctteix'dont displayed hi the.let-'
- ter. of Si neY be Sweeney, must st rike Ciery.
body.; Ills - man Friday; it Oppeitni„ wiia'ntit
present; and,this pogbery hois ettir Writtelt
lAimself, - or'gOt somebody elie. to write4lui
down an a **, with his mvu. signiture :at
taehed to attest , the ' fact.. If there
.10 .an
honeit'and intelligent miner in. nibs region,
ORM' reading. this 'correspondence, that can
follow such loaders any IMiger after. such an
exhibition Of their incapacity,
,all we have to
ray Is; that we'Willbegreatly iisitinisheit:\,
Rouni.l of othracitc Bocird o f Trode t [. '.
. ,
. ' .. , PUTTSVIEt t r, June 7th,1870.,
Cut.. JAISIE.4 J. orof KR : \ .., , :; • - 1
1 i ' • . DcgrStit,--We have liem.4.
it wino-led on; the street; by men belOnging to
the W. 11.:A.; that you had made a Iwuposi
tion ti) John Siney, and a committee of your
men, to work your collieries at a profit or ten
cents Per ton and six per cent. interest for the
capital inVested, and wenr and tear of 'Stock,
and limit Mr.:Siney. had accepted your offer,
and you had then backed out, and - that the
men Were very much exasperated at your
hacking out. if there is any foundation for
the story, will you be kind enough to furnish
us with_ the facts in the ease, together With
any correspendencevou may have in roltit ion
. . .
to the subject'', for publication. •
'An early reply will much oblige - 'i.. •
' ' Yours; Truly, • - •
• . :
..,, sA : noAitD of TnAliE.
1 , Asitt.A.Nl), June 8th,.18;70.
15xEtAzrivi: Commrrri:E.,,A. B. OF T.:
- aril/frown :—Your;favor of•yesterdayi just'
received ; there was such a proposition Made
by me; ruliwill give you the facts as near
as I can, so :at you can' judge for yoursolVes
who did the' " backing out.: On Monday,
May 3dtk, I Made the first prOposition to: Mr.
Siney;•sis follows, viz; "I will give yori m
collieries lo:. the balance of thl§ season tit an
advance of ten ceuts'per , bin on the roYalty.
and interest du the capital.invested and wear
and tear of stock, provided you,will - give. me
severity- that the gangways shall be drlvim
continuously, and all work prosecuted in the
same maimer us has . been done'by me, , and
that you will live up to therequlremenhiand .
obligations of 'my contract 'with the City of
Philadelphia, my - lessors:" Mr. Siney replied
that* wail li fair offer, and asked me whether
I would. authorize him to make that Off e' to ,
the men, LansWered, yes. He replied', t., i
he would do so to-morrow: and that It wOul
be accepted ; that he v..mild - tirst give the men
at my collieries a chance, and if they did not
accept lie would II nil other pa flies who would,
imside•of tireilfy-fOri . hours. - The following
day a contmittee•Of fire waited 'upon nie.,—.
We had a plain talk •Cotering the; whole
ground, • the committee dully understanding
the nature of the proposition, two of tbem
told melt was in•Substanee'exactly w4aC3lr.
Siney had told' th6m.4 The interview clOsed .
that day by the cointuittee telling me 'that
the v had no au tliority to net in the mattir—'
t::::. ,
hat tlierhad been. erely appointed to
derstavici more distil" y .:my views and 're
port their'ni •ting.-., • • - :
. On Friday, Junts3d,levew : ixnumittee, with
the ,mceeption of pue, , Mtql;- 'palled upon ; me
and we . weut x oier,the Urbole..grottaifaithlu,
They left me after. stating that..ruluild *re
ceive a tettettroin Mr. siney, .• _ ...: ~ :. . , m,
and that theyitalfteelir 1.. ', ' ? .. A... . a
would meet mt. oulionday,4 —r t J , ',fer
Mutt tsettletnetiit of th e,-ITholth ,( • : laid
receive a letter from'i Mlr. ittit4 4,' t jitter
noon, a copy Of whtekl' ma:' I' . re
gartled . - tli e proposition embraced in thiS let
ter so itbsolutAilyabstlrd, that I did not deem it
Worthy n reply.
• On Mouday,,June t
the engagement mu
met the committee,
After consider:Mk d:
ttery.pfisty my bffre.
they urged foe no doi
ed the absolute eon
to make their:men
the " middle '1
-- icidie" — Piii - 'lief . '
them, (the, ~ , : -elm,. weep
the producer :fwd. : . er.,?,f-XAa 7 thle liert
of the questioliNir# tidtttlfitittietitNittier,
stood by M. Raley . Nettg.„,/
„IS' :lifterrieir, I
regarded this idle ,'• iisfrirOirOlibter
fuge, gotten; Fp, to. ,', - "hilit-Ar• -•
_Misk.v . riiiiik.
affair. 1. - howcrero ~,:- - ft - ifiletniocull
guarantee that the' - • - 11/Ylify tioit
signeel,:shOuld nett i i them the rely highest
. price 'for such coal n time 'market, but they
still insisted ' upon- b ving the entire control
of the coal. I Inmost o Mr. Piney thenjustlei
to . say that he exp .. himself-entirely sat
isfied with "iites.srs. Agard, Moodie ,'dc Co., ,
and he said if he lin 1 any coal •to dispose of
r t
he ivould choose th as his consignees.:
This is the substa ice of tile whole talk.
As regards any mist' derstandingof my orig.
in al,ofrer, I cap prod ce the e v idence of those
1 present litileni I malle '11;to Mr. tiiney . , if
1 ,neef...ssary, _ I
,-,---- , . • - 7 rOIVS, Truly,
.- .
, . (Signed,) . 1 •J. J. Cox'si;Se. ,
Tli 2 following isNlik r3iney's letter referred
to in Col. Conner's eMiimunication.: • ' '
• 11 .
0).7 c'REEIC, Jrme Ed, Is 7 n.
jA ui2:: J . CONNER,
, wish to SIIV
few words to you on the proposition of lett=
ing yOur mines. Thy' proposition that you
gave in Writing to the committee of five that
waited on you is not in:accordance with the
offer made to Me: I mtderstoOd that the pi
.e'tge on the Lou ya 4 pi cover all except the
royalty: If you, yourself, that is acquainted .
with the business of the trade, cannot make' interest,how earn these men make it
pay interest on the invested capital, and also you ten cents perfton in addition to the
royalty 7.. Would it not be better fOryouito
say . five Cents per ton' and be sure of•thatifor
the renniimler of thm year, than to ehatge.
them ten yenta .per ton, -and get nothing?,
The meaning is mitnilly this, if the men can
make it pay at t cents per ton, they will work
the colliery. If they; find that they cannot,
make it pay, at ten tents; they will abandon
the colliery. As you are a gentleman en
dowed- with - good'ret*oniblii faculties, judge
for yourself.. 1 haveiyour own words to say
that you ealiticit Make it pay-interest on the
capital - Invested. 119 w arc; hose men toi do
it a 4 pay -yoti ten cents per In addition
to all other k-futw,and ignorant of
the trade, and also.k4epreeseii market.,
Seal of
Ex. Committee; -
t , •W.B. A. !)
5,1311.91 U
We i.Muc t Lte'.above I eorrespoUttenee to tor
net the falsc reportsi that arc on the street
abOut thin platter ; tind ulsoi to show what
thitiki is si fair remuneration for
an: oyi.stment'snett Col. Conner's.
r1,71C. 31,16.17
OA* a 10.767-
107X11 al,an
14,1116 e, 146051
I=.ll` d 0,01:1
.2131,143 d 23,133
1q,119 d 4,11dP
. _ , i ,
- Col. Cenner's eolliiei are all above t
er-levet, • on the Mainmoth and .Skidmore
Veins; with 14niy, 0 mining timber on the
l ie
tract, fallydeielo and In good wailing
Order. IVe understan it:hati cost hilly SWOP.-
O ut! to put them in t it present condition.
Ittnfit toilleries as ese, with
_alitheir 4td
vantages, cannot be side to pay mote titan
floe semi per ton, "tvii i h a depressed markef," ,
what Can be once of thermals =pantie
oneszbelow Water. ley l. We do not. mithre ,
stand hoW the W. A cati tame theitisiniti
anoe la ilimand the $3 basisinftar having
10}031 I
h, in aceonlanee ?kith
e on Friday, I. again
headed by Mr. Siney.
scuseion,. (hey &Willed
The principal . excuse
ig,;wae that they wain
lOW 114441 1*?4V 11 0 0 6
.„_, .
"!` 10fiN S!NEV.
Ina d * I
km, and kritnritetbaktipi
and lady to beroithi Uri - o!!l.4iii
thing we bare seen thiil4o4: 7 - &men:
Ore elite rt. lalVailk 1, 1 0/011k =OM Ili:
ss9oo . iir WO* dal' 3tfe ata fiat en i
5141 an Ittrentitimt. One bieak-itoitir
lost that, ilpeutps mot
MtscuTlVEll Aztrit..
Pcrentritax, s Ant, eth, " 1967.
iaimi ' titan it! !Lulaetip
':# 4l •Mlanttty gait bi
ItytTbagoday last :
. •
T0ta1........,.... •
T 9 same time laa ice . ..:_. '" _.
sat mama. co 'm
TibeAininri 'i tt le taii4uussits
20ae HUI & & IL
acbuyl Vialez
Kal Crook- •
(ood aptiag-.
union Ow. Tium--I,tao.f)
- -
, , - • . .
. . tam= yawn ,. .iianacto .
chliatity sent sent b Lebtxts Vatter Pailrositbr tbe vest
cultug out atuniar Isst and polite Tefif.f • % . ~
...... ...
liazleton 44=4
U. Lettlgh.-,--..
Et. Wesdow Man
Xatte . b oak'. • "
Total.. • 116,923
Some IlmOlsot.Yeaf '
"11 1,1r.4045
: — l —
1111 1 414" , 34.01 e
, .
