INI - _YQRT . Y7-SIXT,II YEAR. N0..-.2.1. OoA_L =I Mort iticlimotib. Pier o. port nicianontL WELD, NAGLE & CO. - June m awl shlppers tier 1../. u -ST 316 17 MA IN AN I) MACK J11.:.V11-1 Cl OA_E f,,rlir:whiting and Ikunes A 4..1 . 1iM in all . F6O 1111 K. CELEBRATED PINE KNOT AVIII'TE=.ASII t 'A N 1 • ••3_1('KSONL011.111 , 4111l. " (2051 , 4 Walnut St.. Phl lelphts, • 1 itstieep : to Isroildway. New York. ' ( It Doane Street, Boston. WELD: 'max AV. NAGLE. iiKNEY A. Bier., .IFt. Inn:I, '7O .• Pier No. 5, Port lEttclitionoL & ,BEENI,ZER), Miners and Shippers of TAI E iii3PERIOII • TURKEY RUN .OA 1- AND SOLE AGENTS FOIL Ire,- Grail' & Co.'r eclebnibi9l A - . 141( RI r) GE COAL - 1 • 21S Wilma St.. Philadelphia. . Utfices:, SI Trinity Ituilding...'"New Tort:. 11•Insitne St., Hasten. Feb'it,,7ll • •1 • • C 'l:l* S ASTNER, _TICKNEY & WELLINTori Mine's. and Shippers of Coal. 111 ItNSIDE 'front their Tturnside C ol. at I:1 LEWIS VEIN (Red Asiio_ LOCUST MOUNTAIN' (White : 30 Trinity 'Building...Nese York. , 'Office:4c: J 203 Walnut Street. Philadelphia.. • I 20 Duane Street, Itotattn. ••WU A 11,F No, 6, PORT ItICIiMUND, PHILA. '79 - I Pier- :,-Port Itithmontl. HAM:MEW NEILL & Shippers &Anthracite &13ittuninnfis C 0 \ • AaErrs;(or the gale tat the,eelehrated tin EN.I'N' I )All I:ITY,WIt;tiA.N TRIEBEL'S LoeuNt lain and Iltirnside Shamokin White A.h c 06.1. A sayiimr, and PEACE MOUNTAIN Red Coal. FROM HOBOKEN: Thr best varlet les of Lehigh OW Boylan's MUTED FAMILY COAL. • Also, Snle Agents-In the Eastern ntarkE4 fin. (le A thantle tied t.eorg,•'s Creek Co.'s eeletrated 1:1'1 I MjNQITS COA L. • 247 Walnut Street, l'itiPlPV York, Room 6, Trinity l'rOvidence, ono Ilonse Street, ~lloxton, 2v Doan S .et. l'..hruary2.!2, I 9 • . • l'ier No. 9; I'ort It luatond. JOHN R. ;WMTE\& SON; Shippers' of No: 316 WALNUT . ST. , PHILADELP lA. Depots fOr Storage and Sale of Coal: • W. !il4 Went Thirteenth Street, New •Tor . F,. SO2 Third Avenue, New Vnrk. lies \Wharf, No. 99, India Street, ProThlet, •o, eollto's Wharf, Mt. Washington ANelltae. c1:1 ,ti I eral Street, Itosion.! -Jan.], '7O-: .. • . • 1, - ItANKLIN 'COAL OF LYRE JS VALLEY. AltE t' that ti ‘ tere lire .1' botr whirl, !aim: :hi, Cool, all • wit itye the tootoezettiolit OS I la. • .1." Fort lie •year INTo SINN iN d•Ill 1,, lite only :Ittent , for it,Now I..letiand..:sw York, New Ji•l',ey, MIA !"; , .11111 or 1%.1.- I 1 .•nrs,a7l,l 11.1 LI. It111); , .;t11).,,,f Lew ;di " 1 1 , . -I. l o, ints. ( ) lir .kgent ,4- 2xvill no oth,r ..1,,t0v,•r. mot port les tt . l,llltur the bare tli'lltllll., :1!•I i. vie mustprOeureit (irtlient. The obj e ct thko.oit ;on Co esilthle the>a hitere,..tell. lu.lntylnut, 1- The ~Ige)its Mid their n,i‘tant, for 1114! I..u,ts,areusfolrows: I ;4.1101:11 I. 'll%llllO sheet, Phiholelpiihr; their New 1., 1 L ortlee is at Room 6s I'l'lllllY 1:1111,1iMr,,.111,4. 11)Y, .1.g,111.: nssint. l hy. 1.11.1511 A 311/S1.:1,1.:y: summer strt.c.l,llo.4oit, (Etticea— , I I EltS I,'.44.Mekteral . 41Iiee avenue, Halt ftnore, M 41 . -; repr,,,Litg.,l at liar by JOSEPH 4,i,-• 4 1'..EICI;F:1"1:,,'.1Prtlers. 1e.i11.1 giV , •ll t. ,, ..i11144 . .11 . 11 -, 4..` al ri,IVI• 11:11‘1,41Ie.ii", 010 111 ii(ioi I%qt :,•:1,1 :11:111:1!91 . i:umnalt • Itratieh tlrr. M(. :I.llli 11.. LS I(.0111 , %".Illitry.t I, ';•,)--1 • fOyort 11:ichia . twl; - SINNICKSON & CO:, Se ph. th.• S.olo : , itiptoent Ilit. anklin 'Coal of Lykeos Valley,' 0,4 I:I k y It iT!. Walnut Str'cut,-Pliihnleiplti:t. t '`O:ttenq : 4" Itti Trinitnilalin4, `Syyt lark: • . ( :t't ,- •r 5ir...4, itn.ton. - .. , • ' JOSEPII . C. Ali'. .t:;.•nt, • !Ali. 1 4 :71A-1- '• - ' 1'..0. 1t....y nr.2•••. ,N.,‘• Inrl WALTER„ DONALDSON & CO., Ni I. Wtl.ll'l.: ANI) .1,11.: . 0' I‘SI I CO !Nf fr :1 11-FONI AS. LEFIIGH " COAL I .2:05 IV:Ono( •trret. 19 Triniiy V1,v1;.. ( I'e ;toam• !nir . 44 . 1. 8er.11.". W4l l itli. I=ll] :lc* - IN . ' O. SOOTT stSz SONS, MhierS Ad Shippers 0f,c0a1.,. =I•t'l: i .l7=rtl. I.n(,:l':T_Jllsi'X'i.o\, U'lsiir.t.L ltt:\'F't:.t-NI R lV'• 1)..•t. L.•.1-.1.h to the \ -- E. O:NS V A.1,1,EY I 1::\F (:11:1'2:`. nil.% III:CIS l:o,l ,l.b 11111. til/Etl`11! ' er , A !Ult.:TON— N.t. 1).44u• " MEE S. . _ . -- . . VI F: ' 101:Ii II I 1:11.::.1,..,:,. (~.111,1,.•r • 1,,,....• Trigtels; - .1:zent,.... . I .3, I, :: , i • =OE= • • . KORDA KELLER & NUTTINC Miners and Shippers o f- Coal, • 1.}11114:11 (.11t1:EN • , . Kits Ni 4.1. 1 .11 I , ItANICIAN B •• • D; JO'S Li "w T t•s 31 , 1'.. • GARRET;;;:N, 4:I NIt10:11.1.1.:: 1 1 4 • 1tr.4:11 41,6 Trinity itioilealt.z. N. V. Walnut Street, Pitilatlell,hl3. . MEM 17. .• R.:ELLER& NUTTIN't:. wprrq_Asil ► I)AY,. HUDDELL & CO., Miners 8; Shippers of Coal 2415 1 4 Walnut fit., Philadelphia. Itixtuttltrlty, tTrinity Itnittlistt; I N. Y. I pottue Stoeitt., Itto.tots. 1.. t. tit. for the std.• of the following. eel,Strtttutt . . It 1:L.l:IGi1 1T tfUT 1 . : way. MEM • _ • I Ci).\ )1:. IN , ; N". • t Pier No.:11.:117.4!“.1.1:Vt, .I,t/ 7.0 " • . 7.0.;,13 PortlsziGuki JOHN ROMIyIEL, JR., &i BROTHER, FOIL Vaine;:.•a . ,11!1,1.4. II Mt! .4, 11, foulki frre•lnirning.' I t..• 1).11N LL IVEITSTEIR .Vllt 1%::1) 111 Tin; xt . .3ll,lllrrniNors.; ' J - W. 1146 LEaIGII et Eliz.betlip,n:l 11 A{: - .iltita St.. Plz • Conan , Street . , Ili.s•tern. Ne, Vol 111 - 11.(1. oll'N mtt,l 1:. I'. 14',11:1„,.1. 01011-StiC'BROTAR SLlpiirr, or - -„ •Cl (.1) , _i_. Ilj S . ' l .ll , l'wuptiel,..l Leithet, 14,:wil 'Mountain, Lou IT ill:r.barre, Isla:ol,4nd t:Shirr - 7 4 ~ WHITE' AND RED ASH OALS. (Pt. 111, 0 .0,:,,11.1, . : ., . - 11 , 1•I'INt; WHARVI:.I:-.' Eifiell.flOiSPOrt, .. .1 .14-mv,...c:Aly . , - , . .., ‘ , pi.t. , W3lll it I St rs,t; Oiil/011,1i.h13.. " ' l, '... •:: :ITI. Brmolwity. N4. - W fork..'P • ' '.. '. , , 'i" , 5 i)..“),-st.,T....iton. . Jati,l. 7.r.71- • ' 11VV4. KJ:NW:it D OVkIY• & KENDRICK • . d a ( Miners Mid Xhlppira of thr C.•iPbraile4 '• • Shaft .or Rainbow and KeyOone C% 0 A S . I tTetlrt ; No. 1 'Port Itirhtuao.t.'` P6iletclelphin--42% Dock tr"l. I I.ot 4 t. Me --Centre Streci.. * Airteenni:"N" l% ik., l lS ll . 5t..4.1*. U. Itced. ......IPArSiahluatiom. 20.,10 —lleurrJoatts, Ara Febr jr.f. , . -, ' el . - , . , • . . • , : . . . .. . %, '.' .1,- • - I '. -. L .. .*: .- 1:- • ' --'' - * : -I. -I. f , ,- . , , . , , — . — ..7 —••., ; . ' .. ; . . .„ . • ..,, ~ A . - • - . . . . . . . tt -' ----'-' •..-' - . -*. .' .' ' --;.--- - 1 -; e- - -**--- ... EW41 , ..-.. '-- i-i , ' **'-.'"--- -- " ' ll- - ;• I *- • =•- - -----7. --- : t-- 4-IR . I -1- I ' .. ~, . ..:!. • ;-• ',. ..--: '' . • . : „••• . . • - , !-* ~. . . , . ;-'• : :•'--.•• ..1 * 7 I.' :i - lA., ::' , ..77'." ' :t. T .i.t.,, _. . , . . _ , ..,:.\-,, _, . •• 'i 'I - ; • - e ' t 11, Mk, -- • ; . .. • .. • ~.-. 'S l' ;.. '- . . ••• - . . ' • 1-. ' . ' , .L . ; - ` ' ' ,„,,, ..; '-'. j s !...7 - ; , "." ; a • 4 -..- „--, . ~ . i • ..... it igr u . • 1 4 . 7A _ . , ... :1k. 4 ... - •. , ;;,....7 . 714 ... • .... :- . r."- , ,- . - , L ., .. ~' ..- r ..• ~. - . i.: • - ~ .• • ..;- : ~..'•-•:-. ,: • -.1- - : - • ~,..,.. s: .. .:. , :1_ ,4. ..... ' . ..',.. , -.. . . .. . , _ . : • ', . :* .' .. . , ..'. '. I' , : -, - . -,-,--.. .‘: -• . ..- t', - ...., - --1 , 7 -4 -: , • • . 7 :•? 3. ; • • ""t• - • -4: — .i r t';-..--- r - - - - , :. L . • 4 '; . " • s'.. ;.. ." ....., ' - • - • ' t , ' s ~1 1 .-.-1-‘."..;., 7 i .,, - 7' . - mi Ntizia, -,; , -.. 1 : l i tN:-. % - ' 7 , . 4 2:, , ,..1:-.4.,::: .._• ', ._,., - vvi1i„....,...--, :,.i--T 4= ...'. .J .:.. ::. - - :. -,.•i -; : - , .., '.:::. : 7P. Mr t ,l ; `-: . ' ' ,l -' • ~ .' : • I ' =-- „„..._. . . : ttlie +,, ,", ,•': ' • .. 71-1.',-....„ 5 i ..... ov ~ .._ h' - i ''',l --. -' ' I '',* . ' . -7.1:•;:47..'' - • - I '1 • , •e• - .".;:., 0 v : 2; 4 2,12 : o w,- , -- . - -....-,...;: " , .1 , , * ' If Ptlr . Oit s- ' , !:*‘ --- •' , - 110 . ° 40 1 * - '7 -:- I *. ;..itil4il - ! -:,- ' •-- ~- '*. 1 '-•-• . .: . , ...: .•-. i ,- . , • • . ~ , 1 ,- ; . '. . k r " ltE ...- .#. 4 ••• - 1: --•• li . ._. 7 • r iiir ti,,,, Th • .1-•?....... " - . - - • '-!_,-.:: V' -, . - ;i- -!I -- ;•„' *,..., '....1 - -:,..;-- •. ' ••.• '' I' ' ' ''' : . . . * , . - • • • 11 s- • . ••-... - • * . ' . . . -....-,, - . --,.. ' -• , • •," ': - \ S . - .e. 7 ... ........._•••;; - - 4 , - -if . -.--, • - ....... - ... . re. i...• • . . •i 1 - . ' ' • • . , , . . . - ; - .7.77;. - ...-or : --•• • •:---. • .4.- . *-- ' \'.--. • • '• . - . ,:i •I : , .--- ' - - *-_--,- -:;-* - ... -- 1,i41 , .t' %;.. N.', sookerwr i g - ,k,"'''''' .....-. -7.:; _ ..- ," ' ' '.' :• ' I•- : : . - - '' -- ....,-„.• ••. ~. ; . . -,1415 , -4 -' ,- -.' , . : ,:-.1,,.***. ;*-....... is*.7-.:-... - . _,, ; ..,,, ..., -- ‘ -‘-:-.4.,,; ( ,:•. iie' . .... ;"-- ......=•- 7 " -- =.-..- ''....,* . , . 4 -, . * '. - 2 . " -- '• .*:,.', . •' -- :-...