The miners' journal. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1870-1873, June 11, 1870, Image 2

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    \ FO,RTYS4XTI - 1 - ;b'Y''.iAß
1% ft. dm% ISPZCIAL NOTICES - eel buena Alpitslokat• ••• =no"'
bad. as ID onto pir Mai .04k ; NI OM. • Om f it•""
EA NSANAk ItAiteuinrs—sivitien.“ sod stationent, Pri4-
" la a nd aindenir 148 Mare Week Puttellle. ,
Plitteiel - ,Oltrsat.
, JUNE 11, 1870. --
TITE NITNERS, ..TO ; AL Is henna every lestarday
o nthly', and thrashed to • . bent at D pre lam= in
°els in advance._
Leaves L• cTeadd 011116 C " opies to one addres, 000
v • al 00 la
To News Dealers p PI per 100 Copies. ioaalL
To hi •-•- and School Teachers we thrash the
Jocsur by coati, at $1 Go per 1113211200., In :advance: other•
wise a full rates.
•, : •
• E D'ULY XT.TB II " JOURNAL Is potasb i ca eTerY
weelsoornlng, eiatoraars excepted. ~
TE Teti cents per Freer, payable to the irarder or
agent y whom It Is served. •
E 1 MALL—PIITabIe In advance. 000 Year. sin
months, r. 1; three months, $1 •
AND WEltiLy ILLVERStirer.SAI4 00 per.
tutnum, nOmmice: 04 00 for mOD .
• BANIMMI & RAMSEY. Athlone 's.
• •
. • . -
.•• • -
WE find the following In . the last *43.1i-1..
Ti - ilt : 1
. . f4HESANDOATI CRT, May 3. 1/00.
EDITOR siONITOSI:—WiII ytcriames Of me to thn
your paper to ask a few clz ecian ui tbnee whom.
y the editor of this
it may concern , n for the Boanl of
Busease -JocaX b s u t ,t w spo °re kesnta
I ....
renterse. operators of Luterne, Lehapn,
'.,, H d o t w be is o - pc - eof Se_ huylk 11 County',itbat do not
•boone to the npard or Trod . a keep their Feiner
'es goin,e andpay the basis - Ma? l 1*
Second.: 'Why do these large companies that tale
the maricet, allow their coal to be sold at a reduction, -
one month after another and not reduce tlyeir men?
Third. - Is it or is it not a truth upon the operators
Members of the Board of Trade to pay them back in
their own coin for the transactions of last summer?
Have not these large companies got hold - of the
Itr...sotertaN of March 13th, and conduct their sales
accordingly? • Should thegallowthe coal to edvance
in.the marketSO • that the 'operators of thhCconnty
would' be indti . n glA the 3 dollar baste. then
woul4 tlie S chuyiki teen s.
.return home, and they
would not be able to send - as much coal to the mar
ket as they are now doing, Z•
That Is soraething worth thinking about.
, i 13. K.
- We are are always ready to, answer i any
sensible or ,roper questions, and will !there=
fore-proceed to .. aiasw6r the abOve.
I.ltitsi'...Therare enabled to Pay f thL
wages inconsequence of the stop] arie of a
- large !timber, of collieries in Schuylkill
“.ounty anti elsewhere, which keeps., 'up the •
price of coal higher than it would rule if ,
all the. collieriea; were in operation. lf ail
-the .collieries Were-Worked, coal, Would fall
in -fro weeks, to at lea.stes2 i. -a_lton; if not
dower. • In that case those opeqttors could
'not pay the biais 'of 1869 without ruining
illdmselvs, and those operators not working
Ulm . ), and it is more
to their in
terVst to lay Idle ltder such, eirenmstances
: thasi to• work. -
' - `; . ,SECOND. The . large einpaine . own the
mines; the lines of tr.iiisi)ortation to
• Market, anti buy C9lll front= others at their_
own rotes. If they,i do not make a cent on
,coal; the profit; on carrying their coal will
'pay them for the capital invested. In this
respeet• they, have a great advantage over
.Individual operators, who do not own lines
of transportation market.. They also pay
, higirwages - for two other object s : one is to
break up the W. B. A.. if possible;
. by 'pre
venting these Men uniting with the-organi
zations existing elsewhere. , Tlipy know that
a jarring between the organizations in the
• different counties must result 'in breaking
'up the W. B. A., unless they will take out
advice! in .ctitting loose in the present state
of the trade, and leave each county fix its
own basis, until there is a demand for all the
coal produced. The second Object is to, drive
Outthe indivitival operators and to force the
whole trade - into the hands of a few huge
eorporations.inrtazerne.epunty, Whose in
terestsnre ideuqcal, and who will. unite in
not only controlling prices of coal, but labor,
also, while the men will have no power PS
resist,belesuse thee large corporations are
not like individual, having their uninvested
e i
in a colliery or so, but thestoekliolders are men
of capital, living elsewhere, many engaged
in business, and can live and prosper if they
- did not receive any dividends for a year or
two.:, If su'eli ispot the•case, why do they,
pay $1 05 for cutting a ton of coal and pUt
ting it in' the cars, while the individual
operators'are,Paying only abOiat 70 or 80 cents,
for doing the• sam s work, Which is baits .
,wages:—and* we are credibly• informed Olt
the, managets of these Companies ,deelare .
they will not. reduce these wages . if' coal
would, fall to:4 a ton on board Vessels in the
harbors aiound 'Sea- York. Is not their
object sufriciently'..trufsparent, and we are
• sorry to say that: the leaders of the W. 11. A.
-• in Schuylkill County are'aiding them with
'. :iii their limited power to accomplish their
. object, whether they are paid for it not.
If they are not, they •ought to be , well paid
for such good services rendered.' ' = • .
. One of the individual operators ,in the
l'tzernelltegion, stated a few days,ago, that
.• in tli'e montWof April he mined and sold
• . -11,(SK): tons of . coal on thebaSis wages, and
only.,:cleared!ssoo,..Whieli i'VTII(I scarcely pay
Tor the wear and tear and repair of nuichl
_ nery.
'He was then otthbi way from Phila.
Aelphia' to settle up ! the May 'product Of
.14,000 tons, and if the profits were not larger
'than in' April, he' said he would stop tbe
- colliery. - . • . , . '. . -
TIIIED. We think it very reasonable •
.• ..
siippose that the companies felt ineepsed _
cause their men:wereprevailed upon to stop
' last'year,Ond feel like punishing the boit - , 1
• in fichnylkill, who they accuse Of doing it.
' If such was .not the case, 'we hardly think
they would ye- to the trouble of collecting air
the pay rolls' from each man, $3 50 pr
~.- •
-- :*inonthte - pay the miners here
. to keep the •
from'workinf,' so that they can realize abo t
'so:cents a ton more on the coal than th 'y
• could if all 'the collieries Were at wor -.
Fifty cents ton on a-weekly l product . f
147,340 tons, which these companies sent'
market last Week, would give the magiiiii
. cent sum of $73,074 saved in a sing wee'.
. To save so Much money is Wort a Litt e•
... Maticenvering for—and if the Op , irtuni y
.t. hey xv.sktild not:. hesitate payl g
l ie
. • largely for itsO .00ntinuanee,..n Inisi4ss pri
• ciples,r. . , ::-: . • •. . : . .
The fourth is a query with an answer ap
pended, rather . bunglingly put. We pe
.surne he nitrides to; the resolution-of ttr
operators to stop the collieries unless the - rafn
\valid tiecept their. bash.. If coal shonk
advance so that the operators here Could pi
the tahasig wages, we have but little doubt
but-that a large portion of the operators l in
ieliuyikill (bounty: -start their
collieries; and in - en now working in Luzerrie
and elsewhere Would Unquestionably return
to Schuylkill leounty, and prefer working
liereif they could secure rt y,ularemployment
the= from:the Luzertie 'Regic6
would diminish; but the supply fremSchuYi
kill would' be, increased at leafit :Three-fold
over the quantity dindnished in other Nun
. ties, and basiprices-could not be nudatained
two weeks under such circumstances. The
writer of the queries- seems to be under the
`.iiiipressiou that the companies; keep doWn
tprices of coal purposely. This is'a
take—it is the state of the coal mork l et
1 '; 'that keeps prices down. If there was a brisk
- detnandfortoal, consumers would hitl'forlit
a tkuction Sales, and.•.rul it up in s' bf
'• all the etrorts of the- "companies t cheCk
prices. 1 - This is is one nf the laws of trade
-that combinations cannot change. : •
The leaders in directing the miners to. seek_
other anthracite coal regions for employ.'
• ment, of eourse, increase the product
from these regions, and just in proportion-as
it is increased and the market supplied frdra
those sources, the prices of coal are kept
down, and -the inabilit - k.of the Schuylkill
County operators increased to start their col
lieries. This may 'suit i those, who have ob
tamed work elsewhere,but it will not bane
, tit these who 4 cannot obtain employment
the collferies arei standing Idle here.
This, like nearly all the other ,messures of
the leaderrtends to - defeat the object they
profess Pk, ft r of
coal contha her
-, regions, the lied
Twith coal, it idle
in Schuylk ap is
season. Ti coal
last f ‘ ear set the
close bf the eek,
• and the =I lees
• - broke down July
last year we the
. supply of 1868 8d of
July thlaYew 'ply
of last.• year . it
• your leaden At of
figures tuna facts. edg e
that wean they
• cannot, lire they nos .11 to igfre these
figures to theinen so they can Judge for
thinned - veal Whenev you' And leaden
wltltholdlng the.-truth and abusing those
who'llenthe fie* . 7" nuky rely '.upon It,
' that such persona are - le_: and . Mu'
• honest; • • . • • '
As the writer see ins to think that hli
queries are "something worth 'thinking
about," we ask him to read and, ponder our
replies' to hifi.-queriefv- and ste thlntOte
will also 'And .-something worth "thinking
aixnat," particularly when the' miners old
laborers, by accepting the Operators' balls
-Offered, could non , be earning at least $.2.3,0D0
day mote thsinis earned, which wouldigive .
magnificent sum of $650, .% work
inodays in a ,onth, instead o the. insig
niticant sum.. Of about . .93.00 . *:0r VAX), a
month uow co llNed to 'feed the idle' in l
Schuylkill County. If they are contending
for a principle, it is. a very :poor principle
that would endeavor to force it rate of wages
iii.produe.Q a commodity, that, in the ex
isting state of -the trade, the prices of sal
commodity' in the market will not warrant,
and must, result in „degrading able bodied
'seriatim:nen into beggars and paupers for
the purpasi of clerciting and benefitting them.
Can leaders whose acts produce such results
be the friends of the working classes? ,
( - I UR , READERS will recollect that the
editor ' of the ifoxrron thought the
miners had better try free trade awhile, than
to accept the . "Chinaman:a Basis, ; ' las he
termed the Operators' Basis. :To show• the
rates of wages which prei;-ailed in 1560; when
we had comparative free trade, with duties
levied on foreign goods, averaging we believe
about 'll per cent. and the cost of tiring, in
comparison with the rate of wages.nffered be
the operators, which was "as:
Laborers otitalde... 50 per week.
5 5O • " -
?diners: 50 '.
Oantraei - wiTri, tao . •
"We also gave the prices of the following .
articles. in May, 1860 and 1870, froM our
prices current, which enter" largely into the
consumption of the labori* in this
follows:coilntry, u» 4 , -
--- • 1t5741.
Hams. 1b.....
...11 often and Weir
TREE Tainz.
1860. .
MAY, 1880
Z 5
We wrcite the article at two Sittings, and
in finishing it at the.second sitting, we
le&sly carried out the 41 Centii:liffererice in .
pricias at 4,1 per cent.; whieli made the calcu
lation largely against our own argument.
Adding 41 per cent; difference to tfic free
trade prie,es,.- would make the . ' comparion
as follows
- • •
. . _
• 491.t.YER1.,. CIPERATOILS'
3., ,,
• • 'BASIL i - BANN. ..
Outside 'sharers, per week, lb 31 - '1.,. tie Oil
Inside , do do 740 •hi Do .•
Miner5......'..:-........d0 919 • 32 00 -
Min rs by contract, average LI 28 •
,22 00 • . •
. .
1 :-.1% e received an envel . ay con
tain, ng our article with e following remarks
on it:•. - .
. .
"Tbe editor had betters Iy-up Ids Arithmetic
about per tentage. The pe cent: Is 41 1 1.110 and a.
fraction over, instead of 'per cent. upon the an
nexed statement. He shonid,not mislead the ikno ,
ill s
;rant grossly awl wilfult "rho average dlffeiience
on I goods, except pr 13101" M
between O -and
1&"0 1 not 41 per cent.. ag nat the consumer, unless
you-, helude luxuries upon which the people are sco•
outr eoluily swindled by our unjust - Tariff laws,
and , en it would not make that difference. People
°int tto live nearly as cheap in 1970 as In 140. It 1 , 4
true, bat meatand house rents are higher, but many
other products are' as low and lower p ut this will
not Tnake a great dlfferen&ln the per : e n rage You
don't state the matter fully andyair&s. ,
s -A Wow:l:cox:tic
:We discovered the error aft r .the article
teas published, an os the error was so .
ly. against.ourselves and in favor Of our op
potienis,'we did not care about correcting,it
unless - public attention was called to' the sub
ject. The comparison therefore would stand
45 followsat the present time with the change
in the price of living:
• . Faze TuAna BASIN:
Laborerg, outside,.week:. $1.73
do • insdde, do 7K.