The lbHawing Is th•qualmlty at imer,..
:Cattal and Railroad of the Lebith
;week ellain 9u aitcarday eireattia
-vetted trY the
::; c 4.70., tor tobe
.. .
. ,
Illy Ustual.- ~......,....S. . • ....i :.:
j • .1 ."----77(rril6
IBy Italtrool. -- -.....:.'-.-7..«.7.-:=7....:71 • is' sto,si
;TheCeal ems dettvpd as tbllowiriz= '. ' i ieritiuLf Torn,
Tram Wyoteing licst ei n pon t___v----•-....:4- , ' , M.SGCT . 4=7'
; " Typrr f.entab .......-..............-, .Z 1 ISOM
t'• Rasletoo
Bawer 111= " ..: —. " --". .. — " ". .... i t:•44 ~- 7.1 53 ,3 ;
" - L. • C. 44 - - iv. ea's. udinee . .i..:-..--4-.: .'- • • 30CNI
. A
, ~.,.... ____.....,......
11011181 masc. ,
': . ' 1 • '
Leas del: to L V. 12. R. ►t
..__..,. ..E
• . ---,
, Th e following - 1s a •
rtatianeat o f coal transported by the
"Delaware and I tadvon Canal Co.. for thA ;Week lending tiat:
nprlay le•••t.
, . : '- - , i iirriing .
t . - I••.riiii,
;Hy Del. et Dud. Ontl./..-.:-.- .... ..;.....:;,....?-c-I • 470 ;15memo
...Month. S .. .- ... ....-.:-.:.-,
. _
- Is::•• 1 .- Pssv- .- '
1711 161n7t.
, T 'at' Elir.. TOTAL.
- '
~ . .
By 'T tilaware & Rad. Cabal —.::—,
--4-'.. ;01, Mira
Hy RallrontL.-
_...-.- 5 r.........,_ ' ~........._.:.1..., 1 ' , illipil
booth-- -:.,c.-.,..-t----....—.-ut... • ' lak 41:46
• -----,-,
^ Total
:For the 'tame j)erioA teat year
i ! • ,PRICESOPCOintrikaiMIL
ffir cwrs =may " i'db 114 MIT OF Irizir zicsslorica
[timarcTEn nr.r..lcLi Vole ME Msl:ll4r 2041114•141
' • -;7aktl, inet. , •
:Hid .Al Prepornd f et 4ZI fteototit.. - 1.-... 4 awe '
do .7eydniit- I Locust Mt Lump., 1 130
'W. As!.. ' mop-- fzie 4 :iO, 'do *admit 4 130
Steanwi _...... 4 time 4So do . ' aroloell 4
Broken.- .---„. 4 3.4 130& •,-. do •• na.... 4Ea ,• '•
clew. .., ..... _..._. 4MO 4 /SO! . Ido chore ..„, 4 lokil , .
kdove. . 4 30(1 4 lii, ,do ticecintda r •
4 .
&buy!, Red tl
d. CheActut . q 6 -
F 1 %V Ayr. ?Vt.
=4: . c.s, • •
ct • “
• BA LT140,11 /brie 0, ICO
To the trade by cargo or, ear load: '
Wllkesbarre and Pittston W lori 5 SC
Lykens Valleyited ....... las SSO
Rhamokin White or Bed Asti-. ..... •
Zink 600
gerbey Valley. Red Ash-- . GO®
From yard or wharf, 50 to - 75ceids . addltional„ • v '
By retail to c0n5iuner5...........- ' • 7 GOO 7 50:
licorges' Creek and Cumberland Coal, at .
Locust Point for 4 '5O, '5 00
Ileork&kleek d Cumberland, eurliu. f. g. TiLL
' • PRICE oy COMPANIES' COAL.: . • 4
I. . Btr. Or. Egg. ' n. Chet
Loekawan na. Web - en r. la fa CP -$3 Z - 1 10 81 n
Wllkebarre, Hoboken-- 4 73,. 473 4 In . 11 UP SE, 110
• .110 • New Yorks 4fa 4 115 606 • 3''3o 4.13 Ife
Fcrunton, Ellzabethport 43 a 440 41W: 4 80 ~ 1 OS 11' SO
Pittston. Newinugh.._...— 400 100 4 70 : .4 AI 510 150
Lehigh, Pt. Jalboon---- 130 t - 5 5 3 Si.,' I M 560 • -.4 zs
Lehigh, Elizabethtwrt 330 1 t'S '33 , 1 ' 550 173
IQ lzabeth port Pt. Johnsonto New York - 30mila; Round-
Our no (*lna : Newburgh, 70 cent& • • 1-. -
• ' f inis Canal. 8 0 1811Snee pays 8 /Whinging - , • .'
, I
ftriviNctit• • ' ihatg,gl 23 • Attrittca-tr: • 6.
1 "
Al t3hlpplug poluts. Only De.Xerrd at N. Y. eurrencv.
Block Houte---.11 73 WestruoretaluL.-.-.-___6o3
prutatt..4.-..-...:_--.- 173 NrubtstOrh;rl" ' - -11 'JO
Byttory.L_________ : IttlitWitst Fmount BM- .:.t 6 Ot
Pktott_----„' -'I 1341 PZULADELPTILL: .
Llttlo Grace Bat•-___. 1 50 IPoitchou (hut_ -- _--- 7SD
atledouts .._— _- - 136 • 'Slack from :3 a - 33 Cent. Ircu.
Black 73 ecru. io a t • !Clover 11111,0shour; .1 B. 6 25
.- Frelutta to New York • '23-to Batton - .1.1.663 Z.
Pt. Elizal Pt. 1.1132-
Rilnll. ...tittipt _ . RI - tr'd . lithpl
. •
R05t0n.....,...-.3C WI 01 01 Hanford... ..... -1 a 0 , 135
f1aJewn.:.:.«.•...._.. 200 .1 11 1.M1401rtown.— , • I . I 'Zs
I.3fin .- -' .. ... -4..10 ' 1 111 :A1110nr.-.....:--- l5 - Leo
flunorldgeport. 2 121 •. 171 New ork ...:.....1 Slat 30 SO
Newbaryport .... 2.15 •' 2 1:0 Je.rney City...... . - to
Portsmouth....... 2 nor _ 1 73:RnIttinore. • ,• , 1 •
Rico- '..._..„- 221 1-70 'Wathlnitton.;-:..11 10 ..
'P0rt1and.........._ 20) • ' 1 1 3.RIchrpond....,- . 1 .•
rldence - 1 71. . ' 125 Tr= .• . i 1 '3l 1 .
n 411413 1---,.7.--- 1 n - - I 21'Nortolk . . .. I 13
Pawtucket & to. 1 lu,- • 1 2 5 '011,vexten . 7IV
Newport. ...... --. 175 ..;• .1 •A:Reunkport . •
2 WI -
PAR - 111ver......... 1 71 . - 125 Digbton--.... 1 C.
Taunton -2" • .• 2 opiningesm--....: co.
Roxbury ~ . .11 5 7 • 'llyannts.--,.„....2 m:
2 kb
Chelsea - . . 2WI ' iNantoeket-.4.... 2
Apponnust: . . 200 • ' ili=l:lok ri.... t . .;_ : 2 00. .•
al - arblebend 1., 250 '•• 3Ta 1
- Nantucket. -.. ..:. • ' ;111innere5e..... t ..;;... 175 ' . •
New Bedford:.. 1 73 I Wl3reymeglik -.... l• (10 '• •
New [Amnion— 11. 73 I 15 '0rtent.............,... 1731 •
!Convict. & tow 173 • .. I ZlAllen'a Polsk r . 171 .
New haven..__ 1-77 e • I OD, 1i17ut1n......1_—... INI . ~.. - •
Brideport...--- lOU ' 100, Ruth - '.. 200' :
Norwalk ...... ...- 170 Ike. . . .
tir inkarionli nalthoan., •
• - • B. ch.
To Port L.
taipatti: oo a) p
210 2 10.2 ID :10 219 :
, The rates Om:it Schuylkill ILaveu are cents per ton leis,
and from Tamaqua 7. and Plnegwree Iltoenta per ton higher.'
A drawback of SO cents a ton Is allowed on an coal stilpit:'
ed South of Cape Henry and East otttew -Brunswick. On -
coal - shipped to other. paints a drawback of 43 cents- per ton
will 'be madeuntil thriller notice. • ...
VIA rrourli PlLlttelreLTA.'fflA /1.411.11A.LiD.
Stanch Chunk to • to .
VALLEY, x. t. castvisii, AND IMORlaill & !WAIL%
' 11AILBOAllel. •
t. l• To Hoboken.
1.: v. m. — • .4 m
-- Il2tprm!
-I 93 , • - ' a)
1 5 ;81)10inni & wriari•ing._ am
, $2
To Port Johnsou.--,.------- ..... .
To South Amboy.-- . ..-2. 13
Tr.orci Penn Haven siiataain.7ll7)o — it,:tii. irAh - nao — i - 1---2 49
BY LIHIOII. 11fAVIGAT/ON commises li..l4l.ltoAlLt.
'refill Haven to
liimcbCht to
Mauch Chunk udc
to Hoboken and Part Johnson
Shipping and
•liT CANALS.' • ' •
• - mcnovi-voi xAVIOATtfIf oolershr.
L. V. ......
Shipping wharring
• - •
The following are the rates or toll and ,rretglit (111 the
tkbaylkill Lanai for th e present. • •
. .
. .
To - Num' Trikg. - ,
From • Pt- thirbon.,Mt.,e4trbon. M. ifiivru. ' iht..elinton.