-_ -, ... - . =.= : -:-.-. . . 4 •• .). 1 •;."E&f.i• _1161"'" 4-, •-•--: -.1 ..---• - '_-.-... A .--' - ,-..-- I . • • ,„ ' .. • ' • :., 7, . • 1. . tEnzered occoratog Isk AEI Or Maims. bi the rear Ira by iikinzrZi.n.insii * * ll4 tho Clert's OrtiotoOr t, : Diirict emit or tbi Milted &Woo Giiiioiiilb;rii iliiiidcf. Of glinagyiroob, ..' . i '1 . ~................................... ....,: - ,______ , i A _I) r . ~ .1) • P r r - r C.ll-4 -3 V Lo _ _ AA/EV Nrrrs. • • Pi,•r Nn. 17; Ine . l 1.. AUDENMED. NORTON & CO ._• Miders and,: Sh!ppers ofl : . 1.f , 11;;; '4 1 1 , 1 , :.1: I :Vrtri.ll)l.l.lEßV,... Ei. .41i.hetu•!;,,f 4:1 , .11 N. P. 1:0'1:1.41:,', Locust Mountain, Mammoth Vein; RO. Ash, Lorberry, and . TOWER 'CITY,- LYKENS VALLEY . COALS, tl Ur • , • 1.11 Inroadiv+AY. 41L0 , 00 !, '.7i47 . 1: York. '27 1,0000 NO, 1'0:0 .11 ' IN. MuI:LIS M. GAIN, HACKER & COOK. . . WU ;1•1•1:ILS OF I - (ivi"..:l' .t.i.o O ~ I,rUsT '.I( I I.7TAIN, .1.11...5.CK ' 11E.Y711. A I.KALIA:S iy OTIILI: QUAL 'IX I i : . u1( 1 1:;,(1 A (76 ;1 1,1, N ~ ',I-1111 . 1011W SO.reet,' lalt4l - 1111:arvi,„ .41113)1k:11 Inver. IN It. STItYKEIt,' hit t PpLic Schu3 I kill l'a. . . ' .. LOVE, 134 p 0Y ER • & _CO.', • , . suiliEßs or Anthracite and Bituminous Coals: - • ~ .:.11.1.: -!171 , ,N1'5. 1 . 1.11:,, - :: _ 1-I . NI i - 1;•1:1..1N1 VEIN EITI - NliNuE:•,:ct).ll, \\.., 1 3:: i Widont `.4f., Piaduicipida.'. C. 1)1111 . 1•x, 1:1 11)031111. St., Ito.don. . .. . . . ''l !:7 Cii+tom lion,e Si.; Providence. _, .',{orris . :., 7 1 1 ' lIHy JOHN 11. 2f 1:ISS::`:III . Ti'4:1., WM. HEISSENBUTTEL & CO. Lehigh and . Cumberland fl;: - S.IT1 - 1:1 - 11.1}IN(;:111 Iti:(IADWAL 11-'ointl N-v: Y. k nud 1",,r,t1w 4:ltA NT PLANK 1111,1;E and 1:1:;:NIZEInS TI'IIIZEI 1:1'N ' ' v DAVIDSON; YOUNG &: CO: 1.4011-S' SITAMI)NIN, (TAU:EI:I..OCD. \Vq.Kl.>;R,‘l:lll I: , g o.i 5i.....41;, TRINITY IWILOIN(:, NEW Y IRK. ..i M. 'M..: ).1 vi it..QN. r , ,,,na•rly "f Ty ler .t 01. .. :e , ..1.%!' i . It. Vol • Ni:, r.lultiorlyol . rakrt.l:,4 ~ u +.ts ~... t ',, 1: 11 1:1:1:'1' K, EI:cI:AIAN. '7i) 3,1 y pT. JOHNUON HOLOK.EN: VAN - WICK:LE & ' •:,)%1 I NI:1N .I.ICO 5•711.11•1'E74S TM: I • " Cetehr . atect "Fulton"•& - "Stout" (Lehigh) Coals, , From tit(' Ebc;rval, :upt nit , titout ('"llicri, , !:, lII,IV i ii./.1 , 1 , 311, ht. I)elivg2r.4l Ilircet fo.itt min,: on - 1,,0r.1 ce,sols at 1 . 1%.1011 . 1"0.0N. Ilili:ohl”..,..itil N I.W i:1:1 N.W WK. N.. 1. I i tt: 4li Trinity 111 /tray:tawny: New %'*rk. 'l''ltyttr:lit'y tit 119 itrtotiw:ty.) M:tv 11:. 'di- \TER PLAINCK ATVIGOD, =PIM CC . 4 ' Tri!lity 11.6147. .“,;, : I I 1:0;;Ou'ay, N:II:I'I.AfNIC s. - • 'A 1.111 - - ELL,' - ,t(lN.ttiT & W NO. 111-Al 1162 i DWAY, E 31; Tri,:it}• . . . .IV illit.E., MP: 1,E,V.1:1:44 IN - i 1.1;411(;11, W11.1:1-7.!ill A RUE, ..PITT: - -;ToN. ItEl4 .v.:.:r. • - ,- ALAll.lNtir. sci:ANTe,N, . ~_ Li wrsT it )1 cj'.l I !k:, ri • r'l'.l.:ltt, k'Zi , , 111:0.\ 1) To ,v, 7 :T4',, . ! , ' . _ ( /'. 0.." V T, R -' ' _ . L . 7, 0,1: Aw.;Nrs y”1.1; mid 111, N.Ol. "t — 7 ) I Ni..1.1 . :11.P.:11 :WE 81,1 , • 0.3: ELL, I ,VNT. , • NVAI.;V:.:II)N, . April 3 'l-9 ' . i . • ()FP ICE OP . T. 117: .NI A.ll/4...F.1.LE-VAT2: t., 0.1 t. Br 1.,11.0, - N. V; COAL.' COAL.. '• - COAL. ..NiA. 1!1A. - ELEVATIN(; Clt ., laiLving fl 1:11:*• '4ll plll , .rf I,ot 111141, I .1/.• Orti , all4l ;if j!:.. ing of ow:At:Mimi to ivet•lve frolt t tie I.:rid , Irni I xtuy quantity of COAL for tnotAtiptnetit, to any 1,416. Kist by Canal it W.tht ttn• Ltd:et., Opal ttA'favoruhle-tersit'r: u,l any:. plartlem iit Ittift:Ort. lot wc•11 located tor • ,•ity rYltt's (1,.‘1 • ' • . - (" - Pri , sidvnt. 1:17-tr -roCOAL OPERATORS: MINERS AND !FURNACES: CIZICE i.or . 9l2y)tive Ituil !erg, • 1:11111:ACti 5r1:13.3% XVI.III 1...111 "Ur . ion I L•ev•ai , 4, - Pt-tieNhottA (4.r 11017(1. ' ll/ - .2*r etiag.• of r.f:l4l..urtl sbari.- 4,t r With yto dr.i.w Intia 1.'41) ton, • Laving deveioped In both the anti 111- t regions of a' Vlillsy IV 41111 A, Lhe 444,1 xeleerr...v. f it , 1.9C11;11:ii, t . . , 11111te; Lilvy 4 , lrer eonr. , l,!tice Iheir 'various !.oe.ndtli'e with every guaratdee yt ti01tn,..1%-orlisnazt .lllr. and ii. , rforinaue, and ref , rt o'tbeiltaay how fit operatlon In the. everal toiniog tart Lirea altd f01g. , ..y. lii the Stateatr.l . entitl ry. :I :wit' sotall, first eoKt, great power develope to with. their (arability; great eeonou and II didly expeovs over att:111a: p.nver or ordln.try ;c vs,lllot i V(' 11,4`. 414; prinieti by their experlehei• of yettrA) tunke aL va , t sa vlOg Ili exi.eples 11,1.1:f to,prv'their jir4 • in ot.:'l/;'h url 4.+ ritU !CO- 7-4111 s .' . . !IRE' 'ROPE. - N • • • MAN r F.A(''fr lir. I) Tat . • I'VCIZEIt CARTE!: \r.;: York. Allsires Ilrotp or Wire Cent 9,.s.britritt ur priltiteth Tile s , inarnitaeln red 'by this firm and considered by I,,:rt tulle t hem, ta , f;t. and handsomest liope made In the world, inadelit variably front Wire drawn I froM thej:est Norivay Iron. The largest Fhlna In tim NrWy s tlVO ritr.ed. with Wire Ropes made hlstirnt. saraple: of thew Rope ran be„seen with •.rders taken. and • all Informal lon giVeni' , wrders t rates and Oren la!, (enlist:o-d by • A. It EN - 1+:11...4°N, optxt,it s Miners' National :Hank, Pottsville. lan 11;10 _ • • D SECTIONAL WROUGIIT /BON - • S.‘F.lf.rV UOILEItS.".. ' • ROOTS IfyIPROVED TRUNK ENGINES, Siation;ry, rartabLi and Uric,. ; - Double Piston Square Hoisting L . lrkirines, Nt:tchinerylor Coal Shafts; Grist Mills, Stores, &c., fie. , of Ilf.kiers i.een runoltv , dally di =I LIE .... 11A Cl,lllery,ilatmoy, • • ....PA firfi 7r IA rt-ArrENTios IS. INVITE'f/ - TQ 'the I lok,,er, whirl) lour no eritutl. No dead - pos —linvindi Iwo pisnins 'tr. otre-vylllnler, either: hid Or wideir IS taking full 1414 , 411 n when the other A. trus.i nu een t re. It mot Urea no filo lOn %trap& elnl(hea. tit' brakeslor :111!, , kind, limited, revenged or 14tiripArt; o)sta - oily, :pt sit any point of revolution, le?• tire" si tilpte rooveittent ItrllSiligle leVelr. .11 - 111:Ing no)tfrya, gliw, net - semws, or Olin.) , sul)uNtable . party.. wititlt In lather hOl•lern require theknowledge and erring:tut: ner I.!are of on exp. - .d eneed engineer, 41111 be pot 'lrt the hancla ogi inexiwrieneod pertaner. - AV Ha work - Mg - pa 44 are eneloattd in the ease Or eyllinler, and are 1.111/11proteetpd from I).kagr,tho-etrocitst of diva, dirt, mortihtl f , or weitilteri. - Ita ert.t.tvtne niht ne:rs, eoinprietumr and rsplll speed. highly eOrnmerat it for U. Is u...4: ll :l)rilifriii.e , el , Letd far thatnannfaeturer toy it tic tltiai•r- i1:114 ii, 'WNW Will ftlirr/fUllliSiltiefiCTllife' 1.4;iwt,4g114-,4.-prie, listaolratringa,c-stlmtes, And, tiler Information. :'NATII:4.S4XL, 0.1.R.11.ET, Millianny Clip; ea. A. 1.1.. CHIMIC.II, lAsnitile, Ye... mar. A ,08-li' • : • -''' . .,, • . -;," Part iliclimmtb. "FIRST Cr,ASS cOAL,, rnto:ST - 1101;!iTAIN oltr 1147,EL DELL 4 4) .. 4 ; kriA:N it I.c:1:!!:1!:1;,. EZE 'Sq.:.•;idi,l `~ll.11a)L1N ;i:':TI - ;t1'1:!"-:!: . 11 01.1. i I.:ItY, T. I::ou4!gartlit4 r, L. 4. 4 -4 :, :4.444 : 14 : 41 1. 44 therry:1ii441,vi4054411443 !Lill 4 4-44 all 144,iii 4:44,444.4,,,:14144 122$ Walnut Nt.ree:., 11:lice•: • 111 'trout/way. New York. 27 Dwane Slreet, 'Horton., siltrri)N, (.11As. Nturn• - s, 4111:E1.f., - .1311..1. I•uq No. 11.11. Mr Ittu:stitl SNYDER & SHOEMAKER, . - •ti i p lie andl)l` i; I 4. i tt C ) cos (1. W. Wl.:.i. NtrWN FINE FOREST COAL, Y'+{ A 1. 7 ,41" r 1 I nut i.t•tr.,; I • • • EwW.f,x 1.% :-.411-61:M.1.1:1,..1t. Lm !."71 + i':+v No. 1:: Putt firl.;nuucl REPPLIER, GORDON & CO., tit I NEIIS ItE t. I . ler 19.. f'494"111-e199-ivia-,1 If a joTi . - Shipper-. dad :I:{r. •.40, NEW YORK NV In /1.1:ti.% J.EIL, IN COALS. IN \ 1:1ZI„ • - :•••4 C T , Mining 311arliiitcru, VEIN ' 1 1.7, 1.) L r \S}L CO A - 1 4 . Walnut tareel. I I I I ude lid I la. 4 41 , Ft , N H~iit , l t r i v i a g l . % .,4 ..13 t ? , • ;, I , lez No, 9, No. I; Doane tilrert!, lto. tun. a !::; tiltEl',N,W I; 'II; bI4.A AVENUE WII)VIVE ' I, 't4-1- !• • H 0 - MAS C. PARRISH': • siiipku AND DEILELVIN : ; Lel!igh, Schuivikill and .11ituminoas:• , ; • C O.: A. 14 • I ' , Ii"ig11111.•111.-S 4 , 0 . 0191111,rii.)11. Sollc•itirl awl 111.1;cti .41 Nyor.chle Tericel. . IIINEE.ti also suirrEits , ,vr - )v THE t'i:LEHR.VrF:H I:.OII;ItA!NLoCrsT MOUNT.OqN - • .L . T1,1111..e 108- IV; luut Street. *-Pltllaitrliohla. '7O: - EASTFRANKLIO'LORBERRY VEIIVCOAIL. Tv EAST P.II..kNKTAN LORDERRit-COAL 11 k now w , 4! eseltkive4 - by 31esimm.'Itle:Pr 1.1E4, lintlm)\ etlb, wbo are tuy golf. - Agenk.' l'arthis op tering frimit,thi•ln may always depend upon get ting pure :allele: OII.FIC,E OF MOCANAQUE COAL COMPANY 1 and 5 , r2 W. Frontt . 