Miners, -- do 0 St
do controet, week...SB 4061 g
It is a very easy matter for unthinking
persons to write : about the advantageS of free .
trade, and "thousands who do-not think-for
themselves are thus misled by such scrib
bling. Now we fearlessly ,assert, and 'we
challenge a contradiction from any quarter
based on sensible argument's' to disprove it,
that the Leaders of the W. .13. are mite and_
have ticen for months past, doing more to de,-
. stroy protection to .American tabor.and
try, and inaugurate free - trade, thaii aft Ulf'
- Pareign vianufacturcrB combined with all the.,
money they are spendiiiltiirthe present con
test. • If the miners and laborers cannot See
.it in that light, webope that Providence May
soon open their eye:,3, so that they can see
it inall Its dattuiging, effects triotherS do.
Prciteetion to Americaniabor and industry
tills our workshops and. Mines with work
men, creates a market for the products,
giving employment to all , the: , people, and
- makes Labor scarce at home."' When that is .
the case the laborer can alwayssecure ample
wages without resorting to suspensions of
work - and subjecting themselves, to
.be gov
erned'hy a set. of babbling fools, who: liko
froth always rise to the surface when organ= well 41.4 liquids are agitated: ,This
froth mug be removed and cast array when
ever it appears, or it will destroy the whole
y.- The W.• B.' A. cannot err in imitat
ing th&se _workings of nature, under such
, circumstances. They are not the first per
sons that have been deceived by leaders who
were - trusted, but. afterwards: proved to be
both incompetent and diShonest. When
ancifleaders are retained in defiance of rea
son and common sense, destruction is ineyit 7
, able. If they really had the interests of the
working classes at heart, and not their own
-.personal interests, they would haVe with
drawn froth the leadership and permitted
.others' to try 'and adjust these ditllculties
long ago—but they seem, to have deserted or
.greatly damaged the interests of the working
classes; and their greatest ambition now is to
have an opportunity of abusing us, because
We have dared tc.,expose either their imbicil
'- •ity or knavery, as their reckless conduct and
actions can ,only be ascritted to one or the
other of•th* unfortunsee dilemmas. -
n -
THE DI AD.I.OOK.—The 'readers of the
JOURNAL know that months ago we
proposed that the miners as well as the oper
ators organization. should select an - Umpire,
the,saine as they have in s England, who is di--
interested; to • decide between the connnit
tees of the organizations in case they .could
not agree obi basis and wages. This 'would
have, ,prevented the present difficulty, and
would also avoid all dead locks like the,
present. :The leaders have taken . no step;
to do anything of the kind, on the part
.of the Workingmen,iirnply because it sill
take the matter out of their hands. Wben
urged to do so, they state •that we cannot
- get any person that the Men would trust.
We doubt this, very much, because if they
trust manyof their present leaders, they will
trust almost anybody.
On the other hand. when we have urgreil it
upon th?,oal,Operators,-,they admit that it
ought to be done, and would, no doubt,. work
well ; and if such's person who was fair and
disinterested, could "be selected, they would
have no objection. We , now suggest the
matter tothe different Councili, to take , the
initiative and to procure such a peison,—it
may get - them rat of the present' difficulty,
and if the coal operators refuse to acivriesce
In the appointment of such a fair to opire
the responsibility will then rest o - u their
shoulders. In the North of England, Judge
Kettle offered his services. He was accepted
by both. arties in the iron interests, and his
propositions to both parties, after a full hear
ing, • has been Invariably accepted by I
Beth parties, - and- his services are now re
,rd in various parts of England.
derstanding is; that if his proposition is,
not accepted by both ,paities,!the employers'
and employees, he then decides between the
parties at issue, and his decision Is final and
'binding oirhoth. Whenever any change is
desirable or requiied, his services , are so
licited. Judge Kettle performs his services
gratis and his reward Is, that- be has used,hrs
influence in reconciling each difficulties and
•consequentli contributes - to the prosperity,
and wealth of the United Kingdom. Arbi
tration and conciliation, •as it is ; paned, is
rapidly spreading over England, and itimper ,
s eeding the Vrades' Uniona fitr 44* Set--
tle , e "suellequalAges 4ee ec'onevili,e(t••
• The marts 'of improper' intititheestoo•
Tided trlthilratilleattott of, the 13 4 1 Det.'
=lngo? T , tss7E y in:rife
ought to reject i e care'tiot: witetleectitir.
President or any elms desires its listilleig
lion.. That s urge nukkktity of the pfsipte ire
opposed to its rititleition,under existing ,el . r:'•
einnstsonees, questioned.
. .
MITE CIIRR.MCV.--43en. Garfield's Cur
.1. reney Bill, which provided for an crease
of National Bank Issue of $35, - 000,000, ti deb*
forthe withdrawatof the • 3 per oentd, *les,
Adch w4d , haiil inflated the eFueltel
[. utV.)o,3ooo6Wis:defeated - on a tetitioteln.
byHouse,* far thiseession is emieerned;
a majority of lA:Sm.:lila Westerit7ment
hies voledibr the hicrenise. Of the Pennsyl
vania members, 31eisreiRelley, Arinottong, - ii
Donley and Packer, voted for it, anclillestre.,li
Cessna, COvode, Dickey,,Gets, hiereei,3l3 , l* 1
Ncgley, O'Neill, Randall, Stiles, yan Aiken
[ and Woodward, againit!any increase. ;,.The
balance were abeent or [ did not .vote. [ The
Western and S.outhereMembers de MA, seem
tounderstand their interests in adinetlnghe
.ilime,of currency. If therdid, thigociald easi
ly pass a biliwidch would give tfiem all they
We hope that the douse will pais the
Senate Funding [bill, and if the Rinks do
not cease their oppositilit to it and, th l - us re
fuse to contribute their Auota. to =relieve the
country, from its buithen .of tn, , ,i,io' n , and
defeat this bill, we, tiOpe the independent
Few of the country will then advate. the
'substitution of greenbacks in toe phice 'tittle
National. Rank lisu64 We would gristly
regret that such a zeeeisity shoulititrise, but
°when the creature stteinpts to rule the Cre
ator, they ought to Irl snubbed it hut* for
their ' presumption. We believe that the
preseut National Batik . System is the best,
yet devised by ,any dovennnent, 'hilt the
Fallen Angels wete rod until . their pre--
sumption had to be punished. by bOtig cast
into outer dirkuess.,i• The arrogance of
cOnibined corporations;must be checked or it
..Nrill-110t be long beforennother Rebellion will
L be, inaugurated iu this country to check this'
I growing petver, !illicit, in many instances,
..I4 becoming . as iiiiolerable as the tyranny of
the slaveholder vas alpw years ngO. They.
had better take heed in time. Corporations
we must - have for many .purposes, hut they
must be kept 'within proper bounds! and not
permitted to become the masters or the peo
ple Who created thein.l.. ,
• 1.0 01)
12 04
fl) to 2:2 pa •
ESS4lll7."—ljnder this heading
THE DAY B(:;iil: of NOrfolli,Jins: s a very tem
perate and sensible ;Article on the need of
capital and enterpriAng mei from the North
in that section, and-the means whi4h should
be adopted to' induceto4 - ,otn;e there.
tilE DAY box asks ' I.
If , 2.3
16642, - ,
.19 17
14 76
But will they come, is the question ?. ;Will they
leave their own homes ; where they an make
out very well with their capital and energy and
.enjoy perfect freedom of their political views
and opinions,
.to come among strangers 'where
the possession or the expression of their views
and opinions-is going : to'cause themito be la
booed on all politicaboccasions and thoroughly
ostracised front everything like Isoclal Inter ,
conase with their fello* i man?
It is not probable that they twill.l It is not:
reasonable to expect that men of •,caiidtal and,
intelligence, wli., would insist upim being
independent wherever_ they Might locate,
Would go South-11nd submit to a System of
persecution on account of Ipoliticaltantagcin
Isin—to be ostracised and ktigmati 1 dby the
old former i•lave-holdrs of the South, whose
• •
hatred of the Govermben rand of Rpuhlican
principle will oniyf' die out with, them..!
. •
_ .
We would inform . 'lll - ; Dal' Dooi Chat the'
quickest and.shortestlway to build up the kri
clustrial Interests of the Soutlyand I enhance
its material Prtisperliy,is for ittotis4ist aCtive
• ly and energetically .1 ti the establishment of ,
a Protective:railif, Which will build up fac-;
tories in its midst; arid - attract capital and
pdpulationlrom the :.liorth. ! - We knoarof no
plan which would preiveso.effectivern attmet
lug to the •South what TITE:DAYIII3O?K
serts it so much meeded there. The supple
mentary Tariff bill.'which has pdsz..4ed: the
'House, and will probably soon the r Senate, is
not all that is, requireil, . but it must • answer
until the meeting of.Congfris in December
next. when a good and . effective 1411 can be!
adopted. 'Let uth ',support !and vote ,
I for the passage of such a bill, and its opera
tions would prove mere efficaciousiin build
ing it up rapidlydn Wealth and -population
thou any otherpea.siire that eau he adopted.
E 0 00
10 1)0
12 00
$2) 00422 CRY
Tim naturalization treaty between Great, :
Britain and States is now before:
,iienate fowtide4tion. The giStof it IS,
thin Anierh..6n eitii,eits who shall .becotrie
British subjects by haturalizatioui ,shall be
treated as suet by! the United States, and
that British sublect.4 who' shall be natural
ized as citizens of the United Stat 4, shall be
treated as:such by great Britain,'' We pre
sume that there, is no doubt of the mtitlea
.timrof this fretity. irhe War 0f.162 settled,
the matter praCtically as. regarded the tight
of Gr6at Britain to. take 'her subjects who
had been naturillized. in this' country,. from,
,Our vessels and imprxss them' into her ser- :
:Nice. But theoretically she. has hever gave
np the right, and o'l4 treaty pd/poses to set
tle that, matterlorever. • •
I• • ,
Tine 3fotirrott Sae that, the coal of gyrators
in. Schuylkill County collicteil the co4trinip•
thins - made I to sustain'the? men 'l4 Tituierne
county hist year ; trent the pay - rolls Ott. pay
day in the: offices.` We:are authorirea• to
state that this publication is potcorrect. So
such, collections *ere. made or n i nney: re
•tained in this County by any of the coal op
orators to be'sent to the men standing out in
the other iegiolis lai:st year: •
AT a meeting held iti',Stiamokin. Sine:: or
Sweeney had the following resolutioir adOpted: . '
R.-soh:yr!, That wet lie men of this ;Region support .
no 'paper_ hereafter w bleb Insults our. (peers nail
Slinnuth misrepresentations are trying to -bring;
contempt on our ustogiation an 4 Injure our mase.
Thin of eourse, - Nrda intended for'im. It would
have been More to theZ point if it had rcad as
fs.A. 1 oa - s
Re.entrert+hat we still no-longer support of
our leaders, who by their stupidity and ignorance of:
the Coal trade, and foolish acts, cannot fall to bring;
contempt pn our association and injure our.eauec.
Benjamin 'Wade it !snow 9011 that he is:
not a Ca ndidate for Congresa, and ham no further
aspirations for public life. •• _ •• ' . -
—An entire- carload. of pailor. matches -Are
atnong:the novelties of railroad arrivals at San:
Francisco from New. York. , •
—The Mil waakei SExria+xi area inlhu
last (kt . stateinent an irresistablis argument for
swaiiing rettuctiOn of taxation. r.,
_ .
( - The .Dei •Arc (4lrksuisaii) ern zicX atiya : "We
nu ale , COllB iclor#ble inquiry in regird to the
growing crop'. and have good' reports _fruit
every where NVe have beard." • ,
• - • • ,‘ •
• —Nir.,Snmner.i.esaiil to believe that upon the
of the proAefit King of the Sandwich la
.:m.lS they will sock proteolion under our flag,
and be annexed Svithout difliculty. ' '
—Peter. Cartwright is eightysix. He has
been a preacher Sixty-five years, end 'Bays he
can wily talk now, be is se `feeble.
.;' —Oh the Chicago and Northwestern 'Railroad;
condnetora are all to be uniformed in bluei
r: ith brass buttons snd gilt banded hata.
—The New ,i'orb•. ...sour. says the .INoux /MN
- Mod more bad puns, without' tiltichtng,, than
Any other people on the face of the - earth.
—Four. George ,ilVashingtinis,Andrew!
Jaeksons ' in)" 'five He clays and tivo'James
PolkS reside In the fLouistatfa Penitentiary.
. —A Southern editor having, been sent a bars.r; of whisky, thankfully- acknowledges it,
and Says he Is now !fortified Against snake
bites. -
--The letter purporting to be written lcy
ton Mather to a friend, and propoSing the -cap
ture and sale as slices orWilllatu Penn and parr
h•; is a hoax. ; ' , •
• • .--r-Planters have made*.imt preparations. for a
large cotton crop, by investing largely In guano
an other fertilizer*, and planting every acre of
land available.
than at Key West, Fla., can handle shakes
autioall.kinditot vosenotitt ttrings, and '.not get
jured. That ;. he could..lnst. week,
NV 4161 w radlesnake he was practising with took
it lunch our Of.tris 4heek.. di wonttertill man
is (lead now. -
Ileriteii opt in lowa are goitig l to have the
Come to in end this year sure. They
ettini that JtiUer,made a mistake in.fighring.
they are_getting their_ pighilmwriti ready to go
'tip, and wear-thenttobed ecerY rilght• " • •
Jcxx. r isto :14.71,34,
4 21
4 24
4 11
- fl :4 ATORDAT":
12 8 1 214243.T...1«.