Toll -1 10 7 1 00 - -1 07 .
- -1 00
Freight -1 7.1. •! 1 75 . -. 170 , t G.l
• ____ -
"• -:al 7: 2
Drawback on coal for.. New York 1.
and Vicinity 40cents
piton. -
. .r m ran..Anctritt.t. •• ••
intim In. Cor* • .• Mt. ' Clinton
1 00
- -1117 -1
. . .
r!rto, Mu eh Chunk to Evan v........_ ... :.. ....... _ ...--..... - . 11 10
man CO New POik_ 44r ~ I . °P" ..: an4 8r ., 2 " , 1----- --: . .
Thr9"ll to Pht1ade1p41a.......,----,..—. - ...,-- ........,_..... 1 . n
, . • ,
To Jerl.3.
WANTED HO men= to work on the, 'Lorberri
creek .I.tenalan Ratimad •near Tretuout,
Schuylkill Cuunty. Pa. Wages - Si 15_per day. y •
1 1 1 0EHE'8 ICE CakehtPEZESSER i . warrant.
led to make Ice Cream In-FOUR 3IINI.TEM: Fro-
Zen enstards;' Water lee;' and other dice Desserts
made In't he moat delleloupi manner In the game.
time. 'Alt str.exOn hand andthr pale cheap by,
- • ' L. C. THODIPSOX.
TANACHZEBB WANTED.—A Principal and Five
Ambit:int:Female Teacher's' are wanted for the
aeboola of the Borough Of Creamorui. School term
ill months. An examination of teachers will be held
ht the School 11otuve; in Crean mg, on Hatardgy.
July 2., tib:O. B. HOFFMAN,
June 11, ":0-21-3t
IVA.WTED.—Six Teachers ira ted—tbree male
And three females, for the. Tremont' Borough
Schools. A public examlnatten of teacher* mill ve
held by the County P.uperintendent on Wednesday,
Rine 29th, 1970. Applicants are expected to be at the examination. By order of the n
• June 11. 70-2t:3t. .. C. W. BROWER, see'i,
• .
CV RENT.—A ple a sant and cotainedfaus
1." ling house In Is} ahantongo 'street, largCyard and
garden, with well-grown shade and fruit- trees,
shrubbery, &e.•, stable In rear, of lot. Apply to
C. LITTL, Ornee— M
16 ahantongo St. 4
Jtine rt, '7O-1.44t •
M -
CLAUGHLIN ESTATE.--:The un entailed
J.,.1 appointed by the Orphans' Court, Auditor to
review a previdus andlt and repert, and to reltate
and re settle the account of Pierce licLanatilin. Ad*
rulnistrator of Rev. William C. McLaughlin, depose=
et,, will meet the parties interested.for t_t_ist_ptinsasse
of said appointment, at his oMft., No. Rananttano
Panay ille, on Meade, ,r
H July Rh. lit/P, at I o'clock
June 11, '7O-4+.t
OTICZ.-41eided proposals be received by
_ . the undersigned. Contrutaltioners et Schuylkill
tkasty. until Saturday. July 2, MO. for the collec
tion ot Coantyand State Taxes otWayneTbwnship.
for the year IM.
0., PATRICK Tooll-RER.
June 11, -10-21-itj
". VELLLJD TZLSOBAPH. 00/11:P.4.111.1%.-Notice
Is hereby_ given that the annual meeting. of the
Stockbolftrs of the Philadelphia, Readitutit Potts
ville Telegraph Company, will be held he Tuesday.
July sth, 1.87 n, the bmpany's °Mee ltetthe City ot
Itendlng. at MX o'clock , A, to • elect. a - President
I Board of Mredors. DAM I: STOUT;
June 11th, "tia3l-tt] • . Seerttark.,
. . ,
B >
On and after fiunda r 4 tim y. 5a . ..a.4.4 N o o n .:
ger Trains between toe 'Otte. will.
rnn oK fellows: ' •
:t Up Trains : Leaso ennrrille at TAO a. m i k and la
za., pawn; Eitt..Clatr at 7.110. a.- so, mid am. m.
and arrivi as Frackville maw
Down Leave Freak/Ift at AA S t pa.and
&Id m., moans N. ends at, a. m.andampont,„
an d minvitf= at
.1161110. and 401, p. in. •
sunday„ mina from Ashland antr s adak. nom ot
madam , in limo t h e piamempnalflodm tha
R ocu a; nu Itrath Ibr
raing Loma toot er Tracknli
pti w iiss.
ador war* et Ulan as *CM PAL
• - - .
Sat. rAt MsPlag..
JIM% ne.
1 1 1;.:wank. za, 'Oen. Agent,libt a, -
d2w—graw • •
Y ..
Al 4
" d ewalirbf wesisid
sarukomp. ji
• IC •
ixo , is
• 170 el
200 10
. na 41,
",, • SSW
Ws It
lUM4 la
10.11111 1 .1
TRACI 1P,. „ ascot
00 : ,
5t,C41.06 11=0
- sot is . son a
111 , AV
4 .2:1 SI sue®
Z 0.4116
U 3,464
NFW rO/i1,.TU14.9.:670.
• •
Lehigh G ins
5.11 es
lenisnanrc%,ay s discharging.
lk 18a. ..
Sala .4 73
ME; e. 7, cuivi , i li i
This Great Nationa. 'ore, written In fulfillment
of Mr. Webster's testa entary. injunctions. will, be
published in two S.olis es, two; OM pages each, Muse.
tra tedwith °tenant 8 I Pcirtralto of Mr. Webster,
and line Woodetits o different views at Franklin
and at Marahrield.
• • i - --,---
'As soon as - 114. Cu be's work is published. the
:present stedemtioo wit, have a much fuller and MOTO
completely rounded neeptlon of Alibi. extraoMi
nary man than less . by his immediate con
tem_ parades. i! - . ' 1 •
"stroWebster 111 n come Into 'view as per
haps the freers°, • of ibis century IMI the Amer -
Ican•Continent. t w It that supp li ed the Ideas
which team 'lu ' late war for the Itnfori.
'The Union now d f retrer , one and truieparable,'
wan a sentiment he had so infused Intoall in
genuous beasts 1 t niter were ready to
Rut even' drop el ithel blood in its !support.- Re is
me one man wt Out hem success .ciou4 not have
been achieved." ~V.
Y. World.:
• ; 1-;----
I d
lli isprobahly, he bud Lith of D.txtzt. Writera.
that will ever be Written. and It Is beyond compari
min, the best. Asa bicigraphy. It has the lora qual
, Ity of usefulness, ;being suited to the taste of the
genera reader, as well -al anawering the require*
meats of the scholar 4 politician.
"The extracts instu is speeches and eorisapon.
i d
• dence are melon", bu the selection of them is so.
happy that th ey porn be ;dull to any , man who
cute enough for the. or Its subject to buy it.'t--
--. • ; --,' , : ,
t. mt.. Cleorge Tick or .Cartill'll life of Dam=
Wanwrwit will meet w arm welcome from the'
American pa 'i ,I.' •; • ,
"The Au th or t write as a Politician. and,.
Id 4
werethe nook edwithout the name of any dl
- It would be t if not Impossible , tower
lain from an_ y thi in It what are his own political
alliances. We drat••voltne with peat ,
,bilise&m. feet elite of the Illustrious Nevi-_
has n tten as be himself w
B i wi tl i i irroved of it.' ' wawa qf Charnerce.
' gltreneffross Ale on Owerke," Noe. 1341. :- '4 •
„ 4
."Jitr. Curtis has rod not only a biography of
Marvellous in Cone of wictramdinanr merit
in a li terary pan of
• 91 may he • . • , dered great praise but we think
that mr; C urtis • ten 'the life of Mmes. Was. -
gran as It ought I. be tten.'" , • .
"limos i.• -.. , -. ' 4 said Theodore Pather."/
think there has " 7 "" • squib strand figure in all
Christendom. A • • decorous in. diem t
h . dig.
naft in de • - Milke das ifhe Minmelf
pottm l ic
!kiting." ' • 1 ' 1 I ;. il ' • • ' • '
wort, egW •kb • • Jaw roam* II now pub'..
buhei s • •
I • illidi revalat. is Oat
awe.: ~ ' • the Price GO per Vet.
' , ... •; . ; i .
-- - •-•,galiess • . giaentegrenthoriimiAlPillte.
tie senturent t 0 • ? •,.1 ; ~,
. ~
. AgentsWinted • • ' all ' • , of the ettant ,
• - IL A • ~ I it N ew
• ' - ';llsk, i!* ti Mead a iral.
.k CO.; • •-
81, lidlada.„.•ad of
& Shim:66lEln.
Tiws. c. Rum,
A. Satre,
Hamer Botulism'.
li BOrGuxiut.
• 24-4.
T. Fziont
J, Haarza
Ju4do 21.'70
4.• can
tot hie
on Pride ,
31.. befoi
I tu t i lti4
' the aet
leis r
• (tinned
ne held
dock, A,
-ale, maths exam
e finished and any
Jr eeetlenati: or 21 or
duty. • • ••
1-be tad. oq Med netlilT . Ate
Court of_phundelphla. at, oh
tfrttel toreened Wity *ow :
eshealader , lnetue end,
Reg o st M . • FlNCtOilric•
ier ..
• "24-Itt
' • A bearing
Stb, 18714 bet.
o'clock. A. H.
cause splint ttie
Wltr -go Hot--
sant cuaLzas
AMC= 70 .1
ffttelatd Ady Mk,
-I ' lolll er Is the mast per
ventlmt ever othorsol to
Mlle. It ls asallropera--
teat la appearance, and
linoheatior* the hair, as
h reqpired,
utetaile substimeetmed n t or o
le break the hair. Mou
lted only and ter sale by
Et North Flout street,
a• Dry Goodai Trim
and Notion Stores.