4 1 ' IL MI DELNW.kitE. WV are 211 , W Pr(pai to Ile Trade, Pi`? anti o.ll4illllllAni villa our Celobea.ted Ccte-L the " . Mochnaque," And those;interestett will Mid It • to their ally:int:lgo and economy to cars alt heron, tanking their yearly contracts or' engaging cargoes. Shipping point for the Westertintarket, kiritt.' - • I Southern do Marred.. Grace. ..I.‘" 1 " Eastern. do, Wilmington. (lover 11111. Rail Rona arid Mtn. mintions Coal Co.'s Coals; for the manufacture of gas, 117 candles 47:i c, f..ith , 1411; mike prat quality and percentage of ash small, • May 21, • rorrsVlLl.l , l Jan I, .70., • 'sr .W 1) /1-J T N° DANIEL • • • lilt;11111. , li'4lllltl7 CLAY CC)AL L,• 4 - to i,nl I fy g,:twr ,11,1 - , 1 L, ...111,ppinted E 1-4)1.1.: 1 AS FACIA TSIN E At:ENT;4 ORIGINAL HENRY Cl_,A( J(fN W. ATtl'oult lo• el,:li-etv• moUntion'of which Is so W1•11 4 • • 4 • •••• In , :u II In It lee us nee..l • si:eel.4l • • • It wlll herSjill'l'll/ AS - USITA I, under my pwµ J-• ,• ..• • • I • .441i - 1N " B. - lif - Mit3 - ( I.? , VIIII:,, 21 ii 3 NI; '7) I4ENRY \\7l EIEWTO:k: THAI' _Till: -ri•l sweli PURE and; FR Ait can dm1; , .. - lic Jia,l z.11144.. , ‘i.uter ~. .. . .... . . . .... ( 4. 0 70,:i..Wa1nut .Street, Insilutla. 4)111,r:,,.. 53 Triully illult4llln.4', • Writ VOrk l t:1 .IbtxtUf• Sit -Ll.l. 'W.4.111* ... . . .- To %%limo 2,1..1ri•kgi.(1 Tji OA T., IS A HAN DSOME,BitiLKY, (;111'51..1 VOS 10 CO/1111/ue Ili And ivouraen tly IC as the • M=4 ritEr: iit;li&lsia COAL lic•rite 11.ARKET )farrlt 14'111 IN Pumps, no. he,' caul 'Govt.: L I:4 the . lvgure, tate. or nae: any, Pninpii t are an_ tringeinent on Allis° 'a Patent iteptember pia/, , ..* they . mill be • led to the hill eaten& the Levr,::. I luiveal dycorot rat asiilast aimeral • t and. wWtriirfeen an o th er lani *arm_ 'Port. ("Arbon, aisz.lito.. -Parileitin want Ot . ;iamb bettipplital ht . be pritraby the Wk. = ; • exit • FrukllW iptiVallts,Portaichoia, • • - Ell I~ t clp ia, Vic: • SCIIII - 14KILi NATiditio - Y: shipphiplthims fur INTURICMC (SAL et thrapinttrl. Prlaipi!n , Illver.lldLuletblikk• • I,I %WiS AUDE-' 4 lllEfrfitt3)., „ GE N 44 FOU THE SAL!: TIIIC WO!' tr:•ek Distuotol Ctuspasy's blsamiad Cr.! ttki Black Ursa While Ask ('oals. 1 Hut Street, PlllLtulelkhla,; t - Ito . 1_1 , 4.141w/Iy, New York. - I It 4 llbv•Street.Hostott. • • DAVIS IVRAIVii.N: PIIII.A, raiA isAsrlokart LAN if: `.I)A V.IK.I ) E : AItS(IN & co, •'• Al I N.V. NO Sill PPI:E.B OV 4TF:II I.o4ll'sT NOUNTAIN tSIIIT~: till orrp-n4 I Plena4lelphla. a y 1, 111. . y-13. 1 LEWIS & .f' o Creth. :t„ , 41 Walnut St., Plalattlel 1)1.1 , 11 . 11' . 4 - No. lIJ Brototwtty. Itottra s, New Yotit ( 2ti, I t.t.t'itit• street, ttoom 3. Rostov. Jul I. '69-11- I HENRY 11EIL.'t MEM SCIJif ratttifi). :1A NI 1.; s J. CONNE ft, ' lipper or the eo,..brawd OUNTAIN COAL i scliCyLiciia. co., PA. OCUSt. IN DAILY RECEIPT VERI f Uk TII nriting Deep "Real Ash Bulky i,Free I EBSTER COAL IiANI)SoNVE, I - BIM MU Sq VA II FRACTU 1::D ~;f )~~ 'F 11}'L, J & • BRO. tallffllME .1 1 - 05 1 Ot!lves : 11 . 53 IValutit Si. • I'hllaeh•lphia. • Trinity linfhilsig, Ne . O York. • - , • JOHN IfoslllEl,, .4k• .1:017. THE SALE OF_ .14Y Walnut St.., 11.11112u15. Itllas'e. St... Iltostuit. ' . 'trinity Ilseildlng. New Turk C4AY:COAL.i puBLIV, • it 11,1 r A .IKI/.0.i.: NoW • • - MEI j HENR CLAY .UAL; tti I'sfactl n flip ints! • . . =IMO -E FROM. MIXTURE, Won nor exi . lusava - Avpita for ,JOHN ROMMEL JR: k I.l(iln' *ItEE BURNING \ A I;Ti C LL•'; PREPAR4'I7.IoX SEcoND To NONE , • • • - • P , OBERT.SON, GOiTiRMAN & CO • ' POTTSVILLE, ,SATijitDAY M 1119Ronnirsorr • _ 4.••• (StOressor to W. G. *ititzer.Y • ' - IMINO:TXTLS, xrrArrOwoos L - rtiXStsttlX..6 or 3111::ary, Church. Nocii.ty. Tbratricl Gouda , Danner', 110.11ces - No. 11'.1Nortlillitol Stref•t, rtillodeslda. Dervintorr 4,f1509. '• 4 4 TEE FOLSOM ..124.P . .11017ED Twenty. Filh? Dollar Family Sewlag 'Machine. The Flrbt. Clime Slachlhe In the .slltrket: .4;0114 ortratrif in ercry retro. !Mai at et4i7 tnisslan For tcriii, and circular, A. 14: J1A311.1...T0N, lit • ll..‘gVlli,'N,a, , :ua Chestnut :St., • April '7O • \ - 1.1 .7. EVgIIETT'S, • . N. 31" ratt . l.ll S...4pnlar Siifsildei• I thiler aril" Chegt.) S . UMMITIag% , -.. . . Nn !:• : traps un.ter the arils. IN...r.fert ematfort and hi. nttlit , guarattliem.l.;u.Nonlitiel.velht:t.,!•••loW Arell. Pialtadelphin. Tru,,..4.. sliptite - t(r.,, 1.:.!:,:::iv. t-46.-1: - . - laza, 1 'ruteht. , +,... tr.. Ludy attend:OA; .Reno a;. IND. . NI r IXSTF.I2, - CIIALPANT & OX, . : • , liosioi-v. Ni)tions. '',3 'i: ! . 1 -. li'llite lloods, Piii)r,4}gieries, Cents Furiiisiting Coods,.&r.; ~ N•,..504 Nt.s.u.K ET t4TII.FIErr. Hit itk DEI:1 , 11/A. „.. Jan I.i. '7U • ' • .1 7 4141 • - ~..•,., , . ,-.-- /X RCE STREET' CARPET WAREHOUL4E. Z - 1. NC Arch t.trt•et. helttw Ninth; Ittreet, Plillailel latitt. The tritl establialtril Ntunti. Trit,ietls'ilig fur the A'Priill Trudy a largo stock at tlu' .i.'l'.r44/./...,. .4 ' ' . (.! Ait 1.:" ld'il INI lio- k • ' . • - v ar0..."1 at, the Loners! (alt.!) 1tAtt.:4,113/.i will b. ` .radtl al a arra, crlhaVieat frtal bl3l.#4l4,Chi . it priers. . EN ( a.lsll IlltlL - S.-4 ELS at :,. I .7), , anti all it: her t..1,.r.1s 111 prt,portl.m. - Just-11'1f IIIt.WIZAVOt )1). • April Itk7o-1(t-Int . itt2 4% rrt: ; 4 4..,. ill i latir 21, ti!a. ra. 3renE.A.ILY. ' ' W: 114.1*-I 'roorliarieft:i 521 limior: April ;)('-;41 ' 4...illlNtrt NE% ichL. 4 s, N.,. B''. Walnut :i.t., - Phlladelphia. tnir establishment is out. of the ohie , st in l'Iji1;00.; Nita, and from Wog ex perlenee a nil,oiniverlor MAIN- I les we at.x. prep:tied Co I u rx. hilfgood Work at .0...15m'. tilde prlcel*. ' , 1 - ,We inantifart it re II to/ In rnlittre,'Mad rd.o mellilitn- Priors! furniture of superior ilt;:trity.; !A large. Ibt , k;lC tof 'furniture. always on Nandi th.,:khi 'Made to oriler. Counters, Ite.k. Work um) 011kle Eon/U.6e toi itauks Ottlees.and Stores, Wade l',. order,' JOS: WA INON, J. W.. It l 3 l'l NCI rT, ts. LWOW. 1 Feb 12. '7O • • 1 . I - • LISHER & HALL'S CEDI.It VATand .TANK t." mAsi - F:triv 'ic. N". , .111.14kit41 4 11-47N,,r111 Front' street, I whew lllrard.' A ventir; rtiihiqophia, Penna. tt't would respeetfulD. - Itiforitt 414.1 Mi die tlitq ue are niattufacturitig Wool/EN' TANKS, VI Viii.S, ate., I.r every des'ertption atialcapacity, guilt 11111V Gm . Brewers, I ti,t filets; colLk!'lles Railroads, ll..teth, Private Dwellings, .te., sceottd Land Tanks all Size tin liana. Our w.irkik Inade Of White Cedar' and other woods, al-cording to triter,; and 'we will p.U.‘rantee it to give entire satisfaction, awl furnish •1l on tire woor reasonable terms. Till* Inatiebf nay • desi rell MINX' Wlletli;.r 11. dual I lvai tie Square. c • - . ' • HENRI' :W. FISH ETU : Mardi I; '74.11-3nt.) . AMOS If. HALL. :-. NV/11.1E„nkiiiIlLtvIttliriGe:,- W IRE.. lea ll yß t r l i 3 t B ni„ f s " l r Tlt r • (loth for cleaning ores, Ilnil, &P. jlit'aVN' Sertat...ll ell.ths :Mil I'41 , :11 Srreells. Wire 'Wel.hing for kiteep anti 'Anti( ry yards. Paper Makers' NV)res, Brass /del t Iron Wire Cloth Sieves, Painted sterri , ii., terutitaen tat Wire Work.. Every infurinat ion lie iltilift . .l, , ing ' the inittitillie!tirem, M. WA LuElt & sty. s, No. ll North tab street. Plilladelphia. ‘rcp 12, 'TO , . - :-Iy., --- - - --- D HMOVAL; 4 ,- . I\,' • • . Joslit-A I,NIWIT!.NNUS':4ON•s , HAVE.III;3I..tVI:II Tllyt It, . • , LOOKINC-GLASS AND PICTUTIE-ERAivIE STORE, -: To No. i Not-1:i Sixth St., Philstila.. '-•' ' . ;,.. . 7 U - here they offer ar reduced Prices a 'Reheral . .oeot't• meta of Li, kini-Glasses, Picture Flame's; Large French Plate 31Irron:,Plaitt'und Ornamented i , facture Frames, Cornit;ett. Mouitiirtwa,'&e. -.. ,10.S11 CA C0WP1..!.. NDs s. INS, No. is Ntirth Sixth' 5(.41.11a.1a 11).:7i41;111] DILEEit )it HEMORRHOIDALiTUMQRS In / tea Ilal Extent:a:Blind, Illectling band I telaita, I vely, rierfectly anal periainnehtly la‘tarett;';ivitia -1411 palia, - Tiatalzer, instrumentai pr lay.. WM. A. Nict.'AN DIAN, :11,1.k. No. 11 1 2 , i Sprin:lg Mt. Pl* I la., I•l4.,ivtio man ra , fer you toover Elet.a , tll In 'vinyl of I lie hest citizens of Philadelphia. iwtap have I.cen cured.. Apr net let of elcvear YUMA It! , pvelalty in this alf.:-..eapte without taluiln re, w:errntll.;a cnre,in eaNes: ' • I MERCHANTS.GIi9CERS AND, e IaQ,UO • 11 eit.tilLEs .DUlill.l3l'S • Chemical • N0.,62.1. A 10 'II STREET, PI I !1..1.tik:F.T111.1,' importer nnd Fino 1".. , ....111,1a1 F.lllenr, Flavor and 'ookinv r Elr only ranee to boy Pore 011 q and soperlor S'on vent rated Esti-ads: rorkK. Labg•lK. - and I'Alr4 of eolors atoll i.,i2t4,4. \Vat. o.lllilrnn A Isonl , for Ili•Verq',4 , eract :ma 'olorounkl .\;l,• PrviA rat Von. Val hold exatnlnt , 4 - may 7 . ('.4g EIXTUIi-ES & X.EROSLN.t.: LAMPS 1 i • : :. ‘. ' ~ . A GitE.Vi V.IIiIETY 0 . .F . .2 . W 1irkt.4.4.:. $ ' . ' ) t .. .