13 Viannker'..:-.
IS Witasusavr
Typisi*4l2aavcrnica isti. via 'paiiti
The best Gress Butter sobt tqs 80
Ain our sretitsriii. ;
; : •
i*ANd l3 3.'Oriesdnia it I
tkMn . •• PC , 44141110
:70v ,
=re+ alt in niJ ll %iv . l l.44l4l'
at ,1100
pots - one* . ; • = -
To;marrow.-- - Tweetr. • " • OWN* °CI/ 0
bowVI rift,' 11 , 20 / 2 7-!. relox IS
The. Conan Dina on Orator for rourthof July
celebration were In conespondegcs with the
Hon. ;Daniel Dougherty of Philadelphia. if
they sneered In securing him *rich treat will
Ugliness our citizens. as his. mutation as as
oratorio eeeon4to none.
, •
Iherillecond Preabyterbas , Charibf lataricefi
.—Th. Bay. Dr. Sittatikair." - Pastor, wP .
omit ni-mortow (Sabbath) at; 10.1 s tn.„ and 73
El b. lbe *laded for - diactumion In the Irven•
"The nWty. of the 'Twee the light ef
lee and revelation." All are cordlaltylin
sited. Beata free. •
, trnolaLtned letters resonating Eli the rottsVallo
Plat °glee, 4ttne-10,1STO:
Brendle Jae ' gawk John . Ether. Jonathan"
Cartwright Wm Hess Sarah , Heber T -
Collins Mary 'Keefe Janie. r tuith
Doom John • Knowles Clara milli chas -
Dobbins Mary .Killorn CAM hreader Ja.,
Forseman Chas McAfee John Keiberlien John
Faber Edie ' McGovern John Minn(' John
Fisher G B . Jas
Wm rick. W
Freeland E Mecteesltobt Valsh W
Farrell Louis E McMillan Thosf i Vrlghe lona
Grn ellerW Newton Wm - • "ostJoshusi
Gneetainttie , _ , Beees J
Uasting of the Committee' of Arrange
invite for celebration of the Fourth of July will
be Mid at the Council Chamber on Tuesday eve
rting next. It is hoped that i atar , c, r attend
ance will be had than at the . la4t Meeting . of the
Cornmittee. . Important renorhi.frotrt sub-com
brittees are to bo heflrti, and eipecially on ora
tor ourd,Mttsic. Societies net Vet rep9rted to S.
.:11:Itirsael, whether or not their societies will
parade, are requested to do fm, at once, as the
afern.hal in making. out his line 'iof parade. and
If Obscure positions are anvsocietiee it
will be their own fault in not rqport - ing: Chair
men of Sub-Committees are requested to sub
mit written reports of the dui . gs of their com
Fair and Festival.—Th l 3; laldies of Trinity
{ (Episcopal) Church, l'ottsville,iare making ex-,
fenstve'preporations for holdinirn Fair and 1.. -
tidal on li'eduesdaY and Thurs4v, the bith and
1611 t init., at the - Union 11a11.1 The display of
useful and fancy articles will bkriutte good. A
beautiful Collection o€-ItloWetli is promised.
Edibles of all 'kinds,. includittg strawberries
and cream, wilrbo served out in, rielt profusion.
ILis .expected that all who toaw -remain away
from home will
. go there arid take supper.
From the. 'preparations that hitt - o. bean made,
this will utstinribt be one of llie,plc . .aintest and
Most successful fairs that has been held fsir some
time, which Will be no - snore than t4rttltte to the
energy and liberalitv'of the 'lailles , -Whci. have it
ittelsarge, and who nave thew i n th e ir
efforts. •
. .
WashingtonCaterri; No. 49(P,..D. S. „f. 1.,
cated aVPinerove„'are inatinti bxtensive prep
arations for the celebration of the coming' Fourth
of. July, by a particle and pie-nieof
alit:itrd> r.—
All the Camps hi ...this and:ltd3nining counties
have bee'n invited :CO participate. liwtsra.kl. Z:
C.;'Judson (Ned Buntline,l and . Bev; Daniel
Washburn 'will be- pr,eAent, tad deliver address
es*iitable to the occasion. spacious plat
form will be erected, where the: votaries 4terp
siehor may enjoy thentselVeS to The full in the
"giddy inaizei" of the .dritiee and spend a happy
day in chasingllie fleeting Innitis 'with the ily
leg feet to the music. of Keffer'S. famous Quad
rille Band, from Lancaster..Arrange.ment4 have
been made for the running,of lextra trains and
the issuing of excursion ticketa at reduced rates
AO persons desiring to bnpreseitt. The Camp is
detitrmitied to inakelhe dililay as imp4sing:
pOssible, and the' oration wilt no doubt be a
rare-treat. '
The Law Association held ' `L regular meet-.
ing , end first session of Moot qourt in the Clout
-.-1110uSe on last Wednesday evening.- The Court
~ *as a eolinple success, the atgument being cx 7
.Cellently u ell conducted, andfvery interesting.
•flie Avs)eiation already nitthbets.,twente-six
members; and bids fair tO i. 4 be one of the
Oiest and Most important institutions of the
kind in the iff 10, math objects . .l
the Sssociation is "by research and discussion
.0 arrive at an,iipaSsible.
decided - opinion concerning the many itiootcd. l
undecided legal questions, Nthich either from
the 'Varying opinions and ;decisions in the
.courts of the ditlerent Coti4"cs anti -States, or
from the niiyelty arising fronk the Increase Mid
expansion of legal subjects and questions, by
rOson of the advance contitthallV being made
in intelligence, invention and 'discovery, arc
among "the things that be .debatable, and um
certain." Thu question for next 'Wednesday
eyenlng is ono arising under the, subject of
lateral' security as affected by:the statuWof !inn
*ion. Corman, L Veihe, Laucks and )1411-
o,ing—Scrottek and Knittle fOr
atutlirumm for 'defendant's..
, . •
1-The Latb Memorial Servides..—Ciowen I',d,
0., of.this',Wrfiugh,' at its stated meeting.
field on Thursday evening last, unanimouNly
eAttpted,the tctilow tint preamlite and rei.oluti,,ils - :
dIN rpon this. .Pent.iitvoNeit the sacred
utrim each recurring Anil of :Ray. of visiting the
cemeteries where rest the. honored remains of out
Inlen comrades and decorat in With tioWers quo
the tort above their ,roas ts; and
WHEREAS, This Post is depetil
ent upon the et.m
munity togs' great extent forAti.To-operatton An
rendering the ceremonies on tbe , occasion • w ort 1.0.`:
of the memory of the patriot dead,- therefore. .
RflOirrd, That Are extend our *incur e anti heart felt
thanks to theAmedenn Hose,COmpany, and Camps.
No. Itarid36, P, 4 /.i1 4 .. of .A.,.fot participating, with ,
this Post in the oxteeession ; to the eomm Wee or In
dies from Ihe different wards :at the ' I toroth; lt, for
their traluablelaborsdn arrtingtOg II owem for the use
of the comrades oft he L'ee.t ; to-the eittzens who ,o
lihemlfy dohated flowers for the sec.L.dtm, and who
showed their sympathy with the*remopy by elos'-
fog their places of business; to the Sahli:intr.:chows
of the Itarougtf, Who, by their beautiful and appr.,-
paste exercises at' the cemeterie.lehled 'so Much tee
the tinr ressiveness filthy Membrial services, and tti
Col, li:: I'. Brown. and . l',1: W. Shearer,' Es.,
'who OD ‘'.lolo net lon loaned . their carriages tee
the Post (or the use of disabled soldiers.
Re.solred, That the a s eknowletigthents of, this l'ost
are due. and are herellyex pressed to Rev. A. It. Sent
bower, Pastor of the liaptist Church of PottsvilK for
the able, awl eloquent sermowion the Meworial •er
aidees, delivered. to the Post tin-14u nday ev en I n Nlay
•sims X 003141 011.1(131111L
1411 ' 1
7j • •
7 112,. ,- Tblest_oll6 Ile 101 r.
- 11PuU .13 651;n0.
'7 Sl:roar 104 20 .4 '
-710 New M. :• V eV.
~ ~
.11c.a!red. That 4114. Ne resolution:4.W. lilliiiii•lloii in
tilt' .MIS L ERS . JOURNAL. .. i' . • .
Feenks , of Lightning .at Middleport:
crld leport correspondent Itirnislies'its with th 6
following item.: : • .
A terrific thunder storm Passed over Middle-.
Sport. on orb uriiiar evening:, tiecOmpanied lip die
most vivid Clash es Of lightning know ' t,this
..n—.4 .,1\1
region for years; -A . tree was .struck nea the
line of the telegrAph, to which some of the II MI
cOrrimunicated. -cawing, a treport in the: iillive
louder than : that - of a pistol sliOr, the tire-run
ning along the wires lighting ,up the •
room. • No - damage was .done to the instrumunt.
Or -building: Iniring the iteriri the Jig:tithing
struck a house near Coal - Ilill i llery, Mid rip
ped and toredt considers if James Mc
i teary and two of his fiord' .442inellinite a small
liy), had'hern engaged in7kareaftlng coal near
-by on one of the'dirt banks; when they s,vw thii
storm wits near; ran into this house. thinking
to step there.. until the storm was' over. They
had mot - been ili long when the . house was
struck, the tluid entering Alio smile room. in
which - they vete sitting, tilling • iCwil.h.sinoke
and leaving n sineirlikellitit ilf burned powder.
They were all stunned; mid'. for _ lolue time .
neither of them- could speak. • Mr; Ste Geary
describes the . sensation-..thus: • "I• felt a heat
pass over my face and a.peeilliar sensation - pasj.
Silver my Way. .1' began to wonder whether i ti •
'.,was dying or whether I timid recover again.”,
After he recovered.; he noticed his little Loy
his _.abdomen runt looking up.- - savin4
'to his father n 'Tim hit here." - They all have
nerfectly recovered, and ,it.this writing appear
Iobe as well miever.. " A
• Suicide lathe doe.itty weeks.;
ago Davenport, an tuglisliinan, about '
sixt' years nC age ,a,resiaent tif • Malianoy City,
was duit Borough a xharge•
baying committed a rape on ids own datighter,- I
Charlotte, aged-fourteen Warty and attempted a'
rape on Ann Elizabeth Hullers,. a girl about the
same age..; He had a. hearlinr before a Justiee'of•
the Peace_.and ways eaminitteth to the County
Prison to answer the'eliargear the, present term
aeon - rt. • On Vhurstlay his ease came up, when
-be plead guilty too 'the charge, after whitii he
was remanded. to prison le await sentence - .
Yesterday Moriting about half-pa st si x o'clock'
Mr. Thompson, Deriuty Keeper of; the Prison,-
started on his:usual rounds with breakfast for
the prisoners, and when lie arrived at No; 31,
Davenport's cell,-he: discOvered the, body hang
ins:at the end era rtipe by the neck, : but the
spirit, had lied. The prisoner, had ingenhitisly
driven the •handle of dusting brush .into
cievice by_ the side oftheivindow which lie hail
climbed up to ity the aid Of a stool,lincl fasten
trig one end of -a small rope to the frail_ p'eg and
the other end around his neck; kicked - the stool
away anti left himself mangling between the
ceiling and &kir of the cell—life at that-time
being extinct but the , body still- warm. It
supposed that he comtnittett the act abdut
o'clock, as a noise was -heard in_his cell at that
Deputy Coroner I. W. tonrad . was .iinmedi
atelynotitieil, when it pay was impanwelled
and proceeded to hold an: inquest. They ren
dered a verdict that "William Drvenport eanri3
to his death - by hanging himself in cell
!Schuylkill County Prison." ' • ;
- Davenport-leaves sarlin and family iu Nfaha
.noy City. The probability iti:tkat had he hot
hung himself he Would havebeert sentenced to'
ten or Melve._ Years , iroprisonitient, during
alleh 7 time liejlotibtlesS would. have . die2krt
natural death: His body Was, turned aver to
-his friends for interment ;yesterday. , •
••• - ' • •
June Court giaarter Seesloiatt 7 ,2nd Week.:---
The *allowing :Jurors summoned' to
attend Court. -at Pottsville, on Monday, Juno
13th, RCM, at 10 o'clock ih the forenoon:
George S. Idelot, Nord:Chinni:OM • -
William B. Rudy, Schttilkill Raven.
• James Franey, Shenandoah.
Charlesi.. Goodridgc • Ashland.....
John Weighttnan, Bntlt r.
F. B. ha' tereher,
Washington Ernst, Misiersville.
Daniel Maurer, Regina. -
- Emanuel Friedman, Union. "
-Samtiel E. Grisoom Slaptumdoali. - •
Edward Enterilne. l ramartna.
Daniel Faust, hiabanoy City.
George Keyser. Nortkhlanbeint.
. Thottiaelkiaralintiert •• - ,
John Folk.
Joseph hillier, litiddlePort...
, Timms Walker "
' -- Hirem B. Frees, Shenandoah. ;
Philip-Kolb, Union. - •. -
;Samuel Druinheller,
Janus R. Cleaver, Ashland. • -
Jesse Mom PcftorWr.
. Willistnn - Mahoney City.
Charles 11. Beratt=ll. •
- Michael O'llstre, -
Frank W. Wagner, orakigebugg.
Baitbaser Hamme l, ihneninriute. , •
C. IP.Kaufman„,
X•Meek; Selar p ill Haven..
John a. De figs. Pat:amine. = -
Geary , - Yarkville.
maim la Ashland.
amino t tornme
thia*hatalganian, Petterille.• • -
• Hriaoo4 , ftelhatrUill.
- I poi** thigkshoTs.
-'i -
Aiheisalssitinnr; - lheiter_..
:I - WIMos WahnincrY Carr:
Johnlikihu Haven.
%%bun Catkin; Clan_
' George Aboads, hawing.
Joseph ' Ppturrille.
Jacob While; Blythe. -
*RHeu benenry F. Taft. *est Penn..