J.—Maxie. Boa sa bents : 4
cm, assorted sloes. 66 rts ,
1 tree to any port of the
' States. Upon receipt °L.
June 11,, 18--ilm •
.e Is to present-within
;hat all can afford, the
engineering. mectlant•
hal publications. The
les will be largely.trans-
Is before Sheletles will
news from ill sources
Illustrat lobs will. be
and ocatsionally a Rill
orient subject.
Royal Acts o, making
700 ram* each per an
num, andp — ublred 41 115 per year , advance. Blur
gle numbers 50 ts. etch. • ••
iNaN No. 11 NO T o. oor Vox.. 2 NOW AWADY.
Volumell willeoingtenoe with the July No.. Per
sons desirous o havlg Vol.. 1 and 2 *lll he furnish
ed them bouo r T el It and sent free by. mail on re,
celpt of 88 00. 'D. NAN N - MTRAND, 'Publisher, •
- - ,•1U y.St.zand 27 Warren nt., New York.
June 11, 70-2141 t
. ,
'ANOILD O AN ,for . Curhing.: Paving' and
1 - 11. tlutttrlng *rut! Mr" I 4 the Borough of Port.
Bac. 11. Be It anlalnad b,y the• Council of the Bo
rough of Port gerbou that all persons occupying
antrownlng_prapertydn any et the Moiling named
i rk
streets of said ik rough, and within the specified die—
, tancee. to-wit: , acksOn street from Pendmon alley
to Coal street,l; I street from Garret Butte's wheel:
wrlght 'shop to the , (ethane Cemetery, Pike street
.from Bock alle to Market street. Market, street from
. Pike Street to
„aurtlistreet, and Washington street
from Spruce alleslto iiind street, shall curb, Lame and
gutter trich proPerty 'on said st r eets , six and. in the
manner hereinafter provided:'
The +curbs shell be six inches In thickness:, twenty
Inches in dept!t and got lest than four feet In length,
:Ma-shall bers eight Ibehes on the face! with
'square ends; h' 'e gutters shall be four teet width'
paved with s • gradually sloped and not leas ,
,than eight Inches in depth; pavement:l on all unoe
eupied he h on e
be sizfeet in width of brick
or stone. the stone to :be of smooth surface. dressed
with square edges and properly fitted, the whole to
badone In a sigilful and workmanlike manner.
P , six. 2. That a! suit ab le grade be - ,established 'on
Washington street Its whole,length,tnd "on Cherry
alley from o.lal to Fl I street.. •
.: . .
' titt.' 3. That this ordinance must be eompl led with
and the work pi:pronged by the latter part of Sep
t:lnbar next,Tß BUSS : A. D. Inn. ,
1 BUSS BULL, Chletaurgess.
Attest: DAVI . WILNIVI4,-Clerk . :
fort Carbon ; 4unc ll , '7O - . 21-2,
.-.1-..,..._ ,
TEE zavnio .111,h,CHINE.—Injure the 111111 Li
spring of a watch and every portion of 'the works
i t,
becomes disordred. e human stomach is to the
r . human system what t at elastic, plecoof metal Is to'
1 ' a chronometer; !lit in :tenors the action of theother
organs, and controls t a certain extent, the whole
living machine'.' Thel c,omparlson may be carried
further: for as the weittnew or other imperfections
of the main spring brilmlicatert. cm the race of the
' time-p 4 ece, so ar e Is 11 weaknexa or other disorder
of the stomach tray by the face of the Invalid..
The complexien la sa l w or , faded, the dyes are defi
cient in lustre ' intelligence, and there is a worn,
anxious expresOon 111,3 he whole countenance which
tell as plainly written. word* could do, that, the
great neurishing'orgow whose office It, Is to minister
to the wants of the , and tosustain, and renew
all its parts , p; go4 u pc orming its duty. ' , lt requires'
renovating and' I' ling, and to accomiplish this
end Hostetter** torn h Bitters may be truly said
to be the only' thing cedful. Thera:at:ken male
spring of a ira maY be replaced by A new one, bat
• the stomach 'maybe repaired MO strengthened, .
and this Is one i the :pets of the hinfous vegeta,.
ble restorative hlchlfor eighteen years has been
waging a an , fun contest with dyspepsia In
,all climates. .Ao* specific for Indigestion It *tends.
;alone. - When' the rtioaroes of the phannacopmla
have been exhrted4wlthout. at best, doing, more
than miti,eatin the .compl a int, • course of this
I l e
wholesome and ,pala 'ble, yet powerful, stomachic
effects a perfect bnd ' rmanent cure. in all cases of
dyspepsia. he liver s more or less disordered, and
upon this i t g and, es well as upon the stom
ach and bowe ,f he B 1 rs act with Singular distinct
ness. rtwiatingand Iraigoutting every secretive
and awl leant ogre' on which bodily and mental
health de ad. i
_. , 1
rt --
- - 1 — •
Szc. 1. Belt orldain 1 and 'enacted by the' Town
•Courell of the ,IllorTgh of Pottsville, and -It la
hereby enneted‘j by he authority of the , sane;
That '„from an ;. afte i the passage of this Dna
nance no load 'I hey, ,straw :or fodder wagon
shall tie alto tto istaiiit in any of the streets
w i
of the Borough ixeept flt. such' pipes or places as
shall be design s ed Irina time to thine by. resolution
of the Town ..(.7 nett; and any person ter persons
Who shall nested. or tNetnsetacomply with the above
provisions after notill by the Chief Burgess or, other
authorised pers ' , h or they shall forfeit. and pex,
a tine of live, dol rs, to be reces•eredtas like flues are
now ree.overahl 4 . If'
SEC. 2. All Ord nun dif parts - of Ordinal'' ces in;•• • ••• •
etinsistent herewith lie pnd the same are hereby r*r,
.pealed. • 1 '.... , - - • .
Enacted and passed Into. in ordinance `at Potts
. title, this a 7th daiy of June, A. D. 1870.
4.31},M Ja.COCHRAN, President. .
; 'Attest: A. K.'r e ltrrsart, Town Clerk.
At a meeting a tnefrown - Conncil of the.Barougha,
of Pottstßle. held JuTe;7. 1570, the following street's'
went 'designated ai th places for the HarMarket,
!owl': .' ~... I ,
hat: West ',Meer Centre street,lfrant frame build-
Ing.of Mrs. -- Mattliew4 'Oath of Clay Monument, to
thewort h end of +Myer Terrace. And,
.al. Ou' the CI+THE of Market Square. •
, .1 ES AM G. COCHRAN, Preildent.
Attest': A. K.tkurrr j eit, Town Clerk.
- June 11, '70,..-24- t • , 115-1 t
-1 - • . .
7 .
• dices. - - . . ..
It__ •
E'L''''`Fftt,e m 11,474, 7.ecrnolnrl4°nß o t T ee h
f . '
Ashland will i llt; u held In The new :prick Schott
House; on Frida andl4aturday, June lithdind llith
commencing of 9 o'clock , preelseiy. Term, 10
months. Good. arida paid to lire teachers. The
Public art repect illy FrOted to be premed, Hy arder
of the Board. I '.JAMES 1: LAKE r ft.ey:
. . -
lilay 2/4, '7O--22-31 , ; - . ,
:LT °gra - BltiOlt i CtiAL COMPANY'S -or
/ FICF, No. • Wituttrt• ST., • ,
ii Flit LADELPHIA, May . mb.: irk
MEETING of the Stockholders
of this Company wield ''
-on 26th inaL, the supplement
to the Company's'Cha r ter, passed ti3rthe'Legialature
of the *State of Pedinsy vanla; and on 9th of April,
4i . pproted by thek eve or, wearer unanimously
by the atuwehold i r voting, and a majority of the
shares. - r . (IEO. H. id ERS, Chairman."
.Attest—Lorts XEV*II4,: kkeretary., • • .
June 4, 'TO 1 . '. 1 '• ' , 23. n • .
"I,_ i EICrIll" --
OFFICE` di ii Tax i SCHUYL . KIL
GATION CIMPANY. N 0.417 Walnut street,
here PR May 115th: IEo
Notice Is hereim 4cll;en, that' a Special 'General
Meeting of the stockholders mad . lxianholdeis orthla
company will be held lit this office, on Monday.; the
20th day of J une, IM. a U o'cl ock A. M. , for the_phr-'
pose of conmldering. a roposition to LEASE THE
Schuylkill Nes'l lotto Company , to the PhilsAlel..-
I i
phia and mid Company, •
• By order of til r e Mahagera, 1,.
May tas, '70141 . ) ' ' iy i . PRAILEY, PicoddenL""
, .
~~ ~
'r"'r T. atFa►
between the an-
OM amid Etairruca
the ;dna maim of
cited Stat!m, Eastern
and matter encidenned
entlfic serial publka-
•—• , , ,
. .
ROY New and , Elegant • Styles of' Carriage.' 'eon
. produced.. ..- April 30.10-411-Ira .
TKO 14 A. SONS, Philadelphia, ,
• ,
• • j Joni 14th„ at .11 o'cLocit. 31. •'• - '
.lb Oapttattats, limner*, (bat and Lerabc , r „Omicks '
• •On* of; the Most' Valuable
, ! ~•
, .
,; • .. PROPERTIES '• • - -
.. .
kr Is the State 4 t Pennsylvania, known as the - 1 '
-•,.• , •
I ANOMBUN II TATS. locateibetween Cameron;
. • ,riad Sioparium, Cameron County. Pa. •
On the line °lithe Philadelphia -r ind Erie nail.
"Ild wbkhh risTeroarlthetroPertY,And at the termi
nus of Burial& and ' Washington Railroad. 110
' miles from lkdralo, N. Y.. and Is,also- traversed' by a
brand:sat the t irkU isti dudizus River.