• . I . • - '3l,Elt 11)1A N 1317 13 !!ii E 13. i., , • a. 1 • NAVE-ST A N.i)III:ST ,IN TIIE 31MILkE.T. J ;111 CI VK4, TII: 1.1:1:EsT 1.1,h IT U}'.\\l' 11171-L.Nt.;II,;I(AI.F. DM • • r :Voll.TF:it. .110NES ..t . Co.; Manalltft.tarers and • • AVlstd...ale Dealer.. 102 Areh St., ) ,Ntilt... • ~ • , r June 5, /.....*. - •i ' ; ' .231 y • . 1 :TN jobj 1:11.6 . • t.../ . in ofrering the above brand , to '11...• jilt'.-titian of 1 1/U.llllll'lN lII.' present se.ison, we beg,leaveto.stute, tillli. We have made very great linprilvenietds in their . ..tiring during the past Whaler., hint have HO tre.ltahey In snying t lhey.iire I hei brut 11.11.4 ' , Mtn , . They are i selected tr0n.,1.4 clet ly ilint feel Poo, trim-. . .11 - 1.11 . 1it.r... Ittet.l:fall 11,1 11/ IIIIIP:l1-RgIII lII` IVI;Sti• lit I-til ting as Po,...ll3ltyand the Ingredients it , ;( . 71 in rut 1 " gr ar, the x .•ry iluest to be Ital..` The I fates are all MS- .orted ben.. , ‘' . pletahag an.l.eaeli hive eitte..l. by Itself tt N :Li 10 ellaLit• 11, tl, k.- 1 ,. ( 1 iii - pivk le jilmtforif: enough, to entetind not be tOo snit a ge....1 fault! with nee,. thous. We also (ire lit lei: I bal..' s all )4littunrr and vim furnish tile lisiiiii lit- all !Iron! Hog% - that were alive within 6 weeks of 11...11iac the ll:tilts art. delivered whlett is a great all valitn4e. und , otte po,...ssed by t . ery A - U . -dealers.' -We feeb.ati.lled a... trial will inure sti stivelieli..• Niiii...,geitiline null-, branded. Sold - only tiv , f A. F. t 'llEfF.Sll , :l.taltit7tt I hi. i . 'o., • 1 • .... • I'm it l'nelsers, Rio. to N. tielaw:ii•e',A yel l lie. .Cl4ll ...o, '7li--i.:•;:.iiii . i. •. - V.1111;.%.tii.:1J41 I iki,ti':l: - - ( EL>. J. 13IIILICIE ART,' &/` C l / 4 4, , i ... ' I ^--!. ,N r .k t i` tuil FA )I; V, No. 1341 BUTTONWOOD StREIETI• , MOE Ny.• aro ta .. ..p.irk,l ill wake at the slap4tti.4. nt>t.t. t Ntilf/111.::!: . 4 L%:s:lZS,va6iag'iti elpF44ll:i . 1',1 . 0a:" _ .P.Ota /50,04 GALLOWS, slitial,l(.: for '.Brcu(r.v,./..i.i1;11( r0„1ig,.i.3., .. • ..-. . , , - MuntO'neforow, .ti., - ~ n ' R }NEIL V.Oilt . ti : for (`OLLIg II I ES: ' Itt.ier to. ). (i. YVEN(II.I,Z9, i'ottSViliti: r. it. !•:I'. iirstilatid. ' ne}:,,ii)y,,lll.-(1-3m SEV2N -PEE CENT.: '.• i' ..,, ; 1111 ST MORTGA(41:111):Nlik I)F.TITF: DANVILLE, HAZLETON. - & iva:REitAiLiviAD comr,i.Sl*, - • -; " AT: AND •LA c'Clit'E 1:s:1;EI:EST, f* , • rA!: ES. is•mitEi•it• PA 114 E A Mil L-A.xa) iiives,(tnentls ui invited t!ie uak , rlts of titii.q)l4.ll au.l fiill;ll . 4iiitql 4,3 • , 4 , ''• &' w ri.a)sisS; ilnanelitl Agents, IN 14hutli Third gttfet. . . i I'IITLADELItiII.k. • . .. Govern most florists and sane r S•s•euritlets tstlteu Ili s-ttelintigts• tbr t Ise strove at best in:trkiet , rates. April r., - 70 •: l':-,-::111 $i • • j 0,000 , GUABAJSITEE. . t• IttiCK Lt.l&t., , Ficels all caller Leatl;, Far Its j nriraiecl R hltrui v , i• i list ltg rtaNnaleil * •i For Its•UnsurilLlSNCll t:klycylag•r i rclperty. !, • La:l.'ll3- for Its Eecknoul3-. , 1•• It east:S less to paint ti:ltlt llmik;',Leatil Hiatt any rother. White Lets! extitot, The main.- svtight eovria Hurfitiv, Is tohre Durstik.4xtiroothes ,NV litter Work. , Itlrt7l: 1.1.1 AD iltoChesprigt :ma Iles:. • I .BECK ZINC Ezeolsail , ojLcr • - For its • For its Unrivaled 'WhitetitSs. 'M. For Its litisuiptugwd loceriu ß T 1 144)444% • Lastly, Air its F.ootapruy,; tlfeingtl:et : calm, , han4losest;:4t 1.04 t burutai 1 04"hlite,thin!.in t*wthrilt - • - ! ONLY ' BUCK ZING; • • • 1 111' IT .4 1 :41). 4 4 /...:;TatliCe4ikt/the:Aki f rajilitaret4 :• . , • . • •• 11 [ICI:. COTTAGE CVLOES, • Ve Spread,' for Patintinff 'Wed * kents Otti?BaUdlngsturseverydiveiiptioujegmen. Thlrtysesse dttfbrikra' Duratge. mop. Worm, and Beautlhatabades. • Plattiple tares sent tir mall deativ& • Deskste OerlHu uslig.:4e . promptlrftsciitts42:by Mit s _ f.ENCEL, 3v..bge..'Teat4a ll ilflusa .. tcet. • I`dei is. gm • • Innporteis of St.txt 7 F.tetti:Eit: i ol I'M ILA DEI,IIIIIA. sio:fxx) qt.tAitAxTEF:. 1 7 •. T" Hll* ./SEER'S -- —,- —. - OLD ESTAt , adSTIEL- ; ' , 131:l1101DING-.. NY-LVTLEHOT_TSE.- -,:!;". W. airner 'Darla end Fine, streets, Phillidel gha .Al' ke . ortzuent ut Sjiring, 11 - aka:id llusk laitCreruerTl a. red ' 'Retaken, luta errunterpeatiqaore stantly ou land !lad male to ?Ver t ~_ w , A1,.,a Tiers.' tl ena. - uriad Hair, italet• aale and re it: All articles warranted tut reprtAent ed„ and pri IM tayarialtly, as low as any tither la the trade. ;An. TA 'TIE . • • 4•Atit • pezt.a.srs • Ism SUN Arraparutaas.—All ..4. .the lat. 1 :sty ei , ,. I.atna and Real Lam l'aresols., Pongees, I idn, fulared and - Ruffled, Silk, 4; ingtiam, 4al : iItICII Umbrellas, with a fall line of Real Wli I 113 - and E renelt Jet Jewelry. lollie illit rentilt Jewelry. Easley. Leather li• (loath% Fin Iran Vi 044,4, Toile Seta, Desks, Drelialng , wanes, Wor g, Jet el and Ital. '.l.llef Boxes, Brash es, Co'rnle4 mall) Ilel art le!e. , rent variety, with a -call line or ,Fitie ynney G. ~ attporlor In Quality and moderate intprlee. : • H. It MON - . No.:".:1•11t E'st It 5tr,,,4-t. F',..e.: hide between... Mat,. 1, ket and 'Uhl tau , Philadelphia. May 11, :tOtr , 4ll ( ;E.-IVE4r.,--rvilor..sTEnv. . . • .3. H. t 1 • . • ('.'• lk . A R VE g 11 L. -AL E , . - ti'iel Altll Sy EE A itT. I,II ILDELPIIIA, - I niers far Ur r. sprpur Trade a IZPletul fill assortmeiti of ME MCI 15T0TT1:,..*14:1 7 1 - 1 AN') HEAT. _ ...... ..,.%"...:1.1. 1,._ ctarr i xi.)s, WINJK)W BLINDS. - ! z NI) . SIIADLN . .., - • ' , IN riTECNEN l' , lirr•Col..OPS' AND 11.110 N -St,, ... i, Wintloir Co:lde, , In Gilt, Walnut...lntl Homewood Ana ! . • hilt 1 , Furiittur}t , slipsor rover% fitted,' •'4 , . . ~ 1 • tont and made. . ~ $ P•it.l N ci, A N I) ti At It 11f, A.T T ES'S V:S, -.- -.• • 1 p mAlivn To oitlrkKlL • ' Atztint for the Patent Montle Sprintr Red. and , for lito.Patettt ,:ii'pil le • Fix:liar Air N% 11.141” W Sillidtll.! ,Apri I :to, :,,;n. ; , .. liil-2nti ~, ~ ,---,,,,. • .N 74)• OPltc.iiG AND fiIThIMER . 14,71 (I) ~1') ItrS. - (:.0 ().1) s. . . . • - -,, • 1:.1110. - t- Is; Li 'A. L. 1,.. ea' C . -0 .. i :.. • titiS.,.l;;lrti !••tpt.,,,.;:tx :STicF.F.T. P1111..t11t1.1 , 111.i. ' .1 611 e the nt tent liin of pti relic...4.l's on'vlsittng Phi la-: itelphla, to thrir large mot elenillll Palk* of ~ T) - It .. Y . (4 (). ( ) II S . . I.O NSIS - 11 . .5M; Ix '.s ItT OT, ' • 111:1.11 MO rcprl;4l Sllli.S.. Plaiil and Stripe silks. rfatn Japtittusii silks,- I • . , Pigures, f:tripes and Plaids do, ; • Plain-ill k. COpilos, select riltailes:' . .. • : , C kid ori Silk l'opfins. • . ..- 2 : . • , ,-, sills' Sltrel . 3 and Wool PiqdlitS. '. 13t • t Makes of Alpite,4 nod :Mot:airs. i . ' 4.7.51 Ntotlai rs awl Poplin Alpacas, " 4,:rAtualineo; and 4 Innintlies. Lawns, Percales and • Ciiintrus.. --efi11i.,...14 atil • 1 -vw-Prieml Prc. , si. ' ..Goods. Drits 4 Goods ',, o w Inti•st styles : • , co ist ;Intl:: ri..tici,ving„ . .. 111...Wic i l.MP:S. GI 4tll:it is otti:.tT VAItiET Y. Brodie nod l'ai,i , ,-y Shaw Is,`,Th 'bet and Blanket, Shawls, spring and tAttnitti-r !shawls, Latie•Pointlis, ,f.acii Sitentws,* I 'ldt lI'S andq s asNlntere?, 'ruble Linen!, 8111.1.N11111011.:Nill'il 1114k:111,i Sitirtitiu:Ntslins, l'. 12 4- terpanes, Ittanketr., sq.r.'.a, ds, -4:e. Plinio and T. be t 'overt:. Whitt-11 - 00,4,r; Embroideries Gloves; Hosiery, Ar... - I- • . , ,N. IL—We deal. in t:ood (Gibs. and endea. rthr, to x l . ll att stwit pr,lises that wig'}}-,lre s - atlsraetion. a-a-The tritest tint and Atarket Street camwill roil s•-y yon within afe dors of the store. I Co W, i , 1 , •"' !, . l'akiWlN 11.11.1. t CO. . : ~ i I ttiSonfli Se+.o . ,nd Sltreet, Pldladelpida; Npril lit, f'7o ' " • , -14-:nn j ... Aar .1. • NEI Gerrna otror I %Int• EWE= BM= MEM MIME A. lot 9r EMI CL AN 1101114 : 1 / 4 . 111; !,1::14,10 Iti ' 11,.11:(;E Pt I:c T 0 lIIIIMEM , i iti"le^a few wh:el t4') :!11.!an;1.mertie gJ~~mblr-f qs~, nth I%iiilins, lii the nor light 5h41.14.4., ' ,•11 • i •- • , I , I loylo'm l'arli-wllif,. 1.;!,;41 isl i Prints:ln C...n!:4. . , . k!Print,..4 sctitfplloill,,a 1 . ! . .:ir a rti,1,... for Ow . house or -, •Air,,r9kin,4 t....”. 1 Lv ... ov, ,I . .1 04. , .:,• .•, • • -. r ; uite t:ase of lint...)ited, 40 Cents.. . , • • - ,•. • •,, - . - 13.3 , .,1 c4eoteli ' t4-in.2.linut , ,lUh.. ill4l,uu, 2.1 (Allis. Ii . . '' :- ' : „ • . 1". , u.., eusp., or 1 , r0u ,.4 r 'l': . . uln.i)l Nt.ilinirs,.*lficti sotl ' .1,1, nil' 0.1, - . n. .• r l ' 3.'04, ar" , now oirered ut • . - .4 ev0t,...1: ' •' . . 1 - • ajil:u4; f,y r,,,4 ‘;(;,.,,,!;. ~-...:i1! .. .: aul. Draff . .. % .Ili'. Or tin , 7-:,--1.-q nuitty,,.frin t.i 7.,• , .; per yur,l. . t : 54.1u! sllltmlf , Ili: Lit e5f:41,74,0s or ttut• l'ariS Pl;tr*, 1. Itet. noill.ulru. / toil It y sold likst tipti a j.; .ut Sita..r,' . .. , ..2.50. I ' . , 1 ~ . . N!rlpf4.l SII kl f roiril.s , l to $2.10, , ~ , , ' I ,•• 3 3 - ' 3,. .