Jonah= Fawn. Butler. .
J. IL Biltser..tstibuul.
Charles K. Wsteele -Eldred. -
Charles Under, l / 4 •l4inr.,Ulit.
Denali Mannighlln,,Addsegt
Dennison; framagem.
sßowland Jonas inning's& •
.. • ,
• iiivitMel. Wootton , of the.litis.,Luthecaus Mlntits;
' tertian' ,cf Permayhrenta and adjacent, Stele*,
coinmonly • known aii the "Old Pentasylvar
' nia Synod."—ThiS special meeting or free Con 4
ferenee; was,etlled for the - Purpose of di/miming
the thesis onllie Ministry, which were nt •
One year ago at the meeting at. Mg. Pa: -
'Yesterday: evening Bev. C. F., 11V." Hoppe;
preached on the:subject of the Ministry t its
divine instituthm,'&c.'
The sessions are' opened' and closeitorith- the
usual exercises, sin,gibgiwnd prayer. The dia..
.cus.sions commeneed with the•lGth thesis which
sets forth the equality,of Presbyters, or Eders.
or Bishops, and denlei that Oiling elders formed •
a separate at-, ay-#d distinct from teaching eld
4. crs,dhat they are not essentially and absolutely
of divine origin:l The debate at once took *
wide range, .and was participated in by Dre.
Schaeffer and 'Mann, and Bev. flealikash, Mil
ler; Spaeth, llinterleltner, Hoppe, Wilketi,
Schruidth, Schtninck, Fry, Ilauer,;Kohler,,Ap
ple, Grahn, o lloyer. , '
()tithe one hand the appointinent , of deacons
'at Jetasatem was ;i-eferred to AS a seeming indi
eatidu that the .apostle had ordainednien 16
whom special duties, differing, front their owti,
•were delegated: • ; Great stress was likewise laid
upon the mere fact or.ordination.- . : \ • !
..,oii the other hind !stgeav was laid apen the
fact that these vieWs • wohltl - naturally lead to the
acknowledgment 1 of gradia in the•oftice of this
ministry, and ;would , ,ultimately tend to Pre s .
byteriantsm, to the ,Piscapal • system, or even
h, itdrnaiiisin,i--as. however far apart these var
- ions tendencies may seemto be; they are really '
More closely all;ea, -in this respect. than the
advocates- nr ttese , westerns would ba •by any ,
means willing. to•: adniit. Originally. the etlice
of Presbyter, Bider,' or Bishop, was the 'only
one to which ivl§: committed the dittyl
th - of
, teaching and ibling.• The subsequent d ision
of-duties mob from the! state of things nsef.
~ (memi upon the rapid growth 4,the church. the
- diversities of r . gifts' and qualifications and not
trout the supposed fact that peculiar and imeettie
pri v i leges (a- rights were.divinely committed to
one clalss as diStinguiSlied from the other.
The two - followmg thesis were passed-ever
_ .
w ithout milling hirth ittirremarks. , ; •
In regardto,the planting of the ehurCh referr
ed to in the lilth thesh4, there was considerable - 1
difference offs - lien-, tai sonic of 'the speak:email- '
plied it exi!lualvtly to the pliinting-ot the church
in licathe'n c.:..itiltries'orily; and others desired to •
imltitie the gatheitimioi c /rigs c*iiine in Chris,
tiamcountries there no congregations'exist,hut
where there are those who desire the pdeuching
of the go litil—fwitliotit ;lie privilege - CV:bearing
it l'imit the tips or an.Onlaitic.d 'minister.. In re
gard to private baptiauf, iferformiqi by:those not .
'ordained; lei cate of extreme nece-saity, it hi'
VAIIK . very evident that the - , iniptiort One
real.l2.- prevailed Ithrt in Many of the irestances
clainicd as stieb,tliere is really do demi...oily at An;
it is aeticilly a, gratibuse.
Theses'") 'and • i tXxvitik. beon a i.,,,,ied. - last
year were norskikeit' up again. It . .niignt ho
well toTrefer Ito the Wit that the4e The sea were
ptibl ish ed. iti'ithe 1...k.Tr, it Etta N anti ISt t sat 0 :fa it lc
and also in OM N oxarsit ErrE of last 'year. ' In
regard to the Su ject of Vocation. "ana Ordina
tion the victrit O thi.ii4e who took. part in the dlii
:chssioti diOrgeti'consideiibly. Some laid pa -
tictilar streis bpin.the ca i
ll.or ,nvitation of the
individual eongregation. '. Others - secitted to at : -
I melt more..initim i tance . to the action Of-Synods
I or.other, pecleshistitil bodies in ratifYing the.
tall by •tto act of. ordination. , The - nature and
relation of the net' of .ordination was also dia.-
, etissed at - great limgth and with great.carnest
' ness. Thet - eal,point involved being that softie.
. 1 of the,speAkchii'attaclied most importance to-the
vorationoi eitli as being the vital and - essential
pin of tip act by which men are authbriied
ixerebze - the thnetions of the ininistry. • Others
allowed' greater lcalue to attach. to "ordination;
not only as an attestation of titneiccnilicially di"-
e:ioreol. lout 'lli Otlicial authorization t.l exercise
' the funetions of . the l'utiftistry, which , those . 'al
.ready in the, ministry ~c xercise ;in their own
right. . - - 1 - ', - ' •' ' '
The Propoied New , Council,
low jive present: a diagram of the ground , floOr
of the proposed new, Couneil }SolidillZ, to' toe
erected, at the niT.rthArest eoenee of .Nereyegithi
and t..", la! streets. , frOntintr on Coil street tir
ge th e r'wit It the report of the•conunittee on font- -
tion and building. awadopted at the last meeting
of the Borough 'entail .
• 1 ,
ALLEY. g •- • • ;:
1 .....
, 1041-r.lll
...,, •• . ~
.',::, .4taLion }Paige
.4 . : Female.
..- 1 ' - 211:417.i'
•' - lalef i'd l'4llet:
o• f • . , )I.ili., 1.. '•
•r: ' i
- .
• : '.1...1"..'Y1y0.? • -
. ,
- .• - . itEroiCr -of , TIIE COMIkti,TTII4 . , • ,
7:i,fhe 7uorn: erhiilol of the Itoroito'h of "ten- .
, rifle': :' i ,' • '- ' i
Thd eommittec to whom was referred the mat— ,
tern!' the Now•Vouticil Building, &e., reapect.
fuliy submit, the aceotnParniing diagram, shoiv
: ing the ilisposition Of. the first :floor of the new.
„building, the! tidoption.' of which thoy• recent
'mend . . .
• In locating the Station' House _ in this build
i, ing. it is'ituppiiSed that a very great change will
ire sane, in itskise'end Occupat;ori. If it Into ho
',, kept as herelofpre,the resort for any and all,who
i may choose .lo • patroui4e lt, it 'h"att better be
where it is now, anny/frbm.tho.ptiblie eye. i•'
It is proptiked to-elevate the first floor. about
1 six feet' above the leyel•-of Coal Street,' whiCh
will give light hod dry cellars. , The cellar Int
-1 inediately tinder the titatioh Irons° rooms', cats l ;
A be fitted up aisle place , of etinfinement' for 'diit- , ."
i orderly perisons.• : ', .. , • • 11
. .
' The o ffi ces on the seitth - side can, for thit'pres- 1
ent be rented out: They'-''will tie„reettirtd • at .
no very distant day kir .the sicenminodation ;vhf
the, Borough, ollicers„ and might "even: nt.w be
used with advantage. ~ ' ' :''- ;I'',-
It is propiised to:leaven seven feakwitie alley
adjoining the tiosii House for ligMarid venti
lation, and. to i'?,-ive ,an ',entrance. to the "Stade!'
Iliinse ityvak froia,the main street:, '' -..-..., •- 1 : ,
-- slit is reworturiencled lhattbe plan ' f&r . the See-.
rind story ,. fitrnished biff-the •previou's corii
inifte.c•be ailoptetlins no Improvement can be
suggested.." ~ ' :,'
' Tire ctittinti teelsto not 'approve ;of 'a. thr:tiii
to•ry build - in . The thirdl,floor ran be of no
use to the llor ngh, nod it is'.dkubtful :whether .
.sufficient . rovrtualcan be -derived by renting tt
out, to pay .a fair interest on the cost-- basid6ii,
it is a questien- whether the Borough has a right
tverect, ltuildingal'or 'caner than municipal . nee.
- and parr - ism! - -'
. ' As soon' as Ciinuell :decides uPOit whet is
• needed in tile- new, bunging, the ciunniitteo
wit-" - have,- plani,,' and • estimates „ prepared.
therfor, '•-, i.l ~,: - : ' . ',- . ,„ .„. ,
All cif-which Is respectfully submitted. ,',
1- - ~:!, : ' : 11.X.'RuzetEL;
R. F. LEE,."
Jas. Cfintsitax, .'
. P: L: lA-rntu,; •T
- 1. Special tkinitnittety.
• ,:
~ i~.~. -
'stair- in* +rensn - .
. • .. sent;
1441 F. nx enlicianrs
ztat lichtFtt.
Born' Surreyol
Road Dort.
' I '
Extract : from; rho annual - report of. ./.. li' 1
. i.einenhower,' Stlperintendent - of• the Miners- .
rifle Public Schoors,to the.,Sehool Doard, May 1
..:1144t,.1,570t: -1- . .:I , - ; • • .• . . '; •., :
4 ; RADE') 8( . 4 001,44.--E x kri ence having proved
the . great'advimtagei to be derived from a sys
tem of strietly graded schools, 'the scholars ,Of
the pithlie sehool.4 of,our, trough' are not per- .
mined to '.1443444 'from grade to grade without '
being, requiredlirst to sub it . to a rigid °unit
:nation,. that ftheir titnesslbe promotion moy
thereby lieiletetmined. - Should scholarsbe
promoted before they are, sulibtient)Y advanced.
for 'the next Itigher grade, the result would be
a fruitful source df vexation and trouble tts_tho
teacher, as; welles injury to such scholars' and
to the school l: '- • . ' -• • ,
. , .
lltutt Seliem..---When.pjlpils enter the High'
*„..Seltoolit, shonld .:not be, understOod that_ they
have completed any of the branches' they May
have -been i,pretniouslY ~ periming. , This; if
possible, reniain's;yet to be steeomplished. And
even afteeScholars are .suppbsed le-have mas
tered the science' or subject of study "taken'
up," - 'frequent reviews%will; in', Most eases,
be neeessary ;In ' order , that ,• what has..
been' , acquired' ; may Isi 0 xed
• in 'the
niind-; - othe.rvt se, -• being: . soon ' forgotten,
it will phichice tap permanent, ,or practical re
sults.. It ;has been, earnestly..mcommended by
the State, Department -that teachers in_ the-Pub
' lie' Scholibi shoulil lay. a broid foundation by, a
thorough :course of '• elementary 'instruction.—
This the 51 inerFivAlle wehools have endeavored to:
do, • Too Many uk our colleges and high.scools,i
.have heretofore attempted to raise the super-. 1
structure ottit saltily .foundation ; and, as a cop-•
sequence,.many eq::. their .gracltuites when they
have eppliedl,;Tok 'the county certificate;:have
failed to,pass a satishictary or creditable exam
ination on . the chntmon, but more import-int
im:males of edueittion.. 'ro avoid this error, it
has been found that "iteration- and reiteration
'to the.fortner Ante; is the wife rule for the-mak
ing orreli4ble.scholans. - _Hence. notvnly hats
a number ,of additional branches be fn intro- .
dared_ into the High School, but the scholars.
are also frequently. reviewed': on the eleMentarf,
principles of such studies as. they enay' l havet ii. •
ready gone over; I . -
_„.-• , • .. ,
iternosplam.VS: V4Ew.—Nf , e tind,. op Mier
ring to the; regiSter, that ,: including the 21 re
cently promoted. there hate :been connected
with our High *hoed; during The ,time—s ince.'
Sept., 18544 ; in •
•:Which it has been -under. my
I 'supervishm and instntetion, Lifs•puplls of whom
1.%* were-males, and 191 were females.. . ,' , i
Of this : numi*r aeon` forty Obtidned:,the
County - or State Certificates. ind taught school,
tri became clerk*, bookkeeper* or merchants, •
and 9 are. professional men. During the late
Rebellion.4o took rip arms' in defense Of their,
froperilled country, of whom Ouse periabed,,On
the battle-41d. , i. - ) . j •
~ ‘ ' , • . •
Of the: enaire'lnutriber. cOnneetoi, With the
' school 'during , tbe• time. 'mentioned !
above, IS
(9 male* rind , -IferOles) have &O.': '- - 'l. •
..., :• - • f .:' 4. W. Datissnewire; '
• .I
- Mestizig of. 13Ormisib tictiOol• Hoar& W*ii- .
neaday:•littmlng,l June 8, ISM .I!reseed,
'Messrs. Passencitu, .lienitliniter t Honorer. - lid
snow* lliters„Snaarer Derr. Buyer, stem*:
Selpfriedi liqftion, Fentand Senility reset: 'll •
' - The Board prdcleded to reutganisiliion4 when
lir. Smith, was ree-eleiteed Presidan4autd:Agr,
frodoimidsontiry.r sr: 11 - 4 it.,Edniands Was
noted Air IttieeregerYiK:P" V 1114 4 11 7 1.: r*
1141121% ''l - -. •'..! .: . , ...-. .- . .. .. 1
41 4 joetea
- Mee Widnes. l ' *4 jprarkinnlitin li muliane
'read an ' - '''' l . - ''' • ." - :1 ,• ,':: :ii. ",' ':. ', - 1 - ,
. Janus _ " 'aid- V. liir• ..';ainilia4se_ • ._ i tars' ime
only, renkitairly: titainbets. — .-;. Air.liitants.
was prei4intosek hissed.- ..-,.!. •-: 1 .-.• ;11,,
lir. Pear levatM USK like lode 4ad
limn:. poi rep It -limiAlbarp: a
ilionnk al direalnd.; ,, - . 1. ..• • . '
be Finance Committee reparted that the.teta • .
of School - last ; 'year - amounted 't. .- orresPoll4ruct . ' • , ..