• of about four thousand
arders, This ali bl erg e rn ir dellaid with.elghteen feet of superi
or, pure, workable, bitanainolls , gm and steam Coal
(veins Ave feed, roar feet. and three feet in thickness
now open fort Land Is covered with a val.
Made growth of emlockand other timber. There
is also on the p rty •superior Saw -and Shingle
Mills, with an pliances tor manufacturing luta
- ber,-built within *, year, casting upwards of thirty.
thousand &Slam! This property Is now offered, and
moat's mot 4 wittiont ralerve to the highest:bidder,
at public suction on Tuesday. June 14th nest, at •12
o'clock 34... by 11. - haulm a Mons, at the "Philadel..
' . • • , , -
p t .,
• • . , •
pamPhlets, Ps - iind further particulars, Cap.
ply. to
I. 11,,, Sins n di. Cu... 42 Broadway. Room 41
Now York City, or to If. Thomas & Sons, Auction.
sees, No. 13.Soutti Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
!PAWNS, lo . • zat. ;-
.rlßGAlffnizsi TiZENANIES. _.
%-•,.. .• - ' - . ' 08 , ElitADINES.
°Rill. GOODS, &c. '
Fine French Orondlea ••• - .
lledlorn and
,Elne Lawn!. - '
- 7
. - • .Alßilk a l Wbol Mick He ol', Hernanrnanlei.
nd Wo I.
- Blob* English 13renaillnen.
' - • , bilkgated Grenadines. :;.:-.... - '
• • -
bdpar r b Stock .Thin G .
oods. .
• - mem ' / ''
case Grey'Cloodm. -:"
' : - • Si eento+Two.ennen Grey (foods,.
'• . - IC oento-eClue ease Grey, 4 :loodik • ,
- SO, IC aubl -- 75rents—Flhest Imported do.
, • racents.4lllk - Popllns,textra cheap.
' , ' • ' . It e te Morten.
M . .
. • • - . T list Linens,., • ~
1.910 Shawls,
E g 14" lSso m a
' •
•_.• . - • . - ' Pla no .
~ ,' Etcho Covers. ' '..
• ~. ' ;Floe =seines Gallia .! . . '-• ' -
- - • Linen Stock.
, .
• Ch Cainirriereo: :
• . , '
Pima' aulslinerell. ' - • . ' ': '
' •• Nolohybleoleh Sultlngs, -
'AU The,_thrrelt,len.
coorzit t. CONARD;
SDELPHIA. ' • . • ;
ID:1310 GOODS, ..,'' •
tI. . . • -:
L AI)n29.
Ft!eli Blatk Silk foi-DFsmata,
,• , .
, . .
. .. .
_‘ .
. AGW m: :. 'ENGI:D3II,
7. ':
110; : 11:f8
Chestnut t l ,(Diipctitte Dunttnental Hoteri;
I' f .'+;` 'A47O Scin b Ninth St„,Ptillodellitila..
• Aprtrlft;lo ••, • lit4tm
WiIIMOW D'Ol.A. , TIQNp. . -
. - fait.C. CURTAINS,- .
' l '- , - L.AtiSiift . EQUINS . .
- i 1 . Of
.I• . . FABRICS, .1' . ":
-!),' /Main o f CWors the Latest Imported;
Pi:1713818, EWE: &c., for RallAid EiOpplieO,
". • . I. F..' VAL AVEN,
Nowt '79 •I , • •, „ • 19-1 y
I . XAVT Integgratevr, ..:
SEALED PROPOSAL R for furnishing Anthra
cite Debi 'for the Navy, tube delivered . during the;
Meal year ends lure Uwe 30, IE%, will •be received ate
this Bureau until OA. M.. June H. IGO. •
These proposals - must be Indorsed„ "Propasals, for
Anthracite Coal ler "Moonier"' use." ' _ • -
The o ffe r must be for th e dellvery orio,ooo teul,of ,
- :WI pounibo 1 . • •,
• The coallinust be of•the best Beek HoUntain or.
Black Heath, or of a kind equal to them-In all re-.
sleets, which equality will be, determined. by. it
board anointed W the Secretary of the after
the red:option of the bid. The name of the coal pro-:
rmto lie 'furnished must be stated hi the offer.:
. be delivered In lumps of imitable Size fork
noral steatite's, clean, of 'uniform quality, selected,',
free from Impurities. unmixed, of which' the - cote. ,
tractor will,
_be required to tarnish such evidence aw
will be satioliseto , and .be subject to such •inspeer
lion, as to quality liut
quantity, as tbe Bureau may
direct, - Tho coal
` Most in all respects be satisfactory
to the ,inspectonr, who will-have the light of per
orriptorirreJection, , • .
The price must tie ter coal delivered's'. the Phila-'
lea s hia navy yard or League Island , and,placed In. '
Provided by the Government on that:miry yard .
whad or en hoard. of Teasels' at such
poin•W within .
siXmiles of the,satill navyyard as may be designated • ;
by the Bureau; and all deliVeried'eforesald most be.
at the eoutractoesl risk and expena+, and without
an extra charge ef any kind.
Proposabi will likewise' be received for •the de- '
livery of 3,000 towed' the same quality of coal, to be
delivered in the port of New York. ,ou loard of
vessels, or at the navy yard there, sae' at Philadel- •
phis, underthe same conditions. - , 1
Any demurrage or other chantte tb which thel
Bureau raw beeli g il ected from delay In the_prompt 1
dvery of the
dr il k , the contractors, wi ll be de
ducted from the
In ease of filings to deliver the coal in proper
quantity, (not exceeding 500 tons per day,) or proper
quality, and. at the proper time and . place, the
Bureau nserres Do right to purehase forthwith at
the central:does ti dr and expense that which may 2
seem ateserszy to!supply the deficiency. •
Blank lbrmsofolibir,'llwirantet'; ter-, will i ll be '
niched on appikati on to the Bureau. . .
May 2 5. 70-2845 • ,
• • •
. .
C 1111119113 THAN THil curapzirr. -
0 ALT. KANDE • •
At'Lower Meet ,than any other Booksellers - to
. 4 % :- Pottsville
. '
Nana Tint mut az.
A an Azit4sita the
At siiest R ode' from Former Prices,
.111 asa p
7 P1112N71 1 /Ali .
big tanmikort '
0 wider
thieratorifinilhassase - ll* et - he - Tba..
talit t Met t i l g u arg e RED,
s and Berlaw's Wane
calabeni: tonateradt. For Ole Wawa.
Ohm:en sad • WILTIIIIIMIeII /111.0SUISIX
inairtil assimalorarileliniand
Pinteroacid Spices. nitr o
Medicines hides. Taphsce, Seco. and all ir..
I t
Medea la Use llama • , - • ' •
- , A WILTDFMGRR'S Drni Mere.
- X 2M Ninth dasaid 81.4 Philatelphis.
v ,
, • _ •1_ 1 • a- _ - .- . I ,
. , maw *SS imam Basendliteset. -
- „..6.,..4 • i ' I.l =
= en,...,ea tikal "L_
,is Uts addithis of tha largo lour story tea= +.l7°
Shaft bbi plans of holiness; otters in
natta to sundown of furniture/to fille him
eall. Re is lof being at4e to plows all
*to may &roc `with their custom; and his ex
parkins* o ft ty year' in tautness is a- guarantee
of his ability turn out the beat of 'work. He per
masa/ ell bin large Worinibogia.and any Sr
_ tielonot on, will be made to the lowest
tacos , - *
.huge *huge -. . at ail kindset :
,nM._ • BitTORE
conigatitly on . • . •D: M. KARCHER. •
I ik'SK 11. lb - ' V:. ' - 7-Iydw
w ry:Tx/ ow
*Ea IlostrraFrFieta or rug
Ckurssuirmo -
0111UOLT4L -
I 00 9• and poll OfEsriarr
• rtureAmimpui . A. •
rot Tun •7 .
Oct. 2.111-1311
1714er Ganaerita of all Muds .
tri 4yEal v.tasETy,
aIA mab gush s,
t,i2) t Ala ' lnglaCi a
• I O. • NA RK = wt.
`to lalleic Sae dilates* ot
ty, abo will ere inerne-,
swat*d. an reason*.
Hoz lei Toes Moe. Pottsville..
itiationvitii.444tun to.
illat:inufaterliONDAY~, .21LAT ISM✓:1810. - iin
Moog Pfrowerwer Vain witt.te rah between Reading
dint ?Wald - tut horns:.
Leanter Bawling at 7.30 A.M.., antaceting there with
Lebanon MA' Urse from Itarrisharg. and
anivina Pottetilte stopping at ail
Intermediate tt points. - .• _
Returning: lea - ve Pottsville at 4.•A1 P. XL. arrtvina •
Read_ l . l . l lt 8.. P. M. dud there
.** Adeumsgun.t. ttazirbdairtn' Lancaster.
pittleatelphin dud dll.tntertrite. paints.
• ' A:t.vICOLLS, -Goa.
taratiltur; '7O-I.*lta . - 00.2iint
NI it
. <'!~'ep'~ed
-•-~---- •ro".F6e.
DIZILAD.ELP.ECIA. - r t k,RE,4,DINO , R. "L—
a On and atler .110ND.1.1„, )(ay 2d; MA an early train wIU .
laava-rattaellte at 5.40 it. react Ont
Phlladalphttatlo).4.7-41.,and rettirnlng from Phi Welphla l.
at 0.15 mein ng Pot:evil to Ai 9,40P.111i
_ Thin train will' connect witit:the7.15.4...:31. Irani
from Iteodinnloarrisburk. and. with tralra.khr
-114, alai commects on th e Perkloinen Railroad.
t~cutsion 14c.keni,Foo1 for this Ulan only, an& for
agullrOdnY Want* from PottsvilUalladea.,
Phiaatkil rthru.. -•-
- - . General Airelta.";.-
. , ~
~ . . .....