- . . , ' , iiitta t : Ctinv:o4 13aVigt,s, c..ii,[l3. su Dett qtialkty, C.2!4 , .Cruts. 1: - • • i , •! .• .1 . 7 ' • , ' . .' ' 111.1,1: Catlva l s naretz , s; T. , (All !;ioek" i'flllVilii ii:1r14:4',2.4, tin Ir',i,ltlii nip'', qualitie4, no t“ 4i." i ' i • - . « ' .1.1k in" SU it? 4, l',:te.,i,Sliitmitsi r.:we l'.,lxlts, Sc. ", Is - AT,I f .V . i ' ' T,I11:: :*:, l'lV - .lt.t . J'ES.,.'' , ..Iprll DI. '7 . 1 . - .• - • ''. ! . ' -...lel.),lnts&lnif ; _.,.. • PaEtraint :•oentitS• 77 -4- , 17014 . 'LIvERpOOL AND. QIINENSTOWN. .- 1 N,31 AN LINT , OF 11. 1.. F.- STI.A.IIEnti 'aurra front New: York. 1 1 -.._.• ' " •'• . 11attlir SATURDAY. . • t .- , „...--• A X 1) ALTI,II.NATE - TE.ESDAYS. , t .And t wk.:. ,e4f...ll,l•l:melz,frota 1.1!cerpool and queens towii, - • i , • ~ - _ .. ' steerage - ratitrag front talverliool, Queenstown,.o Inmgow or 1:1....rry, 41. by DIAS- Steamer of the Line. •• or ti:lliA 1-E,l,Agent; 15 Woad-way. New Y.trlr, _or tO AUG.: "NEI 111`, Agott for Pottsville, l'ah • 1.• 111 st y. 11..7 r s - :1n . - . i -.. • *._. •.. :. '•• : , • A NCHOtt: 0,F..;111/LIVSATLA.NTIC. EtTEAI4.I3IV-Vl3. •-• • • netweetilv:(l4 Ytn4; tansgoid,Lopdonderry,dh I , lverpooNgtieenstwn and liniburg. • • ILEDVeIf-D ;kart 4 P.vasanit•—For Passage or drafts by I , Mil d1I,lth,;(1011/ fOrtabl e Lind popular. line °ride: Ms. ietvrevii 3110. United Slates and Eurpe ; n fu nforiiial ion In.regard to rates of passage, zip -In person or by mail to thetr • Agent ' Capt.V. F.',OLOVEU, • O. 2. - 4 centre street, I'ott vino. April 2, Cf:II .• • 10 1?illiN NAIL LITESPS to RA From Live To ONE From LI ' To , • emai wig " From Ilona To Children ill Intiona Yonri floe. Ey rtamburi LU Mg r earo. halt Ite.. • inittanareg_tur made by Exprerroi WILL be retura r Ey t For Posing" do or farther to !to theiragecitj 10-445-34 I , BMus "..--... . RNING, JUN xi, 1870. s. ~TTt:A'TION! VIN(; A:tcmr Lot OF and French Wprstea Embroideries; , . • ror :11 I..wesf grid • priees VIAL!, C . ALI, AND 12X.111 INE j~ntlj• tililV‘P."ll'rit'S WOit:iTED, Is•lot.4nlto a regular WorNtedSturi., AN,DER, • itrs,3 ISM nut stret.t, Philadelphia, and . Ilrualilya; New Vorit . . ,A( WI) It, I.IZ and' EM ,I ES duw• fu Orlit'r Olt NitOrt uutke. at, , half "price; for sale :May 7, '7O-19-2nl INA.uupitaiqos ("I'S .- py\r . -PRICES. IMI I ' .. l i .• ' -..-7. .'' ; ' , ) 1 c , 'A ' , 1 .. .A . !t1 , 9111411)1i1 ' & . - La ~ I 1i 4 f 41. !HI Cifilif , ar ‘4T k: •. ' ' : ' ;11II►1414:idJ11A, • T-. 7i..1 )V11(il1.k: Tq LIR A..!:.N I 1 , 1 . 4.. k: - or, _ ', (: I/( /S; Sr vrc's; Kre., I the eltoi,o.4e, NoveltivA (J ILix GIESE! g:I.T1114:. WI rit NV4II - 1 7 ) . ...4 WE:Silk - 1:111:E ilil,(llk.i, • , . .t IN 111 . IS lIAI:KF7T I • . Ys • 7 A 44.4) W 4,,c4,,t'5. . 11 0 1, 1191rIt is Duly ueces.s.ary' to Aif I Iltir 4,:rtri :I an IIIIII . X. Of ST4 'K . ill be tllslose.i , th 1.111.41-vll4lli t 37! ; ; 01.6 Is . :15 I PApAGE A Gplqlc.... . e . •• ._EAU BETWEEN. i ,01, 1 1. , tIC, LVERPQ9L, QUEENSIOWIt', 11)0111),ERRY, , GLASGOW, ~ ... - AND HAMBURG. ' 1. I ---.....,. LINE. 0 - - • 1 ' E; AIID COKIT WESTERN STEIIIIIStUr tviAST, 11.14.11/IL (GCIONX LINA, .41t1 AIL LINE, - 4 . . 1 -- : -,. i A HON I.lNi. • ; ' , ' .• I I ll:mut* Aiiiacti PACOLT CO. REDUCTION OF . 9 PA SSAGE.APG I • !IsmAN >; tor. loot qnd f.,)nci4i5t:n1.41,....- .... . 1 (inirox'slltAit. tans. . I 4nd- clunanatounk,—:. tri 1.. ~, •di • -... 1 C . Am? MAIL Liss,: l ' ' ' ' bot. ntl Quetinstown.—+. - c • incln)vt Limr- - • • ... i i. ~ Laudnindenz,.._:-. 1 , werinfif LrXE. •; • • ; rg; yisilounitirnliqsejpolt3;l4ol GO , 1 . " . • " 011 4er I,' and, nVei 1 rear 0 1 44, - haf-prien; r•l3riar. Vito Noir Itork. Float-Now EEEMMM lissaiga *laicise= be Past_Olier Monet Order. ir bleb , rsi wait. by - =be- of. tie_abors Onus. Siserson or b roan s, I - • iv „ . Minertirdle. ..12,fPARATION ‘. • .. A . . .. .. , , , , .. , . N I -T, ',..oT . El,lN . 9.eanbe More simple than' , thn' ....1.11 preparation of the green tea used in Cht • lia; the leaves are ' placed, directly they are plucked; in very thin east-ipM basins, a large number.. of %Thiel" are'. set fin masonry and= heated, by. imams of kind of dry. wood.which! gives no titmice. 01. Clutopion found the teinperahl Iniltd factories - he - visited to be' between 1 'an!lintlier - less than ler Fuh.. l , When th leaves begin, to curl- up they' are; 14.firred a ut by hand' until they 'arc sum-, cientlyid 4 andjthe,operation,b4 AIIISIIML i When .. th , 0 t . eai:lapitekett either in chftts, :or in barn "mbaakete lined with dried leaves, `and hi relate for sale.. 14Oinetimes;- , however, 'lt is Passel thrOugh sieves of various degrees Ad' '.ffiteliea ; and thus dilierent . qualitiae are . produced. .I.;nrepeans lind 'this Mad of tea; poor in Ha Nte,- but the Chinese mull 'gm nctic prefer it all others. In certain dUtriets odoriferett leaves or pedestals, such as those orthe i : ' and Jatimine r -; are mixed with the tea, which then sells at high prices.. M. 'Champion! , WWl:aged • the,intittuftteture .:•of green textr• exportation both in China Mid Japan... T ie -leaves are first dried. either 'on mats expo- l ed to the sun or hreast-iren basins • slightly heated, the Various qualities being' carefully ascertained by tasterslwho exhibit great altijiVv in a:see/taming the market •val ties of theill'e'reht samples. Xeertain quan tity of cad is placed in Sinai l teapots 1 lowed to draw tin live or. six' minutes; the tasters thei take a mbuthful of each sample ill rotation and reject it, ,tt:s.iit the tasting of wine. Tli . next operation is to separate the •leaves weeping to size; Color- nd irenentliq 4- peanut - ye; his is done by women, of whom two or eveirthree -hundred- are large- litchailes. They use chop-stic k s (Or the purpose, .thtl sort the tea with marvellous dexterity, gearing' it. of int/unities and Of small bits of -..w00d ; , which' tire frequently Mixed wit i the leaves. Each Woman has - -- x,tir our Ile wi:sleti bands before her, into which the dill'erent qualities of teas is sorted. These won en earn troni sixpence to eight pence aiitlity. The leaVeS after being sorted . are, In Japan,. heated in thin metal basins, of witieh. copper' forms the 'principal-element.; ‘these.basins frtsiitently Wear into holes, but Workmen attached to. the factories mend them- With I solder very (quickly, lei' thatait accident etli . the kind catises little Interrup tion; in Ohba it ppears al c i the basins used are of east ',roe. Two or three hundred fur naces united together With 111:LS6111'k: and a large innober of workmen, 'are usually ein pleyed In these factories. •Thehasins are find heated,and the leaves-emly put in when the proper tenipentt me has la , en reached; dur ing the heading- - the workmen roil the letiVes with their hands, • in, order that the ,tetV'teuty occupy aslittle space as posSible itt 'niting. Aecordihirit i o the destination Of - the tea, it. is mired with acertain quantity of indigo, gyp sum, or slatiklime reduced to an impalpable podwer, soinet fines small quantitiesof each of 'those substances are mixed and applied to „;,ether; they are introduced into the basins at 'thConn wheement of the heating, 'or us soon t 8 the, heat causes- • a slight moisture to appea upbo the surface of the leaves, to t . whieh they adhere and gi,e titepeenliar tint' which ehart.eterizes green: tea. • Carious lands , - of indigo of lighter and darker shades of dolor .iire emplo,y+l, and in certain -fitetories a ,eol oring matte' culleti.:'! PriissiA blue!' is Imb stitts, ed ;- In t NI. -Champion was linable to diSetlyer; an 1 Mies nothelieve, that tiny nex 1. Mils substances are madthuseef it, and alibis. endeavors Oiled Milt:Wet the utie of nnysalts of - copper; or the employment of Sheets ,of copper for the drying of • the leaves. The ' basins in which the•leaves areheated become coyered.with at black- eoatilig, whiefi'ean only be reinoVed by.- means of a. -knife; this is formed bY he dirt of the tea, miffed with.a 'little oil • frseed whielt • have., not been I on separated. It is employed as a nteakine I l' '' the Chinese, , .• -i," . it will belt:mu -that the Ordinary Mode of . r preparing tea re quires muelt tune, great care a rind atten t Min and is conseqUently expensive. 