-- .r. Shafer. lon beh . alf of .thaCotainittee tip- j -, -
Tut,..164.' ton are not ?reps:riptide forsi --Ir ty ,wtiniett -C-: ocerr
ti t his i .theeting .6- ; _ draftfteelet i eue
ex . 1 pr y sod by cueresystudeztbs pettier du they etid:wae. men ,
. .
; K t
p we of the sentimenth of the Board On the i .r.±t ALL C.a..M.1. toners and ciurt. twwieriee iddri46ed In
of C. Little;`RUl., repelled- tha.fullow- 1 Ibis and iPtiqi" lgiuutfr•i'l" ,
st bare the 'mill
online writer rate* -Tim that we stint: pobliAlt it.
....•:' ...•'„. '-' ' • ' -
-I but ter our in fortnszkut,i-sn4 be written *neve •dde'et tee'
School Board of ..thii Berettgh or Punta. • Poits.•P"'er a^:T: °; 11,11 ".". Ilaiincin4" into Ole "ia's"`k-- - k•rl
lie Wove occasion to regret the Imes of a voids , - , -him. j"" ""
member who has long been their co-lalxirer
i flts
i the . wrest work of public natiool educatical
The perststent: efforts of a genilemnn•of cultrit
t a. continued'scrics of fifteen yeaiii
• rring,to the - subject his time and talents hay
uced results .tictitting the Whole conintu,
Ith; and now that he is about to retire froni•hit
ve ,and permanent ki place: among ti.; be 1
rere. .
. .
• naked, That this Boards rAirets the 1.153 tor .
tile, Ein..lts worthy and eraclent secretary. t
ose active co-operation In every effort tendin '
e eke:anon of the publicsehools,' and to - o im:
g a ilemanly deportment in all our verled'lnte •
• neve hereby' wish to testit4 ; :-.13e bears wit
1 e niche for which he is so eminently qualitied.
n. .. ' 1 ra : th e r t . : K et"h in w e t : sb : l3 l: t W heo- tt fin. ported
-t.:‘ . e'): :e . a l
dilate for re-electiob for the.k.nshing •25 . - L ear,
and presented strong - recotrimendationin fay( r
oT Afr. W. H. ifitakeikes his stlcivutsor.'
On m otion of Mr. Fas4more, tdr. }Jaskol wrs
e ectod to 'lmposition. ..r , i -
Report of the tkuperintetuletit Win( preaentel,
. Th e:
ordered'to btt,ll - led. '• ; !
r following:bills twere preiient:.'il MO ( - J..-
Fed:to:be paid': . '..`.' - ' ' • ;r I
Ititchtl a Sons - ...• ..- ' ' ' .
Nicholati Brownmiticr-..._. -- ''''''''''
%sees:keit gart * _ *** - _,....._.2 . .7 7 .1...,....
t e
Mi. Boyer presented - bill of liennsylVantA
, jghtning Rod Conipany, for SUFI 94,- which was
; rdered to be -paid as soon as they w-delitered
io' hey of Insurance as agreed. ' i. ,;-!
i lO h t'm r-at ills at fO tai r tte x li f° oO r th l
an e d ri 4 u ni in i g ll ye s fur w b ar tti l l i ii ilx ifi tl
ei ciir ,l . ll ll ri in d, il t4 le e y r ‘ 4 c t as e e rt le r e , t 4 7 .v l o co eci ll i ee n to t r ix f. e - ii ii e a n t s : u t v c ii:
• .
-Mr. Beatty , icii,t elected' ' .
All-the old .teachers Were, .yinaiiiineit , ly, ri
e ected, na were also Miss Slaty shay and.l i
'nary Steitibaelai new applicants.
i , __
4 .-
..„.... ~. _...,
__,_,... .
~..._,,,i. i . : intne:ti:.::‘tudy of the sciences. The el i• 1 111 1 Chtilert - e..nittl.:tet'Aittti, hoisttng.
~ I chemistry are daily' employed . 111.xnit tWO,.. ,ties'` ' ' ,- " Ix it; , a1.; 1 1 ,. . - iewsl-for Primping and hoisting, thirty
1 in c six riinc ;siting aild analY,zingt . nrat .s.r,. t icier e , fre n t , r b ,,.. 3 ',ll/! - W. -tOur i !;!F il
( trt.• - <MC sit earn:pump - -inch (tillsoadtl3antiart =lke)
es ha diameter, withal" their
, :the instinetioti of thi s "n . th t 4
.. , -_,-____ - . .- , , ~.. •,: . ' ' ) -rt Stsitsfacrory artlclo, -1. - _ • .., . - .- • '
ocal Uotansts,-ThC
a, H '
r• - There are two I,Perary SoeirtieS in t institti.: I :, ,,, TL';': W . l: i e r bt ft./Jittery is in gadd con dition, no d
annital count Meeting on -NrondaY last: .a ti e...i flan, - named respei-tiVely< '''WashinftiOn'' :ind ; • Als;.:l ,t. .v : iigo e it a 'o)ii-vixii„i 36..1 , ;(4 , • r _ ,
1 ' • -
- .9lLltt House. The proceedinga were as '"Ila - - - 1" . q . ce' son-.•
onlotts'.? and treasonable as:ever. Tint 'Wii....hiligbin 'iiterary ts j oeiety,
; •-; last evening celebrated its atitiivers.arii-h.cr1..:44.-,,ri.! I; Ifells..; i.l "Vanouts size:tc, 'Shire Fixt g urer at"re gl4 ll ll G ip t in ni-
I t : r i: ! i . tit • l ' r z ii s l ' r w ri'l 1 . 41 . il' itt w t ° io °' n 4 . a l:f:ire at the ;office. let
, ..1"..a ...,,
i t a t ."4 l I a . ,
7 r ",: ,: e 0... .:
5, , t. i . , ,
. 2 .
_o i. or a t the
e - 8 ,
Whitsuntide WAS eel eIm:WA i n West: Man I v,; free literary and social entertaithinnit.•
t•welve marriages. , Good for %Vest Penh. ,-• .1 1
tiler eonsislcd.of c•-....ays„orations,-and hointms.
' . O The lighenahtloali 111'MM-if, nrflcarc'd in finir o • dmlainutions, the, latter of ,ice ereaui, eakcs, anti 1 ~.._:.. •;. t _L.......________-.__-,----..-.. , . up••••
,form last SattirdaSr.'i - , 1 , ..-, .in tisie inthe dining. hal L. .
1 The Social Temple, of Pi4tsville7; wiirpie nic i Thc;• collcge was Visited - to-ilay . liyi at j ont .i A LEASE,: alit LARGE LOT OF LUMBER.
41 OrWifraburg Landirag; on next Wetintisday.- ? tA"eeilly men front llgllcfoille,:the rompail2. - of. ix ',The- nottersigned, surviving pustner of the late
Sllas:l;:nriuml Amos Walbrklge,- for the purpose 1,1
1. Hve.persoltti were taken,,intn full voinniiiiii. ii ; "ProPesed rail:on:1 to l . .ie built through; this sei. , . •
: eiosini• an 4 :,..rtling the Partnere:rip affairs,hcrel.s..
in the 'First Presbyterian Church on send: y I tibn: ( -k;l'sloN4: 11 -Y. , • I . oirer4 Tt.ptilfite.sAle - • - -
Dud, . •
.:.-. .. -•. , • 4 •, 1 - ‘ . 'l' l'i:lf+.ll 1" JUNI.' 11' NW
, The Feast of Pentecost arid the canfirarnii n 1 .4..-: . . '
, z , • l l o(cti ry 4cmes s llortris..l,. . 1":. L i : 8! . 10,':k, :k:) . ( . -Iz. in- . 1 . 11.;-for . en . non, at th ' e s paidie 1ia1:.,. ~;
f six children tai place at the Jewish:Sen t- t ii
. - , 1 • - r 'Nelson lira,ittion,.itt- East Union Township, Schtlyi.
ogue en Sunday last. - . ... . ; • '- • . - , - , , 1 lifit:4>linlY:.the folk - ring partnership,premerty,
The .etirner-stone .of tlio;.•new Ev:ite r teln•il . ( 1 ; ',1'',','„,„'"., 11 ,,L i :':,:: lir' , ill'er.' lol i• **=i' , eins r+ hn'-' '.1 , - - h s'"' - ' ,- - 1 tell: -', • : •-•..5 , .. • .
thitrell at Cres.sona, was lahrtvltti Masonic 07 - , I ":
. •.. •.. ,
• , , I ..I. • - 41)r., ; • Lien ta .fS'a4 ^ Alin, aboxit :k}-horse power,ano a::
- I ,:-:- 1 Cr V I'o il. 't -i
Monies en Sunday - last. th-raiteildaile: . k% t , : ,Vimi:l): p.i; itiettlqr;•;:t.iima at tM.Minirs. .. • ' 11 ' 41.1 . 0d '''''' tel "th the mill . / 9c atedln r- ' , "' t
Arite and Cerenioniesditiposing. - • . i Any 4 ;.0 . ,1e; al ante-wfwpriees - 70 thtilandls.
1 -3 ft, et.iet.t 1. :•Ai...t.: "I pre.:.,. ti,msis at - , t;rtiM•ati.".S. , 1 L uwzni.r..wo•thip. Schuylkill COlllltY.
~,V.l. - the tf niter tease of abtmt 40U stew of land ti.
ES•veral of the legal fraternity' with their "hull ..4 1,0.4 t l i mo Town Ship, having yet to run to April 1.
-i3. t, t LEAN li Z.:. t.. • 4. •''li I rentre Nti ye!
F a ir - Spent a Pleasant it:1121 raven at West We, t, j 5.,,":.. -' - 7 ' r . - ~ . . : tls7l, With the privilege of an extension for one yen,
3 ,.. vir,. Sll/ I, yaiiti.., tor 11114 . I lAtur, M 1,11.1:tial :•., in ., w bio t t i ...,r , ti w - ,,,id .„,„ m in 1 ...,,,„i .1„, r ,,
on'Saturday last. ' . . .1 f.: , ,,t c ct.t re street, sit , . er in change:, I •-April 10, - 1".1-;:. • • ,• .. , _ , ~••• , ,-^-, - r ---.:n --- v - s• r
The gorner-stoun of a new Evangelie:tl Clot rt .. "( ; .''., ', •
Vits laid at Preheraeille on Sundavlast. ,
c W..4.a - .P Ari E.llN$ jtisl. reeetVest 'el_
_ i. ,_
._ ! t, mint m.,11*(;•,..121.1 Stante. , It is eSiitnaten there 1,
.('lint:: % m a , I :t . i . % er 'a talifion - feet of hemlock; oak and pine t Inlet
Robert Tailertan met with a severe iweidclit It 4 - TV lrtd.`„, l .„ l-1 1.•'..lirs : % ' . ‘ 1u 'v :•, 1:-.' V.;,..9:P.`"V‘.116111;-,lie‘iii,`,.'‘'N'T--lic!1-`;°1 '7l.i l Ci 4 tilt l c l -. ' - e ti t • rn ifi.i : s t. Patent Water 3.Vheel. fietlefeet pi, .
.4. . .... .;.., Lam ik.." - ...7-"!„it ti l-et Hemlock Plank, tAu feet :41- t.ii
h'e ee-operative eullierY,'Slitiersvillo, NVII le I ' ",:c , ..
... .- '
tuining. the fan, one day last.week. i . tr4i.v . 2oeents: for a salwrior'Oyster Stew tit. l'o(n.'. •-tun k 11ei%::.,.00) , (..i.t Hit tAiviiii-r, Moon reel Tiemi„.i.
Mr. Andrew Quinn killed a black sUitiW" .
hilleard walk, tine day last week, .. 1, I.iii,....:s7 . ... , at ti tz. , rat t s j itest i aol t ratit,. So...lttl i ce,tt i r , e sti ‘ ect.:• 1 1 ,30ards, iii,es i o f, : o o a k- T Aila i wr ,,i,i,,,w•
feet -Heiat,„:i. ,
ring " , i t ;1 0 43: ,, " . 5..1 ,su the ur i ne. I- tt I , st l t ztc for . .m t uts-r, a i f. , 6 , i stutar 1 . , ,,,i,... (1 , (10 . ,1
. A.,, , „ r.! ,„„ ;
ice feet three inches in length. , - .. I „,
,_,„ English
„,,,,, ~
m...,„„ . .. an •scatiti ti r ..,- b.c.i.o.i . feet Maple Seatit4g, -•,0.c l i k !
Chest - Mit boards.
~ • - 3
aiii i7 1 ;117 . v , ;::i47 1 L:a.... , •...1 - 5 -KU 01611 PC jaft st•Str'' , 1 • - Pftli• part len la rtt given anti proPerirartri lun;lte
A:Young Men's Christian A•iviciatlon ,wits 1
oit! n tag r at e - ih il l. 2 7.: g n . glimli Lutheran
. Church,. onh,st -_. . I -,
Several'llenevelent SocietieS froin this vityi- , i ~
~., , .