L tAt.iiny.:,&txtß9A.VoolllPlr.
- Time Table showing eorineetiotus ot.the L. V. R.
11. Co; with those otthe'Phtla. 4. • tag R. R. Oa
Monad from rottavtl.l4s on 4 InteVn points be-'
tweea ftetallng awl. tt#l4le: . • • - - • •
- lA. .' It.:P. M.
1• : .
Leave Potter 111e.......:. : -.: ...z.......--.4 5.10 i ~.• t 2.15
";• Reiull_ —rig. ~. ' ' . :mt . io.. , . 44r)
.." I ' - , Xost Peak's': unetloii: - ....1, Az{ u.rik ti
ATrlve at .F.amo ......•....;.. 5 .....,.._ . 0,1.1 z. 1.3.0 • aas
lic* Ycirii , ; ..- 12.13 i 3.40; 10.00
. 1 . • - • .• "
. i•_•-111N. • . •
ISII. N 11 4 ..31.,P: R.
• , R - f:t. 1.. " •-•
- ;..
East Pen Jana"
- Rau "
ArrtAle at PottavAlic
Fur MAUCH CHUNK and - iniennediate
feal(ernttevtlle.4.4o and tea A. M., and 2.454'. 3i. , ar-.
riverat Mauch Chunk .12.4* .11.44.) and 9.$J 311..
RETUIOII.".I4I- leave Stanch l„%unk, 4.11 and.
arrjve at Pottavil ,le ' and'7.3s P.ll.
For all pointa the Lehi - lth coal 'neatens and for
Towanda„Waverly; and. 3tugialu . leaVe Pettavilits,
&AA.- - ^ ROLM-ff. SAYRE, '
• SuperiaNn(Wnt und Engineer . .
31..- '69 -•.
. • stptatEß . 11 91411:NREur..v_r.. • Y .
'Monday . ; *TO 0:
• Giiat Trunk tine from the 4Yorth was .51,111:te.;st 141 ,
1101.1adetihig; exit Vew Yqrli,..4leatti,,4,
'iuze, Tamaqua,. Anlitaseet,.fitiormarbkin i
Weir,'..4.fientoten, 'Easton', Vort rata, Litiz, •
Colurobla, c. "• - •
• ,Tratiorleave-Ilarriihurg for 24#y York as follows
At 5.35, 6.10 A. M. 11.2 i A. M. and 2.50 P. 31. connect
. ingUtitit similar trains On the Perhisylvanla Railroad
and arriving at New York at ',.12.11.1 noon, 3.50,
and 10 . 00 P. respectfrolv. Sleeping ' cars ;Lerma
pang the 5.35 and 112 i A. bt trains Without change.
Returning : Leave New York at '9.03, A.:. M. 12343
nooti.and 5,00 P. M., Philadelphia at 14.15 A.• Si. and
3.30 P.S.L. Sleeping carsaccompallY tha9. o o - A. 51.. and
5.90 P, t mittstroin Now York arititontelianee:
'Leave Harrisburg for. Reading,;• Pottsville, Tama
qua, Minersville, Ashltutd..Sharnoktn, Pinegrove, -
Al lentoWn and Pkthulel Ph Ls, aii.lo - A . :3L. 2.50 d 430
P. 24., Lebanon an pi-t .:we.y eta
diont: the 4.10 P. mi train. coutt cling Mr ;Philadel
phia, Pottsville and. Columbia only: Por.Pollsittle,- -
Schttylk ill Haven and An burn, I via Schuylkill and
Hustmehanna ttallroad, ieuve I.llatriablirg :f. l0 p. 1 1 4. ••, • \ . „-
East . •
PenteiVivoriia Railroad Trains, leave Reading
for Alientown. , Eagtoo aSal New• York ati 7.23, 10.39 ;
a: in, 1.27 and 4.45 p. in. Returning, leave New York
at 9.151 a. m,12:00, noon, and 4.00 in ., and' Alien - - .1
lawn al7. Al a. ht., 12. Z, noon, 4. Al and A. tS p. tn.
Way Paasenger Tmln .leaves Philadelphia at-7.30 I
A. Id., flonneeting With similar train on East Penh.
Railroad, returning from Reading at. 0.35 P. H. atop-.
ping at all staticols. , •
..I . .eave Pottsville tits24o, 9.03 A; Mui 2.50
-Herndon 9.30 A. H., Sharaokin at 5.40 god 10.40
.Ashland at. 7.(k A.• 5 1 ...; tool' 12:30 upon, blalwnov
City. at. , 7 1 51 7 - 51: • • and 1.31 . P:•31., Tamaqua at
and2: 3lYork.. P r. M. for hiwtiel New
Leave Pottsville,vki Itnyikllll - Wel Seelpiehanna
. Railroad at - (1115 A. 31.J'Or Harrlslaug,, and 12.0 i. noon
for PinegroVe and Tremont..' '70„ . • ,
Reading Accommodation Train. leaves .Pottsvllle
at 5.40 A: 31,passeaResel.figat 7.30 A. 11„ arriving at,
Plitindelphia.ot 10.3/
A .: Xt.: retarainir I yea Phila
delphia at A 1.5 P. AL, passes Heading nitt. ,
riving at Pottsville - at:9:4o P.. 1%. ,
Pottstown-Acconintodation- Train leaves Potts-
Anwn at 6.45 A. 2.1:1, returning leaves, Philadelphia:it
- . •
Columbiseßalirtsad trains leave Reading a t 1.20 A.
34., and 6.15 P. M. for Ephrata Wiz, Lancaster. CO
lumbia, <tr.. • • • •
Perklomen Itailmtultraimileave Perktomen June
tlonlat 9.00 A. M., &Wand 5,30 P. M., rot uruimr, leave
Schirenksidild at 8.05 A. M., 12.45 mien, and 4.15 . P. M.',
connecting with itimllar_trairis on Mauling Ihtilioad.
Colebrookdale Railroad trains leirVe Pottstown at
9.40 A. 34... and 8.20 P. M.:. returning leave Mt, Pleas.
natal TAO and 11,24, muetzting with similar
trains on Reading Railroad. • •
- Chester Valley Railroad train ravelirldgeport at
8.30 A: M., - 2.05 and 5.02 M.;.ret lug. lravelBEvn.
Ingtown at 6.19) A.. 31., 12.45 noon
meting with sitallartraias'on lte Mg Railroad. "-
On Sundays : • Lea'e-New York at 5.00 P. ,M., Phil
adelphia 9:00 A. 'M. and 3.15 P. 31., the 0 0 A. M. train
running only - to Redding leave - Pot tsville at 8.00 A.
leaye Harrisburg at 5.3.5 A. M. and 4.101'. M. leave
Allentown at 7.25, A. 31., and 8.45,1'. 'M., • and' Read-
Ingrid 7:15 A. M. and - 10.05P. AL. for Harrisburg, at 7.21
11..fou.New York ,'lt 4.45, I'. for Allentown,
and at 9.40 A. IL and 4:25" - P. M.. for Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mileage, Season,.Bcliooland
pion !rickets band from all points, - at reduced rates.
Baggage' checked through; 100' pounds allowed
earn lwienner, . • " A. NICOL/X.
May 16.10 fJan.:ll.:B...diwl General Superintendent..
- -
• •. •
,TRWTO,N, • • 1
For Incline:o Pinnes..llllning, Standing Vhiv Rigging.
Suspension Dridges,;-Ferries,Stikes and GuyH -on Derricks, C limesanti Shelve . ,
•• " Flevators,,Tillers,Ae. - •
1k,L4.1iG4 STOCK OF WI Id', • nok cIONi4TANTLY
4 •
- OiIDERS TI I;LX.D W/TII DISPATCH: . ratrength; alio and cost, sef circulars, witli
srlll NI gent on - aptillOation. .
.. . .
.1. the above POWDzit can be .ten .at the 'office; 174.
'Centre 1463E4., with ROBERT B. HEATH; ion' with
WALLACE I'. RYO'N . -.Esq., at the " l'ennsy Ivan la
National Rank, and wilt be promptly attended-to.
June 2, '7Ol 1.4-2t—raf , TtIOSLAB WREN-4: CO.. ,
Cot:retire WAJlot ioolltOtrls Ji•drant GI.ECNA wOk
' • 1,6 - * 00
3 23 2550
6 twi' '," 0150
600; 6 50 -
3 (kr 325
. 11 . 2.70 • 350
1 33c,.. 1 40
•1 .101 119
I 12S
• 04 70
" 12i
1..3)" I_i
311 i 35
so . 35
.10" 50
'oo' 3000
21 00: t:a.
- • 11
12; 5
'40 141 12
. . .
Wheat•Flotir, extra •falail:•, - ,:p bbl
, ." " "- ;;; CU. t.....
.. " •• " 'exj.ra • bid
Rye Flour..,
, • ...... ........ . ewt
Buckwheat Flour ' • •'1 cwt
Wheat„ prOne w d l ...„
Rye 7 .2.101bu5h...
Corn . ' • 4 • bush...
Bye Mop :.. ... ... .
Corn Meal ' • 14 bush._
Mlddlltars . , ... :es bush....
Shorts ...... .... , busll-..
Bran I • • • bush_r
Potatoes , bush-.
.. . .. • .._ y ton..
..... --ti cwt
Straw -
Eggs • IA doz..._
Butter.-:, .... ...... ..... . . lb •
Beef; kind quarter • : -11 lb
".- fore , ..... •
. .
We give the followhig quotations for to-day:
MEA.TS- • • • . • Itairtlit . ..