'l:lllessra; (;lover & CO., of Nagasaki, have been 'engage for some time in establishing a bet ter or cheaper mode of preparation";. in their factory the-series, of basins is replaced by a • large heating pan of a semi-cylindrical form. . withih winch an archimedean screw revolves 'continually; the pan ha 4 double sides• t and is heated by isteant. With this apparatus •the Operation-is continuous, the leavesareintro . chicedat one end of the pan' the 'screw forces thcm, onward and presses ;hem against time surfaee of the pan, atfd by the time they ar rive at the opposite end they are sufficient I v,, `vrepared and fall-into the basket,' hi which" they are left to cool ; therate,'of movement of • the screw; Is regulated aceorthng to-the nature or quality of the tea. , Gypsum, lime or in , dig() is th roWn into the pan, as in the native proves& i 'Ne..stirs. tilever& Co„ send • the tea prepared 11,),y • them to. tire rglitett State:.s. 7 - Limflon (Il i ad. China Telegr4l4 LACE ci - iii6.l47:Es OF CORK.. .1. A ci,qIIPSE AT AN ,-.. MONO the recent .visitors to Cork is a / . , _i_k_. correspondent of-the Wheeling (West Virginia) INTELidoiiii'ci-at, who thus records his impressions of the place : - - • , "CLrk seems to be a City where. .trade, commerce grid ManufactUrt4 are in a Hour- Ishing condition. Large ;chips. aad small Schooner* large I:4_•ean steainers and small :tag steaMbeats„ are peacefully - reposing at the quays, Secure' from - the, strife of ocean. The docks and wharfs are* crowded with darts and 'drays, and. the merchandise load ing and unloading on, flab quays and railroad, Stations give little indication. of,want or dis tress. ThOty are'some fine, public buildings in Cork, . The new Proyincial Dank is a: chaste nod I•beautiful piece of Architecture. Tlieitrehyuses . and business stores° are bath capacious and ornamental. Its 1 hotels are elegant, and have all the comfort 4 and luxu, _ ries which the - best regulated American hotels ean,-;bo:Lst, of. The' dwelling-houses are of:all soils and conditions, from the lowly' stone, white anti . slated rows of cottages of the poor, to Ithelofty and'modern five-story 'mansions qii the opulent. '; Sonic. old 'house.; may still bel Well that have stpod the storm. anal sunsldi eof two hundred - :Years4 They -have a quaiit', and. ancient. appearance, but are stilt st nig and substantial.. Here we see no .fraud, Building of any description,. lt. and no 4liin,ae roofs: The liouses.are • built of brick, hard sinniStoue, Whiestone (or era p which will last for ages. , . - • : • ,-; r '- , ‘The streets Of Cork are, with .a few ex" eeptiOns, wiale and. spaciouS. They have broad, .sae alt sidewalks, are Well paved, elean,lind. nighelit with gas. One of the public stpiares•contains 'a , statue of Father Mathew, the; great apostle of temperan& It in Cast in; pronzeqinti said lobe a very good liken. ~ s . • One thing struck Me AM' &novelty: juant i f the haniggs have . their, side walls, 'both itt a d rear, slated. This gark:e theM a rather. sin ' jar appearance, but it is said .te be a good weventive of dampness.' None of the`strek have sliade.trei or brick pine--` nients, and et'i hhuseS or stares heyeaaniugS. I , Ve.eati film unpaved streets in' this city.. The street:Sl re elther i Well paved or macada mized, pert - •tlySmooth and level, and . .a.s,a new iris .. , 4 7.uokirig passingoult with I , OJUCj and what i at the crowds paziSing and re e streets. an Anterieun is struck lints of difference betweeirthem Is did to seeing In his own .. . . cities. Here We lind no American (nor for that mattet rish) citizensbf Afribm descent. But . we fkid Mingling: With th'.erowds of ladies and 'gentlemen dreSsed in 'the very height of fahhion, .nearly an equal number of barefoot wOmen'artil children,. who peas along with t exciting any remark.; Such a *sight we'nei rhave in America. ' • . "Corknut • be. .said tai .be situated on an , i Island of th river; Lee; which is 'about two miles in' len li;' ' Its streets ate .very irregti lar)y laid i o t ; but the- houses of late - yews seen) to be k ift :with 'ketter taste and more uniformitY. 1 The : population'. does not ex p teed 80,00(t. -' It Is tooth a niannfacturing-and commercial ity. Theie are feundries, dim- . tilleries,. gla. houses, and woollen factorie Being the\ sport 'of a• great agrieUltund country;it 'e ports to England largequantk ties of grain butter,,pm-k and cattle.' - .. INFLVEN?' • OF Sum,ion.T.—ln his lecture on this Anil t„ Dr. tiristsnn said :littlight, particularly a dwellings, has ,become allo lutely n ry to health and comfert.•..The lecturer MU rated how carbonic, acid gas is i t human life, by exhaling into a bottle the it from his lunge and then plac ing a lightjt rein which: was:immediately extinguished. The life of a living Insect, he said, wouldhave been 'extinguisited ' there with equal pidityi The oxygen necessary .to humanlif tsderived from plants through the operatio of the sun's rays—the yellow my--and th vegetables in return • absorb the e l . poisonous' bon exhaled from the human Inn tt*. .; Bo \ th operation/stake place only in the stiti's ye, hence the impropriety . of sleeping iii plaids in ettrorooros. With man the sUn s rays "plaYa part very Inver-. r taut. Under heir operationcontinualehange Is taking place In the human system ;, a con stant chemical process , is In operation. The action of d waia-inere chewiest -opera ; lion, produ bythe incapacity of,the vs " Item to In . 0 the ueeeosary eitygen . end ex- I hale the Peloontrus calton of 'the system. - To Ipreserve Wli ocindi4On la Ilfe l au4taileaAthY ( system; ell i s the devemment of the intents] alike In old' and young, a due 4 i p r opert. ottit sunlight is nests.' 1 El $3l ioo 09 Vi 4 WI al I 041 t VS CO IS CO riliEK•efi r y9 ends ,Of indi _l_cated by ,Loe Moriasyllabhi"...hugs,": ar t' the most agree*ble.tobjects „Of eentemplatiou , known to vie:it*;there is troth = ins; drearier than theauOittin'ti isonotonaus' drawl, as he .slowly -perambulates our side streets,Avith a greasy sack - Over his shoulder, or, his jingling hand-cart full of dtbils of fashion in high andlow life. Many a inlaid merchant,,t(xi, may elevate Ids', nasal , organ at the 'very thought of so undignified ti Modify, and we haVe known small wit to go into'...spaSni s at the - quotations. of the tag Market- . .B - , . uf the'. thought-1'i; 1;' • thepro-- gress (if science.iunl trade :with wellAnstruct ed‘4es, and - _note the. Multiplying, tuctnixis by beingiatmaluA, and creations Of :bunny , are hourly evoked. from the. Most repalSive wreek of matter, see' wonderful mourceS even in ragfi: Iu our 4120nething is annihilated.. 'There, is-Otity4, Ounige ofi turnips. . • - "Let us ,examine. the raganan's basket," NV& one whose observation. finds nothing unworthy:.- : "What - have we • first.? hero are pliws of cotton and linen rags=—the raw material of the paPer nuikers.wifo tratld'ortus these, unsightly objets 'probably into the Most delicately Scented note paper. - Itere again we have lAN' of paper of all kinds— what. can they be 'for They form materials , and papicr Wluita singular history We have here ball dress of a lady drops into the rag basket,aml :Teappettrs;rhillet dfatx; disappears- 'again,. 'to reappear once. more, in the drawing,roont or the nursery, as a 'lie. k .or • a;doll.- Returning M . thn basket again,- we . fittapieces - bf . ‘roolen clistlts of different tutors..,! What - use can we •At theta ,to, since • they do not Make pap( The. tits of mearlet_ cloth, Which are dyed with roehineal,are soda, to extract; tits coloring thatter,lWhichiS' used in dyeing' chessmen, billiard lialbt, anti: (Alter thing% Or we may sort the !bits of, cloth tit, different j colorm,'and prepare. from nein materials for making Iloek-paperS for -rooms,: or We atitlit Make - rtxiting,felt. of them"—and so on, col , • - . • Paper, of eourse i its Alit' chief . ' product of and . butiithotight.: is required tosicalize the sweeping importance of the commodity. (-;rent Britain imports an - Average of .$1,500„- , ono ivorth of cotton 'and,woolen ever y • year i - besides her oWn innucti: yield. •In the . quantity was .49,499 tons,- worth nearly • zi.2,tion;opy, . and during theirimeaft . war, the llematid• for-linen rags , Was emir, mous, tor •seraping into, 'lint. atone: Prussia. famished; MIK°, the amount of 4,110.t0n5, at •C'2•2 :3s. per:ton: Russia furnished tons ; and l'.gyet 2.,%*1.• . Ten' years 'ago. the, iiitetft4tatesinuporteti nearly amilllon d 01 .% wOrthot rugi i This Country uses 6,000 tons of , straw: for. Wlapping paper and pastel.. Jioard, and ottilmpertation oh rags exceeds 10,000 bins annually;.-:Our consumption. of paper is ahuost, equal tai that of France and iEngland put together. ftiimer country convertirabotit 106,900 tons per annum, of ragS, into pais:v.-Of Which 6,000 are imported. :(lreat Britain . uses . abent. 100,00) i of. Which Heart); 2,o,o(Xime.frolii.foreigu part* 1 . 