..5.h...,v, aop n)ipl ic-;t1 ion to the Raw 3111111) '
-Sall titis,centre ,141„
Vie - H . :S . ?: . 1:..1ib1:E , 11 , - I.INEN OKI ir.1 , 4 :), hetmt4art it. . . 1, - 1 ..: HENRY M/LLER.-Survil tug Pnil";:r.
; ..
de I/ 11. Smith's t•'entre Street.
- •
y! . attended the parade and pit-tile of the St.. 0-.1 7 4 ' - -7‘ ! : ' ''', -- ' --•- --- ,-- - -'-
oph's Itenelicial S.leiety, It . ilditrr tin...M4ibiv . . - l:
, •
i . . . ..1 ,' S. tiecia I Ilotl'c ---= • ' -.:- -..
. The two men from , tolitinbia Contilv - st ~.... • _ try: ',..joi l . pßss i mi .",'" 0 ,,- , A N ~.N . -
eied of having bcen the assailants , it
~t- t itt 1, 4 7 .r . - fel ilisiTi;ii - fJii. - 11 - it Voqii - Of Ti7i-:.," Il ails L • l i 1 9 ;
. 'elle ; turn out to be -passers of 'et:miter( qt Mimi, r trli , ,,sutrerzerlini N'erN'ous Debility, ete2..::.a
as . t•rnied Tl:wie,i,ip, .1 mic 4, ' - 70--17,: : :..t - 1.
• iniey,'anci were at' Ashland i nt the tine (4 . '1 0.• lAylaaftle - bicans of Kit•eurtt. Written . b.Y. 1/12e ‘9;‘ ,
brutal outrage.. • • .- , . . . l' - . , eered hinc!eif; and Kent tree on retviVing a post-rak, ,
.11;iberal contrilmtbibs are
ittonlarnily. . ' 1 thg. male to t i_ u „ . 'i dlr. etvtlsitVeMpe , '?.Address - ..- • ,
. .. .
~, L , i .
21.. ,4 4_, • . : , NATILANiv..x. -'? , l-AY1...t.1it,-. •
' -
Janies , tirnitht the alleged niutderet of Dein is ,• -' 4l - 1 a.--------.
- . .
' , a ; Brooklyn :,..:,. l';
7 ifithalNllX. ,
_PECTORAL. - More than a aiiii.oti .
. -
.urns, by atabhing, atl.ocustilian.,:last Wei r k,
itvros arre:ted on the l'.d inst., nt Willieshar 4e,
and held to nnewt`r; '• : 4 '
On Friday afternoon of last Week, the :-',tar; of
ib. Clair, beat the. Mammoth, Of New !L'a•Aleir
game of base la Ws by a senre Of :4 . 2 to 17:- -.
On thet.'d titst.,lwn mew representing them
Ives from Rending, *ere arre*tedon sal-spiel/I'.
the nernetranirs or the Olitrage on Yoh.;. •
- Preparations are being inadti for the app. 0.
ifinte celebration. of the gliirions F4,ort n i i
'OttS,Vilie, and , hid. fair ' to l>e.a grand ;,ac
r,Tfie' i Galion:Enghh, s !Opera' Troupe : ,_."-: v
t ttw i entertninthents at rnion Ilan- on, M , n
pa •
,• , ,
y, and., Tuesday . es - it:flings to croa t ,a.,
ihiises..: ', • - ; • ; 1 ,
iPottsvilli• has been very liyely during tilt
l'preseitt week, occasioned bY!Cottr: !wing in
!.'session .
-•T: Feader's •buildingi Ciirner. of :Centre; :ail
I:East Norwegian htreets Um
,' looks splendid ci
;tbe new-coat or paOtt applied tl is weA. rs ,- il
i , Peons win) desire; to 'see ; 11 siortl4 , of io c,
DU profusion and in their heatity,:cati ,do so 6•
ivisitifigiirecnwood. - The elilrertiop entbra 1..:
many ehOiee qiecitnetis from I all parts',of!. lit
p- A free tight atnong .the "41 . ourrirs :or hi
Lost Cause - occurred tit'the-l‘lortinter.Ho St
;after their Convention on 1:1 , ... '...kimula"v 'aft •r
-.inoon. ,
• 4 ,
. . . . .
Sylvester. Synton, Alt - icing a; team for 11. lt.
~Morris, tray serionSly.injuredi on last, Mont y,
I,il.ty• the teani'runiiing awav- with him.. • ,i ! '
"- 'John Wool, employed lit .the Ncwhatn i ( )1-
'diery, :was killeu:on Saturday last, .b . y `fa' , n! . ..
thrown from a cage. , . .. -, , .;
, illciese thieYea are punierou,t in this laid D to-
fphitt Connty.! •
Hay sold on our - streets tho::lpre.,pit wickat
,isll4 and e 0 per ton. , • - • 1-.. ,
Thunder and , rain storms 110i=1 I.:eti nun- err
,'lons during the present week. •:•,- ' ; •' 1
'$ :*-A, Fair. for the benefit of the . ny
lOistheßepnblie has been hi Progres - sAnring, he
week. -: • • ' ''••
4 , . 1
Liberal donations should lie math)* for' gte
;Fourth of idly celebration in Pokt:sville. i. ' t .
.. . The, census - takers ' have not . yet !wen ..iiii -
g,riountvd for •this . District itP to the. l' , ont
,:. . TheVort Carbon Cricket Club ha s ve dialle ag
ed OheVetitsvillo,Cricketinb to s s tnatch,ga ins,
,:and thelattei'accepts. • • . „ . ~•
' •
Mrs. Clark of Port Carbon. '*as I:teuek Lby
- t lightning during the storm ou Tiiestlay inst.!'
-... : A cow Was run Wver.:tliaTtiestiay last, hytthe
~' train leaving Malianoy at 1.55,1 near the, tun tel.
[: Two cars were thrown from tie track; . 1. tit to
body hurt.
Arrangemerits have been nett e for'a tacit to
l'' . .
take place somewhere in the ideinit2. , a 1', 1 :E...-
,' vide. r, • . • -I . ?'" .*
• •1 - .
1.. 1- •• The,Tentisylvaniti State Stnibly Sehool. gins.:
.' v entieu.ivill assemble in Ntrislut burr on zip.:v.t.
ITuesday, to continue in Sess , 1 three days. .
:Tholt•teadingi Divi;ion iif Leotherhood bro.-
! motive Engineers will-make, all excursion to pie
coal regions of this County .k ,Inorrow„.•
n -- , ..
Moonlight ekeursiro: to. Tinnbling Wan arc
InOw fasibronablZ:N".. l .' ' i .
1 • Travel.over khe Pine,zroye Inn! Lebanvii I:41 ,
,'rotid is said to be CoUstantly incre:Lsi lig. r
7 1 Regular trains vuil eVininilice minis:4. ewer,
Itho - Wiltnington and ltmling_ltailroad, o ;Abu, '
day. . ,• o 1
, 1 7
i :'A general-filrode of thc. P. l O. S.. of A.O
- 31*
!take place at Vincgrove; ow the: Voortli of .141 y.
.;. Scarlet fever he again raging, iln sonie Marti; of
rthe,connty, inning death in its en. -. ' - I
0 That abominable siutsaifee Of it pave:nem; in
front Of the .20r/ranter litinse has , 1
- been Ire-.
`)laid::: • , - •• i
. -:ii , • I
ri :Flowers and rose:Ywo re never amore .plentittil ' ier beautiful than novr. ''••,'.
~ ..-. 1; :,.- • -1
yße*. Mr. Moppe, of Line iste - r, 'l4divered Idle '
Operting' aermou of -the :Lutherin ::3,f,titllA/11
ThuAday - evening..;;
• ~ ' • ' ... i ,- - ‘• I, .
q: •Thee. 'skluitil - Ch.idren arc Aux nippily :looklng .
t forward to and loir ? , ing. r - to.v•tmaton • , viiiii •is •
•,- , . , .., •
41,00.. three weeks'of)„. ,
. H , ~ • ,
E The Lutherah Synod 'will ' ivionnienpo , its.:
tbusiness session iti this through ..oti Morefay. ,
tquite a large number of tin}- clergy: ater lair in
town.. , . .
Trinity Church will•hold a grand: l",••.Al:ltvber` ryll
;rand Floral FestivaCrit 17d-ion flalLon;Wedhes-
kiwi stint ThiirsdaY eveninir4 l ncst. ,i• 1 •• -1 - • '.l
11, .J. liwin•stecle, Esq„,-.lia , ybeen• atiipUhrtedlby
Wile Council of Ashilind,,a TctlVe qtlie Mintr's
iiilloSpital, for that Dordugh: -,• ... ; r • I .
:iiV: flutter andOilktthleves infest Wep s cut ' \jai;
er.•/On Monday . night - several hou*,a• a . •i•e,,
!imbibed -
„lbed ofttleirenntents. •
~- .• . --_, ..- ' •
"c A: Child'of Mr, Jos. Mootiv.r>r TremOnt, as:
iscalded one day last week. i. - : , i : ..,, • 1 ;
a• Softie of tlar,school children will pit .a.'i ai-,
lAgricultural Park Lo clay. ':::- 3 .r. : 1 , .::,
- , .
• CO . UR T,PllO6k;4l7l.tiG.S.
I 7aa• Terak, d i.. : -
. .
Williata.PaiVipiat, repo" rted-Yestgrdvasi4. 7
ling been cotivicted oft two heirio#S clutigeF, sp , ' ;
frocaled to a higher tribunal for sentence, lby
;banging hini elfin his prison! cellaast
apparently - some 50 or 60 years of age.;
It is but charitable to conclude ;that , hi's. lielfrOus
';ubtraturahronduct; as well x 0 his tilting of his;
'own life, were the result of an;
' "-- - JURY TAIALS:, .• ' -,' -•
- '
ii 4.4eorge Skidtnore .Wrgs ' 'Charged with an ,L-s
-*atilt and battery on Richard Divirs. "Nbill .e t;:
guilty of an assault only, and sentenced- tolay ,'
, costs. Skidmore was a private • watannani or,
!auperintendent etnplbyed. by the Mes.4i4••,,ittr.
'tins at their Flatibach_Rolliug Mill,' and it was'
[alleged bad used only force enough toni.tke t`he'
Pr&"'o(4ltor-go to . •- - , . -. •• .
:Ralph Kingston plead guilt toe h charge! of
burglary preferred by K ate Ileusei. , 7: - 1 . •
Augiistus Morgan .was convicted 0 a charge
for rai
r se imprisbffinent - brought by,' Henry! J.
'James Donohoe was found guilty Of an'asaal
„lend battery on Mary li,• Walker. with the n
',tent Mcomtuit-ripe. Thiii occurred nwr tike.
lupper Tumbling Ran , anCtliezeiretini-'
,stances were at the e referred to in tbo •
Joettstay, in conn on with a settlenient 3>f-.
1 f7tral between the ' ties..:. 2 ' . . I
I ! • stem TIDE" TICACO.. - 1
1 1 George Richardson - had, been • t;ound ov s eri to
'answer, on the oath of Robert-Stewart, for throats
:&e. Parties heard, •and the costs divided he
' ewCen,them forpaythent • " ' . 1 ,
?elm McDon ald over, itc., on complaint
:of Bernard Riley., Deft., - McDonald, for costFi - A
1 : : Washington li.:Lawrenee; -bound. over, 4t.c.,
on oath of Johanna Coho. Costa on Law
eec ,
!and each party directed to - enter' into r i
*ince in $lOO for future good behavior. .
, Bridget Manahan .was complained of • by iia.'
ris Costello for her uncivil tongue, threats, tte.
,Bridget was directed tooliay the costs imd giro
bond with one sufficient surety in:sl.oo to keep
n i p peace adds her neighbors hereafter: • ' •
WWI ICiXinitrl• AND .19:klaTTORS VOA COST I ;
. . . ,
I. illeagi'Werner, Pr.aelling liquor on Sunday
V' Peter Kelly, for salting liquor without ItecAn . .
IL-Itisallitier t , prok.' 1 - . , , 11
...,-, , _ , i •
t jatio'llettlin; ;br selllnglitittor ' isithatit 16
*mai, leaait Fisher. phasecalor. : ' - '1 '„..':
.i.Patrick McCann, for selling 'llguot . ; Without
Lliesaes.% P.'11% Kati, tia.,-., , . '-, - . 1 .• :1,.
0 J°4lll4 trfiri th:#lo, l3
Irio4 l )YKatZ,
1 tC[as
~:-. .- i- , - , - ...q.„1:c t , ', • - 1
I i load; 4.ttilhattilith,' Ile. a.. ytvabed
,gur . tutaaailt
ant battery caftan* Atha •• - --' 4 ' '-
,: Pia;n4"s7irii li
A 9#.lCt Lll.7ltA L - Cot LEA; E, PA., June .4. lslo. •
• /.1.Ttr41;,3 IS Elk 410 C lEN.B L V--- /I appears s tkii I
I ' l ''most of yettlicorrespondents are on ly interested I.
I in the coal trade, ,and furnish enly such I nfor- I
oration . :1.4 will' interest. that class of readers;.(
4 ,while those who havediffetent , net:nip . ..looS are i
, l iperhaps" little ' i'toneernea. about, and would , '
'• lira:her. occaSionally„ fifdefrom eorresPandents, , l
• 1 on.tlitTerent topics. 1- '
4 '9n the'seconti of MaY lied. 4 . 1 (41m - 11:ill coun
-1 ty,tind ;via. Williiiinspiort and Bellefonte; 493100
to this place. on the , third. The sun . wits 00.'11,1
-. Just preparing --the l'icautifid verdant- suit,
1t speckled with- flowers of various laues, to put,
1 i.on the various tieldsantifurtists of the northern
-hemisphere , of his little, satellite,. (the earth;)
which•wasiust recovering •frbin the cold blasts
-of axunfafOrable winter.r . The wheat 'fields, 1
11011=1 las the train
,pasied by, looked boor.