Roast ;Beef 0 -F 2.s.Chickens '0
corned Beef 11 1t.....-. - Is62o',Dticks ..... -4%22
Rump Steaks 0. -764r2liTurkeys , -4.45
Strloln Steaks '0 0%,.. -•-•lltuldoek --4 5 4111 .
Sausage "0 lb li -fflr-VRoek 10 .. - .... ._...., -405'
iltrrroN-- ' ;Halibut -(d121
Forequarter 11lb - • IF Y iite Perch -fir•l6
Hindquarter 0 lb.
.... , -4F12
CtioPsICA-- • T 6 .... . '
Poag-• • 1 • :Eels ostritta...
Roast & St enks?lb..."-44f0lleansfsoup)0 q 12-,13
Corned*Rutter 0 -4449 •
Hams (Wholejoth_._ 21:Egas . ..
Hams (sliced)
Shoolders? . )70118:Potatoes? '4' peek.:.'--4 9
Dried Beef . ' --fis.liPotatoes hu5h...... -46 a
Vg..4 • • :slv'tl'otatoesotirilt-2.13
Forequarter To, -481hOnlorts?
Hindquarterli Red Beets %Peek- - 410 '
Cutlets j lb • • ~-40.30Tural pt ,4 150420
• Prime Oysters 01110, sl',VPitte Apples 0 piece. 156:30
Bologna Ezd
S au sageidb::+ , c,APries*l Mee/5 kt'
Srooke4SausageWt . t-stc ZAry les o. A sa rn
'"A? ~e4sraph``.
. • •
The. Nilw Ainly 11111=1be Incanic Tax-1'4(4111C.
. .
*• • •
W43.t.tiNpTos, Juhe 10.-4,The conft".rence
eotaceittee - on the . bill - to-..reorganize the
man; agreed rtaktir to. repkrt a subStitute
enihraciiig therf)ointa of bOtli the Senate and
House bills. The bill - ;nl4Tped ...upon retains
the sections regtilitting%the-,*iy pf ofileers;
and dislienses: with the brevet section:4, The
House managers carried their bill virtually
as against the geoate.' . • • -•.
The Senate -'Finance. Coin t tea t I le!
tax.bill under consideration to-thy, and dis. ,
cussed the policy .of'striking out the income.
tax entirely, but' . no eoriclusion - was , rea - thed,;
It is proposed 'by some Setiators. to 'abolish
the income tax and increase do dis.tilled spir
its sufciently , to.inalce tip for the ditibreueo
in amount to the' rerentie.
The Setiate Itailroad Volinnittee
had a meeting tirdtiy: 'and 'clitaidereti the
proposition 'to consolidate the Ftetntmf - and
Kellogg bine' for thejeenstruetioa of a Sopth
era Nellie. Railroad._ It wasaiated ira com
mittee that the partiO Anterefiteci had agree'd
to consolidate. • - ' - •. •
3fafor•Perry - ,Ftilier ha. 4 given Loinis Ltefore
Judge 'lrVylie, ~of
.11Ir ..5.3.0,tK0, to
'answer eertain Cuittom . rionsocharges : u must
him ' New • Orlean's.. 'F.'nller'stittittsinm
areSeriators 'Kansas, and Mfcl)onalii,
of Arkansas: Fuller, was: represented before
Judge Vylie - by Congresstrinti, Sheldon, of
Louisiana. - • • . '.•., ,
The Gteat Held=
‘ ti.'ll/43oklyn- 7 ,43titia;,-,e - and At-
...• • . .
3 ~,A.Ltia.NV. •Jiine .10,—The ,epot rac4for
Iron sUperstrifeture of the new Hudson River.
'Bridge has - been awarded :UP. Kellogg, Clark
& of Phcensaville, T,lie whole. work
. 18 to be eonipleted.durintAbOleason of 1871.
NEW YORK,' . .Ame .l o..‘A - George• Gdrrow,
Colored man, has been' `arrested at Jamaica
for an, attempted violation , : find • murder of .
'Jane Smith, also colored, thought the
'latter Wlll die.: • ..• . • • .3'
_ • . . - •.. • : - •
CozrOonn, N. H.,• Junee 16. , -:-The:
. caueis of
Ale Democratie members of the • :Isla -,
blit night nomin iletiry!-141 :g ~ ~ ;-•-of
Littleton, for Tint Statealiertiitar. . ,•:'
BosTON . , Mass.,_ iiilo IQ..falie arimitice
ment ofthe death of Charles Dieltens'eauses
profound sadness throughout the city. `'°
lA. :
si stal
10. cm
Vt.2SiL 745
tempted Murder
. I.l4l tic 3 d' - - - ThePMtiloenicktlnis.
od. and
Itarty' a Atli, &ere:.
tars Cox: and "cortirrdatidolief:Yitherii.: The .
E;eeretttry Made Iximeeeh iat i tthat soine'of .
file requests Inadebythe to georteerning
rations atid alimain g them tiad otWOnld te
- ;peceeded to,-and the Chwernment watthl. di
'all in Its Make themeothrtirtibte
and . hOrMy. 'lle announced: that they had
idready`reeeii'ed sorne:!pretents in thetihilie
of blankets, dte.;•and Would receive- rtions.ln
New York tm
;Death ofCbaefap rniekezis;:ilte Great Srovellst,
Thersdaylliter.taisdows, at Cbe
Age of tia.tster:k
Los-nex,June_llll‘.2l ) ; ill e kens,
the novelist., Is :dead.= die .'esiterfainlng
party at dinner, se his rated walled's 111.-
on,Weduesday,. when - he was end Ina_
with alarming symptetha of i sling
him of speech and volition, - Was the ••• • to
be dying.. -"lawns intruedlately•kottveyeil to la
chamber, and- medical asaltitance.-Was: tepid
sennelled. .171)on the - arrival of a 'fibril I• e
pronto:ired him to be under the 'ludo , a
,fiormidablo stroke 'of apoplexy: 3 ,•• te
remedies were prescribed arid, eve • • , • one
to alleviate his sulferings r het it wai - &oleo
to the great novelist still - remained- In g ••*-
to state from which it was impossible to
consultation tif pitysicianti failed to del
a remedy for this unfortunate cotint. Mr.
ens still'ltiyin that dangerous state of insentu
!ditty, and fnan'tho time. pf the attack until
p'cloek hest evening .. e lay tnotionletis; ray- _
ingtio SigllS. of li • •
The physici- .1/: alarmed at his condition,
six o'clock mitred him ' to detect signs . . of ,
b . reithit the last flickering. spa i k of life '
had e zli 7 red, anti shortly ; after sit' ack the .
:great ovelist a-as .pronounced dead, - having.
;liven no signs. of life; and! remaining almost
y insensible until the hour of his death. -
'June 10, a V.. :il.—The, following_ additional
uterticulars of the distretisiug'-alaulity have
theca 'Attained - •
Mr. I)iekens was. 'entertaining a dinner party
at. his house, at Gail's 11111. • Miss Elegant).
seated 11 car hint, observed evident signs of. dis--
tress upon .his countenance; and then. made a
remark to hinytthatbo mina he ill. To this-Mr...
Dickens replied, r"0 no, T have onlv•ggt a head
tteho ;• shall he, better prese 9 tl 3 ;•."'`.
Ho then aSkedlhat an open_tkinitow be shut,
:and almost immediately becitino .tinconscions!
and fell hack- in a chair insensible. ,
lle'tvas irmriediately vyinvcyed toga room and
medical, attendance" sunimoneit, but Mr. Dick' :
ens still
_rerMtined,, uncontiCious and never rc
1118,tion and daughters reit - 0 . /toed . steatifaxtiy
id his'bedside' until his decease. . ' -,,,-,
The ladies tnanifested many deinenstration
of grief at the sad event; anti. - the - seen . 1/1 d - --;
scribmi as mournful in the extreme. -.,_
Many • rcininiseeneea 'of. the eminent ' 4 .ap-2 L.
thor have been recalled by
.his suildeq re-
cease. '.. - •
. .. -
It is stated. that. Mr. Diektens has' several
tinies,ofilale, complained that ho .experlenc_e4
considerable' , dlftleull,F . - • - in working, • becanse •
his powers of bpplit.?tion' were bevonling lm
potent: lie ado said •his thoughts AM longer
'cunt. to him ei:4‘ 4 44poutaneeasly, as hi forme . •
tit -4. - „1, ? :-; -' ', , ' -.? . 1 . •
.. ; 'chile at Presten he had need •or mediatbei ~ 1 .
and called upon physicians, who warned' ldoll
not to continue reading, bd.:luso he was do'ilig
so at the peril Of his liter .. 4. , L/ 4, 1 tk- • - ,
June lot,—Tho sad .tioWs of the dare ''if t
Charles Diokens • has elicited the warmest l
.pres.sions of universal sbrrow and :ewe .
the columilt - of the:morning - press:abound -t.
mournful articles tipon the sattnvent.: - • .
• •
The Tins•saytit lOrdivary ezpressious of .
regret. are now .cold ond conventional. - Mil,' 0
lions of people icol 3V-personal hereayetuent'.--4 -_,:
statesmen,_ saVatts, - and benefactors of a- race,
when, they die, cairteaY,e no . such vpid.- . They
cantlet, , like this , great n ovelist, be an inmate of •.
every house.". • ' ' •
.' ' •-• ..# ' ---: •
'rho D.k.ttV Nt:Ws 'sriyli ,i• 14 WIthout iritelleer, , -
% tied petligreerAiis-Writim,os form an era in Flng . - -- -
.lish literature, He was genermoc• loving, ind • •
universally beleyed, Ho leavens, • like Thsek- -,
. _
'eray, an' untinished:story.";: -
_L - : ••
The 3lnust.,sik POST says t •:liarfes Dickens .