20,0011 tons;andiupward4onld be reattilyconsumed. In EtirOjie, Leghorn is.the most charaCter istie -Market fer the receipt mid distribution ' df , ragas. At'areceiveS! tlieuf.frout all ports of tlit; thoSe of Greere, Egypt, 'Tunis anit ~ reaching reghern, is> divided in - livesatego tries, and then"- again slappthlitWay.qie total minium. being *generally about, 14,900,00 Q ograinines•peititnntbn.• Of Attest' . tlie :States take about twelCe add England' two :millions,, end. ISpainl 700,060 kilogrammes ; the prices varying orfrotn. about '214 'to .7(q !francs per kilogramme;. according -to. care The Circulars of the.: great rag importing -houses of .'Liverpool indicate sufliciently the remtisite style of ptftting upiaga,for the best Markets. 'They are required, to be Perfectly dry sound-in:staple, 'as,elean aSpossible, the h he'aud Viitious 'colors...packed .separately ; and abeveialli thei . cottbn and linen 'entirely • free from Wotile it, acid inisett woolen„ asst n t cotton and silk.fabrick ' ... . . During the' prevalence ouil. civil war, the quantity of old s 4ifekingS; flannels, blan kets and . carifets,.. suitable for making gray army • blankets: thatlifofireit into tiverpoot vas 'reinarkable: Gar. GOvernment gave . vell-tfiglt'ufflitnited orders forarrify•W,ear, at; prices advanced :froni; lifty : • to one hundreil per cent.. . . • • , lii tine, notwithstanding the 101111018 Q ttd dition litade to resources forthe - uvnittbieture, .of paper, in the disi.vvery, of . 1110 y stibstan-, - ees. eminently. .usefuij fur the same purpose,' The demand for-rags—lncreased as the supply. may be iby growth. of, wearing ptpulation—i Stilt seems to push- onwartl. !' Other tipplian;•l ees for _rags . have also : been foutid'out, turd: autong.thent butof - the most remarkable efi the age ; in that.portent of modern inanufae-' tur&-,-Shndtly. But Imre the topic extends . beyond :the limit. of space we ha* prescribed and we milt . reserve_ thb" mushier:WAlL o( shoddy : for. some future' article. Itt' the meanwliile i :it•maY safely he assert-. ed that • . frarn .the prince to the peasant, all Men, in t . klt - coillitries, are Mitch more deeply: affectedithatt„they, think in• 'the transforma tions of ;these much .depised rags,. • Q* TO PA p.:sE.Trt N7I:: T V,t TE ET IT —, , IHThat the premature deeity of the teeth in children and youth hi ill. ix great unertvre Owing to earelessne4 on .the • iktrt :of parefits .want others will: be -- getierally conceded. . A ot ; information h.* to the. Wolter incans of taking 1 earc of the teeth • is:n nod; e i Catit=e Of 'their early decay: ' Dr. A. Homer l're go,- a, well know,it.. - dentiat. of 71'hilndelultia, has furnished:us AV i th : . th e following rule ,fur pre_ serviserving "the :teeth', which '• we .. prin t for the information of our readers,: •"-, - . H. _ .. : - "Cleanae your teeth once or 'oftener overy day. Always ile:uwe them' 4011.4.0 ,rtitiring .at night. A lways.pick the teeth and mouth after eatina.• f . leansinF • the teetV • eintaists .in ' tho-' roughly,reniebiing every particle of foreign sub stance from' al-mind the teeth- and gums. To cleanse; utiefiwell Made brushes Soft quill or wooden tooth nicks, and,pfeeipitilted chalk. If these means:Ali:if apply to. a reliable dentist.' Al— ways roll the brash up and do:Wu:lengthwise of the teeth, by Which means your avoid firkin 1 g the gums and necks of the teeth, and more tiro roughly Cleat:tad - between them. ..l'ieVer use a delitrittee contittningachll alkali, charcoal; soap, Salt, or any gritty or rioLverfnly tintersivb sub-1 • .Stance.- •.Powtierit mitt. panes. generally - are ob-' It:ctionable: They injure LhOtrurna and soft:part of the teeth, and. greatlyiateilst In forming tarter. A Wash, pro{ erlyn.Leditxtteiland..mrrefully pee-, :pared,. is• pleasanter and hdore..beneficial. .It ilitisalyea the injurious Secretionti and deposits„ and the Whide is readifv:Treinoved with the brush' and water. Avoid eatijig riot food. Thoroughly I tita4icate ariclinsalivate the food before swal- lowing it., Prequentl.ndulgeneein - a...weatntents,: (frit.; between -regular .90U1s,spittizlis the is. ,' cess of digestion, , ,- (I. a, viscid-secretion is. ile-"` posited.iwthe moil i (from-the stOmach) which 3 is vervinjurjaaa ' the teeth.; Parents;.careftallY; attend to your chili, curet - 'second- th d rititiou.' ---r - tiently prevail up!) i. them, at 'an is rly age; to. visit, at frequent Al .ervats, aearefi and skiff fill operator. lien ember; that, four . (4.) etf: the t permanent giletible,teeth come in :at, about the age of sit years: .. They-are Vert:::lialtle to'decay early; are•yery large,' tin& iheird never be af.; towed . -to require exti* tirlg.: Again, children do not `shed'..their teeth us they did in former ages., Instead of Laing trained - to Masticate nit tritious feed; theY are tenipted With, and allowed teAguip down' delicacies, hot, mkes, hot bever ages, iitc::! Thus,by depriving the tixttli of their. natural fianctiott and overtasking the stomach, -*Morbid condition Of'the.general syatinn Is pr¢' ductal t theflitat teeth' are prinnattwely ilecaye4. emit the perlnanent *et aropot matured at the proper period of dentition. The 'conselquelices • are ternble. - :~ever allow anyone. to extract .ti tooth, .or; to. dissuade '''oti :from .laving; theta-. 'filled, unless abSolutely:necessary.^ 'Many so-' ealled - deUtists.aittnated bysellish motives, ad- , .yLse extracting and sacritiee many teeth which competeittoperators out render serviceable for many yMrs.: - Careleasneasi ' and iprociasti tiati (hi are' responsible for,a large - majority of teeth which are hist.". , - - ' . . •-• zo's b;VE.N•iso who• keeps tlie stars alicht, an our, souls burniir' a Ileht aboon .that or the- stars, ,grant that they may shine afore thee as the stars forever and ever An' as thou hands the stars burnin' a' the nicht, When there's no man to see, sO hand thou the Debt bungle' in our souls; Avium wetee neither theohor it, but are burled in the grave ,sieeo Ma!, foe getfutnewt.: Be thou by us, even as a,Mother 'sits by the bedside o' her aillie;wean: the ling nicht ; only hethou nearer le us, even in our veers soula,"anWatch ower the wall 'o! dreams that they -make. for thethkelvm. Grant that -morn , and more thoets o' thy thinkint may come • into our , hearts day by day, till there; shall twat laSt .an open road, "atween thee us ; ' thy angels may as cend. and deieend upon us; so that we way he in thy heaven,,,een while ~ , we are: upon thy earth. *Amen.'r; ' • Thehigher :rise,: the simpler we be come; and David was one of those-of 'Whom. is the kingdom of heaven.. There Is a child -1 hood into which we. hive to groW;,lust. there is a childhood - We tnustleaVe behind; a childlikenefir Stifigt of humanity * , and *s.. elaltdishastas,ftui, which bizt few of. those.".!:who fed: the wisest among_ ilia', :hate Ned' selves in their , Thrusghted.• mania the realltynf‘thinwm.- - -- • _ 4,- "Didna David tsyVillithi.the,Lia. woMan.. ono)" ~pfoi, . the; par4 . ' ur 4i,q10- okialf.** The best,t, Ingst . 4 hi *ye .: the ~ .t* plentifu.V! ' • =I I SINGLE CO MO' SI.ciF..I.IS -.: it.ditiV. MEE _ onio,t*orteßixtrim- ilEritr • . • • TN' the "Gnu nwrttic.f:t .Thelt NA Lti ihr tier: Nth, 1732 r will he found the folloWing, 'singular account of the prigirvitfrittiters' Devil 4. `'As .1 wa;Cgoing :the other dit,f . into` Lint - 0111'4'11;11, tinder a' great gafetvay, 1 .mat . several lads . loaded with-gnat 'lindiet!' of m•Wspape'it, 114. .'brought stautp-otilee.- :were all .exeeedingly black anti dtriy ; front whence Ttiferred t • they were. ,'printers' devil carrAtig-,front thence the returns ;of unsold neWspapers, , - after -the :stamps had teen cut ot.r. stopped 'under the: gateway,- and Blew Mitt down Slieir, loads: when. One of theni made the following harangue: , and Ilittrrnitt;N Tilting - 6 1. think have-no tiet'ittsion usleimed othamonnt - Of the vulgar Opinion iconeern ng the origin - orOur' natite, yet. we Ought to acknowledge ouniciers obliged t, the I earned, = herald- who',. • upon the - detith; itfny person of title, eon ! . • staidly gives ati exact neetinnt of his ancient family in my. I , ondon -7 Evi.:NiNu. Posen. He says, Cheri` - was ,one Minisieur [evils, or Tie; • vifk tut i ante oveNitit - the Conqueror; In • company with De Vice, 1)e Vul, etc, • One of the Sonis or:Monsieur De Ville- , was taken by the tannins' William" Ca x • -lit 1471, its an errand boy, Nvio%lifterwor(l.ltis apprentiee, and in time. an eminent printeir, from whom our order- took their 1101103: but 451uppose they ti;ok it front' infernal - devils, -7 it W2 - 1:4 not becafr4t-they - were messengers Il q neatly _sent out in darkness : and nplivared2 -• very blaidZl buti, upon a 'repined account,. L namely; John Fust, or Faustus, of lieotz, lu tiernmuy, was the inventor of printing, for ‘ihit.