The cause, - ?suppose; was lot) much rain and ea.- I
• posuro during the winter, and .reisivery.mnst I
'be beyond eltpeetatiOns to yield, morn than a
medium crop_- ltye. and grass iit this vicinity;l
appear flattering.' especially the ,latter,, which I
-will. undoubtedly. prove the old prOverli,
cold May produces much hay." .. - •'. -
Mho college building; in which is my present
abode, is a-very lar-e,,,, , - conunodiotis lime-stone
structure, .240 feet long, SO . feet in , average
breadth, and tivestorles high..'situated . in Har - ris;
township, Center county,' allot : twelVe miles.
west of Bellefonte.. The college ;lam toiltains
400 acres, VII of Which is the' '7e;t•periniental
.farrii," Laid out in small plots.' _ . .
Cherrleg. 'strawberries, fie., are ripe, and time
students already begin to reap'Jhe ha..-vesjP.of
their little physical labor, : ' '
The number of siudcruh4 has isipsidembly iti-;
creasetbduring the last -year, .udder the pritiei-.
palship of 1)r. Burrow - es, but, there b , i , still yet'
several savant rooms:, which might bo :eery.
profitably occupied diy . 'ililiga Kt
t students. • •
-Illirds nit" A fa{."
This 4i:4411H - on n,
”f Bottles of this CottgliNlttlielne has, e he'ett old
lit live yeai - s;athl thousands have 1;e •u .eared' l‘y
The cough rus•o:Upanylng any (military cold oral the
AlL.try,:singe4u,..tltof COnsuroption {tare all1;;e
to it. • It 144 the greatest, vali,te t 4 'the coot:nanny
atOd no family should
.he with out It.. It is' pleasant
.to the • taste. It is by Dr. LEVI 0131-41:-
.IDA,TzEit, of Iltiladeipitlita, hz9 Sx sold by
ItottlN:4o:s, aukt..,: Druggists, I'ofts-
vine, and by neNc.b• every Druggist:and Starett'eepti •
at cents a. butt De -t, '
- -
4 T- 1 toot double strength, and; the olds
: I- Ir.: , ..etfee of Jamaica Aiinger In tlui niark•ei,-
tlu rtitlre,the only art, be relied on in' oast,. .61 ,
Colic, Cholera Morhus;Anarrht ea, Dysentl•ry,
ge5.,11,11, the etri-ots of ; Change of Water, s:olds &v.
Ask.. for Hollo..vay's.tirttl mho no other',. A rit:ilf tea.:
t spoonful of It Is more than equal to a Nt-11,,1
Of any other. t4ohl by druggists ;and storekeepersl
Fifty cents per bottle: . Johlo.on,lHolloway S:..Cow- •
n dcin, Areli.:St reet,
Cau.nta. - .N Cur FOR HoLLow.A.'y's• VE4it'avpis
• CoNrEctroxs,!
They are so delicious: •The iloetom nail Withers say.
theynre the Trost tale anti remedrfor those ;
pests Of WORMS. The gt nuutediave thi:vilgantUFeS
of. the •priiprieturs. on. the wrapwr of Oen hog.,
'Twenty,tive cents per box. Johnson,
Cowden 6.1.2 A st.; Phila. nue 5. 114,--.2.1-ly tf- •
. .
A. t .l 1. I •Wher great external: renusly"for Rhountattimi.
Nouralgia,spyains; Bruises, Swelb.ngs,
St Urn c,,,st . tlio-lotntsioke. Pc*ssessing unsurpassed
qualities as a LI inwut,'lt Will ptove itself a frientt
In every family in eases, of ltheurntitism !arid 'New
'might., either slight or serious, it is taw:VS tently to
relieve path', This I.inlinent,haiiVen in use hit* the'
last fifteen years, malluw, given entire !• , at,is.ltiellon.
w4lerever has been used.
Prepared and sold 'by Mrtt.. C,:fSAyLOII, No. A
Ventre. tit„. nittsVille. Agent at „tilnerstille., LAW;
BENCE S BuqwN, Druggists; -.Ashland. .1-1. it.
11.117.1:, lttugghtl. ~ • , !•—lt.ftl •
' A Thanee of tar o haaliatj hatta r t
/sold in-bottles only. at St. or 95.
Doz. ,Snnt i3ad- .
dressca receipt of motley. de
arid guaranteed. lo'c.lfj!E
re ,
- .
. _
2cr...,"..cis ~ ,.i. .i...::liirilf‘ : l;l•jL t v ,.,, r,u ;l :riini,ii,n. l , : , .
. lill-neTrr by rezrct,L Si a . .
by 'Druzgb..t.....
. . ,
- - --. .
I ! 1:1-0W -TO'CiTRE !COliso lit TION'
. .
1 Tits.P.uThtc:Opitv or,Da, :Zeit rtsc,k;s_G tti•;.ST .7tlkts=
et 5t , ..5. , -,\V ill people never learn to 'know that aldss
eased liver and stosnaeli necessarily disease- the en-1
-tire system! The plainest Prlnit'pies, ef common
seo.e teach this, and, yet there ; are hundreds. 'who
ridiCule the ideii,.and continue 'ln MO coarst; which'.
ahnost.thevitably brings them prenbiturelv to the ,
grave.' I.iving.'4.s the majority-. of Ahe ' people;dO. at
complete Variance with tile laws of nature. -if must
[be apparent :to all that, sooner iir later, natute will'
revenee Isert:elf. Irenee. we thid that persoptf Who ,
indulge to - exeessla the. 'use of very rich Illtr th(h-.
. ge , lible food or Intoxicating drinks, liwariably pay
it heavy penalty in the end. The stomach' becontes
disonle f•ednral retu , es to act; the liver fails tit per,
'tutu itsj fall,:tionsolyspcpsitt wail its Attend:Mt. evibi.,
roltow, awl still the suffering halividual;4 periist in• •
clinging,' to the thorough es:Orden Meas. of tbe
past. lir, s e•II EN Cii'S medicines are recommends. ,•
to all-,itch." They bring 'sure: and ceriairs relief
wherever:they aroused as directed,, and. • all that is
treeessarY,to" establish their rePtltation with every.:
ailing man or 'wont:twin the land is a fair nittil.itn-'
par ial trial of ;them.' Let those who are skeptical.,
0 Is. point, and who hate perinitten interested '
eiso to ',reindict. them a4outist these now :.rte-, ,
'rated -remedies for rConsuMpt lots,: olsennl' their
•prejudict.s, and be governed' by the priociplos of '
renown and common ;sense: If the systern-httliion•
• den(' ded upon it, in . nine Clews out of ten, the
' Sent of in disorder' will lie' found in the stomach "
and liver.. i "al (demise and luvtgorate the stomach'
and to tMllnulate the liver to healthy action, use . .
t;:•CIIENCI::::4 31ANDUAIII/1 I'll.L.S—The tlally irrereas-'
ing demand for these pills Is the best., eniderice of '-
their, value. :Thousands upon thousands • Ofixigisi
are sold' daily. Why?fiimplY'lictuuse they *act '
promptly* and- efficiently. luvalialk who may not
Mal it convenient. to -tart(' on;PrpiCIIKS eI: In per,
son are informed That .full and'Olontplete,
for use accompany each irgekagh of '•the• --- • . ..- '
. -NEtxtswi.WE PILLS, Pni,nots - ze Sillttlt, AND • St.ts '
WEED TON lc.-"T,hrpe medicines will curs, consunip
-1 ion unless the lungs are so far gintethatithp.patik tit
'-isi. , titt rely beyond the reach of medical relief."' •••,
• It may lie asked by those whet itre are of familiar ,
wl Ur. the Vittueli of these great - . remedies, .".Itow do '
lii. soMNCE:I4 'medicines effect their! wonderful]
cures of_iginsuniption I" . - ,' •,• •.• : .- '.
The iitYkirCr. Is a simple one. They begin Melt/
work Of restoration by bringing • tine stain:tete, liver ,
apt bowels lino an active healthy , conditton. It IS ~'•
-food that :elites this rormi , table-dltse,. IlActiEXClC's''
I‘l,CtinttAXE'l"ll..l.g act on the, liver and stormiclij
promoting healthy secretion, and rehusving the•bli •
4ind stinky whicialgive resulted ftc n ri the in:tette/ 3 pr I
torptit-totalltlOli of these organs,. and Ohl jtut systent: ,
1 genetally: This,shantlsh state 01 I he, liddy,"andthe '
ettitscittactit neetstuulathm.. of tine uhM;atthy attYk•
,t,,lmes tanned prevent the P.infieetif'icst ion of food,
• and a.., a itatunti tsin;equenee'e,_ri.tatt•t4 ii bil`Wie,'W kl Wilt '`
resultstivprostration and tittally In deut h. •••, : I '...
tsotktrrg. tl'utztositiSt nue and st,,vitigr.ti•ToNte,
f when tukNegularlyonftigle With t la, tots'', ablidse,l
, dige..ldive 0 sins, utalee good t lei b10.,,M,', anions a
ant urat'fowsystuenee, give tic:bra:at I , lln;tygt h- to the- t
pat lent. Let tar-faeutty shy what I; lion ' , this lit the I
, only true -cure, for ertostimptittn. Etilerlentin fats , '
praved It tievotal the sividaw of a Alsaths, and tlistus....
antis tire to-atty Wive R 41.014.11 wlesiifew year.z.ltsve ~
were regarded as lioperess wirers„ out who, Werr - li-•
: dotted to try' . ; Dr. szEit F:Nt.'l:l:4 rerdetliek pad Ayi:i!...r
restored to perm:llll.W betiß Is by their te.o.. I -.
i• .'Onerrif the tlmt titeps Ihephyidelatt ;should take.
'.: within: cop:Muslin ii-e patient' is if) invigorate ille ,
!, systent 'Ntivr• how Is tills to lie done?. l'ettni`lyt
' not by 'givlnttnedicits. , that,estratod,anlienerva . 4 - 7
In elliein , that impair loStead of improVe the now:
tionsrif he illrestlVeatc:ians. :P's•tor ' ,l-1 :111";SE"Ii's ,.
nits:bet:a cleanse Cie , tOsstaoh 'awl , bioirtrir . ,,l4,ll3l-
subst arse s whiclr are ea l,•ss ho, to in Intteme tv - eatt.:n
then ” my ereatt , tats s'ip , , , 4iti,--qt•01:1:{:4.-,itettitirtal-,•
dige t Inn , - - make to sir I bh.,.l,:tilti, as a e,,,i,„,..4% t 0i1 i ke,...
lb. y Inv ig rate. and •strengt ben tile entire sYstsn,-
- at Linore ospecially thri-ti.parnt which lire dist-As:M..'
' 't ti b.; 'am riot, be thaw, [nen ;Ow lE:is-elm:lst-be re 7 -
-carded as a_hopelesm - onet -".1 „i . :. ", _1 -- " _ ..„
If tlaq.hEstelan'ilnds illtip 0i5....1.1e la tiiitkeqi Pa.-
,:1,) ent feetirctiigry. if Pliesliseased person cannot-par,
-take of gwad.nourishlturd'• Asti and properly digest It',
- it Is impossible that'll ellllll. {Nall in ite*fittnititrengilf;
and It is Squally inip.pcsitdetp bring aperient to ill Li
condition so long its the : liver I't burdened With dik.
. eased bite, amfthe, atoma:h
,Liden ;with -uhtiealthy
- - Almost the tl 7... t. icque.t matte to. the physician L's-,
ri consumptive patient Is that lift Will pretwrlbe Med
:leines that will remain :or allgythe sough,-olglit
-sweaht and chills, which are the sere attendaTitemen
vonsOmptlon.:. Utit this. 8110111li 1,4 , 11 e, !done, as the:
cough 'ls only: as, effort of imture to. relieve !Melte
and•the night sWeata and cMils twe caused -by the.
diseased latms. - The remedl i ordinarily - prescribed
doniore harm- than good. her traPalr ihellino;
. .thufseyf the stomach, Wipe& health/digestion, and
slasatetather than eure
'' the disease.: ; .- • - -•- '
m is ; after &IL nothing like. lac .willt,Wlllll..i
to substantiate a iwillen, and it la ti 1 fact' mt.
.Dr„ gefigNClC. reDes: ?,irerly ell wild. • aktat' :
his Medicines In accuolimen -with' hf."l - dirt-clime.
have notonly tisseticurctlof conitronptimi„bur k from •
the fad" that. "beset tnedietw* act v3tlt Wonderful
power. bpon
,the--tileei, tlvo, organs,. patients'. thus
cured Speedily via Math. • clenniqug,obe ittisti‘ni oC
all Imperil' - they. My the foundittliMk. for a' - solid,
substantial " ....i . Restoringt thAse: °mum la
health, they createsm apperite;
_.:. nimilondts properly •
assltaltated i.the, quantity of. Moot is not: only in_
.treaswbafts maderichend attune and In their e:
of such actinditlon of the system 411 disease •
: -
stilt direettons•pponlin•Y 4.*ltebntliknizil4tiatni:
ito, that, It is not: antiolutely ' • that:_petiento
.should see . Dr.SClLltlicii. personal -.._, un - - a their ;
desire to luixe tbelr Innis • inatninek Foe tbli•nr.
Vie . hitisnt bit tkristdSol,lllloe. $O. I& North Kith.