'did more than any eontemporary to rnako ! , :ng-• ".
lis li literature toyed and _adnii red." ' -•';'• . a "
-The TEL vs; 11A, PI iv regards- the: d isti.ngnisitud:
bead it.. 4 w
'a imblio servant Whose task its nobly •
Whined.. . - -•—
.Ttio l nm:4, in its money articlethis tnOrninff.
referring to the introtlaction of the
.e nettiOrand
Rapids Railroad Atontis:Asys - Erio exterleticgs
ineinleate distrust of all such securities'. : • .
The trial of Boultbn one of the mastt9ernders, •
had. been. deferred sessiOns.. The •
Ttsz ES says the prisoners, Ernest:l3°olton' and
Frederick Pdrk, have be.en reeased out
- .
. SPAIN. • . •
' •
• Siiunin:J utie .10.--Yesterday n • civil gusid
eame.up with part of the band of brigands u-ho'
eapturedtho knglislinten near Gibraltdr, some
time ago; The - guard initnediatefy gave ;thent
Kittle. killing three and capturing their i horsa.;,
tite-others succeeding In effecting :dheir pseape.
On the-persons of-the killed were found seventy
thousand reials, part of,thh amount Nthle4 hail
been paid as ransotn for their prisoner'',
The Duke of Motitpensitir has ask
obtained passage fir gugland
. . . h
4 .
.. V.
. j ,
• ni . tion . by Mr. P,Otnroy to take u thet111?• - • -• ,
rid:lino. to the' -Central" Branch Union Ptici fie •
Railroad Company for a land subsidy gave rise -
'to discussion. Mr. Thayer opposed th :Motion.' '. : -
Mr. iloward said he would offer an at endment `
to the bill, which bad been agreed upo t byboth , ....
.. • parties; w!tieli would not grant to the Centrist' ' •
'french any lands wifliio the limits se lkiebraska , -...
but all such lands would be given to pin other. t........
-company. The bill. WIL.S tina4y takett up, and
-- Mr.•Shermatt - objected -to givi.n', the eeniptitiy • ....
• even sections•of land,i. 'file bill. was; then re- ,
cOmmitted to the Conituittee'on Paditic Rail - .. -
Road.- -.
!. At. 1.15.. o'cloekthe Senate r,estimeil tlit".c.eit- .- •
. . _
mifferation of the Franking bill. i.— .
, ,• , .-.•- •
NI t•: . Drake eerrected a miestatement Of lilit-,' . '
marks on the previous day. Ilia pitaition , was • .
that unless the bill
,'contained a proposition by -
which tiarploverunkent Alia!' pay the postage of - -
Senators andllepresentatives, he ,wolaid,..yote - •
• a•-tiiristit. t ., • ` •• I
. . '''Mr. - Morrill. of IVernionf, aavoc4ted. -his.
. , _
aendment. ~... s"..t r ... • •.
Mr. Sumner- then ;addressed the.,Senate tit • -- .
length in support of theTranking system.. '
- I
~ ..
• • •• . W., , isIIINOTiNe; Juni.l.o„ • •,••
1 Mr. Myers presented theletition of over 300, ••••• '••
druggists and dealers in diatilled spirits in Phil-
• adelphiain faqir of taxing. spirits at Pie:distil- •
._ . .
'lore, and on aeapaeity basis .' ..- .• :. : . :.• •
i. • ~
• - M..Dayis, (X. Y.), from Abet Judiciary Coin
, mittee, reportett a bill amendatory of,the acts iff • •
the 27th of July,. ISO, and March 2 •181'.ff.; for the -.2 1
removal of causea-41..nertain roses from. State
• Courts•to Federal Courts byoxtending their ap- •
pileatiort to eltsea_of ejeattuent.where the Odin-
,- • '
arttasof:title or parties in interest are eitixens of._ .
diffeeenotates. 'Passed.l ' ' •,• -.. . 1- . . -
Mr. •Fit•h, 'rising to a liuestri- ofpriviltigei . ' the Clerk's desk and 'b d. tut a State- ' , • ,
' , inent from the Washington tel gitiphic •corres-,-, —. '.•
,pmlence of the•ISI: Y. .kivistivo ran, 'to the .'
effect 'that- the eorreqiiiindintf, had called on:, :' 4 .
• Cumeral Butler and tiskedtlm•whetho, tri - Ids
explanation the day.provionsliilu, reference- tot -.5.
Mr. Fitch, ho intended to Say, 'there was no evi- -
deuce- before hi.l!•committee • directly:. Or 'indi•• ,
rectly implicatin,••. Mr. Fitch, and that peneral-
Butler eau( that that was nothis Ateuil:q r ., - nor
-,•e Add he truthfully sav•so; there was., no direct •, "
. evidence against Mr. Pitch, but there was MO.;
reel testimerty.. • • • " • .
no:statement having been read. ‘Mr. Fitch- •.' .
Called 'upon "Mr; Better, .1abia..,..t0 state • whether . • • ...
that statenient in the F•viipabitt POST Was true
.or not. , „ . .
I.llr...Butler denied the eirrisithess Of theStafe , .....•..-
iiiiiit. : • -
• Mr.Ti i -I _desire to say also - in Teferene,e to ...
.ait edi id Which slept:ars in the saine•papor 7 , ••' ..
'that -Viten t. knoW • Mr. N. B. Taylor; that I . • . my.ktiowledge met hirer, and. if there *-.. .
_IS lestirinmy tit tt. • either Mr. ..N. 8.. Tayfor Or ' . . :..
any other ocrso ever approaehed moor- offered
i t
me anifiliribe or •onsideration whatever - in COO.. •. ' :
i t eet,to tt - with Cuban Or any other matter, it is • • • .
utterly false; and I now shall ask the House :
.ithOugh I feel seine delliatcy in: doing so my- - .•
self.), that this reporter, W; Scott Smith, who , . •-•
. has circulated a font slander againit ine,!perso,- -.-•
'nal-ty,7 and retie ~, I' • oil . the' dl. pity of tlibi ': ._
110u5....,* Mut - who in,-response to a pnblic de- ... • ...
ritandtrf it on-the finer of the House, has *lies" ' •
well it, - and made another . false statement, put-.: -. .- -
tin; language into the kiniutli of- the gentleman - " • '
from ' •Massaehusetta ...which that gentleman' . .
st)n tl
ttes - (and o •nta truly -Matas,) ho never.' • .
• tiseil,„lie on, account of that action lexcluded '. r: •
- front the reporMs gallery of _this - JR:nue. ...
The Speaker Adggeste•Ptlcit.. in a:-matter. ill-
ttilvingsetuaeli personal-feeling the motion' - '•'restit* . e.l to,•;writing.. Subsequently .
the rbstofution Was put in this form
- Roth-1011, That V. Seetirinaitli, the reporter -' • _
of the New-York - l' York-EVE:sit:fa l'esr, be lifought to ' 4 ' '
the• Mir of the House to show i , ause, if he can, .. -
-why he shouhl , not be expelled front the report.; . •
erl4). wellerk for. libellous statements - reilecti e g
'on the-integrity of members of thitt"llouse. - 1 -• . ~. .
A discussion ensued, itttended by 0 good deal ....
.' •
Q nfumion. • Fitc_tily• the resolution,was ~•-•
ed Without a drvisien. . - • z 7
a Speaker laid bethre the Htarse as es,
~ . P
. tie lof privilege, a letter from Charles,ll. r-. . '.•
a lp
" ter" Representative , front . Virginia,- relent the.... _".
, -
circa Mstapens of an ,lassiau It recently Madempoit , . , .
bint 'with- murderous intent, in itietiMcond, Va.;
,bvsli man named Patrick -Weeds,' alias \Patrick .' .
liooley.•Tite letter having•been read; MT. Wood :•
- otfered,a titsolution directing the Speaker .to lam p
..sue his'warrarit to the Sergcant - aV.Airmi for the' " • :
arre h t•of Woixbi alias Dooley'; andMs detimthin, • ' ' I
subject to the furthei orderer, the house.. Tite .'
resolution _Was adopted, tli 4,04, 1. ~• -. , ..,, .:, -
... :
• The itaturalliation -.bill - came ep at the en.; ,' - ' '
finished ~ businesa'ot yesterday, , the - , question - • -,3,, 'l4
being.on laying on tbeiteble tiles:notion to re-, ..,
consider the vote by , vittich the bill. was laid — .
on the table. The MotiorfAct tsieb . rudder was '- .
'not' laid on the tablei.M. to Oa.. ' The vote was . •: • . -,
re,oortsidered, yeas , itiltayat33;and the question . - .
recurring whether- the' bill. should be laid On '
the table the vote ' was : yeas SO; *nays irit.:end: , ‘-' - . •
-thett on Motion. of --Mr....Divia-of New .3. orb -- • ' 1.
the bill ' was' re-committed - to . ,:the
..Jadicla i . . •`..
Cointlitttet. , • • ' ' "': ' :" . .
• - - • • ,
• , .lt d'liti. o'clock,' lifr. Viri.Scatt. Smith. I taT•'."tts.. . .--:-•
4)orteref thi N. Y. Eva - its - soroarosPpeared at
' of thei - Oouse; and Made a statement- in A. -
Ilia' defence, t o o The effect - that•the infoituation •••••i .; .. - .... ~
which ho '. had given respecting- ME. • Fiteli, liali.:-.' z A lup/
had :proetired - froin an affidavit 'before
.-the,* - •",,qq
- Grand I Jury of the of Columbkiti•-• - flo • .., •,.•
declined to.state who:exhibited tin, atlittivil-lo:•: •-• .
404 and finally :the Whole subject Was referred' -. - c
to ,a - select • committee of tire .14 .. ezithere....34.....'- ;.-.- ,
Smith - wite.floally,disc. , • _ed.. .'i :, ... '. • .:.1 -; .
4UNE 1 0370 -
for, tout