%ll- he:was called a Conjuror, and• art ti t le Black Art. "As `4l`e„itept a cin4:titt; suceession . of boysto . run errands, 'who- - were always very :black v iliese they called' dc~ its,sonni of \y , ,12,0121 betnglAketi to lie- his : .apprentiem he Was said to Base raised many 21110%11. As`to theinferior: order among called line:., enq)loyed in tak 114 ~itewstelpers . otr the pce.4:,. : they, are of later extraction, - being no o w r titan newspapcgi theniselyes: -My,' Bailey 'thinks their original name was • • taketr lbe -papers • t !fey so-took otf,'. and this alteration ureasioned thins: To. -. hasten.these boys, the pressman railed Ate, lie, whit t naturally fell into one single word, - , lie. This conjecture Is. nffiritielt by a little% ,corruption :of the true tille , ..of Ahe - I'exsz;• since, therefore, w e are both.eompre 14,,ntleti tinder the ti t le therefore, IS, let us discharge our office with diligence; so Wt' ~niay attain', • as !wilily , or-our prolecesson4: . litve. Acme, t•lie dignity of printers; and tOluiveattoppnr,-1 Utility of using -others - much like poor devils as we have km OW ley -them,'oi as • ' :they and, authors are Used by bOOlisellers. rl These . , are 'mu upstart professlon who hity l i engrossed. the business of bookselling,. write!! • originally belonged solely to our tnattet • , But let them .remember„ that if we wOrship Minh - and Beelzebub ; the god of 'flies,. alt. the world agfrecca that the booksellegS',goil 'Mammon." • • •. PENNS '..V.I\'Lt TflO ,TPO\' u. T williamsport # I'n: .there ani trout ponds - owned :by Ntr.'Peterliertli - e s • whieli are thus described in,the trn • lrah,iini cum or the Baltimore Alts lii( . • • " lie onds are - 41ituate•I at the base tit' a, " - f• high. hil l,. from which floics tilt abundne-t--‘ supply of clear Apring Water.' They are oh long, and. ten •feet wide by fifty in length, ' t heir 'sides turwiiit stone and dement.. • In one - pdial'a large stock of trout front tWo to three yeark'old, is kept, many of whieli i are' • eighteeit. inehes in - •diatneter.': kept for; breed • and are quite Jame; feed- i• ing readily fro n theliand'of , the•keePer.' In another pond'trout ten inches in length are kept, while i iyiother" little fish seared). linger Ulan a im.7-i-nute he seen slowly num— •' dug around. They -aWall fed twice a day On Reer-Chopped ,N - l ery - tirie, with oveaSional moul of` elauhelf,7 As the trout are in the ! _habit'of liisll flte spawn and - yoinig' fish; TiMeh ear ea rocitusite in raising It stoek suceei•fsfully, and the smaller fisfrarp thus • kept.separate,. _The practice: of ' the .afaw•ir front the 'old fish is' mitresorted to •_here, hinuature spawn is Often Seelllvil A , arid thl. fish • injured by rianilt handing. 'A • hulk iadjoining'the breeding trout-is . -kept Toe' •••-, the purposd of spaWning, and lit. the- •fall, , •f•-• When thcf - coninience, woothp, frames with • • .- . t fine_wire'woricteightor tea wires M thelneh) • are-stink, ,in sei•tions, to the .liottom of the - • tank. Other frames with coarser wirelworle, covered wit h pebbles sufficiently; lurgo st' as •-. and to pass between `the wires, are limn laid ,On top of. those imthersed, 'which 'grecs if- • to the bottom of the tank- the appearance Of -: •• a siimotl .1/t!bbiy I)Ottoin.. place-is: then made piirtially dark, and for three Weeks: the • • fish deposit their. spa - wn.• - ..lfter - brushing • the Pebbles awaY with their tails, tl;t< miper. • . wire work is "reached. Ow is Iltey 'spaw -• replacing the pebides in • tiat.sante mattittr. , Thespawn;•however, has mail; through Ow • Coarse igm-work, and rests securely, ; On the finer sieve below. :At the cud Of the seiison: . the sections aria all laken .up and the spawn . laid in shallow hoes containing ebbles. -- - Tliese . are placed ia a long-. troughi_thrtafgh - which current of.water is made to run, not,' -•• howeeer, st mpg e !tough -to d i flaee tb e spaw ; - This continues OM the young fish make -• their Appearance,;when they are carried dini - rt. by tie wafer intotile - potut:4(A - iniart for their juvenile -days. %Last summer per pound • lwas 'Offered for the largel-rout Contaitied is . • these - ponds;- and i•efttsed. tion Of .thee owner is to • raise.g suPPkY - imill; - • ( - gently' old•tb take the place of the breeder- . before ‘eQlllnien Ong. to dispose' f Ilion.: Thii4 he 1,6 able todo by nextstniuner.'' 4 - ,l* - 0 TRSWEN 2'l; I N- COL N. , OW 'that the religious - conl," , ietiens of Mr. . Lincoln, are„ being. So generally4.ilis cussed- eiPerybody - seems Aispossil to bring up- • every trifle:hi evidence pro or i'on. 'flaying. hilt - mite' to:offer in proof that he VitS not an 7 7. ' ; unbeliever in Christianity, I take. this ;4)1)4- lunity of doing so,: though, as will be i• , (.11 it . • is only - • - . Soon afttir'the war hegun; On -Mrs. .Speed, of .Louisville, mother of Jas.-Speed, ex-Attorney General; I. noticed a. inet sized 'photograph eif Lincoln to nging in the parlor. • Beneath - flie photo- • graph was: Written "-To Mrs. Nlartha - Speed - front whom , I received anOxford Bible thirty, years ago:' I i;" Was signed " Abraham. coin,- President of Abet , nited StfitcS,"tuolit - T , „ Inquiry Mrs. Speedztold itUrliA sent t,13 her almost immediately after' hi§ hiattgunaion. This shows JIM Mr. Lincoln .not, only- etin, Melva the tresent one of value, but one, serving of - bei ngselltably act: ilowledgediat. o..:114 1 -time ,when his 111 i col was.Alee'plsrdi4turlaid by the distracted ermditimi of the einStet6. lowing his - first elevtion,. , aitd, when. his re•.- mensbering a gift bc,,towei-so. nnuty.yeam back was in Itselt•• sable circumstance. Ilr ineolti ; the following account the first announcement of the emancipation .plbelatnation in cabinetniwthigsaid he read it, through and there wtis s adead silence." Presently Mr. Chase spoke: i.lq said lie liked all but so a n te so, nista:tieing aylaw.e; then 'some one else filmic an objection, mid then another, until all hadsaill something. !Melt • .the President said, "Gent this remitulS ine:of. the ;tory of - them:in who had been away from_home and when _liVas edniiif "liner; Was:filet:lT one ofdti4 f e • k arm, hands' ed liiin,after this faiihion.: ' 3.l.aster, the little:. pigs 'tee dead, and ii to Old sowts,dea ' dlwbut I &diet like to Ceirl\-you all at 0nce. 1 .7 answer to settle remarks vilakiverki:tiim*to' hint when Mi. Chase Was propis‘e4Pas a can didate for the Presidency hi oppositiontohim- - self, he'obseryed jdnosely,. "Oh, it, don't dis turb Me in the least , • think. I Shall run the better fOr it.. l'netesk J. noekti horse-fly or or one Of 'My hOrws4 'find he - goes, faster, for the, bite i "- , ,Sfiringti L'yuLticent . .. . , .:-• ~ 4 . • Two v e1:1110ti.. 1 .E1):10>;.--Tkie Kit;, of •• :' Prussia recently viltPte.ra needle iiitintlfzielm . y .. . in hiss kingdom In orderto si?i, wtkat .iivte , lii- n,ery,.cinublnetl with the finial' imiukeould , . • protince. Lie was shown a number ht suptsr- .fintge kti llvs,, th ut isati t is I lirWi? . iol ,Airinill:i not , .' •,. -weigh half an ounce. and marvelled itowstieh:".i . - .. - minute objeets,Could be pieretstfwitii an . eye, - !! : .... ButherWasto see that in this respeet- eNerk, - ,..-:-. -something istill'llner anti mores - per:,, tspitt, .- _ _he - .tweeted. The- borer—that by) the work- f - ',o , -. omen *hose business it is tober6 - the CS* ' lit'' '''. ' these-needles- , -asked gtr a haiefrorwthtefiten-i . - - " , -' , 'l, arch's head. It was readily. givent Andwitif :--- a smile, be placed ,itat.once under the-bot- ing machine, made a,hole - in it: With -the- ' - '- great&t - care,"ru.ruisheitit'srith a'thieiti,' Anti ' , 1 then handed the Pint needlertothenittnie 4 .-- - ' imbed king. - : The second. curious ifeedla.isl in -...., possession otQueen Victorlitd, :. It was made al -, .. . ' the celebrated needle tuanfacteri,at 'Reddish : ' and.represents the.eolnmri . of Trojan In.niitt- ' ' fixture. • . This Welldtteostiqi Itetnatteoltmin IS- .•: - adorned with-Ifttittertius seeties-in"sculpOre - ,. - width inunettalisteau's heroic, atstit_dls in .- .---: - war,-. 04.thls di tainutive ,neetlio seen ~in,. . .• the Life titfatieeff VlClOrlif.iire Aspresentettan L : ./-. ..; relief:- tut' snlinely tut and 'id enfdLl'thift'it - t -;1 . r i rettairea: iv- aguitying glais-t6- *see-Ahem; y -•-• The - Nieto ' peedlpluu, inerelner-be-Xml - i.-.t..,-- 4 ''ed; it ecoitat is alfllOthex,of iTedles or Small: ~ :i . er arse,' Wii li,a \ re ttinnlly iittpitid - W_Lth .-! 7-' ,- , - Imenes.nt teller -'' .-4' - --1:- .. . ,_ ~.' - - ,'., :;: ~... ,--:- , -:!,r,:-t•;. -- .:•- . ... - Tire li t ieAt for Aim auti Parhi IS muned-14Abeitie3Tingedt:' Iffil lIE ESE it 'in " EMI Mall