. °Sesser ot.Vounneten, rajtadeneenetxtbst4e..-
ntrim V north: until 1-Pot - -.:•-- :., -:. .41 :. ' ,;•-•'.
dsiee is gkrenintbont olain, bat 'tittmint
- 'sisaininstlon ni.M•theitestittntaeter the nbarglit
• Prtekot tbrPubnollaySLl- stilt:PanweetltTell
• enebat *Pet bottlisi ye_ ~ a aairliamaki;: , *sat..
'drake Ptils SIS cents • on& rat sale by sua rs io ni.
-•.•-,-•- . . . . ... .
, P
.o' .s `
Ce:nuine Family !Kid i- •
7cin c t twepzre4 :07 the' Cu re,•
F Cclie,, Ftvcr el.,Aikoc,ae; It eri ,
courlqrs Ci-estion, cures Heed•
bur 4,. purifies eiSkiixf, &re tite t et. - • ;
hs . L;ver: to-•- sn•ii:y Tyrv.ri.t.; ,
SO "
. .
. : =
, I ,
IFD A r i r r h .r l o;l4:
o .l li f ic o . r .. . bm ic t p e i c: i
. o r; fl -q m ,; rn ,e,,' ti R 0 , 1 954 :7 ,..s a it tp
, : l t irs . :;, 74.
Tree!. tt.softent tlis
aL I E Corns, and -renthrs Tcctlt:-vi .. l
. r3sv. , rrivn 11 rt, p.r ithtr, , .. ~,
JOXES--4:.EWI.4—Ork 7th 4'1,04., at P0t5vi11,...1,,t
the Rev Win; Storigut. tu
14m - xs, both of A*lll6 nil
'IIOWES",,F4)u .:2{aturflay nt
,con t,f (.34tr1e , .! T.,. nod •saTal,
Bowen; : aged y'ears - 011.111 coos,: • •
eikr-s,4rAnt Oil tl:e `..tilt of MOS', at Mack' 'r ,
Ltrzerfiv (20..t.'1t .9:LES Cif , _LST.F.:I7 . 4 tanner.tor met ~t
Pottaril 'nod, softller 4,1 the , Mex letlu.Wor,
(luring thriirat 3 nijontliK Of thelletfelliof, of 1t , ,1„!.. •
tJle of
• Ilja uge. I .
• . .
-al Inst,,
4rut.ttor, wilt..r 6f the late LltriNt.tao.:3l/e
Ivor ; nod Gt yi:ars, J toorillts ?mid 22 days.
. •
1t011.40N.-Ciu 444itunlai iiiotillifg,. June ith . , 1.7-.
31Arci;,_%11 , 4-..T Itup,o.v, l' .
't t.ll : - .4:cl'ycar of her age.
• lIISIi ETA-On Tttlav, .Titov 1v at 4, P. M.; El.i.k.-
Ttisliki..i,ol.kutrurti, ilife Si years, 5 mouths atil
days. '. 1 , • . .
V --'- iEtr " A.I3LEI3IYILDIISiG LOTS. roll: SALL
—Elrven . 25 I , ert lOts, (rooting, ' t four, tiaar
eorpf.• liiret,.oot•offrretl from iLlo auWfnor anis.
.I'st) takqiN to 'SW uvontkily - Lustiligients. Apply t
BALL. Cool Slrect, riat• R. it. Ilrpot
l'otoorille,APril It. '7O-,-73.116;ty
, . .
A,VIiTE '.2.§ . 11 COLLIER* FOR AENT. . .
. .
tidE.OA.E.I..i:N.Md'OLLIETtY At NV Ind v Ilarb,r,
tftluylkiltivanty.„,eritlficiretitekl onlavortilide t 4 rt 0 , .
The. Catlieik - ciabiacels the 3latannith, r4liddinore
and ISlselr..l.feath_ Vc.ins. , A gots! slope lols 15,..n
'sank - upon t he Skid laore'Veln and a -tunnel it rly'rt.
'to the Ntani Mfg 11. TO a tecialit With stifficient tne:l'il
to.purerse toe .taari dnery And erect a new breaker',
'ti twist, i beral- let;se :Nei tl, be given. •Apply to . - ,
' ""•- : ' FRANKLIN ILO
-I,W kgq, ' '•
•'-- - . 1 1,1 , • 2•:: Seat h.Fourfli Streel, nil lade i n'., 1 , ,,,
or t 6 ".:. ( E.t • • .. . - -11.ENIt'i PLEASANTs, . • .
, ' •• ' • 31ining • East . neer, Totds - ro t
Abrt.1,11 , 4 770-46117,4.1 .. • • -
---.,--,-3---.••• - -
• ECIR SALE: , .
tc , l ovr;.n.vittit oh - handl:4 thertnpeanCollier
ttut• putoNuir sixty home power, inered.
lam . I Lie . ttetclit!tery connected, with the
.A .LAI2..dE „1.5QT.0 . F INLACII IN ER '., t"
aCC 4 ` - ^ '
I co,torsvoakrice Plighw. f.) t. 91 15 or i.. : :: 1 „ .\ , va, , t ..,
1 fift-31,hor,c , etig.i1.1.!. -: t.slzes. ' r• , , .
2 1 hlrtv " .- .I.', '',.' -'• ' 1 1I) fe;-t hoist In. •I rue:, :
1 twi...,iy••"''' ~" ,-•, • I .:•-' t_ 'with trultl'riti.l 1a.. , _ '
• 1 p„ ,i :. • ~
~.,:., : : 'giflint . (4)l/11,10e. .p . •
1 1.-n ! • " poi - Latile i , ll. '- i- 1 S futrt, hoiNtitilftl.rirw. .
••• 4 11,e;1; t's, 30 In. .x. 22. ft.. 1 0 " -." .- •:- :. -
4 , [-". • 311 n. x - ..•0 ft, , - 13' " ••
. , . ;.•
•, 2, i . .. .1,4 In; x. ;to ft., • . ), st..nelli ft ..11a1;1; ft !t-ii . . %
1, ' " . ;Le tn;;r,ri 30 ft. . 1 litael43-1.1k.x.114 "•." - • •,
.1.-,* .I In_ x 1•.; ft. 1• " G;iln.xspi ,•• • ;
• '2 , " - .24 in. xl2• ft. I , " it ft.x:4; .•• .• r;
-° 21 111..*X. I. fr.. 10 thin; spllo. plat.., It, tr. 1 '
• 1i• '" 1"2.-Ilin.e, t tainlar. , bint.r;4llix,l .
.- 1 . ' .
' 11'0 , 1i:1:1ft Ittii..lhdlc•r.. , • Lot (if point p snit,. , - -1.!,
'l2 , lyllS'ilill.lN/Ipniri lIIII,`, 1 neW 12 ft exhtle,t Ire no;
131, l' 111 In. . " •". :1)114 i1i.V . ..t.<3.4,4411 - .1-14:111,‘ -....
_ .
1129 y'lls. 41 i 11, - eel, -pipe, • •., wire y.. 144.. ... • , . -
with Iv kitr.;;ln.l , rlpir.t. 6.1.111 2ht r!rla PlPr'. • -. 't
', AO yd , . I . ..!iti, er,ltiniu pi 17 - 0 - 16.1 i" 1 .;
..' ...--- • .. , , „
,1 1i , I, - ii, ..• •: . ••• • .... , 4 I,Gt 44 in. ImAl - rotl' 1•110" i• ' '
~...-Ze " • 'l4. " - " " • •'-- i Pnini, ~Gatti. xcllcifis nv_it
:,. tv °
1 , t VI iil.7,,pip,s. I 111(.0ctr. of: y:111.0[04 147: -. - t
'' I 21r itt..po:k., pump. 2 new boilers. 34 In.stini.l. ' . ,-
.1 if; “ - " " - - will' 1:0:1,11:4-,441s :Cud ~11' .- .-•.:
'...:4 lii " . "" •,' !"• ' - •.;_untivapin,...,--
. ,
.. 11," " "•. ;" ' • I stnell fecit Italic. -
I 1.5. ". . -,*- • . '.' . , - , A 1 Go; 4i 1 ww.• son klaid. P. •,,..•
- - 1 I-1 it: 1 ice 'Alll'l[o ft Nt nt., In. raid :Xl. in. tali,. f, .r i'vti
' lr.) rilliall . liir , "llnli Lorca 1-iinting.. at ntlncs;, 'lin.t 4 _ •
vamps. -s--,..: ' .- • ,tnall I anue'bollels,
•At the Nfaelallery D1.1.0t. on I'C3lltsliCt-f. '
:CQV- la. '124-40;1, • jAlil.7. SO lIIVA.
/11. IiELOW A*EILICAN Po 7-yss - 1
nt+ now lliwnrd a new Stook of spring
suit; bie tor the prt,..oi SCIINI3II, !fa1...11.11N ' W . '
SILK; . SrMMETt ( * LOTH:" rilit:• 4 l - .l ' .s,
. I NoTIoNs,
na.s tut or - -
st:mmErt fiActit7*4..- •
wro4li . will' fie ~:,ICI/o3p,for iso t , lt... •
• .
' ...L . mlMs , .Clottits made to order. 'New Patterns jte,t.•
net. ti.a.,:4- 7 tt—,
ri.vets-,, , d. "•' -. . ' 1 " ,-..
A%lli ITr.ll.,'D & ROYER, - - •. • •
naddilian 'ta their n.tial teomrtlnt-nt of ftltEs's
fit'toits, } 4 .:%ll:itoiDEEi3
ul, Nonoss; 3111.1.1Nr ,
it, r (; ! -..„ IDS, 3 - .e.,•havejust opened a hal assortattent,4
Clird,,o,„Tapatie,-e. Silk Flobett, • ' ' a
~.11atrolmrg.Ettglin.ts and Inserting, • r , . • ;
..1 ' -
.%Jouvirt- -and Jrigla Kitt Clove ,c • . .-r
_, Ifeavy Illaett Silks, ' • -
.•i• . l-1 English Shirting?, - •
... -.• . _ ' Itar!mitt , tn• Linen • Ilathlkmt4M . -t, .3
• , • : and White tiiatxtzt generally.
.A. so to hi i ti - ,,ri la the well kilown • • -
.1• . ' • ' : • Ett.'terAlAl AI.PACA
, v trill tirMor,tbe cule)inttetl
mists rHIL;,-Pft
ISEAVF,II 1111:1 N
f;rl,li. IN 'PURE 'Nlo r r t r
11,;k;117..'hits, in iatA.t. sty makii! tq Qrd. r. ,
1. '63
- • . • ' sm,LiNt; uvi viz cpsa!
roi tai iLS. E, PENNA.,
ttOspeetfulty nn-inktrmi-.•c to rde Lntiles of Pot.tsyit:,
sintl- , vicitiity, ttint'Ao:
Lo: or s 1
FOIL • •
t'aßiA` . .tty
Jouvln Kid Gloyes.
6iimis. Sc.. Rico, v, - HlTE(:qops in varloty. '
ladie antk.3lti inylo to bi-a,.r.•
I ;S R rt:o.ivoLl
NTENCr.DttIiG. STORE, • :•
) 4 . 11
. •
,liivtt,4nr.trGs, 'FINE
.eITENI .le.t.i.S, TV:.
i - LIA, LEh . ;Ai ED I (..4 .J:8; always on : 4rktiii:-. '
.. - •
• 'l...w9ul4lrespe'ef fully cails.ttPutlon . to my . priipar ,
limos of ;rim, 'Cala.. , :"l.Sa..ifitrk; Sc:, Sc:, In whirl' I
..lhavo emlnayorea, to overcome the blttermss alok
ImeMilie tflcte common to those valuable . toilleit: 3 . n1 1
ibleaignto plia..%ant . corcliaig t ' .: .. •
Try 'my Cologne, Verbena ati)l,let Writers.' A k
i it). m. Tooth. 1'0%111(4, ‘1.111:1 - i'i Is 'coils:Mere(' a y.r .
Irina nitlele. .'. . . •.' , - . •
, r . : c.II.OIIGF. V . KJIZ.:` , . EDI.. Apothec‘ ar.1.". :1 •'• -
I' -2 . ..
Graduate ,a the. Col lege of Tharinacy, ..*lliiio ,t
, 1 • Sept, It .'.1,11.4.:7-cv .. ' Sept. '... 'li 9 7 - 1 1-- ltd.
1 SP4I/IG-& . Stn !;8 DAY GOODS, ,: . .
. .•
'.'Destre atin.ll uttenilink .14)clx
merit of -
. .
'6o.tNist tag ill the Ldirst Stylt•soplie
, -t'-
GAM'S fiND . EM8R0114.11.1
41e al o, attention td. our Stocs , -
ViN • ., •
very latge !dui seleeteid with titt '•• • - r
tans tar khiii market. V tioC . con,sider
.4ey.4creikitinecate What tPO liave, bu l reyerytriffig
Ifirlie;elaiss Dry 00.01 s and °recoil' St9re,cau bellad
4Pur "'
r•OTTON• tny of COM: . -
CLEANING WASTE prepared for Miners,
obbilstsweld . tor - Belittled, use. All orders res•erleu
larrusWarlil be propaptljieettended- to. —•. •
• • • ' lIENTeX k (c • ° ••
17205-I . tt 15. ti Norte .Piontelorect, 1 tsus4elP"'"'
N61(12.12.1(b).1y-• • • •
1 • -
Jest melted at BANRAN & WisEl
. • • • • Pottsville.
:TUNE, 1870.1
1. - .. io.r 'shit:do : to. get..
- _
r •-f.. `:\
Wr i - A
Dui 6aots, k.
:(0P . 1415.11 . TE 9170 TOW. :11,1,Ln.).
.f 0 & 'BROTHER;
276 .(4,INTIOE , TOTTSV I 1.1. t:.
- .1?
WRITE ctiops .and baNkEsTici,4
pith.allThe lua
r ---
&e., t' Se